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No. 996474
Last thread was a success, let's have another for the world's most hated tranny.
>Soon to be 27-year-old edgelord troon, never grew out of his anti-SJW phase from 4 years ago that most of his friends from back then have abandoned>Got his fame from bashing causes such as feminism and Black Lives Matter on YT and sucking /pol/ chaser dick>Constantly makes fun of other people for being fat/ugly despite looking like a male neanderthal and having his weight constantly fluctuate>Once claimed he has never been rejected by anyone in his life and can get any guy he wants but has a fat, balding alcoholic fiance>Is incredibly dull and braindead, seemingly has no interests or talents other than talking shit which is why his content is so shit>Circlejerks retarded, uneducated opinions with other cows like shoe0nhead and Kalvin Garrah>Apparently has a drinking problemRecent News:
>Bob has decided to branch away from political videos and instead all his videos focus on cancelling pedophiles and other internet circus freaks (mostly other trannies) across various social media, an obvious attempt at still trying to make himself look better in comparison to others I may be a tranny freak but at least I'm not like these guys, right??>"Debated" Jonathan Yaniv, got accused of only doing it to boost his ego and get money rather than out of legitimate concern for Yaniv's victims>Revealed himself as half Hispanic, likely a lie to cover his ass for his past racism>Privated most of his old videos, especially the ones bashing Black Lives Matter and now tries to support the cause on Twitter as if he had never said anything contrary in the past>Almost got cancelled by some retards who faked screencaps of him saying nigger in Twitter DMs, whined about cancel culture and implied he was on the verge of suicide because of it even though he's made a career out of cancelling people>Still tries sucking up to big time YouTube celebrities like Jeffree Star who continue to ignore him, even Shane seems to have lost interest imblairewhite
TikTok: imblairewhite
>>>/snow/665451 No. 997042
>>997001Lurk more it’s from a past post.
He used to skin walk Instagram models such as the girl in the photo before switching over to the “baddie look”
No. 997243
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>>996999Yeah here’s at least one of his quotes.
No. 997252
Sage for samefag
>>997001As another anon said, this wrinkly old man is constantly trying to skinwalk teenage/early 20’s Instagram and TikTok thots but if you compare an average Instathot to Blaire you see how uncanny valley and gross he looks. Meanwhile chasers and other men like Rucka who suck up to him keep deluding him into thinking he’s better looking than the girls he fails at skinwalking, which boosts his ego so he continues to feel like he’s got the means to shit on others for their appearance.
No. 997287
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>>997273Speaking of self-loathing, do you think the reason why Bob is so against children and teens transitioning is not necessarily because it’s an anti-TRA talking point but also jealousy? Pic related is a 19-year-old TIM that transitioned at around the Tanner 3 stage of puberty. He’s decently famous and gets worshipped way more for his appearance than Blaire ever did across social media and chan sites. Wonder if Blaire looks at kids like this with their hip growth and soft facial features not requiring $50k in surgery and just rees out loud in envy.
That’s not to say I support kids or anybody for that matter transitioning, especially kids, but all trannies who transitioned post-18 years old seem to have a burning hatred for young transitioners and I dount Blaire is an exception.(derailing with some random tranny) No. 997356
>>997310That and Blaire is just lying. He told stories of how he DATED people who weren't okay with being seen with him, but according to him, no one has denied him, yeah they don't deny but they did hide.
>>997287Neither deserve to be worship for their looks because both at best look like average basic women and/or what they are
transwomen It's not worth ruining your health in the present and future to
maybe pass as a woman, not be able to have kids, a normal sex life, a tiny dating pool and all of that.
Most these people barely look like their pictures and it all falls apart when they are in motion. It's just not worth it and thats the only thing I stand by with Blaire.
And most who tran out as kids don't pass and look weird, so it's just a fucked up situation.
No. 997576
>>997310Yeah and also as for the TIF here
>>997243 I think her problem isn’t her personality necessarily being more “unlikeable” in comparison to Blaire (I mean yeah I guess she does on a whiny rant about how women won’t accept plastic dicks which comes across as rapey but like most TIFs I doubt she has any confidence to say it directly to another woman’s face and Blaire is not any more “likeable” in the shit he spews) but the main problem gynephilic TIFs have is the fact that they are usually short, bald, smell bad cuz they weren’t trained by their fathers how to practice male hygiene, full of acne, have Klinefelter-proportions and on top of that no dick. You find more incels who are better looking than the average TIF goblin, and at the very least they have dicks. Unless they are at least the average male height where they live, unusually attractive, and had unfortunate masculine features faces/bodies before the transition to make them actually look like men with T, TIFs are below incels in terms of appearance and dating. Go to /ftmg/ on 4chan and you see them constantly talking about how they hang around incel forums.
Even masculine TIMs are fetishized by gay and bi men but almost no woman wants a TIF, even if she’s bi or lesbian. Sucks for them, I guess. It’s no wonder the detransition rate for TIFs is so high compared to TIMs. T apparently turns them into horndogs but they have an empty dating pool regardless of personality. Imagine.
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>>997356taf does look softer in the face and much more feminine overall than Blaire though. Blaire always had an angular man jaw and chiseled midface even as a young teenager, not to mention the hips.
No. 997605
>>997583please sage and tbh does it matter if some random tranny whose pictures look just as manipulated looks softer then Blaire?
Blaire's issue isn't younger tranners "look better" it's that it's dangerous and retarded.
I can't believe i'm sticking up for Blaire. Out of all the anger, jealously and hate I think Blaire has for women and trans women, I truly believe he thinks he's apart of the very small pool of trans women who pass perfectly and that his competition is with women.
So unlike the transwomen who DO have extreme jealously for "passing" trans women and people who pass because they tranned younger, I doubt Blaire is one of those people because he believes he passes 100%.
Stop posting pictures of this guys budge, I don't know if this is an advertisement for this dude or what but who cares?
No. 997929
>>996999Because he's embellishing. I don't think that he had a problem getting laid but when it comes to relationships? Yeah I'm more than sure he struggled. I have a gay friend who looks pretty feminine though he has the sense to not call himself trans and he used to share with me the kinds of messages he'd get on dating apps and they were always mostly sexual. I think this is what Blaire means but he's trying to twist it around into these fetish chasers actually wanting to date him which we all know isn't true. Unless these guys are full-on gay, they usually always end up with women, not these men who think they are women.
>>997038Looks are objective honestly. I think Joey is unattractive but I'm not personally into fat hairy men but I know that this combo doesn't bother other women (and men like Blaire) so what do I know? lol.
>>997252This. At least with the women he tries to emulate, they don't need to put on 5 pounds of makeup and filter the shit out of their face to look the way they do. We've all seen what Blaire looks like without the makeup, lighting, angles, and filtering. Put him next to a woman and it makes it all the more obvious.
No. 997930
>>997929Samefag, I meant "Looks are subjective"
My bad lol.
No. 997938
>>997287Sorry anon but I'm more than sure this dude also heavily edits himself as well. Most troons do both young and old and even so, he's gonna age like a man regardless.
>>997356>That and Blaire is just lying. He told stories of how he DATED people who weren't okay with being seen with him, but according to him, no one has denied him, yeah they don't deny but they did hide.Yep I remember this too. He said that about his last boyfriend before he got with Joey. Sorry but if your relationship was having to be hidden away from your boyfriend's friends & family and the relationship is more or less a secret, then I'm sorry but you're not winning anything. You're just a glorified cum dump in that relationship.
No. 998204
>>997904why are people still obsessing over how fuckable a tranny is, he's obviously full of shit. he obviously edits himself and his man shoulders. what's more important is thoughts on the jeffree video?
Someone in a comment on it said that Jeffree is like the Cersei Lannister of youtube. I can't help but agree with that. Was Blaire a rape
victim pre or post transitioning? Also her bit at the end about Shane kind of made me cringe. I'm not sure if she is supposed to stop being friends with someone for years old jokes that he doesn't make anymore or what.
No. 998205
>>998204I personally feel that the only reason Blaire is denouncing Jeffree is because his asslicking to him never went anyway. Blaire was so up Jeffree's asshole for most of 2019 and it was clear he was just clout-chasing but when Jeffree kept ignoring him, he realized that his constant asslicking would never work. I'm pretty sure that if Jeffree actually gave Blaire what he wanted, he wouldn't be making that video on him.
On the rape thing, I hate to say this but I feel Blaire is lying or embellishing it just for more clout. I have no proof obviously but I know that Blaire loves to be the center and is still in that desperate for fame thing that he'll see anything to get that ball rolling.
No. 998206
*His asslicking to him never went anywhere
No. 1000798
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>>1000695 yea same, his head and shoulders are a lot bigger compared to the rest of him
No. 1000799
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No. 1001367
>>1001110NTA but you must have never been in like…any cow threads before this one then. The whole >wahhhh you guys are only mean because trans
shit doesnt apply or work here.
No. 1001410
>>1000815Eh I dunno anon, these pictures were taken from a different angle (reverse bird's eye) and I just have a feeling that if we saw a picture of him normal view, we'd be seeing what we saw in the previous thread. It's the game of knowing which angles flatters you best and Blaire and most troons are a good rule of thumb with this concept.
>>1001110The reason why a lot point out his mannish looks is because he tries to ultimately catfish people into thinking he looks a certain way when in reality, he looks nothing like it.
But yeah aside from him laughably trying to hide what he really looks like, there's mot much else to say about him outside of pointing out his crap quality videos.
No. 1004127
>>1003122It's not really about Blaire being hideous. Even though most don't care for him or find him obnoxious, ignoring personal taste, we can see that he's not ugly, we just say that he doesn't look like a woman when you take away the perfect lighting and filters, especially the filters because he has a tendency to abuse the smoothing feature like no other lol.
Saying that he doesn't look like a woman, we're not saying he's ugly. He can be a pretty man but just that, a pretty man, not a woman because he isn't one.
No. 1007045
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Really blaire?? Really(emoji)
No. 1007061
>>1007050True, but why is blaire white making it seem like he’s the PERFECT trans person? Without any issues or hardships. Everyone has issues and dating can be hard for anyone.
As if blaire isn’t with Joey because his opinions are slim..
Is it transphobic to not date a trans person? Yeah, but it’s like wanting to date a person of a certain race. It’s racist to say “I’d be friends with a person of >certain race< I’m just not going to date them “
But it is what it is. People are transphobic and racist.
No. 1007088
>>1007061>Is it transphobic to not date a trans person? Yeah, but it’s like wanting to date a person of a certain race. It’s racist to say “I’d be friends with a person of >certain race< I’m just not going to date them “ ok I'm falling for this bait
is it fatphobic if you don't wanna date obese people then? do you know what preference is? kek
No. 1007099
>>1007045They're both pathetic and cringe worthy, but the tweet is x100 more
problematic, especially to lesbians.
No. 1007138
>>1007061Blaire's 100% right.
It's not transphobic, stop using that "It's just like racism" excuse as well. Black people not out here calling people racist for people not wanting to date them, Trans people DO do this shit.
Blaire does have a point, it's done because 90% of people don't want to date trans. Blaire is just constantly trying to show off like, "I never had issues!!!" thats him trying to do his usual, "I'm one of the special ones!! Yall just ugly, I don't have no issues!"
it's that male in him going, "I get bitches".
However, not dating someone for any reason isn't a "Phobia".
Cut that rapey shit out, it sounds retarded and sorry.
No. 1007427
>>1007045Again, he's straight up lying. I don't doubt that he probably was getting attention when he was single but I'm like 95% sure most of it was just sexual interest. They only wanted him for sex but to have an actual relationship? I highly doubt that and Joey was already mingled in the gay scene with the Drag Queens so I'm convinced that's the only reason they met and he stuck around. Joey's gay but closeted, I am more than sure lol.
>>1007061>Joey because his opinions are slim.. Opinions? You mean "options"? Either way I have to admit that I kinda agree. Like Blaire's previous ex-boyfriend before joey, he actually looked semi attractive from what I remember but the relationship was a discreet one. This was the ex-boyfriend who made Blaire hide in his closet or bedroom whenever his parents came to visit him at his dorm, the boyfriend was not open, at least not to his parents anyway and it's like, how does it feel to be treated like you're not good enough to meet the parents of the man you're dating?
Also I disagree with your last point. It's not "Transphobic". Considering that these effeminate gay men calling themselves "Transwomen" are trying to get at straight men, of course straight men don't want to date them, straight men don't date dudes no matter how pretty they are otherwise they would just be bisexual or gay. And gay people make up a fairly small percent of the population and it's not different for these gay men calling themselves "Transwomen".
>>1007099Agreed. That's what the "Transbians" do and it's disgusting.
>>1007138>Blaire is just constantly trying to show off like, "I never had issues!!!" thats him trying to do his usual, "I'm one of the special ones!! Yall just ugly, I don't have no issues!" Let's just see if he'll be singing that tune if things don't work out with Joey and he has to go back on the dating scene kek.
No. 1007969
>>1007853All "true trans" hate AGPs for some reason. I've never really understood it honestly, what's the difference? It's not because the AGP is a creepy fetishist, it seems to be because they're older and hetero instead of an effeminate young gay guy with a fetish for straight men.
>>997583Lol, his shoulder are wider than Blaire's and facially he looks like a 16 year old boy. His parents are shitty, they started him on HRT when he was 15. Now this poor dumb kid just copes on Twitter that straight guys totally want him, he could've been cute and have more dating options.
No. 1008048
>>1007969I think it's because AGPs are the ones who people think of when they think "Trans". They think Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs who was an AGP albeit more extreme lol.
> Now this poor dumb kid just copes on Twitter that straight guys totally want himThe poor fool though I don't put the blame on him, his parents are the ones who should get the side eye.
No. 1010160
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No. 1010247
>>1010160I get on blaire's looks but I don't even think he's that bad looking, but he looks like a straight up little person tranny right here. Hard as fuck.
>>1010187Why do you care about Chasers opinion on women? They are bisexual/gay men with a fetish for hard tits and dicks.
Women can have hard tits but we don't have dicks, trust me, you don't want the attention or men that want blaire.
Of course Chasers think their fetish is better then women, gay men tend to like men more and bisexual men tend to lean more towards one sex or the other.
No. 1010405
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No. 1010448
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No photoshop
No. 1010470
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>>1010180>>1010187Exactly. I don’t know why he keeps wearing tight clothes that accentuate his male frame. If he wore something flowy that cinched at the waist then he would look a lot better (like pic related).
No. 1010503
>>1010163You know it just shows that he's the king of fakery. I remember in that one video he did a few years ago where he tried to prove to Onision that he has a curvy figure and did that cringe turn-around shot whilst he was wearing a body shaper leotard lol. His body did not change, he still has man body and all, just with bolt-ons attached.
>>1010180Because then he wouldn't be seen as a sex bomb anon. He needs to prove that he's better than "real women" to his neckbeard audience.
>>1010187Never underestimate the power of a fetish anon. That's really the only reason why they say that. That and plus they want his penis because they're secretly gay.
No. 1010504
>>1010244It looks odd? I mean he's been known to have a huge head as most men do but odd? Maybe it's the bad Photoshop/facetuning you're eye is being drawn to.
>>1010247Agreed, you shouldn't care what these chasers think and should be grateful they're chasing after men in dresses over us. If you have the misfortune of getting with one of these men, it just never ends well.
No. 1010544
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How much photoshop?
No. 1010588
>>1010164Holy shit, his body looks like made of clay by someone who only heard how a woman is supposed to look like.
>>1010214Yeah, but they don't have an adonis belt either.
No. 1010682
>>1010678Blaire truly is just like other mtfs. Everything he says is a contradiction that people have evidence for.He went on and on about how joeys family accepted him and that never trouble but it’s like…of course his family accepted him if Joey had a full blown tranny ex before Blaire.
If you replace chaser with any other fetish everything coming out of his mouth seems even more pathetic. It’s like a fat girl with a man who has a fetish for that stuff trying to convince you that it’s different. It’s like an asian girl with a guy with yellow fever trying to tell you it’s not the same.
No. 1010700
>>1010544I don't think it's Photoshop but I definitely feel it's body tune and face tune from a phone camera app. Contour feature + smoothing feature on his face and the waist shaper and butt lifter on his body.
>>1010665Thanks for the summary anon. The only new thing here is that Joey indeed has dated/sexed other delusional men who think they are women. I had a big feeling he did because he worked with Drag Queens and some of those men do think they are women so it's not surprising.
And no one is saying that all "chasers" are gay but they aren't straight and that's the main takeaway. Seems like they are the ones who are insecure of not being seen as straight.
>>1010678Exactly, as per usual he needs to stick with the "Not like other trans" shtick but it's clear that he knows he's not as hot shit as he thinks he is because if the guy is not a chaser, he wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole.
> How can he say he's not a woman, but at the same time say that fucking him isn't gay? Again, "Not like other trans" blaire is JUST like other trans.This is the thing that always confuses me. Dude, you're an adult human male and if you're having sex with another adult human male (Joey), you are having gay sex. It's clear that Joey is delusional and insecure but why is Blaire not being honest about the reality of this?
>>1010684>He likes feminized men.Exactly. I don't know if you remember the video anon but do you remember that video Blaire did called "IS Joey Gay?". In that video when he asked Joey if he was ever attracted to other men "Like him" (Masculine looking men) and Joey obviously said "no" but then Blaire just promptly skipped to the next question without asking him if he had ever been attracted to feminine men?
No. 1010707
>>1010700He'd never ask Joey if he's attracted to dick, because that's what this is about. Joey is attracted to dicks.
Which is gay, which is why transwomen moved from calling it a "dick" to calling it a "Girl dick", hoping it'd catch on and make chasers/trans attracted men feel it's not gay because "it's on a woman".
Bottom line is, I feel Blaire is doing this for Joey. I think Blaire would say it's gay if he was with a guy who admits it's gay.
He knows Joey has the common crazy Chaser issue, they don't think it's gay because the man is acting like a girl.
Joey would probably fuck Jeffree or James no issue and probably has fucked men who are fem.
you know, like BLAIRE. There's even gay guys saying they are banging "Straight men" so, it's all just internalized homophobia and fetish based.
The question of "are you attracted to men?" implies that Blaire is NOT a man, which goes against everything she's said.
If Joey can smash people with dicks and claim to be straight, do people think anyone in a glass closet like him would admit he's gay/bisexual?
It still bothers Blaire that people don't see him as a woman even if he gets told constantly he looks like one and is better then one.
fucking Jeffree Star/James would'nt become less gay because they call themselves women now, but according to a lot of TRA it is, which is what Joey and Blaire are saying.
No one cares that Joey likes trannies, this is all more proof that Blaire is just like other trans. At the very least I give Blaire props she goes for the men into her, however, I feel she does it because rejection seems to bother her more then the average person.
She knows straight men aren't into her sexually, and if she could prove that a 100% straight man wanted her, she'd be screaming about girl dicks and all that shit.
No. 1010779
>>1010455According to drag queen apparently not. It just means you can't have a boner or pee conveniently. And it gets sweaty in there.
>>1010470I get what you are trying to demonstration, but I think Blaire would benefit from wearing something youthful.
>>1010665Blaire is really as delusional as other trannies. At the end of the day, the physicality of a trans person post transition is not natural. It's not normal for somebody to have a preference for somebody who has the opposite set of genitalia to their outward presenting gender. An attraction to trans people is nothing more than a paraphillia. The chances of Blaire having a normal long term partner have dwindled thanks to transitioning.
No. 1010816
>>1010779>>An attraction to trans people is nothing more than a paraphillia.Damn this is mean but it's kind of true. A lot of men into transwomen often treat it like a fetish, it's always hyper-sexualized, dick focused or a secret.
A lot of men treat it like that. Even how Blaire or Joey sexualize Blaire & their relationship is different from a guy sexualizing or showing off their hot girlfriend.
No. 1010937
>>1010816It is. I'm the same anon (
>>1010709 ) and my friend who is a gay guy who is very feminine in appearance, like he wears long wigs and makeup and dresses but he doesn't think he's a woman for it, he told me that he attracts these chasers as well and in his opinion, they are just closeted bisexual or in some cases, gay men who don't want to accept their non-heterosexual sexuality. From what my friend told me, it really is just about sex and shame, that's why so many of these troons have next to no dating life because the men they attract are insecure closet-cases.
>>1010829Understood, you meant something more coverted up but still trendy. But we know Blaire will not do that because he fetishes the pornstar look.
No. 1010976
>>1010937I do have a gay friend who follows a bunch of a trannies but at the same time talks about eating James charles ass. Some gays do call trannies "Training wheels" for bisexual/gay guys but some never take the training wheels off and live their truth.
Joey is just a fetishist. I feel if we keep speaking on this Blaire will try to do some nikita shit and out some 100% straight men for thristing on a picture or something.
There's nothing trannies hate more then saying it's gay/bisexual to be into them. Seems the ones who admit it have been lives.
No. 1011071
>>1011049That or the fetishist man cheats on his wife or girlfriend with a troon. Same gay feminine friend said he gets a lot of "discreet" married or men with girlfriends hitting him up all the time on Grindr. But yeah if Joey is really that traditional, I don't see him staying with Blaire for a good long while neither.
>>1010976Yeah my friend said something similar about troons only he didn't say "Training wheels", he said "Stepping stones" lol. And even if Blaire did pull a Nikita, wouldn't that just prove that some closeted men are just really good at hiding it?
> There's nothing trannies hate more then saying it's gay/bisexual to be into them. Seems the ones who admit it have been lives.I think the reason why they hate that is because they know that's the thing that their chases fear the most. Being thought of as not straight and they need that delusion. I haven't met a troon who admits being into them was gay. I know some people like my feminine gay friend who don't bullshit and they do seem happier.
No. 1011370
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Some ugly fakeboi posted this about Blaire White on tiktok(offtopic)
No. 1011499
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>>1011370I’m pretty sure that “blackface” is a pore mask, not actual blackface but it’s funny to see old posts of Blaire shitting on BLM when he’s been going on about being anti-cop and being enraged about police violence against black people as of late.
No. 1011509
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>>1011499Also samefag but no one has capped her pro-BLM tweets yet so here’s one.
No. 1012425
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>>1011509It’s really rich since he hates black people and BLM. The only thing that changed is now supporting the cause is in favor so now he’s fence sitting on the group. I’ll never forget how that walking fridge tried to call his fake cheap weave lushes (trying to pass it as his own) comparing it to a video of a black woman .
No. 1012447
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>>1010470I know what you mean, the idea of the dress is there but that one in particular is too matronly. The v-neck adds unnecessary angularity and makes the shoulders look even more broad. The material is too flowing and thin to really give him any figure. I think something like pic related might be better since it covers up the manish shoulders, arms, and collarbone, while the fabric is stiff enough to support an a-line shape in the skirt.
Dress autism aside … Robbie never goes for feminine silhouettes. It's either bodycon or plain vulgar. He doesn't really want to be a woman, he a gay scene boy who just wants male attention. See Blanchard's homosexual transsexual.
No. 1014179
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No. 1014292
>>1013208Well Blaire has to look down at somebody. I guess the mountains of trannies that he feels are crazier, uglier and he's better then is a huge start.
He knows he can call a TERF or feminist ugly all day long, but they are still women and he's still a tranny, I guess he knows it bothers those "Fake" trans more and he's fighting the good fight.
Question, what makes Blaire a "Real" transwomen? because if you ask me Blaire offers nothing productive to the world other then lukewarm basic takes and I feel he trans for the same reason Nikita trans, because they were fem men who wanted to
look like women.
Not that they actually felt so strongly to be one. They both felt they'd look better, have more attention and get men if they looked like women rather then their homely male selves.
In Blaire's case he snatched up a manlet and a sea of chasers, he does not seem happy with his life or anything.
No. 1014558
>>1014179Fuck. It seems the candids strike again lol
>>1014292> what makes Blaire a "Real" transwomen? because if you ask me Blaire offers nothing productive to the world other then lukewarm basic takes and I feel he trans for the same reason Nikita trans, because they were fem men who wanted to look like women.That's the real question. It's funny how blaire and people like him yammer on and on about how they are the true troons but really? What makes them "real"? I think he coats by because he thinks he's so passable and his neckbeard audience doesn't misgender him which makes him thinks he passes but when we see pictures like this
>>1014179 , he has to be delusional because the only thing he has up against the other troons is better camera angles and lighting.
> In Blaire's case he snatched up a manlet and a sea of chasers, he does not seem happy with his life or anything.I caught onto this too but can you blame him? When your image and reputation is based solely on a lie, how can you be comfortable with yourself?
No. 1020875
File: 1597086514764.png (5.51 MB, 2436x1125, 28FF5788-3AA4-4927-966D-22001B…)

No. 1020888
>>1001778sorry for replying to old post but notice how blaire is the type to throw his friends under the bus for views and subscribers. he’s no better than jeffree in that regard.
meanwhile his ex-friend garrett watts before the shitshow (and after they had stopped being friends) said good nothing but things about shane in an interview and currently seems to be staying out of the drama. that’s being genuine, imo.
No. 1025289
File: 1597778689011.png (340.25 KB, 590x401, 0B651E3C-9CD4-4FE2-BF67-311BE4…)

No. 1025318
>>1025289I can't explain it but her and eden's faces both have like a..uncanny valley look to it, then you see them in videos and they look like either little boys or weird creations.
this is just blaire baiting, all it takes is bad botched boobs, bad facial work, photoshop and filters.
I have no idea why trannies brags on their looks when put them up to the most basic insta thot and they can't even compare.
No. 1025351
>>1025289Now he's just being ridiculous. Something tells me he is lurking here and getting all butthurt that people are saying he looks manly. First off, the only thing stopping other men like him from doing what he's doing is lack of photoshop/filtering. His face always looks so fake and plastic in his photos and in his videos, his face looks washed out from the smoothing filter.
>>1025320Eh If other troons had the amount of time to highly edit and morph their photos like he does, they would all mostly blend in. It's already telling enough that he filters his waist when we've all seen he's built like a vertical rectangle. not trying to be mean but he has not curves, no man does unless he's overweight and even then, it's not really "curves".
No. 1026365
>>1013208>>1014292>what makes Blaire a "Real" transwomen?>>1014558>What makes them "real"?Technically speaking, aren't "real" trannies diagnosed with gender dysphoria? Their brains are supposedly wired in such a way that makes them feel like they're in the wrong body. Of course the psychology field has a lot of issues and
valid criticism's been thrown at its legitimacy, but that's another topic entirely.
>>1025557>mentally healthyHence the gender dysphoria diagnosis.
No. 1027447
File: 1598164065702.png (119.65 KB, 496x432, Screenshot_20200822-232309.png)

His next poorly researched and poorly executed video on Chrissy?
No. 1029456
File: 1598513050948.jpeg (318.69 KB, 828x916, 11670021-901A-4693-A902-DD2F57…)

No. 1029465
>>1029456Kek, Imagine believing any of this happened. Okay, at best a bunch of chasers were probably telling him to come on down, but does blaire TRULY think repubs give a fuck about him?
You are a token, you are a tool. He's the repub contrapoints except not as rich, not as "famous", not as respected and more fetishized.
I'm positive most Repubs even ones who want to fuck Blaire, still see him as a mentally ill abomination. I'm also positive, most liberals do not give a fuck about Blaire's well being.
In fact, I've seen them whine about Blaire having "passing privilege" so they'd probably think because Blaire in their eyes looks like a woman, he wouldn't be clocked to be in danger. Lowkey some may WANT Blaire to get beat up by conservatives so he can become their trans spokesperson.
He was JUST talking up BLM.
No. 1029485
>>1029465You’re exactly right. My partner and I were discussing how now so may right wingers who are using SJW identity politic tactics (Blaire, Lady Maga, any Jew who kisses ass to Nazi larpers):
“It’s like a dog sitting with you at the dinner table. People think it’s cute, but no one will ever treat it like an actual human.”
I’m a native Texan, and unless he moves to more liberal areas like Austin or San Antonio, this fag is gonna get decked there like his other ugly friend in L.A.
And maybe this is me being MOTI, but hopefully. He needs a rude awakening to snap him out of his delusion that he’s equal or better than a biological woman.
(blog) No. 1029494
>>1029485Yes, like does he think that a repub wouldn't dare touch or harm him because "He's one of the good ones?"
The debate isn't even a left or right one, it's about crazy ass men/people. In a way, I'm not sure if Blaire is saying that he'd be clocked or he thinks he's so famous & beloved with repubs that they'll know who he is and welcome him with open arms.
This may be a set up for Blaire to say he was attacked by some crazy Terf or Liberal. People who hate trans people and want to attack them randomly don't care if they are on the left or the right.
It's that male brain of his, he thinks,"i'm one of the boys! Liberals are worried about me being attacked by my boys, but my boys telling me it's all good!" Like he's in a gang or some shit.
He needs to stop letting the loud minority of trans loving repubs make him feel like they all respect or care about him. They don't care anymore then anyone else.
No. 1029596
File: 1598549097318.jpeg (141.87 KB, 750x591, 2A361846-9F65-4915-81A2-FDF30D…)

>>1029485Lol. Confirmed that mod is worthless and single.
>USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE. (ban evasion) No. 1029598
>>1029596I care
Pouring one out for yeehaw anons
No. 1029602
>>1029596>>1029598>>1029599You can easily make your point without making yourself the subject of the matter. You’re clearly from KF where they’re way stricter on powerleveling, so you should know better.
>It’s like a dog sitting with you at the dinner table. People think it’s cute, but no one will ever treat it like an actual human. Unless he moves to more liberal areas like Austin or San Antonio, this fag is gonna get decked there like his other ugly friend in L.A. He needs a rude awakening to snap him out of his delusion that he’s equal or better than a biological woman.See, fixed it for you without the weird inclusion of your life story.
No. 1029634
>>1029465> Kek, Imagine believing any of this happened. Okay, at best a bunch of chasers were probably telling him to come on down, but does blaire TRULY think repubs give a fuck about him?You are a token, you are a tool. He's the repub contrapoints except not as rich, not as "famous", not as respected and more fetishized.
"And clapped clapped", fucking ridiculous he is. Yeah I can't believe I'm saying this but Contrapoints who is a buffoon is much more respected than Blaire and any "interest" he has is coming from tranny chasers via closet cases.
>>1029485I think he was trying to move to Austin so there's that but yeah, he's ridiculous if he thinks he's gonna be welcome there with open arms in the state as a whole.
No. 1029636
>>1029494> I'm not sure if Blaire is saying that he'd be clocked or he thinks he's so famous & beloved with repubs that they'll know who he is and welcome him with open arms.Considering how narcissistic his ass is, I feel it's a little of both.
> He needs to stop letting the loud minority of trans loving repubs make him feel like they all respect or care about him. They don't care anymore then anyone else.Eh I say let him do this. He needs to experience the dose of reality that he's not as important as he thinks he is and something like this would be the perfect learning opportunity to have that.
No. 1032947
File: 1599161578979.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1125x1761, 6CD81AF5-CA14-41FC-B54A-325DA0…)

Am I the only one that thinks blair looks like a deer in headlights ?
No. 1032986
>>1032947People really out there saying he passes. With that face and those
No. 1032999
>>1032947eh he looks fine, Blaire does kind of look like a early transer because he has that huge head and literally looks like a little boy.
Like it looks like his head with through puberty but not his body. At least he's dressing normally and unlike Eden and nikita Blaire doesn't look like a walking sex doll tranny freak 100% of the time.
No. 1033145
>>1032947This looks so much better than the usual Orlando stripper visiting LA shit. I actually like it a lot.
… I want to hike up those pants though. The bulge can’t be THAT big???
No. 1033937
File: 1599311363536.png (Spoiler Image,674.83 KB, 960x540, 23DB70E8-597F-4D1E-93E3-C526E7…)

Ladies, what’s stopping you from obtaining a man like this?
No. 1034025
>>1033937damn they both look horrible in this picture, In fact almost every picture I've seen of blaire that he isn't posed in he always looks different.
And i've never looked at his man, but did he put on some pounds? Was he always this chubby?I know he's really short.
I was so afriad to click that spoiler because I thought it was going to be Blaire naked or Joey naked.
Instead I got rock hard tits, tranny "o" face and a fat back chaser.
No. 1034575
>>1032947I see he's wearing those hip pad things again lol.
>>1032986The face thing is so true. Yeah sure, from far away he may "pass" but get up close and really focus on his face and you start to see his male features even with the filters.
>>1032999I've gotta ask. If Blaire was just living in reality and not foolishly thinking there is anything "woman" about him and was just being the man he is who just likes to dress the way he does, would you guys still say anything?
No. 1034576
>>1033105Pretty sure he's still wearing them, at least it looks like it. The way he's trying to prop up his right leg and you just can't help but notice that unnatural curvature at the top… Yeah pretty he's wearing pads.
>>1033145Seems like he's maybe trying to prepare to dress more conservative for when he moves to Texas
No. 1037196
>>1037066Holy fuck anon, what video is that from?
Really goes to show that every bit of him in his pictures are fake or manipulated, he still has the body of a skinny man.
No. 1037225
>>1037200Well tbf, he always has hair out in front laying above them so you can't really notice just how big and wide his shoulders really are. I mean you can kinda get a glimpse here
>>1000798But aside from that yeah, the only time you notice what his body looks like is if his picture or video is recorded by someone other than himself or his boyfriend.
No. 1042822
File: 1600727928769.png (203.55 KB, 332x543, ooooo.PNG)

>>1037066those man hips omfg
No. 1043146
>>1037066Wasn’t there some kebab on Twitter saying how women should be as feminine as Robbie? It was that pic with him on the treadmill.
Chasers continue picking up Ls.
No. 1043161
>>1042861I'm guess this picture wasn't taken by Joey because damn, if you stare at his face for a good few seconds, you can see his masculine features popping out.
>>1043126It's not his real hair, he wears extensions. His real hair comes up to about his shoulders I believe.
No. 1043634
File: 1600856628977.jpeg (333.45 KB, 960x1432, B2E73231-0805-4074-AA95-9806E2…)

You can totally see the butt pad in this picture and the dead look in his eyes
No. 1044873
File: 1600997919770.jpeg (468 KB, 1800x1642, AD5F7DBF-9AA5-4653-96CB-7E68E3…)

I can’t be the only who can see how manly his face is.
No. 1044910
File: 1601002074193.jpeg (2.09 MB, 1108x1699, A73FD4FC-2F6A-41BB-B543-614D3E…)

>>1044873Looks like Michael Ian black
No. 1045027
File: 1601027540079.jpeg (185.96 KB, 900x1367, 70A9A0B9-FD2A-4C86-A8E7-AAFFA1…)

>>1044910Yes they look like twins
No. 1045033
File: 1601028326010.jpeg (963.09 KB, 960x1071, A521C9A6-94C7-462B-AD37-1F0AAE…)

Terrible and scary in this picture, right ?
No. 1045041
>>1045033this is why I side eye "straight men who go, "some of these transwomen look better then women, it's getting spooky"
They know about photoshop and manipulation when it comes to women but suddenly they believe the transwomen they "find" online look 100% like they present themselves.
Blaire looks trans or like a man, more so then I've ever seen him look. It's really shocking.
I talk a lot of shit about Blaire but when I see pictures like this I'm reminded how the same people who shit on bio women for photo manipulation and filters praise Blaire knowing he does the same shit.
No. 1045126
File: 1601046126466.png (454.29 KB, 533x565, faasffa.png)

why does her face have a gradient? and why is the jaw area so swollen?
No. 1045194
>>1044929He wears the extensions to mask his wide-set linebacker shoulders. Notice how when he has the hair extensions in, he always makes sure to drape them in front of his shoulders, never has the hair pushed behind him or at least not on both sides anyway.
>>1045033Okay I've gotta ask, is that person on the right a transman? Or is he just very short?
>>1045041Just don't pay attention to those "Straight" men anon, they're deluding themselves heavily and are too scared to except that they can find other dudes attractive. Place Blaire next to an ordinary young woman and it only makes it all the more obvious how non-passable Blaire really is.
No. 1045204
>>1045194If you showed me this picture with no context of who these people are, no joke, I'd think Blaire was the only biological man and the other two were exteremely passing FTM's.
I'd be like, "oh it's three trans people hanging out" crazy how sandwitched between two men Blaire looks more manly then I've ever seen her look.
The only way to see some troons real face and body is to see pictures taken by someone else, or uploaded on someone elses account.
I once saw a picture of a troon on their account where they looked like a real doll, I saw the same picture on a friends account and they looked totally different, dude flat out created a new face and body, but the other unedited picture showed the truth.
Women do this as well but troons do this and people pretend like this is how they look. Not that it matters.
It's just funny seeing how far people go for online praise.
No. 1046995
File: 1601272224408.png (603.56 KB, 720x1200, Screenshot_20200927-224940.png)

He is STILL making content without research. Another mediocre man being catapulted into fame and money because stupid coomers think he's hot when he pretends to be a woman.
No. 1047174
>>1047109He’s just going to parrot what is popular stance. To me it reeks of typical his typical antics of loudly aligning himself to get the attention of someone. I tinfoil Joe Rogan who has brought guest after guest talking about this exact topic.
Just seems like he’s trying to get ahead of the game but putting the chips down now.
No. 1047176
>>1047174Sorry for the errors half awake.
Of his typical antics*
No. 1047188
>>1046995It's really not surprised that he didn't do his research yet again. He's done this so much in the past when he made political videos so this really isn't anything different. Blaire doesn't have journalistic integrity and is just using a thin veil trying to show off how "passable" he is in comparison to men like that. And like
>>1047109 said, it's just clear that he did another clickbait video because he doesn't have any pedo shit to talk about but he needs that coin from his clueless audience.
No. 1047196
>>1045033is that the little guy from big brother or some show? He's a trump supporter?
>>1047188Trans childern and trans athletes are the easiest ways to peak people when you care and actually know what you are talking about. The thing is Blaire who does not care and especially does not care about women. So it's funny when he talks about these situations.
Sidenote, someone said that Blaire's boyfriend hit him before, I'm not trying to be spoonfed but did that happen? So he's a
abusive gay tranny chaser?
No. 1047287
>>1047196>is that the little guy from big brother or some show? He's a trump supporter?JC Mounduix from Big Brother, and yes. He also got reprimanded twice for touching another male contestant inappropriately in his sleep in 2018.
Blaire keeping good company.
No. 1047374
>>1047196> Trans childern and trans athletes are the easiest ways to peak people when you care and actually know what you are talking about. The thing is Blaire who does not care and especially does not care about women. So it's funny when he talks about these situations.You're right that trans children and trans athletes are some of the fastest ways to peak trans a person. Personally the thing that peaked the hell out of me was when I saw footage of how SRS is performed, fucking horrifying shit. Especially when they were saying that gross festering hole is the same as a vagina and they want kids to be able to have that like Jazz Jennings did? Fuck no.
But yeah it's clear that Blaire doesn't care about most the shit he talks about, just whatever lines his pockets.
>Abusive Gay Tranny ChaserI remember hearing this and it's why they called off their engagement but I'm not sure if it's actually true or not. Wouldn't be surprised if it was though.
No. 1047471
>>1046995To think that a pic of his own body
>>1045033 would've been enough to get across his point about why men shouldn't compete in womens sports, but of course he just had to find a dude who's even more swole…
No. 1048358
File: 1601457966318.jpeg (1.23 MB, 960x1597, C7964D2D-927C-4B98-897A-C47309…)

They look like brothers in this picture
No. 1048548
>>1048358Is this on the MAGdits page? Blaire's friends KEEP telling on him with these pictures if so.
The only way to see how Blaire really looks is these pictures. His face looks..swollen and weird.
He does not look good.
Sidenote, I watched a video where Wanye Gross showed how some BG's use a filter over their videos and it made them look totally different. I think thats what Blaire usually uses in his.
Again, the short dude looks more softer then Blaire.
No. 1049845
File: 1601616754428.jpeg (418.46 KB, 828x1036, 99436860-D851-4CE8-BA5E-49EEDF…)

cow crossover
No. 1052389
File: 1601925494287.jpg (94.88 KB, 749x919, 1601923133245.jpg)

Blaire tried to fight with Halsey. It didn't end well for him. No. 1052392
File: 1601925541357.jpg (64.53 KB, 713x698, 1601923264823.jpg)

>>1052389She mocked him for deleting everything too, kek.
No. 1052404
>>1052393we've been seeing a lot of Blaire's true face nowadays.
Anyway, he needs to shut the fuck up and stop trying to call people out.
Those chasers and "fans" got him thinking he's untouchable. Again he's caught not doing his research.
No. 1052418
>>1052389If fucking
Halsey is in the right about something you know you look like a dumbass.
No. 1052571
File: 1601941378097.jpeg (1.27 MB, 960x1290, 212E47E4-0A1B-42A1-B34A-736F32…)

I’m sure he thinks he looks so badass.
Haha nope!
No. 1055528
File: 1602303422270.jpeg (55.34 KB, 828x200, EAC752BC-CC0A-49AB-A621-1A99CE…)

Anyone notice his followers dipped below 1m as of about a week ago?
No. 1055542
File: 1602305780349.jpeg (223.56 KB, 540x902, 08516919-E9CF-4169-8C2C-7B2F03…)

>>1055528On social blade around 10/06/20 Blaire lost a bunch of followers and again a couple a days ago. Maybe it was a combination on what was happening on Twitter and the walkway thing.
Nobody posted the full outfit so here it is. I see he’s attempting to corset train now instead of relying on butt pads.
No. 1055572
>>1055565Yeah I noticed that video popped up in my feed. Frankly I'm over watching these delusional men thinking theyre women and women thinking they're men argue, at least to where I don't want to sit through it but do you mind giving us a little synopsis of what he was getting called out for this time? Was it about how Blaire lied about the trans athlete?
>>1055542Gotta agree with
>>1055550 , Corset isn't doing him any favors. Also gotta do that hair trick again otherwise they'll see his lineback broad shoulders. I'll give him this though, this isn't the worst outfit he's done lol.
No. 1055579
>>105557So the quote that Blaire put in the title of the video was a lie
The athlete in question, Janae, has never and stated will never compete in women's sports
And because of Blaire's lies, Janae got a lot of harassment from the video
There's also a brief mention that Blaire definitely didn't read the JKR book and lied about the info in that video too
No. 1055594
>>1055582Blaire getting officially cancelled along the lines of Shane Dawson would be funny as hell considering he makes his living off of cancelling people and sending (often unwarranted) hate to others from his fans.
Have you noticed since he stopped focusing on Riley Dennis, the like-to-dislike ratio on Riley’s videos is mostly positive, with 90% positive comments? As opposed to 2016-2017 when Blaire was making dozens of tweets and videos about him and Riley’s videos were getting tens of thousands more views (Blaire’s audience) who were disliking them and harassing him? Riley is a delusional idiot don’t get me wrong but he’s nowhere near as malicious as Blaire and it shows you what happens when a YouTuber with influence targets others. Plus Riley never said anything to or about Blaire except a vague tweet where he didn’t accept the apology video in which Blaire halfassedly apologized for assuming he wasn’t “trutrans” (which he owed Blaire nothing, especially after Blaire ruined his online career for a bit).
No. 1055595
Blaire face keeps getting longer and longer. I didn't watch any of the troon babble from any of the videos, so was Blaire on JKR side? Did he say the book was about something it wasn't to defend or to make JKR look bad?
Regardless, if the right wing said only transwome who passed and were like Blaire were women, 100% Blaire would be screaming about girl dick and how he's a woman.
The left allows ANYONE, Blaire does not like that. He does not care about trans atheletes, he does not care about JKR, he only repeats what he feels will get him attention and make him seem like a "trua and honest transwomen".
I'm happy I never feel for the "blaire has sense, she's one of the good ones, I'll call her, a woman because x, y and z"
No. he's not.
I've said it a million times, if everyone is brave and stunning, what does it matter if Blaire puts money and effort into her looks? if everyone is a woman what does it matter if Blaire tries to act/look like one?
On the right, a lot of people just think troons are disgusting, to Blaire if he can repeat talking points not even caring to research them then he could make them go, "I just hate non-passing left troons, ones like Blaire are women"
If the left suddenly decided troons needed to do this or that in order to be considered trans, Blaire would be right over defending all the crazy shit.
No. 1055724
File: 1602339452611.jpeg (113.36 KB, 960x758, 30FDE71F-E7CE-4C1F-BF12-BD7C8D…)

Why dose blair make these facial expressions ?
No. 1056209
>>1055542As someone who tighlaces irl, that "corset" looks like $60 ebay trash. When buying a corset,you get what you pay for and you have to break them in and… whatever. She has such tacky fucking taste and I hate it.
>>1055595Basically Blaire said Rowling's antagonist's cross dressing only made one page of the book, but his whole character was based around gender identity issues being a fetish. Not terribly different from Silence of the Lambs, but Blaire got her information off of a tweet and did no research, let alone pick up a book.
No. 1057649
File: 1602604606054.jpeg (89.01 KB, 828x504, 5A3DC9A0-64F9-46BE-9DE8-A89160…)

His followers are at 997k followers now. Lost another 1k
It’s stable now but for anyone interested in the downfall:
> No. 1057800
File: 1602610745605.jpg (136.31 KB, 477x894, Laverne_Cox_by_Sachyn_Mital_cr…)

imagine simping for some ugly white bitch when goddess laverne is right here
No. 1059501
File: 1602795057748.jpg (115.59 KB, 1200x801, sammy-sosa.jpg)

>>1057800Sammy sosa lookin troon
No. 1059575
File: 1602803728060.png (4.36 MB, 1624x750, 0952A43A-DFD4-4BD1-8247-2805D3…)

But I thought you and Shane were good friends Robbie? Weren’t you trying to cozy up to Jeff and be the third in the friendship?
Rob caught lying hard on the trans athlete video and dancing to a former friend demise.
Side note when Rob dabs in the video you can see his real hair fling out. Still using cheap weave and can’t blend his hair still I see.
No. 1059622
File: 1602811473510.jpeg (321.97 KB, 828x786, B0326D5C-89F8-49A0-9C7C-BCE3F9…)

>get shit on for wrecking someone’s personal image and lying about them
>ignore it
>lose 10k subscribers after 3 weeks
>”guise im sorry ;__;”
No. 1059831
>>1059468God ever since Rucka is taking it up the pooper his raps took a nose dive and its all he can talk and rap about now. He's even had ONISION in one of his videos, of all people. If that isn't a career ender I don't know what is.
>>1059622So his excuse is needing to shit out content quick for shekels, but not doing the research. And how is that working out for you there, Robbie?
Yeah, maybe you should leave LA. In shame.
No. 1059845
File: 1602854696000.png (819.45 KB, 796x1338, 89392h.png)

>>1059622And supposedly, it was actually on purpose. Not sure what he thought he was doing.
This is worse than when he tried to take on Halsey and just humiliated himself in the process.
No. 1059846
>>1059845He's been on the internet, literally
doing this and having it done to him for so long, and he didn't know that it would easily figured out? Is this just some publicity stunt or attempt at an easy out for his internet career?
No. 1060031
>>1059884This is just what Shane Dawson is attempting to do. Stay away for a while, make a grand return with a video that will trend heavily.
It's just that Blaire hasn't been demonetized so it's going to be easier in this case.
No. 1061062
File: 1603029882930.jpg (52.38 KB, 854x480, Robbay.jpg)

>>1060527He has to have seen this, its mentioned in that Drama and Opinions video. Yet it was giving him a major chubby just slandering his fellow trannie. Which is a dick move to do, but Robbie doesn't give a shit.
No. 1061087
File: 1603031689407.jpg (100.88 KB, 994x994, blaire_himmler.jpg)

its funny how she tries to cater to the right while really they'd want nothing to do with her.
i guess she's doing it to please her nazi boyfriend..
No. 1061153
>>1061112>>1061133I thought it was pretty obvious that this was edited. But I guess to some of you, it isn't.
Let me clarify this: It was edited by me.
No. 1061280
>>1061275>don't get your titties in a twistthen
>you don't need to make shit up, he does enough cow-ish stuff alone.define irony.
I was never angry, I just clarified it for you. Sorry I can't type in a tone of voice for you.What else do you need me to explain to you today?Always willing to help. No. 1061289
>>1061283Actually not really, I'm upset because you're upset. Is there anything I can do to make it better?
I promise I will never make a joke here again.
No. 1061595
>>1061491No idea.
I do wonder if his farts still make noise.
No. 1063201
File: 1603314696344.jpeg (88.69 KB, 828x495, EE62531F-A9EB-4A5E-804C-EC24D9…)

>>1061087His upper left shoulder looks unnatural if you stare at it long enough. Snow is a useful app for these fags.
Also I’m really enjoying seeing all this delicious milk coming from Blaire, I disliked him for so long despite the fact that he wasn’t terribly milky but over the last few months he’s really shown everyone his true colors.
Any chance he’ll ever make it back to 1m before getting canceled again?
No. 1063210
>>1063201It will probably take a longer time to come back from the back to back shenanigans Robbie pulled but I’m sure he’ll manage to somehow.
He’ll just make videos again in a week or so like nothing happened. Maybe focus on pedos again or whatever is the next internet punching bag.
Maybe he’ll try to gain sympathy by saying this all put stress on his relationship and mental health.
No. 1065574
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How goofy dose blair look here?
No. 1065584
>>1061595Can Blaire even get it up? He gives me shrunken dick vibe, in fact they both give me little dick vibes.
>>1065574Is this recent? He's wearing that purse he wears with every outfit so it feels like it is. Why does he look a teenage boy on a disney show cross-dressing as a famous singer so he can get backstage?
No. 1065601
>>1065595Kek, but you can't say it's not on point. He's dressed like a one episode character from Hannah Montana.
>>1065585Has Blaire ever explained why he won't just get the Nikita/Eden hips and ass? I know he's small but so is eden and troons don't care about fucking up their bodies until they want kids/have complications.
No. 1065603
>>1065574Remember when somebody asked about his height and he smugly replied with something along the lines of "I'm not one of those disgusting tall troons"?
In every video he's dolled up to hell but at an actual event he wears sneakers?
No. 1065637
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>>1065584This was in June this year. To throw Robbie a bone it was a rather casual event most people dressed up in simple dresses with flats or heels.
Robbie doesn’t have a lot of outfits that are flattering to wear outside of his bedroom. It’s why he keeps wearing the same shit. He’s been addicted to that purse and a white Hermès bracelet. Maybe it’s the only luxury items he has.
No. 1066389
>>1063201Blaire has always been milky. Not super frequently but like at least every other month though it was mostly happening on Twitter and Blaire would usually delete stupid things he's said rather quickly when they got backlash or someone called him out.
> Any chance he’ll ever make it back to 1m before getting canceled again?Honestly with how men like Shane Dawson and Jeffree Star can manage to keep above water despite it being shown that they are awful people, I'm sure the same will happen with Blaire, it'll probably just take awhile since I feel like a lot of people will be viewing what he says with a microscope after this big shit show. But do I think he'll get back to 1million? Begrudgingly yes and when he inevitably fucks up again, people will act super shocked yet again lol.
No. 1066391
>>1063210I'm so disgusted at seeing how much of a possibility this is gonna be. Play the mental health card for your shitty shitty actions and the sycophant fans will eat it up like candy.
"lIkE yOU dOn'T uNdErStANd, BLaIRe wAs uNdEr a LoT oF StReSs."
>>1065574What even is this outfit? Looks like a jumbled mess of different things put together and doesn't really match but maybe it's just me. I don't know what's trendy these days lol.
No. 1066395
>>1065585Yeah I noticed as well. It's because hip pads can only do so much for a skinny man. Biggest error I see is the leg he's trying to push the weight on, the curve looks slight and just abruptly goes straight down, no natural curvature at all.
>>1065598His fetish won't allow for it. High-waisted pants aren't usually seen as sexy to troons like this and they prefer pants that will show the waist and hips.
>>1065601> Has Blaire ever explained why he won't just get the Nikita/Eden hips and ass? I know he's small but so is eden and troons don't care about fucking up their bodies until they want kids/have complications.What did Nikita & Eden have done? I'm new to hearing this. Did they get like hip injections?
>>1065637Man seeing pictures of him placed next to a woman makes his maleness stick out even further. Anyway I feel like Blaire is probably taller than some people may think. I feel like he might be 5'7 - 5'8".
No. 1068582
>>1068550I bet his straight boyfriend will love this. You know the same boyfriend who worked with drag queens, sucks dick and has dated troons.
Because thats what straight men do, they mainly date women with dicks.
(im not watching Blaire, is he joking or not? If not, then seriously, wow. Sometimes I feel like he has no sex drive anyway and just lays there and let Joey get off. So maybe he has no use for it)
No. 1068614
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>>1066395>Did they get like hip injections?In Nikita's case, that's an understatement.
No. 1068623
>>1068614and he still looks like a man in the face and next to any woman. Him and Blaire have the generic tranny look in pictures and person.
Sad what these men do to themselves.
No. 1068675
>>1068582Robbie says things just to say it. It’s to get clicks for his videos and that’s it.
He made a whole video about not talking about his family life anymore to protect his family/privacy/to get kids in the future. But I remember like a week later it was back to live streams complaining about his dad’s side of his family and a video of him drunk on the floor.
He’s not getting a Neo vag or plans on having kids. He’s been engaged going on 3 years now with a rocky relationship. I’m sure he would leave Robbie if he went through with it.
No. 1068989
>>1068584Yeah I've never seen Nikita's body till now but after seeing this
>>1068614 holy fuck is that just bad. Aside from the laughable face filter and makeup because I've seen what he looks like without those things and he just looks like a man with long hair, those hips are absolutely ridiculous. I can only imagine how hilarious he looks when walking since it seems like he did what all these troons do which is get their hips and ass massive while having skinny ass legs. Not cute and won't look good when they age.
No. 1068994
>>1068796You're wasting your breath. Don't worry, he's not oing through with it. I think even he knows just how retarded it would be to have that procedure when like 99% of the time there will be expected problems that will make life unbearable and make you want to commit suicide because you really did fuck up your body at that point.
>>1068797I don't think so. He never really talked much about his dick except for answering a question where he said he still had it.
No. 1069131
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>>1068614I mean, it’s worse in candids. Very similar to bobs “hips”.
No. 1070377
About as sincere as his fake tits, or his love for Joey "despite" him being rich as shit and having tons of connections in the media industry.
No. 1071549
>>1071529The video was annoying because it feels like this dude is playing dumb. Let's be real, he knows why Blaire titled the video the way he did. Blaire knew that if he titled it properly, it would be him admitting he was wrong publicly to his audience and that the video would've gotten just as many views as the original slanderous video got.
He's not being sincere, he's not really sorry. He's just sorry he got caught and lost close to 10k+ followers/subscribers for it. Either these people are really that stupid to not see Blaire is a disingenuous liar or they don't want to admit that they know he is but it's getting really old.
No. 1072530
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dangelowallace is apparently working on a Blaire video
No. 1072701
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Bit of a disconnect here.
No. 1072723
>>1072701i can't believe blaire is so obsessed with shitting on other troons for how they look when
that's what they look like unshooped
No. 1072753
>>1072530Hm well of course he would, Dangelowallace is one of those drama investigation channels so naturally Blaire would be on his list.
>>1072701That Wonder woman edit makes his head look massive compared to his body.
>>1072723It's pure projection on his part.
No. 1072941
Wait Joey's rich?? If he's rich how come Blaire always looks so tacky and has one purse? I find it funny thinking of Joey as this rich short guy thinking he has a trophey tranny wife. It' kind of like Briana Wu and her short asian husband, except he seems to actually love his trans wife, while Joey and Blaire's relationship is weird to me.
>>1069131Wow, the muffin top that makes him look more manly and wide, the big ass, fake hips on top of thin legs, the obviously lady boy face, that looks like shit whenever he moves it.
No. 1073056
>>1072941oh yes, and he's connected to all the right people in the media. how do you think Robbie is getting all those interviews and shoots etc? nobody cares, but he arranges it and then Robbie can do that shit. Robbie is clever like that, thats also why he hangs out with Jaclyn Glenn. Get to know the right people and suddenly its almost like you're relevant.
Plus a lot of money never hurt anyone either.
He is failing in LA though thats why they're now leaving in shame to live in what is it, bumfuck idaho?
Well its suitable.
No. 1073250
>>1073056I didn't know that Joey was rich but what you said makes a lot of sense. Thinking back, when Blaire got with Joey, that is when he started getting all those interviews and photoshoots. I think the only guest appearance he got on his own was when he went on Shane Dawson's show a few years back but aside from that, he was just a run of the mill anti sjw youtuber tranny edition.
I think it also explains why he's so reluctant to leave Hoey after learning he can be violent. He knows that if he leaves him, he will go back to being a nobody and won't be able to get interview and easy photoshoots
No. 1073303
>>1073250but the gag is he still is a nobody. Blaire's not interesting besides having a dick and pretending to go agaisnt the troon grain, when truth is he only hates when ugly troons act out.
Blaire does not want to be in female spaces, he does not want women, this is all so he can dunk on other troons.
Joey sounds disgusting a violent short chaser who can't admit he's gay/bisexual. I also feel like he has a small dick or something is off with him so he can't upgrade from Blaire for another youtube trans.
Both seem kind of stuck. I'm still waiting on Blaire to launch a onlyfans though.
It's going to happen and it'll just be boring ass photoshopped filtered pictures.
Blaire makes dating a well off guy seem so…boring. Everytime troons like him have money they always go all out with clothes, hair, make up etc.
To be so into his looks he does nothing interesting with it.
No. 1073350
>>1073250he's a major media producer, its claimed on his website: it says here that he works for World of Wonder productions: which is a pretty big production company, ironically I know them from the movie "Party Monster" about Michael Alig.
Personally given how Robbie hangs out with all the right people I wouldn't say its a coincidence he's with him. I had no idea he hit Robbie, he looks like such a soy boy I wouldn't see that in him, however when you look at other soy boys like "Mr Girl" from the infamous Cuties review I can't say i'm all too surprised.
You're absolutely right, if Joey leaves Robbie, Robbie goes back to being an absolute nobody.
>>1073303What I notice is that Robbie always goes for low hanging, uglier, over-ripe fruit. He'll go for the fat ugly more manly looking trannies so he can feel better. Joey doesn't admit to being a fag? haha i'm not surprised. I bet thats where Robbie gets his whole pro-Trump bullshit from. Most rich folks like Joey are pro-Trump. And then of course also the stupid poor people that don't realize Trump isn't their friend. But sorry, no political debate here. I'm not pro nor anti-Trump, I don't really care. I'd say if Joey leaves Robbie, Robbie will make an onlyfans. Mark my words. If he does though he better hurry, he's already what, 30? Thats like 87 in troon years.
No. 1073351
>>1073303Oh I wasn't saying that Blaire is interesting. He's as boring and lifeless as his dead-eyed fish look he does in most of his thumbnails. I just meant that he gives off the illusion of being more important than he actually is like during the whole Dahvie Vanity situation or the Jeffree Star thing where he said he supposedly knew one of the
victims but didn't want to say anything. He just gives off a fake illusion of importance when he's just a social climbing clout chaser and that being with Joey kinda amplifies this undeserved ego because of all his connections.
I do agree with you that their relationship just seems boring and fake at best. They're only with each other for convenience and probably in Joey's case, lack of other options. I'd love to see Blaire start an OnlyFans, the photoshopping would be hilarious to see kek.
No. 1073363
>>1073348Oh wow thanks for the extra info on Joey. Yeah apparently he's a bigger deal in the entertainment industry than we realized aside from him working on RuPaul's Drag Race. I didn't know he worked on Party Monster but point made. Joey has some bank and Blaire most likely wants to hold onto this plus the connections. Because without Joey, aside from him being essentially a nobody, he would not be able to live comfortably in the area he is currently in on his own.
And Blaire going after uglier troons is definitely a self-ego thing and as discussed before, to fool his fans into thinking he's better while the reality is his actual looks are no different than some of the troons he mocks. And yeah I noticed a lot of rich people are Trump supporters and that's most likely why Blaire is all for him since Joey is. I'd have to wonder if he'd be as big a supporter if he wasn't dating him since I don't believe Blaire comes from a rich family.
Oh and Blaire was born in 1993 so I think he's 26 or 27 by now.
>>1073354So I took a look at his Instagram and while he's not super active on it I do see what you mean. I feel like the reason why he's so against admitting his obvious homosexuality/bisexuality may have to do with his Republican background. A lot of gay guys who come from Republican families tend to wait a little longer to come out if they do and I feel like he's one of those guys who probably won't come out until he's in his 40s or 50s.
No. 1073368
>>1073363Nah not Joey, the company World of Wonder made that documentary, which I reckon was before he started working there considering that documentary i meant is from like 1997 or so I think. Also, his imdb credits are very little, he didn't do that much but I bet he does assignments here and there for world of wonder.
I honestly doubt Robbie would even think politics if it werent for Joey, and for him I think its a novelty. Like how he wore that trump hat outside. I bet Joey was going "Oh yeah I wonder how people would react if a hot babe like you would wear a trump hat outside!" next thing they know poor Robbie is getting attacked "Look guys theres a weird Mexican crossdressing midget wearing a MAGA hat!" and he broke a nail. Call the ambulance, poor thing.
About Joey's instagram yeah I think he's a total closet case. And so he thinks its safer to walk around with Robbie who in public without a million filters and good lighting sorta looks like a girl if you squint your eyes and not look directly at him.
I'd say Robbie better hold on to him well because a. Joey is evolving, him just being with Robbie is already proving that, b. Robbie is aging and c. pretty soon the novelty is wearing off and i'd say one day Joey would just go for what he fantasizes about: a man who isn't in drag, just.. a man.
That, in a nutshell, is my theory.
No. 1073892
>>1073825Claire would be 100% happy being Nikita, little talent, a good agent and possibly a escort who gets in to parties/ places with “famous” ppl but isn’t friends.
Thing is Blaire seems kinda of racist, Nikita social climbs through female artists mainly rappers, most being black.
Blaire wants to social climb through gay men and you tubers.
Blaire also does not have the looks or style to become a professional trans hanger on, he does not know how to dress, he’s not funny or sassy and he’s right wing.
There’s a reason why Blaire hangs only with got her gay men and very few women
No. 1073941
>>1073892thats exactly robbie's problem, he's trying to cater to an audience that wants nothing to do with him. thanks to joey the wannabe conservative. they are both in exactly the same boat with that, and need to give it up.
its like a black man wanting to join the KKK, its ludicrous. and you end up with NO ONE liking you, really. thats the only logical result.
>>1073825he totally is. he probably wants to be a james charles or jeffree star. i don't think that he can though, again for the exact same reason. if you wanna become famous like that you gotta appeal to tween girls, and no tween girl likes a racist or a bigot or a meanie.
No. 1074021
>>1073892>>1073941I think you both made really good points. Blaire probably wants to be like a Nikita, Jeffree, or James, super famous but it won't happen because he's unlikable and boring. It's a mystery how Jeffree Star has managed to get away with all his scandals but his audience are mostly tween girls and a few catty gay men but he did have somewhat of a presence before YouTube during his MySpace days when he did music (even if it was shit music lol Enough tweens gobbled it up).
Blaire doesn't have any talent and like you said, he's not funny or interesting and it's mostly his own fault because he tried so hard for years to pander to an audience who really doesn't care about him outside of being a token tranny to point to and that doesn't have any lasting appeal which is already showing since most conservative YouTubers don't even hang out with him.
No. 1074028
>>1074021I just think that as an artist you shouldn't take any strong political stance and that that is where a lot of artists go wrong. Think about it, it doesn't even matter what side you pick, you are both to alienate about half your fans who will feel like "you're trying to tell them what to think and do" and "who to vote for." Even if thats not your goal, thats how they will feel, like you're a know-it-all type snob like you often hear people say about people like Bono or George Clooney. Your intentions can be good, hell they can be the best intentions in the world, and yet I feel that as an artist you shouldn't. Like you mention Robbie had tweenie bopper fans when he was younger, and that was probably because he wasn't taking a strong political stance yet back then. Tween girls don't like to be told what to think, and they will feel that someone spouting a bunch of conservative crap is "not nice". I dunno, thats just what I theorize but I could be wrong, of course.
I think most of all people are getting sick and tired of him pretending to be the king and know all end all authority on trannies. Like I said earlier he always goes for the low hanging fruit. And theres so much of it, trannies who despite their best efforts look mannish and just sorta goofy and funny. Its very easy to shit on those, its like going after Christians, like slaughtering bunny rabbits with an axe. It makes Robbie come across as a snob and a bitch, and that in combination with the conservative crap isn't helping him.
Now let me make one thing perfectly clear though: You can be gay, or trans or whatever you may be and be a conservative, thats your right, your thing. But personally I don't see it making much sense and when you're publicly doing that as a gay or trans person I think its not a good look, hell I think its even foolish to do.
Besides which, do these politicians really need or want you? Think about it. Is it up to YOU to have this whole political agenda? Politicians be it left or right are all scum, and I don't feel its up to any artist to try and force opinions on fans.
No. 1074032
>>1074028One more thing to add: Now if Robbie were to choose to be sort of a fighter for gay rights, then it would be a good look for him. And it would make sense.
Personally, I would have picked that side. I'm not even talking hardcore SJW which-toilet-do-i-pick gay rights, but more rights like i dunno like in sports in example. Its very hard to come out as gay in certain sports. Or gay rights in work places, I dunno, that sorta thing.
Now THAT would have made sense, and would have been a good look for him. But he didn't pick that, instead he decides to go after other trannies and even spreading false information about fellow trans athletes.
Bad look all around. Maybe Joey needs to get Robbie a spin doctor.
No. 1074218
>>1074028>>1074032I had to "lol" at the "Artist" remark since blaire isn't one but I get what you mean. And yeah his politics don't make sense but I always kinda figured that he wasn't really Conservative. He never talked much about it without giving surface level explanation and just… I don't know, I just feel it's all a gimmick but either way yeah he could've just been another gay activist but that wouldn't have made him stand out and most likely pushed him to be that token conservative tranny even more but the tables are turning not because of his politics but because he showed he's a liar and so many videos are still being made today. That Dangelo Wallace video on him is almost to 800,000 views, it's insane but was a long time coming.
I'm just not sure if Blaire is actually gonna be able to bounce back from this, at least not swiftly anyway and I'm just that Michael Jackson meme of him eating popcorn watching it all unfold lol.
No. 1074253
>>1074218yeah I guess I just picked that word artist based on myself. I dont know what else to call it, maybe media personality or something or influencer would have been a better word. Thank you for the tip on that Dangelo video, I'm going to check that video out later. I think we will see interesting shit happen with Robbie, for one I don't see that relationship with Joey lasting. He mentioned on his other channel they've already had problems and called off an engagement, so its already shaky at best.
As for his direction, I don't think its a good one. However, if Joey does end up leaving him he can always blame Joey for "forcing him" in to that conservative direction.
Dark cloud, silver lining, glass half full type deal.
No. 1074544
>>1074498>>1074357I didn't have time to watch the whole thing but here's the first half hour
> Blaire White made a video featuring false claims about a trans athlete, Janae Kroc, which incited a lot of hate from Blaire's fanbase
> Blaire's response was poor; disappeared for 3 weeks, ignored a storm of criticism, left the video up, apologised on platforms other than Youtube and the apologies got a fraction of the views the video did
> D'Angelo goes from thinking this is one mistake that was poorly handled, to part of an ongoing pattern of behaviour that might not be unintentional
> Brings up the face mask picture, points out that black beauty masks per se aren't racist, but Blaire's caption and accompanying comments was very racebaity
> Points out Blaire's use of the n word in the past that make the face mask look a little more suss; includes a lulzy clip of her telling Onision about it
> Blaire claimed to have read J K Rowling's 900 page book in one day and claimed that the serial killer's cross dressing is only mentioned on one page, and is only described as a disguise to lure victims, but doesn't provide quotes to prove that. Other commentators have provided quotes to contradict all that. D'Angelo wonders if Blaire is lying about reading the book, or lying about the content of it.
> Brings up Blaire White being a Jeffree Star stan and twisting the story of him talking about witnessing Dahvie Vanity being gross and then retracting it.
> Blaire writes for the Post Millennial based on credibility earned on Youtube, despite lying a bunch, and wrote an article about Janae that was up there with a link to the trans athlete video
> Blaire gatekeeps being trans right and accusing non-binary people of co-opting the trans identity to make money, unlike Blaire who transes right and makes money off …. oh. No. 1074578
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>>1074537I only believe Robbie supported in hopes of getting into his circle. I remember after becoming close to Shane he was trying to tweet about him constantly like he wasn’t constantly bashing Jeff any moment her could a 3 years earlier.
It’s not the I don’t believe Robbie never was a fan just that he wasn’t consistent with it.
I remember Robbie got unblocked soon after the video with Shane, he probably put in a good word for him.
No. 1074613
>>1074357Woof that is quite the drop. Last I saw he was at 981,000. Oh I cannot wait for the next apology video lol.
>>1074384Yeah normally I think that "Cancel culture" is a whole bunch of bullshit but I gotta admit that this is probably one of the few examples of it probably coming true with how much subscribers and followers Blaire is losing each week.
>>1074558>ut then claims to have read a physical copy of the book, that was overnighted, in a separate video.This was one of the best parts in that video and how Blaire totally contradicted himself lol.
No. 1074622
>>1074537>>>says the n wordcan d’angelo even attack robbie for this? He’s an icuck fanboy. Ian’s favorite words are faggot and the n word.
Robbie’s down to 968k subscribers now. That’s nearly 10k in a day.
No. 1074677
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>>1074622It was brought up more as an example of the context around why people thought Blaire's facial mask tweet was intentionally racist. The n-word use is one thing, and then the caption was another.
Blaire then cropped the caption out when defending it which reeks of guilt as well. Like why not just say it she put the mask on, thought it reminded her of blackface and made a joke about it? Since when do based edgelords hide their jokes if they're just jokes?
No. 1074755
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>>1074677Robbie been flirting with white nationalist via Twitter and saying “jokes” that cater to them forever. I don’t understand how it’s a weird concept to consider he’s racist when if you followed him during his 4chan days until now there’s more than enough evidence.
No. 1074764
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>>1074755ah yes the master race. like that baldie scrotum faced soy boy you are with, Robbie?
keep it classy, you woman wannabe. say what was it again nazi germany used to do to gays?
No. 1074767
>>1074755oh and you and your billiard head butt boy might wanna keep your nazism under wraps, robbie. why you ask? well, considering joey is working in media and it is a well established fact that the entertainment industry is predominantly ran by jews, your nazi propaganda might get him kicked out of the industry for good.
thats not tin foil hat stuff, just read the end credits to any movie, it reads like a phonebook from tel aviv.
so your soy boy is pretty much working for jews. i wouldn't have a problem with that, but i know you guys would, seeing as you're gestapo wannabe confused homosexuals.
No. 1074778
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>>1074764Robbie only gives the bare minimum of caution now. Nothing like the days where his ex made him hide in a closet. Luckily the way back machine never fails.
No. 1074779
>>1074677Exactly. I remember seeing that video where Blaire lied about the mask. He left the caption out and just put the picture and if you weren't following him on Twitter around that time, you wouldn't have seen what that picture was attached to.
As for Blaire admitting that he does say the N-word (hard "R"), it was in that interview he did with Onision and he said that he doesn't care about the word and that he uses it quite a bit usually when he's playing video games or "stubs his toe".
Personally I don't know if he was just trying to imitate what PewdiePie said when Pewdiepie said that he says the "N" word when he's playing video games but it could just be a coincidence. Either way it was fucking ridiculous. Like who do you know who says the N-Word when they're frustrated? I just always found that to be a poor cop out personally.
No. 1074809
>>1074803I think I have an explanation. Maybe these troons are obsessed with white nationalism because a lot of those Alt-Right people want their society to be based on old 1950s traditional values and these troons fetishize the subjugation that women had to bow to back in those days to be seen as "Traditional". These troons think that they can be that fantasy of super submissive "wife" to these men. At least that's what I got from this because aside from that, I don't see how any troon can want to be a white nationalist when those old traditional values would deem that men like them are mentally ill and need to be put in mental wards.
Oh and btw that Dangelo Wallace video just hit 1.4 million views.
No. 1074815
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>Oh and btw that Dangelo Wallace video just hit 1.4 million views
I wonder if it will slow down and cap off around there or continue. The weight lifting community are still upset and the trans commentators have always been waiting for this moment.
The only option is to make another video addressing all of this but it’s not like he can nitpick d’angelo’s words or crop clips since he’s so big. Is Robbie really going to go down the “don’t acknowledge this route” I wonder.
No. 1074921
>>1074817Well I'm not a zoomer, I was born in the late 80s and I am of color. I just never personally met anyone who would shout the hard-R N-word playing video games. I just mostly heard "Fuck" or "shit". I'm guessing it's probably from the 4Chan crowd since that's a place I've never really been on.
>>1074871Yeah mostly this. I'm just a little bewildered to learn this because "Nigger" always had a specific meaning and it wasn't about venting frustration, that's for sure lol
>>1074901Right, I do remember some people using "Faggot" quite a bit back then. I heard "nigga" but personally I just think it's slang. But never "Nigger". Like I said, maybe it comes from like 4Chan or something because even back in my Jr. High and High school years, never once heard other kids throwing around "Nigger" around.
Either way back on Blaire, yeah I think the views on Dangelo's video are probably gonna cap around here. I don't see it getting like 3 million views though hey, anything can happen lol. I'm just anticipating how Blaire is gonna weasel his way out of this one because even big name YouTubers are commenting on that video.
No. 1075120
>>1074357I watched the video last night and he makes very good arguments, I mean you can obviously tell he has a lot going on in his head. And by that I mean he's pretty smart. Most his points I agreed with but some I think somewhat differently about but I mentioned those in this thread. Doesn't mean I'm right, mind you.
Here goes a little bit of "me"-aspergers but I couldn't explain it any other way, so I spoilered it and condensed my thoughts very heavily:
I could sort of relate to the "him as a former fan"-bit. I was subbed to Robbie for probably a little over a year and it was just one of those things I was interested in, specially after I learned he's trans. My personal reason for unsubbing happens to be the exact same reason I unsubbed from "memology 101" and that is them trying to spin a narrative. I don't like to be fooled as a viewer and I caught them in inaccuracies that seemed to be deliberate in order to set a certain mood of us agreeing with them. It was the exact same reason I was outraged with Michael Moore after I seen Bowling for Columbine, believed what he was saying as a European, and then found out that he was lying. Hope this aspergers is condensed enough, if not, sorry. Didn't mean to "blog." No. 1075293
>>1074817idk what trailer park you grew up in, but people said "nigga" casually, not "nigger". I only saw people use it with a hard R online.
>>1074817For sure, there's definitely been a cultural shift. I just don't remember people "stubbing their toe" and shouting "NIGGER". lol who does that? Blaire is just racist.
>>1074901 No. 1075403
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The followers keep dropping I feel like it’s going to continue until he stops hiding.
Robbie deleted his 1million subscriber post on Instagram and he had a few likes on his Twitter yesterday so he’s definitely seeing all the backlash.
No. 1075437
File: 1604586478229.jpg (201.94 KB, 2048x2048, beatenupguy.jpg)

>>1075293I think that anyone using a word like the n-word says more about the person saying it than anyone else.
But it is also a very bad, hurtful word yes, and people shouldn't use it, no matter what color they have or whatever variation of the word itself. Its a bad word, period.
>>1075340Oh yeah I seen that video. Honestly I don't even understand what he was thinking doing that. What was he trying to prove, really? And then the overly dramatic tone from that video, it reminded me of one of those crying kids after having been bullied in school videos. Except this was a grown man and he wasn't being bullied.
"I broke a nail! Call the ambulance!"
Those nails always look like shit anyway, they look like huge weird claws. I always fear they're gonna reach trough my monitor and grab me by the throat like Freddy Kruger.
No. 1075439
File: 1604586688376.jpg (133.75 KB, 612x407, brucewillis.jpg)

hey blaire maybe try this next.
i'm sure it will get you tons of views.
No. 1075444
>>1074677>>1074625If he has no problem with one white guy saying it then why bring it up to prove a different white guy is racist? Moot question I’d agree, but my point is we don’t need a whole lot of explaining to understand robbie is a flaming racist POS. So like
>>1075437I am apprehensive to take d’angelo’s word for it because of his both-ways behavior and to me this makes it seem more like d’angelo made a hypocritical call-out video for the sake of clout and views. Rather than a genuine call for responsibility and accountability from robbie. Which is akin to what robbie did to the weightlifter troon that started this whole thing. Robbie deserves to be called out though, I don’t know who would be better than d’angelo to do it on the platform right now.
No. 1075579
>>1075403Yikes it just keeps dropping. Yeah he's definitely gonna keep losing if he keeps hiding. He's probably trying to find the best way to weasel back in but this is like one of the biggest bite backs in a good while.
>>1075437Agreed on the word. As a person of color I don't use it myself. And yep that was the video. Very overly dramatic, especially when he was acting like he got his hand intentionally stepped on. No bitch, you were trying to reach for your hat underneath a crowd of people moving around and with those ridiculously long nails, of course it was gonna get stepped on by accident. I think that they were trying to run with the usual "LOL LiBeRaLs ArE vIoLeNt TRUMP bIgOtS" or some shit, it was stupid.
No. 1075583
>>1075444"both-ways behavior" What do you mean by that?
And sure maybe D'angelo did do the video for views and clout but he was probably the best example since his videos do get high views and Blaire needed to be called out by this degree, he had been skating by for far too long and when it comes to YT drama channels, I feel like D'Angelo was one of the better ones to make a video like that.
No. 1076109
>>1075581Yeah this is it, you don't need to think Blair is racist to see that the response to the backlash on that photo was disingenuous at best.
Although I'm pretty damn sure the racism thing is probably true just as part of the whole basic bitch "omg did I just really say that" aesthetic. But that's incidental.
No. 1076616
>>1076615Oh and one more thing to add to that:
A person of color doesn't choose to become that, they just get born in that culture. Same as an LGBT person is born that way. So its ludicrous to fault them for that and discriminate.
That is all.
No. 1076671
>>1076659I don't have a real opinion on that, other that even if you take away the trans-part from Robbie, he'd be in the very least gay. Since he's with a guy, right?
The point I'm trying to make is that I feel he's catering to a crowd that in the end does not really want him, other than that they can bring him up in conversation like "oh yes i'm subbed to this trans person on youtube, and she says blablablabla" (the blablablabla part being some right-wing propaganda bullshit)
Thats it really, he's a novelty to them, but they will never accept him because historically the far right has never accepted gay people.
No. 1076776
>>1076376The difference here is that a huge part of Blaire White audience is just like "lol, me too". They dgaf.
>>1076659I often see all this as the trans equivalent of the Cool Girl thing talked about in Gone Girl, where it's about being the good "based" minority in order to avoid being victimised. I don't know if it's true though.
It might also be that Blaire doesn't just identify as a woman but specifically as Regina George, so "stop trying to make they/them try to happen" and "omg that is the ugliest trans I've ever seen" is identity affirmation.
No. 1076885
>>1076671Oh Blaire is a full-blown flamboyant gay man and I wasn't disagreeing with you, he's been trying to pander to a certain demographic who were never gonna accept him as nothing more than a token. You're 100% right.
>>1076776No no, I think you're right as well that Blaire was obviously doing his shtick to divert attention away from himself, especially his own appearance which has been shown that he looks nothing like he does in his heavily altered photos and heavily filtered videos. I'm honestly kinda surprised that no one hasn't put out his true appearance yet.
And yeah he clearly formulated his personality off of mean girl cliches but quite honestly, it's actually no different from a Drag Queen lol.
No. 1077117
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>>1076885People have posted his real photos even fans/mutuals just simply tagging. He just doesn’t bring attention to it. Like the infamous mythcon photo with Theryn Meyer or the one with Lauren Chen.
That’s not even going into the bunch of lesser known podcasts or universities inviting him and since it’s their video you see Robbie in all his mismatched glory.
No. 1077295
>>1077117Oh okay, I just figured that people only knew what he look like on this website because I haven't seen a "Blaire white exposed" type of video on YouTube that went in on Blaire's deceptive looks. I can only recall in my personal experience one YT person who brought up Blaire's fake looks and that was Andy Warski who I know is thought of as pretty crazy but I remember in a podcast he did after meeting Blaire at I think Vidcon or some event he was at, he mentioned that Blaire looked really different in person and "not what he expected" but he didn't really elaborate on what he meant.
But fair point, I just cannot fathom how anyone could say that he looks better than "real women" after they see his unfiltered face and he looks like any other troon and it shits me when I see women saying they're jealous of this clown when they really shouldn't be. If that makes sense lol.
No. 1077891
File: 1604840145329.jpeg (102.42 KB, 828x960, BB4F152F-8A9D-4BE8-8C91-ADC742…)

>>1077295This is why a long time ago I accused Robbie of editing that video with her friend Jacyln (forgot how to spell it). She asked random people which one was cis and which was trans and the first girl group got it right. After that she didn’t tell people if they were right or wrong and it was oddly cut.
In other news. Robbie is exactly at 960K and it will probably be at 959 by Monday. I don’t know if anyone noticed but he pruned a lot of his likes and posts on Twitter. He’s been active because he liked someone who posted this picture and it’s gone now. Along with the “Kanye should ask for a recount”.
I wonder if he’s gearing up to say something.
No. 1077892
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>>1077891I was incorrect the kanye tweet is still there my bad. I will look on the archive to see what posts were deleted when I get the time.
No. 1077943
File: 1604850293791.jpeg (512.38 KB, 828x1211, DBD9AE0B-0BAD-4E9C-AFF9-DF1344…)

Sorry, but it’s always funny seeing Twitter people misgender Robbie. He’ll probably write this person off as a liberal, too.
No. 1077964
>>1077891Oh right I remember that video "Experiment" and it's obvious that he edited it to make it look like everyone thought he was a women while Jaclyn was the man. Like I think it's pretty obvious that a lot of people clocked Blaire and that would've hurt the premise of the video lol.
And oh wow, they just keep dropping. Yeah I'm sure that Blaire will probably drop a "We need to talk" type of video sometime this coming week.
>>1077924Yeah you're probably right that they'd just cry "transphobia". Though to me, it's not about saying that Blaire is ugly, it's saying that you shouldn't be insecure of not looking like how he looks in his videos because his video/photos are as fake as his cheap implants.
>>1077943Lol well at least some have the balls to do it lol.
No. 1078460
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>>1077952oh come on now, Robbie ain't
that ugly. personally i think this is his best picture.
No. 1078659
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Robbie is official at 959K and he claims to be making a video today/tomorrow after having a vacation at a cabin.
Guess we are going to get another sitting on the floor sob story again. I assumed this entire time he was planning a better apology maybe even inviting croc to discuss the topic properly but guess not.
I wonder if another half ass apology will just plummet his subscriber count faster.
No. 1078746

>>1078659Oh joy, I can't wait to see Blaire lie through his teeth even more. Honestly when it comes to these apologies with these YTers, I think that they're kinda pointless coming from guys like Blaire because you can tell that they don't really care nor are they really sorry, they're just sorry they got caught.
People are digging deeper into his past and seeing how much of a hack he really is, including screwing over smaller YTers to do all the leg work for him. On the by, I'm glad that PastelBelle told smaller creators to stand up for themselves and be open about wanting to take credit for their work, she's right about that and that's what I found annoying about TehMimi's video.
Anyway I'm curious what's gonna be in this upcoming video. I'm predicting a crying, sobbing mess on the living room floor and talking about how he's been having mental problems since the Covid lock-down or something along those lines and I hope people don't fall for it, especially since he had a track record of acting like a scumbag far before Covid.
No. 1079145
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Seems like we might not get a video addressing anything d’angelo vid and other call out posts.
Robbie claiming the video is about a big life update that addressed an older video. I see he’s going to basically continue down the “ignore it until it goes away” route.
It will be released tomorrow I’ll try to get up earlier to check the comment section and see if there’s any censoring.
No. 1079274
File: 1605014960389.jpg (85.71 KB, 1107x715, blairewhiteweirdobeach.jpg)

Autistic, but I searched a lot to find these again of Robbay running on the beach with his poodle.
Don't wanna nitpick but lets just say I think he looks "odd" body wise.
Kinda reminds me of Gollum from Lord of the Rings shape wise.
No. 1079278
>>1079277i dont know, but i do understand that poor Pomeranians reasons for running.
kinda feel like that poor little dog is heading in the same direction of paris hilton's pets in that one south park episode, where they all ended up an heroing.
No. 1079287
File: 1605017268350.jpeg (4.37 MB, 3024x4030, E842DDE9-0BD6-449C-B73B-0F37D6…)

>>1079274He’s wearing his hip/butt pads in this photo that’s why.
His body is legit a fridge and he’s only getting bigger that’s why he looks odd.I know he’s not really gaining weight but I suspect losing fat from getting older and working out isn’t helping.’s him in action)
No. 1079412
>>1079197He loves that smoothing filter doesn't he? lol
>>1079287Not even his hair laid in front trick is working here.
>>1079366Possibly 11.5 or 12?
No. 1080004
>>1079506>what makes him think he'd even be a good parent?In Robbies defense, which of us do know if they're gonna make a good parent?
You really don't know if you do until your kids are adults and tell you you did a good job, or a terrible one.
No. 1080196
>>1080004I get that, you never know if you'll be a good parent or not but I just feel like even if Blaire presented himself as likable but what I mean is that he's not in a stable place anyway to parent a kid. He's in a rocky relationship with an
abusive spouse and living in an expensive state with a shaky job (his money being tied to social media). I just don't think at least with what is shown with him that being a parent would be good at this time in his life and that he should wait.
No. 1080340
>>1080196>He's in a rocky relationship with an abusive spouse and living in an expensive state with a shaky jobThats absolutely true, I didn't look at it from that perspective. You are absolutely right.
I hope they aren't doing this to "fix the relationship" because having kids to fix a relationship is like chewing gum to fix a broken tooth.
No. 1080747
>>1080196Self absorbed drama addicted vapid vain man making a good parent? Lmao sure jan.
He’d care more about a babies eyebrows than it’s development.
No. 1080780
>>1079412>>1077295I think the reason why Blaire's deceiving appearance isn't touched on outside of sites riddled with terfs is because to a more "woke" or normie crowd it's a bit like if you pointed out someone with anorexia shooped themselves to be skinnier than they are, yeah I agree it's a scummy thing to practically catfish people like that but it would come off as a lowblow off anon.
Plenty of women without EDs do that too and get less criticism, same with cis women for the most part with a few exceptions (usually female lolcows pullfags go after go figure, lol).
it's deemed a sensitive subject due to already having deep insecurities about their appearance.
I think people wouldn't pay that much attention to the shitty editing if Blaire didn't have a channel dedicated to pandering trans bullshit to rightwingers and tradthots.
unfortunately filtering and editing photos heavily is just considered the norm now. inb4 I get called a tranny or Blaire simp - no I'm not comfortable with the creepy overshooping either, Blaire looks like an ayylmao alien in most self taken photos and it ain't doing any favors with the whole passing as a "real woman" thing.
But posts obsessing over tiny details like
>>1079356>>1079366>>1079412are kind of bizarre nitpicks, I didn't even notice the feet.
Probably an unpopular opinion but Blaire would pass better without the filters and editing at this point, that plastic outdated bimbo aesthetic always kinda screams tranny or trying too hard to be a b-list celebrity to most people.
I think this thread is 90% retarded comments about appearance nitpicks which is a bit of a waste or means it could be moved to /w/ but
Blaire if you're gonna go all out on being a pickme trans thot at least edit or dress in a style maga copers actually like, lol.
I hope there'll be some salty tears about Trump in a video soon regardless.
No. 1080855
File: 1605187707678.png (545.31 KB, 1280x720, 7cLFZJlmFDE-00-01-27.png)

>>1080780tbh I think Blaire looked best around 2016ish, before the creepy huge nails and whatever else she had done.
screenshot from her "Feminist Onision Is A Creep"-video. looks more passable than most trannies i've seen but the entire reason i'm posting this right now is to post something nice about her, since you brought it up.
No. 1080857
>>1080855oh and that kinda brings me to a point i forgot to make, is that she looked more "
natural" back then. which made her more "passable" as they call it, I guess.
No. 1080859
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>>1080855What are you smoking or are you choosing to be ignorant? Robbie looked awful in 2016.
Just because he chooses to used 360p and drowned out his videos with lighting doesn’t mean he looked better. He looked worst than because with every appearance he made on someone else’s videos where he had no say he looked terrible.
His Shane and friends photo circulating is what made him want ffs in the first place because people were catching on.
No. 1080899
>>1080855i don't think he's ever passed tbh and i'm saying this as a former fan. he's built like a twink and has large hands, large feet, and a very blocky looking head/face. i think blaire's fanbase confuses finding him attractive with him actually passing.
people can find him cute if they want but he's never looked or sounded like a biological woman
No. 1080911
>>1080859he kinda looks like an average-looking woman on this specific pic, his natural (?) nose is way better
ofc he wants to look like a bimbo but he will never be one with genes like these lol
No. 1080915
>>1080859>>1080899Oh hey don't get me wrong, I didn't post those to suck Robbies cock, I was only posting that since someone mentioned we were being too hard on Robbie. Hence me using his girl name and pronouns for a sec.
I never seen those other videos etc from 2016 but now that you mention it.
No. 1081083
>>1081078oh but Robbie still has his cock, he's post-op troon.
he doesn't get it hacked off though since joey loves to suck on robbie's cock and stick it up his soy ass.
No. 1081139
>>1080855While I agree that on camera posts he looked better around this time, it's still not what he really looked like. At this time he got some ring lights and was using them to wash his face out.
>>1080859Nailed it. It was around this time when he upped his camera trick game. He wasn't using a face tune app yet since they weren't really a thing yet, at least when it came to video recording and the popular trick was to film in lower quality (360p) and drown your face out with ring lights.
He's not ugly but he "doesn't look like a woman" just like all these other troons don't.
No. 1081152
>>1081140ah yes thats what I meant, pre-op, sorry bout that.
>>1081139I was trying to be nice since
>>1080780 sorta asked for that in a way, but I guess its now backfiring in Robbie's face.
No. 1081386
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>>1080855I agree, she was more passable around that time. This was before she moved to LA too. The pic of her on the left is from 2017.
She made a vid a few months ago about going off estrogen, I can't remember her reasons for doing it (possibly fertility related) but she did confirm she was going off of it for awhile so I think that definitely explains a lot of the change in her face.
No. 1081390
>>1075437>I think that anyone using a word like the n-word says more about the person saying it than anyone else.This is such a funny statement in a thread full of transphobic comments lol.
Where D'angelo missed the mark in his commentary was that the use of the word "nigger" only matters in context. There's a difference between using the word randomly or casually versus going up to someone like D'angelo and yelling it in their face. Context. I know black people who agree and some who also disagree with that statement, there is no "general consensus" in the community.
I think the face mask shit
>>1074677 was Blaire trying to be uwu edgy. Nothing deeper than that.
No. 1081430
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>>1081386If you’re going to compare photos there’s plenty of candid fan/videos from conventions/ other podcasts videos of Robbie in 2017 instead of literally using what was JUST discussed as a poor quality video with lighting and makeup tricks.
Google is free, past threads exist and even other forms have candid photos/videos so you’re just being as disingenuous as Robbie at this point. Thats no even discussing Robbie has had FFS after moving to LA to be with Joey/attempting to leave the political commentary initially 2 years ago.
So if you even if you wanted to do you claim that going off hormones for 1 year is what distorted his face dispute a surgeon literally shaving down his skull you would have to pull screencap Robbie 2016 pre the de transition video which there’s plenty. Robbie will always have a square wide face. Plastic surgery works with what you have, you can’t bring in a photo of a soft oval face celebrity and say you want that like it’s a burger joint.
No. 1081433
>>1081431Exactly. Too bad saying the n-word isn’t the only racist thing the Robbie has done let alone said. Are new fags to Robbie just going to ignore the shit he’s said on /pol/, older videos reupload, using free internet archives to look at his Twitter posts and Instagram?
Calling people here transphobes isn’t some gotcha. Robbie can happily revoke and call other mtf a man/he/him/it and deadname them because they don’t pass enough in his eyes. All his fans saw videos and comments of him doing that for years and his reasoning was they didn’t meet his standards so it’s okay.
If he wants to use that logic than people here can call Robbie by his old name or say he/him all they want.
No. 1081581
>>1081386I think people really overestimate just what the HRT does to your body. It doesn't change your face structure, your face structure outside of surgery is determined by your skull and can't be changed outside of aforementioned surgery. And the FFS surgery Blaire has had done was getting his nose bridge shaved and his hairline lowered, that's it. And we've all seen what he looks like in the modern day when not drowning himself in in the smoothing filter and photo editing.
And the same applies even before the surgery, he was just using drag queen makeup techniques and washing himself out in lighting.
>>1081430All of this.
No. 1081864
>>1081477I think people call people transphobic way too lightly. When you look at in example homophobia thats a very clear line. You got in example the Westboro baptist church, violence against gays and overall bigotry then yes, thats absolute homophobia.
With transphobia specially online you say ANYTHING even remotely bad about trans people SJW's and the like will call you transphobic.
My point is that maybe before you call somebody transphobic you need to define what it is. The true irony here is that Robbie himself is actually against using the word too lightly.
I'll give you an example: Say that Joey and Robbie live right next door to an old man who really doesn't like trans or gay people, yet still is normal, nice and neighborly to them. Would that then be transphobic?
Now for example number 2 lets take that same neighbor, but to a new extreme where he secretly puts threatening letters in their mailbox and smears feces on their windows.
Now to me scenario 2 is obviously transphobic, scenario 1 isn't.
(derailing) No. 1082866
>>1082446Yeah I just figured as much shoe would be whiteknighting Blaire after all of this if they were still buddies. I wonder what happened, and maybe if it had something to do with their politics or not since I believe Blaire is still shilling for Trump?
Also unrelated but Blaire has already lost 1k subscribers today and in the states it’s only 5am-8am. God damn, her ass is still on fire.
No. 1083477
File: 1605494486159.jpeg (1.12 MB, 960x1580, 34C7EEBE-FA07-4017-A557-4710C5…)

Why dose Blair look so weird?
No. 1083526
>>1082866You know now that I think of it, I think that perhaps Blaire and Shoe aren't friends anymore. I mean while this may be a bad example, I remember when Shoe and Laurne Southern were friends until it was found that Lauren Southern was a bit more on the Alt-Right side of things and Shoe distanced herself from her. And with how much of a scumbag Blaire is, especially with all this coming out about him, Shoe may actually be wanting to distance herself from him as well.
>>1083477I think in this picture Blaire really messed with the Sharpness feature since it looks like he's popping right out of the photo
No. 1083709
>>1083477Those legs are disgusting.
I thought Blaire moved to Texas but that photo still looks like LA.
No. 1084667
>>1084197Maybe he had a change of heart after doing more research and finding out that most Texans despise trannies and the laws in that state regarding his kind aren’t what he was hoping for, even if he were to move to one of the bigger cities.
Robbie benefits off of laws that are put in place by left-wing politicians, let’s be real. He just won’t admit it to himself or anyone else because supporting the left will kill his persona of being the “based” contrarian tranny that gets him so much attention. He’s probably not even disappointed that Biden won the presidency, because Trump was actively stripping all the special treatment laws put into place for troons kek.
No. 1085588
>>1084197Blaire has always been shown to lie about stuff for views and it's the belief that he usually lies when views are down or he's in a hot controversy.
>>1084667Also this lol.
No. 1086574
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No. 1086578
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>>1086574His torso is so short it makes him look like this
No. 1087832
File: 1605967650495.jpeg (5.09 MB, 3024x4030, 235494DD-4CDF-40F0-A2E7-37F8BE…)

Robbie’s followers continue to drop at a steady pace I guess boo hooing about not being able to have a child didn’t distract people like he hoped.
He’s back to doing commentary on low hanging fruit for now. Apparently responding to a comic about trans children. A bit of the reaction is on his Instagram story.
I guess his plan now is to continue to appease his core audience before the pedo videos. At this rate he’ll be at 940K before the year is up.
No. 1087855
>>1087832Those comics were not made for children, Blaire is just retarded as usual and purposefully did no research.
Assigned Male is cringey enough on it's own without needing a "Think of the children!!" spin on it, goddamn. Most of those are technically all ages or PG but the target demographic is still other "woke" adult trans activists.
Didn't even pick the funniest ones, smh.
No. 1091836
File: 1606359492479.jpeg (938.3 KB, 960x1312, 56AF780E-40EA-4E1D-A0DA-7511A8…)

Robert just posted on on IG story that some guy said his feet were pretty and was all into those hobbit. Gross
No. 1091983
>>1091836I find these recent photos funny because it's pretty obvious Blaire might lurk here and is trying to do these seemingly no makeup looks since one of the things lots of people point out is that he wears a ton of makeup to mask his obvious man-face.
But sorry Blaire, you're still not fooling anyone with that filter smoothing your face out.
As for the feet comment, I'm not into feet in general and I don't think I want to see Blaire's but I'm sure whatever guy said that was delusional.
No. 1092009
File: 1606375700029.jpeg (399.53 KB, 960x1644, 272D061E-4D9D-4974-9102-CAAEEA…)

So much photoshop is not even funny and Blair still looks cringy
No. 1092015
>>1091836Blaire's a catfish, whenever people post how he really looks when he's being praised 9/10 go, "how is that even the same person?" it feels like so many people forget photoshop & filters are a thing when it comes to troons. He has no clevage but in all his pictures suddenly his tits are full?
Sad thing is he's still weird looking with a big head regardless.
No. 1092048
File: 1606385153706.png (398.64 KB, 549x428, rob.png)

>>1091836Seems like he drew in some extra thigh meat so it'd meet his hip extensions, but forgot to erase the original outline. Overall a really shitty shooping job.
No. 1092163
>>1092015It's because people don't realize that he's ALWAYS using a filter when he's filming & taking pictures of himself. I remember showing my friend a picture of what Blaire really looked like and he thought it was fake because "she doesn't look like that in her videos" and then showed me the video I posted and he said "She's not wearing makeup here so I dunno about those photos, they look fake"
Obviously he's a guy and I feel like mostly guys are the ones who fall for this catfish.
No. 1097990
File: 1607000665473.jpg (1.07 MB, 1468x2048, leul.jpg)

No. 1100841
File: 1607232936143.jpeg (713.61 KB, 960x998, 4DF07C76-B309-4469-BB85-1C5D9F…)

No. 1100903
File: 1607238844385.jpeg (98.84 KB, 342x719, AC7500CE-637D-4F1E-A8F0-6F9AFF…)

Robbie at Jaclyn Glenn’s wedding. The difference in head size is topkek
No. 1100978
>>1100903This has convinced me people are stupid, they see a few photoshopped pictures of troons and think, "Wow SHE passes" and then see pictures where the truth is out and they act confused.
Even if at glance you thought blaire was a woman, he'd still be a very odd looking woman, one that'd never be praised for looks, in fact he looks like tranny knock off Kylie before her body work.
Difference is Kylie gets roasted for looking like Kylie & photoshop yet troons get praised.
makes zero sense.
No. 1101122
>>1100903Yep he is VERY clockable when standing next to women. Stands out like a sore thumb.
>>1100908Kek you said it anon, it's like light and day when you do these comparisons.
No. 1101124
>>1100978No, you're right anon. Most people are stupid when it comes to these troons fuckery with photo editing. I feel like it's mostly men who are easily fooled. In fact, I'm pretty sure even Joey may have been surprised he he saw what Blaire actually looked like.
You're also right that the double standards are appalling. If a woman dares to edit her photos, she gets lambasted for it but if a troon does it, it's perfectly fine and they don't get called out for it.
No. 1101129
File: 1607272994385.png (17.9 KB, 312x97, Loss Subs.PNG)

So looks like Blaire has stagnated to about 944k subs. It also seems like his views on his last few videos are no where near the amount he usually got on his videos. I wonder if his viewership is gonna continue to drop.
No. 1102685
>>1101129Could honestly be from Youtube shadow banning and deliberately suppressing his content.
He is still basically a right-wing fascist in the eyes of your average Google employee, even if he has moved on from Sargon-tier anti-feminism.
On the other hand, his novelty as the right wing tranny has worn off at this point.
No. 1106740
File: 1607896248955.jpeg (336.94 KB, 960x1650, 58118C3D-C020-4816-A2CA-12D223…)

No. 1107441
File: 1608052517388.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1862, Screenshot_20201215-174332~2.p…)

No. 1108087
File: 1608108624365.jpeg (265.3 KB, 1530x960, 560C5993-11B1-4FDC-A89C-1B0914…)

Looking super weird in this picture. Right?
No. 1108210
>>1108187maybe it's because a lot of men are autistic enough to believe short hair = man and long hair = woman?
i mean, look at how bad the average man is at clocking trannies
No. 1111746
>>1111594Yes Blaire, if you ever were convicted of a crime and had to face prison time, you damn well do belong in a men's prison because that is what you are.
Again with him using his looks as a means to think he's entitled to be put in a woman's sanction when A), he's not a woman and B), his look is manufactured by digital filters.
No. 1111876
>>1111843>>1111746Wait, he said he belongs in a womens prison? My internet is spotty and YouTube won't load.
I support prisons with LGBT sections since I understand a lot of gay or GNC males who committed harmless crimes like giving away their Adderall at college would be raped and harassed relentlessly at a male prison, but stop treating the womens prison like a "safe haven" for your fetish. Imagine the womens reaction when Blaire's scrubbing his hank hill ass and dick next to them in the showers. Just because Blaire might not be the type to physically rape a woman doesn't make it any better.
No. 1112102
>>1111799It's not that he's wearing short shorts, those are booty shorts. Would you seriously wear shorts that high to the point where your ass is hanging out while on a mountain hike?
>>1111843Oh for sure anon.
>>1111876> I support prisons with LGBT sections since I understand a lot of gay or GNC males who committed harmless crimes like giving away their Adderall at college would be raped and harassed relentlessly at a male prisonTHIS. Look, I'm not saying that I want men like Blaire to get ass-raped in prison but that doesn't mean he deserves to be put in a prison he doesn't belogn in. His fears do not trump that of Women's spaces, sorry dude. But the best way to handle cases with men like him is exactly what you said, they should create Gay sections of the prison specifically for gay men like Blaire.That's the best solution to this as women can keep their spaces free of men and men like Blaire will be safe from the sexual assault they would definitely get.
No. 1112446
>>1111892>Blaire is oblivious to the fact that he has a manly body typeIs he though? He wouldn't be hiding behind filters and hip padding if he were truly delusional about his obvious masculinity. Him bragging about how pretty and "passing" he is are straight up lies coming from his own mouth and he knows it.
He flaunts his saggy asscheeks out in public because his fetish won't allow for him to dress modestly, ever. A normal pair of shorts would kill his boner.
No. 1112551
>>1112501Those men are HSTS, but they do tend to still have the AGP mindset of getting off to he IDEA of being a women, viewed by a straight man, even if they don't necessarily want a vagina. They crave the attention from men who would normally be attracted to women, which is why most of them turn into bimbos or drag queen-looking things (little do they know, that any man attracted to a creature who only looks vaguely female with 10lbs of make up and still has a penis is not a straight man).
I don't think Robbie fetishizes women the way transbians do. But he clearly feels like he does "womanhood"/femininity properly, or better than women do and gets off on being a dolled up "barbie" that can pull "straight" men.
(Armchairing) No. 1112587
>>1112501When I was a fakeboi I was friends with a "straight" tranny only attracted to biological men. I jokingly called her HSTS once and they said, "no, I'm not really ashamed of admitting I'm AGP." They even looked like a stereotypical AGP.
Plus didn't Blanchard get rid of the "HSTS" category and replace it with COGD (childhood onset gender dysphoria) for gay and lesbian trannies who transition because of internalized homophobia and feeling unable to fit in with others of their bio sex? HSTS is just another form of AGP.
No. 1112633
>>1112510>>1112551Thanks for the explanation. That really makes a lot of a sense because I notice that even a lot of the gay troons have this bimbo look either through showing off their obvious fake chest implants with short skerts/dresses or piled on makeup. The only difference I've noticed is that they don't look as not-put together like AGPs mostly because well, they're Gay men and tend to be into makeup so they may know their way around a brush while an AGP straight man doesn't know how to use the stuff.
But you're right, it does seem like Blaire and men like him don't get on women necessarily but just the attention they get from "straight" men (which I have to question tbh) and that is what fuels their fetish.
(derailing ) No. 1113791
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No. 1115531
File: 1609023401901.png (Spoiler Image,425.75 KB, 1018x570, 1599863096874.png)

I'm always amused when candid pictures of him surface and it turns out the token tranny that is supposedly sooo feminine and passing is just a mannish plastic surgery disaster.
No. 1115551
>>1115531Same, I love posting pictures of Blaire without the filters and poses when he comes up in gender critical conversations, for some reason so many people STILL think Blaire gives a shit about women and is speaking out because he's "different", people are always so surprised that Blaire looks totally different and manly. But the thing is, even fake Blaire isn't all that attractive he's only attractive for a trans woman & the bar for them is SO low.
The tiny nose, the nasty lips, face shape, the fact he has negative cleavage, he's not really good looking. I'm still waiting on Blaire to start a onlyfans of his shopped pictures.
No. 1115582
>>1115531Wow people weren't exaggerating when they say he has shoulders like a linebacker because wow are they wide.
>>1115551The honest truth is that if Blaire stopped with the whole charade of him thinking he's a woman and just accepted himself for who he truly is while embracing his feminine side, he would come off a little better. I say "A little" because personality-wise, he is nothing special. Just a stereotypical flamboyant gay gossip type of person but at least he wouldn't be pretending to be something he's not.
No. 1116690
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No. 1119910
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No. 1119923
>>1119910wow, osama bin laden next to his aging crossdressing twink bf who looks like he's concealing his farts as much as his wrinkles?
sage because this thread is proving itself to be nothing but endless nitpicking again. come back to me when bob actually screws up something other than photoshop or posing.
No. 1120358
File: 1609613515627.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1164x1893, 010A9C80-FC49-40EB-ACD3-FCAEB1…)

>>1120080(Sorry mods for picture repost - this is just for ease of reference)
Honest question: Can men with a torso
this wide and V-shaped corset train anywhere close to as easily as a woman? And that's sort of implying it's easy for us, which it isn't. I'm pretty sure corsets are designed to fit only the female skeleton and shrink our waists in accordance to where our hip bones and organs are supposed to line up, which even for us is a very gradual and sometimes painful process. Male anatomy just isn't the same. For a while I followed a bunch of mtfs on social and have seen many of them show off their new, often quality corsets but even a year or more after the unboxing, no changes to their waist could be found in risqué pics (except for
one person who got very noticeable shrinkage, but I believe he had Klinefelter's and probably Photoshops too, idr). I'm guessing they either won't fit the average man at
all or the fit is unbearably painful for them.
So I
would imagine Blaire has probably tried to corset train before given how obsessed he is with his waist appearing small, but failed so he bought the cheap drag padding as a last resort. A corset would not have fixed the lack of hips and propane ass, either.
>TL;DR Blairebod is too bulky to corset train and he's too far up his own arse to admit he doesn't pass so hip padding and lazy photoshop it is. No. 1120726
File: 1609645272530.jpg (172.6 KB, 1200x1788, Amanda-Lepore.jpg)

>>1120358Amanda Lepore had ribs removed, waist trains, had all sorts of lower body surgeries and still has a manly torso. So, no.
No. 1130179
File: 1610525374490.jpeg (318.77 KB, 797x1399, 9D523116-3C46-404F-BD13-D0485E…)

I see bob is talking shit about Jeffrey star again
No. 1130203
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>>1119910Uncanny (as in valley)
No. 1131051
File: 1610596605709.jpeg (1.13 MB, 960x1678, 3F8FE285-2C0B-4A97-930A-C8779B…)

(not milk)
No. 1142032
>>1142012Sage retarded newfag
She’s not pretty it’s facetune working overtime Blaire has a man face
No. 1142841
File: 1611696648124.jpg (556.34 KB, 1147x749, aids.jpg)

why does he always think he's the know all, end all on all trans issues?
who died and made Robbie king of the crapper?
No. 1143003
File: 1611709017574.jpeg (300.77 KB, 503x713, 72747B89-443E-4F9A-9A2B-EA91B3…)

>>1142841Oh bob had been looking worse and worse.
Could it be age? Now that he’s 50?
No. 1143039
>>1143003why does he put so much concealer over the top of his cheeks? is it bc if he didn’t, people would notice he has no cheekbones?
in any case, the light ass concealer is not helping. should really learn how to contour his jawline and under the cheekbones. also put mascara on his lower lashes like wtf, that’s makeup 101.
No. 1143248
File: 1611745237790.jpg (11 KB, 687x33, another 1k.JPG)

Blaire is still losing subscribers, picture related was yesterday when his new video came out. I can imagine Joey is stuck dealing with a series of tantrums every time that number goes down, but seriously, is he really stupid enough to go after nonbinaries again even after watching his friend Kalvin get cancelled for doing just that?
I get that Blaire is a boring dumbass with no actual talent or hobbies but he's going to continue spiraling into irrelevancy until he figures out some kind of content to put out beyond shitting on people. The Janae video woke up his audience into realizing he's an asshole and yet he continues to mock others instead of trying to prove himself otherwise.
Bob, get a hobby or two. Learn something that you can share with others. You're pushing 30 and still act like a catty gay man for a living.
No. 1143323
File: 1611752115915.jpeg (252.58 KB, 1200x1342, 1F6F475D-20FA-45E4-A4B9-C6DA3B…)

No. 1143426
>>1143248Oh man, I didn't know he lost even more. The last I saw he was at 978k, that's a hella dip in subs.
>I get that Blaire is a boring dumbass with no actual talent or hobbies but he's going to continue spiraling into irrelevancy until he figures out some kind of content to put out beyond shitting on people. The Janae video woke up his audience into realizing he's an asshole and yet he continues to mock others instead of trying to prove himself otherwise.Agreed. I think he's trying to pull a Jeffree Star where he thinks that he's practically untouchable and can prevail with views despite being in hot ass controversy but this should be a wake up call. He's not Jeffree, his channel is in the stages of a slow death.
Honestly though I think that he is gonna become a twitch streamer like the Stef Sanjiati person. Idk why but I feel that's the next stage for him for easy money.
No. 1143818
File: 1611791299759.jpg (58.62 KB, 1207x754, smug idiot.JPG)

>>1143426>Oh man, I didn't know he lost even more. The last I saw he was at 978k, that's a hella dip in subs.Yeah and he's down yet another 1k today. It won't stop lol.
>I think he's trying to pull a Jeffree Star where he thinks that he's practically untouchable and can prevail with views despite being in hot ass controversyHe even sells a tshirt that says "uncancellable" on it. He's probably smug because he kept gaining subscribers for so long despite so many other people hating him and didn't realize that no one is immune to having their own fans turn on them. The shirt is still in his shop, so with that he's probably trying to imply that just because he's in a controversy doesn't mean he's going away (kind of like a bothersome mosquito) but continuously making the same recycled garbage videos isn't going to keep him his fans.
No. 1145126
File: 1611926027555.jpg (62.89 KB, 740x380, v1.jpg)

>>1143818uncancelable? let's put that to the test.
No. 1149018
File: 1612251192500.jpeg (236.71 KB, 1440x1584, 0117968E-DC19-4C66-96A7-A64326…)

he comes back with an oompa loompa cosplay?
No. 1152941
File: 1612526587739.jpg (21.76 KB, 161x558, 1612522954936.jpg)

>>1152265he has, here he is cosplaying as a bridesmaid at Jaclyn Glenn's wedding.
"grandma, why is that man wearing a dress?"
"because he's a pervert, bubele."
No. 1162562
File: 1613436910867.jpeg (282.93 KB, 960x1674, DC8928DD-803E-475B-AF4D-EB0DC9…)

This is really what he looks like, even with filters and bs(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1164400
File: 1613628939837.jpeg (579.26 KB, 960x1554, 160FA7EA-D30D-40DD-AC42-D608D3…)

So that’s the ultra “feminine” boy he use to be?? He looks just like any little boy… kinda masculine actually. nothing feminine about rob then. So why transition now?
No. 1164767
>>1164400Eh, she wasn’t a hyper feminine little kid, but she was a super faggy, cringy scene dude as a teen. You don’t really have much agency over your appearance until you’re old enough to go shopping on your own, and it’s hard to capture feminine mannerisms and whatnot in a school photo.
I absolutely 100% believe that Blaire was one of those kids that was obviously gay even from a really young age.
that being said… blaire do be a liar
No. 1173310
File: 1614611623154.jpg (131.24 KB, 1080x798, 20210301_161319.jpg)

>>1149018Does anybody know what this thing by his crotch is..? Is it his butt??
No. 1173497
File: 1614628882864.jpeg (Spoiler Image,77.77 KB, 1778x999, flipper.jpeg)

>>1173310It's a butt implant. Poorly done one at that because it made a crease where the bottom of the implant is.
You know, like this one.
No. 1179633
>>1164400Interesting how the transition seems to be not just about gender but also race. Qwhite interesting indeed.
>>1174579I reckon it's a bid to seem smarter or more sophisticated. A personality replacement, if you like - it's not like there's much going on here otherwise besides being the transiest trans to ever trans… it'll be interesting to see what the next cash-grab venture will be after Youtube falls through. Surely there has to be a truckstop somewhere nearby…
No. 1180788
File: 1615374571020.png (100.1 KB, 313x261, 2.PNG) and his filter supports "Super Straight" movement, but he aint slick.
The true reason he supports it is in hopes Joey can FINALLY be see as a actual "Straight man", even though the whole thing is, "Okay you "Straight" but i'm actual straight aka "Super straight".
No. 1180978
>>1180794Anon please stop with that stupid kinsey scale. The only thing that thing really applies to are bisexuals but even then, any man who sexes and/or dates a troon is not engaging in a heterosexual relationship, they are engaging in a homosexual GAY relationship. Transwomen are men and will never be women. Let's cut out the bullshit and just call it what it is. The guy may not be gay and just be bisexual but it doesn't change the fact that he's in a GAY relationship and that's just what it is.
As for Blaire supporting this Super Straight movement, of course he does. He's the token, "Not like other trannies" troon, he needs to support it to fit his branding.
No. 1183356
>>1183187Image on left of that thumbnail looks like downes syndrome with a wig
Image on right is a faggot in a wig
No. 1183376
File: 1615621705147.jpeg (284.19 KB, 960x1465, 882AD90E-EBEA-4B87-B961-3B0BFF…)

The butt pad lol
No. 1183830
>>1183225Anon take what Blaire says wit ha pinch of salt. He may have got some botox and fillers but the true results are not really seen because he films everything with a face filter and makeup. I guarantee that if he ever did a true reveal of what he looks like without the makeup and turns off the filming filter, we'd be seeing how he looks in photos when other people snap them. The eyebrows are the least of his worries tbh.
>>1183238For real. Closing your eyes and listening to his voice, it just sounds like a gay man with a very high pitched voice and that's how most of these troons sound.
>>1183444Eh I think that some men can give good fashion tips but as a general rule, yeah I agree, especially if it's a man with a sissy or bimbo fetish.
No. 1184891
File: 1615802385395.png (2.65 MB, 1125x2436, 81229355-E441-4732-AF17-642835…)

Blaire recently did a video where she takes a political compass quiz, and her result ended up being very slightly center right.
However, people realized that her answers didn’t quite line up with the results, so they retook the quiz along her (assuming the most conservative answers for questions she skipped) and got slightly lib left.
Yes, Blaire edited her results to make her look more conservative than she is.
Need more proof? Well, she had a tab open for a Google search of “center right political compass.”
Some more info: No. 1184962
>>1184891I mean it’s common knowledge that Robbie is a liar and only hanging onto the conservatives cause he couldn’t grift to blogging/makeup youtube.
That’s just sad that even his remaining viewers didn’t even let this slide. When will he get tired of the constantly lying and just be honest.
>>1183187It’s wild because every getty image that these threads have found or going on other peoples podcasts he doesn’t look natural. Why are you taking advice from someone that couldn’t even wait/save to get a breast augmentation by a respectable surgeon and got bolt ons? He still has a square face, any makeup artist would tell him that. Claims natural but still clinging onto this ratty extensions. Nothing is natural about a bunch of Botox and this is coming from someone in LA.
Rule number one is never get fucking free anything when it comes to injectables. Rule two is never EVER cheap out with plastic surgery.
No. 1185158
>>1184891I mean this isn't surprising. He has a history of lying just like
>>1184962 said. Him being Conservative was always faulty because prior to this, he never talked about why he felt he was more Conservative anyway.
>>1184962> He still has a square face, any makeup artist would tell him that.Honestly even if he got another face surgery, I feel like he'd just look like a freakish alien if he got his face hammered on some more. And besides, he's still continue to age like a man so imagine what nightmare that would look like lol.
No. 1185662
>>1185585just a maga fag little person, funnily enough he looks more like a biological woman then Blaire. Has a softer face, he looks like he could be a TIF.
Blaire keeps wearing clothes that show off his boxy waist and negative hips. Even if you didn't clock Blaire irl I'd be like,"Thats a strong odd looking woman" and I'd think he's a lot older then he is.
No. 1187681
File: 1616101261537.jpg (1.83 MB, 2048x1536, x-men.jpg)

No. 1188027
File: 1616150592133.jpeg (679.77 KB, 960x1164, 0D7D846D-9D38-4A48-B4EE-9C9557…)

What is up with those shorts? Da fuq is Robert doing in public like that? Embarrassing!
No. 1195157
File: 1616887643090.jpeg (337.51 KB, 637x655, F03AC3BC-322C-464E-805A-CA19EF…)

So that’s a surprise that he didn’t photoshop the ruck out of this picture
No. 1195633
File: 1616941216757.jpeg (1.31 MB, 960x1630, 8E216E3E-0190-4B62-8942-F112EC…)

Haha! So much photoshop!
No. 1195641
File: 1616941749570.jpg (81.17 KB, 956x568, bb20-bblf-20180704-2014-jc.jpg)

>>1185662>>1185585>>1185343sage for ot but lol it's that tiny little fag from big brother a few seasons ago
No. 1195657
>>1195633>borzoi legs>negative hips>enormous back>skin tone bikini He needs to take some of the muscles of his back and put them on his hips if he ever wants to have a 1% more of hips than whatever’s going on down there.
The shoop only makes him look more like Michael Jackson than Kim Kardashian.
No. 1209391
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No. 1209774
File: 1618574090701.jpeg (895.77 KB, 960x1458, 7A3B7F41-BEDA-4A92-BEF7-138696…)

No. 1217192
File: 1619469832249.png (3.8 MB, 2079x960, 9BA88651-5EC9-4629-B69B-2C728D…)

Okay but what about the man hands? They look huge!
No. 1217923
>>1217326No one is saying he looks abnormal, he just looks like a man in makeup. Nothing abnormal about it lol.
>>1217358Yeah I believe he wants to keep his dick even though he says he plans on getting SRS. He's not serious about it and only says that to keep playing up the "not like other troons" angle with his pornsck fans.
No. 1228215
File: 1620777747507.webm (1.93 MB, 1920x1080, nice filter bro lmao.webm)
sloppy robert with his sloppy editing skills lmfao.
No. 1228400
File: 1620800700009.jpg (5.74 MB, 400x480, 1m2AnUc.jpg)

>>1228352kek the meitu body filter was glitching in the black one piece. You can also see it in the gucci logo. Too bad for him they don’t have a filter that can erase a bulge.
No. 1228474
>>1228352The more he does shit like this, the more I believe in what everyone says about AGP/bimbofication fetish.
Literally everything he does is about looks, looks, looks. No other content except “Please validate me.”
Pathetic fucking existence.
No. 1239715
>>1239393It's not just you anon, I see it too. At first I thought my glasses were blurry so I wiped them real quick and looked again and nope, still looks uncanny as shit. He's clearly using a facial filter for this but I mean, he always does so it's not surprising, we all know what his real face looks like.
Also this isn't the first time he's talked with a De-trans woman but doesn't anyone find it mildly ironic that he almost never talks to de-trans TIMs?
No. 1246381
File: 1622860336459.jpeg (94.81 KB, 941x888, 3B723EA0-C7EC-4F5A-915F-B26DFD…)

>>1246344This is so embarrassing and the heavily moderated comments are even worse
No. 1246396
>>1246344He sounds like a shit tier conservative eminem parody tbh kek.
>screw it, I ain't trippin, I don't mean to be meanwoah, watch out everyone. This guy sounds hard as fuck.
No. 1246408
File: 1622861553292.png (802.33 KB, 1026x667, woah.... badass.png)

>>1246344robbie probably thinks he's SOO badass
No. 1246555
File: 1622871264114.png (4 MB, 1170x2532, AE7E1680-87F4-4B83-986A-D67246…)

>>1246344i know zoomed in photos are just nitpicking but this frame had me almost crying
No. 1254982
File: 1623582814796.png (2.85 MB, 1516x1240, blair.png)

Robbie got his hip pads on full display in his most recent pics.
If you date a girl and take her clothes off for the first time maybe you find out she was wearing a padded bra. When you take home a troon and take his clothes off, all sorts of padding falls out. Literally all those curves are fake. And ofc his cock falls out too.
No. 1255007
>>1246431he passes well when all you can see are his sausage lips and fake eyelashes.
>>1254982i don't think he could fat farm long enough to get a bbl but he really should get illegal ass shots. that way he could stop with the pads and it'll make for good milk down the road
No. 1255684
>>1255007>Passes wellI dunno anon, have you seen him in person? We learned here that when it comes to pictures, even pictures like this, they still heavily edit and facetune their faces aside from their body.
>illegal ass shotsThat would look like a disaster since he has skinny legs.
>>1255051I'm kinda the same way anon. Ever since the whole Kim Kardashian Drag Queen look with the overdone lips, nails, eyelashes, and contouring became popular in the early 2010s, some women do end up looking like men in makeup.
No. 1258197
File: 1623873005817.png (10.81 MB, 2208x1242, 323902EE-D4B5-4F3B-AF1D-C0C3F3…)

The obvious shoulder to hip ratio kek
No. 1258657
File: 1623938411334.png (1.21 MB, 828x939, listen me and this lil pumpkin…)

>>1258197honestly, i'm not gonna get at him for that shoulder to hip ratio. i wish more men and tims were confident with that. it's how your body is, dont go around with buttpads and shit which dont suite your frame. his manly frame suits him and i dont fault him for rocking it.
(unsaged faggotry) No. 1258721
>>1258657Well if he stopped with the charade of thinking he's a woman and embraced being a feminine man which is the truth, he more than likely wouldn't be as insecure about his body.
No. 1270022
File: 1625252553298.jpeg (769.87 KB, 1242x870, 61845CC6-64FE-4AC8-8789-C8586C…)

Robert and Oli have the same nose
No. 1270405
File: 1625276394112.jpeg (257.61 KB, 478x700, 3DAE0C4E-09C6-45CC-BB2A-C47734…)

Why dose blaire look like the girl with the birth defect?
No. 1270593
>>1270022Truly impressive lack of self-awareness. All plastic surgery
victims look the exact same. Blair doesn't look any better than him.
No. 1270849
>>1270022The fact that they both have the same botched nose and long horse looking face.
All you need to do is put a wig on Oli london and he could compete with Blaires ugly ass.
No. 1271111
File: 1625375001271.jpeg (886.19 KB, 960x1531, 7B73FD41-9BF9-46D2-9C4A-DD64B6…)

Blaire literally looks like this(
No. 1273866
File: 1625811169281.jpg (286.33 KB, 800x1280, Blaire White being a Karen (1)…)

>>1052393Woah. Bobby dragged Halsey when he clearly tweeted this during the beginning of the pandemic.
No. 1274797
>>1273866>>1273868This is old non milk, no1curr
>>1274433I agree with you somewhat, but maybe learn to sage tard
No. 1275083
File: 1626036747779.jpg (124 KB, 1430x670, bulge.jpg)

didnt see that the pic had already been posted oops, have a different one, not a good tuck there Blair
No. 1278328
File: 1626476893745.png (5.17 MB, 1242x2208, 67A9651E-1542-45EC-939D-85E108…)

The butt pads and back arching working overtime
No. 1284993
File: 1627342824194.jpeg (634.32 KB, 1242x1390, DB0245C5-2446-48EF-9B3C-23CA37…)

How tone deaf and dishonest can Robert be? It’s apparent that his eating disorder and body dysmorphia hasn’t dissipated according to this thread. He did not “cure” himself and I don’t know how another pointless video repeating the same message “Eugenia is dying” is going to help except provide clout and attention to the creator of the video.
No. 1285999
>>1285898Believe me anon, we all know this, we know he looks like a man in public but unfortunately some people either can't tell (especially other men) or pretend to not notice (women).
>>1285983Double standards really. Women shouldn't be required to wax some dude's balls but they have to pat down and touch his? GTFO.
No. 1286119
File: 1627496977054.jpeg (107.24 KB, 517x1419, 944988D1-E142-4EAF-828D-A2B6DB…)

U can see the man shoulders and his lack of curves, especially his ass. Manly ass shape
No. 1297534
File: 1628639823854.jpg (229.65 KB, 1080x1023, Screenshot_20210810-165554_Twi…)

ok but why?!??! dr phil is already cringe, this is gonna be a shitshow
No. 1298889
File: 1628810730001.jpeg (264.92 KB, 583x672, 8473CD10-4997-49AB-88D1-5A95A5…)

Saged for nitpick and dumbassery but the way Robert does his makeup makes me ultra cringe… his sparse pencil thin brows, his skinny sad little wings of eyeliner, and the disgusting lashes covered in 30 coats of mascara. Who else is bothered by this?
No. 1303327
>>1297534Oh honey I cannot wait to see the screencaps of Blaire's smokescreen wear off and we see angles of him that really showcase his man face, it's gonna be good.
>>1297585Out of all the troone that they pick for Chris Chan, why Robert? He barely even knew who he was lol. Wouldn't it make more sense to get a troon who actually had been following Chris Chan for a longer while?
>>1298889Nah anon, I do get the discomfort. It's a waste of time considering he still looks like a man in makeup but if that's the look he's going for, more power to him. But yeah I cannot with the copious amounts of mascara and false eyelashes, like I can already see how flaky and gross that would become throughout the day.
No. 1313639
File: 1630547779122.png (7.56 MB, 2208x1242, 3B1E168B-5363-489D-96F7-BCE2B7…)

>>1298889his makeup years ago (excluding the brows) looked a lot better. wonder what happened
No. 1359238
File: 1635720919337.jpeg (1.17 MB, 960x1327, F1DAE408-D6FF-450C-8CDB-024393…)

No. 1389328
File: 1639096122813.jpeg (683.05 KB, 1670x2048, FCE8B8D9-6F5B-4187-B2C7-491452…)

It’s official, Blaire is going to be a guest on an upcoming Joe Rogan episode. To top it all off we have this haunting photo of the two standing next to eachother in studio.
No. 1389332
>>1389328Not surprising at all that he accepted Robbie as a guest since he’s very anti-trans and bolt ons is the perfect scapegoat
Just going to get asked generic anti-trans question and like a bootlicker Robbie will agree with it all and anything else. Wonder if they’ll ask about the recently call outs.
Also wtf happened the dr phil episode guest appearance?
No. 1390489
>>1390287Justed started watching the episode on spotify, literally bootlicking and agreeing from minute one. I wanna say the 21:00 mark Joe starts really diving trans questions.
It's already comical because Robbie is already contradicting himself. Robbie goes on a rant about how elementary schools and stuff shouldn't have LGBT flags and suchs because they shouldn't be exposed to that and kids aren't thinking about that stuff.
>moments later"Yeah so I knew I didn't identify as a boy when I was 5."
I know Robbie isn't bright but like it was actually moments apart.
No. 1390701
>>1390489LOL at the contradiction. Classic Robbie, that's too good. And how much you wanna bet that the reason he didn't "identify" as a boy at that age (which I kinda doubt), it's because he was more interested in things like makeup, dolls, and got along with girls better? Which isn't a problem or anything but that doesn't make him a woman and I have a good feeling that if Robbie actually did debate with a "
terf", she would've brought attention to that whereas as a man wouldn't even bother to question him and ask him to elaborate on what he means.
No. 1390832
File: 1639282004212.jpg (218.16 KB, 506x750, IMG_6890.jpg)

yes this is not milk, just laughing at how much he doesn't pass at all in candids.
No. 1400619
File: 1640321968507.jpeg (335.98 KB, 603x543, C1F8446B-31AA-4411-8965-97D299…)

Finally Robert got one right. He’s not okay.
I can’t be the only that hates his hideous smug douchbag face?
No. 1409917
File: 1641454001243.jpeg (111.44 KB, 960x1132, 8E13977F-4391-4C4F-A431-26DF66…)

Robert has some nice shoulder pads.(nitpicking/ necro)
No. 1412749
File: 1641734015029.jpeg (431.39 KB, 538x970, DC70D46B-D0D8-4C85-B7A7-C79DE8…)

Oh that horse face mixed with Michael Jackson(unsaged nitpick)
No. 1415210
>>14101852 weeks is definitely not enough to put a thread into necro. a thread being quiet for a little bit and being bumped randomly is not a necro, it's just unsaged bumping.
>>1412749his fridge body and rigid bolt-ons will never not make me laugh.
No. 1416103
File: 1642080296121.png (129.36 KB, 1208x508, Screen Shot 2022-01-13 at 8.21…)

Well I guess to actually talk about milk and speculations.
Do we think he'll follow the fate of shoe0nhead and be engaged for like 5 years just for joey to leave him for a younger troon.
Aren't they going on 4(?) year engagement. Although with posts like these I wonder what happens between them behind closed doors No. 1427202
File: 1643191124649.jpeg (1.46 MB, 960x1664, AA9905A3-4407-4F27-B16D-9800BE…)

So is Robert going bald??
No. 1427291
>>1427253That’s exactly what I thought
Robert is such a clown
No. 1427301
File: 1643206235310.jpeg (151.87 KB, 1121x960, B3A60519-A87E-43A5-B7ED-CC68D4…)

I’m wondering why his beard is peeking through and how is he still has busted nails. How cheep are those press ons or is it that his man hands bust the acrylics off?
No. 1427535
File: 1643225278300.jpg (115.86 KB, 903x500, 4lpk6r.jpg)

>>1416103I think he's probably just a bisexual man LARPING as straight because he can't admit he likes women and also has a fetish for little twinks in dresses. I dont see him ever dating a regular gay man who doesn't larp as female because it wouldn't match his fetish and he clearly hates regular gays. "I'm still straight because I only like males in dresses". Picrel is Joey after fondling robbie's feminine penis
No. 1427637
>>1427202>Going baldIt appears so anon. Remember, taking prolonged HRT can result in balding of the hair and Blaire has been on it for a good while now and he's getting up there in age. Not saying he's old but he'll be 30 in like 2-3 years and after seeing pictures of other troons who started taking HRT when they were in their teens to early 20s and their hair started to thin and bald as well.
Of course it was inevitable that the same would happen to him eventually. I'm sure eventually he'll just eventually start wearing wigs.
No. 1429126
File: 1643358940070.jpeg (496.46 KB, 748x1404, 5C747B6B-BD0C-44ED-8738-3D56DA…)

Robert really thought this was an outfit lol
No. 1429160
>>1429126bolt-ons parted like moses did it himself.
also his face is filtered so much, he looks straight up like a dude in the face, more than usual lmao
No. 1432243
File: 1643738282751.png (6.71 MB, 2079x960, 8F40E6FE-D76F-49C7-99D5-BC5A2F…)

Huge(unsaged nitpick)
No. 1432743
>>1432409sage for off topic. but a good friend of mine (almost like a brother) was been with his gf for about 4 years in total (not counting the year they spent apart because they broke up) and every time i ask him if they plan to get married, he gets nervous about it. he has told me he can't marry her yet because of her emotional immaturity/clinginess. idk if he sees her as a palceholder. i honestly hope he doesn't.
it's almost a year that i've been with my bf and he's already told me multiple times that he wants to marry me but we both want to finish school first. imo, if men are serious about being with you, they'll work for it.
(no1currs) No. 1433794
File: 1643909804104.jpeg (252.98 KB, 960x1095, 85A5079C-CC54-47E0-8A1D-925895…)

>>1432905I swear this is going to be Robert’s new boyfriend! He spends more time with this fool than Joey
Btw am I the only one that sees him looking older and older each day and more like Michael Jackson. ?
No. 1436966
File: 1644248054851.jpeg (645.13 KB, 960x877, EA035929-583A-46C0-8154-57A882…)

>>1436827He’s always taking about blending in society and that everyone just automatically see him as female. BUT l highly doubt that because he looks like a DUDE.
No. 1437239
>>1437222i promise you they're not kek
you know how they say women seek out sex and then pretend they were raped when they regret it? it's literal projection of how moids operate. the number of moids who were "fooled" by troon fake nails is zero, what actually happens is they get curious and specifically seek trannies, then murder them in a fit of post-nut self-loathing.
No. 1438592
>>1433794Michael Malice is an odd one. He's apparently a very straight man, but he's really into drag culture. Like years before he was an anarchist voice, he wrote blog recaps of Ru Paul's Drag Race for The Observer. It's definitely a weird dynamic, Malice is in his late 40s. I am also curious about Joey's absence as well.
No. 1440552
File: 1644584534391.jpeg (845.24 KB, 960x962, 691EF71B-3868-4462-AFB4-3D84E3…)

When your parents are michael jackson and amanda lepore
No. 1440867
File: 1644612796597.jpg (26.39 KB, 441x532, Capture.JPG)

>>1440552can someone explain to me what causes this face shape
No. 1441817
File: 1644706276807.jpeg (717.42 KB, 960x886, 2A000E93-AFE1-42F2-8275-9CE6D6…)

>>1440867Rob was born with a very masculine face and body . And unfortunately for him he can’t hide it well.
The surgery and fillers don’t do much for him.
No. 1442205
File: 1644765007589.jpeg (735.73 KB, 946x843, 49C3678B-1588-4214-B3C0-037681…)

Robert’s broke ass couldn’t afford to live in LA and his plan to be famous back fired so he moved to Texas. But at least he still has photoshop lol it’s so funny to see him thinking he did that on Instagram. Just imagine what he really looks like without the photoshop HAHA !
No. 1442232
>>1436966I'm this anon >>>1436827 and holy fuck, I see what you all mean now, especially that bottom right picture, total man-face.
>>1437777THIS. If his hair was black, he would look like a younger version of him…
No. 1442237
>>1440605>>1440649I agree with you both. It's the delusion and demands to access women only spaces that is the biggest issues. If these men were just staying in their lanes and living in reality that they are not nor will they ever be women, it would be fine.
Pretty much doing like what that Miranda Yardley guy does. I don't know a ton of his history but from what I've seen, he doesn't call himself a woman or "transwoman" that I'm aware of and he claims to not use women-only spaces neither and if this is true, then other trans-identified males should be doing the same.
>>>1440567I agree with this too. I see women every now and then who from afar look like guys because they prefer to dress in masculine styles but yet they are confident in themselves and don't delude themselves into thinking they are men for it so why can't men do the same?
No. 1442238
>>1440738>Society skipped a huge step by jumping straight to “trans women are women” before ever fully accepting flamboyant/GNC men, whether gay or straight. Feminine men are still treated as “less than” men in all areas of societyThis is so true. But honestly it does sound like the only reason this is is because men are the ones who treat feminine men like shit. Most of us women tend to be accepting and open to them. Like I have met some women who don't like feminine men but they usually were more on the conservative side of things and believed in gender roles but still, most women do tend to accept them. It's masculine men who have a problem with them that can sometimes even lead to violence and it's wrong.
It really feels like men are trying to make feminine men disappear by pushing them into the "transwomen are women" bullshit and these men in particular already tend to think low of women if they seriously think we're all about makeup, fake nails, heels, etc.
No. 1442412
>>1441817>>1440552After looking at the photos, I don't understand why Blair insists on dressing up to emphasize those bolted on tits. He would pass better if he learned how to dress like a normal woman. Most women don't wear lacey bustiers or bralettes everywhere they go. Anything he wears, it is always his tits showing and since they are not real it looks very uncanny. It has always bothered me every time I have come across him.
How has none of the females around him, told him about these horrible fashion choices?
No. 1442525
>>1442412Reminds me of the old video that he did with Jaclyn Glenn where they were in Hollywood asking who was trans. The (honest) woman immediately pointed out the bolt ons. Blaire could have worn jeans and a t-shirt like Jaclyn (who also had implants in the video!) to be less conspicuous.
>>1442476The huge philtrum post-rhinoplasty just makes him look uncanny as well. His old nose was fine.
No. 1448149
File: 1645400574928.jpg (62.52 KB, 777x860, Capture.JPG)

why is she overlining her lips with partially transparent lipgloss it looks really stupid and dirty
picrel is from the latest video(unsaged nitpick)
No. 1448210
>>1448186it could be, here it looks like there's a lot of filler over his top lip
>>1441817Is he trying to get bigger lips by filling in the skin? kek
No. 1448293
File: 1645411227544.jpeg (173.91 KB, 750x1243, AD0972D1-16B9-4D48-AB53-5E67EB…)

>>1448149Cause over-lining lips are in even if it’s not egregious. Not that it matters as Robbie always refuses to learn to put makeup that fits his face beside the colors he uses. (Ex: doing winged eyeliner for his eyes correctly)
It’s obvious he can’t get the lip lift to close the gap on his philtrum because he doesn’t meet the requirements necessary or he would of done it.So over-lining is the next best thing and he can get away with it since he’s always overblasting his images/videos with light to minimize how crazy it must actually look.
Anyway here’s a side view of him post-ffs. Can only imagine how bad his face looks now due to the aging.
No. 1448515
>>1448293He has such a weird… flat face?? Like his forehead is so far back, I dunno how to describe it.
The overlining wouldnt be so atrocious if he used a dark lipliner for it, instead of lipgloss, its so obvious
also hi other danish anon!!
No. 1449698
>>1448403I was about to say you're giving Blaire too much leeway but when I thought about it, yeah you could be right that he probably does regret everything he's done to himself only to still have mental issues and that no matter what he does, not many people are gonna see him as a woman. But he's in a tough spot now since people think he's the arbiter or "true trans" and his own boyfriend is a closet case chaser with internalized homophobia. He probably feels he's in too deep at this point but he has no one to blame but himself really.
I thin you're right that he will detrans at some point. Either if the trans bubble pops and majority people start putting up with this lie and not validating these people anymore and/or as Blaire ages and it gets harder to look feminine for him and he just ends up looking like Bruce Jenner.
>>1448772Do you think that even Blaire feels like he settled for Joey? I remember hearing that Blaire used to see this army guy who was a closet-case who supposedly looked kinda handsome but ultimately didn't want to be with him for whatever reason. I haven't seen this supposed military guy but if that's true well… Maybe Blaire got super desperate since from what I've heard, men like him don't do so well when it comes to dating.
No. 1451494
File: 1645758724163.jpeg (169.01 KB, 750x1051, 10AACADB-B38E-49E5-9F9F-B32E74…)

>>1433794Shit nonna you might be right.
No. 1453835
File: 1646033161985.jpg (231.79 KB, 1080x1919,…)

>>1451494New photos with Michael. No Joey in sight.
You know what, Michael
has to a closet homo. IIRC Michael's past girlfriends have majority been the hyper feminine bikini model types. I don't think I've seen a gf he's had that mirrored the average woman. Definitely into the same type of femininity troons are magnetized to. Did Blaire move to Austin for Michael?
No. 1453942
>>1440738As they should be. Feminine men are still males praised by society lol theyre not
victims. Im tired of this narrative. Men in makeup are more popular than women who wear makeup. Its women who are gnc that get bashed. Its women into male dominated hobbies that get harassed. Gnc moids have it easy kek
No. 1454793
>>1453942You make fair points anon. I had two friends growing up who were GNC, one male and one female at different points. My GNC woman friend would get mocked and talked down on because she didn't wear dresses or makeup and always had her hair in a ponytail until she cut it off and got the pixie look and the comments she would get from guys was wretched.
My GNC male friend though, he got bullied by other guys. We were in high school and I remember he got beat up once by an older kid. We were teenagers and this was like back pre 2010 so attitudes were different towards this kinda stuff. So I can't say that GNC males have it better but I will say that it's annoying how GNC women tend to get left out of the conversation when they get bullying too and sometimes from both sexes whereas with GNC males, they usually only get bullied by other guys and not so much women.
No. 1458920
File: 1646531186810.jpeg (197.22 KB, 386x447, F6FA33DB-1C24-4FDC-810B-7C584C…)

Robert is looking more and more manly and why dose he look so gross?(unsaged nitpick)
No. 1459574
File: 1646601032268.png (1.64 MB, 750x1334, C43188B6-A1BA-459B-A75A-13AC52…)

Holy shit. I don’t follow this cow but I’m jealous he got to meet and sit with Tillian of Dance Gavin Dance
No. 1460003
File: 1646632538818.jpeg (1.05 MB, 960x1406, 26FEBCC5-6DBE-41F7-A736-F92535…)

>>1459574Look how he filters his face and cropped his feet out
No. 1462417
File: 1646865815390.jpeg (147.82 KB, 960x1327, D56E4B13-828F-495C-B0A4-F8C0F7…)

This is so cringe! Why is he looking so top heavy?(unsaged nitpick)
No. 1462535
File: 1646872635347.png (179.67 KB, 1175x860, image.png)

I'm surprised no one is talking about Blaire White supporting JKR's Womens' Day tweet. I'm guessing he's seen the writing on the wall and is desperately trying to be "one of the good ones"?
No. 1462668
File: 1646881838810.jpg (52.94 KB, 1079x567, EC7TGMhXYAUFSU4.jpg)

>>1462661Hasn't he always claimed to be an anti-feminist and think feminists are stupid? He's also made fun of TERFs in the past, accusing them all of being ugly. Don't be fooled by his clout chasing, he's still a typical moid who hates women.
No. 1463566
File: 1646967233901.jpeg (597.24 KB, 960x1127, 262A19E9-CD4F-4443-80BE-E8B041…)

How is looking like a 40 year old man trying to look like a 40 year old housewife? And what is happening to his face? If the video he has like saggy droopy upper eyelids like where his skinny brows are. It’s unsettling to watch.
No. 1465942
File: 1647147421426.png (1021.8 KB, 810x2829, b itch boy.png)

one of robert's tweets got posted to r/meirl (1.5mil subs) that received almost 75k up votes and got locked kek. sorting the thread by controversial is pretty funny. No. 1469496
File: 1647401827412.jpeg (886.21 KB, 960x1369, 5B61D8B3-3FEA-4F95-9E2F-3B2D89…)

>>1468313Robert can’t do any better lol he went from Joey to Michael
No. 1469632
>>1468313Hmm is this guy rich or well off? He could be doing it for financial reasons. That or
>>1469560 is onto something with an open relationship.
No. 1469634
>>1468148Blaire = "Because I got boob implants"
Buck = Because I have facial hair and some muscle
No. 1472612
File: 1647593270417.jpg (252.28 KB, 956x954, SmartSelect_20220318-043921_Sa…)

kek do you think Robert personally approved this frame?
>>1442371 I guess channeling MJ is becoming a theme
No. 1479455
>>1427549>Robbie willingly being passed around by mainstream republicans as the pick me troon even though they are brazenly anti-LGBTThere’s this one TIF from Denmark who identifies as a “feminine gay trans man” who, like Blaire, is “red-pilled and based”. However, when some popular conservative commentator said that “trans women are men” (and vice versa), she made a TikTok “owning the transphobes”, and chose Blaire and Buck Angel as examples.
I just wish that skittles who choose to be conservative would realize that the Conservative party has never been historically on board with the whole LGBT movement. Say what you want to about left-wing skittles, but at least they don’t claim to not be special snowflakes.
And oh yeah, Tom MacDonald is a very bad political rapper. When it comes to politics, he just scratches the surface. He thinks he is the conservative Immortal Technique when in reality all he does is pick low-hanging fruit.
No. 1479625
>>1479455sage for derail but do you mean "that offensive tranny" or whatever her name is? when i found out she calls herself a gay man i laughed so much.
>I just wish that skittles who choose to be conservative would realize that the Conservative party has never been historically on board with the whole LGBT movement.i'm not right wing but it probably depends on what kind of conservative, i guess. hardcore chrisitan republican types hate all "queers" but even in the bush and obama era i remember some (keyword lmao) republicans who were more fiscally conservative and pro-gun but were ok with gay marriage and abortions, i think those were called "south park republicans" or "classic liberals" or something. but yeah, they are a minority, however i think the woke madness is making a lot of liberal people go the opposite direction, so we'll probably see more of this "new wave" conservatism that is tolerant of LGB and assimilating Ts, pro-gun and pro-weed (not sure about abortion lmao), but otherwise conservative economically
No. 1482779
File: 1648348212555.jpeg (159 KB, 787x748, F316A4B1-0B0C-4FB8-8C14-373F38…)

Hey I just found this place, big fan of watching people crash and burn. Haven’t read the thread but just want to say that I would fuck his ass. That boy needs this dick.(moid)
No. 1483323
File: 1648379135029.jpeg (329.09 KB, 960x1492, A3DA8A86-C4F3-465D-AF3B-4FE80C…)

Can you all see how disgusting Robert looks?
No. 1487281
>>1486773Honestly no. I don't buy that Blaire is some self-hating troon. I have a very good feeling that he knows that trasgenderism is bullshit but he's so far deep in this "nOt lIkE oThEr TrAnNyS" shtick that gets him attention that he doesn't want to admit it until it becomes not profitable anymore.
I mean really, is anyone that surprised that he's speaking out against something like this when this is his M.O? That he takes a contrarian point to get ass pats by conservatives to show he's not like the "crazy troons" when he himself is just as snively as they are since he's still using women only spaces?
No. 1487793
>>1487345>looking like a melted Ken doll does not change this I'm dead kek.
But you're absolutely right anon. I think this is the biggest reason why he never commentates on "terfs" content because you'd think with an ego as big as his, he would've done a response video on a "
terf" or commentate on gender critical tiktoks or something but he knows that the minute he does that, he'd get his flat male ass reamed and handed to him.
No. 1488072
>>1487345>>1487793>>1487281When you think about it Robbie is stuck between a rock and a hard place, catering to an audience that in reality does not want him nor his gay smoothie closet case boyfriend.
To the right he's nothing more than a freak, a mentally ill gay. He's a novelty at most, some thing the alt righters can point to and say "oh but this trannie feels the same way about this-or-that".
he's a monkey dancing for pennies.
so in the end i'd say yes, Robbie is a self hating trannie. why else would you try and be accepted by a bunch of nazi's?
No. 1488096
>>1488074he's a
TERF if I ever seen one.
No. 1488123
>>1488072Well what I mean when I said that I don't think he's a "self hating troon", I just meant that he knows that transwomen are just men, that there's no such thing as transgenderism and that essentially, it's just men playing dress up and make believe. Like I feel deep down that Blaire knows he's a man but he also knows that pretending to be a woman and not like the other tronny freaks, it nets him superficial, surface level, glance approval from the conservatives whom in reality are exactly what you said here
>To the right he's nothing more than a freak, a mentally ill gay. He's a novelty at most, some thing the alt righters can point to and say "oh but this trannie feels the same way about this-or-that". And yeah, it gets him money so what he's doing is profitable at this time for him.
No. 1488128
>>1488074Right. Gay men aren't trying to become women, what they want from us are the straight men that we can attract simply because we're women which they cannot (and never will).
They want the attention and perceived admiration that they think we get from men but don't want to look like women, only the sexist stereotype of a woman because they think that will be enough to attract straight men and are then met with annoyance, frustration, and seething when they learn that it doesn't work and that all they do attract are pornsick closet-case men like Joey.
>>1488096Eh he's not a feminist and can't ever be one because he's a man, how about we just call him a "TERT" instead lol.
No. 1488148
>>1488123money doesn't mean shit when deep down you're miserable.
>>1488128he does feel like he's the authority on transsexuals. i guess in a sense he's trying to prove he's the most mentally ill. he's giving his own kind a bad name by putting any fellow tranny that did anything wrong under a microscope and airing their dirty laundry in his shit videos.
i wonder how many trannies he got beaten up indirectly by vilifying his own kind.
No. 1488168
>>1488148>money doesn't mean shit when deep down you're miserable.This is true and it's why Mr. White will never be happy, at least truly anyway.
>i wonder how many trannies he got beaten up indirectly by vilifying his own kind.Who really knows but I bet he'll pull a fake sob story, crocodile tears type video when more of these guys start to dogpile on him.
No. 1488239
>>1488168Maybe i'm being old fashioned but Robbie is trying to always claim who's really trans and who's not due to if they transition(ed) or not. However, when you look at people like Jonathan Yaniv or ADF they did get the stinkditch installed and are dilating. Robbie never did.
And yes I know Jonathan Yaniv is a despicable person and a pedophile, i mean just the "being trans"-part. He went from ball shaving to losing his newly made clit due to it rotting off, apparently. (No really, he posted about that.)
No. 1488897
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This is why Robert dose what he dose. He loves attention and gets comments like this but we all know he’s a self hating mess at is one of the most dude looking trans out there. Even in this photoshop picture you can see he’s a man
No. 1489123
File: 1648832867361.gif (227.41 KB, 220x258, 760BDA6E-79A5-4C50-8A03-C7DC5E…)

>>My views on trannies has moderated. Good job being one of the good ones, Robbie.
No. 1489507
>>1489050Exactly! I'm glad you guys catch my drift, because when you take what Robbie is saying at face value then its like "the more you transitioned the more you're a really real transsexual" and in that case i'm sorry but ADF and Jonathan Yaniv actually win.
I guess you could say its a commitment type thing.
>>1489075Me too, that Yaniv guy is a total weirdo and a pervert. The ball waxing thing, the pedophelia, asking little girls about feminine hygiene, he doesn't even need that because a tranny will never have periods not counting the pus and blood from the stinkditch of course. They gotta keep dilating, right?
No. 1489863
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robert really bogged himself lmao. wtf
No. 1499422
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I knew it but now you can all see it. Blair is wearing a wig. You can definitely see the lace there
No. 1499563
>>1499422I hadn't watched his videos in awhile because he's frankly boring but looking at this picture, yeah he so is wearing a wig, the lace is quite prominent at the hairline.
I guess he got tired of putting hair extensions in and/or is now starting to bald because of age and the hormones which have been known to accelerate male pattern baldness. He probably also knew that his audience consists of a bunch of dumb men who can't tell the difference between real hair and a wig so now he's wearing wigs.
No. 1510688
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>>1499551>>1499761>>1500202robbie talked about it in a livestream once. he said he had a scar which shows but "isnt as bad as roses no shade" which was shady as fuck lmao. so ppl asked who rose was and he said rose of dawn and tried to quickly change the cover. hence he uses wigs.
picrel is "rose of dawn" more like abomination of dawn, yuck.
No. 1542242
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Okay this looks awful
No. 1548441
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Zoom into blair’s mug? Disgusting and people have the nerve to say he looks like the girl from stranger things smh.
No. 1562516
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>>1548441It looks more like that monkey in that fucking 2001 Mark Wahlberg Planet of the Apes movie.
>>1551910Buck Angel is a pornstar from the 80s / 90s who's only novelty was looking like a dude but having a vagina, so it made it "definitely not gay" to be jerking it to Buck, which is probably why Robbies boyfriend knew Buck and asked him to interview it.
No. 1567618
File: 1655810603350.jpeg (996.44 KB, 1524x960, 2B89D900-4EC5-4809-97D7-47153F…)

Gross(not milk)
No. 1567620
>>1553072I don't know much about Buck, could you summarize some lies she told so I don't have to scouer the internet
>>1567618It's always nice seeing him at different angles than just straight on or posed for a camera. Really shows maleness is hard to hide
No. 1575001
I'm not sure if we want to give Blaire any views or not so I mirrored this video just to be on the safe side:, idiot boy had complete retard Alex Jones on his show and its a fiesta of missed opportunity since Robbie didn't want to bite the cock that feeds him. Ironic, considering thats all he ever does with the LGBT and trans community.
Its a sad day for Alex Jones when he has to appear on a tranny hookers show, and shows just how much his career is pretty much over and done with. Except for the schizophrenic community of course who eat up his lunatic psychotic rants for 7 hours a day. Kinda funny to see how the both of them try and push their agenda's on to each other.
In another video Blaire said he is a "tranny success story" and I almost shat myself laughing. I forgot which video that was, but I think it was the one about that guy who wrote a kids book about tranny hippopotamuses or something. He also says they won't air the Dr. Phil episode with him in it, which is impressive considering they even aired the Tessi trainwreck one.
Robbie, come on down, this is your life.
No. 1581557
>>1575001>Tranny Success StoryBut is he really a success? Then again maybe to the normie world he is. It's hard to go into that mindset as a person who sees through Blaire's bullshit but I've seen people call thim one of the "good ones" so that says where their heads are at I guess.
Also the guy you're talking about who wrote the book was Matt Walsh who is also now known for making that "What is a Woman" documentary. I saw that Blaire reacted to it but I can't listen to Blaire's voice for too long so I opted out. I can't help but feel that Blaire really tried to skirt the line in it to make sure that his audience doesn't question his own troon-ness and this is why I wish Magdalen Berns was still alive because I would've love to see her doing a commentary on it like she did with Blaire's "gender is not a social construct" video.
No. 1583572
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No. 1584178
>>1583572The troon weakness. Standing next to a woman shows how manly the TIM is in compariso. Even though this woman is taller than him, she still looks obviously like a woman while Blaire looks like a man with a bad. Also gotta love how he's clearly trying to mask his linebacker shoulders by making sure half of it is behind the woman.
Also I'm no fashion expert but why do a majority of Blaire's outfits look mismatched or have not much cohesion? I thought flamboyant gay men were supposed to have a keen eye for fashion?
No. 1584348
>>1581557I think anyone who refers to themselves as a success story has a serious narcissism issue. He doesn't seem to like Matt Walsh much, although I reckon they will meet and do interview in which Robbie will cradle Matt's balls and it will be another interview in which two will try to push their agenda.
I think that Robbie's biggest mistake, next to alienating the entire LGBT community, is to shit on trannies who look even manlier than him. Then on the one hand he says you need to transition to be a tranny, on the other he never got his cock and balls removed.
Robbie is about as self contradictory as Onision is. And I feel that the level of "how passable" someone is does not a tranny make. After all, would you call an ugly mannish woman not a woman?
I always hope that some day someone smart will call Robbie out on all his bullshit in an interview. Maybe that person can be Matt Walsh, but I doubt it. Matt is like so many others out there just peddling shitty merch, fake gold and the alt right, lining his pockets and feeding his own narcissism. I was subbed to the lad for a week before I was already fed up with his horse shit.
It was like Joey B. Toonz all over again for me. Why can't people just make good content without peddling shitty garbage and Raid shadow legends?
No. 1586685
>>1584348I think you're right in your assumption that there more than likely will be a interview between Matt Waslsh and Blaire white and it's gonna be annoying because nothing of importance will be said. Matt won't ask the real hard questions to Blaire and Blaire will just "cradle his balls" as you said because at the end of the day he's a spineless little snake. It's clearly only gonna be about financial profit because he viewership of the video will be very high, the "Based tranny" vs "the super conservative" (or something along those lines).
>I always hope that some day someone smart will call Robbie out on all his bullshit in an interview.Unfortunately the only people who will call him out are radfems and GC people and Blaire makes full well to avoid these people because he knows these are the two kinds of people who won't keel over and kiss his ass. I heard that he was supposed to have a debate with Magdalen Berns back when she was alive and he ended up not showing up to it because "reasons". I mean could you imagine what a debate like that would've looked like? Magdalen from what I've seen was one of the only people who did a commentary video on him and both were pretty goood, I really think she would've gave him a run for his money and I feel like he knew that deep down which is why bailed.
Vanessa Vokey also did a video on him where she commentated on the one he did where he was talking to his mom over livechat. I thought that one was pretty good but her channel ended up getting deleted.
So honestly, the only people who will take Blaire to task are the very people he actively tries to avoid and I just don't think Matt would ask the right questionss.
No. 1586821

>>1586685When it comes down to Robbie I can't help but think of the word "rat king", definition : "Rat Kings are members of the gay community who use their position, influence, and connections for personal gain." Robbie does so in two worlds really, the world of troons, and the world of the alt right.
In the very least I think he's a sell-out. Selling out his fellow troons and desperately trying to cater to conservatives. Again, I find the word rat king fitting,
but i'm a boomer, so maybe i got the definition of the word wrong.He acts like the end all uberking of all trannies, thinking he's pretty much the only passable one. Speaking of debating anyone, I dunno if Robbie ever debated someone like Samantha Lux. He should, since he's losing tons of fans to Samantha. I doubt he'd dare to debate Samantha though, since Samantha looks more passable, is way younger, and can form actual coherent sentences. Robbie only ever goes for the real easy marks like Jonathan Yaniv, or he talks to people that can help him further his career to lick their balls. People he can only interview since his nazi boyfriend knows them and begs them to do it.
"You know, my boyfriend um girlfriend I mean does a podcast, have you ever heard of it?" "no." "well whatever, can you please go on his, i mean her show? I'll let you fuck me in the ass?" "well, alright, you seem pretty desperate." "yay"Anyway, I'm way off track right now. The Right opinion once made a video about Robbie although he didn't dig really deep in to Robbie. Still a good watch though, and calling him out on a whole bunch of his horsepiss.
Sorry if this was lengthy, i'm an asshole.
No. 1587249
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>>1586821I actually hadn't seen that video because of how long it is and I dunno, I can't take an hour+ of hearing Blaire be referred to as "she" and "her" lol But "Rat King" huh, with the definition you gave I think it could apply to him big time. Though I don't think Blaire is alt-right, I haven't seen him talking about how he wants to have the white ethnosphere because if he did, that would've blown up quite a bit lol.
Also on Samantha Lux and his so called "passability"… Picture related but he's not "passable" offline. That's the thing with these men, their image is an illusion with makeup + the help of good angles and beauty filters. Samantha's is even more obvious because he never matches his foundation so he looks like 2 different shades when you look at his face vs the neck down.
Also Samantha Lux's rebuttal arguments are pretty weak when you actually analyze them. When it comes to the super conservatives he makes videos on, it's a given because super conservatives are just simple-minded as troons but I remember when he tried to "clap back" at Vanessa Vokey's video she did on him and his stink ditch and his arguments was just "lol you look like a man". Vanessa did an awesome response video calling it "narcissistic rage" or something like that which it was. I wish that Vanessa's channel hadn't been terminated because her responses to these troons were pretty great.
No. 1587526
>>1587249>Though I don't think Blaire is alt-rightYou're right, Robbie isn't alt right, he's extreme right. I come bearing gifts in the form of two videos. Sorry I had to host one video here: I swear its legit and no ads or garbage or whatever, its often used on IP2 boards. (Maybe they need to build an embed function for that hosting here too?) And then another video from youtube I attached to this post.
Yeah, you're right about Samantha Lux then again I don't think any of them are "passable", I just think Samantha looks slightly better than Blair. Then again you see any of them without any make-up and its a horror show. I do think Lux is nicer, but I do disagree with a lot of his opinions since they are super woke.
No. 1587644
File: 1657764813191.png (783.73 KB, 485x1189, 1657739019945.png)

>>1195633Ok I know im replying to a very old post but yep, this one is still photoshopped but shows his real man shaped body.
No. 1587805
>>1587644That torso… And people (let's be real, men) say he has an hourglass figure. Bitch where? kek I hate to be mean but he's made his name on being an asshole so yeah, dude's got the body of a refridgerator.
I wouldn't even care if he just owned being a man who likes to wear bikinis, go nuts but since he's deluded, no sir. Also him and his poor eye of coordinating things, those shoes definitely clash with that swimsuit.
No. 1587822
File: 1657787492582.jpg (43.99 KB, 1114x575, definitely_not_far_right_btw.j…)

"not far right" btw.
also, using the word Aryan unironically..
No. 1587962
>>1587920Exactly. We've already seen what happened to him when he tried to do that cozying up to the traditionalist conservatives here
>>1496546They don't want him and they think he's a joke.
No. 1588054
>>1587920OP here, i'm sorry but i'm not even going to dignify that stupid answer laced with personal attacks and political horse shit with a response.
I don't give a shit about the "technical definition" of right wing or whatever mental gymnastics you do, whatever. The point is that Robbie is a fucking racist and I don't give a shit about whatever person you vote for or your idiotry. i mean ideology.
No. 1588268
>>1587805Dont feel like you're being mean-robbie has run his mouth about how hes more feminine than some women while posting photoshopped pictures of him having curves, this is just karma imo. He shouldnt talk the talk if he cant walk the walk.
>>1587735mte when i first saw this, funnily enough i found this pic on /lgbt/, troons were having a slap fight over it kek.
No. 1588605
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>>1588421no1curr, fuck your YOBA shait
No. 1588884
>>1588268>Dont feel like you're being mean-robbie has run his mouth about how hes more feminine than some women while posting photoshopped pictures of him having curves, this is just karma imo. He shouldnt talk the talk if he cant walk the walk.You're right, upon reflection he does deserve the critique. He really hs made it out like he's this "passable" tranny who looks better than women when he looks just as male as Riley Dennis. The only thing he has is the height but if anything him being shorter magnifies his fridge body.
I really hope that one day Robbie goes up against someone who knows what he actually looks like and if he pulls what he did with Ben Shapiro when he said that upon looking at him, you wouldn't think to call him a man, the person puts him on blast about his obvious photo editing and that his candid photos don't lie, it'll be magnificent kek.
>Slapfight over Blaire's fridge body bikini shotReally? LOL About what, they can look like that too. Male body in a bikini, no curves to speak of so they shouldn't be arguing over it kek.
No. 1594830
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my god
No. 1602444
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>>1594830This it not an edit! What’s going on with Blair’s face ??
No. 1605810
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The three nastiest
No. 1605923
>>1605905you really wanna look me in the eye and tell me the tits on
>>1605810 are anything along the line of reasonable. might be time for an eye exam nonna
No. 1606239
>>1605905>Blaire and buck are the only remotely reasonable trannies there are
>Buck literally almost died from having her ridiculous surgeries but still says it was the best decision in her life and was actually encouraging the transitioning of an 8 year old kid. Blaire is a self-hating gay man with a bimbo fetish.
They are just as delusional as Chris Literal Motherfucker Chandler and Jamie Dodger. Get real kek.
No. 1606278
>>1606239>Blaire is a self-hating gay man with a bimbo fetish. I don't disagree.
>was actually encouraging the transitioning of an 8 year old kid. Fair enough. I didn't know that.
I just meant in terms of most trannies, they are
relatively reasonable people. Obviously they're still delusional though because they're fucking trannies, kek.
>>1606242I'm not a fan of the terminology either. It would be better if they referred to themselves as "transgendered men", meaning biological males with gender identity disorder rather than calling themselves "transwoman".
>>1606257New to this thread, but not the site.
No. 1608633
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>>1608440He thinks he’s SO hot! Haha full of himself
No. 1609796
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No. 1612123
>>1609182Hm okay. It's just that it's obvious to men like Blaire, like
>>1609669 pointed, he thinks these kinda porn-type clothes is normal sexy clothes so it just made me wonder is all. I think
>>1609606 is right as ell that it all just looks ridiculous because it's on bodies that they weren't specifically designed for and highlights their male bodies like Blaire's fridge body.
No. 1616113
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Tragic lol
No. 1616114
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>>1610033Look at him thinking he’s “tough”
No. 1625040
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More lies from rob !
No. 1625661
>>1625040>"Natural voice"The only thing that's "natural" is his lisp. Vidrel, he has the lisp but what he's been doing is raising his voice octave to sound more higher pitch than it actually is.
And I highly doubt that everyone he runs into there sees him as a "girl", candid photos don't lie dude and also I feel like he hardly ever leaves his house.
No. 1625724
>>1586821i love rat king, into my lexicon it goes.
On/Off topic, but has it been already said that Robbie is most likely truly attempting to limit the amount of trans kids (not that im complaining) transitioning earlier, because
he knows it means the newer generations are going to pass better than him??? he already likes puppeting himself next to gross fucked up ppl (jessica yaniv) as a means of showing how he's different …despite that actually being more detrimental for himself in the long run kek.
Kalvin Garrah advocates against medical transition for minors, despite the fact that
kalvin got hormones as a minor as well, and says she doesn't regret it. It's almost like a pull the ladder up behind them kind of thing???
No. 1625817
>>1625724Yeah that was more or less discussed above. Like it's obvious why Blaire only targets low-hanging fruit via ugly troons who are weird and/or abhorrent to pull attention away from himself. That's why he avoids commentating on "terfs" because we're the only kinda people who can see through his bullshit unlike the scrotes who gas him up and we're able to call him out on his bullshit. I know that many have mentioned Magdalen Berns above but she was truly based in holding all troon scrotes to the same standard and why Blaire especially tried to avoid her after she accepted his challenge to a debate on transgenderism.
>Wants to limit kids transitioning because they'll "pass" better than himI never even though about that but the thought seems plausbile kek. Because if it's really about "Safety", why is he the exception to the rule? After all he's proof that he was totes trans when he was a kid so by his logic, these kids are "living their truths" and accepting themselves at an earlier age which would be a good thing right? kek
No. 1626385
>>1625817it's the only way i can make sense of why they both feel the need to highlight how they always KNEW they were trans, while simultaneously arguing that kids probably don't know.
they also never hang with troons that
pass better than them, both kalvin and robbie do this. (anyone know what kalvin's birth name is?)
and ofc, with more kids taking the troonpill, and even more people posting themselves on social media, there are a lot more people to compare themselves too… and surely they know they're not on the winning side of "passing" kek
No. 1626761
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Rob thinking he’s the “IT”girl
No. 1627228
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No. 1632104
File: 1661976719987.webm (16.12 MB, 1920x1080, robbiepeggers.webm)
>>1627228it's hilarious because there are troons that manage to snag "str8" guys who at least have a history of dating real women and are just desperate enough to get with a troon, but robbie isn't even one of them. all of the ppl he gets with are chasers or conservatives who are gay and in denial.
i always think about this video, just want to confirm what anon said here
>>1416149 No. 1632890
>>1632176Believe us anon, we all understand. Blaire is full of as much shit as the other fellow troons he rags on but unfortunately as long as he keeps actively avoiding "terfs", the very people who would truly take him to task and hit him with a brutal dose of reality and how he's just as much delusional as the others, we will not see him get what's coming to him, a knock down from his pedestal that he thinks he has because he shines a spotlight on amoral troons.
>>1186104 is the best that we've gotten where he got a somewhat harsh dose of reality from someone who is both a woman and a conservative, the two things that Blaire desperately wants to become but this lady slapped him the fuck down when she went in on him.
No. 1633497
>>1633251>>1633382That would be hilarious, because as soon as Robbay leaves the bald gestapo officer his career is over.
No moar alt right for you, no moar network, he'll just be another middle aged troon. Sans LGBT community, of course, since he pretty much burned all of his bridges.
If I were you, Robbay, i'd give your stormbahn fuhrer a blowjob and make up. Better hurry!
No. 1633622
>>1633497There have been rumors that he's actually getting coozy with that Michael Malice guy as referenced here
>>1438592 and here
>>1433794 No. 1634042
>>1633251I don't think they are broken up because there was tagged photos during the summer where they were together at a friends event. I do think they aren't engaged anymore tho, which isn't shocking because they broke off their engagement before. For 6 months he's either out entirely without his ring or only wearing in occasionally. Joey was on a lame podcast a mentioned Robbie in it, so they were together then, even though that's when people where noticing the ring being missing here and there.
I have noticed the ring being MIA completely now on multiple videos and photos of Robbie with other people.
No. 1634219
File: 1662178362005.jpg (366.89 KB, 1467x2254, gay robbie.jpg)

not real milk but here is a diary entry i made when i was a teenager about meeting gay robbie at a concert and i also drew a picture of it. I redacted some of the identifying info and embarrassing middleschool stuff. I just think it's a really funny personal artifact
No. 1634245
File: 1662183068264.jpg (21.67 KB, 399x430, Screen_Shot_2019-03-21_at_1.27…)

>>1634219Kekkk Nona it's giving picrel. Praying you don't get banned for literal blog post bc this is funny af.
>>1634223>going nowhere middle school girl diary>no offense teehee>butthurtAre you good gaynon? The irony of calling
nonnie butthurt when you're out here malding at a 13-year-old's diary entry from 2008. No males allowed
No. 1638811
>>1632857he notably doesn’t really hang with many other troons that “pass well” anymore too, and he used to hang with Eden The Doll on youtube.
i really do feel like robbie is feeling his relevance dwindling in the “i’m not like other troons” department as many more tik tokers/instagram influencers are trooning out with the femboy movement in full swing, they are starting to look younger and better looking way better than robbie (plus they have hair kek)
it also makes sense as to why he keeps interviewing young detransitioners as opposed to older ones (which there is a fair amount of). he’s desperately telling zoomers who are on the precipice to turn around before they outshine him
No. 1639295
>>1638811>it also makes sense as to why he keeps interviewing young detransitioners as opposed to older ones (which there is a fair amount of). he’s desperately telling zoomers who are on the precipice to turn around before they outshine himSee a "normie" person would say you're just being ridiculous and that he's one of the good ones because he's warning the young generation of what can happen if they troon out. But like no, he's a narcissist and it's all calculated because as you said, he's only going for young detransitioners who actually did look a lot better than he does and if it was really about highlighting the reality of transitioning, why isn't he interviewing older detrans men?
1, because if he features an older detransitioned man, it may make his audience question how Blaire is any different than those he's interviewing because the older ones would definitely shine perspective on how being into femininity didn't make them women so why would it be any different for Blaire? And 2, maybe Blaire doesn't want to confront the reality of him living a lie just like those who saw the light and detransitioned.
No. 1640486
>>1640157>He wants to be the reasonable one even though he's part of the problem. I don't wanna know how many he made troon out. This is so true. There was a video he did with Buck Angel a few months ago where they were talking about how having kids transition is wrong and they were questioning why more kids than ever are thinking that they are trans and these two just lacked so much lack of self-awareness. They don't realize that they definitely played a part in influencing younger people to want to transition, especially Blaire because of how somewhat popular he was back in the early 2010s. What makes him think that kids weren't watching his videos and wanting to transition? Hell if i'm not mistaken, the youtuber "Miss" London even said that Blaire was an inspiration to him.
>When he started trans wasn't so big and he was one of the first to make content about it,Yep, there really weren't that many troon content creators around the time he started. I think at the time there was only Gigi Gorgeous, Nikketutorials, and Theryn Meyer, the latter which who Blaire definitely ripped off because I remember he said that he looked up to Theryn bakc during his anti-sjw era. But these days you see a good few newer and younger troons popping up and grabbing the niche spotlight that Blaire used to have. The only reason he still has an audience is because it consists of the alt-right men you mentioned and even then, he'll be in for the rude awakening when he gets older and the plastic surgery you know he's gonna get is gonna make him look even worse. I mean his audience already has to suspend their disbelief and pretend like his candids don't exist because what they see in Blaire's videos isn't what he actually looks like in real life.
No. 1641788
File: 1662605012295.png (3.24 MB, 828x1792, EE30B14E-33E6-4A86-8C8C-041FAC…)

why does he look so dirty
No. 1641921
File: 1662613083446.jpeg (1.57 MB, 960x1656, 9CB9BC8F-4857-450C-95AE-EA453D…)

Haha there he goes flexing that he’s a hobbit
No. 1641963
>>1640157>He wants to be the reasonable one even though he's a part of the problem>trying to cozy up to conservatives>"the best thing you can do for our movement is to grow out your moustache and tell people not to be like you"I kek every time
>>1640486>They don't realize that they definitely played a part in influencing younger people to want to transitionI see so many comments on popular TIF Youtubers saying that they were inspired to transition because of them and I know it's not technically their fault, but the Youtubers would be indirectly responsible for the path their followers went down. Once this trend is over with, I don't know how they will cope with that.
No. 1642357
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>>1641128new thread pic plz
>>1642323why? he also makes "jokes" about how if it aint aryan, he aint marryin. he panders to the alt right.
No. 1642514
>>1642357Thank you
I can make more of those if you guys like.
No. 1643272
>>1641788He is so white trash it's insane
>>1642357How was he not cancelled yet but all hell broke loose when people dug up Shane Dawson's past?
No. 1643548
>>1643272>How was he not cancelled yet but all hell broke loose when people dug up Shane Dawson's past?Well at the time he made that tweet it was back when people didn't really care about that kinda stuff. However why hasn't he raked thought the coals like Shane Dawson and Jenna Marbles? That's a very good question… Maybe it's because he's a troon and has some sort of troon card when it comes to content creators who try to expose people's pasts?
But it's not like it would do anything, Blaire would just do what he did in the last big controversy blow up he was in by going MIA for weeks until the storm settles down.