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No. 67871[Reply]

thoughts on lilypichu? never paid much attention to her but i did watch a few of her videos one day a long time ago. I heard some people think her voice is fake?

I think it's quiet enough not to be annoying, but maybe it's just me, but i feel like she's also like nyanners in the sense that she's kind of pushing the loli shit?
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No. 324626

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omg guys look how smol and fragile my hands are!!11!

No. 324687

she's always paid for rent though.

No. 324805


Her hands look so weird… why is that?

No. 324875

How do YOU know? I think it's pretty convenient how she starts posting on social media (insta, twitter,fb, askfm) starts streaming almost everything + posting more videos. I also remember once she moved out she posted a tweet saying she has to stream everyday now

No. 324876

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Nice shop too, what's the point of getting jaw surgery if you're still gonna photoshop the shit outta your face?

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No. 238063[Reply]

The Hartley Hooligans are a pair of sisters, Claire and Lola Hartley, born with microcephaly, cerebral palsy, dwarfism, epilepsy, and tons of other conditions. This basically means they are plant level retarded, can't walk, talk, or even move their deformed limbs in any useful way. Their grotesque appearances make them look more like aliens or monsters than humans.

The sisters are semi-famous due to Gwen, their mother. She loves dressing them up in goofy outfits, discussing and analyzing their every minor facial movement, sound, and bodily function. She even had the disabled second baby despite knowing that the girl would be staggeringly messed up. Their home state spends millions of dollars on a parade of therapists and special equipment that have had no noticeable impact on their potato lives. The mom posts videos claiming that the girls are thriving when it is in fact crystal clear that their lives are a living hell.

So anons, do you think retards should be not only allowed to live and leech millions of tax dollars, but also to be praised for shitting themselves, making ugly faces, and not dying? Is the mom wrong to parade them around for internet likes or is she doing a public service by giving the world so much material for funny memes?
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No. 324751

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No. 324882

It's perfect draw annon

No. 325240

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No photo shopping here folks. Has Gwen lost it?!

No. 325245

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No. 476177

Some real ignorance here from people that express "fact" but just don't know any facts because they dont/didn't have a child like this or have never been around one long enough to pull their head out. Ours "forgot" how to eat when the tube went in. This is common, for any basic function. It's not used, so the process is discarded and due to the lack of mental abilities, never relearned. The "food" is a specific mix, extremely high calorie and has appropriate protein, minerals, etc. It tastes like absolute crap, but who cares? In this situation, you're not tasting it anyway. And in our case, food intake was always limited not by the ability to eat and swallow it, but to digest it. Between vomiting, seizures, or both… the fun never stops. The one reality I can say is, everyone's an expert, but none of those people have the slightest f in clue what they're talking about. I heard the word "cant" so many times I lost count, when in fact the answer was often "can". It's just that the person that said "cant" was, somehow, more retarded than my kid. The sad part is… she had an excuse for being retarded, those people did not. Keep that in mind next time you give your expert opinion. Carry on with the Gwen bashing… I guarantee you she doesn't care what you say, and is doing her best to cope with the situation. That's what we did.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 306600[Reply]

>abused baby daughter
> that fucking photoshop is astonishing. she should go professional
>pregnant teen
>posting about seeing her new girlfriend instead of apologising to the public abiut abusing her daughter
>is still on Facebook and hasn't deactivated
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No. 306602

This is a bad post, and smells of trying to make Lolcow a personal army.

Any links? Why should she apologize to the public? Why should we care if she is on facebook?

No. 306603


>pregnant teen

:( meanie
>she should delete facebook and apologise to everyone in the world

this is a bad post

No. 306604

There's a saying from the olden says: "not your personal army"

No. 306605

Links or gtfo

No. 321049

there's already a thread for fb bitches >>>/snow/302400

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No. 319443[Reply]

>21 year old "Whore"
>Talentless Liar
>User and prostitute
>Dirty and smelly She barely bathes
>Attention seeker. Always willing to show her body for a few likes
>An all around shitty person
>Manipulates her audiance to attack people
>Shares peoples nudes (who does that?)
>Deletes anyone who speaks the truth about her(bad thread)
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No. 319759

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She leaks her own nudes
She talks about other people's skin and body shapes too. When she shouldn't. She has one big boob and one small boob

No. 319760

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She fat shamed a little girl. Who wasn't even fat

No. 319762

She thinks abusing men is funny and okay. Anyone who tries to tell her she's wrong has their comments deleted.

No. 319763

Taylor looks absolutely disgusting and the only guys that find her attractive are musty otacoons but I'm 9/10 sure Micky made this thread. Also fat people need to be shamed.

No. 319799

She's a piece of shit for sharing other people's nudes without their consent and by all accounts she seems to be a fucking trainwreck, but that doesn't make these constant vendetta threads any less pathetic

Also, you're not shaming anybody with nudes they have posted to their own instagram. Shit, I doubht this bitch even knows the meaning of the word shame.

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No. 305217[Reply]

one >>55077
two >>171004
three >>190985
four >>220048
five >>254820
six >>276683

>21 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief

>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive
>Gets by acting like a lost soul online
>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun
>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy
>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.
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No. 319638

fucking kek

No. 319642

oh my goddd

No. 319655

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You know.
I'm someone with severe BPD who used to abuse ambien and xannies like candy.
Gurl, you're not fooling anybody.

No. 319669

she's been 'finding' a lot of beauty products lately and compulsive lifters tend to keep hitting the same places. like she does with her needles. so yeah maybe she got busted, or maybe they warned her. either way, kek

No. 907442

No. 314999[Reply]

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No. 318526

Tempest didn't post this (ya'll sound desperate) & there's no drama or milk. All she does is post selfies & sells pins. Good luck trying to get anything out of it

No. 318566

Typically when a thread like this gets made (no milk, video link to boost views, links to shops,etc.) It's a selfpost. Maybe that's not the case here, but it's easy to assume it could be. Your whiteknighting is cute though, might want to learn how to sage so you aren't bumping your friend's thread.

No. 319263

I personally know Tempest Paige and she's extremely nice. I've talked to her and bought stuff from her and I don't appreciate her being up on this site. So I would like to ask for the person who made this to please take Tempest down. Thank you.

No. 319287

This sounds like something a mom would type.

No. 319311


Lol I also personally know her and she's spoiled and has resting bitch face. The "drama" surrounding her is that she's just a girl whose parents had the money to get her started assembling almost entirely premade jewelry and selling it and then patting herself on the back for being a young business owner.

But you're right that she shouldn't be here. In 2009 having an internet following of a few thousand was somewhat internet famous. It isn't now, she's just another irrelevant rich girl.

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No. 23452[Reply]

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No. 318727


say what you want about dr but he's entertaining. he's batshit insane but definitely not boring.

this girl though… you cannot recover from anorexia at such a low weight, especially when you're batshit insane. she's underweight and is continuing to do strenuous exercise… her body needs to heal not bike for several hours a day.

i also find it funny how in video related he bashes elle for modelling when not fully recovered and bashes her parents for going into a "fake pretentious fuckin bullshit fake pretentious pretentious pretentious" industry… when he's dating a girl young enough to be his daughter…

"it's not healthy to go into the modelling industry when you're coming from anorexia"

I fixed his shitty phrasing but that was his opinion. how long has tori been "recovered"? <1 yr?

"when you're recovering from anorexia you gain weight so fast, it only takes 2 weeks to gain 10kg"

also if anyone is out of the loop on what freelee's doing, check this out:
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No. 318791

I really can't watch those horrible whisper/ASMR video's of her (the freelee video I mean). I mean, good for her that she is not yelling at the top of her longs when people eat something that is not dirt. But why ASMR, why?

No. 319050


stupid bitch thinks self-induced loss of period is "healthy", because "when she's on her period she doesn't feel healthy" lol.

No. 319071

JokeĀ“s on Vice though because oooold news.
Freelee made that video years ago. The other nutcase mentioned in the article, Miliany Bonet, wrote about losing her period in March 2016.

No. 320104


Gotta say, I agree. Both in the face and body, Freelee is wayyyy better looking that this girl. Freelee actually looks fit. This girl just looks underweight to me. Her insta pics with those twiggy legs is really unappealing to me. I think Harley must think she's better because she's younger, but visually, Freelee is far more attractive.

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No. 309420[Reply]

21yr old cosplayer from the PNW.
Was engaged to a mostly well-loved member of the PNW cosplay community.
Was caught cheating on said fiance with a 45yr old poly married man with kids that she works with.
Kicked out of fiance's place and now couch surfing.
Thread appears on anon-ib looking for her nudes.
Ex-fiance supposedly has nudes but none are ever posted.
People that apparently know her air grievances and reveal other things about her in said thread.
Drama queen, shit talks friends and other cosplayers, rampant jealousy and tantrums when not getting pics taken of her or losing contests, etc
Revealed to be the girl from the AkiCon rape incident.
Revealed that she willingly gave said rapist a blowjob the day before the alleged rape, thereby cheating on her then boyfriend as well.
Old guy she is fucking's name and picture are posted.
Anons investigate and post his family members to thread as well.
Mods delete tons of posts including pics and names of old guy and his family.
Kaythulhuferret disables her facebook and instagram and goes into hiding.

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No. 309579

>admitting he cheated twice on his gf before and acting like such a whiny unforgiving ass when he gets it back once.
Ahahaha. Not even a whiteknight mane, what a dumb cunt.

No. 309594

He sounds like he deserves someone like her. I don't have any sympathy for him.

No. 310133

This doesn't seem snowflake worthy. Where is her "bitchiness"? Is there anything else other than she cheated on someone and the Akicon incident?

No. 311842

Damn dude we get that youre upset she cheated on you but you dont need to post her everywhere no one cares about her (or thinks youre a "well loved member" of any community)

No. 318558

She might be adorable at times, but she's also the kind of person who will talk shit about everyone behind their backs, even her friends. She will whine everytime she loses a competition and insult whoever won regardless of their skill or worth. She will complain about not getting enough pictures taken of her when she cosplays and insult those she sees who are getting more pictures than her. She also has a reputation for being incredibly slutty, even when she's in a relationship, which has won her many enemies in the Northwest cosplay community. And most recently, she cheated on her fiance with an old man, was kicked out of his apartment, then moved in with the old man and the old man's wife. After which she started claiming that the ex-fiance was abusing her (something that everyone, including his ex-wife, vehemently denies).

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No. 303929[Reply]

Old one no longer bumping
>previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxz0QVfggik)
>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety
>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos
>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight'
>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'
>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei
>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design
>was basically a two week shopping spree
>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos
>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan

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No. 318726

Same anon there cute

No. 318836

Agreed, I follow her on insta and her posts make me feel truly happy. I don't even like decora I think she's cute as fuck.

No. 318837

How long yall bet before that money runs out

No. 318861

New thread


No. 1421473

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Ffs, we dont even need to discuss our speculations in here anymore. Just wait a few days and she'll prove us right. She cowtips herself!

She still could be hamming it up for a joke. But she isn't funny in the slightest.

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No. 315847[Reply]

Mars In Libra (MIL) is a tumblr radfem known for:

- having BPD, and a whole lot of other mental illnesses
- suicide baiting, abusing and manipulating people as a coping mechanism
- "death curses" people because shes a witch
- makes violent threats towards people
- uses mental illness as a way to "excuse" those behaviours
- says anyone who practices monogamy is abusive and controlling


No. 315849

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No. 316460

never heard of her and i've been on tumblr for about 5 years. but scrolling through her blog, i haven't seen any more "personal" posts about her bpd or any of that. provide more screenshots.

side note: did she literally take her URL from her theme's name…

No. 316476

I never thought there would be a thread about her, she's my pet cow. It should mention in the OP that she's 27, from California, and apparently has gotten fired from her last job because she cried randomly?

I don't have any screenshots but I make sure to archive her interesting posts here: http://archive.is/marsinlibra.tumblr.com

Also, I think a general thread about the crazies in the tumblr radfem community would be better. And radfem-gossip, that's a good source of milk.

No. 316669

bpd, not even once

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