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No. 468715

Pokemon is a japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokemon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers.

Pokemon Day List of Updates: https://serebii.net/

Previous threads:

No. 468716

File: 1741577349931.png (210.99 KB, 600x575, 600px-ZA_AZ.png)

I love how his clothes are stitched together because he's too tall for regular clothes kek

No. 468718

i love the wet egg

No. 468721

File: 1741577905969.png (225.37 KB, 480x491, Game_Freak_Whitney_Aipom.png)

i don't like whitney being changed to fairy type. she's iconic for her miltank and normal fits her really well since she's happily normie. she only got into pokemon because everyone else was and just happens to be really good at it.

No. 468724

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perfect threadpic, bless you anon

No. 468725

My favorite mon family as the thread pic!

No. 468729

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azumarill never stops winning, it's super strong in both unite and go

No. 468733

Onto something here

No. 468734

He's the only part of the new reveals I unconditionally like. Happy for him, gainfully employed king kek

No. 468742

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Fairy is the only type that does not have its own gym in either Kanto or Johto. Whitney could specialize in two types at the same time as Larry (a Normal-type gym leader) does to fix that. Fairy also fits her because pink and cute.
Her Miltank is iconic, but half of her team is a Fairy Pokemon. And her gym is designed after that Fairy-type.

No. 468743

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soooo we should just get rid of her miltank? hell no that's why she's the most memorable gym leader in the whole game

No. 468746

>Whitney could specialize in two types at the same time
>we should just get rid of her miltank?
two teams. a normal one and a fairy one. miltank would be the ace of the normal team and clefable would be the ace of the fairy team.
if those two pokemon had to be included in both teams then miltank could be terastallized into the fairy type and clefable into normal.

No. 468752

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i guess i don't see why gym leaders would suddenly specialize in two types or have two separate gyms, seems arbitrary. raihan was cool because although he was billed as a dragon specialist his strat was based on weather.

No. 468757

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I don't understand why they decided to remove Whitney's association with baseball and aipom. It's such an unnecessary change.

No. 468758

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related to the fairy stuff i want to see a fairy trainer who isn't "cute" or trains fairies for their cuteness. i want to see a gym leader who picked them because fairies are tough and can be tricksters

No. 468760

Fairy types will kick your ass and look adorable doing it. I fucking love them.

No. 468764

wish trannies didnt ruin sylveon though. not even the shiny version is safe, it's just the original colors reversed.

No. 468765

I hate Eevee and all its evolutions so no skin off my bones.

No. 468767

I legit thought I was the only one.

No. 468768

I'm glad I found you, sister. Let's hate Eeveelutions together.

No. 468772

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Fairies are cute and Eeveelutions are cute!
They latch on to anything and everything. Just ignore them.

No. 468786

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sylveon was made by a woman, for women.
>Sugimori added that the flagship Fairy Pokemon Sylveon had also been designed by another Game Freak artist. "Sylveon was by [designer] Atsuko Nishida," Sugimori added. "Generally speaking, with the straight-on cute Pokemon like that, you can leave those to Nishida and you'll never go wrong that way. What you see in the game is pretty much exactly what she submitted to me; I gave it the OK immediately.
why? too popular?

No. 468789

They're boring, underpowered, and overhyped. I actively exclude them from any team lineups. I do admit that a lot of it has to do with best boy Flareon being a disappointing piece of shit in every game I've tried him in.

No. 468791

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flareon does just fine in pve. if you want to use it for pvp it's definitely lacking, but works well as a guts + toxic orb + facade user. it can learn trailblaze too which is great.

No. 468793

In my defense, I haven't played a mainline official game since G7 so that's good to know. He always just felt so underpowered.

No. 468825

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i've been playing TCG Pocket a lot recently. it's gachaslop and the actual TCG mechanics are slightly lobotomized but like. I just really enjoy the cards. Got this weird fucked up eevee today.

No. 468828

A fairy type trainer who's a little bit evil would fit very well with fae mythology kek

No. 468834

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No. 468848

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>how do you do fellow women?

No. 468849

>Whitney could specialize in two types at the same time as Larry (a Normal-type gym leader)
Hard no from me on that! Treating normal type as if it's so boring they all get another fun type to make up for it is so lame. I wouldn't mind if she was involved but I think Whitney herself should stay a normal type leader, while maybe a sister or rival to her could get fairy type. Though if it's for Kanto and Johto combined it shouldn't be related to her at all and should instead be someone near Mt. Moon

No. 468850

Opal isn't cute herself! I love her to death for being a witchy crone. And her little successor Bede doesn't train them because they are cute either, but because Opal makes him so he can become stronger. Though I'm guessing from your picture you'd prefer someone who looks aesthetically different to contrast the cute fairy types

No. 468851

This makes no sense kek Chikorita is 87% male

No. 468852

no but it really fucking is rooted in misogyny kek idc about the video or the troon making it but i've definitely seen ppl say Chikorita isn't cool because it's girly

No. 468853

Came from the front page, Chikorita is my favourite Pokemon but I haven't been big into Pokemon since I was a child, so I had no idea about this. Why do people have to be so deranged.

No. 468855

Don't let the troons claim anything you love nona. They're filthy scrotes trying invade any space and thing that they know isn't theirs because they know real females like it. Liking sylveon and refusing to give it up for troonism is fighting against them. The world is turning on them, troon days are numbered (and the number is 42 kek).

No. 468856

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That is called an encounter ratio. It is the likelihood for the player to encounter a specific kind of pokemon.
In X and Y, your first encounter is 100% a pidgey. That does not mean that all the pokemon in that route are pidgeys.

No. 468857

It's a clickbait by a troon. Don't mind it.

No. 468858

I have this card irl. Some pokemon cards are so "ugly" or simple that it makes me feel I could make it as an artist in japan lmao
>but i've definitely seen ppl say Chikorita isn't cool because it's girly
Yeah this, it's cute and has a giant flower (meganium) so boys didn't like as much back in the day. Saying it's misogyny is a bit much though imo, it's not that people would say "it's weak and bad because it's girly" it's just that boys on average prefer the giant alligator or angry fire-badger over the pretty flower. Same way I as a little girl didn't like machamp because it's just an ugly muscle dude in briefs, didn't mean my opinion was rooted in hating males.

No. 468860

> That does not mean that all the pokemon in that route are pidgeys.
Obviously, because your first encounter is hardlocked to Pidgey and then it changes after that. Chikorita's gender ratio never changes like the Pidgey stat does. Chikorita's gender ratio is skewed more to the male side just like Primarina and Sylveon.

No. 468862

ok yeah thats fair, I'm kinda on the fence on whether this counts as explicitly misogyny.
also i remember having a similar experience to your machamp one when I was a kid, I had PMD Blue Rescue Team and my player character was a Squirtle and my partner was a Chicorita, and when I finally got to evolve them in the postgame, I was so fucking angry when Squirtle turned into the hulking monster creature that Blastoise is while Chikorita just became more regal and cool. they really made my dear Squirtle experience twink death.

No. 468864

The 87.5% male gender ratio only exists to keep certain pokemon rare because they are meant to be more special. GF didn't want the players to just breed more of those pokemon.
>because your first encounter is hardlocked to Pidgey and then it changes after that.
Do all the other pokemon temporarily become pidgeys in the meantime? No, the game itself forces you specifically to encounter a pidgey, just like how game forces you to encounter male Eevees 87.5% of the time.

No. 468870

This is so fucking autistic and you're comparing apples to oranges. Gamefreak's intention for how the game mechanics work doesn't change the fact that Chikorita is mostly male.

No. 468871

TPC doesn't think so

No. 468873

>Gamefreak's intention for how the game mechanics work doesn't change the fact that Chikorita is mostly male.
It's the ENCOUNTER rate. Why are you pretending to be retarded?

No. 468907

I get where you're both coming from, but I think the gender ratio implies there are sometimes more of one gender than the other. You're encountering more male Chikorita because there are more male Chikorita. Which I think is what >>468870 is saying. Pokemon with 100% gender ratio like Gallade is implying there aren't females of that species. Of course this affects the encounter rate as well. Also
>While Terapagos as a species has a 50-50 gender ratio, the only Terapagos encounter is set to always be male. Because of this, a female Terapagos cannot currently be legitimately obtained.
This implies there are equal amounts of male and female Terapagos, but you can only encounter the male one currently. This might not be true in the pokemon universe, but it is in the games imo.

No. 468909

Don't all starters and most gift Pokémon have that gender ratio?

No. 468913

Yes, but that is only relevant to the player.
In X and Y, the starters have a 87.5% chance being male when picked by the player. But those same starters have a 100% being female when picked by Shauna.

No. 468916

Oh, ok. Sorry, it took me a moment to get what you were saying.

No. 468928

>I get where you're both coming from, but I think the gender ratio implies there are sometimes more of one gender than the other.
nta but I agree and disagree. For wild pokemon, yes. For starters? No. Starters are NOT found in the wild and the professors can easily choose and limit the number of male/female pokemon presented to trainers. The fact that they're not in the wild and that they're the entire regions starters given out to all new trainers implies they're actually bred by human somewhere. Females are needed for breeding and for raising the babies, so handing out fewer of them makes sense. There's no reason to think every starter species just happens to have that gender ratio, it's more likely it's a mix of ratios but the males are favored to be given out to new trainers. Remember that gender ratio is not a stat or "fact" that appears in the dex (unless it's in the trivia text), it's just the ratio for which they appear in the game. Another thing to note is that "genderless" pokemon aren't actually genderless, they're called "gender unknown". Meaning humans just aren't really sure how to figure out what they are or how they breed. So gender ratios aren't set in stone.
Plot relevant pokemon like terapagos are obviously individual characters on their own so their gender ratio is mostly irrelevant.

No. 468942

>Starters are NOT found in the wild
What about the ones found in Blueberry Academy? Don't they still have the same gender ratio?

No. 468951

The tera raid Eevee, Meganium, Delphox, Primarina, and Meoscarada were all 100% female while every other starter was 100% male. TPC clearly wants these starters to be seen as female despite the gender ratio.

No. 468956

That's a curated area by humans, could be the same deal. And either way gender ratio doesn't have to mean "only this many male/female" exists, it could mean that one gender hides more from humans while the other is more aggressive and can more easily be found. All I'm saying is the gender ratio isn't a hard fact nor is it meant to be taken as such.

No. 469059

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Beyond upset we get a Kalos game but we don't get all the iconic routes or town!

No. 469077

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guys, stop arguing about the starter gender thing. it was made to stop people from easily breeding the starters lmao. it's also to lower the chance of you getting a shiny because due to coding, females are more likely to be shiny. that's literally it.

No. 469078

>Females are more likely to be shiny

No. 469080

we will never get to hear this…
imagine if the background music turned out to be just different arrangements of the lumiose theme.

No. 469082

Being shiny would be a disability in the real world. It's like being an albino.

No. 469089

albino animals are coveted so your point is moot

No. 469090

Eh, it could also theoretically be like leucism or melanism (think black leopards) so not necessarily a disability.

No. 469101

>it was made to stop people from easily breeding the starters lmao. it's also to lower the chance of you getting a shiny because due to coding
True, in Gen 1 and Gen 2 it's literally impossible to get a female shiny starter pokemon, due to the DV always being too low to be a shiny if it's a female pokemon.
>Due to Shininess being determined by DVs, certain oddities arise in other things that are also determined by DVs in Generation II:
>It is impossible to have a Shiny Pokémon with a gender ratio of seven males to one female that is female in those games, as the highest Attack DV a female Pokémon with a gender ratio of seven males to one female can have is 1, while the lowest Attack DV a Shiny Pokémon can have is 2.


>females are more likely to be shiny

Wrong, Shininess and Gender is determined by your personal values in Gen 3 and onward.


No. 469114

Given that it has zero effect on stats or function it's more like a redhead in a sea of brunettes

No. 469399

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No. 469401

I've been playing too, mainly to collect cards I like. I LOVE the GBC Pokemon TCG soooo much so I was hoping this would be sorta like that but it's still fun. Video is battle music in the GBC game. Tooooooo good!!

No. 469404

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I'm new to "seriously" wanting to collect TCG cards of my favorite pokemon. I'd like to collect all cards on which those favorite pokemon are featured, even if it's in the background of another pokemon or on a trainer card. For example if I wanted all natu cards I'd get this bouffalant card because they're on it. But I can't seem to find any database that lists anything like that. Does anyone happen to know of something like that?

No. 469414

You have yo scroll thru unrelated Natu pics but this page seems to be a good resource. It might not have all cards, but on a quick view I saw a few that fit your criteria, so it's a good start.
Replace the "Natu" on the url for your chosen pokemon, this is just the spanish pokemon wiki's category/image list link, the one you get when clicking "See all [X] images" under a pokemon's main data sheet.
Bulbapedia has the same thing, but it doesn't list the cards if the pokemon appears on the background (or at least it didn't for the ones I checked some time ago)

No. 469415

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I find it so weird that the act of FLYING has its own Pokemon type. It's like having a type for walking or swimming.

No. 469416

It's probably just a more dynamic description of "air power."

No. 469419

I remember that game, it taught me how to play with the cards and it was during the pokemania era so everyone at school was collecting cards but I was the only one who knew the rules, it was so frustrating.

No. 469423

The only Flying "wind" moves are Air Cutter, Defog, Tailwind, Gust, and Hurricane.
Flying was actually supposed to be called the "Bird-type" before they presumably remembered that Zubat and Butterfree existed.

No. 469424

in the code of Gen 1, there's an unused "Bird" type. Probably got changed to Flying because that's more in line with the others, cause like, water types are water types and not fish types right. But then we also have the bug type. hmm.
Having it be the air type would have worked i guess but might have been slightly confusing too.

No. 469433

afaik bird was changed to flying pretty early on in development, possibly before those pokemon were designed. but either way yeah, they obviously realized calling it bird type was very limiting design wise.

No. 469434

but "fighting type" isn't weird to you?

No. 469437

Fighting is a battle style type like Dark and Psychic rather than an elemental type like most other types. Flying is both a battle style and an elemental type at the same time.

No. 469438

Thank you nona I'll try it!

No. 469439

>Flying is both a battle style and an elemental type at the same time.
It's a battle style the same way fighting is to me. "Air type" sounds better imo but that implies the power itself is elemental, which it might not be intended to be. And "bird type" is of course too related to just birds. If anything normal is the weirdest type, especially when fighting exists too. You're telling me normal is sort of a basic neutral attack, but attacking someone is still not automatically "fighting" them? I don't actually have a problem with it, but on the surface that sounds the weirdest!

No. 469441

I interpret normal as either "we don't know what the fuck this creature is" or "poor normie dog which was kidnapped and thrown into the arena with a dragon"

No. 469443

Normal is definitely the weirdest type. It could be categorised as the "jack of all trades" type, especially since most Normal-type Pokémon can still learn special attacks.

No. 469451

Yeah, 'neutral' would probably have been a better term to use

No. 469457

I like this soyjak's idea of splitting pokemon types into three categories, Body, element, and style. Turns out water is even worse than flying when it comes to having a clearly defined identity.

No. 469458

getting a little too digimon for my tastes

No. 469471

>Turns out water is even worse than flying when it comes to having a clearly defined identity.
Haven't watched it but isn't it basically just "related to water"? It's usually based on animals living in or around water, sees pretty straightforward to me

No. 469490

On the topic of types, what are your favorites? I love Grass, Water, Fairy, and Normal but there's some good mons in all the types except for Dragon.

No. 469504

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>It's usually based on animals living in or around water
It's about the moves. Some moves like Aqua Step and Surging Strikes don't involve the element of water. And moves like Crabahammer and Octazooka are only Water type because they are related to animals that live in the water.
I love those types mentioned, especially Fairy!

No. 469505

Chikorita just feels too similar, too soon to Bulbasaur, which also was the least popular starter of it's region. There's a lot of reason why people don't like Chikorita(unpopular starter type, bad stats, designs, better regional pokemon to choose from). I like Chikorita, but some Pokemon stans can't seem to stand the idea that there may be someone out there that might not like, or think every Pokemon design is a 10/10 masterpiece.

No. 469510

>It's about the moves
A water type pokemon having a water type attack makes perfect sense to me. If the pokemons life essence is full of water energy then the attack would naturally have that too.
Are you sure that video scrote isn't just creating problems out of thin air to seem smart?

No. 469523

jfc none of what you said has to do with that post

No. 469550

It seems pretty on topic to me?

No. 469552

i think opal is super cute and there's a marked difference between her and agatha, but yeah, she does have a bit of a trickster vibe. bede is just a little whiny bitch though

No. 469574

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It's a direct reply to >>469504 what are you even on about? I agree with >>469510 that a pokemons type can be seen as an inherent energy or essence (why else would they have types?) so their signature attacks of course have the same type because the pokemon is using its own energy to make the attack. And a water living creature like a crab or octopus having the water type energy because they live in/near water is just obvious. Saying "crabhammer is only water type because they're based on crabs" as if that is somehow NOT super obvious and logical is confusing. Where is the disconnect? Out of all the types to be confused about water seems the most obvious and straightforward.

Also just for the record the scrote in the video in >>469457 is a massive troon shill. He made a video on womens perspective on men playing as the female player in pokemon games (because he does that himself). He didn't ask real females, and instead brought in men, including a filthy cat ear wearing troon as the "female/gender expert" who said it's fine if men are turned on by the female characters they play as because "everyone (meaning himself) thinks that too huehuehue". So this scrotes video was essentially debunking "men playing as Hilda to see her ass is sexist and creepy" into "troons are women and they also sexualize Hilda so it's fine for men (like me!) to do it too".

No. 469575

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>and instead brought in men, including a filthy cat ear wearing troon
here's the troon from that video mentioned, in case anyone wanted to see him

No. 469580

I've always liked ghost, psychic and steel. I would appreciate ice as the designated "glass cannon" type if it wasn't SO weak defensively.

No. 469615

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steel and poison with fairy coming in close second (i really dislike some of the fairy types but adore others)
why do you dislike dragon? i agree a lot of them are ugly but some are soooo cute. i love the cute/weird/pretty dragon designs

No. 469618

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>in case anyone wanted to see him
no we did not

No. 469620

Electric is a lot of fun to use and I love the electric designs. Also steel, fire, flying, water. I like the idea of ice but not the reality of using ice Pokemon. I'm not a fan of fairy and the way they retroactively made a bunch of Pokemon fairy. The way fairy is strong against dragon feels like a too obvious way to fix the metagame, and the weakness to steel and poison feels random. But I'm nitpicking since dark's weakness to fighting and bug is also pretty random and it's another type that was obviously made to nerf psychic. I guess the theme is fairy types are magical creatures and they're sensitive to modern society. Maybe I just need to try out more fairy types to have them grow on me.

I used to not really care if men played as female characters in games because it's such a who cares issue, but these days I'm paranoid it's a sign of imminent troonism. Nobody would really care about it if men didn't feel the need to defend their choices to other men to prove they're so macho.

No. 469621

I've been a psychic type fan ever since I was a kid, but I also really like ghost types because they have interesting designs and origins imo

No. 469623

Water and flying. I'm biased because I started the series with RBY as a little kid and the HM were a waste of move slot, especially flash, but surf and fly are very good moves and they actually made me feel like I was going on an adventure when I used them to explore more places. I also like how plenty of normal type pokemon can learn a lot of very different moves, but many of my favorite ones became fairy type pokemon since gen 6.

No. 469628

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ghost type best type

No. 469669

>I used to not really care if men played as female characters in games because it's such a who cares issue, but these days I'm paranoid it's a sign of imminent troonism.
All men I know who regularly play as female characters are huge coomers and/or trooned out. Well-adjusted men don't look to project onto or constantly stare at a young girl character

No. 469731

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if only they were all like kyle broflovski

No. 469784

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No. 469791

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At least Team Star's admins are memorable unlike these irrelevant clowns whose names I can't even remember

No. 469795

agreed, and what a shame since it's an all-girls group too. 4 opportunities to make cool designs and they fucked up all of them.

No. 469803

Fairy is weak against Poison and Steel because poison and iron are common weaknesses of faeries in folk tales, they're also resistant to Bug for similar reasons, folk tale faeries were said to ride forest insects as steeds.
Dark ("Evil" type in the original Japanese and other languages,it's not literal darkness) is the villainous type that is weak against the heroic Fighting and Bug types, let me remind you Japan thinks bugs are really cool and badass as seen in shows like Kamen Rider.

No. 469806

A few metals have also been viewed throughout history as special/holy, with protective properties against evil or mischievous magic (like silver) so the closest equivalent to that in Pokémon is steel.

No. 469810

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Replaying HGSS and I just wanna say Lyra is cute

No. 469821

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She is. Just like the average Johto pokemon.

No. 469832

Lyra is cute but also ree not Kris The best fangames let you choose between them/have them both.

No. 469836

She's my favorite female player design. Just the right amount of silly with that big poofy hat

No. 469904

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The anime is doing a timeskip!

No. 469905

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No. 469906

The only thing I'd change is getting rid of those black stripes on her socks, apart from that her design is adorable

No. 469989

Oh I wasn't sure form the poster that it was a proper timeskip but seeing the spread they sure look taller and older (and curvier in Likos case). I actually love this, I think it will make the anime so much better to age them up. Roy and Dot have slightly less retarded hair so that's nice too. All of their fashion imporved too imo.

No. 470047

Why is Captain Pikachu with Roy? And why is he wearing Friede’s goggles? And why are they broken?

No. 470048

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I wish she was Kris but updated.

No. 470095

The text next to pikachu basically says "Friede's partner. Where is that Friede…?" so it's obviously going to be a big plot point that they're looking for him.

No. 470099

Kris is based for being the ONLY protagonist, male or female, who has an unnatural hair color. I seriously think they should do that again and move away from the boring normie core they keep embracing more and more each gen. They just need to stop treating the playable characters as empty vessels and treat them like characters again. People love the early partner/rival because we actually got to meet them in the games. 0 people will have nostalgia for Florian or Victor because we never met them.

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