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No. 748911
File: 1544754389086.jpg (132.44 KB, 1065x770, IMG_20181214_132300.jpg)

Baylee's been saying for ages she wishes her desk was white ever since she got obsessed with pastel. If she could fit it in that tiny apartment, I'm sure it would fit in a room upstairs. Just looking for an excuse to spend more money on stuff she doesn't really need.
No. 749143
>>749075It’s not like it’s a room full of live wires lol, plus she had rubber boots on. Also, outlets usually aren’t that low to the floor, and the water really wasn’t
that high.
No. 750274
>>749143I'm pretty sure she had multiple plug boards sitting directly on the ground, not to mention the actual electronics themselves that she pointed out had been flooded with water. It really doesn't take a lot of water to do physical harm. And while it was happening, the cats certainly weren't wearing rubber boots.
All I'm saying is, most sensible people would have heard the water under the floor boards and moved everything (at least off the ground) immediately to be safer than sorrier.
No. 750679
File: 1545161285401.png (124.22 KB, 623x630, jeeez.png)

Why would it turn on if the brick was submerged in water!? I hope she doesn't think everything will work again like magic.
No. 750801
>>750657She actually had no warning, they told her everything was fine and no more water would be going through the floor.
No. 751123
>>750675>>750675Seeing all that stuff piled up all over the place gave me a metaphorical allergic reaction. I knew she loved buying stuff, but that was bordering on bonkers. Why do two people and two cats need to live in a six? bedroom house?
I'd like to think that she'd use this whole thing as a learning experience, but we all know Baylee's brain doesn't work that way.
No. 751700
>>751593Because that would require effort. I do think her getting a smaller set up would be better since it would force her to down size how much shit she has, but then again she would probably just buy more she to clutter up her
rented house. Not to get too ot but I bothers me how she complains about not being able to buy a home yet she drops thousands of dollars on dolls and other useless shit. Why not save your fucking money and buy a home.
No. 752053
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This comment regarding the desk Baylee threw away is ruthless and I adore it.
No. 753172
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Omfg! That poor snowman, it was way cuter before…
No. 754743
>>754681I was surprised too. She actually looks pretty good when she tries. I think she’d look fairly cute with bangs and darker brows and hair. Mostly I wish she’d stop treating keto like a fad diet. It’s supposed to be a lifestyle commitment and you’re not going to reap full benefits being wishy washy about it. Admittedly, most diets are like this.
Anyway I don’t remember which vlog it was in but there was “were getting rid of this couch bc Christian wants a new one” like… ok. Seems wasteful but ok.
One more thing: all her friends seem as bland and boring as she is. Maybe it’s a white Canadian thing?
No. 754848
>>754681I was surprised too, although the dress was too small! Too short and too tight. The shortness showed later by the table. So classless eh. But I want to know where she got the dress.. haha.
Yeah they all seems very basic, but as long as they have fun who cares.
No. 756065
File: 1546125497117.png (Spoiler Image,627.45 KB, 1080x602, pigs feet.png)

>>755854Her hands actually looks like pigs feet
No. 756342
>>755854I can't believe she is still leaving her shit on the floor! Hasn't she learned her lesson? It would take an hour of her time to put tech shelves under her desk to hold the power bricks and her Switch.
I'm curious to see how long it will take her to post an art video to her art channel. She should start following the arttube trends again and maybe she'd see her views go back up. She isn't popular enough (yes even with a million sub) to make a living off of bullshit videos lol
No. 756936
>>756912Those eyebrows are something else.
I wonder if she's going to be a housewife forever or if she'll ever return back to work. I can't even call this work for her at this point because it's a hobby with her skill level. This is just embarrassing. No wonder nobody wants to collaborate with her anymore lol
No. 759004
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No. 759005
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No. 761002
File: 1546969343911.png (53.12 KB, 612x262, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 17.4…)

Oh wow, another skill share video!
No. 761581
>>761538Okay, I retract my statement, I wish she would have drawn this without the girl. Also, her bit about not having a broad range of values in a piece is why her attempts at realism don't always work. Those leaves could have been improve if she had just added some lighter greens where the lightest points should be and deeper valued greens where the shadows are.
>>761552Probably because she's branded herself as "the youtuber who draws pretty girls" and they're a popular subject matter atm. It's annoying from an artistic point of view because it shows a complete lack of desire to create but I can kinda see her logic from a marketing pov.
No. 761695
File: 1547069167663.png (621.84 KB, 513x514, droopy.PNG)

>no time to draw>streams pokemon on twitch 4+ hours a dayalso, why does she keep drawing girls with droopy eyelids and raised eyebrows? urgh it's fucking annoying
No. 761705
>>761538The thing that annoys me most is how she just misunderstands why watercolor artists say not to use opaque white and instead use the white of the paper and just blames it on “artists being elitist”.
Objectively (maybe 90% or the time), using the white of the paper will aesthically look better than applying a blanket of white over whatever you’ve painted. One of the first things you learn when you start painting is there’s barely ever any COMPLETELY white areas in real life, so using it in paintings will look awkward. That’s why adding blocks of stark white can really screw you over.Not to mention, you can’t paint over white gouache with watercolor if you needed to.
I also think she just misunderstands that you CAN use white to add small details back.
I get she’s a “cartoonist” but ffs just learn some basic art knowledge and apply it to your cartoons.
No. 762607
>>762377Let me get this straight. She makes a video about art rules she doesn’t follow and talks about how she doesn’t like her art?
It’s almost like…. the two things are connected
>>762368Watched it, she spends it bitching about how she doesn't want to do a bunch of common sense things like draw with your shoulder and don't draw while holding the tip of the pencil.
She also gets really literal about using values by saying "the darks on this copic marker doesn't go all the way to black".
Someone already pointed out the not using opaque white with watercolors as "art elitism" thing, which is ridiculous.
She spends most of it making excuses and getting defensive for why she doesn't follow good advice, lol
No. 763448
>>762859>any art instructors I went to ~art school~ and did a few lessons with a high schoolers.
I never got into a huge argument with any of the kids over stylistic choice but in general the ones who were less likely to follow the rules I gave them were just more stubborn.
I think it just boils down to the person being too stubborn/against change. Baylee’s just too stuck in her ways and too lazy to change them. You have to be stubborn enough to just say NO to suggestions for improvement and have a good amount of narcissism to think your work doesn’t need it.
That’s why most of the “muh style” shit is from kids/teens, most of us grow out of stubbornness, but I think also with Baylee it’s just laziness and satisfaction with the fact she’s gained popularity with her current level of skill.
No. 763617
>>763448Baylee is good evidence that you can't learn how to draw if you don't already have talent (meaning a predisposition towards the behaviors that lead to good work and improving work)
She lacks any of the character traits required to ever be a good artist, but she fluked fame and here we are.
No. 766786
File: 1547622172716.jpg (262.52 KB, 1065x1130, IMG_20190116_180033.jpg)

seriously, her "art room" (seriously, why doesn't she just call it a studio or office?) looks like a pre-teens.
No. 766815
>>766786Honestly I don't have a problem with her art room. I don't dig the pastel aesthetic in general but if she likes it, hey, good for her. I don't think there's a problem with covering your wall in prints especially of artists that inspire you. I think those two things are what make you think of a pre-teen. But to me it just seems like an artist's room to me.
And I don't follow her vlogs too closely but if I remember correctly at one point (maybe it was in a previous house. it very well could have been an older video) she referred to a room off of the living room with her large tablet and computer as her "office" while the room she recorded videos in was her "art room". Again I can't be certain if this is her current set up (especially since her tablet seems to be in art room now) but perhaps she has two separate rooms that she works in and needed two separate names. Also I find the complaint about her room name to be incredibly nitpicky. It's a room that she does art in what's the problem in calling it an art room. It's hardly milk.
No. 767066
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Wow she’s finally getting those cysts removed…
No. 767068
>>766786I agree with
>>766815 I may not like Baylee because of her laziness and pompous attitude towards criticism, but the over all look of her art room is pretty inoffensive.
No. 767129
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No. 767334
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>>767325Yeah, she values the cost of objects and seems extremely materialistic
No. 767486
>>767476same. i'd absolutely pay a couple hundred bucks to get a bunch of tumors removed from my head, infected or not. and she probably makes more money than i do.
her hair is so thin and damaged they're about to poke through like grotesque horns, for real.
No. 767788
File: 1547843313894.png (332.78 KB, 744x485, Untitled.png)

This is what Baylee's been working on today..
No. 767839
>>767788why is it so bendy?
it would be cool to do digital stickers since that's the "new thing" now.
No. 768249
>>768245> Sketchbook slam guise Even in 2019 we can't escape that excuse. Another issue with her drawing stiff is that she uses her wrist rather than utilizing her shoulder to make lines. Also, she's mentioned in the past that she's heavy handed, probably learning to lighten her pressure would help in keeping her lines from being so stiff.
>>768248Agreed, she's not addressing the main problem with her process and is passing it off as "oh, it's just my outlining lol."
No. 768256
>>768245"Let's make intentionally stiff items [wine glass and hottle] bendy so that my art doesn't look too stiff"
No. 768290
File: 1547923916709.jpg (112.54 KB, 925x599, Capture.JPG)

Noticed this on my instagram feed today and it's laughably bad in my opinion like there's no effort put into this 'comic' at all
No. 768455
>>768245>>768270The shoes look traced tbh.
Everything else on the page is pretty flat and has a single line weight. Yet the shoes have much more variation in line weight and curvature. They stand out compared to everything else on the page way too much.
No. 768493
>>768455You’re right omg.
Also the wine bottle and glasses look like holly drew them
No. 768622
>>768493I wasn’t looking at the video until half way through, I saw the shoes and had to scroll back to the beginning just because I was so sure they were traced, and of course she doesn’t show us her drawing them.
I’m pretty sure you can also compare the shoes to how she draws shoes normally and see how different they look (usually flat and simple, here they are detailed and dynamic) granted she’s definitely using a reference here, even then it would be hard to achieve the differentiating line weight necessary to decently draw those shoes with her skill level.
It’s possible she’s either been practicing drawing shoes or had a breakthrough with it, but judging on her recent still-lives I doubt it.
No. 768680
>>768455You are right, I guess I am too nice. She did not show how she drew them, this would make sense. I dont understand why tho. She hasnt cared if something looked shitty and out of propotion before and doesnt with literlly everything else on the sheet.
As for the bottle and glasses I honestly like the idea, reminds me of the tipsyness you get from having too much wine, the execution isn't great but not too bad either. Hate the explanation of it tho "bendy so it isnt stiff" I would have accepted it very well if she had said it represents being a bit tipsy
No. 771160
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>>770880She can’t even copy other drawings well, she flattens them out cuz she has no sense of structure or form. Here’s the originals by Jin Kim. She needs to go back and learn how to draw people, not just copy drawings for practice cuz it does nothing to train your brain into making a 3D object 2D and vice versa
No. 771470
File: 1548403247498.jpg (360.84 KB, 1078x762, SmartSelect_20190125-075824_Tw…)

She is going to use the oil paints at some point this year, right?
No. 772354
>>772275Between this thread and the art Salt thread I couldn't help but notice the constant countdown to waffles hitting 1m and I feel like it's the same person who's either waffles or a serious waffle stan, who's been eagerly waiting for her to hit the 1m subs mark lmao. Sage for ot, but whoever you are anon, godspeed.
You're both right though, Baylee is no longer the "Copic queen". She's no good at them, and I feel like copics have died down in popularity, mostly due to the fact that there's just so many more affordable options for alcohol markers on the market now. Theyre going the way of Wacom. A lot of artists are on watercolor or gouache now, or if they're digital, they're on their iPad and using procreate or whatever.
Baylee has been eking by, running on uninspired fumes and same old potato nose girls, blotchy colors and bad composition. She only ever streams boring ass videos on twitch now.
No. 773167
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Lmao someone named @jessinvasion on twitter drew this. Most accurate representation of BJ I’ve seen
No. 773842
File: 1548920884274.jpg (859.98 KB, 1080x1960, 20190131_074701.jpg)

From 4 days ago
No. 773914
>>773842Of course her followers are blinded by their weird obsession with her and refuse to see it. I understand that it's common for multiple people to have similar art styles, but those saying that it's just a coincidence don't seem to understand context. If this was at all like her normal way of drawing, I could see it might be that she hadn't copied. But these bunny pieces came out of the blue, with similar themes, similar character shapes w/similar faces, similar colour choices, and similar use of a cozy "cluttered" vibe - it's all too much to be coincidence.
Also, people saying it can't be copied because the shading and line weights are different don't realise that Baylee probably wanted her piece to look even more like the bear one, but wasn't capable of making it look as good and that is where the true difference lies.
Again, they will refuse to see this because they think Baylee can do no wrong, but it's often telling that an artist's pieces improve only when they "try something new" out of left field. The same thing happened when after drawing the same way she always does she all of a sudden found that 'prominent ears on the side of the head' style that we think she took from another artist with a smaller audience.
No. 773999
File: 1548970119933.jpg (116.37 KB, 1000x713, IMG_20190131_131223.jpg)

>>773914in all fairness tho, there's a lot of people who blatantly copy stkumachip's style more similar than Baylee, or that there's just too many artists who draw the same way especially Japanese artists and I follow a lot of them. I've been following Kuma chip for a while and she always reposts ppl who have done the same tiny cubicle, cute box styled rooms with small animals like f_nezumi, rishjuly and those are just ones I can think of. I think kumachip is aware that a lot of ppl have been inspired by the miniature rooms, so baylee might have just got that idea maybe? the same watercolor- children's book style but with a cuter twist. you can find some on Kumachips twitter there's just loads of artists doing it.
No. 775058
>>775027May be a nitpick, but PSA: that is not a healthy way to hold a pencil. Awkward grips can increase your likelihood for carpal tunnel.
If you're an artist, be mindful of your grip. Modifying your grip might save you a lot of pain. A tripod grip is generally the best.
No. 775596
>>775027her right hand looks like pigs feet..
on the other hand, her grip looks incredibly stiff, and considering she bragged about not even moving her shoulder while she draws, no wonder her art is so stiff. and if she doesn't change her grip and keeps using her wrist, her art will never look dynamic. (even though she graduated in animation? and big part of animation is dynamic?) but alas, stiffness is just her style aint it…
No. 775642
File: 1549485233828.png (498.03 KB, 962x509, lazyeejay.png)

She mentioned in her last video that it had been awhile since she drew a girl.. From what I remember of the last girl she drew, in my opinion this is slightly better. I do wish she would stop being lazy and actually better her faces and become overall better. There was a time where it actually looked like she put in so much effort into her art, but even this seems like not much effort has gone into it.. But it does seem better than all the other girls she's drawn within the last… year.
No. 775652
>>775642I agree, it does look a lot better
Tbh I kinda think the pink miltiliners might actually work out for her. I actually kinda like this piece and found myself enjoying the progress. No muddy colors and no harsh black lines other than the eyelashes, but that fits with it.
Pastel would be more fitting for her style after all, imo
Hopefully, this'll give her a bigger push to keep making more artwork. She can even use pink lines in digital art if she wanted to, which I'm kinda surprised she hasn't done unless I totally missed it.
No. 776843
File: 1549837585772.jpg (625.52 KB, 3365x1245, 51795649_2023999147899150_7228…)

they had to use her old art for the new header because we all know her new style looks like shit
No. 776870
>>776854She mentioned a while ago about coming off her birth control in reply to a comment asking about having kids. It was not long after the wedding if I remember right.
I did wonder if they've been trying all that time without success.
No. 776936
File: 1549864060297.png (29.75 KB, 1040x101, Screen Shot 32.png)

>>776870>>776854>Perhaps planning a baby?>but it did come to my mind considering how others have mentioned already that she might turn into a baby channel to get more subs>I did wonder if they've been trying all that time without successThis always feels like icky territory, discussion-wise. Like Baylee is without a doubt a cow and putting her own business out there is her own prerogative, but that always just feels like one step too far. Just reminds me of when Emzotic's posts were outed and she had that one post that was like "haha yeah fuck emzotic, but can we not speculate on her being pregnant because what if she can't have a baby wouldn't it be terrible if she read this stuff?"
….and then Emzotic came out later and basically said they had been trying unsuccessfully to have a baby for a while or something and she was real fucked up about it. Idk, just feels badman, especially since this is a female driven website. There's just so much that can go wrong with pregnancy/trying that has nothing to do who anyone is as a person.
sage for ot and being overly sensitive on a shit-talking website
No. 778714
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How to stop one cow from feeding another cow?
No. 778877
>>778776The catalog sounds nice for digital artists, I guess, if you're too lazy to make your own pallet using photoshop filters that take 30 seconds at most.
Yet another thing she'll never use again.
No. 779278
>>778776This books is a nice idea if you’re too dumb or uninspired to search “____ color palette” on google. (For example, “stormy color palette”)
Honestly though kudos to the book person for using Baylee as advertisement. It clearly worked bc I’d have never heard of her if Baylee hadn’t made a video.
No. 779882
>>779800I know I’ve said she copies people before, but I just saw Katnipp do this same thing. It’s weird; it’s becoming like a weird circle-jerk.
She mentioned again not being able to come up with creative ideas, and it leaves me wondering why she got into “art” in the first place. I think there are plenty of artists who aren’t creatively minded, but they usually back it up by being technically skilled. Then some people are the opposite, and some are both. But what does she offer? I wonder if she started down this path because of her liking Disney
No. 780171
>>777851Using chocolate as an art tool? No, that's just a bad idea to use an edible candy to make artwork.
What was she thinking?
No. 780245
>>780218This is. So frustrating. Anyone with more than two brain cells knows that when starting a medium you work with the absolute basics (primaries, Black & White), mix what you need, and reward yourself with specialized colors later.
But whatever! Monetary flex!
No. 780263
>>780218Fuck I am so tired of this chick. First she complains she doesn’t have any creative ideas (idk about you, but that sounds like a symptom of artist block), then when she dose have an idea she only focuses on buying supplies. What the actual fuck! Not to mention she went all the way down to Waterfront to buy things when she was literally in the mecca of the art scene! Art galleries, street art, art classes, Emily Carr University (a rich art college with an art collection), just so many places for inspiration!
But of course, staying inside with your Disney dolls and Netflix is what real artists do.
Sage for no milk.
No. 780279
>>780263She’s uninspired bc she doesn’t experience anything. She stays home all the time and buys things. That too could give her some ideas… I think she tries to go for epic and creative when she could just illustrate domestic life. Cats couch a couple dinner etc. But she’s just bored with the monotony.
Buying pastel colors instead of making them- what a waste. I’m sure she spent close to 200cad on that spree but removing her cysts for this price is just too much.
No. 780452
>>780451This is like what the third time she promised to make more oil paints and then justifies it by buying more. And of course she's going to hoard her old paints.
She comes off as a bit ungrateful for her gift by not using the holbein to just learn on and just buying new paints. Holbein isn't a cheap brand.
And if she's going to be using real oils she needs to figure out a ventilated area to paint near and not in her cave. And she needs to absolutely keep her cats out and away from all her oil supplies. She just let's them get into everything and thinks it's cute.
No. 780547
>>780451“I want oil painting to be my main thing and maybe it’ll even pass my Copics”
Sure, Jan.
No. 781036
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No. 781099
File: 1551112019321.jpeg (415.51 KB, 750x1069, CFE69A14-760A-43AC-8B5A-4D27A2…)

An hour and a half!?!!! On those hands!?
No. 781106
>>781085She cant draw clothes, facial features or props without making them blocky/crooked/very basic and chunky. Because of that none of her drawings are prime candidates for high rendering (which is the whole point of oils, they are highly blendable, soft on brushes but very pigmented)
Its not to say she can't use oils, but the shade ranges she buys, how many and how much is the questionable part. Its like buying ClipStudioPaint for some hundred dollars only to sit and use it for the basic features you could have literally bought SAI instead for. Except instead of a permanent license, her products have expiration dates and considering she gets ahead of herself and opens alot of these tubes yet never use as much as 1/4th of them….its money out the window.
(mb for jumping to a minor conclusion tho but I dont follow her and only check up on the thread cause i am flabbergasted she still has a carreer.)
No. 781349
File: 1551209585819.png (73.77 KB, 222x221, Capture.PNG)

i know that this is youtube being drunk again, but seeing the "no views - 1 hour ago" make me cackle briefly, given that she (seemingly) puts more effort into her vlogs than her art these days. if only…
No. 781484
>>781342What's hilarious in the beginning of this blog is how surprised she acts when she's picking up all that hair from off her cutting mat.
Baylee, you have cats and your hair is actively falling out, why are you acting like this is new?
No. 781593
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Cow Crossover
No. 781595
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No. 781614
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>>781613Meant to attach this woops
No. 781617
>>781576She is incredibly annoying in this video. I mean, nobody is perfect when it comes to saving the environment, but to be so dismissive of the fact that she has a responsibility as a large content creator is so disheartening. I hope all the literal children defending her grow up to learn better.
It's not entirely surprising though, I vaguely remember her in a past lifestream talk about not caring about the environment or how damaging the plastic/polystyrene was from the sheer amount of shit she buys. She's not going to change.
No. 781644
>>781576Also, she doesn't want to sell buttons online because it's too much work, yet she also might want to slowly phase out conventions, the ONLY way she sells her buttons. ????
This video is very yikes lol.
No. 781650
File: 1551306902446.jpeg (186.07 KB, 750x621, 13A25CE4-1E44-4F66-99E4-84EC39…)

Funny… she’s hearting all the comments defending her. She doesn’t give a shit what her followers think
No. 781673
>>781629Agreed. I found nothing she said in the video or the pinned comment to be surprising. She has always struck me as an incredibly sheltered, self-centered,lazy, gluttonous, greedy person. I get the sense that her parents overcompensated the praise on her when they got divorced. And she's always come off as acting like the stereotype of an only child despite having siblings.
That comment shows how delusional she is about her wastefulness. You just have to look at how much stuff she buys and then never uses, the content of her grocery hauls, and the number of times she validates a cheap shitty purchase because she can "just get another one" to know that she doesn't give a shit about the environment. Patting herself on the back because she recycles some stuff is like being proud of washing your hands after the bathroom - it's the bare minimum.
I find it laughable that she has somehow created this image of being a savior of the animals. When really she just does a longer version of her "job" so that her followers can donate, and then she can bathe in the gratitude and praise when she hands over the cheque.
No. 781801
>>781629>>781767Yo, new fag, learn to sage your posts unless you have milk.
Honestly, I'm surprised she's stuck with conventions as long as she has. She can't seem to stick with anything for very long.
No. 781805
File: 1551369561394.jpeg (91.71 KB, 750x267, 5EA0E8D4-1882-44BC-ABD9-4C2D4A…)

This comment made me laugh…. so true
Baylee is losing it
No. 781843
I don't know why people are suddenly acting so surprised about how wasteful baylee is.
She hoards art supplies and leaves them to waste away, all. the time. She probably won't be properly disposing of those new oil paints and oil paint materials she just bought.
And she wastes so much material when she makes a million of those shitty buttons and then they don't sell well.
She doesn't know how to reduce her footprint for waste, and she's so far into the decadence of spend spend spend, that she at this point is further on the scale of consumption than she is producing.
She should just be honest with herself and tell people she's only interested in vlogging art supply hauls and showing off her stuff, and not necessarily making art anymore.
would be on this video stanning her, she's tied with baylee for wastefulness and gratuitious spending on bullshit she doesn't need.
>my best art yetweird flex, but ok. You've definitely made better though.
No. 782009
>>781819she's not willing to adapt her art style to suit oils. putting lineart on an oil painting is going to look bad, there's no way around it. she's not going to get crisp lines
I don't even understand why she WANTS to move towards oil painting. she says it's because she "loves it" but as far as I can remember she's only done 2 or 3 oil paintings the entire time she's been on youtube and none of them were particularly good. it just doesn't work with her style
No. 782047
File: 1551423172041.png (19.73 KB, 777x124, baylee.png)

>>781843someone commented something similar to what you said
No. 782086
File: 1551446118269.png (746.59 KB, 993x562, bayleebag.PNG)

irrelevant, but I paused one of her videos and realised I enjoyed this image of her face reflected in the plastic bags of controversy
No. 783149
File: 1551687916559.png (1.14 MB, 2048x2048, BEE8DDE3-6C8A-4B49-8F02-477EDA…)

No. 783582
>>783296I think she was trying to show everything comes with excess plastic packaging from fresh fruits to Disney dolls and given how small her business is, the amount of plastic she's putting into the world is pretty negligible. Honestly, I kind of agree with her. I don't agree with how dismissive she was about people's concerns but as a whole society needs to stop framing environmental problems as something individuals or small businesses can solve by going zero waste or using compostable plastic (I guarantee far fewer people compost than recycle so if she's going for plastic, she's better off using the recyclable kind because she's right, if you toss the compostable plastic in the trash, it won't compost in a landfill). And if people can't recycle it where they live, the onus is on them not to buy from Baylee.
Sorry, I'm not trying to white knight, this kind of thing just annoys me because the personal responsibility angle of environmentalism is pushed by the biggest industrial polluters who want to avoid tighter regulations and instead claim it's up to each individual consumer to clean up their messes.
No. 783738
>>783582Yes, thank you. I’m not a fan of Baylee at all, but Jesus Christ people, let’s act like fucking adults here. We all buy plastic, and it’s up to you to recycle. I live in BC too, and she does have a point about the recycling system here: it’s great. But it’s not like people come into our house and take it away, we have to manually separate everything and take it out on certain days. Why the hell are some of you acting like it’s a business’ fault that people don’t/can’t recycle? Are people else where just fucking lazy? I’d see the point if plastic was illegal, but guess what you fucks, it isn’t!
This is some of the pettiest shit I’ve seen on lolcow in a long time, holy fuck.
No. 784726
>>784564Do you think she made this video to try fixing the “I do t care” damage?
About the art - I really liked the marks the black stick was making, the double line was interesting. Instead of trying to force the material to work with her “style” and ending up creating something super mediocre she could have really challenge herself and make something looser and abstract?
No. 785637
>>785383Shit my mistake.
Too bad she hasn't done anything with that degree. Kids YouTube is full of monetization opportunities for new shorts.
No. 785727
>>784564So cringey - what are the chances that this is coincidental timing were she shows all the trash from other people after she got shit for saying she doesn't care about the environment?
Honestly she coulda turned it around if this dumb ass video was not sponsored by some stupid game and instead she made art to collect to give to some anti-pollution organisation or something. That'd at least be doing something good.
No. 786008
>>785934please tell me she's opening those windows when she's working with those oils.
Even so, her workspace is so cramped, she needs more space for air to circulate. Then she probably leaves the door open for the cats to wander and jump up on the copic holder. While she paints.
No. 787872
File: 1552896476473.jpg (185.41 KB, 1065x1087, IMG_20190318_190602.jpg)

So Impact have gone bust? Guess baylee will be losing any money she was making through her book.
No. 788037
File: 1552954292952.png (22.56 KB, 589x91, Screenshot 2019-03-19 at 00.07…)

I hope she is making it a priority to get them checked as another one has appeared.
No. 788325
File: 1553032928405.png (180.23 KB, 300x360, fdhgfsghs.png)

>>788298She's gaining weight again, like really badly. What happened to her "diet?" Wasn't she on one???
No. 788330
File: 1553033309141.png (307.48 KB, 868x462, oof.png)

>>788325Those pants are soooo gross in full-body shots. I can see her underwear and every fat lump in her ass.
No. 788598
>>788590Thanks, I hate it.
The lineart is so ugly in oils omfg.
No. 788629
>>788590Okay so by my estimates she spent nearly $500 on all the supplies, projector, cart etc, and the final product is just so bland and uninspired.
Wonder if she'll actually continue to use this stuff or will it just become "man i've no time for oil painting it takes too long"
No. 788687
>>788459It might be wrong, but I've heard from multiple sources that keto or low carb above other types of diets has a higher rate of weight adding back on if you treat it like a temporary thing like she did instead of a lifestyle change.
I was recommended a video that I'd never seen before where she showed older clips of herself and I was shocked how much she looked and even sounded like a different person.
I know I'm being petty, but any time I see her, it makes me happy that my favourite colours don't look terrible on me.
No. 788712
>>788590"Instead of using transfer paper, I bought a projector…."
Of fucking course you did, Baylee. Of fucking course.
No. 790318
>>790306This is Baylee's job and her attempt at trying to "speed through" blew up in her face and cost her so much time. This is so embarrassing.
She prioritizes her Twitch streams over her other streams of revenue, including orders for PAYING CUSTOMERS apparently. Comments are always calling her out for ignoring YT for Twitch streams– and for prioritizing game streams over art streams.
The label maker is fucking up as much as her Cricut because she is unable to work any technology more complicated than an iPad. People like her who do not prioritize learning the technology they are using because "I'll figure it out" or some other excuse.
One commenter pointed out that she should hire an assistant, and several likes on this comment show that her viewers/fans agree. However, I think she should stop doing game streams and focus on her YT channel, online store, and art (lol).
At least Kiki is doing okay. If nothing else, she loves her cats and can afford to care for them properly.
No. 790372
>>790318An assistant for what? Fulfilling all the orders while she sits around and streams games on twitch all day long? And
then she'll have to
pay the assistant? Let's be real.
No. 790525
File: 1553576509876.png (267.32 KB, 750x1334, 6CF081EE-2F3F-49F7-ACDF-05BE32…)

>>790477I saw them on the vlog where she mentioned changing her uploading schedule again. I will try to find caps tomorrow.
In other news, twitch numbers are going down.
No. 790551
>>790318Yeah, I think it just speaks to her self-centered nature seeing that she prioritises what is quickest and easiest for her over what is best for her customers. I assume if she's mentioning tracking numbers, the customers paid for that. They should be getting them in their e-mail, not having to seek them out after the fact.
Also - and this could just be my envy talking - whilst I don't expect her to make a huge deal out of it, I find it kinda gross that she can muster the levels of excitement of a maniac over catching a pokemon, but can't say even the slightest thing about completely selling all her product in half an hour. She just talks about it as if it's a definite and shows zero percent gratitude or joy.
No. 790700
File: 1553634779680.jpg (816.59 KB, 1068x1657, SmartSelect_20190326-211200_Tw…)

Spongebob in oil paints next!
No. 790811
>>790700This green background is awful
Where can I find the zine?
No. 791284
File: 1553796421170.png (391.48 KB, 746x416, Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 2.06…)

her next art piece
No. 791330
File: 1553808008442.jpeg (350.44 KB, 631x689, 7D97512E-440A-48FF-B232-15C300…)

Oof, Baylee is starting to look rough
No. 791446
>>791295Comparing her recent video to her older ones make me glad I never made art/YouTube my job. It seems like the moment it happens their health/art goes down the drain.
>>791330>>791430Agreed, even a light brown would warm up her complexion.
No. 791463
File: 1553834504182.jpg (59.57 KB, 991x902, 1483076748366.jpg)

>>790700I would pay money for Baylee Jae to paint the toenail scene
No. 791492
>>791284Good to see she's really taken that whole "I need to make my art less stiff" to heart /sarcasm.
>>791330Has she ever mentioned having an ED when she was younger? I know her and Christian eat a lot of garbage, but I don't know how she could have such a dramatic change in such a short time. I know we call her Layzee Jae, but she often strikes me as a hamster on a wheel. Just doing too much, but not the right things in a sort of quantity over quality way. And I could see how that could take a toll on your appearance.
No. 791722
File: 1553891116314.png (26.56 KB, 836x149, lol.PNG)

So Kiki's issues with throwing up were due to a hairball. In the vlog Baylee tells us that Kiki usually throws up twice before passing a hairball.
The majority of the comments are giving her advice to help Kiki pass hairballs more easily. I wonder if she will follow any of it or if she'll pull her usual "No it's totally fine guys" bullshit
No. 792078
>>792060She completly missed the point of dotwork though… You're not supposed to put dots next to each other so it makes a line. You're supposed to suggest the volume by adding more or less dots. That's why it's called dotwork, not linework.
well, terrible drawing anyway with a tragic anatomy.
No. 792377
File: 1554022227343.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-03-31-19-48-54…)

honestly, baylee's old art is cuter than what she does now.
No. 793983
>>792060It's so weird how she refers to this as a "challenge video." Stippling isn't a youtube art challenge, it's just… a type of art people do?
Also I'm surprised she hasn't jumped on the subscription box trend yet. She could crank out 1-2 videos a month just by opening a box and doodling with the supplies. Plus it combines two of her favorite things, buying unnecessary art supplies and making low effort content.
No. 794142
>>794064You're thinking of a hobbyist, anon. A
hobbyist has no obligation to improve.
Baylee is a professional. It's necessary to improve and/or innovate if you're a professional.
Also, read the rules.
No. 794357
>>794313Buying a big can of light pink interior paint because it has Disney on it, sure why not?
Can you guys imagine the urbex of their house in 50+ years? Dusty, rotting Disney dolls and old, mostly unused art supplies would be an interesting subject.
"This hoarder house just gives off this vibe of incredible laziness and shows off the worst in Disney fan catladies."
No. 794372
>>794357That was such pointless purchase. Just because it's on clearance doesn't mean you should buy it, especially if you don't know what to even use it for.
This is why I generally dislike haul videos because it's often just buying things for the sake of buying or because they were on clearance. If it's something that you've wanted for a while then great, if not then you don't need the extra crap in your house.
No. 794390
>>794313Her thought process is so strange. She says she has no interest in making diamond paintings, that it looks tedious and 'like torture' but she bought TWO of them? Including a custom one that was probably really expensive?
She also says she intentionally buys cheap brushes because she doesn't know how to take care of her things? I can get that to an extent but she should still be trying to make a habit out of cleaning her brushes and workspace. Destroying supplies and having to replace them adds up over time, that's a lot of wasted money that could have gone to a decent brush set instead.
No. 794422
>>794064"cartoony stuff"
And what is this stupidity that there is no need to improve, what a way to see life,what if we better live all in the trash
No. 794775
>>794390I haven't watched the video because I hate Walmart and hoarding-fueled hauls, but hearing that she said that about buying cheap brushes because of her own ineptitude and laziness just reminds me of how much of a dumb dumb she is. I sometimes marvel that a person with such one-dimensional thinking processes was able to build the kind of success that she has. That's not the first time she's talked about buying crappy products so that when they break she can just buy a new one. a)that will cost her more in the long run, and b)it's as if when she was patting herself on the back for doing basic recycling and saying she cares about the environment, she didn't stop and think that she regularly puts out content where her words and actions contradict that idea.
I can't believe she bought that paint just because it was pink and had a mickey on the can. I would say I feel sorry for Christian, but I get just as much second-hand embarrassment from him.
No. 794930
>>794313I stopped watching Baylee years ago. It makes me so irritated to see how she still overindulges in random art supplies she will use a handful of times (if at all) while claiming to care for the environment with her minimal effort attempts at recycling.
Buying shit you don't need and recycling the packaging it comes in is still polluting the planet, Dumblee!
No. 795090
>>795054Wtf is a customized mystery box
She's gonna drop so much money for crap
No. 795173
>>795159She literally even understood that it sounded more confusing/troubling than its worth, but just wait for next week’s vlog: “send me art supplies I will use only once for a video then never touch again because I never seem to try to make art unless it’s for a video!!!”
Man, I actually used to really love her vlogs…
No. 795182
>>795159“I used to have a PO Box but I didn’t like gifts….so send me gifts”
Like jfc, kasey Golden is an edgelord but she makes mystery box videos too and they live virtually in the same city. Baylee is just too lazy make them right away and will leave those supplies to rot like everything she owns.
No. 795291
File: 1554543441763.jpg (400.3 KB, 1080x1519, SmartSelect_20190406-103702_Tw…)

No. 795304
>>795291… is she trying to appeal to people with foot fetishes now or?
Maybe a nitpick, but awful fetish art is the only place I see people purposefully drawing feet like that.
No. 795509
File: 1554603536605.png (431.07 KB, 444x431, water.PNG)

>>795291those gross feet reminded me of pic related which she did like six years ago.
No. 797451
>>797445 another skillshare plug. She's so unnatural when it comes to integrating Skillshare sponsorships in her videos.
It's about time she updated that ugly ass avatar though. The new one is super plain but it's kinda cute I guess.
I just don't understand what she does with her time. It couldn't have taken her more than two hours to make that avatar, but it's been a week since her last upload. fucking lazy cow
No. 797495
File: 1555099413218.png (316.67 KB, 871x492, ok.PNG)

she's been doing art online for over a decade. she has the tools at her disposal, even in photoshop, to create a better-looking avatar than this. but she doesn't utilize it even for her art, so i shouldn't be surprised that it isnt utilized for this either
the "highlights" are off in the hair. the whole lower half of the face is completely off-center and tilted in a weird manner.
5/10. baylee can do better
No. 797526
File: 1555107081790.png (124.22 KB, 806x395, bayleetypo.PNG)

>>797445spending ages trying to recreate comic sans seems like a great use of her time
No. 797551
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No. 797561
>>797451>>797495I always hated her old avatar. It had an err of +×lolrandum quirky girl×+, in addition to just being badly drawn. Also. why did she used to draw herself with freckles? She doesn't have any.
Quick aside: has Bayleaf ever drawn a character in profile? Seems like 80% of her drawings are head-on mugshots, and the other 20% are poorly executed three-quarter view.
No. 797582
File: 1555123784284.jpeg (230.6 KB, 800x1127, 434167E3-B440-4C0D-A80D-954478…)

>>797561I never noticed that but now that you mention it, not one drawing comes to mind in a profile view. She’s had opportunity’s to like this.
No. 797585
File: 1555124163890.png (341.14 KB, 551x487, Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 10.5…)

Nah she did this thing
>>797582 No. 798215
File: 1555384323978.png (313.83 KB, 753x723, Screen Shot 2019-04-15 at 11.1…)

she's going through with the mystery box thing
No. 798235
>>797585The bush looks like a dick
>>798215>>798216Wow this is just a scam to get people to send her free things. She already has enough art supplies as is and is constantly spending money on new supplies. More supplies are the last thing she needs.
No. 798297
>>798296Stop bleaching your hair please!!
She says it starts to break if she wears it up, how does that not worry her, seeing as she has super thin hair?
It looks like a cheap halloween wig
No. 798301
File: 1555437188902.png (1.27 MB, 1020x1138, Screen Shot 2019-04-16 at 10.4…)

>>798296Her hair is so thin that she looks bald when its slicked back. The only volume on her head is the cyst.
No. 798483
>>798301This is so disgusting! Why is she showing her gross ulcer?
Her channel is more about her lazzy couch potato life than about art.
You cant call that shit art anyway.
She is not even entertaining, why are people watching this?
No. 798535
File: 1555528856210.png (678 KB, 1198x707, Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 3.18…)

This months ytac
No. 798594
File: 1555547416593.jpeg (262.38 KB, 640x1454, A968EF6A-9695-45CE-96C0-14F842…)

>>798535Those fucking boobs, it’s not that difficult to pull up a breast reference on Google. This was the fourth image.
No. 798663
File: 1555578213522.jpg (1.05 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190418-020224_You…)

The shading helped a bit but its still bad especially the under boob part
No. 798683
>>798663Those tits still look like ass.
Like, literally an ass on her chest.
No. 798786
File: 1555621756095.png (3.43 MB, 1334x750, B7171CE9-978E-4B64-A5F3-B780BC…)

No. 798803
>>798786The ears!
And the boobs. obvsly
No. 798968
>>798923so Baylee is not only being racist but also intentionally erasing egyptian culture by giving the impression that all "eastern" religions are the same.
not surprised.
This is honestly gross. I've voiced my concerns with other artists in the YTAC about her and they've been agreeing with me. baylee's art is so far below the majority of the artists that it's becoming embarrassing to have our art showcased along with hers.
in the past three years, we've all improved… except for her. in fact, she has gotten worse and is consistently late, never communicates, and requires frequent clarifications and "hand-holding" to understand anything.
No. 799030
>>798968Ouch! I'm sorry that's been going on. As someone who isn't apart of the collective and just watches the videos, she feels really out of place and not super involved with the group. Interesting to know that's the case. I hope everything works out!
But I completely agree with you that what she did with the art was pretty scummy. She mentioned in the video she didn't do much research about Nut or Egyptian culture, which is silly because Google is easily available. Heck, this would have been a great opportunity to try integrating some aspects of Ancient Egyptian art into the piece and talk about the culture. But why do that when she can complain about stuff that no one cares about lol. Everything just feels really lazy which is a bad reflection on the rest of the group.
No. 799045
File: 1555721666959.gif (4.9 KB, 292x300, nutroyalblue.gif)

Not to wk, but y'all are being too nitpicky. The blue skin with stars goes in line with the Egyptian depiction. She even presents the pictures she based it from in the video. I agree it doesn't have the typical Egypt vibe, but her portrayal isn't racist or that inaccurate, it's simply stylized. Also, newfag here. Long time lurker. Hi.
No. 799047
>>798902I don’t see how you made this assumption. She did minimal research but she did some and Nut is blue. Hinduism didn’t patent blue skin for deities last time I checked lol
I guess black hair would make it more Egyptian looking but i think what she did falls into artistic interpretation. The piece isn’t good, but I don’t think it’s a crime against poc
No. 799115
>>799049Why are you typing like a wine mom on Facebook?
>>799045I think the big issue is that nothing about the visual style says, "Egyptian" besides the border. The white hair was a really odd choice in my opinion- nothing about it says "sky", "nighttime" or "Egyptian".
The pasties are tacky. Either draw her nude without nipples or give her a dress if nudity is a concern for your young audience. Why nipples (especially in an artistic context) are such a big deal is beyond me, but that's neither here nor there.
All that said, though, think this drawing would be decent were it not for the glaring anatomical errors (and the generic potato nose face). Everything else I touched on is relatively minor, so take it with a grain of salt.
No. 799135
File: 1555751182011.png (1.41 MB, 1071x990, baylee.png)

>>798786She seems to have taken 'inspiration' from pic related (the nipple pasties, loincloth and bracers). It's one of the first results when googling "nut egyptian goddess". Just wanted to post this because it seems a bit dishonest (or just lazy) to lift part of the design from another artist without mentioning it (if that's the case, maybe I'm just reaching).
I also don't get why the boobs are symmetrical when one arm is lifted.
No. 799161
>>799135I dont really see much resemblance. Not more than the egyptian pics or probably any other image of Nut anyway. The character is fixed to an idea of a design and apart from that fixed idea I really dont think these look alike
also yea the boobs are just terrible. she talks about taking reference from nudes but she clearly never does this herself… and if she does then shes an even worse artist than i thought
No. 799196
>>799176I mean I wouldnt put it past Layzee to "take too much inspiration" but the stars on the nipple thing isnt the most innovative idea. If you avoid nipples, nipple covers are the go to thing. This is a goddess whose body is covered in stars so star shaped nipple covers. It doesn't take a creative mind to come up with it.
The loincloth isn't too innovative either (hers looks like a napkin btw), especially when you are trying to go for that egyptian look, so are the bracelets.
Baylees design is really the bare minimum of an egyptian inspired drawing.
No. 799281
>>799196>>799176yeah a sarong and star pasties aren't exactly original, especially when the subject is already night sky themed, and a loincloth is pretty universal.
mostly what gets me about this pic aside from the terrible boobs are the horns. why are they coming out of her hair and not her head??
No. 799379
>>798968Lets be honest we all know that the only reason that she is in the group in the first place is her subscriber count which adds to the YTAC's visibility.
On the one hand I can see the frustration as her contributions do seem like an afterthought half the time but it's not like you guys aren't getting anything out of it.
No. 801688
File: 1556755742276.jpeg (99.08 KB, 340x439, BFEFFEC3-E464-4181-8170-259B1F…)

>>801618the pinnacle of beauty
No. 801750
>>801565It’s because Sakuems did a lot of shit like openly try and compete with other youtubers, traced, was insensitive to POc and was homophobic on Twitter etc. When you’re ugly on the inside sometimes it shows.
Tbh maybe she’s changed now but I knew her through a friend and ex patron of hers who she stalked because she couldn’t afford to keep pledging. Sakuems hunted her down on stuff like Baylees vlogs and demanded to know why she wasn’t a patron any more. It was that bad it caused my friend to have such a big panic attack that she no longer comes online even after about four years?
So yeah, I can see exactly why Sakuems is stuck.
No. 801916
>>801750Lol whut?? And you did not shared that heavy milk here?
For me Sakuems comes of quite pathetic. She barely post videos and complains on a regular basis. She really tries to ride the pitty train.
No. 802020
>>801976I’ve spilled as much as I can without sending other peoples screenshots, which I’m not malicious enough to do. She used to have it all out on her G+ before she realised her shittyness was public to see. I’ll see what I can find.
If you can somehow go back and see those comments have a look for yourself.
No. 802093
>>802020Now we all need to know what you have anon!
You cant tease people just like that.
No. 802646
>>802600she doesn’t price higher which is stupid since she’s basically “yootoob famos” and could be charging $15 per print and still sell anyways. The only reason people are buying her stuff isn’t because it’s super good or anything, anyways. If she actually tried to study and improve she could be making a lot more off her personal IP but she resorts to making meme art and prioritizing bad YouTube content.
She should get another one of those big thick sketchbook slam books and fill it with anatomy practice and her art thumbnails and try to fill it by the end of the year instead of rushing through it for the month and not learn anything from it.
Has she used any of the studies she did in that book for any recent art?
No. 802835
>>802790Maybe Christian has a well paying job?
Does anyone know what he does btw?
No. 802895
>>802598>>802600Yeah she makes like 2k for a whole month or more of works on the buttons. She legitimately makes less than minimum wage for her time alone. Probably would make more being on disability and that is close to nothing, but whatever makes her feel important right?
The fact that cons give tables out to anyone with money to pay for it gives the cons a bad look when it comes to people tracing or having bad art like Baylee, but that's just my opinion and no one curr
No. 802986
I mean I can't criticise her for deciding to phase out selling fan art, cos making money off fan art is gross, so yeah
but the thing about these cons is that it's the comments section only irl. people coming up going OMG ur so TALENTED n GOOD at ART and no wonder nothing changes. she has an audience and it's a large and indiscriminating one.
>>802889 I think he works for a broadband company? I'm sure I remember her saying that's why they always have the lastest mega broadband speed or whatever.
also I think her family must have money, because she has that attitude of someone who's never had to worry. There's a difference between someone who's earning OK now but knows what it's like to have to budget, and someone who can blithely go 'Oh I almost broke even on this con, that's good', charge $5 for a (admittedly shitty) print and then drop 1000$ on dolls etc. she HAS to be from a well off background.
No. 803038
looks like an IT/cable type of guy. Just an observation.
>>803029It's usually the attitude of "they're only making money/getting attention/views because they just draw a bunch of fan art. They're actually creatively bankrupt"
Which is sometimes. But not always true.
It doesn't actually matter though. Fan art can be just for enjoyment. It's only a real shit move when people turn a profit off other independent artists.
But I'm not going to get into that all over again ITT.
No. 803233
>>803029Because selling fanart is illegal.
Most German cons forbid it because of that
No. 803238
>>803233Yea exactly that.
I dont have anything against fanart, I draw fanart myself but the amount of people who have asked me to sell my fanart as prints or badges is ridiculous.
I always tell them the same. I do not own the characters. I can not make profit off them.
I would love fanart of my characters, because it means people are appreciating my ideas and its kinda like a trophy for me, that I have created something that touches other people. Thats awesome.
But as soon as they start to make money off MY characters I would be pretty mad…
No. 803305
>>803268You say that but once for MCM London, the entire event was semi sponsored by Marvel (I can't remember which big film was coming out that year) and they had some Marvel officials there. When they went through the dealers' area, they basically started pulling out the good old 'cease and desist' letters for anybody who was making very obvious copies of Marvel art (like you might see unofficial t-shirt vendors who just print official art and such.
Apparently they even gave the cease and desist letters to some artists who were dealing, especially if their style was made to mimic marvel or like it was really obviously a copy. But those who did stylised renditions (like anime or whatever) just about got away with it because its original enough art. Basically the big companies can and will gun you down if they decide one year to throw the hammer down.
No. 803612
>>803601> then let's also start selling fan fiction or music covers..People do both these things lol
50 Shades Of Gray was literally Twilight Fan Fic. There are tons of music covers that get radio play/royalties.
No. 803670
>>803268So what if they belong to big ass companies? Those companies pay people for their ideas, they make money by making good decisions on buying character rights. That's just how capitalism works. Now you could argue that Disney or Marvel could take any character these days because they put a name behind it but they have created that name and could lose it if they started to only start giving us shit.
Just because someone has more money doesn't mean we can rob them of it by selling stuff they own.
If they were to just let it slide they eventually wouldnt make money off those characters they own anymore, it would also give the impression that individual people dont have artistic property. So Disney just letting randoms sell their shit is bad for the small artist too when people are selling the small artist's characters
No. 804450
>>803916Has it ever occurred to her to stop having so many cameras? Like, if she got rid of face cam that would 1) lessen the amount of footage to edit and 2) make her seat videos easier to watch. I honestly hate how she talks through her entire video. It really distracts me.
But I’m not a super art pro like Baylee so what do I know
No. 805599
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Do you think her book will even be successful?
No. 805663
>>803916All the giggling and squealing she did about the possibility of buying a second new camera as if it’s no big deal shows how spoilt and out of touch she is.
Also, that pin she created for the Baylee box people, the cat’s front paws look like a massive camel toe.
No. 806405
>>806396samefag but i just skimmed the video because its super long but all the art is super ugly lol she obviously has no understanding of how watercolor works
also the first piece just looks like a flesh colored blob
No. 806425
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what is this?
No. 806428
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>>806396Sage for spam but holy shit these are horrifying. Why does everything she draw have to look so flat and disproportionate.
No. 806432
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>>806405"I'm not a watercolour artist" she says. Okay then I will take your hugely expensive artist grade Schminke watercolour set off you then.
remember plum horse lol. or pic related.
No. 806436
>>806425Legit looks like something I drew when I was 12
>>806428Why does she draw men and women the exact same way lol
No. 806443
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>>806442she's trying to copy this pic of Ryan Murphy. i'm sure he'd be happy to be portrayed as one of her weird bald baby aliens
No. 806984
>>806944That’s pretty sad that’s the best art she can produce….
Do you think her “fame” will even last much longer? She’s not as big as she was like 4 years ago… right?
No. 806987
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>>806944This was her hair a year ago, not great but it looked healthy at least
No. 807502
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She should just move to Anaheim already, she goes to Disneyland so damn much…. with all the money she makes you’d think she’d travel to new places for a change….
No. 807572
>>807522Yep, this is what I was saying earlier. I think she is just so out of touch and has zero understanding of financial hardship or responsibility (or tact, lets be honest), because it's possible this is the kind of comfort level she's always been afforded.
And hasn't it been said that her mother buys a lot of her originals? so she's being encouraged to stay that way because she'll believes there'll always be that net there to catch her.
No. 807733
>>807703She lives in the Burnaby area, which is one of the safest and sought after areas of Van. I can’t say for sure how much rent is (BC is in the middle of a huge scandal, where the gov’t basically allowed the Chinese mafia to laundry money through casinos and the housing market) NOW, since rents and housing are becoming cheaper.
However, I’d have to say her rent is somewhere between $3,000-$5,000 a month. Now, if she was smart enough she’d negotiate with her landlord for cheaper rent, since rent prices are dropping everywhere.
Funny thing is that Baylee’s house isn’t nice looking at all, nor does it have a nice view or nice layout. There are literal mansions that can be rented now for less than what she’s paying in her current house. But I highly doubt she even knows what the hell is happening in the province she lives in. I bet she would know more about Disneyland.
No. 807942
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>>807502She bought a new ticket
No. 809082
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2 cows meet
No. 809551
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No. 809564
>>809551She wants to do less work! WTF
Can't wait to hear her reasoning behind it.
No. 809699
>>809679I hope this is the beginning of the end for her. She does nothing for the community and does not deserve her subscribers.
I'll be over here watching good artubers who care about their youtube businesses and not shitty gaming streams.
No. 809702
>>809679I wonder if she'll go full mommy-blogger once she eventually has a kid and give up on the art. Honestly, she never practices or does any art that isn't for a video. Her 'passion' for it isn't really evident in anything she shows.
I understand her reasoning for dropping the streams but it didn't really need such a serious kind of video. I thought at first she was going to announce a pregnancy or something but nah. Does she make more money off youtube than streams?
She was going on about having to do double the amount of housework cause Christian can't help. Like
>>809678 said, how fucking messy can you be to still be droning on about housework? Just clean up after yourself as the day goes on, no need to let it accumulate into piles of crap before dealing with it.
No. 809731
>>809702I can see cleaning being an issue since they do frequently have people over. Even just renting a room in a house, I feel I am constantly cleaning so I don't really fault her on that. They do have a big place to manage.
I'm guessing she will drop art and youtube all together at some point. Her next video isn't even really an art video its her coloring in a book… like a 4 year old. You can tell her passion just isn't there anymore, its been coming for a while and it seems soon enough she will just stop all together.
No. 810197
>>809678>>809702>>809731I don't get it either. The only things she consistently needs to do in a day is: cook, take care of herself (hah), take minimal care of the cats, occasional laundry during the week (optional, considering she has a lot of clothes) and dishes. If she cleaned up after herself every time she made a mess the house would be clean constantly*.
It's how I keep my house clean and free of my shit everywhere, it's called self discipline…
*with the exception of small spaces
No. 810239
>>809731>>809731Cleaning and maintaining a house is really not that difficult if you have a schedule and are disciplined. As other canons have said.
The thing with her is that she doesn't clean after herself immediately. She leaves the dishes until there's a pile, Leaves the laundry until there's a pile, doesn't vacuum or dust until there are layers of dust on everything !!
She is truly lazy and
waits for the last minute. She never cooks in advance she never goes grocery shopping in advance. That's not really smart.
No. 810382
>>809679Her hair is so thin and limp here. She needs to stop bleaching it and just grow it out so it can be healthy again. I'm wondering if there's some kind of dietary adjustment she can also make.
Honestly? Getting a good quality pink wig is probably the better option at this point. It can cover her lumps, and provided she takes care of it, it will look fuller and nicer than her natural hair.
No. 812295
>>812205She literally sat there for nearly 20 minutes trying to justify why she should be doing studies and how to motivate herself to do it. Drawing shouldn’t be a chore. If you want to improve yourself but you sit around wanting to be a “vegetable” instead, then you’re just lazy or don’t really want to improve that much.
It’s one thing for people to talk about how they need to motivate and talk themselves into working out whenever that’s not part of their daily routine- but her life and career is literally built off art. You’re the one choosing to do all these bullshit video ideas Baylee like that stupid diamond painting and challenges. Ignore my rant it’s just infuriating to see her talk about how doing studies is some sort of impossible thing she needs to find time to work in- when all she has is time.
No. 812494
>>812205baylee has this big problem with sketching, she is scared to make rough lines or construction lines, even fucking ''s'' shapes to mark any kind of flow because it will make her sketches less ''preety''. Documenting her sketching will only worsen this ffs, just the idea to make gestures in amother book because they arent as preety is dumb, that book is fucking big, looks like the HC. BRown one
also her not wanting to study loomis… lol
No. 812689
>>812205remember her 'art advice I don't follow' video?
She knows some of the things she should be doing - it's not just about not doing "enough" drawing, she does the wrong kind of drawing, and she does know that. sketchbook slam was a perfect example of that. drawing 'more' produced no improvement or learning.
she knows how to remedy stiffness, then she goes on about 'oh no my drawings are too stiff' and doesn't change the way she draws carefully from the wrist.
she thinks drawing things is drawing outlines of things, and colouring them in, rather than trying to describe forms.
also she has terrible taste, and if she worked on that by reading and watching better & more varied things, things would improve. she puts no thought into why she draws things. is she telling stories? who for? etc, etc
No. 812870
>>812689The comment section on that video is very frustrating, it's filled with kids bragging about how they "dunt follw da rulez lolz" even though they complain about how much their art sucks. Also, I completely agree that her general taste in colors, composition, and general ascetics sucks donkey balls.
>>812725Honestly, she would improve if she actually took some irl classes in a group. While the internet is a nice tool for those that don't have the funds to take classes (which she does with how many cameras she buys) having to interact with someone who's over the age of 12 and is skilled in art would force her to see that her methods aren't working. But that's just my two cents, I found I improved way more once I had a proper instructor that I could ask questions and get some direction from.
No. 813001
>>812870She went to art school and that SHOULD have helped in that environment but betcha bottom dollar that she was an animation student who didn’t study fundamental anatomy or did life drawing, skated along cuz art school is a joke, then just got lazy when she didn’t keep her job and only appeals to kids on twitch and YT who don’t know any better. Honestly she should really be art social with other IRL artists and it’s not like that’s lacking in the area, she knows artists from her AA videos and I’ve seen her in other online artist groups, but she lacks the drive to push herself outside of any comfort zone even though she knows her weaknesses or get any friends who want her to improve.
I just feel bad for her now honestly cuz she does these videos cuz she’s clearly aware of her weaknesses but it also feels like she’s too scared and too lazy to go back to the beginning and learn fundamentals cuz she’s surrounding herself with comfort and junk
No. 814683
>>814259Just keeping up with her whole self-centered thing, referring to caring for her injured spouse as doing “favors”.
Also, why is she so inefficient at things? I feel like she equates taking too long on something because of doing it the wrong way with working extra hard.
No. 814767
>>814259christian broke his ankle. christian usually takes public transport to work. baylee's comment? "it'll be interesting to see how he does"
woman. i am all for being your own person and not centering your life around your partner. but you have a job with an adjustable schedule and a license and car. why does your injured spouse have to struggle on public transit when you could, idk, DRIVE THEM TO WORK?!
dear g.d i'd be fucking pissed
No. 814826
>>814767Damn that's cold.
I can picture Christian hobbling out the door on his crutches, past the driveway where their car sits unused, down to the bus stop and waiting to start his commute where he might not be able to sit down. Meanwhile Bailey Jae lies in her bed wearing her toddler pajamas and sleeping in because her schedule is flexible and she can do what she wants.
Really makes me question their relationship. I always thought they had mutual love and respect for each other but now I am not so sure.
No. 814845
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>>814834the worst thing about it is the values and the contrast - she recognises it herself towards the end of the video, there are so many very dark blacks in areas in the photo that she just didn't replicate, and there's not enough contrast between light and dark, eg under the brows and nostrils, and in the beard, the whole thing is just grey. And this also changes his expression - her drawing has a completely different expression and a lot of that is in the eyes.
also she didn't think about the light source -if you look at the photo, the brightness on the left side of the turban contrasts with the shadow on the right and this gives depth and highlights.
I don't care about it not being the exact same shapes, etc, etc because photorealism is pointless. but I do care that her drawing is lifeless because she didn't think about light and dark properly, or about emotion.
also fuck all the dumb idiots in the comments going 'omg ur so TALENTED'. gaaaah
No. 814851
>>814848yeah I'm way less annoyed with her/her drawing than I am with all the people in the comments telling her it's the best art they've ever seen.
(yes I know they're all 12 and I shouldn't care)
but yeah, it was a good thing for her to do. and it's no wonder it's not very good, she doesn't do this a lot. if she does this another roughly 2000 times she might start to actually be a better artist
No. 814868
>>814767>>814683Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. The way she talked about him being injured and needing help really,
really bothered me since you would think, I don't know, if your spouse was injured that you would help them out. She's a self center brat who only cares about her silly Disney shit.
A lot of her inefficiency comes down to her being an inherently slow person. Also, it's something she can flex about, because saying your spend 40 hOuRs on a project sounds more impressive than saying your finished a project within an hour. That's just my two cents, Baylee reminds me a lot of an old friend who has a similar, self centered mindset and the parallels in their reasoning makes me lol
No. 814894
>>748723>>814834It is not bad at all honestly if you do not know background of the artist etc.
The thing is she is an art youtuber and a professional for years now and should do better. And how others said, not abozt the technique and all- if you never use pencils for shadows, it is hard af - but stuff like proportions, using grids, sketching, etc.
After as many years she does art now she should have better "eyes" to see her mistakes before finishing a piece
No. 815483
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No. 815515
>>814767I don't know their relationship, but if I broke my ankle and my spouse basically told me "lol, good luck", I'd be pretty pissed. It's not like she needs to go to the office.
>>815483>>815510I mean, to be fair, that comment basically says any cartoon art is inferior to "REAL" art, not just hers.
No. 815590
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No. 815666
>>815580Wow what a biatch. She keeps complaining about her husband in the video. Firstly sounding inconvenienced when he needed meds, ginger ale and food. Like he interrupted her time with her bestie Jacob. Then she says condescendingly, he went to work the day before but today he wasn’t feeling good and threw up, so he decided to stay home, and she exclaims “UGH JUST WHEN I GOT RID OF HIM!!! I just liked having a day of just getting stuff done without being Christians caretaker”
I don’t usually like to discuss people’s personal lives, but since she said it out loud for all to hear…. you should have a certain duty AS A WIFE, in sickness and in health right? I mean yeah she shouldn’t have to do everything for him, but to be so resentful about her sick husband!? Christian better hope he doesn’t get cancer, she’d definitely have him on a spike. I’d say poor guy, but he chose to marry this self centered, me me me woman child. The fact that she didn’t even drive him to work the first day back makes me upset, he’s almost an afterthought to her. Bleh
No. 815682
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No. 816106
>>816060That's some real ignorant shit you're spouting anon. Your hobbies don't make you any more
valid of an adult than another. Nerdy adults exist. Bailey is childish because of her mentality and irresponsible habits. Christian having a boardgame night once a month doesn't put him on her level.
No. 816685
>>816521Probably only once for the video since she’s now on that “celebrities tell me what to draw” now thing on her newest vlog
Like that comment about realism she posted on twitter granted is
problematic in some regards but what she misses about it is that her cartoony stuff looks amateur and lazy and the realism, even though she does have real beginner problems of jumping straight to rendering and not understanding structure and anatomy, just looks like she puts way more effort into it. We all know tho she’s not gonna stick with getting better or learning fundamentals cuz she’s still too afraid to go out of her comfort zone and she’s really kidding herself if she thinks she can do this gimmicky stuff long term
No. 816753
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Is this the next 'as a hot guy'?
No. 816796
>>816777Not clickbait, he gave her the prompt 'perfection' so Baylee drew the night king….. topless…and in space….WTF?
This could have been a really deep drawing but not from Baylee
No. 816859
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>>816777Imagine spending so much money to get a video on Cameo then not following the "Celebrity" advice. She honestly could have saved money by just drawing the Night King as a hot guy without going through Cameo.
I hope more artists take the prompt he gave and directly call her out for not doing what she said she was going to do. It's really cringy to watch her react to the video, too. She seems very vacant… ~O~ the lights are on, but nobody is home ~O~
No. 816964
>>816777This was literally an excuse to make another "Hot Guys" piece… She should have taken his advice and done something appropriate. Also I love how ironic it is that theres nothing perfect about this image either.
>>816926Learn how to fucking sage, ignorant anon.
No. 817280
>>748723The fact that she actually paid for a drawing prompt from anactor and then she drew…… that.
God the cringe is physically painful on this one, like a pain on my chest. Actor dude is also so awkward. I had to listen to just the audio at first.
No. 817289
>>817285do yall hear sumn???……
There are gossip sites that DESTROY others. Reveal personal information and spout hate that reaches to levels that are actually cruel. This is probably the nicest gossip site out there. We hate on the low quality shit she pumps out for monetary gain and her shitty personality and actions that effects everything she does, including the viewers. Get the fuck out.
No. 817310
>>817302So we're not allowed to discuss the flaws in her shitty art or her as a person because it's not
nice? Give me a fucking break.
No. 817321
>>748723Didn't read any of this and am not going to either lol you're completely missing the point of this thread/website, which is to be and have a laugh.
If you want to help Baylee's art improve feel free to go on her youtube comments and give her some hot tips. This here ain't the time or place.
No. 817328
>>817320Lemme say this but people have told her nicely tons of times, people who are her own fans have and she never listens. She talks a lot about how she wants to improve and yet year after year nothing changes. People in here just came watch the trashfire that she is as a person, because they find comedy in it. Some people always had beef with baylee and come here to grow their hate boner for her and some are her ex fans tired of her constant bullshit.
When it comes to art skills, lolcow has a tons of different types of people both good and bad. I can only speak for myself here but if you go back in time around 5 years, baylee and I actually used to be on the same skill level and if we go even further back, she actually used to be better than me. The thing is right now she's nowhere near my league and I still got tons to learn myself but unlike baylee, my art actually changes from year to year (and for the better too).
My issues with baylee are just that. She's lazy and makes money by essentially scamming her fans by selling them an "how to draw" book that she even admits is trash and teaches you nothing. But because she's so self-centered she won't even realize how that's taking advance of her young fans. On the top of that she keeps drawing same shit year after year and for someone who's supposedly a professional, you'd expect their work to at least show some effort.
No. 817418
>>817406I started watching her vlogs because they (sometimes) offer interesting behind-the-scenes looks into the processes of making merch and where she gets her supplies and whatnot, I didn't know anything about her main channel at the time.
After attempting to watch videos from main channel, they just feel very uninspired and amateur. Other than her art style and technique not appealing to me, they just feel like they lack any real passion or thought.
She barely uploads any videos on the main channel as it is, and she cut down her stream schedules, so I dunno what she's doing with her time anymore. You'd think cutting down all the streaming would mean she has more time to plan out interesting content, but alas.
No. 817449
>>817418Lets see..
Back in the day
>Uploads two videos a week on Teusdays and Fridays on main channel>Vlogs uploaded seven days a week>Uploads two times a week on third toy/doodle channel>Also streams most days a week>Also whilst holding down a full time job at one pointShe seemed to manage just fine..
>Uploads once a week on main channel (if you're lucky)>Vlogs cut to one or two a week and even then it is now all boring cat footage and her packaging shit.>Third channel completely abandoned>Streams cut down to one or two a week>No jobYet herp derp still has no time for anything and still uploads amateur works. She really should just give up art, she clearly has no passion for it. To get where she is she merely was in the right place at the right time.
No. 817599
>>817302Because it’s our first amendment right you absolute retard, also I don’t know how this thread was the
>first thing to pop up on google Unless you explicitly googled “lolcow” with her name. Continue to be a Baylee Bootlicker somewhere else you degenerate.
No. 817612
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>>817599Okay so it's the fourth one down, you stupid sack of shit.
No. 817837
>>817782I hate the hot guy series. Makes me feel like a damn prude but the idea is just repulsive to me.
If she could emulate the style of a cheesy romance novel cover to an accurate degree it might be mildly funny the first time but it's just a cringe inducing idea drawn poorly.
Also her audience is so young it comes across as a bit skeevy.
No. 817854
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>>817780>HURRR You didn't type her name right! So you're wrong!LOL go fuck yourself you stupid 5 year old cunt. You're wrong. Kill yourself.
No. 817891
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>>817865>>817871>>817888Why do you care about this failed artist disney loving woman child to bait so hard in her thread? What's the point?
No. 817929
>>817920"I just need to set aside a day to sew all my things."
(sorry for dp forgot to sage)
No. 817942
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>>817924 Here's what her business cards look like to those who don't wanna give her views.
No. 817949
>>817942>to those who don't wanna give her views.Then why the fuck are you hear then if you want to bitch about someone you don't even watch? Get a fucking grip. Even then, why watch someone you don't like in the first place? You're all a massive fucking joke. If you don't like her, unsubscribe, don't watch her, she'll notice the decreases and hopefully shit up for those that do.
Why does this shitty site even exist when PULL and Guru Gossip already exist anyway. Totes unoriginal. They are cancerous but at least have their shit together.
>>817942Holy shit, this looks like that tacky clip art teachers would add to homework sheets in elementary school.
Sometimes more is less jeez
No. 818372
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On her new night king video
No. 818373
>>818218I feel like she the whole “designing” a font that looks suspiciously like comic sans was just another part of her trying to ride katnipp’s current popularity.
I think she sticks to the pink just based on stubbornness - to change it might be seen to agree with all the people who say it doesn’t suit her. I may have said it before, but she makes me glad that my favourite colours don’t look terrible on me.
No. 818393
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>>818380Title: When Your Video Idea SUCKS
Anyway, this method of doing her buttons seems really inefficient. She can absolutely afford to hire somebody to help her with basic shop tasks.
Her cats are super silly this vlog.
No. 818438
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and i oop–
this sucks so hard. 14,000 views on a channel with 1 mil subs?
No. 818443
>>818436I genuinely believe she was brought up to believe the world revolved around her. You heard how she talked about her own husband, there's no way she understands how to give over to the wants of her audience.
I can't imagine being friends with her - does anyone remember when one of her friends went to the trouble of getting her a blind bag pokemon from Japan, and when she opened it and thought it was a different one she said loud and bratty, 'this was the one I literally wanted the least!".
No. 818456
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My problem with Baylee's art is first off, it's just not good but secondly it isn't art, it's more illustrative in that it belongs inside a children's picture book, I like my art to tell me something and make me think, the quality you find in an actual gallery. Baylee's art will never feature in such. I'm going to compare two of her pieces.
The one on left is bright, it's cute, it's pretty, but that's it. It's a diner girl working. It doesn't say more than that nor does it make me feel anything. You look at it, 'that's cute' and move on. It's empty and instantly forgettable.
The picture on the right however, though still not greatly drawn, it has emotion. Baylee drew this after her dog died and you can tell. You look at it and have to decipher, is she really being attacked or is this her inner demons coming out? What has happened to this girl for this to be happening? You feel sad for her, you may even relate to her. It creates thoughts, feelings and emotions. If it was in a realist style is would really stand out.
She needs to drop the fan arts and stiff cute pictures of nothing and focus on pieces that have emotion and a story to them, one that can be interpreted differently by different people preferably that would be a good start. She clearly lacks passion and she needs to find something to ignite that again.
No. 818465
>>818460Also with divorced parents who possibly overcompensated.
>>818456I agree with what you're saying about one being more void of meaning than the other - I tend to enjoy art with a narrative, and try to incorporate it into my own stuff - but I don't think that's what sells best, especially with a young or "young at heart" audience. If you think about something like Hello Kitty and how simplistic and almost lifeless that character seems, but people LOVE that brand because of it's "cuteness".
No. 818496
>>818490Wow, that is heartbreaking. I don’t think I was watching the vlogs that far back, but that definitely raises my sympathy for him. Granted, I know some relationships thrive on an imbalanced dynamic. Maybe his self-esteem is such that he emotionally fits well with a selfish person that takes more than they give?
Back to what could work for her, I agree with whoever said that she’d be better of concentrating her time on making “cute” products, but she’s so slow with handling times, I’m not sure she could keep up with selling anything but what she already does.
No. 818533
>>818438She decided to reupload it on high trafic day after the video did initially pretty poorly. But of course if you reupload something most of your subs are gonna be like "Hey, I already watched that" and not watch it, so you're just losing views as a result.
It's pretty funny she freaks out about it tho. She clearly expected it to be a huge views magnet considering how clickbait the concept of it is, but it backfired really bad. Then again most of her subs are children so they probably don't care about GoT or know who the Night King is.
She just have to accept it and move on onto another potato-nosed-girl-drawing-with-tons-of-artsupplies-shown-in-the-thumbnail video her channel is known for.
No. 818542
>>818456That's all subjective though. There are a lot great illustrations found in children books done by talented artists that show great artistic techniques being applied like color theory and lightenin. A piece doesn't have to tell a story, or be tragic af to leave an impressions. Lots of artists like Van Gogh painted around moods and interpretations for example.
Most of her illustrations suck though because they're lifeless and wonky and have muddy coloring or terrible color choices. And tbh that dark drawing is even worse to me than the waitress, since her hideous cartoony art style certainly doesn't fit such a piece.
No. 818588
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Got some Baylee drama going on guys.
No. 818714
>>818432Yeah like this is what I meant by her just trying to do everything but not being good at specifically anything. Like, if it takes her that much time to process pins then why not pay more to have someone else do it for you? Cuz then she runs out of content for her streams and her vlogs. But like, if she REALLY wants to concentrate on art and YouTube, then why not pay to do all the store work or like clean her house or whatever? She has the money.
I think that’s why I really like Katnipp’s studio vlogs and a couple other studio vlogs in general cuz it’s really fun to look at the working side of an art business that is thriving and knows what they’re doing. And I just pop into BJ’s cuz I have this morbid fascination with how well she thinks she’s doing when she’s just flying by the seat of her torn pants
No. 818745
>>818602It looks like they used some sort of exploit to get into her account so the store credit is an extra to appease the customer.
Any money charged to her card should be reimbursed to her card not given back as store credit as it was obtained fraudulently.
No. 818763
>>818456She's an illustrator, not a gallery artist. What matters to illustrators is more technical, not ×+×feelz×+×. Baylee's art is terrible because her anatomy, coloring, composition, and storytelling suck. Those are the sorts of things that matter if you're an illustrator.
Also gallery art is rigged based on the interests of the curators and people only buy it for the tax write-offs. Seeing something in a gallery doesn't automatically mean that it's good- it means that whoever made it is friends with the curator.
Sorry for the derail. I agree that Baylee's art is trite and devoid of emotion.
No. 818775
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Lol they got in to her account her again, how stupid can you be.
No. 818989
>>818875Seriously, why is she putting so much effort the thank you items for these Mystery Box people. It's probably going to fizzle out after a couple people send her crappy supplies that she'll not do anything interesting with.
This entire thing feels like a way for her to procrastinate making main channel content to spending excessive amounts of time and money on a side project.
No. 819010
>>818989"This entire thing feels like a way for her to procrastinate making main channel content to spending excessive amounts of time and money on a side project."
That's basically her brand at this point.
I do think a lot of her viewers are children, but watching the last two cons she's done, I also think a lot of her viewers are just childish adults like her.
No. 819053
File: 1559867110371.jpg (145.89 KB, 892x717, BJAna.jpg)

Looking at Baylee's analytics.. what the hell happened here? Was her 'I hate my art' video really that popular? I can't help but suspect she's paying for subscribers.. like she has 1.1 Million of them but her videos average 100k views if that, 90% of her subs are not watching her videos.. why is that? Could it be they are paid bots and not real people?
No. 819288
File: 1559920530588.jpg (708.77 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190607-111425_Chr…)

Oh god… Why.. where does she get all her money for this bullshit? All she does is buy buy buy buy and buy some more. I don't see how she isn't swimming in credit card debt! …oh wait I might be onto something…
No. 819352
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No. 819367
File: 1559934747958.png (1.18 MB, 1334x750, DAEA77D0-EC31-4F44-9423-F74137…)

She did one thing accurate and gave herself 5 chins…
No. 819410
>>818436The fact that her audience doesn't care about GoT/isn't into GoT is a massive oversight on her part, but I also can't help but feel Vladimir Furdik was a bad choice generally if her goal was to use his face/identity as clickbait.
He plays a character that has no lines and is plastered in SFX makeup the the point he's barely recognisable as himself.
I'd consider myself a longtime GoT fan and I didn't know who Furdik was until recently (but maybe I'm the minority, who knows).
No. 819415
>>819355NTAYRT- and agree that explaining the process always provides a lot of value for the audience… but is her audience really children who are new to drawing like you say?
Honest question, by the way. There are so many mixed messages about who her content is meant for, I've lost track.
No. 820022
>>819591Because she's only using the boxes for canadian shipments (as per her last video I saw), and she already has a massive box of bubble mailers so she doesn't need these right now. At least that's my opinion. It's just excessive considering what she already has in stock.
>>819987I agree, it's easier to prefold.
No. 820277
>>819288Am I missing something? Why is it necessary to pack pins into cardboard boxes to ship? They don't seem to be the kind of item that needs protection.
Surely it would've been more cost effective, more time effective, less wasteful and more aesthetically pleasing to neatly wrap the pins in coloured tissue paper or something.
I understand the boxes to some degree for the sticker sheets/prints, but a cardboard sleeve/document sleeve also would've sufficed for the small ones. And a lot less fiddly to pack the item.
No. 820650
>>820277Hah! If you thought her packing her pins in plastic then packing her pins into boxes is bad, she's then packing said boxes into paper mailers, too!
I've posted about my opinion at
>>819138>>820645Same. She isn't a fun drunk and her friends are just annoying. Why do they always end up in their underwear as well? Weird
No. 821075
File: 1560305071160.jpg (304.23 KB, 1079x883, IMG_20190612_120408.jpg)

Spending money again..
Also isn't she renting? I'm not sure if it's different in Canada, but you need to get permission from real estate/owner to put holes and such in the walls in my country.
No. 821077
>>821075"build some ikea stuff"
gorl you do not have the space in your room to add more "stuff." its already crowded as hell in there, what else can she manage to cram in there??
i live in the US and im renting. as far as i know, im allowed to drill holes as long as they aren't bigger than a penny (which is quite large). however i do have to fill the holes before moving out
No. 821104
>>821051Like, every party or get together vlog she posts.'s one of many.
No. 821108
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>>818775she’s not going to take legal action
No. 821183
File: 1560332313910.jpg (321.93 KB, 2048x996, IMG_20190612_193943.jpg)

New set up.
No. 821309
>>821302"it would be a shame if [her room] got messy again."
It always ends up a pigsty after a few days. Why is she so nasty? This new room is absolutely terrible. Now that she is upstairs, her mess probably spreads to the first floor a lot more.
No. 821624
File: 1560426947016.jpg (561.29 KB, 1080x1920, 20190613_075209.jpg)

>>821309It does. Out of a six bedroom house she uses 1 for an office, 2 for storage, 1 split down the middle for storage and warehouse, and 1 for her bedroom and she even cleared a lot of her junk in her "storerooms" when her basement flooded, yet her shit is still everywhere.
>>821349She does! She literally just puts stuff on the floor once she's done and then leaves it there until it becomes too hard to get around her room
No. 821932
File: 1560468104722.jpg (298.91 KB, 1114x868, Defect.jpg)

Now she's gone and and had printed 150 prints with a defect on that she didn't notice. Black line on the leg. Things just aren't going her way kek
No. 822652
>>822650I'll give her credit for actually using the chalk pastels. I'm so over unboxing videos where people receive chalk pastels and spend the whole time bitching about them and going out of their way to avoid using them in the final piece.
What I don't get is why she isn't trying to improve with every piece of art she does. Confining her attempts at improvement to the improvement series videos seems really counter intuitive.
No. 822730
>>822664>>822650I actually don't think the art was too terrible, I liked it for once compared to her recent pieces, and I can't say I've liked anything she's put out for over a year. But she did something right with this one.
I feel like she put more effort into this one and it kinda shows? Idk, it felt less rushed-for-money, but also the voiceover sounded really odd with her tone of voice and how she was speaking gently. It sounded out of character imo.
Hopefully she improves and learns a few things or applies new techniques from this series into other stuff she does and it doesn't just go downhill from here. I can easily see her giving up after the first few boxes and doing it halfassed.
No. 822815
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>>822650The drawing looks really weird
No. 822829
>>822815I don't really understand why she chose to do the sketch digitally? she had a bunch of art supplies that she's not familiar with at all and instead of doing actual thumbnails she just figured she could go straight into it and be fine after doing a digital sketch. it doesn't seem like she practiced with them at all first, even though she had a ton of paper to spare.
I know people on lc don't love drawingwiffwaffles but baylee could really benefit from watching some of her subscription box vids. they send her downright bizarre stuff sometimes but it always turns out ok since she practices with the supplies to get a feel for how they work before jumping to a finished piece.
No. 822876
File: 1560653907434.png (4.63 MB, 1334x750, E5789F40-E2D9-427D-8B42-4CA123…)

Why does the girl look like the bride of chucky, I don’t like this art at all, the demon has a different style than the girl, just doesn’t fit. Glad she had fun with the supplies though…. she won’t touch them again… and they will be junked up in a closet
No. 822990
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>>822827I think she’s compensating for something..
I miss Judy..
No. 823026
File: 1560693188497.jpeg (36.32 KB, 640x360, 9A04918D-764E-48C2-A86E-956553…)

Looks familiar…lol
No. 823109
>>823101It was a comical farce.
For those that don’t know, It was a Christmas gift given to her from her father which she named Judy. She was Baylee’s ‘video editor’ and was well received for quite some time, she was used in cute/funny sketches where Baylee would abuse her, it wasn’t until some time later that someone pointed it it was a racist caricature and a shit storm soon erupted.
People complained the skin was too black, the face was ‘minstrel’ looking, her dress had the colours of the South African flag and that Baylee abusing it was promotion of white supremacy and slavery.
So Baylee responded by painting it’s skin brown, changed the colours of the dress and edited the face in some way. The changes caused even more of a shit storm as people felt it was even more racist now, some how, and that Baylee just didn’t get it.
Baylee got pretty upset because she had ruined her gift and the changes didn’t fix the issue and we haven’t seen or heard of Judy since. I can’t find any images of the changed version anywhere as she deleted them and the vlogs with it in.
No. 823110
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No. 823130
>>823110"thats the way we like her"
lazy and incompetent? so admirable.
No. 823180
>>823166Yeah, I don't get it. Obviously she feels guilty on some level for asking her fans to send her stuff for free. The whole mystery box thing is so dumb the way she's set it up in general. She should have hired some personal shoppers in various countries through etsy and paid them to curate art supply boxes for her. It would have been so much easier and drama free.
Those exclusive Kiki and Midna buttons are super cute tho so there's that.
No. 823518
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>>823223She even made a sticker sheet with Judy, she made the skin a dark brown, not black like the original doll
No. 824036
>>824026"it takes a lot out of him (christian) to get to and from work"
yeah you know what would be nice then? you drive him so that he doesnt have to hobble around everywhere
No. 824037
File: 1560962591274.png (1.3 MB, 1220x1040, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at 12.4…)

>>824026ok not to be mean but she looks like that chicken nugget pink slime. its time to stop wearing pink and wear something that isnt the same color as the rest of you
No. 824062
File: 1560969265252.png (19.27 KB, 390x470, 1402612380698.png)

>>824037She needs to get rid of that disgusting pink hair, looks awful. She looked so much better with the light brown.
No. 824079
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>>824068Only thing that remains appears to be the thumbnail to the video.
No. 824104
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No. 824161
>>824143>>824141 ^ Anons right plus its a lot less dangerous than public transport. What if he steps wrong? What if someone accidentally bumps into him and makes his foot worse? It can't be easier using PT when he has to hobble on that thing.
Sorry to delete and repost but to add, I'd rather spend my money on gas knowing he's getting to work safe and comfortably than sitting on my ass making excuses. She spends her money on useless shit anyway so the gas money will NOT hurt her wallet.
No. 824164
>I have an emotional attachment to her (Judy) and her involvement in my channel.What an odd response.
I understand the shame and embarrassment if you suddenly find out you look like a racist, but this isn't an apology. She's painting herself as a
victim of the circumstance.
If her audience is full of kids, perhaps the moral thing would be to inform them that this sort of thing isn't ok. People were buying Judy merch and kids were drawing Judy fanart. Yikes.
No. 824174
>>824104Holy fuck Baylee, you selfish cunt. Your husband is in crutches for maybe 6 months and you can’t find the time to sacrifice 2 or 3 hours of your day to help him. 6 months of being a good wife and driving him to and from work, maybe helping him around the house. It’s that part of marriage??
God forbid Christen should get cancer or something. Imagine her driving him to his appointments and the complaining she’d do.
No. 824298
File: 1561030256566.png (61.18 KB, 580x653, Capture.PNG)

>>824080I think this tweet in particular just captures her level of ignorance. Like, did she not bother to look into it or learn anything? I think removing the mascot completely without even trying to understand why some people found it offensive just goes to show how self-absorbed she is.
No. 824355
>>824104>>824117What the fuck? That's her husband. What DOES she do all day anyway?
>>824037The pink clothes are okay, not flattering but what is?
The hair haaass to go tho. It's so thin and fried and ugh… My pet peeve: fried hair.
>>824040>>824129Broken down, off of the pins alone she is probably taking a huge loss from her packaging, but hourly wise… I think she'd make more money being on disability and that doesn't offer jack shit enough to live. I've commented about this before when she did this shit for convention pins but she's on a whole new level with her enamel pins.
Two things Baylee is good at: being a procrastinator, and being selfish.
She's not lazy, she has the will to do stuff but it's all in the wrong areas. She's stupid.
I truly think she's a dumb selfish cunt, yet I can't look away from the trainwreck, it even burns my eyes.
No. 824391
>>824364oh my GOD like wtf is the thought process here. why on earth would you buy and assemble 300000 boxes before working out what size envelope you were gonna put them into? Doesn't Canada have a system where she can print the postage frank onto the address label and pay online?
and yeah I bet if you said how much does each package actually cost, that's box, tissue paper, thank you card, sticker paper, printer ink, envelope, petrol for trips to the post office, and trips to the shop for tissue paper, plus overheads like electricity, wear and tear on her printer, car mileage/depreciation, software purchases eg for the address labels, website running costs and fees…
PLUS marketing costs like depreciation on equipment to film her videos/ post product photos etc,
PLUS the cost to her of each pin as delivered, plus each new backing card, plus the little plastic sleeves,
PLUS an hourly rate for her and Christian's time doing all this marketing work plus physical assembly… I'd be willing to bet she couldn't even begin to tell you. I fucking feel like I know more about her business than she does and that is really annoying me.
No. 824709
>>824540A bit of armchairing/tinfoiling. I've seen people who have so-called 'fun' jobs purposely add unnecessary laborious tasks into their day in order to try and convince others (or themselves) that their job is 'worthy' and difficult.
I wonder if that's what's happening here. I appreciate what she's going for with the packing and running the business from her own house, but it just seems like such a difficult way to go about doing things.
No. 824735
>>824689haha yeah that makes the most sense of all of it.
I have no idea how fragile these pins are, I hate pins and cannot understand why people buy them, but it's a chunk of metal covered in hard enamel isn't it, how damaged is it gonna get if you just wrap it in one layer of tissue or brown paper and then put it in a small envelope? or even one small bubble wrap pocket? if she saved the bubble wrap from stuff she gets delivered she could reuse it.
I think she also thinks all this shit is 'aesthetic' but it's really not. lord knows I like watching videos where people package up nice things they've made like soaps, so it's not the general idea I hate, but the idea of all this effort going on this rubbish is just depressing
No. 824767
>>824757>Filming Kiki whilst the box tower almost falls on her.This was shocking, I was surprised she didn't say more or do more about it. Makes me worried for the cats' safety but also doesn't impress me that she allows a part of her product branding to be treated like that.
Inb4 the cats habitually use the stack of boxes as a scratching post (like we caught a glimpse of in her blog) and all the boxes have damage to the edges. I'm guessing fans won't care anyway because Kiki and Midna are cute.
No. 824806
>>824767I think this is where she lucks out with her buyers; I assume almost all of her customers are people who watch her videos and give her major leeway with the cats because - like you said - they think they're cute.
I think many other small business owners would not allow such cat integration with the product (laying on stuff, scratching stuff, etc.) for various reasons including allergies. But I guess the one thing you can say is that she is very transparent with it.
No. 825141
>>824820I totally agree with this. I think she has been trying to mimic katnipp since she tried to do the whole 'studio vlog' segment which ended up being a fail. Also when BJ designed her first pin. She tried gushing over them the same way katnipp does when she receives her pin orders (difference here being Katnipp actually seems genuine in her reaction and not just putting on a show).
I also thought she was trying to copy her too with the whole packaging style and was expecting her to toss in some confetti too! I really like Katnipp and think she conducts her business properly, takes it serious while still having fun and sincere to her personality which matches her brand. You can also tell she actually enjoys everything she does and isnt taking advantage of her audience. These are all things that BJ lacks which is probably why every time she does this it ends up a shit show with her being 'burnt out' or 'exhausted'.
Granted, she does sell out of her pins because her fans just eat her BS up - but i agree she is trying to create more work to make her seem like she is actually doing something but in reality she is only spending what… a week out of a year or half year actually being productive? I honestly think this is her trying to keep her business afloat but then again it cant be doing much to help if she is paying for all this extra packaging material and lowballing her prices.
No. 825341
>>825293Summary for video:
Shows drawing for next art video, actually sketched some shit out but it's just "drew some shapes and made it into hair" … "Wanted to make a dainty looking girl." Girl with updo bun, jump suit, holding a bug net all sailor-moon-esque?
Lets Kiki play in the shipping boxes that are piled under her desk. Kiki almost knocks stacks over multiple times.
Ordered from U-line, got 5x5 envelopes for prints, talks about how U-line only offers 1 day shipping for 40$ so she ordered more than she needed.
Complaining they're too big for the smaller packages but will work for the 6x6 boxes- someone told her to stack boxes on top of each other opened instead of closed for time management.
Returns to door area, "got chipboard fa tha futuaaa." Tldr: Don't need it but I absolutely love to spend too much money!!
Returns to room
"Someone mentioned glassine packaging for the prints? They're more expensive than envelopes so they aren't cheap, but I'll still look around.. I wonder what sizing…" Blah blah blah "last time I looked I wanted to replace the clear sleeves (of the pins) with glassine.."
"169$ for a thousand. For a 4x6 which is not the right size."
They have them for the pins. "2000 for 35$ that's cheaper than the plastic. But they'd be left open at the top… They wouldn't seal but it'd be somewhat protectant right?"
"i have a lot of sleeves left over but I kinda want to order them now…I could try a fewww but they only offer them in packs of 2000…well they're only 35$! Sorry. I'm so excited about these now. I wouldn't have to fold down the back (of the sleeves) so that's one less step but they wouldn't be as cute"
"i did a comparison, the sleeves are 6 cent to 7 cents per bag, the glassine ones are 2 cents per bag!"
"i have over 600 orders to package"
Packaging montage, it's at 666 orders unfulfilled
Blah blah blah thanks for buying my cheaply made stuff that the packaging costs more for! It means a lot to make stuff and sell it to children.
Blah blah blah ran out of small boxes, will use bubble mailers for backup
Went to the post office. Forgot one that was on the floor.
Shows her feet in flipflops (AN: ew)
Gonna work on international orders, ship them on friday, then work on US orders and take multiple trips to chitchats.
Hur dur tissue paper breaky my mind! Gotta figure out how to make it fit in the box and look pretty!
Is overly critical of how the tissue paper sits and folds.
Shakes package around like a derp to see if the pins that are wrapped in plastic protective sleeves inside tissue paper moves around, because it's daynguroeoous.
Another montage- got halfway through international orders.
Tldr: Baylee's dumb, and tissue paper breaks her mind.
No. 825363
>>825293I want half an hour of my life back. Fucking boring.
>Look everyone, my dumbass cat is climbing on, crushing, scratching up, getting fur all over (which you may be allergic to btw) and rubbing her ass all over the boxes that the shit you order from me will be arriving in!
>Gotta buy more shit that I don't need or have room for just because! These pins need covers to protect them even though I wrap them in tissue paper which would protect them any way but nooo I need to be as wasteful as possible.
>Need to start packaging orders! Oh by the way, blah blah blah blah, okay now to start, oh and blah blah blah blah, finally going to start, wait never mind! Gotta run to the post office first, get some food, order some more shit online and then might finally get around to starting.
>Thank you everyone for making 700 orders that I really don't want to waste my time packaging and waste my ENTIRE day when I rather sit on my ass and do nothing. Well actually it's a good thing because I don't have to film any ART videos because I now have yet another excuse! No. 825443
File: 1561255563862.png (92.72 KB, 396x236, Screenshot_2019-06-22-21-57-13…)

Can someone tell me why her eyebrows are like this?
>>825363Yeah letting her cats roam around in her workplace is very unprofessional