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No. 433494

RIP Rachael Lilis edition

Pokemon is a japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokemon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers.

Pokemon Day List of Updates: https://serebii.net/

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No. 433511

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nonner you misspelled her name
I don't know what Pokemon could represent my country other than Arboliva because it's Mediterranean.

No. 433515

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Cute! Toxtricity can represent my Britbong city, we're associated with punk music and shit like that

No. 433569

Beautiful cover photo, it's still hard to believe that Rachel Lillis passed away this year… She really is a Pokemon treasure and Misty & Jessie were just not as fun (imo) when Rachel got let go from voicing them.
RIP Rachel Lillis, you will be sorely missed.

No. 433580

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Archaeopteryx was kind of a weird choice for Gamefreak to base the Unova (New York) fossil-species on. North America is much more known for stegosaurus and tyrannosaurs. Iirc the best T Rex specimens have mostly been found in the United States. Archeops and Tyrunt should have swapped places, with Archeops being found in Kalos (France) and Tyrunt being found in Unova (U.S.). I think Trubbish is cuter than Muk or Grimer, and I'm okay with it being a Murrica Pokémon lmao. The Samurai-inspired-Oshawott line is a bizarre choice for a region based on America. I feel like the water starter should have been a surfer or something instead. Damask and Kofagrigus were weird, too, like why is there Egypt-inspired stuff in the America region? I feel like there are way better American cultural concepts they could have based a ghost Pokémon off of. Honestly? Pumpkaboo and Gorgeist shouldn't have been in Kalos, either. Pumpkins originate from North America and are heavily associated with American Thanksgiving.

No. 433582

>I think Trubbish is cuter than Muk or Grimer, and I'm okay with it being a Murrica Pokémon lmao.
I agree! It's the better "trash/waste" pokemon we've gotten, it's actually cute and friendly and I like the idea of trash becoming sentient and/or that it feeds on trash which is good for the environment

No. 433587

Not all pokemon fit into the region they originate it, like what do pandas have to do with France? Overall they do make maybe 30% that seem to reference the real life country/region, but most are just normal pokemon.

Though I do think it's fun to TRY to see if it was intentional so here's my attempt:
>Archaeopteryx was kind of a weird choice for Gamefreak to base the Unova
>Damask and Kofagrigus were weird, too, like why is there Egypt-inspired stuff in the America region?
I think this may not be intended to tie into American history, but to the fact that the Nacrene city gym is also a museum. So it's more that they thought "what kind of cool stuff can you find in a western museum" and went from there. Also kofagrigus could be a reference to movies, since Hollywood is also heavily referenced in BW.
>The Samurai-inspired-Oshawott line is a bizarre choice for a region based on America
Possibly because they see America as a melting pot of cultures, so every starter is from a different culture. Especially because to them as Japanese people the US isn't "home" so they didn't care to make the starters feel native to the region. They don't care that there isn't a "true American" starter, they just want to have a Japanese samurai starter they can play with there as Japanese people visiting. I think that's a shame, I'd love a gimmicky cowboy starter kek
>Pumpkaboo and Gorgeist shouldn't have been in Kalos, either.
Perhaps they were partly thinking of it in terms of fairy tales, like how it transforms in Cinderella into a carriage. Fairy type had it's debut in Kalos so it wouldn't surprise me. Sometimes it may also just be their personal experience. We know they sometimes go to a country to do research on it, so if they happened to go to modern France around halloween and saw pumpkins they may very well use that as if it was a French thing because to them it is. I have to say it's very funny that they gave the French region a frog starter, that is a bold move kek

No. 433602

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>it's very funny that they gave the French region a frog starter, that is a bold move kek
Agree, that's hilarious. Something also appropriately French that I remember about XY is how Route 7 is full of landscape painters and Smeargles. I feel like Smeargle is a very French-seeming Pokémon, what with its little barret and striped arms.

No. 433613

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Having a dedication thread where you misspell her name seems disrespectful, if I'm being honest.

No. 433627

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Sorry about that, by the time i noticed it was too late to delete

No. 433628

Nonna, is it really a thread on lolcor.barn if the thread doesn't have some spelling mistakes?

No. 433632

Is it really a thread on lolcow if you don't get dragged for your mistakes? It's part of it.

No. 433742

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don't worry nona, half of the anons on this site can't even read anyway kek
we all know it was well-intended so let's not fight over it

No. 433758

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New thread, new hate! Tell me a pokemon you hate (or just dislike) for a reason you know is stupid and undeserved!

I'll go first, I can't stand cherrim anymore because the overcast form's face is by the legs like this and I found it so ugly I felt betrayed when I first found out about it

No. 433813

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Castform because its default form looks like it has a scrotum. It's such a cute concept for a Pokémon ruined by retarded design choices. How hard would it have been to just make the body more cloud-like?

No. 433891

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i never much liked pikachu (raichu superemacy) but i hate him since i started playing UNITE. he's extremely annoying in game with the constant loud pikapika cries (no other poke cries out constantly) and he's totally broken.
the tourist skin makes it worse, he looks like every other american or japanese retard in paris who feels the need to wear striped shirts and berets from a souvenir store

No. 433892

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Delphox because I was delusionally hopeful that we wouldn't get yet another bipedal fire starter, and I was let down. I have an inordinate amount of bitterness toward this Pokemon because the fan evolutions looked so good, and Delphox is so ugly by comparison. Maybe I wouldn't hate it so bad if I hadn't gotten my hopes up.

No. 433898

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Castform is indeed ugly wasted potential.
My petty Pokémon grudge is Chien-Pao. Its sword fangs are a legitimately cool concept, but for some reason the designer made them clip through its face and give it hideous black spots. I can't get over such a noticeable and retarded design choice kek

No. 433920

God same, when all the pokemon leaked I thought that one was so nice but then I noticed the stabbed swords on its face.
Also I don't get why we got chinese legendaries on a spanish region. Not that all pokemon should follow a region's inspiration, but Spain has some cool legends and history to use and reading those names caught me off-guard.

No. 433994

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I don't know how else would they design a witch Pokemon while having it remain bipedal. And Delphox being a witch is central to its design.

No. 433997

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Palafin's hero form. It's ugly, gross, stupid looking and it ruins Finizen which is a very cute pokémon.

No. 433998

>Also I don't get why we got chinese legendaries on a spanish region.
It's basically tradition at this point, gen one had a native american thunderbird and western phoenix, gen 3 had hebrew golems, gen 6 had nordic mythos etc I think they more often than not use another country's legends. I don't mind it too much, I don't think a region should be too tied to the real life country.
>reading those names caught me off-guard.
This I will agree with though, using fully chinese names in a non-chinese region is a bit too far. I can accept the tapus having hawaiian names in the hawaii region, especially when the dex establishes that there are basically "hawaiian" names for pokemon like vulpix. But to randomly throw in chinese out of nowhere seems weird. I'd rather they call them frostcat or whatever so we can have a relationship to the names that isn't just "oh they're from real world china, which doesn't even exist in the games at this point in time"

No. 433999

>I don't know how else would they design a witch Pokemon while having it remain bipedal.
Your lack of creativity doesn't mean others can't figure it out! And I don't get why it would even have to stay bipedal to be a witch, zacian is a warrior that carries it's sword in it's mouth, samurott is a samurai and serperior reads as an arisorcrat despite not having legs at all!

No. 434001

What are your ideas for a quadruped Delphox?

No. 434018

>samurott is a samurai and serperior reads as an arisorcrat despite not having legs at all!
Both along with Emboar are some of the most hated starters ever.

No. 434027

Pokémon that have weird colour changes after evolution. Probably the most famous one is Dratini/Dragonair going from a blue snake to some Deviant ripoff with a derpy face. But I also don't get Pokémon like Krookodile, nothing much is wrong with it's design change from Krokorok aside from the fact that it goes from brown and black to red and black.

Also I hate Pokémon that look like homosexuals, mostly because Roselia went from cutie to washed up twink. At least if they originally looked gay I wouldn't care but imagine becoming attached to your water starter and it evolves into Primarina. Bipedal Pokémon are the worst for this

No. 434030

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Happy ORAS 10th anniversary!!!

No. 434046

omg nona there are a bunch of gen5fags in here, you can't say that kek

No. 434048

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You could just make it basically the same as before, just quadropedal. Or you could make the fur on the head + ears resemble a witches hat, maybe some floating magic fireballs around it. Make the fur pattern colors resemble witch attire and make the attacks obviously magic/spell casting inspired

No. 434049

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I'm sorry anon but nothing could ever make me hate the Draco Malfoy snake

No. 434050

>Roselia went from cutie to washed up twink
oh nooo I always saw roserade as a cool tomboy female… but i guess if you're homophobic that's still too butch and gay for you

No. 434051

Roserade looks nothing like a tomboy

No. 434053

I always saw Roserade as the princely woman archetype from anime

No. 434055

Hmm if you say that maybe my distaste towards Roserade is gone. I always saw Roserade as an annoying gay moid but the princely woman archetype seems pretty cool

No. 434056

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same, he's one of my fave starters. i love how smug and superior the whole line looks. then again i love all the snek 'mons

No. 434059

I've never heard anyone say Serperior and Emboar are the most hated starters before. All I've heard is that Meganium is shit and Gen 7 is furry bait

No. 434070

>princely woman archetype from anime
ayrt, that's exactly what I meant by tomboy but i'm esl kek

No. 434071

Personally I hate the last few gens starters because they always seem to have 1 that is "for the girls" and they ARE too furry

No. 434080

Someone really needs to stop hiring furries for art design. But that would probably get rid of all of them

No. 434167

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AYRT and I personally wouldn't have gone the witch direction at all for the evolutions. I don't really like it when Pokemon are trying to be something other than cool animals/objects. Like, I also hate Cinderace, Incineroar, and Emboar because it feels like the focus is on the career/pop culture figure they represent as opposed to just being a creature? This is obviously just personal preference, but I don't think a Pokemon has to be anything but a cool creature, y'know?
NTA but for me personally, I would've maybe leaned more into the mystical side of things- maybe modeled it more after the Oracle of Delphi and played into the eternal flame within that mythos. I' probably lean into a design more akin to Suicune-type design. If it needs to be strictly a Halloween-type witch, I think having a quadrupedal spellcaster who carries its wand in its mouth would be cute! They could even make the ears look more like a witch's hat. Either way, I think a more mystical/ethereal look could've done wonders. I'm not a very creative person, so I'm sure these ideas aren't the best lol. I also have seen some cool fan designs, and I think something like picrel with a magic wand could be good; the flame vaguely looks like a hat already. Regardless, the people designing these monsters ARE creative, and they should be able to find a way to incorporate some witchy elements into a quadrupedal creature. I still think the right move would be to have not gone the witch direction with Braixen and Delphox in the first place, but that boils down to personal preference. I think Pokemon designs are at their best when they're more like cool monsters/creatures.

No. 434170

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roserade is one of the only "humanoid plant" pokemon that look good. it's not coom, and it's clever for pretty much making it a whole flower with some human features, the petals being hair is a great idea.

No. 434181

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That's a nice design, but it does not fit the whole RPG character archetype theme they were going for with the Kalos starters. It would feel out of place next to Chesnaught and Greninja.

No. 434184

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>Like, I also hate Cinderace, Incineroar, and Emboar because it feels like the focus is on the career/pop culture figure they represent as opposed to just being a creature?
That's a very common opinion that people have. But one Pokemon that a lot of people love is Ludicolo despite being blatantly being just that.

No. 434208

Ludicolo also looks like a pineapple though

No. 434218

People hate meganium?

No. 434244

I actually don't think Ludicolo is the best example of this; Machoke and Machamp are much better examples of what I'm talking about, and coincidentally, I don't like them, either. As for Ludicolo, I don't think he's trying to 'represent' anything in the way Delphox or Machoke are. It's just a pineapple. I cannot think of a career or a pop culture figure that would be represented by a giant, furry pineapple. Yes, his head kind of looks like a sombrero, but he's not so heavily… themed? I'm not terribly fond of Ludicolo's design, though, so it doesn't really make a difference.
To be fair, I also think Chesnaught is ugly as sin lmao. He could've also stood to be a little more toned-down. I don't think they should've pushed the JRPG thing so hard when the end result is so unpleasant to look at (in my eyes). Greninja's at least subtle-looking in its theme, so it's not as obnoxious, but I'm still not a huge fan of Greninja. For the record, I picked Fennekin on my first playthrough and just didn't evolve it because I didn't want to have yet another bipedal starter with such an ugly design.

No. 434259

A tiny detail I really appreciate in troon times is that there are 2 pokemon genders, male and female. The third pokedex category is officially "gender unknown", and not "non-binary" or some bullshit like that. It's not actually that they don't have a sex/gender the way troons claim, it's just that humans haven't been able to figure it out yet! And their egg group is then often "No eggs discovered", again meaning humans just haven't discovered them even if they exist (since the pokemon obviously exists). I'm fully willing to accept a man-made non-animalistic pokemon like golett can't reproduce via "sex" and that it's therefor sexless, but I still like that pokemon don't exist on the woke spectrum, if that makes any sense!

No. 434264

Not even comparable in my opinion! Ludicolo is a round pineapple, a kappa, a duck, some kind of plant with mittens for hands and stubby legs, striped fur/feathers(?) - that happens to have a little bit of mexican flavor in the design. It's a creature first, the human culture is just flavor.

Compare that to incineroar who is a wrestler wearing a cat costume, it has a human male body, human proportioned hands and feet and even opposable thumbs, fur pattern like human clothes, and it's entire deal is acting like a human wrestler in a human society. It's straight up a human first, the fact that it's a creature is very secondary.

It's not even that they're just a "pop culture reference" thing either, delibird is santa but because it's a creature first and has santa flavor later it doesn't come across as odd or unnatural. I can imagine delibird living in the arctic like a penguin, but I cannot imagine a wild incineroar because that's just a human with a human job.

No. 434288

Does this really matter? The pokemon genders still suffer from retarded dimorphism like Wobuffet so it cancels out for me personally

No. 434328

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"gender unknown" has never been about whether they actually have genders or not. The Pokemon in this image are all "gender unknown" but all of them are treated as female.
What's strange is that it's not about knowing how they reproduce either because gendered Pokemon like Latios and Latias are in the "No eggs discovered" egg group too. It's really weird.

No. 434329

oh and palkia is female too if you believe the teraleak

No. 434352

>I also think Chesnaught is ugly as sin lmao
It’s not just you. Quilidin (I think that’s its pre-evo name) is one the least searches for Pokémon on Bulbapedia.

No. 434373

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People with no taste claim that she is the worst Johto starter, when clearly that honour goes to Cyndaquil

No. 434375

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But I like Cyndaquil… Look how cozy and cute she looks…

No. 434394

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It's not "hate", Grass starters are just always the worst (or least good) choice to pick aside from Bulbasaur in Kanto, and the Johto region especially is a very hostile region towards Grass-types. So picking Chikorita is almost like playing in hard mode.

No. 434396

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>grass starters are always the worst
Serperior would like a word. But yeah Chestnaught is indefensible.

No. 434397

Serperior without the Leaf Storm Contrary combo is another awful Grass starter

No. 434413

Wouldn't Virizion be male since he's also one of the musketeers…?

No. 434419

virizion is female in the keldeo movie and in mystery dungeon gates to infinity.

No. 434435

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Barbaracle is a good fit for Michigan
>covered in hands (mitten state)
>water type (the lakes)
>rock type (Petoskey stones)

No. 434438

Oh that's lame.

No. 434460

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But nona, have you considered that Serperior looks cool, which makes it a good grass starter?

No. 434462

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i hate this because it doesn't evolve from luvdisc

No. 434474

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medicham cause of its weird donut lips and boob legs

No. 434477

I hate it because it's not Water/Fairy

No. 434480

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this stupid thing is so fucking ugly. fighting type has the largest collection of uggos of all types

No. 434488

>treated as female.
one is even literally a male stag and none of them are called "she" as if it was a person

No. 434491

>It's not "hate", Grass starters are just always the worst (or least good) choice to pick aside from Bulba
No it IS mostly just hate, boys hated it because it has a flower and looks pretty, meaning it was girly and weak so they didn't want that one (someone could even think they're gay!). After shitting on it in the same breath they'd then turn around and tell the girls they can only get chikorita because the cool ones were for the boys, which made the girls feel offended and they started disliking the "weak" one too because it was forced upon them. And if they just happened to like it the boys would still go "of course you do, you're a GIRL" and shaming them for it. That attitude still lingers around today

No. 434492

I thought people only hate it nowadays because it's one of the weakest starters

No. 434495

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take it back nona I love her

No. 434531

Wow, I never experienced that from my brother or the boys I knew, wtf. Did they have the same attitude towards venusaur? Or was it different because of it's "uglyness"?

No. 434533

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If anyone has played this fan game, is it worth it? I love Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, and I've seen a bunch of positive reviews about this one. Is it different enough from Explorers of Sky to justify playing it instead of replaying Sky again?

No. 434540

This feels personal for you or something, I never had this experience as a kid. Most people just like the fire or water starters more.

No. 434561

I fucking love this fish I think it's adorable

No. 434565

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Anyone else like making playlists for their favorites?

No. 434609

In the Crown Tundra, Peony says this when you show him Kyogre: “Whoa! Is that Kyogre? The Pokémon they say created the seas?! If the ocean's the mother of all life…and Kyogre's the mother of the ocean… Should we all be callin' Kyogre our nan?! Listen up, Chief… You better be nice and gentle with that Kyogre!"
It’s female in the Diancie movie.
>none of them are called "she" as if it was a person
They are called “she” in Mystery Dungeon

No. 434653

Nta, but just watch some male youtubers talking about pokemon and they'll still casually call chikorita the "girl" of the trio. Pretty sure Ash's chikorita was female too so that's part of it

It's actually kind of weird, the world in the 90s/early 00s was so focused on separating girl and boys toys. Pink and flowers were for girls, trucks and monsters for boys. Yet pokemom back then were all fairly neutral, people did absolutely act like meganium was the girl choice but looking at it it's actually pretty neutral. Then flash forward to today when the world overall is more equal, now the starters get more and more separated by gender stereotypes and look more human than ever

No. 434655

I don't think one character in one region (where the pokemon isn't from nor important to the plot) 20 years later making a comment means kyogre was somehow always meant to be mommy while groudon was the daddy. What's rayquaza, the gay uncle? Mewtwo has been both male and female in movies, lugia has been a baby, they clearly see them as normal species that are just so mysterious humans lack the full information on them and thus they can't breed them and have infinite legendaries in the games

No. 434657

Different regions seemingly hated blastoise or venusaur the most while everyone agreed charizard was the best. In my country squirtle was the unwanted choice. But none of the kanto trio are as girly or cute as happy meganium with a pretty flower and bayleef having a "ponytail", so I don't remember squirtle being seen as the girl choice the way chikorita was. I don't think any other starter truly was seen as the "girl choice" again until primarina in gen 7 but correct me if I missed anyone!

No. 434668

>I don't think any other starter truly was seen as the "girl choice" again until primarina in gen 7 but correct me if I missed anyone!
Also Blaziken and Empoleon but that’s probably influenced by the animu

No. 434670

delphox as well

No. 434671

>In my country squirtle was the unwanted choice.
Disgusting. I need to never set a foot there, I can't stand people with shit taste.

No. 434672

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don't care for older Ingo but I love that he raised the amount of cute tangela art, tangela is the best

No. 434673

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Please help me pick which starter I should choose for my FRLG playthrough. I love them all so I can't make up my mind. https://strawpoll.com/xVg71wBbeyr

No. 434715

>Also Blaziken and Empoleon
Very strongly disagree with all, blaziken is basically a fighting manchicken and both serperior and empoleon look like kings/royals. None look female, and never have I ever seen them referred to as such (until now). Even if you personally see them as female it's definitely not a fandom consensus like primarina or meowscarada
I agree that delphox was the female choice

No. 434716

Bulbasaur. It has 4 legs, is spotted and is associated with grass so it's the most lolcow choice

No. 434748

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I fucking LOVE Smugleaf, as soon as I saw it from the leaks I knew I had to pick it as my starter. I even bought this exact Snivy plush at a local convention (back when Black and White were still the newest Pokémon games) and treated it like a pet, kek.
Tepig is cute and all, but I just don't like Emboar's design, and Samurott didn't convince me either (too cluttered?). Serperior's design is peak, I don't care that its stats and movepool are shit.

I think I tend to prefer the reptilian or amphibian-looking starters, they're usually sleek and cool, and usually don't look like furry bait, but rather, they stay true to the original idea of being cool battle monsters in the early gens. There are exceptions, though, like in Sinnoh, where I didn't like Turtwig/Torterra that much and prefer Chimchar/Infernape, since I also happen to like monke. I used to think I just preferred Grass types until I noticed this, and the fact that Totodile and Froakie are also my favorites from their respective regions.
What are you guys' starter preferences? Do you have a type preference or is it about the design or real-life animal the starter is based on for you?

>Grass starters are just always the worst (or least good) choice to pick aside from Bulbasaur in Kanto
What about Treecko in Hoenn? The whole region is water types, lol. It seems that you're strictly talking about their usefulness in battles, and not about the design like other nonas.

No. 434752

bulbasaur is #001 in the original pokedex for a reason, you know? bulba should also be #1 in your heart

No. 434755

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I feel like more people I knew treated Oshawott as the 'girly choice' more than Snivy, which is a shame when Snivy is the cutest of the three.

No. 434756

Nah,I disagree I always thought Serperior is a lame & weak pokemon with an underwhelming design.Then again Snivy's line is my least favorite grass starter.

No. 434770

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There have been some starters that were a bit more feminine or "made for girls", but none of them appeared particularly girly, except perhaps the Chikorita line, until we got Primarina.
The Bulbasaur line have a flower on their back, but I don't remember reading or hearing anyone, IRL or online calling it a girly pokémon. It's even Bulbagarden's mascot. In the manga, Green (Leaf's counterpart) has a Blastoise, while Red has a Venusaur. And Blastoise isn't girly at all.
Meganium is a flower dinosaur thing, but I never saw it or Bayleef as exclusively female or super feminine despite their cute happy faces, although Chikorita does give the impression of being female because of the name ending in -a, the "necklace" it has, and the anime influence. I might just be gaslighting myself and it's possible that I actually had a different impression when I was a kid, however. Other people definitely seem to consider it a feminine pokémon.
Blaziken isn't feminine at all in its original design and I haven't seen other people consider it the "girl choice" (furries are delusional, they feminize and pornify any creature standing on two legs, so take their opinion with a grain of salt). I think it's pretty popular with boys, and that's probably why it got a Mega before the other two Hoenn starters.
Piplup might be cute "for the girls", but Empoleon doesn't look particularly feminine.
Snivy is neutral, while I think Serperior is considered by some to be feminine, but it's not a consensus. I always thought it was just regal and saw it as more masculine or neutral. Furry scrotes obviously disagree and pornify the fuck out of it, but then again, they sexualize everything remotely "unmanly" and feminize it until it's unrecognizable.
Delphox is more "feminine" than the other starters, but the design appears to have a robe, not a dress, so it looks pretty neutral to me. My ex who is a Pokémon fan and a coomer, so even some coomers disagree picked Fennekin and named it after Harry Potter, kek. On the other hand, Braixen is, unfortunately, more obviously feminine, so it became a furrycoomer favorite.
This one is obvious. Primarina shouldn't have been a starter.
None are particularly feminine, despite the three being the most furry set of starters up to that point.
Quaquaval? It can look either faggy or feminine depending on who you ask, kek. Meowscarada looks neutral to me, but I'd understand if people thought it looks feminine. God I hate these furbait starters.

Can't say I ever experienced this, since I didn't have many friends who played Pokémon, but I did detect some retarded biases around starter pokémon sometimes on the internet. Like fire types being "the cool ones" for boys. Chorizard is popular in my country, but so are Squirtle (probably due to a meme) and its evolutions, while Bulbasaur is mostly forgotten but not hated.

>people I knew treated Oshawott as the 'girly choice' more than Snivy, which is a shame when Snivy is the cutest of the three.
Why is it "a shame" that people don't think a cute pokémon is "girly"? Girly isn't synonymous with cute.

No. 434786

>Why is it "a shame" that people don't think a cute pokémon is "girly"?
It's a shame because growing up around other kids who played Pokemon and pretended to be Pokemon trainers, it was pretty common for the boys to try to pressure the girls into playing with the 'girly' Pokemon (Piplup, Oshawott, Torchic, etc) when we'd make up our teams. I would've rather been allowed to pick the Pokemon I found cutest without pushback (granted, it would've been best if we could've picked whatever we liked most). That's all I was saying.

No. 434801

This is the level of sperging I expect from all you other nonas too!
>Piplup might be cute "for the girls", but Empoleon doesn't look particularly feminine.
This, I think this is where a lot of people get confused. Blaziken isn't the girl choice, but torchic is the cutest one and therefor got favored by girls. But everyone likes a cute first stage starter, so it's still not considered girly by the fandom just from that.
>Primarina shouldn't have been a starter.
Preach. Honestly just yeet every coomer bait and furry out of pokemon forever.
>Meowscarada looks neutral to me
That's insane to me, it looks the most coomer bait out of any starter we've ever had! It's even got a miniskirt/shorts and a girly hairstyle instead of ears
>Quaquaval? It can look either faggy or feminine depending on who you ask, kek
Tbh I have not even really seen coomers sexualize it, it's too gay even for them. I only see "queer ally" type of people like it. You know the kind of people who see an obviously traumatized child and tell them they were born in the wrong body and need to be mutilated to be happy and not kill themselves.

No. 434815

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>it looks the most coomer bait out of any starter we've ever had!
I guess you're right, I was probably so disgusted by Meowscarada and try to avoid looking at it so much that I forgot how bad it is, kek. It is very coomer, but I thought it was a bit more neutral so both male and female furfags could like it, that one Meowscaradafag probably psyopped me into thinking that. It's just furry coombait Roserade, I don't know why they thought such a design and concept (that had already been done 1000 times better) would be a good idea.
As for Quaquaval, which I also avoid looking at, I personally thought it looked gayer than feminine, aside from it being a terrible design even for coomers.
Also, IDK about you guys, but even before the final stages were revealed, I thought Sprigatito was a weak design for a starter. It feels like the plant elements weren't fully incorporated into the cat "base", and it becomes really noticeable in its final evolution. Floragato is pretty cool, but it suffers from the same problem, it would be much better if they didn't expect me to believe it's a Grass-type pokémon and wasn't green.

Ah ok, I can see the connection now, I thought you meant your girl friends who liked Pokémon. Yeah, fuck little scrotes for pressuring girls to do what the boys want instead of letting girls play freely. OT but boys are rude pieces of shit who band together and appropriate jungle gyms and bouncy castles, completely ignoring the girls who are usually left waiting for their turn. Me and my sister experienced this in our childhood and I've seen it happen recently at work. So glad I was too shy to hang out with gamer boys, they "mean older brother syndrome" towards gamer girls.
Anyway, that's retarded, there could've been two Snivy users with different movesets (isn't that the point of Pokémon? That each individual is unique with its gender, shinyness, IVs, ability, characteristic, moves, stats, etc.?), but those boys obviously didn't give a shit and just wanted to gatekeep you for no reason. I'm sorry that happened to you.

No. 434816

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just want to say i'm sorry for the experiences of you all as kids in this thread. i was definitely outnumbered by all the boy pokemon fans but i was never made fun of because i was a known bully who would beat up boys when we were that age (RIP to the way girls start off taller/as strong as boys but then we grow into being weaker.) they didn't treat me any different for the pokemon i liked or battled with or played with as toys. i never heard "bulbasaur is for girls" or whatever else. wish i had been at your guys' schools or daycares so i could have roped you into my girl friend group and scared the boys into respecting you.

No. 434817

>even before the final stages were revealed, I thought Sprigatito was a weak design for a starter. It feels like the plant elements weren't fully incorporated into the cat "base", and it becomes really noticeable in its final evolution.
Personally I don't mind grass pokemon not being super "planty", if they at least read as somewhat grass type, and also instead lean into their other design inspiration - in this case a cat. The problem is they didn't lean into either grass type or cat for meowscarada, they instead drew a human furry magician which only sort of kinda has a plant + cat theme. Both the cat and the plant feels tacked on last minute.
I think sprigatito on its own is fine though, it's on par with litten also just being a cat.
>i was never made fun of because i was a known bully who would beat up boys
KEK nona

No. 434818

File: 1732402367818.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1416x1968, __cynthia_and_roserade_pokemon…)

>Pokémon that look like homosexuals, mostly because Roselia went from cutie to washed up twink
What kind of mental illness is this? Roserade is obviously based on the concept of masquerades, I'm sorry that you associate pretty, half-lidded eyes with faggots. Like the other anons said, Roserade is more reminiscent of a masculine "bifauxnen" woman than a gay man or drag queen, kek. But even without that association, you could imagine Roserade as being inspired by the idea of elegant mysterious men wearing a mask. If anything, male Roserade in human form would be bishies à la Tuxedo Mask, not fags. It's so non-human looking, I don't know how you can come to the conclusion that it's a gay man.
Also, Primarina is absolutely not supposed to be that, it's just that all starters happen to have a 87.5/2.5 male/female ratio, while whoever designed Primarina obviously had a "female pokémon" in mind, considering that all those """"feminine"""" legendary pokémon are also (internally) considered to be female despite officially being of an "unknown gender", not to mention that GF would never make a drag queen starter (lmao). In general I just think people associating sexes (or whole human identities) to pokémon based on human biases is weird, especially when things like male Primarina happen because of shit planning or programming or design on GF's part. It's like trannies saying Marill is trans because of that programming bug. Male Roselia existed before Roserade, are they faggots too since they have long lashes and roses are "effeminate" according to some idiots? Kek.

In all honesty, though… I love Roserade, but even I thought that the design change from Roselia to Roserade was too radical. Both Roserade and Budew are so obviously from a different generation than Roselia that it is a bit jarring.

Based scrotelet destroyer nonnie, I would've loved to join your gang, but I was too socially awkward to scream at other kids. Best I could've done is stand there clenching my fists and looking at them menacingly.

No. 434824

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I’ll give them props in that the hyper feminine starter is usually paired up with the male protagonist in Alola.

No. 434825

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Speaking of Roserade, it became one of my favorites when I started using it for competitive play in X. Its shiny form is also one of my favorite shinies! My shiny Roserade's name is Deathorn because of the poison type and its coloration, and she's female.

I wonder how common it is to start loving a pokémon after adding it to your team out of convenience, it happened to me with Cradily and Slowking, too.

Based, tbh. I like that male and female trainers are often given the opposite of what you'd expect based on gender stereotypes, and it's usually not treated like a big deal. Drew in the anime also had a Roselia.

No. 434826

File: 1732403495034.jpg (365.45 KB, 1424x2048, crystal-equipe-pokemon-adventu…)

i was seriously so mean, i still feel bad for some of the things i did. i would beat up girls too but boys were way more frequent targets because i liked "boy things". when i established myself the "cool boys" at my elementary school who also went to the same daycare as me accepted me into their friend group so i played pokemon with them, cards and the games, and they treated me like another one of their own. i was able to get some of my meeker girl friends into it too. while i feel about how badly i hurt some of the other kids, i'm also at least glad i didn't end up being bullied myself.
i do like how in the franchise there's not really any sexism tied to pokemon themselves and never has been.

No. 434828

>i do like how in the franchise there's not really any sexism tied to pokemon themselves and never has been.
Closest I can think of is the female Pikachu having a heart shaped tail (for some reason) and female Wobafett having lipstick the rest of the gender differences are just based on biological attributes of the real animal it’s based on.
It did make me think of this video though where they gave the ‘female’ versions tits kek.

No. 434829

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>I like that male and female trainers are often given the opposite of what you'd expect based on gender stereotypes, and it's usually not
I think a lot of it comes from that they’re picked based on complementary character design and ‘vibes’ rather than the girl gets the most feminine looking one, which I like.

No. 434830

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>Anyway, that's retarded, there could've been two Snivy users with different movesets (isn't that the point of Pokémon? That each individual is unique with its gender, shinyness, IVs, ability, characteristic, moves, stats, etc.?), but those boys obviously didn't give a shit and just wanted to gatekeep you for no reason. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Thank you, and I fully agree. They probably just didn't like the idea of a girl liking the same Pokemon as them, honestly, which screams of insecurity lol. It's funny because the other little girl I knew who liked Pokemon also had a wide range of favorites, so it was legitimately just the boys insisting on what we "should" like. I feel sorry for all the little girls who got pushed around like that.
>i was a known bully who would beat up boys when we were that age
Love this. I wish I'd been stronger-willed as a child and stood up for myself more, but unfortunately, that's something I had to develop with age.

No. 434841

File: 1732407579208.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1000x1000, __roserade_pokemon_drawn_by_fr…)

>I don't mind grass pokemon not being super "planty", if they at least read as somewhat grass type, and also instead lean into their other design inspiration - in this case a cat.
>it's on par with litten also just being a cat.
I guess you're right, I love Litten (but they ruined its final evo), but there really is nothing that makes it look Fire-type other than the color palette. I suppose with Sprigatito I was expecting more plant-like elements, like leaves or something, but instead it's a really fluffy cat with green fur.
>The problem is they didn't lean into either grass type or cat for meowscarada, they instead drew a human furry magician which only sort of kinda has a plant + cat theme.
I just realized that it's supposed to be based on an Iberian lynx, which explains the "hairstyle", short tail and pointy "ears". The mask is supposed to be a stand-in for the ears but it still looks weird. But for some reason it looks like a vague furry anthro creature. It's about 50% human occupation stereotype, 30% cat/lynx and 20% plant, whereas something like Ludicolo is 40% kappa, 40% pineapple and 20% Mexican stereotype.

Beating up girls is concerning behavior, but I honestly don't mind mean, sexist boys being bullied into shutting up and leaving you alone.
>i do like how in the franchise there's not really any sexism tied to pokemon themselves and never has been.
Yeah, even if sometimes it does feel like some pokémon are targeted at the average girl that likes cute, "girly" things to sell merch, like Eevee or Cosplay Pikachu (or female Pikachu), it's not like they're forcing every girl to like those, even the female characters have a wide variety of pokémon. (Side note, but Cosplay Pikachu also has a cool rockstar costume and a luchador costume, which is neat.)
I don't like that some of the female-only designs are based on feminine standards in human culture, or dumb shit like making them pink because pink is the girl color. But aside from that, I appreciate that all the other pokémon can be either male or female, and their gender differences are pretty inoffensive, or even realistic. Like female Camerupt having bigger volcanoes on their back, or male Unfezant being more colorful.

Last Roserade pic of the mini-dump, I don't wanna be banned for "avatarfagging".

No. 434847

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>I love Roserade, but even I thought that the design change from Roselia to Roserade was too radical. Both Roserade and Budew are so obviously from a different generation than Roselia that it is a bit jarring.
I LOVE Roserade. It's so pretty and elegant! I never really associated a gender with it, though, because it's just a plant. Unlike you, I don't mind the change from Roselia, and it never felt particularly odd to me. It feels like the Pokemon grew from something cute to a more graceful, stronger form. It's definitely not a Pokemon I felt had an illogical evolution, unlike Torracat to Incineroar or Dragonair to Dragonite, for example. Difference of preferences, but I never thought much of it.
>It is very coomer
The new starter evolutions depress me because so many are obvious furry bait. Can't they go and make their own Coomer Pokemon Clone game or something? The generations just keep becoming more and more furry-pandering with their bipedal Pokemons' designs. Lucario doesn't give the same vibes as Meowscarada, even though it's also popular with that crowd. I think it's in the face, or maybe that Meowscarada is basically wearing shorts and tights.
>Both the cat and the plant feels tacked on last minute.
I agree completely. The worst insult of the furry designs is that they feel like human beings in fursuits as opposed to what they're actually trying to represent. >>434264 made a really good post about this that I think articulated it in a way I was never able to put into words.

No. 434853

>The new starter evolutions depress me because so many are obvious furry bait. Can't they go and make their own Coomer Pokemon Clone game or something?
Agreed, keep it out of pokemon and go make another coomer game if you have to, like palworld or whatever. And it makes me sad that they keep getting more and more coomery and furry-like, like they're pushing the limits further each time… I'm keep hoping the next gen will be better but so far they've been worse every time. I used to love starters, they felt so special and cool! Now they're genuinely some of my most hated pokemon designs and they make me mad

No. 434871

I KNOW it's coom bait but I can't help but like it. I think the desgin is cute, and honestly my retarded ass reads it as more masculine. I never looked at it's "hair" as hair, it just looks like a jester hat to me kek. I do wish the starters (and all poke in general) would veer away from furry-looking, but I guess Meowscarada is my guilty pleasure. It probably helps that I'm not in any online fandom spaces, so I don't see weird fanart.

No. 434880

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Do any of you guys worry about posting fakemon, or Pokémon-inspired monster concepts or designs, because Game Freak might see them and scrap an idea for a new pokémon since it would be too similar to yours? According to the leaks, that's the reason they scrapped a Flying-type Eevelution for Gen 7, it looked too much like a fan design posted online.
I wanted to make a fangame with a region based on my country, but since I'm ultra-paranoid about legal action from GF I decided to develop a Pokémon clone instead. The region and story concepts were already pretty divorced from the official games anyway, kinda like how different and isolated Unova felt in Black/White. But no matter what I do, Game Freak might still end up finding my designs and discarding pokémon that I'd like to see in an actual Pokémon game.

Call me retarded but somehow I think Delphox is cool as fuck. I didn't even realize it was supposed to form an RPG trio because it, Greninja and Chesnaught's designs aren't too obvious next to each other, IMO. I like Delphox's "mage" concept, and don't mind it being bipedal. Its legs are completely covered by its "robe" which I find cool although it makes no sense; on the plus side, it's not as bad as Incineroar or Cinderace. Though I would say that it had absolutely no reason to be bipedal, even though older starters like Charizard, Blastoise, Sceptile or Typhlosion also stood on two legs, since Delphox's kind of bipedalism is noticeably different. Now that I think about it, fire starters have always been bipedal, haven't they? (Until Skeledirge happened, that is.)

What I hate is that furwaifufaggots appropriated its pre-evolution and now I can't see Braixen without thinking of all the coomers. Before learning that people online saw it as a furry girl, I saw Braixen as a normal, neutral pokémon. Was I being blind? Now I'm wondering why the fuck GF had to make it so "feminine", in addition to being bipedal. It didn't bother me before only because I hadn't noticed it. I guess you could see it as a cute male furry, but it's too late, now that everyone has decided that Braixen is a girl.

No. 434907

I've been telling my friends that's a risk for years but no one believes me. But if you think about it logically, if game freak make for example an eeveelution they HAVE TO make sure it doesn't look anything like anything any fan made or they will look like they stole a design without giving the person credit, and they could possibly get sued or something. It makes it so all the most popular pokemon fan ideas will likely never happen sadly.

No. 434933

>According to the leaks, that's the reason they scrapped a Flying-type Eevelution for Gen 7,
Do you have a source nonna?

No. 434936

>But no matter what I do, Game Freak might still end up finding my designs and discarding pokémon that I'd like to see in an actual Pokémon game.
I think this might be an unpopular opinion, but I say don't worry about it. Not because GF won't scrap their designs (I have no idea what they'll do), but because you're making your own game. If you're seriously developing a game, you shouldn't compromise your personal vision out of fear that a company MIGHT see your game, and MIGHT have to scrap their own design because it MIGHT be similar to one of your ideas. Regardless of that, though, I also think having it entirely separate from Pokemon (ie not a fan game) with a completely different art style will make this less of an issue if one of your ideas is somewhat similar. I don't know the exact case with the Eeveelution you mentioned, but you have to remember that's kind of a specific instance because it's an evolution of a preexisting Pokemon. If you're creating a creature from scratch, GF has a lot more plausible deniability if one of their designs is tangentially similar to yours. It's a lot harder to say your Eeveelution just so happens to look like a fan Eeveelution than it is to say that your fire wolf happens to look like another unrelated game's fire wolf.
>What I hate is that furwaifufaggots appropriated its pre-evolution and now I can't see Braixen without thinking of all the coomers.
AYRT, and I'm sure this probably also contributes to the distaste I feel toward Delphox. I'll admit it's not as obvious as Meowscarada, but both Braixen and Delphox feel very distinctly furry to me, which only worsened my disappointment. I was kind of excited when I first saw Fennekin because I thought, "there's no way they could make this one bipedal! It's going to evolve into something great for sure." Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, and Chimchar had started out as bipedal, so it wasn't surprising they ended up that way, and I was SO confident there wouldn't be a repeat of Tepig.

No. 434941

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Braixen is cute and doesn't look coomery to me, it looks like a "sisterly" design that little girls tend to like. That of course just makes me more grossed out degenerate men think it's coom for them… and tbf the pic you posted makes it look gross somehow, the gloss and the pose is odd. In usual art I think it's cute tho.

Switching topics a tiny bit, but what do you nonas think is the motivation behind each starter set? At least in the last half of gens they seem more tied to the real life region, but sometimes they make seemingly no sense too. unless maybe they do and it's something I hadn't thought of

For example as was mentioned earlier Kalos had a frog starter (kek) which is super stereotypical for France. Alola has a tropical seal-mermaid, Paldea an ugly dancer bird and iberian lynx. But a gorilla in the UK, fennec fox in France and crocodile in Spain?

No. 434943

>crocodile in Spain?
The Fuecoco line is based on different Spanish folktales about crocodile spirits like the Cocollona (which is also why it's a ghost type). I really like looking up the origins behind pokemon, it makes me understand and appreciate their designs more, for example I'm retarded and didn't realize the Pawniard line was also based on chess until I looked it up and now I really like it

No. 434946

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>crocodile in Spain
The pattern on its head makes me think it's loosely based on Paque Güell's lizard.
Yeah it's a completely different animal and color palette, but when I first saw Skeledirge my mind when directly to it.

No. 434956

File: 1732445947440.png (971.21 KB, 1956x1435, Sissel.png)

OH MY GOD, I FOUND THE DOC CONTAINING THE ORIGINAL TEAM FLARE GRUNT DESIGNS! It was in a document with "negative checks" with notes on specific changes before finalizing designs. Their reason?
>Because it was similar to a character from another company (Ghost Trick character)
Unsurprisingly, everyone on Twitter thought exactly that kek, good call.

Thanks for your input, nonners. I guess the safest, least troublesome path would be to use an entirely different art style. It's a shame, because I really wanted to design creatures in a style reminiscent of Pokémon. I hope being unrelated to actual pokémon is enough. On the other hand, if I don't hurry up and release my game first, they could make a pokémon that's similar to one of my designs and then I'll be called a plagiarizer, lol.

>what do you nonas think is the motivation behind each starter set
You can just go to Bulba to read some theories, but I can share info from the doc with the reasoning behind their names if you want. Although we don't have the docs for the most recent gens.
(If nonnas are interested, I can do the same for the human characters, but I've only read the Hoenn one, so if you want a different region, I'll have to search for it.)

No. 434958

>Because it was similar to a character from another company (Ghost Trick character)
The crazy thing is, I clicked on this from the home page because I thought it was genderbent Sissel from Ghost Trick kek.

No. 434959

File: 1732447156923.jpeg (89.87 KB, 2198x210, tks7w8lytsxd1.jpeg)

I can finally post this translation that's been circulating. I was looking for the source file in my copy to confirm the information, and I found it. The filepath is GFDocs/開発素材DB/★データベース元データ/01_ポケモン仕様書/16_SM/00_スケジュール/00_プロジェクト全体/pokemon/ポケモンデザイン進行管理.xlsx
Original text because the translation is kinda bad:

KEK, we can pretend it is.

No. 434960

File: 1732447375130.jpg (8.41 KB, 158x289, GAME FREAK ARE LITERALLY PROMO…)

She's doing the Nazi salute! OMG how could they!!

I cracked up when I saw this thumbnail in the corrections doc since I immediately knew what the "problem" was, not gonna lie.

No. 434961

File: 1732447480993.png (138.23 KB, 1091x235, 2.png)

I'm glad they changed the Minun design on her clothes from her butt to her back. She's my favorite trainer class.

No. 434964

File: 1732447887933.jpg (921.73 KB, 1260x1001, wolverine.jpg)

They changed Lysandre's hair and beard because they thought he looked too much like Wolverine, kek.
The hair was an improvement, for sure. But the beard is worse, IMO.

No. 434965

Bootleg wolverine

No. 434966

File: 1732448393496.png (101.11 KB, 1084x236, another fucking %22nazi salute…)

This is getting ridiculous

No. 434967

File: 1732449394759.jpg (261.43 KB, 1234x838, rstr0029_0030_マグマ団したっぱ.jpg)

Team Magma's salute was changed because:
>The right arm may be perceived as a preparatory movement for the Nazi salute. Wikipedia defines this salute as "a gesture in which the right hand is stretched out while standing upright, held horizontally at chest level, and then the arm is extended diagonally upwards with the palm facing downwards." However, there is a similarity between the movement of holding the arm horizontally at chest level and the pose of the right arm in this illustration. This concern can be resolved by clenching the hand held at chest level into a fist.
They're really extremely paranoid about any potential controversy, aww. I kinda feel bad for them after the seizures and all the legal shit they got into in the early gens. I'm always reminded of this when I watch any official Pokémon videos and the whole thing becomes much darker whenever there's VFX with bright lights. I've never seen any other company or franchise darken the video so much when that happens.

No. 434969

>They're really extremely paranoid about any potential controversy, aww
That makes sense, the first gen and the first season of the anime got released all over the world and caused silly controversies, some paranoid abrahamic religions believers wouldn't shut up about Pokemon and Harry Potter being satanic, and American marketers are so retarded they tried to convince Game Freak to change designs since the very beginning to appeal to drooling retarded American boys, like trying to make pikachu a sexy tiger woman with big breasts instead of a small and cute electric mouse. And there were controversies with other games very soon after ORAS got released that only happened because retards have too much free time and a big audience on the internet, like some Swedish tranny lying about Fire Emblem Fates being lesbophobic and having a conversion therapy scene after its Japanese release but before its international release so localizers changed a shit ton of things in the game and removed on third of its script, or some Kotaku(?) tranny lying about how Persona 5 and Atlus are ableist because he misheard English lyrics in one of the songs when playing Smash Ultimate and thought the Japanese singer with a Japanese accent said "retarded" instead of "retort". Silly things like this wouldn't have gained traction without the internet so companies have to be even more careful than before. Some studios complain about how they have to be careful or American localizers will pester them, like the Dragon Quest devs in a very recent interview but the devs are old as fuck so I assume they don't give a fuck anymore.

No. 434971

File: 1732451053052.gif (2.02 MB, 879x948, 1647052866343.gif)

>American marketers are so retarded they tried to convince Game Freak to change designs since the very beginning to appeal to drooling retarded American boys, like trying to make pikachu a sexy tiger woman with big breasts instead of a small and cute electric mouse.
What in the fuck?? I've never heard of this. Please give a source, it sounds hilarious.
>or some Kotaku(?) tranny lying about how Persona 5 and Atlus are ableist because he misheard English lyrics in one of the songs when playing Smash Ultimate and thought the Japanese singer with a Japanese accent said "retarded" instead of "retort"

It's a good thing that GF has the localizers detect any potentially controversial detail for them, then. A lot of the changes also were due to female characters' miniskirts being too fucking tiny, or the poses a bit too sexual, and the Japanese team somehow not noticing, so I think most, if not all of these changes were justified.

No. 434973

File: 1732451986384.jpg (100.02 KB, 1200x675, 1000029624.jpg)

I thought the Galar starters were an homage to British entertainment. Rillaboom is a punk rock drummer, Cinderace is a football player, and Inteleon is a James Bond reference.

No. 434975

File: 1732452037071.jpg (943.64 KB, 2953x1662, EciAMBZUEAEngjr.jpg)

>and the Japanese team somehow not noticing
Japanese fashion, or even Asian in general, is different from what you can find in the West so I'm not surprised the Japanese devs didn't notice or care before. Women tend to wear skirts, dresses and shorts a lot more often than what I see in Europe, from my experience, and I've been told showing your cleavage and shoulders is considered more vulgar than showing your legs in Japan. I wouldn't mind the localizers making suggestions if it didn't result in the abominations that are the uniforms in SV though. There's a middle ground between cute but way too short clothes and hideous and bland clothes with almost no alternate options.

>Please give a source, it sounds hilarious.

Looked for a source and it turns out the story might be a bit different but still equally stupid and funny. Pic rel is the source I had for a long time, here's a link for more context though: https://www.reddit.com/r/TruePokemon/comments/ufzm7x/attempting_to_dispel_the_myth_of_how_nintendo_was/?rdt=38609

No. 434976

>"Well, there's the tail right there"
Kekkkk how did they not feel embarrassed proposing these ridiculous ideas to the devs' faces

No. 434977

I know, it's the kind of bullshit that makes me wish I were in that room when that happened.

No. 434978

Legitimately like something out of Always Sunny.

No. 434984

>like some Swedish tranny lying about Fire Emblem Fates being lesbophobic and having a conversion therapy scene after its Japanese release
sorry for slight blogging but I am swedish and I'm in circles where one guy is a long time semi popular (I would say infamous kek) autist troon with a following who keeps making the most retarded takes and lies online about games and I cannot help but think that it might literally have been him, he absolutely would do that

No. 434987

If you're thinking about the guy who ships two girls from Love Live and made their ship name his middle name or last name then yes, that's him. I'm not Swedish, I know him because I saw him write a very long essay on tumblr back then about how a straight girl from FE Fates is actually an oppressed lesbian just like him and the canon bisexual male MC forces her to become straight again according to a mistranslated optional scene and everyone ate that shit up for no reason. They must have thought he was some guy working in the video game industry because everyone believed him all over the internet and it had a direct impact on how the game was "translated" and marketed.

No. 435004

Yesss. Thanks. Post more stuff like this or any other leaks, I find it fascinating

No. 435007

Explain, I'm interested

No. 435008

>You can just go to Bulba to read some theories,
>I thought the Galar starters were an homage to British entertainment.
Sure, but why those animals? What came first, the drummer or the gorilla? The rabbit or the football player? The slenderman anorexic lizard or james bond?
We can read bulbapedia on likely origins but I still wonder WHY they picked those in a lot of cases. For example do we think it's a gorilla because they wanted to represent music, and a monkey hitting cymbals/drums is a common concept so they used that secondarily to the music idea? Or were they set on doing a gorilla in the UK for some other reason, and the music came after that?

I'm just really curious what the design process might be. Usually when fans design their own regions based on a real country, they ONLY use animals tied to that country and often don't dare to step out of line. If you do a fake-australia region you make a kangaroo, a koala and a crocodile. But if we look at pokemon lately imo it almost seems like the animals is often the last thought brought to the design. A lizard/chameleon is sneaky and therefor fits the James Bond spy idea, a rabbit is fast and can then be used to represent sport and so on.

No. 435012

lmao yes it is him, I've met him in person and he's the most terrifying troon i've ever seen irl. He usually does shitty female cosplays at conventions here, often pokemon characters like Cynthia who he then encourages other real female cosplayers to do shipping/fetish photos with. Fun fact he had the dick chop this year, glad he took himself off the reproduction market

No. 435050

Is this a fan design or part of a leak?

No. 435085

Obviously a fan design

No. 435103

File: 1732493681617.png (2.02 MB, 1900x2000, 1731966766208778.png)

This is interesting! Thank you nonna. Some people are speculating it may be some fan design posted on the internet before 2014 (and they digged up some possible candidates). I think these are cute, what do you nonnas think? Which flying Eevee design do you like the most? Or do you have any other you like in mind?

I want to hear the playlist nonna!

No. 435107

I love that first Eeveelution! It fits perfectly with the existing Eeveelutions, and I like how fluffy it looks. They're all very cute, though.

No. 435122

I think it's way more likely game freak came across Japanese fan designs circulating Japanese sites, so I take English fan speculation with a grain of salt. Though idk where they find those posted, so they could be Japanese!

But god how tragic it must be to be that artist, you make your dream flying type eeveelution because you love eevee and it was actually SO close to becoming a reality, but the person who ruined it all from happening was YOU. If only they hadn't posted it we would all have had something very close to that eeveelution for real. And now we'll instead never have that eeveelution at all.

No. 435130

File: 1732499944091.png (74.74 KB, 273x260, Untitled-1.png)

this one is really cute, but the colors make me think of both altaria and vaporeon so i think it'd look better a bit more darker/saturated blue. i also think it should have wings on its back.

No. 435140

I briefly saw some fan flying Eeveelutions, and I liked the concept of it having wings on its head, or ears that look like/double as wings. The idea of a flying Eevee that looks like a fluffy cloud is cute, but Altaria and Swablu already exist, and I find the white "cloud" fur + blue body to be a bit cliché.

>Sure, but why those animals? What came first, the drummer or the gorilla? The rabbit or the football player? The slenderman anorexic lizard or james bond?
I think that process would only be clear once we saw the original concept art where the pokémon designers first came up with those ideas, but at least we know that they probably come up with the sepcies "base" first, and then add more stuff. In all the design documents, before they come up with names for all the pokémon, they call them by their basic concept instead, for example "peanut 1" and "peanut 2" for the scrapped peanut pokémon and its evolution that looked like a kangaroo or dinosaur.
So for the Galar starters, they probably came up with the species inspiration first, like "fire rabbit", then came up with the extra design elements.

>often pokemon characters like Cynthia who he then encourages other real female cosplayers to do shipping/fetish photos with.
Unrelated to this troon, but this reminded me of a friend I have in Pokémon Masters who always makes photos shipping Cynthia and other blond/light-haired female characters kissing and blushing, the person's profile is all pink and their avatar is female wearing the pink clothes, so I'm getting major troon vibes from that and I wanna purge them from my friends list, kek. Since this is the Pokémon fandom we're talking about, I'm more inclined to believe it's a troon and not a real lesbian. Lesbians usually have characters like Rika in their picture.

No. 435154

File: 1732504154305.jpg (501.83 KB, 850x939, sample_8292db44b6cb77997702f10…)

Oh! This looks even better than the original. I disagree about the wings, though. I like the ethereal cloud beast look it currently has. Wings almost seem too predictable.
>what do you nonas think is the motivation behind each starter set?
I've heard that the Unova starters were supposed to resemble the three social classes in feudal Japan. As in Serperior is the rulers, Samurott is the samurai, and Emboar is the working man, but this never really sat right with me because Unova is based on America, and I struggle to see how a pro wrestler represents the working class kek. Alternatively, I've seen the interpretation that they represent different cultures, Like Samurott is Japan, Serperior is some European country, and Emboar is… I don't know? I do not understand how a wrestler pig ties into ANY of these theories.

No. 435163

File: 1732506709680.png (292.16 KB, 720x710, IMG_20241124_215050.png)

This is the one I like! Very cute.

No. 435171

File: 1732515027049.jpg (405.7 KB, 1840x1345, Untitled.jpg)

here's some random other fakeeveelutions i really like (ghost, steel, bug, poison, ground and fighting)

No. 435186

>I do not understand how a wrestler pig ties into ANY of these theories.
On the culture/country one, didn't wresting originate in the US? Or at least as a non-burger I associate WWE a lot with the US

No. 435189

File: 1732535898278.png (907.66 KB, 1928x1436, starters.png)

>Alternatively, I've seen the interpretation that they represent different cultures
It's not an interpretation, they literally stated it directly in interviews. Emboar isn't a wrestler either.

I hate their current "rules" for starters. I hate that they give them human jobs and I hate this "personality type" bullshit they force onto starters, I want to decide for myself that they could be anything I want. I don't want an idiot fuecoco with 0 braincells bumping into thing for comic effect, I want it to be an aggressive little demon croc. I don't want my cinderace to play the most boring sport known to man, I want it to just be a rabbit. I truly feel the starters have lost their magic. I finally understand why people box them right away.

No. 435190

>I finally understand why people box them right away.
I picked the grass type monkey in Shield because a gorilla using tools isn't too out there, gorillas aren't too different from humans, and its last evolution isn!t as over the top as the other ones. But I boxed the starter I picked in Violet as soon as I could and got another fire type pokemon instead and I don't regret it.

No. 435212

File: 1732548955189.jpg (185.94 KB, 864x948, GZ1cuWWaAAAo0sG.jpg)

I think Legends Z-A was cancelled

No. 435220

The fighting eevee is adorable because it makes me think of the people that loves to dress up their pets.

No. 435227

How come? Is there any hint of that?

No. 435247

the year is nearly over and no news since the announcement

No. 435250

it's just the same anon who keeps baiting with random nonsense because she's bored, just ignore her
I think this design is too "gen 1" as it matches the gen 1 trio in style. It's more likely a new eevee would look more like the far right option in >>435103 which is a bit more similar to sylveon. I prefer the first one though.

No. 435264

it's crazy how the gen 1 and 2 starters don't follow this at all.

No. 435271

File: 1732566631927.jpg (321.84 KB, 850x850, sample_819b4481a4ac450a9c66f50…)

>didn't wresting originate in the US?
Definitely not! The sport has been around since ancient times. Probably most famously, it was one of the sports featured in the Olympics back in Ancient Greece, so organized, competitive wrestling has been a thing for a while.
>Or at least as a non-burger I associate WWE a lot with the US
That part about the WWE is true, though, as that particular organization of wrestling is a US creation.
>It's not an interpretation, they literally stated it directly in interviews. Emboar isn't a wrestler either.
Oh, dang. Didn't realize that came from an official source and wasn't just a fan theory. I feel like my world has been shaken, learning that Emboar is not a wrestler, though, kek. I guess it makes more sense why Incineroar was also a wrestler. It always pissed me off that they made TWO wrestling fire starters.
>I hate their current "rules" for starters. I hate that they give them human jobs and I hate this "personality type" bullshit they force onto starters
I agree completely. It's dumb and it has led to the past few generations' starters evolving into something unpleasant to look at. I'm not even excited to see the final evolutions of starters anymore.

No. 435283

I think they're just waiting for the switch 2 maybe? What do you think nonna? I think they're taking their time on purpose…

No. 435319

File: 1732580444301.webp (72.77 KB, 750x808, sweep.webp)

The previous legends game was announced on pokemon day February 27 and released January 28 the next, 11 months later. The initial trailer was very far ahead in production compared to the teaser for Z-A and specified the release in "EARLY 2022". The Z-A trailer just says "2025" which is a fully reasonable term to use to mean "December 31 2025". There is literally no reason to be a retard and cry "reeeee they cancelled it!!!11!" when there are 13 whole fucking months left of the period they specified the release day for.

No. 435512

File: 1732642812638.jpg (49.17 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

Does anyone else hate how these guys were named? I don't mind the chinese flavor, however I dislike how it takes over the full name and also what it then implies. In gen 1 we had articuno, zapdos and moltres, so their element + spanish, so they got that foreign flavor while still keeping an english root word so we all still knew what it means. Articuno is obviously an ice type name. Ting-Lu tells me nothing about it as a name.

And secondly while it implies a Chinese region exists and that's fun, I would really hate it if all names in that region where just Chinese like these legendaries are and it's setting up to be. I have zero chance of connecting or remembering any of the names in that case (I legit cannot name just these 4 and have to look it up every time).

No. 435513

I can't even name them, all their names blend together for me

No. 435688

File: 1732676626389.png (110.28 KB, 600x390, illust_46938648_20241122_22193…)

The SubMas japanese fandom rabbit hole is too autistic for me. Basically, they draw all the different iterations of the characters as different people, which means Game SubMas, Anime SubMas, PokéSpe SubMas and sometimes ever Mastersex SubMas all get drawn as different people. At most I can get it for the anime version since apparently they're just boring normal guys there, but all the rest are very samey to me (they barely even count as characters in PokéSpe, but I digress)…
Anyway, they ship all these different versions together, like Game Ingo/Anime Ingo, but the funniest bit about this whole alt versions deal to me is that they treat Ingo and Emmet (their selves in the english version of the game) as different guys and they often give them blue eyes, blonde hair and terrible english (but they can't decide if they're from the US or from the UK kek). Oh and they get shipped with their japanese selves, of course.

No. 435731

File: 1732682673943.jpeg (84.24 KB, 1192x670, IMG_6362.jpeg)

yeah the names are super weird, they used the old ass romanisation system too.
i think the fish and snail are great designs but the way they were handled in-game was shit.
like the idea of these cursed exotic items being sealed away was nice but it was so tedious to hunt for them and there was 0 link to the rest if the region. then again paldea sucks.

No. 435794

File: 1732686423029.png (344.92 KB, 600x737, 9daea3020a0c0bdcc848a83fe7d5fa…)

I, for one, am glad they're taking their time with Z-A. I don't want another shitty, rushed game; hopefully they're actually using this time to properly develop it after all the complaints about SV being a buggy mess. It would restore my faith in the franchise, honestly. And it gives me more time to catch up with the latest generations. (Maybe the leaker talking about Z-A will motivate them to finish and polish it properly.)

>Basically, they draw all the different iterations of the characters as different people, which means Game SubMas, Anime SubMas, PokéSpe SubMas and sometimes ever Mastersex SubMas all get drawn as different people.
Based, all of those are different continuities. I do the same with my husbando, I get autistically triggered when people mix them up.
But the different universe fanart stuff is just your typical JP fangirl autism, I've seen it with other franchises as well. I think it's cute.
>they treat Ingo and Emmet (their selves in the english version of the game) as different guys and they often give them blue eyes, blonde hair and terrible english
Kek, this is so weird though. Reminds me of Ryuuichi Naruhodou and Phoenix Wright (one has brown eyes, the other blue eyes due to the localization taking place in the US). But Ingo & Emmet are from Unova/Isshu regardless of language, and they have the same appearance too. So dumb, lmao.
>I can get it for the anime version since apparently they're just boring normal guys there
Oh, I'm not even a trainfag, but this is kinda disappointing. I remember how excited I was for the Black & White anime season, because Gen 5 was the first time I played a Pokémon game in the same year it came out. But I started watching religiously on Cartoon Network and it was so boring that I dropped it. Apparently they had greater plans for Best Wishes, but a lof of stuff had to be cancelled, like the Team Plasma plot? I didn't watch that part but that plot seems too have suffered the most. So it doesn't surprise me much to hear that Ingo & Emmet are boring in the anime.

Also Ghetsis cute

No. 435821

File: 1732694101089.jpg (7.59 MB, 4500x1500, gotta love how they're all spa…)

>Ingo and Emmet (their selves in the english version of the game) as different guys and they often give them blue eyes, blonde hair and terrible english (but they can't decide if they're from the US or from the UK kek). Oh and they get shipped with their japanese selves, of course
They did this for most countries I'm pretty sure, I think the english ones were just the most popular (the whole thing was basically their version of all those different types of Sans undertale)
It's a very strange fandom and definitely proof that jp tism can be just as bizarre as overseas tism.

No. 435822

File: 1732694172675.jpg (87.38 KB, 427x750, 6117c249f6e5b6c0285433c8cba81d…)

god bless all trainautists

No. 435825

File: 1732694426642.png (126.54 KB, 515x481, tumblr_182e7b6c154ddd19874d730…)

>Also Ghetsis cute
He fucked a Zoroark though

No. 435883

File: 1732708944336.png (6.2 MB, 2048x1365, IMG_4196.png)

No. 435886

File: 1732709909319.jpg (21.48 KB, 443x334, bafkreidx2ccgan4ny6gej6577bv67…)

Can you stop going "he did XYZ though/he is gay though/he is pedo though" everytime someone posts an husbando? You're not funny, just annoying.

No. 435896

File: 1732714410475.jpg (83.72 KB, 640x853, 1684195855619.jpg)

cute mew in a dress

No. 435913

I agree, I love all the lore behind them but they felt disconnected from the region

No. 436075

File: 1732766796278.jpg (598.19 KB, 1511x2244, GJlq6embcAAvAB8.jpg)

i love the 'saurs

No. 436129

I guess the "saur" part is why I cannot ever see them as "frogs". My whole life I've seen the bulbasaur line as some kind of dinosaur and never understood why people call them frogs/toads. Signature body parts of frogs include having no ears, long tongues, no teeth, and long legs that they jump around on. The bulbasaur line had none of that! Until let's go in which they made venusaur hop like a toad instead of making it walk normally, it looks so stupid and awkward it broke my heart because it feels like they forced a meme into reality.

No. 436148

they are dinosaur-toad-flower creatures, and I love them all very much

No. 436226

File: 1732810899188.jpg (212.47 KB, 1200x1033, 1656101391179.jpg)

Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary!

No. 436341

They… they hop?? They have such short, stumpy legs, how can they hop? I grew up with the anime and they walked like tortoises except they could also run. Like, even Venusaur? I can't imagine a Venusaur hopping.

No. 436353

he what

No. 436427

This picture is so cute!

No. 436435

File: 1732846198929.gif (9.09 MB, 480x270, AmtWgX.gif)

Idc if this is an unhinged theory but I really think the start was when they made the 3D models for gen 6 they went "sooo what IS venusaur? It's like a toad, right?" and changed the anatomy (back legs in particular) to look twice as long and folded over, making it look toadier. It NEVER had legs like that before, the legs in all other media had always been stumpy and it was always walking/running around, never hopping or acting like a toad. It always had a few toad-qualities and inspiration, but it never acted like one. Just like how pikachu is a mouse, but doesn't really act or look like one, and same with poliwhirl being a frog etc. Venusaur still kept walking and didn't hop until Let's go games either. My theory is that they've slowly been turning venusaur into a literal toad because they're 1. uncomfortable leaving it ambiguous, and/because 2. they've been switching from pokemon being monsters into being cute pet-animals so they want to animal-ify it by making it act like a real animal.

No. 436436

File: 1732846233344.gif (797.19 KB, 540x304, tumblr_48a11aab08cc15dbb1b0c8b…)

this is how it used to run in the anime

No. 436442

File: 1732847199641.gif (1.35 KB, 50x50, d3ic9uq-1549ed95-d20d-43fd-942…)

The anon you replied to is probably baiting, but it's a reference to that fan theory that was popular years ago where N is a Zoroark and that's why he can talk to Pokemon.
I love this. So cute.
None of that line ever struck me as especially frog-like, but Bulbasaur did hop around in Mystery Dungeon. I will say that it looked a lot less awkward in the PMD games than in the 3D games. Sorry for gif quality. It was the best I could find.

No. 436446

File: 1732847772242.gif (629.14 KB, 500x547, 4530a80e7ba1d1eda6662b6e3215dd…)

to be fair a lot of pokemon move strangely in PMD, especially as small pixel sprites. Vulpix also does the little hop

No. 436447

AYRT and you're right. Like I said, Bulbasaur's hopping never struck me as particularly "froggy," either. I think they could've still animated it hopping around and had it look natural, but changing the back legs to make it move more like a frog was such a mistake. They also walked normally in HGSS, so I don't know why they chose something that ugly for its walk cycle in 3D.

No. 436455

File: 1732849972783.png (3.23 MB, 1984x1403, マグマ団vsアクア団CMYK (small).png)

Happy anniversary indeed! When I found promo, box and concept art PSD FILES in their original resolution, I was sooooo ecstatic! Up until now, we only had lowres versions of these pics. They'll make for such killer posters. These files are 100+ MB in size originally, so I had to shrink them. We even have PSDs for model textures with all their original layers, that's so crazy.

Well, to be fair, "saur" is only in the English name. They have a toad-like body shape, but I don't know any dinosaur that looked like that specifically.
Also, they are officially based on/inspired by frogs:
>Yes. So before Bulbasaur evolves into Venusaur, it has a bulb attached to a frog-like creature.
>And that bulb makes the flower bloom on a frog!?
>That's right, the motif is a frog.
>A frog… a frog… It's a frog. This is a new discovery!
Although it's possible that the 'saur line is also inspired by dinos, like how the Char line is inspired by dragons as well as lizards.

Another bit of starter design trivia: according to this other interview, the first three starters were designed "working backward" from their final evolutions.

No. 436457

>A frog… a frog… It's a frog. This is a new discovery!
And this just proves the point that it's not exactly a "frog" just because it's based on one. People usually can't even tell it's based on frogs until you tell them! Goodra is a snail but we don't see it slowly slide around on goo instead of walking, there was never any point in making venusaur hop around like a frog

No. 436460

AYRT and I agree fully. I just think the Bulb line is a combination of a toad and a dinosaur, plus no frog or dinosaur has ears like Venusaur's.

No. 436476

it's a frogcatdinosaur

No. 436503

File: 1732857530172.gif (854.32 KB, 220x155, IMG_6389.gif)

didn't think posting cute bulba fanart would start this much debate. this is the azumarill egg controversy all over again lmao.
anyway i love venusaur best kanto starter

No. 436508

>anyway i love venusaur best kanto starter

No. 436513

>Yumes being this hypersensitive again
It's a joke.

No. 436515

File: 1732858396700.gif (5.04 MB, 500x378, Pokemon - 1242526321063927809.…)

it's not as retarded as the wet egg debated tbh and what the bulba line is has always been a topic of contention. however i think it doesn't NEED to be one thing. it can be multiple things at once, since it clearly is.
also remember the first time we saw a venusaur walking it was shuffling, not hopping. (don't talk to me about how it's akshully a robot)

No. 436519

File: 1732858797223.jpg (1.62 MB, 1262x2551, __mina_and_chinchou_pokemon_an…)

NTA but why tf are you bringing up yumes? What the hell

No. 436550

File: 1732874315438.jpg (154.48 KB, 933x933, 449382674_890820649738133_6583…)

>didn't think posting cute bulba fanart would start this much debate.
Is there even really a debate? Everyone seems to agree it's based on frogs/toads but just doesn't really look like one
nta but I can't tell if you're joking or being hypersensitive for real but either way it made me kek

No. 436553

File: 1732875044430.mp4 (46.16 KB, 450x562, __ghetsis_pokemon_and_2_more_d…)

AYRT, I was the one who posted Ghetsis (who isn't even my husbando, kek). The Gengar anon was someone else, I just assumed that anon had seen this kind of reply in other threads and was tired of seeing it. I imagine the anon who brought up yumes thought we were the same person, when actually I liked the pic she posted despite it being fujoshit.
I thought it was a reference to the Characters You Love thread where someone would reply "he's useless and a sexist creep tho" but seems I was totally wrong…

I was going to post this on Christmas but Merry Christmas everyoneeee

No. 436559

File: 1732876494091.jpg (109.63 KB, 736x1051, 3860088c631fb25cf1e099e541e71a…)


No. 436561

Yawn, Ingo is better

No. 436563

That walk looks SO retarded kek

No. 436566

File: 1732877280120.jpg (146.37 KB, 910x530, 122681900_p11_master1200.jpg)

both are needed for maximum flavor

No. 436589

File: 1732885519667.jpg (534.03 KB, 1005x820, illust_99666340_20241123_05220…)

I love both twins but Emmet is my favorite because he's weirder.

No. 436596

File: 1732890493433.png (1.92 MB, 1500x1042, egg bunny.png)

Yeah I don't know why people can't help but argue so much against what is so obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes.

No. 436597

Aw, this made me so nostalgic for my Skitty/Vulpix PMD team. Skitty does the same hop as Vulpix except maybe a little slower.

No. 436623

Cute, so cute.

No. 436625

File: 1732896910744.jpg (950.56 KB, 1128x2435, 047_Parasect_Pokemon_Shirt_Wal…)

No. 436633

ikr it's like they hate venusaur despite it being the best kanto starter

No. 436634

I actually got a pair of shirts before they closed down, I really love them so I'm sad they closed down. They had so many amazing patterns

No. 436644

File: 1732901338656.jpg (7.83 KB, 259x194, images-1.jpg)

for me Venusaur is like some weird version of Beelzebufo the prehistoric frog/toad

No. 436647

File: 1732901813446.jpeg (415.3 KB, 888x1918, IMG_6417.jpeg)

damn there were so many good ones. look at my boy politoed and his little umbrella…

No. 436649

amazing cute finds!!!

No. 436654

File: 1732903359720.jpg (715.72 KB, 1600x1600, GRHju38b0AAluMO.jpg)

What are your headcanon teams each player character would use if they ever re-appeared as NPCs that you could battle?

No. 436655

Aw, this image is so cute

No. 436656

I really like this idea. It plays well into how the evolution line has prehistoric looking plants on it.

No. 436671

File: 1732907897519.jpg (161.67 KB, 800x1727, 800px-094_Gengar_Pokemon_Shirt…)

The Gengar one would make a cute blanket.

No. 436677

My headcanon is just that the female player uses the same starter I did, I get slightly annoyed when they get paired with a different one because it's "wrong" kek

No. 436680

File: 1732910604363.jpg (99.48 KB, 800x1727, 800px-195_Quagsire_Pokemon_Shi…)

I like how subtle this quagsire one is

No. 436742

File: 1732926429015.jpeg (110.76 KB, 889x1920, IMG_6411.jpeg)

ditto's is soooo cute

No. 436781

I love them so much

No. 436842

File: 1732953450448.png (18.55 KB, 367x246, Untitled-1.png)

here's my idea for a kris team if she was a champion battle. if anyone wants unbridled autism i can explain each choice too

No. 436858

Please do lol. I always associated Kris with Feraligatr and Lyra with Meganium.

No. 436868

- ampharos is chosen because she caught a mareep early on and didn't think much of it besides helping her with falkner. however, after seeing amphy at the lighthouse, she was awestruck by the strength of this pokemon and the way it used power to help people, so she decided to keep it.
- porygon2 is a love letter to advancing tech. no real deep reason, just somewhat meta appreciation of GSC as monumental games and what they were able to accomplish.
- skarmory comes from her journey back home. a rare, tough pokemon that shines like a crystal and is comprised of the brand new type, steel.
- lapras was found deep in union cave, a nod to its mysterious and somewhat creepy method of capture and tribute to the new clock system in game. i debated switching this with the red gyarados at lake of rage.
- meganium is chosen solely because it gets too much hate, and it's adorable and strong. it's for hardcore mode players. really any starter can go here, but i feel like meganium fits kris partly because she was shoved out of HGSS. no hate to lyra but i'm still kind of sad about that! therefore i picked the least popular of the starters.
- tyranitar is a symbol of the endgame, and shows how kris trekked through mt. silver and trained enough to harness the terrifying power of a pseudo-legendary. i thought about giving her suicune but wanted to follow how the games never have a trainer use a legendary unless it's an antagonist team boss using the legendary for evil deeds. also i think she would just let suicune be free.

No. 436886

File: 1732962845011.png (400.12 KB, 896x436, kris-champ-team.png)

I like your picks - these would be mine for her:

- meganium as the starter choice, same 'hard-mode' reasoning as you
- azumarill as the 'pikachu-clone' representative on the team
- togetic as a nod to the gift egg, and the new breeding mechanics introduced in gen 2
- red gyarados from the gen 2, also a nod to the shiny system introduced in gen 2
- umbreon as a nod to the day/night cycle. I went with umbreon as Red already canonically uses espeon in gen 2, also the dark type was introduced this gen so I feel it works better for her
- dragonite, which would carry extremespeed, as obtained from defeating the 8th gym in gen 2. Dragonite suits Kris better design wise too imo, Tyranitar would be better suited to the rival Silver

No. 436891

these are great too! i thought about giving her either umbreon or espeon as well and then remembered red uses an espeon, and wasn't sure about umbreon. i agree dragonite fits better than tyranitar but my reasoning was that you already fought a dragon gym, and tyranitar would likely be a brand new pokemon you had never seen before (back in the day when you learned about pokemon more organically instead of just looking it all up online)

No. 436924

Amazing, gonna be using some of these

No. 437393

File: 1733109342503.jpeg (185.37 KB, 889x1919, IMG_6414.jpeg)

i love the marill wallpaper. look at her

No. 437463

File: 1733140580223.jpg (253 KB, 1128x2436, 184_Azumarill_Pokemon_Shirt_Wa…)

Surprised nobody posted terf azumarill yet! Even more surprised to see it features a little wooper when quagsire was just chosen as another terfy icon, what a cute coincidence

No. 437464

File: 1733140678411.jpg (208.98 KB, 1128x2435, 241_Miltank_Pokemon_Shirt_Wall…)

And we have to show off miltank of course

No. 437466

this is so cozy looking

No. 437648

File: 1733182802612.jpg (67.73 KB, 736x414, 167cecd6cf11918c7728e8ec528dc8…)

God, I'm so nostalgic for PMD. The art, the music, the stories… there's never been a game I've felt more at home playing. I don't know why it has had me in such a chokehold for so long, but it has.

No. 437653

what's your fave PMD track? mine is this for sure

No. 437656

Omg I love that one! So, the track I listen to the most is definitely Dialga's Fight to the Finish from Explorers, and it was the first one I thought of, but my other favorites from Explorers are Team Charm's theme, Crystal Cave, and Don't Ever Forget. From Rescue Team, I also love Sky Tower, but my absolute favorite from that game is World Calamity.

No. 437657

Same anon. This is the Rescue Team song.

No. 437739

File: 1733210884850.jpg (25.15 KB, 400x240, 2Q==(14).jpg)

When I was a kid I was afraid of water to the point where I was afraid to take baths or showers, but then I played I think it was yellow and Lapras quickly became my favorite. I was no longer afraid of water, because I had a cute Lapras toy with me, and my kid brain believed that if anything somehow went wrong that she would save me. Kind and gentle mon.

No. 437741

File: 1733211101133.jpg (47.05 KB, 600x712, tumblr_nsa75ogoe21r2en1ko1_128…)

Awwww fuck, this is so cute, I love Lapras, I like how it was made with the idea of being a means of transportation in the Pokémon world. The concept of riding Pokémon is so comfy. Now I'm thinking of that scene from the Mewtwo movie where everyone reaches Mewtwo's island on their pokémon's back, so nostalgic.

No. 437744

File: 1733211712750.jpg (79.71 KB, 800x430, media_CrVyj-wUEAE7VBl.jpg)

Did you know that back in 2016 there was a nationwide event in all the Pokémon Centers in Japan, where cosplayers LARPing as the six main villains (at the time) would appear and give you their ace as a Mystery Gift, which also included a Wonder Card with a special message by the character addressed to you?


It was called "Pokémon Center Occupation Plan" (ポケモンセンター占拠計画) and ran from October 1st to November 11th. The villain at each Pokémon Center would be accompanied by "grunts" (normal people wearing t-shirts with the Team's logo kek), and they would rotate every week. This event was so popular that they extended it by 2 days. After the giveaway period, the people who received the villains' pokémon could challenge the "bosses" to a Pokémon battle in ORAS.
Naturally, this generated a shitton of fanart and funny tweets by people visiting their local villain. Learning about this made me very sad ngl, I've never wished I could experience a Japan-exclusive event so badly, I'm literally tearing up just thinking about it again kek

No. 437745

File: 1733211804227.jpg (147.44 KB, 1080x1944, Ghetsis-sama.jpg)

Pictured is a tweet by a visitor. If I understand correctly, a bunch of people gathered around the Ghetsis as he begged and screamed autistically for the audience to release their pokémon, while they just kept laughing and taking pictures of him, lmao. One of his assistants said:
>It looks like Lord Ghetsis is unable to stand up, so please, go ahead and continue taking pictures!! [kind smile emoji]
It looks like Ghetsis was particularly popular. (Thanks to these tweets I realized that he has maou/demon lord vibes and that it'd be fun to bully him, kek.)

For those interested, the special pokémon that were given at this event can be easily found online if you look for "gen 6 local distribution events" or similar. And yes, there are ways to inject Mystery Gifts into your game. I haven't been able to try it myself because I haven't modded my 3DS, though. I'll try on emulator.
Otherwise, you can read the Japanese messages in the Wonder Cards on Bulbapedia: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_local_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_distributions_in_Generation_VI#Pok%C3%A9mon_Center_Occupation_Plan_Pok%C3%A9mon

Why does Japan always get the cool shit and not the rest of us?? And on the occasion that the west also gets awesome stuff like this, it's US & Canada only 99% of the time.

No. 437784

Oh I remember this!! There were so many funny photos, but yeah most of them were about Ghetsis kek. Thanks for reminding me of this, I need to check whatever pics are still online.

No. 437804

File: 1733224318958.jpg (485.3 KB, 1752x1080, 20241016_105201.jpg)

Fuck, I regret dropping Pokémon that year, I could've seen all of it in real time, now a good chunk of those tweets are gone…

No. 437821

So jealous of japan getting all the good pokemon event stuff, i live in a eurofag country where nothing cool like that will ever happen

No. 438345

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Post reaction images

No. 438349

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I enjoy the shitpost potential the betamons have

No. 438360

File: 1733417040278.png (184.45 KB, 490x810, HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE.png)

fuck it, have some of my old /vp/ drawfag days

No. 438361

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No. 438362

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No. 438364

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No. 438366

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and done

No. 438423

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No. 438427

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i love bug types

No. 438450

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No. 438456

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No. 438503

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No. 438519

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No. 438719

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No. 438724

File: 1733532763922.jpg (152.56 KB, 1200x1161, GLqlSNJWkAAxvmo.jpg)

So the gen 10 rumor is that it will be based on Greece. Any thoughts on it? Would you like Greece or would you prefer some other country?

No. 438726

Based on those mythology leaks I do NOT trust them with the same country that invented Zeus.

No. 438790

cool but take those ugly ass shorts off the boy

No. 438794

File: 1733553961448.png (Spoiler Image,218.19 KB, 690x544, 1000008501.png)

Spoiler for Legends Arceus. Lowkey excited we might get more information about Volo's past.

No. 438845

File: 1733576766240.jpg (73.9 KB, 736x953, 059209fe1d7b58d93e176c9d79e77e…)

I think the female looks nice and pokemony enough but the boy is kinda ugly, he's giving tif vibes. I prefer picrels take on greek protags. Though I don't think pokemon protags ever actually look that culturally distinct and they'd look much more generic if they were real

No. 438909

I'd take it but only if the games are good. I don't want them to fuck up the mediterranean again.

Also the more of these regions are blatantly inspired by real life places the more I find it weird and unusual how they still house three billion types of places… deserts, tundras, what have you, in a map that's clearly outlined over a real life place.
Imo only Unova did it in a way that isn't weird, same for Pasio (Pasio is based off of Italy). Unova being based off a part of NYC instead of all of the US helped it feel less cramped and Pasio has a map that looks like an Italian gulf but otherwise is original (its beta map bothered the shit out of me).

I know this applies to Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh too and I also find those a little weird but it helped that they were 2d games and also had less types of climates shown.

No. 439160

File: 1733690535288.jpg (176.9 KB, 1191x1162, rl.jpg)

Kanto is so uninteresting as a region, I hope they make a Legends game for it after Z-A.

No. 439192

I think it helped that Sinnoh was a mountain region, so it felt realistic that you would travel around lush green forests and towns on the ground and then climb up higher to snow/rocky terrain.

No. 439194

I like the theory that Kanto is pretty much a deserted shell of its former self after "the war" Lt. Surge mentions.

No. 439207

same, it would also explain the focus on the creation of artificial pokemon with mewtwo and why only 151 while other regions have more pokemon. I miss when the pokemon world was just a what if version of real life and not it's own thing though

No. 439269

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I love Greece, and I think it has the potential to have a gorgeous environment to explore. I'm thinking rocky cliffs and a more rugged terrain. I'm not in love with these protagonist designs, especially the boy, but the girl's hair is cute. I hope we'd get to see Falinks a lot, and maybe some other Pokemon similar to that. Unfortunately, I'm not as excited as I should be because it'll be a newer Pokemon game and I haven't had as much fun with the newer games, but Greece is one of those areas I'd hoped to see one day.

No. 439411

Kanto is the most boring because it was the first ever created, so I can excuse it for that. Johto on the other hand, worst region. It's copy of Kanto so it's the same but unoriginal this time. It has the exact same environments (grass, cave, water etc) with nothing new.

No. 439414

File: 1733751014200.webp (18.21 KB, 640x512, the-tatsugiri-special-v0-cfq2l…)

>I hope we'd get to see Falinks a lot
Oh this reminds me of one thing that is annoying to me about the regions being based on real places! Because they still take inspiration from all over the world you get things like tatsugiri, the literal sushi pokemon, not existing in any Japanese region at all but being native to the Spanish region. Falinks is a British pokemon, it will always be a British pokemon and possibly won't even appear in the Greek region at all.
You have so many pokemon that are so clearly culturally significant to a real life country and they just hand it to another region. There's only a handful of dex entries that save it, like how galarian meowth is said to not be native to Galar but having been brought there by "seafaring people", and urshifu is from "mountains in a distant region". But even then that's of course weird because we haven't seen those other regions and possibly never will! Just because they decide to make a Chinese region doesn't mean they're actually gonna put urshifu in that game either.

No. 439427

this is truly a terrible opinion. The towns / areas in Johto have so much more personality and unique aesthetics behind them than Kanto. Johto is literally a better version in everyway.

No. 439429

>It has the exact same environments (grass, cave, water etc) with nothing new.
- ruins of alph
- national park
- lighthouse
- lake of rage
- bell tower
- ice path
- battle tower
are all unique areas / concepts with unique puzzles.

No. 439501

File: 1733771979127.jpg (92.75 KB, 946x827, GeYIzg1WEAA1zdd.jpg)

Breloom is getting Porygon'd because of this for sure kek

No. 439510

whose this?

No. 439511

possible uhc shooter

No. 439513

File: 1733775372464.jpg (41.48 KB, 656x509, pikasleep.jpg)

>The towns / areas in Johto have so much more personality and unique aesthetics behind them than Kanto
I fully agree. But it's still not much of an improvement imo. Johto is just Kanto 2, which is what I dislike about it. It's not really a region on its own, while at least Kanto is the original.
Just because they gave it a different name doesn't mean it was actually different. The national park is just another basic grassy area, the light house and bell tower aren't different than going through other buildings in Kanto, and Kanto also has ice caves where you catch seel and articuno. The lake of rage is just water and literally only had fucking magikarp and gyarados - not even a gen 2 pokemon. The ruins are the best addition imo, I will give them that.
Johto gym leaders don't even use the new Johto pokemon and instead use basic Kanto pokemon so they're boring to fight against. Did you know out of the entire johto gym leader teams combined only 4 johto pokemon are used in total? Miltank, steelix, piloswine and kingdra. The rest are all Kanto pokemon. And some of the new "Johto" pokemon couldn't even be caught in Johto, just in Kanto in the post game! So they're really just Kanto pokemon.
The evil team is just team Rocket again, not a new team like every other region has. The elite 4 is just the same elite 4, not a new elite 4 like every other region has.

Compare it to the next gen after that, Hoenn, and you suddenly had areas covered in volcanic ash, tall "jungle" grass, you can dive under water, and have a whole sandstorm desert to explore, a ghost island, a shipwreck, as well as an active volcano area. But I am a pokemon autist so despite saying all this I do still very much love Johto lmao I just think it's easy to argue it's the weakest region. I also think the starter trio is one of the best ones to this day (the new ones are always so shit).

No. 439570

Fair enough if that's your opinion but I disagree, and to be a pokemon autist alongside you, I want to try any explain why. Because you need to keep in mind the design intent behind GSC, and that was that they were intended to be the finale to the Pokemon game series - they were designed as a sequel to RB. This is why team rocket are the villains again - it’s set 4 years after the events of RB and they've returned to call back the main series villain, Giovanni. This was well before the concept of different pokemon villainous teams in universe, because Johto and Kanto are narratively connected - just as they are physically connected. That's why you have Kanto as post-game. This is why the Kanto gym leaders have Johto pokemon (if you include them, 9/16 gym leaders use Johto pokemon). This is why you have the protagonist from RB as the hidden final boss of the game. And this is why Johto is not solely the new 100 Pokemon, why Kanto pokemon are found there. The intent was for you to explore both regions to catch them all. They are deliberately familiar in places because they are bordering regions whose stories directly connect to each other, and yet Johto still manages to have a unique identity that showcases environments more inspired by rural Japan, like Azela town, Ruin of Alph, Ecruteak city. I also think the addition of Suicune roaming the overworld in crystal was a genius way of encouraging exploration of the region. Okay sorry for the sperg, clearly I do have a soft spot for Johto.

>The elite 4 is just the same elite 4, not a new elite 4 like every other region has.

This is wrong btw - Kanto's league is Lorelei (ice) Bruno (fighting) Agatha (ghost) and Lance (dragon), Johto's league is Will (psychic) Koga (poison) Bruno (I'll give you that one, but he has a much better team this time around), and Karen (dark).

No. 439612

What does breloom have to do with it?

No. 439660

File: 1733829571591.png (383.52 KB, 1242x677, 1671225712914.png)

well what did porygon have to do IT?

No. 439663

It would also explain why they made Mewtwo to be so absurdly powerful and why Team Rocket got so pervasive (they even had a gym leader for goodness' sake!)

No. 439671

File: 1733837327531.jpg (102.03 KB, 868x1147, EEZcCrEU0AAiakZ.jpg)

>This is why the Kanto gym leaders have Johto pokemon (if you include them, 9/16 gym leaders use Johto pokemon)
Sounds ok until you realize they only use 1 each so it's then 9/59 pokemon in total, so like 15% new johto pokemon and 85% the same old kanto pokemon use by the key "bosses" of the game. I don't care what the intent was of the game being a sequel or expansion, I just care that the execution either way was poor. Excitedly going to the first new gym just to battle a pidgey is lame. But he has a second poke- oh it's pidgeotto. Ok but the next gym leader is sure to be better- oh no he opens with metapod.
>This is wrong btw
Sorry was thinking of how the actual league location is shared and not a unique new place, that the "end goal" of the game is the same. Lance and Bruno are still in both too like you said, so that makes the trainers there feel less unique too imo.

But I'm here to say I have to retract my statement about Johto being the worst because after thinking about it, my new opinion is potentially even more controversial because I think Paldea might actually be the worst region.
Despite being able to go everywhere it feels empty and shallow. Being able to see 3 "routes" ahead of you and that it's all just still grass with 1-2 trees plopped down isn't that fun. No people anywhere in the world that do anything other than just patiently stand in the same spot, never even approaching you. Even though some areas are nice, like the canyon next to Mesagoza was very well executed imo, but most areas still feel so shallow. There's no forest, nothing like quicksand pulling you in or swampy mud or snow to get stuck in, no HMs needed for you to make it through, no little puzzles, no trainers to beat to be able to pick up a hidden item, and you can't even fish! Every area is just a backdrop. You can't enter houses either, there are no gym challenges in the gyms building, the elite 4 was a boring exam. The DLCs saved the game, but Paldea itself is still the most soulless region. We're 9 generations in so they had no excuse this time.

No. 439808

porygon is innocent #freeporygon

No. 439886

File: 1733939463572.jpg (446.45 KB, 1080x789, every-eeveelution-has-a-matchi…)

just found out that japanese people call the practice of matching poke ball designs / entrance animations to pokemon "oshabo" オシャボ (from オシャレボール, "stylish balls"). wish there was a handy name for it in eng

No. 439894

"ball matching" just doesn't sound right does it
glaceon and vaporeon both look better in a dive ball imo

No. 439897

File: 1733945335190.png (12.07 KB, 160x160, premierball.png)

what's your favorite ball design anyway anons? i gotta go with premier

No. 439898

File: 1733945525290.png (57.32 KB, 483x483, Screenshot 2024-12-11 113159.p…)

found a whole blog dedicated to oshabo

No. 439899

File: 1733945542935.jpg (21.99 KB, 384x512, 1000030142.jpg)

Personally I just really like the ones in PLA

No. 439901

Venusaur would look vest in a strange ball or a heal ball imo

No. 439903

Idk about designs but in terms of practical application, I like the quick ball, especially for Pokemon known to flee like wandering Johto legendaries.

No. 439906

File: 1733947800315.png (50.41 KB, 256x256, milotic-f.png)

I've been shiny hunting a Milotic recently and I'm torn about choosing a ball. I'm leaning towards a luxury ball to match its tail and contrast with the lighter colored elements of its design, but I do think a dive ball would look nice too. Or maybe a premier ball? I do like it when ball colors are used more like "accents" rather than strictly matching all their colors

No. 439909

Finally a blog for my kind of autism
Luxury ball has a nice contrast with the black color of the ball and the pale yellow of Milotic
Heal Ball is cute and useful

No. 439913

File: 1733949800816.png (5.35 KB, 90x90, Dream_Heal_Ball_Sprite.png)

the heal ball, but only this variant with the dark pink, the one with the light pink is kinda ugly

No. 439954

Me too, they really capture how modern minimalism and mass production removes intricate art details

No. 439955

Personally I've seen too many sweaty "luxury ball only" moids so now I kinda dislike it.
If you're able to, a fast ball would match the yellow and orange tail, but the dive ball typically comes with blue bubbles when you send it out so I really like that one for any aquatic pokemon

No. 440042

File: 1734000229631.jpg (151.07 KB, 2036x2672, GcA3FuRbAAAvXja.jpg)

>entrance animations
Like the ball capsule visual effects in Gen 4?

No. 440043

I think the net ball does something similar, except it's a web shape instead. I like using that for bug types.

No. 440051

The lure ball definitely has the best water animation in SV. The net ball looks more like a spider web so is too buggy for me to use on many water types

No. 440052

File: 1734015977183.jpg (15.47 KB, 300x168, balleffects.jpg)

nta but the balls themselves come with different animations when you throw a pokemon out, it's been a thing since like gen 3

No. 440096

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Why are these two retards not popular, unlike train twins?

No. 440097

Because look at them, nonna. At least the train twins are kinda endearing in their autism kek

No. 440100

File: 1734036037649.jpg (34.1 KB, 343x706, c586ff6da94c2e079c87b4f0c84441…)

they're hideous. the traintards are also kinda ugly but really cute, and their uniforms are cool. plus, ingo and emmet embody two different personality types, while these two ugly sons of bitches act the same.

No. 440102

File: 1734036094721.jpg (48.78 KB, 549x719, 4f7144fd8c3ff8754afdec0023786f…)

sordward could never

No. 440105

File: 1734037622255.png (716.75 KB, 1280x720, 470.png)

>"hurrdurr why are these ugly retards unpopular???"
you fucking tell us

No. 440108

File: 1734038809835.png (1.62 MB, 828x1792, IMG_6364.png)

i love the artwork on the ex cards in the pocket tcg game, at least we don't need to shell put a fortune unlike the physical ones.
look how cute meowth is

No. 440110

the traintards are ugly too and their fans agree with this and they like them because they are ugly

No. 440112

File: 1734039522200.png (695.2 KB, 1638x1119, 121192507_p2.png)

your question was already answered hoe

No. 440113

One option is ugly because the brothers are cartoonish and wacky, and the other option is ugly because the brothers are boring except for the literal dildo growing out of one twin's head

No. 440124

File: 1734042119675.png (434.37 KB, 1095x789, 1730244056581937.png)

maybe if sword and shield twins were suffering from male pattern balding they'd be more popular

No. 440137

File: 1734046442837.jpg (46.18 KB, 550x419, b166abaf3dc9d4286ef7d6dcabb67c…)

I pulled this card today! Controversial perhaps, but I love meowth yet hate team rockets meowth

No. 440276

File: 1734075661153.png (212.96 KB, 540x549, 052Meowth_RB.png)

meowth is the cutest cat pokemon. it's a shame it got turned into an annoying villain team mascot

No. 440566

File: 1734175925872.jpg (509.41 KB, 1536x2048, ERlTye8XUAI91bT.jpg)

But the villain team happens to be the best thing about the anime

No. 440567

oh i love team rocket, i meant i hate the meowth that speaks english in an annoying accent

No. 440568

I wish we saw more meowths that acted like actual cats.

No. 440588

File: 1734192901081.jpg (233.96 KB, 618x872, R (2).jpg)

love these three dumbasses like you wouldn't believe

No. 440589

File: 1734192996315.jpg (290.44 KB, 1443x2048, R.jpg)

No. 440626

File: 1734208405962.jpg (570.18 KB, 903x1199, illust_99666340_20241123_05223…)

I disagree, the train autists are handsome and cute even in their canon designs and they have some delicious uniform moe.
Looking like weirder versions of Raidou Kuzunoha is still looking like Raidou Kuzunoha, aka hot.

No. 440628

File: 1734208702109.jpeg (388.01 KB, 2473x3078, IMG_6757.jpeg)

same, they're more interesting than the protags. Meowth is just too cute
my fave meowth is the gigantamax one bc he looks like longcat, remonds me of old timey internet

No. 440633

It's their retarded hair. Their faces are handsome so if they had normal hair they'd probably have a niche, but as it is, no, they look like James Turner's wacky vomit.

No. 440634

File: 1734209621334.png (306.81 KB, 1089x698, cb2.png)

>fucking Emlan of all people wanted to fuck them

No. 440650

File: 1734217120757.jpg (102.18 KB, 587x800, 012c9f1f3930d082eaeebb6dcaff56…)

As a kid I used to hate them but as an adult they're great

No. 440651

Even as a kid I found team rocket so boring and predictable they're what made me fall off the show fully. They never added anything for me, they just interrupted the plot I actually cared for and wasted all the screen time doing the same thing over and over when that time could have been spent on showing different "new" pokemon and characters. I eventually picked the show back up again as an adult, I could still only really stand team rocket in Alola because there they'd just hang out in the background while running a donut shop kek
It's not like I hate them as characters, if they had shown up like once every 10 episodes I'm sure I'd love them.

No. 440821

File: 1734294908871.jpg (30.97 KB, 505x262, 899.jpg)

hello!? since when was this here?

No. 441023

File: 1734355008174.jpg (97.98 KB, 751x1062, 48bd2827fc11fc9aa253ef33ff103b…)

At first there wasn't a doubt in my mind that legends ZA would bring new fun evolutions to old pokemon like the first legends game, until I realized just how much of a Sinnoh feature that really was. Now I'm honestly questioning if there's gonna be a single new evolution at all, I think they'll just be replaced with temporary mega forms instead which I personally find a lot more boring.

No. 441024

KEEEEK my girl has always had kinda weird taste and I love her for it
Not as bad as Humon drawing Jack Black and Kyle Gass porn, I guess

No. 441026

File: 1734356168074.jpeg (102.92 KB, 1024x576, islandguardians.jpeg)

I just bought pokemon moon for my 3ds. It's my first pokemon game ever, I'm so excited! Any tips you guys think I should know as a beginner?

No. 441027

File: 1734357981074.jpg (616.15 KB, 2036x2672, Geu-MgbbsAQlp_1.jpg)

nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

No. 441028

I love SM, legit one of my favorite pokemon games. Just enjoy it! Pokemon is easy enough that you'll be able to figure it all out and have a good time.

Some minor tips though:
STAB - Same Type Attack Bonus. It means if you use for example a fire type pokemon its fire type moves will be 50% stronger.
Stats - check if your pokemon has a higher Attack or Special Attack. If they're about the same you don't have to worry too much, but if one is a lot higher you want to make sure you pick that kind of moves for ot. So Attack = physical movies. Special attack = special moves
Putting a pokemon to sleep first makes it a lot easier to catch

It's possible they already explained this to you in the game, I can't remember lol

No. 441040

I apologize in advance for how annoying Lillie is, and for how often the game gets interrupted. Most Pokémon games don't stop you every five yards so a blond retard can tell you about the anthropomorphic fart in her purse.

No. 441154

File: 1734405945326.png (363.84 KB, 600x800, IMG_9005.png)

I never realized how slutty the male pogo rocket grunt is. His shirt is so tight you can see his tits and abs outline…

No. 441208

File: 1734424138582.webp (34.95 KB, 1170x647, go-to-horny-pokejail-meme-v0-x…)

No. 441209

File: 1734424374980.jpg (198.01 KB, 1024x1384, 3382fc3283d056e508aba24db47b3c…)

Lillie is only annoying if you hate the story and the characters and just want to mindlessly catch and battle. I really like Lillie's story arc and I think her design is cute.

No. 441230

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No. 441231

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No. 441234

File: 1734433781563.jpg (19.85 KB, 500x500, 70bc1bbe877c8cf60441d43e27cccc…)

No. 441248

this is so cute nonna, what is it? I love the old looking style

No. 441249

this feels so 2009 girly. love it

No. 441252

I really liked Lilly and the overall Alola story. It was nice seeing actual character development.

No. 441328

File: 1734469976576.jpg (33.48 KB, 564x326, there's a second design though…)

>Try to locate info on this mouse since it's so fucking cute
>Barely anything comes up

No. 441493

File: 1734515409285.jpg (696.51 KB, 1380x1518, FMrfLmUaAAE4Zgf.jpg)

>Tom screams

No. 441732

File: 1734606688396.jpg (199.19 KB, 1317x1338, F1ZJQ8xaMAAsMm8.jpg)

No. 441735

what are these retarded pictures? are they supposed to be funny?

No. 441760

File: 1734621212508.jpg (1.44 MB, 1280x905, df5z14g-1c1c1af9-96e1-4657-8a5…)

No. 441765

File: 1734626222221.jpg (321.16 KB, 1534x2048, GYiMIcIasAUESKJ.jpg)

No. 441793

File: 1734640620831.jpg (66.85 KB, 750x1228, 1lbkaasu46l21.jpg)

this one is a reference to this meme

No. 441828

File: 1734649523465.png (1.31 MB, 1920x1080, Rika_Poppy_Geeta_Paldean_Winds…)

wait Poppy is canon 9 years old, she is one year younger than Ash's age so she actively chose to dress like a toddler for herself wtf

No. 441850

>wish there was a handy name for it in eng
I've heard it called balltism

No. 441871

God I love Rika so much I wish I could sniff and bite her skin and leave so many kisses all over her fucccckkkk I crave her so bad…

No. 441978

Do you think Poppy dresses/talks like a toddler to rub it into peoples faces that they're getting beaten by a small child and she gets a kick out of it? Obviously to us adults 9 IS a small child but the average pokemon trainer starts at 10 which is around her age.

No. 442094

File: 1734744067099.jpg (320.24 KB, 1916x1036, fishing.jpg)

>RIP Rachael Lillis edition
I just wanted to post an image to acknowledge her passing away. The old series and games will always be close to me even though I don't keep up with the franchise anymore. When I was a kid I imagined myself being a water type trainer like Misty. I also never knew until recently that she was Misty and Jessie, it's really cool she had a range like that.

No. 442273

File: 1734827216677.webp (79.23 KB, 453x640, PC-2-1.webp)

post some christmas pokemon art!

No. 442305

File: 1734847674302.png (212.08 KB, 553x627, IMG_6834.png)

No. 442325

File: 1734870106625.png (3.72 MB, 2683x2236, 2f62cd2a9a9884c01ac590384d159c…)

No. 442326

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No. 442333

File: 1734874574185.jpg (64.13 KB, 377x536, 20241222_142625.jpg)

No. 442364

File: 1734880612176.jpg (317.05 KB, 1378x2039, GfBb6ckbEAAG6jH.jpg)

No. 442367

File: 1734881577410.jpg (421.95 KB, 745x745, d4fptce-7a05c6bb-c57f-4cd9-8ea…)

I wish I could experience snow IRL at some point

No. 442386

kek the street here is so covered in slippery ice and snow i fear for my life every time I step outside the door. Wouldn't trade it though, I like it here lmao I'd be an ice type trainer irl

No. 442575

Based, I want to sneak my hands into her gloves and take them off then kiss my way up from her hands to her neck

No. 442632

File: 1734999259982.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.24 KB, 500x695, 6svy7i.jpg)

No. 442634

File: 1734999676469.jpg (444.44 KB, 1890x1299, Gffe9CrbgAAupb8.jpg)

I guess I would then be a ground type trainer irl because I live in a desert

No. 442653

File: 1735003733442.jpeg (738.85 KB, 722x1350, IMG_6861.jpeg)

pokego gave us this absolutely stunning ugly sweater for christmas. i love it

No. 442768

File: 1735062701799.jpg (486.78 KB, 727x1000, Gfjby5ibQAA_5Cl.jpg)

No. 442769

File: 1735062795457.jpg (1.37 MB, 3130x4032, Gfj2vn2aAAAVb1L.jpg)

Marry Christians everyone!

No. 443006

File: 1735208763352.jpg (369.99 KB, 1536x2048, GCM8Awca4AADoa2.jpg)

No. 443531

File: 1735411518445.jpg (1.46 MB, 2480x3508, 31fbf54d-fc0e-4e01-b71d-c73395…)

Behold, the most iconic duo in Pokemon!

No. 443533

File: 1735413219259.jpg (90.2 KB, 736x865, 3b36fb8e5a631e1dc3913ae77b9082…)

nuh uh

No. 443538

which of them is the trainer and which is the pokemon?

No. 443544

Hoping for a trainfag-free 2025

No. 443567

File: 1735420148466.jpeg (884.57 KB, 2048x1756, IMG_6934.jpeg)

No. 443590

File: 1735427129833.gif (4.25 MB, 320x180, frames_of_steel - 174631851196…)

this will never happen

No. 443721

File: 1735469197780.png (369.31 KB, 720x544, kcLZRyA.png)

No. 443724

File: 1735469282296.png (262.09 KB, 736x920, D0nRZtN.png)

No. 443729

I dont like round pikachu. He always looked retarded to me. Sending fat retard pikachu to battle makes me feel like a Spartan throwing a disabled child down a hill. It feels like eugenics sending it to battle knowing it will die because of how fat and retarded it is.

No. 443732

File: 1735471683965.png (110 KB, 1582x890, EUR8MAxUEAAQ19R.png)

worst take that has ever been posted on lolcow. fatchu is peak design

No. 443739

Being fat is a disability, i am glad he overcame it.

No. 443776

File: 1735482958123.png (387 B, 40x40, 1000000327.png)

Honestly I do enjoy all pikachu designs, but the fat one is just so goofy, and I love the tail. Most of the 3D model ones are hideous though, I wish they didn't define the chin so much, or maybe made it smaller, and the arms are too large.

No. 443778

File: 1735483927281.png (3.7 MB, 2531x2408, 1000067265.png)

Tsundere anon encouraging more train posting through reverse psychology…

No. 443889

same, but what can you expect from literal autists kek
i like both, but i think fat pikachu is overrated

No. 444358

File: 1735659156552.jpg (438.5 KB, 1917x2048, daijiroo.jpg)

azelf my love

No. 445214

File: 1735969410165.jpg (20.15 KB, 500x500, images-1.jpg)

fat pikachu is the sweetest thing

No. 445222

File: 1735969996486.jpg (163.81 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_d1bf45d57212b6ba587efb1…)

this is one of my fave pics of pikachu still. just a ball with legs and ears and a tail.

No. 445234

what do you guys think about the HFMP threads on vp that have popped up the last few months? are they just guys pretending to be women? there is this one raichu fan that is convincing but other than that it seems like a bunch of dudes

No. 445241

any chance of a masters "complete" ?

No. 445280

i dont even know what that is
love how quirky this is, new merch is never this fun and whimsical

No. 445300

Ayrt, same!

No. 445335

what does that mean? do you mean the weird husbando threads? I don't trust them

No. 445339

File: 1736009053023.png (Spoiler Image,497.22 KB, 1200x1062, 1735850545667496.png)

still not sure if you mean the husbando threads but I just opened one on /vp/ and saw this so… yepp. it's mostly men isn't it

No. 445353

why are we supposed to care about /vp/. garbage board like every other

No. 445355

That anon is talking about a general for human women x male pokemon that allowed men to post and also died a while ago so not sure why its being brought up now.

No. 445448

sounds retarded. move on

No. 445556

File: 1736064836737.jpg (50.4 KB, 407x897, still pulling though.jpg)

I'm begging DeNA to stop giving Giovanni alts when there are villains that don't even have one.

What do you mean?

No. 445559

File: 1736065586207.png (1.16 MB, 1918x3180, HeartGold_SoulSilver_Proton.pn…)

>not posting the actual Team Rocket slut
Look at those slutty gloves. Peak Pokéboy design.

No. 445564

File: 1736066455355.png (1.86 MB, 1584x1080, __giovanni_team_rocket_grunt_a…)

BASED giovanni sucking up all the resources
he is such a whore. but i really just love all of team rocket.

No. 445572

File: 1736069524590.png (175.2 KB, 792x679, __leaf_and_team_rocket_grunt_p…)

Oh, I love li sakura! It's a shame that she deleted all her cute grunt fanart from Pixiv. I'd dump the art I have here, but I've already posted it all in one of the het ship threads.
>BASED giovanni sucking up all the resources
Literally, kek. Considering that he's using Guzzlord to delete other villain team's hideouts and he can absorb all the damage his teammates take. This might be one of the most OP supports in the game so far. Fuck DeNA though, I've had enough of this genwunpandering. The silver lining is that this new subplot might lead to Maxie, Archie and Ghetsis finally getting their long-awaited alts inb4 it's just their Gen 3 versions and Classic Ghetsis cuz DeNA is too lazy to design new outfits. Ghetsis's and Giovanni's murderous hatred for each other in Pokémon Masters is very cute, by the way. I can't wait for the next part.

No. 445573

File: 1736070021891.png (594.15 KB, 699x611, 1000030941.png)

>Ghetsis's and Giovanni's murderous hatred for each other in Pokémon Masters is very cute, by the way. I can't wait for the next part.
NTA but completely agreed, I love their dynamic. This moment was gold.

No. 445577

I haven't squee'd as hard as I did when I first read this chapter. I can't stress enough how much I loved seeing all the other villains working together to stop Giovanni and his team. And then the cherry on top was this scene, it was so unexpected and adorable. And to think they once were on the same side, when they teamed up against N. That's real character development right there kek.

No. 445588

File: 1736076367176.jpg (47.75 KB, 555x491, go_to_horny_jail_pokememe_by_w…)

No. 445741

File: 1736124864260.jpg (329.25 KB, 630x840, Subway.Masters.full.1732797.jp…)

happy 2025! choo choo!

No. 445953

File: 1736175123049.png (2.31 MB, 2048x1308, ECJssp7.png)

No. 445955

>Pigeotto the only nfe bird listed
>Beedrill in the gen 2 column instead of Ledian or Ariados
>No Metagross in the psuedo row

No. 445956

Pachirisu is still the cutest Pikaclone, fight me.

No. 445962

File: 1736178708175.png (2.32 MB, 2048x1308, poke.png)

these are my most liked how about you nonnas

No. 445964

Marill and azumarill>>>>>>>>>>>every single pokemon to ever exist, don't even argue with me.

No. 445968

File: 1736179371604.png (2.75 MB, 2048x1308, 1736175123049.png)

I think Spidops would've fit better as the first bug of Paldea since you can catch Tarountula earlier than Nymble
here is mine

No. 446006

File: 1736183888159.jpg (436.52 KB, 2036x2672, GgfqU2pa8AEgsBL.jpg)

>I just opened one on /vp/ and saw this
You saw that but not twins, Ghetsis, or Lance? Cherrypicking.

No. 446021

Why do you care about a /vp/ thread full of moids when we have better things in here?

No. 446023

aw that pic is so cute nonnie!

No. 446031

Random but what's the closest thing I can get to playing a Pokemon dress up game? I used to really like the Pokemon pageants they had in Ruby and Sapphire. I haven't been into Pokemon in a while now but seeing the cute pics in this thread makes me want to play something kinda girly but pokemon, cute monsters etc

No. 446034

where's Metagross? Damn Baxcalibur is hideous

No. 446037

File: 1736188856352.png (2.98 MB, 2048x1308, 1736175123049.png)

I can't get into the pseudo legends enough to pick one. I don't like dragons/dragon adjacent body plans at all.

No. 446040

I think googling around for actual pokemon dress up games might be your best bet, not sure any actual "real" game like it exists

No. 446041

The music hall in gen 5 games maybe? But there's no score or competition in this so I found it boring, and you have to collect more accessories little by little. The contests in DPPT also had a dress up minigame before the actual contests. I can't think of anything similar on top of my head though.

No. 446046

Where's my man Mimikyu? He is objectively the best Pika clone.

No. 446055

File: 1736190577447.jpg (250.85 KB, 1094x879, stlent.jpg)

based stoutland enjoyer. i love that evo line, and not just because of the anime

No. 446056


No. 446057

Nonitas, what are your favorite romhacks? I played through gen 3-6 and want to rediscover old games or play fanmade ones. I hate the 3d art style so I won't even try the newest games. I heard that Pokemon Unbound was great.

No. 446059

I really like Polished Crystal, Fool's Gold, and Crystal Clear which are all G2 hacks. Highly recommended.

No. 446064

File: 1736191380372.jpg (158.8 KB, 1280x720, FvxVF1IXgAAyLBu.jpg)

I post about my husbandos there sometimes. I'm certain most posters there are women.
Holowear from Pokemon Unite is the closest thing I can think of. It's such a shame that we can't dress up our Pokemon like this in the main games.
Mimikyu isn't electric type so it doesn't count. Same with Azumarill.

No. 446077

Fair enough. I call it a Pika Clone because of its design but you're right in that it's not an electric type.

No. 446095

AYRT same here, although the litten/stoutland subplot did bring a tear to my eye.

No. 446150

File: 1736214892888.png (728.58 KB, 1280x720, Pichu_Brothers.png)

>Pikachu adjacent
What sort of retard made this pic? Where's Pichu?

I know right? Of course there will be gay moids posting on 4chan (and women can like barashit too, especially outside of LC, but it's taboo to say it). Every husbando thread on 4chan has a mix of men and women and nobody seems to mind. Although I felt tempted in December, I don't post my husbando there because I've gotten too used to husbandoposting with other women only, and I don't want to deal with the retardation of 4channers who like my husbando (some dumbass called him an ojiichan because they don't know the right term is ojisan and that really pissed me off kek). But I wish Ghetsisfag(s) over there a happy 2025 full of new Ghetsis content.

No. 446176

>She doesn't know about Pikablue

No. 446180

the chart obviously only has final evos that's why there's raichu instead of pichu and pikachu
azumarill is the final evo of marill which was considered pikachu adjacent in the days of gen 2 (pikablu)

No. 446209

Pichu was a precursor to the pikaclone trend. It's stupid to put Raichu there as "Pikachu adjacent" and not Pichu. It's also dumb because Pikachu wasn't the mascot of the franchise when both it and Raichu were created, they were just a normal evolutionary line so Raichu was not made due to Pikachu's popularity, unlike all the pikaclones. In any case, it should be Pichu instead of Azumarill.

Of course I know about that, but it's an entirely western fan-made term for Marill based on a dumbass rumor, not anything official. Marill/Azumarill isn't Pikachu adjacent in any way.

No. 446239

File: 1736238904520.jpeg (95.11 KB, 735x452, IMG_5851.jpeg)

idc she's still pikablu to me

No. 446270

File: 1736252325702.png (228.2 KB, 450x432, 1433749452724.png)

No. 446271

File: 1736252396025.png (1.18 MB, 1200x1167, 1630688863242.png)

No. 446367

super cute. looking at cute pokemon fanart makes my day

No. 446498

File: 1736299620802.png (20 KB, 552x372, 2d40da97-7ed8-40f7-873d-22ae5e…)

No. 446503


No. 446505

images like this are why i need a pokemon dress-up game NOW

No. 446646

File: 1736346477374.png (491.84 KB, 1590x739, 1728218959209.png)

anyone else hate competitive pokemon players who obsess over 'meta' and stats and simply ignore character design and story, take these videos for example. I'm sure in their super serious battle meta, gen 1 pokemon don't have the exact fraction of stats for challenging other autistic losers, but they are objectively very well-designed, the vast majority of players didn't catch pokemon because of their stats, they caught them because they looked either cute or cool to them

No. 446656

File: 1736348914505.jpg (1.49 MB, 1480x1000, 103233074_p0.jpg)

Don't mind them, poketubers just want to find something to whine about. It says a lot how that "this fucking sucks actually" meme blew up because it resonated with so many people who grew up listening to youtubers cherrypicking and whining about the most minor things ever.
>but they are objectively very well-designed
woah let's not go that far…

No. 446664

Idgaf if my mon is bad stats wise. The games are so easy that you could win with a team full of pidgeys

No. 446672

I don't think they're meant to insult the designs or anything, no shit people caught pokemon just because they liked how they looked. It's just a look at them from a competitive standpoint. As much as you like, say, an Ariados, it could never stand a chance against Landorus. And even though I'll say it has a nice design compared to the horror that is Lando, it's still shitty competitively.

No. 446679

File: 1736354522348.jpg (119.36 KB, 1069x1200, 1588213004504.jpg)

why was the post replying to >>446505 about plushies deleted? I need that japanese xitter tag

No. 446717

File: 1736365018596.png (1.3 MB, 780x1048, mWhKx8l.png)

no, i like them, and it's possible to love both things. i love using my shitty weak mons but i also love to battle competitively. also, gen 1 was objectively hilariously broken. i love reading about this stuff, particularly from gen 1-2.

No. 446823

I hate competitive moids because they will often act like the devs are supposed to cater to them and them only (happens a lot in the Smash community as well), but these videos are specifically about the pokémon's competitive viability. When they say "the worst Gen 1 pokémon" they mean it in this context only. I know it can get confusing because they don't specify, since their audience knows what they're talking about. They don't make videos for the general Pokémon "normie" audience as they call them, but for the "hardcore" players.

No. 446828

Reminds me, a while back I played some gen 2 competitive on showdown. The battle lasted at least 30 minutes because all the mons had held Leftovers so it took forever for the battle to end kek

No. 446832

Ugh, Gen 2 is 99% stall. Say what you will about gimmicks in later gens but at the very least you weren't sitting there until your mons died of old age.

No. 446835

>woah let's not go that far…
I'll go that far, the majority of gen 1-3 were all incredibly well designed and iconic

No. 446838

I disagree but only because I hate Gen 3 with a passion for reasons I can't fully articulate.

No. 446842

It's ok to be wrong, nonny.

No. 446900

Shit taste. I love gen 3, they started making quirkier designs but hadn't gone full furry yet

No. 446915

File: 1736424140363.png (529.84 KB, 482x677, fZPWCIJ.png)

pichu supremacy

No. 446932

File: 1736432526834.jpg (56.02 KB, 805x803, 3cec67d237fb2aac763a0e0f5748de…)

do u heit mudkipz

No. 446948

File: 1736440370919.png (30.04 KB, 480x270, gengar-pokemon.png)

Moids are so dumb when it comes to rumors and fake leakers, even the real leaker discredited some by name and moids still religiously follow them even after hearing that. Just heard a moid get an unlikely post pointed out to him only for him to go "oh, i think sometimes he just puts out some false rumor for shits and giggles" as if that's not a big deal and even a good thing

No. 446958

>Moids are so dumb

No. 447163

Big agree 100%

No. 447201

Agreed ithink it adds character to a mon you random catch to have some imperfection. Wanting anally minmaxxed stats in a game this easy is just retarded.

No. 447245

The same people angry when pokemon have bad stats and going out of their way to breed perfect mons and using balanced teams are the ones who whine about the game being "too easy". You can literally set your own challenges by using weak pokemon or ones with terrible stats. I find the games are way more fun when I get to crush every gym leader and elite four with a silly little goof I caught early on. Or instead of bringing 1 over-leveled fire type spamming flamethrower to the grass gym you can try to beat it with only water types. The games are what you make them!

No. 447438

Exactly, the flexibility of playstyles is one of the biggest draws for me.

No. 447446

File: 1736565437639.jpg (53.32 KB, 465x659, images-1.jpg)

Agreed! I like using my favorite pokemon, cool/cute looking pokemon, and pokemon I get attached to, rather than getting the perfect team made. I never thought I would be attached to the Crobat I raised but she was my GOAT in diamond/pearl

No. 447451

I got super attached to my Azumarill and Gengar from my Crystal run. Two Lil powerhouses.

No. 447588

File: 1736615264392.png (319.78 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_olpco4TRNu1vawfiso1_128…)

Same nonnie my Crowbat in HG was my strongest pokemon and my baby following me everywhere. That is still one of my most memorable playthroughs.

No. 448065

Do you think we'll get a trailer of pokemon Z-A on pokemon day?

No. 448198

Yeah, we're due a trailer and since pokemon day is soonish they might as well wait for that.

Imo the best strategy is to have an anticipated game we all want info on (legends) and then to slap a little teaser on for something new (gen 10, or gen 5 remakes, new spin off) at the end. That keeps fans excited and ensures long time interest.

Next year is the 30th anniversary, meaning it would strategically be best to release games before that so on the big day they can go "look at all these games that you can buy now! And all these events happening in our new and relevant games!" and not just "buy these in half a year please". So they have to release something this year to ensure there are things for fans to do.

No. 448199

File: 1736765925466.webp (139.08 KB, 640x905, which-region-got-the-most-drip…)

I really wonder what the ZA fashion will be like. Will it be more french inspired or used some old outfits from XY?
I'm forever grieving the loss of the classic shounen protagonist fashion the early gens had, I miss that so much and from looking at OC fanart I know I'm not the only one kek

No. 448201

Right? It's like the characters' hair gets more extreme and yet the outfits get more boring kek

No. 448202

xy were the games that introduced character customization so they better go all out with the fashion, I think the fashion itself will really depend on when the game takes place

No. 448203

i absolutely loved the fashion choices we got in XY, you really had everything from sporty to classy to kawaii. ( i still got some merch from back then with this exact graphic kek).
i hope we get as many clothing chouces in ZA. it was really lacking in the latest games.

No. 448358

File: 1736803341594.jpg (129.33 KB, 1011x1200, grasstraineroc.jpg)

>I think the fashion itself will really depend on when the game takes place
It's a modern time setting, we see npcs with moden caps and sneakers in the first trailer
I love that Serena graphic! XY had the best fashion choices of any game so far, though SM had a decent mix. When thinking about it I think the fashion really has gotten worse each gen since they introduced it, which is really sad. I think the biggest problem is game freak for some reason is afraid of anime protagonists. They refuse to let the player be a character, they make them "realistic" blank slates. You're not allowed to make them look crazy or iconic, they're forcing the player to look like an background NPC while they let all story driven side characters look like the main anime character. But just look at nearly any OC fans make, people love making iconic cool characters and nobody actually wants to be in basic ass t-shirt and jeans!

No. 448381

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i feel like i'm in the minority here but the transition to exclusively 3d graphics is what made me stop actively seeking out new pokemon games. i got alpha sapphire/omega ruby for my 3ds years ago because of the nostalgia blast, but even hearing the difference from the delicious 8bit music to the "better" audio quality during the first cutscene was like wow more does not actually mean better. pokemon colosseum and xd gale of darkness are the only good original 3d games because it utilized an entirely unique character style which worked with how pokemon looked. now, each game contains copy-pasted models which are so unbelievably boring. what was so great about the release of the earlier generation games was that the sprites had amazing character and you were excited to see how they were refreshed, not to mention the OSTs. the franchise would do so well utilizing a 2.5d style, something like octopath traveler 2 picrel, but for some reason the masses are afraid to play pixel games because 3d=new and 2d=old

No. 448393

SwSh was so limited that I wondered why they even bothered adding customization. Little did I know what SV would be like…

No. 448397

Ahh, Sinnoh would be gorgeous in the 2.5D style. I'm imagining a snowy landscape akin to the Frostlands in the game…

No. 448557

I like both 2D and 3D graphics, what makes me sad is that 3D is always seen as a replacement for 2D. I'd be so down for a new 2D pokemon game!

No. 448587

picrel looks like shit

No. 448850

File: 1736966954221.jpg (41.06 KB, 554x554, images-1.jpg)

my holy grail. tell me yours nonnas

No. 448931

>holy grail
>low quality landfill merch from target
Wrong pic?

No. 449048

File: 1737021617963.png (46.01 KB, 416x174, Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 23-51…)

I guess you'll be devastated to know that it was a suggested feature for the main games at one point.

No. 449049

File: 1737021670078.png (1.12 MB, 1000x1612, 1731338886658751.png)

No. 449072

File: 1737030626834.webp (248.57 KB, 1280x720, XY101.webp)

nta but I'd like a pokemon dress up game and I'm glad that wasn't it because that fucking sucks and looks lame. What idiot at game freak thinks "oh dress up? you mean like putting A CLOWN NOSE and MOUSTACHE on your cute little pokemon?" no bitch we want unite tier outfits for our pokemon. And it's been around for at least a decade in the anime so it's not even hard to grasp the concept

No. 449074

Is that poor thing's tail attached to the side of its body like a tumor?

No. 449081

i'd put clown noses on all of my pokemon so poppolio doesn't feel left out

No. 449089

don't barbra streisand your poor popplio kek

No. 450192

File: 1737276983238.png (847.74 KB, 1280x1280, 1280px-0910Crocalor.png)

I'm here to hate on crocalor. There's not a single redeeming quality about this ugly fucker.
It doesn't look cool nor cute. But it's obvious they were aiming at the "ugly funny/charming" with this one, I just think they missed the mark. Examples of pokemon that do the ugly funny/charming right are psyduck, shroomish and appletun.

It's got an ugly ass hunchback. It carries a fucking egg around on its head, which is impractical, stupid and ugly. It's not even a unique concept in any way so I can't even be like "at least we finally got a pokemon based on this".
Crocodile = totodile line, sandile line
Carries egg = chansey line
Mexican inspired = ludicolo, hawlucha
Sings = jigglypuff, meloetta
And all of those pokemon do their concepts better than crocalor. To give a starter this shitty of an evolution should get you fired on the spot.

No. 450197

it's unbearably hideous and so is the evolution i can't remember the name of rn, of course they managed to ruin the cute design that is fuecoco

No. 450198

File: 1737278342509.png (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, design-fix-paldean-starters-v0…)

i cant believe how retarded skeledirge looks

No. 450200

File: 1737278603620.png (536.21 KB, 1400x1100, skeledirge-redesign-v0-r9qgc0v…)

"opera conductor dead crocodile with a bird that breathes fire" is so many ideas. it's so stupid. pokemon used to be pocket monsters. a turtle with cannons on its back. a snake made of rocks. a dog that paints with its tail. a duck with a sombrero. what the fuck happened.

No. 450201

File: 1737278877871.jpg (182.79 KB, 2048x1290, t0lit0ma nihil.jpg)

Let her in…

No. 450259

I'm glad that someone else thinks that Skeledirge is ugly. It feels like most of the praise people had for it was that it's on four legs and therefore it's supposedly more 'creature-like' despite the fact that it is incredibly over-designed. It just doesn't feel like a wild creature in the same way that say Meganium does. Its' in game model looks off as well, especially the texture of the fire, which makes it feel out of place.

My unpopular opinion is that I don't care if the starters are bipedal and I also don't get why a lot of fans act like a starter's final evo being a quadruped is the be all end all of good pokemon design.

No. 450271

I'm not the previous anons, I fucking hate skeledirge too! I hate all of the final paldea evos tho, they dropped the ball so hard this gen.
>My unpopular opinion is that I don't care if the starters are bipedal and I also don't get why a lot of fans act like a starter's final evo being a quadruped is the be all end all of good pokemon design.
I think you just said it yourself earlier! People want their pokemon to feel like wild animals/creatures, and not like a human in a fursuit. Usually it's not actually about them being bipedal, it's that they look too humanoid. Like charizard is bipedal but it doesn't look humanoid so people don't have a problem with it. I think it started gaining popularity with litten and people saying "please stay on all fours" (because it's a cat), and that's why people ended up latching onto the words bipedal/quadrupedal but what they actually meant was "don't be humanoid".

No. 450324

True I was fine with Quaxly even though it is two legged (i mean it just looks like a cartoon duck) but it's final form as a festival hoe at rio de janeiro has ruined it forever. The fact that it's attack animation moves its chest feathers and shakes its hips doesn't fucking help.
Speaking of Skeledirge it's final move doesn't make sense to me. It's this four legged lizard and then it stands up to use this fire type move with a microphone?

No. 450328

Quaxly's final evo is so ugly, I can't imagine kids liking it at all. I can see why people would like the other two, but that one is just weird.

No. 450367

Quaquaval is disgusting an I hate it beyond words. I really feel like gen 9 was shitting on the whole concepts of starters, like game freak was mocking fans for liking them so they made them really shit on purpose.
>It's this four legged lizard and then it stands up to use this fire type move with a microphone?
This really bothers me too, why can't it just roar normally? It's clashes with the design that it stands up. Extra annoying because it's the one single final evolution of a croc/gator that actually is on the ground and isn't bipedal, the attack would have worked for any of the other ones while skeledirge could have gotten a unique ground based attack

No. 450557

File: 1737340270159.jpg (30.63 KB, 704x400, 12279579410080.jpg)

Do you remember Pokemon Rumble Blast? It's a Pokemon spinoff that came out in 2011 for the 3DS. Many say it sucks but I always liked it. You play as toy-pokemon and if you use Streetpass, you can be in a toy-pokemon store as your Mii.
>play Rumble Blast a lot as a 10 year old
>lose the cartridge like the idiot kid I was
>be 22, kept the old (now decrepit) 3DS and have a new one I got in my late teens
>update my Mii in the old 3DS by giving her my current appearance (important for later)
>get nostalgic and decide to buy the game again on eBay
>boyfriend surprises me with the game because I brought it up to him
>fuck it, guess I now have two cartridges and we'll return the extra one whenever we have the time
>research how to finish Rumble Blast 100% because I enjoy completionism
>find out you need two 3DSes because mythical Pokemon only spawn after a set number of Streetpass encounters
>guess I'm in luck
>cartridge A with new savefile in my new 3DS for me to play, cartridge B in the old 3DS just to activate the Streetpass thing
>try the Streetpass feature, but something odd happens with cartridge B
>of course cartridge B still has the savefile from the person who sold it, which I didn't wipe since I play on cartridge A anyway
>however Streetpass is connected to the console's data
>so cartridge B dug into my old 3DS and used the data I had from my original Rumble Blast from when I was 10 (this doesn't alter the savefile as it only appears in the game's "Streetpass toy store" as opposed to the in-game world)
>this includes my Mii before I updated her
>in other words, when connecting the 3DSes with both games, my Mii in the new 3DS/cartridge A encountered my 10 year old self's Mii, with the edgy nickname I gave her back then and all
>get to see past me's Pokemon because apparently Rumble Blast's Streetpass datas include your Pokemon collection
>get to encounter my old Pokemon in cartridge A (can't collect them but doesn't matter)
I am never wiping that data, ever

No. 450663

I actually really liked contests although I never knew how to make the Pokeblocks or poffin things correctly.

No. 450669

That's sweet nona. I used to visit my original ACNL town from 2013 all the time back when 3DS still had online, and while I made a good decision back then of re-starting my town, visiting it still mademe fluffy inside.

No. 450672

I loved contests more than anything! I had my neighbours to play pokemon with so we eventually figured out how to make good blocks/poffins together and we felt so smart kek
I used to play the same contest over and over until I won so I'd have all ribbons on the same pokemon. Main reason I think BDSP is shit is because they claim to be "true remakes" yet they removed the best feature completely

No. 450791

File: 1737386979238.png (5.36 MB, 1289x942, ポケモンコンテストライブ! (small).png)

I do remember Rumble Blast, but I never played any of the Rumble games except for Rumble World which was released as a freemium game on the 3DS in 2015. I actually remembered it a few days ago when I modded my 3DS and noticed that I had that game's save data. Out of the three F2P Pokémon games I had on the 3DS, Rumble World was my second favorite after Pokémon Shuffle got too hard to continue playing F2P (kek). Here, you played as your Mii (IIRC), and in addition to getting random people's Miis from StreetPass, your online friend's Miis could also appear as NPCs. I kinda wanna pick it back up again and try to complete it as much as possible.
>so cartridge B dug into my old 3DS and used the data I had from my original Rumble Blast from when I was 10 (this doesn't alter the savefile as it only appears in the game's "Streetpass toy store" as opposed to the in-game world)
>this includes my Mii before I updated her
>in other words, when connecting the 3DSes with both games, my Mii in the new 3DS/cartridge A encountered my 10 year old self's Mii, with the edgy nickname I gave her back then and all
Awww shit, this is so cute. It's awesome that you can preserve your 10 year old self's save data in a way. Do you have a modded 3DS to make a backup of it? I backed up my own data from my Pokémon cartridges and I've never felt more relief, knowing I won't lose it in case the carts die (which they eventually will). I already lost my original save data from when I first played Pokémon on emulator due to not knowing how save states work, and I don't want a repeat of that.

I adore the contest mechanic. I was stoked to find out they were a thing in RSE even if they didn't work as in the anime (god, imagine if they did!). The Pokéblock minigame was fun in the original games, I'm so pissed at Game Freak for removing it altogether in ORAS. You just had to press A when the blender's arrow lined up with your arrow to make the blender spin as fast as possible. For the berries, you had to choose rare berries that had stronger flavors. You could play this minigame either alone or with other people, but the blender reached higher speeds more easily (and therefore made better Pokéblocks) the more people participated, so, ideally, you'd want four people playing. If you didn't have three friends for this, you could go to Lilycove and blend berries with 3 NPCs.
Another remake change I didn't like about contests was that all contest ranks are unlocked at every contest hall. I liked it more when contest halls in smaller towns ran the lower rank contests, and the bigger cities ran the higher rank ones, it felt more "realistic", or like in the anime where they had to travel to different cities with contest halls to earn enough ribbons, it was more like a journey. I liked traveling from town to town just for that.
They should bring Contests back and make it better. They could've done so much with this mechanic, and it seemed like they really tried at first in RS, with the moves that can be comboed for extra points, but the combos were very few and not all moves had extra effects, so it seems they either didn't have time to polish this mechanic more, or they gave up. And in ORAS they didn't improve the combos, as far as I know (IDK about BDSP since I haven't played it). They could make it so every move can be chained and add more effects, or make it possible to combine moves like in the anime, with flashy and beautiful visual effects and animations. And add a Pokémon dress-up mechanic, since Super Contests in Sinnoh already allow you to put accessories on your Pokémon. And we could also pick our contest outfit which either wouldn't affect our score, or would grant extra points if it matches our Pokémon's outfit. That would be the dream.

Side note: I'm also disappointed at how easy to catch Feebas is in ORAS. I never caught one in RSE but I enjoyed the challenge, plus it made Milotic feel more special. It would've been so fun to see everyone online discuss how to catch Feebas and how hard it is to find in the remakes. It may have been a little bit too hard with the added randomness and whatnot, but they didn't need to remove the difficulty entirely.

No. 450792

File: 1737387121688.jpg (764.33 KB, 2048x1434, GT0x5aXWkAA4ggz.jpg)

Here you go.

Fuck, sorry for the horribly formatted walls of text.

No. 450867

Also chiming in to say I think Skeledirge is horrible. I can't even call it ugly, its design is just pure and utter nothing. Meowscarada and Quaquaval I can sort of tolerate as designs that just really don't align with my taste but Skeledirge just looks incomplete on top of showing poor taste. It's a shame because conceptually I like it a lot, the execution just sucks pure ass.

No. 450886

File: 1737404258483.jpg (153.33 KB, 1400x1280, df10sjc-a9d14f23-84ad-422b-843…)

every skeledirge fan redesign looks better

No. 450889

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No. 450891

File: 1737404395548.jpg (154.79 KB, 1500x1500, collection.jpg)

No. 450920

>Another remake change I didn't like about contests was that all contest ranks are unlocked at every contest hall. I liked it more when contest halls in smaller towns ran the lower rank contests, and the bigger cities ran the higher rank ones, it felt more "realistic"
Me too! People always disagree because going to one town is "easier" but that ruins the whole point of it being a journey you go to along your gym journey
What I truly want is a new game focus only on pokemon contests, with all the ideas you listed too. Instead of gym buildings each town should have their own unique stage. Basically you play the journey we've seen May, Dawn and Serena take so it's not like it's a new concept, it's been here for years already

No. 450922

Because of the leaks revealing that game freak looks at fan designs to make sure they don't look too similar it now breaks my heart to look at cool fan designs… it's like for every cool design it guarantees game freak is forced to make theirs worse and even more ridiculous. I wish they just didn't give a fuck and stole design elements and ideas without shame.

No. 450998

I quite like this one, the tail is very cute.
I do lile the hatching egg concept from the actual Fuecoco line and would be sad to see it gome but I think there are about 100 better ways it could have been implemented.

No. 451011

File: 1737424303202.gif (748.44 KB, 484x451, 1513986791160.gif)

Loving the lava

They could've at least made it so you could enter every contest in any venue, but the pokémon you wanted to use needed all the previous ribbons to participate in the Master Rank contest. What the fuck, they didn't need to make things THAT easy.
I would love a spin-off entirely dedicated to contests. It feels like the natural thing to do, if contests aren't gonna give you any extra benefits in a game that is mainly about battling and collecting monsters. Instead of ruining contests for those who loved the mechanic, they could make a whole separate game out of it. I'd try to make it myself, but I fear GF's lawyers' wrath and Nintendo's assassins.

>It's like for every cool design it guarantees game freak is forced to make theirs worse and even more ridiculous.

No. 451070

File: 1737446680618.png (871.33 KB, 1280x1280, griffarmor_by_alounea_dd6ybai-…)

I've always thought that GameFreak should have some sort of contest where they pick like 5-10 fan designs that people like the best that they would turn into real Pokemon for their next Pokemon game. Let's just be real, as much as they may not want to admit it, GameFreak's own poke'designs have been very miss as of late. I know that the designs are subjective but i've seen more people disappointed with the newer designs since Sword/Shield vs those who think the newer mons are amazing look. Maybe having a context like that would not only give us actual cooler designs but may even inspire the artists within GameFreak to make good designs again.

I know that more than likely the biggest reason why they would not do this is because of copyright issues like what if the fans who win want to receive royalties for contributing a design but I'm sure there are fans out there who wouldn't care if they got paid so long at least got credited in the credits of the game and/or on websites. I know I wouldn't mind at all as it would just be an honor having a design I made be featured in a game.

No. 451072

Nah it's a stupid idea if you know anything about copyrights. Makes sense why they keep it restricted to inhouse artists and contractors.

Also they kind of already do this. Pokemon TCG artist contest is soft-gateway to working with other Pokemon projects directly.

No. 451083

I recognize this animation but can't remember which Pokemon's animation is supposed to be, it's ringing a bell though

No. 451086

File: 1737449828536.gif (164.02 KB, 144x127, arc.gif)


No. 451110

>I've always thought that GameFreak should have some sort of contest where they pick like 5-10 fan designs that people like the best that they would turn into real Pokemon for their next Pokemon game.
Artist generally hate contests like that, it's asking people to do work for them for free without pay because "it's just art, it's not REAL work". And royalties wouldn't be an issue because they'd write in in the rules that you give up all rights to your art when you submit. But even then after seeing a game make millions and realizing you didn't get any of it despite your design making it in is eventually going to make you a bit salty. And that fan could then turn out to be a neo nazi or something, and then that's forever on pokemons history.
>GameFreak's own poke'designs have been very miss as of late
I think it's because of >>450922 they're so afraid of copying what fans have already made that they lean into being "surprising" a much as possible. So rather than safe cool designs they make them ridiculous and weird.

No. 451424

File: 1737521923138.png (21.17 KB, 1494x70, Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 17-10…)

I saw this post and when I read the first part, my mind immediately jumped to Pokémon. I was so confused by what I was reading until I realized they were talking about the two celebrities. What the fuck is wrong with me?

No. 451462

File: 1737537015406.png (614.19 KB, 712x544, F8ascaMXkAAeOHi.png)

hey everyone i'm sorry to ruin your day but panpour/simipour has white eyes. they aren't closed

No. 451474

File: 1737539884295.png (388.1 KB, 784x587, panpour.png)

Holy shit, it's true.
>The eyes do not open (they're open in this state)

No. 451486

File: 1737544305946.png (255.78 KB, 1640x624, webeenknowing that.png)

Nice try, we already discussed this 2 threads ago

No. 451792

File: 1737608259924.gif (1.25 MB, 498x368, yamper-pokemon.gif)

Different anon, the yellow circles around Yamper's eyes aren't its scleras so it wasn't looking silly this whole time. Sorry to ruin your day. It sure did mine's. It just looks cuter that way.

No. 451876

Right that's fair I guess. I guess I'm just salty because I've been so annoyed and disheartened with many of the Pokemon designs in recent generations, there are just so many bad ones and I just wish they could be good again lol. Your theory of why the designs tend to look ridiculous and weird make sense but I wish they'd just not care and take some inspo from the fan made ones.

No. 451900

File: 1737634122741.jpg (953.91 KB, 2550x3300, gen1.jpg)

>I've been so annoyed and disheartened with many of the Pokemon designs in recent generations, there are just so many bad ones
I used to feel this way, but recently I looked at what designs from gen 1 I actually truly like and think are good, and not that I'm just used to them/nostalgic. I basically tried to judge them as if they were brand new pokemon. I realized there are a lot of them I really don't care for. Pokemon like weepinbel, koffing, diglett and metapod aren't fun nor interesting to me. I don't mind machamp, but if it came out today I think I'd hate it for being "just a muscular dude in underwear", and I'd roll my eyes over geodude just being a rock with arms.

I still think gen 9 in particular sucks, because I can still confidently say I love all the gen 1 starters, pikachu, vulpix, meowth, all the nidos, the legendaries… there are still enough pokemon I like that I can make some teams and play around. In gen 9 there are less than 6 new pokemon I actually love and get excited for so I can't even have a full team! And not bonding with my starter is a huge thing for me, I'm the kind of person who'd rather die than box my starter so having shitty final evolutions really hurt the game for me. I don't need 150 new pokemon I love, I just need like… a good starter and then 15-20 of them to be suited for my taste and it's a good gen!

No. 452261

File: 1737712812754.jpg (828.49 KB, 2048x2048, 1000031991.jpg)

Gen 6 had good variety. I don't understand how Gen 9 dropped the ball so hard with their designs because in my opinion, Galar had a fair amount of good ones along with the bad. That was only a generation ago.

No. 452264

File: 1737713156563.jpg (116.81 KB, 736x952, Pokemon Gen 6.jpg)

>Looking back at Gen designs

You know that's a fair assessment. It's hard to look past nostalgia (old ass millennial here in my mid 30s kek) and I tried to do the same thing and I kinda see what you mean. Way back in the day I never really cared for Voltorb or Electrode since they're literally anthropomorphic pokeballs. I also wasn't big on Raticate though I like it more now though that's because of fanart depictions that made it look cuter than it does in the games and anime.
I don't mind the Machop line since it still looks inhuman enough though I feel you on Geodude & Dugtrio (I don't mind Diglet), they're actually pretty lame designs lol. But aside from that, I still genuinely like most of the designs in gen 1, I have way more faves here than I do with 5-9.

>In gen 9 there are less than 6 new pokemon I actually love and get excited for so I can't even have a full team

Same here! Gen 9 is about on par with Gen 5 for me personally in the sense that majority of the designs look horrible to the point that I just skipped on the games altogether. Gen 6 was such a neat little revival as I thought more of the Poke designs looked genuinely cool in comparison to gen 5, I actually really liked a lot of the new designs in this gen. Gen 7 was a mixed bag though there were enough designs that I did like that persuaded me to get the game. And then gen 7 comes out and I think most of the Pokemon look ugly and this carried on into the following 2 gens with gen 9 being the worst to the point I just had to nope out of buying it.

>nd not bonding with my starter is a huge thing for me, I'm the kind of person who'd rather die than box my starter so having shitty final evolutions really hurt the game for me.

I feel you on this as well. I tend to hold onto my starters out of tradition and the starters this time around were just not great. Sprigatito was adorable but the final evolution is just lame as hell (so many cool fan design ideas and we got stuck with that…).

>I don't need 150 new pokemon I love, I just need like… a good starter and then 15-20 of them to be suited for my taste and it's a good gen!

Right, that makes sense and I'm the same as well, that's why gen 6 and gen 7 were fine for me because there were a good amount of designs I actually liked that I could see myself working with. I just hope that gen 10 will give us a lot more better designs because gen 9 is just ass (imo) lol.

No. 452267

Sorry, goofed on the original response but yeah, gen 9 was just such a massive "L". It doesn't help that the plot of the game what with being in school wasn't all that interesting neither and the whole crown gimmick thing was so tacky, I just had to pass on it and I don't feel like I missed anything lol.
I also agree that as much as I didn't care for Galar, it had a decent amount of good designs compared to gen 9.

No. 452283

>Gen 9 is about on par with Gen 5 for me personally in the sense that majority of the designs look horrible
I'm glad someone feels the same! Before gen 9, gen 5 was my least favorite in terms of pokemon designs. I feel like they went in a similar design direction, and the fact that you then literally visit Unova in the DLC kind of cements the idea that they're connected. BW2 are some of the best games though and it has old pokémon in it so you can ignore the gen 5 pokémon. I recommend that one if you ever want to play in Unova (that or any future remakes).

Gen 5 being followed by gens I really love means I have a lot of hope for gen 10, just because one gen sucked doesn't mean that will be all pokémon from now on. Speaking of gen 10, at this point I expect a small gen 10 teaser on pokémon day next month. I know some say it's too early but given that they teased legends Z-A last pokémon day and haven't said a word about it since I don't think they'd see a problem with just giving a tiny hint to get the hype going.

No. 452642

Likewise, my two friends love the newer games and don't understand why I don't like a lot of the newer Pokemon designs but the difference between me and them is that they came into Pokemon later (One came in during Gen 3, the other came in during Gen 6) so they just don't understand the different design philosophies of the old era vs the new era.

>BW2 having old Pokemon

That's good to know, I'll definitely look into it because I have wanted to see what Unova had but was vehemently turned off by the poke-designs so if BW2 gives you way more older Poekmon, I should be good kek.

>Gen 5 being followed by gens I really love means I have a lot of hope for gen 10, just because one gen sucked doesn't mean that will be all pokémon from now on.

Yeah same, I think that it goes in cycles now at this point. You have one gen that has a good amount of decent to awesome designs, then the next gen has a less than stellar group of Pokemon and so on. Though it's funny because as someone who's been there since the beginning, I liked Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn all but then didn't like gen 4 though eventually came around to it many years later but it was definitely the starting point of seeing some really weird designs (LickyLicky & Magmortar… kek).
But I don't know if it's because I was a kid during gen 1-3 vs gen 4 when I was in high school by then but I still just can't help but feel that the first 3 gens had legitimately cool designs (ignoring some of the more previously discussed duds).

And yeah I think gen 10 might get announced as well. I'm curious what region it will be based on. I talked with one of my friends and we talked about how they haven't touched Africa yet but that they more than likely would never touch that part of the world because on one hand, Asia isn't typically known to have interest in Africa and 2, they could probably make a mistake and piss off the sjw crowd. Kind of like what happened with Resident Evil 5 with it's controversy lol.

No. 452644

I'm an unrepentant Gen Two-ie but Mimikyu is the best Pokémon and Sun/Moon had some great designs.

No. 452651

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reminder that it's not just designs, it's style and how earlier gens had pokemon with more "weight"

No. 452653

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It's not about that, older pokemon gens tried too hard to look like Dragon Quest and there wasn't much variety in the shapes of the eyes.

No. 452654

yes it is about that, what you're saying agrees with my post. saying it's about eye variation is weird when there's still the same amount of different eyes in new gens, i'd say even more variety than the toriyama-inspired eyes of the past

No. 452722

I think the next region will be Greek, based on that "different region" painting in your house in SV. Mediterranean if not Greek specifically. It looks like the classic Greek white houses, but I could seen them do Italy as they've been checking off countries which have official pokemon translations (France, Spain, England) and Italian is one of them.

No. 452724

The beta gen 3 leaks confirmed that for me. All the leaked beta designs sucked and were plain ugly. But whoever was in charge of the style/art direction turned them into something nice. Whatever person has been in charge for the later gens just sucks.

No. 452727

I like both, I don't mind having a mix. The style swap on the right all suck really badly and fail to make any of the designs work. This has actually made me like game freak designers more, guess it's not as easy as it looks kek

No. 452828

Greece huh? That'll be interesting haha. Again hopefully the pokemon designs will be a lot better this time around.

Oh yeah, I've seen this post before and it kinda makes more sense. Granted the right hand re-designs, the only ones that look good imo are Zorua and Pikpek. I just don't vibe with how a lot of the newer Pokemon look much more rounded to emphasize the cuteness, it kinda does the reverse save for a few token designs Vulpix and Eevee looked cute and their features weren't super exaggerated lol.

No. 452829

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Besides a dress-up game, what other kind of game would you like to see as a spin-off?

No. 452832

Straight up taking care of a Pokémon like a tamagotchi but in a portable way, like a cute app that helps you remember to drink water.

No. 452905

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Gen 1 designs are very much a product of their time. I don't think most of those pokémon were designed to be that unique and different from other RPGs at the time. The "Pokémon design vibe" started after Red and Green were released, I think. Maybe with the anime, maybe with Gen 2. And in Gen 3, they made an active effort to design cooler, more monster-like mons. It was in Gen 4 that I started to notice that some designs felt "off", which is part of why I didn't like Gen 4 that much, and it was my least favorite batch of pokémon until Gen 7 came out. Although Gen 7 has a bunch of designs I REALLY love, like Vikavolt, which might be one of my favorite pokémon of all time. Gen 8 also has a mix of good and bad, some of which, like Corviknight, also became my all-time favorites.

I'm surprised by how much I prefer the aesthetic, art style and designs of Gens 2 and 3, but many of my top 20 favorite pokémon are from Gens 5 and 6. Same with characters. I'm nostalgic for Gen 1 and love its roster and all, but very few of those pokémon have been my all-time favorites or anywhere in my top 50. I honestly think you're being a bit unfair with Gen 5, the point was to create a brand new Dex that mirrored the original 151. With so many pokémon (I think Gen 5 introduced more pokémon than any other generation), of course a bunch of them are going to be meh or straight up shit, which in retrospect is also true for Gen 1's roster. Most of them weren't going to be hits with every player, but at least it's got a lot of variety. I got into pokémon pretty early, when the Gen 1 anime was airing in my country (first game was Ruby, Gen 4 anime was airing) and I fucking loved the BW roster like you wouldn't believe, so I guess it also depends on the person and how attached you are to the original 151.

At this point, I think we can all agree that Gen 9 is just the worst, lmao. >>452651 is right, maybe if modern pokémon were drawn with more "realistic" proportions and more detail, they'd feel "like pokémon" again. For example, Rookidee could be one of my favorites (given it literally has all my favorite colors in its design and is based on my favorite bird), but its oversized eyes and extremely simplified spherical shape are too off-putting to me. Yes, it's cute, but it's not "pokémon" enough for me. I wish they'd keep animal-based pokémon somewhat close to their source of inspiration instead of oversimplifying and overstylizing. Crabrawler in anon's pic looks so fucking cool using the old style. (Though I agree with >>452727, the person who drew the examples on the right did a poor job with most of them.)

Pasio was going to be based on Italy, until they realized that a new mainline Pokémon region might need that. So Pasio isn't "Pokémon world's Italy" anymore.

No. 452919

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No. 452952

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I would kill for an animal crossing-like game but with pokemon, and just a touch more story/complex gameplay than AC has! And I'd want each pokemon species to have 2 factors:
>one is looks, they can look slightly different than standard. Like tuft of hair, droopy ears, some fur pattern, off-colored without being shiny (shiny also exits but is super rare)
>next is personality, which is based on natures. So 25 in total iirc. It changes their dialogue and how they act, each also having their own animation "body language" (timid one acting shy, jolly has a big laugh)
Each villager is generated with a random mix of the two factors. So you can get a naive pink-cheeks pikachu or a bold pikachu with a tuft of hair.
Oh and they're all first stage pokemon when you get them, you have to choose to encourage them to evolve if you want later stages! If they need an item to evolve you have to craft/buy it and gift it to them. Regional form pokemon are locked in DLC areas.

No. 452955

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>I honestly think you're being a bit unfair with Gen 5, the point was to create a brand new Dex that mirrored the original 151.
But that's what 's so annoying! They didn't even become equal to the pokemon they were copying, but were just worse versions of them. The timburr line is an uglier version of the machop line, sawk and throh are worse than the hitmons, the pidove line is just a way less cool pidgey line, poliwhirl/wrath are pretty cute and cool while palpitoad and seismitoad gives me the ick because they have giant warts on their head. They're unoriginal copies AND bad!
But yeah I still hate gen 9 more.

No. 453041

Are any TCG nonnies gonna bother with the McDonald's line? I'm on the fence about it. I only really bothered with the 25th anniversary set from McDonald's before, but they're easy enough to collect so I don't see a reason not to.

No. 453053

I don't bother getting full collections, I only collect specific cards I like

No. 453133

No. 453171

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No. 453183

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No. 453209

>were just worse versions of them.
I think that's just your personal preference, honestly. Hitmonlee is way uglier than Sawk and Throh, in my opinion. I agree that the overall style is different (too round and stuff, I prefer Pidgey over Pidove) but the designs themselves aren't any worse than Gen 1 designs overall. Munna and Audino are cute, for example; I think they match the cuteness of Chansey and Munna and Musharna definitely beat Drowzee and Hypno for me. I'm indifferent to the Tympole line, I don't think they're exactly "bad", even though I prefer the Poliwag line. And I prefer Roggenrola to Geodude, sorry.

No. 453248

>I honestly think you're being a bit unfair with Gen 5, the point was to create a brand new Dex that mirrored the original 151. With so many pokémon (I think Gen 5 introduced more pokémon than any other generation), of course a bunch of them are going to be meh or straight up shit, which in retrospect is also true for Gen 1's roster.
NTAYRT but I'm sorry, as someone who didn't like Gen 5 Pokemon designs back when BW first came out and still feel the same 15+ years later, I just can't lie about my thoughts on the designs and unfortunately, at least in my eyes, most of them looked like shit. Yeah Gen 1 had some duds but the difference for a lot of us is that gen 5 just had way more designs that looked bad compared to gen 1 that at most, only had a few. I can see that gen 5 had ideas for sure and that was cool but they just went way too much into the unconventional territory and it ended up hurting so many of the designs.

It's nice to hear there are people out there who do like gen 5 designs even if I personally don't see the appeal, just shows that with a long running franchise like Pokemon, you'll find all kinds of perspectives and likes/dislikes lol.

No. 453256

Don't worry, I'm not saying you have to like them, just that maybe the idea that Gen 5's pokémon designs are just "shit" might be biased. I'm willing to accept that they, on average, might be inferior to Gen 1, but they're nowhere near Gen 9 levels of bad. I think those who blindly shit on the entirety of the Gen 5 roster are overstating how "bad" the designs truly are.
And that's without factoring in that a lot of it comes down to personal preference (yes, people are allowed to like or dislike a design for their own personal reasons).

No. 453395

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i friggin love abomasnow

No. 453413

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Does anybody else find this line just gross… Cubchoo is just passably cute but Beartic's frozen spit beard icks me out.

No. 453416

The bush is hideous

No. 453417

>abomasnow's ability is snow warning

No. 453418

File: 1737878746917.png (272.08 KB, 640x640, regional-beartic-v0-6xwbvqs5wx…)

it makes me angry because it could have been great. cubchoo is pretty cute even with the snot, but beartic looks like shit even without the ice spit beard and the weird crotch fluff, there's something annoying about the low-effort triangle design it has. it looks like some shitty throwaway mario enemy. a polar bear should look powerful and intimidating.

No. 453421

File: 1737878844863.png (147.71 KB, 475x475, 901.png)

maybe beartic will get a cool evolution like ursaring did. i fucking love ursaluna, especially bloodmoon ursaluna, it looks like a big powerful bear and not a dumb two-legged idiot.

No. 453422

anyone else feel like the school thing they did in paldea would've worked better in galar since the uk is well known for its schools (oxford, cambridge)? it felt kinda random

No. 453423

This pic is cute

No. 453493

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I love Whimsicott!

No. 453508

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In what way is Roggenrola a copy of Graveler? One is a floating grey rock with a human face and arms, other is a colorful round rock with little legs, no face aside from a big eye and a little stem that kinda makes it look like a berry. The only similarity is that they're both round, rock type and obviously made of rock?

No. 453509

File: 1737897544136.jpeg (4.82 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

>I prefer Roggenrola to Geodude, sorry.
ayrt, that's another thing! I don't like geodude, so a copy of geodude isn't fun to me no matter what it is. Instead of making a new unique pokemon they were dragged down by the idea that they had to copy gen 1. I can still appreciate what they tried to do with copying the first 151, I just think they failed to execute it in a good way.

Speaking of roggenrola, it freaks me out because that's not an eye - it's an ear. It's a walking rock ear. Maybe it's meant to be the ears to nosepass nose. Boldore also has ears in it's face and no eyes, only gigalith actually has eyes.

>as someone who didn't like Gen 5 Pokemon designs back when BW first came out and still feel the same 15+ years later, I just can't lie about my thoughts on the designs and unfortunately, at least in my eyes, most of them looked like shit.
Yeah this. When gen 4 came out I didn't care for some of them, but over time I've come to appreciate more of them - I really like the fossil dinos, vespiquen is cool, gastrodon is fun and playing PMD made me love chatot. The gen 5 pokemon I disliked back then still suck to me, they have not grown on me. Something about the gen 5 designs is a set it stone quality, either you like them or you don't.
But can't finish a post without saying it: gen 9 is still worse!

No. 453510

I hate them so much because as a kid I LOVED polar bears, they were my favorite animal and I desperately wanted a polar bear pokemon. And when they finally made one it's covered in snot and has an itchy looking crotch. I will never get over the disappointment. Begging game freak to give it a better form or just make a better polar bear pokemon to heal my inner child

No. 453511

I also think it would have worked well for a Ranger game.

No. 453513

Ooh, I'm predicting electric and ghost type legendaries if the next region is inspired by Greece, for Zeus and Hades.

No. 453565

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I'm predicting that the legendries of a Greek region would have nothing to do with Greece considering the the fact that that literally happened before.
Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde were inspired by things that have absolutely nothing to do with France.

No. 453574

would be cooler if the gym leaders/elite 4 were inspired by the greek gods instead

No. 453598

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I think the school idea is brilliant, but they fumbled it because there's little to no focus on it while they act like it's a big deal.

Make cuter uniforms. There are NPCs with school uniforms in every mainline game and they look like the normal type of sailor uniform, just make it match those instead of giving us orange striped pants or a bright yellow vest.

First off you should have gotten your first pokemon at the school in a ceremony with everyone else, make it a big deal for new trainers. I know some people hate "tutorial" parts of the game but I really think having a few set missions/"lessons" at the school at the start would have been immersive and fun and let you bond with your first pokemon and your "rivals".
The school should have been a proper 3D space and not just set-camera rooms with loading screens in between. There should be wild pokemon to catch at the schoolground, it should be a proper area! You're quickly free to leave and explore the world BUT there are also students with optional quests. Someone is hearing strange noises near classroom 5B at night… and if you go there at night you find a ghost type pokemon you can catch. The quests unlock new parts and lore of the school. Maybe a teacher tests you before you're allowed into a certain area with new pokemon in it, or a student of the gardening club will let you into the garden if you do their quest first. And you unlock more stuff after you've earned more badges.
I also think there should be fun weekly/monthly events like a school fair or school battle tournaments so you keep going back to it as a central hub of fun.

No. 453599

Yeah the legendaries are often taken from other places mythology instead for some reason.
Hoenn/South Japan had jewish golems
Sinnoh/North Japan arguably had christian mythology (god/devil in arceus and giratina)
Hisui/North Japan had greek horse legendaries
Kalos/France had norse mythology legendaries
Paldea/Spain had chinese mythology legendaries
But at least Alola got some hawaiian legendaries!

No. 453642

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i would really like more "focused" and "themed" pokemon games in this style. PLA was incredible for being semi-open world but also having a theme that was totally different from the typical mainline games. they took a risk and it paid off. imagine trying to navigate pokemon as a busy worker in the city, or a boat captain, or even a game where you become a gym leader and can build your own gym from the ground up. just something more creative.

No. 453755

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I want a game in which you're a fisherman/diver/marine-something where you're limited to watery pokemon and just dive and swim around under the ocean with your water type pals. You'd also get wingull and sandygast and other beachy pokemon. Idk what exactly the point would be, maybe you're a marine biologist who has to slowly restore different water areas by exploring and solving environmental issues and saving injured pokemon.

No. 454056

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Post pokemon whose concepts you love but designs you hate

No. 454058

File: 1738006647068.png (Spoiler Image,185.77 KB, 640x512, words-cannot-describe-my-hatre…)

okay, these pokemon are based off one of my favorite things ever as a paleo nerd, but i FUCKING hate their designs because it implies they're suffering. and YOU put it together. it's your fault you made this frankenstein pokemon that can't comfortably exist. it's some deformed, surgically-altered abomination. i truly love the concept because more people need to know about the wackiness of old paleontology, but i despise these things.

No. 454061

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i wish instead that they were displayed in a museum as recreations in their messed-up forms but you, the intelligent person, learn about the mistakes of old paleontologists and put them together properly. i always love going to the museum in pewter city even if there's no items or anything to gain in it (besides the old amber later), it was so quaint and nice.

No. 454080

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a psychedelic art inspired pokemon design sounds cool on paper but I hate how it was executed with bruxish, I wish it had an evolution to improve it

No. 454083

A Pokémon world daily life Sim would be nice. I wish VR was more advanced because I would literally never leave.

No. 454091

I love ALL other fossil pokemon, but hate the ones in galar. I really hate how they always go for goofy over cool these days… they could have such cool fucking pokemon but no, they had to make them tortured abominations.
>i wish instead that they were displayed in a museum as recreations in their messed-up forms but you, the intelligent person, learn about the mistakes of old paleontologists and put them together properly.
God yes, that would have been so much fun. They could have done it like in SV where there are false drawings as a mix of the 3 legendary beasts and you don't learn the true form until you see them in game.
It's fugly, but there's something about it I like. I think maybe I just like it being highly feminine coded while 0 people sexualize it, like she beat the coom system.

No. 454094

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and why do they have a pokedex entry? the pokedex messes up when it can't identify a known pokemon in the system, so why the fuck do these surgically-altered freaks have dex entries as if they're real species? did the pokedex get taken over by AI?

No. 454102

I like to think of the dex as being updated by scientists/professors (like how in legends Laventon wrote the entires), so Cara Liss who is a researcher/scientist of some kind submitted the info herself as if it was all facts, but she just made it up herself.

No. 454118

kek now i'm thinking about the pokedex having a closed software that they have to login to make changes to the dex so only approved scientists can edit it

No. 454197

I like the Galar fossilmon because they're goofy in the anime but I think it's genuinely sweet that you care about them so much

No. 454200

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Has anybody else read Kabigon no Yume Gourmet?
I love the author's other work Drifting Dragons, which is full of delicious food, and was expecting a manga full of snorlax cutely enjoying tasty eats. But instead it's 100% snorlax eating parts of other pokemon (quirky, but not a crime) and the food isn't even good. Like the first chapter was muk slime on rice kek

No. 454304

Velozolt would be so cute.

Bravo Game Freak

No. 454410

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what are some unnamed locations or landmarks you like in the games? i love the house in the woods at lake of rage with all my heart.

No. 454445

I really want to spam this thread with cute fanart

No. 454482

do it nona

No. 454484

I don't even know why I liked this so much as a kid, but the house you can rest in right before entering Eterna Forest in Platinum. Something about it always felt cosy.

No. 454485

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Dropped pic

No. 454492

Same here but with the house before snowpoint city, thanks to the snow it felt even cozier. I also liked the two beds at the Galactic Team base meant for grunts to rest in. I guess it's because they're useless assets that you see all the time, so having one that actually works/has a purpose makes it a bit more special and gives a sense of the world being actually lived it.
DPP aside, I loved travelling in the SS Anne (was that its name?) as well, what a shame the train they added in HGSS wasn't playable.

No. 454518

Any place that has an NPC who walks in a circle so I can follow them around kek

No. 454661

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hey nonnies! i need help deciding on either replaying gen 3(FRLG, EMERALD) or gen 4(HGSS, PLATINUM) first. i am going to be doing pretty much everything i can in these games, shiny hunt starters, ev training/breeding, completing the pokedex, battle frontier, etc etc.
i can't pick which one to start with first, after gen3 and 4 i will probably start gen 5 after.

No. 454670

I say just go in release order. It's more fun IMO to see how things evolved moving forward rather than in retrospect.

No. 454768

Seconding this. It's nicer to play each game with an "upgraded" game waiting after it

No. 455494

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No. 455495

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No. 455496

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No. 455497

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No. 455566

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i love marshtomp. look how happy he is

No. 455621

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every now and then i like to browse the #ポケモンfit tag on twitter and look at plushies being brought along on trips and dinners, and being dressed up, and just being loved.

No. 455866

Kinda jealous Japan is autist friendly like that and you're allowed to be a weeb with your kawaii stuffed animal friend kek

No. 455867

lmfao the conkelldur one

No. 456038

No. 456040

Thirding this, the most fun is definitely playing in choronological order because it's so cool seeing how each game changed and got more modernized

No. 456061

File: 1738465250794.webp (225.61 KB, 985x696, Paldea.webp)

Imagine the next game is set in two regions, similar to GS letting you travel back to Kanto. Which 2 regions would you pick and why?
Doesn't have to make geographical sense, and the story and battle gimmicks etc would be new and have whatever modern updates exist in those areas

No. 456086

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i love this stupid catfish that has its own initial on its head

No. 456413

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No. 456446

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I'm so happy Wooper and Quagsire are so popular in Japan. Like I've seen YouTube channels with tutorials about how to wash Wooper and Quagsire' plushies and Japanese girls/women take their plushies out and do cute things. I'm such a fan of that content.

No. 456487

Start in Hoenn, then go to Kalos. The game has contests in both regions as a big sub-plot to the gyms.

No. 456526

One of the scrapped Gen 7 ideas was that you could travel to other regions (though only to their ports, IIRC) in a Frontier-like battle facility that was going to be a cruise ship. I'd be happy with just that, but I honestly don't see any reason for GF not to include every region in a single game, at this point.

No. 456532

>every region in one game
That's just insanity, even if we ignored the balancing nightmare and sheer length of the hypothetical game, there's also the fact that GF can barely afford to make one laggy, bug-ridden region taped together with ducktape per game.

No. 456533

>you're allowed to be a weeb
Well, since they're Japanese already, they cannot be weebs. Besides, that kawaii and anime shit is part of their culture, so it's not that they're autist-friendly, it's just not foreign and weird.

No. 456590

nta I think in that case it would be a pixel game and a throwback to all old regions, not open world or set like a modern game.
you took that post way too literally kek

No. 456847

Tbh japnese culture IS the cringe culture, most of these people keep their weeb endeavors private or in spaces where is normal to be like that (cons, themed cafes, concerts, etc). I follow a girl who even keeps her love for a ship private from her family. I have heard France is way closer to the weeb/autism freedom land we got on our heads kek.
That said, Pokemon Fit are very small and no one in will notice/care if an stranger takes it out for a bit to take a photo of it, I carry my nuis and fits everywhere and people either dgaf or actually complimented it.

No. 456851

File: 1738667235945.jpeg (296.63 KB, 2048x1152, Gi3RE1ybMAAb8_R.jpeg)

I think in any at least relatively modern country if you clearly set up a plush for a fun photo people really don't care, especially in social media times. At most they think "that's a bit funny" and keep walking. And if anyone seeming rude asks about it you can always lie and say "it's for my daughter/little sister/friend's kid" and you're off the hook. Generally people who find it cringe aren't people you'd vibe with anyway, I was walking with a friend of a friend and he said it was super embarrassing and cringe behavior of 2 guys we saw taking a photo in front of a movie poster-wall. It was quite literally made for people to take photos at! I really don't get why he found it so cringe, I think he's just a boring person.

No. 456855

I think it's cute how there really is a fan for every Pokémon, even the unpopular ones who look ugly/weird.

No. 459110

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i have a friend like this who also gets super embarrassed of like anything people do in public and she's just insecure i think

No. 459119

>I think in any at least relatively modern country if you clearly set up a plush for a fun photo people really don't care, especially in social media times
lmao enjoy being filmed or photographed behind your back by some retard who will post about you on tiktok and call you a cringe mentally ill retard, with all the comments making fun of you and people irl approaching you and saying "hey you were on a tiktok meme I saw on it yesterday" then. If anything that was less of an issue when social media and smartphones weren't around.

No. 459120

This is the only possible explanation why they're "guarding" a dead end in the middle of nowhere kek

No. 459166

alright calm down karen
I love stupid NPCs like that, I wonder how many things are silly inside jokes by game freak

No. 459176

The only people I've seen mocked for bringing plushies outside are legit autistic moids who don't know how to behave and I highly doubt any anons ITT are that bad. Nothing will happen if you bring your plushies outside.

No. 459209

People are publicly mocked for "less" than bringing plushies outside on a regular basis. When you see tweets and tiktok videos with several dozens of thousands of views of random people filming others with their faces in plain sight with stupid captions like "omg I'm in the airport and this woman added her own mayonnaise in the sandwich she just bought lmao" or "omg this girl at the gym must be arguing with her boyfriend look at all her replies on her phone's screen lol I'm like right behind her btw" or "omg this old man is eating alone in this restaurant it's so sad it made me cry in front of everyone" it's easy to imagine it could also happen to you because you had the audacity of wanting to take cute pictures of your pokemon plushies next to your Starbucks order. I've seen these exact three cases by the way, I'm not inventing them, yes the lady in the airport with her own mayonnaise bottle in her handbag exists.

>I highly doubt any anons ITT are that bad

I doubt it too, I'm just explaining why anon is unfortunately wrong when she expects people from a "relatively modern country" to know how to behave. Some people will care, point and laugh.

No. 459215

Nta but I've taken pictures of my plushies in random fast food restaurants with my friend who has a matching plushie and people just mind their own business, it's more about your attitude and knowing it's about having fun. They'll match the carefree-ness of it.

No. 459232

idk, i don't bring a plush in public but i wouldn't care. if was recorded and put on tiktok maybe 5 people AT MOST might laugh at me if i had one of my plushies in public… i just don't care, though? they're a bunch of strangers i'll never know or see again. people can make fun of you behind your back for any reason at any time and without tiktok. it's healthy to remember that at any point in time, at least one person on this earth hates you and their mind cannot be changed. you will never appeal to everyone you know. a lot of people you know will dislike you no matter what. it's fine. life goes on.

No. 459235

You obviously didn't understand my post at all if you think I'm talking about just 5 people laughing at you at most and never meeting you irl. Or you didn't read the whole post, who knows.

No. 459244

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Honestly you just seem overly paranoid and boring af to hang around because you're afraid that a potential child online might call you cringe. You think having a picture taken of you with a plush like >>455621 is sooo terribly cringe that you'd get mocked and bullied by millions of people online and it would reach your entire irl community? You think people give THAT much of a fuck about YOU doing something boring and mundane like that? And why the fuck would you be so sensitive that you even care that a stranger called you cringe in the first place? Your life is bleak, the plush autists are having better lives than you.

No. 459249

no, i did read it, and i don't know what your fear is. nobody cares enough about you to turn you into an internet meme tbh. who cares if it's 5 people or 50 people or what. why do you give a shit if someone films you and posts it on tiktok? it'll probably receive like 2 views.

No. 459262

I don't think it's cringe, I follow a lot of accounts of girls posting this kind of pictures on twitter because I think it's cute but normies do find it cringe.

>You think people give THAT much of a fuck about YOU doing something boring and mundane like that?

I would have agreed with you if it weren't for a few men once running to me, jumping right in front of me to block my path and to take a close up picture of my face in particular before I could avoid them and then running away as fast as possible because I was waking from one store to another like almost everyone else there while yelling weird things to each other. It was pretty disturbing. Good for you if this kind of things never happened to you but I'm not the only paranoid one here because these very same Japanese pokemon fans will often edit their pictures to add stickers on their hands or nails, or make their hands blurry so people who know them irl won't recognize them based on their nail art. I don't feel like describing more anecdotes involving people I know irl getting in some trouble because they got caught on camera doing normal things and their own relatives or irl acquaintances saw thatto prove you're wrong, that would be too long and off topic.

No. 459271

i'm very sorry that happened to you anon but it's definitely not the norm or that weird. i guess it depends where you live. i live in a big city and see people carrying plushies around pretty frequently. it's gotten fairly normalized where i live

No. 459320

So they called you a mentally ill retard, posted it on tiktok and then the next few days people in your town came up to you telling you that you're a meme on tiktok, and when you checked the comments they were all mean and ridiculing you? Damn, sorry that all happened to you that's so mean of them. Normal people don't do that, usually any mean spirited tiktok I've seen is called out by the comments so hard the creator has to cry in an apology video.

No. 459439

These guys used these big expensive cameras with the flash on so I doubt I ended on social media but I assume my face must have ended up somewhere given how fast they ran away. I know a friend who escaped a stalker who managed to find her because of tiktok though. We're in a big city so I don't know how these coincidences keep happening. Anyway to summarize I like these cute pictures with pokemon plushies or sometimes figurines but I can see why some anons refuse to take them outside based on past experiences.

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