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No. 1018588
SUMMARY: PlasticandProud / ScorpioAssHeaux/ Ariana McMillan is a 25 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, and full service sex worker based in Philly.
>Insufferable narcissist and obligatory BPDfag, “Doesn’t care wat u think” but will have a defensive spergout and be mad for hours over the slightest rustle of jimmies>Has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky; constantly talks about needing more surgery to feel better about herself.>Posts before and after pics of her surgery nonstop, unable to see her own obvious physical decline and downward spiral despite spend hours staring at own face.>Obsessed with fillers. Is trying to dissolve them so she can have a facial fat-transfer despite her face looking a catcher’s mitt and recently begged a plastic surgeon to just “take her money” when he declined to do the procedure>Has a history of animal abuse noted below, but most recent animal milk is: deciding to spend money she was going to use on her dog’s much needed hip surgery for more plastic surgery, and buying a cat that was weened too early and abusing it any time it doesn’t behave how she would like it to. Calls it a “demon” and constantly sprays it with a water bottle instead of train it. Last Thread:
>>>/snow/1005574First Thread:
>>>/snow/638649PREVIOUS THREADS:
>>>/snow/673730>>>/snow/686753>>>/snow/706068>>>/snow/730033>>>/snow/753018>>>/snow/778634>>>/snow/852217>>>/snow/852243>>>/snow/871373>>>/snow/884425>>>/snow/924837>>>/snow/983802>>>/snow/970102>>>/snow/955801MILK FROM LAST THREAD:
>PnP continues to learn her “life’s passion” of taxidermy by buying feeder rats from Petco and mounting them with very little success >>1006439 At one point wears a rat fetus around her neck >>1005896>Doxxes herself by posting a picture of her dog’s tag to her IG >>1006036>Decides that weed is the reason she is lazy and “fat” and makes a stand against being paid for sex with weed >>1008618 Spend a few days tweeting how much better her life is without smoking weed and how productive she is. We later find out she was eating edibles the whole time >>1014914>Has spend the last month bragging about how her grandpa is going buy her a house and that she’s going to move out alone. Realizes how hard it is to be approved, goes silent, and suddenly her and DootMatt are moving into a new apartment instead >>1015870>Decides on a whim to bleach her dyed black hair, and bleach her brows >>1015060 Says her black hair made her feel too “normy”>Her boyfriend DoorMatt continues his physical downward spiral, looking like a homeless drug addict, as Ari continues to put his government job on the line by posting about how Matt take pictures inside people’s home and goes into the back to find her mail, while on the job >>1006021>Continues to post IG Stories of her being questionably rough with the cat she claims she hates >>1005801>After sperging about its okay for her to meet clients for full service Service Sex Work during Corona Virus because “some people need to work”, her 98 year old grandma contracts covid-19 >>1015436 , spends more time worrying about how this will affect her Grandfather who spoils her with weed and a yearly trip.>After “saving up for a year”, Ari is shocked that the plastic surgeon she wants says no to her. Questions why he wont just “take her money”. After crying on Twitter about it, we later find out she went back and begged him and he finally agreed to do facial fat grafting. >>1017072 >>1017453STALE MILK:
(Everything below is a mess and needs to be worked on by a kind anon with time on their hands. Shits all over the place)
>still living in filth, looking dirtier and more like crackhead each passing day; spends her time immersed in her delusions mich like the old lady from “Requiem for a Dream”; stares at herself for hours on end while sitting in a camping chair beside an overflowing dresser in her living room>during BLM protests, Ariana makes insensitive post on twitter about masturbating and is called out by multiple accounts from POC, she laughs it off instead of empathetically apologizing>pretends she is thriving as a sex worker, but receives little to no interaction on Onlyfans; periodically posts sad updates on OF begging her followers for tips >regularly aggressively pushes, slaps, and taunts her cat, Tarte; claims they are “playing”>constantly talks about how much debt she has, when she will pay it off, her credit score, and what she plans to spend her money on; the future purchases include: fat grafts, nose job, new house>contradicts herself daily; calls people out for doing/saying things, then she does/says the same thing a few days later>buys a cheap glue-on nail kit, does her nails once which takes 5 hours, posts over 20 videos and pictures of her nails on every platform(??) and then says she wants to start charging people to do theirs; a few days later, nails are ripped off and she never mentions it again>Matt displays more and more crackhead behavior; putting her dirty foot in his mouth, nodding in and out of consciousness while sitting up, filming into peoples homes while delivering mail; noticeable weightloss>Ari orders taxidermy supplies; buys rats from the pet store and cuts up rats on Instagram live, no gloves; posts dead animals all over her sexwork twitter amongst pictures of her spread vagina; makes horrible cylindrical creations; thinks shes getting better, but they all look unnatural and amateur; posts her creations on reddit receiving little to no engagement>claims that she plans to smoke weed when pregnant; shes not even asked or prompted, she just screams this into the void for no reason>keeps mentioning her eating disorder and blaming her one client who only likes skinny girls; plans to “be skinny again”>gets a chemical peel; won’t shut up about it for days leading up and days after; peels this skin off herself even though she knows you’re not supposed to>attempts to recreate “viral” mushroom piece; it gets minimal attention>claims that a brand she used to work with (dollskill) has reached out to her and she wants to do it but they are problematic; she insinuates that she will do it after getting asspats from followers, then receives hate and doesn’t understand why; argues with the people in a cringey twitter beef about her ethics; thinks its funny that shes “cancelled”>goes to visit family, immediately takes pictures of her vagina in the family bathroom; posts several candid videos where she looks like a facially bloated monster; mentions that her millionaire grandpa owns a house in the Caribbean where she can go whenever she wants, yet hasn’t>SHOE SPERG!! Ariana mentions that she must choose between selling her taxidermy rat, or buying shoes; she posts said shoes, and they retail about $200; Ariana admits that she is looking at them in used condition on depop and they are $80; Ariana proceeds to humiliatingly beg her followers on all platforms to buy her the shoes, even offering hundreds of pornographic pics and videos in return; no one buys them, she buys them herself and tells her followers that they are all fake; Ariana then posts various pictures of herself wearing the beaten up goodwill-tier shoes and refers to them as her “Marc Jacobs” because she has never owned a designer thing in her life; this whole sad encounter shows how little she is financially thriving>Ariana begins to more aggressively facetune every photo she posts, as her real face continually becomes more masculine and wrinkled from her fillers migrating and dissolving, and her nose is wider than she would like. None of her photos now resemble her whatsoever, and are jarring compared to screenshots from her Instagram lives; she claims “makeup and angles” as usual>Ariana begins wearing her engagement ring again, no mention of it; anons hypothesize that it is because her ex is getting married in a few months>announces that she is getting a new nose job and she is flying to dallas in august for a consultation>announces that she has a new business opportunity, and has a meeting this week to discuss>announces that this is the best year of her narcissistic life (despite the thousands of daily deaths due to a global pandemic, the people being murdered by cops every day; the political and social unrest; the unemployment rates skyrocketing; breonna taylor’s killers still walking free, etc.)Early 2020 Milk
> Continues to produce shit-tier quality "porn" where she uses her cuck-boyfriend as prop. Doesn't let him use a stage name or share in the profits> Continues to starve herself to meets the needs of her only SW client she has in New York.> Continues to give out medical advice about "conquering psoriasis" despite the fact she never went to a doctor when she had a full body rash. > Went on Tropical vacation with Grandpa and Grandma. Originally was going to bring her cuck boyfriend but last minute he was uninvited>Anons suspect it was because they spent their entire vacation on a tiny old boat and there wouldn't be room for him> Others speculate this was their Grandparents attempt to separate them> Arianna spends entire trip complaining / bragging that the "natives" are obsessed with her because she is white and has tattoos> Eventually complains her Grandpa is encouraging the locals to sexually harass her> Spends rest of the trip complaining about her grandpa> Arianna remember her Grandpa is paying for a community college taxidermy course so she can't express how she's feeling> Post several horror cow photo of her spread asshole and pussy on her twitter where her father and brother have access>Talks shit about Dollskill, gets blocked, immediately tries to save face by posting pics of herself modeling for them>Wants to become a suicide girl, says they ‘reached out to her’, anons confirmed this is not how the process happens>Got a “normie job” in retail, unconfirmed where>Promised a “double creampie” in a threesome with two other guys (possible matt and her only client or matt and aaron), still has not happened yet>”psoriasis” flaring up>Skinwalks cotted>Brings up old beef with other philly sw (possibly almondmilkhunni), latinamilk is no longer following pnp either>Moves into studio apartment where the train goes by literally every 5 minutes, thriving>Dyes her hair blonde and hates it immediately>Does molly on live while looking like a toothless grandma2019 milk:
>Pnp and DoorMatt go to Dominica as “just friends”, posts pictures of them making out with her anus lips and doormatt’s plaque
>posts pic of her face down in the sand with some random local next to her, later posts ig stories about how she was raped by him and sells her Snapchat with the intention of telling people about it
>says doormatt was responsible for not babysitting her, breaks up with him, says she’ll never see him again as she slobbers and cries on snap
>literally gets back together with him two days later
>continues being an escort before getting tested, gets tested a month later for HIV and is “clean as a whistle”, doesn’t get retested afterwards at any point
>ig gets deleted, moves to twitter to promote her “sex work” which includes low quality videos of her and her prolapsed lips attempting to be sexy with premade and custom videos
>a mysterious rash appears
>calls doctor, tells her to get off lamicital, pnp refuses and looks up pictures of psoriasis, convinced that she has it. Begs for money to go to the doctor since she makes no money as an escort and doesn’t have insurance
>texts a picture of the rash to the bitch who does her lip injections, who sends it to a dermatologist, and “”confirms”” it’s psoriasis. Pnp never sees a doctor about a formal diagnosis or another test for HIV/other std’s
>uses psoriasis as her identity because bpdfag
>continues to fuck Matt and her clients/other sex workers (one pisses on her while she rides the face of a dirty old man) with open sore rash covering her entire body, concentrated around her pubes
>only has one client currently that puts up with her pus pockets, has to rent out living room to her friend to make rent
>friend moves in to living room and pnp texts her that she needs to move into their shit stained decrepit basement and keep their animals in the basement at all times, friend only needed to stay for 3 months, friend blasts her on ig then removes it to avoid pnp having a sperg out
>adds a snake and a kitten to her animal horde consisting of her roommate’s two cats and her cat and dog, has admitted she doesn’t walk the dog when she’s depressed (always) when she can’t afford 600 dollars in rent and begs online for a literal dollar
>Ariana’s rash disappears and never mentions her lifelong psoriasis diagnosis ever again
> cuts open a chipmunk and stuffs it, admits she has dead animals in her freezer for years.
>Starts using her escort page again, takes pics of her looking like a MTF
>Only has two clients, admits she “hates working” on snapchat
>Faked eating her friend out when a client paid for her to go down on them
>Is moving with just matt and no roommates, will somehow make rent
> is currently at her family reunion in vermot posting baby pictures and pictures of her grandma next to videos of her slapping her tits and shoving dildos in her ass for sushi money
>Ariana’s IG is back, she posts her sw shit there and loses followers instantly. Does cringe things like tag companies that used to work with her to get them to notice her, however no one does
>Snapchat gets banned, makes private ig account instead, barely updates it like the snap>Ariana makes an onlyfans that produces horrifyingly bad porn that she makes in her living room while her roommate is home, sells it for 7 bucks>Bleaches her hair after dying it black, dyes it red, intends on going blonde in a bpd episode>Barely “works”>Posts a caption about how her lip injector who she thought was a “friend” used her, most likely cutting Ariana off from free injections in exchange for ig promotion now that pnp is losing followers and posts dirty grimy “sex work” pictures>Pnp outs her lip injector after no longer receiving free/discounted injections for bringing business in, because Ariana can’t keep a decent image online to save her life
>Rash is Back >No word on “normie job”, Ariana continues to stay home all day on ig>Does a shoot for Spencers, looks ridiculous and is mocked, spergs out on twitter >Says she would give her psoriasis to a fucking BABY >>891310>Confirms she got her boobs half off from theplasticspa, talks shit about them >Isn’t posting new content on onlyfans, her only source of income>In two back to back tweets claims she’s thriving, the other saying she can’t afford her fillers currently >>895883>Manically dyes her fried blonde hair pink less than a month after getting it done>Is already planning getting 12k worth of surgeries when she can’t even afford a 200 dollar doctor visit for her rash>Rash is still there>Accidentally dyes her hair pink…because she thought she was toning it>Sperging about “psoriasis” and how her diet of eating celery juice and sardine helps>IT IS REVEALED ARIANA’S “MILLIONAIRE GRANDPA” RUNS A FUCKING TRAILER PARK>Wants to move to vermont to “finish taxidermy school” that she never started, that she thinks will be close by to her family. No comment on where DoorMatt fits into this>Makes gross porn with Doormatt, his ~huge weiner is revealed to be average>Wears 5 dollar shein lingerie for porn after dying hair purple to “tone” it>Bleaches her straw mess again>Changes IG name to psoriasisbutmakeitsexy
>Anons dig up (previously unearthed) dirt regarding her neglect of her pet gecko >>914567, and cornering a hamster with a spray bottle >>916322>Is talking about driving 2 hours one way to Taxidermy School she’s paying 10k upfront for, 7 days a week, when she can’t even keep a consistent OF upload schedule >Gets her fillers dissolved after sperging about how she has NO FILLERS LEFT!!, gets them refilled a week later by a possibly worse injector, lips look like literal sausages >Pewdiepie posts a cap of her lips from a botched plastic surgery reddit for a quick ten seconds on his stream, does not mention her name or knows who she is, Ariana proceeds to sperg out about it and cry online bullying>Posts outrageous photoshopped pictures, claims she doesn’t shoop, gets posted on photoshop reddit>Bitches at other SW on twitter
>Ariana remains unaware of covid, thinks her taxidermy school is still on>spends hundreds of dollars on a taxidermied deer>makes embarissingly bad incest roleplay porn with matt>gets her ig deletedSOCIAL MEDIA:
Instagram: ScorpioAssHeaux
Twitter: ScorpioAssHeaux
Reddit Account: Airkilla321
Tumblr: [Deleted/Abandoned]
Instagram: PlasticandProud, Plasticnproud, ScorpioAssHoe, PsoriasisandProud, VersatileHeaux, VersatileHeauxArt
Twitter: PlasticandProud, VersatleHeaux, PsoriasisandProud
Tumblr: ScorpioAssHoe
No. 1018604
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Those lashes..
No. 1018646
>>1018620"I am crying every other day because my grandparents contracted covid-19"
"Also - you won't BELIEVE what my pussy can do :P "
Just make a damn personal account.
No. 1018649
File: 1596753751773.jpg (98.62 KB, 1026x675, thriving.JPG)

all that "debt building" just so you could get rejected when you finally wanted a house. thriving.
No. 1018751
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heres another one for the “why do i get no interaction sad face” files
No. 1018812
>>1018796…then use a screenshot that she actually tweeted if there's so many. The purpose of these threads are to document cringey shit that
the cows are doing and saying, not other people who say similar things.
No. 1018990
everytime shes not milky the anons in the thread infight like this. just keep the thread and post milk.
No. 1019010
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>>1019008these anons salty as hell their girl ari aint getting the absolute best kek
attached pic is PnP being clueless about sex work again
No. 1019012
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she’s insufferable. a month ago she’s posting how she wouldn’t sell these until she feels confident with her work
>>1005311 yet attached is a picture from her etsy where she’s trying to sell her practice taxidermy for nearly $100 a pop. Wonder why they ain’t selling?
No. 1019017
>>1019014uh well you see anon, its MEDIUM. lol.
love that she took down that original IG post from her shop insta where she admits the first rat has “major slippage”. if you scroll down you can see other sellers pricing $80-100 for full dressed and staged taxidermy rats.
No. 1019019
>>1018992>>1019008>>1019010Okay, if there's people that don't want a new thread I won't waste my time. Next time, how about we don't rush to make shitty threads when we have 100 posts left in the old one.
>>1019012>>1019014>>1019010>>1019017Prime examples of why this thread sucks. These all have been posted and discussed. The rats have been discussed at length in the previous thread.
No. 1019196
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So she wants kids, plural….the thought of her bringing multiple human beings into the world is terrifying
No. 1019244
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Looks like this is the end result of this slab kek
No. 1019285
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Just repeat the same nonsensical things on multiple platforms because you're an Unoriginal Assheaux
No. 1019290
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Matt should really get into sex work and taking clients just to spite this self-centered cunt. And her obsessive use of the word normie makes her look and sound like even more of a basic bitch than she already is.
No. 1019354
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Hilarious that she's this desperate over some guy when SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND and the jealousy level of a teenager
No. 1019356
>posts constantly about intimate details of her lifeFollower:
>asks questionAriana:
>nUnYa BuSiNeSs LmAo No. 1019368
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…its not free if they're paying a monthly subscription.
Also, her disgusting description paired with her zero likes is so sad lmao
No. 1019385
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>>1019354She hid the reply lmfao
No. 1019389
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>>1019354>>1019385She was this rude to someone that has otherwise been kind to her. This bitch just gets more and more insufferable.
No. 1019390
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>>1019389Same day but wait, there’s more. This girl compliments her multiple times and even goes as far to try to support her pitiful porn and Ariana snaps at her and hides her reply like she doesn’t post every minuscule detail of her life for the world to pick apart
No. 1019403
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Her transformation into the old lady from Requiem for a Dream is almost complete
No. 1019415
>>1019385has anyone concluded that Matt may actually have a major cuck fetish or humiliation fetish?
or is ariana so sociopathic and narcissistic that she doesn't consider openly flirting and placing attachment/emotions on another person cheating? if that's the case, i'd love to see a farmer from philly find matt and flirt with him. chances are he'd be down, i'm sure he'd love to be with an actually attractive non mtf.
No. 1019431
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>>1019385kek her followers are such idiots
No. 1019543
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don't waste her precious time kek
No. 1019575
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2 years ago she was saying the same shit except her life is much worse now
No. 1019593
>>1019244there's not a single crystal in this that doesn't look wonky as fuck
>>1019268I bet she's been banking on a big inheritance her entire life and that's why she's ok with blowing thousands on plastic surgery
No. 1019598
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No. 1019600
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No. 1019609
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Their combined stench must be horrific.
No. 1019610
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>>1019609And it continues.
I like that this love bombing comes right after she posts about her "crush" ghosting her. Good old reliable DoorMatt when there's nothing better in her life.
No. 1019620
>>1019615The old threads had an anon that went to school with her and Areola had even accused her ex Tim of raping her at one point, telling that lie to anyone that would listen in their group of friends when they broke up, then still begged Tim to stay friends with her. Even the anon said it seemed weird she was telling everyone he was mentally and physically
abusive and raped her, but now admits she was the one
abusive to him. This is like the boy who cried wolf… the lying assheaux that cried rape.
No. 1019623
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>>1019615She posted this a couple of days after putting Matt on blast
No. 1019632
File: 1596868484940.jpg (208.55 KB, 858x850, Screenshot_20200807-233346_Sam…)

Repost because this bitch is still a broken record
No. 1019635
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repost because this cretin still lacks self awareness
No. 1019644
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>>1019635ot but damn bitch turn your brightness up
No. 1019839
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Apparently the floating snake piece looks better irl because it has glitter on it.
No. 1019855
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>make you awe in person
No. 1019891
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He probably googled her name after their first meeting because she seemed so weird and found these threads kek
No. 1019906
File: 1596917635049.jpeg (158.53 KB, 1242x321, 30F8678D-D309-4CF2-8977-AAE2FE…)

>>1018588~I nEver Eat DAiry~
No. 1019930
File: 1596921303418.jpg (145.64 KB, 810x1338, 20200808_141327.jpg)

>>1019891The bitterness… all the surgeries in the world still can't make you pretty, interesting, or give you sex appeal. Thriving so hard that an old man turned her down for sex and ghosted her.
No. 1019932
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She's killing everyone in her house slowly.
No. 1019935
File: 1596921691486.jpg (228.68 KB, 810x1688, 20200808_141701.jpg)

>>1019891The comments… she's NEVER been ghosted. Right. She's just been stood up, dumped, locked up in a psychic ward, canceled on, etc. I actually would almost consider Ghostmane to have ghosted her, before I realized she exaggerated their 2 message interaction. This is the most low quality tier pussy.
No. 1019956
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>I ate so much my belly hurts teehee!! !
>immediately feels self conscious about eating too much
> and I don't even feel guilty!! here's all my excuses for overeating in a healthy way!!!
The way she makes a statement and then replies to her own statement is so bizarre and psychotic.
No. 1019962
First off, bananas and peaches should remain seperate from other foods. If you wanna eat like a pig, eat the slop. The veggies and fruits are for normal people in a 3 hour timeframe.
Mac and Cheese will cause stinky girl farts, smoothie worse, and cereal? At this time of day? Really?
I'm autistic about diets, this bitch's gonna be Nikocado Version V
(nitpick) No. 1019964
>>1019963This bitch literally mixed Mac N Cheese and Smoothies with them.
I use my own categories: "Healthy" (the fruit), "Best in small doses" (the cereal mixed with fruit, ideally Cheerios or better), and "Just fuckin' unhealthy" (Mac N Cheese and Smoothies).
I know healthy smoothies exist, I'm just saying I eat my fruits and veggies more. Smoothies tend have a fuckton of sugar and empty calories, don't they?
No. 1019990
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No. 1019991
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No. 1019992
>>1019991How does she not understand that this is cause for termination?? You cannot wear a government supplied postal uniform while doing
any unfavorable activities. You can't even be caught drinking after work wearing one. He's literally representing USPS when he wears it, and its all clearly written in his new hire paperwork that he signed when he got the job. I swear if Matt is
this dumb, I'm done with these threads lmao. These people make my head hurt.
No. 1020009
>>1019992Because she has so much brainrot from over sexualizing everything she does like Shay its actually detrimental to her mental health.
Ari doesn't realize most normal humans don't get turned on by the idea of a government employee making a porno in the uniform he has to wear to work the next day. She surrounds herself with gross dysfunctional men who pay her to exploit every part of her life and body. I would be more shocked if she did understand how weird it is to do that. She seems to be hellbent on screwing around with Matt's head for the rest of her life though so getting him fired so he could focus more on her/porn with her seems not too far fetched.
No. 1020020
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Well she writes at about a 7th grade level, so she might as well read books that are a 7th grade level too
No. 1020059
File: 1596938753495.jpeg (Spoiler Image,224.21 KB, 750x780, 568BC302-7D9B-4078-9180-C87036…)

Her new “sex work” art looks like a trip to the gyno, POV the OBGYN.
No. 1020060
File: 1596938777990.jpeg (Spoiler Image,200.16 KB, 750x754, F2D47B82-DDB1-4094-9F7B-7B2FA8…)

2nd video posted of her sex work art
No. 1020072
>>1020062Agreed. She has never had an original idea enter her head. Please sage btw, no reason to bump the thread without milk.
>>1020059I thought that too. It looks more medical and less artsy/sexy from this angle. The glitter jizz looks like some kind of discharge
No. 1020092
>>1019290"can't wait to never hear the EL or dirt bikes ever again" bitch just shut up already. you chose to live in the worst part of philly yet have the nerve to complain about it. maybe perhaps if you were truly
thriving you'd live in a better, quieter section of the city/suburbs idk??
>>1019575did i miss the part when she graduated?
No. 1020263
File: 1596969127176.jpg (808.84 KB, 1079x1762, Screenshot_20200809-033033_Sam…)

the price keeps going down from the original $325 price tag because even her teenage followers are struggling to justify the price tag for such a bad drawing.
No. 1020272
File: 1596971283982.jpg (Spoiler Image,492.66 KB, 1079x1470, Screenshot_20200809-040645_Sam…)

>>1020059I typed in "drawing spread vagina" and the first result looks similar to Ariana's
No. 1020275
>>1020273I think that they meant it looks similar to Ari’s painting
>>1020059In which case it’s not exactly a reach
No. 1020285
File: 1596975503719.jpeg (86.98 KB, 570x626, BE965368-F4C4-413D-8B47-4BBE6B…)

But like Ari….. why is it just splayed our like that??? At least the other artist made it somewhat visually appealing and cohesive by actually drawing it being spread and not just all unfurled like a dilophosaurus
No. 1020327
File: 1596982537921.jpg (101.87 KB, 566x676, Screenshot_20200809-151311__01…)

Price lowered again.. still a complete and utter fucking rip-off.
No. 1020374
File: 1596990473092.jpeg (Spoiler Image,492.8 KB, 750x1077, 2D11347A-8035-4AE0-95C0-5DD3A8…)

>>1020059idk if I’m nitpicking but this gives me the feeling that she’s copying exotic.cancer on IG.
She’s a stripper that makes purposefully revolting artwork and seems to be successful with it. Seems like the type of thing ari would die to emulate.
No. 1020409
>>1020059I don’t understand what is supposed to be at the edges of this one. Arms? Legs? A view from the bottom of hands being pushed into hips? I can’t figure it out. I feel like this kind of image works better on the round wood planks than her normal work but her composition is still just….so shoddy. I think the fact that this is more simple and less overdone makes it look better than her other pieces, however, the vagina looks like it’s on an operating table, spread with pins like another anon said, waiting to be botched to look more like a “porn” pussy. I can’t.
>>1020285This gave me a good laugh anon because it’s so accurate
No. 1020412
>>1020059It honestly makes me a little nauseous, even though I’m a pussy haver, idk who wants to gaze into someone’s spread genitals. The added stubble made me LOL, I honestly think this drawing was based of her body (bc she’s a narcissist and loves her body type most).
>>1020409 I didn’t know what those things were either, but I think it might be the legs in the corners spread open. Not sure though.
Wish she would’ve introduced like a complimentary color somewhere, it’s just a little boring with the flesh tone everywhere. But I doubt she understands color theory or could mix her own colors . She probably just uses colors right out of the tube and calls it day.
No. 1020427
File: 1597002606987.jpg (Spoiler Image,225.78 KB, 810x1717, 20200809_124742.jpg)

Ripping off other people's art in a second-rate, less-talented way when you don't do anything with your day besides think of how you can "improve" aka further botch your rapidly deteriorating looks… how productive.
And as usual, it's shinier/less-shitty irl apparently.(spoiler shit like this)
No. 1020441
>>1020438She should really follow her own advice, but you know she never will see
>>1019635Don't worry Ariana, you know also once ___ happens (i.e., moving, camming, getting more surgeries, getting a background, getting a ring light, starting a YouTube makeup channel, etc), everything will be better!
Remember right before she saw her client that ghosted her, she was saying she scored the "opportunity of a lifetime" and how sHoOk she was about her great fortune, but she wasn't going to sAy aNytHiNg yet. She really deserves all the misfortune in her life
No. 1020445
File: 1597004836992.jpg (145.44 KB, 1079x403, Screenshot_20200809-132515_Sam…)

"I feel so successful that no one is buying my horrific art and taxidermy because I'm bUiLdInG aN inVenToRy."
Her self loathing is so evident from the ridiculous lies she has to tell herself to get through the day
No. 1020466
File: 1597007589849.jpeg (72.11 KB, 810x428, 3A8B50BA-152A-4331-BE6F-8CCAE5…)

Wondering if IG allows you to link your Many Vids account… hm.
No. 1020468
File: 1597007707003.jpeg (335.17 KB, 828x1407, ED3DB8EB-69DF-435C-AD36-0BE3F3…)

>>1020445Wait, I’m fucking dying. Does she think that 6 items is a large inventory…? The shirt and the flash has been there for over 2 years, the rats have been there for weeks, and then that hideous vag drawing will be there forever as well. Lol. K sis.
No. 1020484
File: 1597009595324.jpeg (Spoiler Image,171.21 KB, 828x1372, 422F48F1-DA8A-42A0-9AB5-02F55C…)

I know this has been covered copiously, but just watching her remove the wet guts with her bare hands make me-
No. 1020486
File: 1597009864829.jpeg (43.71 KB, 828x202, E2491176-18EE-4DFA-B17B-07DC05…)

Oh god here we go. What I dont understand is if her art really does sell, she’s honestly a fool for not doing it all day long. Bust out one of each zodiac sign, animals, mushrooms etc… like why spend time trying to sell your vag for the low low price of $3.99? Idk, I just don’t get it.
No. 1020493
File: 1597011420834.jpeg (368.26 KB, 1125x1708, 359316DF-417B-49D4-91E6-DCCF54…)

Rare and vintage?
No. 1020494
File: 1597011523950.jpeg (396.67 KB, 1125x1881, 17B4FD7C-0623-401C-8EED-D3E16A…)

No. 1020506
File: 1597012551157.jpg (589.95 KB, 2172x3862, 20200809_173217.jpg)

In the etsy description she calls it
>"jaw dropping beautiful"
Lol. For someone who claims that taxidermy is her life's passion, she sure can't tell what good taxidermy looks like. Here's a professionally mounted albino deer for comparison. She should've never purchased that trash deer. Its not just old and falling apart, it was also done improperly.
No. 1020519
File: 1597016013011.jpg (289.13 KB, 810x2140, 20200809_163304.jpg)

Tryna get the dude fired?!
No. 1020533
>>1020519all her tweets are "my bf" now cause she got rejected by her crush lol
if she was really thriving and as happy and successful as she wants to pretend she is, she wouldn't be self pitying and manic over a client ghosting (esp after she got paid already) and a crush ghosting. unless she really is desperate as fuck for money cause she's actually broke (very likely)
No. 1020534
File: 1597018290592.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1125x1927, D29E4B58-1893-40B8-B6A8-8A1894…)

private ig
No. 1020550
File: 1597020151423.png (2.33 MB, 1125x2436, C57EC441-2F0B-4DA7-9FA1-2B5280…)

not him actually wearing his work uniform…
No. 1020552
File: 1597020525823.jpg (816.84 KB, 1080x1639, Screenshot_20200809-174827_Ins…)

PrOfesSioNalLy bleached hair
No. 1020598
File: 1597026861923.jpeg (523.02 KB, 1125x1497, BF8E73C3-B25F-4920-88E7-DFCB29…)

his dick was in the box. i can’t tell if they’re trying to being serious or not.
No. 1020766
>>10207582009 called…
Yeah, we all remember anon
No. 1020774
File: 1597068440658.jpeg (381.89 KB, 1125x1952, E2198F38-41DB-4CF2-A83F-BBD1A3…)

So is anyone who pays a fee to the state but ok Ariana
No. 1020805
>>1020644right?! This seems super
abusive if she talked him into this. If not then he's even dumber than I thought (not saying much) but I thought he at least realized that this job is the only reason they can get a place to live. I mean who is hiring rn anyway that pays semi decently?
No. 1020820
File: 1597080255135.jpeg (Spoiler Image,68.8 KB, 828x451, 7CBA3329-28AF-4C62-A585-9D6221…)

You can tell his boner is 80% hard. Always a little flaccid.
No. 1020876
File: 1597086896223.jpg (1.09 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200810-121339_Sam…)

Ariana is the definition of someone who tries way too hard to be something she's not. Whether she's trying to be an artist, sexy, kinky, alt, goth, punk, etc… skinwalker extraordinare, but you know she likes to call herself a "chameleon". No bitch, you're a skin walker
No. 1020915
File: 1597092066592.jpg (490.88 KB, 1071x1659, Screenshot_20200810-153334_Chr…)

For someone who isn't bothered by people thinking she's bragging, it sure seems like she's bothered enough to tweet about it.
Also, newsflash ariana: normal people announce their accomplishments every now and then. For example:
>I graduated with a PhD!
>I had my first child!
>I beat cancer!
>I might be buying myself something expensive~
>dropping 20k on a new face lmao
>I met up with a guy who might pay me to suck his dick regularly and its the chance of a lifetime!! !
>woke up early walked the dog got groceries and made a list im so productive!
>Don't wanna say too much but something big is happening!!!
Every. Fucking. Day.
No. 1020996
File: 1597104374141.jpg (142.13 KB, 1080x1054, 20200810_170542.jpg)

this is legit a horribly done kid's art project, complete with the hand print and the bad cursive and the glitter blobs.
No. 1021001
File: 1597104962767.jpg (63.89 KB, 1080x439, 20200810_171630.jpg)

Just doooo iiiiiit
No. 1021005
File: 1597105467725.jpeg (Spoiler Image,770.13 KB, 1242x1543, CEDC5CE3-0D45-404E-B3DF-6C60A6…)

The only sane reaction anyone could have to any of her porn
No. 1021137
File: 1597131652934.jpeg (140.38 KB, 1242x301, 860CF81C-88CC-4CFA-AF23-E73ECA…)

>>1018588I’m pretty sure that she talks more about Matt’s penis than Matt himself
No. 1021139
File: 1597131809487.jpeg (Spoiler Image,746.02 KB, 1242x1539, 41B4817F-BE82-4048-83A0-4689FF…)

>>1018588Continues to obsess over the client who ditched her, followed by love bombing content of Ari’s gone off lunch meat coloured ass bouncing unappealingly against Matt’s flaccid dick
No. 1021146
>>1020996pussy flap was bad but there's still a huge difference between it and this one. You can tell she didn't trace the ass+dick and traced the other
>>1021139is this her only underwear? Why does she always wear it. You can tell it's super old, the colour is dead. Also, I'd be embarrassed to show everyone that even bouncing on my partner's cock, he's completely flaccid
No. 1021156
File: 1597139193650.jpeg (484.54 KB, 1242x1132, 0739DF6D-CFB6-4171-B963-2F3767…)

This reads a lot like “I’m so happy I wore my boyfriend down so much that he doesn’t have anything to even pretend to be happy about on the internet. I’m so glad I’ve diminished his confidence, self worth, and social abilities by having internalized trust issues that I take out on him because I’M the one cheating for pennies.”
Why can’t a man post a selfie or use emojis? She’s so fucking weird. Paranoidassheaux.
No. 1021159
File: 1597140016410.jpg (63.54 KB, 1080x355, Screenshot_20200811-105746.jpg)

Update on Cuck's accident with the cyclist. So happy for Ariana, she can now sleep easy at night knowing one of her meal tickets isn't going to jail.
No. 1021169
>>1021156So she regularly talks about how she used to abuse her ex and she’s glad she doesn’t do that anymore. Bitch you are STILL
abusive to your partner. How can you justify putting every detail of your personal life online and then act as if Matt did the same thing you’d have a problem with it. Also, “all men on the internet are up to something” says the person who has cheated on her partner with her friend’s boyfriend and takes pleasure in the fact that her clients are married…She has no ability to reflect or take accountability for anything lmao.
No. 1021217
File: 1597153616364.jpeg (162.06 KB, 750x921, 3391A713-16B0-4090-AD77-FECB89…)

No. 1021260
File: 1597160918522.jpg (335.47 KB, 1080x1166, Screenshot_20200811-084736_Sam…)

Compare this to the post where she brags about how "extra" she is for dressing up to walk her dog or right after the Frankentits were sewed in when she bragged about how she just looooves all the attention. Fakeassheaux
No. 1021273
File: 1597162509118.jpg (1004.35 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200811-091432_Ins…)

>>1021260I bet someone just honked at her and yelled "heeeey" and this idiot tryna make it seem like a compliment.
No. 1021308
>>1021273Her constant back and forth between
>support me, but my porn, taxidermy, art, and be my new client!!!1!1And
>how dare these disgusting ugly stupid PIGS try and even LOOK at me!!! Gives me whiplash.
No. 1021314
File: 1597168584451.jpg (138.68 KB, 720x1000, uno.jpg)

so apparently onlyfan's workers are having a bunch of issues now that the company has gone to court for tax evasion. wonder how this is going to affect our lovely cows. would love to see pnp sperg if her account got blocked lmao
No. 1021325
File: 1597169706102.jpg (86.67 KB, 1080x337, Screenshot_20200811-111402_Sam…)

Arianheaux is stoked she can avoid getting comments that don't kiss her unhygienic ass.
No. 1021366
File: 1597175214317.jpg (842 KB, 1078x1919, Screenshot_20200811-154657_Ins…)

She's on live and said she's going to be bleaching her hair again soon. Also her appt for her teeth is tomorrow kek
No. 1021367
File: 1597175294135.png (3.32 MB, 750x1334, 7D0C1387-9D8A-4087-B7E0-933848…)

No. 1021378
File: 1597176747189.png (3.86 MB, 750x1334, B9EE2D7E-BB84-4D80-9894-4C4938…)

No. 1021407
>>1021393lol she is so MAAAAD that a guy didn't want her sucking his dick with her big fat face. he paid her 200$ for her time, and that should be it, but no she's big mad that she got rejected so she has no one else to resort to but her boyfriend that she can cheat on and abuse.
I hope no one ever lets her forget that she publicly shamed Matt for being a "rape apologist" and "cheater" even though all he does is be an actual door mat for her when she's the ugliest creep alive
No. 1021432
File: 1597182201604.jpeg (Spoiler Image,254.51 KB, 797x1388, 79A09E0D-BC49-4F8D-ADFB-4EA08B…)

>>1021431Not to mention this gem…
No. 1021448
File: 1597183715467.jpg (494.75 KB, 809x1794, Screenshot_20200811-180851_Twi…)

Pathetic, her ass hasn't changed. She's insane to think it would that quickly
No. 1021450
File: 1597183819265.jpg (127.24 KB, 1078x451, Screenshot_20200811-164502_Twi…)

No. 1021469
File: 1597185975733.jpg (397.76 KB, 1069x1254, SmartSelect_20200811-184433_Tw…)

She is so unfunny it hurts…
I noticed one of the anons who supposedly interacted with her irl mentione she is cringey. Care to elaborate? I kinda wanna know.
No. 1021474
>>1021447haven't seen a video of her speaking without a filter on in a while, her nose looks like it's never been done. just massive, and with the granny teeth.
and GET OVER THE SUGAR DADDY THING. she's acting like she got rejected by a potential lover, this is just another job and she has a partner already. you'd think she would understand that nobody owes you conversation or time if they don't want you or if they change their mind.
No. 1021483
>>1021447she really said "this is a job thing for me" ok so, then a job fell through. why your feelings so hurt, dumbass? it's almost like sex work is less of a job for her but more of a way for her to validate her "beauty" or sexiness or something and if she doesn't get enough likes or retweets or men, then that means she's not sexy or pretty.
same thing with the catcalling, it's almost as if she's trying to prove that even when she's dressed shlubby with a mask, somehow someway these men are still going after her. as if dudes don't just honk at every living female on the street, not just her. i've seen fat middle aged moms carrying groceries honked at, attention from men doesn't equal hot.
No. 1021485
File: 1597186849891.jpg (120.31 KB, 1073x444, SmartSelect_20200811-190019_Tw…)

This is so sad and pathetic lol
No. 1021521
File: 1597190605926.jpeg (480.13 KB, 750x1053, A4FE9001-30B2-4A33-A761-21353B…)

Totally tinfoil, but this looks a lot like early pregnancy bloating
No. 1021528
File: 1597191317040.jpeg (120.95 KB, 767x928, 9D4A32A0-2DCF-4F8F-9798-DA8E82…)

This live was so hard to watch. Who gets this obsessive and creepy over someone they briefly met who clearly wasn’t interested in her
No. 1021532
File: 1597191567902.jpg (489.36 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200811-171935_Sam…)

No. 1021561
File: 1597196700894.jpg (627.2 KB, 1078x1919, Screenshot_20200811-214454_Ins…)

Matt looks very downsy here
No. 1021563
File: 1597196743717.jpeg (196.83 KB, 828x1141, 2109739B-E53D-41D6-9E63-87B979…)

Wow Ariana, you’re just so fucking interesting.
No. 1021564
File: 1597196746938.jpg (946.28 KB, 1078x1920, Screenshot_20200811-214518_Ins…)

No. 1021565
File: 1597196786713.webm (2.39 MB, 720x1280, 76372413_295308505068253_77684…)
>>1021561"blessed to have a bf who does not take selfies or post online really" yet this is the stuff she takes of him
No. 1021633
>>1021447She went on about how hot he was and how perfect his job was for her and how he ordered her stuff from work, then later said they were clothes.
Tinfoil af but what if it was a guy that worked for Dolls Kill that was offering to order her stuff and set this all up just to let her down as a joke since she keeps reminiscing on her DK days but also shitting on them lmao
No. 1021664
File: 1597218948356.jpeg (103.95 KB, 729x817, E0FB87CE-84E2-498F-BD8B-96B88E…)

It’s sad watching her layer concealer on her horrid lip lift scar because… well, it doesn’t work.
No. 1021697
File: 1597230500620.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x1872, FB1BDD9B-1A72-46EC-9ED6-E7210D…)

She just can’t help herself.
No. 1021730
File: 1597237651111.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 828x1430, 6B7043DC-5A93-4B40-AE27-87E109…)

The dangling dead bird above her bed is killing me
No. 1021767
>>1021730I hate that she always has her tongue hanging out in pics. It doesn’t look cute or sexy like she thinks it does. Just makes her more retarded and punchable looking.
Also the manic bangs cutting and eyebrow shaving because you know she’s still obsessing over the failed SD so she needs to do something to feel spethal.
No. 1021781
File: 1597244115445.jpg (575.47 KB, 882x1604, Screenshot_20200812-075504_Sam…)

Repost from 8 months ago bc this broken record and stagnant lifestyle is so self-created and deserved it's funny.
No. 1021824
File: 1597250146428.jpeg (Spoiler Image,231.57 KB, 750x1165, B9219E56-0056-4CB2-B5DD-F80B3D…)

$150 I -
No. 1021840
File: 1597251139167.jpg (247.97 KB, 1992x1454, Qfi2zZj.jpg)

>>1021824Sorry to do you so dirty, Wilson..
No. 1021847
File: 1597252035079.webm (331.57 KB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-scorpioassheaux…)
>>1021565>>1010506I like how kicking trash out the way is a common theme in their household. True love clearly
No. 1021854
File: 1597252488406.jpeg (1.15 MB, 3464x3464, F8B52AC4-A1B8-44C0-84B0-5EB6BD…)

I know we all know this bitch is BOTCHED, but……. holy shit. Her rapid decline appearance wise has been insane. After the eyebrow shave and bangs, I bet we’ll see a full meltdown any day soon
No. 1021868
File: 1597254020720.jpeg (298.21 KB, 816x1247, D0816DF0-991F-44F8-8FD6-7B13DA…)

>>1021730>>1021697>>1020552 What is up with this new cringey way of talking:
“maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. Yes, yes I did”.
“Yes my hair is crunchy, no we’re not going to talk about it”
Idk it’s weird she’s doing it quite often now. Maybe it’s a stupid nitpick but everything she does just irks .
Reposted the pic bc I wanted the caption included.
No. 1021876
File: 1597254740111.jpg (30.38 KB, 726x767, FB_IMG_1597254251533.jpg)

>>1018588sage for no milk but this reminded me of her
No. 1021921
File: 1597260979445.jpg (649 KB, 810x1742, Screenshot_20200812-153624_Twi…)

No. 1021922
File: 1597261051453.jpg (276.28 KB, 1079x1285, Screenshot_20200812-153636_Twi…)

No. 1021933
File: 1597262664581.jpg (1.9 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200812_160401682.jpg)

So she still stalks the guy she was tricked into sending nudes to 5 years later. Kek. Also THIS crackhead looking kid was who she was willing to send nudes to.. she's nasty
No. 1021950
>>1021921Wow this is so incredibly cringe. Hard to look at tbh. I know I’m early but this is my next thread contribution.
I feel like she posted this in response to:
>>1021767 No. 1022005
File: 1597272590008.jpg (65.35 KB, 529x399, rxpertise_fig1.jpg)

>>1021986They mean the lens distortion. There is none. Meaning she has either a low prescription or no prescription. Not sure why this matters at all though.
No. 1022069
File: 1597279048399.jpeg (1014.93 KB, 4096x2047, FC723791-5F82-4445-A9B5-29C670…)

>begs for interaction
>slams her mutuals over the pettiest shit
No. 1022071
File: 1597279115383.jpeg (115.45 KB, 750x238, 36CD6E89-4537-4336-AE12-87684E…)

>>1022069Samefag but who is Paul Acker and why does he hate her? Or is that just her being insecure
No. 1022079
>>1022066First of all, LOL at how she describes so many items on her site as a gag. And who would spend $150 on a gag…
>>1022069I don’t understand why we’re supposed to look at sex work like a real job when they don’t even want to be legalized bc then they would need to pay registration fees and follow regulations (.like a real job..) so they rather just be decriminalized. Always want ur cake and eat it too. I’m just saying this because she reposted something the other day saying this, sorry no caps.
No. 1022125
>>1021950Wow low key I expected a blatant response but I’m still laughing that I got one.
Yes, ari you are ugly. Thank you for proving that to us once again.
No. 1022236
File: 1597314568086.jpeg (389.38 KB, 1125x1915, 4E1B5631-DD9E-4947-B08B-2708B1…)

>>1022069”I am a poor whore waah waah stop shaming full service sex workers I see all of you liking bad posts gtfo away from me I actually am a whore waah”
Then she posted this 5 hours later…
Is she talking about herself?
No. 1022363
File: 1597330458975.jpg (508.83 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200813-075321_Sam…)

How dumb and blind and unaware of your tattoos do you have to be if you really think any of your tattoos were done with a single needle, fucking idiot Ariana.
No. 1022489
>>1022485Did she raise the price for this piece of shit?! Wasn't it $150?
This is hilarious. The comments people are making are spot on.
No. 1022500
>>1022485If it wasn't for the "Wilson"/little kid art project handprint, asterisk butthole, elongated perineum, perfectly arced butthole stubble, matching stubble length on both the man and woman, missing torso, missing legs, childish writing that could be either the worst tattoo ever or the dude writing in bad, girly cursive next to the girl's asshole, electric lightning bolt veins, blue glitter border, the dumbest Etsy description ever, and the outrageous price, it would be okay.
No. 1022501
File: 1597347270824.jpg (600.2 KB, 810x4567, 20200813_123235.jpg)

More lonely, manic, depressing tweeting. And begging for eXtRa mOnEy for "moving" so puh-leeeeease buy my shitty "art". Hopefully this Medusa idea people gave her on Twitter the other day will turn out better than her last few.
No. 1022518
File: 1597349469936.jpg (967.17 KB, 810x2854, Screenshot_20200813-161039_Twi…)

her first poc piece and it's also a period piece..
No. 1022535
>>1022500Oh my god anon i can’t breath.
>>1022518I ducking knew she used her own body for model. She’s so self obsessed.
No. 1022557
File: 1597354974040.jpg (268.87 KB, 1079x855, Screenshot_20200813-144006_Sam…)

So she always talks about how she just loves being "boring" now since she's soooo sTaBlE and doesn't oVeRsHaRe on social media, and pretends to not do drugs and drink, but she hates being a "normie" and now says she hates being "boring". If we're confused and having a hard time keeping up, this idiot sure confused her own self.
No. 1022594
File: 1597357707231.jpg (621.52 KB, 1078x1920, Screenshot_20200813-182856_Ins…)

Update on the art
No. 1022597
File: 1597358092044.jpg (426.83 KB, 1006x1323, Screenshot_20200813-153419_Sam…)

>>1022557Repost from 10 months ago. Her life is a loop where she doesn't learn from her mistakes.
No. 1022626
File: 1597362558986.jpeg (275.94 KB, 828x1243, 70C1F2D1-5C98-4756-809E-BD9B1F…)

This caption makes me think “celebs, they’re just like you and me!” Like ari we know that you look like a slob 24/7. And I thought this was supposed to be her art Instagram not her “thot” Instagram lmao.
No. 1022633
>>1022626Anybody who followed her old IG knows she's a slob with a bland face, there's nothing new she's revealing.
Remember she changed this from her art account to her regular IG ever since she opened her pickled monstrosities IG for her art. I really don't know why she's calling this a "thot account" when she just bitches about stuff like any other account.
No. 1022635
File: 1597363662446.jpeg (264.74 KB, 828x1025, 2B38A23B-36B5-43F5-845B-E25E3A…)

Loll I can’t help but but to assume this is about Ari. But then again bitches this wack are a dime a dozen just seems a little too accurate
No. 1022681
File: 1597373729874.jpg (Spoiler Image,503.9 KB, 1078x1921, Screenshot_20200813-225530_Ins…)

No. 1022692
>>1022640I noticed this too. Her first POC piece and she included more rolls, tube boobs, and even more of a splat looking vagina. Also love how she decided to make a menstruation piece too (which is something a lot of people find gross and not something they’d want to buy and put on their walls) instead of something with sensual or positive connotations like her cunning/reaching orgasm lol
Did her racism just lowkey jump out?
No. 1022696
>>1022681>>1022693I definitely think it looks like 3 holes too.
Is the angle of these supposed to be like they took a pic from coochie level laying down? Or from underneath standing? She can’t even be bothered to add any kind of context to whatever bland thing she paints- just a black abyss behind it or glitter vomit everywhere.
No. 1022701
File: 1597375509426.jpg (84.77 KB, 1080x332, Screenshot_20200813-202522_Sam…)

Ariana "Quantity over Quality" MacMillan.
No. 1022702
>>1022681Honestly, the more I look at it the more it looks like a face. Congratulations, Ari. You created another unrecognizable version of the female anatomy.
How much do you think this one will cost? Maybe more than the first one because she thinks she’s doing a favor for POC followers.
No. 1022739
File: 1597385283100.jpeg (236.1 KB, 1242x472, 5C2CA3E6-E874-4CCE-BD89-5F2558…)

So much for being clean
No. 1022747
File: 1597386552622.png (4.47 MB, 828x1792, 3C86DE4A-E549-4280-BD27-D617A4…)

always funny when she pretends to be sober
No. 1022832
>>1022681What a strange spot to add piercings, especially rings. I’ve never seen them hanging off of someone’s inner labia before.
Also, the Reddit comments have me in stitches.
No. 1022842
File: 1597416353441.jpg (195.33 KB, 810x1575, 20200814_073943.jpg)

>>1022739Samefag, but in her comments she makes herself look like more of an idiot by calling Mucinex "robotripping"… No idiot. Robotripping is when you chug Robotussin for the DXM high which is something kids only do in high school because they learn what real drugs are. You're taking Mucinex for a low quality trip. You're just Mucinex-tripping, which is as uncool as it sounds.
No. 1022857
>>1022681What black woman (especially one as dark as the one she's depicted) has bright pink labia minora? Poc women tend to have purple/brown minora not white girl level of pinkness.
Is she completely retarded or something?
No. 1022870
File: 1597421365473.jpg (566.81 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1597421273027.jpg)

Sit on the couch and smoke weed and eat all alone, all day. Thriving !
No. 1022872
File: 1597421582456.jpg (100.36 KB, 1080x752, 20200814_090811.jpg)

Every sale and review is positive because only young, insecure female followers who want surgery like Ariana buy her shitty kitchen crafts.
No. 1022875
File: 1597421831312.jpeg (83.41 KB, 828x582, 2EA6FD6B-FF6E-41A9-A911-46BE64…)

>>1022870The saga continues
No. 1022881
File: 1597422173207.jpg (382.43 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200814-092228_Sam…)

The big baby needs her baby blankie, even when she's shooting amateur cell phone porn.
No. 1022882
File: 1597422175117.jpeg (47.53 KB, 750x357, F2056E74-553A-488C-A93F-0D5945…)

>>1022875I wonder why she can't find any clients
No. 1022883
>>1022874Let's remember she wasn't even sober for a week because she was still eating edibles the whole time. She just wasn't
smoking it.
No. 1022888
File: 1597422724409.jpg (172.12 KB, 1080x650, Screenshot_20200814-093044_Sam…)

No Ariana, we call out your clearly shooped pics and make fun of your unedited appearance because you are a hideous person externally and internally, shooped or natural. You're a goblin any way you look at it.
No. 1022978
File: 1597435132321.jpg (178.54 KB, 1080x683, Screenshot_20200814-125915_Sam…)

I dOn'T eAt dAiRy
No. 1023005
File: 1597437475354.png (3.36 MB, 828x1792, E7355E96-8DED-4213-A419-B737F3…)

>>1022875>>1022760Again with her repeating the same joke on multiple platforms. In this video on her IG she says “this is sex on a stick”
She is so lame.
No. 1023049
File: 1597443842766.jpg (340.18 KB, 1080x1722, Screenshot_20200814-152317_Sam…)

when you can't make sense of your own drawing and chalk it up as an unexplained phenomenon to curious onlookers.
No. 1023051
File: 1597443962780.jpg (Spoiler Image,682.18 KB, 1079x1615, Screenshot_20200814-152610_Sam…)

Is anyone else not surprised that supposedly it looks better and sPaRkLiEr irl?
No. 1023057
>>1023051Looks like upside down spider with barely human genitalia.
There’s also something to be said on feminism and the objectification of women in all her terrible, headless drawings of women. Good job reducing women to gaping vaginas and flailing breasts floating in a black void of space.
No. 1023065
File: 1597445522217.png (952.37 KB, 750x1624, CAEC4B24-D660-4E5E-ADDB-0E61FF…)

Lol this butt-hurt cretin has made her twitter private. But Ari, how are you gonna get more engagement now?!
No. 1023070
>>1023065She probably realized how many people are making fun of her bad "art" and are visiting her page to literally laugh
at her.
No. 1023081
File: 1597447132004.jpg (278.05 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200814-191809.jpg)

>>1023065>>1023070Someone told her about the reddit post so I'm guessing she's scared of people lurking and finding more of her shitty art lol.
No. 1023091
File: 1597447964366.jpg (Spoiler Image,912.73 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1597447898652.jpg)

You guys, it's all better in person.
No. 1023114
File: 1597450362125.jpeg (Spoiler Image,620.43 KB, 750x855, 395881D4-9A9A-45AA-AD76-FAE024…)

fr tho what in the fuck are these lines supposed to be? Thigh tendons? Arms? I’ve been staring at it in utter confusion
No. 1023118
File: 1597450533313.jpg (679.99 KB, 1079x2052, Screenshot_20200814-201541_Ins…)

She made a new twitter for art
No. 1023263
File: 1597482510495.jpg (603.33 KB, 1078x1925, Screenshot_20200815-050858_Ins…)

Her family is psycho just like her
No. 1023264
File: 1597483141862.jpg (792.77 KB, 1077x1921, Screenshot_20200815-051943_Ins…)

No. 1023346
>>1023309I think they accidentally deleted the last digit of the ig post with the terrible art of a black women (
>>1023051 ) and the resulting post number was some random post in a pro-ana thread from 4 years ago.
No. 1023418
File: 1597514240450.jpeg (170.55 KB, 750x1018, 188C1B0A-5697-4FCB-AF93-FA260E…)

>>1023411seeing this on my front page was quite the fright
No. 1023439
File: 1597519683426.jpg (181.84 KB, 1080x841, Screenshot_20200815-152842_Twi…)

No. 1023447
>>1023418Rly hate how they didn’t use a pic that shows Ari in all her troll witch realness
Also, there’s a “fan” defending her in the comments. That bc Ari gets ~chemical peels~ then OBVIOUSLY she has GREAT skin now
No. 1023457
File: 1597523839591.jpg (109.95 KB, 624x609, f448d6d023f36bf7183d898649ad36…)

does have a lump there, its very neanderthal-esque. srsly go look at photos of neanderthals and tell me she doesnt look exactly like them. actually i will insert pic related.
the short forehead with a pronounced ridge, a nose as wide as it is long (and bulbous af), those baboons ass lips…
the only difference being that the neanderthal lady pictured is actually attractive.
No. 1023459
File: 1597524581601.jpg (673.81 KB, 1079x1701, Screenshot_20200815-165017_Twi…)

No. 1023490
File: 1597527803481.jpg (Spoiler Image,892.61 KB, 1077x1953, Screenshot_20200815-174354_Twi…)

She covered the entire thing in sparkles kek
No. 1023495
File: 1597528871356.png (1.49 MB, 1125x2436, A241D6FB-0A15-4777-8DE4-6F9CE7…)

dick in butt? is she talking about the one that is definitely not in the butt??
No. 1023521
File: 1597532678640.jpeg (378.77 KB, 828x1242, 8FBB542A-CE8D-437C-ABCD-44C082…)

Oh my god… so she covered it in varnish, does this mean she is finished? It’s so horrendous. Leaving the rose and snake unpainted looks so boring, lazy, and unfinished. It baffles me that there is a market for this underwhelming over priced art. I’m afraid we as a species are digressing.
No. 1023553
File: 1597539518836.jpg (1.18 MB, 810x5280, Screenshot_20200815-175801_Sam…)

Bitch doesn't know the difference between famous and infamous. You're infamous on Reddit for being a joke.
Dumbassheaux couldn't stay private on Twitter because she needs the attention.
No. 1023557
File: 1597539712877.jpg (Spoiler Image,376.57 KB, 1080x1267, Screenshot_20200815-180112_Sam…)

The gold border and the black background glitter and the glitter body and the glitter "piercings" and electric pink splat and glitter blood… definitely something for her insecure teenage girl followers.
No. 1023561
File: 1597540266734.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1597540212688.jpg)

I added the newest one to the recent "sparkly and glossy irl" posts
No. 1023578
File: 1597543276603.jpg (252.61 KB, 1080x1193, Screenshot_20200815-220156_Twi…)

No. 1023603
File: 1597547316610.jpeg (693.52 KB, 1125x1052, F721EDA7-4D74-4321-B0DC-A38C18…)

private ig!
No. 1023633
>>1023603I’m honestly surprised people even want to follow her private ig anymore. She says the same exact thing every time she posts.
“I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been.”
“I’m thriving.”
“Look at me guys. Here is proof at how good I’m doing.”
So…. what you’re saying is that nothing has changed in months….
No. 1023654
>>1018588>>1023603This bitch is just so full of contradictions
“I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been”
After getting high on cough medicine and eating like shit for 2 days
Also, kek at her being inspired to read and have a book shelf when she can clearly only read books that are written for 14 year olds
No. 1023718
File: 1597582984182.jpeg (298.08 KB, 853x415, 1F0C87F3-517E-465C-857C-A74440…)

I had a sneak at her Mom’s fb page and granted she hasn’t posted about Ariana for a couple of years but there are tons of positive posts about her daughter and you can see pictures of her stuck to her fridge. It makes me wonder if she plays up the “abuse” in order to get sympathy, although I have no doubt her family are very dysfunctional
No. 1023722
File: 1597583404739.jpeg (199.49 KB, 1242x434, 566B9929-D2C1-4F70-8BDE-1329A2…)

No. 1023767
File: 1597591378747.png (3.04 MB, 1242x2208, 258FA45C-C45E-4EEF-A031-48A557…)

>>1023603Ok wait so lemme get this straight, her geriatric grandfather who allegedly has cancer was able to recover from covid in 10 days?? Pic from the last thread
No. 1023863
File: 1597608434873.jpg (450.97 KB, 1079x1434, Screenshot_20200816-160743_Twi…)

she made her sw twitter private again kek photo related
No. 1023923
File: 1597616906349.jpg (1.03 MB, 1077x1920, Screenshot_20200816-182902_Ins…)

No. 1024012
File: 1597627730414.jpeg (320.94 KB, 750x718, E7ABBF36-A698-43C7-A376-FC4AFE…)

Why is she tweeting this…… why?!
No. 1024043
>>1024012this cunt is going to murder someone some day. she plays with dead animals carcasses, has stock of said carcasses in her freezer, abuses animals, abuses humans…
psycho bitch
No. 1024083
File: 1597638395510.png (98.28 KB, 1398x312, Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 12.2…)

No. 1024152
File: 1597649856035.jpeg (165.18 KB, 1125x744, 020A8D11-0F9D-4334-B0B0-867ACE…)

>>1024106One nosejob with a revision, as it says. She writes in this post that she wants a ”secondary” nosejob. Take that how you will
No. 1024248
File: 1597665073169.jpg (108.36 KB, 739x600, jiIq21F.jpg)

>>1024106yeah idk why anons want to insist she's only had 1 when she admits in her review on dr. pontell's page that she had 2 and a septoplasty. pic related
No. 1024290
File: 1597671041722.jpg (29.66 KB, 1173x240, MKQI5ex.jpg)

>>1024281You're right. Here is her actual review. The other review is just eerily similar to her experience
No. 1024301
>>1024290Lol she
needed the fillers to correct it. Those long, run on sentences is a dead give away. And what the hell does she mean by making her “law larger”?
No. 1024313
>>1024301Did she mean to say it made her “jaw” larger? The rhinoplasty did make her jaw
look larger in contrast, and maybe that’s what she means
No. 1024319
File: 1597677537327.jpg (169.51 KB, 1080x510, Screenshot_20200817-081851_Sam…)

Thtopp making fun of me!!
No. 1024375
File: 1597684504117.jpg (366.97 KB, 1079x1530, Screenshot_20200817-131546_Twi…)

No. 1024426
File: 1597691121378.jpg (72.95 KB, 1079x422, Screenshot_20200817-150551_One…)

No. 1024475
File: 1597695816923.jpg (1.58 MB, 1023x2160, 20200817152117.jpg)

Not surprised that her mental illness is getting worse when i see pictures like this. She's literally just painting a face over her face at this point, not using makeup to enhance her features.
No. 1024694
File: 1597710303030.jpg (691.75 KB, 801x2080, Screenshot_20200817-202538_Twi…)

No. 1024838
File: 1597718943920.jpg (215.27 KB, 1080x1895, 20200817_214903.jpg)

>>1024732I don't think you understand the point everyone is trying to make. Sure these might be trends. But who the fuck is doing
all of these trends
all at once so dramatically and on an almost daily basis? Anf yes Latinamilk does fake freckles sometimes but they always look muted and natural. Pic related. It doesn't take a genius to see that ariana looks absolutely nuts in that photo.
No. 1024847
>>1024694Kek Why does she constantly advertise
how dirty and unkempt she is? It’s s like she’s intentionally driving customers away. If I wanted to see a person covered in grease and with dirty feet I would just simply not pay for an only fans subscription. You can seek some normie girl who is willing to show you her asshole for free very easily. When will she realize how gross and mediocre she is? She contributes nothing worth paying for.
No. 1024991
File: 1597734964314.jpeg (169.46 KB, 1242x341, AEB82581-E957-412C-B2E7-CC4236…)

>>1018588Britfag here, we have a working time directive in the UK which generally limits workers to 40 hours a week, this means that Matt is working 84 hours a week I can’t get my head around this?? If this is true, why doesn’t he feel super resentful to come home to Ariana who sits on her ass all day and berates him for not being “the bread winner”?
No. 1025111
>>1024991Post offices are closed on Sundays. He is a carrier. He does not work Sundays.
The USPS is all over the news now. They are cutting their hours and numbers.
Government jobs try everything to not hand out overtime, any such hours are given to salary positions.
Everything about this dumbassheauxs existance is a shit tier lie.
No. 1025156
>>1025135I support this tinfoil. I don't believe it, but topkek if she does. She would just take the
victim card anyway.
No. 1025255
File: 1597775698667.png (Spoiler Image,771.98 KB, 1440x768, scrnsht_etsy.png)

her newest art log pieces have been listed
No. 1025264
File: 1597776409765.png (180.54 KB, 1920x803, scrnsht_desc.png)

>>1025255with the signature "it looks shinier and better irl" descriptions
No. 1025379
File: 1597789219219.jpg (125.76 KB, 1080x577, Screenshot_20200818-182030_Red…)

She's so pathetic. If she wants the surgery so bad she should be planning ahead for these types of things and should be willing to be responsible for herself.
No. 1025419
File: 1597793848703.jpeg (815.28 KB, 1242x1903, A9796852-B97D-4A1B-8A41-EC0ECA…)

codependent much?
No. 1025420
File: 1597793968256.jpg (789.51 KB, 1078x1920, Screenshot_20200818-193932_Ins…)

She's literally begging her followers for somewhere to stay during her surgery recovery like.. They're literal strangers. Enjoy being murdered ari. What a psycho to ask that of them
No. 1025452
>>1022557i gotta spreg on this for a second
'if ur a calorie counter like i am' as if she isn't in fake ED recovery. earlier she was talking about the insane amount of fruit & cereal she ate in less than an hour but 'i exercise until my body hurts'.
'calorie counter like i am' you fucking idiot. if you're in recovery from ED, you shouldn't be counting at all but doing intuitive eating diet programs
No. 1025458
File: 1597799321839.jpg (163.28 KB, 1078x633, Screenshot_20200818-203213_Twi…)

She's insane
No. 1025466
File: 1597800736181.jpeg (240.04 KB, 750x721, 17B64585-505B-472F-B75B-8B0873…)

>>1025458I’m laughing because even someone her size could realistically do 50 100lb squats on a machine and still be really sore but not knee buckling, immobile sore. She either doesn’t workout nearly as much as she says, or instead of doing 50 100lb squats with proper set/rep & rest ratios she just did them all at fucking once lmfao
No. 1025476
>>1025255Where are the SJWs fighting her for profiting off of black women via her “art?”
She’s tone deaf af
No. 1025478
File: 1597801734630.jpg (92.94 KB, 1080x404, Screenshot_20200818-204700_Chr…)

>>1025419Damn her insecurities and hatred for other women run
She wants to be wifed up now because she's threatened by Matt's cute and talented bandmate and wants her relationship to seem more legitimate. Countdown to an engagement post starts…now!
No. 1025480
File: 1597801787076.jpg (565.68 KB, 1439x2002, Stopbeingfaggotts.jpg)

>>1025385Your delusions aren't a developed part of the world, dumb fuck.
No. 1025485
File: 1597802417974.jpeg (230.66 KB, 750x521, 913181D7-353C-46B6-9276-35B8ED…)

>>1025480Nice try, Kansasfag.
(derailing) No. 1025540
>>1025504If I had to guess, she's probably skinny and naturally pretty. Seems like ariana is jealous of any girl who fits that description because she's never skinny enough or pretty enough in her mind.
Anyone know if his band has updated social media? I'd assume they'd have members listed.
No. 1025544
File: 1597809019064.jpeg (196.83 KB, 902x1792, AB0767FD-B01A-4E65-B1C7-C36730…)

I tried lurking through Matt’s insta to see if I could find who she is talking about, no luck. However I did find this comment on his picture of her from November 2018 kek
No. 1025718
File: 1597853193313.png (2.69 MB, 828x1792, BEA1A8DA-78CD-421B-999E-8FE3B0…)

>>1025504I’m pretty sure this is her! If you look at Matt’s most recent followers, several of them are in the band bottomshelf (ervtron, lexirama28, andypappasergi). He’s also followed by the band’s Instagram.
No. 1025722
File: 1597853844599.png (2.46 MB, 828x1792, 79AD8CD6-1550-4F6C-B3F4-758A16…)

>>1025718Also, not to spam but I saw this Instagram story from their band practice yesterday. I can’t make out the features of the guy in the back too well because of the face mask but I think it’s Matt?
No. 1025729
File: 1597855002899.jpeg (433.71 KB, 750x1060, 338CE73C-3DB8-4319-8EE4-0850D0…)

>>1025718She's an actual good artist, can't wait for Ariana to skinwalk this chick out of jealousy
No. 1025738
>>1025732I just think she looks extremely basic but she is miles ahead in looks verses Ari. Uggoassheaux doesn’t even look human to me anymore.
Get ready for the daily spergs about Matt not spending enough time with her now even tho she acts like such a lone wolf uwu.
I find it hilarious that he’s having a social life for once and she’s begging her followers for somewhere to stay to get even more surgeries but she’s thriving, no?
No one wants her to stay with them, no one wants to be her friend.
No. 1025765
>>1025478I simply cannot get over how transparently hypocritical ariana is. She literally FUCKS OTHER MEN FOR MONEY, but the thought of Matt spending time with another girl completely sets her off. Which is it, Ariana? Do you wanna be "wifed up" because you're scared Matt might leave you, or do you wanna literally make a cuck out of your bf and go fuck any guy you want and go on dates and brag about your "crushes" because you think you're the best Matt can get?
She's such a pitiful person.
No. 1025770
>>1025765Tinfoil but Matt might not ask to marry her if she keeps up her failing full service “sex work”
>>1025768She probably doesn’t skin rats and dig their guts out with her bare hands either like ari KEK
No. 1025887
>>1025820Seconding this. What could be more satisfying than seeing Matt move on and thrive, leaving Ariana alone to self destruct? With the amount she talks about her ex all these years later, Matt moving on would destroy her.
Matt, I am rooting for you. Go be healthy mentally, physically, and emotionally without being dragged down by ariana.
>>1025812That's not the point. Matt is getting back into a social scene without Ariana. Even if there isn't another woman involved, he might realize that most of the gross/negative/abnormal things about him/his life are all perpetuated by ariana
No. 1025889
File: 1597881408911.jpg (630.71 KB, 1124x964, 30200819185516.jpg)

I feel like her makeup skills are deteriorating along with her sanity. Anyone follow lilleejean's mental/makeup decline? Ari is starting to remind me of her
No. 1025904
File: 1597883799601.png (4.39 MB, 828x1792, 4F58697B-8DB0-4269-A221-8D5FA7…)

>>1024475>>1024531>>1025173Laughing bc ari is obviously doing ~natural make up lewk~ bc she’s bitter about anons hating on her drag queen make up.
No. 1025964
>>1025856Ari was setting up leaving him and moving out on her own last month. Then at the last minute changed her mind out of nowhere to keep him around.
Matt probably thought it was real this time and started to actually seek out people other than PlasticandMoldy and actually enjoyed himself.
Now Ari cant stop the momentum she herself started even tho she’s digging her heels in the ground trying to stop the train from leaving.
Remember the live where she was skinning the rat with barehands bitching about Matt talking to “some girl”?
No. 1025995
File: 1597900662003.jpeg (38.65 KB, 769x234, 12AC86D1-DE6B-4E55-B9A4-E78DC1…)

Tbh this is why anons specify her full name. She wants to censor her internet persona so badly. Bad porn, bad art… can’t be criticized if you block all dissenters. So shallow and weak
No. 1026009
File: 1597904026794.jpg (1.1 MB, 1079x2280, Screenshot_20200820-021356_Twi…)

The resin on her artwork doesn't even coat the entire edge. It's sloppy as hell.. how dare she ask for so much money for horrible art
No. 1026041
>>1025820>>1025887i find matt to be just slightly less repugnant than ariana, but still want him to cast her aside and move on with his life.
best for everyone.
No. 1026042
>>1025420It is incredibly sad she has no family or close friends willing to help her out post surgery. I mean, we’ve all seen that hideous post-lip lift photo and she’s expecting to just show up at a random followers house with her face puffy and butchered? She’s so desperate to get this surgery ASAP that she’ll let herself be completely vulnerable around a stranger.
She sets herself up for failure putting everything on the line thinking these surgeries are gonna make her happy. Even if she doesn’t end up botched she will never be satisfied with the result.
I bet Matt is counting down the days until she’s out of the house for a few days.
No. 1026043
>>1025820Arianna had no friends except Matt and Aaron, and by the diary thread of a twitter account, you just know she tells them everything.
There’s no way Matt has been unaware of all the shitty things Ari has done throughout the years, and not once has he had the fucking balls to stand up for himself or others.
He’s happy to watch Arianna life fall to pieces, watch her botch herself with surgeries time after time, go on manic episodes, sleep with random men. As long as he gets to fuck her and show her off like her grandpa does.
Obviously we’re seeing he’s getting tired of it now and branching out, but he’s been complicit in her warpath this entire time and probably encouraging her on the side.
No. 1026154
File: 1597940647975.jpg (1.18 MB, 2896x2896, 20200820_112335.jpg)

I just saw this blanket on Strike Gently and I knew it reminded me of something…
Ariana has not a single creative bone or original thought in her body.
No. 1026176
File: 1597944139411.jpg (1.06 MB, 1079x1681, Screenshot_20200818-185228_Twi…)

Found this chick through one of McMan Face's retweets. OP was "the SW, the art" I wonder if there is an artist out there that she hasn't tried to rip off?
No. 1026192
>>1025820Kek anon why are you so mad people here think Matt's gross af? Do you really think he's completely unaware of the kind of manic person Ari is? People hate him here because he's an enabler and spineless. You don't watch someone completely destroy their body and life publically and then make questionable porn with them if you actually give a fuck about anyone but yourself.
Matt cares about Matt and he pacifies Ariana because he doesn't feel like dealing with her BPD tantrums. He's absolutely complicit in the weird/selfish/self destructive shit Ari does because if he had a problem he wouldn't have let her film him fuck her in his dumb government issued mailman uniform and would have left her when she broke up with him to fuck other men. Dudes dumb as hell and just as skeevy. He shouldn't get asspats just because he's not a public embaressment like his girlfriend. Who the fuck knows what kind of shitty personality he has that makes him think the shit she does is fine.
No. 1026221
File: 1597951861888.jpg (51.4 KB, 1080x415, 20200820_153138.jpg)

No. 1026232
File: 1597954207325.jpg (787.44 KB, 1078x1519, Screenshot_20200820-161030_Ins…)

She should keep the baby bangs, not to wk but it just helps her face shape a lot.
No. 1026242
File: 1597954917315.png (3.78 MB, 750x1334, 2AB83430-6343-4CED-A0C9-F88C45…)

seriously where are her teeth
No. 1026246
File: 1597955254676.jpg (74.49 KB, 1071x435, Screenshot_20200820-162002_Mes…)

wow she's really spiraling after matt spent time with another girl
No. 1026247
>>1026246>"dont text"Uhhh pretty sure nobody
wants to text you lmao you sad lonely bitch
No. 1026265
File: 1597958169814.jpeg (248.95 KB, 1242x481, 801F0C0A-3C7D-4F98-8786-DB8BDF…)

I assume she’s referring to pole dancing/stripping? Which she has said time and time again that her experience was feeling self conscious and clubs are filled with lecherous old perverts lmao
Also that’s an Ari bingo “I’ll be so much happier when…”
No. 1026407
File: 1597974367729.jpg (397.88 KB, 1077x1385, 20200820_204557.jpg)

>>1026232This was posted just before yours and I can't get over how she thought this looked good kek
Glad I caught it before it was deleted!
No. 1026423
>>1026407Can someone please explain to me how she could possibly be paying thousands to inject
more fat into her already bloated face? I…do not understand. Where is the fat going
No. 1026444
File: 1597978337069.png (4.87 MB, 1125x2436, 7EE921FA-85A8-4289-90C7-06ED80…)

“i’m embarrassed of…… my boyfriend in public”
No. 1026449
File: 1597978919992.jpg (1.53 MB, 2461x2149, 1533059948981.jpg)

>>1026265Yes. You'll be so much happier. Just like
exactly 3 years ago when you stripped for like 3 days and never mentioned it again.
No. 1026451
File: 1597979066282.jpg (499.54 KB, 750x1099, 1531885805706.jpg)

>>1026449Samefag but I also came across this gem while looking for those pics. Not every female wants boobs guys!!!
No. 1026452
File: 1597979163297.jpeg (148.49 KB, 717x1067, 1533153121830.jpeg)

Okay last one I swear but anyone else remember her Dr McMillan phase??
No. 1026456
>>1026407 this looks like she's trying to look like
>>1026452 but is way too botched that she can't pull it off anymore
No. 1026458
>>1026451"i'm marrying" still not married and likely never going to be married. also why does she want to strip soooo bad when it clearly isn't gonna work out the same way it didn't last time? is she really THAT thirsty for male attention and validation?
also if she were that "uwu my life is so sad" about her grandparents having covid, why would she want to be a stripper…where the dancers likely can't have masks and patrons will probably not be wearing masks either? she only cares about MONEY and being attractive to men because she's a selfish, emotionally inept cunt
No. 1026490
It’s absolutely insane to me how
>>1025889 and
>>1026452 is like the same photo but she looks SO different. And not in a good way. “Aging backwards” my ass.
I feel like this is one of her best throwback comparisons because the hair and even when she’s wearing are similar.
I’m just shocked. It’s like she’s cosplaying as her younger self.
No. 1026491
File: 1597989405922.jpeg (491.7 KB, 2048x2048, FD58412F-F7D5-41C4-81C0-98F72F…)

>>1026490Samefag but just….yikes!
No. 1026511
File: 1597995391569.gif (1.71 MB, 368x200, 200.gif)

>>1026491Haggard ageless kween
No. 1026664
File: 1598029561994.jpg (304.88 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20200821-120619_Sam…)

No wonder why dumbassheaux has no friends
No. 1026870
>>1026683“Heavily considering”
Kek anon, this bitch was heavily lying about anyone asking to model anything. She was just on another delusional episode.
No. 1027070
File: 1598108689763.png (503.55 KB, 828x1792, B83FA056-72F8-4E07-A46D-B18476…)

Nothing wrong with turning thrifts into profit, I know a couple people who do it for a living. Openly admitting to price gauging though seems very fitting for Ari; especially, after we have seen her continue to overprice her USED porn clothes on Depop…
No. 1027106
File: 1598111734845.jpeg (353.15 KB, 750x847, 865A2951-9CBA-4726-8C0F-D8B952…)

Remember when she begged for $80 mArC jAcObS and never mentioned them again. This is so trashy I don’t think a $280 pair of shoes is cheap but bragging about red wing boots being “expensive af” like they’re fendi is such trailer park behavior imo.
No. 1027219
File: 1598125406310.jpg (551.52 KB, 1536x2048, 20200822_154357.jpg)

She made this today and I can't even tell what it is lol! A bird?
No. 1027364
File: 1598143749167.jpg (385.14 KB, 809x1156, Screenshot_20200822-204955_Twi…)

No. 1027385
File: 1598149057688.png (397.27 KB, 750x1334, F8A16D4A-D305-49A5-A987-1DE033…)

Does she really have no concept of time at all? She posted about being sober and stable a year ago
>>>/snow/855667 No. 1027407
File: 1598154011311.png (22.54 KB, 611x128, Screenshot 2020-08-22 at 11.33…)

>>1025458She's admitting to hurting herself from this lol.
No. 1027432
>>1027219I agree this is terrible. I feel she also, once again just added too much to it also. The corners of it didn’t need all that extra shit. She always adds and adds and adds until she’s ruined things. And as other anons have said, this will absolutely rot.
>>1027269“This piece is very special to me” “pulling on my heart strings” why? Because it features crystals from the beach you were raped on and blamed your boyfriend for? Still can’t believe she had posted that pic passed out on the beach or whatever in Dominica and then tried to profit off telling the story of her rape by selling her snapchat (or was it private IG?)
No. 1027465
File: 1598167350118.jpg (910.08 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200823-024201_Sam…)

She better keep developing her hobbies because her looks are deteriorating quickly.
No. 1027641
File: 1598196169476.jpeg (887.98 KB, 1125x1255, A7E51D2C-1AD7-4A3E-A2B8-97B501…)

private ig
No. 1027732
File: 1598209683548.jpeg (216.27 KB, 567x727, 56E23833-F08C-4125-A6A9-DE5244…)

For the anon who asked
No. 1027735
File: 1598210685411.jpeg (246.09 KB, 1238x1238, 968F0B28-6405-42CC-B30E-875262…)

I promise I won’t do anymore(tism fanart)
No. 1027803
File: 1598219780310.jpg (156.97 KB, 1079x771, Screenshot_20200823-175439_Sam…)

I knew she'd try to use a pole online as a prop as if she's a dAnCeR now.
No. 1027818
File: 1598222242303.jpg (379.34 KB, 1079x1344, Screenshot_20200823-183751_Twi…)

It's sooooo sparkly irl kek
No. 1027847
File: 1598228282637.jpeg (279.18 KB, 1080x1379, BEA5D748-BB8A-4603-A621-5C8B63…)

>>1027676the other anon’s ones were pretty unrealistic imo
No. 1027870
File: 1598232081383.jpg (802.92 KB, 1079x1408, Screenshot_20200823-212049_Sam…)

No. 1028258
File: 1598303419665.gif (3.92 MB, 368x654, 75504492_817917915409920_57758…)

If she's going for a toothless crackhead prostitute look, she's achieved it
No. 1028261
File: 1598303744460.gif (3.04 MB, 368x654, 75504492_817917915409920_57758…)

I can almost smell their body odor in these clips. For anyone who didn't watch the videos with sound, ariana is babbling like a baby incoherently the whole time and matt is mouthbreathing and ignoring her with dead eyes. They're srsly relationship goals!!!
No. 1028298
File: 1598309764463.png (3.3 MB, 828x1792, C5EA597F-E188-490E-8725-F4CC1D…)

>>1028258Sooo nauseating.
No. 1028323
>>1028319Fucking kek anon
It’s like when she says his dick is “soOOoOo big” and it’s just… a skinny average ugly penis
No. 1028448
File: 1598351904034.png (239.23 KB, 1440x1119, Screenshot_20200825-113130.png)

kek she's so fuckin stupid
No. 1028670
File: 1598388883990.jpg (660.17 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200825-165403_Sam…)

She got these at a thrift store sale bin, painted the edge and added her tacky gold leaf, and is now trying to sell this garbage. Embarrassing that she's this desperate to make money.
No. 1028679
File: 1598390016149.jpg (359.69 KB, 1080x1559, Screenshot_20200825-171405_Twi…)

No. 1028724
File: 1598394895288.jpg (161.28 KB, 1079x870, Screenshot_20200825-183528_Twi…)

yesss please do it ari. Her hair would fall right out KEK
No. 1028908
>>1028754It's going to be the jankiest beauty school grandma perm and I can't wait.
Ariana never stops giving in her dull manic way.
No. 1028934
File: 1598417798979.jpg (Spoiler Image,757.31 KB, 1077x1918, Screenshot_20200826-005702_Ins…)

just.. ew. Her back looks so weird
No. 1028948
File: 1598419853226.jpg (606.46 KB, 1079x1481, Screenshot_20200826-013140_Sam…)

The irony
No. 1029120
File: 1598456357115.gif (4.02 MB, 368x368, DBSzdbb83b2wPapZ_3.gif)

Practicing for the strip club to the tune of "Paradise" by Coldplay
No. 1029122
File: 1598456420446.gif (4.96 MB, 368x368, DBSzdbb83b2wPapZ_2.gif)

No. 1029125
File: 1598456507990.gif (3.81 MB, 368x368, DBSzdbb83b2wPapZ_4.gif)

No. 1029133
>>1029120>>1029122>>1029125The way she doesnt know what to do with her hands and just keeps clenching and unchlenching her fists…The way she just wiggles spastically without any rhythm, rhyme, or reason..Her expressionless face and dead eyes….The way she's mouthing the words to the song and you can
see her lisp…..I'm getting second-hand embarrassment Ariana delete this from your Twitter immediately
No. 1029228
File: 1598469593629.jpeg (812.78 KB, 2048x2048, 99F10006-BC4A-45F3-9BC8-B7181E…)

Her new facebook profile pic She looks like an alien
No. 1029238
File: 1598472138202.jpg (317.99 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20200826-140049_Ins…)

Cute safety pin "button" holding those pants together
No. 1029269
File: 1598475596624.jpg (475.32 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200826-153928_Sam…)

I wonder why this puffy faced cunt has no friends and even her own man doesn't want to spend more time with her.
No. 1029270
File: 1598475764292.jpg (721.63 KB, 1080x1708, Screenshot_20200826-170217_Sam…)

Here's another piece of shit outfit she's selling that'll "make your booty pop"… as she shows off her pancake ass
No. 1029275
>>1029125jfc this dancing is the most embarrassing shit i've ever seen hahahahahaha
the weird hip gyrating looking like the biggest unsexiest white girl
No. 1029277
File: 1598477740995.jpg (1.06 MB, 2172x3862, 20200826_163554.jpg)

>>1029228I implore you all to save this photo, lower the brightness, and zoom in. She looks like a shitty wax figure of what she used to look like. She reminds me of these awful celeb wax figures (pic related). She belongs in madame tussauds
No. 1029295
File: 1598479950456.jpeg (262.78 KB, 777x1538, AE0F2FD7-E1F6-482F-820C-74EB2D…)

>>1029238She kinda has that bloated Amy Winehouse tube body going on
No. 1029343
File: 1598484922990.jpg (323.95 KB, 1078x1702, 20200826_183600.jpg)

>>1029340What the actual fuck is this trash
No. 1029345
File: 1598485128765.jpg (481.54 KB, 797x1926, Screenshot_20200826-183540_Chr…)

She literally just bought this. Why did she brag about buying a baby shark for days just so she could attempt to sell it???? I guess needs rent money right now, the first of the month is coming up quick
No. 1029352
>>1029343She is trash, literal trailer trash. She doesn't take pride in anything she does. She just half-asses it, her delusions tell her "this is fine", and her followers tell her "omg ur so amazing!!!", and so she never feels the need to do things correctly. That goes for her porn, her art, her taxidermy, her dancing, her social media posts, her hygiene, her cosmetic procedures, her diet, her workouts, her makeup, her animal care, her relationship, dressing herself…the list goes on.
Its sad because she's stuck in this endless cycle of being trash because she's too blind to see it. We all see it Ariana. I promise your followers do too.
No. 1029431
File: 1598507326160.jpg (705.53 KB, 2048x2048, 20200827_004715.jpg)

She's literally trying to polish a turd with these procedures and the dramatic makeup. You're still just as ugly, Ariana. All you did was pay money to be a different kind if ugly.
No. 1029433
File: 1598507461331.jpg (329.18 KB, 1079x800, Screenshot_20200827-005102_Chr…)

>>1029431So sad how much she thrives on people giving her attention even if its hate
No. 1029590
File: 1598548117358.jpeg (197.98 KB, 1242x519, 9C05806C-704D-4F3D-89A4-CC8F30…)

Losing count of the amount of times she has alluded to “something big” happening to her
No. 1029649
File: 1598559425510.jpg (272.49 KB, 1079x1326, Screenshot_20200827-161754_Twi…)

No. 1029656
File: 1598559836898.png (2.04 MB, 828x1792, 6F5950E2-217A-4C6C-A2F2-20E318…)

Okay so this bitch is thriving but is asking her only fans to send her $50 for her awful porn bc shes “really hurt financially” ?? By $300. If you’re thriving so bad then why r u e begging bc ur dumbass was scammed? So wack I can’t deal
No. 1029657
>>1029433why is she so
triggered about being told her kids are gonna look like the old her lol she could just ignore it but she chooses to tweet it out instead
No. 1029658
>>1029656what a selfish money hungry piece of shit. she gets scammed out of 300$ because of her own stupidity but what is it hurting? her plastic surgery fund? that is not an essential need.
i bet she hasn't donated to any blm related gofundme, cause it all has to go to new furniture and a new botched nose job lol
No. 1029664
File: 1598561265966.jpg (395.52 KB, 1079x1611, Screenshot_20200827-164751_Twi…)

>>1029656On onlyfans she's asking for 50 but on Twitter she's offering 30. What a scammer
No. 1029683
File: 1598564200197.jpg (273.27 KB, 1078x965, Screenshot_20200827-173648_Twi…)

So she can scam people for 20 bucks rn because she was scammed but how dare they scam her out of 300. Hypocrisy at it's finest
No. 1029684
File: 1598564243864.jpg (213.26 KB, 1079x1105, Screenshot_20200827-173610_Twi…)

She was never sober and cannot handle life without a crutch because she hasn't bothered to do any internal work on herself as a person kek
No. 1029690
File: 1598564761113.jpg (147.64 KB, 1080x1352, 20200827_164438.jpg)

Over an hour before she posted about getting scammed she posted this. Kek Amazon has an app with their fucking phone number to call, why the fuck would you just call whatever Google's first link said it was? But she's so intelligent guys.
No. 1029714
File: 1598566632448.jpg (140.65 KB, 1080x655, Screenshot_20200827-181754_One…)

I know you're watching this thread ari
No. 1029717
File: 1598566722577.jpg (239.86 KB, 1079x1208, Screenshot_20200827-181848_Twi…)

>>1029684She can get xanax in less than an hour but always begs people to get her high kek. Also she is broke but can buy xanax? She's psycho
No. 1029724
File: 1598568426103.jpg (1.12 MB, 1077x1921, Screenshot_20200827-184708_Ins…)

No. 1029731
>>1029727Sounds like they got her to buy digital gift cards that were sent to her email, and once they confirmed she was dumb enough to actually buy gift cards for someone over the phone, they hacked her email and amazon. Lol.
Even Kitboga’s Grandma Edna is not this gullible.
No. 1029734
File: 1598569750633.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 1214x2160, 20200827180503.jpg)

Does she truly think these will attract customers?? Can someone tell me what could possibly be seen as sexy about either of these pictures from an objective opinion because I'm at a loss
No. 1029743
File: 1598571060021.jpg (Spoiler Image,586.83 KB, 2172x3862, 20200827_182449.jpg)

>>1029734Who did it better? Skinwalking troll who lives under a bridge or successful upscale escort?
LM posted 1 week ago. At this point I could make a pretty substantial collage of all the times ariana has directly copied LM's pictures within a week of them being posted. Also peep the differences in their captions. Both are talking about their bodies to try and promote their SW. LM is simply marketing herself. Ariana
has to be self deprecating and cocky at the same time in order to fish for compliments, while also trying to seem confident. No matter how hard she tries to copy other sex workers, she'll always be a dollar store version and its just cringey to witness
No. 1029750
>>1029734Xanex definitely acquired
She got desperate quick for such a thriving artist/sw/taxidermist/influenza/breadstick…$300?! Yikes
No. 1029751
>>1029743"i've got perfect boobies" although she said not too long ago she regrets them and misses her small tits lol
sparing the fact that they're not perfect all, they look Frankenstein sewn onto her bony curveless body
No. 1029770
File: 1598577026027.jpeg (972.25 KB, 1242x1852, 3D903D21-7983-4611-B357-C94691…)

No. 1029772
But I think she’s just fishing for an excuse to make easy money since rent is due on the 1st.
Seems like she always has a crisis towards the end of the month. Thinking no one will notice. Is it just me or does she always beg extra hard once the month is coming to an end?
No. 1029779
>>1029717If she got scammed out of all her pocket money to the point of "please send me $50" (and ignoring how often she brags about her supposed savings), where she get xanax money?
She's been talking to Shayna too much and next she's going to start demanding "reimbursement"
No. 1029788
File: 1598580129715.gif (7.03 MB, 368x654, 75620743_339132990466328_88349…)

She is so fucked up
No. 1029794
File: 1598581091804.jpeg (139.55 KB, 750x1284, 2EE28735-3CCA-42FA-B839-9A0740…)

No. 1029800
>>1029790She’s using that “cute face” filter non stop
Her nose does not look like that
No. 1029822
File: 1598585575554.jpeg (Spoiler Image,98.71 KB, 812x1200, B3027CB4-54D5-4D9C-99B1-C90A98…)

>>1029770>>1029790She so utterly botched that she looks like a male crossdresser wearing one of those terrifying silicone fetish masks.
No. 1029969
File: 1598617261336.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, 7418BDF0-E7AD-4B90-A258-3C241B…)

>>1029945I think the worst part was the IG video her driving and flailing a Flock of Seagulls while high as fuck on xanax.
Is she wearing colour contacts to hide how big her pupils are as she fucking operate a vehicle while high?
No. 1030060
File: 1598631291245.jpg (397.72 KB, 1079x1572, Screenshot_20200828-121235_Sam…)

This half-ass bitch will never own a brick and mortar shop. Ever. Doing anything outside of sitting on her ass at home and trying to scam people for more surgery money is the only thing she's going to accomplish in the next year. Guaranteed. I'm so sure of how her upcoming year will be that I'm willing to put money on it.
No. 1030104
File: 1598636167727.jpeg (379.46 KB, 1125x2001, F29E01AE-AF12-4F31-BF39-6477FD…)

she’s on live spazzing out again about being scammed but how she’s upset for other people not herself because $300 is nothing to her. ok lol
No. 1030105
File: 1598636310677.jpeg (186.34 KB, 828x1309, D20C6EBD-AABB-4A62-A4DD-02F241…)

Is this really the best she can do? No thankyou to an actual nice comment, good old Ari and her ego
No. 1030117
File: 1598637370213.png (3.73 MB, 750x1334, 47FE908C-FD56-4D26-AAB4-3F93F8…)

No. 1030129
>>1030117all that crusty skin texture around her chin and nose… and she spent hundreds of dollars on skin treatments lol
and then of course the obvious other face procedures and she looks like THAT
No. 1030151
File: 1598642136837.jpg (514.23 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20200828-131543_Ins…)

Man that fucking baby blanket is disgusting
No. 1030161
File: 1598642968662.jpg (272.7 KB, 1079x2052, Screenshot_20200828-152956_Ins…)

In this story post she says she was blacked out during those singing videos. There goes ari laughing about being blacked out. What a druggie
No. 1030171
File: 1598644388479.png (3.54 MB, 828x1792, B751A0AC-A334-4CA2-828F-F78099…)

No. 1030177
File: 1598645379168.png (3.21 MB, 828x1792, 8F2DC7C9-0CAE-4C09-9486-881956…)

Nightmare fuel
No. 1030211
File: 1598648884656.jpg (108.38 KB, 1080x497, Screenshot_20200828-170124_You…)

No. 1030225
File: 1598650428436.jpeg (Spoiler Image,447.86 KB, 661x1253, 90223404-1123-4632-B2A2-C887B0…)

>>1018588>>1029969The difference in nose size between these two pics lol
No. 1030330
File: 1598662947989.jpg (631.51 KB, 1079x2052, Screenshot_20200828-210303_Ins…)

She definitely made matt post this kek
No. 1030383
>>1030335 yet "300$ is nothing to her" but she also posts on her onlyfans that she's financially desperate over 300$ lol
she switches between begging for money and pretending she's bougie and wipes her ass with dollars and that's pathetic in itself. know where you are and just stick with that, why pretend for the internet?
No. 1030537
File: 1598705994505.jpeg (235.44 KB, 835x1573, 73FCFD84-4577-4FF0-A692-8F592F…)

Her profile is terrifying.
No. 1030542
File: 1598707101990.jpeg (358.29 KB, 1242x879, B2F52A2A-9D21-429E-BB64-F94B08…)

>>1018588Why is she such a repulsive person?
No. 1030734
File: 1598744761255.jpg (252.57 KB, 810x2139, 20200829_183347.jpg)

>made with love
No. 1030774
File: 1598749578982.jpeg (235.01 KB, 828x1090, 051073CE-FD8F-49F3-A8A3-CD0D6A…)

Posted 4 hours ago and literally no one cares
No. 1030805
File: 1598752901000.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1926, F2BF75FD-562B-4F58-9CE7-C25874…)

No. 1030811
>>1030706these filters are infuriating. ugly people hiding behind filters is so weird and disgusting. why even bother ariana, ugh
also, way to sound uninspiring and dumb. you sound super low IQ when you speak. i won't make fun of the lisp bc it's fine, whatever, you can't help that. but you're still a garbage person
No. 1030916
File: 1598790127853.jpeg (825.22 KB, 749x815, C8BC89A1-8934-41AE-9C67-844AE5…)

Where is she getting all these shitty butterfly specimens from? These are seriously moth damaged and if they’re still infected that could spread pests into someone’s house
No. 1031005
File: 1598810698767.jpeg (318.08 KB, 1242x767, B3360E09-F2E7-457C-8BB7-A81414…)

>>1018588It really shows that she was neglected as a child and never learnt proper hygiene. Between the state of her apartment, her greasy hair, dirty clothes and now this….ugh. Surely it’s just second nature to flush a toilet when you’ve just used it???
No. 1031082
File: 1598822422864.jpeg (658.47 KB, 1242x1473, 03FFA81E-BBD9-4EB8-B864-3EA829…)

>>1018588“My Grandpa just recovered from covid and is severely immunocompromised so I’m going to travel across states and potentially risk reinfecting him for my own selfish needs”
No. 1031304
File: 1598870321286.jpg (444.96 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200831-063921_Sam…)

No. 1031337
>>1031304holy fuck lol. the tampon sucking poll needs to included in the next thread image to live in infamy forever.
morning thoughts after finally finding peace at 25.
No. 1031394
>>1031372After plopping out a massive turd and not flushing, then digging out a freezer burned rats entrails with her bare hands.
Ariana is so fucking disgusting. Anons can reach a lot on these boards but Jesus fuck this girl legitimately makes me feel sick.
No. 1031523
File: 1598909703671.jpeg (34.73 KB, 750x160, 023BAB58-AF13-4571-8938-4C8322…)

The image of productivity and sobriety
No. 1031547
File: 1598913499465.jpeg (Spoiler Image,864.28 KB, 1242x1316, F18E1B04-4DAC-4862-B3EA-0CD662…)

I think I found someone else Ari might possibly been skinwalking. This person’s photos popped up on my TL because some RT’d it and I thought it looked a lot like her. When I looked on her page, I found that she’s friends with Aaron.
Same long skinny body and random tattoo placement. Also a SW with a short blonde bob that Ari has tried to achieve multiple times now and the big round glasses. Only this girl seems to have other friends in SW and actually gets a good amount of engagement on her posts.
Watch Ari get into latex + hood fetishes after seeing this.
Sage bc just speculation.
No. 1031821
File: 1598973797826.jpeg (99.25 KB, 477x640, 03DE0C98-AAC6-48B7-B247-2B25E5…)

>>1031643Yeah they all do look alike but not skin walking.
No. 1031953
File: 1598988225797.jpg (137.36 KB, 1080x1095, Screenshot_20200901-202233.jpg)

This is so pathetic..
No. 1031961
File: 1598989793478.jpg (Spoiler Image,628.58 KB, 810x1728, Screenshot_20200901-155017_Twi…)

>>1031547You were spot on anon I'm laughing so hard
No. 1031981
File: 1598992393510.jpeg (692.15 KB, 1242x1552, 8B0715CD-35AC-4880-A4BD-CE575B…)

GOOD. he should have got in trouble for it too!!
No. 1032038
File: 1598999288682.jpeg (484.94 KB, 1242x1810, C97E3BAB-CA2E-4440-A0D8-58EF7D…)

No. 1032106
>>1032104I like how in the poll she probably thought 5-10k to suck on a tampon was such big money, and started out the offers at 100$
First of all if someone is really ‘thriving’ in the way she claims to be, they aren’t worried about 5k
No. 1032108
File: 1599004886525.jpg (257.51 KB, 1080x1672, Screenshot_20200902-005354.jpg)

What happened to LA? Is she gonna keep switching states to get her surgery in, hoping that some stranger from the internet let's her crash on their couch while she recovers? Cheap bitch.
So successful
No. 1032185
File: 1599021221126.png (1.51 MB, 750x1624, 1FD57EC8-D6DB-4F05-B2E5-BC543A…)

Yes, this random bizarre shit is super sexy and great to post on your sex work account, surely attracting many customers.
She wonders why her followers are 10% men and why no one interacts with her sex work posts.
No. 1032448
File: 1599071265716.jpg (472.21 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200902-142715_Sam…)

So she really IS out here trying to live out her white trash fantasies… maybe it makes her feel more cultural.
No. 1032449
File: 1599071423292.jpeg (858.06 KB, 1242x1686, AF9E6B0F-13E0-4761-BD55-8DAA3E…)

DoorMatt is a glutton for punishment
No. 1032470
File: 1599075603123.jpeg (346.93 KB, 1242x878, A416052A-58B1-40FA-B63A-20EBC4…)

This makes me so angry, how dare she try and bring a child into her fucking dumpster fire of a life
No. 1032472
File: 1599076065046.jpeg (529.97 KB, 1242x1216, 898E93CC-D26F-4253-BFD5-ADC21D…)

>>1032470Imagine being superficial and narcissistic enough to try and conceive a baby so that it has the same zodiac sign as you
No. 1032479
File: 1599077344683.jpeg (74.71 KB, 750x365, E8055991-63B8-403C-9DB0-543AF8…)

No. 1032683
File: 1599098804971.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1242x2166, 706C470D-D60C-437A-8888-280B47…)

big yikes! private ig
No. 1032739
>>1032629there is no way she would give up her vices like hair bleach and marijuana during pregnancy.
anyone with two eyes can see the connection between Matt finally socializing again with
shock another female, and her suddenly wanting him tied down with a ring and baby.
No. 1032741
>>1032738I feel like she is sick enough to put their bodies outside after they ""naturally"" die and be like "i found these bones!!" And suddenly hang them in a shadow box.or even worse… she will try to preserve them in her freezer and pose them later
My God I hate this woman for making me think someone is capable of this
No. 1032780
>>1032683If she hates carrying boxes…hire movers??? Obviously she just wants to be irresponsible and buy random shit kek why make weird ass excuses for wanting to buy new stuff
Not to mention a moving crew would cost less
No. 1032858
File: 1599143502919.png (788.2 KB, 1242x2208, B3E19360-53CC-45DF-9A2D-92A43A…)

If she meant in NY, I hope it’s this place but I have a feeling she meant the country. Maybe she’ll meet some more ~~natives~~
No. 1032865
>>1032770There hasn’t been like barley any studies on weed bc it’s not federally legal. But it is confirmed that pregnant women who smoke could have birth defects such as low iq and like a few other thing
Is it even legal to smoke pregnant? I feel like it wouldn’t be bc a lot of state that legalized weed treat it like liquor
No. 1032870
File: 1599146636587.jpeg (263.41 KB, 750x774, 16042AD0-F572-4056-9F29-99A594…)

Pining for her peak lol
No. 1032895
File: 1599151416835.jpg (144.02 KB, 1080x670, Screenshot_20200903-123841.jpg)

"in the (grand) scheme of things, it's not a lot of money."
Sure Ariana, that's why you've been talking about it nonstop and begging for it to be replaced.
No. 1032899
>>1032870She has brought up losing her following …countless times.
The lack of any semblance of self awareness is astounding.
If she was ~not bothered~ and so ~humbled~ She wouldn’t feel the need to constantly bring it up.
It’s so sad that the only things she ever had going for her /her greatest accomplishment in life was being a micro-influencer on Instagram. (or just barely surpassing that)
She’s totally thriving though guys!
No. 1032904
File: 1599152182547.jpeg (358.69 KB, 1242x757, CA2886D9-5069-4D21-AC4A-55AADB…)

Imagine the smell of their apartment
No. 1032951
File: 1599162325069.jpg (267.83 KB, 1080x891, Screenshot_20200903-154320_Sam…)

Living your best life apparently means dodging your mom that you're the spitting image of.
No. 1033144
>>1033104They do test in Philly. They're supposed to, at least. Apparently it's called "Baby's First Testing" and if marijuana shows up, CPS is SUPPOSED to make contact.
But it's Philly. There are tons of losers. So they only arrest the heroin/crack junkies. One baby tested positive and CPS came and gave her a "stern" talking to.
Bottom line, CPS is a shitshow of an organization. Let's hope by some miracle Ariana is sterile now
No. 1033199
>>1032901“I don’t know if I told you” was probably her just being pedantic anon, yes she’s a liar but that’s a really weird nitpick
>>1032951So performative, I wonder if she really thinks all the people who know her will see that and actually think she isn’t trash. It just doesn’t make sense that she’s always putting on some pissing contest like she doesn’t share everything and people can’t see how pathetic her life is.
No. 1033247
File: 1599200891794.jpg (200.56 KB, 1080x698, Screenshot_20200904-022636_Sam…)

Nobody liked this post at all and guaranteed no one was enticed to check out her OF by her choice of wording
No. 1033308
>>1033247It cracks me up she just tweets out a link of her onlyfans and considers that advertising. KEK. Especially when she’s seen the low engagement she gets on Twitter, she just keeps trying the same low effort attempts over and over again while sitting there wondering why she’s a failed SW. She truly believes her grainy iphone nudes are gonna pay for an “extravagant lifestyle” full of sushi, antiques and plastic surgery.
But sure, losing your IG has totally humbled you again.
No. 1033882
File: 1599294817387.jpg (413.76 KB, 1080x1886, Screenshot_20200905_093030.jpg)

Someone's lurking (which we already knew) someone mentions not seeing fogger and she fills her story with pictures of her. Tinfoil but I reckon she doesn't photograph her much any more cause she's an old dog who doesn't look as "cute" in her eyes. I've noticed we don't see the older cat as much since people mentioned it's weight.
No. 1033895
>>1033522Still a ridiculous nitpick, moving on.
>>1033882These are all just a reminder that she completely ruined her face. She could never get even a fraction of her old following back because the “transformation” isn’t considered pretty anymore.
No. 1033944
File: 1599312592066.jpeg (688.41 KB, 1242x1043, B0F444E8-3F29-4398-966C-452B11…)

>>1018588“Help me get rid of these” wow very appealing for your customers…
No. 1033977
File: 1599321266377.png (2.42 MB, 1125x2436, EF7CF036-E006-4CE2-BCC2-F15DF5…)

I’m really sorry for double posting. But her constantly posting videos of herself crying is so cringe. Nobody takes video of themselves crying unless they’re desperate for attention. Collect yourself, then take the video, there’s no reason to ever cry on video. I know we already know she’s desperate for attention, but it’s just so gross to watch lol. This bitch thinks she’s stable and it’s so funny and sad.
No. 1033986
>>1033977Oh my fucking god that was literally the most insane thing I’ve ever seen, sorry for the hyperbole. What stable person sobs like this over a dead celebrity? One that’s been dead for 14 years? She need to eat mushrooms or something, she has a
severe fear of death and dying. Like yeah it’s devastating for that family I’m sure, and sad for all his fans…. but it’s also life. Dying is natural. We all move on. Idk. Pretty odd she’s still this broken.
No. 1033987
File: 1599322808708.jpeg (574.14 KB, 1242x724, 084C2807-F9E8-47C2-AC90-B91B60…)

>>1033977Including a whole photo set of her crying (narcissist) and her lips looking like an inflamed baboon’s ass
No. 1033992
File: 1599324002303.jpeg (468.78 KB, 3087x3087, 355FB8BA-F184-4632-9A59-224102…)

No. 1033998
File: 1599325584414.jpg (671.63 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200905-125958.jpg)

"why does my nose get swollen when I cry?"
Her nose looks the same as it usually does to me. Do people's noses actually swell from crying I've never heard of that
No. 1034050
>>1033989It’s Steve Irwin lmao this bitch is so basic. Get the fuck over it, you sound like a moron ari.
Also in the end she says she looks like bozo from crying at it’s the least delusional thing I’ve ever heard her say..
No. 1034051
>>1033989It's Steve Irwin. She says:
>"it was his wife's 14th year anniversary - wedding anniversary - yesterday and it was the 14th year anniversary that he died."I'm not sure if she's fucked on drugs or what but Terri and Steve did not get married on the day he died… they married in June 1992. Sorry for nitpick but what shit is she actually chatting
No. 1034106
File: 1599340731554.jpeg (Spoiler Image,784.98 KB, 1242x1415, A91DBD73-AA71-4794-9A8A-510385…)

>>1018588Matt may as well be a walking penis as far as Ari is concerned
No. 1034291
File: 1599389035155.jpeg (Spoiler Image,271.79 KB, 1190x895, C08C3673-4DD8-4292-8759-AF757C…)

>>1034106The amount of engagment the gaping butthole picture got is just depressing…picture of latinamilk’s twitter engagement for comparison
(derailing) No. 1034324
File: 1599395834528.png (8.68 MB, 1242x2208, 5DFF1926-3A3E-4913-AD1F-A7979B…)

No. 1034341
>>1034337I wouldn't say irrelevant considering the impact she had and continues to have Ari's downfall. As well as they had similar followings just a few years ago, yet Ari remains gutter trash as her peers succeed around her.
And lets not forget it probably pisses Ari off to have competition in her own roast thread. LOL.
>>1034324Completely emotionally stable, thriving queen everyone. A bigger empath than Shane Dawson himself.
(derailing) No. 1034344
>>1034291I think LM is getting her titties done soon, you bet she will look so much better than Ariana ever could.
Sorry for ot simping.
(derailing) No. 1034397
>>1033990I don’t know why every cow I follow has a thing for Steve Irwin ? Like I don’t thinks he’s a great person. He held his baby over a croc and should have got charged. How is that a good animal enthusiast example ?
I feel like it’s “ oh animals and danger” does that make me quirky? Im not like the other girls
Sorry if this is derailing I’m not 100% sure
No. 1034430
File: 1599411343608.gif (1.73 MB, 600x375, 906AEA6B-518E-406A-9DF6-B963FC…)

>>1034397Its so she doesnt seem like the heartless animal abuser that she really is.
No. 1034618
File: 1599440546746.png (754.03 KB, 1242x2208, 74687150-C079-475C-BE7F-4FC605…)

No. 1034632
>>1034618Lmao shes
triggered by her own gif of herself abusing a helpless, fragile, precious life of a hamster. The lack of empathy she shows off online is just proof shes a literal sociopath and its terrifying. The hamster should be next thread pic, shes unredeemable.
No. 1034653
>>1034618>>1034646Any excuse for this bitch to virtue signal, funny she only cries over quasi celebs she never knew but when her own bf put a man in intensive care she was laughing/posting her pussy in no time.
Any sort of emotion that is current or relatable is the one she will emulate. This chicks head is fucking empty.
No. 1034987
File: 1599512959684.jpeg (730.59 KB, 1125x1487, 4C490342-D267-43AC-9238-858622…)

Now she’s offering dirty panties with her “art”. Wonder if it’ll be decrepit grey ones she’s always wearing
No. 1035128
>>1034430Mods is there any way we can spoiler this? It's really upsetting and I hate having to see it every time I check this thread.
What a heartless abuser she is.
No. 1035397
File: 1599581029811.jpg (480.99 KB, 810x3744, 20200908_110202.jpg)

The 4chan-tier edgelord competition is happening you guys!! Who will prove that they are the most unique and have seen the worst gore at the youngest age? Tune in to find out!
No. 1035400
Ariana, a grown adult woman:
>hey guys i'm like so weird used to watch gore videos lmao so sick but i couldn't watch this one that was too sick cos im not that weird lmao Ariana's grown adult followers:
>omg im also like so weird just like u and watched those too but some were like too weird for me too lmao so sickAiana:
>omg 12 yr old me is triggered!!!! lmao murder vids are so fucked haha but i totally watched them when I was a kid did i mention that No. 1035402
>>1035397Interesting that an empath who cries weekly at the thought of celebrities being dead for OVER A DECADE can sit through videos of people being tortured and murdered.
Shes a fucking idiot. She literally changes her delusional depictions of herself to suit her fictional character for that day. "Today I am an empath and I will weep for the dead!!" "Today I will laugh at the fact that I've spent hours of my life watching people die in painful ways teehheee!!". You need better meds ariana because the ones you're on are not regulating your BPD properly.
No. 1035415
File: 1599584254192.jpg (546.27 KB, 2172x3862, 20200908_115348.jpg)

>>1035397These are a day apart. Ariana, watching videos of people's death
is mocking them. The nameless individuals in your gore porn videos have families mourning them. Just because they aren't Steve Irwin or a Twitter celeb doesn't mean you can just discount them as humans, and instead find entertainment in their pain.
Goddammn hypocrite with no self awareness.
No. 1035423
File: 1599585095170.png (14.31 KB, 499x345, whiteswan-english_import_stati…)

>>1035402So idk much about BPD and I googled the symptoms out of curiosity to see if ariana has all/some of them since she claims to be on meds. These are the symptoms for those of you who don't know, like myself. She literally has all of them. All of her bad behaviors stem from these symptoms. She really is lying to herself if she thinks its under control. Complete strangers on the internet can see that her symptoms are still very much a part of her, so how can she not see them?
No. 1035433
>>1035423Ari has already self proclaimed she has BPD. Not to mention its an incredibly debated personality disorder among professionals. Its the new equivalent of a woman being "hysterical" which is why there's little point to armchair about the "symptoms" of it.
Whatever Ari has is moot since its obviously not being treated or managed correctly.
(armchair psychology) No. 1035662
>>1035433histrionic personality disorder is actually the modern equivalent of the old school "hysteria", not BPD. the names themselves are even quite similar. women who would be diagnosed as hysterical back in tje day are now diagnosed as histrionic.
sorry ot i know, just correcting misinformation.
No. 1035795
>>1035786It reminds me of a lot of posts from the "methblr" side of tumblr. If this was in conjunction with hashtags like #blowingclouds #spunlife I wouldn't be shocked, kek
How bleak.
No. 1035822
File: 1599639371320.jpeg (46.19 KB, 597x513, images.jpeg)

>>1035786I can't comprehend what possessed her to post that video. The weird squat variations seriously made me think the video was looped until it go progressively worse. I'm not an artfag but this video has absolutely no direction.
No. 1035886
>>1035786As a sex worker producing content for public sale, I really wish either go waxed/shaved or just grow out her bush. She always has this disgusting in between stubble look that just looks dirty and uncomfortable.
This video looks like something a crackhead would film in a Goodwill dressing room to advertise to her johns.
No. 1035889
File: 1599660587053.jpg (328.6 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200909-101017_Sam…)

Wow, she really posted her pathetic freebie offer on OF.
No. 1035891
>>1035786I cannot believe she actually uploaded this. It is absolutely and objectively grotesque. I couldn’t even finish it. Even if you knew nothing about Ariana as a person, discovering this clip in the wild would be horrifying. I hate when anons say this bc it’s usually an exaggeration but I could actually smell this video. It’s rancid.
>>1035886You hit the nail on the head, anon. This is some serious crackhead prostitute shit. The fact that she’s doing this in a dimly lit corner of her apartment just adds to it.
No. 1035982
File: 1599674310726.jpeg (Spoiler Image,545.65 KB, 1242x985, 13744AF3-3C7C-4B28-86CD-0F5885…)

No words…….
No. 1036092
File: 1599689924809.jpg (438.36 KB, 810x1750, Screenshot_20200909-181913_Twi…)

She doesn't have enough fat to even attempt a bbl and she'll probably die from it if they tried
No. 1036099
File: 1599690329752.jpg (229.72 KB, 1079x806, Screenshot_20200909-182532_Twi…)

I can't wait to see how bad it turns out
No. 1036100
File: 1599690413278.jpg (675.88 KB, 810x2210, Screenshot_20200909-182552_Twi…)

Someone bought the horrid spank me art kek
No. 1036101
File: 1599690448488.jpg (198.04 KB, 1124x1634, 20200909_182608.jpg)

No. 1036103
File: 1599690514488.jpg (191.46 KB, 1124x1617, 20200909_182610.jpg)

No. 1036119
File: 1599693275354.jpg (Spoiler Image,276.48 KB, 1124x1939, 20200909_191530.jpg)

No. 1036181
File: 1599698917470.png (8.53 MB, 1125x2436, D89D16A6-53E1-4017-8175-E4E991…)

>>1036179very smart of matt to do this in his work uniform.
No. 1036183
>>1036119why does she spend hours doing makeup literally just to take a selfie for her IG that's shadowbanned (therefore not profitable) ; yet puts 0 effort into herself when she is literally selling her body and face?
she really must be on a lot more drugs that she admits (ya i know, no shit)
No. 1036193
File: 1599700749489.jpeg (844.87 KB, 828x1539, 52DBF990-3628-4046-93DE-0711EB…)

It doesn’t help that they went live with a big pile of white powder on their table… Matt even dipped his finger in at one point. When she said “oh”, the video was focused right on it and she ended the video
No. 1036194
File: 1599701154834.jpeg (313.02 KB, 1125x1891, 54694C6D-FC8E-48A6-AD8B-16C1DE…)

At least she admits it’s flat
No. 1036325
File: 1599741049776.jpg (616.51 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200910-083018_Sam…)

She thought lil Mikaela was real and really can't tell between CGI and reality either.
No. 1036326
File: 1599741195818.jpg (762.54 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200910-083255_Sam…)

This looks like one of those $10 one size fits all "costumes". A school girl outfit from Amazon is the most normie vanilla role play bullshit, but then again, Ariana is as normie and vanilla as they come.
No. 1036330
File: 1599741668658.jpg (674.62 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200910-083504_Sam…)

Pictures again apparently don't do the sparkles in her "art" any justice, but begging people to buy it on sale really says a lot about the quality of this thing. She was literally bragging about how fake proud she was that her Etsy looked like a shop since no one wanted her inventory of junk. And now she's selling shit on sale that no one wants. I can understand that the cheap Spank Me Daddy bullshit was bought by some girl's friend as a gift to her friend who likes Dumbassheaux, but anyone that buys this 4 legged, labia-hooped, bubble gum pink splattered, oversoaked tampon vag is batshit crazy.
No. 1036335
File: 1599742200343.jpg (521.6 KB, 810x2589, Screenshot_20200910-084801_Sam…)

Pretty sure she hasn't been eating gluten free tiramisu. Between her compulsive lying about her sobriety and her diet and her working out, it really looks like she just lies to feel better about herself. Everybody knows she contradicts herself and lies constantly and she's more of a delusional idiot than I thought if she really thinks she's believable anymore.
No. 1036338
File: 1599743023854.jpg (576.42 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200910-090328_Sam…)

Why would you blur the cover image of the item you're trying to sell when the other images are unblurred?! And it's a gecko. Why would that even be something to blur when she has pictures of all her dead animals for sale?!
No. 1036388
File: 1599752743890.jpeg (385.28 KB, 1113x1867, F48B1FFB-07DA-40EF-8523-97AAFF…)

Except you’re a catfish and he ignored any further messages from you but go off
No. 1036403
>>1036338etsy requires wet specimens to be blurred in the cover image, but not all images have to be blurred. all shops that sell wet specimens do that, so it's not just ariana.
>>1036388plus he's married now or whatever. weird that she starts posting about him again right when it coincides with him being married and her WANTING to get married.
No. 1036408
File: 1599755916978.jpeg (131.57 KB, 1125x2000, B83FA954-58BF-4DC0-8DF6-D2524F…)

Round two? She thinks a second nose job is going to fix her face?
No. 1036438
File: 1599762294345.jpg (1.06 MB, 810x7243, 20200910_132314.jpg)

>>1036099She should really get her brain checked out with the amount of things she "forgets"
No. 1036441
>>1036438Same fag but if yall are ever bored and need a laugh, do an advanced search on Twitter for keywords that arianas tweets include.
To find tweets about her squatting on the toilet like a gargoyle. Type
toilet (from:scorpioassheaux)
No. 1036453
File: 1599764008723.png (3.59 MB, 750x1334, BA097557-B75D-4ED7-BAA1-8BBEEB…)

No. 1036549
>>1036545I think I left some out because there were so many. Anyone feel free to chime in.
I thought it would be hilarious to put
>>1024012 next to
>>1034618Bc she’s just sUcH aN eMpAtH that’s also into watching snuff films on the internet and torturing animals, see
>>1034430 (hamster vid)
No. 1037090
File: 1599865492209.jpg (833.6 KB, 1079x1633, Screenshot_20200911-190603_Ins…)

No. 1037129
File: 1599869648084.png (5.83 MB, 828x1792, 9568203B-F83C-43F1-898C-6C692E…)

It’s always sad when she posts these mediocre food pics bc you know that’s the one time out of the month she’s cooked a meal for herself and she’s ~proud~
No. 1037334
File: 1599892585145.jpeg (Spoiler Image,683.9 KB, 1058x1451, CFA85FCA-2649-4F2E-B50C-E64496…)

Sorry for old photo but since anons were recently discussing her treatment of animals I thought I’d also post this gem (I think this must be the dog she had for a month then and got rid of?)
No. 1037604
>>1037334She definitely touched the dog dick and made a big deal out how
weird n cra zy she was for it.
No. 1037609
File: 1599940672415.jpg (623.53 KB, 809x1641, Screenshot_20200912-155824_Ins…)

Lol is she actually confused as to why her badly damaged hair would be in such rough shape omg
No. 1037646
File: 1599944889002.jpeg (125.5 KB, 719x1188, 7C4C1215-3481-4C86-B01A-4E3885…)

You guys getting the same kinda results for “Scorpioass” as I am? These people all have way less followers than her too (Not that 6000 follows is a lot). She’s shadowbanned as fuck on IG.
No. 1037654
>>1037334This actually really gross.
The only reason I know this is from dog breeding, but that dog has a “ knot”, the bulbous part at the end is when the dog is close to ejaculation or has already ejaculated. It’s meant to keep semen from coming out. That means this dog was pleasured by her or was having sex with another dog. It would be different if you just saw a “red rocket”.
I mean to even take a picture of this is disturbing, but it really makes me wonder.
Why would you post that?
No. 1037847
File: 1599971773448.jpeg (477.21 KB, 750x1014, 3E66123F-C83E-4B4A-985A-798D9D…)

I love to unearth all the shit shes done Heres a reminder she gave Matt her aids rash
No. 1038090
File: 1600023771333.jpeg (467.29 KB, 1102x1973, 43F4B564-FB42-451A-B01D-CEBA72…)

No. 1039144
File: 1600172512274.jpeg (461.93 KB, 828x1130, 99DFCDB1-5337-4E08-A1D0-7DB0BC…)

Is this dumb bitch referring to last year when she paid someone like $200 (?) to clean out her dumpster on wheels?? Because she admittedly hadn’t cleaned it in years?? And now she’s pretending it was due to her cat puking. You’re exactly like your trashbag mom, Ariana. Lol such a pathetic liar
No. 1039189
File: 1600177950143.jpeg (503.89 KB, 1242x1084, 4B663C3A-59EE-4513-845C-AFC6C2…)

It makes me laugh how many times she mentions random people blocking or ghosting her, you can smell the crazy from a mile away…
No. 1039790
>>1039616Yes, please.
>>1036545This anon even took the time to find some decent photos for the thread pic.
I’ve personally never made a thread before and would probably fuck it up if I made an attempt.