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No. 2174334
Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsprev
>>2148320(newfags, lurk more and stop making premature threads) No. 2178094
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He’s everywhere…
No. 2178150
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The toxic male beauty standards
>Don't be fat
>Don't be bald
No. 2178152
>>2174337I know it's newfag behavior but I'm grateful for nonnies who make early threads, better than having to wait over a week because nobody remembered to make a new thread like it always happens with celebricows
>>2178146I already hated him before but the autists shilling him as cute made my hatred triple
No. 2178158
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>>2178150This meme is so ironic because this geriatric was ck model of the year.
No. 2178267
>>2178158I hate this build where the bellybutton is closer to the tits than to the groin
Looks so deformed
No. 2178274
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at the root of it all, it's the realization that men can be sexually valued for personality, talent and accomplishments while looking past physical flaws. meanwhile no woman can ever be worth anything sexually unless she's considered desirable by a man.
No. 2178289
>>2178158ugly oblong horse face and disgusting swollen palumboism roidpig gut, kill it with fire. no wonder average moids have such delusional levels of self confidence if this is considered a top model.
in a way i like the lookism movement because it keeps scrotes self esteem down.
No. 2178297
>>2178158lmao the ammount of filters and photoshop used on this picture to conceal his rat face phenotype or help hide his fridge waist.
>>2178274this is probably what yacht girls and sugar babies have to see every night.
>>2178286alot of old men are the definition of ugly on the outside and ugly on the inside. There has been a weird increase where im at of old geezers acting even more aggressive towards younger people, trying to fight young girls for absolutely no reason and even trying to punch infants.
No. 2178298
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I don't know how but I stumbled on this hideous cunt's yt channel when I was a teenager. I remember being so deeply disturbed and repulsed with his blatant misogyny. Comparing a woman over the age of 30 to a used up, worthless car is just horrible. And every time I catch myself feeling bad for a man being posted itt for simply getting older (something humans cannot control) I remember that this ugly bloated man child would never show the same sympathy towards older women. Ugly men like him deserve all the hate they get in equal proportion to the hate they spread against women.
No. 2178370
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It's genuinely insane how many men my age look 10 years older than they actually are and the beard ain't helping with it.
No. 2178407
>>2178150it's hilarious how they pretend women get to be fat and ugly while they all have to be "good looking" meanwhile if you actually go outside and look at straight couples it's usually some unkempt ugly overweight balding man with an okay looking woman wearing makeup and fashionable clothes. what parallel reality are they living in where women get lower standards for looks really. they seem to think a couple of plus sized models= it's okay for all women to be fat now it seems like
>>2178370the way they say that women hit the wall quicker is just projection. they not only hit the wall but also make themselves purposefully look older by having beards and being unkempt even before they actually hit it
No. 2178411
I just wanted to point out that this woman in her 40s probably looks like she could be the daughter of her male peers. It’s disgusting that middle aged men are commonly planning for kids though, I wonder if it’s mostly to get back at the ex wife for moving on
No. 2178492
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Unbelievable that both of these fuckers had hordes of teenage girls simping over them with the one on the left being the “hot one”
No. 2178654
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>>2178370they are both walled imo, not that it matters that much because theyre both talented and more than just a face
No. 2178786
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No. 2178805
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>>2178650I wish this were true, but it's not. The good thing is, the pretty young men who are misogynistic age terribly and eventually match the ugliness that's been inside of them.
No. 2179124
>>2178786That show was ass and weebs pretended like it was a masterpiece. The main girl looks like a cheap hooker and the guy is ugly whether he's tall or not.
>>2178959Yeah, I think most of his appeal really came from people finding him funny and liking his personality. Not that it makes me find him attractive regardless but loads of women fall for that due to the psyop.
>>2178986Societal pressure, being told you're shallow if you care even though moids always care about how women look, feeling bad about your looks due to the insane societal standards for women and wanting to look less ugly in comparison by having an ugly man, fear of ending up alone because you can't find any actually attractive men so you have to settle…And then if you
do settle you get called out for it by incels who say you're always gonna be thinking about chad. Like yes? If a woman had to settle for a subpar male because there are no good ones around of course she's always going to be thinking about attractive men or be unhappy in the relationship, especially when most men put zero effort into their looks.
But if you don't settle and end up alone they give you shit for that too. Even dumber when they do the exact same thing but much worse themselves with how they're always thinking about other hotter women even while they're in a relationship with a cute woman
No. 2179626
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Ugly men really have the most audacity. Thankfully this guy has been called out by everyone-women and men about how he should be humble with that face kek.
No. 2179634
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No. 2179652
>>2178370This is extremely typical, I am in my early thirties and plenty of women I know irl who are early to late thirties look great and 'ageless' in a way (like just beautiful but it's not easy to pin down their exact age) even without makeup or 'feminine' styling, whereas most of the men started to look pretty rough after hitting 30 or even younger ages. But I also thought about this with acting, I watch quite a bit of foreign TV where I'm not familiar with the actors and will often be watching a show where a female character is supposed to be like 18-21 and I look at her and think 'huh she looks my age' and I check and she's somewhere between 30-42 but still playing a teenaged character or college student. I wonder how much this factors into moids assuming that women only look good at 18, because a lot of female TV characters that 'look good' are actually played by significantly older actresses but I think moids can't actually tell. Especially in TV from like China or Korea it's not uncommon for the actress playing a female character to be paired up with an actor 5-15 years younger but they look a similar age onscreen or their characters are supposed to be only a couple years apart in age. Then moids get this impression these women 'hit the wall at 25' even though actually they're late 40s by the time they stop playing 20-something characters. This seems to be less common in Hollywood though.
>>2178407The constant sperging about plus size models is also hilarious because 1. a lot of plus size models are not actually that big, I know former straight size models like Alyona Osmanova got moved to the 'plus' division when she was a size 10 or something and at 5'11 height she was probably barely overweight. It's healthy and fine for women to have a little more body fat and plus sized models (especially the actually obese ones) are usually fairly stunning regardless with beautiful faces and very good fat distribution, it's not like plus size models even normalize the way 'regular' fat women look, it's always a hyperattractive example of a fat woman. Meanwhile it's completely normalized for moids to be seen as a normal weight when they have a massive pregnant looking beer belly and neck rolls, people will look at you weird if you even point out a moid like that is fat if he's not 350+lbs. It's so much easier for males to retain a low body fat percentage it makes absolutely no sense for them to whine about the occasional pretty fat woman getting media attention.
No. 2179669
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One increasingly prominent offshoot of the ugly man psyop: the “nerdy” man psyop. Idk if these young girls think that nerds will be less misogynistic than non-nerds or something, but that is simply not true. Nerdy men are just as if not more misogynistic than normal dudes, barring and harassing women out of their super NICHE and COOL man interests, not physically, but via the only aggression they can get away with, which just comes off as super passive aggressive. Massive chips on their shoulders too because their archetypal appearance is not big and attractive, but rather skinny and scrawny ugly losers who talk to 0 women and who are bitter about not being actually hot. You’ll never meet anyone more bitter and cruel than an ugly or short man. Also, all incels are nerdy men, but not all nerdy men are incels. Not worth the risk.
I think I see what these young women are projecting onto nerdy ugly men. These naive women think that an ugly man/ nerds who stereotypically don’t get girls will be soo grateful that they got a girl and will worship her. But they won’t LMAOO they have a scarcity mindset and will cheat ofc.
> not the hot men with glasses
Oh god forbid you’d admit to liking hot men. 2 million likes btw. What the fuck is happening?? Young women are literally embarrassed to admit that HOT men are hot and that ugly men… are not. I want out of this timeline.
No. 2179686
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>>2179669i always think about the breakfast club and how it mirrored my irl experience. i was always a loner alt girl (like 99% of users here lol) and the preppy, jocky "chad" guys were almost always nicer to me than the vindictive and entitled loser nerds.
No. 2179716
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>>2179669>>2179675It depends, I think the 'nerd look'(clean-shaven, thin, with brow/black hair and glasses)actually looks good on men, but I wouldn't necessarily relate it to actual nerdy interests
No. 2179732
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>>2179721I know that, I was talking about the 'hollywood nerd' look for both sexes, see picrel
No. 2179759
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>>2179736we see this joss whedon and kevin smith, both of whom sought to humiliate and demean the characters that women and girls usually liked, joss included a scene where spike raped buffy to get fans to hate him
>>2166246, and kevin wanted to include a scene in his movie mallrats, where the preppy character gets raped, like it's so fucking obvious both of them were butt hurt that women weren't that attracted to them
No. 2179817
>>2179793nta but I agree. It's a way to blame women for everything. It usually went like this
>Hot bimbo doesn't want me? waah wah why do they go for the chads?>Women complain about bfs and exes? Stupid bitches could be dating ME, a nice guy!>It's their fault for getting into a relationship with the bad men>My ex gf hates me and accuses me of being bad? Women are psychos, my ex is crazy.And it repeats itself forever. Every woman who fell for the "go for the ugly guy, he is a nice guy" psyop had a rude awakening to reality.
No. 2179822
>>2179793The reason this meme seems so forced (and so forced by moids specifically) is because it is a cope that undesirable moids use to both vilify the male competitors who outcompete them for female attention and to vilify and/or infantilize the women dating those more desirable men. It has nothing to do with women actually preferring assholes and everything to do with moids seeing a woman they want to fuck with another moid and de facto considering him an asshole because in their mind asshole = took woman that I wanted. You'll see this exact same phenom to a much smaller extent with certain women who see any woman who dates a guy they likes and makes up a story in her head about how that woman just 'looks pretty' but is 'ugly deep down' or a 'slutwhore' or whatever, except that this is comparatively rarer and usually doesn't make it to the point of being a widespread media trope because women usually don't control the media. It's literally JUST jealousy. Of course in actual fact women don't prefer asshole moids, or at least not openly assholeish ones, but when some bitter nerd sees that a girl he likes is dating a hot socially adept guy who he happens to know through the male grapevine mistreated some other girl one time he assumes she likes him because of that, and not because she doesn't know that about him.
>>2179796The only women I knew in my life who dated/slept with criminal/druglord type guys were drug addicts themselves who in most cases were blackmailed into sleeping with or dating them.
No. 2179826
>>2179817Yeah nonna exactly. It's the combo of 'when woman complains about other man she dated she deserved it because she should have known better' and 'when woman complains about ME she is clearly insane and wrong.' It never occurs to them that they probably are the evil asshole other women are complaining about in their own relationships. Why would women even complain about asshole moids if they actually liked/preferred them?
It's just projection because it's actually moids who aim for women way too hot for them and accept their scraps, then get angry when those women don't actually want to commit to being their devoted loving girlfriends. They project this mindset on women and assume women are similarly retarded even though we're not. Most women will deliberately aim 'low' and go for guys below their league because women are raised to think those moids will be grateful and treat us better, but moids never deliberately aim for women below their own league so they can't fathom why women would choose guys who are both low-status/ugly AND bad boyfriends. It's actually just because moid culture told us they wouldn't be bad boyfriends, that's literally it.
No. 2179873
>>2179793An incel will see women fantasizing about having consensual, kinky, light bdsm sex (like spanking or whatever) with an extremely attractive male lawyer and think 'see, women love assholes'.
Then the same incel throw a tantrum because women don't love his 'assholeish' behavior that consists of calling his mom a cunt, making fun of minorities and disabled people, masturbating to loli rape porn, and refusing to get a job because he thinks he's too good for work.
No. 2179976
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I couldn't even make it through ten minutes because the matchups were so awful, and I know later in the film Kevin James dates a hot blonde woman. Literally when do you ever see a tall attractive man dating a dumpy woman?
No. 2179994
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>>2178658>>2179444what really grinds my gears is not only anons gassing up ugly men but also shitting on their better looking wives/girlfriends at the same time, and this is from the "conventional" attractions thread of all places
No. 2180099
>>2179994That was posted by a yellow fever fag from 4chan trying to rile up white
No. 2180103
>>2180098it has nothing to do with low t. You sound male. Testosterone is poison and it has been proven to increase aggression and age you worse.
All high t males are worthless unnatractive gorillas who only exist to abuse and dominate others.
No. 2180109
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>>2180103nta but wut dafuq are you talking about nona. moids testosterone is at its peak when they are also at their physical prime aka teens/adolescence. you kinda sound like a tranny.
No. 2180113
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>>2179994I honestly feel like those kinds of moids being shilled as peak male performance are a psyop too. When you actually look at their faces and bodies up close they're nothing special and just a bunch of spray tans, hair highlights and strategic stubble. And I'm not against conventionally attractive moids because I think Ian Somerholder and young Jason Lewis were pretty attractive in their youth, as they actually have nice features. Your pic rel is a 5/10 male Becky fraud who grew some facial hair, got his hair done by a gay guy for 500 bucks and drew on a sixpack with brown eyeshadow.
No. 2180123
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>>2180118Stacy men are so rare I can't even think of one off the top of my head. I guess O'Pry comes close, but even he looks kinda ugly in certain angles (and he's also a weird coomer who was caught liking BBC cuckolding porn on twitter). Jordan Barrett used to be a male Stacylite until he became a grossgay for pay bloated buckbroken bogged Wildenstein wannabe. Why are men so bad at ageing and looking attractive? They suck.
No. 2180177
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>>2180132They're so fucking sensitive kekk definition of dishing out but can't take it. Don't they realize they're just exposing how ugly and obese they themselves are by jumping to wk every fat obese bald man a woman makes fun of? Reminds me of how moids nowadays are wking Charlie Kirk (the "what does fetus mean?" guy) and commenting
>Bro looks good, Bro mogged herunder memes making fun of his smile or claiming women are "body shaming" this anti-abortion misogynist kek… His stance on abortion aside, he's so fucking facially challenged he looks disabled or deformed yet as long as women are pointing it out, moids will jump to call him cute KEK
No. 2180184
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Anyone else personally affected by the ugly man psyop? my mom is model-tier, she used to be scouted all the time for modeling jobs as a teen. She gets constantly approached by cute young men but she turns them down because they are around my age. She's currently dating some rich scrote who takes her on expensive vacations MONTHLY. She settled with my ugly ass geriatric dad and i inherited all his ugly traits and now i cant stacymaxx like her, its either settling down with an uggo or celibacy for me and since i also inherited my dad's ego i choose celibacy over settling.
No. 2180188
>>2180098speaking of behavior, has anyone noticed that women in general are far more calm, happy, confident and pleasant to be around than men? men nowadays are all unhinged basketcases always ready to pop off and throw a tantrum over nothing, or completely dead inside and oblivious.
men are always talking about how women get angry and become bitter karens when they get older because 'they dont get as much attention anymore' yet most 30+ women i meet are lovely and chill. ive never met anyone more angry and bitter than middle aged moids.
No. 2180191
>>2180184Yes. My mom was a low self esteem Stacy who married a fuck ugly moid. Guess whose side I ended up looking more like? I could have been a Stacy if my mom fucked a tall handsome Dolph Lundgren lookalike instead. Oh and did I mention my dad was also broke and
abusive? Triple whammy of shitness. Please never breed with ugly men, ever.
No. 2180200
>>2180113>Your pic rel is a 5/10 male Becky fraud who grew some facial hair, got his hair done by a gay guy for 500 bucks and drew on a sixpack with brown eyeshadow.KEKKK love you, nona. Even as a lostfag I always thought he was unattractive, won't forgive them for killing off Ian Somerhalder in his peak
>>2180188>nowadays Moids have always been this way, nona. Even back when they all had subservient bangmaid slaves doing all their hard work and ensuring they lived life on easy mode they were still malding and sperging about anything. Moids are incomplete subhuman beings who can never be happy, hence their need to subjugate women and make us miserable to bring us down to their inferior scrotal levels
No. 2180228
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No. 2180230
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No. 2180267
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>>2180109Kek moids are truly the ones with a ticking clock
No. 2180383
>>2180123This man has always been disgusting and bizarre looking I literally don't get what is supposed to be appealing about him. Neanderthal brow ridge and soulless shark eyes.
>>2180188Yeah, related but when I used to work service jobs in my teens/early 20s to pay for college expenses people like my parents and peers were always like 'oh watch out for teen girl customers they're the worst' meanwhile my actual experience was that middle aged moids were the absolute rudest and most unhinged people I ever had to serve. They always treated service workers like absolute garbage and their poor wives always had to fix and apologize for their weird behavior, things like insisting that I run their credit card from a brand our machines didn't take and then freaking out because it charged them without giving them a proper receipt etc and blaming it on us even though we warned them, sexually harassing us, etc. Middle aged moids were the bane of my existence in service jobs, I have no idea why everyone goes on about 'karens' who comparatively are 100x less annoying. Usually middle aged 'karens' only complain when something actually goes wrong like they were charged the wrong amount or something, moids will find any reason to harass (female) service workers.
>>2180228Tbf he already looked ugly and old 38 years ago
No. 2180401
>>2180184I saw old photos of my mother from where she was a teen/20s. I was absolutely amazed. I am talking a solid 9/10 Stacy, a total baddie. She was thin, sharp facial features, great hair and bangs, nice lips, just the whole fucking package.
Anyway, she marries my father for his intelligence apparantly. He hit the wall at like 25.
And here I am, on a fucking imageboard, so I think I don't need to tell you whose genes I inherited
No. 2180574
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>>2179626He genuinely looks homeless/disabled. This is a typical incel phenotype. Never feel bad for incels, it's not our jobs to pity date them. Let their blood line die off.
No. 2180680
Holy hairline
No. 2180708
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>>2179994You're crazy if you think she's the better looking one. They're both old now but he was always way better looking than her.
No. 2180752
>>2180680Holy fuck I hate those videos. Every comment is
>You saved bro's lifeHe's literally a non-windproof catfish kek. Nothing's been saved nor fixed, you're still very much balding with a hairline that starts behind your ears, scrote. Women are out here treating every small insecurity as an enormous flaw that HAS to be fixed and subjecting themselves to plastic surgery meanwhile ugly moids are so lazy they won't even get hair plugs and think everything will be fixed with the haircut version of a toupee. Imagine dating a dude with this 2010s Shane Dawson wig looking haircut thinking 'thank god he's not walled" until you start playing with his hair and discover this KEK
No. 2181995
>>2181983Women like them are part of the Problem and drag us all down.
Dont rag on other women, save that energy to trash ugly men, seriously men never give us, as a collective as much grace as we give them as a collective.
No. 2182000
>>2181997I can see that. She looks a bit shifty there, maybe its the photo maybe she is a weird person.
But that is leagues different thank dropping takes like "inbred tranny" idk thats a moid -take to me.
No. 2182019
>>2182013Sometimes you feel this undercurrent of very unhappy people who just love any opportunity to crap on others.
I think they both look unremarkable to me, not great not awful, they kinda fit together there is no disparity in looks, IDK what
triggered some anons again.
No. 2182028
>>2180184Definitely. I'm mid 30s, was a stacy in my 20s and you wouldn't fucking believe the audacity of fugly guys and the retarded mental gymnastics expectations they had.
Naturally, I was labelled a bitch, whore, slut, high standard ho etc for not giving them attention (read: being nice to them and not wanting to fuck them or be their gf).
I lost count of the times I was told I should give X a chance because he's a nice guy, when X was usually a scrote with many,many issues and as I said, the uglier ones were always the worst and I still can't get over how they thought they're entitled to have a hot gf.
I'm still single and never settled for the average/subpar scrote with money because that would be fucking retarded to do. I'm just chilling and enjoying my freedom.
Funnily enough I've had some cute and nice 20 year olds hit on me lately, that shit makes moids my age seethe so much.
And like another nonna said, the 30+ single uglier scrotes are the absolute worst. Their bloodline needs to end there.
The disproportion between hot guys and hot women is fucking tragic.
>>2180188I'm chill most of the time because I love indulging in my hobbies and having fun, sex isn't a priority for me.
Meanwhile, moids will seethe at everything and everyone if they can't get their dick wet.
No. 2182040
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Men are fucking revolting, sperm from a moid over 35 years old should be considered a hazardous substance. All you’re going to get is an autism baby.
No. 2182189
>>2178411wow shes gorgeous
i hope i'll look that good at 40
No. 2182288
>>2182028>Naturally, I was labelled a bitch, whore, slut, high standard ho etc for not giving them attention (read: being nice to them and not wanting to fuck them or be their gf).Same, I wouldn't consider myself a stacy but I've had men tell me that I have "high standards" for simply wanting a man that puts in the same amount of effort as I do. When I try to explain this to them they'll still keep saying it's actually a high standard even though it's just mirroring what they expect from me back to them (cute face, shaves, not too old, not fat, cares about his hair/clothes, etc). I never asked for anything I didn't provide myself or a man out of my league so I really don't understand how that makes my standards high lol. Most men seem too retarded to understand it or think unless you're a giga stacy you're not allowed to have any preferences (and even then, not really). The only explanation is that women are expected to have no standards therefore if you have any it's automatically high for them.
They do the same thing when you're nice to them, you could be the nicest person ever but since you aren't fucking them, have boundaries or just simply mirror back their own energy, they'll call you stuck up or "mean" (if you're nicer they'll say you were leading them on though, lol). I've been nothing but nice to men in the past and they'll still have this extreme lack of self awareness where actually I'm not nice compared to them(ironic because they're always worse people than I am in terms of how they treat others) just because I'm a woman with boundaries and her own opinions. It's tiring really and why I don't even care if they think I'm stuck up or "mean" anymore because to the average man a woman being mean just means you're exercising your humanity
>>2182040Meanwhile if a woman has babies past 25 she's a monster
No. 2182307
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Ew, I hate seeing shit like this so much (and people calling it romantic), she's so cute and youthful with a perfect body too, meanwhile he's a demonic redfaced ginger. He's only her height (and she's not that tall) so wtf is his excuse for having a gigantic head at least twice the size of hers?
Moids are so deformed yet nitpick the tiniest shit about the female body. Reminds me of a moid saying it's weird of tall women (me) to wear a size 41 shoe, meanwhile he was 20cm shorter than I and had larger feet, why would you be allowed to look a certain way but not somebody whose height and extremities actually match?
No. 2182413
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>>2182307Jfc his head is TWICE the size of hers. Does he actually have acromegaly or something bc that is not normal
No. 2182507
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I don't understand anyone who finds the Formula One racers attractive, all of them look deformed or like some caricature. Yesterday at work a coworker wouldn't shut up about how she found Charles Leclerc handsome and liked to watch his stream where he does simulation driving. Then she started talking about Verstappen and I had to completely tune out because he's hideous
No. 2182534
>>2182507I can kinda see it? I think if his chin was longer his facial features would look a lot more balanced.
>>2182143Interesting observation.
No. 2182586
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>>2182538>Honestly most athletes are uglySo fucking true kek just look at the supposed "sexiest male athletes of 2023"
>looks like one of those creepy dogs with blue eyes>face so red it looks like his heart is going to explode any second from all the coke and roids>fat and doughyIf I had to choose between the three of them I'd rather kill myself
No. 2182666
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>>2182649I never trusted her to actually mean what she says. My intuition immiidtaely told me that she's the youtube blogger equivalent of those anons who manhate but go home to their nigels and be the same ones complaining in vent threads about their nigels walking all over them. The type of woman that doesn't have any real bite with picking apart moids, it's just bluffing for show. Like a cheerleader once yelled, "you don't want no problems, you just talk like you do."
No. 2182804
File: 1727472255997.png (805.92 KB, 749x485, bbb.PNG)

I'm still keking at the sexual dimorphism in animals. Istg, we evolve backward so much…Pic rel
>Big giant uggo elephant seal and his qt normal looking female mate
No. 2183060
File: 1727479002258.png (251.3 KB, 660x574, Untitled.png)

more ugly old man fandom psyop
this is from a game leon kennedy exists within
No. 2183062
File: 1727479067403.jpg (1.13 MB, 1363x2048, DevPatel.jpg)

>>2182586Admittedly none of these are attractive, but the pudgy faced Asian is just downright offensive kek. Moids of (almost) all races have the possibility to be attractive, but western media seems determined to shill the FUGLIEST brown and asian moids as hot for woke points. It's very Tumblr of them, like when sjw fanartists would draw everyone brown, asian or with a middle eastern nose; but also made them hairy, obese and generally ugly for extra woke points and shit ended up looking like a racist caricature.
It's even funnier considering Asians have insane beauty standards and a fat retard like this would get cyberbullied so hard by Chinese netizens they'd have him seppuku'ing. Dev Patel is another example I can think of, so many women pretending to find this unkempt thing attractive for woke points you'd think no other indian moids exist
No. 2183088
>>2183062Nonna you must be a mind reader because I feel the same way. I've noticed the media shills basic to mid moc while
woc have to be top tier to star as their romantic interests they really think we don't notice because they are not white.
No. 2183215
File: 1727483209688.png (135.13 KB, 247x403, Roddy.png)

>>2182618>Rat Boy SummerYou have to be more attractive than Roddy St. James first to qualify
No. 2183252
>>2183010[Perfume ad voice] Ugly Male Psyop.
For Him.>>2183060These artists have never fucked and don't even know what they find attractive. This is repulsive.
No. 2183394
File: 1727487352199.jpg (134.7 KB, 662x1038, Untitled.jpg)

>>2183264chris makes me mad. i liked twink RE1 chris a lot. they turned him into a fat ugly retard.
No. 2183442
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No. 2183444
File: 1727488861205.jpg (381.67 KB, 958x939, 1000000678.jpg)

it gets worse
No. 2183447
>>2183332All ugly loser men exist in a permanent state of rage and arrested development where they never get over not being able to bang Stacy in high school. Half the threads on male chans at any given time are them crying about this very sentiment.
What they fail to understand is that they aren't socially retarded, incel, ugly and weird because they didn't get 'prime teen pussy'. They didn't get 'prime teen pussy' because they were socially retarded, incel, ugly and weird to begin with.
No. 2183495
>>2183442This one isn't so terrible but
>>2183444 THIS?? Women who's self worth has sunk so low they're attracted to fat and/or bald moids need to be lobotomized for their own good before they do something they regret. Or some conversion therapy shit where we psychologically and physically purge their demonic attraction to these creatures. It should be considered on the same level of beastiality, those things don't even look human
No. 2183496
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>>2183394I feel the same about Carlos
No. 2183508
File: 1727490008646.jpg (407.91 KB, 932x2255, 1000000682.jpg)

i miss the cuckquean board without this gay ass flood detection
No. 2184060
>>2183496Old Carlos became terribly unattractive as soon as he opened his mouth though, kek
No. 2184082
File: 1727509002469.png (254.95 KB, 725x737, Leon_nextgen.png)

>>2184031Sorry to tell you, but this is his next very much official and confirmed look for the next game.
>>2184078I think that should be a global rule, it encourages fake bait shitposts that feed infights.
No. 2184117
File: 1727513500290.jpg (62.73 KB, 1280x720, lele.jpg)

>>2184108technically they already have in RE6, he looked OK but not as cute. I hope the devs have been paying attention to the positive reception Leon has been getting and don't mess with him too much.
We also have modders and modding. I want to learn how to mod to give Leon new outfits.
No. 2184128
>>2184117>even virtual moids hit the wall in video games >meanwhile incels throw shitfits over female characters who are aged up a bit although they are kept attractiveI remember moids complaining about chun li in the new game because
gasp she's older now but she's still pretty moids really are impossible.
No. 2184148
File: 1727516503221.png (171.88 KB, 1145x401, mento illness.png)

>>2183444reminds of the fat fetishist from the art thread. We have so many tumblrinas.
No. 2184152
File: 1727516954643.png (149.87 KB, 758x429, daddy uwu.png)

>>2184151i am convinced its the same underage anon spamming her shit taste all over the place
No. 2184169
File: 1727518924463.jpeg (37.71 KB, 563x760, DC5CF632-1F17-4170-98EF-6CB62D…)

>>2184152My theory is that the poster is a peanut-headed /fit/ bro who try to psyop farmers into thirsting for roided laiderons like him.
No. 2184389
File: 1727540722168.webp (17.39 KB, 525x349, ohtani.webp)

>>2183062Ohtani is Japanese not Chinese and he's actually considered handsome in Japan kek. He's pudgy but tall and not walled at least. I wish it were true that Asian countries had insane beauty standards for men tho. Usually it just means they love feminine plastic men in their boys bands or dramas.
No. 2184392
File: 1727540754645.png (40.6 KB, 273x275, 1000000686.png)

youre one of the most beautiful women on earth and you chose this…
No. 2184478
File: 1727544367456.jpg (54.71 KB, 1009x1009, -1bc585ce83f145eba3efba8a4e9e6…)

>>2184392he might be balding but I don't think he looks that ugly, he does look average/mid while Margot is very pretty
No. 2184484
>>2184478He is absolutely hideous and represents the
>>2183215 phenotype perfectly
No. 2184509
File: 1727545506887.jpg (120.47 KB, 1200x630, dfsdfds.jpg)

This libfem shittery was peak psyop. Ryan gosling looks like a walled ogre here and margot robbie is literally gorgeous and scrotes STILL have the audacity to call her "mid".
No. 2184532
File: 1727546445073.jpg (126.68 KB, 1500x2000, 1000000687.jpg)

>>2184478She still shouldve shacked up an 18qt like sam taylor, but i guess not everybody is a stacy like her
No. 2184544
File: 1727546917536.png (3.04 MB, 1284x2036, obesity.png)

>decide to check on this thread after a while
>get bored
>open shitter
like clockwork kek they make it too easy
No. 2184681
>>2182667That's fair, I don't support them either.
>>2182996I think maybe it has to do with not being as easily influenced just in general and just having stronger preferences for what you like. When I was younger I never fell for any peer pressure for things like alcohol or drugs for example even though everyone else said it was cool and I was lame for not doing it, and I think it kinda works similarly with the ugly/old men psyop.
Everyone else can tell you getting drunk and partying is the best thing ever and totally healthy and cool, but you still refuse to do it or give into the pressure because you know it's bad and not for you personally no matter what anyone else says.
Works the same here, it's about having awareness and discernment of what feels good for you and not trying to go with the flow just because everyone else says you should. Other women might give into it because they care about other people's opinions and society more compared to what would actually be good for them. They're more worried about what would happen if they found themselves at 40 with no husband and the judgement that would come from that. Either that, or they just don't have very well formed tastes and just latched onto whatever they were served up by the media, kinda like when people don't have a defined taste and just like mainstream music, movies, tv shows, etc.
No. 2184821
File: 1727556350244.png (789.5 KB, 1552x3524, Women Don’t Like Older Men as …)

Something we already know but glad its finally catching on : women dont like old men and much younger women who end up with older men by choice are with them for their money, not because they are actually attracted to old men.
Here are the links in the article No. 2184859
File: 1727557338078.jpeg (Spoiler Image,880.15 KB, 1200x1695, GYA0XPAb0AQyJFN.jpeg)

From the previous thread about the double standard sexy bunny costumes,
>>2170850do nonna's prefer this instead?
No. 2184864
File: 1727557563509.jpg (Spoiler Image,214.38 KB, 850x1200, sample_2651330952dc339e07fbf99…)

>>2184859thats just crossdressing. something like this goes harder in my opinion. There is no point to hidding the titties if its a man.
No. 2184894
>>2184869200k is not only extremely hard to build on youtube these days but a number that builds solid earnings like
>>2184870 said.
You can already have a stable income from around 10k if you publish regularly.
It's not TikTok where you can get to a few million with little effort.
>She probably can't even monetize it, she wouldn't be sacrificing anythingWhere do you get this idea, of course she is monetizing it, why else would she be publishing redundant videos like this. You only need 1000 subs and 4k watch hours to monetize your content and she is obviously getting much more than that. Also, you only need about 1 million views per month to get about 7-8k usd so you have no idea what you're talking about.
No. 2184950
File: 1727561285544.jpg (Spoiler Image,158.56 KB, 1200x720, link-cooking-up-and-looking-li…)

>>2184864OOOHHHH nice nonna I prefer this one!
Also we need more cute male nudity in general
No. 2185172
File: 1727568692463.png (1.2 MB, 2262x620, Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 01.09…)

>>2184602I love confident glam older women who date younger men. Nothing makes scrotes seethe more than an older woman with a young Chad. Pic rel makes scrotes seethe so hard. She's still with her younger Belgian toyboy and they have a baby together, he's very sweet and loving to her and they have a healthy lovely relationship. That misogynistic Vanus scrote made a video on them and was seething so hard saying how old she looks and how she's balding etc. Men seethe so hard when women date cute younger moids its unreal.
>>2184614You're right unfortunately I've seen a lot of handmaidens bashing her because theyre jealous. Reminder his fangirls and the media made up a whole headcanon about him being gay as cope and seethe.
No. 2185175
File: 1727568899548.png (2.88 MB, 2369x952, Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 01.12…)

Goatis is just seething that they're making bank and their shorts get millions of views meanwhile he barely gets 10K views on any of his videos kek.
Also I bet her bf's cum tastes like skittles because all he eats is fruit, meanwhile Goatis is a subhuman carnivore who eats pig heads and squirrels as shock value.
I hope their cute relationship continues making jealous carnivore incel haggots seethe.
No. 2185196
File: 1727570350319.webp (69.78 KB, 1200x630, D9ECE022-7F02-4C50-B354-AF48B0…)

I hate carnivore moids who enjoy killing animals for clout and think its manly to inflict needless suffering on vulnerable creatures. They get the hairline they deserve. Vegan moids are more attractive, have nicer healthier sperm, better smelling farts and are also just better people.
No. 2185204
File: 1727570985963.jpeg (611.9 KB, 2396x2559, 812B6DF0-E00D-40B9-B009-28FD6A…)

Imagine making videos about women ageing poorly when you look like this. We need to start telling men they are ugly more often. Their egos are out of control.
No. 2185221
>>2185214Men who eat meat have foul tasting cum and
bad breath/spit. Men who eat too much protein/meat also have farts that smell like death. I've been in bed with a gymbro before, never again. They smell disgusting.
No. 2185234
File: 1727572005248.jpg (246.56 KB, 1536x2048, GX-79VGXIAAqG-k.jpg)

>>2184544it's such a sad TIF cope, no fit attractive gay men want them, only the washed up ones.
No. 2185237
File: 1727572101328.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.57 KB, 1080x872, 1000005443.jpg)

>>2185159Not quite manslut but still nice buns
No. 2185256
File: 1727572781815.png (1.23 MB, 1190x1237, Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 02.18…)

>you have no eggs-ACK
Moids fear the superhuman Greek milf.
No. 2185259
>>2185196what an egg
>>2185257stop spouting nonsense, meat eaters sweat stinks
No. 2185284
>>2185278Balding is genetic.
>>2185272>>2185280Menopause shouldnt be glorified it causes women a lot of suffering, arthritis, depression, swallowing and eating problems due to dry throat, osteoporosis etc. Also HRT supplies are being stolen by trannies which is making many menopausal women sick and suicidal. Women should try to stave off menopause as long as possible, not for sexual attractiveness but for their own health and happiness.
No. 2185286
File: 1727573406461.jpg (239.62 KB, 1080x1637, 1000005444.jpg)

>>2185204Thankfully I'm seeing it more and more each day, women have no fucks to give anymore and I'm here for it.
No. 2185294
>>2185286Being married to a man is a humiliation ritual.
The word 'wife' is a pejorative. Imagine calling yourself someone's bangmaid, cuckquean, dishwasher, baby incubator and laundromat and being proud of that. 'Wife' is a fucking slur and men gloat about it.
No. 2185295
File: 1727574013471.jpeg (128.39 KB, 750x1254, BBA3FC64-5230-4495-8D92-5106E3…)

they would love a worm slithering on the ground if they knew it was eventually going to have a receding hairline that mirrors the equator of earth
No. 2185303
>>2179669>god forbid you’d admit to liking hot men>Young women are literally embarrassed to admit that HOT men are hot and that ugly men… are notYou guys really don't get this kind of girl. They're not ashamed of openly calling conventionally attractive men hot, at least not usually. They literally just don't find them attractive.
This is often because they've subconsciously stopped seeing attractive men as an option at some point. It could be due to a lack of attractive men in their area, or, if they don't go outside and spend all day on a computer, because they only consume media for moids that doesn't have a single attractive male character in sight. In any case, they basically "gave up" on the idea of dating a better moid, and became attracted to unattractive men/lowered their standards and developed a fetish for a specific kind of moid as a kind of coping mechanism.
That, or they see attractive and kind men as out of their league. Women like this often have or used to have really low self-esteem, so they adjusted their standards accordingly.
Another reason might be that they weren't stereotypically feminine or popular in school, and they happened to befriend some male nerds that didn't treat them horribly (or at least seemed to respect them in public), so now they've developed a taste for them.
Also, what they're attracted to is often just the fantasy of an ideal nerdy guy that is shy, nervous and submissive. That's the stereotype we've been sold since forever. Nerdy men and glasses are also associated with other traits such as being smart, but we now know that wearing glasses and being a geek doesn't automatically make a male smarter, it just means he's overconfident in his intelligence which is trait often seen in all kinds of males (or they're autistic, which isn't the same as being smart, either). Conversely, some of these girls think the more conventionally attractive a man is, the more of a douchebag he is, and the more narcissistic, so they lose interest in them. In other cases, it might just be a sign of NLOGism (itself, in my opinion, a result of feeling ostracized by their more feminine female peers at an early age).
Whatever the reason for them liking unattractive men like these is, they're not "ashamed" of publicly admitting their supposed attraction to hot moids. They legit just don't find them hot. But as they grow up and get to interact with nerds in real life, and with men in general, most of them start to realize that nerdy males are just as bad as any other man, or worse.
No. 2185313
>-ACK!thing is a meme from 4chan and iirc. Confirmed moid
(learn2integrate) No. 2185321
>>2185313It's as blatant as the ugly as wojacks they love
as well as the obvious remix of
>jews fear the ___ No. 2185328
File: 1727575179569.png (968.61 KB, 1254x1127, Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 02.56…)

We are never going to make progress as a gender as long as retarded Vindicta type pickmes keep bashing and making random women compete aginst each other. I'm also sick of the 'attractive women you find ugly' type threads. Women spend every waking moment being criticized and torn apart. I wish we devoted even 1/100th of the cattiness reserved for women to bashing men's appearance. Men deserve to get bullied, harassed, made fun of and called ugly and haggard constantly.
No. 2185348
>>2185296>>2185286Sadly, violence doesn't do much with them, they are violent apes. That's why I hope she cheats on him with a younger and hotter man, it's the only thing they find damaging and humiliating, kinda like a screenshot I saw here in lolcor about a moid crying because his gf had Leon as her husbando and he cheated on her
>>2185314NTA, but you can find an older woman beautiful and hot and compliment without calling her a coomer slang, or saying she is valuable only because of her fertility.
No. 2185349
>>2185317I was speaking from experience too, tbh. But it annoys me when anons assume things about girls that are like my past self, and it's clear they don't get it at all because they never experienced it.
>who told me I was really smart for crushing on the ugliest guy on the room since there would be no competition and I probably wouldn’t get rejectedI forgot to mention that, but I think everybody here knows that this can also be a factor, thinking that going after uglier socially awkward guys will remove the competition and earn you his devotion at the same time. But I don't think your therapist did that on purpose, what could she possibly have achieved with that? Maybe she was just ignorant.
>>2185320kek sorry, you're right, but I rarely see it being used here, if ever. I associate it more with said moids, and I don't use Twitter. That, plus the "milf" thing, just screamed "moid" to me, but whatever.
>a tranny boardI didn't even know it was a tranny board. I just know them as the annoying fucks who raid every imageboard, including this one.
No. 2185351
>>2185342>>2185346Menopause at 46 is really early and wrong. It should be at 50 at the very earliest. My mom hit it at 52 and her mom was surprised by how early it was.
That being said, Western girls often hit puberty earlier in part due to endocrine disruption, but most of all due to obesity and excess protein. Earlier puberty = earlier menopause.
No. 2185358
>>2185352Automatic ideological rejection of any effort to delay aging because "it implies that old women have no value", defaulting to points about fertility, sexual attractiveness, utility to men, etc. "Let us age", blah blah. Menopause in particular is treated as some kind of a holy rite that shouldn't be tampered with even though it makes you sick. Same could be said about pregnancy, menarche and other things feminism likes to hippify. Saying those things have health effects = hating women who went through them.
We have all seen those kinds of points. I disagree with them.
No. 2185375
>>2178284Yes, they're definitely a psyop, just look at the disgusting tattoo epidemic in popular music. Particularly reggaeton performers (at least where I live) whose faces are full of retarded tattos (while the women look like pornstars of course)
>>2185366I was thinking the same tbh. It's like TIFs calling their husbandos "malewife" or just people associating the word "woman" with all sorts of shit that don't actually have anything to do with having a female reproductive system. I get the sentiment behind the post but don't agree with the use of the word "wife" there.
No. 2185401
>>2185358I can't blame them for making posts like that when the popular usage of "delaying aging" has little to do with actually managing symptoms as you describe and instead has more to do with injecting
toxic chemicals into your face that will probably only serve to accelerate declining health due to aging. Your 20 step skincare routine won't delay menopause.
No. 2185444
>>2185440>dating ugly guys means you’ll have less women vying for their attention and you won’t have to worry about them cheating on youthe fuck
I mean I had a psychiatrist tell me I allowed being raped so I can imagine this is true
No. 2185452
>>2185438why are greek women so based i love them
also the ancient greeks concluded that women feel more pleasure and experience more intense orgasms than men kek based
No. 2185540
File: 1727586316746.jpg (794.1 KB, 1080x1649, ew.jpg)

No. 2185542
File: 1727586394386.jpg (39.3 KB, 643x186, ds561.jpg)

>Men biologically are ‘four years older’ than women by time they’re 50.
>In studies involving opposite-sex twins, the male twin was found to be approximately one year biologically older than his female co-twin.
Basically men are always older than women. Dating older men doesn't make any sense.
No. 2185613
>>2185459Most incels and most radfems are equally retarded tbh. Both sides are just biology deniers. Scrotes saying that women fall apart after 12 years old and will all have down syndrome babies if they get pregnant past 18.
Radfems saying you should let your skin and body go to hell and completely neglect yourself to 'own da moids' and that we should look forward to the suffering of menopause.
Both sides are delusional, argue based on emotion rather than logic, and hate reality/biology/facts.
(derailing) No. 2185617
File: 1727589798994.png (638.23 KB, 1761x891, E9191528-8A86-46B2-A3B0-662F07…)

Why do ugly men love invading female spaces so much? Is it the only way they feel seen? I swear men are far bigger attention whores than women.
No. 2185694
>>2185613Radfems are like… not exactly biology deniers, more like biology
resigners. And moid(biology) resigners. Like their common refrain is that moids are unfixable (true) but the conclusion is that there's no hope for women and we need to lay down and wallow because nothing can be done.
No. 2185700
File: 1727598649999.png (473.34 KB, 734x656, typicalveganman.png)

>>2185257Yeah, it's the lack of B12. It can also make the moids more aggressive.
>>2185196>vegan moids>attractiveGod you fell for a psyop nona.
No. 2185755
>>2185613>you should let your skin and body go to hell and completely neglect yourselfNot using skincare products isn't the same as ruining your health on purpose lol are you insane. You're just mad that anons are calling out your shitty habits that are rooted in patriarchy and ultimately support the idea that women must be youthful and fuckable at every age but not moids. You can stay healthy even when you grow old if you have healthy habits (that don't involve artificial shit) but you can't avoid looking older forever (which isn't a bad thing, it's natural and shouldn't be hard for you to accept unless you're brainwashed to dread not looking young and attractive to moids)
You're literally a
victim of the other side of the ugly man psyop, which is the "pretty woman" psyop.
>>2185452>also the ancient greeks concluded that women feel more pleasure and experience more intense orgasms than menok troon
No. 2185855
File: 1727609517710.jpeg (62.96 KB, 750x1194, CEF03BE7-45A2-4938-9036-582983…)

ugly donkey face pedo
No. 2186103
File: 1727619245129.jpg (295.11 KB, 2800x1400, house-of-the-dragon-aemond-ewa…)

I remember many young girls back then loving Legolas and getting shamed for being attracted to a pretty boy (and looking back, he wasn't even that young and delicate or feminine).
Recently I came across the Game of Thrones sequel and saw many girls thirsting after the supposedly elf-like characters. This is how they look like! This harpye is shilled as the epitome of sexiness and androgyny! You can't help but feel sorry for nowadays young girls.
To make it worse the actors are pushing 30 (and look this haggard already!) but their roles are teens. And the "ladies" acting as their moms are only 3 years older than them. This is so sad. One of the actresses is also a they/them, how dare they act all modern and uwu accepting but then cast the most haggard moids as heroes and the prettiest young women only to give them suffering middle-aged roles?
Pic is mom and son…
No. 2186165
File: 1727625187790.jpg (39.58 KB, 620x372, Amess.jpg)

>>2186103God, Game of Thrones and its spin offs are a never ending source of ugly moids and misogyny, I can't remember a single cute one, maybe for that gay one who got beaten by the Sparrows. Meanwhile half the female characters had to go nude or get extremely sexualized, so much that Emilia Clarke renewed her contract under the condition to stop with the nude scenes.
>old scrotes acting as teensThat reminds me of picrel, ignoring the awful plot, the leads are the 19 year old actress is beautiful with flawless skin and that moid in his late 20s pretending to be a 16 year old with awful acne. We will never escape this.
No. 2186181
File: 1727625575479.png (757.04 KB, 1733x1160, men age like wine.png)

made me laugh
No. 2186265
>>2186239Yeah, while I don't think women "peak" at 60 or whatever that other nonna was saying in
>>2185819, I just don't think it's really something we have to worry about to the same capacity, despite the way men have sucessfully managed to make women fear aging much more than themselves thanks to the ugly old man psyop. You'll get less attention than when you're younger sure (especially since so many men are pedophiles) but it's really not like you stop getting male attention altogether unfortunately and you're still vulnerable to things like harassment, rape and unwanted attention. Some men will even target older women specifically because of seeing them as fragile, weak targets too.
No. 2186359
File: 1727632009233.jpg (74.57 KB, 640x630, hairline be gone.jpg)

I'm noticing the hairline insult is catching on and have seen redditors mad about it kek
No. 2186423
File: 1727634826564.jpg (467.85 KB, 1486x1502, 1727175193192.jpg)

>>2185617is this the same guy that was with insecure loser empathchan or am i just autistic and think all ugly white guys look the same?
No. 2186452
File: 1727635828129.jpeg (848.03 KB, 1206x1307, IMG_7134.jpeg)

>>2186176 I fully agree with you.
No. 2186462
File: 1727636159439.jpeg (259.89 KB, 1040x1343, GYknRfWW0AAHOM3.jpeg)

One thing I know is that ugly old men will never stop having the audacity and being entitled
No. 2186640
File: 1727641512457.png (258.59 KB, 554x838, 324786324678.png)

It just clicked with me that he's part of one of the many ugly man psyops
No. 2186668
File: 1727642038393.png (702.85 KB, 625x830, S4LOzVa.png)

>>2186103tbf most of the casting decisions were fucking stupid in Hotd,(the fact that there are hundreds of fujos who ship him with a 12 year old is also beyond creepy). regarding rhaenyra, she’s supposed to be fatter in the books (because giving consecutive birth to six kids does that to you), and while daemon is older, he’s still supposed to be dashing and handsome, looking like an actual warrior instead of scrawny doctor who in a bad wig.
No. 2186811
File: 1727645738936.png (96.13 KB, 828x837, basedwife.png)

Searched up "wife fat" and got this masterpiece. Based BPDemon wife, I hope the tides continue to shift like this.
No. 2186812'all check out this thread, op is based for not liking her balding bf anymore and people are calling her shallow for it, I looked up a bunch of ''wife fat'' threads, no such reactions ofc.
Men fear balding so much
(this is an imageboard) No. 2186894
File: 1727649229055.jpeg (401.58 KB, 828x821, IMG_8935.jpeg)

Found this on ig, the comments ofc had seething moids saying that she’s not that pretty or that she’s gonna be single forever, we need more stacies like her.
No. 2187108
File: 1727658977672.jpg (469.29 KB, 2064x1301, shut up ugly.jpg)

Ugly men really do have too high self esteem and it shows
No. 2187119
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>>2186894Idk why but there's so many comments from Asian and white men saying she'd be a 3-5 in the west. Aren't they the ones who claim western women are all fat ugly whores lol
No. 2187205
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>>2187197Just checked out that thread and I’m actually seething over the double standard. Kek @ the lose some weight part, what would they say if she already did those things? Or didn’t need to?
No. 2187216
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>>2187205This is actually a deeper loop than u imagine
Top answers to a post on X chromosomes, I love the indignancy and the obviously male upvotes since the title would attract them like moths to a flame.
OP's complaining about her bf balding at 24 and they're talking about aging!!! Literally cannot ask for a partner you're attracted to in your twenties lol. The most basic standard for young love.. No. 2187232
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>>2186811>"The relationship isn't balanced"Well no shit faggot, you grilled her about being socially awkward at parties and how your friends think she's weird, and when she wanted to respond you told her to keep it in until morning because you didn't wanna hear it. That's not how arguments work kek I'm glad he got called a fat fuck, moids are always so eager to tell their postpartum wives they've "let themselves go" but lord forgive someone mentions the potbelly they gained for no reason.
>>2187205>The dealbreaker in being attracted to your lifelong partner is the hair?Uhh YES??? Hair is extremely important and moids know this, hence why they can't stop themselves from sperging about feminazis every time a woman with a pixie cut enters their line of sight, yet we're supposed to find them attractive despite being bald, fat and ugly? KEK tough shit, redditors, you can inhale all the copium you want but thankfully patriarchal brainwashing will never get women to consider baldness attractive. And no moid can escape the fate of a receding hairline
No. 2187240
>>2186894She's so real for this
>>2187108Such an ugly mutt, I hate this phenotype on men (hideous Jeff Goldblum-esque donkey goblin)
>>2187216Bald men are repulsive and I will never settle for one. No woman should unless she has soem strange fetish for cueballs.
No. 2187241
>>2186181Woman: Greek goddess
Man: abominable orc mage
No. 2187249
>>2187244They always throw out weird moidmonkey isults
>he's a faggot>that's a twink>he's probably a homo>he isnt handsome like (insert hideous 50 year old post wall crinkly actor haggot) >he looks like a girl/a little boy >I could beat him up>I could rape himetc etc. Men are so pathetic.
No. 2187416
>>2183563Sorry very late but AYRT and no I do see some males as human, I'm probably less male-hating than a lot of other lolcow nonnas. But liking someone as a person and thinking they're a fun cousin or uncle or friend is completely different than feeling like I should date someone or give them the time of day in a romantic context. It just never occurred to me no matter how ugly I (thought I) was at the time that I should have to subject myself to an ugly moid I wasn't attracted to, I remember my first 'boyfriend' in middle school (back when I thought I was literally a hideous monster no one could love) I initially agreed to date because we had a similar hobby and then when we hung out one on one and he tried to hug me I was so repulsed by him because I didn't think he was attractive that I lied and told him my mom said I couldn't date lmao. But actually it was because I was viscerally disgusted and repulsed. After that I never tried to date moids who I didn't think were 'hot' ever again because I knew I would just be disgusted.
But then after growing up and becoming an adult I noticed that many of my pretty, successful, and fun female friends would date these ogres and make excuses for them constantly even though they were repulsive physically AND had bad personalities. And no matter how much me and other women in our friend group would say 'oh he's horrible' these young women who were way out of those moids' league would just insist that these men were objectively desirable and the best they could get and that it was so 'validating' to be desired by some ugly, old, balding moid as a pretty, interesting, successful 20-something. I ended up losing some of these friendships because I couldn't hide my negativity toward their boyfriends and I wonder if there's any possibility to actually convince women like this that they deserve better and don't need to settle for ugly geriatric walled poor stupid scrotes. I am not kidding that this destroyed some of my long-lasting and otherwise healthy female friendships, I had friends who didn't want to hang out with me anymore because I refused to pretend to like their awful boyfriends. I wasn't doing anything socially weird around the boyfriends either like I wasn't being rude, aggressive or anything when the boyfriends were around but when it was a hangout just between us women I would be honest that I didn't think their boyfriends were worthy of them and this cost me multiple friendships. I genuinely am asking, is there some way to 'pinkpill' normie women about this because it actually makes me sad and concerned for many of the women I personally know.
No. 2187438
>>2184681Also AYRT (second post) and maybe that has something to do with it, I was also the type to not want to get drunk or give in to peer pressure when I was younger, so maybe it's a personality thing. I never really felt the need to do something because 'other people my age are doing it' and I think you're onto something suggesting that's a major reason why a lot of women date subpar moids in their teens or twenties - they're at 'that age' where they're supposed to get boyfriends and if no acceptable boyfriend they actually like is available they're just settle for any vaguely acceptable moid because of FOMO. Sad though, maybe it's my bisexuality but I never understood why women bothered with moids who aren't even hot. And especially when I think of all these girls I knew in their teens and twenties who were settling for dating the most hideous and annoying scrotes, they were far from being 40yo 'old cat ladies' like they have all the time in the world to actually find a man they want to date but I guess the psyop really convinces women they need to panic and settle young or else.
>>2185172>how she's balding etcWomen just have high foreheads and almost never have progressive balding, and his forehead is just as high as hers. She's also objectively more attractive than he is despite being older (and tbh looking older than most 39yo women) - just look at her teeth, facial proportions, etc. Moids are delusional as always. Women who are 40 are unironically usually looksmatched with 25yo-30yo moids. One of the most beautiful women I've ever met is in her early 40s and I don't know if I've ever seen a 40yo scrote look as good as her in any context, as someone attracted to women I've never seen a man as attractive as her in his 40s.
>>2185337Really weird idt I've ever met a woman who was menopausal at 46. In like 1910-1930 the average age of having your last child was 43 implying many women had them significantly older. I know puberty is coming earlier now which may mean menopause comes a few years earlier too but it's weird to pretend that most women are menopausal in their early-mid 20s when afaik the average age is still somewhere in the 50s.
>>2185732Yes vegan moids usually look disgusting lmao but also carnivore obsessed gymrat moids are almost all on steroids and other drugs and look 20 years older, moids just need to stop making the diet they eat their entire personality and try to be normal. They don't do these diets for women or to be pleasing or healthy anyway they do it out of some weird homosocial/homosexual desire to seem cool and attractive to other men.
No. 2187448
>>2187437I used to hear 'give him a chance' all the time and every time someone said that to me it turned out to be a terrible idea, luckily I was really quick to cut off any dating relationship with moids so I never suffered an actual 'official' relationship with any ugly, socially awkward or 'nerdy' moid after middle school. But god forbid I very gently asked my extremely attractive and cool female friends why they were acting like literal bangmaid slaves for disgusting old balding men (in a nice way I obviously didn't use these words) they would always tell me I just don't understand how amazing it is for your self esteem to be adored and given the 'princess treatment' (aka rapey kink sex and cheating) by some moid. Of course these women would then later make it obvious they resented my actual healthy self esteem because you can't get self esteem from prostrating yourself for some disgusting old scrote, you have to get it from yourself.
Speaking of 'give him a chance' even the phrase itself implies the person telling you this knows that you're too good for him. If they thought he was really a good match for you they wouldn't say 'give him a chance' they'd say 'omg you're crazy he's such a catch!' or 'you're really missing out' or some other phrase to imply you just rejected someone above you or on your level. 'Give him a chance' implies they know you're way too good for the moid but want you to lower yourself the same way they did. Older women who have given up on themselves often do this to younger female relatives especially daughters, they know they chose badly and will make fun of younger women in the family for dating some 'prettyboy' or 'having standards that are too high' because they cope by thinking that the ugly unappealing moids they settled for at least 'treat them better' than a hot moid would which they never do. My own relatives constantly made fun of me for dating 'effeminate' or 'pretty' boys/men throughout my life trying to imply my boyfriends were gay or something while also acting shocked that the men I dated didn't mistreat me, I even had relatives tell me my boyfriend in high school must be gay because he wasn't forcing me into sex when I wanted to wait until I was an adult and backing up the he's gay assertion by saying he's too 'pretty' to be straight lmao. He wasn't gay.
No. 2187467
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>>2187216Spoilered for old moid picture
A few months ago I was talking to a guy who's hair was thinning majorly at 26, I felt bad because I was more attracted to him in his pics where he was early college aged because he had a full head of hair and his face was less round. I ultimately couldn't get past it, when I would try to play with his hair if i moved it in one direction it was so awkward because it would reveal a nearly bald spot, and he kept a hairstyle to purposely cover it. I do feel bad for him because he is a genuinely good guy as far as I could tell, one time we were looking at his family pics and his dad and brothers are all bald so I was like do you think you're gonna be bald too? And he said yeah probably, that's not a deal breaker right? With a laugh. Ofc I laughed and said no obviously not. But if I'm honest while maybe not full deal-breaker, it's pretty damn close.
I felt super bad when I broke things off with him because I just couldn't feel physical attraction to him when trying to be intimate I actually started crying because it felt like I was forcing myself
But now I'm seeing a guy who has a full head of beautiful hair, so much hair that it looks like a messy crazy mop half the time but I couldn't care less because it's just HAIR and is so important and such a turn on. He's part italian and the men in his family all have their hair and he has so much of it that I know he's not going to to bald. I can even imagine being attracted to a guy when we're both in old age and their hair is gray, as long as they HAVE hair. I knew it was important to me and being with this new guy just reconfirms it
Unlike some nonnies I do feel bad for balding moids though, I know I probably shouldn't because of the insane standards they hold us to but it must really suck to lose your hair and have the only real alternative be surgery
No. 2187647
>>2187615>wanting to go bald because that makes them a REAL MAN and it's soo gay to care about your looks in any way that isn't impressive to your fellow bros like becoming a gymrat.Why do they do this? We know moids are clearly insecure about balding, as they should because it instantly walls them and it's ugly as shit but most of them seem more ashamed to do anything to fix it than of being ugly bald fucks forever. And I've seen moids do shit that's considered way gayer than working on their hair loss, like painting their nails, doing their brows, dressing like fags, wearing a bit of make up, etc. Is it because they consider cosmetic procedures like hair implants as demeaning and vain as the ones they pressure women to go through constantly and they don't wanna feel "emasculated"? Or are they just lazy and cheap and refuse to put in any actual work and money into fixing their appearance?
I even remember multiple scrotes from the MTF thread saying they weren't even trans and started HRT solely because they hoped it would reverse their balding (it won't) and they didn't wanna "age like a man" (they will). Scrotes will do literally anything, including trooning out, before taking basic care of their appearances. Fucking bleak
No. 2187670
>>2187647I dated this guy for a bit who'd flat out refuse to put on sunscreen. Like I'd suggest it and he'd get this cocky smile and say something like "why would I need to do that?" Meanwhile checking for my reaction like he'd just said the coolest shit.
The mentality kind of pissed me off but I ignored it at the time. In the same vein he would take great offense to me making a small comment like his beard was getting too shabby or something. It's like he found rebelliousness and a sense of virility in rejecting any form of care for his appearance.
Would that this was actually a form of confidence rather than a desperate bid to have me agree with him not needing grooming (as if I ever would).
He was also as manipulative and malevolent as you'd expect from such a guy, ended up leaving after telling him his already balding forehead and pubic beard made him look like a flea.. I remember he got pretty mad lol. Memories
No. 2187675
>>2187647The HRT thing is definitely true, a troon I know kept mentioning that now that he's trooning out he won't go bald anymore kek and bragging about it to all the other men. It makes me angry that they only seem to give a shit about their looks (extremely poorly at that)
after they troon out because of their retarded idea that they can't as a man, since caring about your looks is somehow either gay or only women should do it. They genuinely troon out and start fixating on their appearance because in their head a male doesn't have to give a shit about how he looks, only women do that, and now that they're a woman they have to actually care about their hair and other stuff while previously they didn't give a shit.
Also I think it's both feeling emasculated and laziness, as well as entitlement to women's attention and unconditional love despite their ugliness since they've been fed the lie that they don't need to be pretty, youthful, and generally attractive in order to deserve love like women have. Hence why incels have meltdowns and go on killing rampages when they realize that women do in fact want an attractive man and behave like it's this massive betrayal since it contradicts this idea
No. 2187727
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i love it when they go bald
No. 2187769
>>2187650The main post I found about this OP deleted but I will link as the comments were still up. Basic story was he was bragging about getting women all over him and how rare he was because hes
black (most weebs these days are) a few days later he was complaining about the girl he slept with stole his wallet and passport, hes now got egg on his face after finding out she was a professional. I'm saying this not to racebait but because its important for the next story.'ll try to find the others I read, I was cackling!
A woman put out this hoax/troll video stating
the Japanese government want black men to come and repopulate the country, not only that but THEY WILL PAY $7,500 for it. (Its in video related) Now we all know passport bros are clowns but they really fell for this and have been going over there in big numbers. Of course Japan also has internet so professional women are aware of this trend and have been posing as normal women to get these guys on the hook and rinse them of money. Some work for pimps and even yakuza.
The weebs I had the misfortune of speaking of before were mostly the white pasty pimply kind but now that Anime has become mainstream theres more non white weebs (and its all Dragonball, One Piece and Naruto they are into) who also believe the crap said about Asian women (been asked more than once if I have a "sideways pussy, like WTF?!") and as you can imagine they stick out in Japan and make themselves easy targets. No. 2188145
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>Open twitter
>See this hashtag
>Immediately see common sense
>Close it because thats enough either way
The ugly scrotes are getting desperate kek.
No. 2188301
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was watching some tiktok drama about a MUA and this was a wedding she attended, holy fuck i thought the groom was the bride's father in law or something, look at this bald graying scrote with a beautiful young black woman. and the worst part is she probably is told she "won" for getting "chosen" by a white man
No. 2188326
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>>2188262Me and the nonnies kekking at the LiveLeaks of passport bros getting beheaded by the Colombian cartel
No. 2188419
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Speaking of which why ARE french moids so romanticized i've yet to see one thats even mid and they have awful attitude towards women and most seem to be pedos
No. 2188517
>>2188419That rat is Brit*sh
The Brits are kind of known for being an unfortunate looking people so maybe the French are being compared against that.
No. 2188564
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>>2188517This is peak french horseface phenotype for me. With his stupid uppity look and stupid voice.
For those who don't get french, this flesh creature is talking about how looking at others while in a relationship is healthy and normal.
The offensive part is the idea of feeling entitled to looking at someone when you look like this, regardless of relationship status
No. 2188615
>>2188564My mother still sometimes seethes about the time she dated a Frenchman a decade ago who turned out to be a ginormous slut. It's like some kind of disease runs through the French Y chromosome.
Also, this guy looks gay af
No. 2188715
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>>2188642The moids that I notice that look the most attractive body-wise are those who do sports/physical activity during grade school. I assume its because its easier for them to maintain fit bodies into adulthood
No. 2188746
>>2188589Canada. They're like American men but less mutted, less fat, and more healthy.
Polish men also have a high 'turbo prettyboy' to ugly bastard bell curve, I've noticed.
No. 2188750
>>2188419>>2188564French men are absolutely horrible. They're incredibly misogynistic, rude, aggressive, perverse, while looking like pathetic twink hags.
Also French culture is awful for glorfying 'hideous old man with gorgeous young woman' couples. It all started with Serge Gainsbourg.
No. 2188957
>>2187769This reminds me of the time I was browsing out of curiousity, and there was a thread of this White inceloid going to Japan to get some pussy… only to complain that he was ignored by the women there. Even saying that because he was White he would get laid and was disappointed it didn't turn up like a "harem anime".
I wish I could post it but I'm so icked by that "forum".
No. 2189006
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men are allowed to be on tv looking like this
No. 2189023
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>>2189012To be fair Zach is also part of the psyop I see so many fans swearing he's handsome. I like how his facial hair tries to cover up dem big ol' cheeks.
No. 2189138
triggered beta
(bait) No. 2189144
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>>2188753Are we sure she's not just trying to pull an Anna?
No. 2189187
>>2189184Absolutely not. He is literally bald and fat. She has nice hair and a curvy figure. Get your eyes checked
No. 2189271
>>2188715I say America because I was brought up on American media and know its huge and has a mix of people there. I'm European and know there are many European men who are attractive but also know how many are ugly it really is a mixed bag in every country.
>>2188750No wonder loli is so popular over there even there own home grown comics market is full of perverse shit.
No. 2189375
>>2188564I'm French and I'd rather die a virgin than let anyone in this shithole even talk to me. They're ugly, short and balding and on top of that they say the most racist shit all the time and expect me to agree and nod because they think I'm one of "the good ones". In case anons don't know that and will eventually come to France at some point for whatever reason, talking about sex all the time is normal there. You can't really escape it, it's embarrassing as hell trying to mind your own business and all your coworkers ask if you watch feminist porn or why you're still single for no reason at all. And again, if you meet a French guy with a beard he most likely had a fucked up jaw and looks like a beast without it.
>>2188419This pic reminded me of the Black Pink singer who's dating one of the Arnault family member and writing a love song about him.
No. 2189383
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Ugly men are crying online about not getting picked and are somehow trying to make themselves the victims when I guarantee you they treat women they dont want to fuck like shit but expect others to feel sympathy for them. Like I have said previously men have also fallen for the ugly man psyop but just in a different way.
No. 2189460
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>>2189375Right omg I forgot about how aggressively hypersexual they are, constantly. Truly bald man heaven.
I experienced this often while rejecting men over there, as if I'm the faulty one for not wanting to fuck corny, bald, childish and prickly men (the list could do on). Like no Clémentin your pony teeth, beer belly and in depth knowledge of the kamasutra is weirdly not attractive. Wtf are french women even doing with these bozos.
France culture is like still stuck in early 2000's millennial mentality, where going out of your way to hit on as many women as possible, seeing everyone as a potential conquest and the fact rather than act of having sex as an end itself. Creates the weirdest most insecure forms of sexual harassment.
Wallahi I miss being there and violently rejecting french men, hopefully someday they question their methods and learn humbleness.
Picrel is the art for the men's side on a public bathroom with indignant text on top, illustrates it pretty well
No. 2189525
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>>2189460That logo makes you think of troons
No. 2189669
>>2189306French men are greasy as fuck and look like feet. They're the living embodiment of Wattpad boss/secretary love interests but stinking of BO and halitosis.
>>2189383KEK I love this. I also love the implication that the couple keep obsessing over him like he obsesses over them, they probably don't know he exists or just think of him as a background Facebook friend who leaves likes sometimes.
Nobody gives a singular shit about any of these creeps. If they washed and got off the internet and developed personalities that didn't revolve around obsessive self pity and retarded /pol/ takes they'd have no problem finding a girlfriend. Fucking idiots.
No. 2190182
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This thing jumpscared me during my figure drawing session
No. 2190202
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>>2189383Keeeeeek. How's it the whole world's fault you can't get married dumbass? Also, cry me a river. I've seen fat, ugly, bald men in happy successful relationships. These losers do it to themselves because they expect porn model tier women to settle for them. Lol. Lmao even
No. 2190205
>>2189383> Specifically the husbands> You posted it online JUST to add to the UGLY MAN'S PAIN> You making her happy adds to his misery> YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSONMale pickmeism is
something else lmfao
No. 2190224
>>2189383If he wasn't handsome enough, didn't have enough money and wasn't good enough, it's his own fault. Get a good haircut and nice clothes and work out a couple of times a week, get a better job, and improve yourself.
This dude was probably going after a woman who's at least a 7 and expecting her to settle for someone who's not only several points less attractive than her but also broke and unlikeable. The entitlement.
No. 2190588
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Keep seeing these memes and they are definitely part of it. Plain guys whose inner woman is not dancing wish to adorn themselves through affiliation.
Worst part is the nerd is actually just ugly, skinny fat / chubby or generally unkempt with shitty hair.
No. 2190749
We don't talk enough about how hideous balkan men are. Maybe top 3 ugliest moid ethnicity. Everyone is crying about bongs and americans, but balkan men are cavemen by default. Some of them can manage to look a bit more decent if they have some slavic or german ancestors, but if it's pure balkan DNA it's unironically over.
The average balkan man, even among the slightly better looking specimens, has a short face, sometimes pudgy looking, low eyebrows, a beard that may or may not be unkempt, and looks way older than his actual age. Basically a fresh 20 yr old balkan guy in the university will usually look 30, or even 40 if unlucky. They also tend to be shorter and stocky and probably have a beer belly. As I said, something about them is very primitive looking, and some of them have this weird thing going on where they have some sort of aged babyface that makes them look even older, no good jawline and a short kiddie nose paired with wrinkles and a double chin. Teenage balkan boys already have beards or some sort of visible facial hair by 15, sometimes they have shitty mustaches that they refuse to shave. Obviously once they hit 18 everything speeds up and they becomes ogres. Balkan men that struggle with growing beards, and that's usually the less common blonde balkan guys, are a bit more insecure cause they don't feel manly enough. Sometimes they can also have some sort of "asian" eyes, like small, brown and hooded but it's not very attractive on their otherwise brute appearance.
No. 2190789
>>2190749>short Indigenous Balkan men are literally the tallest in the world, even taller than the Dutch
>>2190755>they… feel like clonesOh god, this so true! So I'm not the only one that noticed and is bothered by it. You've seen one, you've seen them all. It's a problem to tell them apart and I never know where and when I met someone and if I met them already at all because they all look the same. It doesn't help that they all lack any sense of style and dress in the same non-descript way, and have a total lack of personality so you can't even tell them apart by their mannerisms. I fucking hate living in the land of clones, it's so boring and uninteresting and libido-killing. How am I to get intrigued let alone aroused by Balkan clone #743472 looking and speaking the same as everyone ever here
Shit sucks
No. 2190834
>>2190785No. The look of Balkan men is to blame on the incessant wars here.
The men dying off in great numbers causes an imbalance in the gender ratio, where a greater number of women are left to compete for a smaller number of men. This is the cause of Balkan women putting a lot of effort into themselves and Balkan men being unkempt.
No. 2190882
>>2190834I feel so bad for Balkan women. There are great expectations placed upon them to be dressed to the nines and caked in makeup every day, almost cartoonishly. My female Balkan friends could not leave the house without hundreds of dollars worth of makeup products applied and yet dated ogres; and no, I am not putting this lightly, the men have serial killer physiognomy. I get secondhand embarrassment for them because they think this is perfectly normal. When I was staying with them they urged me to apply some and wear their clothes before we went out. No thanks, I have some self-respect. Going out to have the ugliest men in the world ogle you is a humiliation ritual. If I had grown up in their environment, I would be a staunch gay. I thought where I lived was bad, but in more affluent areas the young males are vain and attractive. In the Balkans, at least the southern European part, there is no hope. At every single stage of life they look aged beyond their years, but only the men. The sheer difference of effort put into appearance between the men and women is the peak example of the ugly man psyop. The men’s egos grow bigger and bigger so that pot-bellied Ron Jeremy-looking retards think they deserve to marry the youngest they can go. It doesn’t help that very young girls are pressured since puberty to start wearing makeup and dressing for the male gaze just to end up with a man 10 years their senior who looks 20 years their senior as soon as they can get married. Even my friends who were educated to the highest degree and could afford to move abroad would be dating men who would be clocked as their fathers. Is there some sort of biological reason to why the men look so haggard? Even the little boys look like they have the benjamin button disease, so they never really had a chance. Did the wars kill off the last generation of decent-looking young guys and bottleneck effect the population into resorting to mating with the remaining old men? I don’t understand how the mature look could carry over and be apparent so early in life, and only in the males.
>>2190755You are not kidding. The men have copy-pasted interests due to the strict gender roles. The stronger the gender role enforcement, the higher the prevalence of the ugly man psyop? It seems like there are only 2 types of men; the ones that are interested alcohol, cars, and pedophilia and the ones interested in anime, board games, and pedophilia. The men I’ve met are very open about finding underage girls attractive, nobody does anything about it, not even having the urge to protect their female loved ones.
The stricter gender roles have also led to the men only finding women who are garishly hyper-feminine attractive, akin to the beetle species memeing itself into being attracted to the superficial look of a beer bottle.
>>2190865This is just male socialization and the lack of socializing them to behave. This is good for both sexes.
No. 2190909
>>2190901>spoilersorry for ot, but
how? Literally the only thing I've ever heard about causing that is escolar. Can moids actually get
keriorrhea from just regular greasy food?
No. 2190931
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>>2190588Good ol mpdg versus uninspired, boring low t. I'm of the opinion jocks and alt girls are more compatible and mutually beneficial anyway.
Also in what universe does the guy in picrel get to play the jock, I refuse to believe it's not nepotism
No. 2191026
>>2191011I never bothered dating anyone, every guy I liked didn't like me back and the oney that approach me are the tubby ones.
Ngl i feel like my personal standards are all mutually exclusive
No. 2191114
>>2189347No woman who has hair is ever gonna be looksmatched with a bald moid who is also ugly on top of it
>>2189383Why do they always assume the guy who got the girl is an asshole? And that women must reject every ugly guy when you see so many women with men that are far beneath them and even marry bald ugly moids. As if women don't marry nice men too or always
only go for looks. If anything I'd say it's rarer for the average normie woman to fixate on looks when she's choosing her long term partner (unfortunately), since having ANY standards at all sets you up for being single for life or told you're a stuck up bitch. Also, why should the husband give a shit or feel bad over some retarded man who was rejected in this guy's mind? All he did was not be retarded enough to get a wife (low bar, honestly) and it's not his fault the other guy is terminally bitter, jealous, and can't handle rejection to the point where he whines about it on the internet and doesn't move on.
>>2190588This shit is so annoying. I told one of these moids who wants a "goth gf" he should get nice clothes and take care of himself first and he looked at me like I said something insane. I hate that the women enable them too. I absolutely hate these unmatched couples and it just feels like a humiliation ritual for the woman, imagine putting on all that makeup and fancy clothes for a guy that puts in 0 effort
>>2191016I feel this, I've only ever dated one better looking man and I'm holding onto him even harder because of this. I literally don't believe I'd be able to find another guy that doesn't look terrible if we broke up. It makes it harder to leave whenever there's issues since I believe I'd just be alone forever if I end things with him
No. 2191132
>>2190749>We don't talk enough about how hideous balkan men areYES NONNA, I FEEL THIS IN MY SOUL
I'm curious if there are any other romanian nonnas in this thread, we have it fucking ROUGH, they all have the same retarded haircut and beard
their facial structure is not to my liking, so this weeds out pretty much the entire male population lmao
the women on the other hand tend to mostly look great
once they hit 30 things go downhill REALLY fast especially if they don't exercise, you'll see soooo many men with those pregnant guts, it makes me puke! and these same men have CRAZYYYYY standards for women like wtf!
I have noticed that social media has influenced the younger generations and a lot of zoomers tend to look better, and are also taller than the 30+ demographic , I've seen quite a lot of good looking early 20 yo , but maybe this was just because I was in a bigger city
I visited several countries this year and I almost lost my mind when I saw how much better men looked , not to mention how tall they were
if I have to get a guy who's shit, he has to at least be hot, no point in dating an uggo
No. 2191135
>>2190920How do they eat something so oily? The thought of
a food greasy enough to make you shit oil makes me gag.
No. 2191160
>>2191138my sister in pain… the double standards are fucking crazy indeed
it's always "give him a chance" , "he's nice" etc when the girl is literally from a league in another universe and he's from planet shit
I even know guys who were complaining to me that "normal" girls at the gym aren't interested in them
no shit, you're a fat sleazy midget and you expect a fit stacy to want you? the audacity
me and my bff are still single and refuse to date ugly men
we love our 2d/3d boys lmao or flat out date because society wants us to get married and have kids
hot guys were are super rare, I actually saw one today at the subway and stared politely, his face looked like it was sculpted by greek gods and he had longer hair too, kinda like Bjorn, other girls were stealing glances too and for good reason
>>2191154I agree with this, slavic guys have potential
balkan men are a lost cause
No. 2191212
>>2191154Agree. Slavic =/= Balkan, and I think Northen and Western Slavs actually can have really good genes. Souther Slavs on the other hand… yeah, I don't know how we fucked up so badly genetically kek
t. southern slav
No. 2191233
File: 1727906173239.jpg (206.07 KB, 2283x595, uggos b coping.jpg)

Was looking for a particular video that I thought would suit this thread found this instead. Not giving this scrote a view but the thumbnail made me kek.
No. 2191584
File: 1727926072540.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.87 MB, 8086x5264, KZS_2973.jpg)

>>2190590I like to draw diverse women but i fucking despise how hard it is to find attractive, hell, even just fit male figure drawing models. All i could find was tangang monster.
No. 2191770
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>>2191761a lot of it can be traced back to the sexual revolution and "counterculture" era of the west
No. 2191790
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>>2191784the commies were the ones behind the counterculture in the west
No. 2191794
>>2191770Wow, that blonde scrote is stunning. I wonder why the Western ones look so haggard in comparsion?
>>2191790Do you mean western "commies" who nowadays would be troons that parade "be gay do crime" who Marx would look down at in disgust? Or do you mean actual commies?
No. 2191802
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>>2191790>>2191794it's a little more complicated then that, it wasn't some devious communist plot, it was a natural evolution of basically of western leftists breaking with the eastern block, where the ideas of both marxism and ML were rejected. "workers in the west will not liberate and bring about reak communism; it has to be students, black, queer and other marginalized people". this all came to ahead with the massive scale of anti-Vietnam war protests. from this came the hippies, second-wave feminists, critical race theorists, queer theorists and other miscellaneous movements and intellectuals that still dominate academia today
the new idea was "freedom" to do whatever the fuck want, which soon meant the freedom to dress like crap, make porn of any kind and in the French post-modern context, the idea that having sex with children was also a right
No. 2191809
>>2191802>>2191797>logos wich involves one's reason, would absorb Eros over time as wellthe origin of coomers
very interesting tough, have you read any books on this you would recomend?
No. 2191817
>>2191809phyllis chesler (a second wave feminist) who lived through the era, autobiography gives a good insight into how it actually started and developed, mary harrington is probably best at understanding its ideological roots, the autobiography of robin morgan is also a great insight as she was even more involved, first with the hippies and the freelove movement, before she became a feminist, its also a great firsthand account of how feminism became so stagnant, becoming less about helping women and became more about academic pretentiousness, there's also days of rage by todd gitlin, about the campus activism of the new left
this article might be of use - it deals with the absolute absurdity of people around that time, including the author himself who had a nervous breakdown for a month when mao died No. 2191819
File: 1727958006183.jpg (39.66 KB, 612x409, guards.jpg)

>>2191784>>2191794The reasons are the beards and the copy pasted American fashion, hard to look well groomed when looking like you are homeless was in vogue. Not to mention that sedentarism and easy access to fast food didn't help much.
No. 2191823
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>>2191794Also I forgot to mention that in Soviet Union and the other Eastern Bloc countries encouraged their citizens to be active, whether for ideology and military reasons or not. It's not rare to see propaganda and photos of people doing exercises in open air. Also, the Eastern Bloc was know for weightlifting and track and field. I believe mandatory exercises should return for moids, it is a healthy way for them waste their energy and focus on something other than being useless coomers
No. 2191850
>>2191517>they're prudes and not really trying to impress women in any way at all, unlike brazilian, argentinian or caribbean moids. Oh
nonnie… LATAM nonas will tell you our moids are some of the worst most bottom of the barrel ones, the posts above describing ugly fat clone Balkan moids perfectly describes moids in my country, too. It's a miracle if a beaner moid doesn't ask you to split the bill and has a real job.
No. 2191864
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All hideous yet getting defended to various degrees in the comments, albeit Dua's guy the most. Anyone insisting he belongs on that list is getting called "racist" which is just absurd
No. 2191888
>>2191248Lots of guys seem to act avoidant in relationships in general which is annoying and if he was a psychopath I guess you still dodged a bullet. Also for the looks it seems like it's best when they're kinda oblivious to how good looking they are (so they don't get cocky)
but not so much that they fall for the psyop that they should uglify themselves or stop caring like most men. I feel like the only reason mine hasn't is because he hates the whole hyper masculine aesthetic and doesn't care how other men perceive him. The more a guy cares about other men (instead of women) the more likely that is to happen it seems like
>>2191864They're all so ugly. Imagine being a famous pop star/singer/whatever and this is the best you can get for yourself. You'd think they would have more options but men are so ugly across the board even when you're a rich attractive famous woman this is the most likely partner for you. Incels are retarded and blind when they say women only go for chads when this is reality
No. 2191917
>>2191864Dua's guy looks like a suicide bomber.
Can celeb women start dating attractive models and athletes already?
No. 2191936
>>2191864>You're racist for calling 3 white men ugly and not pretending the Muslim looking one was hot in comparison!!!!What the fuck? He's objectively ugly as shit. In fact you can barely see his face through that pube of a beard.
>>2191902I really don't get it either, it seriously feels like the biggest most elaborate step in the ugly man psyops. It's even worse when you remember none of these women have even remotely good relationships and every single one of them gets cheated on, wouldn't it be better to at least pick an attractive moid? How are they not embarrassed to be seen walking around with those things after singing about how high their standards are and how unattainable they are to ugly broke men?? How are they not embarrassed to breed with these things and pass his genes onto their children?
No. 2192320
>>219191790% of the moids where I live look like him, they're so disgusting
>>2192281I feel like the only place I still see attractive young men is basically tiktok and instagram influencers rather than any of the more famous guys
No. 2192657
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Nicholas Chavez has been chosen as the white boy of the month and his fan girls are endlessly attacking his girlfriend for being “too ugly for him”. He looks plain and average to me and his girlfriend is the more attractive one in my opinion, but even if she wasn’t attractive she shouldn’t be getting hate and bullying over dating a famous moid
No. 2192664
File: 1728000794576.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1930, IMG_4889.jpeg)

This sickly creature is tiktok famous and gets shilled as a Cillian Murphy lookalike, he looks demonic and evil
No. 2192701
File: 1728003484843.png (2.49 MB, 653x7177, ugly.png)

absolute shit-taste
No. 2192705
File: 1728003605102.mp4 (4.89 MB, 576x1024, Disgustingpigs .MP4)

Women are waking up more to the “dad bod” psyop, the comments are filled with women saying fat men are repulsive slobs.
No. 2192714
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>>2192705Some of the comments
No. 2192805
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>>2190940As if, he was modeled after pic related
>>2191161He's mid
No. 2192815
>>2192776>>2192765It's Reddit pickme brainrot
>>2192774This, she is literally gorgeous. They think you have to look like a ethot instagram baddie (aka drag makeup) to be hot
No. 2192838
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>>2190891But nucommies also seem allergic to physical activity. They aren't following their own ideology.
No. 2193071
>>2192394>I'm afraid he was one of those insecure guys who hate being beautiful and want to become a gigachad instead.Tragic. I feel like this is at the heart of the ugly man psyop, it's either a)they're already too ugly to start off with, or b) handsome/good looking but uglify themselves for male approval and due to the masculinity brainwashing. So we end up having men who either had no potential or men who squander what they did have via wanting to impress other males instead of us and being scared of being called gay or feminine by other males. Probably partially due to how predatory other men are to anything vaguely feminine, so they feel the need to protect themselves by uglifying and masculinizing their looks. Then c) the few who are comfortable with being pretty, cute or want to hang onto their youthful looks also typically turn out to be gay on top of it. With the extremely rare type being d) a man that's actually dateable and cares about his looks like a woman does without being gay. It's a wonder women aren't the ones creating incel groups when this is our reality, men constantly complain women aren't pretty or good looking anymore but men are far, far worse in that regard on every single level. It makes sense because we're brainwashed to be okay with this or see it as natural and to think we want some ugly masculine roidpig instead, but still.
>he had a hard time empathizing and wasn't able to feel genuine love. A very robotic, cold manReminds me of guys I know. I feel like a lot of men can barely process any emotions and empathize with others compared to women, even "normal" men seem to fall short compared to the average woman on this. It's worse if they're ugly on top of it though. Like if you can't offer emotional comfort or looks what are you even good for at that point.
>>2192705>>2192714She's so real for this. Based comments too
No. 2193610
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the psyop is so bad i think women are starting to identify as lesbian because they're attracted to youthful men that aren't obese and hairy. i noticed kpopfags replying to this saying they felt the same. i can't even be too mad because i questioned my sexuality for a period of time too because all the men around me were hideous and unkempt. it's this bad nonas
No. 2193634
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>>2191864Add Lana del Rey's ex to the list.
No. 2193756
>>2189006imo these are fairly inoffensive looking Plain Blains but I can't shake the impression they are dressed like characters from a 2010's videogame. It must be the necklaces.
>>2190588Mavis and Johnny really pissed me off. She only liked him because she was incredibly sheltered, her dad failed her. Ramona Flowers and Scott kinda deserve each other (he's also more attractive in the comic).
No. 2193961
>>2193932Once I got called a lesbian for posting new romantic singers in the men you want to fuck thread in /g/. I've noticed a lot of people think lesbian means being attracted to women and men who are somewhat androgynous. There are plenty of "lesbians" online who are obsessed with makeup covered k-pop dudes, and I remember on Tumblr there was this one girl who would post about wanting to fuck the long-haired drummer from Mäneskin but constantly got into arguments with people who said she's not gay.
It's just very stupid and harmful. If I called myself a lesbian because I like women and pretty men and went around expressing my attraction for men who are my type then it would just embolden men to harass actual lesbians who find the male body repulsive. I don't find the male body repulsive, I just don't want to hop on the dicks of men who look like shit.
No. 2194088
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>>2194080I haven't personally seen this, but I'm willing to believe it. I just think a lot of these self-declared lesbians are similar to picrel, where they will never have real sex with women, but they're doing it for identity and trying to justify through flimsy excuses
No. 2194114
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>>2193634God every scrote that retard has dated has been beyond repulsive. The only mildly attractive one was a faggot who swapped spit with cocksucking moids and dogs alike and even he was a mid tom hardy knock off with more AIDS
No. 2194179
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>>2194091It's somewhat naive to think that there isn't an equal amount of young male sexual abuse in western countries. even before diddy's action came to light, there were tons of instances of producers and talent directors caught molesting kids, which were usually swept under the rug
No. 2194425
>>2191864Similarily to how tradwife/baby shit is shilled to women online (saw this talked about in another thread here a couple days ago), they definitely also try to shill ugly old moids. Sometimes I think (or hope) that these female celebrities are paid to "date" them but then I remember what kind of moids the women around me date… I never watched anything about Dua Lipa yet I constantly get recommended this clip, I'm glad that quite many people call out that her former age-appropriate bf was a man too and that the new one is an uncle (who actually looks similar to her dad).
These (wannabe lesbian) kpop fangirls can be annoying but one thing you have to give to them is that they absolutely go in on moids online, in many of the screenshots posted here the most brutal comments are by kpop profile pics.
No. 2194435
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>>2194377i detest whatever abomination is on the bottom of his chin the most, picrel also has it and he could be so fine without it but NOOO
No. 2194462
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this pic always makes me ugly laugh kekkk
No. 2194481
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>>2194179The droopy nose thing is such a pedo phenotype indicator lol
No. 2194482
>>2194125Nice eyes and face structure but ugly facial hair, ugly hair and nose is crooked.
You can tell he's arrogant as fuck because so many women throw themselves at him, pass.
No. 2194539
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>>2194469To be fair he does not look that bad for a 49 year old moid but he is still unpleasant to look at. Gotta admit he looks so much better with joker makeup.
No. 2194614
File: 1728149763191.jpg (165.36 KB, 1080x1350, 462032660_1732688613970073_527…)

The comments:
>he’s so cute
>She gotta be 40+
>He never even looks at her, awkward
No. 2194649
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>>2194615If he wasn't tall he'd be a busboy
No. 2194681
File: 1728154474145.webp (41.93 KB, 640x480, IMG_7329.webp)

Found on Reddit
No. 2194746
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>>2194125Nice features, but the unkempt face pubes and haircut aren't doing him any favors. A haircut like picrel would suit him better.
No. 2194790
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>>2194779maybe, but its impossible to find men who arent chronic masturbators. maybe ones who live in societies where you dont have much privacy. like the amish, pic related
No. 2194799
File: 1728159704115.jpg (69.05 KB, 1200x630, amish_20100719083417_320_240.j…)

thats how their mugshots are
this ones slightly better
No. 2194801
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>>2194790KEK the photos are warped no? or do they actually look that inbred?
No. 2194842
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>>2194799He looks like a discount version of when Xerxes played a priest
No. 2194854
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>>2194842And thread tax I guess? Time is cruel but not as cruel as hideous facial hair
No. 2194959
File: 1728166890917.mp4 (2.94 MB, 360x640, The Straight Woman Struggle #…)

She's based.
No. 2195010
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How do we prevent fags from getting to the good men before they even have a chance to flourish, especially with the obvious societal power they have over us? Take picrel, he was sexually abused by gay scrotes before he even got a chance to have a relationship with women, then when he hit the wall he was allowed to have relationships with women. Ugh. Is there any solution to this?
No. 2195018
>>2195010faggots ruin everything for women
>made sexy clothes for men like short shorts gay, so moids stopped wearing them>molest every single attractive scrote in hollywood until they get fat and quit, like frasser>run the fashion industry and push disgusting objectifying trends so women stay objects for moids, never do the same for men because they want their straight moids for themselves only>made being sexist something quirky ecksdeeehate fags, simple as.
No. 2195050
>>2195018I have said it before too but too many women give fags a pass. They're still shitty moids doing shitty moid things and they hate women just like every other moid. Worse is fags are jealous of straight women for getting straight men.
What really tipped me this year was fags trying to reclaim "cunt" despite their bitching about women copying their idiotic lingo. Wish fags would shut their salad-tossing shit breath mouths.
No. 2195068
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>>2195010I think he looked fine as a teenager, he looked much better when as an adult man
No. 2195089
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Completely walled. But his fangirls are still harassing his wife. She is out of his league.
No. 2195094
>>2194959the people who aren't laughing are
1. men
2. women who have just had a horrifying realization
No. 2195098
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>>2195010>>2195018coco channel talked about this from the beginning for the fashion industry, she also made a comment that while gay men run the industry and sew the clothes, very few of them look good enough to model. sure they prey on the models, but deep down they none of those attractive men are actually gay or will love them like they love women and that's what makes them hate us
No. 2195126
nonnie, there's validity and corroboration for what you say but you're taking it a bit far, don't you think?
No. 2195286
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>>2190891 100000 % accurate
nonnie >>2192838 they aren’t commies (as a non commie myself) they’re lazy consumerist rats. They don’t even have the discipline to give up their nuggies to stop a genocide (in their own logic), any form of labour or sacrifice is beyond them. They think communism would meet their needs while they sit on their ass despite communism being a workers movement. This pigslop mentality carries over to their appearance, I find this strain of moid particularly contemptuous
No. 2195503
File: 1728208065964.png (513.39 KB, 754x985, IMG_2035.png)

she was right
No. 2195532
>>2194959love how this gigastacy made that hideous scrote part of the joke, its what he fucking deserves. and she is absolutely right in saying women are usually so much more attractive and scrotes indirectly admit it too, scrotes go into certain courses bc they're made up of women, not pretty women, just women, because they know they're bound to find some of them attractive, same thing with cheerleading, scrotes envy teenage scrotes that are in a class of majority girls too.
and worst of all, scrotes put themselves on this pedestal like "at least i don't catfish with makeup" like it's somehow better to look ugly all 24 hours than look ugly 8 hours in the night.
No. 2195587
>>2195286Yeah it's like they think communism would just allow them to sit on their ass doing nothing and getting free access to women and porn all day long and that's basically the only reason they want it at all. They'll pretend they care about people and society but that's genuinely all it is
>>2195532They catfish by hiding half their face with beards instead so you don't see their weak chins, except they still manage to look like shit even while hiding their bad features kek.
>>2195503>>2195580Men literally bully any cute young guy and call him gay, it's actually pathetic how fragile their egos are around other attractive men. I mean look at how incels react about "chads" too. They love to act like women are all jealous of each other when they themselves can't even handle twinks or cute pop star kids getting more attention than them, they wouldn't survive one day as a woman if they shit themselves at seeing anyone better looking than them in general. When women call out things it's usually out of concern too rather than jealousy (for example calling out white moids's unhealthy obsession with barely legal asians). In Justin's case I never liked him but she's definitely right and it fits into this framework.
No. 2195634
>>2195587I saw some hate from other teenage boys (mostly I think, due to peer pressure) but the hate grown adult men had for him was actually insane, like the pinnacle of bieber hate was when he was a kid and before he started acting like a douchy teen, which is even weirder. I remember seeing this video of middle-aged men(some of whom probably had teenage sons of their own) smashing 7-inch justin bieber albums and the comments praising them and also the amazing atheist had a popular rant against him, he followed this up with 20 other video's rodger also mentioned justin in his manifesto because he hated that girls were attracted to him
No. 2195649
>>2195634>I saw some hate from other teenage boys (mostly I think, due to peer pressure) but the hate grown adult men had for him was actually insane,Agreed. Those same scrotes who bullied him and called him a faggot as a little boy are the same qtards saying he's a
victim of some grand illuminati conspiracy and that society owes him an apology.
The amount of hate and bitterness moids have for cute young boys is insane. It doesnt surprise me some of that leaks over into psychosexual obsession and a wish to 'destroy' their innocence through feminizing and raping these same boys, since men are obsessed with 'hatefucking' and showing 'dominance' through penetration.
No. 2195667
>>2195571I hated him because my friends wouldn't shut up about him and his boring music when I just wanted to play on the playground. My friend had a poster of him in her room that she'd kiss. I also just thought he was ugly. He kind of is.
>>2195634That is deranged as fuck. Male intrasexual competition is so bizarre.
>>2195649100% it does, males were way too obsessed over feminizing and raping young males for thousands of years
No. 2195680
>>2195589It's really insane how this brainwashing fucked up many girls, I was a NLOG too and I used to call him a faggot, but I still liked some of his music because it was made for teens after all.
And even then, liking any sort of pretty guy felt wrong because if liking Justin beiber was liking a faggot, then all decent looking guys were faggots.
It was only because I was skeptical that I stopped giving a fuck and I began enjoying things, I have also been considered "too ugly" so probably the brainwashing wasn't that directed towards me.
This only makes me wonder just what's the amount of girls that are women now who are still brainwashed by the whole
>all pretty guys are actually faggots Era from the early and mid 2000's, are those the women parroting the whole shit about "dad bods"? Or is this going further back?
No. 2195703
>>2195503This competition threat is part of the reason men are so fucking ugly now. Imagine in an ancient or village setting where anything goes esp if you aren't seen, how many males would have either killed him out of spite for singing and being cute or raped him. Males literally are anti evolution, even if they all became so dysgenic and weak they'd cry at their own reflection they'd still say it's a masculine trait and demand a woman pretend he's attractive.
>>2195112Yes, gay men are still men and therefore pornsick rape apes up to no good. Even the bottoms, put them in a chat with a 12 year old and they'd stop being uwu little twinky immediately and show their true colors. We know you faggots lurk and post here here shitting the place up… and I lurk your sekret forums too, where you talk about "converting" straight teenage boys or how you work in middle schools and are targeting a boy who looks like ___. The only positive is it's male on male predation instead of women taking the brunt of it, but you only target cute minors as usual and aren't forcefully raping grown men in the ass. Do better.
No. 2195809
>>2195698Well, those teenage boys got less/no attention from girls too and were jealous, so figures.
>>2195703Seriously, they produce so much bara, but grown scrotes aren't raped often enough. What's up with that?? Do better.x2
No. 2195960
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Fuck my stupid American life. It makes me seethe in anger knowing that the moids here would never go through these efforts to be sexually attractive to women.
No. 2196015
>>2194790They look like Shrek and Lord Farquaad at the same time.
>>2195580This is so true. I remember when I was a kid, all my classmates put a boy in the trashcan just because he was pretty and could talk to girls without any issues. He grew up with low self-esteem, even though he is still attractive now. Men can’t stand other men who are doing better than them. Look around—the world is messed up because powerful men surround themselves with mediocrity to protect their egos, whether that’s in terms of beauty or intelligence. That’s why so many male actors and celebrities aren't conventionally attractive. It’s why those "Sexiest Man Alive" lists are filled with ugly men.
No. 2196040
File: 1728231490674.jpeg (1.61 MB, 2439x1835, EC31C6CD-4A30-4136-B079-30FF21…)

I wanted to discover the intricacies of my personal taste in men so I decided to do a little experiment. I independently edited two different faces on two different days, then measured the changes I made. Apparently I fucking love dramatic eyebrows.
No. 2196239
>>2195977Seems so. My dream is to go and rent one of those to womanhandle a beautiful guy finally. Look how retarded they behave, kek, it's hillarious.
>>2196040Interesting to see,
nonnie! Aren't those faces are homosexual men vs heterosexual men or something? I forgot. It looks like you like modelesque looks in men, they look pretty dramatic. Personally i dislike such jaws, for example. Picrel
>>2188715 is more pretty to me, looks more gentle. I prefer smaller or thinner lips too and don't like too much eyebrow either. However, i'd say many women have tastes like yours. Anon, which improved guy you prefer better? I suspect you prefer improved A because you basically changed the original guy almost entirely and made an entirely new face. I'd like to hear opinione of other anon's too. How would you change those faces?
>deepened the philtrumsKEK, understandable.
No. 2196364
>>2196239> Aren't those faces are homosexual men vs heterosexual men or something? I forgot.The images had no context when I found them, sadly.
Jaw preference is interesting, because it seems ingrained in me. Even as a child I never liked the type you do, the longer and slimmer kind- which to me seems more popular with women. Do you think it might have something to do with our own face shapes? Because both my father and I have wide masculine faces with crazy eyebrows haha. Does your type resemble “your own kind?”
>I suspect you prefer improved A because you basically changed the original guy almost entirely and made an entirely new face.You’re a damn good observer, I got a little carried away and made my dream man kekkk
>I'd like to hear opinione of other anon's too. How would you change those faces?Yes please, I’m so curious! We could merge our creations to discover the average lolcow husbando. I genuinely need to know.
No. 2196411
>the problem with this show [love is blind] is that like everything else, it's just a scam for women. Women are the only ones who are supposed to be blind in this situation. The prince never has to kiss a frog or a beast or an ogre or anything like that. Only the princess does.
No. 2196420
>>2196384Women shill it to each other because moids also shill it to women. An obvious glaring example is all those "revenge of the nerd" movies/shows where some dork pines over Stacy who is pining over Chad who is always this asshole caricature and Stacy is also portrayed as misguided at best or also an asshole at worst for wanting an attractive man, meanwhile the dork pining over Stacy is also only into her for her looks but that's totally fine and understandable! And if you actually look back at those movies the nerd is actually just as much of an asshole if not worse than the jock, but the audience has to sympathize with the nerd just because he's the main character and not the jock. American high school setting aside, a LOT of moid-written literature and media is made by ugly reject moids who insist on portraying conventionally attractive/fit/healthy men as rude, mean if not downright evil.
>many of us have literally no fucking standards>And those that have standards well the standards are all about the money and how rich he is, nothing about his looksyeah tbh where I live wanting an attractive man is seen as shallow and immature, but wanting a rich (or even a "potentially rich") man is seen as mature and pragmatic. It's more or less acceptable for young girls to like cute handsome guys because they're "young and dumb and don't know better yet" but they're supposed to "outgrow" this as they "grow up".
Another related phenomenon is many women openly saying how women are naturally and objectively so much better looking than men and that it's normal to
some extent even for straight women to be attracted to other women, then dismiss lesbianism/bisexuality as a "puerile phase" that women are supposed to "outgrow". But then again I'm sure most of those women already see lesbian relationships as just "really close friends" and women are already expected to "outgrow" their female friendships in favour of their husbands and children.
I'm sure both of these are related to the freudian notion that women are supposed to "outgrow" our clitorises in favour of vaginal penetration and serving penises without reciprocation, that any kind of genuine autonomous female sexuality that is independent of moid expectations is "immature" and "frivolous" and needs to be "outgrown" because "real adult women know their place".
No. 2196456
>>2196441HAHAHA omg he's so retarded holy shit. where does he come up with this shit?
offtopic but does this have anything to do with his "penis theory" dribble? wtf is he on about ever??
No. 2196481
>>2196461HAHHAHA old man gtfo. The male penis is an overgrown mass or cyst that emits unclean fluid like puss (semen) into the woman’s vaginal area that detects it as a literal threat in its organ like an invasive disease. seethe that our orgasms have nothing to do with HURR DURR penis-in-vagina. Seethe that my back massager makes me orgasm faster and harder than your dead mole rat looking cheese and piss-encrusted front poles ever could. Seethe that women don't need/want you.
I understand that like another nonna said that was a crackhead so it might be retarded for me to even wonder about his psyche, but still where did he come up with any of this?? there's no way he was talking to real women/ real female patients and they fucking told him this??
No. 2196503
>>2196493>he pandered to the dads and husbands of these women by making up that women envy their shlongs?Most if not all of these men were neglectful at best and horrifically
abusive at worst and the women who came to him were usually traumatized by the moids in their lives, but since the same moids paid for the therapy sessions he couldn't just accuse them of anything so he just made up lies and projections about "hysterical women who envy men's penises and want to fuck their dads". basically "it's not totally not you dude women just be like that!!"
No. 2196704
>>2196364>Do you think it might have something to do with our own face shapes? Ayrt. Absolutely yes, i literally thought the same! I noticed long ago that my perfect moids share a lot of similarities with me in the face. Although, i like how your type looks on some people, i especially often appreciate it on women, i can aknowledge it as attractive, but i simply prefer my type. It actually is the case that people prefer appearances that resemble them more often than not.
>which to me seems more popular with women.I didn't know that? It feels like it's more popular in some cultures (and the same culture might change their taste over time) and less in others.
>I got a little carried away and made my dream man kekkkKeeeekk,
nonnie. Good work, he looks alright. Just a serious masculine guy. The second guy has a punchable face, but i think it's the original's face fault.
>>2196527I wish i was like you, anon. It's actually terryfying how they influenced us this way. I was just "teached" to not like him and noted it, before i was even able to decide for myself if i did like him or not. I didn't know why we're not supposed to like him, but now it's so obvious. Scrotes are so disgusting.
No. 2196815
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Old moid Jeff Goldblum got mogged. He thought the girls were screaming for him not realizing that they were actually fangirling over a kpop twink behind him.
No. 2197056
>>2196396See, this is what makes me laugh about a lot of moid copes. I'm not saying the past was great or even good for women, obviously it wasn't, but even if these "traditional" men got dropped in their supposedly ideal time period they wouldn't be able to handle it
at all. Somehow they think they would just be handed a wife and wouldn't have to prove themselves to her family kek, the moment they were expected to do some actual labour without the assistance of modern technology they would crumple like sugar paper.
No. 2197100
>>2196442I saw some video on instagram (can't find it rn) that was literally this mentality, it was some girl saying "me when my frontal lobe develops and I become attracted to beards and older men" and all the comments were filled with girls saying they used to like pretty boys but as they got older they like roidpig guys now, and anyone who said otherwise got told she'll "understand when she's older". No the hell I won't lmfao. I hate how men never get told this shit, you never see anyone tell them they'll graduate from liking women who shave and look pretty and cute once they're older
>>2197073You're not missing out on much, coming from someone who's been in multiple relationships
No. 2197125
>>2195983KEK nonna,you know how in kdramas you wait 16 episodes for them to kiss? hand holding/touching is considered extremely lewd and intimate
>>2195960my insta feed is sometimes full of this and I always weep, idc if they're the minority but I want young pretty boys to fight eachother to touch me lmao, I'm gonna find and post clips of this, hold on
No. 2197137
>>2197100>g "me when my frontal lobe develops and I become attracted to beards and older men" when my frontal lobe developed I understood what is truly beautiful and what is not, and older moids with beards are NOT it
Is it creepy as a 30yr old woman to find 23-24 yo men attractive? No, because for most that's when they peak, and beauty is beauty, no retarded moid can psyop me into finding dadbods and facial hair attractive, period.
No. 2197138
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This was part of the psyop and I’m tired of pretending it wasn’t
No. 2197143
Imbreadh to throw down the gauntlet on this one: Elvis Presley was ugly. Elvis presley was ugly, he was weird, a violent alcoholic abuser, and a pedophile. He even died the ugliest way possible- fat and shitting. He died with poop cheeks because he passed before he could wipe. And that's the guy these people are insisting is beautiful. His forehad is so square and wide you could have used it to project the Priscilla movie on at the theatre
No. 2197158
>>2197143god I fucking hate Lana del Rey and her shitty ass music, I never understood the hype and the tween girls that were obsessed with her, this bitch single handedly brainwashed a generation of dumb impressionable sheep girls
we need a woman artist to undo all the fucking damage or prevent gen alpha for falling into the same shitty trap
I hate young girl-old man pairings so much nonnies, I found them weird as a kid and when I grew up and realized it, it was even more disturbing
and yes, Elvis was a degenerate scrote
No. 2197219
>>2197131Yes it doesn't make you a creep at all like they love to say. I hate pick mes
>>2197137Same here, I used to be brainwashed by society about how a good woman doesn't care about looks and doesn't have any standards but it was growing older and dating an actually good looking guy that made me change my mind. If anything I think it works the opposite, as you get older you start taking less shit and know what you like, while when you're a teen you're more likely to end up romanticizing things like older men, sugar daddies, etc. Hence why those types of men like teens so much too, they can easily groom them and manipulate them while they're still in this mindset and haven't learned what they like yet. I feel like the main reason any older women end up liking roidpigs, masculinity, beards, bald guys and so on is also just them settling and coping themselves into thinking they like it for the most part since it's rare to find any male past your 30s that isn't like that. Besides the general brainwashing and ugly man psyop society constantly pushes on you
No. 2197259
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Tired of anons psyopping in the attractive male thread. This lazy eyed, wrinkly, balding rat eared freak is not conventionally attractive.
No. 2197370
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>>2195503>>2195634Hey hey hey! Look what I found from a certain certain forum!
No. 2197467
>>2197350you're really delusional if you think it doesn't happen, I used to be the nicest girl around and when shit like that happened it made me cry because I didn't understand why they're so mean to me
the unlikeable bitches I encoubtered in my life were mostly NOT pretty, and it's not a fucking coincidence
No. 2197591
>>2197538Yes, young girls are also fascinated by dark brooding handsome men but once you become an adult woman you realize those men actually only exist in the fantasy realm and every irl bad boy is just an
abusive asshole. They think it's better to settle for a mid moid with a """golden heart""" (my ass)
No. 2197592
>>2197469I don't think it's a general thing that can be applied to most women, a lot of all kinds of women are nice, and mature enough to not compare or even notice someone's attractiveness… Although I agree sometimes particularly ugly girls will feel entitled to a lot of bitterness and jealousy.
It's just that being pretty and a woman makes you both worthy of interest and an easy target to a certain type of girl. Also when those kinds of girls consider you pretty to them it means certain stereotypes apply to you which is the main justification they have for their odd behavior.
No. 2197717
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This body type of moids should be bred out. It's even more shapeless and a huge indicator on the grotesque aged body he'll inevitably end up with(spoiler this)
No. 2197758
So the question is…. where do you think we can find beautiful and attractive men? Where do they usually hang out? What kind of subcultures?
I do believe certain hobbies attract ugly moids, for instance I love drawing but pretty much 98% of moids who are artists are very unattractive. Manbuns, annoying flannels, shitty piercings and beards etc. And the worst attitude ever. Musically inclined moids tend to be more charming though. Metalheads and rock fans tend to look like shit and have greasy hair, which is hilarious because a lot of old rockstars were actually pretty hot. Gamers are kind of a weird mix cause we associate them with incels but surprisingly I've also met attractive men who were obsessed with gaming and even weeb shit on top of that but honestly that might be the result of gaming being the main hobby of almost every moid on planet earth. However autistic shit and science related activities attract ugly men. Like nerdy and highly intellectual men in general are ugly from my own experience, with a few exceptions. Fashionable moids are another weird mix, cause some are hot and some look like the most annoying tryhards. And many of them are just gay anyway kek.
I think the most attractive moids tend to be athletes or involved in sports, in the modelling work, have physically demanding jobs like being in the army (that's a red flag though DO NOT date a military man under any circumstance), being a firefighter, working as a security guard etc. But it sucks cause moids associated to these activities don't have the best reputation either, and are known for being the biggest players cause they're the hottest. Any other options?
No. 2197801
>>2197758Reasonably priced underground parties will have your attractive and well groomed crowd. I've had the best luck there with finding people who were interesting and sensitive enough to spend a good time with, you'll see plenty of fuckboys as well but likely not as many as sports bros or hot firemen lol and they are easy to spot.
It depends what your local scene is like but artsy, laid back parties usually have cute and clean people, decent conversation and you might hit it off with someone.
No. 2197813
>>2197758from personal experience, running clubs, running competitions, gym, swimming clubs, hiking clubs, if you want a fit man you're guaranteed to find one in clubs that relate to physical activities
I speak as a former runner, the hottest and nicest guys I've met were into running/hiking
No. 2197888
>>2197758>surprisingly I've also met attractive men who were obsessed with gaming and even weeb shit on top of that >even weeb shit on top of that >weeb shitWhere the fuck do you find good looking men into weeb shit? I've never seen one. And it sucks because I'd like a moid with hobbies similar to mine.
Tbf though my ex was a normie weeb and he was a handsome pretty boy (i regret sabotaging that relationship so fucking much)
No. 2197977
>>2197592>that retard keeps seething over ugly womenDid any ugly woman stole your Nigel? We get it, you are hot or not since you seem to be projecting on "ugly bitches"
Kek in my experience pretty women were pretty nasty towards me
No. 2197994
>>2197758Swimmers and rowers,water polo players, equestrian moids, basketball players, fencers, ballet dancers, any moid involved in athletics.
Military types can look good but they are insane
No. 2198007
>>2197758>athletes or involved in sports>being a firefighterThese types are usually butterfaces imo. I remember around last year some anon posted one of these "sexy firefighter" calendars and literally every man needed his faced paper bagged.
>>2197998They're allegedly all gay but idk how much truth there is to that or if it's a stereotype.
No. 2198021
>>2197998I have ties to the ballet community. Yes they are almost all gay. The number I have known that are straight I can count on one hand.
they also were uglier than the gay ones As
>>2198011 said however, they’re surrounded by mostly straight women that share their culture and life experience, so usually end up marrying them.
No. 2198098
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daily reminder that this man is ugly and i would not have sex with him
No. 2198236
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Can’t have shit even on character ai
No. 2198326
>>2197758"Hobby" moids will always be ugly and/or weird. You are a woman, you don't do these things as some kind of a psychosexual cope. Men, however, are not like you.
Attractive men are more likely to have pleasantly plain personalities and generalized/diverse interests. They're almost never geeks.
No. 2198588
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>>2198581Not even gonna lie, I still think he was cute when he was younger, a little crooked but I like this particular phenotype and his voice is pretty swell but even a diehard like me can admit he looks like a sack of pus in HOTD which makes his character even more unbearable
No. 2198594
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>>2198559I don't know why foreign women fetishize mediterranic men so much, they look like the aerochad meme (no chin, gigantic nose) they look 40 by the time they hit 25. There is this weird meme where people think french, spanish, greek, italian, portuguese men look like giga chads NO THEY FUCKING DON'T. They are manlets, look like hairy cavemen, no jawline,have big noses who will curse your future daughters, boring eye color (they always have dark empty eyes), very rude and also loud. I hate the "french men are so romantic and exotic!" meme, sure get yourself one of those but don't be suprised when he beats you up and is sexist towards you.
(racebait) No. 2198609
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>>2198594not all mediterranean men look like that, those are more middle eastern features so you see it more in regions that were conquered by arabs in the middle ages like greece and spain. picrel is a northern italian man, compare to sicilians who also experienced muslim conquests
No. 2198726
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>>2198677if you wanna simp and fetishize men who look like this then do it but their personality is worse than anglo moids
No. 2198773
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>>2198726This is literally what I see everytime I put my foot outside the door, I'd just add some moroccan moids, absolutely tragic.
No. 2198879
>>2198719Cousin marriages aside, Europe has some of the lowest gene flow worldwide wth are you on about
nonnie. You lowly retarded bitches never miss a chance to act racist, as if that fact changes anything in your life, r2
femcel No. 2198897
>>2198883You're oversimplifying, Arabs are not one entity, neither are Europeans. You can't say Arabs as a whole have more contemporary inbreeding than Europeans as a whole, mention the countries or gtfo
And you're only talking about 20th century which ignores the documented gene flows of literal centuries.
Based on what I know I think Europe is more genetically inbred but if it comforts you to think and state otherwise, so be it
No. 2198904
>>2198903Not to mention the instances of inbreeding with first-degree relatives are a lot more common.
Culture gonna culture ig
No. 2198929
>>2198919Yeah no, those stats are only for marriages, and they ignore the past century. They also ignore that second cousins =/= brothers and sisters yourself out, it's a bit of a taboo but quite the rabbit hole
No. 2198948
>>2198930Girlie, I am not butthurt, it's just that there are social factors which obfuscate the real comparison one could make. The most important one is that westerners don't need to get married to breed, and that the instances of inbreeding you get are a lot more extreme, not to mention genetic isolation in a bunch of European countries.
I just don't like when stats are skewed because of a taboo, it's dishonest
No. 2198957
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>>2198929Arabs still have more inbreeding, with both close relatives and more distant relatives. It’s a cultural problem.
No. 2198978
>>2198974No no, dial back the convo.
Do you not see how we went from : some Arab countries have cultural inbreeding but still usually minimal (fact) to : Arabs have ruined the pire white gene pool with their historical inbreeding (widely inaccurate)
No. 2199026
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>>2199008 this post
>>2198609Also that is not true, depending on which country it can go as low as 10% depending on socioeconomic factors. It is not a majority when you have older generations with more genetic variation, as opposed to Europe (picrel is a comparison of consanguinity rates in France in the last century).
Yes cultural inbreeding is less of a modern problem in Europe but you guys do not realize how much this ruffles feathers and how much academic effort goes into minimizing European instances of inbreeding. Literally get off your wooden horse and ask your grandma,
nonnie No. 2199031
>>2199000It really does. I'm tired of the logic behind it too, people who push the whole "older men are better" thing are just stupid because their idea tends to be that if he's older he'll automatically be richer (not necessarily true), that he'll be stronger (not true either since an old moid can't really defend you as well as a younger, more fit one and moids are more likely to kill and rape you instead of offering protection anyways), and "better looking" because of the whole retarded and untrue idea that men age like wine when most of them are walled and balding by their mid 20s and 30s. It's this whole cultural idea that's been pushed for ages about how if a man is younger or even your own age he's somehow less capable, less manly, less of a good partner, while for women we get pushed the opposite idea to a downright pedophilic extent. There's also an inherent contradiction in how men and culture pushes age gaps and older men as being desirable for young women but at the same time will berate women who are unmarried and threaten them with the idea that they'll die alone when…If these women do marry an older man, they'll end up dying alone either way? Certainly they could end up having children but when it comes to a partner they'd still end up single when their old husband most likely dies before them. I mean, even when men are the same age they're likely to die before you, so imagine an older man. And what's the point in getting married out of fear of "dying alone" if your old scrote is gonna die before you anyways? It just doesn't make any sense. If they actually cared about women "not dying alone" they would instead push for women marrying men their own age or again, slightly younger. It's how you know their motives are solely about them getting access to young women and nothing related to the lies they preach about wanting us to be happy
No. 2199035
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>>2199034Favorite age of enlightenment invention
No. 2199047
>>2199031Aside from the fact that older men are weak, ugly, still poor, unable or unwilling to offer protection, and always die off before the woman reaches old age, they are also more likely to be degenerates. Fetishes develop over time so the older a man is, the more likely he is to have fetishes. Young men do have high statistics of rape and pedophilia but that’s because they have more access to women and children, they might have younger siblings or nieces and nephews they’re left alone with, or if they have a job where they deal with children they are more likely to be trusted around kids (especially if they’re normal looking and have a girlfriend) and people are more suspicious of old men being left alone with kids. Old men seek out more perverted content of kids and child pornography though, and are also creepier to kids. I’ve heard that there’s a phenomenon of redditors and 4channers admitting that they started being interested in kids as they got older, while when they were young adults they were only interested in other adults. When young women pair up with older men who already have age gap fetishes, it’s just a given that he’ll also be a pedophile so she’s just setting up their future children for abuse, or he’ll groom one of the friends of his daughters or sleep with the babysitter or something
No. 2199072
>>2199056I'm not speculating, I showed you a damn progression map clearly assessing how prevalent inbreeding was in 20th century europe
You extrapolate one problem in tiny isolated gulf countries to a population of half a billion people across dozens of extremely genetically open and diverse countries (hundreds of recorded major population flows) and who have clear statistics showing minimal marital inbreeding compared to either gulf countries or 20th century Europe. Forgive me for not seeing your point but if the hill you want to die on is poor data comprehension and bad faith generalizations, be my guest
>>2199061Keep the unprovoked racism, I have a color for each grandparent so I won't return the energy
No. 2199077
>>2192612hi nonna!
> And do they think that the beards hide their nonexistent bone structures?yes,yes they do, most think they look "alpha" with it which is so cringe I don't have words for it
I've never been on dating apps but I dread it kek because I know the situation will be just as bad as rl
My eyes are so sick of all the ugly faded hairstyle-beard men walking around.
Wanna know what's tragic? when you find a good looking guy with 0 facial hair and he gets brainwashed into the beard cult, I have witnessed it, it is gut wrenching
No. 2199188
>>2199072The point is that autosomal recessive disorders are extremely prevalent amongst Arabs due to inbreeding. We're not talking about why it happens or what excuse there is for it, just that it happens and it's statistically a big problem. If (for example) the UK had similar rates you'd easily see it in the UK biobank data.
If you think this is racist or unfair you can take it up with the Centre for Arab Genomic Studies, headquartered in Dubai.
No. 2199287
>>2199188Holy shit lul, reminder I was just replying to someone who argued Arab genes historically ruined white people..
Nonnie, WHICH Arabs? Which countries and why? which provinces? Which socioeconomic status?
You're still missing the point due to lack of research, no studies have ever argued inbreeding rate was high among ALL Arab individuals or even significantly higher than any non highly advanced country across any period, it is just a variable across any given race or population and encompasses many factors. With such a varied and wide population as "Arabs" you will have wide skewering that cannot possibly be applied to all individuals of that group.
I can't believe I actually have to explain how statistics work to you…
You know what, whatever ingrained inferiority you're trying to excise out by holding this nonsense raceloid beliefs that all Arabs are more inbred than you is your business, I'm the dumbass for arguing with you. Later midwit
No. 2199507
>>2199485Nta, they did imply it here
>>2198609, then the inbreeding sperging started here
>>2198719. It felt like i'm on pol, kek.
No. 2199549
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>>2198609Was Adolf-kun conquered by arabs? Serious question.
No. 2199559
>>2199552Statistically the majority of sex offenders who preyed on children in any way (irl, grooming online or watching cp) are middle aged men with wives and kids. There was a study in Australia where 1 out of 6 men said they were attracted to kids and 1 out of 10 men said they have sexually abused at least one child before, and the men who did the survey were also typically older and married. I also know a lot of women have creepy dads who didn’t physically harm them but would stare at them and they just knew after a certain age that there was something wrong with him. I’ve heard that from a significant amount of women, online and irl.
Aside from that though, I think not being able to get women is definitely part of it, but it probably has more to do with getting older and being insecure about not being able to get attention from women. They have to pay women for it and if they hit on women they’ll be seen as creepy old men. That’s part of why so many men end up grooming the friends of their teenage daughters, girls that age can be manipulated no matter how ugly or gross the male is.
No. 2199752
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watching black mirror and they really paired this stunning woman with two hideous brit men and are acting like she's smitten with the top one and finds the bottom one SO attractive, meanwhile the top one gets paired with another lady who's "uglier" and she's also portrayed as overly nitpicky and so horrible for daring to direct him as to what feels good for her during sex. the audacity. i hope the scrotes die since it's black mirror and they like to torture people
No. 2199792
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80K notes. Kek. Can you imagine men ever defending fat women like this? Men fucking hate women who arent sexually attractive to them, fat women especially.
No. 2199794
>>2199559Figures, when I was younger I had a huge thing for Aussie accents so I used to talk to a lot of Aussie moids, nearly all of them ended up confessing nonce/pedo tendencies, it was really gross. I would never date an Australian man again now, maybe they were sent to a penal colony for a reason.
>>2199549His haplogroup was E1B which interestingly is usually considered a North African haplogroup. Romans and Turks reached Austria, and about 1 in 10 Austrian men are E1B too, so its possible.
No. 2199797
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>>2199792While these pickmes are defending landwhales men are making ''plapjack'' memes, which are making fun of moids who have to ''settle'' or hate fuck fatties.
No. 2199800
>>2199792Even 400lb hamplanet scrotes think they're entitled to 7+/10, 90lb college girls due to years of porn addiction (sitting at the PC gooning all day while binge eating is usually what causes their obesity in the first place).
Every OF girl who films herself getting fucked always has a disgusting whale bf with a beer belly. Fat fuck moids dont need confidence boosts. If anything they need more humbling.
No. 2199921
>>2199792This pickme clearly never had one sitting next to her kek, they are rancid and wobbly, not to mention their hypocrisy and laziness. Moids can lose weight fast and all they need to do is stop with the Big Macs and soda, but no, they don't and insult you for not being a Stacy.
If anything we don't bully fat moids enough and none of them would defend her if she was a fatass like him
No. 2199927
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>>2199914Brown eyes are superior IMO. Especially light brown or hazel brown. Only certain types of blue eyes are attractive. I always hated this ice white type of blue most blue eyed people have. It just makes them look like a husky. Only dark blue or greenish blue is attractive.
I have light honey brown eyes and I get so many compliments on them, people tell me they’re beautiful and also, striking, which blue eye fags think only applies to them. Plenty of brown eyes are striking.
Poop eyes nonnas are coping because they know their mutant eyes are the only attractive thing about them.
(taking the bait) No. 2199956
>>2199552>>2199559Considering this, it's hilarious that they push the whole "men age like wine" bullshit when they themselves start panicking and having a mid life crisis as soon as they see signs of aging. If they really aged all that well they wouldn't feel so scared and have this need to prove that they still got it. Imagine having all of society and culture put less of an emphasis on your aging (compared to the extreme pressure it puts on women to not age) and you still behave like a retard and have to rape kids because of it.
>>2199792This is so pathetic. Men treat fat women like they're subhuman as some other people already pointed out, you don't even have to be obese or whatever for them to treat you like shit or at best consider you invisible. I used to be fat growing up and the difference in treatment after I lost weight is like night and day. You're treated so much worse as a fat woman too because your entire value as a woman is associated with beauty and being skinny. The most annoying part of it is how many dudes I see lately claiming they looove "thicc" women when in reality what they like is basically having huge thighs, ass and boobs and these ridiculous proportions most women don't have. Every single "fat" character they like is just some woman with those features but a skinny face and waist. And when they aren't bullshitting about liking actually fat women, they just fetishize them to a disgusting extent like they do with any other type of woman
>>2199818>>2199885Not everyone who calls you out on your bullshit is fat lol. This is about as retarded as if when I was fat as a child and skinny pretty girls bullied me I started saying every pretty girl is evil. Don't be retarded
No. 2200007
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>>2199927I like dark blue eyes but other shades of blue scare me
(derailing) No. 2200201
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>>2200125kek I saw this earlier today, there's some sarcasm in the comments but also some legitimately retarded takes
>how dare women have standards>>2200185disagree, they're pretty and that's what makes moids seethe
No. 2200232
>>2200211>i want hot bishie chestlmao,I feel you,I wish there were 18+ scenes but sigh, it's a gacha, and it will be continuous baiting
>>2200230nonna I think you just had a million dollar idea, someone needs to do that asap
No. 2200244
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I keep seeing these videogame characters vs their face models videos in which everyone claims eduard badaluta is an irl Leon Kennedy and I feel like I'm going insane. He might be a model, but he's mid as fuck with a weak chinlet. Literally more chinless than leafy. Apparently he hated his 5 seconds of fame so much he constantly goes off on Leon husbandofags for "harassing him"… This scrote needs to pipe down and understand any girl contacting him has to be prepubescent because everyone else can tell he looks nothing like Leon.
No. 2200247
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>>2200244Samefag so you can see it's not just a bad pic. "Irl Leon Kennedy" my ass
No. 2200257
>>2200137>Men think women don't have standards and are asexual beings.Yes. They're always shocked at best and maddened at worst that we have actual preferences because they expect us to either have no preferences (so they can be under the delusion any woman would let them fuck) or only like what they've personally decided (as supposedly straight men) must be hot to us. They get so put off once they see things women are actually into, yet expect us to be totally fine with all their porn and what they personally like when it's 500 times worse than some woman liking shirtless yaoi guys or whatever.
Also, men always claim they want a woman with a high libido that makes them feel desirable and wants sex 24/7 but in practice they can't handle this at all and their ideal woman is for sure a woman who lets them fuck frequently and do whatever they want with no preferences of her own. Being with a woman that's actually high libido most of them would crumble from the fact that they'd have to a) be attractive to her beyond what they personally find attractive in other men since they're fags and b) have to pleasure her A LOT even after they already came, especially since women can orgasm more than men. Most of them would barely last and wouldn't even want to put in the effort to pleasure her beyond their own orgasm.
>>2200244I hate how men are so contradictory, on one hand you've got the incels reeing they don't get female attention and on the other guys like this where they'll reeee about women liking them instead and call it harassment if they get fangirls online or something. Which is it? It's like they want female attention but then can't handle any semblance of it without immediately feeling threatened, "emasculated" and like they're gonna shit their pants over a few fangirls thinking they're hot and "objectifying" them for like 5 seconds (and not even close to the same extent as males objectify the average woman). I only get it if it's genuine harassment but this is something I've noticed in males, lots of them even start uglifying themselves for this reason too whenever they look even remotely attractive to women since they'd rather get approval from their bros and have male fans instead
No. 2200338
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>>2200257Reminds me of this buddy of mine, we were talking about how his bedroom has been dead with his gf for a while. I looked at him, smiled kindly, and advised him to get really ripped and lean the way he used to be (buff Twink) rather than humongous with a disgusting round belly that makes him look pregnant. I swear nonnies I was so nice while saying it, told him he looked good when he was slim and would be irresistible to her if he went back to that body. He got mad and insisted it was not a matter of not being attracted (as if a girl would stop having sex with their boyfriend for 2 years if he had not been repulsive to her), he says his gf just can't deal with penetration right now and he didn't think it was a matter of attraction. I just smiled and said okay, hoping for that poor sweet girl he takes my word and works on himself, how can he expect her to like him when he looks disgusting? I didn't even mention his dry curled up jewfro hair.
Anyway picrel is literally me just for attention. Girl crush
No. 2200377
>>2200338>he says his gf just can't deal with penetration right nowgosh, it's so ridiculous how men don't understand anything about female sexuality and don't even bother to try to learn. Like, how can this mf have no idea of why, all out of blue, his gf can't deal with penetration anymore? Maybe, and just maybe, it's because she can't get aroused by him (and therefore can't get wet) anymore, and again, it's maybe (just maybe) because he looks HIDEOUS now? Just maybe. Anyway, you're a queen for being so straightforward with him, nonna! Not that that will help the poor gf anyway as men can't shut up about women not communicating openly, but when a woman straight up tell them HOW to fix their dead bedroom they start sperging their "muh akshually". They're so retarded they're beyond help kek
No. 2200515
>>2200338>>2200377Penetration can already be hard to feel good from by itself even if you're attracted to your man but if she was fine with it before and now it's harder that's definitely a red flag and sign she's not that into him anymore lol.
>>2200352I do my part with this by telling men I hate baldies and beards.
>>2200401>>2200417I think this depends on the men, some will do jack shit and not care at all while claiming they're into you and others might actually start trying to appease to you. It's more common to see the former though, I've seen so many men where they've been told what a woman likes they'll just get pissy and act like it's below them to try to appeal to her. For example I had one guy into me who even after being told I don't like beards still didn't shave it off because it was too important to him supposedly and he thinks he should be loved as he is (he's a perma virgin btw). I have also seen the opposite with men doing things for women but it seems like it's mostly when it alligns with their own interests and preferences already, if it's too different they won't do it or will only do it temporarily until they get what they want then revert back to being slobs.
No. 2200661
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Newest psyop
No. 2200958
>>2200137Objectifying material is treated like it's always targeted at men, i noticed. I usually thought that's the reason they thought that attractive ones look like "fags" before and didn't understand why was it the case.
>>2200257>Moids can't take objectifying even from teenage girlsDamn, kek. Didn't expect that. They're genuinely mad we're beings with autonomy.
>>2200247I'm so sorry, but i can see similarities, kekkkk. Leon is still better-looking though somehow.
No. 2200966
>>2200247Honestly most of my husbandos lately have been 3D-2D but their models always look worse idk why
I kinda wish they didn't use them and made special faces for them but its probably too expensive
No. 2201108
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Reading this book and even 15th century Tunisians had a better idea of what women find attractive than men today do