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File: 1499620911458.png (678.84 KB, 720x709, Screenshot_2017-07-09-18-11-38…)

No. 349380

>Scottish cosplayer
>Probabbly mentally retarded
>serial liar
>knowing for spamming sindy and blake threads and lieng about it
>types as bad as she looks
>Stalks related threads at 5 am
>spends Benifits on cosplays
>shittalks her friends behind Their backs
>Neverending list of convention horror stories (USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 349389

They're actually an English cosplayer, not a Scottish one


Sindy plz

No. 349394

sindy or not who made this i've seen this chick at so many cons and I always thought it was a guy.. and a MakeAWish thing..

my bad.

No. 349397

Seen them at alot of Scottish cons. Hang around with Scottish cosplayers.. assumed they were Scottish

No. 349400

Lol Sindy fuck off, this is clearly you. You need to fucking get a life, first posting on your lolcow as multiple anons trying to make it out to be Katy and now making this about her. You don't make it half obvious Haha
You're such a sad person, you just feed off attention whether it's good or bad then try and act like the victim when you're not. You deserve what you get, you bring all of this on yourself. You treat people like shit. You even lost the only friend that stood by you through everything, you're so ungrateful. If this is the kinda life you're going live then good luck, you won't last very long. If this is how you talk and treat people you will just end up completely alone.

No. 349402

… Are you telling me the person in the thread picture isn't Sindy? I'm not even trying to be funny right now

No. 349403

Nope, a different person entirely, unfortunately.

No. 349404

Hi blake

Hilarous watching you defend somebody who's been bad mouthing you in and out of private message for the last 4 years. But I guess you need to keep those ass patters on side

No. 349408

Doubt it's Blake, but ok

Before this turns into a total "hi -insert person here-" screaming match, can we have actual screenshots of milk? Otherwise this whole thread is pointless.

No. 349411

Don't think katy has any other friends. Especially not ones with sindy vandetta this strong. Only blake stupid enough to think wasn't katy on other threads

No. 349412

I thought the same

What kind of disgusting inbred genes plague the Scottish comm holy fuck

No. 349413

Heard she went around messaging people blaming them for posting on here, trying to pass the blame off herself despite again like an idiot using her old email

No. 349414

Pretty sure this entire thread before you is one person arguing with themselves, lol. Look at their awkward capitalization and horrible syntax.

No. 349415

Again, they're from the English community. Heard a rumour they're actually inbred, but don't know how true it is

No. 349418

Dis is pafetic! Katy not even on this site you fat ugli bitchez neeed to get a live and leave katy alone

This sindy attenshon seeking looking for sympafy! ! !

No. 349421

I PUt my big cock in sindys mouth nd we tuched dixs and she lieked it so I cumed all Ohver hur

No. 349423


Rip this thread

No. 349424

How then fuck does she keep getting past the bans

No. 349427


No. 349428

I thought this was Sindy too, kek. I thought foetal alcohol syndrome babies turned into ayy lmaos like Dakota and Kiki, not crackheads…

No. 349431

Fucking britfags learn to spell properly

No. 349434

File: 1499624960403.png (1.07 MB, 1023x631, nani.PNG)

No. 349438

Actually the Romans invented the language you racist mothercucker

No. 349458

um you can spell it either way
is this whole thread just sindy replying to herself

No. 349462

File: 1499628791665.png (47.18 KB, 640x344, IMG_4348.PNG)

Well she's here.

No. 349465

Fucking ?????? react users

No. 349469

There are multiple incarnations of this creature out there? There is no god.

>inventing a Germanic language
u wot m8

No. 349474

But katy dozen eeevun go on this site

No. 349498

>>349474 See >>349462 where she obviously does come on here.

No. 479386

oh god i see this creature sometimes at cons. she has about three teeth and i cant understand a word that she says. how do people like this get through life?

No. 601708

Holy fuck… how did it manage to break out of Gringotts?

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