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No. 1020155
In recent news:
>Hansen jumped the shark harder with dubious interviews and twitter slapfights with teenaged "commentary channels" that criticize him, has lost support of most interview guests including the major players in the Onision and Dahvie Vanity """investigation""">a true crime documentary about the Onision saga is in the works by a company named Blackfin to be aired on Investigation Discovery>almost everyone declined to be on it and claims they want to move on>except for Regina, who shot her part in secret after telling everyone she wouldn't do it, causing them to call her out on twitter (pic related)>Shiloh is also possibly involved, yelled at Sarah during a phone call in which she pressured her to sign on>Shiloh continues to protest too much and frantically message everyone who dares criticize, then deactivates twitterShiloh's social media: (deactivated) social media links: Chris Hansen Madison Sarah Haylee Ayalla Billie Regina Lane
No. 1020164
>>1020146>she didn't mention her smoking weed >She left out a lot of things that made her look bad >not like smoking weed makes her look bad Anon i think you got confused mid-sentence.
If anyone would feel embarrassment I thought it would be Regina for working with Hansen this entire time, openly modding his streams for some strange reason, and now she thinks doing the tv show is a good idea? I expect the hypocrisy and deception from Shiloh.
No. 1020168
>>1020144Manassas Anon was outed as an elaborate troll in the same fucking thread that you linked
>>>/pt/304447>>1020146And Shiloh left our her assorted craziness, and Regina left out that she was prostituting herself to fund her drug addiction while trying to get with Lainey. Everything was sanitized and Hansen never did any research even just to weed out blatant liars like Kell.
No. 1020232
>>1020155Shit OP
But I guess we can get back to Regina and Shiloh being lumpy weirdos sperging over Hansen's """Show"""
No. 1020237
>>1020155I know that shiloh is dumb as fuck but I'm still amazed by how she threw regina under the bus after being the person that kept forcing hansen the most (not wking regina, because she was also a redundant shill). Did this bitch
really think that no one would spot her contradictions and question her?
No. 1020265
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Looks like Shiloh can't handle the heat. Easier to just hide until it all blows over I guess
No. 1020270
>>1020252Not only that but if anyone should be the mother goose uber-victimqueen Shiloh attempted to be, it should be Skye. After all, she was the first.
Skye would truly be "patient zero" so Shiloh is a pretender to the throne.
No. 1020334
>>1020252Skye is the one with the most between her ears by far.
Pic unrelated, I was looking for Ayalla's recent rant on Chris Hansen but it's gone and found this instead.
No. 1020335
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>>1020334Sorry, dropped pic
No. 1020392
>>1020335If the girls could stop being
either completely fucking greedy or completely fucking dramatic that'd be great.
Like, fuck, why do so many of these people end up being massive cows themselves??
Having said that you have to have some degree of retardation to associate with onion in the first place considering his long history of being a cunt. Flies and shit, yadda yadda.
Doing themselves a great disservice. Onion is probably absolutely drooling, thinking that all of the infighting with his
victims and also commentators will mean he can pull a big brain I TOLD YOU SO and suddenly everyone will give a shit about his outdated cringey shitty sketches and eye wateringly repulsive nudes
No. 1020417
>>1020270Yeah idk how the whole "patient zero" thing was glossed over in the beginning. It was extremely weird of Shiloh to consider herself the first when she literally met Greg when he was married to Skye. Did she think Skye didn't have it bad because it wasn't documented or put on the internet like it was with other exes?
Just seems so pathologicaly weird to come out as like the voice of gregs
victims while simultaneously painting yourself as the first when youre relationship started off as Greg cheating on his actual wife. Thats a pretty slap in the face. I would have been completely turned off to Shiloh if I was Skye and saw that she was trying to push the "patient zero" bullshit. It was a very self serving move on Shilohs part.
No. 1020448
>>1020335that ain't the only thing on her that's deviated.
yeah let me just get right on that, paying you money for your nose, Ayalla.
i'm sure you meant to say deviated septum by the way, but they don't give a whole nose job for that i reckon.
guess you better get back to making sleazy pics for onlyfans.
No. 1020517
>>1020513Yeah? You think one of her many boyfriends punched her nose a tad too hard one time?
tbh I don't think Social Repose can hit that hard, but then again maybe on PCP he can?
No. 1020527
>>1020252Skye only came out to support Sarah. Wasn't long after Shiloh appeared on the scene that she dipped.
>>1020265She'll be back when she thinks the coast is clear. This isn't her first time slinking off in shame and embarrassment. That's been her last 12 months lol.
No. 1020538
>>1020417I've tinfoiled before that Skye left
because of Shiloh. I don't have any background info there obviously, just a gut feeling. I wouldn't be surprised if Skye saw this shit with Shiloh coming miles away. A lot of farmers definitely did.
No. 1020547
>>1020417Exactly this. The moment Shiloh made her appearance, claiming to be his patient zero and wearing it like a big
victim badge was a massive red flag. That's literally Skye. Ffs. Skye probably isn't
valid to her bc she isn't an insta thot who posts about it constantly, and she actually seems like a reasonable person. She never had any major intersection with Shiloh, even in the Hansen interview, Shiloh herself was like ~we respect eachother we don't talk but we bow out heads to eachother~ which essentially means Skye was smart enough to keep her distance and dip.
No. 1020585
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Regina's statement.
No mention of how none of this went down the way "well known JoUrNaLiSt" Hansen told them it would. No shit your stories are public Regina, that's not the point. idk why the other girls chose to ignore her but I'm sure they had a good reason.
No. 1020586
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No. 1020587
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No. 1020591
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Ashlee (one of Dahvie's victims).
No. 1020685
>>1020270She wasnt abused tho, he just left her for a teen.
Shiloh and Lainey are argueably the only actual pedophilia and domestic violence
victims of his. (also Adrienne with the rape)
Funny how they are hates for the exact damage he actually has inflicted on them, pro trauma and mental illness support until its actual REAL trauma and illness ofcourse
No. 1020687
>>1020527Skye always hated Shiloh (for obvious reasons, she did steal her husband)
Her and her sister(Alicia) have actually been outed by farmhands for self posting and shitting on Shiloh, so this doesnt suprise me at all
No. 1020691
>>1020690Well my bad then, she still wasnt a
victim of grooming and pedophilia though and when the shit-storm started it was about pedophilia alligations so it made sense that Shiloh would be considered the first kid he abused, because she was (that we know of)
No. 1020696
>>1020692Refer to
>>1020691And even so, if that were the criteria Skye would still not be “patient zero” since Onion had Girlfriends before
No. 1020703
>>1020687She was still pissed at Gregma leaving her when she threw “snarky” insults at his appearance for asspats and lied about him having a (debatable) microdick.
I bet Skye knew all along about Greaselord’s infatuation with Alicia and probably blamed it on her for “provoking” him during their relationship. Alicia on her part passively showed resentment in one of tweets towards her sister staying with Greg.
>>1020692She didn’t want to share him with another woman and left. Otherwise, she would’ve stayed if he didn’t declare separation. She took their bed, remember? Same bed they fucked in.
No. 1020704
>>1020685Come to think of it, Skye never complained about having bad sex/rape with Frankenstein, just the verbal and mental abuse and that was it.
No juicy details at all.
No. 1020729
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No. 1020740
>>1020703Dude look at the shape of his dick and how red it is, I think it's a microdick that he's pumped like crazy to become a slightly below average length
>>1020687Pretty sure it was only Alicia outed for self posting
No. 1020771
I’ve been here for years and i remember when they were outed, i bet there is atleast a few oldfags that can vouch for that
No. 1020791
>>1020784Why the hell would anyone wanna pay for her nosejob without at least getting a lay (m or f) out of the deal? Why do these
victim queens expect everything to be handed to them? first shiloh's droopy eyed mustard tiger on her back, now Ayatollah's nose, whats next full facial reconstructive surgery for Regina? the entire team of ER couldn't save that mug.
Its called a job, sign up for a job agency, become a waitress. trust me the tips are great and you have better luck finding some rich guy there than the broke ass simps on onlyfans!
No. 1020832
>>1020782I remember it too. It was on tempcow. I don't remember if it was only Alicia or Skye as well, though.
A farmhand would have to chime in on this one.
No. 1020854
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>>1020832It was confirmed by admin
>>>/pt/458594 No. 1020860
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Alicia requested to have her shit removed and to stop talking about the Altamirano sisters while envious of melanin qween having her privacy after people were comparing her to Shiloh.
More caps to follow, link is above.
No. 1020865
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No. 1020869
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She confirmed how the affair went down as early as 2017, Shihoe “forgot” to mention to Hansen about the texts.
No. 1020872
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>b-but I’m the OG victim!!!
No. 1021006
>>1020728>they wanted to be victimizedLOL wtf lmao. If you actually mean they wanted to get their lives fucked over by this, I think you're reaching my dude.
>>1020729I had suspicions about Regina when she continued modding Chris's stream after he lied about giving Sarah's laptop to the FBI. Had Sarah been my friend, I would've dropped Chris immediately.
No. 1021007
>>1021004I just think Skye is a tad more intelligent than the other
victim queens. Or rather, she is intelligent, and the others don't even have a full comprehension of the english language.
I think that somehow she saw this shit show coming a mile away and thought to herself "i'ma stay out of this as much as I can, except for a few snarky posts on twitter here and there."
Remember she must have dealt with those rabid Greg fans back in the day, when he lied about her having taken all his shit, etc.
I also think she's way too happy to be rid of Greg, where the others still seem to have some feelings for either Krai or the kids, or even the cuck supreme.
I say good for her, considering the shit show it is now, I mean good grief. Heavens to betsy. Just look at all that shit with Hansen too, its just. Wow.
No. 1021009
>>1021007Skye really was there for them in the beginning, especially for Sarah, which makes me think her dipping out had to do with Shiloh. Shiloh took on the mantle of
victim kween, pretending she was trying to protect "her girls", when really she'd been planning to stab them in the back this entire time. If anything, she's even worse now then when she was with Greg. A lot of people saw this coming and kept sounding the alarm bells, to no avail. I do feel for Sarah.
No. 1021046
>>1021007If she was such a 200 iq big brain she wouldnt have MARRIED him, bullied the 16 year old girl he molested and stalked his threads to white knight herself till this day.
Shes a bitch.
No. 1021049
>>1021009Shiloh was the one he absued the most, he molested her, had her laying in a bed to be used as a sex toy, was mentally AND physically
abusive towards her to suchh an extent that she miscarried, she also wasnt even allowed a bed to sleep in at 17 and pregnant in a different county than her parents.
She is obviously gonna have some trauma, mental illness and trauma isnt pretty.
I hate Skye though, ever since the self posting, shes fake as fuck and is 100% still self posting instead of posting on twitter which is even more obnoxious to me.
No. 1021170
>>1021046you guys act like skye was informed like the girls after shiloh
at her point in time, greg hadnt created a repeated history of hareming girls and creating drama between them, they were the prototype of this behavior (since i dont think greg really pulled girls before the fame).
she liked shiloh in the beginning, but things went sour when she started appearing at the home right? how the fuck do you continue like someone who you thought was friendly coming onto your husband? who starts talking shit about you? THEN add in greg who probably said "yeah shiloh wanted this and tried doing this all along please dont make pay you divorce money"
who does she fully take the word of? the 16 year old being snotty and trying to get her husband OR the husband whos been
abusive but has a longer personal history with her?
>>1021049the self posting was literally always alicia
No. 1021177
>>1021044Lainey was graduated and in her 20s when she fucked Sarah. I know everyone likes to make Lainey out as some retarded cunt that can't do anything but again, she was semi popular on highschool even tho she had to opt for a mixed gymnastics class cause she couldn't make cheerleading. She went to University, and on campus for a while before transferring to Washington. She still had to do some classes in a classroom. Even if she had edubirdie cowrite her assignments she still had to take some of her further education in. She's more educated than Onision and her parents are well off, her dad has a decent career she's had their help. Her dad and Onision have both kept her financially secure which is why she's a lazy bitch that refuses to work. Even Onion use to bitch about her zero work ethic and she wouldn't even do videos with him organically (which is something he loved about Billie and Ayalla).
Lainey is not a
victim. She's a
victim of the circumstances she's allowed. She's two children now. She's better off than a lot of people. A lot of mothers her age wouldn't have nearly the same amount of financial support or opportunities to get university educated. She's a bitch.
No. 1021240
>>1021170Billie did the same thing.
Also Shiloh was 16 for gods sake, she was a kid, if Skye was blaming a kid for her disgusting pedo husbands actions shes fucked up herself.
No. 1021244
>>1021177She was only 23 and not interested in Sarah sexually, its was her pedo husband who was.
Also Lainey is a
victim, like it or not, hate her or love her, its what she fucking is. He groomed her from 14?-15-17 to marry him, she was a kid like Shiloh, he also instantly knocked her up, trapping her, forcing her to have sex right after birth, several times a day(like he did Shiloh), verbally abusing her and probably physically
No. 1021269
>>1021046I said she has some intelligence, contrary to the other girls. I never said she's a member of Mensa, let me clarify that right now.
And yeah I have heard these things before also that she's a weeb and such. Hey, I never meant to say she's like brain surgery smart or a good person. In the end I always call it "Greg's douchebag aura", meaning literally everyone involved is a douchebag one way or the other. I would never.. EVER.. take it upon myself to white knight ANY of these assholes.
No. 1021329
>>1021317They are literally the same fucking age lol, what a reach.
We 100% know her sister was posting a LOT so its not a stretch to assume Skye knew and participated or was doing it from her sisters address since i imagine she is more invested in this than her sister
No. 1021331
>>1021329Personally if I had been her or any of the other
victim queens I wouldn't have gotten involved at all. No posts online, no involvement what so ever. I mean think about it; I'm just guessing that about 99.9% of the people on this forum have at least one douchy ex. Would you really go back to talking about that online, years later? really?
I sure as fuck wouldn't. Have some dignity, I say. Keep the honor with yourself.
No. 1021334
The tinfoiling about Skye selfposting is retarded. It was always Alicia, I was in the thread when it happened and when admin talked about Alicia applying as farmhand. They have really different ways of writing and I doubt Admin would have outed only one of them if she was already outing Alicia. Onion exes selfposting always makes for good milk. I'm honestly surprised we haven't had Shiloh sperging out in threads yet.
>>1020704She's always been a lot more private, I think she just doesn't want to talk about the intimate details.
No. 1021376
>>1021329Skye is 2 years younger, but it wasn't what I meant. As some anons said previously, she wasn't aware of onion's antics, unlike other girls. They also married in 2005 and it would make skye about 18 at the time of their marriage. Teenagers are fucking stupid, and it's understandable that she could marry him back then, especially when he probably wasn't that much of a pain in the ass pre-fame.
I don't understand why some shiloh whiteknights keep excusing her because of her age, but they keep reaching to skye although she was also a teen.
No. 1021377
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>>1020704Not really a sex detail but she did say this about his baby carrot. When I was looking for this tweet I realized we haven't heard from Jeff from Los Vegas in a while, RIP
No. 1021429
>>1021376Because they were the same age, thats what changes it, he had no power over her like he would a much younger child, he was 20? so no power imbalance there. Even him and Lainey are further away in age, yet no one defends her.
Literally everyone in this thread has been shitting on Shiloh and kissing Skye's ass up until this point.
I dont care about twitter bullshit, i do care about abuse
victims though and Shiloh has suffered severe abuse, she was molested at 16, used like a sex toy, impregnated, verbally and physically abused both online and offline, then finally left for dead(Literally, her dead fetus made her body septic and Onion refused to help her) at the ripe age of 17.
Ofcourse im gonna sympathize with her and be a bit pissed when other "
victims" have only been through "abuse" like getting shat on on twitter, have an uncomfortable facebook convo with him shit on her when she arguably has been the most victimized and most severly except for maybe Lainey, i cant imagine the horror she has gone through.
No. 1021467
>>1021377She used that term only after we started using it, she at least lurks here and is probably laughing at Shiloh as we speak while content of keeping her record clean among us.
I don’t trust her.
No. 1021482
>>1021467Nice catch!
Glad more anons are seeing thru her bs
No. 1021495
>>1021482Not to mention she follows
problematic people like Shane Dawson and Jeff The Killer, the other fags like somefaggot, Repzion and the other losers giving Gregma his money for content just to spite her ex-husband; who the fuck does that? A disgruntled ex, that’s what.
So much for “deplatforming predators”, huh? You just wanted to get back at Greg whenever possible, too bad Shiloh took your glory once again.
No. 1021589
>>1021049>Shiloh was the one he abused the mostShiloh's been caught in so many lies at this point that without receipts there's realistically not a whole lot to go on. She singled herself out as being #1 speshul
victim, playing mother hen to the other girls, and what did she end up doing to them? Shiloh is two faced and a back stabber. She pulled this exact same shit years ago with AJ, pretending to be her friend.
Was Shiloh abused? I'm sure she was. Has she been entirely truthful? Going by her repeated lying and manipulative behavior just in the last 6 months alone, I'm certain she's made a lot of shit up and exaggerated plenty. She hasn't exactly made herself a credible, trustworthy source. It would make sense for Shiloh to want Skye out of the picture, this made it much easier for her to play the other girls the way she wanted.
No. 1021599
>>1021376Right, didn't Skye meet Greg in highschool? idk why some people here act like teenagers are supposed to have such stellar judgement.
>>1021467>She used that term only after we started using it>she lurks hereWhy does anyone try to make this into a
valid argument? Of course if someone's being talked about they're going to lurk the thread mentioning them lol.
No. 1021635
>>1021589So now shes lying? You know Onion boy filmed a lot of her abuse right? Throwing shit at her, her having a meltdown, filming her naked in the shower without her consent, making her pee on a stick on skype(AJs letter) and many other things but sure anon, she made it all up
I’m sure she was out to get Skye all along! Thats why she dissapeared from the internet and didnt come back for years untill it was safe to do so.
Lmao, its only in Skyes deranged head that that competition exists.
No. 1021637
>>1021599Onion was also a retarded teen when they got together, literally only 2 years older. They were a match in power balance and age. Only healthy adult relationship he was ever in, but he didnt want that because hes a pedophile.
I’ll bet my right tit Skye lurks and posts, shes probably behind the out of nowhere cringy “Skai is sooo much prettier and smarter and cooler and maturer and ladyliker than the other
victims! Shes also sooooo funny”
But thats just a hunch lol
(sage your tinfoil) No. 1021645
>>1021637I bet Skye misses having Greg’s nasty fucked up body on top of her and his ~baby carrot~ pounding her eight times a day.
If Greg didn’t ask for a divorce and just brought Shiloh over, Skye wouldn’t have minded one bit and would’ve treated her like shit the same way Lainey did with the girls. Like the other anon said, she would believe her creepy pedo husband over some bratty 16-17 yr old in a hot minute, even if he’s the one starting shit.
Remember, she still talked to Greg after the video leaked. All she could have said was “hey, the divorce is finalized” and hang up right away, but she didn’t.
These bitches are nothing but two-faced hoes, the lot of them.
No. 1021666
>>1021244>He groomed her from 14?-15-17 to marry himFuck off to twitter and stop making shit up.
>>1021429It's pretty obvious that there is a bias towards simping for people like Billie, Ayalla, lane, Regina, [insert any other 1 month e-relationship] are from twitter. Even if little is known about Skye we at least know the court awarded her alimony and backed up her case against Greg. Shiloh is a compulsive lair and erratic but her experiences have been documented to an extent, even things with Lainey since the age of 17. Nobody discusses why Lainey feels she was raped in the situation between grease and Sarah when those two were in a literal relationship with one another.
No. 1021668
>>1021635>>1021635>you know onion boy filmed a lot of her abuse right ? What you mean her fake seizures ~I wanna make a rainbowwww~ performance and the clip of him throwing pieces of candy corn at her ?(which could have been scripted for all we know)
What is with all of the Shiloh wk’ing in this thread? She’s fucking batshit and has an extensive history of lying/other manipulative behavior. There are countless examples.
It’s obvious that greg is an emotionally
abusive narc but given who Shiloh is and always has been, it’s impossible to take a majority of her allegations at face value (especially the more serious ones that she levied in the in initial Hansen video )
To this day she’s still embellishing shit, in order to further victimize herself solely for attention. over the years she’s moved the goal post and upped the severity of her claims.
Shiloh’s actions in present day and how much she reveled in the praise and her
victim status really speak for themselves
No. 1021728
>>1021668>What you mean her fake seizures ~I wanna make a rainbowwww~ performanceo god don´t remind me. here´s the thing about that little performance of hers
if it was real, she´s insane.
if it was fake, she´s insane.
No. 1021748
>>1021645Not to wk Skye, but didn't she get a younger boyfriend?
>>1021589Also Shilohs abuse has been heavily documented. This doesn't negate the fact she has a bad attitude a lot and rubs people up the wrong way. It's easy to spot which anons only came into this after all the twitter fags sharing screenshots from here proclaiming it the Holy gospel.
No. 1021750
>>1021666I dont even have a twitter newfag, Onion did start talking with Lainey when she was super young
>>Skye we at least know the court awarded her alimony and backed up her case against Greg.No one denied that, just that she wasnt a
victim of molestation and as far as we know physical abuse or verbal abuse to the extent of other
victims, we dont know that though, just that shes kinda
toxic if it is her self posting along with Alicia which i suspect.
We actually have no idea how Lainey feels, we just hsve Onions word which is worth nothing
No. 1021752
>>1021668This is honestly just disgusting to read, you should honestly be ashamed of yourself.
We know hes very capable of being insanely
abusive, we have heard testemonies and everything, its more unlikely that it didnt happen.
Type Shiloh Onision on youtube, there you will find a sea of evidence.
No. 1021772
>>1021770Yeah. It's bizarre to observe.
There was a reason none of us liked her even back then, I'll leave it at that.
No. 1021784
>>1021770Shiloh sensationalised and embellished some incidents that were video recorded because most of these girls psychological trauma and torment and harassment verbally from onision without even taking I to the physical and sexual assault constantly gets diminished. Shiloh at her worst was when she was heavily involved with onision and acting out for him as well as the general public. She hasn't exactly handled herself brilliantly during Hansen, but Onision did abuse her. He abused Lainey, Billie and Sarah. He's harassed others by airing out their personal lives for monetised content.
I don't know why people have such a hate boner for Shiloh unless their the tards that constantly poke the shit and have had direct altercations over twitter or some shit. Not to mention the amount of commentary fags that self post or some of the girls themselves
No. 1021815
>>1021784Allow me to clarify for you why we have a "hate-boner" for Shiloh:
She's an asshole.
I hope that clears things up for you.
No. 1021823
>>1021784>>unless their the tards that constantly poke the shit and have had direct altercations over twitter or some shit. Not to mention the amount of commentary fags that self post or some of the girls themselvesDing ding ding
Add to that Edwin(ew), Sometard and Repzion
No. 1021828
File: 1597250352283.jpg (34.64 KB, 515x341, mongoyou_win_prize_downs.jpg)

>>1021815Yeah but she really takes the cake. She's the queen of assholes. Which in reality should make her glad, she always wants to be queen and now she's queen of the crapper.
So congratulations go out to Shiloh for winning that much coveted prize.
No. 1021841
>>1021819>>1021819Where have you been?
Yeah they’re all fucking dumb asses and attention whores but Shiloh has always been the worst of that lot, and by a fucking longshot.
I shouldn’t even have explain and cite why.
Her whole (melanated ) qwueen
victim act was/is both nauseating and hilarious.
I’m convinced that the Shiloh wk’ing comes from the same anon (probably a Twitterfag)
There has always been a general consensus here that she is looney.
It’s less likely and
I don’t want to ~hi cow~ but some of it could very well be Shiloh herself because we know she’s aware of the threads. she mentioned lolcow on Instagram irrc).
Either way it’s bizarre to see anyone take up for that crazy bitch and parrot whatever overdramatized of made up claims she’s put out there .
No. 1021873
>>1021828How? What did she do that was so ~horrible~ uwu?
Appear in a documentary about herself when the other gurls said no? HOW DARE SHE lol, have box braids? OH NO
>>1021841She literally is a
victim of Onion whether you like her or not, and yes she is mentally ill, that has always been apparent to anyone with a brain. That excuses her behaviour to some level and to my knowledge she hasnt really done anything except talk to Chris Hansen by her own accord, have braids and call her self patient zero much to Skye’s dismay, what am i missing?
we are also ALTEAST two anons because i know i havent been the only one posting,
Heck if you wanna go there how am i to know if you arent Skye/Lane/Luxy etc since they have all posted here and have a hateboner for Shiloh because she dared to something they demanded she not do
Oh and i have never used twitter in my life, its SJW cancer and porn, no thanks
No. 1021875
>>1021869Because you are the one making claims that she: Did something horrible, what was that? Lie about her abuse, proof please? Tried to be black, how? Try to control what the other ~
victims~ said or do?
And so on, im the one asking for proof because YOU are making claims.
Also Gregma didnt dump her, he pulled a Billie on her and tried to get er back but her mum hid her passport and she started fucking some other guy (much like Billie), also no one is excusing her bad behaviour(AJ fx) but she was like 16-17? Back then? And Grug did everything to make them hate each other (like Billie and Lainey) I mean come on
No. 1021878
>>1021875What the hell are you talking about "where is the proof"? its literally everywhere on the internet, just google Shiloh and you're beaten to death with all the evidence. Youtube videos, posts here, posts on kiwifarms, posts everywhere, twitter, you name it.
Edwins Generation, John Swan, Repzion even Steveree has barfed her out. Like I said: bridges, she burned all of them.
Like the other person said go and try and white knight her on twitter or whatever, this is my last response to your dumb-fuckery.
No. 1021889
>>1021875oh and nicolas deoreo i should mention him too on the count of shiloh trying to cancel the dude with false lies and shit.
most these people tried to help her, some even white knighted her, and then got shat on by the queen of assholes.
i guess thats what an asshole does though, right? shit on people?
oh and by the by, shiloh dumping greg directly contradicts her own words on how her mother had to hide her passport on the count of her wanting to come back. gregs side of the story is that he didn't even want her back. i reckon the truth is somewhere in thee middle, much like an ass-crack.
No. 1021899
>>1021892No, its what they call them HERE,
victim queens. they don't call em that over on twitter.
besides which i thought u didnt go there?
i gave you all your proof, wheres your retort? try and disprove the complete listing i just gave you.
No. 1021911
>>1021910sure, neither am i!
i am somebody completely different, in fact, i'm Shiloh!
No. 1021964
>>1021952Oh definitely, because logic would dictate that a LOT of people will come here to defend Shiloh. It happens all the time.
She is so well loved!
No. 1021976
>>1021964No one is doing that, the only thing people are saying is that she was a
victim of Onision and that the other ~
victims~ trying to out-
victim her and dictate what she can and cant say/do and who she can or cant talk to are fucking cringe, especially since they have never even been abused by him or been in a relationship with him themselves, yet crowned themselves as lords over Pedogate and what direction it should take.
Also that i personally think Skye self posts becauase of the random out of nowhere “Skye is so pretty u guise!” posts when no one was talking about her and she had been away for months, im allowed to tinfoil lol
No. 1021980
>>1021976yes thats great could you please fuck off with your shiloh ass licking now? because you've been bawling about her being a
victim all night now, and its getting rather tedious.
you made your point, no1currs, but you made your stupid point.
No. 1021990
>>1021989o rly? how would you know?
they all fucking type the same, so they must have hivemind. and the only way you could know is if you were a moderator.
No. 1021992
>>1021991And how does she herself think that all the people telling her that Shiloh sucks ass are all the same people?
Unlike her I spot different typing styles, theres at least that. So maybe a moderator could clue us in here.
She's been jammering on with one agenda: somehow magically vindicate all of Shiloh's shenanigans and raise her back on her pedestal as
victim queen.
Yet she claims she's all these different people.
Schizo, perhaps?
No. 1022002
>>1021991 and i myself have been critical of Skye and made some of those posts, as well as posts “defending” Shiloh, i think you misunderstood my question.
I was asking anon what you would theoretically be banned for since i dont think accusing others of samefagging is a bannable offence, i might be wrong though and was too lazy to check.
>>1021994Well i can confirm it is since i know for a fact there is atleast one other anon since i didnt make all the posts, i think its more likely people have been thinking the same thing but hadnt vocalized it untill now that someone else also did.
Also most LC users are American(im not though) and tend to be active in daytime there, so it makes sense that the threads would be more active, its also easy to flip that around on you and accuse you of samefagging since it looks like you have been samefagging yourself, but alas
Can anon from yesterday that posted the caps of Alicia posting on a thread and WKing Skye and demanding they take down her nudes send me a link to that thread or tell me which one it was?
No. 1022011
>>1021666>Lainey didn't groom anyoneYes, yes she did. Educate yourself you sound ignorant.
Also I never said Lainey planned on marrying Sarah lmao no need to put words in my mouth.
No. 1022015
>>1022011I was talking about how Greg groomed Lainey and started fucking her at 16?-17, not about Sarah.
Also honestly, Lainey was never interested in Sarah(or any women) sexually, they were friends untill she got cucked by her and her husband.
No. 1022021
>>1022015Oh shit sorry I tagged the wrong comment. I meant to reply to
No. 1022022
>>1021635Has Shiloh not been caught in numerous lies? You can't honestly say she hasn't anon. I didn't say she wasn't abused either, good lord lol. She did the same thing to her "girls" that she did to AJ, back stab, that's a fact. At least Skye wasn't pretending to care about the other girls only to throw them all under the fucking bus. I'm not trying to wk Skye either, I'm stating the facts.
>I’m sure she was out to get Skye all alongThat's not what I said or implied. With Skye out of the way, Shiloh was free to manipulate the other girls, which is exactly what she did.
No. 1022024
>>1022022>>With Skye out of the way, Shiloh was free to manipulate the other girls, which is exactly what she did.To do what exactly? Whine on twitter? How very dangerous and calculated
And what would Skye have done to stop her evil ways?
No. 1022031
>>1021784>Shiloh at her worst was when she was heavily involved with onisionimo she's far worse now, she's just
somewhat better at concealing it underneath whatever pretension she happens to be wearing at the moment, like the "I'm a dyke" show she's doing right now. As for "muh self posting" some of you might want to remove your tinfoil hats. I think the self posting happens a lot less than you think, and the mods aren't stupid. I've been accused of being at least a dozen different people now.
>>1021815Thank you.
>>1021828Only a special few get the coveted downs prize.
No. 1022032
>>1022025So shes not allowed to go on a tv show and give her own personal story because they dont want to do the same?
And how does it ~damage~ them to have their story put on a tv show when its already online? How is it more ~traumatizing~?
I’m defending Shiloh on this because that is so fucking stupid and ridiculous
Dont get me wrong she has done and said shitty things but my point is more that i think the gurls are even bigger dramaqueens and cows(Lane, Ayalla, Billie, Regina etc) and they are just given a pass
No. 1022043
>>1022032Shiloh can do whatever she likes. The point is that she put on this act of solidarity with the other girls, acted like she was their protector and then she turned around and fucked them all. Typical Shiloh.
How does it damage them to have a tv show aired against their will when they specifically asked not to be a part of it? I heard that both Hansen and Shiloh have pressured them to sign wavers too. When they consented to the interviews with Hansen they didn't know he'd been planning to sell their stories to tv network, to pull the rug out from under them. Only Shiloh knew. Speaking for myself, I give the other girls a bigger break because really, what have they done that's in any way equal to what Shiloh's pulled?
No. 1022051
>>1022031Uh think Shiloh pretending go have that stillborn trumps her getting a TV deal when she's a has been pop star. If Shiloh has the balls to go on TV and say her side and deal with the criticism what the fuck ever. The other
victims are just sour because they don't want to take any further action.
In the last thread before it was even confirmed there was a TV show it was speculated Hansen and shiloh would have enough 'milk' alone to have a show. Shiloh has a tangible link to celebrity having a few singles released, music videos, done tours etc. It's hardly Shiloh calling all the shots regarding what Hansen has done with ID. He's giving them his content from his YouTube and two of the girls have agreed to do the show. I'm sure the other girls are more than welcome to do it if they want, but if they don't that doesn't make Shiloh a monster.
Imo Shiloh showed greed when she made a few different GFMs. I never felt the need to donate or understand why others did but that is her perogative. She's not the only
victim to have done that. She's not the only person to get money from this entire shit show. Even Billy the fridge got loads the night he turned up at Onion's house to talk about Hansen showing up.
It's just extremely petty for anons to pit the girls against each other. That is what people find bizarre to witness in this thread. Call shiloh a lunatic, but why compare her to Skye? Why compare the girls against each other as if they all had a character flaw that justified Onion treating them all like shit. That's the bottom line at the end of the day. Everything is is so disingenuous.
No. 1022061
>>1022051>pretending to have that stillborn But seriously, who knows what Shiloh gets up to that she DOESN'T post on sm? The level of crazy that we see only skims the surface, a deeper look would most likely reveal the most unspeakable trainwreck existence.
I think Shiloh was aware of what Hansen was planning and hid it from the other girls. Her pretending to be one thing to their faces while doing something else entirely behind their backs is what makes her a pos. I'm not trying to pit the girls against each other, I'm calling shit like I see it. Farmers were calling out Hansen and Shiloh MONTHS ago and look what's happened? Regina's gotten a lot shit too. Yeah I've slagged her off a few times and I'm not surprised at what she's done, but she's nowhere close to being Shiloh.
>Why compare the girls against each other as if they all had a character flaw that justified Onion treating them all like shit. I never said what Greg did to them was justified. What I've said is that Shiloh's gotten worse since being with Greg, and I think it shows. The nicest thing I can say about her is maybe she's gotten better at scheming.
No. 1022139
>>1021820The "us" part went for the FB groups a lot of us were in at the time that this was happening.
If you liked her you definitely were in the minority. AJ on the other hand was very liked and I'm sure still is.
I also don't understand how disliking her translates into "her abuse was justified" for some of you. She's a cunt and her abuse wasn't justified.
No. 1022145
>>1021750>>No one denied that, just that she wasnt a victim of molestation and as far as we know physical abuse or verbal abuse to the extent of other victimsso did you conveniently skip over the trauma and ptsd part of the court case where she stated she went to therapy because of onion?
why are shilohfags always so hellbent on saying skyes never been abused and shes secretly a huge bitch?
>>1021772>>1021815you can just tell whos here from onision part 5: billie bougaloo vs who was here before. shiloh was never a ""Bad"" person but she was acting fucking crazy because of onision. she played his games with him and the only reason she lost at being
abusive is because gregs underage fans didnt like her after the head shave shit.
the miscarriage and heavy abuse really was a shame and thats why her respect on this website was calling her Sh and never bringing up her name with gregma, but surprise, theres a time to profit off of being an onision
victim and she crawls back out with a music career and holier-than-thou attitude over all the
to us, she looks like the same crazy bitch but without the onision.
to billiefags, she looks like shes lashing out from emotional trauma.
No. 1022210
File: 1597310262561.jpg (127.18 KB, 386x502, too_far.jpg)

some people just take shit way too far. this isn't some sort of a joke, you know?
shiloh is a victim.
No. 1022218
>>1022043All the interviews are still online and consensual, if they were soooo concerned about privacy etc they shouldnt have done them, Shiloh is not their mommy or responsible for their own actions, if she wants to do a show shes well with in her right, they are just mad because they arent getting paid
>>1022051Good point
>>1022139I literally made the first Omision thread on LC, but sure, pretend im a newfag because i didnt join the hivemind of shitting on mentally ill abuse/grooming
victims because of petty twitter drama
>>1022210Oh look, its her baby that died young, hilarious anon.
No. 1022229
File: 1597313714745.jpeg (Spoiler Image,144.93 KB, 800x1200, 0F4A8D9A-E03E-4213-80F6-906979…)

How old was Alicia here?
No. 1022231
File: 1597314158819.jpg (152.49 KB, 600x398, SuicideGirl02.jpg)

>>1022229THATS the infamous alicia? god what is it with greg and tatted up ho's?
i'm amazed she didn't just sleep with greg to satisfy his curiosity.
No. 1022246
File: 1597316238988.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.86 KB, 462x471, shiloh_fat_ass.jpg)

>>1022218>>1022219They are taking things way too far imho. You can't just make fun of an innocent dead baby like that.
You can't make fun of that. Its just awful.
No. 1022251
>>1022229Feels like Greg or some of his mates if you can call them that are itt. Remember when Onion teamed up with Vince and his thick cunt of a legal professional sister? Anyone else think anonymous gene was Vince? Anyone else get boomer vibes when some of the Shiloh trolls keep calling her out of date insults, Queen and using dated insults about shiloh being a wigga and whatever the fuck else.
Just seems weird that this thread that was made to contain all the infighting between the twitter fags and commentary channels has turned into a Vendetta thread against Hansen and onision
victims. Take it Vince doesn't slag Regina since she probably would have sucked him off for a bit of clout but don't Think Shiloh liked him at all lol
No. 1022252
File: 1597318195719.jpeg (Spoiler Image,142.15 KB, 800x1200, 940B1299-B6FE-407F-92E2-B3AE5C…)

>>1022231Lmao i just think it was the fact that she was 14? 15? And didnt fuck him so it hurt his ego
No. 1022254
File: 1597318274311.jpeg (Spoiler Image,150.48 KB, 800x1200, BC4BC6FA-9516-4073-A575-F588E8…)

>>1022253There you go Alicia/Skye?(tinfoil)
Maybe dont make fun of dead babies in the future
No. 1022255
>>1022251HAH! nice attempt at spinning the narrative. Of course none o fthis was over Hansens scams or Shiloh literally making enemies with everyone..
What you're saying you might as well claim that people hating on Greg is some sort of conspiracy.
No. 1022256
>>1022246Also the gay stick figure video Onion did the other day where he claimed he lost his extended family, funny thing was the day he uploaded that he went live. I was 1 of 3 people in the periscope chat. The garage where he records was empty and all the usual clutter and shite you see was gone. He also seemed more sad than usual. I wouldn't be surprised that Lainey had been spooked with this TV deal thst is officially in the works and left. A few people in chat asked did Lainey move out and speculated about the emptiness of his home and he ended the live a few short minutes later.
Wouldn't be surprised if Onion's been left on his own and he's no Cyr anymore uwu. His only friends are retards on his discord or people like Vince that are senile immature cunts clearly too our of their depth fighting with women.
No. 1022257
>>1022254Thats one meaty fucking hole man.
Might be some sort of copyright problem there with Lainey's arby's.
No. 1022264
>>1022257Alicia wanted to be a farmhand to remove her and her sister from this thread and to delete the suicide girl photos from back then. Guess Vince had to directly ask for the link to that precious thread to Google alciias details to get the photos or Greg sent them over to him. Where was all the in depth research and face checking when Vince was on the Hansen show lmao.
At least alicia showed her cute bag in a legal way. Ugly Lainey showed hers to minors because only mentally underdeveloped people would be interested in that shit.
No. 1022272
>>1022270Thats why you should never have babies, your tits will try to leave you.
True story, thats why I'm a lesbian.
No. 1022286
File: 1597320958445.jpeg (Spoiler Image,119.85 KB, 800x1200, 58417D6E-1BED-46F5-B6C1-D9F9D3…)

>>1022281Literally no one is wk’ing Shiloh, we’re just saying the other ~
victims~ are just as bad and speculating if Alicia/Skye (me atleast) post here and are the ones who have directed all the attention om Shiloh since they have an obvious vendetta against her
No. 1022288
>>1022286>Literally no one is wk’ing Shiloh, we’re just saying the other ~victims~ are just as badThats kinda like saying AIDS is just as bad as cancer.
We were already aware of this. Although I personally feel Shiloh is King Cunt.
Alicia would be King Gutcunt, I guess.
No. 1022291
File: 1597321367620.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.11 KB, 500x667, shilohnude4.jpg)

>>1022288>>1022288oh shit i'm sorry no, Shiloh got Alicia beat by a massive landslide in the gutcunt department too. I'm sorry Alicia, you lose. And this one has scepsis in it and dead babies crawling out of it.
Anyway, hows you guys day going so far, is it good?
(hi cow) No. 1022292
>>1022286Looking at the things I've mentioned in the previous post, they're clearly nowhere near as bad. And it seems like you have some sort of a vendetta if you think they're the ones who post here making fun of Shiloh's deceased child.
With that out of the way, stop this autistic
victim olympic infighting and focus on current milk.
No. 1022295
>>1022292I have an idea, we need to go with the honor system here:
Will the person who makes fun of the dead Shiloh babby please stand up?
There, that should settle this once and for all, now we just wait.
Remember kids, dead babies are never funny.
No. 1022304
File: 1597322563899.jpg (59.88 KB, 554x352, shilohdad.jpg)

>>1022295Don't look at me, I certainly never would. I mean that would be like posting her dad and saying "oh he sleeps with the trout now" just because he's dead and she once claimed he was in the canadian mafia.
No man, its in poor taste and I would never do that.
No. 1022307
File: 1597322720518.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.4 KB, 500x667, shilohnude3.jpg)

>>1022295Or like posting her nude and then painting an arrow on it with "dead baby storage", those jokes would be in very bad taste and I won't ever be a part of that.
(spoiler) No. 1022322
>>1022304At least Sh did not get raped by a nigger, you asshole.
You make me sick
No. 1022332
>>1022330I aim to please.
I'm a people person.
(ban evasion) No. 1022753
>>1022256If she’s gone for good, I hope Greg loses it and starts talking or else he’ll be entirely at fault (which he is). I hope those two disgusting cunts burn.
>>1022749>Looking at those pictures of Alicia and just comparing her face to Shiloh's, it's no wonder Greg snapped her up. She's a dead ringer for Alicia, at least in her face. Stfu unless you wanna summon her again just to bitch about this thread and her pics again, then by all means.
No. 1022778
File: 1597396879762.jpeg (85.44 KB, 828x870, EBD024E6-340C-4642-A3FB-BFFBEE…)

>>1022758Sometimes I look at the onision subreddit for the lulz and it looks like a lot of the autists there have made there way to kf and here unfortunately. Could explain something of the wk’ing and the unhinged sperging in the /pt/ thread and the kf thread.
No. 1022827
File: 1597412618929.png (367.38 KB, 480x800, 0E3D24EF-6B45-4DA9-BE8F-294238…)

When these tricks whine about “muh consent”, remember, little trot didn’t consent to have his picture taken.
No. 1023087
>>1023084You could be sitting in a restaurant with Greg, Krai and the kids, yell it out like in the movie Jurassic park: "Look everybody its Onision and his family" and no one would care.
No one knows him, except the people online that hate the shit out of him.
No. 1023115
>>1022827oh no they accidentally captured the
back of his head so that he's not even almost personally identifiable. lol anon if you reach any further you'll break your arms.
No. 1023136
File: 1597453100288.jpg (26.69 KB, 960x932, Try.jpg)

>>1022218>they are just mad because they arent getting paidThey're angry because Hansen's been lying to their faces for the last 6 months and they just recently found out about what he was doing. YA TRIED.
>>1022281>- lashed out and threatened people trying to support her when girls started to come out with their stories>- was the biggest hansen shill with reginaNot long after Sarah came out with her story and it blew up on sm, Shiloh made a post (archived in an older thread) about how she didn't want anything to do with this, she wasn't going to tell her story/go public with it, etc. Within days of that post, she made a sudden about face and i was super suspicious about what made her change her mind so quickly. When she dropped her album the same week as her Hansen interview, I had my answer.
No. 1023145
>>1022256>The garage where he records was empty and all the usual clutter and shite you see was gone. He also seemed more sad than usual.If Lainey and the kids are hopefully finally out of there I'm sure he'll reveal it at some point since he can't help but sperg about his trainwreck private life.
>>1022778A few of the anti-o speds like Heatboss post over at kf.I'm sure they've shit up LC too.
No. 1023408
File: 1597511291048.jpg (42.37 KB, 400x325, thisthreadisaliteraldumpsterfi…)

This thread has reached cancerous levels of autism holy shit
No. 1023513
>>1023501"Hi I'm a
victim of a sex weirdo, by the way sign up to my onlyfans account to see my pussy."
Maybe its because i'm a prude but the whole thing just seems so silly to me.
Out of all the things they could have done, couldn't they have started like a youtube cooking show, or something? I dunno.
(ban evading sperg) No. 1023585
File: 1597544549646.png (31.97 KB, 546x238, tamara3.png)

Tamara has completely rebranded to be all about that ~tea~. She's the exact epitome of the kind of person people accuse the actual victims of being - she wasn't coerced into being by his side, she paid for the privilege and turned into a drama-mongering attention whore only once every last person on earth had dogpiled on him. She is now constantly announcing new streams in which she says nothing of value whatsoever, collects donations "for her rescue chinchilla" but actually buys streaming equipment because she's clearly aiming to milk this for all its worth.
No. 1023599
File: 1597547064945.png (441.37 KB, 1141x762, chin.png)

>>1023586This bitch is mental lol, her webcam in the photo was around $60 and now she wants $1000 for an ill-tempered chinchilla. Judging by her other tweets, the chinchilla is from your average shitty pet store that houses rats in a glass tank, feeds them shit-tier food mix and lets customers feed them treats they brought to the store…? No wonder the chinchilla isn't tame– this isn't an act of animal rescue, it's just enabling. She's somehow trying to frame this as a volunteer job, but she's also expecting to pay up to a grand for the privilege of getting to boast about her animal care. This woman is in her mid-30s.
No. 1023609
File: 1597548253379.png (29.14 KB, 590x102, tamara8.png)

>>1023608I don't know, you tell me since you're clearly lurking right now
No. 1023625
File: 1597550994666.png (941.5 KB, 2048x1471, tamara9.png)

>>1023608>so because someone disagrees with u theyre automatically tamara? loland because someone disagrees with u its automatically greg (or someone close to him)? lol
Face it, you've been orbiting Greg for years and now that you're ashamed and trying to redeem yourself by catering to anti-os you keep grasping at straws because you have nothing to show for all the time you've wasted. You were never interesting enough and now that you're clamoring for attention you still have nothing interesting to share. "Greg big meanie to randos on discord" wow yeah, thanks for your exclusive insight. We wouldn't have known without you.
Signed, Onision No. 1023691
File: 1597574522938.jpeg (293.94 KB, 1125x1105, Fap.jpeg)

The spoilered images of Alicia reminded me of this comment from Skye. Billie also tweeted about how Alicia's SSG pics was one of the first things Greg showed her when they met. He's had those images on his computer all these fucking years.
No. 1023695
>>1023585>completely rebranded>she says nothing of value whatsoeverIf she's not involved with Greg or his orbiters anymore (including Hansen) I don't think she's relevant here. I'm pretty sure most people who private their sm aren't looking for attention lol.
I doubt her live streams will be relevant either. Tamara never had milk.
>>1023625Just make a different account, feed your chinchilla and move on with your life girl.
No. 1023699
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer!
No. 1023725
>>1023513If people don't wanna be called whores or if some other sluts feel offended by that since they can relate, maybe not be a whore?
I hear it helps.
No. 1023750
>>1023745The funny thing is that in Gregs mind all his exes do is "complain because he does not want to fuck them anymore".
And hell, maybe if this were happening to any of us we'd think the same thing like "wow they must be obsessed with me".
In Greg's case thats absolutely not true and he's an
abusive asshole, but its what he thinks. Then they fight among eachother I bet he breaks the popcorn and kombucha out quite often. I wish they would stop fucking up, but judging by what has been going on so far thats an impossible request.
No. 1023781
File: 1597593813734.jpeg (314.64 KB, 1125x558, 62EE47BC-C91C-41E3-8BCE-CF0C9D…)

Not to instigate any further but this feels more like a jab at Greg and Shiloh.
No. 1023783
>>1023745wrong anon.
He takes jabs at her every other live-stream he does or tries to in a recent one he let one of his moderators have a go at her so he's probably gonna do to her like he does his ex's the last what 7 years?
>>1023695this. She's got no milk, she's not really that entertaining, if she has nothing of value whatsoever she doesn't need to be talked about here it's clearly vendetta posting at this rate
No. 1024142
File: 1597649075038.jpg (312.35 KB, 725x1248, World AIDS Day.jpg)

Hansen's little cancer ridden camel jockey anonymous gene is back doxxing people's families again and now some of them are threatening legal action.
No. 1024145
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No. 1024147
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No. 1024148
>>1024142lol he keeps this shit up he's gonna get his ass arrested. and then we'll all know who he is, too.
i can totally imagine him being stupid enough to get caught. can you?
No. 1024150
File: 1597649660637.jpg (279.01 KB, 724x1926, oh hi more aids.jpg)

>fucking MoranAt least we know Gene and whoever he may be working with share the same literacy level.
>>1024148I couldn't be more bored to death of this remedial fag. My hopes aren't high but I'll kek myself into the sunset if this ends with Hansen or any of his "volunteers" going to jail. What a raging aids dumpsterfire. I don't believe the girls Hansen's lied to and betrayed are going to pull any punches either.
No. 1025875
>>1025396>>1025785I'm willing to believe it. I mean last time i heard about his debt was about a year ago and it was about 1 and a half then. He keeps running scams and running up bills, also probably trying to impress his new gf. (who also happens to be attacking the
victims of Dahvie Vanity now.)
I still remember Hansen once saying : "Greg, I was a reporter since before you were born, and i'll be a reporter long after you go to prison."
Are you absolutely sure about that, Chris? I don't want to sound like a complete asshole here but I fear Greg might win this one. Greg will fucking shit himself when Hansen goes to jail, and go in to complete narcissistic overload.
Why can't we have a good guy up against Greg, someone who knows what the hell it is they're doing?
No. 1026213
>>1026178I posted in the Greg thread too about how I feel like none of the
victims, Hansen or even the Anti-O's or youtubers seem truly committed in bringing Greg down. Their efforts just seem lack luster. I feel the
victims somehow still have feelings for Greg, Lainey and / or the kids and don't really want to bring him down.
If they where they would have taken this thing to the police and lawyered up a long time ago.
At this rate nothing will happen.
No. 1026345
File: 1597968048333.png (533.09 KB, 720x1184, Capture.png)

Sure Shitloh. If this is even true maybe she angered her drug dealer and he's the one who banged on her door, sounds more likely than it being because she shared muh abuse story
No. 1026347
File: 1597968150940.png (368.72 KB, 720x1184, Capture 2.png)

No one would bang on her door and threaten her just because she sold rights to a shitty TV show. I know some antios are retard but I think not even them care about it THAT much
No. 1026401
>>1025426>sleep paralysis demon >wooden ventriloquist dummieskek. I couldn't quite articulate what it was about him that was so artificial aside from the muh journalist pretense, but he really does look like an old worn out department store mannequin. The last Q&A vid he did where he basically gaslit for an hour, his entire demeanor was bizarre, especially his facial expressions.
>>1025486lol @10:41
No. 1026416
File: 1597975544374.png (478.73 KB, 722x406, Stevie you're a retard.png)

>>1026213The whole attitude of "bringing him down" is misguided. It's why most of the anti's are looked down on by farmers because they acted like judge, jury and executioner, some going as far as to admit they would commit crimes just to "get" Onion.
The internet isn't a courtroom. The best anyone can do is archive, ridicule, point, laugh and meme. Retards like Stevie Wolfe went into autistic fits of rage at pretty much anyone who criticized Hansen because he was so attached to the idea that Hansen was the only hope "they" had of putting Onision away. Hansen's just another failed youtuber.
Maybe had people like Stevie taken the Hansen criticism seriously and spoke up in support of it months ago instead of constantly shutting it down or ignoring it, things would look a bit different now. He rolled with the cognitive dissonance, and now he's making vids like "Addressing this Chris Hansen situation" (like anyone who's been paying attention didn't see this coming miles away) because he couldn't be fucking honest about shit back when it would've made a difference.
No. 1026450
>>1026416It’s hilarious how Stevereee
Said something along the lines of ‘you guys wonder why I wouldn’t address any of this shit’, when it’s obvious to anyone who doesn’t have a room temperature IQ why he didn’t.
Just like years ago, he embarrassed himself with his pervasive autism and subsequently went dark on yt hoping for the drama to die down.
He was so adamant about the ‘three separate’ investigations on greg (which we all know, never existed) and was still trying to claim that it was guaranteed that he would end up In prison, long after most people knew it wasn’t going to happen.
He tried to insinuate that the chain of custody of the laptop wasn’t fucked and that Hansen was a reputable journalist with connections and only had a few hiccups because he’s a ~boomer~, again…he was still shrieking about all of this when most people already caught on to Hansen being a fraud/grifter.
He Is only now talking about it because it’s inarguable that Chris is a scumbag with everything that has unfolded. the vast majority , most of Hansen’s audience and beyond is aware of this entire thing being a fucking joke thanks to the influx of commentary videos surrounding this topic (that all have pretty substantial view counts).
What a fucking coward.
No. 1026497
File: 1597992203860.jpg (563.94 KB, 867x3558, Gee Boomer.jpg)

>>1025875>his new gf. (who also happens to be attacking the victims of Dahvie Vanity now.)Yeah apparently Hansen's old lady Gabrielle
>>1012811 is just as mentally sound as he is. Repzilla and I think Edwin Generations made a vid on some of her interactions with
Interesting side note: Ashlee (one of Dahvie's
victims) confirmed on video with Edwin that Hansen does in fact, NOT have FBI connections. In her initial contact with the FBI she said they wanted nothing to do with Hansen - lol I wonder why. Ashlee said it was two youtubers - Teh mimi and Creeepshow Art - that helped her get in contact with FBI. Hansen had nothing to do with it, which adds further confirmation to the fact that he'd been lying to Sarah the entire time about her laptop and sending it over to his connections in LE. He very calmly and pathologically shifted all the blame for that disaster on to his low IQ assistant Vince Nicotra.
No. 1026539
>>1026345>>1026347I'm feeling second hand embarrassment after reading this.
Yeah, sure.
That happened, Shiloh.
No. 1026594
File: 1598020613244.png (445.17 KB, 1071x1768, Screenshot_20200821-162658~2.p…)

No. 1026595
File: 1598020644731.jpg (274.7 KB, 946x2048, 20200821_162702.jpg)

No. 1026596
File: 1598020668776.jpg (373.62 KB, 1536x2048, 20200821_162704.jpg)

No. 1026617
>>1026596Call my cynical, but I think she did this herself.
It's Shiloh, after all.
No. 1026625
>>1026596>>1026595>>1026594Given her history with posting fake dead babies, videos of fake memory loss which Greg actually admitted was fake and made up by her, I think we have a clear cut case of the boy who cried wolf here.
I am however amazed she didn't make this a hate crime "against lesbians".
She's improving, in her own little way.
No. 1026626
>>1026596Its also not something someone else would write on the door "dead bitch"? really, Shitho Smollett? That's the best you can come up with? No wonder you're not very famous or good as an artist if your creativity is on par with that of Greg. It just sounds like something she would use "dead bitch" also the way its written just screams Shitlow.
She made one crucial mistake however, since everyone now expects her to report this to the police, or someone will do that for her.
And cops tend to figure this shit out.
No. 1026632
File: 1598025853081.jpg (102.08 KB, 555x344, Screenshot_20200821_190337.jpg)

The 'dead bitch' message on Shiloh's door is obviously written in makeup. I don't know if anyone else noticed this. Apparently 3 really bad guys had an eyeliner pencil on hand.
No. 1026640
>>1026632The wording and weird circular writing seems off to me. Like someone trying to disguise their handwriting.
Also, anyone from the internet would have at least drawn a cock on there.
No. 1026641
>>1026640>>1026632Yeah, the whole thing is completely off.
In a sense I almost don't want the police involved because the cringe would be unbearable, lol.
Next you know she's going to be running around Chicago with a noose around her neck.
No. 1026650
>>1026641Ok, in theory, this question goes for everybody on here reading this: If you were standing in front of Shiloh's door and you knew it was her house and you had to for some strange reason write something on her door; Maybe you're drunk, maybe someone is holding a gun to your head, would "DEAD BITCH" out of all things you could write on there be your choice of words?
If anything, say that this was absolutely 100% real, i'd say it isn't from the internet but someone she fucked over personally. And considering how she isn't making this an "anti-lesbian hate-crime" and doesn't mention her brand new girlfriend in her post i'd say that IF this is real (pretty big IF) she absolutely knows who did it and decided to run with it. For attention, because Shiloh is as Shiloh does..
And THREE men, three men Shiloh? Come on now. Guess they had nothing better to do on a tuesday night, huh? They where all liquored up sitting in their car going "hey i got a really good idea, lets fuck with Shiloh!" I mean who in the hell knows where Shiloh lives anyway? I sure as hell don't.
No. 1026653
>>1026650>>1026641Shiloh is just as autistic as Greg is. Had she written this differently and made it up with less details it would have seemed more plausible to people. An overkill to details is often a sign of lying. Had I made this shit up I would have written something along the lines of:
"I came home from shopping and saw this written on my door (picture), should I be scared?"
Then she would have had the entire internet worried over her, and far more believers.
I guess Shiloh is aspiring to be the new Zoe Quinn, maybe she should blame this on #GamerGate
No. 1026779
>>1026595Kek where are the Shiloh wk’s now?
I’ve always knows she was batshit but this …..she’s crazier/more autistic than I originally thought.
No. 1026785
File: 1598045454806.jpg (206.76 KB, 1080x810, 93647939_227108611974042_32795…)

>>1026596Couldn't shake the feeling that this seemed to be an inside of a door. Did some digging, the outside to her apartment door is pink. You may also notice in other pictures that its her inside walls that are painted that color blue.
No. 1026793
>>1026791Actually no, the keyholes are on the right side when you're inside. On the left when you're on the outside. Go check your own front door and find out for yourself.
Either that or thats a European thing, because with my house it is and i'm in Europe.
No. 1026794
File: 1598046149229.jpg (370.91 KB, 1944x2592, american.jpg)

>>1026791Just did a google search specifically for American front door and heres a door from Ohio. See? Left side keyhole is outside, right side is in. Unless they have it in reverse in Canada
No. 1026795
File: 1598046257367.jpg (10.88 KB, 250x333, canada.jpg)

>>1026791Nope! Front door in Canada, Toronto to be exact, googled for it, same thing. Left side is outside.
No. 1026797
File: 1598046469449.jpg (8.96 KB, 117x250, 1598045454806.jpg)

>>1026791Definitive answer: As you can see by the picture here
>>1026785 that keyhole on the outside is on the left side. Plus the door is bright pink on the outside.
No. 1026799
>>1026798The proof of shiloh's own front door is here:
>>1026797>>1026785In these apartments they're all on the left side outside.
No. 1026802
>>1026793I'm talking about how you stick your key in the hole from the outside, not the inside. You were implying that this is the inside of her door. If this were inside instead of outside, there would be a latch you flip, not a hole where you put your key.
Speaking of the position of the door handle: mine is indeed on the right from the outside. I use my right hand to open it.
No. 1026806
>>1026804Ignore the handle type and look at the lock only. You put your key in the door outside. On the inside, there is a latch. Hope this helps.
I'm just pointing out that the picture is of the outside of a door, not the inside like someone was tinfoiling.
No. 1026807
File: 1598047770184.jpg (19.49 KB, 312x480, 70780CR-835_large.jpg)

Dropped image, sorry.
No. 1026808
>>1026806I'm that tinfoil, and I don't see it as a tinfoil since you can clearly see by the pictures of her apartment complex that all the keyholes are on the left side on the outside.
The picture she posted the keyhole is on the right side, and her front door magically changed color and the outside wall has the same color as her inside walls.
I don't mean to be rude, but latches aside, prove me wrong.
No. 1026811
>>1026807oh and as you can tell her outside walls are sorta yellow, her inside walls are baby blue.
hence, I don't see it as tinfoil but just noticing that in the pictures she posted.
don't get me wrong i don't have to be right, but like I said prove my observations wrong i'm open to it.
No. 1026936
>>1026806>>1026807You're right. This
>>1026596 is definitely the outside of the door.
>>1026785>>1026797This looks more like a motel to me. The pics Shiloh posted of her supposed front door
>>1026632 could literally belong to anyone.
No. 1026938
>>1026598lol no.
>>1026650>i'd say it isn't from the internet but someone she fucked over personally. If this was real she'd have filed a police report and I've seen zero evidence for that.
No. 1026940
>>1026594Sorry this reads like the biggest fucking boloney ass story. Maybe I'd be more inclined to believe her if she didn't constantly make shit up to deflect criticism and go out of her way to destroy her own credibility for the last several months.
>>1026738>Notice how the first thing she does is put the blame on Billie and Sarah for her getting "attacked". On the nose anon. This really looks like either she's trying to distract from the bad pr she's getting (along with Hansen and his awful gf who shit on Hansen's "daughters") by making up a feel bad 4 me story, and/or should something
actually happen (she's capable of faking lots of things as we've seen) she'll try to pin her misfortune onto the other girls somehow. Tinfoil af but can't put anything past kween Shiloh.
No. 1026966
File: 1598080572904.jpg (1.1 MB, 1162x7480, kween of bullshit.jpg)

>>1026594>>1026595>>1026596Hey Shiloh remember these little gems? Classic Shiloh! Never change hon.
Shiloh was so desperate for a drop of clout that she hopped on the dick of a creepy boomer whose relevance is fading faster than his hairline. A man who wouldn't know journalism if it paid off his 7 figure debt yesterday. I wonder what ever happened with those "multiple active FBI investigations" she sperged about on video?
Curious how Ashlee
>>1026497 found out Hansen was lying to her about his contacts but somehow Shiloh, who also met Hansen in person, has been in the dark this entire time. Curious indeed.
No. 1026969
File: 1598081342379.jpeg (131.56 KB, 750x1075, Hansen texts-Gene.jpeg)

>>1026542Speaking of, does anyone remember when Vince's texts to Chris Hansen were leaked? The ones where Vince called a black guy the n-word? Gene was the one who leaked those texts. I'm pretty sure he first showed those messages to the guy Vince insulted, then that same guy made a video about it. Gene somehow magically gained access to Hansen's text messages yet according to Hansen, he doesn't know who Gene is. Big thunk.
No. 1027075
>>1026969Sure, Gene is suddenly black. O.K.
Fucking prove it, snap a picture of your dumbass face.
What I remember from Gene, as im sure everyone here does, is that when Chris went to visit Greg's house he was the first to post footage of it.
There is no way in hell he could have obtained that footage unless he was buddies with Chris, in the least. There's no other way for him to have gotten that footage.
No. 1027350
>>1027345He also made 10.000 videos about Leafy, to which Leafy once made a video with all the mentions of him in it, being severely creeped out by it. And on Keem's interview he said he'd like to have Leafy on his lap, whatever that means. Greg truly is a closet NAMBLA member.
He'll also just attach himself to whatever is relevant at the time, specially to the kids, trying to appeal to larger crowds.
No. 1027494
>>1027345I find it interesting that Leafy was terminated despite having no prior strikes on his channel, yet a girl who's visibly starving herself to death on their platform
Eugenia Cooney somehow isn't an issue lol. I can't say I'm surprised considering the company that owns youtube.
No. 1027496
File: 1598171896580.png (327.73 KB, 592x513, derpamous gene.png)

>>1027075There's decent circumstantial evidence connecting them.
Gene had a few accounts some months back supposedly showing his face, one was pic related. idk if that's really him but the guy in the pic
does appear terminally retarded so you know, if the shoe fits.
That most of hansen's volunteers look like they're either related to potatoes or are otherwise missing chromosomes is no coincidence, his picks are deliberate. It's pretty funny watching a run of the mill parasitic deadbeat try to play 4D chess. I'd say he definitely has more of a hand in his failing operation here than he let's on because the truth is everything he touches inevitably goes to shit, that's been his last 10 years at least. I'd almost feel sorry for him if he didn't consciously grift/exploit some abuse
victims and seem so proud of it.
No. 1028162
>>1026596Oh how fucking convenient, is she going to start sperging about being gang stalked too? Kek. What crazy antics will she come up with next to get out of taking responsibility for being a two faced cunt? The only person Shiloh cares about is Shiloh. How could she survive in LA any other way? She's not an influencer and her dead music career has yet to be revived despite her lame efforts to be another soundclout thot, pretty sure she has been coasting on dick to support her lifestyle for years (how do you afford weed, grinders, bongs, acrylics, wardrobe, wigs, weave AND cost of living with no stable source of income?) and now it's her current girlfriend who is stuck supporting a ticking time bomb. She must be crazy good in the sack because I don't know how anybody could put up with her bullshit otherwise.
At this point I believe she just saw $$$ with Hansen. She decided to be "patient0" and put on the face of being "warriuh sista kween" so she could use people's sympathy to support her ridiculous lifestyle. Funny how she could afford various new tattoos over the years but could never get "Gregory" on the back of her neck covered until somebody starts a gofundme. Then she gets a huge ass sad panther instead of something simple that would be more reasonable in price, but then she would have to explain where the rest of the money went that could have been put to better use. Fuck that! She was abused don't you remember? You wouldn't want her to an hero because you dare raise an eyebrow at the things she says and does right??? What a tragic cow.
No. 1028254
>>1028162Ironically she did her Grift Scamsen interview very good. She even had me fooled. I thought to myself "wow, she has really matured over the years."
Right up until the point where she started being her old self again, like you said, a CUNT.
No. 1028278
File: 1598305978256.jpeg (184.03 KB, 1059x1600, 2240F722-ED42-44F6-AE27-CC69F3…)

>>1028162>>1028254When the tv show comes and interviews, she’s going to look like pic related, Mark my words. And like us dumbasses, the nation will eat it up
In her mind, the dateline-esque show will help her “revive” her career for the third or fourth time so she wouldn’t go from John to John if (big if) successful.
No. 1028420
File: 1598335322355.jpg (225.02 KB, 483x1683, Shiloh the clout chaser.jpg)

>>1028254>>1028278When this started blowing up Shiloh initially said she wasn't going public about her experiences with Greg, then for no apparent reason changed her mind only a few days later and started posting to twitter. Her interview with Hansen was uploaded within a week of her last album drop. A lot of farmers called her out back then saying how obvious it was she was only in it for herself. Shame they were proven right.
No. 1028424
File: 1598336376509.jpg (289.16 KB, 845x1475, chris shiloh private.jpg)

Shiloh admitted to having Hansen's ear, "I'll deal with him privately". None of the other girls spoke that way. There's no way Shiloh didn't know Hansen had been planning this tv deal all along. Meanwhile the other girls were deliberately kept out of the loop. This was why Shiloh took it upon herself to play personal spokesperson and den mother to the other girls.
After Shiloh went off the rails the first time trying to deplatform people who were asking questions, it became obvious what her real motives were. This cow was telling on herself the ENTIRE time lol.
No. 1028673
File: 1598389388402.jpg (58.74 KB, 640x640, turd.jpg)

>>1028625She's gonna look like this, same as she always does.
You can't polish her.
No. 1028904
>>1027570I'd be more inclined to agree with you if he weren't legitimately autistic enough to take his real face and real first name and attach a stupid moniker to it. tldr: there's mouth breathers, and then there's Gene.
>>1028446check up thread.
No. 1029061
File: 1598447374687.jpg (37.19 KB, 480x720, fuckerofdogs.jpg)

So how about that dog fucker Tamara eh?
No. 1029137
File: 1598457687673.jpeg (258.98 KB, 1280x853, C3711900-E2F9-4EDA-BF7B-4380D9…)

>>1029103Not sure if white knight or dogfucker
No. 1029288
>>1029281How do you know that? Did she kill her dog?
You will need to answer this question before we move along to any other subject.
Also you need to learn2sage
And answer the question
How do you know so much about Tamara the dog fucker?
No. 1029290
>>1029288I'm a friend of hers. She has 3 animals, and none of them she fucks and or is a dog. She's only ever lived in apartments where dogs are not permitted anyway, and her current place has a no dog policy too.
She doesn't fuck any animals. That bestiality comment was started by Greg on an alt he used on Kiwi Farms to piss her off. I know because I used to be in the discord with them.
Now answer my questions: what's your fascination with someone fucking dogs? and why can't you accept that she isn't a dog fucker? does it not fit your head canon? how can you continue to try to
trigger someone who's already had a terrible experience when people started this rumor about her? what do you gain attacking someone on the internet you'll never meet who isn't even a friend of Onision's anymore???
No. 1029293
>>1029290I'm Null's mother and Null told me that Tamara fucks dogs. Its not my words, its hers. And Joshua Conner Moon would never ever lie to his mother, ever. So there must be some truth to it. I've been fascinated by the story since I am writing a book about people that abuse animals. Since you are her friend I also once heard from someone else that Tamara shoved a whole burrito up her pussy, is that true? And that she once had to get an ant trap since she had an ant problem in there.
I will meet Tamara one day since I called Miss Cleo's hotline and she told me that I would.
No. 1029294
lady you are one fucked up person can we please get a farmhand to put a stop to this nonsense and have this dumb bitch find tamara off forum and talk to her personally im not a god damn messenger to someone who's as dumb as a fucking rock that can't see past their own demented headcanon
No. 1029297
>>1029294I'm glad you didn't get angry though, tell your dogfucker BFF I said hi.
I've been having a lot of fun with you the past few days. You are just too much. Are you really this hungry that you keep taking the bait?
No. 1029306
>>1029304I need some help, this is great. Here's the deal, reading back in the Greg thread everyone can see:
- I explained to you fully why you should not respond, yet even just someone posting the word dogfucker is enough for you.
- You keep falling for it.
And how do you feel that Tamara will be known as the dogfucker till the end of days, till ragnarok? It doesn't even matter if I tried to help you for her to get rid of that, thats who she is, the dogfucker. The dogfucker Tamara.
You Onision fans are really something else, you're not the sharpest pencils in the set. And its hilarious.
No. 1029312
>>1029306I think it's sad you have to keep spreading false information ab out people just because you don't like them and i'm not an onision fan lmao i left the discord and was one of the few who encouraged her to leave it too
theres a reason why theres no photo evidence other even with a dog on the internet aside from one piss-poorly edited in above an old ass image of hers that someone stole and that clearly edited "wolfbitch" stolen photo where they cat fished her.
and you seem to think everyone who responds to you is the same person you must be superman being able to see from behind an anonymous username
you still didnt answer my question about why youre so infatuated with dogfucking. maybe you're the dog fucker projecting your insecurities onto someone else… hm.
No. 1029315
>>1029312"Spreading false information"? You seriously think that THAT is what I'm doing here? Let me tell you something, you told me several times that my posts aren't funny. And you know what? I agree, my posts aren't funny at all. I could be sitting here literally spamming this thread with just the word "dogfucker, dogfucker, dogfucker" over and over again and it wouldn't be funny.
But let me tell you what is though, you know what IS funny? Its your responses. You keep making it funny. And you're probably right, if Greg made it up its probably not true at all, and Tamara doesn't fuck dogs. But at what point did you ever see the internet care about the truth? Specially these places?
But let me ask you though: How does Tamara feel about giving lots and lots of money to a guy, Greg, who would start this god awful rumor about her? Is she happy about that? And who pray tell is she supporting right now? Is she sure its not some other douchebag like that?
I already gave you my answer as to why I am so infatuated with Tamara the dogfucker, its YOU, its you that makes it so funny. Even after I tried my best to explain to you why you shouldn't respond to my obvious bait, but for some autistic reason you keep doing it. And look! LOOK! here you are, at it again, hell you are probably already fuming at the ears and typing ANOTHER response to me right now!
You're like the little engine that could, its charming in a way, no really!
No. 1029324
>>1029320GOOD! Good for you! I was already going to suggest you take a break from the internet. Because you are not doing your friend Tamara any favors if you keep responding to this obvious bait!
Go take a break, get yourself pampered in a nice spa, DON'T take your phone leave it at home, don't get any internet and take a nice long break.
And when you come back: don't come back here, don't respond to anyone calling Tamara a dogfucker. Trust me, you'll feel better and it will all die out. Pinky swear.
I wish you all the best. I sincerely do.
Don't stan any more douchebags, go for nice celebs instead like I dunno Martha Stewart or something, she sure as hell can use the money with that IRS thing she had in the past. She's great at decorating, I'm sure you'll love her.
No. 1029335
File: 1598483024666.jpeg (44.94 KB, 612x612, no.jpeg)

>>1029324She can stan me as long as she keeps her bestie the hell away from my Pomeranian. I ain't playing about that shit neither.
Then I can buy my mom something nice for Christmas.
>>1029337Pride? You are talking to me about pride? You're talking to a woman here that just found her first grey pubic hair and hasn't gotten laid since Lost aired on TV.
Pride! Hah- thats a good one. I'm just here to entertain myself.
I lost my pride many many years ago along with my figure.
(ban evasion) No. 1029575
>>1029468thats why a lot of us keep saying it's a sock account or one of Greasion's orbiters he asked to do this or him himself. You know how he obsesses
over everyone and she tried to leave on her own before he had to get the upper hand like she said on many streams. It's what he does. He kinda confirmed it himself that he visits here & KF
(ban evasion) No. 1029729
>>1029718>He lives with her, as he is too broke to have his own place (he was evicted by police last year from his NY apartment.)So he´s using her too. I bet he´s telling her all the time how `the onision story will break big` and it will make him tons of money..
Nice one, nice find!
No. 1029736
File: 1598569843016.jpg (23.38 KB, 480x360, scammymcscamscam.jpg)

>>1029718Why doesn´t Hansen simply ask his buddy buddy John Crestani for help? I mean he´s making money by the buckets and Chris has promoted his pyramid scheme. I´m sure he can help!
No. 1029738
File: 1598569927073.jpg (7.41 KB, 256x197, fakey.jpg)

John Crestani swimming in it, right?
No. 1029752
>>1029729I think in this situation, they are both sharks. She's been married at least 3 times already. 2 of them in rapid succession. I haven't looked too far into it but it seems they were all affluent. Wonder if that alimony check is running out or she's concerned that her kids are about to age out of child support.
Did you follow the link in the first post? "Gene" is one of the comments.
No. 1029917
File: 1598604676582.jpg (49.24 KB, 668x551, tamarathedogfucker.jpg)

Tamara the dogfucker made a video "her bestie" posted here, scatting up the Greg-thread:
>>>/pt/792571She talks about being called the dogfucker 10 minutes in: thinks she will be the next keem..
No. 1030165
>>1029917stop trying to bait her into posting here so a farm hand can ban her or whatever, she's not that stupid
your tamara obsession is unhealthy
No. 1030399
So we had a persistent Shiloh wk samefagging all over the thread which was totally embarrassing, and now Tamara herself.
No. 1030440
File: 1598680575234.png (159.92 KB, 609x473, tamara twitter.PNG)

>>1030437but you are the scared little bitch behind a privated twitter. Go back to kiwi, you're not wanted here.
No. 1030442
>>1030437Tamara, this is an honest question. Why are you wasting your time here? No one here likes you.
The dogfucker anon is having her personal fun with you, yes, but apart from that you're completely irrelevant.
You have no milk, you have "no tea to spill" and you're a
very messed up person for supporting the dumpsterfire called Onision.
I concur with
>>1030440. Go back to the other farms.
No. 1030444
>>>>1030440My DM's are visible? doesn't make me a coward. You're still the one not revealing your name.
>>1030442I don't support Onision anymore so you're holding onto ridiculous anger over something that no longer matters. I haven't supported him for a long time now. There was a reason you never saw me openly defending him on twitter in the last year. Everyone on this board was probably a fan of his at some point, don't act any better.
I'm not relevant but you guys can't keep me out of your mouths every other post? if I bother you so much, ignore me then? I don't care if nobody likes me here. I'm not here to impress people. I'm tired of people accusing other people of being me So I came forward. You guys sure bitch & moan about me a fair bunch.
Stop following me so closely then if you think I have no tea to spill? obviously you think I have something if you're doing it this much. Just because you dislike someone though doesn't give you the right to make up stories about them
No. 1030450
>>1030448Oh ffs, I was joking. I made a lot of butt-jokes, don't take life so seriously. I also made many "any hole is a goal" jokes too. It's not my fault none of you can take a joke
>>1030449That's another reason I'm here. I'm calling out the one anon. If they can't talk to me directly, (which they should) then they should just STFU & leave me be
That's also funny because I'm one of the few people who was there who didn't want to get with him and OR Kai. And I was planning to leave when my sub ran out, it has nothing to do with whether or not he was "mean to me" he's a fucking dick to everybody that's why he can't hold friendships down.
I'm done. I came to call out the other anon anon & so other people could stop being told they were me. I was informed my payments went to videos, nothing more. If I had known he was using it for other than intended, I'd be out. Don't dictate me or tell me how I'm feeling or what my intentions were. At the end of the day you're nobody.
No. 1030452
>>1030444>There was a reason you never saw me openly defending him on twitter in the last yearIt was last than a year ago when you were calling Sarah a liar and saying the girls he abused were not pretty enough to be
victims though
No. 1030453
>>1030452I also publicly apologized to them on Hansen and took accountability for it. I said Regina was vetting people for going on the show based on their looks, the "not pretty enough" thing got misconstrued and only one person was decent enough to come and ask me what I meant by it instead of forming their own lies.
I never said they weren't pretty enough. Even in the screenshot capped, I said something about how Regina was vetting people to go on and her methods were questionable. Don't put words into my mouth, please.
No. 1030455
It was a friend of hers that told me how she was vetting people at the time too.
No. 1030456
File: 1598683191542.png (130.24 KB, 595x358, 8292020.PNG)

>>1030452These are just 2 of thee sock accounts that Tamara used to talk shit about Sarah and Lizard. through the tweets and you get a taste of what she will say when she thinks no one has figured out its her.
She was stupid enough to follow herself with the sock accounts. No. 1030457
>>1030456That wasn't me? I followed nodrama because at the time I was pissed at lizard and thought their comments were funny we still don't know who nodrama is and people even thought it was mcfly because they didn't like lizard either.
The account I used at the time had my cat on it, and another Yuumi from League. I would not be stupid enough to follow myself with a sock. Did you ever stop to think it was GREG? we followed each other back on a lot of accounts then too. He had just banned Liz.
No. 1030460
>>1030458gee I wonder why there's no physical evidence of me fucking an actual dog? oh OH could it be because I don't do bestiality shit? Greg started that rumor to take the heat off himself on KF under purple carrot.
the fact that you guys get off on that though is a little disturbing not gonna lie. I post every animal I have proudly, if I had a dog there would be actual (not shitty edited in) pictures of me with one on some form of social media.
I have a cat, hamster & recently rescued a chinchilla. None of which I fuck, though I bet you wish I would because you're pretty sick. I have no attraction to animals. That's Greg's department.
No. 1030463
File: 1598684280424.gif (490.62 KB, 176x200, a4f180366bd05802a238531b89f134…)

>>1030460Ok dog fucker. Goodnight.
No. 1030465
File: 1598684501504.gif (128.08 KB, 220x165, tenor.gif)

>>1030463it's okay we all know you're only acting like this because you found your first grey hair in your pubic region and you haven't gotten laid since Lost aired ;)
There, there.
No. 1030468
File: 1598685334334.jpg (60.38 KB, 683x405, ban_evasion.jpg)

>>1030465The joke was funnier the first time you told it.
>>1029339 Or was that your mysterious "friend" who comes her to defend you and gets banned over and over?
Seriously… stop shoving your antidepressants into your mouth by the handful. You're losing your memory and your sanity.
No. 1030469
>>1030468if it were me why didnt a farmhand go "Tamara" like they've been doing accusatory every other post?
i dont control my friends and i take my depressants as I should. I've also never been to rehab, which is another rumor I may as well address since you're on about it.
I wish i could take credit for that joke though, it was a good one. Sadly not that creative.
File: 1598688360864.jpg (22.38 KB, 1073x153, new.jpg)

>>1030469>i dont control my friends and i take my depressants as I should.Looks like the tagline of a new lolcow farms banner to me?
No. 1030483
File: 1598689026800.jpg (350.02 KB, 1166x792, relevance.jpg)

>>1030481Who are you even talking about? WHAT are you even talking about?
Allow me to ask you something;
1.9 million views vs your shared-with-heatboss measly 32.000 views.. how does it feel to be even less relevant than Shiloh?..
No. 1030484
>>1030478She really is a sperg, isn't she?
Try not giving your money to piece of shit
abusive predators in the future, Tamara, okay?
It's bad karma and leads to people calling you a dogfucker.
No. 1030485
File: 1598689223481.jpg (157.16 KB, 1300x1854, lede-fritzl-1300x1854.jpg)

>>1030484Honestly you might as well be supporting Joseph Fritzell and sending him cigarettes, soap and tooth paste in prison accompanied with love letters.
Although i'm sure fritzell is nice enough to not call someone a dogfucker
No. 1030487
>>1030483if I cared about views all my videos on my channel would be PUBLIC. I didn't go on Hansen for views. I didn't even want it to be live. He asked me to come onto talk about my experience in the discord, and how Greg manipulated us it was a different show than the others.
I really couldn't care less about views. Agreed to go on when Greg had a fucking alleged pedophile as a mod in his discord and I wanted to expose his ass as I had receipts from said minor who was being targeted. He's still allowing minors in there, so yes. I said something. It wasn't for views. It was to spread awareness.
>>1030485oh look another dogfucker joke
yawn I guess it's hard to come up with something wittier when you're a basement dweller.
No. 1030488
>>1030487>if I cared about views all my videos on my channel would be PUBLIC. I didn't go on Hansen for views. Christ you are tied to the tracks and that train just keeps running over you, keeps running over you, doesn't it? Autism is killing you. You're just not getting it, nothing is registering with you. Its like your pictures, you see you looking dumb in to the camera, the lights on but there is absolutely no one home.
Its the kinda stupid stare you see in bullfrogs. But yeah, you just missed the point in that entirely. You were just a paypig and literally nobody cared. You are lower on the
victim scale than regina, and regina is like the bottom of the barrel. She spoke to Lainey, whoopty-fucking-doo.
>>1030487>oh look another dogfucker joke yawn I guess it's hard to come up with something wittier when you're a basement dweller.Even if that kid talking to you is a fat neckbeard linux user, drinking mountain dew all day, rubber woman in his bed or a realdoll, typing to you with cheetoh stained fingers than he's still a champion compared to you, a dogfucker that used to pay actual real shekels to a child molestor online.
you really are in no position to talk shit about anybody except maybe hitler, although one could debate that at least hitler was motivated and going places.
No. 1030490
>>1030488I made a mistake supporting someone once and it seems ridiculous to keep hating on that person even after they've stopped. Do not dictate why I stopped supporting him, it was deeper than "he bullied me".
You're bitter and angry over someone you're never going to meet, who made a mistake (because you've never made them before I'm sure) and throwing a tantrum like an autistic child who just wants to be heard. I hear you, child. Calling someone a dogfucker because they supported someone you don't like is ridiculous.
Keep hiding behind your anonymous username because it's easy to hide behind one and talk shit to someone behind it as opposed to someone's face with your real name, ain't it? you feel all powerful doing that eh? but I bet if we were debating over VC, or IRL, you'd schribble up like Greg's penis.
Don't tell me what I can and can't do. Thanks. I'm aware of my mistakes, at least I can hold accountability for them.
No. 1030491
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>>1030490>Don't tell me what I can and can't do. Thanks.I'm not trying to, hon, but heres the thing:
You saw Greg online, and thought "oh hey this guy is cool, this guy is awesome, i am going to support him" right? and then you took out your credit card with probably that same stupid stare you have in all your pictures and told your dog something like "here watch, mommy is gonna have some fun" you filled in your credit card information right, and then paid this asshole actual real money.
just wow.
i mean i bought some stupid ass shit online, most of it from china, i don't give a rats ass about anymore and thought would be cool at the time, like an underwater drone, but you.. boy oh boy, you took the cake.
to me you kind of look and act like Milo Stewart if she lost all motivation in life to do anything, let alone make SJW videos, and went on a 3 week long adderall and ritalin binge. it doesn't matter what you are trying to say to us here, someone here could be a meth head tweaker and still have a lot more going on in life than you.
i sincerely just pity you, i feel sorry for you, and i apologize.
No. 1030494
File: 1598690868265.webm (1.68 MB, 320x180, crybaby tamara.webm)
Speaking of Hansen. I have to thank you for some of the biggest laughs Ive ever had while listening to you blubber and suck up your snot during your interview.
No. 1030696
>>1030691o but we do care, who ever said we dont care?
you keep bringing us more and more kek &you are well on your way to getting a Kiwifarms page.
No. 1030698
>>1030696shes not milky enough for a KF page – mcfly on the other hand has some potential there. She met Onision IRL not once but twice (?) ppl even say she supposedly slept with him
generally when you say someone's irrelevant its not caring about them sorry to say
No. 1030701
>>1030698the only reason she seems not milky enough is because autists have to yet truly look in to her and her internet presence.
the way she is behaving is definitely lolcow behavior
rue the day that some autist notices her. she is working very hard to make that happen
then she truly got something to complain about
No. 1030709
>>1030704oh hey RB, thanks for posting & confirming that Gregs fans post here but I highly doubt she's concerned about what ten remaining die-hard fans think about her let alone a drugged out has-been like Aaron Carter lol
maybe we'll get lucky & gurgles will flip out and delete his new discord
fingers crossedbtw how's Jared from Subway?
No. 1030711
>>1030709as always you completely missing the point, sweetheart. the point is to look in to facts about you, as these autists do, and then figure out and post your entire pathetic hollow life.
you are working very hard for that.
funny how you keep shitting on both greg and aaron carter and yet you gave these people money.
what did you do for work to earn that money? was it hard work? good job giving them it for absolutely nothing.
No. 1030712
>>1030711im the one in the aaron carter community, not tamera lol
only an autist would believe those stories
No. 1030714
>>1030712oh right. well right now if you really are royal black its happening to you. tell tamara the dogfucker here if you are enjoying it.
if she keeps posting here some autist will eventually get annoyed and dox her, her workplace, loved ones, post each and every social media link, etc.
how would you like to get fired from work for fucking dogs, or having them call your family and telling them you do? shit like that will happen if you keep this shit up.
thats not a threat, thats just fact, i mean im not treathening you here this is fair warning.
keep posting here and it won't be me, but some autists will actually take the effort to put you everywhere. royalblack is already what, 15 pages she has now on kiwifarms, going very strong? would you like that too?
then keep this up.
either you let it go and stop arguing with retards, or you continue. its a two way crossroad for you here.
so take a step back and do some actual thinking.
No. 1030740
>>1030714>her workplaceTamara is on disability and has not had a job for years. The closest thing to employment is her volunteering to care for a chinchilla recently. She made a GoFundMe for a $1000 and everyone shit on her for it. She shut it down and dumped the poor animal because she wasn't going to get asspats or money for doing it.
I do agree that someone is eventually going to doxx her. My bet is that one of the regulars at KiwiFarms will weaponize their autism and make what happened to RoyalBlack Jodee look like child's play.
But tbh I don't see how doxxing could change her life. She has no job to get fired from, she has no friends irl to lose, she doesn't leave her apartment except for grocery shopping. Her days consist of waking up in the early afternoon, getting online and checking up on Onision, searching for anything being said about her and taking the bait from people calling her a dog fucker. She goes to bed in the early morning and starts the cycle all over again. The only way a doxxing could affect her is if her immediate family are informed of what shes doing online and her neighbors are contacted about her bestiality history and warned to keep their pets away from her.
No. 1030741
>>1030709Judging by this
>>1030740 it is probably already too late. I tried to warn her, but she keeps on sperging out. The good news is that there is probably a lot of lulz to find on her.
No. 1030743
>>1030740you claim you know so much about tamara but on all her profiles she has adopted the chinchilla. She has him home with her now. She put it on her visa to rescue the chinchilla right now the only people sperging about her are you guys how about you all just stop and go back to something relevent? she'll just debunk everything with evidence from her end like she's been doing.
Stop. you can't handle being wrong and this is why you're sperging. A Farmhand has already banned her so you're talking to air
No. 1030753
File: 1598747152036.jpg (54.16 KB, 484x278, banevasion.JPG)

>>1030743You know what credit card she used to rescue the chinchilla? That's very specific and not something a friend or supporter would know. You should make the information more vague if you want us to believe you're that "mysterious friend" who shows up to defend Tamara when the words dog fucker are uttered.
>A Farmhand has already banned her so you're talking to airTamaras been banned multiple times and keeps coming back. Thats why you see all the ban evasions. Tamara watches this thread like a hawk.
Tamara should stop being a scared little bitch and unprivate her Twitter so we can all have a nice conversation. And dont try to keep it in DM's like a coward, let the public see you being dragged. No. 1030755
>>1030753the first one isn't her it's dog fucker anon that the farmhand for some reason seems to be protecting, idk about the other person under it
shes mentioned adopting the chinchilla on her twitter, and on discord
No. 1030762
File: 1598748649766.gif (6.3 MB, 360x360, shtisgonnagetrealhot.gif)

Anon double dares Tamara (who's not watching this thread because shes banned) to unprivate her Twitter. Minutes later her Twitter goes public… hmmmmm.
The best part of this tweet is the empty threat and imagining Tamara and Onision on Judge Judy trying to argue that shes not into dog cock. The second best part is the 1 like. Where are all those white knight friends who come here to defend her. Cant they be bothered to like her tweet? These friends couldn't just be figments of someones imagination could they?
No. 1030770
File: 1598749357669.png (196.31 KB, 619x449, bullfrog threatened.png)

>>1030743>A Farmhand has already banned her so you're talking to air.Yeah Tams is TOTALLY not clocking this thread right now. Does she really think EVERY SINGLE person talking shit about her is Greg? That's some wacky paranoia. Those meds shes abusing are messing with her head. Time for ANOTHER rehab visit.
No. 1030790
File: 1598751369019.jpg (99.51 KB, 610x545, busted.jpg)

when you accidentally use the same tired joke while selfposting and pretending to be a friend who wants to defend Tamara from the dog fucker accusations.
No. 1030851
File: 1598763834280.png (11.66 KB, 614x368, Capture8292020.PNG)

>>1030753>Tamara should stop being a scared little bitch and unprivate her Twitter so we can all have a nice conversation. she just got banned probably for sharing dog porn
No. 1030944
>>1030862I think she's panic deleting everything, which with wayback machine and so forth won't work. people tried to warn her god knows how many times, same as that she thinks its just one person that has a "vendetta" against her. no lady theres just a flurry of retards pointing and laughing at you.
we tried to warn you but you won't listen, you keep on posting and trying to defend yourself like the four eyed mongoloid that you are.
No. 1031030
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in other news, RB is still sperging all over her KF page and Sierra is still simping for our swamp king.
No. 1031033
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No. 1031186
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No. 1031191
>>1031175Why do none of her YouTube videos show even a small glimpse of her face? Not even that video of her mother dyeing her hair. It just shows the floor or a wall as Tamara laughs at her own unfunny jokes and her mom hacks and coughs with that gross old lady smokers voice. Even her Hansen interview was just a pfp. All 5 photos Ive seen of her are from years ago, maybe even a decade. And in each photo shes doing that up high Myspace angle to help lessen her mongoloid look and shrink her nose. She was proudly announcing she got a new cam for her "Tea Time with Tamara" videos but Ive yet to see her face.
How much more fat and ugly could Tamara have gotten that she hides her face to this day?
No. 1031236
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>>1031225more whining about everyone's favorite royal black
No. 1031257
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>>1031236she deleted her account too
No. 1031260
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>>1031257Still on Twitter she just changed it. Jodee's doing what DogFucker Tamara is attempting. Both hope that deleting and changing names will stop anyone from finding out about their history. Don't these dumb bitches know the internet never forgets?
No. 1031280
>>1031225>can we talk about someone else?To answer your question: No, we can't.
You do not get to dictate who we do or do not talk about.
No. 1031281
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Found her patreon, looks like dogfucker has also been stanning cruelguykrai No. 1031294
File: 1598866027179.jpg (47.99 KB, 1267x239, stevereesockree.jpg)

Love your sockpuppet on KiwiFarms, steveree
No. 1031309
>>1031285At the end of the day it's nice that he has one supporter less, but as we have already established (
>>1030494 ), she would still be there had he not kicked her out.
I felt a bit of empathy listening to that clip, but then I wondered what kind of a person do you have to be to feel like the only place you fit in is with a delusional narc and his paypigs.
So, fuck Tamara.
No. 1031520
File: 1598909406223.jpeg (251.41 KB, 1100x619, 170731042613-india-heroin-drug…)

>>1031511>not these dumbasses. It's advanced stupidityMade me kek hard. It truly is a whole new level of autism.
>>1031508Percocet, in combination with Tylenol and some Qualudes? I wouldn't know I've never done any of that shit. Just theorizing.
No. 1031667
>>1031665nevermind, ignore this. I'm just late.
saw a cap earlier in the thread and just missed it the other times I read it due to the amount of pure horseshit that destroyed this thread and I'm blind apparently.
>>1026596>>1026595>>1026594 No. 1031721
File: 1598946091034.png (434.82 KB, 620x1086, tamarajaysilentbob.png)

Noticed that Tamara the dogfucker has plastered Jay & Silent Bob all over her twitter recently. Couldn't figure out why the sudden interest in Kevin Smiths movies.
No. 1031722
File: 1598946246473.png (302.19 KB, 604x726, SierraJayMewes.png)

>>1031721Then I remembered that Sierra the stripper would vague tweet about having some kind of weird on going relationship with Jason (Jay) Mewes since she was a teenager. She travels to all his shows and was a merch girl for him at conventions. I guess Dog Fucker is trying to poke at Sierra for some reason. They never liked each other when Tamara was still part of Onisions discord and now that shes talking shit about Greg I'm sure Sierra wants to beat her ass. Here's hoping for a hair pulling twitter fight.
No. 1031849
>>1031846Legitimate question:
- Why does it matter to you who we talk about?
I mean what, you got stocks in this thread? You have a bar bet running? Maybe your mouse wheel is broken and you need to scroll by hand? Tell us all about it, I'm sure we'd love to hear your reason.
No. 1031854
>>1031852Actually no, we won't. Allow me to explain this to you: Tamara used to be a moderator for Greg until she was kicked out. Now she is fanny flustered about that and is talking shit about Greg, and thus she became an Anti-O.
Now look at the very top of your browser, you see the title there? "Anti-O flakes". Tamara now is that.
There will be no locking of the thread. I'm glad we had this talk.
No. 1031857
>>1031855Some real brain power there, champ.
I just explained to you the entire situation here:
>>1031854Feel free to have someone explain my post to you.
No. 1031859
>>1031858Like I said we have a real winner on our hands here.
Allow me to explain this to you for the final time:
This thread is about Anti-O's. Tamara is an anti-O. Hence forth there will be no closing of the thread when people discuss her.
In answer to your enquiry about some sort of affinity for Greg (?), no, I think he's a pedophile retard.
No. 1031866
>>1031865So by that right every one in here talking about the Anti-O flakes in a negative manner is a Greg stan. Is that what you are saying?
I'm very sorry but I don't think that is true. I'm certainly not a Greg stan, I think he's a stupid dumbass.
If time has proven us anything its that the loudest anti-o's are also the biggest lolcows. Just look at Steveree, or Chris Hansen, or Repzion. They're all a bunch of lolcows. It is by that right that the Anti-O flakes thread was born. Does that mean that everybody posting here loves Greg? No, we all think he's a pedophile rat bastard.
I'm glad I got to clear this up for you.
No. 1031898
>>1031896Then why in the name of Greek buggery to they keep supporting him, paying him and staying there?
Because they're STUPID, perhaps?
No. 1031915
>>1031914No one care? so what the fuck are you doing here then?
If people keep paying Greg money, you keep enabling him.
No. 1031917
>>1031915right so what good is it to do to focus on someone who isnt paying him money? more people need to be aware of his current supporters still doing it like mcfly, mackey and that british bitch
im here to point out that there are still actively others giving him money while ur complaining about someone who isnt makes no sense to me
No. 1031919
>>1031914Cool story, sis. Now heres the bad news:
We will keep talking about the dogfucker Tamara, even if you cry real tears about that.
In other words lol be mad
No. 1031920
>>1031917We will keep talking about her, keep crying real tears about it.
Your tears give us our sustenance.
No. 1031921
>>1031919>>1031920i dont give a shit who you talk about im just saying there are current fans of his still actively giving him top dollar dumb
No. 1031922
>>1031921No I want you to keep objecting, and keep wining about it.
Your tears are delicious and salty.
No. 1031924
>>1031923Thats good because I love to give back to the community.
>>1031921People paying him top dollar now will suffer in the future.
But right now its Tamara the dogfuckers turn.
No. 1031928
>>1031927top greg she still believes its just one person. no, she never banned me, because unlike her i'm not a complete and utter moron paying a scumbag like greg actual money.
tell me something else, tell me how much your dogfucker bff paid greg in total? i'm sure we would all love to hear that story.
you mention top dollar. what is top dollar? how much did the dogfucker pay greg to pay4mod?
No. 1031931
>>1031923Speaking of salt how do you feel about being the one that keeps Tamara relevant here. I mean its not like people haven't explained to how you shouldn't respond so it will die out about 10.000 times?
Is the dogfucker grateful that you are keeping her relevant here?
No. 1031993
File: 1598994997263.png (8.69 KB, 456x324, boom.PNG)

>>1031721another account bites the dust. She posted a picture of that rescue chinchilla licking her nipples (her shirt was on but its still weird and gross) and 20 minutes later her Twitter is suspended.
No. 1031997
>>1031993Actually she keeps closing it and re-opening it herself, thinking she's clever. I just seen her get in to an argument on kiwifarms, but i think she sucked the right dick there since they started defending her. some men are pretty desperate, i suppose.
kinda amazed it wasn't a dog this time she sucked off.
No. 1032003
>>1032002Not the anon you are responding to but truthfully I am starting to believe Tamara does, in fact, fuck dogs.
Usually when someone is as defensive there is some truth to the rumor. Someone on Skype also told me she once told someone on discord that she fucks dogs, and that that person told Greg, and that Greg then just told everybody.
No. 1032004
>>1032003right and im john cena
greg also admitted in a live stream that it wasn't true
No. 1032012
File: 1598996615855.png (132.67 KB, 385x432, catdog.PNG)

>>1032008It is a big cat, definitely not a dog.
No. 1032015
>>1032014Good luck with that, I suppose.
She will be forever known as the dogfucker though.
No. 1032022
>>1032004sure he did, Greg lies a lot, he probably retracted that Tamara fucks dogs because it reflects bad on him. After all she was his moderator. When that came out, that one of his moderators fucks dogs, he had to quickly issue a statement how "he made it up."
I bet its why he fired her as his moderator, because she fucks dogs and he can't have that.
He's in enough shit already as it is!
No. 1032026
>>1032014>>1032015This is like the Streisand Effect. The more you try and refute a rumor, and I use that word "rumor" lightly because Im seriously starting to think its true the way Tamara constantly brings it up in any interview or video she does and comes on the farms selfposting and samefagging
>>1030233>>1029339>>1029346>>1029575pretending to be "a friend" or "some random anon who feels sorry for her" to defend herself against the dog fucker title she will forever have branded on her forehead. I think Barbara learned her lesson and stopped trying to remove the photos of her house from the internet. Tamara should learn Babs lesson.
No. 1032027
>>1032022Its the same as with Royal Black, when he found out she had her kids be molested by her pedophile boyfriend and then didn't believe her kids, Greg had to let her go right away.
Its the same with Tamara, after he found out she fucks dogs, he had to get rid of her.
No. 1032029
>>1032026to me this makes a lot of sense
>>1032022it came out that tamara fucks her dog and so greg let her go and quickly claim he made that story up to protect himself
No. 1032030
File: 1598998685273.png (197.57 KB, 770x1254, tamarakf.png)

>>1031997>i think she sucked the right dick there since they started defending her.The scrotes on KF just put up with her. There's a few who play nice like that autist Heatboss who gives money to Onision each month to view Greg's cock and asshole on OF. But the majority of the people don't like her. Any post she makes gets no reaction or they tag it with trashcans and autism ratings. I think she thought the farms would welcome her with open arms after Onision banned her. LC calls her a dog fucker to her face, KF do it behind her back.
No. 1032035
>>1032029he demodded her because she got more attention than he did in the chat. People have been calling her a dogfucker long before he demodded her though makes no sense
>>1032030even if they did talk about her behind her back, at least they aren't hiding behind an anonymous username
No. 1032036
File: 1598999082868.jpg (21.87 KB, 1119x114, toptamara.jpg)

>>1032035>he demodded her because she got more attention than he did in the you really decided to go with that, and post that huh? too bad it is a well documented fact that everybody and their uncle always hated the shit out of tamara. she was one of his most hardcore fans and even stanned krai.
>even if they did talk about her behind her back, at least they aren't hiding behind an anonymous usernamereally? you believe theres a difference between some name like heatboss or multiverse and anonymous? ah thats right in your head that must make a lot of sense.
you might wonder why i screencapped your post, its because usually you remove your most cringiest posts and i wanted it to stay up for prosperity.
No. 1032039
>>1032037well just posting a meme instead of your own cringy words like "uwu people liked me better than gregory" is a huge improvement for you.
that, and defending your dogfucker bff tamara, of course. but that shit is just hilarious.
do you really believe your own words, or are you just play acting?
just curious
No. 1032045
>>1032037you have been sitting there for weeks now defending your dogfucker bff and now you are posting "lol" and "sure jan" as if this is NOT bothering you?
sure jan indeed
No. 1032048
File: 1598999966505.jpg (43.03 KB, 555x501, MAIN._95610057_.jpg)

>>1032029Its a pattern. Look how quickly he disavowed Royalblack when it came out she was complicit in her husband sexually abusing her children. He banned Jodee from all his sites, make a long post on his forum about her then make 3 videos addressing the situation that same day. He did that to protect himself from any of that pedo shit sticking to him. Im guessing thats why he banned Tamara and talks shit about her now after the bestiality accusations became more than baseless claims.
>>1032035>at least they aren't hiding behind an anonymous usernameLike you are Miss Friend of Tamara's? How many more posts until Tamara miraculously shows up in the thread like she did 4 days ago
>>1030469 to say these people defending her are not her but she some how heard what was being posted about her and decided to turn up and start flapping her dogcock sucker.
Take the farmhands advice.
No. 1032052
>>1032048>and decided to turn up and start flapping her dogcock sucker.You are butchering me with laughter in this thread, you really are. my compliments.
you are right it is a pattern with greg, but look at what type of audience he attracts. one person is worse than the next. and look at his mods. there is evidence that rag catered to the pedophile and i don't give a rats ass what people say to defend him, just look it up on youtube they have receipts. then you have royalblack and tamara well we know what they did, the list goes on i don't feel like listing them all here but they're a bunch of depraved misfits.
maybe they attract eachother i dont know but they're deranged lunatics
each time greg finds out about their kink he boots them, he sorta has to. you are absolutely 100% right in this
No. 1032055
>>1032052thats the funny thing about it, they got kicked out by greg. they didn't leave out of their own accord or some sort of mental revelation about how wrong being an onision fan is.
and then right at that moment they start bad mouthing him on other platforms. suddenly greg is no good anymore, he's the root of all evil. yeah you jackasses we've been saying that for over 10 blooming years.
rag who fresh off the boat went on hansen to say how wrong is all is, while he had no problem helping pedophiles come and go on gregs forums (with gregs knowledge) or spreading shiloh's nudes as well as spreading kiddie porn
oh how quickly the world seems to forget, but the internet does not forget
No. 1032105
File: 1599004416142.png (282.47 KB, 709x383, rules.png)

>>1032035>at least they aren't hiding behind an anonymous usernameTamara uses the same argument on Twitter, discord and here-
>>1030437>I'm the coward but I'm not the one hiding on an anonymous username.but Im sure its just a coincidence lol.
If you want people to put their name in the field then go to /meta/ and speak to the Admins about changing the rules. But just like this anon said
>>1032036 I don't understand how a name on a post will stop people from calling Tamara a dog fucker. Ive seen users on kiwi call her that and she doesn't confront them in the thread. She DM's them and wants to cry about it behind closed doors out of public view like a scared lil' bitch. The names people use on most sites are fake anyways. Do you think "Scratch This Nut" and "Poop Merchant" are their legal names?
Anonymity on the internet in this day and age is a good thing. We aren't as stupid as Tamara, who uploaded a photo of her Canadian welfare medical card to Onisions discord to prove Slugfag was wrong about her age.
No. 1032113
File: 1599006401513.png (119.02 KB, 1232x772, discord1.png)

These are the kind of fans Onision attracts now. McFly to have evolved to garbled mush.
No. 1032118
File: 1599006882954.png (97.75 KB, 1155x763, discord2.png)

>>1032113discord member brings up what the point of that debate was when he dodges all the hard questions, one of his mods covers for him
No. 1032136
File: 1599010809296.webm (18.32 MB, 320x180, tamarapetsandhousetour.webm)
She just uploaded a video to YET AGAIN address the dog fucking controversy. She shows all her pets, and then goes through the whole apartment to show she doesn't have a dog hiding under a bed or stashed in a closet. Then calls out "here doggy doggy" to prove everyone wrong because obviously a dog would come running if called. This is fucking hilarious LOL! Its just like when Chris Chan got tricked into doing that house tour video for Julie & Ivy.
This thought has never crossed my mind before but Im really starting to think there might be something wrong with Tamara. Like she might literally have some kind of retardation. And now the fun has been ruined because I feel bad making fun of a bona fide retard.
No. 1032175
File: 1599018790348.png (200.69 KB, 320x570, capture912020.png)

>>1032136pretty sure i saw something when she did a quick pan from bathroom to living room
No. 1032209
>>1032136TamTams, calling your cat a "fatty" isn't cute.
Feed him better and make sure he gets proper exercise. Obese animals point to neglectful owners.
>Like she might literally have some kind of retardation.She might, considering she was a paypig for 3 whopping years.
No. 1032430
>>1032241I know, right? The "here doggy doggy" killed me.
I said that she's not interesting enough to talk about, but I take that back now.
She's clearly a highly exceptional individual and I hope she brings more milk. Woof woof.
No. 1032518
File: 1599083414793.jpg (57.05 KB, 1506x317, a639fe.jpg)

Look at the dogfucker go on kiwi farms. Typing that, yet had she not been kicked out by Greg she would still be paying for both Greg's and Lainey's Patreon, Onlyfans and probably now twitch too had she still been allowed in Greg's little hugbox.
Who are you trying to fool, Tamara?
No. 1032530
File: 1599085090567.jpg (210 KB, 900x600, LOSTDOG.jpg)

Why do ppl think she needs to own a dog to practice her degeneracy? There's no need to dox Tamara to find where she lives, just look for the neighborhood with the most lost dog flyers.
Can you imagine the conversations Tamara's downstairs neighbors have with each other?
>I heard that crazy lady stomping around upstairs talking to herself about how she doesn't fuck her cat and saying shes not hiding dogs in her bathroom… we need to move.
No. 1032542
File: 1599086006805.png (446.11 KB, 379x510, tamara quirky gemini2.PNG)

>>1032534Im sorry I cant remember where I found it at. But here's the original if you think you can do some reverse image search that will bring results.
No. 1032549
File: 1599086726453.jpg (20.61 KB, 399x263, tamaraACynicalBitch.JPG)

>>1032534Speaking of social media. does she keep changing names on an almost daily basis? Doesn't she understand that some of her followers are not really her friends and leaking shit even though its private. Whats the bet on how long this one stays active?
>>1032542I just put two and two together. This photo with the hair looking lighter near the scalp and that video of her mother dyeing tamaras hair. Is she going gray? That would explain that lame joke she uses all the time
>>1030790>just found a gray pubic hair No. 1032550
File: 1599086882364.jpg (114.18 KB, 1501x356, topgregory.jpg)

They are legit white knighting her, shits hysterical!
m'lady tip
No. 1032553
File: 1599087155890.jpg (42.62 KB, 1502x249, 8247557343b.jpg)

You stan Greg for years but you claim to have standards?
As you yourself put it so elegantly last night:
"Sure Jan"
I bet you haven't had your pipes cleaned by anything non-k9 in many years, last time was probably in the 9th grade by some creepy uncle
No. 1032554
>>1032547>>1032550>>1032553you nda? cus no one is defending her, just want to keep the thread getting clogged up with shit that has already been hashed over. because you seem obviously new to all of this both here and on otherfarms, its not defending, tamara integrated and is tolerated. shes not the first and wont be the last. im sure royal black could have been the same way if she werent dumpy retarded white trash who cant keep her mouth shut.
whatever vendetta you have is fake and gay and frankly is staler than gregs coom soaked soxx
No. 1032560
>>1032554lol she still thinks its just one person hahaha
newsflash: everybody hates you, except for the people on KF, apparently
they are hoping that you make a nice break from fucking their fleshlight
No. 1032571
>>1032550So now Tamara has Stockholm syndrome? She was a paypig of Greg for years, then she got kicked out. End of story. What is she going to do a Chris Hansen interview next?
"I WAS MOLESTED BOOHOO" No, you fucking retard you paid this sperge your welfare check and you got fucked over. Deal with it, stop trying to be a snowflake.
No. 1032572
>>1032553>you wanna fuck her?? you don't have a knot, so tough shit.I dont think Tamara realized that I Want To Peg Bill Hader took a passive aggressive swipe at her lol. Dog penises have knots. He basically said "you dont have a chance to fuck Tamara unless you're a dog."
>>1032560>newsflash: everybody hates you, except for the people on KFI said this earlier in the thread. The scrotes at kiwi aren't her friends nor do they like her. They just put up with her and enjoy fucking with her because she doesn't understand when they're making fun of her.
No. 1032574
>>1032572>The scrotes at kiwi aren't her friends nor do they like her. They just put up with her and enjoy fucking with her because she doesn't understand when they're making fun of her.Well one would certainly hope so! For sanity's sake!
>>1032573no. oh no. you're fucking with me, right?
No. 1032579
>>1032574>you're fucking with me, right?fraid not, shit was even more pathetic than the regina interview. at least regina had a sort-of -e-fling with krai. the dogfucker was nothing more than a paypiggy.
>>1032542judging by that face her mother also fucked dogs, and tamara is the result of the first ever successful cross-species breeding.
or rather unsuccessful, depending how you look at it.
No. 1032590
>>1032585>>1032587yeah really fuck her and the horse she rode in on.
or should i say dog?
fuck her and the dog who rode in on her?
would that work?
File: 1599089554860.jpg (905.6 KB, 756x284, Inked392745_LI.jpg)

I've heard her say this many times. When pressed about how exactly Onision was harassing her during the Chris Hansen interview she says that he made multiple sock accounts and was intimidating her. Ive also seen her tweet that the people who say anything negative on Twitter to her are also Greg on sock accounts. And of course you can scroll up and see posts by "Not-Tamara" insinuating that all the posts talking shit are one person, and that person is Greg. Her willingness to make a video to prove she doesnt own a dog along with these paranoid delusions that everyone that hates her is Greg makes me think she might actually have some kind of mental illness. It could be her prescription abuse too. Celexa when misused can cause confusion, hallucinations and hostile/aggressive behavior.
No. 1032614
>>1032610>>1032611How does that take balls, to go on Twitter and talk to her? None of the people here on lolcow are twitter fags. Like we told you a million times stop defending her here, and it will all die out.
Personally I'm tired with the subject too, so if you were to just drop it and stop defending her here all this will stop.
Get that trough your autistic brain for the love of God.
No. 1032627
File: 1599091555090.jpg (238.62 KB, 1336x1434, whiteknightuwu220.jpg)

whoever is white knighting her doesn't seem all that bright either
No. 1032669
File: 1599097012881.webm (2.08 MB, 640x360, the same story again.webm)
No. 1032680
>>1032617She made the house tour video private. Oh well, its still available for viewing here.
>>1032136Good thing we can still laugh at her Tamara's Tea Time "podcast."
Guess how long it takes for her to cry about the dog fucking accusations.
No. 1032842
>>1032815Just wait till KiwiFarms one day shits her out as well. I mean its not like she's likable.
She's bound to fuck up one way or the other.
No. 1032887
>>1032884Yes Tamara its just one person and not the entire world sans KiwiFarms that hate you.
You solved the rubics cube.
My compliments.
No. 1032893
>>1032884Oh and also you definitely do not own a dog nor ever fuck dogs. You would never do that, thats just ludicrous.
It was made up by Greg, who wants to fuck you and still stalks you to this day.
Here, there you go. Its all solved now, all is right again in the world.
Can you now please fuck off?
No. 1032924
>>1032921I do yes. I love to fuck dogs, specially the little dogs. But not tamara. never tamara. she would never ever fuck a dog, not in a million years. and i would appreciate it if everyone here would never call her a dogfucker ever again. just call me a dogfucker thats fine, i take great pride in fucking dogs, just not her. do not call tamara a dogfucker. ok?
thank you.
i dug the lmao in your post btw very professional, since it shows you are in no way shape or form bothered by any of this. very expert.
No. 1032928
>>1032925EXACTLY. So lets put this to rest, Tamara does not fuck dogs, its OVER. alright?
Thank you.
(ban evasion) No. 1033119
File: 1599183378542.png (90.42 KB, 344x231, lastest.PNG)

>>1032997That moment she called out "HERE DOGGIE DOGGIE!" in her sad little apartment was the moment I realized she may have a touch of the "Chris-Chan ailment." And that's why its not as fun to poke at her now. My mom would beat my ass if she knew I was mocking a true mental defective.
No. 1033143
File: 1599186238736.png (33.69 KB, 594x166, mommas boy consoling dog fucke…)

Did kiwi finally get sick of her and doxx her?
No. 1033151
>>1032585>lowest hanging fruit of all time.All Onision orbiters are low hanging fruit with the exception of maybe people like Chris Hansen but even that's a bit of a stretch. Chris will go back to orbiting Onision
>>1032573 when he gets desperate enough for attention after he gets tired of making up stories about russian spies ruining his "career".
No. 1033175
File: 1599190809475.png (170.27 KB, 764x540, mayasage.png)

If you don't know the basic facts about Onision's predatorial history then please shut the fuck up. Maya was 20 when she visited Greg & Lainey, not 17. Saying shit like this gives Greg more ammunition to push the narrative that his critics lie and fudge with the girls ages to make him look bad.
I'm having flashbacks to when Tamara was a paypig and would defend Greg with such hubris even though the facts she tried to argue must have come directly out of her gaped asshole.
Learn a little more about the man you gave hundreds of dollars to for over 3 years. Read up at and after you finish, read it again. Or better yet just stay with your usual stories of "Greg was mean to me, called me a dog fucker and it made me really really sad so I ate handfuls of Celexa to cope." You have those anecdotes down pat.
No. 1033317
>>1033198Learn to grammar Tamara, none of the exes belong to Onision, use the plural.
>>1033175This is what I mean about Tamara knowing nothing of interest. She paid 100s to get close to Onision and she's less informed than a self proclaimed hated. She was willfully ignorant when she was in his little gay fanclub, now that she's been ousted she wants to be friends with the people that hate Onion. So confused how she spends her time
No. 1033326
>>1033143We have her full name now?
No. 1033511
>>1033317so you're buttmad that tamara has no milk to offer and thats why youre on a wannabe greg sperg-out? thats kind of petty. Did she ban you while she was a mod? (in that case you paid him too). Did she call YOU out somewhere? is that why you have this unhealthy vendetta with someone you're never gonna meet who has no platform who's just someone that made a mistake they regret?
if youre not greg, youre acting like him. Constantly whining about how she has no milk is not going to make milk magically appear in fact when you do this, it makes people less inclined to wanna spill milk. She hasn't "been outted" you're late, she's been gone from the discord for months now and has been taking accountibility for her actions. If you've seen any of her streams instead of having selective hearing, hear what was actually said. She gave him only around 180.00 in a 3 year span as she only ever paid the lowest tier to be there. For a Tamara stan, you should know this. Regardless, she's not paying him anymore–so this is a personal vendetta in which case you're breaking a rule and a farmhand should stop assuming everyone else is Tamara and ban you for shitting up the thread.
No. 1033531
>>1033511I have never gave Onision a cent of any money and Tamara is a retard who can't backchat anyone.
I have no personal vendetta against a mentally handicapped person I think she should seek therapy.
No. 1033543
>>1033531NO vendetta? you sure about that? you keep whining as if she gives a damn about what some testy little troll on the internet has to say regarding their so-called "tin-foil" you've been at this since AUGUST for someone who doesnt have a vendetta, youre laying it on thick
maybe its you who should seek therapy just a thought especially if you can let someones previous actions have a hold on your life this badly
No. 1033579
File: 1599243595188.jpg (30.42 KB, 379x510, 1599086006805.jpg)

>>1033577Oh I forgot about that, we are all Greg. We are all one person, and Greg is stalking her since he's obsessed. He's never seen a lovelier lady.
Greg can't get her out of his mind. I'm sorry, Laineytrain
No. 1033581
>>1033579She won't fuck him though. She would never fuck him in a million years.
Because this pretty little wallflower has standards.
Which is why she paid him on his patreon and his wife for a bunch of years.
No. 1033629
>>1033628I'm sure that if you put a little more effort in to all this, Tamara will fuck you.
I mean the whole "i'm tired of it can we talk about shiloh / something else" thing is working, its working for you and i'm sure the farmhands are just about to buy in to it.
No. 1033631
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>>1033629i'm not so sure anon, does he live up to tamara's high standards?
No. 1033636
File: 1599250543262.jpg (157.82 KB, 1280x1024, collie-raza-lasie.jpg)

>>1033631Does he live up to Tamara's standards? Well I dunno, maybe he's like Lassie and just a very smart dog, defending her.
No. 1033647
>>1033644Spoiler: That won't work. If you keep doing this, trust me when I say things will get worse for her.
Your choice.
No. 1033649
>>1033644oh hey, if you want to take this to the rest of the internet instead of just here, thats just fine by us.
Would Tamara like her own ED page?
No. 1033663
>>1033661here are your options: say that you do NOT wish the subject of Tamara banned here, remove those posts if you still can, and that you take it back.
you can choose to not believe there will be an ED page of her, which we will (when its there) only take down if Tamara makes a video saying that she fucks dogs. for our amusement.
you can choose to accept this, simply do not defend Tamara here anymore, and all this will go away.
i'm talking her, and all her flunkies. never ever contradict or defend here ever again. then it will go away, and people will shut up about the dogfucker.
your choice.
but before you decide: contradict all this, and tamara will NOT thank or fuck you after all this is over.
this is a two way street. choose wisely. and before you decide to stupidly laugh this away i can tell you that there are at least 15 people that can confirm to you that there WILL be an ED page, about 4 of them I warned just like this before hand.
go ahead..
No. 1033670
>>1033663you type a lot like anonymous gene
PS: they cant take them down it's been too long
but tamara has told her friends and followers to stop posting in her defense
No. 1033672
>>1033670I am not anonymous gene, since I'm not an autistic retard. You are dealing with the real macoy here. if you or your neckbeard friends think you can EVER figure out who the fuck I am, you won't. We are a group of people that don't even have social media, we just like to troll the everlasting fuck out of stupid people just like yourself.
I am waiting for that apology, as well as the line that you take it back that you do NOT want Tamara as a subject banned here.
Do not insult us by comparing us by fucking morons again, we are not flexible on this.
Even those dumbasses at kiwifarms might think they're smart, they ain't got shit on us. Trust me on this.
No. 1033676
>>1033670anonymous gene pretends. he isn't anonymous he isn't even a stupid skiddie.
us, we are different.
we get the god damn job done.
but hey, if you don't believe us its all the same to us, you wouldn't be the first to regret that, and you certainly won't be the last. me personally i've been called a psychopath by my
victims more times than i care to count.
hey fiero how you doing buddy, good?
>>1033672i do apologize
i personally don't care if she's a banned subject here or not, i just dont understand the need to talk about someone all day when they no longer support greg but if i was out of line for saying that then i apologize
(no one cares tamara) No. 1033680
in return we won't bring tamara up anymore, but we can't control the rest here. she might be brought up again by somebody else.
if thats the case, don't be stupid and as greg says "do not engage".
File: 1599270152819.png (23.02 KB, 596x206, MedwingSong.PNG)

MedwingSong (AKA rxBootySlayer/XerinaNova) is counseling Tamara. Taking a hiatus from social media and "noping out" is a good plan. I would listen to Megan's wise words because her sad tale mirrors Tamara's.
Megan had her anonymity removed by Farmhands back in 2018 which blew up in her face.
Tamara's selfposting/samefagging pushed the Farmhands to expose all her posts. She continues to selfpost to this day.
Megan's mental illness got the best of her after being unmasked on LC and she had an outburst at work, was escorted from the premises and told to go home. Her father put her in a psychiatric hospital where she learned the joys of pastel painting.
Tamara abused her antidepressant medication, tried self medicating with alcohol and ended up in the hospital. Tamara told Greg the reason for her absence hoping for sympathy and got none.
Megan learned a valuable lesson being in Onision's orbit. Tamara should heed her warning and take a break.
No. 1033936
File: 1599311315196.png (107.98 KB, 561x591, Capture942020_.png)

I think she took booty slayers advice and is stepping away. Or shes going cloak and dagger and making a super secret twitter and will start vetting her followers so she can figure out which of her "friends" are leaking her shit.
No. 1034142
>>1033175>directly out of her gaped asshole.You mean Greg's lol. All his orbiters do is parrot his talking points. Who would've thought his "fans" couldn't think for themselves?
>>1033579But it's true that he has been obsessive about her, non-stop talking about her. He does that with a lot of former paypigs. You know he has to shit talk everyone he "kicks out" of his life for an eternity. Rent free!
No. 1034197
File: 1599360722426.webm (474.23 KB, tamara the anal queen (mp3cut.…)

>>1034142I think anon was touching on a point Greg, McFly and Blasian made in her one and only "debate" with Onision that Tamara enjoys things up her ass. And if you constantly put things up your ass it eventually gets gaped or prolapsed. If I remember correctly McFly said that her and 2 other mods (these are the mods/friends that Tamara considered her community) would play a drinking game where they'd take a shot every time Tamara mentioned wanting something in her ass or anything dealing with her butt in general. How can Tamara say she stayed in Onisions discord because of the "community" and the friends she made, when those same friends were laughing behind her back and making games about her weird obsession with assplay? But you are right, Onision and Tamara do have a weird thing about playing with their own ass, birds of a feather I guess. Im assuming her anal fetish is not well known because the dog fucking thing takes precedence in the list of Tamaras degeneracy.
No. 1034219
>>1034197dude give it a rest, shes gone now
>>1034143agreeing with this anon. Obvious vendetta sperg is obvious.
(tamara) No. 1034234
File: 1599367478591.png (78.63 KB, 672x708, yappy.png)

these anti-os just love screaming about irrelevant shit yo late.gif
No. 1034236
File: 1599367713729.png (36.1 KB, 644x340, heezy.png)

>>1034234talking about Heezy
(tamara) No. 1034238
File: 1599368486649.png (213.88 KB, 400x521, tamara gone.png)

>>1034219>shes gone nowGetting shit on by everyone and exposed by the farmhands seems to have done the job. Her twitter is deleted again hope she stays gone but Im sure we'll get a Tamara's Tea Time: Episode Two before the end of the month and she'll pour the same curdled milk about Greg calling her a dog fucker and making fun of her.
No. 1034243
File: 1599369982420.png (69.09 KB, 612x435, 3267667137929.png)

>>1034234>>1034236Its odd that you only censored blasians twitter but left everyone elses. We already know everything we need to know about Gerianne from over 2 years ago in an old Onision Flakes thread here
>>>/snow/400528Just scroll down to post
>>400528 and you get to know our girl blasian Gerianne very well.
No. 1034248
File: 1599372519998.png (19.52 KB, 652x191, mcbitch.png)

>>1034243mcfly doesnt get a pass either she's proven to be just as shitty, shallow, and scummy as the rest of the paypigs. She willingly PAYS to see Greg's penis.
(tamara) No. 1034297
File: 1599390020378.png (121.33 KB, 971x598, dasha-megan posts.png)

>>1034269sounds like someones upset and a little scared that whatever method they're using to hide their identity is about as effective as a pulling a fishnet stocking over their head. this sounds like an admission of guilt to me.
>>1034248correct me if im wrong but ive counted over 33 posts that the farmhands have revealed as tamaras this is not counting the handful of posts they tagged in /pt/ what the fuck is wrong with this lady? if she keeps this pace up shes going to surpass booty slayer and maybe even dasha
No. 1034387
>>1034297trust me honey she aint scared, this is all amusing to her im sure and you keep taking the bait.
Surprised a farm hand didn't think this post was her too
>>1034143 with how paranoid they are
youd think theyd be thrilled with someone trying to bring in new anti-o milk
No. 1034410
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I hope Hansen got a nice paycheck out of his cameo in The Boys, that huge debt he's in sure won't pay itself, lmao.
No. 1034634
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No. 1034737
>>1034680Hansen can't make a case to the authorities on behalf of Onion's
victims they would actually have to take his contacts and meet directly with authorities to get the ball rolling. Vince turned himself in since he's a stupid boomer that can't handle the Internet lol.
Like I feel bad for Sarah etc but why didn't they report by now.
No. 1039575
File: 1600219480832.jpeg (600.45 KB, 1125x1966, 5D4C1DB7-9C7A-467D-9925-371557…)

Shiloh thinks she’s Marilyn Monroe
No. 1039972
File: 1600283978052.png (488.91 KB, 603x1251, New Project (5).png)

>>1039575>I'm a 94 pound frail anorexic woman who can't defend herself and I'm scared for my life>My boss fired me for being too fat>I punched him in the face>Authorities won't help meI bet 50 bucks that this never happened and if it did, she never called authorities in the first place because she can't legally work in the USA. She's just so obsessed with being a
victim while also being the most badass empowered fighter but also please feel bad for me
No. 1040116
File: 1600301516844.jpg (19.11 KB, 400x300, 912366584_small.jpg)

>>1039972If that was true, there'd be a lawsuit for assault charges. I'll take shit that never happened for 500,- alex.
>>1039575I think she means Marilyn Manson.
Yeah I can see that, she does sorta look like Marilyn Manson, only fatter.
No. 1040156
File: 1600305748376.jpg (210.03 KB, 983x1132, Hansen subs to Vince's sister.…)

>>1034634Supposedly Vince turned himself in, why tf would he do that? The timing is funny to me considering Hansen's quickly fading relevance. imo it looks like another stunt for attention - Vince told MistaGG there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Hansen's been subbed to Vince's sister since January. Why would he be subbed to and
promote the same woman that's legally representing the guy allegedly harassing him and his family? Vince still hosts some of Hansen's vids on his yt channel too. These people are all massive brainlets. I hope that JohnSwan dude gets his day in court so Gene and his bff who can't even succeed as a yellow journalist, go suck on a fat one.
No. 1040170
>>1039972>Another bottle service company hired meWelp I guess she's not singing anymore. Did her connections with Hansen not pull through or does he not return her calls either?
Whatever happened to those guys who were banging on her door, threatening her? Did the cops also fail to call her back for that one? She never did file a police report which is strange considering how big of a deal she made out of it at the time.
No. 1040181
File: 1600308705645.jpg (299.79 KB, 849x1389, Ratio'd.jpg)

This is almost a month old now but it's fucking embarrassing seeing a 60+ elderly man get into an internet spat with a 19 year old. Loser got ratio'd in his own comments section. kek
No. 1043249
File: 1600802425247.png (374.67 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200922-221950~2.p…)

No. 1043350
>>1043249Yeah because that's a great and sensible way to handle it.
Tbqh shiloh's comeback surprised me to begin with because I was always surprised and mildly impressed that she consistently kept her head down all these years. It's so lame to see she's still the exact same attention seeking martyr complex bitch when there was ample time to develop better ways to act. She hasn't changed like, at all. Only gotten more insufferable bc Muh Victimhood/ patiEnT ZeRo!
I at least appreciate that Skye and her sister dipped and seemed to see this shit coming. Her commentary was funny and insightful and she left like she should have because the whole thing went to shit, though I don't doubt they still visit the farms.
No. 1043361
>>1043249Remember when she said in that interview with Grift Scamsen how bad it was that Greg would sent his fans after her?
I'm sure she did something to piss someone off. Just like she always does.
No. 1044351
No one wants to see her crazy ugly head anyway.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
No. 1045094
File: 1601042252268.jpg (38.96 KB, 600x600, droopy_eyed_mustard_tiger.jpg)

hmm droopy eyed back mustard tigers must be all the rage now because of Shiloh
No. 1045238
>>1045185Plus she's lying.
She KNOWS who wrote that dumb shit on the inside of her door (she probably did that herself) and she KNOWS damn well who keeps calling her. Yet another person she pissed off.
No. 1045356
File: 1601077936224.jpg (371.31 KB, 368x2248,…)

Didn't think the RSN/Amber drama would continue in [current year] yet here we are: Amber and RSN made up.
No. 1045359
File: 1601077977136.png (69.61 KB, 896x792, New Project (6).png)

The reason: Amber and her on/off crackhead "girlfriend" Raven broke up for the millionth time and RSN immediately contacted her asking for milk, so Amber came running to RSN to make up with him in order to save face.
If that doesn't make sense to you then congrats, you have a functional brain.
No. 1045360
File: 1601078166669.png (236.57 KB, 893x1170, New Project (7).png)

The whole peanut gallery is chiming in, including a certain youtuber who went by Masked Babe before she fully went off the deep end, remember her?
No. 1045363
File: 1601078472215.png (482.89 KB, 1203x590, New Project (8).png)

Those two were perfect for each other, love is officially dead
No. 1045368
File: 1601079420223.png (62.79 KB, 661x404, rsn.png)

She insists on her curious cat that she didn’t lie, she only “made peace”, but RSN of course continues to present this as evidence that it was all made up (despite both of them giving the same details that he got her drunk and she refused to have sex with him until he steamrolled her into it). It's incredible how much Amber has fucked herself over with that.
No. 1045609
>>1045368Yeah Amber is not saying Rape Stream News didnt violate her. This sounds more like when a
victim is able to stand up in court and tell her rapist that she forgives him and wants to move on. Craig really thought he got a pass on that lol. If she said she lied and it never happened then he'd be golden, but shes basically confirming he raped her and wants to move on and "drop the drama" whatever the fuck that means.
No. 1045627
File: 1601132593211.png (223.71 KB, 642x962, Heezy the arbiter.png)

>>1045356Awww, look at Heezy trying to be the peacemaker. This wacko is such a fucking snake. She mods for RealStreamNews, is prominent in his discord, but also simps for Onision, his mortal enemy. I wouldnt be surprised if shes part of Repzions discord.
>Like the shit between James & I. We're fine but people keep using it to try and split our friendship.Im glad to know that Heezys past as a rabid Anti-O still gnaws at her and causes her grief. I hope people continue to bring it up to Greg that she tried to get his neighbors and parents from the T's school to lynch him by posting on Gig Harbor Facebook groups that he and Lainey were grooming underage girls. When Greg eventually tells Heezy to fuck off Im sure it'll come out of the blue like with Blasian. And Heezy seems unbalanced, so when Greg does "dump her" she'll go full psycho.
If you think Tamara the Dog-fucker was funny to watch Im betting Heezy will be twice the entertainment.
No. 1045644
Amber said no twice, this is all we know.
and yet CS proceeded to rape her.
No. 1045646
>>1045635>>1045643LOL does Craig really think that people are going to stop calling him a rapist now? That shit is branded on his forehead, its not going away.
Maybe he should get pointers from Onision on how to change peoples mind and stop them from calling him a predator by uploading a few dozen rant videos every month. It worked for Onision right?
No. 1045660
File: 1601134938279.png (31.55 KB, 479x635, 11111111111111.png)

>>1045644Leaked ScreenShot. Shes no victum. I know you guys love calling RSN a rapist but its bullshit get over it.
No. 1045663
>>1045650Saying no over and over then being pressured to say yes because you're alone with man you hardly know and are afraid of what he may do sounds like coercion. If someone says no to sex you drop it. You dont intimidate them until they say yes.
RealStream News/Craig James Silva is a rapist.
No. 1045664
File: 1601135070172.png (31.93 KB, 479x605, 44444444444444.png)

>>1045663yea no saying no then yes is consent.
No. 1045671
>>1045667is this like the dogfucker thing where she has a best friend here to defend her honor?
are you here to try and tell us that Rape Stream News is NOT a rapist, is that it?
Because let me tell you, between Tamara, Royal Black and Rape Stream News this hasn't truly panned out too well for the other people attempting it.
No. 1045675
>>1045673First off, learn to fucking sage.
Second off you won't convince anybody here that that retarded mongoloid looking junkie motherfucker is not a rapist.
So kindly fuck off and sperge out somewhere else. This is a Greg snowflake thread, leave.
No. 1045677
>>1045676yeah cool story, bropic.
i ain't gonna debate you anymore. i'm just reporting your bullshit so you can get a nice ban.
No. 1045679
>>1045660>>1045664I read both screenshots twice. Did I miss where Amber says Craig didn't rape her? Where's the part where she says she lied, did I miss that too?
If a girl says no to sex TWICE you dont keep pushing until she says yes.
>>1045667>Do you wanna fuck him or something is that the real problemDid you mean to say do I want him to rape me? No I don't want Craig James Silva the rapist to rape me.
do I have to say no THREE TIMES or will he still rape me? No. 1045689
>>1045684Concerning the "Leaked ScreenShots"
>>1045660 >>1045664 you provided as proof Amber is not a
victim, can you underline where Amber states she wasn't raped or she lied about being raped. Thank you.
No. 1045707
>>1045605>>1045643It's not even a tinfoil, he's been redtexted in his own thread multiple times and this is exactly how he talks. He's still too dumb to learn normal English spelling and grammar so he sticks out like a sore thumb.
>>1045660>>1045664Again showing that she only reached out because she wanted to keep him from getting dirt from the vengeful ex and he immediately twists it into "say I'm not a rapist reeee!"
Not WKing for anyone here. They're both idiots. Amber is a scamming low-IQ slut and Craig is a junkie low-IQ rapist. End of story.
No. 1045710 are files that Rape Stream News loves to DMCA. Just download all 5 parts, use WinRAR to unrar them, and enjoy.
They sat patiently on my hard drive and will continue to do so, I love to archive stuff on lolcows to enjoy at my own leasure as well as post from time to time, like right now.
Feel free to post them anywhere else, of course. The reason I did it like this is because it will be much harder for Craig to DMCA 10 different file hosting companies.
And no, I won't explain to you how winRar works, or how to download, it should be self explanatory (its quite easy actually)
I noticed RapeStream News his ED page was gone, I might put some effort in to bringing that back. Musta been due to the move of ED.
This is what spergin' out about being a lolcow and having a bad rep, trying to correct it will get you.
No. 1045722
>>1045720Congratulations of missing the point entirely.
Terribly sorry about posting these files, and we all care very deeply about you not downloading them. In fact i'm fighting back the tears right now.
Also thank you for scatting up this thread with your opinions.
No. 1045751
>>1045664>saying no then yes is consent.This is bullshit logic, it's established that she said no multiple times and he kept pestering her until she said "do whatever". That's just resignation and him reading it as consent says a lot about how much of a brainlet he is. Just think about it, if a girl said no multiple times then why would she suddenly change her mind just because you kept asking? Did it make you more attractive and desirable, especially when she's drunk and stuck in a hotel room with you? All it means is that she doesn't think you'll stop pushing her, so she might as well give up. You can argue about the definition of rape until you're blue in the face but it doesn't change the fact that anyone with a brain would have known that she didn't want it. Even if she did blow it out of proportion, he knew exactly what he was getting into. So did she judging by the DMs between them where he made it clear that he had ulterior motives before inviting her.
>>1045673>It's funny because RSN literally released Amber On the phone with her mom saying "No its not rape! It wasn't Rape!"It's almost as if people rationalize bad things and often spend a long time going about their lives until they realize something wasn't right because it's easier than to acknowledge you had something bad happen to you
>>1045731That poster should have just lurked more and been aware that if you post milk here, you have to a) make it instantly accessible (Dasha's leaked videos being put on Liveleak) and b) tell people what you're sharing so they know if it's worth their time (transcripts, for example, are a given for longer videos). Somehow the poster wrote a whole paragraph patting themselves on the back for their methods and archival yet didn't spend one moment to describe
why we should care. We already know CJ is a creep and a loser and the files have been uploaded and taken down multiple times, making them old news. If it's fresh, never-seen-before info, feel free to clarify the content anytime.
No. 1045755
>>1045751You are absolutely right, we should crucify that poster. How dare they post content here.
And yes, they constantly were telling how great they where and how we should bow down to them for posting all that, they're motivations where clear from the get go. What a complete scumbag. I never want to see their posts here ever again. I don't want to do any effort to see or hear anything, I need it to be a singular click. I think crucifying them is the best option although kind of light, 40 lashes before hand would work maybe. MAYBE.
No. 1049145
File: 1601550834090.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1125x1695, C6E93E39-E3A6-4468-93D4-A1AC65…)

Is she escorting again or is it just another party?
No. 1049968
>>1049145I think Shiloh is pretty and has an amazing body from what I’ve seen in videos (I never trust a picture)… but WTF IS HER OBSESSION w these goddamn eyelashes jfc.
Like bitch
Can you just????? Not???? Ugh.
No. 1052766
>>1050701>>1049968i've always thought she was prettier than Billie tbh
at least in her face/ after losing weight
her style choices remind me of lady gaga, though, kek
No. 1052809
File: 1601975261360.jpg (47.55 KB, 393x663, miss_america_2020_covid.jpg)

>>1052766Regina is prettier than all of Greg's
Just sayin'.
No. 1054059
File: 1602121931392.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1125x1800, F0ADAE24-BC97-4AFE-8D37-52D5D0…)

Not sure if new apartment or hotel for the night…
No person working in a bottle factory could even live this nice - in California, no doubt. Something’s wrong here…
No. 1054102
>>1052766Not a fan of Billie but Shiloh looks like if Billie was made into a shrunken head trophy. It's the sour face and scrunched up features. Even Greg wasn't into Shiloh until he learned that she was famous, while with Billie he was instantly obsessed.
>>1054059Bottle service isn't "a bottle factory", anon. It's working at a night club to sell expensive alcohol to rich patrons. Knowing her, it might be her cover-up story for actually being an escort (again).
No. 1054931
>>1054779well she definitely looks the part, with all those tattoos and that droopy eyed mustard daddy tiger on her back.
cheap and tawdry. and gross. imagine all the gross losers that had sex with her just for a few bucks.
No. 1055670
File: 1602332085801.jpg (17.32 KB, 603x134, rapebanana.jpg)

Well lookie at who joined RSN's crowd in defending CS and saying it was "definitely not rape"
>>>/snow/589468It's our old pal, bad banana!
No. 1055860
File: 1602356506043.jpg (81.22 KB, 618x466, ss.jpg)

>>1055670OedipusBanana took time away from sucking his mommies tit to lurk LC. If this weirdo hates this place so much why is he monitoring the threads more than the farmhands?
>Lolcow must have missed meHow can we miss you when you never leave you lil sissy?
No. 1055879
File: 1602357826021.png (862.37 KB, 828x1792, 26E1028F-1E6C-4A14-88AA-3203BD…)

>>1055860Our little Oedipus is buying followers too. How much does 1k followers go for nowadays?
No. 1055910
>>10558601. We sincerely don't care who you are friends with.
2. We are just pointing at you and laughing, same as any other lolcow here.
3. RSN did in fact rape her. No means no, he admitted to her having said no twice in the morning after stream. You can't change history.
RSN did rape her.
>>1055879I don't even get why he does that, he never posts anything interesting nor does he create any actual content. He must do that to "prove the anti-o's wrong", look you guyz tons of people follow me because i'm so popular.
I'd sooner say he missed us than vise versa.
No. 1055935
File: 1602364271728.jpg (109.22 KB, 990x654, CPG57P.jpg)

>>1055925I think that Anon's talking about Heezy and Trisha who used to be Anti-O's.
And Im sure he watches the threads himself. He whines on Twitter about anything said on LC within minutes of the post.
No. 1055954
File: 1602365138456.jpeg (87.28 KB, 768x1024, 7D36548D-12BB-442E-97C2-D18DDD…)

Too bad Heezy’s “acting/modeling” profile went private. But going from the heavily filtered pfp, you can just imagine the cringe.
No. 1055989
>>1055935fat girl angle shot needs moar fat girl angle shot.
and put those tits in even more, maybe crop out that face. and that gross tattoo really finishes the cheap fatty with daddy issues motif.
No. 1056015
File: 1602372465554.gif (3.4 MB, 360x240, badbananaprivate.gif)

No. 1056030
File: 1602373833910.jpg (13.36 KB, 594x110, award.jpg)

And the award for picking the wrongest side ever goes to.. BAD BANANA!
No. 1056649
File: 1602458890981.jpeg (180.75 KB, 828x794, 53362F27-3FE7-427F-802A-7191E0…)

We’re all apparently obsessed with him now. For a guy with so many “followers”, he gets shit when it comes to likes and retweets.
No. 1056679
File: 1602460871096.jpg (59.36 KB, 684x515, sarahdearmond.jpg)

>>1056674I have no idea, I do think that that married woman Sarah DeArmond is suspiciously absent from his twitter these days. Is the love over? Did she find another e-cock to hop on?
I also don't believe she would enjoy him defending RapeStream News much. I seem to remember her hating CS back in the day just as much as everybody else.
No. 1056910
File: 1602499496080.jpg (100.23 KB, 527x512, junkie.jpg)

>>1056903omfg this is hilarious. so.. you follow a junkie rapist that scams his own fans out of their money and then not pays them back and drags them to court, yet we're the braindead ones?
Here are some highlights of RSN's "career", and I use this phrase very lightly here: chicky, his own fan whom he stole money from had to hold a FUNDRAISER just to be able to still pay for her cancer medication: then of course he tricks his own users out of nudes just so he can later blackmail them when they inevitably fall out with him. oh and he also has girls sign an NDA (thats right just like Greg) before he flies them in and rapes them.
but by all means, tell us again how we are braindead for not believing the words of your glorious leader, oh wise one.
oh and realize all these are just highlights, as im sure i left tons out.
No. 1056921
>>1056903What, are you retarded? That's not me trying to be a bitch or clever, its a genuine question: Do you have downs syndrome, aspergers? autism? You'd sorta have to have that to be his fan and defend him at this point.
Whats wrong with you mentally, with your brain? Come on, spit it out. You can be honest with us.
No. 1056923
>>1056903>and you retards still go at RSN's community.nice sneaky, underhanded way to make this "about his community", what is he trying to gather up his own little personal army of fat old autistic spinsters to come harass us?
the dude is a fucking rapist, fuck off you spastic mongoloid cunt.
you'll get no sympathy nor mercy here, you spastic creepy claw meth-head.
No. 1056935
File: 1602503100092.jpg (156.51 KB, 1500x1026, 91UT GvFg6L._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

I would sooner stick an umbrella in my pussy and open it on the inside than to ever let that blowfish anywhere near it. Thats the only think I ever felt bad about, that this dope addict has actually been inside her. Amber, girl, I sincerely hope you had yourself checked thoroughly and that the gynecologist had on a full hazmat suit after.
You just know she had a yeast infection after, just saying, vagisil girl. Use that shit. Smear diligently because junkies tend to have lots of fungal infections from using, re-using and sharing needles and laying passed out on greasy mattresses. Hope you can still have kids one day.
No. 1056936
File: 1602503485295.gif (58.79 KB, 276x340, David_15-276x340.gif)

>>1056935And, much like Greg, he went in bare and came inside her.
ew ew ew ew
Just how drunk was she?! No. 1057158
>>1057092I can't even explain how lulzy I find people like Greg and now Banana boy going "OH YOU CARE AND OBSESS OVER ME BECAUSE YOU'RE WATCHING."
Eh, yeah, we care because you are our source of entertainment, we're laughing at your misfortune.
Its kinda like getting trolled and then reacting like Sally Field at the oscars while people are trolling you. (Video related)
These people have blinders on to the world, and it makes it all the more funnier.
Never change.
No. 1058972
File: 1602719357527.jpeg (358.89 KB, 828x988, 724416A6-FB5D-4B1D-BEE4-3226DA…)

Our favorite Banana is going full on sperg rage about lolcow and the RSN thread talking shit. Here’s a taste of the tantrum.
No. 1058981
File: 1602719944425.jpeg (586.77 KB, 828x1339, FF28B1C3-5723-4D7B-A8C9-45E8ED…)

>>1058974We should be careful. His daddy’s a general.
No. 1059016
>>1058981Oh shit! Is he gonna nuke us?! I’m so scared lmao
Cry harder, faggot!
No. 1059195
>>1058981>>1059016Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Bad Banana just went there. He is both a high IQ claimer as well as a navy seal copypasta internet tough guy.
I disagree that Bad Banana just has autism on the count of his parents being old, personally I theorize his parents are also brother and sister.
No. 1059366
>>1059195I wonder it he’s related to Chris-Chan and Barb just gave him away because the ‘tism was too much?
Or if he’s Cole Smithey in disguise?
No. 1059385
File: 1602780728138.jpg (15.34 KB, 178x254, Md.jpg)

>>1059366Is our bad young yellow banana bent shaped dang near 7 inches friend aware of the oncoming dimensional merge? He best prepare because all his fantasy island OC's will come to life on that glorious day!
No. 1059555
File: 1602801465364.jpg (68.04 KB, 608x550, keke.jpg)

hilarious how bad banana is so butthurt about the autism thing. i bet he is autistic himself or at least has asperges. that being said..
in answer to your first inquiry in this capture here: yes thats right. it is the correct assumption.
in answer to your second post in this capture: no, personally I think this anon is right
>>1059195if its any consolation to you, you manage to kill some of the dryness and wet our beaks a little while Greg is being boring. Thank you for playing the game, you autistic retard.
No. 1059836
File: 1602853974176.jpg (77.19 KB, 731x168, muh_over_9000_iq.jpg)

>>1059611>>1059792We've all seen guys like that before on the internet, well Greg for one thing, who also claims to have that and who also has the strangest claims about his dad. Must be daddy issues..
So Bad Banana.. no racist General's. how is that over 9000 IQ working out for you, champ?
No. 1059947
>>1059836The milk that’s been coming from him lately is just
chef’s kiss. Ever since Greg got boring, he’s been bringing in the lulz.
No. 1060046
File: 1602878520861.jpeg (314.37 KB, 828x691, 80A2D290-A114-4BFF-8B0F-4F77C5…)

Almost a week of sperging. He’s still going on and on about how his dad can’t be racist because of his now suddenly half black/half Korean stepbrother and because the military doesn’t allow racism because quotas need to be met. He can’t truly be this naive?
No. 1060088
>>1060046Well I can't speak for the rest of you but I don't give a rats ass about any of his make believe family of racist generals and blasian half brothers.
I do however believe that Bad Banana is literally retarded.
Pretty profoundly so.
And he has a pretty wild imagination, he should write a book. Stones to the General dad, or Blasian Creek or something.
No. 1060407
File: 1602933141447.png (199.84 KB, 614x584, BadBananaMisophonia.png)

We can check one more box.
No. 1060475
File: 1602945675745.png (38.4 KB, 750x249, MadBanana.PNG)

>>1060088I think you angered him.
No. 1060582
File: 1602958615073.png (343.79 KB, 529x599, butwhy.PNG)

>>1060577I totally agree, he hates women, and twins for some reason. I am starting to think he is actually an autist.
No. 1060636
>>1060475I dont get why, is he really that stupid? he made up this adopted brother who is half black / half korean, eh yeah, that would be half BLACK and half ASIAN, hence why I used the word BLASIAN. thats the proper term for that.
christ this kid man, he's truly retarded. if you're gonna make shit up at least get your facts straight.
>>1060582 >>1060577
>>1060592oh definitely, he's a top incel. and its funny how he chooses to get offended by one thing, yet not the next. if its someone he hates saying something, in other words everyone here, he will get offended. however he's fine with being a huge racist bigot on his own twitter.
the child doesn't know how to pick his battles. much like his made up fantasy life he is not very consistent. hey bad banana, how is sarah dearmond? aren't you supposed to be buddy buddies?
ah right, another somewhat friendship on that shithole twitter with an anti-o you fucked up..
there are times in life where you gotta ask yourself : "well golly, maybe its me, maybe i'm being an asshole."
thats impossible to do for an autist though, just look at greg. or pretty much any influencer, really.
No. 1060687
File: 1602966967579.jpeg (309.07 KB, 828x971, 16331797-5591-4C6A-8528-BAF2DE…)

>>1060684Of course, he can’t see racism. He IS racist.
No. 1060690
File: 1602967145150.jpeg (284.13 KB, 828x655, 7BF19B02-D31F-4AB3-A48B-B9D3D8…)

For not being a boomer, he sure loves this boomer gif. He’s fucking obsessed with it. It’s usually his go to when he’s getting fucked up in the comments.
No. 1060691
File: 1602967157248.gif (4.72 MB, 320x240, tenor.gif)

>>1060687his dad would be so mad.
No. 1060706
File: 1602968762424.jpeg (212.87 KB, 828x756, DD0913E0-F59F-4C7E-9E71-2A3F57…)

Is he really trying to threaten us? “I’ve seen one of your admins.” Yeah, ok.
No. 1060723
File: 1602970763753.jpeg (120.34 KB, 914x892, 417CB309-9D8A-4E86-B9B3-0A0AB7…)

>>1060709He’s definitely talking shit. Bet you if we even allude to doing something, he’ll piss his pants and cry to his generalissimo daddy like the bitch he is.
No. 1060726
>>1060723It isn't working. Someone could tell me Bad Banana is on his way to my house now and I wouldn't be worried. At all.
In fact I'd put on some coffee.
Come @ me, Bad Banana, you sperg. Really. I encourage you.
No. 1060748
>>1060745I would give him my full address if I had twitter. Then again he'd prolly pussy out and just drop my dox hoping someone else would do it.
I'm still mystified as to what the mods on here have to do with anything according to him. They only mod this forum and have nothing to do with what is said here.
(powerleveling) No. 1060800
>>1060766Speaking of which, Gene has been DESPERATELY to get the attention of Paris Hilton. Somehow, he got her to follow him but can't seem to get her to read his messages as evidenced by the 100 times he's spammed her over the last FIVE HOURS. (Not even exaggerating, go check for yourself
My guess is he's trying to get her attention to pitch her being on Hansen so Hansen can exploit the #breakingcodesilence movement. But if Hansen wanted her on his shoe, why wouldn't he, the guy with the name recognition, approach her instead or having some fucking rando lunatic try to spam her?
Why is Gene trying to cozy up to Jack (Twitter guy) and Jack's mom and whoever else I'm probably forgetting when Chris has the name recognition?
The only motive I can hypothesize about is money. Is Chris Hansen paying Gene? This is tinfoil, obviously.
No. 1060876
File: 1602993862202.png (35.39 KB, 591x294, yikes.PNG)

Looks like Blasian has found someone to fill that Onision shaped hole in her heart.
Who the fuck has dreams and aspirations of being friends with a YouTuber? Low expectations.
No. 1061050
File: 1603028890367.jpg (161.6 KB, 768x1024, EQOWXo5VUAEzTEi.jpg)

>>1060800I doubt Paris Hilton even knows who Hansen is, she'd have no reason to know him. He's an absolute nobody.
>>1060876Jesus Christ she sure goes for the low hanging fruit, doesn't she? I mean a kid thats good at Guitar Hero? My God, man. Get a fucking god damn life. Do something with your life, go out there and fucking do something for the love of God.
Stop trying to live vicariously trough these youtube nobodies.
No. 1061054
File: 1603029113497.jpg (32.65 KB, 601x253, definitely_not_racist.jpg)

I would like to remind everyone that Bad Banana is definitely not racist.
No. 1061223
File: 1603043905453.jpeg (521.21 KB, 828x1231, A7D38A7A-A3C0-4EA5-AE87-67B3C2…)

He’s getting paranoid now. Lol. Blaming accounts of stalking him and posting here because he has to plop his racist opinions on every post he can find. This is just chef’s kiss
No. 1061284
File: 1603050053695.jpg (217.63 KB, 1080x1350, 2019-12-14 19.53.17 2198902252…)

>>1061223Hating your own race? To fit in? Fit in where exactly? Who's he even talking about? Is he talking about Nuka Zeus?
I swear to God the boy is making less sense every day.
And who are these SJW's he keeps talking about?
Sorry I'm asking so many questions but i'm SO confused right now. I don't know what the hell is going on anymore! His autism is ruining my zen.
No. 1061293
File: 1603050996060.jpeg (498.57 KB, 828x1339, 44D66E68-5109-4616-A5F8-72FD43…)

>>1061284He got called out for being racist in some random thread and has been sperging for all to see. Subtweeting like a little teenage girl and threatening to block people. TL;DR BANANA BOY BUTTHURT
No. 1061425
>>1061296I agree, these are totally the kind of jerk dicks she's in to. she's hoping one of them will come to clean the pipes, anyone who's even remotely semi-relevant.
>>1061293PRO-TIP: When numerous people in your life call you out on anything, be it "you're a racist", "you're a bigot, or "you're a woman hater" its probably true.
No. 1061934
File: 1603143238760.jpeg (219.79 KB, 828x448, 7B95B3C8-5028-467D-89CC-9ACE13…)

What 19 year old knows who the hell Ruth Buzzi is?
No. 1061968
>>1061934Jesus H. Trump, I thought people saying Bad Banana is an old NEET basement dweller where a far stretch at first but I'm starting to think they're right.
He must be at least 50.
I wonder if he's a pedo, usually pedo's pretend to be real young, and they also tend to make up exotic stories about their lives. Like "being rich" etc.
No. 1062015
File: 1603148822636.jpeg (529.29 KB, 828x1116, 247DE612-A23A-4FEA-BD79-A3C360…)

>claims to be 19
>has boomer opinions and retweets boomer shit
>posts about Tiny Tim
>tweets at Ruth Buzzi
>claims father is a general, is well traveled, super genius, and going to West Point
Sounds legit
No. 1062025
>>1062018Banana might be saying it’s fine. And he’s some obscure singer with a oddly high pitched voice.
>>1061968 Dude has been coming up with some outlandish shit about himself lately. Tinfoil time.
No. 1062034
File: 1603149952229.jpg (378.93 KB, 1140x588, this_will_make_us_believe_you_…)

His parents house, where Bad Banana definitely does NOT live anymore, and whom he was VISITING has a spooky ghost in it you guyz.
No. 1062037
>>1062034Notice how he mentions the "game room", oh yeah thats definitely not his basement with all the consoles and computer crap in it at all.
Then he's mentioning the blasian pretend brother playing in it. top kek.
No. 1062072
File: 1603152036699.jpg (45.33 KB, 286x636, bs.jpg)

This is what his profile used to say and what he used to claim, its easy to see how this guy is absolutely full of shit.
When you reverse image search his user image you get this youtube: I doubt very much it has anything to do with him.
No. 1062075
"@neglectedbanana" for a goldmine. he chats with a lot of extreme far right racists.
unfortunately I need to sleep now, but good hunting.
try to find his email for me, please(not your personal army) No. 1062181
File: 1603165492001.png (171.78 KB, 622x446, knewitwascoming.PNG)

Okay so which post here struck a nerve?
I don't understand why he goes private. He spends all day replying to random tweets with his misogyny & racism or interjecting himself into threads where he isnt welcomed. If he's private no one sees his shitty take except for fellow incel Spyke Silver.
No. 1062186
File: 1603166819380.jpeg (184.79 KB, 828x848, A42F2411-09AF-4CA1-9A3F-78567D…)

>>1062181Last tweet right before he went private. He seemed more serious in this one. Maybe we were on to something?
No. 1062189
File: 1603167684419.gif (406.98 KB, 267x200, 200 (1).gif)

>>1062186He'll have to go public eventually.
Being able to spew out his daily bile of-
>All lives matter.>This is what happens when you let immigrants in.>Most women Ive met are two an itch he cant help but scratch.
No. 1062231
File: 1603183875221.jpeg (351.95 KB, 828x1167, D39A44E0-9FBB-49C5-9D58-B88FCE…)

>>1062189Of course. He needs the attention that he gets while arguing with POC because the other Anti-Os don’t really interact with him anymore. Besides, all those followers he keeps buying will be an even bigger waste if he stays on private.
No. 1062280
>>1062181and so he pretty much confirmed the other anons here absolutely right about who he is irl. living in great britain, old and fat NEET, in his parents basement.
good job, lolcow farm. proud of you.
No. 1062775
File: 1603250037903.png (32.42 KB, 598x327, Capture204667.PNG)

Saoirse is slowly trying to lure OedipusBanana out. GG
No. 1062989
File: 1603292287364.jpg (28.37 KB, 724x234, definitelynotbadbanana.jpg)

>>1062951 interesting little account. talking about english actors and doing choirs "for a friend" (a claim most basement dwellers will make when they need to do choirs for their parents), hating SJW's and smoking weed. and old, according to their own claims.
the mask on bad banana is slipping. please, by all means, slip up some more my yellow sonichu colored autist.
No. 1063200
File: 1603314585962.jpeg (182.08 KB, 1080x1080, F8D7F1C5-4B9D-4B45-B083-EAA77F…)

Oh God lmao
No. 1063323
File: 1603322163418.jpg (85.88 KB, 596x708, bad_banana_roleplaying.jpg)

lol this little role play with yourself will totally prove bad banana is definitely not @Saoirse86657971
No. 1063326
File: 1603322250954.jpg (16.82 KB, 610x108, lolsure.jpg)

super convincing
No. 1063343
File: 1603323354483.jpg (44.31 KB, 609x362, okbommer.jpg)

eh yeah its called auto-correct you absolute boomer.
but by all means, continue. give us moar.
No. 1063352
File: 1603324383465.jpg (20.18 KB, 602x190, yumad.jpg)

why u mad though, "bro"?
No. 1065561
File: 1603358179974.jpeg (259.39 KB, 828x889, C5BFEAB4-5CC7-4E38-A7A3-50F966…)

>>1063352Oh no, we made “Saoirse” mad
No. 1065676
File: 1603375577395.jpg (74.25 KB, 575x548, fatleggo.jpg)

>>1065561>I can put the joint down for a hot minuteAre you sure about that, champ? What about all the fatty foods, and the x-box controller?
What the hell is a leggo by the way, is that someone who doesn't use a mobility scooter to move around?
You angry at all us gosh darn walking people?
No. 1065683
>>1065676LEGGO is short for "lets go", I know, its retarded. It only saves you typing 2 extra letters. I think its easier for his fat unemployed cheetos and smokers tar stained sausage fingers to just sorta roll one finger over the G for a while.
he's probably exhausted now and winded, short of breath from all that effort.
No. 1065747
>>10657143 sock puppets.
No. 1065804
File: 1603388239597.jpeg (362.19 KB, 828x1061, 0919E517-C448-454C-9187-D9C5ED…)

First off, you mad, bro? Second, no one doxxed Banana fag unless he’s admitting that he’s a 50 year old NEET living in his parents basement in the UK. Third, Banana isn’t milky enough to have his own personal thread. He’s just some pathetic loser. Lol
No. 1065811
>>1065804yes we're all extremely mad because we're talking about you on lolcow. good call there, sport.
>>1065768its not lulzy yet but something tells me when we figure out who these faggots are we're in for a real lollercoaster.
No. 1065851
File: 1603391092008.png (477.41 KB, 828x1792, DBBE5C09-965D-471E-9D75-6AD1E7…)

>>1065843Well, seeing as this Saoirse sock is stalking the thread, I have to agree. We’re getting lulzworthy responses right after we make them. Also, this is a general Anti-O thread “Saoirse”, Banana isn’t big enough for his only personal thread yet.
No. 1065885
>>1065851mad, no.
unbalanced, yes.
No. 1065893
File: 1603395743595.jpg (23.54 KB, 588x158, notbadbaaawlnanana.jpg)

Nobody asked for doxx, only his real name and face. His backstory. We want to laugh at it.
No. 1065906
File: 1603397061705.png (323.81 KB, 828x1792, 1E2BC0F4-E56D-45C3-ADF6-57F330…)

>>1065893These dipshits apparently don’t know internet terminology. Because apparently us all joking about Banana is a 50 year old NEET means we already attempted to doxx him.
No. 1065938
File: 1603402106451.jpeg (309.72 KB, 828x929, 67024DC0-B3AA-4335-A194-912851…)

For someone totally not mad, this person seems to be stalking the thread quite a bit. 5 new tweets talking shit.
No. 1065949
File: 1603403380727.jpeg (106.77 KB, 1338x716, A4F9FB58-A0D0-491D-BEDC-C08EE6…)

Imagine getting this worked up over a bunch of people trolling on the internet? They must be new to all this.
No. 1065953
File: 1603403645610.png (406.62 KB, 828x1792, 580D292E-8EB1-4C57-9B9E-28E26D…)

IT’S SPERG HOURS!!!!! She’s fucking demented.
No. 1065967
>>1065938No, we actually wanna get a ton of credit cards in his name and also pretend we are him whilst vacationing in the UK.
And run up a HUGE bill on the motherfuckers.
>>1065960Thats because its his sock puppet.
I am still unconvinced it isn't him. He closes up his own account, then goes to sperge on this one. And pretending to be in talks with this jackass ever since we called him on the shit.
No. 1065970
File: 1603404714828.jpg (55.98 KB, 800x857, 8d0bvbtcarx21.jpg)

>>1065953We're super duper glad you aren't mad, Sarsy Banana.
No. 1065973
File: 1603404830488.jpeg (281.13 KB, 828x941, 9F3A95DC-2991-43CD-8434-74AC50…)

Well, does anyone want to answer her challenge?
No. 1065993
File: 1603405868220.jpg (7.27 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg)

>>1065973This is the equivalent of "Lets meet up tough guy." They're getting such a spanking on LC they eventually had to pull this out. Thats when you know you've got 'em pressed.
I hope SarsyBanana understands that when they visit and post on this site their IP has been exposed. How many weeks until the farmhands give us a post reveal present?
No. 1066006
>>1065973yes we're afraid thats exactly it.
we are angry and afraid.
thats us to a T.
good job, sarsy b. you called it.
No. 1066013
File: 1603407877614.png (31.63 KB, 590x296, Capture10222020.PNG)

>hey guise im going out to da club and hang with my all my hundreds of friends and get turnt.
Why is Saoirse trying to convince us that they aren't a friendless retard who only leaves the house for a daily MickyD's run.
No. 1066025
File: 1603409869836.jpg (146.16 KB, 1090x657, daxflamdharklayzar.jpg)

>>1062095>That Spyke Silver account looks familiar somehow.>Remember Dhark Layzar?Gotcha, same guy. He got his original Layzar twitter suspended for death threats and had to make this Spyke one. I always laughed at that name he gave himself. Was he looking for sinister & futuristic when he came up with
"Dhark Layzar." It sounds more like something a middle school nerd would think is cool band name. Reminds me of that YouTube kid Dax Flame.
If you want a good laugh check out his channel. I think this is the pale skinned red headed friend Bad Banana was trying to help with Cystic Acne. No. 1066034
>>1066025Doing a little digging I see that this guy had a falling out with "It's only Sarah" thats right, thats Sarah DeArmond, who used to be close with Bad Banana.
I theorize that Dark Layzar is bad banana.
Prove me wrong.
No. 1066142
File: 1603426474008.jpeg (82.73 KB, 750x619, 037D1F3C-A9FF-4059-A8BD-811417…)

>hey guys, don’t forget I’m a cancer patient so you can’t make fun of me :,(
No. 1066157
>>1066142Oh oh, now we're going to get a bunch of crying that one of his followers is a snake and sharing his private tweets and he's going to have to go through his followers list and find the spy. Shouldn't be that hard since the majority of his 3K followers are bots he paid for.
Why is he saying "where's the scar gone?" when no ones seen a real photo of him. If he wants to prove hes real he needs to upload a short twitter video stating such. Photos can be shooped. I believe video only. Its harder to fake and making a proof of life would end the discussion.
No. 1066173
File: 1603433255210.png (16.47 KB, 576x279, newfangledthingamabob.PNG)

kek totally not a boomer right?
No. 1066174
File: 1603433855074.jpg (135.15 KB, 1280x720, vampire neko.jpg)

Who is this Vampire Neko Girl @arielbeth123 thats having a back and forth with our friend Saoirse. She gives off Amber vibes. Amber from the whole RapeStream News fiasco. She looks a little chubbier now but I swear I remember her and some middle aged guy having a weird online relationship years ago. She called herself "Light Angel" and he called himself "Dark Angel" and his whole YouTube channel was devoted to this deep relationship he thought he had with this girl. I assumed he was giving her money and thats why she encouraged the attention. His face was full of warts, that's one of the reasons I remember it so vividly. She was/is also obsessed with Eugenia.
No. 1066188
File: 1603436695820.png (2.69 MB, 828x1792, 183FEF9D-E3DB-421D-9BDA-852084…)

Maybe this is how Banana got cancer? Looking at these images.
No. 1066208
File: 1603445918226.jpeg (477.88 KB, 828x703, F603D1F6-03E0-4CB8-A758-824AE5…)

Apparently, the beached whale is in a three way relationship. Yeah, ok.
No. 1066225
File: 1603449698978.png (1.54 MB, 828x1792, 79477752-9EA5-4F7A-82B4-0F24FE…)

Retard is off protected and totally not butthurt. And totally not watching the thread. Jeez, what a pathetic moron.
No. 1066240
File: 1603451838897.png (62.04 KB, 608x453, BBispopular.png)

>>1066225We gonna place bets for how long it takes till the little pussy goes on lock down again because he gets scared? I knew he couldn't handle tweeting his racist MGTOW bullshit and no one could see it because he was private. Now he's back. Replying to people who dont give a shit what he has to say, then block him and he gets that sweet sweet zero likes lol.
Gimmie a hint when you're going to get scared and hide like a little bitch again BadBanana. I wanna win the pool.
No. 1066245
File: 1603452916607.png (512.34 KB, 915x513, dont do supes like that.png)

>>1066025Similar tastes in outfits too.
No. 1066271
File: 1603457902369.jpg (27.32 KB, 601x229, irony.jpg)

top greg.
No. 1066334
File: 1603468435513.jpg (18.11 KB, 606x162, topofthegreg.jpg)

Kinda the pot calling the kettle black there, isn't it, bad banana?
No. 1066363
File: 1603471826569.jpg (62.39 KB, 592x432, topofthegregory.jpg)

>>1066334"hi i'm bad banana and i hate N……"
But banana, what if they wouldn't have let in your make believe blasian baby brother? wouldn't your dad the generalissimo be upset about your racism?
he might kick you out the house and you'll be a young 65 year old boy, living on the streets!
No. 1066368
>>1066363And this guy is trying to claim he's College educated, hell a child prodigy even.
Now why do I have trouble believing that?
Oh that' s right I never seen any educated person spout this kind of garbage. No. 1066413
File: 1603476464192.jpg (27.4 KB, 621x196, topofthegregory.jpg)

not recently no, as you well know i've been spending my time with you, sad banana.
but i have never, no not ever heard people like Stephen Hawking,
Neil deGrasse Tyson or Einstein mention how they hate the darkies coming in to their country.
No. 1066467
File: 1603480879828.jpg (122.67 KB, 640x344, thnx4playingfag.jpg)

Listen Bad Banana and your over 9000 clones, its been swell and you kinda filled a void (albeit sub par) while Greg was being dry, thank you for all your good efforts.
However, that being said it is getting boring and repetitive now. You will keep accusing us of racism and being bigoted and what not, and make up more socks and family members, while we just sit here and laugh at you as always, but the truth of the matter is.. we need to move on now.
So you keep on spergin', you had your few minutes in to the glorious light that is lolcow farm, but its over now.
But thank you again, for playing the game.
Have a tip top day there, sport.
Oh and stop hating on those foreigners so much, without them there wouldn't be any soccer balls.
No. 1066477
>>1066467Agreed. It was fun while it lasted, but Banana is honestly an attention whore trying to keep what little relevance he has. This is honestly starting to become a ploy to make himself look like a
victim. Time to move on.
No. 1066583
File: 1603489949119.jpg (67.06 KB, 1300x866, 24751225-old-brown-unhealthy-r…)

>>1066579In what world, pray tell, are they big shots?
top greg at them thinking they've won btw No. 1066585
>>1066579I mean maybe you meant to say big shits but even then you'd be lying. they aren't even that. like greg for instance is a piece of shit, but i wouldn't even call them that.
they're somewhere far lower than that. they're a bunch of idiots with an IQ lower than a dung beetle.
No. 1066594
File: 1603491170475.png (36.22 KB, 601x337, 56711.PNG)

Let 'em become complacent, we dont want him privating his account like a lil bitch again. Im sure some of us will keep watching BB and his alts. He'll let some info slip and we can have some real world fun.
No. 1066627
File: 1603493496986.jpg (85.08 KB, 611x512, hqdefault.jpg)

Is she trying to imply LC is the reason she shoves her fingers down her throat? I think her obsession with Eugenia is to blame for that. By the looks of those belly rolls and double chin
>>1066188 PiggyBeth better step up her eating disorder game.
No. 1066639
>>1066627Well I wouldn't worry about the fat as much as the face. I mean you look like Zelda Rubinstein if she went on a week long crack binge and really let herself go.
You can't fix that face and I feel sorry for you about that.
No. 1066644
File: 1603495483216.jpg (33.32 KB, 456x494, 1603433855074.jpg)

>>1066174>>1066188And I was gonna say grow your hair longer, anything to draw attention away from your goofy overbite mannish face but I looked at it again and no, that won't work either.
You remind me of my sleep paralysis demon.
You are haunting and I just feel awful about how you look.
I'm so sorry, your dad really shoulda pulled out or stuck it in your moms ass.
No. 1066659
File: 1603496562688.png (15.65 KB, 383x185, pedophile banana.PNG)

Is PussyBanana turning pedo? He's dog-eared pages out of the Onision handbook.
>You act older than your age
I knew he was a scared little bitch who privates his Twitter at the drop of a hat, but now he's a kiddie diddler?
No. 1066668
File: 1603497288757.png (23.42 KB, 589x207, pedobanana.PNG)

>>1066659Now he's backpedaling because he was called out for being creepy. He sounds like those pedos that get hooked on To Catch A Predator
>no I didn't come to her house for sex, I came over because I wanted to warn her and her parents that she shouldn't dress like that or talk to strangers on the internet.The girl was 16 when the video was made but is older now so PussyBanana thinks its okay. Im sure he looks at child porn and thinks its okay because the little kids in the CP are now over 18 now. Gross.
No. 1066672
>>1066668cool story, bad banana.
too bad we already established you are way, way older than that you fucking literal boomer.
No. 1066686
File: 1603498715842.jpg (52.77 KB, 596x381, EgFXPoZUYAEf5VF32q.jpg)

Why does he search out these tweets just so he can make snarky racist replies to them? I've checked and these people he tries to bait don't follow him or vice versa. He just searches for POC who want to praise their culture so he can try and shit on it with his bigotry? What does he gain from it? They never reply to him, rarely take the bait, I assume they block him and he gets no likes for his racist tweets. Did some person of color steal his girlfriend? Actually have we ever seen him tweet about having a relationship, past or present? That would explain all this pent up anger if he's truly a never been kissed incel. Go get a girlfriend BB, or ask Mommy to give you one of her special massages. Being angry on Twitter is going to give you cancer.(twitterfags go)
No. 1066862
File: 1603526205808.png (40.25 KB, 534x308, possiblecancer.PNG)

>>1066686It already has apparently
No. 1066926
File: 1603541007174.jpg (67.09 KB, 1777x740, zelda.jpg)

>>1066706Zelda Rubinstein would be Ariels much prettier sister in this scenario though.
Compared to Ariel Beth even John Lovitz becomes desirable.
Ariels face is uncompromising and unusually ugly. I never seen anything like it.
Why would she even post that online?
No. 1066928
File: 1603541359911.gif (994.42 KB, 500x373, fattymiauw.gif)

>>1066188I'd make a comparison but this gif's face is actually pretty despite the fat.
Beth, unfortunately for her, doesn't have that luxury.
Still, fat-wise, 2 years from now? But uglier, of course.
Much, much uglier.
No. 1066947
File: 1603545901358.jpg (172.17 KB, 834x630, neglectedelliot.jpg)

I checked out Bananas Twitter this morning to see if he had another sperg-out. I wasn't expecting much since its the weekend and most states are no longer mandating COVID lockdowns so people are going out and having fun again. But lo and behold, Banana spent his whole Friday night chatting up his only friend. I tried to read the whole Twitter thread between the two but it was fucking BOOOOORING! So Banana is confirmed a kissless virgin, no friends, no social life and spends his weekend nights not with buddies or a girlfriend but REEEEE-ing on Twitter and refreshing this /snow/ thread to see how many times Anons called him a pussy/bitch.
He's never mention a girlfriend. None of his stories involve an ex-gf either. I feel bad that this little guy has never had a romantic relationship. If he doesn't get some female companionship soon I can see him flipping out like Elliot Roger. Please Bad Banana, get out of the house, find some IRL friends, stop being afraid of girls and try talking to them. Maybe one will feel sorry for you and go on a date. You'll feel better getting some fresh air & socializing. Maybe it'll help your chronic insomnia and give you a better outlook on life and you can stop being mad on the internet.
No. 1066954
>>1066947difference is that Elliot Rodger was in his early 20s, bad banana is somewhere in his 50s, still living at home. Smoking weed chronically and lying about his sad, pathetic life in England on the internet and complaining about the immigrants.
Sure, you gotta blame all your problems on something right? You gotta tell your parents why you won't get a job, its all those dang dirty immigrants taking our jobs! Not the fact that im a fat 50 something NEET on the web.
When it comes to being sad and pathetic, Bad Banana wins, even over Elliot Rodger.
Tell us again how you're a winner, Bad Banana..
And toss some more sock puppets in there to "agree with you". You don't have any friends left, even the Anti-O community spit you out, Sarah DeArmond doesn't want anything to do with you anymore either.
Sooooo.. tell us again how you're a winner, why don't you. Tell us again how we are scared and are all fearing you, you impotent old neckbeard virgin you..
No. 1067000
File: 1603555039096.jpeg (375.19 KB, 828x1173, 04F1FA6F-72BD-4E4D-AFED-60ECC9…)

This guy talks tough for a guy hiding behind an Anonymous account. We know you ain’t going to do shit, Banana. Keyboard warrior fag
No. 1067045
>>1067000Such a keyboard warrior. Oh my God. Bad Banana i'm so sorry buddy! I'm trembling in my little boots here, quivering! Oh lawdy whatever will we do?
Yeah I'm sure you'd kick all our asses here, in fact we're all super scared here.
No. 1067235
File: 1603574415950.jpeg (85.69 KB, 827x754, 923B0367-C4E1-4388-8200-A33390…)

Oh, look! One of Banana’s boomer friends came back into the world.
No. 1067248
File: 1603575710567.png (801.3 KB, 828x1792, 55849073-B75F-443E-8EE4-948190…)

I’m guessing that she was the retarded Banana supporter who got banned from the RSN thread.
No. 1067285
File: 1603578295274.png (1.05 MB, 828x1792, 6D72EDD1-8F29-40BC-9367-F9B132…)

Time to play a game of sock or not a sock of Banana?
No. 1067331
File: 1603582610448.png (44.07 KB, 785x317, nofriendsnogirlfriend (2).PNG)

Its very telling that he only tries to refute the "no friends" argument but not the "never had a girlfriend"
Dig deep Banana and see if you can figure out why girls don't like being around you. Could it be you're kind of creepy and awkward? Or is it your misogyny and hate that girls can see boiling under the surface when you threaten to beat up women
>>1067000>If I met any of them in real life I would enjoy kicking their weak assesI think its best you NOT get a girlfriend or wife. You might take the route your General father does and knock your spouse around when she gets out of line.
No. 1067336
File: 1603583432460.jpeg (501.51 KB, 828x1197, 71072AD7-6742-4034-B080-E7EE13…)

>>1067331Apparently, one of his junkie followers doesn’t like you saying these things. We’re being watched by a 30 something year old housewife with a child. I’m shaking in my boots.
No. 1067340
File: 1603584302500.jpg (164.31 KB, 595x400, generalbananakins.jpg)

I found a picture of Bad Banana's dad. He was in the "special" forces..
No. 1067348
File: 1603585201978.jpeg (109.74 KB, 828x1081, FDCE3F7A-A624-400B-9DE7-1F0B70…)

>>1067336Oh, her. Bitch can barely type in her native language of English. This is her. I think that she was a retired truck stop hooker or something.
No. 1067352
File: 1603585793940.jpeg (80.9 KB, 570x1024, 5825BF4F-3043-4583-9C17-E0C756…)

Challenge accepted, Shannon. How’s life out in the trailer park in PA? I already found a lot on you. Since I know that you’re reading.
No. 1067356
File: 1603586130428.png (25.2 KB, 576x239, Capture8674111.PNG)

>>1067348Apparently she has a history of picking up stray dogs and those poor puppers are desperate to get out of the cab of her truck because she's doing something nasty to them. Looks like we have another dog fucker on our hands.
Have you ever met a woman named Tamara at those Dog Fuckers Anonymous meetings?
No. 1067362
File: 1603587220210.gif (313.64 KB, 280x280, UHOH (2).gif)

>>1067352>>1067353>>1067355>>1067360kek, dumb bitch tried puffing her chest out and got slapped in the face.
No. 1067364
File: 1603587577446.jpg (88.76 KB, 598x731, hillbilly.jpg)

>>1067360Why am I not surprised by the gene pool.
No. 1067369
File: 1603588080687.jpeg (264.86 KB, 828x707, 8A50FB5F-2B4A-4669-8344-5EA96E…)

She knows who we are? Yeah, okay. This over the hill high school dropout has a weird obsession with a bunch of people claiming that they are coming after her. Of course, she’s also saying that she’s Bipolar in one of her old tweets. Maybe she has undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenia as well. If she only knew that some of us are a lot closer to her that she thinks.
No. 1067374
File: 1603588481173.png (25.4 KB, 581x212, incelbanana.PNG)

Poor guy thinks having "mutuals" on Twitter is the same as in real life relationships with women. How long has it been since you've had an actual face to face conversation with a woman (other than mommy of course.) No ones asking for names of girlfriends. We have never seen a single tweet where you mentioned going on a date, or having an ex-gf. Have these "mutuals" ever seen a photo of you? I think if they did that unfollow button would be getting jackhammered. Being called out as an Incel seems to have touched a nerve.
No. 1067377
File: 1603589012657.png (200.95 KB, 592x407, 6758933.PNG)

Will the neighbors play us a song on their banjo too?
Looks like both of them are scared and making implied threats.
Implied threats = too much of a pussy to say it outright.
No. 1067389
File: 1603591303370.jpg (55.98 KB, 861x426, IMG_20201024_043642.jpg)

>>1067374Bad Banana reminds me of Onision more and more every day. When Onision was accused of being racist he magically remembered a black girlfriend he dated in high school. A black gf we never heard about even though Greg loves to overshare about his life.
>I can't be racist, I had a black girlfriend.Bad Banana gets called out as an incel and suddenly BB has a girl he met (not even dated just "met" lol) in the Lone Star State. Is BB going to tell us about some other girl that he dated for years, and
totally had sexual relations with>she lives in Canada you wouldn't know her. No. 1067397
File: 1603592446594.gif (43.28 KB, 400x280, 45-3-096575fb2d71.gif)

Isn't it strange that the only person defending and replying to BB yesterday was @Saoirse86657971. Now its just one person again, this inbred Shannon. Doesn't @NeglectedBanana have over 3,000 Followers? Where are all these female mutuals that should be defending him?
No. 1067637
File: 1603632930251.jpeg (106.78 KB, 750x983, 7FEB94D6-73A7-4AAD-B5D2-0690AB…)

That Callmeyourdevil chick has some really crazy tweets when she was known as Ghost. This chick is nuts. Does Banana Boy condone this type of behavior?
No. 1067643
File: 1603633870252.jpeg (53.27 KB, 728x394, 1CF05891-10E8-47BF-BF2C-1AC758…)

She also doesn’t care if someone’s a Nazi “as long as they don’t hurt anyone”. If that ain’t a way to say “Hi, I’m a racist cunt”, I don’t know what is.
No. 1067659
File: 1603636560798.png (1011.51 KB, 828x1792, A3318EB2-3B2F-4B37-80D6-5DCF24…)

>post was about Chinese government. Said that she wants to blow up China.
>says post was about a metal band. Still doesn’t say that she doesn’t condone white supremacy
Ok, Shannon.
No. 1067661
File: 1603636710858.jpeg (149.33 KB, 828x1792, E2DBDE80-B740-4767-9EA0-025082…)

>says that she passed high school. Cannot write a basic sentence
No. 1067717
File: 1603642339478.jpeg (142.82 KB, 750x769, 41AD582C-912F-49E4-A1B6-C843FE…)

Why is he obsessed about bragging that his dad was successful? We get it, you’re a loser with no future. It’s fucking desperate, he’s grasping at straws to have some kind of superiority over everyone
No. 1067839
File: 1603656476686.jpeg (115.53 KB, 688x1024, 87B0C305-391D-435D-B8CB-9439B7…)

This retarded inbred bitch wants to call us obsessed? She’s posted over 9000 tweets since yesterday trying to talk shit to us. But we’re the worthless losers obsessing over two retards?
No. 1067889
File: 1603663647194.jpeg (83.36 KB, 563x623, 3F6969D77-A2E4-434A-A800-6E92A…)

>>1067389how many of these female mutuals are consoling banana, letting him cry on their shoulder about the big bad meanies on LC and then stabbing him in the back and laughing at him
No. 1067896
File: 1603664802195.jpeg (871.79 KB, 1242x1794, AA5CA952-7EC2-418A-B04C-6AFA41…)

>>1067839She is still sperging, how is it possible to be this retarded? A reminder that she is 37 with an 18 yo kid
No. 1067931
File: 1603669098300.jpeg (12.21 KB, 140x129, 57F890CA-38A0-430C-8183-EB1452…)

>>1067900>they probably dont even shower LMAO this greasy beached whale
No. 1067933
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No. 1067937
File: 1603669483378.jpeg (246.01 KB, 828x739, BF998168-11F7-4673-A32E-6765B7…)

Keeps trying to pretend that he gets girls. He’s right though. We won’t believe him. Because people will say anything on the internet to make themselves sound cool. Never shows a picture, has people take him for his word. We know that you’re full of shit.
No. 1067938
File: 1603669505228.jpeg (15.38 KB, 218x220, 15448D1D-9EB5-4F22-B0E6-1A2D7B…)

>>1067931When your parents are brother and sister
No. 1067942
File: 1603669644460.jpeg (78.28 KB, 256x390, A2122296-2772-4F4E-A27B-FD61EA…)

So when is the cannibalisation happening?
No. 1067948
File: 1603669780186.jpeg (135.46 KB, 828x506, 44AEAAE6-8800-4B41-B8B0-593438…)

>having a midlife crisis
Says the 37 year old housewife that is internet friends with an alleged 19 year old boy (with some tweets downright flirting with each other) and obsessing over YouTube drama and internet bullshit.
No. 1067959
File: 1603670299527.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1795, 8FE40734-9F95-4DBC-9253-04437C…)

>>1067903>the African government She thinks Africa is a country and that no one has any rights there but we’re the “not intelligent” ones, yeah okay Shannon, time to put down the meth and go back to blowing your brother-husband while he plays the banjo
No. 1067966
File: 1603670565262.jpeg (266.02 KB, 828x797, E2CC0779-8A2F-44C8-93EF-9477C8…)

Notice that he doesn’t deny that he’s coasting on his family’s success and money
No. 1067974
File: 1603671192481.gif (2.66 MB, 498x306, assclown.gif)

>>1067966Lemme guess your dad is Liam Neeson and he's like oh wait you seen the Taken trilogy one time too many.
My god the fantasies on this assclown are beyond amazing.
No. 1067975
>>1067966Also why in the name of Greek buggery would a General be in cyber security?
Your story woulda made more sense if you had made up my Liam Neeson type story where he was like in black ops and now has this shady security company for like really rich fucks.
You need to read up on your Charlotte Raine.
Oh wait you're a stupid chav that never reads.
No. 1067976
File: 1603671374621.jpeg (340.45 KB, 828x1000, DD5EF6F1-2A52-4CD8-99A2-4ECFEC…)

First off, you’re. And second, reading into shit too much, are we? You projecting or something?
No. 1067979
File: 1603671636326.jpeg (211.81 KB, 828x422, C18A7497-619F-41ED-B604-5FD061…)

Because some of us actually got jobs and decent livelihoods based on our own merits and not because our father’s the boss.
No. 1067983
File: 1603671852391.jpg (6.03 KB, 275x183, download.jpg)

>>1067976I hope that Sad Banana-wanker sees the conundrum here. The only way he can actually prove any of his horseshit claims is if he were to reveal his identity.
But he can't and he won't, so he never ever will.
Keep making shit up, champ.
>>1067979Sure, like I said he can claim anything. So can we, my mommy is Kim Kardashian and my dad is Arnold Swarzenegger.
Actually proving it is a whole other story..
No. 1067985
File: 1603671918430.png (692.42 KB, 742x592, DJQuallsMackenzieCook.png)

>>1067937>Angela in Texas>Mystery girl in DCThis sounds a lot like when the nerdy kid in school tells everyone about their fake girlfriend that lives in another state. I really want to know why badbanana has no irl female interaction. Is he so awkward that he scares them off like Chris-Chan. Or is he just really unattractive. BadBanana has said he's "blonde, blue eyes, 6ft 4." You'd think that's a perfect Aryan specimen. But come to think of it you know who else is over 6 foot, blonde hair, blue eyes? DJ Qualls and Mackenzie Cook. If BB has to make up fake girlfriends in other states then Im going to assume he's probably a mash up of DJ & Mackenzie when it comes to looks.
No. 1067988
>>1067979How can you claim that Sad Banana's family is more successful than any of our parents here?
We don't need to resort to making up bullshit to have actual interesting lives.
Prove your claims Sad Banana, and watch us all be in awe of your 8 pack, your millions of dollars, your general dad, your blasian brother and your incredible successes in life.
Hell, you might even get laid for the first time in your life.
Realize though: Till you do, you are just full of shit.
No. 1067990
>>1067985If you ask me Sad Banana truly is a 50 something boomer, fat, neckbeard brony, still living with his parents like the NEET he is and stuck in the internet's golden age (the early days) where people would catfish eachother on the daily and it was just generally (pun intended) accepted to make up bogus horseshit stories about yourself.
Back then there was no instagram, so nobody needed to actually prove that they where built like a Greek God or looked like Angelina Jolie.
No. 1067993
File: 1603672397942.jpeg (985.17 KB, 1242x1171, 8236710D-C9DF-49E6-A169-3E7CF3…)

Watch him look something like this irl
No. 1067994
File: 1603672586268.jpeg (278.44 KB, 828x707, B884EA2C-18D4-4A12-9214-757DE0…)

>The ANC is the African government
>Original tweet ss being ridiculed never mentions ANC.
No. 1067995
File: 1603672605577.jpg (137.77 KB, 774x584, another fake gf.jpg)

>>1067389>>1067937Anon is a soothsayer. The prophesy came true.
No. 1068001
File: 1603672805797.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.67 KB, 356x397, hugemuslesandcock.jpg)

>>1067988You're gonna need to prove all of this to us now Sad Banana because the concept, the idea of you is making people here wetter than the Euphrates River. A rich Greek God child prodigy, studying marine biology, a surfer (tan!) with godlike blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, 6 ft 4 with a 6 pack and a General dad, a blasian brother. And a dad who is about to make BILLIONS in cyber policing security. with dual citizen ship to the UK and America. I mean its such a tall order, we need to see now. That I leave anything out? I can't wait to get my hands on this brad pitt look a like with a 9000 IQ and a bank account with more zero's than Elon Musk.
Attached is an illustration based on Sad Banana's description of himself. (NSFW)
who did you meet july 4th there, sport? was it Chris Hansen in the sting house?
I give up just tell us. No. 1068005
File: 1603672995750.png (422.73 KB, 828x1792, 2DC32297-DB6E-4DAB-80E4-B23726…)

>has DBZ references in profile
>takes most overused DBZ meme as literal
Banana, Dhark Layzar, Saoirse, and Shannon are really that retarded
No. 1068008
File: 1603673146705.jpeg (204.76 KB, 1242x452, 16B14E85-3353-4BA2-B49F-AECD0B…)

>>1067994I love how she keeps REEEEEing over how intellectually superior she presumes to be while not being able to construct one single grammatically correct sentence in the 100+ tweets she’s posted about lolcow. The idiocy of this literal middle aged woman is beyond the pale. I guess there’s no time to read books when you’re popping out crotch fruit fathered by your blood relatives who want to keep the bloodline pure (as evidenced here
No. 1068011
>>1068005Listen bubele, you make all these claims people are gonna ask evidence. This isn't like John Edward hon where we just take peoples word for it.
We're gonna need more than that, because I'm already started using my stair master again
just in case I meet this young sex-God Sad Banana because I plan to take him. So get your greedy mitts off of him, k?
He's all mine. Well, after he proven himself to us, of course. And all his horse shit claims. Because well, I live in the really real world. Money talks and bullshit walks.
No. 1068013
File: 1603673427831.png (508.85 KB, 594x434, family.PNG)

>>1068008Which one is inbred Shannon?
No. 1068014
File: 1603673435429.jpeg (417.12 KB, 1242x777, B9420556-4A62-42AC-A194-DF7F58…)

>>1067994BRB I need a brain transplant after this (and everything else ITT, this obeast incest baby is fast becoming my favorite cow)
No. 1068015
>>1068005Oh you're making fun of us? I'm glad you point that out because all this time I was under the assumption that we were laughing at you.
Lemme try and hold back my laughter from now on, since you are so very clearly making fun of us and we are supposed to feel bad.
PS When can we expect the evidence of
all of Sad Banana's claims about his super awesome life? I mean if he's this rich and studly I
assume he has an instagram with like six trillion followers, right?
He'll need to post this evidence on his instagram though, like holding a sign saying "i am bad banana, hello lolcow" with a timestamp and everything.
Or make us a real sexy video, since he's so studly and well built.
No. 1068018
File: 1603673589355.jpg (30.77 KB, 601x241, racism at its best.jpg)

Yeah, TOTALLY not racist. Birds of a feather I guess. Just another banana from the bunch.
No. 1068020
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>>1068013I’m assuming this one. If she isn’t proof of the risks of inbreeding, I don’t know what is.
No. 1068026
File: 1603674474260.jpeg (489 KB, 1242x840, EDD8DCF1-3668-496C-8CF4-EA7567…)

>>1068017>that post was very hard to read LMAO because we needed further proof that you have the reading and comprehension aptitude of an intellectually disabled three year old. If any of these dolts made it past 8th grade I will be flabbergasted
No. 1068029
File: 1603675194701.jpeg (652.76 KB, 1242x1363, 3C3EF422-76CE-4AC4-BEFA-B3E581…)

>>1068026Keep doubling down on that retardation, fatty
No. 1068032
File: 1603675574690.jpeg (395.81 KB, 1242x659, ADD38FF5-AB97-437B-84C4-E507D0…)

>>1068029>comma’s>sentence itself have bad grammar She has to be trolling, I refuse to believe that a 40 year old woman can be this stupid
No. 1068039
File: 1603675952960.jpeg (882.13 KB, 1242x1686, 9627A074-DC20-4B50-ADAF-014843…)

Shannon, if we’ve learned anything from your barely decipherable tweets it’s that you have no idea how to use a comma
No. 1068049
File: 1603677283556.jpeg (925.27 KB, 1242x1798, 766C9E83-C186-4D8C-8289-298EBF…)

Who wants to tell her about apostrophes, pluralization and possession?
Imagine being this fucking dense
No. 1068055
File: 1603677972138.jpeg (945.02 KB, 1242x1557, 517D86A1-9FCB-48EC-B4B4-1FBA20…)

LMAO she replied to Chance the Rapper with this. This obese mongoloid cunt is so lacking in self awareness, she is living proof that there is no such thing as natural selection
No. 1068061
File: 1603678547620.png (602.17 KB, 675x507, mama_inbred.PNG)

>>1068020>>1068013What can you expect when this is Shannons mother. Are those fucking warts all over her face? Im sure its a physical trait that was passed on down the line. Poor Shannon I bet she can give bluewaffle a run for its money.
No. 1068067
File: 1603679854276.jpeg (605.55 KB, 1242x1227, 949861B1-6B84-4C8C-A180-B501AE…)

>>1068061I don’t know about you anon but I am shaking in my fucking boots.
>scooping this low>more rampant comma abuseLads, we’ve got a Rhodes scholar in our midst
No. 1068070
File: 1603680505957.png (365.45 KB, 917x657, 65836344_7566_56.png)

>>1068061>>1068067She made a dozen tweets (and still counting) about her dead mom with the fucked up face. Looks like that's still an open wound. Shall we poke it some more? LOL!
No. 1068073
File: 1603681124556.jpg (92.26 KB, 588x534, cap22.jpg)

>>1068067I don't understand why she's trying to correct people when she thinks "known" and "knowing" are interchangeable. Is it because of the hick accent she grew up around that it just sounded that way so she spells it like that?
No. 1068077
File: 1603681941714.png (102.99 KB, 562x370, quietdumb.png)

>>1068073>quiet dumbIs that like a silent retardation? kek
No. 1068078
File: 1603682281812.jpeg (731.42 KB, 1242x1611, AA2612B1-2783-428F-925A-7E7FCC…)

>>1068073>scooping The idiom is “stooping this low”, you absolute mong.
>doesn’t know the difference between “pale” and “pail”>didn’t know cows wear boots>thinks farmers are “cows”>also accuses us of being “new”The subjects, like your greasy, grimy, wheezing, lardy self, are the cows. We know you’re a miserable, morbidly obese, menopausal old crone who is probably in a geriatric psych ward but we’ve been at this shit a lot longer than you. You’re an ignorant, illiterate, incest byproduct, please continue to provide us with hillbilly hilarity.
No. 1068079
File: 1603682442333.jpeg (538.71 KB, 1242x1035, 376B72E6-771C-49C1-B628-7A07F5…)

>>1068077my sides
Also, THE BIO AND BANNER. What a spastic bitch. The gift that keeps giving.
No. 1068085
File: 1603683218614.jpeg (708.24 KB, 1242x1374, A82675F9-8680-4F1A-8EB5-B00054…)

Yep, you two hambeast hicks really showed us. We are so distraught over how you repeatedly own us with your dazzling wit and intellect, well done, full marks, your prize is in the mail
No. 1068086
File: 1603683695549.jpg (46.18 KB, 600x315, 5987c3fce88273527b60f5358a57e3…)

>>1068078Shannon doubled down on the "scooping this low" and tried to make it work
it didn't workThe way she misspells words and fucks up common idioms I swear she must be related to Ricky from TTPB. And I thought her saying she lived in a trailer park was just being cheeky. Tell Bubbles to look out for those Shit Hawks.
No. 1068091
File: 1603684285552.png (175.19 KB, 1012x665, Part 2- Fail Trolling.PNG)

She's become the "I Was Only Pretending To Be Retarded" meme.
No. 1068098
File: 1603685423216.jpg (73.6 KB, 602x383, oHMWkAI1kMDX86b.jpg)

>>1068091If she's trying to claim she's pretending to be retarded just for LC then how do you explain this past fuck up with "known" instead of "knowing" Check out her tweet history. She must have been playing retarded for months before we gave her warty ass a spanking.
No. 1068400
>>1068098Has this what it comes down to now for them, grammar Nazism? Oh well, given who and what they are I'd say its the least of their problems.
Me, I entirely don't give a rats ass. Comment on my grammar all you like, I literally couldn't give a shit less and it doesn't take away an ounce of the entertainment these twitter sperges give me.
No. 1068423
File: 1603754162833.jpg (207.14 KB, 697x405, theprostitutionrests.jpg)

I rest my case.
But tell us more, Sad Banana.
No. 1068430
>>1068423I think Sad Banana has seen too many movies and is thinking about Savants. Savants are people that are otherwise mentally completely impaired due to extreme autism, but excel in one thing in example numbers (think Rain man), playing an instrument, anything you can think of. One thing they excel at.
Ironically this has nothing to do with intelligence, but rather a superhuman ability gained trough whatever. Savants are extremely rare and only about half of those have actual autism.
I also think Sad Banana needs to look up the word irony in the dictionary, as well as the actual meaning of that word.
I also can't believe I just explained that here, however I thought it funny due to them constantly claiming they're so much smarter than us.
Ironically for them this isn't the case.
Irony - Contrary to what one would expect. No. 1068432
File: 1603754722028.png (58.79 KB, 641x397, These Tweets are protected.png)

Awww she got scared and went full on Banana bitchboi-mode.
No. 1068434
>>1068432They are starting to remind me of pavlov's dog with that behavior, were it not for us not giving them any treats.
We're training them trough
abusive discipline.
No. 1068443
File: 1603755781119.jpeg (77.19 KB, 807x422,…)

I don't think Shannon or Saoirse would appreciate you calling them elderly.
>>1068423He's really upset about this autism thing. A majority of his tweets have been about that for the past few days. Either he has autism or someone close like a family member is on the spectrum.
No. 1068449
File: 1603756058519.jpeg (272.65 KB, 828x742, 583493C1-C7B6-4473-83BD-3A2A60…)

Oh fuck, Banana caught on to the ultimate conclusion to our master plan!!!!! SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!
No. 1068451
>>1068443I make fun of everybody, I just don't give a shit. It makes it funnier when people like Sad Banana bawww about it though. Then I start caring, and start making more jokes about whatever they are offended by.
Since when are women misogynist by the way? retard boy should do some research on what this place is.
Scrotes aren't welcome here.
>>1068449oi vey.
wouldn't be the first autistic mongoloid trying to shut down the awesome that is the farms.
No. 1068456
File: 1603756224112.jpeg (250.54 KB, 828x705, 27E019ED-9B4B-46CB-A618-6AF180…)

>>1068443>pretends that he goes to West Point >suddenly military If he’s going to military school, why’s he up tweeting at 1 am? Don’t they start the gay orgy at 6 am?
No. 1068457
File: 1603756372010.jpeg (71.75 KB, 1187x509, 109FC70C-ADE5-4293-B3B4-44F550…)

Better than yours, you autistic burnout.
No. 1068461
>>1068456so he's a surfer son of a general, a child college prodigy, and now also going in the military himself. so he's a mix between charly sheen and that other guy from apocalypse now. next he's going to a mission to Cambodia to kill a high ranking officer, a covert mission all the while tweeting since theres a WIFI connection on the boat.
riveting tale, old chap. you should be a writer for netflix.
>>1068457that comment doesn't make any sense, i guess we broke one of sad banana's socks.
No. 1068463
File: 1603756506011.jpeg (66.7 KB, 1205x345, EFC6EFED-CA00-4084-8BEB-23945A…)

Saoirse actually thinks Shannon is truly pretending to be retarded. Can I get her dealer’s number? Because they’ve got some good shit.
No. 1068468
File: 1603756753352.jpg (14.1 KB, 300x360, grin.jpg)

>>1068463Don't have a clue, you say?
No. 1068472
File: 1603756903125.jpeg (70.53 KB, 828x848, 3801DA90-5B02-4246-B816-E3CB6F…)

>>1068459Careful about calling him Greg. Dhork Phaysar or whatever might start tweeting too.
No. 1068474
File: 1603757022350.jpeg (35.56 KB, 1195x307, CE54BB59-AD73-4709-8E45-9B4CE2…)

>We gotcha homie
What the hell kind of out of touch wigger shit is this?
No. 1068475
File: 1603757099404.jpeg (57.25 KB, 1185x379, DD055E04-A033-4793-9A1F-B29D80…)

>tfw they have no clue
No. 1068478
>>1068474>>1068475yeah i think we broke her.
sad, really.
and nothing of value was lost. No. 1068482
File: 1603757543703.jpg (81.85 KB, 667x613, owaqelh5roh01.jpg)

>>1068463Saoirse was scrambling to find an excuse for her dumb friends fuck ups and "she was only pretending to be retarded and trolled you guise" was the best she could come up with. I was actually enjoying Shannons mangling of common everyday expressions like "scooping this low" or "pale of crap" She reminded me of Ricky LaFleur and since TPB went off the air I miss the laugh.
No. 1068486
>>1068474LMAO how do you do, fellow kids? This Karen thinks using a thesaurus to liveblog an anonymous thread on LC while actually believing that hamplanet lot lizard Shannon is only pretending to be a ful blown retard (a vast archive of her tweets prove otherwise) proves how much smarter she is than us, self awareness has left the chat.
However, in defence of her tweet here
>>1068026 she was using the correct “your”, it was just a poorly worded sentence. She should have said “your assumption” rather than “your assuming”.
No. 1068493
File: 1603758228887.jpeg (371.04 KB, 1242x598, 2EAEA0FD-1786-4CCF-9738-A23F39…)

>>1068478You sure owned us, Saoirse!
No. 1068494
File: 1603758310663.png (144.03 KB, 598x730, Capture1026202061544.png)

How long until Saoirse joins Shannon and Sad Banana. Tucked tail, yelping & whimpering while running away looking for a place to hide.
No. 1068499
File: 1603758564702.jpeg (610.79 KB, 1242x1134, 4DE6DBF1-283B-4B7A-881A-FC178D…)

>uses “XD” unironically in majority of tweets
>insists on being smarter than everyone
No. 1068500
>>1068499Not really no. I've had tons of other people disagree with me here on lolcow, i have yet to call anyone autistic for it.
So sorry to say, its just you guys.
No. 1068504
File: 1603758739799.jpeg (260.41 KB, 1242x530, 04CAD699-6F80-4B78-8010-C0F848…)

>>1068499Allow me to introduce you to my friend, irony
No. 1068505
>>1068504Saying that is so gay.
Thats like, Elton John gay.
No. 1068508
File: 1603758918493.png (78.97 KB, 600x502, rain(elderly)woman.PNG)

Oh shit. She actually has autism and is proud of it. Wear that ribbon with pride sista!
No. 1068514
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>>1068499If this is not indisputable proof that god does not exist then I do not know what is
No. 1068515
>>1068514Thats not the correct word for it. I mean when a whale gets beached, people care.
When you make an onlyfans however, well I mean who cares, really?
But hey, dogs and pedophiles need something to fap to too, I guess.
No. 1068521
File: 1603759812581.gif (1.71 MB, 278x186, gif-6-5271ce9e240a.gif)

>>1068494>>1068432If we keep mocking Shannon about running away she'll go off lock down just to spite us. Same as Banana every time we call him a little bitch for going private.
No. 1068528
File: 1603760366160.jpg (66.27 KB, 774x487, star_wb202010251122588.jpg)

>>1068522>generations of inbreedingWhen Shannon's mom was posted
>>1068061 she reminded me of someone I've seen in the news or an actress but I couldn't put my finger on who. So I used one of those celeb-look alike apps and the top match was fucking Jesse Plemons (minus the disgusting skin disease of course.)
No. 1068530
File: 1603760571979.jpeg (420.61 KB, 1242x908, 096DFA4E-1BF4-41EE-8102-EE915C…)

Yes, I’m sure you’re trolling us just as much as Shannon is. No one who is legitimately smart actually advertises it, Saoirse. You’ve been live blogging this thread for over 48 hours, you are obviously a NEET. Meanwhile, a good swathe of farmers have careers, posting on here is something we do while on the toilet. But, whatever helps you sleep at night.
No. 1068536
File: 1603760822137.png (44.42 KB, 597x501, 4835465_364400_84.PNG)

I think we now know why @CallYourdevil protected her tweets. Did someone take her up on her offer and pay her a little visit?
No. 1068552
File: 1603762605367.jpeg (660.96 KB, 1242x1077, 2EC158B0-3A31-426E-8F20-5E1CA9…)

Shannon is a dumb cunt who played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. You reap what you sow.
No. 1068558
>>1068552Their tone changed
quick kek
No. 1068571
File: 1603764455447.jpeg (45.93 KB, 456x673, F7567836-FC11-488A-968F-CA66CF…)

>>1068552I see you’ve discovered the internet, Saoirse. To paraphrase the words of some another anons, don’t puff up your chest unless you want your warty ass to be spanked. Shannon’s information is
very easily found. Something think about while you’re talking tough behind your pseudonymous Twitter handle suffixed with a string of numbers.
No. 1068586
File: 1603765977466.jpg (76.22 KB, 597x500, 1279234849708.jpg)

I think we dun goof'd
No. 1068595
File: 1603766478284.jpeg (963.16 KB, 1242x1826, 6D48CC7A-AD40-4EE9-AEE5-B38C44…)

Calm thine ‘tism. Imagine how successful you would be if you invested this energy in something more worthwhile than defending a Nazi mongoloid on the internet. Those self-professed smarts really are going to waste, Saoirse.
No. 1068655
File: 1603772071556.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1675, CCB08684-C4DF-4087-B98F-3986F1…)

someone didn’t get his special alone time with mommy today
No. 1068669
File: 1603773937858.gif (2.92 MB, 480x270, Saoirse86657971.gif)

They went from bluster and bravado to weeping and gnashing of teeth.
No. 1068703
File: 1603779589733.png (260.08 KB, 598x544, 666.PNG)

>>1068494Tweets are still protected but she changed her banner from the LC post to edgy satanic cringe. I'm sure Shannon regrets opening Pandora's box and hopes this all blows over soon.
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Lesson learned Shannon. A lesson that Saoirse is going to have to learn herself.
No. 1068720
File: 1603782300237.jpeg (945.07 KB, 1242x1826, E679DA93-8378-4BCE-BAD6-D04EE6…)

>>1068703A reminder that this is literally a middle-aged woman. With an 18 y/o kid. Who has been outed as a Nazi sympathizer, Saoirse. Interesting hill to die on. Guess you can’t resist playing stupid games.
No. 1068724
>>1049145Escorting no doubt. Hope betraying her "sisters 4 ever" was worth it.
>>1054076Definitely a hotel room.
>>1054779>Probs hooking againThat's what it looks like. Guess there'll be no more pics with her BFF Chris Hansen.
She's a backstabber and she gets what she deserves but tbh, I think she can look attractive when she wants to. I thought she had a decent voice and she could carry a tune but she's more suited to background/duets than a lead.
No. 1068725
File: 1603783035688.jpeg (520.97 KB, 1242x976, 058A49D7-B6D7-4A16-90CE-67580B…)

>they wanted to use the n word
lmao you autist, nta but I’m pretty sure they were mocking the fact that she is white and trying to sound “hood”. Are you that much of a boomer that you aren’t familiar with the term “wigger” being used to describe white people who use AAVE?
No. 1068732
File: 1603783869149.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1867, F052EAB8-86C1-477F-947B-6B1BC6…)

jfc if you think anyone here would show up at Shannon’s house then you’re just as retarded as she is. But then birds of a feather do tend to flock together.
This isn’t tumblr. Keep poking the bear.
No. 1068736
File: 1603785540948.jpg (92.88 KB, 611x617, 5908.jpg)

She's having a meltdown while we're just laughing and pointing. I can imagine her banging on her keyboard as she typed that out. I give it 24 hours and she's going full CAPS LOCK!
No. 1068803
File: 1603801075560.jpg (43 KB, 461x380, klepzeiker.jpg)

>>1068609Alright, You do have
outstanding teeth, Ariel Beth.
There, I said something positive.
No. 1069221
File: 1603845862282.jpg (38.92 KB, 593x385, lulwut.jpg)

the NAME? they can't, you absolute fucking retard.
God, you really ARE a 50-something BOOMER.
No. 1069276
>>1068764>we will start labeling posts if the vendetta against bananna isn't kept to twitterThis is a good idea. This thread seems to be riddled with anti-o Twitterfags again.
Some stuff that was posted was cringy, but none of it was even remotely milky.
No. 1069467
>>1069276there is no personal "vendetta" against bad banana. there is no personal vendetta against any of them. they're being retards and were here laughing at them.
it kills time while Greg is being boring.
No. 1069735
>>1069718Anti-O's stick to Twitter. They rarely show up here and when they do it's very obvious who they are.
This was really us just laughing at bad banana and pals.
No. 1069807
File: 1603922788204.jpeg (354.41 KB, 815x1325, sooper seekret autism.jpeg)

Speaking of low IQ anti's, Big Money Onision was fondling Hansen's balls again and pissed off one of Dahvie Vanity's victims. Big Money's claimed to have sooper secret behind the scenes info about Hansen and the anti-o community. Both pools are absolutely riddled with retards, there's nothing esoteric about it.
No. 1069812
File: 1603922907518.jpeg (353.5 KB, 808x1186, ExLuSiVe.jpeg)

No. 1069819
File: 1603923221684.jpeg (231.24 KB, 804x1042, Big Autism.jpeg)

>Hansen lied to Sarah about her laptop being with the FBI
>Hansen lied to victims about having FBI contacts
>Hansen went against victims consent and used them for a tv show he sold behind their backs that they didn't want to be a part of
>Big Money: Hansen's just misunderstood, be professional guise
Anti-o's and Hansen stans have the same brain capacity.
No. 1069983
File: 1603933259799.jpg (23.7 KB, 602x152, topofthegregsypoo.jpg)

I can't speak for anyone else but personally I was in it for the lulz. I wasn't the one who wanted to doxx you though. But it would have been funny to see your stupid face, as well as all your lies falling apart as soon as your pictures where on here.
But hey, that can still happen.
No. 1070097
>>1069998No one knows yet. If this show airs it might be the most interesting thing to happen since…a long fucking while.
Jimmy's about as milky in 2020 as a brick.
No. 1070164
File: 1603958146305.png (631.29 KB, 823x1328, #StockholmSyndrome.png)

>>1069998Ask Regina who's still working with Hansen apparently. I'm guessing she and Big Money are dm'ing which is why he seems to think he knows something. Regina's extra fucked in the head to continue "helping" a man that lied to her face for months.
Stockholm Syndrome No. 1070185
>>1069221Lolcow Is straight Aids right now a bunch of anti o splintered off into sjw fucking losers like sarah (not the "
victim"). Who post non stop about Bad Banana and RSN. Its even sadder now that RSN was proven right now they look like what they always were. Obsessed retards. Whats the point of even coming at RSN or Banana they are literally nobody who gives a fuck? Fucking losers…kek
(Brought to you by the #1 host of RSN) No. 1070232
>>1070185just because RSN stalked Amber for years after the rape, and finally managed to stockholm syndrome her in to saying "it wasn't rape" doesn't mean that she didn't say no twice, and that he admitted to that the next day on his very own stream. rape is rape, can't change history.
Nobody is obsessing over bad banana, we're just having some fun at his expense while Greg is being dry.
No. 1070266
>>1070097As far I’m aware the ‘documentary’ wasn’t going to be strictly about An us but more or less just online predators in general. Anus was going to be talked about along with others who have bad reps etc.
Something along the lines of Investigation Discovery.
I don’t think his snippet will be much seeing that practically everyone contacted for interviews declined.
RSN tho recently said he was making his own Anus documentary lol
No. 1070271
>>1070266>As far I’m aware the ‘documentary’ wasn’t going to be strictly about An us but more or less just online predators in general.I pretty much suspected that it would for the longest time, with just an episode about Greg, if even that. I bet those idiots getting interviewed for it now think it will be huge since they are getting interviewed for hours while really they will only cut and paste just some lines in lol.
Billie: "What is blackmail?"
voice over: "the
victims were often lower class."
No. 1070570
>>1070326after years of stalking the shit out of poor Amber he finally managed to persuade her to take it all back and say that it was
"definitely not rape, you guyz" and now that dumb shit RSN is trying to tell everybody that is willing to listen how it was
"definitely not rape, you guyz".
Its a full on crusade to
prove him totes innocent and I get exhausted just watching him sperge out like this.
Can't this fucker just OD on some bad smack already? It happens to good people all the time, its about time drugs worked in the world's favor for just this once.
No. 1072195
>>1070266>practically everyone contacted for interviews declined.Yeah, makes me think that's why Regina's been fishing for more stories from the unwary and ignorant. I did hear that since so many refused to take part in the ID clownery, the original format of the show which was
supposed to focus on Onision had to be reformatted into something else. Poor onion won't be the center of attention like he was hoping for.
No. 1072354
File: 1604232695914.jpg (122.76 KB, 694x325, arieladf.jpg)

Seperated at birth?
No. 1073028
File: 1604317746089.jpg (94.62 KB, 1280x720, lelel.jpg)

>>1072354the resemblance is uncanny.
No. 1073263
File: 1604345004046.jpeg (126.82 KB, 1125x356, AD1DD345-F502-4587-8F5E-E289CF…)

>Stevie: I don’t care about Onision anymore, he’s draining my mental health. I’m done.
>also Stevie: Onion boi bad n stoopid kekekek, me sooper smart! Plz listen 2 muh tru kvlt metal u guiz!!!
Welcome back, faggot
No. 1073271
File: 1604345379680.jpg (22.29 KB, 330x232, 1603211923188.jpg)

>>1072934>>1073186Just came to this thread to ask this. She used to massively post in onion threads on lolcow and was active on discord only to suddenly turn into his paypig wtf
No. 1073329
>>1073263Steveree, I'd almost crown him king of the Anti-O's. Or maybe he even is that. Its like hes the stereo typical anti-O that actually a-log's Greg and hates him. And I don't mean just "oh I hate that guy" as somebody could say casually, no i'm talking actual
I never truly understood real hate for lolcows. I only ever hated one of the many lolcows I've followed and thats snake thing. But I don't even hate him as much as I just hate his sickness and what he done.
snake thing abused animals, very very badly. but don't worry he's in prison now, for the next 1000 years.It seems kind of ludicrous to me to hate a lolcow, its like sure I wouldn't go on a date with Greg or have him watch over loved ones, but I don't actually HATE the guy. Hate is such a big word.
But to get back to my point I was trying to make, yeah Steveree has a massive mahogany hateboner for Greg.
No. 1073416
>>1073329Well at least he’s currently not boasting about his “friendship” with
the Al Jourgensen’s daughter…for now.
speaking of which, ironically the AJ saga onion man’s slanderous accusations against Al got me into Ministry whereas at 13 and browsing through Sirius rock channels on the TV, I thought it was some obscure 80’s band when I first heard NWO before changing the channel. I mainly his early work (With Sympathy and Wax Trax stuff) rather than his industrial thrash metal music and this is coming from someone who listens to metal regardless of sub genre. No. 1073500
>>1073468Lol I remember this; he was being a cold-ass mother fucker while she was pouring her feelings out over Skype, though I heard she took him back. Shame. Are they still together?
Also, didn’t this nigga punch is grandpa in the stomach in a fit a rage? Just like Greg beat his daddy
No. 1073537
>>1073500I have no idea. I did see in a video chat he had with someone i deliberately not mention
u know, "that rapist" that he was sort of like about that video "yes i know and i have grown since then and blabla"
I don't know about that. On the one hand sure people do grow, but on the other i'm like you still did it. You're here trying to say you're better than Greg, yet you screamed at a woman like that. You screamed like that at someone you claimed to love.
Lets just say I have "doubts". I think that would be a fair reply to it.
No. 1073867
File: 1604398335677.jpeg (Spoiler Image,187.39 KB, 828x1792, C91B5C1C-1E39-4646-A982-1CB2AE…)

Kek. This is one of the more vocal anti Twitterfags. I’m starting to think that this man doth protest too much. In-between his unrelenting sperging about Greggy and e-begging, he really seems to like barely legal porn and straight up loli shit.
No. 1073883
File: 1604400972567.jpeg (Spoiler Image,696.05 KB, 1242x1106, 04637B7E-6EC7-4F8B-8507-AF94BC…)

>>1073867The girl in this looks like she could be young enough to be his daughter, openly liking this stuff is straight degen retardation, I wonder how the rest of his „community“ feel about him (spoiler cuz not safe for life)
No. 1073938
>>1073883he's a pervert, he's a sick pervert. i remember how he was talking in the end of the billy the bitch in his driveway thing about this japanese show he found that was an incest show where they where fucking relatives and he told it like he thought it was the best thing ever.
who the fuck talks about shit like that? who the hell even watches sick shit like that?
No. 1073951
File: 1604410876914.jpeg (260.51 KB, 1242x1278, 5D07431E-0A7F-4449-AEDE-2951DF…)

>>1073938All his likes are pretty much this type of disgusting shit, Anti-O Twitterfaggotry, and wrestling shit. Kinda curious if this cuck’s wife knows he likes ‘em young?
No. 1073956
File: 1604411755017.jpeg (Spoiler Image,369.56 KB, 828x1792, 4576208A-7F33-4357-95B3-B11CD3…)

>>1073953Juan is one of the more “prominent” Anti-O and Anti-MAP twitterfags. Which is ironic when you see him liking and retweeting degeneracy like this.
No. 1074257
File: 1604437546343.jpeg (109.4 KB, 828x1043, 5F39C27C-DB68-426F-807F-03E310…)

Kek. No wonder this Juan fella is e-begging! Instead of taking care of his family, Mr. Family Man is probably buying hookers and OF subs.
No. 1074395
>>1073329I never got the impression he HATED Greg, definitely didn't like him but hate? I don't think so. He really lost his shit after Hansen and co. dropped the ball (on purpose) and fucked greg's chances at getting prosecuted. Stevie did what the other anti's did, made excuses for Hansen and stuck their heads in the sand. They lost their shit every time someone said how incompetent Hansen was and that Greg wasn't going to jail.
>>1073441>he was literally REEEEEEEEEEEing against this "boomer" because she criticized the GREAT Chris Hansen. Yeah that's the one kek.
No. 1074681
>>1074395>I never got the impression he HATED GregThen you haven't seen all of his videos, also, he's been at Greg for over 10 years and in this video
>>1073468 his own gf at the time complains over the phone at him about his greg obsession.
I think we're done here, don't you? No. 1075280
>>1074681I know he's been at Greg for awhile, maybe he just wants to fuck him? Considering how much he reee'd here
>>1073468 and at that boomer lady who criticized Hansen, it could just as easily be argued that he's a hateful person in general lol.
No. 1075440
>>1075280yeah and he was WRONG about that "boomer lady" because he now said the exact same shit in a video himself.
So he should APOLOGIZE to her. Also, respect your elders, steveree.
You can disagree with them all you want, but you can still be respectful. On top of which, again, you were WRONG and now months later reached the same conclusion.
And make that video at least as lengthy as you did that video hating on her. Hell, write her an apology song. Play your little guitar with it.
No. 1076879
File: 1604722417779.jpg (416.17 KB, 1063x1115, tamara-appeal.jpg)

No. 1076939
Nice to see you again, dogfucker . Go back to kiwi farms, they’re nice to you over there.
No. 1077423
>>1077419the people that treathened to dox her told her they were not going to dox her. so what the hell are you crying about?
if you ask me you are an anti-tamara troll trying to get her in to shit with lolcow again.
>>1077420thats right, they where banned right after they promised her that.
No. 1077450
File: 1604786543038.jpg (411.81 KB, 1419x795, keks for days.jpg)

>>1076879lol that was her. I'm gonna need an oxygen tank after this.
No. 1077494
File: 1604789856218.jpeg (46.52 KB, 828x451, 5472632E-9BB7-4B78-AFA4-D0A0DB…)

>thinks that he’s so important that Twitter is going out of their way to suppress him complaining about Greggy Poo
The scrote screams in a void. No one cares what he thinks.
No. 1077663
File: 1604801913191.png (572.57 KB, 858x1455, Screenshots_2020-11-07-20-15-1…)

The idiot keeps getting suspended. What account would this be his 7th or 8th one. Seems he was suspended after he went back to his old edgy name, it might be blacklisted to get him suspended almost immediatly after changing it back.
No. 1077789
File: 1604817005061.jpeg (141.58 KB, 828x561, 0F3B1C68-92C9-46CF-9AFE-432A8D…)

>>1077663Careful now. The incel loser might start sperging about how we’re all stalking his greasy ass again. Hopefully, he’ll take his own advice. Catch up on the cringe before his old account gets suspended.
No. 1077802
File: 1604818943847.png (1.96 MB, 512x1792, A6E50229-9270-44D7-954A-07A4B1…)

I don’t think that I need to add anything to this image. I will say this though. His rapping skills make Vanilla Ice look like Ice Cube.
No. 1077976
File: 1604854776923.png (347.62 KB, 864x1533, Screenshots_2020-11-08-10-52-4…)

Speaking of cringe looks like some poor girl had the unfortunate experience of him attempting to date her and she jumped ship while she still had all her braincells.
Probably realized he was a lowgrade incel with mental illnesses a mile long and anger issues. No woman should be forced to deal with an insecure broken man and be forced to accept his endless flaws to be considered a good girlfriend if anything it needs to be a wake up call that he needs extensive therapy
No. 1077982
File: 1604855755500.jpeg (99.2 KB, 828x780, 34C01FFA-18DC-4610-A29C-362DE7…)

>>1077976While I have my doubts that any woman would ever want to talk to, let alone date that greasy looking loser. She just might not have his apparently high standards for looks.
No. 1078041
File: 1604863062681.jpeg (105.53 KB, 828x1138, 9BE34F76-D40B-49BE-A92E-B7E2B4…)

This is a face not even his mother loved.
No. 1078846
File: 1604954371616.png (574.79 KB, 828x1792, 6A51D3A1-4830-4146-AF42-68A61B…)

Ok, so unless grease stain had a complete change of heart in the last 48 hours when he made an unhinged video saying that Trump was the actual winner of the election, this Broly account is a troll and a pretty shit one at that. TL;DR Obvious Troll is Obvious
No. 1078970
File: 1604966964854.jpg (88.61 KB, 592x688, dumbasses.jpg)

dumbass and captain wowie decided to tell their story to rape stream news and it hardly reached over 70 followers. some of the comments were epic, until he wuss out and quickly left.
No. 1079042
File: 1604974936298.gif (1.98 MB, 500x225, epic lolz.gif)

>>1078970>hardly reached over 70 views>quickly leftThey went with a bottom tier drama youtuber because none of the others were stupid enough to fall for it. Correction: a bunch of the anti-o retards fell for it (Big Money, Heatboss etc.)
No. 1079245
File: 1605011711869.jpg (22.86 KB, 602x192, shitstreamisshit.jpg)

>>1079042A stream with barely 70 viewers, all of them the regular RSN stans who they where not telling anything new. So it was a pointless exercise that really only served to massage Rape Stream News his ego and make him some money for drugs.
No one else saw it, and no one cares.
Enjoy your hugbox.
No. 1079867
File: 1605075444237.png (270.58 KB, 1257x746, kftamara (2).png)

Tamara is pissing off the scrotes on KF and inching towards getting her own thread over there, just like Royal Black. I've counted at least 10 users hating on her posts and she's been arguing back and forth with one of their old mods. I hope she keeps going. We saw how they tore Royal Black a new hole and laid her personal life out for everyone to see.
No. 1079903
>>1079867why hate on gorlax tho he's such a nice dude
victim shaming and everything acting like a cow himself
No. 1079983
File: 1605097164368.jpg (101.72 KB, 1268x364, Image1.jpg)

christ, i don't get why the scrotes on kiwifarms keep coddling the dogfucker like that. she has the worst case of GOTIS and victim-hood I have ever seen.
BE NICE TO ME BECAUSE GREG ABUSED MEEEEEEE bitch please you where a greg paypiggy and you did it to yourself.
No. 1080208
File: 1605121468781.png (224.74 KB, 1177x653, 11112020_T5rE49eF.PNG)

>>1079978tamara changes her profile pic and name on kf and twitter on a weekly basis. shes from the era of myspace where customizing your profile was new and exciting. she doesnt have much but the internet in her life so she has to occupy her time some how.
looks like the majority of fags on kf agree shes an attention whore (and a dog fucker)
countdown to her getting doxed by kiwifarms? No. 1080247
File: 1605125058206.png (558.63 KB, 853x486, image.png)

Now she invoking Amanda Todd and hinting she's going to kill herself over this.
No. 1080271
File: 1605127329322.jpg (155.92 KB, 870x603, The Dogfucker Monologues.jpg)

>>1080250They're ganging up on her about the dog fucking thing now so I assume it may be soon. She does this suicide baiting shit for attention not a final result. And it wont be bleach chugging. Her local Emergency Room better get prepped for a Citalopram overdose later tonight.
No. 1080326
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>>1080287>>1080287Hit the nail on the head. How did you know she was going to take her ball and go home? And she's teasing that she didn't even release the juicy receipts and everyone will be sorry they were mean to her.
>the more you people call me that the less I'm inclined to want to share anything of relevance that I might actually have to the situation or even be sitting on.So Tamara's been holding on to the real evidence of Greg being a predator and she's going to release it at a later date as long as the scrotes are nice to her? Bitch shut the fuck up. You had no real milk, you just cried about how he treated you on Hansen, RapeStreamNews, BillyTheFridge and the numerous streams & AMA you did on your own. You were a one trick pony. It was the same three complaints.
>James started the dog fucking rumor.>James made fun of how I played videos games.>James didn't dump me I dumped him first.note: Tamara has her own page/thread on Kiwi Farms? I want to see it.
No. 1080338
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>>1080271I seen that shit coming a mile away. She made her bed (again, as she always does) and now she can lay in it. Just bask in it, i'd tell her.
No. 1080409
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>>1080338I'm waiting for her to threaten KF users with legal action or law enforcement. I've seen her do this on discord and Twitter. She first says "show me proof I fuck dogs" then "it doesn't bother me you're wasting your time" and the finale is "I'm calling the cops/my daddies lawyer." I'm positive that KF Admins are going to receive a cease & desist email from Tamara, requesting information on the users calling her a dog fucker. Greg did the same thing a month ago.
>>1080348>I'm sure the scrotes on KF will forgive you like they always doI really hope you're wrong and this is the last straw and one of those scrotes weaponizes their Autism and ruins her life.
No. 1080446
>>1080409How many more times do people need to warn her to just let it rest. How many more times? That dogfucker is just too stupid to poop.
>>1080429At least Chris-chan learned after 15 times to not fall for fake romances anymore. Tamara, she never learns her lesson.
No. 1080456
>>1080409Given how I've actually read about a case where a dude called a cop dogfucker and the cop filed a lawsuit, and the cop lost, i really don't give her much of a chance.
Theres about 8000 ways around that, and any judge would laugh her out of court.
No. 1080466
>>1080459personally, and i am in no way saying this to be mean; but she's brought up in other threads so god damn much and always arguing that i think its time she got her own thread.
you're welcome to disagree with me, but i think maybe its time. just tell me what you think.
No. 1080483
>>1080466Like this anon said
>>1080429 Tamara isnt milky enough. The only thing she does is spergout about being a dog fucker. Yes this mornings shit show on KF began with them trashing Heezy, Trisha and Tamara for not going to the authorities about the illegal shit they saw. But any argument with Tamara eventually turns into the dog fucker thing and she loses her mind. A thread dedicated to her would be a ghost town for months then blow up for a day or two and die down again. I like her being a guest star on the flakes threads. I check up on this thread because one of these idiots are always in the spotlight for a few days.
What other threads is she shitting up? I see her selfposting in the Onision thread regularly and getting outed by the farmhands. I didnt know she was being a menace in any other threads besides these two.
No. 1080512
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>>1080501That's a good theory but how do you explain the majority of scrotes in the KF Onision thread jumping on the dog fucker bandwagon. I've counted at least 6 or 7 users outright calling her a dog fucker and a dozen or more hyping the posts up with their ratings system. Has she personally done something to ALL of them? I think there's a large group on there that never liked her and were waiting for her to display her true nature so they could egg her on and make her look a fool.
>>1080459Someone on there already mentioned a similar payment plan, but in reverse.
No. 1080557
>>1080512From what I've been gathering, someone asked her a question and the rest of the people who dog-piled her didn't like her response. They expected her to come out with more evidence I guess? or to have gone to the police since the Trisha + Heezy shit started and she showed her support to them. Gorlax got butt-mad because he/they/ didn't want anymore ex moderators coming to the farms. If Tamara doesn't have any credible evidence, I don't see what the point is for her to go to the police so everyone getting mad was mainly just Gorlax sperging out about not wanting Heezy & co there.
From what I've read of Tamara's responses, when she was personally
in the discord, she did not see anything overly sexual of this nature to be able to turn Greg in or hand over evidence. Everything else happened when she was no longer a member of the discord, so she was no longer a credible witness to anything. Someone already complained about her existing evidence not being credible enough. I think it's awkwardly amusing that we're expecting Gurg to be doing sperging on his birthday, but they've gone and done it themselves. RIP.
Thanks for the show guys. Y'know Greg is just loving all of you turning on each other, and discouraging other people who may have evidence to be too scared to come forward with it.
No. 1080577
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>>1080557>when she was personally in the discord, she did not see anything overly sexual of this nature to be able to turn Greg in or hand over evidenceThen why was she bluffing that she's sitting on even more damning evidence about Greg but no ones going to see it because they continue to call her a dog fucker? She's faking she has more receipts so they'll give her positive attention.
>Y'know Greg is just loving all of you turning on each otherIt wasn't mass infighting. They turned on one person, the dogfucker. Will Greg enjoy that? Sure. But she deserved it.
>and discouraging other people who may have evidence to be too scared to come forward with itHopefully it will discourage ex-fans and ex-mods from coming forward with sob stories and sour milk. We don't care that he made fun of you or that he may have started a rumor about you. Give us receipts about real shit.
No. 1080592
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funs over
dogfucker took a page out of the onision handbook
see everyone next week
No. 1080680
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Gregs current and ex-mods are just Mini-Gregs. They cycle through the same stages he does. I think Tamara is in the "woe is me Im a victim" stage. That "on hiatus" status and new PFP with the single tear about to drop kek. And if you check the newest incarnation of her Twitter (I think this makes New Twitter Name #82) look at her bio and its pure cringe.
No. 1080726
>>1080501>>1080512somehow this is always brought up "people who she has done something wrong to personally" and "personal vendetta" but like seriously: Who are these supposed people, or person, she did "something wrong to", and what would this then be that she did wrong to that so-called person?
Do you have any ideas? Because I'm fresh out. I shat on her quite a bit myself, as did other people, and she never did anything wrong to me. Hell, like I mentioned before I can't even imagine what she possibly could have done wrong to me. Park in my space? Fuck my dog? What?
So please elaborate.
No. 1080865
>>1080680it seems she wants to be left alone and be away from the Onision garbage hence her probably realizing that KF was too much and everyone coming at her because she "didn't go to the police" and whining like it's solely her responsibility to do so. From what I've heard, the current Gurg shallots don't like to see her contributing in
any way.
Someone named Lan Yappy has been badgering on twitter and from what I've read claims they have DID and seemingly using it as a crutch keeps attacking her and Blasian on twitter, people like McFly seem to have beef with her I've heard from going on Hansen and Catdottir is the one who humiliated Tamara on live stream for trying to make amends with her. She was the British mod.
I don't see what the point is in displaying her twitters, they're private anyway and it's not like we can even see what she's writing anyway. She doesn't have that many followers, so it wouldn't be hard for her to figure out who's doing it. We don't need her coming here and shitting up the thread. Some of us here are actually tired of hearing about Tamara, we're missing out on some milk from twitter because you guys just wanna keep posting her socials and poking fun at headers. No1curr. Even Kiwi's are getting tired of it.
No. 1080878
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>>1080865its good to see those self-defense classes you've been taking are paying off.
No. 1080904
>>1080865>Someone named Lan Yappy has been badgering on twitter and from what I've read claims they have DID and seemingly using it as a crutch keeps attacking her and Blasian on twitter, people like McFly seem to have beef with her I've heard from going on Hansen and Catdottir is the one who humiliated Tamara on live stream for trying to make amends with her. She was the British mod.Nice sneaky way of trying to deflect the attention away from you. "But look at
these people instead, you guys!"
>I don't see what the point is in displaying her twitters, they're private anyway and it's not like we can even see what she's writing anyway. She doesn't have that many followers, so it wouldn't be hard for her to figure out who's doing it. We don't need her coming here and shitting up the thread. Some of us here are actually tired of hearing about Tamara, we're missing out on some milk from twitter because you guys just wanna keep posting her socials and poking fun at headers. No1curr. Even Kiwi's are getting tired of it.Sure.
Everybody is getting tired of it. Thats because
you keep dragging the shit up and spergin' out as soon as people mention the word
dogfucker. I don't even know how many times people
tried to explain to you to just fucking leave it alone, and now even KF has tried to explain it to you. Its a fucking cycle for you.
- Step 1: See the word dogfucker, sperge out about it. Pretend to not be you.
- Step 2: Sperge out tremendously, until people attack you.
- Step 3: Blame it on just one person, usually Greg, and claim its just him attacking you as a million different people.
- Step 4: Fire gets too hot for you, so you want to leave the kitchen.
- Step 5: Start posting how
everybody is getting sick hearing about the dogfucker and ask the mods to step in. Leave with tail between your legs (pun intended) until someone one day mentions the word dogfucker again. Start cycle over.
No. 1080963
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>>1080878Wait, it sounds like you have some dirt the rest of us are not privy to. The dog fucker is taking self defense classes because of the big bad internet bullies? Do they even make a XXL Karategi? I bet she's that one adult you always see in the children's class because the adult instructors cant deal with her.
No. 1080965
>>1080865nice paranoia there, but i ain't tamara just an observer whose been here long enough to see both sides of the shitshow
Sorry to disappoint but not everyone who has a different opinion from you is gonna be her.
Not everyone who defends her is gonna be her. She's obtained a bit of a following since exploiting more of how Greg is.
The autism in here just doubled
next youre gonna call me tamara because i say: "if she didn't see anything illegal
with er own eyes, how is what she brings to the police gonna be credible?". Use brains plz.
also, i know how to sage
No. 1080983
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>>1080904lolcow is not your personal army
the more you tell people not to do it theyre gonna do it and be less inclined to listen to you youre a nobody on the internet its just how people are programmed
No. 1080985
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>>1080965>but i ain't tamara How many times have we read that and then a couple of hours later a big red (tamara) is slapped on the post by a farmhand?
We don't come here to defend the cows. We come here to laugh at them. When you keep crying about how Tamara is a
victim you look suspect. If you don't like reading about the dog fucker then choose another thread. No one is forcing you to be here.