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No. 607349
Previous thread:
>>581955Last thread's milk:
>Naya Rivera's body is found, confirmed dead>Henry Cavill's creepy attraction to underage girls continues>Jim Carrey and Ariana Grande sex rumors, discussion of Carrey abusing an ex girlfriend who suicided back in 2015>Jada Pickett Smith talks about cheating on Will Smith, on television>Johnny Depp and Amber Heard drama roars on, he told a reporter to hit the wall and called her a cum guzzler, he continues to hit the wall himself>Elon Musk said to be responsible for Heard's cuts and bruises, not Depp>rapid cycling bipolar Kanye West spergs out on Twitter, prompting Kim Kardashian to apologize for his actions>John Travolta's wife dies. Will he finally come out as gay? Not if Scientology has anything to say about it!>Grant Imahara of Mythbusters dies of a brain aneurysm>Adam Savage of Mythbusters accused of sexual abuse by his younger sister, called himself the "raping blob">Jizzlaine Maxwell arrested. Is pleading not guilty and offering up information to the authorities>In light of the Jizzlaine drama, Epstein documents from the lawsuit against Virginia Giuffre leaked>Jizzlaine bragged about blowing George Clooney>Megan Thee Stallion is shot, her human leprechaun boyfriend Tory Lanez said to be responsible>Multiple high profile accounts hacked for bitcoin mining in a glorified Nigerian Scam. No milk released on said accounts>Armie Hammer cheated on wife, is caught sexting a fan, calls himself a daddy dom>Nick Cannon spews antisemitic drivel>Chrissy Teigen harassed by qanon'ers who backread years to purposely cherrypick tweets about pizza>Ariana Grande's tragic plastic surgery is brought up>Japanese actor Haruma Miura passes away from suspected suicide>Britney Spears remains held hostage by her conservatorship>Kaia Gerber is dating Cara Delevingne>Kelly Clarkson is divorcing her husband>Nicki Minaj has been impregnated by pedo husband>Taylor Swift drops folky album, some enjoy it, some are bored to sleep by it>Adele loses weight while Lana del Rey balloons>can we talk about Lana del Rey's weight?>Katy Perry tinfoiled to be faking her pregnancy>Ellen Degenerate's house was robbed. Former employees decimate Ellen for racism, sexual misconduct, and other inappropriate behavior behind the scenes of her show>Elon Musk continuously posts cringe, gets into twitter fight with Grimes>Grimes posts to reddit anonymously about their shitty relationship>Alexa Demie revealed to be faking her age after disturbing scene in a film where she kissed an 11 year old boy>Discussion of the fetishization of younger women in Hollywood and the jarring age gaps between female and male romantic leads>Naomi Campbell still not cancelled despite her ties to Epstein>Henry Cavill fangirl spergs in thread>Doja Cat mocked Covid in March. Now she has Covid>Jake Paul's home invaded by the FBI>BLACKPINK to collaborate with Selena Gomez in futile effort to gain relevancy in the international market>Disney changes 20th Century Fox's name to 20th Television. New logo looks retarded>Cardi B joins Onlyfans, but only for "behind the scenes content", so she claims>Drake Bell's ex girlfriend outs him as an abuser No. 607479
>>607386rihanna's fashion and makeup brands are incredibly successful though, and she's risen to goddess status in normies' minds because of them.
she has no reason to escort unless she's secretly a damaged nymphomaniac or something.
No. 607496
>>607427>>607446Celebrities are just like regular people, some will send nudes or have sex for the right deal. The regular person works on onlyfans, the higher income person works on instagram or youtube, and the even higher income person works in TV shows or movies.
There still people, and some will need to pay for the level of lifestyle they are used to.
No. 607503
Some of you guys are fucking retarded
>>607497You think, with all the money she has, that it would even make a difference at this point? And isn't she dating some billionaire for exactly this reason?
>>607479Imagine being a woman who buys into the myth of a damaged nympho, lmfao
Why are normie women so obsessed with sex work?
No. 607521
>>607505I understand your thinking because that's how I'd feel if I was rich, but in reality there's no such thing as 'enough money' for most rich people, they are greedy fucks.
It might be more worth their time than we think, like they just get occasional offers of huge amounts of money from random billionaires and don't mind fucking them for a night, or they do it specifically for career opportunities rather than just money. I doubt it's as difficult as it is for anonymous escorts who don't have a ready made customer base like celebs do.
No. 607736
>>607502Someone does not know their tea at all and is talking out of their ass.
Chrissy hustled and is in a lavender marriage. No escorting allowed, but she's paid for life to keep it low. Unlike beards like Munn, she secured a deal where she gets paid even if the contract ends for the rest of her life.
Blacc Chyna does anything to stay relevant, so yes she escorts allegedly.
Amber doesn't need to sell pussy, she traps like hell; go read up on the LSA tea on her. Amber doesn't really escort, she has super rich sugar mommies and daddies.
Cardi on other hand has 4 billboard #1's and has a lot of deals outside of that. She has big brands selling her insanely expensive shit for promo.
>>607386Rihanna was bussin' it up with a multi-billionaire for the last three years. I really doubt her millions in three figures ass would stoop down to it. She used to fuck Jay and a few producers but it was never escorting, it was just her fucking them because she wanted to. She's too busy hooking up with Asap "eat my ass up & fighting muslim immigrants" Rocky.
>>607526Just how fucking poor are you, go outside and get a job anon. That is super sad.
No. 607751
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>>607736>Just how fucking poor are you, go outside and get a job anon.this has to be bait otherwise wtf are you on about
No. 608004
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No. 608174
>>608004Lmao, I don't like Justin, but he's right. Dumbass doctor was trying to clout chase by virtue signalling all over an innocuous post.
People need to stop eating garbage all day, then wondering why they feel like shit. Of course it's not the only factor, but it's a relevant one.
No. 608178
>>607736I could've gone my whole life without knowing any of this and been fine, kek. My point was they have no talent, and it'd fit their entire thing to be escorts (so I'd believe it), not that they actually do.
Also, sugaring is still a form of selling pussy.
No. 608281
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Didn't saw it on this thread so I thought I would ask, does anyone know if this true or is it just ppl using a fic for inspo again? Some ppl been saying that brendon had earlier allegation but I haven't seen anything, I can believe the whole "forever teenager rock star" thing and even that he groped some fans but the fact that this started just like other fake allegations…
No. 608301
>>607386Why would Rihanna need to escort? She probably just likes fucking random men, I definitely get that vibe from her. Escorting is fucking exhausting I can't see anyone with over 1 million in the bank wanting or needing to escort. Though most celebs male/fem have fucked for roles, but I wouldn't exactly call that escorting. I know it's all "selling pussy" but there's a vast difference in escorting, fucking for roles, being a sugar baby and gold digging.
t. speaking from experience
No. 608313
>>608281yeah i'm not buying it. people are blasted about one of his bandmates allegedly being a predator, but urie fired him, which is what he shouldve done?
don't buy him being bi either like
>>608292 said
No. 608326
>>608301Most female celebrities are high-class escorts, I think the amount of money a prominent star is offered by million/billionaires might seem worth it.
Attending award shows basically naked with some sparkles is a great advertisement for investors.
No. 608427
>>607788>>607923There were threads about it on LSA. Supposedly, money is not always the issue when it comes to these celebrities escorting. Sometimes they are forced to by whoever manages them.
This video might explain more but please watch with a grain of salt
No. 609161
>>608427anon whoever made this video is likely just a bored ultra conservative who keeps seeing shadows on the walls, i dont understand how its supposed to prove she escorted??? like the rich people she met in the video all have some sort of ties that would be beneficial for her company line so it would make sense for her to meet them
it makes sense that celebrities escorting have a lot less to do with money and more to do with their manager tho, i agree with that, i just dont see how rihanna's manager would benefit from it
No. 609165
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>>608426surprise, some males do have fantasies of fucking celeb women
No. 609166
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No. 609188
>>609165yeah. they have fantasies. that's some crazy goss you spilled right here!
fuck off tinfoil-chan, celebs get paid to attend parties all the time. anyone who adds value to the party just by being there will get paid by those rich enough to afford it.
it's impressive how you fell for the clickbait title, too.
No. 609271
>>608301I think a lot of the celebs rumoured to escort also have known drug party lifestyles. I think a lot of normies as some rude anon put forget that even tho these people are rich af, dealing drugs and arms is still illegal. Rihanna was dating some Saudi or whatever the fuck. When their relationship ended it seemed she was detoxing and coming off a lot of drugs and her weight went up. A lot of these women are probably coerced into sex.
Anyway there's been rumours for years about actresses and such being escorts. Chrissy Teigen for sure gives that vibe, she's literally irrelavent without being John legends beard.
No. 609415
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No. 609550
>>609488nta but there was the whole Rich Harrison issue from way back. He's the producer who did Amerie's first album. That album had a somewhat large hit called 1 Thing, which Beyonce liked enough to make the template for Crazy in Love.
Gossip had Harrison under an exclusivity contract during his Beyonce work, meaning he couldn't produce for other artists like Amerie for a time. She got dropped by Columbia and last time I saw her (years ago), was trying to do makeup vlogs on YouTube.
It's more cutthroat business than Beyonce trying to smother all potential rivals, I think.
No. 609664
>>609392Beyonce has always given me major bad vibes. She's a talented performer, but she's been around for well over a decade at this point and I still have seen no indication whatsoever that she has a genuine personality. She's just so obviously fake in everything that she does and I honestly have no idea how she's amassed so many fans other than a combination of actual talent an extremely incessant marketing.
There's a number of celebrities that I'm kind of tinfoil about due to lack of supporting evidence, but Beyonce is definitely one of them. I just feel like she's a major snake behind the scenes and that it's inevitable that someday we're going to learn the truth about some of the fucked up shit she's done/doing.
No. 609715
>>609710Idk, for me personally, I don't trust celebrities that show no signs whatsoever of authenticity. I'm not a fan of being famous for nothing either but like, I don't really get the feeling that someone like Paris Hilton is going to play fake-nice to you an then later throw you under the bus so that she can be more successful, rich, etc. People who are famous for nothing usually got that way because they were already rich. I don't really see them as threatening in any way, just annoying.
I think it's almost worst when horrible people with little to no morals are actually talented, because people are more likely to let this shit slide in that case.
No. 609717
>>609664>>609710all i know about her is that she used to do interviews like any other celeb would then she got tired of the constant twisting of words and people trying to see deeper and deeper into her personal life so she stopped. being vulnerable and authentic wasn't worth it for her, probably.
all celebs crave attention but, imo, she at least makes art in the process. celebs who sing "imagine" for covid/lockdown make me want to jump off a bridge.
No. 609734
>>609730Didn't he cheat on her a bunch? I wouldn't do shit if my sister went berserk on my partner for that either. I mean I probably would have dumped them, but I'm sure Hollywood politics
and love? might have something to do with it.
No. 609964
>>609734Also he was 30 years old and pursued a 17 - 18 year old Beyonce (though she was probably even younger tbh, but the "official" story is that they met when she was 18, of course.)
I would be pissed to grow up and realize that my older sister had been the
victim of a predatory man, not only normalized within my family, but within the entire national culture as well. Nobody batted an eye about Beyonce and Jay-Z, in fact it was seen as "relationship goals," even to this day.
No. 609987
>>609715>>609730Because there was a camera on the elevator and she knew the footage could get leaked which GASP it did! And no one had confirmation of what happened until Lemonade. How tacky of her to deal with her predatory husband's cheating on her own terms.
>>609721Imagine thinking Paris Hilton who made a career out of doing nothing and saying "that's hot" has more personality than Beyonce lmao.
Idk maybe my elder millennial is showing but Beyonce used to be lively and everything in interviews, tv appearances, movies, etc. like
>>609717 mentioned but understandably got fed up with being called stupid, uneducated, inarticulate, and whatever the hell people wanted to come up with a run with.
I'm really tired of the Beyonce is a boring robot narrative. It's because of assholes like you who can't just let a black woman exist and be beautiful and talented without trying to tear her down "ohhhhh, idk she's CREEEEPY does she even have a soul or personality?1?" is the new "she has a southern accent so she must be a DUMB HICK lol can she even form a sentence?? She probably can't read. She definitely take no part in her songwriting process despite having credits! Fake pregnancy!!!!"
Have you watched Year of Four? Homecoming? Both made in the last 10 years with her showing plenty of personality. Or even like…listened to her music or watched her last 2 visual albums? It's fine to not like her if she's not your taste but Beyonce haters just make it so transparent that they have no idea what they're talking about.
No. 610290
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>>609987>I'm really tired of the Beyonce is a boring robot narrative. It's because of assholes like you who can't just let a black woman exist and be beautiful and talented without trying to tear her down "ohhhhh, idk she's CREEEEPY does she even have a soul or personality?1?" is the new "she has a southern accent so she must be a DUMB HICK lol can she even form a sentence?? She probably can't read. She definitely take no part in her songwriting process despite having credits! Fake pregnancy!!!!"You are an actual insane person. Please seek help.
No. 610466
>>610460i'm pissed off that she's even trying to be "fair" with an asshole midget who didn't give a shit when he shot her in the feet. he still didn't give a shit when he got his publicists to spread lies.
JT's right. he needs to get shot back.
No. 610981
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No. 611511
>>609496she's so fucking annoying omg, oh not her song has he/him AND she/her pronouns on it!!!11!!!! revolutionary!!111111!!!!1111!1!1111
>>609721i mean, tbf anon, she IS married to a billionaire, no one becomes a billionaire without abusing others in some capacity
No. 612699
>>612529Beyonce anon is just
triggered we said her kween bee is void of personality whatsoever
No. 612743
>>612699It seems like she doesn't know anything else besides performing, which is good on one side cause she's delivers great shows but on the other side it makes her just unrelatable and boring.
Every step she takes is just so highly calculated and it throws many people off. It's like she's afraid of not appearing like the goddess her fans think she is.
I do enjoy some of her music and she's incredibly talented and hardworking but i'm tired of her twitter stans acting like she's our feminist savior when there's nothing remotely feminist about a woman who 9/10 songs sings about her body or men, has most of her lyrics written by men and is managed by men.
Won't even get into how she oftentimes failed to credit other artists she gets inspiration from and all…
No. 612796
>>612470NTA, but if Beyonce did a show like The Simple Life, racist Americans would use it as "proof" she's a horrible, clinically retarded person who can't come up with shit and isn't worthy of anything ever. It would only give her the worst kind of publicity, and essentially kill her career.
A lot of black celebrities wouldn't be able to get away with acting brainless and vapid (and proud of it) the way Paris does, for very obvious reasons. I've seen people seethe about her and say "Beyonce probably can't read" even now, without her saying a word, so the stan anon isn't entirely wrong.
I'm not into her (all pop music is kind of boring/shit, and her aesthetic isn't usually interesting to me), but I understand why she keeps her private life just that. I'd probably do the same if I were some normie celebrity.
She doesn't really owe the public anything besides songs and dances, and most celebrities are annoying when vocal, anyway.
No. 613022
>>612796Paris Hilton had the luck of being one of the first celebrities to do reality. She was hated back in the day too and she like Kim Kardashian was far more well known after her porno A Night in Paris or whatever. All my male mates had it on their hard drives while the girls watched Simple Life. Paris Hilton was constantly slated and for years people thought she was a vapid airhead. It's only due to the many years she's been famous she can now own her persona because she's been able to drop the act a few times.
Beyonce had personality back in the day too. She did a few teen shows when she was young. She was more outspoken in interviews. There use to be shows like Behind the Music yous get more authentic clips of her. Beyonce use to be hated for her attitude. She's less personable now because we get it, she's a perfectionist she's a hard worker but a lot of people still remember young catty Beyonce. She wasn't humble by any means
No. 613259
>>612796>if Beyonce did a show like The Simple LifeThe humor of The Simple Life was in the fact that Paris and Nicole were financially-stable upper class women who didn't understand some basic tasks or technology because of their upbringing. When it aired on TV, people
did legitimately think Paris and Nicole were as dumb as rocks, regardless of them being white.
>racist Americans would use it as "proof" she's a horrible, clinically retarded person who can't come up with shit and isn't worthy of anything ever…Emphasis on "racist". A racist person would dislike Beyonce because she is a member of a race which they are prejudiced against. That's the only excuse a racist person believes they need to dislike her, and her behavior would be considered secondary to that.
Are people forgetting that the general western left-wing public praised her in 2016 for speaking about racial conflict and social justice issues during the Lemonade era? Even if some of the praise was shallow Twitter praise, I don't recall anyone (who was't openly racist) saying she was stupid back then, people were typically calling her brave for tackling the subject matter. We're not living in 2003 anymore, the population's opinion on Beyonce has largely changed.
No. 613591
>>613123Clearly, you haven't read the shit people say about women who are in the public eye, but don't fit a very specific mould. It's honestly disgusting. You don't have to be a stan of anyone to see that and understand why any celebrity would distance themselves.
>>613259>When it aired on TV, people did legitimately think Paris and Nicole were as dumb as rocks, regardless of them being white.And guess what? They're still allowed to just be, and they're considered fun and endearing.
A stupid black woman would not be smiled upon, that'd just be embarrassing clown shit. The two groups simply cannot do the same things. Blame history and the entire nature of minstrelsy/caricatures for that. America dug its media grave there.
>…Emphasis on "racist". A racist person would dislike Beyonce because she is a member of a race which they are prejudiced against. That's the only excuse a racist person believes they need to dislike her, and her behavior would be considered secondary to that.And why give them extra ammo? If you think the backlash on Paris was bad, imagine how much worse it could get. I don't know how to explain to you that the rules aren't the same for everyone. No brainlet black women, please. There are enough shitty stereotypes.
No. 614162
>>613259This comment is so stupid it hurts. B-but people laughed at white women for being dumb! People liked Lemonade so racism is over and black women can express themselves freely speak about the pain they specifically endure without repercussions! No one has ever even been rude to Beyonce since!
If you are too young to remember Beyonce's peak pop girl years then stop embarrassing yourself. While Paris was barely conscious during the Simple Life and could have been replaced with a real doll and voice actor, Beyonce was churning out hits, making tv and movie appearances and building a fortune not based on nepotism or a goddamn sex tape. But I guess just stating facts makes you a crazy stan on this wasteland of a website.
No. 615776
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No. 615821
>>615776Okay, yall I got some fucking milk (?? maybe??) on this hoe.
When I was in high school, like 2011 or 2012, I was interested in learning Bella Thorne's background because on Disney, she made a big deal about having dyslexia and I was like "omg wow a celeb with a disability! lemme learn more."
So I checked her wiki and found she was a model when she was younger, I went to her modeling agency website and was SHOCKED at the pics I found. This was literally pictures of children (ages 8 - 11) dressed in like, very adult wear. Damn near lingerie. I was
triggered, showed my mom. "This has to be a front for something more sinister". Okay, I forgot about it after a while. This was a long time ago.
I go back in years later to search for anything on that agency. NOTHING. I couldn't find a GODDAMN thing about this "child modeling agency". NOTHING comes up and I can't even remember the name of it. I tried searching "Bella Thorne child model". NOTHING relevant to the website that I found.
I can assume the company went down or went incognito but why was it scrubbed from her wiki and such?
HOLY SHIT. I just checked her wikipedia:
>She revealed in January 2018 that she had been sexually abused from a young age until she was 14. She did not identify her abuser.Holy shit. This would not be surprising if it was someone at the agency!!!!
I have old screenshots that I took to show my mom, wonder if I can find them again!
No. 615828
>>615821Similar things happened to Hayden Panettiere. In BTs case the first time, she was age 6. Aged 6! It only stopped because every night, she would lock her door and sit with her back against it, wide awake.
In both cases it was their fathers. It’s a very somber topic when you realize someone you dislike acts the way they do for a reason you cannot even begin to comprehend.
No. 615864
>>615776This is just sad tbh, Bella has already talked about being sexually abused as a child, she shouldn’t be basically prostituting herself on the internet that’s beyond unhealthy.
I hope she get treatment someday.
No. 616110
>>615776Jesus, this girl is really Lindsay Lohan 2.0.
She's even a redhead and a Disney child star.
No. 616143
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>>616110She's a brunette actually, im pretty sure Disney made her dye her hair ala Ariana Grande.
No. 616524
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>>616506Samefagging. I Googled "bella thorne baby photo" because I found it weird that her Wikipedia page and all sorts of news articles stress her modelling since six weeks old, but actual photos of her as a baby aren't in any of the articles.
Found this (the boy on the right is her brother, Remy Thorne). This definitely looks sketchy as all fuck.
No. 616531
>>616520Parents are never held responsible in any way in these stories. I am sorry but if you're not a literal retard, you can't pretend you don't know what'll happen when you sell your daughter (or son)'s bodies for a quick buck.
See also Polanski, nobody ever holds the mother responsible (of course Pedolanski should take the majority of the brunt) but she just let her 13 yo daughter get her picture taken alone in Polanski's friend's house? tf
No. 616532
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After 84 years, Katy Perry finally gave birth
>Welcome to the world, Daisy Dove Bloom! We are honoured to introduce Goodwill Ambassadors @KatyPerry and @OrlandoBloom’s new bundle of joy.⠀⠀
>“We are floating with love and wonder from the safe and healthy arrival of our daughter,” Katy and Orlando told us.⠀ No. 616702
>>615821>>616524I can easily believe you, anon. Before she blew up with that Disney show I had her on Facebook, I remember being shocked at the pics she posted. In her profile pic it was her at a stadium, posing quite maturely, and she was wearing micro denim shorts and a micro crop top. She was like 10-11 back then, and the comments were full of old men.
Something creepy's definitely up.
No. 617124
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>>617121This was taken a few days ago so that's entirely likely
No. 617181
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hate these two
No. 617266
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Bella Thorne was never a child model HOW DARE YOU, if it was true, we'd see proof.
No. 617285
>>617280"lel its pizzagate"
post something substantive, tell me I'm wrong. Please just blow me out of the water.
No. 617309
>>617266There are worse photos of her on Fanpop. Shit I'm sure no "legit" modelling agency or even a decent parent letting their little kid go out with friends would allow.
I don't really feel comfortable saving this shit, let alone posting it here, but this one seemed the most sketchy to me: blended with the fact that you can't even find out what agency she was in as a child is suspicious IMO.
No. 617314
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>>617311Also adding, literally the ‘similar images’ preview alone made me want to vomit. Entire dvd collections of girls that could not even be nine years old in swimsuits, and it’s legal. Thinking that it’s a conspiracy is naive. These dvds are selling, again legally, on Japanese auction sites. This one is tame, but cropped just because this is awful. “Pizzagate tinfoil” my ass.
No. 617357
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>>617343The aesthetic is cute, but the song is generic. Are these like, spam comments to inflate their engagement or something, though, lmao?
No. 617621
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No. 618031
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>>616509yo I had to look this up and what the fuck, this is bizarre. Her mom approved of it but later tried to sue the photographer when Brookes career took off, the judge dismissed her and said something along the lines of “these photos are not erotic and if you think so you’re a pervert”.
No. 618052
>>618038Nobody cared. It was right after the sexual liberation of the sixties and children now were recognized to have their own sexualities, so it was not seen as obscene. Thus people just didn't think too much about pedophilia as dangerous back then (for a couple of decades at most). These pictures were made in a series about adressing the "feminity" of young girls.
Muuuuch worse happened in Germany (literal sex camp for children, etc). In France, pedos were sanctionned by famous writers and magazines in the name of free love and being against bourgeois ideas of morality.
No. 618059
>>618038I know we look at these things and say it’s crazy but it was the norm at the time. It was defended as lowbrow and avant-garde, when it was just a dogwhistle. Idk why people act so obtuse about this kind of stuff, like they absolutely
have to see it in order for it to exist. It’s overall harmful.
No. 618062
>>617343wow, it's every bit as shitty as i imagined
what happened to blackpink? their first album with "whistle" and "playing with fire" on it was pretty good. everything past that has been absolute dogshit
No. 618132
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>>618031Here’s what the judge had to say.
No. 618227
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>>618218Her mom was suing on her behalf so he seems to have been trying to punish her mom in some way.
No. 618321
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Chadwick Boseman just passed away. He’d been quietly fighting colon cancer. No. 618365
>>618321Jesus. Fuck cancer.
I saw a vid recently and he look freakishly skinny. I thought he was sick (or on drugs. Now I feel like an asshole for assuming that) but didn’t know he was dying. RIP.
No. 618583
>>618557>Hope one of the butthurt scrotes hunts her down and rapes her to death,So, we're now at the point where it's considered sensible to say a CSA
victim who's been exploited by scrotes for money since she was a literal baby deserves to be raped?
Sounding like a whole misogynistic scrote, all over some simp pennies. Shameful.
No. 618600
>>618571OF is safe? Bitches are so desperate for easy money. You realise exposinf and exploiting yourself on line is going to attract a can of worms down the line. I already know of one girl who's dad best the fuck out of her once he found his daughters twitter promoting her OF.
Sex work is not empowering. Get a life and a real job
No. 618622
>>618557It’s so sweet to you to think that OF changed it’s TOS because Bella’s scam. They could have just banned her ass and refund the money.
Instead they changed their policies to benefit themselves and stupid twitter mob is attacking Bella ”because it's her fault!”
No, she didn't made the new rules. OF did.
Onlyfans is a sketchy company who does not care about ~liberation of sex workers~. They just want to save their own asses because IRS is up to their tracks.
No. 618637
>>618622Did you guys notice that before all this, OF was fucking thirsty for celebrities to join them?
I'm sure they already wanted to change their policy a while ago, but they had Bella Thorne hop on to take all the blame for it in exchange for money, both from the company and all the dumbass coomers.
People on Twitter are so fucking dumb and gullible. If this really does fuck up OF (and I doubt it will), I will be very glad.
No. 618659
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>>618530I posted this in dumbass shit because I'm a sperg.
>Demand payment for low quality nudes falsely percieved as hard work>Conjure narrative that middle class twitterfag SWs are a marginalised group>Demand payment because Bella took mah jerbYou can't make this shit up. It's hilarious how quick they ditched sw Twitter's core tenant of "uplift other women" kek.
No. 618665
>>618659They need to understand that
they are the ones harming real sex workers by incessantly pushing their sanitized, first world version of it and centering themselves when they're the 1%. They are no better than Bella Thorne. In fact, they're worse. Bella's probably done far more in the realm of actual, literal "sex work" her whole damn life than they could ever imagine.
When people like this say "We literally need [the money]", they mean "I need the money to buy myself all the stuff off my Amazon wishlist for my mental health uwu".
No. 618716
>>618659>she will not fear for her safety; she will not have to deal with customers in any real wayIs this stupid bitch implying that celebrities don't have to worry about obsessive creeps and stalkers? I guess every celebrity that has either been stalked, harassed, assaulted, or murdered by someone that felt entitled to them didn't have it as badly as the poor wittlw SWs on OnlyFans uwu. If anything, Bella Thorne would be at an even greater risk than one of the thousands of crusty hoes on OnlyFans BECAUSE she's famous. Also, the "not have to deal with customers in any real way" part is funny because OnlyFans whores also don't have to directly deal with customers like actual prostitutes have to.
>"cultural tourism"Girl, you sell naked pics of yourself to thirsty dudes, what fucking culture?
I never liked Bella Thorne, but all of the milk she's caused from this is delicious.
No. 618987
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No. 619020
I have nothing against sex workers but I hate this glorification towards sex work on SM. Nothing is empowering about pandering to gross scrotes. What Bella Throne did was shitty but I love how people are acting like she did something so sacrilegious when really it was another example of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
>>618557>Hope one of the butthurt scrotes hunts her down and rapes her to death, it would be fully deserved for what she's done to other women in need.5edgy3me
>>618519I was surprised to learn that he was past 40 when BP came out. He could easily pass for his 20s up until he got really gaunt. RIP.
No. 619026
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Bella Thorne's sister also has an OF (and she sells actual nudes). She's been responding to people's comments and defending her sister. Bella liked one of them. No. 619029
>>618637>>618622>>618659>>619020>>618557Ok but like, has anyone been able to find a screenshot or something of the actual contents of the $200 message? At most I found a screenshot of the unoppened message.
I ask because there's the possibility that this is a case of entitled coomers, you know? That Bella was in fact nude in the pictures, maybe showing breasts but not full pussy? She once posted her breasts for free on Twitter anyway. Of course this is just a guess, but I wouldn't be surprised if coomers these days think they're fully entitled to a woman's body and pussy to the extent their penis decides and to not the extent the woman decides, and because of that they're claiming it's a scam when they probably got what they paid for.
I could be wrong but in any case I would wait to see what actually was in the message before believing that she scammed anyone.
No. 619035
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>>619034Also, this happened.>‘I have to address this because someone, I guess maybe a sex worker, is saying that “if this isn’t sex work, I don’t know what is. ‘“If you’re intentionally posting, promoting sexual photos and receiving payment, whether you ignore the fact men are jerking off to you or not… you’re doing sex work”.’ >Kailie continued: ‘I have to disagree. I don’t know who said this but it was next to one of my photos with a quote, so I assume that I’m being brought into this somehow so here I am. >‘I’m a creative. I’m stealing your work because you’re not creative. All your bios say the same thing, “Insatiable slut”. Get creative and maybe you’d keep your clientele.’ ‘My point is, don’t hate the player, hate the game,’ she added. No. 619070
[ ] At Large
[ X ] Patrolled
No. 619168
>>618987Umm yeah, smells like bullshit. Bella might be a dumb thot but I doubt that she would announce the project without serious plans to make it. She must have a publicist or PR person of some sort.
I think the director just jumped the ship because he’s afraid of the angry lynching mob of Twitter. He knows that Bella can't say anything in public now that might fuel the shitstorm.
>>619026Oh no what a messy bitch. She should have kept her head down in this situation.
Everyone knows that Twitter has a very short attention span. They will move to next person to cancel in two weeks max.
No. 619251
>>619108Correction, Dua Lipa did it better
Still, I'm so bored of singers and even rappers doing anime-inspired music videos, I've lost count already on how many have done it. I understand anime is very popular right now and that it's complicated to shoot a music video but can't they try something else? It's boring already
No. 619403
>>619104this is so badly animated and uninspired.
>>619275this anon's so right. Even though it was an obvious ghost in a shell callback or w.e, it was way better done, and the story was far more interesting than Katy's obvious 'woke gay' persona she keeps trying to push.
I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more animated music videos because of covid tbh.
No. 619509
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Kek looks like bait from OF but it wouldn't make sense
No. 619550
>>618659if sex work is work then this is no different than a celebrity joining youtube and making interview/hobby types of videos, which is literally what happens all the time and no one makes a fuss about it, or this bad.
i had a couple people speculate bella thorne was some sort of plant to make OF change their policies lmao
No. 619694
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No. 619795
>>619764her body and boobs look nice. I mean, she was fat for so long, seeing your own body slim like this makes you go crazy about it.
Face always looks better with more fat, more youthful and full, the fat makes wrinkles less aparent… For me, Adele looks fine, it's just a weird candid. Must be infuriating to see everyone say "you looked better fat" when you finally lose weight lol. Her body looks great imo
No. 620468
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Emma Roberts is pregnant
No. 620473
>>620468She's such an
abusive person, rip to that child's mental health
No. 620477
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>>620224Britfag here, the Notting Hill Carnival is a massive deal in London, it’s celebrated by people of all different cultures and most people dress up in traditional styles, eat traditional food and generally celebrate West Indian culture, it’s ridiculous and disgusting to try and twist something positive into something negative. Here is the mayor of Tottenham, a black British man defending her.
No. 620480
>>620473Wait, what's the story here? I've never read anything about her personal life so I just assumed she was boring af
>>620477Throw their cultural insensitivity right back at the wokescolds who would prefer complete cultural insulation
No. 620520
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>>620513They were in an on off relationship for years and as early as 2013 it started becoming publicly
toxic. They broke up multiple times between 2013-2017 No. 620646
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No. 620748
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>>620477But she also get's lots of backlash.
I'm neither murican nor british, but adele is simply so popular everywhere that even serious news outlets in my country wrote about her "cultural appropriation" and I also saw a translated article about it on a kpop site. It seems like the entire world turns aginst black americans, I read comments like "it's safest to not interact with anything of them at all".
No. 620773
>>620748I get why white celebrities wearing traditionally black hairstyles rubs people the wrong way. Black hair (especially for women) is still perceived in a negative light. Black women spend a lot of money on weaves and wigs to look more "professional," but suddenly it's cool and trendy when a white person wears hairstyles meant for natural black hair.
Not trying to racebait, I don't think Adele came from a bad place, but I get why people don't like it.
No. 620783
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>>620657He always remind me of these kinds of kittens
No. 620788
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Am I allowed to take inspiration from Björk or any standard issue 90s raver girl or will cancellation ensue
No. 620953
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So Aubrey O'day is getting ripped apart because she was spotted out in public having visibly gained a shit ton of weight, but is denying its her because she is promoting flat tummy tea and claims its working. She photoshops her photos so aggressively that people are shocked by how she actually looks.
No. 620954
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>>620953For reference, some of her photos, despite being shopped to an extreme, are clearly indicative of weight gain either way. Also, what is so stupid, is that she has the same tattoos and dog in the photo and shes still trying to lie.
No. 620979
>>620954not to be rude, but is she trans?? looks like a drag queen or something here and ive actually never heard of this person
>>620818same more than anything his songs annoy me so much especially the beautiful people song, shape of you, and the i dont care song. i really cant see how anyone can sit down, open spotify, and listen to that shit voluntarily…
No. 620980
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>>620979Unfortunately, a lot of women are shopping themselves/getting surgery to resemble drag queens now. Especially on instagram. Just look at the Kardashians. The more blown up and grotesque the features are, the better they consider it.
Shes from Danity Kane btw. Shes been discussed in other threads before because shes kind of a cow in her own right. Shes more famous for her surgery and fucking donald trumps son than she is for her music at this point.
No. 620982
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>>620980I find it hilarious that Arab celebs have been rocking that botched + drag makeup look for ages and now everyone looks like this
No. 621050
>>620953Eh. People gain weight. I don’t really care about that.
What I do care about is how she fucked Donald Trump Jr. while he was still married. Someone needs to spill the tea.
No. 621080
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>>620849I get the impression he only settled with his long-suffering girlfriend because he couldn't do better. He really tried his hardest for quite a while.
No. 621119
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do either of them have the money to continue to prolong this shit?
No. 621124
>>620953I’m shocked by the weight gain but honestly, she looks so much better in this photo than her weird tranny shoops. She’s been butchering her face for sometime(in person and the FTing). No idea what she has against her nose.
Also jfc that dog…it’s like some terrible tekashi69 abomination.
No. 621186
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>>621165If retards off- and online would keep commenting about me breaking up a boysband for over 50 years I'd be making music like this too.
No. 621256
>>621165One thing people are forgetting is Yoko does a lot with contemporary art museums. She's done personal exhibits and original music for them before so this song is probably for them too. It fails as an easy listening pop song, but it could hold up as an avant garde commentary.
Also the beats for the war-zone album aren't half bad.
No. 621400
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No. 621420
>>621400I find them so annoying… Why people are praising them anyway, especially Meghan, I'm so confused
Also this news reminds me of that videowhere Harry was begging Disney to take Meghan
No. 621571
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I don't know if this goes here so tell me if not but I just found out that piper perri (the pornstar from that meme of a white girl sat down surrounded by black dudes)'s boyfriend killed her two year old son a few years back. Is that too dark to be milky?
No. 621858
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>>621836Both can be true, lmao.
No. 621864
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>>621779This is the cover of Star magazine this week. Not that its a credible news source by any means, but publishers like that regurgitate info to make people talk and buy. Until the monarchy is abolished this cycle will continue forever
No. 621930
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Holly shit is twitter is getting worst? Pic related
No. 621941
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>>621930I read this and thought he said something bad.
Turns out he made a joke about his platform shoes. These people are batshit insane, lmao.
No. 621952
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>>620953Never thought a typical MySpace realness certificate is something that would be used in 2020 kek
No. 622252
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>>622132kek twenty one pilots stans are annoying lile any other stans anyway this isn’t surprising at all. twitter really was a mistake
anyway i love this so much lol i should start to use this excuse too
No. 622388
>>621864Princess Diana being murdered is the one conspiracy theory I am fully on board with. It just makes way too much sense.
>>621080come on, anon, ed sheeran is exactly the sort of artist who gets a pass for being ugly bc of his songs, nevermind his money
No. 622533
>>621941lmao based, demanding that every single celebrity speak on politics is retarded and I hate how it's become the norm now. And
>>621950 top kek
No. 622669
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little az banks dump from her twitter
No. 622672
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>>622670should be before this image oops sorry
No. 622675
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>>622673bonus because it made me laugh
No. 622724
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>>620849He gave an interview where the bragged about fucking hot girls because he was hanging around Taylor Swift.>>621952Her fingers holding the sign look fat lmao this is so obviously shopped and she's wearing momokun level compression wear
>>622705If you go to her twitter or insta it's so weird. She doesn't post anymore but it's like porn shoot, porn shoot, RIP my son dead 1 year, porn shoot. She's on Onlyfans though and apparently was active a few hours ago.
No. 622749
>>620953I'm confused. This woman consciously made the decision to go out in public like this, with her tattoos showing and very recognizable dyed dog(s), knowing she looks the way she looks. What did she think would happen? That paparazzi would Photoshop her to look better? If she's vain enough to post a "proof" photo of her wearing shapewear to prove she looks better than that, why couldn't she wear the shapewear before?
I want to say this was done on purpose as a publicity stunt, but why humiliate yourself?
No. 622771
>>622738(was joking)
>>622724that picture is nightmare fuel my god
No. 623038
>>622970when you announce that you're suicidal on twitter don't blame others for others for not treating you seriously
she made her bed
though i agree that people would react differently if she was a white dude, it doesn't mean that love and prayers for suicidal stunts are good reaction ever
No. 623044
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No. 623086
>>623044I can't help but wonder what on set protocols there are for these actors to keep getting covid. I assume it'd be statistically more probable due to the sheer amount of crewmemebers and it's not like you can film in a mask but you have to wonder.
Also celebrities get to travel around and film things all willy nilly while everyone else has to self isolate and follow the rules. "Working" or not it's unfair, but that's the class divide in action, lower class people who work have no choice and if they get covid their company will care less and fire them but celebrities get covid and they have a nice wad of money to fall back on…
No. 623334
>>622675I mean, she’s not entirely wrong here.
>>622764Yeah same. Girlie plays the
victim like no other. Granted, I do think they’re are times where she’s generally screwed over/treated badly. Like the media obsessing over who she dates (although I would be surprised if she adds fuel to that fire) or the Scooter Braun thing.
Also her and Kanye both need to get the fuck over the VMAs incident. It’s been 11 years. Let it go.
No. 623713
>>622904you know youre on lolcow right
ill post more milk when she posts it but thanks for the input
No. 623984
>>623925Dumbass take. The crew should be getting benefits and staying home like the rest of the 'developed world'. I get that murica didnt do that shit at all for their people, but anon has a right to be pissed at the relentlessness of the institution: the pandemic wont just affect the crew, it affects the crew and other people by a potential factor of 10. Each. And they're hardly essential workers. That could be some makeup artists' next client. Robby Patts could have passed it on to some workers kid. They shouldnt need to be forced to work under pandemic conditions just to produce some arbitrary and listless media. In order to work. To survive. In a pandemic. I just… ?
Anon clearly said I Hate Hollywood not I Hate Malingering Makeup Crew Workers who DARE to be at the beck and call of their own paychecks during a pandemic, as per the discretion of Hollywood producers and CEOs who also wont protect them.
No. 624558
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So Armie Hammer is apparently a construction worker now and is working for his friend. Something about the way he worded this is hilarious to me
No. 624621
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Ok so Cara Delevingne and Ashley Benson broke up, then Ashley started dating Halsey’s ex G-Eazy and now Cara and Halsey are dating?
I know that Cara has slept with every bi(-curious) woman in Hollywood but it’s still kind of weird.
Ngl I stanned Cara and Ashley together and it breaks my heart that they split. Even though there is rumors that Cara is a serial cheater.
Source: No. 624628
>>624624>be gay for his bossIt does read like a gay love letter/coming out lmao
>>624627>Did his wife kick him out?Yep
No. 624849
>>624811In the Gia Carangi biography, there's a quote from Brooke's mother Teri, something that was said at the Wilhelmina Agency they both shared. It was something similar to "my daughter is a prime piece of pussy," the point being that her young daughter was mostly a commodity to her.
Brooke took care of her mother for a long time before she passed away and I'm not sure she'd ever speak about what really went on, but you have to wonder.
No. 625136
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No. 625137
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No. 625138
>>625136I hate that I read this and could instantly picture some twitter user posting "It's not Brad Pitt's gf being polyamorous that's
problematic, it's the age gap between them" and instantly getting like 5k retweets
No. 625193
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>>625186wow, somebody's having a big week!
No. 625210
>>625160She looks like a mix of Angelina and the blonde kid they have.
I guess in a way, it's at least helpful in this modern age that people are so blatant about being too mental for monogamy. And the church remains focused on gay couples ruining the value of marriage. Whatever
No. 625214
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>>625212Samefagging to post one of many bad reviews of the school I found with a Google search, all from 2+ years ago.
It seems like sexual abuse wasn't uncommon.
No. 625218
>>625212Anywhere parents are seperated from children is a hub of abuse. Reform schools were normalised/even mandatory in certain cases prior to the 60s/70s so I've heard my fair share of horror stories secondhand. Now it seems like a dumping ground for unwanted children like Paris.
>>625214Like the poster alludes that's probably not even the half of it. Children's autonomy shouldn't be entrusted to strangers wherever possible.
No. 625233
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>>625212Can people ITT really be that innocent? Paris has always been a whore, before, during and after her stay at that school.
>>621420WHo is praising these losers? Everybody hates Meghan and think of Harry as a dumb cuck
No. 625249
>>625218Incorrect, faggot. Some parents are
abusive and the best thing for the kids is to be removed from their families, especially if there is generational abuse
No. 625251
>>625243You're right, no one famous ever gets molested. That'd be crazy. Nothing like that ever happens.
It's not like that school has an existing reputation for covering cameras, accusing children of lying if/when they try to report being abused to their parents, filing false reports to make said children look insane, drugging them, etc. Paris' parents clearly had a lot of concern for her, sending her to live far away from them in an institution for a year that only allowed a phone call a week if you're lucky.
Even now, Paris' mom admits she didn't believe her daughter when she talked about having nightmares of the place. That shows a lot of care, I'm sure she'd believe her if she had just told her.
No. 625404
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>>625136>>625160She looks more like Bill Skarsgard to me kek
No. 625436
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>>625136>"model">"Angelina lookalike"Kek only after her Hollywood makeover, before she looked like every other european girl
How desperate do you have to be to let an old fart knock you up at 19?
No. 625480
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>>625136thought this was jessica biel for a sec
No. 625659
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No. 625743
>>625710>Is he gay or does he just love a good dicking?Anon… looking at the state of his ass, this isn't his first rodeo. Lol.
Also, how do we know for sure it's him? I remember a video of allegedly Drake sucking dick making the rounds on 4chan about a year ago, but that was disproven, it was just a lookalike.
No. 625757
>>625436Anon have you ever left your bumfuck hick yank town? Europeans aren't a monolith there's no standard.
>>625738Its drugs. She's like 27 how can that catch up with her? Dumb.
No. 625800
>>625797Do we need to do this in
every thread
No. 625803
>>625738>her age That’s pretty funny anon. I think her ghostly appearance is from all the fucking ketamine she snorts
>>625757>t-there’s no standard!There’s nothing you can do about your horse maw anon, it’s okay.
>>625797Psh, maybe you.
No. 625805
>>625136Everything about this is so
toxic and whats wrong with our society.
>27 year old woman>has child with 60+ year old man>dating Brad Pitt, who is in his 40s/50s whateverAnd now they're poly? i hate that hollywood tries to encourage this as normal
No. 625907
>>625898all these old guys are dating "models" who look like they got heaps of work done. you think they'd be able to score better than that. anachan body doesn't exactly equate to pretty face… with the amount of money they're flaunting but nah.
brad deserves this though, imagine the hell of putting your seven kids through a divorce
No. 625982
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No. 626083
>>625945did anyone notice the jumpcuts/edits on this video.
I guess now selena only collaborates with people and brands if they highly edit her to make her look sober.
No. 626185
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>>625738>>625797zoomers are mentally ill. instagram has rotted your brain.
No. 626510
>>625982Freya isn't A/A- list though
millie bobby brown sounds more likely but it's sick cause she's 16
I hope other celebrities start calling him out on his pedo-like behaviors
No. 626523
File: 1599692021632.jpeg (910.59 KB, 1242x1832, F4734A36-966F-4E62-9804-8010DE…) see CDAN posted here a lot but is there any evidence that it’s accurate? From what I can find this guy seems like he’s just mentally ill and a complete liar.
No. 626622
File: 1599698723876.png (Spoiler Image,1006.59 KB, 1168x686, Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 20.4…)

I should not have searched for silento's butthole on twitter
No. 626691
>>625738IDk if it's filler, a botched face lift, or botox but her jaw does not move when she talks and it's really unsettling
>>626622Thanks anon I am absolutely disgusted.
No. 626777
File: 1599709558896.jpeg (Spoiler Image,66.27 KB, 720x1280, EhCy1IUWkAEosY7.jpeg)

>>626622And then my crazy ass wanted to find the original.
I have so many questions. Why is he making that face? Who was this pic for? Was he turned on by this? Did he ruin his own boyhole with self-play? Why is there tissue residue around his asshole? Or is that lotion? Is he taking that with a selfie stick?
No. 626781
File: 1599709753989.jpg (88.86 KB, 734x734, 29805_1.jpg)

>>626777That can't be lotion. Wouldn't it burn? His asshole already looks raw as is. Maybe that's lube. or his cum
Anyway, pic is basically his booty for anons that don't wanna look.
No. 626800
>>626781fuck hahahaha
…but also how on earth did he get his bunghole to look this way.
No. 626989
>>626523Not really. Most blinds that ended up accurate were already open secrets in Hollywood for years and posted on different sites. The rest is likely bs made up by bored people. The site has only gotten worse over the years with his Qanon pandering.
>>626981There were rumors about those two for years, probably even decades. Here's Seth MacFarlane making fun of him over 7 years ago before the scandal.
No. 627103
>>627098who cares about it though? first, not all do. second the kind of workplaces you’re talking about expect people to look the same like drones and all discourage creativity and even beauty, if they told me to wear a bag on my head i’d do it to get paid haha but this is OT i see most people as loving my culture period
>>626777this boy is a mess and doesn’t know what way to go
No. 627131
>>627103Obviously employers do if there had to be legislation passed banning discrimination toward those with kinky hair. Quit being retarded
>>627112Gonna wear a bag over my head to work everyday because my employer won't allow me to wear the hair that naturally grows out of my head. There is nothing wrong with this at all. This website kek
No. 627144
>>627140Fuck anon I’m so sorry, I just realized you meant
black hair. I thought you meant the color black. I’m so fucking sorry omfg
No. 627328
>>627056Cardi B isn't even black and doesn't consider herself so, but she attacked Candace for marrying a white man and everyone is just going along with the entire "two black political women fighting" fraud. America's a fucking joke.
I don't like either of them, to be honest.
No. 627335
>>627144tfw you're from a predominantly white european country and without this post you'd never understand what's different about black hair as compared to any other color
it's messed up though, why wouldn't a person be allowed to have their natural hair?
No. 627357
>>627336Her mom is part black, and her dad isn't at all.
She used to literally attack black women and call them monkeys and roaches, made fun of a black woman's child dying, claimed to see herself just as Latino, and said she considered it interracial (for herself) to date black men.
It's just now that she's involved in popular music that she's trying to claim blackness.
No. 627359
File: 1599773223410.jpg (303.37 KB, 1200x1200, c1S0KkP.jpg)

Alec Baldwin and his wife had their 5th child in 7 years
No. 627434
>>627359Hope the baby comes out ok
Alec is old as fuck
>>627398Calm down
No. 627508
File: 1599779899048.jpg (73.84 KB, 634x600, 32917454-8709787-Aubrey_told_o…)

Daily Mail isnt letting up on Miss Oday lmao. They caught her in a pool this time.
No. 627509
File: 1599779935145.jpg (53.62 KB, 634x536, 32917500-8709787-_She_was_at_t…)

>>627508This pic is sending me.
No. 627513
>>627509God why does every celebrity seem to have the same type of bloated face without makeup
Do they all go to the same plastic surgeon and ask to look like fat Geordie Shore girls if they got stung by a bunch of bees after a week of drinking nothing but light beer
No. 627521
>>627516Kylie Jenner had that face the last two season of the kardashians. I wouldn't be surprised the TV show is ending because she's utterly botched and won't be able to carry the show. She needs to stick to her photoshopped Kylie Cosmetic Campaigns.
Fillers are starting to look not good imo. Since they became normal for average people to get seeing the same procedures on different faces truly has made the botox parts more noticeable.
No. 627524
>>627508Diddy tried to warn her!
>>627516fillers are an american look popularized by social media peeps like the kardashians. This history rewrite kek. American women are always trying to dunk on other women to cover for the fact like all look like Aubrey irl!
No. 627599
>>624558Celebrities blatant PR attempts are so funny to see.
>>625212Another PR attempt. This woman has no credibility and will do anything to try and salvage her reputation. In her heyday she had her publicist lie about things like her cocaine use (saying the white powder that was in her nose in a pic was 'stray dessert'), and now we're supposed to believe her just because she says she was abused? She doesn't even directly say she was sexually abused, she probably just wants people to assume that.
No. 627793
File: 1599805643601.jpg (69.55 KB, 600x360, gemma-in-greece--t.jpg)

>>627525i see it too, anon. she reminds me so much of gemma collins now.
No. 627988
>>627359She's living the definition of the tradwive life
>be young, marry old rich white dude>get a dozen blonde children>bare feet and a flower dressWas this video posted before already? What a loving father, I bet his adult kids are visiting him and their half-siblings super often…
No. 628043
File: 1599841534972.gif (4.12 MB, 400x307, 93170BC0-A3FD-463D-BBC4-7E40B5…)

>>627359Ngl I think this is pretty fucking hot
No. 628860
File: 1599939549218.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.6 KB, 644x1292, 20200912_223722.jpg)

Chris Evans leaked his own dick pic
No. 628861
File: 1599939693117.jpg (11.83 KB, 386x381, images.jpeg-2.jpg)

>>628860This is legit? Kek i'm cackling there's no way he wouldn't have noticed his fucking dick there
No. 628986
>>628860I love how lots of teen girls are telling people off for reposting this on twitter 'he has severe anxiety already, don't do this to him without consent'
…and then grown women are just enjoying the view and complimenting him lol
No. 628999
File: 1599949182726.png (45.51 KB, 603x405, LMAOrightchrisevans.PNG)

>>628986you mean like this?
No. 629037
>>629031Except female celebrities' iCloud gets hacked, or nudes were shared by exes, etc. There's always another person involved.
This one's on Chris Evans.
No. 629039
>>628860anons, is this a good or a bad dick? do people even find this shit attractive?
t. virgin
No. 629041
>>629036Of course it'd be her fault, and Chris is at fault in this situation as well. Is that an excuse to save it and share it, though? I can envision plenty of scummy men arguing that as a justification for saving and sharing personal images that a woman accidentally uploaded.
>>629037Women can accidentally or unintentionally share a personal image. It's not like that's never happened before.
No. 629049
>>629039I'm no dick connoisseur but it looks like a mushroom
>>629041anon celebrity nudes have been leaked a million times before and they will always be on the internet forever afterwards regardless of how wrong it is. I don't know why this is such a moral quandary all of a sudden when it's wholesome dudebro Chris Evans. kek
No. 629058
>>629041Chris Evans is a white male Hollywood celebrity drowning in millions. I don't see how this can affect him or his career compared to your average female who may have accidentally had a technical error.
If Kendall Jenner happened to share her nudes by accident on Instagram, I'd laugh too. And it still would not be the same as to what have happened to other female celeb/non-celebs who really did had their shit hacked or shared by exes.
No. 629089
>>629077My irl experience is with men with alot of foreskin going on.. so it's hard for me to judge the head. The rest at least looks kinda thick?
Wish he'd leaked a better angle lol
No. 629340
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demi lovato's fiance max ehrich was obsessed with selena gomez in the past, found this collage on twitter. really creepy imo and it must feel weird to have your fiancé obsess over your former friend
No. 629344
File: 1599972776688.jpeg (36.15 KB, 884x479, 9BAB20AB-E170-42B0-AACF-171E2B…)

>>629343i think you're right. apologies to everyone for photo dump but it's so weird
No. 629405
>>628860Eh, it's average. It would look nicer if it was uncut– like anons have said, it's mushroom-y. I can't believe you guys were expecting him to have a fucking elephant penis just because he's in good shape. There are attractive men with bad dicks and uggos with nice dicks because how they look is basically random.
Honestly I'm more weirded out by the "guard your pussy" thing. The guy's buying his own hype way too hard. I think it's possible that this "leak" was on purpose. Powerful men will do incredibly stupid shit for sex/their ego, even if it harms their careers.
No. 629418
File: 1599992094569.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.12 KB, 630x519, a78f37211cd5c26e57d8baa25e1bf1…)

>>629416holy shit, I forgot about it but yeah it's him lol
No. 629424
File: 1599993421961.jpg (690.67 KB, 1687x2560, EMPYRE_AVENGERS_AFTERMATH-scal…)

>>629423Maybe ten or fifteen years ago. In recent years the comic books have been pretty gay, so the movies can't be too far behind.
No. 629434
File: 1599995280738.jpeg (90.29 KB, 561x707, 1B130D91-27D9-4E15-A0C4-9CC69D…)

>>628043It’s a shame it wasn’t young Alec.
No. 629448
>>628860I have a question about this, because it struck me as weird that he has a bunch of pictures of himself in his recents, and it's a recording of a video.
Does he manage his own social media? Is it possible that this is a media manager's phone, and not his at all?
No. 629484
File: 1600004345788.png (950.11 KB, 1086x852, DL9wQvz.png)

No. 629491
>>629418Lmao why would someone photoshop his waist in the second photo
No. 630065
>>630018It starts off pretty vapid, but at least she shines a light on the
abusive reform school industry in the last 20-30 minutes. Children as young as 8 are sent to those places, it's fucked up.
She also talks about how she's been in multiple
abusive relationships as a result of the trauma. It would've been better if the whole documentary was serious, a deep dive/expose ala Elan School, but I get that the doc is about her, her brand takes precedent and most of her fans are just interested in glamour.
No. 630131
File: 1600092561334.png (4.36 MB, 3305x3731, kim.png)

>>630018I keep forgetting about Kim's humble beginnings as Paris friend, I'm sure they've chosen this specific footage of a fan pushing herself in front of her while she stood behing skill holding onto Paris' arm like a lost baby on purpose
No. 630233
>>630018Finished watching it, it was really sad look at a person who can just never be truly happy and is very lonely; probably an accurate image how most of the public people feel nowadays, but I believe even "regular" people can relate how trauma from early years can ruin your life and your relationships. It's a bit upsetting to see people call it boring, was there not enough abuse to entertain?
Anyway what I think it's nice is that it seems the main point of the documentary was to raise more awareness about the boarding schools issue than focusing on promoting Paris' brand.
No. 630234
>>630018I hope she can keep in touch with her old mates/other survivors from reform school, though it looks like she still might not be ready to deal with her own trauma instead choosing to stay focused(distracting herself) on drama/work/earnings.
Also the scene with her mom saying 'if we'd only known' or something like that just made me think of how the parents obviously aren't sorry for having her abducted in the night and experiencing that
abusive environment. Like if you can sign documents and invoices for having people come take your child away like that you must've had an inkling on what sort of place the school would be. They were probably just happy to get out of caring for their rowdy teenager.
If Paris would delegate her brand management and use some of her time to help work on investigating boarding schools like the one she experienced, and supporting others like her, that would probably be for the better.
No. 630580
File: 1600138716961.jpg (740.26 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200914-215825_Twi…)

Tbh this was a 0retty good pr stunt and/or deflection
No. 630599
File: 1600141566316.png (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 2048x1536, 0962182F-3F09-4DA2-BED1-146E03…)

kek how can a nose job go so wrong? he is seriously Voldemort tier
No. 630623
>>629417but just that doesn't explain at all her flunctuating weight, i'm sure selena is also on drugs but i dont doubt her lupus at all, which only makes it worse
her then bff would have known about her drug use too and i doubt anyone sane would give someone a liver if the only reason they needed it was drug use
No. 630628
>>630604RM from BTS. at this point everyone knows them so they can be discussed in this thread, right? though i don't want to see them more than once every two weeks in here kek
but geez, that looks like something someone would want revised on botched.
No. 630969
File: 1600194443085.jpeg (91.22 KB, 989x712, C9028A6A-A5D2-4B51-BF17-BB8BAB…)

why did he do this to his head? it looks like boys from high school who put their snapbacks on before their hair dried
No. 631034
File: 1600198564402.jpg (579.32 KB, 2100x2520, 5b3a3b3c7928586005cbb46508019f…)

>>630987That's really sad. Imagine him trying to go back to this (even though that's when he got the most hate).
That reminds me, Miley Cyrus actually managed to pull off a Hannah Montana cosplay in 2019 or 2020.
No. 631107
File: 1600202316985.png (509.04 KB, 789x626, JVmPEWq.png)

No. 631284
yawn y’all need a life.
Who’s happy the KUWK ended?
No. 631314
>>631107>>631126Can you give me the tldr about her? I actually haven't heard about any of this outside the first girl offset cheated on her with forever ago. Girl knew he was a cheater and that he'd keep cheating but stayed with soo lol
But yeah I haven't heard shit all about the other girls.
No. 631462
And I didn’t even watch the video, because who cares about paris hilton? I also don’t believe a single thing she said. She is the same woman who claims to repair clocks.
No. 631465
>>631373Samefag but wtf was targeted at you
I can’t delete and edit my post unfortunately but I also wanna say that I don’t understand why such a weird woman that was just as stupid as Kim gets so much credit over a “nostalgic” stupid show. I prefer Kim at this point.
No. 631652
File: 1600272382471.jpeg (504.32 KB, 750x1022, BAE93485-B2DB-4660-801B-0CB777…)

I found this tweet and I can't stop laughing help
>>631639I always thought malnourished Adele looked like Katy Perry
No. 631657
>>631493I literally did not even recognize her, even after reading Lana Del Rey in the thumbnail. Legit thought it was some random girl doing a parody. Even in the video she's hardly recognizable.
The bath scenes, yikes
No. 631720
>>631462Then you don't know shit about that school or what went on there. Google exists, anon, don't make an ass of yourself.
>She is the same woman who claims to repair clocks.She never said this, lmao.
No. 631967
File: 1600301098927.jpeg (143.04 KB, 750x437, FE6BF53E-25E8-4B9F-80FF-A207E8…)

>>631713Kanye posted screencapped PDFs of all of his contracts. Holy fuck he's unhinged No. 632322
File: 1600354278774.jpeg (115.79 KB, 750x281, C221D335-37DB-41C1-B189-F7931F…)

>>632310Not denied a masters, denied the master recordings of his own music. So like, his kids won’t own the original recordings of his music, the record company owns it, and that’s in the record company execs wheelhouse for their own assets. I know he’s crazy but this does make sense, kind of fucked he can’t even own his own music and he was right when he said tweet attached.
No. 632368
File: 1600358410416.webm (929.02 KB, 404x720, ripsave - Lose yourself.webm)

is Lana okay
No. 632426
File: 1600362652664.jpeg (420.4 KB, 1125x1094, 860FFC9C-375F-4A8C-9840-085A78…)

That breh moment when a girl with a curly perm relates to a girl with dark skin and probably naturally curly hair
Who is even gonna read this book? Mariah should stick to what she’s doing best and that’s singing but she quit that.
No. 632432
>>632368"Born Elizabeth Woolridge Grant
June 21, 1985 (age 35)"
did she get into an argument with her decrepit cop bf, get high and film this? c'mon girl
No. 632434
File: 1600363050404.jpg (52.58 KB, 480x700, 3ee0f2dac6d296ffca6ecce1113db1…)

>>632426Isn't mariah half black?
No. 632456
You guys probably don't know who this is but a rapper Young Buck (he was in G-unit with 50 Cent) got outted by a transwoman he was sleeping with a few years ago, the trans woman leaked phone calls of the guy begging them not to tell the world and released a song about him. We he paid the
TW off the
TW said it was all fake.
Anyway, fast forward today the same transwomen now says they have HIV and implies that maybe Young Buck gave it to them.
This person IS a sex worker and had a horrible up bringing (a gay male, whose mother hated he was feminine, he tranned out and met tranny chaser/bisexual/DL Young Buck),So chances are they do not know who gave it to them but honestly? Women should know that he came in contact with a transwomen with HIV so that they can be safe fucking with him. I do think the trans woman wants to get back at Buck one more time.
The whole situation is sad, I feel bad for the transwomen but it's also a reminder to watch who you have sex with.
Some of these men are on the low and sleep with trans hookers and other men.
Also, this man has childern and he had girlfriends through out all of this. Watch out for these scrotes guys.
(the post is really really long and I can't cap it all) I hope this person does not kill themselves and gets help, it's just a sad situation. No. 632684
>>632322lmao oh no, he had to trade worldwide fame and fortune for a record deal. He could have stayed independent but he wanted fame and all the shit that comes with it. I can't with people pitying these billionaires. Sorry his rich kids can't be richer QQ.
>>632664yeah wtf are these comments, it's never been a secret that Mariah is black?? lmao
No. 632701
File: 1600389374824.jpg (115.08 KB, 599x900, IMG_20200917_213341.jpg)

Liz Gillies married her groomer lmao
They met when she was 15 and he was 32, back when she started working on Victorious. He supposedly worked with Dan Schneider back then and that's how they met. That whole teen cast from Nickelodeon seems to be fucked up now
No. 632855
>>630018Managed to finally watch it. Feelsbadman.jpg but god damn Paris just needs to go to therapy instead of sitting around sad with this stuff.
>"I wanna stop having nightmares"There's medication for that sweetie, I would know I had to take it
No. 633270
>>633148You know, in terms of video game characters, being Link is much more fitting for Tom Holland than fucking Nathan Drake.
What the fuck were they thinking with that Uncharted adaptation?
No. 633297
>>633148Thanks, I hate it. Why choose the most average looking people? They might as well make a final fantasy movie with timothy chalamet as cloud while they're at it.
Like people aren't going to pissed enough about the last airbender.
No. 633298
>>633148Zelda has no fucking story tho.
It's gonna be so contrived and haphazardly slapped together. Like the WoW movie
No. 633326
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>>633148Lol maybe Brie could pass as sheik but she doesn’t fit Zelda
No. 633563
>>633148I don't think any actor deserves to play Link I don't think he could be done justice.
Also Zelda is a teen and don't get me wrong because Brie is gorgeous but a bit too old for Zelda, even Twi Zelda. Maybe they shouldn't do the adaption.
No. 633785
>>633780Nothing on Google comes up.
Again, the justice who’s going to carry trans rights to the finish line will be Trump-appointee Gorsuch.
No. 634046
>>631493love how she's trolling her critics and haters lmfao
she',s looking good. the COCC era seems exiting!
No. 634112
File: 1600544615978.jpeg (467.26 KB, 828x905, FAEA7665-B44F-4858-ACBE-480C07…)

The guy from Cheer who’s mom died likes sexting 13 year olds despite being college aged. Way to go pushing the gay degenerate narrative…
No. 634943
File: 1600658698211.png (2.37 MB, 828x1792, 97F3536C-CD48-40BD-BAB2-0F8553…)

Harry is butthurt his grandma decided to leave Megan out of his birthday announcement pictures and posts. I’m sorry but if your whole fucking family does not like your spouse, I’m pretty sure your family isn’t the one with the problems. He’s such a fucking whiner I swear to god, doesn’t he get tired of defending her all the time? Also she’s lucky as shit she found such a spineless weasel for a husband.
No. 634958
>>634948Multiple papers picked up the "story", I just picked a random one to screenshot
>>634954I just think the idea of being mad your wife isn't included in birthday photos of you to be completely ridiculous, part of me hopes it's just for clicks but part of me believes the royals are that petty to do it and Harry is that much of a baby.
No. 635022
File: 1600672472412.png (678.75 KB, 755x775, smeg.png)

>>635013most people are indifferent, mostly people just hate that millions of £ tax money that went on renovating their home and their wedding spectacle, what's sad is how many people lapped up the obvious push by Smeg's PR team to make her departure a racial issue.
>wants to be 'out of the spotlight'>moves to Hollywood and signs a netflix dealher woke bullshit is beyond fake and embarrassing.
No. 635023
but also isn't she an actress though? tbh i know nothing bout the royal family and their orbiters but if she's moving to hollywood i would assume it's for acting and not to settle down quietly with harry. i just dont understand the medias obsession with her, with kate it was all flowers and roses and a cinderella story but suddenly with meghan it's drama central, very tabloidy. even some american papers capitalize on it, im so tired of seeing these people in the grocery check out kek
No. 635025
>>635023She WAS an actress but now she's a royal and for some reason she wants to completely downgrade herself by whoring herself out to Vogue and Disney etc. when there's no need to do any of those things, and shows her intelligence and where her priorities are.
>i just dont understand the medias obsession with herbecause Kate just quietly gets on with things whereas Smegs is just showing a complete lack of understanding as to all the privileges and status that's been afforded to her which makes her the MEDIA'S No 1. LOLCOW
No. 635028
>>635025>whoring herself out to Vogue and Disney etchow dare she want to still work in the career of her choosing, only whores look for self actualization I guess.
You sound like a British boomer.
No. 635030
File: 1600674469269.jpg (1.3 MB, 4000x2569, Markle-coverage-2.jpg)

>>635022>what's sad is how many people lapped up the obvious push by Smeg's PR team to make her departure a racial issue.It clearly was in quite a few cases.
No. 635031
>>635028>how dare she want to still work in the career of her choosinghoney she IS A ROYAL, she could literally do ANYTHING to make the world a better place and she chooses to work for pedo incorporated and sell copies of fucking Vogue. You sound like a retarded libfem.
>>635030lol how do those cliche images show it's anything to do with race and not just reflecting a portion of public opinion about her sad behavior
No. 635034
>>635032The avocado is obviously not the sad part, she has a larger catalogue of behavior that is that.
NOBODY in England gave a fuck about her race, if anything people will have been disappointed harry chose a tacky American, and she proved them right by running off to Hollywood.
>>635033kek I am not defending the Royal family, but it's like owning a diamond mine but wanting to sell cardboard for a living
No. 635038
>>635036Remember when they thought that failed damage control interview with Prince Andrew would work out well? don't understand Britbong logic. Some biracial American actress is more of an outrage to them just by existing than an actual pedophile going unpunished.
No. 635041
>>635035>online threads where a couple of incels that could be from anywhere in the world yell abuse somehow reflects general u.k public opinionsure jan, no one would have even noticed her race if the media hadn't started going on about how IMPORTANT AND PROGRESSIVE it was as if anyone cared. She looks Spanish ffs
>>635036>>635038No one wanted him to do that interview, it was his decision
>actual pedophilea
victim has said she was used by Epstein etc. to blackmail Prince Andrew so it's not as clear cut as that and maybe more sinister
No. 635044
>>635038exactly, like what the fuck are they on? explain to me how having shitty libfem opinions and a history in hollywood is in anyway comparable to being some aristocrat pedo that drains your countries coffers. she's literally harmless but some britfags are acting like she's destroying their culture. you're allowed to hate americans but don't act like the brit media isn't salivating over megs every move and leaving lilly white kate alone because muh class
>>635041>complains about libfem opinions>defends a literal pedophilewhat is your angle here, sir?
No. 635053
>>635048andrew took wayyyy too many trips on epsteins little plane and island to be some blackmail
victim. i mean, they were clearly buds. i know jeffy blackmailed friends but cmon, he's a prince…if shit got rough he had options. im not buying it at all.
No. 635771
>>634943Ah, Meghan sperg-chan is back
>>635037Whatever you say, britbong
No. 635777
>>635025Britanon. Kate is most likely going to be our Queen some day because I doubt Charles and Camilla will get crowned or if they do it will be very short lived.
I personally like Meghan and Harry. I watched their wedding and cried lol. I don't get the animosity from UK press or Hollywood regarding Harry and Meghan.
Harry hates William since William cheated on Kate with some rich bitch from some other rich High society family. William is like Charles and Harry like Diana imo. It is a bit bad taste that it's Harry's birthday and his fucking wife doesn't even get a mention?? That's his wife and it's his birthday lol. Maybe the Queen is just raging about the way Harry doesn't want to do his royal duties anymore, but he's like not in succession for the throne since William has wee George.
No. 635807
>>634943>I’m sorry but if your whole fucking family does not like your spouse, I’m pretty sure your family isn’t the one with the problems.It could also mean a really
toxic family likes to blame the spouse for their poor relationship with their family member so they don't have to critically look at themselves.
I just don't understand why people who've got the most undeserved amount of wealth in history can't at least pretend to be decent to each other and do decent things out of respect for the average person dealing with way bigger problems.
No. 635817
>>635037Oh my god, I’m laughing so hard at this post. Someone really hurt your feeling, huh?
>>635571I wholeheartedly agree with you.
No. 635871
File: 1600760957794.jpg (991.06 KB, 4344x2896, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_3d…)

>>635777>I don't get the animosity from UK press there was no animosity toward smegs before the wedding besides fears that she would prove to be a shallow and tacky American (which turned out to be true), millions of pounds worth of UK taxpayer money went toward their wedding and the renovations of their house only for them to turn around and reject it all in favor of some incredibly narcy cowish behavior which includes branding SUSSEXROYAL uwu and lecturing people about identity politics, what is so hard to understand?
>William is like Charles and Harry like Diana imopic related
No. 635876
>>635873Royal family spergs seem simple all around.
The particular rage at Markle and Harry doesn't make sense to me, but then again, neither does the positive obsession with these people. They do pretty much nothing of value, just live off a legacy of exploitation, colonization and normal people's taxes. It's pathetic and ugly.
Like, they're not even attractive, smart or funny. Even Kardashian and other reality show stans make more sense.
No. 635885
>>629091Im late, but a fat dick is nothing if it doesn't have length imo.
Short and fat, might as well just be a thumb lol
No. 635886
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No. 635913
>>635909I am joking I don't really, I'm responding to
>>635874>>635908how pathetic that you bullied people even
after high school
No. 635917
>>635528Pulling the old trick of wearing white to look innocent and pure.
Did she forget the allegations are all directly against her? What is this 'investigating' bullshit?
Absolutely fuck Ellen DeGenerate.
No. 636084
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>>636075>>635875sorry but you must have actually been lobotomized to not understand people's interest in some of the wealthiest and most powerful people that have ever lived.
No. 636171
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>>636165im sorry girl, phillip won't pick you
No. 636185
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Sage for old news - I'm late as fuck to finding out that Keeping Up With The Kardashians was cancelled, all because Caitlyn Jenner uploaded a reaction video to YT and it showed up on my recommended. Anyway, pic related made me kek
No. 636204
File: 1600794129321.gif (1022.2 KB, 500x375, 1_lmPrYI_mFpx_mgrN5eYjkQ.gif)

>>635883Can confirm most Britfags hate the royal family, and want to cut off the aristocracy. Australia is pretty retarded though and romanticises their very existence. Kek at how we get a day off on the queen's birthday and Britfags don't. Straya'.
No. 636206
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>>636202>hyper commercial Kardashian types like Meg Isn't Meg in her thirties? Do you want her to look like an old lady or something? She looks fine
No. 636208
>>636202>>636206sorry meant to be be replying to
>>636173Meg looks great.
No. 636211
>>636202No, just delete them all.
>>636192 means nothing but decay, ugliness and entitlement.
No. 636212
File: 1600794586911.jpg (13.33 KB, 228x216, 107721465_157492059197394_6495…)

>>636165take it all away. royals should get fucked
No. 636222
File: 1600794917456.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.37 KB, 615x923, kardass.jpg)

>>636211>decay, ugliness and entitlementbut maintaining the royal family would be the opposite of decay?
pls see pic related to find an example of all three
No. 636223
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>>636211You got that right anon
No. 636225
File: 1600794984139.jpeg (31.46 KB, 275x260, 3FE45CEC-D815-4513-86E2-4D9217…)

can't all this brf discussion be taken to a new thread
No. 636235
>>636222>but maintaining the royal family would be the opposite of decay?Nope.
>pls see pic related to find an example of all threeThat's why I said
>No, just delete them allAlso, see
>>636223 No. 636239
File: 1600795394457.gif (391.64 KB, 220x220, tenor (2).gif)

>>636222People worship these retards of their own deluded volition. Destroying the royal family in all their opulence will have next to no effect. Zoomers don't care about royalty, they care about tiktok fags dancing to wap, and that's who the media is going to be pandering to in the future. All futures are bleak.
>>636225Who would want a whole brf thread kek?
No. 636241
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No. 636261
>>636241this is hilarious, i'm crying
is she doing something to help those in that situations or does she just post this on social media expecting a pat in the back for being sooo woke~?
No. 636275
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>>636242Going by my family members the aristocracy spans in the thousands, I believe it is called peerages. It's a big interconnected web of inbreds who receive benefits simply for being born inbred (pretty sure one of our cows Isibella Karnstein/ Perdita Woodley is included in that group). I think it was abolished in the 90s in favour of simply paying the queen her sovereign grant, although don't quote me on that - it might just be wishful thinking and me remembering wrong. As to why, I think a combination complacency lack of governmental opposition towards the royals, and the perception royalty is a thing of the past because they already fought to "overthrow" the monarchy.
No. 636311
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>>636241I was just about to post about this bitch, she's so fucking rude.
No. 636316
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No. 636321
>>636313Number of underprivileged people helped by her cringy responses: 0
Seriously, what's actually wrong with her? Is this a new form of trolling where you're as condescending, fake-positive and passive aggressive as possible?
No. 636325
>>636321She's just putting on a show, the woke blue checks LOVE to do this but go home and don't care about none of this shit.
They love to tell us what to believe, how to think, that they are so relatable, that they care about us brown folx and the trans folx, but it's all just for attention.
Plus she seems like she has mental issues, she loves to agrue and talk down to people.
No. 636326
>>636313if her privilege is what got her access to therapy, then why is she telling this person
>>636311 to get therapy? What if they're not privileged like her? Crazy.
No. 636374
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No. 636441
>>636374I always hated this pretentious fuck but that is a beautiful dog
>>636345Doesn't this due have sexual assault allegations against him?
No. 636452
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>>636241from her IG story
>IT'S FINE GUYS No. 636475
File: 1600809064987.jpg (178.88 KB, 1080x1422, EigoMJ0WsAAAy8h.jpg)

>>636313Top tier asshole behavior. This is just bragging thinly veiled with wokeness, especially bad since she's talking like this about sensitive matters like mental health. Hopefully she'll get cancelled permanently.
She could have easily said Hey thanks, you know I'm a celebrity and using much more expensive products than my teen followers could afford, so I'm not sure whether I should share blah blah and everybody would have praised her for being honest.
No. 636509
>>636492A synopsis for you anon: she surfaced after playing a pretentious, stuck up brat named Tahani in the show The Good Place. The show got pretty popular around the end of 2018 I’d say, and she was getting a lot of attention. Over time, people started to realize something was really off about her and turns out she’s
exactly like the character she plays. She’s a munchie and a pathological liar, claiming to once be an anorexic model near death despite no proof of it whatsoever. She has made a lot of outrageous claims in the past, and coupled with her constant virtue signaling and need to make all issues about her, she’s a special sort of nauseating.
No. 636517
>>636492She absolutely deserves a thread, if she wasn't a celebrity she'd be one of our prize cows.
Somebody did God's work and compilated a bunch of receipts on her here No. 636575
>>636509>>636513Thank you, blessed anons.
Especially for
>>636517My god. What a mess. I wonder what people who know her actually think of her.
No. 636642
>>636517The proof is so solid, like she's saying her arms, nose, teeth are broken but in the video you can see that there's nothing…? Are munchies so naive to think nobody will catch up on their lies?
>>636640That's because she's rich, pretty and privileged, anon!
No. 636649
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>>636640>How the fuck has jameela gotten away with this?Her shit-haired musician boyfriend, James Blake, keeps rushing to her defense, plus she has support from internet sycophants.
No. 636691
>>636669The Queer identity is a way for straight people to pretend they can speak on issues. Jemeela only """came out""" when she was being criticised for being a judge on a show where people thought gay people should be a judge.
The amount of celebs who have come out as "queer" who are already in dedicated het relationships (so they don't have anything to prove) is growing
No. 636732
File: 1600833440149.jpeg (99.04 KB, 1242x963, EiYaRChWoAE9qTR.jpeg)

Jameela Jamil virtue signalling and humble bragging at the same time, it's like she wants people to actively dislike her
No. 636819
File: 1600845948595.jpeg (198.95 KB, 750x1182, 0FCF137C-116F-47D4-9414-CCEDCE…)

Honestly I’ll be very surprised if Jameela doesn’t have at least a tendency for compulsive lying. This is her talking about getting ready for an audition for The Good Place and using a vibrator to style her hair because she, a grown ass woman, didn’t know what a hair curler looks like. She reminds me of Stef from /w/, everything about her has to have a quirky or tragic story behind it.
No. 636826
>>636819Jameela definitely tries way too hard to be quirky. She reminds me of those people who desperately want to be noticed so they say random shit just so people will pay attention to them.
I almost wonder if she has some kind of compulsive disorder that causes her to react so irrationally to shit like
>>636732 or all those other times she's gone off the rails.
No. 636838
File: 1600849656441.jpeg (93.63 KB, 980x574, FAF65639-CB4E-481F-A016-C3008E…)

Speaking of hair, this is the dumbest way I’ve ever seen anyone style their bangs. Are those even real or clip-ins?
No. 636847
>>636241Isn't she basically just extremely inappropriately gloating her wealth here? And why the out of place tranny shilling? Couldn't she just have said that "Oh I try to eat well and keep a stress-free lifestyle" or just a simple "Thank you"? It's not like she was asked what's her secret so there's no need for this obnoxious word vomit to exist. Blue checkmarks are cancerous beyond description.
>>636819>oh my god I went to my flatmate's room without permission to dig around her things and I didn't realize this obvious dick shaped thing that doesn't even heat up isn't a hair curler but a VIBRATOR!!! tee hee hee aren't I just QUIRKYJesus.
>>636838I'm like 99% sure that's a wig.
No. 636854
>>636668Did you mean this as an insult? Because that would be a very weird insult to use on a female oriented imageboard…
This said, initially when Jameela's popularity started I kinda enjoyed her unapologetic attitude, but latest months she is just proving that she is completely unhinged, this is major cringe. That "beautiful skin" response is crossing every line, how can one think being this patronizing is okay ? Very strong cow vibes, looking forward to the thread.
No. 636856
>>636838>>636732What worries me now is around her age most wokies that I know irl tend to have a kid, this either mellows them out or they get even more obnoxiously woke
I can just see her posting her new born on Twitter or posting about the importance of the youth and speaking on behalf of her kid
No. 636862
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>>636826Yep, she tries her absolute hardest to be quirky. Like that one time when she had her tooth pulled out before an event and showed up with a pack of fucking frozen peas on her face
1. If she really had to have dental work done, couldn’t she have it rescheduled until after the event? You’re informed of these things in advance.
2. She couldn’t have used a gel ice pack like a normal person. It had to be frozen peas because she’s relatable uwu~
She seems to have a thing for teeth in general. She’s claimed losing three teeth before the emmys and knocking out her front tooth while filming something (and sticking it back on with adhesive no less)
No. 636883
>>636358Why doesn't she just donate a bunch of her money like terf queen JKR?
>>636374This is so fucking condescending and he's not even fucking aware. What a nonce.
No. 636901
>>636865Did she say she was 58 years old at 1:43?
Was that a reference to something, or is she just like, addicted to lying?
No. 636923
>>636771Kek anon, my sides.
When you think about it, Jamelia is pretty much the thin, and succesful version of Pheebs. Maybe that's why she hates her guts so much :
>Body Positivity>Virtue Signaling >Munchie extraordinaire >Straight af, living with a man but so Kweer uwu>Woe is me OT but damn, I miss Phoebe's antics.
No. 636925
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I haven't seen the doc but what is with everyone suddenly buying into the same line Paris has been peddling for over 10 years about 'hehe I was playing a character because I'm such a galaxy brain and was just manipulating you. this is not my real voice I'm just a genius business woman.'
By the looks of it she even has a physical scuffle with a partner in the new doc and the scenes and story look exactly like the one she tried to tell with her flop reality show. How come the PR worked this time around?
No. 636964
>>636930This. If you actually believed she wasn't basically shitposting IRL for that reality show, you're basically as dumb as she was pretending. It doesn't make her a galaxy brain genius, either. Any woman can choose to act like a retard/bimbo, and deliberately keep any spotlight on their looks rather than their personal thoughts.
I don't get how anyone could watch that doc and come away with "She's really smart and a brilliant business boss lady". She's just a real, damaged person who happens to be privileged and wealthy. It happens. I know this is an unpopular opinion nowadays, but money genuinely doesn't buy happiness in itself, lmao.
No. 636981
>>636964you sound like the same anon stanning meghan markle for the same ill-thought-out and brainwashed reasons.
btw I meant her 2011 reality show not TSL, it's also very obvious she post rationalised her baby voice as a character to appear a martyr when really it was just an affectation and manipulation tactic she'd fall back on. On the original show she doesn't even hide her regular voice so it's bizarre her pushing the 'i've hidden my authentic self' narrative.
>I don't get how anyone could watch that doc and come away with "She's really smart and a brilliant business boss lady".but people have this time for some reason, she says in the first 10 minutes 'I BUILT THIS ALL BY MYSELF THIS EMPIRE' despite the fact that she's said this kind of thing a million times before and no one took it seriously. + she's a fucking heiress why the need to do
any of that bullshit
No. 636991
>>636981>she's a fucking heiress why the need to do any of that bullshitNTA but wasn't she disowned or something?
In the first minutes she goes on obsessively about how she built her empire and maybe that was the intention and the message the viewer is supposed to take, but much later theres a segment about her talking about being addicted to making money and this being her goal in life because she has nothing else; being an obsessive hoarder of expensive items she doesn't even use etc; dreaming of family but not being able to have a functioning relationship so she's falling back to focusing on her business, and it all sounded pretty miserable in a context of her being abused and living her young adult life as a constantly judged public person.
We don't have to pretend like she is a poor baby who had it the worst in life but there's nothing bad in acknowledging that even though she is a rich celebrity, she also is a sad and lonely person with awful experiences in the past.
Similarly Meghan, I don't care that much for royal family since I'm not from UK or USA but from what it seems like she's hated by her own family (her dad destroying her reputation in the trash press all the time), hated by her husband's family, hated by the press for EVERYTHING she does, she may not be even a great person but that HAS TO feel bad. Just because she is rich doesn't mean we should feel zero compassion.
No. 637040
>>637007she's clearly not a normal person, though. she doesn't need to be canonized for being a young, rich celebrity with a formerly messy public persona, but she was constantly and very publicly objectified and ridiculed globally in the press for nearly a decade, in addition to whatever alleged abuse she is now coming forward about. the whole thing is a unique experience that probably comes with its own bizarre set of baggage.
whatever bimbo behaviors she exhibited were probably unconscious decisions made in the moment, and not quite the big brain schemes that she's now characterizing it as in retrospect. i do think she's smarter than what the average person gives her credit for, but you don't have to be a traumatized genius to know that that sex and gossip will keep your name in people's mouths and keep money in your pocket, even if it's at the expense of your psychological well-being.
as far as celebricows of the aughts go, i consider her one of the most reformed and unscathed, and i'm sure this documentary will lead more people to feel that way.
No. 637154
File: 1600886528437.png (2.04 MB, 1886x726, killme.png)

>>636838I never really looked that close at her hair before, but I immediately thought "yeah those are terrible bangs" so I googled her to see what other styles she had, and I literally cannot find
one photo with a different hairstyle. She has those exact same awful bangs in every photo.
This shit is fucking cursed. I get wearing a wig or fake bangs, but literally never changing your hairstyle ever? It's not even a flattering style.
No. 637158
>>637154it's because she's skinwalking tahani from the good place i swear
i think she's really beautiful and i thirst for her but it kills me that she's such a cow
No. 637164
Vanessa Bryant sued the LA county sheriff as at least eight deputies on the scene of the accident snapped pictures of the remains of Kobe Bryant, their daughter Gianna and the other people killed in the crash and shared them.
One trainee deputy was caught using the gory pictures to brag and impress a woman at the bar. Many people online claim to have seen the pictures, and the autopsy reports, complete with sketches, are already easy to find (don't recommend looking for them, it might be "just drawings" but they're very fucked up to look at). of all, what the fuck. Who uses pics of dismembered bodies to pick up women in public? Second of all, Kobe's kids will have to live knowing they might stumble upon those horrific pictures, or even worse, have some psycho sending them like it's so common on the internet (see Bianca Devins' case). Such an awful situation.
No. 637188
>>637169Right? Who the fuck keeps the exact same hairstyle for that long? Even Joan Rivers changed up her shit more than this bitch. How do you look at those bangs and think "yeah, this is the hairstyle I want for the rest of my life with absolutely no variance!"
Do some side bangs, wispy bangs, baby bangs, literally anything else ffs. Bitch probably came out the womb with those ugly half-parted bangs.
No. 637210
>>637202Counterpoint: kiki kannibal
She finally relented and got some bangs for her comeback though
No. 637221
>>637208They're not necessarily hiding anything, anon. Some people get bangs to cover a large forehead but some people just like the way it looks.
>>637209Well it's clear from the pictures that she found something she likes and she's gonna stick with it, regardless of what other people think, lol.
No. 637239
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Jameela is completely unbothered and if anyone ever criticizes her it's the misogyny speaking anyway
No. 637240
>>637209This kinda sums it up.
I don't mean to sperg about her hair, but it's so fucking bizarre to see a celebrity
never change their hairstyle. I can't think of anyone else who has this many near identical photos of themselves. Michelle Williams is known for her short hair, but she changes it up to some degree, pixies, bobs, side bangs, etc. Taylor Swift usually has bangs in different styles. All these photos
>>637154 look like they could've been taken on the same day, it gives me such an uncanny valley feeling.
No. 637294
File: 1600898392470.jpg (118.91 KB, 634x1109, article-2320794-19A85A89000005…)

>>637240I've started developing OCD seeing so many pictures of her with IDENTICALLY parted bangs but thankfully this gem came up in image results and calmed my disturbed soul. Old photo but better than nothing.
No. 637305
File: 1600899413810.jpg (174.53 KB, 1077x752, EimbD40WoAI69Ou.jpg)

More cringe from our humble queen.>Jameela Jamil says past lovers have compared her to 'a memory foam mattress'>The star admitted herself that she's "not amazing in bed. But I’ve got big boobs so I don’t have to be">"Some of the reviews I’ve had… I’ve been told by three separate men that making love to me – and they meant this, I think, as a compliment – felt like having sex with a memory foam mattress," she said. "I shift to any shape. It’s not just about being bendy though, it’s also that I have no muscles anywhere in my body other than my heart. I’m really built like a human marshmallow with nipples." No. 637306
File: 1600899420886.jpg (1.72 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20200923_231406712.j…)

One thing that strikes me as disingenuous about jameela is she's very happy to preach body positivity but she waited until she lost weight to do so. Her pictures seem very ana chan to me on occasion too, like when she puts her hands on her hips she moves them so her hands meet in the middle and gives the impression her waist is tiny. She also went through a phase of only posting weird posed and often unposed paparazzi, red carpet pics where her thigh gap was showing (and I think that was her only intent, the pictures are so weird)
She's not naturally skinny, her young pics all have some significant chub and I think it's quite clear she's not got a healthy relationship with food despite how bangs on about it… Or am I just being tinfoily?
No. 637313
>>637306I think you're right. She's might just be extremely vain and all her wokeness is just cope and cover.
The picture on the left with the wind blowing her bangs a bit make me suspect that she's indeed hiding something, whatever the opposite of a fivehead is, her hairline looks like it's an inch from her brows
No. 637320
>>637217That is the price of being a millionaire and world-famous. I have a lot more sympathy for people like Bianca Devins family that never chose the spotlight or reaped the benefits that come with it. Also Kobe was a rapist so who fucking cares. Feel awful for his daughter though.
>>637305Lmao god I hate her
No. 637331
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>>637299I think it's real
No. 637341
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>>637299I think her hair is real? But I think she sets her bangs with hairspray or something so it looks stiff as a board
No. 637344
File: 1600904428705.jpg (350.18 KB, 2048x2048, 20200923_235031.jpg)

>>637339It's that and the physics defying bangs that are throwing some people off. Her hair is so lovely and thick and healthy, it's a shame she chooses such a weird hair style. It looks nice in this picture though
No. 637377
File: 1600908432102.jpeg (216.82 KB, 1200x1000, E5B11475-41D1-44FB-8628-B715F3…)

>>637344i think she’s worn extensions before (pic related? maybe i’m just dumb but this looks like extensions) so that might be part of the illusion in some pics. but also her hairline seems to be low while her bangs are pulled from kinda far back on her head which makes it look like a wig because you can’t really see any of her scalp sometimes.
No. 637380
>>637305My God this is like equivalent of saying how a great of a lover is and how many women he's made of cum,
Also kek "I've got big boobs"
>Doubt No. 637397
>>636925Haven't watched the doc but does she ever addressed any of the horribly racist and antisemitic things she was caught on tape saying? I remember learning about that shit years ago and haven't had an ounce of respect for her sense. It makes me kinda uncomfortable that she's trying to revise history and make it seem like she's some innocent
victim of ~le society~
No. 637400
File: 1600911431128.jpg (82.68 KB, 1080x595, 20200924_043445.jpg)

>>636819Here is the "hair tong" in question. She is so full of shit.
No. 637430
File: 1600915823852.png (1.45 MB, 2048x944, Screenshot_20200923-224848.png)

>>637393I went back and watched the EP of GMM she was on and her hair is def very sus
No. 637443
File: 1600918009965.jpg (273.39 KB, 1080x1055, IMG_20200923_212309.jpg)

>>637313Adding to this tin foil you can see a shadow that's really common to shaved heads in this particular photo, and all the other photos where her hair is up you can see baby hairs where that space is bald/shaved. Maybe she actually did have cancer, but i still believe that she doesn't have EDS since she's already in her mid 30s and she seems like the kind of person to constantly milk the fact that she needs to wear soft casts to realign her joints.
No. 637485
>>636981I don't see how it's stanning (and I haven't seen anyone stan Markle ITT). She's a celebrity, most celebrities are fake as shit. In this day and age, it's all about "being relatable", but even that's fake. I don't even get why it's news to people. What do you mean by "manipulation tactic"? She marketed her dumb blond brand and sold to people who like that aesthetic/vibe. She's not the president, kek.
>>636998This is true, her methods aren't commendable. Just a damaged person overall.
No. 637619
>>637577Nah that's not what I meant lol. Im assuming
>>637400 is a picture she posted of the hair curler. She said she saw the hair curler and attempted to use it but it turned out it was a "vibrator". However, the photo shoes the hair curler is indeed a hair curler. Basically she lied about the whole story
No. 637691
>>637672It would've grown back by now, she's had this exact same haircut (bangs and all) for several years.
Her hair and bangs always seem to be at the same length which makes me think it's some kind of wig/sew-in. If she's actually been getting a trim every 3 weeks for the last 10+ years to keep her hair from any sort of minuscule change, that's both insane and admirable.
No. 637726
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She's not like the other girls you guys
Does thread for her exist yet?
No. 637779
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No. 637806
>>637798Kek what, it looks normal to me?
>>637779Insane people I follow on tumblr think the baby is a hoax like they think Louis' baby was, and I can't tell if they're serious or not kek
No. 637817
File: 1600971590665.png (159.43 KB, 640x360, briana-jungwirth-1460112148-li…)

>>637806Damn, it's been how many years and insane fujo shippers are still at it?!
I felt so sorry for the mom and now Gigi too I guess…
No. 638046
File: 1600990121072.png (403.46 KB, 802x476, 7zO8STV.png)

>>629340She broke it off with him thank god
No. 638314
>>635614>why do people still support her?NTA but any time this comes up about an
abusive celebrity or person, the answer is "because some ppl see themselves in that person & can't admit they're wrong".
No. 638330
>>637305>felt like having sex with a memory foam mattress If a guy says this to you it is certainly
not a compliment. It means it felt the same as fucking a hole in a mattress. Pussy is pussy, what makes sex really good is enjoying it and getting into it with your partner.
>The star admitted herself that she's "not amazing in bed. But I’ve got big boobs so I don’t have to be"Gurl whut? So what happens when your BF meets a big tiddy bitch who actually likes sex?
No. 638339
(i cant get it to load properly for some reason so here's the link, sorry about this unprofessionalism anons
No. 638623
She does have big boobs lmao this is apparent in many photos
No. 638627
>>637397This needs to be talked about more
Bitch always gets away with murder because everyone loves their 2000s bimbo nostalgia
The footage is from when she lost her storage unit iirc
No. 638638
>>638621God I wish Zooey had a Twitter at her peak
Bet it would have been an absolute gold mine
No. 638700
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kim k's still studying for the baby bar. wasn't june her last chance to take it?
No. 638743
>>638621>>638638I never paid attention besides desperately wanting to look like her, what was she like? I know she has the uwu quirky image but I kind of assumed that was just how she got typecast.
I still wanna look like her tbh
No. 638789
>>638262I've never heard either of them speak before lol. Sounds so stilted
Tbh I love the cow that is Megan markle. Fuck the royalty and all the pedos and other miscellaneous cunts they harbor. I view Megan's chaos as retribution for diana. She's got him by the collar, makes the queen ree and doesn't give a fuck. I'm high key impressed
No. 638842
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Tory Lanez finally addressed the Meg situation. In an album. Most of the songs on the album are about her. To summarize, he basically says that they were in a relationship before the incident, that he was framed and that she was jealous he has a crush on Kylie Jenner. I honestly think it's bullshit. The whole thing still doesn't make sense, and he doesn't say who shot her.
Apparently Tory's team is fabricating emails for news sites to post, to "prove" that Megan lied. No. 638846
>>638046Demi: Those images, the livestreams and everything he said about selena gomez is fake
two days later:
No. 638950
>>638842I hate that people are figuratively and literally buying this… and I still can’t believe that Megan gave Tory a chance in the first place.
>>638846I seriously dislike him for being an obvious starfucker/social climber who used Demi but I must give him props for making it this far… So glad they broke up
No. 638962
>>636901No, you're right, that was fucking nuts
She said that shit for attention like no one would think about it again the second after they finished going "ooo"
No. 638969
>>631817that's what Kurt and Courtney thought
kids don't fix anything, they make everything harder
No. 639254
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No. 639256
>>639150It’s really hard to commit someone against their will.
They need to be considered a legitimate danger to themselves or others before doctors will commit them. If some of Kanye’s tweets are true, then Kim has already tried to get help.
Stop blaming the wife for her husband’s mental illness.
No. 639330
>>639150I don't get why people think Kanye is really off-the-wall crazy, he's always been an attention seeker and he has an album coming out soon. Celebrities do dumb shit all the time to get publicity for their shitty movies/albums/whatever.
He says enough stupid shit to stay in the news and somehow not get cancelled, even after the Harriet Tubman/slavery comments. His attention seeking looks pretty calculated to me.
No. 639425
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Apparently the jameela thread got moved back into the celebricows thread so I'll post it here but ew
No. 639428
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And then everyone clapped!
No. 639452
>>639428Ow the cringe
Was it supposed to be a joke or a real thing?
No. 639588
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google gobble google gobble
No. 639880
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>>636241>feminist in progressWhat the fuck does that even mean
No. 639982
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I'm absolutely dying at this, because it reads like
>"looking for fat pole dancers"
>uh Jameela, "fat" is offensive
>"of course, so sorry, I meant ~American~ pole dancers"
No. 639985
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Also this, how can one person be so patronizing
No. 640828
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No. 677633
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>>677630>>615776shit I pressed reply without saging and without attaching pic
Anyway, it's the man directly to the left of Bella's head, in the black and white long sleeves. He lived with her family for a long time, but isn't blood related.
In this interview: goes into detail about it being someone who lived with her, and how she had to lock her door at night. Logically, you can conclude it was either her father or this man, the only males in the house. She still communicates with her father, so I don't think it's him.
But her clueless ass dumbass neglectful ass parents letting this happen under their own roof AND putting her in a child rapey modeling agency matches up.