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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 1499865[Reply]

A thread to discuss the the ecological dangers spawned by cats and dogs without autistically hating on them or focusing on irrelevant details
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No. 1504132

I used to work at a pet supplies store and this thread reminded me of this one lady who was getting flea/worm stuff for her cat. she told me and my coworker that he just LOVES to be outdoors even though he keeps getting ticks and all that stuff. We pointed out that this area just isn't really safe for cats, it's in the foothills of some mountains and there's huge birds, coyotes, mountain lions, and rugged terrain/forest, not to mention the traffic through our town, which is the last before you head over the mountains. She got insanely defensive, and when my coworker pointed out that her cat is likely impacting the natural environment, she insisted that her cat doesn't hunt and stayed long after her transaction was over to tell us that it was normal in england to let your cats out (we are in california) and it's not her fault he wants outside and whatever.

There is literally no reason for a cat to be outside, all that's happening is endangering other people when the cat runs in front of a car or scratches someone when it's being chased by a dog (happened to my grandmother, she had to get antibiotics), endangering the cat from cars/predators, and endangering the local wildlife/ecosystem because of their hunting, and divert finances/donations from other organizations that could help children or something because someone's didn't neuter their cat and now there's 5 litters in the neighborhood shelter.

No. 1504197

>Slow down
Are you aware of the fact that sometimes you just can't slow down

No. 1504314

So am I supposed to assume the cat jumped out at her on the freeway? The most realistic answer is usually the most accurate, this dumbass was going too fast on a residential street and the cat jumped out and she was going to fast too stop or swerve. I've seen it plenty of times before, so yeah, slow down.

No. 1504352

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nayrt but even when you're going 30mph (the standard speed limit for residential streets in my city), it still takes like 40+ feet to come to a complete stop when braking. Some freeways run right through the middle of town or near wild areas and roadkill is common in those areas because there are times when there's nothing you can do.

No. 2203030

How to rid the world of pitbulls?(use the dog hate thread)

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No. 2174334[Reply]

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

>>2148320(newfags, lurk more and stop making premature threads)
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No. 2200958

Objectifying material is treated like it's always targeted at men, i noticed. I usually thought that's the reason they thought that attractive ones look like "fags" before and didn't understand why was it the case.
>Moids can't take objectifying even from teenage girls
Damn, kek. Didn't expect that. They're genuinely mad we're beings with autonomy.
I'm so sorry, but i can see similarities, kekkkk. Leon is still better-looking though somehow.

No. 2200966

Honestly most of my husbandos lately have been 3D-2D but their models always look worse idk why
I kinda wish they didn't use them and made special faces for them but its probably too expensive

No. 2201108

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Reading this book and even 15th century Tunisians had a better idea of what women find attractive than men today do

No. 2201171

What book? This looks based

No. 2201192

this is painfully (yet hilariously) accurate kek

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No. 2145908[Reply]

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread:
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No. 2200313

This is like saying human's nipples ruin their aesthetic. Maybe that's not wrong.

No. 2200347

People who think it's normal to go trick-or-treating as grown adults without kids. It's not. It's fucking weird.

No. 2200442

So which x-fag are you

No. 2200556

i cant stand this broad

No. 2200616

Looks like an older Bella ramsey

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No. 2171016[Reply]

Revived nun edition

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2137411
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No. 2199732

stacies don't let themselves die of cancer

No. 2199735

i wish i'm this based

No. 2199805

i like being cluster b because being perceived as evil makes me feel safe

No. 2199808

I've been listening to a lot of toxic moid music recently, like Pitbull and Chris Brown

No. 2199873

That's just barely toxic nonnie. Add futures early stuff to your music list and it might be although future isn't really all that ""toxic"" either

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No. 2159692[Reply]

For burgers to unite and talk about the greatest nation on earth.

>no infighting

>no baiting
>just mclovin

Previous threads:
1202 posts and 162 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2198842

i didn’t say if they fired you. i said if something life threatening happens. they are moving towards considering an evacuation order a law legally in florida, there was one case that was dismissed and one that was considered over this.

however the important thing is if you are injured because you are forced to work in unsafe conditions, then you can sue. that’s what i meant.

No. 2198865

West Virginia is paying people to move there and it’s a very pretty area

No. 2198882

NEW THREAD, BURGERINAS! >>>/ot/2198863

No. 2200758

mid sized cities in the midwest

No. 2200760

what pisses me off about posts like this is that you same people will probably hold it against anon(s) for struggling financially after demanding them quit

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No. 2168370[Reply]

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events that have recently happened in your life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2141639
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No. 2197623

chocolate and almond already go well together, so it sounds yummy, but it could also taste like a cardboard box dissolved in chocolate milk kek, but it exists in my country so i'll order it sometime nonnie

No. 2197625

it is actually entirely justified for you to hate indian men, especially as a SEA woman, prostitution and sex tourism are common joke subjects among indian scrotes, they don't respect their own country's women and they disrespect you even more.

No. 2202049

I always thought my calves were slightly disproportionate to the rest of my leg (esp since I have small ankles), recently I started wearing compression socks because I stand a lot at work and now they look more balanced even after removing the socks. I guess they were just slightly swollen or the skin was kinda loose, since they're not actually fat?

No. 2202079

I thought I was just terrible at makeup and doing it wrong, but I was just looking at it under extremely harsh lighting. I am actually OK at it.

No. 2206877

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Tori Vega strikes me as the type of girl that brags about how cool she is with her boyfriend watching porn because she prioritizes moid validation.

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No. 2178436[Reply]

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
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No. 2197016

It's always the husbandofags with the parasocial attachment issues that take every single thing as a personal attack against them and their cartoon Nigel.

No. 2197023

Anons complain about being spammed with annoying mpreg jokes
>That didn't happen.("you have paranoid farms brainrot!")
Anons post examples
>And if it did, it wasn't that bad."you are joyless and bitter and just jealous!"
Anons elaborate and give recent examples
>And if it was, that's not a big deal. "It's just husbandofags, everyone else doesn't care cuz I said so"

Accept that others dont share your lame sense of humor, narc-chan. Aren't you the one who is taking people hating a meme as an excuse to play armchair psychologist?

No. 2197044

NTA but the original joke was done by a Japanese artist and the two people were two female students and the child they had was this hardened yakuza type

No. 2197093

Take your meds.

No. 2197178

isn’t this a teenager?

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No. 2095474[Reply]

If you are a Millennial, say something positive about Gen Z

If you are Gen Z, say something positive about Millennials.

If you are Gen X or older, pick a generation and say something positive about them.

If you are Gen Alpha, you are not allowed to post on lolcow.farm.
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No. 2181732

no, it makes sense that a different country could have different interpretation of a famous person; I was kind of hoping you would drop which country cuz I thought basically every country hated fat people except america and germany

No. 2196346

I think zoomer is a really good name considering how many of them have been on speed since they were literal babies ♥

No. 2196349

I read that as sped kek

No. 2196357

We have it worse

No. 2265791

care to elaborate?

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No. 2195856[Reply]

Does anyone know any places where you can discuss gender critial believes with fellow gender critials? It seems unlike most communities we have no spaces not even reddit which hope to a bunch of super niche comunities but non for us :*((shit thread)

No. 2195889

Just ask in the gender ideology hate thread. We don't need a new thread for this.

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No. 1293516[Reply]

anything related to hiking, camping, backpacking, vehicle dwelling, self-sufficiency, survival, etc etc, you know.
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No. 1296886

You're going to attract more weirdos that way. Just be inconspicuous and don't stare at anyone…

No. 1297069


No. 1313554

so how was it

No. 1313607

>wild nonnie has to face moids for the first time

No. 2195852

Cycling through Australian deserts.

Pepper spray and knives.

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