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File: 1709179405702.png (1001.9 KB, 1302x1722, nobodylikesyou.png)

No. 1905883

Post 'em.
Link for (taking it to /meta/):

No. 1905887

File: 1709179675379.png (18.1 KB, 1515x134, IMG_0618.png)

The anon who got banned for not posting a cap of a winking asshole always makes me kek

No. 1905894

That was me. This remains the most surreal and retarded ban I have ever gotten, minus the recent influx in ban on very obvious sarcasm

No. 1905895


No. 1905897

I'm pretty sure I alogged in the appeal. Still cannot fathom being this retarded.

No. 1905903

Holy fuck, mods are so unbelievably retarded. As if we didn't have enough assholes of faggots being posted around here.

No. 1905906

All downhill from there. I posted an ugly pic of Ethan Slater in celebricows with the caption "unffff he's soooo babygirl" and I got banned for… hornyposting.

No. 1905912

Mods are genuinely incapable of understanding jokes, I wonder how they even function

No. 1905919

Kek nonny I want you to know your post killed me. I burst out laughing when I saw the redtext you got for that. I was gonna reply to your post but I didn't want to catch a ban for derailing since you were already banned by the time I saw it

No. 1905921

I posted a link to a video of a homosexual man prying his buttcheeks apart, banned for not posting a photo of it. I make fun of ethan slayter, banned for thirsting for him. I make a satire post about Jeffrey Dahmer making fun of another anon, banned for schizophrenia. They will never knock me down.

No. 1905931

Didn’t a farmhand confirm a bit ago that the janny team is full of autists? It explains some of the bans for obvious joking

No. 1905933

File: 1709181758442.jpeg (642.66 KB, 1083x1213, IMG_0624.jpeg)

Holy fuck was this you too? Nonna you are hilarious I want to be your friend

No. 1905940

File: 1709182399808.jpg (124.95 KB, 720x1106, 1708561323732.jpg)

This was me as well.

No. 1905941

yeah I admin said "all farmhands are autists" in meta but that was a joke. idk I'm starting to think lolcow needs to start requiring tone indicators for nonas' and farmhands' sake

No. 1905942

It didn't use to be like this. Moderation was actually funny. They had a uniform, dry tone that made redtexts amusing. Being a janitor came with the obvious implication that you needed to set yourself apart from the resident spergs, now its evident they are the same.

No. 1905960

This thread seems like it was made with an ulterior motive in mind and it seems to function as a centre for bragging about ban evasion as well.

No. 1905961

I'm sad to say some bans really look discord mod tier itt

No. 1905962

You must be so miserable oh my god

No. 1905965

when someone has the GALL to brag about BAN EVASION

No. 1905966

File: 1709186282366.png (299.75 KB, 496x648, you will never be farmhand.png)

No. 1905973

Cheers mate, is this the queue for the ban evasion centre? ’s snaking all down lolcow high street it is well minging!

No. 1905974

>Metafag camps in /meta and rejoices that Hellweek thread redirect brings more innocent nonnies to witness metafag's bait and infight antics and convince them to hate on the farmhands.
>Hellweek is over so nobody is going to /meta anymore and metafag is sad that the divisive antics aren't gaining more traction.
>Metafag increasingly baits in /ot to get rise out of people for funsies or whatever but it doesn't work.
>Metafag decides to make "retarded bans" thread even though all the bans in this thread so far are reasonable.
It's all so predictable. We get it, you want us to hate the farmhands so bad, you want us to be nasty to the farmhands, you want us to fear-monger about the farmhands. It doesn't work. Why can't you just get a hobby? Why continue to post here if all you do is shit the site up?

No. 1905979

Who is the metafag even

No. 1905980

>anon got banned for not posting a winking asshole

No. 1905985

there's been more than one anon complaining about farmhands though

No. 1905988

It's an imageboard. We have literally been posting pictures of botched neovags for years in /snow and other gross pictures as well in all boards. That's why the spoiler function exists. The winking asshole anon got a temporary ban for posting a link to the photo instead of just posting the photo. It's not that hard to understand. The more you keep harping about it the more deranged and obsessed you sound.
There is one metafag that camps all day to post retarded bait about "muh farmhands are evil," specifically about "unwarranted" bans. Sometimes the metafags antics inspire certain slow farmers to get pissy and complain about moderation because that's what metafag wants farmers to do: metafag wants farmers to turn against the farmhands to create a culture of distrust & disdain between site users and site moderators. It doesn't work for 95% of farmers because we can see through the retarded antics and bait.
You can lurk in /meta, specifically the initial Hellweek thread and the 2 most recent complaints and suggestions thread to get an idea of what's been up.

No. 1905993

Sorry but when are you going to put the last / at the end? It looks stupid without it and your posts stick out
As for the rest of the post, I see a lot of people complaining about moderation. I also prefer more moderation to none at all and I don't care if the jannies have autism but yes some of these bans are quite dumb

No. 1906000

>Some of these bans are quite dumb. The bans in questions:
A ban that's been thoroughly talked about already and riles up some farmers: it's been posted already in various threads to get anons to distrust the farmhands' moderation style. It is not retarded to expect images to be uploaded to an imageboard. Anons have been getting red text for this for years.
>"The farmers totally didn't understand my for real sarcastic joke that I made between an actual schizo ranting about how this site is filled with serial killers!"
This ban is not retarded: the post is retarded. How is anyone supposed to tell the difference between two anons ranting about the exact same thing, even if one is a joke? If you wanted to make fun of the schizo anon, there are better ways to indicate it like using greentext for example.
A weird sexual post about having sex with furries in confessions thread that got a permaban suggests that the user has a history with ban evasion and shitposts which makes sense given the IP included in the post is linked to a VPN.

No. 1906002

the farmhands don't need any help fostering disdain from the users and if you trust admin after the shitshow of admins we have had over the last 5 years idk what to tell you

No. 1906003

Why are you sucking them off so hard you freak. Are you one of the new ones? Explains so much

No. 1906004

Your autism is so painful. Like there's something deeply psychologically wrong with you.

No. 1906008

maybe we are all the samefag metafag camper tradthot schizo mommyposter moid

No. 1906009

>Doesn't take the bait to shit on farmhands for doing a service and keeping the site running.
>"Reeee you have autism and you're a farmhand reeeee"
It always comes back to this because certain anons just want to neg all day long and shit on admin for no real reason. Which was the point of this thread: to rile up anons to create infights and to shit on the farmhands. It's really not that deep that bans happen.

No. 1906011

File: 1709190596006.jpeg (809.77 KB, 1242x2293, IMG_1938.jpeg)

>Shitposts on a VPN
>"Ha! Time to appeal with a witty quip!"
>Appeals ban on a VPN.
Like c'mon.

No. 1906013

Everyone shitposts you stupid bitch. I even announced I used a vpn when I originally shared the screenshot–most people do. I was having a joking conversation. I'm sorry you're too autistic to understand that concept and even thought searching up a popular vpn IP was some kind of own. You've already proved you have some serosu mental issues so idgaf keep jerking yourself, weird bitch

No. 1906017

If you're that mad over someone using a VPN to post on lolcow you must be posting with your real IP address which is not just stupid and reckless but also implies you're tech illiterate kek

No. 1906018

File: 1709191337905.gif (554.51 KB, 220x220, 1000003064.gif)


No. 1906020

File: 1709191478985.jpeg (724.08 KB, 1242x1765, IMG_1939.jpeg)

>"Most posters use VPNs!!!!"
>13% of posts within a 2 week period are made by VPN users.
>"I was having a joking conversation!!!"
Talking to yourself and being retarded is not a "joking conversation."
It's moreso that I'm laughing at the thought of typing an appeal to a ban when you can just switch to a different IP at whim with VPN services.
>Gets called out for bait.
>Responds with the 100th variation of "No Fun Allowed!"

No. 1906024

File: 1709191758807.gif (3.59 MB, 640x480, 1000003066.gif)

Are you done?

No. 1906027

>Calls out bait.
>"Just like Chris chan!!!"
Okay then.

No. 1906028

tbh you're welcome to make a janny love thread, this thread is for retarded bans

No. 1906029

You are harrowingly autistic. You call anything and everything bait. You're either a man or the kind of autist that leaves the house once a month.(infighting across multiple threads)

No. 1906030

we can have a balance, like I agree some of the bans are rather egregious and kinda moronic, but we don't have to insult the farmhands, they are trying to maintain the site the best they can and I respect them greatly for that, as well as saving LC.

No. 1906034

>Calls out bait.
>"You're an autistic man!! Like Chris chan!!!"
Okay then.

No. 1906035

No. 1906039

The fact that you keep insisting upon yourself kind of seals it

No. 1906041

>I'm happy farmhands keep the site running!
>"You are an autistic retarded bootlicking retarded autist!!!!! You are just a bootlicker who is retarded!!!! Autistic bootlicker!!!!!"
Yeah this thread was totally made for posting "retarded" bans and not to infight, totally.

No. 1906042

File: 1709192283533.jpg (121.24 KB, 1080x1078, 456734436347.jpg)

if farmhands can call people retards and spergs in redtexts idk why we can't do the same. not to mention this is an imageboard as they so often like to say so, in the spirit of imageboard culture, no.

No. 1906064

No. 1906075

this thread would have been a retarded bans thread if you didn't show up to shit it up

No. 1906084

Its posts are all unsaged too, bumping the thread it hates for attention

No. 1906097

File: 1709194287453.jpeg (150.99 KB, 1242x386, IMG_3516.jpeg)

Anyway, I find the thought of janny rushing to type a redtext so quickly it forgets to check if it’s even a proper sentence funny

No. 1906099

I remember when redtexts used to be humorous. It's been a thousand years

No. 1906104

we don't wanna bring that degenerate culture here, we need some level of mutual respectability.

No. 1906107

You have terminal autism, like you should actually be taken out back and shot old yeller style that’s how bad it is.

No. 1906108

Most of the posters in this thread are newfags that have no experience with image board moderation and probably don't even know what mod.php is.

No. 1906110

File: 1709194717205.jpeg (446.78 KB, 1044x819, IMG_1941.jpeg)

>Sage posts on /ot/.
No, it would have been retards posting their deserved bans and complaining about being banned and expecting asspats, and then a bunch of other retards saying "oh your ban was so unfair these farmhands are evil!"
>Uses "janny."
>Uses "it" to refer to the "janny."
This post deserves to be banned. It's the first post of a thread and it's a shitpost with shit grammar.

No. 1906111

File: 1709194729461.png (188.12 KB, 2800x358, obvious-cowbait.png)

This was posted right after anons had literally been talking about posting made up autist traits to make jill/pixilocks steal them for her poorly done autism larp, it was such obvious lurking-cow-bait yet somehow even some anons bought it and started arguing against it lmao

No. 1906115

I'm a big fan of sonichu

No. 1906119

File: 1709195058276.png (500.8 KB, 2790x596, dont-shoot-the-milkmaid.png)

This nona got banned for not sage-ing when she was posting a new cow in the appropriate thread, makes no sense to me when she was bringing in new milk! But then again I've seen several retarded bans in the author/book community thread so she's not alone

No. 1906121

now this was kinda stupid.

No. 1906130

Wow this is a retarded ban. After several anons got redtexted for autism derails to indicate to others to drop the topic, and then to post this was obviously a brave act of rebellion against the tyrannical jannies! I can't believe anon got banned for this non-contributive post that adds nothing to the conversation except to confuse others, that's just crazy!
Wow, I can't believe anon got banned for posting non-contributive post that describes a gags bisexual woman getting barfs tattoos who changed her sense of humour, which is totally cowish.

No. 1906132

You are obsessed with replying to every single post itt. Loser

No. 1906134

I got banned for a year once for saying I prefer smaller dicks over bigger ones because they hurt me (posted in the UNPOPULAR opinions thread at that) because on lc if you don't worship big dicks at all times you're apparently a moid, everyone knows all women worship big dicks right??? barf

No. 1906137

I think anon is trying to bait jannies into red texting so they can post a "hurrdurr got banned in the red text thread, im so speshul!!!111!!"

No. 1906142

File: 1709195934627.jpg (78.8 KB, 828x786, 20240129_010245.jpg)

I feel like there is possibly more to this story

No. 1906143

File: 1709195974374.jpg (52.44 KB, 720x288, 1708337127045.jpg)

post more bans pls

No. 1906145

This is my post but I can't remember what it was responding to

No. 1906146

Samefagging loser.

No. 1906148

Two completely different anons. I'm beginning to think you really are retarded.

No. 1906167

Great thread OP. Don't let jannies take you down

No. 1906174

File: 1709198331648.jpg (177.69 KB, 1070x1404, Screenshot_20240229-202109_Gal…)

I feel like this was a little bit retarded

No. 1906178

no, you deserve it

No. 1906179

File: 1709198638253.png (85.35 KB, 1251x365, 1692162121192.png)


No. 1906180

Shut up autistic retarded Chris chan skinwalker janny bootlicker. Obviously she didn't deserve a ban for derailing the thread with talk of scrote anatomy. Why would anybody be banned for derailing a thread? That's tyranny. How does the rubber taste? The rubber from the janny's boots? Ha you were just owned.

No. 1906262

File: 1709203972550.png (664.5 KB, 743x1253, 1000021161.png)

KEK wtf I just screenshot the thread it was in, it happened 9 months ago. Why would it matter?

Reposting to add link to thread
Meta discussion

No. 1906264

File: 1709204263931.jpeg (664.6 KB, 1039x1138, IMG_1943.jpeg)

No. 1906266

It's a closing parenthesis followed by a colon, anon. But thanks for posting the context, since when I reposted with links and replied to your "zomg is that a 9-month-old screenshot," I forgot to write that it's a parenthetical with a colon introducing the video… not an "emoji" or even an "emoticon."

No. 1906271

How is this a retarded ban?

No. 1906272

This was probably automated (hate to defend them but yeah)

No. 1906276

File: 1709205793763.jpeg (852.4 KB, 1242x1606, IMG_1946.jpeg)

No. 1906281

stop posting your weird pedo meme.

No. 1906285

File: 1709206654481.png (9.15 KB, 1415x121, farmhands.png)

so farmhands are awake to post this childish vendetta shit but not to ban the sperg ITT that has been derrailing and infighting for 8 hours?

No. 1906287

File: 1709206693107.png (405.35 KB, 864x1456, 1000021171.png)

I wondered also, apparently it's not

No. 1906288

>More bait to encourage famers to shit on farmhands.
Can farmhands just delete this shit thread please

No. 1906290

>repeatedly bumping a thread you dislike for hours
lolcow is legitimately full of retards

No. 1906306

>hidden emojis
Are the emojis in the room with us right now?

No. 1906307

File: 1709208968846.png (336.73 KB, 1778x1391, 1707334009813.png)

How dare you discuss a screencap, in the screencaps thread, where everyone talks about the screencaps?

No. 1906308

All those bans were deserved.

No. 1906311

cant believe we have disgusting twitterfags into ''dabods(fat unkept moids)'' unironically.

No. 1906312

Old news who cares

No. 1906317

/g/ nonas have the most disgusting taste god

No. 1906319

it was a response to some weird sex toy in /g/. your post was clearly a joke idk how mods interpreted that as "bait"
can't that can be said for most of the caps here?

No. 1906320

There's been ten bans posted itt and not a single one is retarded
This screenshot is from /ot/

No. 1906365

File: 1709213701537.png (123.67 KB, 1693x445, 1707992687433.png)

the anon that got banned for reporting purple penis bait still cracks me up

No. 1906368

I never read the thread to see what this was even about, so the lack of context makes it funnier for me

No. 1906370

This was already posted in the funny screencap thread. Why post it here again?

No. 1906371

It's the bans thread anon

No. 1906372

because it's a retarded ban and funny for those who missed it the first time

No. 1906373

It's a retarded shit thread. We already have the funny caps thread for these kind of posts. We all already saw the purple penis bait screencap in the funny screencap thread posted a week ago. Why do we need to talk about it here.

No. 1906377

I am the poster featured in this image. I think it belongs in Lolcow's Own Screenshot thread. This thread is dumb.

No. 1906378

there doesn't need to be a we, anon, participation is voluntary

No. 1906384

File: 1709214932572.jpeg (313.3 KB, 2688x887, IMG_1949.jpeg)

No. 1906385

File: 1709215038253.png (23.23 KB, 1294x219, 1.png)

I can't believe this happened at least twice

No. 1906386

Are you just going through catalogue to try and find examples of this just to shit on moderation or did you have this already saved in your files for some unknown gay reason?

No. 1906390

ayrt there isn't more, I appealed the ban and got unbanned within like 24h becuase it was fucking stupid

No. 1906392

File: 1709215477961.jpeg (343.93 KB, 1242x586, IMG_1951.jpeg)

No. 1906393

File: 1709215515657.jpeg (680.72 KB, 1242x1064, IMG_1950.jpeg)

No. 1906395

File: 1709215538436.jpeg (305.04 KB, 1242x611, IMG_1952.jpeg)

No. 1906405

Shit thread

No. 1906410

File: 1709216664230.jpeg (219.72 KB, 1010x801, IMG_1954.jpeg)

Purpose of this thread: to call farmhands autistic retards and schizos.

No. 1906419

That's so embarrassing.

Have you considered hiding the thread?

No. 1906422

File: 1709217301995.jpeg (742.58 KB, 1129x1026, IMG_1956.jpeg)

>>1906419(spamming caps/infighting)

No. 1906425

Why do you keep selfposting instead of reporting?

No. 1906427

Kek if you think any of the posts are selfposts you seriously underestimated the intelligence of the average farmer

No. 1906430

kekkk this pic is golden

No. 1906431

They already call themselves autistic, everything else is just the truth.
Slow down on the bootlicking.

No. 1906434

ntayrt but i'm the anon in >>1906422 and >>1906384 and i have no idea why she's spamming caps from /meta/ here

No. 1906435

the fact you guys can't clock that as an obvious joke makes it hilariously hypocritical that you complain about the jannies missing sarcasm/jokes. starting to think opening this site just gives you autism

No. 1906438

Redundant thread

No. 1906441

File: 1709218355335.gif (308.33 KB, 400x300, IMG_1960.gif)


No. 1906462

i can't believe i saw the rise of this thread live, what's with all this dumbass shit?

No. 1906480

The whiteknights arrived and ruined the fun

No. 1906488

I swear this hairy man is a self poster on LC because I’ve seen multiple pictures of his body posted in various threads over the years. He’s got to be a 4chan /fit/ incel who camps out over here for validation. I hate him so much.

No. 1906500

That poster deserved a ban not for derailing but for posting that revolting pic

No. 1906653

>maybe we are all the samefag metafag camper tradthot schizo mommyposter moid
Don't forget yume fujoshi weeaboo hazbin enstar genshin husbandofag antinatalist blackpill nigel-haver pickme nlog radfem anon

No. 1906660

Maybe the real tradwife mommyschizos were the friends we made along the way

No. 1906760

I think this thread is good. Promotes transparency. No need to get your pussy in a twist because people make fun of janitorial ineptitude.

No. 1907095

File: 1709262323913.png (14.75 KB, 1830x118, Screenshot_88.png)

these bans are getting silly

No. 1907100

How is this silly? The post is derailing the thread and got red texted for derailing with a recommendation on which thread is appropriate for those kinds of posts?

No. 1907104

File: 1709262696284.png (1.22 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_3368.png)

No. 1907105

Nobody cares metafag. Stop bumping this shit thread.(infighting)

No. 1907109

Of course it's the /w/ anons coming to /ot/ to sperg about necessary redtexts.

No. 1907113

NTA but you are seriously sounding like the schizo "camper!camper!" anon from weeks ago going around calling random anons "the metafag" today

No. 1907120

Nobody here cares. We all already know that there's a group of sad lonely NEETs that spammed dumbass shit all day long pre Hellweek and now that it's on autosage they're bitching and moaning about it and they bait and infight until they get a ban and then they complain about their bans on some gay crusade against the farmhands. It's pathetic and the entire day they've been derailing threads with retarded bait in /ot/ to try and bait normal users to respond so they can catch a ban for infighting. It's honestly just really pathetic.

No. 1907124

idk most /w/ redtexts are needed but that one was a weird ban since the picture was original content and not a low effort shitpost

No. 1907126

hide the thread if you don't like it. and everyone please stop replying to this person, try to stay on topic.

No. 1907132

your complex multifaceted tinfoil is as impressive as it is retarded

No. 1907133

What are you even talking about? The topic is retarded: "Post pictures of random red texts and call the bans retarded to aggravate users and make farmhands look bad." Everyone in /meta/ is already talking about how dumb this thread is and how it's just a bunch of losers complaining about their deserved bans for asspats.

No. 1907144

File: 1709264402033.png (160.74 KB, 948x367, Screen Shot 2024-02-29 at 10.4…)

Went back to the thread and found the post, the ban was appealed and the redtext was removed. Why did you take a screenshot of a random ban and save it for 20 days? What's the point of that?

No. 1907150

20 days are needed for screenshots to ferment

No. 1907152

Why is there a petulant child in here, go away

No. 1907165

File: 1709265384022.jpeg (576.98 KB, 1103x1244, IMG_1971.jpeg)

Based Grandma-san called the dumbass thread sperg petulant child once and it has done such irreparable damage to dumbass thread sperg's retarded psyche that the retard appropriated it for use against others that notice their infight bait. Sad.

No. 1907167

grandmanon! it's been a while!

No. 1907169

That's not Grandmanon that's just a horrible imitation. Much like how krab meat is not crab meat. Don't be fooled.

No. 1907173

Alas, not grandmanon, this is the first time I've heard about her too. Just annoyed because I wanted to see retarded bans but got retarded infighting instead.

No. 1907174

it's fascinating to me that you genuinely believe you have successfully tied together all posts from a specific individual and even given your character a name and nickname. I've been seeing you go around talking about your theory for a pretty long time now and I honestly can't believe you're still at it

No. 1907175

Yeah sure baiter go back to /meta/ to see retarded bans you post them there all the time

No. 1907177

>You're like Sherlock Holmes!
No it's just painfully obvious and the entire site is tired of the theatrical antics.

No. 1907178

I've only been banned once or twice here for things that were my fault but sure have fun throwing a tantrum. Maybe people are bored and want to read stupid shit and don't lurk lolcow for hours per day so don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Just a hypothetical.

No. 1907182

File: 1709266216175.jpeg (58.78 KB, 800x450, IMG_1972.jpeg)

>"I'm bored and want to read stupid shit"
So you agree? You think this thread topic is stupid shit?

No. 1907186

No shit? I didn't know a thread titled "Retarded Bans Thread" was supposed to a ultra serious thread. My apologies to any anon I offended by calling the subject matter stupid shit, clearly looking over the thread again I realise this was not a place to mildly make fun of the farmhands but a support group for those traumatised by the farmhands' evil tyrannical tirades created by anons who also simultaneously are evil bitches themselves for daring to make light of the farmhands' couragous efforts, yes I see it now, all the anons who wanted to use this thread must be extinguished ex abundanti cautela.

No. 1907189

This is LC not the Napoleonic Wars it's not that serious.
>All the anons that want this thread must be extinguished ex abundanti cautela.
Retarded Ban Thread delenda est.

No. 1907199

>post something you feel is a confession
>mod decides it's actually a vent or an unpopular opinion
>when in truth most statements could go in any one of those three threads (e.g. "i hate cheese" is a vent, a confession, and an unpopular opinion)

No. 1907202

Nobody cares stop bumping the thread.

No. 1907208

quousque tandem abutere, nona, patientia nostra?

No. 1907215

See even the blessed nonas from the nunneries are telling your retarded dumbass baiting ass to shut up and schooling you in Latin

No. 1907226

excuse you those are roman references none of that newfangled catholic thing

No. 1907227

File: 1709270918829.jpeg (886.51 KB, 1242x1802, IMG_1976.jpeg)

Okay sorry I just assumed because I know LC is a catholic approved website but please keep hating on the baiter in Roman talk

No. 1907235

Nunnery anon, I may continue doing so but that would only give them sustenance. I do enjoy Latin, and I do also enjoy verses so I could also say of the baiter to "be sensible and keep your mouth shut. The words of the godly are like sterling silver; the heart of a fool is worthless. The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense." Proverbs 10:19-21, New Living Translation

No. 1907236

Based nona, amen.

No. 1907246

Nobody cares. Your comment is pointless.

No. 1907248

It's just micromanaging, I guess you could say confessions should sound more serious, but it is all arbitrary.

No. 1907249

Are the farmhands our managers? No. They are running and moderating an entire website out of the goodness of their hearts. They are not "micromanaging."

No. 1907254

>Unsaged post to bump the thread every hour.
It's not even subtle at this point.

No. 1907256

I intentionally chose the one that had a more straightforward meaning that couldn't be debated- the literal point of NLT

No. 1907257

Don't even worry about the retard you're responding to nona it's the resident retard that baits all day and all night because worms live in its brain.

No. 1907258

File: 1709273875471.jpeg (105.96 KB, 961x379, Screen Shot 2024-03-01 at 1.18…)

Baiter deleted the retarded comment to make us look crazy like we're replying to nothing so here is the comment we reply to for context.

No. 1907259

File: 1709274132738.jpg (296.72 KB, 881x2013, IMG_20240301_062349.jpg)

The top comment is moo at the clinic with a needle stuck in her arm what screenshots is the bottom expected to provide

No. 1907268

Nobody cares.

No. 1907277

Why do you camp itt and respond to literally everything

No. 1907280

File: 1709275458741.gif (148.23 KB, 200x194, IMG_1980.gif)


No. 1907281

You clearly care enough to respond.

No. 1907282

I'm not gonna take the bait to infight you have yourself a good day baiter.

No. 1907285

File: 1709275681977.jpg (258.98 KB, 1390x1880, 935fe1be67c6c1bab30a3901035b73…)

What the fuck was that anon supposed to provide? She's just voicing an opinion? Also I hope after this we can stay on topic.

No. 1907287

>Tries to copy Christian anons to make bait seem more believable but can't come up with a better verse than the one already mentioned.
>Continues to bait.
>Demands we "stay on topic" AKA posting mundane run of the mill red texts that are deserved.
Okay then.

No. 1907288

You keep spamming and then calling everyone that responds to you "baiter", go take your abilify

No. 1907289

>Doesn't take bait.
Okay then.

No. 1907409

guys i REALLY want to see more retarded bans

No. 1914349

File: 1709800542386.png (56.55 KB, 3516x335, autism.PNG)

well, they did say they were autistic…

No. 1914368

what a retard, 4chan lets you post uncensored porn, racebait, harbors millions of brain damaged coomer moids, talk about murdering women, and has a tranny board. might as well start doing all that too

No. 1914370

Bitch it's just the nose smiley. What is wrong with you

No. 1914373

It was being used as an example, are you dense? There’s a difference between the letter and the spirit of a rule.

No. 1914380

Her powerlevel unmatched

No. 1914384

are you? why would she bring up 4chan using emojis at all? i listed a bunch of things 4chan allows but would never, ever fly here. lolcow is nowhere near similar despite being an imageboard even if it was originally made because of a 4chan board, comparing it is completely retarded

No. 1914389

Some serious dickriding going on in this thread.

No. 1914393

Shut the fuck up that "emote" was used here for years and comparing it to poltards and pedos makes you legit retarded(infighting)

No. 1914400

That’s not the point- the point is it was being used as an example, not in earnest. It was in quotation marks, are jannies just completely tone deaf?

No. 1914795

File: 1709838777119.png (21.51 KB, 1802x137, ot Celebricows 101.png)

describing what mia khalifa does is "baiting" apparently. none of what was said is exaggeration that's exactly what she did, do farmhands not know about her?

No. 1928225

File: 1710646167850.png (38.22 KB, 1166x351, who the hell cares.PNG)

this place is getting worse than reddit with the micromanaging

No. 1928256

This isn't even micromodding, this is a basic part of integration

No. 1928347

this is not retarded though, the emoji seething i can understand but this kind of ban is normal.

No. 1928399

Get over it omg

No. 1928493

File: 1710669747736.png (32.9 KB, 1014x267, 1710483109559.png)

This is clearly a joke and a well known meme, why are the mods so autistic

No. 1928497

Mods are turbo

No. 1928770

Because it was the 100th post derailing a thread with talk about some fat guy even after farmhands posted a warning to stop derailing.

No. 1929058

it was the art thread and stonetoss is an artist

No. 1929130

File: 1710709654330.png (10.19 KB, 1198x108, IMG_80240301_.png)

This post was in reference to woke woc authors who make their ethnicity their entire identity and always give their protagonists white male love interests.

No. 1929135

I think it was also the emoticon that's against the rules

No. 1930320

File: 1710800356120.jpeg (292.53 KB, 1109x1752, IMG_3631.jpeg)

Did they really ban her for uwujak

No. 1930322

it says because she used emojis but everyone using jaks should get perma banned

No. 1930335

But there’s no emojis in the post? Did they edit them out manually?

No. 1930339

yeah they edit them out when they wan someone for emojiposting

No. 1930342

This is a sad question to ask. Proof this thread is inhabited by angry newfags that have a unnecessary hate for the farmhands.

No. 1930351

Oh my god that’s too funny

No. 1930357

Farmhands really weren't lying when they were talking about /ot/ newfags

No. 1930369

I’ve seen the punctuation ones stay up with redtext so I didnt think they removed them. It’s pretty funny especially because I know they don’t have an automatic filter.

No. 1930372

It's so annoying. They refuse to lurk or integrate, and then try to stir trouble and complain about the farmhands. Kudos to the farmhands for dealing with this bullshit constantly. I hate when this website gets mentioned on Twitter and then a flood of repressed normies go batshit here to experience the thrill of anonymity.

No. 1930382

People are allowed to complain about the moderation in fact there’s a whole board for it

No. 1930384

>There's a whole "board" for complaining about moderations.
>Posts complaints in /ot/.
I can tell that you are very integrated.

No. 1930395

I said it was funny they have to manually go in and edit each post. I don’t really care if you don’t think I’m hecking integrated, you’ll never know which posts are mine outside of this conversation. And yeah meta is a board.

No. 1930401

Why did you put board in quotes?

No. 1930406

Because there is a complaints thread on the /meta/ board. The whole board isn't dedicated to complaints like anon believes. I was ribbing on anon for confusing the one complaints thread with the board itself.

No. 1930474

Meta is not a "complaints board" lol

No. 1935324

File: 1711137626112.jpeg (60.5 KB, 951x359, IMG_3563.jpeg)

god forbid you’re not pitying royal parasites dying off

No. 1935331

File: 1711137747001.png (21.98 KB, 1875x158, canceranon.PNG)

lmfao, never forget

No. 1935599

i still think my favorite ban was when I had gone to some air Bnb for a friends trip and immediately after I made a post on here I got IP banned for some stupid shit that someone that stayed there before me posted.

No. 1945229

File: 1711916815749.png (5.98 KB, 718x134, not the ugly old men.png)

we cannot shit on ugly men in lolcow anymore

No. 1945237

This was valid.

No. 1945245

maybe it's because you already derailed the last thread with this topic. and posting "wah ugly men" to get more engagement once everyone else has already moved on does come across as baity even if you're not wrong

No. 1945250

File: 1711917613451.png (39.92 KB, 1062x218, oh fuck you too then.png)

so i cant confess to being the retard who always forced us to sing together? is the confessions thread supposed to be about serious stuff only

No. 1945255

More proof that this thread was created by dumbass shit thread spergs to continue sperging about dumbass shit thread.

No. 1945257

NTAYRT but dumbass shit was the thread that received the most traffic for what? A year? Obviously the absence is going to be felt and discussed.

No. 1945260

File: 1711918003590.gif (1.57 MB, 498x278, sure jan.gif)


No. 1945281

The "dumbass shit sperms" live rent free in your mind

No. 1945417

File: 1711925627520.png (99.44 KB, 1376x382, Screenshot.png)

this was super BS btw.

No. 1945457

I know the thread was devolving but she’s 100% right kek.

No. 1945521

I still believe in you and your confession Nonnie

No. 1949571

File: 1712197916301.png (113.82 KB, 1798x553, 41% farmhands.png)

Won't someone please think of the precious trannies

No. 1949589

not to wk for farmhands, but they have to ban a-logging, not to spare tranny feelings, but to prevent this place from turning into a honeypot for feds

No. 1949595

they ban alogging because “umm you’re going too far we only joke here” but those delusional trannies are always asking for it, seriously. their bizarre speech and behavior warrants a person’s normal-functioning amygdala (which these gendies typically don’t have hence gender dysphoria and too much tolerance) to slap the shit out of them. they clearly didn’t get their asses whipped by the belt as children

no woman would ever commit the same level of politically-driven crimes that 4chan/8chan moids have conspired and done. i don’t even care about that TIF aiden going on a rampage against innocent christian children at the school, she is not a woman she is a monster. aloggers in mtf are at least based as fuck, no woman is ever going to go that far. you should be worrying about the mods being trannies before you worry about this place having spy intelligence agencies invested into it, they’re all too busy being on kiwifarms and 4chan where it gets more traffic

No. 1949600

you just know a seething troon reported it too kek

No. 1950093

No, I did because I don't want this site shut down because people make violent posts like that

No. 1950802

4chan and 8chan regularly has posts like that and had literal school shooter posts yet those sites are still up (8ch just changed the domain)

No. 1952330

but the first one just says she wants something to happen. Not that she's going to do it. Those are different things. idk LC is getting weird about what alogging even is. As if a few years ago it wasn't "kys" and "rope" whenever troons posted here. No one takes these remarks seriously online, if they did, law enforcement would be hanging out in discord or in game lobbies all day and night.

before I knew what kys meant I thought it meant "kiss" btw. I found out pretty fast though.

No. 1958102

File: 1712754382493.jpeg (36.54 KB, 522x213, IMG_8808.jpeg)

No. 1958103

saw this too and immediately confused, keks are this policed? tragkek.

No. 1958105

its the ''not the x'' part that's unintegrated zoomerspeech

No. 1958106

Wtf that’s so tame though

No. 1958108

and? its zoomershit

No. 1958109

Its still zoomer speak and its easy to spot

No. 1958112

I know some of you would love to ban all zoomers from this site but “not the…” is such a common phrase in american english that’s such a terminally online and/or britbong take

No. 1958113

Oh my god not everyone who uses certain words that autists here deem as ”zoomerspeak” are zoomers/twitterfags. That is a very common thing to say these days. Can we have a list of bannable words then? I haven’t used twitter since 2015 and I had no fucking idea that’s what twitterfags say.

No. 1958124

It’s not “zoomerspeak” or whatever the fuck that made up shit is, you unfortunate idiot. I’ve vaguely used words that would be considered “Reddit/twitter” language (even cute reaction pics), I’m not a newfag and have never been banned for it. You people started memeing the jannies into self-induced schizophrenia and psychosis thinking normal paragraph breaks is reddit-spacing and that random strings of words are twitterspeak. The website is going to have newfags everyday, I don’t know why we keep borrowing the anti-newfag narrative from 4chan of all places, that place is a scrote shitheap that we shouldn’t be taking any mannerisms or etiquette from. Imageboard culture is downstream to normie culture and that’s just the way it’s gonna be. “Man I’m so cool I’m an oldfag and not like those lame zoomers, I’m a bitter person please accept me”, you are no longer cool, this is no longer 2009, and /cgl/ is dead so get a fucking grip and stop being a nitpicking sperg

No. 1958128

Anyone else feel like lolcow is becoming 2015 tumblr where you would get cancelled for saying “as fuck” or some other common shit because it’s technically AAVE, but now with “zoomerspeak” here kek

No. 1958136

I think that was a little different because you were being called out for APpRoPrIaTiNg AAVE or whatever. I'm not sure what's going on here.

No. 1958138

normalfags hate to see communities being gatekept, sad

No. 1958149

typing like this is also bannable fyi
>common thing to say these days
so you admit you're a normalfag who just spouts memes you see on twitter all day

No. 1958154

DA but I literally don’t have any social media accounts but I still might use that phrase because I’m not 100% cut off from the world and it is a common thing to say
>unironically using “gatekept”

No. 1958158

If you are bringing up gatekeeping, why are we not enforcing the culture around the site’s creation? Take a look at the old threads, you want that shit back? This place has constantly evolved and will continue to evolve.

No. 1958159

Except I'm not typing like that sincerely as a way to express myself or look quirky, I was using it to mock something. You don't understand the context in which typing styles like that became bannable. It's bannable because retards and underage posters will run around using glaringly obnoxious typing styles (eg. *~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*) for attention. You just take all the nuance out of everything like a newfag who didn't see it develop over the years.

No. 1958162

No you're just a newfag. Posting like this to make fun of cows has gotten plenty of bans. It's the same as a tone indicator. Lurk more maybe

No. 1958668

there are mommy anons now, it's over

No. 1958729

File: 1712792731390.jpeg (251.76 KB, 1232x517, IMG_3797.jpeg)


No. 1958730

what makes you think the mommy anons are newfags and not just anons who have been here for a while and have kids

No. 1958733

the post i responded to didn't mention newfags but normalfags >>1958138

No. 1958760

I like to imagine gunshots after every redtext

No. 1958888

File: 1712814143780.gif (818.8 KB, 350x230, 1000023778.gif)

Would he be banned for moidposting, zoomerspeak, or just being ugly?

No. 1959330

I really hope this is a funny red-text, and nonna really wasn't banned over a joke post

No. 1961229

No, they legitimately got mad about the black cat in the video.

No. 1961240

they deserve the ban for racebaiting with cats. the cats don't deserve that. is nothing sacred?

No. 1961242

How was it racebait. No races were mentioned. A black cat = black person? Are you all on crack?

No. 1961253

NTA but she was joking I’m sure

No. 1961257

Mb then I had a janny moment

No. 1961278

pretty sure it's because of the audio in the video playing over each cat not just the black one specifically

No. 1965506

File: 1713224689464.jpeg (437.87 KB, 1242x840, IMG_3806.jpeg)

mods can’t read

No. 1969341

File: 1713460454275.jpeg (54.91 KB, 539x195, IMG_0037.jpeg)

I will die being right about this, tranny janny.

No. 1969503

Kek she should obviously posted a screencap of the file icon that shows up on file sharing sites, silly anon

No. 1969581

Saying this to a nona whos husband just killed himself and shes venting in a vent thread just shows how embarrassing you are. Its really pathetic.

No. 1972054

File: 1713579597557.png (147.71 KB, 1026x643, scrotal mods .png)

i’m not OP but i just watched this ban happen in real time and i gotta say it’s retarded as hell. I understand that nonny saying “mothers love their children” is an unpopular opinion here because there are so many nonnas who did not experience maternal love but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist kek

No. 1972056

if anything this sounds like something a troon would say to a grieving woman, someone’s projecting hard

No. 1972057

it was clearly bait because it was in response to a meme

No. 1972059

you can post a legitimate thought in response to a meme, not every word that’s spoken is mean for kekz or catching fish

No. 1972060

Maybe it's the traddy, holier than thou, "I'm better than you cause I have a baby" attitude that made it seem baity

No. 1972063

that anon was clearly baiting stop white knighting her.

No. 1972067

everyone was baiting or responding to bait, they all deserved bans.

No. 1972073

We are all fish in a sea of bait

No. 1972074

File: 1713580449774.jpg (43.68 KB, 582x582, d2ca37d33a3284c9fb320a9e5e0ae6…)

No. 1973620

File: 1713693417511.jpg (46.45 KB, 1370x134, capped987.jpg)

>Use moid
>Use bippie
>Use basically any other slur
Alright! You go!
>Use slur for muslims
Uhhmm we don't do that here

No. 1974054

File: 1713723979532.jpeg (441.54 KB, 607x907, IMG_0074.jpeg)

>mindtrick meme of jesus must be scroteposting because it has girls in it!!!!

god the farmhands are so retarded(ban evading)

No. 1974062

the ban was because it was posted in a thread about passing the bechdel thread. ie no discussing moids.

No. 1974063

Girl, do you know what the Bedchel test means? kek

No. 1974065

where tf am I supposed to post it when dumbass shit is gone and dead? I just wish they could bring it back so I can go back to random shitposting when it gets boring on /ot/

No. 1974070

You post it in the mundane shit thread and say something mundane about your life.

No. 1974072

kekk i just have to trojan horse it, thanks nonna

No. 1974073

No you are retarded for misunderstanding why anon got banned.

No. 1974075

Anon… Did you not read the thread it was in or are you just retarded?

No. 1974076

shut up I get it already

No. 1974087

File: 1713725425017.jpeg (402.83 KB, 1097x861, IMG_2058.jpeg)

Sorry anon who got banned I'm fucking crying

No. 1974089

Jesus would understand.

No. 1974090

NTA but that’s not what the post says at all? it just says you don’t understand maternal love until you experience it firsthand

No. 1974094

>ban evading
it's cringe to come here and post your own bans anon, take it to /meta/. this thread is for us dunking on the tranny jannys on other anons behalf

No. 1974096

It was the no talk about moids-thread. So those anons were either too dumb to see which thread it was, baiting or implying that Jesus was a troon kek

No. 1974097

she literally says she feels bad for anons who won't breed like her, that's definitely tradshit. you're the one who can't read

No. 1974098

The bechdel thread bans are always fucking hilarious, just read the thread description idiot anons.

No. 1974102

File: 1713725804752.png (389.13 KB, 445x470, img-2024-04-21-19-56-14.png)

new biblical lore just dropped, Jesus was a TIF? she does look pretty clockable in this pic. we can always tell

No. 1974103

She literally is looking a little clocky, I don't lie.

No. 1974106

File: 1713726059241.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.96 KB, 602x339, 1000015827.jpg)

That means the scars across her chest weren't just whipping scars, they're scars showing her sacrifice and growth into the """""son""""" of God.

No. 1974114

You know, if Jesus was really was a virgin birth then she has to be a woman, because without a moid she can't have a Y chromosome. Farmhands banned anon because they weren't ready for her truth.

No. 1974122

Jesus is an honorary lesbian to me

No. 1974127

File: 1713726933667.png (32.66 KB, 567x249, IMG_20240421_131227.png)

Ackshually Satan is a genderless fallen angel you dumb jannies!

No. 1974137

i don't know if i missed something, but what the shit is with everyone constantly calling having kids and being a mum "breeding"?? what the fuck has caused the uptake in this word because it is so weird and brings this uncomfortable vibe to the amazing blessing that is getting to become a mother and create the life that lives on this Earth..

No. 1974139

holy shit lmao

No. 1974141

That's just because He's the only man that is beautiful because He is the only man that's perfect and usually it's just women that are beautiful. Now don't disrespect God, He loves you and doesn't deserve all that hate and spite when all He does is welcome you to His kingdom and forgive you! Hope this helps.

No. 1974142


No. 1974144

There's a few causes. One is that "breeding" as a term is being used to reference any sort of penis-in-vagina sex (and penis-in-anus sex for some gay moids. I'll die happy if I never hear a gay moid say "breed my butt and get me pregnant" ever again. Another is that basement-dwelling incels fetishize impregnation because they'll never be within 20 feet of a real woman. Lastly there's terminally online bitter folks like r/childfree who have used "breeder" for years as a derogatory term for anyone who has children.

No. 1974150

it's another modernity ploy to further dehumanizing women and press them into porn categories

No. 1974184

Pretty sure he's a mtf tranny.

No. 1974218

Nah, that's only Baphomet from Satanism (faggot psuedo-religion), Satan is either a hot medieval eqivalent of a bishie or some horrid undescribable thing depending on your stance.

No. 1974306

>I pity the women who will never feel it.
Why are anons acting like this line isn't baity/trad sounding

No. 1974311

Yes. Satan is the OG medieval bishie.

No. 1974315

No u retard

No. 1974320

Dick-brained retards think the “good” feeling they get from being plunged like a toilet by a scrote’s cock is a superpower and definitely not the high they got off from being trauma bonded and connected to him indefinitely.

No. 1974337

Sick dog's nightmares.

No. 1974449

That post isn't about sex, anon..

No. 1974626

I will kill you and then myself

No. 1974631

File: 1713763717014.png (31.77 KB, 1046x201, What's_your_REAL_opinion_on_co…)

Not my ban, and not the first time these bans have happened but I still think it's pretty dumb because deleting and reposting takes waaaay longer than double posting, it's not like anons don't know how to delete. The "30" second timer is always two minutes long.

No. 1974634

File: 1713763923343.png (10.27 KB, 858x118, huh.png)

it takes like two seconds to click the delete button

No. 1974638

I'm not talking about the delete button, I mean the "flood detected" message. It always pops up when I try to delete and repost even after waiting 30 seconds.

No. 1974640

oh sorry i completely misread, maybe try asking in meta? i think some anons were having that issue even after hellweek, cooldown was 5+ minutes for me until they fixed it maybe last month

No. 1975044

The mods love to ban based on nitpicking, but this is pretty nitpicky on their part

No. 1975047

They haven’t fixed it. Normally I’d say this ban was deserved >>1974631 but the flood detection bug is infuriating. Cerbmin, where art thou!

No. 1975062

i hate this problem so much, this is the worst bug thats stuck around since the site update

No. 1990467

File: 1714836457957.jpeg (387.02 KB, 1170x922, IMG_2436.jpeg)

What even(ban evasion)

No. 1990471

That ban must've been for zoomerspeak. "And I oop" is some shit zoomers say on every normie platform, and modilinas don't like that.

No. 1990474

>and I oop
What has this place become

No. 1990489

>"and I oop"
You deserve that ban and more

No. 1990498

There's some dumbass defending the term "femboy" in another thread and you lot think "and I oop" is a problem? the absolute hypocrisy of this fucking site

No. 1990515

People can dislike two things at once anon.

No. 1990528

Yes it's a problem, and so is "femboy." Also, are you genuinely retarded? What makes you think any of us are in the thread you're talking about?

No. 1990980

File: 1714870099302.jpeg (114.75 KB, 750x891, 06D01C30-51BA-48D6-B890-A51718…)

kek, janny was way too stunned

No. 1990988

I'm the anon you/she was replying to and I was so heartbroken by the ban

No. 1995103

File: 1715177479001.jpeg (56.79 KB, 1035x399, IMG_3714.jpeg)

This was in reference to Barry Keoghan. Forgot that bullying moids is forbidden on lolcow now uwu

No. 1995109

Not to be a schizo but I am like 98% certain most of these random and retarded bans and redtexts are coming from one retarded and overly sensitive tranny janny.

No. 1995119


No. 1995125

The new /ot/ janny is even worse than the last one, this stupid bitch thinks she’s funny with her ban messages

No. 1995266

i don’t even see the point in complaining about bans when you can just evade tbh

No. 1995268

yeah, it's sort of like divine balance. comically easy to get banned yet comically easy to evade.

No. 1995290

it's not about the bans itself but the principle of it (and the retarded reasoning)

No. 1995392

File: 1715186482394.png (973.95 KB, 720x1107, IMG_20240508_103939.png)

Not a bad ban really it's just the typo

No. 1995440

>thinking we have only one mod or that we know when they leave/get replaced
What kind of newfaggotry

No. 1995454

>retarded tourist doesnt use any board outside of /ot/
If you cant keep up with farmhand milk then keep your mouth shut, stupid fuck

No. 1995455

File: 1715188946227.png (544.56 KB, 1388x702, ncnlznclks,xwl.png)

kpop was banned to avoid twitter fags but it's getting ridiculous. a kpop group was invited to the met gala ofc we're goign to discuss it ! this feels even more insulting because they were victim of racism during that night
the thread won't get posted to twitter for this

No. 1995460

based retard

No. 1995464

Nah that anon deserved it for trying to convince farmers her plastic kpop moid is handsome

No. 1995469

You shut up. We only know that one janny was kicked like a week ago. That still doesn't mean that there's only one /ot/ janny.

No. 1995518

no one cares if random kpop moids experience racism.

No. 1995552

just saw that clip and there was no racism. the reporters were just being dicks.

No. 1995794

File: 1715209076693.png (155.87 KB, 715x308, 1000014277.png)

What rule is even being broken here?

No. 1995800

Guess one of the mods made that retarded dating app kek

No. 1995801

which thread is this again

No. 1995804

Banned her for being right

No. 1995808

things you hate

No. 1995810

I swear to god it's just one mod having a schizo meltdown.

No. 1995832

uhh what there was an excommunicated mod? is there any thread i can lurk to catch up on that, that you know of?

No. 1995848

NTA but you probably should pop into /meta/ from time to time to see if there's anything going on

No. 1995850

Check the /meta/ complains thread or one of the other threads and and Ctrl f "## admin". In some thread a farmhand accidentally leaked someone's IP address and admin kicked them to the curb.

No. 1995852

check the complaints thread on /meta/. there's others in the past who've been kicked too by the way (the mod who banned an anon with cancer for venting in the vent thread, the one who exposed an anon's IP for samefagging some post about cat piss, the one who exposed manifesto-chan's post history [not maliciously but still], etc) the recent drama happened from the 'good moids' thread where random posts kept getting deleted and a mod posting some other anon's post had her mod tools and the anon's vpn IP shown in a screencap.

No. 1995911

I assumed it was an attempt to joke at the anon for writing "Sabdina"

No. 1995917

“Accidentally” you know they did it on purpose lol. Thank god it was probably a VPN ip address

No. 1995926

File: 1715215068926.png (10.78 KB, 514x132, image_2024-05-08_173743373.png)

this is probably my favorite ban even though it isnt retarded

No. 1996345

I tinfoil that the mod was never kicked, it was the same mod who engaged in the recent drama, and the mod is still on staff. I mean, that tracks with many things that go on here.

No. 1996361

What thread

No. 1996741

File: 1715283268335.png (185.78 KB, 645x416, baiting.PNG)

Any user who could be "baited" by this deserves the redtext.

No. 1996747

>jannies identify a joke challenge

No. 1998559

"Manifestation Thread" on /g/

No. 2004457

File: 1715802092392.jpg (64.19 KB, 770x309, Screenshot_20240515-213951.jpg)

Absolutely ridiculous.
Not even instagram the absolute peak of normie platform bans you for saying nigga. The absolute state of redditism in the farmhands is going too far. This is an IMAGEBOARD you fuckiny retarded FAGGOTS.

No. 2004461

Lmao this proves that they have legit low functioning autism. If the government is willing to send you disability bucks because you can't be entrusted to be a member of society that takes care of themselves you shouldn't be in charge of managing posts and banning people either.

No. 2004468

File: 1715802454819.jpg (237.07 KB, 911x725, Screenshot_20240515-214625.jpg)

another example of the autistic farmhand being unable to identify sarcasm, hyperbole and satire. A common symptom of this mental affliction.

No. 2004470


No. 2004472

implying the userbase of this website isn't genuinely retarded enough to start a 6 hour slapfight over that exact post

No. 2004474

You're so butthurt it's weird. This thread is always so embarrassing to read through.

No. 2004475

File: 1715803011661.jpg (34.6 KB, 480x480, pardon.JPG)

No fucking way

No. 2004477

Sorry janny, but of those bans were turbo-autistic

No. 2004480

No. 2004485

>"Reeee janny you are autistic janny reeeee I got a RED text I am so angry reeee now I can't post for an hour reeeeeee"
Boo hoo…. autists… on an imageboard… who would have thought??

No. 2004486

Neither of those bans were me, retard. >>2004468 is not alogging, and >>2004457
is not racebaiting. Never has been. How does your mouth taste after licking janny’s boots clean?

No. 2004489

No. 2004491

The ban is correct if you want to use the word go on kiwifarms or 4chan how the fuck you know the woman posting is even black I could larp as black and even say worse slurs

No. 2004494

File: 1715804087985.gif (2.35 MB, 220x124, IMG_0638.gif)

nigga nigga nae ninigga nay nigga nigga naeeeee nae nae niggga nae nigga nigga nae nae nae nigga nae yángguāng cǎihóng xiǎo báimǎ! ni-ni-ni-ni-niiiigaaaaaaah(autism)

No. 2004497

there was absolutely nothing inflammatory about what that anon said. I can only assume you and the janny that gave the ban are eurodivergents who have no understanding of contexts in which the n word is used or how frequently it’s used
>how the fuck you know the woman posting is even black
how do you know she isn’t black?
>I could larp as black and even say worse slurs
why larp as anything on an anonymous ib? who even cares?

No. 2004512

>boohoo let the American use whatever degrading slurs they want!!
>you must be a European not to understand this!!
>why larp as anything on an anonymous ib? who even cares?
Because they can,you're so close to understanding it's embarrassing kek how do you know I'm not black? Hmm? That's the point besides even euro racebait isn't allowed you retard

No. 2004520

i’m black and i don’t think nigga is racebaiting in that context, that’s just a cringe yt person quoting a cringier meme

No. 2004521

>how do you know I'm not black? Hmm?
I truly could not give less of a fuck what your race is
>euro racebait isn't allowed you retard
wait, are you saying “eurodivergent” is a racial slur now too? kek. your ESL is showing, btw. seems like I hit the nail on the head

No. 2004523

they gotta free my nigga nonny though

No. 2004525

File: 1715805104952.webm (686.13 KB, 1280x720, N.webm)

No. 2004528

>I truly could not give less of a fuck what your race is
>"wait, are you saying “eurodivergent” is a racial slur now too?"
>only stated that all kinds of racebait isn't allowed
Kekkkkk reading comprehension is not a skill the americans can ever have.(infighting)

No. 2004536

wtf is happening in this thread?? Now I'm starting to see that it wasn't the bans that were retarded…

No. 2004546

please get a better grasp on the english language before you try to accuse someone of lacking reading comprehension in their native language, esl-chan
>I truly could not give less of a fuck what your race is
yes, ma’am. like I said, I don’t care
>"wait, are you saying “eurodivergent” is a racial slur now too?"
>only stated that all kinds of racebait isn't allowed
I already directly quoted you, but you very specifically said “euro racebait.” did you mean to imply europeans are a race? I wouldn’t know, but that’s how your post reads lol(infighting)

No. 2004589

This song is so cute, thank you for posting this nonny kek. I just wish it didn't have those stupid electronic music drops/breakdowns or whatever they're called.

No. 2004624

File: 1715811928637.jpeg (267.1 KB, 1101x559, IMG_9192.jpeg)

Not my ban but this was in the Art Commentary Cows thread and I’ve been playing this guessing game to what the ban could’ve been. Can’t be the not saging on its own, can’t be the all caps as it’s a joke, this isn’t necessarily reddit spacing either so I’m at a loss personally >>>/snow/1994241

No. 2004634

they do

No. 2004761

File: 1715822270713.png (36.96 KB, 873x264, 1715800415628.png)

You can't kill someone with pimple pus lmao, how is this a-logging?

No. 2006760

File: 1715973136394.jpeg (455.12 KB, 1960x2481, IMG_9243.jpeg)

What’s with the crackdown on double postings lately? These are from the Ridiculous Photoshoppers >>>/snow/1995182 and Aggy StwabwewyMilk threads respectively >>>/snow/1995166

No. 2006782

As long as they’re not enforcing this rule on /ot/, I don’t care too much if it’s enforced on cow boards, though I agree it’s pretty anal

No. 2006807

I laughed so hard I tinkled

No. 2006819

>As long as they’re not enforcing this rule on /ot/
they are >>1974631. there's another one too but i forgot which thread

No. 2007416

lmao i posted this. feels weird to see some autistic anon accusing multiple bans of being from one person, and another anon defending me

i don't see why this was banned for racebait if that reply about the psyduck as the threadpic for the vent thread is fine (neither should be)

anyways the most recent redtext in the pixielocks thread for "autism" was completely unwarranted, and didn't even say anything new really. just condensed old info into one post.

No. 2010259

No. 2019326

File: 1716623542577.png (34.41 KB, 1796x153, IMG_433.png)

She did nothing wrong. I miss when alogging men was allowed (sometimes I even see bans for wishing death on pedos)

No. 2019823

>one person saying some pos scrote should have been abused more
this is alogging apparently
>multiple death threats to a poster in the unpopular opinions thread
but the mods loved this one

No. 2019831

right kekk and then the "derailing" on two random replies in the same thread was the icing on the cake

No. 2022944

File: 1716828407382.png (455.38 KB, 720x1239, IMG_20240527_103738.png)

1.I already knew that, I never liked k-pop and I already knew this.
2.None of the celebs posted in that picture are Korean. I'm only talking about k-pop in relation to western media, aka, western pop stars is the main subject here. The comment wasn't about k-pop but how much better western celebs feel in comparison.
3.I've never seen someone getting banned for expressing a minimal opinion, and a negative one at that, towards K-pop. Like I wasn't even sperging or posting idols, I didn't post the music or mention anything about it in particular, it was simply a passing by comment about western pop being better. I've seen people say "I hate K-pop" just fine on this website and everything is fine and dandy.
4.Overmoderation isn't good. It creates a boring website.

No. 2022947

Yeah I don't get why you were banned. Talking critically about kpop is not banned on this site, I see anons talking about it all the time. Only the kpop general and k-pop avatar fagging was banned.

No. 2022961

All discussion of kpop is banned

No. 2022965

That’s fucking retarded

No. 2022972

Don't get mad because your kpop bait post was redtexted just in the future avoid baiting about kpop

No. 2022975

I really wasn't baiting though, but w/e.

No. 2023641

File: 1716862813387.jpeg (305.22 KB, 1242x584, IMG_4004.jpeg)

Do these retards even read the posts before they ban them

No. 2025649

File: 1716950578871.png (13.56 KB, 683x233, dumb.PNG)

No. 2025676

File: 1716951625400.jpeg (381.96 KB, 615x743, IMG_0972.jpeg)

How is this dumbass shit posting? It’s the confession thread.

No. 2025709

File: 1716952846063.jpeg (66.5 KB, 524x194, IMG_0974.jpeg)

I didn’t know it was personalityfagging to be the one of a billionth random black person in the world. You jannies need to go to rehab for your crack addiction with these nonsensical bans

No. 2025724

Your post was too retarded for the farmhands I guess. Kek

No. 2025728

Cuz it's a shitpost. You've complained about this in /meta/ already it's not a retarded ban it's a retarded post.

No. 2025730

ntayrt but it reads like a confession to me, what makes it different from any other weird confession?

No. 2025733

If you can't tell that's a shitpost idk what to tell you. Good luck out there in the world I guess

No. 2025738

why do shitposting on an imageboard forbidden now??? what the actual fuck is going on kek

No. 2025798

Idk why anons are giving you shit. This is literally such a retarded ban. No more fun allowed on lolcor

No. 2025803

See, there's so much unironic cringe here why bother

No. 2025806

Mad you can't chatpost where it doesn't belong? Be more active on Twitter I guess because that's what a few of you are supplementing

No. 2025809

This entire site is chatting

No. 2025813

I got a bs ban from the confession thread a few months ago for "bait" cuz I guess they didn't believe my confession and now you can't even be goofy and real. Confession thread is the most highly moderated thread on this site

No. 2025821

This entire site was not made for you to rapidfire shitpost 24/7, adding no genuine discussion but desperate attempts to be screencapped. Mods are constantly deleting child porn, regular porn, gore, thousands of posts made by a creepy schizophrenic man and other creepy incels, and on top of that a majority of the posters are newer than the new mods even and cry all fucking day about not being able to use a public anonymous imageboard as their finsta. They aren't even paid to ban your shitty posts.

No. 2025826

>you can't even be goofy and real
Oh is that how you see yourself.. kek

No. 2025833

ESL? In that sentence it's clear that was referring to the anon I was replying to

No. 2025839

That post isn't mine, retard. You're shitting up threads right now with your inane ranting to a made-up boogeyman.

No. 2025840

I love how you deleted and added more
Oh, you newfags are nobody's boogeyman. You're just unfunny simple as

No. 2025846

Good. Love more of me sweetcheeks. I'll be here all night. The more you stare at my posts, the more I get turned on.

No. 2025865

You post like you are a 45 year old man in programmersocks

No. 2025867

Man are you the same person that told me I was only posting to be screencapped in Unpopular Opinions? Then you confused me with another person. I can shitpost and genuinely discuss at the same time you absolute minimod, that’s what I’ve been doing.

No. 2025881

And what are you going to do about it eh? You post like you're my annoying 45 year old wife.(infighting)

No. 2026213

File: 1716990218294.jpeg (201.94 KB, 1061x441, IMG_5555.jpeg)

They hated her because she was right

No. 2026227

How is that even blackpill, it's an opinion…

No. 2027689

a farmhand, or I should say farm throat, likes giving head obviously

No. 2027842

You must not have been around for the blowjob blackpill sperg's countless rants if you aren't able to identify her posts. But what do you expect from newfags that think "farm throat" is an appropriate insult and not just misogynistic trash.

No. 2027968

File: 1717098580728.jpeg (457.07 KB, 589x1045, IMG_1016.jpeg)

>defending men gets you banned
>hating men gets you slapped with the scary blackpill 2X redtext

Man what the fuck do these jannies even want from us? I can’t win for shit

No. 2027970

samefag not the anon who posted that, just venting about the bans amping up lately(doubleposting, integrate, read the rules)

No. 2027972

I’m stealing farm throat kek, that’s a good one

No. 2027976

letting yourself eat dick is misogynistic

No. 2027980

The one rule in that thread is not to defend men

No. 2027984

kinda deserved but that pic is hot

No. 2028000

if you actually read the OP post/rules for the threads you would stop being confused. lurk more.

No. 2028106

That anon types for like ten paragraphs, not everyone who dislikes giving head is her

No. 2029885

File: 1717206880825.jpeg (120 KB, 1170x316, IMG_2459.jpeg)

shit posting

No. 2029905

Retarded mods telling them to integrate when they’ve probably been using the website for a long time. I’m tired of these paint chip munchers being chosen as farmhands

No. 2029908

It means they're using the thread like its dumbass shit, not shitposting

No. 2029909

I've gotten two "intigrate" bans the past week for two very unrelated posts that were like a sentence long and I just appealed with "I've been on here longer than you heehee". Idc it's a small nuisance.

No. 2029913

File: 1717208245445.jpeg (361.7 KB, 966x938, IMG_2460.jpeg)

is it though

No. 2029916

It's the get it off your chest thread. The bans are correct. They are using the GIOYC thread like its the dumbass shit thread. I think you're the one with the comprehension issue here.

No. 2029924


No. 2029926

I’ve also been critical of the recent bans on /ot/, but this kind of posting could have gone in mundane shit and hopefully wouldn’t have gotten banned. It doesn’t make sense for these to have been posted in the GIOYC thread IMO

No. 2029928

go back to hexbear

No. 2029931

ntayrt i miss dumbass shit so bad and avoidable infights like this that can be prevented by just taking it off autosage have LC's morale in the gutter

No. 2029934

Don’t know what the fuck that is, maybe you should go back there kek

No. 2029935

Agreed. I’m tired of these repetitive infights and the resulting overmodding, even though that anon is acting like a newfag

No. 2029956

You're legit retarded, go seek validation for your button mashing on /tttt/ or something

No. 2029957

File: 1717211692722.jpg (194.95 KB, 720x1235, 1000003786.jpg)

No. 2029959

If that's meant to be sarcasm, it doesn't fully come across. It could easily be interpreted as twitter tourism.

No. 2029963

I was going to say “hot” until I realized that’s spunkbob. Oh hell nah

No. 2029969

Yes it does. It absolutely comes across. It's literally a meme used to make fun of the Jimmy fallon babygirl post. Fuck off kek

No. 2029975

I mean, if you see who the picture is, then you'd have to know it's a joke. Well, hopefully…

No. 2030224

janny probably got horny from it

No. 2030269

You're still seething over a ban from February? Damn that makes me feel weird. It's unnerving to share this website with people like you.

No. 2032119

File: 1717345610430.png (220.53 KB, 528x767, Screenshot 2024-06-02 092625.p…)

>calls people who think blonde men are feminine "terminally porn sick, fat, ugly blob"
>reports me for lightly poking fun at them
>proceeds to become racist toward me
it's not my fault that the blonde moid pickme is so insane and easy to trigger

No. 2032120

blonde men are cute

No. 2032124

I see nothing objectively incorrect about the message of those images.

No. 2032150

that's not it, it's the fact that there's this weird gay guy who constantly posts about how blonde/redheaded men. I am convinced that most of the time he's replying to himself, no one is autistic about hair color as males tend to be.

No. 2032158

i'm the one who made fun of them, i remember some blonde moid discourse on /g/ i think and i saw this person posting about it in an entirely unrelated thread on /m/ so of course i had to reply. they're obsessed lol

No. 2032188

this faggot flips out whenever someone says blonde guys are not as attractive as dark haired guys and starts calling other people scrotes whenever that happens

No. 2032239

now i'm just imagining he's a blonde guy who gets rejected on grindr because the gays he wants to fuck say "no fems" or something

No. 2032250

definitely a blonde scrote getting triggered

No. 2033121

I don't understand how /ot/ posts can be banned for derailing- even if it is a derail, they're not distracting from any cows.

No. 2033189

>weird gay guy
It's actually a weird annoying girl with autism

No. 2033435

File: 1717409299383.png (33.2 KB, 1766x123, IMG-9876.png)

Somebody thought this was a hornypost? Pretty sure the curling iron up the ass was meant to be a threat, I hope.

No. 2033440

That janny apparently took that as a hornypost is disturbing

No. 2033566

nah it's the joost nonas seething again

No. 2033613

File: 1717418366909.jpg (Spoiler Image,652.67 KB, 2396x2622, image.jpg)

Hm. I can only assume the mods checked the post history of the person spamming rape fantasies and detailed posts about eating their own fluids and found more weird degenerate posts they made. strongly suspect everything in my screenshot is the same poster but it could be multiple freaks I guess

No. 2034647

That might have been the same person who once scrotefoiled me for saying that eating your own discharge is weird.

No. 2034650

nah the one posting borderline cp at the bottom was 100% pakichan

No. 2034674

ok but the raping a redditor post is fucking hilarious. I vote that we should let lolcor be a sanctuary for the truly deranged woman poasters in this horribly controlling society.

No. 2034676

Shut the fuck up newfag.
You want to be a neckbeard so bad

No. 2034704

it has always been, newfags like to pretend it isnt but gossip has always been an unhinged woman hobby.

No. 2034705

Rape fantasies and obnoxious scrote copying violent nonsense isn't "gossip" retard

No. 2034714

>rape fantasies
Are you on the spectrum or just so joyless you can't identify an obvious joke?

No. 2034717

so, harassing and borderline stalking autistic women like pixy is ok and normal but writing obvious joke about fictional non existent moids is too unhinged for you? i think the average shaynafag is way more creepy and autistic that the edgiest /ot/ poster

No. 2034722

Men don't identify them as jokes. Summerfags don't identify them as jokes. Creepy autists with degenerate fetishes don't identify them as jokes. If that's what brings you joy, you are genuinely a loser.

No. 2034728

File: 1717474760449.jpg (33.29 KB, 632x615, Fu-YBFjagAAvPyE.jpg)

>you're saying I can't post about RAPE and TEENIES when these other posters are archiving SCREENSHOTS of people's PUBLIC SOCIAL MEDIA?!

No. 2034737

i think you just hate women if you think making edgy jokes about hypothetical men is worse than having 100+ threads calling women fat over and over

No. 2034741

You got pregnant after kidnapping a fat redditor, didn't you?

No. 2034745

>I just think you hate women
I think you're in your edgy phase and are too naive and lonely to think for even a second of the implications of what you do or say and how it attracts a specific type of person to this board. There's a reason it's always been banned. You aren't starting a revolution you fucking loser omg.

No. 2034746

Woah le epic based poast tuna

No. 2034751

we get it you love to bully women and want this site to go back to being only about bullying fat women

No. 2034756

Thanks! You can feel free to share it with all your friends

No. 2034758

File: 1717475207559.gif (4.02 MB, 220x140, angry-angry-white-woman.gif)

>you're all autistic and misogynistic for thinking my tryhard jokes aren't funny and do absolutely nothing except make this board a barren wasteland of spectrum-induced mouth vomit and samefagging

No. 2034761

Wow you really are just retarded. I love how you outed yourself as some short attention spanned zoomer transplant going ham with your newfound anonymity because the reaching here is astronomical

No. 2034765

mods need to start banning people that have never set foot outside of social media before. These newfags wouldnt last a day in old /cgl/.

No. 2034772

i am sorry anons posts are ruining le hecking wholesome vibe of the gossip imageboard made after bullying fat retards on /cgl/ got banned by moot for being too autistic and mean.

No. 2034781

>the implications of what you do or say and how it attracts a specific type of person to this board.
I'm not part of this fight, but I kind of agree with this part. once I started seeing that post in /g/ where someone was asking where to find 'adolescent' russian moids, that other post with some anon fantasizing about men fucking an anorexic girl's corpse, and that zoophilia post in the tmi thread I knew something felt off lately. Maybe it's just a coincidence and has no correlation but the timing of all this shit happening within a day is weird.

No. 2034783

Some of you are clearly new and missed the days of shaynafags posting their pancake tits to prove they were women after they started infighting about eating ass. If anything anons have mellowed out. Its been almost a year since any retard posted their nudes.

No. 2034784

old cgl was bullying but it wasn't weird sexual degen sperging 24/7. The /g/tards are so pathetic and can't handle being told so.

No. 2034785

Oh you are definitely new because those photos were AI and it was a male raid you fucking retard. That's how knew you are.

No. 2034786

that shit was way before AI, newfag.

No. 2034789

Bl**ne was posting male cp screenshots of discord servers he was in where they posted underage boys on swimteams etc and requested more of them. His posts got deleted but he kept putting them in the Hollywood csa thread. Wanting to sound like pedophilic males and think you aren't attracting them is so naive, it's too much.

No. 2034792

No it wasn't KEK, maybe when it wasnt available to you. the sign on one was even photoshopped terribly and it was such obvious exaggerated maleposting. Those weren't "anons", but you're desperate to believe it so. So naive.

No. 2034794

I remember that, that's still not on the same level as admitting to (or pretending to) doing something illegal.

No. 2034797

you are coping hard at this point. Shaynatard are insanely unhinged and way worse than the worst edgefag. Men dont care about shayna, only other autistic ewhores care about her to be this obssesed.
you cant even rape men kek you are so concerne don behalf of men that have never been at risk because the average scrote can sucker punch and break any woman's neck with ease

No. 2034800

if you like men who are adults you arent a pedophile. Considering you named him i am starting to believe you are self posting.

No. 2034807

I'm not talking about the reddit post, I'm talking about the ones that were redtexted for breaking the global rules.

No. 2034810

>where someone was asking where to find 'adolescent' russian moids
Where did that happen?

No. 2034812

No. 2034814

the cat one? how is that trying to sound like a moid? also how is that one comparable to obvious jokes.

No. 2034818

Nevermind found it

No. 2034820

what a retarded ban, she never said she wanted to talk to minors. 18-19yos are full grown adults and for all we know anon could be 18-25 herself.

No. 2034837

Maybe she shouldn't have sperged out about specifically wanting to be 22 years older than them, then?

No. 2034839

God you wish. If that were the case, I'd be defending you and pretending the fake nudes shayna raid was real womminz(infighting)

No. 2034847

where did she say that in her post?
i remember back when the shayna shit happened and no one brought up ai because it was still too bad to even be considered. You want this site to be hecking wholesome so badly but it has always been a site for autistic unhinged women, you are the one that doesnt belong and needs to go back.(infighting)

No. 2034898

File: 1717479371989.jpg (23.24 KB, 640x332, 642708708.jpg)

>retards posting their nudes are worse than making a cat lick your vag

No. 2034906

No. 2034917

all of this infighting and nitpicking sperging goes to show that maybe a lot of the retarded bans arent that retarded after all. Shut the fuck up you autistic retards.

No. 2035047

i think the main point the other anon was making is that too much /g/ tier freaky shit spread in multiple threads ends up attracting even more de/g/enerates and encourages more people to post like that. it's not about morals but being annoying/cringe.
yeah i actually feel bad for the farmhands for once kek

No. 2036965

Complain about censorship of cowballs HERE, not the caps thread.

No. 2036968

Stop acting like a moderator and mind your business you annoying faggot(infighting)

No. 2036969

they should take it to meta.

No. 2036974

just finished up with classes, eh?

No. 2036977

And then what? Taking it to meta does nothing, maybe just make the stupid autists jannies laugh at you for being stupid in their tranny filled discord channels. Take your retarded ass to meta.

No. 2037021

Not a summerfag or minor, been here probably way longer than your stupid ass who just hopped off of reddit nitpicking every little thing an anon posts(infight bait)

No. 2037025

how the fuck is this "infighting" lmaooooo

No. 2037028

that anon is having a melty and dragging infights across multiple threads and ban-evading. yes, that annoying ass behavior should get redtexted.

No. 2037031

you mean this thread and the thread she was referred to this thread from? what the fuck is this kgb style justification

No. 2037035

cry about it lol

No. 2037236

File: 1717617299553.gif (1.53 MB, 480x252, 1000017124.gif)

You alogged the mods? damn

No. 2037263

Kek wtf

No. 2038883

File: 1717709389015.jpeg (280.58 KB, 1290x2167, IMG_5595.jpeg)

not wanting to fuck some faggot is infight bait ig(ban evading retard)

No. 2038885

posting a screencap of one anons opinion from another thread to dunk on her is just dragging an infight across threads and it seems petty and childish. deserved ban. if a post affects you so much that you need to screencap it and post it in another thread to argue about it, it's time for you to take a break from the website.

No. 2038887

found the faghag

No. 2038888

You deserved this ban. I don't want to have sex with him either, but this is bait.

No. 2038891

>gets banned for infighting bait
>tries to infight again
so predictable kek

No. 2038936

you are ban evading to complain about women not wanting to fuck post wall men, pathetic

No. 2038938

kek this whole thread is pathetic to be fair.

No. 2039258

File: 1717732630401.jpeg (270.97 KB, 1069x550, IMG_4046.jpeg)


No. 2039277

everyone who posts a cap of there own ban is cringe, but this redtext is cringe too

No. 2039294

Got a very stupid ban but not posting it here. Mods are absolutely newfags is all I can say

No. 2039299

This poster that you posted has been banned 6 times in that thread for not integrating by not pressing space after entering. Their posts stick out like a sore thumb. I think the farmhand got tired and gave them clearer instructions.

No. 2039340

I would say that's reddit but even reddit isn't even this autistic so congrats.

No. 2039355

Oh wow, okay.

No. 2041427

File: 1717880484547.jpeg (76.16 KB, 609x223, IMG_1185.jpeg)

>no fun!!!!!

No. 2041428

File: 1717880522790.jpeg (93.32 KB, 600x261, IMG_1186.jpeg)

farmhands hate big asses on men. respect the preference

No. 2041429

>Shitposts are FUN!!!

No. 2041439

why is shitposting not fun

No. 2041448

There, there's the dumbass shit thread. Now you can go shitpost in peace in that thread instead of shitting up all the other threads on this board to get attention.

No. 2041466

It's a thread for your favorite lyrics. Theres literally already a thread for the stupid songs you attention whores make up. Are you really all juveniles now? Omg

No. 2045059

File: 1718111056121.jpg (133.66 KB, 924x421, time for revolt is now.jpg)

Nonnies must revolt

No. 2045062

go to 4chan or soyjak party if you want to post this shit, fuck off

No. 2045063

kek where was this posted?

No. 2045065

Go back

No. 2045067

Fetishes you're ashamed of
This is what men exist for. There's no reason we can't all enjoy their suffering together. Walk with us.

No. 2045074

File: 1718112394744.png (956.83 KB, 806x773, Screenshots_2024-03-19-14-13-4…)

literally in the rules don’t upload nsfw shit unless it’s related to milk? are you new?

No. 2045076

The rule is retarded, nona. Let's walk forward into a better lolcow.

No. 2045086

why are you even engaging with this troll? stop feeding them attention, they know the torture videos aren't welcome that's why they posted them. they posted three of them because they thought they could get away with more shit in the fetish thread but they couldn't even bother to integrate enough to pass as a genuine post, they had to spam.

No. 2045095

>they posted three of them
i didnt know this, thanks for letting me know nona!

No. 2045097

I’m sorry I fell for it

No. 2053057

File: 1718652603207.png (98.97 KB, 720x859, IMG_20240617_131628.png)

I'm sorry but this is the most retarded ban I've caught so far and I've been getting some very funny ones recently. I've posted reactions like these on the Jillian thread multiple times since 2017-2018 and I've never, ever gotten a ban for that. Not all of my post is in caps either, I'm not writing like a boomer, my tone is obviously one of mockery. Over moderation is so real.

No. 2053082

They get so autistic over caps

No. 2053168

File: 1718658155731.jpeg (378.13 KB, 613x827, IMG_1294.jpeg)

Proof mods are moids/trannies

No. 2053170

no, the rule of the thread is to not reply to other people

No. 2053175

It's actually despicable how many of you don't know how to read thread OPs.

No. 2053185

Newfags stop embarrassing yourselves and learn2read

No. 2053221

MUH RULES I FOLLOW DA RULES!!!!! Chill the duck out it’s just an imageboard

No. 2053222

Posts that belong in the cringe you lose thread

No. 2053406

File: 1718671142038.png (35.6 KB, 388x245, integrate.png)

>Use all-caps even though it's against the rules.
>Just to post a basic non-contribution type comment.
>While phrasing the comment like a Tweet.
>Just to get redtexted
>Ban evade to reee more at the farmhands in the same thread, then post ban itt to "own" the farmhands even more.
Why are you people so dense kek. If you don't want to get banned for non-integration… then integrate. Nobody else is posting in all caps. Why do you feel you should get a free pass at breaking rules? You're not different or special. Even if you were breaking the rules in a "mocking" way, it's still just breaking the rules kek. It's a one day ban it's not that serious I don't get why you all seethe like this. It's like that saying if you don't wanna do the time, then don't do the crime.

No. 2053419


No. 2053424

File: 1718671501282.jpg (57.87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1355071017.jpg)

We get it, you crave validation.

No. 2053503

Why don't you two just bookmark the dumbass shit thread and sperg out about this stuff there?

No. 2053611

You're in the thread for talking about bans that you feel are dumb. Nta.

No. 2060614

File: 1719107850641.jpeg (210.97 KB, 1218x577, IMG_4168.jpeg)

No. 2060646

Newfag farmhand strikes again

No. 2060649

It keeps happening kek, good thing is they do apologize for this one privately

No. 2066130

File: 1719445930563.png (1.42 MB, 1170x1311, You look really dumb right now…)

What the heck mods

No. 2066141

The irony of that file name is lost on you

No. 2066158

File: 1719446738933.png (302.07 KB, 1170x667, everyone is so mean to me.png)

Which one mine or the monkey file name? Also I think the mods are forgetting what the bechdel test thread is

No. 2066165

No. 2066169

It must be fun having the brand of autism that makes you overanalyze everything like a bored detective

No. 2066173

No. 2066231


No. 2066801

File: 1719467797100.jpg (160.93 KB, 720x1271, 1000003978.jpg)

The most unserious exchange of all time btw

No. 2066975

Okay usually I just come to this thread to hate on the anons here but I was the one you're replying to in that post and I also thought we were just having fun and your post actually made me laugh for like 5 minutes, I don't think anyone should have reported you and I'm sorry that you got banned.

No. 2070513

Oh and you're still not gonna actually do it right? I thought we were friends

No. 2077264

File: 1720076925542.png (9.86 KB, 1197x115, fjdkslafja.png)

I'm literally saying the surgery looks well done and that the surgeon did well, where's the anti-surgery sentiment you tard janitor.

No. 2080708

i was thinking about posting that in this thread too, i thought that series of bans was ridiculous

No. 2112321

File: 1722370692762.png (16.28 KB, 787x173, screen cap frfr.PNG)

No. 2117018

File: 1722608402053.jpg (181.24 KB, 882x1064, Screenshot_20240802_171404_Chr…)

non-integrated is when funny meta joke apparently

No. 2117025

They keep doing that on any post that has all caps, annoying.

No. 2117523

File: 1722630290544.png (64.7 KB, 1389x326, Screen Shot 2024-08-02 at 4.23…)

Check out /info/ for more information regarding posting to LC. Picrel is from the /info/ page regarding posts with all-caps.

No. 2132908

File: 1723491990133.png (13.39 KB, 1867x153, noQnth1.png)

It's not "self-censoring" in picrel if she's quoting other people.

The all caps in >>2117018 isn't being done in an attempt to "stand out from other anonymous users." It is being used to express that a sports announcer is excitedly providing commentary seen in the joke.

No. 2133731

File: 1723537992766.jpg (134.63 KB, 720x1092, 1000004396.jpg)

I just copped a self censoring ban but I thought it was obvious it was satirical. I've never seen anyone use this before. Bans are nothing to me tho I'm not upset its just… really indicative of the priorities here.

No. 2133740

Nah you deserve that if you genuinely think that terminology came from 4chan. You should atleast put it in quotes to make it obvious it was a "joke"

No. 2133743

Where did pr0n come from then, oh historian? I would love to hear your google university degree knowledge

No. 2133746

Just another sign of the mods being way too young and too autistic to get jokes/references

No. 2133749

Using numbers in words was used all over the Internet not just "4chan" you normie plus you didn't write it even that way faggot

No. 2133759

…..omg you're a newfag. Kek.

No. 2133762

maybe don't type like a retard? even if you aren't self-censoring because you're a twitterfag you still deserve a ban for being a retard. tranny jannies need to add "don't be retarded" to the rules

No. 2133766

You are the "trannjanny"

No. 2133770

yeah bc everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny obviously. go back to 4chan and type like a retard there

No. 2133788

I love watching you guys try so hard to take your superiority complexes on other people here when you have no idea what you're talking about 70% of the time.

No. 2133802

you're the one acting like a wizened old historian scoffing at kids when you're probably 19 and get all your information from know your meme

No. 2133804

Doesn't matter if you're being sarcastic or not, cutesy self censorship is a plague on the internet

No. 2133805

You're incredibly wrong to the point of it being schizo. Still laughing.

No. 2134363

Why are some words in your appeal underlined kek I don't get it

No. 2150936

File: 1724452717647.jpeg (128.64 KB, 750x1026, AE43CC91-D417-42ED-9F93-10E72B…)

thanks for banning me because I responded to your crypto farmhand-off-the-clock post, i bet you have an amazing life people would envy. dumbest ban imaginable

No. 2150973

Banning for tripleposting is normal. You sound annoying.

No. 2151050

it was a joke you fucking retard, are you one of those no fun allowed posters?

No. 2151124

Proving the point that you are annoying

No. 2167846

The farmhand redtexting the anon for saying Jill isn't skinny in her old swimsuit picture is completely delusional because she's not skinny. She's nowhere near landwhale size but she's pretty clearly around BMI 24-25, how is that skinny

No. 2169394

File: 1726660769127.jpg (102.8 KB, 1080x419, Screenshot_20240918-120711.jpg)

Are the mods autistic? I was clearly joking.

No. 2175297

File: 1727024245410.jpeg (871.53 KB, 1170x1927, IMG_6062.jpeg)

Farmhand embarrassed

No. 2175300

KEK your post was too funny for the farmhand

No. 2183720

File: 1727495556503.png (6.61 KB, 396x110, lol.png)

they hated her because she told the truth

No. 2184026

Need me to protect autistic lesbians from failed normie bitches on this site

No. 2184034

Normies dogging on autists on an IMAGEBOARD need to go back to their snark reddits

No. 2184260

File: 1727531249846.png (27.33 KB, 1553x522, Screenshot_249.png)

i'm still thinking about this one. nevermind that there was an actual derail right above these posts that didn't seem to get banned, what about comic discussion in a bl thread is bannable? i swear the farmhands weren't this stupid a year ago. and i assume most of the userbase agrees as this thread exists now kek

No. 2190194

File: 1727825985080.png (12.71 KB, 411x123, 1000017238.png)

I know why the alogging rule exists but there should be exceptions for trannies and men

No. 2190251

Glowies watch this site apparently, they don't want anybody to think this is some kind of hate group or something.

No. 2190258

No. 2190278

i bet the janny was so proud of this retarded redtext kekkkk

No. 2190281

you just know she thought it was hilarious

No. 2190285

she wanted to be put in the funny posts thread

No. 2190289

File: 1727831524395.jpeg (22.14 KB, 270x380, e9751cc10d03d66cfe4743a12fa0c8…)


No. 2190437

The way the jannies try to insert snark in their redtexts is so cringe. Gives me the same kind of second hand embarrassment when I'm watching a movie and you can just tell the screenplay writer is trying to be a smartass when he hamfists some quippy dialogue between the characters.

No. 2190688

L. this isn't even bad… especially toward a teanny. i've seen far worse on this site go unbanned.

No. 2190693

File: 1727873912811.jpg (157.74 KB, 1080x582, Screenshot_2024-10-02-14-33-16…)

Is this a ban? I can't tell

No. 2190695

No. I think that the anon just mentioned it might sound like armchairing

No. 2190696


No. 2190705

Hey, at least the newfag was aware and tried to redtext herself

No. 2190706

File: 1727874806405.jpg (166.94 KB, 1080x620, Screenshot_2024-10-02-15-12-49…)

Now it's a ban!
Idk why I find this funny

No. 2190707

kek it is funny

No. 2190710

why did you get them banned kekk

No. 2190713

She would get banned for not saging anyway

No. 2194383

File: 1728131960003.png (487.88 KB, 1080x1564, IMG_20241005_153602.png)

I don't get it. They deleted again(ban evading retard)

No. 2194387

What don't you get?

No. 2194400

Lol, farmhands just get such bugs up their asses.
>stop racebaiting!
>rightfully points out that gypsy isn't a race
>uh uh uh stop derailing!

No. 2194476

File: 1728139685675.png (50.59 KB, 835x319, img-2024-10-05-15-46-23.png)

In Europe when people say "gypsy" they mean Romani which is a distinct ethnic group (and honestly they should all be gassed but that's beside the point), the janny is probably European. Even "gypsy" on Wikipedia redirects to them. So it is a race. Here in the UK you can put it down as your race on official paperwork.(racebait/derailing)

No. 2197254

File: 1728312278031.png (533.78 KB, 2000x1269, Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 15.39…)

>make obvious hyperbolic joke about how asians do the opposite of everything health freaks suggest and still look youthful
>mod seethes for no reason, cant detect sarcasm, accuses me of having an asian fetish
and im literally an asian woman myself kek.(ban evasion)

No. 2197266

is this lolcow’s most incompetent assmad bunch of moderators yet

No. 2197282

>sunscreens give you cancer and makes you age faster
Noone says that, you clearly wanted to humble brag

No. 2197292

it’s probably one of those jealous white women, ignore them and just wait for the ban to finish

No. 2197417

>jealous white women
Go back to /r9k/.

No. 2197426

NTA but context matters, this was posted in the raw meat holistics thread and THEY were the ones sperging about "chemical sunscreens", nona was just quoting and making fun of them.

No. 2202596

File: 1728634403166.jpg (334.23 KB, 1121x1102, 2024.jpg)

mods mad the year is 2024…(ban evasion)

No. 2202625

File: 1728635638354.png (159.75 KB, 1080x1066, IMG_20241011_113003.png)

No. 2207084

File: 1728930245166.jpeg (146.73 KB, 1170x449, IMG_5255.jpeg)

I hate when the jannies give out bans based on their mood or whether they find something funny or not. With infights they always just ban whoever they disagree with

No. 2213172

File: 1729300562051.jpeg (181.84 KB, 1290x680, IMG_6181.jpeg)

how did mods know his name…

No. 2213173

LMAO. farmhands ffxivfags confirmed

No. 2213182

What exactly is the bait here? I haven't read the unpopular opinion threads in like a year, does it make sense in context?

No. 2213183

jesus christ 12 hours that must have been some very retarded shitposts

No. 2213241

Maybe they thought she was hardcore religious taking the bible literally type?
The world is billions of years old and even human history is longer then 2000 years.
It was probably just a retard/brain fart moment though.

No. 2213315

This is (probably) oldschool bait/trolling. Saying something obviously wrong in a serious enough manner to farm replies, with the "joke" being that anybody replying is dumb for thinking the OP was serious.

No. 2223496

File: 1729882460038.jpg (554.17 KB, 1080x1792, Screenshot_20241025_205220_Sam…)

what the fuck is happening here? literally banning people for no reason while they post innocently? admin needs to fire this sperg janitor asap

No. 2223503

Shut the fuck up and stop shitting /ot

No. 2223505

they are enforcing the rules that anons have set on that thread, read the OP newfag

No. 2223509

Read the fucking rules newfag, holy fucking shit.

No. 2223511

This is one of the only times I'll side with the mods.

No. 2223515

kekkkk what a retard you are

No. 2227648

File: 1730120811846.png (5.42 KB, 743x144, ot.png)

how does this warrant a "rattle rattle" redtext when that anon is literally right about not having to be an anachan to know the difference between fat and healthy

No. 2227661

It was part of larger infight between fatties and anachans.

No. 2227697

Yeah, there's one mod who trolls /ot/ who only bans based on her feelings. Shame, because otherwise I think the mods do an okay job of keeping this board from becoming a dumpster fire.

No. 2227709

Thats all mods. The site barely works, sucks ass now, the bans are all over the place and trigger happy to overcompensate for real concerns being ignored for hours at a time, etc

No. 2227834

None of that is an anachan behaviour though

No. 2227840

Mods are obese, it's well known atp. This isn't the first nor the last normal post that will get a rattle rattle because god forbid you remind these greaseballs women can be thin and beautiful without having an ED kek

No. 2227936

Old post but cope, that's not a retarded ban at all. The "Beyonce has X trapped in her basement" meme is so ancient it's redditor humor atp. It's not funny at all and pure shit posting, farmhands warned you multiple times to stop shitting up celebricows.

No. 2229208

File: 1730203177287.jpeg (206.5 KB, 1170x823, IMG_2256.jpeg)

Hilariously I’m not an anachan and was just coming to the defense of flat chested adults. None of the people calling women with smaller breasts “underage” or saying that the only ppl who find smaller boobs attractive are “pedos” were banned. Confirmed that one of the /ot/ janitors is likely a fattie. You’d think she’d have eaten that chip on her shoulder but she probably has ARFID and it’s like scary onion flavored or something.

No. 2229212

"flexing thinness"
Is janny a tumblrtard? Why are fatties like this LMAO

No. 2229214

No. 2229217

File: 1730203486417.png (6.84 KB, 926x138, bone rattling.png)

This your post? talking about how skinny they are you can their ribs uwu is very anachan tier

No. 2229218

>Is janny a tumblrtard?
Yes. Very much 2010 era so.

No. 2229219

File: 1730203555350.jpg (225.11 KB, 1080x1190, rofl.jpg)

lollllll my god
here's my ban from the other day
i think someone already posted it itt already funnily

No. 2229223

And I’m still not underweight or anachan, I’m just very flat. And still an adult.

No. 2229226

I've said it before and I'll say it again; LC is the most pro-fat/obesity imageboard I've seen. The fact we have multiple anachan threads but not one thread shitting on fat people is more than enough proof.
This isn't anachan at all, some women just have small boobs. I have small boobs and the way obese women bodyshame smaller/flat chested women is gross. A woman describing her thinness is anachan behavior, but a fatty describing how she's soooo "curvy and womanly" isn't promoting obesity? Make it make sense.

No. 2229231

>flexing thinness in an anachan way
These tranny jannies are obese and need to hop on a treadmill instead of being the most shitty moderators ever and banning people for the dumbest things possible. They were probably one of those same people posting their tits online because magically they were around to ban other people during that time but they were completely absent during that, wouldn’t be surprised if farmhands are cows themselves

No. 2229232

Tinfoil: One of the jannies is a shay pussyposter

No. 2229234

Where the hell have you saw any anons talking about their curves here or fat body positivity. You're just talking shit

No. 2229236

did you miss the part where she talks about her ribs out of nowhere?

No. 2229239

Probably the same Reddit tranny that's been character building the past couple of days.

No. 2229240

>lc is the most pro-fatty website
It never used to be that way at all kek people made fun of fatties all the time and while anachans were banned people weren’t getting banned for stating objective reality or joking around. I guess when the newfag moderators were put into place it suddenly became another “problem” that never had to be a problem. Every female website is policed and locked down while other male spaces they get to say and do whatever they want to the detriment of others including us, even Twitter doesn’t hunt people down like this just for stating the obvious. It really makes me suspicious about who’s really behind this website at this point

No. 2229243

We’re occupied by female autists and shitposters who hyperfixate on the stupidest shit, of course she’s going to talk about her ribs just like that one anon talked about her ass cheeks spreading whenever she sat on the toilet and made a picture of it to show everyone kek

No. 2229245

All over /ot/.
And? Why does it matter?
I 100% think it's newfag tumblr migrants. I haven't been on LC since its inception obviously but I don't remember this website being so heavily policed, I swear it's always fat women.

No. 2229246

I feel like some of them are really cows in disguise

No. 2229253

I was using it as imagery because yeah, my rib cage juts out more than my flat pancake boobs when I try to get a side angle. Unlike some of the tittyposters who, while having small boobs, were being told that they had boobs only pedos could like and being called underage - they still weren’t as flat as my flat boobs. Ribs can generally be seen on slim people you don’t have to be anachan to have visible ribs? Especially if you have weird weight distribution like me it all goes to my thighs and then my arms.

No. 2229256

Those titty posters were baiters anon are you retarded?

No. 2229258

I’m autistic so retard-adjacent

No. 2229259

You might be right, there were some who were posting about lolcow being down and they were the undesirables nobody wants here kek. I almost have a feeling they are also the same ones who post links of lc threads on 4chan just to attract a bunch of 4chan scrotes here, I seriously hate tumblrfags and edgy handmaidens

No. 2229303

She said her ribs go up further than her boobs, that's all. She never said "I'm soooo tin and tiny you can see my protruding ribs!!". You guys are such laughably miserable fat lards you seethe and sperg at the mere mentions of bones you forgot you have because you've become a gurgling gigantic mass of grease and run out of breath when walking.
>LC is the most pro-fat/obesity imageboard I've seen.
Absolutely, it's laughable atp because you can tell when a poster is obese by the way they dickride fatties. You can accept your body inwardly without pretending Melissa McCarthy is beautiful (she wouldn't even be beautiful if she was thin). I honestly never assumed this was a newfag issue, I always blame it on ameritards since the country is so huge they make up like %75 of all online spaces, and they're known to be statistically obese. I think a fat positivity cringe thread or something would be great to balance things out, I always kek when they act like having to pay for the extra seat they take up on a plane is peak oppression

No. 2229307

Dude, who cares?

No. 2229321

I’m hungry for some ribs seriously

No. 2229323

We bully fatties all the time here though, have you never checked a shayna thread? the ugly man psyop thread is mostly bullying fat moids.

No. 2229332

>thinks the moralfagging fatties are the same edgelord moids posting LC links to 4chan
Nonna are you retarded? those are two completely different demographics you can both dislike without tinfoiling about them being one and the same.
Even the Shayna thread has moralfagging fatsos policing people for commenting on her weight though

No. 2229367

No I’m so serious, those demographics overlap more than you think, especially the ones who dress in atrocious acubi with wolf cuts who talk about mewing and soyjaks and all that other 4chan-adjacent garbage, they also use tumblr and tiktok.

No. 2229609

>You can accept your body inwardly without pretending Melissa McCarthy is beautiful
I posted about this on another thread, but I noticed a trend in LC of tearing down beautiful or even normal looking women to shreds while uplifting fat and ugly women.
The most blatant example of this is Ritard vs Rancefag face leak, people were tearing Rancefag to shreds and using incel terminology when she looks completely average while people were praising Ritard who's ugly as fuck and even simping for her kek. I don't kno if this is a matter of personality because all personalityfags are annoying, but it's something I've noticed. With more broader examples, I've noticed pickme anons criticizing Sydney Sweeney and Zendaya for being ugly and using incel nitpicking terms when they're both beautiful women. I've also seen this phenomonon on Twitter and other social media, noticing a pattern here.

No. 2229703

File: 1730220916122.jpeg (24.79 KB, 300x225, 20EDEA76-113A-4603-A3D7-5E6190…)

I think these are two separate groups. Women who attack the looks of women (especially celebrities) who are pretty objectively conventionally attractive are almost always doing it because of some other reason.
Anons call women ugly, but what they really mean is stuff like
>she's not as pretty as similar celebrities
>she's talentless and seemingly is only valued for her looks, and I think that she is overvalued given her mediocre looks
>she acts as if she is prettier than she is, and I personally dislike that lack of self-awareness because I hate being reminded that my own self-evaluation could be delusionally positive
>I hate her for some other reason and now want to hate her for every reason
And so on.
There's also a contingent of people that simply forget that normal women don't walk around with professional lighting and Photoshop filters.

Normal women defenders typically don't speak up in any real numbers because most them recognize that haters are not honestly arguing that these women are actually ugly. Plus, whiteknighting is a more bannable offense than nitpicking.

Even you are still couching your words.
>[Rancefag] looks completely average
I think if we stepped back and tried to actually be honest, she easily qualifies as pretty. But it's probably the case that you're afraid to say that because you know you'll likely get dogpiled because there's really no reason to want to defend her other than an autistic attachment to "the truth." Beauty is indeed somewhat subjective, and people will exploit that fact in order to straight-up lie to you about who is and isn't attractive in whatever way serves them.

I think people who are not quite celebrity-pretty, as well as pretty celebrities that are willing to look like shit for roles, tend to cause the most shit-flinging.

Anyways, don't bother yourself with what seems like popular opinion based on comments.
The real popular opinion is that it's not worth commenting on.(derailing)

No. 2229717

Here's another reason
>I don't like her but i'm going to make it about her looks because i unconsciously believe a woman's worth (including mine) mainly resides in her looks
Yeah i've noticed that too. It's banal jealousy(derailing)

No. 2229841

That's not a belifs, it's truth(derailing)

No. 2230500

File: 1730260869929.png (1.5 MB, 1079x1367, 1000023290.png)

I wonder if this is her again.

No. 2233152

File: 1730382439681.png (206.58 KB, 1036x817, lol.png)

I didn't know all boards needed milk. Must have triggered some tranny jannies.

No. 2233161

The fuck?

No. 2233163

>I didn't know all boards needed milk.

No. 2233166

Begging you new fag retards to read your god damn bans and learn to sage you losers shit up this site so horribly fuck off

No. 2233167

this is a known rule on the mtf thread though? can you not read the literal redtext on the thread op

No. 2233325

It took me literally one ban to start saging, plus it makes the threads easier to read for everyone else, idk why the rest of these retards think they’re above that.

No. 2234678

File: 1730477915228.png (7.93 KB, 422x152, Screenshot 2024-11-01 121458.p…)

Whoever banned me you're weird for this. I replied to someone wishing for women to be raped if they vote for Trump. Unhinged.

No. 2234687

absolutely insane mods need to get a grip

No. 2248010

File: 1730974963139.jpg (269.27 KB, 1080x753, Screenshot_20241107_112121_Sam…)

i just thought it was funny

No. 2248365

File: 1730989122061.jpg (546.51 KB, 1054x1960, ef8c9030-6712-4002-8c94-b385a0…)

Stuff like this makes me believe the tranny jannies tinfoil

No. 2248406

Tbf, I'm an old fag who barely visits the past 2-3 years and got the same ban recently and was super confused. I had to go through the catalog to verify it didn't have those rules before.

No. 2248411

Also, kinda gay I now have to thoroughly read the OP of a thread every time I revisit this place just to make sure I don't violate some niche rule that suddenly cropped up.

No. 2248414

It's annoying but necessary. They had to enforce a lot of new rules because of increased trolling. This site was never the same after creepshowgate

No. 2248415

Some of the anons replying and arguing with the mods got their posts deleted too. Funny how everyone's been seething over a "fascist" dictatorship yet you can't even state your thoughts here peacefully without catching a retarded ban.

No. 2248580

i'm starting to think that most times when i get banned now, i'm getting banned because i'm arguing directly with a mod.

No. 2248602

Get it off your chest is the only thread like that, it's not a big deal. take your ban and move on.

No. 2249235

Complaints about moderation have always been banned outside of /meta/. There's an entire board with dedicated threads for complaints. It doesn't make any sense to post it on /ot/.

No. 2249579

>It doesn't make any sense to post it on /ot/.
nta but probably because mods spend more time reading /ot/ than /meta/ kek

No. 2249654

Are you really comparing Lolcow to a fascist dictatorship? What the heck? Lol that's crazy. Lolcow is an internet website, it's not real life.

No. 2252785

File: 1731185164076.jpeg (299.53 KB, 1170x842, IMG_6231.jpeg)

I didn’t even do anything wrong

No. 2257571

File: 1731437832235.jpg (34.05 KB, 613x334, tranny.jpg)

Found in one of the fujo threads.

No. 2257650

How is this a retarded ban?

No. 2258519

deserved, and basically telling on himself. considering the mention of mass deletion combined with the redtext i have a feeling it's that spammer who shant be named from a couple of years ago.

No. 2258634

File: 1731484172031.png (142.13 KB, 963x884, Screenshot 2024-11-12 140310.p…)

by far the most retarded ban i've ever received, i hate all you stupid new mods from tiktok or wherever you blew in from

No. 2258637

Posting pokemon characters in the pokemon thread is avatarfagging now?

No. 2258641

yeah i guess everyone who contributes images to a thread is now an avatarfag. all i was doing was showing examples of the character personalities in a game. there's way too many new users/mods on this site who have clearly never been bullied into integrating before and probably don't even know what "integrate" means

No. 2258642

but you were avaterfagging retard

No. 2258643

still waiting on an explanation of how this is avatarfagging. do you know what that word means?

No. 2258644

if the farmhand can see you keep replying to others posts using the same character it is avaterfagging faggot

No. 2258647

File: 1731486246560.jpeg (171.88 KB, 1200x1600, 1698776235180.jpeg)

i hope you and the other newfag farmhand kys but first l2integrate.(infighting)

No. 2258648

That isn’t what avatarfagging is.

No. 2258653

I don’t think you know what avatarfagging is

No. 2258656

well ppl had been spamming these characters so presulbaly you caught the heat. maybe use the retarded husbandoposting thread next time or something

No. 2258661

Why would she use another thread when she posted these screenshots to reply to another anon and explain that two characters have different personalities despite being twin brothers? After said other anon assumed they were basically identical with just a slightly different outfit to begin with? It was a very normal conversation and she posted pictires because it's an imageboard.

No. 2258663

she was posting pokemon characters from a pokemon game in the pokemon thread. it wasn't like it was some random thread where she was making posts on unrelated topics and attaching the same character to them. are you people okay?

No. 2258664

>no reading comprehension
i wasnt explaining what avatarfagging is in general but how could it have been applied to the poster who got banned but seeing that >>2258656 wasnt just one poster spamming the same character perhaps the farmhand did do a misfire ban

No. 2258665

File: 1731488412470.png (30.35 KB, 677x220, Screenshot 2024-11-13 001903.p…)

you're a fucking idiot

No. 2258684

File: 1731491488618.jpg (9.39 KB, 349x101, Clipboard01.jpg)

No. 2258771


No. 2258810

? Anon it's literally against the thread rules to defend uggos there kek. It's like no one reads OPs anymore.

No. 2259275

File: 1731531260891.png (270.91 KB, 931x897, Screenshot 2024-11-13 122959.p…)

threatened with a permanent ban for posting pokemon pictures in the pokemon thread and was only reported because some newfag was angry that multiple people were happily discussing these characters. that's crazy.
reposted in the correct thread because this site is falling apart and loads the incorrect topic despite clicking on it in the catalog lmao

No. 2259290

might not wanna post your ip address nonna

No. 2259293

I’m going to doxx you

No. 2259313

it changes every month or so, idc

No. 2259327

when will newfags learn that adhering to site rules isnt a personal attack against them

No. 2259332

it's not a site rule. it's not namefagging or personalityfagging. you're an ugly newfag who's never been on an imageboard before.

No. 2259333

File: 1731533061574.jpg (27.2 KB, 720x169, 1000000333.jpg)

And this is their excuse every time. "We're just having fun" and the fun is being obnoxious and retarded

No. 2259340

you, in your spergfest over multiple boards, still have not explained how people posting pokemon pictures in a pokemon thread is avatarfagging. you not liking the characters doesn't mean you get to dictate who posts what in the thread

No. 2259353

if your posts are recognizable then it is personalityfagging

No. 2259354

That was my very first reply to any of this you sperging schizo. I don't give a single fuck about your pokemans. Lashing out at people for calling you retarded, when you willfully provide so much proof that you're retarded.

No. 2259360

HAHAHA nta this is so hilarious, you really tried to pull out "ugly newfag" when it makes no sense. You definitely just exposed that you yourself must get called ugly alot. Are you 12?

No. 2259365

imagine being this angry over pokemon characters

No. 2259369

You genuinely don't read. You are illiterate. You have multiple people calling you ridiculous and you're deadset on the same stupid autistic shit

No. 2259372

the samefagging is extremely obvious and so is your weird grudge. integrate

No. 2259393

You keep referring to regular posters as newfags and claiming everyone else needs to integrate when it's you that is the problem. This >>2259327 was not my post. You are pathetic.

No. 2259432

obvious samefag who has no idea what board terminology means seething over pokemon. integrate

No. 2259441

i think people just find fujo posting and twincest vibes cringe in general

No. 2259446

that's fine, still not avatarfagging or personalityfagging or worth a permanent ban lol

No. 2261894

yes, being obnoxious and retarded is very fun
you'd understand it if being obnoxious and retarded wasn't your default state

No. 2261900

telling people who respond to you that they can't read when you have no argument makes you look seriously retarded.

No. 2267802

File: 1732050737147.jpg (13.24 KB, 696x83, uuuuuuuuu.jpg)

This one was funny.

No. 2267993

File: 1732060872310.jpg (268.29 KB, 947x1615, why.jpg)

really? it's not breaking any rules nor does anybody care. just scroll past it. what a stupid way to flex your power janny.
>Global Rules
>> 4. Adhere to board culture and the culture of this board.
>>>All users are expected to contribute in a constructive way and are discouraged from posting low quality comments and images.
so if this is gonna be the excuse, you'll have to start pushing bans for half the posts on this entire board. there are endless amount of one-worded posts too. idk this super ticked me off.

No. 2267994

Why? annoying personalityfags deserve to be exposed, its funny.

No. 2267996

No. 2268000

It is clearly a shitpost too, but shitposting isn’t allowed so wutever. I mean the post responds to another post responding to a list of people, saying not to respond to so many people. But only autismos have enough time to be jannies (for free no less)

No. 2268002

Yikes. responding to multiple posts at once regardless of whether you give detailed or single line quippy responses in posts is a very typical image board behavior seen on all image boards. This makes me question just how young or newfag-like the mod that banned this is, kek.

No. 2268004

Janny is right, sorry. Integrate. Lurk. You can scroll and have a one-word thought to yourself, you don't need to post it. That nona needs to just learn to scroll and read.

No. 2268007

janny is not right. that is just normal imageboard responding. stop trying to force a homogenous posting culture you're literally just going to kill the site and any interest people have in it. if you want to circlejerk with about a dozen people that will reply with meaningful essays then just create a discord.

No. 2268011

Nta but no, you're just a revisionist newfag. all image boards have this culture of multi replies in one post, it's actually part of how ib culture functions, . It's discrete and non attention whoring but adding some input as a anonymous board should function. It's ordinary behavior like sageing and this site has allowed multi replies for about 10 years. I've been using this site since 2014-15 and strongly disagree with this revisionism. You and the farmhand are just likely newfags.

No. 2268084

You're right but the retards that actually post their bans in this thread won't like it kek (I mean, just look at the replies to your post and how angry they are for no reason?). It's kind of funny that the farmhand chose that quote to use as the redtext kek. It makes it ambiguous whether the ban was for mini-modding, or whether it was for for the shitpost itself. There's layers to this redtext.

No. 2268088

nta and not my post but I remember reading it: it was responding to outfits at either the Met Gala or another awards show, and other people did some posts like that too. It's not a shitpost, it's totally normal for reacting to celebs' fashion choices at the Met.

No. 2268092

Then it's probably a ban for minimodding.

No. 2268098

It was clearly a joke. Jannies need to be clearer with their no shitposting authoritative laws

No. 2268111

You don't need the context of the post only pt and snow has such stricter board rules. I didn't need the context to know it's clearly a shit ban by a newfag farmhand that isn't used to this old posting style. It's not against any rules and hasn't been for over ten years, it's commonplace on other ib's. No one's angry, it's a foolish ban given from a foolish farmhand of newfag mentality, I see no reason to double down on this stance. The revisionism is concerning but it's pretty unserious. I had to second check if the celebrity thread has been moved to snow or something, but it hasn't confirming the farmhand is a newfag unused to ib culture. ot has always had shit posts and low effort posts anyway, it's where a majority of jokes and casual discussion are held. It's incredibly ironic a newfag replied with "lurk" >>2268004
as if responding to various posts isn't normal image board culture and hasn't been for over a decade.

No. 2268114

>No one's angry
You just wrote a paragraph over a redtext. If you aren't angry, what are you?? Just really autistic or something?

No. 2268116

i'm the one that took the screenshot, its NOT from the celebricows thread. its from the ugly man psyop thread, the current one. so there was even less reason for the ban.

No. 2268123

So you went to the Ugly Moid thread to call ugly moids "hot" or "cute" or "sexo" ??? That's even more reason for a ban kek.

No. 2268125

it's not my post you fucking retard? i said i took the SCREENSHOT. why are you so set on tonguing the janitor's ass when it was obviously an unwarranted ban?

No. 2268126

Kekkk stay angry over someone else's ban. Maybe punch your pillow a few times and scream to get all the rage out.

No. 2268128

keep saying kek over and over maybe someone will eventually believe you're integrated

No. 2268130

KEK this thread is the gift that keeps on giving.

No. 2268136

File: 1732068980662.png (44.06 KB, 1722x142, kek bitch.png)

No. 2268138

You know, nothing screams newfag more than thinking every post you don't like is the same person. And being unable to recognize normal board culture ie. quoting a bunch of people at once to give twocents.

No. 2268140

>Newfag this, newfag that
The newfag obsession with newfags continues. When will the neurosis end?

No. 2268141

oh wow lmao. literally could be the same kek bitch honestly.

No. 2268143

It flew over your head

No. 2268148

its cringe to repeat kek in every post like you have literal brain damage. it doesn't really concern me how you want to spin it but your screenshot was funny.

No. 2268152

This site has tanked to insufferable. The neurosis is literally the obnoxious children that use this site as discord.

No. 2268154

File: 1732069734338.jpeg (259.76 KB, 736x1082, IMG_3156.jpeg)


No. 2268160

you people are so fucking retarded lol why are you so obsessed with outing newfags? farmhands here are not immune to powertrips, attraction is subjective, this entire website is proof no one polices women more than other women

No. 2268161

you're literally responding to a post saying newfags accuse everybody of being the same person by accusing posters you don't like of being underage newfags. this is so obnoxious i refuse to believe you're not just a trolling tranny.

No. 2268163

ntayart but you act like one, just learn to integrate this isn’t twitter shut the fuck up for once in your life

No. 2268167

spamming one-word replies is retarded. chatroom posting and non-contribution is retarded. minimodding is retarded. hope this helps

No. 2268170

it's not breaking any rule and anons have posted like that since the dawn of this site. you sound like you voted for trump.

No. 2268177

>you sound like you voted for trump
Nta but your attempt at a dig does not make sense, you're proving yourself why you new speds are genuinely insufferable. You try so hard to be funny but you're socially retarded

No. 2268179

Those are two different anons kek I'm only the first one
Noo don't tell them the truth!! This will cause them immense psychological damage and they will have to spend hours reeeing about it!!

No. 2268195

What is this obsession with "rules" that some anons have? You don't have to break any of the posted rules to be banned. This is an internet website, not a court of law. The jannies have the right to ban anyone that they feel warrants a ban, for any reason. Is this "fair"? No. It doesn't have to be fair. Life isn't fair. Just because there's no actual rule that says "no mini-modding" doesn't mean that mini-modding can NEVER be banned. This obsession with rules is just so stupidly autistic. Like the other anon said, your attempt at an insult is socially retarded, just like your obsession with the rules.

No. 2268207

>What is this obsession with "rules" that some anons have

No. 2268215

I hate autistic people so much.

No. 2268223

File: 1732074717300.webp (40.85 KB, 1280x720, d706d884506eeaaed4290da9036a89…)

No. What are you talking about?? Go away.

No. 2268250

Idk they've been reeing about this for hours at this point just keep them in your prayers I think they're going through a lot in their personal life

No. 2268353

nta but that just vindicates peoples hatred and disgust for the faggot jannies. i do laugh tho because it isn't about rules at all but just vibes and powertripping

No. 2268354

Do you ever read aloud what you type? It's deranged. I do laugh tho.

No. 2268359

NTA but I don't see how her post is deranged at all when there's been multiple incidents of farmhands getting booted by the admin (and previous admins) due to powertripping.

No. 2268365

im assuming you're a janny because if you're not i don't see how what i said isn't true

No. 2268399

i've been using imageboards longer than i've used twitter which being on /b/ at age 12 isn't exactly something to brag about but calling me a newfag just because i think it's annoying you're trying to foil them on an anonymous website over trying to defend JANNIES of all people is laughable

No. 2268405

Kek nobody believes you. You type like you're still 12(infight bait)

No. 2268410

a lot of people on this website type like i do, nor do i care if you believe me. Here though, I'll switch to proper casing just to tickle your neurons. You want so desperately to foil the newfags, and for what? It honestly reeks like you're trying to compensate and fit in yourself. Nobody here actually cares that much and you're inadvertently outing yourself by desperately grasping at straws.(taking the bait)

No. 2268424

No like I'm so serious. You type like a 12 year old pretending to be Vegeta

No. 2268430

>no one polices women more than other women

No. 2268431

why do you find it so triggering????

No. 2268434

I don't. And I only made those 2 posts but you keep yapping at me like I'm Legion

No. 2268516

now that the dust has settled, anyone else get the vibe that one guy saying kek over and over, defending jannys like he gets paid for it, and saying weird and out of touch shit seems like a tranny janny? only a janny could autistically themselves like that for hours. and they do it for free lol!

No. 2268522

are you schizoing out? because that could be anyone

No. 2268529

KEK spot on

No. 2268535

it was obviously the same guy trolling for hours. it's not like the posts aren't right there in this thread for you to read.

No. 2268538

Take your meds(infight bait)

No. 2268539

that's not the epic chungus own you think it is.(taking the bait)

No. 2268542

It's the infight anon trying to shit up the thread again, just ignore and report.
I also agree with both of you, very obvious there's one dork who can't control herself (himself?) and what could be a fun thread is getting derailed.
I love anon's "farmhand is posting" tinfoil, though. My favorite genre of post. It also feels obvious farmhands aren't cleaning up the thread as they should be, which only adds to the theory kek

No. 2268543

as soon as you pointed it out we got someone posting racebait in /m/

No. 2268546

someone on /meta/ said that lcf has been posted on 4chan. maybe the trolling you've seen was from 4channers.

No. 2268565

I’m like 99% sure it’s the farmhand replying and saying kek or being snarky to anons criticisms

No. 2268622

It is clearly a joke post tho, so the ban should be for shitposting, which is still a dumb ban reason

No. 2268790

File: 1732117637116.jpg (73.4 KB, 970x354, 7ccc7a6e-cdf9-4f67-9bb6-29dee8…)

Not my ban but
So cringe when jannies make it obvious which side of the infighting they're on. Wouldn't be surprised if it was lingerie-chan.

No. 2268794

Personalityfags always get outted, newfag.

No. 2268796

Are you mentally challenged?

No. 2271090

there is no “lingerie-chan” you braindead sperg. would you really not expect a personalityfag to get redtexted?

No. 2277734

Does anyone have a screenshot of that time an anon posted something like "I'm leaving LC for 6 months I hate this place" but then she ended up posting a few hours later and then a janny banned her for 6 months and the ban reason was something like "oh I thought you said you hated this place and weren't coming back for 6 months?" in the snarkiest way imaginable. I've been trying to find it for a while because I think it's the ultimate retarded ban.

No. 2277741

File: 1732652431096.jpg (29.08 KB, 600x399, 1000019205.jpg)

wait, the jannies can ban you for just saying that you don't like it here? Dude, what? Holy shit, that means anon was banned for literally just saying something that a janny took a personal, exaggerated offense to. If it's that easy to piss them off and get banned that badly, it really makes you wonder if the only reason why you and me are still able to post is whether or not the jannies like us.

No. 2277746

File: 1732652555966.png (8.33 KB, 499x111, image_2024-11-26_151607011.png)

God forbid you post about hating something in the fandom DISCOURSE thread instead of going into the actual thread full of fans of the show and shitting on their parade. Said show was being talked about quite a bit in the thread too and no one else got shit for it except for me who was hating.

No. 2277748

Didnt that poster specifically asked to be banned though? And I remember that it was the lolcow graduation thread

No. 2277752

I remember seeing it around the last Hellweek in /meta/ somewhere, I've been checking the threads but I haven't found it yet. I can remember it clear as day though because I remember being shocked that a janny could be so unprofessional.
>If it's that easy to piss them off and get banned that badly
Actually one of the quickest ways to get permbanned is to insult the farmhands or question the moderation choices and staff decisions.
>it really makes you wonder if the only reason why you and me are still able to post is whether or not the jannies like us.
It's been well-known for years that jannies have favourites. Usually the favourites never get banned and are given a lot more leeway when it comes to rules. Ever since Shaymin rebranded as Cerbmin, the staff decisions have become more and more nonsensical.
I don't think it's the same one. This happened between January and March sometime of this year. I checked the graduation thread but I couldn't find the one I'm talking about. The post specifically was from the anon that got banned saying "really?" with a picture of the snarky 6 month ban message.

No. 2277754

Nta, I thought that anon was ban evading which is what got her the lengthy ban. Idk I always assume an anon must've had some iffy post history to get hit that hard

No. 2277760

IIRC it was just a random mean-spirited ban from a spiteful janny, the ban message really was snarky and you can tell the janny was pissed off. I've been trying to find it in the /meta/ threads because I recall it being posted there, but it looks like they deleted some posts. So it might have been one of the posts they deleted, I notice they try to delete posts that make them look bad after the dust has settled and nobody is looking.

No. 2277763

>janny could be so unprofessional.
anon being a janny isn't a job these people do it for free in a korean basketweaving forum why would they care kek

No. 2277766

Nobody cares for your /v/idya sperging on /ot/. It truly should be all taken to /m/, where all /v/ermin belong.

No. 2277774

What are you talking about? Arcane is a super popular animated show on Netflix right now. It's based off League of Legends, yeah, but why are you acting like anon is terminally online?

No. 2277778

>korean basket weaving forum
First of all, it's a Mongolian basket weaving forum, so you need to get your facts straight. Anyway, even if it's volunteer work there should still be a professional tone. When I volunteer at a the food bank, I know I'm not getting paid but I still treat it like a job and I'm still professional. Just because I don't get paid to volunteer doesn't mean I'm gonna shit in people's food and spit on them. I don't think it's just me that's noticed that in the past 18 months, the critical thinking skills of jannies has declined a lot. It was especially bad this year from February to June.

No. 2277792

>Actually one of the quickest ways to get permbanned is to insult the farmhands or question the moderation choices and staff decisions.
Is it really? Nta I always insult the farmhands and question their bullshit and never got permaban for that nor any ban at all for talking shit about them except useless "take it to meta". At this point all of them probably know I hate them, yet my longest ban was for posting jesus in the good moid thread.
I do agree with the favorites. I 100% believe they also take sides during unpopular opinions infights, and possibly actively engage with that thread.
They're probably newfags and seem very young.

No. 2277805

It really depends which board you're on and which farmhand is online to deal with it. It's not so much insulting the farmhands or their bullshit, it's when they're presented with a serious issue or complaint that they can't be bothered addressing so instead they permban to pretend like nothing ever happened.
>I do agree with the favorites.
On the flip side of favourites is the fact that some jannies really do stalk anons they don't like around threads and wait for them to slip up and do something so they have an excuse to be banned. If you've ever been banned for a seemingly innocuous post, most likely you said something a few hours before that offended a janny.
>They're probably newfags and seem very young.
I think what happened is before 2018, most farmers were young and the jannies were old, but post-pandemic now it seems like the reverse is true. Way too many farmers, myself included, are too old to be on here and the farmhands are all zoomers with untreated autism now.

No. 2277998

>yet my longest ban was for posting jesus in the good moid thread
speaking of, that thread was a prime example of mods getting involved in infights. the mass deletion of posts making fun of the thread, revealing an anon's IP, etc.
another example that stood out to me was in one of the amerifags threads during the summer where some baiter kept arguing for hours (almost the whole night) yet the mods only showed up to ban some shitposters who were trying to cease the fight instead of the actual infighter.

No. 2278008

>revealing an anon's IP
This is the whole reason I started using VPNs to browse here to begin with. After that, I just never trusted the jannies again. How could I?
>during the summer
This summer was crazy. It was like between 9PM-9AM there was just no moderation at all. I remember being awake some mornings and actually seeing when the farmhand woke up because suddenly redtexts were appearing everywhere. There was one anon that posted about this in /meta/ and asked why the moderation was so lackluster during the nights, but IIRC, they permbanned her.

No. 2279236

File: 1732730873375.png (81.35 KB, 1044x278, This is not samefagging..png)

>They're probably newfags
They'll never beat these allegations because most of them don't even know common terminology or board culture. There's hundreds of examples of this from 2024, but here's a recent one: I reported this post in picrel for double posting and in the report box I wrote "doublepost/learn2delete," but the redtext reads "samefagging." This is not an example of samefagging: it's obvious the poster isn't samefagging, she's just double posting. Why are the new jannies so ignorant of basic ib terms? What happened to our oldfag farmhands? Why do we have to settle for retarded jannies?

No. 2279240

i think these new jannies come from 4chan where its not even possible to delete your post, even though the broken functionality is visually there. so its normal on the biggest imageboard on the internet to post multiple times in a row, and why shouldn't it be? its an anonymous imageboard and the only reason doubleposting has ever been such a topic of contention is because people are so overly concerned about who is who and unironic samefagging. just say what you have to say or argue what you need to and move on. but yeah that ban is retarded, they should give the correct reason for it.

No. 2279272

I get why doubleposting is banned because most of the time I've seen it happen, it's for correcting typos or adding another sentence or two, and the second post is made less than 5 minutes after the first. I think it's better to just delete the OG post and repost. I was just surprised that I reported a post for "double posting" and the janny somehow spun that into "samefagging." Did it think they were synonyms? Are they too retarded to realize
>i think these new jannies come from 4chan
In your opinion, when did you notice that the oldhands were replaced by newhands? I think I really noticed it getting worse in mid-2023, but then it got really bad after January 2024. The indicator for me this was that the redtexts starting to get really snarky and tryhard after February this year.

No. 2279282

This, how the fuck can you be a janny when you don't know basic terminology I even knew back as a newfag? Same shit happened in the FTM thread, multiple anons got redtexted for whiteknighting with zero whiteknighting to be found simply for telling a sperg to stop shitting up the thread with non-milk.

No. 2279292

They don't know the difference between samefagging or doubleposting, they don't know what constitutes a-logging, they don't know what whiteknighting means: they don't know a lot of really basic stuff. It's so bewildering to witness. If you compare this new style of moderation to the moderation from pre-2020, the difference is immense. I really think that all the farmhands from pre-pandemic are long gone.

No. 2279296

mmm it's hard to say. i've been browsing lc on and off since 2018 and i took a long hiatus, i came back this summer and i hadn't browsed since some time late 2023. so it's hard to say WHEN for sure, but i can tell you i definitely felt a difference when i came back this year. the redtexts on /ot/ have been very cringe at times, also banning is more common than it used to be. in fact the site would get raided way more often years ago iirc but suddenly there's more trolls and baiting now? really? i don't think so. the problem is the board tries to site tries to operate differently than regular imageboard culture. stuff like "off-topic" and "derailing" is taken super serious more than ever before. so when you're encouraged to only discuss things a certain way, it becomes very obvious when jannys/mods show their own bias.

No. 2279303

>it becomes very obvious when jannys/mods show their own bias
this is super noticeable during infights. you can report both anons infighting, but mods will only ban the anon that they disagree with instead of both of them

No. 2279312

this is so true. a few times recently, during long infights spanning hours and hours, i would report many posts in a row of fighting and only see red text on the side that i can only assume the janny disagreed with. you can't even say they're banning everyone but only redtexting certain people… because why? what would be the point of that? it would still be showing bias. i'm all for getting rid of redtext altogether if it meant them actually giving a proper ban reason on the /banned page.

No. 2279319

iirc in the complaints and suggestions thread after the /meta/fag x camper wars, farmhand posted and said something like "we have decided going forward we will be issuing more red texts to promote transparency," so i don't buy the age old excuse of "durr just because no red text dont mean no ban!" also every single time ive been banned my post has gotten a redtext, so i dont think being banned w/o redtext was ever super common to begin with.
>infights spanning hours and hours
let me guess, those infights were happening between 9PM MST and 4AM MST? almost every night theres a long moderation outage around that timeframe, i started noticing it in late july of this year. is it really that hard to fine people from different timezones to be jannies?

No. 2279542

Was there some brief period of time that the janitors and farmhands didn't get confused over board terminology? I got a doubleposting ban redtexted as "samefagging" myself in like 2019 (because I had cleared my cookies and couldn't delete my other post, which I'm pretty sure I even said in the doublepost). Throughout the years it's been pointed out in meta a lot, I feel.

No. 2279570

>Was there a brief period of time…
Before 2019, the majority of farmhands were users who had been on LC since the beginning and were intimately familiar with IB terms and culture through spending a lot of time on /cgl/. Most farmhands now are 20 year olds that found LC through TikTok and don't have critical thinking skills.

No. 2279590

File: 1732756084887.jpg (332.35 KB, 1080x857, infight thread.jpg)

frankly i'm surprised the thread even lasted that long but these nu-jannys are never beating the cringe redtext allegations. nobody asked you if it was a "shit thread", janny. can't we just have the shitposting thread back and be done with this mess…

No. 2279591

Shit thread is a common redtext for bad threads.

No. 2279599

For some of you it's very obvious that LC is your first and only image board. The moderation here is far from perfect and can even be considered bad in some cases but the farmhands are saints compared to the shit that goes on between moderators on other image boards.

Infighting is already explicitly banned in the site rules and "shit thread" redtext is common on the /cow/ boards.

No. 2279606

can you newfag retards lurk more before posting your dumbass takes? Literally takes one second of lurking to see shit thread is a common redtext that's been around for years.

No. 2279611

shit thread is a cringe red text and mods should stop trying to be funny or give their take on absolutely anything.

No. 2279613

It was a rightful ban of a shit thread.

No. 2279614

Nona the shit thread redtext has existed I think for longer than /ot/ board has?

No. 2279616

Something I've noticed in these threads is that whenever anons bring up good points or retarded bans, suddenly there's a random "newfag" that posts something really retarded like this post. It's almost like it's a janny posting without its tag to derail the thread and make it seem like everyone in this thread is a retard. Hm.

No. 2279619

LOL you cannot possibly be this schizophrenic. scrotefoiling is so 2024, retard-non is living in 2025 with jannyfoiling.

No. 2279631

I always feel like it's men or autists obsessed with the mods and their moderation powers. Do they always go on about mods at 4chan or what

No. 2279637

just look at the beginning of this thread and tell us that that wasn't a mod posting

No. 2279640

You may be a newfaggot but that thread might’ve been necessary. I think I would be in that thread every single time I come here tbh

No. 2279642

File: 1732758490342.jpg (381.04 KB, 1920x1317, take this_you need it.jpg)

No. 2279657

I'm on Abilify and Seroquel already and if anything taking them has woken me up to the truth about this place.

No. 2279931

This happened to me. Got like 3 posts in the unpopular opinions and then a ban after I had already disengaged, like, my last post was a "kek" or something like that. Some posts never got any redtext despite being obvious bait, who knows if they even got a ban when the anon who started the discussion said she didn't get any ban herself, all my posts and some others got redtexted though, it was so obvious they were taking sides that after that I couldn't help but notice it happening again with different discussions always in the unpopular opinions. Then I was banned again shortly after my ban expired for a different post in the same infight, shit was like 1 day old it made no sense, I wasn't even posting in the unpopular opinions anymore but talking about the dumb moderation in the dumbass shit thread if I remember correctly, so it was very suspicious, they banned me for old infight instead of "take it to meta" or whatever, worst of it was that when I took it to meta there was this stupid bootlicker they refused to ban who was calling everyone a camper and derailing every time someone complained about the mods and bans, retard would tag posts and accuse you of being the same person and it went for days. Shit was insane. At the same time the mods would appear, say something dumb, get their ass kissed for the bare minimum and never address the complaints.
What is even the point of taking it to meta? So they know who won't kiss their lazy asses and target them?

No. 2280131

There's a mention in this very thread! >>1906285 I'm pretty sure the incident is still preserved in /meta/ - I'll check in a bit.

No. 2280437

File: 1732812140044.jpg (861.33 KB, 929x1966, modwakesupfromcoma.jpg)

So farmhands can't ban the obvious vendettafag posting endless bait and infighting in the last Complaints and Suggestions thread, clearly dragging their /ot/ spergout slop across to /meta/. She is still sperging out in the current thread. But this anon being relatively normal is "dragging an infight to /meta/"? Okay kek.

No. 2280444

Why you drag this now to /OT/? Isn’t 3 whole threads across 2 boards talking about this enough for you? Jesus Christ nonnie give it a break KEK

No. 2280448

I know reading comprehension is difficult for you, so I will help you.
I am not the anon who was banned in this pic. I am not involved in whatever infight or discussion that is going on. I am posting this in the retarded bans thread because it is an example of the unfair and inconsistent moderation policies enforced by lazy, biased farmhands. This is a topic actively being discussed in this thread.
I hope this helped!

No. 2280742

File: 1732826321284.png (6.3 KB, 716x120, cxbzxcbc.png)

>tranny jannies are zionists too
Who would've thought. The fact that criticizing Israel is now "polsperging" is bleak. Now we've learned the jannies are fat, anti-fujo, newfag zionists.

No. 2280773

It's not the opinion itself, it's the use of racial slurs.

No. 2280777

You can't be racist to jews, only xenophobic. Homophobic, misogynistic, and ableist slurs are allowed and to this day I don't see how it's any different.

No. 2280781

Calling referring to jews as kikes is racebait.

No. 2280948

File: 1732839437281.png (201.92 KB, 1670x1116, insanity.png)

Thank you so much for linking that, I completely missed it. Thanks to you I was able to find what I was talking about. It wasn't in the C&S thread, it was in the Post-Hellweek thread. Here's a link to the thread it happened in >>>/meta/71238 the posts are from February 29th.

Picrel is the ban message. This is truly the most retarded ban. This should have been the thread pic.

No. 2280954

ngl I laughed

No. 2281016

happy to help! I also found that the banned nona posted much further down in the thread stating she never said she was going away from LC for 6 months, but she wished she could leave her town for the 6 months of cold weather. >>>/meta/72768

No. 2281079

Isn't that so ridiculous? I know vendettabanning is expected now, but I actually felt second-hand embarrassment with this one.

No. 2283451

>I thought you were gonna leave again for 6 months instead of staying just to pick retarded fights
Umm…this is incredibly creepy and inappropriate. Mods used to never say shit like this when banning people. This is too invasive and >>2281016 makes it even worse.

No. 2283458

This is so embarrassing

No. 2283507

Nah, there have been mods that are weird little bitches before but with the backlash they recieve from making whiny/biased redtexts they're usually removed or reprimanded enough to stop. We just have kiwifarms faggots modding and they're like redditors.

No. 2283610

Perhaps the issue is that because admin is so absent, there's nobody to keep mods in check? I wonder what the ratio is for new farmhands v old farmhands? I can't imagine there's many farmhands that have been modding for 2+ years. I can't even remember the last time there was talk about farmhand applications.

No. 2284530

File: 1733013706601.jpeg (524.34 KB, 1100x1480, IMG_5708.jpeg)

this was too funny to be redtexted, it made me cackle when i saw it on the front page

No. 2286502

hey retard nice ip you got there

No. 2286516

Honestly, is it really fanart if it's made to make fun of someone?

No. 2286518

Jannies literally said no fun allowed

No. 2286523

File: 1733143238060.png (100.39 KB, 1063x865, mossad bae.png)

I only use VPNs and that was the Atlanta one, but if it bothers you I can erase it from the picture.
Do you not use a VPN all the time?

No. 2286539

nona we have troons lurk here please be fucking smart and dont reveal your ips here even if you use a vpn

No. 2289486

File: 1733335287736.png (45.49 KB, 1343x169, integrate?.png)

I'm confused by this. How is this person not integrated? The only thing I could think of is that she said "OLD" and "NOT YOUNG" in all caps, but that's obviously poking fun at how PT types her schizo rambles about being old and not young?

No. 2289493

that person keeps making recognizable posts using weird punctuation (the two dots)

No. 2289946

ever notice how quick you get replies to questions like this here? kek

No. 2289992

it's the janny for sure. this post >>2289493 is weird and you must be autistic as fuck to even notice that to begin with

No. 2290015

nonny…outsourced indian… moderators

No. 2290018

No. 2290020

I've noticed it over the past few days.

No. 2294707

kek that was me and yes i was poking fun at how pt uses the "OLD" and "YOUNG" meme but i was redtexted because i kept deleting posts to reedit my typos because my new phone kept autocorrecting words(which youre not supposed to do but i kinda forgot)

No. 2294864

I still wonder why a bunch of posts about the relationship between mental illness and online radfeminism got redtexted and erased on a thread about radfem cows..? For derailing? It's 100% on-topic, imagine if posts describing troon psychology were deleted on the TiF/TiM threads.

No. 2296227

File: 1733657418140.jpg (12.05 KB, 535x99, bait.jpg)

No. 2296273

This is a MENSA ban actually

No. 2298294

This is a bait post, though. Everyone knows fujos usually get more and higher quality content than yumes. This reads as concern trolling by someone who isn't a yume and just wants to infight with fujos (fuck that).

No. 2298303

You're right. There's an anon who keeps sperging about being "cucked" by fictional characters, it's probably her.

No. 2301726

File: 1733834506753.png (67.1 KB, 767x407, _ot_-_The_nonnas_of_asia_2024-…)

I don't think this simple reply with a laughing gif warranted a ban. How is stating basic facts considered "antifujo"

No. 2301729

Based mods

No. 2301732

Mods are such blatant hypersensitive fujos it's surreal kekkk, the most sensitive protected demographic on this site. You can't even mock fakebians without fujos thinking it's aimed at them now?

No. 2301739

its against hellweek

No. 2301740

it got implemented only 14 hours ago

No. 2301748

This isn't anti-fujo. Simply laughing at a fakebian into gay porn isn't an attack against your community, calm down.

No. 2301751

i dont care for that retarded infight nor im taking sides,just stating that antifujo/fujo discussion is banned unless its talked about in its containment thread

No. 2301798

Are you genuinely retarded? I repeat: that wasn't fujo infighting in any way, shape or form. The mere mention of fujos cannot be bannable just because you're such a highly sensitive demographic and people are allowed to point out lesbians don't watch gay porn. This was a jab at lesbians, not fujos and you're being spergy retards about it.

No. 2314500

File: 1734630622222.png (796.54 KB, 898x1634, 1000047346.png)

wheres the racebait(continued racebaiting)

No. 2314502

You can’t be serious.

No. 2314514

saying that fighting for scrote attention by putting down other races of women is pathetic is literally the opposite of racebait

No. 2314522

?? youre ignoring context for why that anon specified that because a black pickme posted in the unpopular opinions thread about how black women on average are prettier than asian women. that is not an attack against black women as a whole kek

No. 2314524

You deserve the ban for even entertaining the original bait

No. 2315284

"well actually using capital letters and punctuation is unitegrated posting"

No. 2315304

can't you people read? the ban is because the poster wrote "sadge" in the body of her comment instead of actually saging. that's always counted as newfaggotry

No. 2315365

sadge is a well-known joke misspelling of 'sad', been used on IBs a lot. I guess no fun allowed really is the mod policy.

No. 2319893

File: 1735076654907.jpg (90.82 KB, 720x1150, Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-12-…)

Rereading it I can see that I didn't express myself very well but can the janny who banned me tell me what you thought I meant? I was saying that anon was brave/stupid for posting the photo of someone she presumably knew irl.

No. 2319895

Read the rules of the thread. It's literally the third sentence in the fucking thread description:
>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.

Like holy fuck. It's not difficult to grasp. In that thread, the rule is to NOT RESPOND TO OTHER PEOPLES' RANTS. If you respond to posts in that thread, you will receive a ban for being a vain bitch. It has been like that for YEARS. If you want to use this website, you have to read the rules. That includes the rules page, and it includes specific thread rules.

No. 2320189

found the janny. That thread doesn't require sage, and the anon wasn't trying to write sage.

No. 2320327

File: 1735140082314.png (69.63 KB, 1856x475, IMG_5717.png)

not mine, but this wasn't fujo-sperging, this was relevant to vivziepop's writing and her treatment of female characters

No. 2320338

I suspect there's a trigger hungry fujo anon who keeps reporting posts she sees of any mere mention of fujos and jannies who don't read the context of the reported posts will immediately ban it. It seems nowadays you can't even mention the word "fujo" at any context even on the cow boards when it's relevant to the milk or the current discussion without getting a ban.

No. 2324377

File: 1735440685454.png (5.68 KB, 791x113, wasntme.PNG)

>anon writes manifesto on why actually, you can't use numbers to rate a moids attractiveness in the ugly man psyop thread out of all places
>anon calls weegee fuggo

No. 2324563

lc is one of the most sensitive sites I've seen

No. 2324580

Eh, they both seem reasonable enough to me, passive aggressive bait aren't not bait.

No. 2324629

Just because it hurts your personal feelings doesn't mean it's bait. If you can't handle a little banter then go back to tumblr or wherever you came from.

No. 2324648

it's very clearly stated not to start infights with the weegee fans.

No. 2324659

>it's very clearly stated not to start infights with the weegee fans
>Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
>This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs
nowhere is it stated in the OP that specifically luigi cant be criticized

No. 2324661

Nta but if you want, why don't you just make a Luigi Hate thread? I report every mention of Luigi outside the containment thread because it's annoying, positive or negative.

No. 2324665

ayrt, i havent made a single post about luigi but why is that he cant be discussed in the appropriate threads (ugly man psyop)? if you dont like men being called ugly, then hide the thread

No. 2324667

I don't use that thread. I'm just saying if you don't like the Luigi anons and you wanna talk smack about it, then just make a thread for it.

No. 2324673

because he's a hot topic right now and will derail all threads when mentioned outside of his containment thread. like what's happening right now.

No. 2324687

It'll probably just get locked.

No. 2324934

The containment thread rule is only for husbandofagging. Farmhand said so in amerifag thread.

No. 2325359

Imo his thread on CC is the hate thread.

No. 2325377

>I report every mention of Luigi outside the containment thread
>every mention
Touching grass is no longer enough to save you. You need to be forcefully enrolled as a forester for a summer.

No. 2325401

I'm allergic to grass it gives me itchy eyes. So you basically told me to self-harm. Thanks for alogging and bullying me. Now I'm crying and I had to self-medicate with 2 ibuprofen. Hope you're happy.

No. 2327961

Probably dumb question but do ban appeals actually get accepted kek. I haven't gotten banned in like a year but I remember just never bothering because I always assumed they'd just decline everything if they disagree with your opinion

No. 2329121

File: 1735804818570.jpg (33.93 KB, 491x328, 3567.jpg)

No. 2329125

>infight bait
You're not allowed to throw peanuts at the autists enclosure I guess

No. 2330609

File: 1735892571915.jpg (26.31 KB, 1243x122, mods.jpg)

Don't offend mods or you'll get banned. The truth hurts kek.

No. 2330617

This is half true, theyre kiwifarmers. Mods were also caught leaving up an advertisement thread for a new male imageboard for hours in spite of tons of reports (it had loli adverts on it) and they only deleted the thread after someone called them out in the thread comments. The mod(s) was/were active the entire time and actively banning things. The anon who called them out for leaving the thread up was then banned for a super random innocuous post right after.

No. 2330640

Woah, really? Is lc becoming just a huge honeypot? I feel weird about posting here now with these kinds of mods

No. 2330652

Yes and anons have been pointing this out for ages but some really aggressive anons keep making mocking posts about schizos and gangstalking to make it seem trivialized when it's an obvious issue. The thread was deleted (I honestly should've screenshot the entire debacle for archival purposes but I wasn't thinking about it at the time) but it's mentioned in detail a couple vent threads ago right after it happened.(ban evasion)

No. 2330699

Why is the emoji ban a thing?

No. 2330701


No. 2333997

File: 1736095339055.png (17.83 KB, 1026x120, Screenshot from 2025-01-06 05-…)

So can joking (90% sure this is a joke) "infighting" get a ban now?

No. 2333998

jokes are supposed to be funny, so i support this ban

No. 2334002

Where is the joke in this?

No. 2334293

>Mods were also caught leaving up an advertisement thread for a new male imageboard for hours in spite of tons of reports (it had loli adverts on it)
Why am I not surprised? It's all starting to add up.

Use archive.today to archive something like that the next time.(ban evasion)

No. 2334681

File: 1736127581309.png (18.54 KB, 743x139, 4165-D54-468578-A0-603411536.p…)

why are they booing her, she's right. the man in the video was both bald and had a nasty beard to boot. even if someone's into that disagreeing isn't "bait"

No. 2338659

File: 1736347961688.jpg (70.99 KB, 1255x185, ban.jpg)

No. 2338728

That anon deserved it.

No. 2338883

deserved ban

No. 2338894

What thread was this in because I honestly feel really sad for the nonnas who write off this type of fun horror just because some moid added sex to it. The game is trippy as fuck.

No. 2338904

File: 1736361319518.jpg (10.94 KB, 631x112, lol.jpg)

No. 2338905

No. 2338948

Yeah that's a retarded ban. It's wasted because a moid added sex and made the monster a loli-teen.

No. 2338951

What is the context? This wouldn't really be bait to anyone here unless it was something like a woman hurting babies.

No. 2339098

The context was hurting babies. Kek

No. 2339102

It actually is kek

No. 2339134

idk, I'm with you nona, it's clearly a joke. don't even need context to see that

No. 2342006

File: 1736569412031.png (10.7 KB, 512x146, Screenshot 2025-01-10 231429.p…)

not my ban but
>people can reply to vents from women clearly being abused calling them retarded without a ban but suddenly when someone calls out someone for stupidly thinking there's such things as loopholes for racism, it's infighting
farmhands are so biased its insane

No. 2342081

i think the ban is more reflective of the anon seemingly replying to a 5 month old post just to post that? lol it's cringe

No. 2342161

it's still not banworthy imo, people backread threads all the time and reply to one specific thing that caught their eye. people say far worse shit to each other on this website all the time with no ban, yet she calls out blatant racial ignorance and it's infighting? jannies can find it cringe but it's fucking retarded to bend the rules so heavily like that. the thread itself was hardly active in the first place and only recently got a small bump so it's likely nonna saw the cow, recognized her and went through the thread. all the recent posts besides the recent bump was from 5 months ago.

No. 2342620

File: 1736623604011.jpg (62.74 KB, 1254x330, Clipboard01.jpg)

No. 2342621

File: 1736623709340.jpg (68.6 KB, 1248x234, Clipboard02.jpg)

No. 2342625

File: 1736623775930.jpg (17.58 KB, 673x164, Clipboard03.jpg)

No. 2342626

File: 1736623865195.jpg (27.68 KB, 1180x124, Clipboard04.jpg)

No. 2342629

the uwu ban is so weird. I'm not even an oldfag but remember it being used everywhere. it's like overnight the jannies decided it was suddenly bannable

No. 2342630

It doesn't really register as an emoticon in my mind. I always read it as the weeb/furry sound effect kek

No. 2342631

File: 1736623987828.jpg (69.73 KB, 1253x212, Clipboard05.jpg)

No. 2342633

File: 1736624110733.jpg (7.7 KB, 304x101, Clipboard06.jpg)

No. 2342635

File: 1736624292244.jpg (274.79 KB, 1257x615, Clipboard07.jpg)

No. 2342640

File: 1736624432012.jpg (17.89 KB, 818x125, Clipboard08.jpg)

No. 2342641

File: 1736624467735.jpg (6.62 KB, 260x103, Clipboard09.jpg)

No. 2342644

File: 1736624587336.jpg (10.84 KB, 604x99, Clipboard10.jpg)

No. 2342645

File: 1736624634681.jpg (26.93 KB, 504x268, Clipboard11.jpg)

No. 2342647

Can you at least sage your photospam

No. 2342649

File: 1736624764457.jpg (8.43 KB, 506x93, Clipboard12.jpg)

No. 2342651

File: 1736624858200.jpg (12.53 KB, 535x99, Clipboard13.jpg)

No. 2342652

deserved. not even the heroin chic era would consider that fat nona kek

No. 2342653

File: 1736624896150.jpg (52.54 KB, 1261x155, Clipboard14.jpg)

No. 2342655

File: 1736624937403.jpg (22.35 KB, 1077x114, Clipboard15.jpg)

No. 2342656

Also deserved

No. 2342658

File: 1736625019021.jpg (25.33 KB, 430x319, Clipboard16.jpg)

No. 2342660

File: 1736625083432.jpg (32.93 KB, 464x327, Clipboard17.jpg)

No. 2342662

File: 1736625138129.jpg (60.68 KB, 1253x170, Clipboard18.jpg)

No. 2342663

File: 1736625211928.jpg (17.7 KB, 1171x101, Clipboard19.jpg)

No. 2342664

aww lol i like this regardless. this is the spice i go to lolcow for

No. 2342665

File: 1736625250770.jpg (21.02 KB, 1228x107, Clipboard20.jpg)

No. 2342673

Are you done yet?

No. 2342674

File: 1736625540008.gif (519.92 KB, 498x498, 0im65rf.gif)

I'm starting to suspect the spammer is a newfag because half of these bans are warranted, like why is this zoomer meme here? Also learn to collage these together jesus

No. 2342678

>zoomer meme
>still using le epic autism meme from a few years ago
Slam a finger on the bitter millennial extinction button

No. 2342680

File: 1736625710125.jpg (56 KB, 1244x217, Clipboard01.jpg)

No. 2342681

File: 1736625766197.jpg (10.43 KB, 503x95, Clipboard02.jpg)

No. 2342682

God damn another cycle of this shit?

No. 2342684

File: 1736625801555.jpg (53.17 KB, 1210x331, Clipboard03.jpg)

No. 2342685

File: 1736625844355.jpg (10.11 KB, 526x96, Clipboard04.jpg)

No. 2342686

okay 23 posts in a row is enough, we get it

No. 2342688

File: 1736625873838.jpg (77.65 KB, 1259x313, Clipboard05.jpg)

(spamming thread)

No. 2342691

Learn to make a fucking collage anon

No. 2342692

File: 1736625932346.jpg (45.31 KB, 595x332, Clipboard06.jpg)

No. 2342694

It's definitely one of the aggro jirai newfags. Almost all these posts are from /w/. She probably just discovered /ot/ and saw this thread and decided to spam with nonsense.

No. 2342703

I saw someone get banned for schizoposting just for disagreeing with me KEKK they must be smoking something or their HRT is making their minds a little woozy

No. 2342704

File: 1736626187239.jpg (27 KB, 1000x158, Clipboard07.jpg)

No. 2342705

File: 1736626237444.jpg (94.25 KB, 1262x211, Clipboard08.jpg)

No. 2342706

Have you retards forgotten this website is anonymous? /w/ has the worst moderation compared to /snow/, I’m honestly believing their aggressive strategy is to completely delete and cull the board altogether. They might even try to remove /ot/

No. 2342707

File: 1736626276837.jpg (32.01 KB, 546x329, Clipboard09.jpg)

No. 2342709

File: 1736626311987.jpg (10.01 KB, 393x114, Clipboard10.jpg)

No. 2342711

File: 1736626388767.jpg (8.35 KB, 355x85, Clipboard11.jpg)

(ban evasion)

No. 2342712

Of course this anon is using a VPN to post.

No. 2342730

You discovered how to rename files?

No. 2342808

I reported this post for being a suspected moid or bait (do we really need screenshots of the panty flash?). The redtext for spoonfeeding is gross.

No. 2343381

File: 1736670674683.jpg (6.57 KB, 257x97, eh.jpg)

No. 2343406

With all the other random new bans this place has been enforcing the last few years, are we allowed to say ANYTHING? Is this site being destroyed from the inside by troons/moids? Let's find out.

No. 2343408

Doubleposting to say all the retarded bans are probably why this site is dead as hell lately. I've never seen it move so slowly in the entire 10 years.

No. 2343442

The mods have their own personal vendettas and can't be impartial. It's sort of like reddit, where the cabal of mods killed some communities out of spite by flooding them with CP or labelling them as 'hate groups' (right/left-wing shitposter subs, troonphobic/GC subs etc.).

No. 2343455

this is why I just lurk 99% of the time

No. 2343481

These newer mods have been powertripping hard lately for sure and I did notice 99% of the bans seem personal. A lot of the bans are weird and don't correlate with the beginning of the culture either. No one ever had a problem with simple emoticons like a heart and ":^)" in particular is an emoticon that's long been a part of imageboard culture. Such a nonissue. I feel like only moids would get autistic about such a thing. Makes me cringe when anons get banned for making obvious old copypasta or memes and the farmhands don't get it and end up banning them. No one says shit about it. All the sperging about saging in recent years has contributed to killing discussion on all boards. You used to be able to bump any thread if you had anything to say at all which was a million times more fun and made for some very funny posts by anons. "Baiting" is used too much for something mods disagree with. Overpolicing everything any anon says on here is super weird. Not everything has to be a super well thought out post as this isn't a forum. I've seen posts get labelled racebaiting that clearly weren't even racebait. The constant bans of spoonfeeding is annoying and bans for doubleposting and thirstposting sound straight up retarded. I can list lots of problems nowadays.

That's sad because LC should have the activity it once did. Then again so many bans are handed out for no reason so it's easy to forget about this place since we aren't allowed to have any type of discussion, ask questions ("spoonfeeding" kek), or joke around anymore. It's no wonder this place has become such a ghost town. Looking at every thread and some of the newsest posts in each one are days old means death is near. This place is so far removed from what it once was and the little kid mods who want to pretend this is PULL or Reddit have sped that process up immensely.

No. 2343534

File: 1736683828019.jpg (23.19 KB, 1054x153, saywhat.jpg)

Mods have autism AND OCD.

No. 2343538

I keep seeing people getting banned for ironically using ‘uwu’ way more than I ever have before and it seems like such a waste of time. It’s obviously not people seriously trying to use it as an emoji (in fact I literally have not seen anyone use it as an emoji in the wild in literally years) so I don’t get why this is one of the things they’re apparently most militant about. Why not just highlight it in red like trigger or TERF or whatever other words there are and leave it there if it’s apparently such a sign of ‘bad posting’?

No. 2343540

Legit kek I remember when a russian woman here censored the word "r*ssian moids" because she was joking about how low value they were and she got banned. I even tried explaining the joke on meta but they didn't remove her red text (inb4ban 4 self sensory)

No. 2343713

File: 1736698821872.jpg (40.31 KB, 706x206, ooof.jpg)

No. 2343810

File: 1736703151288.jpg (22.74 KB, 1221x110, 100.jpg)

No. 2343865

Using iphone emojis is such blatant newfaggotry. Why even post this here?

No. 2343908

File: 1736708311745.jpg (154.99 KB, 1244x555, bait.jpg)

No. 2344039

>doesn't recognize obvious bait
god this thread has gone to shit
i think whoever's been posting the last dozen or so caps just doesn't want any rules at all, like some of this shit was already bannable from the start. what did they expect?

No. 2344877

File: 1736760910005.jpg (25.02 KB, 580x331, 654748.jpg)

The purity spiral continues…

No. 2344885

So glad someone clipped the response to a comment I made on lolcows, specifically Chrischan. Every lolcow has done some messed up stuff to reach that level. She basically claims that lolcows are neurodivergent people who are preyed on on the Internet saying "people like myself".

No. 2344887

>calling Chris chan a she
Do you know where you are retard? Half of the posts in this thread are by unintregrated newfags who deserve that ban

No. 2344890

wrong thread

pretty sure they're talking abt lexity and are a newfag from that whole drama

No. 2344895

File: 1736762511642.jpg (69.27 KB, 1258x180, ttd.jpg)

>anons get banned for making obvious old copypasta or memes and the farmhands don't get it
For real.

No. 2344944

>calling lexity a she

No. 2345004

File: 1736771935971.jpg (24.09 KB, 401x274, gif.jpg)

No. 2345006

Oh my god, this was mine kek, I didn't even realise I was banned. So is there only a certain number of times you can use a reaction image?

No. 2345112

Do the mods even know what avatarfagging means?

You couldn't have used it that much, right?

No. 2345210

I don't think so kek, I don't really think about it too much.

No. 2346440

File: 1736834323592.png (354.67 KB, 1608x782, wtf.png)

farmhands are fucking retarded. I didn't know me touching my clit was such a momentous occasion.

No. 2346456

She wants you anon

No. 2346458

you have such a powerful vagina

No. 2346460

Farmer x farmhand forbidden romance

No. 2346481

>farmer keeps getting her posts warned
>warnings go from serious to clear flirtatious remarks
>even when the farmer posts her warnings, other farmers say she's faking them
>farmhand even redtexts the posts saying 'this retard is lying', furthering the discord

No. 2346521

What the FUCK?

No. 2346523

KEK Why are you so outraged anon

No. 2346526

lol I’m not I’m just bewildered. Where else was nonna supposed to post that.

No. 2346557

Maybe in the TMI thread or one of the horny threads on /g/

No. 2346559

NTA but TMI is subjective. If nonna thought it was a mundane event then she should be able to post it there. Also a lot of people only stick to /ot/

No. 2346561

That post gave me a good laugh lmao. I agree though, we're all women here so I don't feel it's gross enough to be TMI

No. 2346563

>A lot of people only stick to /ot/
Can't reason with /ot/fags

No. 2346577

File: 1736885225778.jpg (9.78 KB, 435x113, somebody tardwrangle the mod.j…)

This is from a thread on /ot/.

No. 2346580

File: 1736885323248.jpg (9.92 KB, 331x93, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg)

Seriously, this mod needs to go.

No. 2346581

Celebricows requires saging if you are not providing any new information, sweetie.

No. 2346584

that's fine, but how is she supposed to post an image that encapsulates just how sucky måneskin were?

No. 2346587

that anon was replying to someone else

No. 2346588

Not talking about that…? I replied to the one that just says sage your shit.

No. 2346590

They didn't link the post though.

No. 2346592

What the fuck are you talking about nonna. Are you new around here?

No. 2346596

KEK I'm so god damn tired of newfags

No. 2346627

kek this was me but i was in the wrong in this one i mistook the thread for the news one (since the same image was posted on both) and posted unsaged in the celeb cows thread

No. 2346672

What the hell does this mean

No. 2347184

File: 1736919624917.png (215.93 KB, 1290x1386, Banned!.png)

God forbid women have unconventional tastes…

No. 2347185

Yeah, this is a bad ban. It should've been permanent.

No. 2347187

agreed. i wholeheartedly believe that beauty is subjective but op's opinion is objectively wrong

No. 2347208

it's a ban because it's derailing

No. 2347272

File: 1736932832332.jpg (31.2 KB, 1271x223, vain.jpg)


No. 2347274

File: 1736932911314.jpg (31.29 KB, 1269x124, vain2.jpg)

No. 2347276

okay so you're the retard that doesn't know how to read thread rules.
get over yourself you vain bitch!

No. 2347277

File: 1736933043758.jpg (48.4 KB, 739x393, vain3.jpg)

The mod is personalityfagging.

No. 2347279

File: 1736933115789.png (385.47 KB, 640x618, mojh0f5r6yce1.png)

No. 2347281

File: 1736933137228.jpg (11.57 KB, 340x157, vain.jpg)

No. 2347282

You're not supposed to reply to posts in GIOYC retard. it's not about you, you vain bitch.

No. 2347283

Read the thread rules and don't be a weapons-grade retard

No. 2347309

File: 1736935077220.jpg (20.96 KB, 1227x111, sex.jpg)

No. 2347385

File: 1736942933373.jpg (71.07 KB, 720x356, ita.jpg)

No. 2347399

lol wtf are you on about? op didn't bother making a proper post and was very much spamming the thread

No. 2347413

You are such a fucking retard. Read the OP of that thread.

No. 2347417

This is how ita threads are supposed to work. 'bad J-fashion outfits thread' doesn't need much of an intro unless you're a total newfag and it's normal for an OP to throw up several images to 'start the discussion' because otherwise you get like one or two posts and nothing else. It's embarrassing to have to tell a farmhand to lurk more but this one clearly needs it lel.

No. 2347428

Got banned for samefagging when I wasn't, so my best guess is another anon use the exact same vpn in the same thread lmao
It's pretty common that i try to post and another anon has already been banned for some retarded post from that vpn, it's quite funny to see that like damn nona you stepped too far over the racebaiting line huh

No. 2347447

File: 1736946975048.jpg (11.3 KB, 551x95, 65478.jpg)

The role of mods is to prevent rule-infringement, not to grade your essays posts.

No. 2347671

File: 1736959521571.jpg (53.45 KB, 699x379, triggered.jpg)

No. 2347679

File: 1736960283489.jpg (34.62 KB, 565x406, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAANKK.jpg)


No. 2347700

File: 1736961443994.jpg (18.85 KB, 422x208, vpn.jpg)

No. 2347713

So frustrating when lazy (and retarded) anons don’t even bother to read the OP

No. 2347748

Some of you are significantly stupider than others

No. 2347752

rude, i just had a kneejerk reaction to seeing it on the frontpage

No. 2347755

DA but it was a funny response, relax anon

No. 2347788

I thought it was cute and funny, nonnie.

No. 2348595

File: 1737015617781.jpg (6.28 KB, 259x89, f.jpg)

No. 2348597

File: 1737015778939.jpg (47.67 KB, 479x529, arf.jpg)

No. 2348600

No. 2349043

I dunno why that was so funny to me
They be sounding like wikipedia editors

No. 2350171

Guys… I think I might have just watched a janny wk cows in a cow thread, then ban and DFE because it became too upsetting for him. Not a 100% sure, but the response time and things said in the conversation line up. Juicy if true.

Is this a common experience for other nonnies? What were your interactions like with posters you're pretty sure were jannies?

No. 2350199

File: 1737117919996.png (365.43 KB, 1574x1348, really?.png)

No. 2350368

yes, and if there are or seem to be two anons doing it, their post times are usually 6-8 minutes apart. It's pretty weird. They will never admit it so it's difficult to discuss.

No. 2351481

File: 1737170102093.png (186.98 KB, 828x788, Banned!.png)

I’ll accept the ban for infighting but checking my post history would show I consistently contribute milk. This was not a spoonfeed request.

No. 2351492

We can't say anything the bans just keep getting more and more ridiculous

No. 2351779

Omg, just clicked,I know exactly what you’re talking about. When they were doing that, they were doing it in a similar thread a little bit after.

No. 2351975

File: 1737213634552.jpg (43.66 KB, 929x271, bait.jpg)

calling a random butch woman a borderline pedophile doesnt get you redtexted for bait but getting called a fujo is somehow a death sentence. mods, stop showing your bias for one second.

No. 2351976


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2351985

Realistically, the top post should've been banned for 'encouraging personalityfagging'

No. 2352005

I've never seen posts get redtexted for 'encouraging personalityfagging' when it's yuripedo being mentioned even if it doesn't have anything to do with her, but it gets redtexted for every other personalityfag mention.

No. 2352057

That's weird and might have to be brought up in meta

No. 2352256

File: 1737226417287.jpg (43.78 KB, 1348x122, elon.jpg)

No. 2352290

File: 1737227356455.jpg (108.13 KB, 907x514, yyyyyyyyyyyy.jpg)

You writing a post is a school assignment and you will be graded, didn't you know, nonas?

No. 2352298

kek this was fucking hilarious. Just busted out laughing, I'm even laughing as I type this. Never change lolcor, never change

No. 2353802

File: 1737298846106.jpg (98.56 KB, 782x288, pp.jpg)

No. 2354493

this isn't retarded, you deserved that ban.

No. 2355058

getting banned for a post and infight that happened 16 days ago i was completely uninvolved in and unaware of, fuck you

No. 2355061

Why are you saying fuck you to me?? I didn't even do anything to you WTH!

No. 2355062

it's all your fault actually

No. 2355064

File: 1737353316434.png (10.88 KB, 1484x106, chrome_kBwvizlbof.png)

the infight and ban btw. so stupid.

No. 2355067

You already posted this? It was here: >>2347671

I'm becoming very afraid now and I feel much anxieities over this because of the dayjaw view nature of this interction Please explain!

No. 2355070

its because it wasnt me, anon, they unbanned me idk how they managed to ban me in the first place

No. 2355071

But if you posted it before then how did you post it again now when you already did before????? Its not making sense at all!

No. 2355078

I got banned right when i posted this, sorry if that wasnt clear. that anon isnt me so the farmhands are probably trying to figure out a vpn user maybe

No. 2355081

OK but if you were banned for that and then you were banned right when you posted it like you said then why did you post this >>2347671 earlyer when you said that you were banned because of this post but then you were not banned until now for it from 16 days earlyer?? Then why is >>2347671 the one that banned but your not >>2347671 because your >>2355064 even though >>2355064 is the same ban as >>2347671 from 5 days ago??

No. 2355082

i appealed my ban just now because it isnt me, i dont know what to tell you nonnie. they confused me with that person

No. 2355083

Im so confused by this whole affair and its giving me a migraine!

No. 2355090

i'll try to genuinely describe it to you. i only made >>2355058 and >>2355064 that was my only involvement or knowledge of that infight. i was banned 35 minutes ago for it, appealed it and was immediately unbanned. i hope that clears it up i know i made it look a bit retarded

No. 2355092

But your saying fuck you again to me even after Im hurting and in major serious pain from the migraine that is becaused from this horrible nasty mess. Im just trying to understand that your >>2355064 but your not >>2347671 but >>2347671 is the same ban as >>2355064 from this post >>2347671 from 5 days ago while your post >>2355064 is from 16 days ago which is 11 days before >>2347671 was posted but then this post is a different post too from >>2355064 with the same ban so how is >>2355064 different from >>2347671 but not the same person?!?! Its fearing me because that would mean that there on your computer mobile cellular phone or desktop personl computer to post from you unless that your not >>2347671 but then how would >>2347671 then get your posts like in >>2355064 now??? It doesnt help that your saying fuck you to me and swearing and cursing and causing a ruckus for me even though Im just confused by this whole fearful posts!

No. 2355093

i edited it again because im a retard who cant get across points sometimes sorry nona

No. 2355095

NTA but wtf

No. 2355098

Its OK Sometimes people call me retarded to but Im still very shaken from this experience because of whats happened during the experience to me and you But I asked my aunt to help explain and read what you writ and she said you need to have your devices scanned for viruses as someone may have access to your devices and is pretending to be you So maybe its alot more serious then we both think Anyway wishing you the Best I forgive you for saying fuck you to me twice as I understand that it was a very confusing and hurtful experience for both of us

No. 2355099

ata i understand why she is so darn tootin' confused!
thanks sweetie. glad we had a productive conversation about this. i know about thepeople watching me so dont worry

No. 2355102

Same kek what the hell just happened here

No. 2355118

File: 1737357027615.jpg (56.57 KB, 1265x174, g.jpg)

No. 2355196

File: 1737364636076.jpg (19.88 KB, 1232x105, ccccccccccccc.jpg)

No. 2355203

kek wtf

No. 2355365

File: 1737377908807.jpg (87.29 KB, 602x405, repost.jpg)

No. 2355416

File: 1737381638989.jpg (173.83 KB, 858x480, what.jpg)

No. 2355549

The only retard here is the anon who couldn't scroll up ten posts to see that it was already posted.

No. 2357419

File: 1737447684022.jpg (93.84 KB, 1254x226, 3333.jpg)

No. 2357424

File: 1737447801333.jpg (45.66 KB, 783x331, huh.jpg)

No. 2357426

Read the post. It's a joke ban and was likely only a minute long.

No. 2357518

File: 1737450984602.jpg (35.94 KB, 472x272, troon.jpg)

This after a tranny stared sperging out in the gender ideology hate thread.

No. 2357520

no way. i want to kill the jannies rn

No. 2357542

File: 1737452391679.jpg (22.47 KB, 446x168, bait.jpg)

Americans don't like being called fat kek.

No. 2357638

reminds me of what happened in the post your art thread

No. 2357683

File: 1737468019042.jpg (21.17 KB, 378x112, 1.jpg)

No. 2357693

Can both sides of this war please stop sperging out in unrelated threads

No. 2357738


No. 2357887

File: 1737476119646.jpg (177.5 KB, 1080x1368, wtfe.jpg)

maybe im missing something but how is this a "sage your shit" post when she literally contributed a video and discussion

No. 2357940

Anon responded to two posts of the same milk already, there's no need to bump the tread with another repost. Video can't even be viewed as it's private.

No. 2358178

thats fair i suppose

No. 2359331

File: 1737530682850.jpg (32.66 KB, 1238x122, do not fedpost on a feddie sit…)

No. 2359333

File: 1737530739857.jpg (12.13 KB, 541x103, 3.jpg)

No. 2359334

File: 1737530764965.jpg (18.27 KB, 426x143, 5.jpg)

No. 2359335

File: 1737530814465.jpg (80.49 KB, 1262x330, elon.jpg)

No. 2359338

mods don't know that spoonfeeding requests are meant for asking about past milk not asking the anons who stalk certain cows threads to update them.

No. 2359381

File: 1737536685852.jpg (38.3 KB, 664x356, kys.jpg)


No. 2359408

WTF does this mean that we have a right-wing MAGA moderator.

No. 2359414

I wouldn’t be surprised if we did, lots of trumptards hang out here.

No. 2359497

It was posted in the "uplifting news" thread
The mod obviously doesn't consider it to be uplifting

No. 2359555

Oh okay that makes sense now. Since I was confused since that poster posted that without context. Looks like they were the retard in this situation and not the janny.

No. 2359645

thank you nona

No. 2361562

File: 1737618894923.jpg (77.47 KB, 1279x319, snow.jpg)

No. 2361566


No. 2361917

File: 1737651758376.jpg (99.56 KB, 1250x406, 432526.jpg)

Mods here are:
1. from 4chan
2. from Bongland
3. don't like being called pedos.

In other words, farmhands are Bongland cops (mod 4chin for free, pedos or pedo-defenders).

No. 2361927

there were anons in the female fantasies thread posting images of underage girls who didnt get banned but the anon calling them pedos got redtexted for infighting. there definitely is a pedo on the mod team.

No. 2361933

File: 1737652645783.jpg (84.75 KB, 848x599, g.jpg)

Was it Yuripedo's doing?

No. 2361942

File: 1737653328897.png (479.28 KB, 1812x860, 1737552838665.png)

it was actually fujos posting photos of minors.

No. 2362000

>fujos post shota
i sleep
>fujos thirstpost real underage girls
i sleep
>ssa women post random anime girls

No. 2362003

It reminds of this popular image which is just a compilation of pictures of fakebois and tomboys, which fujotif lusters often post when they talk about their attraction to TIFs. And I'm pretty sure half of the girls in that image are underaged themselves.

No. 2362599

why is janny so mad damn

No. 2362753

File: 1737689695660.jpg (119.71 KB, 720x662, 1000000429.jpg)

Painfully unfunny and pointless

No. 2362761

the tif is weird too

No. 2362768

File: 1737690322499.png (373.73 KB, 828x1189, huh.png)

these are literally tourist handmaiden redditors that got tipped

No. 2362891

kek, god damnit nona

No. 2362896

this, every word of this^

No. 2362979

it's getting tiring and they aren't even trying to hide it, it's so disrespectful

No. 2363017

Well, there's at least one janitor abusing jannie privileges and for some reason thinks that's not at all noticeable.

No. 2363042

File: 1737706361563.jpg (40.95 KB, 891x265, 1.jpg)

Nobody from the UK should ever be a mod anywhere, ever.

No. 2363047

This ban was especially interesting because it was immediately redtext while the blocks of bri'ish racesperg text right above it weren't. It's okay to be a salty English bitch that wants to derail and argue but don't you dare call one out by region.

No. 2363051

File: 1737707215842.jpg (9.25 KB, 460x93, ban.jpg)


No. 2363052

File: 1737707284794.jpg (130.79 KB, 1248x303, 2X.jpg)

No. 2363053

Yeah, you can racebait and derail all you want as long as you are a farmhand!

No. 2363057

File: 1737707903771.jpg (27.87 KB, 1213x96, wk.jpg)

Words have no meaning anymore.

No. 2363059

Every now and again you do get an absolute nutter that becomes a farmhand to have aggressive schizoid arguments where they pretend to know every poster and then quietly delete a few posts. I haven't seen it happen in several years, but perhaps there's a renaissance.

No. 2363060

I said this before this website is white supremacist in nature you cannot talk about white races without not only getting immediately banned but also the post getting erased completely. Call someone a black slur or shit on women on low income countries and it stays up. But don’t you dare talk about Europeans and white Americans uwu. A joke of a site this is. These farmhands are yt supremacist nazi sympathizers. Say anything dissenting about white girls and it will get erased. Not just a red text but ERASED

No. 2363068

both real posts, fuck that british tranny janny
+ its so funny you can tell whatever it is is seething and going ban crazy KEK

No. 2363070

A day ago there was an extremely inflammatory polfag post with racial slurs, I reported it numerous times and I know other people must have–it stayed up for awhile with no acknowledgement while a janitor in /ot/ was actively doling out stupid as fuck bans. Within a minute of me making a post that said "It's so sus when a mod is actively dishing out bans but leaves up polfag racial slur spergout without redtexting," the post was finally deleted. There I 100% a psycho janitor–several months ago when a moid posted a spam thread advertising an imageboard he made that had Loli openly on the linked page, the evening janitor left it up for four hours and ignored every single report and complaint in spite of being active with other bans. The janitor let them repeatedly bump the thread to the top of the page for multiple hours. They only deleted it when someone made a reply in the thread calling the jannies out for being men.

No. 2363079

File: 1737710670083.jpg (22.21 KB, 780x121, meds.jpg)

No. 2363082

File: 1737710746362.jpg (40.41 KB, 1196x410, opinions.jpg)

>(THIS IS AN IMAGEBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111)

No. 2363083

The reply is funny and had no business copping a ban. New jannies need fired.

No. 2363085

kek this is truly retarded

No. 2363102

File: 1737712325843.jpg (34.86 KB, 477x292, manda.jpg)

From the Amanda Bret thread.

No. 2363110

kek he is truly reaching unbridled seethery.
sorry, skirby will never fuck you

No. 2363115

I thought that I was going crazy because I kept getting banned more often for innocuous things, but it seems like there’s a jannie with a bug up their ass. “Integrate”? I’ve been posting on this site since its inception and have contributed and made cow threads as well as other general threads. Part of me feels like maybe I’m too much of a grandma and not welcome on the site anymore.

No. 2363120

File: 1737713423933.jpg (179.53 KB, 1243x809, l.jpg)

>No, you can't discuss things, because it adds to our workload! Keep this site dead!

>>2363082 was from the Unpopular Opinions thread.

No. 2363121

File: 1737713566268.gif (259.5 KB, 220x227, IMG_7814.gif)

You are totally welcome here, all of us are if we aren’t absolutely retarded like ta!
I’ve been noticing the same patterns as every nona here and it’s so painfully obvious now it’s literally retarded annoying and embarrassing for all of us, get rid of him farmhands or you are weak and make us look bad as a whole. shame! It’s kinda felt like theres an active mission by a janny for like the last two years to just kill lc

No. 2363155

Ty nona it’s so disheartening to see it makes actual discussion go to a standstill. It feels like jokes aren’t allowed in any capacity if they aren’t shitting on women. It definitely feels like someone is trying to change lc into what the rest of the internet thinks we are, girl 4chan.

No. 2363162

ayrt, at the end of the day, the userbase is what keeps the site alive. real women and ones with similar interests, are this websites main userbase and always have been/will continue to be.
they need to stop doing all of this weird extra nonsense and just cut the problem off from the root, it’s boring and getting very tired now… and encourages nonas to disengage as you said

No. 2363166

At this rate you might as well go back to calling them “coloureds” like the good ol’ days.

No. 2363717

God they're so fucking cringe. How are these retards not embarrassed…

No. 2364301

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there is actually no way kek, this is so beyond retarded.
this post isn’t talking about you farmhands, it’s talking about the subreddit mods that came in to bait and get info they don’t have, way to tell on yourselves

No. 2365274

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No. 2365275

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So posting cow's social media is doxing as well if PayPal accounts are not allowed?

No. 2365277

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No. 2365278


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No. 2365280

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