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No. 939090
Last time
>Greg constantly disses June on twitter and hits on other women>June attempts to flirt with him, gets rejected>she sperges about politics on her Brainlet channel and appears emotional and mentally drained>still living isolated in the middle of nowhere while preggory puts off their marriage and refers to her as “that american chick”Summary of Shoe’s past:
>In her pre-internet days used to be a typical guido looking trash, was a bully in high school >Discovered internet and got addicted to male attention so hard she dropped her education (film school) and became a Boxxy skinwalker>Spent her days constantly attention whoring on Unichan, trying to be "the better Boxxy", pretended she's a "shy nerdy gurl uwu">Went on a vacation to Mexico with few unichan neckbeards. Obese one named Kenny stole her phone and posted her nudes on the net because she rejected his advances. (Note: The sword and door pics are not her.)>Befriended a unichan guy (Ian) who would later become first admin; possibly gains a mod status, uses it to know who is shit-talking about her on (2014)>Dated a seemingly normal guy, dumped him because her fanbase didn't approve she is dating a black guy and because he told her that she should get off the internet. Also cheated on this guy with Skeptic.>Starts a youtube channel "shoe0nhead" supposedly for criticizing feminism - though she doesn't present any valid arguments instead uses her internet "fame" to shit-talk women and present herself as "not like the other girls".Summary of Skeptic’s past:
>Blamed (still blames) his parents for his intellectual failures and his general stupidity because, in his words, “they weren’t smart enough to raise a genius.”>Goes to a community college and majors in art. Shortly after he fails out.>Made a shitty web comic for three years that was on the same level as Sonichu from ages 19-21. (he was willing to make more of these comics in 2015 when he was 31)>Becomes a Messianic Jew, first cult he joined, and goes into debt from doomsday prepping. Believes in crazy conspiracy theories, like “The Simpsons” can predict the future.>Becomes an atheist because of Amazing Atheist videos. Joins Atheism+, his second cult. Atheism+ guys can’t stand him and eventually dox him to make him go away.>Spent loads of money on man-child toys and would hide them from his wife.>Cheats on his wife with various women (Shoe0nhead, Jenny McDermott, and a catfish who went by River, including a few other unknown women). His wife found out and sent messages to these women telling them to not contact him anymore. Shortly after, he gets a divorce and immediately starts publically dating Shoe.Present situation
>Shoe: 28- Still addicted to internet (male) attention- no education other than high school, no career prospects, no skills. >No real personality either, changes her opinions constantly based on what will make her gain fans. >Dates an obese guy with intellectual disabilities who treats her like shit and spends all her money on bing bing wahoo toys - Desperately wants to be seen as a young girl.>Acts like a teenager online even though she's almost 30, can't form an argument worth shit>Lies about her past, pretends she was a "friendless wallflower shy gothic nerd girl uwu" even though she was a popular guidette with tons of friends who bullied nerds. >Still obsessed with shitting on women while she coddles men like babies, huge double standards>Still a bully, now online, sends her fans to attack smaller channels and random people she doesn't agree with (never goes after big channels).>Huge coward, will block you if you point out her hypocrisy. (She will block your followers too) >Googles her name all day - finds comments about her that don't even mention her directly. (this includes looking through posts and tweets with the word “shoe” in them)>Makes everything about her, can't talk about a topic without inserting herself in it.>Has nothing to put on her resume except "dunking on terfs xd" >Got dragged by Brittany Venti and some of her former alt-right chan buddies for throwing Lauren Southern under the bus for trans and leftist brownie points. Venti later went and made Shuwu Saga vids, one of which was taken down twice. >Still never made that video with Lauren Southern because her fans have the memory of a goldfish and she didn’t need to appease them anymore.>Tries to make an LGBT artist’s suicide attempt about her. Acted like he already died for pity points.>Goes on to say she was friends with him when she barely ever talked to him and was planning to make a video about him, but never does.>Goes to Vidcon wearing obvious butt pads and was laughed at online for it. >Brought up in a ‘would you rather’ video that people believe her bf has Jacob’s Syndrome (aka a retard). However it doesn’t seem like she realizes it says more about her MENSA IQ dom daddy than it does about those who believe that.>Even though she said she would only make LGBT videos for pride month, she goes and makes an extremely low effort (even lower than usual) video on Gorillaz. In it she “””debunks””” a religious zealot who thinks rock-and-roll is the devil with an argument that boils down to just “yeah.”>After Vidcon, her bf released a 40-minute long vlog packed to the brim with cringe and disgusting close-ups of his face.>Soon after, Shoe released a video where she goes to a gun range with Blaire White, and lies nonstop. Claims to have only gone to a gun range once and being afraid of guns in the video despite the fact her gun nut ex took her to gun ranges all the time and owning a gun.>Threw a few temper tantrums on twitter because people gave her the slightest criticism.>Deleted her, as well as unlisted videos on both her main and side channel. Wouldn’t want anyone seeing she’s not a ~thicc smol pwecious uwu~>Shits on women who joke about drinking wine, then proceeds to make chicken tendies REEE xDDD jokes>Posts one tweet that's somewhat pro-woman (criticizes r/theredpill for being manipulative and abusive), gets shit on by her fanbase hard so she quickly goes back to defending MRAs>Lately has been shitting out bad videos faster than usual, obviously in need of quick beta bux>It's been noticed that Mister Metokur (Jim) has been avoiding to criticize her and Preg even though he has no problem with criticizing whatever thing skeptic community does. >Trying to start an internet fight with a radfem church, failing miserably. >Tries to suck up to Shane Dawson, James Charles and Jeffree Star but fails miserably >>739113>Greg gets scammed out of $1000 for a Darth Vader mask >>732346>Gets thrown under the bus by Contrapoints again >>733857>Sneaks into a pedo dm group and calls their pedo convos "just basically creepy fetish talk" >>748153>Unlists Ghostbusters vid where she called Leslie Jones a gorilla >>746617>Shuwu moved to a new place and it isn't her fiance's apartment. Preg still won't marry her.>Wishes Lauren Southern farewell and to have many babies>On the other hand still tries hard to get into leftie circles, references copmala>Nobody wants to accept her though so she has meltdowns dailyLast thread
>>>/snow/821211 No. 939134
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>"she's never here"
Ghost his ass June.
No. 939166
>>939134"she's never here"
says the guy who refused to let her move in with him and negs her online. isn't he supposed to be a dom? shouldn't he want to be closer to her?
No. 939263
>>939134I mean, it does seem that they usually hand out at June’s place and not at Greg’s. But he probably has a better car for long distances and doesn’t want her to move in with him, so… he can’t have his cake and eat it too.
Greg is all talk and no action. How can he be a dom when he does not inspire any respect?
No. 939268
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That’s because you’re a train wreck and it’s entertaining as fuck to watch. Like all the YT’s that put their entire lives on display.
June is tagged in all of these and not a peep. Three years ago she’d be writing blog posts about it. If she’s smart, she’d dump him, enroll in esthetician school, and move on with her life
No. 939355
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he tweeted all this like he forgot he wrote and read his own bio. dude doesn't even have a degree, pathetic.
No. 939371
>>939315>>939268I mean, she and him MET ON the internet, right? So, is it so out of the question that he’d jump to the next girl he’s “harmlessly flirting” with on the internet?
Someone saying “oh, if you’re not okay with your partner openly flirting with thirsty girls on Twitter, you’re just a vanilla normie who probably hasn’t dated someone for more than weeks.” is fucking pathetic and I’m sure there are countless people that are in long-term relationships that wouldn’t be fine with their SO flirting with people on Twitter.
No. 939378
>>939268That last tweet has me raging tbh. I've been in an ldr for a long time and neither me or my so do any of those things, it's not hard to be a decent human being if you love and respect your so
I hate preg, what a disgusting egomaniac
No. 939435
>>939420We all know he’s not intelligent enough to earn any degree but you just know that if he had somehow managed to get a doctorate in e.g. English, he’d absolutely be
that guy insisting that people refer to him as
doctor Fluhrer even in casual conversation.
No. 939478
>>939268If flirting makes the relationship so much better than why does he openly reject June's flirts, doesn't show any sort of public affection towards her and is cold and distant with her?
If they wanna prove to us flirting with other people doesn't negatively affect relationships they sure proved us right, he treats every other woman like his actual girlfriend and treats his girlfriend like an ATM, June the queen doormat is even tired of his shit and can't take it anymore. He can cry about muh jokes all he wants and laugh off everyone else's arguments, but he is making a fool of himself essentially
No. 939646
>>939134putting aside all dislike for June, this is super fucked. June leave, please dude you can't end up with this man, he's going to bounce as soon as he thinks you've "hit the wall" because he's that sort of cumbrain
how does she put up with it? if you are going to leave give him hell before you go and please for the love of god spill the milk because we know there's some dark shit going on in that joke of a man's head
No. 939649
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>Voice actor
…really? He considers himself voice actor only because he does this stupid little voice for his character with demon wings?
No. 939818
>>939798Honestly why are there so many trannies who are fans of preg? I seriously dont get it
Ive seen more reply to his tweets and shit
No. 939927
>>939649he's allegedly going to be in super seducer 3, which is
totally the same thing as being a professional voice actor
No. 940074
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This another tweet from that weird girl that said she could play the flute from her butt that he recently liked. What is it about him that attracts the most attention starved and desperate pick mes and why does Show let him encourage it.
No. 940248
>>940074Is she implying that Wig would kill her for showing off to Preg in a lewd outfit? As if.
Preg tries extremely hard to give off an image of a big manly intellectual bdsm sexpert dom, so naturally he attracts equally try hard uwu kinky subs
No. 940633
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The little frowny face I'm speechless.
No. 940644
>>940633Let’s be honest, he probably only replied with that because he’s disappointed that he wasn’t the one who drugged her.
>>939268It’s like their entire fanbase has a cheating kink, every reply to pregs tweets are always so sexual, I don’t see how he can even complain about people “publicising his relationship” when he encourages the people who talk about him and June’s sex life
No. 940758
>>940074>said she could play the flute from her buttWhich is worse?
a) Saying that you can play the flute with your butt on a public twitter account with your face on it
b) Actually attempting to play a flute with your butt
I cannot decide.
>>940644>how he can even complain about people “publicising his relationship” when he encourages the people who talk about him and June’s sex lifeat this point it can only be a fetish
No. 940859
>>940074Pretty sure this one is a troon as well, its entire feed is costhots, hentai/anime and a furry-fanfic.
I have a tinfoil theory that all the "girls" into him that aren't camwhores that he tips with June's money are troons, that's the only explanation.
No. 941217
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The rabbit is in danger
No. 941446
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Ollie ate cat food lol
No. 941495
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lol at preg still liking that same camgirls nudes. full pic in reply
No. 941676
>>941398Well good for that poor animal. Why even make the first post at all? It just pisses me off that her reputation would lead me to believe that she had to get her mom to tell her about the 24 Hr vet.
I’m sure she loves that rabbit more than she cares for it but damn, sometimes just liking/loving something isn’t enough. Take initiative and responsibility for your animal!
Sage for tinfoil and annoying
No. 941916
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>>941832'Member when Preg thought his last name Fluhrer had the same meaning as "Führer" aka German word for leader (and yes the same word was used for Hitler) and he thought that means he comes from a family of "leaders" that makes him true alpha male™ by blood…..
….until one of his German followers explained that his last name basically just means "Hallway man" LMAO
No. 941919
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No. 942162
>>941919Preg showing his big boy daddy dom intellect uwu
The thread
really ought to be more about Preg than June at this point. She's just a sad, used up shell of a woman playing as a forever gf commitment beard to an aspie Dunning–Kruger Peter Pan pornsick who will never grow up. Her biggest life event in months has been accidentally almost yeeting her pet. It's too pathetic.
No. 942800
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I think the reason why June is bernieposting 24/7 is to forget how Preg is constantly liking @BigSkoot's tweets.
No. 942992
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>>942935Preg never changes
>that little body of yoursNeither do his pedophilic tendencies.
No. 942994
>>942992Work?? Where? I'm shocked.
Hopefully workin for the money makes her realize what a pit Preg is. Wake up u bald hoe. Don't let that man baby spend money you busted your ass for.
No. 942998
>>942992He sounds so manipulative here.
Makes it even more obvious that she fell for his retarded 'uwu strong kinky dom' """""charm""""".
Even June doesn't deserve having to deal with this manchild. I am really hoping she will wake up, ditch everything and turn her life into a normal one. Whatever shes doing is not helping her at all, only destroying her even more. Go get some actual taste of life, June. No wonder u hate women.
No. 943010
>>942994It's a post from 2016 that she retweeted. A lot of people noticed Preg's old creepy comment and screenshoted it.
I think she deleted the tweet after it.
No. 943212
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When is the uwu smoll girl shtick going to stop. This bitch is almost thirty and still walking around with her outdated scene hair cut and liner.
No. 943566
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No. 943704
>>943673funny i didn't even read that as "woke" just 100% misogynist
ot but wtf is happening with the left for real
No. 944029
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>>943764His reviews consist of nothing but superhero movies, star wars, disney and occasional meme movie.
No. 945007
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No. 945110
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>>945085in a parallel universe, he's making youtube videos whining about how a feminist conspiracy is why his band's one hit got mislabeled as a Powerman 5000 song on kazaa.
No. 945223
>>945119wait no good catch. shoe hasn't been wearing her "beautiful goth uwu" ring either. she wore it in her main channel vid a month ago (the pedo pandering one) but on the new "brainlet" channel, which updates more frequently, she hasn't worn it since 10th Jan.
No. 945228
>>945007preg didnt like her tweet lol
preg hasnt even been interacting with her online anymore for the past week/months and she'd still do these promotions for him. whatacuck
No. 945479
>>945223maybe they've quitely broken off the engagement but are still "together" for whatever reason
maybe just to hold onto their last vestiges of online couple-clout
No. 945578
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No. 945773
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i wonder if june is riding this relationship out in hopes of finally getting a 3way with 2 men
No. 945918
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No. 945990
>>945007too embarrassed to mention he's your fiance, june?
>>945110holy fuck, my sides, anon. this is an underrated post.
No. 946017
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>>945589Honestly believe that June will never come to her senses until Preg dumps her ass. Breaking up with him would mean that the feminazis on lolcow and the betacucks on kiwifarms were right about her relationship all along. All she can do is tear her hair out while Grocery blatantly flirts with other women like this.
No. 946157
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He can't stop shitting on her
No. 946163
>>946148I strongly disagree that she can do better.
This is a person who pulls out her own hair to the point of going bald.
People look for stability and security in their relationship. A person who does the above offers neither.
No offence towards people with mental conditions, but if I'm looking to start a family with someone, I need to make sure they have their shit together. They're going to be a role model for my children. This is not something you play with or cut corners. It's one of the most important decisions in life, with the most impactful consequences. Anyone who pulls out their hair like that does not qualify. If they can't look after their own scalp and health (both mental and physical), I'm not going to trust them with my child's.
June knows better than anyone else just how much she hasn't got it together. It's no wonder she latched onto this loser. She should dump him and focus on herself. Get her shit together, then she'll surely find someone good for her. As of now, she's not even good for herself, she's not even good for her own scalp.
No. 946164
>>946163anon, sorry but you came off as way obsessive over the scalp thing. i know it's weird, but you make it sound way weirder lol
you're also underestimating the real, driving force that is desperation unto lonely scrotes. you can see it on her twitter, on her instagram – basement dwellers find women like june a fantastic prize. i can see some truly stupid neckbeards willingly worshipping her as a partner. by definition, she can do much better than some fat prick who's barred her from entering his country and constantly insults her on twitter.
things like family, balance and stability don't matter to men who have a girl above 3/10 as long as she's going to town on their chodes and willing to say shit like "uwu daddy dom 24/7 BDSM dynamic" on social media unprompted
No. 946171
>>946164First point, people are always obsessive over things concerning the welfare of their children. As they should be.
Second point, we were talking about if June can do better, and lonely scrotes you described are indeed plentiful and any woman (or even troon) can have them, but that's not "better".
No. 946189
>>946185I brought them into the conversation, with good reason.
Replying to
>>946148>or at least one who is actually successful and wants to marry her and have a familyFamily means children at some point for most people. And it's not at all controversial to not want to make a family with a person that engages in self-destructive behaviour on the regular.
You don't want that to be the environment your children are growing up in. You don't want them to pick up that kind of behaviour. You can't trust a self-destructive person to take maximum care of the kids if they can't do the same for themselves.
Family and children are a huge part of anyone's life. Dating just leads to it. You can't talk about June dating without considering the bigger picture. She's supposedly engaged to that dude. What comes next? Marriage and kids.
Can she do better than him? I think not. Not until she sorts herself out and weeds out self-destructive behaviours.
No. 946206
>>946189you're way overblowing the trich thing
any guy who had a real job and wasn't a relentless arsehole would be step-up from preg, and there are definitely plenty of guys like that out there who would overlook a condition like trich for a girl they liked
honestly there a probably quite a few of shoe's orbiters who have those qualities, so dating one of them wouldn't necessarily be worse than greg
No. 946265
>>946260Plenty of men offer nothing or less. Imo June could do better than Preg for sure, but that's not a high standard.
>>946189 sounds like a moid with their "June pulls her hair off think of the childrennnnnnn"
No. 946463
>>946215Sounds like he’s saying he changed his mind and he’s no longer the same person that wanted that (June)
He’s not even trying to be subtle about it anymore, he just openly admits he doesn’t want her
No. 946495
File: 1584440198946.jpg (Spoiler Image,284.14 KB, 1005x2048, gregtheegg.jpg) funniest thing is him thinking he's so cool and handsome while looking this derpy
No. 946497
>>946495At first glance I thought this was a woman.
>>946496My tin foil is that they barely even talk to each other anymore. They probably go days without any communication. But this might most likely be the case. The relationship won't end until preg pulls the
trigger because June is a stupid cuck.
No. 946498
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i hope this dick dies of coronavirus
>>946495nigga out here looking like stephany the sparrowsongcosplay chick
No. 946499
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No. 946500
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Imagine dating someone who does a corona face mask photoshoot and then posts it on social media.
No. 946501
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Of course Shuwu has to prop up her manchild's ego, only to get ignored again.
No. 946503
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>>946495>>946500He looks like Charles Clymer
No. 946522
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>>946499Looks like one of those cringe inducing 2000's internet comics.
No. 946576
>>946525That's literally every male who calls himself dom or LARPs masculinity too hard.
Being dominant/alpha is like being a lady, if you have to call yourself one, chances are, you're not.
No. 946588
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Corona now inconveniencing our 150 IQ mensa man, maybe he should go make a vaccine
No. 946683
>>946510I thought the same thing.
I caught up on this preg saga and I tried my best to suspend belief and assume they really are in some 24/7 BDSM relationship "we're not like other couples" that secretly still love each other deep down inside - even if that's true, shouldn't she want more for herself? Grow out of it. Being nasty to each other isn't cute. This isn't some anime hate-ship or tsundere kind of thing.
No. 946747
>>946495it's crazy how much he looks like a woman with his beard covered up
like, there's an actual bust-line under that shirt
No. 946788
Sage in advance for tinfoil and potential wk, but does anyone else wonder if June is actually the more abusive person in the relationship?
Like, don't get me wrong, Greg's treatment of her on social media is inexcusably gross and disrespectful. I don’t like the guy. I find him to be annoying and immature regardless of his relationship with June – though I wouldn’t be surprised if their relationship brings out the worst in him. However, I find it interesting that she never has anything to say about any of his flirting, or any of the blatantly rude things he says about her and their relationship. Everyone seems to assume that she's purposely avoiding it, just sweeping it under the rug, that she's secretly really upset and angry about it, etc.
Could it be she actually genuinely doesn't give a shit?
I just don't see it. I don't see any evidence that June is struggling with self-esteem issues, or is in anyway concerned about the state of her relationship with Greg. Her online demeanor hasn't changed in over a decade. She's just gotten more and more lazy, if anything - probably because her popularity and subscriber count is mostly the same despite the quality of her content declining noticeably.
And why should she be upset? As others have pointed out, she clearly has more power in the relationship. She has more subscribers, makes more money from YT. And even without that, she comes from a fairly wealthy family and always has that to fall back on if things don't work out for her long-term.
Greg, on the other hand, is acting like a scorned child. He's openly insulting her, lashing out at her, talking about how much he regrets the relationship, playing the victim, etc. It's pathetic, but it really makes me wonder if he's not attempting to get her attention because he feels ignored by her. This behavior is super common in relationships where there is an uneven power dynamic, particularly if the person with less power is co-dependent and has never learned the skills to bargain for more control (or just leave).
Everyone says it's Greg who isn't serious about marriage, or that he's purposely disallowing her from moving in with him, but what if it's June keeping him at arm's length? Keep in mind that June was in another long distance relationship before Greg that we know, from what her ex has stated, never became anything more serious because June refused to grow up, get off the internet, and take the necessary steps so that they could physically be together. Greg, meanwhile, was married for several years before he met June. While I’m not about to argue that he and his ex-wife had a healthy dynamic, it does at least show he is capable of taking things to that level.
I just don't trust for a second that June is in anyway a victim here. There's nothing to suggest that. The paper trail she's left on the internet going back almost a decade makes it abundantly clear that she has strong narcissistic traits and doesn't have much empathy for others. People who lack empathy typically aren't particularly bothered by their partner's ill treatment of them, so long as they're maintaining the upper-hand in the relationship, which I think is clearly the case. Greg's subscriber/viewer account skyrocketed when he started dating June. He was a nobody before her, and would likely slide back into obscurity if they broke up.
I think it's actually Greg who is worse off in this relationship than June, and his "acting out" is proof of that. It would be pretty easy for June to discard him and then pretend the relationship never existed, like she did with her ex. It would be far more difficult for Greg to do the same.
No. 946817
>>946788greg isn't the one that has moved out and is wasting money every month on being closer to her. she's much more invested. i think the only reason she doesn't
seem devastated publicly is because she knows people are paying attention. lainey also pretends to not care when we know for a fact she has mental breakdowns because of greg's infidelities and comments about other people.
No. 946830
You’d think a galaxy brained individual such as preg would know not to wear a face mask unless he’s infected
No. 946943
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>>946788holy shit anon you really typed all that. but thats an interesting tinfoil. she seems like she's obsessed with him and worships him like an uwu daddy dom so honestly i find it hard to believe that them not getting married is her decision.
No. 946961
>>946788Doubt, June seems to be the only one putting any sort of effort into their relationship, ontop of that when June does show him attention she gets blantantly ignored or blown off, like when Greg said "ok.. thank you" to her flirting with him on Valentine's day, just to start flirting with other girls
You also have to take in account the amount of money and effort June spends to be with him where as he barely lifts a finger for her
I honestly wish this was the case though, Greg deserves so much shit for what he is doing to June as well as his laughable delusions of grandeur. I'd honestly be cheering June on if she was the "
abusive" one and constantly blew him off
Obviously I can sit here and wish she can wake up and leave Greg before she wastes anymore of her life with him while she's approaching 30, but you can't. I guess the most we can do is encourage June to leave him and tell her it will be okay and we won't play the "I told you so" bullshit
No. 947044
>>946788I have trouble believing this, but it would be a hilarious role reversal if true. All along Greg was her pet retard and not her dom, what a plot twist.
Isn't Greg's family also wealthy though? And she may have more subscribers, but her subscribers are full of misogynists who shame her whenever she's not acting like a based sub waifu.
Greg has more life experience and more time spent in the adult world, June relied on her mommy to clean her room for most of her adult life. How can Greg be the co-dependent one?
I think June's narcissism might prevent her from seeing how bad things are.
No. 947049
>>946943lmao sorry, I'm super autistic about the psychology of relationship dynamics. From what I've observed, it's really common for there to be one person who has the upper-hand when it comes to relationships between people who are emotionally immature and have strong narc traits. For that reason, it's hard for me to believe that both Greg and June are suffering equally in this relationship.
For the record, my hypothesis could be totally wrong. Since I wrote it, it occurred to me that June's declining quality in content could technically be driven a lot by the bad relationship, indicating that she may be the one suffering more. But again, she's never actually said anything that indicated there were problems between them, whereas Greg has, other than occasionally responding to his tweets with a tone that vaguely suggested she was tired of him acting like a man child.
Again, though, this ALSO may be indicative of her having more power, since in these instances, she's scorning him almost as though he were a child and she was his mommy. There's no indication that SHE feels jilted as a result of his behavior; it's just "hey Greg, stop being retarded." Whereas, he's constantly whining these days about June ruining his life, his career, his image, etc.
I just personally see way more evidence that Greg is suffering more, even if his attempts to show it are pathetic and almost imply the opposite. We also have to remind ourselves that him being a man automatically makes it easier to assume that he's more domineering and controlling than she is. It really is so easy to assume that, almost too easy, with him being several years older than her, almost a foot taller, supposedly this hypermasculine "dom," etc. But the funny thing is, it's usually June who is pushing this narrative. From what I've seen, he just kind of goes along with it.
I also just wanted to remind everyone that flirting with other people and openly belittling your partner, as controlling as it may seem on the surface, may actually be an attempt to get their partner's attention and take back some power in a relationship where they don't have a lot. It's by no means effective or appropriate technique, but it's still a technique.
ALSO. This just occurred to me, and is also tinfoil af, but here it goes: Greg being so public about flirting with other girls is so openly pathetic that you almost have to ask yourself if he's doing it because he's self-hating, like he's so used to punishment and feeling bad about himself that he just seeks it out at this point. Like he KNOWS that people will mock him and call him out for it. The person who has the most power in the relationship (aka: the more
abusive one) doesn't usually do this. Instead, they go out of their way to cover-up and hide any potential abuse - for instance, by not acknowledging their partner's "bad behavior," by insisting to outsiders that everything is fine, etc. They want to maintain their superiority and their higher position in the relationship.
Ask yourselves: if Greg truly were "in control" of his relationship, if he REALLY was the "dominant" one, would he really be this attention-seeking and this hellbent on revealing to everyone what a bad boyfriend and absolute buffoon he is?
No. 947064
>>946961>June seems to be the only one putting any sort of effort into their relationship, ontop of that when June does show him attention she gets blantantly ignored or blown off, like when Greg said "ok.. thank you" to her flirting with him on Valentine's day, just to start flirting with other girlsYep, this is retarded, and exactly why I don't have that much sympathy for him despite my argument.
I'm not sure I'd call flirting with him on Valentine's day true effort. Most couples celebrate Valentine's Day in some regard, particularly those with a big following on social media. It could just be that she wants to maintain the illusion that they're happy together, whereas him blowing her off and flirting with other women is his way of lashing out and trying to prove the opposite, both to himself and their followers.
>You also have to take in account the amount of money and effort June spends to be with him where as he barely lifts a finger for herDo we know for a fact that she's using her own money to spend more time with him? The apartment she's moved into belongs to her parents, so I assume moving closer to him isn't exactly burning a hole in her wallet. I doubt she even pays rent.
Also, let's not forget that she most likely is more financially well off than he is. I know they both come from well-to-do backgrounds, but she makes more money from her channel than he does. We also know, based on the fact that she was living with her parents up until recently, and then moved into an apartment they own, that she's receiving ongoing help from them.
Greg has lived, as far as I know, on his own for quite awhile now. I'm by no means opposed to the idea that he's also receiving financial help from his family as well. It would make sense, considering he buys a lot of pointless junk, but is there evidence for this like there is for June?
No. 947102
>>947044>I think June's narcissism might prevent her from seeing how bad things areHere's the thing about narcissism: it's primarily defined as a lack of empathy for others and an inflated sense of self-importance. People like this EXPECT everyone to take care of them. They operate under the delusion that the world owes them this. They often look down on people who have it together and know how to survive on their own, believing themselves to be superior because they don't have to "suffer" like that.
June's narcissism, assuming it's as bad as what I've just described, would only prevent her from seeing how messed up it is that her subscribers are misogynists, because their subscriptions and viewership are funding her lifestyle. They're taking care of her, just like mommy and daddy. Narcissists are typically too shallow and morally bankrupt to care if the people who are providing them essential resources aren't "good" people. They'd only begin to reject this if it became clear their image as a supposed "good person" were in jeopardy, and might lead to a reveal to ALL their admirers of how selfish and devoid of empathy they truly are.
June's narcissism - again, assuming it's as bad as what I've described - would also prevent her from viewing Greg's life experience in the real world as anything inspiring or worthy of respect. She would likely believe the opposite.
In actuality, Greg IS better off than she is for this, but June, being a narc, would be very unlikely to see it in this way.
No. 947129
>>947049>if Greg truly were "in control" of his relationship, if he REALLY was the "dominant" one, would he really be this attention-seeking and this hellbent on revealing to everyone what a bad boyfriend and absolute buffoon he is?Greg is a misogynistic moron who thinks being tall makes him an Alpha Chad and entitled to sexual attention from women. As the walking personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect, he doesn’t even realize he’s being a buffoon. He cheated on his ex wife, he’s (emotionally at least) cheating on June and he will cheat on whoever he dates next and feel entirely justified in doing so.
June has built her entire life around being an Internet Cool Girl. The perfect girlfriend, who looks like a teenager and always lets her boyfriend do whatever he wants. She’s totally bi so they have threesomes and catcall female joggers together because she’s a cool gf, not jealous and insecure like some feminazi hag! If June were to let on in any way that she’s not okay with Greg’s flirting, his spending habits or his behaviour towards her in general she’d get eviscerated by the same fanbase she has cultivated over the years. She has spent her entire online ‘career’ marketing herself as an IRL loli with a Disney Princess waist who strives to be a 24/7 BDSM submissive housewife, contrasting herself against old spinsters no one wants and fat Karens who nag at their husbands. Yet here she is, nearing 30, still unmarried and gaining weight. She won’t be able to keep up her IRL loli image much longer but what else is she going to do? Pretty much her entire CV consists of pandering to misogynist neckbeards online. If she breaks up with Greg, she can’t be sure that her fanbase will side with her over him. She has painted herself into a corner.
No. 947160
>>947129>Greg is a misogynistic moron who thinks being tall makes him an Alpha Chad and entitled to sexual attention from women. As the walking personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect, he doesn’t even realize he’s being a buffoon. He cheated on his ex wife, he’s (emotionally at least) cheating on June and he will cheat on whoever he dates next and feel entirely justified in doing so.True, but none of this necessarily proves that he's in a more favorable position in his relationship with June. It just proves he's an immature asshole.
Also, from what I remember, both he and June have a history of cheating. Wasn't there some Skype screenshot proving that she was still with her ex when she started flirting with Greg?
>June has built her entire life around being an Internet Cool Girl. The perfect girlfriend, who looks like a teenager and always lets her boyfriend do whatever he wants. She’s totally bi so they have threesomes and catcall female joggers together because she’s a cool gf, not jealous and insecure like some feminazi hag!>She has spent her entire online ‘career’ marketing herself as an IRL loli with a Disney Princess waist who strives to be a 24/7 BDSM submissive housewife, contrasting herself against old spinsters no one wants and fat Karens who nag at their husbands.Agree with you on these points, for sure. That being said, they don't disprove my argument. June has always been desperate for attention and chooses shallow means to obtain it. This works, because she's attractive enough to get attention without much effort. Before she blew up on YT, she was popular on Unichan merely because she looked like Boxxy, another mostly pointless person who got famous simply for being cute and mildly quirky.
Have you noticed how June seems to put more effort into her hair, fashion and makeup than she does into forming any semblance of a coherent argument, or something in anyway resembling clever, creative content? I don't think that's just a coincidence. I think she's fully aware that her looks are the primary reason that she's managed to maintain her popularity, especially with male fans. Being a cute girl with "controversial opinions" may have helped get her views in the first place, but it's her looks that allow them to stay. Being critical of mainstream feminism may have been relatively rare when she posted the "oppression olympics" video that got her famous back in 2014, but it's a pretty common opinion to hold these days.
>If June were to let on in any way that she’s not okay with Greg’s flirting, his spending habits or his behaviour towards her in general she’d get eviscerated by the same fanbase she has cultivated over the years. Really skeptical of this one. June has poked fun at male stereotypes numerous times and received no significant backlash. Remember the whole "wash your pillowcases" thing?
Honestly, I don't agree with the notion that her fanbase is as misogynistic as a lot of people claim. I've combed through her comments on YT and IG numerous times over the years and have seen virtually no proof of this. Her male fanbase seems to be immature, impressionable and shallow, at worst. They're "centrists" and "skeptics" of feminism, like she purports to be. There may be some element of benevolent sexism in the fanbase, but nothing so overt and extreme like you seen from incels, MGTOW or red pillers, which are the only men I can feasibly see being okay with Greg's behavior toward her: those who buy into extremist mansophere ideologies. The kind of people who lurk pol and r9k, for example. Yet, whenever there's a thread about her posted on those boards, most of them lash out against her. They don't like her because her opinions aren't extreme enough. FFS, pol dismissed her outright for dating a black guy in the past. June isn't pandering to these people, and they're not impressed by her.
>Yet here she is, nearing 30, still unmarried and gaining weight. She won’t be able to keep up her IRL loli image much longer but what else is she going to do? Pretty much her entire CV consists of pandering to misogynist neckbeards online. If she breaks up with Greg, she can’t be sure that her fanbase will side with her over him. She has painted herself into a corner.She had a decent-sized fanbase before she started dating Greg. Again, I really doubt that breaking up with him would change that, considering she isn't pandering to extremists who essentially believe that anything negative a woman says about, or does to a man, ANYTHING that isn't 24/7 submission and worship, is cause to reject and ridicule that woman. Hell, if most of her male fanbase is following her because they think she's hot, she'd probably only garner MORE support from them if she broke up with Greg.
No. 947255
>>947129moobs cancels out tall
sorry, I don’t make the rules
No. 947389
File: 1584613008038.png (319.1 KB, 739x662, Capture.PNG)

But your boyfriend said "she's never here"
>>939134 No. 947461
>>947408They are going to be one of those couples that are engaged for 12+ years before they get married, and that’s the positive possible ending.
June is just the seat warmer at this point until the “new” replacement comes into preggers life. I want to say they’ll attempt this “Greg deserves a harem” thing but honestly she’s just gonna get replaced. The timer is just ticking as far as I’m concerned
No. 947564
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No. 947572
File: 1584657851762.png (90.43 KB, 557x393, uwu kalikimaka.png)

june, politics understander:
No. 947652
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No. 947680
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>>947564LMAOOO he's staring into the camera like Criss Angel I can't unsee it.
No. 947737
File: 1584682179782.jpeg (180.98 KB, 1242x459, 0598AE6E-A96C-4F40-AA04-B03D6A…)

“simp for armouredskeptic” it’s probably meant to be ironic but shes so close to becoming self aware
No. 948053
File: 1584755831250.png (740.7 KB, 1075x1329, Screenshot_20200320-205514(1).…)

Old photo from septics Instagram
No. 948289
File: 1584825437153.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1718, Screenshot_20200321-161621(1).…)

June's flashing her engagement ring now KEK
No. 948479
>>948289I don't get it. Going from
>"she's never here so…" and
>"Should I even marry someone from USA" to
>"Oh nooo the borders are closed, I miss you so much!!!!!! Let us be together!!"Um, you are never together.
No. 948483
File: 1584873405625.jpg (13.83 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg)

>>948053i cant deal with his burger king hands and trailer trash aesthetic. she has the worst taste ever. i've seen multiple orbiters of hers that are better pickins.
No. 948526
>>948479He'll play
victim whenever it works for him
No. 949031
File: 1585015947865.jpeg (206.9 KB, 731x949, 89122A43-D254-41F7-9638-BD976E…)

Sage for nobody cares but June’s channel is a breeding ground for incredibly unfunny memes
No. 949082
File: 1585047685293.png (100.54 KB, 730x360, Capture.PNG)

stop the press, she called him "her fiance"
No. 949100
>>949082She’s probably doing this too look even more pitiful when they announce their breakup. She’s setting him up to be an asshole and that he cheated on her and she was powerless against him etc. I think she’s about done with the intel crowd bc they’re about done with her and her leathery face.
Sage for tinfoiling
No. 949173
File: 1585074665424.jpg (29.79 KB, 985x230, compersion.jpg)

>>949100>>949158It's not cheating if she's fine with it. Cuckquean4lyfe!
No. 949189
File: 1585078089275.png (28.96 KB, 833x246, Capture.PNG)

So she actually admitted she is into cuckoldry without using the word.
At the same time, I doubt it. She seems incredibly jealous of other women, no way she'd be happy to see ArmouredFat having sex with another woman.
No. 949274
File: 1585090729448.png (173.94 KB, 596x914, 1584757512940.png)

Nobody posted a screenshot of Fat G saying "rip my relationship" because borders are gonna be closed for few months.
No. 949889
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>Be skeptical of rape victims coming out guys but this one is about a politician I don't like so she might be useful
No. 950664
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No. 950665
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No. 950824
>>950664preg owns
twenty fleshlights?
No. 952043
File: 1585612820181.png (708.58 KB, 1080x887, Screenshot_20200330-185028(1).…)

June posted this a few hours ago. Also, looking back at her Instagram, it get increasingly sadder. Two years ago, she was traveling places and having fun. Now she's just cooped up in her parent's vacation home with an engagement ring lmao.
No. 952046
File: 1585613402162.jpg (396.72 KB, 1080x968, 20200331_020936.jpg)

No. 952048
File: 1585613443087.jpg (512.75 KB, 1080x1518, 20200331_020950.jpg)

>>952046Is she actually attracted to whatever this is
No. 952308
>>952043This is a good picture that proves she has FAS.
I’ve said it before and I’m sure it’s common knowledge by now but she is not aging gracefully. I wonder what her opinion about Anisa is now? Will she get an Only Fans too?
No. 952633
Honestly I feel bad for her, ya she's a shitty person but she doesn't deserve this shit
No. 952750
>>950814Even 10 is generous more like 3, the only women he could get are the uggos with no self esteem but he wants the stacys.
Ladies this is why we don't act like pick mes, all you do is give orge looking men too much confidence
No. 952815
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No. 953026
File: 1585817090818.png (22.68 KB, 822x173, Capture.PNG)

>>952815It's even more sad when you see the comment she left the first time she saw his video No. 953045
>>953040Have you seen the video? His "great animation" are basically power point slides and the whole video is filled up with his superiority complex.
Along with the fact that he was married at the time, I think it was obvious from beginning he's a shit choice for a partner.
No. 953063
>>953026easy as it is to forget preg was married when this happened, it's even easier to forget this was
five years agoyou've wasted your prime june. hope that feels great every time you tweet about your "boyfriend" expecting a lovey-dovey response and get ignored in return lol
No. 953326
>>953304June did waste her prime what do you mean. She wasting the rest of her 20’s on this guy. What does she have to show for it? A guy that barely acknowledges her and barely cares about his future with her.
Your 20’s is your time to enjoy your youth and get all your stupid shit out of your system. Just comparing her to her sister that was raised in the same environment it’s just pathetic.
No. 953455
>>953332>she cant just break up with him?(Saged for tinfoil) I think June hasn’t broken up with him because she’s having cognitive dissonance. She has put all this effort into the relationship, it has gone on for 5 years, she is nearing her 30s, she moved completely away from her family to be closer to Gerg, had an engagement party, her parents have met him, and she has been (sometimes embarrassingly) open about her relationship online for years. She might be convincing herself that he
must be worth it, otherwise she wouldn’t have put all this effort into him. She might be thinking that it’s too late to end things with him and is desperately trying to convince herself that she can tolerate him.
No. 953526
>>953444Agree, especially given some of the crap shes done which has been covered in older threads.
>>953455Ty for response even if it is "tinfoil". I can see your point of thinking though! I personally think she may be doing it for her image (I remember someone even saying in a previous thread that their relationship was a sort of contract to boost both their numbers but I think thats a bit too far out there) I know it was speculated that june wanted contrapoints but they wern't interested? How do we know shes not one of those people who doesnt like to be single and is staying with him until someone else comes along?
It may be like you say, but the stuff about her being open about her relationship always read like it being about her image not just that she wants to be open. If shes thinking its "too late to end things" then she really is dumb, but I dont think its that imo.
No. 953531 (sorry for link, it wouldn't let me embed video for some reason)
oh my god, shoe0nhead really has always been this insufferable. "you know what else is retarded… religion" wow such a hot take June, did you come up with this yourself? also the giant ass forehead explains the emo bangs she's still wearing in 2020 like it's trendy.
No. 953542
File: 1585893921044.png (276.46 KB, 724x406, 5C0A2064-4D3C-4275-9EF0-35CF17…)

>>953460Didn’t know that term before but that’s EXACTLY what I meant. But I also think she is still in the stage where she’s trying to convince herself she loves him and that he’s a great boyfriend.. i mean fiance.
>>953526Np lol. So you think a reason she’s still with Gurg is to maintain her image of being a ~cool girl pushover gf~ for her audience? I think that’s definitely a possibility but when I think of that sad tweet from the last thread (
>>931798 ) she seems unhappy and desperate to me. Like, every time she makes a positive tweet about him, it’s like she’s trying to convince HERSELF, not her audience, that she loves him. Especially in that tweet, it’s like she’s desperately trying to get him to reciprocate and it seems sad to me. You could be completely right though.
No. 955369
File: 1586241741526.png (1.16 MB, 1076x1015, Screenshot_20200407-013904(1).…)

Her wig is not doing shit, you can see all the baby hairs growing in next to her ears. Anybody else thinking her trich is getting worse lately because of all the shit Greg is pulling?
No. 955498
>>955369I wonder if this is what those incels think a “natural” look is.
Tinfoiling but is this the REAL reason why they stopped going out and traveling all the time (I mean before covid)? Because it’s getting harder for her to hide her baldness and their bad relationship?
No. 955569
File: 1586288393863.jpeg (110 KB, 1197x787, BC1527D5-8E10-4512-AE36-28A2C1…)

the false lashes are so fucking ugly why
No. 955577
>>955497Making the most drama out of the lowest of hanging fruit, never change shuwu.
>>955569Really looking like betty lou who here.
No. 956561
>>953332I've gotta agree. It's hard to feel sympathy for someone who has their head so far up their ass. I don't get the comments either because she's the one who's putting herself in this situation because UWU Not like other girl incel points. She reaps what she sows. Because let's be real here, I'm sure she knows she can do better but if she did, her incel fanbase wouldn't praise her as much and her relationship would be normal which is not good enough for her standards.
>>953455But see, that's her own fault. If she put her pride aside and saw just what kind of trap she's putting herself in, she wouldn't have agreed to such a thing.
No. 956565
>>955369I'm curious to see just how bad her natural hair really looks like. Like I get the feeling that it's most likely not as bad she lets on and just prefers wigs because they're easy to use without the hassle of styling your own hair.
>>955569Yikes. Yeah they don't look that good at all. I don't understand why she just doesn't go for standard falsies because these dramatic ones really aren't doing anything for her face.
>>955886It's only going to go downhill from there if she keeps doing this makeup in her mid-late 30s. I actually want to see this lol
No. 956828
File: 1586540118133.jpeg (642.23 KB, 1242x1500, 22C9D516-BCCA-4EFE-99D7-696500…)

OMG June! Look at you, catching up to 2YEARS AGO.
I’m being a extremely petty but it just goes to show that June really doesn’t have her finger on the pulse of anything except for what loser incels like/want. Why do people act like she comes up with the outdated catchphrases and memes she posts.
No. 957114
File: 1586603782385.gif (288.16 KB, 220x220, 8D7252D4-FA20-4486-98E1-6352E5…)

>>957049Do you remember this?? If not I understand bc it’s OLD.
That’s what I was referring to anon. She constantly makes references and quotes jokes that are very outdated. And yes, I’m pretty sure she is referring to this bc this particular gif was very popular in the beauty YouTube scene - which we all know she was trying to be a part of before - about a year or so ago.
No. 957988
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No. 958203
File: 1586809959546.png (402.16 KB, 394x720, sohmeme.png)

Bernie has endorsed Biden, how does June respond?
With may-mays of course!
No. 958240
>>955886I wouldn't call her makeup egirl-esque. It's the type of makeup that was fashionable a decade ago, but with more highlight.
>>956565maybe in 2030 she'll be doing her makeup like it's 2020.
>>957625I might actually gain a tiny bit of respect for her if she made a video about what it's like having trichotillomania.
No. 958245
>>958240She has enough of an audience to raise awareness of trichotillomania, & it would help anyone suffering from it to know they aren't alone.
…But then that would mean acknowledging that she isn't "a perfect 10"
No. 958416
File: 1586834234133.jpeg (466.04 KB, 795x1102, ABD999C0-D674-4C4D-8C44-E83D66…)

Why is he so rude to her damn
No. 958473
File: 1586842575371.png (11.65 KB, 327x141, how do you do fellow netizens.…)

watch out kekerinos we got a memester here
No. 958475
>>958421Yeah well if Shoe wasn't such a spineless asslicker, she would've ended it by now. She's bringing it on herself and your pity is wasted. She's the one who's enabling this behavior, it's her own fault. Just take this
>>958422 into heart, she wants this.
No. 958545
File: 1586866969971.png (779.63 KB, 1475x1386, cmtkav76lns41.png)

Shuwu is getting called out on reddit.
No. 958546
File: 1586866985170.jpeg (300.41 KB, 828x584, F48683E5-E0BD-4DB4-AE6A-AF8F35…)

>>958491His ex-wife dodged a bullet.
No. 958559
File: 1586869490070.png (41.05 KB, 590x373, doubt.png)

(x) doubt
>>958545 I'm glad some people see through this shit at least
No. 960629
File: 1587152734678.jpg (113.68 KB, 1080x845, IMG_20200417_214341.jpg)

No. 960709
>>958475>>958894>>958957Finally some fucking sanity in this thread. There are people out there who do in fact deserve sympathy, but this one who has been shown in previous threads to be a complete and utter cunt to people for years and who's made money from it and has enough she could walk away from this if it really bothered her I dont see why anyone who isnt braindead would tinfoil about how "we must help shuwu shes needs sympathy shes completely helpless uwu"
Dont get me wrong I wouldnt wish gregg on anyone but shes with him, seems to like it and she can use him for pity points to get those cuck bucks from her incel following, what exactly are we supposed to be concerned about?
No. 960811
>>958778He's definitely looking for an out, but until he finds another girl as a stepping stone he's just going to verbally abuse June and avoid her because he knows he can get away with it. He was too scared to leave his ex wife until he had June to cheat on her with, and now he needs the next homewrecker to come through and do the same to his current relationship. He's a huge pussy who's terrified of actually being alone and knows that all the people who lick his ass about being his housewife on Twitter don't actually want anything to do with him, he needs to actually find his next uwu tradwaifu. Unfortunately for his fat dumb ass, he's not going to find another girl equally out of his league like June who also has 0 self-respect and dignity. He's stuck with her.
>>960709Agreed, they deserve each other. If she wants to waste her childbearing years on a fat retard who can't file the visa paperwork because his delicate wrists might snap that's on her.
No. 960964
>>960811You're right that at this point Shoe is the best Pregory is gonna get. I can't actually see another homewrecker who has low self-esteem and decently conventionally attractive looks go for him. I mean I can be jinxing it because sometimes life can throw WTF curveballs but with all this paper trail of Preg's gross behavior towards a person he's dating, I can't see another woman falling for his bullshit.
And yeah, if Shoe wants to spend her peak childbearing years on this lump then so be it, just don't get all depressed when you're like 40 and start regretting not having the began the process of starting a family when you spent those years on a lost cause.
No. 961512
>>961243Lol maybe he was that Anon that came in conspiring about how June is the
abusive one
>>960964He truly brings nothing to the table. He's fat and physically unattractive, his personality is unbearable, he has no financial stability and just leeches off of women he's with, you'd think at the very least he would offer loyalty and faithfulness but he doesn't do that either
The only thing I can possibly think of is him being semi popular in the neck beard community for a little but even that's fading and no community wants him.
No. 961667
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No. 961671
>>961513He thinks of himself as a god's gift to women, all that sucking up from Shuwu went to his head and he unironically believes it.
Their conversations nowadays probably go like this:
>June: Babe uh I feel a bit sad when you thirst tweet at puppythot99>Greg: But you said you like her nudes too!>June: Yes but you also ignore my tweets>Greg: But you said that limiting an alpha god like me to only one woman would be a crime, why are you suddenly changing your story? Why are women so irrational? removes June from his bio>June: I'm so sorry babe, you are right. Here I've sent you $500, you can buy that Han Solo lego set you always wanted No. 961862
>>961667He loves playing
victim doesn't he? For someone so touch starved he sure does backlash at June, his fiance, anytime she shows any sort of affection for him
No. 962226
File: 1587391745777.jpeg (738.61 KB, 1242x2021, E254B8B7-2B5F-4E3C-AF2C-8CBBDA…)

It’s ok bc June is BI so this doesn’t include her.
No. 962243
>>958545>antisocial>updates a youtube channel with thousands of views and interacts with people on multiple social media platforms everydayYeah, someone who hates socializing and who has no social instinct would totally do those things. I know the introvert act's for her simps, but jfc.
>>962226>the whiter a straight woman, the worse she isHm, tinfoil but does anyone else think Preg is setting the stage to have a life crisis affair with an 'ethnic' woman? Now him posting wmbf couple fantasies makes a bit of sense
>>958546. I know a lot of older white dudes who leave their white gfs/spouses to go have a fling with an ~exotic~ minority who they take advantage of. He's really disgusting.
He's wanting to physically cheat on June very badly. Clearly the status is directed at June and the "straight" part is just his getting away with gaslighting because we all know that June is actually a male-attention ""bisexual."" Not the type to have a meaningful exclusive relationship with a woman.
No. 962371
File: 1587410685090.png (473.43 KB, 760x578, Capture.PNG)

Some Twitch thot talking how simps should donate to her and June wastes no time to pander
No. 962391
>>962226this is blatantly him just trying to twist a straight men post into a straight women post to XDD PWN FEMINAZIS XDD see how unfair it is when it is the other way around??
still cringe, still gross, preg still utterly sucks but yeah.
No. 962671
File: 1587430050147.jpg (155.4 KB, 970x1390, sallyomalleyeatmyass.jpg)

>>955569Once again, Horton hears a motherfucking who. God help me
No. 962895
>>962371Is it the worst thing a person can do in her opinion?
>men raping, abusing and killing women, other men and children (sometimes their own)June:
>woman on the internet asks for donationsJune: WOMEN ARE DISGUSTING
No. 963249
>>962366Greg should really start getting a grip on how he treats june, at his age, status, size, and matter the chances of him being able to find a woman as desperate as June willing to let him cheat and funnel money to him while looking as decent as June does are nothing. You'd think he would be grateful since not many fat unemployed mentally ill men can easily find younger and fairly attractive women willing to pay for them nevermind how desperate she is.
It's sad on both sides IMO, on one side June is stupid and desperate and needs to respect herself, on the other, Greg is extremely ungrateful, spoilt, and showing is true colors.
No. 963619
>>963355But that's men's kink, June. They're choosing it and getting off to it. Why do you hate men and their sexuality, prude? Are you a radfem or something?
The irony of a BDSM subthot trying to Andrea Dworkin the shit out of a kink she disagrees with is just too much.
No. 963838
>>962226>All these years of pretending to care about what they have to say and laughing at their terrible jokes has totally ruined straight women.This seems like such an obvious dig at June.
Wonder if she's telling herself this is all part of her 24/7 BDSM/public humiliation kink gone public.
No. 964578
File: 1587722842191.png (660.42 KB, 747x757, sad.PNG)

lol he ingored her tweet again
go get angry at a random twitchthot bathing in simp money, june
No. 965614
File: 1587924397606.jpg (229.84 KB, 720x820, 20200426_110628.jpg)

Who said Preg wasn't self-aware
No. 968504
>>968388I’d see your point if she was capitalizing on June’s pain but it doesn’t appear to be the case.
We are all capitalizing on junes pain tho lol
No. 968925
File: 1588623159042.png (21.33 KB, 171x153, 4614616.png)

>>968367I was almost with her until…
>I was told I was “screeching” which is an term against autistic people originating from 4chan.BRUH.
No. 970128
File: 1588811743876.jpg (843.92 KB, 1080x1585, 20200507_023543.jpg)

He looks like a bearded Karen
No. 970270
>>970128Gay face or "i fuck trannies and want to be fucked in the ass but it's not gay" face.
>>962226I hate these people
No. 971317
File: 1589029396531.jpg (290.75 KB, 1080x1484, Screenshot_20200509_140127.jpg)

what is this absolute cringe
No. 971589
File: 1589067545041.jpg (378.16 KB, 1080x689, 20200510_013858.jpg)

Who's gonna tell him that the early 2000's fedora-atheism era is over.
No. 971896
>>971860I tried. It's him stating the obvious about the negative aspects of cringe culture and changing costumes. A Tumblr user with "cringe culture is dead" in their bio could've explained in 5 minutes or a single text post what he took over an hour to.
Can't believe people really LARP that this guy is an intellectual.
No. 972196
>>972178Not gonna watch but based on the thumbnail :
I’m guessing she either shits on Kim Jong Un’s sister for stealing all her attention from her neckbeards for being muh asian waifu or joins in on the joke like “hehe I think she’s a waifu too uwu”
No. 972439
File: 1589224315496.jpeg (480.37 KB, 828x978, 3C76E9E8-26A7-4D06-9EBE-B406EB…)

I get the feeling the majority of their interactions happen on Twitter
No. 972524
File: 1589233319530.jpg (116.92 KB, 640x940, full time bdsm relationship ba…)

>>972439so much for that
full-time 24/7 BDSM relationship based on dynamic uwu now it's just some vanilla skype thing if preg can be distracted from onlyfans for 5 minutes
No. 972754
>>972439This surprises me because this is the first time in a
while that he has publicly been affectionate/reciprocative toward her.
No. 972854
File: 1589298644316.jpeg (498.96 KB, 573x1401, 96B9E7DB-3237-4168-8D8A-0EBF28…)

She is such a fucking idiot.
No. 972916
File: 1589307533976.jpg (153.71 KB, 1203x2048, EXBZljJWoAAxtqA.jpg)

Shreg posts his tweet ideas
No. 973968
File: 1589480194500.jpg (81.26 KB, 1080x1080, EX4amLXXQAA2Wrx.jpg)

he keeps doing these photoshoots
No. 974049
>>973968Maybe he’s trying to look half way decent enough to snag a replacement shoe.
I’m surprised bald spot and fattie mc gee didn’t do another collab video together since they are both stuck at home. Just but on webcams and talk. I feel he’s just distancing himself more and more
No. 974055
>>974049at best he's going to get a blow up doll tranny to pretend to be his hot trophy wife.
I doubt any decent women will touch him. By decent, I mean women with respect for themselves who don't date corny tranny chasers who treats women like shit.
God seeing his face makes me sick, youtubers are all mentally ill and degenerate.
No. 974899
File: 1589634632619.jpeg (56.27 KB, 828x142, 17728C6B-0556-432C-874D-952EE2…)

How is she not embarrassed to be engaged to this lard bucket
No. 975332
>>974899At this point I don't even feel sympathy for her. She simps for a dude who can barely lift his chubby finger long enough to give her thirst tweets a like and then shits on girls who have a modicum more of self respect to tell themselves they don't think being an "uwu cumslut" for your alpha incel bf is peak cool girl.
Preg is in another world entirely. He so shamelessly fucked up one marriage only to nosedive a second engagement. Any self respecting woman would have left him and the fact he still thinks he's a catch to anyone who doesn't have a severe complex with internalized misogyny is so laughable. If shuwu finally leaves who will actually date this smashmouth looking dude who looks like he crawled out a 2012 "m'lady" meme? Preg should count his lucky stars that debates and internet galaxy brains were popular for a hot second or no one would even know this fool existed besides his disappointed ex wife.
No. 975756
File: 1589826076463.jpg (423.42 KB, 1080x1130, 20200518_202058.jpg)

Damn this bitch really living like this
No. 975779
>>975756I guess she finally figured out that greg wont let her move in with him so she might as well try to decorate? Just imagine if she never bought a bed frame because she thought that greg would marry her any second now for like two years kek
Or she can't afford a bed frame because greg uses all her money on onlyfans
Or she never got around to it because if she takes medication for her ADHD she loses her quirkiness uwu
What a miserable existence
No. 975787
>>975756honestly this is embarrassing… like not even for her really.
I'd be embarrassed being Greg not being able to provide my future wife with a bedframe ffs.
No. 975942
>>975756Really makes you think about why she's posting about having her mattress on the floor.
Not to blog but I have a mattress on the floor but it seems to be the same size and I live in an upstairs with a very sloped ceiling.
It's convenient to just fall into but I would feel ashamed to have sex in it lmao. Also her ceiling is tall and straight.
Weird that she is bragging about it though, especially since she always talks about decorating her place. Upgrading definitely should have included some kind of frame.
It just seems "
uwu quirky" to announce and just attention seeking.
Also posting her bed on social media when she has thirsty orbiters has obvious implications.
No. 976249
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No. 976439
>>974899At this point I actually hope some dumb bitch inserts herself into Preg's life to drive Wig crazy and make her finally say enough is enough
Preg's disgusting attitude is annoying, but Wig pretending to be fine with it is worse.
No. 976541
File: 1589962139947.png (164.11 KB, 582x586, chapo2fash pipeline in action.…)

>shuwu gets noticed by a senpai whose podcast she probably doesn't actually listen to, she just browses the reddit for months-old memes to know how to be "authentically" leftist or something
No. 977037
>>976981Makes sense but really even her old videos are complete shit and have no effort or research put into them. She's always been a
toxic personality.
No. 977065
File: 1590063221873.png (69.19 KB, 1050x344, Screen Shot 2020-05-21 at 21.1…)

>>976541Out of curiosity, I went to this egirl's Twitter. It seems like people were overwhelmingly getting angry at her for following Blaire White (and a few about Elon and Poppy). The only people who I saw mention shoe did so AFTER shoe's tweet.
Even the OP ONLY called out Blaire by name.
Am I missing something here, why is shuwu inserting herself into Blaire's drama for no reason??
No. 977108
File: 1590076495308.jpeg (386.52 KB, 828x985, B882E0E3-FB45-4876-8B53-17DCCE…)

Publicly left on read, ouch
No. 977602
File: 1590141571795.jpg (77.07 KB, 591x596, skoot.jpg)

>June tweets somethingFatSeptic:
>Random Russian-American 23 year old camwhore tweets somethingFatSeptic: long will you cuck, June?
No. 977612
>>977602Oh my god, if you scroll the link it just keeps going and going, he's been reply guying her for a while.
There's no way June has any hair left under that wig anymore.
No. 977730
>>977108My god, doesn't she ever get enough of having to put up with him?
When I started following her threads like three years ago I really disliked her, but at this point I can't really do anything but feel sorry for her. Nobody deserves this bullshit. Especially since June by all means seems to be a very loving girlfriend who is at least as smart as preg and on top of that is way out of his league looks-wise. I can imagine that she'd be annoying, but it looks like she genuinely cares about him and doesn't mistreat him. Yet he tries his best to be the biggest asshole he could possibly be to her online. I'm convinced that he does it on purpose, but I can't fathom why.
I'm sorry I know this has been mentioned before but I don't even dislike her that much anymore because of how much more unlikeable he is.
No. 977762
>>977730i agree with you. i liked shoe years ago, but she's certainly gotten to grind my gears.
>I don't even dislike her that much anymore because of how much more unlikeable he isexactly. he is so fucking insufferable and has been since the beginning. if she wasn't a cringey unsufferably internet personality, she'd just be some poor doormat of a gf; instead, she comes across as a pathetic simp for a loser like preg, and i really, really want her to get out of that. no one deserves it, but she does it to herself.
No. 977776
File: 1590176663048.jpeg (108.43 KB, 813x554, 0FE94B38-9A94-4F0E-BA42-4EE795…)

>>977762She set herself up for it early on. All of the “my alpha god daddy deserves more than 1 woman” shit
No. 977811
>>977776This. She encouraged this behaviour and also used it against other women (the shit she said about rape
victims years ago is vile, and of course like a coward shes deleted it) I'm not one to ration sympathy but I really cannot muster any for her, shes getting what she deserves.
No. 977818
>>977811Thats where I am. Self hating woman who hangs with self hating men (trannies) and dates a woman hating/self hating man.
Not my problem he's treating her like shit, she should expect no less.
Fuck her
No. 977827
>>977730I can’t feel sorry for June, she was /is an obnoxious pickme who hates other women and herself.
She does this to herself.
Part of me was hoping that once she started grifting and appealing to the ~breadtube~ crowd she’d drop Preg because he doesn’t really fit the current ‘brand’ she’s going for and because of the shit she gets from lefties for associating with him.
I don’t know if she assumes that she can’t do better and it’s a byproduct low self esteem or she just genuinely enjoys being cucked. she has encouraged his gross behavior, publicly for a long time and is clearly complacent with the relationship.
No. 977947
>>977730I sort of agree. I really disliked her in the past for the shit she’s done and trying so hard to be the cool gf but in the end, she just hurt herself.
I weirdly feel sorry for her even though it’s all her own doing?
>>977776What cracks me up with these pickmes, is that they don’t even have high value boyfriends or whatever you call it! Like why would you spend so much time, effort and trample on your own feelings for men who are ugly, poor and disrespectful??
Her wedding is not even going happen and if it does, I bet it’s gonna be some $10k cheap ass shit. I can’t even begin to imagine Greg spending money on a proper wedding.
Shoe is never gonna break it off because it’d be basically admitting that all the pickme shit she’s been doing is useless and can’t even guarantee her a man.
No. 977984
>>977909I wish goblina wouldn’t parrot the whole women after 30 meme
like bitch stfu as if anyone besides your desperate fan base would want your hammerhead shark offspring . She’s no better than June, I wish she was talked about more on here, she’s really trynna pander to people who hate her sex and race.
No. 978005
>>977909this bitch keeps stealing my posts to present herself as a "better cool girl" and get simp money
fuck off shark
No. 978043
>>977909Venti has the ability to
trigger the fuck out of June. This should do the trick for sure lol
No. 978050
File: 1590241137199.jpeg (176.47 KB, 523x816, A613A852-CB12-4008-B968-309B99…)

Preg is her karma for spouting her nasty DDLG shit online for years
No. 978062
>>977776This image gets me every time kek.
>>978035Ntayrt but inconspicuous as f "anon". Majority of anons simply can't look away from a trainwreck in progress, or like to observe strange creatures in their natural habitat. Rather be a bystander than the specimen any day kek.
No. 978082
>>978072Truer words have not been spoken.
>>978077>if you had half the appeal that hammerhead shark does you wouldn't be posting here you'd be making the same videos she does>she's just smart enough to monetize it whereas you sit and say it on an anonymous forum because…? lolI think they did all the implying themselves. Kek at anon bashing an anonymous forum whilst posting on an anon forum. Amazing.
No. 978311
>>978132>i find you illiterate and prone to construing things the way you want them to be.Which would be more concisely articulated as having a propensity to misconstrue, anon.
>genuinely retarded>>978035It's been fun, but no further comment.
No. 978361
>>977984>>978035>I wish goblina wouldn’t parrot the whole women after 30 meme This was really my only issue with the video. I don't have an issue with Venti currently, and have enjoyed the content of hers I've watched, but it's outright weird to presume every woman should want/have children and be a housewife? It honestly made me remember how she's been posted in the tradthot thread.
I can't remember if Shoe has said she seriously wants kids, so it's always
possible that Venti is referring to something I don't recall, but no evidence of that was provided. And since she's shown so many posts etc of Shoe's, I'd figure she would show any post where Shoe said she wants kids to support her point of the whole motherhood necessity.
Again, if such a post exists, can someone show me? Because I'm pretty sure it doesn't. She's probably joked about what Shreg's and her kids might look/be like or some shit like that, but that's a common offhand remark/joke, even from women who don't want kids (speaking as one such woman).
Again, I
like Venti, but I see why she's considered a cow. Sperging about June not having babies weakens her argument though. It should be wholly sufficient that Preg is being an incredibly shitty FIANCEE for so many reasons, without needing to grasp at straws and tinfoils. There is plenty of actual solid ammo.
Also I haven't said this before, but I'm also among the anons that hate June but really hate Preg more now and wish she'd gtfo that "relationship" but she's practically stockholm syndromed at this point. It's pathetic.
But she made her own bed.
Without a bedframe.
>>978050Karma for a hell of a lot more than that.
No. 978438
File: 1590326132731.jpeg (109.15 KB, 348x337, 52ABAE21-7A07-4D60-BD27-D8660B…)

>>978050Wow here eyes are like a half of an inch apart,
>>978132>>978077>>978095>>978035>you’re just jealous and she’s probably prettier than you>just cause you disagree with her doesn’t make her a cow!you’re not fooling anyone
also I’m no prize but at least my eyes aren’t a mile apart,
No. 978534
>>978530Literally only you and whoever else is
triggered by shark are complaining. Quit making dumb posts if you don't want replies
>high quality Shuwu threadNo thanks to you tho
No. 978737
>>978123That's exactly what they're saying, kek. We should all aspire to regurgitating anon posts on camera to beg for incel coins. Basically being a tap-dancing monkey (the only difference being that the monkey has a talent).
This line of logic is only possible for someone living that lifestyle already, either as the penny-flinging incel or the tap-dancing monkey. Either way, it's pathetic.
No. 978826
File: 1590406284912.jpg (262.04 KB, 1208x929, NAZI SHOE.jpg)

Not sure if satire or not but either way its funny
No. 978907
>>978742>>978737this makes me sad, I like venti. her streams are pretty funny and she doesn't take herself that seriously as far as I can see. self deprecating enough to not come off as a pickme. might be biased though cause I prefer her a shittonne over other cows.
plus her sh0e exposés were funny as fuck. what a shame
regardless, sh0e is still somehow getting sadder and sadder, still skinwalking boxxy and still uwuing her way into nothingness.
also do anyone but yanks care about whatever the fuck she has to say about politics? correct me if I'm wrong american anons but does she even ever have a fucking point when she's spouting whatever the fuck hot button shit her big strong canadian fiance is parroting? or is it all piss in the wind?
No. 978974
File: 1590436585936.jpg (61.39 KB, 485x465, venti.jpg)

>>978035Some of us have skills and dayjobs, so we find dancing for beta coins to be an underuse of our time. That's not to mention the indignity we don't have to suffer.
>>977984>I wish goblina wouldn’t parrot the whole women after 30 memeShe'll move the goalpost again anyway once she hits 30 herself, then she'll try to push the narrative that her robot simps should still give her older ass their coin. Happened with ALL the pandering thots who made careers putting down other women for whatever.
I'd like to draw comparisons on other hoes who've flip flopped in the past couple years, but I don't want Venti to get any more of an unwarranted ego considering she'll never have the popularity of Sh0e or Lauren Southern–which she is extremely bitter about.
No. 979008
>>978907>plus her sh0e exposés were funny as fuckThe content of those vids was 100% ripped from these threads except she added in her bitter/jealous tone on top of it. If that was "funny as fuck" to you, idk what to say..
Tho I will give her credit where it is due since June disappeared for what two weeks after that? It also further exposed Preg as a spineless coward who doesn't give a fuck about his fiance since he was totally silent on the matter.
>>978035Also like the other anon said. Many come here for passing entertainment, myself mostly when bored at work. It isn't that deep. It takes a certain kind of person (hint being attractive isn't it) to make a career out of sitting in front of a camera all day broadcasting yourself to the internet. It's not something everyone aspires to be.
No. 979164
File: 1590474567507.png (247.03 KB, 746x474, Capture.PNG)

No. 979167
>>978035>>978907Aye Goblina, just stick to lurking.
>>978922>At least i'm not (as nasty as) Brittany VentiFixed it for you anon.
Shoe and Goblina are two sides of the same coin. The only thing Shoe can really say with pride against the hobgoblin, is that her parents' house isn't infested with roaches.
No. 979172
>>979167I'm not venti.
>>979008 fair deal. I do find them funny but you're right, it is basically this thread in video form.
maybe it's cause I'm an oldfag but I've seen worse so maybe my standards for ok are too low.
shame she doesn't have a thread tbh I feel like there's more to discuss here
regardless, sh0e had two videos by venti dropped and is still the same boxxy skinwalking pickme as ever so it's moot in the end, I guess. the Pornsick Preg/Left On Read saga is pretty much what most anons predicted for her future. will be interesting to see what happens when the borders open (have they yet?) and he has no excuse to avoid her. yank politics are too confusing but whatever she says always comes off as top tier pandering, is it going to keep up once they break up? what if her new neckbeard interest isn't into ddlg, is she going to drop that schtick too?
No. 979211
>>979172>when the borders open (have they yet?)They haven't and people are saying they might not till near the end of the year or something.
To be fair, their relationship has always primarily consisted as an online image, anyway.
No. 979230
>>979172Venti and her army of robots would shit up her thread real quick.
I've always been curious as to what they'd both do once they break up/they can no longer milk idiots for their surface level takes.
As much as shoe hates to admit it, she's growing too old to be "just one of the bois"/ironic funneh 4chan waifu while shacking it up at her parents. Will she sugar for another piece of shit, start an onlyfans once preggo leaves, or double down on being a loli princess for her beta orbiters?
No. 979247
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No. 979248
File: 1590498756939.jpeg (385.83 KB, 806x914, 795E030C-263B-4DB3-8E49-5ED428…)

>>979247He must have her muted on Twitter, this is so obvious
No. 979325
>>979247>>979248jesus tittyfucking christ
i have this feeling she must be seeing someone else in private. it seems so unlikely a woman of her "status" would just completely let this fly without there being more to the story.
No. 979580
>>979325>i have this feeling she must be seeing someone else in privatei mean, she's done it before. she was with her ex when she started talking to skeptic.
how likely is it that she's secretly dating vaush? i keep seeing accusations of this but no evidence
No. 979728
>>979330your comment has me crying, anon
there will never be anyone half as tryhard as preg. i'm in genuine awe at this nearly-40
child No. 979789
>>979685You know this seems kinda plausible. Like June is more than likely done with him and probably wants to break up IRL and she's probably pestered by him how ronery he is without her. Simply trying to keep up the act. For what reason, possibly she believes pretending will hurt him more when she finally breaks up with him.
All in all, this is still pathetic because it's obvious they're both mirroring each other's act.
No. 980339
File: 1590684934392.png (30.97 KB, 582x287, shoe.PNG)

june got fucking quote tweeted by andy ngo
No. 980838
File: 1590772131352.jpg (48.76 KB, 667x334, andy.jpg)

>>980339LOL she deleted it!
Fucking kek she's such a coward.
No. 980863
>>980838lol that's kind of embarrassing, maybe she didn't want his conservative audience coming at her.. anyone wants to read the comments
No. 980888
>>980838Wow shoe, tweets something not dumb for once and deletes the second alt righters start criticising it.
Oh yeah, she is totally liberal/leftist and not living off 4chan wannabe nazi betabucks.
No. 981007
>>979583sure she could, but we know from her history that she never does.
i'm personally fully onboard with the theory that she's at the very least emotionally cheating on skeptic, whether with vaush or someone else, and only occasionally throws skeptic a bone because her new relationship isn't solidified yet. this behavior is really common in serial cheaters. they usually can't stand to be alone, so they keep the original partner around up until they perceive the new partner to be fully committed to them.
No. 981821
File: 1590973333963.jpg (81.92 KB, 590x404, sure jan.jpg)

its ok guys-it was taken out of context…but also it wasn't serious and was totes a joke.
With all that money she gets from simps she could afford to get a fucking backbone.
No. 981893
File: 1590990559315.png (31.11 KB, 434x330, (slide whistle, sad trombone).…)

>>980339>>980838>>980863there's some gold in the replies
also if it's ever a "say something nice about june" day:
>At least shoe doesn't make kill lists for the atomwaffen division No. 981950
File: 1591017737228.jpeg (82.01 KB, 600x1059, E5A99554-8593-442B-9B70-535D0A…)

>>981945Congrats on noticing the gendered language, you’re
almost getting it.
(Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting)) No. 981954
newer racial epithets should count as race-baiting
>>980386telling on yourself? some people use grown up words without having to look them up beforehand
(ban evading) No. 982046
>>981950>>981954What's a Tumblr autist doing in here and how do they keep finding us damn it?
>>981893Those comments are gold. Shoeinmouth definitely wins an award for most creative.
No. 982261
>>977811What did June say about rape
No. 986133
File: 1591908381013.png (108.27 KB, 724x811, ok jooner.png)

uwuposting time
>i infodump to greg all the time and he hates it because hes canadian and doesnt really care about american politicssure,
that's why he hates talking to you, june. right.
No. 986210
>>986173Yeah June can do all the chores while Preg sits on his fat ass googling cam girls to subscribe to their onlyfans.
Its embarrassing one of the only times he responds to her isn't "you can do this im proud of you" but latching onto another comment optimistically wishing her the best to say he hopes it works kek. I'd feel sorry for June if she didn't make this bed for herself.
No. 986343
>>986210No, he's wanting her to be his servant housewife (minus the wife part of course kek), since 3/4 of those pics involve cleaning, half (the duplicate) bent on the floor, so…
He's not actually giving a shit about her, just his fetishes he'd apply to literally any e-girl (or tranny).
No. 986541
>>986173ADHD meds don't have an effect on your personality. June saying shit like this makes her look like an idiot.
It's a shame ADHD meds won't fix June's inability to do more with her life than make YouTube videos that parrot the same 5-year-old social media talking points while pretending she's in a relationship with a man who cares about her.
No. 986569
>>986133>I'm pretty standardLol no you're not. A normal person doesn't focus on politics this much. A normal person doesn't have a YouTube channel dedicated to venting about politics. I know plenty of us anons has issues with politics, but we keep that shit to ourselves or briefly talk with close friends for a few minutes. June does this hourly on the internet. Girl needs to get a job because it's clearly unhealthy and hopefully she can start to see it's not just the politics Greg is annoyed about lol. Every issue she has at the moment, she's tying it to politics.
Tbh if she wants to continue going down this road, she should date Vaush. She's already got him on her mind pretending Sargon is blaming him for her actions.
Someone has a crush…
No. 986616
>>986541any medication can change, maybe not an entire personality, but can cause mood swings, exaggerated or under exaggerated feelings, etc.
adhd meds can cause a shift in attitude and productivity, especially in somebody like june,who is prone to inflating her moods.
im sure she'll make it evident her meds are ~changing her~ even if they dont make a big difference in reality, just to make a point that shes taking them, she'll try to act different for a while until she gets fed up with the facade
No. 986922
>>986893They're not even her points.
Repeating dumb shit more successful YouTubers say with a /b/ slant has been her entire internet history to date.
No. 987296
File: 1592154403225.jpeg (233 KB, 828x537, 59786FC2-1711-43C7-8D75-827E95…)

>>957988Gone from the bio again… who plays these games with their fiancé like this
No. 987303
File: 1592156155201.png (211.53 KB, 414x586, blockt.PNG)

Skeptic has been getting into some drama with other Skeptic youtubers on twitter, making tweets about cops and blocking anyone from the Skeptic community who replies. He blocked Omegon who is now going to do one of his knockoff content cop videos on Greg and Shuwu.
No. 987304
File: 1592156196729.png (42.19 KB, 405x375, disowninglmao.PNG)

>>987303How he explains the situation, arrogant and retarded as always.
No. 987305
File: 1592156422829.png (311.81 KB, 1268x672, grug.PNG)

pt. 3 and less milky, but this is the depiction of Greg that was released preceding the video. I normally wouldn't care about some Skeptic avatar channel, but am looking forward to seeing the June character and it'll be fun to see them get a good dragging from that community.
No. 987323
File: 1592160503035.png (1.35 MB, 2676x1057, cringe.png)

>>987304>I disown the skepticsAnother reminder that he made this unironically
No. 987535
File: 1592197369479.png (165 KB, 590x419, hello i'm a moron.png)

June, it's not like either Rage Against The Machine or System Of A Down were ever being subtle.
>The percentage of Americans in the prison system has doubled since 1985
>Woah edgy lol
>Godzilla, pure motherfucking filler
>Get your eyes off the real killer
>I love Gorillaz! uwu
No. 987554
>>987535Agree but weird Zach sample considering that song has this even more direct line kek
>Fourth Reich culture, Americana chained to the dream they got you searchin' forThat being said who genuinely cares Shoe couldn't conceptualise serious topics within music in highschool? Most teens can't, just try having a conversation with the average ~metal head~
No. 987592
File: 1592211586481.png (234.14 KB, 750x1334, B1FDC8C3-2C18-4623-BFE8-74AEBA…)

“Ugh the womminz r such cheaterz lol owned”
Ok June you have no room to speak on cheating, you are being cucked by a fat pornsick neckbeard who prefers troon egirls over you
No. 987670
File: 1592232030642.jpeg (396.83 KB, 542x1390, 1499CE2E-063F-420D-B0E2-565CDE…)

So embarrassing
No. 987743
>>987670He has a desperate chick that is literally doing this all over Twitter.
The problem is he wants it from someone that ISN'T June lmao.
No. 987874
File: 1592260463344.jpeg (Spoiler Image,70.82 KB, 866x488, 10F2FF60-4683-46E9-B0FD-E8FAD0…)

>>987635T-minus one week until June joins Vaush’s polycule. I never thought Armoured Skeptic could look like an upgrade!
[spoiler is not safe for life]
No. 987918
File: 1592266716302.jpeg (54.69 KB, 828x323, 22430284-5E9E-4F1E-91A4-9EFC1E…)

Greg is back on Shoe’s bio but she isn’t back on his
No. 987964
>>987918This bio thing happens a lot, nothing ever happens afterward, and neither of them acknowledge it.
Do they just do this to see how long it takes people on here to notice?
No. 988043
File: 1592299178250.jpg (134.02 KB, 891x797, Jy9hQ4S.jpg)

>>988039>acting like she was a leftie all along hahahahahaha
No. 988044
File: 1592299378884.jpg (34.2 KB, 600x324, DNlx-UDX0AI418p.jpg)

No. 988045
File: 1592299651835.png (159.97 KB, 1280x592, tumblr_1a927adfa075ae02429af94…)

No. 988054
>>988043>mup da doo didda This is from the racist "bix nood" meme. She's always been ridiculously pissy about black people, for whatever reason (even though her ex was black IIRC).
Can't wait for her to continue insisting she's "always been on the left!!!", though.
No. 988119
File: 1592318357827.jpg (112.83 KB, 399x443, 6e0.jpg)

>>988043>mup da doo diddaWow June, I can see you were totally leftist all along. People like Southern and Sargon were just internet aquaintances and you never pandered to the right or posted yourself on /pol/.
No. 988131
>>988119white supremacists: ha ha black people are stupid and we’re smart
also white supremacists: misspell “cell phone” and “unintelligible”
No. 988168
>>988043Why would anyone do this, just go on the internet and tell lies?
But honestly I love how cows like to act like every stupid bullshit they post online isn't recorded and here forever. Why try to lie when the receipts are right there?
No. 988256
File: 1592342888642.png (219.06 KB, 749x396, Capture.PNG)

>>987296Someone is craving farms attention
No. 988257
File: 1592343150390.png (731.59 KB, 757x594, Capture.PNG)

No. 988278
>>988276Oh so could it be that their twitter bios are things that they said to eachother during a fight
>>987918>page of the dumbest bitch>>988256extremely unsuccessful old man
lmao hilarious if true
No. 988349
>>988039Not to cowtip or anything but she blocked me after I said that antifa isn’t what she thinks it is. It’s everyone who isn’t a fascist, it’s literally what the term means. You’re either a fascist or antifa, there is no middle ground. But antifa bullied her nazi friends so they’re all big bad meanies :(
She tries to rebrand herself as a leftist but blocks actual leftists who try and educate her. She’s still profiting off her old videos where she makes fun of BLM and non-binary people yet tries to act like an ally. There’s a reason the right likes you and the left doesn’t, June.
>>987918“Mcfeminism critic” you’re 30 grow up
(nobody cares :() No. 988353
File: 1592403489120.jpg (436.84 KB, 1080x1264, 20200617_161710.jpg)

No. 988366
>>988353"Choose your dom"
g a g
No. 988393
File: 1592411294926.jpeg (99.04 KB, 828x473, 7E21970A-5437-4036-8646-0CA382…)

No. 988528
File: 1592427604600.jpeg (437.2 KB, 828x1143, 6A2AEC66-DAE7-45CB-9B79-755500…)

He is shameless damn.
No. 988909
File: 1592492816600.jpeg (197.31 KB, 750x675, 6F0D8E4D-A906-4617-BFAE-F4017B…)

Lol she’s trying to help her fellow reactionary friends rebrand as lefties
No. 989936
File: 1592635087397.png (48.15 KB, 586x533, salty preg.png) both tweets archived:
>I really want to rant about this, but I know June would kill me. since when does preg give a shit about june's feelings
>I fucking hate internet drama.that's why you're blasting it on twitter right preg?
No. 989978
>>989969I'm still hoping she goes for Vaush but considering his main squeeze is this
>>987874 woman in the back, she's probably upset he's not gonna fawn over her like Preg
No. 990216
File: 1592688730364.jpg (817.9 KB, 1066x1896, 20200620_233044.jpg)

Is it just me or does this look shooped?
No. 990261
File: 1592695256354.jpg (5.69 KB, 135x216, Johnny-scratch.jpg)

>>990216he looks like a cardboard cutout or something, why is his body so smooth?
No. 990369
>>990261looks like he lotioned his arms up
either that or he lost hair from living with shUwU
No. 990432
>>990216For once I look at something and I hope it’s shoop, because if he actually looks like this…woof. It looks like he tried to shoop away his rolls and taper his stomach but now he’s so drastically plus sized mom shaped. Is he going the femboy route?
How does June stay in a relationship with a man that treats her worse than any random Twitter thot he follows AND insist that he’s some sexy uwu dom daddy when he looks like a middle aged man who’s been on estrogen for a year?
(Also, his weird backwards knees are freaking me out.)
No. 990474
>>990186All I can see is his side flap under his tit that will form whenever he puts his arms down and his bowed in at the knee fat boy legs. And then Juno really thinks that is so sexy looking on her partner that she lets it pass as “bdsm” when her partner seeks others to flirt with using his platform, feigning like she’s unattractive publicly?
So him being on the spectrum would explain a lot I feel. Its always amusing coming back and checking up here.
No. 990572
File: 1592742832388.jpeg (60.96 KB, 638x479, D23F482B-CA5B-4FBA-B55D-71CDA0…)

>>990186I think he legit has Klinefelter’s Syndrome.
No. 991377
File: 1592824390074.png (Spoiler Image,347.41 KB, 675x493, nude like.PNG)

>>988528I wonder how it makes June feel, seeing Preg shamelessly like/reply to Twitter thots all the time. She may have unfollowed him, but she can still catch him being an exemplary fiance here.
No. 991383
File: 1592824886725.png (63.94 KB, 677x808, Onlyfans.PNG)

>>990189Oh god, its coming. Of course he thinks he's hot enough to have an OnlyFans. Who would pay to see him flop his tiny wang out of overpriced underwear?
No. 991385
File: 1592826010032.jpeg (346.38 KB, 828x793, 3CD7A45D-EC1D-49BE-A158-FBA1FE…)

What an alpha god
No. 991850
File: 1592864603815.jpg (25.19 KB, 480x480, 24_2.1.jpg)

>>990215oh toooootally genuine reaction. Nigga got tits otr!
No. 992293
File: 1592911134467.jpeg (235.28 KB, 828x547, 8AA63253-F8B8-43B6-8A4E-8525F5…)

>>992008He’ll spend all day talking to thots but say nothing about her birthday? She’s a fucking idiot if she didn’t dump his ass yesterday
No. 992316
File: 1592913505916.jpeg (454.17 KB, 783x1296, 771C4047-49AA-47B3-A246-BCBCEF…)

No. 992336
File: 1592914659420.jpg (97.34 KB, 1199x625, cap.jpg)

greg why did you have to make this autistic second tweet
No. 992357
File: 1592916282238.jpeg (82.25 KB, 567x550, 933F97F8-DB78-4C39-AF73-CF6694…)

shoe you’re so dumb for letting it last this long but i’m still opening the bubbly for a toast to the end of your nightmare
No. 992358
File: 1592916400561.gif (1000.87 KB, 640x480, 1506278571383.gif)

>>992317>>992316Well, it finally happened. Just in time for preg to launch his career as an onlythot.
No. 992372
>>992367This is the perfect opportunity for her to focus on herself so she can be ready for a good man/future.
The ball's completely on her court now and as much as I like the milk I hope she can improve without Gregs influence.
No. 992396
File: 1592918352712.jpg (315.79 KB, 1080x1055, Screenshot_20200623-151732_Chr…)

She moved closer to to Canadian border for what then?
No. 992410
File: 1592919655286.jpg (664.74 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200623-154019_Gal…)

lmao what bullshittery is this
No. 992417
>>992410He acts like they couldn't have overcome the "invisible line" years ago if he had just actually wanted to marry her and cared about her enough to get a real job to sponsor her to immigrate. I think the whole reason she could never immigrate is cause he doesn't make enough being the voice and creator of a skeptic cartoon character to sponsor her as a fiancee or spouse. Cause like
>>992412 said, there are very few other reasons it would have been so hard.
No. 992423
File: 1592920696669.gif (4.51 MB, 370x208, finally.gif)

damn i'm so glad they split. hopefully june stops acting retarded online and pregory keeps it up.
No. 992429
>>992425I'm not sure there is an Armoured Skeptic without a Shuwu.
In a few months he can probably be added to the camgirls thread because 2020 is fucking weird.
No. 992430
>>992316holy shit anons it really happened
>we got really good at hiding the difficult side of thingssure jan
No. 992433
>>992425No way, I think milk is gonna flow.
-June sadposting
-Preg gets scammed by a camwhore
-Preg sadposting, starts flirting with June again because no one will date him
-June either goes full cuck and gets back with him or gets a new bf that makes Preg salty
-Possible Vaush harem
Trust me, this is far from over.
No. 992435
>>992410They are so annoying lmao. They act like one of them lives in North Korea or some shit. He never really wanted to live with her/get married and it's so obvious.
>>992316Preg is fake as fuck. As much as I hate June, he publicly humiliated her and treated her like complete shit. Highly doubt that "things just weren't working out". This relationship was doomed from the beginning anyways, she has absolutely no dignity and I can't believe she wasted
five years with him but thank god it's over.
No. 992443
>>992316>>992317June's probably crying, but good for her that it's over. Their whole relationship was embarrassing to watch.
Greg is a fake, delusional whore, lmao.
No. 992447
>>992357Lmaooo same
>>992410Soooo painful and uwu tragic but not enough to stop me thirsting for other women throughout and liking naked pics and ignoring June constantly the entire time and treating her like shit. Sounds like she put her foot down and he's playing the
victim over it
>>992344Better than 10, 15 or 20.
No. 992475
File: 1592923743334.jpeg (201.32 KB, 804x467, F98D52C3-F1C2-436D-AC4F-236FF0…)

>>992435They were in the same time zone lmao. She needs to be fucking glad she dodged this bullet before she married him or had kids. You date a man for over 5 years and all he can do to show the relationship respect when it ends is bitch on Twitter and flirt with thots? She got out at the right time
No. 992480
File: 1592924014370.png (499.96 KB, 1162x776, Screenshot 2020-06-23 at 8.22.…)

he's already blocking people who ask him why he didn't move lol
(i assume at least that's what this guy wants to say)
No. 992504
File: 1592924925782.jpg (21.53 KB, 480x480, 1483122535428.jpg)

>>992425preg might end up in the troon thread? without shoe he's no one.
tbh i think that's why he's dragged his feet in dumping her. i'm pretty sure he resented her for being the successful breadwinner.
oh and what about thicc secret? maybe she might've played a role too?
I'm glad they finally split though. preg deserves to fade into obscurity. narcs like him cannot handle a life without being the center of attention.
june is a cow with or without preg. maybe since hontra came out as a "lesbian" she try to suck his dick? and then theres vaush maybe she'll try to scoot in with all the "dirtbag" leftist podcasts?
No. 992533
>>9924232020 is the year that just keeps on giving.
Glad June finally saw the light
No. 992550
File: 1592927519249.png (2.51 MB, 1772x1462, 899nb.png)

>>992517I don't really want to give one of those channels a view, what does he say?
No. 992571
File: 1592929929627.jpg (182.35 KB, 1080x1308, 20200623_182908.jpg)

She removed her "alone for birthday" tweet.
After all this shit, there was no point in moving into that apartment in the middle of nowhere, just to be closer to Preg. Hope ot's actually her parents vacation house and that she didn't buy it/ lease it.
No. 992577
File: 1592930244012.gif (1.52 MB, 253x200, 200.gif)

>>992336Aw, bless. He thinks the passive-aggressive feeling sorry for himself sympathy-seeking messages tactic will work on anyone else but June. Fuck you, enjoy bankruptcy without her once you join your next cult. I hope he joins OnlyFans and gets his delusions shattered by a tide of merciless gays laughing at his pathetic baby carrot and pillsbury body. How old is he? What a pathetic failure of a man.
No. 992601
File: 1592931416637.jpg (245.9 KB, 1200x824, 1558287839837.jpg)

Holy shit I was scared to bring this up but, on a Vaush stream from like last week, he said Shoe did something "really based" that only he knew about behind the scenes and chat thought he was teasing. I fucking bet it was about the break up.
No. 992635
>>992623Personally I don’t think he’s a downgrade
>he’s rich - for now. He’s pulling similar numbers to Greg at his peak - so it makes sense. Plus he is from a rich family that seems not to mind supporting him >he will house her (he has already added one person he was fucking to his household alongside his girlfriend, so unlike Greg she will actually have a place to live)>he isn’t greedy, recently bought his girlfriend a $5000 designer cat - a hairless Sphinx - and frequently brags about spending money on useless shit >he will boost her career >the array of women he currently sleeps with are disgusting goblins, and he’s been lusting after shoe for a long time, so he will treat her like a goddess instead of lusting after thots on twitter (at least until he gets bored of her)For the time being it seems like an improvement. You can’t honestly think a normal white collar guy would date Shoe, right? Most of them would rather be single or date the many single women in their fields who are also normal and self-sufficient.
No. 992645
>>992641One of the persons he creeped on was constantly lying about her age (she joined the chat saying she was 16, then switched over to claiming she was 20) and was severely mentally ill fakeboi who cut herself… the other one was an autistic who kept telling him she hated sex… the other one was Destiny’s ex girlfriend who he briefly hit on… the other one was a deranged troon named Christina Saxxon who still writes twitter threads about how horny and sad she is that Vaush ghosted her… another one was Vladescu, an 18 year old boy who claims Vaush sent him a fake dickpic (and has posted logs of Vaush sending him cringey sexts too)… I’m probably missing/forgetting so many people!
And just look at the people he is dating: one is an obese goblin who frequently has BPD induced breakdowns and has admitted to being in a codependent relationship with Vaush, the other is another fakeboi.
Yeah he is a total slimebag based on the women he picks up… even worse than Armoured Skeptic who at least goes after good looking thots and egirls. He goes after mentally damaged ugly people.
I know you’re probably a Vaush discord regular so you don’t understand this: but normal people do not sext with deranged freaks online. He is a creep.
No. 992656
>>992645>Armoured Skeptic who at least goes after good looking thots and being creepy to women who are "more good looking" is less bad. Got it.
Doesn't that reinforce with how delusional Preg is? Everyone agrees Shoe was way out of his league, even when she isn't caked in make up or overly filtering her photos.
Out of everything to come from this, watching Preg with his messed up ego trying to pick up women online is going to be hilarious. Then again, he was already doing that with Shoe, it'll be more desperate now because I think most of the women who did respond to him did because they found Shoe attractive.
No. 992665
>>992656Being creepy to women who have patreons where thousands of men sign up (the whole point of their career is having men pay them money) is definitely less abnormal than being creepy to troons, fakebois and teenagers who post self harm pictures on discord.
Greg was totally delusional and had very high standards for himself but so do most men. There is something perverse and creepy about a man who seeks out people who seriously struggling mentally and sexually.
On the other hand, Vaush is open about being poly and having a harem so at least Shoe knows what she’s getting into if she decides to join. With Greg, it was very dishonest and one sided.
No. 992667
>>992649this is what has ME excited kek
preg was boring as shit, the most daring thing he ever did was sleaze on camwhores. vaush milk is going to sustain this thread for years
>>992656>Everyone agrees Shoe was way out of his league, even when she isn't caked in make up or overly filtering her photos.i really feel like preg is the worst choice june made. worse than saying stupid shit online (because everyone just ends up forgetting it as long as the chick is "cute") and worse than her pick-me whoring. preg literally ended up changing her whole personality. i'm most interested in how june is going to uphold her "ddlg uwu smol dependent" bullshit after the shit she let this fat sack of lard do to her lol
No. 992672
File: 1592934523517.jpeg (296.74 KB, 1536x2048, 41A0130F-E4CF-4D19-96B4-8333E3…)

>>992653This is another beauty who Vaush dated briefly. It is a troon (with intact genitals) this is a honestly flattering pic though.
But I think Shoe is willing to share - she’s been doing it for years with Greg!
No. 992678
>>992412it wouldn't be easy because she has no credentials that would be worth shit to Canada emigration
you think putting "youtuber" on an application would look good?
No. 992683
File: 1592934941295.png (319.06 KB, 612x753, beta-fucks.png)

>>992665True, you definitely have a point about it being more normal. I'd argue though, Preg isn't much different when you think of the circumstance behind how he got wit Shoe. He got with her when he was still married, she was much younger and obviously delusional (not trying to defend her btw), he forced the 24/7 bdsm shit very early into their relationship. He clearly made her believe it was normal for him to cheat on her openly which is fucked up.
>>992667>preg literally ended up changing her whole personality.This also reminds me while Shoe has independent moments of cringe, I'd argue 80% of it was being associate with Preg.
No. 992696
>>992623y'all acting like shoe deserves anything good. vaush is perfect for her because he's a fat degen cow.the milk would be great.
i wouldnt be surprised if vaush dumps his ogress just to get with shoe.
groceries is disgusting creep in public so imagine him in all those e-thots dms.
they're both disgusting grease balls with over inflated egos but preg has nothing without shoe and vaush has a successful career.
i dunno how anybody can think june is better than these shitstains. she's whoville baldass bitch with the sex appeal of a nail file in a mini skirt.
age hasn't been kind to her and honestly thats what she gets for being a pickme betacuck ass licker.
No. 992698
File: 1592935564852.png (64.45 KB, 239x144, good god.png)

>>992672This looks uncanny, like claymation meets the crimson chin or some shit.
No. 992701
>>992696My dream timeline is
>Vaush invites Shoe to join harem>Shoe gets there, is a total bitch to Ogress>Vaush dumps Ogress after a couple weeks (and steals to the designer cat)>Ogress (who is also a pickme) finally wakes up and spills all the dirt on Vaush, plummeting his “career” (if you can even call it that)>Shoe is stuck with another fat loser neckbeard leeching off of her Fun for the whole family
No. 992733
File: 1592938065145.gif (25.37 KB, 200x200, 1505278106894.gif)

>>992701l love u anon.
pls god let this happen
if vaush knocks her up that would be insane.
soooooo many possibilities
No. 992743
File: 1592939050014.jpeg (89.59 KB, 828x203, 8D2D9F9F-AA75-4FFB-82CB-B9D94F…)

In response to someone asking him if there was a reason, but he deleted this
No. 992751
>>992742Don't. She had everyone telling her for YEARS that he's scum and would always tried to defend his creepy interactions with women on twitter. Who remembers puppygirl? Lol
>>992743It wont given by him probably because it's prob related to his open cheating. Shoe could end him if she wanted to if she grew a spine but, unfortunately she probably wont spill anything.
No. 992753
>>992750i feel bad for her too anon
>>992746would her audience really think that of her? they're all beta "i'd treat you right shuwu, preg is so lucky" etc orbiters. i don't think anyone will give her flack.
No. 992757
File: 1592939929477.png (14.86 KB, 29x33, 283827134261231616.png)

>>992316He speaks more glowingly of June's mother than his actual fiance, holy shit
No. 992759
File: 1592940409664.jpeg (449.75 KB, 828x1044, A3D6A318-4B0B-4F6F-982E-597213…)

No. 992760
>>992745when did this happen? he was crying about being rejected by theryn in video before his most recent one.
i could honestly see shoe trying to get with hontra
No. 992793
>>992749I bet they both have equal dirt on each other, so it would be just a waiting game to see who snaps first and spills.
It's so absurd how obvious preggers had to make his hints to june so she would leave him since if he left her he would have looked like the bad guy. It must be awkward for june to start dating again with all the 24/7 dick worshipping shit she made public. Also must feel pretty bad that preg never tried to look good for her, and started loosing weight only after she was out of the picture kekek
No. 992798
>>992793I bet Preg will snap so he can get potential pity points in hopes an egirl might contact him out of sympathy.
>It must be awkward for june to start dating again with all the 24/7 dick worshipping shit she made public.I think the only way she'd get around this is if she stated she was in an unhealthy relationship and thought it was normal.
No. 992800
File: 1592943923284.jpg (232.63 KB, 1024x704, Df1C9DfUwAAlAwC.jpg)

No. 992802
File: 1592944124650.jpg (52.84 KB, 400x1050, 1423236221026.jpg)

>>992800Poor Shoe's parents spent money on this shit.
No. 992807
Mazel tov, June.
In a way I'm almost disappointed because while they are both milky in their own right I think the type of milk that greg produces might not be of interest here outside of his association with june. It'll be interesting to see where things go for both of them but if this is the end of the road for greg's tenure here it's a little sad.
>>992802they're probably relieved.
No. 992815
>>992793If Greg has dirt on June (or
thinks he has dirt on June) I bet he’ll spill first because he’s a moron with no impulse control. June’s dirt on Greg would probably be milkier, though. I hope they both spill.
No. 992888
File: 1592950669937.jpg (67.72 KB, 735x661, a7GZrZy.jpg)

he tweeted this around the same time they unfollowed each other
No. 992939
File: 1592955107881.jpg (68.13 KB, 680x510, lostinthe_shaush.jpg)

>>992701a timeline I shall will into existence with this
No. 992981
Wonder if this means that junes younger sister will get married and start a family before her
>>992888Didnt he cheat on his first wife with june?
No. 993128
>>992750>>992753Why are people feeling bad for her? She gets her ass dumped and suddenly her acting like a woman hating pick me bitch has been erased? It's hilarious she gave preg everything he demanded and STILL got dumped
As another anon said people have been telling her for years to drop the act and gain some self-respect and she hasn't. I 100% guarentee you she'll be trying to crawl back to him soon. If he takes her back or not purely depends on if preg is talking to a hotter woman than June, which isn't hard as the bitch is bald lmao
No. 993190
>>992939Holy shit next thread pic please unless we get even more milk that somehow points away from Vaush.
Also, all the anons mentioning Contra. June's been trying to get his attention for a while now and he's just ignored her so she's given up afaik (I only keep up via these threads).
>>993019Nah that's all a pipedream of hers imo. She just wants the pickme and woke points.
Anyway, their "relationship" has clearly been over for ages. In fact, his proposal was pretty much the beginning of the end as sad as that is.
They've also been making small political jabs at one another lately, let's not forget. Really pathetic.
But yeah it's classless for him to announce this on her birthday. But I'm amused because of
>>992008 No. 993222
File: 1592975886993.jpg (181.72 KB, 1504x632, LVZT3gz.jpg)

now he's following an 18 yo Tik Toker who looks like Shoe.
No. 993234
>>993222Oh god I had just noticed someone mentioned her in response to his tweet here
>>993213The person said something like "Its ok we have a new shoe" and tagged her.
No. 993237
>>992480Blatantly denying the fact he cheated and now trying to remove the fact the downfall of the relationships (and all his past relationships) was 100% his fault
He really thinks he's god
No. 993242
>>993222June, but younger and with no politics, just thirst traps and memes. Seems just about his type of thing.
It's extremely trashy for him to start following her not even two days after they break up.
I hope this girl somehow finds this thread and lights his ass up if he tries to shoot his shot, lmao.
No. 993243
File: 1592977601544.jpg (274.34 KB, 1080x1077, Screenshot_20200624-154201__01…)

>>993222She somehow seems like a downgrade appearance wise and I can't quite put my finger on why? They're both autists, one's a Belle thot and the other's Shoe, but somehow I think Shoe manages to be the more attractive Boxxy clone. Regardless, they're both too good for Preg though kek
No. 993260
File: 1592978580943.png (1.1 MB, 1848x1714, E640C911-1F41-49BD-8BA4-4D0D05…)

Some blessed fanart from kiwi farms
No. 993262
File: 1592978745266.jpg (245.79 KB, 852x1080, 20180725_143043.jpg)

>>993243She looks like a fusion between Nikocado Avocado and Shoe. That, or the camgirl OrangeCitrus and Shoe.
She has a worse version of that "who from whoville" face Shoe has. Since she's doing that whole "lewd anime thot e-girl waifu" thing, I can see her being at least a bit insecure about that, and Preg trying to take advantage of it.
No. 993268
>>993206Yeah I'm in one and it's going great for us even in this pandemic, and I've seen many long distance couples close the gap and get married so he can shove that excuse up his ass.
>>993263Amen, he is a sack of shit seriously shoe is an idiot but he makes me so fucking mad, he is a disgusting slob with really creepy pedo tendencies, I hope he fucking dies alone and miserable
No. 993283
File: 1592980073794.jpg (141.41 KB, 1200x552, frrrghghfh.jpg)

>>993222>>993243i'm fucking terrified
No. 993300
File: 1592981263151.jpg (136.51 KB, 1232x362, cringetrilogy.jpg)

had to be done
No. 993308
File: 1592982087815.png (127.46 KB, 1138x794, Screenshot 2020-06-24 at 12.31…)

>>993263>>993268>>993276i love that this would be considered borderline/total a-logging in literally any other thread but preg just manages to inspire the kind of hatred that no one gives a shit lmao
>>993306wait! it looks like she completely deleted it?? is that what twitter means by "account no longer exists"?
No. 993312
File: 1592982506265.png (302.51 KB, 1162x826, Screenshot 2020-06-24 at 12.34…)

i'm sorry for insane samefagging but apparently the pork roast is back on sale
if june is still crying, this is all on her lmao
No. 993326
File: 1592983248662.jpeg (36.28 KB, 400x480, 2F9A544F-5C97-46B1-8745-36F629…)

>>993243Ew she looks 12 and has a chipmunk face. Never thought I would say June looks better than this
>>993283The cool girls of each generation. I like how June looks like a slightly bloated poor man’s Boxxy and then the last one looks.. cartoonish. And I don’t mean it in like a 2d waifu way she legit looks funny I agree with the anon that said she looks like Nikocado avocado earlier kek. They each get more and more deprived in their desperation for male attention. Sad!
No. 993331
>>993322I don't think she deleted, afaik there's no way to know whether an account was deleted or just deactivated. Her channel is still up, she's probably taking a break. I feel like she will come back with some uwu explanation paragraphs making Preg look good because she has to asskiss every male
I feel bad for her but fuck that's what she was getting into by making this persona
No. 993333
>>993329She reaps what she sowed. But still, what
>>993327 describes is pink pill material and highlights how much more shitty this Shrek-looking schmuck revealed to be
No. 993336
File: 1592984444710.png (1.26 MB, 1134x1116, 8931.png)

>>993333You're right. We must never forget, this is what she signed up for, and she started this entire website just to track people who thought it was cringe.
When you do clownery, the clown comes back to bite.
No. 993393
File: 1592988854443.jpg (79.78 KB, 1024x700, y_mzArxOnCMfMhMUiT6o3UR5MhJL-1…)

>>993352>bargain bin Belle Delphine era JuneGod, I hope not. It'd be funny to see her drag Preg to filth in a video, explain everything he wants her to keep quiet about in excruciating detail, end it with a "Now back to your scheduled programming" and a big, shit-eating Dreamworks grin, then just never speak of him again and move on with her life (with or without her channel).
The men that follow her would absolutely seethe about him taking the "high" road while she went for low blows (even though he spent 5 years publicly humiliating her) and call her a crazy bitch, a dodged bullet, etc but honestly, it'd be so worth it.
There's no way this doesn't make her cringe. Like, take back
some dignity, ffs. You moved states for this fat fuck who cucked you with trannies,
and the type of women you fat-shame. Now he's
already eyeing a younger clone of you. All this on your fucking birthday. This shit is pathetic.
No. 993395
File: 1592988944512.png (247.15 KB, 1080x1233, Screenshot_20200624-035500(1).…)

Posts that didn't age well
No. 993426
>>993283>>993300What the fuck. She looks
exactly like Shoe. Jesus she even wears the same false lashes. If I hadn't known I would've thought this was her. Damn, he's a cunt, it's not even been a day since they publicly broke up and this is all happening on her birthday…This should be eye-opening for pickmes but they're too stupid and delusional to apply this to themselves, just like Shoe.
I sort of want to feel bad for her but then I remember her posting shit like this pic
>>993393 and I'm reminded of how horrible of a person she actually is. She really reaps what she sowed. Hopefully she learns from this.
No. 993450
File: 1592993748724.jpg (53.75 KB, 602x374, HEInvhL13QE.jpg)

This slav gopnik mimicry is cringy af though. It's lazy, unfunny and unoriginal. I despise pewdiepie for popularizing this shit. Also the combination of 'gopnik costume', soviet ushanka and vintage decanter makes no fucking sense.
No. 993473
File: 1592996353919.jpeg (216.75 KB, 828x571, BDCA8E18-E390-42BD-B846-5D843E…)

>>993316His fans are too busy sucking his dick holy fuck. He just dumped his fiancé and somehow they see this as an opportunity
No. 993480
File: 1592997715602.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1242x1992, 5A2BD102-22C1-4363-9B75-4CEE5F…)

>>993473wow these people are truly fucking retarded
anyways, she seems like a walmart shuwu clone down to the ironic neckbeard pandering
No. 993484
File: 1592999199866.png (347.87 KB, 468x842, kiwi.png)

>>993234jesus christ its real
No. 993495
>>993452I can't believe I'm defending Shoe's appearance, but you'd be right if Kiwi didn't look like a significant downgrade
>>993455Tbh I suspected skinwalking, glad I'm not alone here. This is an interesting turn of events
No. 993506
>>993503Samefag as
>>993505 but apparently as long as you reactivate before 30 days it retains all your info.
No. 993507
>>993496You can reactivate an account before 30 days. Seems like the best move, just think what would happen to her if she kept the account active right now. She'd have to deal with all matter of ribbing from the Preg camp, the I-told-ya-so camp, the creeper camp, etc. I think it's good for her to take a break from social media so the shit people say doesn't inflame her emotions further.
I hope she wises up by next year so she's not alone for her 30th birthday thanks to some stupid scrub.
No. 993554
File: 1593006631161.png (25.32 KB, 628x184, chrome_JDj6KdN5ZV.png)

I think we all saw this coming, and honestly I have a feeling that this was simply sunken cost to Shuwu. She spent too much time defending and glorifying him to give up preemptively. 5 years is long enough, most older farmers KNOW how difficult it is to cope with family pressuring you into marriage and children when you are around 30.
she is not ugly, or fat. i am glad that she never invested too much money (aside tickets..) into him, as she can now maybe get someone not as fat that will still make her feel smol.
perhaps some sort of fit guy? there are guys out there with huge boners for anti-feminists.
she honestly just needs someone to treat her like a person, perhaps work out with, maybe to talk politics casually. actually put all that anti feminism into action you know, men that have more traditional views still value women for what they are good at, and she clearly loves very deeply (and vocally!)
to stay OT Venti claims she deactivated on her birthday. That must have been a major ego blow.
No. 993558
File: 1593006757151.png (29.39 KB, 487x300, 1592992298619.png)

I'd delete my social media profiles too.
No. 993560
File: 1593006964119.png (226.04 KB, 601x438, chrome_5enD62kKQM.png)

>>993558 oh god, this is disgusting. make your bets, brainwash or extreme devotion that blends into cuckholdry? hard to say.
nitpick but does he seriously think this looks good?
No. 993571
File: 1593007363226.jpg (6.26 KB, 250x250, greganza.jpg)

>>993560He looks like he's about to burst into tears, but also something like pic related
No. 993573
>>993558Phew lads, and this is why you simply don’t do this kind of shit. This won’t guarantee you a ring (and even if it did, is a life of servitude and walking on eggshells really worth it?)
I’m kinda laughing at the situation because Shoe is an adult and she made her own bed, now she has to lie in it. Still, a part of me pity her and I really hope she won’t repeat the same mistakes. I hope she’s going to brutally wake up and know her worth in her next relationship.
Wishful thinking but I hope she can even start being an example of why that fake ass trad wife lifestyle is nothing but a sham and a race for the bottom.
No. 993589
>>993554man, this fucking joke. i hate her more than i hate shoe, which is saying something. jealous whore just couldn't help herself could she? fucking classless lmao
>>993571>greganza.jpgi will kiss you anon lmfao
No. 993598
File: 1593008779743.png (864.97 KB, 1800x832, dsadsadsadasd.png)

>>993571im very sorry for this, couldn't help myself.
No. 993599
File: 1593008799379.jpg (68.55 KB, 500x734, uh.jpg)

the eternal classic
No. 993602
File: 1593009125566.gif (663.49 KB, 198x275, 1524517078742.gif)

samefag but i wish june would stop being shuwu, embrace her inner self and go back to being full time guidette
No. 993617
File: 1593009828776.png (1.73 MB, 1820x1094, armoredsepticispathetic.png)

The septic tank has been subtweeting, being thirsty as fuck and big mad for a few days in his likes on twitter. Pic related.
>be septic
>june evul she cheat on me
>start liking stuff on twitter that is pity point central
>while having thirsted publically and in dm's to any woman who responds
>b-but juun evul she cheat on me, the prince charming Pregory!
The only one acting adult and distancing themselves from it is to everyones surprise Shuwu. Color me surprised.
No. 993619
>>993598FUCKING KEK anon this is exactly what I pictured he was attempting to replicate
>>993589Seconded. She's such a rotten pick me ass cow who's far surpassed Shoe in the POS awards. The lack of self awareness and tact that post must have took to make is absolutely beyond me… at this point I don't even think she has the capacity to understand people can smell her jealousy all the way over here
No. 993629
File: 1593010713115.png (1.08 MB, 1764x934, shadyseptictanak.png)

looks like hes been bitching about June in subtweets for a week now. He liked all of these ~22nd day. Some of the posts were quite old, which means hes gone out of his way to find the big titty picture.
hes made a few subtweets about short and skinny women being the best and that no one wants a fatty woman. Maybe this is him being petty and trying to call june fat. Also lots of passive aggressiveness about him being a huge manchild and lack of trust in the topics of tweets as can be seen.
Starting to look like Shoe dumped him for being a manchilld.
No. 993643
>>993243>>993480she looks like a caucasian yumi king doing a shoe cosplay.
>>993430similar vibes to that skinwalker on /w/ who married her target's ex.
No. 993656
>>993532>I hope she makes a video flushing the ring in the toilet, it was ugly and worthless internet-store shit.Agree, that ring was fucking hideous. Even though I don't know June personally, it didn't seem to match up stylistically to her personality at all. Looked like a last minute shut up ring found in the clearance section in the Wal Mart jewelry display. Stupid Preg.
>>993554Venti needs to have several seats because the men she dates are such trashy incels that they make a scumbag like Preg look like a gentleman. Like congrats Venti, June now feels as miserable as you do on a daily basis!
The replacement June is too young and somehow looks worse (although I feel bad for dunking on her looks cause it's not like she's really done anything yet besides simp for Smeggory).
No. 993669
File: 1593012857738.png (691.53 KB, 1202x1362, 2oi4.png)

>>993554Found on KF.
>If she is smart she won’t make the same mistake again including going back to him or going for another one of these guys in these circles online.Speaking from personal experience, huh? Hope she doesn't think people forgot about her embarrassingly public breakup with her mentally ill alt-right trad bf.
No. 993727
>>993722His relationship failing was his fault
June is the one who moved closer to him, June is the one who put in emotional effort, June is the one who showed love and affection towards him, June is the one who did the traveling most of the time, June and her family paid for the engagement party as well as finding septic. He has no excuse. I don't like June but the relationship failing is all on skeptic, the only thing I can blame June for is being a doormat which clearly gets women nowhere
No. 993734
File: 1593017811138.png (716.59 KB, 600x934, pregalt.png)

>I look like Geralt
>I look like the guy at work that got caught cheating on his wife
Oddly specific. He looks like a cheater because he IS a cheater lol
No. 993735
>>993496I don't think it's weird at all. She got dumped in a relationship she chose to make VERY public over the last several years and made an embarrassing online spectacle of it on a near-daily basis to an audience of thousands. She repeatedly defended his choice to watch porn and hit on other women and insisted him jerking it to troon nudes wasn't cheating. She was simping for him as recently as like a week ago. He proceeded to break up with her on her birthday and wasted 0 time burying himself in the likes and DMs of as many girls as he could find, including a barely legal clone of herself. She has to be completely humiliated right now.
This kind of shit would be devastating to a reasonably well-adjusted person, let alone June's unstable ass. I would be more surprised if she DIDN'T disappear from social media for awhile. When the last several years of your Twitter is just cringey bullshit of your fiancee who never loved you, it makes it harder to move on.
No. 993737
File: 1593018030932.jpeg (630.82 KB, 538x1200, 012BB6CD-73C3-4414-BEE9-6FF296…)

From last week
No. 993740
>>993735Weird karma considering shoe basically skinwalked boxxy and ended up shitting on her only to be shown up by another girl skinwalking her. Not to mention her constant vehement defense that her relationship was secure because she let her SO cheat in all senses of the word but actual fucking (and even then shed allow it if it was a threesome).
Can't say I don't still feel sympathy for her tbh. Must suck to be slapped in the face with all the things every woman on this board was trying to warn you about. Almost like even the bitchiest of women here still cared more for her well being than her gross manchild boyfriend or her raging incel audience kek. Especially on her birthday?
Now she sees everyone move on because they never really saw her as a person. Just a female they could project their fantsies onto and use as a "one of the good ones" in arguments. Once she decided to lean more into "breadtube" they didn't have anymore use for her and moved onto the next cliche e girl seeking adult 4 chan male attention. If jude truly wanted to come full circle shed make a video shitting on the skeptics and how she fell into the rabbit hole of picme behavior.
No. 993743
File: 1593018698638.jpg (152.31 KB, 714x1480, EbRojWgXsAACOSm.jpg)

>>993306apparently she deleted all of her tweets before deactivating
No. 993750
>>993743Oh wow, there's no coming back from this. She's realizing how much she fucked up. The screencaps are forever, she should know that.
I almost feel sorry for her. Even if the wayback machine didn't exist, all her most embarassing tweets are on all of the farms for everyone to harvest and send back her way.
No. 993788
File: 1593021281738.png (513.91 KB, 598x658, Screenshot_2020-06-24 (6) ♡ ki…)

>>993743Yet she still has him in her bio in that screencap..? The hell? I thought they had each other removed for a bit now last I read.
>>993777Agree, she seems as deluded as her fanbase. She has nothing else going on in her life so it's pretty obvious Greg was the reason they fell apart, though obviously we can all believe when he said they had been falling apart for a while now.
>>993243Well, part of the reason she looks like a downgrade is the fact she looks like this without makeup.
She looks like a completely different person pretty much. Her eyeliner use in all her other pics is even worse than June's. To quote some anon I read in the Shayna thread: "It's called eyeliner, not eyeshadow." This adds credence to the skinwalking claims honestly, because this girl outright does her makeup to appear more like June, and fawns over anyone who compares her to June or especially Boxxy. She's a patreon ethot though if you look through her posts and has been posting a bunch more since last night, including stuff about how short she is (not the first time either).
June skinwalker confirmed as far as I see it.
>>993784Good points anon. I didn't check to see what her fans were saying to her, but I'm sure there were some creepers, and it's understandable if she didn't want messages flooding in of that nature or even reminding her of the breakup at all right now. But deleting all her tweets is extreme and seems incredibly unstable. I wonder how her trich is atm.
No. 993792
>>993784I agree, the timing of the announcement (Her birthday holy shit preg) and the fact she went radio silent makes me think that he initiated the breakup
I hope she finally finds some self respect and spills the beans on that turds behavior
No. 993797
File: 1593021733529.png (20.08 KB, 757x134, Capture.PNG)

Meanwhile in Preg's liked tweets
No. 993817
File: 1593023166186.jpeg (452.37 KB, 648x1352, 776614AB-A09F-4790-B45B-8EE312…)

>>993784And he’s so defensive over it too, zero self-awareness
No. 993818
>>993589lmao Venti is jealous of what exactly? she's better looking than shoe, no competition. and younger and smarter. shoe is the ultimate pick-me, degrading herself for a fat and ugly tub of lard and trying to show she's a 'cool girl' constantly. average, dumb women like shoe always try to overcompensate to please moids.
now she's gonna hit 30 with nothing. not even a backbone bc it was crushed under shrek.
No. 993820
File: 1593023361429.png (58.37 KB, 731x354, Capture.PNG)

haha 'member this?
No. 993830
>>993821No way I’m giving this tard views or attention. Tell us what he’s saying anon
>>993826He has wanted to fuck her for a really long time, back when he was a nobody in various twitch communities he would talk about how hot she is and excuse all her crappy opinion. This is his dream come true. The only sobering part is how his main Ogress will allow it…
No. 993831
>>993679Tbh, they did seem very compatible in a lot of ways. I wouldn't be surprised if both of them convinced themselves the relationship was better than it was because they were idealizing something that actually could be real, if they both didn't have serious issues. Idealizing works particularly well if both parties don't actually know each other that well, or have some excuse to continually put distance between each other. June and Greg were long-distance for their entire relationship. I actually wouldn't be at all surprised if a lot of their issues came out when they actually spent prolonged periods of time together, which was part of the reason why they didn't make much of an effort to actually move in together. The fantasy bond would inevitably be broken.
June and Greg seem to have a lot of the same issues (
toxic attention-seeking, low motivation, addicted to the internet), and that's always really bad for a relationship because neither person can help the other.
No. 993837
>>993818>lmao Venti is jealous of what exactly? she's better looking than shoe, no competition.Are you fucking braindead? She looks like she has down syndrome
>and younger and smarter.kek
No. 993838
File: 1593024715789.jpg (20.84 KB, 597x175, june but smol.JPG)

>>993234>>993306someone call june, she's crying
No. 993841
File: 1593024763024.jpg (211.81 KB, 1076x1078, 1593010263606.jpg)

>refers to them as a “youtube power couple” kekrip youtube power couple
No. 993857
>>993818She's definitely jealous of June's view totals. Brittany's small audience only wants one thing.
On the bright side, maybe Venti can use Preg's OF referral code when she signs up.
No. 993878
>>993870Isn't June obsessed with claiming to be bi, too? A match made in heaven. Even their body types are perfect opposites ("thicc" vs "sticc").
I know it's a joke, but they'd unironically make a better YouTube power couple, lmao.
No. 993892
File: 1593027380689.jpg (5.28 KB, 198x251, 1321093838002.jpg)

>>993890it's beautiful, thank you anon
No. 994009
File: 1593036809957.jpg (400 KB, 1080x1530, 20200624_181254.jpg)

No. 994015
File: 1593036969714.jpg (424.25 KB, 1039x1386, 20200624_181538.jpg)

>>994009Why is he speaking for her?
No. 994019
File: 1593037056287.jpg (151.21 KB, 472x472, 1483468950414.jpg)

>>994009"you dont want to know what happened"
There has to be cheating involved holy shit
No. 994023
>>994015“Please respect our privacy” they literally posted about anal stretching on Twitter, that ship sailed years ago
Also she sure can pick them holy fuck. He’ll tell his next gf that his ex-fiancé didn’t let him buy new SW toys just like his ex-wife
No. 994024
File: 1593037365145.jpg (375.64 KB, 1080x1671, 20200624_182150.jpg)

Responding to the tweets above.
No. 994039
File: 1593038045585.jpg (58.83 KB, 538x400, Unti12311led.jpg)

No. 994127
>>994054Blaire needs to stop acting like he isn't on the same road as shoe. He's fiance literally hit him and there still hasn't been a wedding on their part either.
Shoe doesn't really have friends just close online mutuals. Other than some of them liking posts and half heartedly defending her I doubt she has an actual shoulder to cry on, depressing but deserved.
At this point it's all depressing but karma really came back full force. She preached up and down about preg leaving his "hag" ex-wife and how she was old and awful. Everyone said her pickme ass would get the same treatment once she's older and look what happened. She's going to be everything she said she wouldn't be. A single 30 year old hag while a new 18-19 year old takes her spot.
The one good thing about this serve as a scared straight moment for any other women or young girls who planned on going down this route.
No. 994150
>>993933Holy fuck that's classless.
>>993982 said, people will remember.
But honestly… his proposal seemed like he was a "good" person who actually cared for her and loved her. At least as much as he could appear to. Those lead-up tweets and photos seemed caring.
Deleting that really just makes him look shitty and vindictive, and has no care for erasing something actually
remotely "sweet".
>>994015>how bad a mistake I madeThis is an interesting slip of the tongue….
>>994024>>994029It is a REALLY bad call for her to acknowledge this WHATSOEVER. Also she knows she MAKES herself look like June.
I honestly hope June is reading this thread right now and getting a very harsh wakeup call about her persona but also seeing what trash Shreg is and how he hasn't deserved the time of day for a VERY long time.
Avoid men like him like the plague, ladies. Also this Kiwi girl sounds like a fuckin snake and I'd be wary of shit like her too.
>>994028Also this does nothing to make his actions regarding Kiwi look any better. He breaks up with his gf on her bday, promptly follows her 18-year-old patreon ethot skinwalker. If they were such "buds" then how come he wasn't following her, and also regarding June following her, how come we never heard of this chick until literally now? Something smells wrong about Septic, more than usual….
No. 994196
Honestly it would be poetic for greg and her to just keep cycling through their bullshit. Really feels like there's no where but down from here. I look forward to them both somehow downgrading from each other, who knew it was even possible
>>993750She should just change up her wig, learn how to do her makeup differently and she'd probably look like a entirely different person tbh.
>>994101Chose one, hair or chin. You apparently can't have both. kek
No. 994235
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>I feel so bad for June
>I hope she gets her life together
>She doesn't deserve this
This thread feels like it's full of simps. June's a bitch who threw women under the bus for years to appeal to actual alt-right incels, not to mention all her selfish fuckups earlier in her life.
Stop acting like June is some vulnerable victim. She's a miserable wannabe nerd prom queen who's actually the formaldehyde corpse of Boxxy.
No. 994248
>>994235She absolutely deserves it, it's almost perfect karma for her specific flaws. Also
>>994244, nothing better than being proven right.
That said, I still hope she gets her shit together and wises up about how wrong she has been all this time. I don't mind a redemption story, better late than never.
No. 994251
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>>994212surprised it isn't some shitty medieval knight thing. very off-brand for preggory.
No. 994295
>>994266Can't wait for her to block people on Twitter when they send her snippets from this video with the text "This aged like milk".
To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if she deleted most of her videos mentioning Preg or set them to private. All this shit really came back to bite her in the ass.
No. 994302
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>>993450can't wait for shuwu's new header when she reactivates.
No. 994340
>>994028>were already buds before this>june was following kiwi for the longest timewhy y'all gotta follow thotty minors man. this whole SkEpTiC community is cancer
>>994295tinfoil: she's actually preparing a video to return with and fucking destroy skeptic and his "i'm so sorry. it was mutual" bullshit. being an obvious whore for attention, she's going to leak every last detail of the past few months. once the video is out and she's milked all the sweet sweet incel thirst, she's going to reactivate her twitter and then it's not going to matter if someone mentions preg, or someone reminds her of the past, because she'd have already turned all the opinions in her favor. that way when someone mentions preg or old screenshots, she can just refer them to her video and go "seee??? this is how much i loved him and he still hurt meee!"
tbh this is pretty much the only route she CAN take if she plans to continue the pick-me way, which i really think she does. let's all be honest, there's no way june is going off the internet to pursue a real life career and improve herself lmao
No. 994427
>>994376The thing is is that even if she has a redemption arc it’ll be because she sweeps everything under the rug rather than acknowledging her past. I’ve already seen a bunch of lefties on twitter constantly like her posts despite unironically posting shit like
>>993393 If brain dead cancel Twitter allows her to become some lefty darling then I’ll seppuku.
I’m glad she’s not going to marry that idiot but she’s still hurt a ton of women who will never get a sincere apology from her while she tweeting about how it’s so important to lift other women up.
No. 994483
>>994226i think it needs to feature greg more prominently. he's as much of a cow as she is. We're going to hit max on this thread within a few days and it's probably still too early to split their threads while the breakup plays out, if that is something we're going to do.
>>994235It's possible to have a degree of empathy for someone even if the bad things happening to them are because of their own stupid actions.
No. 994512
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Lots of people break up. Doesn't mean she needs to apologize for anything. Lmaoing at all these feminists still angry about getting called out on their bullshit and hypocrisy . Stay mad fatties.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 994536
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i checked her instagram for the first time ever, did she delete all her photos with greg?? the only photo with the both of them on IG is the halloween harley and joker shit. if so lmaoo
No. 994566
>>994512>apologizeliterally who said that lol
twitter incels are something else
>>994536ANON THIS GIF!
she's deleted ALMOST everything with skeptic. the cooking pics, the body pillow one, and some pics with "fiance" in caption are still up
No. 994594
>>994507Have you seen the amberlynn thread recently?
>>994587there's still like 80 posts left in this one.
No. 994921
>>993792Nah, I think she broke up with him. Pregory is over-sensitive and I wouldn’t be surprised if this was his way to gain a little power over the situation. He had more to lose out of their breakup, I don’t think he was going to let her go so easy. She may have even turned off her twitter to avoid him messaging her. Who knows how many times they’ve broken up behind the scenes…
Still find the situation hilarious and have no sympathy for Wig or Preg
No. 995884
shoe is a pick me bitch who deserves everything coming her way