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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 509581[Reply]

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>505451

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
New Twitter: https://twitter.com/omariahmallad

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun

Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx

Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/mariahmallad

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No. 514193

Is Chun Li like the only picture they can use? Mexico used it too didn't they?

No. 514197

Prior to Saber it was her only "real" cosplay in a while iirc
If she ever gets a new guest invite they'll all probably use Saber

No. 514203

New thread:

No. 514835

isn’t that a pokémon quote
all i can hear is mewtwo when i read that(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 583893

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How momokun should've looked by now(use the new thread)

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No. 583570[Reply]


Disgusting LoL-Streamer and "cosplayer". She streams 6-8h, 5 days every week, she still lives at her partents place and don't pay a single cent for anything. Her car, gas, food and everything? Daddy pays it.

She tells people that she needs the money to survive the week, collects money for streaming equip, cosplays and other things but she didn't buy that stuff. The only cosplay she owns is an old Jinx cosplay, way too small and ripped because she got some weight since she bought it (she made a video on a con, where she painted her ass to cover the hole in the trousers).
Most of the people sub her stream for the emotes. She was on the german community spotlight page and her badly photoshopped pic was on the LoL Launcher for weeks (https://euw.leagueoflegends.com/de/page/community-spotlight-bloodynyuu).

Her personality, her stream, everything is fake. Even her ill-gotten bachelor's degree.

No. 583597

>she made a video on a con, where she painted her ass to cover the hole in the trousers

Wtf why

>OP pic

Her nose has been sh00ped to oblivion, where the hell did it go?

Can mods move this to /snow/ though? Doesn’t belong in /pt/ esp with no saging

No. 583643

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Found a pic from 2014

>Wtf why

She thought that she's smart af. Real cosplayer have needle and thread in their bag but she can't sew (and tells everyone that she made that cosplay lol).

Here's the part of the video

And sry, thought /pt/ is the right area

No. 583717

is this a mtf?

No. 583789

Moved to >>>/snow/702197.

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No. 547092[Reply]

Previous Thread >>>/pt/485749
>First the "haterz" ran her off of the Punksud forum.
>Then the haterz ran her off of her ex-boyfriend's sixtyfourdigits.com forum
>Then the haterz ruined her "Rainbow Rants" youtube channel
>Then she ran away to Japan to get away from the haterz
>Then her first Visa husband dumped her (probably because of haterz, somehow)
>Then the haters moved to her kanadajin3 channel
>The she blackmailed visa-husband number 2.
>Then the first "jvlogger conspiracy" happened when she created all of those sock puppets to attack the others (but it totally wasn't her..)
>Then her fake suicide drama with Unrested that the haterz caused (despite the screen shots of her)
>Then she attempted to doctor her texts messages from jvlogger conspriacy but the others involved had the full messages and it blew up in her face (Which was why she waited 4 years to try and pull it, hoping they would have gotten rid of the text.. But it was the haterz fault)
>Then she first tried to get some Rody dick but someone sent text to Rody that she had sent to them talking about how bad she wanted that Rody Dick. Rody having a fiance and being a decent human, left.
>Then she begged to Rody to come back and she would just be his "friend" and never mention it again
>two weeks later she was begging Rody to fuck her.
>Then fake suicide number 2 (the Rody Dick edition)
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No. 581742

new post >>>/pt/581738

third time is a charm!

No. 581801


That's precisely where the fetish part come into play. It could be from him having a god complex and wanting to "convert a very confused woman into a woman of god" to even muslim porn. Not because of Mira being attractive or not but because of the power trip it gives to boss somebody around.

No. 581812


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 583283

$4000 a month, after taxes, is about $38,000 a year. Not a hell of a lot, esp when living overseas. $2000 a month is less that a full time Wal-mart employee. Basically YT income in the past doesn’t explain her ability to live and travel in Japan today because it was enough to live on, not save up so you could spend months traipsing around Japan on the cheap.

If there was a innocent explanation for her income and traveling instead of working, she wouldn’t be so tight lipped about it.

I did wonder if the travel could also be a way to renew her “tourist visa” with proof she is traveling around the country. I tend to think she’s going back and forth on a tourist visa while scheming for a husband/visa whatever she can manage.

No. 583288

you're crazy if you're trying to convince anybody $4k/mo isn't a lot. especially for a single person.

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No. 579485[Reply]

First thread: First >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>576563

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx (now btsmomokun), momoscats
Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/mariahmallad
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile

Current livestream thread (#2): >>>/pt/569199

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No. 583172

That hair looks C R I S P

No. 583175

it just looks like she bent her back leg to give the illusion of shape

No. 583177

Inb4 she takes a bunch of hair selfies because 'Someone tried to shame my bird's nest!'

No. 583216

bitch what the fuck

No. 583274

i thought it was a wig


wrong thread mira

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No. 576563[Reply]

First thread: First >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>572350

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx (now btsmomokun), momoscats
Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/mariahmallad
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile

Current livestream thread (#2): >>>/pt/569199

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No. 579486

No. 579535


Yeah, how does Vamp reconcile Moo just being this misunderstood person with the fact that she was telling people they were in a lesbian relationship?

No. 579679

BA-JAM. Preach, gurl

No. 579992

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i saw this and thought it was hilarious

No. 580019

>>579058 well thank you for that, gonna go have a heaping helping of nightmares now

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No. 572350[Reply]

First thread: First >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>568457

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx (now btsmomokun), momoscats
Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/mariahmallad
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile

Current livestream thread (#2): >>>/pt/569199

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No. 576766

you know where a homie can get the mei stream?

No. 576810

the answer is vixen shelby ,swimsuit succubus, and bunny ayumi

No. 581882

I might actually find her a little bit attractive if the person the body was attached to wasn't so manipulative, entitled, and indolent.

No. 581886

And she you know, actually valued and put effort into the things she enjoyed, not just applying a couple pasties and a Sailor Moon ass plug then calling it cosplay. (Apologies, it cut me off before I could finish typing out my point.)

No. 589322

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Is it really negativity though 🤔

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No. 123959[Reply]


I've seen this place on /co/ but nowhere else. It is perhaps the most hilarious, lolcow-y wiki in history.


The head admin is eighteen and writes a spinoff where SpongeBob and his friends basically have sex and do drugs. She also just broke off a cybersex relationship with a schizophrenic Mormon boy.
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No. 576070

It is some shitty story where Jesus has sex with Mary that is written by a little kid.

No. 576071

I've found this video browsing on the internet and it describes my thoughts on that cancerous story and this very wiki very well.

No. 576072

No. 576073

No. 576074

This story is old news but it is still cancer.

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No. 574695[Reply]

Now she is photoshopping muscles in her “throwback pics” prepare for her “comeback” maybe we’ll get more silly milky shoops of her! She saw one fitness post and this is what we get lol a ninja warrior GODDESS no one can compare to! She’s been bragging so much about her shit I never knew she stopped lol also note her Failed attempt at reverse psychology even though she apparently studied psychology… It’s why she’s projecting it onto other random females I actually do fitness to so I found this comical, I also have a theory to why her pictures are blurry she has to to make the smooth parts on her face she edited to look the same as the rest of the pic or we’ll see she’s nothing but graphics and lash brushes ps. Not every guy wants you, single or not. Just no.. Also if your a tattoo artist who’s gone “pro” you don’t call a tattoo machine a “tattoo gun” cheap kat von d knock off much… i bet if you didn’t shoop yourself to shit people wouldn’t be so surprised when they see what u actually look like , just saying. Get real or get off the internet even bunny found stability your to far gone! I really wish not to waste more time on this one.. I’m simply bored and don’t care.. I’ll just leave this here good day

Ps. You could be a super model and not everyone’s type the world isn’t about you Vick.

Last thread >>485956

images property of Victoria Shingleton. All use of images constitutes copyright fair use, e.g. for purposes of critique or parody. Image sources:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VictoriaBellaMorteOfficial/
Personal FB: https://www.facebook.com/victoria.emma.5680
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/missvictoriamurder/

No. 574704

I will also point out she probably waited all week to post this… another “I’m letting myself go post”

No. 574721

Can't you just go post your spergs in her current thread? >>>/pt/541833

No. 574778

Use the current thread.

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No. 568352[Reply]

Thread Image Credit: >>566002
Previous Thread: >>>/pt/559579
Onion Thread Archives: >>>/pt/511709

Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregma/Gurgles/Lainey's Gay Husband (abbreviated to LGH)/Shreg/Ogreg/Anusion/Anus is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Taylor/Lainey/Plainey/Doormat/Greg's Straight Wife (abbreviated to GSW)/Lame, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
Last Time:
A patron’s mother replies to Greg’s copy paste message about renewing pledges. Spoiler: she makes him look even more like a racist idiot. >>559847
Sends same copypasta pledge message to another cow, Mariah Mallard.
Lainey makes a few more videos with Sarah >>566008
>>566944 as well as more clickbaity videos about her relationshit with her gay husband.
Greg makes it clear that he still desires a unicorn despite Lame’s discomfort with the idea. >>564843
Greg plans on leaving twitter, again, and doesn’t (as expected). >>561397
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No. 574210

New thread

No. 574218

Is he saying it's rude not to talk to rude people? His stupidity is limitless.

No. 574363

I wish I had the motivation to find the couple of posts from the previous thread that wondered how long it would take for him to start using those dumb characters with bad wigs on his new channel

No. 574442


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 575302

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Well, nothing lolcow comes up, but this is the first picture on google

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No. 547290[Reply]

Previously on the internet:

>Dasha is outed by lolcow admin for posting 142 times in one thread alone >>>/pt/519998

>Posts included doxxing Mina via a photo of her passport, unreleased semi-nude photos stolen from Mina’s phone, rumors about Mina being a sugar baby, implying Edwin is a kiddy fiddler for dating a 20 year old, and praising/defending Dasha
>Edwin makes a video about the nonsense, alluding to her posts on lolcow
>An old clip resurfaces of Dasha saying "Sieg Heil, mein Führer!" while doing a Nazi salute >>>/pt/525575
>Dasha reacts by deleting her Twitter and making her Instagram accounts private, and announces she is getting “phone therapy” for her depression
>Dasha’s true form is revealed in pics and videos shot for a pluggednyc campaign >>>/pt/532499
>This was particularly delicious vis a vis her addiction to extreme shooping and the fact that she was also caught out editing Mina’s photos >>>/pt/533091
>Dasha and Cyr conspire to take down Edwin’s videos and ultimately have his YouTube channel deleted as revealed in leaked voice messages Dasha sent to her flying monkeys >>>/pt/534251.
>Someone who may or may not be Dasha assumed Mina’s identity and succeeded in getting Mina’s YouTube channel taken down (it has since been reinstated) >>>/pt/536040
>Cyr himself has yet to comment on the situation, leaving his attack dog NetNobody to whiteknight him against Edwin on Twitter >>>/pt/546541
>Videos released by “Anonymous Person” attempting to discredit Mina and Edwin >>>/pt/535521 sound suspiciously like Dasha putting on a British accent >>>/pt/536537
>Mina finally responds to the fuckery herself in a dignified video, mentioning that the current public knowledge is not the even the full extent of Dasha’s psychotic abuse >>>/pt/543633
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No. 573331

He must hate himself deep down to be with dasha and needed to cheat on Mina because her being nice/unassuming meant he felt he didn’t deserve it. His body language with dasha is always touching her in a weird way like he’s walking on eggshells to ensure she doesn’t scream at him for something he did and doesn’t know about

No. 573332


They remind me of a shitty stereotyped sitcom couple that loves to hate each other and thats why their relationship carries on

No. 573398

>I honestly prefer Dashas body
> Mina is anorexic and a bad role model!!11

Yet she shoops herself to appear as skinny as Mina lol

She should consider not eating garbage late at night and doing some exercise since she’s obviously very insecure about her flabby body.

No. 573403


>30+ year old single mother having a face mask for the first time since she gave birth

No. 573512

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