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No. 2076941

Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter and abusing various drugs.

>Names of X’s investors are revealed >>2028853
>Musk sexually harasses Taylor Swift after she endorses Kamala >>2032438
>Azealia Banks defends Taylor Swift against Musk >>2033097
>Errol Musk “exposes” his son on a podcast >>2036000
>Musk attends a Trump rally >>2042640
>More Musk cringe at a Trump rally >>2051551
>Musk galvanizes male MAGA voters >>2053683
>Musk publicly flirts with his ex, Grimes >>2054029
>Errol Musk praises his son for embracing Apartheid family heritage >>2063091
>Musk spends Thanksgiving with one of his baby mamas, Shivon Zilis >>2069394
>Musk declares war on his own fanboys >>2071527
>Musk double downs on his support for Indian immigration >>2071530
>The war continues >>2071966
>Adrian Dittman may be Elon Musk himself >>2073526

Twitter: https://x.com/elonmusk

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No. 2076951

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More rightoid infighting thanks to musk

No. 2077008

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I keep seeing this xeet going around on xitter and getting made fun of, he tries so hard to seem like he's some fucking techgod lmfao. This just means he's deleting "woke_mind_virus" from his own device. Him also faking gameplay playing as some OP character. He tries so hard to appear cool. Fucking dork. Also his use of the word "subtard" is gay. I wonder if hes NPD or some shit

No. 2077016

Well he’s got to push the “anti-woke” rhetoric now more than ever to try to save face among the groypers who hate him for wanting to replace white engineers with cheap Indian labor.

No. 2077049

Thanks for the thread!

No. 2077213

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He should stop doing drugs.

No. 2077216

how does ''thats what she said'' integrate with anything else he said? how does that even make sense with everything else he said? this scrote is so goddamned retarded man i swear

No. 2077219

At this point it feels like he's using AI to regulate his account or just throw in random "cool" phrases cause his followers act like algorithm (random phrase=good). This tweet feels like a parody account tho.

No. 2077220

>finish in under 2 minutes
>thats what she said crying emoji
he owned himself what a retard

No. 2077221

Isn’t he effectively impotent from hair loss drugs? Like I’m pretty sure all his kids were conceived through IVF because of his broken dick

No. 2077239

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On Jan 9th Musk did an X space talk with Alice Weidel, German right wing politician. It was pretty boring, she talked about her politics and he agreed, but I couldn't hold my keks when the convo somehow went to space/universe/"deep talk" shit and Musk just kept talking and talking. Alice just said "mhm" every couple seconds. He was so autistic about it. You could tell she was done, she left rather abruptly when she realized he is in full special interest mode and won't change the topic back to her politics.

No. 2077242

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>Musk just kept talking and talking. Alice just said "mhm" every couple seconds.
Typical of a moid. Narcissism and the conviction that the entire universe revolves around him. He pretends to 'give platform' to others with the goal of promoting and elevating himself.

No. 2077293

I can't believe he's still keeping up his hello fellow gamers larp. he embarrassed himself by streaming PoE2 recently while barely knowing how to move around and pick up items. he pays chinese boosters to get his accounts into the leaderboards just so he can brag about it online, it's insanely pathetic.

No. 2077367

he started on the IVF kick before that, according to first wife Justine; the implication was that he wanted to have as many sons as quickly as possible
he seems to have walked the moids-only policy back since both Grahmz and Shivon have girls

No. 2077381

Oh, right. I forgot about his former “sons only” policy.

No. 2077441

He’s been called out for being a fake gamer now kek. It’s kind of retarded but it just goes to show how much musk feels the need to align himself with various online subcultures due to his debilitating autism.

No. 2077463

lmfaooo that's hysterical, he really has no shame..

No. 2077528

jesus christ clicking the full pic gave me a jumpscare with his wrinkled old mug and neckbeard. He's so aggressively ugly

No. 2077530

"Finished under 2 minutes" as in sex, I guess. I have no idea how that would be a funny "that's what she said". What a retard

No. 2077570

a moid only wanting to have only sons is so creepy to me, it screams pedo

No. 2077581

NTA, I think it probably ties back to his narcissism. He wants to continue the Musk dynasty by having sons. Think of how medieval kings like Henry VIII were obsessed with having sons/heirs. Musk also sees himself as a king of sorts, which is why he’s always inserting himself in politics, both domestic and abroad. He may have the wealth of a monarch, and he craves the peasants to worship him like one too.

No. 2077636

Also he’s literally referred to his son with grimes as an heir

No. 2077776

I don't think it's pedo shit, just misogyny. Women are breeding machines to men, so if he had a daughter he'd have to live with her being treated the way he treats women

No. 2077790

I think he just hates women and doesnt give a shit about daughters, but maybe realised later it doesnt matter when they are fully raised by the mother anyway.

No. 2077903

it's autismo borg mathematics, his male progeny could hypothetically creates way more children in a lifetime than female progeny. He wants to ghenghis khan and overrun the gene pool of humanity. that's also why he's so upset a son trooned out. I actually respect that kid, it also shows that genes don't run a persons mind and that his kids aren't going to be clones the way he wants.

No. 2078125

He says that but I feel like he's the type of father who would get crazy attached to his daughters, assuming he isn't a pedo like all ultra-wealthy people appear to be. He'll ignore them for 5 years just like he clearly ignores his other kids expect X and that's only as a shield, but then it'll be all downhill there once they have actual personalities.

No. 2078531

his daughters should hope for the safe obscurity of Tiffany Trump instead of the constant public incest creeping Ivanka gets

No. 2078805

Hopefully all of his sons have 1-2 children max (preferably 0) and don't inherit Melon's cancerous way of thinking. The ones raised by Justine probably won't but I am a bit worried about Meat Shield, Grimeth is probably gonna support him turning into his father's clone.

No. 2078916

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Lol Musk’s ~starship~ exploded 9 minutes into launch

No. 2079007

has anyone noticed that he looks like he has slight downs? i don’t think it’s autism after all(sage your shit)

No. 2079030

Honestly if you told me a few months ago that Elon was going to kick off the start of 2025 with a carton of milk I wouldn't have believed you. What a year so far already.

No. 2079044

autism is an intellectual disability not unlike downs, you just need to let go of the autism superpower/autistic high IQ moid cope memes

No. 2079048

>urm achtually, it was supposed to explode

No. 2079049

It's not an intellectual disability at all, stop spreading misinformation.

No. 2079073

he absolutely does not look like he has down syndrome. lol. he is experiencing classic moid melt. this because he has a Y chromosome, not because he has trisomy 21

No. 2079098

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Agreed, he’s just old, fat, and ugly as fuck

No. 2079099

I genuinely don't get how a man can ever get like this. He's not even that old. I've seen 70-sosmething grandpas with more normal looking bodies

No. 2079102

I geniuenly dont get the women who thirst over him on twitter, like I get the money aspect, but even then, no money in the world should ever convince a woman that this hideous wannabe "gamer" faggot retarded subhuman is worth the pick me attitude for

No. 2079114

anabolic roids and trt are to walled men what filler addiction is to walled women

No. 2079118

i had an intrusive thought just now from the perspective of grimes imagining actually being underneath that warthog physique. i hate being an empath. now i have to kill myself(blog)

No. 2079554

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Using your kid like this as a mouthpiece is too much. He doesn't know what he's saying and Musk claims he "just said this out of nowhere".

No. 2079557

Such an obvious autist

No. 2079559

He has grimes nose? how unfortunate

No. 2079561

You can literally see the kid pausing to remember his lines before he talks, Elon is such a retard lmfao

No. 2079562

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No. 2079566

>he said this out of nowhere!
>video is him asking the kid an obviously preplanned question
>kid forgets part of the line so elon has to lead him to the next part with an "and..?"
woah, so out of nowhere! Elon is an exceptionally terrible liar for whatever reason. You'd think with his resources he could find a way to make things at least a little more convincing at least.

Still laughing about this almost a week later. He couldn't even be bothered to learn the basics to try to pass this off as being even slightly believable.

No. 2079571

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he’s doing the meme unironically

No. 2079615

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He socializes with women like Grimes (actually retarded) and Amber Heard (pretends to be retarded to separate moids from their wealth). The rest are employees, servants and moids who play along because they see themselves in him

No. 2079754

why does he need validation so badly

No. 2079821

because hes completely empty inside. daddy issues, he never built anything, he just took credit for other people work for his whole business career.

No. 2079859

why is the distance between his nose and mouth so big? He looks so defective. I guess that's what expired sperm gets you.

No. 2079871

techie sewer nut + IVF is going to produce speds never thought possible, we are actually going to retvrn to our elite being Habsburgs

No. 2079928

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He did the seig heil. Worst man on earth

No. 2079940

Gonna ask everyone I see with a Cybertruck in Austin how much they like their Nazi cuck mobiles.

No. 2079945

Because of Elon's geriatric sperm and Grimes is probably the mother. A recipe for losing the genetic lottery.

No. 2079946

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He did it twice

No. 2079949

he autism is weapons grade. he already lost hardcore gamers with his boosted account, hope he now loses general public

No. 2079958

Apparently his account was online and grinding while he was busy doing nazi salutes.

No. 2079961

Can Germany ban him given their law? Ban him from the rest of Europe while we're at it.

No. 2079966

Burgers, you really need to show this pig-faced retard and the world that you will not be bullied and financially cucked by a physically deformed, psychopathic oligarch 4chan pedo freak who doesn't have a creative bone in his body, didn't develop past the age of 10, has the worst taste in pretty much everything, buys and invests in things just so he can ruin them for those who don't belong to the ruling class, only managed to be liked when someone else was managing his PR for him, is fat, spreads conspiracy theories and uses racist dogwhistles that come from the most pathetic shitholes on the internet because he 1) thrives on conflict as a result of being a psychopath with a high threshold for excitement, and 2) actively benefits from the working and middle class fighting amongst themselves rather than against the interests of the elite, and who wants to control the US, social media apps, and other public forums so that he can brainwash and propagandize people into thinking that he isn't a flabby, hormonally imbalanced Kathy Bates-looking deadbeat dad loser. You're collectively in an abusive relationship with this man and right now, he's beating the absolute shit out you

No. 2079970

nonnie, I will not let you down.

No. 2079989

I'M SAYING. The fact that this ugly retard has been allowed to ameriboo his way into election spaces is ridiculous, if he weren't a fat white cow like most of trumps supporters they would have flipped out and tomatod him away. I'm so sick of seeing this cognitively deficient bar of soap.

No. 2079990

The way he gasps under his breath as he raises his arm because it's the most physical activity he's gotten in years

No. 2079991

This is insanely scary. Nazi salutes are normalized in America now.

No. 2079994

I mean, whats to stop anyone from elaborately crafting an alternate persona on social media and pretending to be his reply girl and flirt with him in dms, eventually earning his trust to where he thinks you're legitimately interested in being his newest "broodmare" because he's that gullible and retarded, all so that when you eventually agree with him to meet up with him irl, you gun him down with a full clip so that resuscitation is impossible. In Minecraft of course. Just saying.

No. 2080044

I’m going to go against the grain here and say I don’t think Elon was intentionally doing the sieg heil (could be wrong though), but I do think he is extremely autistic, as personified by his entire speech.(sage your shit)

No. 2080062

Oh no, it was on purpose.

No. 2080066

in fact, you may be more autistic than Elon Musk if you think that was accidental.

No. 2080070

Right. His ugly fucking dupers delight grin, the sharp exhale of air as he does his only exercise of the next 4 years–he thinks he's so special and it's unreal. Money will really make other men your bitch no matter how worthless you are

No. 2080078

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Holy shit. Looks like he couldn’t even put the drugs down for Trump’s inauguration kek.

No. 2080089

Would probably look less odd if it weren't in reverse

No. 2080095

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ntayrt, but i agree with that anon. he was just posting Zionist propaganda like a week ago:
and got one of the most brutal ratios on that website ever on the matter. he could actually benefit from becoming an antizionist, (inb4 i get reported for racebaiting, i do not mean becoming a neo-nazi)
also, https://x.com/adl/status/1881474892022919403?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w even the ADL (a corrupt organization that targets, defames and censors people left and right for much less) literally came out supporting him after this, which should tell you everything you need to know about how he's bought out by the genocidal state of israel and is not a threat to them.

and don't get me wrong, i think society would be better if he and this other technocratic faggot who controls the now sitting VP were wiped off the face of the earth, but if you legitimately believe he or the new government as a whole in fact stand against jews or the jewish state at all you may be incapable of critical thought

No. 2080113

you do not need to stand against jews to be a fascist

No. 2080114

aren't american nazis in general more against BLM, muslims, indians and latinas? i have not seen them be racist against anyone but those specific groups.
the old farts in the government grew up during times where black people weren't allowed in same toilets or buses and they still think same way.

No. 2080116

Can i present an alternative argument that maybe he did intend to do it because he felt like the inauguration was the perfect venue to be an edgy idiot, but his heart wasn't completely into it because he also doesn't want people to hate him. He will do anything to get people to like him, even doing a nazi salute wouldn't be beneath him if it yields him the validation he desperately wants.
They blame jews for the fact that black people were brought to the US on slave ships the last time i checked. I've noticed that they hate jewish people a lot harder nowadays than in the past. I feel like their hatred moves to whatever the hot new minority to hate comes along. Most of them are certified schizos so trying to understand them is a waste of time.

No. 2080129

>genocidal israel
Go back to xitter

No. 2080193

>even doing a nazi salute wouldn't be beneath him if it yields him the validation he desperately wants
I wish he used his need for atenttionwhoring for other purposes. Like dunking on trannies 24/7.

No. 2080202

The worst part is I just know nothing will come of this and he'll continue to prance around at rallies high on his own farts for the next four years. He'd be fined and jailed in Germany for this, meanwhile the country that used to pride itself on fighting the nazis is just going to make memes about this and/or puff up his ego even more.

No. 2080231

how is he a nazi? he wants to flood america with Indians and Israeli war criminals(sage your shit)

No. 2080236

he sees them as cheap workers, he doesn't think of them as human

No. 2080241

what being terminally online and irony poisoned does to a retard

No. 2080243

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seems like he tried doing the heil hitler arm shit then realized halfway the consequences of it and tried to make it into “my heart goes out to you”

elon is openly antisemitic on twitter

No. 2080244

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No. 2080247

These people really believe someone saying they dont like white people equals being put in concentration camps. They are so insecure and frail.

No. 2080251

Plausible deniability, it’s the online nazis favorite shit ever. It’s very wimpy but it’s like they’ll say “um he ackshually wasn’t heil hitlering it was just a wave” in public, in private or in their own circles they’ll be like “OH MY HECKIN GOD OMEGA BASED!!”. Elon most definitely did a salute and i won’t even debate if he did one or not because we all fucking know he did

No. 2080253

>aren't american nazis in general more against BLM, muslims, indians and latinas? i have not seen them be racist against anyone but those specific groups.
Have you ever visited /pol/ or any other alt-right forum? They’re obsessed with da joos. I did think perhaps there was a growing rift between Elon and groypers given Elon’s stance on Indian immigration, but it seems like Elon is still trying to appeal to them after all.

No. 2080257

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Samefag, just went to see what the /pol/tards were saying. It seems like Elon has not yet redeemed himself in their eyes because he’s not yet nazi enough.

No. 2080261

he wants to be picked by unwashed basement dweller pedos so badly, its embarassing to see this behaviour from a grown fat men and not some insecure teen girl into jojifuku

No. 2080267

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More /pol/ highlights. /pol/tards debate whether or not Elon made a nazi salute. Opinions range from Elon is still a jeet lover to Elon is actually a crypto Jew orchestrating the white genocide. Safe to say, Musk has not made it into their good graces even after that demonstration, kek.

No. 2080270

The cringe is nearly debilitating. Of course it was intentional, he did it because he could, so then he can go "hehehe no what you guys talking about? I was just interacting with the crowd, not heiling wink wink". That might be the most pathetic thing from him i've seen in a while. That's 12 year old having edgelord moment before 6th lesson bell rings tier, but i guess even 12yos would roll eyes at this. Grandpa, take your ketamine and go home, won't impress any poltards here either.

No. 2080271

Looks like Elon’s full speech was taken down from YouTube. Thanks nonna for posting a clip so this shit is archived >>2079946

No. 2080272

Holy god damn the censorship is going crazy online already. We are so fucked.

No. 2080273

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fascist and nazis aren't synonymous, he could well be a fascist, to be this specific flavor of fascist, a nazi, you do have to stand against jews

I don't post on shxitter. Israel is a genocidal state being prosecuted by the ICC for war crimes and a new case was brought forward last month for incitement to genocide. they can't actually prosecute for genocide without boots on the ground, and they couldn't make it into the state. also, an Israeli attorney is the one who brought this case to the ICC, even many jews themselves agree with this. do your research

Nazis view jews as the source of all you mentioned, BLM, muslims, indians, latinos, as they believe jews want to systemically wipe the white race by bringing in minorities via the kalergi plan or something like it

Elon is not against jews in any way… and the way anons itt are defending Israel just to attack this faggot is kind of insane(derail)

No. 2080274

anon, posting zionist propaganda doesn't prove anything. in fact, most of the anti semites (e.g. who will deny the holocaust happening or constantly talk shit about jewish people) ive come across irl are very pro-israel. they just hate muslims more than they hate jews/like the fact that the us and the west essentially have a puppet state in the middle east/are extremely religious and think "israel has a right to exist" because the bible says so or something.

No. 2080275

Ntayrt, but can’t you go post about Israel in some other thread so we can continue to discuss Elon milk? I would hate to see this one derailed over politisperging.
>fascist and nazis aren't synonymous, he could well be a fascist, to be this specific flavor of fascist, a nazi, you do have to stand against jews
This is just retarded. He did the nazi salute specifically, not just any fascist salute.

No. 2080276

He may be pro-Israel but he is definitely antisemitic. He follows tons of Nazis on Twitter and interacts with antisemitic content regularly.


No. 2080277

> they just hate muslims more than they hate jews
Yup it’s literally just this. They are very simple people.

No. 2080279

if he hasn't been cancelled by the ADL (he hasn't) then he isn't a nazi lol

they're quick to clutch their pearls over fucking frog cartoons, yet ignore Elon doing a 'nazi' salute? come on now

No. 2080280

I love the way you educated that retarded anon. Pretending Israel's genocide is some xitter pet issue and not a serious problem a hair trigger away from inciting a world war or regional destabilization. I hate uneducated anons, they're embarrassing. Women got the right to an education and morons like her can't even be bothered to read a Wikipedia article.(derail)

No. 2080287

Aww I'm going to miss thse threads being called the grimes and Elon thread. But I guess this was given since Elon is way more milkers than grimes lately.

Oh he definitely has some form of NPD, like the highest and most severe form of it. Just look at him and that dying shithole app that he is running to the ground just so he can have a echo-chamber.

It's crazy how hatebale this thing (elon) is.
Not even Trump is this retarded or cringe as Elon. Elon is the king of morons and that's why only bots or shills simp for him.

That boy's face is a carbon copy of grimes's face.

No. 2080304

I see people on titkok defend his gesture by calling it a roman salute. First of all, roman salute was invented by jacques-louis david in one of his paintings oath of the horatii. And then nazi salute was inspired by the painting. And elons dickriders are pretending to be oblivious to this because teehee you see he is not heileng, its a roman salute! I am smart and intellegent

No. 2080320

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>he’s an enemy of the nazis. And you’re a faggot
Kek. I wish we could have a thread on them. I agree he did it for the click-bait and attention. Is he a nazi? Probably to some degree. He’s a retard for sure though and knew what he was doing.
Even if it WAS a Roman salute, the nazis ruined it. It’s giving picrel

No. 2080330

it is in fact a xitter pet issue, i.e. a zoomie version of free tibet(derail)

No. 2080352

Post nose.(racebait)

No. 2080353

Even DailyMail readers were calling Elon vile trash for it, and they're about as chuddy and pro republican as mainstream establishment media gets.

No. 2080360

It’s really not, it’s constantly in the news and on the radio. Like multiple times daily for over a year. So most people have strong opinions on it because the news has followed it closely ever since last October. But I know you know this.(derail)

No. 2080370

I do agree on you. But i don't think he's a fashie as being a fashie is something you can't be if you're already an oligarch. He wants him and his rich buddies to rule through trump. I believe he's a nazi, he's just low IQ and adopts the aesthetics of nazism (hence, the salute.) as most rightoid scrotes do. It's why we started calling them the "alt right" as their opinions tend to be scattered. Sure he could be pro israel because he hates muslims or because he gets money from there while also hating jews because it falls into his le epic nazi larp. he's been fucking with nazis for a while now and it's safe to use that label on him, especially now.

No. 2080437

But he IS a nazi!! He just wants cheap slave labor for tesla and feels deeply insulted about anti-immigration because not only would he lose slaves, but how would he have his super special talent visa that he totally gets from merit and not being a useless rich faggot

No. 2080453

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No. 2080460

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Just posting bc it made me giggle

No. 2080462

what an absolute court jester

No. 2080465

Usury, political domination or upheaval, refusal to integrate, somehow simultaneously holding very privileged positions while acting like frail minorities, hm…

No. 2080466

Does someone have a television corroborated version of that clip of him that's gifed and reversed looking drugged out? It's heavily filtered if not entirely ai, and for whatever reason it makes him look thin and chiseled when he was clearly a fat faced piglet at the event

No. 2080489

Not really helpful, but i've seen multiple vids of it on twitter, it looks pretty accurate. I wouldn't put it past him to be high on some kind of anxiety medication aside from drugs.

No. 2080491

how many months until he's ousted from Trumps inner circle

No. 2080498

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I'll give it two months. I am dying for it to happen sooner though.

No. 2080500

>it looks pretty accurate
Then why is it in reverse with significant face slimming?

No. 2080516

The most insecure incels are Nazis, Elon fits the bill. At least as a corporate fascist. A lot of these guys also know they won’t get laid or obtain any political influence unless they lie to people.

No. 2080530

He needs to start wearing bras. This is indecent.

No. 2080546

This fat lumpy faced squinty eyed hormonally challenged retard with tits bigger than his gfs giving a sieg heil really isnt a good look for nazis lel
You will never be aesthetic Elon

No. 2080552

It’s kinda crazy that both Elon and Vance have Indian broodmares (well half in shivon’s case). I wonder if they actually are deluding themselves into believing Indians are aktually totes the real aryans? As if that shit even fucking matters, but still, wonder what mental gymnastics and coping goes on in their brains.

No. 2080554

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No. 2080567

It's more that Indians are incredibly self hating and white worshipping (both the men and women are like this) so Indian women are easier for white men, even hideous old bloated turds like Melon and gay fat couchfuckers like Vance. Indians are also incredibly racist, believe in rigid caste systems and Hinduism teaches them to have contempt for the poor and unfortunate (its le bad karma from a past life) so they actually share a lot of views with nazi losers.

No. 2080569

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I wish I could find this intimidating but it's just ugly and funny kek.

No. 2080570

Maybe Vance mistook his wife for a brown leather sofa.(off-topic)

No. 2080585

Trump is probably so pissed Elons Nazi shit stole all the attention from his gaudy “special day”.

No. 2080592

Tinfoil but I think stealing attention was intentional to keep people from focusing on all the executive orders and pardons Trump has been putting out. Like the owner of Silk Road just got released.

No. 2080603

Dwight Schrute from The Office

No. 2080621

That boy is gonna look like Anyma when he's older.

No. 2080627

Read Hamas manifesto lol. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp They literally admit that killing jews is their goal. And that there is no "Palestine" only muslim brotherhood and islam. "Genocidal Israel" my ass.
>being this mad from a single phrase
Only proves that pro-palestinian trash deep inside are aware that they are scum.(derailing)

No. 2080637

It is perfectly possible to oppose what Israel is doing in Gaza without being pro-Hamas, pro-Iran, or a radicalized, crazy, blue-haired student. Most people who are "pro-Palestine" are just against the indiscriminate killing of civilians.(derailing)

No. 2080652

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More rightoid infighting! Vivek is running for Ohio governor so he’s leaving Doge after one day, but apparently he and Musk were butting heads behind the scenes. It’s not surprising that Elon is insufferable to work with.
>Donald Trump’s much-vaunted but ill-defined new “department of government efficiency” (Doge) program lost one of its leaders hours after the new president took office on Monday, as Vivek Ramaswamy bowed out of the government cost-cutting taskforce, leaving Elon Musk in sole charge.
>It leaves Musk, the world’s richest man, in sole charge, which will trouble some given he has said “at least” $2tn could be cut from federal spending. Musk had “made it known that he wanted Ramaswamy out of DOGE in recent days”, Politico reported, a situation apparently sparked after the pair clashed over the tech industry’s ability to hire foreign-born workers.
>Musk’s leadership of Doge has raised ethical concerns. His SpaceX company has huge defense contracts with the US government, while Tesla, Musk’s electric-car company, could also benefit from Trump’s decisions in office.

No. 2080661

I agree, Israel should have a right to defend itself and fight its wars…without US taxpayer money.

No. 2080662

>put two scammers in the same room
>surprised they don't get along

No. 2080678

I don’t think Elon’s influence over right/right-wing politics will last, unless he manages to fully buy out the party from within and transform our democracy into a legitimate oligarchy. 4chan neo nazis hate him now, right-wing politicians like Vivek don’t want to work with him anymore, and it’s only a matter of time before mainstream republicans like Trump decide he’s too much of a liability to their party, especially after the Nazi salute. Elon has all the money and power in the world, but he’s too much of an autistic retard to stay in anyone’s good graces.

No. 2080684

I don't think elon will last at all tbh. he bought his away into this, is completely insufferable with a retarded work ethic, and has an enormous ego thats already pissing people off. the only is whether or not he'll go down without a fight. and we'll see all of this on his twitter whining like a little bitch.
I just personally hope his antics will wake people up about billionaires.

No. 2080692

He is definitely not going to go down without a fight, his narc ego is already in bits and when narcs know that everyone hates them and that they're not fooling anyone anymore that's when they turn the most ugly and lash out too, he will 100% try to make himself as big a problem as possible for everyone until he's physically removed from the public eye.

No. 2080693

Honestly yearning for the time I didn't know who this fat fuck was and had never heard his name before, now we have to see his obese bloated pig corpse everywhere. Didn't know how blissful pre-2017 times were, Claire unironically gave him more publicity than any woman he had ever dated before.

No. 2080695

okay miss silverstein(infighting)

No. 2080697

>his narc ego is already in bits and when narcs know that everyone hates them and that they're not fooling anyone anymore that's when they turn the most ugly and lash out too
The narc meltdown arc is going to be sooo good.

No. 2080730

Don’t worry OP, Trump will screw him over like everyone else, They’ll fall out eventually and he won’t be seen as much as he is now

No. 2080768

It's so weird to think about the fact that two of the biggest NPD/ASPD lolcows are in charge of the US. In a parallel universe, these men would've been fighting on reality shows rather than participating in the destruction of the fabric of society.

No. 2080801

Beautifully said, nonna.

No. 2080831

I thought it was a bruise at first like she just punched him KEK

No. 2080861

It’s the lip bite that does it lmao

No. 2080873

kek the comic is kinda cute, like an alternate universe version of spongebob and squidward

No. 2080897

That nona who said all men over 25 should be euthanized was really onto something. There is nothing more ugly, useless, hateful, disgusting and pointless than a fat racist middle aged scrote.(sage your shit)

No. 2080905

do you think america will be worse than the nazis :((newfag)

No. 2080907

So, does ketamine abuse cause gynecomastia?
That's actually a very femenine looling boob.

No. 2080928

No. The rich will get a bit richer, and the poor will get a bit poorer. There aren't going to be death camps or race wars. Nothing ever happens.(sage your shit)

No. 2080936

I bet they said the same in Germany in the 1930s… But let's hope all their in-fighting and bickering makes them distracted enough so they're not able to carry anything out.

No. 2080984

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No. 2080985

I dont know how to explain it, but its like he's trying to do a nazi salute mixed with a dab. Its like the most ''how do you do fellow irony poisoned groypers'' shit ever.

No. 2080986

Don't believe what you're seeing; he's autistically stimming out of joy, he's NOT dogwhistling his true beliefs like he has secretly been doing for the past decade

No. 2080987

This is true, as an autist I shout "ITS DA JOOS!!!" and I seig heil ten times in a row. He just seems to be better at masking than me…(sage your shit)

No. 2080988

can't it be both?

No. 2080989

He should say its tourettes.

No. 2080991

kek, that reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman pretends to have tourettes so that he can say whatever he wants without getting in trouble. Elon really is like if Cartman grew up and became a billionaire overnight. Pretending to be other people and complimenting himself online, posting retarded memes, making edgelord /pol/ references, and lying about how good he is at fucking video games, kek.

No. 2080994

>>2080986 I knew someone who was a pedophile and was completely sentient and his mom used his autism as a way to shame his underaged victims from coming out, and he was actually let go and only given a 6 month sentence for the excuse of autism, even though he was completely capable of thinking normally and knew it was wrong, because he would brag about it to me. That man owns a business and has had relationships with many different women, you people just like to coddle autistic men. He is a grown ass geriatric man who has built rockets, for fucks sake. He knows what he's doing.

No. 2080998

He's a lot like Cartman actually; they're both developmentally disabled crybullies with sadistic tendencies, who are so entitled, scheming and selfish that it isolates them from others; both play the victim when there are consequences to their actions, both abuse people they deem beneath them to gain their own sense of power, etc.. At least Cartman has the excuse of being a fatherless child
I know nonna, I was being sarcastic. I think it's utterly insane that people are still making excuses for him as though he's a drooling downie who can't control his actions

No. 2081016

these aren't his "true beliefs" he's trying to get nazis back on his side and failing miserably, the rat faced jew

No. 2081029

Nta but the ammount of anons in the replies taking this very obvious sarcastic post seriously is concerning. Do we have a autism epidemic on lolcow? Do we need to start using tone indicators now?

No. 2081048

What difference does a father make to a child's life? this is some pro male bullshit.
Elon's dad was a nazi that's why he turned out like this.

No. 2081063

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lmao. even though he’s the richest and most powerful man on Earth and is openly endorsing Nazi’s, i still can’t take him seriously.
It’s like the one SPED kid in class saying some crazy shit and you can’t tell if they actually understood what they just said or if they are deadass.

No. 2081066

Do you think the Nazi’s will still endorse him for this even though he straight up said he wants to replace white workers with Indians? Who has this autist not pissed off at this point?

No. 2081067

ot but Why do these retards talk as if they are super brave soldiers who actually leave their childhood bedroom and do anything to save the white race kek.

No. 2081078

I don't think Musk is literally a Nazi but he is still racist. But above all he serves the billionaire class. Wanting to hire Indians for pennies on the dollars doesn't change that.

No. 2081085

Has it been discussed about how he apparently has a weird boner for Canadian women? Justine, Grimes and Shivon now. What does it mean? Is Trump's jokes about making Canada another state partially because Elon is in his ear to get access to Canadian women? It's sort of funny to think about

No. 2081149

It's because he's a retarded discord mod with money. No one can take him seriously. He keeps getting more money because he appeals to other tards and sadly that's more than half the population.

No. 2081160

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With the ADL refusing to condemn him for an obvious Nazi salute, it seems kind of fishy. Especially considering the rise of Nazism and praising Hitler is becoming trendy again among young males.

I wonder if the media is intentionally trying to associate Nazism with the most insufferable cringe social media tards ever like Tate and Musk, purely to put off actual Nazi wannabes, lol.

No. 2081167

Moids idolize their fathers and hate their mothers. If they're brought up without a father or with a distant/cold/abusive father they see it as a free pass to become the most evil ASPD crybully chimps in existence and will constantly chase their father's love while worshipping him and living in his shadow and hating their mothers guts. Tate frequently talks about how amazing his dad was even though his dad would scream and berate him constantly while his mother was kinder to him. Elon ignores his lovey dovey coddling mother while living in his 'abusive' father's shadow and constantly trying to impress him by mimicking his views and behaviors. Smeglets are just cancer.

No. 2081179

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I don’t want to cape for Elon but to play the devil’s advocate he is a know sped with the inability to perceive/understand social norms and what is appropriate in what context. Everyone in politics has done some version of that hand wave including Lady Gaga at a Clinton rally while wearing what looks like a Nazi dogwhistle, last I knew she was neither a sped nor is her team too retarded to know what a Nazi uniform looks like but she did have that music video with goose stepping gay SS officers so who knows

No. 2081193

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Right but instead of saying hey nazis are bad he just makes retarded jokes about it

No. 2081216

Skip to 11:50 of vidrel and tell me that's a sieg heil gesture anon. Everyone is scrambling right now to find images of female celebrities with their arm up and they never post the videos for a reason. Elon is self diagnosed with aspergers, he's not a little sped who doesn't understand what a sieg heil is.
>who knows
You do, you really do.

No. 2081221

slapping your hand to your chest and then heiling outwards is NOT what lady gaga or any of these other "similar" celebrities did. He absolutely did a sieg heil to virtue signal to the violent goons they need enforcing their echo chamber. You're not a devil's advocate, you're just retarded.

No. 2081224

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This is a Nazi uniform. It’s not even a generic black army fetish gear like the shit Marilyn Manson used to wear in the 90s. No matter what Gaga’s intention was (making $$$) it’s in incredibly tasteless, BPD, cringey
and attention seeking but her club gays didnt cared in 2010 so no one else cared either. If grimes tried to have an “artistic” gangbang with gay ai space Nazis today she would never be able preform again at any major venue in the us

No. 2081236

Plausible deniability is what narcs always use when they spill their spaghetti, don't give him the benefit of the doubt.

No. 2081237

Totally different context. Gaga is an edgy female popstar who loves trannies and gays and has no real power.

Elon is basically the main advisor to the most powerful man in the world, who has the power to put laws into immediate effect, based on whatever their saggy old scrotums are getting in a twist about on that particular day. Far more dangerous and hateful. Not comparable.

No. 2081266

Wanting to hire indians for pennies on the dollar is typical billionaire class interest.

No. 2081278

They are just commenting on it, maybe you're the autistic one here(infighting)

No. 2081288

>Do we have a autism epidemic on lolcow?
Always has been.(sage your shit)

No. 2081296

I couldn't stop replaying it because of the exhale of pure fatty struggle to lift his arm. I hate this retard.

No. 2081308


No. 2081313

Father went on Chris Coumo yesterday claiming he’s actually part Jewish and Elon’s deadbeat mom who didn’t raise him is the one with nazi skeletons in her closet (but Elon was never exposed to that because he raised him solo)

No. 2081362

Andrew looking unbelievably zesty as usual.
Anyways, I question the idea that Musk has autism as somebody with autism also. I think all of his weird behaviour is purely as a result of narcissism and megalomania being coddled by a mother who probably told him he was going to inherit the world. He has a strong longing to want to fit in with the 4chan edgy crowd and one thing about 4chan scrotes is that there is an overrepresentation of autistic males within their population. Because people on this site and in irl have no idea how autism works, it's the perfect way to literally get away with whatever he wants and everyone will excuse his bad behaviour instead of holding him accountable, nor do they have the knowledge to dispute his claims. Additionally, autism to most people on this site is literally whatever they want it to be. They make up all kinds of random bullshit that supports their own personal worldviews and overestimate how little they actually know, just reading the guidelines for autism would fix this, but they would rather not do it out of ignorance. I linked the video because it presents arguments for the notion that Elon Musk would be lying about having aspergers:
>No mention from his mother that he ever had asd
Surely she would be waving this diagnosis around like crazy, especially to contribute to the false narrative about how hard he worked be in his current position. Literally an "i made it out of the hood" origin story for retards in his mind probably, hence why he brags about being the first aspie to be on snl despite this being completely false. People are too dumb to google or contest his claims despite him having a reputation for lying and talking out of his arse.
>No information as to when "aspergers" was diagnosed.
Bare in mind that this was rolled over into asd and is not defined as its own disorder in 2013 so he could definitely not be diagnosed with in recent years where he has ramped up his claims of having aspergers.
>Self-admitted codependency issues.
Most autistic men and women i know (including myself) either need a very small circle of people, need far less socialisation compared to neurotypical people or on the extreme end can live in total isolation without feeling loneliness. This is the biggest red flag to me imo.
>Poor attention to details, seems to lack any proper full commitment to the cyberpunk dystopia he wants to build.
Knowing autistic males, they would spend 60+ hours a week working on the tiniest details of ant idea they have. Elon barely gives a shit about his products besides the shallow aesthetics and frivolous features that are completely impractical and pointless. He barely attends board meetings and you'd think he would be dying to go to them all and sperg about his ideas. But i'll give him this, his special interest is to be perceived as a funny and quirky 420 noscope mountain dew edgelord and being a habitual baby father. The word narcissism is thrown around like crazy in the current era, but let's remember that narcissism has its roots in extreme insecurity which Elon most definitely has. Another feature of narcists is that they tend to be good at manipulating people and lying to people on purpose to produce situations that are favourable to them. For Elon, the wholesome not like other billionaires persona encapsulates this very well. Underneath his embarrassing and outdated pepe memes he is merely just another oligarch who sees everyone else in tax brackets beneath him as worthless pawns to be used and thrown away, as seen in his rampant defense for h1b1 visas and desire to create robots that will ultimately render most people without means to make money. His need for them to be humanoid also shows a desire to simulate slavery no doubt reminiscent to what he must have observed in his father's emerald mines.

This is a long way to say that i rebuke the notion he has aspergers and i strongly believe that his behaviour and motivations are fuelled by the fact that he is an over privileged man child who has had everything handed to him on a silver platter for his whole entire life. He has no concept of actual hard work, hence why he needs to larp about sleeping under desks at the tesla warehouses. His seemingly lack of decency is not by accident, but it's completely on purpose. Why does he need to be a good and respectful person? He has come all this way by being a blithering idiot and a worthless sack of shit, he can't see it within himself that he needs to be better. He is a product of a sphere filled with people just as narcissistic and wretched as he is who seek to exploit normal people who actually need to work for a living to be on the cover of forbes and to continue his worthless and empty life of excess.

No. 2081378

I just scrolled his twitter and that's literally so infuriating. This is all such a joke to him because he's a rich inbred cunt. His behaviour is a actually radicalising, radicalising retards and radicalising myself to… alog.

No. 2081384

You can be autistic and be a narcissistic megalomaniac. Autism is not associated in any capacity with being humble. I find it interesting when people on the spectrum get defensive and claim someone is "too egotistical" or whatever to be autistic, like your club doesn't have narcs and self absorbed assholes in it. I'd argue that him being autistic is the reason he doesn't notice everyone hates him, he isn't brilliant, and he isn't funny. He's too autistic to be embarrassed or ashamed of his behavior.

No. 2081388

>interesting when people on the spectrum get defensive and claim someone is "too egotistical" or whatever to be autistic, like your club doesn't have narcs and self absorbed assholes in it.
You literally have no idea what goes on inside the minds of someone with autistic people and that's why you feel comfortable making up lies and mistruths because you can't handle that there are people out there who won't constantly give you the attention that you think you deserve. I feel objectively more educated to make a judgement on this topic which you are clearly out of your depth on. Keep being an arrogant prick though.(derailing)

No. 2081394

autists always think they're logical when in reality you don't know how to differentiate logic and emotion kek. musty's mom said he has a developmental disorder and he clocks as every sperg redditor retard ever. he's like your king.

No. 2081396

Your argument would more convincing if you didn’t shoot yourself in the foot by mixing up basic information about him as he is literally described as lacking the ability to have emotional empathy even as a kid. Btw, as you seem to have no idea what goes on in the minds of NON AMERICANS as someone from a non-western immigrant culture, no a non-disabled/high functioning autistic would never be noticed or diagnosed by any parents or teachers in a place like South Africa in the 80s, they would described that child as “strange” and lazy and/or dumb for no being able to understand certain things

No. 2081402

>What difference does a father make to a child's life? this is some pro male bullshit.
Uh, a decent father makes a huge difference actually? Saying that men who grow up without one primary parent (who belongs to the gender that is expected to protect and provide) will most likely fare worse and may have behavioral problems as a result of that isn't synonymous with being pro-male. If anything, I'm saying that men are more vulnerable to acting predatory without a masculine role model.
Stop doing this. Stop willingly acting as the flying monkey for a malignant narcissist by continuously giving him the benefit of the doubt. You're either a pathetic sycophant, a useful idiot, or someone who intentionally wants to muddy the waters.

No. 2081405

Exactly this. They get so defensive when it's literally a spectrum. Autists pretend that they're experts in the field and can clock any autist when they can't even recognize or take accountability for their own behaviors. He's textbook, cliche autistic.

No. 2081406

You're definitely sensitive enough kek.
>arrogant prick
For pointing out that there are plenty of terrible people on the spectrum? That you're not all hyperempathetic angels of truth and justice? Get real.

No. 2081407

kek the face on the right is what grimes had to see on top of her. imagine having to get hydraulically pressed by this flabby south african warthog every night.

No. 2081408

Anyone notice Elon started acting more zesty after dating Grimes? He seemed to pick up her fake lisp/stutter, downward inflection at the end of her sentences, and started gesticulating with his hands more.

No. 2081409

I don't even think Melon has autism, honestly. I think he's just a very self conscious, socially awkward narc with no social graces. If he looked like a handsome Chad, he probably wouldn't be anywhere near as awkward because he wouldn't hate himself so much, he had a hair transplant and went on HGH, roids and ozempic (still manages to be an obese whale) so you can tell he's vain and cares about his appearance. You can tell people disliked him since childhood and he got bullied for being insufferable which is why he acts so strangely, but its not autism, its just extreme insecurity.

No. 2081412

Kek at pretending he was ever capable of being over her. He couldn't even lift his arm without losing 2/3rds of his stamina bar, you know that woman was forced to cowgirl until she wanted to khs

No. 2081413

The dude is a bonafide sperg. I don't understand why some of you pretend he isn't as if there aren't a TON of useless pseud spergs just like him on 4ch, kf, and reddit. The only difference is that he has money and has always been given anything he wants. Plenty of autistic men larp as geniuses to soothe their inferiority (god) complexes.

No. 2081425

It's always funny when scrotes get exposed for being loyal to nothing but their nasty dicks. Right wing moids will marry ethnic brown women and have mixed kids (rightfully so) that look npothing like them then they will claim to be muh nationalists defending the white race from the woke mob.

No. 2081431

Somebody wrote a tweet that was like “this is like when you hype up the retarded kid to go grab a pigeon and he ends up killing it in front of everyone” and I think that sums it all up perfectly.

No. 2081455

Nah. If he was actually a sperg he wouldn't be so sociable and constantly attending all these events, he surrounds himself with people all the time and is always talking to them, and loves public speaking. If you look at older videos of him, his demeanor is much more relaxed and normie, though he's still self conscious about being a chubby uggo. Reminder he had a party house at college and was whoreing it up every night with the rich kids and dealing cocaine. He puts on the sperg act in recent years to larp as a misunderstood high IQ genius. He's just an unlikeable narc midwit with limp dick syndrome and inferiority complex from being an odd looking fatass and boolied by Errol, Amber, based kids at school in South Africa etc. That part might not even be true. He's textbook cluster B in that he feigns his entire backstory, exaggerates every encounter to make himself look like victim, EXTREMELY sensitive to criticism, a pathological liar, and also mirrors/copies traits of the people around him or people he idealizes because he lacks his own identity.

No. 2081456

The general consensus in far right wing circles is that Nazis moids are absolutely fine with immigration as long as it's only attractive young women coming to the west. I've seen many of them on twitter and /pol/ admitting they only have an issue with male immigration. Men do not have principles, every decision they make revolves around increasing the likelihood of getting their dicks wet, that's literally it. Leftist moids are the same.

No. 2081473

>If he was actually a sperg he wouldn't be so sociable and constantly attending all these events, he surrounds himself with people all the time and is always talking to them, and loves public speaking.
I don't think Elon has autism and he's lying. But isn't it the case that a lot of spergs are extroverted? There's nothing in the definition of autism that means you need to be introverted.

No. 2081482

like anon pointed out this has nothing to do with autism, especially in moids who think autism unlocks some kind of 5th dimensional brain powers. musk is a textbook case of autistic social climber with money. his sperg brain makes him believe he's hot shit and also blinds him to how retarded he is.

No. 2081497

Your right. He has also denied ever having autism or being on the spectrum for a very long time. Only recently after he got made fun of for his "dark maga" and cringeworthy 'USA' chant and jump did he start saying he might be on the spectrum. This is a very obvious get out of everything card for him.

No. 2081515

hes so painfully socially awkward he claimed autism when the real reason is he was born with silver spoon in his mouth and always got what he wanted and has long been divorced from people because he sees conversations as a business transaction so he has no real social skills and would rather be chronically on twitter. thats not developmental problem like autism, thats a lifestyle choice.

No. 2081555

Narcs and sociopaths who aren't good at acting often come across as spergs because they don't have any empathy or humanity in them.

100%, autism is the zoomer get out of jail card.

No. 2081593

When anons talk about cows having arrested development, I don't think they realize it's musk they are talking about. So many cows aren't near how he acts, they are just a different kind of selfish.

No. 2081628

File: 1737754492770.webp (20.89 KB, 545x307, heiltesla.WEBP)

>UK activist group “Led by Donkeys” project Elon’s Nazi salute on Tesla factory in Germany
Based. Also Tesla Cybertrucks look unbelievably retarded and I don’t understand why anyone buys them. I get why some anons are skeptical of Elon’s autism self-diagnosis, but would a neurotypical moid really design Cybertrucks?

No. 2081629

Based off of a movie? He's a retard, that's for sure.

No. 2081636

The activists that projected that image did it to criticize him and hurt his business in Germany.

No. 2081649

>trying to legitimize self diagnosis when the only peole who push their google certified self diagnosis are attention whores looking for an excuse for their weird behavior
unless he sees a professional ill never believe it. hes just a painfully socially awkward nerd who even fakes his nerdiness.
arrested development is common with the flithy rich. they practically live in isolation from the rest of humanity, always have shit handed to them never have to worry about bills and when they will have their next meal so they never work hard for anything. they never have go through the trials and tribulations of growing up and facing consequences for their actions.

No. 2081657

>but would a neurotypical moid really design Cybertrucks
yes, i dont know why you think normal men cant have insane shit taste.

No. 2081723

Whether he's actually autistic or not is ultimately irrelevant, since autism isn't an excuse to be a Sieg heiling piece of shit.

No. 2081727

I know that. I'm making fun of the fact that he didn't even come up the idea. It's a mash-up of bladerunner and halo vehicles.

No. 2081752

As if he could get it up every night kek
She’s an anachan, they probably barely fucked bc neither of them have the ability to be that active.

No. 2081838

Elon using autism as an excuse for doing heil sieg reminds me of kingcobrajfs’s infamous Dude leave me alone I’m autistic  moment when the bar he was in told him to leave cause the trolls kept calling them lmao

No. 2081981


No. 2081995

Nobody is saying him being autistic excuses it. We're just saying he has textbook spectrum energy, and you cant argue that away by saying "b-but he goes to events an autistic would never!" Autistic men go out and terrorize people all the time.

No. 2082038

>implying Elon has ever designed anything
nah he just asked some Indian dudes getting paid 3 dollars an hour to make a giant moidy truck that looks indestructible, and they came up with the ugly metal coffin that looks like a yassified refrigerator. cybertrucks take small penis insecurity to a whole new level.

No. 2082109

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This callous, unsympathetic, cruel, cold-hearted, mean-spirited wench REFUSES to view Elon as the multi-faceted, complex, nuanced being that he is and take his behavior at face value. Does she not know that he is autistic and on copious amounts of ket???? She should've given him a huge hug, apologized for the abuse his father subjected Elon to, and breastfed him right then and there. Evil bitch.

No. 2082112

Don't defend Elon Musk in here.

No. 2082113

You're joking, right? If not I've got some bad news for you.

No. 2082142

>Elon didn't care
Yeah no shit lady, he's a big fat narc who only cares about himself.

No. 2082189

This is so obviously a joke post nona, sorry you got reported by these illiterate retards kek. Hard to believe anyone read "[she should have] breastfed him right then and there" and thought you were being sincere kek

No. 2082207

How did farmhand not realize this is sarcastic?

No. 2082211

same happened in the pixielocks thread, maybe a bit too much autism on here

No. 2082480

No. 2082536

File: 1737975768343.png (329.09 KB, 590x911, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 11.01…)

Of course Errol's favourite sci fi writer was an actual Nazi and of course Elon pretends to have no knowledge of his name origins.

No. 2082537

>His freezing cold son
This is already obvious bad parenting but why on EARTH would you bring a small child to Auschwitz??

No. 2082544

X is cooked. BPDchan genes from mom, autism genes from dad, both think it's hip and cool parenting to let him watch violent war movies and take him to Auschwitz. Psychopath in the making.

No. 2082577

Musk thinks it's his destiny and von Braun predicted the future even though "Elon" was actually a title given to the elected guy (in the OT Elon was a prominent judge, and it means an oak tree) and he is nowhere near colonizing Mars.
Some nonnas said the same thing in previous threads and got laughed at because "young children should be aware of history". Let the child be a child ffs, he is just a toddler. The tour isn't even recommended to people younger than 14. Musk keeps dragging him everywhere and treats like a toy, the boy doesn't know what is happening most of the time and seeks comfort.

No. 2082601

Dragging him everywhere as to use for a body shield(sage your shit)

No. 2082651

File: 1738006323869.png (2.55 MB, 1206x1784, Elon Musk (@elonmusk) X.png)

Elon musk chaser arc when

No. 2082684

File: 1738012243883.png (283.32 KB, 562x762, 1738011245616440.png)

Techbros and their consequences.

No. 2082714

Elon tranny son is a faggot hsts I expected that with the autistic genes he would be a typical agp.(sage your shit)

No. 2082719

Maybe when he’s on his way to Mars the thing will explode a la the Oceangate implosion.

No. 2082733

He's never going to Mars in his lifetime. It's all bullshit, he wants to control "a" planet and he wants that to be Earth.

No. 2082735

This dude is pure evil. He makes Trump look like Buddha.


No. 2082746

So they admit all of the problems of the world are thanks to men? wow they finally say something rational.

No. 2082775

I hate the guys around trump like Tucker and Elon x1000 more than trump himself.

No. 2082785

File: 1738030799413.jpg (311.25 KB, 827x1160, trumpmusk.jpg)

I’m hoping that Elon will step a little too far and Trump comes down on him hard. Obviously Elon is already stirring controversies among other Republicans and right-wingers, and Trump has shown before that he’s willing to humble Elon when he needs to. Hopefully. Maybe Trump really has whored himself out to Elon this time.

No. 2082786

>in times past, the weak men would long since have died in battle
I love how Elon Reeve Musk, self-diagnosed autist and fatty born with a golden spoon, says this. Elon, YOU are the epitome of a weak, pathetic man who would have surely died in war.

No. 2082815

It's so bizarre that Grimes was OK with treating and raising X as though he's the next space prophet despite Elon having like 10 other children, because she doesn't care if the track record shows that Elon neglects and doesn't care about his kids unless they mirror his own traits, as long as THEIR child was destined for speshulness. These people are way more nuts than I thought they were a couple of years ago, and Elon pretending as though his name was just a coincidence and not an intentional choice made by an equally grandiose, delusional and destructive man is so autistically funny bc of how socially retarded it is. He needs to OD and die already and stop making his childhood wounds, his autism and sociopathy, and his penchant for hurting others because he's too retarded to process emotions the problem of society.

No. 2082824

Did he really tweet this ? If so that’s fucking hilarious. Elmo is down bad.

No. 2082857

He's so delusional I genuinely think he believes he would be a general.

No. 2082858

Same. Vance is the worst imo because he's a typical woman hating waspish homosexual.

No. 2082861

The only plus side of war would be weak men like smellon wouldn’t exist or at least less of them.

No. 2082864

Narcs 'love' their kids when they are small and obedient. It's once they grow a little older and start showing signs of rebelling and trying to practice autonomy that the devaluation kicks in and the narc parent devalues and discards their child, just like Elon has done to all his other offspring.

The way Elon parades X around strongly reminds me of the way Patsy Ramsey would parade JonBenet Ramsey around like a little show pony. X is Elon's golden boy for now but once X gets a little older and starts rebelling against his dad (as he certainly will since he's clearly showing signs of autism and you can't make autistic kids do anything they don't want to) he will be tossed onto the trashheap with the rest of his siblings.

No. 2082874

Vance is the fucking worst for sure. He’s a fatherless scrote that projects his hatred of his coke whore of a mom onto women. No wonder he got with a self hating Indian since the law school Stacies went for the chad lawyers instead of his dough shaped soy munching ass. Maga tards hate him for having married her and are literally calling for her and his mixed kids to be deported.

No. 2082891

any ideas why X is so special? He doesn't treat his son with Shivon like that, he also isn't proud of his children with Justine and apparently doesn't want to be seen with them. Well, I am not sure if he is special or is it just because he respects the other children more

No. 2082900

It’s real, but it’s from 2022 (on truth social)

No. 2082901

probably because he was the biggest meme/most well known due to his name

No. 2082913

drama with grimes. two addicts nerding out over what the robotic/sci-fi name of their kids will have. still convinced its a or stunt and in part so the kids real names are kept private(babble)

No. 2082944

File: 1738087838325.jpeg (Spoiler Image,3.1 MB, 804x11086, IMG_6096.jpeg)

Picrel spoiler due to length. Archive: https://archive.ph/6WHLP

Ex-friend of Elon Musk, Philip Low, wrote an essay/rant on fb about Elon’s Nazi salute and narcissism. Snippets from his fb post + relevant lc posts linked below:
>Elon is not a Nazi, per se… Nazis believed that an entire race was above everyone else. Elon believes he is above everyone else.
>All his talk about getting to Mars to “maintain the light of consciousness” or about “free speech absolutism” is actually BS Elon knowingly feeds people to manipulate them. Everything Elon does is about acquiring and consolidating power.
>That is why he likes far right parties, because they are easier to control (see >>2077239).
>Elon did two Nazi salutes (see >>2079946). He did them for five main reasons:
>1. He was concerned that the “Nazi wing” of the MAGA movement, under the influence of Steve Bannon (see >>2076951), would drive him away from Trump… He was already feeling raw over the fact that Trump did not follow his recommendation for Treasury Secretary and that the Senate also did not pick his first choice;
>2. He was upset that he had had to go to Israel and Auschwitz (see >>2082109) to make up for agreeing with a Nazi sympathizer online and wanted to reclaim his “power” just like when he told advertisers to “go fuck yourself”. This has nothing to do with Asperger’s (see >>2081362);
>3. There are some Jews he actually hates: Sam Altman is amongst them (OpenAI CEO);
>4. He enjoys a good thrill and knew exactly what he was doing (see >>2081193);
>5. His narcissistic self was hoping the audience would reflect his abject gesture back to him, thereby showing complete control and dominion over it, and increasing his leverage over Trump. That did not happen.
>He is transactional rather than ideological.
Then there’s some more sperging. But I thought the above analysis was pretty interesting and accurate.

No. 2082945

File: 1738088431357.png (1.41 MB, 1373x1113, Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 18.16…)

Seriously, has there ever been a more annoying, classless bunch of fucking nerd losers than the ones who constitute this era's celebrity billionaires?(ai outside of containment)

No. 2082948

No. 2082949

Yeah I think he nailed it lol. Elon isn't Hitler, he couldn't care less about the people, the Volk or whatever. Elon is purely out for himself, and will happily throw humanity under the bus for another dollar.

No. 2082952

I'm pretty sure he was like X with some of his sons with Justine. But he's already devalued them it seems, probably because they didn't do everything he said. As for Shivon's kids, maybe he already devalues them psychologically because they're 1/4 Indian and therefore not an ideal white mini me of himself. Racist men have kids with brown women all the time but it doesn't mean they'll treat their mixed kids nicely either despite sharing his DNA.

No. 2082957

Is this image real lmao

No. 2082958

requesting a photoshop of cum all over their faces

No. 2082960

I honestly can't tell.

No. 2082976

>He is a cunt (British slang no insult towards the ladies) that only cares about power
Kek love this
>He hated going to Israel to make up for agreeing with a Nazi
No shit he looked absolutely fucking miserable and detached the whole time Satanyaho was showing him around and telling him about the uwu vitctims and muh beheaded babies I think him going there had also something to do with justifying the existence of Hamas by saying that killing somebody’s child will make them join Hamas.
Everything said by this guy makes perfect sense and only retards didn’t know this about Muskrat first hand.

No. 2082977

There needs to be a study done on the phenomena of self hating Indian women marrying western chuds who hate them and their race. Kumar and Raja must have really traumatized these women beyond repair that they think this is somehow a revenge against them of some sort.

No. 2082983

Part of it is because white wo/men are the only other race Indian parents would allow their kids to marry tbh. Even in Indian families, you can't marry outside of your caste which is very limiting as well. It's not so much self-hating (it is part of it for some obviously) but also heavy family influence. Let's be honest too: for a lot of Indian women, especially, white dudes are probably the lesser evils/misogynists.

No. 2083019

Tinfoil: X is actually his least favorite of his (younger) kids and that's why he doesn't mind carrying him around as a human shield.

No. 2083020

Honestly feels partially to annoy grimes, partially cause the kid is a meme, and partially because he's the product of a "celebrity". I can't imagine he truly likes any of his kids beyond what they represent to him. Elon seems to have at least an ounce of respect for his other baby factories so he seems to let them do their thing as far as the kids go.

No. 2083064

It is pretty suspect how he always paraded him around on his shoulders. And for people asking 'what dad would do that' please bear in mind the narc parent will always put himself first and his life above his family's lives, no matter what.

No. 2083131

File: 1738118514866.jpg (182.75 KB, 1080x988, tk4oSNL.jpg)

>He doesn't treat his son with Shivon like that
Because his son with shivon is brown, Grimes is a descendent of the first settlers through her French side. So that makes X better for the retvrn larp elon is doing right now

No. 2083165


I'll never understand the people who surround themselves with bigots who hate interracial relationships and mixed people who then go on to have mixed kids. Even though shivon is mixed , her being mixed and their kids being maybe 25% Indian at most is still to much non-white ancestry for bigots to accept.

I know Elon thinks he's better than everyone so his beliefs aren't necessarily based off of race hatred but it still wouldn't make sense that he's trying to gain a following that hates the existence of three of his children…. Well nevermind , he's selfish and narcissistic , course he doesn't see the issue.(unintegrated posting style)

No. 2083254

Justine wasn't willing to be a trophy wife like Tallulah, Amber, and now Shivon, she was smart enough to leave him.
His first son died in a traumatic way.
His first living son completely disowned him (and the male gender) as soon as legally able.
X A is the same initials as his first living son, he tried to replace them with a new baby; and is overcompensating by doing all the things he didn't do for his first clutch of kids now that they're adults with no relationship with him.
I imagine he doesn't get photos with the other children much because the optics look much better for dumb as rocks Americans to assume he is a present father to one child rather than the reality of him being an aloof at best father to 12 children (if you include Ambers)

No. 2083314

The irony is lost on him. Jumping from one woman to another and repeated child abandonment are signs of ghetto trash a weak moid.

No. 2083346

"Less misogynistic" is such a shoddy epicycle. Black guys are even more misogynistic (violently too), yet their women are very loyal. No, it's not that.

I know it's to be polite but it's pathetic trying to elide it, Indian guys just don't "measure up" …in most respects.

Which is why even dumpy pasty slobs like Vance can get someone as pretty as Usha.(racebaiting, derailing, not even saged)

No. 2083409

>screeches about evils of racemixing
>has mixed kids
Kek. Every single time. When are scrotes going to just admit that 'racemixing' only bothers them when its their women running off with other races of men?(sage your shit)

No. 2083411

File: 1738185253173.jpg (98.73 KB, 780x438, usha-vance-gave-an-ambivalent-…)

I hate Indian Scrotes and Vance, but Usha is not pretty. She looks like a zombie. And she's a bad person for marrying such an evil moid.(derailing)

No. 2083416

Aren't conservatives notorious for racemixing?

Vance has an Indian wife.
Clarence Thomas is black with a white wife.
Mitch McConnell has an Asian wife.
Greg Abbott has a Latina wife.
Michelle Malkin is Asian with a Jewish husband.
Candace Owens is black with a white husband.
Ann Coulter dated black men.
Tomi Lahren dated black men.
Lauren Southern dated a mulatto man and an Asian man.
Elon has kids with half Indian woman.
I think there was even a study that found liberals practice diversity less in their personal lives than conservatives do, and liberals are also more likely to move out of multicultural areas than conservatives. But it may also be to do with the fact many conservatives are poorfags and can't afford to move.(derailing)

No. 2083424

File: 1738186185671.jpg (116.38 KB, 1140x849, 1658791698688614.jpg)

Nikki Haley's daughter also married a black man.(derailing)

No. 2083454

File: 1738189610589.jpeg (440.32 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_6814.jpeg)

She looks fucking rough. Being married to that onision looking son of a crack whore will do that shit to you. Also notice how a lot of conservative Moids get with career women or ex thots ? They never practice what they preach at all. Melania trump only had her son in her late 30s and was a literal nude model kek.
The truth is conservative Moids will tell anyone willing to listen how women need to be submissive breedable tradwives but will beta orbit hot childless career women and even marry them. It’s also always the types they cheat on their wives with. They never go for female ned Flanders.

No. 2083457

tbf, many of these people are just neocons who, if the social climate were different, would have seemed more normal. but both musk and trump have pushed insanity further with the republicans.

No. 2083495

File: 1738196607582.png (1.76 MB, 1206x2088, Elon Musk on X The mayor of LA…)

>Elon tries to make McCarthyism a thing again
What the actual fuck is he talking about? Does Elon know what communism means? Does he even know what DEI is? Karen Bass has been an elected official since 2004

No. 2083500

this is funny, he does businesses with china

No. 2083512

They all do, and all the far left woc types are all dating white men

No. 2083537

"DEI" is just the latest buzzword for these idiots, same as "sjw", "woke", etc. So basically anything they don't agree with.

No. 2083555

How is she a model? She looks terrible here. The pose is horrible, the mid action upper body with the non-moving, very relaxed legs. Her face is giving nothing. It's not even modelesque, she looks like she's thinking she would she had a parachute to get out of this photoshoot.

No. 2083611

Not the point kek just calling out their hypocrisy.

No. 2083664

Melania Trump is straight up an eastern European prostitute

No. 2083699

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Melania's modelling career pre-Trump is sus as hell. There are few photoshoots she did back in her hometown when she was around 19. But afterwards she was supposedly modelling in New York and Paris but there is hardly any photoshoots, covers, ads or anything

No. 2083704

File: 1738242359803.jpg (137.67 KB, 672x1024, melania knauss at VS show 2002…)

Yeah Melania is literally a former prostitute, she's been yachting in the US since she met that famous 'model scout' who was also running an escort service for rich moids, he also introduced her to Trump.

Epstein and a bunch of other billionaires/millionaires were basically running the entire Victoria Secret model group as a personal NYC brothel. There's rumors that Melania 'auditioned' with Epstein in the late 90s to become a VS show model but met Trump before she ended up walking so scrapped the idea. She would still regularly attend the shows afterwards though. But I guess Trump would see it as a humiliation ritual for himself knowing what all the women on the stage had to do to for Epstein in order to get the runway gig. Pretty bleak to know almost all the VS models had to sleep with disgusting old men before they were allowed to do the show. Epstein also introduced Kimbal Musk to his girlfriend and Elon Musk and Jeffrey Epstein attended tech meetings and dinners together.

No. 2083710

I assume it's because for the first time in his life, he got to name a child on his own. The name sounds retarted because the person who came up with it is a retard.

No. 2083762

>ugly hag that has never walked a VS show
This proves all the models slept with Epstein! You didn't post proof of anything and those models already belonged to agencies. You clearly have no idea how this works

No. 2083777

>those models already belonged to agencies
NTAYRT but what do you think yatching is? Most agencies "rent" out women for events and parties, private or otherwise. Doesn't mean they're prostitutes but that's how the industry has always and most likely always will work. All models probably did not sleep with Epstein, no, but the ties between Epstein and Wexner run deep. Wexner also had Abercrombie under belt and that co-founder was very recently arrested for sex trafficking. It's all connected.

No. 2083785

File: 1738261927654.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.22 KB, 1080x1350, emrata-baby-matching-bikini3-8…)

…can you not tell the difference between an average yacht girl and a VS model? For one thing, yacht girls are usually nobodies from small towns and there is a non-stop supply of them moving to LA. They're told they can make it big as actresses and models but they never do because they aren't beautiful/tall/unique looking enough. Melania and her botched face are the epitome of a "yacht girl". If you think Candice Swanepoel had anything to do with Epstein's crusty old balls you're legitimately delusional. Beautiful models get preyed on but they don't have to do anything to get work because they're rare and valuable. Very few yacht girls end up with viable careers and it usually blows up immediately, like what happened with Emily Ratajkowski, who can't act, model or figure out how to hold a baby(derailing)

No. 2083790

Going to need you to re-read my comment; I didn't say they all slept with Epstein. I didn't say they all did yatching specifically. Let me put it another way: top agencies put out lucrative invites for their attractive girls/women. This can range anywhere from boring corporate events, private one-on-one dinners, and orgies. It's literally anything and everything. You're delusional if you don't think any VS model didn't ever take up an off the books offer. Again, doesn't mean they are prostitutes or did anything on the extreme end.(derailing)

No. 2083792

>"rent" women out for events
I misinterpreted this? I disagree, I guess we're free to believe what we like since there is no evidence either way. Imo models are preyed upon by powerful men but there is absolutely no organized mechanism "renting them out" to these men, they meet organically in the industry. Most of these women were discovered and were not seeking out money/fame/fortune

No. 2083793

She's no better than ethots thinking they are models.

No. 2083794

Perfect comparison tbh

No. 2083797

nona, pretty much all top female models and famous actresses/singers/celebrities are prostitutes, including the male ones. they don't get hired on beauty alone. there are many far more gorgeous girls who never make it. becoming famous is about networking and doing favors, usually the sexual type.(derailing)

No. 2083800

all famous people have sold their asses, everyone has always known this but the Diddy exposure proved it and for every Diddy there are 10 more rich white/jewish exec moids who have done the same but were smart enough not to get caught(derailing)

No. 2083803

Nah social media proved that's not true. Even the "top instagram models" like Summer Rae were mostly a filter illusion. They don't damage/traumatize these women are signed and valued at millions of dollars, anon. You can't have drug-addicted thousand-yard stare models from bumfuck Brazil doing global media tours and being raped by monsters. It's a different tier, discovered supermodels look like an alien species. They're valuable and rare for that reason alone. I swear filters have broken people's brains or made them unaware of how rare it is to see someone like Adriana Lima irl
>there are many far more gorgeous girls who never make it
If they were gorgeous enough, they would have intrinsic value
Either ~the Jews~ are psychological and financial masterminds - so understand that traumatizing "the merchandise" is objectively stupid, or they're a bunch of hedonistic retards who are too sloppy and degenerate to effectively organize. Pick one please(derailing)

No. 2083811

File: 1738266633949.jpg (Spoiler Image,482.39 KB, 1598x2405, 818TqHBV7NL.jpg)

samefag last derail if anyone is curious how it actually works, read Holly Madison's book "Down the Rabbit Hole". The Playboy mansion is basically the same as the fashion world just tackier and pornier. The women actually featured in the magazines were mostly asked to do that or discovered by someone who worked for Playboy. The ones who sent in photos or wanted to be a playmate, get the perpetual "carrot on a stick" treatment and mandatory orgies. Holly acknowledges this multiple times and it's exactly how the fashion world works too. The "big stars" will attend the parties but women like Holly are the favors. The closer you are to the perverts/servicing them, the lower on the totem pole and least value you have(derailing)

No. 2083817

amazing book. also recommend her podcast girls next level they go into darker stuff in a lot of the earlier episodes and interviews with guests. also secrets of playboy on hulu. i also read kendras book but she was more light hearted about playboy. i started bunny tales by izabella st james too but havent picked it up in months dont know how much she gets into.

No. 2083912

You bitches find a way to make a thread about a ugly fat retard scrote into a nitpick session on the women barely within the circle of him. Ya'll are so gross and sexist.

No. 2083922

No. 2083930

hate to break the illusion to you but all your faves sold their asses for fame.

No. 2083933

File: 1738286459922.png (111.7 KB, 1347x529, Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 01.14…)

why wouldn't traumatizing 'the merchandise' be a good thing? to be a model you basically have to eat shit for a career, let others tell you how many calories you're allowed to eat a day, take endless criticism and shaming about your body, you basically just exist as a mindless doll for someone else to dress up and parade around like a show pony and make money off you. model scouts are not looking for mouthy outspoken types, they're looking for submissive doormats who will do whatever the directors want, that's why rape and exploitation are intrinsic to modelling agencies.





the victoria secret angels girlboss act was bullshit, they were literally working in close proximity with wexner, epstein, trump and other proven turbocreeps. pretty much all of them got cheated on by their husbands too, they're clearly pickme doormats deep down. walking around in your underwear is not an empowering career nona and people don't get famous for no reason, stop drinking the libfem koolaid.
>nooo don't say anything about my heckin precious jewish scrotes that is le antisemitic
wexner, epstein, weinstein etc are all jewish, jewish moids are ugly incels who can't get attractive women without raping them or paying them, and dream of having the women they could never get in high school. this will only offend you if you're an ugly jewish scrote yourself, so deal with it.(derailing)

No. 2083936

File: 1738287002903.jpeg (110.94 KB, 1170x1308, GJm9GypXsAAq3si.jpeg)

the music industry is no different. lyor cohen, clive davis, scooter braun, phil spector, all creeps and rapists who abused and exploited their artists.(derailing)

No. 2083945

This thread is about Elon, btw. Can speds stop derailing it constantly?

No. 2083952

>Alicia Arden
>27 years old
This is a nobody/z-list actress and reinforces what I said
>Lex Wexner
Also you're straw-manning, no one said Wexner/powerful scrotes had no involvement, I'm saying you're wrong and models who were already signed to agencies and shooting for Chanel, Vogue, etc had nothing to do with this. You're still showing me nobodies, which is who I said gets abused (in any kind of methodical way, like you're implying)
>this will only offend you if you're an ugly jewish scrote yourself, so deal with it.
What an interesting way to let us all know you have a narrow and shallow perspective(derailing)

No. 2083982

> Black guys are even more misogynistic (violently too), yet their women are very loyal.

Cruel twist of fate, wish there was a way to tell these guys to fuck off without glazing for white men. Talk about a no-win situation (aside from celibacy)(derailing)

No. 2083984

No, anons desperately need to complain about jews, poc, and women otherwise they explode

No. 2083985

Most POC are conservative minded and I’m not surprised by these relationships. The white partner gets their fetish of choice and while the POC gets a boost in status. White liberals actually believe in the multicultural beliefs and being open to others but only their ingroup understands and practices these values. Just look at Sweden for a better example. They are so open minded, they accepted refugees from places they have never ever colonized, and never really participated in that type of colonization and what was their reward?
Brown Muslims who hate them and everything about them, always calling women whores for existing in public, never taking education seriously, and just being a nuisance. I hate them, because I used to wish to go to Sweden and live a clean and civilized life but the brown dumbasses there have ruined it, ungrateful bastards.(racebait/derailing)

No. 2084021

She's a nobody because she spoke out you retard. All the successful ones just swallow that gross geriatric sex trafficker cum and say more please.(derailing)

No. 2084034

They are all fucking whores. No one cares about their "special" beauty or genes especially when the majority of women are very beautiful either naturally or from effort.
Beauty has no value other than sexually pleasing haggots with money. A dump fucking prostitute is not a superior being and not better than a normal woman with academic/career success.
I swear this is probably some scrote who thinks his model waifus are perfect and pure beings, "with intrinsic value" kek, who definitely haven't sucked a million dicks for their success, unlike normie women who reject him.(derailing)

No. 2084036

This thread is about Elon. Discussing anything else is derailing. Please keep on-topic.

No. 2084056

>all beautiful women are whores
Only an ugly bitch would say that. Are you mad because no amount of success or shitting on other women will change that? Die alone you fugly cunt.(infighting/derailing after farmhand warning)

No. 2084071

Not sure if it’s a blogpost but haven’t seen it mentioned here yet.

On the fed side, everybody is getting direct emails from king sweaty himself and the 18 year old Diablo players under his employ. The email system isn’t set up right so even people that are exempt from his “please please please quit we promise to pay you uwu” are getting them. There’s no process or procedure to anything, just any dumb thought going through his Ketamine addled brain is getting blasted en masse.

The best part is that all the rational, functional people have been ignoring him and not taking any of it seriously. The only people thinking of taking his deal should have been fired a long time ago anyways since they’re that easy of a mark.

They’re all also calling it the “Trump deal”, so expect some public blowback when king sweaty feels he isn’t being recognized for his efforts.

All this money spent to buy America and people still think he’s a loser that shouldn’t be taken seriously. It’s been incredible to watch in real time.

No. 2084099

File: 1738346891888.webp (142.75 KB, 1290x1389, doge.WEBP)

>All this money spent to buy America and people still think he’s a loser that shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Not surprising when the embarrassing retard literally named his speshal new federal agency after a meme from 2013 that he just can’t move on from.

And thanks for making the first on-topic post in this thread in like 20 years. I wish autists didn’t ruin one of our only /snow/ threads about a legitimately evil moid that’s not a tranny. Elon is so milky but the fucking speds here would rather tinfoil about prostitutes or sperg about race without elaborating on any connection to Elon.

No. 2084107

They're going to get rid of tens of thousands of feds only for them to be rehired in 4 years

Elon truly is the little disgusting rat henchman, something about rich men just turns them into foul creatures

No. 2084122


I read the prostitutes/lookism thing, let me try to be the one to relate it back to Elon.

You don’t need to be the hottest woman in the room, but as a professional woman you need to show up to work dressed appropriately, groomed appropriately, and in decent physical condition. Not being able to do these things signals that you aren’t functional and your advice should be taken with a grain of salt and on a conditional basis. If you can’t get the basics of taking care of yourself right, how can you be trusted with higher level decisions?

This is why somebody like Elon is going to have trouble with the federal workforce and currently enlisted. A third of these people in the workforce are vets, feds also work alongside active duty, and if prior service has anything they still actually adhere to, it’s strict grooming standards. Nobody is going to look at a big pasty flub that is too stupid to take care of himself appropriately as a leader. Somebody that needs to shoot himself up with ozempic because he can’t stop eating cheeseburgers is somebody people don’t trust with policy decision. A frumpy t shirt and a pair of jeans with an ill fitting blazer works great for the tech sector, but he now needs to consider how he’s appearing to others. The richest man in the world and he has a belly like an overweight toddler asking for snacks.

The halo effect is a proven condition, and king sweaty can’t get a handle on his appearance to actually look like somebody of prominence, which is unbelievable. To have every resource at your disposal and still choose to look like a fat inbred chud next to people of actual importance is mind boggling. It’s only going to become more apparent when he’s standing next to well-groomed, appropriately mannered active duty too. I hope they consider who they put him onstage next to for his sake.

Also, the memeing. He’s trying to pass it off on Twitter like if Socrates was still alive, he’d be a shitposter on his website. No, Socrates would be laughing at you from the comfort of his own home with a group of real-life FRIENDS, you slop brained retard. Intelligent people can discern what can be said in public, and what can be said in private. The most enlightened, if alive today, would not be rotting their gourd from the inside out with 15 year old memes, stuck in a perpetual K-hole. That’s what stupid people do.


Short but sweet: a lot of federal workers are already one step ahead. Always. They welcome the changes knowing it’s easier to do what they want when somebody incompetent and ego-driven is leading. That’s all I’ll say without delving into blog territory.

No. 2084125

So about 2 years ago there was some talk, within news, about China and Russia wanting to work together to make a gold coin standard via crypto. I have a feeling this is Elon and Trump's admin trying to do that first. Anons can go look it up because I don't want this to derail into China/Russia discussion.

All in all, crypto being the way to handle money globally is such a fucking farce and scam.

No. 2084129


That’s why I think it’s just a grift on the US vs any sort of global standardization tactic, unless I’m getting your point wrong.

These aren’t people that could universally standardize anything, that’s why 80% of Trump’s coin is not for public sale, from what I’ve read. It’s being run like a rugpull on his voter base.

All of their antics scream short term, these aren’t people looking 10 minutes down the road, let alone 10 years. I think Elon is too vested in this dumb dog coin that he has to continually press it exists to get it to a point he can sell. From there, he can put it in the next tech scam, whether that’s AI or Mars or artificial wombs to make more dent-headed tards, I don’t know. I just don’t think he pushes dogecoin like somebody who wants to lean in, he pushes dogecoin like somebody who wants out.

No. 2084143

NTA but it has absolutely nothing to do with gender, male celebrities and models all sell their asses too which is why they all look gay and raped by 25(derailing)

No. 2084144

Seriously look up how people like Brad Pitt, Jim Carrey, Chris Pratt etc were discovered they basically became rent boys for rich older men/women and then got a career out of it(derailing)

No. 2084145

Of course evil governments want everyone to use crypto because crypto is incredibly easy to hack. They're going to put a no refunds policy in place while letting Indian scammers drain millions of people entire life savings from their crypto wallets and its going to be a disaster(derailing)

No. 2084163

The moids I work with are somehow still convinced that Musk is some Machiavellian sigma genius who’s been playing the long game for years and not some fat well-resourced junkie with enough money to pay other people for the credit to their best inventions. Funny how the shit that he has the most personal involvement in (Cybertruck, twitter buyout, colony on Mars) are also the most retarded things in his business catalog.

No. 2084168


I will give credit to Musk for one thing and one thing only: his talent used to be finding talent. That family of his used to have this lizard brain ability to see and capitalize on these odd snap decisions, like when the emerald mine was presented as an opportunity to Errol. He went half in on it I believe and then burnt his business partner, just like Elon does with everybody from zip 2, to Tesla, to space x.

I’m surprised though that for as much as he reveres his grandfather Joshua, he’s missing the forest for the trees on the technocrat stuff. The whole family is basically just smart enough, not geniuses and being too technocrat heavy too fast is why his family had to flee Canada to South Africa in the first place.

No. 2084169

I wouldn't say Elon or Errol are smart. You can tell from their interviews that they're very average IQ. They're just grifters and opportunists.

No. 2084173


I agree; that’s why I mentioned they were “just smart enough.”

Smart enough meaning they can con a little more than half of America to buy a slap chop, but not intelligent enough to convince the other half that it’s not just a piece of plastic. 110 iq brain.

No. 2084175

File: 1738361030042.png (1.71 MB, 1206x1829, Elon Musk’s father Errol looks…)

>They're just grifters and opportunists.
Yep. Errol wants to create his own “meme coin” now because he can’t help himself from grifting off his own son’s legacy. Like father, like son I suppose.

No. 2084180

This is really well said. After that gif from the inauguration of Elon rolling his eyes in a k-hole went viral, I saw a comment saying that that event was the first time in decades he (and Bezos, etc) had to be quiet and respectful to someone else for an extended period. His retard attention span, disrespectful attitude and slob appearance is a ticking time bomb, I bet he’s alienating DC people from both parties by the hundreds daily.

No. 2084197


It’s pretty obvious he sees himself as a wunderkind at 53 years old.

That term is reserved for young people who have raw talent but might not have the time necessary to refine and cultivate it yet. Not old autistic retards that can’t communicate properly.

No. 2084429

File: 1738427373144.jpeg (21.34 KB, 211x238, IMG_4440.jpeg)

I find it amusing watching big narc shit on narc junior and then narc junior throwing a shitfit

No. 2084541


Kek “my fat son is a loser”.

I mean, I kind of like it when Errol balls out on some media outlet and calls his son garbage, he’s an even bigger lowlife but it’s so amusing. Imagine doing everything Elon has done and your dad just goes “nope, you’re an ugly piggy.”(integrate)

No. 2084756

File: 1738508775441.png (911.27 KB, 1080x1299, 1000003761.png)

Literally what the fuck is going on. I have despised this guy ever since his "IRL tony stark!" and pedogate era, but now he's literally just…robbing the government, like, not even in the usual oligarchy type way just…taking over the bank accounts and shit? Locking lifelong civil servants out of their govt accounts as well? Doing fucking Nazi salutes, running around like a high toddler, stomping the tattered remains of our country into a truly unfixable heap of shit and death?

No. 2084847

File: 1738525732401.jpg (82.11 KB, 633x813, 2424222.JPG)

More outdated memes

No. 2084853

The fact that there are memes in politics and official accounts is so embarrassing.

No. 2084854

File: 1738526172471.jpg (97.76 KB, 827x1294, Giv3Rw5bsAAkFyA.jpg)

No. 2084865

can't wait till this evil motherfucker finally gets shot in the back of his head facing a wall(alogging)

No. 2084901

File: 1738537485112.jpg (254.83 KB, 1080x1275, Screenshot_20250202_145500_Fir…)

NPR article from yesterday alleges he's suing an advertising regulation association for advertisers having left twitter. Fat cunt sounds absolutely broke. https://www.npr.org/2025/02/01/nx-s1-5283271/elon-musk-lawsuit-advertisers-boycott-new

No. 2084936

File: 1738544283881.webp (52.13 KB, 1080x724, and-there-it-is-v0-dpkxcmukqsg…)

treasury in crypto…

No. 2084939

Agreed. I can only hope public opinion turns so sour his PR slave drones won't be able to downdoot and spam report fast enough.

No. 2084983


I am now believing more of his wealth is speculative than he lets on. He debt financed over what, 40 billion for acquisition of Twitter? He keeps losing users as well from what I’ve heard in addition to advertisers mentioned below, I’m sure he’s looking for some sort of ROI on the dumpster fire he’s created.


Have you read character limit? All current federal tactics are a repeat of the Twitter acquisition, including hiring dumb kids to handle the dirty work. He hired his 26 year old cousin for the firings at Twitter. The end goal has to be some sort of financial gain for him, whether it’s privatizing the gap in work left by firing 70% of federal workers, removing federal regulators leaving his companies unchecked, or something to do with the awarding of competitor contracts. Could be something international going on with obtaining financials of all gov employees but I’m not versed enough on what it could possibly be to even make a guess. All I know is the NTSB is using Twitter now for all communications related to the Washington and Philly crashes.

Down on the ground they’re testing emails coming from agency-specific accounts since nobody is listening to the OPM ones with any urgency. People are not taking the fork deal, end of, at least not in numbers they’re comfortable releasing. We’ll see on the 6th, my guess is Vera/Visp next then RIF, weirdly enough. They’re kind of keeping with the one email a day idea, and have turned the tone towards coercing over intimidating. I believe part of the reason people aren’t quitting is the lack of communication with HR departments to flesh out something valid. It’s not that people don’t want to leave, they just don’t want to do it on a handshake.

Supports my theory he’s in deeper with dogecoin than he’ll admit. All of this smells like propping up failed ventures to magically turn them into successes. Just like 2008 with the banks, we the people will be funding crypto scammers exit strategy.

No. 2085033

Pisses me off that all these self claimed "double good" "ultra intelligent" zizian adjacent groups are plotting to slay their parents instead of taking out the trash that deserves it the most. It would be better than Christmas morning.

No. 2085154

File: 1738602082148.jpg (353.84 KB, 1179x1683, TZ2bmlg.jpg)

Musk the narc is now using Trump as a mouthpiece for South Africa. America first but all Elon talks about is meddelling in germany, meddeling in the uk and now meddelling in south africa.
Reminder that Elon is barely south african, his mom's side were members of the nazi party in Canada who moved to SA after hitler a heroed and SA started apartheid.

No. 2085163

File: 1738603566667.jpg (262.27 KB, 1650x1275, 2Dx3Dib.jpg)

>All current federal tactics are a repeat of the Twitter acquisition, including hiring dumb kids to handle the dirty work.
you were not joking kek. its crazy how all the dei and underqualification discourse goes out of the window when elon hires fresh grads so he has more control over them

No. 2085188

File: 1738608653725.jpg (93.13 KB, 1002x697, Screenshot 2025-02-03 124945.j…)

No. 2085194

File: 1738610906656.jpg (206.46 KB, 1320x1889, Gi3uIzXWEAAnyUE.jpg)

He nuked the person's account who posted this, lol. So much for "free speech".

No. 2085195

This is such a bad idea lol? There’s a 100% chance these incels have never been shown attention by females in their life and almost definitely any woman with a pulse and a linkedin account could honeypot tf out of these nerds.

No. 2085196

File: 1738611005947.jpg (175.48 KB, 1320x1530, Gi4NeWKWcAA7TID.jpg)

Also he clearly doesn't mind people posting them when it's for his favor.

No. 2085199

can someone tell me the laws, regulations and whatever else elon is currently violating

No. 2085202

>burger leftoids who screeched about establishment politicians being equivalent to russian oligarchs getting a somehow even worse oligarchy


No. 2085212

File: 1738613391623.jpg (353.37 KB, 1284x1354, bafkreidfwxrb5rvkmrhdisbkkrhus…)

It's obvious considering what his main issue with USAID is and why he really wants to take them down.

No. 2085215


No. 2085219

This is so dumb and a reddit-tier argument, for fucks sake i hate elon as much as the next person who isnt braindead but he notoriously hates south africa and begged his father to go study in the US instead because how much bullying he got from the other white rich south african kids.

No. 2085221


You’re looking at this the wrong way. This is GREAT news. Look at the Sam Hyde wigger crew as an example. Couple cans of galaxy gas and a racist-talking 5/10 chick saying they’ll blow them and you’re in. An easy mark is an easy mark. I give these kids a month or two tops, these hires make this whole shitshow way less legitimate and none of these retards are versed on employment law, they’re just data scraping. Not saying that we aren’t going to get screwed, just saying the less legitimacy and more mistakes made, the quicker this whole thing gets wrapped up and starts getting dragged through the courts.

Elon also just showed his hand in a weird way; nobody above the age of 25 buys his bullshit hook and line, this is the evidence. Anybody have contact info for that doughy looking Irish cow in the other thread? I have an employment opportunity for her…

Oh there’s already questions about his appointment, the “deferred resignation” will be challenged when it isn’t paid, plugging unauthorized devices into servers. Doesn’t matter, Trump’s tactic of “flooding the zone” is just to do so much illegal shit at once your head is on a swivel and it seems to be working to some extent until he has to actually pass something. Everybody is mad congress isn’t stepping in, but it’s because the EO’s only go so far, he’ll have to address them soon.

And they’re still doing nothing. They’re still worried about formality and decorum. At this point, bullying is what these people respond to, so bully them (unless they have a vested interest in this succeeding? Hmm.) All the material to bully Elon publicly is available in these threads, they just need to start spamming him with it. It would probably slow him down if he’s having to answer questions like “why do you like being cucked so often” publicly.

No. 2085453

I wonder how Xitter statistics are doing and how big of a hole its burning in his shit filled pocked. Do y'all think he ever gonna try and sell it?

No. 2085478

Considering there are no good ADs on twitter and it's all AI slop malware apps or crypto or right-wing clothing gear being peddled, I would hope now it's even worse. Doesn't matter though, he can burn through the money.

No. 2085502

File: 1738700566865.webp (161.35 KB, 1080x1509, elons-doing-a-hostile-takeover…)


No. 2085536

What is this fag's problem. His dad really must have touched him. "Look at me dad I'm president of the united states!!!! You'll be sorry you ever diddled me!!"

No. 2085574

they been sounding off all day about the shit hes trying to pull. I'm so pissed off right now. I'm so worried for all governmental employees. like what if he gives this shit to putin or something.

No. 2085579

Good for Alt NPS for continuing to do this shit. Didn’t they come about during Trump’s first term?

No. 2085592

Okay, now I'm legitimately frightened.

No. 2085594

I feel so bad for burgernonas you literally have 3 fat narc crybully psychopaths dismantling your entire country right now

No. 2085596

It's only going to get worse too.

No. 2085599

Literally what the fuck is their endgame? I'm so confused right now.

No. 2085602

They don't have a plan. Musk, Trump, and their cult will eat a shit sandwich if it means their enemies have to smell their breath. They'll screw everyone over just to fuck with a handful of people they dislike.

No. 2085606

I don't think it's about people they dislike, it's solely for their own personal gain, the entire country of America be damned.

No. 2085611

>what if he gives this shit to Putin
Putin has every US government secret now, and Xi probably does too, and Erdogan and Netanyahu if they ask nicely

No. 2085615

I remember mostly ignoring the 2016 'Russian election meddling' thing. Now I'm starting to really think Trump and Musk are Russian assets being blackmailed by Putin over some pedo shit.

No. 2085616

Both Trump and Elon were buddy-buddy with Epstein. At this rate there's no way that they're not being blackmailed over something very nasty, by someone. Both of them are rich as fuck so we know its not a monetary bribe. The only thing that scares Muskrat and the orange lunatic is the thought of losing their worshippers, ending up in jail and going down in history as notorious pedophiles.

No. 2085685

File: 1738757417320.png (76 KB, 616x350, Screenshot 2025-02-05 060444.p…)

Their plan is to liquidate the lower class, in their heads we are already just pawns, resources. They want this way of thinking to be a more literal reality, where they can use the masses for labor, experimentation, material, and energy, or simply dispose of us at will.

No. 2085698

File: 1738761211925.png (143.73 KB, 1888x538, Screen Shot 2025-02-05 at 1.12…)


Elon is going to be dropped by Trump. I can't see this lasting. Constantly having to wrangle Elon's autism is going to be more trouble than it's worth. He's an unhinged drug addict with mental disabilities who is constantly shitting himself.

Why did Trump stop bullying him?

No. 2085711

This has been speculated for years, replace the entire black underclass with cheap Mexican labor, replace the entire white working class with cheap Indian 'skilled' labor. It's happening in real time, MAGAtards think Trump deporting 5000 Mexican drug dealers will save them kek.
Who is the 'foreign ally'? Sounds sus.

No. 2085732

The bullying is on hold because Elon's a useful idiot. The one thing stopping Trump and his goons from barging in their and doing this themselves is they literally do not have the skill-set to parse or make alterations to massive information databases/networks, they would have to hire someone who they could trust 100% to do their bidding unquestioningly. Elon's already cultivated that 'redpill' base of indoctrinated loyalists/total sociopaths on X, now he gets to use the favored lapdogs he's been lovingly grooming over the past couple of years. I suspect he will get the boot once he's done all the damage they want, and then the Republican party will scapegoat him to divert attention from themselves.

No. 2085750

>He's an unhinged drug addict with mental disabilities who is constantly shitting himself.

This literally describes both of them kek

No. 2085752

KEK yes she's exactly who I thought of when you described the bait

No. 2085756

File: 1738774545365.png (395.36 KB, 1521x1716, Screenshot 2025-02-05 115425.p…)

NTA but to those who think using humans as fuel for buses is absurd; pic related

No. 2085763

>fear propaganda
When guys like Elon and Trump take over companies, it's always middle management who are the first to go. The lower plebs are the cheap muscle and useful idiots. The middle class are the expendable ones, they know their value and rights. This is incompatible with how "libertarian" men like Trump/Musk view the world, since they were born into wealth and have never had to achieve anything by their own merit. They believe in the "divine right of Kings" and a king is useless without a kingdom -and to them that means hoards of ignorant, uneducated and unwashed masses to rule over

No. 2085780

what are you rambling about? please talk like a normal human

No. 2085784


Happy to expand on any point you might not be understanding, or provide any sort of clarification you need to make my point clear. Is there information you’re needing, or are you just trying to say “you don’t make any sense” with no basis?

It isn’t my intention to alienate people with my posts; I’m just extremely, extremely mad with the way things are going. Elon Musk is actively dismantling a new agency each day and I’m not meaning to come off as a raving lunatic, it’s just really bad on the inside of these agencies right now.

No. 2085808

File: 1738786323231.jpg (89.1 KB, 678x515, Screenshot 2025-02-05 210645.j…)

>the person creating the conflict will also be overseeing the conflict


No. 2085824

File: 1738789615122.jpeg (51.33 KB, 1000x750, OG doge.jpeg)

I know this is a lesser issue, but can we also take a second to recognize how thoroughly Elon Musk and his incel squad have forever ruined the original doge meme?

It's going to be like how Hitler ruined the Swastika, which once was a symbol of peace and prosperity in Buddhism.

No. 2085827

God rest her soul, she would have loved to maul Elon to death in the typical aggressive Shiba spergout way.

No. 2085840

File: 1738793130300.png (434.95 KB, 806x660, Screenshot 2025-02-05 at 2.04.…)

I hate this man so much

No. 2085847

I swear to God if they don't arrest him or impeach in the next month.

No. 2085855

Elon, you retard, the whole point of NPR is that it's publicly sponsored and doesn't need to be privatized, theoretically making it less biased because it doesn't take money from sponsors

No. 2085858

I use cute shiba photos as profile pics pretty much everywhere so this is my own personal 9/11

No. 2085859

As a shiba owner, I'm pissed off that I and my dog have even the most tenuous association with this fucking shit

Also the owner of Kabosu (the original Doge) seemed like a sweet normal lady who does not deserve the association with the memory of her dog

No. 2085908

He knows this. They want to eliminate government-funded media so they can control the narrative entirely.

No. 2085943

File: 1738812460044.jpeg (74.19 KB, 698x767, IMG_0588.jpeg)

my problem is what's it gonna fucking take to fucking stop him. hes a billionaire and that really cannot be over-fucking-stated, his resources are many (the situation he put grimes in is only a small taste of his power and abuse). I hope the cia, fbi, DoD etc are building a case on him but that takes fucking years. Hopefully he has ties to diddy (as in tangible ties to diddy's criminal activities that cannot be argued against) or another high profile person to at least prosecute him and put him behind bars. elons's a legit megalomanic who needs to be stopped. He doesnt take of his kids, hate them, and was probably taught to hate the poor. dude is completely apathetic and self-centered

No. 2085982

What the actual fuck is happening?
The richest man on earth who is a cringeworthy megalomaniacal autist manwhore with 12 kids with 5 different people is allowed to create a government agency named after a LONG dead meme and is allowed to fuck up our government(and other countries governments too??) despite not even being voted in and he is already trying to fuck up programs that millions of americans depend on AND he endoreses far right parties in germany and literally hitler salutes but also wants to flood the country with cheap indian workers? This sounds like a copypasta and not reality.
sorry for not saging and bumping the thread last time

No. 2085990

He's literally trying to be Lex Luther. This is embarrassing. Fiction isn't supposed to be reality.

No. 2085992

Same. I feel so sorry for you burgers, and I can't believe that a narcissistic, obese, deeply self-loathing, psychopathic, lying, 4chan-pandering piece of shit loser is in charge of your government right now. Do not let him make you feel powerless; he's a sadistic narcissist, so that's exactly how he wants you to feel. Use whatever rage he evokes in you to better yourself, to become more organized, and to fight back. Don't let him or his minions crush your belief in goodness; he's a crab in a narcissistic bucket who wants everyone to feel as dead and hopeless inside as he does. He's nothing. He's not as huge and monstrous as he is currently portraying himself to be; on the inside, he is a tiny man with a massive void inside of him that can never be filled. He's unable to connect with other humans due to his psychopathy, and somewhere deep inside, he knows that and simultaneously envies and feels contempt for those who can care about and genuinely love others. Their mere existence reminds him of what he lacks; the one thing he'll never be able to strongarm, buy, or intimidate himself into getting, which is the ability to love. If you can't revolt against him, at least bully this dysgenic piece of South African lard until he has a narcissistic collapse. I predict that he's going to attempt to shut down/destroy sites like Reddit in the same way that he destroyed Twitter; he'll prob do it under the guise of free speech or users "breaking the law" (which laws matter is, of course, solely up to him), because he's going to try to get rid of all forms of political organization online. All that's going to be left is what's on Twitter: edgy, 4chan-esque shitposts about how evil and disgusting brown people are.

No. 2085995

File: 1738826116854.jpg (162.25 KB, 2048x1536, donald-trump-robot-3927962099.…)

Trump doesn't know what he's doing day to day and isn't a long-term strategist. He reminds me of this confused and disoriented robot in the Hall of Presidents

No. 2086022

Yeah, I was talking about Elon. Trump is just a fat, estrogen-dominant old drag queen who's the face of whatever retarded, Polytopia-inspired blitz coup Elon came up with on ket

No. 2086091


Immediately? Bullet to the head. Realistically, injunctions and temporary restraining orders like in doe vs. OPM to stop using nationwide servers to send shitposts to the general public.

Going forward, please write your congressional representatives. If you haven’t noticed, Trump and Elon are doing everything via EO, without congressional approval. This is purposeful, because they know half of what they’re doing is illegal and won’t get approved by congress. They’re making a big show of how much authority they have because getting shot down by congress plays as weak in the media.

Posting here feels good, but effectively does nothing. Elon’s cronies are also online trying to flip public opinion in spaces like Reddit and 4chan too, which muddies the conversation so they can proceed ahead with dismantling every organization one by one.


Curtis Yarvin, RAGE, and the creation of a technocratic monarchy. That’s the end goal. If you aren’t sure what class you fit in, you’re a serf. The aristocrats are all sub 5 mouth breathers with no chin, so if you see sunlight and aren’t ugly, they want to make you into biodiesel like that other Nona said.


Exactly. If you’re wondering how this will affect you, imagine you have to talk nice about or praise half the cows you currently post about here like Claire, Aella, the Red Scare girls, or face some sort of consequence. If that sounds like a terrible future, start either calling or writing congress as a first line of defense.

Link to find and contact your local senator:

I was able to just select a state and both senators popped up.

Link to contact your house rep:

You can search by zip code at the top and they should just pop up.

If it feels great to call Elon Musk a fat retard here, imagine how good it would feel to write it in a letter and know some congressional staffer has to read and record your response. There’s also a better chance of some of these opinions reaching him and sending him reeling.(integrate)

No. 2086126

the same crowd literally did this exact shit to Pepe the Frog; an entire documentary got made about it and it got to the point where the original creator killed off Pepe in his comic

No. 2086133

That's why he's got young JD Vance.

No. 2086135

Yep, 4chan bastardized Pepe too. The funny thing is that 4chan actually turned against Elon Musk during the H1B visa debate. Now those retards are back to thinking he's based because he's 'owning the glowies and libs'. I don't know why I held on to a shred of hope that 4chan would have turned against Elon. Considering he sucks up to them, that's one of the few things that could have hurt him.

No. 2086151

>>2085943 he can't be prosecuted. If republicans lose 2028 election Trump can just blanked pardon him, just like Hunter Biden was pardoned(sage your shit)

No. 2086166

File: 1738875099145.png (33.92 KB, 895x212, kuhgfcvbn.png)

FUCK shitlon oh my god. How are people still using his propaganda app?? (xitter)

No. 2086167

You cannot convince me this woman is 27 years old

No. 2086169

They are trying to make AM

No. 2086171

This is so insidious. I really feel like I will live to see the collapse of the United States in my lifetime and it terrifies me considering how everyone I know just wants a better and more affordable life. I can't think of any other country that hates its citizens this much.

No. 2086182

You know what really sucks? No one will dare stop this autist. My guess is that eventually, he will do something astronomically retarded, like disabling Medicare, and finally, the backlash will cause Republicans to oust Musk. Am I just being too optimistic, or can that at least happen?

No. 2086190

that could happen, he could piss off too many more cash-liquid rich people, who even knows?

No. 2086251

Oh my God yes I've been saying this. This is literally IHNMAIMS. The three competing powers (China, Russia, US) will compete to create the most powerful and destructive AI until an AI that can destroy other AIs is eventually created. This AI will absorb the powers of the others when it corrupts them and then it will destroy everything.

No. 2086255

This is just techno singularity-fagging but calling it "AI"

No. 2086283

RFK has promised to do that. what's prob gonna happen is he's gonna get a massive ego from his lil power trip and piss off Trump. then it'll be a civil war amongst the Republicans.

No. 2086325

>disabling Medicare
It's either this or fucking up Medicaid. SNAP/TANF/WIC are faults of individuals budgeting in a lot of Americans' eyes. The Medicaid expansion captured way too many people to make turning it off an option, and they aren't clever enough to carveout free healthcare for poor whites across the country like in Illinois.
Or the half a trillion in subsidies congress needs to pass to keep the healthcare industry functioning at all.
The significant savings are in healthcare and the military. He will be awful at trying to assess and then advise when it comes to austerity when it comes to this.
Screwing with USAID and moving SNAP off the Farm Bill are easy savings that most of the public will eat up. He's got a few more months of low hanging fruit before things get tough.

No. 2086365

File: 1738929303509.webp (33.99 KB, 432x680, GjIj1UlWsAA2Qba.webp)

Elon is butthurt because he was forced to fire one of his DOGE employees after that employee's identity got doxed by the public and they found extremely racist posts of the 25 year old bragging how he was racist before it was cool, wanting to repeal the Civil Rights Act, weird posts about race-mixing, racebait about indians etc.

These are the employees who now already have all your private info. (even if it got restricted they already gathered the data)


No. 2086366

File: 1738929333469.jpg (64.03 KB, 914x866, GjKCyyjW8AAP-fV.jpg)

No. 2086368

His social media presence is so pathetic. He thinks he's a genius and "tapping in" to what's popular and keeps shilling to all these other ugly fat fuck oligarchs that "no trust me, the internet is the future" and they think he's a genius for tweeting 400 times a day, it's madness. He's pretending he's only so online because it's his """job""" but everything he does is just an excuse to be a lazy gross bitchtitted useless fat fuck that sits around scarfing doordash and "microdosing" the fake drugs his dealers rip him off with. He is so viscerally disgusting that it permeates from him yet the most retarded Americans alive eat his bullshit up. He really is the stupid persons idea of what an intelligent person is. I have never hated a recent figure trying to insert themselves into American politics and pop culture more than I hate him. In fact I'm not sure I've hated any public figure more than I hate him. I will be spending the next undetermined amount of time trying to blow his head up telekinetically.

No. 2086369

Americans are largely cynics about this stuff since the Equifax breach, not to mention half of us ended up with someone filing an unemployment claim in our name during COVID with all of our previous year's tax info because everything is so fast and loose now. He needs to break things in a significant way domestically for anyone to really start to give a shit.

No. 2086370

File: 1738930623641.jpg (180.14 KB, 896x755, Screenshot 2025-02-07 123117.j…)

No. 2086372

File: 1738930725515.jpg (177.09 KB, 1290x1591, GjJb17HWYAA-qyK.jpg)

Trump order AKA Elon order. Why is legacy media acting like Elon isn't the second one in command when Elon was the one who went after USAID first.

No. 2086399

File: 1738943267835.jpg (6.61 KB, 236x153, 1000003949.jpg)

> I will be spending the next undetermined amount of time trying to blow his head up telekinetically.
Same. I believe in us, we can do it ladies!

No. 2086400

hired for anti-black racism, fired for anti-indian racism. life's a joke

No. 2086404

that's because many of his workers (loyal servants) are indians and his recent spawns with that shivon lady that he had have some indian in them too so Indians are the only group he can't afford to offend for now because they make up the majority of his cheap labor.

No. 2086441

I'm lowkey stressing out about it too. The guy has the most "fuck you" money of anyone in the world and can buy himself into/out of anything. Nothing, outside of a Luigi's Mansion situation, would stop him

No. 2086444

File: 1738953893784.png (718.91 KB, 674x666, Screenshot 2025-02-07 at 10.43…)

It's always the dweebiest dorks who go on about "muh eugenics" kek, look at those dead autist eyes, superior genes fucking WHERE?

No. 2086445

I don't get what the hell he's trying to say here. Is he saying his employee has the huge nuts or the person doxxing them did? His weird memes never make sense

No. 2086452

File: 1738955350536.jpg (220.84 KB, 1964x728, image.jpg)

well looks like this didn't last long, they already want him back.

>As of Friday morning, more than 385,000 people appear to have participated in Musk's poll about re-hiring Mr Elez, though it did not mention him by name.

>So far, 78% have voted in favour of his return.

>Vice-president JD Vance said on Tuesday that while he disagrees "with some of Elez's posts… I don't think stupid social media activity should ruin a kid's life".

>"So I say bring him back," he added.

No. 2086455

Yeah and how do we know these aren't his fucking bots voting.

No. 2086457

Twitter polls filled with bots making decisions for the federal government. What a world we live in

No. 2086458

File: 1738956253190.jpg (67.92 KB, 757x478, image (1).jpg)

it's a twitter poll so it's mostly ai bots voting kek.

He is also now going after a journalist and blaming her for being the reason his racist chud staffer resigned.

also kek at ''possibly criminal'' for calling out someone for being racist.

No. 2086461

File: 1738957761867.gif (26.45 KB, 220x210, IMG_8709.gif)

I cant believe my retarded country voted for this. I voted for Kamala because i thought elons presence was sus as a hell and i saw this crazy bullshit coming from a mile away.
I blame trannies for this.(blog)

No. 2086474

Literally. I cannot believe botted twitter polls are deciding the fate of the United States now.
>you guys, if enough bots vote yes on the platform I own and control, i will bring back the racism guy to be in charge of government systems!
Holy fuck.

No. 2086477

No. 2086487

I'm fucking tired of people making Palestine their one fucking issue. I have zero empathy and sympathy for any retard who voted third party or didn't vote at all because they were "disenfranchised." Get it through your thick skulls that this country has been cucked since the 40s by the Israel lobby. No amount of Muslim, Arab, etc tears is going to change that unless you go full jihad on the corpos (actually no, that would only get them deported faster). You threw your fucking vote away fully knowing that a giga-asshole like Elon was backing Trump. But no, let's not vote for Kamala because she is a kaffir, haram, a woman, pro-Zionist, insert buzzword, etc. Well good news: now Gaza is going to get invaded because you allowed Trump to win.

They don't deserve any grace.

All that being said, I'm always praying for Elon's timely demise(derailing)

No. 2086503

File: 1738964063371.jpeg (95.84 KB, 975x1300, hh21pc3a9rhe1.jpeg)

The latest cover of Time magazine.

No. 2086509

He LOOKS gay. Maybe a frustrated closet homo? Just like Fuentes, these types are trying to hide their issues with politics kek

No. 2086511

Trump must be fuming over this.

No. 2086516

File: 1738967256513.jpg (130.88 KB, 1280x720, assistant.jpg)

No. 2086539

Trump deserves to seethe for letting this retard and his merry band of edgy tech nephews to have all of our social security numbers.

No. 2086547

File: 1738973100844.jpg (85.69 KB, 938x752, Screenshot 2025-02-08 005544.j…)

No. 2086561

Maybe if enough of us do it, it will come true. Let's manifest.

No. 2086576

Indians are the Republicans new sacred cows. A slave race they can import, milk taxes from, ensure phull sapport for Israel, are far more racist, nepotistic, bootlicking and white worshipping than Hispanics and even East Asians are.

No. 2086577

Dr Claud Anderson literally predicted this back in the 80s. Blacks would be shoved aside and replaced first with mass cheap unskilled Mexican labor. Then Asians and Indians will be mass imported as skilled labor, mostly replacing whites and leaving them as a minority. Resulting in a crop of white billionaires ruling over a hodgepodge of new gen brown slaves. This is exactly what they want.

No. 2086586

Real. Not to racebait or anything but Indian scrotes are THE most racist, mysoginistic people I've ever had the displeasure of working with and living near.

No. 2086623

>All that being said, I'm always praying for Elon's timely demise

Is it possible to overdose on Ketamine? Do you think he is on other drugs too?

No. 2086634

All I know about ket is that it's very damaging to the bladder, and most abusers end up losing bladder function. Either we'll see Elon pissing his pants or see the diaper sticking out from his waistline when he does another autistic jump. Can't wait to see how he'll backtrack or try to make urinary incontinence cool on twitter kek

No. 2086643

Unless he's got some super hypertension, IVs it, or abuses other drugs, he'll get to hang out for a pretty long time abusing ketamine. Maybe he'll swim alone or something. Our best bet is him just falling over in public and looking like such a goof/addict, that there's a fundie-permission structure established to stop hanging out with him so fucking much.

No. 2086648

I 100% think he has a 'doctor' inject him with ketamine intravenously. Just like Michael Jackson getting propofol prescribed by his 'doctor'. He may also experiment with other, more dangerous drugs. They will make him even more erratic and cringe as time goes on.

At the very least, we are guaranteed the most epic mental breakdown ever witnessed once he inevitably gets canned.

No. 2086664

He looks like that dude from the Mr Beast videos before he trooned out.

No. 2086671

Shouldn't ketamin just chill him out tho? He seems more like he's on stimulants

No. 2086684

File: 1739010393137.mp4 (2.67 MB, 1280x720, 2025-02-07_1887927474161402148…)

Yeah he wasn't happy.

No. 2086695

He's got a point, Time is irrelevant

No. 2086697

File: 1739019414788.jpeg (255.54 KB, 1170x839, IMG_9709.jpeg)

He sure was sucking their dicks only two months ago when he was their person of the year again

No. 2086719

didn't say i did, i said what polls said, bc i am not from your country where you decided that two parties that are basically the same is enough, you've been fucking up your country for a while now
but go off honey and i take my ban(derailing)

No. 2086728

his expression…he looks hurt. He tried to save himself and look unbothered by it by making that snarky ''is time still relevant'' statement near the end but you can tell he was upset by it because he didn't have his typical smug or confident expression that he has when being asked a question.

No. 2086768

im kinda disappointed how careful and diplomatic Bill Gates was with his words here.

If even other billionaires are too scared to openly call out Elon Musk then what does that say about us common folk?

No. 2086775

Billionaires are careful with their words because they have so much to lose with him. Common folk have nothing to lose if they say the truth: that Elon is fat autistic loser.

No. 2086781

i mean not exactly considering Elon does go around harassing and threatening people who call him out like the egomaniac that he is.
Elon loves to have his ai bot army send targeted harassment towards anyone who tries to expose or call him out, he also threatens them and accuses them of being possibly criminal.

No. 2086800

Musk is Peter's Thiel plaything. As for Bill Gates the only reason he made money on Microsoft is because his mommy was very high in IBM and because of Paul Allen's programming skills make it possible to even start with any software at all (Microsoft Basic).(sage your shit)

No. 2086801

I think it was the first time I saw human emotion on his face lol

No. 2086816

File: 1739049269395.webp (179.08 KB, 1080x2336, guess-this-guy-is-just-a-king-…)


No. 2086827

File: 1739051073525.webp (13.18 KB, 447x520, damage-control-using-his-mommy…)

No. 2086869

File: 1739057442876.png (402.59 KB, 637x636, coristine.png)

This is the most insane shit i have ever read that i don't even know how to summarize all of it so i really suggest reading all of the links thoroughly.


Basically, another one of the young-men Elon hired for DOG got exposed and this one is even worse than the previous guy…

>part of a controversial black hat right-wing sextortion social network that practices satanism as it's belief and engages in other cyber-criminal activities.

>This employe also git fired from another firm for leaking data.


No. 2086875

Kek, I was literally about to post this story too, but I saw yours come through while typing.

The things 764 have forced blackmailed (mostly) young girls into doing–including suicide–defy description. I don't say this lightly: if you choose to read up on them, prepare to have fucked mental health for at least a week.

If he can be definitively linked, this should be shouted from the rooftops. It could be big enough to end Musk.

No. 2086876

initially thought he was gay but maybe not. he look's like he's wearing daddies clothes

No. 2086880

Zoomers just look like that, don't know what rock you've been under

No. 2086883

yes i know about some of the things that group is involved in pertaining to underage people. Very fucked up.
Elon is a fucking retard, did he even do a actual background check on these people…or was it because he already knew this…

No. 2086887

i have never seen a heavy blazer with corpo short shorts and an untucked dress shirt with misaligned buttons from anyone of any age in the workplace. he is almost as poorly dressed as liz fong jones, like individually each piece is a professional signifier so he presumes it should all work together when it doesn't. it indicates someone who only understands individual pieces but can't grasp the big picture with how those pieces work together, in short visibly autistic despite avoiding the liberal bluehair alt aesthetic most autists have.

No. 2086898

>If he can be definitively linked

he already is linked to the com, the type of subgroup is unknown, but for being a part of the com in general he is linked.

No. 2086914

he looks like a closeted faggot.(sage your shit)

No. 2086922

File: 1739065948567.jpg (192.08 KB, 653x956, Screenshot 2025-02-09 024724.j…)

UPDATE: The racebaiting employee is back.

No. 2086977

That kid and his family are fucked. Good luck leaving your house. Yikes. Why would you want to go back when you know you're already a target. Doubling down is not a good look.

No. 2086996

He looks like he'd be so satisfying to kill by bashing him with a rock(a-logging)

No. 2087190

This is lolcow, not lesswrong. Go AI doom elsewhere.

No. 2087210

It's hilarious that they were against Kamala for this and Trump is now planning on solving the issue by having Israel on one side and middle east US on the other. It was always obvious Trump was the one most likely to carry out a literal genocide, but liberals wanted to cry and whine about the least bad option. Good fucking job, retards. Your precious palestine is getting razed to the ground even faster and more thoroughly.

No. 2087250

Has someone already drawn Trump saying those things while Elon fingers him in the ass and makes him lick it?

No. 2087272

America is being run by bermuda shorts wearing broccoli haired zoomer sociopaths who practice satanism…holy fuck lol(unsaged, unintegrated)

No. 2087278

O9A and 764 are literally glowie grooming gangs run by 40 year old feds that target mentally challenged kids and encourage them to post their nudes and then blackmail them into shooting up their school, raping their younger sibling or killing themselves under the guise of satanic initiation. It's literally a fucking discord pedo glownigger honeypot.
O9A has long been considered a joke in the UK and pretty much everyone except for edgy 60 IQ chavs knows its a larp organisation run by a government intelligence agency, daring retards into raping kids and killing each other.
Makes sense given that those two recent teen school shooters in the US had spoken to each other and were part of the same server.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2087286

Staffers have been turbo rich super online kids for the past decade. We were due this.

No. 2087294

I hope the stinking muskrat gets sniped so we can see his smug, bloated mug get blown to pieces like a rotten melon in one shot. So tired of seeing his ugly, dysgenic, grinning skull in the news every time he pulls some self-serving dystopian bullshit.(a-logging)

No. 2087296

His soulless chinky eyes, piggy face, bogged human growth hormone jaw, klinefelters body and uncanny hair transplant really do make him look some some dystopian villain.(racebait)

No. 2087317

The way he purses his frog mouth into that weird sneer triggers violent thoughts.

No. 2087355

File: 1739195276804.jpg (35.87 KB, 387x420, homuradrinking.jpg)

>JoeyCrafter was a member of Telegram groups called “Kiwi Farms Christmas Chat” and “Kiwi Farms 100% Real No Fake No Virus,” both referencing an online forum known for harassment campaigns. Typically, the site has been used to share the personal information of a target, encouraging others to harass them online, in-person, over the phone or by falsely alerting police to a violent crime or active shooter incident at their home.
>government literally run by kiwifarms scrotes

No. 2087388

couldn't she somehow get in his way? I thought japanese people were really into enforcing copyright

No. 2087406

the term doge doesn't even originate with that dog. and the original use of her as a meme was by a tumblr that posted shibas, not the owner. there are also other shibas used in that meme, not just kabosu.

No. 2087426

Without fail. I don't think it should be even considered alogging when he barely counts as human.

No. 2087494

> I hope the cia, fbi, DoD etc are building a case on him
LOL. He is currently gutting those agencies (and all of the others) specifically for this reason. We are fucked. What few institutional protections we once had are either already gone or on their way out as he destroys US govt agencies.

No. 2087509

Putin must have so many videos of Elon raping children, there's no other explanation.

No. 2087727

File: 1739290142832.png (822.91 KB, 667x957, combined-image.png)

Musk just promoted this broccoli haired guy to now be a senior advisor in the state department and to oversee USAID….


No. 2087730

Can you imagine how much hatred and resentment the older employees must feel towards these broccoli-haired bastards kek

No. 2087734


No. 2087741

We need a Mario to go with our luigi

No. 2087746

Budget numbers are supposed to come in from congress tonight or tomorrow. Could get the ball rolling.
Also Elon is gonna be unbearable going to bat for work requirements once that budget gets dropped. Hope you guys still have all the energy displayed above.

No. 2087751

Looks like the drama between Sam Altman and Elon Musk is still on-going in tech-bro land.

Sam and Elon already have some previous drama in the past year where Elon was angry that he didn't have more control over openai despite him being a investor in the past, Sam then accused Elon of stealing openai materials for his Grok ai etc and then called him a bully that likes to pick fights with others.

Eitherway the drama is still going since today Elon just offered a couple of billions to buy OpenAi but his offer got declined and now Sam did a interview where he calls elon insecure.

(timestamp 2:40)
>Reporter: "Do you think Musk"s approach is from a position of insecurity about XAI?"

"Sam: Probably his whole life is from a position of insecurity"


No. 2087754

Sister rapist vs autist nazi dictator, hard to pick a side

No. 2087757

Semi irrelevant but how are we supposed to believe Musk is able to manage all this shit at once: Tesla, Twitter, SpaceEx, Doge, etc and now this?? Do his simps really believe one guy is in charge of multiple companies/ventures at once?

No. 2087763

Fat scrotes like Elon and Trump shouldn't be allowed to be put in control of anything.
They can't even control themselves from shovelling pastries into their fat mouths all damn day, how are they supposed to be trusted in any other setting?(sage your shit)

No. 2087808

No. 2087818

Rich men need to be exiled from society after a certain age. They can't handle becoming irrelevant and even uglier than they were as young adults, so they lash out on the world/outgroups and increasingly need more attention and authority over others to feel secure. CAGE THEM ALREADY

No. 2087832

File: 1739309732746.jpeg (187.1 KB, 1179x898, IMG_0535.jpeg)

Elon is cutting 80% of the federal workforce, (which means critical agencies such as FDA, EPA, NIH, etc) in a complete repeat of what he did at twitter. Government services that support daily life and health in the US will now collapse just like twitter, and leave literal millions unemployed.

No. 2087860

Omg "AI" (dated machine learning crap that hasn't changed since 2016) literally isn't going to do shit except absorb hype money, spout misinfo and shart out more greenhouse gas. Then the bubble will burst and a worldwide economic crisis will be unleashed, not too dissimilar to the subprime mortgage one, possibly followed by good ol' war but not in the Terminator way you envision.
You mean leftist larpers?

No. 2087871

I knew it, he just looks evil. Ugly males with that phenotype are always evil, no exception.

No. 2087877

This. All men over 40 should be euthanized. By that age they've already lost neuroplasticity, have decreased testosterone, which in turn leads them to develop pedophilic and AGP interests, they have lost most of their hair, sperm is toxic waste with severely compromised chromosomes, usually fat and diabetic and already on their way to clogging up the nursing home, can't do any job a more youthful moid can do better etc etc older moids are just a burden to society, they should be put down like dogs and their assets redistributed to the women in the local community.

No. 2087879

File: 1739317826071.png (225.57 KB, 541x460, Screenshot 2025-02-11 at 23.46…)

Yes be wary of this sneery, squashed in, mr bean satsuma head Brit-mutt phenotype.

Don't get distracted by the broccoli perm its just to disguise their missing frontal lobe.

No. 2087885

File: 1739319292822.jpg (85.77 KB, 610x458, 1000000589.jpg)

The way he uses his child as a shield is very concerning. Plenty of people in positions of power have young children, but they care far too much about them to have them put in such an unnecessarly dangerous environment. Even foreign agencies have basically alluded to him that it's inappropriate. He is literally using him as a prop and I bet that if there was any sign of immediate threat he would shield himself with this kid. I'm not even trolling.

No. 2087890

What is the end goal exactly?

No. 2087892

Yeah I think I may even have been the first anon to theorize about this in a previous thread tbh.

I've tried to give Elon the benefit of the doubt about doing this since, but knowing Elon is still doing this after there was an assassination attempt against Trump where he was hit in the ear, it's just so irresponsible and sick.

Part of me thinks he would actually be happy if his kid got hurt because then he could milk it endlessly for sympathy and 'the cause'.
>inb4 that's alogging
Ofc I hope nothing happens to little X, lord knows narcs don't give a fuck about their kids and will use them as meat shields when necessary

No. 2087897

Why does it feel like Elon took on some of Grimeys traits after dating her? I know its a clusterbee thing for them to mirror their partners.
I swear I've seen Grimes do that smug fake 'iono' pose a million times when she's trying to look quirky kek. He also picked up her pretentious delivery/intonation style, stutter and fake lisp at times too, you can hear it in some of his interviews.

No. 2087900

Destroy government systems and replace what our own government used to do for us with private companies who will charge us more to do the same thing. And, when you destroy agencies like the EPA for example, that means you lose regulations on companies, and they are free to roll back environmental protections decades and start polluting the entire country, just for one example. Really, there are no downsides, if you are a multi-millionaire or billionaire looking to make more money.

No. 2087945

He also ran an image board with links to pedophilia, rape content and the kkk… tesla.sexy


No. 2087948

kek at what is left of it. did anybody ever see it for themselves?(sage your shit)

No. 2087955

Nyart but there's way back machine links in the article. I ain't touching them though

No. 2087963

>I know its a clusterbee thing for them to mirror their partners.
They also drank each other's breast milk. Elon has been sustaining Claire for years this way but he did taste a thimble shortly after Xargon was born, so it was extra-potent

No. 2087966

most disgusting person on the planet. literally evil. praying a disgruntled unemployed ptsd veteran finds their way to him asap

No. 2087976

Which Russian oligarch is he borrowing money from to purchase OpenAI? With Twitter, he was also scrounging for capital and got it from some questionable investors.

No. 2087980

Well, if he lays off 80% of the government workforce as planned in the executive order, there will be 2 million furious unemployed people with little left to lose. He carries his kid around as a human shield for this reason.

No. 2088047

Kid named Kevlar

No. 2088082

To be honest, is it possible it was a trap, and he passed the info to the police or FBI? They used to do shit like that on the darkweb. The promise of privacy is telling. Either that or Elon made an edgy joke while the US collapses.

No. 2088132

Ah, yes. The kid also caught for selling company information is definitely a good guy. Anon, no. Dude 100% looks at kiddie porn. No one on kiwi is a good guy.

No. 2088139

File: 1739383451406.png (1.7 MB, 1790x1030, Screenshot 2025-02-12 at 18.00…)

Its so obvious Elon and Trump are Russbots now

No. 2088153

I genuinely look forward to his deletion.

No. 2088155

Look at that gross fugly goomba little son of a bitch and tell me he doesn't like cp

No. 2088160

The face of a man who’s just now realizing what he signed up for kek. Hope that money was worth being Elon’s bitch, Donny

No. 2088186

File: 1739393334161.png (64.38 KB, 1003x327, tesla.png)

No. 2088198

This feels like either A:
>Large parte of anti Joe arguments are based on him being way too old and possibly getting senile
>Joe drops out
>Libs start occasionally pointing out Trump is actually also really old
>Elon autism no nuance brain decides he can fix this by hiring some kids straight out of high school

Or B:
>Hires a bunch of barely 20 kids
>People don't want an actual teenager dealing with their sensitive information
>Give the teenager even more power to own the libs

No. 2088207

No, it’s C
>hire kids too young and stupid to realize they are being used as tools to do all of the most illegal work and will then take the fall for everything instead of the richest man in the world. They’re human sacrifices for an up and coming dictator.

No. 2088210

I think it's a mix of B and C, personally. He hired them for the reason in C, but doubled down to own the libz.

No. 2088233

why does a child need to be there on his shoulders? what exactly is the point? Are they not meant to be conducting business? Elon, Vivek, and JD parade their children around like we give a fuck.. At least Trump knows to keep his kids away. lmao. He knows his kids ain't shit. The way he shades Tiffany…. No one wants to see this ugly ass test tube baby. He looks like a fucking retard.

No. 2088236

He uses him as a human meat shield because he is paranoid to get luigied

No. 2088285

to show everyone that the everyone that the american government is his property now and his family can do whatever they want there.

No. 2088336

He should be. Hope he wakes up every morning in fear and paranoia

No. 2088368

I haven't seen this posted here so im going to ask if anyone saw it.
Elon and Grimes badly raised child Child was seen saying ''you are not the president, you need to go away'' and ''i want you to shush your mouth'' during the Oval Office interview.

Many people think the boy said ''you are not the president, you need to go away'' to trump considering the boy was looking at trump and went next to him when he said that.

No. 2088372

I feel this was directed at his father, I have seen kids do this before, they talk into the void but voice what they are annoyed with

No. 2088376

>into the void
he was pretty clearly stepping towards and talking to trump

No. 2088381

I think another part of it is to “humanize” Musk. The moment where he’s laughing when his kid starts talking is something parents can relate to, so it’s more likely to make people soften to him.

No. 2088387

To me, it also seems like a crutch. People focus on the boy, who is perceived as cute, and not Elon and his awkwardness. Even in the video above, his body language is awful (the pyramid), he is stuttering, he has a ridiculous cap on, but his son stole the show.

No. 2088406

Narcissism and thinking the world needs more of your shitty bottom of the barrel DNA go hand in hand.

No. 2088422

"high IQ individual, very high IQ" Why do I feel like Trump is taking the piss? lmfao. He's low-key making fun of them and Elon is a submissive little bitch that still wants validation from the cool kids. It's literally the virgin and chad dynamic.

No. 2088436

Kek he was definitely mocking him. Trumps talks that way all the time to reporters he doesn’t like

No. 2088444

He’s a good kid. Fuck the both of them. Elon deserves a lot worse than a poke in the ear and trump deserves a lot worse than boogers on his desk.

No. 2088446

I know I'm late but I just learned Elon is south African, now I understand why he's such a racist piece of shit

No. 2088449

He has no right to be so proud of his genes. He looks like the frog mutant from the simpsons that says “please kill me”

No. 2088451

No way lol, he looks like skeletor but also fat as fuck at the same time

No. 2088455

im shocked this is the only sane thread i found about this retard
yes i saged my shit mods leave me alone

No. 2088481

File: 1739476842040.jpeg (124.27 KB, 947x1200, elon doge p.jpeg)

Elon openly calls those who rely on government help (the disabled, elderly, and poor) the "parasite class."

Yet he has more wealth than a huge majority of American poor families put together, largely from government contracts. However much you hate Elon, it's not quite enough.

No. 2088482

Genuinely what the fuck is going on in Burgerland

No. 2088485

Save us, please. Storm the beaches of Texas and liberate us. We are fucked.

No. 2088493

why does it feel like Sydney Sweeney is his next target? she voted Trump so he probably thinks she's based now. she also has that dopey blonde look that he fetishizes so much

No. 2088500

we don't know and she has spoken out for reproductive rights so idk

however not surpirsed if elon goes after her, she has that 'american sweetheart' look that would match his burger larp

No. 2088504

Imagine being a fly on the wall on their first date.

Elon: So, uh, Doge… guess why I named it that?

Sydney: Why? Isn't it an acronym?

Elon: Well, yes, but it's originally named after a meme. Have you seen that really cute dog, the uh Shiba Inu?

Sydney: Now, when did you first see that?

Elon: Uh…. 2014, how old were yo– wait, shiT, don't answer.

No. 2088507

Narcs like Elon don't want a 100% prebaked Republican gf. They have a fantasy about taking a leftist or centrist women and 'curing' her with their dick. They want a free bird that they can stick in a cage, not a pre-subjugated battery hen.

There's even jokes about how right wing women like Eva, Lauren Southern, Melania, Tomi Lahren, Usha Vance etc get ignored and instead right wing moids thirst over lefty women like Greta Thunberg, Taylor Swift, Jess Southern, AOC etc etc.

No. 2088538

billionaires calling people parasites is pretty ironic, since they maka a ton of money off of other people's hard work. elon especially.

No. 2088674

kek imagine this actually happened. Would they land on the coast of California after they secede? Or just hit Texas and kill the hamsters running their power system?

No. 2088718

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No. 2088739

Nonnie I don't think the meme is about the elderly, poor and disabled, it's about the people defrauding govt money. At least hate the goblin honestly.

No. 2088748

>Sydney sweeney voted for trump
That’s literally fake news you fucking idiot. There’s no proof she voted for trump. She has like 1 relative who’s a trump tard but so does every white person in the entire fucking world.
I hate people like you who perpetuate smear campaigns against innocent women, you actually don’t have a brain and shouldn’t be allowed to speak without supervision.

No. 2088750

File: 1739526219153.webp (71.44 KB, 720x778, president-and-prime-minister-o…)

Elon took his indian wife when he went to meet the indian president kek.
And of course Kavlar is there, the only son he seems to pay any attention too even if it is for narc purposes.

No. 2088803

Maybe because way too many people take advantage of government programs and the help doesn’t go to the right people. Government programs don’t work for shit if they’re not run properly(derailing)

No. 2088809

Pretty disrespectful to meet the president of a country and bring your wife and kids

No. 2088812

The rate of people defrauding welfare systems is too small to warrant all welfare recipients being called a "parasite class". If you want to glaze elon, he has a whole other site you could be on.(derailing)

No. 2088818

you have more in common with the so-called "parasite" class he's referring to than you have with elon musk unless you're jeff bezos. The republicans have made a long career creating the image that people using government programs are lazy, but the fact is most households that receive medicaid and snap have jobs, they just pay shit while often being a major employer is some areas of the country.(derailing)

No. 2088819

File: 1739544180761.jpg (1.51 MB, 2483x2955, NOMnCqR.jpg)

Shivon dresses like a substitute teacher surviving off of salvation army donations

No. 2088829

Youre so naive. Tons of people fraud these government programs(derailing)

No. 2088830

No it’s not “too small”. It’s a very large amount of people. Many normal working class families reported not even being able to get help. Wonder why(derailing)

No. 2088839

Shivon is not his wife. It’s much worse than that. They were never married, Elon just calls her up whenever he wants to have another baby via IVF or appeal to Indians.

No. 2088847

I'm not saying fraud doesn't happen. I'm saying that poor people are not the ones who disproportionately commit that fraud. If you can read, i'm alluding to the wealthy business owners and the rich are the ones to do it. The wealthy are the parasite class, feeding off labor and using the government to offset their costs to maximize profit.

No. 2088850

so he’s dragging himself?

No. 2088859

File: 1739550425402.webp (11.3 KB, 790x527, doge-website.webp)

KEK a couple of hours ago the DOGE site got hacked with the hackers writing

>This is a joke of a .gov site



on the site.

This has since been fixed but how incompetent are these DOGE employees that they immediately let a new site get hacked this easily.(integrate)

No. 2088860

Can the hacker faggots do something cooler than just defaming a website. Like leaking shit or something kek. Come on guys.

No. 2088862

im pretty sure they stole the data and are now selling it to data brokers.

Why would they publicly leak it when they can instead get money for it doing privately, you just know your private information now belongs to some sketchy data brokers.

No. 2088872

File: 1739552777993.png (436.47 KB, 1206x1388, DC.png)

>rightoid propaganda to justify destroying DC and replacing our government with evil technocrats
Fuck, I’m pissed. Picrel is just another example of the dangers of Elon using X as his personal propaganda machine to influence politics. I’ll try to keep the blogposting minimal, but I’m from DC, and comparing DC statistics to any state DOES NOT WORK. DC is not a state, and cities tend to vote heavily democrat. This pattern is consistent across the board, even in red states. It’s simple demographics. However, fueled by his hatred of regulatory agencies, Elon is destroying our city. DC workers are being laid off left and right. The economy and housing market here will likely crash soon. So much for “creating jobs” and “making America great again.”

No. 2088873

he didn't even take off his cap, i don't think he knows what respect is

No. 2088911

I think destroying blue states has been the goal for the longest time. Starting with red state junkies being shipped off to the west coast.

What undeniably and disproportionately benefits the Republican party and Republican states is taxpayer money from blue states. CA, NY and MA basically pay them to be saved from most of the negative externalities of Republican policies. Every red state except (to some extent) TX is a welfare queen. Curious to see how destroying blue economic output is going to work out for the reds who leech from it.

No. 2088915

>Every red state except (to some extent) TX is a welfare queen.

This. Most Americans don't realize that Red States are basically welfare states propped up by Blue States.

As Elon cuts the federal government the Red States will be the first to feel the pain. What should we do? The temptation might be to sit back and laugh at them for voting for this, but we are all on the same sinking ship. We will have the opprotunity to swing them to our side… right?

No. 2088920

Either this is done specifically to make red states even more shitholey and thus ramp up the production of desperate impoverished slaves and cannon fodder (abject poverty is proven to raise birth rates), or they will bleed blue states dry while implementing leeching exemptions for red states. I'm inclined to believe it's the latter, since the former will be shooting themselves in the foot bigly.

Some proponents of the military coup scenario have pointed out that most of the military force is from the red states. But they do effectively get paid by blue ones, and the expense is immense. I honestly have no clue what they're going for here.

No. 2088922

Are you retarded? The amount of people defrauding the government is tiny compared to the people who actually need assistance. They're willing to throwthem all under the bus, because they do believe the poor and disable are parasites. Especially because a high % of these people are black, hence the entire "Shaniqua with 5 kids" meme

No. 2088925

>Many normal working class families reported not even being able to get help. Wonder why
Because it's not easy to get help. In order to prevent defrauding.Do you even have a fucking brain? Even if the amount of people getting help without needing it was 50% that still would be a rounding error amount of money compared to tax breaks, subsidies and contracts these literal billionaires are syphoning from the government.

No. 2088954

Shouldn't she be technically deported?

No. 2089007

She's Canadian, right? I wonder if she has US citizenship living in Texas.

No. 2089014

File: 1739581436978.jpeg (495.95 KB, 1179x1552, IMG_1748.jpeg)

well then

No. 2089016

Who wants to bet it's another son? I seriously can't fathom willingly birthing one of Muskrat's male-IVF contagions unless there's a shit ton of money involved (which is likely the case). Even still, how could you live with yourself.

No. 2089030

If I ever was pregnant with one of his children I’d just kill myself for the good of mankind.

No. 2089035

File: 1739584441552.jpeg (154.94 KB, 478x598, IMG_8752.jpeg)

Something about her face looks so uncanny. Also kek @ the tacky rhinestone MAGA necklace

No. 2089036

Idk who this is but she looks like an E-thot

No. 2089037

She’s a conservative “author” and Elon’s latest baby mama apparently

No. 2089040

Did she have the baby or was it another incubator slave

No. 2089042

Was just about to come here to post this, looks like he’s whoring it up which I guess he can since technically he is single
Ngl she kinda cute…
That’s basically what she is kek, a RW e-thot. I don’t think I’d go as far as calling her a tradthot though

No. 2089045

I’m not sure, there’s no photos of her pregnant from 2024 or even tweets about her being pregnant or her baby being born, which is what makes me think this is just some kind of attempt at trolling lmao

No. 2089053

File: 1739586493084.jpg (111.86 KB, 866x1390, 1000009526.jpg)

Seriously, how does he find all these women to impregnate? What's the application process?

If he's just trying to babymax why isn't he just donating his cum to a public sperm bank

No. 2089055

File: 1739586807896.png (170.88 KB, 642x844, Screenshot 2025-02-14 212925.p…)

Whatever money being is being defrauded in the government pales in comparison to the amount of subsidies Elon gets to keep space x and tesla running. Elon Musk is the last person in the whole planet who need to talk about being part of the "parasite class" because he's a parasite himself. He purposely receives compensation from his companies to ensure that he pays as little tax as possible, none if possible. Bare in mind the only reason why he is a hardcore republican right now is because the democrats threatened to stop funding space x because they felt like he wasn't producing any results. He begged on his daddy Trumps door step for more free money to keep space x running.
Anon you, you have far too much compassion for muskrat. He was essentially fired an employee for being disabled and only apologised after getting backlash.
So you think Musk isn't defrauding the government too? Kek, you are fucking retarded.

No. 2089056

She was mentioned in the tradthots threads (will those ever come back?) and is your usual maga grifter. Wonder how she feels about being a single mom kek

No. 2089065

She said she ""welcomed"" a baby. That woman is being paid by Muskrat to take care of a child that another woman gave birth to, as is common for the parasite class

No. 2089069

Must be shameful having everyone know you let Elon all over you, he's hideous and has negative charisma

Basically saying you hoed it up at some party, bleak

No. 2089071

File: 1739590666604.jpeg (272.61 KB, 713x675, IMG_8894.jpeg)

>what's the application process
this is what i am wondering. did they ever even date? after grimes did he just start hitting them up, making them take an IQ and/or some genetic tests, then come right out and ask "are you willing to be my broodmare and have my child although i will not be in an exclusive relationship with you, i will provide for you financially, and maybe check on the kid every other month" and they accept it as some formal legal document with an NDA?
this was the deadpan look on her face as these podcasters talked about female hypergamy at 14:15 and how women seek men on their level or above, while she (or most likely another woman's rented womb) was at least a few months pregnant with muskrat's 13th (that we know of) child. i guess this is what society has come to where we've accepted most scrotes are so useless when it comes to childrearing even right wing, typically conservative women will forego monogamy and marriage with the father of their children so they can procreate in their 30s and ensure financial security for their offspring by signing a contract with a non-committal billionaire autist. he thinks he's practicing some form of eugenics and spreading his seed. donating to a sperm bank doesn't give you any involvement in the child's life, this way he can have more control over the non-genetic, nurture component of their outcomes via financial control of the mothers. i bet he's running experiments on his genome, seeing how his genes combine with various different women's and probably has some kind of excel spreadsheet with all their identifiable traits which he plans on updating as they grow up and finding different correlations with their behaviors, interests, test scores, jobs, etc. a part of this was likely influenced by one of his kids trooning out, and him feeling like he lost control over that, which traumatized his OCD brain. interpersonal relationships get complicated, so having broodmares he's not promised to be romantically involved with for life sign a legally binding document about how they are to raise their kids is one way he's found to regain some of that control.

No. 2089074

he would never use a sperm bank because genuinely does believe (at least to some extent) in 'genetic superiority' and he's also obsessed with 'the aryan race' (hence the new broodmare being indian - there is a certain mental gymnastics routine you can follow to achieve 'indian people are ok actually' in nazi mythology that's gotten alarmingly popular in the last couple of years because it allows them to access a new population of brown idiot moids who need therapy but can be persuaded to recite nazi rhetoric instead). Why do you think he chose so many blonde woman to either impregnate or to publicly accompany him? it's all about his fantasy of founding some kind of genetically superior empire of humans on mars.

the man was named after a fucking nazi scientist's sci-fi novel's supreme leader who rules over mars and elon has pretty clearly modeled his entire personality on that concept in the hopes it would make daddy love him finally. the fact that it hasn't doesn't change his ambitions or make him question himself because he's too deep in, it's like asking someone who's been an incel for 50 years to snap out of it and get over their misogyny. never gonna happen. we just need to build the guillotine to rid ourselves of this cancerous individual.

No. 2089075

All I can say is these retarded whores and their narcissistic sewerdick sperm donors absolutely deserve the reeeing retarded resentful useless autistic brats they made in a lab together. All of Elon's sentient children hate him: Grimes, Shivon, and this e-whore's kids won't be any different.

No. 2089078

His new broodmare is Jewish though. If Elon is a Nazi why would he knock up a Jewish woman?

Just kidding, we know why. Nazi moids only have allegiance to their dicks and think the 'raping and impregnating Jewish women at Auschwitz' roleplay is super kinky and hot.

No. 2089082

Honestly I'm glad he keeps insisting on making sons because it just infinitely increases the chances the child will turn out to be a school shooter or a tranny.

Like a numale Henry VIII, fat Elon is getting desperate now because he's realizing he will never have a male heir who worships and respects him the way he so desires. X is already showing signs of being an autistic disobedient little shit.

We all know if any of Elon's kids are going to turn out normal and nice, it will be his daughters. It's never the sons.

No. 2089083

You would be amazed at how many women will agree to be an incubator for monthly child support payments. Someone with Elon's status and wealth certainly won't struggle to find (hoochie) mamas looking for a gravy train. I know a dude irl who isn't even mega rich, he maybe earns 6 figures a year, but he still has about 8 different baby mamas, mostly from thirdie countries in Africa and Eastern Europe ofc, all as part of his breeding fetish thing. Funny thing is he also is a psycho who idolizes Elon Musk and thinks he's a genius, kek. Unfortunately men like this do exist.

No. 2089084

I didn't expect the most respectable grifter to come out of this movement to be Eva Vlaardingerbroek. Elon was obsessed with her and aggressively pursued her but she rebuffed him. I guess there's still time thoughever.

No. 2089094

> She has an active presence on Twitter, where she has one million followers. She describes herself as a “Shieldmaiden of the far right”. At CPAC 2024, Vlaardingerbroek asserted that the Great Replacement conspiracy theory is real, citing that 56 percent of the population of Amsterdam, where she lives, consists of immigrants. She added, “I think we all know what they mean with the word ‘diversity.’ It means less white people. Less of you,” apparently addressing the audience.

yeah sounds like she would have been a fantastic accessory for him, they're peas in a pod.

No. 2089095

File: 1739594600374.jpg (133.38 KB, 879x1200, GiACQyJagAAYGPt-3.jpg)

Because he's not a nazi at all and never was. He pretends to be "le epic anti-woke rightwinger" to host all controlled opposition and groom actual racists into becoming cannonfodder for the upcoming war. He regularly meets with the (((elites))), spergs about how good immigration is and had Netanyahu himself call him a great friend of Israel kek. Muskrat is many disgusting things but his bit to lure in rightwingers because they're lower IQ on average trying to get support and appear as a sort of underdog who's actually totally siding with "the people" is a complete fraud. Don't fall for it. He hates people but his politics are best described as a sort of anarcho-capitalism for him only where he somehow gets funded entirely by tax money. Which is the actual opposite of national socialism(/pol/ bait)

No. 2089096

File: 1739594867352.jpg (303.84 KB, 1024x574, 1739580479798413.jpg)

Apparently Ashley is a former escort and used to post some pretty questionable things on her old twitter @sexlaptop

No. 2089097

File: 1739594961116.png (1.04 MB, 1440x2637, 1700622205147211.png)

It's so funny how trash attracts trash, every single time.

No. 2089098

File: 1739595113475.jpg (159.58 KB, 680x627, 1739589381027250.jpg)

To be fair, Ashley is Jewish but rejected how heavy handed Israel's response to Hamas was, even getting criticism from other Jews.
Elon is only out for himself, I don't think he cares about Indians, Jews, or anyone else, and plays devils advocate whenever its convenient for him.

No. 2089099

Yep this is the first video that comes up when you search her name

No. 2089101

File: 1739595410562.png (599.18 KB, 1534x1011, Screenshot 2025-02-15 at 04.53…)

As predicted, she's also a liberal who hopped onto the right wing grift in recent years (probably as its more profitable)

I told ya so, Elon really lusts for lefty women.

No. 2089103

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Samefag and apparently homo Milo of all people already knew about her giving birth as far back as September? Milo's post seems to be deleted. I read something about her partying with Nick Fuentes too. And she was allegedly also married and already had a kid with this Dr Johnny Alexander chiropractor from NY then divorced? Some sources say she's 31, others 26. Which I think would make her Muskrat's youngest broodmare so far

No. 2089105

File: 1739595823228.png (380.1 KB, 774x1158, Screenshot 2025-02-15 at 05.01…)

Ashley's other alt account, with her cringe old tweets. She didn't seem to like white people very much.

No. 2089107

She was legal and sending nudes back in 2014, so she's at least 29 this year.

No. 2089108

File: 1739596082062.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1748, IMG_8907.jpeg)

Just saw this, nope this is apparently from the month before her 26th birthday. The claim is that she was selling cp of herself to 18+ gamer scrotes and blackmailing them

No. 2089109

File: 1739596142279.png (313.76 KB, 749x772, Screenshot 2025-02-15 at 05.07…)

Her and Elon might be soulmates, both have a retarded 12 year old sense of humor.

I thought the 'big black cock' tweet might be fake but apparently there were black men replying to her at the time so it's legit. Yikes. Then again Elon likes tweeting BLACKED memes and making BBC jokes, so again, more proof they are soulmates.

No. 2089110

Nona, right wing female grifters lie about their ages all the time. They've got to appeal to their scrotoid audience.

No. 2089115

File: 1739596602311.jpeg (789.43 KB, 1242x1454, IMG_8908.jpeg)

On her partying with Nick Fuentes
You might be right but the selling underaged nudes in 2014 allegation has apparently been going around for many years, and if she is now 26 she would've been a minor at that time

No. 2089116

File: 1739596972010.png (582.23 KB, 800x458, IMG_8909.png)

Brown scrote in the middle Ali Alexander was outed as a gay pedophile groomer

No. 2089123

File: 1739600285248.jpg (379 KB, 1080x2472, cringe.jpg)

She seems to have been a particularly cringe brand of wigger.

Reminds me of Tomi Lahren and her old tweets about 'pussy poppin' and 'grinding on niggas at da club'.(derailing)

No. 2089124

File: 1739600627309.jpg (506.27 KB, 1964x1539, obsessed.jpg)

MAGAtards really not beating the 'Trump fans are obsessed with interracial porn' allegations

No. 2089126

that meme on the right is genuinely so nauseating and its nuts that poltards and nazis are the ones who made it mainstream too. yuck.

No. 2089132

yeah it's just disgusting, I think it was mainly just porn-obsessed freaks pushing it. Some random guy in my old university discord had a cropped avatar of it.

There is some uncanny aspect of interracial porn where it attracts these zombie husks of humans to make and consume it

No. 2089133

Yeah I was in some server for a while full of racist moids but they would also post that meme constantly and do other creepy weird shit like take a selfie of one of the server members (their friends) then make AI porn videos of two black guys double teaming him as a 'joke' and stuff. They claim its ironic too but its obviously not. And also would post a lot of gay porn shit too. The ir porn meme stuff really is adhd zoomer brainrot, not surprising elon pushes it too.

No. 2089135

File: 1739603001850.mp4 (3.15 MB, 852x480, rapidsave.com_vice_president_j…)

From reddit
>Vice President JD Vance at the Munich Security Conference: "If the American democracy can survive 10 years of Greta Thunburg scolding, you can survive a few months of Elon Musk…"

No. 2089136

What… Every single new thing that comes out of this is so utterly insane. God help us all

No. 2089139

Stupid basketball headed primate

No. 2089140

Why are all these MAGA moids so fat? They want to take control of America but can't even stop shovelling food into their pieholes? Fatties cannot be trusted with the launch codes, they have no self control.

No. 2089142

His stutter is so beta and cringe kek.
Also we know exactly what he means by 'foreign election interference'. The entire Republican Party is just Putin's personal asslicking team now.

No. 2089147

im genuinely sad and worried for burgernonas, they're waking up to a nightmare everyday under this new government. never did I foresee muskrat becoming the modern day Rasputin. at least it won't last forever, stay strong amerinonas.

No. 2089150

File: 1739605739081.png (198.47 KB, 572x466, 1737785369115 (1).png)

Picrelated remains undefeated

No. 2089152

Kek nona you are part of the problem.

No. 2089156

kek what problem

No. 2089159

File: 1739611594664.png (2.31 MB, 1926x1155, Screenshot 2025-02-15 at 09.22…)

all his children are defective or ugly, there's truly nothing that can save this mans dogshit cursed genetics, not even an egg from an 18 year old gigastacy MIT graduate could counter his ugly ass autist klinefelters tranny sperm

No. 2089160

Damian has that budding AGP tranny look, I would laugh my ass off if even more of Elon's sons troon out, the chimpout would be hilarious

No. 2089168

>i was in a server full of racists moids

nona, what were you doing there?

No. 2089174

It will never not be funny that his one kid trooned out. Fatherless behavior.

No. 2089177

"a few months of musk"? is he saying he already knows musks will soon get the boot? can they hurry so at least there is one less ugly moid we have to see on a daily basis? he was overstaying his welcome three months ago.

No. 2089192

i remember thinking damian had a troon look years ago when there was a pic of the triplets with grimes. i thought he was the one that trooned out actually.

No. 2089217

He’s gotta keep churning them out, Lil mÆtshield X is gonna be too big to carry on his shoulders soon.

It’s gonna be fun when the ecosystem collapses because of right wing retardation.

No. 2089224

why are right wing women always trashy born again club whores kek(sage your shit/derailing)

No. 2089230

>if democracy can survive a teenage girl giving speeches, it can survive an unelected billionaire defrauding and restructuring the government to his own benefit

No. 2089231


No. 2089235

If Musk were born in the 90s or 2000s he would have trooned out himself. He's the exact kind of terminally online smug Redditard type who would.

No. 2089249

>we've accepted most scrotes are so useless when it comes to childrearing even right wing, typically conservative women will forego monogamy and marriage with the father of their children so they can procreate in their 30s and ensure financial security for their offspring by signing a contract with a non-committal billionaire autist.
This. It's honestly very telling about how worthless the male gender is, that even right wing pickmes are now openly and comfortably acknowledging that men exist to be nothing more than sperm donors and paypigs. Kek.

Moids will see this as a W but it's really a L for the male gender.
It's only confirming the concept that men are completely expendable and are nothing more than ATMs with a pulse that a woman can settle down into a sexless financial contract with and leech off for life after she's done having sex and romances with attractive men for pleasure in her youth (which is true kek)

It's so funny to see his MAGA and incel fanboys praising him for the very thing they've spent decades complaining about, aka enabling female hypergamy and the whole 'alpha fucks vs beta bux' blackpill asshurt debacle.

No. 2089250

File: 1739637753052.png (2.69 MB, 1880x1256, Screenshot 2025-02-15 at 16.39…)

He has that 'moid who was given unsupervised internet access since he was an infant' 1000 yard coomer stare. Dead inside, school shooter, AGP porn addict gaze.

No. 2089267

These are the enhanced alpha chad genius genetics that are apparently worth being passed on to ensure the health and future of the people of the world. Porn-dead glare and FAS face.

No. 2089289

Right wing scrotes and /pol/tards are absolutely obsessed with black men’s dicks, they never stop talking about them. It’s so fucking weird and gay

No. 2089291

he always posts out of context like a coward.

No. 2089301

File: 1739647123471.jpeg (1.1 MB, 3347x1893, E40CFB55-B1F9-4477-BA52-E482B2…)

I think Amber is pregnant with his 15th child. Remember that battle they got into over her frozen embryos? He allegedly sued her because he wanted to destroy them. Well I think he ended up letting her use them to have her daughter Oonagh and she's now using them for her pregnancy with her second. They apparently ended up on good terms, and he said when Shivon gave birth that he's "Doing my best to help the underpopulation crisis. A collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces by far". If that's really his goal and he's having kids left and right with women who had surrogates pregnant at the same time as each other (Shivon and Claire) it's certainly plausible that he and Amber put their differences aside, he dropped the suit as long as he could have some control and have her agree to some of his terms (like not allowing the child to transition, which he may have been worried about since Amber is LGBT) and she is maybe still using those embryos they fertilized together. People who have one IVF/sperm donor baby often use the same donor when they want siblings so they have the same genetic connection to each other.

We don't really know the total number of children he has. Ashley St. Clair's post implies she only came out with this because the media were onto her and planning on dropping the story. There might be more baby mamas under NDAs.

No. 2089303

The kid doesn't look like either of them. That is so weird. She literally looks adopted kek.

No. 2089304

I just hope he actually pays for all those kids (he can afford to) unlike for Claire's-I'm-Not-Like-The-Other-Girls-I-Don't-Go-For-His-Money

No. 2089312

>If he's just trying to babymax why isn't he just donating his cum to a public sperm bank

I'd bet anything that he is doing that, too. "Spreading muh genes" seems to be a common fantasy among sociopathic elites. Epstein wanted to do this too.

I'd be shocked if Elon isn't also regularly donating to sperm-banks.

No. 2089313

Sperm banks only take donations from men under a certain age, he likely is too old for all of them now.

No. 2089325

If she has a boy then I think it'll be halfway confirmed, the tard would never allow a sister-birther to have two girls in a row.

No. 2089327

liberals are not left?

No. 2089337

in US political discussion, people generally say “right-wing, conservative, liberal, left-wing,” with conservative and liberal occupying right and left halves of the center

No. 2089345

Sperm banks don't enforce shit. Most of their jizz is from doctors and janitors at the facility, and the official age limit is like what, 45?

No. 2089354

>his 15th child
Elon Musk is just Nick Cannon but worse.

No. 2089355


No. 2089357

File: 1739659160684.jpg (113.86 KB, 1200x900, phpwWEasp.jpg)

He's even more subhuman than musk to me, he was literally only a senator for like two years before thiel paid trump to make him vp. He has basically done nothing other than be a thiel puppet his entire career. "if you can survive and autistic teen giving speeches about making the environment cleaner than you can survive a fat autistic sociopath billionaire who wants to play shadow president and run the world like a cartoon villian!!" like what the fuck is the correlation? that theyre both autists? I hope she keeps making scrotes seethe

No. 2089360

the weird psychosexual obsession right-wing scrotes had (and still continue to have) with Greta is so creepy. I remember them making pedophilic comments about her when she was a child. Like what did a young activist do to those scrotes brains that they are still seething her over this day.

No. 2089367

File: 1739661465766.jpeg (92.15 KB, 1400x1050, pinky and the brain.jpeg)

>autistic sociopath billionaire who wants to play shadow president and run the world like a cartoon villian!!"

Trump and Musk are like Pinky and the brain, if anyone remembers it. Except this time, one of the Brain's ludicrous plans to takeover the world worked. Somehow, that is your reality.

No. 2089379

I remember them nona (i have a shirt of them kek).
This is a perfect way to sum up the new presidential arrangement with elon and trump. Even down to the dynamic of pinky coming up with the solutions and brain taking the credit.

No. 2089391

he and shivon aren't married

No. 2089395

didn't shad make cp of her??

No. 2089405

File: 1739669162085.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1125x1670, IMG_7759.jpeg)

Slightly ot but does anyone else think Ashley St Clair is lying about being 26? This picture is from 2019 and if she’s telling the truth, that’s a rough 20.

No. 2089424

File: 1739672974697.jpeg (192.06 KB, 1320x1492, IMG_1322.jpeg)

I don't know, she does look and act like she could be 26 to me. But, it's weird they didn't say the photos of her were taken down for being CP. They just said they were taking it down for non-consentual nudity and "threat to expose." If she was a minor in those photos, you think they would also cite that as a reason. I didn't see the photos, so I don't know if it's obvious she was underaged in them.

No. 2089427

Makeup and drugs + alcohol ages women poorly. She could be.

No. 2089429

File: 1739673648672.jpeg (927.49 KB, 1125x1762, IMG_7767.jpeg)

No. 2089430

File: 1739673687277.jpeg (118.74 KB, 1094x1156, IMG_7768.jpeg)

This says she’s 31

No. 2089436

File: 1739674248711.png (556.75 KB, 828x823, he looks awesome.png)

No. 2089438

File: 1739674394532.jpeg (694.12 KB, 1363x3464, 275B24EE-0814-4DA0-95AD-0FF0FA…)

Came to post these. She started calling out Elon publicly for replying to Milo who was allegedly posting photos of her in her underwear as a minor, then deleted the posts

No. 2089445

His defrosted immobile sped seed, that is?

No. 2089446

This has the same energy as PT claiming her ‘work-out lines’ lmfao, the broadest part of this fag is his nasty bloated beer gut.

No. 2089449

File: 1739677075022.png (807.25 KB, 828x1067, virg.png)


No. 2089450

Most of them are artificially inseminated. I still don't think grimes and elon ever actually had sex

No. 2089453

Elon objectively does not have good genes he has a spastic looking face in the medical sense. Why are people breeding with him i get he has wealth but holy shit at what cost?

No. 2089454

>muh superior genes
>autistic, obnoxious and troon children

No. 2089460

(do not post photos of underage subjects)

No. 2089466

>at what cost
The insane part is when you realize most women who breed are doing a similar thing for similar reasons and vastly less reward.

No. 2089469

File: 1739682168637.png (118.47 KB, 496x687, 1739672969152971.png)

He's getting roasted so hard by /pol/ for having children with a Jewish coalburner, and everyone also knows about his botched penis implant and the fact he's physically incapable of having sex. The very people he's trying to impress are disgusted by him, nice.

No. 2089471

Does betabuxmaxxing even work for moids? This is supposedly the richest man on earth, but his harem isn't composed of prime Margot Robbies. Instead it's basically various iterations of Aella. The absolute best he could bag was past prime Amber who only settled for him because Depp ruined all of her financial prospects and put a target on her back. And she didn't even give him a son?

You listen to fugly moids and the 10s their edaddies promise them, but is it really gonna happen given the above?

No. 2089472

Well, no. Normal women are getting a lot less because they don't fully see it as a transaction. They get fucked, literally and metaphorically, because they try to mix business with naive pursuit of romance.

No. 2089473

No. 2089475

She's definitely lying about her age, she's at least 28 as of now.
Right wing men have always had a psychosexual obsession with leftist women. And yes they were making deepfake nudes of her when she was 16. She's probably another elite grooming victim, she was taking private jet trips with Leonardo DiCaprio who is almost certainly a pedo.

Elon is aware that he's fugly and genetic trash. The reason he despises his other sons so much is because they grew up to be even dumber, more talentless, more mediocre versions of himself. He wants to constantly start anew over and over again. He probably knows X is a future autist hopeless case like the rest of his sons. Now he's having kids by an Ashkenazi Jew and hoping they will turn out super intelligent geniuses or something, even though their mom is just a low IQ wigger club thot with a cringe pornstar name.

This is a career move for ASC, she was a literal who ex camwhore before this, now she has a kid, a rich baby daddy, and many more followers. Basically what every ~30 year old MAGA grifter could hope for. Hell, thousands of moids would be lining up to have Elon's kids for financial gain if they could.
Yep, most women will marry a broke thankless scrote who will do next to nothing for her and the kids and spend her life cooking cleaning and taking care of them all.

Elon's broodmares know they don't have to do anything from now on, even if he's only paying them a couple thousand a month in child support. Right wing women are huge supporters of parasitical femininity so their behavior isn't surprising. This is why most moids don't even like tradwife types, because they know these women are essentially no different to golddiggers. Confident slutty bpd women are highly attractive to low confidence spergs like Elon.

No. 2089479

Holy fuck she literally just had their baby (well through a surrogate ofc) and Elon is already humiliating and disrespecting her. Kek this is going to be so ugly and messy. And she seems like a very loud complainer which Elon is not going to like. Plus I guarantee Elon has 100% saved and jacked off to her teenage nudes. Ew.

Not defending Elon at all but the average male is also genetic dogshit while being broke too. Cynical jaded and ran through women (who some might think of as smarter than the average woman) much would rather take the surrogate + child support + nanny package than do any kind of hands-on child rearing. These women are no different to the basketball groupies who chase NBA players.

So she was a single mom before meeting Elon too. Yikes. Then I guess becoming a single mom again but by a richer dude was worth it for her.

This pic is filtered to high hell nona.

Other nona is right this kid looks like neither of them. Also looks slightly retarded like IVF babies usually come out as.

Literally looks like the Chud meme but with better hair.
What's the point in breeding when all your sons are defective autists who are addicted to sissy hypno porn and will never get to touch any woman.
Couple years ago I remember reading a blind item on CDAN that Errol also has a breeding fetish and would impregnate his female African mine company workers. Could be where Elon inherited this kink from, Errol also seems like a huge degenerate and overall creep. Enty is also retarded though so it could be BS.

No. 2089480

He's literally the poster child for mosaic downs and the way he's aging is so overly offensively ugly that I feel like Donald Trump looks like a charming, orange iguana in comparison. Elons face looks like he was made to be curbstomped and put in the stocks in the square of a medieval village for tomato throwing.

No. 2089481

File: 1739684737947.png (104.94 KB, 1172x848, 1739667619918409.png)

Is this screenshot real? I can't find the link on her profile. Unless she bahleeted it at Elon's request.

No. 2089482

>botched penis implant

No. 2089483

>his botched penis implant and the fact he's physically incapable of having sex
Wait, I need the sauce now

No. 2089484

File: 1739685502027.png (56.11 KB, 1280x245, Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 05.56…)

Elon's fanboys are already seething at her for trying to get her minor nudes taken down.

No. 2089485

File: 1739685768744.png (72.75 KB, 1165x350, 1739663342032122.png)

I wonder when it's going to finally sink in that 'conservatives' are literally just psychopathic billionaires who would throw the entire west under the bus for more cheap labor, and washed up party hoe grifters looking for a betabux. When are they finally going to get it?

No. 2089486

>exa dark siderael
Elon is like a 14yo fat my chemical romance mall goth girl trapped inside the body of a 50yo walled moid. Even the My Inmmortal teen trolls were already mocking chuuni cringe names like that over a decade ago. This moid is so fucking embarassing.

No. 2089487

File: 1739686319583.png (15.05 KB, 591x272, 1739666117022895.png)

Big if true.

No. 2089489

File: 1739686402916.jpg (489.67 KB, 1290x1426, 1739667239847299.jpg)

he's such a dork, he can't even get his dick up for these women

No. 2089492

File: 1739686950550.jpg (92.59 KB, 416x698, 1739671207325781.jpg)

Sorry to alog but my jfl all his sons are so fugly, even when they're supposed to be their cutest they look like mini incels. I thought his kid with Shivon might be the cute but I was wrong. Holy fuck there's really no countering those hideous Muskrat genes, he is a curse. Oh well, at least the little guy looks happy for now.

No. 2089493

looks like kyle rittenhouse as a baby

No. 2089494

They didn't even inherit Shivon's infamous CERULEAN CRYSTALLINE PWNJABI BLVE EYES. They got Elon's ugly bile coloured hazel instead. Elon confirmed brokie who can't even afford gene editing, jfl.

No. 2089495

god i feel sorry for this kid, at least trump's kid looked cute as a kid, this poor boy looks straight up deformed. I would say that at least he's rich but knowing elon it wouldnt surprise me if he didnt left a dime to his kids when he dies. He sounds like such a cheap ass greedy scrote that would rather be buried in his shitcoin hardrives than leave his kids and their mothers some money.

No. 2089496

>parasitical femininity
You can't parasitize a parasite.

No. 2089498

Actually you can and it's called hyper-parasitism. Women can also parasite other women through surrogacy.

No. 2089499

File: 1739688116815.jpg (150.07 KB, 1179x1456, 1739662933815862.jpg)

>marriage proposal

No. 2089500

That's interesting and I didn't know that, but still lul at the implication that a woman can exploit a man in any way.

No. 2089505

File: 1739688416927.png (1.83 MB, 1270x1235, Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 06.43…)

It's grim that X is actually Elon's cutest kid, despite showing signs of FAS and autism.
I genuinely think that's the only reason he parades him around specifically, he's so shallow and clearly ashamed of his other offspring.

No. 2089507

File: 1739688516420.jpg (289.56 KB, 1179x1885, 80dEH4J.jpg)

How did this two time babymama susten a career as a trad grifter. the sjw is more monogamous than a neo con.
this so embarassing

No. 2089508

Depends if you mean exploit in a literal sense (ie to make use of something) or in a moral judgment sense (abusing someone for your own gain). I never said she was guilty of the latter, if women want to use rich dudes for money, more power to them. God knows Musk doesn't have anything else to offer anyway.

No. 2089509

They all look like lizards

No. 2089510

He's ignoring his new baby mama, while sending lovey dovey emojis to his older, ultra subservient broodmare.

Elon doesn't want to be seen anywhere in public with thots like Ashley, but he regularly wheels out Shivon at public events with him, as she's a safe, meek, wifey type.

It's so sad, imagine being finessed this hard by a subhuman socially inept sperg like Musk. Brutal.

No. 2089511

File: 1739689077462.jpg (194.82 KB, 1451x863, kiddos.jpg)

Interesting how similar Azure and Oonagh look!
His daughters are very plain, but much cuter than his sons.

No. 2089513

Wtf is she wearing

No. 2089515

Imagine being this much of a narcissist and still being so shit at triangulation. His manipulation skills are SOOO bad for a cluster B supposedly genius schemer, but the women he chooses these days are usually weak, very protective of him, and insecure, so he gets away with it. Honestly, I have so much contempt for the women too. They are okay with spreading the genes of a horrible fat cunt for financial comfort and status. They know that their kids will grow up without a present and good father, yet they still do it. It's pathetic

No. 2089517

He's so fucking UGLY why does it always look like he's chewing on dumbells

No. 2089518

There's a timeline where Elon musk remained a paypig for amber heard and she never gets with Johnny Depp, effectively leaving Elon when she was satisfied with the money and ludicrous child support, prompting him to kill himself. A happier, better, more productive, comfortable world.

No. 2089519

File: 1739689845936.png (1.65 MB, 1922x1021, Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 07.07…)

Nightmare fuel.

Shivon has always dressed very much like an Ivy League millennial aspie chick with no sense of style, people were clowning her outfits in previous threads. She's playing the demure Christian trad wifey schtick now with her Sunday school teacher outfits.

No. 2089520

There's a timeline where Amber killed Elon then shat in his mouth.

No. 2089523

Shat in his mouth and then killed him**. And then we all give her keys to the city and award her Miss World.

No. 2089525

That bulging Frankenstein forehead. I usually try not to make comments on children as a rule but lord let's hope he grows into that. Elon shouldn't be allowed to breed

No. 2089526

File: 1739690657911.gif (163.38 KB, 220x151, IMG_8832.gif)

God his fucking torso. my sides

No. 2089528

There's no way that's not a medical condition. We've seen him with his shirt off, he's doughy as hell.

No. 2089530

The solipsism and selfishness of the moid in his pursuit for genetic immortality is so nauseating. Elon has condemned multiple children to being autistic uggos for life, all for his own selfish egotistical desires. Men like him need to be sterilized, he's a walking biohazard.

No. 2089532

File: 1739691358052.png (364.59 KB, 853x541, Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 07.33…)

It's possible he got some kind of corset mesh surgery to hide his paunch and it got botched and pushed all his visceral fat storage to his chest area.

Also just realized his kids look like they have Noonan syndrome. I feel sad for them.

No. 2089541

>his tits are as big as hers
>he looks awesome and manly

No. 2089542

File: 1739692490134.png (443.1 KB, 736x693, tumblr_a3265be80171edd7af02145…)

It’s too late, his sperm is already on ice.

No. 2089543

His breasts and upper stomach protrudes so far out that it's a hallmark of male lipo abuse. I've seen anons theorize roids but that's not roid gut, it's his natural fat distribution that can't be sucked out with lipo. So all the areas he's had coolsculpted and sucked out make him look chimeric.

No. 2089545

I usually find this kind of stuff touted about children on here exaggerated and schizo but this is actually eerily accurate to his son with Blue Eyes White Punjabi

No. 2089547

The problem is kids grow and they are all still so young. We don't know if they have this or not just based on a photo. Both parents look weird as adult, not shocking their kid looks weird too. Ice Cube and Coco's kids look weird as well. Some parents are just ugly.

No. 2089548

Oh for sure, I'm not diagnosing the child, it's just the first time I've seen one of these be super accurate. That kid looks exactly like the diagram.

No. 2089551

Don't forget that Elon sued Amber to destroy their embry- I mean, KILL THEIR BABIES.

The Disneybrained breed of right wing whore that genuinely believes zygotes are children is about to learn that the ideal outcome for right wing wursties is Roman patriarchy, in which the father is legally entitled to not only force abortion but kill his already existing children if he doesn't want them.

No. 2089553

Very bvsed and trvd variety of babby murder though so it’s okay.

No. 2089557

File: 1739694896443.jpg (38.38 KB, 785x431, 1739664660758814.jpg)

Can't wait for this tweet to come back to haunt her.

No. 2089558

what she doesn't realize is that men already opt out most of the time and court mandated child support most of the time isn't enough to pay for every single thing plus the time and effort spent raising the child.

No. 2089560

I thought the pics of his body were shoops but he really looks like that, lol.

No. 2089582

File: 1739704204066.jpeg (139.57 KB, 493x777, IMG_7886.jpeg)

I still can’t understand why this bitch is so hyped over her blue punjabi eyes they’re not Megan Fox or Margot Robbie blue eyes they’re Elisabeth Holmes/Onision ones. She has a creepy sociopath stare that renders her ugly. That being said at least she’s an educated career women with her own money which puts her leagues above the others.
Those kids look like retarded downies especially the boy. Lord have mercy.

No. 2089590

Actually no, you can't parasitize on your own parasite.

No. 2089599

This is so fucking sad. Imagine putting a woman through pregnancy alone but through the rounds of injections and egg retrieval and implanting on top of that…. And to do this so many times with different women? It's like the universe really didn't want him to naturally reproduce and he can only do that because he has money that can afford him doctors… Plus, the shit that he allegedly said about Grimes for having trouble with giving birth "as women are made to do it and she can't even do that" or whatever it was said in those anonymous posts allegedly Grimes posted on some forums.. and their kid being the only conceived and born naturally… It all sounds like his sperm is truly shit and in nature he's infertile. He had to pay ton of money to have doctors select a singular least degenerate spermcell he produced and force it into those women's eggs…

No. 2089607

You know elon is one of those people who gets spergy about "aryan features" like blue eyes or blonde hair. He has neither and probably seethes over shivon having them

No. 2089609

File: 1739713488424.jpg (261.54 KB, 956x1015, rcKmvxt.jpg)

Everything about musk and his concubines scream cult leader

No. 2089611

If Elon DMed you and offered 20 million to have his creepy IVF babies most of you would do it no?

No. 2089620

No way he actually pays them that much. He probably tries to avoid paying child support at all.

No. 2089621

And produce an insufferable sperg of a child while the whole world knows I played a hand in increasing Elon's ego? No
Like if you want a rich husband there are so many options that won't have you mass stalked and worrying about assasination attempts

No. 2089622

Lol. No.

No. 2089626

>and raising hyper-successful children
>hyper-successful children
…may we see them?

No. 2089628

It's even more grim when you realize how many complications IVF brings. IVF embryos often have too many chromosomes and so die after implantation. 1 in 3 thawed zygotes end up dying before implantation. Some studies put the IVF embryo wastage rate as 76.5%. In women under the age of 37, the transfer of one blastocyst offers a strong 50-55% chance of a healthy pregnancy. Children born using surgically extracted sperm and fresh embryos were at an increased risk of autism (360% increase - 29 to 136 per 100,000).

For a pro life MAGApede, Elon sure loves killing embryos. No doubt there's been dozens of spontaneous and medical abortions, and miscarriages, in his quest to spread his hideous sperg genes, due to IVF's high complication rates and wastage.

No. 2089632

and while we're on the topic it just isn't a wise thing to do at all with any moid

No. 2089633

You’re kidding, right? You literally could not pay me enough to be a brood mare for this disgusting evil retard. I have self-respect and my family loves me.

No. 2089639

>20 million
Kek, dream on Claire/Ashley/Shivon.
Elon is a notorious tightwad who makes his gfs live in 50 square ft crates and sleep on dingy broken mattresses.

P-trapping fucking Drake or some other rapper/Hollywood degenerate would probably be more lucrative if you're simply trying to secure the bag. Not a tightfisted nagging selfish autist nerd like Melon.
Say what you want about Kanye but at least he pays $200,000 a month to Kim for his kids.

No. 2089644

Nope. No amount of money would motivate me to sacrifice my dignity like that. Having a baby with eon is signing up for a lifetime of suffering and humiliation.

No. 2089645

Discarded and publicly humiliated while caring for a newborn. Conservative values at their finest, and exactly what she deserves.

No. 2089651

Reminds me of the meme with a white female Trump voter screeching 'NOO YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HATE BLACKS AND GAYS, NOT WHITE WOMEN' at her MAGA moid, kek.

No. 2089673

No, I'd like to think that I wouldn't. There is something obviously off with him and his genes, and I would never want to subject my child to an existence where they know they're just a disposable experiment in their pathologically self-centered father's eyes who can be discarded as soon as they have an independent mind of their own and disagree with his values and beliefs. Additionally, I wouldn't want to risk not being able to bond with my kid because they have sociopathic and narcissistic traits that prevent them from viewing others as anything more than naive tools that they can use whenever they deem it appropriate. Anyone who had kids with him after knowing who he is and how he treats humans is a child abuser in my eyes, or at the very least, an enabler of abusers.

No. 2089683

kek this is hilarious, this post must have been written by one of musk's male simps. Elon is known for being stingy and cheap towards his baby mammas that he literally moved to a state where he can pay as little for child support as possible. I think this was talked about back when the threads were merged and Elon and grimes were having a custody battle. Grimes with 3 of his spawns only gets like 2k a month of child support. So all baby mammas only get like 1k to 3k maximum a month.

No. 2089692

inshallah i would accept only to get close enough to kill him. make sure he transfers the money somewhere safe first

No. 2089781

Women just pretending to be willing to have a baby with him could be his downfall. Think of all the fired FBI agents who have experience with stings like that. Is this something that could happen?

No. 2089808

File: 1739752194634.png (91.81 KB, 640x273, IMG_7789.png)

Botched penis implant confirmed

No. 2089809

Well, that could explain why his children look inbred despite IVF (you'd expect superior genetic material selection with is money). His genes are already bad. Imagine additional chromosomal abnormalities.
Yup. It's definitely a cult. Like everything around Musk and his persona of an inventor. Just like he bought Tesla and other things he lies he invented, he buys those kids.

No. 2089829

Kek. I fucking told you so. It's been a Chinese whisper for years.(sage your shit)

No. 2089836

It seems that Elon is becoming smarter about his IVF cult dealings now. I think the whole drama with Claire taught him that this shit gets messy fast and now he's getting better at covering his tracks.

He's already ignoring his barely 5 month old baby's mama and she presumably can't reach him through any direct number, which is why she's having to tweet at him. He's literally just cut and dry, spraying and praying at this point: zero romantic, sexual or emotional entanglements involved.

This Ashley woman is already pissing him off and nagging him to do better, so I'm sure he'll be distancing himself only further from her from now on. They haven't even fucked? And he's already ghosting her.

Shivon is the only woman allowed into Elon's inner world, because she is completely worshipping, unquestioning, uncomplaining, is happy to live off air, and has the personality of an eraser. It's actually uncanny how much she is like one of those cult wives who do absolutely anything the leader says.

No. 2089837

The White House? More like a White Kindergarten.

No. 2089844

File: 1739756637407.png (308.96 KB, 850x621, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 01.41…)

Elon is a Nazi with a fetish for Jewish women.

No. 2089846

File: 1739756899909.png (381.28 KB, 917x1157, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 01.46…)

Kek at Elon allowing this to stay up. Absolute humiliation ritual for ASC.

No. 2089847

If this did happen then what would happen to the guys who botched him? He’s probably got the money to have them killed.(sage your shit)

No. 2089848

File: 1739757244908.png (55.81 KB, 920x229, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 01.51…)

Pottery. This cunt also accused Kamala of sucking dick and sleeping around to get a career in politics.

She absolutely deserves a lifetime of being ignored and toyed with by Elon, honestly.
The only victim in this is the child.

No. 2089849

Less than 0.01% of patients end up murdering their surgeon lol. You have to sign a disclaimer before surgery admitting it's your own fault if you get botched.

I'm now certain that Elon has a botched penis implant. 1. because he finds it so hard to conceive naturally and generally chooses not to: he is probably ashamed of his weird Frankendick. 2. because Claire mentioned it was hard to fit into her mouth but that she also was struggling with him sexually and couldn't make him cum. Explains why, he probably got the biggest implant he could buy and then it killed all nerve sensation in his dick kek. 3. Because he also most likely has Klinefelter's and that's associated with micropenis and small non functioning testicles. Explains his lack of sex life and also the fact he relies so hard on IVF sperm implantation. And 4. Because he's vain, insecure, already something of a cosmetic procedure addict and tries experimental procedures and therapies too.

No. 2089850

Did you mean poetry? Kek

No. 2089852

Like pottery is a meme.

No. 2089854

>and their kid being the only conceived and born naturally
No offense but JFL if you believe this. There is no proof X was naturally conceived. It came from Claire's mouth, and she's a notorious liar and fantasist, who is desperate to convince the world that she and Elon share an unspoken sacred bond and made a baby together.

Pretending they actually fucked and that X was conceived naturally is absolutely just part of her Lady Jessica delusions and copium.

And Elon isn't going to contend it either, because it certainly makes him look better if it seems like he can get it up and physically breed women all by himself, doesn't it?

Why on earth would X be his only naturally conceived child anyway? It makes zero sense. Stop believing Claire's lies. So heavy I fell through the earth is clearly an ode to their IVF baby. Women describe embryo implantation as a feeling off pulling/heaviness/pain/cramping and very surreal. Elon is impotent and limp dicked with microtesticles and a botched penile implant. They never even fucked. She was trying to flex on Azealia and make her jealous.

No. 2089856

If Elon was having to resort to IVF for all his children with Justine all at the tender age of 29, there's absolutely no way he was naturally impregnating Claire whilst pushing 50.
Claire is a habitual liar.

No. 2089858

File: 1739758847465.png (106.34 KB, 2118x469, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 02.17…)

It was already well established that X was an IVF baby too. Remember how Elon played switcheroo with the embryos and forced Claire to carry a boy without her knowledge?

>In his biography on the SpaceX founder, titled Elon Musk, Walter Isaacson profiles the tech entrepreneur and discusses his 11 kids, including his three with ex Grimes, 35. While writing about the couple's first child, son X Æ A-Xii "X," Isaacson revealed that the couple used in vitro fertilization (IVF) to help them conceive.

>"Musk and Grimes, who conceived [X] through in vitro fertilization, had planned to have a girl, but the fertilized egg that got implanted, as they were preparing to go to Burning Man in 2019, turned out to be male," Isaacson wrote.

>He went on to reveal that Grimes and Musk, 52, struggled with choosing a name for a boy until the last second. "Up until the day he was born, they were having trouble settling on names for a boy," the author shared.

Nonas worked this out threads ago, even before the Isaacson bio was released.

I can't believe some newfags are still peddling the Claire myth that X was conceived naturally.

No. 2089859

Unironically for the best. Any girl born to this fat sped would suffer a terrible fate.

No. 2089861

>She's crazier than Amber Heard
and Amber Heard is still saner, kinder and a better person than most men, including the president of the US

No. 2089866

Lol this. An evil woman is just a woman with a temper who doesn't take shit from men.
Meanwhile Trump is a pedophile conman who is ruining millions of people's lives.

No. 2089889

the first kid (the one who died) with Justine was natty, the five who lived were IVF

No. 2089927

>so heavy I fell through the earth
Ohh wow, I had no idea.
I don't keep up with all the drama, I just pop in these threads when I'm bored, sometimes I take things at face value.

Wowww. He is truly nauseating.

No. 2089937

>15 years later

No. 2089944

File: 1739780237484.png (425.4 KB, 513x764, c2646855ca58d6e1f29edab20f59a8…)

This has to be narc projection

No. 2089946

File: 1739780367717.mp4 (2.94 MB, 360x640, m2-res_640p (1).mp4)

I'm sorry if this clip has already been posted in a previous thread bc it's old, but this is why I think he's projecting

No. 2089967

That moidlet is a disaster in the making.

No. 2089968

File: 1739788909177.png (78.58 KB, 720x540, 1000032986.png)

No. 2089971

Kek shoulda made her sign the NDA, Muskrat!

No. 2089975

>26 years old
she's half his age. gross

No. 2089980

60 Minutes is a hell of a lot better media outlet than Elon's porn/child porn/racism/gore/bestiality/woman hate app X.
Elon should be jailed for allowing CP and dog rape to stay up for days on his app.

No. 2089982

She's not 26, I'm pretty sure the 1993 date is correct and she's at least 31, but still far too young for Melon.
This woman seems incredibly messy, outspoken, and is already getting a bitter taste of the reality of being one of Melon's broodmares and isn't liking it, can't wait for the milk to flow kek.

No. 2089984

File: 1739797238292.jpeg (67.35 KB, 1008x509, Gj4nIryWUAEdHee.jpeg)

He supposedly has a dick implant. I remember reading this as a blind item years back, with a link to a device inserted in the fat pad of the dick to make it vibrate but maybe he also got some botched shaft implant too.

No. 2089986

File: 1739798577716.png (50.62 KB, 1222x253, Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 05.49…)

I swear I've seen multiple people claim this. There was a woman who attended parties with Elon and Bob Lee (the CEO who got stabbed in SF) say Elon has some kind of vibrating implant in his penis too.
Usually with these rumors if there's smoke there's fire.

No. 2089987

How is something practiced in places like Saudi Arabia even accepted by the American public? Siding with what is a de facto serial adulterer without the sex part should have killed Trump's career.

No. 2089990

Honestly in America it seems you can get away with almost anything as long as you're rich. Jay Z made his rape allegations go away by simply paying off his accuser. Trump has been accused of sexual assault and pedophilia by multiple women, admitted he walks up to women and starts sexually assaulting them whenever he feels like it, was literally best buds with Epstein (Epstein also said Trump was the most expert liar he's ever met in his life) and it hasn't affected his career in the slightest, he's still worshipped as a God by half of Americans.

No. 2089991

File: 1739800146658.png (678.93 KB, 654x1118, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 13.48…)

>demons aren't rea-

No. 2089996

File: 1739802044490.png (1.36 MB, 1285x1185, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 14.17…)

I don't even understand why she correlates blue eyes with being Punjabi kek. 98% of Punjabis have brown eyes lol. The only Punjabis I've met who had light eyes had green or greyish eyes, never a light or bright blue. Shivon wouldn't have blue eyes if her dad hadn't been white?
Anyway it's funny that Elon probably selected Shivon for that 'Aryan' trait alone and their children still ended up with his ugly swampy ditchwater color. Also disproves his gene banking and gene editing theory. He's just a basic bitch doing basic IVF.

No. 2090003

serial adulterer Trump bragged about adultery on tape and still got elected, nobody cares if it’s someone on “their side”

No. 2090014

Only if it brought me in close enough physical proximity to him that I could lace his food with cyanide. In Minecraft.(a-logging)

No. 2090021

No I wouldn't, I don't want to raise an autistic narcissistic child and get publicly humiliated when people learn I was Musk's broodmare.
>IVF embryos often have too many chromosomes and so die after implantation. 1 in 3 thawed zygotes end up dying before implantation
This has nothing to do with IVF, a third of naturally produced embryos are also aneuploid and get miscarried before the woman realises she's even pregnant. It's just a complication of conception in general.
Most IVF complications are not related to the technique itself but to the fact that it allows infertile men (genetic dead ends) to reproduce and produce dysgenic children.

No. 2090049

File: 1739820317086.png (969.26 KB, 1503x1410, 1739820020934178[1].png)

Gotta respect the grift lol

No. 2090050

I’m reaching levels of antisemitism previously thought to be impossible(/pol/bait)

No. 2090053

I don't, in fact I don't think anybody will respect this in any possible way

No. 2090055

t. elon

No. 2090057

File: 1739822994057.jpeg (1.03 MB, 2148x3304, 5B520B32-F2C3-4722-B8CB-F78B89…)

Milo who knew about her pregnancy as far back as June 2024 is claiming this, as well as that she has had abortions, slept with a bunch of scrotes in a frat as well as his entire tour bus

I think ASC's baby might be naturally conceived based on that article, he is treating it like it was an accident not planned, refused to be on the birth certificate or even acknowledge it as his? If she was told to isolate herself it also seems like she carried it herself

No. 2090064

File: 1739823721815.jpeg (300.75 KB, 1284x1442, IMG_1334.jpeg)

She is not 32. Sorry, but she really is 26. She looks 26. If it wasn't already posted, this is her old account from when she was in high school: https://x.com/optatives?mx=2
Not only were the tweets obviously composed by a 14-15 year old (a immature/trashy/stupid one) but she posted about being in high school and looking at colleges. There are photos of her with her peers. No 20-21 year old would tweet like this unless they are mentally handicapped. I know anons like to say someone looks haggard but it just makes Elon even weirder for impregnating her.

No. 2090065

It would be funny if there is no kid and she’s just doing this for attention(sage your shit)

No. 2090067

File: 1739824315219.jpg (2.12 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_25-02-17_21-26-59-820.…)

Personally, X looks the most retarded and genetically deformed.

No. 2090070

Sry 4 double post but ever since Elon started publicly dating & impregnating mid-ass Claire, many ugly generic women on the internet thought they had a chance with him as well. Like when he stepped out with Claire after being with Stacy Amber,all of a sudden after years of being his doormat, Shivon shoot her shot as well, same with Ashley. Grimes utter uglyness started this. Azealea is right, he needs to start dating models again.

No. 2090071

Claire was so weird about X’s conception, rambling to journos about “capitulating to unprotected sex”, that I knew he was an IVF baby. No one who conceives naturally discusses it in such a forced contrived way. I’m sure Elon made her say that to promote the myth that his dick is functional.

No. 2090078

An autistic and perverted Bond Villain seized the Federal government and our personal data. Not trying to be a doomer, but is there any glimmer of hope? I fully expect Elon and Trump to start ignoring court orders. Who's going to stop them?

As citizens, is there anything we can do to help stop them?

No. 2090079

>eyes aren't wide set
>ears align with eyebrows, not low set or rotated
>nose not broad
The only thing these children have in common is being blonde white and have light colored eyes.

No. 2090083

Yes. Stop being a black pilled doomer. Go outside.

No. 2090093

She could be 16-17 here, I will never believe that she is only 26.

No. 2090099

That account was literally for her pedobaiting scam at that time, sending nudes to people then extorting them later, her whole act was jalbaiting and then extorting retards into sending her money. The 'I'm under 18' thing could easily be part of her larp. She still acts like a retarded teenager nowadays, so her immaturity on that account doesn't say much.

She also doesnt look 26 at all. She's had a shit ton of fillers and botox. Both Bozeman and Coeur d'Alene are bumfuck nowhere schools and each have a 75%+ acceptance rate, so holy fuck she must be genuinely dumb as rocks. Kek, embarrassing.

It's also coincidental that she chooses to larp as 25-26, since 25 is also the exact age women are considered over the hill in right wing spheres and are expected to push out a baby by. That would also mean she had her first baby at 21. Unlikely. I don't believe a word that comes out of this grifters mouth.

No. 2090102

NTA but this is a weird whiteknight, X has literally all of those hallmarks. Strider even moreso. I think you are either coping or faceblind. Also, hi Claire kek.
Honestly, Ashley is pretty hot, but she's also a low IQ trashy wigger skank, so it ruins her mystique. She seems insufferable, but she does have that typical noid-pleasing 'pornstar' phenotype and good boobs, which is more than enough for most scrotes to lose their minds over. It's funny though, because Elon's fanboys are congratulating him for bagging her, but I don't think her or Elon have ever even fucked or ever will.
Things in the US are going to get worse before they get better.
It is very obvious she's a turboslut and these statements are probably 100% true too.
But…men love turbosluts like Ashley, so why are they pretending to be morally outraged? Moid hypocrisy is so annoying. Milo is probably just jealous and wishes it was him instead.(hi cow)

No. 2090103

File: 1739830335936.png (1.42 MB, 888x1178, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 22.01…)

>I think ASC's baby might be naturally conceived based on that article
For God's sake, no. Can you stop with the tinfoiling that Elon can actually get it up? ALL of Elons kids, including Nevada who died, are IVF babies including ASC's.

She was posting pics of herself in tight outfits and drinking all 2024, including only weeks after supposedly 'giving birth' (she didn't).
She's not gonna turn down the free option of a surrogate from Elon. Elon doesn't fuck women, he's an impotent truecel.

Also this from Errol

>Elon Musk's controversial father Errol has cruelly claimed the Tesla founder's first son, Nevada, spent 'too much time' in the care of nannies before he died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

>Errol made the claims on South African podcast Wide Awake, where he also said Elon 'hasn't been a good dad.'

>'The first child was too much with nannies and died in the care of a nanny,' Errol said of Nevada, who died at just ten weeks old in 2002.

>Nevada was Musk's first child with his wife Justine.

Errol said: 'If Elon hears this he's gonna shoot me or something, but anyway, that's what I think.'

>'They were too rich, [had] too many nannies… then he had five children with the same woman - five sons all brought up, each one had its own nanny. You following me?

>'When they got divorced, the nannies were six on this side and six on that side. So it was a really weird situation.' Errol also alleged that Musk 'never spent time with his kids.'

Please stop spreading disinformation that Nevada, X or 'Grok' were born from anything other than IVF. Also fucking lol at the name Grok for a human child. Over before it even began for that kid.(integrate)

No. 2090106

Nta either and it's not a wk, he clearly doesn't have it. It's like some of you want the kid to be as retarded as possible. He has autism, that much is for sure but anon's right or at least not face blind

No. 2090108

File: 1739830788167.png (778.96 KB, 848x668, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 22.17…)

Nah, you are just incredibly bad at reading subtle signs of chromosomal abnormalities in faces. X looks like a retard. I don't have to look after him, so I couldn't care less whether he's genetically challenged or not. Objectively speaking, he has hallmark signs of chromosomal abnormalities.

Likewise, people like pic rel will look a bit 'weird' to normalfags but they actually have a fatal genetic condition that kills them before 40 usually. Most people who aren't medical professionals can't recognize chromosomal abnormalities but when you work in medicine you can read it easily.(medfagging)

No. 2090109

File: 1739830791556.jpg (75.93 KB, 900x600, 20220702090756_62bffa6d86c2562…)

>For God's sake, no. Can you stop with the tinfoiling that Elon can actually get it up? ALL of Elons kids, including Nevada who died, are IVF babies including ASC's.
It's more obvious they're IVF babies when they're older imo. Who needs survival of the fittest when it comes to sperm quality? We'll just take this retarded schizo one and insert it right into the egg

No. 2090111

So people are taking the girl who lied about her age and pedobaited for money, at her word? How do we know she’s not lying for attention?

No. 2090112

Yep. If Melon had to consistently rely on IVF even as a 30 year old man when he's supposed to be virile and in his reproductive prime, there's absolutely no way he's not still using IVF in his 50s. Elon's winky is dead as a doornail.

No. 2090113

Not a wk, just had it with the medfagging where anons clearly see the most random illness and force it to fit a cow.

No. 2090117

Elon's kids need genetic counselling he probably thinks there's nothing wrong with them too.

No. 2090120

Justine said Nevada was natty in her Marie Claire interview, and she had no reason to lie about that when she was spilling so much other tea

No. 2090126

Not bashing Justine, but she has made multiple inconsistencies before in her stories. She's claimed she was taking care of Nevada when he died, put him to bed, and that she found him, even though it was actually a nanny who was caring for him and put him to bed and found him unresponsive.
She let a shit ton of nannies raise all their kids (and those nannies were also involved in their court battle) but talks as if she mostly raised the kids by herself. They had 12 nannies. TWELVE.

Women whose IVF children die are often ashamed to admit they had IVF because it was known back in 2002 to be far more risky and dangerous, I wouldn't be surprised if she lied about it in the interview to look better and absolve herself of blame. The fact Elon immediately whisked Justine into the IVF clinic to try for another child afterwards makes me think they'd almost certainly done IVF before.
You can believe her but she's been caught lying before at times so I'm not gonna take her word on everything.

No. 2090131

Yeah I'm absolutely against child exploitation but I don't think she was 15 here.(do not post photos of underage subjects)

No. 2090132

Also…Ashley only tried to get these pictures removed from the internet very recently after associating with Elon and getting exposed for her past.

People were still circulating and tweeting the sexlaptop account lewds at her and she was retweeting and jokingly replying to them on main, according to archive. If nudes of you when you're 15 are still up why the fuck would you be joking along with the supposed pedos and still retweeting them while in your mid twenties?

No. 2090133

Grimes and Elon are just ugly as fuck so he wouldve turned out ugly anyway, stop tinfoiling

No. 2090135

File: 1739833769835.png (293.94 KB, 935x806, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 23.07…)

She is not 14 here either.

No. 2090136

There's ugliness and then there's chromosome defects. Elon's kids have both, which is why Nevada died of a congenital condition.

No. 2090138

>Elon's dad going on a podcast to talk shit about him and gossip about his dead son
Nobody can say this family doesn't deliver.

No. 2090140

Lying about being underage and tweeting lewds like this is fucking crazy. What if she’s completely making up the Elon baby thing kek

No. 2090144

File: 1739836447877.jpg (52.97 KB, 788x607, elonzoomers.jpg)

Nope, no refunds, you burgers are fucked. It's not just that Elon is seizing your personal data, it's that he has inexperienced zoomer nerds tinkering with decades old Treasury systems they don't understand. They probably already fired the people who do understand those systems. One line of bad code by those scrotes can cause massive chaos.

No. 2090146

File: 1739836671134.png (574.6 KB, 1102x1120, stclair.png)

If you look at Ashley St. Clair's old optatives account, you'll see that most of the friends she interacted with live in Alabama (@alexxxisbarnett @jamiesharpp @SLoganC14 @Sadderhold). She posted about living in Montana, and she went to school in Colorado Springs. The month of birth on the Genealogy website aligns with her birthday.
However, the @optatives to me is undeniably a young teenager's account. Further investigation is being conducted.
I am not posting her actual address, phone number, family members, etc. The information in the screenshot only contains information she revealed herself. She is a public figure now, since she claimed to have a bastard child with the world's richest man.

No. 2090147

File: 1739836760383.jpeg (77.05 KB, 1163x748, GdwsbhgXMAAf5lc.jpeg)

Good detective work. I'm certain she's 93. However she talks and acts like a retard still, and everyone typed like turboretards in 2014 too, so I still don't think that's evidence of her being underage. She would be like 21 back then, so still young enough to be dumb and retarded.

Btw, she's crying about fake pedophilia while also defending actual pedos who slept with minors. She's trash.

No. 2090148

The woman with Hunter looks like a frail crackhead in her mid-20s

No. 2090149

Whatever you say, scrote.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2090150

Jesus fucking christ. KAM.

No. 2090151

Literally having to cover his boner with a pillow for the camera. Ick.

No. 2090154

The first guy is handsome

No. 2090156


No. 2090159

Honestly Melon and his clan are messier than the Kardashians. I would watch a reality show if it had Claire, Shivon, Amber, Ashley, Errol, Justine, and Tallulah on it. The infighting would be epic.

No. 2090165

He looks 40

No. 2090172

General consensus is that's Jean-Luc Brunel, Epstein BFF. Also please spoiler.

No. 2090192

Why are you all derailing about Hunter Biden FFS the Reddit cancer in this thread. I know y’all are embarrassed you stood Muskrat up as IRL Ironman for years but please stop taking that out on us and integrate. Make a Hunter Biden thread or better yet just go back.

No. 2090217

Am I the only one who doesn't believe Ashley at all about having Elon Musk's kid??? Elon Musk really would do that, but she really seems like some attention-seeking thot who would make up the most dramatic shit like that for the attention. It's not the first time this has happened to a rich and famous man. I recall Justin Bieber having similar rumors from some crazy psycho claiming to have his child when he was a teenager.(sage your shit)

No. 2090223

he didn't deny it?? why would he reply to Milo and go "WhOA" if she was lying.

No. 2090225

I just feel like he would have had a different reaction if it was true, but then again he is such a weird guy.(sage your shit)

No. 2090236

No, this is dumb and schizo. She moved to a $10,000 a month apartment in Manhattan in the last year. There's no way she could ever afford that by herself.

No. 2090247

I'm sorry but that's a very dumb theory. He would've denied it immediately rather than go on a narcissistic smear campaign where he tried to humiliate her into silence by signal boosting tweets that made her look insane. If she was just a crazy rando accusing him, he would've outright stated that he doesn't know this woman and will take legal action against her.

No. 2090273

Yeah, the fact that there are some posters in here calling her a "turbo slut" or whatever as a reason to somehow deny it sort of proves it. Makes me wonder what they think of Amber Heard, but I bet most of the posters here must be leftist trans women or males from leftypol or whatever anyway, so I can imagine that's why they talk about her like that. I don't really give a fuck if she extorted and exposed pedophiles, I don't care if she slept with a bunch of men. Elon Musk did similar shit with Grimes and other women, so I'm surprised people are more adamant on attacking her looks and being like "oh shes a hag just look at her" or whatever, but we are on lolcow KEK.

No. 2090279

Everyone on LC will deny this now, but at the hight of Depp's smear campaign everyone (including the jannies kek) was a deppbot Amber hater scolding about how aboosive she was. Celebricows downsies were the worst offenders but I guess that's low hanging fruit. LC, like all other "feminist" places, loves being feminist in retrospect.

No. 2090282

I was there and I was posting constantly in those Depp v Heard threads and this is blatantly fucking false. There were a lot of people defending Depp, but guess what happens to this site when hot topics hit the scene? We get flooded with scrotes. Which is why the Amerifag thread has to ban the VPN occasionally. When the scrotes and the self-admitted 80 IQ having tard poster left most anons sided with Amber anyway.

No. 2090301

File: 1739876206156.jpg (267.48 KB, 1124x1574, 1000000653.jpg)

Pushing 60 years old, hired fucking invalids that didn't understand the code, believes that there are
>code defaults to 1874 whenever age value isn't available
>Elon Musk now thinks there are millions of people drawing SS from 150 year olds
None of you understand how much I hate this man and his disgusting, malformed, evil smooth-head blobfish face. I don't think I have ever desired to alog anyone more in my entire life. I wish someone would impale him on a rod and rotate him like a hog over a fire.

No. 2090331

>I could have done that at paypal
I’m sure he did tbh

No. 2090341

Isn’t the default in MS 1900? Guess it depends what system they use. Either way isn’t how old the USA is a question on the naturalization test? Why does he think someone born in 1874 is older than this country.

No. 2090344

If we all concentrate hard enough we could probably give him a pulmonary embolism.

No. 2090364

He's a literal retard, how did he ever manage to convince anyone he is some kind of genius. He's a fucking Pajeet trapped in a fat South African mutt's body.

No. 2090365

Acknowledging a woman is a slut doesn't make someone a scrote, stop moralfagging.

No. 2090401

Switzerland is talking about banning twitter, would be based if true. Hope more countries follow suit. It's a worthless app full of disinformation, propaganda, fake news and porn anyway.(this is an imageboard/post proof)

No. 2090407

When I search for news on Elon Musk on almost any platform, the algorithm ALWAYS prioritizes far-right bullshit. Finding criticism of Musk on YouTube is getting harder–or am I just being paranoid?

This is one of the few places where it's easy to just talk shit about Elon. It's gross how much control he has over fucking everything.

No. 2090411

I don't even bother consuming non-local news anymore. It's all slop.

No. 2090412

File: 1739906423064.webp (13.53 KB, 800x355, IMG_8301.webp)

Never forget the 2023 source code leak lol

No. 2090414

File: 1739906540936.png (2.02 MB, 1564x1137, Screenshot 2025-02-18 at 19.20…)

Melon and the Russbots are already trying to smear this woman just for having cancer and being underweight.

No. 2090420

Wow, thanks. I never knew this happened, kek. I am a bit rusty at coding/html but this is good motivation to brush up.

No. 2090422

File: 1739908631346.jpeg (388.98 KB, 1179x960, IMG_6789.jpeg)

she’s just anorexic

No. 2090423

She wrote so heavy before she was even talking to elon she posted about it in dec 2017 when jaime was still her ghost producer. She made it about elon later

Just like how she posted her and anyma were beauty (shes not) and the beast after using that to refer to elon and then had anyma redo her song “enjoy the angels on earth” which was about elon kek. The so heavy part was fun to imagine tho cus elon is fat

No. 2090429

Anorexics can be trusted to run countries better than fatties like Elon and Trump. At least the anorexic knows how to practice basic self control.

No. 2090447

>No 20-21 year old would tweet like this unless they are mentally handicapped.
Are you mentally handicapped? These threads are filled with people in their 30s and beyond tweeting exactly like this.

No. 2090486

Are you that same anon who said not liking lolicons or disagreeing with them was considered "moralfagging"? There's been a prominent user in /ot/ threads that specifically uses moralfagging when talking about such things.(derailing)

No. 2090500

File: 1739927055001.jpeg (373.19 KB, 1125x1009, IMG_7828.jpeg)

Magathots chomping at the bit to be Elon’s next baby mama

No. 2090502

>billionaire DNA
Did these bitches psyop themselves into believing resource hoarders = good genetics? Resource hoarding behavior exists just to help worthless men breed. Fucking kek

No. 2090506

What is the code doing?

No. 2090511

Giving a shit about it is thoughever

No. 2090517

Keyword. Millionare DNA. Not millionare money.

No. 2090518

>um you said word I don't like so im gonna also accuse you of being a pedophile
No. Also holy fuck you're an insufferable schizo. Kys.(infighting)

No. 2090519

This woman is a cow herself, her bf is a roidtranny manlet with an anime pfp pic, who posts pepes unironically and claims being a faggot doesn't make you 'gay'.

No. 2090526

Kek wasn't there a nona pretentiously sperging about female intrasexual competition a couple weeks ago and everyone was clowning her for it? It was probably was this same dumbass.

Also, 95% of the people seething at Ashley on twitter right now are men, calling her a golddigger, a whore, a lying Jew, a coalburner/mudshark, an extorter, a fed/honeypot who trying to take down their precious daddy Elon, etc etc. It's always these drama cows accusing other women of trying to start drama.

No. 2090537

Well said. My sentiments exactly, nona. Seeing that gross little smirk across his fetid, waterlogged skull always ruins my day and puts me in a foul mood. Why is he such an ugly cunt?

No. 2090540

He really does look like a bloated waterlogged corpse that's been floating face down in the Hudson river for weeks.

No. 2090542

>Makes me wonder what they think of Amber Heard
We love her. She's a bad as fuck dyke who uses and abuses moids, had her own successful career, survived the shitstorm of the century, and will always survive.
Ashley is a weak, whiney, pickme bitch, no talents or interests except sucking dick and lifting balls, getting gangbanged at the frathouse and pleasing men. She's pathetic.

No. 2090550

I was there and saw the opposite, in fact there were deppie jannies. You don't need to save face, it's pretty normal for women to hound Bad Female Celebrity and then have a feminist awakening when the smear campaign is concluded.

No. 2090562

Amber Heard would have made this disgusting worthless toad fall in line. She would be stomping on his penis implant with the heel of her shoe

No. 2090568

I mean, Amber abuses women too, it's insane how you were either expected to laud her as a hero or hate her as if she was the devil. She's just a typical bpdchan who has anger and violence issues towards all her romantic partners, regardless of sex.

No. 2090569

This. I would be afraid of her personally. She's just not a good person.

No. 2090571

What basis do you even have for saying this? The fight with her ex gf was proven to be a one off thing drastically misrepresented by Depp’s team and poorly handled by LE. It’s 2025. Leave the nouveau-hysteria bullshit behind in the past where it belongs with Johnny’s career and the self respect of his homely fangirls. She may be a little stupid or masochistic for being willing to date these crusty old fucks in the first place, but there’s nothing scary about her unless you’re a self hating incel or a particularly slow woman.

No. 2090583

Amber isn't gonna lick your pussy nona, let it go.(bait)

No. 2090588

>actually believing any of this
Point proven. Deppies trying to bothsides after it became obvious they got played.

No. 2090598

Don’t use scrote logic here. We don’t defend women cause we want to fuck them you spastic. Amber heard is based for fighting back against angry abusive moids if all women grabbed a shot gun and blew the brains of the scrote beating/abusing them it would have so over for the defective gender. Fuck Depp. Glad she chopped his finger off.

No. 2090599

Weird response

No. 2090601

Unhinged bpd behavior. Seek help.(infight bait)

No. 2090605

File: 1739955600544.gif (269.72 KB, 200x200, 200w.gif)

kek this is hilarious when you realise that Elon moved to texas specifically to pay less child support as possible so these dumb bitches would only be getting somewhere between 1k or 2k a month. imagine doing all that and putting your body through IVF just for a measly 1k. Tradthots are so stupid.

No. 2090611

File: 1739958607818.jpeg (365.86 KB, 680x898, IMG_0722.jpeg)

Imagine being a baby mama to a billionaire and begging for him to acknowledge it

Picrel is the one who got the best deal

No. 2090612

File: 1739959237327.jpg (211.02 KB, 1300x956, fairfax-va-us-may-24-2022-2021…)


No. 2090615

It should be obvious to everyone by now that Elon Musk has homicidal fantasies.
People are going to be doubled-over vomiting when they finally learn the extent of this mans “accomplishments”(sage your shit)

No. 2090640

She dated Elon, dressed up as a video game character to please him, and has a child with him

No. 2090680

I can feel the 20 something parasocial energy from this. i don't know how women keep falling for the trap that is pitting women against eachother when the bigger problem is birds of a feather flock together so any of elon's ex gf and baby mamas (real or fake) are all fucking stupid. imagine cozying up to fake gamer nerd for money when all that shit is tied up in assets and offshore accounts he most certainly will not give access.

No. 2090687

Be rich and try not to botch your face into a ghoulish unrecognizable pile of putty challenge: impossible

No. 2090689

listen i wish for this feminist ball buster vigilante, too, but be fr with yourself and everyone else for a minute: amber was sucking his dick and stroking his ego just like all the others. she's a C-list manipulator, girl was not playing 5D chess in any way shape or form lmao.

No. 2090707

the fact his baby mamas all look miserable and downtrodden speaks volumes

No. 2090756

Elon is gutting the aviation safety department and planes are falling out of the sky. 4 significant plane crashes in the last month in North America. He's also nuking Medicaid, of which tons of MAGAtards are on too. Why hasn't he been arrested yet? This is all so sinister, feels like 1933.(sage your shit)

No. 2090765

If the FBI and CIA were based they would be sowing the seeds of some terminally online radical schizo's homicidal ideations and trying to steer him in the right direction so they could just clap their hands together and go, "oh well!", they could even give him the death penalty too. Like how hard could it be, cmon.

No. 2090767

Stupid but simultaneously serious question: why aren't we weaponizing our autism in return by mobilizing and spreading "propaganda"? These psychopaths have already shown that they are willing to stoop as low as they have to in order to gain more power, so why aren't we playing the same game in response? I legit want to be a part of a network that strategically posts memes, news and conspiracy theories in order to rile up and emotionally manipulate the useful idiots that Elon and his ilk are ideologically in control of. The other side needs to do what they did and progressively infiltrate chan boards, social media sites, etc. with info that paints them in a horrible, albeit still truthful, light. Remind people of Elon's associations with Epstein, push the "elites are pedos"-narrative, post memes accusing working-class men of being cucked by billionaires (bc nothing gets powerless men more emotionally riled up than being called cucks), accuse Elon and Trump of being compromised by Mossad and KGB, revive the pee tape conspiracy, spread video clips that demonstrate Musk's psychopathic behavior and pathological lying to erode trust, etc.. We need to use the same kind of fear and hatred that they are trying to make people direct towards various outgroups against them, and at this point, I don't even think it's going to require much to make people angry.

No. 2090772

These aren't the same based feds that did JFK in and got Lee Harvey Oswald to take the blame then got Jack Ruby to pretend it was a crime of passion and totally not to shut Oswald up

No. 2090780

This. The Amber asslicking on lc is one of the weirdest enduring psyops i've ever seen. All this fanfiction about her being a based badass dyke is hilarious. She's not a girl's girl, she's all for herself and no one else. I feel bad for any child she's going to raise (Oonagh was it? Sounds like the noise one makes after forcing a massive shit out kek). She's a bpd psycho and even a broken clock is right twice day. She still sucks off moids to get her bag. A real bad bitch would have men handing over the bag without letting their nasty scrote fluids near them. Anyway this is the Musk thread, not the Amber love thread, can some of you get your noses out of her crotch and get back on topic to things that explicitly involve Musk?(derailing)

No. 2090784

Part of Amber's charm is how she has a revolving door of women that she fucks that will back her up even if they have a recorded falling out at some point. That to me tells me she has to be good at talking to women and keeping women friends, even if those lady friends were romantically involved with her at some point. She's like a messier, less stable Angelina Jolie who hadn't built up enough of a cultural icon to take the kind of heat the lawsuit took. Sure she's manipulative and probably not a great person but something about her is tragically endearing.(derailing)

No. 2090792

She's a cool girl who gets it, and other women are hysterical screeching childless losers. That framing has absolutely nothing to do with intrasexual competition, she's just a very astute and logical woman. Maybe pander to men a bit less and take more hair supplements, you seether of seethers. Nothing is going to change her fate of ending up with a mentally unwell, chronically online 4chonger who has grown up watching copious amounts of tranny and loli porn(infighting)

No. 2090814

I don't need to believe that Amber is a "bad bitch" or even care about her at all to point out cringe ex-deppies who still hold on to whatever memes Waldman's troll farm fed them (or what Depp looked like 30 years ago).(derailing)

No. 2090819

if she reproduced with that thing, I doubt that.(sage your shit)

No. 2090823

It's not stupid at all. The reason why this doesn't happen is because that kind of large scale sentiment manipulation is typically 100% manufactured in the beginning, meaning that it has to be contracted by an interested party with enough resources. In case with Thiel/Elon/Trump psyops, it was multiple foreign adversaries. There have been seemingly unrelated "trial runs" for this by the way - Gamergate being the first one, and (fun fact) Depp v. Heard being one of many. Both big data and foreign intelligence have likely refined a reliable "sway the plebs" formula by now, and if I had to guess, it's heavily reliant on male psychosexual ressentiment.

Which leads to the second point - there is no government level party at the moment that would have a financial or geopolitical interest in backing the opposing (anti ruling class, anti totalitarian) sentiment. You are proposing grassroots "psyops", but keep in mind that even if you gather a big enough "troll farm", you will not have the resources of a government or an ultrawealthy individual. Moreover, the sentiment-swaying will have to take place on social media controlled and moderated by your ideological adversary

Thirdly, the defining trait of leftists and liberals is being prisoners to their own self-imposed moral standards while rightoids do not operate under any limitations. Manufactured sentiment and propaganda is a big moral no-no to most lefts and libs.

Finally, totalitarian, populist and conservative (positions heavily derived from male psychosexual ressentiment) messages simply "stick" more easily due to human nature. They are, for all intents and purposes, telling dumb chimps what they want to hear.

I am not saying this isn't doable, but the reasons above is probably why nobody is doing it/has done it.

No. 2090831

Ironically invalidates melon's and trump's claims that deep state is in charge of everything. Surely enough they'd have stolen the election, or had something in store to protect themselves in case this happened? Ngl I'm kinda bummed out there's no superpowerful deep state meddling with the world's politics and the US itself, most of what they unearthed propped up both right and left wings around the world, really putting the "soft" in "soft power"

No. 2090833

It feels like the leftist propaganda train has completely dried up tbh, literally all I see anywhere is right wing propaganda, many leftists are also jumping on the MAGA train too. I'm actually longing for the cringe 'woke' days of the 2010s, they look like utopia compared to now kek.

No. 2090834

>why aren't we weaponizing our autism in return by mobilizing and spreading "propaganda"
Because there's still a chance WW3 doesn't happen in our lifetimes and we all enjoy a return to normal liberal order after retarded americans get this bullshit out of their system and the american economy gets the correction (recession) it so desperately needs.
>We need to use the same kind of fear and hatred
No, "we" don't. Trump and Elon need to be a temporary anomaly, even for the conservative republican party. I want my Fukuyama end of history back, I don't want dems to play the same game and throw the entire world into a decades-long dark age. Neither should anyone else.

No. 2090837

What's so weird is that we know plenty of people, including people on the right, don't want this. I don't know anyone who genuinely likes Elon. Most people voted for Trump not because they like him, but simply because they wanted a break from genocidal Joe. Despite the massive smear against Dems and Kamala, she lost only by a small margin.
Remember that a black man got elected in America: twice. America is not as racist as MAGAtards wish it was. They really really wish everyone was as racist, hateful and mean as they are. The truth is, most people are moderates, and just want peace and a better economy.

No. 2090840

File: 1740007650863.png (292.56 KB, 1329x1121, Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 23.24…)

As usual, Russia was behind most of it.
The Russians have been running such political psyops since the 1950s, intended to stoke division between blacks and whites, men and women, etc etc. A divided West only benefits them: and now look, they're getting Elon and Trump to do exactly what they wanted, which is to concede Ukrainian land over to Putin.

No. 2090841

Literally no normie aged 45-80 gives a shit about le genocide. Only zoomies who don't vote in the first place do.(derailing)

No. 2090842

No. 2090843


No. 2090845

She's not endearing at all, she has BPD/ASPD superficial charm like all celebs, Jesus Christ, celebrity worshippers are so cringe. And this is coming from someone who hates Depp too. Stop capeing for people who don't give a single shit about you.(derailing)

No. 2090848

Not even close. You are, however, an out of touch twitter zoomie who thinks she's "most people". You also probably "voted" for Bernie by tweeting at home and then cried about him losing.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2090858

I genuinely wouldn't fuck Bezos, Zuck, or Muskrat for a billion dollars.

No. 2090864

Close but not completely accurate. But your overall sentiment is correct - Russia is attempting to make America as dysfunctional and degenerate as itself. Part of it is petty revanchism that isn't actually rooted in anything material, which makes it extra bad. There is a deep seated emotional injury over the failure of their own global empire + unironic petty lolcow envy over US media dominance in what's considered "cool", going back all the way to the USSR days, in which normies would whore out their mothers for a stick of chewing gum or a pair of jeans just because they're "western".(derailing)

No. 2090871

I'm well aware what a degenerate shithole Russia is nona. Their 'trad values' are just a veneer over a vile society of druggies, alcoholics, whores, pedophiles and meatcubes. CP is legal there. Russia is just a brokie version of all the worst aspects of America. But they are definitely behind both the extreme leftist and extreme right wing push in the west.(derailing)

No. 2090874

Absolutely. And they've been at it since WW2 ended. Any US marxist-adjacent groups were infested as fuck.(derailing)

No. 2090875

i feel like you're in the age range to even be defending this age range. very weird, like who on lolcow cares about the thoughts/beliefs of a 40-80 year old NORMIE??? NORMIE in emphasis(sage your shit/infighting/derailing)

No. 2090880

I got an entire 2 years of an enjoyable, usable internet before it got bought by dumbass propagandists. Fucking lol.(sage your shit)

No. 2090882

I feel like you can't read like all zoomies. "Most people" who voted for Trump would be in that age range because it's the voting age range. No one is defending it.

No. 2090890

Amazing how all the freeze peech net neutrality muh freedom reddit scolds who would conduct autistic gayops over censored boobies completely sat this one out.

Daily reminder that men don't like freedom even if they demand it, and you're hurting them by giving in to said demands.

No. 2090912

Trump is anti war, anyone who votes for him knows this. There's literally no Americans who want MORE foreign wars and turmoil and conflict, except from the rabid AIPAC psychopath shills in congress who want America to go to war with Iran on Israel's behalf.

No. 2090914

To moids, freedom of speech has always just meant the right to download porn, the right to say the N word, and the right to threaten to rape women online.
They couldn't give a single shit about all the other actually important stuff that's being eroded.

No. 2090916

>Trump being authentically pro or anti anything
>Plebs voting for Trump because of his "stances" and "policies"
Kek x2

No. 2090920

You don't need to have an in depth knowledge of politics to know that endless spending on foreign wars and further destabilizing the Middle East = bad. It's insane you claim boomers don't know about these things when they were all their during Iraq Afghanistan and Syria, and know what pointless money and time wasting disasters they all turned out to be. You are just doubling down on your stupidity at this point because just like those retarded vets, you have no leg to stand on.

No. 2090921

No shit it's bad. You are a proper sped if you think this pays any role in the reasoning of Trump voters though. He could promise to nuke China and lose exactly 0 red voters.

No. 2090929

I don’t love Amber because she’s an innocent broken sweetiepie, I love her because her media circus with that snaggletooth drunk generated unprecedented amounts of hilarious moid seething. Any person with some semblance of intelligence knows there’s no way a woman who’s smaller, weaker in size and constantly needing ugly bastard Elon to pay her money would’ve been able to beat up and abuse a hulking vegetable, it was also a civil suit and not a criminal one so if she “abused” them or not is still up in the air but honestly that ugly fuck deserved it if it was true. Men spent months immediately throwing out all of that bragging about being the stronger sex just to hate a woman they could easily knock out in one punch, it’s shown to me that men are crying bitches who love to manipulate people around them. I still like Amber because I’m not entirely a retard, you love Amber because you’re projecting your epik misandrist badass image on to her when she likely had a baby with Elon.

No. 2090930


Stuff like this proves that right wing pickmes are the absolute bottom dwellers of pickmes. This is a man that has a demonstrated history of being passive-aggressive hostile to 2 out of the 3 other mothers of his children, dragging them thru endless lawsuits and withholding funds and refusing to even engage in legal and social contract to communicate effectively. This is second time publicly documented he has made a point to use intermittent communication, radio silence ect as a weapon which is another example of his fundamentally vindictive personality which is gonna come down on her full force after this little stunt of hers (zero proof so far any journalist was really trying to expose her, all signs proving she was coping and seething because he ignored her on Valentine’s Day) .

No one is jealous of this chick, she received nothing of value besides a child that she will never see a dime over the bare minimum child support that he will fight her for years not to pay as well as amplifying a smear campaign the likes of which no prior baby mama has ever seen. Meanwhile no one man from her desired social milieu will now touch her with a ten foot pole because by their ideology she is a single mother roastie used up and alpha windowed whore, she is effectively a femcel at 27. It’s actually depressing that people as stupid as these types of tradthots exist that are ready to throw away their entire life for a few breadcrumbs of attention from a dude that just sees them as a humanoid incubator

No. 2090932


Why do they always have this slackjawed recessed porn-Ashkenazi physiognomy? Think Aella, Sydney Sweeney, Margaret Qualley. Rounded recessed chin, droopy eyes and ears, flat cheekbones, long face, slightly 'tarded expression. Did the chick that rejected Thiel in middle school look like that or something?

No. 2090933

exactly. elon makes EVERYONE miserable, including trump and himself. pf cource his exes and babymamas wouldn't be spared from that, they're pitted against each other for his pleasure and benefit.

No. 2090935

An abusive, psychopathic, pathological liar who is unable to truly love and leads his life in a manner that indicates that he views humans as nothing more than instruments to be used in order to achieve his goals is a catch actually, and any woman who disagrees with me is just an envious screeching harpy

No. 2090937

> Trump is anti war
Guess you haven’t heard about his proposal for Gaza? Trump is even threatening Canada right now. Sorry you are completely retarded.(derailing)

No. 2090942

Trump has already made like 80% of his voters hate him just by employing Elon. In fact, imagine it all really was 4D chess and Elon was actually a liberal agent just trying to make everyone hate the Republican Party.

>generated moid seething
It really didnt. Most men didn't give a fuck about that case, seriously. The most they said was 'Yup she's crazy' or 'LOL Amber Turd, she shit the bed' and that was it.
The people paying attention to that case and defending Depp were a bunch of fat ugly pickme Beckies who had a hateboner for Amber because she got to fuck their hideous stinky scrote fave and they didn't. Most moids don't give a fuck about celeb gossip. As >>2090640 said she still fucked that rotting teeth old scrote, dressed up in cosplay to give Elon a boner, and used some poor thirdie woman as a surrogate to spread more of Elon's gross DNA in the world. She's as big a pickme as any of his other broodmares, just got to take more advantage of him financially because she was prettier than the rest and Elon simped for her. I respect her for at least making a career for herself though.

No. 2090943

Threatening other countries into doing what you want (which is based) and actually going to war are two different things, retard.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2090945

I'm Jewish and I think most of these women are genuinely Jewish or at least partially. But anyway I've noticed that in Jewish culture, women are happy to date absolutely odious, repulsive and awful men, as long as they're rich. It's drummed into girls heads from a young age that they need to marry a doctor, a lawyer, or another rich dude, no matter how shitty he is as a person. It's similar to Indian culture and various other cultures: as long as a man is giving you money he is a good husband and that's all there is to it. They have a very contractual and materialistic view of relationships.
So having any kind of dalliance with a billionaire is seen as a massive W.

I also think it's partly because genuinely beautiful and hot women don't need to push out a kid or rely on a man in any way for money these days anyway. There's instagram influencers who get paid like a million dollars per post, and it doesn't even have to be NSFW content either. Hence the Becky physiognomy of Elon's harem. Why bother shagging Elon when you can make more money than he'd ever give you anyway from anonymous paypigs, without ever even leaving your bedroom? It's funny because Elon is such an emotionally unavailable autist, a tightwad, asexual, and commitment phobe too, so it's absolutely not the 'how to marry a billionaire' fantasy these pickme skanks envision.
All his baby mamas hate him, and their lives became considerably worse after dating him. Ask Grimes, Justine, and now it seems, Ashley. The only type of woman who could genuinely tolerate Elon is someone like Shivon because not a single emotion or sentient thought passes through that woman's head, and you can tell. She's a totally robotic and blank sperg like Elon, so ironically they're perfect for each other. But he still craves that BPDchan drama which is why he intentionally goes after these highly emotional type of women and then trolls them, basically, by promising them the world, making them have a kid, and then never returning their calls.(blogging)

No. 2090948

>when your 4chan boyfriend teaches you everything you need to know about politics(infighting)

No. 2090949

>threatening other countries into doing what you want is based and is totally different and separate from waging war
This is basically level 1.5 of the retardedly politically challenged normie opinion handbook.(derailing)

No. 2090953

>Trump has already made like 80% of his voters hate him
lol, lmao even(derailing)

No. 2090959

Fuck off with your Trump fanboyism already, this is a thread about Elon.(report and don't respond)

No. 2090960

>samefagging and seething this hard
get a life you dumb tranny, cry harder that you wont be able to walk into womens bathrooms and rape kids anymore LOL(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2090962

Have your discord daddy remind you not to skip meds, kitten

No. 2090966

thanks i will, nyan~! ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ(emoji)

No. 2090967

File: 1740029618332.png (431.73 KB, 716x731, IMG_9580.png)

even other conservatives think this bitch is disgusting.

> couldn’t be that everyone thinks I’m retarded, must be samefag

No. 2090969

who is 'we' and 'us'? does she mean her and the baby, or her 'team'? such a strange tweet. imagine not even having a direct line to the father of your child.

No. 2090972

As one of those people, I just know in my heart of hearts that you smell of cat piss, you never go outside (hence the 2017 tranny bathroom reference) and your biggest passion is the handful of rabbits that you take horrible care of. NYAN! Also, if you think that the only people who are against Trump are trannies who fear not being able to access bathrooms, you're truly stuck in a boomer-tier ideological echo chamber. That's an echo chamber you're supposed to fall into once your brain turns into soup, not when you're young and your brain is still functioning properly.(infighting)

No. 2090973

didn't read, salty troon kvetching(infighting)

No. 2090984

File: 1740033754820.jpg (128.45 KB, 1080x783, jq7b0oj.jpg)

This is so funny knowing grimes only gets 2000 in child support. Magathots are trying to play a game IG thots/WAGs own and it's getting them burned.

No. 2090985

Trad larping is incompatible with bag chasing. The most successful bag chasers are the women who don't do the "I'm a submissive wife uwu larp". They tend to be libfems like padma lashkimi so of course none of Elon's babymamas (except heard) will get the same results

No. 2090987

Insane cope

No. 2090992

The most successful bagchasers are ghetto trashy hoodrats who get an NBA player drunk then take him home, rape him and win 500K a month in child support lmao.

No. 2091002

It's funny to me that these people are incredibly rich, and yet they have some trailer park-tier problems.

No. 2091040

Fucking kek, a sore boomer moid coming to the elon thread to WK trump, on the women-only imageboard? This is the highest grade of copium I've ever seen(scrotefoiling/continuing derail)

No. 2091061

It’s literally always like that. I think a lot of it is that scrotes just suck.

No. 2091086

File: 1740061339183.png (337.7 KB, 739x573, 1739807651641.png)

No. 2091087

*That one's dad's?

No. 2091101

File: 1740064144909.jpg (121.35 KB, 835x437, disgusting.jpg)

yeah its referring to elon's father who married his step-daughter…
The whole Musk family is…

No. 2091115

they’re not married because it’s illegal in South Africa to marry your former stepchild

No. 2091142

as if that matters at all? They have child brides all over the place, but stop st step-children who aren't even blood-related? Come on. Don't be naive.

No. 2091145

What in the Woody Allan…

No. 2091195

it is illegal there, surprisingly enough! not illegal in the US, though

No. 2091203

File: 1740087466754.webp (39.88 KB, 600x600, Jana-Bezuidenhout-600x600.webp)

This is actually why Elon seethes so much at his dad, because Elon was the one who was in love with his stepsister Jana, and his own dad cucked him. As someone pointed out, Jana looks like a weird mashup of Shivon, Amber, Talulah and Justine.

No. 2091206

File: 1740087757936.jpg (31.42 KB, 450x450, Jana-Bezuidenhout-and-her-daug…)

Jana's daughter is also adorable, which probably makes Elon seethe even more, as all his children look like mutants thanks to his awful genes.

No. 2091212

I never looked into his dad, Eroll Musk. Is he just as fucked up as Elon? (what's the tl;dr on his dad)?

No. 2091267

File: 1740094851859.jpeg (107.35 KB, 720x933, IMG_2186.jpeg)

His name comes from this, and while Von Braun did a lot for the space program, he was also a nazi. Guess it runs in the Musk family.

No. 2091272

This poor woman was raped by her father figure. The Musks should all be set on fire.

No. 2091273

Holy shit, the whole Mars thing is just a childish attempt to finally make his father proud?

No. 2091279

Her eyes look so sad. CSA/rape victim eyes.
Errol was grooming her from the time she was around her daughter's age. Sick.

No. 2091280

Daddy issues moids spend their whole lives trying to seek their father's approval. Elon also tries to claim it's a coincidence when his dad literally admitted he named Elon AFTER the character in the book, because he's a fan of Nazi authors.
Seems like Errol is more honest about being a shitbag than Elon ever is.

No. 2091322

File: 1740102881285.mp4 (855.33 KB, 640x360, ssstwitter.com_1740102834739.m…)

What the fuck

No. 2091323

he was rolling during this interview

No. 2091339

The absolute dick sucking KEK
>takes us inside the mind of a genius

No. 2091343

No. 2091344

File: 1740106147613.png (669.92 KB, 2358x1178, Untitled.png)

Dunno if you guys saw this shit yet, but while he was on CPAC, Grimes was literally begging him to talk with her about one of their shared kids. Fucking scumbag.
Her posts were shadowbanned after, too.

No. 2091345

Do we need to discuss this on both threads?

No. 2091386

Reminder that men have never done anything except suck a richer, high status man's dick throughout history, even willing to shed blood and die for him, be it their emperor, lord, king, whatever. Moid simping for authority figures is ingrained in them and absolutely nothing new.

No. 2091390

Autistic nerdy men need to be kept in their place because the second they get even a crumb of power, it goes straight to their heads.

No. 2091392

I assume this video was taken moments before they stumbled back to the dressing room to make disgusting, sweaty love on the floor.

No. 2091393

Elon Musk more like Elon Muscovite.

No. 2091406

File: 1740120514336.png (135.55 KB, 693x1000, Screenshot 2025-02-21 at 06.46…)

Daily Mail is usually the most pro Trump/Elon rag and even their readers are getting sick of the pair of them

No. 2091407

File: 1740120727083.png (170.54 KB, 673x1154, Screenshot 2025-02-21 at 06.49…)

Even the right wing has turned on them both. Question is who is going to stop them from destroying the US now?

No. 2091409

File: 1740121059421.jpg (118.82 KB, 736x992, a018946cc589aae7c6a57715a450da…)

All I can think of when I read news stories about Elon's broodmares

No. 2091412

>hideous walled saggy balled scrote tyrant enslaving models as breeding sows
yeah seems accurate lol

No. 2091415

File: 1740121927683.gif (2.6 MB, 580x334, nh07jjpvqxj41.gif)

Doesn't Imortan Joe goes out of his way to find women who aren't genetically deformed though? It seems like Elon goes out of his way to ensure his offspring will all have genetic diseases and/or personality disorders. Especially using IVF to ferry his disoriented sperm to drug addict eggs or (otherwise healthy) synthetically harvested ones, like his earlier wives

No. 2091416

Well yeah he does it for megalomaniac reasons. If he was actually interested in eugenic reproduction he’d realise anyone whose sperm is so lazy it needs rocket fuel at 29 shouldn’t reproduce and fund sperm collection efforts from under 25 6’+ Chads. Never listen to their mewling about biology and survival of the fittest it’s all BS.

No. 2091419

I think Grimes would really love the comparison and probably the new incubator as well. I feel really bad for the first and second wives, who thought they married a rich douchebag and are now shuffling kids between specialists and publicly known as "broodmares". sad kek

No. 2091420

At the end of the day nobody held a gun to those women's heads and forced them to breed with Elon. They all wanted a piece of that pie: they thought they were in with a lifelong meal ticket, wanted the status of being picked by the worlds richest man, wanted to be empress of mars yada yada yada. They fucked around and found out, personally I don't have any sympathy for them except Justine because she was the first one to be blindsided. Her story was very public, dating a man with 6 kids he barely sees and having an ex wife he despises and ignores should be a glaring red flag to any woman.

No. 2091423

File: 1740122964864.png (2.49 MB, 1739x1260, Screenshot 2025-02-21 at 07.25…)

He also set a terrible example for his sons in showing them women are disposable and to be used as nothing more than arm candy and rent-a-wombs. You just know Elon's smeglets are horny little coomers who probably developed a hot stepmom and breeder fetish from Elon burning through so many pickme bimbos.
They're probably just as nasty degenerate little shits as Elon is and aspire to collect a personal harem too.

Also says a lot that one of Kimbal's kids trooned out too. The whole Musk clan is just a pile of mentally ill degen waste.

No. 2091429

The emperor is naked, he's having a late-life crisis, and he's planning to take us all down with him
Are you me? I believe this too; that most men are gay for/eagerly want to suck the dicks of men who are at the top of the hierarchy. That's why sicarios, henchmen, rappers, and soldiers are willing to do what they do; it's not just because they view the men they worship as some kind of father figure/role model or bc they want to acquire status for themselves, it's also due to repressed faggotry. Men are extremely gay for strongmen like Hitler, and it's incredibly ironic that the community of the most insecure, easily controlled men coined the term NPC and generously uses it when describing others, especially those on the left. How many men have thrown their lives and hearts away for an idea that another man developed and rhetorically/forcefully coerced others into furthering? Is that not the epitome of NPC behavior? They're such hypocritical faggots.

No. 2091431

Men are literal drones designed to die for their superior/commander and dickride the 'alpha chad' in their friendship group and take his leftovers. It's cute how they pretend to be anything else.

No. 2091434

They are not gay or straight. Moids don't have "sexualities" the way sexologists and legbutts envision them. If you shed the need to maintain male dignity in your narrative, you can plainly observe that every male is wired for sexual submission to other males for hierarchy reasons. Male animals mount each other but they're not "gay" or "bi". One of the main evolutionary rewards of that is sloppy seconds from the top dog.

This is also why males experience involuntary sexual stimulation from watching other men fuck the women they'd like to fuck - no matter how much their false selves "hate it", their reproductive systems are immediately placed in a "ready to mate" state. You have now also learned why post-coom shame exists.(derailing)

No. 2091440

File: 1740125919177.mp4 (3.44 MB, 1280x720, m2-res_720p.mp4)

Oh Elon, you fucking fool… It's not because of the left that no one laughs at his jokes, it's because he's an autistic psychopath with a 9gag-ian sense of humor. He can't understand humor because he has no heart or ability to genuinely connect and find common ground with people.
Depressing but true. And then they have the nerve to exert control over women and accuse them of being wicked, impure, corrupting, etc.. Like we don't know what kind of creature men are. Imagine belonging to the gender that rapes children and infants and being like "yeah but actually women are the evil ones because rejection hurts my ego and they get to CHOOSE who they procreate with"

No. 2091441

File: 1740126087966.jpeg (25.25 KB, 800x600, mydisgustnew.jpeg)

El creaturos autisticos de fecundacion in vitro

No. 2091442

The way he changes his accent constantly these days is so fucking irritating. He's always had a strong South African accent. I especially hate his newfound American MAGA accent, he sounds like a cartoon character, such a cringey socially inept fool.

No. 2091444

Is that also why they have a prostatic orgasmic? I can't deal with males anymore they're like coom golems created by a trickster god.

No. 2091446

Yes, that is why. They receive prostate stimulation when they shit so they all know what it feels like from a very early age. Every last one.

No, this isn't a meme. Look up "boner when pooping" and weep.(derailing)

No. 2091447

Yeah, he sounds a lot more like Adrian Dittman in that clip

No. 2091449

>I can't deal with males anymore they're like coom golems created by a trickster god
Kek they really are

No. 2091457

I think he's trying to exoticize himself because he thinks it makes him sound more intelligent but it just makes him look retarded and impressionable

No. 2091459

Holy midlife crisis.

No. 2091482

these are radioactive levels of cringe.

>so l-like i mean the t-the sort of the left wanted to make comedy illegal. You know yeah. You can't make fun of anything, theirs comedy sucks. IT'S LIKE LGEALIZE COMEDY YEAH.

No. 2091484

>i am become meme

No. 2091485

At the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland, the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, gifted Elon Musk a silver chainsaw.

‘This is the chainsaw for bureaucracy!’ Musk shouted as he wielded the chainsaw.

No. 2091488

The way no one laughed lmaooo

No. 2091491

I can’t stand the way he talks and intonates can someone explain like I’m 5 why it’s so fucking infuriating other than the fact he’s retarded

No. 2091495

it's off putting when an actual honest to god sped tries this hard, him trying to be funny is like Shayna trying to be sexy

No. 2091515

he's south african. that's just the accent people have there. it's terrible. many people don't know it in the US but outside the US south african is regarded as the worst english accent in the world.

No. 2091520

This gave me cancer.
You just made that up. The Afrikaner accent is awesome. Everyone loves it here in Australia. Shitlon abandoned SA and pretends to be American now with that fake accent. It's enragingly cringe.

No. 2091549

people HATE the South Effriken accent in the UK, it’s constantly mocked
but Leon’s accent is kind of a roll-your-own tour of the most annoying accents from all the world’s English-speaking nations, with autism sauce and ketamine mumbles

No. 2091552

Unironically he and Vicky Shingles would be the best couple

No. 2091562

He doesn't have a South African accent anymore. I was literally thinking about how Americanised he's become whilst watching the video.

No. 2091572

Would Elon work as a Bond villain in a movie, or is he too retarded/cringe to be a Bond villain?

No. 2091580

just went looking for his trans kids socials and he mentions how he finds out about his half siblings over reddit, hoping for more milk in the future

No. 2091586

he has very nice thick hair for a tranny kek
anyway hes the only tranny I have any sympathy for because nobody could come out normal with a dad as disgusting as elon and I feel sorry that he doesn't know about his own half siblings either
elon is such a piece of shit

No. 2091596

Bond is cringe male wish fulfillment so I doubt you can be retarded enough to be a character in it

No. 2091598

Someone please make a lolcow dating site so we can trick the cows into going on it and make this beautiful fantasy happen

No. 2091615

At 3:12 Maye Musk said Errol was extremely violent towards her during their marriage. I wonder if Elon is so messed up partly because Errol was constantly beating his mother while she was pregnant with him. That physical trauma and the hormonal impact of stress can't be good for the fetus.

No. 2091618

>people HATE the South Effriken accent in the UK, it’s constantly mocked
this isn't true at all people love SA and Aussie accents here
t. bong nona

also his South African accent is much nicer than that beavis and butthead American accent impression he keeps trying to do nowadays

No. 2091666

*goon golems

No. 2091713

File: 1740195063803.png (113.14 KB, 508x827, eloncartel.png)

A little bit of tinfoil for a Friday night:
Why is Elon so gleeful at the prospect of US drone strikes on 8 cartels?

There have been a lot of allegations that he does business with cartels through his Boca Chica company town on the border with Mexico. Apparently Law Enforcement doesn't touch it because he's the richest man in the world. Perhaps the cartel(s) that he works with were not included in the terrorist organization list? It helps him and those cartels by being able smuggle whatever illegal products they provide without interference by other cartels. There would also be less violence and less news because less cartel violence. This is actually a common practice when dealing with insurgent groups, make friends with one of them and help them eliminate the others you are not friendly with.

No. 2091716

As a leaf, most people I know hate the South African accent lol It's so ugly

No. 2091718

Can you imagine being obsessed about being muh alpha male like Elon is and this is your son lmao
Props to him for trooning out, Elon deserves zero normal sons

No. 2091727

The only cartel I know Elon does business with for sure is the Sinaloa cartel. Are they listed? Would be funny if he was doing this on their behalf and killing their enemy gangs for them.
Also, the fact our government is so drone happy is disturbing. Won't be long until they're using them on US civilians too.

No. 2091742

File: 1740203296157.jpg (63.61 KB, 1200x470, awlakimyprofessoryelledaboutyo…)

>Won't be long until they're using them on US civilians too.
Yeah, maybe!

No. 2091773

I hate America now. Just when I was beginning to like you guys…

No. 2091778


No. 2091818

From what I know, Daddy Musk had/has Emerlad mine money, is not above knocking up his female workers. But specific to this, at 45 he married the then 25 year old Hana Beizuidenhout had a 4 year old daughter, Jana whom he is now married to and has a child with. So yeah, being a creepy fuck with a breeding fetish seems to run in the family. Also Kek Elon doesn’t seem to like his Dad much.

No. 2091822

nayrt, but I love the way you speak. Are there certain books you read you seem very smart and wellread.

No. 2091824

a jew on lolcow spotted(/pol/tard/infighting)

No. 2091828

they stop camouflaging as soon as someone makes any inference to a recent genocide in a sentence. I don't know what it is about that, that turns them rabid.(racebait)

No. 2091842

I didn't even know he was beating the shit out of Maye during their entire marriage, in front of his crying kids no less. I feel bad for her, maybe this is why she copes so hard with her genius son boy mom antics. With such a shitty abusive marriage, maybe Elon's success is the only thing that makes the ordeal seem worth it. Is a woman beater above child molestation? Probably not. I definitely think Errol groomed/diddled Jana as a child too and maybe that's why Elon is always talking about how evil his father is and how he's 'done every terrible thing you can imagine'. The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole.

No. 2091873

Third and fourth points aren't necessarily true, self-imposed moral standards was a luxury leftists could afford due to cultural and institutional dominance but there's plenty of examples of manufactured sentiment and propaganda from the left, including the lib left. Troons were not grassroots kek.

Totalitarian and conservative messaging isn't necessarily what chimps want to hear either, rightoids aren't wrong when they say people dislike "traditional family values" and "responsibility". In practice, that's the revealed preference: people are not getting married and having kids early despite all the tradwife and pronatalist psyops, people are getting an education, building their careers, having cool enriching experiences, consooming, etc. Men don't want to be fathers and patriarchs, that's not their human nature. They don't want to be soldiers protecting and upholding a totalitarian system. They're chimps who want to coom and consoom.

I don't have any sympathy for moids, but the reason why fascism is finding grounding is because oligarchs are wealth-hoarding and intend to build even more wealth with the coming world war, so they need the moid masses enslaved to shit factory labor, ready for combat, and resentful enough to uphold the interests of big business against their own. The dynamics are so similar to nazi Germany it's tragic to watch, we're probably even getting our own great depression to kick things off when the tech bubble inevitably bursts. At least it's gonna be funny if it happens in 29 again. My prediction is that it does, Trump will run unchecked for most of this year, big money-makers will make big money, but since this is gonna be at the cost of regular people becoming ever more financially precarious (Trump is actually going through with fucking with both housing and food supplies by actually deporting immigrants, and he'll make even consumer goods unaffordable if he goes through with the tariffs), shit will start getting ugly in mid-26, more extreme in 27-28, until it blows up completely in 2029.

No. 2091950

File: 1740244178927.jpg (12.69 KB, 197x256, images.jpg)

I still see her shit eating grin and decaying old body on all kinds of magazine covers. I don't believe anything these disgusting ghouls say. I wouldn't be surprised if she signed off on absolutely everything. The males are only enemies of convenience to make the females look less bad by comparison

No. 2092001

File: 1740253834307.jpg (403.89 KB, 634x2654, z3gHBVf.jpg)

St Clair sued Elon for custody and leaked their texts. She might just be the dumbest broodmare for choosing to enter this shitstorm post grimes and shivon

No. 2092015

File: 1740255649675.png (2.7 MB, 1188x1626, Screen Shot 2025-02-22 at 8.19…)

>hmm ok
after that wall of text. Elon is a fucking cunt. lmao.

No. 2092017

>I want to knock you up again
I just threw up in my mouth

No. 2092021

he responded 5 seconds later. he didn't even read it. I can't breathe.

No. 2092031

22:35 to 22:41 is 6 minutes nona. I agree with you, he definitely did not read it (and if he did, he surely didn't retain it), but those are minutes not seconds kek

No. 2092032

You are giving rightoids too much credit. A large number of them believe they want what they larp as on Twitter - mvh soldiers of weastvrn socviety. That is, of course, until the first draft notice arrives or the first porn ban is implemented. That's when most of them start morphing into edgy shitlibs, think annoying online male liberal mocking Ann Coulter 30ish years ago. Their fickleness is only rivaled by how certain they are about their whims as they prattle on about them.

Coom chimps are dangerous mostly because they are impulse and immediate reward driven. They have no clue what they want or don't want until they encounter it directly, but they will act like they're 100% certain and push for it with all their chimp stubbornness, because it feels like they're certain at the time. What instinctively sounds appealing to males is usually the opposite of what they would find comfortable in the long run, a pattern found throughout their entire life cycle due to what their reward systems need them to do. By definition that implies a lack of foresight to not act on those instincts - and the far right is correct about that facet of their nature every single time.

As for troons, they're either demoralization propaganda coming from a far right foreign adversary or domestic far right groups as a means of "herding" women. The good old "see what happens when you're not our cattle? It's either us or this" tactic, which worked.

No. 2092035

holy shit they are fucking hideous

No. 2092036

The first text exchange is so telling.

He admits to living in fear of potential Luigis, hence his paranoia and focus on security. Elon might actually be living in fear… maybe he takes the ketamine to cope?

No. 2092038

Milei is currently being accused of scamming people and shunned in our country because he shilled a shitcoin that ended up being a rugpull. Birds of a feather.

No. 2092040

File: 1740258853097.webp (54.27 KB, 752x813, i-am-leaving-this-here-v0-qpp6…)

No. 2092050

File: 1740260687574.jpg (1.14 MB, 3024x3859, chK0JvL.jpg)

her and elon make a hideous pair. She needs to stop playing with facetune

No. 2092052

He's really putting babies in any "okay" looking woman who will let him. You just know there are others out there who are dumb enough to believe his nonsense about keeping it secret for the babies safety. I bet there are more kids the public doesn't even know about.

>I want to knock you up again
His breeding fetish is so gross. These poor kids cursed with his goblin dna.

No. 2092053

File: 1740260945244.jpg (317.42 KB, 1080x1655, NEzfEg0.jpg)

Ashley's fellow magathot bestie leaked texts of her planning to babytrap Elon. No loyalty among trads

No. 2092054

File: 1740261027607.jpg (69.77 KB, 1179x760, mwylhh3.jpg)

The other text that got cropped out

No. 2092056

Damnnnn Elon's broodmares stay winning. Y'all broke hoes are just mad!

No. 2092057

File: 1740261307412.jpg (227.1 KB, 1080x1574, UcomBHX.jpg)

Isabella is the worst kind of friend kek

No. 2092061

File: 1740261576359.png (944.27 KB, 1410x968, Screenshot 2025-02-22 at 21.56…)

Her nose is really huge from the side, she hid that beak well prior to this lmao

No. 2092067

lol, these thots acting like elon is the victim in this situation. dude has at least 5 babymamas, he knows how sex works

No. 2092073

What did this retarded pickme think would happen? That's what you get for breeding with a subhuman, I wish them both unwell

No. 2092091

Probably one of the following
>pickmeism has never been tried
>it will surely work this time
>that was not real pickmeism

No. 2092100

Wow what a snake kek. I wonder if she’s going to try to convince Elon she’s NLOG and seduce him next.

No. 2092104

Longtime friends fighting over Elon's botched penile implant and potato sperm is a new low. There's no hope for women.

No. 2092111

I feel kinda sorry for her tbh. She seems genuinely very low IQ and impulsive. Asking friends how to appear funnier to get Elon's attention, offering herself up on a plate, deluding herself into thinking he would marry her etc. Her old twitter proves she's a really dumb bimbo who had a wigger phase and only just managed to get into a bumfuck nowhere state school. She's very very stupid, I hope she gets full custody though and gets more child support just to make Elon seethe. It's so funny how he makes every woman he meets hate him.

No. 2092112

I feel bad for the kid. Imagine having two retards for parents and the dumbass way you were planned to be conceived + custody battle on the internet for all to see

No. 2092117

the Russians would never want him dead, he’s so useful to them

No. 2092142

Unfortunately I don’t think it’s possible for women in this circle to have female friends. The internalized misogyny and perceived inferiority to men are too powerful a drug. They will probably always struggle to see other women as anything but competition. I just hope they don’t have daughters.

No. 2092146

> I care about you deeply
> ok
kek stay winning queen

No. 2092147

Absolutely, I thought the same thing as I saw it. I wouldn't say it's paranoia, it's a convincing excuse to separate or cut contact with them, it also makes them feel worried about him as well as perceive him as someone extremely important and a "wanted man" like El Chapo kek

No. 2092175

This guy is a multi BILLIONAIRE. He could pay an entire army of mercenaries to go around and kil people. And all this absolute loser does is say "the woke left says we can't make fun of stuff" or tell the absolute bottomshelf mid women he pays to carry his deformed spawn that he's afraid. 100% pathetic.

No. 2092182

Elon never ran signal shes so retarded

No. 2092183

File: 1740282318854.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x1997, IMG_7866.jpeg)

Failson tranny of a megalomaniac billionaire is a beacon of hope for other failson trannies

No. 2092185

He benefits from have a cartoonishly evil megalomaniac as a father. It makes him seem less mentally unstable in comparison despite his delusions.

No. 2092200

kek I despise Elon but I hope he brings out the big dogs and makes her fight for every single cent. He'll be seething that she went public with this over his head. Stupidass trick knew exactly what she was getting herself in for. The flaming she's getting from the actual family-values conservatives right now is incredibly well earned.

No. 2092210

File: 1740292386670.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1284x7776, IMG_0731.jpeg)

Elon got psyoped by mossad kek what a retard

No. 2092222

This is most pickmes and soulless dick centric bimbos irregardless of affiliation, very big mistake on this board to think pickmes don’t exist on the left or nonpolitical forms and only come in tradthot form, imo lefty pickmes are much more viscerally disgusting, because they get their soul hollowed out and sucked dry over many years or decades instead of a few months like thotty bag chasers

No. 2092224

>well we do have a legion of kids to make


No. 2092227

File: 1740300535401.gif (26.05 KB, 220x154, 1887539189.gif)

The Jim Carrey reaction is actually hilarious in this (whole) context, I laugh every time I see it. We know she asked her friend for advice on a flat trumpdad-joke and she's hiding her pain and disappointment behind Jim Carrey. Idk the genius of even that makes me think it's my husbando ~Mossadu~ behind it allin a masculine/not faggy way tho

No. 2092254

Can someone edit Teslas to the bottom image, melon's face to the top one, and pickme faces to the middle

No. 2092272

Shoud be cybertrucks instead of teslas kek

No. 2092277

same, it's also very clear he is a HSTS rather than an AGP.

No. 2092285

close enough, welcome back david brandt berg(sage your shit)

No. 2092313

What book is he reading?

No. 2092315

File: 1740320244385.png (1.23 MB, 1206x2622, hitlerverified.png)

He verified an Adolf Hitler profile as a government account

No. 2092317

File: 1740320290985.png (271.37 KB, 548x767, tnd.png)

They're not even trying to hide it anymore. Did anyone catch any of his likes/followings associated with the TND shit? I know a lot of techbros were into that

No. 2092332

No. 2092344

Damn is it over? Should I move?

No. 2092357

File: 1740333258692.png (1.64 MB, 2500x1526, smashley.png)

A former friend of Ashley St Clair just leaked texts she got from her about Ashley wanting to get knocked up by Elon—the world's most autistic sperm donor.

Apparently, their relationship was also sexual, not IVF. Ashley is so cooked. MAGA will now turn on her, and the left hates her for being a Nazi lover.(repost)

No. 2092376

Kek they’ve already turned on her, if you search her name on X it’s full of actual conservatives calling her a golddigging whore and basically a welfare queen. I wish I took a screenshot but one of them was boohooing about how “this is the kind of stuff only Kamala supporters would do” or some shit like that.

No. 2092380

Kek they’ve already turned on her, if you search her name on X it’s full of actual conservatives calling her a golddigging whore and basically a welfare queen. I wish I took a screenshot but one of them was boohooing about how “this is the kind of stuff only Kamala supporters would do” or some shit like that.(learn2delete)

No. 2092383

Why do trannies always think growing their hair long will make them look like a woman? He just looks like a metalhead guy. But yeah we're supposed to believe these faggots aren't sexist kek.

No. 2092384

this was already posted here >>2092053

No. 2092387

>Kek wtf is this blogging, you are a cringe retard
It's called a joke, you wetbrained autist(infighting)

No. 2092399

Yeah, my bad on not seeing the other post before replying. Hopefully, having it all in one image will help.

No. 2092459

File: 1740350362682.jpg (71.17 KB, 720x477, 1000000696.jpg)

Now, men from other countries are going to press conferences and doing the nazi salute and smiling at themselves for relevancy. Incuding Mexicans, who for some reason are really into nazi and proud boy stuff…? I swear to God if we aren't entering the guillotine era soon(off-topic this thread is about Elon only and not politics)

No. 2092496

File: 1740355834709.mp4 (1.05 MB, 518x480, 2E349726-B8BC-4F74-BFD8-39A952…)

Elon walked off the stage and left his child behind

No. 2092506

This is the person people say is a high IQ super genius who will salvage the world and that he needs to create more and more children in order to do so. Absolute fag.

No. 2092572

Put me in a coma and wake me up again when this kid or one of the others has released an autobiography focussing on their relationship with their parents. X's version of Spare is the one thing to look forward to at this point.

No. 2092578

Back when 4chan humour was all about doing shit like this just as a juvenile way to get people riled up, there were always obnoxious articles and social media posts warning that ignoring it as "just memes" would normalise nazi shit and eventually make it less sensational in the mainstream. I hate that those chuds were right.

No. 2092597

I'm looking forward to "I'm Glad My Dad's Dead".

No. 2092606

Poe's Law

No. 2092612

File: 1740396241331.jpeg (406.12 KB, 1284x2245, 3gge12a73zke1.jpeg)

Shivon is such a fucking loser. She's definitely my least favorite Elon-adjacent woman. Tallulah is nuts but at least she has a spine. I hate Shivon's frog features, her unapologetic pick me tendencies, and how she panders to Elon in such a repulsive NLOG who is also into video games-way.

No. 2092613

This is really all it takes to amass an army of millennial and gen x scrotes.

No. 2092636

Inb4 account owner is revealed to be brown

No. 2092639

Family values everyone wtf was that creepy laugh track at the end kek

No. 2092644

File: 1740403624534.webp (133.51 KB, 1537x2000, IMG_8992.webp)

>beta orbiter esq comment
Ya’ll hoes just jelly of her SUPER trve diamond blue eyes and the $5000 she earned to rip her vagina giving birth to speds!!!

No. 2092657

File: 1740405555004.webp (167.56 KB, 1080x2341, another-tweet-by-musk-about-rt…)

Since Elon (and trump) ended up firing too many workers now they need some of those workers back that now Elon is basically threatening some of those workers to come back or else they will be placed on administrative leave.

No. 2092661

why are the moderators in this thread so autism spectrum. This was clearly related to elon since he started this salute trend that other attention-seeking dipshit rw politicians are now doing.

No. 2092665

also comment thread from a fedwork subreddit from government employees basically calling out his bullshit https://www.reddit.com/r/1102/comments/1ix0sif/another_tweet_by_musk_about_rto/

No. 2092689

File: 1740415017707.png (267.46 KB, 440x450, Shivon-Zilis[1].png)

Has any good milk on Shivon? I feel like she flies under the radar but is potentially the milkiest out of the Elon breeders and that's saying a lot. I recall how they were spinning things like "she just wants to be a mother". Anybody associated with the company that was torturing chimps is a ghoul.

Also, why is it not discussed that she was an executive at neurolink but she's also got a huge forehead, a fivehead.

No. 2092724

nitpick but i feel like her lack of limbal rings is what makes her eyes so soulless

No. 2092770

File: 1740427743214.webp (224.36 KB, 1590x1594, RDT_20250224_14055650350182837…)

Holy fuck Elon's so sensitive over his own AI calling him out for being a lying retard he banned it from calling him out KEK

No. 2092783

Let's suppose we actually wake up one day to the news that Elon drowned in a hot tub while high on Ketamine.

How would you react? Is this scenario at least possible?

No. 2092803

kek this is so embarassing

No. 2092815

I'm so sick of this shit. He's not even above average intelligence, he's just some asshole with money to throw around. And yet people like my own mother and my aunt looove him, and despite everything that's coming out about him they always say the same thing
>…yes, but, he's just SUCH a gEnIuS!!

How the hell does this happen? I'm assuming people just read this somewhere and just believe it and repeat it because they don't know any better?

No. 2092828

Idk kek it’s been haunting me all day

No. 2092836

>How the hell does this happen? I'm assuming people just read this somewhere and just believe it and repeat it because they don't know any better?
Pretty much yes, ten years ago he had this strong PR where people kept mentioning that he studied physics, his IQ is 160 (kek), branded him as some wunderkind. An average person believes he actually invented the things he is known for, or at least was heavily involved in, such as rockets.

No. 2092840

unlikely that he’s even the richest person in the world, considering how his supposed wealth is tied up in his shitty businesses
imo that’s why he went all in on Trump, to prop up his sinking ventures with government contracts

No. 2092871

Did she even birth those children…

No. 2092872


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No. 2092875

Most people viewed him in a positive light a few years ago
>omg he is tony stark irl!
>he was a poor kid that was boolied but became rich
>he knows memes!
But then everyone realized that hes actually a power abusing piece of shit who treats his employees like shit, was born rich, isn’t that smart, produced 13 kids that he neglects for ego reasons, and that he actually was not bullied, he was pushed down the stairs because he insulted a kids dead father,

No. 2092900

I would say he is above average intelligence but nowhere near the genius that people (still) believe he is. He's above average because he's able to swindle people on his various schemes.

>Self driving coming next year, pay us now for it.

>You'll be able to fall asleep at the wheel and wake up in a new city.
>We'll colonize Mars with Space-X rockets.

I would also say that Trump is above average intelligence. Look at how he's completely taken over the Republican party from very politically savvy and experienced politicians like McConnell?

No. 2092903

Above average intelligence isn’t much considering average intelligence people voted for trump because they think he’ll lower egg and gas prices

No. 2092932

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No. 2092971

this is too good

No. 2092979

My common sense tells me what he did was not legal, but what are laws anymore.

No. 2092996

File: 1740485545616.webp (63.44 KB, 1080x1534, good-thing-she-wont-have-to-te…)

why do i get the feeling this tweet was directed at his past and current baby mommas.

No. 2093001

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Now they are saying don't reply the email. Good because it's a terrible idea to have FBI employees list what they do at work in an email that will be read by whoever makes it to Musk's inner circle next. It's not like he does any background cheks.

This fucking scrote and his manlets are a threat to USA homeland security. Hope no Chinese or Russian hackers take advantage of this confusing situation.


No. 2093025

I want to ask it if there’s a systems message or whatever to not talk about Elon and Ghislane Maxwell or that his brother dated one of Epstein’s people or some other things about all that. I haven’t used Xitter ai. Or does it have any instructions about that situation and what are they.

No. 2093030

It definitely is. Elon loves to vaguepost about them, but when you have 4 (known) baby mommas, it’s obvious you are actually the problem

No. 2093034

I doubt he is saying those things intentionally or even coming up with them himself. I think he wants to colonize Mars or produce self-driving cars, but he is too incompetent to know why it's not possible in the nearest future. He is just lucky investors are stupid and eager to sink their money in “futuristic” projects, his slogans have nothing to do with it.

No. 2093054

only divorced dads do this. elon projecting as always.

No. 2093057

>I think he wants to colonize Mars or produce self-driving cars, but he is too incompetent to know why it's not possible in the nearest future
The fucking retard isn't even thinking of the logistics of space travel without gravity over an extended period of time. It's nothing close to how the ISS functions being so hilariously close to Earth compared to Mars. He's a moron and he sways people only because he has money and memespeak

No. 2093122

Well given how Grimes still genuinely thinks she’s gonna become immortal or at least be able to live for septillions more years because of AI and Trump who encourages his followers to think he’s the second coming of Jesus I’m guessing logic isn’t exactly the strong suit of those who hang with Elon

No. 2093270

hes blaming the women in his life for ruining his relationship with his kids when hes the actual problem kek

No. 2093292

I think both Trump and Elon are slightly above-average intelligence, but long-term drug use has addled both of their brains. If you watch interviews with Trump from the 1980s and early 90s, he's quite a bit more savvy and well-spoken, if not entirely eloquent. Elon has the intellectual capacity to grasp the basics of complex ideas and concepts and was working on a PhD at one point, even though he eventually dropped out. But both of them have ruined their brains with drugs and, in Trump's case, rapidly advancing dementia.

No. 2093371

>when you center your public persona around how horrible your evil dad was to you and your mother only to end up exactly like him
How Shakespearean of him

No. 2093388

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Elon dropped out after 2 days in his PhD program. He has a Bachelor of economics. I thought I read that Stanford later gave him a ceremonial PhD but I can't find that right now.

It's been speculated that Trump's mental decline could be from contracting syphilis. He might also be senile to a certain extent but nowhere as senile as Biden. I have to admit he is good at thinking on his feet and working a crowd. That time he got shot, the bullet grazed him, then he stood up and pumped his fists was brilliant.

No. 2093432

Weird how pumping out children in a bizarre ubermensch larp doesn't endear them to you. They aren't collectables, Jesus.

No. 2093488

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No. 2093490

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He might be able to score above average on an IQ test, but I've never seen any evidence to suggest he has any sort of real world applicable intelligence. He's just managed to fail upwards harder than anyone else ever has.

No. 2093495

So the anon waffling about him having an economic degree is making up bullshit. Alright. I recall hearing he studied physics at undergraduate level and dropped out because he's too retarded and lazy. He doesn't have any higher education or a degree; he was born into wealth. I think the Stanford thing is true though. He got a bullshit "honorary" diploma or something that rich people get for being rich. He hasn't achieved anything in his life, worked for anything and is a turbo retard at everything, including the humanities, social sciences and STEM.

No. 2093503

The fist pump was when secret service let him know they neutralized the threat. It was the reason he was allowed to stand up and WHY he stood up. He's an opportunist through and through. Look at Onision. An absolute retard of a man, but was still able to manipulate women to having sex and buying a McMansion off of drama and views. When people speak to different types of intelligence this is what they mean. Prime examples when it comes to Musk and Trump. Absolute idiots when it comes to skills that would be helpful to humanity, but somehow, amazing at targeting, seeing opportunities and manipulating situations to their advantage. Unlike Onision, they're more skilled in this type of intelligence and have enough money to keep up the decaying charm of a narcissist life cycle. It helps that Burgers are poor, religious and dumb as fuck. Mix in our racial tensions and we are prime for the fuck storm that is happening. Honestly me, and many other Americans are a little relieved that America is failing as a global leader.

No. 2093510

He has a degree but it's obvious they've been bought

No. 2093514

This is just further confirmation of my long-held belief that honorary degrees are massive bullshit. It maybe makes sense to grant them to highly accomplished individuals who were barred from college due to discrimination, like women throughout history. However, it's clear by now it's just a racket. College are sellouts and losers for even inventing that concept. Hope all of them learn a very valuable lesson about why you should never validate failsons and never ever entertain this scam again when all their legitimate scientific funding is being cut by this dipshit.

No. 2093523


Having a "high IQ" (above 125 say) isn't actually uncommon, but it's a feature of how stupid Americans are that they worship a measure of what is, essentially, a byproduct of socioeconomic factors and being able to rotate a cube in mental space/know a lot of words. Neither of which Musk has actually displayed to a great degree, ironically.

Musk might be above average IQ but that's neither special nor an endorsement of him as the upcoming Goebbels 2.0

He behaves like a fuckwit, abandons and uses his own children as political pawns, is built like a balloon animal, and is tweaking out.

No. 2093583

Lol is this real or is that copy pasta?

No. 2093588

I would thank the CIA for their service

No. 2093628

I've been alogging Elon musk for along time and his disgusting face triggers me because you can just see the empty, vile capacity for evil and that he deserves nothing more than a boot to the face. I still remember when he took over Twitter, contrarian faggots were pretending to be aloof and acting like it wasn't clearly alarming. I wonder if they still try to pretend that it's all fine now kek, anything to seem different. I have such a visceral reaction to his face, you really just have this biological instinct telling you the tribe needs to beat him with rocks because if you don't he will lead you all into ruin and eat your children.

No. 2093643

File: 1740661725734.webp (232.69 KB, 1128x846, IMG_0761.webp)

Honestly, this whole Shivon and Musk thing is insanely weird to me, but whatever. She comes from a rich family, and her fathers side (Zilis) are deeply involved in AI safety stuff in Canada, like think government shit. I would even go this far in claiming that the Zilis family is better off and more influential than the Bouchers.

After Zilis announced her twins with Musk, her whole family deleted every ounce of information there was online, so not much to snark.

Shivon went to Yale and studied economics, because that what people with an IQ of 170 do kek. She comes across as the typical capitalist that kinda grew insecure that they’re not actually studying a legit science and is coping every since. Similar to Musk, she wants to be seen as a highly intelligent universal genius, so they definitely connect on their Dunning-Kruger dynamic.

But above all, Musk needs her, even when nonnies say otherwise. She works in venture capital and ensures that Musks money is safely invested, all while lying to Investors, and she’s doing a fantastic job helping a legit money-hoarding psychopath becoming even richer, while presumably getting a few millions for herself.

Shivon is the only constant Elon had in like a decade. She’s always there after his whirlwind relationships to comfort him in his maniac delusions. For me, Shivon is just a Maye 2.0, that’s why the Musk family likes her so much, she unconditionally loves and admires Elon, unlike his partners.

No. 2093650

>whole Shivon and Musk thing is insanely weird to me
Undiagnosed autism so she has 0 understanding of romantic cues thus even shittier standards in men. That's why her and Musk flock to each other. Unlike grimes bpd autism larp.

No. 2093675

Trump is clearly 130+ IQ. Shitlon is 100-110 IQ.

No. 2093730

File: 1740688615069.jpg (1.04 MB, 1206x1442, Tesla bomber.jpg)

Colorado “””Woman””” (read: TIM) tried to bomb a Tesla dealership. Stunning and brave!

No. 2093733

File: 1740688895509.png (1.41 MB, 1131x1092, you are a fat old man elon.png)

Elon is back to doing his chad warrior LARP

No. 2093749

>uhm so yeah please don't eat my uh face off mouthbreathes I have a lot of that that uh pre-fall money. Yeah. So you could say uh like I'm kind of a big deal. Pretty much. Uhm yeah. Please stop

No. 2093750

filename checks out. post-apocalyptic means you can't buy your way out with pre-apocalyptic emerald mine dollars you smug piece of shit.

No. 2093751

Kek!!! He's acting like he wouldn't kill himself within 10 minutes of losing WiFi.

No. 2093769

as if limp billionares like him and zuck wouldn't hide in their post-apocalyptic bunkers while angry masses on surface decide to use bunkers vents as public toilets

No. 2093771

It's depressing to think that these motherfuckers all probably have secret underground mansions with every luxury you could conceive. Life just isn't fair

No. 2093835

>not lulzy
fallout isn't real, this will be unironically a fate worse than death to them

No. 2093839

>implying it won't be the guy who pushed you down the stairs in school

No. 2093865

A big big issue these retards are constantly worrying about is how they're gonna keep their security guards (or just regular ass employees) from just taking all their shit and how to coerce them into remaining loyal. Except there's no viable solution for these white collar upper class retards. They have no concept of organized crime (despite spaceX supposedly having agreements with Mexican cartels) or any idea how to really deal with strong men with big guns without daddy Big State backing them up. They only know their little golden cages and playing Great Man to other domesticated retards inside the same cage. If anything remotely 'apocalyptic' happens, their heads will be the first ones on the chopping block.

No. 2093903

>He behaves like a fuckwit, abandons and uses his own children as political pawns, is built like a balloon animal, and is tweaking out.
made me kek irl

No. 2093910

kek the more clips i see of vance the more i understand why that one nona from snow said republicans and maga would eat him up (not in the good way). he's just a fat little boy in man skin, doesn't have trump's retard charisma or confidence. if anything happens to trump and elon – when rather, manifest – he's so fucked.

No. 2093913

Before the party gets a chance to exploit him, the generals will ravage him. He has no stomach for real geopolitics and he'll overcorrect with the generals at his back.
Elon I'm less worried about because you can survive on ketamine and being stupid almost forever. Trump going means someone can get tricked into an actual war, which seems to be the only thing this gerontocracy has been good at holding off.

No. 2093918

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He scares me in a "formerly fat and poor, currently rich sociopath who wants to take revenge on the world/marginalized groups for having been a loser"-way. I think it's easy to underestimate him because he's got that fat faggot who, in a parallel universe, should've been a chef-look, but those people are sometimes the most dangerous. Just look at Curtis Yarvin; he looks so cognitively challenged, unkempt and cross-eyed that you could've easily mistaken him for a carnie, yet he has already done a lot of ideological damage in/to the US.(derailing)

No. 2093949

he looks like he was bullied in high school and never got over it lmao

No. 2094057

File: 1740768555798.mp4 (7.51 MB, 1920x1080, imgonnatellyouhowtobuildanarmy…)

I'm right.
Didn't sign a contract today. Called off a press conference not even 10 minutes ago. Trump better stay healthy.

No. 2094074

This is just government by 4chan trolls. Elon is the prime example, but even the rickroll the official House Judicial GOP did today shows that somehow… 4chan took over. And Elon is their autistic king.

No. 2094111

Know the guy suing him for heightism. Everyday he made fun of his height(sage your shit)

No. 2094115

DeSantis was the original /pol/ candidate for president. But he has negative charisma, just like Elon. Vance is balls-deep in the soyboy cuck 4chan culture, even more than Elon - Elon is having to play catch-up via Twitter - but I'm not sure how much /pol/tards like Vance, even though he's spouting their talking points fucking constantly.

Never in my fucking life did I think we would actually be governed by soyboys. It's as miserable, dysfunctional, shitty, and unfunny as I would have imagined.

No. 2094126

>but I'm not sure how much /pol/tards like Vance
He refuses to steer the party in any way that is going to "buy votes," so they should be on the outs with him. This is the dumbest trifecta of control ever. They have the opportunity to just buy votes (healthcare) and enact their version of victory on the culture war forever and they just won't do it because VC types have their ears so hard.

No. 2094128

>They have the opportunity to just buy votes (healthcare)
So why can Musk and Trump just cut healthcare while still getting so much support?

I feel like the world's gone mad, and I'm better off just drinking wine and not thinking about it.

No. 2094133

they're relying on propaganda so that their supporters won't get upset. all the Republicans and the right-wing influencers are getting their talking points directly from Elon, who is standing up at all these big meetings telling everyone not to worry, that everything he's doing is for the good of America, that the people losing their jobs deserve it, that there's massive fraud that only he's smart and competent enough to find, that he's not interested in stealing their money because he's already super rich, that he's gonna give them checks with the savings. People never want to believe they would be hoodwinked by their own friends, but that's the number one way it happens, kek.

No. 2094140

Most "great men" in history were ressentiment-ridden cucks.

No. 2094147

It isn't cut yet, but the writing will been the on the wall by September, when CMS has to cut a trillion dollar and they only find a few 100 billion by putting on work requirements. This will also coincide with when congress needs to pass half a trillion dollars in subsidies for the healthcare industry to keep the ACA provided plans from costing McDonalds workers $400/mo, as opposed to <$100/mo or almost free. The poorest whites will get a one-two punch just in time for congressional elections, but the damage will have been done.
It's shifted in just a few days from "it's all illegal immigrants stealing medicaid funds" to "it's lazy gamers on couches!" It's boring as shit, but we're just gonna end up with poor whites voting for libs to get them the easiest path to healthcare again, because we've ended up with civically engaged people who don't remember life before the ACA.

No. 2094172

yeah, they've been making the "people on welfare are stealing benefits!" argument for fifty fucking years at this point. First it was black women. But now the majority of people on welfare are actually white (and yeah, there's nonnas here that have come at me for that, but it's true). That's another problem: white rural voters in pigfuck Arkansas are Trump's cult members, so the propaganda moved to illegal immigrants stealing all the benefits. However, they have another problem. Since they're supposed to be deporting all the "illegals," how is there still waste-fraud-abuse for Elon to find? Well, now we have to blame government workers and gamers. I wonder how well that's going to go, since gamers are a big contingent of Trump voters too, and the moids have been crying so hard and so loud about how incredibly smart and hardworking they would be if only women and DEI hires would stop stealing all their opportunities. they're all eating themselves.

No. 2094178

The federal workers thing will hurt them so bad once the DNC starts combing through which one of those guys has actual political aptitude. If they just give poor whites their healthcare, this stumbling Republican party can hold power for very long time. The pendulum won't swing back full of "troon commie shit" if you just commit to this one thing.

No. 2094180

File: 1740786235064.png (485.63 KB, 437x750, musk-gaza.png)

Does any of you think the peculiar Trump Gaza video was made under the supervision of Melon? It's trolling Trump's voters, and it's something a guy who thinks he is more important than the president would do. There are multiple frames where good-looking Musk is shown while money falls on him, not to mention it's retarded AI slop, and they love it in his circles.

No. 2094189

File: 1740787429014.jpeg (127.93 KB, 828x606, IMG_7923.jpeg)

the scrote has reproduced with Shivon again. how long do y'all think he'll keep her around until he moves onto a new broodmare? kek, i wonder if he still has any contact with Justine's kids.

No. 2094208

She tries so hard to out-nerd grimes it's kind of pathetic

No. 2094209

Did we already know about Arcadia (the 3rd Elon/Shivon kid?) this is such a fucking dark timeline we’re in. How are more people not calling this out as the disgusting freak behavior that it is? I feel like I’m losing my mind when I talk to scrotes IRL who refuse to see anything wrong with this and defend whatever tf this is because he’s “done so much good for the world”

No. 2094214

"Seldon Lycurgus" - wtf are these names. What comes next - Prurivius Turbolencius?

No. 2094224

Trump has retweeted retarded fan-made shit for years. He likes anything that features himself looking heroic and thin (especially thin). He's such a narcissist and that video was like the perfect fuel for him; he didn't even notice there were trannies in it because he was so busy looking at himself. I assumed the Trump Gaza video was made by one of his ball-washers on Truth Social, but now that you mention it, has Elon commented on it?

No. 2094243

File: 1740797710020.png (661.79 KB, 1196x986, everyaccusationisprojection.pn…)

flabby bitch is gonna empty out the government to become the first trillionaire

No. 2094255

How could anyone not see this as anything but vile? essentially all those government workers lost their jobs to ensure that he can be the greatest welfare queen america has ever seen. I feel sick.

No. 2094260

I'm not kidding, can we all start manifesting you know what in our minds on a mass scale

No. 2094325

if there has ever been a western government after WW2 that desperately needs to be violently overthrown it's this one. the time is now. i can't believe americans are so stupid and cucked they just let this happen.

No. 2094329

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No. 2094332

Karl Jobst, probably the biggest gaming fraud-busting channel made a video about Elon's gaming lies. Its pretty autistic but its funny how no matter how hard he tries to appeal to loser nerdy gamers, they hate him and consider him a fake gaymer boi. I have genuinely never seen anyone outside of money hungry twitch ethot pickmes try so hard to obtain the approval of greasy basement dweller gamers. Its honestly more pathetic in Elon's case because he's the richest, most influential man on earth trying to be accepted by the most useless and pathetic subset of men.

No. 2094362

He HAS to. It's not like truly intelligent successful people want to be around him. Just gold diggers.

No. 2094415

At least the ethot pickmes have the excuse of getting paid to put on their act. Elon already has money and government control. Yet all he cares about is raging nerds calling him a cool bro.

His sons are already at the age where they could be "gamer bros" (and several of them look like they are), but daddy narc steals the show.

No. 2094418

Elon's brain has always been warped by 25 years of startup/VC culture. The stuff DOGE is doing is classic SV stuff with a little Wall Street flavor - i.e. the "What did you do last week" email on a Satuday, due by Monday (especially the week of a federal holiday lmfao).

No. 2094423

>in Elon's case because he's the richest, most influential man on earth trying to be accepted by the most useless and pathetic subset of men.

This is precisely why I think if people want to actually fighe against Elon, they should turn 4chan against him. When 4chan started hating on him over the H1B visas, he did damage control using his "Adrian Dittmann" account and directly answered questions from a 4chan thread.

It honestly doesn't take much to turn 4chan on him. Many still hate him on a personal level. I once asked /pol/ what they thought of Elon, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of the responders wound up getting Secret Service visits based on what they posted.

This is Elon's Achille's heel.

No. 2094437

File: 1740851676665.png (363.25 KB, 766x648, musk online hate.png)

No. 2094462

>At another point in the episode, Rogan asked the billionaire how he personally deals with hate and attacks against him.
>"It's pretty stressful," Musk answered, taking a much more serious tone. "They actually want to kill me. They say so online. There's like Reddit forums where they don't just want to kill me, they want to desecrate my corpse."
What a fragile snowflake.

No. 2094484

can’t wait to see it happen for real, crybaby bitch

No. 2094488

Oh, he loves it. He told his babymama Ashley St. Clair all about how people want to kill him and he has to hire all this security now. Narcissists love playing the victim.

No. 2094507

He's going to try to get Reddit banned eventually

No. 2094508

I hope he buys reddit and unsuspends my account lol

No. 2094513

Men are so pathetic. They are always projecting about how women are backstabbers two faced bitches but everyone of elon's goons turned on him in an instant. I genuinely have no idea what he wants the approval of those scrotes so badly. He's so pathetic.

No. 2094547

File: 1740877497213.png (285.16 KB, 2136x800, Screenshot 2025-03-01 at 5.02.…)

kek, it's real. It was a story told by one of his colleagues that was put into the book "Liftoff: Elon Musk and the Desperate Early Days That Launched SpaceX". He also got pissy with one of his girlfriends for having hair on her face and got mad when she said "it's because I'm a mammal", kek.

No. 2094548

Kek he would absolutely be one of the first to go once shit hits the fan. If those post-apocalyptic warlords pull him out of his bunker there's no way in hell he could fight anyone or even run away, kek. Imagine Elon running.

No. 2094551

File: 1740878290444.png (433.15 KB, 2102x1028, Screenshot 2025-03-01 at 5.12.…)

Did they really fucking name their kid after an AI software company?! Holy shit kek. This is literally fucking Idiocracy "President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho"-levels of retardation.

And Lycergus was an ancient Greek lawgiver in Sparta (because of course, muh "warrior child" or some shit.)
>Lycurgus is credited with the formation of its eunomia ('good order'), involving political, economic, and social reforms to produce a military-oriented Spartan society in accordance with the Delphic oracle.

No. 2094578

Oh, so the comedy stops at desecrating Elon's corpse, that's unfortunate, as I find the idea hilarious.

No. 2094583

I hope he gets the Mussolini treatment and more

No. 2094626

>tells advertisers to go fuck themselves, acts like a 12 year-old boy on Twitter, is in cahoots with Russia, lies about ridiculous game credentials, spreads conspiracy theories, and heils on stage twice

No. 2094691

This comment is worthy of being a poem. Nicely put.

No. 2094718

>in Elon's case because he's the richest, most influential man on earth trying to be accepted by the most useless and pathetic subset of men.

He desperately wants to be seen as a Chad by 4chan. I guarantee it, that's how pathetic he is, and why he just breeds then dumps women. He thinks that makes him look "alpha".

Does anyone, even on 4chan, buy into the idea that he's a Chad? I actually don't think so.(sage your shit)

No. 2094878

I thought Seldon was after the Isaac Asimov character Hari Seldon (in the Foundation novels), who is basically Asimov’s self-insert who becomes able to predict the future by math

No. 2094881

how is he so cartoonish? fucking literal manchild

No. 2094883

It's literally what he deserves. He is evil, soulless, and pathetic. I wish the absolute worst for him and so does a majority of people.

No. 2094935

File: 1740994480746.mp4 (3.48 MB, 1280x720, mygod.mp4)

No. 2094996

Die die die die

No. 2094999

He sounds like he's dying

No. 2095002

That means my telekinetic curses are working

No. 2095004

I could've sworn this was posted before in another thread, but still hilarious to be reminded of it nonetheless.

No. 2095014

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No. 2095022

>Elon Musk had praised PolygenX during a meeting with him in Austin, TX. According to an anonymous source, Jordan Lasker has also been working a genetics related firm in Austin, Texas and has similarly bragged of his proximity to Musk.

How much we wanna bet Muskrat is using PolygenX for his IVF babies?

No. 2095023


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2095063

Holy shit how much Ketamine do you think he takes per day? He seemed high the whole broadcast… but ketamine is short-acting, and the whole video is like 3 hours.

If EElon's high, it must be on something else. What do you think it could be?

No. 2095089

Autistic women have astrology whilst autistic men have race science

No. 2095091

kek even Toe Hoegan knows this nigga tweakin

No. 2095107

File: 1741029153947.png (6.16 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_9082.png)

If someone creates the new thread before I do can you please use my edit(picrel)

No. 2095115

honest to god hope would he would choose another recreational drug or just stick to weed for this exact reason

No. 2095282

I like to imagine him being gored by a bison (in game) or like beheaded in one of those cartel videos (in game). Or like forced to fuck a pig on national tv like that Black Mirror episode.

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