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No. 852243
PlasticandProud/PlasticnProud/Alice Amor/Ariana McMillan (pnp, Ariana, scorpioasshoe) is a 24 year old plastic surgery addict, ex Instagram “influencer”, and full service sex worker in philly
>Vapid narcissist and obligatory BPDfag, “doesn’t care wat u think” but will have a defensive spergout and be mad for hours over the slightest rustle of jimmies >has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky >gets her lips injected to the point of them resembling sausages, posts side by sides showing her progression from normal human being to blow up doll constantly >quit her steady paying job to be an Instagram influencer, paid for boobs with credit, began prostituting herself shortly after, forces her spineless boyfriend to go along with it, aborts his baby and jokes about it on Snapchat >shaved her head in a manic episode and regrets it a day later, wears cheap wigs daily >has a mysterious rash after having unprotected sex in Dominica and calls it psoriasis Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/638649>>>/snow/673730>>>/snow/686753>>>/snow/706068>>>/snow/730033>>>/snow/753018>>>/snow/778634Recent milk:
>pnp and doormatt go to dominica as “just friends”, posts pictures of them making out with her anus lips and doormatt’s plaque >posts pic of her face down in the sand with some random local next to her, later posts ig stories about how she was raped by him and sells her Snapchat with the intention of telling people about it >says doormatt was responsible for not babysitting her, breaks up with him, says she’ll never see him again as she slobbers and cries on snap>literally gets back together with him two days later >continues being an escort before getting tested, gets tested a month later for HIV and is “clean as a whistle”, doesn’t get retested afterwards at any point >ig gets deleted, moves to twitter to promote her “sex work” which includes low quality videos of her and her prolapsed lips attempting to be sexy with premade and custom videos >a mysterious rash appears >calls doctor, tells her to get off lamicital, pnp refuses and looks up pictures of psoriasis, convinced that she has it. Begs for money to go to the doctor since she makes no money as an escort and doesn’t have insurance >texts a picture of the rash to the bitch who does her lip injections, who sends it to a dermatologist, and “”confirms”” it’s psoriasis. Pnp never sees a doctor about a formal diagnosis or another test for HIV/other std’s
>uses psoriasis as her identity because bpdfag>continues to fuck Matt and her clients/other sex workers (one pisses on her while she rides the face of a dirty old man) with open sore rash covering her entire body, concentrated around her pubes>only has one client currently that puts up with her pus pockets, has to rent out living room to her friend to make rent >friend moves in to living room and pnp texts her that she needs to move into their shit stained decrepit basement and keep their animals in the basement at all times, friend only needed to stay for 3 months, friend blasts her on ig then removes it to avoid pnp having a sperg out >adds a snake and a kitten to her animal horde consisting of her roommate’s two cats and her cat and dog, has admitted she doesn’t walk the dog when she’s depressed (always) when she can’t afford 600 dollars in rent and begs online for a literal dollar NEW MILK:
>Ariana’s rash disappears and never mentions her lifelong psoriasis diagnosis ever again> cuts open a chipmunk and stuffs it, admits she has dead animals in her freezer for years. >Starts using her escort page again, takes pics of her looking like a MTF >Only has two clients, admits she “hates working” on snapchat>Faked eating her friend out when a client paid for her to go down on them>Is moving with just matt and no roommates, will somehow make rent> is currently at her family reunion in vermot posting baby pictures and pictures of her grandma next to videos of her slapping her tits and shoving dildos in her ass for sushi moneySocial media:
Ig (up, locked out): plasticandproud
Ig (deleted): Plasticnproud
Reddit: Airkilla321
No. 852247
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No. 852263
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Never forget
No. 852501
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Here she is drawing clear parallels between her and MJ, both kind souls and geniuses who were ostracized for their looks and that alone.
>>852243lmfaoooo I came here to post that lawyer status but ya got me bitch. Great start to the thread, anon.
No. 852537
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The cycle of neglect continues. Gifting someone with a puppy, their FIRST puppy, as a surprise? She gave her grandma a cat too last year. Clearly just taking animals without any planning is a family trait.
>>852501I agree anon. It was the first thing I thought when I saw her posting about mj. Of course she would sympathize with someone who had plastic surgery even despite the fact he faced dozens of csa allegations and a documentary was made 10 years after he died discussing those allegations but nah, he’s innocent and a tortured soul. Also she would make a great lawyer because she can defend mj on Twitter after he’s dead !
No. 852582
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The frying begins
No. 852638
>>852544It’s really sad how she feels the need to impress her family by buying them shit. It’s like she’s trying to impress them with all her whore-money so they won’t be ashamed of her.
Don’t worry Ari, regardless of how many accessory animals you try to buy them - they’ll always lie to their friends about what your real job is and what you did to get those gifts.
No. 852643
>>852501Pnp is seriously the dumbest bitch.
She wants a platform to express her opinions but doesn’t want anyone to be allowed to debate her opinion or give theirs. Whats the point? Go talk to yourself infront of mirror in a bubble where no one can hurt your fee-fees if you’re that sensitive to criticism. Better yet, get the fuck offline.
No. 852711
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And the juul is back
No. 852720
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No. 852855
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First her "gilf" grandma and now her cat. Why does she need to sexualize everything?
No. 852899
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>>852855It's because she feels devoid of any value other than her sexual appeal. She talks about feeling basically inhuman when she doesn't have her face on (despite having countless procedures) and buys makeup/clothes when she needs comfort. Yeah she was always gross, but getting this much plastic surgery truly opened the floodgates for her to give in to all her worst impulses. It emphasized her learned helplessness and completely eliminated any semblance of self-soothing behavior she may have cultivated in the past. Cuz hey, I'm so cute!! Everyone's gonna comfort me!!
Pic related: this is a thought most people might have at one point or another. The difference is they keep it to themselves instead of airing it nonstop in desperate hope of asspats
No. 852982
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No. 852988
>>852985yeah i think she's saying "bored" and actually means "broke as fuck"
but what about her "uwu i could never do a stupid ~vanilla job~ because i love doing whatever i want every day"
No. 852996
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They’re probably just in shock
No. 853001
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>>852996imagine coming face to face with this cryptid at walmart or something. i'd be wondering why this tranny was wandering around with a full face on in the middle of the day too.
No. 853004
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>>852996woe is me! the mean wymyns are just jealous of my beauty! how cruel!
No. 853036
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>>853009this is just from a search of the word ugly in her tweets
No. 853096
>>853036Not only is she a hypocrite but shes a delusional hypocrite. Good grief.
>>852982Hm, wonder how that resume is gonna look…? I mean honestly, what skills or education could she possibly put on it? Shes probably just gonna hope they hire her because shes ~disAbLed~ thanks to a (non existent) psoriasis diagnoses
No. 853120
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nitpick, but how bad does your body dysmorphia have to be to think this is a good profile picture? kek
No. 853141
>>853120the same level as thinking
>>852720 is okay i guess lmao
No. 853153
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>>853126don't worry ariana, they totally won't google your full name
No. 853184
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Might be nitpicking, but how does she direct the attention to her? She didn't have to specify how close it is to her?
No. 853317
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This is so weird and gross, who in the fuck knows someone irl and would be like “I jerk off to you?” Is she expecting to like sext these people or something? I wonder how she’s manipulating Matt into thinking that this and her “meaningful connections” aren’t cheating at all, or just manipulating him into going along with it regardless of what he thinks. She’s so gross for this behavior and for not seeking help for her clearly unstable behavior, everyone knows it hurts Matt. I hope he gives her a taste of this shit one day. She was talking not too long ago about how much she hated seeing Matt fuck someone else during their weird ass foursome, and then she does this insane shit. Just absolute garbage.
No. 853334
>>853331Ok Ariana, “self taught coping mechanisms” don’t make them any less
abusive and harmful, and also don’t dismiss anyone from taking accountability, getting help and changing
toxic behavior. Leaning on your trauma and mental illness as an excuse is just that — an excuse and deflection. Learn to validate and accept and connect with your damn self
No. 853364
>>853361Why would I need to help her
She’s not my problem
She’s doormats problem
No. 853377
>>853372She’d rather find someone else to blame than herself
Apparently its what helps her sleep at night.
No. 853384
>>853382Why would anyone make someone feel better about their
abusive behavior
No. 853385
>>853382 She could always not look at and ignore it like she does with everything else in her life
Isn’t that how cyber bulling is stopped anyway, just walk from the computer screen yo
No. 853389
being abused, not all
victims feel abused in the midst of it and leaving an abuser is way fucking harder than that
No. 853390
>>853386How blind sided of you to assume that’s how abuse works
Ariana, just stop
No. 853403
>>853393i doubt his band is any good anyways.
Anyone heard any of their stuff by any chance?
No. 853410
>>853407Is it really your business too though?
Yet here you are
No. 853432
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Ariana coming to her hate threads to whiteknight herself
No. 853485
>>853413Apparently your friendship IS irrelevant if you felt the need to come to a site with a defending mentality that you know you’re gonna lose with. Why can’t she fend for herself? Why the fuck she need you to do it? Why did you search for the link for the newest thread on her? You got issues too buddy. Seriously, click the catalog link and just take a look at the types of people that get “torn apart” here. They warrant it by either viral animal abuse, scamming people, being a narcissistic asshole, manipulating people, contradicting actions, the fucking list goes on. There’s a reason why she’s on here.
If she ever owns up to her responsibilities and idk fucking tries to be a benevolent human being, it would stop. No one wants to fucking talk about someone doing good shit.
No. 853520
>>853413If ariana was really being mentally affected by her forums she would delete her online profiles and start living an actual life in the real world. No one is making post online and share so much abt herself. its the fucking internet turn it off, delete your shit but obviously she loves the high of all the stranges on here talking abt her.
also i dont think this person is ari or knows her at all, just another orbiter from insta looking for her new profiles and stumbled in her forum imo
No. 853532
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No. 853568
>>853559yeah it's called ratgod or some dumb shit like that
ironic since they probably have actual rats in their house
No. 853593
>>853485Oh Jesus Christ get off you’re podium.
>> You got issues too buddy. Lol imagine saying that
Take this paragraph and repeat to yourself in the mirror and realize if you vocalized exactly what you said you would be a fucking weirdo creep defending weirdo creep actions. You’re all ego. Everyone on this forum is a weirdo creep. They crap on these girls but their lives I can guarantee are pretty baseless and if you spent the same amount of time critiquing themselves than random strangers online. They wouldn’t have time to be on these forums. It’s just fucking hilarious. I come on here to laugh at what I would def call incels. And no I’m not Ariana. That’s another thing that’s funny, everyone who defends Ariana on here is Ariana what a meme.
>>853408Thirding or Fourthing this is Aaron.
My tinfoil is the resume/google your name Ariana set her off bad and she complained to him how this site is gonna prevent her from getting a job.
Honey, all we’re doing is reporting what you put out there. Guess that hooker life ain’t all “bad bitch vibes” huh?
No. 853662
>>853520She doesnt even need to delete everything. She could legit just become less of a
abusive, attention whore and lolcow would lose interest pretty quickly other than the occasional “this is what shes upto” posts.
She lives her life on display. We’re all watching cause its fucking hilarious. If it bothers her, its in her control. Has she ever even been cowtipped before other than by herself?
No. 853780
>>853559They're called Stargazer. Unrelated to pnp but they're actually not bad if you like prog/djenty stuff. Doormat's vocals could use some work though.
Shame, imagine where he could be if he didn't have Ari holding him back.
No. 853817
>>853780Stargazer is tolerable.
RatGod however just sounds like basic Metalcore. Or as pnp would call them, “normies”
Probably why she hates the hardcore scene
No. 853864
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Sage for blog but I'm from NYC and despite being a big city, the entire northeast metal and hardcore scene are incredibly small townish. We talk trash about all these local internet famous stars all the time. People I know irl who I'm almost certain don't know this site exist have made jokes at the expense of pnp. Matt is a known cuck and Arianna a vapid bitch. For wks to come here and say that the farm is the cause of all of this bullying is almost willfully ignorant. Aaron, Matt, Arianna: all of NYC, NJ, PA, CT, and even RI scene is onto your bullshit. 60k followers on the old ig and you didn't expect that? Seriously?
Also spoilered bc dick pic but look at how many likes and retweets lol. Must suck to emotionally abuse your bf into letting you put his penis on your public Twitter to only get five likes. It's as if even her followers know this is weird as shit. I wonder what kinda trash his band mates talk about him.
No. 853888
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(no contribution)
No. 854002
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Looks like she got her Instagram back
No. 854066
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This return to insta can only be bad for her.
No. 854135
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>this break from instagram has been so humbling
>the internet isn't everything
>i don't even know if I'm happy right now
Sure jan. That's why you posted 4 stories of your nostrils and gummy prolapsed lips. Incoming manic episode. She's gonna go live. I cannot wait for the milk to spill.
No. 854251
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sage bc useless but like……. gross………
No. 854259
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Why tho? You already look like a greasy bloated fish
No. 854309
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Can y’all believe this was her???
No. 854323
>>854314pretty sure she's been a
toxic cunt for many years.
No. 854333
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Repost of something from the first thread, but I can't believe how much she's destroyed her appearance with all the shit she's done
No. 854334
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Does she only own one pair of underwear or is this nasty, ratty thing another “security blanket” situation? Either way, disgusting kek I can smell this picture
No. 854341
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>>854274 that's definitely why lol, just the other day she posted this
No. 854363
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just went through her fan art and i just think it's funny how she spends so much time trying to create the illusion of a slim nose with makeup (oh, and the nose job) and her fans will still draw it as it is
No. 854385
>>854334I find it funny she does that leg pop out thing cus the last thread pic had one of her laying down flat getting pissed on and you can clearly see she has absolutely no figure. She's literally built like pubescent boy, which is why she was so proud of her weight gain for like two weeks.
How can someone so appearance obsessed still manage to look so gross all the time?
No. 854404
>>854385hasn't she been sperging about her ED constantly for like the last month?
suddenly she's so proud of her weight gain? lol. it's hilarious how differently she is already trying to present herself on IG.
No. 854425
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A grease fire waiting to happen
No. 854434
>>854433That's exactly what I thought. She literally looks filthy. Get a load of those grody feet.
Can't wait to see if she tries to milk ig for clients/sex work because she has a bunch of irls on that profile.
No. 854436
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She really loves to glamorize her ED.
No. 854478
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I got an unflattering angle but just watching her face on her live, you can see her fillers are dissolving and making her cheeks hollow and saggy looking. No wonder she was talking about fillers for her bday on Twitter not too long ago. Sage for new milk and nitpick
No. 854482
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>>854479To add to this, she also claimed that psoriasis runs in her family lmao.
Also, love that people are hate commenting and trying to bait her to say what she's been doing for "work" in her time off. Also mad ppl asking for her Twitter and she's ignoring all of this. Golden.
No. 854522
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Wasn’t she just saying she finished her Invisalign a while back or am I missing something..?
No. 854585
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>>854550>Pretty trashy that she’s letting her kitten chew on her juul in her insta story.she has no regard for anything besides herself and even that’s debatable
No. 854666
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Confirmed she no longer goes to the gym every day and that it was a short lived impulsive waste of money lmao
No. 854679
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I can't believe she thinks this is an improvement. She looked so much better before
No. 854687
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Shes letting her new kitten terrorize poor Weezy. She looks miserable. Also her house is fucking filthy. I feel so bad for her pets.
No. 854690
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Couldnt grab a screen fast enough, but dirty plates on the floor, pure filth. Frogger & Weezy look miserable with a new kitten.
No. 854700
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>>854679whereas in reality she looks like this, she can edit and cake on as much makeup as she likes, she always was and still is ugly asf
No. 854706
>>853153Why is her legal name attached to this, all you guys do is bitch at her for not having a job and then fuck her out of having one. It just justifies other people who have abused her and a
victim complex. Tf did you expect
No. 854713
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>>854700Yeah I hate to nitpick on her appearance as there's loads of other shit she is horrible for that aren't her appearance, but… You're right. Her un-made up eyes, brows and smile give it up. She still looks like her old self despite all the surgery. All it seems to have done is make her more of an outward bitch.
No. 854720
>>854706>all you guys do is bitch at her for not having a jobOut of all the things this retard is culpable of, not having a job is really a non issue.
Her name is her name and she does what she does, cry harder fag.
No. 854727
>>854706She's responsible for her own reputation. Not lolcow. She puts this information out there and has chosen to publicize her lifestyle.
If she was smart, all she has to do is call herself "Aria McMillan" or "Ana McMillan" or "Ari McMillan" on a resume lol.
No. 854731
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Anyone notice cotte doesn’t follow Ariana on Instagram anymore, nor does that girl Freya who got her into SW this time around
No. 854743
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>message marked as seen
“My HuSbAnD aCkNoWlEdGeD mE”
She’s really that desperate
No. 854806
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aaron just posted this on his story
No. 854849
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>>852243She looks like something from a horror movie about to possess the boy
No. 854977
File: 1566160414318.png (2.21 MB, 1440x2111, Screenshot_2019-08-18-13-32-31…)

>autoimmune disease
Kek totally not syphillis
No. 854998
File: 1566163311603.jpeg (72.88 KB, 750x400, C04B4891-2AC6-4504-9531-454E5D…)

Why.. is she writing "survivor" like she has cancer or something? Cant keep up with this bitch
No. 855007
>>854998LMAO "auto immune disease survivor"???? wow…. i'm fucking deceased right now.
her entire bio reads like a middle aged facebook mlm mom.
No. 855044
>>855016Does she think she’s getting ahead of the story by bringing all this shit back up to IG or is she just this desperate for every drop of attention/sympathy? Also
>wholistic lmao
>>855041Go away obvious scrote newfag. Nobody is leaking her porn here.
No. 855049
>>855035Depends on where on your genitals. Inverse can look a lot like guttate when it first forms (small splotches with flaking build up), but because the skin constantly rubs it forms a sheen, smooth surface. It forms where the skin folds (so under the breasts, armpits and near the leg/genitals, under the scrotum and sometimes even in the labia. Guttate psoriasis can form on the mound (in females) and on the shaft (in males). It can cover the entire body. It can last for years (a flare-up). It normally lasts longer if you're sick, stressed, etc. because of a weakened immune system. So, if she does have an STD (which is likely) it could cause a psoriasis flare to last forever, as long as she doesn't get it taken care of.
Honestly, to me, it does look like psoriasis. Doesn't take away from the fact she's nasty. But I'm merely being objective here.
No. 855102
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"I'm so good at makeup, better than professional"
No. 855111
>>854998Holy fuck….this is just……SO MUCH to unpack……
The allusion to the abortion in her bio, “autoimmune survivor” (I’m cringing so fucking hard she wants to be disabled so badly)….the whole bio is just referencing every element of her latching onto whichever oPpReSsEd identity she can. I’m….she had to have been on drugs when she made that bio?!
No. 855114
> “Ppl are stupid for telling me to see a doctor LMAO!!!”
>“I survived a debilitating autoimmune disorder!!!1!1”Ariana you can’t define your life with this “autoimmune disability” status and then shrug off modern medicine and doctors in the same thought. Anyone smarter than a retard can see right through your self-satisfying
victim complex bullshit
No. 855128
>>855049ayrt and I saw what you described about the inverse psoriasis and how it starts off and then gets worse in those creases. She’s always just had the bumps they never turned into the smooth red patches but who knows. No one because bitch won’t see a professional anyway. the situation sounds like it’s uncommon even if it’s possible to get just the guttate psoriasis bumps in the vaginal region. Definitely something I would want confirmed!
regardless, there’s countless medications and prescriptions that are successful, she didn’t treat it “WHOLISTICALLY” (kek) by choice… but rather because she’s fucking stupid and is too scared an actual professional might open up the possibility of it being something different than what she wants it to be.
>>855114 yes she’s latching onto this shit as another personality trait yet has never been in the care of a doctor for “muh auto immune disease”, what the fuck. How can you be defining yourself by something you don’t even know you have?
No. 855169
>>854849Jesus Aaron is a pathetic clinger. The fact DoorMatt isnt threatened by him whatsoever is pretty telling about the type of “man” he is.
I just hate this dudes face.
No. 855236
File: 1566234006149.png (2.14 MB, 750x1334, E7942130-328C-4771-81D1-DED21F…)

Is she really that confused as to why people didn’t want to keep up with her prostitution twitter….?
No. 855256
File: 1566238591695.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, 9DEE3EED-D317-4D82-A11D-3CF93D…)

Her boob job looks super wonky in this pic, and that makeup… I imagine looking at this picture and thinking it was good to post.
No. 855307
>>855236Goes both ways Arianna. You didn't try to keep up with them either while you on Twitter. So why expect them to? This girl will never be satisfied.
Also its funny how she thinks 60k on IG is some huge platform. Maybe 5 years ago, but everyone and their mama got a following these days.
No. 855308
File: 1566250175324.png (3.22 MB, 750x1334, DA6639F5-0EA6-4F0B-B3F1-6854A6…)

Uhh narcissism??
No. 855370
File: 1566260486191.jpeg (118.81 KB, 750x628, D49FB869-D551-4FEB-9D87-ACF99C…)

Hmm.. Tweets go from August 5th to 18th? Seems like she deleted a lot of tweets now that her IG is back.
No. 855451
File: 1566269962437.jpeg (92.68 KB, 750x214, 22157FBB-8108-426A-AF5F-9C38D9…)

I mean isn’t that what normal people do? They work. Maybe if she got over herself and realized she’s getting too old to be doing sex work she could actually become something productive and you know, work.
No. 855473
>>855451Imagine how Doormatt feels, jeez. The codependency is real strong with this one. I’d absolutely hate coming home to this insufferable bitch every. single. day. I mean, seriously, imagine it.. Ariana willingly works a few hours just every two months by offering only her sexual services and then will feel utterly comfortable spending the rest of her time either: boasting about how great/easy life is since sex work, spending all said sex work money on debt and instant gratification, seeking out opinionated arguments that won’t go anywhere on controversial topics for a quick ego boost, casually contradicting her own statements left and right, and/or complaining to her “platform” that she hates everything she creates and feels utterly alone quite often. It’s sad, honestly. Not a life I’d be proud of.
Ariana. Please. Just. Get. A. Therapist.
It’s a normal, healthy activity every person should do with their free time. Spending money on sessions is not a waste. Please. Do yourself a favor and try it again!
No. 855482
>>855451If she worked, he wouldn't have to work as much to cover her frivolous shit.
>>855460As if that would stop her.
No. 855524
File: 1566283343947.png (2.13 MB, 750x1334, 7665BAEB-4554-4F47-A113-79B61B…)

sage for nitpick but how the fuck do u say this dumb shit knowing that drawings are literally just fucking lines on paper
No. 855545
>>855524>weird you can make a whole picture just makin lines111 wow111weird, you can just make
whole coherent sentences by just using the alphabet!
No. 855546
File: 1566289565928.jpeg (819.69 KB, 906x1142, 10D94D65-541D-4DD7-818B-24484A…)

At least dust the dandruff of your shoulders.
No. 855560
File: 1566294406592.jpeg (4.25 MB, 3000x3000, 767CEBC4-5FD7-4CC8-BA0F-2BAAE7…)

I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist
No. 855574
>>855473Dont forget undermining your boyfriend by posting all over social media how shes the “breadwinner” in the relationship and bragging she makes more money than him cause she lets wrinkled balls powder her face.
She doesnt deserve Matt
No. 855618
>>855574No, she doesn't deserve Matt at all. He's probably so beaten down by all the emotional abuse though that he thinks shes the best he could ever get. She probably beat it into his head so often along with demeaning him so that he truly believes it. Poor dude has gotta have like, non-existent self-esteem. Bet she loves the power she exerts over him because she too has low self-esteem along with intense self-hatred.
Toxic ass couple.
No. 855632
File: 1566311326546.png (9.03 MB, 1125x2436, 6F4D3F5F-0B6B-4E48-B617-120F7A…)

When you think she can’t go any lower, she starts talking about eating roadkill….
No. 855667
File: 1566316054146.jpg (709 KB, 808x1788, 20190820_104616.jpg)

>>855641I don't think he's working for USPS anymore. Arianna made a comment a while ago on twitter that he was trying to get back to working for USPS, so I think he either was laid off or seasonal. Also… Did she not forget about trying to make her "friend" and her animals live in her infested basement? Or having to have all these roommates period? Because for someone trying to come off as rich, she has had a lot of roommates..
No. 855739
File: 1566326210885.jpeg (235.72 KB, 750x1181, B9849929-58FF-43D1-AD4B-259BB1…)

Noticed pnp deleted all her highlighted promos besides Buck’s County Plastic Surgery. Seems she’s going to be promoting @skinsavior very soon. Honestly that could be the more permanent alternative to fillers she was discussing saving up for?
Another thing to notice is the steady decline in followers since posting regularly. Not very important but still funny knowing she cares.
No. 855744
File: 1566326553252.jpeg (164.96 KB, 750x1197, C8CA3F90-070A-4DF4-9343-64580C…)

>>855739Kek this got deleted so fast
No. 855748
File: 1566326867411.png (1.05 MB, 750x1334, 7486D7E2-0FFE-44EA-9E91-E6717E…)

This bitch eats road kill
No. 855771
File: 1566330120429.png (3.26 MB, 750x1334, 2E479CB9-BB17-4090-B56E-352D1B…)

>>855744It looks like she's trying to slowly get come out as a sex worker. Admitting you're a full blown prostitute to your 60k ish fans, friends and family would be incredibly jarring. It's probably also why she's steadily losing followers.
Pic - she saying making sw accounts on these sites. Also lmao didn't she recently rail on people who list basic shit they do as if it's something to be proud of? Self awareness is at 0 with Ariana.
No. 855780
File: 1566330538169.jpeg (510.32 KB, 1195x1918, A07B33AB-76D5-4868-8D61-2C5124…)

old but god this whore is disgusting
No. 855804
File: 1566332291427.png (600.39 KB, 750x1334, E64357D8-3DB4-44ED-BAE1-D71F7D…)

terrifying realities now that she’s back posting video.
No. 855810
File: 1566333147904.png (2.86 MB, 750x1334, D3E5839D-BCD9-422B-84E3-9C1915…)

I still think that ‘rash’ is HIV
No. 855812
File: 1566333393585.png (3.22 MB, 750x1334, E99AA442-8D7D-45E5-8C9E-FAD63D…)

Gotta love the vibrator out right next to the dog and dog toys
No. 855817
>>855812Ew the head of that vibrator is probably covered in cat/dog fur sticking to her syphilis infused pussy juice.
I wouldnt be surprised if she gave frogger something rubbing her diseased skin all over him. he seems to be more sickly lately.
No. 855869
File: 1566341752305.png (2.83 MB, 750x1334, A3EADCBA-DF99-4BAA-82C7-BBF190…)

Letting her cats full on attack each other. Reminds me of Phoebe Tickner who let her new cat get ravaged by the young one into an early grave. I'm so tired of these stupid bitches letting their animals hurt each other and thinking it's cute.
No. 855871
File: 1566342465680.jpeg (460.79 KB, 750x724, 627C482F-DF79-44D0-8BDB-A470CC…)

The video of her singing DGD earlier was truly haunting. Kek.
Ari if you’re reading this, things will never be like they used to between Matt and you!
The manipulation does serious damage to a person. Highly doubtful that he’ll ever want to show you off like this again. Especially in the local scene where everyone disapproves of you guys. Oh well!
No. 855873
File: 1566343124634.jpeg (20.88 KB, 140x148, 129BFB7B-AF1F-4D59-BB44-99EC1B…)

remember when she tried to sell a footjob video
No. 855876
File: 1566343204785.jpeg (250.78 KB, 750x1113, F7A0EA8C-5316-42DC-AE0E-384889…)

5k more in debt…also it’s probably just her BDD kicking in and not actually noticeable to anyone but her
No. 855885
File: 1566343472992.jpeg (87.67 KB, 738x748, 800076DC-2670-4839-B1AD-EF771B…)

So her return to Instagram is going great! Kek.
No. 855887
File: 1566343601581.jpeg (75.12 KB, 750x627, 9C418A51-0E31-40F6-8794-47D42B…)

More spectacular stats
No. 855910
File: 1566348635204.jpg (371.98 KB, 1079x1791, Screenshot_20190820-204944_You…)

Not sure if this was posted in a previous thread but I just found these videos from dollskill of pnp lisp-ering asmr and I am choked laughing I had no idea this existed. They posted it july 9th 2018
No. 855996
>>855981let's not whiteknight matt just because ari is bad.
there was an inside anon in one thread who said he's comfortable with all of this because he basically wanted a blow-up doll girlfriend to fuck. Let's not forget that he basically allowed her rape - we can dislike her, but that's pretty irredeemable. he's not a "better person" at all
No. 856010
File: 1566382785368.png (1.18 MB, 750x1334, 885A4F26-AFFC-450F-95EC-3D99D5…)

Posting this kind of shit totally makes people wanna hang out with you…
No. 856013
File: 1566383859258.jpeg (213.75 KB, 655x540, E4817827-4647-48CB-A4FF-3B7806…)

Sage for nitpick but no wonder she always has socks or shoes on in her nudes. Her feet are grody as shit and would def spoil whatever potential sexiness there was to any pic.
No. 856043
File: 1566391432472.png (402.09 KB, 446x514, 62399837de0ad27929b8f0d8ea6a60…)

>>855910i know we all know but damn.
it gets me everytime how ugly she still looks IRL, how her face in motion ALWAYS is "a bad angle/shot/moment".
ariana, you should've owned being a big nosed, square faced IDGAF hoe because now you look like a a MTF gone bad.
(nitpicking) No. 856048
File: 1566391884165.jpg (2.16 MB, 3416x1920, hmmmmmmmm.jpg)

not milky but lol
No. 856089
File: 1566400949868.png (28.86 KB, 157x140, 59A7988E-F509-4740-AB5C-D9F3F3…)

Everything about this woman is an extended bruh.
No. 856254
>>856010Something tells me her plans fell flat. No snaps from either of their stories about being at Six Flags? Fishy coming from the queen of attention whores..
Also she posted an IG saying her dog is her best friend.
If that dog could talk he would definitely somehow end up blocked.
No. 856265
File: 1566423589997.jpeg (453.21 KB, 1242x1223, D61E81F6-0BDE-44E1-A620-45FACB…)

Despite all that money funnelled into her face, she still looks exactly like this when she smiles. Poor thing, I'd hate myself too if I had this goblin ass lookin face kek.
I agree with everyone else that she didn't end up going to the park, maybe she cancelled at the last moment coz she's a bitch like that? Idk why that girl is still friends with her, she has to know how much of a trashbag she is
No. 856357
File: 1566436538887.gif (6.04 MB, 333x640, SmartSelect_20190821-201144_In…)

Confirmed- she was with cotted. You gotta be pretty fucked up to want to hang out with the girl who wanted you to live in the shit and fly infested basement.
No. 856408
File: 1566441575512.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1124x1846, 66C65223-6BEB-4F0C-836B-F70F6F…)

She posted this on Saturday and I forgot to post this here, but it made me so angry! Who the hell walks their dog in 89 degree weather!? she treats her animals like shit and exposes it herself to the internet. After 85 degrees, a dogs paws will literally burn walking on a sidewalk like that. This makes me so angry. She does not deserve her animals.
No. 856416
File: 1566442324629.jpeg (252.39 KB, 750x1228, 811908F8-740B-49A7-8015-84577B…)

she just posted this 27 minutes ago and deleted quickly. i went to her page and it’s not there anymore lol
No. 856423
>>856416What was the first photo?
I feel like this is an old pic. I could be wrong though. She wears the same outfits all the time, and always does the same makeup look..
No. 856426
File: 1566443295765.jpeg (237.47 KB, 750x1197, C7E600B1-B3A3-4C64-9518-985E39…)

this was the first photo
No. 856457
File: 1566449087301.jpeg (186.15 KB, 749x1010, CC841CC5-2BCE-4139-BFE5-BF23E0…)

>>856423Most of the photos she’s posted on IG are old. Maybe one or two recents? The one you’re referring to at the moment was taken in June. Seems she had an appointment being someone’s escort on a very hot day.
No. 856742
File: 1566504527830.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, 0B4970A3-07D4-4622-AEB3-32E3E8…)

“dirty white rag” proof she still lurks kek
No. 856925
File: 1566536240293.jpeg (872.25 KB, 828x1311, 5B37FDA4-ACAF-4D32-A77C-5B2492…)

she actually posted the chipmunk stuffed with a sausage link kek
No. 857059
File: 1566578298390.png (11.13 MB, 1242x2208, 2F2BDA52-7752-416F-8F6F-B555CA…)

She describes herself really well here! Bravo, for the little bit of introspection that must have taken. Unfortunately, she loses all respect immediately by claiming its not who she is anymore. Nah, thats exactly who you are and always will be, and thats why we're all here, as you say, "a piece of shit"
No. 857080
File: 1566582210140.png (3.7 MB, 750x1334, 79BD3C06-C5A2-49E7-A5F0-834784…)

She’s live on Instagram right now wearing a wig that looks like it was dug out of a dumpster after Halloween
No. 857093
File: 1566584936469.jpeg (556.24 KB, 750x4002, 7FEE0FAA-2259-4596-B214-7F009B…)

Her new face on top of her old face always freaks me out when it’s visible
No. 857100
File: 1566586043794.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, 78F6F5D2-1004-432D-936E-ED2101…)

This might be the most botched she’s looked
No. 857118
File: 1566587341362.png (23.95 KB, 1440x249, Screenshot_20190823-130208~2.p…)

One of the comments from her recent post
No. 857174
File: 1566594275988.png (3.47 MB, 1242x2208, 1555E8AA-E6FA-4538-BAE0-EB72D6…)

She keeps talking about how bored she is on her story….perhaps go to the doctor one day this week
No. 857178
File: 1566594948284.jpg (732.82 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190823-171538_Ins…)

shes on ig live rn. Covered aarons keyboard in makeup then sprayed it with canned air and whispered "he'll never know" hah
No. 857213
>>857171Honestly so super weird she constantly hangs out in his room and rolls around on his bed, unshowered and barefoot walking around that dirty house, taking half naked pics all day. Maybe invest in nice things and decorate your own space so you don't have to take up others
>>857113That's pretty low class. She could have at least filtered it, edited out her gross skin, brushed the fucking wig, maybe made it look worth their time at all.
Also find it goofy how she always resorts to this spread leg "pose" to make it look like she has hips or ass, kek
No. 857261
File: 1566606569355.jpeg (100.35 KB, 750x681, C8A7D4DA-F8E0-4ED3-BA3B-7543CA…)

Finally admitting she’s MTF trans
No. 857369
File: 1566626522725.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, 148C5360-DA50-4EB6-849E-5AFA09…)

>>857368same anon but I know there’s sunlight in her face here but this definitely looks opiate fucked up to me. There both similar types of effects to me tho so it’s hard to tell unless it’s a video or in person tbh
No. 857380
File: 1566628576869.png (3.77 MB, 750x1334, F714416C-CBB5-4A00-AF44-967A4D…)

Anyone notice how whenever someone says anything remotely negative Ariana insults their appearance? She’s very insecure and still has deep seeded issues from being bullied in school. It’s kinda sad. She’s pushing 30 and this is how she responds to criticism?
No. 857492
File: 1566660839362.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1125x1531, C1759314-FBA2-4A60-8BB8-9261BF…)

No. 857539
File: 1566674144671.jpeg (193.97 KB, 750x1334, 93433A3E-0FDC-49F6-BEF7-FA896C…)

No. 857556
File: 1566675953010.jpeg (57.42 KB, 800x450, B8528936-CCF8-45F7-A9BC-FB4541…)

>>857539it's almost like she has zero concept of being the bigger person. also, love the helmet hair ariana. literally looks like this
No. 857576
File: 1566679706047.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1125x1632, 74E6FDCF-3EEA-4833-B6C1-ACD104…)

Why does her highlight look like that?
No. 857615
File: 1566682824586.png (1.16 MB, 640x1136, E12CD590-1DCE-4B0A-999F-C59688…)

why would she say excuse the cat hair when she could just clean it off? like if she’s aware of it she could just get a lint roller…
No. 857743
File: 1566710268876.jpg (834.4 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190824-215415_Ins…)

Seeing her lips in freeze frame mid sentence is so disgusting. You can see where her lips actually are and where they've been stretched too. Plus she overdraws her lips, she looks like something from a horror film
No. 857749
>>857745so? newfags should read the rules. and you learn to sage, dumbfuck.
besides what she posted wasnt even milk, it was cringey and gave me major secondhand embarrassment.
>>857748just some cringe edgy idiot posting what she commented on one of pnp's pictures
No. 857875
File: 1566750753065.jpg (31.45 KB, 620x350, pnpfuture.jpg)

lol she's really starting to remind me of the surgery-addicted character from the movie Brazil
here's what you have to look forward to
No. 857974
>>857676Not WKing LOL she just doesn’t look like she’s using opiates.. and when she DOES use drugs she’s bragging about it because her logic seems to be “did i really even pop pills if i don’t post about it online?”
Get real dude.
No. 857990
File: 1566767095371.jpeg (778.46 KB, 1836x3264, F25DE5D9-18D1-48A6-B0BE-E8BB9C…)

Some caps from her IG live just now. Not much milk, she was just annoying per usual.
No. 858007
File: 1566769064888.jpeg (141.06 KB, 750x906, 349F70B2-9739-451C-B992-5AD2F2…)

Deleted content.
Body dysmorphia is a serious issue. Seek help. Not. Fillers.
No. 858087
Dirty apartment, dirty clothes, and a confirmed dirty and trash filled car. someone who "works" twice a month, if that, she doesn't take very good care of her belongings or people in her life with all that free time.
No. 858150
File: 1566790665994.png (654.92 KB, 640x1136, 976CA518-3424-416B-818B-6B6E45…)

Anyone else find this weird? Ari, Aaron, and Doormatt all posted the same story watching this video. Ari and Aaron are on the bed i guess and Matt’s sitting next to the bed? Check the next two pictures for reference.
No. 858151
File: 1566790687800.png (784.77 KB, 640x1136, 40E128AB-3A23-408B-AA97-F0753C…)

No. 858154
File: 1566790751543.png (856.86 KB, 640x1136, 8F58D036-8BEF-4884-8F5E-E2D083…)

If you look at DoorMatt’s story at like the first like .03 seconds, you can see him sitting in like a chair i think? Next to the bed..?
No. 858226
File: 1566799458755.png (1.94 MB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_20190826-020011~2.p…)

Deleted content
No. 858231
File: 1566801283911.png (10.15 MB, 1242x2208, 6F8CD5F7-BE64-48BF-8EB0-096BED…)

I honestly think the nose job worked
For her, but everything else looked better before
No. 858237
File: 1566805303418.jpeg (347.61 KB, 750x729, 1F866ED9-5ED9-4CD4-A99B-332187…)

>>858231Even with some more work she looked better even just around a year ago. She's destroying her face
No. 858256
File: 1566813373156.jpg (62.87 KB, 500x561, DUkYjUyXUAAndI7.jpg)

>>858240The Roald Dahl quote?
No. 858408
File: 1566846893224.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1079x10054, ZomboDroid 26082019141300.jpg)

i find it funny how she advertised her instagram on her sw twitter using all old photos where she actually looked like a female kek
No. 858473
File: 1566858217656.jpg (83.82 KB, 361x343, Screenshot_20190826-152154_Ins…)

Clown makeup FTW
No. 858538
File: 1566866368549.png (8.38 MB, 1125x2436, EF64128E-D360-43F7-A52B-E5C341…)

Yall seen this?
No. 858565
File: 1566870492428.jpeg (226.85 KB, 750x965, 6E4C5873-19C2-4AFC-B3CD-1CEF2C…)

Deleted content with a good angle of her old nose.
No. 858589
File: 1566874005205.jpeg (236.8 KB, 750x919, 3ECC19A8-ACCF-4B1A-B5D1-FE6AC8…)

>>858565Older deleted ad like content from today.
No. 858614
>>858565I feel like if she would’ve just updated the way she did her makeup, she would’ve been fine. She looks really pretty in her before picture, her makeup is just really flat. If you pasted her brows, lashes, and highlight from the recent pic onto the old one, it’d look so nice. I feel like back in the time the older photo was from, she just went straight to worrying about changing herself physically instead of finding ways to work with the unique features she had had.
Yes, her lips were small before but they had a way nicer shape to them and no upper lip bubble in the philtrum area. Her nose was bigger, but it suited her face. Now her nose looks wider and too short.
Saged because my opinion doesn’t matter but it does make me a little sad for her because as other anons have stated, it seems like she’s a shell of who she used to be and I wonder what she’d be like had she just tried to work with what she naturally had.
No. 858683
File: 1566890681192.jpeg (386.81 KB, 1242x2208, 49A0C2D3-2BF9-4058-8358-513B49…)

Scrolling on reddit and came across this gem, not sure if I should blur out the username since it’s definitely a farmer who did this seeing how they used pictures from this thread. Just thought it was funny reading some of the comments, one person didn’t even realize all those pics were of the same person kek
No. 859008
File: 1566942094153.png (5.55 MB, 1125x2436, 843E93AD-CE40-41C7-A830-E40F18…)

nightmare fuel
No. 859020
File: 1566942604823.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, 54F6E5C7-C5F5-4A2C-9F38-B7FA5A…)

>>859008Granny teeth making a strong comeback
No. 859039
File: 1566943383424.jpeg (140.97 KB, 750x1002, 68EBD3E7-60CD-4C07-89D7-82178B…)

Pnp has been on a deleting spree! 4/5 pictures posted in a day will get deleted.
No. 859192
File: 1566950996276.jpeg (89.42 KB, 749x890, 52447279-48D8-4A9C-9E39-49FA42…)

>>859020Holy fuck! Something is very wrong here.
No. 859274
File: 1566956850989.jpeg (278.29 KB, 1242x1755, 86904E00-8E4B-4668-90DA-87FEAB…)

Incredibly awkward being in a live insta chat with 17 other people as Ari uses her fake Scottish accident to talk about her bowels
No. 859281
File: 1566957719245.png (3.28 MB, 750x1334, 4FE7D189-593E-4CE7-876F-30F76C…)

>>859274Her living room is so sad. You’ve lived there for how long now?
No. 859655
File: 1567008979023.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, 8509D4D5-1C01-435F-9496-443FDD…)

I really doubt she’s ever done consistent therapy or sought any specific form of treatment for her bOrDeRLiNe, DBT therapy was designed to specifically treat BPD, is evidence based and has a really high success rate. She’s just too lazy to put in the work and get better.
No. 859690
File: 1567012386012.jpg (1.24 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190828-111058_Ins…)

Is sex worker, won't let boyfriend pay for a sex worker, and isnt comfortable paying for a sex worker for herself. Hmm.
No. 859691
File: 1567012465210.png (6.57 MB, 1242x2208, 58A8CB6A-EB6E-455A-9B43-69E650…)

>>852243Isn’t there caps of her admitting he cheated on her in previous threads?
No. 859709
File: 1567015067078.jpeg (379.75 KB, 1125x2041, 40F310C5-67F4-4DC3-BA04-D6A3BA…)

No. 859728
>>859709Y I K E S
Regardless of what happened how do you have the guts to post that to your 50,000 or whatever followers and then expect them not to questions? You put it out into the world hunny
No. 859760
File: 1567020408550.jpg (700.86 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190828-121846_Ins…)

She has a video on her IG (sorry, for the screenshots and not screen caps) where you get to see up her nose as she tells you that "because I have an autoimmune disease…like my cells keep going and going… So basically I heal really fast…"
This bitch is a total joke. She's so delusional that it's hilarious.
No. 859772
File: 1567022756696.jpg (598.8 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190828-125047_Ins…)

Doormatt definitely sits on a chair next to the bed. I'm on his side, I wouldn't want to sit next to that Versatile Garden Tool either.
No. 859778
File: 1567023014809.jpg (772.24 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190828-125411_Ins…)

I love how she was just ranting about wanting tape in extensions and fillers because "Uhhhhhhg,how can I not look SO UGLYYY?!" No dude, no issues at all… you miserable mess of caked on makeup.
No. 859792
>>859761NTA but autoimmune is your body attacking itself.
And she's an idiot.
No. 859793
File: 1567025695631.jpg (562.38 KB, 1080x1403, Screenshot_20190828-154539_Chr…)

Ariana got both her Snapchats banned.
She's going to make a private Twitter only those who paid get access to and maybe a private instagram for those who got her non- prostitute Snapchat. Here's a video from her instagram (might still be uploading so give it a minute.) No. 859852
>>859709To clarify: she is denying ever having posted this??? Lmfao
I get so jumbled in the Ariana saga.
No. 859861
>>859852And she even gave credit in one of her
stories to the girl who messaged her and told her Matt cheated kek
No. 859924
File: 1567044309062.jpeg (339.22 KB, 1222x1207, 3B80118F-134F-4DAA-AF55-A39D7A…)

She looked so much better pre lip lift and fillers. I feel like she would get so much more work if she stayed with just a nose job. She looks more “sexy”
No. 859937
File: 1567045821426.jpg (326.14 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190828-223107_Ins…)

No. 859949
>>859924Her lips weren't even that small and the definition in her face she covered up with filled just gave her personality. Not to wk but she was actually beautiful when she fixed her nose, but her obviously terrible and
toxic attitude have taken a toll on her face, to say nothing of those cheap fillers. PS can only do so much, this modern ugly face is def the product of years of hatefulness and self loathing.
No. 860137
File: 1567086556020.jpg (592.79 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20190829-084826_Chr…)

She has an onlyfans now
No. 860140
>>860138pretty sure nudity and selling services is bannable
shayna's had about 10 snapchats banned now
No. 860247
>>859937A biopsy is when a portion of your liver is taken out and studied/tested, often to check damage due to liver diseases. But the Versatile Tool knows everything about psoriasis and according to her, docs diagnose it by pulling out a section of your liver. We have no knowledge of the subject. Only she does.
That reject needs to start a wikipedia of all the dumb shit she makes up and believes in. No bitch, throwing out big words doesn't put a smoke screen in front of your stupidity.
No. 860252
File: 1567100639686.jpg (974.02 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190829-101324_Ins…)

I can imagine the exact thought process she was having when she wrote this shit. "Everyone hates me because I'm beautiful and they're ugly! They're jealous because my job is so great that I get paid to be ravaged by men that struck out with normal women! I have soooo much money, but I only beg for someone to buy me a Happy Meal on IG and Twitter because I know people really want to do things for me! They have to think I look good like this! After all, I have to be beautiful after going into debt for plastic surgeries! I love the visible scars from my surgery! They must all have no lives and be ugly!"
No. 860253
File: 1567100763763.jpg (993.31 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190829-101318_Ins…)

(Part 1 of previous image)
No. 860442
File: 1567122205572.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190829-164308_Ins…)

All of this sage advice is more of a pep talk to herself than anyone else. Poor kid.
No. 860470
>>859772lmao nice a folding camping chair indoors
they have like no furniture still
No. 860507
File: 1567132598804.png (7.59 MB, 1242x2208, C22C00D3-DA28-4F09-AEEC-F562D5…)

Meant to post this yesterday but I really can’t stand when she describes herself as a nihilist. If she knew how to use google she’d know that nihilism isn’t about rejecting the idea of life after death it’s about rejecting all morals and believing life is truly meaningless. She isn’t a nihilist, if she was, she wouldn’t give a fuck about anything and wouldn’t feel the need to rant everyday about how people need to be kinder and stop “projecting”. She just wants to be edgy so bad
No. 860669
>>860252Its so hilarious all her insults JUST HAPPEN to be all the things anons have previously called her out on in these threads.
Damn, lolcow cut her deep my dudes
No. 860670
File: 1567161004539.jpeg (25.4 KB, 327x338, 7F1D7764-A41F-4101-9A97-8F9E9C…)

people are so afraid of looking like themselves these days and PnP is a classic example. I was scrolling online and thought this Kylie picture was PnP from the side. Same overuse of fillers making them all look like blobs when they attempt any form of emotion.
No. 860797
File: 1567188635227.jpeg (204.07 KB, 554x1298, DA959AB2-02A6-4122-83C5-D27672…)

Always acting like someone struck a nerve.
No. 860803
>>860670>>860713Maybe very vaguely, but PnP has that grotesquely overfilled upper lip
>>859008and a nose easily twice this size.
>>860797>says she misses having a job and thinks it might be easier on her>snaps at rando who said she sounded like she was happier when she had a jobShe was hoping she'd get asspats and "nooo, please stay" comments I guess, huh? Bitch is still manic.
No. 860828
File: 1567192792457.jpg (478.67 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190830-121539_Sam…)

Another example of this tool (she's not even legit enough to be called a ho) getting pissed at people who don't agree with her delusions.
No. 860886
File: 1567202046599.jpg (1.57 MB, 1440x2560, 20190830_225327.jpg)

Imagine thinking tattoo's will help you feel better about yourself instead of actual therapy
No. 861245
File: 1567253629056.jpeg (355.45 KB, 750x736, A9DDA6CE-8AAF-4C2C-88AE-4BD86C…)

Did a semi deep dive and found some really nice pics of her per surgery. The mind boggles how she thinks this weird flat face she has now is better. She used to be so pretty even just a couple years ago, she looks like a completely different person now.
No. 861455
File: 1567276439602.jpeg (174.47 KB, 562x1267, 122AB2FF-6E39-4C0C-BBD5-5B023C…)

No. 861527
File: 1567282087001.jpg (466.88 KB, 1080x1230, Screenshot_20190831_220846.jpg)

the lips ….
No. 861601
File: 1567292832006.jpeg (234.68 KB, 1440x1439, EDU9Hz2UYAMw67j.jpeg)

No. 861642
File: 1567298469197.png (442.91 KB, 1125x2436, 934A3298-30C5-4755-B0F8-FBC8D8…)

No. 861653
File: 1567299376859.jpeg (585.51 KB, 1242x2208, B80A6B83-4A15-43F4-B2C7-59D92C…)

this chicks roasts were hilarious. I’m dead
No. 861665
File: 1567300646410.jpeg (236.75 KB, 750x1118, E1EB4660-BD0E-4E41-A051-52D984…)

Sure jan
No. 861741
>>861379wut lol
>>861665ah yes the Big Concert for That Band
No. 861794
File: 1567311252817.jpg (1.21 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190831-221405_Ins…)

Angelina Jolie on meth maybe
No. 861964
File: 1567343830189.jpeg (149.67 KB, 750x394, 02D6A8B7-0802-4220-BC8E-BEFF31…)

I have no idea what band it was. But they are very famous and important.
No. 862022
>>861964“Just some huge concert I went to with a band whose name I can’t remember. Don’t worry about it. It happened.”
Absolute top kek
No. 862029
File: 1567356843985.png (1.47 MB, 750x1334, 8A659605-E7F4-437A-922F-93CD2F…)

Her makeup brushes lying all over her dirty ass floor makes me wanna puke she rubs that shit all over her face, she can’t even put a goddamn towel down
No. 862096
File: 1567362691512.png (234.77 KB, 485x929, Part 1.png)

Here you go
No. 862097
File: 1567362733080.png (239.32 KB, 493x942, part 2.png)

No. 862098
File: 1567362845273.png (459.69 KB, 750x1334, 41962EF1-4E41-488F-ADD3-8D0D02…)

>>862097I bet Ariana is screaming right now lmfao
No. 862103
>>862098I really just wanna know which STD/STI it probably is.
If we get lucky Ari will get tested out if spite and we can watch the milk flow from the breakdown of realizing she doesnt actually have psoriasis.
No. 862187
File: 1567370609374.png (1.04 MB, 704x1054, Screen Shot 2019-09-01 at 3.42…)

Isn't it kinda odd PNP gets like 2 comments in the span of 3 hours but has a bunch of likes? Why do I feel she just buys majority of her likes and comments?
No. 862289
File: 1567380531286.jpeg (76.47 KB, 750x567, 283D3845-A87D-4B57-9B5E-A7A39E…)

Today on things that didn't happen part 2.
Wasn't her mom a compulsive liar? Would explain why she lies about her "psoriaris" and all the other bullshit she's been sperging for clout
No. 862397
File: 1567410890006.png (2.67 MB, 750x1334, F0BD8DAA-E866-440D-9BE4-36FB09…)

She's so weird. 3:30ish am when she posted this, is she just sitting up on her phone obsessing over her selfies, staring at her own face? Narcissism levels thru the roof
No. 862494
>>862187Oh god, now she’s going to bring her filth into another apartment and destroy that one too. She hasn’t been able to decorate her last two places? Lmao. She can’t even dust let alone decorate! She’s never lived anywhere without turning it into a contaminated looking heroin den, and her idea of “decorating” is hanging up cheap Christmas lights and old dirty sheets over her smoke stained walls and grimy floors. Her little delusions make me laugh so hard.
>>862029 case in point. Those makeup brushes are making my skin crawl.
No. 862554
File: 1567449438263.png (Spoiler Image,3.73 MB, 1125x2436, 2C414DFB-6B07-46A7-AA94-661863…)

She posted this and then very quickly deleted it. I wonder why?
No. 862584
File: 1567453677330.png (1.38 MB, 1440x2242, Screenshot_20190902-134022~2.p…)

From her new private insta
No. 863183
File: 1567527337138.jpeg (514.91 KB, 750x1244, B5B731F4-8422-4E1D-B583-A4FCB5…)

this entire fucking caption is retarded but i can’t wait to see what disaster her hair looks like after
No. 863353
File: 1567542044740.jpg (Spoiler Image,201.09 KB, 1080x1737, PicsArt_09-03-04.15.44.jpg)

Her bday is 2 months away and she can't stop talking about it. Kek. You might want to focus on that receding hair line and layoff the hard drugs
No. 863361
File: 1567542684293.jpeg (218.23 KB, 750x1093, 93F0989C-4B5E-4790-A805-0348EC…)

Double header: pnp being ana chan and also lying to her fans. We all know she can't do anything adult like or healthy without documenting it. Also she verrrrry recently said in Twitter that she had fallen off working out, lol.
No. 863378
File: 1567544153447.png (1.61 MB, 750x1334, 22243464-3B2D-4B7A-86E2-8383E1…)

this dye is not a true black dye, it’s just a mix of a verrrry dark blue and something else that looks black until you wash it and then it starts to look green/blue lol she’s definitely not gonna get the results she wants with this
No. 863399
File: 1567547048705.jpeg (839.54 KB, 3464x3464, B3285B86-617F-48C5-A392-294F0A…)

>>863389Lmao I’m ded. She’s covered in it.
No. 863419
File: 1567548983335.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, 539295D2-1524-4841-8EB5-83CC00…)

when buying an animal that’s too young to leave its mom to use as medication for your trauma and to fill the bottomless void in your soul doesn’t go quite as you’d planned
No. 863511
File: 1567558842471.png (1.07 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190903-210007.png)

Having basic kitten issues…but she's so knowledgeable about all animals right?
No. 863533
File: 1567561463612.jpeg (572.54 KB, 1125x1740, 12D7B398-DB6D-41CB-B3C5-E9D7B8…)

Is she really that stupid that she doesn't understand how someone misunderstood this?
No. 863538
File: 1567561805707.png (6.13 MB, 1242x2208, 7DCA2B35-4119-4B55-82DF-BA25B5…)

No. 863794
File: 1567600958684.jpeg (215.1 KB, 750x1125, 18B1F575-E9A2-4B04-867D-F7FBA2…)

>>863763funny thing is she literally tweeted this like two weeks ago.. she’s a walking contradiction
No. 863820
File: 1567607784551.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, FBEF8900-4968-4BE2-A72D-2370B7…)

she’s going on some transphobic bullshit on her story but this made me laugh, so does putting “autoimmune disease survivor” in your bio make your delusional diagnosis real? lmao
No. 863829
>>863820Ari..just because you modify your body to alleviate BDD doesn't make you an authority on how trans people modify their body…
For being someone who is a SWer, heavily tattooed, etc she's not nearly as left leaning as I'd expect. Idk who else is supposed to support her ideals…
No. 863959
>>852243>>863538This bitch really has no idea how disgusting looks, does she? That lady took one look at her and was
compelled to help Ariana's rat ass out. BIG yikes.
>>863511Lack of empathy for living things. Why does this bitch even get animals if she doesn't bond with them? They just make her hovel somehow more disgusting (which is Ariana's fault, not the animals')
No. 864013
File: 1567627831382.jpg (108.06 KB, 1080x1926, PicsArt_09-04-04.10.42.jpg)

She doesn't deserve this kitten.
No. 864023
File: 1567629320225.jpeg (343.82 KB, 750x943, 3E36511B-1C0C-4257-8896-73FB17…)

The bulk of what was said during the trans discourse on Twitter, if anyone cares.
No. 864061
>>864023>>864033Same tbh. I know this is a really hot take but I have no idea how a born cis presenting hetero person can identify as trans, like Phoebe Tickner for example. If someone can break this down for me please do.
Also she’s on live now but I can’t watch I’m at work.
No. 864128
>>864117I’m hoping what she meant is that people pre-transition experience real mental illness from not being in the right body; so she feels trans dysphoria is a mental illness?
And hoping she didnt mean being post trans means your have some sort of mental illness because thats cunty as fuck
either way another case of dis bitch has no real friends to discuss this sort of shit with so sticks her bait where she shouldnt than gets defensive when she gets some nibbles
No. 864129
>>864117gender dysphoria was actually listed in the DSM until current day politics and sensitivity around classifying it as a disorder meant it was revoked.
there's a reason why trans suicide rates remain alarmingly high despite physical transition, because it's a mental ailment with a biological reality and should be treated as such, ariana actually has a point for the first time.
(derailing) No. 864186
File: 1567657664885.jpeg (129.04 KB, 740x355, 654A8FD9-3471-4B32-8BB4-2E277E…)

poor aaron is really trying to get out of pnp’s nasty living situation
No. 864362
File: 1567696558211.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, BE0EBDA5-D46E-4903-B071-CE8E7F…)

i’m aware that there are plenty of awful pictures of her out there but holy shit, she looks straight up alien-like in this picture. it makes me uncomfortable.
No. 864398
>>864362Okay but what happened to the other half of her eyebrows?
There's like wispy shit-brown hair there that matches her natural color, what happened?
No. 864405
File: 1567702744714.png (3.45 MB, 750x1334, AAF8596C-D9CD-45D3-8D96-D97CC1…)

No. 864408
File: 1567702796634.png (2.75 MB, 750x1334, A365936A-0BA9-4D2B-A7E2-791FB9…)

The comment haha
No. 864409
File: 1567702842595.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, AF7E26D6-4A2A-445D-B19F-514FB1…)

No. 864410
File: 1567702865419.png (1.96 MB, 750x1334, 9ACFB500-778A-4B0F-986B-1AAA45…)

No. 864416
File: 1567703374317.png (3.03 MB, 750x1334, 4BC645BC-F344-45EE-9487-33B0A8…)

Hitting rips with baby Tarte
No. 864463
File: 1567710567524.jpeg (835.47 KB, 2048x2024, 8D9FF99A-D725-454E-9742-562324…)

No. 864500
File: 1567713610545.jpeg (110.47 KB, 750x1183, F96DF624-1A03-49F7-B671-F618B0…)

No. 864577
File: 1567723583843.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, C056C060-CA1C-43BF-B453-8C1360…)

she’s going to ruin her fucking hair again lmao. if she were smart she would just bleach it and be done. any color she does is going to be hard to get out when she’s sick of it because we know she will be in like 3 weeks tops. red is especially a bitch to remove. i wish this bitch would learn that she’s never gonna be satisfied with her appearance until she truly accepts herself, gets a goddamn hobby, healthy social supports, routine and t h e r a p y. she clearly craves constant change to her appearance because she feels stuck and bored and out of control of her life/environment/situation and that’s one thing she can “safely” control without ever leaving her disgusting grime filled comfort hole.
No. 864611
File: 1567726195261.jpg (913.38 KB, 1073x1495, Screenshot_20190905-182157_Ins…)

>>864500She posted this but quickly removed it. I'm assuming the gross picture of her and Matt was deleted?
No. 864629
File: 1567728345445.jpeg (160.85 KB, 750x399, 43D48FD3-97D1-4EA2-BB71-2B5BA2…)

no contribution but i saw this tweet and it made me think of how she has so many girls kiss her ass and all she talks about is her haters lol. (she obviously doesn’t have millions of fans i just feel this shoe fit her well)
No. 864672
File: 1567737005506.png (2.08 MB, 1247x2048, Screenshot_20190905-202434.png)

She needs help! Actual help! Fillers and a hairstylist ain't gonna cut it
No. 864689
File: 1567741269922.jpg (3.56 MB, 1080x5465, Screenshot_20190905-213859_Ins…)

Not entirely related, but look what happens when you shave your head and actually get haircuts to make your grow out stages look less like a bowl cut. I mean, it also helps that this girl isnt a gremlin but ♀️(off-topic/emoji)
No. 864706
>>864689This girl looks exactly like her. Shitty bangs and bowl cut on a girl with less make up still looks shitty.
*I take that back. I must be blind. This chicks wearing the same drag make up and plastic false lashes.
Might as well be skinwalking each other.
No. 864944
File: 1567794975739.jpeg (225.84 KB, 750x1096, EBA34130-7F2D-4311-B2DF-ECAAFC…)

Deleted content
No. 864968
File: 1567799918136.png (1.43 MB, 750x1334, C26FAA22-B380-4DB4-AE5E-5ECB2B…)

No. 864969
File: 1567799965041.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, 573D0C6E-50BC-444E-94FD-A56602…)

and she’s ruined her hair again! can’t wait for her next impulsive head shave
No. 865031
File: 1567806355703.jpg (1.01 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190906_164619.jpg)

Looks like a pumpkin, just in time for Halloween!
No. 865038
File: 1567806663866.jpg (31.02 KB, 400x300, LOL.JPG)

>>865031bro this bitch looks so dumb i'm howling
No. 865079
File: 1567812307616.jpg (763 KB, 1080x1720, Screenshot_20190906-182436_Ins…)

>>865031At least she knows. Kek
No. 865089
File: 1567814255143.jpg (158.89 KB, 1080x1785, PicsArt_09-06-07.57.21.jpg)

How can she talk about anyone looking weird. Is she fukn serious?
No. 865119
File: 1567819533039.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 38C9B4FF-60E7-46D7-AB47-49169C…)

That lip flap…kek
No. 865299
File: 1567870948590.png (1.27 MB, 1440x2440, Screenshot_20190906-214036~2.p…)

I hope one day her lips pop and she's left with ball sack lips
No. 865316
File: 1567874699984.jpg (807.47 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190907-124523_Ins…)

The lip lift scar is so bad.. and what's happening with that highlight?
No. 865318
File: 1567874846353.jpeg (251.45 KB, 750x1105, 4CA03696-9E47-4C7B-AD51-993B42…)

She really can’t stop using snow or exposing herself kek
No. 865396
File: 1567881834059.jpg (232.36 KB, 1080x1829, PicsArt_09-07-02.41.28.jpg)

Those implants have aged her. She looks mid 30's at least. And her hair has gotten so thin
No. 865559
File: 1567898326825.jpg (354.28 KB, 1074x1096, Screenshot_20190907-191636_Ins…)

Pnp is actually insane and completely stupid.. 1st, frogger is going to injure her throat. Secondly, put a harness on your dog, she needs it. A collar isn't working. Thirdly, TRAIN your damn dog. She embarrassed YOU? More like you've embarrassed yourself. Disgusting that she can't be bothered to train her dog then blames the animal and is embarrassed because of the misplaced blame??? She's got no brain cells.
No. 865721
File: 1567912509629.jpeg (306.54 KB, 750x1202, 90BFB893-E97D-451E-8193-F699EB…)

Top comparison is from her recent post on Twitter and the bottom is mine. I believe her ‘before’ is post microneedling/pre refilled lips and mine is pre microneedling/pre refilled lips.
No. 865733
File: 1567914185856.jpg (23.7 KB, 475x499, kylie-minogue-plastic-surgery-…)

>>865721She's already getting that strange waxy complexion people get from extreme skin resurfacing treatments. Except it's usually older women who have this skin not girls in their 20s like PnP. All these fillers and microneedling are unnecessary at her age. I wish I could have a time machine so I can see what sort of monstrosity she becomes in 20 years
No. 865792
File: 1567920089538.jpeg (142.76 KB, 750x764, 6335CA34-579F-434D-A8D5-40968E…)

More comparisons from twitter ft. boasting about her ‘nice’ clients
No. 865844
File: 1567931169804.png (2.96 MB, 750x1334, BDCC08AA-D485-466B-A433-159DE8…)

a kitten acting like a kitten after being placed in a shit environment at too young of an age? nope she’s just an asshole who’s out to get you
>>865721she just made herself look more like a gta hooker
No. 865895
File: 1567943620077.png (544.21 KB, 1080x490, PicsArt_09-08-07.53.30.png)

Spends $1000 in a few hours- can't afford a dime sack
No. 865912
File: 1567947088777.jpeg (139.53 KB, 750x996, A5AB9FDB-0438-49DA-9F8C-FF7DE0…)

>>865792Samefag. If her clients are so great why does she still have to beg for a $300-$400 jacket? Haven't these clients been around in those 2yrs? Pnp needs to work on that hustle.
No. 865917
File: 1567947460400.jpeg (172.66 KB, 750x559, BEE591CC-BBF0-48B4-BBA8-C2BE62…)

No. 866324
File: 1567991070073.jpeg (209.17 KB, 750x976, C92A4A8C-58A3-49DF-A33E-BDE060…)

Deleted content. I think she forgot she FaceTuned that pic a bit too much kek
No. 866354
File: 1567997186091.png (1.42 MB, 1440x2349, Screenshot_20190908-204247~2.p…)

Does anyone know what the "K" she is talking about
No. 866363
File: 1568000222781.jpg (199.71 KB, 1080x559, Screenshot_20190908-233719_Goo…)

Of course ariana would use a drug that causes dissociation. She can't face reality ever.
No. 866367
File: 1568000538272.jpg (838.18 KB, 1077x1607, Screenshot_20190908-234248_Ins…)

She is only vegan when it suits her
No. 866384
>>866364I went from "maybe I should get some fillers" to "I'm never getting fillers" thanks to Ariana. So no.
At this point it's just entertainment to me, not some sort of projecting, but nice wk
No. 866409
>>866372i mean.
have you ever heard of hallucinogenic assisted speech therapy.
have you ever consumed a hallucinogenic yourself.
all of y'all need to stop sperging about her drug use as though she was trying to self medicate.
she did a line of [drug]. because she was out with friends, as she's known to do. the only milk /would be/ if she crossed her use with medication, which she isn't on.
No. 866436
>>866409Taking ketamine and posting about it on instagram in a desperate attempt
to appear edgy and cool will always be milky regardless of whether or not she’s mixing it with antidepressants. I know this is pnp and it’s just standard fare for her to be a trashy junkie who broadcasts all her addictions and self-esteem issues online, but still.
No. 866476
File: 1568040517610.png (2.79 MB, 750x1334, 635498DD-3E8E-46FF-BE76-8F3705…)

No. 866491
File: 1568045299494.jpeg (146.41 KB, 750x323, 295488E8-455C-4109-B560-5B36C1…)

Hey Ari, in case you haven’t learned from years of drug abuse, depression is part of the come down! Go to the gym, sit in a sauna and sulk in your own misery instead of seeking validation! You’ll feel better afterwards.
No. 866526
File: 1568050634957.jpeg (543.88 KB, 1478x2148, 62CF5B61-7333-4962-B3D8-9F502D…)

Wtf is this angle??
No. 866557
File: 1568054201719.png (2.61 MB, 750x1334, D2B3E0DE-2F0E-4907-B1EA-51FD58…)

See also: drug use/drinking, trash diet, two hair color changes, micro needling, and fillers. She is traumatizing her body all over again in every way possible.
No. 866562
File: 1568054621929.jpeg (149.15 KB, 750x864, 4B3B642B-03D3-46EE-B968-972E4C…)

Probably that ketamine she impulsively took last night. Absolute loon. SEEK HELP! Stop self diagnosing and medicating. It’s grossly disgusting how ignorant she is to her own self sabotage. How can one person be this oblivious of what they put into their body?
No. 866602
File: 1568058982155.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 6D1FEBBE-0D86-4508-ACEB-526FEF…)

yikes, this is where trying to self medicate with tranquilizers gets you mentally
No. 866624
File: 1568061041131.png (3.24 MB, 750x1334, 9FDEA4E0-6ADD-441E-AC32-0C833D…)

>>866602Wow. This is kinda sad.
No. 866643
>>866526So many women suck at sex work and PnP is a classic example. Too concerned with what she thinks is “sexy” which to her = thin. NEWS ALERT - dudes like tits and ass and the only guys Ive seen into stick thin women are
abusive or fucked in the head.
No. 866653
>>866557“this is something ive had my whole life”
BITCH WHAT? You literally just googled it like 4 months ago for the first time and could barely spell it on your twitter. Not to mention YOUVE NEVER BEEN DIAGNOSED BY A DOCTOR.
She really latches onto this kinda shit thinking it makes her interesting, huh?
No. 866779
File: 1568092330308.png (Spoiler Image,3 MB, 1125x2436, ED295887-2C79-4EDE-92B8-38FBA0…)

This is literally in the living room on her nasty ass floor…Aaron must lock himself in his room all day to avoid this
No. 866793
File: 1568096669421.jpeg (Spoiler Image,185 KB, 749x1192, C21C9507-A199-4557-9488-F31F15…)

I almost didn’t click the spoiler box by accident
No. 866882
File: 1568117834085.png (1.86 MB, 1216x2048, Screenshot_20190910-061537.png)

Didn't she already sell her furniture when she moved into this place and then went to beg people for money for new furniture?
No. 866918
File: 1568124564523.png (Spoiler Image,7.81 MB, 1125x2436, F1DBEFD0-006F-403E-BECE-92AF46…)

Over her crusty ass baby blanket that she doesn’t understand why people say it looks disgusting. She literally said to her it still look bright and colorful and soft…
No. 866940
>>866924>>866918Maybe she needed some comfort? KEK. I hope and pray that isn’t actually what she uses it for.
>>866775>>866779>>866793>>866918Thank you anon! It’s interesting to see the content she produces for profit. Wondering for how long it will be new or rehashed clips of hers.. So far all of these vids/pics on her onlyfans were advertised for sale on twitter or posted onto her xxx snap last month.
No. 867045
File: 1568143447052.jpeg (202.3 KB, 750x1334, B1D6983A-9EC8-4405-8EF3-F1D2F0…)

No wonder why her mental health is so shit.
>>866964I might have confabulated anon so you might be right. Either way I still think she wouldn’t be able to handle the demands college would put on her.
No. 867087
>>866846Ban if this is a derail, but what are your guys opinions on male sex workers? Do you think it makes them gay/bisexual if they make content generally for men? Because Im assuming her roommate isnt getting a ton of requests from hot alt girls… lol
If PnP only fucked old women clients, would she be a dyke?
Im always interested when men get into sex work and claim to be straight…
(derailing) No. 867105
>>866964Yep and the professional wanted her to leash one of the dogs that became
problematic and pnp lost her shit. I remember watching the stories, she was incredibly irrational, lots of tears and yelling. Saying literally impossible to leash one dog and have the others off the leash. (On private property mind you) lol
No. 867142
>>867105wow didn’t she just flip shit on her ig story about people not leashing their
problematic dogs? lmfao
No. 867327
File: 1568202616490.jpg (1.94 MB, 1394x2589, 20190911_044816.jpg)

im guessing this is about araon, holy fuck no wonder this bitch doesnt have friends. why post this on insta at all
No. 867337
>>867333Great Job!
(Sorry for detail but I had to!)
No. 867366
File: 1568212079714.png (1.16 MB, 1440x2432, Screenshot_20190911-060616~2.p…)

What a waste of money. All of her surgeries were botched
No. 867417
>>867366It’s hilarious that she thinks putting a $30,000 investment into plastic surgery makes her “good with money”.
$30,000 down the drain on a deteriorating body just so she can be a prostitute…
People who are “good with money” invest that type of money into: their education, a down payment on a house, purchasing a car, THEIR HEALTH.
This is the same complete dumbass who just last month or so was crying on reddit that she cant afford to see a doctor because her body is covered in a “debilitating rash”. Yet she cant remember she didnt have less than 3k in the bank?
Sure, Jan.
No. 867431
File: 1568225510142.jpeg (88.77 KB, 750x1334, 4A2DE945-8A37-483E-B12F-2DF3D4…)

She’s criticizing people for thinking they’re better than people who have debt while acting like she’s better than people that don’t have debt.
She went into debt over plastic surgery but thinks it’s worth bragging about because now she has good credit. She spent 30k, went into debt, and still isn’t even happy with her looks. Would have been better of investing that money into getting some intensive therapy for all her issues.
P.s: Goodluck paying for a house when you don’t have a stable job/income.
No. 867458
File: 1568235020039.jpeg (Spoiler Image,177.79 KB, 750x1107, 1659B3F6-E434-46CE-9B9A-FA60B0…)

She’s trying to get her Instagram deleted lol
No. 867459
File: 1568235363900.png (4.6 MB, 750x1334, 6F331B30-B99E-49F2-ACFB-E076B5…)

Not as much as you love boasting about it.. or ignoring that pile of laundry.
No. 867467
>>867445I think youre missing the fact she has nothing to really show for all that money. She pays rent in a crackhouse like den that she shares with roommates, doesnt have an actual business or career build up to live on when dudes stop paying to use her body, no real clientele build up for her sex work, pretty sure she drives her boyfriends car, is about to sell her furniture so she can move out.
She has nothing to show for that 30k except for some botched surgeries that come with an expiry date…
Choose how you wanna live but she looks pretty stupid bragging about it
No. 867475
File: 1568238371702.jpg (183.07 KB, 1080x1767, PicsArt_09-11-05.44.51.jpg)

She always posts sexual shit when her popularity wanes. She's so desperate for ppl to follow her and interact.
No. 867509
File: 1568246106926.png (2.89 MB, 1440x2059, Screenshot_20190911-174506~2.p…)

Didn't she say this about the last house? Arianna maybe you are the problem and not the house(s)
No. 867512
File: 1568247232669.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.09 KB, 554x1199, EEM-o6PW4AA2PgU.jpg)

Ew she posted another full image of that sex tape she made with Doormatt including vag shot.
No one wants this video Pnp.
No. 867537
File: 1568252742021.png (1.64 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190911-194357.png)

The real reason she wants that WIA jacket
No. 867607
File: 1568273674477.png (135.61 KB, 240x256, d19ce52b247281ca1bc77a740897c3…)

>>867431>American idiocy culture of tens of thousands of debt being normal for education, housing, just life
>is in debt up to her lip lift scars for said lip lift scars and a host of other non-essential plastic surgery
>knows she has BPD and extreme body dysmorphia but still feeds into it
>implies getting /further/ into debt for questionable real estate is a Big Brain move"pEoPlE wHo ThInK tHeY'rE sMarTer"
No. 867636
>>867634I think she's trying to imply that you need to go into debt to build you credit, which having good credit is needed to apply for mortgage.
However, she's just grasping to justify wasting 30k on plastic surgery just so she could end up a prostitute…
No. 867717
File: 1568306953722.png (1.52 MB, 750x1334, 779C3B60-DB1E-4E17-9285-16E384…)

posting about her body dysmorphia and then immediately advertising her sex work. is she like actively trying to attract gross creeps who are into girls with no self esteem??? or she’s just obliviously unaware
No. 867718
File: 1568306993004.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, A60EEE8B-D343-4601-B9C3-8EAF53…)

2nd part her onlyfans advertising immediately following the other story post
No. 867722
File: 1568307337577.jpeg (145.29 KB, 750x1100, 908D1400-CDB7-48E9-AF29-D51CEE…)

Deleted content.
No. 867725
File: 1568307966059.jpeg (259.41 KB, 750x1102, FD314CB6-E41D-4879-91A7-9EA5BF…)

Another deleted thirst trap this morning.
No. 867752
File: 1568311656627.jpeg (113.38 KB, 750x393, 9E81D96F-847B-42DC-8096-6E52D7…)

Instagram “hates women”?
Aight. What an outlandish spew of bullshit. Pretty sure if you don’t treat IG as Pornhub, your account will be fine.
No. 867785
File: 1568314732886.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, 0FBFCCFC-9097-4869-A7D7-38B293…)

Remember, we’re all just jealous of her!
No. 867986
File: 1568340363459.png (1.4 MB, 750x1334, CA89C659-13EF-4A34-8581-F09A36…)

yikes if you know anything about wigs you can see how badly she trimmed the lace and didn’t blend it either.
No. 868103
File: 1568384244778.jpeg (204.69 KB, 750x1055, DD5ECC4A-8527-443B-86F7-ADEC4D…)

>>867986>>867987She stays lurking.
No. 868145
File: 1568393185694.jpg (113.69 KB, 750x1333, 69877200_2469550466417162_5064…)

No. 868227
File: 1568403225141.jpg (123.83 KB, 967x872, PicsArt_09-13-03.34.10.jpg)

No. 868317
File: 1568413376018.jpg (779.82 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190913-165840_Ins…)

She looks so awful after getting more fillers recently. She also stated that the girl who does her fillers pretended to be her friend and it turned out to only be a business relationship.
No. 868329
File: 1568415151238.png (1013.13 KB, 750x1334, 1B895876-EE02-4479-B0D3-18DF62…)

No. 868372
File: 1568421639831.png (8.47 MB, 1242x2208, 2B5EE853-A2C9-4A57-BA5B-7A4099…)

is she really still trying to blame the same girl from the last thread for all the hate she receives? she can't be that delusional? if she truly believes this, she needs to check herself in to the mental hospital asap. however, i have a feeling she just wants to blame one person so she doesn't look so bad. having to explain why hundreds of people don't like you is not as easy as explaining why 1 person doesn't like you.
No. 868381
File: 1568424094030.png (11.94 MB, 1242x2208, B3007A47-189A-42D0-B8C6-457A3C…)

She is the last person who should be talking about bullies. She's literally bullied girls for being depressed and suicidal. And she wants to be a therapist? I would never trust anyone I love in her care. Thanks to online records (such as lolcow with her legal name), her lack of intelligence, non-existent work ethic and trashiness, no one will be subjected to being her patient. She can't even help herself, she is absolutely deranged to think she could help anyone else, let alone get accepted into school AND graduate.
No. 868390
File: 1568424567954.jpg (709.42 KB, 809x1514, Screenshot_20190913-180958_Ins…)

Since it's been deleted… I think she's talking about her old injection girl, it the_plastics_pa.
No. 868438
File: 1568431486082.png (3.25 MB, 1242x2208, 11BFA69D-4846-4741-9372-A3560E…)

No. 868439
File: 1568431511751.png (1.84 MB, 1242x2208, EB2C9B4F-4223-4CEE-82DD-A82937…)

Her poor snake
No. 868440
File: 1568431548808.png (5.33 MB, 1125x2436, 5F3111D0-75A3-45B5-8BF0-E4D390…)

honestly…. what is this nose makeup
No. 868441
File: 1568431579784.png (4.51 MB, 1125x2436, 3B114072-44CC-49B9-B060-067191…)

No. 868610
File: 1568477079900.jpg (146.41 KB, 1069x1424, PicsArt_09-14-12.04.57.jpg)

She high
No. 868714
File: 1568497122801.jpeg (349.99 KB, 1336x1336, F6E6B73E-6D78-47B0-AD1A-AAEA8D…)

left is just now and right is an insta story post from 2 (two) days ago. no one buys this “comfortable in your skin” bullshit, and the way she says things in such a condescending way and with this sense of false positivity like she’s some sweet innocent girl being bullied and not just a narcissist trying to humble brag and shade everyone who criticizes her is so fucking transparent to anyone who’s maturity level is beyond middle school. do better bitch you look bad
No. 868730
File: 1568499967962.jpeg (120.79 KB, 750x583, 3B5282A1-FAAB-48D4-B80D-1D91AA…)

>>868714Throwing out my own comparison that I made of pnp a while ago. Tried to find an old picture that matched up. The pre op photo has been seen before but I wanted to get ariana’s own personal angles in play.
No. 868762
File: 1568507119126.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, A29C4E89-F099-4A10-B709-A22017…)

lol is she gonna flip on foxwigs because she thought they were her fRiEnDs but it turns out she’s just a paycheck??? (also they chose a terrible person to promote their wigs, the girls on their profile look good and her wig looks like she bought it at spirit halloween)
No. 868775
File: 1568511211133.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, 8901E377-58A6-4E5C-BEF7-282E5A…)

preaching about ~letting go~ of things as she lurks her hate threads
No. 868781
>>868780Because they like to think theyre important enough to be actively hated instead of someone people laugh at while theyre bored and have nothing else to look at.
It bugs me the most the Ariana lurks here but doesnt take any advice like going to therapy again.
No. 868787
File: 1568513124194.png (236.66 KB, 804x1056, Screenshot_20190914-200446.png)

This is most likely why she got shadow banned.
No. 868935
File: 1568557486707.png (4.69 MB, 1242x2208, EB35D266-E82C-4E4C-9264-CDFF21…)

>>868784She just posted a video of her ex too… how does she not realize how weird/ hurtful to Matt that could be. It’s been over a decade girl let it go
No. 869158
File: 1568599151099.jpg (884.96 KB, 1080x1708, Screenshot_20190915-205921_Ins…)

Why in the world would you post this picture of yourself?! 1/2
No. 869160
File: 1568599204045.jpg (735.2 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190915-205934_Gal…)

Like girl. How fucking high and/or drunk do you have to be to post this??
No. 869191
File: 1568600816642.jpeg (229.74 KB, 750x1298, FCCE8614-7DBF-4DD3-AB0A-1CE791…)

Bad reviews for Buck’s County Plastic Surgery 2015-2019. I think anon could be right about the use of cheap fillers. Many have been saying the quality of injections have declined. The breast augmentations and reductions however have always been horridly reviewed.
No. 869203
File: 1568603575424.jpg (668.27 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190915-231218_Ins…)

Her pubic stubble is creeping down her thighs. It's definitely not just leg stubble. If she wasn't such a trash human already this wouldn't bother me but she's so nasty it just adds to it.
No. 869212
File: 1568604637842.jpeg (122.7 KB, 750x849, FFD7F4D5-1B4A-4C60-9454-4F90C2…)

it’s hilarious how drastically different she looks from the pics she uses to advertise on her escorting page.
No. 869213
File: 1568604681890.png (1.93 MB, 1080x1080, 9353197A-47DF-4AD9-ABCA-2F246F…)

vs reality
No. 869251
File: 1568610728573.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.25 KB, 306x423, article-2208051-1533FB54000005…)

>>869213I feel like if you poked her forehead with your finger it would look like pic related
No. 869256
File: 1568610842780.jpeg (60.26 KB, 346x425, B65ECF8A-74DB-44EF-A940-5487DE…)

stupid faces aside, these two photos really put into perspective how botched her face is. the rhinoplasty, while generic-looking, did help to harmonize her features— the lip lift and subsequent barrage of fillers absolutely marred her face. she doesn’t even look like an individual anymore, she looks like a dust mite-infested, dog hair-covered, stained, trash-picked overstuffed recliner in human form.
No. 869283
File: 1568614009377.jpeg (287.16 KB, 1184x2208, E6F9DE89-2C66-429D-BF16-71164B…)

She’s getting ripped on this page
No. 869344
>>869158Just came here to post this because jesus christ she actually looks like a crackwhore here.
She looks like someone that takes $10 to fuck her dog for injection money.
No. 869417
File: 1568649711847.jpg (65.52 KB, 1080x662, PicsArt_09-16-12.00.29.jpg)

There's an epidemic of ppl getting hospitalized bc of vaping and this bitch still advertises it. And I find it coincidental that she started getting these breakouts after implants. Seems like her body is adversely reacting to them
No. 869462
File: 1568657575267.png (1.46 MB, 750x1334, 3F686A85-735E-4238-BE8E-6C7878…)

Sorry for my crappy cap but she’s gonna get tested today apparently. Immediately after she went on a huge thing about her BPD because she decided to read her messages from 2015 and said she was a lot worse. Literally just a BPD sperg so I didn’t listen to everything, but I lol’d when she said “you know your body better than anyone, so if you think you have something.. tell your doctor”. Hopefully she finally gets an extensive STI test lmao
No. 869470
File: 1568658420962.png (2.49 MB, 750x1334, A1636E0A-9EFA-4199-92B6-2CA13A…)

This makes me feel even more like she didn’t do it last time… I think we would have heard this before if so.
No. 869502
File: 1568663992805.png (1.1 MB, 1440x2419, Screenshot_20190915-093400~2.p…)

I have a hard time believing she has any clients left. She use to go on and on about each one, haven't heard her sperg about her "Jeff Goldbloom" client or any for that matter
No. 869542
>>869502Lol. Clothing companies aren’t reaching out to you anymore because:
1. Your IG is shadowbanned/basically useless and you have nothing to offer them
2. You’re a literal whore now and you have nothing to offer them.
Not because your “clothes are boring”. Talk about delusional.
No. 869636
>>869633there's no way she'd ever be truthful about her results. she's not capable of telling the truth when it makes her look bad. the only way i'd believe her would be if she posted a photo of her results. even then i'd be skeptical because photoshop exists and we all know she loves to use it.
i'm doubtful she will even carry through getting all this done as she may just be saying she is getting tested to get people off her back about it. idk, she's extremely manipulative so it's hard to believe anything that comes out of her mouth.
No. 869656
>>869417imagine just believing in “breast implant illness” because it
sounds like a real thing without realizing its not medically recognized.
stop fucking playing doctor on the internet when you have absolutely zero knowledge.
No. 869758
>>869656breast implants do cause illness, js. its becoming a more widely known thing and breast implants can become banned in 10 years time. a lot of doctors are now talking abt and researching it soooo…sorry you're stuck w/ bolt ons.
back to ari, i feel like she uses her parents as an excuse to act out and be a bitch. she seems smart enough to know that she choses how to act each time, so she blames the shitty-ness on them. she seems way to high and mighty for therapy to work, i bet she starts arguing with the therapist
No. 869774
File: 1568738196310.png (1.04 MB, 1208x2048, Screenshot_20190917-102955.png)

What's with this girl and being the biggest hypocrite in the world? And just being so fucking delusional, she beyond the point of help. Wasn't it all the cocaine and other drugs that casued her manic episodes last year and beginning of this year. I'm gonna laugh so hard when her "psoriasis" comes back x10
Sorry for the sperg, but Arianna is the dumbest cunt I've ever seen
No. 869810
File: 1568746681852.png (2.41 MB, 1421x2048, Screenshot_20190917-125549.png)

Lol IT'S MAKE UP GUYS! not facetune, snow app and the 1000 filters I apply
No. 869817
File: 1568747800451.jpg (1.99 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoCollage_20190917_13152446…)

>>869810Lulz yeah just makeup anon
No. 869867
>>869650She let herself go months with a full body rash that “put her out of work” because she was too much of a pussy to hear what a doctor might say. Instead she put her time and effort towards concocting a giant lie about not having money and getting diagnosed via text message. She’s a professional
victim at this point.
No. 869881
File: 1568756988123.png (Spoiler Image,1.88 MB, 750x1334, A51D2A9E-52B8-447D-AF84-6A0278…)

No. 869884
File: 1568757069771.jpeg (Spoiler Image,147.27 KB, 544x792, 137EF8B7-AA6D-4EBE-8740-358500…)

So like….. called you “great white pumpkin” but this is the first time she’s had a “big” ass. Mmkay. Also, is that the same ratty thong in the previous post?(spoiler)
No. 869888
File: 1568757785405.jpeg (60.2 KB, 429x429, 0ED9C237-C70A-4D4A-A2AE-903274…)

I don’t have the other photo where she did the same mistake but I think it’s obvious she’s doing some type of photo editing. she fucks up her highlight and shrinks her nose.
No. 869923
File: 1568766515146.png (3.5 MB, 828x1792, 99EB7779-99DD-4CD7-804A-CB4A68…)

>>869160Sage for no milk but she did turn comments off on this posts.
No. 869925
File: 1568768323153.jpeg (913.22 KB, 828x1466, 35EC174D-C73E-4AF6-9439-BC02CB…)

Looks like pnp and embodoe are getting closer.
No. 869960
File: 1568775963745.jpeg (197.54 KB, 750x844, 85E1B267-4AD2-4870-8371-9DF67B…)

Deleted content. Was a “sponsored” post for @ theholymountainism
No. 869963
>>869948>get a new blanket “b-but muh sentimental value!!!1!1!!”
tbh if she wants to convince anyone her baby blanket actually means shit to her maybe she can start actually taking care of it… de-pilling and stain removing ain’t that hard ari, since we know you lurk, try using a dull old razor. i’m sure you’ve got plenty hangin around the ol trash den.
>>869758>sorry you’re stuck with bolt-onsthankfully not, it sure is
interesting though that almost all symptoms of that “illness” are identical to anxiety and almost every single person claiming to have it online also just happens to believe in a bunch of other pseudoscience, a là joysparkleBS and her “copper poisoning from an IUD” kek
No. 870106
>>870071Well… she
did have an engagement ring. Totally surprised she never pawned it.
No. 870168
File: 1568827353431.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, A5CF90C1-116A-425B-8475-7AA3E7…)

No. 870178
File: 1568827901768.jpeg (153.9 KB, 871x750, 4A842627-8A09-4992-BEC7-98F619…)

Why is she now recording her Instagram story with filters on and then reuploading so it doesn’t show? Bitch your “eyelashes” disappear every time you turn! It really isn’t that serious or new news she uses them smh. Just so damn insecure.
No. 870224
File: 1568833030077.png (7 MB, 1242x2208, 488C0AEB-7234-4440-A408-58D68E…)

She’s going on about requesting people from high school once a year to check up on them and see what they look like then deleting them… like that is a normal thing to do
No. 870238
File: 1568834991010.jpeg (260.06 KB, 750x1021, CA78832A-5D8D-43BD-ADFB-82378E…)

No. 870283
File: 1568841109363.jpeg (164.14 KB, 750x979, 4BAFD5F1-281A-422B-A5A1-7A3C21…)

Asks followers how old they are then turns off comments..
We got a real social media guru here guys. I mean has SEVEN accounts dontchaknow. Her life is very hard.
No. 870284
>>869810I hate people like this: “I cant do this thing so i just half assed it, here ya go!”
Maybe LEARN to style wigs? Just an idea?
Yet she complains that she isn’t getting as many IG promotion offers anymore. Maybe it’s because this is the level of effort you put forth when promoting.
Like watch a few youtube videos about it in between sucking your vape and ranting about nothing anyone cares about on IG.
Such a NEET.
No. 870290
File: 1568843887721.jpeg (27.91 KB, 387x386, 653F168C-7720-47D5-B04C-97DF49…)

>>870238Lolwat. She’s the root of all her issues and problems. How can you fucking create your own issues and then blame life for throwing it at you.
No. 870295
File: 1568845099302.jpg (672.48 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190918-150406_Ins…)

I love how she's always giving herself pep talks to tell herself that sucking droopy balls has made her "successful". Or that she's really found true happiness staying home all day, every day, except for when one old dude pays some money for pussy. She's so content that she lurks old high school classmates. She seems to be on the edge of everything just going to shit.
Don't worry, Ariana, most of us are totally behind you ruining your hair, relationships, future, and finances. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion and I am living for it.
No. 870297
File: 1568845615337.jpg (991.15 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190918-145540_Ins…)

Ariana: "UHHHHHHHHHhhhm. So like, I really, UUUUHHHHHMMMMMMM (burp), like my tattoos, but like, UUHHHHMMM, I want more so I can feel more secure with my, like, body, because like, UUHHMM, since I'm a SEX WORKER, UUHHMMM, I rely on my body and like, my looks, BBUUUUTTTT like I'm totally not shallow. Anywaaaaay, if you don't hate women, sign up for my OF and if you don't hate sex workers, use my wig discount on this other site because, like, they've become my friends and it's totally not business related."
No. 870351
File: 1568854134780.jpeg (418.76 KB, 750x1100, 2707D23A-BF57-4657-BE14-19E3FB…)

No. 870439
File: 1568895601714.png (1.37 MB, 1440x2426, Screenshot_20190918-203534~2.p…)

I can see her falling down her drug habit hole again… It was K only a week ago and now Xan. Anybody know what happened between her and LM? I know LM introduced her to escorting and Xan
No. 870472
File: 1568902109278.jpeg (41.03 KB, 608x811, 74B4E85E-5A15-4968-9E17-FE357D…)

>>870448At this rate her dumb animals need their own thread. This is about PNP. Stop beating a dead horse.
No. 870502
File: 1568905626522.jpg (173.31 KB, 1080x1541, PicsArt_09-19-11.06.40.jpg)

No. 870507
File: 1568907215938.jpeg (171.41 KB, 1035x750, 891FC49C-ED1F-4E6B-8EF0-D2B604…)

History repeats itself.
No. 870509
File: 1568907348413.png (2.69 MB, 750x1334, 88753F8E-D7A5-4707-9672-1C79BE…)

Putting a spoiler on it because it’s so fucking nasty. These are screenshots she posted on twitter advertising some new Only Fans content and I..
No. 870510
File: 1568907478229.png (Spoiler Image,2.62 MB, 750x1334, 3E46EE3C-7E26-4220-9ED2-30500D…)

Also peep that still bottomed out implant
No. 870633
File: 1568924410397.jpeg (275.97 KB, 874x749, E267D537-05A8-4651-B426-EC246B…)

A messy collage
No. 870653
File: 1568928580390.png (1.94 MB, 1115x1919, Retarded PnP.png)

This photo NEEDS to be included in the next thread OP. It's fucking hilarious.
No. 870682
File: 1568931136394.png (3.25 MB, 750x1334, 883C87ED-F181-4BED-97B3-B9D6A8…)

>>870645The one with Kaitlynn creeping on her shoulder or the livestream from pnp spilling “tea”?
No. 870729
File: 1568939529733.jpeg (730.43 KB, 828x1461, A2499C8B-B2D6-4D34-B416-C889AE…)

How long do you think it’ll take before she rips these off?
No. 870760
File: 1568944646874.jpg (39.04 KB, 600x808, 6f403882b2c6d50211c544be7cd5f5…)

this bitch really needs to wear her hair/um wig long
No. 870815
File: 1568959904014.jpg (2.08 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20190920_021032288.jpg)

No. 870862
>>870825Maybe she
should have moved into the feces ridden basement.
No. 870900
File: 1568988574640.png (4.95 MB, 750x1334, 7722B86D-247A-44FA-BEF4-70B868…)

New thread pic? Lol
No. 870901
File: 1568989244453.png (4.17 MB, 750x1334, 0259B663-9224-4F51-A4BB-7EEA01…)

>>870900That filter again? kek
No. 870906
File: 1568989903810.png (6.86 MB, 1125x2436, 5102CEED-3CDB-44D6-9EC5-24E7B3…)

New thread pic
No. 870907
File: 1568989940141.png (6.39 MB, 1125x2436, 30691079-CC63-450A-8CDC-0327C4…)

Anotha one
No. 870931
File: 1568993034430.jpeg (115.47 KB, 664x1046, 97C9F406-E9CD-460D-AF57-55FE86…)

No. 870948
File: 1568997690603.jpg (512.92 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20190920-193803.jpg)

Not milk but ok
I found this kinda funny as I was scrolling
No. 871003
File: 1569008371263.jpg (840.86 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190920-122435_Ins…)

When your wannabe Kylie Jenner filter malfunctions and your dream of making people think you look good after waking up hungover crashes down around your cake face.
No. 871006
File: 1569009053785.jpg (948.65 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190920-123309_Ins…)

This bitch is clearly an Instagram "sex worker"… she's doing everything to not get clients through social media.
No. 871012
File: 1569009713785.jpg (846.36 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190920-122600_Ins…)

No companies want to be associated with her, she has no clients because she really just likes the title of "sex worker", which explains her social media oversharing, she turns off comments on a lot of pictures, blocks anyone who doesn't write sanctimonious comments about her, her goal of having an eating disorder just to have an identity is starting to come true… This kid is headed for a mental breakdown.
No. 871064
File: 1569017008410.png (1.97 MB, 1200x627, 07F19144-0CFD-4673-89FC-EFEECE…)

i know this is a reach because there’s not many ways to style this hair but she somehow manages to copy every friend she has?? first babytrash now cotted
No. 871102
File: 1569021622041.jpg (531.78 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190920-161426_Ins…)

Exact quote: "How does EVERYBODY ELSE look cute with this filter?!"
No matter how much plastic surgery you get, no matter how many layers you paint onto your face, you'll always be ugly because you're an image-obsessed Florida trash bitch with an even trashier attitude.
No. 871113
>>871064I was wondering the same thing with cotted but these side by sides really hammer it in,
Good find anon
>>871102This one is definitely going in the thread pic collage topkek
No. 871232
File: 1569049471015.jpeg (89.84 KB, 750x399, 1B202EB4-378B-4565-BF46-B1F33F…)

is she finally getting rid of her crusty ass thong (you all know the one)? or is she gonna keep it for its sentimental value? is it her security thong?
No. 871342
File: 1569089201950.jpeg (178.48 KB, 749x830, FC493B24-57CA-44BD-B0C1-22EF5A…)

I feel like this would have made a better side by side. The tones/colors are similar.
No. 871362
File: 1569094266576.jpeg (62.97 KB, 800x600, EB903D32-1C73-45FD-8887-193526…)

>>871342>>871359Im sorry but.. maybe she was on to something.
No. 872835
hey everyone! I accidentally came across this forum that talks about Ariana, and I had noticed there were some topics about me and my friendship with Ariana. I just wanted to address some of the comments to clear up any confusion for anyone!
I feel like a lot can be interpreted from the outside when you watch someone online but don't truly know the whole story, I notice that is a reoccurring theme here! I wanted to first of all clear up anything about the posts about the living situation thing.
There was a lot more to that situation that I didn't speak publicly about. Yes, that situation sucked and was annoying but there were no issues between Ariana and I from all of it. She's still a close friend of mine that I care a lot about. The miscommunication about the living situation was real, and I did talk about it on my instagram because a lot of people were asking me what happened. I ended up removing the stories because I felt annoying having 40 stories explaining the situation up. And like I said multiple times in the story, there were no hard feelings. It wasn't ideal to stay in a basement (or a living room!) but our lease had ended and we needed a temporary place to live and she offered her place to us! but, in the end having my own place with my partner instead of living with her ended up being really beneficial to our situation at the time!
To clear up more stuff, there were no feces in the basement? But a basement is a basement and my partner and I felt it wouldn't feel good to stay down there. On top of that our cats would have to stay in the basement with us to not be around the other pets, that house was also very far away from where my husband works so that was another reason we didn't end up staying at Arianas. anyway, I've seen a lot of rumors and speculation going around about bed bugs and friends screwing friends over etc and I wanted to clear any of that up.
Aside from all this, I don't understand why everyone wants to talk about her on here the way they do. She's one of the kindest and most genuine people I have ever met that would drop everything to help someone out. It's really disappointing seeing people wasting their time on here like this! Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read! see ya'll on the IG watchin our lives!!
No. 872841
File: 1569400546785.jpg (159.75 KB, 750x1334, EE79F515-3222-4E47-AA55-E0D577…)

I hope I cleared stuff up and lmk if ya'll want anything else answered.
I should also add, I'm moving out of state in a week so unfortunately I won't have any interesting stories for ya'll anymore. Sorry bout it!
No. 877209
File: 1570400957893.jpeg (245.33 KB, 1398x764, 000774F4-7D1E-48CD-9E0C-0D682F…)

she’s absolutely (and obviously) delusional if she thinks she “stays looking younger” than her “past self”. in the pic on the right, she looks botched and way older.. the before and after photos are seriously obsessive. she needs serious help
No. 932444
File: 1581780830480.jpeg (166.12 KB, 448x445, DE82F6A4-A0DB-4F1C-BF2C-CBDD1A…)
