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No. 1293516

anything related to hiking, camping, backpacking, vehicle dwelling, self-sufficiency, survival, etc etc, you know.

No. 1293528

There's so many random threads on LC lately

No. 1293530

the threads are boring imo so I wanted to change that

No. 1293550

i wanna start a self-sufficiency farm by myself when im older, ideally i would live with as little technology as possible and harvest my own food/make my own clothes
im going to start with growing some easy vegetables/fruits for practice
Id love to hear if anyone has experience living self-sufficiently too

No. 1293554

We already have a thread like this

No. 1293568

no we do not, unless you're talking about the travel thread.

No. 1293576

We have this thread which is basically the same

No. 1293585

that covers cottage core and self sufficiency, not really outdoor recreation like hiking, urban exploration, bushwhacking, etc.

No. 1293605

Shared the location of my favorite beginner trail with this cool lady at the coffee shop the other day. I hope she has fun exploring it sometime!
I'm still pretty new to hiking so wanted to ask, how do you stay safe on the trail? I'm not too worried about wild animals in these parts but moids in the mountains are a different story.

No. 1293619

>but moids in the mountains are a different story
I wanna learn how to ride a motorcycle and then do a cross country trip with just a tent and my bike, but I'm afraid a moid will murder me when I have my guard down. They really take the fun out of everything.

No. 1293636

I grew up in an area with lots of good hiking and judging by the news stories I’ve heard over the years of moid trail attackers, the best things are pepper spray, a big dog, and the ability to run faster than the moid who’s after you.

No. 1293637

Camping in a tent off the back of a motorcycle is based as fuck, you have awesome dreams nonnie. Wish we could have women-only routes and trails.

No. 1293649

thank you!! there's actually a ton of cool vintage pics out there from the 30s-50s of female motorcyclists, it's so inspiring

No. 1293927

My mom's friend did this when she was 47. She traveled to usa and met up with a woman she had met online who wanted to do the same. They both rented motorcycles and traveled across the country together staying in a tent or in hotels along the way, depending on what they could find. I'm definitely planning to have a big adventure like that in my fourties.

No. 1294025

I did something similar where I travelled across the states and went hiking. They've got some of the best hiking trails in the world and beautiful wildlife. This is something everyone should do once in a lifetime.

No. 1294065

I am trying to do this first year now and there's so much things that go wrong it's unreal. My advice would be buy a land that has good soil, that's the priority no.1. The darkest soil you can find because this sandy and literally ceramic clay type soil i have here is trash and you need to fertilize all the time. Another advice, buy land as far from big crop fields as possible. Big crop fields have plenty of bugs that will eat everything and you can't do anything about it, even if they spray it chemically, bugs are still there! I couldn't buy a perfect land i had to get one that i had money for so i'm suffering the consequences. You also need to fence everything where you grow, animals will eat it even if it has thorns. Those foamy things that you put around your propery that smell like predators and are suppsed to scare the animals don't work. You also need a well or some other water source on your property for watering the plants, you can collect rainwater but it's not always raining enough and with the weather being crazy as it is these past few years i wouldn't bet on rainwater if i could buy a property again.

No. 1294071

This is what I'm ultimately aiming for too, although I want to combine it with a part-time job for a secure income. I don't think I'll ultimately be looking for 100% self-sufficiency. I'm still a student so I'm using these years to practice gardening and food preservation.

Btw there's lots of books on self sufficiency and homesteading, lots of good resources!

No. 1294385

I hate how hippies have become the face of van living. I'd rather it be like random doomsday boomers living off grid than a cringe millenial couple doing yoga and playing the guitar on their roofs. yes I'm a hater

No. 1294405

Why does that bother you so much? I don't care for that type of people either but what about it bothers you so much?

No. 1294418

it's an embarrassing look and I wouldn't want to be associated with that kind of aesthetic.

No. 1294470

what's better to live in, a van or a truck camper?

No. 1294509

Okay be the change you wish to see in the world. Be a van liver obsessed with doomsday and own a bunch of guns and canned food and dress like a Fallout character, then. Do it!!!

No. 1294643

Nta but that style of van living always comes off as super performative. You just know that if a solar flare selectively wiped out all social media that they’d stop living that way, or at least it would look very different.

No. 1294772

I'm going camping soon

No. 1294806

You sound like a joy to be around

What kind of place are you going anon? I recently came back from camping trip to the coast, it was so relaxing.

No. 1294829

ohhhh you're probably one of those smelly hippies who think it's aesthetic to larp ass homeless lmao

No. 1294862

Quick, nonnies, what's your ideal outdoor adventure? Given the opportunity to do anything you want, what would it be?
I'm cringe, I want to camp for a few nights in the local mountain woodlands… but with historical-inspired camping gear and homemade trail rations. Like an SCA event, but by myself and more fantasy larp.

No. 1294870

Cabin in the mountains. It’s been a few years since I’ve been and I miss it a lot.

No. 1295010

i'd love to go urbex again. I used to when i was a teenager with my friend just driving around villages and going to all the abandoned places we could find. Normal houses were the best because they had so many things inside, photos of people who lived there and paintings on the walls from drug people were the best. I go hiking all the tim since i live in the mountains now so i miss some adrenaline type of adventure.

No. 1295827

File: 1660064686103.gif (1.65 MB, 582x446, childhood friends _ hyunin.gif)

comfy comfy comfy

No. 1296216

i live in switzerland and hiking is kinda like the national sport here lmao. my bf is really into it and i like it too. last year we hiked to the top of a mountain during autumn and decided to sleep there overnight, no tent, just with our mats and sleeping bags. no shit it was the most magical experience ever. we were right above the clouds and it was a full moon coincidentally. i've seen many pretty sights here in switzerland but the absolute tranquility and the thousands of stars illuminating the mountain panorama all around us really took the cake for me. the sunrise was the cheery on top. almost ended up crying. the only thing that bothered me was the wind chill during the night. my sleeping bag is quite good but the wind still bothered me. does anyone have any recommendations on how to be more comfy in such situations? i've heard of biwaksacks (idk if this is the right word in english) but not so sure.

No. 1296796

Anynonny have plans to see the perseids meteor shower this week? It supposedly starts in about 2 days.

No. 1296814

I'd say just have an extra layer of warm clothes to wear inside the sleeping bag. I'm staying at my cottage with no heating atm, the night temperatures have just strated to drop to zero here, and I'll just wear a thick wool shirt and wool pants inside the bag, keeps me warm just fine through the night and even if I have to get up to pee or smth. Some people claim you should sleep in the bag in just your undies but imo that's just bullshit.

No. 1296822

was off grid for years, cool thread OP

No. 1296831

I’m going to leave the house for the first time in a month but I’m scared of some junkie approaching me in the dark. Is it weird to run to my grocery shop while screaming occasionally to ward off predators? Will it alert the gendarmerie

No. 1296886

You're going to attract more weirdos that way. Just be inconspicuous and don't stare at anyone…

No. 1297069


No. 1313554

so how was it

No. 1313607

>wild nonnie has to face moids for the first time

No. 2195852

Cycling through Australian deserts.

Pepper spray and knives.

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