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No. 191784

A thread to discuss old, new and timeless visual novels of any kind.
>talk about what you like
>talk about what you hate
>share your favourite VNs
>share recommendations
>ask for recommendations
Also pls no infighting pls pls

No. 191785

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I just recently decided to read the Higurashi visual novels starting with the very first one with the original sprites. A lot of ppl think they're ugly but I find them super charming and kinda uncanny in a good way. I'm on my first hour of game-play, so far is super chilling but hopefully it'll get creepy soon.

No. 191808

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Got this for switch and played through the main game. The story was such an incredible ride. Every time I thought I figured the story out or it was nearing the end, they threw something else at me. Even with the good ending this got me very emotional. Beautiful art too.
Currently working on the prequel game and though it's not quite as good I'm still enjoying it.

No. 191814

Enjoy anon! I've played it with original sprites too, they have their charm. The game has some annoying themes but when it gets to the horror, the quality of storytelling is excellent, I haven't found anything better VN in the genre yet.

No. 191823

this game was so overhyped by everyone that i expected to be blown away by its story but honestly i can't say i enjoyed it that much. it had good plot twists though

No. 191876

Anyone play ciconia yet? I’m a big fan of the when they cry series but I have trouble justifying spending 40 bucks on a VN that
>isn’t complete yet
>has shitty Ryukishi sprites and no alternatives
>has no CGs or voice acting to my knowledge
>tranny shit
I’m honestly curious if anyone thinks phase 1 is worth a playthrough thus far.

No. 191885

Ciconia has tranny shit? That's disappointing, do you know details

No. 191894

pirate that shit girl.
also, on the trans stuff: i wouldn't really call it that. it's a case of a child genius having a split personality, and that split personality just so happens to be a girl. been a solid two years since i read through ciconia but i don't recall any angst over dysphoria or the character's body not matching up with their mental state or whatever.

in the end i don't know you, so i can't tell you if it's worth reading through or not, but i personally enjoyed it quite a bit.

No. 191895

on the split personality: it's plot-relevant too, as it's hinted she isn't the only split personality he has. i'll leave it at that to avoid spoilers.

No. 191923

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Our Life: Beginnings & Always.
It's so heart warming and charming. Wish Cove was realexcept his eyebrows

No. 191934

We need an otome game thread imo
I was going to make one and use an Angelique 1 pic for the OP but I forgot

No. 191935

Kudos to you anon for playing with OG sprites, they were a bit too much for me, so I went for the console ones. I recommend at least getting the voice patch, really enhances the experience… once you get past Satoko's voice. Overall the fan patches at 07th-Mod are superb, let you freely switch between sprites, music etc - check it out if you haven't.
I enjoyed the Higurashi series very much, to me it's one of the best this medium has to offer. It's not perfect, the slice of life elements were tedious to get through at times, but the mystery is nicely crafted and even knowing the plot it was a very enjoyable read.
Tbh I prefer it over Umineko, which seems to be the more like one in the west.

No. 191972

Agreed, this was a fun one. I'm unpatiently waiting to be able to romance and bully the smug rich guy.

No. 192165

Nice, anon! It is still my favorite vn, I have been going through with the updated sprites and voices recently and really forgot how interesting the second chapter got.

No. 193027

For those that played the 999 trilogy, what do you think of ZLR and ZTD?

I thought the first game was amazing and was disappointed at how god awful the writing was for ZTD/ZLR. The majority says they're amazing, so am I just retarded?

No. 194348

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saw this being promoted on twitter. call me a weab if you must but this kind of shit exemplifies why i avoid western otome. the art is usually shit (while eastern vns do have mainstream animu style, they at least employ technical skill) what gets me is that indie devs love catering to troons. yes i am still heartbroken that the hot vampire guy from dream daddy was a tif sorry to sperg. if any of you know of actual decent western otome please let me know.

No. 194360


yeah, it looks like a below standard """ironic visual""" that's been slowly becoming irrelevant. i feel like i've seen these character archetypes in the western comic/art/game sphere like a billion fuckin' times.

No. 194377

I loved 999 but havent played the sequel yet. I kept seeing people saying that VLR is good but ZTD is shit on /v/, and it's not like I trust these people for everything but I've been told more about the development for both games and it makes sense. Apparently ZTD's original script was completely redone because the writer wanted more plot twists for the sake of it. 999 is an excellent self contained story so I don't want to have it ruined with bad sequels.

Looks like shit to me. >>194360 is right, looks like an "ironic dating sim" made for people who would find a normal, well-written and straight-forward visual novel "cringe" and who thought the KFC visual novel was innovative. No thanks.

No. 194379

Wow this is bad but I want a glam metal goblin bf right now

No. 194387

It's not otome, just a basic dating sim

No. 194406

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I was absolutely obsessed with Cinderella Phenomenon in high school. It has a crossdressing character, but it's plot relevant and nothing tranny pandering. When I was even younger, I also loved Autumns Journey. Both are free, CinPhen you can find on Steam while AJ is to be found on lemmasoft forums.

No. 194466

I hate all ‘ironic VNs’ because they’re so clearly always made by retards who don’t know shit about the actual genre.

No. 194471

NTA but to be fair, many otome game fans are desperate for more straight content that caters to women so they also play this kind of game even it it's only for 1 route.

No. 194481

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>if any of you know of actual decent western otome please let me know.
I don't know why western dating sims get shit on so much. When they're catering to freaks like this I can understand, but otome have just as many retarded tropes you have to wade through. The good western ones generally incorporate much more customization and choice-centric gameplay than otome (you can still have your own personality rather than one catered to your love interest) with more outspoken heroines. Here are some I've enjoyed. Some of them have minor queerio aspects like being able to choose pronouns but nothing over the top.
>The Arcana: A Mystic Romance
>The Confines of the Crown
>Ambition: A Minuet in Power
>Aloners (the Wilder stories from this dev are also good)
>Errant Kingdom (not complete but pretty far along/their game When the Night Comes is finished though)
>Red Embrace: Hollywood
>Our Life: Beginnings & Always
>Ebon Light

No. 194487

I love Aloners, I love Trash, I love the setting and I love that there is a story and something is happening and my choices are not just [be uwu submissive to him] or [be a rude bitch for no reason], and I love that feeling that there is nobody else in the world but us and we have to rely on each other and fight. And I love Trash so much god I wish he would give me foot rubs. Thank god that he wasn't a generic animu guy

No. 194493

Sonnet009 is such a great writer! It was so nice to have a comprehensive focus on a single relationship with a number of different ways to approach it. Trash is a sweetheart and felt like a real person.
>my choices are not just [be uwu submissive to him] or [be a rude bitch for no reason]
Kek exactly. I crave more nuance then nice/mean, I want to be able to gently tease my love interest, stand against his decisions sometimes and still be respected, have him show interest in my character rather than just infodumping his tragic backstory. The majority of these games actually allow this rather than the player just being railroaded into a single "true" path.

No. 196345

Omg I love Aloners and Wilder, I wonder if the dev is going to be making any new games

No. 196427

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I can ignore the fact the elf is a they/them, but please tell me the demon Stacy and goblin guy are cis. Please let me have nice things.

Btw, as anyone ever heard of or played Signed, Sealed, Delivered with a Kiss? I bought it and regret it. The gist is that you raise the interest to suit your tastes, but I quit early in because the mc was so hateful. I can understand being a bit prickly given the situation that a android won't leave you alone, but I understand why this bitch is friendless. She's just angry, harsh, toxic and unforgiving. That's not even the worst part though: The narrative tries to explain why mc is the way that she is because she had cold parents and felt lonely or whatever. Also, she's some super edgy hacker or whatever idfk. all I remember is that she had no reason to be the way she was and was just a person meant to be forever alone. She was cruel to the android who was literally basically an infant and could only depend on her. I just don't get how you can make a dating sim and make the mc do everything in her power to be as unlovable as possible and actually prevent the romance part of the whole game. I walked away from this game wondering why the fuck they made it.

No. 196788

Kek well your description is making me want to play this game because I love the concept of bullying men and molding them to my will, so maybe it's made for sadists like me. This basically sounds like a female-centered Chobits which could be fun.

No. 196988

I can read a book okay but I struggle with VNs. My ADHD just goes off the rails for some reason. I think it’s because they’re usually so dialogue heavy so I space out in between lines. I wish VNs in general have more interactive elements for dumbasses like me to stay engaged.

No. 197222

You might want to try dating sims that are stat raisers or have extra interactive elements vs pure visual novels. Long Live the Queen is a fun one if you’re a bit of a glutton for punishment (your mc can and will die about a hundred different ways but figuring it out is part of the fun). Romance isn’t the main focus so much as staying alive but she does have several marriage candidates. Also Ambition: A Minuet in Power from above has an interactive element where you have to go to parties and manage your reputation among a number of factions. And I would say Ebon Light, Aloners and Our Life have you interacting so regularly that they don’t really feel like typical VNs.

No. 198757

for what is 100% a galge, little busters was incredibly gay. how can the most relevant character in the story be mc's male friend instead of the heroine
i wish key released an actual bl game, you can tell that some of their writers were into that but it would probably affect the company's "reputation" with male otakus

No. 199746

this looks like a hornier version of monster prom

No. 256751

How many anons here believe in the 07th BT theory?
That BT is the actual genius behind Higurashi and Umineko and Ryukishi never was and that's why the newer works are shit.

No. 257651

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This seems to be an unpopular opinion because everytime people mention her they do it to hate on her writing but I am a genuine fan of Sakurai. I read all the translated VNs of her Steampunk series, especially Sekien no Inganock is one of my favorite VNs out there. Love the art the VNs have, the colors and designs and her writing style is weird but I always liked it for feeling so, dunno, fairytale-like? I think it gives it a distinctive style.
I also love Hoshizora Meteor VNs (Forest, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, Mahoutsukai no Yoru). They are both Type-Moon related lol

But in general I read all kinds of VNs besides those that bore me (generic harem or SoL VNs). Like so many others I started with short VNs, namely Narcissu and Saya no Uta (Nitro+ is almost always good, including Chiral).

A short VN I absolutely recommend is "True Remembrance"! The artstyle looks amateurish, but I got used to it fast and the story is absolute top. Avoid it if you aren't into bittersweet stories though.

I am also a huge fan of Umineko and other Ryukishi stuff. Reading Uminenko "live" and discussing the newest part to hell and back was one of the most entertaining things I experienced. The OST was one of the best I heard as well and I cannot thank R07 enough for this series and I am eager to see his future projects.

I don't believe it fully, but I believe that he influenced him a lot. I think Ryukishi thought up the stories and like two genuinely close friends that fanboy or fangirl like crazy they discussed it together and that gives you a LOT of input.
I don't mean monologues and your friend nodding, but a friend that IS fan of what you are fan of and a fan of you. Just talking with them can be incredibly productive and this is what Ryukishi is missing now. Sadly.

No. 257747

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I just binged AI the somnium files and really loved, it and have been playing Nirvana Initiative, but I’m starting to get to my limit with the authors treatment of the female characters. It wasn’t good in AITSF but hearing the sex jokes from a big busty brown dominatrix character (I love Tama otherwise but hate this aspect of her character) and the specific portrayal of a grown man creeping on a high school girl in this one is really irritating me. I’m gonna try to finish it, I only just started the Mizuki route, but I have a strong feeling I won’t like it as much.

No. 257757

I didn't know what anyone thought about it, i checked it out because i found it on steam and the art was really pretty
I loved it too, i didn't know what to expect but i wasn't let down, didn't really like the backgrounds because they had a lot of contrast with the character art

No. 257759

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i was always fascinated with Saya No Uta, i like almost everything about it because it feels very disturbing but i despise all the loli/sexual aspects of it
was it really necessary? why couldn't it be just a creepy and disturbing VN without the forced explicit stuff, it doesn't make it any better

No. 257781

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Because gen urobuchi is a major creep and pedo, can't believe that a lot of people still like Madoka knowing he also wrote Saya no Uta, thought he would've been cancelled by the twitter crowd at this point.

Other than that, I do agree with you. Actually my favorite parts were definitely when fuminori and saya weren't present at all. I swear ryoko could've been one of my favorite female characters, if only she wasn't in this lolishit game. Wish I never played it at all especially since I was underaged when I did and it made me sick when I was reading it. Even more so when scrotes only love this game because of the romantic pedo stuff.

No. 257868

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>specific portrayal of a grown man creeping on a high school girl
Oh no, not this again… I haven't been able buy AiNi yet, but played the first game some time ago and while the story was lackluster for the most part imo (compared to some of other games Uchikoshi has written at least), the characters were so fun it glued me to the console. I was pretty excited for the sequel, I'm sad he is back on that bullshit, it was already bad on VLR specially after Sigma's plot twist and there was some in the original AITSF, but since the protagonist was a girl this time around I thought that would be gone for the most part. Never underestimate a man who thinks with his dick I guess….

I fell in love with Tama's design when she was revealed and hope she isn't too bad in-game. I expected her to be the carrier of horny jokes but I don't find them as irritating if it's a female character saying them, so I guess I will stand her. I haven't bought a single DLC in my life, but I'm even considering buying the kimono one because she and Aiba look too adorable with them on.

No. 257875

I loved SnU but I never understood why so many people think that little girls that are actually evil trope was shocking and creepy. Not talking about loli but in general, it's a popular trope in western horror too and it NEVER worked for me.
I think it would have been way better if Saya was some sickly looking, mysterious and pale adult woman with an ephemeral beauty that makes he feel ghostlike and unreal which she actually is. It works so much better when you realise she is actually a horrible eldritch abomination in that case, moe lolis are neither unworldly nor genuinely pretty so they feel shoved in to attract otaku.

No. 259449

What VNs should I get on a Switch? I only have Collar x Malice so far and I want to know which quality VNs I should invest in.

No. 259461

Ace attorney and Fata Morgana are always good if you haven't played them yet. Steins gate is cool but has a fair bit of weird shit in it that didn't sit too well with me. As for otome VNs I enjoyed Olympia Soiree and Code Realize. Amnesia is a classic and it was just released on Switch too

No. 259583

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Last Legacy is a defunct VN that had so much potential to be amazing, I still have so much love for it someone please mourn with me. The art & writing team jumped ship once their contracts were up because the company running the show was dogshit, then the company went under, and last I checked from what I understand another company bought the game but hasn't updated it in a year. RIP

No. 259586

samefag, sorry I worded that last bit weird, I meant they haven't updated anyone concretely on what's happening with it (from what I've seen)

No. 260179

Just read Enigma, I liked it. Wish there was a full/longer version of the theme song.

No. 261333

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anyone else here who played/are playing slow damage? I just cleared the game the other day.

No. 261369

There was some discussion about it in fujo thread >>259830

No. 261420

hey nonnas, what are your favorite horror VNs? i prefer psychological horror but i'll check out anything as long as it's good! i'm on the first Higurashi game right now but would love some other recs too, as i'm still a bit new to visual novels. thx in advance!

No. 261427

Umineko (Higurashi's sister game) is pretty great, though not really all that horror oriented to me (it's more focused on murder mystery stuff over being scary).

Totono is pretty great if you can get past the scrote shit in it.

No. 261428

Finished it a bit ago, I really loved it! I get the complaint that the focus is almost entirely on the final route, but I liked the other routes none the less.

No. 261432

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Damn I was looking up the reading time for Aoi Shiro because I wanted to recommend someone this VN since it's one of the best I have read and now I coincidentally see that it's not only getting a remaster and official English release, Akai Ito, an older VN by the same team, is getting the same treatment.
The latter was never translated afaik so this is fucking awesome, I always wanted to read this.

I would recommend Aoi Shiro to everybody that likes yuri, supernatural things and Japanese mythology. I cannot really describe it, it's not exactly horror, but not far from it either. The atmosphere it had was cool, I was interested finding more hints that explained the characters and mysteries and the title is fitting because most of it takes place in the night, so many scenes have this blue hue that made it special.

Think it was also the only VN with I think 40 and more different bad endings where you had to play every one of them to understand 100% of the story. I like it when bad ends aren't shitty 5 minute scenes without CGI but story relevant.

No. 261447

Is it true that this game has a lot of troon shit in it? It's hard to get a clear answer without outing myself as a terf given how dense it seems to be and how prone to latching onto shit troons are.

No. 261479

There's one character born intersex, not trans though.

No. 261573

yeah that character intersex but it felt more like a tranny reveal

No. 261611

i read fata morgana before peaking, loved it to bits, and will continue loving it while mocking irl trannies from a feminist pov it has flaws, but i don't let it get in the way of my enjoyment. imo give it a try, if you dont like the vibe of the first door drop it

No. 276425

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This shit was great, despite loli fanservice and ass-poor translation. I highly recommend. Plus that Nice Boat at the end.

No. 276427

nonnie I want to believe you but this looks terrifyingly lolirific. what's the plot?

No. 276437

That looks like something you go to prison for if you play it

No. 276449

I swear to god how does someone browse lolcow and then unironically enjoy shit like this? Unless you're a moid baiting

No. 276457

You're telling me this isn't a lolicon porn game?

No. 276464

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Learning japanese just to play the rance series rn, specifically the 3rd one since i finished the first two and i'm obsessed with it, even though it's very scrotey.

The loli shit ruined saya entirely, gen urobuchi is a talentless pedo coomer and saya was his only work with potential so it's a shame it was ruined with that ugly fucking kid.

Subahibi is a good psychological horror vn, but i recommend with caution. It's one of the most disturbing things i've played but there are very gratutious amounts of rape (only two are story relevant though) and other fetish shit which is frustrating because it nails down the horror parts so well but there's so much rape/scrotery that you can't just avoid it. Sayooshi too, but same warning applies.

No. 276473

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It's on Steam, anon. There is 0 sex in it.

You haven't even read it, yet you have the gall to shit on it…to feel self-righteous, I guess?

It isn't:

No. 276475

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It does have lolifag pandering, sadly, but it's not a major distraction.

The plot is two-tier - from the point of view of an adult, and from the point of view of a little girl (you can only unlock the second point of view after you've finished the first).

It's 1998 and a guy from Taiwan moves to Indonesia and starts living with a friend and his daughter. Lots of crappily-translated brooding about religion, society, cultural differences, shitting on Chicoms follows. Household drama and school shenanigans ensue. Then the 1998 riots happen and shit hits the fan. The Nice Boat is both literal and metaphorical.

No. 276492

I don't need to read it kek, something normal wouldn't have that kind of art in it

No. 276504

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You think VNs are normal? Even Higurashi has loli pandering. But I guess it's fine, because normalfags have 'sanctified' it and given their seal of approval, hence it's okay and not creepy at all to like it? How can you be such a sheep?

No. 276507

Go jerk off to your pedophile drawings and fuck off.

No. 276508

It’s really annoying that they’ve been posting in so many threads (anime/manga/vn) with moid series.

No. 276509

>Official art has sexualized lolis
>Full frontal blushing loli nudity
>Muh edgy social conflict drama with super deep philosophical questions
>Bloody lolis subjected to violence because break the cutie isn't the most overused fucking trope in recent anime history
>This is what a peak intellectual weeb VN looks like

No, higurashi is just as creepy and shitty and makes me remember how much I hate how normalized lolipandering is. Who the fuck other than a scrote would want to defend this?

No. 276517

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If you hate the medium so much, what are you even doing in this thread? Looking for non-problematic, Western VNs with 'representation' and 'healthy' relationships?

No. 276519

So people not wanting to see loli shit are ”SJWs” then? Ok

No. 276521

normal people have not sanctified Higurashi, you live in an online loli weeb bubble if you think that. nobody normal reads visual novels period; they are for freaks (present company not excluded, sorry)

No. 276571

NTA but I like fujoshit and horror/denpashit, doesn't mean I have to like lolis or shitty western VNs.

No. 276600

>If you hate pedo drawings you hate all VNs!
Yeah no. Fuck off with that shit, this isn't the thread where you can post your favourite loli porn.

No. 276661

Nice try but visual novels are not all porn or pedo bait. The genre evolved through both otaku trash and mystery/horror games with "normie" appeal, but most importantly the latter. Hating the degenerate otaku incel side of the genre is not the same as hating the medium itself. That's like saying we hate online video sharing because we hate porn sites specifically. Eroge ≠ visual novel, plus non-eroge VNs didn't suddenly stop being made as soon as porn became popular within the genre, which is something even absolute VN beginners should know. And it's an objective fact that most anime-style visual novels such as Saya no Uta would be infinitely better without all the rape, guro, pedophilia and general scrote degeneracy (only a porn addict would think it adds anything of value).
Also, the fact that the vast majority of VNs are a product of horny Japanese incels being pedos and potential rapists doesn't mean shit; at least 90% of all VNs are shit-quality garbage, whether they try to hide it behind a pretentious plot or not. Besides, the only reasons porn VNs are so common is because the average adult moid who was a computer geek and a gamer in the early days of VNs was also a deviant anime fan, and because scrotes always make porn versions of everything (as you may know, VNs were not the only genre of eroge in the PC-88 days, since there were a lot of low-effort puzzle and card games of that kind as well).
There are good VNs, both from Japan and other countries, that don't have that kind of content, and we're here to discuss those mainly. You just haven't heard about many of them because ironically you only prefer a certain kind of VN that is favored by insufferable weeb porn addicts and never step out of your comfort zone while dismissing anything that doesn't appeal to you specifically.

Gatekeeping visual novels from "normies" is pretty retarded when there are several VNs that have become popular in Japan with the exact same kind of crowd you hate, but I guess since that crowd is Japanese, you don't mind since you're a delusional megaweeb and think Japanese people are muh master race who have a right to enjoy things unlike those icky Westerners (who of course are all SJWs for not wanting to see disgusting and unnecessary porn, misogyny and pedophilia in the story they're reading). You know, maybe the problem isn't that everyone else are normie prudes and SJWs who would never "get it", maybe the problem is that you're sick in the head and think that shit is not only ok, but necessary and good. You insist so much on being such an obnoxious and pedantic know-nothing, that everyone can see you're only gatekeeping obscure and overrated hobbies on an anonymous imageboard this hard because it's the only way for you to feel good about yourself, and/or feel like you're "one of the boys at 4chan" (that is, if you aren't a moid yourself). You also reek of pathetic /a/ newfag trying to fit in; I'm sorry but they'll never fuck you. You're a certified low IQ autist and should go back to 4scrote, or maybe go back to the VNDB forums to cry about them stupid normie femoids not getting the ~deep~ philosophical messages in your favorite loli rape "masterpiece".

Vid related, it's about the history of visual novels. Maybe you should watch it before trying to gatekeep something you know nothing about.

(Sage because I don't wanna bump with a rant)

No. 276736

Well I am going to, you tore that anon a new asshole as they deserve, bless you

No. 276940

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>nobody normal reads visual novels period
Why are you in this thread again? To shit on freak media freak people enjoy? Find a better use of your time.

>Everything I Hate Is Loli Pr0n!
Do you have a disorder that makes you overreact to anything that you find triggering? I'm not even going into your attempts at backseat-moderating as if this thread was the last accessible page on the internet.

>and we're here to discuss those mainly.
Who gave you the right to decide what should or shouldn't be discussed in this thread?

>Gatekeeping visual novels from "normies"

It's the opposite. You're the one limiting VN discussion to what you personally find acceptable. That's also gatekeeping.

>You know, maybe the problem isn't that everyone else are normie prudes and SJWs who would never "get it", maybe the problem is that you're sick in the head and think that shit is not only ok, but necessary and good. You insist so much on being such an obnoxious and pedantic know-nothing, that everyone can see you're only gatekeeping obscure and overrated hobbies on an anonymous imageboard this hard because it's the only way for you to feel good about yourself, and/or feel like you're "one of the boys at 4chan" (that is, if you aren't a moid yourself). You also reek of pathetic /a/ newfag trying to fit in; I'm sorry but they'll never fuck you. You're a certified low IQ autist and should go back to 4scrote, or maybe go back to the VNDB forums to cry about them stupid normie femoids not getting the ~deep~ philosophical messages in your favorite loli rape "masterpiece".

Are you ok in the head? This is some astronomic projection. And again the topic is an indie game that doesn't even have any romance or sex in it.
Please take your meds ASAP.

No. 276943

>nonna posts clearly pedo shit made to pander to pedos
>another nonna complains it's pedo shit clearly made to pander to pedos

>nooooooo are you sick in the head???? everything you hate is loliporn now???????????????

>not wanting to talk about my loli trash is also gatekeeping because wahhhh I wanna talk about it

Therapy and meds.

No. 276946

I've seen that "take your meds!!!" scrote in multiple threads in /m/ and he's always the archetypal smug fedora douchebag tourist from /a/, don't take his bait.

No. 276961

>not wanting to talk about my loli trash is also gatekeeping because wahhhh I wanna talk about it
I find it hilarious that this autist wants to gatekeep and turn this place into a lolifag circlejerk but also complains about our own gatekeeping that we specifically do (not just in this thread but on the whole site) to keep disgusting newfag creeps like him out.

No. 285516

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Any nonnas play the demo? If so what did you think of it

No. 285609

I didn't play it but they made the dude with the cape nonbinary so I refuse to play it. It seems like it'd probably pretty genderspecial filled.

No. 285668

Yeah I hate that shit too. I kinda want to mod his pronouns bc I hate reading a singular they for longer than I have to kek but you're right, there's probably more genderspecial crap going on with the characters and story. I bet more of the other love interests are probably aidens too. When will things be normal again kek

No. 285678

not really liking the direction they're going with mc's personality

No. 285712

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any nonnies know of subarashiki hibi? I read it a few years ago then decided to re-read out of nostalgia, it’s definitely not for everyone and the fanbase consists of 14-16 year old girls who would post themselves on /r9k/ for attention

No. 285717

NTA but how is it?

I have not read it but I'm so curious because it's infamous for pseudointellectual and edgy to hilarious levels.

No. 292716

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I fucking LOOOOOVE subahibi, my favorite vn ever actually. That also made me wonder why subahibi attracts those kind of people kek, especially since those people tend to be TIFs who are usually sjws, must be the same phenomena as south park fans.

No. 292723

I bought it a while back and I've been meaning to read it but some of the content has me a bit hesitant. I read other fucked up vns like Room No. 9 with no problem but I think that's because the weird shit was directed towards male characters and not female ones. Either way I love the art style with its harsh lighting and the deep contrast between the shadows and light. It almost looks clinical and it's really intriguing.

No. 292758

I love you.

No. 292861

Amazingly late to this but i must be the other BT tinfoil believer in this whole website kek. I wish i opened this thread before.

Twittertards will say that theory is overreaching but back in the day if you got deeply enough into umineko to follow the interviews and kept up with what was going on with 07th expansion you'd notice how very upset ryukishi was at the absence of that guy. Past ep6 he would constantly reference the absence of someone that left and yada yada plus him dedicating ep8 to "his beloved Beatrice" lmao you can't make this shit up. Plus the obvious quality drop in his works it's the most obvious hint that some big change happened within his team lmao.

That said, im gonna cut Ryu some slack and say i don't believe BT was his ghostwriter but more like a co-writer. Honestly I personally believe many of the answers to the umineko mystery are gone with him and that Ryu doesnt know all of them and that's why the official answer at times feels like a piece of fanfiction plus the fact he seemed to have no idea of how to properly end umineko by EP8 and left things in the open for so long… But that's just my opinion of course!

No. 292862

Aw shit forgot my sage sorry

No. 292913

Don’t worry about it, you don’t need to sage on non-cow boards.

No. 311122

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No. 337070

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Was browsing vndb earlier and stumbled upon this, why the fuck this disgusting ass “game” is even allowed to exist is beyond me, seeing that it was created by people on the German equivalent of 4chan isn’t shocking in the slightest. Hope the creators get lynched.

No. 337124

Average subhuman moid moment

No. 337142

Isn't Germany going to approve some stupid law about "children's rights" written by a pedo? Is Germany trying to be the European Japan or what?

No. 337632

>Is Germany trying to be the European Japan or what?
kek the roles have been reversed i see

No. 340360

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Any good Yumejo games with H-scenes? Looking through steam because I wanna get a new VN but can't find anything that quite fits my taste.

No. 340579

it's great, has a slow start and some really awful and unnecessary sex scenes but that's a staple for eroge. and yeah most of the newer fans are retarded zoomers

No. 340874

No. 359486

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Can you tell me how have the sexual content is in this one? I'm boycotting Steam (it has the clean version), so my only option is the MG shop where the game is uncensored (I think?). Is it just a single short scene that can be easily skipped?

No. 362288

Finished two VNs today (or I guess including yesterday since I'm up at weird hours…)
One was very fantastic but super depressing (Mamiya doomsday dreams, if you like fujo stuff and feeling bleak and mindfucked you'll love it) sold 9/10 for that part, the first half of the game (which is split into doomsday dreams) is a little fast paced for my tastes but it's still pretty good.

Aaaaand Sayooshi which is by far the worst visual novel I've read, I genuinely don't think I could make a more retarded scrote game if I tried.

No. 364716

Late but the version on MangaGamer contains the Refrain edition, which is the one sold on Steam, as well as the original. So, if you're trying to avoid that kind of content altogether, you can just choose to play Refrain. From my understanding, buying it off of MG gets you both.

Aw, what was so bad about Sayooshi? I haven't read it, but everything I've seen has been so positive.

No. 369833

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Not that person and old post but Sayooshi is filled with horrible torture porn, it's supposed to be this study of the main character's psyche (he's a mentally ill teacher) but spends so much time on the edgy teenage girl rape scenes it kind of takes away from what it was trying to do. It goes into the girls and has decent writing, but at the same time it feels overly edgy and graphic, especially on the twintail girl's route. It's mostly praised by people who haven't even read it (or read a machine translated version of it since there's no official tl as far as I know) and are drawn in by the denpa aesthetic which is admittedly pretty cool like picrel since that's trendy nowadays with edgy egirls.

No. 369843

nta but i guessed the twist in sayooshi early on and lost interest after confirming i was right

No. 369844

I'm actually the anon who asked about it, and I appreciate that you took the time to type out a reply, even if my post is old. I really like the denpa genre, and reading Sayooshi has been a goal of mine. This is a little disappointing to hear, but I guess it's not wholly unexpected. I was drawn in by the art style, genre, and high praise (and, you know, the fact that it's considered one of the 'big three' denpa games), but I guess it's one of those VNs that will receive a bunch of negative feedback if it ever gets an official TL for being overrated. I'm still interested in it because of the influence it had on the genre, but I understand it's probably not as great as I built it up in my head to be.
>there's no official tl as far as I know
You are correct; there isn't. You probably already know about this, but there was a guy who tried to make a fan translation a couple of years ago, but he got so much negative feedback for its quality that he deleted it from the internet shortly after the patch released. I'm now wondering how bad the TL actually was (I never read it), and how much of the 'poor quality' was due to the VN's inherent flaws. It could be either because I didn't keep up with the discussions about it.
I was trying to go into Sayooshi completely blind whenever I was able to read it, so I'm completely unaware of what the twist is. I'm usually good at guessing twists, though, so that's also not promising kek.

No. 369845

yeah. i dunno if you've read it, but subahibi was way, way wayyy better. heavily recommend

No. 369846

AYRT and Subahibi is what initially got me interested in the genre; it's possibly my most favorite VN ever (or it's tied with a few others). I absolutely adore Subahibi, and was hoping Sayooshi would replicate that experience.

No. 369863

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Yeah I wasn't a fan either, I love psychological horror when it actually has a point but Sayooshi is just a bunch of rape and then lol actually he was just in a mental hospital and fucking around with inanimate objects/animals (except for angel girl) the whole time, the game having every ending be the same really added to the 'this is pointless and just here for a bunch of boring rape scenes' to me, it's not even like they're particularly disturbing they're just boring as fuck, the only real point of discussion comes from 'did Hitomi actually stick his dick in a brain and a crow or-

No. 369864

Original anon who posted about sayooshi, I'm reading subahibi right now (in the middle of looking glass insects) and I absolutely adore it! The scenes of Mamiya screaming in particular send huge chills down my spine the scene with the teacher was a bit much for me though, one of those times in a VN where I actually had to sit for a second to recover from how disturbed I was lol, it definitely succeeded in freaking me out though which was really fantastic on the writer's part
It's a really fun game to think and theorize about and I can hardly put it down hahaha!

No. 369946

>From my understanding, buying it off of MG gets you both.

No. 370051

I was worried it'd be weird to reply to something old but glad it was useful. If you like denpa and that type of aesthetic, you could still see for yourself someday, since you might like it more than me. I actually didn't know that about the tl but it doesn't surprise me. It was probably more due to the tl quality since a lot of those amateur tls can be pretty awful. I learned japanese partially so I wouldn't have to deal with that anymore
Yeah that's exactly how I felt lol. Nice fanart though.

No. 370055

I finally got to downloading Slow Damage and the English translation is really awful. Like, for some reason no one else is talking about how bad it is. Stuff is translated like "And then I fapped some more." or "I felt myself pop a boner."
I'm sorry, but I do not remember Dramatical Murder being this awful in translation. Was the team who did the Eng translation asleep or didn't care? It feels so off compared to Nitro Chiral's past games.

No. 370057

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It's great you're enjoying it! Yeah, the teacher scene might be the only time in a VN where I've felt viscerally uncomfortable with something. Generally, I'm just not fazed by stuff, but that one got to me for some reason. It's really a great VN, so I hope you enjoy it until the end! Inventions was my favorite chapter, but I think there are interesting elements in all of them.
I'll definitely give it a try one day, whether if it gets a good TL or if I'm ever able to read it in its original form. I'm usually able to find positives in anything I read, whether books or VNs. If anything, it was good for me to be given realistic expectations.
There was a little bit of controversy when it released due to them changing the original narration from 3rd to 1st person. I also noticed that one of the translators has, across multiple games, used the phrase, "tongues battling for dominance," which I don't love.

No. 370068

Thank you for replying. I thought I was going insane, because so much of the sex scenes felt really off putting, which in turn was disappointing. I wonder if I should get the original japanese text and try to translate it myself, because even the dialogue (from what I hear) doesnt sound right. Especially a lot of Rei's stuff.

No. 370307

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I finished the first chapter (episode?) of Higurashi a while ago, and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Unfortunately, someone ruined for me that they're apparently in a time loop, Rika is aware of the loop, and Mion has an evil twin or something? I'm a little disappointed by both of these revelations, partially because I hate having twists spoiled for me and also because they sound absolutely ridiculous out of context. Has anyone finished Higurashi, and is it worth continuing? I like Higurashi's character writing, the rural setting, and the horror elements. I even find the goofy sprites with their misshapen hands endearing, but I don't know if it's worth trudging through something 1 million words long when I know as much as I do, especially when it sound kind of dumb. For anyone who's played it, how badly has this been ruined for me, and how stupid does it get later?

No. 370356

>Has anyone finished Higurashi, and is it worth continuing?
I like it better with the PS3 patch though because the sprites are better and there’s CGs+voice acting

No. 370522

I first read Higurashi a few years ago and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it as well.
I've since read all of the main series' visual novels and IMO they're worth the read even if you know some spoilers since the first three games get explained in the games after anyways and TBH knowing some things beforehand probably makes the stories less confusing.
I went into the first game thinking it'd just be edgy and fanservice-y with no substance (I was in my early twenties and wasn't fond of typical teen anime anymore) but genuinely started liking the characters and got successfully unnerved by a few of the scenes lol.
It does drag on at parts though, I think it took me around 15 hours to read through each game, but that might be cuz I'm a slow reader.
I won't argue that some of the plot points are dumb either, I just became so endeared to the characters and story after like 40 hours of reading that I didn't care anymore when they happened.
You should check the 07th-Mod if you don't want to play the vanilla game, it adds options for voice acting, cutscene art, multiple sprites, etc.

No. 370563

Thank you both for the advice about the mod! I actually was already playing with the 07th Mod for the voices and CGs. I'm just using the old sprites because I prefer them (their facial expressions are better, in my opinion). I don't know if it's a bad idea to do it that way, but I am not bothered by the art at all. I'll stick with Higurashi, and hopefully, there will be things that still surprise me, even if I've been spoiled.

No. 370779

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On Jabberwocky
I really really really hate Mamiya’s little sister and I’m sad she doesn’t die (at least to my knowledge) and I’m glad her doll got torn up in front of her. How dare she want to deprave me the reader of Mamiya kun,little incest bitch. Doesn’t help that I’m not enjoying this chapter as much as the others, Yuuki is pretty boring and I don’t like how much they changed Yuki’s personality from the previous chapters, she had more bite and hated men before…

No. 371019

File: 1713207216684.png (764.49 KB, 825x842, mamiyatakuji.png)

Why care about any other character in Subahibi when Takuji exists? I didn't care for Tomosane or the shitty little sister, either kek. There's a very clear 'best' ending from my perspective, and it's the best because they're involved in it the least. I personally found Tomosane to be one of the weakest of the POV characters, and I would've preferred if the girls weren't all falling over themselves for him when he's so boring. I don't know what point you're at in the story, so approach this next spoiler with caution, but the Yuki in that chapter is different from the Yuki in Jabberwocky. I forget when this is explained, though.

No. 371061

NTA but the latter routes of Subahibi really sucked to me with all the siscon bullshit. I think the game peaked with the Kimika routes in It's My Own Invention and Looking Glass Insects. The twist in Jabberywocky was alright, I just didn't find it as compelling as the utter lunacy of Takuji's chapter and misery of Zakuro's. Takuji is a massive schizo degenerate but at least he's entertaining compared to Tomosane. It's irritating, so many people I recommend Subahibi to instantly look up the VNDB tags and nope out when they see incest… I don't know what SCA-JI was thinking with the last routes.
I heard Tsui no Sora is getting a translation, so I'm interested to see what the "original" Subahibi is like compared to the one we got years later.

No. 371101

NAYRT but it's very funny to me that incest is where the people you recommend it to draw the line and not all the other insane shit that also goes on in Subahibi. Like, yeah, that's bad, but I can think of several other things listed on VNDB that also initially scared me off of playing. The tag would probably still be present, even without the stupid stuff with Hasaki because of the teacher, though.
>Tsui no Sora
Very much agree. I really hope they see it through to the end. I know there have been failed attempts at a Tsui no Sora TL in the past, which makes me a little nervous. I saw where Kusarihime, Umi kara Kuru Mono, and Shizuku are also getting fan translations, which are supposed to be well-liked denpa games. No clue on the VNs' actual quality, but I'm hopeful.

No. 371108

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Real. Just finished all the endings and I just stand by Kimika's ending with Mamiya kun as the canon one, the final ending with Ayana wasn't bad (definitely the best thing post Jabberwocky) but it didn't have nearly enough time to flesh it out, they'll spend hours on the shitty siscon but not Ayana huh? [spoiler]
[spoiler] The game really should have just ended after looking glass insect, it gives Zakuro's backstory and a nice 'what if' scenario for her and Kimika to be happy together. I think the twist just felt really forced and like it was only there because they realized it would have been really fucked up if everyone was actively wishing for Mamiya Takuji to die and for Yuki and Tomosane to take his place. Despite their attempts to make Tomosane the 'likable' one he always just came off as a shitty self insert siscon and Takuji actually came off as far more sympathetic to me

Still rate it an 8/10 but I would have rated it a 10/10 if it wasn't for the stuff after looking glass insects.
>I heard Tsui no Sora is getting a translation, so I'm interested to see what the "original" Subahibi is like compared to the one we got years later.
Same, seems like it should be done fairly soon and I've heard it's majority schizo fun so it's possible I'll end up rating it higher than Subahibi kek.
NTA the issue for me isn't that it's incest, the issue is that the characters are god awful and actively make the plot worse, spending several hours with the okama and the pedophile and Yuki turning into a huge bimbo doesn't help

No. 371113

It's a bit like (sorry to bring up this meme game) The Coffin of Andy and Leyley in that respect and that game even lampshaded the fact that there's murder, cannibalism, satanic cults etc and yet it's the incest that upsets people the most.
I agree that there's much more disturbing content in Subahibi than the incest, the painful scenes with the teacher, the hedge clipper scene, short bestiality scene, gay rape, the fucking desk, the entire End Sky mass suicide, Takuji's actual schizophrenia and pretty much everything with Zakuro. Actually, I was surprised how decently Looking Glass Insects was written, apparently the writer had researched accounts of girls getting bullied and it kinda hit home to me a lot. Similarly with Takuji's mental illness, the way his crippling social anxiety leads to him being consumed by all kinds of delusions. The scene where he's being chased by weird anxiety demons chanting Lovecraftian shit jumpscared the fuck out of me.
As for the TL, it's always a crapshoot whether a fan TL ever finishes. People used to joke about Gore Screaming Show being cursed due to having so many failed fan TLs and it was a surprise that JAST licensed it a few years back. There's so many old denpa or denpa-esque games that probably never will get official or fan TLs, like Jisatsu no Tame no 101 no Houhou. I need my schizo VN fix.

I'm glad you agree that the latter routes don't really add much aside from making things more convoluted. The ending songs for Looking Glass Insects and Takuji's Kimika ending are the best vocal songs too imo.

No. 371116

I really liked how Zakuro and Mamiya reflected each other in a lot of ways and how for a lot of the early parts of my own invention have Mamiya projecting onto her. The scene of him imaginging that she takes off her panties and jacks off on a train is really sad and fucked up in retrospect since he's just projecting when he was raped onto her.

No. 371123

AYRT and yes, objectively correct takes all around. I rated it a little higher than you did, but I agree with everything you said, including the criticisms. For me, my enjoyment of the first half as well as the ending with Ayana outweighed the flaws, but I can understand the latter chapters harming your enjoyment. Takuji is the best character and anyone who disagrees can fight me kek. I personally hated Tomosane because he felt like a shitty, generic hero character, and I despise that. Like, in a game where everyone else was so flawed, he was such an obvious self-insert and unambiguously portrayed as the "good guy." The fact that he wasn't voice acted in original releases only makes it more obvious. Also, I feel like Tomosane being the 'original personality' was an excuse to make it okay for Tomosane to 'take back his original body,' which you alluded to. Still, Takuji is ENTIRELY UNAWARE of any of this multiple personality business, so it's still fucked up regardless. The Kimika Ending is the best ending, although the next chapter is worth going through for the Zakuro/Takuji parallels in Insects (I have ranted to people about this in real life and will refrain from doing so here, but there is so much symbolism and their stories serve as great contrasts to one another).
Also AYRT and I agree! I didn't mean to sound like I thought the teacher scene and the stuff with Hasaki was the same tonally, just that it would look the same from an outsider's perspective looking at the tags alone. I think the Andy and Leyley comparison is apt; there is a difference between disturbing content and content that is 'disturbing' but intended to excite the viewer.
>gay rape
It's very funny to see men get filtered by this one, though.

No. 371126

the fact that they also just tried to frame a bully character as 'actually the hero' was kinda fucked up to me and not in the way they probably intended, since I think by that point the writers were like 'nah Mamiya actually deserved it' when the majority of the players probably actually felt bad for him due to him being a relatable character. No one relates to a bully with a siscon complex who says faggot evey thirty seconds and 'beats the shit out of a rape victim' (or at least I don't think most people would) but it's pretty easy to relate and sympathize with a bullying victim with horrible social anxiety. The game basically ignores all the possible flaws Tomosane has like being extremely abusive and homophobic in favor of 'SUCH A GOOD NIISAN, EVEN HIS CHILDHOOD GHOST FRIEND WANTS HIS DICK'.

Kimika is a great character in general and I wish she had gotten her own route instead of the incest siblings

No. 371130

I wish I could find the one meme of the guy jumping out a window and running away with tags from subahibi on it, with the final one being "okama support character", but it's buried in another HDD.
If anything, the siscon stuff was boring compared to the mental illness/denpa aspects of the previous routes. Jabberwocky really felt tacked onto the rest of the game.
I really wish people didn't instantly check out the tags for VNs, even if spoilers are turned off. With games like subahibi, it ruins the experience if you don't go in blind.

I agree with you on Tomosane being irritating and not relatable compared to Takuji. I wonder if SCA-JI was trying to make some commentary on traumatised coomer otaku being evil or some shit, to spite the coomer otaku who play eroge like subahibi? It's obnoxious how much the game sucks off Tomosane when he's a fucking asshole like you said.
Kimika was too good for that world… Both of her endings make me tear up every single time…

To the nonna that just finished subahibi, what do you plan on reading next? I'm currently meandering through Togainu no Chi because Midorikawa plays a character in it who's sadly unlockable lol…

No. 371131

Yeah, Tomosane's aggression felt really misplaced and over-the-top. I can't even say he's a good brother (which could have been a redeeming quality) because he wants to fuck his sister! I do think a lot of people find him sympathetic, but only because he was built to be projected onto. Also, I was not in love with the implication in the backstory that Takuji was just born fucked up. I don't know if that was the author's intention, but his mother was legitimately abusive, and in a manner that felt much more realistic than with Hasaki. Again, I don't know if making Takuji seem inherently evil was the author's intention in the backstory chapter, but it sure felt that way. I get why he would have acted that way because of his mom, but it would've been nice to see more acknowledgment of how her treatment very obviously shaped him into the person he is. I really wish Tomosane's character had been omitted; even making Yuki take over most of Tomosane's role in the story could have fixed it. Kimika is a great character, and while I'm sure you're probably already aware of this, while most Subahibi characters have a TnS equivalent, she was an entirely original addition to Subahibi. I really liked her endings with both Takuji and Zakuro, and I cannot imagine what TnS is like without her. I'll shut up about Subahibi now, but I've really liked reading everyone's opinions. Hoping for that TnS translation. It's listed at 100% on VNDB, but I'll believe it when I see it.

No. 371135

>Kimika was too good for that world… Both of her endings make me tear up every single time…
same, she's one of those characters that makes you tear up because she didn't deserve anything that happened to her and was driven so far into a corner that death probably was her best option sadly.

>what do you plan on reading next?

Shuuen no Virche! After that probably Paradise.
>I'm currently meandering through Togainu no Chi
It's a fun VN, very peak 2006 but I wouldn't expect god tier writing from it. Keisuke and Rin have the best routes.

No. 371136

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It genuinely feels like they were written by two separate groups, especially since my own invention seems to imply that a large portion of why Mamiya is the way he is is because his mom did all kinds of abusive stuff like pour boiling water on him but then they just sort of ignore that and have him be a typical evil mommy's boy character? The whole backstory creates more plot holes if anything, like why is Mamiya so shy and submissive when he's apparently been an evil cult leader baby since childhood? If it's meant to be the idea that he's only like that around Tomo then that also doesn't make sense since he's deathly afraid of him.

For the laughs I'm gonna watch the tsui no sora OVA though, which has a sick 2.26 average rating ands looks absolute QUALITY.

No. 371139

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I hope we get Pigeon's Blood after Paradise. That game always interested me due to it's unabashedly edgy premise. I'll be playing Masquerade when that releases, weirdly enough I was trying to get hold of a copy of it just before it had its official release announced. Guess I'm lucky lol.
Maybe one day we'll get Shingakkou. It had a version without voices iirc so maybe we could get that (Koihime Musou's english release didn't originally have voices back in the early days of Mangagamer, only later when they were doing better financially) since Masquerade is another PIL/SLASH title? I tried to read Shingakkou in Japanese but the religious language was hard to understand.
Please, I need the dorky Russian prefect voiced by Midorikawa…

Also, give me Chiral fumos, Nitroplus, reeeee.

No. 371142

>tsui no sora OVA
Kek Have fun(?), nona! I tried to find it a few years ago and never did get around to it. It looks absolutely hilarious.
I want Shingakkou so bad, more than any other untranslated VN out there. I don't care about the voices. I don't care about anything. I just want to see the evil priest. JAST's announcement of PIL/SLASH games has made me so delusional about Shingakkou having a chance of getting a TL.
I'm still on the fence about Masquerade, personally, because there doesn't appear to be much in the way of story. I'll probably wait for reviews, personally, but hopefully you'll enjoy it!

No. 371143

>Pigeon Blood
The bl one or the het one?

No. 371144

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Even for me it seems a little edgy kek, if it's translated I'll play it though.
Masquerade looks really realy mediocre to me, but it's pretty old so I'm not that surprised.
>Maybe one day we'll get Shingakkou
That's what all us fujoshis hope for…
>Also, give me Chiral fumos, Nitroplus
I like the GIFT plushies more, but I'd settle for fumos of Slow Damage's cast.
>It looks absolutely hilarious.
It is, it's only 20 minutes long though so absolutely nothing makes sense.

No. 371145

Honestly just watch it for Mamiya's voice, the second I heard him speak I burst out laughing.

No. 371149

>I don't care about the voices
For any other game I wouldn't care either but the voice acting in Shingakkou is kind of plot relevant.

No. 371151

Yeah from what I've seen of Masquerade, it's a weird sadistic nukige where a homophobic dude with a gun just waltzes into a school… and tells the other characters to start doing gay stuff while he holds them hostage. JAST does like to test the water for VN brands by doing the smaller nukiges first so I'm praying every night to Father August that we'll get our seminary murder mystery game sometime this decade.
This one, didn't know there was a het one.
Masquerade does have some pretty mediocre artwork and like I said, a weird premise. I'm hoping to get some laughs out of it at least.
Ahh yeah, that is true… That's why I found the short manga adaption of Neil's route to be kinda trash, aside from it skipping through the story in like 10 or so chapters.
I'll go back to memorizing kanji for religious terms then…

No. 371153

>voice acting in Shingakkou is kind of plot relevant
I have been avoiding spoilers for this game, but I'm very curious how this plays out. I assume two characters are voiced by the same person, and it turns out they're the same character? If not, I'm genuinely at a loss.
>JAST does like to test the water for VN brands by doing the smaller nukiges
You are feeding my Shingakkou delusion, and now, I'm rethinking my decision of not getting Masquerade, even though it doesn't look like my thing lol. I did pre-order Paradise, though, because it allegedly actually has a plot.
>Slow Damage
Unrelated, but do you all think there is a chance of JAST doing that mobile game spin-off? I've been racking my brain trying to think of what else JAST could translate since they've exhausted N+C's catalogue, and besides moving to PIL/SLASH titles, that's about all I can think of them doing that would generate much buzz.

No. 371154

>but do you all think there is a chance of JAST doing that mobile game spin-off?
Probably not, JAST seems very into doing the bare minimum for a game even if it sells well like the nitro chiral titles.
I haven't played clean dishes but according to my friend who played a bit of it, it's crazy fucking hard to keep the protagonist from killing himself kek.
>that's about all I can think of them doing that would generate much buzz.
They sold a crazy amount of Saya plushies (they completely sold out within less than a day) so I'm guessing they might continue with that?

No. 371158

>I'll go back to memorizing kanji for religious terms then
Learn them as you read! I used a jp to eng dictionary and would come across English words I didn’t know and still somehow managed to play it. If you have basic Christianity knowledge I’m sure you can do it.

That’s also true but not what I meant. There's a character who can perfectly imitate the voices of others, it’s pretty obvious who he is to us readers but not to Michael. In one h-scene he rapes Michael and uses his father's voice as if Michael is having sex with him instead. Kino.

No. 371159

>it's crazy fucking hard to keep the protagonist from killing himself
Kek it's a shame we'll probably never get it in English because having a ton of bad endings sounds entertaining. I really like the white-haired character's design. I also know Eiji is supposed to be in it, and he was my favorite character.
>sold a crazy amount of Saya plushies
Right, I more meant in terms of BL games they could localize; sorry for the confusion. I think selling plushies is a given after the Saya Fumo's wild success. I'm personally hoping for sweet pool plushies, as SP and Lamento are my favorite titles from N+C, but I'm also aware sweet pool is not as popular as their other BL games, and Lamento never got an official TL. Hopefully, JAST throws a bone to the fans of DMMD or SD, even if I personally wouldn't be interested in those.
I won't read that spoiler right now because I am going to continue to lie to myself about Shingakkou getting an English TL, but I'm sure I'll come back to it eventually because it's realistically never getting an EN release, and I don't think I can muddle through 60 hours of text I barely understand (nor would I want to experience the story that way). Thank you for explaining, though.

No. 371161

If you come back to it don’t set your expectations too high I used kino to refer to a degen h-scene. But feel free to make another post about shingakkou I would love to talk about it. I’m also praying that if we get an official translation it’s going to be a mangagamer one and not jast because I know they’re going to ruin it.

No. 371169

Oh god, the fact the localizers decided to change the narration from 3rd person to 1st person in Slow Damage hurt just as much as the pronoun bullshit for the flaming homos…
Idk how Mangagamer licensing Shingakkou would work out, since JAST already have a deal with them. Has there been a case where different western companies released games from the same brands? Like, Mangagamer release CLOCK-UP games and JAST do Nitroplus and Sei Shoujo stuff, I'm not sure how exclusivity works.
I'm glad Mangagamer has come a long way from when they released the Higurashi games with really shoddy translations, the fact they went back and redid the entire thing years later showed a lot of dedication. With JAST, I do feel like the BL games take a backseat in terms of translation quality compared to the moid-aimed games, but I guess that's just par for the course with VNs in general.
Speaking of moid games, I got recommended a recent release called Nie no Hakoniwa which looks like absolute misery porn with the plot centering around a box that grants a wish if you put 8 fertile wombs in it… Makes my abdomen hurt just thinking about it. I'd rather see guys get beat up to be quite honest…

No. 371172

If you ever feel like ranting about it on here, I'd be interested in reading, as I'm sure a lot of nonas would. I can't really hold a conversation about it because I have not read it, but I like seeing people's opinions. Maybe I'll eventually work my way up to reading it, but I kind of doubt that'll ever happen.
>Has there been a case where different western companies released games from the same brands?
Not just the same brand- the same VN. Kara no Shoujo and its sequel were translated by Mangagamer. Then, Shiravune somehow got the rights, and now they've released their own versions of the first two games AND are releasing the third game.
>Nie no Hakoniwa
I saw a discussion on VNDB where people were debating whether it was 'otome-like,' which is absolutely wild considering how ugly the male characters are kek.

No. 371221

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Sorry to the non subahibi fans since it's been clogging this thread, but Mamiya looks so fucking cute dressed as Riruru oh my gooood~

No. 371222

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No. 371527

Nonnies who enjoy subahibi or weird/shizo vns in general might be interested in checking out old doujin game MYTH. Mangagamer released english version in 2016.

No. 371538

Seconding this rec. It was really enjoyable, even if parts of it were nearly incomprehensible. I'm surprised anyone else on here has played it. Some of the OST was done by the guy who did a lot of Umineko's music, if I recall?

No. 371673

OST was pretty great from what I remember. Also I've found 3 pages of notes I took while playing MYTH 'cause it was so convulted lol. Eitherway it was pretty fun game.

No. 372522

I've been aware of Higurashi ever since the first season of anime dropped and it always seemed like gorey shlock to me. I ended up reading it only in 2020 and I was genuinely surprised by how much I loved it. Weird scrote moments aside, it was really heartfelt to me and struck the right notes at the right time. I was really struggling with pent up stress and coping with paranoia, and this helped me get over it by being more open with everyone and prioritizing myself over work. The characters were all so likeable too. I especially empathized with Shion.
Umineko is the one I've seen more universally praised, and it never really hit quite the same for me. Higurashi is still dear to my heart.

No. 372548

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Did any of the anons interested in Sayooshi play the company's latest game (released after a 20 year gap) Geminism?
I actually enjoyed it more than Sayooshi, personally, though they aren't that similar beyond the art style.

No. 372549

It's coming in the mail in a few days, I'm really excited to play it! I like the two male leads design but other than that, I'm going in fully blind. What did you like about it?

No. 372627

I hate how inundated pickmes are in visual novel spaces, especially since actual women are so few and far in between. Whenever I see said pickmes talk about how much they love say rance or euphoria and the rape scenes in them it just makes me cringe so fucking hard

No. 372630

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I usually get along with them since women got to stick together even if we have pretty different taste. I like some eroge and most of the ones I come across are just really obsessed with animecore stuff with moe girls so I can have a more normal conversation with them compared to moids who just spam retarded memes.
Also I'd rather hang out with a pick me than a fakeboi, at least pick mes don't expect you to walk on eggshells 24/7.

No. 372632

IME pickmes are prone to weird jealous two faced behavior and shitting on you/ ignoring you the moment a scrote comes into the picture and you have to walk on eggshells due to a different set of weird rules
I guess in some cases that's slightly better than claiming that liking rance makes you an Honest and True male though

No. 372633

I guess it just ranges, a lot of the runs I run into fall NLOGs who talk about how much they hate animecore while being animecore and how they love lolis but they don't dislike talking to other women and probably prefer it on some level.

No. 372634

A tif obsessed with rance sounds like a nightmare of a person to be around kek

Any lolicon is insufferable to be around, not even for moral reasons they’re just that annoying

No. 372646

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No. 372653

I'm always afraid of coming across as a pick-me because of my taste in visual novels (I will read basically anything, but I promise I'm not), which is part of why I don't talk about it to anyone but a female friend. I've noticed a weird trend where many pick-me types are very critical of BL games or otome, but will spend way too much time trying to defend how 'deep' something like Gore Screaming Show is. Liking a few gross/violent VNs isn't enough for me to judge someone, but for me, the issue comes when the same person explaining why Euphoria is actually super deep then looks at, like, sweet pool and thinks the people who enjoyed it are gross. I guess it's more the judgment/dismissal of VNs specifically aimed at women that gets to me personally more than their actual taste in VNs. There are good titles (and a mountain of garbage) aimed at every demographic, so it kind of bothers me when people single out genres in that way.

No. 372698

Yeah, it's kinda depressing the double standards those pick-me types have. Like euphoria, sitting through routes and routes of senseless torture with a sadistic dickhead protagonist is totally worth it because the true end is heckin' wholesome?
Give me a break, if the fact the loli character gets the worst treatment in her route didn't clue them into it being misogynistic moid slop, I really don't know how to argue with them over it. I've seen the cope of "b-but the artist is a woman!", but that means jack shit at the end of the day when the vast majority of the game is cringy edgy shit.
Rance is just self-explanatory. I think people always just hyped it up in the West due to Sengoku Rance's gameplay, which is just… mediocre. Just like the relatively recent Dohna Dohna from Alicesoft too, which has a nice soundtrack but everything else is Darkest Dungeon-lite but with ryona shit.
Gore Screaming Show isn't deep whatsoever (read it after seeing the writer from Shingakkou did some writing for it), but I'll rate it a step higher than most animecore edge games for having a protagonist who isn't a sadistic piece of shit. But then again it has the caveat of a loli heroine route, so idk if I'd ever recommend it unless someone really is scraping the barrel for horror/mystery VNs. Iirc, out of the titles that particular brand released, it's fairly tame. Praying that EXTRAVAGANZA never gets licensed, that game truly disgusted me past euphoria and Fraternite. Or any of Cyclet's games. That shit makes me hate the Antichrist even more.
It's ok to enjoy 1000 year old lolis because "i-it's deep! you don't understand the symbolism!" but the instant a woman plays a BL/otome game with teens/young adults they get burned at the stake for being "predators/pedos/gross fujo scum". It really is tiresome.

No. 372788

Kek I get what you mean entirely. The worst part is most euphoria and blackcyc fans I’ve met are women, even worse if they’re like “um akshually blackcyc games are secretly for women!”. One of their titles (mugen kairou) interests me though, looks pretty hot. I can’t speak much on either euphoria or black cyc games since I’ve yet to play them but I can speak on rance which I’ve played a few of the games for it which are honestly pretty mediocre, there are some genuinely heartfelt moments in the game but it doesn’t detract from the fact that at the end of the day, it’s ultimately a rape fetish game for scrotes, even if the writer is a radfem or whatever. Every woman I’ve met who likes it is a huge pickme without exception

No. 372897

>because the true end is heckin' wholesome?
This is what gets me. If someone just was like, "yeah, it's fucked up and kind of gross, but I enjoy edgy stuff," then I could respect that person's opinion, but it's the insistence that it's this sweeping love story and actually Super Wholesome that bugs me.
I haven't played Rance (I might some day to see for myself what the hype is about; I like trying everything I can), but I've always seen the fixation with it as kind of weird. It looks painfully generic, and I don't know why people spend hundreds of hours on a ten-part series. Granted, whenever I do try it, I may eat my words, but it just looks so dull.
>Gore Screaming Show isn't deep whatsoever
I do agree that it's not a horrible VN, but it was very much shilled as some kind of deep psychological horror story or something. I went in with that expectation, and came out sorely disappointed. I wasn't even impressed by the horror elements because any time something 18+ happened, it was more of the same stuff repeated ad infinitum. It lost whatever horrific impact it could've had because it was so repetitive (I did a bunch of bad endings after finishing the routes, and my eyes started glazing over at some point). I liked the art, and it wasn't aggressively bad, but I cannot believe how many people try to act like this is anything deeper than the VN equivalent to a horror b-movie.
>EXTRAVAGANZA never gets licensed, that game truly disgusted me past euphoria and Fraternite
Would you mind elaborating on this? I know it's about bugs, but that's about it.

No. 373110

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Maybe those fans you met watch Youtubers like that sydsnap woman who only posts about hentai it seems, because I watched her (sponsored by JAST lmao) videos on the two translated Blackcyc games and I noticed the exact same opinions coming from a few female edgy VN fans I've talking to in the past. IIRC, it was especially her saying GSS writes the heroines like real people who have issues, but lots of male-oriented games have that kind of saviorfagging, like Grisaia.
I kinda feel a lot of younger VN fans love to try and out-edge each other by shit like saying "yeah I played Maggot Baits and didn't ctrl through the regular snuff scenes, I'm so mature and kinky heheh".
Yeah I didn't understand the psychological horror angle for GSS, maybe it's just the "heroines need protags help to deal with their issues while a yandere loli and a creepy overpowered clown-thing make them worse" deal. It felt like a B horror movie to me too with how goofy and shamelessly crass it was at times, plus the slice of life stuff took up like half of a route with the only the occasional spook when shit hits the fan. The artist was the ideas guy for the game and I was actually pretty miffed when I saw his recent work on Dead Aegis. It's visually pleasing… but it's just all misery and constant ugly bastard garbage for the heroines. It had some vague excuse for a plot but that was just a backdrop for constant painful H-scenes.
It's been a long time since I played it, but EXTRAVAGANZA has also been shilled for having a "strong female protagonist", strong meaning "gets raped a lot and shrugs it off". It has this complicated flowchart system where one wrong choice nets you a long, long bad end and there are a LOT of bad ends which as you can guess involve a weird race of bugs/tentacle monsters. GSS bad ends are pretty tame compared to EXTRAVAGANZA's. I wouldn't even look up the CGs unless you want to puke up your last meal, and I can only wonder exactly how much more detailed and brutal they'd be without the mosaic censoring if it got an English release…
I'm glad Cyclet brand games probably won't come over to the west, however interestingly enough one of them has an actual deranged serial killing troon as the protagonist who kills the heroines out of envy lol. That one's called Dasaku if you're curious but is more or less just guro nukige shit.

No. 373307

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I actually wasn't a big fan of Umineko. It had nothing to do with Chiru or the usual complaints I see thrown around about it, but I agree with you that Higurashi is much better so far. Part of the reason I was hesitant to continue is because I was so meh on Umineko, but I'm having a lot of fun with Higurashi! I think the author's strong points are horror and characterization. Even Umineko had some great characters (Ange and Eva are two of my favorite female VN characters, and I love Erika even if she's not the best written). In Higurashi, I love how the characters actually act like kids because it makes the horror more poignant.

No. 373314

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I like Umineko but hard agree on Ange, Eva and Erika being best girls. A lot of the super iconic characters I was pretty 'meh' on though, like I know featherine, Lambda and Bern are incredibly popular because of power level autism but I never got into them because I never cared much.
I like the concept of Bern and Lambda being universe hopping lovers, but their actual personalities weren't all that impressive to me and they only really get discussed in terms of meta narrative.

No. 373358

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The number of fake edgy assholes that have tried to shill maggot baits to me is insane
Agreed, Higurashi >> Umineko. The mystery made more sense, the narration was less annoying and the logical flow of the events were just better. Umineko started pretty strong, I remember constantly being at the edge of my seat for the first 2 chapters and initially enjoyed battler beatrice showdowns, but the attempt to blend fantasy and mystery failed more and more over time. In the later chapters it was straight up random imaginary meme battles 80% of the time. Stuff like picrel is funny the first couple of times, but it gets tiring first. I think I was thoroughly bored by the time I was playing the answer arcs and wasn't even convinced by many of the explanations. Overall I felt lied to, because a lot of the stuff that prevented me from solving the mystery of the murders in the question arcs was often explained as "oh the weird creepy stuff that you readers saw were all red herrings and just fantasy, actually what happened was -insert boring realistic explanation that had little to no foreshadowing-". A story should not rely on readers having to dismiss half of what happens on the screen.

No. 373391

>Youtubers like that sydsnap woman
I wish there were more female YTers that focused on VNs. I really tried to like her channel because I was desperate for content on VNs, but she seems to focus exclusively on the most shocking parts instead of anything substantive. It's a shame because she could have an interesting perspective, but instead, her videos feel so hollow as she pretends to freak out about the wacky content in whatever shock value VN she most recently read. I wouldn't even mind her focus on nukige if she offered more perspective on them than just, "Isn't this craaazy?? I'm sooo traumatized!!!"
Thanks for the explanation, by the way!

No. 373429

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BTW, we also have an old Higurashi thread. Please help me revive it.

No. 373430

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No. 373931

Same. I feel like recently vns have become kinda like the latest aesthetic to a lot of pick mes and I find it so annoying. I feel like a lot of the ones on twitter just want to say they play edgy eroge and also claim both early 2000s vns and denpa aesthetics to look cool for moids and be trendy but as soon as something else is trendy they'll move on to that instead. Outside of that, it doesn't surprise me vns attract pick mes in general because of the material in a lot of them but it still sucks

No. 374181

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Did anyone see the new denpa game that released in English today? I have no idea if it's any good, but I'm probably going to buy it because it's not too long and it's relatively cheap.

No. 374230

No. 374359

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I’m reading Episode 2 of Higurashi, and I just realized this entire ‘is Mion the same person as Shion’ subplot is literally just that episode of iCarly when Sam keeps telling Freddie that she has a twin sister named Melanie, and he insists they’re actually the same person. I cannot believe iCarly would plagiarize from classic visual novel, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, like this.

No. 374805

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Any other decent fairy tale VNs like Cinders?

No. 374945

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Don't know if this is what you want exactly, but Taisho x Alice is really great! It has a fairy tale theme, but it's not a direct retelling, even if the stories all borrow elements from different stories. Cinderella Phenomenon does something similar, and has the advantage of being free. If you don't mind branching out from otome games, you might like Forest. It's weird and kind of obtuse, but it has a ton of references to British literature, as well as fairy tales. I'd approach it with more caution, though, because it's very much aimed at a male audience. I liked it, but I could see why others wouldn't.

No. 375022


No. 382507

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has anyone read this? the art and setting are neat so i'm trying to power through it but lily going "i'm not a girl because i was wearing pants!" and elysia going "oh…i'm focused on science and adventure so i can't be a woman" piss me off so damn bad. elysia especially, if she's only in new york for some lame reason like tracking down her missing boyfriend i'm just going to drop it

No. 382520

I started this game but didn't get very far. Is the story outside of what you mentioned decent?

No. 382563

honestly after making that post + risking spoilers by checking out the cgs on e-hentai, i think i'm going to drop it. i thought it was an otome-style game but the sex and ecchi scenes are a little too male-pandering for my tastes. male-pandering in the way i can't tolerate or enjoy.

but to answer your question…i dunno! i'm still in the first chapter, and so far it's a lot of slow build-up and the protagonists being very cerebral and mysterious about the dystopic steampunk alice in wonderland-esque world they live in. i don't mind stories like this, where you barely know what's happening because the pov character barely knows what happening, but neither lisa or elysia have anything likable about them + a lot of their internal monologue thus far is just "a rock…i climbed over it. this tea is tasty and warm like the hand that helps you up. i don't know who i am…..~mysterious~"

take this with a grain of salt because like i said i am literally like, barely an hour into it, but yeah. not my thing i guess

No. 382621

yeah i predicted the big twist early and after the first panty shot could kind of tell how the rest was going to go. i can handle fanservice if the rest of the novel is well-written (subahibi) but this just seemed gay and tiring

No. 382640

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I liked Sonanyl back when I read it in japanese a long time ago. The art is really cute and distinct for a visual novel and it gives some fairy tale vibes, but no wonder you didn't like it if you were expecting something more like an otome, it's still an eroge aka aimed at men originally even if both the leads are female. I personally liked them especially Elysia, Lilly is kind of boring in comparison even if she looks adorable. The contrast and juxtaposition between their perspectives is an interesting way to frame the story, but if you're not drawn in, don't like stories that slowly reveal things over time and don't appreciate the writing style,yeah you might as well drop it.

No. 382656

i mistakenly assumed that because the writer was female it’d be more female orientated but yeah

No. 382722

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I see, that makes sense. I feel like her writing style is the type of thing you either vibe with or you don't, even if I've never read the translated version. Honestly I'm surprised to see someone even reading it at all though, not even my vn fan male friends have tried it and I didn't see anyone talking about it after the translation finally came out.

No. 383630

Everyone keeps praising Subahibi wherever I go and I just don't get it. I tried getting into it but I can't get over the coom shit, the CGs disgust me way too much and they feel so over the top and ridiculous that it doesn't even register as psychological horror to me. It doesn't seem worth it to brace myself and get through the H-scenes because too many lines seem pseudo-intellectual and pretentious instead of profound. I did spoil myself here and there which I guess would ruin the experience of the rest of the game but I don't think I'd like it any better without spoilers. All the sexual violence feels pointless to me, it only makes sense with Zakuro and even then it's way too gratuitous to make an impact on me other than feeling grossed out. I can't see how any of the the rapes could serve as a horror element when the CGs are so porny and clearly meant to titillate moids (I know they hate the gay shit but still). People also seem to love Takuji but I'm not going to root for a fucking porn addicted weeb even with all rape aside, idc his mother abused him boo fucking hoo although his insanity was the only entertaining part of the story for me. Whatever might resonate with me is immediately ruined when I remember the degen context. It just seems like misery porn to me, not to mention that I don't find female suffering and sexual assault profound in the slightest and from what I've seen the vast majority of CGs seem to be of females characters in degen sexual contexts. I truly don't get it, I find it really hard to believe it's as life changing and profound as everyone says it is because none of the things I've seen thus far impressed me, even the schizo scenes like the magical girl thing (which is something I've seen many times already and maybe it was fresh at the time idk but it's overplayed af now) are just alright to me, I liked it but it's a cliche at this point. I might play all of it one day just to see if I change my mind but the thought of spending so many hours on a borderline porn game makes me wanna go out and enjoy life which could indeed make subahbi deep and profound to me if the point was to be unappealing to make you not wanna play it and "live happily" instead kek

No. 383633

>People also seem to love Takuji but I'm not going to root for a fucking porn addicted weeb
But he's soooo cute also with his constant screaming in absolute horror it kinda makes it hard not to feel bad for him

No. 383634

Idk, the fact that's a degenerate makes me wish he would suffer more tbh.

No. 383635

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I'm not really sure how he can suffer any harder than what happened to him like, the only time he was ever not completely and utterly miserable was when he was getting high as fuck and then killing himself right after with his girlfriend

No. 383644

Well, he did have a girlfriend at least kek. Tbh if he were female and targeted mostly scrotes I would like him, but to me he's just another mentally ill horny "ruined by society" scrote with a 2deep4u monologue in the sea of many. He should have had CGs laying spread out on the ground in pain like Jesus (it'd be thematically relevant too) with the focus on his suffering. Wish he were voiced by an actual moid too because then I'd be into it.

No. 383646

Even then his girlfriend loved Zakuro more than him kek. I get that you haven't played the game so obviously don't get Takuji as a character but I feel like chopping him up to '2deep4u horny guy' is a stretch. I feel like if he was meant to be 'we live in a society' tier then he wouldn't have suffered in the same way that Zakuro does and would have instead gone through some Joker shit
>Wish he were voiced by an actual moid too because then I'd be into it.
I feel like a guy wouldn't be able to pull off the screams as well and it wouldn't have the same 'Shinji Ikari but fucking nuts' vibe (even though they have different seiyuus). Honestly Takuji's voice acting is pretty god tier in general.

No. 383653

Yeah, the seiyuu did a great job, I just like hearing male screams of horror kek
I did actually enjoy what I've seen of his route but once I get into it more I suddenly get taken back from it when he says something like "It's important that you let him fuck you" and I can't take it seriously anymore.

No. 383956

>People also seem to love Takuji but I'm not going to root for a fucking porn addicted weeb

I don't think you're supposed to root for Takuji or at least think he's a good person, in It's my Own Invention the appeal is more like watching a fucked up character and it being interesting seeing his descent into madness. I don't really like when people act like every character has to be likeable in order to make watching them fun and I actually think it's more interesting from a writing perspective to see flawed characters. I agree with you on the sex scenes though and how you could cut out most of them since it's just Sca-di's thinly veiled fetishes and as you said misery porn, it'd definitely make the game better overall, but it's an eroge so it's to be expected unfortunately. I'm surprised Subahibi even took off as much as it did recently since I expected all the extreme content to scare off anyone not already into vns from trying it but I guess not

No. 383970

i'm not going to read your entire post (you need to learn what a linebreak is) but
>the CGs disgust me way too much and they feel so over the top and ridiculous that it doesn't even register as psychological horror to me
it's a denpa game, it's supposed to be over the top and ridiculous

No. 383996

Yeah, I get that, I'm just shocked at how many people sympathize with him. I actually like that he's insane, but would never sympathize with a character who's involved with so much rape. I'm mostly just dumbfounded at how it's championed as this life changing incredibly deep story.
I know it references actual philosophical texts but it doesn't appear to be as groundbreaking to me as it people make it seem.
And I'm also surprised with how many young zoomer girls like it, although it does have an "aesthetic" that's popular rn
>(you need to learn what a linebreak is)
Sorry, nonnie, I was too focused on my rant.
>it's a denpa game, it's supposed to be over the top and ridiculous
Yeah, I only recently discovered denpas but it still completely eliminates the horror aspect for me… I guess it's not as ridiculous and degen as Sayooshi.
I thikl I'd enjoy the ridiculousness if it wasn't shock value porn, I liked Takuji's deranged screams.
I have a low tolerance for moid fanservice which leaves me with BL only I guess.

No. 384018

Yes, sympathizing with him is kind of odd to me, though I suppose I can see people feeling that way because of how he's bullied or whatever, and a lot of women tend to make excuses for their flawed male faves rather than just accept they like a fucked up character. I see that whole part as more like watching a moving car crash, it's fucked up but you still feel morbidly curious to see how crazy things get as an observer, and it's an interesting character study or look into an crazy man's mind. You can find him tragic and wish things were different especially by the end of IMOI but I don't believe you're really meant to condone his actions since he's 100% framed as insane.

As for it being a deep story or life changing or whatever, I do think people blow that out of proportion to the point where it just becomes a meme, it does have as you mentioned some philosophical aspects to it and a an overarching message about life and death it's trying to convey, which can be helpful and impactful for some people as it does focus a lot on mental illness, suicide, lacking purpose, etc. It's easier to see this by the time you've finished it, though. I suppose with that in mind it makes sense a lot of zoomers would latch onto it since mental illnesses seem really rampant nowadays, and yep, it does fit the trendy 2000s and denpa aesthetics they're currently into.

>I guess it's not as ridiculous and degen as Sayooshi.

Sayooshi is definitely much worse and also more poorly written overall.
>I have a low tolerance for moid fanservice which leaves me with BL only I guess.
Reading eroge definitely requires a bigger tolerance to that stuff but you could also read all ages vns with no sex scenes, or stuff that doesn't have content as extreme as those two.

No. 387128

has anyone here played class of 09? I really liked it myself.

No. 387297

No but I went to check it out on vndb and
>In Class of '09 you play the anime girl and verbally destroy any guy in your path.

No. 387310

I thought it was really funny and nostalgic. As an unrepentant nerdfucker the nerdy guy was kino

No. 388618

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I read Gahkthun (same author) and had similar feelings about it. I did complete it, but I did not find it worth my time at all. Disappointing to hear Sona-Nyl is similar, as the art is gorgeous. I felt like Gahkthun didn't make good use of its historical/literary references (the characters were tangentially related to the source material at best). Like Sona-Nyl, the protagonist's internal monologue was fairly dull, and I never did feel attached to the characters. Did you read the Refrain or original version, and do you think reading the other would have improved your experience at all? I might still try to read Sona-Nyl eventually, but it's definitely moving down on my list.

No. 397604

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i was reading the original version and i have no intention to ever return to sona-nyl. i ended up reading picrel (class of '09) and though certain sections felt like pulling teeth i stuck through it because it's short and i paid for it. also it had some moments that made me snicker

No. 397720

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With the Steam sale, has anyone bought any interesting VNs? Is there anything worth getting for dirt cheap? I'd been kind of interested in picrel, but the translation looks absolutely awful, so I don't think I can justify it, even with the hefty discount.

No. 397745

Gahkthun is much worse than Sonanyl imo

No. 397974

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Mangagamer has announced a new Ryukishi07 game
and the synopsis looks intriguing. Has anybody read it?

No. 397988

It has a fan TL that I tried reading but it was too 'NIPPON BANZAI WE DID NOTHING WRONG' for me.

No. 397993

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It’s not new. It was easy read, I liked the intrigues and monologues of culture clash. But the more I think about it, why I never see anyone to say words like “Prostitution”, why is teenage girl is expected to serve client (in season 3 or 4), whole premise of almighty cowboy hero saving the day strongest of all (literally he went of the stage and it became a bloodbath), he also has an one night stand with night club madam who is a 18 yo virgin in love with him, then said madam organises mafia and fights with Chinese for soy sauce. Yeah, I expected some cheesiness. Now the only thing I remember is the fujobait in season 3 with local Battler with villain. I should’ve read the otome or fantasy books instead.

No. 398426

Thanks! Is the mood more like Higurashi, with the creepy underlying atmosphere?

No. 398482

Nah it's not a horror

No. 398509

will ciconia phase 2 ever release

No. 398517

Nono, it’s cheesy male wish fullfillment comedy adventure about mafia affairs, with occasional abuse on women, it gets more heavy in season 3 with major character deaths. No creepiness or weirdness, it’s the most grounded story of 07Ryukishi’s works.

No. 398530

Never read ciconia I just know there's schizo trannies in it.

No. 400904

File: 1720806699121.png (Spoiler Image,390.23 KB, 587x582, 6887F365-8F25-4CAD-B637-C42925…)

Why are women into vns, specifically eroge, always such cows? Ofc the moids are too, but there’s less women so it stands out more. This isn’t even the 1st pickme vn fan I’ve seen who talks about how they wanna get raped by ugly bastards either. Picrel spoilered for NSFL

No. 400905

If they're not pickme's, they're fishing for OF/patreon subs.

No. 400906

you know why. it's just typical pickmeism.

No. 400909

Is that actually a biological woman? Wouldn't be surprised if it was a troon. But then again I've seen a female youtuber talk about how much she loves ugly bastards so this isn't that far out there.

No. 400911

Kek was it sydsnap?

No. 400914

She posted a pic of her with her nasty ass fupa and it looked like female fat distribution, can’t be bothered to look for it but it’s there if you scroll far enough. She’s one of those overweight women who makes having “big boobs” as their main personality trait as well

No. 400920

Yes, that's her. She's creepy and obnoxious. Too bad it's very rare to find other women who like eroge without them being some freak with internalized misogyny.
Couldn't find it but her twitter was full of basic shit like Rance, why am I not surprised with these types.

No. 400934

>She's creepy and obnoxious
Still keking at her saying retake her favorite doujin and it's better than EOE.

No. 400948

That thumbnail has me chuckling because I could've sworn it said "retard" for a solid second.

No. 400952

I only feel uncontrollable rage

No. 401355

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Hated it, heard about it from this video from this dumbass and decided to play it because of that.
I was hoping it MIGHT have some funny stuff in it but the only kind of humourous part was all the kids becoming white nationalists in that one ending while the rest was just 'haha get it they said the fuck word'
Only people I can see enjoying it are BPD girls who wish they could be highschool bullies and guys who wish they could fuck a highschool bully. Also all the girls looking the same, having the same personality and sounding the exact same was eyeroll worthy.

The stoner(?) guy was cute though, if it was an otome where you played as a less mega bitch girl I would have enjoyed it more.

No. 401356

video in question

No. 401469

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god i hate those 'not like other visual novels' vns and people who act like they are better than japanese vns because the former are just sooo different (and irony poisoned just like the person who made this video)

No. 401472

Also younger zoomers who think this is basically a documentary about the early 2000's and think they were born in le wrong generation kek

No. 401473

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It's especially tiresome because Japan ALREADY DID the "anti visual novel" shtick a decade ago (picrel.) Not that Westerners aren't allowed to do the same, but they're so smug about it and don't understand what they're supposedly ~deconstructing~ kek

No. 401509

It's just pretty typical millennial stuff to have to be ironic about everything 24/7 and never allow yourself or your writing to be genuine.
Also this. I've heard people who were BORN in the year 2009 like it which would track.
Totono's just DDLC but written by people who know what they're talking about and actually understand the tropes. I'll give DDLC points for the guy making it not actually disliking VNs (apparently he was inspired to make it after playing tsukihime) so unlike class of 09 it didn't come from a place of hatred, it just was a concept that had already been done and done much better.

No. 401848

i love that Bernkastel is a TERF queen but trannies do ignore it completely, and that Lambda is the handmaiden lmfao. i just wish they kept their adult bodies of the original sprites instead of being lolified. it doesn't suit them and they already have their child versions.

No. 404338

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This video is insufferable, with the forced memes and the way he talks. I don't understand why there are basically no good channels covering VNs out there.
I feel the same way. Most of them seem like they were made by someone with no experience with the medium. It's weird how many people who don't like VNs seem to think they should be in the business of making them. The Hatoful Boyfriend rip-offs like picrel are the worst because Hatoful Boyfriend was legitimately funny and had a lot of effort put into it, and people who try to mimic it completely misunderstand why it was so charming.

No. 404340

>basically no good channels covering VNs out there.
Bess Sonozaki was okay but she
>only covered higurashi
>hasn’t uploaded a video about higurashi in over a year
Only other decent channel is warudo chaos but he also hasn’t uploaded in a year

No. 404341

Hatoful boyfriend worked because it had a plot and interesting characters and didn’t just exist as a premise and nothing else, what also helped is that it came out way before meme VNs flooded the market.
I don’t think there’s a meme VN that’s even passable

No. 404397

Eh… Wish fulfillment? Nippon banzai? Really? Maybe you're forgetting what happened. They fail at pretty much everything they set out to do. Partitioned Japan is there mostly as a stand-in for any minority movement, and how they're basically rigged to lose. It reminded me of my own country in a depressing way.

No. 405365

Damn this Danganronpa bootleg looks like ass.

No. 405403

KEK this whole trailer is a fun game of Guess The Knockoff (they didn't even bother to change the Byakuya expy's pose!)

No. 405404

Apparently the obese Tumblr OC is a track runner kek

No. 405457

File: 1722106466862.png (427.05 KB, 388x586, he should be a siscon since he…)

>Including ultimate talents
C'mon bro that's that's just plagiarism tier, you even gave the protagonist an ahoge…

At least tantei bokumetsu which also didn't even try to hide it had the kind of interesting idea of everyone being a detective (I still never got around to playing it though)

No. 405475

A lot of the character designs feel confused or directionless. Like, if this guy's supposed to be a soldier, why does he look like a 1960s greaser/anime delinquent? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to have a military-inspired design as opposed to Great Value Mondo Owada?

No. 405476

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look its togami

No. 406012

Good video, I’ll have it on hand from now on when people say stupid shit about VNs.

No. 406014

Selfpost again and I will cut your penis off faggot(scrotefoiling)

No. 406031

Why do you retards always assume literally everything is a self post? God forbid I find a quality video and post it here.

No. 413824

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The tsui no sora translation is out!

No. 413870

>The game has only ever been released as a part of the limited SubaHibi 10th Anniversary Edition, and as such, it is not legally available for purchase at the time of this patch's release. Despite this, we still must ask that you only apply this patch to a legally obtained Japanese copy of the game.
lol is ryuugames a good site to download the jp version? it's not on nyaa
are plotge and charage actual terms? i've never seen anyone use them

No. 413927

File: 1724769977266.webp (25.67 KB, 250x329, IMG_0055.webp)

Just finished Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations this morning and now I have a favorite character. Too bad all the tumblr blogs are dead

No. 413935

>Too bad all the tumblr blogs are dead
Trust me, it's better that way.

No. 413946

I love him
Such a great game, I cried in the end. Hope you like the Apollo trilogy

No. 413955

Literally wtf are you talking about lmao uminekofags are always fucking clowns no matter the Kool aid they drink for real.

Agreed on the sprites tho fuck alchemist how the hell do you make a bunch of sprites that are already ugly enough not only uglier but also your make them absolutely SOULESS and coomer lolibait.

No. 413957

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I downloaded it from https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3228076 (pretty sure most R18 games get posted here)
It was a bit annoying to download so I'll describe how to do it to the best of my ability
>Download the torrent (took about an hour for me)
>I used daemon tools for a lot of this, open the files and then click on the second one (tsui no sora remake disc)
>pretty sure you have to click on advanced mount but it took me some trial and error
>once that happens it should redirect you to a folder and you can select the daemon tools option which should ask 'what happens with the disc'
>download it and then create a desktop shortcut and go to the game's folder
>download the patch and extract the files, then move them out of the folder into the game's directory
A bit of a pain but hopefully it can be easier for you if you decide to download it!

No. 413964

bern is the only character that proves that the mastermind being a tranny isn't relevant at all lmfao what did you read. they spent like 3 eps talking about how gender has a big impact on the masterminds identity and how all of it would have never happened if xir was a totes female bla bla. but then Bern goes and makes ep 7 Tea party, making xir gender completely irrelevant. not that hard to understand, as she's the only character that goes way too far to prove this point.

No. 414026

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No. 417871

I have a problem with Umineko: I really want to like it, the whole thing. I read it with friends but I had to rely on them often due to Ryukishi's horrible habit to describe useless details. I like vn that put some trivia here and there to flesh out the character and the world but in those 4h sessions we had every night to read it, I feel like the only useful things could be synthetized in 20-30 minutes. It's not my attention span but I hate when I get a piece of information in media that gets a shit load of time to explain and it wont be useful ever again, not going anywhere. Wrap it up with the mackerel sauce already holy fuck.
I need to reread it but when I think about how slow it is and how fast is it once it reaches the climax, throwing a lot of stuff in your face and shit, I get immediately discouraged. I know I have to enjoy it as it is and I know your usual, simple vn but if I had to read a psychology book I'd like to read the DSM 5 and some jung here and there. I take Umineko as a good mystery story but good, the constant teasing to the mystery, to me, is too much. There should be a cut-the-bullshit version, just because Ryukishi is a very good story teller doesn't mean that his writing and time managing is good, these things are not the same

No. 418052

why are you forcing yourself to like it? if you don't like reading about useless details then umineko clearly isn't for you

No. 418065

how is it nona? i really loved subahibi but i’m
not sure if this one is more a galge

No. 418066

i really hated umineko but i loved loved loved ciconia (rip) and higu. like that other nona said if you hate reading about useless bullshit then you need to drop umi

No. 418077

the story is good, the characters are good, the whole meta is good. I like it overall, I think it's a very good piece of media but when I think about it, my mind goes automatically to every hour I spent reading and suffering because I knew I was reading something that wasn't important. All I am saying is that those details not only make everything slower but also shift the focus, if a piece of media can survive without a paragraph, then that paragraph is useless. Kill your darlings, always, just like eroges don't need a shitton of information when the main goal is just seeing the two mcs fuck, this is a problem in many japanese forms of media, they use so much words and paragraphs for unimportant shit it becomes pretentious in some cases and light novels are the biggest offenders but when it gets to vns it becomes annoying, slice of life moments exist for making us care about the characters, fleshing them out, giving us their point of view, not wasting time and people let Ryukishi get away with it, when in Higurashi there was that long ass segment about baseball I wanted to off myself, it's not a good move, it just makes you go "fucking finally" when you reach the climax.

No. 418094

So-so, there's some stuff I like in it like the random fujobait with Yukito and Takuji and more lore on Ayana but overall I think I'd only really recommend it if you're really desperate for more info on Ayana.

No. 418111

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I agree with you, I feel like there's a general issue with media padding their content/story for the sect of consumers that automatically like something more because it's longer
I don't know if it's sunk cost, Stockholm, or just current expectations
But this is coming from someone that liked the excessive cooking scenes in F/SN so idk

No. 420448

Nonas, where do you meet women into bishoujoge that aren't pickmes? I know we exist kek, but where are they? I'm considering binge reading BL and otomege to get out of this phallocentric hell of a community, but even then I'd still like bishoujoge (unfortunately)

No. 420452

I feel you, I don't have an answer though, I'm sorry. I like otome, BL, and bishoujo and I feel like the community is so fragmented. I honestly just steer clear of the bishoujo game community anymore because of how weird and gross people can get

No. 420620

On imageboards, perhaps? Or are they all pickmes too? Maybe the ones that are also into BL games are less likely to be pickmes.

No. 420795

AYRT I guess it depends what imageboard. 4chan and Crystal Cafe are both no(wo)man zones, I've not read enough BL to use fujochan, but I might give in and post in the friend finder thread on here. Thank you for the push if I do, anon! ♥

No. 420825

i'm almost 30 and still haven't been able to figure this one out. i'm only interested in female characters (with basically one or two exceptions) and usually end up consuming male oriented content but i hate men and would rather be alone with my hobbies than ever have to converse with a male weeb.

No. 421043

Relateable, except I'm still dumb and end up talking to male weebs because I feel lonely that I have no one else to talk about those interests (I always regret it and hate myself afterwards). It's to the point where I'm considering getting into otome and BL even though I'm way less interested in them just so it'd be easier to find companionship with other women in the vn community who aren't the pick me types.

This recent-ish surge of e-girls into vns pandering to scrotes online annoys me too because it makes it even harder to find women who are genuinely into the medium without it all just being an excuse to shill their OF or lewd cosplays of the characters, or for co-opting 2000s and/or "denpa" aesthetics while they're still trendy. All I want is to find weird reclusive women like me into these games that don't spend their entire life pandering to men and don't stop at reading totono, saya, or sayooshi while ignoring anything that doesn't fit into their desired aesthetic, but they seem really rare.

No. 421060

If you find any place let me know I can't stand breathing the same air as 4chan anons just to talk about bishojo games
It's such an odd trend too, maybe it would have been even more popular 10 years ago when VNs were all the rage but I just can't imagine why an e-girl would want to pretend to be into ancient VNs. There's no money to be had because the moids into VNs would rather engage with 2D content. The men who are actually buying their OFs would buy anyones content. The pandemic really brought about weird subcultures

No. 421072

>I can't stand breathing the same air as 4chan anons just to talk about bishojo games
I tried 4chan before too but even for me it's too much, discord and twitter weeb guys are already hard to stomach as it is.

>It's such an odd trend too, maybe it would have been even more popular 10 years ago when VNs were all the rage but I just can't imagine why an e-girl would want to pretend to be into ancient VNs.

I feel like it's just an extension of the whole 2000-2010s nostalgia boom we're seeing right now with anime aesthetics, a lot of famous vns have that look to them so it makes people latch onto them unfortunately. It also feels similar to how e-girls and posers latch onto anime characters like Lain because it's like an edgy/weird/outcast girl they can project themselves onto, except now it's with vn characters that fit that bill, so zoomer e-girls are all over it since it's their "literally me" character or whatever.

As for the men I think while most vn fans care more about 2D there's still the ones that fall for this since they like the idea of a mentally ill gf into their same hobbies (especially if they're a pick me who panders to them all the time) so it still ends up appealing to them. It's just sad honestly, I wish people took an interest in vns in a normal way instead of just using them for a passing trend/aesthetic that will die down as soon as people get tired of the 2000s nostalgia they're currently infatuated with. Another thing I hate is also how they just run things into the ground with retarded unfunny memes and how half of them haven't even read the things they're fans of, to the point where if you like Subahibi now you're going to be associated with a bunch of cringy tiktok kids who probably haven't even actually read it but like using profile pictures of the characters because they look cool

No. 422825

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i fucking love scarlet hollow. does anyone else here love scarlet hollow?

No. 422844

saya no uta dogshit, i hate how hard it's shilled. it was one of my first and even then i wasn't impressed with it.

No. 422859

What didn't you like about it? Saya was one of my first too, and I've read quite a bit since, but I replayed it recently. The atmosphere is one of the best out of any media I've ever experienced. I especially loved exploring Ogai's lab-dungeon-thing, it was benign in what it showed you, but scared me nonetheless kek. Saya is still unmatched in that regard, and I wish I could find something similar to it in terms of atmosphere
Saya e-girls have left a bad taste in my mouth, though. It's a shame such people can take such a good work and make me fear associating with it

No. 422875

gen urobuchi likes to write suffering but usually the characters suffering are sympathetic. the male lead in saya is insufferable, i didn't feel bad for him or connect with him at all. 'the world is shit but at least i have my loli waifu!!' isn't a compelling narrative. i so like the idea of her actually being disgusting tho cause it's funny to imagine the male lead fucking a pile of goo.

No. 423783

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Never heard of it, sell me on it nonny.
It was one of my first too, I think it's just okay. The atmosphere is good like >>422859 said, it'd be better without the H scenes or it being romantic though. I also don't like the saya e-girls, I even saw one trying to eat raw meat a while back and then when people told her that's not a good idea she basically just doubled down on it

No. 423793

I never understood the hype for this retard when she is a Canon zoophile..is it the artstyle and the game being "the meta vn"?

No. 423797

I fucking despise how Osaka has been co-opted by trannies and wannabe shitposters. I watched Azumanga during the early 2000s so seeing what the internet has dones to her makes me reeeee.

No. 423798

Why is Osaka even included among these other characters lmao, it's such a random choice. I can kind of understand the Lucky Star girl bc the loli pandering art style/jokes are appealing to scrotes, but AD seems so "safe" in comparison kek

No. 423807

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She appeals to autistic males, they latch to her since her blazed personality is seen as "cute" when an anime girl does it but weird when a grown man does.

Same way programmer TIMs say they're literally Lain or when men with horrible anxiety latch to Bocchi like picrel.

That, and Azumanga was one of the first CGDCT anime/manga, Azumanga walked so that every shitty moeblob waifu show could run. It's pretty much a classic in the genre (in a way).

No. 423809

i hate this because these characters are really me and not whatever e-girl is co-opting them. they'll never know true desolation and isolation and having to work yourself up to stutter out good morning to a coworker just so they can sigh and fast walk away from the water cooler or flinch because they treat you like an object in the room and not a person

No. 423812

>AD seems so "safe" in comparison kek

There's a pedo teacher charcacter who likes one of his students who's implied to be a lesbian, and his antics ("I like high school girls!") are played for comedy. It's not as otaku pandering like say, Lucky Star, but the jokes are still there.

No. 423816

Ah yes, I forgot about that character

No. 423817

Agree, tik Tok zoomers getting into weebshit over covid was a mistake. Hope they move on soon

No. 423834

Me neither, I assume it's just because she has a cute design, is "quirky" and yeah the meta side of the vn.
Same here. It's annoying seeing normie who are conventionally attractive and have tons of friends and simps pretend they relate to socially isolated and mentally ill characters. They most definitely will move on to something else once new aesthetics catch on

No. 423918

kek bpd-chans certainly can't relate to characters like osaka, bocchi, or konata because they all have healthy female friendships. something impossible for bpd-chans to aquire.

No. 425471

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Does anyone have any recommendations for pre-2010 visual novels, specifically 90s? I appreciate that there are still amazing games coming out (perhaps the only genre of games with consistently good releases nowadays kek), but I'm a sucker for anything retro.

No. 425488

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the first sakura taisen has an english patch up. it’s partially a trpg but way easier than something like fire emblem.

No. 425490

Tokimeki Memorial for the SNES has an English patch as well

No. 425508

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Seconded Sakura Wars because it has my wife

No. 425946

Been trying to make this work but I'm having trouble emulating it

No. 425954

What problem are you having?

No. 426038

>>425954 NTA but I've had issues myself. I can't figure out for the life of me how to switch disks. I feel so retarded kek but I'd appreciate any help.

No. 426045

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You are using Mednafen, yeah?
If I remember well I had to create a file on disc 2 and then copy and paste its name on my disc 1 file or something akin to that.
Honestly I groan thinking about how they will emulate the interaction between the Sakura Wars 1 and 2 files. I'd like the game to remember I dated Kanna instead of Sakura or something.

To the other nona:
In case your problem is figuring out how Mednafen works due to its lack of UI, I highly suggest you check this guide out!

No. 427661

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who up slaying they princess??

No. 427664

>:3 face
fucking hell westoids.. i thought this was a serious visual novel game?

No. 427670

Completely forgot about the pristine cut coming out until I saw your post. I'm going to the cabin in the woods now.

No. 427682

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it never claimed to be a serious game? what's wrong with having some funny bits here and there to lighten up the mood. plus she's some kind of cat-like creature here, it's appropriate for her to make that face
have fun nona

No. 427694

I've only ever read JOLVNs, and I'm leaning on having this be my first EOLVN. Is it a comedy? I know nothing about it other than the princess being secretly evil or something

No. 427706

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i'm sorry i have no idea what that means.
>Is it a comedy?
no but as i said there are funny bits here and there. it's a horror vn (very mild, just some blood and insides)
>I know nothing about it other than the princess being secretly evil or something
PERFECT. just go in blind. i played both demos when they came out so the novelty has worn off for me but i still enjoyed the game a lot. the way they decided to tie all the routes together is a bit cringe imo… it's hard to describe without spoiling too much but it feels like the game starts taking itself too seriously in these moments. you'll know what i'm talking about when you see it

i'd also recommend their other game i promise i'm not a dev shilling but it's unfinished. this >>423783 nona asked me about it so i'll sell it to you both now:
it's a horror visual novel with RPG and dating sim elements set in a shithole small crumbling town somewhere in america. you come from a (once) extremely wealthy Scarlet family that ran the coal mines and practically ruled the town with their money. you're travelling to Scarlet Hollow to attend the funeral of your estranged aunt Pearlanne Scarlet. it'll be held in 7 days after you arrive and in the meantime everything that could go wrong goes wrong with you in the middle of it all
at the start of the game you get to choose 2 traits (see next post) that impact the gameplay and reveal different parts of the story. there's also a hidden stat mechanic affected by your choices. the characters feel very alive and real because they judge you based on these hidden stats (are you agreeable/rebellious, active/passive, reliable/a liar etc). these mechanics make it worth to play through the episodes several times even with only 4 out of 7 of them available. music and art is great too
cons: nonbinary moid character who is easy to ignore (i forgot he even existed in my first playthrough); it's unfinished and the episodes take a long time to make

No. 427709

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the traits. talk to animals is my favourite

No. 427711

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the possibilities in this game are endless. for example you can do dumb shit like eat mold and nobody is going to stop you but there will be consequences..

No. 427722

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I really love the game for balancing horror and humor so well. The voice actor's performance for the narrator and voices in mc's head is some of the best voice acting I've heard in an English game. ♥

No. 427723

I love Slay the Princess to death but I'm unsure about playing an episodic game whose writer subscribes to gender bs, as evidenced by the existence of that nb moid. What's stopping the writer from giving him a bigger role in the later episodes or even introducing some new she/her hulks in lipsticks?

No. 432673

Late so I don't know if you're still around, but how satisfying is the game currently, in the event it's never completed? I'm wary of starting an incomplete series without a guarantee of it finishing. Also, how do the episodes work? Are they independent of each other and all come together to tell a full story (like Higurashi or something), or does your progress directly carry over to subsequent episodes?

No. 433267

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The dev of Guilty Parade is claiming that fujos harassed him and canceled his game. Does anyone know any details on this? I was going to play it but I'm not so sure if I want to spend money on this game if he's just stirring shit up to get attention The whole situation seems fishy and a way to promote his new game. I can't find any bad reviews or "hate videos" like he's claiming he was bombarded with and I found a couple of steam reviews saying he was deleting comments and blocking people for shipping a m/m ship?

No. 433269

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I can't find any of the hate or criticism he's referring to at all. This seems so forced and I don't want to spend money on his work if he's making stuff up kek.

No. 433271

So this is an example of manufactured (or claimed, in this case) outrage to increase sales? Why won't he post any examples?

No. 433272

This sounds so fucking fake kek, it's literally on par with the guy who made Yiik trying to get anti SJW retards to play his game by pretending SJWs were attacking him.

The VN has only 22 votes on vndb yet he's claiming it was big enough that people were drawing fanart for it? Yeah sure buddy.

No. 433277

I bet my ass one fujo had slight but genuine interest in his shitty game and because he didn't like that he made this shit up that they're attacking him with the gay.

No. 433278

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I found a few reviews in russian on google play that rated it 1 star because I'm guessing he killed off a character because of a ship, but even then it was only a few reviews and I don't think this counts as cyberbullying kek.

The other negative reviews were just talking about how the game doesn't work properly.

No. 433280

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That or he counts people giving their honest opinion as 'cyberbullying'

No. 433282

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This sounds made-up. Even looking at the game's English Google Play reviews, while there are a lot of 1-star reviews (it's a 3.5 right now), the negative reviews are almost exclusively dedicated to the game crashing. I'm not even sure it was ever a 4.9 because these negative reviews have been around for a while. This kind of makes me sad because I wanted to buy Guilty Parade, but not if the author's this much of an attention-seeker.
I've been trying to find any of the fujo hate this guy received. Most of the fujo fan art I've seen looks like genuine ship art. Unless this guy sees someone making an animatic of his protagonist set to the Gay or European song as cyberbullying, I really don't know what he's talking about.
There were also a couple of negative reviews in Russian on Steam, but they didn't seem especially aggressive, and none of them involved doxxing or stalking. It was just people saying they didn't like the direction the story took? I think this guy's just sensitive.

No. 433288

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According to this steam review, it seems like he got so upset that some people were shipping the MC with another male character he made said character be an asshole to MC just to spite those people. Then he started implying romantic chemistry between a female character and the male MC despite claiming the VN had no romance. This reminds me of the Class of 09 dev chimping out over having an unexpected fanbase of female zoomers and then "punishing" them. Not sure what is meant in this review by the dev banning people for liking the m/m ship. I have no fucking clue why you would derail your entire story and then claim harassment just because you attracted a small handful of fujos kek males are so sensitive. I will not be giving him any of my money.

No. 433298

Ngl it's not even a fujo/fangirl thing, if a developer is so petty that he's incapable of having a fanbase that isn't what he's expecting then it's a red flag that he's going to make more retarded decisions down the line.

No. 434061

That's true. Even so it personally bothers me that he's blaming muh evil fangirls

No. 434117

I tried to read Clannad years ago, following the walkthrough and when I got to Tomoyo's route, it made me drop the whole thing. It was so fucking awful, and the MC was a useless misogynistic moid the entire time. It felt too realistic and almost evil with his incompetence, with the MC being a useless piece of shit who takes Tomoyo for granted, she literally does everything for him like a mommy and he cries the entire route about how he's useless and she's so much better than him. And he actively tries to drag her down multiple times. Reminds me of couples IRL where the woman is confident and more successful, and the guy actively sabotages her and makes her life worse because of his own pathetic moid ego. I think the worst part was that it wasn't written by a side writer but Maeda Jun himself, which everyone circlejerks over being one of the best writers ever. I just thought of Clannad today and thought maybe I should give it a chance again, but remembering that route makes me seethe, kek.

No. 434135

I dropped the anime. It was too self-inserty and the tropes (the only male friend of the MC is a pervy/pathetic douchebag, the MC is bland to facilitate self-insertion, the shy girl is shy to the point of mental retardation etc.).

No. 434141

Most of the girls are autistic and retarded, Tomoyo is like the only one who is competent. I don't really like her either, she's too much of a pickme and doormat to MC and that's why he drags her down and has no respect for her. Just knowing that the MC is like that to any of the girls makes it hard for me to even want to continue reading. And I hate the childhood friend as well, he is always sexually harassing the girls.

No. 434145

I don't remember the mc really coming off as misogynistic, I only watched the anime though. I guess you could still read it but just skip that route or any of the side routes if you don't like them, since the praise is mostly for Nagisa + After story. People praise Jun Maeda but he still gets shit for stuff he did, like Charlotte which turned into a trainwreck at the end. Key games in general tend to have weak side route heroines, I still need to read Clannad besides watching the anime but this was an issue with Little Busters too for example, the true route is far better than anything else before it in terms of writing.
The mc actually gets development in After story and becomes less bland. It's definitely tropey just in general though and the girls aren't really that good though, yeah.

No. 434169

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Clannad and Key stuff is so fucking moidy and I say this as someone who plays moid VNs.
I think for me it’s just double annoying since a lot of moids who play/watch shit like Clannad get obsessed with this somehow showing how ‘pure’ they are and how women are degenerates if they don’t love their autistic lolis dying of plot convenience and then coming back to life.

No. 434175

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This is so accurate. I'll admit that I like a few of Key's VNs, but men will read one of their VNs and act like they've just experienced the feeling of empathy for the first time in their lives.

No. 435095

Do you guys have any recommendations for good romance VNs? Language doesn't matter. I know people normally ask for romance not to be the focus, but I want it to be the main focus. I don't trust scrote recommendations so I can only ask here. I'm not picky as long as the MC is kind towards the girls and not an asshole.

No. 435098

It's sad because growing up I had a female friend that really liked Clannad and her being obsessed with it made me eventually watch it. She later on became a kpoppie and when I told her tifs are women she was like "not true (etc etc), goodbye" and never spoke to her again. I miss her even though I'm sure because of my terfiness back then I have no chance to get her back. Sorry for blog kek I've been thinking about her a lot and when I see Clannad I remember her.

No. 435099

That is cute, nonna. I hope she gets over her retardation and reaches out to you again.

No. 435112

Does it need to be one with a male protagonist and female love interests, specifically?

No. 435113

As long as it has female LIs I don't mind. I've tried to read otome games but I can't really get into the archetypes they use for the male LIs.

No. 435121

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I'm sorry in advance because I read mostly horror and mystery, but hopefully some other anons can chime in with some other suggestions. If you're okay with yuri, you may enjoy SeaBed! It does have a mystery plot, but the focus is mostly on the character dynamics and interactions. As was discussed above, a lot of Key's works would probably fulfill what you want (Clannad and Kanon are good starting points. I'd not read Little Busters, not because it isn't good, but because I don't think the romance was as prominent). If OELVNs are acceptable, Rituals in the Dark was pretty cute, and there's no weird shit that you see in a lot of OELVNs! The dev has some other yuri games that would also fulfill your criteria and are pretty good (be sure to check the genres for a lot of them, though, because she also writes horror, which is significantly less kind to the characters lol).

No. 435124

I'm looking at Seabed right now and it sounds super interesting, I love psychological themes. I've never read a game with yuri before so maybe it'll even get me into a new genre, thanks!

No. 435125

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Im another Scarlet Hollow fan anon, the episodes work essentially like a tv show, or the first life is strange game, each episode is a day in the week leading up to the funeral of mc's aunt and your progress directly carries over with many choices being acknowledged and brought up, its a very reactive game and even small stuff like not taking a shower will be noted.

The series will probably get finished, it genuinely seems like Abby, one of the two devs, is more attached to scarlet hollow than slay the princess and has been eager to get back to it after finishing up the final cut of StP. She posts frequent updates on scarlet hollow in her social media and non-canon art of the characters.

An updated version of episodes 1-4 was announced for Q12025 with more choices and variants and Episode 5 will be coming out in Q22025. With 6 and 7 being released in 2026. The episodes themselves are very long with like 2-3 hours per episode right now and probably more after the update.

The gendie shit is a little annoying but not too in your face, the nonbinary character seems to be the only trans one and so far none of the interactions have been about it, people just use they/them and its never acknowledged.

I would recommend any anon who likes VNs checking out, the first episode is free on steam so no need to cash out just to try it.

No. 435142

>I can't really get into the archetypes they use for the male LIs.
NTA, but this is interesting. What don't you like, or rather, what would you like to see? I might be in the same boat.

No. 435162

The Key VNs I've tried out has had nice male protagonists, if a little boring. I've played a lot of otome but most were in JP. Out of the localized stuff, I liked Amnesia and Code Realize, but Amnesia mc gets a lot of hate for being blank slate-y (I liked her, girl had amnesia after all. She becomes more vibrant in thr fandiscs with her memory back) and code realize is more plot focused than romance.
Sorry for useless response nonnie

No. 435314

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Is Katawa Shoujo any good? It's free on Steam but I can't tell if it's worth playing.

No. 435355

Nope. Only the troll route is worth it. It's rather lame and the 'sad stories' are even more childish than dramatic/romantic otaku franchises. Hence it feels like it was written by a 13yo. It's also unbelievably bland.

No. 435359

I played this years ago out of curiosity and it was fucking shit. It was made by a group of 4chan moids after all.

No. 435465

Each route has a different writer so the quality varies, but the general gist for each one is that the protag is kind of an ableist dickhead that slowly comes to understand each girl. I didn't like the NSFW scenes, imo they all felt uncomfortable and downright awkward but they can be disabled (no pun intended).
If you don't like the kind of protagonist Hisao is you probably will not enjoy reading it. I love the girls but I hate him even more with each re-read kek

No. 435533

Played the game years ago when it came out. From what I remember, Lilly's route was the best written followed by Hanako's. Shizune's was shit. I appreciated they didn't do obvious foot fetish stuff with Rin. Only thing I remember about Emi is anal sex.

It's clearly written for a male player though so your enjoyment will vary. It's free so I'd just play it and drop it if it's not for you.

Since it was mentioned recently, I played Slay the Princess and was kind of surprised how many women enjoyed it because it's a very very obvious waifu game (with furry and other fetishistic elements). You're supposed to find the Princess attractive (which I didn't) so my enjoyment was limited.

No. 435650

The talk of Katawa Shoujo made me wonder: what other highly-praised VNs do you all think are overrated? I thought it was interesting to see that lc seemed to be a lot more critical of it than most VN communities.

No. 435655

>what other highly-praised VNs do you all think are overrated?
Fate is pretty shit

No. 435764

Beskonechnoe Leto. Haven't read it myself but if it's being called the Russian Katawa Shoujo, was made by Russian IB moids and contains lolifaggotry, it's bound to be mediocre at most.

I tried Shizune's route first because I'm a meganefag, but I couldn't finish it. Maybe I should give it another try?

No. 435892

I hate those types of memes, they're always so unfunny and retarded. Those same types of men will go on to post rape porn of lolis and then pretend they're pure, it falls in line with all their other retarded memes about how they're actually big softies inside or whatever and women are evil cold bitches who think they don't have feelings, even though it's their own fault for muh masculinity meme they imposed on themselves and being disgusting degenerates 99% of the time to begin with that they're seen that way. That actual scene in Clannad was genuinely really good though, seeing Tomoya bond with her was sweet.
Agreed with Fate. Also, G-Senjou no maou.

No. 436026

>Beskonechnoe Leto.
I can confirm it is very overrated. There are some interesting parts and ideas, so it's not the worst thing. The part in the Miku route when everyone disappeared and it started going into apocalyptic territory was really cool until the route shit the bed. The atmosphere and setting were also really cool. The OST is probably its strongest element, as the music is extremely good, especially for a free game. I'd probably listen to it on its own, honestly. However, the story itself has a lot of bizarre writing decisions. The part where the purple girl fucking killed herself was so melodramatic that I couldn't take it seriously. I've seen some people online say it made them cry or get emotional, but I distinctly remember the MC saying something like, "It's across the road, not down the street," when he found her corpse lol. I don't know if this was an issue with the English translation or if that line wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, but I laughed out loud. I can't imagine it was an intentional joke, as the general reaction I've seen to that part is that it's heartbreaking, especially since it happens to the "best girl." Then, when the game got to the catgirl route, it became very obvious the writer did not know what he was doing, as he basically destroyed the interesting atmosphere he'd built. It doesn't help that, if I recall, the dev admitted to getting sick of writing it, which is why the ending is so bad. It's not the worst VN or anything, and there were some really neat parts that separate it from other VNs, but it should've been made by more competent people.

There is, however, one thing I find both really weird and nasty about the fanbase. There's a strong modding community for the game. There's one mod I've seen praised online a lot, and it adds a new anime girl who's a real, actual girl who went to a Pioneer Camp and died at 13. Her name was Samantha Smith, and this is especially worrisome considering the protagonist is a 20-30 year old man trapped in a teenager's body. I hope there's no adult content or romance in the mod (haven't played it because I consider this all to be immensely disrespectful, especially considering her mom is still alive). I know this has nothing to do with the original game and can't be blamed on the devs, but I don't know how many people are aware of it, and the few discussions I've seen about the mod are mostly positive. Maybe it handles her in a really respectful way or something, but I don't think turning a dead child into an anime girl can ever be a great idea, even assuming their intentions were good.

No. 437081

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Any nonnas read Heaven Burns Red? How do you feel about it?
It's moidy (picrel kek) and the resident loli is annoying, but I really like it so far. I found it's humour pretty funny which I'm thankful for, Maeda has a habit of repeating his jokes over and over and I ship Ruka and Yuki. I don't know much about yuri, but I'd happily read yuri vns if they had relationships like theirs in them.
I wish it was a traditional visual novel overall, though, I hope they port it to Steam in English soon.

No. 437093

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I looked it up on VNDB and this design, oh man. I really hate the art ngl

No. 437313

The artist team had women at least, I follow one of them on twitter and she's drawing for a light novel series now

No. 437382

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Anons who have played Yu-No, is the remake or the original better? I like the art of the original more, but I've heard it has really clunky mechanics and it's inconvenient to play in the modern era. A lot of people online seem to think you miss out on plot points with the remake's omission of the H-scenes, but I'm understandably skeptical of this. I hate the new art style compared to the old, but it may be worth the sacrifice depending on how much the original sucks from a QoL perspective.

No. 437394

I've not played the remake, but the original is really good. The jank is worth putting up with, for the visuals and audio if nothing else. If you care about it's historical value and importance, you should go for it.
I didn't know they changed anything about the story, though? Another nonna will have to fill in there.

No. 437560

I liked the atmosphere at first because it reminded me of Gust's games. But I have very mixed feelings about it. Thought I was going to love Ruka but she acts too much like a scrote in a woman's body instead of an actual lesbian. Some of the jokes are funny (like Megumin screaming at Tama, or Ruka naming Yuki's AI "ASS") but there needs to be more substance to keep me interested. I actually quite enjoyed the end of Chapter 1 and Mari's event story, but it felt like I had to sit through 10 hours of repetitive jokes to get there. Chapter 2's pacing is ass, I'm halfway through and I don't feel like continuing. Maeda's writing never really meshed with me honestly, he tries too hard to be funny and I don't like the way he writes SOL because it never seems purposeful to me, but rather like padding until it gets to the sad parts.

No. 439578

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I think nonnies here would like this game, Rinjin -Neighbor-. It's a horror vn, creepy too, and only a couple hours long. The love interest (picrel) is a cutie, even with the couple of hours with him I grew to love him. I hope there's an otome with a carbon copy of him kek

No. 451388

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Have any of you learnt/are learning Japanese to read visual novels? I keep trying, but lose motivation so easily kek

No. 451390

I'm learning for the sake of reading books, but I'll be starting on visual novels soon as they seem like a great stepping stone to my actual goal with a lot of resources to ease the process.
What visual novels are you planning to read, nonny? I'm always open for recs.
It's been a bit hard trying to find things that aren't too moidy, especially since I'm not conversely that interested in otome games, either.

No. 451402

>Otusun Club
I didn't know about this one. I'm intrigued.

No. 451435

Taught myself years ago so I could read otome games, then realized most of them are sorta boring.
Still worth it though.

No. 451853

I wish you luck! I quite like bishoujoge myself, so I want to read Elf, NitroPlus and GIGA and Age's catalogue. I'd also like to read random fanfiction, as that scarcely gets translated. A bit of a general recommendation, but ADV detective games aren't scrotey at all (unless they double as eroge ofc), and most of them aren't translated, or have poor TLs, sadly
I'm jealous lol, did you just do anki and read when you'd learnt some thousand words? That's what I see most people say to do. What's your favourite untranslated otomege?

No. 451875

Tai Kim, JPLT Anki deck. Didn't study kanji individually, started with easy DS kids games and mined words.
I can't really speak it or write at all though cause I didn't focus on that.
Favorite, I don't know. Most of what I played ended up being forgettable. Maybe Armen Noir or Enkeltbillet.
Kinanaki no Mori wasn't really otome but was pretty good even though I don't usually like utsuge.

Their whole gimmick is old men, with their other games and situation CD's.

No. 451887

Can anyone recommend VNs with pretty art styles? That is my number 1 enjoyment factor when it comes to the medium

No. 451992

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I'm not sure what you're into/looking for specifically, but Witch on The Holy Night is the most beautiful visual novel I've ever read. I wish you could post multiple images on LC, because every CG in this game is stunning

No. 452011

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Adabana Itan, Shiei no Sona-nyl, Ghostpia, The House in Fata Morgana - these were the first to come to mind. All of these should be available in English on PC.

No. 453402

I feel bad for The House in Fata Morgana. Often the "VN people"–you know who I'm talking about–cast shade on it for only being popular in the West or whatever, and legit pit it against high budget VNs as proof of it being bad or whatever. I was legit surprised when I learned that everyone involved (writer, artist, composers, singers) were just friends.

No. 453512

Thank you for the rec! I’m going to start reading this.
Thank you, I’ll add those to my list. I’ve played The House in Fata Morgana and really loved it, I still listen to the ost to this day kek

No. 453942

Yes. It made it way easier for me to learn the language but it's hard at first. You just have to read something you like that isn't super complicated at the same time so you don't lose motivation.
I think it gets way too much hate from that crowd but at the same time I think it's annoying how people who don't play vns will constantly act like it's the best and all other vns suck. The type of people that play a couple of popular vns in the west and then shit on the rest of the medium.

No. 454030

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Incoming mini-review of Nie no Hakoniwa since I managed to stomach through the entire game. Linear plot, protag is an emotionless assassian in an arranged marriage with Kyouko, the eldest daughter of the Shiki family. As much as I dislike her, I pity her since she has no positive role models and believes her sole purpose in life is to bear children; she is considered "garbage" if she cannot (later on, she becomes infertile because of the Box). This is a recurring topic in the story, which practically numbs you.
Kyouko teaches protrag what genuine love is, they get married, and all hell breaks loose when they open their wedding gift - injuring them severely.
You learn more about the families' feuds in between - most of them despise each other from what I can understand. It's okay but definitely not compelling. Protag decides to fulfill his wife's wish by murdering everyone in the seven families, raping and placing the women's wombs in the Box. What the fuck.
Expect cannibalism, domestic violence, gore and misery porn. I cannot stand Nozomi, who reminds me of Kyouko (which is funny because she was born from the Box, fused with the qualities of Kyouko and her elder sister. She's also the girl the reporter speaks to in the beginning).
Her voice is so grating, I had to mute her in the game's settings. In the end, no one survives, thank god the protag is six feet under.
It's a pity that the flashbacks to the Sengoku era were one of the two things that pulled me into the game. Couldn't care for every character since the cast is huge except for a select few; I love the Saegusas, wish they lived in the end. Overall a 3/10. If anyone is looking for a cleanser after playing something like this, try Flyable Heart.

Also, I'm curious as to what your favorite singers are! My list is austically long but a few I want to mention are:
>Haruka Shimotsuki
>Miyuki Hashimoto
>Mami Nakayama
>Marina Oono
>Yui Sakakibara

No. 454032

VNs are such a double edged sword because some of them are so good and then you have shit like this. A lot of shit like this.

No. 454838

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Literally the only link I could find for Dark Blue was so ancient that it could only work with old versions of windows. Any searches on the typical free VN websites I go to only have the other games in the franchise but not Dark Blue specifically. I'm okay with JP only sites if anyone knows a safe download source.

No. 454840

The uncontrollable VN writer urge to ruin passable concepts with their moidishness.

No. 454924

I love KOTOKO!! Princess Bride is one of my favourite visual novel songs. I love Hana too, she sang Dear my Friend in the Sakura no Uta Ost

No. 454958

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Ryuugames or H-suki. Took me around 5 mins to download and run the game.

HOLY SHIT I completely forgot to mention KOTOKO!! God, I love her and her older songs, I just can't pick a favorite. Yes she did! I have to sit down and listen to Sakura no Uta's OST someday. At first, I thought you were referring to WHITE-LIPS because she also has a song named Dear My Friend.

No. 454970

That sounds really bad, sorry that you had to endure all that. Unfortunately, like other anons noted, VNs are always a coin toss of good/bad ones.

>Also, I'm curious as to what your favorite singers are!

In no particular order, aside from the first 3, mine is:

Haruka Shimotsuki
Mami Kawada
Yumi Matsuzawa
Rekka Katakiri
Eiko Shimamiya
Yui Sakakibara
Kaori Utatsuki

I think that's all unless I forgot someone, I'm also an I've Sound fan. Vid attached is a song I find really cute and just wanted to share.

No. 455282

this character is proof that men will fuck anything

No. 455896

Class of '09 definitely feels like a VN for people who hate VNs. I do like that you can't just pick the obvious "right" choices to get a good ending, but I wish it didn't use such "not-like-other-VN" advertising.

Never felt that way about DDLC, though. The dev credited JP games as inspiration and seems to respect the medium, and as far as I know, has never claimed to be doing some ground-breaking thing nobody else has ever done. Only the VN-hating fans who think all VNs are just romance seem to think that. I always thought the romance and slice-of-life build up scenes were pretty endearing on their own and did a good job at actually making you care about the characters.

No. 457441

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More fuckery from the two companies you should be fedposting about every day:
https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/275870577/(spamming in multiple threads)

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