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No. 2101192
ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.
Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2065764 No. 2101366
File: 1721745105345.jpeg (65.07 KB, 638x638, A94E3A0F-78A9-4D25-9914-0D39E2…)

I hate that infantilization is a being pushed as solely a millennial thing when zoomers women are also falling for it at an even faster rate. I’m just tired of seeing “I’m just a teenage girl” and the person saying it will be like 26. I was never into the “ I can’t adult today” anyway and it wasn’t really THAT common.
No. 2102233
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How bloated and fugly James still looks in the remake after they remade the model.
No. 2102234
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Obviously I’m not going to post it but I always HATED that altered iCarly gif that I saw
Posted on moidchan once. Where Sam is in a changing room and trying to grab a dress from Carly but is altered to where you can see her bare chest. I hate men so much it’s unreal.
No. 2102341
>>2102233Tbh the model is an improvement to my eyes but maybe it's just the lighting. The hair got so fucking bad though wtf??
I hate how they gave him a Keanu Reeves overhaul. I think I'm autistic but James had a Greek nose and this guy has a weird lumpy nose.
No. 2102358
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>>2102341Yeah the remodel is better than that permanently sad faced uggo but it still looks like he's a alcoholic or used to use cocaine and dissolved his nasal bones, especially when you compare it to the original and the hair is just fucked. Their philosophy behind the changes is because the player base is older so James has to be older, which is so retarded because none of the other characters are going to be changed in that way, except maybe Marie looking somehow even more pornier. I don't even find James attractive, I just don't want to look at a ugly man when I play the game (although I probably won't because Bloober might butcher the Angela storyline and character)
No. 2102408
>>2102358Nta but who is Marie? Do you mean Maria? She looks
less porny if anything, which was a huge criticism in her redesign. I don't think he looks older, just doesn't look like James. Angela doesn't look like Angela either. People think that if you don't like their designs it's because you find them ugly, but I couldn't care less if they look attractive or not. I just wanted them to look closer to the original.
No. 2102414
>>2102402Autism is like a DnD alignment. You have lawful goods like the autists who engineer the extremely complicated technology we need to live comfortably, or archive shit on the internet you thought would be gone forever. Basically their lives are not media focused and they are the kind of people who save the day regardless of IQ. Even a drooling retarded one will spend the afternoon volunteering.
The neutral autists are media focused and don't live very useful lives for themselves or others. They languish often and have many vices but still participate in society to a degree and aren't hurting themselves or others.
Then we have chaotic evil autism like Chris Chan. The evils live lives based on debauchery and jacking off. They are a burden on all living creatures around them, regardless of IQ. The kind who make cum jars.
No. 2102603
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>>2102233Western studios really need to stop remaking japanese video games, they just don't get it.
No. 2103746
File: 1721882117513.png (1014.55 KB, 1570x776, i hate pickmes so fucking much…)

I hate pickmes so fucking much i wish it was legal to throw them into gulags. I was video hoping from shaynas cringe videos to other ethots videos to laugh at their terrible performance and i ended up finding this disgusting pedo pickme who is missing two fron teeths? ofcourse she uses this as a way to pedo pander as a 7yo whos starting to lose her baby teeth. I hate this so fucking much. How nasty do you have to be to not only let your teeth rot until they fall out but use this as an opportunity to make content for pedophile moids.
No. 2103962
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I hate when people lick their fingers in between flipping pages to get a better grasp on them. Like ma'am you're literally putting fresh spittle on every page and consuming all the germs on the page. I don't know if it's exclusively an old people thing but it's mostly old people who do it.
No. 2104465
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Jessie Reyez' weird baby voice. She sounds like that "welcome to my kitchen" Vine from years ago.
No. 2104591
>>2104560I really don't understand the aging stuff with zoomers because all I see are millennials convinced they look 15 when they're 35 and look their age and well-kept. Every millennial I knew growing up was convinced they looked so incredibly young for their age. What's strange is millennials taking it personally that teenagers not shockingly see them as "old". I feel like every generation has gone through it. It's not an "aging" type of thing inherently, it's just normal for teens to want to be around other teens and to see older people as "old". I unfortunately do feel as though millennial women made it into a way more "offensive" word than it really is. What's also weird is how millennials try to claim that zoomers look so old and crusty when the millennials look "baby faced' but irl, it's very clear who is a zoomer and millenial. Like…yeah, 16 year olds look like 16 year olds, I'm not sure why millennials are deluding themselves into thinking they look that young and yet it's the actual 16 year olds that look "old" in their logic.
It motivates me to do better, at least. I feel for any kids of millennials who are sure to project their obsession with aging onto them (see sephora kids). I try not to discuss age and when a millennial brings up the topic, I try to sidestep it.
No. 2104623
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I hate that fandoms now are just revolving around porn. "Oh there are 100 mods to make your characters all hot big-booba women!"
And all those things are happening in the most un-sexy and/or apolitical games. Why would you want to make TBoI sexy? The game about religious trauma and poop?
No. 2104666
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Industrial decor
No. 2104898
>>2104617 said but also zoomers kept poking fun of millennials online for a pretty long while until millennials got tired of it. they figured out that calling zoomers old gets them the really butthurt so now they keep doing it. can't say i agree with millennials looking like teens at 40 but can't say i blame them either
No. 2104976
>>2104888He has no real opinions, he cares about money. I get mad at moids you can watch getting super emotional about pedos, abusers and shitty people,
suddenly not getting that mad when it's a troon. Troons make up a LOT of edge lords audience. They are okay with racism/sexism/cancel culture when it's not agaisnt a troon. Watch how they act when a troon is the topic of conversation it's
>Whats sad is how the trans community looksand these moids will often parrot that. Calling a man a man is wrong, making jokes about black people or whatever is okay. Tom has no opinions, he cares about keeping his youtube channels. DeadWingDork will literally spend hours picking at clearly mentally ill men, but when he's talking about troons? He's very careful with his words.
Nick Deoreo tends to make anything about trans into some, "It just sucks for normal trans people that this is happening", Papa Gut is just a weirdo ass kisser for troon/troon adjacent people. They act like they need mountains of proof to come at a troon, but they have no issue spending days picking apart women who accuse youtubers of abuse.
They have no issues saying that women who do this make them look at women differently, but can't say that about the troons and their patterns.
No. 2104982
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Women who talk about themselves like picrel. So embarrassing.
No. 2105019
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>>2104623Augh I fucking hate that too, reeks of porn sickness. If you need to make entirely new (and shitty) or reskinned enemies to coom over while playing because most of them are insects, organs or literal shit then maybe you shouldn't be playing the game at all.
No. 2105137
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I hate soda/energy drink can collections. I can understand appreciating the design on food products, but most of these are so uninspired anyways that there's no point to keeping dozens of cans.
No. 2105193
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pooners. I get that tims get caricatures made of them to, but the pooners thing almost seems like it's own little fandom
No. 2105198
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>>2105193Samefag but some of these pooner comics remind me of those weird fluffy torture comics
No. 2105278
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Ai. Anyone who uses or supports it is a retard.
No. 2105313
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>>2105306Iirc they sometimes do collabs with videogames so sometimes you'll get a picture of a guy like pic related.
No. 2105314
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>>2105278Not AI but thanks for reminding me of this boring movie that I hated. Its one of those lame gritty remakes, it was such a yawn watching it I should have just watched that one movie with the gorilla chick
No. 2106549
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I hate how moids openly claim they’re jealous of kids who get molested by their teachers or say “I want to be a victim”. Or that one moid talking about how the age of consent kept him from getting laid by an adult women when he was younger. I swear moids are a disease.
No. 2106628
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>>2105328I used to be really into him many years ago but im less blinded by men's bodies and demeanor, I can't get past how his chin looks like mashed potatoes now. I thought he was super cutesy with a charming personality. He's butters but funny. War on Everyone is one of my favorite movies he's in personally
No. 2107503
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>if you are pear shaped, wear xyz to de-accentuate your hips and thighs!
Go fuck yourself
No. 2107516
>>2107503I feel the same way about the hatred for broad shoulders.
>NOOOOO YOU CAN'T HAVE WIDE SHOULDERS AS A WOMEN IT'S UNSIGHTLY REEEEEE MAKE SURE TO WEAR UGLY-ASS CUTS TO MAKE YOUR REPULSIVE APE SHOULDERS LOOK MORE PRE-PUBESCENT AND FUCKABLE!!!!!The retards writing these articles can all fuck themselves kekkkk. Such a retarded psyop to make women hate their natural bodies.
No. 2107562
>>2104888Turkey tom is a moid through and through. I don't remember what video it was, but it was about some rape allegations and he unironically, with his full chest, said it would ruin the guys career. I kept watching waiting for the joke because it's gotta be a joke, right? He wouldn't just use the most used argument in courts to acknowledge someone is a rapist and then not punish them.
Another shocking remark he made that I can't remember which video it was (I blocked his channel on YouTube quite some time ago and do my best to scrub him from my brain), he was interviewing I think it was Jean Hollywood? And he asked him about a pedo dog whistle in his Twitter description ("no limits" in regards to porn), and jean went like "oh it just means I'm kink positive and don't judge" and he just went "oh alright" and kept going. No questioning, no pushback, no "well it's a an fbi recognized pedo term", just a silent "ok my tranny queen slay yassssss"
Fuck him, I hope he gets raped by a gay moid and has to go through what real
victims go through.
No. 2107666
>>2107503Me with my rectangular body:
>uwu you should try adding volume and textures to give the illusions of girly feminine curves, you don't want to look like an ugly blocky squareLet me be an androgynous scarecrow in peace.
No. 2109461
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I hate when people say women would be happier with a scrote/getting dicked down/other misogynistic bullshit as an insult. Yeah no shit a lot of women would be happier being able to trust moids, but we can’t.
No. 2109565
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I grew to hate that "How to draw fat people" book because everyone who promotes it is pretty annoying
No. 2109576
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Borderline retarded, hypermisogynistic gay men who regularly make their pfps unflattering pictures of women in the music industry are a kind of assburgers I cannot support. So weird. Example
No. 2109704
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I hate being given religious propaganda. I'm a cashier. I usually say, "No, thank you." If they're forceful, I toss it after they leave.
The other day, I rejected this old scooters, and he said to me, "If you're lucky, a man will take you and ravage you good."
No. 2110105
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Anons who whinge about threads while also being the problem. Take it to meta or something when you're getting to the point of writing paragraphs on why the thread you hate sucks so bad
No. 2110120
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Being hideous
No. 2110453
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honestly posting here because i don't want to shit up the art salt thread with this kek.
i was playing ff14 and although i don't use twitter i decided to check out this cute (actual) female player's account, and there's nothing there but retweets, picrel being one of them. the cutesy art style with the massive fucking thighs gives me the ick. it looks disproportionate, like their lower bodies are too low down and they'd need pixar mom hips under those short dresses, it doesn't look sexy to me at all, it just looks Coomer Lite to me. bad anatomy for the sake of horny. like just wooow anthropomorphic sanrio characters with sameface and fishnets and thigh highs at a 3/4 angle? so original. this user was like "please rt so i can get to 7k!!!" fucking please. i can see how because the coloring is pastel and cutesy but the art itself kind of ignites this disgust within me.
No. 2110590
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Album renders suck so bad now. Like this was an attempt at being cool and hipster but it just looks like someone perused all the thottie 3D render igs and cobbled this together. So boring.
No. 2110594
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>>2110590Why would anyone aspire to this? Especially someone so famous
No. 2110616
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>>2110590What is that? A bean? A DKNY perfume?
No. 2110986
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>>2110684I was just thinking about that today lmao. Women are already mean to themselves as it is, we deserve to be delusional, it doesn't hurt anyone.
No. 2111079
>>2111071there’s multiple reasons and i figured these are the most common:
keeping allies on their side, you always need good allies
people-pleasing behavior
emotional control to later manipulate and humiliate you to keep you closer to them
this is why they loved choosing women to be spies, moids would instantly fuck this up because they aren’t mercurial like women
No. 2112204
I'm a zillenial and I fucking HATE the retards in my peer group who bitch and moan about I WILL NEVER HAVE A CAREER I WILL ALWAYS BE A WAGIE and yet… they do nothing to help themselves learn skills that could get them a better job… they have no goals in mind or any plans… and the core reason for this, and the reason why I hate these people in particular and not the average, everyday wagecuck, is because these specific people are still clinging to the hope that they'll become famous. I broke off two friendships because of this. These people always do the following
>no particular talent
>no drive at all
>no want to improve any hobbies that could translate to real talent
>Oh, that's right, they never have a single fucking hobby that isn't scrolling social media
>spend any time that could be used productively on smoking weed and/or doing cocaine or something
>think they're REALLY funny
>they're not
>think they're REALLY smart
>they're not that, either
>genuine human emotion and sincerity are jokes to them
>Oh, except their own of course!
I hate these retards with a passion. Like grow the fuck up and learn how to use excel and get a job as a secretary or a front desk person. Jesus. The only reason why they "don't know" what they want to do is because they're just scared that they will never "make it" and gain fame and notoriety like they've always dreamed. They're just coasting on a dream they know will never fucking happen.
These are the worst types of people because they will never see themselves how others see them, it will always be through their twisted and fantastical lens. They are fucking vampires I swear, they suck the life right out of you. They are simultaneously bored with everyone around them (you, good friend to them, are no exception) but they find themselves endlessly fucking inspiring and entertaining so you'll have to listen to them sperg about themselves but fuck you if you want to share developments of your life with them.
I'm never being friends with another one of these retards for as long as I fucking live.
No. 2112402
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No. 2113114
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Just found out about this monstrosity, we need to bomb America asap
No. 2113353
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I hate the TV show The Boys. it’s the most spoonfed obvious shit ever, men watch it and think it’s SO DEEP and sUbVerSive and a real comment™ on culture. it has no substance and just seems like it’s trying to be as edgy as possible, pure moid bait
No. 2113365
>>2113360Frenchie's always been bi, right?
I've only watched the premiere 3 episodes of season 4 and they were a step down in show quality, how much worse does it get?
No. 2113391
This is such a non-issue, but random african men friending me on linkedin. Like what can a guy in marketing from Zimbabwe do for me and my career? And many people in my friends list accept their requests, so now we have people in common!
>>2113353The writers not trusting the audience and thinking they have to spell things out is extremely annoying.
No. 2113493
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it is freaking me out how younger zoomers/gen x are and i don't know how to interact with them. i too was internet-poisoned by age 11 but at least i knew it was abnormal, you used to be the odd one out. now everyone is on tiktok and roblox getting groomed. i don't want to alienate myself from them by straight out shutting down their jokes and lecture them on not sexualising themselves or others, but it's all gyatt jokes and sexualising themselves and others. how the hell do you save these kids? it's normal to begin exploring these subjects as a tween i know but 11 year olds boys watching porn makes me want to have a meltdown.
No. 2113542
>>2113541Did YOU read it?
>11 year old boys watching porn makes me have a meltdownThat's what she said and what I responded to.
No. 2113556
>>2113542It’s almost like that was only one sentence in a long post that was about feeling disgusted at
current online culture. Also, I agree that developing a libido at that age is normal and healthy sure, but that resulting in porn use? It’s not. It’s proven to damage adults’ brains let alone kids’.
>>2113552 is trivialising it. I get your point, I just find it weird that aaaany time anyone brings up the state of things when it comes to sex and pornification of society there’s always someone who has to pop up and say “But it was always that bad!”
>>2113546You’re right, the worst part of this is it’s grooming the gen alpha girls to see this as normal. I’m not even a gen alpha but when I was 16 everyone’s boyfriends were choking them during sex without consent and girls would casually say that they’re basically vanilla because they only like “cnc”, and these are “regular” conversations.
The marketing of makeup to young preteens is pretty pedogate to me too
>>211354910-year-old boys are watching Twitch steamers who promote their onlyfans kek
No. 2113557
>>2113552Nta but
>openly watched gay porn with friends on field trip>it wasn't weird it was just funny!Sorry but your psyche doesn't come out of that kind of shit a little weird. It's not about watching wacky and weird sex with friends as a joke, it's about scrotelings regularly getting off to EXTREME abuse to women, which then shapes their retarded scrote ape brains into harming the girls around them.
No. 2113559
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When women have to put disclaimers for the stuff they enjoy. Scrotes can like vampiric 1000 year old loli hentai and be open about it with no consequence but women liking yaoi ('i'm not a mlm fetishizer!!!!') or harry potter ('not a terf/JKR supporter') has to come with virtue signaling. Just be ~evil~, it's easier that way.
No. 2114041
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The trend of white girls forcing their hair into sausage roll curls. Curly hair is really not for everyone.
No. 2114050
>>2114041It's the worst. When someone with straight hair
thinks they have curly hair so their hair is just always matted and crusty and it always looks wet as fuck from the products they massage in every half hour to "protect" their "curls" but then also their hair is always hard and crunchy too. It's disgusting. Scrotes that do this are worse than the women that do it.
No. 2114060
>>2114050It’s so annoying.
>oh my god i have curly hair after adding 12 products to it and purposefully curling it! yeah no shit dumbass!!
No. 2114061
>>2114050This can also happen if someone's hair is
wavy but they either don't take proper care of it or try to force it to be a different texture.
No. 2114109
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>>2114061Elyse Myers did this and looked like little bo peep. It's the pettiest reason I've unfollowed someone
No. 2114126
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>>2114116NTA but it’s not really about them
being white it’s more about them having straight hair and forcing themselves to make it be curly even though it doesn’t compliment their features or make them look more attractive. It’s reminds me of like victorian coil curls kek it’s just a weeping eye sore
No. 2114155
>>2114137>Most of us weren't taught!!So teach yourself? God damn what is with millennials and learned helplessness. You act like we don't live in the Age of Information. My mum didn't teach me how to bake casserole I had to watch her do it and then read cookbooks and learn it on my own like a normal person. I didn't need her to sit me down with a Casserology 101 textbook and lecture me on the physics of the oven for 5 weeks.
>That's why people think white people mostly have straight hair. White people have mostly straight or wavy hair. Wavy hair isn't curly hair. Wavy hair is just straight hair that doesn't fall straight. If someone needs 10 products to maintain a hairstyle, then it's not natural. If you really don't like straight hair, why don't you just get a perm instead of massaging bullshit into your scalp for 30 minutes every night?
These types of "curly hair" people always have the most product build-up and scalp sebum and dandruff of any type of person because they use sooo much just to maintain that rat-nest look. No. 2114156
>>2114140> it does if you use 30 million products the way these ladies doNone of these products inherently curl hair.
I used to try the curly girl method on girls with straight hair for fun and the curls all fell out within an hour. Growing up, I also knew girls with straight hair who would braid their hair wet and sleep in it (and slather on products), and all the curls would be gone by 9AM at school. Why do people gatekeep the definition of "curly"? It's funny how people who aren't familiar with straight hair have the idea it is malleable when it is not.
No. 2114159
File: 1722458671290.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.13 KB, 564x846, weird.jpg)

blonde hair with curls always looks greasy to me, i also hate how so manay moids haircut is trying to make the hair wavy with shaved sides, it all looks so shit
pic semi related ig
>>2114140does it stay because of the gel-like products in the curly routin? or does the constant styling give the hair a wave pattern? i've heard the latter a lot but it seems like a myth
No. 2114176
>>2114155>So teach yourself? God damn what is with millennials and learned helplessnessI'm not a millennial and I'm just explaining why for many people the curly girl method is revolutionary.
>My mum didn't teach me how to bake casserole I had to watch her do it and then read cookbooks and learn it on my own like a normal personNot every mother of a girl with wavy or curly hair also has that hair type and many mothers did not learn how to deal with their hair type if they did have curly or wavy hair. The internet was not as widespread back in the 2000s for hair advice the way it became in the 2010s. I'm not sure why you are so pressed about this issue.
>Wavy hair is just straight hair that doesn't fall straightThere are a lot of factors that affect whether hair is straight, wavy, or curly, but wavy hair is not straight hair on a genetic level. I don't understand why this is such a charged issue for you.
>If you really don't like straight hair, why don't you just get a perm instead of massaging bullshit into your scalp for 30 minutes every night?Most of these people used to straighten their hair for years. I think they are mostly just trying something new. I don't see Elyse Myers for instance wear her hair in those ringlets in the last videos I've seen of hers.
No. 2114969
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Jirai kei, along with the retarded alien shooping that comes with it. I can't believe people seriously think that this looks good kek.
No. 2114976
>>2114155I think thick, wavy hair sometimes does take a few products to look good because it can easily become frizzy or multi-textured with random straight pieces (which looks bad.) It's not
so bad if you take care of it properly but humidity is a killer kek
No. 2115527
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wedge heels in any style
No. 2115840
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Anons who tell other women that if they find men ugly they must be a lesbian. I'm not that anon but I think irl men are fucking foetid and I'm apathetic about women. Would not call myself a lesbian for that.
No. 2116094
File: 1722559012597.png (1.48 MB, 768x969, yeah i guess.png)

i hate it a lot when users are unecesarrily mean to each other. even when it’s not directed towards me it still makes me sad to look at and if you try to call them out for bullying you just get treated like a faggot
No. 2116119
>>2113493Some of them are too far gone to reach. If they’re reachable speaking to them like an adult, or emotionless and directly pointing out what they’re doing usually works. The latter, if they’re copying a TV show “you got that from (show), right?” emotionless. Former, “you’re talking about sex because you think its adult or scandalous, but look around you what adults do you see every day who do that?” Don’t lecture, don’t appear condescending, don’t insult them, talk to them flat as if they’re a peer, and do not emotionally react. Your goal is disinterested. They will respond, and you have to work through their responses the same way. I’ve noticed a lot of adults speak in a way that gets these kids riled up, because it’s a condescending “hmm I don’t know about that, teeheehee” tone. If kids start talking about youtubers acting like them, respond, “yeah but youtube isn’t real. It’s a business not some guy with a camera making real stuff, they do things specifically to be captivating to an audience, it’s like a movie.” The ones who are really far gone usually resort to childish emotionally outbursts, ex “yeah people do act like that. They just do,” so if you ask a question like “do your parents act like that?” they’ll just respond with either an obnoxious “yes,” or “my parents can eat deez nuts,” or something. A peer would respond “nah man they don’t,” flatly, which is what you need to do. Don’t get frustrated.
Eventually you’ll say something interesting enough they’ll talk to you normally, like if you try to tell them youtube isn’t real that might catch their interest, because they’ll start talking about a vlogger they watch. Explain to them why it’s not real, no talking down same tone. Do this for all conversations about anything. Ex: “that content is made to appeal to kids, because kids are the only people interested in cursing and sex without anything else, but the media can’t legally market that to kids, so its justified as ‘adult content.” All same flat tone. “I’m not your mom, so no I don’t care about you,” said flatly is also one that really seems to get them, because a lot of these kids have grown up being told nothing but ‘you’re special,’ ‘you matter,’ etc. They truly look at every adult in their life as if that adult has some sort of interest or connection to them. The goal of this is to actually get these kids acting like human beings, and they start acting like that after you do this for a while. Everyone except the attention seeking kids will adore you, because they’ll think you’re honest therefore cool. The attention seekers are not fixable. Kids know the world is not sunshine and rainbows, so trying to tell kids in that 9 - 12 brackets about friendship and being kids doesn't work (most adults do this). They're edgy shits respond accordingly.
No. 2116131
>>2116115samefag (fuck the flood detection) i don't think it's really a "horny bad" thing because when i first saw a photo of a dick when i was younger it legitimately scared me enough to go offline for the rest of the day, despite not having any previous trauma whatsoever. just couldn't comprehend how it looks like
that, it was more like "weird = bad"
No. 2116195
>>2116115Thank you for your patience with me, I appreciate it. It sounds like you admire the characters as people though but idk.
>>2116131Not dismissing your experience, but that's just the nature of being a kid or a teen, they're not very fond of sex because they're still too young to understand it. I never had this experience personally and always was curious about and fascinated by sex, and the older I got the more interesting it seemed to me. I'm still a virgin as well but I really want that to change and want to experience the physical sensation of sex, masturbation isn't enough anymore to satisfy me.
>>2116182You bring up a good point, I hadn't thought of that. I guess some real males don't live up to the ideas indeed. Thanks for your input.
No. 2116719
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This fuck ass bouffant
No. 2117155
I hate it when celeb drama involves a.) a woman with no backbone, b.) a guy who doesn't like her, and c.) the other woman "stealing" him.
Because it's like a batsignal for other women with no backbone to launch mass hate against the other woman and cry over how dumb their nigel is for leaving them. I hate women crying over men and I hate women bashing other women over a man. The ice spice and madeline argy one is a recent example that annoys me. Because that one is obviously PR but now there's a bunch women going "you can be classy, pure and loyal and he'll still leave you for a whore boohoo". Like I'm sorry women need to stop wearing being "loyal" and "pure" for losers who cheat on them as a badge of honor. That shit is embarrassing and an ego boost for scrotes. It deflates the standards for women everywhere. It genuinely irks me when women make being a damsel for shitty men some kind of virtue, because I have yet to see scrotes en masse cry over the guy who got their ex. The ones who do get labeled as incels or cucks. The fact that the ice spice one wasn't even real but we got videos with millions of likes calling women "good girls" for staying with cheating nigels.
No. 2119916
>>2117155why do people feel sorry for Ice Spice. Why are people acting like she’s a
victim for sexualizing herself. as if she’s doing it by force.
No. 2120633
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The fear and hunger nose. So many artists who get into that game start drawing noses like picrel and just continue. It looks so ugly to me
No. 2120655
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Anons talking about Australia and New Zealand and making retarded assumptions as if they've ever been there let alone been in the rural regions. It affirms my desire to starting calling some of you that funny little nickname
No. 2120669
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>>2120661Okay, Ms. 25%-of-global-incarcerated-population-regular-shootings-retarded-political-system-and-constant-threats-of-abortion-being-taken-away. It must kill you inside, septic tank, that despite your country fucking us so hard up the arse that it prolapsed and we have to do everything your puppeted corpse president says that we're still doing far better than you. We've suffered from the global financial crisis too, but we never went into recession because our government actually knows how to handle itself despite being so corrupted. Also your coffee is fucking shit, why do you waste so much money in your diners and Starbucks on it?
No. 2120674
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>>2120670My bad, it gets fucking tiring after a while whenever your country gets brought up people make retarded comments like that. Sometimes I want discuss stuff in my country but every single time people start reeeing at me for saying something like "Wow its fucked up this guy didn't get more time in jail."
Have a quokka to balance the karma.
No. 2120732
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This type of anime profile
No. 2120756
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Men's egregious storytelling on reddit where they make themselves look like clever sigma heros. Please die.
No. 2121093
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This is why the ghetto stereotype will never stop. I don’t understand these American black rappers. They have no modesty and exist for coomers and scrotes
No. 2121196
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I hate “eating sounds” ASMR. It’s so grotesque and I don’t know how anyone could find it relaxing. The only thing it does is piss me off
No. 2121342
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whatever this is
No. 2121381
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I can't find the og post,but on one of these threads some anon posted a video where a guy is yelling at some white woman in Poland for being around an indian guy. Come to find out the guy in that video is Mexican. I'm Latino and the amount of Latino male white supremacists makes me cringe. It's even worse that the guy was calling some little black girl a monkey..
No. 2121390
>>2121381Latino/Hispanic scrotes definitely have some screws loose. I was shocked to learn about unironic neo nazi mexican groups kek. Do they not realize how retarded they look??
>inb4racbaitAm beaner
No. 2121395
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>>2121381I like it when they start damage controlling whenever a video of latinos doing crime comes up. Their white groyper friends start calling them slurs and it's funny as hell.
No. 2121406
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>>2121395Jon's not a groyper though, unlike nick I don't think he even acknowledges himself as Latino in anyway. He even called a latina woman a kike
No. 2121414
>>2121406I’ve never seen so many ugly scrotes in one place. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a neo nazi scrote that was both cute
and aryan. Like you’d think people who are trying to preserve muh white race would get some decent looking white people.
No. 2121517
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When lolcow gets mentioned on other sites and it attracts more people and negative attention
No. 2121568
>>2121502That's just what sphincters look like. You have many more
inside your body.
No. 2121688
>>2121681They're never really documenting anything though it's just like having someone read a Wikipedia article and inserting their stupid commentary onto each sentence. At least documentaries can be interesting and show some different perspectives. Every "video essay" I've watched could have been condensed into a 1500 word Medium article and nothing would be lost, I'd argue it'd actually improve.
>These annoying ass 20-somethings who overanalyze media meant for young children are my least favorite of these.These types are the worst. I think the worst is Quinton Reviews, that big autistic sasquatch. He makes 10-20 hour long videos about Nickolodeon shows and then goes on Twitter to talk about how depressed he is that nobody likes his videos.
No. 2121798
File: 1722831864830.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1577x1500, STL096250.jpg)

Lolicons who are genuinely convinced lolis are based off asian/petite women. I can't screenshot unfortunately but kiwifarms has a thread dedicated to anti lolicons and the most recent post is so stupid. Ironically the moid who posted it started off by saying "these guys must never get out of their basements!" As if the average lolifag ever does. He basically uses this loli character as an example of how lolis are based off petite adult Asian women because apparently she has the exact measurements of her voice actress. First of all this breaks the lolifags rules that lolis are completely separated from reality, clearly they aren't if they're being referenced off real people. But secondly if you can argue that lolis can be referenced off adult women, then anyone could argue it's very possible for lolis to have the exact same measurements as children and being directly based off real children. Japan used to produce a shit ton of child gravure so it's not like they don't have an endless supply to reference. Even in western loli spaces (think /ic/s loli thread) they openly show themselves referencing images that range from stock photos to nn models (softcore cp basically). And this example he gave is very cherry picked. The average loli doesn't look like this. She's clearly given a much more elongated body and even small breasts. Most lolis don't have that. One thing he argued was that "the 1000 year old dragon lolis from anime could pass for short asian women". So is he arguing that the average asian woman looks like kanna? Milim? No he wouldn't. Because he knows they don't look like that. (Unless he's body blind, which honestly is a real possibility.)
No. 2121952
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>>2121798Im not an articulate person. But loli defenders are gross and those that try to “rationalize it” are retarded. God I hate lolicons/pedos so damn much and wish women and girls would wake up and see why it’s so damaging but no cute loli anime statue figurine just don’t seggualize iit!
No. 2122402
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i really hate this idea that adult women resemble prepubescent boys. outside of right-wing'd spaces you sometimes see the idea on lolcow/rad-leaning spheres…it's normally someone going "no man post-puberty can look like that :/" to a troon's idealized wide-hipped thick-thighed curvy thing. prepubescent boys can't ever have curvy adult women bodies either. it's just a stupid thing to say
No. 2122422
>>2122402Pretty sure this is just some loophole for gay pedos to deny being gay pedos.
"I-I'm not a filthy homosexual! Young boys are just beardless women!" Or something like that.
No. 2122715
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I hate this channel thumbnails. I used to watch some of the videos of this guy's channel but nowadays I just can't stand it.
No. 2123163
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>>2123158These are the anons that make up 99% of infights.
No. 2124070
>>2123586I kinda understand censoring dead people because the true crime fandom will often stalk people who were involved in the court case or family members of the
victims. But it's not like just redacting the names makes it impossible to just google the article itself so it does become pointless.
No. 2124334
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tweets like this
No. 2124446
>>2124357do what you can even if you think there's no point
i just can't stand woe is us doomers. i became an environmentalist and zero waster purely out of spite after getting tired of jobless neets crying how we're all fucked while posting their shein hauls and saying there's no ethical consumption under capitalism.
ironically it made me happier and i made a bunch of friends at protests kek
No. 2124660
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I hate when people are absorbed in their phones and look like they don't want to talk/be around their lover when they're right next to them. As I was watching one Youtuber, I noticed her boyfriend would always be on his phone or look annoyed whenever she would pan to him. Sure, maybe he doesn't want to be on camera, but it's so gross looking at his behavior. He looks like a greasy fuckboy anyway, but still. Whenever I see others do this, it seems incredibly rude.
No. 2124733
>>2124357Literally all the anguish and misery we're going through now has happened in recent memory. Beatniks were known as the beat generation because they were flat beat- no jobs, prospects, money, future, and a looming war to boot. They coped by writing shitty navel gazing streams of conscience and doing every drug under the sun. And despite the Tuna-esque amounts of heroin they did and poetry they wrote, they were fine.
Smog used to be so bad in large cities that you couldn't see buildings on the horizon. Some people took to wearing gas masks to be able to breathe. Now it's almost vanished. So has the lead that made up a good amount of that smog.
We've been living in a hellscape for years, but it's only been a few years. Things went to shit too quickly for us to adjust. There's time to fix our mistakes, make changes for the better that help us even if they don't give us everything we need, and get through this.
No. 2125060
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>>2124993>>2125000>>2125004Picrel ♥
I also hate all the laptop "musicians" of the current era and electronic music shills, they ruined the music industry beyond repair because now everyone who can afford a laptop and some fake instruments software thinks they're a real musician whom the world should listen to the "creations" of. And it always, without fail, sounds like shit. 0 musical sense, authenticity, taste, understanding of music, knowledge of scales/keys, time signatures, rhythms etc. All they create is schizo messes and they're like "wow!!! I'm a musician now!!". It's even more annoying when people defend them or when they play
victim about being rightfully made fun of. Some modern "metal" band with tons of electronics got their laptops stolen once and canceled their show because "we can't play any song without backing tracks". Tf? So the song doesn't consist of guitar, bass, drum, and vocals? Would it have killed them if they played a "barebones" version of the song with the instruments and vocals only? It surely wouldn't sound that bad without some backing tracks. If they had talent they would've found a work around it and played the song anyways, with maybe one of the guitarists emulating the backing tracks while the other plays the lead guitar. Maybe it would be a bit embarrassing but certainly less embarrassing than canceling their show all together.
No. 2125135
>>2125102There’s some decent Hyperpop artists out there
I like Lil Mariko, Zheani, Brooke Candy, and Rebecca Black personally but I find it crazy how many people support Kim Petras and Rebzyyx because they both just have such obnoxious sounds with being Dr. Luke’s white knight and making Onision-tier emo music respectively
No. 2125235
>>2125234Nah, what about cases where they're oblivious to the abuse aka what abuse does to them
Also I could see a lot of
abusive parents doing it to their kids, and psych wards aren't exactly known for lack of sexual abuse
No. 2125244
>>2125235i think you're misunderstanding what i mean by involuntarily comitted. i'm talking about people who are mentally ill/shit like that being imprisoned/locked up by the police. i don't consider the family to have anything to do with it. at least in my state, now, even if you're trying to hurt yourself or others they'll only hold you against your will for 101 hours and then let you out. as for women in relationships with shitty men, if they're oblivious to the abuse then no ones gonna be able to help them, i'm not really sure what to say to that. also what situations do you mean
abusive parents could put their kids in mental institutions? like…when the parent is upset? because if some psycho parent shows up at the gates of the mental hospital screaming and sperging about how their child, who obviously isn't doing anything wrong, is a demon who must be imprisoned, i'm pretty sure the only person who's gonna be sleeping in the mental hospital tonight will be the parent kek.
No. 2125272
>>2125270nta but not when they're involuntarily committed kek
it's a tale as old as time, tween/teen shows mild depression symptoms, gets thrown into a psych ward, gets csa'd
No. 2125275
>>2125272kids cant be depressed, first of all, second of all if you show up at the front desk of a mental institution and say "my kid is depressed take them inside" thats not really enough to get them shoved in. i'm talking about involuntarily committing people who are a danger to themselves or others. if your kid is self harming, thats more of a reason for them to get put in a pediatric ward. also, if
i was personally in control of the mental instituion system i'd only employ women so that the likelihood of SA is 0 across the board
No. 2125278
>>2125276children cannot experience legitimate
depression being sad ≠ depression/depressive disorder. depression is way, way overdiagnosed in the youth now.
No. 2125471
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Having random disembodied lyrics and snippets from songs I used to listen to that I haven't heard in a decade or more and I can't remember the song title so they just play together nonsensical in my head like a cocteau twins song
No. 2125914
File: 1723055029164.png (541.39 KB, 950x577, mdjadijandw.png)

these awful fucking therapy ads with only conventionally attractive young women hmm i wonder who they're trying to cater towards… the fucking boob window one is the worst one i've seen so far
No. 2125933
triggered over someone disliking marketing strategies in an ad kek
No. 2125954
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Shield your eyes nonnies
No. 2125985
was no cleavage It's literally some skin and her collar bone, you can't even see her breasts. Is this really an advertising issue or do you just hate when other women don't align with your standards?
No. 2125988
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>>2125955I hate anons who think everyone on here are radfems lmao. How low IQ do you have to be? Like is this your first imageboard? Hahaha
No. 2126651
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>>2125990>>2125993>replies to obvious baitYou guys are too easy
No. 2126756
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I hate the classic Wicked poster, why does she have a DreamWorks smirk?
No. 2126803
>>2125954Perfect for when you’re cold everywhere but your chest, for some weird reason.
Anyway the pic’s format made me think about how much i hate the .webp format. Fucking shit garbage extension “but it’s lightweight! It’ll catch on this time, i’m sure!” Get this shit seo optimized non-user-centric OUT of the internet.
No. 2127111
>>2127104I didn't get that either, probably wasn't cheery enough, kek. It does seem like she had something else on her mind, maybe her order was big and she didn't expect another customer or similar. Also kek at
>seeing a young woman upset hercalm down, she sees young women everyday.
No. 2127140
File: 1723142720803.gif (1.02 MB, 200x150, moo.gif)

The anon or anons who keep saying "girl" it's actually bothering me so much. They're basically rubbing it in your face that they're the new userbase who replaced the older one with cancerous toddler topics and thinking PULL-tier topics is what makes an interesting cow. Oh my beloved lolcor, what have you become? My darling… you've been truly been put out to pasture
No. 2127504
File: 1723155796815.png (112.1 KB, 2560x946, 1000013277.png)

i hate the rise of ai assistants being marketed as something new. siri, alexa, google nest etc have all existed for years.
No. 2127642
File: 1723161437999.png (89.1 KB, 516x340, PIECE OF FAGGOT SHIT.png)

>>2127606Stupid piece of trash. You’re just a dumb piece of stupid ugly trash. I hate you. I loathe you stupid piece of ugly dumb trash. You’re nothing to me you’re just bullshit and I hate bullshit and that’s exactly what you are. You think I don’t know what you are? Loser trash. I hate you more than I hated anyone before my hate for you is so strong I could burst into flames and burn alive and even in death my hatred would for you would burn on. You’re so fucking irritating that’s all you do you know that’s all you ever do is irritate me. To think I ever thought this was gonna be a good idea enrages me I hate myself for being so stupid and young and naive and full of dreams and all those dreams are just pieces of shit now just like you Luröy. I want to hit you and smash you and destroy you with a hammer until all that’s left of you is wood chips. Why is it that every time I sit on my comfortable bed after a long day of toil that you pop and slide and get tangled and fuck up? Why is it that you are never secure? Why is it that you’re an empty promise? You’re lies. I’m trying to fucking relax why do you slip and slide and then I have to get up and lift up my mattress and LARP being a fucking a fucking circus act strongwoman just to re-adjust your retarded gay slates? Every day a new slate slides and falls and then my mattress is sinking below my bed frame all because of you. You’re a piece of shit. Fuck you Luröy you piece of shit bed slate wood asshole faggot furniture. Fuck it’s pissing me off it’s making me angry I hate being this person I hate being angry I hate what you turn me into Luröy why can’t you just stay in place why do you have to fall out to taunt me to demean me to ruin me to destroy me to curse me why do you fucking do it why do you do it to me? I’m trying to relax and have a good time and play Stardew Valley and suddenly I’m sinking into the floor like I’m a floor person now because my stupid fucking bed slates are off-kilter and my mattress isn’t supported so now I belong on the floor like I’m a dog fuck this shit I don’t deserve this nobody deserves this and you cost almost eighty dollars IKEA fucking robbed me they are high way bandits and they betrayed me as a consumer all because of this stupid bed that I bought for cheap I should have known that it was too good to be true but I’m not a genius Im not a prodigy I just wanted a bed to sleep on now I have to deal with the hellspawn that’s called Luröy in that devil tongue Swedish fuck I hate them I hate them I hate them. Luröy is a shit product nobody else buy it its not worth it its another Swedish devil scam don’t fall for it because it’s a waste of money and you’ll regret it just like me because it never works for me and every day I have to haul up my mattress and hurt my back trying to balance the mattress on my shoulders while I rearrange those gay stupid shit pieces of crap slates and fix the Luröy bullshit again. Fuck I hate it so much it’s so painful the hatred in my heart It’s too much I can’t take it I can’t take it.
No. 2127731
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>>2127728i have very fine hair too, and thats why i personally use a wide tooth comb because i don’t get any breakage/static from it; boars hair bristles is a really aggressive material to brush thin/fine hair with
No. 2127836
>>2127827Ntayrt but a demographic shift is when the
demographic itself changes, not the lives of the demographic who frequents this website. This website is full of women, and the majority of women are straight, end up getting married, and having kids. It’s always going to be that way.
No. 2127856
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>>2127852An ageing population
No. 2127876
>>2127797Wish they could keep their nigelfaggotry to specific threads dedicated about straight relationships and children n stuff, considering how many there are in /g/. It's just an annoying and boring topic especially if you're gay and have nothing to add. I'm aware most women are straight and have kids later in life but that doesn't make it any less annoying and boring. Also a lot of the time mentions of nigels and children causes infights (amerifags thread for example) because when you're not in a thread about those topics where others often feel the same way about said topic and have similar experiences to you on said topic, you have a much higher chance of running into someone who does not care or does not like that topic. Like you can't just enter a thread about, let's say, the economy and start talking about your nigels spending habits. It's boring to most who are in a thread that is not about nigels. I wish nigelfags and topics of bearing children could just stick to threads about those topics, ALOT of nonas just don't care about or like those topics. Maybe in real life a lot of women start families and get in heterosexual marriages but on an imageboard it's bound to be much more diverse due to the culture of it.
No. 2127884
> its boring to most who are in a thread that is not about nigels Nta but i dont assume that most users post for the purpose of entertaining me, so a post being "boring" doesn't particularly mean anything because you can just scroll and ignore
> its bound to be much more diverse due to the culture of it i do understand what you mean by this; the majority of straight married moms definitely are not really keeping up with cow culture kek. but in my mind it still makes sense that a website where it is mostly women would result in that likely falling into the overwhelming majority
tl;dr even though i cant visualize a sahm on /ot/ or /w/ it does not sound outside of the realm of possibility
No. 2127889
>>2127884The issue with it being boring is that it garners negative attention is what i’m saying. lots of nigel owners get rude responses and shit and it leads to infightings, which is why i think it should be in /g/. plus the discussion of nigels and children doesn’t need to be in like every thread, as I said they already have a bunch of containment threads. I don’t understand why they shouldn’t be using those threads. Considering this is an IB it would be safe to assume there’s a lot of NEETS, gays, etc too. Most normie sahms use mainstream social media n stuff. But my point is i don’t understand the need to discuss baby stuff and nigel talk on /ot/ and garner negative attention rather than just go on /g/ and get actual advice and positive attention
>tl;dr even though i cant visualize a sahm on /ot/ or /w/ it does not sound outside of the realm of possibilitysame kek, i can’t even imagine one on /snow/
>>2127882I think we should just start redirecting that sort of talk to /g/, it exists for a reason and I don’t see why they can’t just have that kind of talk there when there’s soooo many threads for that.
No. 2127929
>>2127915>us weirdosYou are a newfag. Anons never used to talk like this. You are acting like a petulant child because you can't gatekeep the topics WOMEN talk about. This isnt an incel paradise. I dont have children btw, your insults will never stick and you need to truly grow the fuck up.
>>2127914Stop pretending that women have to "contain" talking about their lives faggot.
No. 2127931
>>2127914That's what I'm saying, I dont know why nona got so mad over it. I'm just saying /g/ is there for discussions of babies, nigels, etc. Nor did I ever say all IB users are gays or neets (or a safe haven for gays??) I'm just saying there's bound to be a lot because of the diversity of the internet. I was also saying there's alot of infighting in /ot/ because of topics such as children and nigels, and that it would reduce infighting a lot of we just kept that sort of discussion in /g/. I don't like it when a nona brings up her nigel in a one off comment and a bunch of retards start jumping her but I also don't like it when women start derailing about how it is "divine purpose" to have babies in the amerifag thread.
>>2127915I don't even care if moms use this site lol I just have no idea why she's so mad about me simply saying /g/ is better for discussion of topics pertaining to motherhood (that is literally what it is meant for). I'm just going to stop engaging in this conversation because it's clearly going to devolve into an infight. Honestly proves my point about those topics causing infights in /ot/ KEK
No. 2127950
>>2127929she was probably using "us weirdos" sarcastically since you started calling her that first kek
>>2127946they are both arguing about each other's choices recently.
No. 2127959
>>2127932>>2127937>>2127941>>2127945I love your dedication, searching for fat ugly goth pics since over 20 minutes already
>>2127950Sarcasm isn't allowed, you need to grow up and become a true woman with real female experiences, anon
No. 2127977
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>>2127959This is very inventive fanfiction.
No. 2127980
>>2127969i didnt say anything about surgery? all i said is that fat ugly goths are functionally enby
>>2127973theyre spiritually similar. hormonally disturbed, fashion
victim, consoomer, etc
No. 2128303
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what causes this level of brain damage. It’s like their stupidity is a magnet that wants to gravitate my fist to their face
No. 2128329
>>2128304not wanting to have children and being critical of sex with men makes you a troon now, not like troons are usually the ones fetishizing female sex and pregnancy nooooo
>>2128309well simply don’t say things that make you sound like one, it’s like we’re reverting back to women becoming nigel sympathizers and the man hate has burnt out. my tinfoil is when they banned dumbass shit thread that’s when the man hate had to stop, this was done on purpose. a bunch of the jannies have boyfriends and husbands, tell me these types of women aren’t entirely against you just for being critical
No. 2128342
>>2128329>well simply don’t say things that make you sound like oneBut I'm saying anons will call people tradthots for shit that isn't even tradthotty.
>a bunch of the jannies have boyfriends and husbandsAnon you're being schizo kek, how would you even know? But this does add to the point I was making though, just having a boyfriend or husband doesn't make you a tradthot.
No. 2128409
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i hate when pretty character designs are wasted on pedobait. picrel is makaino ririmu, a vtuber who's avatar is supposed to be 10. if she was grown up i would love her design
No. 2128421
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>>2128414Also that it’s more culturally accepted there
No. 2128585
>>2128409>pretty character designs looks generic, muted and hideous. get better taste
>>2128414because a lot of grown asian women play into the pedophilic tendencies that men desire, asian or white men it doesn’t matter they both want to fuck little girls and it’s what makes them attractive. it honestly disgusts me, it’s almost like they praise or worship pedophilia in east asia
No. 2128609
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>>2128309>>2128342maybe don't say shit like this then, cause these are usually the posts getting called tradthot (and that other anon saying homosexuality is a mental illness when someone mentioned being a lesbian)
No. 2128904
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"My sister in christ" –I am not your sister in anything period
No. 2129230
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i hate every ~silent cry for help~ type post that sad sacks like to blast all over their social media. if i had more guts id comment under every "sometimes the quietest people suffer the loudest" post GO TO THERAPY!! they just want someone to reach out and take pity on them instead of themselves taking the actual steps necessary to stop being a depressed and depressING fuck. i dont even think im being insensitive because ive been on antidepressants since 2017, but ive never been on fb posting woe is me shit b/c i understand thats just attention seeking behavior meant to guilt the people you know into feeling like your mood is their responsibility
No. 2129261
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>>2129256>what is a joke sigh
No. 2129468
>>2129443>>2129453Yeah it's flossing that's the problem. You can brush your teeth as hard and well as you want but you need floss to get into those deep crevices where all the gunk is stuck and starts to rot like a sewer.
Also brush your tongue. Clean teeth, clean gums but crusty white tongue is usually the issue with stinky breath
No. 2129896
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When a character is blatantly, unapologetically evil but gets a "sad backstory™" so now you gotta feel pity or whatever. Their fans always bring up their twaaaaumas everytime they get called out as if it's relevant to their crimes towards others anymore. They think overstating a villain's trauma, justifying their actions or twisting the narrative makes said character more interesting and it's the total opposite, by nullifying their evil deeds you basically strip them of what makes villains…villains? It's literally what they do, what makes them relevant. No Kyle, that guy didn't have a logical or ~relatable~ reason to kick a puppy, he simply is an ass, no Kyle, the fact that he got beaten with a comically big spoon every day when he was a kid doesn't justify it
No. 2129909
>>2129896This right here is a big part of what ruined the later seasons of Steven Universe. Like the main characters+audience discover the big bad's trauma and then within the next episode they've gone heel-face turn and their evil deeds are never brought up again. It also means you have to keep finding bigger bads if you want the story to continue. Like okay turns out the evil intergalactic dictators are sad woobies… so logically you need to find whoever messed
them up and find out their sad backstory too. The cycle is endless until either the story ends or you're excusing truly terrible people in fiction who would be up there with Hitler and Stalin if they existed in real life.
No. 2129915
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>All alternative styles are inherently queer/gay/leftist!!!
I'll use brute force against the next motherfucker who says this shit
No. 2130008
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they don't even fucking work, they just loop "Select the motorcycle. Okay bitch? How much? Every single square that has a bit of motorcycle? So should I select the moid who has his flat ass on the seat? Nevermind who cares, because it says I failed anyway. Select all the cars, Okay. I do so, still fail. Select the stairs, sure. Still fail. I hate these things so fucking much.
No. 2130078
being a woman. there is nothing good to being a woman. slower, weaker, smaller, cant fight back rape apes even tho you are the one that gets pregnant and most likely to get a sexual diasease, so you a scrote can forcefully implant a growing thing which sucks up all of your bodily resources for almost a year and will rip your vagina to push itself out against your will.
Also female socialization. Dealing with men since the beggining of time, statistics, videos of men making up 99.9% of rape, killings, objectifying and dehuminizing women, abuse, pedophilia, and women still endlessly defend them and are willing to sacrifice themselves for them. Any small critique of men's behavior and how women are treated and women will burn you alive while men make ai deepfake porn of you.
No. 2130196
>>2129990The bullies in my schools were overweight, not well off, came in unwashed, raised by their lone overwhelmed and aging grandmas because their mom was either a drug addict or a deadbeat like their dad. They took it out on other kids they perceived as having it better than them ig. I know way too much about them because when moms rocked up the school to mass address how bad it'd gotten.. the principal blabbed about their horrible home lives in great detail (That can't be legal) as a way of just brushing off the bullying as an outlet for them.
People blessed with everything in life punching down isn't my irl experience with bullies. Even in the workplace, adults trying to be grown bullies always have something about them that if life were a movie they would be typecast as the
victim No. 2130223
>>2130078>men making up 99.9% of rape, killings, objectifying and dehuminizing women, abuse, pedophiliaWould you really rather be a perpetrator of those things though? It's easy to feel doomed thinking how evil and degenerate men are, but the only thing worse than the risk of being their
victim is the risk of being like them. I would rather fucking die than be a sick fuck moid who is so ruled by sexual urges that I do insane, cruel or disgusting things to coom.
The situation I'm thinking of rn is that man who raped and killed 50+ dogs. Can you imagine having that potential in you? Being part of the demographic who are prone to doing shit like that? Fuck that.
No. 2130289
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This disgusting retard. Couldnt the nonnas choose anything else from their culture?
No. 2130645
>>2130239>>2130223Pathetic cope. I would always choose to be the perpetrator rather than the
victim, but women always pretend they would choose otherwise because they don't actually have a choice
No. 2130863
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>>2130691Meet Danny. He's harmless, albeit a bit crass in his mannerisms. He's your friend.
No. 2130877
>good looking druggieNot for long, most drugs wreck hell on the body and make you ugly. Druggie moids should be immediately vasectomized and legally prohibited from passing on their faulty genes anyway.
>ugly minimum wage workersProbably can't afford to raise kids in this economy anyway.
No. 2130979
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Pickme bitches who protect nasty men
No. 2131031
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>>2131007>>2131025His assistant has been around since the 90s, he allegedly cheated on his first wife pre fame with an assistant, it's probably this lady. She's been with him since then, now she follows him around like a handler, you can see her in interviews and candids, Linda is literally an eternal pickme.
There she is, probably waiting for him to love her, and he will never love anyone but jimself
No. 2131075
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The fact anime is such a normie thing now that Megan Thee Stallion comes out with shit like this. I saw normies I used to know in school start posting about anime on thier instagram stories, even though they thought I was cringe for it kek
No. 2131082
>>2131055Someone on cc asked me to post my receipts here and I'd make a thread on him if the mods let me. It's just a lot of info and very image & text heavy. It's a lot to read. Takes a lot of time to compile and order. did a better job adapting it to the second reddit sub than I did with the Google doc (which I originally wrote last year) but then my reddit adapted posts for r/carr3yrece1pts2 got banhammered so I have to redo it. The Google doc is still up, archive links are just being wonky. It's annoying my work keeps going down in flames or something awful happens when I publish it. It's kind of sad at this point that the only places that feel safe to talk about him without censorship are image boards, Reddit is a censorship shithole, TikTok, Instagram, don't want to go to tumblr because he has a teeny fandom there kek, where is safe?
He really is a huge fucking cow. Another rumor was about him painting using his own blood. I'd love to know more personal insider details but I just can't get people to choke and talk long enough. They always dip out like they're afraid he's gonna kill them if they don't speak vaguely. I don't buy that serial killer theory because it's logically defunct and ridiculous but he does have a connection to cults and that could be one reason why people are scared to cross him despite his ailing reputation
If all else fails I may make a blog, assuming that won't be taken down.
No. 2131119
>>2131093She's beautiful and I love her deep voice but all of her songs fucking suck. I do believe she has major potential, but her potential is being wasted on MY TIDDIES FAT AND I SUCK DICK and DOMO ARIGATO MR ROBOTO I LOVE THICK BITCHES meme-tier garbage. Call me retarded but with the right management and lyrics she could have filled the hole that Missy Elliott left. I think Meg could really nail that kind of slightly humorous vibe. Enough about sitting on dick and making money off of onlyfans or whatever the fuck, it'd boring and fucking tired.
>>2131082Ayrt, I greatly encourage you to make a blog. It's so weird how all of his controversies have been swept away. It's like nobody pays attention or cares because he's all but left the public eye. His birthday instagram posts were weird, like he still has some big connections or something. He seems absolutely insane and psycho, like he's forever angry his super srs acting career never fully replaced his comedic legacy or something. And looking back now his comedy feels so robotic, almost. And desperate, like he's only flopping around and talking in a goofy voice because of some survival instinct that garners the most attention amd laughs for personal gain. Idk maybe I'm being weird about it but he looks like a freak psycho/sociopath in all his pictures.
You could maybe try blogspot or livejournal or something? I feel like that would be a good place to put some separation between you and any Carrey fangirls. I think tumblr could be worth it even though he has a small fandom on tumblr. I can't imagine it would be any bigger than the Elvis Presley microfandom on tumblr though, I think smaller fandom = less chance of crazies harassing you, I guess compared to something like the kpop fandom.
No. 2131141
you dont understand. in society you are a woman first and you second. Both men and women perceive you like this. If you choose male-dominated space they will mistreat you and be misogynistic pigs in one way or another, and being in a female dominated space consists of makeup, fashion, or any femininity woo woo bullshit and constant coddling of scrotes, gendies, trannies. Being a woman means if you piss off a scrote at best people will call you a bitch and at worst make deepfake ai porn of you or outright rape you. You will be violated. Say anything against a scrotes fee fees and not only will men violate you, women around you will gaslight you and shame you for not thinking about the poowr moid. Most women will end up pregnant and marry a moid. Even if you want to go the female-centered route, women are sold on empathy as a virtue and as who they are and they offer it to everybody for free because they love being sacrificial martyrs. At least if most women were blackpilled and would open their eyes and admit the truth about moids i could stand it, but at every coner i go its women being objectified, women proud of being objectified, plastic surgery tee hee, agp shilling, women dead, the poowr male fee fees.
No. 2131158
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>>2131119>Ayrt, I greatly encourage you to make a blog. It's so weird how all of his controversies have been swept away. It's like nobody pays attention or cares because he's all but left the public eye. The downside to me calling him out is that unless he's promoting something he knows how to lie low and stay out of the news, so it's easy for him to slink off and not get noticed.
I actually theorize that him humiliating himself with the will smith slap comment and subsequently retiring could've been intentional. So he tends to do this thing historically where PR wise he loves to deflect, and I can't help but wonder if the slapgate comment was a distraction. Of course that something never came meaning if there was a scandal, his team squashed it. they always do.
Because people don't really care about him the same as they did a decade ago, they seem wiling to let him off despite his abuses being horrific and sometimes transparent. I hate hate hate the way he tried to frame Cat White (the gf who killed herself): he slutshamed her in his "defense" against her family's lawsuit for getting a boob job he 100% forced her to get, claimed her herpes was "just a bad wax job", called her an immature crazy bitch while simultaneously calling her "beautiful", and he
victim blamed her till the bitter end despite her being dead. I will never not look down upon him for that alone, but everything else he does only reinforces his pattern of misogyny and hatred for others. Just plain hatred. He doesn't just target women, he bullies people who aren't women, set hands, makeup artists etc.
>His birthday instagram posts were weird, like he still has some big connections or something. He does, mostly within comedy, but those frat boys will protect one another's secrets with their lives. There is a deep and intrinsic patriarchy in comedy that's never really
As much as I don't want to say it because he did threaten to sue someone over it (and that was probably another publicity stunt…) he's less than six degrees of separation from Epstein through multiple people. Dustin Hoffman was in Ep's little black book, and Jimmy Kimmels chef worked for Ep's.
He's also connected to Transcendental Meditation which is a cult similar to Scientology from what I gathered, just add white washed meditation into it- and Scientology itself.
>He seems absolutely insane and psycho, like he's forever angry his super srs acting career never fully replaced his comedic legacy or something. It's weird because you think he'd be elated people still remember Eternal Sunshine and Truman 20+ years on. Although I hate him now I'll also regard them as decent movies where he actually utilized acting outside of wacky caricatures. Even if he does have an dumbass autism face gapemouth. The thing is, after those few movies, he never really succeeded in segueing into dramatic acting unlike a lot of his peers and his career plateaued in the 2000s-2010s, which is something he resents, but it was at the behest of his own public controversies (antivax, dating Jenny McCarthy, other strange incidents) and his poor behavior professionally that cost him the jobs.
Another account I remember is that he completely blackballed and abandoned a screenplay called Pierre Pierre leaving everyone high and dry to do Dumb and Dumber To, and it drove the scriptwriter so insane he had a mental break.
Like even if people ignore his misogyny, he treats workers terribly. He treats the people who create his acting jobs terribly. That's why he ends up as jobless as he does from 2010-2020. It's a miracle Michel Gondry wanted to work with him again, esp considering that Kidding was fresh off the controversy of him paying off Cathriona White's family to shut up.
I'm surprised Sonic brought his career back even slightly. I'm surprised they cast a sex offender in a children's movie… Jeff Fowler can suck a dick for that.
>And looking back now his comedy feels so robotic, almost. And desperate, like he's only flopping around and talking in a goofy voice because of some survival instinct that garners the most attention amd laughs for personal gain. Idk maybe I'm being weird about it but he looks like a freak psycho/sociopath in all his pictures.Comedy is a coping mechanism for him. He used it as escapism from his family situation and saw it as a meal ticket to escape poverty. He's the textbook sad clown- smiling on the outside, despaired on the inside. Though he denies it or skirts around it, never says it bluntly, his parents were addicts, when they fell into financial dilapidation during his teens it damaged him- and the wound lingers within him- I don't think he ever learned how to cope with the trauma from his childhood, young adulthood and rise to fame (where he was rumored to be an escort) and that resulted in the catastrophe everyone knows today.
You can see the sadness in his eyes, and even when he's smiling, it's constant. There's a strain to his facial expressions. He's clearly not a naturally happy person.
>You could maybe try blogspot or livejournal or something? I feel like that would be a good place to put some separation between you and any Carrey fangirls. I think tumblr could be worth it even though he has a small fandom on tumblr. I can't imagine it would be any bigger than the Elvis Presley microfandom on tumblr though, I think smaller fandom = less chance of crazies harassing you, I guess compared to something like the kpop fandom.Carrey fans really don't exist much in a way that I can't imagine half of them aren't just him and his team astroturfing. At this point so little seems genuine around him. I remember how lonely and sparse the fandom was when I was in it… and that was when robotnik was fresh. Now I just think about him allegedly running his own fan accounts and fucking shudder and gag at the thought
No. 2131197
>>2131188my only fear is that the blog will be targeted or taken down. however I do want to do it. I figure it'll be easier to read than the long Google doc if I split it into segmented posts. I really appreciate your thoughts and I'm glad you find it interesting. Even though he is a horrible person I find his descent into evil kind of fascinating as a study on the human psyche gone wrong.
And yes, people do sign ndas. That's protocol for a lot of things in Hwood. Even excluding abuse. His deceased ex Cat signed an nda. He was pressuring her to sign it and she did, the only reason her privy is known is because she died and her death brought out evidence that otherwise would be kept under wraps. So have other exes of his allegedly.
I know why people don't speak out, it just hurts that they don't when others are so clearly suffering behind the scenes over it.
>>2131173ngl my long deep dive is 200 pages I've been trying to cut it down but there's just no way to make this horrorcelebricow more digestible
No. 2131664
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I hate these kinds of women """""journalists"""" and I'm half-tempted to start a thread about them in /snow/.
No. 2131673
>>2131670Could just say sexists or misogynists or plain and simple, channers
Also scrotes making deepfakes of women is wrong so I don't fault the author for drawing awareness to it even if the headline is badly written
No. 2131688
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Posting more shit from the paywall-locked article. Idk how this woman gets paid to write this shit.
>e-girl = derogatory term for women with "front-facing personae"
No. 2132007
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I hate living in this thirdie country and having to see homeless elders and children when I go to work and go home—and I'm pretty sure poverty increased due to him now being in power.
It's just so demoralizing and depressing, and I know I can't help them (even if I wanted to) because I have to prioritize my own needs with what little I have. I hate their retarded parents for bringing them in this cruel world and forcing them to beg—people's patience is very limited, what was once sympathetic can turn irritating once you see them all day everyday.
I want to get away from here so bad and I'm never going to have children.
No. 2132008
>>2131793lmao are you trying to imply the exorbitant price of delivery food is part of some oppressive financial system, despite the fact that most restaurants operate on a razor thin profit margin and delivery drivers earn jack shit? Just so lazy fatasses can enjoy the privilege of not leaving their couch to eat? Groceries are too expensive, that's for sure, but delivery food is about as expensive as you should expect for such a luxury.
I can't blame people for wanting to eat out, but like… you can go OUT for that rather than order in. You pay less and you aren't just rotting inside as you do it. If you're gonna stay home just make food there.
No. 2132031
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Pedo pandering women, I remember there was a thread on them in snow, I can't find it though
No. 2132118
>>2132031Men are pedos → women are pandering to men → women are pedo pandering
Just the natural way of things nona
No. 2132223
>>2131979Exactly, delivery makes sense for a social occasion or extraneous circumstances that prevent you from preparing food yourself. It was never intended to be a daily thing. As
>>2132008 points out, if people want to eat out that badly, maybe just go outside? To be fair, my city also has a lot of rich remote workers, which I think plays a huge part in the delivery epidemic.
I totally forgot my burning hatred for cooking subscription service in my original post (like hellofresh). To me, it's for retards who can't be bothered to google a recipe and go to the grocery store. I remember a cousin's family saying that they used it once per week when they don't want to cook, but surely the cost of a 1x per week pre-portioned ingredient box subscription is more than a couple frozen trader joe's meals? Plus, it's easy to get so good at a few dishes that you don't even have to think to make them.
No. 2132464
>>2132223The cringiest are the "I'm disabled! I need doordash and don't have x y and z!", it's typically used in justification to not tipping drivers, as these entitled fucks believe they deserve to have free hot meals from their favorite restaurants delivered at their doorsteps for free
Also don't fall for anyone who claims this - even in America in poor/red states they have programs for disabled people to get free meals delivered, it's just not their sonic nerd slushie and $25 cheese burger
No. 2132579
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The way he drew other girls vs kawaii desu asian girl, transparent as fuck
No. 2132586
>>2132456I understand the morbid curiosity people have about true crime
and I think it's good for women to know what men are capable of but the "fandom" is the most cringe shit ever. If it was a human, it would be a mixture of a "real life yandere" NLOG and those moids who think they're quirky for knowing how to google Liveleak.
No. 2132602
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>>2132582It's a reference to this moment from the olympics
No. 2132884
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pickme 4channer larp vtubers also holy fuck her audience is fucking cancer
No. 2133027
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Does anyone else have one of these bullshit permanent retainers? I hate them so bad. It makes flossing take 20 minutes and it always breaks and needs re-bonding. I hate them so much I got my top one taken off, I prefer just sleeping with a retainer instead of having it in my mouth all the time. Fuck permanent orthodontic retainers.
No. 2133178
>>2130867because it is biologically normal. also because it is the only purpose she can have when there are no other advancements and her biological clock is ticking. we are shilled to think that moids can be changed for the better. also if she lives in a dangerous area, her scrote having a criminal record actually becomes helpful in scaring worse scrotes away.
>>2130877>Probably can't afford to raise kids in this economy anyway.and that is on genocide.
No. 2133359
>>2133315You’re dying,
No. 2133577
>>2133544I feel this way about everything. Like damn I already fucking ate food this morning, now I have to eat
again? I just showered yesterday, but now I gotta do it
No. 2133619
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>>2133610whenever I think of the term masticating this is all I think of
No. 2134148
>>2133973Honestly, I agree with everything you said.
>She's pretty because she's unproblematicThat shit drives me up the wall. Conflating looks with a good personality is harmful in general, but for a while I saw it everywhere, even on lolcow. Things like defending pointless nitpicking of a cow's looks because "she's ugly and 40 because she's a bad person", or arguing with anons who were bullied for their looks and saying they deserved it because "in MY school all the pretty girls were lovelies and the uggo goths were mean ugly bullies so you're lying".
Even seeing that stupid Roald Dahl drawing about bad people always looking ugly makes me want to Kyle punch a wall. It's simply a shitty moid take and ugly women deserve to exist in peace without being assumed horrible just because they're ugly.
If there's one thing my schizo parents did well it's never mentioning looks to me ever. My mom had it locked in tight and never said a single bad word about herself, me or another girl. I will continue to do the same because now I have friends whose mothers called them fat cows and picked apart their appearance on a regular basis, I've seen what consequences it can have. I don't care if she killed someone, her looks still won't be relevant, ever.
No. 2134449
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Flip-flops and jeans. IT'S DISGUSTING.
No. 2134715
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>>2133973100% this. I started developing an obsession over the last year where if I leave the house without spf I feel like a disgusting lazy piece of shit that isn't "taking care of myself". I think it started with me getting interested in skincare last year only to be bombarded with all this sun avoidance propaganda shit. It reminds me so much of anachan behavior, like there's this weird sense of competition as to which bitch can keep themselves from the sun's evil rays the most. Reddit skincare retards who sit in cubicles all day compete with eachother on r/skincare over how much they avoid the sun, even if it means wearing some freaky neo-burqa like picrel. Then they claim it's just because "health" when it's obviously rooted in a fear of wrinkles. Just be honest you stupid vain cunts. When I saw bitches on that subreddit unironically defending crypt keeper histrionic supreme Dr. Dray I knew I had to leave that stupid community.
No. 2134740
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>>2134715Oh my gosh it's cool guy
No. 2134983
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Fake scrobblers on lastfm. All my scrobbles are from the heart and I deserve the top spot. I will die for this shit and will always leave a shout on their profile telling them how pathetic they are
No. 2135106
>>2133973What you'll never hear spread around much because it doesn't help to sell products
>dermatologists have observed that habitual, daily moisturising over a prolonged period can actually age the skin. This induced ageing occurs because the same fibroblast cells which produce GAGs (the skin’s moisturiser) also produce collagen and elastin, which help maintain the skin’s elasticity. If we make these fibroblast cells sluggish, due to the negative bio-feedback mechanism, this compounds the decline in production of collagen and elastin which is already occurring with ageing The answer is always to buy more products and never mention how they inhibit the body already having it's own production that you're interfering with. Keep taking good shit out to then slather it back on. Paying money to end up back at square one.
No. 2135272
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Why do black people text like this?
No. 2135691
File: 1723661173473.webp (32.49 KB, 2400x825, Yuka App Logo.webp)

I fucking hate this stupid ass app, so fucking much. Stop using Yuka, you idiots.
No. 2135773
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>>2135483I saw some reddit community call this one a femboy.
No. 2135776
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Whatever this is.
No. 2135891
File: 1723666090213.webp (283.03 KB, 1920x1080, 54E9F31F-E3CC-4A4E-85A6-9D5EAA…)

>>2135773vil is a crossdresser in canon though, he is more of an okama than a "femboy" but by definition they aren't wrong
No. 2136172
>>2136149>I've had to piss twice for someone.ok see that's a
you problem. You ain't have to do that.
No. 2136628
>>2136149I remember in the early stoner days some dumbasses would use this excuse that was something like
> a bong filters out all the addictive shit!! kek
No. 2137038
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>>2137035this stupid crap
No. 2138151
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I hate it so much when you’ve been a community for so long only for it to be shat up by newcomers and then left for dead when it’s no longer FOTM. I’m so tired.
No. 2138295
File: 1723773893496.png (2.31 MB, 1029x1469, i don’t like this at all .png)

Mark Salling he has really scary ugly pedo face and I don’t understand how he ever got a job doing anything
No. 2138736
File: 1723798524137.jpg (15.41 KB, 550x550, no try.jpg)

>>2138733It's so dumb. Like no, I
was totally searching for a Californian wireless company and not the definition of a common word. Much smart, very technology.
No. 2140246
>>2137040Is """
femcel""" the new, hot trendy girl archetype that moids want to fuck like mommy dommy big titty goth gf?
No. 2140932
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my girlfriend keeps wearing these stupid non prescription heavy black glasses, like a mid 2010s hipster raybans style glasses for no reason and they're so ugly
She loves them so much and insists on wearing them with every outfit. She accidentally broke them recently and i felt secretly relieved, but she just bought another pair!!
I can't say anything because she loves them and is midway trying to find her style, but they are so unflattering on her, don't suit a single thing she wears, and the heavy frames overpower her face and makes her look ugly when shes not
I'm not rude or obvious about it irl but i just want this phase to be over nonnas
No. 2140956
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>>2140932You could start by looking at nice glasses online, find a pair that's stylish (in reason) and say something like "I think these would really look cute on you/ suit your face/" or whatever. There are plenty of ways you could open the topic and mention that she's so cute, the glasses she wears detract from her or hide her. Even a translucent, colored pair would be better. No. 2141601
File: 1723977514806.jpg (4.83 KB, 300x201, 1000046073.jpg)

>>2140956i tried that and i thought it worked, she was like "omg i love them!" And bought them, she wears them sometimes but is still stuck on the hipster frames, it weighs down her features so much
Thank you
nonnie, I'll keep trying to secretly wean her off them
No. 2141759
>>2140071They’re calling you a pickme because why are you deliberately raising your voice like a little girl to garner sympathy, they’re actually
valid for being annoyed by that. Other women expect other women to carry their emotional burdens way too much, don’t expect every woman to care at all, most of them defended Johnny Depp kek.
No. 2141865
>>2140071i got called a pickme for having a nigel kek, isn’t a pickme a woman who’s
trying to find someone?
No. 2141887
>>2141875Ohh ok I thought you were talking about words in general I was like what? kek
>>2141880The people who broadcast themselves on the internet (whether it be via social media or other channels) are bound to be retarded and say stupid, nonsensical things. I guarantee if you walk up to a normalfag zoomer on the street and ask them the definition of a twink they won’t even respond to you.
No. 2142536
File: 1724021439893.webp (18.68 KB, 640x640, 3196424753247.WEBP)

E-thot fitness influencers whose lives revolve around pondering to “muscle mommy” gooners rather than actually encouraging women to work out. Bonus if they deny steroid allegations.
No. 2142594
>>2141753related to your rant, i can't stand the
(take it to /meta/) redtexts, farmhands know damn well they rarely read /meta/ in the first place even when there's legit complaints
another thing i hate is how the farmhands pretend they're against infighting while simultaneously allowing infight threads even when many anons tell them that it's a problem and/or that the thread is redundant
No. 2144108
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I hate these Pinterest memes and whispers
No. 2144176
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>>2144044Still going. Retardation knows no bounds.
No. 2144414
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My manager, and biker jeans.
No. 2144894
File: 1724152438871.png (250.09 KB, 382x361, unknown (13).png)

I hate pickmehags who let their children get molested, especially by their worthless mates, and call them liars for trying to speak out. I hate pickmewhores who torture animals, children, and the weak/disabled for money from piece of shit male coomers. I hate pickmecunts who knowingly and deliberately side with abusive men, laugh because they think they're inherently above the women victimized for whatever reason (whether it be personal, familial, financial, racial, career-wise), and then are absolutely gobsmacked when it inevitably happens to them because the violent male only understands games of subjugation. Even worse than that are the other stupid cunts who punish and alienate women for speaking out about male abusers, rapists, and cheaters. There are so many dumb bitches abusing the vulnerable and uplifting men who would sell them down the river or rape their decaying corpses because they think it'll give them a leg up above other women, and I wish they would all be thrown into a fucking volcano.
No. 2144984
File: 1724160203134.jpeg (1023.94 KB, 1170x1843, IMG_5728.jpeg)

Black people cant be racist
Black people were slaves so they can’t be racist(racebait)
No. 2145184
File: 1724170296644.png (87.01 KB, 239x202, crying.png)

>>2145077>>2145159Sorry I have a fucking lisp okay fuck you two I cant even do shit without anons making fun of my lisp and who I am fuck this fuck the world I didn't ask to get born with a fucking lisp you don't know me you don't know how hard it is fuck this
No. 2145206
File: 1724171313701.jpeg (67.43 KB, 640x559, D291811E-FCC4-49EB-8614-86D299…)

i hate this joke so much. it has no basis in reality but it’s parroted all across the web, even by women.
No. 2145263
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Hunter eyes on scrotes. It's extremely untrustworthy looking and I want to avoid them at all costs. All scrotes with Hunter eyes looks Richard Ramirez esque.
No. 2145276
>>2145257Typical boomerlinneal response. Trying to police my emotions and feelings. I'm 19, I'm a grown up adult, that doesn't mean I still can't cry when I get sad and see hurtful hate speech about me. You and all you old 40 year old hags just hate us because we're better then you and your old. It's pathetic and embarrassing that everyone treats boomerlinneals with kids gloves but we have to deal with boomerlinneal abusing us and treating us like trash.
>Just minimize the thread if you don't want to see it.No it's everywhere on Lolcow a bunch boomerlinneals trying to police us and calling us entitled when we aren't we are just normal people like you. You had the perfect best life and all we want is 80% of what you had but that makes us entitled? You could afford a 4 bedroom house on minimum wage in 2015 but now you took that from us. Thats why I dont even look for a job because I know Ill never make it out so what's the point ugh. Seriously you old people need to stop the bullying and harrasment and we need to DELETE that thread!
No. 2145312
nonny…It goes boomies, gen X, millennials, zoomers, gen alpha
No. 2145326
>>2145312>>2145311Gen X forgotten and ignored again. Lol, get wrecked.
>>2145319Honestly, I thought she was too heavy handed, but she's getting so many light hearted responses that I think her baiting is effective. Besides, if you want people to ignore her, then it falls on you to bump and interact with multiple other threads in order to give us someone else to talk to.
No. 2145368
>>2145364>she's a perfect example of why "you can't troll zoomers"KEK are you quoting the post you've made twice now about trolling zoomers? This one
>>2145216 because if so that's funny.
No. 2145577
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Ever since I took measures into reducing my screen time from the weekly average of 6/7.5 hours to around 3.5/4 hours per week, I started to get more and more annoyed with phone addicted people and some of their “antics” that include:
>sending only reels as a form of communication
>refusing any form of voice call even when asked if they have time and they do (I usually get things done when voice calling rather than getting distracted by constant texting and maybe other 2 memes and 5 reels)
>some of them expecting me to reply to texts asap knowing fully well that I don’t want to waste more time on social media and the fact that I have things like a job and wanting to just breathe outside of the virtual world (I recently got into reading, never thought that would ever happen kek)
>whipping out their phones the moment the conversation became boring to them
>tiktok usage
>general ungratefulness towards other people’s time and presence, I don’t really know how to explain this one. Kind of goes hand in hand with the “expecting someone to reply asap and the constant need of that” thing
>expecting the same “digital behaviors” from everyone or being phone addicted in the same way
Granted, I’m still very much phone addicted, I’m planning to reduce the screentime even more, but damn, never thought phone addiction would be that bad. Grandmas were right, it really is that goddamn phone.
No. 2145802
>>2145604In that same vein, I dislike atheists who are overly smug and think that people are ignorant for having spiritual beliefs. I'm an atheist myself, but I understand how religion has genuinely been a positive force in some peoples' lives. It gives them a sense of community and meaning. People shouldn't attack the concept of religion, they should attack those who use it to harm others. Most people have a fundamental desire to be part of something bigger and more meaningful than themselves, and bad actors hijack that desire as a means of controlling and manipulating people. I think it's absolutely possible to critique harmful religious dogma and corruption without condescending to people whose beliefs are different from your own.
I'm so ashamed of the reputation atheists have as smug Reddit-types that I rarely tell people I'm an atheist. That said, the annoying variety of atheist is male most of the time, so maybe the problem is with moid atheists specifically kek.
No. 2145922
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Twitter decided to put this shit on my for you feed and i despise it alot.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2147254
File: 1724254084002.gif (2.21 MB, 247x183, dammit.gif)

I really fucking hate r/amiugly. Every girl who posts there is pretty and she fucking knows it. Every guy on there is hideous as fuck and he knows it. You all know what you are. Subreddit for attention seeking faggots and attention seeking pickmes