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No. 2137411
retired nun edition
>>>/ot/2110705 No. 2137435
>>2137425I think he had been staying over for about 6 months at that point btw, not a dinner guest. I’m not
that dramatic.
No. 2138033
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I LOVE blonde psycho men, the more deranged and messed up the better (just characters, I don't interact with real moids) i don't even know why did i develop these tastes, its like waking up one day craving pickles with ketchup
No. 2138075
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No. 2138135
>>2138132Yes, check your shoes
>>2138120I drew porn of me and my villain anime husbando when I was 10 and hung it on the wall proudly, nothing to be ashamed of. I'd still do it now with my current husbando.
No. 2138200
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I feel bad for gossiping to my friends about how a guy I knew was on Grindr. He never did anything to me
No. 2138225
>>2138219I wasn’t on there but someone else I knew sent me screenshots
>>2138214He was an openly gay twink
No. 2138259
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when i was a kid i went on my older brother's phone and texted a bunch of people "im having sex" and then deleted it all but he still found out. the only person that responded was some girl that was like "yeah im fucking someone too. wyd" and it really scared me for some reason. i vividly remember texting a contact with the name "____'s mom" too but she never responded and it's still haunting me after 20 years because imagine having a son and randomly one of his friends texts you "im having sex". what the fuck was my problem… ____'s mom i'm so very sorry
No. 2138368
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>>2138360it's okay you can laugh, it's pretty funny in retrospect. and you're right… i'm finally free from the sins of my childhood…
No. 2138443
>>2138431just a sperg like one of us
just a nonner on the bus
trying to milk her way home
No. 2139035
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My confession is that although people on lolcow really upset me sometimes and I hate their opinions, lolcow has empowered me to not be such a pushover bitch. I've told two people off this year that desperately were overdue, and it wouldn't have happened if I didn't see other anons sharing the same sentiments, unknowingly validating my feelings. Thank you for showing me the reality of female rage, showing me that it shouldn't be shameful. Thank you for being autistic and cringe, as I am autistic and cringe. Thank you for having weird hang ups about sex and men, as do I. Thank you for naming your mom and dad issues, because I have those too. And thank you for being a place that I will always feel safe sharing my angry uncensored opinions with. This is the only place I can work out my feelings with other people however toxic it may be, my real ugly feelings that I'm afraid to show to the people around me.
No. 2139052
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>>2139035love u you too nona . women are always silenced on every platform due to fear of them being harassed so i understand. lolcow is the only place where we can talk unfiltered
although some nonas really need their access revoked for their own good and sanity No. 2139058
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>>2139035>>2139052I share the same sentiment as you two, cheers
No. 2139085
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Me and my friend used to play this game where we’d spin and a wheel and it would land on some different type of person (furries, fat positivity activists, troons, etc) and we’d find that type of person online. I’d come up with a creative insult and she’d leave the comments. I remember one time we found this one themby fat positivity activist and I would tell her to leave comments like “Milady, your planet is so large I am drawn to your orbit. I wish to be the crumb stuck in your rolls and drown in your grease.” It’s been years since I did this but I still feel kind of bad
No. 2139127
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The day was shit for real. I did nothing all day. Then i flicked my bean to some futa hentai and now i feel much better.
No. 2139305
>>2139244I don't think the
y'all is what gives them away kek, its more the way they can not even lurk long enough to share their horny "confessions" in the correct thread(s) but instead shared it here even though this is not the thread for that. inb4 they reply to say it's a confession so it akshually still counts (it doesn't, lurk more)
No. 2139339
>>2139329I hate to explain it but it wasn't meant to be taken so seriously so you don't have to get defensive. It just a joke about how identifiable that anon is. I don't actually think she's trying to become a personalityfag
which yeah, sperging about the same thing repeatedly would make you one I just think she sucks at integrating.
No. 2139342
>>2139335I don't give a shit about plastic toys, dicks are more interesting.
>>2139336Yeah they're not trannies, I don't know what to tell you. If anything they're intersex.
No. 2139368
>>2139361Here I am responding to scrotefoiling, but once again women are individuals with individual preferences.
>>2139363Just using the opponent's language. By all means provide a term you'd prefer.
No. 2139401
>>2139399>I’ll just post it on 4chanbased
But really, could we have a thread for smut
No. 2139461
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>>2138924>>2138569>>2138373Need shirtless pics of these hoes so the council can conclude who is the hottest
No. 2139464
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>>2139444I mean nudity isn't inherently porn…OP could just say it's from a movie still or photoshoot or something, there's been almost full nudes posted there before
No. 2139471
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(derailing) No. 2139486
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Postwall moids..(derailing)
No. 2139488
>>2139461i thought we all agreed on
>>2138924. a decent body can't make up for an ugly face imo, and this guy has the least ugly face so he wins
(derailing) No. 2139508
All these men look like lizards, I don't know how to explain it they just do
(derailing) No. 2139522
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>>2139518excuse u, this is CINEMA
(derailing) No. 2139982
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I’m lovesick over my boss and I can’t tell anyone. He’s engaged and adores his fiancé, and every time he talks about how much he loves her or the cute couple shit they do I can almost feel myself turning green. It’s like someone pulled my dream man into the real world and then put him somewhere impossible for me to reach. I feel so much shame and anxiety just being around him and I feel like such a spastic when I talk to him. I couldn’t even hold a candle to his gf, she’s a medicine student and a fucking yoga instructor on the side, and even that feels like some cruel reminder that I’ll never be enough for the kind of man I want. He’s also a beloved member of the team and the whole staff know and love his gf. I’m terrified that one day I’m going to slip up and people will realise how I feel. Even when I talk to him I feel like I’m constantly analysing my behaviour and scared that someone around us sees a tel that I don’t. The worst outcome I can imagine is that he would feel the same way. Infidelity has ruined my family and I could never in a million years forgive myself for being the other women. I wish I could just clear my brain cache and get rid of my feelings for him.
No. 2140608
I confess that when my father asked me for tea at fucking 10 pm, I spat in the water and ran a finger in between my labia and then swished it around in the water too. I also added too much tea and sugar but that fatso is so addicted he probably wouldn't even notice. Also, the Rodrick strat is real, be so fucking shit at doing stuff, people simply never ask you to do anything, and I know bc my brother does this unknowingly, he can't make tea, he can't set his own dinner, he can make himself instant noodles, but bc he only does it for himself, nobody asks him to make food. My grandmother is useless bc she's cartoonishly retarded and conservative, I should put up with this buffalo I have to call a father just bc I'm female, this leech fucking talks back to our father bc he's a male and is about our father's height so he does what he wants. And this geriatric retard tells me I'm so strange to not want to put up this balloon with sentience bc she supposedly loved to "serve" her father, and so did other girls apparently, no shit bitch, you can't even remember what college course I'm doing, everytime I enter your room at night, it stinks of piss and old people meds, must be easy to live life when you've forgotten your past and everyone's nice to you bc your knees are like a creaky floorboards.
No. 2140638
>>2139800>>2140205this other reply seems judgmental but I don't think there's anything wrong with being a bit of an exhibitionist/wanting people to find you desirable and sexy. you're clearly not lying to or manipulating women to fulfill these fantasies so whatever.
>>2140325lgbt communities are such a fake concept outside of tv. we're still enough of a minority that it's hard to find cool people. just find good friends and make a community from that.
No. 2141319
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This is my fart corner. I think farting anywhere else is disgusting. I am not farting on my bed. The bathroom is too far away, so i made the fart corner where i fart.
No. 2141493
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>buy bag of hot chips
>start eating but i only like the spicy seasoning not the chips. start licking the "spicy" dust off the chips
>chips are stained red and still have some flavor. finish the bag and put them back in cuz im embarrassed
>fall asleep completely forget
>next day half the chips are missing
>who the fuck ate the soggy potato chips
>had to be a family member but why are they eating half my potato chips without asking too?
>not gonna tell nobody and wish I didn't know that
>never leaving chips unattended again
No. 2141643
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I hate eating, no, I'm not an anachan, I'm actually average weight. I just find it so stressful, eating for me it's like a chore rather than an enjoyable time, it makes me nervous for some reason, every part of the process, from start to end. I don't understand how everyone else likes eating so much, I'd rather just take a pill full of all the nutrients I need. I can't believe I've to do this 3 or more times a day EVERY DAY until the day I die. All my meals are plain because I get overwhelmed by intense flavours, I'm extremely picky about textures, i eat about the same exact portions everyday (don't worry, I eat good portions)
I don't understand why am I like this, I feel like I'm way too old to be exhibiting these traits, I feel childish but I don't know what to do
No. 2141995
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When no one was looking, nona's fat ass ate six tacos. She ate 6 tacos. That's as many as two meals. And that's terrible.
No. 2142542
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When I was 15 my girlfriend repeatedly asked me to take off my shirt because she had taken off her shirt in front of me in the past. After we broke up I told a bunch of my friends that she tried to pressure me into taking my shirt off. I don’t know why but lately I have been ruminating over this every single day. I don’t know if this is an OCD thing or not but my brain is telling me that I’m just as bad as people who make false abuse allegations
No. 2143237
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>>2143225i think he just doesn't pay attention but its possible
>>2143232very funny
No. 2143448
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I got into an argument with my mom like a week or two ago and I remember saying I felt sorry for how her two sons were born (alluding to the fact they were born defective because their males) and called them parasites and it almost made me want to laugh revisiting it, I didn’t use any cringy internet language it was just a regular family argument through text with some back and forths. I know it was wrong because mother’s for some reason feel they shouldn’t exclude any of their children but it’s so true, brutal and poisonous but honestly true. I rarely say things like that it was a breaking point where mean things had to be said. Anyways I feel conflicted because it’s pretty obvious she prefers my older sister over everyone which I don’t blame because I love her so much and without her I don’t know where I would be honestly, but I just hate her sons. Those XYs are not my siblings, I don’t care if she birthed them out of her same body, my sister is my sibling but not those things.
No. 2143917
>>2143914It just came to my head, I was expecting a
moldy looking small dick but it wasn't I do NOT want to fuck current day Josh
No. 2144768
>>2144703Suno is crazy good. It can even generate lyrics.
No. 2144807
>>2144695kek first emo song I've ever liked. thank you to both anonettes who wrote the
vent post lyrics and made the song
No. 2144827
nonnie i love this
No. 2144902
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Hoping, praying, manifesting that one annoying farmhand kills themselves(a-logging)
No. 2144907
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When I post in the off your chest thread I like to scroll through it and imagine the complaints as a soap opera argument kek
No. 2145291
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I made fun of you for being cross eyed
No. 2145614
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I used to be an anachan and I would troll random fat people online. Now that I have healed from anorexia brainrot I feel bad. I try to do nice things for strangers now like donating to charity but man I was an asshole as a teenager with untreated mental illness
No. 2145681
>>2138162>>2138137I always fell hard in
lust love with "muh tragic backstory" crazies because I'd fantasize about being their protector who pulverized their boolies. In my preteen mind, they would be so awed by my kindness and raw Stacey strength that they would immediately go "s-sempai" and pledge their loyalty to me forever. Even when I husbando'd/waifu'd characters with no significant trauma, I'd write scenarios where they were endangered so that my OC could save them and take them as her bangmaids kek. In hindsight younger me had a
serious saviour complex.
No. 2145806
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whenever my instacart shopper is a moid i wait until he finishes the delivery and then i go to customer service and report that my order never arrived so that i end up getting free stuff at a male's expense
No. 2145900
>>2145863i've had my account for some years and spent vastly more than i've had refunded.
>>2145869it's in their blood, i fear. some of their product replacements are actually ridiculous. completely useless species on all fronts.
No. 2146686
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I like when the self insert character in husbando art is just a white bald humanoid blob
No. 2146752
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>>2146743ntayrt but sometimes it just gives you a rush. you become a criminal for a minute and you feel so free.
No. 2147482
>Threesome with a third party in your friend group>A moid nonetheless >A moid who has a pickme orbiting himYou should go for it
nonnie sounds like a brilliant idea that won't backfire at all.
No. 2147533
>>2147344Nonnie. Threesomes are for when you’re single and just having fun and don’t care about the other parties involved. Not for serious relationships and friends. Think about how you’d feel if you were to lose both your Nigel
and your friend group — is it really worth banging this other guy?
No. 2147540
>>2147530I have a few questions for you, and you don't need to answer them here, but I want you to answer them for yourself.
1. Do you have things that make you happy outside of your weight?
2. What would need to happen in the next 5 years for your life to get better?
3. What can you do today to make that a reality?
4. Is the dopamine you get from starving now worth sacrificing your future?
No. 2147559
>>21475401. Yeah I have
2. It's just this year, too many shitty things happening outside my grasp
3. One of the things that has me without appetite is working on building a better future.
4. I don't feel a dopamine rush, i starve when i'm feeling sad/disturbed because i tend to nausseas and end up puking or i have this big knot in my throat. Sometimes i starve because i don't feel the motivation to cook or i don't even feel hungry. i don't follow a diet either, today i ate fried potatos and steak bc someone else cooked
No. 2147675
I'm sorry if this is disgusting but I need to tell.
I am very sexually attracted to teen boys, especially ages 14-16, no lower than that. I love the idea of having sex with someone horny and inexperienced. I don't like very tall guys, I despise body or facial hair, I find muscles disgusting, and I hate confident men. There's just something about men I can't stand, which I don't easily find in more innocent, timid, and anxious guys. I like being dominating and a cute partner.
The thing is, I'm growing older and I don't want to be a gross pedo who preys on kids. I'm in my early 20s and having sex with someone who's 16-17 is starting to look bad for me.
I'd date someone who's my age but all men hit the wall at around 18, and so few are still decent looking or cute after that mark.
I don't know if I should seek therapy.
Sorry if i'm too weird. I feel disgusting but it's just the truth.(baiting/autism)
No. 2147701
>>2147675>I don't know if I should seek therapy.You should definitely do this.
>I like being dominating and a cute partnerYou can dom with men your own age. I'm sure there's plenty. They'll probably even pay you for it.
(don't respond to bait) No. 2147751
>>2147679>Have you experienced any kind of unwanted attention or possibly abuse from older men/men your own age?Yes, but I was already like this when this happened.
>Did you grow up online?Yes, of course.
>Would you consider yourself porn addicted?Not at all. I don't really like porn, maybe written erotica is more my cup of tea, but my preferences are clearly very niche.
>I couldn't imagine wanting to be near a 14-16 year old boy at all considering how annoying and mentally challenged they act and speak.I honestly just get really nervous lately. Like they can't tell I'm weird. It's awkward to me now.
>>2147701I just have a hard time finding men my age sexually attractive, even if we get along. I like men my age who look younger if they have BPD.
>>2147713I never thought of this, I prefer the motherless type. Although I've never been with someone under 17 because I don't fancy jail, and also I'm not a predator so I don't hang around high schoolers just for sick reaons. It's more of a thought I ruminate over.
>>2147724>>2147746Shota's okay but I'm not a coomer. Also pooners are not my cup of tea, they bald and get fat the same as real men.
(baiting) No. 2147754
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>>2147751Date an Asian guy. Teach him skincare. Force him to eat healthy and exercise. Don't let him go in the sun. They can retain their youthful looks for a long time if they take care of themselves.
No. 2147757
>>2147675>>2147751Samefag but I just love the idea of taking care of someone vulnerable, in a twisted way. Like if they have a bad time at home or school, and then they're very insecure, I like the idea of praising or complimenting or guiding them. I just like the needy, mommy issues, attention seeking, demonic boy. It just breaks me. It's rotten because then I feel disgusting, and it's not their fault, but I hate them for it. It's not that I like abused boys to abuse them too, but there's just this golden age where I can still save them, or so I think. That's never true, though. It's just ideas. I'm getting old for it, also.
No. 2147772
>>2147764I'm not a "shotafag". Not that I'd be in any position to think I'm above it, it's just more complex than that. It's not really a fetish but a mentall illness. It's not a innocent thing persay but also I'm not an
abusive person. It makes me want to kill myself sometimes.
There's a tangible difference between drawings and real sex with real people. And also my experiences with the latter.
No. 2147778
>>2147685Shitposting moids in /vg/ is always
valid. I still do it now
No. 2147788
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>>2147780This exact creepy conversation comes out of the woodwork once every so often and I swear it's the same, like, 3 anons who try to moralize about their paraphilias. It's uncanny how it goes the same way every time.
No. 2147796
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Just waiting here for the mass redtext
No. 2147797
>>2147779>>2147780Scrotes do get away with an awful lot more but also I don't think my thoughts are normal in the slightest.
>>2147781>>2147783>>2147784How am I pedophile if I only have sex with boys over the age of consent (16)? Is thinking stuff what makes me one? So if I think of murder I am a murderer? Use your brain.
>>2147787I wish I could be like you.
>>2147789This is a bit sick, I wouldn't want to date a woman just because she looks like a young boy. I'd want to love her truly in health and sickness, young and old. It's just not the same, shouldn't be.
>>2147790You're reaching…
(baiting) No. 2147806
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>>2147804Why does anime fandom drama live in all of your heads rent free
No. 2147833
>>2147811Don't get me wrong. I told nonna to get help. Pedophilia is a vile and disgusting fetish. I'm just hanging around to see if the farmhands do anything.
>>2147823Please find the nearest rope. I'll venmo the money for one if your stuck
(alogging) No. 2147858
>>2147719I was most active in
/acg/ due to extreme boredom during the lockdowns but I schizoposted a bit in a lot of other Nintendo generals too.
>>2147778The funniest times were when I schizoposted about trannies and faggots kek. I don't do it anymore but sometimes I still laugh at some of the extremely mean shitposts I made.
No. 2148501
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>>2148469Do it. Its what she would have wanted.
No. 2148532
>>2148508buy some clay mold it and then destroy it. its best to take this frustration on a inanimate object than yourself
nonnie your body has value and worth to it
No. 2148733
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>>2148689Don't take your personal issues out on my brave soldiers.
No. 2149535
>>2148689It depends on the game, whenever moids bring up games like Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Odyssey it makes me a little nauseous and like you said, the ick. It’s such manchild soy shit, especially the moids who love collecting Warhammer toys and they always say “(x) was sooo
goated” and speak like a bunch of wiggers obsessed with Spiderman. I can’t believe some anons find that shit attractive, yuck
No. 2149650
nonnie I never could play pikmin (I got so sad when they'd die…) but I recently discovered the pikmin mobile app and I'm really enjoying it because my lil guys can't die kek
No. 2149743
>>2149736Yeah that's the vibe I was getting. I don't know why she immediately assumed I'm immature with shit tastes and into children's media. Kinda reminds me of my mother in law, anything and everything she calls immature meanwhile her only hobbies are drinking til she blacks out and complaining about nobody likes her.
No. 2149744
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I find the doomer wojak hot
No. 2150078
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I really wish I could sleep in one of those sensory rooms. They look so cozy, the only thing I wish it also had is something to make me feel like I'm in a really cramped space, like, idk, some curtains covering the bed.
A goal in my life will now be to make enough money so I can have a house with a sensory room.
No. 2150457
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>>2150080>Shit tasteWhy are you such a hater
No. 2150529
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honestly the way everyone treats him is kind of fucked he just has a disordered pattern of thinking and maybe he’s without a filter but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person and it doesn’t justify the way he’s being dragged thru everywhere from x to irl to lc (sad face). he’s doing his best genuinely and i wish people could see that like…human empathy, where is it
No. 2150566
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I don't understand how everything thay I used to do as a teen, and was bullied for, is now fashionable kek.
Liking anime? I was socialized to hate it because how dare I had fun.
Lots of charms on my bags? Omg that's so cluttered, childish and ugly!
Long skirts and lots of layers? Lol lmao you look like Amish just wear these ridiculously low cut pants and tight pants!
And I'm sure there's even more stuff, this is why I don't use social media that often, I get a dose of crazy pills, I'm just going crazy.
No. 2150665
>>2150663bro is really doing it like the
nonny eating the egg and cheese bagel with orange drink running down the block being wild and crazy happy the infighting was done the ocky way
No. 2151015
>>2150840This is the best way to have fun with fantasy worlds. Playing with other people sucks because they're usually ugly/retarded trannies.
t. tried ttrpgs irl exactly once
No. 2151064
>>2150840i never played ttrpgs and I'm curious about it, i think it'd be nice to have someone to teach me (that isn't a whole group of people being overwhelming)
not offering myself or anything, just saying that there might be people out there that share the same sentiment as me, maybe you could be part of a cozy group one day
No. 2151133
>>2151089No man has ever loved anyone
But no, really: you could either ask or read/hear how men talk about love and how they see it, how they think they feel love - there is nothing even close to love, they are completely clueless, sadly. Well, and it shows obviously, by everyday reality and the overall culture and state of society
No. 2151249
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>>2151156What reality are you living in?
No. 2151273
>>2151257It's so delusional to pretend that
>>2151249 isn't reality and ignore the fact that some anons who are or used to be in relationships do post in the husbando threads
No. 2151307
File: 1724469030980.jpeg (318.41 KB, 1587x2048, IMG_5375.jpeg)

my husbando:
>doesn’t watch porn
>won’t cheat on me
>can’t murder me
>eternally young and beautiful
3dpd cocksuckers stay losing
No. 2151319
>>2151298What men admit this to you? People you actually interact with, or random scrotes on twitter?
>do you think they're lyingAbout all men literally not being able to love? Yes, she is delusional. Some of us have normal lives you know.
No. 2151324
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looking at cat toe beans makes me happy
No. 2151331
>>2151327not only are they ugly, but they are also SMELLY and dirty as fuck. every man either has a disgusting apartment, or one that only appears clean until you actually look at it.
having a man in your bed literally makes your bedsheets stink, how are some of you ladies alright living like that?!?!?
i lived with a man for a year and felt like i was trapped in a cage with an ape
No. 2151350
>>2151349I'm not lol.
>You started this firstNo I didn't? You're just being weird now.
No. 2151359
>>2151350Well whoever
>>2151069 was and the anons calling women immature and delusional. Don't insult husbandofags and expect nothing back. Bet your man can't even carry a giant sword.
No. 2151415
>>2151408>Most women aren't abused. The statistics say otherwise, like
>>2151406 said if you bother to look it up but of course you'll ignore that because it didn't happen to meeeee all those other women are delusional immature liars! hashtag#notallmen
No. 2151438
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i think i might accidentally end up ban-evading pretty often because i phonepost a lot and use data. in my defense whenever i say something bannable i leave the thread and post elsewhere completely unrelated
No. 2151603
>>21515994chan allows me to
phonepost I'm not sure why because it used to be restricted but my range of IPs appears not to be blocked. I also don't get banned that often despite trolling there, which is weird to me
No. 2151718
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>>2151702>lavender marriage?
No. 2151752
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Ugh. Life and the fucking choices I have to make. Do I choose money over love?? They’re both moids at the end of the day, and one of them I’ll never have any material concerns or even wants, the other I’ll have a life of poverty. Not that I don’t like the rich man. I could see myself loving him, but still. Sigh. It’s a shame. I’m literally yandere level in love with the poor guy my age. Which is a bit problematic in itself. Maybe being with someone I don’t love in an all consuming psycho way would be good for me maybe.They both have their own faults, non rich guy is a terminally online coomer and balding pretty early. Rich guy is a religious conservative (I am neither) and older than me by a lot. Fuck. I’m just stupid in love with the poor guy. Like insanely. Why am I such a retard? I shouts just get the bag. It should be simple.
Love isn’t just blind it’s pure retardation.
No. 2151998
>>2151928It's just dumb to moralfag even about that shit kek, what now? Women shouldn't write at all because that makes them have ideas outside of what's the norm because it makes them want things that they can't have?
Why can't irl men be like a 2D man?
Like why would I want a flawed moid that could kill me, that could turn out to be a pedophile, that could wake up one day and just hate me for no reason? Or if you have seen the news, that could wake up one day, travel to another country and get headbutted by a cow he wanted to rape? If I can just enjoy life not having to deal with that shit?
Escapism isn't something new, maybe you could tell
>comes across as really maladaptive and/or a cover story for a lack of success when it comes toTo anyone who follows people on social media, buys products that are advertised anywhere and only watches series/movies or only listens to music as a hobby.
Why can't they make their own skincare or haircare products? Why can't they write a script for a movie? Why aren't they playing music? Why are they following random people on social media that have a completely different life to theirs?
Husbandofags are just enjoying something without having to deal with irl moid shit, some Husbandofags also have friends and family that they love dearly, at least I do.
And you can think it's weird and that it gives you the heebie jeebies, but if you really have nothing good to say just don't say it, it's obnoxious how even in an anonymous place you have people getting mad at others for stuff that makes then happy.
Having a husbando stopped me from killing myself and I will be sentimental about it because that's what helped me during a moment in which I didn't have anyone to help me, sometimes you don't have anyone in real life, you need something else to tell you that you're not trash and that you're not dramatic for having normal human feelings, if you think that's pathetic, then maybe go buy some empathy or ask your irl moid what the fuck that means because even though you have waifu/husbandos, you just think it's some silly meaningless hobby when in reality, sometimes it isn't.
And you know this because you posted this in the confessions thread and not in the unpopular opinions thread.
No. 2152018
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I went to a masseuse and it was massages yes but other things also
No. 2152433
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im autistic and i was really undersocialized. when i was little (like 5) i used to peek through the wooden fences and watch the other kids and i still feel so embarassed about this. like how did i not know how creepy that was
No. 2152437
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>>2152433You were a child. You were not being creepy
No. 2152663
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I don’t tip
No. 2153054
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I used to be so jealous of professional cosplayers as a teen. They seemed to live such glamorous lifestyles. Once I grew up realized all their shit was shooped and how much of creepy pedopanders they were.
No. 2153155
>>2151928>'NO human would compare to my character from a cartoon for teens'But it's true. Real humans are flawed and unattractive to ME, in my opinion, they can't do the same things of course they can't compare. It's not from any tragic backstory or trauma, I've been like this since I was 5. I genuinely never crushed on a real living person, idk why that bothers anyone?
>There's no way in hell i'd think a character is better than an actual human being with a conscience even if i've sincerely wished for 2D characters to come to lifeOk that's just you. Not everyone is like you.
No. 2153572
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I take stock of certain online behaviors. When they reach the first world side of the internet, terminally online third world women become fujoshi, radfems, kpop stans, gendies, fashion/makeup influencers, cosplayers and vtubers. A few end up becoming obnoxious failed tradthots.
Terminally online third world men catfish first world men and threaten them with revenge porn for money, mock women from their own countries for suffering FGM and rape, join incel communities despite having arranged marriages in their culture(s), trade photos of their mothers and sisters on Telegram for sexual purposes, and buy/sell CP.
Much to think about.
No. 2153626
>>2153572>Terminally online third world men catfish first world menThey catfish women and girls too.
Reminds me when I had to go visit my dad's thirdie shithole for 'vacation' a few years ago. I had this cousin who I didn't even know existed before I went there and he was so fucking weird. He'd always come up to me to show me porny clips on Facebook as if he were showing me funny memes. He said he thought I'd like it because 'western girls love sex'. I was fucking baffled, because I met a 'bob and vagene' dude in the flesh. He would also tell me how he spoke to random girls on social media and online games to 'make them fall in love with him', marry him and bring him to Europe/America. This guy had every single social media, chat app, and free online game in his phone to do this shit. It was so damn weird and just pathetic. I didn't even feel like I was interacting with a human. He felt like an uncivilised caveman. Me and my brother were stalking his account recently to laugh at him (he's a personal lolcow) I thought it couldn't get any worse but recently he found out what anime is and is a fucking weeb now. Now he wants to catfish a Japanese girl and go to Japan instead. God help Japan
No. 2153657
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>>2153266You have genetic trauma from your pirate ancestors.
No. 2153693
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i have gave myself ringworm isn’t that gross? usually you get it from someone else
No. 2153744
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>>2153266I make my living selling pears from my small pear orchard and I am begging you to continue with your ways. Without people like you, I would be stuck in the city, miserably grinding my terrible job. Instead I get to live on my farm and pet my dog while working in the sunshine pruning trees and picking fruit.
As thanks, please accept this photo of my giant pear sculpture that I use as my table mascot when selling at farmer's markets next to a little ugly windfall pear that I picked up from my orchard last night.
No. 2154136
>>2150987He's still very itchy. It's been pretty fun. It seems we lost the anti itch cream too, what a shame. Made him diligent about refilling the repellents for once.. I'll train him on that, with closing the windows in the morning i think. Yes, at this point this is a behavioural experiment. He's not bad, just careless and lazy. I've been trying positive reinforcement for a while, its just such a slow process.. damn, i feel like i should go to actual confession
No. 2154188
My cyberstalking is getting out of hand. When I have a day off with no plans or particular drive to do anything I spend hours searching up OSINT techniques and running my dossier of found emails, usernames, full names through those shady-ass sites just to find more information. I don't do anything with what I find. I don't stalk anyone IRL. I'm just obsessed with information, particularly on individuals who annoy the shit out of me. I admit I am pretty spineless in IRL interactions, so I guess this is my terminally online way of exercising power over people. The worst part of this is that I've found passwords from database leak websites and now I am currently trying to crack the password of a particular person's social media, which probably won't take me too long because most of their passwords are a combination of the same word and numbers with varying special characters. I know it's shameful, but the drive for information fuels me. I want to know everything I can know about this person. I want to know all the things they keep from others. My time could be spent more productively but finding any new leads gives me intense satisfaction and fulfillment. I want to read their messages, see their pictures, I want to see their hidden side profiles, I want to see their saved post drafts, I want to know who they talk to, I want to know everything. All just for the rush of the thrill of knowing.
That is my most shameful confession.
No. 2154201
My sad confession is that I wish someone cared enough to do the stuff this nona
>>2154188 is talking about to me.
No. 2154203
>>2152448well alright..if you say so
No. 2154221
>>2154197I basically just spend hours searching up "how to find [desired result] from [information you have] OSINT reddit" and keeping track of answers and trying them out. Intelius is great, you can find people's emails and also their family's emails as well. Keep in mind you will have to make purchases to access most information you want to find on any OSINT site. Pimeyes is great, it's what started my cyberstalking spiral in the first place. I totally forgot the app name, but at one point Pimeyes offered a couple of totally free search results if you downloaded a certain app and used the Pimeyes bot. Keep track of who your target follows and frequently interacts with, and keep track of who those people follow. If your target is chronically online, which gives the greatest result outcome, you will typically find side profiles of your target. Sites like tumblr, livejournal, flickr are amazing archival websites in general though tumblr's search function is shit. Just be sure to disable the double tap like feature. It's crucial to know your target's full name and city/state. With their full name you can also fudge around with Gmail by doing different variations of their full name, you will know you have found something if it autocompletes the email and the account has a profile pic/colored anonymous profile Pic.
This advice is really only for targets who have a sloppy internet trail. My primary target has a vast internet history so it's been quite simple to find details and new leads with then. I have gotten nowhere with my second target because most of their profiles and family profiles are private. It's pretty much a coin toss, but that's my advice.
No. 2154381
>>2154377Forgot to add that it’s
almost everything because I’m saving the actual software scraping and those private information sites for when I start leaving the house, as a reward. This makes me feel good because when even normie people seem to check sites like this and I haven’t kek
No. 2154415
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>>2139035Lolcow also empowered me not to be a pushover and a people pleaser. I love seeing infights and sometimes even engaging in conflicts with other nonas or being called out. I don't take conflict so seriously and insults to heart like I used to anymore, I even find it endearing and I stopped holding grudges as much too. So thank you everyone who ever called me a retard and everyone who indirectly allowed me to call them a retard.
No. 2154486
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I'm teaching myself to draw in part so I can finally make my own male guro art. I feel like every woman I meet into guro is some masochistic sub pickme chasing after the most bottom of the barrel scrotes with severe mental problems and more than likely a history of trauma. I have mental problems and a history of trauma too, but I don't want to destroy myself over it. I want revenge. (In fiction) Why is it so rare to find other women like me.
No. 2154498
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>>2154486me too
nonny! i am also a horny fuck and want to draw sexy bishies because i dont want to date 3DPD.
No. 2154570
>>2154556>all artists are artcowsNot me babe. Drawing gore to
own le moids is something a retarded teenager
or a artcow would do.
No. 2154580
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>>2154578you all talk like twitter tranny drag queens
No. 2154753
>>2154578nta but I'm a southerner so I feel like a lot of condescending sassy bless your heart type terms pepper my speech and I don't really mean to do it it just does
I also call my female friends "girl"/"girlie" a lot
No. 2154759
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I think it's cringy and a bit creepy because she's a celebrity and I don't really know her (and also because I have an insane crush on her kek), but I use Beyonce as inspiration to be better. Our body types are somewhat similar and I admire her discipline because that's a trait I severely lack, so I push myself to take on some of her characteristics. Often times I literally say to myself "What would Beyonce do?". So far I exercise regularly, I'm halfway to my weight loss goal, and careerwise I'm doing well and going in the right path, so thanks Beyonce. I realize none of the traits I used to get here are things I naturally have and I could always go back to square one, but I'm glad I've achieved some things nonetheless.
No. 2154830
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>She's baiting!
>She's infighting!
>She's samefagging!
>She's a plague on this website!
The best part about loving this website is that at a certain moment I realized my true potential for good. Yes, I bait, yes, I infight, yes, I samefag, yes, it's all true.
But I'm also more than 10 different beloved personalityfags.
But I'm constantly recapping cow drama, videos, social media posts.
But I'm constantly making new threads.
But I'm constantly uplifting and supporting other anon.
But I'm also contributing to threads, cow or not, with new information and mania-fueled research.
But I'm constantly re-posted in the Funniest Caps threads without even trying.
But I'm constantly reporting rule-breaking posts.
And nobody will ever know it's me kek. I've had the same anons (yes, I recognize the majority of posters now after spending 15+ hours a day browsing all boards for countless months) call me down to the dogs in one thread without even knowing I was the one lifting them up and wiping their tears away in another thread. I don't take anything personally anymore.
I'm scrotefoiling
I'm tinfoiling
I'm spamming
I'm reporting
I'm loving
I'm posting
This is my home. I like it here. I'm one of the only honest and true farmers left on this site. Moids attack my home everyday, but they'll never win, because I'm stronger than them. I'm smarter than them. I'm faster than them. The newhands don't know shit and they don't give a shit and disappear when the sun is gone, but I'm here to fight the good fight. I think I care more about this website in my pinky finger than the newhands and cerbmin care about it in their entire being. The only reason I play the lottery every night is to get enough money to buy this site from those dumb fuckers and actually run it properly. Once I'm in charge, it'll be different. I'll be as bright and beautiful as the dawn, and my judgement will be more fair than the storm at sea, and my moderation will be strong enough to move the very foundations of the Earth.
Confession over.
No. 2154943
>>2154399He was so schizo it was genuinely disturbing. I should have stepped in and got him kicked out of the coffee shop.
No. 2154973
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Met someone from the internet (who posted videos of spanking on a tube site) at a truck stop, I somehow thought it was safe to do so, not the most responsible thing to do, and it went surprisingly fine we did things together and it was respectful
We still talk to this day
No. 2154975
>>2154963kek. 10 beloved and 6 hated.
>>2154964you're still one of the 34. the 34 anons aren't necessarily here EVERY single day, but those same 34 anons generate nearly 70% of all content on /ot/ in any given day. i already know exactly who this is anyway.
No. 2154990
>>2154981I know I can do it, I got amazing grades in every other module except for this one. I don't even know why I can't bring myself to open my laptop and start studying. I tell myself "I'll start one hour later after I finish reading this thread/watching this video/etc." but then it's bedtime and I tell myself I'll start tomorrow and the same thing happens.
>>2154982I'm doing compsci and the module I failed is Python kek. It's not that I don't understand, I just leave the studying till the last minute. The last time I had the exam I only started looking at the notes 4 days before the exam. I had to cram 4 months worth of notes in 4 days. I ended up getting 35% and I need 40% to pass. But yeah you nonas are right. I need to get a fucking grip. My education and reputation is on the line. I'm starting now
No. 2155006
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>>2155000Khan academy have stuff on compsci and I really rate them lol, maybe it'll help anon. Good luck
No. 2155021
>>2155000Thanks nona, that sounds like a good idea. I'll try it and see what happens.
>>2155001I'll do that, but for my next exam. It's way too late right now.
>>2155006Thanks nona, I remember using them back in secondary school for maths kek. Didn't know they had Python videos too
No. 2155078
>>2154971Damn nona, are you me? I had to repeat a year in uni twice after dropping out during covid and then I failed my exam and dropped out for good. 4 years absolutely wasted and I wish would've dropped out for good during the pandemic, because I feel like studying and bringing myself to study is like pulling teeth.
Get a grip anon or drop out, don't waste anymore time in a place where you can't thrive
No. 2155138
>>2155120supplements themselves have reduced my anxiety overall, and made me way calmer by default. magnesium and a good b-complex vitamin have been the biggest things, and i think it could also be because i take the night time magnesium and it helps me fall asleep a lot quickler. also omega 3 and vitamins C and D make my brain feel sharper but not more anxious/overactive.
im the anon who mentioned nootropics in an earlier post, and i swear by piracetam, it's so calming but it does give me a boost of energy/clarity. no anxiety at all, but not in an intense ssri zombie way ofc. its the same thing people tend to feel with painkillers that can be calming (which is because both of them are nonsteroidal anti inflammtories, and both can take away the pain, so it works for me if i have a headache or something.) theres more intense stuff like ashwaganda but i dont want to shill it, you just sound anxious and not as mentally deranged as me. make sure youre getting enough vitamins and stuff, that you get good sleep and eat well. i am pretty sure anxiety itself is linked to brain inflammation no? so if the NSRI painkillers help u calm down maybe u should like look into the inflammation thing
No. 2155144
>>2155133Inflammation can be caused by stress, right? I'm pretty young early 20s but my body feels some type of pain whenever I'm anxious/stressed for long periods, thanks anon for the turmeric tip.
>>2155138thank you anon for this info, my mental health is in the dumps and my physical health is worsening it so that's probably why. i'll look into nootropics, i usually stayed away from it because of moids trying to take it thinking it makes them spiritual but i'm very interested in herbs and pills that can stop the inflammation. my mom has a lot of inflammation too so maybe this info can help her, i heard drinking certain teas can help like hibiscus tea
No. 2155223
Whenever a couple with a young child orders food from me, I drop off the kid's drinks in front of the man so he is the one who has to put the straw in it. Or open the carton or juice box. If they order food, I squarely place the child's food in front of the man, along with the knife for cutting it up into small pieces. Every single time, the man looks confused like he doesn't know what to do, and scoots the foods and drinks over to the woman. This even happens if the woman is already busy, actively wiping the kid's face, breastfeeding, trying to get the kid to sit down, coloring with the kid, or whatever. It's a social experiment that I do with every table that has a mother/father/kid, just so see what men will do. The results are consistently depressing.
No. 2155260
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I bit more than I can chew and this makes me feel suicidal, I procrastinated again too, I'm close to the deadline and I still need to finish transcribing like 28 pages of unreadable text filled with the most random notes and scribbles.
This is for someone's doctoral thesis btw.
Today I've been thinking that maybe my autism is worse than I thought and that I may have to get a fucking tard handler because I just can't. Either my phone is fucking up horribly with my concentration or I'm just retarded.
No. 2155651
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>>2155645I always think of this.
No. 2155680
>>2155641>they look… diseased? Like wrongThis is close to how I feel, it's like they are artificial somehow. I agree with the green eyes too, I think because there's still some brown in there it's not as jarring.
>>2155645That makes me happy anon, I was afraid of my confession making people self conscious or something. It would be funny if you purposely held eye contact with people for slightly too long as a lighthearted way to mess with them, you have so much power.
>>2155656God, men with blue eyes are even creepier, serial killer level stares kek.
No. 2155715
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>>2155640Whenever I see this opinion, I always think of those city rubes who get scared of the caterpillars with fake eyes, so they stop going into their garden.
No. 2155721
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>>2155640how can one person be so wrong
No. 2155756
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I hate being around, looking at, or talking to literally every kid in my family except for two: my teenage cousin and my ten year old cousin. They are the only kids who aren't iPad brats and actually feel like just underage people instead of obnoxious NPCs resulted from failed parenting. The ten year old and the teenager actually LIKE to learn and actively do so even for fun. They are the best behaved and smartest kids I personally know, and all the other kids or teenagers in my family can honestly get the fuck out of my face. The rest of the kids and teenagers are basically just oversized flies.
No. 2155863
>>2155855Do you live in the city, or the country?
I'd say the slim boost is more present in the city and with places more white or asian, but in the country or in areas with a lot of black or latino people it's not really a big boost. Genuinely don't mean this in a racist way, just a difference between the beauty standards.
No. 2155867
>>2155860Nta but cmon really? I’m a britbong but it’s not exactly skinny here and most of the “pretty” girls are slightly underweight
and bottle blonde and spray tanned I’m pretty but skinny and don’t wear makeup and I’m definitely not the standard.
No. 2155874
>>2155869I'm just saying i know i'm ugly. Even when i wear makeup i get treated badly.
>>2155863I'm white and meant to a mostly white school. Once again, you'd be surprised how little being white and thin means when you have a gargantuan nose and weak jaw.
No. 2155896
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>>2155837>I bet you sucked as a kid tooI had shitty moments here and there, but I was overall a very quiet child who just wanted to draw and dance. Even when I was a baby, I rarely cried unless I needed to eat or have a diaper change. I was one of most teachers' favorites because 80% of the time, I just did my work and shut the hell up. So whatever "but you were a shitty kid too!" excuse that people love to use on people who don't like kids? Yeah that just isn't gonna work on me, sorry anon.
No. 2155898
>>2155893I never said I was jealous of that
>>2155894So? I don’t want to be ugly when Ik my life would be significantly better if I weren’t
>>2155895Ugly women being masculinized is very common
No. 2155921
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>>2155756Same, I usually avoid the kids like a plague, specially because I used to be forced to take care of the kids when I was younger. Nowadays I just remind them of the embarrassing shit they did, specially in front of their partners, deserved tbh.
I also used to be a quiet kid so it was obnoxious how I had to be the one who had to entertain the others who hated me btw.
Nowadays I just drop them on the youngest cousins like everyone did when I was younger than the already adult cousins, and I'm unironically grateful for the fact that I don't have to visit that side of the family so often, I would probably make sure to get tickets to fly to the other side of the world so I don't have to deal with any annoying children.
Also, I find it unnerving whenever I vist that side of the family and there's always someone pregnant or with a baby, like, Jesus, relax, you don't need to have a million of children at once, that side of the family is already big enough geez.
I just feel uncomfortable acknowledging pregnant women because then everyone tends to look at me like
>so? When are you having one??Or even brings that up, like, no thanks? I have higher standards than you all? Plus I don't even have a stable job yet?
I just don't get this obsession that everyone acquires the moment you're 20 years old or older, with the idea of you finally fucking up your entire body, psyche and career for a mediocre moid, it's what everyone asks whenever they see your mug after years of not seeing each other. It's utterly obnoxious.
No. 2156282
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I've kind of made peace with death in the sense that I've given up on certain things in life. My parents practically ruined any chance of me living a standard or socially acceptable life due to their own mental issues and bad choices that inadvertently affected me. Nothing within my financial reach will ever repair that, I can't do anything but wait for things to maybe get better so I can play "catch-up". I feel like a 1500s peasant the way I'm so estranged from everyone else, and my life experience feels so fucking alien and foreign to most. It doesn't really hit me until I see something I "should've" done by now, or been able to do, and realize I'm powerless in the whole situation. I'm not going to kill myself, though. I will be patient, relax and let death come on its own.
I'd like to say "Plus, I can do whatever I want", but there isn't really anything I want anymore. Every day, I just see or hear things that make me sad or angry. Consooming doesn't help. Practicing the things I want to be good at barely makes me happy. All joys are short-lived, and no matter what I do from my limited scale of power, every collective victory for the causes I care about seem like a blip to the status quo. Even if I did manage to get out of here, would I be happy? Probably not. I wish I could start life over, with fresher circumstances. Everything feels tainted and bleak.
No. 2157072
>>2156899The only
valid “woman coomers” are fujoshi
No. 2157128
>>2157072Heterosexual women are
No. 2157386
>>2157133Waitaminute, what does
knitted coomshit look like?
No. 2157389
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>>2157386I guess something like pic related.
No. 2157500
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I have a massive amount of uni work to do and I should continue redecorating & renovating my house etc important stuff. I have the itch to abandon everything and spend thousands of hours modding Skyrim again, only to discover my mod configuration does not work and I can't even play the game. It's my special interest I never get tired of.
No. 2157528
I made plans with some acquaintances but honestly I'd much rather stay home. I haven't always been like this but I just want to be alone and work on a craft project or read.
>>2156416I feel the same way kek, it's too bad, I used to make friends easily with other alternative people but now talking to them most of the time is like them screening if you have the right opinions. I just want to talk about music and clothes I don't care about your ~gender identity and fake mento illness.
No. 2158170
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Opened a beer before 5pm.
No. 2158477
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>>2158443Kek I was watching the extended cut of the Lord of the Rings in the background when I typed it out and she inspired me a lil bit. Thank you for comparing me though I love Cate Blanchett. Picrel is for you. I'm happy another anon has culture and can recognize the reference.
No. 2158750
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My confession is that I think I'm addicted to aspartame. I usually drink 1L of Diet Coke a day, specifically when I'm at work because there's always free soda in the office fridge and I drink like 3 cans in the run of the work day. Whenever I think about stopping, I try it for a day or two but I end up getting so irritated and fatigued that I just crack open another can.
No. 2158784
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I confess that I love the clan of squirrels that live outside my house and I have special names for each of them and I think they're my friends.
No. 2158839
>>2158829Yeah I read about this once. Apparently there's this bacteria that causes cavities, and some people have it in their mouths and others don't. I thought that was so strange, because for so long I had been taught that it was sugar that caused cavities. I also learned that (apparently), if you kiss or makeout with someone that
does have the bacteria, they can 'infect' you with it and it can cause you to start having cavities. This is why one of my pre-date screening questions is "did you have cavities?"
No. 2158906
>>2158899>>2158839You people are insane, sugar
does cause cavities. Acidic substances do give you cavities.
No. 2159305
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I was just doing some last-minute shopping at the grocery store and dropped a glass of tomato sauce. It shattered. I tried to find an employee, but the only one I saw was a busy cashier, so I used self checkout and went home without telling anyone. I don't know why I didn't say "hey, sorry, I wanted to let you know I broke a glass of tomato sauce in the tomato sauce aisle". I'm not even shy or anything. It happened 10 minutes before the store closes for the night, and everything was obviously already tidied up and the floor wiped. I'm sorry to whoever does the last round, finds the mess, and has to clean it up. Picrel is what it looked like, in case you have aphantasia and need help visualizing it
No. 2159318
>>2159305I vomited outside an Albertson's once, all over their wall.
I felt pretty bad about it so I ran away without going inside.
No. 2159335
>>2159318If you tell someone they will usually be pretty understanding.
It's a LOT better and more considerate than being surprised by the contents of someone's stomach while doing evening cleanup before closing, because then I can call on an extra pair of hands to go clean it up or do it myself when it's not busy. Otherwise it's just gross, rude and a waste of my time.
No. 2159360
>>2159335Its been years but I do wish I apologized.
I never want to vomit in front of an Albertsons again though, so I can't really say I'll do better next time.
No. 2159370
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Eating cashews makes me instantly horny, I can feel it the very moment they touch my taste buds
No. 2159440
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Finally my beloved is back from the war, which means I can confess that my first remotely sexual dream was when I was 11 and had Bankotsu from Inuyasha in it.
No. 2159546
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I'm considering purchasing a perfume made for literal babies for myself because I love powdery scents
No. 2161882
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This gif kept me up all last night, I hope it does not become one of my autistic obessions because I have so many already. I legit think I have a thing for men/former men in apoloytic situations because I also love super mutants. I couldn't help but think you know what seeing this gif.
No. 2162140
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I have a bad habit of browsing this site in public and unspoilering random images. I think everyone in this coffee shop just caught me looking at Shayna’s asshole.
No. 2162173
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the relationship advice thread is the gift that keeps on giving, a trifecta of pickmes, doormats and loser women afraid of being alone all coming together to forgive their boyfriends and husbands cheating on them and using them, it’s entertaining as fuck i can’t lie
No. 2162696
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I've been feeling a certain way since discovering the boston marathon bomber had such a legendary tummy. I didn't speak English back then and my corner of the world didn't report on it much, which makes zero sense since this is a headline worthy boy tummy incident
No. 2163274
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A while ago I was staying at an Airbnb. The family that owned the house had a daughter and there was a prescription bottle in the bathroom full of anti-emetic pills. I stole one of the pills because I was planning a suicide attempt via overdose and I didn’t want to throw it all up. To whoever that girl is, I’m sorry
No. 2163499
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>>2163497Anon she lost the weight like a few years ago kekk I want to be blissfully unaware of this stuff like you please. I don’t know if this has been shooped but she looks like an IG thot now and she barely makes any music nowadays
No. 2163554
>>2163543What? I'm not thinking about any specific content, I'm talking about social media in general.
>I just prefer attractive people like most of the population, that’s not shallow that’s just my opinion.If that's true, why did you post it in the confessions thread?
No. 2163791
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I’m nearly 30 and I haven’t yet outgrown the cutesy, childish stuff I’ve liked since middle school. I don’t show it outwardly because I know it looks strange for my age, but honestly sometimes I just want to say fuck it and embrace being a cringy aging weeb. Instead I settle for dressing more normal/mature and secretly indulging in my cute stationary and trinkets. It’s on my mind today because I ordered a new purse, it’s a bag that some would call “quiet luxury” and it’s very understated and tasteful. But only I will know that inside it’s stuffed to the brim with all my kawaii tat. There’s some metaphor in there for my autismal existence. Are any other nonnies the same- covert cute-addicts masking as normal professional women?
No. 2163858
I don't really understand the credit system. If everyone is in debt, why does it matter how much debt everyone is in? I'm 40k in debt and I maxed out my 15k credit card 2 weeks ago, and today I got my new credit card with a limit of 7k. All I had to do was apply online, and it took a week to get here in the mail. This will be my sixth credit card in 7 years. So now I'm just gonna use that for my spending. I just spend it all on stuff I want like food and clothes, if I want something in stores I just buy it I don't care how much it is (to a reasonable amount of course). I think I live a perfectly normal life, I go grocery shopping, I go to the library, I see friends, I go to the gym, it's completely ordinary and average. I don't get what's supposed to happen. If I go in debt by 100k, and I can't pay it, what are they supposed to do? Are they gonna kill me? It's not like I have any property, or valuables, or worth, or anything like that, so I have nothing really to lose. I don't really understand why they keep giving me credit cards anyway, I'm unemployed and I don't have any savings. Why have I gotten approved for 47k in credit cards? I'd think it was a system error, but most people I know are in similar situations. I've known so many people that just rack up hundreds of thousands in debt and then they declare bankruptcy, or propose debt adjustments, or just ghost the collections agency, and nothing every really goes wrong for them. I'm just confused by the whole thing. I get little pieces of plastic in the mail that are worth tens of thousands of dollars, and it's basically free money.
No. 2163863
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>>2163843Parthogenesis is based, I wish I was an Asari. Everything I learn about the history of how sex developed makes it sound like a bastardization of the True Way.
No. 2163875
>>2163858God you're so fucking stupid you're going to lose everything and cry
victim on Reddit one day and I will not feel bad for you. Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins
No. 2163882
>>2163877It's not legal for them to do that where I live, they can only send letters or call. Once I ignore the debt for 7 years, they can't do anything about it because it's considered forgiven in the eyes of the law. Even if I do have lots of debt, I can just propose a debt adjustment. My roommate used to have 30k in debt, but she paid a lawyer $500 and he was able to negotiate a debt adjustment of 30k to $4500, which she then paid with a credit card. So then, in my mind anyway, she basically got 25.5k for free. That's what I don't understand. If debt reduction is so easy, and debt disappears anyway, and everyone is in debt, surely it can't be that serious?
>>2163878I never lie about any of that stuff though. I always put that I have no income and they approve me anyway. I haven't had a job in 4 years now, and all the credit card companies know about it so I don't think I'm defrauding any of them, since I'm not misrepresenting myself or lying about any of my information.
>>2163879You just apply for a new one. There's like a hundred different ones so you can apply for any number of them. I've applied for 8 different credit cards, and I only got denied one a few years ago. It only takes me 10-15 minutes to apply and then I just wait for a few days to get it in the mail.
No. 2163966
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I don't believe women who say this, they always find someone new in 6 months/1 year.
No. 2164104
>>2164082Posting coordinates now.
I'd kill to like, I don't know, not have this fucker haunting my dreams like some sort of soul-sucking wraith.
No. 2164414
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>>2163969i dont care about his physical features, and if you think him looking jewish and having a fucked hairline is bad, he was also a manlet and had a clubfoot too.
also commenting on everything in such a vile manner, as if youre a moid coping that i'd choose someone physically "lesser than".
this is a confessions-thread, there are enough other threads where you can bring other ppl down, if thats what you wish to do.
No. 2164467
>>2164414Nonnie, you are not helping you case kek
I do understand being obsessed with Göring, von Ribbentrop or even the Austrian painter as they didn't look totally awful when younger, but Goebbels and Himmler? Sorry, I can't.
No. 2164497
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>>2164424>>2164440>>2164467>>2164474thank you nonnies for once again making clear why i dont tell anyone how i truly feel
No. 2164522
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>>2164497It's alright, nona. Don't pay them any mind. I understand you…
No. 2164558
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>>2164522i wonder how big it was
No. 2164599
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>>2164545I came here just to say that Newton was my husbando in my teenage years.
No. 2164625
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>>2164522>>2164528>>2164558When I was 11, I came across a poster on AIDS prevention in a VSD magazine in the waiting area of my family doctor. It depicted a woman being taken in doggy style by Hitler, and the next night I had this horrific erotic dream in which I was having sex with him. I felt sooo filthy at morning…
No. 2164701
>>2163879The credit cards we have here have a certain amount of money you can spend and you do have to repay them back in three months. For example I have this card and the maximum I can spend is 1.5k in a whole month, I rarely use it unless I have to buy big things and I usually use it to soften the blow rather than buying things I can’t afford. If I want more money though I have to ask a loan to my bank and pay the interest to the bank.
I never understood how America works, can any nonna enlighten me?
No. 2164713
>>2163858Because if everyone was as dumb as you and did what you’re doing the country would have no income. Where do you think money comes from? A revenue has to exist in the first place and if the whole population is in debt and isn’t producing anything then its country is in the negatives too, which isn’t good.
This is the same as saying “why don’t we just print more money?”.
No. 2164755
>>2164497He looks like a fucking rat, I wish someone photoshopped Mickey ears on him. I feel like I can't judge because Kafka is my husbando, but at least Kafka delivered something good to the world, and didn't partake in a genocide
>>2164599Are you the nona who posted in the cuckquean board about him? Kek, I was the one who asked about vintage husbandos.
>>2164625>Doggystyle by HitlerKek nona thanks for the laughs. But I seriously question the sanity of whoever made this poster
No. 2164912
>>2164894true, gendieism is just the opposite extreme of right wing pickmes, so i still wouldnt be able to escape female socialization and would be ocstracized for not cocksucking moids
No. 2164915
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>>2164902>there are certain things that are exclusive to growing up as a woman. Reminds me of how even the concept of existing in a space is defined by how we are perceived by men. Men will never understand and probably can’t even conceptualize it either.
No. 2164919
>>2164884This reminded me of a question I asked somewhere here before, I think I didn't word it properly so I didn't really get answers that I was looking for, but if humans were to suddenly be able to change sex freely and all the men in the world could become women and all the women in the world could become men and they could all go back and forth in it, once everything calmed down what would the percentage be for either sex?
Would it manage to stay 50/50 or would it be more on one side or the other?
No. 2165039
>>2164984what made you feel the urge to shit on the church bathroom floor
No. 2165049
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my best art and writing is done when i'm mentally in a bad way. sometimes i'll continue to emotionally torture myself for that sweet, sweet creative output. anyone else find the old stereotype of tortured artist to be unfortunately accurate? why does the brain work like that? i can't be arsed to shower or eat during a depressive episode but banging out a story seems to be no problem.
No. 2165079
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Been depressed for longer than I would care to admit. I've had this thing where no matter how bad I get mentally, I make sure to keep my living space clean and myself clean. I've taken showers in the wee hours of the morning because I didn't have the motivation to do it during more appropriate hours. I'm afraid of letting myself or my space get bad. I don't get good sleep and constantly wake up in a jittery panicky state. I fucked up by abusing benedryl so it just makes me jittery and feel weird. Part of me wants to just let everything go to shit because I'm tired of pretending I'm functional. It still pisses me off immensely thinking about when I went to the hospital after trying to kill myself failed and one of the male nurses told me I didn't look like the type. It reminded me of when my mom would dismiss me without even listening to what I had said. A sore spot that keeps getting rubbed. I got issues with both parents but my issues with my mom goes deeper because she promised me when I was a young child that she would listen to me. Big fat lie. If I didn't act like a mini her, she would yell at me or force me into whatever activity she decided I needed to do. She'd get especially mad if I told her I didn't like it and tell me it's for my own good and that I did like it. The only time I got out of things is for example if I got kicked off the team. Even then she'd get pissy but at least she couldn't tantrum her way into forcing me on the team. The stupidest part is I had interests and hobbies but none were good enough for my mother. Always felt she was embarrassed of me although I think it's more projection than anything. I'm tired of forcing myself to be what other people want. I wasted so much time that it makes me really upset. I'm mad I still give a shit what my mom thinks and still want her fucking approval. It's fucked up. I just want everything to go quiet.
No. 2165303
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>>675820Don't know if you still care four years later but I think it was Kérastase Thérapiste.
No. 2165527
>>2165491it's such a 'woe is me' teen angst mindset but when i'm busy pretending to be functional it leaves me too tired to create.
>self destructive endeavoryou're right that's actually a really scary thought. i just wish my brain would stop using misery as a crutch, maybe it's like
>>2165054 said and it has something to do with dopamine and our emotional regulation is fucked up.
>>2165513nona i suck at both writing and drawing but it's the catharsis of getting your feelings out on paper. your ideas are valuable no matter if you convey them through stained glass or finger painting or blackout poetry. keep painting.
No. 2165565
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>>2164522they were both such a powercouple ugh
(dumbass shitposting) No. 2165583
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When I was in Spain this summer I got invited to go clubbing by two men in their 40s staying at the same hostel as me. Even though that was dangerous I decided to go with them since I was a shut-in just a year ago and I crave wild experiences. They were both into me, paid for my drinks and the entrance fee but I ditched them for a cute 20yo Spanish moid(I'm 24). We made out and did some hand stuff all while I had another guy waiting for me back in my home country. And we're technically exclusive but he doesn't want to label what we have or whatever, so I don't feel bad about having cheated on him.
No. 2166868
>>2166217Lol you weebs have an idealistic view of Japan every damn time. Most crimes against women are not prosecuted, misogyny is rampant, rape and sexual harassment are quite prevalent and stalking and illegal filming too.
And the working conditions are brutal too and they’re quite xenophobic kek, you’ll never integrate in Japan. Visiting a country isn’t the same as actually living in it.
Sure some aspects might be better, but let us not act like Japan is the perfect country.
No. 2167339
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I haven't been here on LC in over a year, and here I am again. Never a good sign for my mental health. Oops. Tell me to get out, please nonnies. I love you but this place is bad for me.
No. 2167357
triggered you to come here is something you’ve overcome once before, you can do it again. Don’t waste the effort by wasting your time here, nothing good will come of it and whatever good you think will follow is temporary, fleeting, and of little value in comparison to what I imagine you determined was a better use of your time.
There is nothing of value for you here. You have already mined this mountain and there were no useful minerals and there are certainly no precious gems. You know what you found, is it worth returning for?
No. 2169032
>>2166912Yeah you. You can’t dictate that a place is safer than x when you’ve had completely different experiences. On one end you lived in x on the other you visited said country, it isn’t the same dumbass.
I live in Europe in a very touristy country and most people that visit have a wonderful experience and talk about how warm and romantic people are. Well I live here and my experience isn’t the same.
No. 2169056
>>2167357You're a good
No. 2169127
>>2169042what exactly does this even mean?
I consider myself a rad fem but I don’t feel miserable or bitter. Maybe I’m not “legitimate” kek. I don’t see why you can’t hold rad fem views and still be happy with your life.
No. 2169184
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I love having sex outside esp during the full moon.
No. 2169204
>>2166217Americans should go there at least once to find out what a truly civilized country is like. You can see the importance of education and morality.
>>2166868Just visit Japan once and you will change your racial prejudice towards Japanese people. Japan is a very popular destination for young solo female travelers.
>And the working conditions are brutal tooAmericans work more and take less vacation than Japanese. Also, the suicide rate in the US is higher than in Japan.
>they’re quite xenophobic kekNot really. Many tourists say Japanese people are very friendly.
No. 2169270
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>>2162173Wow what the fuck. /g/ feels like a different planet sometimes, I hope this is fake.
No. 2169390
>>2169042You can still be a radfem and keep radfem notions. I’m one and I’m not bitter at all. You don’t need to be a die hard man hater who wants men dead. I support feminism, I develop my platonic relationships with women, I support local charities too by donating. I’m doing my small part and I’m satisfied with it.
I consciously date and yes have sex with men too when I want to, I’m a human being after all and I feel the longing of love. I can’t help it and I can’t suppress this.
I’m not a separatist and I honestly think you don’t need to be one to be a radfem.
You don’t need to be a lonely martyr who suffers to be a feminist.
No. 2169393
>>2169218Sex is good when you know that sex is supposed to feel good and that the partner who you’re with should be attentive to you too and that you don’t need to perform for a gaze or bend your body in a way to be sexier.
Being a radfem made me much more secure in my body and even improved my sex like , because I alienated those dumb notions that I needed to be in my best form and make sure to please a man without even orgasming.
No. 2169397
>>2169204It’s not racial prejudice bozo, it’s being realistic, xenophobia is quite present there and in many other countries too. I’ve never said that it is a shithole country, just that you’re idealizing it quite a lot.
Again a tourist’s perspective will never be the same as the locals’ experience.
But go and live there in Japan lol.
No. 2169444
>>2169437>>2169434I'm actually okay with this because I've wanted to have my own child for a while now, but never really had enough attraction to a man to actually have sex or get into a committed relationship with one. I'm not in a bad position, I'm in a country where single mothers get a fuck ton of support, I've got a supportive family, I'll be more than fine on my own. I was gonna eventually do IVF in a few years to have a kid of my own, so I just saved a lot of money on a sperm donor, plus I'll get child support, since the dude is a huge pushover who doesn't want to actually raise the kid. It's a win for me.
>>2169442It is, actually. I got lucky, cause this entire thing was a huge gamble where I hope I get a girl. If it was a boy, I'd give up custody to my ex. He's a huge wuss and wouldn't be able to live with himself if his kid was in an orphanage, which is why he's leaving me alone while I choose to raise a daughter.
No. 2169464
>>2169431Going through this reply chain backwards and then seeing it starts with
>I once dated a cosplayerGave me anxiety.
No. 2169483
>>2169456Don't listen to the people who
victim blame and shame. Most of the people who say things like that, have never been in the situation and are completely ignorant about the reality of living it. It looks easy to leave from the outside, but I understand what you're going through and I'm so sorry. I hope that you can open up to someone and find some support and help and leave safely. Good luck nona
No. 2169500
>>2169431Why do you set up your kids for failure? At least fucking try to give them a decent parent, don’t end up pregnant by the first person you meet gosh.
That or at least make sure to be ready in a proper way if you want to be a single mother, but at that point get a donor. A baby ties you forever to the father even if he’s a piece of shit.
No. 2169501
>>2169478It's not one or the other. Women are meant to have children with the best possible moid, to pass on desirable genes. So passing on the genes of ugly men, or the genes of deadbeat low-t men who abandon their children are both a no-go.
>>2169497This too.
No. 2169513
>>2169444Honestly as a child with divorced parents and who is low contact with their father , it fucking sucks to put your kid through this. When they ‘ll be older enough to know that they have a daddy but their daddy doesn’t want to know them or see them you’ll have to be ready to fork a shit ton of money fior therapy.
If they could have been procreated through IVF it would have been more simple.
No. 2169677
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ever since my ex and i broke up my dreams have almost exclusively had 2d characters in them. and i like them more that way too