File: 1541867398869.png (1.21 MB, 1074x1230, Screenshot_20181110-111903~2.p…)

No. 730033
PlasticandProud (pnp, Ariana, scorpioasshoe) is a 24 year old instagram "influencer" and plastic surgery addict.
Previous Threads:
>>638649>>673730>>686753>>706068Recent Milk:
>Moved closer to the city of Philly and depended on her SD for the entirety of rentm> Supposedly dumped her main SD when he got too needy, suddenly stopped speaking about him and sugaring as a whole.>Continues to have BPD manic depressive swings, recently was seen hitting herself on her snap.>Posted a 'sexy' video featuring her dancing in cheap old underwear and a knife. This caused IG to freeze her account.>Puts off camming and dancing because her body will be too sore but continues to eat like shit.>Made a new account and lurks these threads.She's been less milky these days. Please read the rules and learn how to sage and not derail.
SOCIAL MEDIA: (old) No. 730107
File: 1541880648661.jpeg (188.59 KB, 750x1087, C4E61A1C-C5E6-404D-B2CD-30A9E6…)

Hi Ariana, you spend a lot of time lurking these threads you absolutely don’t care about, don’t you?
Also, who fucked the title of this thread up again? Kek
No. 730132
>>730107yeahhh I'm gonna go ahead and cancel this bitch and stop contributing to the threads
We should've let the last one die
She likes the negative attention too much and isn't milky
Begone thot
No. 730288
>>730132>>730134>>730140>>730149>>730192Agreed this is too boring let her fade into oblivion, her true nightmare.
And mirrors, if I were her I would be terrified of mirrors.
No. 730470
>>730374On the contrary, the posts begging desperately for another thread and baiting discussion about this dry heifer are sus
Post milk of gtfo
No. 730833
File: 1542002181648.jpeg (57.12 KB, 432x436, 21780EDA-9781-4D24-B93B-AC3BB7…)

Honestly why does she even bother doing freckles anymore when they look like this
No. 730841
File: 1542004480481.jpg (533.17 KB, 2048x2048, Image-1(66).jpg)

Sry double post but is this dead eyed thing a self portrait? Would love to see thus next to whatever shes copying
No. 730894
>>730833looks like if she ran through some puddles and got those little splatters of mud on her face lol.
also guys, I mean we all know it but you don't have to sage when you contribute something new… finding this thread wasn't that easy lol
No. 730927
File: 1542032155038.jpg (568.83 KB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_20181112-081133_Ins…)

Finally fell to 69k followers. I wonder if she obsessively goes to her old account and sees how fast it's falling.
>>730672 Kinda glad you couldn't link it, maybe this way all her followers will lose interest and not clutter up the thread.
No. 730936
File: 1542035745797.jpg (35.34 KB, 800x411, 000-caracal.jpg)

>>730841Lol for whatever reason I knew exactly what animal she was copying. Damn that is off
No. 731146
File: 1542064415499.png (3.52 MB, 750x1334, BE68BB38-BB8B-4C6C-B836-02CA39…)

How is she going to say she likes pitbulls when not too long ago she was saying she’d shoot one in the head and wouldn’t care if she did lmfao wtf
No. 731151
>>731146didn't she say she'd do that if it attacked her?
>>730936I'm impressed anon lol
No. 731224
File: 1542073306385.jpeg (106.52 KB, 750x1150, 885A8B94-1A73-49B3-A6AA-F4C3FB…)

Looks like another fan page has popped up, except it’s ran by a 16 year old who looks up to pnp. Tragic.
No. 731225
File: 1542073345252.jpeg (214.82 KB, 750x1086, A32F2BAC-9989-46C4-83E7-A67B05…)

Jesus Christ lmfao what even is this
No. 731226
File: 1542073385084.jpeg (23.06 KB, 218x195, DAD36D49-D62B-4388-B2CA-2E8631…)

No. 731248
File: 1542075513810.jpg (185.94 KB, 696x1043, 100917-kaia-gerber-versace.jpg)

>>731226>>731226Really bad edit of Kaia Gerber
No. 731277
File: 1542078887375.jpeg (155.84 KB, 749x1035, 9FB60050-7BB9-493C-A1CD-F3A7A7…)

God these are so bad. What’s even funnier is that Arianna removed these tagged photos from her profile lmao
No. 731326
File: 1542084827261.jpg (542.42 KB, 1080x1844, Screenshot_20181112-235409_Ins…)

This is gross lmao why would she post it
No. 731372
File: 1542088808485.jpg (656.8 KB, 1080x1751, Screenshot_20181113-010026_Ins…)

No. 731403
File: 1542096931233.jpeg (157.18 KB, 1229x1185, 0C1A76DF-1ED3-4C80-B273-2428BD…)

Saw this post about Tyler Grosso on the tp/SoundClout thread lmao
Honestly these two might be soulmates
No. 731534
File: 1542128138471.jpeg (183.39 KB, 750x1036, BAA22124-6DD2-418F-9EBD-F05D06…)

That jolabetty page quickly changed into something else, I’m assuming the angelbabieface person ran that account because theirs multiple comments on the original fan account from both jolabetty & angelbabieface. Not milky so saged, but she really does have some weird ass stans lmao. I think that person deleted all their posts and changed their user because Ariana kept removing the tagged posts from her profile, also wouldn’t be surprised if they stalked this thread to.
No. 731544
>>731225>>731226>>731277>>731372Hahahaha this is the best thing I've seen from lolcow in a minute
>>731326Wow I never realized how unshapely she really is
No. 731653
File: 1542142131574.jpeg (78.62 KB, 750x1177, 75B6C5FE-38DF-40FF-846C-983E83…)

>>731534What do you mean? That jolabetty page is still there
No. 731675
>>731656Kek, defo not jolabetty, posted that pic because anon before said the page changed name and deleted their post.
Didn’t see that pic was only a few minutes old.
No. 731748
File: 1542152810426.jpeg (181.43 KB, 750x1060, 0AB00F89-D80F-43DE-B676-2545F3…)

>>731653This is the same comment section from the earlier screenshot but the user is changed
No. 731767
>>731748can you stop posting this unrelated account? we really don't need to see what they're doing.
>>731751maybe she just discovered Julia deVille.
No. 731804
File: 1542159319670.jpeg (152.76 KB, 750x1334, 604B3794-3021-421B-8E13-58DC71…)

>>731751This is an image board.
No. 731981
File: 1542202173333.jpeg (231.7 KB, 750x1173, 69E59590-6AD9-4F8F-A24D-DB5229…)

Her Etsy references almost all refer to taxidermied animals sold by her.
In the „article“ descriptions she says she‘s done them herself and got them eg by pet shops so she should actually have some connections to get dead animals?
Pic for reference
No. 732112
File: 1542222875278.jpg (698.53 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20181114_131006.jpg)

This girl is just straight up retarded. She's complaining about the dry air in her apartment, so she wants to get a device that will remove even more humidity/water from the air?
No. 732181
File: 1542230966901.jpeg (230.78 KB, 750x1334, FF6C648F-932E-49D2-A9C5-964B4D…)

It’s been confirmed that she never got that mattress she talked so much about and instead has been sleeping on a blowup mattress inside their Bluetooth frame.
No. 732254
>>732181Lmfao 70k a year and her "fancy" new apartment and she sleeps on an air mattress
Why is it so bright in there if Matt is trying to sleep? Oh yeah she doesn't give a shit about him.
No. 732368
File: 1542256112297.jpeg (56.83 KB, 600x375, 103EF0DC-D687-4BD0-9B5E-AE4EE7…)

Literally yawning. She’s so boring now, just like a basic ass boring jobless slug. If you remove the botched tiddies and whatever the hell she did to her face, she’s just like any other random trash person you bump into in a Walmart parking lot trying to bum a cig with her nasty toothless looking face.
No. 732543
File: 1542294697148.jpg (Spoiler Image,417.42 KB, 1080x1064, Screenshot_20181104-151519_You…)

No milk just a pic from her snap of her boob job. Just funny to look at lol
No. 732571
File: 1542298344769.jpg (587.02 KB, 1080x1544, 20181115_101126.jpg)

The scar under her fucking nose… Does she normally shop it out?
No. 732672
File: 1542311415230.jpg (810.87 KB, 1080x1920, 20181115_134908.jpg)

Arianna just post enough to figure out her fucking address. This bitch is so stupid it hurts.
No. 732673
File: 1542311502898.jpg (715.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181115-134143_Vid…)

Ops. First pic is of the leasing agent/website/phone number and across the street.
No. 732674
File: 1542311559618.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x1859, 20181115_134819.jpg)

The shop across the street via Google maps
No. 732677
File: 1542311634921.jpg (993.05 KB, 1080x1839, 20181115_134806.jpg)

And her building
No. 732725
File: 1542317041692.jpg (375.61 KB, 1080x1678, 20181115_152247.jpg)

This is a different unit for rent in her building, and it actually looks clean and well kept. So her saying the floors/walls are dirty aren't her fault is just another lie. Also. This 1/bed 1/bath is $800 and if they can barely afford that with two people's income than clearly there's only one income.
Didn't she say in the past their old rent was like half or a third less than what they're paying right now?
No. 732984
>>732873I did find another listing for a 2bed/2bath that listed it at that price, so she wasn't lying.
>>732933I also don't think, from the pictures, it was a dump. It was made into one by the current tenants.
No. 733405
File: 1542404850705.jpeg (442.47 KB, 750x1091, E77FCF31-3741-4BB5-B7B7-04C95D…)

Pick a lane Ariana. Do you want to be an IG hoe or not
No. 733463
>>733284 said it looked like a shitty neighborhood so I went to a crimemap and besides one robbery, it's just a bunch of sex offenders. I was curious because from the video she posted on her IG story it looked kinda run down around them. But unless their crimemap is outdated, there not a lot going on around them.
No. 733743
>>733735Probably no one, which is why it was never announced! Kek
She just wanted people to sign up for that stupid app so she could get her referral fee. I'm hoping people are smart enough to realize it is a shady scheme and never gave that app their credit cards.
No. 734174
File: 1542549534328.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181118-085741.png)

She announced the winner. Guess they're back to being engaged.
Lol she's been v quiet and I wonder if it's because she can't find this thread to respond to…
No. 734182
File: 1542550654873.png (2.53 MB, 750x1334, 03D1DC1D-E4D5-4777-B35D-293022…)

Slept with her makeup on and wonders why her skin is bad.
No. 734302
File: 1542567106444.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, 593BC425-D56D-4746-A8D0-1E0280…)

No. 734305
>>734302So cringey, really can’t stand going out where there are possibly people who would outshine her so she has to get annihlated lol.
Anyone notice in the last recent snaps she was all the way in the back, taking a video of Matt socializing with the band?
No. 734690
File: 1542630833543.jpeg (219.4 KB, 750x1003, 0D37314F-3F0C-450F-8495-5BB5E9…)

Pretty sure nobody told her this or one singular person did and she has to make a whole ass post in defense of herself so her followers could suck her ass in the comment section
No. 734694
File: 1542631063197.jpeg (140.64 KB, 649x485, 7AB5D210-4CB6-4859-BAB6-EE9166…)

Apparently being trans is in any way comparable to having bpd and getting plastic surgery. Her fans are so fucking delusional
No. 734901
File: 1542659475943.jpeg (536.56 KB, 750x1097, 3D26498A-F7E5-4065-9F28-1F5455…)

>>734892She tried to say she was posing weird in all her old pictures and her lips were never small…
No. 734922
File: 1542663131369.png (977.68 KB, 1080x1462, Screenshot_20181119-162909~2.p…)

Your artist did cryptic blackwork shit. You live in Philly. You are 2 hours away from NYC. You live in a pretty fucking ideal place as far as variety of very good tattoo artists being within your reach. Too bad you're an idiot who cant find other artists and doesn't want to pay good tattoo prices either.
Keep getting that online validation tho-you are your own sleepy, depressed best friend.
No. 734926
File: 1542663860700.png (3.58 MB, 750x1334, E2D25653-0047-4168-90AA-AF609E…)

Kek if she continues like that she's gonna get banned again
No. 734930
>>734925Oh that's disgusting. Noted that slimesociety is scummy.
Wait do you think she traded nudes for the tattoo he gave Matt? LMFAO
No. 734933
>>734902I want to see her post a pic without makeup and in that same pose
>>734926(Pic related) Is twitter more compatible with her content? I don’t use it
No. 734979
File: 1542669694311.png (3.04 MB, 750x1334, 766AE250-2E71-41E9-A889-347883…)

"Hated the attention" lmao sure boo. Keep lurking
No. 735007
>>734979“I’ve been on my meds for over a year now”
“I wasn’t on my meds so I was super feisty”
Didn’t she JUST start taking her meds again anyway ? Bitch pick a story
No. 735068
>>734607it's not even that, it's just that she 'looks easy'. she'll get attention when she's actually old just because she's plastic and would likely do some weird shit.
>>734690this is likely exactly how she felt before prostituting herself for a small nose and lip fillers. her personality is the ugliest thing i have ever experienced.
No. 735072
>>735016they're really bad but her idea of aftercare is getting high and taking selfies
Not sure the doc should get full blame for this
No. 735192
File: 1542711952923.jpeg (183.54 KB, 738x910, F4396448-1FAA-4C97-9968-41914D…)

She deleted it because of the comments she got. A lot of people called her out about how she still has a lot of filler in her face.
Sadly couldn’t grab more caps.
And doesn’t she contradict her own caption with saying that fillers build up over time?
No. 735195
>>734902why is this bitch lying about the fillers she got in her cheeks and her nasolabial folds /let ALONE/ her lip fillers that aren't even half a year old and are /clearly/ still intact.
No. 735235
>>734979>I've been on meds for over a year nowthat's a massive lie. Caps of her saying how she doesn't take her meds/can't afford it/doesn't want to are in previous threads.
That's a weird thing to lie about…
>>735195I think she may genuinely believe her fillers dissolved and this is how she looks like without them. Girl has serious self-image issues.
No. 735456
File: 1542748647938.jpeg (146.61 KB, 749x966, 3B051EDF-0299-46EB-B3FB-1DC3E4…)

>>735192These are all the caps I got
No. 735459
>>735455“I know my face”
BITCH YOU ADMITTEDLY HAVE BDD you do not know your face which is probably why you think your goddamn filler has dissolved too.
No. 735477
>>735464She’s confessed it’s hard to breath out of one side now. I think her additional cocaine habit didn’t help with that either.
>>735459I agree completely. On live when she’s doing her makeup she seems semi-unaware of her surroundings and totally entranced in fixing the mess that is her face. She’s begun to live her life solely over this obsession to repair or enhance her looks so she can feel/appear normal or desirable. The only way she can do that is to heal and fix her MIND. She’ll never truly be aware of who she is if she can’t get past surface.
No. 735548
File: 1542760836955.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1487, Screenshot_20181120-171154~2.p…)

This shit is really the nicest jewelery you've ever had? Every time she posts I get secondhand embarrassed
(First time poster hope I did it right)
No. 735552
>>735548Leave the name field blank.
This jewelry company promos with a lot of heavily tattooed edgy girls in Philly with a following.
No. 735602
File: 1542769735062.jpg (640.67 KB, 1080x1565, 20181120_210637.jpg)

Her jaw is HUGE. No wonder she never posts from this angle.
No. 735649
File: 1542781874953.jpeg (192.43 KB, 750x1334, 8FB7F807-8A0B-4E47-89F0-E083E6…)

>”I’m a hustler”
No. 735672
File: 1542786764858.jpg (275.06 KB, 720x1220, 20181121_023746.jpg)

Tinfoil hat on here, but I believe she has been obsessed with emulating this person's SW lifestyle and other style points. Not sure if she is still wanting to do the whole domme thing but that's what this person does, also they used to be in a relationship with slimesociety and has all kinds of tattoos by him. Anyway, she often seen commenting on both of this person's IG accounts.
Just some thoughts since she whined about slimesociety's departure from the USA.
No. 735783
File: 1542813932612.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, A7E21470-B11A-445E-8B8E-1FCBE0…)

Posted a vid of herself puking on her IG story. What the actual fuck is wrong with her
No. 735787
>>735783Yuck. She even pukes on the toilet seat.
What's going on with her?
No. 735892
>>735783She's on snap puking and spitting. She even stuffed her fingers down her throat in an attempt to help herself puke. Fucking gross.
She's also going on about how she came across one of the guys who fell in love with her during her ho phase. Apparently she let this then 30 year old face fuck her when she was 20 and filmed it. She's pretty delighted that she gets to come across and 'reject' people…
No. 736051
File: 1542850188198.png (2.09 MB, 750x1334, E38201C4-07D9-40F0-B42E-E6E1C8…)

Bro can this girl make up her mind on what she wants, she wanted a ferret and now she wants another cat. Personally I think she shouldn’t be allowed to have any animals..
No. 736142
File: 1542864841081.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181122-003104.png)

Damn even with a cake face that lift lip scar is gnarly.
No. 736242
File: 1542896355335.png (5.25 MB, 1242x2208, 605142F3-E0E1-4AEB-9559-445533…)

Fucking nasty
No. 736280
File: 1542902149939.jpeg (185.35 KB, 750x1039, E48C2F21-E640-4B01-A05C-B38C32…)

Deleted content
No. 736307
>>735455has posts on her original instagram where she says it's "weird" to not really know what you look like/where you belong.
pick a fucking lane, you delusional cunt
No. 736344
File: 1542911057084.jpeg (118.48 KB, 390x361, 3B03CC91-643C-4BA7-BFE8-205520…)

>”I don’t edit my pics”
>honestly it’s just the filters on IG that’s it
>my makeup is so good it looks face tuned
That’s weird! Your one earring is totally bent!
No. 736590
File: 1542936587388.png (3.37 MB, 750x1334, 592D58CC-1393-4E77-BA39-27E1CA…)

A close up of an old pic
No. 736611
File: 1542940324992.png (3.11 MB, 750x1334, 98666DA6-BA1B-4929-897F-2EF9C1…)

>>736590Samefag. Here are more close ups with better lighting and a bare face. You can see the remaining flat keloid scar bordering her nostrils. Seems like a bullhorn lip lift 1/2
No. 736664
File: 1542948974656.jpeg (104.89 KB, 750x1058, 259C6EB8-A2DD-43DF-AFD2-6FC9B0…)

I think the old account finally got deleted
No. 737017
File: 1543018702503.jpeg (67.39 KB, 1091x640, 6A0A4A08-D747-4F87-8032-0F12EC…)

Imagine this happening to her lmao
No. 737225
File: 1543069573603.png (3.16 MB, 750x1334, 59136425-AE37-4B07-897A-AE3259…)

No. 737244
File: 1543074396821.jpg (600.93 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181124-104557_Vid…)

Does she even bathe?
No. 737266
File: 1543076333685.png (930.44 KB, 1080x1534, Screenshot_20181124-091639~2.p…)

She's whining about losing the pictures, as if screenshots are so hard? What an idiot. And if the company is so demented why keep using it kek
No. 737308
>>730033kek i fucking lost it at 0:18
"for breakfathst"
No. 737371
File: 1543087055855.jpg (767.56 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181124-141647_Ins…)

No. 737372
File: 1543087096247.jpg (813.54 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181124-141715_Ins…)

Her dirty ass comforter set makes me so nauseous.
No. 737536
File: 1543100679851.jpeg (202.69 KB, 750x957, 582ABE28-A2E6-4A7A-8865-8C2E05…)

Bitch you just settled from your move last month. So impulsive.
No. 737543
>>737536It's probably because someone figured out her address when she posted this
>>732672. And if one person figured it out, a bunch of people figured it out.
No. 737573
File: 1543103122171.png (2.53 MB, 750x1334, 9F6688A9-894C-4C39-B9B1-80767C…)

Maybe drama? 1/2
No. 737574
File: 1543103144271.png (2.42 MB, 750x1334, 8787CB6A-F684-4435-81E7-57A1F2…)

No. 737654
File: 1543109736071.jpeg (244.13 KB, 724x1089, 234CEBB1-834A-4B43-8FC9-665E76…)

That is the complete opposite of self awareness
No. 737689
>>737574“Fuck you if you don’t support people you claim to love”
What does she even do for Matt? Fuck around with other men? She can’t even support the only thing he seems passionate about; his band
No. 737759
File: 1543121128126.png (2.54 MB, 750x1334, D17D25AA-2009-4EA3-BCF9-668F54…)

In a hotel?
No. 737816
File: 1543128069185.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, 89448F48-4120-4CFD-9359-0E6132…)

>>737776Sorry for the blur but she couldn’t even wait to get home to flash her escort cash online
No. 738059
File: 1543172492493.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2220, 20181125_130028.jpg)

Girl, take a fucking shower and wash your makeup off.
No. 738060
File: 1543172552245.png (3.64 MB, 750x1334, 316034A0-621E-4F4A-ABE9-0CA20A…)

She took Xanax again and sipped wine before her escort job. Apparently she did nothing but eat her friend out and “hang” for 1000$. Then she smoked a blunt on the way home and that’s where she blacked out. It was also pointed out on snap that Matt did have an issue with her escorting and now that it’s over with it’s totally “chill” cause nothing really happened!
No. 738131
>>738073You "waste money" to follow her snap already. Where is the great moral distinction. Use a second device to take a pic of your phone if you're that afraid of her.
>>738117This thread is becoming second hand anecdotes that even you anons can't agree on.
No. 738191
File: 1543190884539.jpeg (153.75 KB, 750x1045, D85AE2DD-774D-4F8B-808C-311B98…)

She’s honestly so mentally abusive towards Matt, she can pubically humiliate him, force him to be okay with sex work even though he’s clearly not comfortable with it (understandably because BOUNDRIES) and makes it seems like HE is the problem and she’s right no matter what. Anything to get her way. She always starts posting pictures of him when they get into a fight I’m assuming to “make up for” her constant shitty and hurtful actions/decisions
No. 738195
>>738191Kek that's the most she can do for him? Sex and a post?
Also that smile on Matt is so forced
No. 738262
File: 1543198058585.jpeg (667.13 KB, 1241x1958, 73A53A46-17F6-450B-BDB4-67FBF9…)

No. 738299
>>737980You can get 15-30% of the recovered tax amount for reporting tax fraud to the IRS. If a premium Snap user makes $10 / mo. with 500 users, they take home $60,000 / yr., $12,915.50 of which is due to the Federal government for federal income tax, Social Security, and Medicare. If the IRS recovers all $12,915.50, you get almost $2k for reporting it.
All you'd need is a handful of THOTs per month to have a pretty comfortable income.
No. 738318
>>738060benzos + alcohol = blackout.
it really is that easy. its not that xanax arent for you, it's just that you're stupid.
No. 738458
>>738262“Judge my every move” you mean every aspect of your life that you out on the internet for thousands of people to see ? You aren’t exempt from critique just like any other
problematic “influencer” on the Internet. Idiot.
No. 738477
File: 1543248242775.jpeg (120.66 KB, 750x1334, 7B3F7FB9-CFEB-4EBC-9C1F-47A816…)

No. 738478
File: 1543248277312.jpeg (148.54 KB, 750x1334, C68AEFAC-CC73-4F44-BDF0-FA9C7E…)

No. 738496
File: 1543250211035.png (7.77 MB, 1242x2208, 2F085BAF-E8E5-4D01-AFAB-126A24…)

No. 738602
>>738554She also love-bombs him after the argument when he finally gives up and lets her have it her way. "thank you for being my best friend" "the best person in the world" etc etc after every fight, spammed everywhere. this is abusers' tactic.
(^not to kill your vibe anon because I agree but you could have wrote all that in one post)
No. 738620
File: 1543263706687.jpg (250.24 KB, 1080x1784, 20181126_151956_rmscr~2.jpg)

You're drinking too much/smoking way too much weed if coke just makes you feel sober.
You're already accepting money for sexwork, it's only a matter of time before you're sucking dick for drugs.
No. 738685
>>738635Yeahhh won't someone PLEASE think of the children???
No. 738750
File: 1543276344344.png (1.93 MB, 750x1334, DC89F7B4-01DB-42A2-BD74-9563D9…)

She doesn’t respect him at all, it’s insane. And with her logic you can cheat on your partner and they shouldn’t get upset because it’s “your body”
No. 738765
>>738750god this is like the same logic as people who equate the right to free speech with being able to say whatever they want with no criticism whatsoever.
I know the word gets thrown around a lot but it's like incel tier one way entitlement. It's no wonder them and ig thots are mortal enemies. Both interpret going out of your way for your partner as either being cucked or oppressed (in pnp's case losing your bodily autonomy somehow?), but both expect their partners to make constant compromises for them otherwise they're immoral thots brainwashed by feminism/ typical toxic domineering males.
Plus plenty of greasy guys truly genuinely don't give a fuck that their gf does sex work. Some even seem to prefer it for the lack of convention. Doormatt reeeally doesn't need to sacrifice his sanity because his girlfriend cried muh rights as if she's forced to be in a relationship with him.
No. 738809
File: 1543280531156.jpg (1.18 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181126-165925_Ins…)

>>738750buuuut she can fuck old men with egg girl
No. 738934
File: 1543291685386.jpeg (40.07 KB, 628x314, F77339B0-32CA-4357-BDBD-2C437E…)

(Megan Mullaly is a gem) Jamm and Tammy is basically their relationship lmao
>>738820>>738876Lowkey want babytrash or some other thot to seduce and rescue her soybf just to watch Pnp get thrown out on the streets to narc rage and suicide bait for a whole week tbh
No. 738996
File: 1543302241248.jpeg (61.07 KB, 640x480, EA8C1B18-D968-476F-BA62-2AA390…)

Not sure if this picture was shown yet but it’s a good visual example of the life she used to live. Honestly, there isn’t much of a difference. This was found posted on Facebook.
No. 739111
File: 1543332369919.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, 07A7F97E-AC7A-4763-A8F6-E4EAD0…)

Sure Jan
No. 739532
File: 1543371357113.png (1.82 MB, 750x1334, 24E975BC-E23D-40F9-BA6C-142527…)

Is the other girl Latina milk lol
No. 739550
File: 1543373815201.jpeg (201.18 KB, 750x1011, A2C2E163-254A-463F-8005-38413D…)

No. 739612
File: 1543379998297.png (2.3 MB, 750x1334, 42338D0E-8D76-44E0-A99C-DD83BE…)

No. 739613
File: 1543380045972.png (2.39 MB, 750x1334, 3AE4046E-65E9-467F-8DE8-877601…)

No. 739615
File: 1543380134337.png (1.91 MB, 750x1334, 27E4F1DC-9021-4663-B3AF-C1F5C3…)

Doormatt is there with her
No. 739622
File: 1543380421838.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181127-234624.png)

No. 739623
File: 1543380425910.png (2.53 MB, 750x1334, CBF5B234-913A-4F2B-9107-98CE6D…)

Here’s a throwback
No. 739765
>>739615>>739623Matt constantly dresses like a severely depressed man slob.
>>739613Good lord this bitch is crusty. Such an unfortunate resting face even with all that plastic in it. Talk about getting fucked by genetics.
No. 739799
>>739612Huge fucking pupils.
How embarrassing that she cries about not having friends and then shows off when she's actually hanging out with someone. And you KNOW she'll only hang out with other insta-thots and no regular or uggos
No. 739862
File: 1543427100582.png (695.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181128-124410.png)

As a stoner…I'm so upset by the black, opaque bong…like damn I let that shit go for a bit but not to that degree
No. 739972
File: 1543436831860.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, CA12D0E0-4EDA-4D36-8A26-3B6DC5…)

Pretty sure she's throwing shade at that chick she called out a while ago
No. 739975
File: 1543437225502.png (521.27 KB, 750x1334, A304DEE0-2584-4770-8643-08B544…)

>>739972Maybe? But could easily be about somebody else. What is there to even copy pnp over that’s worth while anyways?
No. 739978
File: 1543437385717.jpeg (440.71 KB, 750x1087, 21220B06-F30F-4605-ABFD-0DABDF…)

>>739923Yup she stole that jacket haha
No. 739991
File: 1543438282607.jpeg (126.6 KB, 750x1128, BD1FD50D-842B-44EB-A364-59818F…)

>>739978Found the website that made this jacket.
No. 739995
File: 1543438776858.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, CF645292-D639-44AB-930B-1554E4…)

>>739975Also the cokewhore bit
No. 739999
>>739995Stop posting about this chick, not here for her.
I wouldn't be surprised if it is a self post but that chick seems too stupid to do that
No. 740122
>>740036Thank u anon
God she has the most annoying voice
No. 740137
File: 1543450465121.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, 15884B11-380B-4820-A5A2-662231…)

Why take a video of yourself smoking weed if you look like you’re going to vomit the second your lips leave the bong
No. 740159
File: 1543452548600.jpeg (529.41 KB, 750x1102, D53BBF3A-98F9-4E96-8BC3-4BD139…)

>>739972Is this reaching?
No. 740275
File: 1543468803153.png (1 MB, 750x1009, Image-1(6).png)

I guess this is what she's referring too but I don't think its copying?? This girl seems to already have clout/following I don't know why she would copy PNP, arianna is just desthparate to be relevant
No. 740276
File: 1543469094691.jpg (222.97 KB, 750x1036, Image-2(1).jpg)

Arianna is trying to claim she invented giveaways?
Lol @ dollskill though for having all their models publicly sell the free products they send them
No. 740293
File: 1543471873367.png (2.95 MB, 750x1334, 8CED8888-1293-48FE-AE3D-B79DCE…)

This poor cuck of a man is seemingly forced to feed this gremlin everyday of her life
No. 740484
>>740206She was so excited to say 'shmoney' and be an real life uwu sex worker
Ty for your efforts snapchat anon(s)!
>>740456Yeah, like this bitch really knows how to report her heux earnings to the irs. There would be 3 days of bitching about learning how to do it posted to her snapchat first
No. 740490
File: 1543506685029.jpeg (514.76 KB, 750x1091, E4ECE20E-6A8D-4C71-9089-F51B58…)

No. 740580
File: 1543513649799.png (1013.54 KB, 750x1334, EE1DD552-2A85-493B-BB12-71EED5…)

No. 740629
>>740613"You don't even have an original face"
Bahahaha fucking deadddddddddddd
Also, I'm assuming PNP is the one who stole a bunch of Kaycee's clothes? I remember her mentioning something about it on tumblr
No. 741038
File: 1543548094713.png (3.62 MB, 750x1334, AAE7A0FB-5BF5-4012-A7F5-8E4375…)

No. 741070
File: 1543551392933.jpeg (250.19 KB, 749x1093, 21046DA8-7CC3-4B54-8F87-F7B159…)

No. 741124
>>741070Holy shit . Dude is like a cult member being brainwashed . I can only imagine she has been telling him “being mad at me for sex work Is life being a pro lifer!! You’re telling a woman what to do with her body !!!”…
Something like that . Doormatt is right . He’s totally under her manipulative spell
No. 741208
>>741124I feel like he saw
>>740973 and is now super paranoid lmao
No. 741231
File: 1543583068173.jpeg (71.64 KB, 634x427, F0614B01-629C-4C85-85B7-41BC58…)

here we go again….
No. 741243
>>741231If you’re gonna make a fake account to comment shit at least don’t use abcdezz chick as a scapegoat, after all that shit you think she’s gonna use another account with her name in it?
Plus, I feel like Matt lurks these threads every once in awhile. I mean who wouldn’t after seeing all the shit your gf keeps away from you ?
No. 741257
>>741231this thread serious brings the most cringe selfposting and cowtipping
kys if you're going to be this retarded and obvious
No. 741311
File: 1543596266170.png (2.47 MB, 750x1334, 3BB32B5D-59AE-4718-82D2-82CA4A…)

“Four months of rent” from sw
>gets fillers
No. 741325
File: 1543597642990.jpeg (236.64 KB, 750x1190, FD308DED-45B0-447E-8DB2-F543D5…)

Well this is fucking cringe
No. 741367
>>741316I'm waiting for her to be on Botched. We all know she's not going to stop with the plastic surgerys. She was trying to 'work out' and put on weight but I think we can all agree she'll just get her butt and hips done instead of building muscle from working out.
>>741325Why are you posting old milk?
>>741336>>741300Why are you not saging your milkless posts?
No. 741382
>>741374>Hating on a 18 year old’s fan page is lowpnp has sperged on kids much younger than her just because they dared to not lick her asshole in her comments
>she doesn’t mope when she’s sad…this is too easy
>she shows other young girls how to be strongshe has the most fragile ego in the world lmao
I can't relate to seeing any redeemable qualities in Ariana xoxoxo
No. 741386
>>741322I have an inkling that Matt can't really financially support himself were he to try to make it on his own. I feel like that, in part, has something to do with why he would stay with such a repugnant narcissist. And why they sleep on an air mattress…
And it seems like she's bringing up her SW a lot to drive a wedge and force the relationship to its conclusion. Hope the boy has a support system.
No. 741415
File: 1543608131017.png (1.65 MB, 750x1334, C12CC34E-CFC2-4435-8319-88F890…)

That’s what happens when you suck on those bitches like a pacifier 24/7
No. 741421
File: 1543609007104.jpeg (198.52 KB, 750x1117, 8FA0E22B-93F6-4A56-8353-DD98F1…)

This other influencer girl promotes bucks county plastics often and Im tinfoiling that she really pushed pnp to take a second glance at her own breasts by posting this
No. 741429
>>741410Eh I believe it. I also believe Matt has very little identity outside of being a band member and Ari's man. It contributes to staying in an unhealthy relationship and this strange blowing up of Ari's ego.
She thinks it's only 1 Anon on snap..when there's evidence of at least 3 different snap anons contributing in various ways. You're pretty easy to find entertaining, Ari, because my life is pretty stable.
No. 741440
>>741435lol she basically said what i said in
>>741319 stay lurking, lispy!
No. 741640
File: 1543630273919.jpeg (514.29 KB, 750x1034, E23E68E4-7FBB-4E91-B1D3-8DADDE…)

No. 741661
File: 1543631177692.jpeg (143.92 KB, 750x1334, 91D6F3E6-5C6F-4633-B061-52804C…)

No. 741664
File: 1543631281669.png (3.26 MB, 750x1334, B88E7474-93F5-43A8-A800-DD4467…)

No. 741816
File: 1543657273070.jpg (823.86 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181201-043652_Ins…)

Everyday she gets uglier
No. 741885
File: 1543674786612.jpg (123.67 KB, 1076x860, IMG_20181201_093051.jpg)

Breasts aren't supposed to look this way. Maybe if she gets enough followers she'll get invited to be on botched.
No. 741920
File: 1543682605251.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181201-113813.png)

Tfw you have no identity outside of performative femininity and commodification of self.
Straight up looks like bimbofication. Her lip lift scar will never not crack me up
No. 741929
File: 1543684433784.jpeg (4.73 MB, 1242x2077, 95050544-9087-4AF2-AB6B-BA0415…)

>>741920perfect summary of PnP, anon
and you’re right, her lip lift scar looks especially terrible here. it looks like her nose has been torn off and stiched back on poorly.
also holy BDD, overlining already overfilled lips. this and
>>741435 show how desperately she needs psychiatric help for alllllll of her mental problems instead of glorifying them on social media
No. 741953
>>741948That’s exactly why her impulsiveness gets the best of her… literally sucking her bong and Juul for an hour on live last night continuously… all post lip filler. She’s just BDD personified. Self aware my ass lol
Inb4 no pics, she literally can’t stop posting what she does every minute so you’ll see it again
No. 741965
File: 1543691684093.png (1.71 MB, 750x1334, F9176993-AB03-4D73-AD92-39F366…)

>>741953Groceries is a huge step in gaining weight…? No it’s a normal human taking care of themselves. It’s not like she’s severely - if at all underweight. Wtf
No. 741979
>>741971She talks about this shit all the time. The old profile even had a picture of her scale.
If you don’t think she’s grossly thin…I don’t know what you’re looking at. Her elbows are literally protruding from her arms.
Gotta pay attention to the tea.
No. 741982
File: 1543694368583.jpg (859.57 KB, 1067x1672, SmartSelect_20181201-145900_In…)

She posted the gross picture from earlier on her account and edited tf out of her boob area hahaha
No. 741989
File: 1543694588913.png (3.34 MB, 750x1334, D564EEFF-0C71-4BEB-BD82-5F6116…)

No. 742020
File: 1543696618967.jpeg (213.31 KB, 750x843, 2A7C4CC1-2F33-4C1B-88F1-C7E48D…)

No. 742062
>>741988Fuck off bitch. How’s that for your fucking sage.
How does someone cap something from the past? Fuckin EDUCATE me then. Stupid bitch.
Quit clogging the thread with bickering.
>>742119Binging at night consistently is kind of a mild E.D.
No. 742124
File: 1543706672297.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181201-182300.jpg)

You're welcome for the teeth advice.. Prob never would have even considered getting it fixed if she hadn't been roasted so hard on here.
No. 742212
>>742206She doesn’t care about what any of us little cockroaches say, right? She says so all the time.
Nah sounds more like she has extremely low self esteem on top of narcissism.
No. 742277
>>741823How is it that she still looks like a witch after all that?
>>742135Eh, some fillers last longer than others, like up to a year or longer for the ones you typically put in your nose, cheeks, or chin, while lips last like three months. Depending on how much she gets for each part, she might not be shelling out
too much per year.
>>742263>>742242>>742206Girl, can you integrate or leave? When you don't sage or reply to posts, it's obvious you don't go here.
No. 742279
>>742263Being borderline does not mean you aren't accountable for your actions.
Yeah it's hilarious to watch her self-sabotage and turn around and say she's doing so well!!!
No. 742305
>>742263Yes, yes, and duh.
Watching her crash and burn is pure entertainment—and she’s doing it to herself. It’s not like she is going places or worth anything, her own self worth is based upon a bunch of randoms on the internet. She’s a hilarious dumpster fire shitshow.
>>742277Swear to god she’s just got an unfortunately shaped skull or some shit. No amount of filler can fix that crescent moon face of hers.
No. 742362
>>742124to be frank she doesn't look like she has an overbite. That would show in positioning of the lips, she would have major problems with teeth also. I think it's just her bones structure, and I'm saying this as someone who had braces for crooked teeth and to correct the bite; my teeth are straight, my bite is fine, yet it still doesn't look like a "normal" bite - and it won't.
From what I can tell, she's the same.
No. 742369
File: 1543746511235.jpeg (478.81 KB, 1242x1559, 66A09A1B-2481-46A8-ABC3-FE74D5…)

Couple hours old but saged, I just had to point out they literally look like donkey and shrek
No. 742476
File: 1543773324844.png (1.47 MB, 750x1334, CE680ED1-49C3-4D02-9011-ED1DC2…)

IG story sperge incoming
No. 742477
File: 1543773348401.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, D108A55A-E941-405A-971B-10FBCB…)

No. 742478
File: 1543773378131.png (1.74 MB, 750x1334, 8CE32488-5106-4271-8B3F-7DCA9D…)

>>742476Queen of positive thinking
No. 742528
File: 1543779861044.jpeg (287.58 KB, 750x739, 564EE46D-869B-4A89-A26C-35539C…)

No. 742580
File: 1543785391625.png (3.62 MB, 750x1334, 4751386F-9DDB-4900-ADBD-3371C2…)

You still have debts tho
No. 742663
>>742580So she
wants to fuck men for money? Cool.
No. 742950
File: 1543845994345.png (1.76 MB, 1384x2048, Screenshot_20181203-090249.png)

Usually people have achieved a little more than just maturing into their looks/developing a style by this time after highschool.
No. 743145
File: 1543871204583.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, 9F6EDD4E-6F80-4EC3-9285-0CCDDF…)

The bitch really is getting dumber and dumber each day.. doesnt even know the difference between vegan ans veggie. Do some research before you wanna start your bullshit "weight gain" diet
No. 743148
File: 1543871374693.png (2.13 MB, 750x1334, 88EEC7FA-0D5D-450C-9BD9-9E6A27…)

Also how fucking lazy of her to make Matt do all the groceries, shopping, walking the dog,.. while she is literally at home all day doing n-o-t-h-i-n-g. Can't understand how he copes with her jeez
No. 743166
>>743148She literally lives across the street from a grocery place…
>>732674 she's either lying to try and project she can afford to have sushi brought to her at 3am, or she is just a lazy bitch.
No. 743178
>>743166To be fair a lot of Philly corner stores have those sort of banners but not a lot of fresh foods inside. Also she's in Philly finding a nearby grocery store/food market isn't the hardest though it may not be as cheap as the suburbs grocery.
If this bitch can haul ass to NYC for a 1 hour job (which takes 5 hours to complete) she should be able to figure out a grocery trip or a grocery service.
No. 743220
File: 1543878836772.jpg (661.95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181203-181258.jpg)

I'm done.. Did she mean fowl?
No. 743223
File: 1543878943417.jpg (801.63 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181203-181317.jpg)

>cant stand people who celebrate people's deaths even if they were awful
So…. Even hitler? Bin laden?
No. 743249
File: 1543881816788.jpeg (129.82 KB, 750x519, 4350705F-028F-420C-8C74-C6BF11…)

No. 743254
>>743249Thought she just said she can't stand aggressive people?
All I gathered is that she can't stand if you have a hard opinion..
No. 743256
File: 1543882569604.png (2.82 MB, 750x1334, 5271B92F-44EC-43F0-AC58-B9EBC7…)

20 minute nose contour…. i checked back after a bit and she was still contouring her nose lol
No. 743302
File: 1543886658625.jpeg (806.54 KB, 750x1334, 4FB14484-6703-4091-8F7D-2EAA36…)

Which one of you fuckers is this lmaoooo
No. 743315
File: 1543887257252.jpg (630.42 KB, 1080x1666, 20181203_193205.jpg)

She posted this but deleted it.
No. 743421
File: 1543898161125.jpg (317.49 KB, 720x1088, 20181203_233237.jpg)

Always getting wrecked before going to socialize.
No. 743451
File: 1543902723723.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, E596ADD0-7B4F-4F9E-B151-4F7832…)

That last part… she’s talking to herself isn’t she? She can’t really think she’s in the position to ask people to be less aggressive? Kek
No. 743461
File: 1543905888519.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, 3CD714B3-2FB4-4C63-AC92-622DCE…)

This girl really out here puking on her ig story the personification of a train wreck
No. 743472
File: 1543907937199.jpg (535.78 KB, 960x1280, 18-12-04-02-16-47-273_deco.jpg)

Snap update! YW
No. 743494
File: 1543913844760.jpg (526.47 KB, 960x1280, Superimposed1543913818586.jpg)

No. 743539
File: 1543927613924.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, AE78001B-D63B-48A6-8797-B962BC…)

She deleted it.
No. 743572
File: 1543935660458.jpg (863.98 KB, 1080x1517, 20181204_085901.jpg)

She always talks this big game, but any photos/videos of her out with people and she is always so awkward looking.
No. 743635
File: 1543947941338.png (3.61 MB, 750x1334, 4DBB9500-E7E8-42AB-A883-F430F4…)

No. 743639
File: 1543948388895.png (4.86 MB, 750x1334, 8996CFDD-7A1F-4429-B9D3-E0AB87…)

No. 743658
File: 1543949961412.jpeg (298.91 KB, 670x713, 6F0B2B10-5BE9-435E-8DC7-3D78B5…)

>>743572I bet she hates smiling for photos
No. 743661
File: 1543951183853.jpeg (180.09 KB, 750x1068, 12FD22C9-1B04-4E6F-BF8A-D54CFF…)

She will never learn.
No. 743670
File: 1543953921391.jpeg (246.81 KB, 750x1101, BF016248-8E74-4B55-8044-AB0770…)

Haha yeah, nevermind the liplift, the Botox in forehead, the fillers in tear trough and cheeks…
No. 743684
>>743665She has her live saved which she talks about how she has to wear a bra no constantly because her boobs almost bottomed out.
Anyone remember her bitching at anyone inquiring as to why she didn't have much after care? She bit the head off anyone who even approached her politely.
No. 743902
File: 1543975949687.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2220, 20181204_201219.jpg)

No. 743903
File: 1543976041131.jpg (758.21 KB, 1080x2220, 20181204_201205.jpg)

Didn't she say she was cutting back smoking so she could get Christmas gifts? Kek that lasted a week.
No. 743908
File: 1543976725091.jpeg (177.16 KB, 750x1334, C8C59F1D-9F89-4308-988B-5DDC42…)

Her side profile!!
No. 743956
File: 1543980382147.png (2.92 MB, 750x1334, 97218D8D-32C8-4B2B-B073-4A28F6…)

There’s that wand again.
No. 743960
File: 1543980721585.png (3.04 MB, 750x1334, B7053BCB-1C68-430A-9BF9-C6CAB7…)

>>743959She really does not want to eat her meal.
No. 744026
File: 1543988948124.png (1.43 MB, 750x1334, 9E51D81F-2FA3-4B7E-8D7F-9DAD4A…)

Is she fucking serious, this is disgusting for both of them.
Anyway, I love how a month ago this thread was about to die but now she’s back to being her old milky self again.
Let the milk flow!
No. 744078
File: 1544000010034.png (2.68 MB, 750x1334, 7EC8A6F7-1AF1-4164-A0E8-2229D7…)

Doormatt legit crashes like this every night
No. 744079
File: 1544000058984.png (3.43 MB, 750x1334, AD68BFDA-9BF0-44F0-92B3-5D9661…)

>>744078His neck has to hurt
No. 744115
File: 1544008677029.jpg (736.78 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181205-061722_Ins…)

Lol what the fuck
No. 744270
File: 1544038678779.png (2.03 MB, 750x1334, 1F56E1CB-4CB6-48A7-A7A9-1BCFEB…)

Sorry but I cannot get over sleeping Doormatt. He seriously looks dead
No. 744313
File: 1544041957430.jpeg (205.86 KB, 749x1297, F4055992-66CA-45B3-989F-DF78E3…)

No. 744315
File: 1544042467416.jpg (759.93 KB, 1080x1738, Screenshot_20181205-153832_Ins…)

Lol full post…
No. 744331
File: 1544044067350.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, 8948353F-206C-41A7-8297-767DD1…)

>>744326She had a bad dream. Probably about him cheating publicly again.
No. 744359
File: 1544046839608.jpeg (283.68 KB, 750x1064, 9E7F26E3-2C60-4597-9B22-9CCF81…)

Does anybody think it’s funny how she uses one of the most tedious techniques to shade when she barley has a basic understand of art? Then wonders why she breaks down over it but instead of learning new techniques she just decides to “up her rates” because surprise, pieces like this actually require a lot of skill and time
No. 744370
File: 1544048452436.png (1.32 MB, 750x1334, 9EC7DDE1-6CC5-4209-91A7-E58DCB…)

does she understand what having a job is?
No. 744372
File: 1544048599849.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, 4193FF8E-1B30-4C16-9313-84359A…)

Same fag here but what the fuck lol you HAVE GOTTEN AND ACTIVELY ALTER YOUR APPETANCE WITH NON CRITICAL SURGERY. never mind the fact she calls people ugly! That’s called focusing on appearance!
No. 744381
File: 1544050352584.png (2.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181205-175035.png)

She barely posts on snap. She posted herself staring at her that repeating a line of "Hoarders". She can't stop obsessing over her bite/whatever tangible flaw she can throw money at.
Too bad real character change requires a lot of insight, vulnerability, and hard work Ari. Keep wasting your youth trying to preserve it.
No. 744392
File: 1544052330884.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181205-182346.png)

Ok so some people are super easy to cry/hormonal/etc. But she clearly goes through cycles of swinging between way too much empathy to none. Like I also was watching Hoarders and sobbing at the peak of my issues with BPD, especially when I had less self awareness and was very lost. Sorry for blog
No. 744400
>>744392Well, first of all, no one cares.
Secondly, we all know she needs help, she just won't get it. Third, it doesn't really make me feel bad for her when she only sympathizes with people she can relate to in order to validate her own feelings. Much like people with BPD do. Go somewhere.
No. 744402
File: 1544053158043.png (2.05 MB, 750x1334, FB6AAADC-6A46-4E90-BE43-B7DF8B…)

No. 744444
File: 1544059103047.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181205-181631.png)

You choose this job, you doorknob. I'm sure the Johns are surprised when your face moves.
No. 744459
File: 1544061750171.png (2.68 MB, 750x1334, D60A5E76-356D-4940-B4CF-E87928…)

It’s funny cause it seems she can’t think it could ever be the other way around. I wonder has she ever been worked as hard as a customer service worker in the food industry has? A lot of people get hooked on drugs to keep up with the fast pace lifestyle of work. Just take your food and stop whining! It’s not that serious.
No. 744468
File: 1544062670945.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, 2DA05D8B-AD30-4344-84B7-A4D705…)

>>744459Someone get this girl a goddamn job. Also every day that passes she reminds me more and more of shayna lol:
No. 744484
File: 1544064634292.png (2.15 MB, 750x1334, 42C5C4E9-1999-4D26-8A74-8C62B4…)

Weird flex but ok…. driving to make a meal for yourself would probably cost lesst than the delivery free + Grubhub fee + useless carbs ur going to eat.
No. 744499
File: 1544066769488.png (3.68 MB, 750x1334, 8E35D553-7FA0-436C-AB45-CF9523…)

So you lurk?
No. 744521
>>744499This is such an alien concept for her…that people could want to talk about her without being a “fan” because she’s milky af all over the internet. why wouldn’t we pay attention?
Ariana, you’re like a car wreck and we’re all rubbernecking. Not sure how you could take that in a positive way.
No. 744549
File: 1544072020652.jpeg (308.78 KB, 749x1285, E79F5525-8DEB-4727-8F28-6F3C17…)

Does talking during injection affect anything?
No. 745002
File: 1544148805210.jpeg (219.48 KB, 749x1042, 24A6ACEE-F9E2-4C18-8E92-E8F00E…)

No. 745003
File: 1544148827781.jpeg (114.33 KB, 750x559, 9608AC2A-442D-4D43-B9E3-A0452C…)

No. 745029
File: 1544153436205.png (2.85 MB, 750x1334, F9689ACD-DC62-4893-A195-E6FCEE…)

Doormatt literally dead inside
No. 745067
File: 1544159243759.png (3.44 MB, 750x1334, BFEB66C1-042D-47AC-A37C-C6E580…)

She feels bad
No. 745096
File: 1544162979351.jpeg (203.56 KB, 750x1084, E5DF03D2-BEE5-4E7C-8C9E-39F4E4…)

No. 745254
File: 1544195539368.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181207-101109.png)

That blanket…
No. 745274
File: 1544200047962.jpeg (459.78 KB, 750x948, 6F087F71-E33F-4788-B56D-726548…)

No. 745853
>>745785Her makeup is awful, she looks emaciated. Her breasts are weird as fuck. Larger breasts on small frames don't even look like that, they're perkier haha. Most people I know wouldn't think she's that great looking. She is the only one who holds that opinion of herself besides horny dudes. She isn't repulsive but she got so much work done that she's really boring to look at. Especially with those sausage lips and obvious malnourishment…. she has the opposite features of what is considered biologically attractive. Her hair is thin and greasy, her hips are very narrow, most of her attractive features were bought, she doesnt want kids, she doesnt eat enough to be healthy looking, her breasts are sagging regardless of getting them done a few months ago, she sucks on a juul like it's an inhaler, she looks tired all the time, drinks too much and cant handle it because she doesnt eat when she drinks lol
No. 746162
File: 1544343804660.jpeg (209.95 KB, 749x1046, B43839E9-C25D-4C5A-AF7B-3AAE38…)

No. 746241
>>746162Its like for everyday her lips get bigger, eyeliner gets thicker until she is just gonna be a pair of sausage lips and false lashes by new years s2g.
You know somebody is mentally deficient when they permanently modify their body to fit a kink/fetish.
No. 746314
File: 1544370780996.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 223A85D9-E95C-4E2F-9DDD-6D057A…)

>>746275Yep you’re right anon, that was like a few months before that abortion thing happened. She was like „I’m not planning anything but we’re not using protection and if it happened i‘d be happy“.
Also puking on her story again right now.
No. 746328
File: 1544373112010.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181209-100317.png)

Full farquaad
No. 746358
File: 1544377279131.png (4.02 MB, 750x1334, 0230A2D8-D9F0-4770-8FC9-D73D5C…)

No. 746621
File: 1544407157825.jpg (61.32 KB, 720x540, Trailer park boys_cfad23_57564…)

No. 746629
>>746626Um, where are your parents, arianna? Why are you such a bully? Why are you so mean?
No. 746639
>>746636but we dont care about her struggles.
we arent obligated to support her just because she "has struggles"
we don't have to be extra gentle with people who "struggle"
No. 746690
File: 1544415322695.jpeg (2.02 MB, 2292x4030, F74495CF-6A50-463F-9732-27D5EF…)

Sorry for the shit quality I wanted to cap it before she could take it down.
No. 746704
File: 1544417679896.jpg (946.8 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181209-235258.jpg)

>>746690So Matt drove her up to NY to suck dick? Weird flex but okay
No. 746840
File: 1544455337790.png (505.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181210-102145.png)

Thanks for reading honey
No. 746841
File: 1544455372740.png (544.43 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181210-102205.png)

No. 746842
File: 1544455476176.png (253.34 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181210-102151.png)

Well nobody is. But most people don't shamelessly post their life on the internet and bite the heads off people who show anything less than undying praise. God forbid any idea of yours is challenged
No. 746914
File: 1544466864937.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1574, Screenshot_20181210-133240.png)

A fuckin steak knife?
No. 747164
File: 1544484793274.jpeg (148.74 KB, 750x1334, 159FEC2B-43B0-4854-BFA5-AF6774…)

>>747126No one really cares but here are the caps. Still convinced @ latinamilk is pnp’s “sex I work mom” and was the sw who got her into escorting officially. 1/2
No. 747169
File: 1544485272679.jpg (717.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181210-182959.jpg)

No. 747263
File: 1544494994596.png (2.7 MB, 750x1334, B10E82BF-7F86-435B-99FF-144F6C…)

No. 747285
File: 1544497234638.jpeg (457.14 KB, 750x1073, 60A2921D-8B64-4274-A6C6-A66EAD…)

I really don’t understand how she has the balls to post on Instagram in a jacket that she stole from someone else?
No. 747332
File: 1544505499238.png (834.27 KB, 750x1334, B4998C6A-842B-428A-A8A0-8AA3B1…)

>>746914Wow! I noticed her post wasn’t up anymore so I went to the company’s account out of curiousity and saw this
No. 747348
File: 1544509412936.jpeg (157.9 KB, 745x707, 3981E6BA-2CAA-4495-A158-2FAEC4…)

No. 747368
File: 1544512870001.jpeg (142.39 KB, 750x932, 320B68D3-35EC-4C2F-9189-DD7BC9…)

So what is it?
No. 747464
File: 1544541831819.jpeg (408.16 KB, 750x887, A415CAA9-4669-4A70-9040-52807B…)

No. 747495
File: 1544545237734.png (2 MB, 750x1334, 430E65D6-B968-4308-8A95-B4769E…)

No. 747742
File: 1544574791894.png (2.6 MB, 750x1334, 52D2F9EE-04E6-48C3-803F-3A8899…)

>>747332It isn’t just Ariana having posts deleted due to knives
No. 747762
File: 1544576597940.png (418.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181211-194846.png)

Feel worthless unless you drop a few stacks every few months?
No. 747888
>>747872Can’t benzo withdrawal
trigger seizures and shit?
No. 747895
>>747762You didn’t deserve it u worked hard for it by fingering dirty old man asshole. The way she wastes money is fucking insane for someone that has to stoop to those depths to earn money in the first place. Like buy a mattress and a blanket you actual rat… she probably could’ve gotten dupes for her purchases so she could prioritize, spending this much makes her look dumb as hell not a rich girl like she wishes. Did she grow up spoiled or is legitimately this incompetent
>>747872This. She’s the last person who needs benzos and alcohol fucking up her highly limited mental capacities. Xanax is highly addictive and mixing gives you even greater withdrawal symptoms. I wouldn’t wish this on anybody and agree she will kill herself. She is likely already addicted that’s how much it’s not a joke, and there is no easy way through the withdrawal.
Also her starting to take it to see johns when she probably is getting actually traumatized and used drugs to suppress it is really fucked up. Like bitch you could learn to make websites instead of fingering assholes after you get violently high, or control your shitty brand enough to get sponsorship deals, there are options. She’s so young it’s insulting she doesn’t try another career before defaulting to sex work like women don’t have other options.
All she does is glorify prostitution and her “transformation” to a young audience, because the only people dumb enough to follow her are insecure children who wish they could do the same and may sell themselves for it now too. Coupled with the glorifying Xanax/mixing she is super fucked up. I wish she would stop talking about her destructive fucking life as if it doesn’t affect others in more vulnerable situations. Grow the fuck up you stupid whore.
No. 747897
>>747762You didn’t deserve it u worked hard for it by fingering dirty old man asshole. The way she wastes money is fucking insane for someone that has to stoop to those depths to earn money in the first place. Like buy a mattress and a blanket you actual rat… she probably could’ve gotten dupes for her purchases so she could prioritize, spending this much makes her look dumb as hell not a rich girl like she wishes. Did she grow up spoiled or is legitimately this incompetent
>>747872This. She’s the last person who needs benzos and alcohol fucking up her highly limited mental capacities. Xanax is highly addictive and mixing gives you even greater withdrawal symptoms. I wouldn’t wish this on anybody and agree she will kill herself. She is likely already addicted that’s how much it’s not a joke, and there is no easy way through the withdrawal.
Also her starting to take it to see johns when she probably is getting actually traumatized and used drugs to suppress it is really fucked up. Like bitch you could learn to make websites instead of fingering assholes after you get violently high, or control your shitty brand enough to get sponsorship deals, there are options. She’s so young it’s insulting she doesn’t try another career before defaulting to sex work like women don’t have other options.
All she does is glorify prostitution and her “transformation” to a young audience, because the only people dumb enough to follow her are insecure children who wish they could do the same and may sell themselves for it now too. Coupled with the glorifying Xanax/mixing she is super fucked up. I wish she would stop talking about her destructive fucking life as if it doesn’t affect others in more vulnerable situations. Grow the fuck up you stupid whore.
No. 748074
>>748046Laughing at the fact that when the inevitable happens and she does get addicted, at least when she has to suck dick for drugs it'll be like, business as usual. She's already selling herself for what…makeup? Jesus.
Another funny thing, I'm dog-sitting my parents' dog and you know that thing where they're about to poop and their butthole does this pooching out thing like the turtle head starting to poke out, his butthole legit looked like her mouth.
No. 748136
File: 1544641218811.jpeg (416.22 KB, 750x814, D1B2C575-C147-4750-86B7-9988F3…)

No. 748194
File: 1544646854871.png (724.67 KB, 487x906, 2018-12-12 15_13_07-Stories • …)

>>748192speaking of edgelord
No. 748318
File: 1544661842297.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, 0B671125-167F-4891-B864-775314…)

Tinfoil that she’s planning on moving in w this guy instead of Matt lol
No. 748359
>>748330i see matt leaving her, i agree that matt seems to be the only thing holding her together at this point.
>>748342thats exactly what i was thinking, if she wants to actually make it a job, she needs more than 2 clients. one client is honestly… just a weird relationship. she has no clue what shes doing. hey ariana, if you wanna be a rich bitch, go contact a porn company , thats the best job out there for her
No. 748405
File: 1544675236817.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, 7F182A97-B60E-4F6C-8FFC-3C2D04…)

No. 748436
File: 1544681449609.jpeg (94.13 KB, 750x449, 6E923C6B-7723-4400-A05E-903586…)

>>748405One google search.
No. 748507
>>748318Gonna add finfoil to add to our aluminium pile but everyone remembers the snapchat in which she complains about being in a relationship where she is the breadwinner (she never mentioned matt by name i think just vagued about her relationship dynamic) how she was tired of being the only one dealing with the bills etc, now shes mentioning one of her johns financially supporting her outside of fixed rate bussiness hours.
Matt is getting cucked while she justifies cheating with being a breadwinner and claiming shes honest and communicative lmao.
Cant wait for her to realise being some new tart you get to dip your fingers in doesnt last forever, food has an expiration date and when that happens you have already curved most of your clientele because you thought "whats the point this one john pays me enough to survive(for now)"
No. 748539
File: 1544711085583.png (3.21 MB, 750x1334, 1832C30C-6D0F-4525-999D-3EDBD1…)

No. 748622
File: 1544723051488.png (4.99 MB, 750x1334, E147275C-1B5B-410A-8F24-A80B4F…)

No. 748623
File: 1544723116043.png (Spoiler Image,2.5 MB, 750x1334, 8C3EC97C-DE9B-425B-A825-CB42AB…)

Posted to her story. Idk what she’s referring to
No. 748661
File: 1544725529434.jpeg (188.65 KB, 750x1073, 28F725BA-A7C5-4266-9BCC-1FD3CF…)

>>748623Own a piece of history.
No. 748701
>>748622>>748623Just when you start to sort of forget how disgusting this trailer trash Appalachia bitch really is…
Like how can you look at that sweet dog's face and laugh bc it ate your excrement? Excrement of excrement. Poor doggy.
No. 748709
File: 1544728469743.png (7.28 MB, 1242x2208, E2791902-BB1E-48C1-A0BD-22DA50…)

The fucking crevice under her lips is fucking grosssssss lol
No. 748714
>>748622i got some nitpicks for this bitch,
why didnt she put the pics on her story in month order? its all over the place and looks dumb.
also she got SO MANY sugeries and treatments in a span of one fucking year. not to mention the countless times shes gotten her lips done when your really only supposed to TWICE A YEAR. this bitch got her lips filled i swear more than 5x in one year. AND WHY DOES SHE SIT IN HER BED AND TALK TO HER PHONE LIKE ANYONE CARES. girl you reaaalllyy need to rethink your life, no one NO ONE not even your "fans" want to her you blabber on abt nothing for 20 vids jesus christ
No. 748737
File: 1544730799109.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181213-145040_Ins…)

This looks pretty bad… Not as professional as the price she is charging for her comissions. I also don't know why she has already started the background. What doesn't make any sense is how long she is taking to finish this piece. A good artist focuses on work they're being paid to do and can finish a piece in a peofwssionaland timely manner. She's posting this person's paid commission over and over with hardly any progress to it… what a great, hard working breadwinner
No. 748933
File: 1544757376643.jpg (549.31 KB, 721x893, SmartSelect_20181213-221431_In…)

No. 748934
File: 1544757414426.jpg (71.42 KB, 344x240, SmartSelect_20181213-221442_In…)

>>748933Same anon, lol last one
No. 748936
File: 1544757699301.jpg (1.45 MB, 2560x1920, 18-12-13-22-21-14-300_deco.jpg)

I can't believe she thinks this looks better lol
No. 749007
File: 1544769582620.jpeg (220.95 KB, 750x657, 8349C37B-B6F4-499D-95B1-DDC76E…)

No. 749096
File: 1544793449723.jpg (662.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181214-071537_Ins…)

This girl just made a fool of herself for hours. And then of course had to be on her phone then entire time.
No. 749102
File: 1544794635176.png (3.84 MB, 750x1334, 2A137CA8-AF43-4740-AF4A-75CD7E…)

She can fill her lips all she wants, but in the end they're always gonna look small as fuck when she laughs/talks/.. lol
No. 749154
File: 1544801565498.jpg (189.57 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(72).jpg)

I suppose she's joking but this is still fucked up
No. 749200
File: 1544814028406.png (591.13 KB, 926x597, 2018-12-14 13_28_33-@plasticnp…)

>>749096yep. since this anon gave zero context she was hanging out with aaron all night (that's him rolling the joint)
No. 749456
File: 1544855612867.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181215-012056_Ins…)

Lol someone on here called her out for being a fake fan so she Had to prove us wrong. Sooo transparent
No. 749520
File: 1544883618708.png (1.73 MB, 750x1334, 88201F09-215D-4842-926F-EADF80…)

Lol turns off „lip kit by Kylie Jenner“ one single time…
No. 749523
>>749480I also have it and I only have to wear it at night, much like a retainer for regular braces.
Not sure what you're going on about.
No. 749536
File: 1544887317468.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181215-102013.png)

She openly hates pc sjw types but does she not realize those are the ones actively defending sexwork and being concerned about fosta/sesta?
She just can't handle being called out on anything else…
No. 749564
>>749536Her idea of sugaring (in the beginning at least) was being paid for her company alone. And remember when she wanted to start “camming” and said she’d just sit there in her underwear and smoke…
Jfc if stripping/escorting is so dangerous and hard then get a regular job instead of complaining about it, you have all the time in the world and it would show your “husband” some respect.
No. 749579
File: 1544894697940.jpg (842.39 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181215-122346.jpg)

you won't believe this amazing transformation from human to clown doll
No. 749604
File: 1544900619774.jpg (1.17 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181215-135859_Ins…)

Lol her main insult is ugly because she values appearances so much that she believes the worst thing someone could be is unattractive. Sad
No. 749632
Imagine not accepting yourself as you are. Yikes
>>749597>>749598Kek anon this is cold as ice
No. 749639
>>749579Yeah, comedy/tragedy mask emoji is right. She might have looked a little funny before, but now her face is tragic.
I absolutely hate when she trots out these endless comparisons. She's such a one-note. Girl, get a hobby.
No. 749660
File: 1544910207379.jpeg (1021.88 KB, 1242x1217, E8274DD8-E85E-4BCB-969B-7B76AE…)

Her lip lift makes her look like she had cleft lip LOL she’s fucking hideous
No. 749672
File: 1544912276944.png (2.62 MB, 750x1334, 5C8E091E-BD29-420B-A4F0-F44E3E…)

but posing with knives is totally cool? lol okay
No. 749713
File: 1544920344320.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, FFF82FAE-2B82-42A7-86B8-1D3AC1…)

>>749672Ariana’s life is so pathetic that she really sits around checking up on what people from her high school are doing ??? Isn’t she 24? Why is this something she’d publicly say? Idiot
No. 749803
File: 1544944328867.jpg (262.56 KB, 665x861, 20181215_230251.jpg)

Why is everything she owns disgusting and pilling all over? Like legit what causes that?
This shirt is fucking gross. Someone upthread called her an actual rat and I can't convince myself otherwise kek
>>749579Look how
puffy she is by comparison. She looks like a marshmallow in the pic attached too. Fillers: not more than once
No. 749814
File: 1544951105710.jpg (158.46 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(73).jpg)

I'm so sure
No. 749815
File: 1544951160210.jpg (176.59 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(74).jpg)

Is this sarcasm or gloating?
No. 750074
File: 1545006419287.jpeg (249.54 KB, 750x885, FA0A4AA6-E586-4FA1-9282-7D5D1F…)

No. 750078
File: 1545007535872.jpg (154.37 KB, 750x852, IMG_20181210_195313.jpg)

I saw this on twitter and it reminded me of her
No. 750194
File: 1545053238860.jpeg (113.19 KB, 750x1222, 31AA5C23-ADB2-4BC0-B11B-1CE4DB…)

Bruh that hairy back
No. 750212
File: 1545057524529.jpeg (135.95 KB, 750x890, E82F4878-473E-4C88-9C87-274E5B…)

We stan a defensive queen!
No. 750214
File: 1545057802584.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, 19CD8709-1DC4-477E-B18B-E4A356…)

What is with that cats belly? It’s been like this for months at least, it doesn’t look normal and it keeps licking it excessively
No. 750216
File: 1545057867414.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 22129A92-C82B-40AC-A726-7F6795…)

Yeah Ariana, cause wearing the next tray earlier because you lost the last or because you’re too impatient is exactly the same.
She’s like a literal child.
No. 750228
File: 1545060389790.jpg (222.99 KB, 750x1138, IMG_0879.jpg)

This is horrifying and encourages me not to look at my phone first thing when I wake up (I think she posted this at 6 am) what is this horrifying look?? She tries so hard and not at all at the same time
>>750216How do you lose that???? Where?? Did you leave it on the back of the toilet you were doing shitty coke off of?
No. 750260
File: 1545063916463.png (2.24 MB, 750x1334, 120AE81F-CB9B-47A0-9F45-86C5D6…)

She was on live last night talking about her how surgeon botched her boobs and they’re fixing them because “she had never seen scars so red or so up high and they were slipping into her arm pits”
No. 750270
>>750212 but its just drag lingo that's been appropriated by white girls en masse. i suppose it's appropriate since pnp styles herself like a drag queen
>>750260don't know what look she was going for but this is only mildly worse than her day-to-day fake freckles and typical makeup. also it's always "crackhead mode" for this girl, lbr
No. 750271
>>750268A facelift? Seriously?
Her bdd may be worse than I thought.
No. 750275
>>750260wow she keeps proving she reads this thread religiously
Those are literally farmers' words.
No. 750309
File: 1545071261894.png (2.66 MB, 750x1334, E287CD0B-6945-433A-A2FC-445FBF…)

Is anyone going to mention the literal goblin that appeared in this thread
No. 750343
File: 1545075989315.png (651.19 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181217-102422.png)

She won't stop picking at her lips. She can't stop picking because she's not addressing the root anxiety.
No. 750389
File: 1545084961253.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, C8DB700A-C2C7-4ACE-9579-FF0326…)

Why won’t this girl go to a fucking therapist? Seriously. I don’t understand WHY she refuses to go to a therapist. She has the money and the time. Would be super interested to hear farmers theories on it.
No. 750421
>>750389She can’t handle the truth.
Seriously though, a therapist would would bring up her obsession with plastic surgery is toxic to her BPD and BDD and that she’s hurting her relationship with Matt by insisting she wants to be an escort instead of getting a normal job. She would fly into a rage about therapists judging her and letting people live their own life.
She knows she fucked up. All of this started when she rage quit her job on the spot and now has no references, when she blew 4 grand on an impulsive boob job that left her with hideous scars, that her “platform” was deleted and her reach is now limited. Her relationship with Matt is strained because she’s sticking her fingers in a guys ass for money while he works a 10 hour a day government job to support both of them.
I can’t imagine her reacting well to hearing all this and how she’s such a toxic person and her BPD is getting worse.
No. 750522
File: 1545136969270.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, A802EB71-DDD2-456A-A911-CF7CD3…)

So yeah she went off on her story for hours about how she feels so good because her former bully feels triggered by her putting his pics into her story and how he’s sooo ugly and shit. (Not that he looks any worse than Matt)
Then goes on saying „i feel like i accomplished something today“. Yeah, mainly that you are nowhere better then your bullies we‘re back than but even worse because they were teenagers, you are an adult.
She’s so consequent in her „all positive, no bullying, let everyone live their life“ lifestyle kek
No. 750542
File: 1545140149421.png (2.96 MB, 750x1334, 9ECABA79-2304-4805-8B28-286250…)

Does she even realize that that desciption perfectly fits her as well or..?
No. 750573
File: 1545145794692.jpg (886.03 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181217-204343_Ins…)

>>750561This is an image board.
No. 750579
File: 1545146717165.png (2.31 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181218-092122.png)

Holy fuck upthread someone said her nose looks like poorly sculpted clay and wow yeah this actually freaks me the fuck out. She looks so crusty and just the place where her nose attaches is just beyond fucked.. I will never understand where her false confidence comes from.
No. 750595
File: 1545149059381.jpeg (43.35 KB, 716x332, B7980554-4F60-4EA3-98A0-2AC714…)

All of her high school classmates when they see toucan sam show up in their notifications trying to “flex”
No. 750602
File: 1545150240006.jpg (706.41 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181218-101916_You…)

>>750596Thank you anon for grabbing it!
Ariana is so trashy. I think she's honestly stuck in the metal capacity of a 16 year old.
No. 750612
File: 1545152139786.png (3.31 MB, 750x1334, FA8D9A52-C19F-427A-96E2-0FEC08…)

Regrets from reading this thread obsessively
No. 750613
File: 1545152197863.png (2.8 MB, 750x1334, 116ECE2C-497D-470A-879B-724470…)

Samefag sorry
Look at her fake face on top of her real face
No. 750645
>>749815>>750596It's been like 2 days and she directly contradicts herself. Also the only thing sadder than someone peaking in highschool and gloating is someone having to compare their current self to someone's past just to feel accomplished.
Like that's next level pathetic.
No. 750668
File: 1545160091313.jpg (566.6 KB, 1079x1745, Screenshot_20181218-040737_Ins…)

Jawline for years.
No. 750672
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No. 750696
File: 1545162597480.jpeg (83.36 KB, 547x545, 5EC26D83-FDA2-4122-92E3-8A3313…)

No. 750717
>>750696Nice collage!
Would you mind making one out of all the pics we have of her puking? That would be glorious.
No. 750740
File: 1545168230688.jpeg (153.79 KB, 750x1296, 98E48543-1145-4E4C-B2A2-7B1B6D…)

>>750717These are all I could find but I’m sure there’s been more
No. 750853
File: 1545182258524.jpeg (57.84 KB, 750x384, D2B683E5-F382-4D7F-A5EC-524402…)

Forgot to post but this comment was deleted soon after
No. 750947
File: 1545195019891.jpeg (141.59 KB, 750x1334, 2294C294-508A-490D-8B81-65CB8C…)

Damn Ariana please go outside and talk to people
>>750740Next thread picture please lol
>>750823I wish this was real but it most definitely is not lol
No. 751110
File: 1545232238679.png (231.55 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181219-100855.png)

Her last post is definitely a clear face check, particularly her profile since we pointed it out. Except she'd sticking out her top lip a little (modern duckface) also angled it lower from the camera. She responds so immediately
No. 751115
File: 1545232586837.png (703.64 KB, 856x1024, Screenshot_20181219-101157~2.p…)

Mouth open or not..
She truncated her nose and upper lip that it threw her profile off so much. It is reminiscent of how faces start to sink inwards due to old age
No. 751167
File: 1545240843830.jpeg (221.53 KB, 750x1207, D4B908E3-E3B9-40A6-8B87-44866B…)

Funny how awhile back she was hating on people doing portraits of her when when she had her big following but now she's acting all sweet about it
No. 751194
File: 1545245400798.jpg (846.02 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181219-104539_Ins…)

>>751124Oh god, there's no unseeing this. I think the only thing she's ever slightly good at is taking misleading pictures. And then she goes live and holy shit, a trainwreck. Kek
She "edited" a picture of herself for an ad, and I find it really amusing she didn't change the background or at least blur out her disgusting room, didn't smooth her flyaways, or manly arm hair. But she made her eyes bigger, fixed her lips/nose, and changed her lipstick color.
No. 751207
File: 1545247288907.jpg (3.25 MB, 3413x1920, inCollage_20181219_111511052.j…)

>goes out to drink and vomits every time on purpose
>outs her insecurities about her childhood bully
>he messages her the same insults that broke her years ago
>she immediately goes into how she's just so hot that people pay her to finger their assholes
How can she be so transparent? This is embarrassing. It would be better to talk to friends about this embarrassing petty bullshit but she doesn't have any that actually care.
Look at her dumb smug face. She just proved she really is goblin-like and not just aesthetically lmao
No. 751255
File: 1545256006296.png (397.56 KB, 750x1334, 605C2907-5656-409A-938E-BBBA38…)

No. 751256
File: 1545256043238.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, 5A3FA4C4-758A-4A98-A3BB-FFD53F…)

>>751255And then Ariana was proven to be a fucking idiot for the millionth time lol
No. 751293
>>751255she is so fucking obessed with people who dont approve of sex work and its so confusing. doesnt she not "give a fuck about anyones opinion" ????
Ariana you arent even a sex worker, you dont do anything but sit in bed or binge drink IM SO CONFUSED why she sticks this title to herself?
GIRL you dont work at all
No. 751372
File: 1545271386518.jpeg (23.19 KB, 236x359, 42176891-40A4-44DA-AF70-A2B49F…)

she always looked like mick karn of the band japan before her surgeries imo
No. 751470
File: 1545281059811.png (2.75 MB, 750x1334, B1F6F4BA-7889-4D69-92EB-104173…)

Real nice ari get blood on one of your 2 outfits
No. 751481
File: 1545282987976.jpeg (121.56 KB, 705x889, 1D71A7D1-F564-46F1-96BB-E49D36…)

You guys think these are related?
No. 751484
File: 1545284033317.jpeg (500.26 KB, 1115x1547, 83C91BBA-CA9C-4E03-9C1F-AB2D55…)

She’s ready for summer and her annual wash.
No. 751489
File: 1545284805942.png (2.68 MB, 750x1334, 40953024-B29E-4AB9-804A-A7ED55…)

She read this and had to prove us wrong.
No. 751520
File: 1545293152089.jpeg (223.09 KB, 750x1068, 2225CA78-783D-44F1-A393-8E1694…)

The thing is we know she’s serious about that
No. 751704
>>751693I think it’s safe to assume this is about Matt. How does she not realize that she can prevent all of this by getting a normal job? Clearly she doesn’t give a fuck about him if she’d rather hurt his feelings & continue to fuck strangers for money rather than…getting a different job…
At the very least she could enroll in school/training so she could eventually get out of sex work but she’s obviously too lazy & would rather remain a prostitute well into adulthood
No. 751759
>>751693crying “Making decisions that aren’t the easiest….I’m gonna get sushiii”
I’m sorry that just gave me a little cackle. What an idiot. She could improve her life so much if she wanted to, she’s just so lazy. She has the opportunity to do so too, she doesn’t have much responsibility keeping her from doing anything BESIDES her idiot self.
No. 751820
File: 1545353037507.jpeg (147.32 KB, 727x1055, 129508C4-15A8-4FE3-8338-488034…)

Hasn’t posted to her story at all or snap today but posted this two hours ago
No. 751823
File: 1545353538030.png (994.05 KB, 1080x1519, Screenshot_20181220-194837.png)

No. 751831
File: 1545354959393.jpeg (7.3 MB, 6000x4000, CC5C92CD-76D2-41BB-95E8-27A626…)

Snap cap
No. 751911
File: 1545366723540.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1242x2037, 3CCAFEC2-5CF3-48EF-8306-25D4B6…)

well there’s no way you can make your hot dog lips look any worse, keep picking.
No. 751959
File: 1545376850095.jpg (588.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181221-020929_Ins…)

Saw her name on another sw's story. Muttered to myself "what the fuck"
Anyway why would anyone want to join her club. What would that be like.. sad girls.
No. 752198
File: 1545424729323.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x2220, 20181221_14234136.jpg)

Imagine this girl having a child… I think the most responsible thing she's done in her life was having an abortion. (Even though we all know it was so she could keep going around fucking old dudes.)
If she's pissed her parents aren't apart of her life, she should probably take that as a blessing. Can't imagine what they're like.
No. 752207
File: 1545425565787.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, F94CFEE9-F995-4912-96DD-689BEE…)

Looks like she’s at plastics pa again
No. 752222
File: 1545427303508.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.38 MB, 3413x1920, inCollage_20181217_091850188.j…)

>>751911>>751470Jfc can we pls spoiler this disgusting shit?
>>751933>horrorcow No. 752272
File: 1545432048621.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, A7FD4951-6DE7-4B8F-88A6-68B795…)

No. 752375
File: 1545447154509.jpeg (211.26 KB, 1429x1511, 66447016-25B1-4BCD-B47D-BCE7AD…)

Guys… like could she be any more checked out of her relationship?
No. 752385
File: 1545447960846.png (1.8 MB, 750x1334, 3E650F87-F7A3-4D9F-9C2E-8D6089…)

>>752375You think she’ll start selling shots now?
No. 752397
File: 1545448965928.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1242x2023, FF0D5A9D-0EE4-4544-B01E-45B8E5…)

No. 752415
File: 1545450910138.png (2.63 MB, 750x1334, 7331CE6F-8199-463E-AC91-4376B9…)

>>752397She reposted without a price and new censor stickers
No. 752472
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No. 752523
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No. 752680
>>752523OMG, what is she doing with her poor dog? Is she messing with it in some way? I don't think this has been mentioned here yet? Her babbling about laser pointers suggests she's messing with her animals while recording it or something. What's going on?
Also, I don't understand what she means by those guilt/fear comments, but fearful dogs definitely DO roll over on their backs.
No. 752687
File: 1545507915290.png (3.09 MB, 750x1334, FD004F78-6326-4527-AD48-1386AD…)

I know there’s no way she was raised to understand shame but sometimes it still baffles me
No. 752733
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No. 752735
File: 1545513583608.jpeg (670.07 KB, 1416x2533, 7C459756-999C-4882-8F35-19AD3F…)

Nothing else milky on her snap
No. 752828
File: 1545531336721.jpeg (141.6 KB, 1024x741, 38F5D63B-A539-4387-9B3D-D983A6…)

>>752687Did Ariana sign a modeling contract with National Geographic? So proud of her!
No. 752846
File: 1545533022278.jpg (643.56 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181222-204136_Ins…)

>>752733Also, the person who gave her this tattoo wiping a fresh open wound with their bare hands is fuxking disgusting and adds to the fire. That's so gross.
No. 752891
File: 1545536955050.jpeg (400.44 KB, 750x1127, 406F057B-D23E-4526-99CB-C3F9F5…)

Pretty sure this is against Instagrams TOS
No. 753000
File: 1545568015200.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1228x1878, F44B3FC3-1C53-446A-9303-CC2CD2…)

Oh sweetie, you’re the only broke botched bitch here. But whatever you need to tell yourself
No. 753001
>>752680She was playing with it with a Laserpointer, letting the dog chase the point and smth like that.
I don’t know if or how bad that it though. The dog didn’t seem stressed to me but I don’t know anything about dogs.
>>753000Lol says the one that’s all like „i hate when people (only) care about looks, let everyone live their life…“
No. 753002
File: 1545569450231.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, CD80B48F-78E8-4333-8D17-FC6599…)

Kek, maybe your heart burns because you mix coke with psych meds and drink until you puke every night but go on, blame the chips.
No. 753003
File: 1545569830202.jpeg (122.07 KB, 750x1163, F5BA98CA-DB98-45E4-A0BF-C1D997…)

Stop the cow tipping guys, it’s more than obvious this is a farmer.
No. 753012
>>753000I get she wants to be koy but bitch is wearing a full face of makeup in the tub.
Like who are you fooling with the soap bubbles, your face is grimy as shit letting humidity melt that makeup into your pores and crusty nose incisions.
How do your lips look
dry in a full on bubble bath? Be careful theres a lock of hair touching the water, we dont wanna ruin your grease streak "
No. 753044
>>753019Umm… we would’ve had 100 post left.
Well, thank you though for making a new thread.
No. 753396
>>751959Sry I'm late but I hate that fugly ana Chan bitch
when cows collide sage for /ot/ I just saw @humanperformances in the IG thot thread and she really bothers me