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No. 981687
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Says the girl who had a swastika on her page..
No. 981739
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Dorian is apparently feeling up for banging the spiritworld again. Good to know.
Wonder if this will be like his alcoholic phase and he'll claim it was all bullshit in a few months. Or will being a cumbucket for the recently deceased be his new calling in life?
No. 981742
>>981736Good. As far as retail goes they pretty much exemplify "clueless white privilege."
Wonder how long it will take till we get "okay, I get racism is bad and stuff, but you shouldn't take it out on defenseless faux fur jacket sellers and art thieves" statements.
No. 982390
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I genuinely think Felvae is too stupid to understand her fiance's lyrics.
No. 982411
>>982390So she’s going to completely ignore that she herself
>wants myfarog (literally or figuratively)>is bestie frensies with other country bumpkin racists in their little somerset clique>was friends with the retard nymphcreature until they did whatever to get her off the internet>has mysteriously up and changed her style from tribal techno viking to this licorice and cream soft faerie trad that…>mirrors adam’s masculinity sperging about how men should return to the “tradition”I don’t think she’s stupid; she thinks other people are the ones who are too stupid to understand the subtext behind their intentions. And perhaps a lot of them are.
No. 982421
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>>982411While nothing here is loudly suspect, the frequent mentioning of Albion vs Britain raises a lot of red flags to me. I notice quite a few white nationalists use this old name as it has ties now in their circles with them “reclaiming” their “homeland” from stinky brown people.
Adam also has Albion in his insta profile. I don’t think this a random coinkidink.
I know a few people were on the fence since they are not like American type racists with their lifted trucks, mean mugs, confederate flags, and overt calls to genocide, but there’s enough crumbs for you to tell someone baked a cake.
No. 982439
>>982411Agreed. She knows. She's just doing damage control. Notice how she started posting this stuff now, after the fallout and throwing her friend under the bus. She and her boyfriend both follow Varg, somebody who has been very publicly convicted of hatecrimes and explicitly calls for rationally motivated violence. That's not something you glance over, no matter how dense you are.
>>982421Yes. European racism is a different flavour, though there is plenty of crossover. The dogwhistles are different, but once you learn them it's obvious. Nobody uses this many of them "by accident."
No. 982505
>>982465Yup. That seems about right. These people are a mixture of horrible and ridiculous. I wish they would just direct their energy into LARPing rather than racism. They're basically
toxic white people fandom.
No. 982551
>>982532They're basically the Anglo-Saxon equivalent of those people who get super into steampunk and refer to their car as their "horseless carriage" with a straight face.
But, you know, way more racist.
No. 982634
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A bit off topic from her usual shenanigans but anyone else noticed that Felvae has self harm scars?
There are no photos of her without the arm tattoo on the other side so i assume it was done to cover worse ones, she never struck me as a mental cow, just yknow, racist, so it was a bit surprising.
No. 982669
>>982390I think it's important to remember that a lot of people like this don't think of themselves as racist. They recognize that "racist" is a bad thing to be. So they use terms like "race realist" or "cultural defender" etc. In her mind "I am not a racist" and "I don't think people of colour deserve to live in my country" might very well both be true.
Even the actual Nazis claimed not to be racist, but merely "following science."
No. 982683
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>>982465Looks like the wyvern dude scrubbed his account. Glad I took the flag cap now.
No. 982689
>>982683Amazing how these "just proud of my heritage" types run away as soon as anyone pays attention to their actions. Almost like there was some nefarious shit going on…
Good job on grapping those pics anon.
No. 982694
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No. 982708
>>982697All their friends follow thulean.archive it seems, apart from felvae and feigsfar themselves because they’re too cowardly. Ironic since feig means cowardly in german.
And they’re clearly watching these threads. I wonder if they’ll have any friends left in the end, as they seem to be making their thulean friends censor themselves one by one just so they can be popular on the internet. Amazing.
No. 982718
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>>982711Fearsome Viking warrior, TRVE black metal edgelord, defender of his culture, and champion of Somerset:
>He fears not the Roman.
>He fears not the Norman.
>He fears only basic scrutiny. For our brave Viking warrior needs his fiancé’s Instagram account to promote his third-rate black metal band, with which he will surely purge the perfidious foreigner from Albion’s shores. No. 982728
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I didn’t get screen-caps before it was deleted, but apparently one of the owners of Kreepsville666 made a post saying George Floyd was a “career criminal” and deserved to be killed. The backlash wasn’t pretty and his wife(?) made an obviously scripted apology video for him first, before he finally made a “I’m sorry you got offended” post. No one is buying it.
No. 982752
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>>982694>>982721Not sure if I missed this and she posted it earlier or later as the other (as both posts have the same time and instagram is going a bit weird on me) but yeah…she must love attention even bad because this is just messy. She should have just shut up and not mentioned it-I doubt anyone would have complained to her for keeping quiet. Looks like she already got some backlash here.
No. 982760
>>982728>>982718Anon, you're a treasure! Also, is that sharpie squiggle on his arm supposed to be an eagle, a raven, or a turkey?
>>982728Well, guess I'll have to ignore them on principle now, rather than as a matter of taste.
>>982752Cool. Adora fixed racism! Does she not know the connotations of "all lives matter" or does she not care?
No. 982816
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No. 982823
>>982821And you wouldn't do some googling after people have repeatedly stated that your previous posts were
problematic and you should educate yourself?
No. 982826
>>982718anon ilu.
>>982708This makes me wonder what their endgame is - if their mates are willing to censor their accounts now, they must feel like they are going to benefit from Lauren's efame at some point.
Lauren since you are reading this - look up Alice Cutter, groomed by her National Action ex partner, now in prison. Her shitty NS fiancee who she had a fairy tale tradwife relationship with, complete with cottage-core inspirational instagram account, was actually grooming and fucking 17 yr old girls while he was pretending to be the strong saxon warrior/provider. I see huge parallels in your relationship - fascists are almost invariably misogynists too.
No. 982830
>>982828Right? If they respond this strongly to people finding their public posts I wonder what they are up to when nobody's watching.
I don't know if they have a unified endgame. I know Adam wants to spread awareness of his band. And his music has a very clear agenda. The cockroach metaphor is apt. They really are incredibly cowardly.
No. 982833
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Good job you guys. Really showing that you care there. Especially while writing Psychara's paycheck.
No. 982884
>>982877>>982875Yes. They were talking earlier about wanting to fight the Normans at the battle of Hastings. And were roundly mocked for not making the viking connection.
They also claimed to want to fight the Romans with the Celts, but did not mention wanting to fight the Anglo-Saxons with the Celts or fighting the Vikings with the Anglo-Saxons.
I'm thinking invasions of the UK (sorry, Albion…) are bad, unless people with the right bloodlines do it. Then it's cool. Almost like their nationalism is somehow connected to racial identity…
No. 982903
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We all remember this right…?
No. 982913
>>982908Yes. I think they just hear the word "viking compass" and don't bother to question it.
>>982903Yup. Remember when she wore that jacket with nazi insignia? I don't think Adora is a "benefit of the doubt" case.
No. 983139
>>982908I bet those idiots tend to believe the black sun is an ancient nordic symbol shrouded in mysticism too.
They long for the feeling of significance and spiritualism in their shallow lives, but the moment they start to sympathize with blood and soil ideas, the ‘our ancestors were golden alien gods’ territory lies right behind the corner, I shit you not.
No. 983221
>>983210Lol. I'm the Swedish Anon you're replying to.
The thing is, she didn't have to mention it at all. I don't think racial inequality is "an American problem." It's an international one, which is part of the reason there are protests popping up sympathising with BLM all over the world. But even if it were strictly an American problem, Adora was the one who chose to speak out on it. Thw problem wasn't if she was going to awknowledge it or not. For all I care she could have just posted some selfies, or a picture of her morning coffee, or nothing at all. She was the one who decided that she could be bothered to spew her opinion, but couldn't be bothered to educate herself before, or after.
Not knowing something isn't the problem. Not caring enough to learn before you speak, or afterwards when people point out what you say is hurtful and ask you to avoid doing so in the future, that's the problem.
No. 983230
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>>983210Yeah… how could she know…
No. 983276
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No. 983277
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No. 983278
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No. 983279
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Do the work Mara? What can you do to confront your friends with their racist behaviour.
No. 983415
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No. 983431
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Thread on Twitter rn.
No. 983483
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>>983415>>983431Wow! A company with overpriced low-quality products turns out to have equally shitty business practices? This is so shocking, I never would've guessed. First DollsKill, now these douchebags. Can't wait to see how this garbage fire plays out. Wonder if the other cows are gonna start covering their asses
No. 983637
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Seems like lots of people are now not supporting or working with killstar, I bet the toxic two are worried now how bad they are looking for not also saying bye to killstar , the greeders who are so far up killstars arse for freebies , bet they are praying nobody pulls them up on it
Photo is of Dre not them , Just to show people leaving killstar
No. 983644
>>982903>>983139>>983276This is the milkiest thread in the god damn land
Sage for astonishment
No. 983672
>>983644Context is hard, isn't it?
Please, feel free to contribute some milk.
No. 983697
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No. 983754
>>983748I was wondering the same thing. I've tried googling it
Which revealed that they have rarely used a non-white model, but I couldn't find anything else.
No. 983764
>>983748I think she has been calling out brands who have stayed silent on the BLM thing, one of which included Hell Bunny.
Unless they sell to DK as well.
No. 983852
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>>983790The same commenter on Kaya's video that hasnt been acknowledged
No. 984485
>>984480Aw. Is someone
No. 984637
>>984485Still not as
triggered as all the black cock lovers here.
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Now the insta bios are being tweaked. What is going on here.
No. 984784
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>>984686Previous one for reference. Taken 'western culture'…
No. 984808
>>984789No, you’re not jumping the gun - we’ve come to the same conclusion. We are just curious as to what may really be going on as their friends keep going MIA and now this.
>>984788That’s my confusion, too. I can only assume something is going on that we can’t see.
No. 984862
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adding on to the list of 'influencers' still promoting for shitty brands, erin mic-whatever needs all the clout and attention she can get since she isn't able to attend concerts and bother bands for youtube interviews. she touts herself as a seamstress and has had plenty of time on her hands, why not offer hand made or customized clothes? oh right, she likes the fashion and the music but doesn't want to actually be involved in the community.
No. 984964
>>984919Wasn't she also working a lot more now that her ex wasn't bringing in the money?
Tinfoil, but if her ex and she have any kind of dispute, like financial or custodial, she might be staying away because of that. If she claims to need more money from him a lawyer might advise her to keep her haul videos offline for a while.
Or maybe she's just done with social media.
No. 985218
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After going MIA for a few days, Lauren has reappeared with a vague post about “family issues” and mental health/self care.
Perhaps she really did have some crazy family drama, but I have my doubts.
No. 985267
>>985218She had crazy family drama at the same time her white identity friends scrub their account? How interesting..
Also, notice how she mentions "current events" but says absolutely nothing about what those events are, or how she feels about them. Basically it's "stuff sure is happening." Which I usually don't care about. But with a trackrecord like hers it's just really noticable.
No. 985652
>>984964Your tinfoil is actually kinda plausible. In the day and age of social media, it can definitely slip into court matters and in a case of claiming that you don't make all that much money yet you pump out numerous haul videos where I'm pretty sure they do get some monetary compensation when you have the numbers that she had, it can really backfire on your case. So I don't think it's at all a farfetched theory.
On the other hand you could also be right that perhaps she got tired of social media. I remember that was the case for Allison who obviously wasn't doing YouTube for money and she took a good long break before coming back so maybe that's what ReeRee is doing as well.
No. 985699
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>>985267They are all just gross and slimy. Mara is still preaching to the choir yet breaking bread with these backwater toads.
No. 985941
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>>985699Attitudeholland is also still paying her to do the illustrations advertising their discount codes relating to the protest in a very noncommittal way. Class allround.
No. 986211
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Daring to post this here cause Next Gen Instagrammers thread was locked without new thread due to it being shit, and this candidate could be an altcow.
Wanted to see if anyone other than me is interested in this nightmare - @strawberry.hayes.
20 yr old gobby Kent dweller who likes to beef with other instagrammers/timktonk/twitter edgelords. Generally while her kid is jumping around in background.
10% of me likes her balls out audacity, the remaining 90% knows she is a hell hound.
Current milk is calling out racists (good) and causing shit storms but you know there’s something else going on there.
Yes she has only fans - all boxes ticked.
No. 986286
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Whoring it up. The shorts arent the focus and she knows it. She doesnt have an ass to show anyway
No. 986288
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Such edge. Dead9irl
No. 987106
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Don’t do drugs kids
No. 987215
>>987180I didn't say any of
that stuff was milk, just that it was hardly watchable. And yeah her audience is always trying to start shit. But for example one time someone brought up IBF/Mattias one time in one of her older livestreams and she revealed that she had been friends with Mattias. Remember that tinfoil someone had a long time ago about IBF? Well apparently parts of that were true.
No. 987629
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Looks like dead9irl clothing Instagram was hacked lol
No. 987705
>>987091Was this the recent livestream she did on the past weekend? I didn't tune into that one but I'm actually surprised to hear that about Kai Decadence. Last I saw, they were on friendly terms. Why do people hate him? And what other YouTubers were they trying to get her to talk on? I'm guessing it was probably Black Friday and Jake Munro?
>>987215I vaguely remember that livestream. She didn't really explain all that much, just essentially that Black Friday wasn't being 100% honest about their relationship and why they split in the first place.
No. 987706
>>987705Kai is a TERF.
>>987629Who the hell is this girl?
No. 987782
>>987725>>987705No, Kai is a TEHM (trans exclusionary homosexual male) and yes that was the live stream this past weekend.
And yeah people always try to get her to shit talk Jake, Kaya and IBF. She doesn't usually take the bait though probably because she knows people are shitstirring.
No. 987802
>>987782"TEHM", hmm that's new lol. Wow now I wish that I had watched the stream. Was it mostly her giving out about what she thought about him or was it the commenters?
I feel like with Jake, Kaya, and IBF, there's not much to talk about without repeating the same thing that Jake & Kaya are posers and lack self-awareness and IBF is desperate for relevancy and while the thing about her and Matthias is interesting, it's so old now that I don't think you can really say much about it.
No. 987854
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>>987752Oh boy ok here we go, so at first glance this shitstorm looks like a petty as hell “she’s copying me!” Middle school drama. That’s what I thought when it first popped up on my feed but damn does it just get wild.
I’ll keep it short you can read Louises full Instagram about this shit. So apparently Elesha worked with Louises baby daddy and started a home wrecking mission of getting close to baby daddy and pretending to be louises buddy. She some how “manipulated” baby daddy to take a break and start living with her and of course the fucking commenced. So while that’s happening Louise is losing her mind almost killed herself ended up having a miscarriage, later baby daddy repents and the dumbass takes his cheating ass back. After all this is just 5 yrs if Elesha bulling and a CREEPY amount of skin walking and Louise finally came forward with a whole Instagram page with her side of things
No. 987896
>>987878Yes but these two seem to have a major connection and beef. It's obviously a straight copy.
But are there more examples to let us know?
No. 987905
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>>987896Oh boy is there lol
No. 987910
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>>987909And these are just a couple posts
No. 988089
>>988061Yeah the intertwined personal life biz just makes it even more weird tbh. I had a "friend" do this and it was some extension of her personality disorder/extreme manipulation. Cut that shit out and get away while you can.
Louise should not have taken that guy back, just nope.
No. 988597
>>987909 Wow, it's like Katie and Emalee…
>>>/w/27316 No. 988640
>>987293I never bought this version of the story. It was just something someone took out of their ass on a past thread and never had any proof besides them saying so. It really surprises me to see Angela talk about this now, since it's been so long. Did she said mattias told her that? even if he did, who can guarantee its true? He's known to be a not very good person in the german scene
This whole IBF changing fiances and countries never seemed like a masterfully crafted plan like some people want to push on altcows. Please, Freya can't manage her life to the littlest of things, she has literally zero control over herself, her emotions etc
Do you really think she and Mr Owl were pretending that she abandoned him and moved on a stupid whim, pretending to be in love with 2 new people, fucking these people, moving in with these people while being secretly together. Really? Do you see Freya, who's totally emotionally unstable to the point of ruining her life being aok with this? For a visa? She doesn't possess this coldness or determination.
The way I see it, it was always obvious she was freaking out with boredom with her life: thousand years dating the same guy, living in a country that wasn't good enough for her dreams of being the most stereotypical goth 24/7…
I'm not defending her, by the way! She was shitty to mr owl, dumb, fucked her own life and keeps digging the grave… but I don't think she's an evil mastermind, just a regular shitty person who don't think about others when acting etc
I bet you she was bored as fuck with life and mr owl, and when she met mattias at some festival amd he was oh so charming to her because he is like this to anyone with a slit, she felt special, she felt like she belonged, now everything was going to be wonderful! A new guy, who is sooo in love with me and we're gonna live here in germany goth paradise and everything will be perfect, "I just HAVE TO do it, fuck it, I'll do whatever I can, it WILL happen" and proceeded to fuck her life in a thousand levels as we already know.
She got carried away and thought very little of the consequences of this decision. Specially because she didn't even actually knew the guy at all, and from what I understood they started to hate and be shitty to each other really quick, only being ok for the time of shooting videos.
So, the way I see it: more pathetic than evil mastermind.
No. 988717
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Maybe dont get on a man's bed unless you want to fuck?
Just adult thoughts.
No. 988837
>>988717What the fuck? Someone needs a primer on consent.
There seems to be one Anon posting about this girl, and nithing they provide is milk, except maybe the burning cop picture.
No. 989012
>>988850Yea that was mentioned in the
toxic tears/jake thread a while ago.
She also said there was a "whole big drama" that she can't talk about. I'm guessing she means the drama that happened with her neighbors that she tweeted about then deleted. I don't know what it was about though as I never saw the tweets.
No. 989979
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Looks like Avelina is confirming that she broke up with her husband in her latest insta.
No. 990597
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No. 990699
>>990597Goodbye Moon Moon. I'm glad you spent your final days with someone who had your best interests in mind. If the Anon who had her reads this, thank you for looking after her.
Now lets hope Freeza doesn't get any more pets.
No. 990941
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No. 991040
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Imagine being such a douche that you wear sunglasses in all your family portraits. Gross
No. 991738
>>991667Yeah. Normally I'd say that guys shouldn't feel insecure about something as silly as being shorter than their partner. But looking at his douchy fucking face makes it very clear there is no point in bothering. It's as if some evil scientist wanted to distill
toxic masculinity into one person, and then just let this asshole roam free.
No. 994082
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So i've been looking for the right thread to post this, but i recently fount out thay Logan South, fulltime vampire boy, has been arrested.
What do you guys think about him and this situation?
No. 994202
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Anyone see dracs latest post?
No. 994205
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No. 994798
>>994398She has an ungodly long "Intro to Goth" video that's still up; the music is the first thing she mentions
>without the goth bands I really don't think goth would existAnd then recommends some "popular within the subculture" bands
>The Cure, Depeche Mode, Sisters of Mercy, um The Cramps, uh Alien Sex Fiend, um 45 Grave, Siouxsie, trying to think, it's so hard to think of music off the top of your head oh! Joy Division, Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, God Module, mmmm, Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, I can't think of other ones right nowLater mentions "Thrill Kill Kult", David Bowie and The Smiths
No. 994856
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>>994257This is all i could find on it. However. On the post of VCN there are many people who are coming out, accusing Logan of sexual assault and using his vampire group to send hate to whomever disagrees with him. He's also, allegedly, a raging alcoholist.
No. 995204
>>994798Oh man I forgot about this video, thanks for the remind post anon. Eh, she mentioned bands that aren't Goth in regards to The Cramps, Depeche Mode, God Module, Skinny Puppy, The Smiths, Bowie, Thrill Kill Kult, and Nine Inch Nails BUT she did at least mention actual Goth bands like Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, The Cure, Siouxsie, and 45 Grave so I'll give her a pass lol.
I'll just assume that she just found other interests and moved on from the music, albeit in a more annoying way because you don't have to let your likeness for a kind of music to take away from other aspects of your life.
No. 996131
File: 1593186033376.jpeg (272.9 KB, 1167x2056, 0B706F49-4E7F-41C8-8220-D0557A…)

Avelina confirms she and Von separated 6months ago, only has kids on some days, launched a Patreon to support herself.
No. 997035
File: 1593272431483.jpg (222.75 KB, 870x1194, 20200627_173538.jpg)

Someone's been cowtipping on Mara's latest video.
She also seems to be making a massive style shift. She seems to be going for a vintage-y colorfull cottagecore thing now, and keeps talking about her "new style."
No. 997336
>>988597Sage for ot and older comment but I saw Louise’s bully call out ig a couple days after she made it and I’m pretty sure I remember Katie leaving a long, supportive comment on one of the pics before she left ig!! At least they know they’re not alone in their experiences
(Also ot but related to altcows, jack always reminded me of Jake for some reason, just a cringey negligent arrogant narc lmao)
No. 997654
File: 1593332315723.png (449.39 KB, 1846x1620, screenshot 0225747.png)

I also saw the cowtipping
No. 997686
>>997654But she didn’t “call” her out on it in the way she seems to be insinuating, like she did it publicly.
I find it hard to believe she just assumed it was “British history stuff”. She is trying really hard to make it seem like she didn’t know what was going on, but it is clear she knew about or saw what was being said.
No. 997724
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>>997654>>997198They got her on twitter too…
No. 997756
>>997724This picture makes her look like she's puzzled at having fingers.
>>997686Psychara lurks here. She and her friend Sem have even adressed romours about them not being friends that came up on these boards. She has also been accused of posting here about M&M. She has seen all this shit.
Also, if this guy is talking about bloodlines and shit, how do you think that's just british history?
No. 997763
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>>997724Commenting on a super old post. They sure showed her…
Speaking of being an idiot on Twitter, Ruadhan is saying keeping kids home and closing schools during the pandemic is "child abuse."
He's also asking for a new helmet to go with the new bike he's still ebegging for.
No. 997824
File: 1593356438178.jpeg (95.12 KB, 827x872, CC2EA491-9D57-49F9-96EE-529917…)

>>997763Not only is that tweet old as fuck, the felvae on Twitter is a completely different person. I know people mean well but this doesn’t help.
Mara deleted the cowtip I think.
Since I was on youtube, I was able to find more interesting shit on some Helgafell videos.
No. 997830
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>>997824Another friend of Felvae’s who follows Varg shit. Since Mara insists it is just “british history”. This time, it’s Marie.
No. 997834
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>>997831I actually wonder if this might be Adam’s account? But then they have rap stuff on their channel so it just adds to the confusion.
No. 997851
>>997830It's really funny how all these people who are "just into british history" keep accidentally supporting nazis.
Which is weird. Because most history buffs I know have never had that happen to them. But I guess these girls are just especially unlucky.
No. 997860
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>>997834Yes I suspected it is Adam's account. If you search his username feigsfar it comes up as linked to this youtube channel, which previously had some videos of him playing metal covers badly.
No. 997863
>>997860They are definitely watching this thread, he took down the videos from his channel in the last few weeks so I'm sure this will vanish soon too (poss along with the wessex warrior insta account).
Much warrior, so brave, etc etc.
No. 998059
>>998042It's kind of sad. She got ousted by one friendgroup only to end up with a bunch of white supremacists.
If she were to call out lauren and marie she'd lose her last friends with internet clout, and her mini-me's. That has got to sting after whatever the fuck went down between her and M&M.
No. 998109
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No. 998111
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No. 998340
>>988640>He's known to be a not very good person in the german scenewhere did you hear that? can you go into more detail?
>This whole IBF changing fiances and countries never seemed like a masterfully crafted plan like some people want to push on altcowsno one is saying that right now. they are just saying she cheated. you don't have to masterfully plan cheating
>Do you really think she and Mr Owl were pretending that she abandoned him and moved on a stupid whim, pretending to be in love with 2 new people, fucking these people, moving in with these people while being secretly together. Really? again, angela didn't say anything about a greencard or it being planned out or anything like that
>She was shitty to mr owl, dumb, fucked her own life and keeps digging the grave… but I don't think she's an evil mastermind, just a regular shitty person who don't think about others when acting etcagree she was shitty to mr owl, but I still don't care. dude seems like an asshole himself and dated a 16 year old as soon as he had a chance.
>So, the way I see it: more pathetic than evil mastermind.again, nobody here right now is saying she's an evil mastermind or that this was carefully planned out. I agree she's impulsive and impulsive people are probably more likely to cheat.
No. 998346
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>>997860Yeah it’s his account. I stalked it a while back and it had videos of him doing metal covers on it. Also look in his history playlist before he deletes it bc I can’t cap it with his username in the screenshot. Found this gem. Circumstantial of course but it all adds up. Not that anyone suspected he was left-wing to begin with.
No. 998350
File: 1593409335411.jpeg (80.33 KB, 828x439, 7FC76E47-962C-47A4-ACC3-5B5D59…)

Also here you go guys. From Warrior of Wessex (Adam’s) ‘survival’ playlist. Just as I suspected. Evidence of Varg love. Explain that, Felvae and Psychara.
No. 998351
File: 1593409740716.png (658.37 KB, 1792x828, 118ACE9A-46C2-408B-943C-642797…)

Found in Warrior of Wessex (Adam’s) ‘Reality’ playlist.
No. 998358
File: 1593410560900.jpeg (642.72 KB, 828x1628, BC3F92F6-9643-422B-BA82-9BB180…)

>>998351He seems kind of autistic or mildly koo koo. Science playlist is filled with pop filler shit you see with the goofs like “we are living in the 18th dimension” and “enter the quantum universe”. And then the whole doomsday/societal collapse shit.
No. 998368
>>998348Have done. Also archived his subscriptions since he’s subscribed to a LOT of channels that are popular with alt-right types and racists.
Honestly can’t wait for Felvae and Psychara to claim they didn’t know about this too. Every single time they claim to be oblivious something comes out to suggest they weren’t.
No. 998449
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Basically Mara.
No. 998526
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>>981354>>998520Literally doesn’t even mention her by name other than calling her “my lady”. Actually you’re HER man since you can’t even get your own fans you manlet douche
No. 998557
>>998526>>998520She@s his tradwife, remember?vshe herself isn't that important. Her value lies in what she can do for her big strong warrior.
And presumably the pureblooded aryan babies that she'll start pumping out once hagar the witless puts a ring on it.
No. 998590
File: 1593446750813.jpeg (38.1 KB, 804x340, 439F2C33-19D9-475C-8D45-ABB7F7…)

> Psychara and Felvae: “omg we didn’t know, it’s honestly just nymphcreature and now we’re not friends with her anymore don’t worry…
> Meanwhile, Feigsfar’s playlists:
No. 998682
>>998675Hell. Nor were the vikings they have such a huge racial boner for. The vikings travelled all over, including to areas we would now identify as inhabited by POC. They brought these people back as slaves, and often had children with them. These kids would also be slaves, but not because of their race. And could become free, own property, grow rich and powerful, and marry into the community. The vikings didn't give a shit. They didn't view themselves as a racial community, and they weren't. We have stories of Vikings of Color. And they would have pillaged the fuck out of the Wanker of Wessex.
But this is the kind of racist trash that also think of Jesus as white… so…
No. 998780
>>998675I remember on St George's day she made these fucking weird stories encouraging people to "explore their english heritage"
and yeah… st george was brown sooo…
No. 998823
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>>998557Yeah she has promoted his band countless times, puts him all over her insta but he barely acknowledges her on his. She seems insecure and he is definitely using her.
No. 998827
File: 1593470188006.jpg (1.08 MB, 4000x2645, felvfar.jpg)

>>998595Lauren is lying, she is complicit. No one says this kind of stuff casually. It's evident from Nymphcreature's entire internet presence that they talked openly about Varg, white nationalism etc in front of Mara too.
No. 998843
>>998827Jesus. Hope for Europe?
Lauren seems super happy to be an Aryan breedmare. That's pathetic.
No. 998870
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>>998855How do you go from dorky Black Sabbath fan girl to shacking up with this doughy fuck and his imaginary kids?
No. 998871
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>>998843And the thing is - he's dead weight. He just made a massive deal about getting 1k followers when she's on 100k - does't quite fit the strong male provider Vs subservient domestic tradwife trope for her to be much more successful.
No. 998874
>>998871Speaking of which, she recently uploaded a video of the weakling of wessex building a literal rickety stickhoyse that the three little pigs would be deeply ashamed of, and builds a fire. She frames this like this is the single most manly achievement any man has ever undertaken. Then they sit around poking at the fire for a bit like twee nerds.
If this is the plan for the mighty brood that will save the future of Europe, I think the mighty uprising will take some time to get off the ground.
No. 998996
File: 1593493892847.jpeg (64.32 KB, 828x581, 2EFD1A71-1C8B-4A3B-8662-A15FE4…)

honk honk
No. 999075
>>994255She was always a fashion goth. Musically she'd just blurt out very popular 80s bands Walter introduced her to, and never delved any further than that. She changed her hair once because people commented her deathhawk "looked weird". I'm quite tired of her newfound faux pro-Latino persona on IG as well, it's so forced. She even adopted a bootleg Frida Kahlo look to seem more authentic.
>>998996Who's going to tell them actual "trad" types are Christian/Catholic conservatives and have boners for the 50s? None of them would want either of these weirdos. Varg himself hates metalheads, he thinks they're morons.
No. 999196
>>999074Lol Anon.
So at least you spent your time better and more productively than these assholes.
No. 999315
>>999281Varg says wildly contradictory things all the time. Which makes sense, because it's hard to be both a logical consistent person and a neonazi. They're kind of mutually exclusive.
I'd feel sorry for Lauren being influenced by the Wanker of Wessex and drinking the mead-flavouver kool-aid. But she clearly knows what she's doing. Otherwise she wouldn't be trying to hide it so much. The fact that she is so twofaced and decietfull about it makes it even worse.
No. 999824
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No wonder jake doesnt have sex with her anymore. jesus christ
No. 1000486
File: 1593626189266.jpeg (234.03 KB, 828x495, 318F80C1-6C70-43D5-A7C6-FAB177…)

Well, you can’t harass and bully your friends offline for being racists anymore since it is your own behavior being caught. So do you spite your own face? These are difficult decisions to be made in the Land of the Thuleans.
No. 1000642
File: 1593639399346.jpeg (212.69 KB, 828x1162, D388EB2A-23E8-49B8-B061-A312BB…)

Smells fishy
No. 1000714
>>1000508Yeah. I've never met any vargfans who weren't racist. If you're willing to at best overlook calls for ethnic cleansing for the sake of some tunes, you are already starting from a terrible baseline.
What I'm wondering is why M&M are keeping this quiet about it. As mentioned before, they are actively out to ruin Mara. And Mai has a habit of lurking here. Remember when farmers found her super expensive house and she freaked out? Why are they holding back now?
No. 1000803
>>1000714If they're aware of what is going on, they probably are just letting things happen naturally and allowing her to reap the rewards of her own stupidity. The racist drama is better than anything they could have ever dreamed up because she chose to associate herself with these people, and she continues to publicly defend Lauren and Adam.
Plus, I am sure they don't want to be scrutinized for perhaps their own behavior, and people in the pagan community always seem to have this weird discomfort around confronting racism, even when it is blatantly obvious. If they call out the Saxon clan for being racist, then they have to confront a lot of other people, too, and that's just not as fun as taking sexy pics in the forest.
No. 1000961
>>1000803Yeah they are almost certainly fash adjacent too. They don't want to rock that particular boat when they play up to the volkish tropes just as much as Lauren and Mara.
Ultimately they are all quite shallow and calculating - calling out this kind of behaviour requires a level of self-reflection about your own actions and associations especially when dabbling in Norse paganism but I'm certain they will just carry on painting runes on their faces and pretending they are witches.
No. 1000969
>>1000803>>1000961If you're anti-racist you should be open about it. Especially when you're wearing a lot of symbols from e.g. Norse mythology that are used a lot by actual nazis.
I don't get how you wouldn't care about this and ignore it.
No. 1000983
File: 1593693383801.jpg (334.51 KB, 896x897, 20200702_143335.jpg)

>>1000969The thing that gets me is Mara always talking about how antiracist she is and being such a great ally. And then this shit.
In a lot of her illustration work for attitudeholland she depicts people with different skintones and bodytypes. And that's great. But her depictions of POC always end up looking kind of like caricatures. I dunno. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
No. 1000984
File: 1593693429051.jpg (263.3 KB, 917x917, 20200702_143312.jpg)

As contrasted with her depictions of white girls.
No. 1001175
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No. 1001466
File: 1593781234484.jpg (682.87 KB, 1080x1653, 20200703_145842.jpg)

Dorian is still doing the ghostorgy thing and doubling down on it hardcore.
Hopefully no more ghostdog fucking, but I'm sure we'll get all the details.
No. 1001472
>>1000984>>1000983 ot not trying to nitpick but holy shit that looks bad, like 12yo on deviantart kind of bad.
who tf hires an illustrator with such a blatant lack of technical skill?
No. 1001551
>>1001175holy hell what happened to her neck? Like I'm sorry, I know that acne is a normal bodily condition but this just looks like some nasty infection. Like geez, if she's gonna wear 5-10 pounds of makeup on a routine basis, she needs to get a skin routine pronto.
>>1001095I keep forgetting that a poor diet can contribute to bad skin as well and we've seen some posts of what she eats. Like she really needs to start doing something for her skin before it gets too difficult to manage (if it's not already).
No. 1002029
>>1001551Her name has become reality.
TOXIC af. Not sorry for her one bit.
No. 1002098
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No. 1002234
>>999521You are giving them too much credit. Manic Moth has a lot of dirt she doesn't want people to touch. She keeps doing cultural appropriation, not only the dread incident where all fake viking girls were called out, but also stealing from asian fashion without giving credit. Her make up looks is always aegyo sal and other stuff she stole from asian beauty yt channels which she doesn't aknowledge in her own videos. Her old looks are mostly japanese harajuku and visual kei style, some of them literal copies of vk band photos straight from tumblr, again no credit at all. When she went to china for exchange year, she refused to learn entry level chinese, instead expected people to speak english or have the school playing babysitter for her. She didn't make an effort to learn hard either, it was rather a sight seeing opportunity which she financed with bank loans, really stupid imo. From her actions I'd say she kinda looks down on asian people, they are good enough to steal from to make her bland white girl face look more exotic, she would never make an effort to get to know their culture because she doesn't really care. That she fell out with the asian designer from her fashion brand was just the icing on the cake.
No. 1002253
>>1001472lmao and she does tattoos on real people, holy shit. Psychara needs to step up her game if she doesn't want people to regret their decision once they wise up.
>>1002245I dunno what's wrong with that anon, now it seems if Psychara does racist shit it's bad but if it's Manic Moth it's nitpicking lol. Funny thing MM did the same white people crap to the chinese vendors like Mara, talking shit about them like they are too stupid to understand english. If only she learnt a bit of their language to deal with Punk Rave she wouldn't have to struggle so much. They even paid her which they don't do for other ig thots and the spoilt bitch isn't a bit appreciative.
No. 1002269
>>1002234>>1002246>neither of them are very originalWell Mai stole an entire Japanese street fashion style, Mori-Kei. She gave it another name, Strega Fashion, and of course she is only person in the world allowed to wear it. Then another Mori Kei blogger (Catinawitchhat) came along, Mai lost her shit.
>>1002267I understood Manicmoth had beef with Punk Rave. The last sentence is about MM. Psychara had a tumblr post where she was disrespectful to the vendor, it's in an older altcow thread.
No. 1002454
>>1002234If white people need to be aware of every single fashion and make up trend originating outside of the west and make sure to either explicitly say they were inspired or even apologize for coming up with something similar, lest it be CA, then the term holds meaning no more. Would you demand the same of POC outside these same countries to? Why not?
Not opting for learning Chinese, a language that is notoriously hard to learn and speak if your mother tongue is not from the same language family (I think Manic Moth is German or Dutch?) and instead opting for speaking a commonly recognized international language that you already know, is not a sign that you're looking down on someone. Sweet crispy Jesus, you are reaching. The goth community as a whole has issues with CA, most notably when it comes to dreaded hairstyles, ancient Egyptian imagery and the so called "tribal goth" substyle, but these things you go on about as some kind of issue are absurd to nitpick about. Let me guess, you think her drow cosplay was blackface too?
No. 1002455
>>1002454Not that Anon. But the point was that she presented these looks and styles as if she had invented them herself. And because the POC who came up with them have a significantly smaller platform in the west than she does she could get away with it. This isn't about taking inspiration from POC. This is about taking credit for their creativity.
As for the "learning chinese" thing. It's one thing not to become fluent in a foreign language. It's another thing to move to a foreign country for a year, not put in the effort to learn the language, oeven though the resources to do so are offered to you, and then complain about how people don't accomodate you. Or to have a disagreement based on miscummunication with a seller whom you don't share a common language with, and then blame them exclusively, rather than admit it was just a problem caused by both of you.
No. 1002953
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>>1002950I am so mean. Snaggle Toof Satanists.
No. 1002965
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>>1002953Emperor palpatine?
No. 1002996
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No. 1003062
>>1003053Lol anon.
Succubus was not as advertised.
No. 1003093
>>1002950>There's no need to feel lost and confused>Has Palpatine sitting next to her.She has the personality of that brick wall behind her. She keeps mentioning being safe. How in the hell is she safe with him looking at her like he's about to wear her skin and eat her flesh.
>>1002965Glad someone else noticed the similarities.
No. 1003099
>>1003090J.D. is lucifer incarnate? Guess hell doesn't have dental.
He sounds like an absolute piece of trash. Orlee is pretty terrible herself, she's a manipulative scam artist. But she still doesn't have to put up with his crazy ass.
Still, trading one spooky cretin for another might not be the way to go. At least she gets to live in spoopy new orleans, even if she has to share her space with meg mucklebones over there.
No. 1003143
Just a heads up: this video is legit creepy and unsettling if you are easily triggered by abusive behavior you might want to skip watching this one
>Starts video with deep dramatic sigh. The effect is somewhat ruined by his phone ringing, and him fidgetting with it for a few minutes. Apparently this video is too urgent for editing.
>Is we all know who I'm talking about so I won't mention names.
>claims to only want to save Orlee because she's selfdestructing and in danger.
>This situation has gone way too far. People only support Orlee because they want to see a trainwreck. Anybody with an ounce of psychic intuition would not support her.
>adresses the audience: you KNOW this person is not being themselves right now. Would you support me in my own self-destruction? Maybe you would if you didn't have any insight into what the end product was going to be of that situation. (Stares down at hands as if devastated, quickly checks if it's reading well on screen.)
>i am going to do whatever I can to protect this person that I love even if they don't want to be with me BECAUSE I LOVE THEM THAT MUCH!
>if you thought this was a dangerous situation (presumably referring to Orlee being with him) what the fuck? This third person is our fucking enemy.
>Blames the gasline on his truck breaking, almost gettong into two car crashes, and him being "angry all the time" on Orlee's new gf, presumably through magic.
>I'm not giving up on you. Those of us who REALLY love you are going to do everything in the world to fucking save you
>those of you who just want to support a fucking trainwreck, how dare you! Shame on you!
>this person is in a bad place right now. You can see it in their eyes. You can see it in their body language. You can read it in their aura energy. Come on, you can't fucking lie to me!
>i'm not too cowardly to say anything because I love this person with every fucking thing that is in me. {Body language is fucking terrifying, he looks and sounds like the abusive husband in a made-for-tv movie}
>states that this situation is his life's purpose, and he needs his audience's help. Again, it's not about him. If ypu really love Orlee you won't support her.
>everybody is like what the fuck because they all know the fucking history. There is so much I could go into… crazy psychic shit that I picked up on months ago.
>new gf is a "fucking disgusting piece of shit. It's written all over your disgusting fucking face you fucker. I will do everything to save this person that I love. I will fucking die trying. And if I have to take you with me motherfucker, it's gonna happen. You have no idea what you're fucking dealing with
An angry manchild in floral boxers apparantly…
>again, calls on audience to "show that they love orlee" by not supporting her.
>it's one thing to liberate yourself but we can all agree that's not what's happening here. Nobody can make any contact with anybody. That's not just a weird dude. That's a dangerous individual. That's pure fucking evil.
>repeats "we have to save her" bullshit again a few times.
>whatever happened between her and me is in the past. But this third party is attacking and hurting me.
>i'm more psycic now than I've ever been in my fucking life. Because this cloud of bullshit has lifted off of me. But as it lifted off me it passed onto her
>this is going to make all the wrong people mad.
>all I wanted to do was love her. And it makes sense to me now why I had such a hard time doing it.
>let me show you how much I fucking love you. I am here right now fighting for you. Fucking snap out of this shit. You're more powerful than this.
>magic is fucking real. Manipulation is fucking real.
Cackles like a legit crazy person and talks in singsong voice.
The rest is basically repetition.
okay. Feel like I need to shower with lysol now
No. 1003550
>>1003441At 11:43 she uses a jeffree star lipstick and says under her breath "Like him or not its the best black lipstick I have ever used" lmfao
With dollskills finally being called out and people cutting ties with all these brands owned by racists, can It's Black Friday even have a career? All she did was shill for them, even with all the protests she is still out here repping JS. Pathetic lol
No. 1003577
>>1003550But you don't understand anon. That formula lol /s
Yeah I'm surprised Freya hasn't been brought up about how much of a shill she was for these brands.
No. 1003767
>>1003729Yup. As seen in
>>1002996She really is a Karen in every single way.
No. 1003902
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No. 1004203
>>1004173Wouldn't surprise me. He made allusions to this in the first video, suggesting that Orlee's new gf cursed him into having anger issues and that he now realizes the new bf gf was the reason "it was so hard for him to love [orlee].
Blaming your dickish behavior on demons sure makes you look like the good guy and not a dangerous manipulative nutcase. Well done.
I think Orlee is a horrible scam artist who preys on the vulnerable. But nobody deserves to be with this asshole. Glad she got out of there. Now lets hope that the firefly family reject she hooked up with doesn't turn out to be a disaster too.
No. 1004334
File: 1594254389883.jpeg (752.56 KB, 1241x2073, 0B492DE0-9A47-40C4-8DD9-E0AC14…)

Struggling single mom pushing her Patreon to support herself after separation… or something like that.
No. 1004585
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Just looking up stuff on Dazy, I mean Avelina, back when she and her husband had a group called “Dazychain”. It is hard to find stuff since it is old and links don’t last forever.
I wonder what is up with the nazi and holocaust imagery on their Love is Hate album. also tried to find info on this mysterious “Totenkoft Records”. All I found was info on the SS totenkopft…’s all I have right now.
No. 1004597
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>>1004585Their archived webpage for the band. of their "lyrics" lol: bio:
>The band (“Shut up! We know you can play”) Dazychain sprung into existence in the spring of 2001 with the musical consummations of singer/guitarist/ songwriter Dazy, (Megan Blume) and guitarist/ songwriter Norbert Lehmann. Without realising it, this partnership would result in the fusion of corporate pop/hip hop with industrial metal.
>The partnership (“perfect synchronicity”) Although Megan and Norbert only worked together officially for the last year their friendship goes back much further to the time when fourteen year old Megan first contacted Norbert to organise guitar lessons. After only a few weeks Megan began writing songs and was ready to record her demo. This in turn became the recording project that was to lay the foundation for what would become Dazychain. Since these early recordings this pair have been inseparable, sharing every aspect of song writing, production, programming, artistic design and management.I wonder how old Norbert was when they first met, if she was 14?
No. 1004631
>>1004585>>1004597What the fuck? Why is it so hard for these cows to not do nazi shit? Most people manage without even trying.
I would also like to know how old he was at the time.
No. 1004636
Oh jesus. Check out this shit… former hubby's name is Norbert Lehmann.
No. 1004638
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>>1004597Boyfriend dad vibes
No. 1004661
>>1004631I said the same thing. It seems to be the obligatory evolution of a lot of cows here. And it’s hard to brush it off when you are wearing their symbols, releasing under the moniker “Totenkoft”, and got pics of holocaust
victims on your cover. Yuck.
No. 1004667
>>1004661Yeah. I can see if it's a "decrying the horrors of the holocaust" thing. Some bands (like die krupps for instance) use nazi and holocaust imagery because they write a lot of anti-fascist songs, and want to emphasize how horrible the holocaust was.
But that really doesn't seem to be the case here. Given the "totenkopf" label name. And the fact that I have never heard her speak out against fascism or racism.
No. 1004671
>>1004667It makes me wonder if they were actually active nazis? If they are still involved in that?
I wish I could say I was surprised but I’m not…
No. 1004699
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>>1004667> And the fact that I have never heard her speak out against fascism or racism.This is the most I could find of her on BLM. Token pic, woo woo green peace universe hashtags. She shouldn’t have even bothered lmao.
No. 1004705
>>1004699Love how she commented on BLM without actually saying anything specific or doing anything to help. But she DID manage to include a picture that showed one of her purses. That's the IBF purse.
No. 1004711
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>>1004705She is so fucking lazy, it is actually from a photo collage she posted a year back. Sloppy sloppy. No. 1004929
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No. 1005019
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>>1005011I wonder what actually set him off, he has been on a roll all day. It is just getting worse.
No. 1005476
>>1005407Don't think he'll kill himself. He seems highly manipulative, so he might threaten suicide to get sympathy though.
Can't wait for all of these assholes to claim to be the TRUE magician.
No. 1005500
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I know this is old, but still…
No. 1005643
>>1005624Yes. And ADHD can make it harder to diet. All of her issues are feeding into eachother.
That woman needs therapy more than anything else.
No. 1005789
>>1005708>all three of them are an embassment and will do/say literally anything to get clients for the snake oil they sell.Normal, sincere pagans(who don't have " spiritual businesses") loathe these types just like actual Christians hate the
prosperity gospel mega church con artist pastors.
Funny you mention this, because I was watching some of their videos during the JD suicide watch saga, and if you replace Satan/Lucifer with Jesus/Michael the archangel, it is pretty much the same message with a twist lol.
No. 1005813
>>1005708Tfw the core tenant of autistic tween Satanism conflicts with the whole premise of being an SJW.
>Do what thou wiltNot
>Do what thou wilt until I say stop because you're being insensitive No. 1005816
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Holy shit! Dorian is about to go on a date with an actual physical non-ghost human.
Man, are they in for a ride…
No. 1005913
>>1005859I have been watching them.
On a side note, pagan jewelry looks ridiculously redundant. Crystals, crystals wrapped in twine or leather, cord, bones, more crystals. And it’s always the same fucking shape, too.
No. 1006093
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Louises skinwalker is STILL going strong. I’ve honestly never seen someone this fucking crazy go this long and strong to torment someone, like how messed up in the head is this chick.
Context: Louies has a fan draw her a portrait in Tim Byron style cuz the artist knew she loved Burton. Now Elesha commissioned an artist (who I don’t even think she credits) to do Burton inspired art for her.
No. 1006403
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Ruadhan got his bike through ebegging. And clearly he has no choice but to ebeg…
No. 1006417
>>1006403I wouldn’t be boasting if I was him.
He will back at the end of the month crying because he can’t afford something.
No. 1006425
>>1006403Comrade bougie sticking it to the system!
Because if there's one thing I associate with cummunism it's bragging about your conspicuous consumption.
No. 1006431
>>1006093Actually something is really weird about the whole situation. Louise contradicts herself a lot and even though she always points out 'copies' elesha did, a lot of the stuff she does is also copied from elesha… The story isn't that black and white like Louise paints it.
Not defending anyone but all the stuff seems all over the place
No. 1006561
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Emily boo has started her own onlyfans. Not sure whos gonna buy it but it exists now. No. 1006667
>>1006487But Louise still does it - the 'look at my plants' BS, the saint body (elesha had the sinner dress for months now), having the same decorations and accessories just days after elesha posted them in a story… There definitely is something odd about the situation but Louise is acting way more as a
victim than she really is
No. 1006668
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Funny how she managed to make a fool out of herself and diss the M&Ms
No. 1006825
>>1006668Good to know you value friends who are honest and open about their convictions Mara.
Very subtle shade there.
No. 1006896
>But this is the kind of racist trash that also think of Jesus as white… so…Gosh,the fuck? Supposedly what's wrong of thinking about a Palestinian Jew as white? Are you some racist outta Third Reich that considers only Germanics as white or what or Varg V grade coo-coo who is even more exclusive in "who is white"?
Guess what race Jesus times' Jews in Palestine were. Yes, the same as other Semites of that region. Predominantly white (caucasian). There were groups of black Jews, but they were located mostly in Africa - most well known groups in Ethiopia.
>>1006425Let's be honest - that's exactly what commie LARPers do. If such people would be serious about whole communist stuff they would be integrating with proletariate and attending shooting ranges to prepare for revolution and physical removal of reactionary element revolution needs. But no - workers are "nazi Trump supporters" to them and "guns kill people".
Instead they prefer to wear Bangladesh sweatshop made T-shirts with homophobic serial rapist, racist and massmurderer Che Guevara while posting "antihomophobic, antiracist" tweets and fb comments.
No. 1006914
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JD put a hex on Yuri Palpatine and Snorlee.
No. 1006982
>>1006896I think they were referring to the medieval European tradition of depicting Jesus as blonde and blue-eyed, and super "Aryan."
There is actually a strain of white supremacy (christian identity) that holds that people of European descent are the "true jews" and that actual Jewish people are "satanic imposters."
Because these people are crazy.
>and attending shooting ranges to prepare for revolution and physical removal of reactionary element revolution needs. But no - workers are "nazi Trump supporters" to them and "guns kill people". Hello bad grammar troll Anon. I see you've slithered back here.
No. 1007005
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>>1006982>I think they were referring to the medieval European tradition of depicting Jesus as blonde and blue-eyed, and super "Aryan."They were. That was a really random part of the OP’s comment to take out of context.
One of Adam’s friends seems like he might be one of those Christian Identity fags judging by their bio on Insta.
I had another screenshot but I think I may have deleted it by accident.
No. 1007011
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>>1007005Same fagging but that quote is from the movie 300 and its origins are dubious at best: is fun to fantasize about war when you aren’t actually obligated to fight.
No. 1007028
>>1007005Judging from their grammar,
>>1006896 was "Varg has some good points" anon who was shitstirring and racebaiting in the last thread. They're just here to "
trigger the libs." Which means everyone to the left of a proudboy.
>>1007011Yeah. Seems about right. We've already established these guys have a very shallow, popculture based view of history.
No. 1007039
>>1007033I find it so weird that all of Adam's fearless warrior friends have had to be more subdued about their racist bullshit so they won't interfere with the image of his tradcashcow. But he himself doesn't put any effort in.
True white brotherhood…
No. 1007047
>>1007042Maybe they're not doing it for Adam. That random girl that clumsily called Mara out said she found the thread after googling Felvae because she liked her style. Maybe they were hoping lauren would be a good recruiting tool.
Or maybe they're just scared of being outed themselves. A lot of these white pride types have been getting doxxed on twitter lately. It might have made them paranoid about any scrutiny, even from a place like lolcow.
No. 1007444
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>>1007005>>1007033I finally found the other screenshot for comparison. This is what he had up not too long ago.
No. 1007477
>>1007444Thanks Anon.
Just had to get "heritage" in there. Just can't help himself.
No. 1007557
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>>1007524He also has this crazy nearly $500 Jupiter magic money ritual.
No. 1007563
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>>1007557>powerful black magick sorcerer>usui reiki master level healing practitionerI am going to need some references.
No. 1008367
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On the same day that Mai posts about how she loves to spend her vacations with Manic Moth…
No. 1008369
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Mara posts about her least problematic super bestie Nina.
No. 1009052
>>1008969I agree with you anon. She doesn't seem like she has much of anything else to offer and if you took away the look, she'd really have nothing going for her.
I mean at least with people like say Angela Benedict, if you took her look away, she'd still have her stories to share or her sense of humor. Or with Dorian, as annoying as she can be, she does have a big personality. And while I know some may not like him how, Kai Decadence is into gaming and likes to talk about that stuff on his other channel.
With IBF, she dug herself into a hole where it's so easy to see that if she woke up one day without her wardrobe, people wouldn't find her as interesting and she could've prevented that if she just shared her other interest that doesn't center around fashion.
No. 1009211
>>1008745I love how she impies that COVID is the reason she is still in NZ. Bitch, you're broke as hell and have been kicked out of two countries. Not because the system treatedyou unfairly, orbbecause you did not have the means to make a go of it. But because you were an entitled brat who could not be bothered to build a life for yourself.
Where the fuck are you going to go?
No. 1009742
>>1009710Oh man. Surely the opportunity to get on some sweaty methdick was part of the appeal!
I mean, just look at him…
No. 1009757
>>1009289Yeh, by not eating foods that cause inflammation. This could be anything from carbs to different types of proteins found in fruit, veg, drinks other than water and processed food.
It takes up to 3 months of a strict diet with reintroduced foods over 8 months.
And we all know she’s too fucking lazy for that so she will just say “there’s no cure” and blame everything else
No. 1009849
>>1009834Actually there have been very few covid cases linked to the protests here. Open-air gatherings are a very limited vector. Also the vast majority of protestors are wearing masks.The most cases we see are due to indoor gatherings, shopping, dining out, and socializing in groups. Also people who work in the service industry are disproportionately affected, as well as warehouse and factory workers, and medical staff.
Sorry if this is a blogpost, I'm a healthcare worker, and get passionate about this stuff. I've treatex a lot of protestors for physical injuries, and breathing difficulties due to being teargassed. But pretty much every covis patient I've dealt with has either gotten it at work, a social event, or mostly through a relative who did one of those things.
Leah is lucky in that she doesn't really have to leave the house. So if she had people hanging out in their kitchen, drinking, speaking loudly, and handing each other things, that's not great. Why didn't she have a virtual housewarming? She clearly has the equipment.
No. 1009976
>>1009710He’s as shallow as a pan.
This is all just a woo woo sprinkle shit cake to justify using drugs.
No. 1010178
>>1010105Yeah. Orlee is a con-artist. But she was clearly the brains of the operation. She did a lot of background work. JD seems to have been along for the intellectual ride.
How long till these assholes start lobbing spells at each other publicly. Remember when orlee did that "ritual" that was clearly aimed at lolcow? Will she do the same to JD?
No. 1010230
>>1010221I… didn't know that heing "goth" and "spiritual" were mutually exclusive. Not that I had any illusions about her being goth. Avelina/dazy will cling onto any trend that can get her attention.
The bipolar part completely tracks. All of her shopping/remodelling probably happens during an impulsive manic high. Here's to hoping she'll get treatment and actually listen to her therapist.
No. 1010307
>>1010221She has them with her on her Insta stories. Most recent, she is croaking out a song badly in her car and her kids are making faces and looking at her like she is crazy.
She seems less like a stuffy bitch now that Norbit is out of her life.
No. 1010567
>>1010500If she is super manic all the time and von left her, he probably has custody more?
Even in the live stream, it was weird. She was all over the place. I feel like she will break publicly at some point
The reeree dropped off the face of the earth. No Instagram of Facebook. She may still have a Twitter and no more uploading to YouTube.
Where’s my milk at these days?!
No. 1010831
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Felvae serving us Rudolph the reindeer realness with a side of mouth breathing squirrel.
No. 1010946
>>1008745Whenever people talk about IBF's personal style, I can't see it anywhere besides her hair and (
kinda) makeup, and even then, it's just the same over and over.
She lacks creativity, and that is pretty sad. It's why she can't thrift or DIY anything besides slicing some holes in tights. Everything has to come already put together for her, zero imagination and zero self expression. It makes me wonder if her story about "Muh computer ate muh book :(" was her lying. She likely just deleted it because it was boring.
But who cares about that, we now know what her zillions of clones on Instagram will be wearing this Fall!
No. 1011050
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>>1011009Adam also suffers from one-side-itis. He rarely faces the front since he has a very normal, average appearance. He is trying so hard to give us alpha male vibes. They’re both extremely unexceptional and struggly.
No. 1011239
>>1010105Yeah I have a few proper occult friends on social media who are mutuals with Orlee/Yuri and it baffles me but there is a lot of networking and ego stroking anywhere there might be a lucrative audience tbh. Her books look pretty terrible but I guess no worse than a lot of credible occult authors as there is so much bad research, shoddy editing and repackaging - thinking of folks like Gemma Gary who write shit books but the talismanic editions sell for stupid money and get good reviews from people who got expensive review copies. I've enjoyed reading reviews on paralibrum recently mostly because they are genuinely critical.
I would love a separate occult thread on here actually.
No. 1011274
>>1011254She's tradlife remember? They're always going on about how women have to be meek and submissive. Maybe she's confusing looking vulnerable and cute with looking goddamn special needs.
Good thing she has a big strong manly viking to wipe her drool and feed her applesauce.
No. 1011458
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>>1011311I think there is more than enough crazy to warrant a thread but it's whether people want the BALG stuff to move off the goth thread when it's a bit slow as it is?
Gemma Gary also has form for being milky, a few years ago she started a feud with the older generation of "peddlar" craft witches in Cornwall when she established herself as head trad witch for the witch museum in Boscastle despite essentially being a novice who turned on the women who initiated her. Basically ended with GG "outing" one of the women as having a fake name (which was incorrect, she found her sister's details online) and Cassandra dead-naming Gemma Gary in a subsequent blog post. All old milk but I do enjoy a good witch turf war!
It's sad, I see a lot of what you have said going on and quite a few good practitioners caught between scraping a career in academia when there is no money in esoteric studies or becoming a slightly more reputable version of the BALG crew working rituals and divination for cash. It doesn't sound like a profitable venture. There is a reason why occult academia is populated by people like Per Faxneld - who flies his own plane to conferences.
No. 1011480
>>1011458As someone who's not really interested in the occult, I still think it might be fun. I brought up Orlee on this thread because I appreciated just how full of shit she was, and how she used her alt look to drag in gullible fools and horny mouthbreathers.
But since then a whole new herd of cows connected to her has cropped up, and I'd be exited to see where this goes.
No. 1011570
>>1011559Didn’t know her father lives there. Can’t he help them with finding a house??
Makes me so mad that they basically put their own interests before the damn worlds health, am i surprised? No
No. 1011662
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I'm incredibly confused by Felvae's nose
No. 1011708
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>>1011662Ow. That's unfortunate…
No. 1012192
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>no longer goth
Also Avelina:
No. 1012259
>>1012192Not even a little surprising.
And still supporting dollskill I see.
No. 1012681
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>>1012677Sacred snort from yesterday.
No. 1012725
>>1012681Truly a spiritual man. Can't understand why Orlee left him for Mistress Snaggletooth.
Did he say anything about buying the "spiritual powder" from a shady dude in a van?
No. 1012765
>>1012725He keeps shilling for Soul Quest so I assume they are giving him all these weird ass drugs.
It was some blackish green powder, supposedly a kind of nicotine, but you never know lol.
No. 1013911
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I don’t even know what to say. How is it so bad?
No. 1014070
>>1013911I was looking at the tags on that pic and she was spamming “kundalini rising”, so I am anticipating her making uwu touch the goddess content as her divorce progresses.
She really tried to make her life with her potbellied husband seem more attractive than it was.
No. 1014258
>>1014242Transcendental being!! Fucking dying because it’s true.
She won’t remove the goth tag anywhere because it’s the only way she gets views for her goffic house and oh so goff life. Her whole online persona is a lie. Would love to know what reeree thought about her as she went over to her house once or twice and stopped
No. 1014555
>>1014202>>1014242Guys they all say this lol Avelina is no different than the hundreds of other posers who continually use the "GOTH" hashtag to get attention for being uwu spooky.
>>1014258I actually forget about her existence until someone brought her up here lol
No. 1014830
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So in 5 years she got jaundice
No. 1015890
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Nothing graphic; some musty pics of Orlee and Yuri. I presume this is more JD trolling.
No. 1016559
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Kat von D threw a lavish surprise birthday party for Rafael that included a mariachi band and what looked like about 50 guests.
Isn’t L.A a hotspot now for COVID-19? I guess just for us plebs.
No. 1016778
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>>1016736How is she still incapable of matching her foundation to her actual skintone for these transformation videos. She thinks she’s “uwu so pale” when she’s literally an average white person who doesn’t go in the sun. Stop adding white to your foundation if you’re doing non goth looks Freezer
No. 1016794
>>1016778She knows, it's why she skips to after she's done her foundation and contour. It gets even more ridiculous when you see her fat pink hand. This is the same woman who paints her neck and tits chalk white.
>>1016774Like in her normal transformations, she literally looked like a middle-aged hooker. And is so overdramatic about how she can't tone down her look. Even when she goes to the grocery store, she has to dress like she's going to WGT. Her look and people's reaction to it is very important to her.
No. 1016963
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Joes gone and now she’s down to do IG stories in her bathroom in a towel. How long before she’s making house calls? Get a job and move on, this is just getting sad.
No. 1016996
>>1016736Yeah the only legit "Goth" channel that was pumping out decent videos at the time before IBF came around was KazLovesBats but for the most part, your summary of the other channels was mostly accurate and they aren't even around anymore. IBF did offer something fresh and different at the time but she burned out as soon as she got to Germany and never bounced back because she's content with this boring, formulaic content.
>>1016778I am never gonna understand why she feels she needs to use chalk white skin coloring when she's already pale enough with her average complexion. Like what more does she want?
No. 1017063
>>1016996I meant more in terms of popularity at the time, another good channel was Dumpster Dollie. It's sad how the few genuine goth channels were ignored, but people like Leahmouse, who doesn't even know what goth is, got popular. She has a video of her whining about people not liking Tripp pants?? Lmao
Never minded her makeup at first, it was balanced with thifted and DIYed clothes, but since she's a brandwhore now, it comes off as costumy these days. Dorian uses pale foundation with a hint of white and it looks good.
No. 1017234
>>1017212The only fun making I ever seen in like 20 years online on few blogs all from the US. Curios fact - these blogs were written by people who were "so die hard goff, it's not a phase mom" that they are total normies by now (their phase stopped around their early mid 20s). Kinda interesting when you think about it.
IBF herself also mentioned as advice to not put white face paint some time before she switched to actually using Kryolan herself. Kinda ironic in a way. Other than that I didn't encounetered anyone giving a shit. But I'm Europoor. Maybe here people don't give a damn about not their's makup generally and things are different in the USA.
Also numerous goth band's members were using white makuep both goth - Specimen, Sophor Aeternus, Cinema Strange, Neva, Selofan to name just very few out of many more. As well as generic punk like the Adicts, the Damned or older Visual Kei bands - Malice Mizer, Velvet Eden to name examples from top of my head. Also nothing unusual to see white face paint in industrial acts.
So I would say people having problem with white face paint are kinda living in a parallel universe.
No. 1017299
>>1017280>I can only say that your experience of the European goth scene back in the day is significantly different than mine. Could be. I never was into hanging with cliques obsessed about look of not their bodies and what's on them.
I remember numerous examples of unnaturally light and white makeups tho. It was at some point dominant way of doing makeup among "fulltimers" at events. Nothing unusual, was rather seen as commitment.
>And that it is generally understood that performers dressing up for an act use different criteria than people going down to the shops.I didn't deny that. It's rather hard for your skin to wear it everyday for more than 2-3 days.
No. 1017316
>>1017063Oh yeah I can't believe I forgot Dumpster Dollie, yeah I remember enjoying her stuff. RIP. But yeah, it seems like the genuine Goth channels back then never really got any recognition. I remember this happening with Laila Autumn as well and she would make content relevant to Goth as well. And oh god yeah I remember Leah Mouse's Tripp Pants video, I was a baby bat back when I watched it and I didn't really understand but knowing what I know now, it really was ridiculous lol.
> Never minded her makeup at first, it was balanced with thifted and DIYed clothes, but since she's a brandwhore now, it comes off as costumy these days. Dorian uses pale foundation with a hint of white and it looks good.Right, her old style looked interesting but her current look looks manufactured because she relies too much on 100% branding, there's no uniqueness anymore except for maybe the way she does her hair.
>>1017130I understand that IBF isn't the first one to do the white paint thing, I've seen old pictures of Goths in the 80s doing it. I just don't understand why people feel the need to do it when they're already pale enough to pull off the white look without ruining their skin if they wear it as much as she does.
> Also numerous goth band's members were using white makuep both goth - Specimen, Sophor Aeternus, Cinema Strange, Neva, Selofan to name just very few out of many more. As well as generic punk like the Adicts, the Damned or older Visual Kei bands - Malice Mizer, Velvet Eden to name examples from top of my head. Also nothing unusual to see white face paint in industrial acts.I can understand the bands doing it for like music videos or stage performances but I don't think they wear it as a normal part of their every day fashion (But I could be wrong).
No. 1017341
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>>1017299Well she has been switching Kryolan with liquid foundations across the years - it is visible in videos. Wearing even thin layer of Kryolan few days in a row is an exercise in masochism. Especially taking into consideration that most people need to apply fixer to it to make it stay for more than 15 minutes in room temperature and above. But yea technically she can get almost chalk effect with pale liquid foundation and rice fixing powder with her natural skin tone.
>I can understand the bands doing it for like music videos or stage performances but I don't think they wear it as a normal part of their every day fashion (But I could be wrong).Well, gothic scene has seen far more over the top personages than IBF. Yes, I mean there have been for real been examples of individuals sleeping whole days in coffins and going out only after dark with sunglasses on. As far for such pale makeups - maybe not exactly Kryolan grade for everyday (wearing it for few days in a row even with reapplying would set your skin on fire unless you are elephant skinned) but close. But even IBF were not wearing it all the time.
>Right, her old style looked interesting but her current look looks manufactured because she relies too much on 100% branding, And she is not doing any visible off DIY with them. Literally nothing is stopping anyone from modyfying of the shelf pieces to make it more individual.
>there's no uniqueness anymore except for maybe the way she does her hair.Nowadays? Kind of yes. Kind of as most people teasing hair nowadays seems to sport sideshaves. There have been many examples of teased hair without shaving sides in US scene in the 80's - Roz Williams, Tina Cancer, guys from Morticia (picrel) band and other. Ironically nowadays "deathrock style" is associated with almost clean shaved sides and deathhawks and sharp geometrical makeup. Which was rather typical for 80's German gruftis than USA deathrockers. Oh sweet irony. In general we are nowhere near variety in teased hairstyles that the '80s scene had.
No. 1017374
>Well, gothic scene has seen far more over the top personages than IBF. Yes, I mean there have been for real been examples of individuals sleeping whole days in coffins and going out only after dark with sunglasses on
Yep. And those people were kind of sad. Usually because you really can't pull off the "super dark creature of the night" thing fulltime without looking like a "what we do in the shadows" character. So much goth media (take a bite magazine, writhe and shine, etc) has been based on that exact premise.
Honestly, if your dedication to goth is based less on promoting bands and supporting musicians, and more on making yourself look like a "gothtalk" character, rethink your life.
Which I think is actually part of the problem with IBF's channel. She promotes this image of goth that suggests that unless you wear black lipstick at night, have exclusively skull-shaped furniture, and only use the DARKEST of kitchen utensils, you are somehow not going goth right.
No. 1017403
>>1017391Using human bones for a towelrack is…dumb. personally I don't have any problems with it, as long as they are ethically obtained. But it seems like a needlessly obstentatious and costly thing to do. I can see why it would work for voltaire, who makes his money being the gothest goth that ever gothed, and trying to look edgy to teenagers. But I honestly think it's kind of silly. It's a towelrack.
The thing is, I have zero problem with people gothing out. It just becomes sort of sad when they're super serious about it and don't have a sense of humour about themselves.
No. 1017657
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Looks like Kaya and stumpy are still planning to move to Barcelona, pandemic be damned.
No. 1017727
>>1017391I agree, I don't remember her saying that either. I wonder if some of this stuff is just a cope, like Angela Benedict saying her and friends had very weird rules when they went out to the city. Don't look up, don't sneeze at clubs, look bored, don't smile etc. No one is telling them these things but they do it anyone because they feel they should act that way.
I honestly think this guy's place is hideous. I don't get the hyper with his channel, he over-decorates stuff to the point it just look tacky, but he is a rather tacky person. So it fits.
>>1017341I've noticed less creative, personality and music-based looks now overall. They took the Grufti look, cleaned it up, and made it a uniform. Or they're just ripping off 80s goths in general. Instagram is full of this. Scroll through #80sgoth and then go to Pinterest with 80s goth and you'll see the
exact same look. And they only like the very obvious bands (usually The Cure and Siouxsie)
As for her reconstructing her brand-name clothes, she can, but probably won't. It wouldn't surprise me if she made a video like that and they'd stop sending packages.
No. 1017828
>>1017341Ah I see. I mean I'm not against pale looks, it can look nice but I just feel like for every day usage, it's probably not wise to be wearing that chalk white stuff on a daily basis, like you have to let your skin breathe and I feel like with the musicians or even the Goths back in the 80s, they weren't doing it every day.
>Nowadays? Kind of yes. Kind of as most people teasing hair nowadays seems to sport sideshaves. There have been many examples of teased hair without shaving sides in US scene in the 80's - Roz Williams, Tina Cancer, guys from Morticia (picrel) band and other. Ironically nowadays "deathrock style" is associated with almost clean shaved sides and deathhawks and sharp geometrical makeup. Which was rather typical for 80's German gruftis than USA deathrockers. Oh sweet irony. In general we are nowhere near variety in teased hairstyles that the '80s scene had.Yeah that's true, I tend to associate deathhawks, clean shaved sides, and sharp looking makeup with Deathrock since a lot of the newer Deathrock bands like All Gone Dead, Novocaine Mausoleum, Radio Skarlet, and Strange Dolls Cult to name a few that had those looks going on lol.
>>1017374>Which I think is actually part of the problem with IBF's channel. She promotes this image of goth that suggests that unless you wear black lipstick at night, have exclusively skull-shaped furniture, and only use the DARKEST of kitchen utensils, you are somehow not going goth right.See I don't want to say that she's meaning to give that impression as I'm sure she's not but when it's all she ever talks about, she inadvertently is doing that.
>>1017385>But where is the line? Does every goth dressing goth have to obligatory talk/promote music? She is not the only dressing goth 24/7 youtuber who do listen to goth music but not talks about it. She just uses gothic rock as background music.Me personally, No I don't think a Goth YouTuber needs to talk about the music for every video, it's nice to break it up from time to time. Like I like Cadaver Kelly and Kai Decadence who tend to talk about the music a lot but I don't think all Goth channels need to do that, I just think it's cool when they at least talk about the music every now and then at the bare minimum.
>>1017391> BTW. What's your opinion on making towel racks out of real human bones as Aurelio Voltaire presented in his serie?I feel like that's a bit much tbh lol I agree with
>>1017403 that it's really up to personal choice so long as they are ethically obtained but I don't personally see the appeal.
No. 1017875
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maybe stop basing your livelihood on your tradwife’s social media then?
No. 1017877
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interesting story from catinawitchhat considering she follows felvae and psychara… if not them, I wonder who she could be talking about
No. 1017892
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No. 1017899
>You're not wrong, I've seen this as well and it actually made the 80s look boring to look at. Like I still like the 80s look but it's not as appealing as it used to be since it's like the go-to thing a lot of these people do and you're so right on how the only bands they ever name are either Siouxsie and the Banshees or The Cure, especially the Cure. It really makes me wonder if these people venture out and try other Goth bands.Let me share observations form Gothic Pogo Festival and gothic rock concerts in Taubchental during WGT and afterparty there titled "When we were young"
Well, they most often sport the "template looks" - you can see schemas like:
- all black clothing, black hair, silver jewellery - tower or deathhawk hair
- black clothing with white accents, colorfull hair - tower or deathhawk
Patterns? Stripes and occasional polka dots is pretty much all you see.
Teased mullets and bihawks are much more rare. Teased layered long hairs without sideshaves and naturally wavy/curly teased hairstyles even more.
What was the last time you have seen brass or golden jewelery on a goth? Or natural color hair?
When you have seen vibrant colored clothing pieces mixed with black that dont come from red and purple palette? Or non black 80s style that is not white color only or white with black?
Also extra points if you seen anyone using brown and gray elements.
And don't make me start on how limited is modern makeup in most of cases - like done from 3-4 templates and mostly nothing extremal in a way we could have seen a lot in the' 80s.
Also forget about choppiness or "messy" "straight outta coffin" attributes to clothing or makeup. No fake bloodstains or acidwash. Rarely seen signs of wear or abrasions. There is some hard to pinpoint feeling of supreme cleanliness and sterility often seen in outfits that I don't see too much when looking at photos from nack in the days. But maybe it's just because we have different materials now. Or there is some mental difference that causes that.Ha, also quiet intriguing is to see nearly zero examples of the simplest 80s staple male goth outfit - black formal suit. But maybe partially due to the fact that these festivals taking place in quiet warm months of the year.
There is also probably very strong factor that limited creativity in 80's style outfits - you rarely can thrift nowadays pieces of clothing that came from 70's and 60's. These decades had quiet distinct designs - cuts and patterns that were killer attributes of for example Siouxsie's outfits or these worn by the Cult guys.
Absence of much leather is kinda interesting as it's not that all went vegan and you can easily get good quality leather 2nd hand and just bring it to leather workshop for proper cleaning and repairs.
Also shopping outside "typical goth/alt shops" for accesories is not that much of a thing - for example my best collars come from pet shop.
No. 1017919
>>1017875Social media is not the problem. It is disgusting people like him promoting their bullshit ideology that makes social media depressing. I wish they both would pack off to the woods and stfu for a while.
>>1017877You never know with these people but I assume she must know what is going on to some extent? Instead of quitting instagram, why doesn’t she try growing a backbone for once by being a little more forthcoming about whatever the problem is? Even if she isn’t naming just say like, we have a x problem, blah blah blah. I hate this vague whiny ass bullshit that comes off as slightly attention seeking. She dresses like a lost hobbit anyway so it isn’t like anyone is going to miss her content that badly. Thanks for sharing anyway, anon.
No. 1017965
>>1017919Yup. Nobody is stopping him from getting the fuck offline. But he uses social media to spread his shitty beliefs and to allow his little tradcow to fund his little viking LARP "lifestyle."
I think he probably just doesn't like that social media offers a voice and a platform to people who aren't white.
No. 1017967
>>1017841Lol it's funny you say this because yeah, I notice this too. Like again, these kinds of people usually just name drop Siouxsie and the Banshees and especially The Cure and then it ends right there where then will list off non-Goth bands like Depeche Mode, New Order, Soft Cell, and David Bowie calling it "Goth music" and at that point ,it's pretty clear that they have not explored the Goth genre and are more then likely just into loving "spoopy" and dark but still want to call themselves "Goth" because it's the "in" thing to do. Like as far as YouTubers go, I feel like Snowy Lowther was a good example of this where she only ever talked about The Cure while never mentioning any other Goth bands outside of maybe Siouxsie and the Banshees.
>>1017867Aren't most of Voltaire's fans alternative teenage girls who think he's hot? lol
>>1017899Right I can definitely see the cliches but I can't act like I'm any better because while I don't dress in a 80s Goth style, I actually dress more like a late 80s-90s romantic goth, I love black lace paired with the staple rosary beads and silver or gunmetal-black jewelry and romantic looking makeup. And I do tend to stick with black, purple, and red though I've been wanting to find some dark green to mix in. So I kinda fall into that cliche myself, just more on the Romantic side lol.
>>1017875Social media can be draining sometimes if you let it control your life but I agree, if he stopped basing his livelihood on his wife's social media, he'd more than likely not feel the way he does.
No. 1017980
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No. 1017995
>>1017212In the 80 most of us muxed Leichner clown white with Rimmels Hide The Blemish as foundation. People forget/don't know that every foundation was pretty orangey then. Stargazer did white face powder or we can sed talcum powder.
UK goth was VERY different to what people do now. The whole attitude is totally different. It's unrecognisable. Snowy's goth phase is p much the most authentic tradgoth copy I've ever seen.
No. 1018022
>>1017877She's probably talking about Mai and Manic Mooch. Those three have been sniping and accusing each other of "copying" for years.
>>1017995Later on stargazer did a foundation too, it was horribly greasy and smelled exactly like greasepaint. But it's all we had. Here in the Netherlands we mostly used talcom powder, or sometimes even mineral sunblock. It was not pretty.
>>1017980Damn. Things took a dark turn there.
No. 1018037
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>>1018022Also the two M’s haven’t stopped with the “you’re my best friend” “no YOU are my bestest friend” shit even in quarantine.
No. 1019021
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Incoming milk.
No. 1019125
Honestly, I'm surprised she got put into an asylum BEFORE she started talking about her spectral fuckbuddies.
No. 1019835
>>981354>>1017899I am kinda glad someone else feels the same way about how some festivals like GPP, Return to the Batcave and WGT have changed. I always believed my thoughts about the recent developments are just exaggerated and that I was complaining too much. If one remembers the early 00s, it wasn't uncommon to hear people complain about similar issues, just more directed at how the scene back then was dominated by people wearing the uniformal dark romantic or Cyber style and how everyone was fed up seeing it everywhere.
It's interesting, because the mass of genereic ready made clothing then, with brands like Lip Service, X-tra-X, Queen of Darkness and Aderlass, combined with the replacement of proper goth music with stuff from the Metal and Techno scenes was what sparked the formation of festivals like GPP. People then put effort into being individual, making their own clothes and not to imitate already existing styles. When you look at photos from early "trad" goth festivals from around 2000 to 2009 you see very diverse styles. Not two people looked the same. People even dared to wear color. And the playlists were pretty killer too.
What I noticed the last years was an influx of what one would call Fashion Goths on one side and "Hipster Goth" on the other. The former all sport the uniformal cliché of an 80s Grufti you describe, with very little personal influence. They are all carbon copies of each other. In my local German speaking community we sometimes call them "Glitter Goths", and that's not meant to be positive, rather snarky - basically Goths who are too concerned looking pretty and perfect for a photo.
Also, maybe it's just me, there has been strong influence from Drag as well. Everyone kinda wants to imitate their fav Drag Queen. One could say it isn't exactly new as some goths and wavers have taken inspiration from Drag performers like Divine before, but it could be unique and fresh - if it wasn't everyone doing it.
With the Hipster Goth crowd it's tricky… some complain they look too "normie" and that they are just people who claim to love Joy Division and The Cure to get extra points for being super alternative and hip. Others like that the Hipsters are not as overdressed and do not give in to the whole fashion show aspect of the subculture and view them as more authentic.
Also there is a shift in the music featured in those festivals. GPP especially panders now more to the synth- and retrowave crowd, when originally the event was more centered around guitar based wave and post-punk, especially deathrock. They still have the stage that plays deathrock and goth rock, but minimal wave and EBM have started to take over the main hall of Werk 2. It's ironic, because the people who made up GPP were extremely opinionated against any heavy synth and electronic-based music in the 00s. Anyone remember those stickers that kinda said "No Rave in my Goth" and "Death to Techno Pop"?
And before I sound like I only have things to complain about: I do like that the scene had such a big revival in the last years and the online spread and popularity of 80s and early 90s Goth def had something to do with it. Before 2010 it was very hard to find many people who still listenin to actual Goth and there was really a lot of misinformation online. Then youtube channels like IBF, Kazlovesbats, Killnatalie and blogs like Spontis appeared and there was a newfound interest. However, I also feel that the revival is now reaching its peak, if not already past it, and the scene now suffers from the same problem that it had in the mid 90s: way too many carbon copies, everyone wearing an uniform, creative stagnation and too many sub-par bands (who sound like less good versions of 80s and 90s groups) flooding the market. Social media has amplified that even more - so many people are now part of the scene for clout and likes and not genuine interest. Then with the current covid-19 situation killing off venues and clubs, I doubt the revival will be as big in the 20s as it was at the begin of the 10s.
(derailing) No. 1020245
>>1020117None of us can go to M'era Luna. It's been cancelled because of covid. They confirmed the same lineup for next year, so if anything that gives Froyo more of a chance to see these bands.
She always acts like a cow at M'era Luna anyway. She spends most of her time standing on the tarmac posing for pictures with fans, or shopping. I've never seen her at a gig there, but I've seen her preen a lot.
No. 1020359
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What do you guys think of Mara’s new hairdo? She lopped off her “natural” hair into these two poodle puffs but kept her dread inserts in the back.
No. 1020373
>>1020359doesn't fit her face at all. her face is too thin and elongated for that kind of poofyness at the sides with nothing mellowing out her jaw.
it makes her look old. her usual styling and hair makes her look younger than she is but here she looks even older than her actual age. correct me if i'm wrong but she's in her late 20's/early 30's? she looks 40 here.
No. 1020405
>>1020359Ouch. She looks like a bitchy highschool art teacher trying to be hip with the kids.
Attitudeholland is using her to promote their new hairdye range. But I wouldn't bother if I were them…
No. 1020433
>>1020418Wouldn't be surprised. Between this and the sudden influx of coloyr in her wardrobe it looks like she's really shaking up her image. Maybe trying to distance herself from the white supremacist contingent without having to actually distance herself from them.
Didn't Felvae do something similar? Go from viking battlewitch to earthtoned elf damsel?
No. 1020453
>>1020436Only half way through so far but she is encouraging people to threaten not just suicide.. but also to threaten murder if they want to get help. She doesn't see making up lies about wanting to murder people as her being an empathy lacking brat.. nah it's the NHS that is at fault! lol
That and she complains about the lack of funding to the NHS as she sits there 35 years of age having barely paid a bill or any taxes in her life. She's wasting funds herself by lying for attention. I wonder about her poor (but obviously quite enabling) mother during all this 'I want to muder people' BS. Get a job and pay some bills, that'll sure give you less time to make up imaginary friends and imaginary murder compulsions, ffs
No. 1020464
>>1020447Spot on, she was bored and just wanted some attention. I mean she had to lie to even get the bed and then she was surprised when a mental ward was full of actually sick and sedated people. Genuis.
Did anyone notice she says 'we' were waiting on a bed, then kept saying we. I assume that's just her weird attachment to the mom but that woman must be approaching pensioner age. I would hope that the team coming out to their house now might arrange for social workers to hook her up with links to getting independant housing.
No. 1020488
>I am kinda glad someone else feels the same way about how some festivals like GPP, Return to the Batcave and WGT have changed. I always believed my thoughts about the recent developments are just exaggerated and that I was complaining too much. If one remembers the early 00s, it wasn't uncommon to hear people complain about similar issues, just more directed at how the scene back then was dominated by people wearing the uniformal dark romantic or Cyber style and how everyone was fed up seeing it everywhere.These were years of "i'm not goth" trend. In the 90's Eastern Europe for example 80s band were avoiding calling themselves goth, they sticked to "coldwave". Well,they were using that term since they started playing. Just name "gothic rock" were far less popular if not almost unknown in the region. They were typically dressing typical dark toned punk attire or dark everyday clothing with very samll amount of makeup if any. Well, makeup products, especially decent one were kinda luxury rarity in late soviet/post soviet reality. There was little bit better access to thrift stores in th 90's than during communist regime, so we get flooded with 2nd hand clothes typically from Germany.
>It's interesting, because the mass of genereic ready made clothing then, with brands like Lip Service, X-tra-X, Queen of Darkness and Aderlass, combined with the replacement of proper goth music with stuff from the Metal and Techno scenes was what sparked the formation of festivals like GPP. People then put effort into being individual, making their own clothes and not to imitate already existing styles. When you look at photos from early "trad" goth festivals from around 2000 to 2009 you see very diverse styles. Not two people looked the same. People even dared to wear color. And the playlists were pretty killer too. I'm not an enemy of alternative brands, but when they start to make majority of wardrobe there is something seriously troubling. You can look goth in even in pretty normie clothing if you put some effort in unusal matching elements and/or makup. Heck,that's pretty much what was being done back in the '80s. In many cases only non normie element of look was ghostly/ghoulish/vampiric makeup. Ironically so called modern tradgoth adopts that style in a manner of transplantation of mostly whole look together with 80's clothing and accesories rather than taking idea itself and using modern counterparts. No,I don't have anything against 80s design of clothing, just when I see a groups of people that constantly dress like they robbed some secret storage magazine of stok 80s clothing I still have some underskin tension that something is missing. I think it's just "the excess" that troubles me. It's like some sort of compulsive obsesive disorder. And also these "does" and "don'ts" that people belive and that make me want to put on "the Crow" makeup every time I hear them mentioned. If you know what I mean.
>What I noticed the last years was an influx of what one would call Fashion Goths on one side and "Hipster Goth" on the other. The former all sport the uniformal cliché of an 80s Grufti you describe, with very little personal influence. They are all carbon copies of each other. In my local German speaking community we sometimes call them "Glitter Goths", and that's not meant to be positive, rather snarky - basically Goths who are too concerned looking pretty and perfect for a photo."Instagram perfection". The clean (clinical and sterile) lines of eyeliner and perfectly symmetric application of eyeshadow.
To me goth is a branch of punk. And I don't associate punk with perfectly ironed clothing without any spot of washed out colour. I started to attend gothic festivals relatively late (well in my 20s but I was aware of existence of the scene since like early 00's - my early teens) and I was shocked after I visited WGT for 1st time in my life when I realized how so many people (even of trad crowd) were dressed like they bought every single piece of their pardon me "uniform" specially to be worn just for the festival. Far cry from more chill and lose way of dressing I have seen in 90s WGT photos. Even teased hairstyles looked like done in professional salloon than gholish D.I.Y. creativity. Unrecognizable compared to what I have seen in the pictures that fascinated me so much as a teenager.
>Also, maybe it's just me, there has been strong influence from Drag as well. Everyone kinda wants to imitate their fav Drag Queen. One could say it isn't exactly new as some goths and wavers have taken inspiration from Drag performers like Divine before, but it could be unique and fresh - if it wasn't everyone doing it.I did notice that in Germany. But it seems much more minor outside. Well, every country has some fashion influences and trends. Speaking of trends - Germany seems like the strongest trend seter in Central and Eastern Europe.
>With the Hipster Goth crowd it's tricky… some complain they look too "normie" and that they are just people who claim to love Joy Division and The Cure to get extra points for being super alternative and hip. Others like that the Hipsters are not as overdressed and do not give in to the whole fashion show aspect of the subculture and view them as more authentic. In my local scene people dressing "not so normie" are rarity and I cringe every time I read stories from other countries about how they used to allow only people "properly dressed" to enter clubs and venuse. Here they would get bankrupt very quickly.
>Also there is a shift in the music featured in those festivals. GPP especially panders now more to the synth- and retrowave crowd, when originally the event was more centered around guitar based wave and post-punk, especially deathrock. They still have the stage that plays deathrock and goth rock, but minimal wave and EBM have started to take over the main hall of Werk 2. It's ironic, because the people who made up GPP were extremely opinionated against any heavy synth and electronic-based music in the 00s. Anyone remember those stickers that kinda said "No Rave in my Goth" and "Death to Techno Pop"? Well, the '00s ended a decade ago. Significant among of millenials that make nowadays good portion of participants grew up on 80s synth movie tracks and '90s eurobeat. A lot of the 90's goth rock bands did use synths one way or another.Synths are natural element of music to us. I myself like a lot of bands with noticable usage of synthesizer. But also many guitar dominated acts are part of my music album collections.
To me personally we should consider the whole value of music, not just some arbitrary criteria like "is this band having under 15% of notes played on synthesizer, or is this guitars only?". Or "if this band uses guitar effects that were not invented until the mid 90's I don't listen to them!".
>And before I sound like I only have things to complain about: I do like that the scene had such a big revival in the last years and the online spread and popularity of 80s and early 90s Goth def had something to do with it. Before 2010 it was very hard to find many people who still listenin to actual Goth and there was really a lot of misinformation online. Yes,I agree. And I would partially blame the scene itself because of the awersion to the term "goth" that some parts of the scene developed at soe point around the '90s and '00s. They started to look for new names or re implementing old regional terms (coldwave, deathrock, darkwave) for them instead of trying to eduacte newcomers. So we ended with newcomers that get bombarded with things like confusing harsh electro with goth and metal and the same time being informed that "deathrock is not gothick rock and coldwave is not gothic rock as well and darkwave is also different, and Neue Deutsche Todeskunst and other terms we don't even remember nowadays". That were times of steering total confusion. Partially by people who had no idea what they are talking about, partially by the scene itself. The most absurd result that died around 4-5 years ago was "What type (victorian? fairy? tribal? folk? fetish? etc) of goth are you"?
>Then youtube channels like IBF, Kazlovesbats, Killnatalie and blogs like Spontis appeared and there was a newfound interest. However, I also feel that the revival is now reaching its peak, if not already past it, and the scene now suffers from the same problem that it had in the mid 90s: way too many carbon copies, everyone wearing an uniform, creative stagnation and too many sub-par bands (who sound like less good versions of 80s and 90s groups) flooding the market. Social media has amplified that even more - so many people are now part of the scene for clout and likes and not genuine interest. Then with the current covid-19 situation killing off venues and clubs, I doubt the revival will be as big in the 20s as it was at the begin of the 10s.Dunno, I feel like last serously interesting times of real musical creativity were around the late '90s. Suprisingly I mean here mostly the USA bands - with acts such as Faith and the Muse, Mors Siphilitica, Switchblade Symphony (to me Serpentine Gallery is one of top albums in goth history). They dared to incorporate newer music styles but remained connected to goth roots.
Miserylab from about 10 years ago was interesting act too.
But there are acts like Whispering Sons or Second Still that kinda fill the void and I are not being tat much of carbon copies. Also band Soft Moon that typically are more industrial were in interesting way flirting with gothic music on their "Softt Moon" album. I also don't get too much trends of isolating themselves from ethereal and dream pop that started like around the very late '90s. It's like evryone pretend that they went separate ways despite mostly sharing listeners with "modern goth proper™".
Dunno what will future bring. At this point we can have the mide/late 90's revival and/or discovering eastern European and Asian, African, South American bands that are barely known to global goth population - that typicaly is aware of generic UK, USA bands plus their local and neighbour scenes bands. But other than that I see a lot of mental and (sub)cultural schemes that barelly anyone feels in need of overcoming in pursuit of some fresh air. We need to concentrate more on doing what we like than following schemas. Otherwise we will end as a form of a parody of some orthodox religious cult.
(wall of text derailing) No. 1020508
>>1020436She claimed to be homicidal and is surprised they put her in a "serious" hospital.
9lad she's getting therapy now. She obviously needs it. But ye gods, the stupidity…
No. 1020561
>>1020418Me too. I wonder if she is going to pull an Avelina and claim she is “no longer goff” kek.
>>1020433I may be crazy but I notice she isn’t really interacting as much with Lauren anymore. Something must be up.
Of course if we mention it they will go right back to sucking each other’s asses and acting like nothing is wrong.
Lauren went from trad goth/metal, to techno viking, to this fucking hodgepodge of slutty cottage wench couture. And at one point she was doing nudes, not sure if she still does it seeing as her and Mr. Cro Magnon are now larping as a traditional Saxon couple, grinding wheat on stones and tossing birch runes.
No. 1021174
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What the fuck is this animation psychara did for attitudeholland supposed to be?
No. 1021328
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I kind of wonder if the hair cutting is due to stress from dealing with these dumb fucks.
No. 1022755
>>1022616Dogwhistles are a thing. Very few nazis will outright tell you they're nazis.
Though personally I would put Adam and Lauren in the white supremacist category. Though Adam's "blood and soil" stuff makes me wonder.
No. 1022762
>>1022616>- survival of the fittest by active physical elimination of the weakest- cult of power of leader and domination of own ethnic group
Like say, Varg does?
But this is an incredibly narrow defenition of neonazis that most people, including neonazis, would reject.
No. 1022781
>>1022762Yeah. It's a pretty common trick of pedants.
>this isn't X, because the formal definition of X is…And then provide a narrow definition that nobody uses. But as long as you say it with enough confidence people tend to assume that you looked it up and picked a common sefinition, rather than just one that helps them make their point.
>>1022616I'm not white. Why would you assume everyone calling out racists is a white person looking for brownie points rather than either a POC who has to deal with this bullshit on the regular or just an ally who wants to not spread racist bullshit.
No. 1022948
>>1022902This one person pops in and posts videos. Maybe the same as
>>1005997 ?
They sure are good at making themselves not look like nazis…
No. 1022987
>>1022952Bad grammar troll anon gets easily
triggered wehen people mention neonazis.
If you're using Laibach (a band that describe themselves as "not NOT fascists" and performed for the North Korean regime) to make a point about something being non-fascist, maybe re-examine your choices.
No. 1022991
>>1022987Laibach is facist you say?
Do you consider them to be neo nazis too?
How about Nachtmahr?
No. 1023007
>>1022991Laibach call themselves fascist. I have no idea if they are neonazis. I'd have to look into their statements on that.
Nachtmahr might or might not be neonazis. I don't know. I know that they use a lot of nazi imagery and themes in order to sell records and tickets to neonazis. I know that a lot of neonazis show up at their gigs. And I know they use way more nazi imagery and phrasing when performing outside of germany, because a lot of the stuff they do violates german hatespeech laws.
So, you know, not great.
I also know that you're baiting and spamming. Because you're not actually that good at debating but you are amazing at generating a giant volume of bullshit and flooding the board.
Unfortunately, Lolcows is not the safe space you are looking for.
No. 1023016
>>1023009Meh. I don't know. But even if I take your word for it, "doing lots of nazi shit to sell stuff to nazis" really isn't that much better than being a fascist.
>i don't believe in national socialism, and i say that I don't. But I also constantly hint that I maybe really do to make money off neonazis, and make my concerts and fan communities a rallying place for neonazis in doing so.Don't know if it makes them fascists, but it makes them assholes.
No. 1023024
>>1023007>Laibach call themselves fascist. I have no idea if they are neonazis. I'd have to look into their statements on that.They don't care what you call them.
Just like that guy from Death In June don't care.
Does that make both bands a part of the same political agenda?
No. 1023026
>>1023024Don't know. But if Laibach say they're fascists, I'll believe them.
I'm sure they don't care what I call them. I don't expect them to. Why would they?
Does that change whether or not they identify themselves as fascists?
No. 1023039

>I'm sure they don't care what I call them. I don't expect them to. Why would they? Does that change whether or not they identify themselves as fascists?
Does it matter what do they identify themselves as? Does it matter what they are at all? Do you care about political views of Wagner when you listen to the music he composed? So many questions. So short life.
>At least you're not a grammar nazi. I feel pretty confident stating that.Never before had Stirlitz been so close to failure.
>Watch this clown flood the board with every single slightly edgy band in the history of goth and industrial, playing the "is this fascist" game.Have some mercy. Not everyone was born with nazifinding general gene. Some people need guidiance on their path. I'm willing to learn. I hope we are going to reach unison on the topic of objective criteria of what is nazi and what is not nazi. The fact we don't agree on everything means I'm still having a long way ahead of me. But I hope I'm going to reach your level of enlightenment one day.
No. 1023048
>>10230398chan has taught you well little shitstirrer. But this is lolcow. Cows doing nazi shit is milk. You working through whatever combination of loneliness, bitterness, and autism led you to the place you are is not.
And if you consider saying a band who actively states that they are fascist are fascists to be "nazifinding superpowers" you don't strike me as very observant.
No. 1023062
>>1023059Well, googling "laibach fascist" gives you quite a few hits, the first one of which is the time they say they "are fascist in the same way hitler was a painter.: which, to paraphrase John Oliver, means they are fascist, but bad at it.
They also say thay they "are fascist and want to bring fascism to the masses."
If they are disingenuous here or not, they are still saying they're fascist. They also serve as a propaganda tool for the Noryh Korean regime, which is a fascist state.
No. 1023068
File: 1597445827669.jpg (795.18 KB, 1070x1800, 20200815_005552.jpg)

Can you both just shut up? Some of us are here for milk. And to wonder why her face looks like this in every single photo.
No. 1023072
>>1023062>Well, googling "laibach fascist" gives you quite a few hits, the first one of which is the time they say they "are fascist in the same way hitler was a painter.: which, to paraphrase John Oliver, means they are fascist, but bad at it.Yay, I can google answer to every question. First hit is the most true answer. No need for thinking. Weeeeee
The fact you trust interpretation of some mc Donald quality media figure as an authority is kind of hilarious but not surprising to me.
I feel nostalgic when I remind myself about the '80s punk slogan - "Turn Off TV, Turn On Thinking". Oh,these tears of joy.
Also look at
>> 1023068and think again are you really the Vox Populi here.
No. 1023086
>>1023068Sorry Anon. You're right. I should stop taking the bait.
She looks like a ventriloquists dummy
No. 1023093
Holy shit. What happened in this thread.
>>1023007Laibach used this iconography to troll the communist authorities in Slovenia and Yugoslavia where they are from back in the '80s. They stirred controversy on purpose to challenge the regime's crackdown on freedom of expression. Nachtmar is inspired directly by Laibach.
If you're actually taking a video like this seriously, you're trolling only yourself.
No. 1023096
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>>1023068I am going to hell for this.
No. 1023098
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>>1023096Besides that, I miss her old moody photos. Why oh why did she decide to do cottage core? She looks better in a darker scheme.
Also I wonder what happened to the NSFW phase.
No. 1023101

>>1023093Dafaq, why and when that video get flagged as +18?
Ah,right it has titties in the opening scene. It took like 12 years or longer for youtube to flag it. Hilarious.
>>Holy shit. What happened in this thread.Decades old story - stereotypical thinking and unwillingness to break mental schemas. Like dressing in uniform = militaristic attitude. Dressing in Nazi or German uniform from any other epoch = following ideology of NSDAP.
Maybe some discomfort caused by their art had it's role too.
Also desire to become a mythical hero smashing every undercover fascism no matter is it real or imaginary.
It's like they think life is an RPG with achievements and experience points. They are players and game masters in one person.
>Laibach used this iconography to troll the communist authorities in Slovenia and Yugoslavia where they are from back in the '80s. Phrase "troll the communists" is a definition of neonazism to many younglings nowadays. Don't except them to get your point. To them communism = free health care and other welfare. Gulags, ban of rock music and mass executions based on material status and mass starvation during collectivisation is not what they see when they hear C-word.
No. 1023126
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>>1023039>So many questions. So short lifei like you anon, polite sage for derailing
No. 1023127
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>>1023119She knows too how to pose without looking like she has mild down’s. Her old photos her teefus were visible but she didn’t look so damn weird. Well, at least we know she probably has no problems eating raw carrots.
No. 1023133
>>1023127I wonder what changed. Is she trying to tap into the goatfucker market? Does adam like his women not just submissive but mentally hobbled? Is she trying to sell her teeth as advertising space?
Look, she can't help her unfortunate tooth situation. But she can clearly close her mouth and not look like she just snorted pink glitter. It's such a weird choice.
No. 1023141
>>1023133Kek I bet they are trying to capitalize on the cute sexy country bumpkin aesthetic. Buck teeth and boobs, a winning combo.
I legit think it is lame that she is the one hustling while Adam lays around and plays at being a Saxon warrior with his other loser friends.
No. 1023147
>>1023141Ugh. There's a horrendous thought.
Didn't someone mention that she quit her dayjob to promote his "music career" instead?
No. 1023149
>>1023147She claimed she wanted to leave her day job for her shop so she could make generic wiccan jewelry and granny girdles.
I would not be surprised at all if she did it to support her mighty man.
No. 1023355
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So just as I figured, last night Mara conveniently showed up on Lauren’s latest photo after them being relatively quiet for the past couple of days…
No. 1023359
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>>1023355And I do think Adam has some form of brain damage.
No. 1023728
File: 1597584288813.jpeg (747.82 KB, 828x1461, 587ECAFA-BE6B-4017-B132-9FBAF5…)

It looks like ReeRee is back for now.
No. 1023729
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>>1023706Only $130. What a steal.
>>1023728Good for her, if she's getting a degree and getting her life together. Much better than what she was doing before.
No. 1023838
>>1023825It is.
And it already sold out.
No. 1023871
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Adora and Victoria are hanging out again; Adora is now shilling her dry ass lip lacquers which look like all the bajillion others out there on the market.
>>1023729Can they please learn how to do something that isn’t craft store jewelry 101? So fucking tired of the same yarn + circle with a crystal in the middle + random wiring = $350, $29.95 s&h.
No. 1023948
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>>1023873It sounds like she’s getting into something medically related? Do they have those 6-month nursing degree programs in Australia like in the US? Lol
No. 1024399
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>What was the last time you have seen brass or golden jewelery on a gothlong long time
No. 1025280
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Kaya update 1/2
Guess the move is off. It's almost like it was a terrible idea to begin with.
No. 1025281
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Kaya update 2/2
Her face looks less poxravaged. But here's to hoping whatever she does is working.
I know absolutely nothing about skincare. Are these topical treatments or some kind of supplement?
No. 1025349
>>1025281It's good she finally addressed it before it became a lot worse.
>>1025325It's really a blessing in disguise. You just know that she would've complained about being in Barcelona because of the much warmer weather.
No. 1025401
>>1025325"I want a bigger house and I want it now" basically
Anyone living in Ireland in the last few years has heard about the homelessness crisis non fucking stop. It's all over Ireland but includes families stuck in hostels in belfast for obscenely long times, just living in limbo and becoming isolated even pre-covid. Being aware of that makes listening to this self pity shite a hundred times harder to stomach.
No. 1025417
>>1025374Thank you anon for saving me a moment in my life.
>>1025401I am in the US and was actually reading about the Irish housing crisis a month ago. Proof she is living in her own little world. You know she is aware she has issues but she is just too much of a fat snowflake to change.
No. 1025596
>>1025401I didn't know that Ireland is having a homeless problem, that's really sad to hear and yeah, just makes her whinging about not being able to get a bigger house more annoying. Like at least they have a place that they can currently afford.
They just need to chill and make do with what they have. I don't understand why these muppets complain about not having space. Kaya just sits on her butt unboxing shit, you don't really need that space and Jake sits in their studio gaming, again they don't need that much space.
No. 1025626
>>1025325if she thinks moving will solve all her problems she's more deluded than i thought
why does she need a bigger house? maybe cut back on buying (HOARDING) so many clothes and random spooky box and witches shit she doesn't even use and maybe she would free up more space
she wants an excuse for everything, cant take any responsibility. miserable? must be belfast and all the "junkies" and "chavs" right kaya? every alternative person there hates the
toxic twosome yet they cant see they are the problem
if shes genuinely depressed moving wont fix that. she'll just be depressed miles away in another country instead. be grateful you even have a roof over you and your bfs fat heads and suck it up
No. 1025644
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So Dorian makes excuses for using Jeffrey Star and Shane Dawson's collab. Publically.
No. 1025646
>>1025644Most CEO's don't publicly do the shit Jeffrey Starr does. And you can "not care about the drama" all you want Dorian. But by giving him your money you're promoting it.
Love how her commitment to anything ends at "can't have the shiny thing."
No. 1025668
>>1022952>>1022987>>1023007> not getting that Laibach are a parody of fascism>>1024562I never kept up with Reeree, because I always thought she was super boring from her personality to looks. But what's her mental health history like? I mean it sounds pretty milky (albeit old milk) if she can't become a nurse because of it.
>>1025644She knows about indie brands right? Or, like, brands that aren't multi-million dollar corporations? Like whatever, she can support shit stains like Jeffree, but she's basically just saying, "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, so why care?"
No. 1025687
>>1025668Exactly. It's not like she has to make a binary choice between "only use Jeffrey Starr" and "live a barefaced drab existence wearing nothing but your party-issued blue overalls." There are thousands of makeup brands out there. And I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that at least a few of them are led by CEO's who do not scream the N-word in public or talk about wanting to throw bleach in a black woman's face to lighten their skin.
It would be one thing if she argued that she'd boughtvit before she was aware of the situation and didn't want to waste the product. But just declaring that she can't be bothered to be slightly inconvenienced is a dick move.
No. 1025710
>>1025626Exactly. She's not tackling the root of her problem and moving won't change that, all that will happen is their new house would become cluttered as she continues to buy/get sent shit that she doesn't use and then we'll be hearing her complain about how she's running out of space again.
I remember when she finally cleaned her attic and she freed up so much space in there. That's all she needs to do, just get rid of the shit she doesn't use or need anymore and she'll have more space again but I'm pretty sure she's just really depressed and she needs to get that addressed professionally, she's cooped up in her house most of the time and that's not helping it.
No. 1025731
>>1025325Sometimes I almost feel sorry for Kaya. She's obviously very depressed, and jer partner obviously doesn't love her that much and takes nothing more than a mercenary interest in her.
Then she pulls stuff like this and my sympathy for her evaporates instantly.
No. 1025763
>>1025686Jesus effin christ three times??
I remember her saying she broke up with her bf?
No. 1026061
>>1025325She's crying about not being able to move to Barcelona but tnen goes to complain about the heat in Northern Ireland? OK.
If they're that desperate to move but worried about Brexit and lockdown why doesn't Jake go before Brexit hits so he can stay then Kaya can organise things from N.I and join him afterwards… that way if Barcelona goes into lockdown she is still there for the pets etc ..
No. 1026159
>>1026140Who the hell is watching his videos? I get people like being entertained by stupid shit, but watching a video of some dude in pastel Manson makeup watch videos? I would say they're all kids, but there was a video of some 50 year old woman squeaking about how much she loves him and his content.
>>1025668I never got the hype with her channel, either. Some metalhead chick in a black dress saying she's goth
yawn. That's been happening for decades, not new and very boring.
>>1025857She shares too much, should keep this shit to her private Tumblr blog. It's not even milky, just depressing.
No. 1026174
>>1025325She needs "more space." You have a house. You turned an entire room into a wardrobe. You and your lovestump both have a separate studio space. You have a large backyard. I think it might be the hoard that's the problem honey, not the house.
What was she going to do? Ship all that stuff over to barcelona and cram it into the tiny apartment that would be all you could afford there?
They were never going to move. She just needs something to blame her laziness on.
No. 1026207
>>1026159I've been wondering this myself but I did take a look at the comments in one of his previous videos and it looks to me like most of his fans are teenagers. I don't know any actual Goths who watch his shit or think highly of him. I've seen the video of the 50 year old woman you're referring to but I feel like people like her are a minority, that it really is just mostly kids watching him and I'm sure he tries to attract them, why else does he make those obnoxious looking thumbnails?
As for ReeRee I'm pretty sure the main reason she got any traction is because of her looks. I never really thought much of her content and I caught on that she was not a real Goth but she has a conventionally pretty look and she talked about Metal music so yeah, not surprise she was able to find success at the time.
No. 1026210
>>1026174I feel like
>>1026150 may be right that they never had any intention of moving, they just wanted more money because they don't have jobs and they rely on donations to get by because while they do get paid through ad-sense, I can't imagine them getting that much it.
And you're right, they would've had even less space in Barcelona with a small apartment and they'd be bitching and complaining even more. And even if they got another house, it would've turned into a wardrobe style anyway. She just needs to get off her ass and actually take a day to sort through things and get rid of any shit she doesn't use or need anymore like any other normal person would do, it's not that fucking hard.
No. 1026219
>>1026174exactly. she was essentially saying she would have been more productive there when thats total bs. she would have been just as lazy and depressed there too. moving isn't going to magically fix her depression. its never her or jake(lovestump LOL love it) that's the problem it's everyone and everything else. pathetic
>>1026210this. i admittedly buy way too many clothes so i get the addiction and hoarding problem but ive made it a habit to go through everything every few days and put clothes into a donate/sell pile. ive made $300+ already and have far more space now. It definitely helps. all the free shit she gets from killstar could easily amass her a little fortune if she just sold it. She's not even grateful enough to her fans to do a giveaway
No. 1026254
Took me a while but I finally found a review of Stumpy's band that was not obviously written by him.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but…
>However, the problem is Munro himself, and more especially his vocals, which are weak and incompatible with the band’s overall sound: in fact, for the majority of the set, they are flat and dissonant. Technically, all three musicians are nigh on flawless (yes, the frontman is a pretty decent guitar player and pulls off some great precision work) but the songs are completely lacking in raw passion, as they play to a completely empty dancefloor and the applause generated is generously polite more than anything else.Here's the whole thing, No. 1026292
>>1026290It is small to them because they hoard freebies. It isn’t teeny weenie, and they don’t need anything bigger as they’ll continue to hoard, and might even be encouraged to stockpile more crap.
A year or so ago she was whining she wanted to move because their lawn is patchy and they don’t want to mow it, so they literally have a barnyard in the garden. And I think it got so bad their neighbor started cutting it.
No. 1026648
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Mai whining about body image for clout again. Wondering if she has any eating disorders, or if she is trying to be all mighty good girl again.
No. 1026688
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>>1026648She’s fishing for compliments.
She is just average all around. If you don’t like your body, work out, eat better, or get surgery. Not that hard.
No. 1026837
>>1026219> this. i admittedly buy way too many clothes so i get the addiction and hoarding problem but ive made it a habit to go through everything every few days and put clothes into a donate/sell pile. ive made $300+ already and have far more space now. It definitely helps. all the free shit she gets from killstar could easily amass her a little fortune if she just sold it. She's not even grateful enough to her fans to do a giveawayRight and that's normal. I had a bit of a clothes hoardign problem myself years ago but all it took was a simple sorting to take care of it. Kaya doesn't have a job and her videos are not that difficult to film, she has the time to clean up and have a sort day. If she cares that much for having more space, she needs to get off her ass and just do it. And yeah with all the Killstar stuff she has that we're more than sure she doesn't wear all of, she could easily sell it and build up a little fortune that she could save or use to something she actually likes.
>>1026254> but the songs are completely lacking in raw passion, as they play to a completely empty dancefloor and the applause generated is generously polite more than anything else.Ouch that is pretty… Depressing but not surprising.
No. 1026838
>>1026292 said. Their house is not some small shack, it is decent sized for a couple but the reason they don't have much space is because of their hoarding problem. Like I remember seeing a post where Kaya said that when she opened her closeted where she stuffs all her clothes, she got completely buried in a mountain of clothing. It was shared here in a previous thread but that should give you an idea of how bad their hoarding is.
No. 1027323
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I don’t really recall in all the years I have followed Mara her ever being into history. Now she’s tagging #historylovers on her latest photo set. Maybe it means nothing…
No. 1027341
>>1027323Probably nothing. We'll have to see if it's a trend.
Nitpick but she stares at that sword like she's distracted by how shiny it is.
No. 1027349
>>1027337She looked so much more ‘goth’ when she wasn’t trying as hard to be spooky/freaky.
>>1027341Lol I was laughing at the sword too. She’s trying to do the classic Jeanne d’Arc pose you see in a lot of paintings, but it isn’t translating well. Plus it looks like it is made of foam.
No. 1027718
>>1027337Wow, that is just baffling how she doesn't see how that's a problem and that has a problem.
>>1027572 said, she's never been Goth in her whole life but yeah, her look was a lot more naturalish and not like she's trying too hard. I feel like the only reason she's been making herself more extreme looking is to match her "lovestump". Because even he looked a lot more conventional/relaxed back then going off that video to where he's now just a sad Marilyn Manson/Bozzo the Clown knockoff.
No. 1028494
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Ruadhan being Ruadhan
No. 1028719
>>1028674Maybe she's so transfixed by that stupid foam sword because she's trying to will it to not wabble.
In the Netherlands it is technically illegal to carry a sword. If you have a permit (which are super easy to get as a LARPer) you can have one, and carry it in public if more than three separate actions are required to draw it.
In reality though, nobody gives a fuck. The only time a cop ever asked my friend, who is a historical reenacter, about his sword was because they just wanted to have a look at it and swing it around a bit.
She could have either done this shoot on private property. Or just not used a sword. No sword would be better than that sad foam thing. I've seen plastic swords at costume shops that would have looked better.
No. 1028906
>>1028494Karl Marx would be proud of such way of seizing means of production
True classless communism has been achieved that day
Dictatorship of the proletariat approves
Every dollar of social welfare spent on such way of fighting capitalism kills at least one kulak family.
No. 1029460
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No. 1029493
>>1017877>>1018022It's not just Mai and Moth hating on catinawitchhat. They hate every other alt girl with talent and decent looks because that's what they lack most. Manic Moth has been caught talking shit about artwithaliens/emily flederkatze. She said emily is ugly, she ruined her life with tattooing ugly lines on her face, she can't draw for flying fucks, and she is slutty for sharing nudes. Lol her jealousy is showing hardcore, she probably wished she had what emily has. Other girls aren't sluts just because they like their own bodies and have good sex lifes, unlike Moth who likes to complain about her wimpy boyfriend's performance in the bedroom to her friends. Also she has another friend whom she called a slut behind her back because the girl is a hot item on tinder. I'm friends with some of her friends, honestly snakes like Manic Moth needs to be nuked from the orbit. Those people deserve better friends than her
toxic ass. Most people are just friends with her and the wimp for clout anyway.
No. 1029511
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No. 1029513
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Looks like Orlee is still making cash off BALG.
No. 1029530
>>1029493This is juicy to me! I like Emily, I DM'd her out of curiosity a few years back and she was incredibly friendly and open. Where was this all being said? Manic Moth reminds me of those people who could lay out in a field on a nice day and never have a single nice thought pass through their mind.
That being said, Emily is a terrible artist and I fully believe that if she wasn't super mysterious-looking and naked, nobody would look twice at her paintings. If her instagram was just well photographed pieces that she's made, she'd probably have under 600 followers. A lot of her comments are from boomercoomers typing out pornhub-esque comments and it's weird to see.
No. 1029600
>>1029530>Manic Moth reminds me of those people who could lay out in a field on a nice day and never have a single nice thought pass through their mind.Probably she really doesn't. From what I caught Manic Moth goes from friend A to bitch about friend B, then to friend B to bitch about friend C, then goes to friend C to bitch about friend A. Her own family and her boyfriends' family are apparently always wronging her, there is a lot of name-calling on her part towards them. Bitch got an expensive La Mer creme for present from her family and she still won't let it go. The boyfriends' father performed life-saving surgery on her father, good samaritan still gets name-called since he doesn't give them any more money. It's a stream of never-ending negativity coming from her because she thinks she is soooo special the world owes her something. It's all private convo, I think she wouldn't admit to any of the shit she says behind people's backs. I hope her two-faced ways get caught on video one day. She deserves to be exposed.
I like Emily too. I really hope she doesn't turn out to be a cow, I would be sad. What did she say in your convo?
No. 1030209
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Yeah Dorian. Why would you ever want to move? Ask your mom how she feels about it.
No. 1030255
>>1029600That's hilarious, eventually it'll slip up. I've never seen a two-faced person have a healthy, longterm friendship.
I had just asked Emily about her dreadlocks and what method she used, and asked her about her schizophrenia diagnosis. She went off all medication and just uses mushrooms to cope. I think she's genuinely neat, and was very honest with everything. Never acted like I was bugging her, either!
No. 1030298
>>1030209I was rereading one of the ancient threads, and an anon brought up a good point. Dorian has her mom wrapped around her finger with that Aspergers diagnosis. I wonder how her mom, stepdad, and dad feel about taking care of a 35 year old woman who refuses to accept she's not a 16 year old anymore. And I wonder if the ghost thing is something she made up to seem even more insane.
She bitches about the goth scene in her city (which to my knowledge is near Birmingham), yet stays there. There is no reason she can't get a therapist, a job, and an apartment. She doesn't have Chris Chan level autism, Dorian is just lazy and likes using her family's money to buy a bunch of junk.
No. 1030479
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With friends like these who needs enemies.
Fucking funny though.
No. 1030504
>>1030497She felted wool rovings together in a neat blend of colour, and actually sewed them onto her existing dreaded hair. It wouldn't surprise me if she's crocheted them in now instead because they look more structured, if that makes sense. When they were sewn, strings were visible. Now not as much.
And yeah! Pretty cool approach to a horrible disorder, I'm glad she seems happy
No. 1030754
>>1030694Cat= Catinawitchhat. She has beef with Mai and Manic Moth.
Felvae= Lauren. She also has beef with them, but is a different, shitty, person.
No. 1030787
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>>1029493>>1018037Seriously Manicmoth has the nerve to call Emily ugly when she looks like her own uncle in drag… These girls need to lay off beauty apps real quick. It's not doing them a favor when they look vastly different on other people's photos. On the other hand I want to know if Emily is the real deal. If someone got her casual photos I want to check them out.
No. 1030924
>>1026648Mai clearly has a lot of body insecurities. And I think someone mentioned on a previous thread that manic moth used to be ana.
Which makes me wonder: how much of their falling out with Mara is a combination of their insecurities, and mara's habit of going "teehee, isn't it weird how skinny and tiny I am?"
Of course nobody involved could ever admit that. It goes against their feminist witch body positive image. But it must have wrangled.
No. 1031440
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No. 1031465
>>1031440Just checked out her twitter and she seems simultaneously obsessed with stumpypoo, and suffering a deep depression due to the death of her friend. Poor girl.
I can understand feeling lonely. But this leech is not your friend.
No. 1032500
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>>1030924Had your post in mind when i saw this pic of her. She doesn’t look as tiny and skinny as she projects it. Also since when does psychara do nudes??
No. 1033513
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" to subscribe! No explicit content, but I will be sharing
sexier content than I do on my other platforms. As well as a space to connect more deeply with my fans + share exclusive content"
No explicit content, but she has already posted videos of herself twerking and pictures of her showing her ass and cleavage in a bikini, so there's nothing new for her audience to see. I assume normie dudes will be the only ones fapping to this
No. 1033996
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No. 1035105
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They now working with killstar
No. 1035132
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No. 1035249
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Ruadhan on covid.
No. 1035303
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No. 1035554
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Speaking of those killstar ads, what is this editing
No. 1036002
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>>1035688Killstar flopped when they moved away from the whole American Horror Story occult vomit nonsense. They've toned it down quite a bit, they seem to just sell cutesy clothes that a lot of metalhead IG girls are wearing. Since everyone is "cancelling" Dolls Kill, they should pick up from there.
>>1035249I think he's gone crazier from being banned from the r/Goth discord. And speaking of that, anyone know why? Ruadhan says it's because he said he used to sneak into clubs at 14 with a fake ID and apparently he got banned because of that? Seems silly, imo.
Would also love to know why Kai Decadence and Angela Benedict are no longer friends, it's been mentioned in previous threads but no one's ever elaborated.
No. 1036003
>>1035688lmao I actually like a few Killstar things, and you are not wrong at all.
Their product photography has always been strange and shitty. It's been especially amusing lately since they've been scrambling to appear "inclusive."
Recently they had a clearly plus-sized model modeling a straight-size top, making it impossible to see what it would look like on someone with boobs below a size 42F. Then there's the infamous jewelry model with tons of neck and hand tattoos, so you can't see what the necklaces or rings actually look like. Not the smartest way to sell merchandise, but as long as you look ~edgy and woke~ doing it, you get clicks and likes.
Sorry for the sperg, it's just been so eye-rollingly bad lately.
No. 1036019
>>1036002Kai is a TERF.
As for Ruadhan, who knows. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't just for talking about sneaking into clubs underage, considering he's said far more flagrant shit than just that. I know that on a previous thread somebody who claims to know him IRL said that he tends to grab people by the ass and tells them he wants to fuck them without their consent. So maybe it was something like that. Also some reviews of his books say there's a lot of underage sex in there. Maybe he talked about that and got banned.
Or maybe he just sperged out over something irrelevant.
No. 1036024
>>1036019Probably. We know he lurks here. So maybe we'll find out. I know Angela kicked him out of her livechat on YT because he couldn't stop going on about how lockdown was literally killing him, and how some people dying would be worth it, then flipping out on people who disagreed with him.
In related news, he seems to have deleted the many fundraisers that were found in the previous threads.
No. 1036054
>>1036024> Probably. We know he lurks here. So maybe we'll find out. I know Angela kicked him out of her livechat on YT because he couldn't stop going on about how lockdown was literally killing him, and how some people dying would be worth it, then flipping out on people who disagreed with him.Wow I didn't know that happened but wit how Ruadhan is with his mental health, he would say something like that.
As for Kai being a Terf. I have seen some of his comments on some various videos during the JK Rowling thing. I'll be honest, I don't have any real opinion on the whole trans thing but I always thought that "Terf" was a "Radical Exclusionary Feminist". I've never heard Kai refer to himself as a feminist so how is he a Terf if he's not a feminist? And also from the comments I've seen, he simply doesn't believe in the ideology but has he like actually said anything that incites hatred? Like did he say "Kill all trannies" or something like that?
No. 1036084
>>1036054Apparently he referred to himself as a "gender critical feminist" on reddit. But that's only stuff I've heard from other Anons.
So I honestly don't know what he's said. Though if he referred to being trans as an "ideology" that doesn't bode well.
Does anybody have any clues on this?
No. 1036192
>>1036054>I don't have any real opinion on the whole trans thingBut…
>I have seen some of his comments on some various videos during the JK Rowling thingVery strange you have his same typing style and conveniently happen to come across multiple videos on a topic which you claim to not have "any real" opinion on, all of which oddly have comments by Kai? Kek!
>>1036024Poster turned lurker, he used to post,
a lot, he's the reason we got stuck with retarded claims on IBF being racist, whenever anyone would ask for proof, he'd mysteriously disappear.
No. 1036298
>>1036192Ugh. I remember. Someone suggested that his beef with dorian might be motivated by him being jealous of her. Then some Anon just happened to get incredibly defensive about that, throw wild claims around, and mysteriously dissapeared.
>>1036054>Like did he say "Kill all trannies" or something like that?That's the bar for trans exclusion then? Jesus. I agree with
>>1036192 on this one.
No. 1036416
>>1036192No, when I said that I don't have a "real opinion" on Trans, it's just not something I think about in terms of if I think it's a real thing or not, I've never met any trans people in my personal life. I admit that I haven't read up enough about it to formulate a stance and it wasn't until the JK Rowling thing where I started thinking a little more about it. I watched a response video by someone called Radical Responses and when I scrolled through the comments, I saw that he commented on it. I don't want to turn this into a blog post but I was just genuinely curious. I watch his videos and I don't want to support someone who's throwing hate speech but from the comment I saw it didn't seem malicious.
> he's the reason we got stuck with retarded claims on IBF being racistI saw that in a previous thread. Something about how she's racist against Maori people? But he never provided any evidence aside from her pale makeup preference but that's stupid because pale makeup doesn't mean you hate dark skin.
No. 1036471
>>1036419He also accused her of tax evasion. Again with no evidence. Which is so weird to me. Because there is so much about IBF to dislike. And the provable things he brought up were reasonable enough. If he wanted to call out IBF he reallly didn't have to make anything up.
The thing that really bugs me is that it meant a lot of heat was directex at frightsummers, who's video he was responding to. She got flooded with hate after that and seems to have left youtube. Which is a pity, since she posted a lot of great DIY videos.
Ruadhan really is a pretty vile person. Between the flinging accusations around, the sexual assault allegations, and the endless grifting and begging, he actually gets very little pushback.
No. 1036534
>>1036471>>1036515He definitely targeted IBF because he's jealous. He makes long boring videos talking about nothing, rarely ever getting to the point and gets nothing from it. But Freyja? She does the bare minimum, and still gets free clothes, makeup, and invited to events. His video towards her was very bitter and hateful.
His video towards Dorian came off as if he was making fun of her for being "non-binary" like yeah, it's cringe. She's a grown woman in her mid thirties. But he transitioned because of the same reason she calls herself trans. They both fetishize gay men, Dorian just didn't turn herself into a short balding fat hairy creeper with a whiny middle-aged woman's voice. She also makes long waffly videos, and like IBF, gets free clothes and items just for talking to a camera.
>>1036292Got any milk on him? DaveAzoicer, DeadDeathRocker, and commiesocialist seem to be embarrassing individuals.
No. 1036561
>>1036534Yup. His stated beef with Dorian was her starting shit for attention. A true pot vs kettle situation. He also made fun of her for being an aspie, while he himself claimed to be neuroatypical. And for being a junkie. Which is a laugh. Watch one of his medication hauls and see how many painkillers he's on. Don't know what he's telling his doctors, but it must be impressive.
Dorian is a whiny special snowflake pain in the ass. But she's not nearly as randomly vicious as Ruadhan is. I'm sure he genuinly disliked Freeza. Most of us do. But I'm pretty sure the reason he made a video about it was because her name brings traffic to his channel.
It was at the same time as him starting a fundraiser to hire an exterminator. So that couldn't have hurt.
>They both fetishize gay men, Dorian just didn't turn herself into a short balding fat hairy creeper with a whiny middle-aged woman's voice. Could we not pathologize trans identities please? But I think you're right about them making similar videos but dorian getting more out of it.
No. 1036576
>>1036561>Could we not pathologize trans identities please?This is an imageboard, not PULL. I recommend reading the entire website and not just this thread, there are more "mean" words on here than mine. But I'll bite, how is it you want someone to take trans identities seriously, but continuously refer to Dorian with female pronouns, which she does not like? So her identity is less "
valid" than Ruadhan's?
No. 1036583
>>1036576She says that she doesn't care about pronouns and often uses female pronouns to refer to herself. But I didn't say anything about identities being
valid or just
valid. I just don't think we should ascribe trans identities to fetishising gay men. You do bring up a good point though. I did make myself sound like a hypocrite. I should do better.
Speaking of which, another parallel between them is that they're both writers focussing on queer identities. I don't know if Dorian actually has anything like an audience for their writing. But I think some people might have bought the book because of their youtube channel. Ruadhan doesn't seem to have any audience. The only references and reviews for his book are written by himself. Perhaps another point of jealousy?
No. 1036733
>>1036534Yeah I was going to say that Ruadhan is the less successful Dorian. Dorian may waffle on about shit that isn't important but I have to admit that at least she doesn't come off as bitter which makes it actually not so bad to listen to her talk. And it helps that her production value is at least passable.
>>1036561> It was at the same time as him starting a fundraiser to hire an exterminator. So that couldn't have hurt.I didn't know that the fundraiser started in the same time he did the IBF video. Maybe he was hoping that his "callout" video would've made his channel blow up and he would be swimming in YouTube revenue and hilariously backfired though it sucks that FrightSummers got most of the heat.
No. 1036763
Ruadhaun and Dorian do have a hell of a lot in common, both completely entitled nutcases, not even having a toenail in the real world. I find both to be smug annoying prats who ramble about nothing but he is that bit worse, because of ebegging/ and his severe ADD so unfortunately he can't make remotely coherent content.
He needs to try doing shorter, focused videos on one goth/ goth adjacent topic. Not long boring videos about cleaning the kitchen or food bank hauls. But he'd never take advice and try it.
Dorian sort of stays on topic at least. I found her sex ghost video hilarious so she has the potential to be unintentionally funny at least.. Ruadhaun thinks he is so witty but he is basically an endurance test. Imagine having to entertain his company IRL.Like if you work in a local pagan shop or something, nightmare.
Ruadhaun call out video of IBF was well timed as everyone on here was railing non stop against her excessive materialism and worthless, empty content.
Can't stand her but at least she tried new ideas to change her channel's content. Her latest video is about a bat kite she made, didn't watch it, not endorsing her or anything.
That is the difference tho, IBF has her anxiety "issues" but Ruadhaun and to a lesser extent Dorian are on a different level with their mental issues, incapable of moderating their behaviour in small ways which would make their life much simpler,better. Tho I think Dorian was in a mental hospital this summer but tried to pass it off as being hospitalised for the flu or something?
Yeah that call out video of IBF got some people feeling sorry for Ruadhaun and donations came in that paid for his exterminator.
While on paper the guy seemed like he could make interesting content due to all his interests and actually being an old school goth he never remotely got it together.
Not too sure if the many subsequent
fundraisers bore fruit? Did he get the vintage bike paid for? I haven't kept up with his terrible videos but he seemed to have ppl occasionally sending him wish list gifts like almond milk 6 packs as of 6 months ago.
One of us should volunteer to read their novels to see which is the most cringy. Dorian's is about (what eles) gay vampires, I believe his is a glamourised autobiography.I don't think they are free so I'm not volunteering to plow thru them.
Both do music and Ruadhaun has a band camp, not sure if Dorian is still trying to sell her music or if she has a bandcamp where it's free to listen?
I don't care if Kai is a terf, his videos are well researched and he seems a polite person with interesting insights online. (His Comments on other goths YT videos, )
Not every goth/alt person(or normie for that matter) who is skeptical about the huge over emphasis on trans issues is a Trump loving right-winger..
Unless someone here is close friends with Angela Benedict and/or Kai how can you be sure they fell out over kai being a terf? Ppl stop chatting online for all sorts of reasons, if Kai is no longer turning up for her livestream to interact in comments maybe his schedule changed or whatever other mundane reason..?
No. 1036790
>>1036763>Not every goth/alt person(or normie for that matter) who is skeptical about the huge over emphasis on trans issues is a Trump loving right-winger..Nobody said anything about Trump. You can be transphobic regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum. Again, weird how the most adamant defender of Kai on this board has a very similar typing style to him and also keeps saying disparaging things about the advancements of trans rights.
>One of us should volunteer to read their novels to see which is the most cringy. Dorian's is about (what eles) gay vampires, I believe his is a glamourised autobiography.I don't think they are free so I'm not volunteering to plow thru them.i think Dorian's is a short story collection. If any Anon wants to bite the bullet: buy the ebook, download it, disconnect your kindle from the internet, read the book, reconnect, and ask for a refund. That way you won't give them money.
No. 1036801
>>1036793Kai is mostly active on Reddit I think. Didn't other anons mention him having a sockpuppet account there and defending himself? Or am I confusing him with somebody else?
Him selfposting here is pretty sad. But not unexpected.
No. 1036896
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This photo makes her face look so unfortunate. How can she miss this?
No. 1036934
>>1036791This. Does anyone not remember when there was a Gender Critical thread here? There were all kinds of things being said in that sub.
>>1036763> Unless someone here is close friends with Angela Benedict and/or Kai how can you be sure they fell out over kai being a terf? Ppl stop chatting online for all sorts of reasons, if Kai is no longer turning up for her livestream to interact in comments maybe his schedule changed or whatever other mundane reason..?Someone mentioned in a previous thread that Angela was saying that he was a Terf and that she didn't want to associate with him anymore. I wasn't there so I don't know what exactly was said.
No. 1037273
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>>1037240>Those were old postsSo 2 months ago is old now? He still complains about muscular gay men not wanting to bang him even in his comments on Reddit. Also, put sage in the email field. Not to be mean or whatever, but no one cares about your views on transgenders. Yes, Cemetery Confessions sucks dick now. Daniel went full SJW, was whining because people aren't calling him a they or them.
>>1037261I believe he has gender dysphoria. What man who's content with being gender non-conforming pretends to be a woman unironically? He obsessively posts on KF about how Blaire White doesn't pass, how deformed she looks, only closet cases date her, etc.
No. 1037346
>>1037240angela said he gave her the opportunity to unfriend him because of his views and she took it, which was nice of him. I'm not even really a fan of kai (not a hater either, just neutral) but I love angela which is why it makes me sad that she can't be friends with someone who has a different opinion or at least try to see from his point of view, but whatever.
also speaking of ruadhan, I already mentioned this a while back but during angela's stream he kept sperging out about quarantine, at one point a girl suggested he meditate for his anxiety and he told her to go fuck herself. ruadhan is a selfish narc asshole and doesn't deserve any sympathy from anyone.
No. 1037356
>>1037346Well if that's all that really happened, it sounds like it wasn't really a nasty falling out, just a difference of views because it doesn't seem like they are badmouthing each other.
> at one point a girl suggested he meditate for his anxiety and he told her to go fuck herself. ruadhan is a selfish narc asshole and doesn't deserve any sympathy from anyone.That is fucked up, what an asshole. Angela did the right thing cutting him lose because he would've just brought her streams down if he would be acting like that to her audience.
No. 1037449
>>1036934The reddit threads have basically become a “soft” gencrit placeholder but it works since reddit is full of that shit. Godspeed to that anon lol.
>>1036896She only looks 75% human when she’s really made up. Otherwise she looks like a goth hot dog.
No. 1037726
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>>1037413I fell down the rabbit hole of the whole Terf thing and I've been watching a few videos made by De-Trans people and it's funny that Kai is being mentioned because I did find this comment he left on a channel called GNC Centric. I don't know about the Blaire White stuff but this may give some insight into why he feels the way he does about transgender.
No. 1037742
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>>1037726You definitely have to be him, the comment you posted is on a video with only 4,127 views and the person only has like 3,000 subscribers, it is also a year old. This isn't even in the top search when you search for detrans videos… this woman also is not even slightly well known in the detrans community, huh?
No. 1037751
>>1037742Yes. I was about to say the same thing. This Anon fell very far down a very specific rabbit hole in a very specific direction.
This has to be Kai. Deeply sad. If he's working through his gender dysphoria by posing as a woman on kiwifarms it's not at all illogical that he would be posting here.
Serious skeptic trading in free speech here. Not a petty sadsack motivated by spite and a fragile ego.
For fucks sake. Buy some bolt on tits and get on with it.
No. 1038012
>Just here to make the point that not all goths are raging SJWs on gender issues/critical race theory etc, it's a shame if r/goth and cemetery confessions are trying to promote the idea that you must hold certain political opinions in order to be goth.I think it's just American centrism showing - Cemetary Confessions indeed went into mostly political stuff recently. But it's just USA politics and USA political problems. I do not recall it having any audition on for example LGBT+ rights in Russia - that also has goth scene and quiet few goths there are not straight CIS males/females and their situation in the society is seriously fucked up.
European scene is diverse politically and we are very much aware of that fact here in Europe.
Also even when having strong political beliefs it's not as much of a custom to throw them in everybody's faces as it seems to be a case in the USA.
We also don't analize political views of every single member of band before wa proclaim we do listen to that band and enjoy their music. Every single time I see disputes online about some band "having _wrong_ political views" it's around 90% chance that it's started by a person from the USA.
Good portion of the '80s center and eastern European goth (or "cold wave" as that term were used there typically) bands if ever mentioned any political themes and any allusions were made by them were more around center right position with religious themes and patriotic up to on some occasions civic nationalism.
I would say the cold wave had the strongest tendencies to be more right wing than general punk.
Good amount of reasons for that are connected to:
1. Communist regimes of that region that was suppressing religion and local national identity in favor of atheistic "internationalism" (in reality more Russian-centrism with Russian as "ligua franca"). So for example for Ukrainians or Belarusians artists/punks/goths/cold wavers using Ukrainian and Belarusian language was an act of rebelion against systemic russification in Soviet Union. Listening to punk (including cold wave) was frowned upon by communist regimes. Police/Militsia in many countries had "custom" of acting violently against people in alternative punk attire just in a mere case of walking by them on the street. Few blows of rubber police baton were the last annoying "adventure" in these times. You may have ended in arrest with few hours of interrogation (possible additional "forms of massage with use of long rubber items or bare hands") as "bonus" in "mild case". The "most unliked for obvious reasons" case was the one when you "have an accident" typically by falling from height or "drowning" or scenario when you "hang yourself" or "disapper without a trace".
2. Central/Eastern Europe was for centuries an area of intense ethnic conflicts - that around up to mid 20 century were typically struggles for independence from various regional superpowers and quiet morbid and eerie Romanticism era literature and poetry influences were very strong in art and music due to patriotic themes of strugle around times of formation of modern national identities in Europe. Romanticism was also typically full of supernatural (pagan, occult and christian) and creepy horror motives that made it quiet appealing to incorporate them into music themes of regional variant of goth.
That's also why some bands have Bizantine church music and local folk music influences in their sound.
When you walk into concerts in the region with hammer and a sicle on your shirt you would get quiet a number of annoyed gazes as it's for many people there as evil as walking with Third's Reich Reichsadler. These symbols are discredited by the USSR even in eyes of many quiet far left leaning groups. Walking with Third Reich or Soviet Union insignias is a good recipe for getting your ass kicked by pretty much everyone with a short temper. They are just symbols of mass murders, violence, tortures, judical crimes and misuse of power. When in the West people get shocked that we treat commies as equally bad as nazis.
No. 1038169
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Only been on hour over 2k from these snacks .
No. 1038626
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is she legit pregnant? imagine the views a filmed birth would get
No. 1038701
>>1038626She’s probably gotten fatter, and the slouching plus poorly fitting clothing isn’t helping her gut.
You never know with these cows, though…
No. 1038920
File: 1600127858708.png (2.34 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200915-005636.png)

He is so not nice .fat Jake
No. 1039003
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No. 1039588
File: 1600222243377.jpg (359.8 KB, 1780x2206, 20-08-20-13-35-06-377_deco.jpg)

I hope this is not out of place, but can anyone tell me what's going on here?
Adora really must have pulled a number on Coalcandy.
Something juicy must have happened?
I need to know!
No. 1039610
>>1039588I actually thought those were two different people at first and was so confused.
She fucks up all her friends in some way.
No. 1040327
File: 1600345946127.png (356.2 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200917-133141.png)

This is what his snack that fills red box's are paying for .
No. 1040404
File: 1600358980985.jpg (197.54 KB, 370x730, qwertyu.jpg)

is this the right place for Andy LaPlegua? his wife posted that two days ago but already deleted it and apologized. some milk here, please?
No. 1040414
File: 1600359857048.jpeg (169.87 KB, 750x467, 1F13E34A-5801-49A6-9CF9-78710A…)

>>1040404Oh this is juicy.
No. 1040436
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No. 1040647
File: 1600385149107.png (764.78 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200918-002645.png)

No. 1040658
File: 1600386269578.png (666.8 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200918-004341.png)

Killstar be having toxic two ..
No. 1041864
File: 1600556877596.png (2.91 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200920-000850.png)

No. 1042038
File: 1600604890041.png (188.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200920-131629.png)

So m&m are falling apart…
No. 1042076
>>1042038Lol. Who could have seen that coming!
Let the sniping begin.
No. 1042152
File: 1600618250250.png (2.9 MB, 828x1792, 5894311D-01D5-44CE-BB86-96E8B3…)

Samefag but
No. 1042247
File: 1600628852098.png (531.35 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200920-200803.png)

No. 1042248
File: 1600628935439.png (633.91 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200920-200738.png)

So far he made over 5k on this 12 hour .not over yet
No. 1042254
File: 1600630175830.png (533.87 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200920-203019.png)

These people not right
No. 1042315
File: 1600642099835.png (12.64 KB, 524x98, difjdsifsd.png)

This person donated $99.99 to Jake then wrote this in chat immediately after. This is honestly upsetting
No. 1042321
File: 1600643848855.png (36.79 KB, 682x268, fdgfdgfd.png)

>>1042315This person definitely has mental health issues
No. 1042354
>>1042317He is genuinely taking advantage of mentally ill people. I wonder how drunk I would need to get to stop seeing Jake as the narcissistic gremlin he is, I want to see what these people see? Like is he tapping into some obscure psychological corner that only exists in the severely mentally ill? If I put some godawful face paint on and make videos where 99% of it is excuses for why I do fuckall with my life other than review girls on TikTok, I will tap into this secret zone too?
He should honestly give these people's money back if he has any soul, like the one going through hard times above
>>1040492 No. 1042384
File: 1600652323328.jpg (215.26 KB, 1280x720, ejS0ZNz.jpg)

>>1042306I hate to be presumptuous but I emember seeing this photo of their meetup from last year and I really hate to think this way but I feel like what you said could potentially be true about them possibly spending stimulus or disability checks on these two.
No. 1042429
>>1042387I feel like
>>1042414 explanation was a good one. They might be wanting to win his affection. Like to these people, they see a cool edgy guy in edgy makeup and think he looks so cool and want to interact with him and when he ignores them in chat, they just stay in the hope that maybe one day he will acknowledge them. That or maybe they finally wise up and see that he's not worth their money and stop supporting him. I think though that a lot of these people might be lonely so going back to what I said prior, while Jake may not acknowledge them, they still feel like he's their friend. I admit that I used to be that way with It'sBlackFriday. I was a lonely person and when I discovered IBF's channel, I felt like she was someone worth looking up to and would've loved to meet. I even supported her on Patreon for awhile but I finally wised up and saw that she was a grifter. But it took like a year to break lol.
No. 1042704
File: 1600712771923.png (748.11 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200921-192055.png)

>>1042321This person is quite young he use his parents credit card as he Sadie on stream his dad went crazy when he saw how much he has spend Jake still takes known this .. he so only into it for money he don't give shite about them .sooner they wake up better
No. 1043151
>>1042726Again, think
>>1043067 got it. I can't really think of too many edgy looking guys that look like Jake who stream. I feel like the only person who'd come close is Social Repose and uh yeah, need I say more lol?
>>1043142I mean, I don't think he looks Goth at all, just a wannabe Joker meets Juggalo but yeah, you're right that because of his corney message and extreme look, it's appealing to these kids. I mean IBF said the same a lot back then in her outros and she amassed a ton of young fangirls who want to be just like her.
No. 1043372
>>1043151I agree, to me he looks like a visual kei or mallgoth industrial music fan. I don't know where people are getting "goth" at.
>>1043067But many of them seem to be adults, look at who's throwing him and Kaya money, look at who is talking to them in the streams. When will the edgy phase end, in their 60s?
No. 1044512
File: 1600969562297.jpeg (321.22 KB, 828x687, E512FF8E-8301-480E-9D95-9B3824…)

Mara lets trolls get under her skin too much.
No. 1044579
>>1044512She doesn't seem to mind hanging out with white supremacists on social media, but gets antsy about the snake thing.
Good job Mara.
No. 1044753
>>1043371sorry for the late reply but this is such a waste of money. she's going to spend so much time decorating and faffing about, bitching about how she needs to find certain things and 'wehhh, it's only available in america, shipping and custom fees' that by the time she actually gets it to look the way she wants, she'll complain that she's not motivated or can't be fucked to go all the way to the space b/c rain or whatever.
also i hate her feeding that swan and basking in all the asspats. the sign at the park says not to feed the birds, there's very good reasons for that and ppl who are all 'it's not bad' don't seem to understand that doing so creates a lot of problems. birds can feed themselves, they've been doing it fine for a long fucking time. when she gets obsessed with the next thing that poor swan is going to be confused.
No. 1044825
>>1042726It is basically findom at this point kek. It's like dudes buying their favourite camgirl stuff from an amazon wish list - I must shower my waifu in gifts to show that I really care! And if I'm very lucky, she might vaguely acknowledge me! If I'm not acknowledged, I will simply buy more stuff.
The fact that Jake is boring as batshit makes it easier for his ~snacks~ to project their bizarre fantasies on to him. He's the mallgoth boyfriend they all want but have never had. In a way, he just exploits his fans by taking advantage of their naivety and general lack of life experience.
No. 1044832
File: 1600994045589.jpeg (446.03 KB, 1242x2126, 3D6A6DC2-EB21-48B3-9515-433484…)

Down to cooking half naked? This is just sad.
No. 1044858
File: 1600996282317.jpg (391.06 KB, 1079x1168, Screenshot_20200925-021207_Chr…)

Don't you need to have had a driving licence for at least a year before renting a car in the US?
No. 1044868
>>1044832She has such a punchable face second only to Avelina De Moray.
>>1044727Someone asks about her birth name and she refuses to reveal it but basically gives instructions on how to find it ("search the sewers of the internet"). If the vid sent you here, welcome to the sewers - Her name is Jennifer.
No. 1044878
>>1044868She also mentioned her netgoth profile, her name is on there alongside an old picture I'm convinced the Dorian thing is a persona, did she actually change her name?>>1044871Honestly, even the hair and punk-in-a-box outfit doesn't make her look slightly punk/alt. Do you guys remember the 40 years of goff videos? She looks like those people, but the "punk" version. Like she's wearing a costume for Halloween. It's interesting, in real life she wears pinup style normie gear, but on camera and for instagram she's a Party City punk.
No. 1045274
>>1045269For someone who "loves animals soooo much" she has zero understanding of them. Geese are vicious motherfuckers and this might backfire hilariously.
Hopefully no birds will be hurt in the making of tjis catastrophe.
No. 1045288
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No. 1045404
>>1044878yea i've noticed that and even her pinup type outfits are boring b/c she doesn't do anything to her hair. the latex and vinyl or similar stuff is also funny b/c there's nothing really to give it shape. i'd really like to know why she decided to latch on to being alt. her acting went nowhere, she sews the same basic shit and now she's hopping on the onlyfans train b/c she's not making money from interviewing bands and slapping the videos on youtube.
>>1045304apparently the swan wasn't eating or drinking anything so kaya took it upon herself to bring food and water. like it's sad but i'm sure that eventually the swan would figure things out for itself and now she's just going to have a bunch of birds harassing her whenever she goes to that park.
No. 1046472
>>1044878>she's a Party City punk.Lol that's a good one. But yeah it's clear that she only does for attention and most actual Punks (or just Alternative in general) can see it's just shallowness on her end.
>>1046011I understand anon lol Like I've had days where I would like to be her friend but then she does all this weird crap and it's like "Eh, maybe not…" lol
No. 1046763
File: 1601243555109.png (844.41 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200927-225234.png)

So far he got other 5k..these people need help ..
No. 1047169
>>1046763There's no hope for these people, Jake just sits there and looks funny and barely interacts with his audience, yet they throw money at him anyway, LOL.
>>1047121Her fake gender dysphoria turned me off of her. It started after she really got into Poppy Z Brite, y'know the woman who has books about sexy gay androgynous goth vampire boys? She'll repeatedly call herself female and she/her, and when people pick up on it she starts talking about her she's being "misgendered" as if she hasn't done it to herself numerous times already.
No. 1047899
File: 1601393324972.jpg (557.49 KB, 1080x1672, 20200929_172848.jpg)

Mara is now shilling for the same questionably "ethical" clothing company that hired M&M.
No. 1047959
>>1047899That outfit is incredibly unflattering. I like her better when she sticks to darks and jewel tones.
Not surprised though, maybe she is being petty, but the community is so small so there will inevitably be crossovers.
No. 1050016
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…and it's begun…
No. 1050252
File: 1601668651994.jpg (352.18 KB, 1080x1046, 20201002_215704.jpg)

So Dorian has started therapy. According to her insta story, she's going in tomorrow with her family to "talk about things we never talk about."
Actually think this is really good for her.
No. 1050358
>>1050337Dunno. If her therapist even knows. I wonder what they're gonna say about her mom wanting to excuse her childhood sexual abuse by a family member. Now there's an issue to work out.
Dorian bugs me sometimes. But I do wish her well and I hope this works out for her.
No. 1051275
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Kaya's recent tweet
No. 1051278
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>>1051275also i know it says I'm following her in the background, I really only follow her and Jake now just to see what they're whining about now.
Also Jake's recent tweet
No. 1051295
File: 1601786042532.jpg (257.77 KB, 1072x1885, maiadvo.jpg)

she wished
No. 1051653
>>1051275And that dress costs £80…
I've bought Halloween costumes that have looked better.
No. 1052250
>>1051451bahaha I am dying
well she probably wants to feel "special" belonging to the only 1% of the poplulation with that personality type
No. 1052474
File: 1601931875809.jpg (275.86 KB, 1080x1918, 20201005_230521.jpg)

Oh yeah, they're real allright…
No. 1052567
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No. 1052695
>>1052474One word: ew.
>>1052567That is all he could come up with? I’d want my money back.
No. 1054115
File: 1602129596921.jpg (1.19 MB, 1489x1920, 20-10-08-05-48-19-550_deco.jpg)

>>1052474Who ever did the incision on the side of the boob? It's her old people spots.
Still can be fake, but a blurry picture of spots is not proof of anything but her being old.
No. 1054315
>>1054115Her being old enough to have liverspots but also having perky tits is proof in itself really.
Also, some surgeons do make incisions there (trans axillery incision), though it is less common these days.
No. 1055539
>>1054315That looks like a rash, not liver spots.
Also, are people still unsure about her boobs? Really? We’ve seen her past photos where she’s an a cup and natural boobs do not have this fake shape.
No. 1055639
File: 1602325113366.jpg (556.73 KB, 1080x1612, 20201010_121824.jpg)

dorian is making a video about the longterm damage her ED did to her body and posted some pics of herself looking like shit back in the day.
Her family is so fucked up.
No. 1055707
File: 1602336159375.jpg (1.22 MB, 1619x1920, 20-10-10-15-06-38-790_deco.jpg)

Wait- what?!!
On Adora's Instagram Oct 7 a video of Sire Plague or Herr Drakefall dropping the gf word!
She laughs awkwardly in the background. True? Trolling? Wishful thinkin?
No. 1056543
File: 1602444206437.jpg (264.73 KB, 1079x777, Screenshot_20201011-202355_Chr…)

Thinks he's such a goff yet clearly isn't familiar with The Turn of the Screw
No. 1056546
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No. 1056548
File: 1602444361231.jpg (77.1 KB, 1080x396, 20201011_202635.jpg)

For comparison…kind of almost feel sorry for her
No. 1056661
>>1056543Haha lol. It's almost like adaptations of the same source material tend to have key points in common.
I knew Jake wasn't a reader. But apparently he's too lazy to google.
>>105654Sheesh. Like Belfast and Kaya were inflicted upon him.
No. 1056747
>>1056548Reading this again he is literally erasing Kaya from history
>got my first placeWhen iirc he moved to Belfast specifically to be with Kaya, after having an internet romance.
Reminds me of when he went to the US to meet Kelly Eden, who he blatantly had a huge crush on, and uploaded videos with weird irrelevant all caps titles like "I'm leaving" "I've made my decision" and then spent months claiming he was going to move to LA.
Say how you really feel, Jake.
No. 1057113
>>1055707>>1055846He has another girlfriend. I know ^^ He is not into Adora at all.
Bone daddyyy got a another bat, baby bat
(^^) No. 1057473
File: 1602578415188.png (480.72 KB, 1080x1839, sketch-1602577417818.png)

Re: Andy laplegua. Looks like his poor wife had to backtrack after he made some kind of legal threat. What a fucking asshole.
No. 1057476
File: 1602578627340.png (231.41 KB, 1080x1484, sketch-1602577457488.png)

(Samefag.) But also seems like that shit is definitely true. Don't marry a bio woman if what you're actually into is chicks with dicks!
No. 1057480
>>1057476The problem is him cheating and suing her. Not who he cheated with.
You can like both dick and pussy you know.
No. 1057515
>>1057486Agreed. But he's got this "uber masculine tough guy" image. God forbid anyone thinks of him as anything but the straightest alphamale who ever was.
In my experience, guys who perform hypermasculinity are usually compensating for something.
Which is probably why he's threatening to sue his ex. Doesn't want her tarnishing his brodustrial persona.
I do wish she would stop being all "ew, queerness cooties!" about it. But I can understand being fucking pissed.
No. 1057537
>>1057515Yah, I did get a slight homo/transphobic vibe but she sorta cleared that up in the second deleted post (reference to "shaming") and I reckon she deserves a pass for now. She's found out that not only has her husband cheated but also he's hidden a huge part of himself from her.
Definitely agree re hypermasculinity. In the same way that guys who are vocally homophobic are often hiding secret feelings themselves. The gentleman doth protest too much!
No. 1057653
File: 1602604680496.jpg (381.72 KB, 1079x857, Screenshot_20201013-165839_Chr…)

She truly is living in a dream land isn't she.
No. 1057660
>>1057653Haven't played the sims 4 yet. Does it come with a "hoarder" item pack?
>>1057611Not that anon. But damn. So if someone gets cheated on nobody gets to question their behavior? Are you bitter over something?
No. 1058528
File: 1602685988368.jpeg (432.52 KB, 1242x1709, 06091970-9755-437D-A6EE-71B529…)

Somehow this is a new low for her. Promoting a bands song… like this? It’s sad.
No. 1058605
File: 1602692082574.jpg (498.44 KB, 1080x1405, 20201014_181252.jpg)

Again with the shitty LARP sword.
Which is good I suppose. Because holding a real sword like this would be a terrible idea.
Behold, our intimidating shieldmaiden!
No. 1058723
File: 1602698453617.jpeg (612.69 KB, 1424x1424, Studio_Project.jpeg)

So I bought this shirt just to see what it would look like in real life. Does it look the same or a complete rip-off?
No. 1058759
>>1058723Yeah. Why would you possibly give money to the stump? Also I hope that's not a picture of yourself. We're Anons here for a reason. Try to keep it that way.
Just what the fuck are you doing? "Ironically" throwing your money at this exploitative asshole?
No. 1059274
>>1059032What was the point of the experiment exactly? Seeing if Jake spends your money on takeout or liquid latex?
And it shows your gender, age range, race, and haircolor. FFS, next time you do an "experiment" just lay it out on your floor.
No. 1059345
>>1059032We know what you look like and it's easy enough to find out who you follow. I've already found your socials, and I'm not terribly invested
Please be more careful from here on out.
No. 1059582
File: 1602804728970.png (5.33 MB, 1242x2688, 436861F5-D02B-429D-91AC-97BD47…)

Monami Frost posted a IGTV video where she talks in detail about her eating disorder (bulimia and anorexia) over the years. There is lots of repetition but basically, she wanted to be skinny because of comments during childhood, which then turned into a coping mechanism when she had anxiety. She did not tell anyone about it.
Interesting that she was throwing up meals for years and yet her husband didn’t have a clue.
No. 1060287
File: 1602910143699.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.66 MB, 3024x2917, C73F19DC-1F3F-4B26-9448-6062CF…)

Dorian taking her blood in her latest video for some jewelry
No. 1060439
>>1060287Would it have been so hard for them to put up a
trigger warning rather than just plopping this in people's feed?
No. 1060776
File: 1602977188467.jpg (Spoiler Image,468.32 KB, 1080x1684, 20201018_012727.jpg)

>>1060619Yes. But on her insta she didn't give any warning
No. 1060902
>>1060305She mentioned her fetishization of syringes in a really old video - rambling on about the sight of blood and cool edgy vampires.
Truth is she just can't stop fucking romanticizing heroin and the junkie "lifestyle".
No. 1061071
>>1060829I don't believe the only thing she does is smoke weed, I'm sure she still uses hardcore drugs. Probably using coke. She seemed normal and chill in her earlier videos, don't know what happened.
>>1059274I bet it's one of his annoying fans. They love coming here talking about how he and Kaya "scammed" them as if they were forced to give them money, and still continue to watch their channel. No hope for them.
No. 1062022
>>1057515>>1057537It doesn't sound off with compensating something but either way It's not her piece of cake to publish such shit in his name.
She's making fun of hers *husbands" choices and preferences and forgets the fact, that she once was his choice too. Maybe she should think about that and/ or rethink maybe why he kept that a secret from her, with this "homophobic vibes" and immature attitude.
No. 1062198
File: 1603169435692.png (322.46 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2020-10-19-20-48-07…)

Sure, Kaya. Sure.
No. 1062257
>>1062251>>1062198It might not be what you want, but it's what you've got.
Though I agree with
>>1062251 that the question was being charitable. He doesn't seem like her friend. He acts like her roommate who is trying to keep things polite until the lease is up.
No. 1062374
>>1062198I really would want to think that they are affectionate towards one another off he camera but there's just been too many examples of how disinterested he seems to be towards her. The Kelly Eden meet was a great example of this, seemed to be way too flirty with her.
And yeah I get the roommate vibe over best friend vibe as well.
No. 1062543
>>1043371IBF vibes income.
didnt she also had a separated "studio" first which suddenly was her flat because of the breakup?
No. 1063175
>>1062592haha but still their "relationship" looked better than from
toxic two
No. 1065420
File: 1603328285211.jpg (521.16 KB, 1079x1073, Screenshot_20201022-015854_Fac…)

Kaya doesn't know who Danzig is…
No. 1067516
File: 1603608681259.jpeg (577.4 KB, 828x1261, 3306AC8D-9FFA-43C7-96DB-99C120…)

Avelina being desperate on Insta.
One of many photos she has posted this past month of either her tits, her panties, or some other random body part.
No. 1068002
>>1067887Also they could bring it home to someone and make them seriously ill, if it was the 'vid
I thought all the covid news shit this year was overkill, but apparently it still wasn't enough for some people.
Selfishness off the charts.
No. 1068952
File: 1603821451737.jpg (149.02 KB, 1038x1244, adora_batbrat_20201027_124741_…)

Do you anons like Adora's costume? The people in her comments section didn't like it…"As I understand it: in America if you are a pretty girl, a girl who likes to party and who likes being sexy you have all the responsibilities if you are raped. So dressing up like this, and also by getting drunk, I give my silent permission to be Tonight's Rape
Victim. According to some…
I contemplated if my costume was tacky, but then realized reality was."
No. 1068958
File: 1603821686650.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1529, Screenshot_20201027-175559~3.p…)

>>1068952You beat me to it
In the caption section she hashtagged the names of prolific rape
victims No. 1068969
>>1068952WTF adora! Rape is a serious issue. And rape culture is a complex and nuanced topic.
But glad to see you got an edgy halloween costume out of it. And that
victim blaiming is apparently an American problem, and we don't have to adress it here in Sweden.
Thank you for your advocacy, you selfless treasure!
No. 1068976
>>1068968It's not the usually slutty cheerleader costume, it even seems to be cutting into her arms and waist area. It's a children's costume that a mentally ill adult decided to scribble "Tonight's Rape
Victim" onto.
No. 1068978
>>1068969The rape statistics in Sweden are shocking tbh. The numbers are pretty high.
Adora is a vapid, desperate old woman who has nothing interesting about her other than her shock tactics and fake tits.
No. 1068990
>>1068983No, we don't. Also mass immigration bears no correlation to rape. Also Sweden's immigration levels are significantly lower than those of comparanle countries which have lower rape numbers.
But I for one think Adora is really brave to exploit somebody elses trauma for a tacky halloween costume. I think this year I'll dress up as a burning building with a jet sticking out of it. Or maybe a genocide
You know, out of respect.
Though the real insult here might be the fact she thinks she can pass for a "girl." Maybe she's trying to start a dialogue about rape in the geriatric cummunity?
No. 1069013
>>1068996I never said Swedes "like to rape a lot." I said that Sweden, like a lot of other countries, deals with rape culture. And that this is not an immigrant specific problem. Also, your claim that other sexual crimes such as harrassment get lumped into the rape statistics is not true.
Also, sorry to blogpost. But as a Swedish woman who has had to report rape, I would very much like to tell you to go fuck yourself.
And I will not be responding to any more of your comments, because I don't have to deal with this bullshit. You obviously won't change your mind.
No. 1069020
File: 1603827625769.png (164.15 KB, 1668x812, hmmmm.png)

>>1069013So this is all completely made up and fabricated?
>And I will not be responding to any more of your comments, because I don't have to deal with this bullshit. You obviously won't change your ok, I never wanted to argue about this anyways, I didn't think anyone would even disagree with this because it's the most obvious explanation, that you as a Swede should agree with. Otherwise you would have to admit that there is just more rape in Sweden than anywhere else, which is obviously ridiculous. I get that you are personally "
triggered" by this, but your feelings are not facts.
No. 1069080
>>1069020Clearly you’re young or naive as everyone knows Wikipedia is not a reliable source, at all
Go back to tictok
No. 1069118
>>1069080But Anon, he said that facts don't care about your feelings.
That means the discussion is over. Whether the facts are accurate or not, right?
No. 1069518
File: 1603896611485.jpg (808.78 KB, 1440x2960, 20201028_144925.jpg)

She is now dropped from Killstar, I noticed a few others via instagram state they are dropping her too.
Not my photo, I stole it from a public post
No. 1069709
>>1069518Maybe now she can partner with Dolls "Dead Girls Can't Say No", "Goth Is White" Kill. They both love negative attention because people will support both anyways just because they're ~edgy~ and
>>1069662Is there any reason in particular why random metal girls started to infiltrate the goth subculture? I'm assuming they leave metal alone because that scene happily calls out these types of cringe embarrassing people.
No. 1069826
>>1069709Finally someone else notices this. I know this chick and she's not Goth in the slightest but it's not just her, there are tons of these Metal girls like her littered on YouTube and Instagram who are being posers thinking they are Goth because they were black lipstick, eyeshadow, predominantly black clothing, and shop at DollsKill, Killstar, or BlackCraft.
I think you nailed the reason why these girls are infiltrating and multiplying though. It's because in the Metal scene, the guys aren't afraid to call them out on their nonsense. With Goth, it's not done as much so these girls think they can get away with it. Plus being a Metalhead is not seen as unique enough to these girls for their ego so they hop onto Goth thinking it'll make them more special and why they get all butthurt when they get called out for being posers.
No. 1070167
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Adora posted an apology(?) and Rape Costume v2
No. 1070168
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No. 1070218
>>1070168>i contemplated if my costume was tackyYou didn't contemplate enough adora holy shit
Should also have thought a little more about that second pose, it isn't helping
No. 1070240
>>1070167what I really wanted to know is how the fuck does Adora make money? Does she even work? Why is she just prancing around dressed up and living in her fantasy Instagram world 24/7 while having 3 fucking kids to provide for and presumably take care of?
I am honestly just so confused about most of these people's financial situation because it makes zero sense. they just CAN'T be living off partnerships, views, patreon or whatever… there are people that do, but no one in this thread is that big, I think. Like, 100% sure Kaya's parents must pay her rent, give her an allowance or something because I have never seen someone spend so much money in my life. No way YouTube and patreon earnings cost absolutely everything they spend monthly
No. 1070241
>>1070240sorry, correction
>>No way YouTube and patreon earnings cost absolutely everything they spend monthlyNo way YouTube and patreon earnings pay for absolutely everything they spend monthly
No. 1070245
>>1070240With Adora, she draws child support and I kind of suspect she's on a social assistance program as well.
You're right that the social media earnings couldn't possibly cover the lifestyle.
No. 1070254
>>1070245I think Adora's (ex) husband makes good money. So she's probably living iff that.
As for Kaya, don't forget the 5000 pound a night streams the lovestump does, where he milks his "snacs" for all they're worth.
Mai, Mara, and Annika all have their "businesses. Mai for one sells things at a huge markup, has a patreon, a partner who works fulltime, and an inheritance that she used to buy her house. Annika also has a business, but is constantly hitting up both her relatives, and her boyfriend's relatives, for money. Also her boyfriend works fulltime. Ever notice how these strong independent women spend all day living off other people and posting about how strong and independent they are. The rest of us don't have that much time for it, since we have jobs.
Dorian makes some money through patreon, youtube, and music, as well as being on benefits. But she also lives at home, so is free to squander her money on perfume, makeup, and "spirit" items.
Freya is… god only knows. I don't know how many people still support her on patreon, or if Mr Ch8cken does. But I think she mentioned being too broke to pay for shipping her stuff in from Germany.
No. 1070277
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A lot of cows on Instagram hitching their wagon to this current drama (compilation)
No. 1070296
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>>1070277I didnt think anyone would actually call IBF out about staying extremely silent during BLM, which she kinda deserved because she was shilling for Dolls Kill who did receive criticism at the time. I found some of the thread this person is referring to. Eventually she did delete the whole IG thread.
No. 1070299
>>1070277The Tiktok one about IBF is cringe. "Oh muh gawd she didn't post BLM black square!!!" Who's going to tell this kid most of these influencers only posted it because it was trendy a few months ago? They don't give a shit about anything, just money and attention.
And something seems off about these cows complaining, too. It's a bitter kind of complaint, "Destroy their platform, rip them a new one!" Better advice would be to tell your followers to ignore and block both idiots instead of sending a flood of 13 year olds into their comments and DMs so they can continue to play
>>1070167Wearing a little kid cheerleader costume with "Tonight's Rape
Victim" on it isn't irony. I doubt she even cares about the negative attention, she's probably more upset about Killstar dropping her.
No. 1070301
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Mixipix on this adora situation
No. 1070303
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>>1070296IBF basically says that anyone asking her to boost BLM is a bully, and surprisingly I kind of agree, I don't think you should go around demanding influencers do whatever you want or threaten to cancel them.
HOWEVER, it is a little laughable/hypocritical that she milked the whole "I was discriminated against for being goth at the Louvre" but doesn't really feel the need to comment any sort of solidarity for an movement against racism? Don't know what to make of that but extreme ignorance honestly.
No. 1070305
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No. 1070306
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And heres adora in the wheelchair
No. 1070314
>>1070305>>1070306Wow. Just… wow…
Good job being an absolute peice of shit adora.
No. 1070320
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>>1070301Holy fuck, haven't seen that username in like five years. @cantersmanima/Mixipix is a lolcow in her own right. Used to "model" and do artsy photoshoots with the other Swedegoths but was cast away slowly over time for being a whiny cunt. Her whole life is crying and throwing shitfits over her mental health and insulting her team of doctors. Pic related, she's been like this for years and can't figure out why nobody wants to talk to her or have her visit anymore.
No. 1070338
File: 1603988753597.jpg (223.14 KB, 1077x1280, adora_batbrat_20201029_111957_…)

Adora "Only Gawd Can Judge!" Batbrat, says:
"No comments allowed as I want people to read, understand and think about what my text says instead of reading how other "reads" it.
Do not spread hate towards others.
Thank you for all the private messages from those who understood my Halloween post and keep spreading the love.
Unintentionally hurting someone when you have good intentions are sad.
Intentionally hurt someone because you have evil intentions are just evil.
Neither is good.
But one is not evil with the purpose of being evil."
As I predicted, she ended up playing
victim. Now all she needs to do is screenshot the children's messages in her DMs, then everyone will feel bad for her and end up forgiving her.
She deleted the rape post, btw. But it's archived in:
>>1068952 No. 1070346
>>1070303Hey. Remember when Froyo used a shipping service in Germany to ship her stuff to England? Except she didn't have the money to pay for it and just kind of told the guy who owned the company that it couldn't be helped, and he'sld just have to deal with it. Remember how when he messaged her on social media and in comment sections to pay her goddamn bill like any other person, she Karen-ed her way into filing a police report claiming it was a harrasment campaign on his part, and also threatened to publicly name and shame his company to her legions of fans?
I don't know why I was reminded of that. Anyway, glad to see she takes such a firm stance against bullying.
Her mother should take note.
No. 1070351
>>1070346She gets it from her mum. She hates her but then does the same thing she does, like when her mother went off on Matts and he had to block her ass for harassment.
I am glad you remembered Frupa’s shitty behavior.
No. 1070422
>>1070305>>1070320>>1070301Wow. To be fair if I had to live with an idiot who screams and cries and slams her head off of walls for whatever reason I would kick her out too. She sounds like a nightmare to live with. Can you imagine?
"Did you take the trash out today?"
screams, shits pants, chokes self and vomits because she was once called trash by a bully and that is very triggering No. 1070430
>>1070254>As for Kaya, don't forget the 5000 pound a night streams the lovestump does, where he milks his "snacs" for all they're worth.5000 pounds??? Does he really make that much in a night?
>Ever notice how these strong independent women spend all day living off other people and posting about how strong and independent they are. The rest of us don't have that much time for it, since we have jobs.Yeah I've noticed this big time when it comes to these women not just with these altcows but even other women in the creative field like the art field. They all are married or have a boyfriend who doesn't mind working full-time jobs and being the breadwinner while they can stay home and either not do anything or work on their hobbies and I mean there's nothing intrinsically wrong with having a husband (or wife) who is a provider but the annoying thins with these people is when they act like they're so independent and self-made.
Like no sis, you just got lucky to get with someone who doesn't mind being the provider but if they were to break up with you, your world would change real quick. I just wish that these people would remain humble and stop acting like they're "strong independent" woman. If your mate is the one paying for most things then no, you are not a "strong independent woman", just dependent. And again, nothing wrong with that but try to remain humble and realistic is all I'm saying.
> Freya is… god only knows. I don't know how many people still support her on patreon, or if Mr Ch8cken does. But I think she mentioned being too broke to pay for shipping her stuff in from Germany.I checked out Freya's Patreon. She currently has 336 patrons and only offers a $3 tier. Doing some math, she makes about $1,008 a month. And I'm sure her partner handles most other finances since I think he's a doctor?
No. 1070446
>>1070311Oh they for sure are craving attention. In Metal, I notice that the usual look is what you said with the band shirt and jeans. Pretty much that you have some sort of thing that shows you like Metal but also not many metal girls, at least that I know get oodles of praise and adoration unlike these Fake GOFF girls on Instagram who can get like 1million+ likes/follows.
These Alternative girls see these Goffs getting tons of praise and they want this. I'd say that most of them though, at least on YouTube don't get a ton of views since they talk about the same shit over and over. "What makeup I use", "What clothes I got", and other vapid shit that no one really cares about because so many of them do it.
No. 1070452
>>1070296lmfao, violetvixanne is the one who started drama with emilie autumn as well. emilie is as much of a hypocrite as freya but this is actually hilarious. neither can take criticism and vv went after both of them trying to "call them out" aka sic followers on them for not being performative enough (we all know the black square has nothing to do with real activism but internet woke points only) and when they responded by blocking the ones brigading she amped it up by crying about "silencing black voices". vv is a cow in her own right.
also that's some delicious adora milk. glad to see her finally falling from grace, she's always been an absolute cunt. mixi trying to get pity points out of the situation is laughable. she's the definition of two-faced. it's all about her and how awful her life is, and unless you agree you're an evil abuser, she's just a poor rainbow fae child oh woe is me…she's been exactly the same ever since she was a teenager, dunno what's wrong with her but she's insufferable in ways beyond mental illness.
No. 1070476
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>>1070452Mixi is constantly accusing her friends of aboooooos and burning bridges left and right using cryptic vague posts. Look at this shit. If I had more time to waste I'd look for similar posts but she's been at this victimhood behaviour since day one. Poor angel keeps getting very "triggerd"
No. 1070628
>>1070605Yup. And "my friend is in the psych ward and hurting themselves" apparently teanslatez to"fun selfie."
Even if your friend is a fucking nightmare. If you saw them smash their head into the wall, you'd think you would be at least a little upset, and not thinking about posing.
No. 1070806
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Kaya addresses Adora
No. 1070868
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>>1070303kek.IBF also bullied an 18yo girl, who looks nothing like her, for "stealing her look" (and Mr. Doormat). But I guess she's only anti-bullying when it happens to her.
>>1070476Yeah, this is a bunch of stupid whining. But I do feel like Adora treats the most normal looking kid different, especially from her blue haired daughter.
>>1070838kek Sebastian posted about Adora being pro-ana as if she didn't make all those videos about her weight loss. Where she insisted she'd always being underweight (despite her moon face in her early videos) and she became a SUPER underweight goff icon, because she started jogging. I hope IBF says something about Adora.
No. 1070874
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Is Reeree MIA again or did she get new accounts? I decided to check in on her to see if she had posted anymore and her accounts are disabled again.
No. 1071332
>>1071315What onesie are you talking about.
And did you just refer to people as "Stacies?" That's sad.
No. 1071336
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>>1071315She claims to be so upset about some old post being up on Adora's account because it looks like an "endorsement" but leaves the Adora highlight posts up on her own account. It's pretty obvious she called her shitty onesies Adora in the first place to cash in on Adora's fame, and now is
still trying to cash in while siccing her followers on her for "morally justified" harrassment. Every online community is like Lord of the Flies right now.
No. 1071374
>>10713151) this aint the goth community
2) as someone who made something for Adora, she's now getting shit for supporting Adora, so ofc as a small indie business owner she's gonna try and get Adora to remove the post so she's not seen as "supporting" her any more. Same to putting a post on her profile addressing it. Makes sense from a buisiness perspective. As does blowing it up, gonna bring people who are disgusted in. Though I highly highly doubt that's the initial intention (good aftereffect tho)
>>1071315 No. 1071540
>>1071026>>1070868wait till she sees some girl I saw some time ago that literally copies her down to trying to mimic her facial features with makeup, it's absurd, looks like the same person. I have to find her again and post
>>Yeah, this is a bunch of stupid whining. But I do feel like Adora treats the most normal looking kid different, especially from her blue haired daughterthat is so her. she's like a goth Plastic. Of course she would treat her kid who is different from her badly… ew, this woman is the worst.
besides the moon face, sebastian has always been extremely skinny, it was bizarre, like a mall goth lollipop
To be honest I don't think it's wrong of IBF to not say anything of this adora thing or BLM or anything, really. It's not like she is a politician who HAS to declare their opinion on the matter. I don't see it as her not saying because she is against it, a racist, etc.. I see her as the type of person who avoids all "difficult" things in her life. I doubt she has any deeper knowledge of politics and I think she just avoids any subjects that are prone to cause controversy. I mean, has she EVER talked about any deeper subject? Not discussing or posting about these subjects online is not a necessity as it looks like in this Instagram age. Not to WK her in particular but it's just tiresome to see these demands to perform so much activism yadda yadda yadda. that being said, she might be racist, but not posting about BLM is not a definitive proof.
>>1070990also, Adora is the textbook definition of someone of definitely DOESN'T have aspergers
>>1071374It only makes her look hypocrytical because of she follows adora she knew full well that this is her whole persona. all the time.
No. 1071578
>>1071540I basically agree on IBF. Except one thing, Dolls Kill. She used her clout to promote them. So she should kind of adresd their shitty racist ways.
As for Sebastian, I agree she was always super skinny, and most of the fat she lost was in her face. Wonder if it was just her losing her babyface, or bulemia causing swelling.
No. 1071640
>>1071315Agreed, anon. Remember when goths were open minded and artistically inclined? Now everyone is completely lead by their emotions and their need to show how victimized they are by everyone. Just clones repeatedly saying "I'm literally
triggered". Adora's post was in bad taste but people are completely over reacting when they are apparently 'ReLiViNg tRaUmA' over her post. No sis you have big issues if a silly costume ruined your week, log off and go get help.
No. 1071699
>>1071540I've met Sebastian irl. She's just really average all around, including her weight. She's thin, but she's just not the ana-chan she wants to be. As far as bulima… I mean she is from Beverly Hills.
And for IBF, I don't think she should have to speak out about anything, I just thought it would be funny if she said anything about Adora. Since she kinda replaced Adora and all of them at one point.
>>1071640> dressed as a rape victim> silly costume No. 1071712
>>1071640Yeah. People jumping down eachother's throat in the goth scene. Imagine that.
It's not so much that shit like this wasn't offensive before. It's just that people felt scared to call others out on it, and so it was easier for people to be dicks without facing consequences. Plus, you know, the internet.
Personally, I didn't feel
triggered by Adora. But I still think it's a dick move. And I don't believe in rewarding people who are dicks with positive attention and social clout.
Adora has the right to express herself however she wants. But the same goes for her audience. If they want to voice their displeasure or express their opinion by not supporting her, they have every right to do so. Same goes for companies. Brands hire influencers to give a certain image to their company. If that image turns into "person willing to make light of rape for attention and an opportunity to show off her tits" that's bad for business, and they have every right to drop her.
As for IBF, I don't know what people were expecting. If anything, speaking out about BLM will just set off her racist Trumploving mom, even if Freya cared about anything besides herself. Her only message has been "be tolerant towards people who dress like me, but I can't really give a shit about anyone else."
No. 1071876
>IBF basically says that anyone asking her to boost BLM is a bully, and surprisingly I kind of agree, I don't think you should go around demanding influencers do whatever you want or threaten to cancel them. 1. Freya is not from the USA and has no connection to that country as far as I am aware.
2. Therefore why is she supposedly morally OBLIGATED to put in her profile anything related to the issues inside the USA? Is USA the most important country in the world and USA citizen's are the most important people in the world?
3. There are many other issues all around the world with very serious outcomes - like LGBT rights in Russia where you can get beaten or arrested for holding your gay partner's hand in public or LGBT rights in the Middle East countries where you can get publicly hanged for having homosexual sex. There are public unrest's in Poland centred around laws on abortion.
4.How about talking about these topics instead of wasting time online writing missive messages because someone did not post about BLM - a movement that 99% of America, Europe, Australia, New Zaeland and probably at least some parts of Asia knows already from the news for well over a year now?
No. 1071884
>>1071712Isn't that a custom to dress as undead bodies, serial killers and massacre
victims etc? Or there are groups that you are not supposed to dress as?
No. 1071928
>>1071548Exactly, that's what I wrote: she definitely didn't do this and all the heinous shit she does because she supposedly has aspergers, especially because from the way she acts, she has no aspergers traits at all
>>1071876100% agree but will add that not being an activist doesn't make someone a bad person. They might care about political issues in their personal lives, reading about things and caring about who they vote for and not post anything or much online. Is every individual nowadays required by popular demand to be an activist?
It's also better for people who know nothing about these subjects not to be reblogging things they barely understand just to fit in, influencing other dumbasses…
When people are caught liking varg, sporting swastikas, talking suspiciously too passionately about country, war, honor and tradition THEN we raise our pitchforks