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No. 1332441[Reply]

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread. Do not reply to spergs. Do not mention Kyle Nathan Perkins/Fupa unless relevant. Do not make repetitive comments about Shayna’s retarded pets.

Last Thread:
>Shayna continues to write novels of pedophila on Twitter as an attempt to go viral on SW/troon/pedobait Twitter >>1321429 >>1321446
>Also buys items and toys for literal babies on Amazon >>1321447
>Shayna gets hotdog nails again >>1321615,
>>1321657, asks for reimbursement of $80 for them, >>1321740
>Degenerate scrote says Shaynus’ content is helping him make a baby with his partner >>1322250, Shayna hopes it’s named after her
> Sexualizes mental illness and mental asylums for some reason >>1322388,
>Commissions a drawing of herself being “lobotomized” >>1325733, looking nothing like her fat ass
>Age play content >>1322549, >>1322573, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1212 posts and 338 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1343053

She is so UGLY. So ugly. Mouth, nose, forehead, even her eyes. Who even has ugly eyes like wtf

No. 1343080

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This is one of the best things to come out of a thread recently. Newsflash Ellen: nothing is ever going to change with Shaynasty. She will never do anything but use you for validation and free shit. Shay will never make you feel good. You may be ugly as sin but you’re probably at least still worthy of love. Get out while you can.

No. 1343083

Punchable rat eyes
Shay happened to you, dumbass.

No. 1343099

Always the most miserable 30 years old handmaidens that get into dumpster fire polycule. God I’m horny by just thinking about the inevitable fallout. I hope they tear each other apart over the ugly pedo scrote.

No. 1343102

It'd be something if being around Shayna made her feel "Less attractive",like she for some reason thinks very average Shayna is some kind of prize and is super attractive. Either way Shayna isn't going to make her feel good about herself, she doesn't call her pretty or anything. She even called the old man "hot" or some shit once or twice.
Fupa "cute", the only time she talks about her girlfriend is when they go out, some disgusting sexual shit or porn.

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No. 1342532[Reply]



Dear LOLCow. The story they spun you is FALSE, this is the TRUE information. I have NO way to reach troll's that they have gathered, other than using this site to get attention.

This is long. I know I'll receive complaints, but I want to tell MY side of the story here. MY first name shows, as to give proof that this actually belongs to me, and my family. OTHER names have been removed for privacy's sake.

some actual context on the "LOL funny" thread.

This is long.

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No. 1342599

Do you still ageplay on second life?

No. 1342600

I know I post a lot, and normally this site doesn't do that, but I want to make a point. if I had any other site, I would do this there too.

I just want to clear my name.(/gen /srs)

No. 1342601

catch up anon >>1342569

No. 1342602

Samantha you need to post a selfie to verify it's you. I mean, how do we know this story is real? You could be faking it. We need proof.

No. 1342603

Age playing is actually a lie, What happened was I was being sarcastic, and it doesn't read well in text. Why would I STUPIDLY OPENLY ADMIT to AGE PLAYING?

All of my characters have been Eighteen Plus for years. You would know this if some of you actually roleplayed with me.

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No. 1255613[Reply]

Nicholas DeOrio is a 24 year old commentary and gaming youtuber with 62k subscribers. Despite the huge amount of time he spends trying to be edgy, he is actually more delicate than most of the snowflakes he attempts to call out.

He constantly displays a complete inability to process basic information, and therefore tends to have really awful and inaccurate takes. When presented with facts that contradicts his world view, he blocks instantly. This way he doesn't have to address it and his followers can keep believing the narrative he's written for them.

Some of his highlights include:
>Long history of being a rape apologist. Recently highlighted in his response to EmilyArtful's video
>In ability to listen to women for extended periods of time
>Can't seem to understand or process basic facts or information. Calls bullshit on anything his smooth brain can't comprehend.
>When confronted on streams by other youtubers, he cowers like the scared little boy he is.
>Inserts himself into any drama he can. Always tries to make it about him.
>Cannot handle criticism and easily spergs out when pushed even a tiny bit. As long as he doesn't block you first.
>WKing for CSA

Recent Milk:
>Leaked his friends (CSA) private instagram story.
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290 posts and 53 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1339282


Deleted both my posts but it's staying bumped? Darn really screwed up here sorry all.

No. 1339299

Sorry again about bumping the thread.

Anyways since I deleted my Zaptie post and was in too much of a panic to copy it (Dumb I know) here's the short version.

ImAllexx years ago accused a fellow youtuber Zaptie of having sex with an underage girl. Zaptie choose to leave YT and the internet rather then fight it out. Tommy C SFTP voiced a protest demanding evidence but was intimidated into silence by ImAllexx implying that he might be next to be called a Pedophile if he didn't keep his mouth shut.

Years later Nick decided to re-open the case because of the Slazo situation. He discovers that Zaptie, whom has meanwhile been not only chased off of YT and the internet but also school and various jobs by people calling saying he is a pedophile and is now living out a fairly modest existance as off-grid as possible, Nick finds out after some digging that in fact Zaptie was innocent all this time.

Nick makes a video collab series called "Whatever Happened To Zaptie" despite his long overdue proof of innocence Zaptie says he has no plans to return to YT and just wants to be left alone to live out the new humble life he's managed to salvage. ImAllexx remains on YT to this day.

This probably had a fairly profound impact on Nick, seen what damage can be done to an innocent with one well placed false allegation and this could have been an step on his path to where he is now.

As always the previous is not meant to demonize or lionize Nick or anyone else just info that hasn't been mentioned yet that might help us better understand why Nick came to be a Lolcow. Sorry again stay safe all!

No. 1339441

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I’m sorry, it appears your disability has obscured the real reason why this thread was made: Nick the Oreo is fat and I would not have sex with him

No. 1339446

Well as Nick himself used to say: "Nick very fat stupid dumb fat fat Nick fat stupid dumb."

No. 2028814

God this OP is so bad. So embarrassing. This is why I haven't made a cow thread since. What is that thread pic? Jesus Christ

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No. 1303022[Reply]

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No. 1338618

Giving a child a teddy bear would be indoctrinating them into the furry fandom then.

Lol my online avatar on a lot of sites is a non-anthro calico cat.

No. 1338621

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I haven't seen any lewd stuff for Sylvanian Families but it definitely exists for the Maple Town series even though its for little girls.

No. 1338622

I would say being a furry is having this sexual attraction to anthro characters and thinking they are hot.

No. 1338625

I specifically said "fursona", i.e., a character you individually design specifically to be a furry avatar for yourself.

No. 1338627

Is being a furry like having autogynephilia? A sexual attraction to anthro characters and a desire to become one yourself? Also because it's all based on animals, there's a huge overlap with zoophilia. Most furries would be zoophiles imo.

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No. 1277876[Reply]

Social Media
Ig: bratoutofhell
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/bretdarling
Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe2Yvoe6/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/amandabret

Amanda Bret / Amanda Schafemeyer / Labozetta/ bratoutofhell - Brat is back in the Big Apple! Since her last thread we've seen our potato eyed princess settle into her new apartment, neglect her Peleton in order to care for her new bird, neglect her new bird in order to care for her long distance tattoo Santa, John Vale, and neglect John Vale by reintroducing fan favorite Eric Cowie of Tiger King "fame" as her latesr paramour. What adventures does this coked out goddess hold for us? Let's find out!

previous thread 1 >>943302

previous thread 2 >>971778

previous thread 3 >>1022186

previous thread 4 >>1170070
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No. 1337779

Still can’t get over the numb nut who claimed Dan was an inside trader. Fukken classic.

No. 1337842

Same- the best part is their blatant arrogance “some people know more than you retards” kek

No. 1337843


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1337894

Bro what I need elaboration are there any comments/other posts(newfag)

No. 1337962

New thread here:

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No. 1145649[Reply]

A thread to discuss problematic attention-whoring autist/bpd/bdd cam girls. The last one maxed out

Kat/Stormy/PumpkinSpice/Morgan Hoffman
> Started her camming career catering to pedophiles but completely denies it.
> Got bolt-ons tits but now needs new tits because the old ones were recalled.
> Continues to cover herself in ugly tattoos including on her face.
> Has an affection for trashy men, gets super attached then wonders why they break up with her
>Bought a 105k for her current boyfriend who cheated on her.
> New venture is to become a tattoo artist even though she can't draw


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1212 posts and 424 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1338042

this woman is invovled with sex trafficking and grooms mentally ill girls from the hospital and everything you can say is that she has nice tits. Kill yourselves you fucking mongoloids. I can also show my tits to hundreds of strangers and make money. Hey, maybe I will become a child groomer like Olena and get my own studio. Time to be part of the system and abuse other women because trying to do anything for women seems impossible considering women also hate one another and are willing to throw each other under the bus for virtually anything. Continue sperging about pumpy's plastic surgery like that is something actually wrong, meanwhile you let someone as horrible as this woman slip by. All the people that come to this thread are retarded ex camgirls or scrotes. I hope you all kill yourselves. Just go to her stream and watch her expose her horrible doings but maybe you're ttoo stupid to tell that when she talks about "daddy" it's actually the pimp she's collaborating with and giving money to. She also talks about the studio and there's the other mentally ill suidicidal girls she found at the mental hospital that work at daddy;s studio. I reported her to the Ukrainean authorities because being a camgirl is actually illegal in Ukraine and they're running an actual sex trafficking ring but the police might be involved too

No. 1338045

oh, so we got the answer then. You are attacking the competition lol.

The proof is what you said: You said she traffic mentally ill girls, but you reported "because cam is illegal in ukraine".

She is online now, go there and say it on chat lol, or are you afraid?

No. 1338046

excuse me while I wipe my jealousy tears. Oh, no I will never be a female groomer and sex trafficker, oh no I dont have a 60 year old boyfriend, oh no I don't have 400 old and ugly scrotes masturbating to my tits daily. I'm so jealous and my life is so empty. I'm definitely someone sticking a 10 inch dildo into their pussy, that's exactly the sort of person that would try exposing sex trafficking. You're all so smart. It's ok continue laughing at Pumpy's botched surgery and for the scrotes, leave this place because it isn't for you. Go back to Olena's myfreecams room and tell her you want to coom to her and continue your masturbation and porn addiction while ninezero or whatever retarded cucks give her money to fuel her daddy's sex trafficking ring.

you sound like a fucking retard and you have 0 reading comprehension and you also cannot speak english properly and you are encouraging cow tipping kill yourself.

No. 1338048

That is because I am from ukraine, i am the father, still learning english(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1338049

whats your room? I will go there and tip ya(sage your dumbassery)

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No. 1316852[Reply]

If you're new, please make sure you read:
https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting

previous thread: >>>/snow/1112272

34 year old heroin junkie wash up rockstar and the dumb bitch insecure enough to have a baby with him.

The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse toward several of his exes - pretty much any woman he comes into contact with he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way
> most recently dated and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways
> after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately.
> enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice
> since syd got pregnant there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, most of it not related enough to TND to post in her thread
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No. 1336747

You can get a rapid covid test super quick these days. Her excuse kind of sucks. As a real parent you can’t just get ride of your kid because you’re sick… it doesn’t work that way… unless you don’t have custody to begin with.(sage)

No. 1336748

Funny considering she “went against everything she believes in” and got the vaccine to go on tour. But didn’t jump on the opportunity to protect her son months ago.

No. 1336750

Also didn't she believe the covid vaccines are a lie? Or didn't work or whatever? Why she changing her stance lol not bpd, pure stupidity

No. 1336781

In her video she goes on about how she was around people who don’t care about health and safety of other people or those with high risk asthma (pointing to herself) or “children with other health issues” — pretty rich of her to go on about when she was against the vaccine and decided to go on tour

No. 1337265

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You miss him cause you don’t have him lol

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No. 1327844[Reply]

This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.

You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk.

Notable MtF-related subreddits:
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1207 posts and 192 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1336439

what the fuck.

No. 1336487

God damn I can assure this man no one cares. When a middle aged man at my old workplace trooned out he sent an extensive email and everyone was snickering behind his back.

No. 1336721

No. 1339261

Kim petras at the vma's literally looks like a masculine Grimes

No. 1345727

they think misgendering/transphobia is worse than anything as long as its being perpetuated against a woman. Just look at the Paul Denyer case. He murdered 3 innocent women by brutally stabbing them to death (including the mother of a 12 day old baby), when asked why his victims were women, he said: "Just hate 'em.". Then he trooned out. When he demanded to be called "Paula" in prison, most prison guards obliged. A former prisoner said Denyer revels in the privacy and guards pander to his requests for an easy life. Guards give him makeup. He has shown absolutely no remorse for what he did to those women, and many of the articles ive seen covering his case have referred to that disgusting transvestite as a "she". In a letter obtained by the Herald Sun, Denyer said he killed because he didn't feel like a man. Although the court labeled him a "danger to all women", he will be eligible for parole in 2023.

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No. 1319966[Reply]

23 year-old ‘mysterious’ edgelord musician/rapper and YouTube horror narrator whose only characteristics are being an emo fuckboy and having a deep voice. Has a retarded fanbase of horny teenage girls and a growing hate-base.

Possible identities:
"Randall", Ice Poseidon, Slavic Joshua, Lil Xan, Dahvie Vanity lookalike, "Hi-Tech Hustler" Gregory D. Evans, some fat fakeboi, Leafy

Last Thread >>1199903:
>E-girls went gold >>1199942 Corpse reminds us he got a plaque in his latest song Hot Demon Bitches Near U!
>Delusional pick me's get corpse lyrics tattooed >>1200029, most notable is the titty tattoo >>1199987
>CreepshowArtgate happened, comments in thread laughing at the girl who got the titty tattoo despite Shannon ass kissing Corpse >>1200081
>Corpse was apparently sending shirtless pics to fans pre-popularity because he was going to the gym, claims he wont reveal face because he would be in a 'compromising situation' >>1200276
>Corpse's real voice sounds like Chills >>1200381
>Corpse somehow makes it on Jimmy Fallon >>1202491
>Releases yet another abomination with Night Lovell, basically a pt.2 of e-girls >>1315364 yet another try hard e-thot as the single cover
>Flock of fans find thread >>1318400 >>1318413 took the Richard Ramirez post seriously >>1318432 takes a whole day for them to build up Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1212 posts and 226 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1335625

yea its oddly quiet for that troll, i wonder if he doesnt wanna report cuz they are friendly (ch follows keem and is friends with faze banks who is friends with keem)

No. 1335629

This is probably it. If he makes an enemy of corpse he makes an enemy of his harem and 30 year old man boys like Sykkuno

No. 1335630

forgot sage

No. 1335652

No. 1335665

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i was bored and saw a lot of ppl on twt complaining the pics were to old and that ppl can change in 7/10 years so i aged his picture and honestly 100% this would be what he looked like today lmao

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No. 1321423[Reply]

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread. Do not reply to spergs. Do not mention Kyle Nathan Perkins/Fupa unless relevant. Do not make repetitive comments about Shayna’s retarded pets.

Recent milk:
>Gross tweets about uwu i’m little baby and want a mommy and daddy >>1311844 & >>1320598
>Also really pushing kidnapping kink >>1313482 & >>1313900
>More terrorizing potential neighbors with porch nudes >>1311986
>Brags about hitting top 2% on fansly, despite previously complaining about others who flaunt their percentages >>1312150
>Short on rent money so more begging and sales >>1314083
>Unflattering pic from “getting tied up in a hot old man’s basement” >>1314938 (this confirms it’s old man with dungeon from her first time in Seattle)
>Other pics from rope shoot with a different photographer dude >>1317352 & >>1317241
>Goes to ER with asthma problems and ends up admitted to hospital for a few days Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1213 posts and 324 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1332275

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No. 1332276

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Serving rodent/witch vibes

No. 1332283

this shit actually fills me with rage. the way she’s romanticizing/sexualizing child abuse… she is so so so sick and pathetic, such a vile creature. she deserves every horrible thing that’s coming her way. karma is a bitch

No. 1332284

Imagine being her doordash driver. You go to pick an order. It's enough food for several people. Maybe someone's having a party. Then you look at the address and realise that it's just that 40-year-old single mother treating her five kids to takeout.

No. 1332350

It's been said before in so many ways, but god damn Shayna is ugly

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