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File: 1724193551983.png (3.34 MB, 1076x1340, borzai oil painting.png)

No. 2145908

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread:

No. 2145913

I hate whenever people compare The Sims 4 to the Sims 2 and 3. Sims 2 is admittedly very charming but it's just a no and the Sims 3 was a massive bitch to load and still is. Sims 4 is a definite improvement compared to its predecessors, where they fucked up was just endless greed. They can be greedy and still improve the game, unironically it would make people buy it more if they combined all elements of what made each game very unique but they didn't. I think no other game will be able to come close to the uniqueness of the franchise

No. 2145916

I hate dumbass dogs.

No. 2145927

Doghate thread needs you anon

No. 2145939

File: 1724194758601.jpg (457.95 KB, 1333x2000, spiffingbrit.jpg)

SpiffingBrit and AniMango. I didn't hate Brit too badly until just now when I saw his face. These faggots go out in public dressed like this? Fuck off.

No. 2145947

File: 1724194963838.jpeg (26.9 KB, 500x250, IMG_3637.jpeg)

I hate the sims 4 art style, I especially hate how the sims themselves look. The expressions they make look retarded and the way they move is so overly exaggerated and cartoony. It’s such a downgrade over the past games, and looking at how they butchered the premade sims from 2 just makes me mad.

No. 2145960

I don’t know what thread to put this in but African tribes, those isolated tribes terrify me so much. They actually really scare me. I can’t watch movies with tribes or anything. They really scare me. Like cannibalism and being so isolated and animal like idk it just makes me scared.

No. 2145967

>I'm so ashamed of the reputation atheists have as smug Reddit-types that I rarely tell people I'm an atheist.
I hate atheists like you that grovel to religious people about how they hate other atheists soooo much, because they’re soooo mean. It’s pathetic. We need smug reddit atheists now more than ever.

No. 2145982

My neighbor's yippy dog has been barking for 40 mins straight. I literally hate the sound of dogs barking more than anything else. fucking hell

No. 2146027

its the only thin i love about sims 4, sadly we had a horrible break up and i cry when i think about it

No. 2146032

How every movie and tv show has to have a sex scene in it. FUCK OFFF.

No. 2146041

This is what happens when Hollywood goes woke, soy scrotes get hired to write this gay shit.

No. 2146058

No. 2146065


No. 2146069

Exactly. It seems everyday is all you see!

No. 2146077

is violence in movies and sex on tv!

No. 2146084

But where are those good ol’ fashioned values on which we used to rely?

No. 2146143

this is why I'm always Lucky there's a family anon. Lucky theres a nona who, positively, can do, all the things that make us laugh and cry.

No. 2146149


No. 2146150

No. 2146161

No. 2146165


No. 2146181


No. 2147038

I really hated Kramer vs Kramer. I understand that it was revolutionary for its time, but I feel there are some nuances that weren't ever afforded to Meryl Streep's character. Apparently she was never even given a reason for leaving before Meryl Streep had to basically create one for her, she also wrote the "I'm his mother" speech, I feel the dad character just gets away with too much too easily and also the entire film from his perspective, I mean clearly the kid likes them both, but they live in the same city, but I feel like an 8-year-old boy would prefer to live with his mother overall
It doesn't show the mother dealing with depression, having a self-absorbed husband be all about his job while neglecting his wife and child. Meryl Streep's character states that she needed to leave because it was affecting how she treated her child and she didn't want it to reach to that point and I wish the movie had explored more of Joanna as opposed to it just being Dad learns to grow up and Joanna the crazy bitch who wants to steal the son from his devoted dad.

No. 2147219

marriage story story had the exact same issue for me, it tried to be more self-reflective, but it still ended up siding with the terrible dad over the mother and It's gross how noah baumbach created an entire sob story about his ex-wife divorcing him in when he cheated on her with greta gerwig right after his wife gave birth

No. 2147993

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No. 2148085

Glass is dangerous especially in the shower. It's baffling that this became the norm.

No. 2148093

File: 1724295068361.png (162.13 KB, 500x446, daria tired.png)

>I think it's absolutely possible to critique harmful religious dogma and corruption without condescending to people whose beliefs are different from your own.
Idk how you read this as groveling. And the only place I've ever complained about other atheists is here on Lolcor. You do realize that there's a middle ground, right? Between "groveling" to religious people and being an asshole who denigrates everyone else?

Here's another thing I hate: no one under the age of thirty-five online seems to understand the concept of nuance. It's always either "you're 100% against me or 100% with me."

No. 2148094

These dolls are ugly af. If you need to put makeup on your doll then it's just ugly!

No. 2148096

Can't you just use one of the heat protectants that come in a pump bottle?

No. 2148108

One of these except it's a voodoo doll that you put pins in every day and stab whenever you're annoyed

No. 2148109

File: 1724295856169.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 2000x1429, teen_hunter_monster_muley_shed…)

I used to do flyfishing and I get wanting to pose with something you caught (I've done it once or twice), but I will never understand hunters posing with the bloodied corpses of the animals they just murdered. It's super fucking scrotey and barbaric to me. At least with fish there are hundreds of millions of them and you have to actually fight it on a fishing line that could snap.

No. 2148110

>>2148094 aww, I think they are adorable, tho I dislike the ones with hair like this.

No. 2148126

>being an asshole who denigrates everyone else?
Like religious people do? I don’t understand people who act like only atheists are smug about their beliefs and shit on everyone else. They’ve never interacted with actual devout people, only those that believe in a watered-down, ‘cultural’ version of their religion. So they think that people being kinda mean online is worse than religious people (who have more influence in societal, culture and politics) oppressing or attempting to oppress anybody that criticizes or doesn’t believe in religion.

No. 2148127

I could understand it if they battled to the end with the animal, but no, they just shoot it. It's not impressive at all. Like wow, an animal that had no idea you were hunting it and just minded it's own business got shot and killed, big whoop. Now if they duked it out with fists? Hell yeah, take a picture to commemorate.

No. 2148132

I used to relate to this but after moving to the us i struggle a bit to feel bad for deer and moose, overpopulation of them causes so many problems. You don't wanna see a deer related car accident, stuff's nasty and you could be driving just fine according every single law but if a deer wants to exit the realm of the living it there isn't much you can do about it. Friend of my nigel had his car totalled by one and almost died.

No. 2148135

AYRT, I don't mind hunting them. I'm a burger too and I understand population control is a necessity. But posing with them is just stupid and reduces the role of a hunter to that of a social media whore. Congrats, you shot an animal, but rather than treat the affair with dignity and respect, you're gonna pose with it for the camera. Imagine doing this with aborted fetuses.

No. 2148170

>I don’t understand people who act like only atheists are smug about their beliefs and shit on everyone else.
I don't understand those people either, because I'm not one of them. I think what we're actually experiencing here is an issue with a portion of all people regardless of religion (or lack thereof) being smug assholes. You could even argue that this behavior extends outside the realm of religion, into politics and other communities.

Broadly speaking, I think the damage of organized religion is a thousand times worse than anything atheists have ever done. Because atheism is a lack of a belief, its decentralized without any kind of organized ideological framework. This is part of the problem with generalizing people based on traits they lack rather than ones they actually possess. Any religion with central authority and a hard set of rules is going to experience some level of systemic corruption if its exists for long enough. However, I think a distinction needs to be made between religion as an institution and religion as a personal belief. There's nothing wrong with believing in some kind of greater, supernatural force in the universe. Problems arise when those beliefs are used to destructive ends, typically when people with shared beliefs gather and are radicalized by a central authority or dogma.

This is the origin of basically all of the problems with Abrahamic religions; the religion begins as a collection of folk beliefs endemic to a culture, then the beliefs are shaped and later exploited by whatever power players exist in the region. These ideologies are often maintained by a combination of the governing authorities within the church trying to hold on to power by maintaining tradition and therefor order. Then, these ideologies, which are deeply held by adherents who truly believe, clash with other faiths and denominations in the region as the church expands or power dynamics shift.

No. 2148537

All these "um akshually" anons who take everything so fucking seriously and need to argue about EVERYTHING.

No. 2148547

This video is a very efficient autism test because I laughed at the super rough hairbrushing at the start and cartoon sound effects

No. 2148548

considering the increasing amount of posts i have seen lately defending men and accusing nonnies who demonstrate any sort of suspicion towards men of paranoia i believe a percentage of the infighters are either shit-stirring scrotes or pickmes looking for the attention they so desperately crave

No. 2148637

I hate it when particularly American youtubers try to pronounce foreign names and make a huge scene about how they don't speak the language and don't know how to pronounce it. If you're that insecure about it, stop drawing attention to it and making it into an entire comedy bit! You can google the pronunciation in two seconds too, nobody expects it to be native level but at least an effort in trying to be respectful is enough. It's so annoying and completely takes me out of the moment.

No. 2148642

Veterans. Boohoo you regret raping brown children, do you want an award for that?

No. 2148643

what about lady vets

No. 2148645

Boohoo, you regret holding down brown children to help your mates rape them.

No. 2148650

which country though

No. 2148652

All of them.

No. 2148653

who is this a reference to

No. 2148659

A lot of veterans don't see active combat, though. There are a lot of desk jobs in the military. Obviously you can argue that those people are still complicit, but the army goes out of its way to recruit people fresh out of high school who can't afford college.

No. 2148664

Imagine being in the military and you end up as a pencil pusher with zero cool pew pews. Cringeee

No. 2148669

What about people in the navy that’s not really the same as being in the regular army

No. 2148748

People with "two sides to every story", "if something bad happened to you, it must've been something you did for that to happen" and "you need to forgive them" mentalities. When you're a victim of abuse you see a lot of these types.

No. 2148753

File: 1724347705488.jpg (10.63 KB, 203x249, 1000055243.jpg)

I like to pretend I'm a "two sides of a story" person because I'm nosy as fuck and I just want to know all of the details.

No. 2148781

cute picture I love it

No. 2148786

I hate professors that don’t do lectures sidenote: I fucking love lectures. No I will not read this thousand fucking page article about the intricacies of how to sniff your own farts before next class and ask “open-ended” questions about economics on Packback. Why don’t you just teach me about economics instead of expecting me to understand what the fuck I’m reading. I felt real validated to see everyone on ratemyprofessor hated this fucker. I should’ve redone my entire schedule just to take my Econ professor from last semester cause he made economics so fucking easy to understand.

No. 2148798

I know this is the things you hate thread and I'm about to say this is one of the things I looooove. Pictures of dogs noses close up. So sweet, cute and lovely.

No. 2148815

Valid comment and I agree

No. 2148822

File: 1724351642407.jpg (84.65 KB, 736x1308, c7ee357368422a89ba3d646607eeba…)

When the whites of your eyes show under the iris. It's the one feature that completely ruins my face.

No. 2148823

I hate that we're on things you hate #40 and things you like #2 kek

No. 2148825

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Samefag, I should clarify these pics aren't me kek. They're from Pinterest.

No. 2148828

I think it looks cool, very mysterious

No. 2148841

Sanpaku eyes?

No. 2148853

File: 1724353072755.jpg (35.24 KB, 640x360, GC2wAWz.jpg)

Those aren't great examples. These women are looking up at the camera so, of course, the sclera (the white part) under their eyes is showing. I think this pic is a better example.

No. 2148904

People who beg but talk to the people they're begging to all snooty and bitchy like they're the ones asking them for money. I see this a lot with virtual panhandlers.

No. 2148934

Sanpaku eyes are beautiful nona, you're beautiful.

No. 2149138

I work in the tourism industry and it makes me hate cruise ship passengers so much. Not all of them are bad but a lot ask the stupidest questions and expect to be spoonfed everything. I feel like cruise ships are just another form of consoomerism kek

No. 2149368

Meatball eyes. Mizkif eyes.

No. 2149375

>Mizkif eyes.
Her name is Mitski.

No. 2149389

File: 1724372644835.jpg (100.02 KB, 1600x900, 1000004603.jpg)

My god im so lonely so I open the window
To hear sounds of people
To hear sounds of peopel

No. 2149397

ugh he is so viscerally ugly. it causes a physical reaction of repulsion whenever i see this fucker's smug face.

No. 2149403

File: 1724373078985.jpg (Spoiler Image,495.92 KB, 1536x1307, 1000004604.jpg)

Hate is perhaps a strong word but whenever I see anyone, literally anyone with more than like 3 or 4 shitty trendy flash tattoos I just know they're posers and nothing they say at all matters in any way. Not gender specific but especially hilarious when super vain gay men get them because nobody in their community even likes them and also think their Chipotle bag tattoos are retarded. It's like doubling down on being a poser.

No. 2149418

Nah you real for this. I like really well done expensive tattoos, but the cheap little flash ones like this look like shit.

No. 2149425

Having them all over your body is ridiculous. One could argue that all tattoos are stupid and I wouldn't be offended by any means, but it's a whole other level of stupid to be covered in this flash art nonsense. I would argue that people with cringe Nintendo sleeves are superior because at least they are able to commit to something. Fucking hipsters

No. 2149432

Don't summon the tattoo schizophrenic.

No. 2149461

Posers of what exactly?

No. 2149468

The who

I believe they're trying to look a certain way aesthetically and think a bunch of flash will achieve it but it doesn't, they look like a middle schoolers desk. Also I wasn't using the term seriously, who cares

No. 2149492

i would say i hate tattoos but really i just hate this trend of ugly cheap ones littered over peoples body. just save up and get a really well done one that is more respectable.

No. 2149500

Burger election season, it takes so long and it's boring as fuck. Unlovable richfags trying too hard to pretend they care for months

No. 2149616

File: 1724384080278.jpeg (53.24 KB, 600x600, IMG_4891.jpeg)

I hate this fat fucking torta that’s been harassing my bf, ICE would need a whole fucking tractor trailer to deport her.(racebait)

No. 2149632

No. 2149695

>nigel havers be like

No. 2149960

I hate when people reply with gifs only to "decorate" their reply. Aside the fact that they're always fugly, from some drag faggy show or netflix show where they say a specific line, the only waste space and look bad in posts. I hate gifs who are not anime blingee edits. Fuck gifs.

No. 2149976

File: 1724416237183.jpeg (474.77 KB, 1290x541, IMG_4630.jpeg)

I hate anime. Anime adaptations should only be based off equally retarded manga.

Just guess what universe this stupid fucking character is supposed to be in.

No. 2149986

I have no idea because the art style looks just as bad as Avatar the Last Airbender and that was a show copying the anime art style kek, pinkpill me on this nonny

No. 2150000

File: 1724417516897.png (5.02 MB, 2750x2200, Beige Brown Minimalist Face &…)

Lord of the Rings (specifically the Peter Jackson universe)
Right image is the warrior princess from Rohan in the actual Jackson films btw…

No. 2150016

Gotta have that obligatory thigh gap for the men in the drawing room and the male audience to fap to! It also has that classic anime clothing design where it’s just a bunch of ugly straps with some sort of jacket and a thigh high boots to make it look “medieval regal” but not too culturally threatening to the asians mostly consuming this stuff and to top it all off you have her body drawn like a helpless penguin to show how “vulnerable” she is (even though she’s supposed to be strong), not too threatening for the fat weeb latinos and male uggos who worship anime. You are right, it is trash, and it proves how much the medium is misogynistic by design as well, at least with Western media women get a chance, anime you’re just reduced to a lousy contrived character background to hide the fact that it’s just a fap fodder.

No. 2150112

File: 1724423485059.jpeg (143.85 KB, 850x986, IMG_2701.jpeg)

Women who defend fatasses with retarded reasons ESPECIALLY if they’re defending fat men. Men are not made to be fat fucks. Stop encouraging moids that they can let themselves go.

Would pay good money to see this hideous thing in a saw trap.

No. 2150689

File: 1724445890620.jpg (76.75 KB, 867x1390, beautiful-confident-business-w…)

This fucking pose. I did application photos at I think four different studios now and each of them made me do this dumbass pose. Nobody looks good doing it. I sometimes see ads for real estate agents, lawyers or bankers on the street, and everyone who does this dumb pose looks fucking stupid. Nobody thinks you're projecting a confident go-getter persona that gets things done, everyone thinks you look ridiculous.

No. 2150716

Zagreus is so handsome

No. 2150727

I hate retards online on anywhere but Twitter using "ppl" instead of people. They write everything normally but this word for some reason??? Just type normally retard. I understand why it's done on Twitter for the character limit, but that doesn't apply to anywhere else. I especially hate seeing it here out of all places.

No. 2150738

You know you ppl can be so rude sometimes?? Chill ppl

No. 2150740

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No. 2150742

It's the "HR is gonna make your life hell teehee" pose kek

No. 2150756

No. 2150790

File: 1724449108440.jpeg (215.92 KB, 667x1000, IMG_0427.jpeg)

Same. This one real estate agent girl I know has all her listings with this pose and I know her irl they don’t match. It’s weird she puts her photo on all the listings but hey get ya bag girl. I much prefer a hands in lap pose it’s much more natural and approachable.

No. 2150942

Me too. It's so apey.

No. 2150966

I hate when people use "w/" to abbreviate the word "with". It's just 4 letters.

No. 2150991

And just one keystroke less

No. 2150995

File: 1724454253039.gif (730.93 KB, 498x346, 196534567.gif)

>only to "decorate" their reply
…you mean to use a reaction image? the use of "decorate" here is weird kek

No. 2151235

>trying to message a companies customer support on Twitter
>"You cannot message this user because you are not verified"
Fuck Elon Musk.

No. 2151247

Using unrelated gifs and pics is nothing new, it's actually less common now than I remember it being before. It's a part of being an image board.

No. 2151266

Uhhh, anon, that's normal. You should look up human facial proportions.

No. 2151269

File: 1724467031909.jpg (125.54 KB, 500x698, japanesecinema.jpg)

>“medieval regal” but not too culturally threatening to the asians mostly consuming this stuff
KEK god they're never going to get better

No. 2151276

….You are using an imageboard

No. 2151328

I tried to be open minded and make friends from different walks of life, but they always end up being users. Might sound bitchy, but I'm done befriending poor people.

No. 2151358

I get you, it's so annoying because most of the times you can't even share what plans you have or what you've been doing because they get salty and passive aggressive, and I'm not even talking about traveling or buying a house, it's stuff like "hey I got a new blouse" or "I want to get into a new hobby!" And they get salty as fuck.
You can't go out anywhere because they never have money, so you basically become their sugar mommy, you can't even invite them to your home because it means spending a whole lot of money because they can't pay for anything even out of courtesy.

No. 2151362

I know, it was so frustrating. I couldn't talk to them about anything without them getting off about it, and they never wanted to do anything to improve their situation. I had one message me out of the blue after not talking to me for months just to ask for thousands of dollars once. Like, I'm not your ATM? Ask your shitty boyfriend.

No. 2152042

When men take a long time in the shower. What could you even be doing in there? Shaving your pussy?

No. 2152060


No. 2152110

Also on the topic of showers, I hate going in the bathroom after someone has showered and it's still steamy. Even worse if you have to shower after them. It just feels gross.

No. 2152147

My male relative takes a nap in there.

No. 2152511

Idk if it's one anon or not, but I hate seeing inshallah posted on here at the end of every sentence

No. 2152521

I dont see this.

No. 2152643

I live in a mega touristic country who gets romanticized a lot. Every summer I have to read foreign women write novels about how moids here are so romantic because they're calling them beautiful in the oldest most known trick of trying to fuck foreign girls. It is rage inducing. Now I only have experience living in another country (which is not western) but aren't men trying to fuck pretty much peacocks everywhere? What is the situation elsewhere where it's considered such a great honor for a man to offer a ride around kek

No. 2152686

>>2149960 here
I meant in stuff like instant messaging apps or facebook/Twitter replies, not on imageboards. I'll give you that I didnt explain myself but try to apply my post to any other app, it's annoying. I be like "lunch at 12.30am?" to some friends and they reply "yes!!" with drag faggots squealing or Disney gifs, horrid and unnecessary.

No. 2152694

I’ve seen that once or twice and ooooooooh girl I cringe every time kek

No. 2152701

I hate this too. Allah is demonic.

No. 2152712

I've been seeing it for a few weeks and I think that anon(s)? was even red texted for it

No. 2152730

I couldn’t understand what you meant exactly but yeah, it seems like western women get impressed by peacocking way too easily. I hate tourists and the men chasing after them

No. 2152858

dog owners. i don't hate dogs, this puppy is cute. but not everyone cares about your fucking dog. every time i walk past a dog owner and ignore them they stare at me like they're shocked. like they only got the animal to get attention from people. annoying.

No. 2152874

I hate seeing dry, cracked, nasty ass feet in public. Sandals and flipflops are supposed to be worn at home or at the beach. I especially hate seeing big ugly hairy crusty scrote feet.

No. 2152883

The thing I hate most about this is that those callus-shavers, and pumice stones, and all that pedicure crap are so cheap to buy. I bought my foot-care kit for like $15 and it takes me 10 minutes a week to take care of my feet. So when someone has nasty feet (especially scrotes) not only are they dirty and gross in my mind, but they're also cheap and lazy, which adds to the hatred. Seriously why do people wear open-toed shoes if they haven't cut their toenails in 3 months? Fuck them.

No. 2152938

>people when you're overweight and eat freely: fat butch! You need to go on a diet! You need to exercise! Your arms are too big! Your thighs are too big! Stop stuffing your face! Eat a salad!
>people when you're eating less and losing weight: omg noooo why are you diet??? Omg restricting isn't good for youuuu! You're beautiful just as you areee, pre-diabetes and all! Omg but you're already perfect! Dieting is bad for you! Why do you want to lose weight anyway that's fatphobic? Let me try to force you to eat even though you declined!
And sometimes it's the same person saying these two things. Fuck all of you.

No. 2152980

File: 1724549547266.jpg (354.68 KB, 1824x594, 1408775276205.jpg)

I hate the effect shadman ended up leaving on scrote artist, I remember a few months ago seeing a ton of rule 34 of some real life little girl playing with a robot. Ik moids have always been coomers so maybe it's pointless to blame it on one dude, but judging by the stubby noses and faces I feel like it had to be shadmans influence. and on a side note I have a tinfoil that shadmans Loli stuff was heavily inspired by picrel

No. 2152987

It’s utterly sick. Porn turns men from perverted to genuinely evil over time, and there’s plenty of scientific evidence for it. They get worse and worse, lose what scraps of empathy they had and view other humans as literal objects akin to forks or wrenches as shown by brain scans.

No. 2152991

…what is this image? I don’t like the implication of the bilingual title (famous translated pedo work?)

No. 2153004

It's a loli hentai visual novel, it was made on krautchan so that explains the German title (pretty sure the Japanese is just for show). The only notable thing about it, is that some of the girls are based off real people a child model, three "everyday kids", Stephanie from lazy town and Muhammads wife Aisha which is why I speculate shadman was inspired by it, similar art style, referencing off real kids, and he's swiss so he most likely has used krautchan (since he was already on 4chan)

No. 2153021

Germany and its off brand copies must be bombed periodically every 20 years. They need to go back to their mud huts and straw shoes.

No. 2153027

the dev of this game is so vile. He got a real little girl to sing the opening theme for the game and had to flee germany because he based the characters off real little girls

No. 2153030

>He got a real little girl to sing the opening theme
Seriously? I've never actually played it before so I had no clue.
>had to flee germany because he based the characters off real little girls
Basically the same as shadman

No. 2153094

Nona, every country has degenerates in it. It's moid nature to be degenerate.

No. 2153132

I've seen it used since around 2022 but I thought it was sarcastic/as a joke

No. 2153153

Germany is unique though because less than 100 years ago basically every country and power on this planet united to defeat them in the deadliest conflict ever. And then, after they were defeated, most of them were allowed to stay in positions of high power within the post-war government. Everyone on this Earth should hold anti-German sentiments. You can't trust them, they're capable of greatness and they know it, so the rest of us always have to be watching them and waiting to stamp them down again. Seriously Germans have been fucking up civilization since they sacked Rome. I'm tired of pretending like Germans are normal because 80% of them had Nazis for grand-parents. I'm sorry, but that's fucked and every German I've ever met has such a neurotic complex about it that it freaks me the hell out.(bait)

No. 2153167

>unironically believing the holocaust actually happened(go back)

No. 2153170

The bait here is just getting lazier

No. 2153173

Farmhands are asleep so they won't redtext you for a few hours, but I just wanted to say you should take a blade and slit your throat. It would make your mother more proud than whatever this is that you're doing. The reason no person will ever really love you in a way that matters is because you born broken, and nothing you try to do to change that will ever work. The only viable option you have is to kill yourself. You should do it now, because I know you've been thinking about it for your whole pathetic life. This is your sign that you should just finally do it, and to stop wasting precious oxygen.
Not as lazy as the farmhands between 9pm and 6am.

No. 2153175

>Not as lazy as the farmhands between 9pm and 6am.
True though sometimes they choose to stop moderating way earlier

No. 2153201

Boohoo. The Jewish American princess is upset. You should head to bed. You don’t want to miss that rhinoplasty appointment in the morning.(racebait)

No. 2153347

>ooooooooh girl
I hate lipstick alley posters

No. 2153377

I hate police. Can't trust anyone who fallows orders over their conscience. Whenever injustice is done by any government, cops or their equivalent are there to enforce it. Police are hired thugs, essentially like bandits they take our tax money by force. If i saw a cop drowning, i wouldn't throw the rescue circle, because that would be a disservice to the population.

No. 2153387

It's even worse when you realize that majority of cops are domestic abusers.

No. 2153407

This is the realest thing I’ve read on here in months. It was germany that deserved the nukes, not Japan. It’s not even about war crimes, they’re just straight up neurotic retards. Why is it that whenever middle aged men kill each other whilst playing with each other’s poops, there’s a germ involved? You don’t see this performance from other countries with a similar population. They are driven to shit because that’s what they are.

No. 2153408

>don't understand why jews claim that they were ritually sacrificed.
I want to speculate but I'm pretty sure it'll be branded as racebait I'm not jewishphobic btw(responding to bait)

No. 2153507

>after they were defeated, most of them were allowed to stay in positions of high power within the post-war government.
>80% of them had Nazis for grand-parents.
>It was germany that deserved the nukes, not Japan.
Your glorious nippon literally worships their war criminals, you braindead weebs…

No. 2153510

File: 1724582941753.jpg (138.65 KB, 1067x1223, reading comprehension.jpg)

No. 2153530

It's obvious she tried to push an ackshually Germany was way worse than Japan narrative, otherwise she wouldn't have brought them up in the first place and wouldn't have added "not Japan". Shit on Germany all you want but don't try to act as if Japan is any better, especially nowadays. This is not the first time weebs tried to do this.

No. 2153563

Bitch where the fuck did I say Japan wasn’t bad or something. I just fucking hate germs. Jesus

No. 2153590

File: 1724590528265.jpg (13.85 KB, 406x375, 1000006896.jpg)

People who are wilfully ignorant despite the amount of information available to them nowadays. My uncle and my mum are currently talking about how the theory of evolution is just so ~silly~ and "only explains a little bit," why is THIS my genepool.

No. 2153595

Nobody was talking about Japan before you brought it up kek. Even the anime shit above was only brought up in relation to Shadman.

No. 2153738

File: 1724597181179.webm (11.69 MB, master who makes the grass gre…)

Reality is whatever you can get away with.

No. 2153846

The way Christina Aguilera says "good to go" in Genie In a Bottle

No. 2153850

I feel you nona, I have members of my family who think smart phones are a conspiracy and we got the technology from aliens.

No. 2153884

The way people sound when they talk while they have a stuffy nose. It just grates on my ears so much.

No. 2153887

File: 1724605581884.jpg (67.03 KB, 1200x629, VTuber.jpg)

Vtubers. All of them. They're all e-whores. The fact that there are loli ones willingly voiced by grown-ass women is disgusting. Fuck them, fuck their pedophile audiences, hell, fuck the vtuber thread, too. I want that industry wiped from human memory.

No. 2153901

I hate them too. Who wants to look at those ugly animu avatars? Just do a normal voice over in your videos if you don't want to show your face.

No. 2153906

>tfw i am a vtuber
i also hate how the medium evolved from women with normal avatars playing a characters to ethots roleplaying as gfs. I personally like it because i can make a cute oc with cool lore and i really enjoy drawing and rigging models.

No. 2153914

It's mildly better than being a regular ewhore because at least the moids are only cooming to your anime girl OC instead of you (the loli pandering ones are disgusting though, I hope they get doxxed.) BUT it kinda confuses me when people get upset about their avatars being lewded. Yeah, it's unfortunate how moids sexualise everything, but most VTubers are intentionally trying to attract a weeb audience so what do they expect? Especially when they have well-known coomer tropes in their designs.

No. 2153918

File: 1724606805090.jpg (31.39 KB, 600x600, OIP (22).jpg)

No. 2153919

if you are a woman you are going to get sexualized. Jaidens animation oc is a literal stickman figure with hair and thats enough for scrotes to draw loads of porn of her.

No. 2153921

i wish i was the cute crab retardgamer

No. 2153925

atleast hint who you are pls nonnie i want to watch based vtubers who aren't 4channer pickmes or coomers

No. 2153927

I make youtube videos and i am ESL

No. 2153929

File: 1724607230839.gif (1.4 MB, 500x500, 1724424009403.gif)

thats half of all vtubers….

No. 2153931

I will drop a lolcor meme someday to see if anyone catches it

No. 2153938


No. 2153944

a cryptid vtuber i like it

No. 2153952

bgut free

No. 2153975

Don't do that

No. 2153978

No offense but you guys do stuff like this and stuff like the artfight tag and wonder why this site is always getting discovered

No. 2153986

i think she meant she'll post a discreet meme on lolcow so some nonna can find her (it fucking sucks we dont have any lolcow tubers but 4chan can have its /here/tubers or better yet just use a lolcor meme so only nonnas in the know can get it

No. 2153990

I hate it when retards start fucking trying to interact with me while I eat. Get out before I smash a brick over your dense skull.

No. 2153992

damn okay fattie

No. 2154001

Moids calling any non-ogre looking man a "twink". Them learning that word was a mistake in general.

No. 2154017

Moids invented the word but they do misuse it a lot. This is because moids are inherently retarded.

No. 2154436

Yk it really is histrionic shit like this that makes me realize just how much this site has gone to shit, and the fact that this isn't even bait. Twitterfags, I swear.

No. 2154448

File: 1724633400324.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1620, 1000024076.png)

This girl is like 15 and seeks validation on the internet by NLOGing and posting about genres who's primary audience are junkies, schizoids, and pedophiles.

The fact that she isn't even old enough to get into the concerts of half the bands she talks about proves her parents just don't care. No one with any sort of sense who says they're into any kind of shitty noise music is actually into it. It's just shit people say they like when trying to be edgy. I don't even hate this girl. I hate the fact that nothing gets said about this sort of shit.

No. 2154459

You could always report her to CPS.

No. 2154471

They wouldn't really do anything. They wouldn't consider something like this particularly egregious. I just hope it's one big LARP because I haven't heard of a single person into these edgelord ass genres who wasn't a total fucking knob. I do worry for her. It feels like she's setting herself up for being groomed.

No. 2154473

Miserable people that have no interest in leaving their house.

No. 2154476

That's a pretty defeatist attitude, anon, at least do SOMETHING, then. You're worried enough to post about her on lolcow but not contact actual authorities? Come the fuck on.

No. 2154477

I mean at the very least I can try saying something to Instagram about it but I can't guarantee anything would get done.

No. 2154478

When I was around 15-16 I was friends with people like this who listened to goregrind/pornogrind and I never understood how they could acquire 100,000s of last.fm scrobbles of that genre. NSBM was too mainstream for them. Judging by the looks of her, that haircut is the only one her parents allow for her, which I understand since she’s a child. Her clothes are run of the mill aliexpress “y2k scene emo girl trashy goth harajuku trending teen clothes.” I seriously doubt she’s playing goregrind around family members, this is just a stunt for attention. It’s always about who can listen to the edgiest, most gruesome noise.

No. 2154481

This is why I don't use social media. I can't imagine going online and watching a 15 year old teenager enough to get so upset I post about it on Lolcow. Like she's 15 years old, she was born in 2009. Let her grow up and learn on her own, why post about her full face here?? She's 15.

No. 2154483

I just hope she doesn't involve herself in the "scene" because it's absolutely full of drug addicts, pedophiles, and other degenerates. Anyone genuinely into that sort of shit are the kind of people who should be in institutions.

No. 2154484

Kind of weird you'd post her full face here. She's in 10th grade. Seriously why are you uploading her face here to gossip about her? She's a child. You could have made this post without posting a picture of her face, it's so weird that you decided to include it.

No. 2154487

Because I'm allowed to express my worry, Nona? Rather than have a nihilistic attitude about everything. I only posted her because she pops up in my feed sometimes because I follow several metal accounts (primarily doom, death/doom, and black metal. Nothing particularly extreme either).

No. 2154488

Ntayrt but you're worried about a 10th grader so you decided to post her face picture on the gossip website?

No. 2154490

I admit it was stupid of me to include the face

No. 2154491

Yeah I reported the post because of it. Honestly, it comes off as weird. Stop posting pictures of 15 year old girls on here to try and make a point. They're kids, let them have room to grow and learn their own lessons.

No. 2154492

So nothing should be done to prevent kids from making poor decisions?

No. 2154494

Have common sense and decency. Stop spending your time watching 15 year olds girls on social media and getting so mad about it that you post their faces on gossip sites. In the original post, half of it comes across as you being mad that she's a poser and not really edgy. It honestly makes you come off as a weirdo.

No. 2154497

ntayrt but your bait is stale and boring kek

No. 2154500

Talk about missing the point but OK. Guess you needed your quota of ppl to report today.

No. 2154502

The point is it's weird that you included a picture of a 15 year old girl. You even admitted it was stupid yourself. Don't go aggro on ME because YOU decided to be weird and creepy. Like sit down and actually think about it. You were watching a 10th grader on Tiktok or Instagram or whatever, got so upset about it, that you decided to come here, upload a picture of her face, and talk shit about her through the disguise of concern. To me, doing all that is concerning and makes me think you need to start taking breaks from social media if it affects you that much that your reasoning lags and you choose to do stupid stuff.

No. 2154527

>Uploads a picture of a 15 year old girl and complains that she's a poser that isn't into REAL shit music or whatever.
>Gets defensive when people point out this is odd to do.
I swear to God there's no helping some of you.

No. 2154533

That's not at all what I was fucking talking about, you illiterate dumbass.

No. 2154536

>No one with any sort of sense who says they're into any kind of shitty noise music is actually into it.
>It's just shit people say they like when trying to be edgy.

Well that's what you typed out. So again why get mad at others for pointing it out when you should be mad at yourself for doing this to begin with.

No. 2154537

How you couldn't discern that I hate that shitty "music" is beyond me.

No. 2154541

No I could discern it. But what else are you trying to imply with those 2 sentences if not that she's not really into the music (AKA, a poser), and that she's just doing it to be edgy. She's 15. Literally who cares. Why are you posting her here.

No. 2154542

Just ignore it then and move the fuck on.

No. 2154543

I hate this stardew streamer and his annoying voice. So many male video game streamers have the same weird voices and need to all come out of the closet

No. 2154544

It's hard to move on when you're reeeing about it constantly whenever someone brings up how it was weird

No. 2154546

Is it seaniedew?

No. 2154550

They're all terrified to come out of the closet because the scrote streamer community is crazy homophobic. Remember when that retarded streamer got caught making gay porn a month ago and basically every scrote he streamed with turned their back on him and ditched him? Kek.

No. 2154566

i hate his look so so much. its like he picks the facial hair and hairstyle and glasses to make him look most like a 70s pedophile

No. 2154575


No. 2154590

do homophobic moids watch stardew valley streams? i think hes safe, also im pretty sure a bunch of people realize it was stupid to hate gays because they respected that guy.

No. 2154615

Oh if it's Stardew Valley then obviously it's a faggot? That's like going up to a random twink at pride and asking "ru gay?" like duh?

No. 2154652

>Nobody was talking about Japan before you brought it up kek
NTA but >>2153407

No. 2154654

Is that person not a tif? I just assumed from the few videos I've seen

No. 2154678

File: 1724642452037.mp4 (1.1 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cr5kotfog65vgnjhvd…)

I wasn’t sure which thread to post this in, but this made me sick to my stomach

No. 2154681

Just shoot all korean men into the sun and let the women be free

No. 2154684

All of this is because of the bastard Syngman Rhee may he burn in Hell for always

No. 2154782

following korean feminists and reading their posts is the pinkest pinkpill i have ever swallowed. There are elementary aged scrotelets in these chatrooms of 1000s of scrotes, posting pictures of their mothers and sisters, calling them "blood shitters"
some of these poor girls are barely old enough to start school, not to mention these mini moids making deepfake porn of their female classmates.
moids need to be culled
I really suggest at least following and liking posts from korean feminist accounts even if you can't stomach reading them, if foreigners make a lot of noise about it the Korean government is forced to address it

No. 2154811

File: 1724652827748.png (118.04 KB, 1101x286, cc germany.png)

Kek I pissed them off so much with this post they're talking about me on CC. I love posting stuff and getting troons lurking here so mad they go on CC to complain about me. I only go on CC to check the LC hate thread, because usually you can find well-known trolls there outlining their next ideas to attack LC.(ban evasion)

No. 2154927

Can you please go back to Twitter already.

No. 2155044

Can you post some screenshots on the pinkpill thread on /2X/?

No. 2155095

I don't think that they're making fun of you because they're secretly trannies, I think it's probably because your opinion was really stupid.

No. 2155356

The twitter lingo on here. Why the fuck are you calling husbandos “blorbos” and “babygirls”.

No. 2155357

"blorbo" is tumblr lingo get it right

No. 2155382

People automatically sexualizing women with bigger breasts, hips or butt. Smaller women can wear something that barely covers them and no one bats an eye, but if I put on something form fitting or a top that pronounces my chest (even if I'm not showing cleavage) now I'm a promiscuous whore that needs to cover up.

No. 2155393

People who smoke (and don’t want to quit), spend a shit ton of money on anti-aging skincare in an attempt to counteract the damage and then complain and play the victim about always being broke.

No. 2155397

I hate “babygirl” about male characters so much. The girls using it think they're sticking it to the man or something but they are actually just supporting the stereotype that being cute and submissive is a female thing.

No. 2155404

>plottwist you will attract pedophiles instead
We can't win ladies might as well do whatever the fuck you want and ignore them unless you're in direct danger

No. 2155406

Damn why did you have to call me out like this, I wasn't prepared

No. 2155408

If you're spilling out of a top or something or draw attention to a prominent feature why act surprised when people notice?

No. 2155414

She just said her cleavage isn't out so it's not like her tits are "spilling" out. You could wear a normal shirt that covers you fully yet the shape still is visible.

No. 2155418

Nta but super curvy women will seem like they’re “drawing attention” to their curves no matter what they wear unless it’s like, a burqa or maxi dress.

No. 2155419

Even in a maxi dress we're not safe. Sometimes those emphasize your hips or bust kek.

No. 2155423

I don't have to draw attention to anything. The attention is automatically there because I'm curvy.

No. 2155424

The infights I've seen here about calling men babygirl kek

No. 2155426

She didn't say anything about spilling out of clothes though, that's just what you assumed. You can't take your boobs/ass off and leave it at home whenever you wanna wear something that isn't a burqa

No. 2155427

internet culture migrates anon, it's natural, stop getting your panties all twisted

No. 2155429

Or they could learn how to fucking integrate.

No. 2155430

You think aggression is integration nona, get real. No one is ever going to conform to your personal lolcor standards.

No. 2155437

What? Not using obnoxious twitter/tiktok lingo is integration.

No. 2155443

Nta but integration used to be a thing. Why do you think some words are redtexted? I'm not saying we need to redtext blorbo or babygirl, but too many unintegrated newfags have been around at this point. Maybe it's because I'm from a time internet had separate websites and things weren't mashed together by an algorithm in every possible social media, but we used to conform to each place's style to some extent.

No. 2155446

I think it's more obnoxious to constantly screech and complain about words, but sure anon.

No. 2155447

Yeah. Learning to integrate used to be brutal on imageboards, nowadays too many oldfags are gone and anons are too tolerant.

No. 2155449

I get what you're saying, and I agree. I think I'm just tired of seeing posts on top of posts every single day losing their mind over some "twitter lingo" instead of just reporting them and interacting with good posts. Some anons just want to be angry and seethe all day long and it make's interactions here miserable.

No. 2155453

>Learning to integrate used to be brutal on imageboards
It's as simple as lurking. Losers who think imageboards are like a battleground are what ruins these sites. Always on the attack.

No. 2155460

>It's as simple as lurking
The problem is that most don't, and no one is telling them to "lurk moar" anymore.

No. 2155462

How black people spell on twitter(racebaiting)

No. 2155464

Well personally, I don't think the solution is to shit our pants every time we see something unintegrated. An anon was called a newfag for using a + in another thread. I can't even count how many times I've been called a newfag for something completely innocuous and I've been a user for 7 years.

No. 2155479

File: 1724701244871.jpg (205.39 KB, 800x800, WG01D15As_0704a125-63cc-4562-8…)

these retarded child wagons. when i visited america i went to a zoo in a pretty big city and it seemed every parent in the zoo was pushing or dragging these around. some of them were so big they looked like you'd need a license to be able to operate them. whatever happened to just regular prams? and some of the kids in them were big too, like too big to be in a pram… like 4 or 5 years old. even bigger. fat american cunts teaching their children to be lazy from a young age.

No. 2155523

I've never seen them before but they seem convenient when you have multiple high energy kids who could easily dissapear in a crowd if you look away for a sec imo.

No. 2155558

Drives me nuts, this trend of "X can't hear smoke detector beeps". Had to ditch a lot of people who I thought were friends because they played fucking soundboard sfx of low battery smoke detector beeps and insisted it was scientifically proven that I'm pretending that I can hear them. Like my dearest buddy and friend why would you risk giving me a migraine and me breaking your eardrums with yelling over a shitass trend you saw on twitter?
It's gotten to the point where I almost want to cry whenever someone brings up this "joke" because I keep thinking I'm about to be subjected to some SHIT.

No. 2155561

File: 1724704434693.gif (102.5 KB, 640x640, IMG_7421.gif)

I hate how vile instagram can be. I was watching a vid on how awful instagram reels is and just remembered all the awful shit i would get in my fyp. One sec im looking at some cute drawing and then another is a meme calling an infant a nigger. The comments were also super cynical and retarded for no reason on any post. I completely stopped using it 3 years ago because a meme page i followed out of the blue posted a straight up bestiality vid with some Indian moid raping a dog. I reported it and the account was still up a week later. At least with shit holes like 4chan you expect that they a shit and ofc i avoid it, but instagram is so normie, so the fact that instagram has these people on it in such numbers is highly disconcerting and tells me that normies do not exist.

No. 2155735

Fattychans who act like they're God's gift to the kitchen when all they know how to cook are varying combinations of fried meat cheese dishes (usually excluding fish and turkey kek) and also some variation of oily bread. Picky eaters are annoying but way less annoying compared to a picky eater who thinks they hold all the correct opinions about food because they're fat and everyone around them who isn't as fat as them is a boring anachan.

No. 2155772

Ever since Twitter became pay-to-play and engagement farming became the norm there, racism has become a lot more common on ALL social media platforms. It's really sick, and honestly it's one of the big reasons I stay far away not just from social media, but from people that actively use social media too. They think it's just some joke or something, especially the younger ones, because they don't realize engagement farming doesn't work in real life. The sooner Twitter flounders the better. I'm so sick of web 2.0.

No. 2156047

I hate League of Legends, haven't played over a year, maybe two, but suddenly i remembered it and thought: "wow, what a sucky game that was"

No. 2156266

I hate the stock phrase "just put yourself out there", what does that even mean??? I'm already going outside and talking to people, I can't force people to be attracted to me kek.

No. 2156275

That's crazy, I never have any issues like those. Then again, I stopped following general meme pages because they're retarded, I only follow stuff with cute animals, cute art and stores/restaurants because Instagram is just a huge ass catalogue to me.

No. 2156276

Who cares if it's calling out POS ethnic moods though, that's based

No. 2156277


No. 2156284

Ragebait and racism have skyrocketed in recent years to a point where I'm having trouble curating my fyp on Insta and Tiktok (I don't use Twitter).
I used to get videos based only on what type of content I follow but I think now it's based on what kind of thing the algorithm thinks you would interact with most? Not even types of stuff I would like based on previously liked posts, but specifically what someone matching my age, gender and location profile would interact with, which of course is mostly random slop made by either AI or some ESL retard cranking out 500 posts about immigrants and women in shitty English per day.
Even after actively liking, replaying and saving videos of cute birds and puppies for entire weeks like it's my job, I still get suggested 60% ragebait slop and 40% photo carousels shilling Temu pet supplies using stolen cat and dog videos.

I've even noticed a massive increase in thinly veiled /pol/fag posts on here. From moids pretending to be women shilling Trump because they "are scared of immigrants raping them on the street", to moids pretending to be doompilled women crying about being "statistically" the least desired race in the world and will die alone because nobody wants them or something. Somehow these "ladies" always sound like aggro racist, misogynistic men.

No. 2156286

>I've even noticed a massive increase in thinly veiled /pol/fag posts on here.
Kek nona they don't even try to veil it anymore. I've seen like 10 posts this week about racial exterminations. It's crazy because I only use Twitter when I'm bored at work to scroll through, so I've never actually liked any post or followed anyone. So the default for a new user really is just nazism.

No. 2156298

>they don't realize engagement farming doesn't work in real life
Nta, can you elaborate on what do you mean by this? Like you saw some people irl talking and acting like they're on social media? Can you give some specific examples? Because this sounds hilarious I want to know so bad.

No. 2156301

Like what this anon said >>2155558 basically just trying to be the most racist/edgy/rude they can be because they think it's funny and they want the attention.

No. 2156311

my youtube suggestions were pretty well curated until the other day when I cleared all the cookies in chrome on my ipad the other day. (due to a lolcow bug in which I kept being redirected to farmcow despite not being banned.) I hated shorts at first, but youtube's algorithm for shorts knew me better than tiktok's ever did. now I'm getting a bunch of the same, but sprinkled with a few extremely right leaning podcast guys and a ton of weird Palestine videos.

No. 2156317

Kek, “engagement farming irl” sounds like a great way to get punched in the face.

No. 2156323

It's ironic because the "black people can't hear smoke detector beeps" grew out of an attempt to not categorize people according to race. No one knows why black people don't change their smoke alarm batteries, so someone came up with the idea that they can't hear them in an effort to explain away the extreme stupidity of ignoring your low battery alarm on your smoke detector. But then everyone thought this was actually real, that black people actually couldn't hear them, and now it's become something people actually believe.
I think it's because our world is becoming less homogenized as mass migration from the equator happens. And you know the statistics, the more homogenized a society and culture is, the less crime and murder happens. OS people are starting to get really mad.

No. 2156357

I'm black and I've never even heard of this before, that's so weird

No. 2156495

I hate when pet accounts make their pet say shit like "hoomin". It's like doggo except even more retarded and not cute.

No. 2156521

I hate pet accounts. That shit is demented.

No. 2156522

Did you hear the smoke detector though?

No. 2156611

>No one knows why black people don't change their smoke alarm batteries.

1. Most black people live in apartments and some apartments don't want you changing it on your own and send maintenance, which take their sweet time doing anything.

2. For the black people who live in apartments that let you change the the batteries yourself, the head of the household is usually a (single) woman/mom and traditionally that sort of thing is handled by men. Since there's no man around, they won't change it themselves and just get used to the noise.

3. They're in a house, but the head of the household is still a woman so she's less inclined to change the batteries.

4. Males who grew up in single family homes and got used to the alarm constantly chirping don't bother changing the batteries because they're either unaware that they need to change the batteries or they're lazy.

No. 2156627

>black people are too stupid and lazy to change the batteries, that's why they beep constantly
Bro, what? I have seen /pol/ be less racist than what you just said. You really did write out that black women are too stupid to figure out how to change smoke alarm batteries and that black men are too lazy and fatherless to do it.
Everyone else, do you see how libfems came up with the racist assumption that black people can't hear the beeps, because this is what they actually think if not for that excuse.

No. 2156774

That Amazon doesn't just charge my card when I make an order. I know that putting a hold on the card just makes it easier to get a refund in case it cant be shipped, but holy shit just charge the fucking card. Usually it just takes a few hours but a few times it took them like 2-3 days to charge me, sometimes after I've already received the item

No. 2156779

Some libfems (libs in general) are deeply racist but they pretend like they aren't and that's why you see them spouting weird shit like that anon did. In a way, I think their covert interior racism is just as bad as the obvious exterior racism of some conservatives.

No. 2156785

Is your credit card divided by authorized and approved? When I shop on Amazon, my card will authorize $X but it'll take a few days to actually approve $X. Sometimes I notice that if I use PayPal instead of my credit card, it'll get approved faster. I agree with you though, I hate this too! I wish it was instantaneous, because it makes it harder to keep track of how much credit I have left or how much I have to pay back at the end of the month.

No. 2156789

How bad people are at talking nowadays. My peers who only ever scroll tiktok have pretty limited vocabulary (even though they're not ESL) and can only say the same few phrases, without any variation. It's kind of robotic and creepy. For example, everyone is always saying "I'm cooked." No one says anything else, like "I'm doomed", "I'm done for", "I'm dead meat", "It's all over for me". And then there's so many people who think that "demure" is a word made up by that one tranny. And if you dare to use a word with more than 2 syllables, they think you're trying too hard. Also, I feel like spending so many years on imageboards made me more 'eloquent', kek. Anons here express their thoughts nicely, even the schizos and have a wide range of vocabulary.

No. 2156794

Crab bucket retard mentality. They hate you because you use your brain more than them.

No. 2156796

The schizos sometimes teach me new words. But I'm in the same boat as you. When I was 3 is when I learned to read, and I had an 8th grade vocabulary by 3rd grade. I love reading and learning new words. I think there's something very beautiful about English in that there's so many different choices. I like the rawness of the Germanic substrate and I like the eloquence of the Latinate substrate, i.e., the difference between light and illumination, underwater and submarine, give up and renounce, ask and inquire, etc., etc.. There's just so many different words and they can all be defined the same yet have different meaning. Not many other languages have two substrates. I hate that I have to dumb myself down sometimes to speak with people. I will never forget the time someone called me a tryhard for using the word "turquoise" instead of "greenish blue." It's embarrassing but it hurts my heart that the majority of Americans read below a 6th grade level (according to recent studies), and honestly it kind of spurred me into training to become a teacher.

No. 2156800

When dreams dont have a part 2.

No. 2156806

I know, I hate when my subconscious leaves me on a cliffhanger.

No. 2156807

You're right! When I'm asked about my favourite language, I always answer that it's English. I speak 4 languages and learning 2 more but English is always going to be the best to me. There's just something about it. I don't think you should dumb yourself down for them anon, you might be doing them a favour and teaching them new words, kek.
>the time someone called me a tryhard for using the word "turquoise" instead of "greenish blue."
That is absolutely ridiculous. Good luck on your teacher training, nona. Someone's got to smack some sense into the next generation of kids.

No. 2156824

I really hate that, I usually end up trying to make an ending in my head which makes me space out during the first half of the morning.

No. 2157098

my mood was immediately ruined bc i saw this situation this morning so i followed some korean feminist accounts. the content is extremely triggering but important. the korean president has addressed it (he’s an open anti feminist, now korean moids are seething and accusing him of being feminist too) only because international women have now gotten wind of it and korea especially hates facing national embarrassment and scrutiny. a mass male culling of all ages is overdue, it should occur worldwide too

No. 2157144

My friend got that, but instead her man changes to jason derulo instead of beautiful boy in the previous dream kek

No. 2157157

You must be in one of those cutoff zoomer gens that enter into gen alpha, don’t compare us older zoomers to them. We have the same level of brainrot and retardation as millennials but we went to school that cared if we were able to read, write and do basic arithmetic, people in my group graduated high school with many of them doing AP/honors classes. I hope you’re able to find people you can talk to, but keep in mind not every conversation has to be super serious and intellectual kek

No. 2157461

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I hate when people try to talk to you on the toilet in public restrooms. I was washing my hands in the bathroom today when my coworker who was using one of the stalls started talking to me about how often she has to pee. I never said anything, she just initiated out of nowhere. The fuck? What makes her think I care about her toilet habits or want to chat with someone while they're taking a dump? I wouldn't even do that with someone I was dating, let alone an annoying coworker I don't even like.

No. 2157568

NTYART but I'm also an "older zoomer" and I specifically remember my 12th grade English teacher having to tell the class that "does" is spelled "DOES" not "DOSE" because half the class submitted papers that spelled it as "dose." I hate when older zoomers get defensive about being a zoomer and try and blame everything on younger gens. We can admit that our generation is a shite one that can't speak English properly. The decline of English literacy has been noticeable since the 1960s and 70s, so it's weird to pretend like it wouldn't impact our generation either. It's so annoying seeing other zoomers go coo coo crazy bananas when a millennial expresses frustration about zoomers. If you know proper English skills, then it's obvious the ayrt wasn't talking about you, she was talking in general, so why get offended and feel the need to defend the worst of the gen?

No. 2157576

The only exceptions to that rule are asking for tampons or for toilet paper if the stall is out of stock

No. 2157583

I also really hate when people try to talk to me while I use the bathroom! Like HELLO I'm trying to focus on my fricking bladder right now I don't wanna socialize right now leave me alone.

No. 2157669

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People telling moid streamers/Youtubers that they should have kids. Holy fuck. I can't think of a worse class of people to entrust the life of an infant to.

No. 2157733


No. 2157737

It feels so diminutive. Like take yourself seriously, we're grown women.

No. 2157758

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Overpriced "experiences". Makes me laugh just grab a bunch of railroad spikes for a quarter a piece and trick yuppies into twisting them up and charge them $90 each. The pottery is even worse, $80 to fire a teenie bowl, fuck you. The only one remotely worth it is the glass

No. 2157777

You wouldn't believe how people are so easily moved by sappy stories, that's also what social media does, it's all fake stories or exaggerated stories about sentimental scenarios to make people want to buy shit.

No. 2157791

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Parents who basically hate their kids so much that they allow stepparents (or boyfriends) and teachers to hit their children as punishment. I mostly see mothers on this fuckshit. Hitting your own child is already fucked up as it is, but the only way I can wrap my head around allowing what's basically ultimately a stranger (any school teacher), or a grown man (stepfathers) to HIT your child is if you're a literal sociopath. You have to be truly heartless to marry a man who more than likely doesn't care about your child, and allow him to beat them. This is one of the only ways I can see how people shit on single mothers. They have a long history of allowing what are random men to their children to have way too much power.

No. 2157820

Agree 100%. I was watching a youtube video and this 30+ year old woman was using it…just stop. Neither you nor your audience are little girls.

No. 2157981

Women who literally interject every single conversation or place with their pregnancy. We get it, you feel proud for carrying a little shitling, want a cookie and pats? I don’t know why people applaud the most basic functions of humanity, if you want to be praised for being a barbarian animal then just say so.

No. 2157985

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I swear it's like groundhog day with this thread.
I hate how nobody can just be honest about why they're posting things and always need to humblebrag or make up a sob story for engagement. Like, instead of just saying "look at this cool thing that I made," they'll go "my girlfriend laughed at my project and said it was dumb, do you guys agree with her?" And then gullible idiots will flood the comments like NOOO YOU'RE SO TALENTED AND AWESOME DON'T LISTEN TO THE HATERS. So annoying and transparent.

No. 2157991

Wdym about ‘groundhog day’? I literally hate it so much.

No. 2157999

It's this special day in February when a little groundhog (it's like small furry creature like weasel but not long or ana) comes out of his burrow and then if he sees a shadow then winter will last longer, and if he doesn't see a shadow then spring is coming sooner!

No. 2158001

found the single woman

No. 2158026

Nta but I’m in a relationship and I still find those women annoying.

No. 2158046

I hate that my criminal justice professor dismissed the fact that women commit less crime and get arrested less with a “oh they just get away with it easier.” She even said women’s crime statistics were increasing and getting even with the men’s, but I looked it up and it’s only increasing with property crime (theft, fraud, drugs, etc). The only other increases were victimization increases. Like did she just casually forget about violent crimes? She also claims the women in the corrections facility is worse than the men because of all the drama, but there’s only 1 dorm I don’t remember the actual word for it for women compared to the 7 for men, so of course there’s gonna be worse conditions in the women’s if all women are sent to a single place while the men get spread out and have the ability to get sent to another if there’s issues (there’s also obviously way more men in general)

No. 2158053

Oh nooooo the horror.

No. 2158056

No. 2158064

>She even said women’s crime statistics were increasing and getting even with the men’s
That could be true bc males are included in women's crime statistics now lol. Your professor is a retard though

No. 2158218

Big Joel. Ugly faggot.

No. 2158220

I hate him and I hate his type. Smug assholes that think nihilism is chic and interpret everything from an ivory tower divorced from reality. He's such a little creepy rat.

No. 2158221

If criminal men were all shoved into one dorm you’re betting there is gonna be a lot more violence and rape.

No. 2158223

If criminal moids were all shoved into one dorm I don't think there'd be any left the next day. I think this would be an optimal way to run prisons.

No. 2158232

When I started using this site there were very few, if any, GIFs used as threadpics. Now every other thread is a GIF and I just have to imagine it's because the zoomer generation's need to be constantly stimulated.

No. 2158233

soon to be outed as a pedophile inshallah

No. 2158236

I mainly know him cuz he called out Shoe0nHead in a video and did a pretty good job at it but also from everything else I’ve seen he seems like the type of breadtuber who jumps on the “Christianity bad” bandwagon anyways and has 0 self awareness that breadtube is just as dogmatic it’s just instead of God they worship the “queer” community and pounce on anyone who criticizes it. Contrapoints does the same pretentious and preachy stuff

No. 2158238

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The way trannies taint everything, and also myself for having a few tranny-ish interests. And by that, I mean TIMmy shit. Having an existential crisis because of it. I don't want to become a tranny-magnet, I only want to be friends with women. But I wonder, how many things have trannies tainted with their disease? Watching stuff like Lion King or MLP was fun as a kid, but nowadays most trannies are furries, and it goes beyond simply enjoying anthropomorphic characters and straight into zoophilia. I'm also into computers and am in compsci but of course, there's the joke about a lot of trannies doing programming. Hell, there's even a tranny in my course, kek. Breakcore is kinda tranny-ish too. Which is a shame because some songs are pretty good. It's far from being my favourite music genre but sometimes I am in the mood for it. They've even ruined sharks for me, with that blahaj shit. I barely watch anime anymore because TRANNIES and misogyny, pedobait, coomers, etc.. I still can't let go of videogames though. At least I don't play degen visual novels and rape games though kek.

No. 2158239

>Christianity bad
wait isnt he Christian himself? so hes a self hating faggot?

No. 2158240

Hes so whiny and ugly. I cant stand him. He has a seething hatred towards Doug Walker despite doug at least having some joy in his life. Joel looks constantly miserable.

No. 2158246

It would be even more retarded if she hated children while dating a man.

No. 2158248

AYRT and like I said I haven’t watched much of his videos but I know he made some videos about the God’s Not Dead movie and how they’re “Christian propaganda pieces” plus he’s apparently nihilist according to that other nona and most of breadtube leeches off the new atheist movement and beat the dead horse that is Evangelism, see my previous example of Contrapoints and others like Jaclyn Glenn. If he is Christian that would be a surprising subversion for a breadtuber

No. 2158249

There's no "if" about it. I watched a documentary about that one brutal prison in Madagascar where the men have to sleep crowded together, and they openly said that the inmates raped each other at night.

No. 2158387

I'm a millennial and love gifs, I thought it was associated with us anyway

No. 2158426

Patchouli in perfume. Why even add it to the scent profile. It will become nothing but fucking patchouli. I never even consider smelling perfumes with patchouli notes because I already know what it smells like and I just cannot bother. Especially in gourmand scents like go fuck yourself.

No. 2158461

I hate how normies are going through a mass extinction event due to everyone being online. It isn’t just me right? No one my age(zoomer) is fucking normal. They are either obnoxious edgelords or obnoxious gendies. This is especially apparent in the scrotes and how they casually feel the need to express what kind of porn they like in their outside voice.

No. 2158471

Damn I feel this. Social media algorithms have genuinely destroyed our generation imo.

No. 2158474

Yes I've noticed it too. Everybody knows too much now it's legit annoying.

No. 2158481

Your best option is to delete all social media and to only associate with those that are also social-media free. They're hard to find in your generation, but trust me when I say they make the best of friends.

No. 2158482

>Everybody knows too much now
Ntaryt, but I don’t really think that people know too much. But they are more likely to buy into what is basically a new evolution of propaganda on the internet and fall into retarded ideologies

No. 2158489

I hope all male anime fans die in a fire amen

No. 2158490

I hope all male die in a fire amen.

No. 2158493

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No. 2158518

People don't even say bless you anymore, instead they stare at you like this

No. 2158537

Compared to the rest of the anons on this website I’m technically a normie. I thought I was a weirdo/geek until I go into specific threads and realize I’m a complete normalfag who has no attachment to any tv shows or consoom shit and has zero desire to really care about them at all, it almost feels like a foreign language going in those fandom threads or /m/. It must be nice being a complete autistic sperg caring about the little things, it actually makes me chuckle a bit because it’s always these people thinking normies are media-obsessed but it’s always them

No. 2158538

Fran is based, my (game theory it’s just a game theory!!!!!) is that Fran’s children are not hers and were likely created in a lab

No. 2158540

?? It's from a TV show not a video game. It's called "Family Guy" it's by Seth Mcfarly or something. So you should say "tv theory."

No. 2158542

>it’s always these people thinking normies are media-obsessed but it’s always them
how so? I don't think normies are more media-obsessed than literal autists

No. 2158557

Yeah I get where you’re coming from. The internet has made it so everyone, including minors, are hypersexual and constantly posting about how badly they wanna get fucked and just having no boundaries anymore. And when you point out how concerning this is you get dogpiled for it

No. 2158568

i hate ugly people. or i guess i hate normie bitter ugly people, non-normie uglies who are cool with being ugly are generally nice but bitter ugly normies are the most diabolical assholes you'll ever meet.

when some rancid moid is rude to you, cat calls you etc in public every fucking time it's the baldest, most pig faced choking pug sounding fat ass mutant who pulls that shit. or some skinnyfat chinlet, but still, ugly fucking bastard every time.
ugly normie women are the biggest nitpicking pickmes you'll ever meet, they'll be the first ones to to tear other women apart and be annoying hypocrites about it. ugly fat women are the biggest shits towards other fat women, ugly bitter women will be the first to squeal and oink about other women's hair, clothes, bodies while thinking they're living in some mean girls universe where they are just being the underdog heroes knocking evil bitches down a peg.
but their biggest issue is having a permanent spiritual cock lodged down their throats, when there is some rancid rapist pig moid to defend they will be there already searching for other shitty scrote ass to kiss with their super wide wall eye vision.

No. 2158569


No. 2158591

clueless newfaggot

No. 2158702

All this retarded shit about women's sexuality being "more fluid" than that of males, meanwhile it takes two seconds on a deserted island to turn a bunch of straight scrotes prison gay, and even in the normal society moids are obsessed with dicks and fucking each other in the ass. It's once again all just projection.

No. 2158709

I had a friend when I was in jr high who would do this shit. She isn't tragically ugly, but she isn't conventionally attractive either, but she's always the first one to say some shit about another girl for just existing? I'll never forget one time we were at the food court in the mall eating some burgers and as other girls pass she says "they're literally jealous of us because we can eat whatever we want and they'd just get fatter". Uh, they're literally just walking past us, why is this the first thought you had?? I'll say I like a girls jacket and she'll say some shit about how it's hiding the girls fugly body. That's some audacity from the same girl who literally pulled the snaggle tooth out of her face at the bus stop outside of school thinking it would fix her teeth.

No. 2158711

This is just a goof, right? You're just being silly?

No. 2158724

Blake Lively's eyebrows. She's rich and old enough to fix them it's about fucking time you stupid looking bitch!

No. 2158726

Congrats on not having autism kek. I think some stanfags took it a little bit too seriously

No. 2158815

I felt this deep in my heart nonna

No. 2158995

So if I had picked a slightly different word like "young people" or "people in general" would you have felt less compelled to admit to being a retard? You're still a retard but you just had to make a post because
>Well I'm exactly what you said IF ONLY you had used mIlLeNiAl instead!

No. 2159067

What's wrong with her eyebrows?

No. 2159121

When my nose is stuffy and I have to become a mouth breather for a week.

No. 2159135

So many things but for a start she doesn't need to keep them so far apart from each other she's not close to having a monobrow even with her old noses she never brought the eyebrows in and idk if cause she had eyelid surgery the whole area looks dumb but they're worse than gigi hadids idk if some blondes go face blind cause they rely too much on their hair

No. 2159296

I can tell you the instant cure to a stuffy nose but it makes you look really silly.

No. 2159298

I hate that so much info is buried in shitty ass discords. Give me back my easy navigatable forums.

No. 2159365

I hate how I always look dirty and unwashed no matter how much I actually wash myself. Anons say to just wear makeup but that MAKES IT WORSE I end up looking like a stinky tranny instead even if it's minimal makeup.

No. 2159367

Well, are you going to share your magical secrets or what?

No. 2159789

CC anons, they're all a bunch of little babies, their threads are all dead but they act like all lolcow anons are evil as if they were all a bunch of angels.

No. 2159791

cc ''anons'' are mostly trannies

No. 2159799

i hate what the fuck happened to the website kek…cuckquing would've never allowed this…

No. 2159810

I hate them and the shillers that were in the bunker sucking the mods’ dicks.

No. 2159811

The psychfags in Jill's thread who think they know everything about mental illness and afflictions because they read a few Wikipedia pages.

No. 2159813

They're right tho, anons can't stand each other and infight on daily basis, specially at /ot/. Crystal.cafe is objectively a more "calm" place compared to here, don't be mad at the truth

No. 2159820

I'm certain 99% of miners are or were farmers so the vitriol confuses me.

No. 2159849

It's calm but they act like anons having a bunker is the worst thing that could happen, maybe next time they should get banned left and right too so they can stfu.
This is what's idiotic to me, they must've been farmers too, but now they're too softy so they act like the 5 anons being retarded is the representation of all lolcow.

No. 2159855

I don't thank that's true anymore, most of the current userbase probably comes from 4chan threads that mentioned CC and "femcel" twitters who namedropped CC, judging by language and topics alone.

No. 2159865

Oh damn. Well as long as they don't come here I guess. I'm ignoring the influx of summerfags and twitterfags kek.

No. 2159916

I hate CC jannies so much. I literally got a week ban for posting that troon that Shayna dates and they banned me for 'GC posting outside of containment thread' and when I tried to explain it's a cow in my appeal, they denied my appeal and deleted all my posts.

No. 2160241

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Parent humor where they just relate everything to their kids and the gross shit they do. I'll always remember that time I was reading a recipe and the author had to bring up the fact she and her husband spent the weekend cleaning vomit, this is the worst thing you can talk about in a cooking article kek.

No. 2161271

I've been learning Spanish lately, so I've been getting youtube recommendations from native English speakers on general language learning methods. Occasionally, I'd see ones about Japanese and I hate how these are mostly made by some pasty white dude from America who admits to only wanting to learn Japanese because of anime. It's just so gross openly seeing an anime hentai addict in the wild, even more so when you see the greasy face behind it.

No. 2161338

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The fact that Nintendo of America made her a themlet and that I now have to worry about Nintendo including trannies in Splatoon 4

No. 2161340

Splatoon sucks anyways anon

No. 2161345

Yeah this. Most of the actual women on there seem the type that has spent too much time surrounded by weeb scrotes online.

No. 2161346

Why do you think so? I tend to look at stuff i like with rose tinted glasses so i'm curious about how non-fans feel

No. 2161350

her 3d model looks so wonky it scares me

No. 2161395

Nta but to me it's peak Nintendo slop, ie story for babies and ugly character designs.

No. 2161578

>story for babies
I hate it when people criticize the story of a game thinking that matters much in an action multiplayer game
Also the designs are usually great, you just have a different taste

No. 2161839

The amount of gastric sleeve/bypass & ozempic procedures in weight loss before-afters. Everytime I look at captions of impressive results it's either of those two. Often their before-bodies weren't remotely in the range to need a surgery either. Just show me people who lost it naturally..

No. 2161840

i don’t understand how it’s so hard for people to control themselves and go on a goddamn diet or enter a calorie deficit

No. 2161846

as a fat ass woman because humans do things that hurt them all the time, theres many reasons and some don't make sense, nor do they excuse them.
I know it's popular to look at fat women and go, "Lol just put the fork down" but not everyone is some HAES retard and theres many reasons (not excuses) as to why some women struggle with weight, a lot of them are due to mental illness, bad food habits as a child, being poor, beauty standards ( I was 200 in hs but because I had a flat stomach, big legs/hips and a big ass, i was constantly told by everyone around me that it wasn't a "big deal" because the fat I had looked "good" mainly to moids. I also come from a family of fat women who never cared about what they put in their bodies). Eating feels good for me, and I know it's wrong and I'm trying to change my relationships with it, just like drinking feels good but I know it's killing me as well.

No. 2161860

Keep in mind it becomes an actual physical addiction if left unaddressed for long enough, so you’re body actually suffers consequences if your intake deviates too much and food is necessary so you’re never in a position where food isn’t available. It has to be a gradual shift and if you throw metabolic damage on top of that (even actual genetic problems like pcos and thyroid problems, along with others) you’re going to have a hard time and it may ultimately feel pointless which is always disruptive to addiction recovery (feel hopeless - eating makes you feel better - oh fuck - shame spiral - feel hopeless).
Exercise helps a lot, I know it sucks and people poopoo it because it’s hard but it’s done wonders for me. It’s just a matter of finding exercise you like and can consistently do. That along with slowly ramping down food intake and pivoting to healthy options can help, this is made easier if you can identify why you overeat and avoid triggers or develop better coping strategies. Sadly there’s no one size fits all solution in terms of specific steps to take, it’s just finding the will and consistency to exercise and slowly whittling away at your calories. It can take years but it’s worth it and it can be done.

No. 2161884

I fucking hate drag queen 'stans', I don't understand how playing a sexist caricature of a woman ever became popular with women. It's the worst when they call them 'ladies', how do you not see it's just an annoying fag making fun of women? I hate when gay men act sexist and think it's okay because they think they're 'one of the girls' and this is just a whole new level.

No. 2161903

Why do people do hard drugs when it's literally killing them? They are addicted, and the substance in their brain is more valuable than their health. Sugar, fat and salt are incredibly addicting. The food industry pours incredible amounts of money into crafting addictive, unhealthy producs with tons of added shit and markets it in a way that's irresistible to a very large portion of the population. Our world is also more stressful than ever, and eating is a very common way to cope with that - and getting fast food loaded with calories is so much more cheap and convenient than making healthy meals from whole foods.

No. 2161920

Because that's not longterm sustainable and also not tackling the root of their obesity which isn't just lack of will/control/whatever else people who never lost more than 5kg call it but addiction to sugar, often a lifetime of unfortunate eating habits and using food as shitty coping mechanisms for psychological issues. This is like going to a junkie who took drugs since they were toddlers and saying "just control yourself and put down the needle lol".

No. 2161938

I hate when people who have never been overweight grace me with their sage advice of "just eat less." And when you are losing weight and eating a bowl of fruit or smthn they tell you you're still eating too much as if fruit is the same as candy.

No. 2161946

you and me both, nonna. literally everything can be bad for you but at the end of the day, eating an apple or frozen grapes instead of an entire xxl bag of m&ms is way better. fuck that muh fruit sugar whining. being so dogmatic about everything is what makes people fail and give up the moment they see a slice of pizza because they're such horrible fatty fat failures for daring to eat something wrong after weeks/months of making good choices.

No. 2161953

I hate people who are obsessed with celebrities opinions and activities? I don’t understand like vegan activists who freak out at famous people for wearing fur and throwing red paint all over them? Bitch why do you care so much kek

No. 2161954

Same, especially when it's pressuring a celebrity to make some political endorsement like Swifties did to Taylor Swift. Do they really not think for themselves and need celebrities to align with them on every issue? Pathetic

No. 2162482

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I hate how literally everything I liked became a retarded popular trend. It’s a nightmare watching the prices hike up for stuff because now all these retards want to jump in on the trend. Please just go away.

No. 2162511

sorry to piggyback off your thing but fuck i have been seething because otgw official merchandise was not made in abundance years ago and trying to buy secondhand is Very expensive so i was somewhat excited for otgw merch even it is by HT but i live paycheck to paycheck and need a few weeks to save for the merch but its already selling out and i have been a fan since its inception. I want to burgle their fuckign turts

No. 2162513

Omfg same. And I'm extremely bitter that I don't even think the majority of people into this stuff are actually into it, but are just into it because it's trendy and their fave "core aesthetic" profile posted some of it. It's extremely frustrating

No. 2162514

Any small hobby or niche interest getting attention on reddit is basically the kiss of the death.

No. 2162563

I hate people who need to be spoonfed everything, and not just on here but in real life. Like people with no media literacy who need EVERYTHING explained to them and people who are too stupid or lazy to google basic shit

No. 2162585

I hate that at work especially. I know it's supposed to be a 'there are no stupid questions so always ask if you aren't sure' environment, but people who are less experienced than me (but not new) asking me questions without even TRYING to figure shit out themselves drive me insane. Like literally just guess, try things, look around, google it, I don't automatically know how to fix every problem I come across but I figure it out by putting a bit of thought into it.

No. 2162614

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I wouldn't say I hate this but I find this style of cosplay so uncanny, I get that they're trying to look cartoony but it doesn't translate to real life. The hair looks so crunchy and weird

No. 2162620

This is how I feel about nearly every single cosplay in general.

No. 2162653

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>google black lesbian experience while researching for a story I’m writing
>picrel one of the top results
I was already aware of this fetish existing among lesbians but this is the most honest I’ve ever seen someone be about it. I hate quora, google’s search algorithm, white queerios, and the retard who put this question out into the world

No. 2162667

People who think white queerios or even actual LGB white people are any less racist than their normie hetero counterparts are embarrassing.

No. 2162685

Are you implying that white people aren't the least racist people on the planet? Who do you think abolished slavery? Who lets third world immigrants in their countries? Do i have to pull out interracial violence statistics? If one feeds a dog it becomes friendly, are dogs better than whatever your race is? Shame.(bait)

No. 2162711

Always hated this, too

No. 2163050

Exactly. And it's even more ridiculous to see people try to dismiss it or excuse it away.

No. 2163105

I hate how online shopping has normalized the sale of goods that are dangerous and would be illegal in most countries. Children are playing with unsafe toys, people are wearing clothes full of harmful substances, and even pets aren't safe. Imagine buying an automatic litter box online, only to find out it's basically a guillotine for cats. If you have a cat, please watch this video. It's frustrating how consumer protection is only taken seriously by advocacy groups and not by countries.

No. 2163126

People who use "kek" outside of imageboards. I just saw a super cringe comment on runaway sirens community tab, where it's so obvious it's some user from here

No. 2163130

I was unable to finish that video, it was too upsetting. I have an automatic litterbox from a reputable company but only run it manually when I'm able to supervise it and make sure that my cat doesn't go inside (even though the sensors prevent the machine from moving when my cat is near it). This blind trust in technology also goes for people who have insane digital home security systems.

No. 2163138

Link it I need to see it

No. 2163145

Like, okay, I get it, it looks practical, but why have a pet if you can't even clean its bathroom? It's like having a baby and then complaining because the baby can't clean her/himself.
Why is everyone so irresponsible? Just have a stuffed toy or a virtual pet at this point.

No. 2163149

I can't even watch this video. I don't use these so I don't need to watch it, besides the fact that I can't bring myself to. I make myself cry thinking about hypothetical cats being lost outside in bad weather, I can't handle this shit kek. This ladies video is a really great resource for cheap, dust free, scent free solution to cat waste.

No. 2163151

File: 1726258346298.jpeg (228.28 KB, 2048x2048, C24C6FB6-E847-4B70-987E-7D5A82…)

i hate this character and i hate zenless zone zero. i get she’s fotm and normally my eyes just glaze over them but i think her in particular is annoying me so much because her intro (or whatever) had her doing gayb8 with another female character so i keep seeing her in front of the lesbian flag. like to everyone not retarded and delusional it’s just yuri bait but of course fandom will do what it does

also that crop top jacket is stupid

No. 2163159

kek didnt originate from imageboards, its from wow

No. 2163160

The influx of newfags who ruined cc are now ruining lolcow, I’m so fucking sick of seeing cringy /pol/ takes because these idiots think using imageboards means you have to larp as a white supremacist and their inability to integrate. I noticed after years of cc having barely any posts there is a HUGE wave of new posts the last couple of months; apparently being a femcel is a trendy gen z thing and they think using imageboards coincides with that. There is even a subreddit dedicated to this nonsense. I truly don’t get why anyone would find that crap endearing.

No. 2163169

>The influx of newfags who ruined cc are now ruining lolcow, I’m so fucking sick of seeing cringy /pol/ takes because these idiots think using imageboards means you have to larp as a white supremacist and their inability to integrate.
This is happening to Heolkek too. They start off with “innocuous” jokes or comments about race and it becomes a full on spiral to hard /pol/faggotry. Along with their weird racism they also bring a lot of argumentative behavior and pointless aggression, it’s really sad to see.

No. 2163172

I noticed this change there as well, it happened so fast. Last time I went there I was not as well integrated as I could have been, mostly due to mobile posting adding auto-caps, but the anons were very welcoming to me regardless and told me to lurk moar in a pretty kind way. Even the ban message I got was kind, and it was only a 3 hour ban.

No. 2163174

You think I don't know that? Changes nothing

No. 2163176

siren uses the farms anyways, she has used scrote and moid in her streams before

No. 2163180

What if I say kek in my head? I do that a lot.

No. 2163190

File: 1726260445254.jpg (190.15 KB, 1827x986, 1122.jpg)

And also dumbasses like these constantly namedropping here

No. 2163193

>There is even a subreddit dedicated to this nonsense.
share kek sounds milky

No. 2163199

nta probably femcelgrippysockjail or whatever the fuck it's called (it's filled with troons)

No. 2163211

File: 1726261203105.jpg (Spoiler Image,261.25 KB, 1080x1258, 1000021998.jpg)

what the hell

No. 2163217

these people completely miss the point of imageboards kek

No. 2163221

guaranteed tranny.

No. 2163229

Even the few actual women on there post like men LARPing as women, it's pretty amazing

No. 2163241

Quora is troon central. Men ask (fetish) questions on that site pretending to be women.

No. 2163303

File: 1726265118117.jpg (2.61 KB, 214x235, 1723887710640.jpg)

These retarded, unfunny fucking phrases that low iq braindead zoomer moids (and tifs that desperately want to fit in with moids) comment on every fucking video/photo no matter what the subject is.
>"I edged to this"
>"He sold me fent"
>some variation of hawk tuah
Painfully unfunny. They all parrot the same fucking phrases over and over and over again. No originality, no humour, no nothing. Just sex 'jokes' and repeating whatever new retarded slang term is trending during the month.

No. 2163316

I purposely gatekeep lolcow but I also don’t have any social media or any friends to post to kek , it’s so weird and attention seeking to make posts like this attached to your public persona

No. 2163335


I buy shit, the government taxes it. I own shit, the government taxes it. I work, the government taxes it. I lease, the government taxes it. I fart, the government taxes it.

No. 2163344

I fucking loathe the FGC in its current state. It's all run by troons and guys who powertrip as mods because they've never had an inkling of control over others in their lives.
I look at pictures of the locals here and, surprise surprise, it's all dudes and trannies. No women to be seen.
It's funny, I am banned across every national server just for not knowing some headcase's pronouns, but I suspect being an actual women had something to do with it.
Some guy on youtube made a video on cancerous people in the Strive community and he got fucking death threats from people high up in the "community". It's like they've all got a hair-trigger temper.
Depresses me since I've been playing fighting games since I was a kid, but I can't attend any events, because I'd be the only woman so they'd know it's me. the evil TERF who couldn't play the pronoun game right. It's all netplay for me, sadly.

No. 2163396

i really don't like the AI generated commercials…

No. 2163588

I know it's unfair to artists and entitled of me, but I hate the deviantart watermark. I'm trying to collect some official art work and fan art of things that don't have any official art work for a little collage I'm doing for myself, and not planning on posting online or selling or anything, but the stupid watermark ruins all the cute art work.

No. 2163887

I know it’s been said elsewhere but god 50% of the posters in the Britbong thread are fucking weirdos. Makes me a little scared for my country

No. 2163933

Yeah the constant immigrant hate really deflects you from posting there

No. 2163970

File: 1726309889162.jpeg (21.17 KB, 554x554, images - 2024-09-14T202811.837…)

I'm so irrationally offended by the "How many aura points do I lose when I X" trend. I grew up in a hippie town and its triggering me even though I don't believe in it, auras don't fucking work like that that's karma. I bet your aura is poo coloured like your personality and your chakras are misaligned like the vertebrae of someone with untreated scoliosis.

No. 2163975

Doesnt it just indicate your current emotional state? Can you see your own aura?

No. 2163976

How do I fix my aura It probably radiates pure soil by now

No. 2163983

I know a Tif who says she sees auras, I wish i could belive this ability exists but she also said she could tell future from what she sees when she pushes on her eyes. Anyway hate her because she cheats on taxes.

No. 2163993

Based Tiffany?

No. 2164000

File: 1726311901217.jpeg (33.04 KB, 398x418, images - 2024-09-14T202756.965…)

Emotional stateand spiritual and physical health which is dependent on your chakras and karma and whether or not they're balanced is my understanding of it. You can't usually see it yourself unless you do a tarot reading or (this is where the scam/actual cult stuff comes into play) you go to a spiritual healer or shaman. There's also cameras that take pictures of your aura but I think it's just randomised colours. But there's no such things as "aura points" because it's simply a reflection of yourself.
Be nice to people who deserve it and do just generally helpful things to you and people around you to generate good karma. Also do some self care every now and then, go for a light exercise, eat a nice salad, idk it's just basic self help stuff as most spiritualistic stuff is, kek.

No. 2164016

did you just say Tiffany?…

No. 2164116

This. I appreciate the effort and admit there's a valuable craft behind it, but as soon as they dress up it feels uncanny with very few exceptions.

No. 2164313

I can't find this video cute or cool at all. It's sad.
He's stable in spinning and his mother, instead of taking him to dance classes or ice skating, lets his brain rot on screens. For fuck's sake, I'm a late millennial and yes I played with screens but they were games! I had game boys and phones but in videogames, kids trained their reading comprehension by reading what was happening in video games (ex. you need x items to progress in videogames or you have to follow the story, they challenged your brain in a fun way) or I took pics with my phone, I wasn't looking at videos and only learning to tap/scroll. This kid is obviously autistic and not only his communication skills are compromised, the mom doesn't give a fuck about him. I hate seeing kids tapping screens before they can hold a pencil and write, I hate seeing kids being nannied by videos that are generated by content farms, I hate autistic kids being left on their own and not developing communication skills because their parents don't care. I hate all modern technology and dead internet.

No. 2164629

Psycho bitches that try to take everything you own. You could take a bite out of of an and those type of bitches would try to snatch it off your plate.

No. 2164630

kleptomaniacs really are fucking insane

No. 2164632

Samefag, I'm so upset I completely fucked up the post kek. That's supposed to say *of an apple.

No. 2164634

I hate therapy talk. Shut up about trauma! I don't give a shit about trigger warnings!

No. 2164668

People who ride e-bikes.

No. 2164714

Saying gyns instead of guys. Sorry it's just always been a bit corny to me and also weird to say out loud.

No. 2164722

File: 1726354682863.png (471.27 KB, 567x581, Untitled-1.png)

Female streamers who never used to show their face, then recently switched to vtubers and made them slutty lolishit. Fuck you Limealicious.

No. 2165002

why is their subreddit pfp isabella janke. do they know what she did. it's like hyperpop troons and incels worshipping elliot rodger.

No. 2165269

I hate when people justify constantly buying bad quality clothing because "they can't afford nice or ethical brands".
What happened to saving up for a nice outfit that you want to wear for years and then taking care of it so it lasts decades?

No. 2165275

>slutty lolishit
>normal anime avatar with slight clevage
Your brain is rotted I'm afraid.

No. 2165279

What clothes last for decades anymore though? These days folks can spend $100 on a shirt and have it fall apart within two years because construction and material standards are much lower compared to 15+ years ago.

No. 2165297

Lots of it if you take good and proper care of it? I got 5 shirts for 3 quid each off Vinted and they're nicely constructed out of a thick cotton material. Plenty of classic cotton denim cuts for cheap.
Thrifting is easy if you want cheap and good quality but it takes time to find the exact thing you want. If you can't go in person there's lots of online options, but of course then you can't try on. If you want new, lots of brands still make nice clothes, they're just more expensive so you have to do with one really nice sweater instead of two acrylic ones from Zara. There's plenty of options, let's not pretend it's either Shein or Gucci.

High street fast fashion is overpriced garbage unless you buy trendy accessories, and even then. Shein is toxic garbage. Fast fashion garments are hacked together by children out of paper thin plasticky material that is see-through, unflattering and clings to every panty line and fat roll you may have. There really is no excuse, people who whine when they're told to stop buying slop are just lazy and stupid.
>inb4 but muh plus size
Lose weight.

No. 2165304

The craziest thing is the fact that people forget that having a huge wardrobe and wearing different elaborate outfits every day is not a human right. Same goes for following fashion trends. It's incomprehensible to so many people that it's okay to be basic/unfashionable and that the main purpose of clothes is warmth and function. Instead they demand that fashion be more accessible while mass buying cheap polyester shit that they're going to wear once before throwing it away. Style is a luxury.

No. 2165480

Where are you going to find quality clothes nowadays though? Even a lot of designer shit is in fact fast fashion crap.

No. 2165498

According to >>2165297, vinted and thrift stores. I'm fascinated to know what the solution should be once we lack an excess of vintage clothing to circulate or what people who don't want secondhand clothes are supposed to do. Allegedly there are still high quality brand clothing released in 2024, but I've yet to see any.

No. 2165552

i hate ignorant hood culture and how every man on earth adopted it because they think it's the most masculine way to act.

No. 2165598

File: 1726427347499.jpeg (147.88 KB, 714x513, AD299F49-32D2-47B2-AF91-523DEC…)

Don’t get me wrong I love hobonichis but it’s so fucking stupid how many people insist on hoarding them. You literally don’t need 5 different planners. Everytime I see some journaling YouTuber buy more than 2 for other things they almost always never use them or abandon them at some point in the year and it ends up being a waste. It’s fucking crazy.

No. 2165618

File: 1726428074169.jpeg (44.12 KB, 400x413, IMG_2964.jpeg)

>get an add that advertises a generator that switches the face on a porn actor for a celebrity or someone you know.

Legit or not, this is where we’re heading. I hate that there is no escape from this porn sick madness

No. 2165630

File: 1726428687961.gif (1.56 MB, 331x271, ZBLQ.gif)

things described as "-cores" or aesthetics, people unable to just enjoy things without needing to make it a pillar of their identity. take me back to the "don't label me i'm not a soup can" days

No. 2165708

But I want them all.
I’ve had to make a rule that I’m only allowed to get them for Christmas. I drop hints to my Nigel all year and he’s sensible so I end up with one kek. It seriously feels like a compulsion sometimes, I see them and I want so bad. Now all I let myself get each year is a new fancy pen. Why is stationary so compelling? I hate it.

No. 2165743

I fucking hate the breathy babygurl voice that is currently so popular with female singers. I listen to independent radio while driving and I have to turn off so many songs with a female vocalist because she's literally trying to sound like an eight year old, not even campy and cartoony like Cindi Lauper, just pouty and pathetic, barely pronouncing words while vocal frying like some sort of sultry infant. It's actually nauseating. No hope for women.

No. 2165753

I miss the belting era of the 90s and 2000s, especially RnB singers like Mariah who really loved to show off their vocal skills. Even Britney’s baby muppet voice had character.
I can’t stand male pandering but especially pedo pandering with the pickme smol baby act, feels like every other female celeb is doing it now.

No. 2165885

i hate men who piss on the street i wish i had a gun to shoot their dicks off with

No. 2165893

Me too, and the spitters.

No. 2165903

So fucking vile. And that they think their dicks are magically antimicrobial so they don’t have to wash their hands after pissing.

No. 2165996

I'm really hating those annoying panhandling videos of random people asking for help at Gaza and shit, I really don't care, I don't have money to send to randos, and if I had, I would help my own family first, and if I had even more money to help others, I would help my friends before helping random people from a country with a culture that makes people from that country hate me for being a woman.
I get that YouTube is the best platform for such publicity, but it's annoying when I'm listening to some nice relaxing music at work and then it all cuts off to show me some people talking to a camera with random screams on the back and children sitting in front of said camera trying to appeal to you so you feel pity.
I've lived in Africa, I'm basically immune to that sort of manipulation technique, I know I can't solve world hunger by giving 1 dollar to some random person on the street, plus they wouldn't do anything to help me or anyone from my country at the other side of the world because they also don't care.
I don't know how anyone believes that donations, specially to huge organizations, helps anyone at all.

No. 2166017

When anons claim that multiple anons that disagree with them are samefaggers. It’s such a childish way of trying to shut down discussion.

No. 2166059

I dislike it too, i don't enjoy watching people getting consumed by misdirected anger, but their guesswork and blind accusations can be fascinating.

No. 2166064

Unemployed, broke moids over the age of like 22. Particularly ones who have been off of work for a year or more. I know 30 year old moids who just refuse to work and just leech off their family and friends. One in particular I want to distancd myself from, but it's not easy. Getting a boyfriend would probably solve this problem, I think. An excuse to avoid other moids.

No. 2166066


No. 2166068

Why hangout with someone you hate?

No. 2166070

Getting a boyfriend is just another source of stress and anxiety, it has never been easier to avoid retarded moids.

No. 2166075

No. 2166112

I hate that every single fucking thread always devolves into the same infights about pedophilia, rape and moids. No matter the topic, without fail. Do you seriously not have anything else on your fucking minds?

No. 2166115

Agreed. What would you like to infight about instead?

No. 2166119

Literally anything that doesn’t revolve around cock.

No. 2166120

Your choice in theme is incorrect, Hellweek or nothing!

No. 2166125

No u! Anything other than default is trying too hard.
just kidding, love all the themes and the nonnies who use them. i'm just a default theme basic bitch

No. 2166137

File: 1726484838671.jpg (38.65 KB, 338x267, 3465874.jpg)

Not even cocks?

No. 2166142

>Do you seriously not have anything else on your fucking minds?
No they don't, next question

No. 2166146

When anons start calling each other pickme's over the most random shit or a blackpiller starts sperging out of the blue I clock out of the thread immediately because I know that's all it's gonna be for the next few hours kek

No. 2166364

People who complain about bad service in supermarkets or department stores.

No. 2166498

File: 1726507870404.jpeg (455.92 KB, 1080x2400, 2A9D472F-3200-4D48-94A2-587778…)

>featuring my wife!
>it’s a whole ass man

I’m so tired anons

No. 2166581

So true, everyone hates paying taxes. I think the only retards who I've seen who support taxes are troons and poorfag leftists because how else would they get gibs to buy their funkopops and afford their dick chop and top surgeries.

No. 2166617

When the NEETs on here try to flex on the people with jobs. Nobody wants to work, BUT we can't all just mooch off of other people or get government assistance. Plus some of us have bigger goals in life that can't be obtained without working or school, or just don't to rely on anyone. It's fine if you are a NEET but don't be annoying about it. And besides, tbh I think the real winners are people that have easygoing jobs that still pay them decently/really well.

No. 2166619

>but just don't be annoying about it
I'm not gonna whip myself like the albino from the da vinci code either

No. 2166631

Where are these neets? I need fellow female neet friends because my friends all have jobs and can never talk

No. 2166661

American women are so doomed. They did this to themselves. I have never seen such a massive acceptance to men than I have in America. Lesbians are getting pushed down further and further because we cant find real women to be with, or when we do, they are usually libfems who support trannies. It's all so exhausting, nonnies

No. 2166686

When anons nitpick an objectively good artist just because they drew something they dislike. Some anons need to humble themselves considering the absolute state of the post your art thread on /m/

No. 2166703

I can definitely relate nonna, it’s so disheartening and maddening at the same time.

No. 2166705

Mossa isn’t a good artist

No. 2166708

Rent free. No one even mentioned him

No. 2166710

Tired of /ic/ fags wking generic coom artists because they render good

No. 2166711

I wasnt talking about him, i am actually the one that brings him up because i dont understand why he has so many followers while being so mid at art

No. 2166712

File: 1726520129520.jpeg (301.89 KB, 1170x727, IMG_6035.jpeg)

Black people can be truly insufferable sometimes.(racebaiting)

No. 2166716

Samefag I don’t even know what show that is but why do they bring race into everything. Black people can be racist but the minute someone negatively mentions the word “black” they love to play the victim card and throw a tantrum(racebait)

No. 2166718

Taste is subjective. People were wking laetitiaky a while back acting like her paintings were masterpieecs.

No. 2166720

these people are insufferable

No. 2166721

File: 1726520455586.jpg (558.29 KB, 2594x1294, 5258073585248.JPG)

Agreed. His compositions and concepts are interesting but his overall technique is very mediocre.

No. 2166722

I feel bad for all the normie black people who have to deal with both their twitterfried brethren and sanctimonious white people who are too afraid to treat them normal because that's supposedly raycist now.

No. 2166724

nta but i dont think anyone was wk her because of her 'skill' people just find her autistc art funny but no one would defend they are actually skilled
i hate his rendering so much, it always looks dirty. He's been drawing for decades and hasnt improved at all.

No. 2166725

>I don’t even know what show that is but why do they bring race into everything
No offense but this makes you look kind of dumb kek

No. 2166734

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Maybe they like his compositions and concepts? I don't care for coomslop but I like his historical pieces. Even if you think he's a shit person he's still capable of making decent art believe it or not.

No. 2166735

the way he draws children creeps me out, even before I knew he was a coomer, remember seeing an artwork by him, of a very young looking boy wearing a tunic and the comments were basically acting like gay paedophiles

No. 2166736

>i dont think anyone was wk her because of her 'skill'
They literally were. Go read the previous bad art thread.

No. 2166737

Like clockwork >>2166112

No. 2166738

Boondocks is an animated adult swim show about a black American family. Apparently Twitter thinks that people can't enjoy media that center groups they aren't a part of or are unable to appreciate the cultural nuances in the show.

No. 2166740

yeah i remember when it ahppened and no one was calling her skilled they just found her art endearing in the same way some people find autistic mspaint doodles cute

No. 2166743

if only he would draw more of this and less ''generic fotm coomshit in a white void''

No. 2166745

File: 1726521713536.jpg (262.69 KB, 1045x1816, 1726249705012.jpg)

No comment.
NTA but you can't bring up someone who draws lolicon and expect no one to talk about that you eejit.

No. 2166749

I hate people who are completely incapable of nuanced thinking. Literally no one cares about your permanent hateboners for Mossa. We get it.

No. 2166756

Why would anyone be nuanced about a pedophile

No. 2166759

Because the fact that he's a nonce doesn't take away from the fact that people can still like his drawings.

No. 2166768

I'd say look at the old artist salt threads but because of the image wipe I'm just going to have to telepathically transmit the horrors of his Mastodon or whatever its called to you. He's not even that good, there was another artist who was leaps and bounds technically better than Mossa but he's also a disgusting lolicon and I see no one sucking his toes here. Why does Mossa get that treatment?

No. 2166772

Idk if I'm just dumb and doing the nitpicking you mentioned, but I feel like the character's proportions are kinda weird and inconsistent in this one. Like, the woman who's getting her hair done has a smaller head than the child's behind her.

No. 2166827

I do like art made by equally (and even more depraved) people but his art is just unappealing to me.

No. 2166830

This is fucking hideous kek

No. 2166837

File: 1726525815886.jpg (151.58 KB, 848x1199, garoppui-1662731181232906240-2…)

i would recommend you similar historical artists but i am pretty sure they are all lolicons too kek we need more history autist women

No. 2166851

I hate the little black heart that some anons use in their posts. I especially hate it when they use it while infighting after saying something nasty like "kys" or whatever. Doesn't it count as an emoji? Shouldn't it be banned?

No. 2166863

It doesn’t count as an emoji.

No. 2166891

The "Xavier" meme is the most unfunny uncreative thing to ever have been spewed out by the internet. Women bad women dumb while sigma Xavier chad comes up with a totally based insult to own the foids edited in Microsoft Word. The image of the moid is also fucking hideous, out of all people why choose that. Makes me want to a-log every party in the meme and its creation

No. 2166994

I hate tier list ranking videos. they're so painfully boring and pointless not to mention low effort. I wish they would die out already

No. 2167003

I hate newfags

No. 2167224

they were allowed for years even though emojis weren't, lately the mods have been banning them though which is stupid

No. 2167296

I can't avoid them entirely for very specific reasons. I do agree with the other poster, though, a bf or husband is a whole other headache.

No. 2167349

Zoomers obsessed with old 4chan

No. 2167368

hearing a beautiful song in your dreams and wanting to hear it again but knowing you never will

No. 2167600

Anons in /g/ who go into threads for stuff like fetishes, unconventional attractions and whatnot, and then complain about and judge the stuff posted there.

No. 2167643

Some other nonna explained it, but I'd like to add that The Boondocks makes fun of and criticizes some aspects of black American culture, and imo it's mostly right about it and it felt refreshing to see a black person reject what is basically stereotypes of what a black person should be, but apparently it's racist to not be black and consume criticism of black people made by black people, as we all know black people are a monolith and all have the same opinions on everything ofcourse! Tbf, the show has an extremely racist self-hating black old man but it's too exaggerated it's absurd and hard to take seriously, and there are some "woke" moments as well, but there are also some weird misogynistic moments. It's a mixed bag, but as the other nonna said, it has nuance. People who dislike it either don't get it or do but disagree with it because how dare a show criticize twerking or something that's real culture!!!

No. 2167711

I hate people who still describe Twitter as woke, that era lasted less than two years

No. 2167719

>the era is over
are you from the future or are you under a rock?

No. 2167726

File: 1726553345128.jpg (56.21 KB, 424x565, 1273615820778.jpg)

And while we're at it, having a fucking dream about your husbando but he doesn't DO anything!!

No. 2167733

Most woke post (maybe minus trans/Palestine stuff) no longer breaks past 20k, sometimes not even 10k. The stuff you see now on there is just literal Hitler videos with 90k likes lol

No. 2168004

What was the point of your comment, I apologise for not being familiar with a tv show kek. A simple response like this >>2166738 is a more time worthy reply.

Also if the races were reversed, no muh racebait redtext would have been given(coming back to racebait)

No. 2168005

It is ‘woke’ still. More than ever.

No. 2168404

>More than ever
Idk where you are where it's still like that

No. 2168565

I hate when I get a tooth ache from eating so much

No. 2168641

Id love to be that history autist, but i fear because i am a woman theres more scrutiny on whether my art is "historically accurate". I personally enjoy the idea of drawing cute men in place of the usual coomerfied version of historical attire (e.g. the picts, armoured waifus) though its a bit controversial since men were equally as scantily clad in some societies so it would be redundant to draw womens attire on them, but fuckk would it be cute regardless.

No. 2168644

The point is: you got upset over something but didn't actually know what that person was talking about.

No. 2168802

fuck them haters. draw your cute fashionable men and bring all the history autist ladies to the yard i would go feral if you drew a cute viking dude in a smokkr js

No. 2168813

Just do it. I used to be into this war autism discord and i got kicked for being misandrist after i posted my guro stash featuring anime boys being blow up in nam. Men get pissed at everything because they are big faggots, just do it. I would kill for more history sped women who arent super serious about it.

No. 2168826

People who co-parent pets with their ex's.

No. 2168875

>anime boys getting blown up in nam
holy fucking based, if you could share that would be nice (though i wonder if thats too gruesome for the cuties with an ouchie thread…)

No. 2168888

I hate when my nail skims against a zit and stabs it

No. 2168890

I wanna see your stash so bad nona please

No. 2168901

I feel like I see more history autist women than men but maybe I just know where to look lol
I judge stuff just because I clicked on it from the front page

No. 2168921

god when youre scratching your back and you accidentally graze on that painful kind of back acne. the worst…

No. 2168984

File: 1726620750843.jpg (466.51 KB, 2000x1333, 1000063318.jpg)

I hate Camille so much, she's such a BPDemon, she always makes drama, Emily is shit too, honestly the whole show has such insufferable characters that at this point I watch it because I need to see how the drama unfolds.

No. 2169013

You can get all the xanax you want for free in America but I can’t get free passionflower supplements

No. 2169106

but why click on something you don't even like kek tbh i don't get why anyone even uses the front page to begin with instead of browsing boards

No. 2169276

File: 1726642939857.png (717.43 KB, 1080x3677, 1000009298.png)

Guardian advice column popped up in my feed
>70 year old woman with a moid who has been addicted to porn since he was 10 idk
>wants an active sex life
>sexologist: glosses over his obviously broken brain and hangs up on one minute phrasing
>implores this woman to touch his shriveled shrimp more
>no mention or condemnation of him being a gooner, it's clearly her fault for not initiating more

Women really do get the short end of the stick. He's turned his brain to slime, you think a normal looking 70 year old is going to do anything for him? He doesn't deserve her or anyone else, and I hate that women are expected to just accept that all moids will be coombrained and that it's normal.

No. 2169361

Women with breast implants are genuinely the most insecure pathetic faggots ever. Imagine being such an insecure retarded pickme you fuck up your boobs JUST to be more appealing to moids. This could apply to most surgeries but there’s something that disgusts me in particular about breast augmentation or implants, idk why. The way the plastic surgery preys on the insecurity of women with small chests is disgusting, I will proudly be flat regardless of what coomskull moids think.

No. 2169365

I completely agree. It has always been viscerally disgusting and grim to me.

No. 2169381

I feel you. The thought of spending all that money, suffering all that pain and discomfort, taking all those risks undergoing surgery, and just to be sexier to shallow coombrained moids who probably would've liked your smaller boobs just fine anyway. I'd be ashamed ngl, like I would feel humiliated that people could tell I was so desperate for male attention I inconvenienced myself to such an insane extent.

Though I'm just talking about surgery solely to increase size here. Other surgeries to change the shape are a bit more understandable as they're something that you can conceivably keep private, since they won't suddenly grow several cup sizes.

No. 2169388

Im pro and against surgery depending on what type of plastic surgery it is. Its kinda sad how we can't have a nuanced discussion whej it comes to procedures or plastic surgery. Everybody either has to be " all surgeries are bad l, just be 100% natural and super confident" and the others are like "do whatever you want grlll".
I think certain plastic surgeries like rhinoplasties, jaw or chin procedures, blepharoplasties or lose skin removal are life changing and can be amazing if you actually qualify for them, people who don't need those surgeries do get them unfortunately and that causes people to rage more at anyone thinking about plastic surgeries which sucks because i have droopy eyelids and a nose with many issues and i would love to find a good surgeon and do those procedures. My face would literally change and my breathing would improve too.
Im tired of people hating on plastic surgery just because of women who het breast enlargements or foxy eyes.

No. 2169396

Yeah I agree, I think most women who get breast augmentation are getting an unnecessary procedure for shitty reasons. When it comes to actual breast deformities though I think its fine because it does greatly affect your self esteem. Unfortunately most women getting these augmentations are perfectly fine and normal looking and only do it to fit the pornified version of what a woman looks like.

No. 2169405

Rhinoplasty isn't focused on breathing issues. It's so very rare that the external shape of your nose is what causes you breathing issues, unless it's from a deformity caused by trauma. We got a lot of surgeries for beathing issues on the nose, septoplasty, removal of some nasal tissue, and other options. In fact, a rhinoplasty can cause you breathing issues if done incorrectly.

No. 2169411

Rhinoplasty is a broad spectrum meaning and many nose procedures fall into that term, even fixing a deviated septum aka septoplasty falls into the cosmetic surgery spectrum.

For me i would like to fix my deviated septum and cartilage, then thin out the bulbous tip and shave down my hump a little bit.
I literally have a mouth breather type of nose even though i never mouth breathed or even got into any accident which confuses me on why it ended up bwing the way it is.

No. 2169419

Samefag, id like to correct myself. Septoplasty can be done together with rhinoplasty. Thats what i meant by it can also be cosmetic. Spetoplasty is not cosmetic, its medical but many times it is done together with cosmetic procedures.
Most people who get septoplasties get them together with rhinoplasties.

No. 2169473

>Most people who get septoplasties get them together with rhinoplasties.
I don't know where you live, but where I'm from, that's not true at all. I know many people who removed internal nasal tissue and have done the septoplasty, and there was no cosmetic surgery done whatsoever. Healthcare here will cover surgeries like these, but they don't cover plastic surgeries unless due to accidents, hence why it's not common to get them together unless you really want to change the appearance. Honestly, I'm not against plastic surgery, I'm just stating breathing issues can be adressed without altering the shape of a nose in most cases. Sometimes, people don't realize that making a nose smaller will inevitably reduce the airflow, too, so that's something to consider.

No. 2169475

Reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery are very different. Reconstructive surgery helps people recover from injuries or medical conditions, while cosmetic surgery is about changing appearance for personal or aesthetic reasons. I believe cosmetic surgery should be illegal. It often exploits people's insecurities, leading to serious health risks and even deaths. Plus, many people end up unhappy with the results. Banning it could protect women from these dangers and stop the industry from profiting off of people's vulnerabilities.

No. 2169477

I would love to punch you in the face after you fix your bulbous nose cartilage(a-logging)

No. 2169488

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No. 2169498

I got breast surgery because I had the ugliest tubular breasts ever. My moid at the time was even ok with my natural breasts but I hated them so much. I'm glad I got it done and now can wear clothes without a bra if I want to. But I would have never gotten the surgery if I had been born with normal breasts. Remembering that I have silicone inside my body freaks me out.

No. 2169505

What the fuck is a "mouth breather type of nose"?

No. 2169511

>now can wear clothes without a bra if I want to
The only thing stopping women from doing this is shame. Bras are forced on women. And I don't want to hear anyone complain in the name of busty women. The women who need a bra or else they are in terrible pain are a super small minority. Most women live happily at home without one.

No. 2169518

Well yeah, shame because I had ugly fucked up triangular boobs.

No. 2169521

File: 1726669245715.jpg (47.79 KB, 300x400, vilinus.jpg)

I have a bulbous nose and a little hump on my nose kek and I think it's really cute and unique that makes my face special

No. 2169527

ot sorry but god I love austere-looking women like your picrel. like you just know she's got some wicked good sass simmering just beneath the surface.

No. 2169540

>ugly fucked up triangular boobs
And who shamed you? The same men who shame women for going out with bras.

No. 2169543

Yeah she's super beautiful as well to me. I advise any nonna who dislikes her nose to venture out looking for paintings of your region and old family photos and you'll see how you don't have a weird ugly nose you just haven't been shown or appreciated it yet.

No. 2169547

ayrt and seconding the recommendation. i never felt at home in my features until i found the faiyum portraits and saw people who looked like me for the first time. history echoes are powerful

No. 2169563

people who humblebrag about having thick hair
>uwu it's so harrrrd having such thick hair it takes me ages to bwush it uwu

if you have thick hair, good for you. but don't be acting like you've got it soooo hard because you have thick hair. it is exponentially harder trying to make fine hair look decent, only for people to tell you it's 'damaged' and you should use £100 xyz serum

No. 2169584

fucking word like shut up we get it you won the genetic lottery

No. 2169589

No. 2169594

I hate it when people pay in cents. Or dump a bag of pennies and nickels down.. and count each one slowly out one by one

No. 2169598

My hair is so thin it’s like spaghetti that’s been sitting out for two days.

No. 2169602

I think we should go back to doing this more often as opposed to paying with card

No. 2169605

File: 1726674717942.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1125x1784, 9952EA25-E156-4A75-9F84-D0C273…)

ntayrt but I absolutely love distinct noses. I’ve always found them really attractive in both women and men.

No. 2169607

my hair is very flat, 0 volume and straight. It looks horrible, especially when greasy, which it gets very fast

No. 2169615

Oy vey!(back to /pol/)

No. 2169640

I started oiling my hair the morning before washing it and now it looks healthy and it doesn't turn super greasy.

No. 2169655

I used to have super thick hair (would ask my hairdresser to "thin it out" because it was so umanageable) but now my hair has been thinning over the years and is now 1/3rd of its original density. Really sucks, you win some and then you lose some…

No. 2169682

File: 1726680549196.jpeg (504.99 KB, 1395x2048, IMG_2993.jpeg)

Hate this tranny so much it’s unreal. I wish they’d stop trying to make “femcel” a thing too ffs

No. 2169685

And he references random media because of course that’s all his identity could otherwise be tied to. Troondom truly stems from a lack of purpose and identity.

No. 2169688

File: 1726681067556.jpeg (431.7 KB, 1495x2048, 2997CF8B-399D-4334-8DC6-3C4EBE…)

i hate this artist and all similar weebs. this particular brand is just so…unpleasant, i don’t know hot to explain it. but it’s soulless too

No. 2169693

kek i know a troon who gets praises for his writing but it’s all ultimately referencing something else in a pretty way

No. 2169695

File: 1726681425495.jpg (156 KB, 1080x995, 1000018142.jpg)

I really hate it when moids, especially trannies, try to make "femcel" a thing or a cool and niche label that they "TOTALLY" relate to or even try to sexualize. I can't quite put my finger on the psychology of why this I find it unbelievably cringe, but it makes me wish they would hurry up and kill themselves.

No. 2169699

Nobody. I never showed my ugly fucked up boobs to anybody, not even my mom, so nobody shamed me. Only my bf saw them eventually and he thought my boobs were fine and never insisted or encouraged me to get surgery. I don't care about what moids, or other people, think. I did it because I didn't like them. They are medically categorized as a deformity, which I didn't even know until my doctor explained it.

No. 2169701

They "relate" to it because they're still just drawing themselves as women, except they're unkempt, awkward, and disgusting, just like them. That's why moids like Watamote so much.

No. 2169719

hes a 4chan scrote from manila that should be self explanatory why hes so fucked in the head.

No. 2169720

>Signalis (the robo yuri game) poster

Of course.

No. 2169725

Why is """femcel""" being memed as a waifu archetype anyway? Of all things why that.

No. 2169739

I hate seeing all these newfags, twitterfags, and whatever else you want to call them not being able to integrate on lolcow. Their posting styles are obnoxious and transparent. I've seen so many "it's giving" that I feel like I'm sitting at the kiddy table.

No. 2169740

>why femcels
the very reason why its redtexted here its a fucking myth femcels arent real but incels wish they were

No. 2169741

i saw someone post the "shes serving cunt" meme unironically.

No. 2169746

Good example. That needs to stay on Twitter.

No. 2169754

A good indicator it's a scrote is that their idea of a femcel is just not a glammed up woman. The two characters literally just look like what the one the left realistically looks like most of the time

No. 2169757

I feel like some good signs of newfaggotry is some retard starting infights over things that aren't even that offensive (if at all), responding with any form of "I ain't reading all that", or responding with spams of meme quotes and the overuse of image reactions that you would find on twitter. Rule Of Thumb: if some faggot genuinely acts like they came from twitter or tiktok, that's probably where they did come from.

No. 2169759

it’s not giving xhe thought xhe was cooking but ahh boboclat(integrate)

No. 2169760

i hope you report it every time

No. 2169804

I don't get it. Is this a reference to something

No. 2169873

I didn't know this was considered "humblebragging"…mine looks ugly and I had to shave it off from the mattedness

No. 2169916

That pink character has acid inside her (?) so I think the joke is that her vagina is super acidic too so redhead burned himself fingering her. Average scrotal humour.

No. 2169923

I have a genetic disorder that caused me to never develop breasts. At all. I nearly went down the trans rabbithole because of how difficult it was on my mental health to be the woman with literally zero breast tissue. And yeah, I was fine, it wasn't like I was gonna die from having no boobs but it made me feel humiliated. I feel a lot better about myself now that I have implants.

No. 2169924

I really hate that despite being there to protect me (allegedly) my eyelashes are the thing that has fallen in and is irritating my eye 99% of the time. How fucking retarded is that.

No. 2169979

because retarded incels think if they get a "femcel" she'll be grateful for the attention and will accept any and all incel bullshit

No. 2170185

My hair is hard to manage though because I'm retarded

No. 2170198

>copy paste latinas
>Dying alone
I know this is a joke but there's no way women like that can die alone lol. They're usually very very normie compared to the rest of these

No. 2170208

Oh sorry anon, I forgot to spill the context. This is supposed to be an edit of that stupid "what does your favorite girl say about you" meme. Someone edited the original art to say "you'll die alone" on all of the girls listed as options, I guess as a way to make fun of anyone who would unrionically play the "game".

No. 2170228

I hate the name Tatum

No. 2170259

When terfy comics/animations don't deter or offend troons and instead they crowd in the comments saying "hehe so relatable" or that it's affirming or some shit. I'm talking works like that "I'm trooning out, yeah I was born a ginger male" song or the cybergirlz animation or troons on Reddit using cc's bio-chan as reaction images or even simping over her. I get they probably get off to the hatred itself but GET THE FUCK OUT, GO JOIN THE WAR OR 41% UGHHHHH I'm angry

No. 2170266

It's just another flavour of "crazy woman" that moids fetishise. Manic pixie dream girl, hypersexual mentally ill bpd gf, the tropes are all variations. Funnily enough femcels would probably date each other. Which reminds me, a femcel gf for my femcel self would be quite nice

No. 2170309

in the end they're just exposing other trannners to YWNBAW content and shattering the illusion that everyone loves troons so its a net positive, even if they lie and cope about finding it funny they're still gonna be making seething honposts about it on /tttt/ and their groomercords and normalizing terfdom by proxy lel

No. 2170310

File: 1726717946578.jpg (391.6 KB, 665x1142, Screenshot_20240724-194434_1.j…)

I'm not even white, and I find this so creepy and annoying
>Oh?? A white woman prefers a white man over ME?!
Obviously, retard. The comment section under this video is even worse. POC men seething at white women over their preferences is never not hilarious. Leave them alone, they shouldn't be ashamed into dating any scrote they don't feel attracted to

No. 2170369

As if they have anything to offer other than their patriarchal misogynistic cultures who sell women to their husbands.

No. 2170440

I hate it when they then complain about muh fetishization. Usually it goes like:
Woman who dates someone from another ethnic group: he-he aren't we cute! He wore traditional clothing for me, we're learning each others' language. Mixed babies yay!
moids ''of color'' who date white women: yeahh i'm fucking this bitch as a payback for racism [insert hateful comments, i honestly don't have the heart to type this shit]
Like at worst for women there will be some sort of bad boy fantasy or k-pop induced psychosis but they act they're being trafficked, in-between spergouts about how awful white women are for not sucking them off. I'm not even white but i hope dick-eating amoebas find their way to their crotch

No. 2170601

I hate how every quirk or uncommon attribute is now because of autism. As if neurotypicals have no individuality or strong sensory preferences.

No. 2170720

I hate these posts, why are brown dudes like this?

No. 2170750

they're hypocrites. every brown moid I've ever met has been open about the fact they prefer white women.

No. 2171020

File: 1726771952562.webp (734.55 KB, 1000x667, IMG_3471.webp)

I fucking hate the "overweight sassy black women comedy relief" character. Sometimes i see this trope in non human characters as well(the skunk from over the hedge). I so tired of seeing them. They are never funny. They feel insulting towards black women. Why cant we have more diverse and interesting characters that aren't insufferable? I can only think of one likable black female character in a mainstream movie(Tiana). I wish twitfags would use their libtard autism to accuse anyone of using this character in their movies as racist or something and kill this trope for good. I watched the trailer for the Minecraft movie and i just know the black character is obviously gonna be the sassy comic relief as if the movie isnt shit enough.

No. 2171027

Sorry for the sperg but People are usually attracted to their own race because they are more familiar to them. That doesn't really make you racist unless you started calling other races ugly for no reason(which i see men constantly doing to black women when no one asked). Im always suspicous of scrotes who aren't white but are only attracted to white women. Especially if they weren't raised around white people(Indians). At that point its just fetishization.

No. 2171037

For some reason the "femcels" hair style pisses me off like i just wanna rip it off her scalp til her scalp is a bloody landscape of flesh.

No. 2171124

>People are usually attracted to their own race because they are more familiar to them
The women yes, but the males, absolutely not. We have the worst males on the entire planet, I can't even look at them for too long, they disgust me.

No. 2171133

people telling me about their fetishes for no reason then acting like i'm a prude if i'm disgusted

No. 2171175

you know what i hate the nonnies who cant take a joke and have to reply with some snarky or rude comment or get incredibly offended at something sarcastic or unrelated to them its incredibly ridiculous and decreases the desire for me and other anons to post here why cant it be peace love smile friendship why must the cattiness of some females exist here. it reminds me of the anon pretending to be a hamster and asking for opinions on toilet paper and cages or something and other nonnies freaked the fuck out at her i mean come on does 2000s board etiquette really have to apply here you cant make a damn joke!

No. 2171309

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No. 2171316

>anon pretending to be a hamster and asking for opinions on toilet paper and cages
That's cute, where can I find that?

No. 2171337

You know damn well what hamster anon did she was being a pill

No. 2171346

>it reminds me of the anon pretending to be a hamster and asking for opinions on toilet paper and cages or something and other nonnies freaked the fuck out at her
Anon do we have a psychic link I was just going to post about hamanon in the "things you just remembered" thread and talk about how anons hated her kek holy shittttt. That "things I just bought" thread died off and now the consoomerism thread has way more traffic, hamanon definitely knew what was up.

No. 2171349

sometimes this is how I feel too nonners

No. 2171370

File: 1726785419966.png (1.25 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4948.png)

I fucking hate losers who constantly make posts like this but also won’t go to Palestine and try to actively help the people there. Either get up off your ass and go do the shit you’re continually preaching, or stop virtue signalling you dumb child.

No. 2171373

People who say dude and bro.

No. 2171376

It's funny how these people only ever care about things happening across the globe and won't usually raise awareness for local issues or, god forbid, even volunteer. It's all long-distance virtue signaling

No. 2171386

I saw a video on twitter the other day of a body completely destroyed in a rubble. I just know that shits gonna end up on some creepy gore sites. I saw another video of a young girl that lost her hands in an explosion crying and like 5 guys are recording her. Imagine losing your body parts and then the worst moment in your life getting posted online for pity likes. It’s just gross and is not helping anyone.

No. 2171387

File: 1726786087672.jpg (19.55 KB, 332x138, ghfcgucftxrtf.jpg)

I physically cringe every time I reload the page and see this.

No. 2171422

How about man, man?

No. 2171427

What about cuh?

No. 2171429

why? jealous of the queens eroticism and charm?

No. 2171432

One time my husband was sitting with me while I was scrolling and he saw that banner and was like “uh what the fuck are you watching?” KEKK

No. 2171434

Stop showing lolcow to your boyfriend and husbands.

No. 2171438

I wasn’t showing anything to him, I was scrolling lolcow and he was sitting with me. I’m not gonna go sit in a different room of my house everytime I wanna read lolcow.

No. 2171440

File: 1726788339892.jpg (215.48 KB, 1440x1440, isayshi.jpg)

tell your nigel i says hi

No. 2171454

tell your nigel that he is inferior to women.

No. 2171491

My laugh. I sound like an evil tea kettle.

No. 2171496

Well now I wanna hear it…

No. 2171503

Bruh why are you such a hater dude

No. 2171505


No. 2171512

I never liked how mean girls ends with regina almost being killed

No. 2171561

i hate that the average farmer these days would screech that this pic needs to be spoilered

No. 2171578

I'm not asking for that but I can't help my reaction.

No. 2171587

I hate pickmes and sluts whose heads are completely empty of everything but how they can get male attention

No. 2171754

"Artists" who are hellbent on redesigning something they think is "ugly", only to design something even uglier than the official design. Most of the time, there's nothing wrong with the original and it's more unique and creative, while their redesign is just generic slop based on tumblr/Twitter design tropes and things fandoms obsess over.

No. 2171778

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No. 2171781

This sucks… started out good, dwindled into a spiritually obese screed against unmarried women with high standards. Every time.

No. 2171783

No. 2171823

Often they seethe at things that don't even make sense. E.g. a cartoon that draws the characters "skinny" when it's just the art style will have these types of twitterfags screeching that it's fatphobic. What's next, Phineas is offensive to people with disabilities because of his triangle cartoon head? Then they redesign the characters as morbidly obese, kemonomimi if not straight up hideous furries, and don't forget all pronouns pre-op trans.

No. 2171946

File: 1726831893408.jpeg (45.39 KB, 720x720, oo.jpeg)

The way zoomers censor ~naughty~ words. Just say rape instead of grape. Just say kill instead of k word. It used to be somewhat funny when people in the late 2010s would say bone apple tea or sewer side as a joke, but now people say shit like corn instead of porn while being completely serious. Their reasoning for this is that they don't want to be demonetized or shadowbanned (looool), but grape and rape, and corn and porn sound really similar? Even identical at times depending on someone's accent, so I refuse to believe that's the case. It makes me want to kill myself whenever I see newfags on here practicing this shit.

No. 2171955

Samefag, but I also hate the way people keep using the word 'allegedly'. Like do you even know what it means? Using 'allegedly' while saying defamatory shit about someone and making false claims about them on a public platform will not magically prevent you from being sued. I also see people using it while making an objective statement about something, like a product review. A company will not sure you for saying that their product contains ingredients that objectively are harmful or for you disliking the product oh my god. Like why do you need to use 'allegedly' in that context?

No. 2171970

being 6'0 tall

No. 2171974

Every time I hear "grape" instead of "rape" I want to shake the person asunder. I just know these people don't give a fuck about the topic they're talking about because if they did, they would use the actual words.

No. 2171979

File: 1726833849585.jpeg (51.39 KB, 720x1520, ce1df46e-b368-4251-ac7e-d05df0…)

Idk if they do this in public but this started because tiktok would genuinely ban and delete your posts and videos. Using alternatives like corn, grape, unalive, etc actually will save your posts from being deleted and videos taken down. I even have to censor the word "men" nowadays because otherwise my comments get deleted. If they do it on other social media, it's most likely for the same reason, or the video is a tiktok repost.
Picrel was them deleting my comment for using the word "unalive" instead of "kill themselves" and then restoring it when I complained. If I had used "kill" it wouldn't have been restored.

No. 2171986

I was mainly talking about people saying the words out loud. Regardless, your example shows that even the censored words will eventually be labeled as Forbidden and that this practice is unsustainable. What's next? People speaking in morse code to avoid 'censorship'? People need to take a hint and learn that TikTok isn't a suitable place for discussions about heavy topics.

No. 2172056

When a woman with big breasts expresses insecurity and caps it off by saying her boyfriend prefers big breasts anyways so she's happy. All you told me is that your boyfriend is a porn addict. A man who likes "big breasts" in general and not just yours isn't something to brag about. Same for the inverse but I see that less.

No. 2172061

I hate how normalized it is to put your face and real name on the internet for career purposes. Why the fuck would I do that? Especially as a woman. I'm not looking forward to graduating university because I outright refuse to put photos of myself online, employers can fuck off.

No. 2172066

Not to sound schizo but it actually feels like we’re pressured nowadays to put all of our information online to do anything

No. 2172069

I completely agree. I'm still pissed that more sites require phone numbers to sign up. I feel like a backwards Luddite but I refuse to compromise on the name/photo thing and I don't care if I lose employment opportunities because of it. When we were younger, everybody drilled into our heads that posting your real name and face online was a horrible idea. Now, AI, deepfakes, and degeneracy are at an all-time high, but it's suddenly weird not to do post your name, face, and location online? I have a unique name and have been stalked/abused before and I already am going to have to change my name legally at some point, there's no fucking way I'm putting my photo online.

No. 2172070

The "I'm so smol uwu" women tend to do the inverse a lot to pander to their creepy orbiters.

No. 2172078

Ackchyually all men are pedophiles, her boyfriend told her that only to hide that he likes small breasts.

No. 2172087

Relate on the unique name part. I did grow up being taught to „always stay anonymous online“ yet now every second site asks me for ID verification? Feels like nobody cares about theft and purchase of private info being a big issue too.

No. 2172130

File: 1726844176084.jpg (685.16 KB, 1080x1382, Screenshot_20240920_165113_X.j…)

This quirky faux-lesbian retard

No. 2172171

I hate when moids text "wdym". I don't know why. Just feels brainless and retarded coming from them. Whenever women text it it's completely different.

No. 2172174

I know what you mean, it always feels like they're getting lowkey pissy and offended when they ask this kek
If she was just a regular husbandochan I'd think she was based (even if her choice is pretty odd, the heart wants what it wants) but the fact she clings to the lesbian label on top of it is really weird.

No. 2172185

I don't understand how she doesn't implode from the cognitive dissonance

No. 2172297

I hate when the lgbt (mostly spicy straight) lump up any minority struggle with them so basically the war is "us vs the ebil cis white man".
All of those queerios with the palestine flag in their bio should really listen to this video and I know most of them will say "well it's not safe for them to say they're pro lgbt, they will get stoned if they say so!! But they really support us!!"
Yeah what a way to cope or what a lie to live up just to make yourself look good when you share random palestinian gofundmes.

No. 2172339

File: 1726855945628.jpeg (Spoiler Image,287.76 KB, 675x1386, IMG_3481.jpeg)

Encyclopedia dramatica. I was trying to read up on a cow and found an archive of her encyclopedia dramatica page, but it was unreadable because it was written by a 12 year old scrote trying too hard funny Or something. The entire site is like this. The site tries too hard to be shocking and edgy. Maybe it was in like 2014 but it is not funny or shocking anymore in 2024. It just makes me cringe so hard kek and reminds me of how the scrotes acted when i was in middle school.

No. 2172340

Ayrt, lmao, so accurate. They also have a hateboner towards attractive white blonde characters so they have to uglify them, darken them, and fatten them as revenge for some reason. Though I initially wrote my post about a dress design that in canon looks interesting, unique, new and refreshing, but the redesigns don't get it and make it too traditional and generic.

No. 2172344

Also the image isn't graphic its just a bunch of slurs. I spoiled it just in case.

No. 2172525

I fucking hate people with low standards. Especially in a consumer context, where their mindset ensures positive change is impossible and everything gets consistently worse over time.
>oh getting treated like shit isn't too bad, everyone is overreacting!
>oh paying higher prices for lower quality isn't too bad, everyone is overreacting!
>oh paying higher prices for smaller quantities isn't too bad, everyone is overreacting!
>People voicing their protest are so silly, they always have something to complain about. I love getting nothing!
Might as well kill yourself you doormat.

No. 2172586

Pisses me off when people call anyone who voices reasonable complaints a karen. Enjoy dickriding any service worker that treats you like shit and paying for the privilege.

No. 2172607

I hate that kind of animal rights activist that when there's an outbreak of a disease they will gladly get stomped on, beaten etc for not killing the sick animals because "they're animals" mostly pigs and cows.
I understand that that can be upsetting but if there's an outbreak you want to avoid more victims, right? Those people only see the animal and not the many others that will die with them walking in multiple animal dens. They are the ones spreading the virus. Either they're stupid or cannot give two shits.

No. 2172659

Dismissiveness towards mental illness.
>Just go on a walk
>It's all in your head
>Try watching a movie

You wouldn't tell that to someone that has a broken leg.

No. 2172663

>It's all in your head
Well where else would it be, the liver?

No. 2172667

No. 2172694

There's a particular brand of animal rights activist and vegan that is so laughably stupid and out of touch I'm surprised they're alive, mostly upper middle class suburban types who use their activism and lifestyle as an aesthetic. And I even think veganism is generally a good idea, if for nothing else than health benefits.

These bitches have never seen a normal farm animal in their life and don't know where broccoli comes from but will still twatsplain to you that you're murdering poor piggies and cowies by wearing vintage leather that's had 7 owners before you. Plas- I mean vegan leather is totally fine though, and so is hoarding piles of cheap mass produced makeup, as long as it's "cruelty free". That'll totally help the poor animals. They're loud and stupid because the point is to put on a show and make them look like they care. They won't google it, because they don't actually care. That's why all their arguments are always shitty appeals to emotion.

No. 2172735

File: 1726872782891.jpeg (481.15 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_6057.jpeg)

This cat is so cute. Her owner is retarded though.

No. 2172779

Retardation is an admirable trait in felines.

No. 2172799

I hate how it's acceptable for white men to joke about white women, we all know you just fucking hate women and white women are a socially 'acceptable' target for your moid rage

No. 2172826

I hate it when I buy snacks and they're stale
I don't think of examining the date when I'm just passing by and in a hurry and need a quick munch

No. 2172829

ntayrt but ?????? what

No. 2172830

nta but anon is right, it's not just white moids tho. about any time a moid says shit about white women he's just veiling his misogyny using the current acceptable target

No. 2172844

I can't relate. I live in a all white country and we don't have your issues.

No. 2172851


No. 2172886

File: 1726879264478.png (445.7 KB, 401x876, drop being a fag.png)

I hate the scent of gasoline

No. 2172910

When i was little i used to run after bypassing cars just to catch a whiff of gasoline. It wasn't every day when a car passed by. There was no internet, but the smell of gasoline stirred up my imagination.

No. 2173142

It's so retarded how there's literally no privacy online and how casual sex just doesn't work for women.
Some months ago I was talking with some random girl that decided she wanted to talk with me again after like 7 years of no contact, I actually had unfollowed her everywhere like 4 years ago because I was done giving a fuck about her, and it was infuriating getting suddenly pushed into being friends with her.
Like, why is she finding me on social media and talking to me? It's obnoxious, I'm so glad I deleted any content I've posted in my life.
Anyways, what was insane to me was that we were talking about random shit and remembering stuff, and then she brought up how the little sister (a literal who) of some bitch I used to be "friends" with, was on tinder hooking up with random moids because some moid friends of hers told her so.
Like, what the fuck? That's insane, if she talks and gossips about that literal who nobody, then I probably am smart for not using social media, I can't imagine daring to try to have casual sex or even trying to make friends/get a bf using dating apps and then having people from my shit past talking shit about me for daring to try to use modern technology to connect with people and "people" (moids) or to just get a quick fuck.
Like this shit isn't a teeny tiny town, this is the biggest city in the whole ass country, how either creepy or fucking bored do you have to be to find the profiles of random people from your past AND even remember the mugs/names of those fuck faces? That's insane.

No. 2173213

I hate the retards in vidrel going: ‘but if a man said this about a woman everyone would be mad!’ They never do this with songs that are about hurting women.

No. 2173214

(Strictly speaking of hetero relationships since I’m straight)
If the orgasm gap was higher I would understand why women would participate in hookups. But having sex with randos who don’t even make you cum and eat you out and who are simply chasing their own orgasm is not worth it.
I don’t find it shameful , I don’t go around calling women who do it shuts, I just think that it’s not worth it. You have more chances of having good sex with the same partner , because:
> they at least care about you
> they will know your body the more you do it with them
> you can teach them and they are more likely to listen

No. 2173345

File: 1726918003557.jpg (141.98 KB, 1080x816, asmr everything is wrong.jpg)

People who use male hentai addict language such as (sfw) shota or (sfw) loli to refer to drawings of children or young characters. You are beyond salvation and you deserve the rope.

No. 2173694

I mean, I get it, in the long run it's better that way, but it's still shitty how everyone loves to shit on women for trying something different, specially with how difficult is it to make meaningful connections with moids irl.
The comment that girl made about the other girl was extremely unnecessary and it really makes me think that maybe everyone is watching your every move after all.

No. 2173749

I hate when people assume I'm hating/avoiding popular things just because they're popular and that I only like the things I like simply on the basis of being niche. No, I just live under a goddamn rock and have odd taste.

No. 2173755

Pic unrel?

No. 2173760

They're ALWAYS sex pests towards Asian/Latina women too.

No. 2173791

Spoiler for animal death talk People who don't euthanise sick animals with no (or slim) hopes of recovery are unbelievably cruel. There was one Instagram account for a deer farm (can't remember what it was called) and they kept posting videos of a fawn with serious leg deformities, but they refused to get it euthanised like everyone in the comments was telling them to because it was ~cute.~ It came across as WAY more psychopathic than the alternative.

No. 2173874

boymoms and their sons

No. 2173957

When tourists hassle me in public without bothering to learn a single word of my language with plenty of online resources and then act like I'm a big meanie when I ignore them.

Wdym I'm being rude? You're the one rocking up to a stranger in public and interrupting them without so much as a hello or excuse me or sorry and yapping away in English expecting me to serve you like some theme park guide. I live here and pay my bills here, learn some manners or catch these hands.
Yet when it's their precious Japan they're oh-so-careful to know the local customs but act like inebriated apes in my city. Fuck off with that.

No. 2173969

i fucking hate smokers and hope they all die of lung cancer as soon as possible. imagine willingly paying money for something that burns a rotting hole in your throat and makes you smell like shit. natural selection at its finest. i'd tell them to kill themselves but they are already doing it so hurry up i guess

No. 2173976

Based. Slight variation is when moids deliberately pollute the air by leaving their stinking shitbox idling or revving it so theres exhaust. They take joy in making everyone and the surrounding animal and plant life breathe it in. So its not even just them that will get adverse health effects, but innocents too. Hate moids so much, hope it comes back on em.

No. 2174086

Trends are so annoying, shit that didn't exist is now a trend and people act like they give a fuck, but it's also obnoxious how you as a business are expected to follow every single little microtrend that happens in order to not be completely forgotten, unless you have a really specific niche and even then, you see those sorts of stores making annoying publicity that's all about a random song or retarded low angle dumb sketch that someone got the idea from some random weirdo online.
It's just so tiresome, this is why I stopped using social media, but if you want a business to work, regardless of what you're doing, you have to be a clown too.

No. 2174098

yes i'm a newfag btw

No. 2174124

Pics don't have to be related to your post, it's fine anon.

No. 2174197

ironically it was a moid who provoked me to write that post. bastard stood near me at a crosswalk and blew smoke right in my face. he briefly apologized after i made a disgusted face at him but he shouldn't have done that in the first place

No. 2174839

Performative "soft leftist" men after saying the vilest most pedophilic misogynistic shit on earth but it's okay because they said "haha white women" instead of "haha women".

No. 2174971


No. 2175021

When an online store doesn't have free shipping for orders over a certain amount. You're telling me even if I spend $200 with you I can't get free shipping? Of course if I have that much to spend with you then I can pay shipping, but still.

No. 2175035

Kek I was expecting that but no, I’m German-speaking.

No. 2175054

my kid loves sesame street and there’s this section called “Murray On The Street” and every single time i have to hear lin-manuel miranda rap in his stupid ass fucking voice about murray and his sheep. get fucked lin-manuel miranda.

No. 2175084

i don't know how the mothers of small children don't go insane listening to repetitive kids' media day in and day out. what's fun and catchy for little kids can sound maddening to an adult

No. 2175101

I used to be so obnoxious when I was a kid. I don't know how my mother put up with me kek From what I remember, she would usually wear her headphones and I would still shout to get her attention. I couldn't possibly put up with mini me. Some mothers need a medal for enduring this shit.

No. 2175177

k-pop is such garbage.

No. 2175347

I hate the dances almost more than the music, the girl group dances look actually disgusting with all the hip padding yet skeletal purpley legs

No. 2175358

Our Ikea invoice was around 5k€ and we still had to pay for the deliver at this point it should have been free.

No. 2175531

A pet peeve I have at work, I hate when people cut you off to ask questions literally as you're trying to explain what they're asking about. Like omg be fucking patient
>"Hello sir, this is-"
>"Hi, my name is Anon from Lolcow and I'm calling to-"
Holy fuck, just shut up and listen!

No. 2175549

Idiot tax for spending so much at Ikea instead of getting your furniture secondhand

No. 2175550

Not everyone wants bedbugs

No. 2175552

Then don't get a mattress dumb dumb

No. 2175558

File: 1727039920471.png (327.82 KB, 1000x636, 1525969123501.png)

>this bougie idiot thinks that the Bangladesh slave laborer who makes her ikea furniture lives in a bug free house. I bet she thinks he washes his ass too.

No. 2175559

>thinks bedbugs only spread on mattresses
If only you knew how bad things really are

No. 2175560

Anons who brag about spending literally every second of their lives with their partner to prove they don't watch porn are so weird, like do they not want to have some moments for themselves or a weekend with their friends and without the pet nigel? They always proudly declare it but it makes them sound like retards.

No. 2175562

No offense but can you just reply to whoever you're directing this towards and like, not bring it to other threads

No. 2175565

I think spending all your time with your mate is actually wonderful

No. 2175569

Most furniture that isn't a bed or a sofa is safe. If you go to someone's house for pickup you can ask and check the item. Bedbugs aren't so common in Europe (since you're using Euros) and are pretty easy to avoid unless you're picking stuff off the sidewalk.

No. 2175572

Im American, I'm nta. I've never even purchased from IKEA actually, not even a meatball.

No. 2175596

I'm not, I've just seen anons do it a few times on various threads.

No. 2175799

Pedophiles can like big breasts

No. 2175873

French men, they are all misogynistic pedophiles with massive egos

No. 2176114

anons who brag about their nigels being the one good nigel on earth who agrees with her radical feminist tenets and totes doesn’t watch porn and totally isn’t scrotal at all are in general very dumb lol. they need to spend a few minutes in the spicy straight thread and get an eyeful of all the men who pretend their girlfriends are they/thems to understand men lie

No. 2176126

Related, there was an anon who said she put trackers on her partner's phone and tried to defend it like it was normal.

No. 2176131

I read the same thing from nonnas about each country kek

No. 2176174

Exactly. I'm sure, somewhere out there is a nigel who was worked through his misogyny and genuinely supports radical feminism but it can't be all of you. And trust me, there were a billion women before you who defended their misogynistic moids, a billion women right now who defend their misogynistic moids, and a billion women after you who will defend misogynistic moids until the sun goes cold. People can lie all the time. Moids do 180s on women all the damn time once they feel she's too deep in the relationship to leave. Love makes you crazy but please be realistic.

No. 2176241

File: 1727105740974.png (1010.78 KB, 1200x600, A-Brief-History-of-The-Black-D…)

The way society and the media handled this poor girl's murder, she was literally just 22 years old yet received such a haunting death and everyone acted and still acts extremely retarded about it. First they said she was a prostitute (bullshit), then a bunch of crappy movies sensationalizing the case, then there's edgy retarded moids using her damn murder pics as ALBUM COVERS and making fanart or getting tattoos of her postmortem mugshot, literally what the fuck is wrong with this planet why everyone loves disrespecting women so much?? Let her rest already holy fucking shit, her murder is not your new aesthetic or "concept" for your dumbass album, she was a real person that deserved at least some dignity. This same shit goes for Junko Furuta's case fuck that pos tranny using her murder for the aesthetic

No. 2176249

omg unfortunately she was the first dead body I ever saw i had to have been 11 or 12 and watching like the ID channel or something. For some reason they did not edit out her dead body I couldn't sleep for days. Completely haunted me.Tbh i can't even look at her face without feeling dread and sadness. May she rest in peace.

No. 2176262

That's basically men everywhere but I understand what you mean

No. 2176265

this bitch got me seething with her narrow mindedness and putting the entire responsibility on women forgetting that men cause most of these issues and criticizing women for getting divorces and not "sticking it out" for the kids.

No. 2176306

There's also a sucky metal band whose name is the name of her case, I always found that disgusting.

No. 2176336

I get it, but also she's just a grifter saying whatever she can to get money. If you go through her videos you can see the exact moment she realized she could get 10x the views repeating basic MRA points.

No. 2176348

that's even worse, what a trashbag.

No. 2176480

Some jokes were never meant to leave their sphere. It feels weird knowing that nonblack people make jokes about Oreos and pickles and coons. Like wasn’t Taylor Swift enough for you?

No. 2176487

She would be better off shooting him in the head

No. 2176497

It’s exactly like the non-binary thing, the people who identify with that label really believe they’re the main character and everyone else are NPC clones

No. 2176500

They love it because it makes them feel better about themselves. Even as far back as the antebellum age, they had that sassy fat archetype. It’s fucking repulsive

No. 2176828

Even worse when they use these terms for real kids

No. 2176874

I hate baiters so much but I especially hate the ones who brag about it as if they're so quirky and hilarious

No. 2176964

File: 1727140083287.png (163.07 KB, 437x433, perfume.PNG)

When perfumes have a vague concept as a note rather than an actual smell. What does a first kiss smell like? Saliva? Even you think of a first kiss in a non-literal, romantic, artsy sense, I still just can't imagine what it smells like.

No. 2176967

marketing tactic. you don't know what it smells like 'cause it could smell like anything, so you buy it to figure it out

No. 2176969

It always comes off as cheap to me.

No. 2176980

Well it's working cause I'm considering purchasing it in a sample set.

No. 2177124

I hate people who are addicted to social media but too stupid to stop using it
>ohhh nooo there are attention seeking retards on my attention seeking retard site!!! how could this be?

No. 2177171

File: 1727146482453.jpg (14.33 KB, 275x207, 1659273389483.jpg)

>things you hate
I automatically have a stronger distrust to people who say, "respect is earned, not given". It's a good quote, the problem is that the people who preach it always use it as an excuse or a "reason" to be douchebags. They always have a strange concept of respect and what should be done to earn it.

No. 2177193

Lolcow has been becoming so cringe lately

No. 2177198

How so?

No. 2177228

My trigger phrase is "if that makes sense"
Get your shit together if you are so worried you won't make sense you have to preemptively ask me. Makes you look dumb or implies you think I am dumb. It's an insecure woman's "uh" or "um" these days. Yes it makes sense Hannah you spoke basic fucking english to me. Jesus Christ

No. 2177234

File: 1727150581812.png (39.53 KB, 553x407, COFFEE.PNG)

When a coffee companys describes their coffee like "chocolate and cake batter flavor with an accent of blueberry and a sprinkling of violent and caramel honey. beans ethically sourced from farmers in [inset random, exotic South American city you've never heard of here] ". It's fucking coffee!!!!!!!!!! It tastes bitter like it always does. It's even more annoying when it's some pretentious coffee brand cause it's like, your coffee likely tastes like any other $3 bag of ground coffee from Walmart.

No. 2177236

what if i really am dumb. it's not as bad as a dumb person pretending to be smart, it's better to own up and be honest if someone truly doesn't know

No. 2177247

Tastelet detected

No. 2177249

I hate evangelicals, mormons and jehovah’s witnesses, by far the most annoying type of “religious” people.

No. 2177262

File: 1727151418214.jpeg (53.76 KB, 540x543, 1CDFA5E9-F0F4-4F5F-B5D8-AAD198…)

Maybe you should encourage them to have more confidence or be more secure in their statements as women. If you get angry it will just make them more insecure about their speech patterns, which are just a product of female socialization and hard to unlearn. Sorry to be sappy but once we stop picking eachother apart and instead focus on the structures that make us this way we’ll be way better off.

No. 2177362

You are getting placebo effected into tasting flavors that aren't there and you don't even know it

No. 2177368

Heh… they’re not flavored… they’re notes of flavor… if it’s “blueberry” that means the coffee is more acidic and fruity… not that it’s meant to taste like blueberry syrup… conversely if it’s “chocolate” that means the coffee is more rich, darker… I got a 18/20 on identifying coffee notes… I must go now pleb.. enjoy you’re Starbucks

No. 2177370

File: 1727157691831.jpg (88.08 KB, 800x800, 1000008410.jpg)

> I'm brutally honest
> People can't handle me
> You don't wanna piss ME off
> I am the one that got away, I am the one you will always remember
> If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best
> People think I'm CRAZY, people don't usually LIKE what I have to say
> (Insert literally any quote about having "haters")

No. 2177374

holy fuck that quote gives me war flashbacks lol because the only person who i would hear say that was this weird guy in high school i knew who used to be hate-obsessed with me to a psychotic level and had a vendetta against me and tried to mercilessly bully me.
The last time i ever had contact with that oxygen-stealer he spammed my phone (how the fuck did he get my number) by calling me more than 50 times to ask me if i will be coming to some shitty excursion they were going to.

No. 2177377

File: 1727158276634.jpeg (114.67 KB, 720x480, IMG_0075.jpeg)

I only ever hear conservatives say that line, very nasty people

No. 2177380

>I have a strong personality
being code for ‘I’m rude and confrontational for no reason’

No. 2177382

Notice how the types of people who abuse this quote always take it for granted that they somehow just innately respect but nobody else does kek

No. 2177394

people in grocery stores who either shop with their spouse standing side by side and blocking the aisle, or people who leave their cart at the perfect angle and stand at the other side of the aisle also blocking it. there are other people trying to shop too, get some spacial awareness or at least dont give me a dirty look when i push past because i got sick of waiting for you to decide which peanut butter to buy. bonus points if they're the type of person to use a huge cart even though they only buy like 2 items, taking up so much aisle space for no reason

No. 2177395

Kekkkk this is killing me

No. 2177520

People who start conversations in the middle of aisles and blocking everything, it's mostly an old people shit, I can't be polite in these moments, I just force my way.

No. 2177560

Men’s grunting, "dad noises" etc. Just shut the fuck up. Stop eating, drinking, smoking, sitting around and whatever else and go for a walk or something. I don't hear women being as obnoxious.

No. 2177572

Omg I used to work at 7/11 and was addicted to the blueberry coffee and swore it tasted like blueberries but now that I think about it I always drank it with a blueberry muffin on the side. How do I get like you Nona!?

No. 2177574

Coffee tasting is like if wine tasting was legit and fun

No. 2177579

I ordered something and they told me I had to pay an extra $8 on top of my $88 fast shipping charge because 1 item was pre order so the rest of my items wouldn’t ship until that one did IN NOVEMBER. I told them to cancel the pre order and they said they couldn’t. I cursed them out because why wouldn’t they remind me at checkout 1 item will hold up the entire order and it’s a separate charge if I want to ship it separate. I told them to eat the cost and stop playing with me and they did lol. Imagine waiting 3 months because 1 out 9 items is a pre order and the rest are just chilling at their warehouse!

No. 2177595

And these people turn out to be the most sensitive fucks.

No. 2177598

That quote always annoyed me, it makes people who say it sound like self centered narcs. I prefer "treat people with respect unless they prove otherwise."

No. 2177611

i fucking hate nepo babies and people with rich parents. call me jealous, call me bitter, i do NOT care. i hate them. a friend of a friend is in a toxic relationship with a moid who lives in the states. he wants her to be his baby farm and basically has zero respect for her. what does she do? ofc asks her parents for $$$ to fuck off from our lame ass eastern European country to meet him. tickets cost insane money, and she's completely fine with spending them on this useless bullshit. another girl i know has a completely useless philosophy degree and is currently “modelling” and “searching for her true self out there”, bc her parents are ok with it. i haaaaate ittttt.

No. 2177639

Anons who try to emotionally manipulate people with their illnesses and disorders. I don’t think anybody cares that you’re dying you’ll just be another little blip in their lives, it’s not going to change my point kek. I don’t know why these people keep fighting for their survival, just give up.

No. 2177678

No. 2177683

>just give up
Like kill themselves? You realize people have an ingrained will to live, right?

No. 2177687

Are you the anon who was sperging about abuse victims being no-fun party poopers in unpopular opinions

No. 2177704

File: 1727183799943.png (109.37 KB, 264x275, 1706507184440.png)

i hate when nonnas post an extremely based take only to delete it. why? you were right. smart women should stand behind their convictions.

No. 2177707

What was the based take?

No. 2177716

something about how daughters shouldn't support their mothers if they are boymoms and give their brothers preferential treatment. many nonnas agreed with her yet she deleted anyway. sad.

No. 2177856

I hate couples who say 'we're pregnant'. We? No, your wife is pregnant, you're pregnant, don't test my patience

No. 2177866

I agree. I've only heard English speakers do it, it's not a thing in the rest of the world. If you said that in my country people would laugh at you.

No. 2178184


No. 2178446

When people say hurl but they don't pronounce the h so it sounds like they're saying earl. Just say vomit.

No. 2178743

File: 1727238456865.png (193.28 KB, 1000x750, angry.png)

downloading gifs from giphy now dls them as webm ugh

No. 2178746

Kek but same

No. 2179062

File: 1727268974227.jpg (151.69 KB, 1080x977, Screenshot_20240906_224745_You…)

I see a thumbnail of a cartoon girl blushing suggestively randomly included in my search results, I report

No. 2179083

good on you for clogging the report queue with bullshit nobody is going to care about girl. actual borderline cp and child abuse and hate campaigns against women are on yt but you are bravely calling attention to the poorly drawn cartoons. yassssss

No. 2179088

Nta but you sound like a bootlicker. Elsagate degeneracy is banned on youtube.

No. 2179095

>nooo dont report the loli softporn noo!!! you monster!! WHY ARENT YOU SAVING THE REAL CHILDREN!!
she is. by reporting that shit so no child is groomed into porn addiction what are YOU doing for the children?

No. 2179098

no child has ever been saved because somebody report gwen porn and if you knew anything about cp busts you’d know they’re already understaffed and they absolutely do not take cartoons seriously. last response
>what are you doing for kids
not acting morally superior for clogging report queues with non issues

No. 2179100

instead you're clogging up this thread, great job.

No. 2179106

Wireless earbuds never fit my ears. They’re always falling out no matter how I fit them in. Headphones gang for lyfe.

No. 2179107

>clogging the report system
You arent clogging shit because youtube report system is done through bots. No human is sitting through three bajizillion daily reports.

No. 2179196

I hate when a woman tries to speak for all women like she's our mayor. Just because you dislike big dicks and having your boobs touched doesn't mean every single other woman dislikes those things. It's like people that hate on certain foods and say they are objectively disgusting and people "pretend to like it" despite it just not being for their tastes. Liver is tasty as hell maybe you were the one born wrong, you defective dimwit

No. 2179208

File: 1727280869790.jpeg (134.19 KB, 1280x720, 928A221F-5E2D-4138-8A5A-687CA7…)

the concept of esports. why is it a thing

No. 2179230

rich ugly loser moids paying broke ugly loser moids kek

No. 2179373


No. 2179399

File: 1727292781139.jpg (281.42 KB, 1079x751, WishUponACoochie.jpg)

Like when some women genuinely try to act like dicklets are "the right way" because they unironically believe that the vagina depth is literally just 2-3 inches deep. Holy shit, I pray for them. Those morons straight up ignore the fact that our depth increases when we're aroused so surprise surprise, if 2-3 inches is all you can take, you're probably not even into the dicklet in the first place.

No. 2180107

I hate when people defend big figures who promote heinous shit to kids like lack of internet safety, lack of eating habits with "it's not their job". So what? Does that suddenly give them a green card to groom kids? Again, it's placing all the responsibility on the victims and not the influencer faggots who prey on them.

No. 2180111

Influencers are a huge mistake.

No. 2180212

I hate how in the beach boys “barbara ann” they call her “bahhburr ran”…

No. 2180244

when you buy new shoes and you have to loosen them up by using them.

No. 2180247

and they bite into your feet and cause little blisters on the heel for a bit.

No. 2180256

it sucks!!!

No. 2180275

File: 1727365776217.jpeg (158.42 KB, 1060x476, IMG_3594.jpeg)

I know lifes not fair but this is retarded.
I do not want to live in a world where e-whores like Amouranth make more money than ASTRONAUTS! This should be illegal for moral reasons alone.
Money is power & the retarded coomers that plague our society are giving E-sluts power over the people who are actually important to the function and progression of civilization.

dont feel jealous of her; i feel offended. I feel as if my humanity has been insulted. Why am i being punished with sleepless nights and debt for trying to become a doctor so i can help humanity, but a useless e-whore that harms humanity is being rewarded?
If you still believe in god after knowing this, then you must be Earths greatest fool.
This makes me want to become a useless NEET because thats essentially what she is except she makes millions.

No. 2180285

I like that men pay for access to sluts. Better than slutting for nothing.
Society has a problem with undervaluing essential jobs yet overpaying superficial ones (i.e. CEOs, influencers, sports players, etc.) Whores didn't create the game.

No. 2180290


Also, I hate when these women are being victimized. Amouranth's story where she claims to be a sex trafficking victim is bullshit. She knows what she is doing incredibly well. She's just playing the victim card because she can.

No. 2180291

blame men, retards could be founding life saving research but they gotta COOM even if there are already thousands of terabytes of free porn already. They are a defective genre.

No. 2180292

I hate to break it to you nonners but, sex sells. The reason why she makes more is because she isn’t being paid by a board or something, that’s money that people individually choose to give to her.

No. 2180309

I know and that makes it worse. These scrotes could have given that money to charity, bought something from a small business or something. They could of bought some art from an artist, or Bought veggies from a farmers market. But no, they spend it on an e-whore with zero talent.

No. 2180311

Kek this "victim" can already retire in her 20s.

No. 2180313

I literally ask why american school systems pay billions to build stadiums and watch youth give each other brain damage over games of grab ass over balls yet act broke when talking about easing or eliminating student debts.

People are just shitty.

No. 2180902

i hate you for making me aware of this

No. 2180904

I have a hard time believing that the numbers are true.

Men are such retards, they could literally go their own way, support boys and men who are in need but nooo they truly only care for themselves and for their coomery. Wasting your money on whores should be a jail sentence, idc what anyone says.

No. 2181038

Anons who immediately go into meta instead of just reporting a post

No. 2181361

I hate competition shows like the voice and americas got talent and american idiom

No. 2181409

I really fucking hate how in Desperate Housewives, this ugly troon looking wench lets a vicious murder of women stay on the loose instead of turning him in to police.

No. 2181414

people who give solutions to things they clearly have a poor understanding of, then ending it in "problem solved" when 90% of the time, the problem, is indeed, not solved

No. 2181462

America's Got Talent is really weird to me because 99% of the acts auditioning are not something that would be a show in Vegas. Like when you win aren't you going to be headlining a show in Vegas? Why are there so many children singing. What normal person would want to go see a 7 year old singing in Vegas? It's weird. Another thing is why is it called America's Got Talent if you don't even have to be American to audition kek. I have nothing against anyone else auditioning obviously but it's kind of silly to me cause like… so many of the people are from other countries coming here.

No. 2182805

Thanks to TikTok I can't stand reading or hearing 'demure' anymore. I hate it.

No. 2182862

File: 1727474669880.webp (19.47 KB, 348x366, shopping.webp)

Serial killer merchandise
Why though?

No. 2182866

I really don’t like how all of the boys who bullied me in elementary school are now troons

No. 2182870

But hey they're probably all castrated so that's good thing? Or are going to 47% anyways

No. 2182874

I hate people not embedding videos. It could not be made easier, how are you all this dumb.

No. 2182887

Yeah you’re right nonny! I’m glad they can’t reproduce and make any poor children miserable

No. 2182970

File: 1727476945979.jpg (380.43 KB, 1920x1080, 2795369636346.JPG)

Holy shit korean moids are hideous no wonder women are going 4B

No. 2182980

Zeus is OK and even that is going too far/being generous.

No. 2182983

>not acting morally superior for clogging report queues with non issue
Instead your acting morally superior for complaining about others clogging up report queues of bot algorithms and calling it a non-issue.

No. 2182986

The site won’t allow me to upload videos anymore, I can only post links. It might be a problem for others too.

No. 2183100

Would you recommend the series or is it a waste of time?

No. 2183121

faker is the only good-looking guy there kek, gumayusi could be cute if he got a jaw shave

No. 2183126

To be fair he only murdered one woman

No. 2183205

File: 1727482983635.png (54.01 KB, 278x390, Untitled.png)

ive never paid for discord nitro and now it has cemented itself as me never giving them money, the fuck is this weird fetishy steam-avatar-like shit

No. 2183249

I hate capcom

No. 2183259

Do footfags actually like this shit? It's so ugly, but I guess people who want to jizz on feet don't have very high standards for anything
They all look inbred

No. 2183478

singing in the workplace. stop it, we are stuck here and we are not impressed by your caterwauling. go to karaoke. it’s always a certain type of singing too, i don’t know how to describe it, like pseudo-soul.

No. 2183525

for real when i worked in a bra store my manager would always always sing and get (pity) compliments from the customers, it pissed me off so bad.

No. 2183829

you're being punished because we live in a society that values bootstraps and money more than humanity. people will happily defend this whore raking in millions just for posting her bolt ons online because "she did it all herself, its a successful business! money is money". Go tell anyone else most working people should afford to live and you get screamed at about bootstraps

No. 2183932

When anons say women don't like or do certain things. It convinces me they don't interact with women outside of lolcow

No. 2183972

File: 1727502811960.jpg (36.99 KB, 736x756, 0c2d74f8e4e07ea8f6f507c4b3adee…)

i hate how slow the fucking mail is nowadays. ever since covid every single mail carrier laid off so many employees and now shit that should have taken 3 days takes a week to arrive. cannot fucking stand it and nothing can be done about it either.

No. 2184005

Women who constantly complain about their cheating bfs but never ever break up

No. 2184054

I hate it when gendies or tumblrina pickmes try to appropriate a waifu of mine when really they don't understand her at all and completely miss the point of her character because why the fuck???? Would THEY of all people like her. She's the exact opposite of what they believe in. Their politics and hers do not align and it gets me pissed to see my waifu bring used as a icon or appreciated by women who don't practice what she would believe in if she was a real person.

No. 2184055

It's worse in my country… around here the main mail carrier subcontracted their parcel delivery to any moid with a candy van that needs a job.
Their favourite tactic is the old knock 'n run and leave parcel at door, but sometimes they'll mark it as 'attempted delivery' and not even bother to get out of the vehicle, cue having to wait until the next day to queue up with a claim ticket and hope that the halfwits behind the counter haven't sent it out again.
There's also the sorting office screwups where your delivery gets sent to the right street name, but the next town over. With the level of literacy the delivery drivers have, it's a miracle that anything turns up in the right place or at all.
More than one order of mine has been reported on the tracking website as 'out for delivery' for several days (in one case, up to a week), and in that time it's probably been sitting in the back of the van, wedged in between boxes of long-forgotten online orders and a tear-stained, mouldy mattress that should have been hauled off to the tip ages ago.
It only improved slightly when the 2020 flu hit and they were all taking photos of parcels sitting outside doors, in mailboxes etc. as proof of delivery, but now they've all gotten lazy again.

No. 2184073

Retarded cocksuckers who talk about their moids in every space possible even a fucking Livestream on social media with people offering free quick psychic reading and all these bitches talk about in the chat is asking if the moids they suck care about them or want them and keep asking questions about moids. I feel bad for the psychics, tarot readers and all that. They are floded with these retarded questions. get the fuck away. Die.

No. 2184075

Nta but I personally don't, it's a soap opera for middle age moms so a lot of stupid shit happens with a lot of miscommunication, and most of the characters are assholes and/or retards.

No. 2184178

What do these cute little hand signals mean?

No. 2184432

I hate when I find more accurate historical facts in a comment on a Manifestelle youtube video than the content of an actual video done by someone who claims to be a historical costumer and educator.

No. 2184446

What video was it? And what was the information?

No. 2184462

File: 1727543776564.png (37.43 KB, 968x199, moreeducationalthancostube.PNG)

The complaint holds for almost any video done by thembie costubers (I have a shitlist, but have sperged about costube a few times already and don't want to personalityfag). The comment was on Manifestelle's new video about ugly male psyop. It's just some random lady talking about Viking beauty standards and getting her facts mostly straight. But I hate that I got fewer "Wait, this isn't historically correct" alarm bells from a youtube comment section on a podcast called Spoiled Girlie Support Group than I do from a supposedly educational video.

No. 2184564

File: 1727547819085.jpg (63.53 KB, 1200x1800, lofthouse-sugar-cookie-bars-11…)

I hate icing/frosting and especially how everyone can only seem to do a thick layer of it when they use it. I'd rather it be minimal or not there at all.
(Admittedly I have a sugar intolerance and am just angry because I'm currently suffering after giving in to a cookie bar but that's on me)

No. 2184708

File: 1727553052433.jpg (180.41 KB, 1080x1440, Tumblr_l_35395965999745.jpg)

I hate shit like this. Stop infantilizing yourself, it's embarrassing. The most annoying people ever have these retarded stickers

No. 2184715

i would steal the keroppi plate the rest can go burn in hell

No. 2184726

File: 1727553695369.jpg (116.6 KB, 735x729, ffcaa458a5f534390ad683d02af454…)

It's such a waste being a visual spastic and then having a grey car. Go get a shimmery wrap or paint or at least pick a base color that's an actual color.

No. 2184785

Wraps are fucking expensive, the average lemonfag is not going to pay a thousand dollars for a wrap that has a limited lifespan, might as well just slap a ton of cringe bumper stickers on the ass and call it a day.

No. 2184828

File: 1727556532024.png (472.57 KB, 1000x1000, image_2024-09-28_164716169.png)

These types of cases piss me off. I know it's never that serious but I just hate how they look. "B-but it's for wireless charging!!" Bitch you don't need a magnet female-sex sign on the back of your case like what are you doing that your phone slips off/around your wireless charger?? I'm convinced this is now less of a functional thing and and now some status symbol of a case like otterboxes were or something.

No. 2184858


No. 2184910

being ignored in conversations. it's okay in an imageboard since we don't really know each other but it really pisses me off when i'm talking to someone and they just pretend like i don't exist. worst part is you can't even say anything because they'll spin it as you being crazy if you speak up about it

No. 2185020

When people repeat what I say mockingly. Recently an old fuck did this shit to me while I was on the phone with him and I just hung up. It pisses me off so much.

No. 2185144

Zoomer girls trying to imitate zombiebeatz and old yt in general

No. 2185147

I kind of like that they've come full circle. It's better than tiktok.

No. 2185469

File: 1727582169346.png (654.23 KB, 829x1411, 7uluyehnlto71.png)

I am getting married next year and as I'm planning the wedding I've learned about so much random frivolous wedding-related crap that confuses and annoys me. I didn't know anything about weddings growing up and I'm shocked at how many pointless trivialities are held up as a big deal or important "traditions" (in reality just baseless trends).

For example I'm trying to choose a dress and apparently there's a whole thing about going to a boutique and needing to cry when you find your dream dress and then splurging a ridiculous amount on it. I was just gonna pick a cute secondhand one online and spend a couple hundred max on the outfit. I don't get all the drama with bridesmaids and whatever either, just skip it if it's that cumbersome? Do you really need 3 pre- and post-wedding parties? Is it that big of a deal if your $7000 flowers are a slightly different color from the custom napkins? Where do you find time to come up with these hyperspecific ideas?

It's really annoying because I do want to do something modestly nice, and I'm trying to get all the basic planning sorted out when I have no reference point for this stuff, but all I see online is insane micromanagey ranting from normies where your 3rd cousin twice removed wearing the wrong shade of green is a cause for a meltdown and stuff. I just want to get married and have a fun but mostly chill day doing so. So many of these people sound more like they're getting married for materialistic social clout rather than out of actually liking their spouse-to-be and I'm starting to see why divorce and debt are so common.

No. 2185475

is she using a filter or something

No. 2185600

File: 1727589247708.png (638.23 KB, 1761x891, hideous ballsack.png)

the moids who raid this site always have that distinct look to them.

No. 2185604

Those prey eyes

No. 2185608

Whenever a white man on 4chan self posts they always look like this lol. The scrawny rat face with tired eyes

No. 2185609

Your face truly does determine your life smh

No. 2185618

File: 1727589838096.png (Spoiler Image,542.9 KB, 513x833, 1727589247708.png)

No. 2185619

they all have that facially (and mentally) challenged phenotype.

No. 2185620

there's a good chance this is literally some random guy whose face is being doxxed

No. 2185635

No. 2185780

Still looks ugly and retarded though

No. 2185793

still ugly and worth of bullying

No. 2185794

wow, that thing looks like those who-people from those Dr. Seuss live action movies.

No. 2185797

Why does his hair look like he stole some strands from an elderly pony and painstaking glued them across his forehead at even intervals like fake lashes

No. 2185821

File: 1727607718611.jpg (58.27 KB, 720x720, 461607014_514446531209485_4434…)

I hate the current pity movement towards JB because he was abused, like yes, and? Dude still played with women as if they were dolls and even if Selena was whiny, he played with her. I hate that male celebs gets the pity treatment when they have a history of abuse, as if they weren't self aware until diddly news came out and people like Britney or women in general are still mocked or made fun of. Fuck JB. He didn't learn shit.

No. 2185824

Hard agree. People are babying him like crazy and once again whining about how male victims don't get taken seriously. The same men who are pitying him and using him as some male victim spokesperson were the same ones calling him a sissy and a faggot when he was a child.

No. 2185854

I hate that my hair is exactly like this down to the color and everything but it’s the cut that looks best on me…

No. 2185856

How did he play with selena gomez she's quite a bit older than him and has had to get a new kidney because of substance abuse and doesn't even speak to her friend that donated it to her anymore and is having a cringe engagement with an ugly drug dealer

No. 2185866

Jesus fuck I get that you hate celebrities and have parasocial relationships with them but JB like the typical male he is, he had a different girl every night and when Selena tried to leave he cried and cried even when he was married to the girl he made Selena fight for him. He's a piece of shit and you don't need to be a fan of the one or the other to see that he's a piece of shit.
He also vandalized stuff on tour, did drugs, reckless drove around, paid prostitutes etc, this is all his fault. He needs to be shamed, down to his smiling mugshot.

No. 2185871

Pretty sure he has been shamed since we all know what mental shit he's been up too or you couldn't have formed an opinion. There's videos of him and selena running from paps on skid row buying drugs. I mean they were both young stars, they've probably both been abused. I'm sick of victims everywhere having to act like perfect victims leat they start diminishing the actual scumminess of the cunts that perpetuate this vile culture. Wouldn't be surprised if Aaron carter is dead indirectly due to all this he was also groomed by the men connected to Diddy.

No. 2185879

this fag is despised in my country, i dont know why but he specifically has a hatred towards argentinians

No. 2185887

How come that male celebrities get away with drugs, abuse, overall being pieces of shit when it's "grooming" while female celebrities get shamed for suffering (Britney, Amanda Bynes, Selena) or stepping away from the scene (Miley)? These are not opinions, these are facts. Britney is still made fun of because "omg she's insane!" but she hurt no one. No female celebrities hurt people like male celebs do. Amanda Bynes is miserable, was raped and yet people are still shaming her for her looks, while JB walks around dirty and admitted to have pubic lices and people are apologizing to him. For what? For calling him a faggot when he was 16? Cool, what did he do from he was 18 till now? Only good things? Naaahh

No. 2185897

Men get away with shit because men are wankers. I agree women get unfairly treated by the media. I just don't think it's a big deal people are feeling bad for JB who was shoved down everyone's throats when he was a kid. Not everyone knew Amanda bynes unless they had nickelodeon. You just needed a tv or radio to be inaudated with JB and the Diddy news is pretty huge. Amanda got a lot of sympathy when the Dan schneider stuff came out. I guess it's all relative

No. 2185899

What about Britney, tho? Why picking one of my examples? I can list many more. I just don't feel that we owe abusers and abusers by proxy an apology. "Abuse often stems from trauma!" cope and break the cycle then

No. 2185904

I didn't pick all your examples out bevause we could do it all day and thought my statement women get treated unfairly covered it tbh. Britney got called crazy in the early 2000s by paps with the shaved head thing. Media was different back then and that story was huge. It was a meme before memes essentially it's in the pop culture zeitgeist and media outlets made a lot of money stalking Britney due to her global stardom. We all now know about the conservatorship and that she probably has early onset dementia. People are still going to be dicks because Internet culture and trolling. Plus her dancing with knives and stuff like it does generate conversation. I was of the opinion of Chris crocker and everybody should leave her alone.

I'm a fan of miley but I'm also British so idk when people got mad about her going away? Is that when she transitioned from Hannah to miley? I've been a fan so I didn't really notice any backlash truly until the bangers era and her twerking with Robin thicke. Didn't his wife finally leave him during this time? Miley came out on top anyway and she's pretty much respected by the industry and her fellow contemporaries now.

No. 2185910

nta but she just seems to want a free pass to hate jb and is making dumb justifications. she's trying to create different playing fields for women and doesn't seem to get nuance.

No. 2186025

File: 1727617551058.jpeg (100.32 KB, 736x748, IMG_3116.jpeg)

>Moids casually making and reposting memes of George Floyd or Ronnie Mcnutt killing himself
>A moid even made an autistic fnf mod of Ronnie
I hate women who cape for men so much.
Like how am I supposed to feel bad for men when men don’t even feel bad for men? lol

No. 2186048

Its funny because George Floyd did a lot of porn, if he had been a woman there would have been no movement for him and moids would be encouraging people to look at their adult material.

No. 2186076

If it makes u feel any better I chew these men out publicly if I hear them doing that shit. I’m so tired of hearing it and then using it as a slick way to neg or shit on white women. Like retard, you’re white too and even worse is the fact that you’re a man.

No. 2186121

It's truly insane how men will constantly tear each other down only to scream-cry about men's declining mental health and the lack of shelters for male victims kek.

No. 2186198

You're getting offended because people are making memes about George Floyd?
"In 2007, Floyd faced charges for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon; according to investigators, he had entered an apartment by impersonating a water department worker and barging in with five other men, then held a pistol to a woman's stomach and searched for items to steal."
Fuck off cocksucker. Go cape for violent men somewhere else.

No. 2186286

WATER SLIME. istg people only pretend to like that shit

No. 2186297

File: 1727629346251.png (2.52 MB, 1290x1440, LOVQfT3.png)

John Mulaney's first wife wanted a baby but he refused saying he was childfree. Just to have an affair with this woman where she got pregnant unplanned and now they have a second kid through surrogacy

No. 2186324

Didn’t that ronnie mcnutt moid get calls from a bunch of people who were worried about him but ended up arguing with one, his ex gf, and afterwards hung up and said “well guys thats it” before he blew his head off? Violent males are nothing but attention whores so don’t feel the need to defend them. What kind of retard goes on fb live drunk and playing with a gun, he also misfired it and could’ve hurt someone else, for two hours before finally doing it.

No. 2186335

Do you know how to read?

No. 2186340

Tbh I see too many cases where men are adamant about not liking something only to go or go after what they allegedly “hated”. This is why I don’t trust anything they say. Men are the biggest meme

No. 2186343

Some anons have the absolute worst reading comprehension lmao

No. 2186351

not saying that Olivia Munn is a healthy person but his ex wive was an unhinged anachan with insanely low self esteem, constantly in and out of hospitals, no jobs, no plans the future, always trying and abandoning things at the first hardship, from her memoir she seemed like a very annoying unreliable person at that time.

No. 2186370

I would be so ashamed and humiliated to show my face with a big fat smile on it next to a guy I was sucking off while he was married, let alone to have kids with him. I think I would be embarrassed and feel like a whore every day until I died. I don't know how olivia munn and ariana do it.

No. 2186402

>vocally childfree
>has a kid through surrogacy
I literally can't say a single thing beyond this sentence because I will be banned for a-logging.

No. 2186403

Moids who say "the wife", it sounds so condescending and like they want to distance themselves from her.

No. 2186437

Because they are already doing something mentally terrorizing(overall and to perform) /or gross like sucking dick, that's why they go even further. I can't comprehend doing neither of these things even at a gun point lol(ban evading)

No. 2186483

just use spoiler

No. 2186534

His whole persona was "I'm a decent guy who unashamedly loves my wife" and "I'm a straight guy whose so non-toxic, people assume I'm gay" and he turned out like this

No. 2186540

I thought him and his first wife didn’t want kids mutually…?

No. 2186544

I don’t think any of us actually know what happened personally between them, anon kek.

No. 2186561

i hate when a celebrity dies and you see people online grieving in that fucking cringe obnoxious fan way. like guaranteed the day steve carell dies the FIRST thing you will see when you open up fb is art of all the fuckin minions crying and comforting each other and i just cant stand that shit bruh

No. 2186590

File: 1727639695307.jpeg (271.92 KB, 1289x1722, IMG_1447.jpeg)

I hate this picture I saw posted on a twitter account called “shirts that go hard”. Nothing about this goes hard, none of this is anything to be proud of. Women being like “I fucked your dad” is just never the own they think it is, wearing a degrading shirt like that is just a self own.

No. 2186598

why would anyone wear that

No. 2186605

I don’t see how this is a dunk on anyone this doesn’t make her look good kek

No. 2186620

>if I wear a shirt that says someone pours bacon grease down my throat together with a 'ur dad' joke, m-maybe people won't make fun of my weight since I do it myself
Insecure Becky behavior.

No. 2186622

anachan central over here

No. 2186625

It could at least say mom instead. People get upset about their mothers not their fathers.

No. 2186639

File: 1727641508220.jpg (125.11 KB, 736x1103, 38c0b9900dce4a8de5a65cb522e40a…)

I'll forever be a hater of male writers and mangakas inserting rape into their work, because they know damn well their male fanbases will NOT handle such topics decently. Moids keep spamming rape/Griffith jokes under any video of an attractive brown woman with a pixie cut, it's deplorable. Whatever their original intentions were, it's just not worth it

No. 2186643

I thought the handle was an instrument of some kind and was about to alog about how it's ALWAYS the band kids and theatre kids kek

No. 2186647

I got laughed at and ridiculed for raising concern on steam forums over child abuse in an E rated indie rpg that came out recently

No. 2186654

The hell? Which game is it?

No. 2186660

She wore that shirt because she's fat and she's fat because she doesn't have enough self-esteem to not wear that shirt

No. 2186669

So far has:
a mother cussing at and beating a toddler (was told it's okay because she is just smacking her with a wet cloth)
grandfather hitting the brother of the main character for saying something he didn't like
a grown ass lumberjack chasing a 12 year old with an axe and killing her if you fail to run away

Also has mentions of strip clubs early in the game and some other questionable stuff like a quest that looks like you're a drug dealer but turns out you're just giving out vitamins. But it's okay because it's pixelated.

No. 2186671

final fantasy 14?

No. 2186705

File: 1727642846526.png (43.62 KB, 1122x129, Screenshot_4.png)

I can still view one reply after deleting the thread a few days ago. As usual the retards fail at reading comprehension since I already wrote these things happen beyond the refundable time limit that Steam allows. But "Im enjoying the game so I shouldn't care if parents buy this for their 7 year old since it was intended to make the player uncomfortable"

No. 2186742

File: 1727643760997.jpg (4.27 KB, 250x165, 433.jpg)

I hate personalityfags so much. People who visit imageboards and start acting tryhard quirky and nearly break their necks to make themselves recognizable so people think they're so quirky and unique, post them everywhere and kek at their posts. Every time somebody here turns into a personalityfag like that Komaeda anon, discharge (?) anon or even Rancefag I get so weirdly angry about it. Something about people just attention whoring on anonymous place just irks me very much idk.

No. 2186779

File: 1727644799474.jpeg (Spoiler Image,393.51 KB, 1324x1590, IMG_2064.jpeg)

Rancefag is the worst case of it, she should just make a blog if she wants to be this much of a crossposting attention whore. What’s the point of being on anon boards when you crave recognition this badly?

No. 2186793

I wish people would stop feeding them attention.

No. 2186804

I don't usually care about violence in video games but this thing gets a more lenient rating than stardew valley?

No. 2186808

Kek once I added someone from the friend finder thread and the first thing she said to me was "I'm xyz-chan".

No. 2186820

he still shouldn't have cheated on her, or just not marry her in the first place
reminds me of the Try Guys incident. it's always the tryhard "wholesome cinnamonroll" types

No. 2186827

Kek spill which one

No. 2186834

Men who go out of their way to seem non-threatening and humblebrag about it are ALWAYS predatory. It's their dysgenic social camouflage instincts manifesting because that's the only way they can get close to women. They're either slimy cheating rapists or pickme Nice Guys with repressed rage.

No. 2186839

Late but I can dig this in an artistic kind of way, if they're LITERALLY trying to look like the drawing if it came to life, but from a realism perspective it's weird kek. I hate cosplay wigs where the hair is stiff and meticulously sculpted, it looks so dry and yet so greasy at the same time.

No. 2186842

>this thing gets a more lenient rating than stardew valley?
that's my problem lol its such a joke
I guess the people who gave the rating didn't play much of the game

No. 2186850

Komaeda/discharge-chan wasn't even an attention whore tbh. She didn't really post that much or even respond (argue) to every single post about her, in comparison to anons like rancefag or romanianon. Imo, there's nothing wrong with personalityfags who are just genuinely autistic .

No. 2186863

My voice. Other women have pretty or cool, sophisticated voices. Mine is deep, but not in the good way. I sound like a little BOY. I want to cut out my vocal chords. I hate speaking. I want to ask my friends their honest opinions, but they'd just butter me up.

No. 2186866

I think it's normal to dislike your voice, but you can always go to a voice coach (that's what I'm planning)

No. 2186868

Same. I wish mine was deep instead, but it's super nasal and whiney, I sound like that stereotypical green witch voice. It's worse on recordings than irl though.

No. 2186870

>it's normal to dislike your voice
I know, but at least most women still sound like actual women. I genuinely sound like a little boy. When I had short hair, I was even mistaken for a little boy, multiple times kek. It makes me feel like a tranny or something. A voice coach sounds like a good idea, but I wonder if it'll do much for me.
I would swap voices with you, nona

No. 2186885

When I was younger a local bully kid/ general public nuisance would call me "man voice" and shout it across the road at me in public like "ah look, it's man voice!" And then avidly tell whoever he was with at the time that I had such a manly voice

No. 2186947

That's how I feel about football players

No. 2187025

when the spotify daylist refreshes and I was vibing to the previous one but now it's all drones and ambient music

No. 2187088

My spotify playslists are a bunch of crap, sex pistols, nickelback, billy idol, the clash, franz ferdinand, duran duran.. all that I hate. There is only 1 band there I actually listen to 1 single song sometimes and I bet it's the band to blame for this mess, and even then I haven't listened to them in a long time. Spotify has no idea what I like. Drives me nuts.

No. 2187089

have you checked the daylist? just write it in the search bar. it's really good for me

No. 2187105

Just checked and it's a little better but for some reason they still throwing some billy idol in the middle of metal.. Is this because of the police? Damn you Sting, and here I was blaming someone else.
Now spotify's mixtape completely suck.

No. 2187109

That’s horrible, I hope he’s going bald.

No. 2187134

My voice is low too, and tbh, I'm glad, I really hate when I hear women clearly trying to have shrill voices that makes them sound like harpies because they think it's cute.
If anything, you should be happy to have a naturally low voice and being a woman at the same time, it's something that no tranny could ever have and understand because they're too retarded.
I also hate with the sheer force of ten thousand suns when other women try to speak nasally thinking it's funny or cute, it's pickme shit and it's so obvious when it's fake.
I'm just very autistic about sounds, I also have many, many things that I hate of moid voices.
For example, I have fat moid voices, I also hate too skinny moid voices and nasal moid voices, I despise too grave and too shrill moid voices and I hate when moids think they should have any sort of accent of any type.
My ideal world is one where moids aren't allowed to speak unless they have a voice selected by a group of autistic women with good taste that understand how a moid's voice can't be too high pitched nor too low pitched and where the moids are trained to speak properly, with no sort of exaggerated accents or quirks unless it's for funny reasons and with no particularly extreme emotions unless necessary.
God I hate so, so fucking much when moids express any sort of fucking emotion with their voices, specially when they're unattractive, they should get sent to holes so they can stay there and rot forever.

No. 2187146

File: 1727661359399.jpg (47.19 KB, 800x533, animu.jpg)

i hate modern anime so much. the bright and plastic-y color palettes and shading, ugly art styles, the cringey attempts at humor, all of it. it's so soulless, flat, and stupid. people will fangirl over the characters in modern anime when they all look like picrel but just with swapped out hair and eye colors, and yet people will be convinced i'm a victim of the ugly male psyop if i say something about it just because i don't think picrel is "peak bishounen beauty!!!!1!1". i'll admit that i'm jaded towards anime as a whole after coming out of my weaboo phase, but the fact that major industries and the large majority of anime fans have completely left behind the anime styles of something like angel's egg or vampire hunter d bloodlust and prefer this absolute slop makes me believe modern weebs, and society at large, have been infected with some sort of brain worm that makes them all have retarded taste

No. 2187355

File: 1727671934032.png (365.81 KB, 722x498, dude. why.png)

Lainey's appearance. She looks like a fucking teenage boy now

No. 2187367

Holy cow she really looks like a very ugly teen boy, I hate this.
Whats wrong with her chin why she hiding it

No. 2187369

What the fuck is this thumbnail lmao they look like a mannequin duo

No. 2187370

ex girlfriends of rapists who try to say rape victims just didn’t like the sex and call them whores when by the very fact that one woman said no and one woman said yes, they really should not fucking be trying to call people sluts

No. 2187372

Where the fuck are his ears

No. 2187396

File: 1727675710685.jpg (63.32 KB, 860x1024, C8huFo4XUAEEq8y.jpg)

I don't like women and teenage girls who share those creepy child influencer/model photos. I know they aren't doing it with ill intent but I'm not sure I understand the purpose of pining a pouty face little girl with bed room eyes and maybe even some with filters smeared on. I don't find it cute, because it just reminds me it'll get reposted on 4chan and other imageboards/forums. So maybe I might be projecting my own traumas a little. Also face claiming is weird

No. 2187471

I know this is 10 days ago but being 30-something and not married sounds… fine and honestly somewhat ideal.
But whatever, being an old NLOG does seem miserable, I need to grow up

No. 2187480

Marriage is cringe, don't listen to the tradfags.

No. 2187486

faker has potential, I hate their bowl cuts.
I agree, marriage is also dangerous, those poor "dumb happy" women >>2171778 from that post are literally in danger. Most women die statistically from their husbadns or boyfriends.

No. 2187487

I truly hate this song, "so I fuck a ugly bitch" I never see anybody talk about how cringe $B are. They're really overly edgy and only have like 5 good songs. But this is my least favorite song of theirs.
I cannot wait til a few years from now when they are no longer cool and I see more criticism towards them from the mainstream.

No. 2187504

Is anyone else noticing the weird uptick in anti-allergen bullshit in news and social media? It's as though the celiac disease fakers are coming back as well as other extreme, rich snowflakes are still sheltering themselves and their kids from food that contains even a molecule of nut oil, dairy, or flour. Pisses me off a lot, tired of the market and law continuing to sustain and enable weak people that would not survive in harsher living conditions.

No. 2187505

I hate Shera Seven's advice. She's funny sometimes but here are some actual things I've heard her say
>Don't wear your hair curly, men don't like curly hair
>Get with an older man, old men will treat you better and have more money (this one is fucking heinous imo)
>Never leave the house without makeup, be mean but pretty
and people will say "Oh well she's just teaching you how to manipulate men" NO FUCKING AN OLD MAN IS NEVER EVER CONSIDERED WINNING the money isn't worth it. She calls a lot of things trashy when she herself met her husband when he was already married

No. 2187509

Shera is funny but like you said her advice is not something you should take seriously. When she said curly hair won’t get you a rich man I realized this advice isn’t for me this advice is for the desperate and male identified I am neither. Also remember Shera married a fat balding middle aged man to get the “life” she has. Mind you she still has to log on on Fb and tik tok everyday to get money from her fans. Don’t let these “stay at home” moms fool you. They are in hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if Shera isn’t using her following to get money so she can get out of the situation she's wants everyone else to be in. Honestly don’t take any relationship advice from strangers online.

No. 2187586

Do you mean that more people are faking having allergies or that allergies themselves are fake?

No. 2187601

I’m also sick of people using heaters in winter when it’s not helpful in weeding out the weak children and old people who would die of cold if we were still unga bunga. People who use glasses should all just walk around blind, and wheelchair users should have to crawl. I too hate technology and bash myself over my head with my phone every two seconds to counterbalance any benefits I could gain by using it to read about the world.

No. 2187612

Shera is a grifter and doesn't even live the life she preaches. She once said in a live that she chose a more average man because that's what she knew she'd be more happy with kek. She is entertaining and it's fun seeing her make fun of redpill men but she is essentially teaching you how to be a prostitute to old men. She has some good advice that women with low standards and insecurities would benefit from; otherwise you are better off taking your time to actually learning a new skill that can help you with your career.

No. 2187653

People pretending that they have real allergens for extra attention even though often times they're revealed as fakes when they get exposed to the actual allergen, either intentionally or unintentionally. I've known people who dislike fish to say they have an "allergy" to it, which fish is avoidable anyhow but then you get to people who will say they're vegan and allergic to dairy, then proceed to eat dairy with no issue and say "I'm cheating today".

There are also people who do have fake allergies like people who insist they're allergic to any lettuce or leafy greens. Bullshit.

Sorry madame, please continue to post on social media about your special allergen detection trained dogs and insist Halloween should be canceled and become more about giving away toys instead of treats. I would love to hear more about how gluten is actually bad for you no matter what and that nobody should eat those pesky peanut products anymore! Such a nuisance, tree nut eaters are gonna kill more people!!

No. 2187700

Kek, thanks nona. You're absolutely right.
>I hate fat moid voices, I also hate too skinny moid voices and nasal moid voices, I despise too grave and too shrill moid voices and I hate when moids think they should have any sort of accent of any type.
I completely agree. Most moid voices repulse me. I was lucky enough to attend an all-girls primary and secondary school, but now that I'm in uni, I'm surrounded by moids and their voices are just so grating and disgusting.

No. 2187711

80% of her advice are almost direct quotes from a moid written book called "ho tactics". It's actually insane no one called her out on it, because the book was frequently recommended among sugarbabys when tumblr was still popular kek.

No. 2188218

File: 1727727574196.png (182.26 KB, 281x500, 1536905383379.png)

I hate my nose, looks like picrel when I smile

No. 2188233

Picrel looks cute tho

No. 2188254

Is this someone that's been posted about on here? She looks so familiar

No. 2188260

Yeah she had a thread here, morena in Japan

No. 2188271

I remember her, I always thought she was pretty but inappropriately dressed for Japan. Now that I'm seeing her again she reminds me of Ayo Edebiri.

No. 2188278

Double double toil and trouble

No. 2188281

Stop getting insecure over dumb shit like this, you're cute.

No. 2188282

File: 1727729047474.jpg (185.82 KB, 1350x1800, rosie-jones.jpg)

I really don't like Rosie Jones. I know she can't help it because she has cerebral palsy but I can't stand hearing her speak because it's so slow and difficult to hear what she is even saying. Humor is subjective of course but I truly don't find her funny at all, and I get extra annoyed because she speaks so slowly she gets three times the camera time of anyone else (otherwise they'd have to cut her off mid sentence) so whenever she's in a show it's now all about her and the actual good parts get cut out instead. And naturally I can't openly complain about it because then I'm seen as a bigoted ableist, but like why would it better to pity her and pretend I find her funny? There are a ton of other comedians I also can't stand for various reasons like John Kearns whose very existence I find repulsive but I'm not bigoted for saying that

No. 2188306

Why does this remind me of a boomer rant kek

No. 2188522

I wish my nose was cute like this

No. 2188732

File: 1727745847982.png (94.97 KB, 1008x684, loltow.png)

I hate the "Women shilled as attractive who you find ugly" thread. It literally reads like it's been lifted from some redpill incel subreddit. I understand that lolcow's roots are seeded in online women criticizing one another, but "her philtrum is too long", "she's a 4" responses to pics of conventionally attractive women is shit that neckbeard scrotes would say. I miss the good ole days when farmers could focus on ragging on cows' unhinged behavior instead of whatever this is. Horseshoe theory i guess

No. 2188741

Neckbeards are face blind and don't have the knowledge or language to accurately point out flaws. Women are superior with language. It's why men turn to physical violence so often because women are just too good at clap backs and pointing out retards flaws

No. 2188754

>women are just too good at clap backs
That's not true for lolcow

No. 2188761

I agree completely

No. 2188869

File: 1727750684236.png (17.03 KB, 486x238, Goff.png)

Modern search engines are literally retarded now, the point of the internet is having the biggest library of knowledge accessible at all times but it defeats the purpose if it's impossible to find anything

No. 2188883

File: 1727751555849.jpg (29.58 KB, 563x590, 460fd9bb23fb3f32c2fe42a562f881…)

It's that fucking ai shit. I have no idea why it's being shoved down our throats so hard, nobody likes it and stuff like chat gpt will happily give you the WRONG answer. I pity anyone who thinks it's really that helpful at doing your homework. Also, it clearly gets confused when things have multiple meanings like with gothic, it could mean fashion, a time period, literature or architecture, so it gave you that shitty answer because it doesn't have the capacity to understand that and it's probably been programmed to give the shortest and most concise answer. And this shit is going to be used to make important decisions for human beings??

No. 2188888

>I miss the good ole days when farmers could focus on ragging on cows' unhinged behavior instead of whatever this is.
the older cow threads had WAY more nitpicking though, like 10 times as much

No. 2188997

It has nothing to do with AI. This has been going on for years. Basically, the problem with search engines is the more efficient they are the less time you spend on it, which is not what they want. There's been many articles about this and Google specifically gimping their search on purpose. There are good ones still but not Google.

No. 2189112

The farms are so dead at night. Augh when will nonnas wake up??

No. 2189126

I hate it when nonnies asleep…. please wake up nonnies!!

No. 2189128

I hate how many people thought the whole smartschoolboy9 thing was just decades long 'performance art' with some poor underdog of a guy being misrepresented.. How badly does someone have to reek of pedo before people call a spade a spade.

No. 2189130

It's by design. Knowledge is power, why would someone just give away power to the masses? It makes much more sense to turn it into another propaganda tool and that's exactly what happened. But i was there at the zenith of internet freedom and organic manifestations, i saw a glimpse of truth, and i wouldn't exchange those memories for having experienced a climb to the top of Everest.

No. 2189131

Chiropractors and retards who shill them. Being a fan of evidence-based medicine and a rational skeptic in current year is hell

No. 2189154

This is so poetic for no reason lol thank you

No. 2189160

I hate pretentious faggots who wax poetry in response to something that isn't in regards to that. Shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear your tHoUgHt-PrOvOkInG bullshit that has nothing to do with the subject matter at hand.

No. 2189229

How burgers pronounce “vehicle” and “egg” like “vey-hic-kull” and “ey-Guh”

No. 2189327

i hate these femaledatingstrategy/womendatingoverforty groups because they are so cringe and crabs in a bucket. a video like this isn't even correct in its hypothesis or conclusion, its just confirmation bias for these women that they're not the problem and the men are. yes those scummy dudes exist, but they don't try to pull women like that in order to not be a simp, THEY DO IT BECAUSE THEY ARE SCUMMY AND THEY DON'T EVEN CRITICALLY THINK ABOUT WHAT THEY'RE DOING. its easy to convince a shit to keep being one, obviously?? hello? why do you even care? hit ignore whether its irl or online and instantly move on.

No. 2189353

people who walk on the road when the sidewalk is right there

No. 2189356

give in, do it, run them over

No. 2189397

File: 1727798332631.jpg (12.84 KB, 275x201, 1648334730109.jpg)

>Debating a TIF in a yt comment section like the retard that I am
>Eventually the TIF hits me with the "So you're saying you want me to die I see … I'm starting to think maybe I should really do it"

Every single time

No. 2189409

Should've replied with "a man would do it"

No. 2189424

Post suicide statistics and remind her that committing suicide is a very male behaviour.

No. 2189429

I hate when people with heels walk by in the hallway because it's so damn loud you can hear them coming and going a mile out. They trod so harshly on the tiles and it's a nuisance to anyone who wants quiet. It's so inconsiderate.

No. 2189434

God I fucking hate v-tubers. I hate the annoying voice that female v-tubers always do, and how they always pretend it is their natural voice, and act like you're an asshole if you point out infantilizing yourself by putting on a stupid baby voice is obnoxious. I hate how male v-tubers try to be 'sigma' or whatever it's so fucking awful with the stupid corpse-husband-ass bullshit forced deep voices. They are all ugly losers who pander to the lowest of internet users. I have never seen a vtuber who was funny, interesting or talented in any way. They are all freaks, and not even the interesting kind, they are just dime-a-dozen hentai gooners. Everyday I have to hear about and see these stupid little anime shits because they are popular since there is no god.

No. 2189435

CLOP CLOP CLOP. Anyway, wear headphones.

No. 2189451

say alumininum for me real quick

No. 2189453

I am wearing headphones, which is why I think it's so obnoxious. Get some quieter and more comfortable shoes!

No. 2189466

If you are a burger I will pronounce it differently. Sorry for offending you real quick

No. 2189477

Wtf I just saw a video of hawks eating baby chicks on twitter. And it has ruined my evening. I am a vegetarian so I can be sad about this

No. 2189479

Agreed, male ones are also so viscerally gross because you know behind the cute anime boy avatar is a 30+ year old balding man who wants to groom underage girls.

No. 2189621

I like when people wear heels so I can hear them coming and pretend to look busy. The office ninjas that sneak up on you are the ones more likely to catch me on lc.

No. 2189672

The fact that people on social media are too lazy to fully spell out the word ‘tutorial’ by calling it “tut” proves are stupid most people are and their ideas and opinions should never be considered

No. 2189677

you sound fun

No. 2189696

I feel that way about people who end their sentences in "so" without at least using punctuation and writing ",so…" to trail off

No. 2189697

She's right, what are you even saying? Type properly, this isn't twitter.

No. 2189700


No. 2189753

Single, relationship free people keeo winning. Wtf is this headache inducing schizophrenia? Imagine living your entire life worrying about this weird shit, couldn't be me.

No. 2190424

I hate the state of m/f romance novels and comics. I have a thousand little nitpicks that have slowing been building up and I hate it all so much. I hate that when I try to read m/f I just end up thinking less of other women which I feel guilty about. I have never read a romance novel, shoujo, or webtoon that I could enjoy 100%, or even 60%. I love the idea of romance and have luck with f/f and m/m but m/f is so rancid. The only times I enjoy it is when it's background noise supporting character development. I feel like I'm getting lobotomized every time I read romance focus stories and it's just getting worse now that anyone can publish anything. I know it's partially my fault because I judge the characters based on their actions and not their hotness like I'm supposed to, but I feel like throwing up every time I read a m/f focused story. M/f Webtoons are typically poorly written revenge fantasies that copy and paste each other. The female characters are divided into bestie bootlickers and evil sluts, the rapeiness of the MLs varies depending on premise or setting but 9 out of 10 times his defining character trait is always that he's in love with the protagonist for no reason. Honestly their are probably like 3 base MLs with 1000 variations. Shoujo was either criminally melodramatic with rape and incest or the most boring shit I've ever read. Plus I tend to think that the female lead had more chemistry with her female friend. I've had luck with a small handful of anime adaptations of m/f romance but I never enjoyed it enough to really get into them. M/f books seem to have the same problems as m/f Webtoons, and since I don't have the excuse of a language or cultural barrier I'm forced to look at the reality of the situation more and more. This shit isn't romantic at all it's just retarded porn written down for the coomminded masses to enjoy. I ask others to give me recs and only one book was semi enjoyable but it got ruined by the romance because apparently this author can't write romantic relationships well at all. I know because I read her other works plus her fanfics, she can write pretty prose but I don't think she's ever experienced romantic attraction because the chemistry is non-existent. I refuse to look at booktok because it's of the devil but every one else uses it so all these coomer women keep recommending the same porn to each other and I suffer. I've noticed how they hate female characters for not kissing the ass of the female lead but love their rapist male leads like this is not helping my view of other women at all. I'm like can I get a book that's got well written female characters that are treated by respect by the author (because this porn writers have a lot of trouble with this aspect) and they just give me the same name over and over again. I'm like does anyone have any femdom and the don't give me femdom just tranny shit or other obvious male fetish material. Ok. I'm like is there anything like sadistic beauty and some smooth brained retarded says it's icky because of muh abuse but I see her tell someone else how this dark romance aka rape porn is so spicy and hot. Like yes the female lead never has a consensual encounter and also has the emotional depth of a cardboard cutout, but Mr tall dark handsome shadow daddy is 8ft tall so that makes up for it. What if I want to see him humbled and castrated? What then? Also calling shit spicy is embarrassing and cringe. Just say it has sex we are all adults you can say sex. Since I've started my journey to enjoy m/f romance my opinion of women has lowered. They all seem to have terrible taste in literature and men and as I've asked the women around me what they like to read in terms of romance, I can see now how they always tend to have shitty boyfriends. I used to feel bad for them for being in shitty relationships with moochers who tore down their self esteem. But they obviously think it's romantic so maybe I'm the weird one. Anyway I can enjoy m/f ships and I like some books that feature m/f romance, but when I look for other books that have a similar dynamic all I get is a bootleg porn parody version. The guys are always 10 times more repulsive and abusive and whorish. Like you wants to read about some std ridden manwhore?? Why is it morally objectable for me to want to see a male character tied up and beaten but there's an entire subgenre for rape enthusiasts? Does anyone know any good books with well written female characters who beat their boyfriends in a female pleasing way?? I'm so frustrated because sometimes I DO want to read smutty porn but the published shit sucks like I'm not even enjoying the nonsmut stuff plus I don't have any m/f ships that I read fics for because I don't care enough about them or their dynamics.

I like a lot of m/f live action shows, mostly cdramas and kdramas tho. It just takes me a while to go through them because they are usually very long.

No. 2190589

Hate it when boomers take the most basic " deep" quotes from pinterest and send it me saying it is such a personal message they're sending to me. No Rhonda, you plucking a quote from pinterest is not you being real with me. Makes me a cringe in annoyance.

No. 2190606

When I'm reading some smut and then there's a random tranny shit thrown in there. I just read the horniest post where there was mentions of clits and everything, and then at the end the husbando calls reader a "Good boy". Wtf???

No. 2190644

I really enjoy watching mukbangs but whenever the person eating starts randomly smiling in the middle of it to show how good their food is, I start cringing so hard and turn it off.

No. 2190885

Anons who go into threads and always try to start shit, fuck off if you aren’t willing to have a productive conversation jfc

No. 2190921

>a productive conversation
Oh miss me with that capitalist lingo. My words don't need to produce anything of value. They're just brain farts on a Bruneian rock tumbling forum.

No. 2191064

File: 1727897747658.png (711.51 KB, 747x649, IMG_1449.png)

pretentious bitches who romanticize cannibalism

No. 2191067

the word "romanticize"

No. 2191075

the people who hate words

No. 2191110

There are bitches with cannibal fetishes?

No. 2191116

Nta but no, the pretentious TIF cannibal romanticizers aren't into vore, they just read too many hannibal+will graham fanfiction. The cannibal shit literally came from a recent Hannibal resurgence like a year or two back.

No. 2191137

File: 1727902232346.jpg (3.83 MB, 3864x3334, yandereana.jpg)

that i can't unsee the resemblance between yandere dev and ariana grande

No. 2191141

the art is really nice

No. 2191142

No. 2191143


No. 2191153

To be fair that looks like an older pic and she doesn’t have the pseudo-5 o’ clock shadow that chalice guy has.

No. 2191162

That's not even cannibalism, that's vore.

No. 2191242

I hate tiktok and ytube shorts so much. I had my screentime off and was bored so i started mindlessly browsing yt shorts when this buffet video came along. It took me forever to find out what i was supposed to be looking at since this video had 78k likes. According to the comments, the ppl are gasp grabbing the chicken a little too quickly? Literally who cares. Why does this have so many likes. This reminded me of why i blocked tiktok and youtube. Tiktok has a way of making the most mundane shitty things EVERYONE has done into a huge outrage that you need to lose your job over. Tiktok is worse than lolcow with the nitpicking.

No. 2191299

File: 1727908616957.jpeg (27.58 KB, 281x274, 1642593351445.jpeg)

This ugly wojak some anon posted like 2 years ago. Why did this survive the purge

No. 2191303

this is so ugly and lazy that it's making me mad

No. 2191320

Fucking kek why is this so funny

No. 2191528

I hate ishowspeed. He is so obnoxious. I got bullied in elementary school for being half as obnoxious. This grown man is not funny and acts like an autistic child and yet he is rewarded with a sea of retards following him and giving him money. I hate gen alpha or whatever mentally ill demographic watches him.

No. 2191564

File: 1727923370579.jpg (24.15 KB, 365x547, a3qz8ptfd9w71.jpg)

I hate tattoos that are randomly slapped onto a person with no thought. They end up looking like a sticker book.

No. 2191606

I hate when people post their stupid fucking faces in dog subreddits. I subscribe to breed specific pages to see other cute dogs like mine and read about breed specific experiences, but there’s always weirdos and attention seekers posting what are essentially selfies barely featuring their dogs. Fuck right off. Your dog is cute but you are not.

No. 2191617

I hate this very specific type of troon voice. Nerdy white guys pitching their voices slightly in an attempt to sound like a girl is so offputting and weird. Like do you really think people believe you're a girl?

No. 2191727

Seeing women with really tight ponytails. Looks extremely uncomfortable. It's even worse if you can see the beginnings of traction alopecia, i want to walk up to them and ask 'why are you doing this to yourself you idiot'
Nona i thought i was alone in hating his voice. He sounds a lot less retarded and annoying in candid recordings (more obviously male)

No. 2191743

slicked back ponytails make the person look bald or like they have a buzzcut when viewed from any angle in the front, it's ugly and i've always hated it

No. 2191962

I hate party poopers. They're such whiny little cry babies whenever you try to do any minor thing for fun. They're all like wah wah you're abusing that crab by giving it a pencil to snap in its claws. Or, waaaaahhhhh, you dropped a piece of your poptart on the ground and now the campus raccoon has run over and is eating it and you're laughing! This is animal abuse!

No. 2191998

I've always been someone who has enjoyed non-human characters in media.I love when an artist or writer puts a lot of detail into their world building. What I hate is seeing fanartists and fanfiction writers make human versions and race-canons of those characters. Like great, you are stripping everything interesting from that character and making it boring. Like those fans can't ever think beyond themselves and have to attach shallow stereotypes to characters who display a certain "behavior".

No. 2192155

unemployed people who take too long to reply to their messages or hang out. what's the point in being friends with jobless people if you aren't even going to be available for me to talk to or hang out with.

No. 2192156

i was taking a nap bitch

No. 2192179

a nap is fine i mean people who are rarely around and say they're "busy" even though you know for a fact they have no life. funniest is when they try to justify this with mental illness as if i'm also not mentally ill

No. 2192237

Mental illness is not one size fits all and maybe they just don’t like you anymore and are trying to work up the nerve to end things. That’s what happened when I became distant with my friends during a mental health struggle

No. 2192366

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It hurts to see a woman with a perfectly good nose getting plastic surgery to give herself a Disney tier button nose. I hate how people are ruining their normal appearances in exchange for this atrocious looking thing. It always looks so fake too.

No. 2192383

These kinds of videos of "real" service dog owners correcting "fake" service dogs. Most of these dogs are as fake as the ones they're criticizing. Your "service" dog isn't better than that other "service" dog just because you have to roughly yank it around and constantly body-block it to get it to mantain position, most of them get distracted as soon as they see another dog too. The tone of voice of these women is so annoying even though they admit that service dogs in america don't require papers so everyone can just fucking lie and the "fake" service dogs are as valid as theirs. Half of them are obese and their "disability" is them struggling to walk a little or having a meltdown because someone walked past them in public so now they have to make a scene and lay down in the middle of the store hugging their dogs.

No. 2192385

Left is cute and her nose fits her face. Right just looks weird

No. 2192388

damn, she was really pretty before the surgery(even with the obvious fillers), now she just looks like someone who has had extensive work done and not naturally beautiful. that's sad.

No. 2192392

The right looks so weird, she got surgery to transform into the instathot version of the "guy looking at other girl while girlfriend looks on in shock" meme stock model.

No. 2192393

Maybe they're just extremely avoidant people who like you but struggle to make contact. I know I'm like this.

No. 2192397


I wouldn't even bother with them, nonnie. Some people like to give up a wallow in their sorrow and they won't change no matter what you do. Don't let them drag down your mood

No. 2192409

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No. 2192432

i constantly get videos on instagram from this lady who i guess films herself whenever she goes out into public with her service dog. i understand they're medical equipment and people are not supposed to distract them, but she records herself getting angry and being nasty to people who seem to be making honest mistakes. for example, someone will say "cute dog!" or a small child will approach the dog not knowing any better, then she'll chew out whoever it is and post it. the comments point out that maybe it was just ignorance and she always says that they had done it over and over and refused to stop and that's why she's mad… but she never has those parts recorded somehow. kek. some munchies love a service animal because it gives them an opportunity to get angry.

No. 2192437

>Samsungfag spotted

No. 2192460

i thought the same thing (about not liking me anymore) so I just told them before I feel like they aren't really interested in talking to me so we could just go our separate ways and they just denied it so it's probably closer to what >>2192393 said, idk. i wouldn't have as much of an issue with that if they didn't disappear right after starting a conversation with me or saying they want to hang out though. i agree mental illness isn't the same for everyone but i think people tend to blame their shitty behaviors on being mentally ill a little too much nowadays and expect you to forgive them instantly even when they're being assholes. i personally have consideration for other people even when i'm taking some time for myself or hit rock bottom mentally too so it's just hard to take them seriously when they use that excuse for everything.
thanks nonnie

No. 2192462

Getting angry at someone telling you "cute dog" is insane and it just proves she's a munchie. Saying "cute dog" to the owner doesn't disrupt the dog's job in any way, people are just literally talking to her. Other munchies act like speaking to them in any way in public will make them spiral (they always have some munchie illness anyway) and the so-called highly trained service dog will be unable to do its job (then it's not so well-trained, isn't it? Service dogs are supposed to be used to being in public and ignoring everything). As you say it's very convenient that they're always ready to film, I wonder if they really need that dog for PaNiC DiSoRdEr if they can perfectly get their phones out for hours and take the time to yap and yap about their totally real service dog to strangers who are just being nice.

No. 2192519

What’s the manga in your picrel anon? It looks very familiar

No. 2192526

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No. 2192532

shaytards are a special kind of farmers..most drink milk while they drink fermented milk

No. 2192533

this feels like thinly-veiled fetish content

No. 2192534

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cowtippers. i pray all of elsies wrath on you

No. 2192546

Confession: I cowtipped Micky Moon once. It was inconspicuous and funny because she sperged out.

No. 2192578

Happy Kuso Life by Harada

No. 2192624

Ugly scrotes on dating apps putting in their profiles that they are seeking casual or hookups. Especially the obese gross ones.

No. 2192640

It looks like it was taken straight out of DeviantArt

No. 2192901

something i really hate is how lolcow has gone from hosting actual cows to just being vendettafagging retards

No. 2192909

Male photographers.

No. 2192915

i agree i miss reading about actual cows and not "This le person is so problematic!!" and the worse shit theyve done is wear a dress wrong addy the fanny threads are great tho

No. 2192943

I hate it when women call their Nigels "hubby" or "hubbs"—not even in a le based misandrist way, something about those words is so cringe-inducing.

No. 2192977

It makes them sound braindead.

No. 2192978


spoiler this

No. 2193021

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When I fuck up a post multiple times and have to delete twice or more to get it right. Embarrassing.

No. 2193182

I always hated the name Milly Bobby Brown, it’s like they’re trying too hard to make her sound cute

No. 2193183

Kek that’s so true. The most british girl name ever

No. 2193289

>opens ea app
>wants to play sims 4
>new update available
>le sigh
>clicks to download new update
>not enough space
>waits a few days to figure out what I need to sacrifice and delete off of my computer
>finally deleted enough for the update
>downloads it completely
>a few days later
>new update
i’m so fucking tired of these evil assholes putting the billionth microtransaction in their spaghetti web game and then they go and expect you to download a huge fucking update your computer already can’t even handle.. right now i’m good but they always do this shit and it’s annoying

No. 2193292

Anon please the anadius sims 4 Downloader is so easy to use, plus you can update when you want to… don't tell you spent money on EPs…

No. 2193300

I heard about it but doesn’t it have viruses in it or their EA account gets permabanned? Spoonfeed me pls on what to do and how to download it

No. 2193301

Samefag can I use my cc/mods with it as well?

No. 2193319

KEK nonnie please it does not have viruses. I have not played the sims 4 in quite sometime but here is a video that may be of help to you. I have never had the ea app downloaded ever, so all of my sims 4 experience happened through origin. I tried looking up how to use the ea app with cracked sims 4 and I'm too retarded and I've had no caffeine so here is a link I've found that could help: https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/1e6qwxv/anadius_dlc_unlocker_for_ts4/
My humble suggestion would be to export and save your mccc settings and create a folder that contains separate folders for sims/ game saves/cc/etc and to keep it in a safe location while you figure this out.

No. 2193323

>here is a video that might be of help to you
Ignore that I'm a retard and the video ended up not really applying to your situation kek.

No. 2193348

ty for this nonny, i’ll look through it

No. 2193352

NTA but FitGirl does repacks of tons of games. It's easy to do if you follow the steps right and they games take up much less space since they're compressed.

No. 2193358

is that the one that’s anti-tranny or the tranny? i remember when two of those pirators got into a spat or something, fitgirl something idk kek

No. 2193534

I hate coomer flanderization. Mostly against female characters, because it’s EVERY female character, no matter how unlikely it would be for her to act like that in canon. But fujo tumblr sexyman mischaracterisation can also do it for me. Just all around upsetting especially when it’s a character you like, especially a cool female character being degraded. I sometimes stumble across coomer drawings of Makima on twitter and it upsets me. Or a character I imagined/is believably lesbian getting creampied/tittyfucked… ugh. The way the world treats women even in the fictional realm is so nasty

No. 2193537

Samefagging but so weird how they force them into the same body type as well. What’s the point of sexualising them then?

No. 2193551

it’s the tranny, though the anti-tranny is highly suspected to be a tranny too

No. 2193557

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Empress is definitely a troon

No. 2193562

why are compsci trannies like this? reminds me of the fat troon who leaked the nofly list.

No. 2193704

>cute nerdy female creator who's passionate about a very specific topic
>randomly spergs about how much she loves drag race
>says the standard "trans rights!" line for no reason
>adds twitter hashtags such as "#transisbeautiful" whenever the color pink & blue are even close to each other in a frame

Dozens of women like this.

No. 2193709

Empress is speculated to be multiple men working together under a single name using a female persona, not precisely a tranny.

No. 2193766

Homeless men. All the wannabe socialists on my campus are fanatically obsessed with helping the poor wittle rapists that harrass me every single fucking day downtown. I wouldn't help them if world peace depended on it. We should be euthanizing them, that would actually do some societal good.

No. 2193774

I hate homeless men so, so much. I don't know if this is the case in your city too but apparently authorities are "not allowed" to institutionalize the mentally ill homeless scrotes for longer than 101 hours. And even with all the fucking crimes they commit, they still don't get taken to jail either.

No. 2193778

What really sets me off is when the women on my campus care more about homeless men than they do their own rights and safety. God forbid you say the word feminist here, we need to get back to the 'rehabilitating strung out rapists' initiative, comrade!!

No. 2193815

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I hate nekkars.

No. 2194289

My city has just basically let them run free and I despise them. I have nearly hit them because they're drugged out and stumbling around at 11 PM in the middle of the road. My mom and I were yelled at by schizo homeless men before with rape threats. Plus, there have been too many senseless murders by them because the city wants to coddle them for some fucking reason. Honestly wish they would just all be euthanized. Who would even miss them?

No. 2194654

I really hate it when people with pets let their dog shit right in front of my feet…what is the matter with millennial “dog moms”?

No. 2194911

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I used to love these creatures I saw on miniso products until I found out about the source material. Wtf is this pedopandering shit.

No. 2194920

I honestly believe that obsessing over helping/"forgiving" objectively dangerous and terrible people (like rapists) should be considered a sign of mental illness, because most of the time it doesn't even work and they're just being apologists for no reason.

No. 2194937

Imo Addy's thread is good for "light reading", she's a moralfag with genuine barely-disguised cow tendencies (people forget that she spergs out in random people's DMs and sent/posted pictures of her self-harm wounds) but there's no real risk of seeing horrorcow-tier shit. Fanny's threads are peak though, she's so bizarre that it's like documenting a cryptid.

No. 2194938


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2194965

When you see burgers reply to videos or comments of someone saying “xx is British” and they reply “um actually they’re Scottish”. This is why Americans are known to suck at geography, this isn’t about “well a Scottish person wouldn’t say they are British blah blah” it is because they don’t understand Scotland is in Great Britain and are thus, British.

No. 2195084

its a coquette ''lolita'' brand what did you expect

No. 2195087

Americans live rent free in britbongs heads and it’s because we don’t lock up women for dissing trannies

No. 2195088

They think that only England is a part of Britain, which it makes it funny when they shit on British people but also talk about how cool the Scottish or the Welsh are.

No. 2195202

I think you can like cute animal mascots without practicing autopedophilia

No. 2195411


No. 2195440

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Tiktok and its user base.

No. 2195443

Source: trust me bro

No. 2195581

I fucking hate the term hyperfixation. Unless you're a turbo autist or have such severe ADHD you've never sat still in a chair before in your life, it's just an interest or hobby.

No. 2195658

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"professional" pokemon players who obsess over 'meta' and stats and ignore character design and story, take these videos for example. I'm sure in their super serious battle meta, gen 1 pokemon don't have the exact fraction of stats for challenging other autistic losers, but they are objectively very well-designed, the vast majority of players didn't catch pokemon because of their stats, they caught them because they looked either cute or cool to them

No. 2195664

>someone else told me but i won’t even bother to check and see if it’s factual or true
this is the voting demographic we are placing hope into, we are truly fucked. these people should just be sterilized and kept into an asylum far away from normal people who can actually do the 5 minutes of fact checking

No. 2195957

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naomi Jon's migrated fillers

No. 2195963

I hate the retards who think that every generation having increased power creep is a good thing.

No. 2195993

I just participated in a guided tour in a big graveyard in my town with a dude that explained how those rich ass people who have no legacy, no siblings to their name, instead of, I don't know, give their wealth to charities or institutions that need money, spend it on time-capsule-like coffins made of oak, with their jewelry or cremated and put in an urn of sterling silver, and then changed their mind into pure gold because "You can't do anything with that money once you're dead."
I hated every single one of those people this guide had to talk to and the histrionical aspect of it all, of ruining several square feet of ground to build a bunker like area for your remains instead of asking to for something sustainable like being cremated and have your ashes be in the soil of a new tree sapling, especially when the guy was saying that they lose 1000 trees a year.
I left this tour more frustrated than anything and hating the fact that those people think they can attain eternal recognition..

No. 2196308

When someone complains about a space not being too slow/dead but then doesn't post often themselves. Contribute or stfu.

No. 2196405

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People who have to loudly proclaim they hate dolls or find them creepy. Insufferable.

No. 2196408

Especially when they do keep talking about the subject of the dead thread, but always OUTSIDE IN A DIFFERENT THREAD.

No. 2196412

I wasn't specifically talking about LC but yeah, that's annoying too. My only guess is they do that because they want instant replies instead of being patient.

No. 2196425

Same, I collect and customize BJD and I hate how many of my friends are rude and say theyre creepy

No. 2196460

People who write hahahaha or HAHAHAHA, it's so obnoxious

No. 2196467

what about kekekekek or KEKEKKEKEK?

No. 2196470

do you hate when we keeek too?

No. 2196487

Not really because it looks like multiple people say that, but the "haha" just seems like one anon (even if it isn't)

No. 2196544

These people can vote?????

No. 2196602

This is making me angry just reading it. I hope you find better friends anon.

No. 2196666

I hate when handmaidens won't shut up about how their makeup or """"sex work"""" or their being housewives is a choice and thus feminist. The constant yapping about how it's a choice as if that's supposed to make me go "Oh! You're so very correct and I am so very dumb and retarded! Continue with your male pandering behaviour Girlboss!" No. I wouldn't judge someone for something they're being forced to do. But if its supposedly a choice then I'm just going to judge you harder. I am not a christian and I have the power of judgement and it will be used. If it's such a choice then that means I SHOULD be hounding you about why you do it, whether you are aware of the effect it has and why you consider it to be feminist to begin with. Because YOU made that choice and there are reasons for that.

On that note I hate when male-centered women harm other girls and women because the need for moid validation is so strong, and I especially hate when people pretend a victim of something cannot be a perpetrator of that exact very same thing in the very same moment. Women especially tend to be both victims and perpetrators anyways. Women in general are more religious than men despite religion being a major woman killer, the ones preaching about submission to their husbands are more vulnerable and abused, etc etc. But how does any of this erase the damage they do? Generations of self hatred, female genital mutilation, eating disorders, how many times I've heard "mom's boyfriend" from CSA victims because of women ignoring their moids pedophilic tendencies just to get dick, brainwashing their daughters with religion and forcing degradation and femininity on them. I'm so so tired. Yeah I know patriarchy and female socialization or whatever. The harm they cause is still real.

No. 2196669

This song invokes extreme rage in me. The video does not help

No. 2196682

I've met a few SEVERELY male-centered women, and while I'm sure they went through traumatic shit to end up that way, they were all so evil and psychotic that I find it difficult to sympathise with them even with my own trauma. Like, they would have fit the "matron of the brothel" archetype to a T. I really do hate how society maligns victims of abuse but people who CHOOSE to perpetuate the cycle deserve nothing but scorn.

No. 2196702

why do music streaming apps just not actually fucking shuffle your playlists??? i add more songs for a reason and that's to actually hear them. i switched from spotify to apple music and i still don't get to hear my songs.

No. 2196706

I don’t really think prostituting is comparable to being a sahm nonna

No. 2196716

I'm TAYRT and I was still subject to OF streamers advertising their stuff as being so very empowering and feminist TM on fucking tiktok, the app? The one that is majority teenagers? Some, not many but some do technically pimp out other women while also being pimped. Again, victim and perpetrator at the exact same time. I should have been more clear that I was talking about the online OF streamer type. They get treated like the worst of humanity by moids but they contribute as well.

No. 2196728

I truly despise that the healthy weight for women is painted as "plus size" in certain circles, fashion namely. We are so used to seeing women underweight in the media that we have deluded generations of girls into believing women should naturally be underweight, and that anything higher is fat.

No. 2196729

we do need to shine more light onto how few of these OF whores are "victims" but abusing themselves and other women around them

No. 2196731

what do you think the healthy weight for women is nonie

No. 2196733

BMI 18-22 is ideal and looks normal on varying heights.

No. 2196743

BMI is total bullshit that doesn't take into account muscle mass that varies greatly amongst individuals.
As a naturally athletic person BMI would deem me "healthy" at a weight where I don't have my period because I don't have enough fat deposits

No. 2196752

i haven't seen that be considered plus size, i don't even see actual plus size get called what it is over the last decade

No. 2196769

It's pretty trash.
I used to use musicbee, and I still prefer it, but keeping so many local files was starting to become a pain for my phone so I went back to streaming.
The customisation and organisation is so much better on mb.

No. 2196800

every time I contributed to a dead thread I end up taking up the majority of posts and eventually give up because I'm scared of looking like an avatarfag/personalityfag. I'm sorry

No. 2196918

Lots of nonnas are just as sensitive and bitchy about language as the troons they criticize, sometimes I feel like I'm interacting with a hivemind here and when I word something slightly wrong I get lynched for wrongthink

No. 2196919

Most nonnas are tumblrinas at heart, but they get mad when you point it out.

No. 2197117

I hate four pronged sporks. Three pronged sports have a bit more of a divot in the middle so you can use it as a spoon but the four pronged sporks are just retarded forks.

No. 2197173

Not all of the people complaining about doctors not taking them seriously are munchies but it genuinely is well over half.

I will never doubt a person complaining about reproductive health issues or trying to explain something in simple terms because they do not know any better. I will absolutely doubt the same name booking a visit with me weekly with a ready checklist of symptoms that when Googled magically match up with symptoms of all or most of the following:
It saddens me that they recently started hijacking endometriosis and PCOS, too.

I don't know what goes on in your life but when 10 people come in with the same lingo and identical symptoms, my diagnosis is that you're a malingering attention or drug seeker and I will send you to a shrink. Most of these retards are also allergic to common sense, exercise and a fiber rich diet and will do anything but help themselves first. What do you MEAN you started taking rhino dick powder you got off Amazon because a Tiktoker told you it will 'balance your hormones' and 'heal your gut'? Eat some celery instead and go for a walk PLEASE

No. 2197193

I'm convinced that everyone who occupies the fandom thread is an underage xitter user.

No. 2197415

It's at the point I don't believe anyone who claims to those diagnoses anymore thanks to munchies and malingerers. I will always instantly assume they're making shit up. Sucks for the ones who have had their illnesses hijacked by histrionic idiots.

No. 2197464

i hate how hostile people are online to everything. i've noticed this on lolcor too. people genuinely cannot tell apart obvious banter from actual insults. no wonder everyone thinks they have autism KEK it pisses me off the most when they respond in this specific chronically online twitter user way where they say "freak or weird" i can't describe it well

No. 2197609

i get what you mean, anon. people online are so quick to jump you for something innocuous or petty. it sometimes makes me reluctant to post here or anywhere really

No. 2198097

whenever i see the word demure i get pissed off now

No. 2198130

i love to throw hahahah sometimes when texting to show that i'm actually laughing irl. lol and haha is just me being friendly.

No. 2198134

You’re right to, most of those things are throwaway diagnoses that doctors give difficult repeat munchie patients to make them shut up and leave.

No. 2198152

I hate when I'm watching a Short or Tikok video where a woman is showing how to do or make something and in between the shots they do that tapping thing with their long nails
Pisses me off so much

No. 2198176

People are so aggressive and mean spirted now, both on the internet and in real life. It’s honestly depressing.

No. 2198210

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Everything abut this

>In 2010, my best friend died of an accidental overdose, and I found his body a few days later. After that trauma, I went through a long period of examining my purpose. As a mother, I thought it would be really cool if I could give other people their reason for getting up in the morning. I also loved being pregnant: Surrogacy sounded like the world’s greatest part-time job.

>I went through rigorous physical and psychological testing. Then I read tons of files from intended parents, waiting for that “click.” Finally, I met an older, single guy—let’s call him Greg. As a queer woman, I felt a strong community obligation to make babies for the gays. Surrogacy can be more accessible than adoption for some people. Greg told me, “I’m an older, gay, single dad. Do you know how hard it would be for me to adopt an infant?”
>The doctor transferred three embryos into my uterus, hoping for one, but we got all three. For 13 weeks, literally all I did was eat, sleep, and grow humans. I was healthy, but because of the risks to the babies, Greg ultimately decided to reduce the triplets down to twins.
>My doctor made me labor in the operating room in case something went haywire, but I delivered both twins vaginally. Twenty minutes after pushing them out, I got up off the table, walked to the bed, and asked for a sandwich.
>A few years later, an agency reached out and told me a couple in China were offering Scrooge McDuck buckets of money. I had student loans, so that pregnancy was purely a monetary decision. It’s become very popular to have surrogacy done in the US, because the babies are automatically citizens. The Chinese couple had specifically sex-selected for girls, which was cool. Those twins were naturally a little smaller, so I didn’t feel like I was schlepping giant Clydesdale babies around. The parents also asked me to give birth on a certain day since it was lucky. I was like, “Fine, whatever you want. I’m just going to be eating croissants.”
>For the six weeks after birth, I would drop off pumped breast milk and see the babies. The family made me fresh dumplings. It was a very nice situation. I still get pictures of the girls.
>I happened to be a professional dominatrix for 18 years. I suspect that having a very good grasp on boundaries and consent in my private life has translated into my professional life. It makes it easier to be able to say no. My medical autonomy is very important to me. These are your children, but this is my body, and I’m going to make the decisions that are best for everyone involved. It’s also important to me to choose how I labor and choose my own doctor. I heard of one surrogate whose intended parents didn’t want her to have any pain management during delivery. That’s a no for me, dog. Give me that sweet epidural.
>If something is important to you, you need to put it in the contract. I knew a surrogate whose family asked if she’d keep kosher while pregnant. Others want the surrogate to eat only organic. If you agree to something and then don’t do it, the intended parents can sue for breach of contract. If I violated my agreement, it specified that I’d be on the hook for about $50,000—about $20,000 more than I was being paid.
>Being a surrogate is like being a super-intensive nanny: You absolutely can care about the kids, but they’re not yours. When you’re pregnant with your own, you’re dreaming about them and naming them and nesting for them. With surrogacy, it’s not the same. I love getting pictures of the twins, but I’m not in love with them.
>I often get asked, “Is surrogacy exploitative?” Usually young women ask this, in a very snide way. I have to gently explain that I was paid for a service. I was paid very well. I was treated fairly, so I don’t feel exploited at all. Other people’s experiences can be different, of course.
>People grossly undervalue the physical effort it takes to carry a baby. They think, “You just gain a little weight and then you pop out a kid.” No: People die all the time in childbirth. So understand that a surrogate is putting themselves in a dangerous medical situation to help other people. And I think it’s fair that they are compensated for that risk

No. 2198213

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No. 2198232

I stopped at her having a moid best friend

No. 2198323

Fucking kek i feel this. I feel like such a retard.

No. 2198327

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Those people who go on about how much of a "blessing" life is and how lucky you are to be alive. I spend hours lying in bed day and night thinking about how nothing life is and how death is not actually a bad thing. But when i hear this shit about how "lucky you is to be alive u blessed live lfie to the fullest!" Or " PEOPEK DIE HORRIBLE DETAHS EVER DAY FEEL LUCKY U ALIVE!!!" it stresses me out because suddenly life feels important again and then i feel guilty and start caring about my life again and fearing death again and its so annoying.

No. 2198353

>Finally, I met an older, single guy—let’s call him Greg. As a queer woman, I felt a strong community obligation to make babies for the gays.
Kek wtf
>Greg told me, “I’m an older, gay, single dad. Do you know how hard it would be for me to adopt an infant?”
Wonder why…

No. 2198360

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I would've never thought that I'd get this ill and fall off the face of the earth. Have nobody.

No. 2198384

>Greg ultimately decided to reduce the triplets down to twins.
Does anyone have that pic of Bugs that says "Forgive me Lord for I must a log"? Because that's me rn.
>It’s also important to me to choose how I labor
>The parents also asked me to give birth on a certain day since it was lucky.
The contradictions are wild here.
>If I violated my agreement, it specified that I’d be on the hook for about $50,000—about $20,000 more than I was being paid.
She did this for 30k!? Fuck off. You have to be fucking kidding me. She could stop doing sex work and go back to school and then earn that much every year until she retires.
>You absolutely can care about the kids, but they’re not yours. When you’re pregnant with your own, you’re dreaming about them and naming them and nesting for them. With surrogacy, it’s not the same. I love getting pictures of the twins, but I’m not in love with them.
This is actually bleak. Sorry to sperg but the amount of mental gymnastics someone has to do to talk herself out of caring about the babies that she is literally growing. I get that not every woman feels that pull and that's not what I'm arguing should happen, I just think it's very bleak that we've created a situation where women have to tell themselves that "No it's different!!" just to justify their decision to grow a child for money and give it to whole ass strangers.

No. 2198457

Death isn't a bad thing but maybe start doing something that makes you feel lucky you get to experience life and you won't feel guilty anymore when people bring it up. Just playing a mindless clicker or knitting can be that thing as long as you enjoy it more than laying in bed thinking about how nothing matters

No. 2198640

I hate 90% of Australian accents. Something about the tone that a lot of bongaroos have is sooo condescending it always sounds like they’re talking to you like you’re a retard.

No. 2198641

You’re NEET and you hate being alive? Anon come on go drink a glass of cold tea or something and maybe your mood will boost kek

No. 2198669

>I felt a strong community obligation to make babies for the gays
Send help, I can't stop vomiting.

No. 2198700

I hate that saying that is essentially like "We r poor but happy". I saw shit like this under a comment section about a video about the poverty in Mississippi. Me and my family used to be poor and we were not happier kek. Imagine having a cockroach infestation every now and then, a constant ant infestation, or having no water for a year because your well stopped working and you couldnt afford to fix it. Or not having a car(the U.S has horrible public transit if you're didn't know). Or having important milestones during your teenage years delayed by years because of poverty bullshit. I also had the worst neighbors. A lot of low class people also for some reason think being poor gives them an excuse to be a loud obnoxious asshole with modified vehicles and a trashed yard. You cant even call the police about noise when they are focused on arresting the copius amount of junkies. I dont know what billionaire psychopath is responsible for this psyop but its wrong and insulting.

No. 2198704

this is how i feel about british accents kek. the aussies sound more lighthearted and casual to me

No. 2199086

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i really fucking hate Artie, he adds nothing to Glee at all and the show would've been the exact same without him

No. 2199106

Only plotline I remember with him is the relationship with Brittany where he's portrayed as a jerk.

No. 2199199

I fucking hate retards with no common decency who are perfectly fine with blasting their phone/facetimes in public. Retarded gen x woman behind me right now on call on full volume with peaky as fuck audio and I just want to tell her to turn that shit off. God I hate being autistic an unable to handle stupid sounds like this.

No. 2199225

nonnie being a NEET sucks but so does working. The only people free are those who have financial freedom and good jobs. Everyone else is fucked and I don’t blame op.

No. 2199368

I understand what you mean, but in my case, my life has been nothing but constant suffering and one bad thing after another that I'm just "blackpilled" on life for a lack of a better term. I'm just so done with it and so over it I don't even want things to get better so I get to experience a normal life, I'm ok with just dying. I know myself, I'll stay hang up on the bad shit forever that even if I actually get a perfect life, I'd still feel down and want to die because I'm upset it wasn't always perfect.

No. 2199383

>it always sounds like they’re talking to you like you’re a retard.
That would be because you are one.

No. 2199396

I hate attention whore loli vtubers who swear their model is based on their body. Then they post the body and it’s a normal adult women’s body with somewhat smaller (or usually just average) boobs. If you’re going to be a nasty degenerate pedopanderer just fuck off and do it, the uwu justifying is just so annoying!

No. 2199421

>Why are people saying I put on a voice this is just how I naturally sound I was boolied for it I'm just so uwu small guys

No. 2199495

I hate people who put one condiment on everything, hot sauce, mayo, ketchup, and worst ranch users. Why tf do people like ranch so much

No. 2199624

this is random but one of the biggest arguments I ever with my best friend was about the episode where the glee club was raising money to rent a wheelchair-accessible bus so they could take artie to a competition. it made no sense to me because to my knowledge public schools HAVE to have ADA compliant busses and when I pointed this out my friend who was in her peak sjw phase said something about how that couldn't be true and the US hates disabled people its one of the most ableist countries ever topkek but then I reminded her that w/e even if you think all that the ADA exists and she got huffy by this point and told me maybe its only like that in my state and I had to tell her the ADA is a federal act not some niche thing

No. 2199642

I hate awkward white dudes that do amateur stand up comedy.

No. 2199653

I hate stand up comedy

No. 2199662

Stand up comedy is mass normie appeasement. It is literally catering to the lowest common denominator. I prefer forms of comedy that lightly scares and befuddles the normies, such as spreading misinformation.

No. 2199668

I love ranch, other condiments are too sweet for me and I don't like spicy either

No. 2199670

They all have the dead-eyed sexpest stare. The thousand coom stare. It's really quite haunting.

No. 2199740

Gendies co-opting linguistics. They see everything in their perverse lense of weirdness and try to make everything about their gender schizophrenia, they especially seethe about pronouns in different languages and try to insist some languages have gender-neutral pronouns convenient for non-binaries or whatever, instead of the language simply not caring about grammatical gender or something.

No. 2199773

Anons here using abused women, survival sex workers, women who've had accidental or forced pregnancies, victims of online grooming, low incomes, and disabled women as pawns for arguments … Just to be the first ones AGAINST those women when they can't use them for arguments

No. 2199779

auto-pedophile women are a trip and a half

No. 2199816

When people mix up weary and wary.

No. 2199822

you need to be weary of those wary people

No. 2199823

when americans online preface a question with "ignorant american here" or "dumb american here", it's so pathetic
and when inbreds from some flyover shithole accuse anyone with a different opinion of spreading "propOganda"

No. 2199911

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Cat whiskers, they ruin a cat's aesthetic. Sadly i heard they are important to the functionality of a cat so we cant get rid of them.

No. 2199916

This is so common on kiwifarms, female kiwis say really nasty stuff about non-white women while posting articles and news of those said women being hurt to win arguments against male kiwis

No. 2199920

I hate gen z and their retarded obsession with having autism and their complete refusal to do any research into it. They self diagnosed after watching a few “you might be autistic if you hate the sound of nails on a chalkboard” videos on tiktok but they completely ignore the true face of autism, which is a retard that lives in a group home, is violent and often incontinent and can’t look after themselves. That’s what autism is, high functioning autists are extremely rare. I don’t understand why they can’t just be a weird girl with no friends. They’re too self centred and lazy. They want an excuse for why everything goes wrong in their life because they’re not brave enough to accept they’re a fucking loser that nobody likes.

No. 2199945

>evolve for 7 billion years
>Finally achieve sentience
>Sentients genitals painfully slough off every 4 weeks, for a week as an immune defence against male parasites
>Sentients have no comfortable, reliable method or real passion at all at stopping this
>My stomach fucking hurts

I truly hate this meme process so much. It is comically bad. being unable to exist comfortably for 20% of your life should attract billions in funding but we're just fucked for no reason

No. 2199947

>as an immune defence against male parasites
That's like, kinda the opposite of what a period is

No. 2199954

The uterus is a parasite meant to make women feel like they need dick. Uterus is obsolete get rid of it(baiting)

No. 2200060

your uterus provides support for other organs which is why women who have had hysterectomies sometimes suffer a vaginal prolapse

No. 2200098

I can hear your bones crumbling from here.

No. 2200195

i hate people who pronounce bag as “baeyg!!”

No. 2200225

>I hate moids!! Anyway girlies remember to mutilate yourself because of moids!

A period is your uterus shedding the old lining to remake another one. It's the organ's way of cleaning itself and it is so because the human uterus/hormonal cycle/pregnancy are extremely complex. It has nothing to do with eliminating male parasites. It's true however that the uterus sends signals to the most optimal sperm and kills off the rest to select them, and sometimes its defences are so strong that it ends up eliminating all sperm, but it doesn't really select males and it has nothing to do with periods.

No. 2200264

Trisha Paytas slander

No. 2200296

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Digital circus is excruciatingly unfunny. The characters lack any chemistry and so many of the jokes are character A says something le wacky and character B says "stop doing that." Those dead ended "jokes" infuriate me, I'm no comedy connessaiour but your characters should be supporting and building off of eachother. They want Jax to be aloof tumblrsexyman so bad but he's stale and irritating and i hate looking at him. They want me to care about these characters so bad but they give me NOTHING to care about. Tryhard garbage.

No. 2200297


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No. 2200306

npcs mad that other people have personality they lack

No. 2200313

This is like saying human's nipples ruin their aesthetic. Maybe that's not wrong.

No. 2200347

People who think it's normal to go trick-or-treating as grown adults without kids. It's not. It's fucking weird.

No. 2200442

So which x-fag are you

No. 2200556

i cant stand this broad

No. 2200616

Looks like an older Bella ramsey

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