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No. 1888313[Reply]

1201 posts and 255 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1895274


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1895278

>"No one cares, which is why we want you to shut up and never talk about it or have a community of your own"
>"…But we're totally all this this together teehee! Let's take down patriarchy, something completely I believe to be ambiguous and not based on any material conditions, oppa girly style!"
Has anyone noticed that whenever TIMs try to argue against criticisms women make of them being misogynistic or homophobic, they suddenly pull the "isn't fighting heteropatriarchy more important" card, as if they aren't manifestations of heteropatriarchy? It's so clearly an attempt to scare us into submission by inplying we can't protect ourselves or our rights without them as "allies," even though they're actively opposing us.

No. 1895293

If you ever wanna stir dissent between tims and tifs, pretend to be an ally but point out how tims never experienced the trauma of a female upbringing. When they "B-B-Buh!" about how no really guys totally not being male socialized, remind them that the childhood of a boy assumed to be a homosexual isn't the same as a female's.

The pyrotechnics! And to women escaping womanhood by any means necessary, most of them really key in on their own miserable childhoods. This can tear apart friend groups of handmaidens who'd never seen the tims go mask off at THEM before, and they notice immediately that they're being talked over about their own experiences by a bunch of boys.

If you can pull it off in class or the workplace, it's chef's kiss

No. 1895297

No. 1911080

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Homeless TIM fetishist who harasses women and girls in department store restrooms, wears fetish clothing and gear, is known for shoplifting and being banned from multiple stores in the area.

Unfortunately, where I live, the police can't and won't do anything about this predator.

His Instagram is pretty embarrassing and I think he's also schizo based on his stories: https://www.instagram.com/hoursovjustitia/

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No. 779046[Reply]

The old thread is dead and covers the scope of the now depreciated /r/incels so here's a new one for all incels of all communities.

What is an incel?
>"Involuntary Celibate". A frustrated virgin who feels as if the world owes them sex. A self-described 'incel' is highly likely to blame their virginity on the other 6,999,999,999 people on the planet rather than consider that maybe the problem lies inward.
Popular incel hubs include:
look ism. net
incels .is
A few remaining subs on reddit.

This thread is for documenting the bizarre phenomenon of angry beta males. Eventually they may find this thread and attempt to raid, by no means engage if the case occurs.
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No. 782962

I'm the anon from before and this is a totally different video but messed up all the same. The one I remember was with a fat girl and she doesn't stick around long to talk to him. This guy doesn't seem like an incel since he mentions having 3 ex-girlfriends but he definitely has the victim mentality of one.

No. 1894825

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incels have started to spread male blackpill content on tiktok lol. theyre bitching about male loneliness and their little dating app statistics. saying all lesbians are "chadsexual". crying and moaning about how stacy dated chad whos on the football team. and now trying to get young moidlets on tiktok to believe in their retarded ideology.


No. 1894869

I genuinely believe that they believe, if they spread this around enough, so many men will be incels that they will have their pick of the litter of any females. It’s a shame that the more bitter and twisted they get, the more they relentlessly pursue women.

No. 1894978

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I posted this another thread but it fits perfectly here, a lot of young men and teenagers have unironcally started believing this(obviously looks matter, but they've convinced themselves that if you aren't the actual gigachad you are a loser and women won't ever love you)
>half of teenage boys are undisciplined and content with unhealthy habits, such as excessive eating and masturbation.
>The other experience deep insecurities due to exposure to Incel rhetoric and may destroy themselves by using steroids and becoming gym-freaks.
I wish there was a movement that promotes embracing a balanced lifestyle and encouraging a healthy amount of exercise for both boys and girls?

No. 1895065

Lack of socialization at its finest. The self descriptors and asking for validation is gross. These are the type of people with low self esteem that pay someone to tell them "it's over for them" and they secretly get off to it(sage your shit)

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No. 1878929[Reply]

Post-Leftcows #44:

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dime Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Recent Red Scare guest and Dimes Square staple Delicious Tacos is a middle-aged sex pest and all-around creep:

In her own mind, Anna Khachiyan is just an innocent smolbean:

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No. 1893146

to have someone disappear from this scene and then re-emerge ten times battier is pretty epic

No. 1893171

No. 1893175

first cameo-paid "cameo" since Dan Bilzerian paid 1 million for a lone survivor feature

No. 1893182

What exactly prompted all of this…?

No. 1893201

The Tai Lee post makes it sound like he was creeping on women, which wouldn't surprise me at all.

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No. 1883975[Reply]

Read the rules, Newfags. Upper left hand tab that says [Rules]. Read it all. Then click the part where where it says "Check this guide to learn about posting on lolcow.farm." Read that too.

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1874088

Last thread saw the udders start to plump with potential new cow milk. Farmers were thrilled, or not, because apparently all we do on here is make fun of poor, pathetic anachans because our lives are sooooper sad. Uwu.

Laura attempted to attempted. Or attempted to attempt to attempt (?) by climbing up her window to presumably try to launch herself out…or who knows with her. Regardless, the big event was that the physical limits of the building structure combined with Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation combined with hamplanet Laura’s black-hole-esque gravitational pull…and a striking cocktail of antipsychotics melting her brain…caused an unfortunate plummet to the ground, breaking her delicate dancing foot. Don’t worry though farmers, she bravely fought through it and shows up authentically leg lifting herself to new heights, and new supported accommodations. Speaking of new supported accommodations, it’s all but been confirmed that Laura’s psychotic break and scurrry scurry voices were all part of a plot to secure different supported accommodations. Our spider-feeling, man-hearing, dainty Ana queen is suddenly so compliant and willing to improve after seeing the opportunity to move to upgraded digs. If she keeps at this long enough, maybe she’ll secure herself a stay at Balmoral for some shooting.

Marie/Elise is perhaps living on her own, though no one can figure out how or why. Posted some EDTWT body checks and basked in the glow of her single digit BMI flooding her feed with UwU “omg ur so tiny Elise..be careful”. Will she be careful, or will the consumption take her out like the frail Victorian ghost child that she is.

Speaking of single digit BMIs, did you know Zara pulled herself out of the single digits herself? How did she Zarvive, you ask? We don’t know….but she’ll likely tell us at some point when she releases her Zarvival Podcast (trademark pending…probably).

Enara presented to the ED with Acute Suicidal Ideation, a plan, active bleeding head wound (minor), psychomotor agitation, pressured speech, infighting at the Pony club and raging bpd at 2145. Not only did she not get sPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1892841

Wow, you have a life. I don't know what to tell you, I don't know everything about Reddit. You're wrong, and you're just embarrassing yourself, because I'm sure if some other anons here go look themselves, some will have the red trash can too.

No. 1892843

they used to meet up and hang out nonna, there's pictures. Emily used to photoshop herself but not Laura

No. 1892844

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Sure sure. Given she's been going around apparently harassing people to take down the posts, and you type in the same brain dead way she does. Her over use of pauses in her writing (commas fullstops, makes it sound as if she's an out of breath anorexic ranting at the screen. Just like you calling me a bitch for pointing it out, aha. The tinfoil tickles me no end and it seems water tight, but who knows.

No. 1892852

imagine being this retarded and confident when you're just wrong, fucking cringe

No. 1892857

Let a girl have her tinfoil won't you? Alogging herself on here to cry bully as she's "going to the police" given people aren't removing posts, or to use as fodder for social media whining seems pretty logical. Sorry that you find it cringe, but so is Alogging someone on 'tinternet. Already made a new reddit account yet? kek

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No. 1829426[Reply]

If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting!

Last Thread: >>>/snow/1743708

The Basic Rundown:
>Jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way
>before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways
>after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately.
>enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice
>since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then…
>Goiter continues his delusional behavior. Cheating on Layna before love bombing her back into submission.
>Goiter and Layna inevitably break up.

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No. 1895343

She’s hooked up with all of her guy friends so its probably musty.

No. 1895354

Considering no one else is sick and it keeps happening, it's probably withdrawals

No. 1895356

smells like an opiate relapse…
i've been clean for years now but that is one of the MAIN symptoms, stomach cramps. and they last as long five days, even longer.
I thought he was on that vivitrol shot or whatever so that he can't relapse? It was in his interview with Finn Mckinney. Or is that bullshit too

No. 1895357

she's THIRTY SEVEN???? Like for a fact? Isn't that a little too old for Goiter

No. 1895366

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She's 31 no need for false information here. Remember he always preys on younger women. Also it's not hard to find this info.

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No. 1612928[Reply]

By popular demand in celebricows, I have made a containment thread for Ezra Miller shit.
For the uninitiated, Ezra Miller is a 29 year-old hyperwoke “transgender non-binary” actor who has been in a lot of recent trouble with the law for acts of violence, grooming/abusing minors, and drugging people.

This thread exists so that farmers can document his antics without it taking up half the fucking celebricows thread.

>A video released in April 2020 shows Ezra choking out a woman

>recorded a video yelling the KKK to kill themselves
>arrested in Hawaii for disorderly conduct and harassment after accosting a couple at a karaoke bar
>arrested again 3 weeks later for throwing a chair at a woman at a private party
>has been described as a cult leader and has had compounds in Iceland, Hawaii, and Vermont
>the Vermont compound is reported to house a mother and her three young children as well as AR-15s and other loose guns - baby was reported with a bullet in their mouth
>groomed and later abducted a Sioux activist from the time she was 12
>has a restraining order against a separate 12 year old because of harassment and to stop further grooming of the child
>at least two women are reportedly pregnant with Ezra’s babies at the Hawaii compound
>really weird obsession with wombs
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No. 1889137


rzar is the good twin in a video released in 2020 he saved a woman from choking and 3 weeks later politely pulled a chair out for a woman for her to sit at a private party

No. 1890853

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I wonder if hes dropping the genderspecial shit, but doesnt he have like pending charges?


No. 1890925

Did AI write this shitty article? I have to say the "How are they doing X? Aren't they on the run from authorities?" people are actually retarded

No. 1890991

[dot]pk so more likely google translate than ai.

No. 1943632

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No. 1890753[Reply]

Ignore baiting scrotes and tradthots who like to seethe on this thread and get it locked. Report and ignore.

Previous four threads:

A 'trad' in this context is a woman with pronounced "traditionalist" values especially around gender which usually shows up as "anti-feminist" attitudes emphasizing how women should be subservient to men and essentially embrace being "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen." We all know what a 'thot' is and most of these girls in fact show up on social media with photos not-at-all subtly focusing on their looks. Our "tradthots" mostly try to have the best of both worlds, consciously or not. While claiming traditional values they embrace modernity and many of the gains of feminism in their pursuit of grift and clout.

Most have pickme tendencies and are addicted to the dopamine hits off male attention in social media despite the fact that some are (supposedly happily) married and claim to believe that a woman should reserve her sexuality for her husband.

A few examples are:

Estee Williams
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(no new tradthot threads)

No. 1890754

Sarah Doe has literally no room to talk about anything? She’s married to a man who tried to kill their baby and probably is going to do it anyways

No. 1890756

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Why is she poasting still instead of…y’know…taking care of her fucking child? Why does she need to continue to get reply guy attention?(tranny samefagging three posts in a row)

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No. 321090[Reply]

Who is this dunce and why is he going after JoySparkleBS? I get she's terrible, but he seems like a despicable human being. He also seems to be on speaking terms with Onision? In one video he's praising him but in the next he's calling him the worst person to ever live. Does this guy have any sort of moral compass or integrity? Does he just say whatever he thinks will get him the most attention?

Anyone know anything about him/have relevant dirt on him?

YouTube: http://youtube.com/ragreynolds
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No. 533726

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I noticed this the other day in the discord as well

No. 533778

Close this fucking thread. This thread was made by long-time self-poster, samfag and time waster Cristy Ella who is friends with this guy. Cristy I warned you not to stop posting here

No. 533801

(samefag) all the posts/bumps are by her as well i should say

No. 534156

>samfag and time waster Cristy Ella who is friends with this guy.
>Cristy I warned you not to stop posting here

Boy do I think there has been a misunderstanding here

No. 1889968

Fuck this cunt is a germ I hope he dies of cancer(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 152260[Reply]

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No. 152381

Not really. People asked a few times because of his writing style, I used to see it in threads and sometimes he would reply (also people used to assume he was a girl just by the nature of the site). That's how everyone knew.

Also I hope you get banned again, go fuck yourself.

No. 153823

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…..Who is Yamzies?

..That's my ex's name.

I suddenly feel really uncomfortable.

No. 1527004


No. 1549748

Why are there so many deleted posts?(necro)

No. 1549807


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No. 978278[Reply]

This is a thread for the discussion of psychotic fangirls and fanboys.

The one who inspired this thread is Dawn Marie, a mentally ill middle aged woman obsessed with Marilyn Manson. She posts conspiracy theories about him talking to her on side accounts.

Her usernames include:

Other fancows uncovered in the Marilyn Manson threads include Madelyn Grimes and @realrachelwoods.
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No. 984830

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That account definitely is a fake. He has 5,000 friends and no likes on his posts and does nothing but spam the most absurd shit.

He even just posted his own song. It’s so crazy how he disguises his personality on these fake accounts like night and day. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lindsay is using that account to mess with people too.

No. 984831

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No. 984845

What ties it to Manson?

I think it’s best to stop reviving this thread, it was started by a fangirl to bully.

No. 984864

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I think it’s a little more than strange that there’s screenshots about that account and now he just happens to be posting that song to his profile.

Amongst the other things that were discussed in the other thread, I found a post of him literally talking about Lindsay.

No. 1889077

Teale Coco stupid whore. Why she spread legs for Manson, she is ugly bitch and its good, that Lindsey harrased her.(retarded & necromancy)

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