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No. 389934
>>389915this is the worst thread ever…
you couldn't even be bothered to name any recent stuff. god you people really are running out of ideas
notorious peado defenderreally.. mt.. the guy who i DONT defend
mental unhinged do you mean "mentally"?
"biggest victim complex" with nothing to back it up
ugh inb4 inevitable thread lock
>>389950its a fact not a ploy. i was writing.. oh god.. this cosplay is gona have me half naked fucking october.. wtf am i doing omg kill me
not omg boys line the fuck up..
No. 389960
>>389950if i wanted to abuse something for sex appeal being half naked isnt the way to do it..
less is more you fuckwad
No. 389968
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>>389915>>Read this post before starting a thread.You must include all of the following:
Subject name
Summary of drama
Social media links
OP before berating Sindy, at least follow the site rules.
Sindy is dried up. There was no point in a new thread
No. 389972
>>389967i wouldn't be interested in any man who wanted me for my body
for one they're probably insane or a rapist knowing my luck
No. 389978
>>389977oh wow i think the last time i heard somebody say that to me was when i was 14
is this what were dealing with
No. 389981
>>389977She already got rejected from AL Girls, look how well that turned out.
That's seriously embarrassing, the entry standard for AL Girls was NOT high. Even Mike's fuggo new fat girlfriend got in, and she literally looks like a wild boar.
No. 389995
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not really something to be "pissed off" about. if people wish to cosplay more than one character in one day of the con, then let them be. its none of your business anyways if they do or not, so its a stupid thing to get pissed off about :\/
No. 389996
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why would i ever work for this scumbag
it was this very comment that ended my association with him..
No. 389998
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>>389996woops.. wrong screenshot
No. 390000
>>389995wa wa wa..
does it
trigger you.. i elaborated below why i dont agree with it.. unless you're also an offender.. why do you even care. cosplayers look like a joke on here because of those kinds of people
No. 390003
>>390002 how did i
degrade them i just said they obsess over it.. dont take it so personally anon
No. 390016
>>390005Beth is a psychopath tho. She posted a fucking picture of a girl collapsed in a fucking corner getting medical attention. And captioned it
she dead with all her friends smiling and pointing…
Alao rip thread
No. 390138
>>389995Ah, of course she deleted the post after getting backlash.
No wonder some of your "friends" are getting sick of your shit.
No. 390146
>>390141Kai is a prick anyway.
Most of the English community hate him, same with the Scottish community. Of course he's gonna be friends with Sindy when no one else likes him.
Especially after he threatened to assault a female cosplayer next time he visited Scotland.
No. 390157
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No. 390158
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No. 390332
>>390311It's stuff from a while back. Saw the person he threatened post about it.
Also remember being at an English con and the Fire Emblem cosplayers he'd been hanging with were standing bitching about him. Along with friends in the English community saying no one likes him.
No. 390520
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No. 391382
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No. 391745
>>391440Wow are you actually shaming people for not shaving public hair…
Wtf is wrong with you is that's an expectation you have of woman
>>392420>>392421>>392368I don't speak to amber. Try again hollie
I was by myself for some of the con because I couldn't find people. But I hung around with Lauren who lent me her cosplay, ryu who I went back to his flat with
And friends I met at sunnycon who I could never find. Mcm is a mother fucker to find ppl at
No. 392465
>>392424You were by yourself basically all of Saturday.
And if you really wanted to find people, you could have messaged them and told them to meet you somewhere like the CEX or Tokyo Toys stall, or at either of the food seating areas.
Might be a pain to find people at, if you don't care enough to actually put effort into finding them.
No. 392470
>>392465Asumony you know where those stalls are or where the hell you are in comparison to said other stalls.
Add on that those fucking painful platforms and yea, finding people can be a hassle. Also people take up to 20 minutes at a time to reply to messages.
No. 392471
>>392470CEX is always easy to find in the main hall, anyone with half a brain can remember where it is, and pretty sure you can SEE the giant inflatable/balloon they have above the stall every year from almost anywhere in the main hall.
Plus, the food areas exist, it's not hard to know where the outside one is at the very least. And if you were wearing such painful platforms, it would afford you a place to sit down, too.
You're just making excuses now.
No. 392489
>>392483What's wrong. You mad I'd rather have a select few friends than associate with your lot anymore.
Let's not forget who told who where to go, and why
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>>392497Yea she agreed with the €25 here
No. 392782
>>392764She probably wasn't even hanging with him, she probably saw him once, said hello and then spent the rest of the time alone.
I passed her a few times frequently throughout the day, unfortunately for me and my eyes, and she was alone every time. Doubt she was actually "hanging out" with anyone.
No. 392825
>>392800Seeing someone with others briefly doesn't mean they were hanging out. Unless any of the people who saw her were following her the whole time, they won't know for sure. But I suppose if you see someone alone at a convention multiple times, it would seem like they had no friends to actually hang out with.
And, Sindy herself said she wasn't hanging out with the people that the others claimed to have seen her with, so.
No. 392865
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>>392861Apparently she was an absolute pig
No. 393151
>>392883sorry but i cant let you just write shite about me and get away with it.
i do not eat like a damn farm animal, YOU told me it was okay to put some of my food that i bought with me in your fridge. also i didnt steal your art stuff, you said i could have a few of your old promarkers that you said you werent going to use again. you're the one whos being a bitch here.
No. 393163
>>393151Of all the stuff I say and that's what you're defending… okay. No word about the shitty attitude, poor hygiene, horrible family, and lol you fucking did bump my art shit. Every time I was downstairs in my old house you just helped yourself.
Nobody's saying you have to stand here and admit to being this way. But if you deny it I'll only further point it out.
Because you were 15 when I met you. I let a lot of it slide. But now your 18.. and you act like 9… you really have to grow up.
No. 393445
>>393392And we're anon 'were'
Have you been paying no attention to thsee threads
No. 393452
>>393444You didn't admit to it until very recently, to get at Caitlin, though.
You were super insistent you hadn't traced all that art up until Caitlin was defending another potential art thief.
No. 394349
>>394296Probably to make herself seem better like "oh at least I admitted it".
Like, yeah, but it doesn't change the fact you did trace and lied about it for so long, even going as far as to SELL the traced work.
No. 394394
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The fact you think £10 on veg isn't "expensive" shows how out of touch you are with actual money. You can buy 10 Rustler burgers for the same price, and that's more filling than just veg.
And, £2 on bread? Really? A white loaf in your average supermarket, even brand stuff, tends to be £1.
And why on earth do you need 4 litres of milk? How much fucking milk are you wasting?
The best part though, £2.50 when you get water,out of a tap, free? Really?
No. 394427
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>>394400>>394394Did a quick check of Asda prices and compared. Excludes veg because it'll fluctuate.
If that's what's she's spending, she's spending more than double what she needs to. If you're gonna make a point about how inexpensive eating healthy is, at least pick the cheapest options, otherwise you look like an idiot. And even then, it's still cheaper to buy processed foods (£1 burgers and 89p tins of spaghetti, anyone?)
She's probably wasting most of that stuff anyway.
No. 394725
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Jenny and Caitlin
No. 394874
>>394724That's fine if it's one person living alone making 4 portions and freezing them, but when it's less well off families who have to feed more than one mouth, healthy food because less accessible.
Also, find it funny she deleted the post anyway. If she was so right about it, why delete it?
No. 395228
>>395218Then why even bother giving yourself a fake stage name then Jennifer? But finally you make it clear on your goals.
But no its not if its meant to happen that's bullshit. You either do good or or fail.
Well fine waste your money making crap, going to conventions and making zero benefits for yourself. It must have been real fun for you being at mcm alone. You can't even sell your art because you outed yourself as a tracer.
No. 395258
>>395228I mean Lauren literally give me her fucking costume to wear…
But even if I WAS alone… why would cosplaying more professionally change any of that? Are you really the kind of elitists who pick friends based on skill on cosplaying . Says it all… was the exact reason I abandoned beks. And an even greater reason I would never be friends with the likes of karli (not that she's even good to begin with)
also as for the art thing. We have all traced. All people do it. Only difference is I used to do it and pass it off as my own. But I wouldn't out myself unless I was dead serious about going legit
Which I have been since January.
If pexpletives like towers dowthe want me selling aRte because they're scared of the negative reputation I have. They're the idiots. They're cons are full of bootlegs… so is Deecon. And it looks like from what I've heard the new venue is killing them anyway XD
If cons with dying lifespans don't want me in it. I'll stI'll not loose sleep over it. Plenty more ponds to fish in. New cons pop up every day.
And the only reason they could hypothetically rejet a table would be based on previous ofdfenses. And given the nature of me live drawing most of my work now. They'de habe hard time saying it was for legitimate concerns and not just for holding a grudge, like deecon
No. 395263
>>395258I can imagine a convention wouldn't want you selling art at their convention because you're known to have sold traced work in the past, so what is to stop you doing it again?
And, for the most part, no, DeeCon isn't "full of bootlegs". Not in the way that MCM and Alcon are. For one, they don't allow the likes of TokyoToys and other large outfit bootleggers to sell at their conventions (MCM still does it, even after being told multiple times that basically every plush TokyoToys sell are bootlegs).
If there's been bootlegs at DeeCon, they;ve been very few and far between.
But forget facts when you still have a raging hateboner for DeeCon, right? Saying they have a grudge is like the pot calling the kettle black.
No. 395267
>>395263More like an observation. Because they clearly are holding a grudge. But things change.
Again. I live draw everything I produce. And if the work I produce is better than the work I faked. Why in God's name would I ever go back. Cons that think I would do that are clearly not intelligent enough to be running… just look at alcon
No. 395276
>>395273Doesn't explain why you namedropped someone who has had nothing to do with you for ages though.
Sounds like you still have a hateboner over nothing. Otherwise you'd just have said you didn't like your name anymore, instead of dragging people in as usual.
No. 395277
>>395274Unless you haven't been looking at my newer work it's not hard to see why would think that
But wait. Now you're encouraging me to go back? Some sad excuse for an artist you are. I'd rather have anatomy mistakes than pick up the bad habit of other artists.
And meh. I'm sure iLl get by with SFS… considering if you strip all the yugioh, dbz and naruto characters down they look the same too.
No. 395433
>>395258love how you have to namedrop all these folk to try take the heat off yourself kek
'look at me, all these people were sooo horrible to me'
when 10+ people who you have claimed at some point to have been your 'friends' have the same story of your bullshit maybe you should check under your shoe for the smell of shit
No. 395770
>>395433I never claimed my real friends were bad to me mcfucker nuggets. I claimed I got fucking sick of there 1 dimensional personalities and cosfame starvation/desperation
Notice ever since I left I don't talk about becomming a famouz cosplayer? It's a fucking delusion.
No. 395830
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I haven't been in the Cindy threads since the first and second one bc she's boring, dull, spells and looks like a retard. Since then I've every now-and-then just glanced at a Cindy thread and I am so damn sick of her coming into her own threads and WK and defending every little tiny comment or criticism that's posted about her. She treats her own threads like a fucking Q & A. In all my years I've never seen a cow or snowflake post so much in their own thread. Like what? It seems like she is thriving off the attention she's getting from her threads here. And she's not the first (previous cows/flakes have been permanently banned and talk/threads banned about them to starve them of the attention they so desperately seek). So why the FUCK does this shitstorm of threads keep occurring. Cindy seriously just GTFO. Your threads are not ment for you to post in, they're not some fuckin platform for you to bitch, complain, defend yourself, shit talk people you don't like, play the victim, respond to stuff, talk to anons, etc. like just leave. It's like your in here every fucking day responding to every post and WKing yourself to death (w/ no responsibility/ownership of your own fuck ups, just trying to explain and blame everything you do away). Do you just sit there refreshing this thread every 10 min hoping someone will post so you can defend your own ass? Fucking pathetic. If one of your main hobbies is coming to your own thread (where discussion of you and your shit belong, not YOU yourself belongs) and getting butt hurt and posting every other hour then you need to get a new hobbie (that's not about you being obsessed with yourself or what others are saying about you). Jesus these cindy threads drive me insane, look at ANY other thread here and in /pt/, no one else (who are the subjects of threads on lolcow) comes here so often (esp on namefag) to post in their own thread and on a daily basis. So fucking leave. Your not going to change people's minds or opinions, you're making shit worse for yourself bc in your posts you come off EVEN WORSE as a hypocritical rude victim-complex illiterate bitch. And the fact that you're even trying to adopt anon-speak and our sites lingo makes me internally cringe. You're even worse than Loonie Luna. This isn't a Reddit AMA. This is a place to discuss your BS. Not you to poorly defend your BS and in doing so make you look 10 times worse all while commenting on RANDOM anons posts wildly paranoid-like pointing "I know this is you [insert person Cindy hates]!!!111" & "you can stop posting here [insert random who Cindy has probably pissed off]!!!!11". You look retarded and nervous when in reality it's just some random anon, because you're hated internationally (not just the people you piss off IRL post here). Like you don't belong here, don't tell anons what to fucking do on our own site, Get a fucking life, stop complaining that everyone's "lying" about you and trying to be a victim while in the same breath insulting and saying some nasty shit about someone else, while you explain away the same actions you did, that you're accusing others of. Get a hobby, get off you're threads (bc you just shit them up with you defending your own gross self), get some self-awareness, and maybe spend on all this time that your using to refresh your thread on actually learning to create better quality cosplay and makeup skills so you don't look like you have FAS. Holy shit. /end rant
No. 395844
>>395830I totally get what your saying. Sindy these types of threads are not meant for you. They are to talk about you. Oh and stop playing victim on your profile page and only taking parts of what people say about you to mislead others.
If the people on your page actually read these they would see how much of nutcase you really are. Not to mention how you flat out lost against Caitlin and Darren. No seriously after they struck back at you you had nothing to say and zero evidence. That's a loss to me.
If you had just stayed the fuck away maybe their would not be 7 boards! But nope your autistic ass won't have you need drama to live. Even going as far to shaft your own friends.
No. 395883
>>395830>>395844How ironic you insult me as autistic after this pathetic display of winning.
These boards are made about people. And usually. It's for good reason. Said person might be a youtube icon. With a large amount of followers. That person might have a very long history of financial scamming, criminal actions the list goes on. Usually the people on here are also painfully deluded… like pixi Teri…
However I am just a small time cosplayer… in a very small time community, yet it you're petty chanons who keep making such a big deal out of me. Who keep winning and complaining about everything I do. When it was about the quamity of my cosplays. I understood… because I played my skills up often… but I don't think I've seen you bash them since dmg.
So this thread now. Iso nothing but personal attacks and complaining and winning. And it's so fucking pathetic. If I had £1 for every lie or misinformed peice of information I could afford to never answere your sorry ass's back, or even live in the same country.
How dare I defend myself…
How dare I expose and exploit you're lies.
How dare I learn the
lingo of this place. Anon sweety. You have no idea how long I've been on these and similar threads under your noses, just acting like another anon… I will keep comming back here. For as long as you will keep acting like 8 year olds and bitching about me. Because that's all this is.
And my friend. I did not make this thread… because even I could do better. And I have privatised my timeline.
You won't see any posts from me I don't want you too.
Now why don't you both pipe down. Or make me leave…
And what kind of prival devices are you using if these pages don't auto refresh
>>395883>However I am just a small time cosplayer… in a very small time communityComing from the person who made a thread about Jennifer Hopkins over a year ago?
>How dare I expose and exploit you're lies.What lies have you exposed?
>You won't see any posts from me I don't want you too. Ah, sure, assuming we aren't already in your friends list, or there aren't spies in there either.
No. 395988
>>395883Sweety, you're retarded if you think being here since your first thread/your lame "friends" threads is a long time, fucking newfag kek.
And if you've been here for SUCH a long time you wouldn't be reiterating the same drivel nonsense that's been spewed out of every cow/flakes mouth since the beginning of time, you're just recycling it.
Such as:
"All the other cows/flakes are here for a good reason, but not me!! I'm posted on here out of spite by haters! I did nothing wrong! Everyone else posted here did! But I'm the exception! Lolcow only cares about criminals and scammers!! Right? Right?! And I'm not a criminal or scammer so I don't belong here and the only possible reason I was posted is bc of my shit cosplay skills and jealous spite from muh enemies!"
"You won't know what I post unless I let you know, I'm a mastermind blah blah, anons won't know anything I don't intentionally let them know! I've been playing you guys the whole time and have you all wrapped around my finger! I posted a buncha times and you didn't even know it was me! Mwahaha!!!!11"
"I'm DEFENDING myself! Against these lies! I'm sperging out daily with no fucking evidence! Obviously all these people spreading lies (aka actually proof) are personal attacks against me! So of course I'm going to obsessively come here to WK myself! You would too!! you pathetic 8 year old bitches!!!!"
"Barely anyone knows me, im a nobody! Why would anyone want to post about little old me? So just take these LIES down bc I'm in a small community and not known soooo therefore you shouldn't ever talk about me!! ???? Profit"
And my personal favorite:
"Then why don't you just make me leave!"
FUCKING KEK gurrrl was the "USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO THE PASTURE" in bold ass red beneath your posts not a clear enough sign??
Literally every cow/flake says the exact same thing, so you fit quite perfectly on the catalog along with the rest of them. And honestly, if anyone really cared that much about you or you were that big of an annoyance, the admins could just mark all your posts, regardless if you were on anon or not, regardless if you used a vpn. So all your bragging about blending in with anons or being an autistic chameleon or whatever you said is completely foolish.
No1curr about your auto-refresh, it's still sad that you actively come here, hourly, to check for any and all new posts and then proceed to actively post and respond multiple times denouncing these "personal attacks" like the act of you writing text is someone solid physically evidence that these criticisms/accusations are untrue. All while shoving some insult about some other random person in the exact same post, completely unaware about how hypocritical of you that is.
>anon posts meanie thing about you>you respond to the one post 3 different times in a row>defending yourself and saying anons post is untrue>"oh but Caitlin is a fucking messy bitch who used me, what a fucking bitch whore!!1">"HOW DARE YOU POST BAD THINGS ABOUT ME! I'm debunking lies!">but it's totes cool if I lie and say mean things about others, but shaaaaame on you for doing it to ME!Fucking please. Gtfo.
No. 396573
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Seems she's still lurking, at least on the Tower's thread.
But to point out to her, they can promise Monica Rial, even if she's going to be at DigiCon the week after, because she's said herself on social media that she's attending, because she missed Alcon due to the hurricanes and family. They have her booked.
But hey, anything to involve herself in more drama she shouldn't have stuck her nose into to begin with
No. 396725
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Still photo shopping your chin and trying to act sexy? If your so desperate for attention just get nude for all the thirsty fucks on your page. Its all they want.
Hell you even said in the last thread you would give nudes if someone messaged you. Guess you didn't have the balls.
No. 396998
>>396903Gonna have to remind you all, having a hymen is not proof of virginity, and lacking one doesn't mean you're not a virgin, since it can be torn from things like putting in a tampon, horse riding, sports, girls can even straight up be born without one.
We went over this the last time it came up.
No. 397008
>>396998Yea after anon explained this is reaserched a lot and discovered hymns are not supposed to tare. Instead stretch… my stupid Catholic school educated us that hymns were things that tare when you have sex. Yea if you have rough sex with no lube it will (go in dry) but it turns out that Farley bleeds and instead blood comes from injuring the vaginal wall.
Also I have NEVER claimed to have been raped. I'm still waiting for those screenshots.
No. 397010
>>397008It doesn't stretch, either, Sindy. Tear is just the word used for it being rubbed away. It can bleed from well lubed sex too, it just depends on each individual girl.
Obviously you didn't do as much or as in depth research as you though.
No. 397092
>>397089So grooming = rape
Please, never work for the legal system.
No. 397095
>>397010It tears if you tare it
The process of taring a membrane is to create a small rip in it
The hymen does flex and and stretch it's fucking deigned to do that. It's not a full sheet that covers the vaginal entrance otherwise you could never have a period.
It's an elliptical shaped membrane
FUCKING Christ children educate yourself
Bleeding during sex isn't some trophy that you're now a woman. It's a sign you've just been Sexually assaulted
No. 397097
>>397095Yeah, it's a membrane that lines the edges of the vagina. You can still tear that, you moron. No one except you in the past said it was a sheet that covered the entrance.
Also, a bit of bleeding during consensual sex = sexual assault now? Maybe it's you who should never work for the legal system.
No. 397098
>>397069Context now no longer matter to you? If it was a grown man taking videos of kids vandalising his property or trespassing it would be trrated as proof.
Taking videos of kids running around isn't the same as being a pedophile. Fucking Christ your mindset is actually dangerous. Pedophiles are peopleased Sexually attracted to children <14. And unless you have serious striking evidence i am.. from First hand accounts you really can't prove that…
Taking video evidence of my neighbours kids smashing glass in my pathway is not sexual based.. it was sent so I could get the tenants notified of there vandalism and fly tipping
No. 397100
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>>397095>educate yourself Lol
No. 397101
>>397097You can still be abused in a consensual relationship.
Never heard of a guy being too rough… well thats usially what tears it. It should Stretch
I bet none of you fucking idiots even knew you could stretch it
No. 397102
>>397095>bleeding during perfectly consensual sex is RAEP because OMG BLOODSindy throwing out stupidity as per always. Guess if someone did take the plunge and shoved their dick in you
WITH YOUR CONSENT and you bled, you'd cry rape and ruin their life
No. 397104
>>397101you are a fucking idiot. Most girls will bleed their first time, especially if they're with a guy who is also inexperienced. That doesn't equate to rape you mongoloid
Just because your own vagina is a gaping mess from fisting yourself to kiddie porn, doesn't mean people with normal tight vaginas (even when aroused, vaginas will still be quite tight especially virgins) are being 'sexually assaulted' from a little blood
No. 397108
I know plenty of people who haven't bled there first time. I very much doubt I would bleed either.
If the hymen were so easy to tare people would bleed after every fuck.
It stretches
No. 397117
>>397112Hnc level art.. I left because it's a worthless qualification
And since the scottish government only funds 1 Hnc i chose to get the hnd and instead use it on something better
No. 397118
>>397098Eh, more than half of that video, you can't even see the kids, it's just noise from them. And the times you can see them, they aren't vandalising any of your property, they're just sitting on the ground under your window.
There's nothing showing them smashing glass on your pathway.
If anything their parents could get you done because they didn't consent to you filming them, nor did you make it known that you were filming them.
No. 397123
>>397105Then chose the right guy you spaz! The vagina is designed to get wet naturally lubed when you get horny. Also it does not hurt that much. After you first time its done and over then it feels good. Hell it should even start feeling good less than halfway through.
If your doing it right it wont hurt that much. I know people who said they have not felt a thing.
No. 397138
>>397134>>397133What cock do you know that's the sie of a clenched fist
Ikr so crazy… who wouldn't wanna tear and cut there sexual area. .. it's a riot
No. 397146
>>397141I'm more shocked you still consider me a Virgin if I've been fingered… who's logic is flawed now.
What makes a cock so special
No. 397148
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Assuming any of us are actually christians.
Also you're no pagan, you're a joke to the community. And satanic, eh, if you're wanting to follow satanism, you better change shit around because boy are you breaking those teachings all the time.
No. 397151
>>397146Like I said a finger does not compare. Seriously you are trying to argue shit with no real experience. That's like trying to be a chef that can only cook a few dishes.
Go try some different sexual pleasures other than fingering yourself vaginal entrance deep then come back and argue.
No. 397167
>>397158If you go saying shit like that no asian will want to fuck you. Not all asian men and women have tiny dicks and tits. Where this myth comes from I'm not 100% sure it sounds like ww propaganda.
Besides with a face like yours you should be grateful that any guy finds you attractive. I'm amazed people don't think your a trap after seeing outside of your photo shopped pictures.
No. 397201
>>397199Your the one who is
triggered dropping random names again.
No. 397216
>>397210This is thread says otherwise
PM me and I'll send tits
You're friends have all offered
OMG you liar
No. 397230
>>397229The great fucking sherlock Holmes here
Nah I just forgot to reset it
No. 397438
>>397127>i've been fingeredSWEET JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH
So David swooped into the crusty v? or any of those asian dudes she drags on dates to sate her weeb lusts
No. 397762
>>397438David has never touched me. Please don't make shit up.
And I went out with and bumped into ONE Asian dude
Where are you getting this
guys from
No. 397822
>>397758This was years ago you said it. You also said "it wasn't that bad" when someone said they were going to report it to the police.
I'm not a cosplayer, never have been.
No. 397856
>>397822Also flaw in your argument here
- it wasn't that bad.. it's rape.. if I said I got raped it wouldn't have been possible to say it wasn't that bad
-somebody wanted to report it to the police… again nobody ever threatened my ex with police lol. You've even messaged holly about this and she told you to fuck off.. nobody cares about you're revenge.
No. 397864
basically when I met my ex I used to stay at his house all the time
One night we shared the same bed. And the same morning he started touching me up. Halfway through this he stoped and said. No I want holly. And by this point he had already touched me up and shoved his fingers inside me. I left his house later that day. And called you crying. You turned around and said. That's horrible what he's done. You need to go to the police. I never once said he raped me I was on a no 11 bus ffs… people wouldn't have heard me. You told me to leave his ass and get away from him. Which is advise I should have taken. But I didn't and I stayed with him. I called holly up that same day and she just thought the whole damn thing was funny. Again. You advised to leave her sorry ass. And I didn't. 3 months later he cheated on me with her
I never said once he raped me. You were the one who made it out like that. And it was you who got bitter and jealous once I started seeing him. And it was YOU who kept messaging and threatening holly all through college. The same course my sorry ass got you in.
Glad weve cleared this up. Now fuck off back to your hole
No. 398036
>>397872You are so fucking sad. Have fun being the only one keeping your own thread alive. Fucking attention whores. It's a shame when ugly-faced chicks get a serious case of GOTIS. All your post are so embarrassing and sound crazy. Random finger pointing, sperging about your fucking vagina, "I'm never going to leave I'm having too much fun! I'm just getting started! These threads don't bother me at all! Super #notbothered! Don't you NOOBS know how to fucking use the INTERWEBZZZ?!?!!!11"
God damn your just a train wreck trying to defend yourself with anything you can think of. Just sitting there coming back every 10 min to see if anyone posted about her and rushing at light speed to give some autistic response.
TFW those autistic people who are so fucking autistic that they reach that sad desperate point where they start wildly accusing others of being autist. When, in fact, no one is as autistic as they are.
Plus top kek at Sindy trying to be educated when her grammar is atrocious and she has no study or higher education and even more lel-worthy never even had sex to the point she thinks FINGERING is the exact same as ACTUAL sex. Wtf
No. 398235
>>397141>>397144>>397146lezzer here
if you consider it sex and one of you had an orgasm, it's sex
penises are not the centre of the universe
No. 398730
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No. 398874
>>398730IP bans are easy to fix.
But I'm not even trying at this point.
File: 1507402977311.jpg (65.36 KB, 614x960, 22141089_1501750293246660_8479…)

>>399579>>cutieAre you blind or a troll anon?
Anyway here's a tl;dr rundown in the offchance you're a newfag.
Art thief, tracer, peaedophile/hebephile defender, thirsts for drama and shit stirring, narcissistic personality disorder textbook study, has to have some sociopathy in there too given her complete lack of empathy, remorse or general negative emotion about any of her actions (which includes lying about being groomed, telling people to kill themselves for having autism amongst others), thinks you get your period from your hymen and that women can get cancer from hysterectomys and finally, the most evident; her frequent need to come back here and bump her own threads when she's no longer getting attention.
She's not so much a lolcow as a classic schadenfreude case
No. 400079
>>Aet is legit - check my liveds peaedophile (Connor isnt a pediphihebephile, dont defend towersConnor dates and sleeps with underage teenagers despite being in his 20s. He’s a Hebephile.
You vehemently defended Towers earlier in the year until he did something that personally insulted you like, then you turned on him. You went so far as to claim that the girls coming forward were lying and the ones who weren’t could have just said no.
Here is both an example of you defending known pedo/Hebephiles and also your sociopathy. For someone who claims to have been groomed as a child, you certainly have little to no empathy for other young victims of grooming and instead opted to take the abusers side.
Caps begin here
>>thirsts for drama and shit stirring (no proof),Literally every one of your threads is proof enough. Some go weeks without a post and you swan in to bump them before running to Facebook to whine “those bullies on lolcow are still obsessed”. You namedrop completely random people for no reason to drag them into potential drama, you threw a strop and decided to lash out at a random girl on a convention committee because you didn’t get a table. Just a small selection of Sindy stirring the pot but the caps and proof and overabundant in these threads.
Screens of a random call out on a girl who did nothing
>>narcissistic personality disorder textbook study (no evidence but let’s see your psychology degree), a read. Anyone that’s ever witnessed any of your antics would be inclined to agree that you check pretty much all the diagnostic markers
Again the sociopathy is evident in how you interact with and treat others,how you respond to situations with a complete lack of empathy and how you drop relationships as soon as they’re no longer beneficial to you (college friends, Cosplay friends, Caitlin, Towers. All dropped as they were no longer useful) And that gem of a post recently about how friendships are like seasons and change constantly. No they don’t. Normal people retain friendships across decades not seasons.
Caps of you backtracking on your defence of Towers as soon as he was no longer useful
>>telling people to kill themselves for having autism amongst others) (twisted with context removed. Told a guy making fun of autistic people to consider hanging himself),>>>/snow/312117Context. Guy trolls Sindy, not autistic people. Sindy retorts he’s “autismo” as an insult. Guy responds that he can’t help some things as he has Aspergers Disorder.
Ergo Sindy told someone to kill themselves after they tell her they have autism. Not much more context needed. Was he being an asshole? Yes. Is Craig a bigger asshole and also making fun of autism? Yes. But you didn’t tell Michael to hang himself until you pulled out the autism “humour” and he acknowledged that he was indeed on the spectrum.
>>thinks you get your period from your hymen (sorry what)You literally told people on FB you were still a virgin because you still have a hymen and you know that you still have one because “other than you bleeding from it every month you’ve never bled so it’s intact”. That’s not how periods or the hymen work you dumb cunt
>>women can get cancer from hysterectomys (it increases the risk of a large number of health complications) has the same complications as any major surgery. Long term effects include early onset of menopause and potential bowel obstruction caused by scar tissue but it’s uncommon.
So much for that advanced medical knowledge when shaming trans people out of transitioning.
>>>/snow/235344here’s where you specifically said it causes cancer. Hint. It doesn’t.
>>( better than letting you make shit like this up. Jesus you guys are dangerously stupid)Except I have blatantly just provided evidence of said things you’ve done and backed myself up when proving you’ve been wrong.
Bonus screenshots of vintage Sindy condoning violence and then telling an Asian girl to suck up racism as she’d love to be Asian to be pretty and have Silky hair
>>>/snow/203547In all the threads you’ve had, the only proof you’ve ever provided is Mike Towers and your falling out and even then, it was after he stopped being useful to you in getting a convention table.
No. 400081
>>400079Need to make a correction. Paul not Connor.
Proof here
>>>/snow/196755 No. 400086
File: 1507450960397.jpg (864.12 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20171008_092024.jpg)

>>399895Also to address this.
Yes people edit their photos. People might smooth out their skin, remove some spots, slim their face slightly using the meitu apps in built features amomgst other minor edits. But they're still recognisable IRL. Because Minor edits.
You shave off half your chin, smooth your skin and distort your face so badly you look like your eye is melting off your face and are generally unrecognisable compared to your actual appearance. That's what the issue is. Noone would care if you edited like pic attached but you don't. There's editing to your face via smoothing, tone correction and slimming your chin but its still a reasonable and realistic expectation of what you look like IRL. The chin could be explained by a flattering angle. Your edits are unexplainable IRL.
No. 400100
>>400086What are we the fb police now
I don't need to justify myself to you. If I want to edit a photo so it looks better that's up to me. It's not a fucking crime. Unlike stalking
No. 400121
>>400115tl;dr no one cares
now gtfo
No. 400127
>>400101The screencap provided says otherwise
>>400106You used autism in a derogatory manner when a lot of your "friends" have autism and are uncomfortable with it. Michael told you in a reasonable manner that he has Aspergers. You told him you had a cure and linked the noose. Telling him the cure for his Aspergers was suicide. It's literally in the post linked.
>>400103We're not talking about the uneducated morons above. We're talking about you who as shown in the cap claimed you bleed from your hymen once per month, you who frequently claims that you have an advanced medical knowledge and were claiming these things within this year, not "years ago"
(I also note that you ignored where your were proven wrong about hysterectomy)
>>400100You can edit your photos however you want but don't get pissy when you're called on it or try to act like your edits are what you look like and your unflattering photos are the edited ones (I believe it was in the /manure/ thread you were claiming people were editing you to look bad.
>>Any friendship that lasts decades is clearly special and I would cinsider rare Most people are able to keep friendships for years and into decades. It's not a rarity. Look how many people from Cosplay Scotland are still regularly keeping in touch and friends after 5+years.
No. 400141
>>400103"A few years ago"mexcept that screenshot was from earlier this year so what you talking about "a few years ago"?
Another example of your twisted sense of time.
No. 400142
>>400127Have to agree on the fact that normal friendships do last a long time. What about elderly people who have friends from their early adulthood or even childhood? Those must be special and rare in Sindys eyes too, right?
I have friends who I've known since Primary and Secondary school, there's a bunch of them, and none of those friendships are special or amazing, they're just normal friendships that both parties put the effort into. You don't lose all your friends all the time and make new ones constantly only for them to get tossed aside too. If you do, you aren't friendshipping right.
No. 400486
>>400236Nobody would have seen it either
Except maybe your sister you told I was messing you around
No. 400495
>>400142Unfortunately I grew up in the early 90s and most of the kids at my school were neds/chavs so I didn't form friendships with them
I still have friends I've known since 15 but I wouldn't consider it a friendship unless we actually hung out and talked all the time otherwise they're just an aquintense
But you know . Not everybody is the same
Some people like you guys are insecure and need people around you 24/7 and some people like me are quite content with there own space. So regardless of say. Being alot for some of a con, don't mind and still do their thing.
No. 400510
>>400127If you can't see how what he said is offensive let me change the context for you
Guy: oh I have depression
Other guy: my friend is an attention seeker too
Guy: dude kill yourself.
^ that's OK because sjw hypocrisy!
Guy: you're acting autistic
Other guy : I have assburgers
Guy : dude kill yourself
^ somehow not okay?
Hypocrite lmao
Just admit it
No. 400514
>>400115>She messed so many of her exs around I really didn't feel like being nextImplying you ever had a chance of being more than a friend to become an ex in the first place.
>Took her out, got her gift . Bought he ticketsBecause gifts = friendship, right? You realise you didn't HAVE to buy them any gifts? That was your decision, and if you're acting salty about it now, then it just looks like you were using the gifts to try and buy your way into being their friend. Which is pretty pathetic.
No. 400520
>>400514If gifts for her birthday hadnt been the only time then sure if I was only doing that then yea. But like I said and you just quoted. I took her out and did everything fuckig else for her.
And hey lol I never said I had a chance I purposely never told her I liked her that way because I didn't wanna ruin the friendship.
You can still be messed around in a friendship. Like I was with her
No. 400525
>>400520But you also didn't NEED to take her out, or buy tickets. And "doing everything else for her" like a friend should anyway without expecting special treatment in return?
Blake put you before a lot of other friendships, gave you too many chances, cut ties with people because they bad-mouthed you, but hey, it was you that was messed about, right?
Although, define "messed about", because I'm curious what was so bad that turned a friendship into an everlasting hateboner because it's so clear you can't get over them.
No. 400533
>>400483Caitlin was mentioned, and Blake falls under cosplay friend, but you yourself said you weren't friends with Amber K, and no one else mentioned her, so why did you even bother if she wasn't your friend?
Or is this another namedrop in the attempt to show either an unrequited hateboner, or to stir up more drama?
No. 400536
>>400525I actually don't hate her and only have a problem with her for her recent actions regarding David
I never said I expected special treatment but I also didn't expect to just be tossed aside wile she hung around with all her other friends and ditched me half the time I was never good enough and neither was anything I ever did . My cosplays, my company. Nothing was ever good enough. I never got anything back. Except that she answered my pms.
No. 400539
>>400533Because you might have drawn the conclusion so I chose not to chance it. If you don't like me saying people's names
Get a silencing order.
No. 400544
>>400540Depends what you think I was expecting back. I literally got nothing back. Not even her full fuckig attention
I was 3rd wheel friend the entire trip
No. 400549
>>400525You're basically saying I didn't need to give her anyour fucking attention what so ever.
That's not me hun.
I spend time with my friends
And we rarley got to hang out so I went out every chance we could
>>401073After flopping more like.
She doesn’t get enough followers within a week she gives up. She thinks that lining her tits with very obvious brown eyeliner is what makes people famous. Along with that horrific fake accent she puts on to sound less Scottish.
No. 401101
>>401079She had one stream where she had her bathrobe on reverse with nothing but her bra on underneath to show more cleavage. Why her bathrobe was on reverse I don't know.
Sindy is that type of girl who would get probably her tits out for attention but she thinks she is better than that and has more sex appeal because of a few thirsty guys on her page.
No. 401568
>>401006Hur hur you play runescape
Yea and at one point so did 200M other people. Go G.E and buy yourself that childhood you nevery had. And a gf
No. 401573
>>401510Guess that makes monty a complete fucking weeaboo.
Life is like runescape. If it gets you money. Then you're the one who gets all the good shit.
Enjoy your discount eggs
>>401568Yeah at one point! Runescape was a fad. Monthly high scores from 2016 pointed at 160k player base and its been dropping.
But that got you real
No. 401786
>>401678And dude, bro, nublet… rs was never a fad… maybe when you were 12 and playing it at your school lunch
But just like cartoons from the 90s rs was an integral part of many people's hl childhoods. Many people grew up and learned valuable math and accounting lessons from this game. As well as learning to be efficient at skilling so you can still study ect. Many people played it back then for the social aspects.
And while yes, that's pretty much gone now because most of the players are 14 and new to rs, they just flood the chat beith garbage like I fucked your mUm or get gud. Most of the 25+ players just turn fuckig chat off. But mobile will introduce new players and fix this. It might be temporary like a
fad but tbh it had something about it that makes people stay. Me and 1m other active players. So the new players should stay too.
>>401785You mean Monty Oum? Right because a big budget company having one of their employees make a 3D animated series they imagined up is totally the same as some nobody trying to make their own trash manga.
But hey, I thought we weren't supposed to speak ill of the dead.
No. 401891
>>401785the rwby manga is by Miwa Shirow (with montys credits ofc) so it isnt directly made by monty, drawing wise.
>>401820 atleast rwby will always be more popular than sindys trash manga lmao.
No. 401898
>>401786After the sperging in thread Sindy has been confirmed to be fucking mental
will gouge her next 'friend's' eye out with a spoon, guarantee it
No. 402306
>>402301I wouldn't put it past her tbh. Funnily enough saw stuff about her being kicked out of Facebook Sales groups (like for wigs and cosplays and other nerd shit) for sending items that were damaged and not resolving any issues people had. Them and their friend Archie?
Although for someone who insists on being called Jethro and having male pronouns used, it seems hella fucking weird that she has a second account using her actual name, Katy Addison, too…
No. 404462
>>404455She's complaining about there being no furniture. Only scatter flats/temp homeless accommodation come with furniture unless you rent privately and they state part furnished (and a lot of the time it means white goods and maybe a table or sofa). But she's in a council house. Permanent council houses are always stripped bare before moving in.
Stop being a scrounger, grow the fuck up and buy your own damn furniture. Ikea is dirt cheap. You can kit a house out with basics like a table, chair, tv stand and a chest of drawers for about £200 until you're able to save for better quality ones.
No. 406474
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>>406270By fake latex chest, she probably means the muscle ones for men, since she's asking for open shirt cosplay hacks for women.
Although, those are fucking easy if you've got small tits like hers, anyway
But yeah,
>>406271 is right, she did post pictures of her new house/flat. Pic related.
No. 406713
>>406474Did she just doxxx herself….
What a dumb bitch
No. 408924
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Or there's this.
She probably got her ass banned from an account again and went running to one of her back ups.
No. 409085
>>408942I mean, Lewis did admit to saying the rape threat, but he also apologised for it.
And just making a threat doesn't actually make him a rapist, unlike your old friend Mike, who committed statutory rape.
Someone you used to defend. Who's the thot now?
No. 410553
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Which is it? Either you gave the account away and nothing posted on it was you, or, while you did give out the login details, no one actually did anything with it and you were using that as an excuse to possibly harass people with that account under the guise of "it wasn't me" when in fact you've still had access to it the whole time.
No. 410640
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Good god sindy your new profile pic looks like someone spliced a monkey, with a horse and Michael Jackson.
No. 411159
>>411071Not defending her or anything, but seems more like you need to learn English anon. It makes perfect sense.
>The people who say they haven't had a problem with this guy therefor he isn't a bad guy really need to wake up"Therefor" fits in perfectly. She's trying to call out the people who are essentially saying "I've had a problem with Lewis, therefor he's not a bad guy". She's just quoting what other people have been saying. Or, did you only use half your brain to read her post?
If you're going to trying and pull her up on her grammar and spelling, maybe try a little harder next time?
No. 411189
>>411159No it still makes zero sense.
It sounds like she was going to bring up a reason of why he's not a bad guy then she never does. You can't just add therefor randomly. Also can you prove that was what she actually saying?
I did read the entire post because that's all she put in it along with with screen cap of what Lewis posted.
Your defending Sindy awfully hard. No need to insult me. We all know she has terrible English from her past posts.
No. 411197
>>411189But she's not the one saying that he's not a bad guy, it's other people, and she's just quoting them.
And yeah, I could prove she was probably referring to that, seeing how she's done a 180 and is now attacking Lewis, and the fact there were girls defending him with that same kind of statement on the Summer Knight post she shared.
It doesn't sound like she was going to give up a reason that he isn't a bad guy. The therefor is connecting "I've hand no issues with him" and "he isn't a bad guy". Your argument would make sense if it was used after "he isn't a bad guy".
If you take out "the people who say" and "really need to wake up", the sentence still makes sense, that's what she's quoting, after all.
I'm not defending Sindy, just pointing out you're trying to attack her over some bullshit thing you're wrong about. Trust me I'm the last kind of person to defend Sindy.
No. 411199
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>>411197Samefag but the kind of defending I was referencing, if you're too lazy to go look, can be found here, in the comments: No. 411328
>>411197 is right.
She should have used quotation marks to make it clearer but it makes sense without them. You're grasping at straws here.
Here I'll add them in and see if you're able to understand it. If you still can't then maybe you and Sindy can take a Standard Grade English class together.
>>The people who say they "haven't had a problem with this guy therefore he isn't a bad guy" really need to wake upWhat you should be calling her out on is openly admitting to using fake identities to get around conventions knocking her back for AAs due to her history of tracing and her general attitude to people.
No. 411373
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Pretty sure using a fake identity would be pretty illegal in this context, due to the fact it's a contract you're signing, and because of the insurance the convention has to take out for vendors, too.
But hey, maybe the conventions aren't getting back to you, not because they don't like you in general, but because they think your art is mediocre and won't sell well compared to other, better artists who have also applied for tables? There could be a plethora of reasons outside of just "you used to trace" or "we dont want you at our convention".
No. 411432
>>411400>should ofAnd yet ya'll have the audacity to complain about Sindy's English skills.
But no, she should've admitted to tracing, just, a lot earlier than she did. As soon as she was first called out for it, she should have admitted it, instead of fighting against it for almost a year before deciding to admit to it to make herself look better against Caitlin.
No. 413475
>>413444Doesn't mean she's banned from it though? She could just, oh, I dunno, not be posting on it? Or not be posting publicly on it?
You're grasping at straws, anon. At least sage when you don't have any real milk to share.
No. 415014
>>413475Well this thread has been out of milk for weeks. I'm trying to get more but I can't do that if she does not post anything. So either be helpful and figure out if she has a new account or is banned. Or be useless and try and cause fights with anons.
This page is to slam Sindy not random anons.
No. 415157
>>415014It’s a good thing this thread is dying.
Who cares about her pathetic life?
No. 415162
>>415014At this stage it's the same handful of people posting. The milk dried up ages ago.
She's not banned as she's still posting about MH; you can see it if you have mutual friends but the girls probably just finally put her profile on private. You laugh at her but look at you, screeching because you can't look at her profile anymore.
Move on. She's been boring for months, the only reason this thread is still active is for 2 reasons. 1 that, like
>>413963 put it, she's a cockroach that keeps coming back to life on here. And 2, a few of you just won't stop talking about her. She's a narc, ignore her and she'll shrivel away without the attention. Which is exactly what's been happening these last few months until you harpies start up again.
No. 415638
>>415014She has neither been banned nor does she have a new account. There's no need to "figure it out".
You're the one still bumping the thread without any actual milk to go with the bump. If you have milky screenshots, post em, otherwise just wait for her to come back screeching or for her to fuck up again.
No. 424409
File: 1510741522342.png (92.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-11-15-10-17-40…)

For fuck sake. Can you inbreds not go a week without trying to start shit up about me. You think I'm fucking stupid and can't tell what this shit is. This is fucking pathetic. And if you keep making fake accounts to stalk me on
I will just report it to the police.
Fuck off and stay out a my face. You will never again see my content, unless like last night I accidentally set it to public.
This is fucking pathetic
Get a series fucking life
No. 424497
>>424409Oh you found my alt I made? I was going to message you about blocking me. Your acting like a child. I was only going to try and fix things.
Remember Sindy you said all that shit about me and you could not prove any of it. I gave you the chance to be friends again.
Nothing wrong with trying to be a grown up and try and talk things out. Your the one acting like a stupid child.
No. 431997
>>397117I couldn't read this thread and not reply to this, as I don't think I read anyone else calling her out for it. Apologies for it being an older comment but wanted to note this for anyone not Scotland based.
In Scotland you get 4 years free tuition. An HNC is the equivalent of first year of university, HND second and so on. If you fail an HNC, you can try again and still do so for free.
Or if that's too difficult, you can do ND's on top of that 4 years.
Either are incredibly useful if you actually want to learn, work for a living, improve on your art and work hard. So I can see how Sindy would find it useless.
No. 433640
File: 1511885114570.png (34.95 KB, 632x523, sindy chat.PNG)

Fuck it I will do it myself. I only messaged her 4 times.
So yeah hardly 3 months. I gave her a chance and I tried being civil then I gave up completely. To be honest I was I hoping it would all blow over. I just don't like leaving things on sour notes.
No. 433747
>>433640August to November is "hardly 3 months" now?
But wow this makes you look desperate regardless. Making fake accounts to message her, messaging her on her cosplay page…
And over that length of time, definitely creepy and stalkerish, not to mention bordering on harassment.
You just made yourself look pathetic.
No. 433776
>>433747Actually no that was main. My alt account was around for ages. I tried to patch things up twice. So no I would not say pathetic.
As I said I thought it would blow over and gave her two chances. Then I gave up the other message was telling her I canceled going to mcm.
Not my fault if she ignored me and I tried to be the bigger person.
No. 433783
>>433776You also make it sound like I was stalking her for 3 months solid. Yeah no I still have a life. I pretty much dropped a message once per month. Sindy made it sound like 3 months solid.
So no I did not make fake accounts to message her or stalk her. But yes I was still depressed and maybe made a bad judgement call to try and fix things. But I'm done now.
No. 433839
>>433640>>433783sigh you know what well done. ill bite… ill fucking take the bait. but this is the Last fucking time I will ever garner you with a response. go it
I never made you out like anything. I simply stated the bare facts, the you had messaged me, several times. over the last 3 months. I never said constantly. you are the one interpreting it as constantly. because in your mind Darren, you are constantly thinking about me.
this is actually frightening now… I've never had somebody as persistent as this continue to show up and keep tabs on me. I'm actually amazed you messaged me, instead of just outright stalking me.
you were removed the first time Darren. because you would not give me any personal space. your actions were by no mans friendly. you really don't understand that you were always just a guy who added me on Facebook. told you from the beginning it was never going to become sexual. and that I couldn't look at you that way. And I genuinely believed you when you said you understand. but the minute I gave you access to my skype. you showed me the full extent of your mental illness. regret giving it to you because if I had known you would become this obsessed with me. I would never have done it. I don't even want to say I led u on, because I had… numerous times, said I wasn't into you like that… but I really feel like I just entertained your nonsense far to much. I understand you have cognitive behavioural and development problems that mean you cant understand what people are saying very well. but when you actually agree to what I've said… that you at not into me, and you continue to partake in behaviour that is going to upset and frighten me.. I'm sorry but you can no longer blame that on a childhood condition.. you know what you re doing.. and you are not making any efforts to stop.
so I'm going to ask you 1 more fucking time. and please just fucking try to read it slowly so you understand. STOP…MESSAGING..ME
I am NEVER going to have you back in my life. It's just toxic.. you aren't well. you need help. and I cant help you Hun, I just cant do that for you. I cant be your rock, or your soulmate or whatever it was you thought we were, please,. join a Facebook group.. or get a hoby.. and try to make some fucking friends.. because you're really channelling everything on to me and its unbearable. I know in responding to you, that I am continuing to feed this illness. but you're just not understanding., so case in close.
stop now. Its not going to happen. and it can never work. you are manipulative, obsessive and borderline sociopathic. you need help.
No. 433854
>>433839Constantly thinking about you what are psychic? No not even close.
I have a mental illness? No that I know of.
Cognitive and behavioral problems? What the actual fuck?
Blame it on a childhood condition? The actual crap am I reading?
Look stop staying stuff you can never prove you just come off crazy.
Sindy I was using skype to try and help you with twitch. I asked if it would be ok to call you the next day and you said it was.
I got over you the first time. I already had like 4-5 girls in mind I knew where single and pretty decent friends of mine I even told you this.
Stop messaging you?… I did. All I did was give you a chance.
I have friends and I have hobbies.
Manipulative, obsessive, borderline sociopathic? Do you need a mirror?
No. 433859
>>433854I don't need to rove it Darren. he post of you acting like a fucking creep is on m wall for everybody to see (august 9th)
and yourself already posted he screenshots. is time for you to uking go away if yo realy don't care that much. youre spending all his fucking time trying t get back at me, then acting like ishould fel bad and take you back..and you ont understand how that's sociopathic.. yore trying to emotionally guilt trip me just so ill return your obsessive feelings. amd saying you have 5 girls in mind. isn't making ou look better. considering you lirally said o me in Dms that one of them you didn't even know, but inseated just saw in ada, and wanted to sk out. I'm sorry but that's fucking creepy.
you obviously fucking don't have any hobbies I mean yu literally told me on skype you have nothing to fucking do and are bored all the time. and I fucking told you to get a hobby. its not hard Darren. just move the fuck on and stop lurking on this thread.. why do you even care about my life if you're so over me and have 5 or more girls on the fucking list
No. 433867
>>433859That girl in asda I kind of knew from school and we where getting along fine. I'm not trying to guilt trip you at all. I'm only countering you claims.
I collect manga, games, collect stones, collect amiibo figures, I cook, etc.
No sindy I know all that. I'm here to defend myself.
No. 433876
>>433875Ranting and raving again. You caused this. No go back and check. You started on me then somebody asked to speak to me on so I replied. then you attacked me again when I said I would consider giving her another chance.
I'm guilt tripping you? You just guilt tripped me. I don't recall saying need to take you back.
No. 433888
In fact hold on
>>>/snow/336569No. 369501
Is where the sindy shit show starts on me. I come in.
No. 370521
Done. That is definitive proof you started this.
No. 433899
>>433896read the firs comment I posted to you. ive tied so fucking hard to help yo by telling you to get hobbies, to go to conventions. to join groups. and ive tried to help you by tlling you I'm not into you thatway..
I'm sorry I cant literally drag you to a fucking therapist.. I'm not youre fucking mother..
No. 433906
>>433905Yet again you go on like a crazy person with more guilt tripping
More guilt tripping.
Is where the sindy shit show starts on me. I come in.
Ranting and raving again.
you see this shit darn, can I ask you. who you literally fucking think you are flling with this? this is emotonall bullieng. ot that its not 1) working 2) transparent as everloving fuck
I can see what youre doing and so can everybody else. youre urning a situation youv created. a problem you've fed by not taking no for an answer. and turning into a weapon.
talking down to me like this doesn't upset m and make me want t take you back out of pity. it makes me want to run a fucking mile.
No. 469781
File: 1515931453989.jpeg (187.76 KB, 1242x530, 66594FA8-E02B-4CD8-B4E5-511D77…)

No. 469782
File: 1515931714046.jpeg (558.97 KB, 1242x1554, C879A88D-41C6-416C-A542-7583C9…)

Maybe you should ban yourself from facebook then.
No. 469862
>>469781>>469782why do you still care. and why revive this thread for status's like this.. this is how sad the need for drama about me has gotten that something as simle as a friendslist clear out, is what you consider top tier drama fit for this kind of website. you must be starving for attention at this point.
we couldnt even go 2 weeks into 2018 without somebody trying desperatly to revive this thread.
Whatever. im glad nobody cares. do what you like. im glad your not in my life.
No. 473153
>>469866That was months ago around when we first fell out. You have not been on i ages and they just showed up. Twitch does not use time stamps.
Jesus I'm glad I had some friends of mine report you where still going about me on fb. Yes I left some friends of mine to check in on you to see if you would start shit again on here and look here you are… You where so desperate you did.
No. 514941
File: 1519651354414.jpeg (353.6 KB, 1242x2208, 1957AF74-D154-4044-A9C0-900C82…)

Another fake Facebook profile, lame!
No. 533469
File: 1521518361981.jpg (66.02 KB, 720x960, Sindy Pop12717736_10420579025…)

No. 533471
File: 1521518374210.jpg (73.14 KB, 720x960, Sindy Pop12717798_10420568658…)

No. 533473
File: 1521518388941.jpg (71.27 KB, 720x960, Sindy Pop12745818_10420565192…)

No. 535705
>>535625Context is a thing.
The person hiring a topless maid was quite clearly a pervert looking to take advantage of some girl to satisfy his sick fetish
Taking a consentual picture of you self in your own bedroom Is completely different.
No. 537256
>>391382>>533469>>533471>>533473Where are these abs you're seeing photoshopped on. This picture set is over 3 years old. She looks fatter and more unfit here. Definetly not healthy or thin. If she had gained a tun of weight since then then these pictures posted in September would have her be fatted. But she's even thinner than before.
She has been posting on her Facebook just as much as ever and still posts herself. But she's said numerous times that she isn't doing underwear shoots anymore. Her words not mine
No. 540813
File: 1522315388980.jpeg (123.1 KB, 656x369, 1F4B1806-0BC6-4623-89F5-925516…)

I feel like if she did her makeup right and stopped the weird facetune shit she could look a lot like the chick from altered carbon
No. 540981
File: 1522346746545.jpeg (253.17 KB, 1440x810, 613C90DA-717B-4F7D-AEC3-975D64…)

This bitch went to A&E for a broken nail?
She needs a dose of reality.
No. 546000
>>540813Doubt it. They have completely different face shapes.
This chick looks nothing like her
No. 558620
>>558583So you can smell based on long distance sight? That's like a fukin world record, right?
The jacket I wore is worth £50 quid.
Everything else was brand new. So at least try to be consistent. You're exploiting your jealousy more than anything else here.
And hey I'm no longer underweight, so it is actually Is working out for me.
No. 558623
>>558583Also how can a person wear ALL BLACK clothing if the got dressed in the dark. Jw…
Logically it would be imposible to see?
No. 559828
>>559305I'm starting this week. Fuck your on that shit fast… my paper only just arrived
My Facebook page is where it goes
Tempted to make a Da but the community is just cringe
Wanna do twitch but bitrate is abysmal. Plus I really need to get better first
Im getting from a professional illustrator I met at ecc. So expect better work especially in the colour department
No. 559830
>>559305My old Da is dead jn. Might revive it if I can unlock it. But I'm watermarking the shit out of it.
Your critiques are welcome just don't troll or you'll get ignored and made an example of.
No. 559835
>>558620Actually no I was pretty close to you (:
Also wow a whole £50 for your jacket? I forgot that’s probably a lot for you. Bless
No. 560009
>>559835Maybe by your Shitty lolita standards.
Also next time say hi instead of breathing down my neck like a fucking stalker.
No. 560052
File: 1524156476979.png (30.21 KB, 128x128, 1519668088488.png)

>>560023keep bumping your own thread Sindy you mess
£50 for a sweaty jacket lol nice
No. 560610
File: 1524210428534.jpg (30.45 KB, 436x960, Sindy Pop30742640_178477088161…)

Needs a shot of the back of this
No. 560698
File: 1524228467464.jpg (30.36 KB, 474x960, Sindy Pop30743177_178477092161…)

>>560675swiggity swooty
i need the booty
No. 566102
>>565291Yes I'll b at sunnycon.
Come say hi thus time and don't b a stalker
No. 566103
>>565220I literally just said I missed it. Hardly the same.
Also that isn't drama. Please bump this thread with Actual drama
No. 578300
File: 1525981212914.png (267.34 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180510-203059.png)

No. 578305
File: 1525981252168.png (267.89 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180510-203103.png)

>>578300Feel sorry for whatever hapless chucklefuck she's projecting a crush onto.
No. 579242
>>579218Considering I don't eat any of that.
I'm questioning if this is just a low tier shitpost
No. 579243
>>579215Trust me if it was for drama and not a legit concern I wouldn't have gone about it this way. When I'm trying to create drama I usually do PUBLIC callouts.
I get you don't think your friends are into me but it's time to admit they've asked or are currently messaging me. (And no I don't reply)
No. 579245
>>579218I know this is shit because
*) I don't just walk up to people regardless of the cosplay.
2) I don't get close enough to smell.
It's more likley this is what happened >
You shouted me up to say hi because you either knew who I was or liked my cosplay. I said a few thing in regards to it then left.
Then your friend being the dramacow and outright pussy she us (like if she had a problem I was right in front of her…)
She then proceeded to shittalk me to you with 3-4 year old out of context drams or some shit that isn't accurate
You bought into it
Then waited till now to make some shit up… over 11 months later.
Seriously. This is obviously bullshit
No. 579256
>>579245Well, looks like anon
>>579215 hit the nail on the head.
No. 585895
File: 1526541050791.jpeg (61.26 KB, 528x960, 6E5DA547-EEC2-4B7D-9C50-937E29…)

These boots…
No. 585897
>>560610… + this outfit and I’m sold
No. 592057
File: 1527098207843.jpg (81.88 KB, 478x422, ginyu.jpg)

If she stopped acting like a brat at every con she attends then maybe her page would actually have fans. Also cosplaying ginyu must be easy with her manly weird looking face.
No. 595167
>>592057>>594025Watch me.
Alot of my page following is art.
Tho I'm hoping to stop that after next weekend.
Nobody really comments on cosplay plans espesh when they don't cosplay or even like dragonball
Maybe stop stalking my page?
(bye again sindy) No. 595488
File: 1527463718947.jpg (39.94 KB, 510x383, chindy.jpg)

>>594852all the crap and drama she was starting today on facebook got her banned
No. 596631
File: 1527597046180.jpeg (366.98 KB, 1209x1227, E87C8ABE-B1B2-4F51-869E-2BD31B…)

No. 596701
>>595510Nah fam
>>596663Says the person on a drama posting website
Legit how many of the people here are the Og 14 year olds from gcc?
And how many are obayed khan fangirls?
How many anons do we have checking this thread and bumping it besides myself? 2?
I don't even need to criticise this thread. It's a shit show failure anyway. Mods are so sick of it you'll be lucky to pass another one when it's gets to the limit.
Tho at the rate that's going 100 years will have passed. Can just picture you as grannies shit talking me because your pension didn't come through.
Bye for now.
No. 596803
>>596663it's a meme at this point, any drama happens this beast shows up and sucks all the life out of it "I-i had a problem with this guy too!!!111!!! I never said anything before this recent drama but IM INVOLVED!!! GIVE ME ATTENTION"
btw sindy, are you competing at sunnycon?
No. 597080
>>596803>>596822Instead of samefagging just keep your shit in 1 reply. Everybody can tell you are the same person . Way to avoid my question. You seam pretty interested at what I plan to do at sunnycon. Why do you care if I'm competing? Why do you think you're entitled to an answer.
You know I haven't been tracing for over 18 months now. Again why do you think your entitled to this information ?
If you are trying to make friendly small talk with me then get your ass of this place and message me in fb like a fucking normal person.
Until then your entitled to NO information about what I'm doing t a con you have a habit of following me around at
(bye again sindy) No. 597391
>>597080??????? its not the same anon sindy, if it was we'd be banned for samefagging. There's more of us here than you think.
good luck competing at sunnycon with kenny judging by the way, have fun.
No. 602283
File: 1528186069460.jpg (158.33 KB, 531x889, IMG_20180605_020402.JPG)

Screencap in the post is for ants but Sindy baws again about how Deecon "hurt her feewings" 3 years ago yet when other people bring up her old drama it's suddenly a crime.
No. 605224
>>602283You can bring up old drama if you want. It just depends if that drama is a lie like saying I took my underwear off or saying I said I was raped. " I heard it on the grapevine" isn't really solid
How's the 14 year old I apparently touched up at sunnycon btw.
No. 606847
File: 1528653153743.jpg (35.6 KB, 510x492, sindy.jpg)

she is a complete bitch to other girls and cosplayers then wonders why she has no female friends.
No. 606850
File: 1528653463875.jpg (22.38 KB, 506x158, chindy.jpg)

i really doubt anyone is asking to date her
No. 606854
File: 1528653765725.jpg (85.07 KB, 507x518, chindy3.jpg)

good luck to anyone at sunnycon sharing a boat with her
No. 608511
>>606854So sad
Guess you won't be joining me then.
>>606847Lol when have I ever been a bitch to girls. I love you attune my interactions with few small bitchy girls like you as me being a bitch to all girl cosplayers.
But then that's typical of these shit holes. You attune every big of negativity I put at you (knowing full well why) to how I treat everyone. You don't listen to my explorations. Like with beks, instead you just coil into an offensive position and scream bloody Mary as soon as one of your friends gets a thread or name dropped and blame it on me (when the admins can tell you I didn't make the threads on her)
If your goal is to convince me your an autistic little fucking child trust me hunny you've long succeeded. Sort your own flaws out before you pick shit at mine.
Sorry that turned into a rant.
No. 612188
File: 1529125113372.jpg (18.82 KB, 511x105, chindy4.jpg)

>>611376everything here is a description of yourself. I hope you get banned from sunny when you inevitably start shit you scottish cunt
No. 613225
>>612188Keep hoping.
I'm not going to get banned from a con I've not caused anything at. And don't bother trying to start shit with me at the afterparty(s) because you won't get away with it, even if you follow me into unfilmled places like you did at 2014 nanashi.
You can't just ban people because one fucking idiot doesn't like you. See you next weekend.
No. 613489
File: 1529264680144.jpg (45.32 KB, 533x960, isthiscosplay.jpg)

her finished "cosplay" . Good luck to those unfortunate enough to see her in this, try not to vomit.
No. 613507
File: 1529266994903.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-06-17-21-22-24…)

>>613489Your peers disagree
Get cucked
No. 613573
File: 1529271673627.jpg (137.7 KB, 1768x992, chindy.jpg)

>>613507>chindy posting a screenshot with all her tabs and having her lolcow thread open at all timesfucking KEK
No. 613574
File: 1529271734762.jpg (3.29 KB, 145x135, FB_IMG_1525379644469.jpg)

>>613566Aren't they essentially the same thing in certain mythos
Also who even cares it's still inaccurate to the images.
Plus why does anon even have that picture in the first place
No. 613581
File: 1529272021502.jpg (32.21 KB, 267x274, ohno.jpg)

>>613507jesus christ if i have to smell this at sunny…
No. 613593
>>613574I don't have it saved, I literally googled "goblin picture" because it was the first thought I had when I saw you, you look like a crippled goblin.
>>613588Maybe get a shower and some mints to hide that shit breath you have a reputation for.
No. 613595
was mentioned by one person 11 months after meeting meHmmmmmmmmmmmm
No. 613599
File: 1529272927454.jpg (67.31 KB, 990x1024, 21993102_1813021502059615_3279…)

>>613593anon im crying here holy kek
No. 613606
>>613601You're trying to hard to
trigger me anon. I'm way beyond caring for the personal insults of fat depressed con slags who can't even own up to what they say
No. 614110
>>614084again man I swear these rumours about me get wilder every fucking g day.
And lmao you would take everything obayed cunt says as the gospel spoken. Why don't you go suck his rusty little Dick and stop making shit about me up?
No. 616756
File: 1529591305250.jpg (209.45 KB, 810x1145, 20180621_152652.jpg)

Looks like she's on another back up account lol
No. 616811
File: 1529597395664.jpg (103.89 KB, 637x805, sin.jpg)

Looks like Gollum wearing a wig, also she is still trying to find friends lmao
No. 617008
File: 1529608375545.jpg (356.05 KB, 810x1507, 20180621_200943.jpg)

Seriously? Defending X? A new low for sindy lmao
No. 617012
File: 1529608523926.jpg (561.28 KB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_20180621-201153_Fac…)

I think you need to learn what the word doubt means, Because it certainly doesn't mean that you won't definitely get in. Idiot.
No. 617823
>>617012Nah you're just back peddling because you loom like an idiot now.
>>617316This is satire right? You know me and towers have never met
Also as much as that was clearly a joke. I wouldn't even dare try it unless you wanna spend 15 years in jail.
No. 620131
File: 1529869799771.jpg (69.55 KB, 640x233, shitbreathsindy.jpg)

she really lives for drama
No. 620142
File: 1529870158134.jpg (96.03 KB, 641x711, Disgust.jpg)

You can just tell that she got no attention so decides to post on facebook pretending she had trouble with guys all weekend
No. 620783
>>618918Literally you're an embarrassment to obayed lmao.and jess didn't seam to mind when she hung out with me ALL NIGHT at the first afterparty (friday)
And she's the one who came and found/sat with us.
Last I checked she's the one obi actually WANTS to fuck so where the fuck does that leave you?
Don't come crying to me when he tells you to fuck off
No. 621052
File: 1529944699034.jpeg (193.33 KB, 911x1620, E5BE24ED-8A20-4F61-8E57-979AB5…)

Either she edited in cleavage or it’s 2 thirds of the way to the side of her chest
No. 621199
>>621076I don't think she even gives a shit lmao. She tried to tell me he was a nice guy at the after party and that I'd like him but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't.
>>620862Hahahhahaha fuck no
I wouldn't want the slippery little Dick within 5 feet of me. Not a curry fan if you get the drift. Unlike yourself who probably accepts all callers
No. 621503
File: 1529977798801.jpg (80.16 KB, 539x960, chindy.jpg)

>>621052Probably edited like all her pictures, heres a non edited pic and you can see how fugly she is, flat as a pancake too.
No. 621801
>>621519>Sindy that's racist">Scottish cuntYou're not very bright are you?
Jess is a really fucking nice person and has been one of the only people to go out of her way to try and come level with me and obi putting how I feel about him aside.
Literally the only 1 who looks like a fucking cunt here is you. You accuse me of racism then use my nationality in an insult. You're a fucking imbicile.
>wait till obayed gets you banned from every con in the UKHoly fuck how can you be this fuckkng delusional. Is this fucking satire at this point.
You can't use "influence" to get people banned from cons. Especially if neither they or thier friends go. Because for a con to ban somebody they need you to be attending to fill that ticket space up. You don't understand cons are not clubs. They're public events and they cost money to run.
I feel at this point that unless you're literally 13 theirs no fucking way you can be this dumb. Goodluck getting me banned. Also you can't prove anything written on this forum is my handwriting or what I think. So you're going off the replies of somebody who could actually just be a top tier fucking troll.
No. 621868
File: 1530017884924.jpg (19.7 KB, 480x360, 184278341.jpg)

>>When you have the bad luck / timing to share an elevator with her and all you can smell is shit
No. 621882
>>621868I remember getting jn the lift with you guys, you were in a group of 3 and all wearing lolita shit. Either that or league of legends shit. You were the girl who stood literally right next to me on either the Saturday or Sunday. I remember the dirty looks you kept giving me lmao. I was internally pissing myself because you gave yourself away from the way you looked and I heard you all giggling when I got out.
I think it's just kinda rich that you were alone with me for over a minute and did and said nothing to my face
Idk. Doesn't make you look good, just makes you look like a pussy
No. 621890
>>621888I never once claimed to speak for obayed unlike you who claims you can get him to ban me from events.
Let me ask you a question .
If he had to decide between you and jess who do you think he'd choose? Cause the answer is obvious to me. From what jess told me it looks like your on your last legs with obayed. So enjoy it while It lasts.
Pretty sure he won't take you shit talking his best friend well. And hiding behind anoninity won't protect you either.
No. 622984
>>622978You've already indirectly admitted it 2ce.
Once by asking why I never said anything and a second time by showing me looking for you bothered you. I don't need to prove it now
No. 622985
>>622978Here's a little tip for you. Next time you
choose to get in a lift with somebody you don't like, don't sit and aukurdly stare at them and burn the image of your face into thier memory… you gave yourself away from the very beginning and looked more afraid than grossed out.
No. 624514
>>624484No, katy wasn't at sunnycon
Sindy is fighting with her because katy has been harassing her friends on Facebook about hanging out with her. The usual katy shit
No. 628187
File: 1530656750754.jpg (89.31 KB, 552x656, karma.jpg)

She tried to get a vendor spot for next year sunnycon but got rejected hahah
No. 628674
File: 1530719641802.jpg (78.14 KB, 637x346, plants.jpg)

>>plants more intelligent than humans
well maybe they are more intelligent than sindy, but normal people? no
No. 631546
File: 1531052629596.jpeg (292 KB, 749x1252, 74FEF738-360F-4294-A7FC-589BFF…)

This train wreck of a post
For anyone who knows Monster Hunter in the slightest, Stygian Zinogre is not a Cerberus, it has one head.
DalamAdur probably is the Jörmungandr but it’s definitely not a Hydra. Again, it has one head.
Also, why did you start off using the Japanese names and then move onto the English names in the third paragraph?
And watch where you’re typing you thick bitch.
No. 631902
>>629324There was one time a few years ago where she made £90 at Deecon (I think it was) and bragged about it.
I'm not an artist but I know people who have tabled before and they don't brag about their earnings.
No. 631956
>>630809That sucks…oh well it's probably for the best.
Last thing needed is to have the college called out for letting a cheat pass and having the establishment and the former & present student's names dragged in the mud because of one fraud.
No. 632317
>>631546Why? Am I supposed to be afraid of you or something?
You should know I've been playing monster hunter for 12 years and just arranged a sunny con monster hunter meet.
Are you going to share All my monster hunter posts here.
Also why didn't you comment on the group? Why did you have to post it here? Why are you hiding like a little bitch?
No. 632322
>>631956It was me that said no you daft cow and i said no because you can't prove anything. A 1 way conversation on the fb page of a girl who may or may not be me doesn't prove anything
And the thing about college work is most of it's done in the class
If you attempt to contact my college(s) and get personal information bout me ill have you done for harassment
Tho its funny you think the college wouldn't even answer the phone to you
No. 632329
I do think seam to have a history of stealing cosplay
Sexual harassment
Soft core port
No. 632341
>>632337Unless by
see you again you mean
Actually tell me to my face what you think of me then I welcome that. Would be nice to make a cut out of you infornt of everyone
No. 632344
>>632342Vague threating… truly a sign of advanced intelligence.
I hope thier are a lot of people excited to see me again. Would be nice to watch them all do literally nothing because that's all the community is good for
Shit talking.
No. 632348
>>632343the girl you tried to bully but bottled it and deleted your posts…
>>632344says the one who got scared and walked away awkwardly last time lmao
No. 632349
>>632342I feel bad for the dumb fuck that actually does try to touch me. I wonder if they realise I will literally get them done for it
Oh boo then you won't be able to go to cons and piss and moan here anymore.
No. 632350
>>632348I deleted the post. And I never tried to bully her. She came at me first
Really. Really. This is pathetic. It's like you think you have an ounce of dignity left
You stood thier with me alone and did nothing like a fucking puss. I had no need to act. You're already below me
No. 632352
File: 1531153999014.jpg (80.01 KB, 960x720, ray liotta goodfellas laughing…)

holy shit the victim complex
No. 632353
>>632348That's the different between me and you hun. I don't fight those weaker than me. What would saying anything accomplish? Would you stop shit talking me? Not really. I don't find enjoyment in using pay oxalate brawn to force people's opinions of me to agree with me own. I respect your regardless of how worthless it is.
I've stated in the past. I only fight in self defense.
No. 632362
>>632356"Shittalks and then cowers away*
Kinda like what you did in the lift at sunnycon? Eh
No. 632432
>>632357when one "low rank" insult
triggers 4 separate responses hahah
No. 633260
File: 1531251624286.jpg (112.52 KB, 1972x644, byebyechindy.jpg)

No. 633272
File: 1531252409318.jpg (75.98 KB, 535x571, autism.jpg)

the meltdown is hilarious
No. 633293
File: 1531253167481.jpg (15.2 KB, 268x268, 268x0w.jpg)

>>633276She's prattling on about how this cunt is apparently posting about her on 4chan which is utter bullshit. shown by the live archive, the last mention of her was Sunday where someone equated Autistic screeching and excuses with Sindy instead of Moomoo.
No. 633300
File: 1531253839669.jpg (195.54 KB, 1768x992, whiteknight.jpg)

she posts a screenshot showing some whiteknight telling her she did nothing wrong, but has lolcow threads open in tabs of herself and her former lover towers, I'm done its just too funny
No. 633307
File: 1531254077054.jpg (54.57 KB, 594x594, chindylol.jpg)

also sunnycon group is open despite being banned, shame she cant properly see the post inside mocking her
No. 633429
>>633250Oh Liam. You can and you gave without taking.
But they sent you away oh Liam.
No. 633486
File: 1531269039760.jpg (125.92 KB, 643x511, hahahaha.jpg)

she went and started her own facebook group hahahah, she really messed with the wrong person this time
No. 633718
File: 1531304301189.jpg (85.35 KB, 663x452, manylikes.jpg)

Is there anything more tragic than liking your own posts?
No. 633751
File: 1531310973583.jpg (56.49 KB, 640x480, Tuxedo-Obama-laughing-AFP-640x…)

oh sindy when will you learn, after being toxic as fuck shes on her way to being banned from yet another con
No. 633869
>>633751I'm not banned from any cons
And I won't be banned for making a fb group either.
If you want me banned making up fake shit about me sneaking booze in wasn't the right way to go about it.
No. 633871
>>633486How is Liam the wrong person. He's a 30 year old guy who's literally stalking my profile and shit posting about me here
Fuck sake Liam you really think you're all that. You're just an autistic little fuck boy
No. 634013
File: 1531346350510.jpg (207.71 KB, 2048x909, chindywhiteknight.jpg)

>>gets a white knight to defend her honor and screencap group posts
>>puts a black marker over his profile pic to hide identity
>>forgets about all the previous pics of the dude
My god shits hilarious
No. 634265
>>634262Are you will to bch that up.
Because the appears to be a few posts light
No. 634270
>>634262Oh you simple minded fool. Yet again you think you have the control here because you are
friends with them. But you've embarrassed them
All of your posts about me are gone. And it's a shame you tricked Nathan into join back after it was you who kicked him out for nothing. You're literally using him.
You've brought shame on yourself my dude. Nobody else. You can threaten me all you want. But you have nothing to go on
The entire sunnycon community? The same community who hate Nathan. .. who are messaging me…
No.. yup are unfortunately wrong my friend. If anybody has self harmed here its you.
No. 634283
>>634280I can only imagine the beautiful shade of green you are right now
Like a spoiled kid who's lost thier dummytit
I'm am sorry your master plan to lie and slander me using a pervert was not a success.
You think because I know when you've overstepping your mark that I am being a victim? I've posted evidence. Where is Nathan evidence?
No. 634500
>>634283oh fuck off sindy you sket there's plenty of threats and info on this thread anyone could send to the sunnycon staff.
as a bystander no one is on anyone's side but it doesn't mean people like you Sindy, you're still a laughing stock no matter where you go.
Keep threatening to ruin peoples costumes, gives me more content to send over to the staff.
No. 634537
>>634500You seam to be the only 1 mentioning this
incidentYet nowhere have you posted a single piece of proof.
I've been at the event 2 years in a row. And nothing has happened except your crue following me around.
I'd honestly very much watch yourseld because what your accusing me off is assault. And without proper evidence that is a police matter. The convention staffed have also assured me they will cooperate with any investigations that happen. So unless you can prove without a doubt that i h e attack people at cons, stalked people, hurt people. Just going off. He said she said. Really isn't a good idea. And the comittie are also aware of what you've been posting about kane and me. Kane didn't send me anything. I say that group myself from my own Facebook. Kane asked me to edit his face out because he knew you would attack Him. You've already had your warning from the event. If you don't let it go you know what is going to happen.
No. 634540
File: 1531418663363.png (20.37 KB, 550x164, sindypop.png)

>>634537ok jennifer, play the victim, you done nothing wrong right
No. 634554
File: 1531419504212.png (34.4 KB, 491x678, deecon.png)

>>634545Shes banned from deecon, mcm and alcon, probably more. Her encyclopedia dramatica page has a lot of her drama and screens
No. 634567
>>634554>>634554That was me that posted that you incompetent fuck tard.
I'm not banned from ANY of these events… I've been at every mcm in my local every year. Where the fuck do you get off lying like that. I'm not banned from deecon either just trading. And Alcon never banned me either. They declined ONE stall.
You're such a fucking liar
No. 634570
>>634559>>634560>>634561If you think a person is acting agressive to you then you have right to defend yourself
I never said I would go out find and hit them . So your pulling at fucking straws here. If I told you to stay away from me or I'd use self defense. Maybe fucking do it.
>>634560Saying I'm not attracted to Indians isn't racist. What kind of fucking moron are you
No. 634572
>>634570How do you break a nose without hitting someone?
Again, you defend against words with words.
And legally? You can only push people back if they're being intimidating, not punch them in the face.
And yah, saying you're "not attracted to INDIANS" is racist, you're not attracted to an entire race? How? Like what specifically about this race puts you off?
No. 634573
>>634567I think you'll find its your precious obayed who is banned from Alcon. And yourself
And half the cosplay community
Saying so and so is banned from Alcon doesn't have any weight since nobody gives fuck about them anyway
No. 634575
>>634572OK HAHAHA get me banned from sunnycon because I don't like men or a certain region. I'm not attracted to them because I'm not. That doesn't men I have an issue with them. My specialist is Indian… holy fuck.
Look. I know your hungry for obayed cock. But we don't all like that type, ok.
No. 634576
>>634575Tbh I think they'd be more interested in the fat shaming/blaming you were posting in the group thread the other day since thats relevant to the event being in that actual group and all.
Plus all the other disability and health comments you made. Pretty sure you started calling that girl you lost the argument with something or other too.
No. 634578
>>634576>>634577I said I don't like curry, not curry dick.
The post is in this thread so stop changing it. I genuinely don't like curry, either the food. That's what I meant lol. Your so easy to fucking wind up
>>634577Are you going to show evidence of this or.. just claim it
No. 634580
>>634577Right now thier aren't any I am banned from. Unless you count Alcon. But let's be real kiddies
Thier won't be any Alcon left by the time these other cons cave to your harassment XDDDD
No. 634597
So ladies. What have we established here
I'm banned from a total of Zero cons
I've assaulted a total of Zero people
I've threatened harasser with self defense.
I'm racist because I prefer men who are not obayed: ie, every other man
The obayed army is lying thier assessment off to get me banned from sunnycon.
>>634586Hey, that's not a bad idea. Maybe I'll quit college and think about it.
No. 634608
File: 1531422791178.png (414.18 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-07-12-20-13-39…)

>>634599nathan is a great guyExcept when he isn't
No. 634609
>>634608You known he was previously banned from the group right.
Because of this shit.
Nathan is a pathological liar and abuser.
No. 634611
File: 1531423016917.png (268.14 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-07-12-20-16-56…)

He blames this behaviour on his autism
No. 634661
>>634633He's face is in the fucking picture
And the girl specifically named him.
No. 634662
>>634633He's face is in the fucking picture
And the girl specifically named him.
No. 634685
>>634666It's the fact she won't say why - so how does anyone know its not down to colour?
If she said something like 'oh, I just don't think it'd work out because of the culture differences' or something, fair dos, but that's not the case here.
No. 634783
>>634779>>634780I mean you have no idea what's going on here. At Is an ongoing issue slowly being dealt with but it's not just me involved.
I belive Liam has finally been sent to bed like the 8 hear old he is. And as for nathan. My of us are unhappy with his behavour
No. 634792
>>634537sindy, i advice you read
>>634536>>634033>>621887i mean, thats more than enough, its not self defence, police wont do anything about it when youre the one threatening to ruin someone's costume because they said you smelled like shit in a lift. Come the fuck on, are you that delusional this is litreally school level drama you're making of yourself.
No. 634796
>>634792also kekking at the fact she thinks im someone else when she has no idea who i am. I'm a lurker, i've never interacted with you online outside lolcow so whoever you think i am sindy, isn't right.
holy mother of keks
No. 634814
File: 1531434221811.png (288.47 KB, 742x509, 25498328_1986580104915810_7343…)

>I'm banned from a total of Zero consnot physically but you sure are banned from selling at cons for fake goods. So that counts
>I've assaulted a total of Zero peopleNot sure if this is true as i've never met you in person so im inclined to believe there hasn't been sindy showdown at mcm, on the other hand you've threatened to punch people in the nose>>634540 and throw drinks on people
>>621887 which would be assault if you actually did them.
>I've threatened harasser with self defense. >threatened
>I'm racist because I prefer men who are not obayed: ie, every other manDefining people of darker/brown skin as "curry" or anything of the sort is in fact racism. Go ahead and google it if you really can't wrap it around your head, jesus.
>The obayed army is lying thier assessment off to get me banned from sunnycon.i've never spoken, met, or even seen obayed at any con, i've heard of his online shit but i stay away from it.
>lyingnot so much when all the proof is above.
sindy you need to understand that this is a thread, on the internet. With the internet being a big thing there's going to be people here you don't know. This isn't the sindy conspiracy files, you don't in fact know everyone on this thread. although i'd agree that you know a decent handful.
No. 634822
File: 1531434396039.png (274.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-07-12-20-06-01…)

>>634814They literally called themselves the obayed army and decided to name drop drop him drop him again drop him again by drop him again by saying. He'll get yiu banned from sunny. No. No he fucking won't. He doesn't even go to sunny.
No. 634837
>>634830heres the breakdown because i proved facts and she can't comprehend them.
Think of it this way Sindy, if you made you costumes, as you have in the past, and someone dumped water/juice/whatever onto you while you were at the con, how would you feel?
Not so good right? Yes water wouldn't harm clothing but it would ruin your day.
and before you twist this into a threat, its not. I'm simply trying to explain your own logic.
No. 634840
>>634832Liam lol. You gave been. I've seen your post in the group.
Do you know how creepy this is. Your a grown man stalking a girl who's never bothered you before now
Do you know how this looks? Not good. It looks creepy. Like it's being motivated by lust. I'd genuinely stop before people point fingers to you. You're not supposed to come out and admit your harassing girls you fucking idiot
No. 634844
File: 1531435067649.png (241.19 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-07-12-23-38-16…)

Holy shit I actually chuckled thier.
Who the fucks day gets ruined by a wet shirt. Oh my god.
No. 634846
>>634845How can I stalk him. He's blocked me on all media. Where is your proof I'm
stalking him
No. 634851
>>634840Sindy, real talk. The stuff got old the moment you decided to drag other people in, at which point it stopped being fun.
I'm not "harassing" you I kicked you out of a facebook group for being an irritating presense.
I couldn't literally be less intetested in you, your life or lusting after you. You're a non-existent speck that temporarily provided some laughs when you spiralled out of control infront of me.
I didn't even know who you were until Tuesday night lmao
No. 634855
>>634844so youre saying if someone threw water all over you at a con you'd just go to the bathroom and clean up and not be phased by it at all?
(again not a threat before more delusion kicks in)
No. 634862
>>634849Yeah but it's not hard to try, the sindy chronicles are a fun thing to read. Shits like a SiFi book considering her face.
I love watching her trying to twist words into her being a victim kek
>>634849 No. 634882
>>634861At least you're admitting I'm more than your average guy.
Sunnycon nor their committee dont control my group and any posts that have been removed/closed were to stop me having 10,000 notifications and fifty messages.
Youre still spouting unsubstantiated claims dozens of people are coming to you about me. I know how many complained to sunnycon about me (spoilers it was 2, you and one of your close friends)
How many messages do you think they got about you?
If you want to have an actual civil conversation about why your behaviour is unacceptable my inbox is always open, maybe it can be a good teaching moment for you.
However the posts in this group suggest thats unlikely.
I've never denied that im a smug dickhead. Maybe one day you can learn to admit the type of person you are too.
No. 634884
>>634882>>634873Liam do you know npd is? It's when you have delusions of grandeur but really your dying inside because you can't control every 1 and everything around you
You were told to remove them. I have confirmation of this. Stop lying
No. 634886
File: 1531436188918.jpg (76.43 KB, 468x532, scots.jpg)

my god she is so butthurt hahaha. I actually hope she doesn't get banned from sunnycon, shes annoyed so many people that she will be a laughing stock if she tried to attend
No. 634889
>>634882Your inbox might be open. But mine isn't. You can go and fuck yourself. Preferably by removing your head from your arse first. After the lies you've made up about me your lucky this wasn't closer to the event otherwise you'd be having a conversation with some men in inform, they control what you post hun, not who you kick in and out. And that 1 complaint from that friend was obviously enough. But it wasn't just you getting complaints. Thing is hun. We had evidence of what you were doing and that it was bullying. A few complaints that I'm racist cause I won't fuck obayed has no foundation.
You caused all of this. And you stressed tour friends, peers and con mates out with it. I know I'm a dick Liam. But I'm not a fucking psychopath like you.
No. 634890
File: 1531436363469.png (307.12 KB, 600x550, 1512529018633.png)

>>634882for research purposes do you know how many have complained? I'm wondering if it's worth putting my own in compiled of all the evidence of threats and defamation of the con.
>>634886also this, it's so funny watching her hobble around like a fucking runescape goblin. It's like one of the seven wonders of the world
No. 634892
>>634884Someone with a lack of empathy wouldn't be offering to try and help make you realise where you've gone wrong.
Honestly the last thing I want is to control people cause that's like… A looooot of effort. I'm more of a chaos reigns kinda guy.
As I said to your friend Daphne, I'm one capricious motherfucker.
No. 634893
>>6348927 non your literally just an ass clown he never mentally grew pubes.
What a fucking joke of a grown ass man you are
No. 634894
File: 1531436456083.png (281.1 KB, 534x534, laughing.png)

>>I know how many complained to sunnycon about me (spoilers it was 2, you and one of your close friends)
And that's her shutdown, biggest laugh ive had in awhile, we all kind of knew she was full of shit anyway as usual but to get it confirmed is just too funny
No. 634905
File: 1531436849746.jpg (30.59 KB, 624x641, 23754705_163662100904261_47475…)

also a hearty kek that she thinks anyone in this world would be into her when she looks like she asks for 20p off stranger at bus stops
No. 634906
>>634895Again, i have actually spoken to the organisers as spoilers, i used to help run the con before life stuff got in the way.
Also apology, i replied to the wrong posts with the wrong message
No. 634910
>>634908You think police are pigs?
By all.means Liam contact them. .
I'll happily tell them everything you've posted here
Now get out of my sight.
No. 634911
>>634910Proper oinkers ye. Follow through on your threats lass.
Otherwise gtfo man, you're whack with poo brain
No. 634915
>>634911Pm me
Pm me
Pm me
Pm me
Gtfo you lowlife scum
No. 634926
>>634915I dont even want you to pm me mate, I want you to simmer the fuck down and stop harassing people in my local scene. You wanna go toe to toe in a battle of words howay man let's go, you want to threaten to go to the police be a big girl and do it
But you're all empty puffed up wind mate, and you're eventually gonna realise it was pointless lmao
File: 1531437639924.jpg (76.35 KB, 400x564, chindybottledit.jpg)

And to the surprise of no-one when she gets called out she bottles it. Now she probably hide away and then start some drama with katy again or some shit
No. 634931
>>634915Sindy can I be up front with you?
This situation is obviously causing you a lot of stress, you've said yourself you have health conditions.
You said you've contact the police and the organisers, good, let them do their jobs, they'll investigate your complaints fairly and try find the best resolution for you.
You've been in situations like this in the past and you know usually with internet drama it dies down in a week if you leave it alone.
You've got a few options here, you can continue to engage people and get more stressed out, you can inbox Liam and try to resolve things like he's offered, but I understand why you don't want to do that or you can stop stalking this thread and tighten your privacy settings on social media to stop giving them ammo.
I agree with you that Liam's gone a bit far, but I think it's dangerous to armchair diagnose someone over the internet. The same way you wouldn't like someone to question your health conditions or throw a mental diagnosis at you.
Take all the screenshots you need, put them in a google doc then don't think about this for a week, find something to take your mind off this.
No. 635050
>>634931Stressed out?
She lives for this shit.
No. 635162
>>635125She thinks it's evidence that Nathan is a bad guy.
In reality he's an autistic kid who doesn't deal well with being second best and feeling pushed out, so he tells them about it since they're friends at the time.
No. 635370
>>634931She needs the drama, without it no-one would even know who she is. Causing drama is the only way she can get attention. Shes been doing it for years and never learned so I doubt she will change anytime soon.
As predicted shes already moved on from Nathan drama and is now bashing and ranting towers/alcon again
No. 636428
File: 1531604366757.jpg (55.65 KB, 639x391, hahaha.jpg)

SaltyPop gets what she deserves
No. 636486
File: 1531608142869.png (78.55 KB, 250x275, 1479697055490.png)

>>636416i hope to god this is true hahahahaha
No. 637554
File: 1531696060083.png (665.86 KB, 1080x1830, IMG_20180716_000732.png)

Here she goes craving for attention
No. 644302
File: 1532283340748.jpg (52.16 KB, 643x309, byechindy.jpg)

No. 644303
File: 1532283366316.jpg (102.29 KB, 645x690, byesindy.jpg)

>>6443022 hours later LMAO
No. 645947
File: 1532435327533.jpg (99.28 KB, 643x776, cosplayLOL.jpg)

>>645923yep you called it. I wonder how long until she just buys her cosplay again lmao
No. 647905
File: 1532609330288.jpg (148.78 KB, 638x772, notsoperfectcell.jpg)

Its almost like she has never seen cell before haha
No. 649031
>>649026Oh right. Because everything's out of context when it doesn't suit
your agenda. Try the FIVE people who sent them. Also why do you think nathan was originally banned from the sunnycon group. He's like the male version of momokun. He tries to touch people's feet without concent and sexually harasses girls when they won't go out with him. He torments them online and even after they hate him he still gets in thier faces at cons. He's banned from Newcastle meets and was due banned from the other Newcastle con before it shut he's a prick. Sorry
No. 649044
>>649031You're so
triggered it's hilarious. Get off the Internet and learn to be a better person, Nathan has what's coming to him
No. 649046
>>649044firstly. I'm not
triggered in the slightest. Just setting an idiot rigjt.
Secondly. Noh.
Lastly. Yikes what's that meant to mean
No. 649477
>>649463your friends defended her too ;)
>>649465God you're so far off you might aswell be in Australia. I have no interest in cos fame. That's too much responsibility.
No. 649683
File: 1532805963434.jpg (159.99 KB, 1080x832, Screenshot_20180728-202200_Fac…)

No one invited you because no one likes you. Dipshit
No. 649711
>>649683You know what else people don't like…..
No. 649903
>>649771• their were 3 cons on
• I'm talking about a local cosplay meet
No. 650103
>>649031Nathan was banned from the sunnycon group cause he posted too much in there and Liam found it cringey
Literally the only reason lmao
Then you decide to try and use it as evidence he's a creep
Try harder lmao
No. 650450
File: 1532890392149.jpeg (155.64 KB, 912x1224, F5406AD8-6553-4988-8A55-5E36C2…)

Dat ass doe, hot damn
No. 650451
>>650450Clean your mirror though
Try vinegar or baking soda
No. 650477
File: 1532893091279.png (126.22 KB, 640x1136, 79AFA1EE-AC19-49E8-8977-86D814…)

>>650450She’s right about 1 thing
Dat ass is out of control
No. 650580
>>650577So ugh 2 questions.
One. If this shit with nathan is irrelevant then by stature of limitations so is mine.
Two. If your such a genuine nathan appologist why don't you hang around with him
No. 650920
>>650834Kamui? Really?
Firstly. Kamui is thier to reference. It's kind of her job to help. Secondly. Dude. Hun. It's not even finished and you hate it. I think the only part of kamui I might have referenced for this was how she layers? Because other than that kamui
nergigante cosplay is no help.
I'm well aware it's not a 1:1 copy but how many fucking times do I need to tell you I'm trying to stylise it.
Aah "she looks like gollum" I don't know if you realize this but saying the same insult over and over and over again. .. It kind of looses it's value.
Oh and here's that cosplay you said looked nothing like the character…
No. 650921
File: 1532943665206.jpg (2.21 MB, 3264x2448, 20180729_221509.jpg)

No. 651125
>>651120You can't help somebody who throws you to the curb when it's convient.
You're not his friend but you think you can apologise for him and defend him. Why don't you start by actually being thier for him and nor passing the blame around. Your just as much at fault and no marter. The petty get back at me game is transparent and childish. I thought we were all adults here.
Then again if you really are a petty child. Maybe you and Nathan would make good friends. Just keep your shoes on
No. 651179
>>651125"all adults here" yet you're the
triggered bitch who keeps reeeeing and caused all the drama to begin with.
No. 651242
>>651236Are you for real?
Like do you actually believe that shit?
No. 652892
>>652814Oh realy. Where did you see me?
What was I wearing?
No. 655721
>>655116>>655254What did I tell you before? That's the smell of your head being stuck up your ass.
You say I smell bad but then you say you saw me in town only you didn't we live nowhere near each other. So its probably due to all that shit you've been talking.
I don't get this level of playground insulting to be honest. Why be this childish. It's totally fine if you want to hate me for not finding obayed attractive ( me and the rest of the human race) but why get jealous of me. It's obvious all this shit you talk about me is self projection. How hard it must be existing and being as pathetic as you.
> I'm prettier than you> funnier than you> fitter than you> smarter than you> more mature than you> A better cosplayer than you> I look better in stuff than you do. > a better artist than youAnd I do all of this with a mangled spine. What's your fucking excuse for being this pathetic of a human being. God even at 13 I was more intelligent and coherent than you as an adult.
Consider suicide
No. 656985
>>655721holy fuck, how someone this full of themselves exists is beyond me
>"more mature than you">proven to be constantly lurking on own thread to fight everyone who triggers herfucking kek, keep contradicting yourself Chindy
No. 657097
>>655721Sindy people hate you because your an offensive sometimes borderline racist idiot. your also a horrible person who uses people for her own attention.
Prettier? Please don't oversell yourself. If you ask me I would say your a 4.5/10.
Funnier? No you are not. You do nothing but shit post and rant.
Smarter? No. Just no. We have so much evidence of this. You think water is bad for you think every time you have an upset stomach its food poisoning.
More mature? No you just told people to consider suicide. As I also said you fight people over nothing, you think every guy wants to fuck you and you use people. not to mention your always playing the pity game with your back issues.
Better cosplayer? Your cosplay cold do with some work. I would say some of it is barely passable. If you wan't to go pro don't skimp out on good material, equipment and picking up new skills.
Better artist? Your a known fraud. Should never have admitted you where. That was really stupid.
I'm sure other people could go into much greater lengths of detail.
No. 659055
>>6570974.5/10 is a bit generous anon, 4.5 in her shopped pictures, yes.
she's a solid Crackhead/10 with no question
No. 660486
File: 1533822781357.jpeg (83.48 KB, 720x960, 5E2D6AA2-8424-4CE8-A83D-C8EB1A…)

Still trying to work out what’s going on in this picture.
If there were better pics then maybe but right now it’s just a big wtf
No. 661270
>>655721The only thing you are is more deluded than anyone I’ve ever encountered in my life.
Before the internet, the only way people like you would get noticed is if they became a serial killer.
Crawl back into that delusional cave you clawed your way out of. You’re literally the ugliest, dumbest, boring person I’ve ever met.
You should be the one considering suicide, you utter waste of oxygen.
No. 661789
File: 1533945507873.png (261.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180811-005619.png)

Oh boy we got some news for you. Cindy trying to get a large group to activate troll and harass a 8 year old Child streaming
No. 661791
File: 1533945577823.jpg (415.11 KB, 1080x2251, Screenshot_2018-08-11-00-56-32…)

And heres more
No. 661798
File: 1533946127957.png (376.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180811-005656.png)

She legit thinks you are mentally ill for not harassing a child.
No. 661806
File: 1533946737732.png (265.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180811-011727.png)

No. 661809
File: 1533946862967.png (149.74 KB, 1080x868, IMG_20180811_012042.png)

But isn't she the one that's triggered? Lmao dumb cunt.
No. 661811
File: 1533947096957.png (354.44 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180811-012354.png)

To the brave soldier who is spreading her bullshit, God speed
No. 662042
>>661809Yea she is
triggered, within 10 minutes of something posted here she has seen it and starts getting mad, its hilarious.
No. 662418
File: 1534027289471.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180811-231010.png)

It's mecha frieza not cyborg you dumb bitch
No. 662509
File: 1534038328923.png (217.04 KB, 1080x1516, IMG_20180812_024451.png)

But isn't the one that used to harass others?
No. 663914
File: 1534202385562.png (550.26 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180814-001823.png)

Seems like her main account got banned.
No. 664285
File: 1534250655671.png (436.57 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180814-134059.png)

Yes Sindy cause reporting someone that's harassing you makes you a bitch. Your a pathetic bully
No. 667158
File: 1534531876643.jpg (985.8 KB, 1080x2833, Screenshot_2018-08-17-19-48-52…)

Oh look, here she is, commenting about art where she copies other people
No. 667160
File: 1534532049651.png (223.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180817-195254.png)

This is so rich Lmao
No. 672062
File: 1535111686088.jpg (35.56 KB, 638x152, chindyhaha.jpg)

it seems even she has realised her cosplay looked like complete shit, explains why she never posted pictures of it fully completed. She will probably go and buy a cosplay now like she usually does
No. 680412
File: 1536036270102.jpeg (181.16 KB, 750x856, E67B3933-ABCD-425F-9424-06E9AE…)

oh no
No. 683807
File: 1536418873976.png (537.57 KB, 640x1136, 04E1FC77-07EB-430C-8AFD-0C0B07…)

Lol we were referring to your flat pancake ass you fucking dolt
No. 684146
>>680412her ears are pretty much sideways to start with so she wont need to bother with the elf ears
>>683805Its because her cosplays are so shit she never wears them and moves onto something else
No. 684147
File: 1536447214023.jpg (60.59 KB, 689x491, chindypop.jpg)

Shes not even worthy to be in our lord obayeds presence, he has many willing servants to bitch slap the cunt for him
No. 684153
File: 1536447554901.jpg (71.36 KB, 690x615, chindypop2.jpg)

No. 684154
File: 1536447647393.jpg (132.99 KB, 960x1124, chindydrama.jpg)

No. 686096
File: 1536703812855.jpg (66.28 KB, 684x289, hahaha.jpg)

because she has no talent her cosplays were shit so now she is back to buying her cosplays hahah
No. 686832
File: 1536790999054.jpg (30.55 KB, 691x193, sindy.jpg)

rei has alot of fans that would put sindy in her place if she even looked at rei the wrong way
No. 687742
File: 1536885708730.jpg (93.4 KB, 1200x675, Steve-Buscemi.jpg)

she legit looks like steve buscemi in drag, same bong eyes
No. 688436
File: 1536968711819.jpeg (210.9 KB, 1072x1440, 3A75646F-7839-4ADA-BEBF-64D39F…)

Nice hairy legs there, lol
No. 693060
>>692209She must have high levels of autism to be obsessed with dragonball super, its complete shit.
Also why does she always pretend that guys are flooding her inbox asking why she is single or boyfriend proposals. No-one is buying the "lol guys please leave me alone" posts she makes. No man wants to get near that stench.
No. 699604
File: 1538165111245.jpg (74.68 KB, 810x821, herpes.jpg)

Herpes is for life
No. 700508
File: 1538259227368.jpeg (55.58 KB, 800x450, 1_nJh1M2MDhkNtEhWeAy363g.jpeg)

>>700451>>700454>>700452Who writes "yall"?
You are not an American ghetto mama, Sindy.
No. 700700
File: 1538275852081.jpg (8.68 KB, 206x275, jadelouise.jpg)

ohhh sindy your too damn sexy
No. 700858
>>700676>>700677>>700680>>700700Grow a pair and come back when you have some self respect.
You are acting worse than Sindy.
No. 704724
File: 1538729326487.jpg (110.29 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-3.jpg)

>>704149She's in her mid 20's, 25 nearing 26 I believe.
Yes she's got an unfortunate natural facial structure but if she got a flattering hair cut (or even conditioned and maintained her frizzy hair) and learned to style it in styles other than that ridiculous half up side ponytail she does, learned to apply makeup properly and dressed in actual clothes and not cheaply made eBay clothes, she could look not half bad. Styling can do wonders for most people.
She seems to think she dresses in a kpop inspired look but she dresses like a gypsy traveller.
It's easy to coordinate Korean street fashion inspired outfits in places like H&M and Zara without breaking the bank if she really wants to follow that kind of look
No. 717673
File: 1540060419440.jpg (35.23 KB, 588x166, sindy.jpg)

Luckily shes banned from sunny so Erica mendez doesn't have to see those saggy pancake tits hanging out of her shit cosplay.
No. 720355
File: 1540409824218.png (159.98 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0361.PNG)

>>people hate me because they find me attractive!
Yea its got nothing to do with her being a horrible cunt who looks like gollum. She is in the same catergory as lewis and towers, maybe if she doesnt like her reputation she should make ammends and stop acting like a cunt everyday
No. 774031
>>634790I may have posted in a locked thread, apologies.
Obayed is a creep who sexually harasses multiple girls via DM when he's bored, I'd post caps considering I'm one of the countless girls he's pestered and tried to put in his weird harem but he'd immediately know who I am if I did. He's a fuckboy who thinks he can have any girl he wants and his Facebook is just him constantly whining for attention and causing flame wars for fun. Fucked up guy. You ignore him and he just spams you and begs you to have sex with him and date him.
No. 776703
File: 1549810697678.jpg (37.92 KB, 454x960, exposed.jpg)

>>776698He shared the post himself and people are exposing him by posting screenshots of all the things he messages them with
No. 780145
File: 1550737800965.jpg (948.92 KB, 810x3521, 20190221_082721.jpg)

She has two new twitter accounts which she's using to get up to her whole "attack sexual assault victims" antics again.
One has been banned already. - banned - current. She dropped a letter.
Also just for old times sake
>"I traced in my teens"
>current art is suspect and seems to be redraws of official art in the official art style
>was still tracing a year or so ago
>was in her mid-twenties at this point
No. 787874
File: 1552899300041.jpg (76.42 KB, 810x817, sindy 1.jpg)

Back to posing again are we Sindy? Oh this time you have shirt undone. "I swear I don't do it for attention".
Look if you want show your tits just do it already.
No. 808367
File: 1558182407885.jpeg (83.05 KB, 720x960, FA085868-A02E-4C80-A64B-C138EE…)

She’s baaaaaaaack
No. 814004
File: 1559046278275.jpeg (151.97 KB, 960x960, 646DA4FE-2D9B-4A33-9B2F-FF1BFC…)

>>813035I dunno. She looks not bad these days. Nowhere near as active though, she’s gotten pretty uninteresting. Unless she’s got yet another banned/new account or something.
No. 829215
File: 1561830523502.jpg (774.11 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190629-184457.jpg)

Look at the pure state of her
No. 829577
File: 1561909315717.jpg (146.47 KB, 559x668, chindy.jpg)

>>829215Proof that she edits her chin smaller when its her own pic
No. 831579
>>829835It’s a shame, I see in her someone who wants to be confident but prefers to hide away, someone who wants to show off but instead covers up, who wants to show what they can do but doesn’t have the drive to accomplish it.
You can see it in how she used to post compared to now. She used to post all the time, now rarely. She would post her works in progress, now nothing. She would show herself off whether people liked it or not. She would model her work like it was a photo shoot, now she on rare occasions gets tagged in the back of someone else’s photo.
Same fate as many cosplay enthusiasts who never end up coming back. She’s lost the spark, she’s lost her spunk, confidence.
Or she’s been trolled into oblivion, idk
No. 831606
>>831579Yeah, must have had the confidence torn right out of her. Could ruin a young girls life. She does like the attention, sure, who doesn't? I personally think she looks good, and if not good, happy with what she is doing.
I just hope that she continues and leaves other people's thoughts to the side. :-) I like her near naked pictures the best, shows what confidence she has.
No. 831821
File: 1562242210437.png (458.3 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0737.PNG)

>>831579You are talking shit, she posts daily, including selfies, cosplay plans etc
>>831606Hi Sindy
No. 831843
>>831821Trust me, I'm no sindy.
If she really is the Attention whore that she is made out to be, why give her the attention?
As for me being sindy, sadly I'm not, as I can complete sentences without referring to any sort of immature
abusive terms that would possibly offend. I'm just a guy simply stating a point.
I'm Thinking that, if we gave Sindy less attention, the more desperate she could possibly get on her quest to get noticed, which would indeed lead her to more drastic actions in her search for attention, which is where we would get her posting the inevitable nude picture as previously mentioned here on lolcow.
I personally compare Sindypop to Mr Meeseeks from Rick and Morty. The whole 'Look at Me!' vibes I get are huge.
>>831972>Also 99% of people would rather put bleach in their eyes than look at a nude pic of sindy.Speak for yourself. She’s looking good these days. It’s posts like this one that is exactly what we’re meaning, she used to post often and then posts like this show up. She should do whatever she wants, if that happens to be posting nudes as some say then she should feel free to do it. Hell, she already has the audience for it lining up ready to pay.
And anyways, she used to do cosplay, some of it risqué. In my opinion, that’s what she excels at, she’s one of the few who do it confidently. Or used to at least.
She’s posted pics of herself in her underwear before, and she looked great. She posted pics of her cosplay a while back without the body suit, and it looked great. She put up pics of her modelling a work in progress where her butt looked great. That was all her free choice. You shouldn’t be hating on her for doing that. It’s her body, it’s her choice. She should be able to do that and continue to get better at doing that without someone trying to shame her for it.
If you don’t like it then “Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha”
No. 832677
>>831579Looks like Sindy saw this and replied on fb.
Sindy, don’t worry about scoliosis. It hasn’t changed what you do best. The best way to grow a following is constant engagement, updates, posts, pics, videos, replies etc.
You were doing well, but then it slowed down and lost momentum.
Keep it up, I among many others enjoy what you do. It’s good to see someone doing what they enjoy, whether that be posting “near naked pics” like some mentioned, or just discussing projects.
Hope to see more from you soon.
No. 844606
File: 1564190627185.png (1.17 MB, 640x1136, 3ED5591B-67B7-4D30-91AB-7E998E…)

>>840474You know you wanna see Cell with dat booty though
No. 846488
>>844606pawg cell ftw
do it sindy
No. 847906
File: 1564824696398.png (751.67 KB, 640x1136, 6C384441-2CB9-4374-8F63-F69473…)

>”I wore this”
>picture of not wearing it
Oh okay
No. 847983
File: 1564842131583.png (824.1 KB, 1327x529, 01906F0A-03FE-4E26-ADAC-C12A25…)

sindy pls do a repost
No. 849495
File: 1565090100940.jpg (119.5 KB, 559x574, Bigchin.jpg)

It's funny because she has done the exact same things to others
No. 849497
File: 1565090427949.jpg (106.94 KB, 553x605, Thief.jpg)

Publicly admits to shoplifting, once a thief always a thief i guess.
No. 851343
File: 1565463648389.jpeg (142.67 KB, 640x381, CF9F1EB8-810F-43F5-86E3-31326B…)

I’m excited to see what this will be
Hope she actually posts some pics of it this time though
No. 856222
File: 1566419132447.jpeg (40.7 KB, 291x839, F28C4254-ABD7-4F78-A52B-506FE8…)

Ohhhh Fuuuuuuck talk about hips fo daaaaaaayz
Can you show us more sindy?
Back/side/front view, some more poses? 😍
No. 856348
File: 1566435723022.jpg (34.8 KB, 556x199, hypocrit.jpg)

>>856222As usual she buys the sluttiest costume she can find, she literally has no tits and a fat belly, aint no-one want to be seeing that at con
No. 856552
>>856348Someone tell Sindy what other women think. Some women in the dancing, stripping and porn industry think its empowering. Seriously men will empty their bank accounts for some tits and ass.
Seriously a flash of skin not necessarily getting nude is all it takes to make men go nuts.
Women are now trying to normalize nudity. Ever heard of the free the nip campaign sindy?
However some women argue that sexuality is all that needed so sindy is partially right. Some women do look far sexier when they are being modest and not trying to be sexy.
The real answer? Both is right. If you find it empowering to be nude. Good for you! If find it empowering to be modest also good for you!
No. 859882
File: 1567038627217.png (351.04 KB, 640x1136, DB93176F-3F5E-4586-A1A7-A03538…)

Go sindy!
No. 865069
>>859882To be fair she is right about the weight thing.
110 lbs for a 5’2” person is actually pretty healthy.
That is if that’s her actual weight and she’s not lying.
No. 910028
File: 1577363425505.png (82.72 KB, 640x1136, FC764737-E53D-41ED-95DE-3C58C8…)

Looks like Sindy’s back to shilling
No. 924931
>>924381cant help it she got big ol tiddies like woah
she hot
No. 924932
>>924931and an ass like DAYUM
No. 1080405
File: 1605139173731.gif (9.03 KB, 200x200, 200.gif)

>>1079370Great fucking job…
Thread would be silent for 10 months and you go and blow it.
No clue if shes on tiktok or whatever.
Having the thread silent for this long created an odd peaceful idea of maybe shes grown up and found something productive to do.
If you're not Jenny then don't respond. If you do then she'll know and come running back to stir the pot even further.
If this is Jenny, go away. The time for more of the sins of the past has been and gone. I've got no clue if in the 9 months you've better yourself but you can't let the smallest thing like a couple of comments on a thread drag you back in.
Continue with or find a job, help others during such a horrible year and look after yourself.
Please let this thread be silent for more than a year.