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No. 219025
whats your personality type?
whats your zodiac sign?
what type/sign do u like and dislike the most?
>INTJ Edgelord>INFP crybaby>ENTP will never shut the fuck up>INTP forever alone>ISTJ the ultimate NPC>ESTP Chad>ENTJ your future boss>INFJ the ultimate form of horse shoe theory. He's either hitler or an SJW>ENFJ sjw or normieMBTI tests
>>Beginner level>>Advanced level>>Bonus test discord:
theres a girls only channel + hobby channels (let mods know!)
No. 219027
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INTP aquarius (but sagittarius sun, taurus moon, and capricorn rising) :/ I think I'm going to be a hoarder someday.
I only love taurus but every taurus I've ever met in my life has ended up hating me. Aquarius, gemini, leo, virgo, and pisces are poop signs.
No. 219029
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>>219025For some reason im stuck between ENTP and ISTP. My sun sign is Leo. I like INTPs and geminis.
No. 219047
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I'm a intj/intp virgo
my rising sign is gemini and my moon sign is cancer.
i hate geminis. very stereotypically duplicitous. cancers are poop too
i love capricorns i want to protect them all.
No. 219050
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ISFP sometimes INFP. I'm Virgo but with a fair amount of Aries-like tendencies. I like ESFP and Scorpios b/c they're fun to do dumb stuff and party with.
No. 219056
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INTJ, Gemini, moon is Leo, year of the rabbit,
No. 219062
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>>219027edgy incel
>>219029softboy chad
>>219047edgy incel
>>219050edgy incel with edgy chad tendencies
>>219056softboy chad
No. 219066
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ENFP cancer… im really a huge sad jerk who worries too much about hurting peoples feelings… i have to talk about my feelings all the time or i will die. i cant be around any xntx types because they bully me……
i like isfjs bc they are gentle cinnamon rolls
fuck entps with a rusty spoon. STOP MOCKING ME.:((((((((. libertarianism is stupid and not everthings a debate j f c.
No. 219073
>>219025Okay, so over the years, these were the results I got:
ISFP, INFP, INTP (makes no sense to me really), INTJ, INFJ.
Just now with the keys2cognition, I got ENFJ.
No. 219074
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>>219072Interdasting… So im mostly gemini, then sag, then leo? That's pretty cool and those three seem to have that free spirited, adventurous extroverted personality in common, which fits me.
No. 219079
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>>219078Right that makes sense. I love being in the spotlight and not to lick my own ass but im fairly charismatic and charming.
No. 219089
>>219025INFP scorpio sun, gemini moon, cancer rising.
Love Capricorns, Pisces, Scorpios.
Usually hate virgos and libras. Dislike Aries.
No. 219099
INFP sag sun/pisces moon/capricorn rising
double crybaby cradled by edge and propelled forward by balance
>>219062good shit
No. 219102
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>whats your personality type?
>whats your zodiac sign?
Even blood type personality theory have more credibility than astrology, come on.
No. 219114
>>219063Hello fellow INFP pisces!
I'm the most passive lazy sad neet… Fuck I don't know if I'll live past 30.
No. 219211
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i got ENTJ on the begginers test and INTJ on the advanced test
i am king fuck of shit mountain but they give me too much credit for being hardworking (more like greedy and strategic)
No. 219314
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No. 219328
>>219093Basically this. I think the MBTI is interesting in that it shows how you perceive your own personality but it's not something that should be taken seriously at all.
Also the idea that somebody might dislike me based on the date I was born is somewhat concerning lmao
No. 219334
>>219327the validity of the MBTI is questionable and Zodiac signs are just as reliable. However, sometimes this can be fun. I was the anon who posted
>>219314 and just am participating because it can be fun. My last birthday, I drunkenly proclaimed that my Zodiac sign is the biggest attention whore of ALLL the Zodiac and pointed to the fact Bill Clinton and I share the same birthday as solid proof of this.
So ssssshhh, let us have our fun, anon.
No. 219372
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>>219361>tfw aries>tfw all other signs hate mewah
also aries, year of rabbit,INTJ-T from 16 personalities test, ISTJ from Jupiter 34
tend to be enemies with libras, tauruses, tend to make friends with leos, capricorns and cancers, my boyfriend is an aquarius
not really sure what this chart means bc I'm a dumbass
No. 219480
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What kind of astrology you and ok use? Topic (western) is what people usually reference to, but I researched that actually Vedic astrology is the most accurate. Thoughts on that?
You can find out your Vedic birth chart here related; Mine
>>219361Check out all my Aries influence. You know you love me.
No. 219481
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Continued; pt2
Anyone here ventured into Vedic astrology? You try it and read into it, maybe you will find it more in depth. My chart is completely different in tropical.
No. 219524
>>219306yes, you can fake it til you make it. it just takes practice and sometimes enacting the role you envisioned. come up with some principles and stick with them and also don't take shit from anyone. sometimes even when you're in the wrong
trying to earn respect will already start bringing you respect. once you get the hang of powertripping you won't want to stop
No. 219589
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I either get INTP or INFP. Often 50/50 results. My sign is Aries, but it seems like I don’t have any of the positive aspects of it because I’m insecure and muh anxiety. So basically I’m a real mess.
No. 219641
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INTJ, Scorpio sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Rising, Scorpio Mars
It's hell
No. 219645
>ENTP-T (i'd call myself an extroverted introvert, i'm 50/50 I-E, but never shutting the fuck up is very accurate)>cancer sun, leo moon, aries rising>year of the rat >chaotic-neutral goodi just did my birth chart and it makes a lot of sense, i never really felt like i fit with the general cancer stereotype, turns out i've got lots of leo/aries/capricorn in my houses kek
dunno about much about other peoples signs (and what i like/don't like about them), because i don't know much about astrology tbh. what i DO know is that four of my loved ones are sags and i both love and hate them at times. i get along well with other I/ENTPs, sometimes INTJs but they're frustratingly too close minded to have decent conversation with most of the time. i enjoy other good naturedly stubborn people i can chat mad shit with, who are also comfy to chill with when i wanna crawl back into my shell, basically.
>>219327one of the responses you could pick on OKC to this question was "i don't take it seriously, but it's fun to think about" which sums it up best i think. like, i use tarot cards to do readings for myself sometimes, i use it more as a tool for providing a different perspective on the situation i'm questioning, as opposed to gospel truth. it's just a fun way to get some conversation happening, no need to be a buzzkill anon
No. 219665
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>>219025I’m not really sure what this says exactly - I read the descriptions but it’s difficult to know in a nutshell how these are supposed to play out together/which are the most significant parts of the table.
I’m a total noob though.
For the MB, I get 50/50 INTP and INFP, and am presently dying alone with an art degree. Accurate.
No. 219685
INFP. Scorpio sun/moon. Astrology is fun, even if I don't put much stock into it.
>>219025Love the teen girl squad references in OP's pic ha.
No. 219686
>>219025MBTI pers: ENFP -A/-T
Sun: Libra
Rising: Scorpio
Moon: Cancer
Mars: Leo
Basically im a people pleaser with a dark twist dum dum duuum
No. 219725
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I got this result, I don't know about what it means though
No. 219738
>>219695>lunatica surefire sign of INFP
>>219696INFP confirmed
No. 219781
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MBTI: INFJ-T or INTJ-T (the F and T interchange quite often).
Sun: Aquarius
Rising: Virgo
Moon: Pisces
What an absolute nightmare.
No. 219796
>>219047Protec me anon
This stuff kinda makes me sad due to reaffirming that I'm pretty much an asshole
INTP-t capricorn
Sun: Capricorn
Moon: Cancer
Rising: Gemini
No. 219799
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we're moon and rising buddies anyways
No. 219800
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>>219645Hello fellow xNTP (50/50 I-E). I call myself an extroverted introvert too lol.
>Aries sun, Virgo moon, Aries rising>year of the horse >chaotic neutralI’m able to talk non stop and then shut the fuck up for long periods of time. I love people and am charming at social reunions but too much human contact stresses the shit out of me. I’m told I’m silly but mature at the same time, and then for that reason other people may think I’m kind of an idiot the first time they meet me.
I’m not quite sure if there’s a sign in particular I don’t like. I’ve noticed the majority of people that dislike me are Cancer tho.
No. 219806
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>>219800i think the joke there about xNTPs is that if you're even questioning whether you're an E or not, you probably are, kek. but eyy we're rising buddies too!
we sound really similar tbh anon, esp the
>other people may think I'm kind of an idiot the first time they meet mebit. i tend to be quite dry/my humour can be a bit off the wall, so when people take me at face value when making an initial impression they assume i'm autistic, usually. which isn't necessarily a bad thing, mind you, bc it's nice for people to not have expectations of me for once, but still. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>219047>cancers are poop too can i ask why? i've seen other people say that "cancer is the new scorpio" and shit but i don't quite get it bc i know sfa about astrology
No. 219821
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INFP with whatever the fuck this means
Fi > Ne > Fe > Se > Ni = Si > Ti > Te
No. 219876
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I broke it. All I know is I'm a Libra with heavy Scorpio in my charts. Despite what others are saying, your sun sign is THE most important sign and no matter how consistently you get something else in your chart, sun signs trump them.
Tbh I hate virgo. Fucking virgos.
No. 220254
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used to always be INTP, now every test classifies me as INTJ.
Sun in Pisces,
Moon in Libra
Ascendant in Libra.
I relate to
>>220154 lol.
I'm the type to prance around on a meadow feeling connected to the cosmos and the next moment the world is a shithole, people should just extinct, I despise society,
googles best ways to kill self No. 220282
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>>219091>>219115>>219641Another INTP Scorpio here, what the hell is going on
No. 220748
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>>219025>>219102mi boi, if I made a post, it would have been this.
No. 221375
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Another INTJ lol (edgelord meme relevant)
I think INFPs might be my type… romantically?? I've been crushing on one for six months now and it's been the most emotion I've ever felt toward any person in my life… I guess that means I'm fucked :/
No. 221447
>>219738>>219741I know it's been already 10 days, but thanks anons (i'm
>>219695 >>219696, i wasn't sure because i'm not a very compassionate but rather cold person)
Even tho it's a shitty one. Does anybody know if it's possibly t change that?
>>221260 Is there a discord?
No. 221583
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INFP and it sucks. I hate how oversensitive I can get and afterwards I realise how stupid I was and I'll feel even worse…
I also take things way too personal wich i always realise after a whinefest.
No. 221587
>>221583Anon, i am the poster above you and wholeheartedly agree; it sucks so much to be that emotional, i'm a real drama queen. One moment i'm happy then something happens and i'm feeling totall depressed or even aggressive? It feels like i'm still throwing tantrums, i catch myself stomping with my foot etc…
The first thing that caught my eye in your pic was wishing for a letter from Hogwarts, i did the same
No. 221588
>>221587>>221587Wow anon, I'm exactly the same. Just a small thing is enough to set me off, I don't understand how I still have friends. I try to be cool and chill but it usually doesn't last very long. Some days I can find a new reason to cry or get angry over every day.
And yes I get agressive too, luckily never towards others, only towards myself and sometimes I throw stuff.
What got to me most is "everybody is beautiful and important (except for me)", it feels so true…I think it's true for you too, all we need is some confidence, right? Easier said than done.
Do you get random streaks of ego too? Like one moment you feel like you're the worse person ever and other moments you feel like you're a gift to the world, or maybe it's more of an ironic ego thing… I don't even know anymore, I try not to take myself too serious since it makes things easier.
sorry for blog post, I'm feeling emotional hahaha
No. 221590
>>221588I barely have any friends and i'm very anxious.
Sometimes when i'm home alone i nearly feel like i'm high (?), i do weird stuff like pose in front of the mirror totally happy and confident, but as soon as i step a foot outside…
No. 224688
>>224685kek I was just thinking that.
INTJ, Aries sun/Gemini moon/Virgo rising. I get along really well with Sagittarius women but every Sag man I've known I want to strangle. I'm also weirdly attracted to Aquarius and Scorpio men.
No. 224845
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infj aries here.
>tfw i actually am hitler
No. 225043
Leo ESTP water monkey. Always thought these fit me like a glove (esp with a Virgo venus, Aquarius moon and Libra ascend).
I've usually fallen for Aries, ENTJs and a few sags. Seem to dislike anyone with a 'F' in their mbti. Fire signs defo mix within their element in my exp as far as horoscopes go. Though I find other Leo's and I have strong initial attractions but they never work out into relationships - moreso love/hate friendships. Like earth and wind signs as friends the most seemingly. I have gotten along with water signs fine from a distance, but find they always end up too clingy in friendships and have a hard time dealing with what I perceive to be their emotionally dependent sides.
>>224983I'm in a long term relationship with a sag and it's open. I'd before have thought I'd never do or be able to do an open relationship, but from the moment I met him I saw him as the kind of person who needed his freedom. And I think that suits sag perfectly: opposed to someone who cannot commit, those who fit this sun sign need, above all else, their personal idea of freedom. The ability to explore and not feel restricted. And I think when they feel stuck is when they flee (Not that I'm saying sags all need open relationships, that just works for my s/o and I).
At the end of the day my experience with a sag who feels 'free' is that they're actually very loyal. I was even heckling him the other night that he doesn't much act on the open part of the relationship (he was a pretty big man whore before we met) and he said he feels comfortable just knowing that he can, and thus doesn't feel the need to do it as an escape of restrictions. He likes to flirt/look more than act.
Obvi not gonna be true of every person or sag, but the scenario really encompasses the way I see most sags feelings on commitment.
Just my 2 cents.
No. 225069
>>224845I'm an infj and aries too. I prefer socionics descriptions. I know it's all shit but the iei type is me to a T.
I been reading mbti since back in 2009 and it was funny to see all the scam artists who capitalized on vulnerable people with it. I just like typing characters in fiction and identifying with them. It's all autistic fun I guess.
My favorite type is Estps(or SLEs in socionics) because they are strong people who you can rely on while also being fun and outspoken when they get comfortable. I got excited when it turned out my bf typed as that because it makes a duals. I don't have a favorite zodiac.
saging cause bloggish and embarrassed by my typology autism.
No. 225238

Yet another INFP here. Seems like we're over-represented on this site.
>>221583>MUSIC SAVED MY LIFEOh god. I routinely cry when I think about songs I love, like I'll just be doing chores or driving or something and I'll play a really emotional song over in my head and cry. Usually when no one else is around, but a couple times people have noticed and it's awkward.
Like for the past few weeks I've just been so hung up on this song by Sufjan Stevens, it's just so beautiful. I think it's about the ephemeral nature of love, and how knowing that it won't last and is painful when lost is what makes it so beautiful and precious. I think Sufjan may have written it while he was working on Carrie and Lowell, and I think it summarizes the themes of that album so well (that caring about people may be difficult and painful, but is ultimately worth it).
I love music that celebrates life but in sort of a bittersweet way. I legit feel that beautiful art makes life worth living.
No. 225273
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>>224988>>224989>>225043hey thanks for answering anons. I've never really had any Sagittarius friends/family members/acquaintances, so I'm not too familiar with their energy. i'm interested in a Sag moon at the moment…
No. 225299
>>225238>entire heart falls out of anus by listening to emotional songHello my fellow INFPs
I am INFP-T Pisces sun scorpio moon so basically I'm a fucking wreck
Always been very into scorpios and Taurus, scorpios always passionate and lead me to disaster but Taurus really balances me out and keeps me grounded.
No. 225300
>>225299Oh and samefag, I always get on great with Pisces and cancer.
I haven't vibed great with Aquarius. Or Leo.
No. 239596
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join the intp-only server
accommodating mods and very little actual moderation. come join your typal kin. No. 240089
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>According to 16-personalities: ISTP / INTP (sometimes ENTP because I'm an ambivert)
>>>Am going to take the more advanced tests and come back with results.
>Gemini moon
>Cancer sun
>Scorpio rising
I cannot stand:
>CAPRICORNS, most Scorpios, Aries
>Cancers, Leos, Sagittariuses, Aquariuses*, Pisces
*my bf and one of my best friends (separate people) are both Aquariuses
No. 240114
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>>240089I'm back. Both of the advanced MBTI tests said I'm an INFP, so that's… fun.
My enneagram is 6w5.
Apparently the celebrity I'm most like is Carey Mulligan, AKA Daisy from Baz Luhrmann's version of The Great Gatsby.
No. 240583
>>219025>ISFPWell, I actually am, actually was, a Liberal arts major.
I'm a Libra and I absolutely despise ENTPs.
No. 443511
>>443504INFPs, in my experience, tend to be more about dreams and are less grounded in reality. But I love them very much regardless, they're often similar to me but more idealistic (I'm an INFJ).
Look at function stacks for a more detailed answer. On a basic level, INFPs are more morality/identity based with a focus on fixing issues and INFJs are more into witnessing and analyzing people and predicting their future actions. Oddly I think burnout is the same, either being disappointed or hurt by people for the INFP or thinking everyone will inevitably be horrible since that's what we imagine in our head for the INFJ.
But if all fails just call yourself INFx because it's all bullshit anyway kek. But it's fun!
No. 443513
>>443507i actually like your positions, anon. kinda jealous
>sag sun>sag moon>cap rising>virgo mars>scorpio venus>cap mercury No. 443555
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Used to always get INTP, just redid the test and got ENFP.
Sun Leo
Scorpio Moon
Libra Rising
I find I'm drawn to Aquarius a lot romantically, my last two crushes were Aquarius. I also tend to get along with Aries & Capricorns.
No. 443560
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Aquarius Sun/Libra Moon/Scorpio Rising (6 placements in air please help)
Im pretty empathetic I thrive in work environments that require a lot of emotional heavy lifting (or buttering up of cute middle aged ladies) but I pretty much want to be alone all the time unless I'm getting paid or have school.
The only mbti I have bad blood with is INTJ because I had an extremely annoying INTJ roommate who would endlessly brag about money/school/her weight/veganism/being an INTJ but we had to kick her out cause she huffed glue in the living room womp womp
bf is also an INFP and we order a lot of take out and pretty much only hang out with our pets and talk about our feelings it's my ideal life and I hope he does not betray me
No. 443566
Taurus sun. Aquarius moon. Capricorn rising. INFP, yes I am a crybaby but I feel like I’m more of a INFJ trait wise. I’m big on astrology. I used to not believe in it but after a few weird coincidences, I do now.
IME, I have good interactions with xNxPs, ISFJs, ISFPs, ESFPs, water signs excluding scorpios, chill tauruses, geminis that aren’t too geminy. I have bad interactions with xSxJs, ES-anything, fire signs, earth signs that act too much like the stereotype, LIBRAS (they’ve all been drama and bitches), aquariuses, Aries women, Leo men.
No. 443582
>>443578I’ve thought that too, i think it really depends on the source. Took it for fun in uni with a group of friends and most were E
* I think one ISTJ, of a group of 15 students. I dunno, maybe the younger generation has more INFJ now than in the past making it not so rare?
No. 443585
>>443578Maybe it's not that rare after all? I took these years back for fun and I always got infj and not to sound edgy but I did feel like it was a somewhat accurate description of me but then I took it again a while back and it was infp which is also accurate cause I don't really have that determination and decisiveness that infjs are supposed to have. I'm too sensitive and a thinker/dreamer rather than a doer so infp might be more accurate there.
Regardless of the what I think about these kinds of tests I think it's possible to be a combination of different types cause I doubt its all black and white. I also think that subconsciously many give answers they like better. I think many infjs might actually just be infps.
No. 443595
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INFP Scorpio, Tiger.
Literally the three most emotionally unstable categories lel
I've hated every ESTP and ESFP I've met rip
No. 443607
>>443578The typing you get on your tests it's not necessarily true. The most accurate way to establish someone's type is to observe them and see what functions they use the most. In real life I haven't met that many INFJs and intuitives, the only intuitive type that was more common is INFP, at least where I live.
When it comes to online tests this is the most accurate I have found until now No. 443632
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INTJ, capricorn rising in scorpio, enneagram 8.
The funniest, I'd say.
My favs to be around are bright taurus or capricorn, my least favourite is scorpio. Imagine how much of a laught it was when I found out I'm not in gemini but scorpio. At least I can blame on it my bad side. Lmao.
No. 443696
>>443513People always make fun of my mars in cancer lmao
Yeah I cry when I'm fightin keep scrollin.
No. 443711
>>219025ENFJ-A, but I score a ton of other things as well. My scores are almost all in the middle usually, except for J. Not an SJW, conservative. Not a normie, been the "weird one" my whole life. Found my way to the chans, which in itself, is autism.
Sagittarius Sun
Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Rising
Every person is an individual, I can't say there's a sign or personality type I specifically dislike. I don't really believe in these tests anyway. In jest, I can say every libra I've met I've found unlikable; they're the typical valley girl who parties and is with a new man every night. Prone to gossip and fighting, which is the opposite of their sign's description. Every gemini I've ever met is very introverted, moody, and know-it-all, which, again, somewhat contradicts their sign. My sign is a bubbly extrovert who's defining characteristic is "doesn't know how to dress." Not me.
I take these tests with a grain of salt.
No. 443786
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I always either get INFP or INTP. I'm a Scorpio. Don't know what time I was born, so I don't know my moon or whatever.
I seem to get along best with Aquarians.
No. 443847
>>219025I've taken MBTI tests numerous times and pretty much always get ENFP-T.
Aries Sun, Capricorn moon & rising. Astrology is fun to entertain as a concept imo, but I don't take it seriously.
No. 443885
>>443842I don't believe in it. It's a convenient shorthand. I don't use the Zodiac, either. I use this: really didn't want to sperg out about this.
No. 443961
>>443939>>443947Guess I’m fortunate I’ve never met one lmao
The only sign that annoys me is Libra and that’s only because they have to talk about being a libra every. Fucking. Second.
No. 443978
mbti only gets more accurate when you starting delving into cognitive functions, and cognitive functions only get more useful when you realize they describe thought processes and not people.
aka, anyone can exhibit certain mbti traits if they work hard enough at them (or are underdeveloped in them).
>>443823it's important to note that due to patriarchy/sexism, female and male types present differently.
No. 444015
Its like people lose braincells when they get involved in this garbage.
>>443947Did daddy sag beat you as a kid or something?
No. 446061
>>445976It is if you look at the horoscopes in magazines. You should look at a natal birth chart. it would be good to have some basic knowledge on how these charts actually work. No. 446070
>>445887Glad you think that way anon, to me it's just the answer to my hysteric breakdowns for things that are not in the way I want.
It's not that I get angry, I just get sad.
But I'm glad I got to be very empathic and rational at the same time with a bit of the scorpio cryptic shenanigans
No. 446072
>>445976I'm also an Aries and I thought this until I checked my natal chart
taurus rising and scorpio moon with a bunch of weird house placements = a volatile, angsty mess of an aries with a tendency towards laziness and security
I know astrology is bull but it's fun
No. 446126
>>446061lol NTA but I entered my stats on that chart site, and the stuff that followed was even more off than stereotypical magazine stuff. "I have a love of travelling and an active social life," it says as I post on lolcow after not emerging from my bedroom for more than a week. toppest of keks.
reminds me of those quizilla "What Anime Hair Color Are You?" quizzes, but no one was taking those seriously. those were fun.
No. 446264
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INTJ, cancer sun, libra moon and cancer rising and my other houses are full of cancer and aquarius, this is accurate because i can be an absolute emo and i cry to Plastic Love at 3 am but i'm mostly logical and i don't really pay attention to my feelings 97% of the time and yeah i literally make no sense.
I don't have any feelings towards any sign but Aquarius and Pisces are rad and Aries needs to chill, INFPs are angels and i know this will sound stupid but i personally find ENFPs scary/intimidating because most have hurt me hard for petty reasons like jealousy (even when it was obvious i treated them on a ~uwu special way uwu~ because they appear so nice at first and i had a soft spot for them) and also because they're really overbearing and loud sometimes. INTP females are cool because most of them are huge lovable weirdos.
No. 448922
I'm an INFP 4w5, when I was younger (13 years old) I was an ISFP, but I guess I got too stuck on nerd shit and ended up neglecting my Se.
Which kind of types do you get along with?
I tend to connect better with INFPs (I always have prejudices against them, but when I get to meet them it's like talking to myself or something), ENFPs and ISFPs (though I'm always wary around them because all the ISFPs I met were always avoiding conflict, so they wouldn't speak about the issues they had with you or the things they really wanted to do, instead going along with the crowd).
I'm also attracted to the confidence displayed by ENTJs. I don't know why but it's sexy. It's the same with INTJs, but only on the internet, the ones I've met in real life were kind of socially awkward.
On a side note, I really can't stand ENTPs, I've met some and if the topic of conversation doesn't revolve around them or their hobbies, they will get bored easily and start speaking with monosyllables or "hmms…".
We should begin a "Roast the MBTI" or something ITT.
No. 449105
INFJ although I type as INTJ on even the keys to cognition test. I became a big MBTIfag in 2017 just for fun and decided to research more, then figured out I'm just a weak Fe INFJ. I also couldn't be an INTJ if I'm so ballsdeep into this absolute bullshit.
>Hitler or an SJWKind of true. I can easily meme myself into extremes that I don't even believe in deep down just by being isolated for a while and thinking too hard. But really I'm devoted to little.
I love INFPs the most, I appreciate the strong sense of self and values while simultaneously being able to dream.
Oddly my closest friends have been thinkers, an ENTJ and an ENTP. I enjoy the former's bluntness and the shared enjoyment of discussing the future, and I liked the conversational prowess of the latter. ENTPs are a lot though, and I always felt as if they never truly care about you.
I dislike ISTPs the most I guess, they're often both very stubborn and cold. I'm sure healthy ones are fine though.
>>448922Roast me, INFP-tan.
No. 449115
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I'm having a bad day so this is a good distraction. I know OP is probably long gone, but thank you anyway for this thread!
>ISFP/ENFP depending on the test
>Cancer Sun, Taurus Moon, Gemini rising, no idea what any of that means
>6w5, but I have C-PTSD which might be impacting it a bit
>BF and BFF are coincidentally both INFPs, I generally get on with anyone who isn't an edgelord
No. 449154
>>449105Same anon I just got INTP everywhere and I got really into mbti and after understanding functions and everything and observing myself I'm actually INFP with auxiliary stronger Ti, like I tend more towards INTP. Sometimes I feel as if I'm stuck between both of them.
I love INFJs, they are so understanding and all the INFJs I have met tried to help me in some way or another. I think it's one of the types I love the most. The types I don't really get along with are ISTJ, ESFJ, ESTJ they're usually always very judgemental towards me, but there's exceptions where I get along with them too, if we have commom interests and values.
I used to have an INFJ teacher in school and it was crazy how we connected because when I would feel sick he'd somehow be able to tell and he would start gazing at me and after the class ended he would talk to me all the time (My PTSD was really bad). I found it crazy since I always tried to hide my mental illness and no teacher in school was able to tell or maybe they didn't care enough.
ENTPs are really smart, witty and funny but sometimes they can go overboard with their jokes etc. I usually get along with them because they're very talkative and I'm bad at initiating conversations, so they do it for me. I think both ENTPs and INFPs have some eccentricity to them.
ISTPs are really chill and simple, I like that but they have their quirks too due to their Ti, they may seem boring but they have an interesting world hidden inside of them.
You should check out function loops because INFJs and ISTPs have the same functions Ni/Se Ti/Fe. I think that as we grow older we get in touch with our inferior functions so you may find yourself becoming more ISTP like, while an ISTP will become more INFJ like.
No. 449546
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It always come up either INTJ or INTP for me.
Sure, i am a forever alone edgelord but without any added bonus, i don't like stem and i am no scientist, i am just a lonely poorfag.
No. 489232
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took the test 8 years ago during the hype,
>wew lad intj
took the test last week drunk with some e-friends
>wew lad intj
No. 489512
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16personalities consistently gives me INTJ, John's test gave me ISTJ and INTP. How do I know the me I really am inside?
No. 490873
Boyfriend is INTJ Cancer. He's my favorite.
I hold a grudge against Aries because of exes & ex-friends and a soft spot for Geminis.
No. 490918
INFP, sometimes INFJ
Taurus/Gemini Cusp Sun (28°)
Aquarius Moon (5°)
Leo Rising (0°)
I don’t really get along with most people in general as I am a loner, but I have had bad experiences with Virgo women and some Piscean type people in the past.
I get along well with fire signs and most air signs, which makes sense as the few family members I vibe with have strong Mars or Leo influences. I seem to be attracted to, and conversely attract, Aries men, usually middle degree types. Several times I have had an Aries man come into my life randomly, and their birthdays are almost always between April 3-10, give or take a few days.
My best friendships are with fire signs. Air signs especially Aquarius sun share a lot of my emotional experiences in a more extroverted way, and I’ve found talking to Aquarians helps me understand what I don’t, or can’t, verbalize.
I don’t really meet a lot of earth people though except for an occasional Virgo or Capricorn. Have actually never met another Taurus for some reason. Its always just me. And yes, I’ve asked or it’s come up in discussions. Very odd.
Several people in my family including myself have Mars in Leo between 25-27°. My mom and I both have Mars in Leo 27°.
Very watery people drive me nuts sometimes. My aunt on my mom’s side and a cousin I avoid have most of their planets in water signs. Being around them makes me cry because they are both so fucking mean and unnecessary. They’re low functioning water types though (manipulative, cruel, melodramatic), so I can’t really judge too much…
But again, I don’t really get along with people in my personal life, so I don’t know how much of that was me or something else. I learn through conflict.
No. 490980
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INTJ, Scorpio.
INTJ women is the rarest archetype and we seem to be overrepresented here.
It figures.
No. 491016
>>443682Hey I'm ISTP, Aries sun, Cancer moon, Libra rising. Can the experts tell me if I also have the personality of a dad?
My boyfriend calls me Indiana Marple because he thinks I'm like a mix of Indiana Jones and Miss Marple.
No. 491115
My MBTI came out INTP-T, but I don't really know what that means. How does it translate into astroshit?
From the little I know about INTP, I'm getting virgin autist vibes. Is that accurate?
As for astro stuff, I'm Leo sun, Aqua moon, with strong Saturnian aspects and Pluto in the first. All the info I can get on my combo of placements is "difficulty, strife, low self-esteem, polarising personality, difficult to know". Wish it wasn't so accurate.
I generally don't get on with Taureans or Sagittarians but usually always love Aquas. The one person I've truly loved romantically and felt safe with is a Cap stellium.
Also 7 of my closest relatives are Aries, I grew up in an all-fire household. Chaotic.
>>491016I find the ask astrologers Reddit is really good for qus like these!
No. 491162
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>>491115This is the best book I’ve read on astrology and anyone who is interested in it beyond the usual new age woo should definitely try reading it. There’s a lot of psychology in here as well, so you don’t even need to be deeply interested in the subject to get something from it.
Funnily enough, the author has the same birthday as my late grandmother, by one year. He reminds me a lot of her.
No. 491293
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Sun: Aqua
Rising: Leo
Moon: Virgo
No. 491468
>>491293We are actually very similar, anon!
INFJ, Aquarius sun, Leo rising and Scorpio moon here.
No. 491934
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INTP, Taurus sun, Taurus moon, Gemini rising
Can someone pls explain what this means, from what I gather it sounds like I have autism and therefore like routines and comfort but also have autistic meltdowns due to the Gemini thing
Am I doing this right
No. 491938
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>>491925>>491468>>491293INFJ with pic related; I'm new to this so idk how similar I actually am to y'all but !!!! Now I wanna join the Discord
No. 491961
>>491939Am I retarded or does the link in the OP not work?
No. 492321
>>491961it's probably dead at this point
Also seems like there is a lot of scorpios here including myself. Makes sense why the site has been crazy for the past month or so
No. 492456
Personality type - INFP
Horoscope - Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Capricorn rising. Feel free to insult or make predictions about me lol
I don't really believe in this stuff, not even the personality thing which I believe is a sort of myth, but I find horoscopes kind of fun to research and sometimes actually kinda accurate - my sister is literally the embodiment of a Leo, and my ex was a Scorpio to the extreme. However I don't see myself as a Capricorn rising because it just honestly doesn't match, at least I hope it doesn't lol. I hope i don't come across as serious and boring to other people, although I guess being stoic is something I'm guilty of. And although I can see myself as a Taurus I'm not stubborn in a way where I refuse to listen to other's people opinions or views, I'm more stubborn towards people telling me what to do. But I admit I can be lazy and self indulgent.
What's interesting is that both my parents and my sister are fire types, and I'm the only earth type, and they've usually described me as the "peacemaker" who doesn't like conflict and tries to break up fights. They've got lively, enthusiastic personalities and I guess i'm more laid back
No. 492460
>>225238Samefag sorry but I was reading back on the posts here and holy shit anon are you me? Lmao I get the exact same reactions listening to music I really love and to songs I find beautiful. I invest so much emotion into art especially music so when I listen to songs I really love my heart just swells up and i can start sobbing even if the song isn't sad lol. I'm not like a super INFP because I tend to hide my emotions and sometimes come across as an uncaring edgy dick but music just makes me into a stereotypical crybaby. I'm a bit of an enigma tbh, I always bury my feelings away and joke around and seem aloof, especially around other people, but at the same time i'm kinda sensitive and feel things deeply and i cry at stupid pointless shit? It doesn't make sense lol
>I love music that celebrates life but in sort of a bittersweet way. I legit feel that beautiful art makes life worth living.You took the words right out of my mouth anon, that's a perfect way of describing it. I feel so alive and so much joy indulging myself in good art.
No. 492565
>>492456>>492460 Fellow INFP here (Gemini) and I can relate to you both so much. Have either of you had problems keeping friends? I feel like nobody ever 'gets' me and I always say the wrong thing. I'm misunderstood constantly to the point where I give up trying.
I am incredibly sensitive and emotional in the way that a song can move me to tears (like you anon) because I can really
feel the emotion the song is expressing. Not so much artwork. I am also aloof and joke around a lot.
In daily life I think I put up some kind of wall because everyone always thinks I'm the cold funny bitch. Nobody but my bf knows how nice and thoughtful I am lel. Oh well.
No. 492937
>>492932I'm a fellow piscetarian! I generally vent in /ot/ or try to give advice, occasionally I do slip up in a petty tard fight but you can only be so strong. now that I think about it, I don't post that much in actual cow threads bc I don't feel like I contribute much and am rather there to observe.
zodiac-wise, i don't like the generic "ooo pisces are watery dreamers with 0 backbone always in their fantasy castles fragile boys uwuwuwuwu" type of bs, I'm def more on the idealistic side and to romanticize like everything but I'm fairly grounded and realistic/negative so I don't relate that much. am just a big clammed up bitch ok. I think my moon was scorpio and my venus and mercury were pisces again but I can't recall the rest. whatever it means lol!
are you also extremely tricked off by how pisces seems to get the worst treatment when it comes to generic horoscopes sprinkling in obnoxious quantities of sign related puns? like thanks mystic meg for letting me know my week will go "swimmingly" and the "tides will turn" and I shouldn't feel "lost at sea" as there are "plenty of fish out there". like jesus, why don't virgos or something get the same treatment lol
No. 493121
>>492565I do have trouble keeping friends but it's honestly all my fault lmao, I somehow always end up just drifting away from them and we stop talking, though i honestly don't know why. It's not like I do it intentionally, it's like some weird habit i've taken up. It sucks because i know it comes across as uncaring but I just can't express myself entirely without feeling embarrassed or too exposed so i just don't say anything and act all funny and detatched. I guess sometimes that makes me seem like some insensitive dick lol but in reality i actually get really emotional at times and i just don't want anyone to see it
This is all because of my Scorpio moon i bet you lol. An being an INFP doesn't help. Ah well
No. 493146
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JFC why are so many of us INFPs? Specifically INFPs and Scorpios? Is there something about being born in late October that makes us overly sensitive and emotionally volatile, or this just confirmation bias because most people who use image boards are so shade of emotionally unstable?
Not trying to throw shade. I'm also an INFP Scorpio, and probably the most stereotypical one to boot. I'm overly sensitive, awful at filtering, I cried when David Bowie died, I'm an artist with like forty unfinished projects, and my default emotion is ennui. I'm such a fucking meme jfc. Plus my Chinese Zodiac is Tiger, which is their equivalent to Scorpio. I've actually had people tell me I'm the most stereotypical Scorpio they've ever met.
Thing is, I don't really believe in any of this stuff. I just think it's interesting.
>>493012Time to accept that you're a crybaby, anon. Either that or stop being a crybaby.
Look at the bright side: at least you have the same MBTI type as Frodo and Spider-man.
No. 493251
>>493146I am an INFP Taurus and I was also wondering this too.
I really like lolcow though more than most sites I’ve been to and this is the first female driven website where we talk about meta shit and don’t act like lovesick babies looking for our soulmate.
Every other forum/imageboard or similar I have been on is filled with bullies and jelly normies who want you to kiss their ass for having 10,000 posts and mod status, because their lives are so fucking pathetic they use a website to feel special and important.
Here we don’t kid ourselves on how awful people are. Nobody can get on a high horse and bully someone else for some perceived fault, like you can tell who someone is just by reading their messages…
For all I know you guys could be supermodels or fat greasy NEETS…I don’t care, because I get the sense we are all here for some reason or another, and there are a lot of you whose experiences resonate with me personally. I’ve always been the odd one out, the scapegoat, the perpetual loner who gets the silent treatment in a roomful of people, the girl that gets called a “bitch” or I have a “bad attitude” because my life doesn’t revolve around dick and I work hard. I have read the same thing here as well, so it helps to know I am not really as isolated as I feel inside, and that my experiences happen to others.
Sorry for the autism.
No. 493487
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>>491468>>491925samefag from the aqua-brain pic, i'm also always on the INFP/J "cusp" so yee! I don't really identify with the typical Leo rising descriptions because it's all about being the center of attention but that's just not me at all. but, sometimes i do feel like i secretly want a lot of attention.
Pancakes sound really good right now.
No. 494470
Sun: Scorpio
Moon: Gemini
Rising: Capricorn
I don't really have a sign I hate but in my experience for a handful of signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio, ect) they only come in either two extremes, really friendly/personable or psychotic.
No. 494475
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Im an ESPF taurus, my moon sign is Sagittarius and taurus rising. Am i cursed?
No. 494503
>>219211Based ENTJ
Total chad
No. 494844
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I'm an INFJ-A, cancer and almost all houses on Aquarius idk what that means. Too many people have larped this personality is almost unrecognizable nowadays, the only way i can confirm i'm an infj it's because i have a scarily accurate intuition (but nobody fucking listens to me) and can see whole backstories/mental illnesses just by looking at people for a period of time (kinda uncomfortable sometimes). Everyone at HS treated me as their therapist and told me the craziest shit even though i didn't talk to them at all, i think people just "knew" i wouldn't judge them.
Xnfps are cool, creative and are always my best friends, i have a love-hate relationship with extjs because they’re funny/good at organizing/logical but god, they're exhausting and psychopathic sometimes, exfj suck ass and i don’t trust ANYONE that vaguely resembles one (especially men), intp (women) are great and i always have a good time with them god bless you all.
As for entps…i don't really understand them and i always have weird relationships with them, the ones i knew were lulzy as fuck tho. They're known for being kinda psychopathic and troll everyone mercilessly but most of the time they don’t even try to bully me even though i’m kinda cringe, they actually act friendly and want to be friends with me which i don't fucking understand to this day. Tbh i fucking hate them and everything they stand for but for some odd, very unfortunate and irrational reason i find them hot, i tend to like fictional depictions of this archetype as reality tends to be (very) disappointing. This is so embarrassing mich as well be a confession.
>>494503I wish i was an ENTJ, that's like the best personality type to survive this world.
No. 494938
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No. 494953
>>494939Idk what a 'true' INFJ is but generally Ni-doms have a specific way of talking so you can recognize them.
>I’m always conflicted over INFJ and INFPThey're like polar opposites
No. 496084
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crybaby INFP reporting in. I am a gemini but I have my moon in cancer and relate more to cancer (too autistic and awkward to be gemini)
not even mad about people calling us crybabies because it's so true, I hate that I have so many feels. But I feel connected to all you other INFPs here when I read your posts (typical INFP thing to say I guess)
I am wondering if programming is a good career choice for INFPs, the suggestions are usually something creative but Ive tried that and apparently suck at it.
No. 496205
>>496113Well, INFP and ISFP are somewhat similar, also as
>>496188 said, mental illness and self-perception over time can difficult getting a consistent result (your real type). When stressed/traumatized, most types exhibit some characteristic of their opposite, maybe you're on a "loop"?.
No. 498292
>>492798I'm the anon you replied to, and
>Being a pussy sucksis the most accurate summary for an INFP ever lmao. At least youre not alone, this thread is full of us. I wonder what it is about lolcow that attracts INFP
No. 498392
If you’re actually really into mbti, then you should check out socionics. If you’re an extroverted type, you’re the same. But if you’re introverted, flip the J and P. (So INTJ in mbti is INTP in socionics). It has a lot more focus on functions than #orgpsych bs. There are also some really good analyses and descriptions on the socionics wiki if you wanted to dig really deep.
But here’s the easiest place to start: No. 515975
Do you genuinely think this is accurate? Or is it just for fun?
anyways. The farmhands have been deleting my posts for a while now.
>>75904nice comeback. man /m/ and /g/ are truly fucked.
>>75897funny that you call me a radfem when i just point out the lolis and the ddlg shit
>>75910>gang bang doujinstotally not a male. this couldn't be more obvious
if only y'all could delete scat and gore as fast as my posts loll
my ban's reason was: lose some weight
why are anachans mocked when the farmhands call anyone 'hamchan' btw?
and isn't calling someone hamplanet infighting? or it's ok to insult someone you've never seen because they don't support blatant pedophilia?
No. 664021
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where my istp gang at
No. 665100
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>>219025INTJ (cancer sun, cap moon, libra rising)
I try to be less judgemental but I'm going to honestly say that every fucking INFP that I have met has been extremely emotionally unstable, also ESFJs are insufferable energy-eating normie vampires
I also have a love/hate relationship with aquariuses, every single one has either been my best friend or my nightmare lmao
No. 683618
>>219025INTJ (aquarius sun, leo moon, sagittarius rising), a few people told me I'm full of contradictory extremes and they can never read me. maybe it's the aquarius/leo combo?
All my best friends were either aries, gemini or sagittarius. Two of the the most
toxic and two-faced bitches I knew were virgos. I'm afraid of pisces and taurus people because those are my parents' signs and I had a terrible childhood. It won't affect the way I treat them or anything, but I will always have this thought in the back of my head.
If I'm strongly attracted to someone it usually turns out to be an aries, which is great, or a scorpio or a leo, which is less great, because they're sex crazed sluts
No. 684319
>>684187Anon are you me? I'm an INTJ female as well and for years have been hoping I'd change to an INFJ or smth but no luck. Try taking a function test (keys2cognition is good) and seeing if you still get INTJ, good luck.
Imo if you spend enough time on MBTI subreddits/communities you'll find that INTJs are far from the worst in some cases. INTPs are just as insufferable with the whole "I am very smart" schtick. Iirc I used to be ashamed of being an INTJ bc a lot of male sociopaths seemed to be INTJ-ish but it turns out a lot of them are not actually INTJs (thank god). INFPs can be hella annoying too and I highly suggest staying away from INFP men.
>>684216The four-letter method isn't reliable, the cognitive function stack is your actual type.
>>684297I mean there's INTJs in here who believe in astrology so I think anything is possible. I'm also an INTJ and have my share of trash hobbies like reality tv for instance.
No. 684330
>>684297INFJ here, yes that’s pretty much how I feel. I might agree with some things SJWs say but.. ewww at drawing attention to myself in such a self righteous way,
If I feel very strongly about something I will keep it to myself or rant to my partner, usually when drunk lol.
No. 717206
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infp and a cancer. i'm an emotional wreck
No. 717218
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I'm an ENFP but I fucked my life up and became a hermit so now I'm insane.
No. 717278
>>717250Are you literally me? Samefag entp Aquarius (moon libra, rising scorpio) so im my own balance.
I met a girl I really really like whose a virgo tho so RIP… But she's intj so maybe just maybe… Here I go into hell nons im gonna try
No. 717282
>>717255Entp Aquarius if I wasn't socialized female and was scroted id be a horrific human being LOL.
I have like 3 emotions max a day if I'm lucky.
No. 717580
>>717238> INTP-A, Taurus (with capricorn moon/virgo rising)Nice. I'm INTP-A Taurus but with aquarius moon and capricorn rising. I have no idea what it's supposed to tell.
I don't really believe in any of this. It just boils down to me being introverted and slightly autistic.
No. 717814
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somewhere between enfp kooky and infp crybaby, leo, both laced with a crippling sense of insecurity and heinous conceit, what the fuck kind of amalgamation am I? what I do know is that after years of trauma I realized I'm a lot more fun and social than I thought I was in the past, thusly embracing that for what it is. but the impulse control issues and half lack of awareness half hyperawareness and guilting is something I'd like to get rid of. life is hard
No. 717891
For anons who have male SOs that aren't awful, what are their types?
>>717076Other male types ime are absolutely insufferable though.
No. 717927
>>717891The best guy I've known/been with was INFJ. We didn't last but it was due to differing goals. He was genuinely just a good, kind person and everything that entails. Great listener, did thoughtful things, hard working, creative, optimistic, had several hobbies he was good at (and meaningful stuff like photography and martial arts, not video games). Conversations were easy and I really enjoyed being around him. Great example of someone who truly added value to my life rather than dragging me down or just being there for no reason. Too bad they're the rarest type.
I also really liked an INTJ. They're better when they're more mature; see if they have an active friend group and appear capable of communicating like a normal human. They can get a little "crazed genius who lives in the woods" if they haven't developed their social side. Not naturals at expressing affection but if you're direct about wanting it they can improve. Outside of those downsides they're interesting and whip smart. If you're able to keep up, the level of attention they give you during conversations is intense and frankly erotic as hell. At the same time it's the fact they truly value your brain more than your body which makes them so enticing, because you know they appreciate you as a person rather than a sex toy.
No. 717941
>>717858Well I can't really relate to that. I didn't feel like we did anything evil because it died quickly and household cats kill them all the time too and it's considered a good thing, but it was also a completely pointless act of aggression and a gross thing to do that we didn't benefit from in any way.
I really hated the kids that took a magnifying glass to small insects. But if my dad took a shovel to a venomous snake on our yard that could've bit me or our dog, I cheered him on. I feel that's a reasonable and problemsolving-oriented mindset. People who feel guilty about standing up for their own interests and getting rid of things that cause them problems (whether it's pests in their garage or a bad relationship where they're being used) or on the other end of the spectrum, edgelords who enjoy inflicting unnecessary pain without any other benefit or greater good, are both unrelatable. Why do they feel that sadism or guilt in situations that don't make sense?
No. 717950
>>219025What the fuckk where are ISFJ's OP?! Why are we always forgotten…I'm a taurus too so this is just another day in my life but it doesn't stop hurting…
Sorry for not being interesting enough
No. 718150
>>717932Kek exactly,
>>717929 how is this any worse than those people who say shit like "fuck aquariuses". At least MBTI is based upon your current thinking and behavior. I'm also not that type of fuckwad who's going to say "nO sEnSoRs!!!!!" and exclude someone solely based on MBTI. I already rule out enough men as it is without MBTI anyways.
>>717927I hope that I'm not the only INTJ woman who cannot stand INTJ men here but I generally find them to be insufferable (at least the ones who know that they're INTJs). Like all men they complain about fairly annoying but manageable things like being introverted and then talk over the 3 INTJ women who exist on any platform, constantly clogging up the thread once in a blue moon that is specifically a question for INTJ women. Then they say how hard it is to not be represented in media… You know how many male protagonists are INTJs while the female protagonists are always some type that is NEVER an INTJ? It's probably 20% of shows at most, because every woman and her mother has a wap for the brooding, dark, mysterious INTJ male. Sorry for my rant. I just needed to let this out bc this shit really makes me wish I was an INFJ.
I also feel like ENTP men are just straight up assholes despite them being the supposed perfect match for INTJs. I just want a guy who is emotionally intelligent and has values (like he could go along with feminist ideas), why are they so hard to find.
No. 725976
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Sorry I forgot what thread we were doing the crazy personality tests in, but just found this "what kind of feminist are you" test and I would like to share it with y'all
Pls post results No. 726012
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>>725976tbh I don't know what half of those terms mean
No. 726046
>>717891My partner took a test years ago and it said INFJ but I think he could be INFP.
He’s friendly, sweet, sensitive and genuinely cares for the well-being of others. We share the same values and want the same things in life. I trust him wholeheartedly.
We have a weird mutual unspoken understanding of our introversion, like we can spend a whole day in the same house apart from each other doing our own things and not question one another about it.
No. 726234
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>>725976I think I got such a high score on
WoC vs intersectional because I was assuming they meant that feminists should focus on oppression completely outside of gender (not intersecting with sex) which includes men.
No. 726349
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>>725976Oh no.
Rad fem is low, but I hate trannies though?
No. 726646
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I got a lot more radfem and a lot less libfem than I though, which is interesting cause while I don't completely align myself to one (I stay away from this stuff for the most part), if I had to I would probably choose libfem just cause it fits my ideas more.
I feel like so many of these questions depend on the situation though though, and my answer would change on a case-by-case basis. I honestly ended up answering a lot of them with the middle option. And the "can a women with a white ethnicity still call herself a woman of color" question confused me. Like, what does that mean? A woman who's race is non-white but is from a European country? I don't think ethnicities can be white. It's just what country you're from, right?
No. 726660
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>>725976white feminism sucks
No. 726678
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>>725976Inch resting.
It's not that I love fracking and and hate the turtles, but "women have a special bond with nature that men don't/ecological destruction mirrors women's oppression" is some hippy dippy bullshit. I'm feminist and ecologically conscious but idg how ecofeminism can be a thing.
Similarly I don't think women are inherently better people than men either and also political lesbianism as a concept grinds my fucking gears as someone who genuinely likes women and not as a way to separate myself from men. It's literally a sexuality-is-a-choice ideology.
No. 726689
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So, these questions were weird.
No. 726693
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>>725976Some of these questions were a bit tricky, like the gender stuff, like yeah, we don’t need strict gender roles to be happy, but having a guy referring to himself as a woman is gross, yet to me, seeing a woman referring to herself as a guy isn’t annoying nor giving me red flags right away.
No. 726713
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>>725976look ma i'm a socialista
No. 726720
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>>725976i'll probably get bullied but here
No. 726724
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>>725976We're derailing the fuck outta this thread. Lemme join right quick! Some of these are higher than I would like for them to be tbh.
No. 726726
>>726724>We're derailing the fuck outta this threadwell it is for personality quizzes, is it not?
i love this site, i could waste hours taking every quiz on it
No. 726728
>>726726Nah, this thread is specifically meant for MBTI-related content/discussions. The actual quiz thread is
>>611508 (which is why OP said she couldn't find it)
No. 726739
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I'm based
No. 726804
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>>725976I think the conservatism came from a question I didn't understand? Shout out to lesbians though.
No. 726808
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>>725976I personally wouldn't describe myself as an intersectional feminist, since I believe that topics such as race, disability etc shouldn't be a part of feminism, but we should still be talked about them, but separate from feminism
No. 726833
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>>725976100% radfem let's fucking go
No. 726878
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>>725976I don't know what to make of this.
No. 727077
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>>725976Some questions were really tricky and weird, could be worded better I guess
No. 728061
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I guess I can say I'm quite a feminist. Some of the questions really got me thinking tho.
Also I'm white, I feel so woke for that
WOC feminism kek. Seriously though I think white women can be so narrow minded when it comes to womens rights, and sometimes it grosses me out, because yeah I hate scrote banter but then I'll consider there are places where I could be raped and seen as the one who's done wrong. Like it's actually hard for me to wrap my head around the injustice. But I guess we'll stick to what we know?
>>726739But I wonder where we went wrong to get that 14%
nonnyOh and I'm INTP and most of my closest friends are INFP. I wonder if it's because we're a good pair or codependent or something.
No. 728088
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>>725976Lmao, so I'm guessing I clocked some "conservatism/non-feminism" because I highly disagreed with that one bad religious question. To paraphrase: "Insofar as God exists, it is just as likely that it is female as it is male?"
If there was a monotheistic God it is most definitely male. Why would an all powerful, all present, and all knowing female God have given us patriarchy and allowed men to stomp on our tits since the dawn of time? Not to mention wars, plague, and all other aggro-type shit has 'male' written all over it. Would a female God aware of the sacrifice, pain, and beauty of pregnancy make it so little kids die slowly from cancer? I fucking hated this question but of course since I don't believe a female God would be as cruel as the theoretical one in our universe, it means I ain't "woke." Religion has no place in feminism except to be criticized and ridiculed.
Everything else is pretty spot-on. I'm a white feminist so I try to be intersectional where I can, hence halfsies on everything, mostly because I stay in my lane and try to listen. Most of my male issues come from the workplace and my hetero relationships plus I live in a first world where exploitation isn't handing it to me…yet.
No. 728168
>>726234, same about the
WOC category anon, I find it funny that we both got such high scores on
WOC in comparison to lower scores on intersectional feminism?
I'm also white but I love Womanist texts. I know that this isn't the thread (sage for OT) but it is polarizing to be a white woman who genuinely looks up to black women (as a class, not in a fetish way) and then also be a part of the class of women that are the enemy. I totally understand the suspicion since a lot of vocal libfems are white women that CLAIM to be helping/caring about
WOC while supporting and advocating for policies that undermine
WOC the most and also since there's a population of conservative white women who follow what their racist and sexist men say/do. I wish we could separate ourselves from those white libfems and white conservative women. Maybe a
TERF tattoo since libfems are basically tranny handmaidens.
No. 729644
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Pic is from /snow/. What is her mbti type?
No. 729755
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>>729644Use personality-database, they have everyone and everything on there answer: ESFJ, just like LC's favorite lil smol plastic bean Ariana Grande
No. 933803
I hope I'm not necroing, but I need to ask something.
Can INFPs neglect their Ne function, or does that make them XSTJs?
I have a friend that keeps being mistyped as INFJ in all the tests she takes. She took a test that shows percentages for the functions and she barely uses Ti, while Te has a good score. Her iNtuition (Ne/Ni) scores are pretty low too. At the same time, the Fe and Fi scores are both really high, which I find funny, because she uses Fi A LOT (she has this mentality of me vs. the world, if that makes sense, and is more of a "me" person than "us" person).
She's a very pessimistic person that seems to enjoy feeling stressed (kek), so maybe that's messing with the way her Ne works. Or maybe she's ISTJ/ESTJ, idk. Thoughts? Sorry for the sperg.
No. 933873
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no matter how many times i try, i always get infj. it's funny because i also have capricorn moon like hitler.
No. 933884
>>933873>>933855She likes looking nice (she wears dresses almost everyday and hates jeans) and literally yesterday she was complaining about how guys that only wear sweatpants are such a turn-off for her, that she likes when they dress up and wear shirts, blabla…
She also likes to have a schedule and yeah, being tidy and all of that. That's why I was wondering if she might be XSTJ, but I typed her as INFP because when I talk to her I feel like I'm talking to a younger version of myself (I'm INFP).
Her speech pattern is direct (?), her ideas are very clear and she blurts them sometimes without thinking about them tbh, because she has said some hypocritical/contradicting things in the past. I don't think she has ever stopped to reflect on something she said unless I pointed out something to her about it.
Btw what cognitive function is related to "speaks for a while, stops to reflect on it then picks it up"?
>>933873Hitler being typed as INFJ makes my blood boil. Psycopaths can't be typed, they literally lack empathy, you can't measure their cognitive functions the same way you do for "normal" humans.
No. 934135
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Personality tests are bullshit, pic related.
No. 938213
>>937595People oversimplify the I/E divide. The first letter does not only indicate an overall attitude but affects all of your functions, of which every type has some introverted and some extroverted and their order determines dominant and weaker traits. In your example both types have the same functions but their order is different. ISTP is
>Introverted thinking (Ti)>Extroverted sensing (Se)>Introverted intuition (Ni)>Extroverted feeling (Fe)While ESTP is
>Extroverted sensing (Se)>Introverted thinking (Ti)>Extroverted feeling (Fe)>Introverted intuition (Ni)To oversimplify ESTP will generally be more impulsive and get restless more easily where ISTP might have similar desires but think on it longer and let their logic override emotions so their life situation is more stable. ESTP is more emotionally expressive where ISTP still has deep feelings but can struggle to properly express themselves
No. 948476
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ENFP-A and Scorpio, I don't know all those rising and moon extra things. For other types and signs, I don't give a fuck as long as the person isn't an incel type.
No. 948504
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ISFJ-T and a Virgo. I don't really care about moons or rising suns or whatever. I feel I fit being a virgo perfectly, but I hate people who define themselves and others by their zodiac sign kek I also think I fit being an ISFJ. Does this make me an NPC? I don't know the difference between ISFJ and ISTJ sorry
No. 948883
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Generally, people are mistyped.
Infps, Enfj, Entps,and Isfj get mistyped as Infj.
Intps,entj,istj,estj and infj get mistyped as intj.
I get infj and intj but I don't think infj is rare. Entjs females are rarest so here we are.
To see if you are mistyped try to do this test note:
Fi is about your morals and thoughts, they value uniqueness and expression of self (individuality). (Common phrase, if I was in their shoes or if that was me is fi entirely)
Fe is about how you affect other people through your actions. This also means wanting to be accepted and not feel alone or different.(Yes everyone has this but the theory is Infjs think about how their actions before they do it hurts people)
"People with the Judging preference want things to be neat, orderly and established. The Perceiving preference wants things to be flexible and spontaneous. Judgers want things settled, Perceivers want thing open-ended."
No. 948914
>>948899It's the theory tho, Fe is about community above self. I doubt that everyone has this idea. An example of fe is people letting go of their morals to meet someone halfway because they value harmony and how other people feel. Fi would not do this, they value their morals and ideas to guide them. People who have Ti or Te on the other hand would decide if it is logical and correct for the situation based on factual information. Se and si would act on the spot depending on what they think is right at the moment.
Si Fe > routine, tradition, rules, and information to use for community
Ni Fe > Future, feeling, predicting, and understanding unspoken rules to use for community
>>948894The website gives you multiple types of results. Might be hard to understand them, there should be multiple boxes it gives with different info.
Infp vs Intp easiest way
Fi Ne Si Te (infp)
Ti Ne Si Fe (intp)
Have you been told you are too sensitive or insensitive?
Do you understand where your emotions come from?
No. 949201
>>948914Oh, I clicked it away so I don't remember what all the other results were.
>Have you been told you are too sensitive or insensitive?sensitive on multiple occasions
>Do you understand where your emotions come from?
No. 949278
>>948914i agree. a lot of people don't get that Fe is really about harmony with others and that Fe users sometimes make morally questionable (to Fi users) decisions to keep cohesion. i've seen very obvious Fi users insist that they're INFJ (i would guess because it's seen as the rarest, ironically enough i think Fi users might enjoy being seen as "the rarest" more than Fe users).
i love MBTI but i don't think that any test is a shortcut to reading about the functions in depth and figuring out what you actually apply and use in your life. i also think most online tests have a big bias toward giving you an Introverted result.
No. 949339
>>949201Yeah, then you probably didn't read them at all.
You are an infp, I can't read your results either which would help but I guess this would do.
>>949278Some reason people think rarest means the best even though I met some good people of different types.
I have dated a Fi user and they are not always about harmony if they have their way about things (which isn't bad if it is needed).
People think functions are the same just because of the letters. When people see Infj and Infp they think they are the same but they don't share any function with each other. I also partly blame 16p for mistyping a lot of people. People don't really like reading into typing themselves right because they can't be bothered or just want a quick result.
Only two people out of the dozen of people that I knew took online tests, got the right results for their type. Both were unironically Intp though.
Another factor, A lot of famous people that people adore have Sensor types so I am surprised that many people see sensors as bad. Their questions for sensors are generally bad, like "do you like imaginary worlds and fantasy?" A lot of people do that has nothing with being a Ne or Ni. Online test goes, "YOU LIKE HARRY POTTER?"
YES? You are xNxx There is no proper N vs S questions on these tests so that is why you self type after understanding the functions.
Sensors get mistyped all the time as xNxx is so annoying really.
No. 949422
>>949358Let's look into the functions
Before I explain the differences between these specific functions, Let me explain what the function order means.
Dominate function is what you lead by in terms of thinking about things and helps you sort through daily life as the primary leader of the function stack.
The auxiliary function acts as a support to your dominant function. You can think of the dominant as the “commander in chief” of your personality and the auxiliary as the “second in command.” Your auxiliary function provides balance for your dominant function.
Tertiary Function backs the first two and only is shown when you are around 25 or 30. People use this to support their main functions. This is also referred to as Child function.
We often call the fourth function the inferior function when it emerges without conscious intention and tries to overpower the dominant and auxiliary.
Infp > Fi Ne Si Te
Infj > Ni Fe Ti Se
> Infps lead by Fi and Infj leads by Ni:Ni is about predicting and thinking, someone who has a dominant would more likely think than act in situations as they would play out every pathway and predict outcomes using past behavior and future possibilities (they are not always right). This type believes in patterns and boxes people in to help create One solution. This is why Ni types are sometimes dictators or cult leaders (not all dictators and cult leaders are Ni doms tho).
Fi is valuing good and what they might need from a situation. This means they value their morals only change if they believe if the info presented is correct in terms of morals and values. They are good at looking at how people act or situations and sticking to their guns. How they treat people is by the moral of what they think people are worth because they trust their judgment.
> Second Function: Fe is about community above self and morals. This does not mean Fe users are open-minded but they will do what the group needs to maintain harmony. This is opposite to Fi because there is no focus on self. Fe means they may not have a sense of self or belonging because they are focused on the needs of others.
Ne is about brainstorming and seeing a million paths from one idea and what could grow into. This means they are undecisive but also open-minded to many ideas to explore. Ne is good at preventing really bad decisions though, in horror movies this type would be one that survives.
> Third FunctionTi is using logic to help connect inner thoughts as a way to justify them. Using Statistics to show their point of view rather than using personal experiences as Sensor Function would.
Si is about the experiences and information they gathered in their life. This helps with supporting morals and values through real-life experiences.
I won't go over Fourth because people are not aware of it so I will leave that be.
Infp > Fi Ne Si Te
Infj > Ni Fe Ti Se
> So summary of adding these together:Infjs do not need to experience things themselves to make choices they believe are for the collective good of a group. Their choices can be seen as pandering in order to make harmony even if that means they bend over backward. Pandering element comes from Infj understanding of people they deal with by memorizing what they do and how they may think. Due to this nature, Infjs tend to empathize with anyone so the idea of good and bad is not really a thing within Infj's mind. Ni looks at the past to make future choices for a group in a situation. Fe makes Infjs go towards things that involve people solving to make them happy. Ti is their logical reasoning which supports how they help and think about things using logical theories. They end up not living life unless people push for them to live it due to the lack of Si.
Infps live life through what they think they should do. They believe in exploring themselves and trying out everything they can. Their fi function makes them have strong morals and judgment of what they deem is good. Fi can have black and white thinking despite Ne. Ne is secondary so they will only be open to people or ideas if their Fi says it's fine. Fi users will just not like people as their gut is telling them they are bad. Ne also supports this idea to prevent possible hurt and pain. Due to Infps nature, they either hate or like fe users. Si makes Infps live adventurous lives and learns from experience. Due to the lack of Ti, Infps feel analysis of data is not useful.
> Also, keep in mind, P vs JJ's are decisive and value order. Things for them have to be closed-ended. (planner)
P's are more flexible and spontaneous. Things for them have to be open-ended and ready for change.(not a planner)
> What is the common ground on these mbti types?Both of them are creative, thinkers, have a good understanding on how to help people, can be negative, and are also prone to similar hobbies as each other.
> Other thoughtsYour friends are more likely to be Enfps and Isfps than Infps. Enfps are more positive and open-minded while Infps are idealistic compared to Enfps.
Isfps and Enfps are in similar hobbies as Isfjs and Infjs.
No. 949628
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I was always typed from tests as INFJ or INTJ, but after learning the functions found I don't use Ni and I'm actually an INTP 5w4
Aquarius/Cancer x2. It's funny because being a Ti dom people assume you shouldn't have interest in astrology, but that's nothing to do with Introverted Thinking? If it fits into your personal data of logic then the individual Ti dom can believe anything they want, it just has to fit into their own field of knowledge and what we understand.
Apparently INTP x ENTJ are a hot OTP, and I am dating an ENTJ 8w9 for a year now so seems to have truth.
No. 949930
>>949628It could be Ti, gravitating towards astrology is definitely Ti than it is Te, but ultimately astrology is Ni or Fi imo. If I am to correlate functions to astrology. I will say that liking astrology is atypical for a real Ti user since it lacks logic.
Ti is a subjective cognitive function, meanwhile Te is an objective cognitive function. That means that as a Ti user you're more likely to add your own nuance and analysis to your perceptions, rather than just perceiving reality as it is. Ti is personal and subjective. You can look up Jungian cognitive functions on Wikipedia and you will get a page that says which functions are Objective and which are Subjective. I'm on my phone and cannot look it up right now. If you don't find it and are interested in learning about objective VS subjective cognitive functions please reply to my post and I will make another post with the link later.
Your post aside. Anyone else hates YouTube MBTI videos? I fucking despise 90% of them, they aren't funny, they are generic and they fail to inform you about anything remotely interesting about the MBTI system or Jungian theory. I despise that INFJ fucker so much the one that got really popular off MBTI vids. When I was younger MBTI used to be my special interest, until I realized it was extremely subjective and that most people involved with the community are stupid/self righteous and lack self identity or suffer from other mental illnesses and lack of self awareness. We as humans exist personality wise outside and beyond some stupid typology, that doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss it or acknowledge that in humans we can observe behavioral patterns, yet we must not see something like MBTI as absolute. I began making my own MBTI vids but I'm not very good at scripting and they will probably stay in the dark underworld of YouTube, but maybe someone will find them at some point and think they are informative/interesting
No. 950071
>>949930Oh, I'd like to know which functions are subjective or objective if you have some more info on that
What I like about astrology is the amount of depth you can go into and using the full chart to read a person. I don't like horoscopes or using it for divinitive purposes, but it is a cool science. The only problem is you sort of have to accept the unknown. That annoys me because I want an answer, and probably most people do, but doesn't stop the fascination.
When I used to google if xNTPs were into other pseudosciences I'd see a lot of ENTPs were interested or believed in psychics, but most INTP posts are filled with reddit tier soyjack atheists like an actual living meme, and I felt embarrassed to even type the same
No. 955735
ok nonnies pls submit answers for my autistic survey below: i mistyped as an intp 5w4 but really i'm an entp 7w6 lmao
No. 956117
>>955735here's a link to the responses in case y'all impatient
No. 980015
After years of brainwashing into thinking INFJ is the shit and the only valid personality type, I had an epiphany and i now accept my truth: I relate to ISFP, and there's nothing wrong about it. I can't believe i didn't see it sooner and finally i can read a personality type page and say: "yeah, that resembles me" and not "ehhh…i don't know…", even if it's not a very popular type i like it, i can describe myself best without using labels, but if anything resembles me is that type. Since I'm a child, handcrafting, graphic design, sports and dance have always been my main talents, specially music, i started to produce at 8 years old with no prior knowledge just by ear, and nowadays I'm thinking about studying an instrument too, most people think i had professional training but it's all DIY and for fun. I sense very slight differences between similar tempos, octaves and dances, and i can improvise and harmonize easily too. I also have a very relaxed mindset, i tend to not judge people unless very necessary and let things flow maybe I'm like this since i grew up into a very strict, abusive household, my code word is "freedom": freedom of mind and soul, be and do whatever if you're not hurting anyone, not in a "degenerate" liberal way but more like "don't force yourself" way. I see most people do have a "road" or a general plan, i understand it but I don't practice it, I'm mostly just "existing" while i do my best kek. I don't like when I've to perform any kind of social fake act, i just get tired when i try to do so, I'm not rude but also not a doormat. The common scrote is very stressful for me for that reason, they tend to force me to be a lot of things I'm not and have this forceful, violent aura and it freaks me out, i really can't stand any moid (or person for the matter) telling me who i am. Most women tend to be surprised when they discover i don't judge them into oblivion
No. 1062536
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I dislike how I was called out on my 90 something chrome tabs
No. 1062986
>>955735thanks for making a survey!
looks like someone went a bit wild in there though, might want to remake the survey.
No. 1302194
>>1302170Me too
INTJ-A 6w5
No. 1306768
nonnie my first thought was "did i drunk post this?" because I have said that aloud more than once before.
No. 1308287
>>1063093this reply is late as fuck but our ones are similar. infp-t, pisces sun cancer rising scorpio moon. no clue what my enneagram is cause I keep getting different things depending on when I take it
that being said as an infp for some reason I find myself subconsciously hating on infp personality types a lot of the time in my mind whenever I see it come up online, infp seems to attract a lot of annoying ass mfs including myself kek
No. 1308498
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I am Infj-t and also a capricorn.
I don't believe in horoscope, nor MBTI. Those who do: What do you think about the Infj-t/capricorn combo? I am curious
No. 1309046
>>1308707lmk when you find out. I kid though. it's not so bad.
I try not to take this stuff to seriously anymore, but I got REALLY interested in highshool. all the cognitive functions and their orders, etc. anyways, I'm a Libra and typically my friends are INTPs.
No. 1310500
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>>1308776Well i did. I was always a intp (samefag
in 16p but mistypeinvestigator gave me INFP (meh) and michael caloz gave me INFJ which frankly is plausible. There is no doubt that i'm a IN i guess
Im not going to research more because i find jungian theory and it's derivates to be the worst and most boring variant of psychoanalysis. But it was fun No. 1311293
pls stop posting your 16personality types, it’s not accurate at all. 16p doesn’t consider cognitive functions, plus the -a/-t shit is fake as fuck.
take this test instead: No. 1311312
>>1311297Kek I always tested Infp on 16personalities and actually got a very close (1-3% difference) Infp/Enfp/Intj result in the mistypeinvestigator test that was posted above but then again I barely understood half of the questions, so not very Analyst of me kek. The one Intj thing I empathize with is constantly questioning everything.
That's a shame though, enfps are great. I hope she'll be able to see her qualities one day.
No. 1388534
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Sorry for necro, but this post is hilarious
No. 1528737
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sorry for necroing but is anyone still here and knowledgeable about typology? i have a (really long) question
anytime i take the mbti quiz ( on sakinorva amongst other sites excluding 16p ) i get isfj, but as far as i know that type is not imaginative at all. i'm genuinely ditzy and my head is always in the clouds and i'm incoherent and all over the place, which would make me have Ne right? i don't understand this stuff by the way so if anyone would like to explain i would really appreciate it i've also always been creative, and i don't prefer to live in the present at all. that said, i do highly utilize my past experiences, i organize for pleasure, i hate the unknown with a passion as it really freaks me out, i don't get symbolism and neither do i understand metaphors (on the first try anyway). i'm very shy reserved and quiet, and i do value tradition (not in a tradthot way) based on said past experiences. i sugarcoat and always try my best to come off as the least offensive as possible especially to people i don't know. i hate when there is any type of tension so i always try to find the middle ground between people to mend things. i also have a strict routine and even if i'm generally scatterbrained when it comes to work i'll always have framework that i and follow, but inversely i can always improvise on the spot and make things up as i go as long as i have the framework/plan and i often procrastinate. when it comes to general life, i deal with problems as i face them with no plan.
i love making lists and i get too focused and hung up and lost on details that i often miss the big picture, my parents and even friends have often scolded me for taking being selfless to the extreme but - and i don't want to come off as tumblr snowflake - i just really hate bothering people so i just do what i'm told to avoid any problems. those are ISFJ traits right?
all above considered i pride myself on my uniqueness and i don't look or behave like a normie at all also, can autistics even be ISFJs?
i also took an enneagram test and it said i was an 9w1. i think i can relate more to an infp 9w1 no? i'm sorry for how long this post is kek i wanted to provide as much information as i could possibly remember for easier assessment
No. 1554020
>>1528737Your description sounds textbook INFP 9w1. If you haven't, I'd look into the functions.
>can always improvise>scatterbrained Doesn't sound ISFJ at all.
No. 1554476
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i'm an aries sun - virgo moon - intp. i am unfit for life.
No. 1691696
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sorry for the necro but what do you think? I have no idea how to read this, help
I'm also INFJ 5w6 please tell me if this is over
No. 1692019
>>1691696Looks like latitude and longitude of your birth place and maybe your moon sign and your rising sign but I don't know shit about astrology.
>MBTI ENTP and fit most of the stereotypes but I try to keep my asshole tendencies tamped down. INxx women love me, most men hate me, and ISxx women always seem disappointed that I'm not more like them. I fucking hate xNTJ men but xNTJ women inspire almost feudal feelings of awe and loyalty in me, especially ENTJs.
No. 1692137
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>>1692133Nta but I'm also an INTJ and I feel the same way; it's because the ENTJ's bossy nature and the INTJ's independance are refreshing when a woman has them (especially if they're smart ontop of that), but if moids have that personality they come off as insufferable.
When you're a woman, you go against the grain by having such traits. They're traits that help you work your way up in society. But moids, who don't share our struggles and don't have as many hurdles, just make those traits seem unnecessary and annoying. ESPECIALLY since the very reason patriarchy exists is because they're loud-mouthed apes.
No. 1692337
>>1692137 said it better than I could. In general ENTJ and INTJ men are pushy, emotionally stunted assholes who are used to enforcing their own opinion and can't handle disagreement. I have encountered some INTJ women who act like that too, but they usually realize their mistake and apologize whereas the men act like you're the problem if you don't immediately fall in line.
No. 1692762
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>>219025I'm an Gemini sun, Scorpio moon, 6w5 ISTJ. What would that make me nonas?
No. 1692839
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Fuck INTJ moids they ain't shit.
>Sun in Taurus 1st House
>Moon in Cancer 3rd House
>Ascendant in Taurus
Can a nonna explain this to me? I'm fascinated but have no clue what this all means, aside from the INTJ bit. I'm not familiar with astrology. Thank you, wise and wonderful astrononnas.
No. 1692875
>>1692137>>1692839NTA but YES I fucking hate INTJ moids whining about how no one understands them when stoicism is 'hot' in males, men can be smart and ugly, and 90% of kdrama male leads are INTJs. When do you ever see a female INTJ who isn't a villain or a smart extra character written only to help out the dumb MC? And society thinks women are only valuable based on our looks and age, not our smarts/brains.
>>1692839You should take sakinorva's test because the INTJ-A/INTJ-T thing comes from the 16p test and that one sucks. are INTJ coded I think?? I have Sun in Taurus 7H conj Mars. Not a Taurus rising though (but a Scorpio asc/moon which also reminds me of INTJs based on the analyzing thing), you must be pretty!
No. 1692883
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Samefag as this
>>1692875 but my dad is a former fratbro jock ESTJ and his overprotective parenting style made my sister and I both IXTJs I think. We've always said that if I was born male then I'd have a completely different personality because I wouldn't need to analyze men around me like my overprotective father taught me to and I'd probably be drinking with my dad, pledging his frat, playing sports, etc.
Do any other anons think that being female coupled with their environment made them overly analytical and contemplative? I feel like I have to analyze everything around me partially because things are more dangerous for women/girls if that makes sense. Idk how men even manifest INTJ traits aside from inducing their own social isolation and being assholes willingly because they can get away with it. I actually did do a sport/art growing up which doesn't seem to ever be the case for male INTJs kek.
No. 1694213
>>1693526I got intj there.
in your opinion, is it an Si thing to be able to form connections or find parallels with other things? for example you see someone, you think of a person who also looks like that or you watch a film and you're reminded of another movie where you saw something similar. Ni is in my understanding supposed to be the type which creates internal patterns in the mind, and focuses on the forward implication .. but I feel like it's very hard to distinguish these things, because I could understand it being Si because it's relating to things it has seen in the past but also, Ni because it's creating patterns (for example when I think of these things, my automatic thought process is to consider the implication, when I see two similar things I immediately start wondering if they're connected, if the two people are related or if the film director was inspired by the other so there must be some meaning that joins them etc.) I'm just conflicted here. My enneagram might be 5w4 or 4w5 sp I think.
No. 1694218
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Oh yall are not a bunch of intjs for real most of you are lying or just horrible
No. 1695058
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What i dislike about INTJs is their utter lack of idealism, they'll work any system to their benefit with no regard to how unjust it might be and they'll do it well. When they seemingly defend some ideals, what they actually defend are their opinions in order to control the opinions of others, to make opinions of their friends match theirs, they care about truth only as far as it benefits them. Also they are beyond cautious a.k.a. cowardly and also they are too habitual, makes them appear like slaves to their own programing, but i don't hold these things against them. My best friend is an INTJ, probably because INTPs are nerds who find efficient robots to be cool.
>>1694354The irony!
No. 1695288
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>>1692344. Don’t think I’ve taken this test before but I feel it explains my confusion. My preferences are only slight when it comes to, well anything apparently. Maybe I relate more to NF than IJ.
No. 1738845
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INTP or J depending with mostly gemini placements. Am I doomed to be insufferable based on this stuff?
No. 1739548
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>>1738845I'm INTJ with a gemini moon
No. 1739649
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ISFP, i just be vibing and living the moment. I identify with picrel deeply
Also fuck ESTJ haters, they just jealous I'm on a constant state of relaxin' (no but for real why is always an ESTJ trying to beef with me? da fuck, take a chill pill guys)
No. 1941654
>>1941570>>1941571Damn which intj hurt you?
>>1941565It's because that 16 personalities website tends to categorize every lukewarm answer as INTJ, INTP ot INFP.
No. 2020169
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I thought it automatically translated the pages into retarded Russian because I'm in Eastern Europe (still weird but whatever), so I tried going there with vpn and there's still this retarded translation. Is it the same for you, nonas? Personality database is an English-language website and these pages are clearly originally in English but there's no way to choose normal version. What the fuck
No. 2049266
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Can anyone translate what the fuck this is I'm ENTP
No. 2049354
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>>2049188I think that MBTI personality types have some real merit, just they can't always categorize people 100%. I took the test twice in my life nearly a decade apart and both times my results were INFJ-T. The description of that personality type does accurately reflect what I'm like.
>cognitive functionsIsn't that basically the same thing as MBTI?
No. 2052696
>>2049402learn other systems atp, just say youre lazy and
triggered mbti is pure bullshit
No. 2441771
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INTJ sigma autistic female here
aquarius sun, leo moon, sagittarius rising (I noticed I get well along with aries, leos and libras)
Big five: 78% neuroticism, 77%, openness, 56% conscientiousness, 37% agreeableness, 28% extraversion
dnd assignment: chaotic neutral
animal in you: swan
No. 2441781
INTJ, 5w4, Pisces sun & Scorpio moon. I get along best with ENTPs for whatever reason. I really struggle with any type that is very feeling dominant because ime, they are often the sorts of people who self-describe as empaths and try to make you feel like you're morally inferior and not as ensouled as them.
>>2441389Same, I didn't like the way gendered stereotypes were baked into the system. With MBTI, there are still clear biases (specifically the women = feelers and men = thinkers bias), but it's not as overt as Socionics.