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No. 1023845
Last time:
>Shoe and Preg break off their engagement, Preg unexpectedly announces they broke up, Shoe delets all of her Tweets deactivates her Twitter >>992316, 993743>Preg follows an 18 y/o slavboo IG and Patreon thot, Sunset_Kiwi, that skinwalks Shoe. Preg gets criticised, says Shoe followed her first and denies seeing nudes >>993222, >>994028>Shoe is back on twitter after 2 weeks (of course), posts about their break up >>999745 >Vaush can't stop bringing up Shoe in his streams >>1016897, even went on a public whiteknight campaign against Shoe's alt-right ex-fan. Shoe also publicly flirts with him >>1014634>Preg is pathetic, desperate and salty. Blames losing his followers on Shoe, refers to his ex-fiance as "some hot internet girl". Even Jaclyn Glen calls him out on it >>1009556 . Also posts a bunch of cringy photoshoots in hopes of getting a boyfriend-free girl >>1010621>Shoe starts posting post-breakup glow up pics ( >>1009518 >>1016727) most noticeably the sexy schoolgirl ones (>>1022151) which seem to trigger her skinwalker Kiwi, who proceeds to post creepy shit like >>1022290 >>1022239 , lowkey bashing her for being the "older version" and saying she the "last Boxxy" >>1022387.Links:
June's Twitter:'s Main YouTube:'s Second YouTube:'s Instagram:'s Twitter:'s Main YouTube:'s Second YouTube: & June's Side YouTube:'s Shitposting YouTube: thread:
>>994580 No. 1023846
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No. 1023848
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Comrade June is fighting for men suffering under capitalism
No. 1023983
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So June originally skinwalks Boxxy
kiwi skinwalks June
Now June skinwalks kiwi?
No. 1024025
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>>1023983>>1023990So wait who posted first?
No. 1024036
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>>1023983some say you can still hear her voice moaning "take me back preggoryyyyyy….." in the wind.
No. 1024049
File: 1597632045808.png (2.06 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20200727-233010.png)

>>1024025damn men really are desperate to fuck children. There is nothing extraordinary about this girl except her being the size of a 5th grader. Her face is hideous even with her 4inch winged liner. But she somehow has 616k followers. She plays the pedo game better than you June
No. 1024050
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>>1023973Ashleigh, Kiwi and Shoe are all just pickmes, where fans and simps is all there is in life.
The only problem is, Ashleigh can't start an onlyfans, unlike the other two because her boobs are mostly padding/inserts, or photoshop… If you've seen her pics with her wearing a low cut shirt rocking C cups at best with some drawn in cleavage
No. 1024058
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>>1024049she looks like a different species. A midget neanderthal
No. 1024114
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>>1024049She photoshopped her nose, her face looks weird just straight from the front so she’s using the side of her face for this picture
I like how she called herself the last boxxy in the other thread but pic related is boxxy without the eyeliner, and she’s so pretty. miles prettier than both June and Kiwi
No. 1024124
>>1023846Responding to a single negative tweet with zero likes or RTs.
This whole breakup has confirmed the (obvious) fact that his false bravado was a result of insecurity and a persecution complex. So much for "big daddy supreme alpha male."
No. 1024186
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>>1024114It's like Wrong Turn case. The next generation is uglier than the previous one. Only it's asexual reproduction via internet.
No. 1024335
>>1024049That fucking blur on the jaw.
Her face looks legit deformed from all angles
No. 1024456
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No. 1024544
>>1024049jesus she looks white trash. she keeps blurring off her entire jaw line.
>>1024456KEK June really got what she deserved
No. 1024909
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>>1024566I went to see if she actually flirts. Most of the time she is just sucking up by backing up his shit "hot takes". God just reading through it gave me brain damage.
kiwi is far more interesting, like how you imagine a modern teen thriller going where June finds kiwi in her house wearing her clothes and pretending to stream as her. Great movie idea.
No. 1024930
File: 1597727065605.png (163.94 KB, 1204x776, 1597712284167.png)

vaush grooming a 16 year old boy and receiving asshole pics. his discord mods are banning anyone who mentions it and they are deleting everything
No. 1024967
>>1024930so she moves on from a tranny chasing ugly fat dude, to flirting/being friendly with a bisexual, fat ugly, tranny chasing, weirdo in a weird poly relationship now accused grooming 16 year old boys?
All the men she surrounds herself with seem to have a lot of disgusting traits in common.
also fuck this fat ass and anyone who defends him.
No. 1025139
>>1024930Supposedly it's a younger brother of someone who browses /pol/. it's true, then Vaush got mass tipped to the fbi.
Will June call it just another side-kink?
No. 1025140
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>Socialism will let me fuck kids!
Wow June, you know how to pick them
No. 1025143
>>1025139That's a juicy development kek.
>>1025140Wow so many freaks thinly veil their pedophilic inclinations with political idealism. He's in the same boat as the creatures discussed in the mtf thread, but
somehow I suspect that prospect would excite him rather than insult him.
No. 1025149
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>>1025139He's having everything about this deleted, and had his fans mass-report the /pol/ thread so it'd get taken down.
Makes you think, if it's all fake, why is he locking everything down and mass-reporting? What is there to hide? It's not like anyone hacked him, or there's anything to this,
No. 1025231
>>1025224Can you stop doing this cringy self-promo shit all the time, and stop ripping shit from here even though you're thirsty for the exact same male attention Shuwu is (except she moved on from fat alt-right neckbeards to fat leftist neckbeards, I guess)?
Didn't you sperg over Pearnisa and some other Twitch thots for a while, too? You're almost as transparent as Digibro's girlfriend with this jealousy shit, just quit.
No. 1025246
>>1025240I'm not trying to troll, kek. I came here to post something I thought was funny
>>1025242I am dumb
No. 1025305
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>showing off your cool girl powerlevel to a pedophile
just June things, uwu
No. 1025309
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>>1025307It's pretty obvious Shoe has no morals like most of the people who chase Youtube/Twitter popularity.
They'd sell their Grandma to slave traders if it meant 100 million views.
No. 1025442
>>1025149Fake. In this screenshot
>>1024930 'Vaush' uses a zoomed-in avatar, which seems to be ripped straight from his Twitter. However, he's used the full-body avatar pictured here
>>1025140 on discord for a very long time.
Vaush denied it on stream today, also saying that he hates being called 'daddy.' Don't believe everything you see on /pol/, kiddos.
No. 1025459
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>>1025442ok well if he says he hates being called daddy and changed the zoom on his icon that proves it then. great work detective
No. 1025464
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>>1025459I mentioned the 'daddy' thing because it was funny and stupid. I wasn't saying it exonerates him.
His icon in -all- the other discord screenshots provided (old and new) is the zoomed-out one. At no point in time has the cropping been like in the fake screenshot.
Grabbing somebody's discord profile pic is non-trivial. However, grabbing it from twitter is easy as can be, and the cropping is the same.
Use your damn eyes. It's fake as hell.
(Also, what are the chances that somebody who browses /pol/ would go through his 16 year-old brother's discord account, find nudes he sent to Vaush, know who Vaush is, and then post about it on /pol/? Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but the story isn't especially plausible.)
No. 1025536
>>1025518Kek, that's exactly what I thought about anon's post.
>>1025532>Yeah youtubers never get caught sexually grooming teenagers lol… oh wait!Big agree.
>>1025464The post is plausible because Vaush is a greasy pedophile apologist fuck. If the story is just a troll, the retard made his bed a long time ago.
No. 1025618
>>1025309lol almost all the people I recognize in this pic are cows. isn't one of those guys Dan Olsen and didn't he also have pedo drama and I'm pretty sure hbomberguy also had a sexual assault claims too. Then there is contra who is also a cow with there own thread who is a degenerate tranny that hates women. while I don't know much about
lindsay ellis she always seems to be indirectly involved in drama because she surrounds herself with friends like these.
No. 1025631
>>1024861Is this why everyones shitting on kiwi? isnt the problem pregory and shuwu for encouraging that shit when she was with him?
No. 1025645
>>1025618Dan Olson downloaded and posted CP on 8chan to defame Gamergate. hbomberguy supported his friend after a trans man accused him of being a sex pest (can't remember if it was harassment or assault) and it was a huge thing because he didn't believe the
victim and made excuses for the creep; he did later apologize over it but only really because people kept bringing it up against his role as a male feminist.
No. 1025786
>>1025742Someone tell Vaush the reason CP with actual children is indefensible is because unlike other industries that use exploitative labor or abuse to run, child porn CANNOT exist under any current circumstance without a child getting fucked.
The video game industry could potentially make hardware that doesn't rely on sweatshops and blood diamonds. We could eventually make synthetic meat products that taste accurate but do not require animal killing.
At best, we could get "legal CP of human children" with lifelike child sex doll robots, sometime in the year 4670.
Until then, there is no defensible alternative or route to consume child porn that doesn't directly require child abuse.
No. 1025799
>>1025792He is extremely deranged when it comes to sexual shit… he basically is a “dom” and brags about fucking twinks and submissive women on stream. He says all sorts of fucked up shit about femboys and shotas. When he was 25 (and in a position of power cuz youtuber) he was sexting with some barely 18 year old femboy telling xe/xer about horsecock. And that’s just one of four of the suspiciously aged mentally ill people he has sexually harassed (That we know of). He relies on one set of chat logs (that he probably edited) to prove that he didn’t do anything wrong with the other three… careful talking about this or his discord will brigade this thread… and he will contact his lawyers and sue lolcow (lmao)!
The weirdest thing is it’s all accepted and no one challenges. They justify him making 100k/year off youtube by saying he “converts” people to the “left” so it’s good! But is him converting a bunch of greasy pedo NEETs who would otherwise be nazis into neoliberalism a good thing? He’s obviously doing it to attain a platform so he can shill his pedo shit.
No. 1025828
>>1025824I agree with you but also do understand what
>>1025807 is trying to say. I disagree with it as I'm the one that said it still sexualizes and puts real children's bodies at risk, but if humans did want to try something, I dunno. Children-esque real dolls would wow I can't even finish the thought, it's sick.
But like, I get it–I don't think they were trying to defend or endorse it, just make the best case scenario of something reprehensible.
>>1025799Wow. Hate that. Thanks for the TLDR of Junes gross new flabby.
No. 1025833
>>1025799why would they challenge him? There's a lot of people who watch him who are into the same gross shit, dudes, women and trannies who are like, "oh this "famous" woke youtuber, likes what I like, maybe he'll fuck me!"
A lot of people either look past the bad behavior like they do a lot of breadtubers or they also take part in the bad behavior.
His audience is full of weirdos and he's disgusting.
No. 1025834
>>1025833Breadtube is full of sexual deviants, trannies and mentally ill LGBTQ+ members who don't even hide any of it.
I say this as someone who likes a few Btubers, it's hard to find someone whose normal 100% and isn't into some weird gross shit.
So basically, if shoe dates this guys, she has to compete with women, trannies, barely legal twinks and horse dicks.
She deserves it at this point, she actively seeks out disturbed fucked up men.
No. 1025864
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>>1025645>>1025728>>1025739i cant believe i'm whiteknighting dan olson the epitome of soy.
he wrote an article about 8chan and took screenshots of cp posts to shine a light on it being a hub for cp.
gamergate fags spun it as him posting the cp even though he was screenshotting the posts and people actually believed them. if you're gonna shit on breadtube at least find some actual facts to shit on them with.
by all means take a dump on contra he's just another greasy agp and the only thing mockable about hbomb is also that he's soy.
the story about him was his genderspecial friend accused his friend of harassment and he didnt believer her. it's pretty scummy but tumblrina gender specials always twist anything into sexual harassment and abuse, like for instance not using the proper pronouns is considered abuse to them.
breadtube are a bunch of betacuck men but theyre not comparable to shit heads like groceries or vaush and the rest of the dirtbag left.
No. 1025901
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>>1025864 of all you should not wk dan olson because the whole " he was taking screenshots" thing has been debunked also he is friends with multiple convicted sex offenders and rapist(read his kiwi farms thread if you want more info on that).hbomber guy has been involved in multiple sex pest controversies not just the defending his friend thing. also it is 100% reasonable to assume the rest of bread tube is just as bad as vaush because they keep getting involved with in creepy sex pest controversies like vaush also even though they know he is a creepy sex pest who has gotten caught and had to make a apology for trying to groom fans and also they know the fact that he literally defends pedophilia they still associate with him.
No. 1025923
>>1025901That thread seems to confirm that he was taking screenshots though.
I think the accusation that someone would post CP to make 8chan look bad is dumb as hell. Everyone knows 8chan was a hub for pedos.
Being friends with Sarah Nyburg is bad enough, no need to exaggerate.
No. 1025936
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>>1025923 sure im exaggerating. even though it was proven one of his friends created the board and had multiple people spam it then he wrote an article right after the board was created. how could anyone think he was one of the people posting cp on it?
(derailing) No. 1026073
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>>1025901>>1025936this doesnt even prove anything.also this is from the page you linked and literally reiterates what i said. and citing kiwi farms that literally has an extreme bias towards the betacucks doesnt prove anything. i dont think dan olson is a good person or anything but accusing someone of being a pedo is a serious allegation. it's unfortunate that you have a hatenoner for shitty youtuber and cant even provide factual evidence for your argument.
No. 1026236
>>1025464>>why would a pol user know vaush?vaush is one of the loudest and most embarassing destiny fans produced and is a political content creator. are you fucking stupid?
>>1025824the argument that vaush heavily runs w that destiny created is that pedophilia is like being gay and its not by choice– its a mental illness that has to be curbed. therefore legal CP should be developed and used for people who are actually pedophiles in a therapy setting or to be distributed to since they have mental damage and it "cant be cured" but treated much like BPD or depression
vaush is a moron and heavily alters this theory not realizing it just exposes him for being a child hungry sexpest. thats why, just like shuwu, hes alienated from most communities and doesn't interact with many people outside of his own community.
to reiterate
>>1025828 i think the other anon (>>1025786) was talking knowing this context, not necessarily justifying it.
No. 1026267
>>1025637But why does that matter? shoe tried to skinwalk boxxy now someone else is doing it to her, isnt it just ironic (and funny in a depressing way) at this point?
>>1025751Then whats with all the wk'ing shoe in these threads. Its hypocritical.
>>1025776shoe did similar things, she used to brag about pregory being obsessed with her "huge 17 yr old tits, sorry feminists" and made fun of college rape
victims claiming they are lying to then delete the tweets when she gets pushback among many other shitty things which some farmers have said also border on sexualising kids. They are both attention whores in the worst ways possible.
No. 1026461
>>1022826“Smarter and hotter than me”?
Surely she’s not referring to Vaush… lmao
No. 1026666
>>1026267I mean disliking Kiwi's skinwalking in a similar way to Shoe's because it's current milk isn't mutually exclusive, or at least not in my mind. I don't think either one cancels each other's cringeworthy behaviour out and that you can think they're both a unique kind of special. Kiwi just happens to be the (subjectively) less attractive, and more active tard who's deluded herself into thinking she's Boxxy's final form (secretly hoping the Boxxyception trainwreck continues long past the both of them ngl). Maybe I missed the WKing posts? I definitely think the irony of the whole situation is hilarious and I look forward to more of their adventures together kek.
>>1026622Nta but that I did notice. Idk if anons have experienced something similar, but there were some pretty seething posts. I assumed in their own weird little way they've started to root for Shoe since she got dumped and has been relatively quiet. I won't discount that she really could be lurking in the shadows just waiting for the next opportunity to point out Kiwi's weird shaped head, or make fun of her nipples.
No. 1026852
>>1026678I agree, I think the comparisons were because it was obvious that shoe was trying to skinwalk boxxy, but the only thing they had in common is eyeliner.
No. 1026891
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Anyone have the context of this exchange? I saw another tweet via Kiwi in reply to this saying it was a trick and she donated 20 simp bucks. Did June dunk on Kiwi live? That would be hilarious.
No. 1026931
at around 1:05:26, shoe dismissively answers a question about skeptic and mentions that they broke up, then immediately after (ouch) she responds to someone asking if her and kiwi would ever collab
>>1026891lol at her asking "doesn't she do porn?," feigning naive uwu while bringing attention to the fact that she's a little skank
No. 1026942
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>>1026891cow crossover: hiyaitsmiya, june's old troon skinwalker, shit talks shoe to kiwi. at this rate maya will begin skinwalking kiwi. i guess even troons want newer, younger, bouncier coolgirls to emulate
custardloaf also weirdly orbits her
No. 1026949
>>1026944this is 100% a logging but extremely funny and i agree
kiwi vs shoe boxing match when
No. 1026957
>>1026942>HiyaItsMayaIs that Maya the tranny? Wasn't he skinwalking her for years, and posted that he was literally crying about her and her sped boyfriend breaking up?
I guess he's seething now that he can't self-insert on her as the "lil tiny uwu anti-feminist based internet girl getting railed by a fat, ugly neckbeard daddy".
No. 1026997
>>1026994No one gives a shit about her paythot numbers and skinwalking Shoe for money doesn't change the fact it's hilarious
Hint: no1curr
>>1026995Kek, try harder to obscure yourself with this one.
No. 1026999
im not even trying to defend kiwi but its so obvious shes just doing it to grow her own brand and you have mongoloids like
>>1026728saying "fakes being russian for clout."
no bro shes being ironically cringe to the tune of what, 10k a month just posting lewds? and dabbing on a girl she kinda looks like?
(whiteknighting) No. 1027007
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>>1026999>>1027002>>1026994>>1026995>no sage>"s-she totally makes $10k a month guys (and that makes her not a trainwreck), believe me!!1 she's only pretending to be retarded, too! it's irony!!"Are you the obsessive skinwalker herself, or did she promise you special good boy nudes for defending her on Lolcow?
No. 1027024
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>>1026994>>1026995>>1026996>>1026999>>1027002we all know you're samefagging retard. please keep posting though, you're
totally changing our minds about kiwi. any other things we missed about her?
No. 1027200
>>1026994>>1026996>>1026999We all know Kiwi isn't making $10,000 dollars a month pandering to retards. And if (in your dreaks) she was then she should use her money to get her rat face fixed.
June is hardly pressed by a little fat cheeked skinwalker when there are plenty of other things to be bothered by. But keep dreaming.
No. 1027451
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>>1026678i guess you were never around when she was big on unichan
No. 1027484
In the very beginning of the video preg says "<…> where I got to lean into the right side of my brain"… what does it mean? does this "skeptic" believe that hemispheres function independently of each other, and as he's obviously so LOGICOL and RASHUNAL then his right side is mostly asleep or what?
>>1027476probably holds a grudge on june for ingnoring him, and kiwi might be a more fitting role model. like, she's even SMOLER bean, and has onlyfans while june doesn't even behave as uwu sub anymore. smol uggo trans disappointed.
No. 1027746
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>>1027388What do you mean anon, you aren't jealous of her many (creepy) fans?
No. 1027800
>>1024968Vaush also relentlessly mocked the girl who started to cry when her school gave troons the OK to whip their dicks out openly in the girl's changing room, where before all they had to do to use female facilities was change behind a curtain so the actual girls wouldn't be subjected to seeing perverted boys flashing them. IIRC he also sperged out over the teenage girl athletes who sued to keep troons out of their sports.
Like all male TRAs, Vaush is mostly likely a pedophile.
No. 1027804
>>1024049>damn men are desperate to fuck children.You don't get it anon, they're BIOLOGICALLY INCLINED to want to fuck girls as soon as they start to menstruate! Men are oppressed by those evil roastie wall-hitting 20-olds who keep them from hitting up their local middle school! Girls are most fertile at 13 years old, it's just science! All that about teenage mothers being much more likely to die by childbirth? Lower rates of conception and higher chance of miscarriage? Massively increased risk of birth defects and complications? All feminazi lies!
In between Shoe's little-girl roleplay, her cozying up to multiple men with suspected or confirmed pedo tendencies and her constant whiteknighting for troons, I can't help but think she has some nasty skeletons in her closet we don't know about yet.
No. 1027826
File: 1598224245031.png (354.64 KB, 556x612, image0-11.png)

Degeneracy all around.
No. 1027869
>>1027826I'm so QUIRKY and COOL, lulz look at me thirsting for this child porn creator XDDD
How old is this bitch?
No. 1027942
File: 1598245642874.jpeg (Spoiler Image,276.24 KB, 1174x1025, 1CC22840-33AF-4A6E-8248-EE00C5…)

>>1027826She wants him to draw her like he drew neekolul and belle Delphine
Here you go, I drew you without begging, I noticed you Kiwi-desu
No. 1027972
>>1027838>>1027856take this shit elsewhere.
>>1027912 she's just getting older retard. She's not attractive but there's no "wall" she's going to suddenly hit and become undesirable overnight. Grow up.
>>1027942The cheeks kek
No. 1027974
>>1027869She claims 18 but I'm pretty sure she's older
>>1027942She's so transparent. It's so obviously what she wants to continue "building her brand" kek
>>1027972Summerfags are out in force lately here. The wall is dumb af and so is anyone that uses it.
No. 1027986
>>1027974>>1027972Kek anon was clearly just referencing the perception of the audience they pander to when talking about age. Preg is a massive proponent of this ideology despite how retarded everyone here thinks it is.
Today I've learnt "the wall" is literally the lolcow equivalent of "Voldemort" kek.
No. 1028101
>>1027974Of course she lied about being 18 like she does with everything else (being from Russia, most likely her height too, etc)
She's also extremely unknown, didn't she claim to make 10k a month? The vast majority of simps and ethot chasers have no clue who the hell she is, she has 447 followers on patron, that's probably less than 3k a month which I'll give her that but she overhypes herself as if she's a world star e girl. she's also deleted all tweets and patrons before March 2020, even though it's obvious she's been posting before that since her "oldest" tweet is a retweet of fan art so she either has explaining to do, made and sold child porn or is lying about her age. If any anon is able to do more research about it that would be helpful
No. 1028354
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She looks horrible. Her cheeks are absolutely fucked it ruins everything for me.
No. 1028362
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>>1028354KEK this is almost too accurate artanon
No. 1028386
>>1028311I could believe she's 5'0 but says 4'10 because it sounds xxxtra childlike for her pedo followers uwu
>>1028354she has the ugliest eye color I've ever seen. It's diarrhea green/brown
No. 1028450
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>>1028445Wasn’t June taller than that one girl who was 5’3” in the picture of her with septic? I remember the tweet in an old thread. June was kneeling? Sorry to derail but Shoe is a liar about her height and her skinwalker probably is too
No. 1028509
File: 1598363145597.jpg (347.25 KB, 1080x1835, 20200825_161244.jpg)

Sargon is subtweeting Shoe according to this breadtuber Big Joel. I dont know how he knows it's directed at her. Are Sargon and Greg even friendly enough for him to do this?
No. 1028515
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>>1028509Samefagging, apparently it is because of the pic attached. That Robin Hood account that retweeted the wall tweet may or may not be Sargon's ban evading alt.
No. 1028539
File: 1598367567417.jpeg (241.64 KB, 734x547, 1C952F8E-D463-47EE-B546-490AE5…)

Ah, of course.
Free markets and the right to be a chomo.
No. 1028564
>>1028354The hair, the forehead, the nose… and obviously the cheeks.
Very accurate 10/10 kek tyvm
No. 1028657
>>1028101>She's also extremely unknownShe has shitloads of instagram followers, somehow though, and seems to get lots of post engagement so they must not all be bought. It's weird.
>>1028540Blaire is also 5'5" and those two always appear to be the same height when they're in videos or pics together.
No. 1028721
>>1028509While this guy is disgusting, most women who are 30 are in long term relationships with guys that love them, both having successful/happy careers and good family vibes at the very least… begging for online fame and relevancy is something people do in their late teens and early 20s. When you are 30 and still doing it it’s kind of cringe.
Men loves to cope by saying the wall only hits women but it hits men just as hard. If you are 30 and don’t have your life together, no career, no real relationship experience (dating internet losers doesn’t count), barely any real education, and nothing to show for the last 15 years except for a YouTube channel… you’re in trouble. Nothing is going to change for Shoe in 5 years. She will just be 35, breaking up with Vaush, and clinging onto the next trendy political ideology that appeals to neckbeards.
No. 1028757
>>1028721He has an anime pfp and banner. That's enough for me to kek and move on. Nothing he and others like him say mean anything. It's just smooth brain angry autists dribble. Guarantee he's among those bitter that they are undesirable by women and are hoping that by chanting ~the wall~ enough times, it would make all women scared enough to be desperate and choose them as bfs/husbands. Or they just want to shit on women as they age because it's "karma" for having high standards, like requiring proper hygiene and not being a retard, when they were younger
But June pandered to them so much so of course, those leopards ate her face when it was time. Same will happen to kiwi. I think though June will end up another leftythot with vaush.
No. 1028930
File: 1598417593838.png (463.01 KB, 1078x1746, Screenshot_20200825-235343(1).…)

June explaining herself for the tenth time
No. 1028935
>>1028930Her profile picture is very befitting of that sperg nobody asked for. 10/10 autism.
>Guilt by association is lameSo is hanging out with a merry band of pedophiles, neither cancels each other out.
No. 1028941
File: 1598418545690.jpeg (64.17 KB, 428x267, 02037886-ACE5-4AC0-9978-2B851E…)

(emoticon use) No. 1028953
>>1028941Is there a full-body version of that photo? We know how desperate she is about these things, based on
No. 1028957
File: 1598422507057.jpg (47.58 KB, 865x218, 1514508042621.jpg)

>>1028910forgot what video this was in the comments of but
No. 1028975
>>1027942>>1028354jesus shes actually popular enough to have legit antifan art?
No. 1028993
>>1028930Lol what a load of bullshit. June, you just wanted to be famous on the internet and the easiest way to do it was to appeal to various imageboard incels. Now you are fearing being canceled so you pretend you were on the "right side" of history all along.
Just tell the truth and say that politics never interested you, you just wanted to simulate high school on the internet and pretend you are the Stacy.
No. 1029004
File: 1598434828555.png (40.98 KB, 736x873, soft_cowards.PNG)

>>1027462No, I know here I am.
>>1027749Not a simp, I stated that much in my post, and I feel sorry for your former English teachers.
I know for a fact she comes here. She also stalks kiwifarms as well.
You all do know that June and Ian (Eyerev) made this site originally, right?
It was to catch people that were trash talking her on Unichan.
You all seem rather young and desperate to hate on other people none of you have ever met.
I wonder what kind of people spend their lives on sites likes these.
I was just stopping by, but if any of you think you're better than other people simply because you gossip about them, please realize it just indicates you're all trash without lives of your own.
Pic related.
You're all soft cowards.
(derailing) No. 1029165
>>1028930Has this bitch ever had an actual political standpoint? Come to think of it, she just spewed whatever was a hot topic at the time, She never stated what she was. She can't lie about her not trying to be a stupid MRA
>>1029004Hope she sees this and
gives you some "post-wall" pussy No. 1029213
>>1028957They made up these rules for themselves like adopting kids is being a cuck then they get eaten by their own words. If he wants to save western civilization wouldn't they want to raise as many kids as they can?
>>1029028Once again, being a fence sitter
No. 1029264
File: 1598475073955.jpg (146.57 KB, 1080x1103, 20200826_225010.jpg)

Her fans don't remember Shuwu also started her career the same way Sargon did? (And they were also very buddy-buddy and part of same circle too)
But Shuwu is not victim of Sargon, uwu.
No. 1029354
>>1029264I assume jokerifiedsnake doesn't know June was a gamergater
>>1029004>Thinks anyone on this site is trash>Admits June reads this website all the time and was involved with staffing it>simps June and begs her to unban anywayMake it make sense
No. 1029434
>>1029004> Not a simp, I stated that much in my postYou went out of your way to apologize to her on here after making a comment on her livestream (that you PAID to elevate) out of fear that it was misconstrued. You don't cease to be a simp just because you preface your ass-kissing message by saying you aren't one. "I feel sorry for your former English teachers." Lol, I feel sorry for your lack of critical thinking skills.
>I never meant to drag that shit up in a way to make you feel uncomfortable.Lmao you've obviously read the thread, you think your silly little comment is keeping her up at night or some shit?
No. 1029518
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>>1029506Back from whence you came pseudo-intellectual anon
No. 1029522
File: 1598534294971.jpg (86.98 KB, 750x494, chamomile-tea.jpg)

>>1029506>is that something that something thattry to calm down, sweety, you're stuttering
No. 1029524
File: 1598535619673.jpg (12.88 KB, 720x438, 10000.jpg)

>>1029506>>1027459>even paid the thingy to elevate the message or whatever>I never meant to annoy her or anything>I never meant to drag that shit up in a way to make you feel uncomfortable>not a simpthanks for the content. now go cry in shoe's patreon discord you pathetic scrote.
No. 1029857
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No. 1029901
File: 1598598553122.png (428.49 KB, 503x446, voosh.PNG)

Vaush and Shoe were streaming last night. The stream is 5 hours, dear lord. I am skimming through it, they're just talking about the kid in Wisconsin as I type this. I notice Vaush has trimmed his beard. Is he trying to look "cleaned up" for June? His eyes are more noticeable. No. 1029902
File: 1598598640099.png (6.23 KB, 158x83, OH NO.PNG)

This is the thumbnail of the stream too, oh my god.
No. 1029935
File: 1598610351155.jpg (44.2 KB, 616x518, JxcKTzf5qAU.jpg)

finally some self-awareness
No. 1029941
>>1029902Wow, after two years of getting mocked for it this bitch is still uwu-ing unironically
>>1029935inb4 Lauren Chen comes for him for stealing her brand because they're both in the same Canadian retard-pandering sphere
No. 1029989
>>1029264this is so pathetic. June just bringing up Gamergate memes when she first started supporting it to get attention, she admitted she hadn't played a Gameboy in years. And she still hasn't ever streamed videogames.
Her entire schtick is gravitating towards what will get her the most likes. That's all she ever does.
She must feels shes hit rock bottom if shes interested in Vaush though, Jesus Christ.
No. 1030664
File: 1598731015837.jpg (12.79 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>beautiful 30 y.o
No. 1030772
File: 1598749548740.jpeg (14.08 KB, 340x191, F0F8286E-CACD-4528-8404-096407…)

>>1030639>kiwi is a butterfaceThat bitch is built like a fridge with an obviously creepily deformed spine, not to mention. She’s short and stubby as shit. Her face is indeed heinous
>June is a beautiful 30 year oldI mean she is a 30 year old kek
No. 1030817
>>1029901I can't get the webm to upload, but there's a 5-6 minute clip from this where Shoe, Vaush, and Vermin (his girlfriend) are laughing at that one widow while she's crying about the death of her husband. Around the end of the clip once Vaush and Vermin get done Shoe does her cringey uwu giggle and says "this is great."
Link to the mp4: No. 1030842
>>1030818Maybe if you're a scrot who looks at models all day she's ugly, but compared to an average person? Eh
I get it she's shitty and she doesn't know how to style herself but she has a decent base to work with, she's definitely not ugly
No. 1030875
File: 1598776098001.png (104.28 KB, 597x616, little dumb baby.png)

>>1030772kek this screenshot. Honestly her worst feature are her giant bulimia cheeks that she could get rid of by not purging
>>1030873nta but you're the one shitting up the thread with the constant crying over people being too mean to this ugly little pedo baiter. Go away, you're too sensitive for here.
Anyway Kiwi is currently pandering to her fanbase. Her incels are praising her for "stepping outside progressive politics unlike most camwhores". Think she's going to try and pivot into a youtube politics thing like June? Interesting she's doing this after getting her fans to bug June for a collab.
No. 1030901
>>1030892That just makes her existence more sad if you ask me, becoming a prostitute the second you turn 18 seems to be the future of many girls of this generation tho, so many wait until their 18th birthday just so they can finally be a whore on the internet, cause that's cool now.
Ruining their lives before they even started. It's fucking sad. I am curious what the fallout will be in like 30 years when we have a whole generation of 40 year old women who have never worked a day in their life and can't get a job because all they ever did was porn and now they are too old to do it.
Also her body isn't even great, she has no hips and her tits are really saggy for being barely there, the giant pepperoni nipples don't really help either. She can only appeal to pedos and she knows it.
No. 1030910
File: 1598788390188.jpg (124.74 KB, 829x793, stillnotbi.jpg)

She's still pretending she's bisexual so she can complain about lesbians and pretend she's oppressed.
No. 1030970
>>1030959My favourite was the obvious chomo scrote simping for kiwi
>She's young and has a tight body>User has been put out to pastureKEK
No. 1030974
>>1030772I think people are being way too hard on June and Kiwi for the way they look, making them out to be way below average when they are not.
Most women are not hourglass shaped beauty queens with perfect faces where everything on their bodies is small and pink.
I mean June is OK looking, I would say she was slightly more attractive than Kiwi, but neither of them are below average.
No. 1030975
>>1030974I see where you’re coming from. I dislike June a lot but I never thought she was super ugly or anything. Just a pretty average girl…
but kiwi looks so deformed it makes her seem like a supermodel
No. 1030979
>>1030296I find it funny how people believe this. A man like Vaush will sleep with ANYTHING (including animals if he could get away with it), yet women and trannies are fanning themselves going, "Oh king! He has standards! He cares about women! He hates anti-feminism terfs like we do!"
Like this dude wouldn't fuck or date someone whose morals aren't the same as his in a mintue.
>>1030604 said Shoe JUST started acting this way, he'd date her if she was acting like she liked him but was 100% the opposite of everything this fat dude believed in.
He does not care about women. He just hates women who don't think the way he does, but he'd still fuck/date those very women if they gave him the chance.
>>1030975She just looks like a normal chick to me, nothing offensive, nothing special, for the men she dates and orbits, I guess she's above average to them.
No. 1030990
>>1030972>>1030974>Her nipples are normal>Most women are not hourglass shaped beauty queens with perfect faces where everything on their bodies is small and pinkI always thought to be a successful whore you had to be at least above average in looks. But it seems nowadays every girl who can use photoshop can make top dollars on onlyfans even if they are painfully average or even unattractive. But then again, if they were truly attractive they wouldn't have to beg for attention this hard in the first place I guess.
She's putting her body out there for the world to see (and pay for) so we're allowed to make fun of it. Kiwi is obviously super insecure, which is why she always contorts her body in super awkward looking poses, making sure her ribs stick out as much as possible and squatting like she has to take a shit to give the illusion of hips.
I wouldn't say anything about her if she was just a normal girl living her life, going to school and hanging out with her friends. But she's out here shoving her nudes in peoples faces and simping for literal pedophiles (Shadman). So fuck her and her ugly pepperoni nipples.
No. 1031081
>>1031020June has pretty decent implants (I think any implants that cause debates about their realness should at least be considered good implants)
June also has more muscle and fat which is a good thing compared to how boxy kiwi is, June looks more womanly. June has nice eyes, a decent face shape and nose but June and kiwi kept desperately trying to fit an aesthetic that doesn't fit them, objectively, most people who don't go through lolcow would say June is somewhat attractive. And before someone calls the "someone said a cow isn't hideous" police. There's only like 5-6 genuinely ugly cows, a lot have bad style but I'm referring to face and body
No. 1031230
>>1030890NTA but don't be purposely dense.
Also this thread is always a shit show of pathetic anons that feel bad for shoe because they identify with her sad-ass and feel personally attacked by criticism of her. sorry but if you look like shoe you're not hot, you're average at best. Like wtf are creepy ass comments like this
>>1031081 and
>>1031202 kek
June photoshops the shit out of her photos to give herself a waist and hips how are some of you this fucking stupid?
No. 1031231
>>1031230you never see this level of discussion over if a cow is hot or not in any other thread. i think it's two-fold. june and kiwi both comment here and defend themselves so im always skeptical.
also anons on the off-topic board were talking about how they see themselves in june. i think a lot of anons here know theyre worse off than june looks and life wise so them throwing her a bone is them coping with their own shit. they cant just call her fat and feel better with themselves like they can moo and they cant laugh at her plastic surgery like they can pnp.
truth is june and kiwi wouldnt be looked at twice irl which is exactly while theyre so extremely online in the first place, same with some anons here.
No. 1031293
>>1031277She has a fucking weird face. Men have really low standards, which is why even ugly women can make money on onlyfans. I noticed they also seem to like buck-teethed rat faces cause both Belle, June and Kiwi got that going on.
>>1031081>June has pretty decent implantslol, google her nudes. Nobody who is not a retarded scrote would debate if those are real, they are bolt-ons that don't match her body at all.
>June looks more womanlyshe shops herself to be more curvy while kiwi is going full on in on the pedo-aesthetic
>June has nice eyes, a decent face shape and nose Just completely disagree. She looks like a Who. She's not hideously ugly when she does decent make-up. Recently she tried to look more like Belle instead of Boxxy, but if she takes off the eyeliner, lashes and wig she would not be attractive. She's the definition of a butterface.
>>1031202You sound like June. Kiwi doesn't look 40, she looks underaged, which appeals to her pedo audience. The bulimia cheeks look like babyfat. I agree that she looks better than Kiwi but they're both not as hot as their simps make them out to be. If you met them on the street you wouldn't look twice.
No. 1031308
>>1031202June still looks like she is stuck in 2008 with many of the things she wears. I did my eyeliner like that when I was a teenager and I'm in my 30s now lol. She dresses like a soft emo from 2008.
I don't think the style you are mentioning is really something women can be expected to wear day to day and it's a bit outdated.
I think she would look decent if she just updated everything.
No. 1031311
>>1031306The difference between us and them is that we don't post our nudes on the internet and make money off of simps. When you put it out there you open yourself up for criticism and when you build your whole career on being "hot" then you can expect people to judge your looks.
Kiwi is literally just a prostitute and attention whore on the internet, her entire person is based entirely around her looks. What else are we gonna talk about? Her hot political takes? Come on, nobody cares about what she thinks, not even her simps.
The same goes for June, let's be honest. She wouldn't have a career at all if she didn't look like Boxxy and was "cute quirky politics girl".
June has never said anything that a man (Vaush, Skeptic, Sargon) hasn't already said. She just says it "pretty". Nobody would give a shit about her if she didn't show her face in her videos. Their "careers" are based on their looks so we talk about them.
Nobody cares what Becky from next doors nipples look like cause she doesn't ask you to pay money to see them.
No. 1031345
>>1031342Apparently being "non-monogamous" is a skill instead of a fear of commitment stemming from emotional trauma.
Unable to experience true love, forever sleeping around and betraying each other and they are proud of it. Poly people make me vomit.
No. 1031348
File: 1598881167542.png (10.98 KB, 821x252, Egs95umVgAIA53h.png)

this is like the navy seals copypasta of "I have sex"
No. 1031388
>>1030890>this is a pretty sane take>saneEverybody knows not to tweet shit like that especially because of the political/social environment going on nowadays. This tweet goes to show who she's really trying to pander to..
>>1030875That'd be hilarious. She'd probably flop given how her fanbase doesn't even take her seriously.
No. 1031527
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No. 1031530
>>1031527I'm fighting the urge to post Vaushs girlfriend, but I will say this, i think she'd be fine with being apart of vaush's relationships because she'd easily be the best looking woman there compared to the women and trannies. That may be her biggest reason for wanting this, clout and being the best looking person in the room.
Also, kek, at Vaush acting like he gets so much play, dude if you have no standard then of course you have more options. If you'd fuck ANYTHING, then yes, it's very easy to find something to fuck.
No. 1031561
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>>1031530I’ll do the honour. At this point I think Mr Vaush and Ms Unvaushed need their own thread but whatever
No. 1031602
>>1031561June acting like she’d kiss a man’s other woman just to get a fat, greasy pedo’s approval.
>>1031527We all know she wouldn’t actually make out with this Unhygienic sow.
No. 1031676
File: 1598936598538.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.46 KB, 866x488, tacomawept.jpg)

>>1031527>>1031561imagine shoe and the ogress wearing matching outfits with their fat spilling out of taobao knee socks and june being absorbed in their beloved lardo's embrace
No. 1031685
File: 1598937962593.gif (99.67 KB, 220x256, myeyes.gif)

>>1031676These creatures and that mental image is beyond disgusting, time to an hero
No. 1031716
>>1031688June is a run of the mill FAS emogirl and Ashleigh used to be a deformed horse with an enormous jaw that she fixed on Peter Coffin's dime. You don't magically get a hot girl mentality after getting surged up, and it's not like she has career options outside of e-blowing neckbeards. Besides, now she's just a provincial kind of pretty - definitely not a trophy or something you'd show off/go out of your way to land. A rich or attractive dude would likely be embarrassed to be seen with her in public, which doesn't mean that he wouldn't bang her in private.
>>1031703That being said, looks mean very little past the point of slightly above average. If you don't have game, you can be a 10/10 splitting bills with Preg while a 6/10 who knows how to fuck with men's heads has multiple Chads competing to bux her. What men say they want and what they actually want are two entirely different things.
No. 1031724
File: 1598947168073.jpg (714.19 KB, 1080x1518, 20200901_093748.jpg)

No. 1031728
>>1031688>>1031703It's just the usual suspects here.. lack of real female friendships, low self esteem, spending too much time online especially in male dominated spaces/bubbles. My own personal opinion is women like this might have challenging relationships with their own mothers while growing up.
There are poly women out there who are legit and mature about it tho, so the above doesn't apply to them.. but June does not strike me as poly at all. Especially considering she has never had any serious attempt at it during 10-15 years of dating. It's not like she doesn't have options so what I'm saying is that if she truly wanted to be in that kind of arrangement, it probably would've happened by now.
No. 1031732
>>1031728Also being constantly exposed to porn and male fantasies that women used to laugh at. Now they grow up watching this and think "This is normal. This is how I am supposed to be and act." Same for men, they grow up watching two lesbians competing to suck a dick, girls being slapped in the face and having their mouths spit in and orgasming from just having their tits grabbed. So they think that is how women should act and that's normal.
Girls like Kiwi can't wait to open their Onlyfans on their 18th birthday so they can act out men's fantasies all day long and get paid for it are another symptom of a porn-sick society.
Porn should be banned. It's ruining a whole generation.
No. 1031733
>>1031728>There are poly women out there who are legit and mature about it tho, so the above doesn't apply to them.. Also hard disagree. Poly people are all sick in the head and I have never once not seen it end in a big shitshow cause it's just natural for people to be jealous and people find ways to cheat even in an open relationship. Look at Projared and Heidi/Holly. It always ends like that.
If you're not the least bit jealous when you watch your partner be intimate with others then either you don't love them in the first place or you fetishized your own misery and get off on humiliation aka you're a cuck.
Don't be a cuck girls. Don't be like June and let men cheat on you cause you have no self respect. It's not "a woke poly relationship". You are not "a cool girl unlike other girls". You're a cuck. Grow a spine.
(derailing) No. 1031740
>>1031728>>1031527Too lazy to find but, I remember there is a cap of Shoe's askfm replying someone asking if she'd go poly with Preg and her reply was something like "I'd become jealous!" but, she was
totally ok with threesomes and him flirting with other women online.
On a side note, what I hate about poly relationships where all parties claim to be openly bi/pan, it's always just one guy with multiple women 90% of the time.
No. 1031798
>>1031733>>1031740>>10317245 bucks says he's shitting
triggers about multi-male arrangements, though. Just look at the kiwifarms polyamory thread, it's literally all asspained moids wailing about men being cucked while cheering on the likes of Vaush. Inb4 muh evopsych - this is retarded, females are hardwired to cuckold males to the point that males physically evolved multiple anti-cuckoldry adaptations.
Sage for off topic, have this beautiful video.
No. 1031816
>>1031798The only “men” Vaush has ever fucked:
>troons (men dressed as women)>aidens (women dressed up as men)The thought of a normal guy doesn’t turn him on. It’s all a power fantasy for him - dominating people he sees as weaker
No. 1031841
>>1031733Mod is poly confirmed. How is this derailing?
June is talking about getting into a poly relationship with Vaush who is already in one and June is even mentioned in the post. If we can't shit on poly relationships in this thread then it's gonna be boring forever cause that's what it's eventually gonna be about since June has not learned her lesson and is still a cuck.
No. 1031901
>>1031703No personality and sub par looks so June relies on her desperation to get men
Poly, if used right, is mostly for older couples who have been together a long time and want something new but too many young people jump on the trend because of Tumblr and expect it to work when everyone involved has the maturity of a 12 yr old
No. 1031907
>>1031676Look at his house..are they doing this on twitch? And like I said, June would be 100% cool being in this situation why?
She's a troll, she thinks she'd easily be the best looking one and Vaush will worship her, she wants clout, she's thirsty and she dates men who are physically below her because it makes her feel better about herself.
Most Poly relationships aren't with super attractive people it feels like 90% of them are with people who look like this.
People who'd fuck anyone/anything. They mindfuck people into thinking they are desirable but it's just not being picky.
June would LOVE being in matching outfit with this chick.
No. 1032021
File: 1598997408335.png (22.96 KB, 631x276, one dick policy.png)

Does this include transwomen?
No. 1032130
File: 1599009205961.jpeg (207.28 KB, 750x1107, 697DC387-4156-4E9D-ADE9-4535EF…)

The video of the woman getting catcalled went viral again and *~coincidently~* she asks her followers for this, knowing damn well the lonely neckbeards who love her will be sperging about they don’t get complements, cause catlcalling is compliments to her STILL. She hasn’t changed at all, lol.
No. 1032141
>>1032130This is so fucking pathetic
Men get complimented all the time. On everything they do. They only acknowledge it when it's a hot women saying it, if even that.
I know obese men who get complimented daily, most men with girlfriends get complimented daily, even average or sub average men get complimented doing normal things, Shane Dawson is literally the definition of a 5 and gets tons of female fans begging for them, same with social repose and Onision, they get free nudes from female fans for existing and they don't even have to work out, eat healthy or have proper grooming habits. Average or even above average female social media presents barely get anything at all. I've never seen a non-debatable average looking woman get complimented as much as average or below average looking men do
No. 1032186
>>1032130Men do get complimented, just not random men irl. Because complimenting random men is always taken as a come on and can possibly put you in danger. I told a male his haircut looked good once and it led to him fucking stalking me for months.
June is so retarded and because she never gets hit on outside of the internet she has no idea what it's actually like.
Honestly June needs to realize she's no considered a hot girl outside of her online photoshopped pictures. She gets the scraps of male attention and she thinks that's the norm. It's honestly sad.
No. 1032247
>>1032186>complimenting random men is always taken as a come on and can possibly put you in dangerVery true. Men think if you compliment them it must mean you want to have sex with them, because that is the only reason they compliment women.
And I assume most of these guys whining about it on the internet don't interact with women in real life at all except for strangers (cashiers, doctors, receptionists). It would be very weird for those women to make them compliments. And if they have girlfriends they probably don't notice how much they get complimented cause men are fucking oblivious.
Now if the hot waitress at Applebees for some reason compliments their shirt because she wants a bigger tip, I am sure they will remember it forever cause the hot waitress totally wanted to sex them.
Also this is such a huge fucking Pickme move by June, it just screams desperation. UwU I would compliment you fellow men, I am not like mean other women who don't realize how amazing you are~~~ I will worship your dick 24/7 in our super lewd open BDSM relationship!"
No. 1034105
>>1034096The Wall is glorified cope. Even if it did exist, who really cares? The women they keep using that shit on STILL lived better lives in one day than they ever will. They're that desperate for validation, they think in such childish terms:
>h-hey, if she's miserable like me, that means I win!It's all so tiresome.
No. 1034167
File: 1599356755599.png (294.54 KB, 738x661, BEBF5201-76EB-467A-A70E-178C92…)

Just going to leave this here. YIKES.
No. 1034277
>>1034181They are in an "open relationship". He recently bragged on stream about having Tinder and one of his best skills is picking up women.
I assume until now it was only his gf fucking other people and she will probably want to close the relationship once June tries to slide in there. Most women aren't actually cool with their boyfriends fucking other women, especially ones more attractive than them.
No. 1034370
File: 1599405320433.jpg (691.27 KB, 1080x1569, 20200906_171350.jpg)

Pick me's doing the same shit they did 4 years ago but instead of pandering to rightwing incels it's leftist neckbeards.
No. 1034388
>>1034181they are in an "open" relationship. he also has a live-in femboy who looks suspiciously young. @conureCC
shoe is probably just hesitating because being in this harem will be the beginning of the end of her life. not even the girls in the leftist thot thread are this fucked up - cringy, sure… but not this…
No. 1034396
>>1034388Its like she gets off on being humiliated in some way shape or form. Oh well her thread will probably get alot more active once she decides to be his lil harem ho.
And yeah sadly preggory was a huge upgrade compared to this guy but june gonna june I guess in men choice
No. 1034454
>>1034186kek i know right? Words don't even mean anything anymore.
>>1034306I agree. Preg is fucking disgusting but he's an upgrade from fucking Vaush.
>>1034370online standards are so low. The girl on the left looks like a walmart mom. Ashleigh and June both photoshop excessively.
Can you remember when June put on her purple wig and a floppy hat and anons here were talking about her glow up and how she can grow now without Preg? SHOW YOURSELVES
No. 1034467
>Ashleigh and June both photoshop excessively.oh shit I thought that was kiwi in the picture/collage
>>1034370>>1034371and was laughing at people who actually like june preferring kiwi as the "face" of shoe0nhead or being unable to tell them apart or whatever
No. 1034522
File: 1599426398647.jpg (373.92 KB, 1071x984, Screenshot_20200906-230641_Chr…)

>where are her organs?
You mean everyone can see you and Ashleigh shooping like crazy.
Return of disney princess waistline when?
No. 1034572
>>1034522Idk whats worse
June sucking right wing ass and pretending to be the ultimate uwu wife
Or June sucking left wing ass and pretending like shes the face of breadtube even though less than a year ago she was making anti feminism videos
Still love how each itteration of shoe she still has to objectify herself and shit on women she thinks her opinion is better than. It really doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum shes on as long as 1. She gets attention and 2. She feels superior to any woman in that content sphere.
No. 1034664
>>1034370kek at first I couldn't remember if that was Kiwi or June, tbh thought Kiwi at first. If I hadn't seen the original photos by the two of them, it would have been harder.
>>1034531Hard agree.
Also I hate these kinda people who responded whining about that stupid picture, because it's not really a matter of "omg objectifying girls is wrong!" but instead "objectify ___ girls too!" and it's just gross and embarrassing all-around. All simps and pick-mes.
Is the far left (no pun intended) one a troon? That's the troon flag. I dunno who any of these girls are besides Shoe though. #3 is actually kinda cute, especially in the sense of not having an uncanny valley face.
Being lumped in with Shoe says a lot about these other women though. Unfortunate.
No. 1034705
File: 1599466148547.jpg (64.97 KB, 483x815, Capture.JPG)

>close the gyms
>uwu i love dad bod and fat men
She's really into cucking herself like that huh
No. 1034811
>>1034683So a teen is living with them and fucking their fat asses? Also, am i the only one thinking they are trolling us? Maybe I expect a little more out of shoe not to simp a ugly dude and his unattractive gf, but come on? Is this just them playing with everyone?
And why do so many people online think this is normal? It's proof their audiences is full of unattractive women, troons and men.
I just cannot imagine being a fan of any of these people.
No. 1034816
>>1034811Vaush met the femboy in 2019 in Destiny's twitch chat
>[2019-01-16 07:24:38 UTC] Irishladdie: conure I never have before but I'm not opposed to the idea!>[2019-01-16 07:25:41 UTC] Irishladdie: conure oh, man! Uhhh. Could you @ me on Twitter? So I can keep my art stuff organized. I'm at and very flattered youre interested!Wacheneide was his twitter where he kept cartoon shota and loli pics retweeted/drawn.
no idea how old this person is but they look VERY young
No. 1034835
>>1034370The amount of people that thought June was Kiwi instead of vice versa is funny. The skinwalker becomes the skinwalked kek
>>1034831I think June also needs someone who has a following but not as much as her. It's like she needs her relationships to play out in front of an audience like a fucking romcom. Will they/won't they, make little jokes and drop clues. It's honestly really sad.
No. 1035309
>>1035199she will keep pandering to the same group… incels of [x] political denomination, while seething that the whole group doesn’t accept her. she keeps reliving high school every 5 years since she graduated it’s pathetic.
it will be worse than the altright this time, because at least on the altright the “cool” kids accepted her… this time around the “cool” kids mock her and find her cringe. she played this completely the wrong way by trying to appeal to a literal-who neckbeard (Vaush) who most people dislike, because now when she tries climbing the irony poisoned ladders to CTH, she will inevitably get shunned.
No. 1035347
File: 1599576222037.jpg (503.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200908-212035.jpg)

The obsession continues…
No. 1035387
>>1035347Even genderbent version of chinless Leafy looks more attractive than her.
But so fucking strange to forcibly insert herself into every tweet that's about June's looks.
No. 1035404
>>1035347I think June looks like a fucking Who out of Whoville but Kiwis is absolutely delusional if she thinks she is more attractive than her. She has all of the features that make June ugly but cranked up.
When Leafy has a better jawline than you… jfc.
No. 1035406
>>1035347Did anyone notice
>female leafy looks like a more attractive shoeonhead
>more attractive shoeonhead
>kiwi immediately claims she's female leafyFirst Kiwi was lowkey shitting on Shuwu for being older, now she's the "more attractive one".
This is the same shit that was happening back in 2015 when Shuwu was lowkey claiming to be "more attractive" anti sjw Boxxy, history truly does repeat itself.
No. 1035408
File: 1599583019765.jpg (65.84 KB, 483x834, Capture.JPG)

The forgotten fat one is also back with his cringe selfies
No. 1035483
File: 1599592717793.jpg (20.97 KB, 400x400, tangled.jpg)

>>1035441I'm guessing Shuwu with her disney obsession made him watch Tangled one too many times and now he thinks he is Flynn Rider doing his sexy face. Except in the movie it was a joke.
No. 1035751
>>1035406>Did anyone noticeLiterally the post above you?
Also it seems pretty obvious, at least that is what I saw her as saying immediately. The "female leafy" doesn't even look like her, so there would be no point to her retweeting this if she WASN'T shitting on June (and the original tweet already is). Well unless she WK'd June but I won't hold my breath on her ever doing that.
>>1035441>bank robber scarfA-anon, that's a face mask…
Remembered his post promoting them a while back
>>1020741 No. 1035832
File: 1599644194199.jpg (152.18 KB, 1080x974, obligatoryjuneretweet#791.jpg)

Design wise, Gogita is a objective downgrade.
No. 1035834
File: 1599645021904.jpg (39.25 KB, 1183x355, Capture.JPG)

Just archiving this here, in case it changes
No. 1035980
>>1034167>jokingly simp for women on Twitterkek her own fans don't believe she's bisexual.
>>1035823They are showing off their high t alpha hunter eyes.
No. 1035990
>>1035832Weird theory:simps are separate profiles operated by kiwi
She blew up out of nowhere and her tweets only go back to March but she's still also replying and has fans which means she has a long tweet and onlyfans history long before March which proves my theory that she is either
1.Lying about her age
2. Posted child porn
She deleted everything before March because people would easily backtrace that she isn't 18 like she claims to be
As for my theory that she operates various male accounts
No. 1036069
Does anyone know if this is real?
>Vaush has allegedly been reported to the FBI by a former friend after expressing his controversial take on child exploitation during one of his live streams.
>“I’ve been a friend of his for a while and he often brings this topic up in private conversations. I’ always just assumed he was trying to be controversial because that was his entire spiel, but once I saw this clip, I just knew,” an alleged friend of Vaush’s told us.
>“He went off on a tangent once and admitted that he once saw child p*rn and that he believes people that say they haven’t are lying,” she added. “I think it was in relation to 4chan or something. It happened a while ago.If so… good job Shoe. You picked a total upgrade from Skeptic!
No. 1036072
File: 1599687735537.jpg (80.26 KB, 555x487, Untitled.jpg)

She's really pressed about appearing "leftist" all along even though pandering to alt right (with focus on woman hate) is what made her gain audience in the first place.
No. 1036075
File: 1599688091799.jpg (132.93 KB, 776x1252, Capture.JPG)

Also Kiwi selfposting on shoe0nhead subreddit kek
No. 1036076
>>1036072appearing l as a lefty would mean she has taken a side and she's desperate to remain neutral and pander all incels, both commies and alt right. Too bad they're now too radical for fence sitters who only talk in political memes. She really should of stayed off Twitter, made 1 vid explaining her
taking a hiatus and gotten a hobby. Guess now she'll just ultimately end up in vaush's harem while he gets arrested by the fbi.
No. 1036110
>>1035794Kek and then kiwi jumped in posting her own pics and calling herself hot
>/polGo back
No. 1036112
File: 1599691487064.jpeg (90.71 KB, 750x309, 8F8C5819-33DC-432E-B988-E2C660…)

Saying “reddit tier” has somehow become a Reddit/Normie thing to say ffs
No. 1036197
File: 1599701856613.jpeg (35.12 KB, 686x341, 39AEC65B-B289-493B-B663-DD67B8…)

how the fuck does this have 86k likes. it’s twitter so the bar is non existent but still
No. 1036284
File: 1599723260173.png (958.72 KB, 1101x501, kiwiateabee.png)

Simps on the internet really overinflated this girls ego. It is now almost the size of her cheeks.
No. 1036310
>>1036284This is the best photo I've ever seen of her and the comparison still does the dog dirty.
>>1036287Ah, regurgitating someone else's tweet for likes. That's almost symbolic of June's existence as a whole.
No. 1036523
File: 1599773496585.png (1.59 MB, 2364x1246, Screen Shot 2020-09-10 at 2.28…)

Pregory deleted all the videos with Shoe on his Armoured media channel, as well as the few vlogs they had together on the Armoured Gregory channel. Meanwhile, shoe still has all her videos with Pregory on her channel, and the Shoe and Skeptic channel is still up (although neither of them link to it anymore).
No. 1036748
File: 1599814743748.png (766.66 KB, 599x791, shoeyoudork.png)

What are you doing June?
No. 1036762
File: 1599818474625.jpeg (269.74 KB, 1125x917, 1593297202304.jpeg)

>>1034306i dunno about that man. groceries is just as insidious and pro pedo. i think theyre equals. theyre foils of each other tbh.
and i think vaush is slightly better by like .05% because of his pseudo leftist leanings.
a guy who spouts feminism despite not being geniune is better than an asshole who constantly degrades women and has a weird god complex.
and kek at vaush being a commie not even close. i just love how people always conflate anybody with leftist leanings as a fucking commie.
did all y'all just conveniently forget how much of disgusting asshole preg is? i hate how this thread has vocal people that think anything remotely positive about preg. dont get me wrong vaush is a nasty greaseball neckbeard but preg is a loser almost 40 year old with a failing youtube channel who thinks he's jesus.
No. 1036764
>>1036748June is a feeder confirmed
>>1036762Woww, I didn’t remember this tweet. The narcissisim and lack of self awareness is astounding..
No. 1036771
File: 1599822161440.jpg (435.01 KB, 2664x1068, vaush.jpg)

Oh you screeching harpies are just mad that you don't get picked by winners in life like Vaush and Preg.
No. 1036807
File: 1599831867379.png (445.82 KB, 1110x931, junesfatfetish.PNG)

>>1036748The girl who runs that account is known as an unironic fat fetishist, so this is pretty much fat/feeder fetish confirmed for June
No. 1036836
>>1036782Right? Like lets ignore Vaush defending child porn, liking horsedick, having a gf, a young looking femboy living with him, bragging about how much women he gets and everything else.
They both are shitbags, but Vaush is on the same levels, fuck his politics. He only uses them to get sex from boys, troons and women anyway.
He only cares about women as long as they believe what he wants, he's on the same level as Preg and he looks even worst imo.
No. 1036837
>>1036827So she's picking wrong, both men seem like they want to be with multiple people at once. It's not like she's looking for a chubby loser who only wants to be with her, she's walking into relationships with men who want her plus other people.
She wants clout and attention for her relationship, but knows she can't get anyone thats actually decent looking and acting. She just goes with the easiest choice.
No. 1036841
>>1036827>people like Shoe want to be desiredThen she should just date one of her simps. Preg never seemed to desire June ever, I only ever saw him openly lusting after other women and trannies and literally cucking her and fucking other women in front of her. That is the opposite of being desired.
I think she is attracted to douchebags who abuse her and have clout. That's it. Although she might legit be into fat men, to each their own.
No. 1036998
>>1036771>commie>"hoes">"gonna rape capitalists wives">obsessed with virginsNice praxis i see you really took on board that whole "the first oppression historically was of females by males for procreation" bit on board, Vaush.
No. 1037015
>>1036948Yeah but here
>>1034705 she implied she wants Hassan to get fat too.
No. 1037059
File: 1599862791353.jpeg (50.62 KB, 1079x340, 4117E590-BCF2-4F2D-A3C1-ABEA9A…)

>>1036771Is it safe to assume June shares the majority of her beliefs with vaush because…
No. 1037065
>>1036841>I only ever saw him openly lusting after other women and trannies and literally cucking her and fucking other women in front of her.This is somewhat tinfoil and I don't mean to wk preg by saying this, but I heavily suspect that June was doing the same to him at least towards the end of the relationship. We already know that she was talking with preg and possibly even flirting with him while she was still in her previous relationship with the black dude whose name escapes me atm. She was interacting with vaush regularly long before she and preg broke up, and anons were even speculating that she was having an affair.
I really think that june and preg were equally
toxic to each other in their relationship. June is just a bit better at hiding her cheating tendencies.
No. 1037156
File: 1599872106318.png (10.18 KB, 122x72, Screen Shot 2020-09-11 at 5.55…)

>>1036771Even his own Discord thinks he's disgusting. That's a whole new low.
No. 1037193
>>1037065In the previous thread or the one prior someone posted a pic of greg having liked a pic that kinda implied june cheated on him. Add in vaush and his I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR BREAKUP for no reason comment and its not an odd assumption to think she cheated on preggory like she did the guy she left for preggory. I dont care for preggory the guy is a total skeeze but I think their breakup was more a june/vaush thing going on their preggory and his tranny liking.
Tho for whatever reasons preggory hasnt outted her for it and probably never will cuz she has dirt on him also.
In the end I will continue to always think at least a tiny bit June cheated cuz its june and male attention is required to continue breathing for her
No. 1037245
>>1036762Kek Preg is such a creepy tard, nice cap anon. And I see your point but respectfully disagree. If I had to choose, I prefer the evil that's not obscured by pseudo-feminist diatribe, it makes him much easier to avoid right off the bat.
Uhm, I'm just referencing this post
>>1025140. It was a harmless bit of hyperbole in response to literal pro-pedophile sentiment. My use of the word "commie" wasn't in anyway the focus of my post. I'm surprised you focused in on that considering the context.
>Remotely positive about PregThat's a massive stretch of the imagination anon. Vaush is so insidious that exclaiming Preg is a miniscule improvement is by no means positive. In my mind he is only a subjective improvement because of his inability to conceal his misogyny, rendering him somewhat less of a danger to society. My post was 5 days old, I genuinely don't know how you managed to misconstrued it so thoroughly or how it even elicited this response kek. They're both awful people, I didn't think that needed to be said.
No. 1037274
File: 1599884769884.png (364.29 KB, 601x873, surejune.png)

And more from June and whatever the fuck she thinks she's up to
No. 1037307
>>1037245Ken exactly. Preg is an improvement on Vaush in the same way it would be an improvement to only have to punch yourself in the tit instead of both of them.
Preg is gross about young girls but Vaush is out there trying to make a case for lowering the age of consent.
>>1037258Honestly Preg prob just took it as an out thinking he'd be rolling in thots once free, only to find out most young girls don't actually like gross old men unless they're willing to pay for them to pretend.
No. 1037549
>>1037521The fact he's even "Popular" proves that people need a e-daddy to tell them what to think or what they are thinking is right.
It's just funny how barely any of the e-daddies of breadtube are attractive and aren't coomers. Either they are troons or decent looking guys on the verge of trooning out & are coomers.
It is starting to feel like Shoe just wants the clout from Vaush because I don't she'd date him, I'm sure Vaush wants someone actually decent looking (and female) in his stables, so he probably really wants Shoe deep down.
No. 1037557
>>1037059The replies from that tweet ub ironically wanting incet to be legal is an argument to being back shaming
>pro incest>pro lowering the aoc/pedophiliaJune is so desperate not to end up a single woman in her 30s that she's aiming for this. Pathetic
No. 1037560
>>1037549Spot on. Bread tube, especially Vaush, caters to the lowest common denominator of their political sphere in the same way Preg does his. They realise their short comings and in a similar fashion to Shuwu, pander to their audience for attention in whatever way is attainable to them. Being hideous simply requires parroting the mainstream and putting on their fedoras as "nice guys". That's why Vaush pretends to be a feminist, it garners him easy attention (and obscures the fact he's probably a sexual predator).
On the subject of Shoe/Vaush I agree. Vaush would sodomise anything with legs and Shoe is playing the shipping game for free publicity/sticking it to Preggy. He's far from a prize but Vaush is Chris-Chan 2.0 in not just looks alone.
The most apt comparison I can think of is Preg looks like he smells of BO and too much Axe, whilst Vaush looks like he smells like a combination of manboob sweat and urine.
No. 1037741
File: 1599954729802.jpeg (197.97 KB, 750x976, E00A43EF-CC7B-46C0-934E-4DD694…)

No. 1037803
>>1037727Exactly! Most incest is sexual abuse, even when both of the age of consent. There's obvious power imbalances in family situations. It's like that 19 year old that married and had a baby with her Dad, as soon as she left him he killed her, the baby and himself.
Sorry to rant but losers have been amping up the pro-incest shit ever since that stupid Rick and Morty episode.
>>1037741Imagine being this desperate for attention. Also:
>your stuck herekek i guess this is why she has to sell her body online to make cash.
No. 1037864
>>1037803For these guys the power imbalance is a feature, not a bug.
>>1037822Random normies on Tinder don’t come with an audience, though.
No. 1037880
File: 1599984746055.jpg (398.29 KB, 1057x1244, 20200913_101251.jpg)

This is sad
No. 1037890
>>1037759>How does a girl who looks like she just walked out an arkansas trailer park who's shaped like a brick with udders for tits have such an ego?Just the same way Brittany Venti does, even tho she looks like Sid from Ice Age and has national geographic titties. Simps will tell them they are the most beautiful creatures in the entire world cause they think "hey, she's not really hot so she must have low enough self esteem to maybe date a loser like me." They seem attainable. But the math doesn't work cause by orbiting these thots they get an ego bigger than Kiwi's hamster cheeks.
>>1037880He got fat and stopped putting in any effort cause now he has girls like June orbitting him. Also his gf is fat and gross so she probably doesn't expect him to keep up his appearance and they both let themselves go together.
No. 1037983
File: 1600010240393.jpeg (9.41 KB, 219x230, download (1).jpeg)

>>1037977KEK anon. If this doesn't catch on and become the new nasolabial folds I think I might just die.
No. 1038016
File: 1600014599242.jpeg (325.86 KB, 1536x2048, 3F294E3D-4334-4E7C-A41F-D867DA…)

>>1038008I think he legit just let himself go here’s a framed photo at his parents house.
No. 1038026
>>1037890>National geographic tittiesWow who would've guessed human breasts look like human breasts
At least Brittney is curvy and despite the natural sagging looks uniform, kiwi looks like a goblin
>>1037846I still feel like June could get a man at the very least marry some labor worker and live in a small house or trailer but in that means a fit 35 yr old construction worker would be equal to her and she is obsessed with looking better in comparison, also probably why she hangs around trannies and the atheist community
No. 1038035
File: 1600017366214.jpg (77 KB, 750x791, C3I0RkHWYAA3qoQ.jpg)

>>1037880Well if that doesn't remind me of young Preg.
(Ignore the retarded caption, just got it off google)
No. 1038044
File: 1600018127890.jpeg (Spoiler Image,35 KB, 456x672, images (4).jpeg)

>>1038026Un-posed/un-edited, without something high-waisted pulled up to her tits, she looks like she's built like Anisa if Anisa's bolt ons were real. Kiwi is particularly prepubescent and kind of frightening kek, I agree both Anisa and Britney look like curvy goddesu compared to her.
>>1038035Transition from a pussy obsessed frat boy to a pussy obsessed satanic lesbian, marvelous.
No. 1038051
>>1038026>Wow who would've guessed human breasts look like human breastsHey Brit, I know you read here cause you repost shit from this site on twitter all the time, please put on a bra. You can't help your bad genetics, but it's not a nice sight anyone wants to see.
>>1038035He looked better before. Now he looks like the kind of guy who wants to show you a magic trick at the bar and afterwards your wallet is gone.
No. 1038106
File: 1600026539096.png (265.53 KB, 1185x692, shoethechildpornapologist.png) related
i've actually tortured myself watching clips of him defending this take–he proclaims he's anti-cp but at the same time is equating the morality of buying a computer with unethically sourced silicon to buying videos of child raep. my theory is he gets off on defending what we have collectively conceded to be a totally unjustifiable moral wrong, he feels intellectually superior for attempting to do so. i'd
really like to believe he's not an actual ped0 but his disgusting physiognomy combined with his leaked discord chats and his cp apologist bullshit isn't helping me see the light.
No. 1038108
>>1038016he looks like he's sucking a lemon
>>1038044that face, though.
No. 1038116
>>1038106his private twitter was discovered and it had loli anime cp and shota on it, the second ppl started taking screencaps on twitter he privated it (@wacheneide) and purged…
then there was the whole shota search history stuff.
dude is a pedo
No. 1038212
>>1038051Nta but her boobs just look like normal big boobs? Unless you're a pornsick scrote who thinks tits that don't look like perfect perky globes = nat geo tits, which is probably the case if you think wearing a bra fixes boobs
>>1038035He looks like a 2000s dadrock drummer like in bush or three days grace but his band kicked him out for pedophilia
No. 1038214
>>1038160its in the kiwi thread but the dude likely needs his own lolcow thread by now.
also these two twitter threeads shota search stuff is in the kiwi thread at pg 19 i thnk
No. 1038256
>>1038234you guys are so quick to call out cows for selfposting it's so cringe. it's a shitty take, DD tits aren't going to be perfectly perky and plastered on like you see in your porn, anon.
>minimoddinglul a spade is a spade, her tits are brought up in every shoe thread for no real reason. it's beginning to look a bit fangirlish, she's not even milky to begin with so what's the point?
No. 1038278
>>1038106Wtf vaush. Nobody should really sit there and be edgy ~thinking against the grain of society~ because it's fucking
child porn. kids are kids and can't fucking consent to shit. how fucking brain dead retarded was June too to be to really struggle to come out and bluntly say "I fucking hate cp. Any and all of it. Burn the pedos" because she knows pedos and incels are a large part of her audience. or was. Kiwi is absorbing the degenerates without the politics
No. 1038279
File: 1600051112873.jpeg (18.63 KB, 640x480, scumbag.jpeg)

>>1038272>Complains about derailment only to disregard their own part in derailing>>1038273I think the point was they were comparitively attractive.
>i'm well versed in spotting men who will likely age well vs only okay-looking from youth kekSo you can tell when someone's going to get fat, a faggy haircut and get their ears pierced? Please give me some of your foresight kek.
No. 1038280
>>1037880Junk food, hectolitres of alcohol and an obvious descent into degeneracy. Shame, he was kinda qt despite being fat.
>>1037994Pls spoiler this, I'm getting a heart attack every time I scroll by.
>>1038043Conservatives could us that as an overall argument against becoming a liberal.
No. 1038351
File: 1600074111409.png (1.07 MB, 1104x399, tits.png)

dropped my picture
Her tits just are saggy and look better in a bra. I don't care about natural sag, my tits aren't perfect either, but I don't flaunt them on the internet or swing them around in public.
And natural geographic titties are wonderfully natural, maybe you're the scrote if you think that comment is offensive and not a compliment.
No. 1038352
>>1038350Nta but definitely some insecure anons here.
That or Brittany needs a hobby outside of Shoe. I'm sure they're fine the way they are, it's just a touchy subject for them thus the jumping to "well you must be a scrote" logic. Big boobs are fine, Brittany as a package isn't.
No. 1038358
File: 1600075495244.jpg (185.81 KB, 1080x1338, 20200914_112550.jpg)

No. 1038360
File: 1600075868486.jpg (500.9 KB, 1049x1615, Screenshot_20200914-113212_Chr…)

No. 1038363
File: 1600076535145.png (385.32 KB, 1080x1789, Screenshot_20200914-044304(1).…)

I want to barf
>>1038358That reply had me cackling. I love these replies.
No. 1038436
File: 1600086481502.png (139.34 KB, 542x436, gagmer.PNG)

>>1038214>gentleman gamer>girthEven if this is ironic it fails to come across that way because Vaush is like the human embodiment of a fedora
>>1038363I give it another couple months before these two give us a twitter copypasta as good as the "material for our next salty beta video" one where she was sitting on a leash for Groceries
No. 1038608
>>1038569Women with fat fetishes don't state they have a fat fetish every five minutes and make it part of their personality
>probably has something to do with liking to appear/feel tiny.thats the case with most women who go after greasy, fat losers, they want to feel better in comparison and think dating down would make the man worship them until reality hits and they get treated like shit by these men anyway
No. 1038636
>>1038625>constantly shit on natural unattractive traitsJust say nitpicking. Don't beat around the bush, and no. Not everyone likes reading through 200+ posts of anons comparing their imaginary bodies or idealized bodies to cows. Fucking stop.
>>1038436>ironicDidn'tcha know anon, as long as you're self-aware, all the cringey shit you say and do is totally based and poggerz. Especially when it comes to being an obese anime connoisseur who fantasizes diddling little boy- I mean, shotas.
No. 1038728
File: 1600112855487.jpg (112.36 KB, 1080x448, Screenshot_20200914-214828_Chr…)

No. 1038733
>>1038730It is indeed real. June got sick of all the derailing of her thread talking about Brittany Venti's tits, she needs our attention back.
Brit and June, you both need to stop reading this thread. Brit, put your tits in a bra and I swear I will never mention them again.
No. 1038756
>>1038723>>1038728Now I'm starting to worry she comes here to get off on being made fun of or something.
I know she only claims to be bi to appeal to straight guys, but I have to wonder.
No. 1038846
File: 1600122279937.png (93.53 KB, 800x770, zx4RptFKKgUwQOMPsucQfmYt5iP2oo…)

>>1038845Also this one of her bragging about being able to literally buy a whole house
No. 1038854
File: 1600122731276.png (58.13 KB, 824x174, Screenshot_20200914-173245(1).…)

The video was supposed to drop an hour ago but she deleted the tweet lol
No. 1038856
>>1038728lmao fuck off June, you sustain yourself on scrotes and their attention.
>>1038846Has she ever lived independently from her parents? Because her apartment is theirs. Fuck her life is so sad.
No. 1039030
File: 1600149217488.png (349.83 KB, 601x554, shoethefurryantifacommiecumslu…)

Shoe the furry antifa commie cum slut. Vaush must really be loving his pet slut these days
No. 1039054
>>1039034In true shoe fashion, she spends most of her time talking about memes and internet articles and reaction than the movie itself.
I’m haven’t really followed Shoe much but did she go to college? Not to shit on anyone who didn’t, but after watching a few videos of hers, you can tell that she does not know how to properly review something, think about it and give an insightful and well constructed review.
Full time working on meme reaction and vapid videos really show that she does not know how to review anything in any kind of professional manner.
It’s hard to believe she’s basically my age. At the end she reveals that the main protagonist is not forced to go along her family traditions and just goes back to playing like a normal kid. Shoe can’t put two and two together and realise that maybe, that whole twerking was a rebellious act (Especially at a sensitive growing age) considering no adults in the movie was encouraging her to do.
And I’m so tired of Americans not bothering to look up how to pronounce anything, couldn’t she take 2 seconds of her time to go on Google translate and listen to how mignonne is pronounce? It’s not even a difficult word to say for English speakers. And cool thing butchering the director name.
Also, pretty funny she cringes at twerking tweens, but totally encourages jokes about grooming and only dating girls aged 18 to 25.
No. 1039062
>>1039054The pronunciation is definitely an ignorant American thing but with June, she's not about to put any extra work into her videos. Basic research is work and I have a feeling she didn't bother to finish the film because that was work too, there's a synopsis on twitter no one will ever know.
When she speaks I have trouble believing she graduated high school, let alone attended college.
No. 1039065
>>1039010Seriously, that is literally a post making fun of June since we finally got back on topic after all the off-topic posts about saggy tits, which seem to be fine. Makes sense.
>>1039034Anyone care to tell me what her opinion is? Cause I can't stand to watch her cringy ass try to be funny and act cute for scrotes. Does she do an ahaego face while pretending to masturbate to the little girls? Cause that's kinda what I assume this video is gonna be since she went from copying Boxxy to copying Belle the pink haired whore.
No. 1039085
>>1039054I mean June stance on pedophilia is basically:
>diddling real kids bad>but if they're not real then it's totally coolI didn't expect her stance on cuties to be anything other than, "mmm yeah. pedos bad. BUT FIRST, lemme read some vox article discussing it."
>>1038360Lmao at her trying to act as if she's so against the sexualisation of minors and doesn't actively encourage shit like this. Especially when she's out here skinwalking girls nearly 20 years younger than her and openly defends degenerate pedos like Vaush.
No. 1039098
>>1039065She kinda contradicts herself because she says it’s not as terrible as people say but they didn’t have to put so many twerking moments and she inserted clips of her cringing and pulling her head in her sweater during the twerking moments. At the same time, she keeps saying how it’s terrible and referencing other reviewers (because frankly, I doubt Shoe would be able to produce one original opinion if she wasn’t stirred in one direction by her audience beforehand)
I feel like in the end, she still decides to go along the popular crowd of “this is a creepy pedo movie” because that’s what the internet has been saying.
She can’t even realise how hypocritical she is when in the same vain, she’ll defend her next dick ride Vaush by saying he didn’t really mean that child porn should be legal even though he literally said that. But a movie about a woman and her own childhood struggle in a very particular religion/culture, probably meant to shock her audience without it being CP, is totes creepy. Ok right June.
No. 1039126
>>1039098>>1039121I think the message (if there ever was one, and it wasn't
just shock value) is lost when you start to perpetuate the same issues you're supposed to be shedding light on. The end doesn't justify the means. I'm with you both on the June being a hypocrite though. As if defending and excusing a legitimate predator (at the very least in the making) isn't infinitely worse than a movie people are already condemning? Imagine having moral priorities that don't heavily factor in internet fame and views, cause Shoe can't.
No. 1039182
File: 1600177410090.webm (848.55 KB, 640x360, destiny.webm)
>>1039170>Imagine having no spine/opinion for the sake of fat pedo chodeShe never had one, even before Voosh or Preg. She has no personality, she's like a Dito. Except a Dito is cute and useful.
No. 1039186
>>1038846…then she should do it. Rent is literally throwing money down the toilet. I don't want to spoonfeed ideas to her, but there are plenty of ways she could buy out properties if she doesn't want to live at them right now yet maybe later when she's ready. Not having money to buy a house is at least a good reason that the majority of people have as an excuse. But that's not her reason.
The real reason why June doesn't want to buy a house is because she has no concept of being an independent adult. Could you imagine June trying to run and keep an entire household? She couldn't handle that responsibility. So it's better that she rents and even she knows it. It's still pathetic.
No. 1039198
File: 1600179628395.png (15.67 KB, 593x125, gargle some more cockbreath.PN…)

>>1038728but it was cute when her obese hermaphrodite ex boyfriend did it
No. 1039545
File: 1600214551999.jpeg (Spoiler Image,134.08 KB, 749x1292, 16A4CD70-8801-4E91-9AB8-990113…)

For future reference, found this in “Women You’re ashamed you’d fuck” over in /g.
They posted this same “Brittles” pic fawning over here in this thread.
>>1038044Brit’s got a thin skinned simp in here so next time there’s a ton wk posts we know exactly why.
(derailing) No. 1039569
>>1039551It’s the fact that they were in here derailing to white knight. And the fact that the Brit simp has done that in this thread MULTIPLE times before.
Idgaf if they want to fuck her, but their horniness for her sperging out here is what’s fuckin annoying.
No. 1039574
>>1039571No1curr if it’s your first post about her, you are the only one continuing the derailing that we’ve already moved on from (while another anon upthread got redtexted for shit that wasn’t even derailing lel) over something that no one gives a fuck about. Take it somewhere else.
>>1039491Kek anon I noticed that too, wtf
No. 1039757
>>1039736God damn it you a-logs! Brittany Venti is a beautiful half-black queen with wonderful titties and totally does not look like she stinks of catpiss! She also totally does not post here to defend herself all day long! That beautiful woman has TONS of simps who love to whiteknight her!
Just stfu Venti or make your own thread.
No. 1039802
File: 1600260609891.jpg (197.08 KB, 1080x784, 20200915_232354.jpg)

"I am so bi!!!1"
No. 1039804
>>1039802the reason everyone keeps linking shoe to vaush is cuz she constantly defends him and sticks up for his pedo loving views and goes in his livestreams. and you know that whole referenceing her for sex a few times in his livestream.
maybe dumb peasant thats why people think she's his ho
No. 1039874
File: 1600272167082.jpeg (16.62 KB, 480x360, 3609C6E5-1160-48F1-9627-B6A3F0…)

>>1039804 Agreed. Baldie has a track record of not leaving her former relationship without one waiting for her or in the works.
Just like with shrekdic, so it makes perfect sense it’s shes at minimum highly considering vaush. She a blink away from 30 and addicted to internet attention. She isn’t about to date a normie and she’s definitely won’t let people say she’s hit the wall she by being single when she turns 30.
No. 1039898
>>1039893I hope Vaush stays with his fat gf.
June would rip out all of her hair if a man chose a fatty over herself despite all her simping and wking and tradpandering.
No. 1039960
>>1023845I don't think she actually wants Vaush, she just wants the attention she gets by going after her and she probably sees him as a conquest, especially since he has a girlfriend. Also makes Preg angry maybe.
I think she will end up with a Preg 2.
No. 1040743
>>1039574>>1039491Lol my bad, t. stupid anon who can't math.
>>1039529Was trying to tie it back to this post, sorry if that wasn't clear.
>>1023983 No. 1041265
File: 1600464660712.png (429.99 KB, 598x607, dirtypervjune.png)

Welp Shu confirmed once again for being a dirty perv. Vaush will love this kinda of stuff
No. 1041281
>>1041265If she's going to do this why does she simp after the most disgusting men? Is there no handsome chubby men who are gross and like Vaush?
I never got that about people like her, they go for the worst of the worst but are judgemental as fuck.
No. 1041492
File: 1600502163518.png (149.08 KB, 598x711, shoebeingapoliticaltwat.png)

Nire iez shuwu and her political takes
No. 1041528
>>1041524The "car keys" are the remote to the vibrator between her legs and every time he "checks for the car" it turns the vibe on hence her reactions in the background to it going off.
shoe is implying she wants to be put thru this kinda treatment. Most likely by her "bf" vaush
No. 1041559
File: 1600504846801.jpg (32.02 KB, 479x592, 1598644205173.jpg)

>>1041528Jeez, that's fucking stupid. Not surprised shoe liked it, gotta pander to degens
No. 1042337
File: 1600647801861.png (14.56 KB, 296x258, crypto_commie.png)

Crypto-commie? Does this mean she invests in crypto currency and is commie about it? I cant figure this girl out. hilarious to follow tho you spot such interesting things she likes as shown in this thread
No. 1042345
>>1042344ohhh… I have never heard it used that way.
No. 1042540
>>1042344That would be "cryptic" not "crypto".
I think these are just quotes from other people who have called her those things. Hence the quotation marks.
No. 1042553
File: 1600683361052.png (29.55 KB, 888x313, crypto.png)

>>1042540No, it's most definitely crypto in this case too, can we drop it now?
No. 1043134
File: 1600787629040.jpg (350.04 KB, 1080x1604, totallynotapedoguys.jpg)

Did you guys know Vaush is actually against child exploitation?
No. 1043135
File: 1600787793621.jpg (276.06 KB, 1080x1610, Screenshot_20200923-011708__01…)

>>1043134Here's mommy shoe to back him up
No. 1043261
>>1043134why do tards act like people can't be mad at more things then once?
Like if he cares so much, he could've posted the damn thing without trying to get back at people he's mad at.
No. 1043294
>>1043134Vaush probably watches cuties
with his hands in his pants and justifies it by saying "oh uhm the immigrant children tho"
No. 1043675
File: 1600864428505.jpg (273.63 KB, 1572x831, blackfaceshoe.jpg)

fresh from twitter lmao
No. 1043710
>>1043677He's an
abusive degenerate too, if I remember correctly, so right up her alley.
No. 1043711
>>1043710Yeah theres tons of vids acting like a manbabby asshole to his now ex wife and trying to control her and all sorts of stuff. lying casually to her face about spending her money and insulting her weight that 1 time.
Shoe probably loves him and he's one of her secret bf's she has
No. 1044288
File: 1600938797500.png (14.25 KB, 598x241, oh june you love trans penis I…)

I know june is probably clowning but there's a part of me that thinks this is tied into vaush and his ftm sexpet he keeps around.
No. 1044291
>>1044288funny thing is rather she's joking or not, I bet a large portion of the people liking it thought she was dead serious and agrees with this.
We know Vaush does
No. 1044443
File: 1600962582971.png (540.8 KB, 733x713, desperation.png)

No. 1044614
>>1044464"June’s a big fan of gender roles"
You mean like 99% of the human population is?
No. 1044619
>>1044464Kek, women would be dead if they didn't rely on men. XD
What are you mad about exactly?
(ban evasion) No. 1044626
File: 1600979380914.jpg (79.07 KB, 590x594, really.jpg)

>>1044288So these tweets ended up showing on my timeline despite not following either of them. She got a lot of praise for saying this, I guess the trans community is where the money/attention is? Personally I dont think shes lying here but its hard to tell with her.
No. 1044632
>>1044626Trans man as in FtM? Oh I doubt that. June would miss cock too much and the high test smegma musk.
Oh and a FtM would probably treat her more like a human than Preg, which is an even bigger problem as we all know June likes that kinky struggle love.
No. 1044638
>>1044633>junes gonna fuck a dude with a vaginaalso known as a woman
as much as June pretends to be bisexual and into threesomes, I highly doubt it, she just says that to appeal to men
June sees women as competition, not potential partners
No. 1044754
File: 1600988180819.png (25.49 KB, 1418x82, Screen Shot 2020-09-24 at 6.56…)

>>1044752kek they've said it a lot this thread
No. 1044902
File: 1601000274581.png (59.54 KB, 882x373, 01.png)

No. 1045004
>>1044902Doubt he means Shoe, but this is peak scrote logic. He just can not concieve that someone would criticize a hot girl for being an e-thot and pretending to be politically interested on the internet to get more simpbucks for her lewd selfies. Why would you have an issue with that if she was HOT tho? Cause like… HOT GIRLS can never be criticized cause then she might not want to fuck you!
But now if she wasn't hot… and she's just a girl on the internet that I can't even jerk off to… REEEEEEEEEEE
No. 1045014
File: 1601025476491.png (1.67 MB, 1024x756, 848484848484848848484.png)

>>1045004He's definitely talking about Merrick.
No. 1045071
File: 1601038913389.webm (349.94 KB, 360x640, NMkU25-ptuNoVHND.webm)
When even teenagers on TikTok can easily shit on your whole existence.
No. 1045131
File: 1601046749456.jpg (437.42 KB, 1045x937, Screenshot_20200925-171301_Chr…)

The forgotten fat one is still alone and without a harem I see..
No. 1045140
>>1045131Did he trim his beard into a square shape in hopes that it'd make his jaw/chin look more squared?
This bitch just looks like a minecraft block
No. 1045261
>>1045163>>1045218>>1045258im dyin.
when is groceries gonna troon out? he already looks like he's on the road to it. what happened to starting his onlyfans lmao
No. 1045280
>>1031293I dislike June as much as you. Shit I used to be mad that she didn't have a thread for the longest time but you guys needs to get over her tits.
Some people just have nice tits. I'm a c cup and my boobs look a lot like hers do in those potato phone pics and I've never had surgery.
I wouldn't say June is pretty but there isn't anything wrong with her body aside from her retardedly needing to pretend she's smaller than she is.
(no1curr) No. 1045347
>>1045340It wasn't to brag, retard
I can't exactly brag about how I look while remaining fucking anonymous
I'm trying to make a point that perky tits doesn't equal fake
You don't have to lie about June to make fun of her
There is more than enough material as it is
No. 1045621
>>1045280So your natural tits look like the most unnatural bolt-ons? My condolences, lmao.
I can only hope for her that since she aged, gained a bit of weight and maybe the implants settled a bit more that they look better nowadays. But since she only dates pornsick dudes they probably like the bolted-on look.
(continuing the autism) No. 1046708
I have perfect quadruple D's that defy gravity and I am 45 years old and have had 5 children. Like, some of us just have won the genetic lottery, losers! Don't be so jelly!
My tits are so perky and big that people say I have had them done, but nah I was super lucky to be born with these big natural perky tits… fap fap f- uhhh I mean… big perky porntits totally exist naturally ok!! You jealous legbeards!
Anyways, I have to go play with my perfect perky big tits now that look exactly like Junes!! Sometimes I bounce quarters off them just for fun, cause that's what we do, amiright fellow feeeemales?
(supreme autism) No. 1048199
File: 1601432987236.jpeg (258.12 KB, 750x960, 687C3AB7-38E2-45A0-83CB-F6710B…)

I just found out today she blocks if you call vaush a pedo in her mentions.(cowtipping)
No. 1049042
>>1048470You're whats her face that made the videos about june because you were jealous of the attention she got, right?
I can't remember your name but I think it starts with a V or B or something.
No one cares about your memes but you.
No. 1049599
File: 1601592763664.png (81.62 KB, 720x738, Screenshot_20201002-065154~2.p…)

We stan a commie queen!!~
No. 1051346
File: 1601794837375.jpg (1.26 MB, 1308x1900, boxxymorphs.jpg)

No. 1051366
>>1049041groceries already peaked years ago. skeptic youtube disbanded or whatever. they fizzled out and june wants whats trendier now.
vaush unfortunately is gaining popularity while preg's is dwindling.
No. 1051907
File: 1601862833597.png (18.72 KB, 647x145, yuck.PNG)

imagine simping this guy for clout
No. 1052743
File: 1601958175097.jpg (2.66 MB, 656x28800, carl at shuwu.jpg)

>dump or get dumped by the armored shortbus
>simp for vaush
>get "negged" by a very thirsty sargon
it's all downhill from here, June!
No. 1052775
File: 1601967410134.jpg (276.06 KB, 1440x1051, shoe0nL3afy.jpg)

Guess Shoe hasn't forgotten about her little brother.
No. 1052977
File: 1601999450429.jpg (329.67 KB, 1080x1702, Screenshot_20201007-024959__01…)

Some caps, there's to many to post. Some of which Vaush related. Big disgust
No. 1052997
>>1052970I dont understand what these people see in Vaush. While Preg is disgusting, at least I could understand
some desperate women finding him attractive but Vaush is just so greasy and appalling all around, just looking at him makes me feel like throwing up.
No. 1053048
File: 1602006447904.jpg (48.19 KB, 711x1007, EjoS1_PXcAAEvmk.jpg)

>>1052970Is she like, talking to an actual group of women or troons?
No. 1053055
>>1053048my bet is on troons
also smh those gender stereotypes are not very current year JUNE
No. 1053077
File: 1602008021834.jpg (54.6 KB, 750x848, Ejm9R5GWAAEUh87.jpg)

Ok how wrinkly is her face nowadays that she has to blow out her pictures and add 100 filters like this?
No. 1053106
>>1053077Yeah the party of working people is perfectly represented by a bitch who has made money talking at a camera, never lifting a finger to actually work, and her parents take care of her for almost 30 years.
Perfectly sums up all these new "communists". They really think that if they're useless under capitalism they would cut it under a dictatorship? Get fuckt.
No. 1053109
>>1053106You just described most of these types of youtubers tbh, like Vaush a fat bisexual freak who has the answers to everything but never DOES anything.
They just sit in their homes screaming at people what they should think and do but don't do fucking anything.
Why the fuck do people care what Shoe thinks? She's not going to go out and do anything.
No. 1053113
File: 1602010806736.jpg (28.05 KB, 749x290, Ejm35ErWsAgXH4L.jpg)

you go june, prove that all men are lying pieces of shit by being their cumdumpster
No. 1053116
File: 1602010992128.jpg (43.62 KB, 502x513, Capture.JPG)

No. 1053150
File: 1602012893718.jpg (47.22 KB, 693x1061, EjoS1_PWkAA6INl.jpg)

>>1053048Continued, she tries so hard not to simp for Vaush but still fails
No. 1053355
>>1052970Yawn. Is any of this shit seriously surprising to anyone? She has been like this for years now, it's only been getting more cringe and visible.
>>1053106This. It's strange to think she is ~30 and still do clueless. Though I gotta say it's pretty funny seeing her
trigger these faggot redpillers with her softball "takes."
No. 1054150
>>1053894some people have to have this she's a
victim mindset cuz they dont wanna cope with the fact june is not a good person and that breaks their white knight save june fantasy they want so desperately
No. 1054368
File: 1602173307312.png (213.47 KB, 1036x607, Un234324titled.png)

The fucking audacity.
No. 1054407
>>1054399She pandered to skeptics.
You may not know but there was a whole issue where the skeptic community tried to run the alt right off of youtube. I'll put together a post later if you want
>>1054403Everyone uses /pol/ memes, lolcow included and especially the edgy left scene
No. 1054512
File: 1602183635971.jpeg (477.46 KB, 750x1081, 55963008-C59A-4DE7-A077-8794B8…)

>>1054505She kinda is in that they’re both unremarkable women that cater to scrotes.
No. 1054513
>>1054512And they both have weird whoville ratfaces and are pickmes who pretend to be political to get simps.
I don't think anyone wants to be Youcis tho. Not even Shoe. Not even Youcis. lmao
No. 1054519
>>1054392Are you new or something? She's been a /pol/tard from the start, it's just recently that she switched sides because she didn't want to get cucked out of her YT bux. She defended calling a black woman a gorilla and everything.
The only reason she wasn't sent out on her ear is because the whole "breadtube" thing is full of horny men and she's a massive pick-me.
No. 1054520
File: 1602184285585.jpg (48.42 KB, 750x422, D2qYBYAW0AAdw16.jpg)

>>1054407If they didn't want white supremacists on the same social media platform as them, why would they be comfortable hanging out with them irl? I'd be interested to see what Greg or June actually did to remove the alt right from YouTube
No. 1054530
File: 1602185112405.png (147.62 KB, 365x352, image_2020-10-08_152649.png)

>>1054512i was referring to how emily youcis used to wear those retarded "dictator" outfits
sage for derail
No. 1054546
File: 1602186407002.jpg (16.63 KB, 521x112, Capture.JPG)

No. 1054644
>>1054546Men not following clearly stated rules and talking over women is sexist. Sorry you can’t admit that men aren’t perfect, June.
Agree that she would be shit at debating, though.
No. 1054753
You just know June would probably call them all uggos if someone showed her that photo in private. The only thing that's changed about her is, a few years ago she would've said it publicly. Now she has to pretend to be woke and body-posi for her new marks.
No. 1054857
>>1054794Would she have made this video if Shoe was a man? Kind of doubt it. I don't like either of them, but Lauren's comment about "muh homogeneity" she lifted from /pol/ and/or her ugly boyfriend was pretty retarded.
Also, the fact that she literally cut and added footage of herself crying on camera and brought personal anecdotes no one asked for into it strikes me as manipulative and weak.
No. 1054870
>>1054753YES she also does this same thing as Blaire White, she makes herself look as cute as possible and then compares herself to other women, although she is more sly about it.
Old “karens” vs her, “wine moms” vs her.
No. 1054878
>>1054794This is embarrassing, from crying on camera to taking shoe's meme literally.
Also tbh the people who made the tweets (at the end of the video) are cows too, they have such a weird fixation on race.
No. 1054914
>>1053077I swear Shoe used to constantly make fun of Snapchat filters like "I don't need filters because unlike other girls MY face is already TOO small uwu~"
Satisfying to see it's come to this.
No. 1054960
File: 1602245749304.jpeg (82.23 KB, 828x753, CB7B2B81-71E0-4B0D-9157-5E5E00…)

Preg is rebranding since his cult leader daddy dom plan never took off
No. 1054971
File: 1602247224075.jpeg (248.56 KB, 828x605, 6957AF0C-8D7D-4E96-8561-F3E93A…)

>>1054914She constantly did this. Projecting how insecure she was and tearing every single other woman down because they weren’t like her “disney waistline legal loli ass”
So fucking embarrassing that an adult woman constantly bragged about how her boyfriend thought she looked like a teenager only to get dumped
No. 1054979
>>1054976why do u say that anon? im sure people ALWAYS insult people by focusing on conventionally attractive traits.
ffs june u you don't look like a teen. you just look like a heavily filtered adult woman who puts on 10 pairs of eyelashes and an aliexpress wig every single day
No. 1054991
>>1054971It's all shit no one ever said.
For her, it's more along the lines of "Why do you squat to look shorter whenever you stand next to actual petite women?", "What's it like being bald?", "Do you have fetal alcohol syndrome?", etc.
No. 1054996
>>1054971She's clearly taking insults and twisting them to sound like "compliments"
"You look like a teenager" = "Why do you dress like a child in public" etc.
No. 1055034
File: 1602256849319.png (410.32 KB, 467x440, humblejune.PNG)

>>1054971Can't believe June did this meme unironically before it was cool
No. 1055079
>>1054956Some do because they're weebs and fetishists. Other don't because muh white race > chinks. Don't count on WS do be consistent
>>1054971>you look like a teenagerImagine she keeps saying this in her 30s and 40s
No. 1055106
File: 1602265032390.jpg (185.99 KB, 1596x1376, 20201009_123755.jpg)

June retweeted this from a user named ShoeSimps
No. 1055221
>>1054698>Unless she's just admitting that she's uninformed about anything she could possibly debate aboutThat's actually how I read it since June regularly insinuates she is stupid and not well-informed.
Which in itself is just a way for her to protect her ego in anticipation of people actually calling her out. I don't think she actually believes it.
No. 1055610
>>1054971I was about to say, "uh oh was somebody lurking and get their feelings hurt?" Till I looked at the date. None of that shit makes sense without knowing about lolcow since most scrotes mainly comment on her ~uwu smol body~
Though it would've been funnier if she tried to call herself a ~kawaii whovian~ or some shit "ironically" but she'd never have the balls to admit she's anything BUT a ~sexy irl loli uwu~
>>1054960Kek at a five year old post from shoe getting more of a reaction from anons.
No. 1055642
File: 1602325225031.png (943.11 KB, 1080x1281, vitheknight.png)

>>1055467No she's not, have you heard her rapping? It's not only terrible, but also she is a white supremacist who makes "black music" while also pandering to /pol/tards and literal neo-nazis. She doesn't even look white, yet they all cream their pants over her. It's fucking hilarious. Also stop bringing her up, fanboy, she's not relevant.
Anyways here is Voosh whiteknighting for Shuwu. If you ask me, Voosh is what she fucking deserves. She will play the poly-game until she's 40 and then she will realize she wasted her life, will never have the husband and kids she always wanted, isn't attractive enough to have simps anymore, even with all the filters and cry herself to sleep every night cause she has absolutely nothing.
No. 1055741
>>1055650>(I knew her personally for years and met her irl, worse than you think) Could you post more on this in the tradthot thread
>>989990 or something? I'd be interested to hear how fucked up she is/was offline.
No. 1055776
>>1055642Lauren is equally annoying as June, but I don't think she attacked her. It was just one retard calling out another.
>>1055678I feel like June would be the type of mom to be jealous of her own daughter, and if she had a son she would raise him to be an asshole who treats women like shit, so it's really just better she never had kids
No. 1055853
File: 1602355546445.jpeg (7.86 KB, 214x236, images.jpeg)

>>1055680>>1055709>>1055213All of you dunking on this photo please stop making us look like normies, of course she looks like a caricature because that's what she's portraying. It's the egirl wojak meme
No. 1056274
>>1055600Are you one of those boring people anon who thinks that every woman who is no longer college age should wear 'sustainable' potato sacks in biege and autumnal hues, midi skirts, riding boots, hi low tunics and indoor scarves?
Please get lost.
No. 1056277
>>1055208This woman needs a serious style update. June still dresses and does her make up exactly like it's 2012. She's going to be one of those unfortunate relics who get eternally stuck in a fashion time warp unless she actually becomes aware of this and pays at least some attention to current trends.
Believe it or not it's actually far more aging to stop following trends and to stick to things that were fashionable when you were young.
No. 1056308
>>1056277Well it's nothing surprising since last time she actually got out of the house was in 2012.
Her sense of style won't evolve since she is addicted to internet communities that are full of trannies wearing stripped socks and anime school uniforms.
No. 1059116
>>1048336You mean like every woman in existence?
File: 1602740429612.png (13.82 KB, 586x457, COMMENCE.PNG)

maybe she will do something useful for once
No. 1059184
File: 1602752259764.jpg (42.79 KB, 732x494, shoeue restricted.jpg)

>> 1059118
lol was about to post it too. seems like even twitter has had enough of her shit.
No. 1059237
>>1059225>>1059227You guys r totes jelly of how cute and smol she is.
Disney princess waist: on thinna
Space between eyes: on thinna
No. 1059284
>>1059225Cringe… leave it women to make themselves into
victims for no reason.
>>1059284Hush anon, their fragile female feelings will get hurt.
>>1059299Golly! Her scrotes are
literally killing us with their words. If only we were smol lollies with big eyes like those chinese cartoons.
No. 1059323
File: 1602773454848.jpg (7.4 KB, 203x249, SHUWUWU.jpg)

Do you think she uses filters in her videos? Her eyes look… different… in all of her candid photos
No. 1060039
File: 1602877733420.png (241.4 KB, 662x496, SHUWUPEPE.png)

> Edgy pepe time
No. 1060215
File: 1602900493025.png (322.99 KB, 1381x769, hot people tax.png) tried searching for the source of this comment, looks to be from youtube bc of the font but who knows. Wouldn't be surprised if it was shoe complimenting herself on an alt account.
No. 1060343
>>1060215what a conceited bitch
She also changed it from "beautiful" to "hot", which really shows her mindset. A normal girl would prefer to be called beautiful, cause that is the better compliment.
No. 1060444
File: 1602940274962.jpeg (347.66 KB, 828x904, 743C4EE2-FB2E-4763-B8C7-DC9A89…)

shoe caught wind of amos yee being charged and someone replied this
No. 1060823
File: 1602984029646.jpeg (306.32 KB, 750x745, 7051B542-4B9D-4A90-80CF-2AD87D…)

Teehee I’m bisexual in case you forgot
No. 1061583
>>1061504 That sounds very likely, actually. She's been making videos where she shits on sex-critical feminism for a while.
Showing butthole to own dae Karenz.
No. 1061589
>>1061560Her Disney Princess waistline tho !!!!
Maybe she’d play it as a trendy joke like
“Guys my onlyfans is ironic I’m totally just so self aware” while adjusting her pink wig and doing hentai face as a meme, throw in some low effort feet pics too.
I haven’t followed her content here in a while but I wouldn’t be surprised if she got sucked into the sex work empowerment echo chamber on twitter.
No. 1061592
>>1061589Oh yea, she'd probably do the type of content Belle Doplhin was doing, and then she'd maybe progress.
Also the "pay me and I'll write shit on my ass" shtick.
Or doing some kind of "ironic" political text-on-ass thing.
No. 1061593
>>1061589Well if it happens then I guess I have egg on my face, but I really don't see it. I think she is incredibly insecure about her body, that's why there's only one unconfirmed nude of her out there, even tho you'd think this attention whore would have leaked more on purpose.
She has deluded herself into thinking she has fans because she is UwU cute and funny and gorl on internet who uses memes!! Not like other girls!! She doesn't want to believe that all her fans are men who want to fuck her cause she repeats back their political believes at them. She'd reduce herself to less than she thinks she is if she did an Onlyfans.
She'll regret it of course cause soon she will be too old for internet memelords to fap to and realize they never actually liked her for her "personality", but then it's already to late to hoe.
No. 1061614
File: 1603108604995.jpg (466.91 KB, 1184x1756, sdsd.jpg)

Same shit different wrapper
(and these pictures always accompanied by her complaining that people are attacking her and her friends for being too hot :^( )
No. 1061623
File: 1603109843631.jpg (52.69 KB, 900x355, vq67gx8x5ja21.jpg)

>>1061614It's funny that her fans will claim June never pandered to the right when there are so many of these ugly right wing graphics of her and Greg out there
No. 1062114
File: 1603156434055.jpg (272.05 KB, 1080x1859, 20201019_201247.jpg)

Not really milk but it gave me a good kek. Context is that a political Twitch streamer, Hasan Piker offered to play Among Us with AOC with Vaush trying to butt in. He's really trying to ride those sweet coattails!
No. 1066196
File: 1603442722681.png (1.32 MB, 2306x1368, Screenshot 2020-10-23 at 2.15.…)

btw isn't this profile the same right-wing scrote who leaked messages from shoe's discord as well?
No. 1066199
File: 1603443256948.jpg (207.8 KB, 795x830, 20201023_135136.jpg)

>>1066195>>1066196Preg is grotesque, I'm surprised this fat nobody managed to bag a normal looking woman since they met on discord I guess she knows how he is.I find it so funny how she's 30 when June always tried to act like a ~loli who doesnt look a day over 14~ kek it's not an act you can keep up its especially funny when you were doing it all for some scrote who left you for an older woman
No. 1066202
>>1066195ohhh this is gonna chap June's ass big time. this woman is really mature looking, the total opposite of the cutie young look Shoe tries (and fails) to pull off. It was all for nothing, Shoe.
Tweets say they met in June because that's when she was in the discord and got mod status. When did shoe and preg officially break up?
No. 1066205
>>1066196Good for him, honestly. Getting off social media and dating a girl who is grown up (and maybe even acts like one) is the best thing he can do.
Maybe my theory was wrong afterall, I thought it was him who was too immature to settle down and finally get hitched to June. Now I am thinking maybe he was just sick of dating someone who perpetually acts 13 and he knew if she couldn't get her shit together she just wouldn't be wife material.
No. 1066209
>>1066196Honestly, good for him. She doesn't look like a braindead e-girl.
It's so funny how this thread is insanely boring if we just focus on June. I'm glad there are some news about Greg.
>>1066205Agreed. I'm still not sure whose choice it was to break up. Hope they 'spill the tea' lol
>>1066202They broke up days before this thread started I think? So, middle of August?
No. 1066234
>>1066199>>1066200It might sound weird but I’ve known a lot of men who make a 180 whenever they break up with their long term SO and usually fix a part of themselves in the process.
So it doesn’t surprise me much. I think June and Greg exacerbated each other
toxic autistic traits when really what he needs is a grounded normal person to rein in his autism.
He propose to June but it was very very obvious from the start that he’d never follow through. I wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly pulls the plug with the Aussie, it wouldn’t be the first time I see a girl breaks up with her long term fiance for not committing enough and 2 weeks later he’s engaged with someone and a baby on the way.
No. 1066242
>>1066235i mean it has to have fizzled out, right? there was absolutely no common ground between the two other than "dunking on feminism" which got tiresome as far back as 2016, and "uwu bdsm" which got put on hold once they stopped meeting up (even in 2019 they didn't spend time together).
plus june isn't a person with tons of substance or depth. if the only thing my SO was good for was sending me stupid political memes on twitter then i would break it off too kek
No. 1066244
>>1066243um anon that's kinda given but i was trying to think of why he sought said woman out in the first place.
>met in Junesays July here (mild nitpick)
>>1066196 No. 1066248
File: 1603453397504.jpeg (102.52 KB, 750x420, 6D315F4B-B7B4-4115-B70C-9A590B…)

>>1066195I mean I guess he did. He’s with this new girl and not only is she the opposite of June in everywhere but he literally masses unfollowed all the camgirls on his Twitter.
Granted her could just be following them from a different account or have a hidden list but at least he’s is setting boundaries it seems.
Anyway seems he’s leaving the skeptic shit behind truly with his new videos seem to be about paranormal shit.
No. 1066258
>>1066248I am a bit confused, I thought he deleted all his social media? Is this his twitter account
It was created in 2014, so what is up with this
>>1054960 account? It redirects to the Kingson_Royal account.
No. 1066268
>>1066256I’m going to hold off on declaring this new relationship an improvement until we know more about her. There has to be
something up with her if she’s a fan of his and willingly modded his discord.
crossing my fingers for it to be a catfish No. 1066269
>>1066268Maybe a tranny, he loves those.
My wishful thinking wants him to have grown up and start a family, mostly also because that would give June the biggest butthurt. But then again he already had a wife when he met June and cheated on her… so maybe this girl is just the next June (she looks kind of like her, if June hadn't gone through the e-girl phase).
No. 1066329
File: 1603467454307.png (876.59 KB, 907x874, 1491709924212.png)

>>1066195>>1066196Instant relationship right after what, a 4 year engagement?
Nothing surprising though since he was cheating on his wife back in the day, flirting with juwune.
No. 1066357
>>1066269Idk man she comes off as crazy mid 30s girl on Facebook. Her head shaped like a peanut and she's clenching her neck like lilee.
Something is off.
No. 1066364
>>1066196Wouldn't be surprised if his new gf pushed him to get his act together.
If I ever met a guy and he behaved the way Greg does online, it would have to be, "This can't continue or I'm gone." Then he can be the one to make the choice between imaginary happiness and real life happiness- you're not going to find a woman with self-respect who is down with anything he was putting out.
Shoe enabled him to live out some teenage fantasy, which I'm sure was a fun ride post-divorce. But all it really got him was a failed Youtube career, a 4 year engagement, and a very public breakup.
No. 1066463
>>1066429'Milf' has nothing to do with age though, just a hot woman who's a mom
Sage for ot
No. 1066475
>>1066429I have always found the term 'milf'extremely vulgar and insulting. It's usually used by porn addicted men to describe any woman that they would have sex with who isn't extremely young anymore.
Being a potential hole that couldn't pass for 16 any more is not a compliment.
No. 1066490
File: 1603482334527.jpeg (139.34 KB, 799x684, 7F7B5853-1EDB-4B13-8ED9-38121E…)

>>1066475Very OT but you’re right and should say it. Anyways back to pregory and his antics
No. 1066816
>>1066460NTA but learn how to read between the lines, retard. Anon is
speculating, based on her looks, that is how she acts on Facebook. Not how she literally acts on Facebook.
No. 1066903
>>1066322preg will put on a cheap purple party city wig next and anons will call him beautiful
Preg is a fat sack of shit and met this girl on his own discord, meaning she's enough of a fan of him that she went out of her way to make contact with him and his fanbase. There's no way she's normal. Why would any non-pick me watch his videos?
Also her self-esteem has to be in the toilet to date a man that has been shitting on women for being her age for years
No. 1066910
File: 1603538659373.gif (1.82 MB, 480x247, 0DDB8EF0-50E3-4ABA-B10B-0E7066…)

>>1066306>I can't believe Groceries is finally getting his shit togetherAll the fat retard did was delete his socials and
allegedly start talking to a girl from Australia. I don’t see how this means he is “getting his shit together.”
>>1066329>Instant relationship right after what, a 4 year engagement?This… I am really not getting all of the praise toward Gerg right now. I’d still be mourning the relationship at this point. And honestly, any woman who guys for a guy like Greg has to have something wrong with her.
No. 1066929
>>1066921It's fun to say that Greg is growing up cause it makes June seethe, and I am sure some of the butthurt in this thread is coming from her.
People can change and if a man suddenly decides to delete most of his social media, stop making shitty political anti-SJW videos, unfollow camwhores and date an age-appropriate woman who is not an e-girl that's chronically online, then that's an upgrade and good on him. Doesn't make him a good person, but he's doing better than June who still shits out awful political takes when she has no idea what she is talking about and thirsts after the lowest of low hanging fruit like Voosh. It's not hard to look good compared to that.
No. 1066946
>>1066910So it's a really long distance relationship? I don't think that will work out. Preg could hardly be bothered to spend time and make long term plans with June who lived just across the border. There's no way this man is going to make a relationship on the exact opposite side of the world work unless he's had a very big epiphany.
Maybe the distance is deliberate so he doesn't have to be too committed in the long run.
Preg strikes me as the kind of guy who always needs something new in his life. The novelty just wore off with June.
No. 1066952
>>1066929Yeah he's doing way better than Shoe, he's not doing political videos anymore and his viewers are praising him for it. The only way June can gain views on YouTube is solely having "edgy" political opinions. On top of that, he drives a Jeep.
That is not to say, his current girl is more than likely a rebound. But I am curious, why an Aussie? He can't seem to get a local woman so that's a good answer he is still immature.
No. 1067344
>>1066929Maybe I'm old fashioned but I wouldn't even call it dating if they've never met & live on opposite sides of the globe. At this point any romantic relationship they have is mostly theoretical.
Doing videos on Bigfoot being fake is a step up from tiresome anti-SJW anti-feminism shit & certainly an improvement over Shoe's output, but it's still pretty laughable. Like, who over the age of 12 and below the age of 85 thinks Bigfoot might be real?
No. 1067797
File: 1603652076079.jpg (255.13 KB, 1080x771, Screenshot_20201025-195600_Chr…)

lmao what is that in her likes
No. 1067837
>>1067809Isn't this actually saying that everything but the female gender is a mental illness? Meaning moids are on the same level of mental illness as troons? "Mental disorders" is pointing at the left side but the font and outline colors would make female the only "actual gender". It looks like the text was just moved around and the outline edited to ~dunk~ on the original meme. Either way I'm confused that she liked it, but maybe she didn't read it correctly either kek
I guess the creator of the meme just didn't bother changing the font color and accidentally made it based.
No. 1068050
>>1061614Seeing June next to the other women really emphasizes how weird looking she is.
>>1066195>When you joke about older women but your moid leaves you for one Oh I bet that stings.
No. 1068141
File: 1603737233839.jpg (1.09 MB, 1842x2715, Ben-Burns-Patrice-Johnson(1).j…)

Here's more photos of Grocery's new girl
No. 1068142
File: 1603737273259.png (1.67 MB, 1079x1378, Screenshot_20201026-104800(1).…)

No. 1068176
File: 1603739101207.png (1023.63 KB, 874x876, Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 3.04…)

I'm sorry but there is no way I would believe this woman simped herself into a relationship with Pregory.
No. 1068204
File: 1603740648423.png (2.36 MB, 1469x1578, aussiegirl.png)

>>1068176She probably just watches his youtube videos and doesn't know what a degenerate he is on the rest of the internet. Idk, lots of youtubers date women who are way out of their league. She does look kind of vapid.
June must be fuming, this woman is so much hotter than her in every way AND she looks like a grown up ready to be wifed up and have a family. A total normie who doesn't need to play the UwU I'm not like other girl bullshit pickme game. Good for them.
No. 1068258
File: 1603743272705.png (634.37 KB, 685x564, yikes.png)

No. 1068279
>>1023845Someone on the other farms has found Stacy's youtube channel and she has a playlist of videos dedicated to bigfoot I guess she is with Greg cause she loves his new mystery debunking videos and also because he looks a lot like bigfoot.
No. 1068284
>>1068141A full set of beautiful hair to boot. I’m sure shoe must be seething. She can’t make any snarky comments about her either like preggory’s ex.
Here’s shoe downgrading an possibly aiming to be apart of Vaush degen harem
No. 1068460
Like others have said.. I find it highly unlikely the woman in these pictures spends her time on the fucking "Armored Skeptic" Discord channel. Everyone's willingness to believe this at face value is embarrassing. Sure, it is
possible but until we see actual pics/videos of them together, I'm inclined to believe catfish.
>>1068426It's been awhile but iirc she publicly shit on her for having control over finances during the marriage.
No. 1068538
>>1068141>>1068142Wow she's a mega hottie
>>1068401>June is probably ripping her hair out over this right now.Or what's left of it kek
No. 1068545
>>1068258She's 100 times better in her presentation, hair and makeup than June.
June dresses awkwardly and presents herself like a 14 year old girl from 2012.
I think June has potential to be attractive, personally. She has unique facial features, and apparently that's a bad thing these days. I don't think she's fundimentally ugly.
I don't think preggory will get very far with this relationship. She lives even further away than June does and they have never even met. I could be wrong but I'm cynical about it.
No. 1068553
>>1068549I think it's certainly a possibility.
Until I see evidence of her being a real person then I am doubting everything.
No. 1068814
>>1068778I get where you're coming from, but thinking the guy who previously spent his savings on joining a cult and got scammed out of a grand on a Star Wars toy on eBay is falling
victim to a romance scam isn't exactly farfetched.
No. 1068877
File: 1603814196727.png (214.49 KB, 1080x1181, Screenshot_20201027-105452(1).…)

Uhh what the fuck? anons want to search for the exact time?
No. 1069079
File: 1603832547534.jpg (269.8 KB, 1080x826, 20201027_165943.jpg)

>>1069065>"Someone"This girl would be defending Vaush. Why are all of his fans just as weird as he is?
No. 1069143
>>1069108Every body in the comment section of
>>1069065 is telling this girl she needs to find a new hero and she's deleting her "clapbacks" after people were telling her how fucking dumb she looks. It really goes to show how retarded Vaush's fanbase is, and it matches his personality perfectly.
No. 1069738
File: 1603918655355.jpg (66.94 KB, 478x750, Capture.JPG)

ah yes, ideas such as "pedophilia is a side kink"
No. 1069739
File: 1603918734566.jpg (41.18 KB, 501x328, wovsh.JPG)

No. 1069745
File: 1603918874159.jpg (29.73 KB, 502x389, Capture.JPG)

Her answer to Vaush's "she smokes weed all day and mastrubates 10 times a day"
No. 1070052
>>1069745why is she so willingly pathetic
she made youtube bank, had the luxury of living w her parents with minimal expenses, and this is the type of person shes going to try and build a future with?
No. 1070141
>>1070052Tbh not a single eceleb girl actually put her impressive earnings to good use. They make insane amounts of money, often tax free through the donation loophole, and still end up with no assets to speak of.
Off topic but that actually makes me wonder if Belle Delphine has any capital. She better not give it all to her scrote "manager".
No. 1070745
File: 1604019392843.png (895.97 KB, 1080x880, Screenshot_20201029-195523(1).…)

Cow crossover!
No. 1070866
File: 1604035712382.jpg (115.39 KB, 893x959, IMG_20201029_221855.jpg)

She's the biggest pick me in all of history
No. 1070901
>>1070866What she really wants to write:
"Women were never enslaved… sadly. Any fat neckbeard daddies out there that want to enslave me? I am only a silly girl and I deserve it! I will sit by your feet on a leash all day and worship your sweaty cock and balls 24/7! Pick June today! #NotLikeOtherWomen"
No. 1070916
File: 1604048232444.png (900.43 KB, 1080x1304, Screenshot_20201030-035429(1).…)

>>1070914She just likes her because "communist" is in her bio. Also June added another tweet. Yes, bashing Hillary Clinton is hanging fruit at this point and sooo hilarious!
Gonna bet June will have a big falling out with this group in a few months because all she can connect with them is politics and they'll get eventually bored of her.
No. 1070964
File: 1604061229230.png (176.88 KB, 1080x1205, Screenshot_20201030-073134(1).…)

I wonder if June still agrees with this tweet she made 5 years ago.
No. 1071147
>>1070866Most modern day slaves are women and girls, you stupid, uneducated cunt. There may have been never a "wemen only" water fountain, but not being able to partake in public life or own property is not only segregation, it's effectively serfdom. Women being property was always the norm, hence why nobody sees this as an atrocity.
Oh, and black female slaves had it much worse than black male ones, because they'd be raped in addition to being worked to the bone. Then they'd watch their rape children being bought and sold.
Maybe if you went to college instead of learning everything you know from a twitter timeline, your understanding of slavery extended beyond "idk that thing MLK ended, or something".
No. 1071243
Is there any way of estimating how much June makes from Youtube? I've always found her behavior to be alarmingly parasitic. It seems like she's making more than enough money, based on all of the high-end products she buys and posts pictures of (make-up, wigs, clothing, etc), yet she lived with and leeched off of her parents for years, then moved into an apartment that they own, and (I presume) is continuing not to pay any form of rent.
I genuinely believe that June plays the pick-me role because she actually wants someone to care for and provide for her for the rest of her life, while she just does whatever she wants. It's clear that she has no ambition, doesn't want to go back to school, get a regular job, etc. Her content has literally not changed in five years, and if anything, has actually gotten more lazy and sloppy. She just never changes.
I wish that previous partners of hers would be more open about their relationship dynamic, because I have always heavily suspected that she is a very manipulative, draining and difficult person to date. I remember reading somewhere that she had ended things with the guy she dated before Greg specifically because he was starting to get frustrated with her toxic habits (spending all day online, had no hobbies, wouldn't get a real job, wouldn't consider the possibility of moving out of her parent's house, etc) and was encouraging her to do better. Because this kind of stuff tends to repeat itself, I really wonder if the same thing happened with Greg, in that he was actually the one who wanted things to be different, and she was refusing to change.
While I'm not a fan of Greg's and find his behavior to be pretty cringey, I have always been very skeptical of the idea that he had more power/was more controlling in their relationship, when all the evidence seemed to point towards the contrary. June has always had more fans, more support (both online and IRL) and a more successful YouTube channel. She was the one who sought out him in the beginning as well, leaving tons of compliments on his videos, trying to get his attention, etc. The whole "daddy dom" thing also seemed to be mostly her doing, as she was typically the one going into graphic detail about their BDSM exploits on Twitter, whereas he most tended to just react/respond to this. I also find it very telling that Greg has deleted all of his social media platforms that had any ties to her, has almost completely rebranded his YT content so that it's all debunking paranormal stuff, whereas June has done nothing other than remove him from her Twitter bio and delete photos of them together on her main IG. Meanwhile, her more personal/private IG, @junelapine, still has tons of photos of them together, still referring to him as her "boyfren" in her bio.
Idk, I guess the point I'm trying to get at here is that I see personally see a lot of evidence that June is potentially an even worse person behind closed doors, and that most of her attempts to act cute and childlike in order to attract "provider"-types is actually because she just wants to leech off of anyone that falls for it (including women, apparently), but I'll sage for potential tinfoil.
No. 1071541
>>1070866because slave owners were/are the epitome of egalitarian ethics
shoe needs to shut the fuck up
No. 1071993
File: 1604186690907.png (439.98 KB, 676x747, shuwu.png)

>>1071497 Lol of course she did. She can't handle criticism what so ever and she can't bring herself to apologize for her dumb takes either so she takes the easy way out by deleting it.
It really is a shame that she feels the need to shit on other women all the time though. Is neckbeard validation really worth that much?
No. 1073465
File: 1604357369189.jpg (84.67 KB, 1199x674, El2Ofi8U8AEjpJP.jpg)

>>1073370>>1073320Wow you guys weren't lying.
No. 1073480
File: 1604357837717.jpg (61.1 KB, 1000x676, sunny-d.jpg)

>>1073465Ahegao always looks retarded but June specifically looks a lot more like a "teen" in a commercial for Sunny D reacting to the new blue razzleberry flavor.
No. 1073583
>>1073465Oh my god. Why did she cross her eyes? They look even closer together
>>1073378 is probably right, she looks like she spent hours trying to make the perfect face and she’s straining
No. 1073713
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>>1073465Oh God, it's that episode where the mom pretends wears her daughter's clothes. STEVE HOLT.
No. 1073878
File: 1604400598817.jpg (517.54 KB, 1080x1126, Screenshot_20201103-114726_Chr…)

Scrotes commenting how they need shuwu to do ahegao for them, pure cringe
No. 1074014
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>>1073465Why the hell does she want to go into her 30s by emulating a 19 year old
No. 1074165
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Wtf is it with pickmes and the choker/drag queen eyelash combo
No. 1074169
>>1074036Also the 24/7 worshipping dick tweet. And the women's day photoshoot…
This bish is proof why some people shouldn't have access to the internet.
No. 1074200
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No. 1074626
>>1074165Oh my gosh Shoe looks so old here. Like She’s 40 trying to look 20
Also, don’t know if any of you guys saw Shoe’s new video, but within the first few minutes she shows a few clips of a girl sitting on laps of random dudes. It’s obvious she’s trying to be funny. But of course June has to defend the menz and go straight for the “if the roles were reversed!!!!” and “this bitch thinks these guys will just fall head over heels for her” (when the girl jokingly acts disappointed)