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No. 699995[Reply]

Previous Thread:

Since the dual disaster that was the Fitt's campaign followed by the death of "Rea Barbie" on Ariyoshi Hanseikai, Dakota has been using a more realistic and true to life, albeit still majorly age-regressed shoop style after Platinum tried promoting her with her old viral shoops and ended up only highlighting how much she aged and how fake they were/are. She's clinging hard to her AKB connections as it looks ike Platinum may be about to boot her soon.

Updates from last thread:
>Platinum is slowly restricting pics of kooter and have stopped pushing her with her ~7 year old viral shoops as she quietly mooches jobs from her younger, prettier AKB friends, videos of her last runway show are even Japan only
>Fitt's deleted or disabled most of the evidence of greasy, chubby Kota from the campaign, her worst work to date
>Kooter has been buying YouTube views and subs (possibly Instagram likes and followers too) to make herself seem like she's still relevant, in absurdly obvious amounts during periods of silence and inactivity
>as well as paying to place her videos in suggested content to reach new viewers outside of her kawaii alien lunch vlog niche
>and apparently paying multiple Twitter bots to spam her suitcases, her YouTube videos and her latest work (some in Spanish, strangely) to preserve her spot in some Japan Top Model Follower Ranking list
>and trying to revive the old ass Taiko dating rumors, as well as an article pushing a rumor "from management" that she secretly dated the stage actor Mori Kohei from her Last Kiss episode
>She started taking app sponsorships again for the first time since 2016, despite buying a new phone and moving to a new apartment: Saborino avocado face masks in March 2018 and Mercari app again in September 2018.
>She then tweeted about feeling more balanced as she turned 23, despite her plummeting popularity, weight gain and multiple bald spots so perhaps she hatched some new scheme that has yet to reveal itself
>she also removed her 4-year-old Popteen mystery ring before flying home tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 772369

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So in your mind, it's more realistic and rational to assume she spent 8,000 - 15,000$ on tits while having a crap career even in 2015 rather than spending 50-100$ on a really nice push-up bra. Cool beans. I'll admit before cool sculpt ( lipo ) she was pear-shaped, but I remember her always being chubby in the tummy area even at her thinnest. Sheesh, anons back then never stopped calling her stomach flabby. I also never said she was naturally busty, anon. I said she gained weight which probably affected her breast size, likely only increasing it a small cup size up. She's probably a full B-cup and with a push-up bra appears to be a full C. It's not science.

I'm sure if you ask every anon on this site if their tits are the same size as when they were 16, not every answer is going to be "yes". Equal answer if you ask them if their boobs look bigger with padding. Let us pretend the girl who's been wearing the same shit from 2012 has that kind of money, despite her saying she couldn't even afford going home those years.

No. 772440

I'm in complete agreement with this anon and boob anon is kind of creeping me out honestly. I would think it's an Ostrenga too ("nitpicking" about a feature that's typically seen as a positive) but I would really hope that Dakota's own family isn't that focused on her tits…?

No. 772449

>thinking kooter pays gor her own shit
>thinking she couldn't get a cheap boob job bc she's broke despite her living in Japan for 7 years barely working and spending money on bullshit on the regular
>it's NATURAL for a girl's body type and proportions to change completely within two years of inactivity!!!

I hate how the dakota threads always refuse to even entertain any ideas about her many glaring inconsistencies and inexplicable ability to stay in Japan without ever working while going out and playin around. You think she could be married for a visa and occasional jobs, but her getting a cheap boob job is impossible? None of dakookoo's time in Japan after her reveal makes sense in a non-shady way. Every other cow can be picked apart, tinfoiled about and anything else but the second someone posts anything in a dakota thread other than a copy of her latest social media post gets poorly deflected using rehashed, poorly assimilated copy/paste arguments. I'll be glad when there are no more threads for this girl, all she wants is attention for being in Japan without having to worm while calling herself a model. In reality, she's married to an industry scrub or she's a prostitute, those are the only options. Every other unmarried white girl without a steady job got booted from Japan.

No. 772454

>I would think it's an Ostrenga too ("nitpicking" about a feature that's typically seen as a positive)

Big tits are only a plus if that's your fetish, or id they're proportional. Dakota's aren't, they make her look fat as fuck. It's not a padded or push up bra either, or else they would have made her change for the Google commercial instead of trying to hide her bust behind that ugly ruffle shirt and long necklace. It's not just weight gain either, because that's not and never was her body type or fat distribution.

No. 772818

Moved to >>>/w/23494.

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No. 683353[Reply]

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No. 730372


No. 730520

fatnicks girlfriend has a nose like a pigs does anyone else get that vibe like she reminds me of a legit pig just like fatassnick

No. 733312

Lil peep had Lot of lip injections done on him looks weird

No. 738267

Lol alright, kiddo. Post on the new thread and learn this is an image board, fucking idiot

No. 757440

when they were on concert at finland ppl shouted to her ''whore'' ''slut'' and other mean stuff but in finnish because she wouldnt understand it.

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No. 732785[Reply]

HollyBRown is a bad artist, YouTuber, webcomic author, and fujoshi popular with edgy children for her "no bullshit" attitude despite not accepting any criticism.

She beleives she's known for her three webcomics:
Purgatory, her oldest and worst comic, about two gay teens in a cult with lots of rape: https://tapas.io/series/Purgatory
Paranormal Plague, whose most-drawn character hasn't been introduced, with rape DLC: https://tapas.io/series/Paranormalplague
Chroma Prince, her newest Patreon-only NSFW yaoi comic about alien sex slaves, not updated in a month at currently four pages: https://www.patreon.com/hollybrown

She's actually most known for ranting about the CalArts admissions process being unfair even though she was DEFINITELY accepted:

WEBSITE: https://www.hollycbrown.com/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/hollyistotallycool
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/h.c.brown/
TWITTER (currently deleted): Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 756379

I don't get how she tries to go for this clean pretty aestetic on het video while at the same time she snotters all over the place at the end of the video, it defeats the entire purpose

No. 756702

Why the hell did she spend so much of the video discussing what "cleaning" means?

Just vacuum your fucking room every once in a while, Holly, it's not that hard.

No. 757139

new vid, elderly whores.

No. 757176

New Thread >>>/snow/757175

No. 1737374

aged like fine wine

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No. 622818[Reply]

> former wannabe scene queen turned pastel princess turned ka-why (kawaii) ambassador turned ultimate weeb turned G@M3R GuRL
> tattooed, bust-enhanced pushing-30-year-old with a major identity crisis
> serial blocker and comment deleter of those who don't lick her pastel asshole
> infamous for selling gifts, PR packages, and other free stuff on her Depop for a major markup
> has a designer dog she uses as an accessory - as every other living being in her life
> alleged mental health advocate with at least four self-diagnosed illnesses including body dismorphia, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder - all of which she conveniently uses as excuses for her lack of interesting or creative content
> has a Patreon account which is meant for funding Sailor Moon skits, yet not a single whisper of said skits has been heard of for approx. 2 years - nor do her patrons receive any promised gifts
> makes and disposes of friends as quickly as a girl with a heavy flow disposes of tampons
> has no concept of who she is and finds her identity in whatever is popular at the time
> major drama surrounding an Angelic Pretty dress and attempted/succeeded return of said dress
> known for harassing professionals (artists, galleries, companies) to sponsor or collab with her - sends her sheeple followers after said professionals
> spends most of her time whinging on Twitter about her lack of romance
> pretends she's kinky by posting suggestive stories on IG or retweeting similar tweets
> constantly complains of being broke while simultaneously traveling, attending cons, buying 10 lbs of sugar, paying for a personal trainer, and a maid, and a $600 microwave, and lip fillers, etc…
> maintains a wishlist with expensive items that she's too cheap to buy because "my student debt tho"
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No. 675631

She clearly mentions it's Austin's brother in the caption?

No. 675688


Dude doesn’t even look happy. Probably feels awkward that Kelly even suggeted this. Then shoved a camera in his face.

This should be a private, heart to heart moment. But of course, the kelly eden show. Gotta plaster it all over social media.

No. 675911

Kudos to the brave anon who makes the next thread and has to surmarize this whole suicide/death shitshow.

No. 676500

No. 756970

Wait, there were rage tweets about Dre??(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 372823[Reply]

This thread is for any lolcow or weeb in the VK scene.

(MiA,Bangya peeps,etc)
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No. 736144

doesn't seems like

No. 753456

Is Seike even considered VK anymore? I mean he sure knows artists in the scene but apart from that? o_O(o_O)

No. 753491

German anon detected.

No. 756201

No he is not VK and don't think he tries to be but people on here doesn't know shit(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 772819

Moved to >>>/w/24530.

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No. 76893[Reply]

The figure of Usagi Kou aka Lori Cerda has intrigued me like no other cow ever since I started browsing /cgl/ several years ago. The amount of people she managed to charm, exploit and manipulate into playing her personal Sailor Moon cast so that she could live the perfect Moon Princess life without having to lift a finger is astounding.
Sadly, though, not hailing from the US I only learned about her some time after the shitstorm had already died down and, of course, I never had the privilege of witnessing her craziness first hand. With sites such as The Pocky Box recently going down after all these years, the accounts of the Lori saga are dwindling, so I'm starting this thread with the hope that some of you might have your own stories to tell, maybe know where some of the old Klan members are now (I'm wondering in particular about the - now de-transitioned? - trans boy who used to be her Seiya, Lori was pretty nasty with that one).

Her current dA

and Facebook

ED for a basic rundown on Lori

One of her LJs; wondering if anyone has accesso to the locked posts
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No. 749483

Any costhot threads has a good portion of nitpickers who are costhots themselves or just under 20 cosplayers in the community who think your life is over once you're like passed 25 (cause then ur not 25 you're a 'near 30yr old) etcetc
Age sperging is just pathetic but its a good way to distinguish newfaggy anons who just come to jerk themselves off and be edgy rather than contribute actual milk.
(The thread hasnt been filled up in two years which is another sign that its kept alive by locals who just wanna talk shit or she would have been brought up more in the costhot general thread w actual full fat jersey cow milk)

No. 755215

lol ok. Several attempts to bring her up in the costhot thread have lead to backlash and insisting talk of her belongs here. Good try tho.

MooMoo also seems to be planning a 002 cosplay and in her thread people have already speculated it’s somehow a jab at Lori since she was so involved in this shit show before her entire reputation went down in flames.

No. 756157

With moos habit of cosplaying to spite or one up people( or rather trying to one up people) I wouldn't be surprised.

No. 756310

Tfw thread so dry anons respond to 10+ day old nitpick critique kek

No. 772820

Moved to >>>/w/24583.

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No. 697266[Reply]

Thread to continue to discuss pro-anas, wannarexics and attention seeking mental health/recovery "warriors".
previous thread: >>>/snow/641683

Farmhand Note: only post people who have milk outside of having an ED. This isn't a thread to nitpick ana-chans.

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No. 756007

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Pic: shades of Ash.

Every fucking upload she's talking about some dramu. If I was her mum I'd stick her in a care home. She's said she doesn't want to recover so why are people enabling her?

No. 756010

Shit, just noticed we're posting in the old thread newfag posted in.

Here's the latest to get back on track

No. 756011

No. 756016

(The Pfennig guy is an online friend of E Cooney's. He;s had multiple accounts frozen on vk (which takes a lot) and some bonespo group of his).

No. 756122

STOP BUMPING THE OLD THREAD KIDS. Post to the new one pls.

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No. 614952[Reply]

Previous thread

>Sharla revealed her husband's face at last

>Taylor is slowly becoming a pro at clickbait
>Mimei is as miserable as ever
>Bii and Kim Dao are busy staying irrelevant
>and Micaela ~totally doesn't shoop at all!~
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No. 755688

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No. 755691

That is so sad. I remember her being this holier-than-thou kawaii sailor moon princess, and she always gave off that air that she’d never do this kind of stuff. I guess her plan to move to japan and become a super famous model never worked out. Hey, at least now she can model for neckbeards on 4chan and twitch. I’m sure she’s making bank.

No. 755696


Is she really happy over her pictures being referred to as fap material by neckbeards? It's even more disgusting it's a loli character.

No. 755721

That’s the impression I got as well from her when I first discovered her. Looking at her responses and her attitude on Twitch, she’s starting to become very arrogant. I wish she would be more careful with the route she’s going though. One of her mods/top followers had really questionable content on his Twitter and has been showering her with very pricey gifts (ex: new camera)

No. 772821

Moved to >>>/w/25322.

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No. 755670[Reply]

*This isn’t lipstick alley, please try to keep nitpicking to a minimum and adhere to board culture
-Former mega popular radio host now has a daytime celebrity gossip television show
- Self admitted former crack cocaine abuser
- Has gotten in heaps of trouble in the past for: Releasing private information on Method Man’s wife (a non celeb) having cancer, arguing/picking fights with Whitney Houston, alledging that Tupac was raped in jail, saying Beyoncé couldn’t read
Recently got into trouble for: Taking up for R Kelly, saying Cassie couldn’t read, yelling at her show producer live on air, being hot and cold on the #Metoo movement

- In 2017-2018 she’s taken off a large amount of days due to illness, cocaine can be spotted in an ‘at home’ video though she claims she’s clean
- Husband who lives off of her has bought his mistress a house costing nearly a million dollars
- Mistress is pregnant and Wendy showed up on air with a cast with heavily slurred words
-Wendy’s team haven’t updated her YouTube to hide this, they are sending claim reports to bloggers and Youtubers for talking on her marriage

No. 755671

I hate 50cent but no lies on his twitter post about her …..

No. 755672

No one watches her shit but anti vax moms and white trash anyway why is she on pt ?

No. 755673

No one watches her shit but anti vax moms and white trash anyway why is she on pt ?

No. 755676

There's already a celeb-cows thread. Post about her there.

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No. 754299[Reply]

>started as a niche memes account on instagram back in summer 2017 calling himself 'Kevin'
>used to simply identify as male without ever acknowledging if they were trans or not
>eventually comes out as trans
>makes lots of posts/memes about the fact that he's french, later drops the thing completely to instead start saying how redneck he is
>frequently mentioned the fact that they have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
>frequently talked about their alters, even making various posts about "Meet my alters" and "I let my alters make memes"
>things go on like this for awhile
>publishes a (not so good) poetry book and changes their name to 'Malachi'
>dating stuff happens in the meantime but nothing too relevant
>around september of this years starts they start dating a guy met on Tinder
>around the same time they also started identifying as a girl and pretending to be called 'Angel', which should be short for 'Angelique'
>completely deletes everything revolving their alters/DID or anything that happened before september/august
>except for their book bc money, y'know
>publishes another poetry book and starts begging everyone for donations through paypal in their instastories
>not to mention all the times they've begged people to buy shit from their depop
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No. 755348

Did she delete? Her instagram seems to be gone.

No. 755383

>>755348 yup, she deleted her meme page and changed her other user to melanoria ( https://instagram.com/melanoria )

No. 755526

imo anyone claiming DID is a munchie ass cow. DID is still a controversial diagnosis to make in the psych field and is criticized and questioned a lot, rightly so.
we don't have the tech to be able to really determine whether or not these people are making it up or lying. it can just be a form of malingering, though sure that can be an illness in and of itself.

but tbh i've never found a reason to ever believe these kinds of people. they're always huge attention seekers too, notice how many of them think they're special or have an eccentric look to them on top of a "DID diagnosis".

No. 755561

Ok so I actually used to be mutuals with this person until I had to unfollow because of how annoying the content was and I do remember the Kevin/Malachi/DID/trans stuff, Im gonna break some stuff up because it's gonna be easier to read because this is a lot

> once made a post saying why she no longer identified with the trans community partly because people would call her a transtrender

> stops calling herself trans literally months after making that post and deletes all traces of her trans era
> calls herself a lesbian and now says her name is Angel or some shit
> claims to now have ASPD after dropping the DID label
> claims to do/wants to do illegal and scandalous things which just consisted of smoking cigarettes underage and collecting animal bones she found in her backyard then posting about it
> once posted about how she doesn't like nicole dollanganger completely out of nowhere and the deleting/deactivating of her instagram days after this thread was made makes me believe she might use and/or lurk on here (I know this is kinda tinfoiling but it's too coincidental to me)
> kept up the poor southern boy persona for a while while calling herself Kevin and would (poorly) imitate a redneck accent on her live streams on IG
> if I'm remembering things correctly she once posted about how she was "close to being a school shooter" a few months ago when I guess trying to be candid or something
> extreme identity issues and would change aesthetics every few months

No. 755597

There is already a thread for fakebois, post there if there's milk.

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