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No. 880591[Reply]

The 9th thread for one of the absolute worst YouTube artists Baylee Jae. She's come under increased criticism over the past few months for her inability to take critique, general narcissism, excessive spending and hoarding of children's toys and art supplies, and laziness. She also draws like a 12 year old and has her very own instructional "How to Draw" book that was released November 2017.

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No. 939380

Christian became a pot head is too chill to do weights

No. 939579

Neither of them care about how fat they've gotten so they have no motivation to work out.

No. 939580


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 940055

Made a new thread


No. 940060

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No. 821211[Reply]

Last time
>Shuwu moved to a new place and it isn't her fiance's apartment. Preg still won't marry her.
>Wishes Lauren Southern farewell and to have many babies
>On the other hand still tries hard to get into leftie circles, references copmala
>Nobody wants to accept her though so she has meltdowns daily

Summary of Shoe’s past:
>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school
>Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker
>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu"
>Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances. (Note: The sword and door pics are not her.)
>Befriended a unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first lolcow.farm admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on lolcow.farm (2014)
>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet. Also cheated on this guy with Skeptic.
>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".
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No. 938927

Wow he is literally the worst

No. 938943

Oh shit, seriously? This was extremely recent, because I checked his Twitter profile 3 days ago and June's account was in the bio. LMAO.

No. 938948

It happens so frequently, I wonder if he just puts it back when she notices, and acts like it's just a joke between them.

No. 938949


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 939091

NEW THREAD >>>/snow/939090
NEW THREAD >>>/snow/939090
NEW THREAD >>>/snow/939090

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No. 928482[Reply]

Last thread was tubes galore! Laura's taking a break, after being sectioned again after choosing to hear voices this time.

Littlest Lee tried to get herself readmitted but they staff laughed and sent her on her way.

We discovered the true identity of Kelsey https://www.instagram.com/kennedy.vanasten/

Self posting, speculation surrounding Elzani's recovery/relapse, sad pics of N2F having a binge with her disgusting food.

Ganer gains could've done it all without her sister.

If you need to know anything else, read the damn last thread.


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No. 938931

That’s actually pretty common in anorexics during and post-weight gain… all anorexics are obsessed with food and think about it 24/7 so that doesn’t suddenly stop once they start eating

No. 938937

I get that more than her suddenly being able to eat a lot without any difficulty (unless she edited that part out). It was surprising how much she had to eat and her weight gain wasn't noticeable. It was the only interesting thing I learned from that video. It's making me believe her more that she was really eating a lot a few months ago. She's looking noticeably better now and that could be why her posts are of more bland food?

Might try to make a new thread even though I'm not used to this tablet. Bear with me…

No. 938941

Soz guys, can't do it. 2old4technology

No. 938975

I'll try making a new thread

No. 938979

new thread

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No. 925187[Reply]

Current -
Instagram: @puppygrl, @warmmilkies
Twitter: @pwurrs
Tumblr: @warmmilky
Soundcloud: @warmmilky

Past -
Instagram: @pwurring, @purinpet, @puppygrl, @pocketsizee, @piglwet, @angrwy, @littolest, @prwotect, @kittyggrl, @pupgrrl, @kttiey, @churchgrl, @69angelonline, @scarlctt, @irlbby, @barbiedreamcoffin, @kittiey, @bladegrl, @girlfromthegrave, @scarlettsblade
Twitter: @shypurr, @pwurrs, @maidpurr, @ekittyprwincess
Tumblr: @strawpurries

> 19 year old agere/petre NEET, self proclaimed "legal loli"
> serial photoshopper, copycat, and liar
> doxes people, steals/copies pics and art
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No. 985829

I mean even if it was Erin why are you guys ruining it by spamming “is this erin” in her comments and dms. Literally stop ruining the milk every time someone posts. If it was her then just lurk in silence until there’s enough evidence to prove instead of spamming and cowtipping. I swear at this point nobody post any accounts you find that you believe is Erin. Don’t trust this thread anymore with how creepy y’all are to ruin the milk. In conclusion QUIT SPAMMING IS THIS ERIN LEARN TO WATCH IN SILENCE AND GATHER EVIDENCE.

No. 985833

i so agree with this. normal people reaction is “i’m not this person” then ignores and carries on, not “this is bad for my mental health” like who the fuck reacts like that

No. 985837

You do realize not everyone is gonna ignore when it’s constantly asked and that’s the only interaction they’re getting right? There are sensitive people and when they’re getting harassed with the same question constantly and possibly who knows what other stuff is being said to her behind dm’s could trigger a break down. Stop spoiling the milk in general, learn to watch and not harass without actual evidence instesd of asking the same dumb question that drives them away because you age regression accounts are obsessed freaks spoiling everything thats posted on here.

No. 985926

I didn't check her for a while so I can't really be sure what happened during the last few days but when I checked there wasn't a single "hi erin" comment. There's a chance she's lying and is lurking here.

No. 986010

I mean she did post a screencap of the comments and it was actual people spamming the same question if she was erin. She blurred out the usernames but you could see it was different people asking the same questions. Now can y’all just leave the girl alone? Like it’s clear this thread needs to get locked up and no new thread should be made when any account being posted will get cowtipped 5 minutes after being posted because of idiots on this thread obsessed with Erin and asking “are you erin” over and over again instead of respectfully lurking.

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No. 938248[Reply]

Yandere dev is a 30 something year old manchild developing a game called “Yandere Simulator” which was supposed to be released this year.

>used to write articles about anime girls he felt were attractive

>mentally unstable, wrote fan fiction about murdering his parents
>can’t take any criticism of his game
>bans people from his discord for criticising his game or making fun of him
>scams fans with a patreon
>steals character models
>streams more than he claims to work on his game
> pedophile
>copyright strikes his fans
>steals fanart

He has no social medias that I know of (just fanpages) but his website is yanderesimulator.com

No. 938249

Thread about him already exists here:

No. 938473

it's a year old, you can't necro shit from a year ago.

No. 938577

You can if you have milk. If not, why make a new thread

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No. 938172[Reply]


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No. 930390[Reply]

Washed up twitch streamer who used to bring in thousands of viewers, now barely able to keep 100. Dating YouTuber idubbbz for clout and money.

Last time
-Made idubbbz pay for a breast implants to help save her dying twitch career. Documenting her recovery publicly @anniejaytweets
-Obsessed with ex-fling grossgore. Talked shit about his baby and became hated on reddit.
-Constantly taking “breaks” from Twitch to pursue other careers - tattoo artist, selling traced sketches on Etsy, TikTok famous(multiple videos removed bc she kept flashing her boobs)
-Learned how to use a photo timer and now takes PT-tier selfies
-Befriending local cows like MomoKun, sssniperwolf, and Dasha, hinting at future lewd collabs
-Tried to force celery to break up with her GF, friendship ended. Anisa’s only local friend now is her mom.

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No. 937467

it's just the background blur fucking shit up

No. 937503

Those fat transfers/stem cell enlargement procedures give you something more natural. But Anisa wanted to go full on fake titty cam girl with an OnlyFans route as an identity now.

It's kinda crazy how we got here from reading old anisa threads lol

No. 938155

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No. 938173

imagine getting a piercing just because some rando on the net said it would look good on you… plenty educated anisa shining through

No. 938194

I unlocked this thread because because there was supposedly new milk. All I see is nitpicking a twitch thot's boob job. This brings me to my next question, would anyone give a fuck if she wasn't dating idubbbz? I've decided to lock this thread again because anisia does not even meet one of the snow thread creation criteria. The only thing this girl has is her fame by association, and she doesn't even display bizarre behavior. Concerns, questions, and criticism regarding this subject can be taken to /meta/.

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No. 81029[Reply]


Surprised some people haven't heard of her. She followed Boxxy's coattails back in 2009.

Basically she was a cute and hyperactive girl who got attention and even though she's now 21 still acts like she's 14.
>Lives on a farm in Kentucky
>Shops at Walmart
>Made some really shitty music
>grew enormous tits at some point, which are now the entire focus of her camera angle
>extremely boring but tries to be funny and lolsorandumxD
>likes to give life advice despite being a career under-achiever
>just got married to a guy she has known for less than a year
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No. 655538

She stopped taking birth control. There's a video about it.

No. 659748

she got a breast reduction

No. 659985

Why is, shopping at Walmart, a listed feature? That's just petty and retarded.

No. 936701

Well it's been another year and nothing has really changed. I just came across a gif of her and decided to see what she has done the last decade and I guess the answer is nothing(necro)

No. 936790

Pre-vendetta lolcow is something else
She's literally just a typical small town girl, no sane person cares this much about a stranger's tits wtf

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No. 546984[Reply]

thread to discuss pro-anas, wannarexics and attention seeking spoops.
previous thread: >>>/snow/500530
don't discuss:
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No. 702804


Blatant self post. Also this thread is super old……

No. 728723

WOW, if all anorexics didn't eat anything they'd be dead in a month or so. No one with an eating disorder "doesn't eat". They restrict and there are subtypes. No logic and OP's picture is embarrassing. Its like saying well… if you're IGNORANT… lets everyone use your picture and judge you! What if that same pic was on another site for something? Just saying…

No. 728739

Were you searching for thinspo when you stumble on here fat bitch?

No. 755037

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The thing that bothers me about this post is that she puts in quotation marks “(again)”. Basically wanting to show of the fact that she’s sick. Also, most of her stories are of her arms!!!!(necro)

No. 755098

Hope your cold gets better.

PS You might want to lurk moar before posting in the future so you don't fuck up the email fields/sage and not post in an old thread.

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No. 932867[Reply]

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Danny Lopez: a 27-year-old man who lives with his mother, who has a history of rape and death threats, and spends his days harassing people on online chatrooms for "burps".

Danny has a "burping fetish". This obviously wouldn't be thread-worthy if it weren't for the fact that Danny has:

>told lindsay ellis (formerly the "nostalgia chick") he would rape her if she didn't send him "burp videos"

>threatened to kill her boyfriend Todd, rape other female members of channel awesome (like Obscurus Lupa), and of course, kill all of the their boyfriends too

>was investigated by the NYPD for this, somehow still lurking around on the internet asking for burp videos and burp roleplays after this incident

>is definitely also a pedophile on top of this

https://twitter.com/Allysloop/status/685… Judging by this post, Danny might just be one of a posse of burp fetishists who harass people. Or he's just got a wealth of accounts.

Danny tends to frequent Chatzy.com, (he's recently created a stir in the College Roleplay chatroom) but he has a lowkey social media presence. Some of his accounts have been deleted, either by himself or the sites' moderation. His links:
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No. 932878

Post more milk. Is this guy just on twitter or youtube ?

No. 932880

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No. 932882


He's on Twitter and Ask.fm. Usually goes on Chatzy.com all day, especially the College Roleplay chat.

No. 932888

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No. 932890

http://us21.chatzy.com/55694431578390 Link for those interested in observing, he's on right now.

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