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No. 586719
First thread: First
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>583294Facebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx (now btsmomokun), momoscats
Twitch: livestream thread (#2):
>>>/pt/569199Receipts: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/snow/644215The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>has received 2+ lipo sessions in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet>is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty>claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set. >has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, said really controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but she still doesn’t accept what she does wrong>in addition she preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she targets, attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. She wants to be a fattie cosplayer messiah in her echo chamber of yes men>YES, WE KNOW ABOUT THE KIK FOR FAT AD>Momokun is a sexual predatorRecent:
>Castle Corsetry's Shannon costume disappears but Moo wears the corset made for that costume with Antares's "boobsock" Shannon instead>scams a bunch of Patrons who wanted a September set by releasing it late (October 1st), patrons ask if they need to re-pledge for the set in October to get it>is apparently sending sets through messages and not in dropbox to avoid unmonitored sharing>brought up school again, says she dropped from 6 to 3 classes last semester due to Patreon work, and going to cons. Says she's a sophomore when before she said she was "almost graduating". New lie plan is : going to on campus classes January thru June, 4 days a week with 2 cons.>is apparently buying a house with a guest room FOR REAL this time>cucknoodles forgets to erase a back tit while shooping out her fat>stirs up drama again by taking a photo with a "fan" that turns out to be TheCosplayBunny's ex>still buttmad that her "trolling" attempt at Bowsette wasn't well received by the internet>hurt her back so bad that she wanted to puke, went to dinner with SeNsEI and Vamps anyways. Cries later that she can't move, but SeNsEI miraculously heals her wounds >confirms in a instastory Q&A that she might return to her CamVersity stream but it was "time consuming", is going to Italy next year and is going to Katsucon No. 586723
File: 1539120738522.png (720.17 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-10-09-14-31-03…)

Apparently just arrived in L.A.
No. 586734
>>586731most of those photos are ones she posts herself.
a great candidate for the OP would have been her horrifically shoop'd back tits.
you can't compare shit that she puts out herself with dark souls redraws.
No. 586738
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Some shitty screens of her in a hotel? I hope this isn't what they're renting out..
No. 586743
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>>586738$7000 for this glorious local!
No. 586746
>>586742there hasn't even been any art in the last couple of threads.
i'm not concerned about
her thinking we are fatshaming, but people who search these threads will definitely get that impression. i don't even care about art anons, i just said i'd prefer a collage so it's not like we're just using caricatures of her.
also i've seen people bitching about art anons in these threads since last fucking october, which actually pisses me off. it's not as if i don't like these pictures, moo stealing one and wasting her own money on those tshirts was precious.
No. 586747
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Alive Alf’s fb status. Can she still even fit into Semiramis?
No. 586748
>>586730this literally doesn't break any rules, i don't care that it is just a warning ban.
the fucking mods can leave a shitty racebait thread in /ot/ for hours but ban this shit within 30 minutes of it being posted?
what a joke.
(take it to meta) No. 586752
>>586748at a risk of getting a ban, i'd like to point out that derailing is against the rules, and complaining needlessly every thread about the op pic counts as derailing.
caricatures/art have been a part of momokun threads since near the beginning, and it's been a practice put in place on other threads far longer than momokun threads have been around.
these threads aren't here to convince outsiders of our arguments. they're for us. they're for us to analyse and discuss and just plain gossip about lolcows. i could not give less of a shit about what these threads look like to outsiders because these threads are not for them.
if you don't like the op pics that are selected then bring it up when voting at the end of threads, or better yet make your own post.
fuck sake i'm sick of this conversation every single thread.
No. 586792
>>586783i don't think that's it at all. she just wants to prove she's the biggest fan ever my dude!
moo always has to go over the top with everything. after this peters out she'll never mention umineko again.
No. 586826
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apparently tenderbroembrace is in it
No. 586847
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No. 586851
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No. 586857
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>>586847mariah should cosplay wilson fisk w that girth, holy shit
No. 586862
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>>586851Lmao she looks terrible.
She will never be taken seriously when she inserts herself as the star everywhere and doesn't even fit the part. Just a fat fuck.
No. 586864
>>586851I know this is so redundant, but she's so… wide…
The puffy sleeves makes the width of her body about four times her head.
No. 586873
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No. 586874
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>>586873It might be me reaching by the way Eric reacted to this hotel it sounds like Moo paid for it
No. 586877
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>>586875Looks like shes pointing a gun to her chin
No. 586879
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No. 586882
>>586877She is.
Video maybe vaguely related.
No. 586899
>>586851Good god the corset only contributes to her looking more like donkey kong.
Seriously, she'd look much better with a corset that wasn't so small. She just looks freakish instead of skinny.
No. 586931
>>586918Exactly. One of her friends probably got it, had a quick laugh about it and forgot about it, then she grabbed it with her grubby little sausage fingers in order to say “See u guize?! I it’s like a sign or something lol”.
It’s exactly what she thinks this stupid little project is. That all of a sudden her peers are going to magically forget all her transgressions and let her back in because her project proves how much “talent” she has and how much she “loves cosplay and the community” and anoint her the new queen of cosplay like she believed she was in track towards before all the sexual assault stuff came out.
Seriously can’t wait for her to finish this project and watch this all blow up in her face. The temper tantrum she is going to throw when she isn’t immediately accepted back will be the stuff of legends.
No. 586938
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No. 586952
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No. 586960
>>586957I'm stupid. I see it now.
>>586959To pull her back from groping people.
No. 586982
>>586878I was just about to ask this too. It looks like a dude dressed in a female cosplay.
>>586926Yep, they know how big of a celebrity she is. Had hordes of fans meeting her at the airport and lines of people waiting to meet her at her booth in Mexico.
No. 587007
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We know tattoo-kun hates body hair but I also think he’s into skinny muscular girls since most of his friends are skinny, none of which is moo (tinfoil) I don’t think he’ll ever be into moo and I think she knows that since she stopped wearing makeup in fromt of him and is wearing that stupid sweater(belongs in calves thread)
No. 587013
>>586996I believe she did read the manga because she sperged hard and kept dropping manga pages as she goes on IG, and also it was Lion she was referring to on her dumbass FB post about pride month and transmen, which is extremely wrong.
>>587001The only places that are close to a beach/sea I could think of are the place where Beatrice and Shannon had tea in ep 2, and the shrine with the mirror. I don't remember Shannon talking long walks by the beach at all.
No. 587024
>>587007That's horrendously bad. Why would he be showing that off?
Even worse than Vicky, wow.
No. 587032
>>586879I know this isn't contributing anything but these pictures are so bad… like they're poorly taken and and they don't look like they're actually at the background, it kind of looks like a greenscreen which makes no sense because correct me if I'm wrong but weren't they actually there? (I could be wrong because it REALLY looks like a greenscreen so if it was, sorry.)
And moo's face…
Can't wait to see this trainwreck when it's done.
No. 587035
Doublepost but
>>587026Didn't she already do those? With the half naked body hair impromptu set and the "working so hard on this project I broke a nail you guise"? I think that was it.
No. 587056
>>587044it being stylized doesn't mean it doesn't look like shit
but he's the one responsible for momo's shitty tattoos so it's not like anyone was expecting him to be good
(belongs in calves thread) No. 587080
>>587044'Stylized' is an excuse most peoples whose art looks like shit say. Even if he's referencing from a book doesn't mean its a good book. I've seen plenty of bad artist tutorials/books.
I'm ready for tattoo fuck boy to drop moo, so we can see her go into a depressive rant. Her always seeking mens attention has to stem from her daddy issues.
No. 587092
>>587007Yikes what a bad Hogarth imitation.
I love when men with gross beards tell women how they should manage their body hair! Mariah, you have such good taste in men.
No. 587109
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Um, didn’t an anon call that she was going to use this set as her main set a couple threads back? Kek
No. 587112
>>587109This circus just keeps getting better and better!
Between the collective wet fart that this ~passion project~ is going to garner, Moo having to hide the moment she tries to show herself at Blizzcon, and not to mention the Japan trip and all of the laughs THAT will bring, our larder is never going to want for milk.
No. 587113
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No. 587114
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>>587113>wig colormuh accuracy as usual
No. 587117
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No. 587122
>>587120samefag, but this was the first place that comes up when you type "california photo studios cosplay" into google which is why i called that she'd be using it.
>'s renting the "ballroom" set it looks like. the entire studio costs $525 to rent for 8 hours. so it's more and more believable that 7k is really 700 or has the 4k+ costumes tacked onto it.
moo's pathetic.
No. 587127
>>5871227K project my ass!
I wonder if moo is adding the hotel costs to the project costs. She really pulled a bait and switch with the Biltmore. I doubt she's even going to use it tbh.
No. 587129
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>>587122She’s using this Michaels florist garden too.
No. 587148
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Elizabeth, love yourself lol
No. 587149
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Funny how its always Elizabeth's boyfriends, ex or otherwise
No. 587157
and lol she has back boobs again.
No. 587161
>>586812Since you care too much: the blazer set she bought before probably did not fit Alex. Or it was meant for another dude to play Battler's role.
>>587154Veronica did style the wig but did you see how she styles wigs? That Tamamo wig was hers as well and it looks horrendous.
No. 587163
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I guess Miso is in it
No. 587167
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No. 587171
>>587170And she really believes that this is going to be her epic comeback.
Ohh this should be fun to watch.
No. 587182
>>587167The sleeves don't even sit on her shoulders! I know we've all been saying it but to finally see it in action is so hilarious. Damn DesignerDaddy really is a hack.
>>587148So she got Alexdrastal to be her Battler? Well time to unfollow.
No. 587198
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Beans from Even Stevens got a glowup
No. 587207
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No. 587215
>>587198Moo doing her "nothing in my hand" magic pose
Why doesn't she just have a teacup like Miso?
No. 587225
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>>587113She looks like a hunchback.
>>587114I think it's the Saber wig too. I also think aside from laziness, she used blonde because it reflects her more. Mary Sue bitch just showing even more she wants to self insert.
No. 587238
>>587141Her corset doesn't go up that high so I doubt she can fit her linebacker shoulders into the dress.
>>587167Should the front of the dress look like crumpled up paper? What in the world happened.
No. 587241
>>587233Oh no, I believe you. But I just see him adding to the price that much as an excuse for the extra labour/materials.
I honestly think a China dress would've been better, but then she couldn't brag about who made it. Assuming they'd even make one to her sizing.
No. 587251
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Pfffttt… she paid 3k for a dress that doesn’t even fit???? Top kek
No. 587252
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>>587251>Is the top too big?Sure. let's go with that..
No. 587255
It never reached her shoulders, why is she surprised? Even at the fitting she could've said something
>>>/pt/582324If you're going to insinuate blame, Moo, its both of your faults lol
No. 587259
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No. 587264
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>>587261moo was talking out her ass when she mentioned "period clothing". the outfits from the series are literally based on lolita and visual kei clothing. pic related is just pulled from a gothic lolita magazine.
No. 587271
>>587260That neck ruffle looks so fucking ludicrous.
Is it possible for a cosplay to be ita? Because this is ita as fuuuuuuuuck
No. 587273
>>587260I would actually love it if she posted to YouTube. It'd heckled and thumbs downed to hell and back.
Sad that Instagram is literally the only platform she can post on
No. 587289
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No. 587290
>>587289Lol, that guy looks like Sanji from One Piece cosplaying Battler. What the Hell.
Also Mariah’s neck ruffle makes her face look so fucking fat, oh my God. Bad choice all around. Like everything else.
No. 587295
>>587289He didn't even cover his sideburns for this… Not to mention the wig looks greasy as hell
I can't wait for this train wreck
No. 587296
>>587198>>587207Is it just me or is there no tail? Where is it??
>>587289That 5 o'clock shadow, OOF. Is this 30 years old Battler?
A rough cast all around, I can't wait to see Antares. This shitshow is going to be glorious.
No. 587301
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Kbbq. Elizabeth is there with her present crew
No. 587307
>>587156underrated as fuck
>>587268>that dress looks like its covered in cat hairconsidering how she treats her cosplay shit, it probably
is covered in cat hair
No. 587313
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Shes doing that "squealing shrimps" voice in public again.
No. 587315
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I always kind of thought farmers saying that moo does nothing but screech in public was kind of an exaggeration….but I don’t think that anymore after watching this story. She really is just annoying and screechy as fuck. I don’t know how the other people at the table didn’t slap the shit out of her to make her shut up.
No. 587318
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>>587260She paid how much to look this bad? There's literally nothing good about this dress.
No. 587335
>>587330I am an expert and I can say if he was a real pattern-maker/ Draper, he would be fired for bad design analysis.
I can’t get over how bad that skirt shape is.
No. 587340
>>587318The longer I look at this, the worse it looks.
If I were moo I'd sue this anon's ass for defamation of character because it looks that much worse next to an actual reference picture
No. 587377
>>587305It's inaccurate as hell. I'm convinced not a single costume made for this 'dream project' was made accurately.
>wrong color blazer
>wrong sized lapel
>no zipper
>no crest on lapelGood job, Moo
No. 587379
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No. 587383
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>>587318>>587341Seriously. She could have bought a $150 dress like pictured, and it would have looked better. Only issue, I imagine, is that the XL sizes still probably couldn't fit her at this point. The bust on this particular one maxes out at 96cm on the XL.
No. 587389
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No. 587404
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Ok Moo
No. 587406
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No. 587414
>>587412Her last one true build was Saber, then before that it was Mei. She's just jumping from one female character to the next in hopes of having the title of the "one true xxx character"
She was the "one true Mei" 60 pounds ago. She will have another passion by December
No. 587417
>>587406>Umineko volume 8im dead
no one would use that terminology
anime fag pls go
No. 587419
She probably tried to get Tattoo sensei to be Battler, but he refused to shave his gross hobo beard.
>>587414>She will have another passion by DecemberCan't wait to see what she picks from Netflix next.
No. 587445
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Holy shit, this face is frightening. Imagine getting all dolled up for your supposed dream project, only to look a thousand times worse than a girl who shows up with zero makeup and a swollen eye.
No. 587457
>>587421I hope so
it's already a shitty written animu guised as "deep" and "sad", perfect for Moo's pseudo-intellectual "analysis's"
No. 587458
>>587289>>587305Was just about to post this. Battler is some clean-cut rich boy, he couldn't even get a clean shave?
This entire shoot is bafflingly terrible just based on the costumes.
No. 587459
>>587318Sweet Jesus, this looks even worse than I imagined!!! I’m no Umineko fan, but this is pure shit. We all know why the dress looks like ass aside from the fact that it clearly doesn’t fit, but she can’t even get the wig the right color?! Beatrice is known for being a fucking ginger FFS!!!
That floppy ass neck lace collar thing is KILLING ME. Dream Designer Disney Daddy Dummy really is a fucking back who shouldn’t be charging so much for this shit.
No. 587461
>>587459no beatrice is blond. it's canon because she is battler's image of a perfect woman and he said the perfect woman for him would be blond.
but her blond isn't this light either.
No. 587465
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Dude what
No. 587512
>>587511DDaddy probably said (correctly) that the canon sleeves would look terrible on her ham planet arms, and suggested changing the design.
She looks so WIDE in this dress- even corseted, she's the same width as the guy, who is wearing a suit jacket. Wild.
No. 587521
>>587512On the form the shoulders sat correctly. So I'm guessing it is more her not being able to get them over her shoulders, at least not comfortably.
>>587500If we're including everything, I'll guess:
-1800 location (guesstimating 3 days shooting at Makelight)
-3000 gown (going off of what people are saying about the DD price)
-1000 CC Shannon
-1000 Cat Shannon
-1000 Elder Beatrice
-1000 Battler
-1200 Other?
Except I highly doubt that Cat actually charged that much. And we don't know if she did rent out Makelight for that long.
Most of the budget went into the DD monstrosity and the rest is just Moo being stupid or trying to act like she spent a ton of money, I'm willing to bet it was more about 5k but she's trying to seem like a more legit fan or something.
No. 587527
>>587521Crazy idea, but…
What if Mooriah is so fucking stupid that all this time she's thought one hundred is "1K"? Because her being stupid enough to not know the difference seems pretty plausible.
No. 587534
>>587408I just watched the first three episodes of the anime and i really do like. With that said, her Battler looks legit nothing like the character. The shake n go wig is laughable, as well as the inaccurate as fuck blazer, crest included.
It's too funny she went on and on about this being a dream/passion project when she should have been preparing for this months in advance for Oct, so she could have done an Umineko thing a day.
She's sloppy and lazy, and i love the milk we get from it.
No. 587537
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Alive Alf posted photos of the hotel. Moo comments.
No. 587544
>>587289god this just looks so lazy. i hate it when guys slap on a wig and call it done.
bitch your eyebrows. your facial hair. style your god damn wig. SOME makeup. PLEASE.
No. 587545
>>587537>>587538>>587539>>587541This just keeps getting funnier. So not only is the project a total shitshow, but according to her the gore isn’t even all that great. Lol
Also I’m willing to bet that her again, she didn’t go through the proper channels to actually film there and thought she could just show up and do whatever she wanted like she always does. This is the second time we’ve heard of her showing to a place expecting to film without paying any sort of fees.
No. 587548
File: 1539273880836.png (81.87 KB, 720x520, Screenshot_2018-10-11-09-03-14…)

Despite the obvious farmer, apparrently Shannon cost 1k. WHICH Shannon, though, is questionable. 1k for Cat's regurgitation?
No. 587549
>>587546Which is why I believe she is full of shit. Whenever she doesn’t get her her way or gets told no she immediately starts shit talking them, usually calling them “unprofessional” or talks about the appearance of the place in question (Which she has no ducking room to talk considering the disgusting mess she chooses to live in).
Just like that pirate ship she tried to film at and was asked to leave since she wasn’t permitted to film there, what did we hear? “So unprofessional my dudes”.
It’s like she clearly doesn’t understand how filming on location works and that she can just show up somewhere with cameras and costumes and start doing whatever the fuck she wants. And the second she gets told no or is asked to leave she throws a tantrum online and calles them “unprofessional”.
No. 587556
>>587553I laughed at this too, other than her totes legit linguistics skillz.
You ain’t gonna do shit, Moo.
No. 587565
>>587563>>decked her in the halls.'Tis the season…most will be quite jolly
Though in all seriousness even though she has done some stupid, petty, cheating shit during her 'career' I hope no one will break out and physically attack her first. She is not worth the time or energy, she is too pathetic. If she had the balls to throw the first punch though…then let all the glorious milk rain down.
No. 587566
>>587540yea umineko is already ruined for you.
the anime skips an entire hour+ of character development.
No. 587577
File: 1539280945150.jpg (810.27 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181011-110126_Pat…)

Reading lolcow like usual, huh, Moo?
>>587395 No. 587580
>>587576all she's doing is confirming she didn't spend 7k.
>>587579no. she didn't actually rent the biltmore and was just flexing thinking they wouldn't mind her taking random photos/videos there for free.
she only spent ~$1700 on that shitty place yesterday.
biltmore doesn't even charge any of what she was saying anyways, and that info can be easily found online. 15K is the price of an entire
wedding there.
No. 587581
>>587575Guy ir girl. Doesn’t matter. Eventually one of them is not going to give a shit about being polite or that she will run and cry abuse and they’ll just start swinging and all Moo’s fat ass can do is waffle away and cry.
>>587576She’s already getting her excuses in when people roast and meme the shit out of her. It won’t be because of her bad acting, inaccurate costumes, shitty camerawork, bad editing or shitty corner cutting craftsmanship. It’s because of the smelly hotel and their unprofessional employees.
No. 587584
>>587581>>587582>>587572i just feel like one day moo is going to piss of some really hard bitch.
moo lives in vegas which is like 80% white, so she's never met anyone from the ghetto willing to just throw down right on the floor.
moo is such a shit to everyone and she's annoying as hell, there are plenty of people that go to cons that will confront her ass no questions asked.
No. 587586
>>587584She certainly loves to try to act like she is from that life. Whenever she is trying to clap back or call someone out or try to sound tough that’s what she defaults to, strereotypical ghetto voice that she probably only learned from watching vine and YouTube. Just look at how she was talking to Janet when she was trying to start shit with her. Bitch was reaching so hard to sound black.
Bitch knows she is as white as they come and if she ever crossed paths with any of the girls who talk like that she’d shit her pants. Those kind of girls are about that life and will straight up beat her ass into the ground without thinking twice about it.
No. 587592
File: 1539283319966.png (1.03 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-10-11-11-40-58…)

She bought that scroll from EBay for SeNsEi I cant believe it
No. 587597
File: 1539283897122.png (3.1 MB, 750x1334, 717EB34D-4380-4DF9-AF31-AE2C20…)

No. 587598
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99% sure thats not what it says but hilarious nonetheless.
No. 587601
>>587597>same wigso is this human beato and not elder beato?
what happened to "long haired" beato, moo?
No. 587610
I love the low amount of likes on her project update pictures on Insta. Usually her softporn shit gets around 40-50k likes, the recent Umineko posts barely cracks the 10k mark lmao.
>>587597That tragic wig still gets me.
No. 587619
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Y I k e s
No. 587621
>>587592Sorry no sage for autism, but I was curious.
It's apparently a Shinto prayer performed for purification. It's the Minatsuki no tsugomori no ōharae (no norito). Wiki says that it's also called the Oharae no kotoba. should be the second stanza from what is shown in sensei's post.
No. 587624
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No. 587626
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No. 587631
File: 1539287769348.png (31.67 KB, 155x161, oof.png)

>>587624when you've wasted all your money on a project that looks as bad as you do
No. 587633
File: 1539288119766.jpg (17.41 KB, 500x500, FB_IMG_1538600565542.jpg)

I see she just fuckin dipped out on the flower in her hair and leg marking. Creativity is cool and so is making stuff your own but dont claim you're accurate if you get rid of most of the shit.
No. 587670
>>587620This is wildly unflattering holy shit
At least the gown covers most of her body
No. 587672
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No. 587698
>>587597Whoever bet the socks wouldn't go past her knees, congrats.
She could've gone to Sock Dreams and gotten a fitting pair for bigger girls.
No. 587703
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No. 587704
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No. 587714
File: 1539299825375.png (339.2 KB, 377x763, WpY64AT.png)

>>587553>no tome for stressI like how she fucked up the boat, bragged about "spending 7k on location booking", and still ate shit. This is truly the cow that keeps on giving. Consistently, no less! So generous!
No. 587715
>>587555>and looked like she was about to cry when someone confronted her at a conYou forgot the best part, he wasn't even really confronting her, just being a memelord
>>587557Has she ever claimed to be a math major? kek
>>587559The dress and us being in awe of this lad made us miss the tinier details. Good eye.
No. 587717
File: 1539300449157.jpg (58.8 KB, 440x356, wrong kind of horse.jpg)

>>587572I don't think it's virtue so much as the site rules. I guarantee 90% of us would die of laughter if she actually got the shit kicked out of her.
It's like, I don't wish pain on you, but I ain't gonna look that gift horse in the mouth.
No. 587721
>>587628She looks like Jessica.
>>587636No ass.
No. 587726
>>587691She's just like Onion in that expensive = good.
>>587707She probably pays him extra to be his slave or he's losing people because of her. His prices were already dumb anyway, from what I remember.
No. 587732
File: 1539303398937.jpg (34.6 KB, 1280x720, Umineko-no-nakur-koro-ni-24-27…)

I'm sure everyone sees how inaccurate the cosplay is, but for those who don't know, human Beato uses a white classic umbrella in the rain, and she gave the umbrella to a character called Maria (hence the caption on her IG). She did not use a folded sun umbrella and take slow walks in the garden. There isn't a Maria in her shoot, why would she use an umbrella, and a wrong one to boot? She's holding Beato's cane in the selfie, if she needs to hold something why not hold that? Truly an eye for detail my dude.
No. 587734
>>587732Human beato, who isn't "long-haired" elder beato isn't even really in the series for a lengthy amount of time. Literally all she really does is what you just said and moo doesn't even have Maria.
Moo is a fucking mystery.
No. 587757
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No. 587759
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No. 587762
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No. 587763
File: 1539310200646.png (1.2 MB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-10-11-19-06-58…)

Because Moo and crew care about consistency (and what we say on the board), Miso wears makeup despite her stye
No. 587764
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No. 587765
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No. 587772
>>587770Yes, and this
>>587771. It's like weirdly golden/beige/cream or whatever
No. 587773
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No. 587774
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No. 587781
>>587742Human Beato also wears the Ushiromiya family inheritance ring, but of course Moo doesn't care for it.
>>587732 was just posted 3 hours ago, she's lurking hard, focus on finishing your shitshow Moo.
>>587624 this looks anything but white, with tacky wallpaper pattern on it too. Moo how blind do you think people are?
No. 587797
>>587785i think she's already at that point tbh
>>587789>>587790good fucking riddance
No. 587807
>>587774Lmao bless she really does think this is her big comeback project she's worked so passionately hard on and everyone will love her simply amazing skills.
That narcissistic ego is increasing in size daily.
No. 587808
>>587807She believes in that fake it until you make it garbage that so many instathots religiously practice, and it is what got her her initial position of lardass cosplayer du jour. Lying about her tastes, lying about her skills, lying about her goals and aspirations to paint a pretty picture for the masses.
Of course now all of her lies and toxic shit is biting her very hard in the ass, but she still thinks that if she just says the right combo of words, she'll be back on top once more.
No. 587810
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No. 587811
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No. 587812
File: 1539319354113.png (634.97 KB, 720x1154, Screenshot_2018-10-11-21-38-03…)

Lol @ Mariah thinking people care about her lewds
No. 587824
>>587811This looks like someone dressed up a corpse that's casket ready.
>>587812People are paying you to see the boring lewds, not to see you bore their boners away, Mariah.
No. 587833
File: 1539323900829.png (1.03 MB, 720x1181, Screenshot_2018-10-11-22-53-31…)

>ending filming in L.A. tomorrow
>says back still hurts but took pain pills for it
>filming the more "grotesque" scenes in Vegas; doing the body on table scene with fake guts and candy inside
>going to Ren Faire (presumably with Jason) on the 15th
No. 587834
File: 1539324056326.png (984.3 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-10-11-22-59-51…)

No. 587835
File: 1539324603154.png (921.71 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2018-10-11-23-09-09…)

Trying to do this scene with one fake cadaver???
No. 587836
>>587835… she doesnt have anyone cosplaying any of those characters
She loves umineko so much my dudes. This is her passion project.
No. 587840
>>587833Her facial features have become just… so small compared to how big her whole face/jaw has gotten
Even with a filter
No. 587870
File: 1539335180158.jpg (101.21 KB, 720x587, 20181012_020538.jpg)

Oh, dear.
No. 587882
>>587877 Once the finished product hits the internet, nobody will want to be associated with this disaster, including Mariah's closest allies. It's presumptuous of her to think this will get enough positive attention to warrant a follow-up.
It's also worth mentioning that she may not have the funds to take something like this on ever again. Her dietary intake for one night is literally as expensive as it is for me to get two weeks worth of groceries.
No. 587896
>>587764>character has fully white umbrella>"I-it's white, just not on the inside!! Totally accurate my dudes!">>587870>next yearYeah with the rate she's pulling in money it'll take a year to fund this shit again.
>>587893Supposedly a film but everything she's shown so far looks like standard photography. inb4 she releases it as a visual novel style slideshow video with the script as subtitle dialogue.
Yeah actually I'm going to go ahead and predict this and she'll use all her recorded footages just for the behind the scenes.
No. 587925
File: 1539361605843.png (677.13 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-10-12-09-22-30…)

Still saying "NEVER USE YOUR POWER" when she sees this
No. 587926
File: 1539361657089.png (134.42 KB, 720x1048, Screenshot_2018-10-12-09-24-52…)

Still not tagging Moo in h e r description (just the photo tag)
No. 587927
File: 1539361680322.png (1.03 MB, 717x1164, Screenshot_2018-10-12-09-23-48…)

No. 587945
>>587934That’s not antares
She wasn’t with moo today
No. 587951
>>587937I dont know but that whipped cream is full of saturated fat. Its made of heavy cream, 4 pumps of white mocha and dark caramel, and cold brew. Not to mention the base is a dark caramel one. Its digusting. 540cal for a venti. Its as lso loaded with caffeine. This is disgusting. Shes probably going to binge on sudhi and KBBQ later then drinks and more dessert.
This is why your Umineko project has you looking as wide as a barge, Moo.
No. 587959
>>587958samefag but you can see the sleeves here
>>587167moo is just too lazy to fluff them out.
No. 587960
>>587937Moo seems like the type of cow who goes "it's a trip/event/special occasion, let's pig out my dudes. We can relax and eat all we want it's such a bop".
That's your problem moo you're always eating out.
I'd be suprised if she even knows how cook, and no two cans of tuna and a jar of mayo on crackers doesn't count.
No. 587965
File: 1539375044083.png (814.24 KB, 720x1177, Screenshot_2018-10-12-13-09-04…)

I feel sick
No. 587966
File: 1539375105307.png (1.47 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-10-12-13-09-13…)

Anon u right…but who is this
No. 587967
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No. 587970
File: 1539375320099.png (872.4 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-10-12-13-13-47…)

If anyone can record this, do. Eric basically says they werent allowed to film there and he was posing taking "tourist" pictures. Moo made this face at the end
No. 587971
>>587963she's still trying to buy him like a fucking neckbeard.
honestly i'm not sure if he was ever into her.
i feel like maybe he was/is into vamp and moo tricked vamp into letting her spend time with him with some dumb girl code bs lie so she could try to sink her meaty claws into him. and maybe he pump-n-dump'd.
no one in this situation seems that smart.
it reminds me of school days…
No. 587973
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No. 587974
so much for "i called a lot of places and spent a lot of money and got permission"
No. 587975
File: 1539375531405.jpg (17.44 KB, 206x480, Kanon[1].jpg)

>>587966another inaccurate fucking mess.
No. 587979
>>587971Moo must be some special kind of fucked up cow to want her friends sloppy seconds and not just bang one of her neck beard fans.
She's literally acting like a neckbeard virgin who spends money on a guy so maybe she can have a chance to have sex with him.
Love yourself more moo and not in the narcissistic fake deep way.
No. 587982
>>587980That was literally last 2 months ago just at the same venue
Learn to google anon.
No. 587991
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No. 587996
File: 1539377115764.png (294.33 KB, 640x480, 1-1641.png)

>>587991The seal is always red. Even in the shitty anime, the seal is always red.
No. 588002
>>587970Pffft lol. Of fucking course. Why am I not suprised. Does this dumb bitch seriously not understand anything about location shooting? Does she really not get that she can’t just show up to places and start filming without permission or permits?
I’m going to laugh when her dumbass ends up in jail for trespassing.
No. 588008
>>588002I can't believe she honestly thought it was OK to film and take photos in a very elegant venue without permission.
The lack of respect for anything is amazing. Cunt has it coming if she's done for trespassing.
No. 588012
>>588006It certainly explains why most of her sets are in cheap hotel rooms. She either can’t actually afford to film anywhere. Or her dumbass doesn’t understand how location filming works and is constantly getting kicked out of places for illegally filming there.
It really speaks to her stupidity and immaturity. She thinks all this legal red tape exists to “rip her off” or “jealous unprofessional jerks simply looking to get in her way”. If one of these retards gets injured while filming or property is damaged while filming, or a minor is on set past a certain time or something happens to them. Guess who is legally responsible for stuff like that. Certainly not Moo and her group of leeches. All that stuff falls squarely at the feet of the business owner.
It’s why movie studios can’t just show up somewhere and start filming. There are all sorts of permits and contracts that have to be signed before that camera even starts rollling that protect both the business and production people.
But no. Moo’s dumb egotistical ass believes she’s above all that because “This place is so perfect for my dream cosplay. Such a bop my dudes”. Her dumb is lucky she isn’t looking at huge fines to pay or even jail time.
No. 588015
File: 1539381536352.gif (266.11 KB, 500x281, 1530471642869.gif)

>>587997Too perfect.
>>588002Mariah seems to think that everyone knows who her irrelevant ass is and that she should get special treatment everywhere just because her parents and friends let her do whatever she wants without consequence.
No. 588016
>>587927I'm sure she's just holding it for someone else, you guys! Totes following daddys meal plan!
>>587957>>587960She's probably one of those idiots that doesn't count drinks as calories anyway.
>>587970>when another friend blows your lieslol bye eric
No. 588017
>>588012i think it's both.
she's been talking up her budget and yet bitches about a non-existent price (cause apparently moo's precious photoshoots cost more than day long weddings) and
still has the gall to sneak around the fucking venue.
No. 588018
>>588012i think it's both.
she's been talking up her budget and yet bitches about a non-existent price (cause apparently moo's precious photoshoots cost more than day long weddings) and
still has the gall to sneak around the fucking venue.
No. 588019
File: 1539381770110.webm (3.9 MB, 640x1136, momokuntFuckery.webm)
>>587970here you go>>587970
No. 588025
>>587965Why is she wearing a black bra with such sheer white fabric?
>>587986Yeah. Never even seen her before. Moo must be scraping the bottom of the barrel for these 'friends.'
No. 588033
>>588032She's at the Biltmore where she first posted shots from a few days ago. She also kicked up a fuss about how they said it'd be 15K just to film there, even though anons found out it's only 14K for a whole damn wedding!
She's in for a big surprise when she realizes that she's sneaking around in a monitored area. I'm sure she'll be approached when she goes to the lobby.
No. 588034
File: 1539383899046.jpeg (99.43 KB, 720x960, CEBA6DB6-168F-45AA-A491-9FA4E4…)

From her FB page 1/3
No. 588035
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No. 588036
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No. 588040
>>587991They couldn't even make an envelope?
>>588035So they're just filming in their hotel room now?
No. 588042
File: 1539385131568.png (951.38 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2018-10-12-15-46-55…)

Miso is apparently traveling with Moo back to Vegas to finish filming
No. 588043
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No. 588044
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No. 588049
>>588044Her bra being visible in that too tight top is so classy. Good job.
And I don't remember nobles sealing their letters with a tea candle.
No. 588071
File: 1539391014022.jpg (98.82 KB, 1280x720, Zp9BHy5.jpg)

>>587973Trial of lovers and yet No signs of Zepar or Furfur aka the ones giving the trial. Momo really doesn't know shit.
No. 588078
File: 1539392317101.jpeg (216.84 KB, 1024x757, ABBD3302-3787-40D0-8D4D-28E17E…)

>>587620This is all I see.
No. 588081
File: 1539392861613.png (748.89 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2018-10-12-18-05-16…)

They're at the beach again.
Also Mariah dated this? She does like em stupid
No. 588085
>>588081The ocean is like, so majestic and powerful my dude, the beach is a natural for shoots!
-Because Moo is heinously un-creative and feels like she can get away with doing shoots and videos there for free.
No. 588087
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No. 588088
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This will not be drycleaned
No. 588089
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No. 588090
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No. 588091
>>588088Oh no…..
That dress on wet sand………..
No. 588092
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No. 588094
>>588092now there's a cursed image if I ever saw one
bitch's eyes look like they're pitch black
No. 588096
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>>588000Could be from holding her phone weird
No. 588100
>>588092Jesus christ, that shitty lace looks like a Dollar Tree doily. Maybe even a little worse. I know we've gone over the costumes so MUCH (it feels like forever since she's done actual cosplay) but every new shot, there's a new appalling fuck up. Truly the cow that keeps on giving.
If it were any other person, I'd be livid DD really sold this mess for that much. It's truly what she deserves.
No. 588101
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No. 588102
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Not posting all of them due to repetition
No. 588103
File: 1539398650407.jpg (8.92 KB, 264x191, thiccdk.jpg)

>>587991>>587996Envelope would have been so easy to make too. Like 10min of a gold sharpie around the edges, logo, and trim the folded part to be squared? So easy, but she's just so lazy, it's incredible.
>>587997Spot on. I know people have posted this before in comparison, but this shit is uncanny at this point. DK's waist is still smaller sans forest-kun though.
>>588092>>588100She looks more like a creepy Annabell doll here than that time she did that Annabell makeup video.
No. 588113
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No. 588139
>>588135some of the characters are on a beach for a little. most of it takes place in a mansion, courtyard and garden on the grounds.
the exact scenes moo has been filming are not on a beach.
No. 588145
>>588119I believe that Moo has actually been through the anime and part of the manga, plus she wikis everything, so the information we post here are stuff she should know already, she's just too stupid and doesn't care to get things right, so no matter how much she backtracks and corrects herself it's useless. If she had posted her detailed plans before shooting and made corrections based on anon comments that's one thing, but it's too late to correct most stuff now, and even if she does so she'd show how dumb she is.
I would like to use [redacted] again when it comes to not revealing important stuff to Moo but some anons get so anal over this and derail the thread.
No. 588149
>>588141I know. Since it's not her hand, I didn't see the relevance anyway.
>>588139I thought it happened on an island?
No. 588153
File: 1539411158843.png (756.87 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-10-12-23-09-10…)

Eating out again
No. 588154
It’s mentioned a little further up in the thread in one of her IG stories
No. 588159
File: 1539411817191.png (878.52 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2018-10-12-23-21-17…)

Took all day to wish her cuck a happy bday
No. 588177
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No. 588178
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No. 588179
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No. 588180
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No. 588183
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No. 588186
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>>588089I couldn't help but see Mr Waternoose from Monsters Inc when I saw this
No. 588190
File: 1539422368617.gif (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 498x268, C3736FA7-3929-4B9C-8FAA-F5F6DF…)

>>588186That’s funny, because this is all I saw.
No. 588208
>>588183The sexual assault apologists with
dash of fake friendship crew, how sweet.
No. 588212
>>588177Part of me feels like an ass for this but one of the worst things about this is how fat she is when the character is skinny…
just stick with “”“THICC“”“ characters, moo, or actually lose weight
No. 588223
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No. 588224
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>people telling her the inaccuracies
>”it’s creative inspiration!”
No. 588230
>>588223None of them are as light as your Saber wig, you just did not bother to order a Beatrice wig, you lazy cow.
>>588224>I don't want to look like whoever I'm cosplaying!A summary of Moo's "cosplay career"
No. 588234
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No. 588236
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No. 588240
The second Beatrice costume didn't look too bad in
>>587597 until you see it in
>>587619The thigh highs….that wig, the colour of the wig is really drawing away from it looking decent, it's too much of an ugly fake blonde and so bad.
Moo never fails to impress me with how much "love and money" she puts into something only to never be able to get anything right.
I can't even remember how many inaccuracies were in the "Takano Project uwu" aside from that Genji oni mask but there's so many in this so far that you could make trading cards out of them.
No. 588242
>>588223Visual novel Mariah, you go with the fucking visual novel or at least the anime.
Aren't half of these pictures just fan art anyway?
No. 588248
File: 1539447616026.jpg (98.06 KB, 316x450, 156038l.jpg)

They're manga covers, so just interpretations by different mangaka.
But yeah, this post made it pretty obvious she never actually read the VN. Why am I not surprised.
No. 588253
>>588223>>588224It's hilarious. She is backtracking so much and finding excuses because she knows she fucked up the accuracy.
Her hair is still dark blonde/ginger… Not the light blonde her Saber wig is.
No. 588257
File: 1539448994696.png (11.54 KB, 128x128, kneecaps.png)

>>588034looking at her fucking knees just makes me think of the lennyface
No. 588262
>>588261The worst bit is she
claimed she was working on it for months.
She probably had to wait till the month rolled around for her to even pay for it with patreon money.
No. 588266
>>588263Or it's patreon.
She obviously hasn't spent nearly what she's boasting (except on food) and she's been lying through her teeth about why she couldn't use the biltmore despite totes paying them my dude.
This is just really embarrassing to watch.
>>588264I'm tinfoiling here, but maybe that's why she made sure that September set wasn't done until the next month. She needed to assure her funding for this mess.
No. 588271
>>588268I don't think moo needs an assistant. Cosplayers with assistants/managers usually use them for cons and stuff. Moo was rarely invited to cons or anything, she just hyped herself up and ghosted everywhere.
If moo wasn't such a lazy shithead she'd be fine on her own, but she is, and even if she had an assistant she wouldn't accept one that made her do anything. As long as she's making $$ why should she have to try hard?
No. 588272
>>588223>>588224We can assume then that all things she buys (not makes of course) will be "inspired by" and not an actual cosplay or idea of her own from here on out. She's that lazy where its easier to make up excuses over using source material. IE the source of Umineko- the visual novel.
Its also very obvious the "I like her better blonde" is a lie. Nobody talented will style a wig like Beatrice for her so she went with Saber's. Who happens to be light light blonde, not even the blonde that she's showing off in the manga. She's not colorblind, she's stupid and lazy.
No. 588276
>>588261Moo started off with grand tales of having an investor backing her project, using 7k to rent a mansion, and working oh so hard on screenplay (scribbling sentences on a notebook), then fast forward a few months it devolves into "a passion project" that she doesn't profit from, can't even afford the Biltmore and other places that need permission, and the notebook didn't have anything new written on it till 3 weeks before the shoot. She wants great results but refuse to give the amount of effort needed. She's just a compulsive liar with delusions of grandeur.
>>588268But she isn't smart, which is why she's got 84 threads and still going, she's too much of a narc to let someone smarter than her regulate how she does things anyway. Also I think you overestimate how much she earns.
No. 588287
File: 1539453703095.png (69.75 KB, 215x365, 8RW9g9J.png)

>>588019>>588236>>588223>>588224No wonder this guy is working with Mariah,they're both unlikable smug ass cunts.
No. 588288
File: 1539454024486.png (629.79 KB, 1439x2381, Screenshot_2018-10-13-12-04-56…)

>>588287Yes. Same combo of an inflated ego with an inflated face.
No. 588289
>>588288Holy shit
What is wrong with this guy
No. 588296
>>588291He's known Mariah for a while. She mentioned dating a "Eric" so I'm assuming this is him.
He made a few of her videos, including her Hellboy video. He does alot of instathot films.
No. 588314
>>588234Proof that whoever made the wig is a hack if it's falling apart after a couple wears. I dont care how badly moo's handing of it is, With cosplay wigs you simply you shouldnt need to have someone shoving pins into it if it was properly styled.
Moo sure does love her quality huh?
>>588223?'her hair depends on what you're looking at'
>All of these are still 10 shades darker than the wig she's wearing No. 588332
File: 1539466034095.jpeg (88.33 KB, 529x750, E3B9C63A-62BE-4B4F-AA60-56C6A8…)

4chan cup is doing great this year with the models
No. 588335
>>588224It's nice of her to make a video just for us.
>>588242I was wondering if they were fan art. She would be stupid enough to reference it over official works.
No. 588338
>>588263I mean, it's kind of obvious that's a lie. It's just fun to throw around.
>>588268She already fired her "manager" for Patreon.
No. 588345
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No. 588350
File: 1539472441333.png (252.22 KB, 496x480, n5V31aS.png)

>>587833She can't even get something like hair color right and always gets cheap ass shit. And she wants to do a gore scene? Let me guess it's just like the suicide and she'll never actually do it. She just said she would do it to try and seem shocking. All bark and no bite.
No. 588375
>>588223Her wig is nearly platinum blonde though? Beatrice is a golden blonde at her blondest, Moo is always so full of shit.
Can you imagine spending 3k on that trashbag of fabric scraps, yet be too cheap to purchase a new wig?
No. 588376
>>588364Best part is that since DesignerHack doesn't hem dresses the edges are frayed
and scrubbed in salt water and sand. If she's really going to wear it to a con as she says I can't wait to see what became of that 3k trash.
No. 588389
>>588385I'm trying to find raw footage to get full context
>>588386I know people who think even though she admitted that doesnt prove anything so I want to provide footage
No. 588405
If your friends don't believe you, then so be it. Listen to what
>>588391 says and move on. There is 84 threads and plenty of information.
No. 588406
>>588402The video of her with a mic doing a stream and going up to a random dude and groping his ass for laughs while he awkwardly shuffles away is everywhere.
If you have "friends" (lul) that are insisting on video evidence where consent is explicitly not given(!!), in the face of numerous accounts of victims and the accused herself admitting it, you have shitty friends, and you're apparently an idiot who can't use the internet by yourself.
No. 588411
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No. 588413
>>588411not a bad look for moo, tbh
she should really stick to darker hair
No. 588414
>>588409>>588404I'm not, I am on a Discord server nd everyone is saying they dont care about her actions since there is no evidence and I have been sending the stuff about Nana and the other cosplayer's statements on Twitter but I have no photo or video evidence. I have that stream from the twitch streamer, but they say it isnt evidence since she asked for it to be taken down.
>>588406I showed them that already like 3 times and pointed that out and they dont care and defending her. They dont care about the Twitter statements from the cosplayers because they say they hold no weight without eye witness accounts.
No. 588415
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No. 588417
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>>588413You sure about that
No. 588419
>>588413it looks good because its shitty quality photo and shes clothed
those are her droopy seramis w/e ears arent they
No. 588421
>>588417Y I K E S
nevermind, it was just the bad lighting lol
still better than the blonde though imo
No. 588427
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Sorry fo the shit screen but posting it just because. Miso was posting a instastory and pointed it towards Moo who was in the distance. Tenderbroembrace shoved her face in the way to block it.
No. 588480
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No. 588481
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>>588480They were screeching about turkey legs
No. 588485
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>>588483Forgot to mention sensei met up with them at the ren faire
No. 588488
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No. 588506
>>588485God, that Gucci waist pouch is hideous. Even by American Ren Faire standards, this is really out of place.
Agreed that brown hair looks much better on her, though.
>>588361Next /cgl/ match is in about 6 hours, at 19:00 UTC thread: >>>/vg/230968378
No. 588511
File: 1539516995838.png (516.05 KB, 640x480, black.png)

>>587392I know this is from days ago but UGH just realized it's an actual plot point in umineko how the witch's side is the BLACK pieces and the human's side is the WHITE pieces. Moo you absolute turd, you can't even get this right.
No. 588526
>>588345i hope she's giving the dress a viking burial.
it deserves as much.
No. 588544
>>588501Considering that I've seen everything from neon rainbow fursuits to old sissies in ita "lolita" at ren fests, Moo in her orc ears isn't really out of place.
Thots of all stripes, be they basic, insta, or cos- love going to ren fests to show off their bodies, it isn't shocking that Moo is all for doing it and getting plastered in the process.
No. 588555
>>587973I can just see it. The kids she has playing Kanon the moment they realize Momo's real self Mariah is going to start going "I made you" and all that other abuse she gave to her other cosplay 'friends' to try and keep them in line.
The EricVegus guy and antaras.cos are lost causes though.
No. 588559
>>588548Now I wish she did Kanon instead of the other person
This would have just made her whole dream project perfect
No. 588597
>>588596NTA but I think there must have been for her to wear pasties like she did.
She went from using the streams as her personal circle jerk wearing a dirty sweatshirt and no makeup, to dressing up and showing off her braless tits.
This screams $$$ on her end, especially since at the beginning she said she
couldn't go topless for "reasons" and tips didn't matter.
No. 588598
Originally she was blatantly saying that 'tips didnt matter and that she was doing it to promote the site. We ALL know moo doesnt do ANYTHING if money or clout isnt involved. Didnt she herself say that she had to stream for a certain amount of days or was that just speculation?
This all just proves that she cant put proper time or effort into anything. She can BARELY keep up with Patreon even.
No. 588599
>>588596There was definitely a contract
It’s speculation if she got it ended early or not but we all know moo. She wouldn’t have done this if they weren’t handing her money
No. 588602
>>588599Here's my timeline theory
>Moo before attempting to be sexy: On contract>camversity tells her she has to promote people buying tips because that's how they get their money. Her 'promoting' by sitting there and looking like a gremlin isnt doing anything for them>Moo starts to do the lewder stuff but uses vamplette more because she brings in more money>Moo gets dropped for continuous failure to actually meet tip goals and not streaming as much as contracted and blocking people left and right (including people who gave her tips)>Moo starts trying to sell old patreon content and starts doing pasties etc even more until dropping it because she's not getting paid enoughI think she was either paid a small amount up front or nothing at all. If she got paid full up front she would have quit after a week. The fact that even after she knew she was too lazy to do it (I'm taking a 2 week break my dudes) and she was so desperate to make it work? she was only getting paid the full amount after she fulfilled the time on her contract which she didnt.
No. 588604
>>588598She did say that. I forgot about it tbh. The first few days she was blocking people saying anything sexual to her too and people getting mad for using tags to trick them and lying about goals.
Moo just wants to scam.
No. 588613
File: 1539557199744.png (1.16 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-10-14-15-41-37…)

Moo is making her Morrigan alongside Misotokki, who is Lilith. It looks like she's trying Reagan's tutorial but failing as usual
No. 588614
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>>588613Tenderbroembrace styling Moo's Blair wig. Moo using her mice to the fullest extent lmao
No. 588616
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No. 588635
>>588616I can’t wait to see how bad this looks on her peanut head.
The top of Blair’s dress will definitely be an unflattering cut for her. Her hammy arms and side boob/pit fat is going to look even worse in it being all squished to the top by her forest kun
No. 588641
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>>588638A bit of a disappointment, her back boobs would have really taken center stage in this. Oh well, it will turn out to be a hilarious horror show no matter what she decides to wear (or not wear)
No. 588645
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No. 588647
>>588645i dont even know what shes trying to do in this picture
if your brain can 100% determine that, youre a better person than me
also the water isnt even fucking blue in that pic so whats with the quote fuck
No. 588655
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No. 588668
>>588667NTA, but steff was spilling milk about moo a few months ago and moo loves to try to throw shade.
It's not highly unlikely that someone will talk shit.
No. 588675
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At Moo's? Upset?
No. 588677
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I'm confused…Moo is out buying fucking PINECONES and these sweatshop mice are making parts of her Blair?
No. 588679
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No. 588695
she flexes a lot of money but is basically throwing it all away as that costume hits the beach.
Can she really not come up with better locations that actually fit the character? This is like her 4th time using a beach.
What happened to her bragging about being such a great decorator during her Tsunade shoot?
No. 588698
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No. 588750
>>588739I'm guessing because Antares had to work on Shannon and human Beatrice, she couldn't finish Featherine in time, therefore they couldn't finish shooting everything in the shitty studio.
Antares said she'll work on Featherine once she returned to Vegas, but here
>>588675 she seemed to be working on Moo's Morrigan wings? Why did Moo plan two extra cosplays anyway? I thought she's putting all her effort in the Umineko project, didn't she say she'll debut the film on Halloween? How is she supposed to finish everything on time?
No. 588751
>>588750This is exactly what I'm thinking. She should be editing her shitty magnum opis, not working (and by this I mean her slaves) on new cosplays and buying basic bitch fall shit.
She could be doing the video while the mice work, but based on her track record I find this doubtful. Wonder which lucky slave will get stuck with all the work while Moo reaps all the credit this time.
No. 588762
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I am confusion
No. 588792
>BlizzconMoo reminds me of the scene in Police Academy where they run out of fence talking shit. She isn't going to Blizzcon unless its to drive by and hope nobody sees her.
She KNOWS this isn't over with her Bill Cosplay bullshit. and no amount of posing and pretending will change that. She reads here and We all know that it may not be front burner, but it certainly is still on the stove.
Also- love that her stupid and pathetic "passion projects" are always ahead of anything remotely interesting to her patreons. But hey, I am sure it goes something like "Oh I got 5 minutes, whip out a sideboob, filthy nonfitting Bikini, 9 pictures of the one pose, voila! done for the month.
No. 588806
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No. 588810
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No. 588825
If she stuck to her promises in her albeit shitty apology, no one would even be talking about her anymore
But she fucked it up literally a week later
No. 588828
>>588824I don’t think anyone was buying that “B-but my cousins wanted to go and I wanted to show them a good time” bullshit. They looked completely bored as shit like she obviously dragged them there to help shield her from anyone potentially calling her out for being there. Same as when she drags her parents along to cons. She thinks having family with her will protect her.
>>588825Funny that Vamp was the one who told her she needed to step back and take a break. But she didn’t want to hear any of it because “B-but what if people forget about me?!” I’m sure at this point she wishes they had considering she can’t ever show her face without being met with a wave of hate and being roasted and memed into oblivion.
No. 588831
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Why are these people using barge on the carpet unprotected?
No. 588834
>>588806i dunno why but that chilled drink on the table with no coaster
triggers me.
Also, why does Mariah keep saying 'it's lit!!' in all her recent instagram stories??
No. 588835
>>588831>>588832I was just thinking that! As a city cosplayer, it's a dream to have a garbage to use things for cosplay that involves chemicals and glue without worry. Moo has that, but chooses to use it on her carpet. Extremely dangerous for both humans and cats to inhale.
Doesn't she rent this place too??
No. 588847
File: 1539641762029.jpg (84.2 KB, 720x960, 43879730_1464787056999572_4168…)

Holy shit, I thought she was laying on some pillows, those thighs cant be real, can they? They look massive.
No. 588850
>>588847… those thighs. That cellulite. Her leaning forward is to hide her stomach fat even.
Also is that the same bra from the Tsunade shoot?
No. 588851
>>588839I didn't see that. haha. Yes, sorry. I meant garage.
>>588847Those thighs are all fat and no muscle. Yikes.. She really is getting bigger.
No. 588854
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No. 588855
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Its not body positive unless meitu works overtime
No. 588856
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No. 588857
File: 1539643209087.png (801.74 KB, 1080x1521, Screenshot_20181015-183931~2.p…)

>im so asexual, my dudes!
No. 588859
>>588855Jesus even the carpet almost looks smooth.
>>588856She looks like she’s about to puke.
No. 588864
>>588850 Definitely the same bra.
I would love to see a side by side comparison between these recent Velma shoots, and her Velma shoots from 2 or 3 years ago just to see how much weight she gained in-between recycled ideas.
No. 588868
File: 1539644011370.png (2.38 MB, 1508x2048, Screenshot_20181015-185200.png)

Wig still isn't the right length. Looks like she's reusing the sweater, too.
She has the easiest job but Mariah fucks up constantly and never learns.
No. 588870
definitely about to puke pffft
No. 588871
>>588869Just another one of her lies. No one paid attention to it
>>588868She cant even be bothered to cut the wig. It's a hot mess
No. 588873
File: 1539644394165.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 3600x2025, behemothvelma.jpg)

>>588864dunno if that helps you out much. i'm not the greatest at this lmao
No. 588877
>>588844She's just a NEET with money.
t. NEET with no money
No. 588886
File: 1539648492174.png (489.49 KB, 578x523, right on time cow.png)

>>588885She's posting selfies on instagram rather than the platform that actually pays her. She's promoting images on Patreon when they aren't yet in order to get easy $10 pledges. Its not unheard of to post before you start telling people to sign up. Most Patreon thots do? But RIGHT after I posted that btw. She's right on cue all the time.
No. 588892
File: 1539649648738.jpg (258.52 KB, 720x773, vaccuma.jpg)

>>588887her ass looks like someone deflated it
it's so fucking goofy looking. The filters aren't doing her any favors
No. 588893
>>588887wtf is this pose? it looks like she didn't realize her camera was on. her nose is so red and shiny too, save it for christmas, moo.
>>588892i love these edits anon i'm rolling.
No. 588907
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No. 588908
File: 1539654033929.png (Spoiler Image,788.91 KB, 1191x720, Screenshot_2018-10-15-18-32-51…)

Spoilered because zombie tits
No. 588909
File: 1539654116277.png (1.02 MB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-10-15-18-34-29…)

Tenderbro said this was for a Nami from One Piece set but Moo is also wearing a black swimsuit sooo
No. 588916
>>588915Probably the latter
It would be funny if Bleach suddenly became her next dream poject
No. 588927
File: 1539656758265.png (392.94 KB, 750x718, 4mPQIBP.png)

the absolute state of her tits.. pathetic. its like all her vainness and cancerous behavior solidified and ruined the one aspect that got her famous- i'd say the same of her ass but apparently she lied that off around the 12th grade. i've seen tranny, estrogen fueled man tits that look less horrifyingly necrotic. i wonder if they hurt. they look like something they would've used to beat private pyle with in Full Metal Jacket as he slept. like weights used to anchor down tarps. like if someone took caulking and just filled gym socks. i havent seen veins that prominent since visited my great grandmother. the only reason this bitch uses micro bikinis is because her skin stretched and gave up the moment she lost the last shred of self esteem. there is no lift. no life in those tits. a microbikini would look best if and only if she shot from an upwards angle. god. they look blue, like frost bitten. i wish there were a hotline to call to report the abuse.
No. 588932
I know this whole thread is jealous chestlet sticks but holy shit
>>588927 you but be tushy trauma'd hard.
No. 588939
>>588937>tits dont count on fat bitches, anon ;)Lol, yes they do.
Also, on the grand scale of fatness this bitch is small time.
Stay mad, little miss ironing board.
(stop) No. 588941
File: 1539658533088.png (139.59 KB, 500x522, 7433D4B2-87F1-41C5-918F-64A928…)

>>588932>>588939Nope. Moo herself said they don’t.
No. 588951
>>588927Daaayuum anon, you wrecked her so hard you go her (or a whiteknight/calf) in here barking back and forth lol!
Gotta add, her tits are even nastier than Chel Hellbunny’s now. Chell’s are gross…but Moo’s… whew, lad. I think you described those sad sacks perfectly
No. 588956
>>588908can you hear those mammaries crying for help because momo refuses to get a bikini in her size
No. 588959
>>588928It's only the first arc on Netflix.
I hope she tries to make it. Her attempt at Hakama are sure to be hilarious.
No. 588962
>>588956But anon, how can she be like her hentais if she isn't strangling her lard sacks with a too-small bikini?!
Moo, learn how to make a tiny bikini in your massive size, that is some basic level cosplay shit.
No. 588966
File: 1539664135463.png (1.6 MB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2018-10-15-21-26-18…)

>>588910LMAO posted this 3 hours ago. I just checked Sabrina's instastories..lo and behold. Imagine being THIS petty
No. 588969
Same fucking picture too
No. 588972
File: 1539664716417.png (1.11 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-10-15-21-21-35…)

Mariah has been MIA the whole day. Vamps came over to visit and antares, Miso, and Tenderbroembrace have been working on her costumes. Must be rush watching Bleach
No. 588973
File: 1539664954906.png (688.98 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2018-10-15-21-40-29…)

Her cousin
No. 588975
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No. 588983
File: 1539666659697.png (1 MB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2018-10-15-22-08-34…)

No. 588992
File: 1539667712718.jpeg (132.99 KB, 750x1071, 17722165-6716-474A-B693-41907A…)

>>588989She still hasn’t take. That girl’s picture down! Wow….
And she’s doing Lust again. Can’t wait to compare to her shoot from 2 years ago when she was at her “prime”
Sidenote: I always get a good laugh at her instagram comments before she goes on her deletion spree
No. 588994
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She noticed
No. 589007
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Mariah, I thought Camversity was the future of streaming?
No. 589011
>>589008i think its the filter
>>589009mariah, literally no one fucking cares. try showing us when you take off your filter you hag,
No. 589012
>>589007Basically proves Camversity kicked her ass to the curb since one of the stipulations was that she wasn’t allowed to stream on other platforms like Twitch.
Also can’t wait to see her get btfo’d when she realizes none of the shit she tried to do on Camversity will fly on twitch like rubbing fake cum on her tits. People aren’t going to pay to see her stare at her computer or read a boring ass book in her bikini. And she won’t be able to lure them in with the vague promise of maybe tits.
She’ll be lucky if her channel doesn’t get immediately shut down. Can’t wait to see the shit fit she is going to throw.
>>588994It’s like Moo is literally incapable of hiding when she is blatantly copying other people. This is exactly what ThorneChan was talking about with her scooping up other people’s ideas and trying to shit them out as fast as possible so she can try to act like she is being original and it’s everyone else that’s fake and copying her.
No. 589015
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>>589009never forget the real Moo
No. 589016
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No. 589019
>>589016I see this dude at every Vegas con. He creeps me out tbh… Not surprised he’s taking photos with her.
Ah this was at Lvl Up. I remember seeing those backboobs of Moo’s in passing.
No. 589022
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No. 589025
>>588932Lol this is defs cucknoodles gf lurking and posting
Ain’t nobody else cringey enough to use the word “tushy” but she does every Tuesday, gag
No. 589027
>>589017Voting for
>>588892 as the next thread pic.
No. 589060
>>589058She's already Pariah Mariah in the OW community for shitting up Mei cosplay so badly. Declaring herself "IRL Mei" without a single decent costume and bullying other people when she found out she didn't do x cosplay first, etc.
I genuinely know people who can't even enjoy Mei anymore as a character because of this fat racist sow.
The real fun will be if she pisses off any of the Zarya cosplayers that actually look the part, or even the fitness community in general, by trying to pack her flabby coolsculpted ass into anything resembling a muscular form.
No. 589086
>>589080She’s going to end up dropping it anyways when she sees she isn’t getting the same amount love and attention Bunny and Susu get when streaming. Which is the only reason she is doing this. She sees all the success and love they are getting and people buying them gifts and she wants in on it. She unfortunately doesn’t realize that she actually has to be funny, charming and engaging with her fans and not tell them to fuck off everytime they say something she doesn’t like. And it also helps to not be completely despised on the internet outside of her neckbeard hugbox.
Also no way twitch allows her to do the shit she did on Camversity. They only reason was vaguely relevant on there was the vague promise of tits that everyone thought they were going to get if they threw enough money at her or constantly browbeat her by asking.
No. 589095
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No. 589097
>>589095this looks like a middle school craft project. how is she
so bad at this? this is also a poor material choice.
No. 589100
>>589092It’s because they are living the life she wishes she had. The con invites. The sponsors. The merchandise. The love from the community. A healthy stable relationship with genuine love. And they only keep succeeding more and more.
All of it Moo is kicking herself for not having but thinks she deserves and she is hopelessly stuck at the bottom forced to watch them live the life she always wanted. And the sad thing is that she maybe could have had a shot at it if she wasn’t such an awful human being.
No. 589103
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No. 589105
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(Thanks to KiwiFarms for the pictures!)
Didn't Nana cosplay Hinata, or am I getting confused? It'd probably explain the PA swipe at the endgame couples in this picture.
No. 589107
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Sooo for some reason tgus morning she chose to list more "cosplay plans" in her instastories almost like she was trying to prove originality?? I dunno.
Adding to : Witch (Goblin Slayer), K/DA Akali (LoL), Souma Mitsuko (Battle Royale), nurse!Sonico, Baiken (Guilty Gear, says AX 2019 as a caption), Minamoto no Raikou (Fate/GO), asks in a poll about red/white or black/gold Mai Shiranui, fem!Gawain (Fate/GO), Sesshoin Kiara (transformed, F/GO), apron!Saeko (High school of the Dead).
No. 589110
>>589103How long until she starts claiming Rangiku is her “dream cosplay”?
She does this shit all the time when she gets caught copying someone. She scrambles to prove how she is “the biggest ___ fan ever my dudes!!! I’ve been wanting to do this one for years!!!!”
No. 589112
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No. 589113
>>589103How long until she starts claiming Rangiku is her “dream cosplay”?
She does this shit all the time when she gets caught copying someone. She scrambles to prove how she is “the biggest ___ fan ever my dudes!!! I’ve been wanting to do this one for years!!!!”
No. 589116
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>>589107It's jiang shi, you ignorant slob. Didn't she say she wouldn't do it because she doesn't like "warm tones" on Mei? LMFAO.
No. 589121
>>589120Seriously. I want to see this “group” she is claiming to have. She is completely despised and practically no one with any shred self-respect wants to be seen or associated with her. She could barely scrounge together a crew for her supposed “dream project”.
I think this is just more her bullshitting. Trying to pretend all is well and that people still want to work with her and hang out.
No. 589124
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>>589107Good luck with that puffy jacket moo you’re gonna look even more massive than usual. I’d love to see her try to stream more League
No. 589131
>>589127She doesn’t seem to understand this and at this point probably never will. She thinks that this can all be fixed by debuting some new bombshell cosplay. Or a cosplay film that she “worked really hard on that is a passion project”. Like this was all some big misunderstanding and that everyone is just waiting to welcome her back with open arms.
At this point none of that shit matters. People are sick of her shit and are no longer looking the other way at abuse and bullying if other members of the community. Everyone is pretty much done with her. And no amount of online store bought cosplays with her tits hanging out is going to change it.
No. 589132
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Kind of a backtrack but still not saying who its for even though its blantantly clear Moo is involved
No. 589137
>>589134>>589132She will just continue to stay in her delusional state because she is too narcissistic to admit she has fucked up. She will never change. At least not until all her 'friends' are gone for good and she ends up losing all her money to a point where she has to move back in with her parents and humble herself.
She really thinks money can buy her happiness but I think she is slowly realizing that is not the case. The more she shells out, the more of a empty shell she becomes.
She is only liked by boys going through puberty and can not even pay for her sets, men who are too stupid to just look up porn for free, girls who fall her scam of an appearance when she tries to seem 50 pounds less than she is and women who think for some odd reason she is a positive influence for heavy set cosplayers.
People who are actually serious about making cosplays, costumes or photography would not want to be associated with someone who is shit and forever have to deal with their stank everywhere they go when they may want to branch out. So I do not blame for some of the people that still somewhat deal with her to not have their name attached but just to get that money she keeps giving out.
No. 589138
>>589105Kek. Like she knows enough of Naruto or Bleach to have even gotten into ship wars.
The Rangiku and Tsunade are particularly hilarious cosplays since they're so out dated. The only reason you'd do them is because you loved the series. Pretty much Kimono robes and you're done.
No. 589149
>>589108>>589109>>589111Shit, sorry! I didn’t mean to post this so many times, no idea what happened.
>>589112Glad sabrina said something. The blatant way moo copies is just ridiculous and toxic. She continues to stalk her past victims and try to do everything they do. It’s so gross.
No. 589166
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No. 589167
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No. 589172
>>589166That’s a rich one. Now all of a sudden she wants to pretend like she gives a fuck about art theft. After all the people she ripped off and stole from?
Hey Moo, no matter how much you try to scrub at it you won’t be able to polish the turd that is your reputation. Especially not in an instastory that will be deleted in 24 hours.
No. 589178
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I'm sorry what the fuck is going on on this day
No. 589182
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She really looks like a middle aged woman nowadays
No. 589184
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>>589182this is like Kik for Fat 2: Electric Boogaloo
good work, Anon
No. 589185
>>589178Guess she saw what Sabrina said and is now trying to do damage control by spiting her usual “I’m just a weeb with a sewing machine/I’m just here to cosplay and have fun/Don’t let anyone bring you down with negativity/Omg I wuv you all so much I’m legit crying right now thank you for all your support” bullshit.
The fact that she has to keep repeating this shit means it obviously ain’t true. If you have to keep telling everyone how you are such a good person then it means it ain’t true. Which is why it’s laughable that she is tries to play the “take the high road and don’t respond to anyone trying to make you look bad and let your actions speak for themself”. She more than anyone is constantly trying to clap back at people and frame the narrative in a way that makes her look more sympathetic or a victim.
No. 589188
>>589107>>589181>MitsukoLegit the worst female character. Fitting.
But she must be copying so many people cuz i never seen anyone try to jump on so many different genre/fandoms out of nowhere. wtf
No. 589189
>>589178It's such an abusive tactic. This is genuinely something that abusers say once victims speak out or someone speaks out against them for being an abuser. "Look how much better I am by avoiding the topic while you scream and cry and look stupid."
Silence is also violence towards people, moocow. This is abuser 101 that you're pulling and you're doing it more and more.
No. 589191
>>589185>>589189She's a sneaky cunt stealing ideas and pretending as if she can do them better then if they call her out she acts like she's a victim.
The Janet video called out her true character. A petty bitch who thinks she's better than others under the guise of being indignant at other's actions. It's funny how stupid people learn some genuinely effective manipulation tactics. Of course if Moo was intelligent she'd be able to cling to her former niche in the cosplay community.
No. 589196
>>589189Pretty much. Ever since her victims came forward and began speaking out, she has been banging this drum of “Look how much better I am by not saying anything while they keep chirping about me!!”
Newsflash Moo, you don’t suddenly become the better person while remaining silent while your victims vent out their anger and frustrations about you. She’s trying to hard to turn this into “people saying mean untrue things about me to ruin my reputation” since she thinks she can squirm out of this by playing the victim.
>>589191That Janet video sure did prove a lot. It really showed what a cunt of a bully she is and how she thinks she is so much better than everyone. Turns out that was the wrong fight to pick. Janet’s the one with an actual career and getting paid invitations to cosplay and wasn’t looking to back down while Moo is stuck ghosting outside pretending that she was a special invited guest.
No. 589215
>>589167Moo only knows 3 poses I swear
Her hotdog legs and lift nasty panties pose got old fast