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No. 737249
Candace Owens is a 29-year-old neoconservative cow who seemingly came out of nowhere. You can find her on Fox news screeching about liberals and poor black America. She has had two bursts of fame: one on the Dave Rubinbergstein show debating troon Robert White and the other when Kanye West tweeted that "he likes the way she thinks."
This cow is bought and paid for by the Israeli-funded "right wing" organization Turning Point USA, which Candace serves as the Director of Communications. Charlie Kirk is a pathetic beta who truly believes he will be the next president. They act really cringey together in public interviews. They should get a room.
Despite all of her success being the GOP's "coon" Candace was not always a neocon. Just a few years ago she was a diehard liberal feminist who had a great idea to create a doxing server called 'Social Autopsy' that Zoe Quin crusaded against. This was all such a long time ago though, at the height of the GamerGate era. But we all have cringey phases, right?
Here is some milk:
>She was coached by the same guy who coached shoe0nhead during her YouTube "career", which is the real reason why shoe does not like Candace. He got her on TV and shoe never reached that potential.
>Went on the Joe Rogan Experience while being completely high on adderall. She and Joe got into a 15 minute long argument on global warming. Candace had no idea what she was talking about despite her strong opposition to global warming. It has been said that it is one of the only few times Joe has ever gotten completely heated in an argument.
>Is obsessed with mid 2000's era Hollywood starlets such as Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and the Kardashians. She believes she is fetch and like, like, like, like she is just like, as, like iconic like as them.
>Completely slams identity politics but only ever talks about "the black community in America"
>Following Social Autopsy, Candace decided to embark on a new scam. This is #Blexit- the black exit of the Democratic party, a party she says has been keeping blacks in America down because they give blacks too many handouts and safety nets.
>Candace was like, sooo like proud of #Blexit. She was tweeting day in and day out before midterm elections, predicting 40% of black (the demographic that votes Dem consistantly, iirc it is around 90% Dem) people in America to vote R.
>Created hideous #Blexit shirts for Turning Point USA's Young Black Leadership Summit, a conference for young, conservative blacks between the ages of 15 and 35 which Trump held at the White House.
>Candace claimed that her bestfriend and super hero Kanye West created & designed the shirts (which looks like complete kindergarten trash) and many of Yeezy fans actually believed her and bought them en masse.
>After seeing the horrible reception of the #Blexit shirts, Kanye tweeted that he did not design them, he simply introduced Candace to a Nigerian/African graphic designer.
>Kanye also tweeted that he was being used by people and would no longer engage on politics (which means someone in Hollywood does not like Candace, as it has been well-known that celebrities like Kanye get paid to tweet political opinions).
>Absolutely devoted by Kanye's tweets, Candace wrote a diary entry in her blog crying about her stupid life and apologizing to Ye. She never took direct responsibility for deliberately lying to people about Kanye being the designer.
>The YBLS, held at the White House, was a complete circus. Black thugs and ghetto black women were live streaming the event, singing and dancing and hollering most of the time.
>Despite all of this effort, the results of the #Blexit movement are in: 11% of blacks voted R. Keep in mind, Candace was tweeting as if they already won a 40% black vote.
>Long story short, #Blexit was a massive failure.Some funny Candace Owens things:
>Claims welfare is a Democratic ploy to keep black people in America impoverished (lol wut) despite her mother and her family still receiving welfare to this day.
>Told Robert White before the Dave Rubinbergstein show that she doesn't actually care about being anti-trans, she just says it to pander to her conservative crowd. Reminder, Candace's decision to call Robert a man garnered her a lot of praise.
>Despite all of her #Blexit #WalkAway #BlackCommunity grandstanding, Candace Owens would give anything to be white. She only has white friends as seen in her pictures with her friends back in CT.
>Has an animosity towards Mexicans due to illegal immigrants in California (who doesn't?). But we all know it is really because Latinas are a few steps above the racial totem pole and Candace is very jealous of that. See her passive aggressive tweets to her Hispanic women followers.
>Claims illegal Mexicans are stealing jobs away from black people in the U.S., therefore the U.S. needs to be taking in immigrants from Africa instead of Mexico because they work harder.
>Thought that the minimum wage was $7.
>Taking after shoe, Candace's hair is a complete disaster. It is always in a Jojo Siwa tight ponytail or bun during her television (mostly Fox news) appearances. When she wears her hair is down, it is a greasy, fried mess. This is due to putting her hair through constant trauma in attempts to get "good white people hair."
>Said that women who do not have children have something wrong with them, on a molecular level, despite Candace being 29, single, and childless.
>Escorts in the middle east and NYC, every TV starlet has to pay their dues at some point.
>Was told by Mollie Tibbet's family to stop politicizing her death after Candace went on an anti-illegal alien Mexican twitter tirade citing Mollie's death as an example of illegal alien Mexican brutality. Despite most people agreeing with Candace, many noted the timing and wording of her tweets were insensitive.
>In light of the events happening to white South African farmers, Candace urged black South Africans not to kill whites, because if they are dead then no one will feed black Africans and black Africans will starve to death. Social media: No. 737253
Sorry guys I have no idea why there are so many grammatical errors in the OP. I swear a triple-checked it.
Here is the full JRE episode. Warning, it is a complete trainwreck. No. 737284
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Also forgot to mention above, Candace is a Zionist or a shabbas goy. That isn't surprising because so is Donald J Trump. has funding from koch brothers and many other Zionist bankers. even have a birthright trip to Israel lol.
These are all paid actors whose main goal is to prolong left vs right, liberal vs conservative culture war in the U.S. while supporting/funding Israel. Candace is one of the most successful ones because she is black. TPUSA is controlled opposition if you can even say that with a straight face.
That being said I am a conspiracy nut so take whatever I say with a grain of salt. It's speculation. I guess there's not much milk other than that.
No. 737460
>>737270So shes a token black tradthot that will ultimately be thrown away after the right is done with her for being their black friend shield. We always see it happening too lol
>>737284Who's the guy next to her? Bf?
No. 737724
>>737585Had no idea who he was. Had to read io and found a few things. For him, just another cookie cutter "no minorities, keep white women quiet, barefoot and pregnant, #maga" boring asshole. Apparently he claimed Candance's parents were alcoholics and she blamed poor journalism for the report. Cant even defend herself without losing cred damn
And big yikes for Kirks organization on Kirks wiki
>Candace Owens, who days prior to the 2018 conference stirred controversy by saying "the entire premise of #metoo is that women are stupid, weak, and inconsequential", was greeted with a standing ovation at the conference.Imagine hating yourself so much you have to shit on sexual assault victims. And the crowd cheers becaue they hate women
No. 737752
I'm the one who suggested it because I've been pointing and laughing at this bitch since she first appeared in the public eye.
She gained attention for Social Autopsy, essentially a doxing site with no oversight or controls that was supposed to be anti-bullying. When the entire world pointed out it was a fucking awful idea, she doubled down repeatedly, insisting it would change the world. She never actually gave up on it; her last words on the subject were that it would return one day. (a lot of the site is still there but hidden)
She used to run a 'media property' (glorified blog) full of social justice bullshit,which makes her conversion to the other extreme even funnier. And what tipped her to make such a radical turnaround, a 'degree180' (as her site was called IIRC)? Why, it was Gamergate.
Zoe Quinn and Randy Harper decided to go in on Candace in their self-appointed roles as anti-bullying champions, because fuck this upstart trying to get in on their racket. As usual, Randy was smart enough to keep it on the down low while Zoe blundered right in. Things heated up when a Washington Post reporter contacted Candace and started baiting her for an article / hitpiece. The upshot of this was that for a while there, Candace's comment section on her so-deep(tm)* articles looked like fucking KotakuInAction or something. Neckbeards congregated in an eager swarm because omg Zoe Quinn! This gave Candace a false sense of authority and relevance, and also helped push her further over the edge - she'd always been a bit nutty, but during this period, she went full fucking manic and paranoid, and seemed awful close to blaming everything on the illuminati or lizard people or something.
*Candace is a narcissist. She used to write essays for her site (which was actually a collective of bloggers backing and working on the SA thing) about how she was literally smarter and more woke than everyone else. Every second sentence would be something about how she could see truths others couldn't, how super-smart she is, etc. It was like watching a black female Onion.
Quinn stepped away, the WaPo article never happened, and Candace's comment section returned to being a ghost town. Candace was pretty butt-blasted about this, and blamed the whole thing on The Left and their evil plan to destroy her because she's black and smarter than everyone else on the planet and everyone felt threatened. As opposed to, she was a fucking lunatic and it was pretty obvious. So she went off the deep end trying to recapture the audience she had during the GG troll wars in her comments and ended up where she is now.
She purged all her past as a progressive thinkpiece writer, and all the unhinged shit from during that period and now pretends none of it ever happened. I'd assume a lot of it got archived because again, bunch of neckbeards from KiA and the like, and KF probably as well.
She has a storied history as a cow, and I expect a lot more from her going forward. Especially since she has fallen into the same situation as before, horning in on the racket of Token Black Conservative Woman that used to belong to Tree of whatever and a few others.
No. 737758
>>737752 I'm fucking retarded, I forgot Candace sued a 'bully' and then got done for harrassment herself later on, meaning the whole Social Autopsy thing was a projection of her issues.
I also gave Fat Randi too much credit, in forgetting about a Medium post calling her 'a fucking idiot'.
No. 737777
>>737249I'm here for this Candace thread only bc I lived for her social autopsy milk when her scandal hit peak. It was a shittornado of lies, contradictions, doxxing, hostile yelling, excuse fails, not to mention Dave looking like a stressed-out Syrian hostage during that lulzy Blaire vs Candace debate.
>never 4get Candace saying she saw nothing wrong with it and thinks social autopsy is a good ideaIf she hadn't been called out, she probably would have it up and running today, selling screenshots of some 13-year old calling someone a faggot to their school and future employers.
She even made a vid trying to convince her followers that she was being targeted by haters bc they suspected her if being an undercover federal agenf lol it was so bizarre since no one had accused her of that.
But she's not as big anymore and stays below the radar on yt now, except when she tries desperately to get in the news with a "controversial" clickbait headline.
No. 737807
>>737781She strikes me as the type who wouldny care and would tell black people that nigger isnt bad and that everyone should get over it
wonder if she agreed with kanye west on abolishing the 13th amendment
No. 744964
>>737846Why is not supporting foreign aid to an already rich county that commits war atrocies every day "anti-Semitic"?
Why is Israel the only country you cannot criticise?
No. 745777
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>>737249This isn't really milk and it's not a big deal but just something I've noticed that makes me a bit conspiratorial. Has anyone else noticed how almost every single one of her tweets, no matter how mundane and pointless, gets up to around 25k-50k likes? Almost EVERY single one.
I just find it hard to believe she has that much of a hardcore, dedicated fanbase who hangs on her every word. I mean not even Jordan Peterson or someone like Ann Coulter gets that level of engagement. They may frequently get tweets that go over 10k+ likes, but not EVERY single one regardless of the content. I don't follow her on Twitter but just check up every once in a while when she says some dumb shit that ends up on weird twitter - but I can't recall ever seeing one of her tweets with less than 10k likes.
I don't really know where I'm going with this. I guess I'm wondering if there is some way she is purchasing followers/engagement? Is it something that TPUSA does for their spokespeople? Or is she REALLY that big of a deal, all of this is organic, and I just don't realize it?
No. 745902
>>745777Most likely she buys them to make it seem alot of people are listening to her. When it reality she's the replaceable token black conservative self hating woman that hardly gets attention otherwise
Wait and watch when they throw her away like another Stacy Dash
No. 747697
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Anyone realize how quiet the BLEXIT (right wing one) hasn't tweeted since November 9th? lmao!
These stupid faggots STILL think that blacks will overwhelmingly vote Republican in 2020.
It's like that stupid #WalkAway bullshit which is a scam as well.
Someone needs to make a lolcow thread on Brandon Straka (Mr.#Walkaway)
No. 747700
> I just find it hard to believe she has that much of a hardcore, dedicated fanbase who hangs on her every word.Oh no,trust me,this bitch has some brainwashed ass fans. I fall on the "right wing" of the political spectrum and can't stand this bitch because all she does is say boring neo-con talking points and is just a token.
I've made a few posts showing her for the fraud she is and fact checking her on Facebook and most of her (white) fans got pissed at me saying that "black people need to quit tearing eachother down" bullcrap. I've showed them proof that this girl is a contradiction and most likely a leftist co-opting the right wing for whatever reasons and they just say "oh well,if she's a fraud or is scamming people,I don't care,as long as she is getting the message out".
As someone who is right wing (not really conservative per say but my views fall on the right),I'm gonna be honest here,leftists might be onto something when they say conservatives are the most gullible motherfuckers alive lmao
No. 748385
>>747697Yeah I love how Candace never acknowledged the fact that even after talking up "blexit" so much, the majority of black voters still went for democrats. Correct me if I'm wrong, but she never mentioned it once.
Honestly it's at the point where most of these people are running a grift - they know it, we know it, their fans probably know it deep down but choose not to acknowledge it because anyone who parrots their views is good in their book.
No. 777099
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>>748385She still has faith in #blexit, because she's dumb as dogshit.
Anyhow, why am I performing necromancy? Because my favourite lunatic thinks Hitler fucked up by trying to go global. Other than that, he was a swell guy.“When we say nationalism, the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. He was a national socialist.” she said.
“If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine,” Owens continued, while standing next to Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.
“The problem is he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize, he wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German, everybody to look a different way. To me, that’s not nationalism. So in thinking about how it could go bad down the line, I don’t really have an issue with nationalism, I really don’t.”
No. 777103
>>777099Coutndown to when Charles Kirk is tried of parading his Stacy Dash "don't criticize me I have a black friend" token black girl. Countdown to when these young conservatives stop being attention whoring retards in general
She back tracked hard after that too
>On Friday, Owens dismissed the controversy and blamed "Leftist journalists" for mischaracterizing her comments.Avoiding responsibility as always
No. 777280
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>>777099She is apparently going to be at PragerU's planned "PragerU summit". Which boasts that it is a "spiritual and intellectual retreat."
It is just downright hilarious that this nutty, "Hitler wanted to make Germany great", token conservative is considered a fucking intellectual. The fucking janitors at a university are more intellectual than this trash fire. Conservatives would eat dog shit if they were told it would make libruls
Of course, the tickets are 1500$ each, and considering the education/income level of people who genuinely believe PragerU is a legit education provider, I'm sure this won't be a Dashcon/FyreFest level disaster.
At least we can watch her embarrass herself in public even more. We all know she was only invited so PragerU could try to dodge any criticisms for having only rich old white people.
No. 777379
>>777358It was more so a small portion the conservative community. Tree of logic was one of the first, if not the first channel to do an expose video on Candace. Her videos regarding the subject recieved a good amount of backlash, so I was surprised when I saw the like/dislike ratio on the linked video just now. Candace's recent actions could have something to do with that kek.
I'm also surprised this wasn't mentioned in OP as well as the shit show of that Rubin Report debate between her and Blaire White.
No. 787270
>>787031Inspired him how?
She's never talked about Jews.
she's never talked about Muslims.
she's never talked about White homelands being invaded,
and she's certainly never advocated violence.
He just a name dropped a random semi-popular Trump supporter for the same reason he name dropped Pewdiedie - he's an "accelerationist" that wanted the entire world to get up in a shitstorm wherein there's no survivors. Stop giving a sick terrorist exactly what he wants, and go back to laughing at lolcows - lest you end up one yourself.
No. 787273
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>>787270idk where this urge to defend Candy Owens of all people comes from but she tweets about at least two of the things on your agenda
No. 787274
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>>787273that said, I doubt she's a serious inspiration for the typical 8channer
No. 787276
>>737249>In light of the events happening to white South African farmers, Candace urged black South Africans not to kill whites, because if they are dead then no one will feed black Africans and black Africans will starve to death. She's not wrong, it's already happening. It's not as much an Africans are inherently dumb thing, as a lack of education thing. Lack of education goes hand in hand with lack of foresight, and increase in violence and epic self-immolating retardation. That's why there's still belief in witchcraft and people being hunted for their albino parts and other insane shit like that going down.
She's not wrong on a bunch of things, she's just not very original.
No. 787288
>>787276There are lots of black farmers in Africa is the thing. Only uneducated rubes think that white people are the only ones who know how to farm in all of Africa. They just kept their paws strictly on that industry in the context of South Africa.
If it's that serious, they can reach out to other African countries for help with farming, take in refugees/workers who come from a farming background, etc. Even the Chinese are sniffing around looking for anywhere they can "help". It would not be as impossible to adapt as some people claim.
The whole "You'll starve and die without the whites!!!!!" thing was always just a talking point from racists who don't know anything about Africa, but really, really want to maintain a stronghold on the continent.
Candace Owens has always softly parroted white supremacist talking points for her own gain. I don't believe she actually "inspired" this shooter, since he spent a lot of his manifesto deriding politicians for being ineffective and worthless, but it is what it is.
No. 787582
>>787572This is retarded.
* The inhabitants of most of Southern Africa were the khoi-san, hunter-gatherers who were almost entirely wiped out by the new inhabitants
* Farming was the common way of life for the Bantu peoples for hundreds of years before and after the arrival of whites in SA, but it didn't and couldn't scale to the degree that farming in more centralized societies could because bantu cultures were, and still are to a large degree, extremely decentralized due to environmental, geological, and cultural factors
* white settlers in SA were equipped with knowledge and resources that allowed them to farm on an industrial scale by virtue of the fact that they came from what was at the time a relatively industrial culture and received help from TPTB sustaining the colony
* SA implemented a caste system that prevented black migrants from gaining the knowledge and resources necessary to engage in industrial farming, which is very complex
>They were dropped off from the boats with only the shirts on their backsThey were dropped off with the shirts on their backs, skills obtained from a centralized society, and support from a strong and wealthy nation that had a vested interest in keeping their colonies alive and prosperous
>Barren desert was converted was converted into productive farmland by the sweat of their own brow. Yeah, that's similar to what happened in the majority of sub-saharan Africa. The only reason that this is in any way exceptional is because the only native inhabitants of the region were basal hunter-gatherers. If they'd managed to conquer the Namib Desert then that would be a true testament to their abilities, but it turns out that the land they farmed wasn't that difficult to farm with a bit of effort.
>It was only after many generations of labor that they started a turn a profit, and it was at this point that Africans from every other corner of the continent came knocking on their doors begging them for jobs.Some Bantu peoples arrived in the area around the same time, and a little after, the Afrikaners arrived. There is an influx of unskilled migrants now, but that has less to do with afro-bogans being ~super successful~ and more to do with the fact that colonialism fucked most of the continent. If having a white population was the key to success in Africa then Botswana wouldn't be one of the best-run countries in the world despite their massive HIV crisis and lack of fertile land and natural resources. Stop wewuzing about a failed state you absolute mong