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No. 1074861
Last thread:
Ganer the bodybuilder is still delusional about her gains while working out at home, and will probably injure herself as she has no muscle and eats no protein.
Posh Molly made a post about her “priviledge” and really showed off her English major skills. Farmers find old videos of her singing and come to the conclusion that she’s essentially a talentless girl pretending to have an ed for attention. Molly bingo board is put to great use.
A farmer shows that Ash self posted in the thread.
Delicate ana queen uwu Georgia is back at NF because life got too hard. An anon claims to know Georgia from NF and has shared stories about her.
Laura posted a selfie with her face scratching, nothing interesting here.
N2f is still doing her thing, but now she has some simps in the thread. Also commemorated her late grandfather with a toast creation.
Beccy won a water bottle design contest.
Elzani is still food-obsessed and binging on pancakes, desperately needs therapy.
Links: anything is missing, post it now.
Last thread:
>>>/snow/1062667 No. 1074874
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I feel like I missed a few yummys because when Molly talks it quickly becomes background noise. The majority came from the almond croissant on the bench. The top two ticks are from hilarious Jamie.
No. 1074894
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I took some screenshots.
No. 1074912
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She literally asked for someone to compare her to Lord Farquaad
How long do we think she is going to continue being scared of literally everything in her constant stream of videos?
No. 1074951
>>1074948 I'm wondering that too, I don't really understand what New Farm is but it sounds like some treatment clinic you just pay to be admitted, right?
So they get more money if she gets the tube she begs for and keeps coming back
No. 1074958
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It's not the end! Now she'll just overexercise at home! Also, I'm sure all of the other people there love that she's just walking around filming.
No. 1074963
>>1074949Kek at jamie being the one who dies first! Can I make some additions?
Miha/Mihaela as the tank/ shield (the one we send out to plow into the zombies who gets eaten as we run away lol)
Dancing Laura as the stupid fuck who gets bitten but decides not to tell anyone and ends up turning at the worst possible moment
Smorven is the weirdo we find prowling around the woods who tries to kill us but we just toss her to the zombies and steal her supplies
No. 1074964
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>>1074963My friends and I were trying to decide who goes where for a while
here's a template lol
No. 1074968
>>1074957I don't see how a doctor wouldn't put his patients health first.. they're really killing her by feeding into her delusions.
Excuse my English. I'm not foreign or anything I'm just dumb.
No. 1074970
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I'm sure she will.
No. 1074977
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Well that was the fakest ever. What anorexic being presented with a fucking custard and jam pastry holds it up and spergs about it then actually eats it? None, except Molly.
A really obvious thing in this video is how she hijacks the family's attention with her ~recovery~ all. the. time. She wants their congratulations and attention constantly.
Yay, lockdown again. Hope you're all going to buy some fancy croissant from your local Greek cafe and sit in the park at 9am and eat it with you family. Awwww.
No. 1074995
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Found the cafe she buys her pastries from. Don't forget to take out a loan if you want to do recovery the Molly way! No greasy spoon for you peasants.
No. 1074996
>>1074977It's so obvious that she's just a spoiled girl who hasn't ever actually suffered from an eating disorder. (hint: no matter how much you claim it's ~scary~, we know you're just (badly) acting)
This was one of her most irritating videos yet. At this point she's just binging nonstop, she looks bigger with each video. She just looks like a sheltered, greedy woman child. She needs to stop with the ~teehee I'm 5~ act because it's embarrassing at this point. Talk like a normal person already, you're supposed to be an adult.
Whatever. The only person she's hurting with her nonstop eating is herself. She's definitely gaining at this point, wonder if she's overweight yet? And eventually her family will get sick of her needing affirmation for every bite. No, you DON'T need to eat every time you think about food. It's obvious you aren't the least bit scared of food so stop sperging on about it. I wish they'd stop babying her, but again, the only person who will suffer in the long-run from the coddling is Molly.
No. 1074997
>>1074951New Farm is private - In Australia, if you have private health you pay however much a month and then you have access to private health care options. You generally pay an “excess” which covers you for any hospitalizations a year and then you don’t get charged a cent. So essentially she gets admitted at no cost to her and her private health foots the Bill - hence why the repeated admissions keep happening and new farm clinic sets up a rotating door of clients..
Also the reason everyone else’s health insurance costs go through the roof each year.
If she didn’t have private health you can guarantee that she’d sort her shit out quick smart because the public system wouldn’t accept her and her lies…
No. 1075005
>>1074948The dietitian at new farm, along with foxcroft (Psychiatrist mentioned in previous post) work very closely together and they have both been there for over 15yrs.. the dietitian for edp is Leanne and she is as dumb as dog shit. She told me once when I said no to ng that it’s easier if she has patients on overnight ng feeds because she doesn’t have to count the calories and “knows” how much everyone is getting - essentially like foxcroft hands out TMS/ect/emdr she hands out ng tubes.
Georgia should be on a weight loss plan, there is no doubts about that - but Leanne also sees a lot of the clinic patients as outpatients (got to keep the $$$ rolling in right!?) and then organises readmissions for them.
Sorry for blog: I am diagnosed coeliac with multiple other anaphylactic allergies - but according to her, it’s just the eating disorder trying to get out of eating .. they’re a class act there at nfc
No. 1075007
>>1075004 this just confirms she doesn't have a dietitian. she probably only keeps a therapist around because they can't dictate whether she should eat seven shitty snacks a day or not.
though, I'm not sure how much longer she can fool her therapist…
No. 1075012
>>1074948>>1074999>>1075005my god we're 3 hours into a new thread could we please chill it with the blogging?
also lol molly nicked her idea for 5 pastries in 5 days straight from the source
No. 1075029
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The vlogs she's been posting are close to 4 months old at this point. I'm guessing the next one will include the pizza with whole black olives on top.
No. 1075037
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Ganer is so obsessive about not gaining fat while she’s “bulking” (I use that term very loosely lol) that she’s monitoring her blood sugar. Some bodybuilders do do this, because higher blood sugar levels cause your body to store more fat, but it’s really not necessary at all if your diet is good. More importantly though, her “coach” is being super irresponsible by encouraging this kind of obsessive behavior for an anorexic. Being this scared of gaining an ounce of fat is definitely not recovered behavior.
No. 1075046
>>1075029Woah, she looks like she's gained a lot in the recent video and it was still 4 months ago? Wonder what she looks like now..
>>10750374.2 is pretty low anyways. Nothing to be proud of.
No. 1075050
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Well he posted her
No. 1075054
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>>1075044There's no prices for 1-on-1 coaching. The 30 minute consultation is £60.
No. 1075055
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>>1075054And this is for their website.
No. 1075061
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>>1075055>>1075054Oh look, Calum just checked his bank balance.
No. 1075066
>>1075050Whoa what's going on with her hip on the left side? Did she Photoshop it?
Seriously she still looks way too thin
No. 1075077
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>>1075075She hasn't used her law degree for anything as far as I can tell.
No. 1075095
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>>1075029I saw that too. Next video title is going to be
eating takeout pizza! | anorexia recovery
Calling it right now
No. 1075141
>>1075113At that stage Molly wasn't a former anorexic, she was apparently a recovering one. You sound like you need to develop your comprehension skills.
>>1075095Proud of her ~non compliance~
No. 1075168
>>1075164Biology fail and government guidelines fail
>gossip in real lifeThat would be breaking the law for real. Posting on this board is not breaking any law.
There's the door…
No. 1075173
>>1075164Proof or stfu.
No one goes to jail for gossiping about things people put on their own social medias.
No. 1075198
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>>1075182Speaking of, she's taking a break from focusing on herself to update us.
No. 1075210
>>1074930Yes. One 17yearold guy in my unit who came into breakfast one morning and announced he was too fat and he was going to stop eating.
Lasted til lunch. Sometimes hospitalisation is the worst thing, ample attention for those who thrive on it.
No. 1075229
>>1075164What law has been broken? Interested to know?
You fee fees being hurt isn’t a matter for the “internet police”
If you put your life all over Instagram people are going to have an opinion whether you like it or not.
Thanks for stopping by hun!
No. 1075251
>>1075198She really can't stay off her phone, geez
Cool lizard thing tho
No. 1075313
>>1074948Ok, here's the thing with NF. They are genuinely beneficial in terms of recovery if you are willing to be a star patient, follow the program, work alongside them and show an active interest in actually overcoming your disorder and working towards becoming a contributing member of society.
On the other hand, they are a private health clinic - therefore they are driven by money and to them, the more admissions the better. They feed off fat cows like Georgia who have these complex selfish egos that believe everything that comes out of a (very well paid) doctors mouth is true blue. Porker's doctor clearly knows that Georgia thrives off the 'attention' she so desperately craves, hence why he orders so many admissions and treats her like a fragile waif. He couldn't give a flying shit if she was skinny, fat, pink, green, a rhino etc - as long as she supplies the funds, he gets his swanky mercedes and pays for his wife's fake tit implant surgery. As far as NF's concerned, it's people like Georgia that pay their bills.
No. 1075373
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>>1075352Without the camera I expect she's a lot less loud and dramatic. I can see why it pissed her off that nobody at uni had time for her. She wants to be the focus of her family. She's like a psychic vampire. Fifteen minutes in her company would leave a person drained.
Nothing about her videos is authentic. If it didn't say ANOREXIA RECOVERY and she didn't mention it, it'd just be a couple of YAs eating a lot in their kitchen.
There's no process of recovery being shown at all. She says she's scared, she takes a bite and goes wow yum amazing mmm, punches the air, claps, wide eyes etc and bam! she's conquered her fear of something she obviously didn't fear. So she goes in for seconds. Throw a few cliched recovery phrases in it (accompanied by Molmummy chipping in) and that's all it is.
As annoying as any recovery person is, a cow or youtuber, they're so real compared to Molly. Sorry for saying you're dull, autistic and not gaining weight (in the recent past), Elzani. It took a squeaking fake Oxford undergraduate with shit spelling to show me your struggle was real. (But get a therapist?)
No. 1075377
>>1075273Hahahaha golden!!
So much truth
No. 1075381
>>1075313Assuming another nf anon?
We all know her Dr drives around in his perfectly placed Mercedes and number plate to match - just in case you didn’t realize it’s his car of course - but you are correct - he couldn’t give two flying fucks about any of his patients - ran into him on DT’s at a triathlon once - wanted the ground to swallow me while right then and there - he sees the perpetual patients who are “so very complex” when in reality - they just need a real fucking dr and they would actually get their lives back - but nf + foxcroft + Leanne + Theo = alllllll the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
No. 1075394
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Oh god. People are naming their bloats. From mpa.
No. 1075409
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>>1075405That's because for a while E still looked spoopy after saying she ate loads. There's one more reference to her. Eyes roll again. I always search our cows on there to see if they pick up on them, but so far Molly's barely left a scratch.
This is from the thread "recovery youtubers". Molly's going to be doing her orgasm face and noises when she sees she's in the same list as her heroine.
No. 1075413
>>1075411omg, you're right, she did! i can't even find her Instagram…
but comments about her in this thread were scarce, no? still, I think it's for the best she's not filming herself while in recovery (I think she is a genuine anorexic, unlike someone…) and I hope she truly recovers.
No. 1075472
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Real recovery from Maria.
No. 1075474
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>>1075409Speaking of cows
>EDucatingshanny No. 1075490
>>1075480Sure. I'd post her regularly but it's usually a coffee cup or animal face selfie.
>>1075474I feel bad saying this because she's genuinely I'll, but she irritates tf out of me. Some of the videos she posts are really unhelpful for anyone trying to recover, I imagine. Crying about wanting to binge. Yep, that's the reality but she streams her breakdowns.
No. 1075595
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Elzani is on that intuitive eating train it seems.
No. 1075618
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So, this whole fight started because skinny.getting voted Green Party and tinybakedbean called her an idiot…. this bitch loves fighting with people like this but what was interesting is her lolcow comment… I bet she’s a farmer or at least lurks here often. But it’s funny she doesn’t deny being a wannarexic, just that she doesn’t care about opinions of others
No. 1075619
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And pt 2
No. 1075622
>>1075095No need to watch it. Here is what happens:
>eating takeout pizza! | anorexia recoveryMolly: (sings) Piiiza chaaallenge. Scaaaary. I haven't had a pizza for ages.
Jamie: Piiizahh p p pizzorrr cha-llenge (accompanied with a stupid dance)
Molly: Oh my gosh, this is SCARY. Mum, which one shall I try? They're all so scary!!!
Molmum: Dah-ling! You can chose any. You can eat anything you want to. It's your anorexia that's telling you you can't.
Molly: B-but I don't feel like I deserve it.
Jamie: You DO deserve it. I give you permission to eat it!
(Hugs Molly and another over familiar kiss cuddle)—Eventually decides with help—
Pizza arrives at table:
Molly: Woah wow look at this BAD BOI, it's so scaaaary. Cheese is scary. Why is cheese scary? Golly gosh, the crust is scary. How much do I eat?
Molmum: As much as you want to, darling. You're far from recovered. You're sickly and frail and must never leave my side ever again.
Molly: LOOK! OH MY GODDDD! It smells AMAZING. The cheese is so melty and scary. Where to I bite? Into the cheese or the crust?
–milks it for ages—
Molmum: But you are! You're very brave.
(Molly is on to her 2nd slice)
THIS IS SCARY BUT SO GOOOOOD. It's like those pizzas we had when we went to Rome and then Milan the following year!
(Molly licks the crumbs from the table and eats one olive that rolled under the table)
Molmum: I'm so proud!
Jamie: I'm proud of you ~more hugs and kisses~
Molly: Now I can have pizza anytime I want to! We have to keep repeating the challenge of a scary food.
Molmum's Jerry Springer moment: Sometimes you may fall down, darling. The discomfort is where change happens, where we evolve. Where we turn that weakness into strength. The struggle that you're going through is part of the process and you will make it through.
(Meanwhile Molly is licking the morsels from everyone's plate before showing us Belinda the Bloat).
The End.
No. 1075657
>>1075029>except I kiiiilled it and did 6 by accidentNo, you overate.
>>1075095Just can't curb her excitement in that picture, huh?
>>1075400It seems like her mother knows, at least to some degree, that Molly is faking or exaggerating her "condition". That being said, she also seems like the kind of middle class mother who thinks her children can do no wrong, aren't capable of lying whatsoever, and will do anything her children ask of her, so it's unlikely there will be a confrontation about it any time soon.
No. 1075697
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Risking my privilege of being a “close friends” (still to this day dk why I am, never talked to her much).
Smorvy has been taken up a bed first in EDU and now in an intensive unit and she ain’t got plans to make it out of there. Zero compliance, constant complaining about everything (eg the fact that her 1:1 is sitting at arm’s length…yeah babe that’s what you get for being a pain). Everyone is horrible, life couldn’t be any darker and she’s basically being abused by not letting her kill herself. Claims to sleep only an hour or two at night, every night. Swallows batteries. The list goes on…
Isn’t it wonderful though that she has the capacity and energy to post all of this on a regular basis, nicely accompanied by stickers and the obligatory self-harm selfie?
No. 1075713
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So yesterday Ganer said that she has to rest for 4 days..
No. 1075717
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But this doesnt look like resting
No. 1075731
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>>1075703Nothing much apart from her being inspired to name her bloat. Typical mpa ana, strange body checks, obsessed with bloating, other members thinks she's AMAZING! heart eye emojis, likes to be act 2c00l4skool. Nothing special, but the Molly thing made her stand out.
>>1075715It was lolcow that made me join! Found the board when someone posted Ash on 4chan years ago and linked here, the rest is history. Signed up at mpa to look at stuff about her and then Erica and all the other cows here.
>>1075713That coach needs to tell her she doesn't look buff, she doesn't look like she's making progress. She looks scrawny but has odd shaped thighs. He can't need her money that much. She'd ruin his reputation.
No. 1075732
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Things are at their worst for Ganer when the gym is closed. Must be nice to only have problems like that
>also the hashtags
No. 1075735
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>>1075732Ganer left her sweatshirt at the gym.
No. 1075744
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>>1075732>yearofgrowthJanuary 1st vs November 3rd
No. 1075751
>>1075383Dear Farmhand,
Jsyk it was pages of a website so nuh.
>>1075741Oh god I remember there were sections you couldn't see if you hadn't posted. It wouldn't be a lot of posts you needed for access or I wouldn't have bothered. I should look what I wrote, but it would've been a load of balls. I didn't even have to bother with the introduction thread. Just write some shit or some eye heart emojis or tell someone they're goals.
No. 1075756
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>>1075697And yet she acts like she had no idea she'd be moved to the PICU. She always has to lie about and slag off the NHS.
No. 1075758
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>>1075744Hey, I found the growth! It's on her shoulder.
No. 1075769
>>1075758oh yeah that totally warrants new expensive sports bras /s
I need to get a job at m&s too
No. 1075779
>>1075474All I remember about her is she lost all her teeth to bulimia
She's kinda milky but she also makes me sad
No. 1075798
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>>1075756Pray harder!
She must be really out of her depth being put with "very unwell people" /s
No. 1075858
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Anyone else not surprised by this ones admission that the tube “just makes it easier” and “the shocking exciting news” SHE DOESN’T HAVE GASTROPARESIS that she has been screaming from the rooftops about!?
Keep collecting your daily packages with all the money you aren’t earning from all the work you aren’t doing you warrior … don’t forget to keep slamming those sugar free soft drinks!
No. 1075910
>>1075869The cows aren't representative of the majority of psych inmates.
I know there are some truly shitty staff on psych units (the prison equivalent of vinegar tits), but, again, most get on with their job despite being faced with this type. In fact, watch UK prison docus and the younger inmates play up almost identical to the cows.
Theory is they're not paying for treatment so act up and blame the way they're treated (not given enough attention) because the units are understaffed. Also play up for insta. They wreck their faces because it gets them admitted without having to pay for treatment and it keeps them in hospital because that's where they want to be.
There's always a them and us dynamic with patients Vs staff, but they take it to the nth level.
Only my theory but the scale of attention seeking behaviour went OTT over the past 15(roughly) years.
No. 1076100
>>1075950…what upward progress are you seeing, anon? She looks exactly the same.
>>1075713Deload doesn't always mean rest, it can mean just doing lighter workouts for a few days. But i'm laughing at her thinking she needs to "deload." From what, 10lb dumbbells?
No. 1076231
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Anyone could take the hair out of their brush and make this post. These wannabe inspirational captions sound like thenextpaige
No. 1076238
>>1076231I don't know about that. Hair is one of the first things to get fucked up if you mess with your eating, you don't have to be a superspoop to lose a lot of it.
Also clean your brush
No. 1076239
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It be a shame if someone was to show and tell him the things she was doing on cbate and mfc for people. Shame that he looks like a cuckold though(encouraging cowtipping)
No. 1076290
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Ganer could be heading to this gym right now. They're staying open even though they've just been fined £1000 after a visit from the rozzers.
>>1076239Where's his orange boiler suit?
No. 1076368
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I rarely visit Aly's insta, but when I do her paid comments are always funny, esp when she replies to them. Today she's being OTT and bringer of doom about Italy's lockdown. Her comments.
No. 1076408
>>1076391Cut off for adolescent units is 18 in the UK. As
>>1076396 said, the P stands for Psychiatric, not Pediatric. They're the end-of-the-road wards for people like Morven: eating disorder units rarely restrain patients because of the physical risks, and general units will send you to a PICU if they're having to restrain or forcibly administer medication too often. PICU's are made for the Morven's of the world, and also those who are seriously ill with psychotic disorders and can't be managed on a general psych unit.
No. 1076414
>>1075798Kek, anon.
It always amazes me, the picture she tries to paint to the outside world. She's probably the most frustrating and difficult patient on the ward. She requires constant 1:1 observations within arms length, is non-compliant in every single way she could be, requires constant room searches, requires trips to the genera hospital that necessitate private escort vehicles and 2x staff (expensive night out!) and yet bad-mouths the people and service keeping her alive, every chance she gets. She complains about other patients, yet I can guarantee she is one of the noisiest when having a "meltdown", likely hurts people trying to restrain her to stop her fucking herself up, and has probably caused the alarms to be pulled enough times to piss off or distress all the other patients.
No. 1076533
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Face scratching looks to be a global thing. This one was suggested on ig. Not much to work on because not many posts, but she loves the paraphernalia. She uploaded a tiktok of her ng tube machinery. I'll keep my eye on her because she might be milky. Posting for the face scratch pandemic and cringe bio.
No. 1076541
>>1076414I’ve know someone who was IP with her and apparently that’s exactly what she’s like lol. I usually take that sort of gossip with a pinch of salt but it didn’t surprise me to be told she’s a total monster. If it takes PICU with some really unwell, probably floridly psychotic patients to stop her attention seeking they should keep her there. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes (and let’s be real, if she didn’t need the NG that’s likely where she’d end up anyway)
(thanks to close friend anon btw!)
No. 1076572
File: 1604697225224.png (1.1 MB, 1432x853, can i join ur cult?.png)

>>1076533I’ve noticed this too lol. From time to time I go through hashtags like 'sectioned’, ‘inpatient’ etc. etc to look for potential cows- and it is absolutely chuffed full of head-bangers/scratchers. This was 100% not the case like a year or two ago. Maybe its like a repeat of the whole cutting craze? One ~spechuul~ not-like-the-other-girls type sees someone doing it, sees another girl doing it and so on?
Pic-related is a random example from tiktok to illustrate what i mean (blurred cause the milk is mild and they’re not pro-an scum).
No. 1076612
>>1076599 of her and her stuffed lion with a tube…
She has a video of her favourite NG stickers.
In her story she says she has Anorexia and Bulimia and makes a big deal about having to gain 12kg in hospital.
She changes her own tube now. I haven't gone through all her videos but she doesn't really explain (so far) why she is in hospital.
Has a recovery tattoo (not the NEDA symbol)
No. 1076613
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>>1076588I'm slsowing the speech down becamuae I can only understand french when it's written or not spoken fast. Hopefully french anon can help.
Her gf is the other one here. A "influencer".
Yeah, she's got anogeorgierexia.
No. 1076628
>>1076588My French is really rusty but here's what I understood, I suppose I got the gist of it:
[People make videos about me so here's my response]
You know what? I've had enough. If you don't believe you can unfollow me and that's it. Leave me alone because I can't deal with it anymore. I'm asking you leave me alone and stop everything [the bullying igs] because I can't anymore okay. Leave me alone. If you don't believe me you can unfollow me, leave, do what you want, I don't care. But leave me alone please.
No. 1076632
File: 1604703326414.jpg (Spoiler Image,302.01 KB, 1080x2028, Screenshot_20201106_224927.jpg)

Yes I've been following this one for a while because she is an absolute Trainwreck. This is from her old profile that she deleted but whilst inpatient she was smoking and set fire to her pyjamas…kek so she posted pics of her tiny body and the damage the fire had done. Then a few weeks later she said that she was going to commit suicide because of all the hate she got. Side note: she Photoshops celebrities into pics with her and pretends she's met them. Anyways she did a live where she threatened she was about to kill herself but it got 'reported' so she remade her profiles.
The backstory is that her mum pimped her out to her stepdad one time for €50 and she then went into the depths of anorexia….
No. 1076683
File: 1604706695773.jpg (94.69 KB, 945x901, sophie.JPG)

This is
>>1076632 's facebook ~influencer~ girlfriend has a tube also and bpd.
No. 1076685
>>1076613Sorry for double post but fuck me she is huge and doesn't warrant that tube. France has excellent socialised healthcare with minimal insurance contributions, I wonder if she's under 18? Or if she just said all the right things.
>>1076632Is that "backstory" real? If not it's disgusting. I met people who had been exploited like that IP, people suffering so acutely from things people meant to take care of them had done.
No. 1076688
File: 1604706954875.jpg (229.86 KB, 2048x1536, 73284486_437245353878240_54818…)

>>1076685She's 22. This was October 2019
No. 1077001
>>1076729If I knew her and found her ig, I wouldn't be able to resist doing something subtle to make it know I know how she lives. Only because past posts mention she thinks she's above everyone else in some way.
Nothing malicious. She must be embarrassed about how she lives but it's weird that despite OCD to the extent she doesn't do basic hygiene she seems like a regular person. Knowing she behaves as if she's okay makes her interesting.
Honestly surprised she doesn't stink, though. I'd feel weird if a cow popped up and it was someone I'd worked with or something. I'd ask for updates on sightings around campus but it seems she really does appear contrary to what she puts on her insta.
No. 1077102
File: 1604757104170.jpg (303.46 KB, 1080x1823, Screenshot_20201107_134132.jpg)

We got an update from our favourite cube.
Basically sums up what was previously mentioned in this thread about patients Vs doctors. Says how she's been "incident free" (which has become abit of a catchphrase with these specimens, amiright?) but hasn't been allowed her teddy bear or toys in her room, despite having unescorted leave. Says she's back at square one after an incident, which was done in retaliation of not being allowed her ligature-risk-free toys. It's funny she's saying all this whilst playing with a necklace she's got around her neck. Hmmmm. Is the unit that dumb, or is she bullshitting? I'm thinking the latter. Just needed something to update her followers with.
No. 1077118
File: 1604758951097.jpg (455.43 KB, 1080x1986, Screenshot_20201107-141754.jpg)

>>1076541Smorven is apparently back in her old ward now, and has been responding to people calling her out on Tellonym in between complaining that she's in an empty room on the EDU.
No. 1077197
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>>1077102Laura joined the no longer risk free club too
No. 1077241
File: 1604770533218.png (592.19 KB, 796x1497, Screenshot_20201107-173316.png)

Scrolled and found Mary's story about why she's like this.
No. 1077242
File: 1604770594887.png (384.15 KB, 796x1092, Screenshot_20201107-173344.png)

Slightly incoherent but readable enough. I don't know what to think of her tbh. She's clearly still not functioning, yet anon says she seems to
No. 1077250
>>10772411) How old was this male who wanted to get engaged to a 14 year old?
2) Why didn't her parents know this was going on? In your early teens your emotions are all over the place. A 15 year old being emotionally abused would be OBVIOUS to their parents.
3) Her friend went to the police, the rape came out, the stalking. He was slapped with a restraining order but her parents still don't know about it all??
(notpick, but she's at uni - double negative "haven't told no one" one O in "too", "slepted", "your" instead of "you're")
I say all this is bullshit for so many reasons. Crying emoji at the end, oh please.
Am I being harsh or could her life have been so fucked? Seriously?
No. 1077257
>>1077250It's certainly possible, but some parts don't add up to me.
a)he only raped her 4 years into the relationship? Obviously, I'm not questing it happened because I'm not that much of a dick but it just seems like am
abusive bastard wouldn't wait that long
b) so she only ate high calorie stuff when she was with him? no veg, fruit etc. convenient
No. 1077278
>>1077197It's pretty standard PDU rules. Patients have to show they are using the therapy they are being given and essentially behaving to be allowed more freedom/ privileges/ leave.
If they just keep self harming or distrusting other patients they get moved to more restrictive levels. Partly because obviously they can't be around things they are going to self-harm with but also to motivate them to want to be progressing in their treatment.
No. 1077299
File: 1604774889993.jpg (157.7 KB, 1387x841, 5.JPG)

Does she hoard hygiene products and just not use it?
No. 1077413
File: 1604782544456.gif (6.88 MB, 480x351, DtMX.gif)

>>1077290I noticed my TIPO, but cba to post a correction. Nur.
No. 1077583
>>1077433I went back to the beginning of her account earlier. She was tubed at BMI 13. I think that was under her admission weight.
Can't answer your question. I went UH WTF when she said she can only afford 5 or 6 sessions of CBT. Why private? Took some as on laptop but can't remember what. I'll post anything relevant.
One thing for sure, her intake hasn't changed since maybe 3 months into her account. Not at all. She LOST IP. NHS or moll private, at some point you get booted if you're wasting resources and kicking off (which she did).
No. 1077584
>>1077583Took ss*
(Notpicker again lol)
No. 1077666
File: 1604802350974.jpg (167.29 KB, 1401x855, 3.JPG)

I think the disruptive behaviour would've had something to do with her being discharged still spoopy.
No. 1077814
>>1077778Yeah - what I'm saying is that in the US, if you refuse to comply with the treatment recommendations and/or don't make progress, they'll discharge you whether you want to stay or not, unless you're medically unwell enough that they can section/commit/whatever you. And if you're that sick and won't comply in whatever unit, then they send you somewhere where they can restrain you or keep you on 1:1 or whatever to ensure compliance. I have never seen someone allowed to refuse treatment for more than a week or so without either getting discharged or committed / sent to a more restrictive facility. And people definitely throw big fits about not wanting to be discharged.
I really don't understand why the UK, Australia, etc, seem to let people stay in inpatient units while refusing to comply with treatment. Maybe it's a difference between nationalized healthcare vs private healthcare, in that they're not worried about not getting paid for the treatment? But it seems like a really terrible use of resources and like it just feeds into the dramatic personality disordered bullshit.
No. 1077816
File: 1604824359063.png (2.56 MB, 828x1792, 913E84E2-9B2F-4980-864D-295F7F…)

I don’t think she gained anything on the unit and proved she can do better at home so they discharged her
No. 1077860
>>1077816So what was even the point of the section? Came in a spoopy af obsessive compulsive wreck, left 5 months later a spoopy af
slightly less obsessive compulsive wreck +with a new distrust of the mental health complex. Nice job treating her guys, 10/10.
No. 1077915
>>1077814> if you refuse to comply with the treatment recommendations and/or don't make progress, they'll discharge you whether you want to stay or not,this is partly for insurance reasons as well
in the US, unless you go to a private rehab facility (prohibitively expensive) they usually send you to a inpatient ED ward in a hospital where the main goal is weight restoration and discharge in <1 month
No. 1078085
>>1077992It would probably be known that the anniversary was coming up. Staff can support a patient through this, however, if they act in a way that is unsafe for that unit/ use an item allowed on that unit to self harm (say a unit allows crafts but a patient uses craft items to make a ligature) then ultimately if the hospital has a more restrictive unit they will get moved there.
She needs to learn to be around items that could be risky without using them for that purpose - because that's what life outside hospital is like.
So if Laura wasn't able to use staff support/ stay in communal areas to keep safe on a difficult day then it would be decided that she needed to be on the more restrictive unit.
Bare in mind her service is specifically for personality disorders. It's aim is to reduce self-destructive behaviour (that lands people with police/ A&E) and show people they can manage their extreme emotions more independently.
You only end up in one of these long term treatment units if you're constantly in and out of acute psych/ A&E/ police section (where the police take you to a place of safety). It really has to be at a point where 12-24 months in a specialist hospital is actually cheaper than if the A&E/ police cycle continued!
No. 1078092
File: 1604869006086.jpg (252.15 KB, 1071x1726, 20201108_145559.jpg)

She always looks like a fish
No. 1078169
File: 1604876493295.jpg (44.7 KB, 476x478, 8b2_LI.jpg)

Our favourite aspiring actress has been radio silent the past few days. It's been weird not seeing her post three stories for every snack. Maybe there's hope Molly's seen our criticisms of her "priviledge"? She does know about this site
No. 1078182
>>1078169I was also going to comment on her silence. Especially since Sunday is ~baking day~ and she posts a story.
She's already been tipped by that insta account that keeps posting cow fan art and linking her.
We shall see…
No. 1078265
>>1078260She said she's taking the time to ~focus on herself~. I would've thought that'd be a mixture of hell and empty thoughts.
Whatever she's do - intensive 24/7 therapy for 30 years (her dream), bungee jumping, unlimited purchases from ebay or amazon, etc. she'd still return and within a week complain about being depressy and needing more ECT.
No. 1078279
File: 1604888898870.png (5.34 MB, 1170x2532, A86F5885-1058-4A58-8F6A-80DAF2…)

New cow. Always bragging about her boarding school. Apparently she has reseeding syndrome. She’s also a medical student, busy and clearly active. Such lies.
No. 1078280
Sorry my autocorrect changed it
No. 1078284
File: 1604889452786.jpg (109.88 KB, 1401x808, Capture.JPG)

>>1078279looked at the page. What is it about the anas wanting people to draw them? Note, molly liked this.
No. 1078519
File: 1604930399884.png (6.24 MB, 960x2079, F5E0761E-B44F-4E66-B7FF-E88CA0…)

>>1078499>>1078499I have to say I’ve been waiting for her to come up for a while, constantly talking about how she was tubed, posting pictures of it constantly (particularly on TikTok), has the same molly-level privilege and private treatment with the same middle class obnoxiousness. Talks about how bad she got for ass pats but from her progress pics it doesn’t look like she had much to gain. Got into insta beef with a 14yo inpatient for posting body checks as ootd’s
No. 1078571
File: 1604935913953.jpg (449.83 KB, 720x1236, Screenshot_2020-11-09-15-31-14…)

No. 1078580
File: 1604936276121.jpg (639.71 KB, 2192x1082, 3mos.jpg)

>>10785717 August - 9 November
No. 1078587
File: 1604937045630.png (582.5 KB, 505x767, muh traumatic withdrawal.png)

>>1078571>>1078574>muh traumatic withdrawalLooks a loooot like generic prozac to me, Porgie.
No. 1078600
>>1078574She checks into NF to switch meds when 99.9% of people do it at home.
No. 1078643
>>1078580The difference between her pin prick pupils in august and how blown out they are now is amazing.
also >lol fat
No. 1078651
>>1078279If you actually had refeeding syndrome, you'd be in the hospital and getting really careful treatment for it because it's quite often fatal. Needing phosphorous supplements or whatever isn't refeeding syndrome, it's how they prevent you from getting it.
Claiming to have refeeding syndrome is just being melodramatic.
No. 1078653
File: 1604942165347.jpg (961.91 KB, 1080x1756, Screenshot_20201109-111003_Ins…)

>>1078169She must be completely off instagram at the moment because she hasn't liked Elzani's new post. So out of character.
No. 1078691
File: 1604944887213.png (6.18 MB, 960x2079, 2DB70388-7DEC-43A1-A9F9-1DCD20…)

>>1078651And is now naming her teddy after MyFitnessPal
No. 1078715
File: 1604946486013.jpg (501.25 KB, 720x1106, Screenshot_2020-11-09-18-26-37…)

Hope our farmers are eating better than N2F is tonight
No. 1078726
File: 1604947009653.jpg (552.08 KB, 1080x1734, 20201109_123550.jpg)

>>1078721Probably the pasta
>>1078722Here's the full description
No. 1078778
File: 1604949414428.jpg (273.89 KB, 720x985, 20201109_190840.jpg)

>I'm way more compassionate and empathetic because of my experience with an ED
>I am the first girl in my unit to never shout at staff
I'll bet. This cow hasn't half got a high opinion of herself.
Though at least if Molly got spooked for good we'll have a new posh recovery qween that loves eat natural bars ready to take her place.
No. 1078809
>>1078796I looked at some of her "what I eat in a day" and
a) I might be underestimating but they look like 1500 calories, which probably isn't enough to gain on and
b) everyone is going off about FDOEs because of comparison etc
also her humble bragging about her fairly average marks and being a sooper special med student kek
No. 1078810
File: 1604951935253.jpg (277.07 KB, 1170x658, 20201109_195424.jpg)

>>1078796I tried but I can't stand to listen to more than 5 seconds of her voice
(please excuse dodgy android photo editor app but I had to make this up)
No. 1078814
>>1078580Why’s she so flushed?
She looks like she’s gained (aussies use kg right) at least 10kg.
No. 1078817
>>1078816looking through her instagram feed, it looks like she's maintained around the same weight for the duration of her ed
do we know what her diagnosis is?
No. 1078819
>>1078809No anon she made
sure to mention she got all a*s in one. Also that she went on a french exchange. And complaining that that she used to be the brightest, most "most special" (her words), or nicest person in all her classes until she went to med schol and suddenly everyone is like that and she can't outdo them! Grrrrr! Also pretending to be annoyed she hasn't gotten her boobs and bum back.
No. 1078825
File: 1604952696508.jpeg (285.17 KB, 828x780, 8ACAE3F7-5978-4DD9-9F39-A81B18…)

What the fuck
No. 1078832
File: 1604952992344.jpg (249.1 KB, 1600x492, Y0PpzSl.jpg)

>>1078819the fees for her boarding school…
No. 1078844
>>1078839I thought there were four terms a year.
Spring term, summer term, autumn term, winter term.
No. 1078861
File: 1604955522888.png (3.93 MB, 3372x2000, Timeline1.png)

>>1078830>>1078838>>1078852Nah, i think it lines up pretty nicely. She's just aged like shit cause she treats herself like shit.
No. 1078938
File: 1604963094425.png (498.24 KB, 1914x911, Untitled.png)

>>1078574>social media breakPosts on reddit.
No. 1078976
>>1078971Cabin fever and it hasn't even been a week, I know.
My theories about Moll's absence:
1) She found the posts here and is the only one ever to not self post or be her own WK on here (or send loads of followers over). For that I would doff my cap.
2)She's going to claim she's having ~bad body image~ or ~restricting~ so that'll give her some sympathy and material for later videos.
3)The novelty wore off and she's not bothering to build a career as internet star any more.
I'm not seeing any worried follower posts which is a bit strange. Idk, I'm a bit relieved there aren't any videos to Bingo with, but…lockdown…not much else to do. I'm not really into the other posh one. I like Molly's extreme fame hunger.
No. 1079023
File: 1604973615574.jpg (446.75 KB, 1080x2005, Screenshot_20201109-195852_Chr…)

She's locked down her Facebook page. The post from 2019 is the only one visible now.
No. 1079029
>>1079023There you go then. She's realised the importance of privacy settings online. Bit late, mind. It's inevitable that they get tipped on this thread. They all like to ~look out for each other~, which I read as "creating some drama and making someone in recovery feel shit about themselves".
Before a WK spergs, we never called her fat.
Perhaps she'll make a new video about how people should protect themselves online, using her own experience. Not posting your phone number, for example.
No. 1079142
>>1078976I strongly suspect she looked at the threads or someone tipped her off because remember the dog photo from last thread with her phone number on the tag
>>1071695 I checked the dog insta and that post isn’t there anymore kek
No. 1079146
>>1079119Prozacs green and white. It is in the UK and googled for Aus and it's the same.
Switching from SSRI to another it to an SNRI isn't terrible. Sometimes you can do it straight away or leave it 3 days tops. Hardly massive brain zaps esp. when tapering and no reason to go IP to do it.
No. 1079175
>>1079152I’ve thought this for a while!
There’s so many other appointments, procedures and tests you have to have here in Aus before they even consider giving you ECT (experience talking..)
And the Porgie we know couldn’t resist posting all of those interactions on the Insta, which makes me think it didn’t happen at all.
And why would they go from ECT to now considering TMS? Seems off to me.
No. 1079260
File: 1605013666015.jpg (548.22 KB, 1080x1852, Screenshot_20201110_130659.jpg)

Woah this almost looks normal! (.. minus the mustard)
No. 1079267
File: 1605014077687.jpeg (290.98 KB, 828x1713, 27223AF2-F740-4C3E-A24B-545045…)

Pretty scummy to go shitting on legitimate careers when you’ve achieved nothing beyond malingering in and out of NF for problems you’ve imagined into existence, Georgia. Mortuary workers make decent money.
No. 1079276
>>1079260I missed her. No new bakes. Yeah, very normal beans on toast. What happened?
>>1079267That's a good line of work to enter into. Satisfying to help the bereaved see their loved ones comforted by a final goodbye. Good money, too. No dear why she's looking for jobs. She cries depression after a week of typing up some internet radio blog.
No. 1079293
File: 1605018156577.gif (9.76 MB, 600x1233, ganergainsquestionmark.gif)

Flexing those muscles.
No. 1079335
File: 1605023758542.jpg (522.79 KB, 1080x1839, Screenshot_20201110_155026.jpg)

Following up the mention of her grand scheme that someone posted above.
>>1078229 Chii is going with patreon to milk her followers of cash with the oh so specialist guidance she's qualified to give out kek
No. 1079385
>>1079335Wow, haven't seen her in ages but she doesn't look like she's put on any weight in her face in all these years she's been at it. Of course people will still pay for her advice, though.
>>1079341Oh no, RIP grandpa nourish. I hope N2F will be ok.
No. 1079518
>>1079341One of them died not too long ago. Wasn't the RIP food her anniversary memorial? Could be confusing her. These cows all have bad anniversaries.
>>1079487The mother attachment ones all have dogs too! Sorry, one is an "assistance dog". Dog's n mums of the thread.
No. 1079523
File: 1605042957017.jpg (478.58 KB, 1080x1632, 1604503422492.jpg)

>>1079518I checked myself. Aww, sorry n2f.
This is the post from last thread.
No. 1079577
File: 1605046540137.jpg (31.08 KB, 363x264, Capture.JPG)

Second comment asking what's the deal with Moll's absence. It's a bit shitty of her not to give an update or reply even if she lies about why she's missing.
No. 1079589
File: 1605048097438.png (3.48 MB, 750x1334, 50DBEB65-3E40-4537-AC77-F5D9AE…)

knew it, called cymbalta a few threads ago
No. 1079622
File: 1605050800133.jpg (482.14 KB, 1072x1949, 20201110_172544.jpg)

>>1079335I can practically taste the smug. She must be jumping for joy that she's on lolcow again
No. 1079625
>>1079622ffs you're not the
victim here chii. this could potentially be really harmful to your 'patrons' . How long has she been in 'recovery' now?
No. 1079641
File: 1605051660764.jpg (257.89 KB, 1080x1652, 20201110_173944.jpg)

>>1079625She started the account in 2015, so I guess at least 5 years.
No. 1079668
>>1079621This is the same “clinic” who tube her when she decides she doesn’t want to eat her streamed veggies.
I wouldn’t put anything past them, more fool her letting them frazzle her brain.
It’s all about the dingo dollary doos they don’t give a flying fuck. Hell they’d prob agree to give someone underweight a gastric band if they had the funds.
No. 1079782
Idk where you live but it's handed out like sweets in the UK.
>>1079771>>1079775Maybe everyone's different. The only disgust time I had was with Mitrazepine. Switching SSRI it ssni never caused any issues. Duloxetine barely touched the sides with more than moderate depression.
No. 1079859
File: 1605074035003.png (850.13 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201111-054918.png)

My advice would be stop admitting yourself to NF. She puts herself in the position where she's having a change of meds and milks it. Almost as if she likes the attention. It's not as much fun for her when her she can't be in edu but fortunately they're not falling for that any more. Deep sadness.
No. 1079894
>>1079778One anon asked, so the other anon answered. Thus it is relevant information for explaining why Porkers behaviour is milky.
I fully support your participation, my retarded comrade, but please learn to sage.
No. 1079939
>>1079859Does Porgie edit her chin to be this pointy? I know it's filtered but it's always like that even in her lumpy 'candids'
>>1078580 I've never seen someone with such a chubby face have a chin like that, and in earlier photos
>>1078587 her chin looks human
You'd think at her weight now, her chin would look more square and her jawline more jowelly. She's so delusional she might think giving herself a kpop chin makes her wide face look heart shaped and slimmer? Sage for tinfoil
and general autism No. 1080045
>>1079939>>1079989Yeah this
>>1078825 is what she looks like at a normal human weight (oops, I mean,
severely anorexic LW) , it's the same chin but her round cheeks and neck/shoulder blob make it look disproportionately small and sharp.
No. 1080060
File: 1605108342337.jpeg (926.53 KB, 1125x2035, FAF1854B-7E75-4601-AFCC-E4E479…)

Here you go guys, a tip from ganer who has everything figured out- this is what everyone who is committed to recovery should be doing 2 years in
No. 1080126
>>1079778Not sure why you’re so upset by someone knowing more about a certain topic than you do. Maybe reflect on that, minimod. (And while you’re at it - educate yourself on psychopharmacology and different countries’ guidelines on tapering off)
Have a lovely, hopefully more productive day!
No. 1080128
>>1079792 You’re absolutely right, anon. The shorter half-life was mentioned to support the fact that tapering does in fact take a little while (unlike many other antidepressants), but when done correctly it’s a walk in the park.
Stop to think before you nitpick and infight.
No. 1080134
File: 1605116637042.jpeg (294.43 KB, 828x1792, C8976988-87A7-4C4B-A28E-3F68A5…)

>>1079622God I hate that fucking egotistical, haughty Kara bitch. She must’ve learned in her “career” as a law clerk about the importance of disclaimers, but then goes on to offer “consultations” and “assessments” to people with EDs…
10000% not qualified and also super unwell herself. I need to check if there’s a way to report someone on Patreon - she’s actually potentially dangerous for people who take her seriously and buy into this. What a cunt.
No. 1080185
>>1080060Fuck that.
>>1080134And fuck this, especially. Meal plan ideas? “Consulting” with patients? Who does this bitch think she is? Why would anyone PAY for her to indulge herself in her disorder and drag others down with her?
No. 1080255
File: 1605126034254.jpg (506.59 KB, 1080x2005, Screenshot_20201111-141818_Ins…)

>>1080246But you can get exclusive content AND exclusive content!
>>1080253I looked at the policies to see if there was an obvious thing she was violating, but I couldn't find one that was straight-up "take it down now."
No. 1080283
File: 1605127889565.png (3.97 MB, 750x1334, 9452EB16-8807-4478-BBFA-F05B8E…)

Ahh nourish, getting her ‘vitamin d’ in when the package clearly says vitamin ‘c’
Not our brightest bulb eh.
No. 1080291
File: 1605128468926.jpeg (625.61 KB, 1123x2025, D438A52D-E500-4FDC-847A-45EA80…)

Ghost playing the "I'm a little child forever" act on her stories. What's with these girls and the chronically refusing of acting her age ???? She is 21 !!!
No. 1080300
File: 1605129626571.png (326.59 KB, 557x567, milky.png)

>>1080253Why do you care lol? Worst that can happen is that she embarrasses herself. Besides, if all goes well- we'll have an absolute milkshake bar in no time!
No. 1080543
File: 1605149376132.jpg (32.75 KB, 503x742, bo.JPG)

>>1080507Doubt it! Her face looks less dehydrated. Her face looks fuller because of the angle (who wants to shoot themselves from below because ugh). She might've cried so much about her gym being closed it made her face puffy and it's on the way down. Idk, but as much as it'd be great not to see her line scored dehydrated face again because Ganer gains, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Her impatience is so cringe it's past funny. By summertime, we'll all be vaccinated and shit gets back to normal. She's going to have to use all that equipment she bought at home for a while. Can't she find one of those fragrances that do weird smells like "Male BO" or a pheromone scent to give her the gym feeling?
No. 1080561
File: 1605151429108.png (47.28 KB, 1366x617, Vt4ts01.png)

Someone on mpa is sueing MFP because their account got deleted. Its discrimination.
Apologies for general lack of technical knowhow not sure how well screenshot will work and also not sure how to post multiple pics?
No. 1080567
>>1080561Wow! An app that gives a shit about the health of their users. Good for them deleting accounts for people who want to exist on 200 calories a day.
She's complaining as if she's a potential suicide bomber being kicked off a pyrotechnics forum for saying she ordered 20 tons of peroxide and has a hissy fit because it's none of their business what she does with it.
Well done, mfp. Never used it, but would do if I felt the need. Impressive.
No. 1080588
File: 1605153227231.png (90.39 KB, 1360x805, Untitled.png)

>>1080575Just read the thread and some of her other posts. She's got a pissy attitude and thinks highly of herself.
No. 1080643
>>1080637Idk why that mpa member bothers. She's an average weight and fails at all her fasts, like scoffing cookies on day 3 and bingeing every day after lol.
She should hook up with that pervert Oki who signs adoring wannas to fast with him.
No. 1080782
File: 1605177933187.png (1.14 MB, 960x2079, 9B461720-044A-4B2E-A48F-DE861D…)

Imagine thinking you’re so important that you try to get your followers to email tiktok to get your account unbanned :/(:/)
No. 1080884
File: 1605192118603.gif (7.2 MB, 270x480, banned.gif)

>>1080782She didn't even say please.
>>1080876She's been banned SIX times!
I'm into all this banning of dicks from MFP and tiktok. I'd ban anyone obnoxious or interfere with their account, like twitter do with Dolan Trump.
No. 1080902
File: 1605194315847.png (4.93 MB, 828x1792, 2772F8F0-2861-4A14-BC2F-B1293E…)

this can’t actually be lee’s hand surely? it’s so chunky and manly?
No. 1080906
>>1080902Does Aus have Death Before Decaf coffee?
Those hands though. Her nail! Her cuticle! That's a man hand. A man who works on a building site. Bruised legs from working hard with manly tools in her manly hand. Why keep a tubed pic when her hands aren't anything like dainty?
No. 1080920
File: 1605197050511.png (45.43 KB, 572x661, bored with ana.png)

>>1080917Sounds like it was a case of pro ana content.
No. 1081092
File: 1605216832326.jpg (150.21 KB, 1080x1440, 20201112_134915.jpg)

That's one weird looking dresser.
No. 1081095
File: 1605217052445.png (36.95 KB, 374x318, ella mae.png)

Who the fuck is Ella Mae?
No. 1081098
File: 1605217260775.png (20.27 KB, 311x162, Screenshot 2020-11-12 at 3.39.…)

>>1081095Samefag. Maybe if we guilt her hard enough she'll come back!
>>1081096It's not a selfpost. Can you seriously not see how shopped this is?
No. 1081123
>>1081091I'd go silent too if i found out strangers online were psychoanalysing my family dynamic and playing a custom-bingo about me lol
Though, that may not be the case. The suspense is very exciting, wonder what made her stop so suddenly?
No. 1081128
File: 1605219779844.png (37.28 KB, 677x272, Screenshot 2020-11-12 at 23.22…)

>>1081110seems she had a change of heart?
No. 1081132
File: 1605220073758.jpg (35.76 KB, 649x705, Capture.JPG)

>>1081092Don't mock a girl with a disability! She doesn't have bones like we do, she has wire like Barbie.
No. 1081141
>>1081014Body weight dips aren’t impressive when your body weight is 95 pounds lol.
For real though, she talks like she’s trying to give other people advice, but I really think she’s talking to herself most of the time. It’s pretty clear that she actually hates working out (if you have to WALK TO THE GYM THAT IS CLOSED in order to motivate yourself to work out at home, there’s a problem) but it allows her to still strictly control her diet under the guise of “bodybuilding.” It’s just anorexia with extra steps.
Not to armchair but she gives me OCD vibes. Everything about her life seems so stark and joyless. She never even wears colors, it’s all black and white and grey. I wonder if she has any friends besides her sister.
No. 1081159
File: 1605223514221.jpg (206.03 KB, 1080x1794, 20201112_172332.jpg)

If your living room is dark and gloomy, maybe you should redecorate, Hannah.
>>1081137Don't you mean s*icide?
No. 1081191
File: 1605227720402.jpg (153.53 KB, 1080x1920, 20201112_183243.jpg)

Oh no, they're going to report lolcow! The internet police are coming. (Wrong screenshot first try.)
No. 1081208
>>1080960Nothing new then. I thought she had a dog?
Wonder what she thinks of people like Elzani and Molly.
No. 1081219
File: 1605230167704.jpg (840.59 KB, 1080x1084, Screenshot_20201112-201209_Ins…)

Okay if we're back on Laura I have some favourite recent (obviously and comically shopped) photos. The biggest giveaway is the hands???
No. 1081220
File: 1605230209218.jpg (614.97 KB, 1080x1135, Screenshot_20201112-201352_Fac…)

Looooooong hands ♀️♀️♀️(emojis)
No. 1081221
File: 1605230385056.jpg (684.59 KB, 1080x1591, Screenshot_20201112-201303_Fac…)

And last one. This one is obviously a screenshot because you can see her app swipe bar on the side. And a favorite app of many shoppers just made the "make me look skinny" feature premium. An interesting coincidence
No. 1081223
File: 1605230776489.jpg (362.24 KB, 1448x2048, Slenderman.jpg)

>>1081191Lolcow is literally (in the real sense of the word) untouchable. We'll be here until admin decides to call it a day.
>>1081221Hail Mary, full of grace. She…she's
slenderman No. 1081232
File: 1605232918196.jpg (174.34 KB, 1280x1280, P0 (18).jpg)

Might as well toss this in too
No. 1081237
File: 1605233567485.jpg (33.17 KB, 344x574, dystrophy barbie.JPG)

>>1081234They are if you're made by Mattel
No. 1081400
File: 1605255402056.jpeg (73.59 KB, 750x440, 0C5CD26D-8753-47F2-BCB7-214C14…)

>>1080920I got a screenshot before she deleted this comment as well
No. 1081459
File: 1605269798479.png (6.44 MB, 1125x2436, 108DB75A-714B-4A28-9D7C-F8D595…)

Someone wasn’t getting enough from new farm - obviously felt the need to go visit friends at the medical hospital on a Friday night..
Side note, is the age for posting here 16+? There’s some epic milk at nfc atm - surprised she’s not been picked up.. @soph.venting
No. 1081508
>>1081141Oh definite OCD vibes, in her old stories her hands were all dry and fucked up from washing them over and over. (Example from old thread
>>948347 )
No. 1081604
So do we think posh molly tried to off herself? It seems like she has completely abandoned Instagram all together.
>>1081459That username doesn’t even exist as far as I can tell…
No. 1081619
File: 1605291875972.jpeg (1.05 MB, 828x1504, 8C158EDF-AEB0-49F0-873B-2A4094…)

>>1079674Ironic, considering that in one of her ‘excerpts’ she says she knows she needs to end the book and move on, presumably from her ED. Guess milking it for attention on instagram was too much fun, huh.
No. 1081669
>>1081659She's definitely not moved back to uni mid-term.
You need the grades and to pass an additional exam and interview for Oxford and Cambridge. It doesn't matter who you know.
However, obviously if you know people that have gone to uni/ Oxbridge then the environment will be less overwhelming (to interview you go stay in the halls (forms) for 2-3 days and it does look like Hogwarts. The interviews are known for asking bizarre questions and therefore if you went btona school that looks like Hogwarts and had 1:1 meetings with teachers you're going to be more at ease) and if you don't have to work alongside A-levels (high school) and can afford tutoring you're going to get better grades.
Idk where she has gone but it's not uni. Especially not in the middle of a pandemic. There is a national strategy for students travelling home for Christmas!
No. 1081675
File: 1605297943179.jpg (191.63 KB, 820x492, prince-william-uni-t.jpg)

>idiots…people who were handed their admission through no merit of their own.
No. 1081694
File: 1605300388298.png (6.5 MB, 1125x2436, CD329AA6-8596-4A14-B65D-ECBDDF…)

New farm milk - new addition - not sure if she’s been mentioned before - BPD, admitted hard drug user, involuntary patient because she purposefully self harms or OD’s or fucks around for attention. Has her “favourite nurses” - headbanger - had “refeeding syndrome” 30mins after starting on 40mL/hr ng feeds .. taken to public given fentanyl and endone and she’s as good as new again apparently … oblivious
No. 1081701
>>1081698>>1081694and only 4 posts? How much milk can you possibly get from only 4 posts?
No. 1081744
File: 1605305443539.png (7.31 MB, 1125x2436, 67016083-8E77-417A-BE1C-88BE8E…)

>>1081712Promise you im not her. She does more stories than posts - also not coffee cats recovery but was told self posted about her. Follow at your will - she will accept anyone and you shall see what I mean. But a new BPD head banging tubed new farm cow is there is you wish to see for yourself.
No. 1081768
File: 1605307230224.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1125x2304, 2DFD0C32-0BD2-4170-82B3-1100D6…)

She’s baaack from her difficult, traumatic ambulance journey
No. 1081772
>>1081744Nah. She's 16. She has an excuse to be going through that phase. It's when they're in their 20s and still that way that it's milky.
I did note her forehead is bigger than Ganer's. Wow. Much surface to bang.
No. 1081802
File: 1605309641243.png (5.48 MB, 1125x2436, EC8D19A1-77A5-45A8-88D2-755FC0…)

>>1081772Apparently she just passed out and smacked her head on the pump - that giant forehead is going to get her into trouble.
No. 1081839
>>1081802Seems like you really have it out for this 16 year old who is clearly mentally ill with no-little milk and probably follows back all of her 250 followers.
It's almost like, no one cares and shes copying the same shit sees on this thread?¿ wait…. unless SHE does lurk this thread and is somehow self posting, no fucking way batman!
maybe you should reveal your username anon to confirm kappa
also you're milking a dry ass utter newfag. just leave her alone and go away, clearly nobody wants you(r milk)
No. 1081844
also I'm the samefag as ^^ my b for not merging the two. sorry mods.
>>1081793It's almost like they're posting old screenshots before the deleted their photos and decided to go private to gain followers kekek
Guess notoriety is still attention
No. 1081908
File: 1605318930138.jpeg (84.57 KB, 1179x304, 76409EF3-241A-4823-B40B-22EDEF…)

No. 1081965
File: 1605324717472.png (837.09 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201114-032951.png)

Is Georgia angling for a section?
Seems really odd that she'd apparently cut herself but a few hours later she's allowed out/away from the clinic grounds.
Hope that wasn't horse steak.
No. 1081979
>>1081965I really don't know about Georgie, I can't tell if she constantly puts herself into IP because she doesnt want to work or because she maybe enjoys the routine/munch (not food munchies) effect of having someone care for you all the time. I know " but muh anorexia " but surely she also knows she doesn't have an eating disorder? Not anorexia at least.
Is it possible she's convinced herself so much that she has anorexia she binges in denial?
I always say this but I've never seen so many people who claim eating disorders be thrown in IP and force feeds so much. ' but my parents know so it's hard!11!! My psychiatrist!! ' but even then it's like ??? Unless you're telling everyone you ain't eating and purging loudly in the bathroom or 5+ times a day, you don't normally get forced IP. I know they also want the money at most of these places, private care and NF but my point stands, unless you're being openly blunt then no one will force you in IP or force feeds.
In {some} places, self harm and suicidal idealation or restricting and purging doesn't even get you in IP, especially forced because that's what theripasts, doctors or a care team is for- to teach skills and guide you. The only exceptions I can think of is headbanging consistently (nurses and doctors will find you insufferable bc it's such an obvious " move ") or cutting yourself until you need stitches or threatening acting on suicide. All things that most people would avoid.
Or just ignore me because I clearly don't realize how sick our cows are that Georgie absolutely DESPISES being in IP and shes just so sick!
Also any updates on n2f? miss her goodies.
No. 1081987
>>1081979samefag but tldr;
How the FUCK does Georgie keep admitting herself despite being a grown ass adult and claiming to hate it so much and shes so ' happy to get out '
also sorry mods for wall of text. never again I s2g.
No. 1081998
>>1081997Ah. This makes sense, thanks anon. I totally forgot about her medication changes and depression. Still feels super extra tho but I think earlier in the thread she said her medication too.
I'm not sure how bad weaning off of anti depressants is though bc I've only done anti psychotics and anti depressants but doctor never admitted me in IP for it. So maybe she's really having a hard time??
No. 1082003
>>1081997Previous story post said she was seeing her dad.
>>1081979I like wall of text posts. It ain't no crime. Living with the NHS and knowing how long waiting lists are or treatment for anything being a waiting game, it makes Georgie et al's constant IP when they feel like it seem stranger than maybe it is in private healthcare countries. I don't believe she needs to be IP to switch meds and she really isn't a danger to herself.
I miss n2f too. I miss her new bakes.
No. 1082018
>>1082006(I too, have a hard time finding the fine line between blog posting and posting ) But yeah Georgie has always been extra, pointing out the Benzos is actually really smart but I'm not sure if she was on a Benzo but Georgie always has to make things dramatic anyways. At least she managed to eat her steak sandwich!
>>1082003I'm glad! She definitely takes advantage of having private coverage in AUS but it makes me wonder how she thinks this is sustainable for the future especially when it's all connected to her name. I feel like the cows forget that they're gonna get old someday and no one will care for their bullshit lol. I don't see many munchies getting old though, except for the few with AN.
I hope n2f returns soon though, I wonder what she does on her hiatus. She's my favorite but I hope she does get well. I always wonder about her when I see something…. not so appetizing.
No. 1082034
File: 1605333046449.jpg (61.05 KB, 953x478, Capture.JPG)

She's still posting on reddit. Much depressed.
No. 1082072
File: 1605343066655.png (856.24 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201113-141511.png)

>>1082055It's not only her eyes. It's her entire face. She always has a blank expression. I find it difficult to think animated Georgia on YouTube is the same one on insta. On video she comes across as a pushy brat who'd be really overbearing and loud. On insta she says she's too anxious to ask for a spoon. I consider her whole insta persona as fake. She lays things on thick to fake being depressed and mental. None of it works when she's posting IMG one hour then doing something like eating at a cafe the next. What the fuck kind of person posts that on a public account except an attention hungry one who obviously isn't I'll enough to put their phone down for a second.
No. 1082100
File: 1605350813753.png (2.36 MB, 750x1334, 4E6810D2-0CB2-4071-8D50-49BB14…)

No. 1082106
>>1082105In a lurker and not much of a poster, should of kept her Instagram name in the cap as well. Posted to her story a few hours ago.
Funny though just as everyone is saying she’s been quiet on the ~my anorexiaaaa/ED~ front she posts this soon after.
No. 1082115
File: 1605355875812.jpeg (317.88 KB, 889x1477, 8E6002C1-6F3C-47B0-8D5A-DBC8AD…)

This one has been up my goat for a while now. @cjs_recovery_journal (friend of self poster @coffee.cats.recovery) supposedly has an “eating disorder” and flits in and out of hospital while apparently being able to work till she got struck down by another illness. Since then she has gone all quiet on the eating disorder front. But her posts are always about being unwell and her being in hospital or treatment. Like coffee.cats.recovery she gets a steady flow of packages from AliExpress which if can’t work then she must be using tax payers money to fund. It just gets up my goat and makes me annoyed at how insecure she is. She is always sick, yet she is always spending money. It’s cows like this one that really makes me roll my eyes and wonder what kind of parents bought this human being into this world. Clearly she never had an eating disorder and is just attention seeking!
No. 1082117
File: 1605356094938.jpeg (393.92 KB, 935x1573, 619A0AA1-C051-4F76-9F67-592015…)

No. 1082120
File: 1605356551013.jpg (1.43 MB, 1440x2505, Screenshot_20201114-122111_Ins…)

Yep totally normal behaviour everyone, nothing to see here! Totally normal to have the exact same breakfast of 10 pancakes every single morning and post 9 identical pictures of it on insta.
No. 1082129
File: 1605358825575.png (669.45 KB, 1706x1465, CJS SELF POST.PNG)

>>1082117>>1082115imagine being THAT stupid to not only self-post on here, but to slag off your malingering friend, while submitting a (now deleted) post using your actual student email under the false name of Sally is just next level idiocy!!
luckily i kept the browser tab open while watching a movie to catch you in your fuckery Christine…
I guess i shouldnt even reply to this to give you the attention you so clearly want, however your udder is full of milk we need to squeeze!!
No. 1082132
File: 1605358995081.png (639.13 KB, 1297x1512, CJS SELF POST2.PNG)

>>1082129>>1082115>>1082117more proof of her self-posting shenanigans!! fuck i love catching out cows via abit of internet sluething
No. 1082150
File: 1605361170839.jpeg (87.34 KB, 251x496, 1C849262-F855-4FA8-83AB-2FBE95…)

>>1082122I think E is at a pretty normal weight now
No. 1082154
>>1082106>>1082115>>1082117>>1082129>>1082132>>1082144Whoever tf you are, your writing style gives it away you're samefagging. The style of writing and your inability to sage.
Gtfo newfag.
No. 1082300
>>1082154im the poster who caught the bitch self-posting. not samefagging. i didnt sage because it was actual content, lrn2lolcow.
however the other posts do seem pretty suss tho.
No. 1082342
File: 1605390658508.jpeg (396 KB, 750x1228, D2EB6CB8-A033-4699-8C20-887849…)

I don’t know what’s more mentally scarring, the picture of the meal or the caption
No. 1082373
>>1082342This actually looks more like a normal dinner than I expected. I always find it kind of funny how she plates her food, reminds me of Elanzi where she spends ten minutes plateing it.
I wonder if it's to hold off the act a little bit longer? Of eating?
Also n2f your cheese was in for way too long, toasting the bun before and then adding the cheese for about 2 mins (still a long time but ten is a bit excessive) will give it less of that plasticky look and more… soft cheesish.
No. 1082399
>>1082373Has she learned how to roast parsnips? (right on plate). That's an improvement, but ketchup on kale?
Can't figure out where she's switched her photoset to. It doesn't look like her bed or window ledge.
No. 1082415
File: 1605396188703.jpg (575.65 KB, 1075x1911, 20201114_172128.jpg)

So much for that social media break.
No. 1082420
>>1082415How about stop slobbing around like a beached whale and actually MOVE. Do some exercise.
>try and see my doctorNo! Help yrself by trying to stay away from your doctor.
Nice attempt at a facial expression other than "blank".
No. 1082429
File: 1605397487116.jpg (42.65 KB, 398x372, Capture.JPG)

>>1082426She's only on general psych so her meals are going to be like everyone else's in for non eating disorders. She mentioned meals to make it sound like she's on a special plan.
Switching meds usually makes a person anxious, restless, unable to stay in bed, yet she admitted all she's been doing is lying in bed. She's just an idle overweight oaf. The kind who buys a mobility scooter because they're lazy and completely able bodied.
No. 1082438
>>1082415day in the life of someone with no life
>>1082419coffee.cats.recovery does not need to be tubed, if she can scoff down creamy iced coffees she certainly does not have digestion issues or sooper severe ana
No. 1082448
File: 1605398728592.jpg (89.41 KB, 911x795, bonez.JPG)

>>1082438I disagree. Look at her visible rib cage!
No. 1082541
File: 1605406999333.jpg (253.02 KB, 718x1259, IMG_20201115_100521.jpg)

Meggy croal back at it again justifying disordered eating, like how good are these boiled veggies?! Oops forgot my bread but here's some scrumptious rice cakes!
No. 1082542
File: 1605407030768.jpg (413.83 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_2020-11-15-10-03-24…)

Don't forget their realllllly good with cucumber too!
No. 1082811
File: 1605437414284.png (7.42 MB, 1125x2436, 16DDF36D-B3E6-4FF5-A709-12F3FF…)

1/2 - here we go again….
and let’s make sure everyone sees the self harm bandage …
No. 1082813
File: 1605437533246.png (7.76 MB, 1125x2436, 98DFD24B-F147-46B1-97E3-271723…)

No. 1082814
File: 1605437719231.jpeg (504.05 KB, 1125x2436, 5258E602-152E-4D87-B8BD-BB5197…)

Takes 20 laxatives - posts on IG and then follows in queen georgies footsteps and off to the royal they go..
She also lurks here apparently .. milk following milk
No. 1082839
File: 1605443927604.jpeg (215.08 KB, 828x1472, D02B5017-0E87-4EBA-9D03-A5DAE3…)

Long qt interval… That’ll be the morbid obesity love.
Stop being a malingering whiny cunt!
No. 1082843
File: 1605444248460.jpg (1.6 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20201115_124038267.jpg)

A new gofundme scrounger.
I agree people are being hit hard by this pandemic, but posting your sob story to milk your followers of cash is low.
No. 1082845
>>1082842anon are you scottish bc only my scottish friends say "full fat" coke and it is an absolutely abhorrent phrase
>>1082813fucking lol. like 90% of us go through this right? being an adult is essentially standing up too fast and going blind for a minute, imagine getting an ambulance for it. she gives me such secondhand mortifying embarrassment lmao
No. 1082851
File: 1605445396201.jpg (403.78 KB, 1080x1906, Screenshot_20201115_130209.jpg)

if you don't post a photo of the inside of an ambulance, did it really even happen?! can't be feeling THAT bad if you've got your phone out taking selfies. it's all attention seeking.
No. 1082874
>>1082851What a drama queen. I bet the nurses were keeping an eye on her 140 pulse (on the low end of high btw), and Porgie cried chest pains because you
have to get an ambulance for patients with anything heart related plus chest pains.
I assume she’s just being a lil bitch about SNRI withdrawal. Yeah it’s uncomfortable and sucks but load of people deal with this shit without being an attention seeking drain on society
No. 1082906
>>1082882another brit, isn’t it just used like how we say ‘full fat milk’ to mean whole milk/the most calorific one. it doesn’t actually mean there’s any fat in it, it just means it has the most calories
sage for coke linguistics sperging
No. 1082916
File: 1605453729238.jpeg (1023.82 KB, 828x1711, 907D6922-8297-48A4-998B-E662DD…)

I get that depression manifests differently but I just cannot understand how one can have super severe, treatment resistant depression yet be happily able and energetic enough to flaunt their hospital escapades with detailed captions and selfies. Plz explain.
No. 1082923
File: 1605454494961.png (9.14 MB, 1242x2208, full fat.png)

>>933792Stop talking about coke
No. 1082929
File: 1605454954113.jpg (355.22 KB, 1080x1886, 20201115_094031.jpg)

>>1082922This is from a few days ago, but yeah. I assume the self harm is because they don't pay enough attention to her
No. 1082973
>>1082916Easy. She doesn't have severe depression.
She needs treatment for that thing she has (that she's admitted to) that's great likes to play sick so somebody will look after her.
No. 1082980
>>1082883I do get it, my point was I'm British and nobody I know says "full fat coke", it's cringe.
>>1082906Full fat milk makes sense, because it actually has fat in it. Coke doesn't. Sage for sperging.
No. 1082993
File: 1605466893389.jpg (66.54 KB, 544x660, dasha.JPG)

Is Dasha gaining weight? Her face looks fuller.
No. 1083003
File: 1605468402962.png (659.01 KB, 796x1061, Screenshot_20201115-192257.png)

This is a terrible advertisement for someone's coaching lmao. 6 months of going to the gym, eating the same meals and yet all she's learnt to do is learn forwards.
I actually feel bad for her because she clearly tries hard at her workouts…. But can't bring herself to actually eat to build muscle. At the same time, Christ what an advert for her coach and what a load of money she's wasted.
No. 1083005
>>1083003>all she's learnt to do is learn forwards.She bought some shoes as well.
Those pics could've been taken on the same day. Absolutely no difference at all.
No. 1083047
File: 1605472629702.jpg (175.12 KB, 931x645, 20201115_123621.jpg)

>>1083045learn how to integrate newfag
(screenshot just in case they delete)
No. 1083055
>>1082916God I could never imagine being the EMT and seeing this grown woman taking selfies and ambulance ride photos. Never have I once even thought about taking photos like that because I'm self aware it would be embarrassing, unless they're just so consumed in their bubble that they don't even notice how odd it is?
I feel like if Georgies depression was so severe we would have heard about this so much earlier, maybe she realized that her ED stufff isn't as milky anymore.
>>1083047Also I'm samefag but this is hilarious, imagine posting online and being an internet personality but refusing to believe people can discuss you freely on the internet kek how many times has lol been reported by bigger cows and never taken down? Everyone wants attention until it comes to milking it kek (and seeing the inconsistencies)
No. 1083056
File: 1605473121708.jpg (32.82 KB, 489x366, glwt.JPG)

>>1083045Do you people come here and copy and paste? At least give some variation to your fatshaming (lol) veiled threats.
No. 1083069
>>1082916That anorexia obviously - taking bets for the next batch of tube selfies, because clearly she can’t get enough nutrition in.. (b/p?)
I’m placing on one week maximum
No. 1083074
File: 1605474622063.jpeg (594.74 KB, 1125x2000, 6C3DE034-4504-47D9-A3F5-8FB06E…)

This is Sunday dinner? My heart weeps for her. Also noticed how she says in the caption that she’s been to see her grandad “one final time” but said the exact same 2 days ago. Not sure what to make of that.
No. 1083085
>>1083074No meat? As anon said earlier, that kale is ollllld.
I didn't see where she mentioned about her grampa first time. Did she go to see him laid out twice?? It's usually one viewing in the funeral home then maybe sometimes on the day when everyone goes to have a look. Or does she mean his funeral was today?
Would rather eat cold sick before attempting anything on that plate, especially the scab covered dry af sweet potato.
No. 1083127
File: 1605477921095.jpg (485.03 KB, 1080x1913, Screenshot_20201115_220329.jpg)

i mean, that spaghetti tho…
No. 1083129
File: 1605477950598.jpg (586.84 KB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20201115_211142.jpg)

ngl, this image leaves me with a lot of questions…
No. 1083145
>>1083127Oh God the spaghetti really is the cherry on the cake. It looks so sad. This dinner is definitely disordered. It's essentially just boiled veggies and sauce, anyone care to see the calorie count?
these are estimated based off google, would probs round upOne yam - 85
Chicken meatballs - 270
Two strands of spaghetti- 10???
Veggies - 80??
Sauce - 50ish because it's all low salt low cal anyways from her previous
I'm gonna estimate 415 or MAYBE 500 if we want to ' be safe '
I just can't see how anyone would believe this is a regualar meal or recovered. Shes volume filling
No. 1083150
File: 1605478459498.jpg (8.17 KB, 245x206, freudian.jpg)

>>1083127Spag or tapeworm? I mean, that'd explain her non weight gain.
The potato looks so hard though. It looks like a clog.
>>1083129omg hahahaha!
No. 1083158
>>1083129I really have a hard time believing she eats this crap at all, part of me thinks she just makes it to look like shes eating because it's so sloppy but I won't underestimate the will of eating disorders.
Also anyone notice that she hasnt posted any selfies lately? I feel like a few threads back she was constantly posting pictures with her hair tied up, her eating food, messy shirts but now we're lucky to see her face.
No. 1083175
>>1082845>being an adult is essentially standing up too fast and going blind for a minute, imagine getting an ambulance for itThe fact that she went to hospital over what was likely just dehydration… lmao.
>>1082923>Are we embracing our sugar cravings? You bet">break out with acne>>1082993She's facing forward, so it'd look that way. Probably just the angle.
No. 1083181
>>1083043>surely she had to realize there has been no change in her body when she edited this together?It probably looks like a massive change when you're that disordered.
>>1083051Yeah. Anachan is so detached, she's forgotten that having an ass is normal.
No. 1083192
>>1081159gym sperg but…
Shes using an incredibly cheapo weight set and bar. bar is max 10kg but since it doesnt look like a normal bar either def less. Shes using concrete weighs which is why they look big but those are about 5x 5kg and 3x10kg. So generously shes doing 80kg. Most girls who do these exercise can easily do this and probably most fatties. Sure, more weights dont fit on the bar but if youre actually serious about training you probably want to invest in either a real bar and a 20kg plate or at least bigger concrete/plastic plates. Usually theyre the last to sell out at discount supermarkets where i assume she bought this set.
>>1083003I hope her coach untagged himself in this/blocked from profile because i would be embarrassed.
No. 1083212
File: 1605480664333.jpg (92.17 KB, 640x768, gaga.jpg)

>>1083199I was thinking that her lack of appetite (or w/e) would be down to her grampa being ill, dying and now funeral/grief. Didn't a set of grandparents go to Norfolk with her family? I think they did, so they were close. Bereavement's a killer for anyone and it'd tip someone with an ED even more over the edge.
It's sad. She doesn't get to go to the Lady Gaga gig either. This pic is for n2f. Feel better soon.
No. 1083217
>>1082980Southerner detected, it's full fat
Sage for autistic bong infighting.
No. 1083231
>>1083226THE "FULL FAT COKE" REFERENCE IN THIS THREAD IS A RUNNING IN JOKE. One cow mentioned it and we ran with it.
Coke is "coke" and sugar free coke is "diet coke" OR "sugar free". We know this. Full fat is ana chan lingo in this thread.
Now stop fighting and shake hands.
No. 1083240
File: 1605482032229.jpg (509.87 KB, 1080x1700, Screenshot_20201115-171145_Ins…)

>>1083231I reposted the screenshot and linked it to the original post but all the Britfags were too busy sperging about it to notice.
>>1083214Negativity probably means
>you look the sameWhich…she does
No. 1083339
>>1083318Googled. 140-180 is the range of high, so it really is the low end.
Probably did some star jumps in the bathroom to make her heart rate faster. Eee, munchie munch.
No. 1083352
>>1083296nta and not really any use pointing the actual video, but there's one where I think they're out buying new clothes and Elzani takes the piss out of her sister because she can't find any in her size.
>>1083342This thread really changed my view of Australian people, or rather gave me a cultural education. Since childhood, we were presented with the image of Australians looking like LA surf dudes and ultra fit women. That or the redneck Fosters chuggers. Georgia's the antithesis of all I'd previously believed. HOWEVER, a friend whose brother lives in Cairns went to Aus and gushed about the beautiful fresh food. It's very confusing for a Britfag.
No. 1083467
>>1083263mods can ask for proof but I literally have no idea who Eliza is and just screenshotted it LMAO I am samefag as
>>1083055 aswell and previous threads. check my IP if you must kek
>>1083367Is it possible that she was exercising or over exerting herself to get to 140? I feel like Georgie would do that. I wouldn't really think anything of it because she is overweight and I assume that most people who are
that overweight probably get a higher heart rate when standing up too quickly or exercising… I wonder how that factors in?
Imagine if Georgie had the willpower she did for hospitals and getting into IP and spent it on getting a job, healthily exercising, losing the weight and lived her best life…. imagine
No. 1083560
>>1083352>fostersChrist mate you really dont know about australia lol
>>1083393Is this why we never/rarely see any QuEDS cows? I'm so fascinated about the new farm clinic situation, from what I've gathered they're part of some like weird collective that's notorious for shit treatment and munchie enabling. Any insiders with more info?
No. 1083574
>>1083560I’m going to go with yes. Because QuEDs being the public system is about actually restoring weight and then referring to appropriate programs etc. They have a really good day program (despite what people think - which is usually the people who don’t want recovery) and their programs work.
(Sage for blog)
I’ve been through both H floor/QuEDs iop the public) and new farm clinic and honestly H floor and QuEDs made more of an impact in 12 weeks than new farm did in three years. Public system wants people better so they stop the rotating door.
No. 1083583
>>1083571georgie porgie pudding pie is metaLARPing - it's not enough to pretend to be anorexic on the internet, she has to pretend to be an anorexic pretending to be a sooper special zebra warrior
if it weren't for the fact that she's so low effort (see: pretending to be anorexic whilst visibly overweight) i'd say we'll see her joining our gallery of headbanging narcissists by the end of the year, but that would involve at least a tiny bit of effort so idk
No. 1083680
>>1083240She even made a long ass post about how the negative comments got to her and how building takes time! And of course all the comments are cherry picked to say fuck the haters, you’re doing great!!! She just can’t face the hard truth.
And yeah, her coach does untag her from his tagged photos. To be fair, she tags him in EVERY post so he kind of has no choice. He’s never shared her publicly on his page because he knows she’s a joke.
No. 1083689
>>1083684It's not even just that - she seems to idolise bodybuilders who have bodies that she can't reach even WITH enough food. A lot of the women have boob jobs, and the very bulky-yet-lean ones are on drugs to aid that. Same for the men, ofc.
I don't mean to judge that, it's their call, but like you said she's in a completely different reality. At some point she'll have to confront that, surely?
No. 1083702
File: 1605533147354.jpeg (1.05 MB, 828x1379, 00EA8C8A-8280-41DF-83DF-B858B4…)

What is with the bowl of peas in the top left corner…?
No. 1083739
File: 1605538792171.jpg (373.94 KB, 1073x1907, 20201116_085924.jpg)

>two pieces of chocolate in a measuring cup
No. 1083994
>>1083969Cool story, bro. No one cares that you’re a special snowflake.
POTS doesn’t cause a high resting heart rate, being out of shape does. In Georgia’s case it’s not just that, it’s also her obesity and steady diet of sugar peppered with caffeine.
>>1083654Therapy, but it doesn’t always help. Most of the munchies from the old boards here never stopped, and most of them didn’t get caught or admit they were munchies. Therapy only helps people who want to be helped, and Georgia, Lee, and Shay want to be sick forever. They’re getting plenty of therapy being in and out of NF, and clearly it’s not doing shit.
No. 1084038
File: 1605557487616.jpg (398.23 KB, 1080x1898, 20201116_200900.jpg)

don't even remember seeing them on this thread but, how would they know they're on here if they don't lurk?
No. 1084068
File: 1605560208453.jpg (250.58 KB, 1080x1208, 20201116_125211.jpg)

>>1084038I don't think I've ever seen this account mentioned in my 10+ followings of the thread.
Probably self post and bait. Account has 33 posts w less than 2k followers, probably posted this to get a risk but no1curr
>>1083739This is so sad, the two pieces of chocolate are really something else. Is she so skewed she doesn't realize how odd it is to have your chocolate in a measuring cup like that? Her personal trainer is fucked, I wonder how much more she can keep up like this, surely theres a limit.
No. 1084104
File: 1605562843204.jpg (Spoiler Image,251.26 KB, 1536x2048, urinalcakes.jpg)

>>1083754>>1083739reminds me of those yellow urinal cakes found in dingy mens toilets at the local pub.
No. 1084118
>>1084108we would be dicks if we were talking about people who were genuinely reocvering, yes, but we aren't. we're talking about bulimics, munchies and pro ana scumbags. fuck off.
in other news, i wonder how bakerfag is? she's gone silent and im wondering which one of n2f's bakes killed her off
No. 1084119
>>1084108 Imagine self posting, being an online personality and then getting upset when people show the inconsistencies and constant attention begging and waste of medical resources from hospital jumping, I could never kek
Anyone know what the whole deal is with the cowtipping lately and self
posters? This is hilarious
No. 1084126
>>1084118Hmmm bakerfag and n2f have been quiet and not baking (to my knowledge anyways), there's no way- , it couldn't be-
>>1084119(sage for dumbpost and samefag as,)
No. 1084144
>>1084068Interrupting this back and forth to point out that fries before small thighs is the one that had an insta story about "full fat coke" (reposted in this thread here
>>1082923) which sparked the references to it as a running in-joke, which anons who need to lurk more didn't understand and decided to argue about
No. 1084145
File: 1605565024494.jpg (64.01 KB, 720x597, 20201116_221141.jpg)

>>1084140you don't put your email in the email field, just sage so the thread doesn't keep getting bumped when there's no new milk, just an insta recovery warrior!!1!1 whose fee fees got hurt
No. 1084160
>>1084146Doubt it. Molly doesn't seem like a "y'all" kind of person.
It's amusing that wks come here and think most anons here don't have/never had an ed. There are many ~vulnerable people~ except they don't scream for attention or need to ~reach out to the community~
No. 1084172
File: 1605566885332.png (4.37 MB, 960x2079, 10095153-A4A3-4209-8501-D0CDBD…)

Its this gal , posted about lolcow, had other accounts with velvet in the name
No. 1084176
>>1084173>>1084172Your icon is showing, remember to crop or they can find/see you.
Also what is it with these random cows posting in here?¿ Feels like a ' who can get the most hate and be sooper special ' circlejerk
No. 1084195
>>1084167If they don't want their weight discussed then why have a recovery account?
The few cows who do actually recover or get their shit together are generally left alone and congratulated (one example, Crying Emily). People are suspect about Elzani because she's done well. I don't think anons
want her to turn into a b/p-er, it's more that recovery's difficult so it's always questionable for an ana chan anon when somebody does manage to gain and looks happy about it. Personally, I love when a cow recovers. You've seen how some of us want nothing more for n2f. Of course there are bone rattlers who think the lower end of a healthy weight = obese, but they're cows themselves, so meh.
No. 1084208
File: 1605569308038.jpeg (318.95 KB, 1169x1218, 96EC3643-9B9E-4AE8-9D62-1FD4F6…)

dusty is always so manipulative and has been so full of bullshit recently it’s really satisfying to see her get called on it…… by her psych no less! she’s currently in hospital after cutting badly and is upset because she’s on a ward with other people who sound even more ill than her and she can’t handle it.
No. 1084213
>>1084038>>1084068I reposted a screenshot of her full fat coke in the middle of the sperging about full fat coke. The original post from months ago was linked.
>>1082923 That's it.
No. 1084220
>>1084146>>1084213I was the anon who used the “full fat coke” comment not realising the newfags would sperg out. I’ll be really explicit & mansplain EVERY tenuous point…
>>1084177Loving your sleuthing skills, most of these cows are thick as shit so I’d say you’re probably right.
No. 1084436
File: 1605594356471.jpeg (663.92 KB, 1832x2598, 51C12EBF-7387-4909-8813-9CB897…)

Yeah I have too much time kek
No. 1084499
File: 1605607681244.jpeg (116.91 KB, 828x1432, 6048E202-62E6-4C26-AF84-FFAFB4…)

What’s with all the cow tippers recently?
/sage for no milk
No. 1084534
File: 1605614108270.jpg (253.73 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20201117_065405.jpg)

Porgie is back. Must be. New record. "I'm staying off social for awhile cuz bUlLiEs"… 24 hours later, "oh hey look how big my hospital room is, score!"
No. 1084537
>>1084534She is the bully. She posts people on here all the time and pretends to be their friend.
Porgie loves our attention. Its the only attention she gets outside of NF.
No. 1084544
File: 1605614759330.png (169.17 KB, 720x1178, Screenshot_20201117-120313~3.p…)

And I know you still lurk here. That soph.ventiing was mentioned so Georgia followed. As she does with everyone we post.
No. 1084553
File: 1605616669870.jpg (329.5 KB, 1080x1898, Screenshot_20201117_122817.jpg)

She straight up copies other Instagrammers. Jumps on the "smoke check" bandwagon with her vape. Kek Tries to buy friendship with a Xmas gift exchange, which is proper sad. Begs for cash with a sob story which is most probably false asf. Someone else chats about doing sugar daddy work, and low and behold…
She's so full of shit. Thinks eating disorders are a trend to gather up her followers like other insta pages she looks up to. She posts how much she struggles with food yet has been the same healthy? bmi for literally years. If she was ever spoopy you know she'd post that shit.
No. 1084556
File: 1605616756590.jpg (435.88 KB, 1080x1832, Screenshot_20201117_122808.jpg)

Also, begs for cash and chats about her money woes then spends £61 just on postage alone of gifts to her "friends"
No. 1084674
>>1084172>>1084499these are the same bitches crying about how this thread is soooo damaging and then intentionally pointing ppl here
Like? they don't have to read here, it literally doesn't hurt them until your whiny ass tattles lmao
No. 1084685
>>1084354Unless she found here.
She doesn't look the kind of person to do other stuff like bp or SH- but I could be wrong.
No. 1084832
>>1084822first off, this is an imageboard
second, you have to request to see anything
so if you’re that sick of her and you’re not just selfposting for attention, post some fucking screencaps or gtfo
No. 1084854
File: 1605645007120.jpeg (669.4 KB, 640x1008, 840C81D3-7C39-42D3-8440-ABDAB0…)

Not sure if that was @me but sorry if it was I’m still learning the ways! This is her
No. 1084860
File: 1605645131465.png (504.18 KB, 640x1136, 7115B763-F45B-48CC-8102-18DFB8…)

seen this?
No. 1085008
File: 1605656051041.jpg (100.32 KB, 1120x1020, online only.jpg)

>>1084994I've noticed cows across the whole board from different threads think that doing the sugar daddy/findom/feet pic thing is a really easy way to make cash. I'm indifferent to women who do that because it's their life, but the guys who pay these girls want a good product who know how to behave. Imagine looking through the profiles and finding some whiny kid who probably never had an irl boyfriend and they think they're hot at the whole thing. Make some shit for etsy or get a job.
No. 1085037
File: 1605658090229.jpeg (Spoiler Image,730.2 KB, 2560x2560, C772E677-C619-46EA-8EBE-E09749…)

This guy follows so many cows too, weird
No. 1085300
File: 1605691895650.jpg (184.73 KB, 833x451, 20201118_155551.jpg)

We all know you love the toobe
No. 1085302
File: 1605692841923.jpeg (670.46 KB, 828x1460, 28C79B78-62E6-4B6F-B4F7-ACB343…)

>>1085300never seen or heard of her before but some of these pictures just take the piss tbh.
flex that neck sis !
No. 1085323
File: 1605697905491.png (7.45 MB, 1125x2001, F69DFAC8-FFB5-476E-9662-97E80F…)

Any bets on how long it’ll take them to tube her? bet she’s feelin the affects of not eating anything since admission to try look like a real Ed patient
No. 1085395
File: 1605711491364.jpg (213.99 KB, 720x1273, Screenshot_2020-11-18-14-55-18…)

God I hope this is about georgia
No. 1085521
>>1085504When I read her post I didn't think she was necessarily saying the staff told her anything.
If the parents come visit she could have talked to them or overheard them or heard from other patients what the parents have said.
Some people's parents are quite vocal when they come visit their kids in mental health wards/units
No. 1085572
File: 1605728528405.jpg (262.59 KB, 1078x1917, 20201118_133948.jpg)

No. 1085573
File: 1605728559772.jpg (259.46 KB, 1080x1732, 20201118_133958.jpg)

>>1085572Samefag. So many gains.
No. 1085671
File: 1605736267387.jpg (212.75 KB, 486x724, WUZ3R9P.jpg)

Seems like she's been asking her coach when she can recomp… (generally this means losing fat without losing too much weight or trying to still build muscle, but there's no way she means it in a non-disordered way lol).
No. 1085700
>>1085671Has she even gained any fat? She looks exactly the same as when she started. Asking when she can drop weight is totally normal, right???
This guy really loves her money. No need to be ethical when you're getting paid.
No. 1085799
File: 1605746749266.jpeg (516.67 KB, 640x1014, 550BA27C-354A-4787-9695-6F7E96…)

Is… is that… a pile of sauces she’s dropped out her window taking these pics? Or…
No. 1085856
File: 1605752473632.jpg (15.89 KB, 400x400, download (21).jpg)

>>1085799It looks like a Hellman's sauce bottle.
No. 1085894
>>1085856Isl it sad I sometimes check what’s for sale on the of date website to
Present her next “”meal” I.
(emoji) No. 1085972
>>1085830That’s the one, in all her disgusting sugar and fat-free glory
>>1085879Yeah she’s just up to the same old shit, literally. Over exercising while claiming sooper rare CF and EDS and crapping in the bag she got after years of lax abuse
No. 1086085
>>1085879When Ginge disappeared from the thread, I was grateful to not have to see that face and that food.
It was a shock to see her again. From happy clappy fitness freak/ana undeniable to crying, fucked up intestinal girl with an upcoming colostomy bag. Maybe I'll look how she's doing, but need to psyche up.
No. 1086095
>>1085799Maybe she's hiding them from her family? like: easier to throw them out the window, then go outside herself and throw them away-
rather than risk going through her house with the trash and have some member of her family see her carrying 3 empty bottles of sauce?
Assuming her family knows about the bulimia, maybe they'd recognize the bottles (throat lube) as a red-flag?
I've seen anachans do similar things, but with food. If you go (or don't go) through a lot of it, trash can become a real issue if you're hiding it from your family. Perhaps its made worse by quarantine, if she's rarely, or never left home alone.
No. 1086097
File: 1605786470830.jpeg (127.74 KB, 1125x407, ACA8B160-4F37-482E-A059-D3235F…)

Does this greedy fuck not know 4 is a ‘normal’ adult portion or? I hate seeing her fat arse muscle in on anorexia recovery pages
No. 1086099
File: 1605786809263.gif (4.08 MB, 700x394, iu.gif)

>>1086094>>1086097What's the context anons? Is she making fun of the (actually) anorexic account for having a "small" portion lmao? Also piss off Porgie 4 fish fingers is a perfectly fine portion if you have it with potatoes and peas or w/e.
*(brb. gonna dress up in a onsie and intuitively eat a whole fucking pack of fish fingers whilst clutching my teddy bear cause i'm such a tiny widdle waif~~)*
No. 1086104
File: 1605787973260.jpg (194.54 KB, 720x1034, Screenshot_2020-11-19-12-12-38…)

>>1086097Toddler portion, sure
No. 1086126
File: 1605790462985.jpeg (456.52 KB, 1124x1381, 26060357-4FDC-4383-AA74-DC9643…)

>>1086099Context. Fuck, looking again they don’t look like the standard fish fingers (sorry anons my bad) but still, I wouldn’t want this sow commenting on my stuff if I was trying to recover y’know? We all know Porgie never got OFF those *~childhood faves~* unless she was one of those rare kids who’d go a plate of vegetables over Maccies
No. 1086134
File: 1605791645825.jpg (8.44 KB, 246x205, images.jpg)

>>1086126~This is one of Georgie's less calorific childhood favourites.
No. 1086136
File: 1605791688725.jpg (80.39 KB, 800x533, dessert.jpg)

>>1086134Followed by a light dessert (as demonstrated by this kid)
No. 1086281
>>1086224i'm the anon you're replying to but tbh don't spend time on there other than the occasional visit to ashley isaacs and tfvg's threads since they aren't updated on here anymore. i feel like kiwi farms is more like a more ~male~ feeling PULL? like everyone is SUPER fucking invested in the cows, there is a ton of random speculating that goes beyond "hmm I wonder if she purged that" to like complex conspiracy theories about CSA that eventually get accepted as canon and used as evidence for newer stupider theories.
they also have legit doxxed and stalked cows irl. someone from KF went to an event tfvg was doing at her health food store back in the day (3 years ago maybe?) and either identified himself as from a board or otherwise acted sketchy enough (details were unclear) that anna got freaked out and went private, posted less for awhile, etc
the vibe there is way too intense for me lol
No. 1086445
File: 1605820059665.jpeg (518.11 KB, 1241x1867, 881EFBAA-E772-491A-8D92-8FDC6D…)

Going through this account is providing me a lot of entertainment this evening. Seems like another Molly from her posts.
No. 1086477
File: 1605823117104.jpg (608.56 KB, 1079x1602, Screenshot_20201119-155736_Ins…)

I did a Molly check and found she posted on her singing account
No. 1086500
File: 1605826178503.jpg (282.83 KB, 720x1227, Screenshot_2020-11-19-22-48-34…)

What the fuck is going on in here on this day
No. 1086984
>>1086972Posting her reminded me of our DID thread/ohchickpea so I searched DID etc on insta. Whadayaknow…so many have eating disorders! Throw in some EDS and MPD and whatever the fuck else is the trending illness on munchiegram.
Their ~systems~ are so intricate they've spent way too long developing their online MI.
No. 1087115
File: 1605893515996.jpg (413.72 KB, 1080x1881, Screenshot_20201120_173108.jpg)

frazzles on TOAST?! i feel like this is a new low, even for n2f!
No. 1087118
File: 1605893969712.png (1.06 MB, 640x1136, D88AC6DB-A36D-4241-A5ED-CBA0FD…)

Do we have a new n2f?
No. 1087138
>>1087115Too lazy to fry bacon. Crisp butties are mmmm, but that's not a snack. She'd stick one toast on top of the other do you think? Her food always looks messy to eat and looking at the stains she gets everywhere it is.
>>1087127Fuck Oxford, go to Goldsmiths and do drama or something. Yeah, I think her Elzani fandom fired her into that YouTube channel, but girl, no. It might look cute to her, but there was too much second hand embarrassment. She's obviously intelligent but seems to make bad life decisions. Good luck to her.
No. 1087289
File: 1605904533641.png (4.83 MB, 1125x2001, 327C2E61-B09E-4081-82A7-254D6C…)

This cow was setting up a gofundme and begging for money a few days ago because apparantly her family was going to be homeless. Her new place looks pretty lux for someone scrambling for money
No. 1087463
File: 1605916020927.jpeg (209.76 KB, 1242x1977, 8FD53BF6-577E-41CB-88DC-51E179…)

appears molly went as far as to delete all her youtube videos too
No. 1087466
File: 1605916234592.png (29 KB, 1505x721, Screenshot 2020-11-20 at 5.50.…)

>>1087463Didn't delete, just made them private. This is from the link still in her profile.
No. 1087590
>>1087485No one here chased her off anything.
The internet can be a harsh place.
If you don’t like what you read here then leave.
No. 1087660
File: 1605939187229.jpeg (440.14 KB, 640x879, AF050859-9F0B-4E61-A411-21B64C…)

Anybody know anything about @_sunflowerseeed ? She’s a vegan influencer, OBSESSED with food, and stick thin. No confirmed ED as far as I can tell but surely must be, her stomach looks distended and face shape looks so odd. Followed by a LOT of recovery accounts but that could just be because they love food posts/a lot are vegans themselves?
No. 1087678
Agree with the signs of weight loss.
No. 1087682
File: 1605942240086.png (80.69 KB, 203x240, Screenshot_20201121-070212~2.p…)

>>1087660More observations. ED or not, she looks unhealthy. Her nails…
No. 1087683
File: 1605942371591.png (700.66 KB, 720x876, Screenshot_20201121-065849~2.p…)

>>1087660>1087682…and so much food but never seen eating it. Don't tell me she isn't underweight. Toothpick arms, bobble head.
No. 1087759
>>1087660An in-denial-but-obviously-ill anachan is a nice change from the usual normal weight/fat look-how-much-I'm-suffering anachans discussed here. Idk anything about her unfortunately
>>1087652Also glad Molly's cereal shoveling, privileged ass fucked off back to her easy life rather than continue to be an attention whore on social media
No. 1087858
File: 1605971673232.png (670.12 KB, 1169x565, thrussy.png)

I went back to the beginning of her account to see if there was an obvious difference in how she looked then and now. Not really.
Yes, girl, suck that throat in. Pop those collarbones.
No. 1087860
File: 1605971985104.jpg (476.64 KB, 1167x1122, baygull.jpg)

>>1087683Definitely not eating it. Just taking multiple pictures in different lighting and posting them months apart
No. 1087872
File: 1605972978019.jpg (575 KB, 1166x1499, puke.jpg)

>>1087865Sometimes she posts them almost a year apart. That's how!
No. 1088027
File: 1605985941081.jpeg (1.86 MB, 1242x1841, 7906A82C-5B26-48E6-8D1F-3DC44E…)

Surely we must be on about 5000 calories by now after all these “100 extra calories will not kill me” posts. Increase then decrease it seems
No. 1088055
File: 1605987936940.jpeg (1.09 MB, 828x1225, D5FA3774-530F-42C4-AB14-61AB06…)

>>1074861PLEASE tell me someone has seen this ?!!!
No. 1088075
File: 1605989230390.png (247.61 KB, 371x739, Screenshot_20201121-200420~2.p…)

>>1088055The grime covers every centimeter of that room
No. 1088128
File: 1605992288002.png (7.68 MB, 1125x2436, 74167353-D6F8-4B6B-B353-345CE8…)

Looks like a fellow new farm cow reported Sophie for her stories with photos of nursing staff etc… my bets are on Porgie
No. 1088192
>>1084544For sure because
>>1088128She's a creep with staff and thinks reporting would get her in their asspats books.
No. 1088213
>>1088177I wasn’t all over her yday but I know she had “a bad day” and posted something with staff and has done so in the past as well - like photos and videos and conversations etc. She’s attention seeking to the max.. and then “absconded” but stayed in the car park for a cigarette and kept her toobie in for photos.
>>1088192Oh 100%! They’re not on the same wards but you can guarantee miss goody goody porgie said something - power trip because Sophie has a tube and she doesn’t kek
Being a fellow Brisbane person, I know people literally DYING on a waitlist to get into nfc and they can’t because the beds are filled by these fuck heads.
No. 1088233
>>1088213Georgia really is a nasty piece of work. I do armchair psychology about why that's the case and it doesn't take deep thinking to draw a conclusion.
Even though she thinks she ~can't be fixed~, her problem's really simple. It's sad she gets to be babied because she has the cash when a course of talking therapy would sort out her need for approval and attention. She should try to make friends (and I don't mean with nurses) instead of enemies. That'd help her for a start.
No. 1088248
File: 1606002462561.png (2.46 MB, 750x1334, A63EEB70-A17A-4052-817E-970637…)

>>1084172The anachan that was posting how disgusted she is about lolcow.
And that is why this thread exists…
No. 1088251
File: 1606003131466.jpeg (Spoiler Image,376.58 KB, 1125x2436, C414AB6F-F8B6-4BEF-A24A-8E3D7B…)

>>1088242She absconded because someone (aka porgie) told the nursing staff she was posting things about them.
She then went to the nfc carpark for a smoke and said she’s going to go kill herself.. from what her stories appear to be show, she went to a train station, banged her head up, all the while keeping her ng in and then got taken back to nfc, and then sent to the public hospital..
spoiler image because why..?!
No. 1088286
>>1088259ayrt I think you’re on the money.
>>1088262Same. See above what anon makes of it.
No. 1088317
File: 1606007040798.png (135.74 KB, 658x1134, doctor v.png)

>>1084208very late response.
she has been obsessed with that poor man for years and never leaves him alone, good for him for telling her to stop. i wonder if she will get dropped from his case load, heres the posts from after that but she has a problem w/ male staff and getting obsessive. including a random food service worker?
>>1088261why does this seem to be on the money… it wouldnt be surprising from what other NF anons have come in and said
No. 1088417
File: 1606013262270.jpg (892.4 KB, 1080x1729, 20201121_204624.jpg)

Molly is slowly dipping her toes back in social media but doesn't feel like telling her followers on her ~recovery~ account that she's not dead
No. 1088521
File: 1606027839048.jpeg (156.45 KB, 640x756, ED9C3B20-2C1F-4BC8-862C-FD1A1E…)

>>1088417Let’s see if she replies to this on her music account…
No. 1088534
File: 1606030923448.jpeg (176.76 KB, 828x1005, DA0B15AF-ECEA-4E20-92AB-D02FEC…)

>>1088521Ooh interesting, looks like she deleted this comment..
No. 1088535
File: 1606031041475.jpeg (148.39 KB, 828x617, BD600DA1-66D2-4A44-8DCA-42C449…)

And she replied to this account (which is one of the artists who drew her for her recovery account) 9 hours ago…
No. 1088548
File: 1606033758106.gif (798.93 KB, 244x198, E9B5C50C-AEA2-487D-B64D-7EFC22…)

>>1088540Hahahaha yup - in her big luxurious room with her hospital bed so she doesn’t even need to use energy to sit up … sorry for the terrifying visual … “table tits”
No. 1088555
File: 1606035313198.png (2.49 MB, 828x1792, 137EC0AD-89A5-42BA-BA68-3A41F9…)

porgie's most recent story shows a video of a "smoke-free campus" sign. suddenly without warning the camera flips and reveals this startling visage.
she then releases a puff of smoke hidden in her … jowls. very cool, georgia
No. 1088565
File: 1606036456506.jpeg (328.85 KB, 750x956, 89865206-1F75-4C86-96EE-C4155D…)

>>1088556The combination of hair loss covered with faded box dye, banged up forehead, dead eyes huge pupils really haven’t done her well.
No. 1088568
>>1088555She thinks she's being cool, but that's just uncivilized.
>>1088565I would have not recognized her had OP not said it was her
No. 1088575
File: 1606039378355.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, BE003EBA-58B0-4D60-ABE5-196BD4…)

>>1087289She’s also just spent £200 on drugs… and is now posting furniture to buy for her new room? If she was so broke then surely she’d just keep her old furniture
No. 1088608
>>1088110>>1088027she claims, every single day, that an extra 100 calories won't hurt her. these are the exact same calories each day. as in, each day she eats roughly 100 calories of chocolate, and labels it as an increase, when in reality, it's not an increase because she literally eats the same amount every single day. my guess is that she has a set meal plan, and she eats an extra chocolate bar each day on top of that meal plan, which she can then label as an increase, despite the fact that her supposed "increase" has remained the exact same for YEARS. if she was literally increasing by 100 calories each day, her daily intake would be at about 10,000 calories at this point.
No. 1088614
File: 1606047209262.jpg (589.41 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20201122_121216.jpg)

i mean, i'm glad we got that clarification, because in n2f's case, it is genuinely necessary.
No. 1088615
File: 1606047239628.jpg (372.05 KB, 1080x1884, Screenshot_20201122_121349.jpg)

mmm, gloopy snot eggs on toast!
No. 1088627
File: 1606047937005.png (340.27 KB, 563x998, Screenshot_20201122-122156~2.p…)

Well that video was stupid, Georgia.
No. 1088660
File: 1606053699288.png (4 MB, 750x1334, 83FFD521-C667-41E4-AD0A-FBF8C9…)

@fighting.emxx Finally got that admission shes been gasping for, looking pretty happy about it kek
No. 1088772
File: 1606068415788.jpeg (198.54 KB, 750x381, 3FDE6230-8E4F-4797-A5E9-9470E0…)

saw this, reminded me of dear ol nourish
No. 1088785
>>1088774People who give ebeggers cash or free shit piss me off as much. Why do they do it? How are they so gullible? Can't they donate to a charity instead?
Idk why she'd want to stay awake when it looks like all she does is post insta stories.
No. 1088854
File: 1606074451486.gif (9.73 MB, 600x1233, edgy.gif)

No. 1088916
File: 1606077934047.jpg (57.97 KB, 715x681, contouring.JPG)

>>1088909and videos like these.
Laura could give her some tips.
No. 1089054
File: 1606088391107.jpeg (154.53 KB, 995x1600, merryronaganer.jpeg)

So it looks like Ganer is going back to the gym to hunt corona…
No. 1089120
>>1089044>speds contribute to societywhen will this meme die
>>1089054well at least she's with other assholes who deserve to get covid
No. 1089278
File: 1606113085230.jpg (410.98 KB, 1080x1365, 20201123_063106.jpg)

Just saw this, it was posted 12 hours ago
No. 1089323
File: 1606128293291.png (7.81 MB, 1125x2436, 664A6A39-6D1D-4E33-8D27-38A2D0…)

Come the fuck on Porgie. An oesophageal tear is a medical emergency - poor little poppet probably tried to down her crisps too fast and scratched her throat..
Who else thinks this is another ploy for an NG?!
No. 1089362
>>1089352Prescott didn't restrict before pigging out. Georgia pretends she does.
>they're looking after meHow pathetic does that sound.
No. 1089408
File: 1606140936859.jpg (398.22 KB, 1080x1613, 20201123_141522.jpg)

Fortisips!!! Low calorie jelly is all you need girl!!!
No. 1089427
>>1089408Why difficult? Soft foods. Duh.
I have to confess, dear farmers, I bought a skinny syrup from Home Bargains this morning. It looks like spunk and tastes like kid's medicine. Should've know it'd be rank, but needed to know what n2f likes about it. I'm doing a n2f and throwing it out of the window.
No. 1089429
File: 1606141994093.png (1.25 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201123-143249.png)

No. 1089431
File: 1606142159947.jpg (346.51 KB, 1080x1648, Screenshot_20201123-083307_Ins…)

Molly has now deleted all but one post and turned off the comments on it. The post has not been edited to add an update or anything
No. 1089435
File: 1606142801419.jpg (459.25 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20201123_144446.jpg)

hard drugs = cereal with a topping of millionaire's shortbread and a belvita biscuit. totally smashing this recovery shit! hardcore anorexia warrior! kek. seriously though, WHO puts a literal CAKE on top of their cereal in the morning?!
No. 1089453
>>1089437No way does she eat/drink that skinny syrup shit, that's for sure. Unless she uses it as an emetic.
>>1089435Mmm soggy shortbread.
Georgie definitely doesn't purge hard. She doesn't purge full stop. The scheming to get tubed is incredible. As if she has privacy or the food to binge on a psych ward.
No. 1089459
File: 1606145345288.jpg (68.31 KB, 1600x2404, TH-LEGACY-IMAGE-ID-359-horse-w…)

>>1089450What do you mean?
No. 1089493
File: 1606149107481.jpeg (99.6 KB, 750x777, B9843CDE-405F-4BE1-A97B-6B7E2E…)

>>1089492Oops forgot the ss
No. 1089509
File: 1606151238858.gif (473.69 KB, 472x345, XgY.gif)

>>1089495Bye Hilarious "brother" Jamie!
No. 1089559
>>1089454Definitely wasn’t a private ED - they send to the public hospital (where the real emergencies go) .. (ex nfc fag here)
The public hospitals charge and you cannot claim through private health for emergency care/costs
No. 1089577
File: 1606157189168.jpg (663.01 KB, 1080x1838, 20201123_124533.jpg)

The end of bingo
No. 1089579
File: 1606157228629.jpg (425.82 KB, 1080x1430, Screenshot_20201123-124555_Ins…)

>>1089577Someone cowtipped for sure
No. 1089606
>>1089577Lightning speed recovery from a relapse in true Molly fashion.
It's okay to use lolcow as a scratching post when you realise you'd made a big mistake and don't have the balls to admit it was your fault.
No. 1089627
>>1089605But so what? What does that have to do with you? What benefit do you reap from shittalking on here? Is your life just that empty or…?
I know a few of the frequent farmers on here and you’re just really sad, sick people who can’t focus on your own failings in recovery so instead you pick apart others for not doing it right. It’s just kind of weird.
No. 1089646
>>1089577>relapse>doubt.jpgfirst of all claiming "the haters made me relapse!!" is so expected and manipulative and unbelievable lmao
second of all does "relapse" mean having only 6 biscuits instead of 7 on the nightly biscuit platter or does it mean saying "i'm scared" 9 times instead of 8 before chowing down on a perfectly normal meal
No. 1089696
>>1089689Then she should grow s thicker skin before deciding to be a spokesperson for ~recovery~
Oh and she wouldn't have been ~sick enough~ for a fast NHS IP treatment. That's a fact.
No. 1089756
>>1089711That would be interesting, if we decided to all unfollow and not watch her stories/talk about her, and see if she eventually gets her shit together.
But I enjoy the cows, seeing what Georgia does for attention will always be entertaining. It's disappointing to see Molly go as well. Molly bingo was hilarious.
No. 1089797
File: 1606169313471.jpg (679.21 KB, 1080x1510, Screenshot_20201123-160741_Ins…)

>>1089784Why get medical/psychological care when you can just eat 13 pancakes?
No. 1089977
File: 1606180110847.jpg (454.39 KB, 1080x1829, 20201123_190800.jpg)

>sure, Jan
No. 1089978
File: 1606180177545.jpg (393.74 KB, 1080x1393, 20201123_190808.jpg)

>>1089977Second part. I was so bored I stopped reading halfway through
No. 1090050
>>1089977I want to know who she thinks she's fooling. Claiming to purge sips of water when she's obviously 100+ lbs overweight is fucking rich, even for Georgia.
Just when it seems like her lies couldn't be more egregious, she boldly makes up shit like this. The fuck is actually wrong with her? Like pathologically what is this? BPD?
No. 1090060
>>1090050>pathologically what is this- Dramatic/inconsistent medical history
- Unclear symptoms become more severe or change once treatment has begun
- Predictable relapses
- Appearance of new or additional symptoms following negative test results
- Presence of symptoms only when the patient is with others or being observed (on Instagram lol)
- Willingness or eagerness to have medical tests, operations, or other procedures
- History of seeking treatment at numerous hospitals, clinics, and doctors offices
- Problems with identity and self-esteem
She must have Munchausen for real
Anyone know are there any other disorders that make you as insufferable as Porg?
No. 1090087
>>1089978I still don’t believe she’s actually having ECT….We would’ve seen photos of the consent forms or Porgies ana size gown while she’s waiting to be taken off to have it done.
Plus, she never documented the pre ECT health checks…(eeg, chest X-rays etc)
Soz for the medfag, it’s just another element of Georgia that pisses me off.
No. 1090121
File: 1606196584049.png (569 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20201124-053849.png)

>so what if they're faking for attention
No. 1090148
>>1090096And they won’t be giving her ECT with this significant tear in her oesophagus either.
Let’s see if our Porker picks up on that one…
No. 1090188
File: 1606209216539.png (429.2 KB, 720x1018, Screenshot_20201124-065139~3.p…)

Anyone making the new thread? Pic suggestions? If nobody wants to do it then I will before I go out in a few hours.
>>1089656 is IMG it's safe to say. Want some attention too, aww.
No. 1090216
>>1089977>>1089978whilst i'm very aware that bulimia can affect people of any weight, porgie consistently claims anorexia. there is no way that someone with anorexia b/p subtype, who literally purges everything, including sips of water, would possibly be at the weight porgie is. she has claimed that she doesn't eat, that she severely restricts and starves herself, thus the need for toobs and re-feeding plans and malnutrition, yet now she's suddenly a life-long purger?! i can't keep up with her lies. the fabrication of her ED story changes to fit with whatever medical emergency she's supposedly having. so she learnt about the possibility of purging causing a mallory weiss tear, saw an opportunity for fortisip, and a potential move to the Ed ward for that ever-coveted toob to prove how sooper seriously sick she is, and BAM she's claiming repeated purging behaviours whilst on a pysch ward and then an esophageal tear. plus, ofc, the mention of every single medical drama she has supposedly suffered from - can't resist a chance to prove how sick she is. and seriously, she had kidney failure, heart problems etc etc, yet it's a potential slight tear in her throat that's slammed the dangers of purging and the need to recover into her head? okay porgie. kek.
No. 1090219
File: 1606218832664.jpg (590.64 KB, 1080x1832, Screenshot_20201124_115155.jpg)

this is so fake it's unbelievable. not content with whacking a millionaire’s shortbread on top of her cereal, n2f is now supposedly eating biscuit and donut topped porridge?! literally who puts a cake on top of their cereal ffs. this is not recovery. this is disordered eating at a whole new level. less fuck you ana, more fuck ever having a healthy relationship with food.
No. 1090263
>>1090229Thanks, anon. Just got back in. Only went shopping. I'll do it when I've had something to munch.
>>1090216It'll be amusing to see her girth expand even more with the liquid calories and the snacks she scretly rams in her gob in the toilets.
No. 1092545
>>1088257Because in psych wards - ED wards too - they search you for sharp objects and take away anything you could possibly hurt yourself with. Minor PL but we weren't allowed knitting needles (which are blunt!), canned drinks, or shoelaces. I know some people who were made to keep their nails short too.
So without any other way to hurt oneself, headbanging. No tools needed, just your forehead and a wall of your choice.