21yr old cosplayer from the PNW.
Was engaged to a mostly well-loved member of the PNW cosplay community.
Was caught cheating on said fiance with a 45yr old poly married man with kids that she works with.
Kicked out of fiance's place and now couch surfing.
Thread appears on anon-ib looking for her nudes.
Ex-fiance supposedly has nudes but none are ever posted.
People that apparently know her air grievances and reveal other things about her in said thread.
Drama queen, shit talks friends and other cosplayers, rampant jealousy and tantrums when not getting pics taken of her or losing contests, etc
Revealed to be the girl from the AkiCon rape incident.
Revealed that she willingly gave said rapist a blowjob the day before the alleged rape, thereby cheating on her then boyfriend as well.
Old guy she is fucking's name and picture are posted.
Anons investigate and post his family members to thread as well.
Mods delete tons of posts including pics and names of old guy and his family.
Kaythulhuferret disables her facebook and instagram and goes into hiding.
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