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File: 1741115504639.png (6.16 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_9082.png)

No. 2095494

Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter and abusing various drugs.

>Vivek Ramaswamy left doge >>2080652
> Elon Musk does a Nazi salute >>2079928
> DOGE workers revealed to all be young adults >>2085163
>Musk forced to fir 25 year old DOGE employee after he was doxxed, revealed to have posted racist tweets >>2086365
>Elon Musk staff caught installing hard drives inside Treasury Department offices after trying to get access to social security >>2085502
>A DOGE employee is revealed to have been previously fired from another firm for leaking sensitive information. >>2086547
>another DOGE employee revealed to be part of a black hat sextortion social network >>2086869
>Ashley St. Clair reveals she had a baby with Elon Musk >>2089014
>Azealia Banks claims Grimes told her Elon has a botched penis implant >>2089984
>”i am become meme” >>2091484
>Elon wields chainsaw ay the annual Conservative Political Action Conference >>2091485
>Ashley St. Clair sues for custody of their son >>2092040
>Elon walks off stage and leaves his child behind >>2092496
>Elon and Trump fired too many workers, need them back >>2092657
>Elon has 14th child with Shivon and names it something retarded >>2094189

Twitter: https://x.com/elonmusk

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No. 2095498

Your last link is wrong nonna

Thread #14: >>>/snow/2076941

No. 2095530

Kek love threadpic.

No. 2095728

so why does he look like that? I know the threadpic is edited but he is actually barrel chested. Is it his skeleton or is he just accumulating tons of vascular fat?

No. 2095747

The size of his benevolent heart is simply too big for his chest

No. 2095759

I suspect Elon takes HGH (like Bezos) to get big and stronk and manly but doesn't actually work out to build muscle. HGH causes organs to grow as well. It's known as roid gut in the body building community.

No. 2095793

combination of weird body, bad liposculpture and wearing a bulletproof vest under badly tailored clothes

No. 2095809

>bulletproof vest
>kid around his head at all times

he is just like onision, just more successful

No. 2095842

Onision is slightly less autistic, but he is a perfect glimpse into what Elon would be like without his insane wealth. Fantastic comparison.

No. 2095873

He got the British scrotelet trim.

No. 2095874

Thank you nona no idea how i messed that up kek

No. 2095877

File: 1741203048379.jpeg (161.98 KB, 637x900, GlO209na4AA7uxD.jpeg)

LMAO(old milk, pic is from 2021, should be saged)

No. 2095890

This is why he shouldn't be in power. He's a universally hated sperglord, nobody has ever liked him. He has too much hatred for everyone in his heart. Women leave after seeing his money isn't worth it, moids avoid him because of his weak behavior and obvious inferiority complex he compensates for, this dude has been a loser and on top of that he's hideous.

Nobody with those traits can be a fair, benevolent leader or manager.

No. 2095894

why did he get the literal stereotypical white supremacist undercut and WHY does it look so bad… where is the blending??? wtf is the back?

No. 2095910

because he's trying to replicate what a white nationalist would do to keep the remaining few followers that fell for the act on his side . everyone already knows he's a creepy jew at this point and not a white nationalist or nazi at all .(back to /pol/)

No. 2095919

Go back

No. 2095925

Tinfoil: Elon's autism allowed him to be totally taken over my 'Murica! autism and the American Pissing Contest, because it is so methodical and insane it just made sense to him. And he fits in perfectly to the Republican party and their go with a bang not a whimper mentality. I voted Trump because I love the media spectacle and how it's so mask-off about the puppetry of the govt, but this 4 years is gonna be a crazier show than the first 4.

No. 2095926

File: 1741213770884.jpeg (371.59 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_9647.jpeg)

he’ll get what’s coming eventually.

No. 2095937

Why is it taking so long tho

No. 2095989

because they aren't trying to take out the toddler he keeps wrapped around his head for this very reason?

No. 2096044

>>I voted Trump.
Opinion invalid.

No. 2096108

>voted for a president just to milk cow antics
>”he’s so mask off about the puppetry of the govt“
>pres is quite literally building a home in the asshole of Puppeteer Putin
The younger generations really are absolutely retarded.

No. 2096150

same as 2016, kek. "let's vote for trump, the memes are so funny!" yeah, being ruled over by drug-added moids with limp-dicked rage is hilarious.

No. 2096162

>inbred gunlarper fucknecks ever shooting anything that isn't backyard squirrels or their wife
lol, lmao even

No. 2096166

File: 1741283728011.jpeg (169.72 KB, 1161x1088, IMG_0532.jpeg)

So he’s just spreading misinformation now to make people mad just because? Since when did anyone care about chickens? Biden had those chickens killed to control the bird flu(the reason eggs are expensive).

No. 2096176

anyone who votes for either side is a moron hate to break it to you

No. 2096197

Musk, Trump, and Kennedy are some kind of triad of evil. All of them wanted to ignore the covid pandemic and seethed over people working at home. Musk claims he was "injured" by the vaccine. Now they're vilifying measures for containing highly pathogenic avian flu.

Hopefully Trump gets bored with Musk soon. He never really keeps anyone around in the inner circle very long; Ivanka is an exception.

No. 2096225

>le both sides bad look at meeee i'm so smart
Not voting is even dumber. Unfortunately we're under a two party system and have to work with what we've got. There is no doubt in my mind we'd have been better off with a Harris presidency this time around, it surely would not have been THIS fucking blatantly bad. Getting people apathetic and discouraging them from voting is another tactic to let these fucks run roughshod over us all with no resistance. Then again, we already have a large apathetic "lol I don't know or care about politics" populace who sit on their asses every year and let things get decided for them so it's already a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy.(learn2sage)

No. 2096233

thats the problem with the two party system, you are basically asked: do you want it bad (trump plus elon) or not as bad. either party gives false promises and thats really only for a small number of topics because the US' foreign policy doesnt really change, the DOD mega budget doesnt really change, etc. the two party system are more like mega marketing firms for one real party.
either way the end goal is to devalue voting and leave the public apathetic in general so I agree with you.

No. 2096257

File: 1741300796604.png (1.27 MB, 1206x1407, dogefather meme.png)

Elon’s current pinned tweet

No. 2096258

This kind of thing is only endearing when it comes from the obscure deviantart-posting breed of autism.

No. 2096259

Him wielding a chainsaw gifted by a president scammer who's currently being investigated for fraud and who's most than likely controlled and puppetered by his sister he might have an incestous relationship with is the cherry on top.

No. 2096266

File: 1741302169305.png (512.78 KB, 734x1056, Screen Shot 2025-03-05 at 11.1…)

I'm telling you, he's spiraling on Ketamine.

By this time next year he will look like Nosferatu and have a massive mental breakdown.

No. 2096269

Yeah, the edit is from his recent CPAC appearance where he waved the chainsaw around at the end kek.

No. 2096321

File: 1741321306009.jpg (27.27 KB, 435x290, WAAAAH.jpg)

Why are the glowing eyes placed so low on his face? For someone who thinks terms like "dogefather" are anything but immensely retarded, his memes are pretty bad and low-effort.

No. 2096376

>I voted for the further destruction of the social fabric by right-wing oligarchs who frequently spread disinformation and are allies with the Russians because it'll be more entertaining!

No. 2096464

um, don’t you know that it’s ackshually funny and based when your grandma dies because all her benefits were cut

No. 2096478

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No. 2096484

We are being ruled by some autistic faggot. I hope the next president does an autistic faggot genocide in response.

No. 2096485

Elon acting like a lake of empathy is a desirable trait. It sucks, because I know a few autists and they are actually nothing like Elon. They check up on you, they cover for you, they give you rides if needed, they visit you when your sick. It sucks that now everyone will assume all autists are just like Elon. Autists should rise up against him.

No. 2096496

I dont think he’s an autist. He might appear to have pseudo autism thanks to being a shut in early in life, psychopathy, narcissism, and drug abuse.

No. 2096503

The penis implant thing is such a funny story. Transhumanist stemlord doesn't care to study biology and thinks he can get a sci-fi robo-dick, becomes a literal incel (can't have normal sex no more).
I think his anti-trans activities are linked to that, he knows he shares some characteristist with the tranny programmers who get gaslighted into transitioning.

Anyway, he should act as a responsible dad at least once and tell Vivian to not get the chop.

No. 2096504

usual shit psychopaths says to justify being a prick.

No. 2096543

Empathy exploit is how failmales like you get pussy

No. 2096586

File: 1741394013444.png (143.7 KB, 711x754, cybertruck owners.png)

>Facebook Cybertruck Owners Group Copes With Relentless Mockery


No. 2096594

kekkkk, that's fucking hilarious. Like anyone but other cybertruck losers would even care to identify the oh so scary cheese thrower.

No. 2096614

kek faggots got cheesed on

No. 2096669

He’s literally no different than a tranny. He had the genital surgery and he self identifies as a genius and forces everyone to play along.

No. 2096700

Yeah I was going to say, he is actually right. Women do have a highly exploitable sense of empathy that works against them more than for them. However this means he should be praising them not bitching about it as without this exploit he would have been abandoned in a cave as a baby.

No. 2096734

File: 1741449739942.png (151.36 KB, 397x300, elon.png)

No. 2096741

File: 1741452238488.png (3.06 MB, 2000x1777, elon.png)

DOGE employees got doxed.

No. 2096775

This is what happens when you hire retarded teenagers that got fired for leaking sensitive information like in

No. 2096807

File: 1741457359467.jpeg (76.15 KB, 1024x809, elon bald.jpeg)

>He’s literally no different than a tranny.
Isn't it hilarious that Elon has gender-affirming surgery–but just to make himself look less beta? He has had some serious hairplugs, jaw sergery, liposuction, and is now trying to take Ozempic on top of it to lose weight. I think making fun of Elon for how he looks is his weak sport. Everyone should exploit it for massive damage.

He is probably particularly sensitive about his hair.

No. 2096850

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He should be a case study on what happens when you let a beta insecure "nice guy" gain power.

No. 2096881

he looks like a rat.

No. 2096969

>gender-affirming surgery
Go back.

No. 2096999

Can someone quell their empathy witness and do what needs to be done already. Literally does not deserve to see the light of day, disgusting fucking creature

No. 2097000

It's called a joke you retard

No. 2097064

File: 1741503206629.jpg (609.29 KB, 924x2873, h7nRD5l.jpg)

Of course one of the people he hired is a ketamine therapist

No. 2097249

and now elon is trying to meddle in a wisconsin judicial election. not surprised, but why wisconsin of all places

No. 2097300

Swing state. Also possibly a state he stole in the last election. Trump won the state but Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat, kept her Senate seat. Wisconsin's high court is also in center-left control.

No. 2097519

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No. 2097526

X just had a global outage, some people are able to access the site/app and some aren't.


No. 2097579

Ketamine is an evil, evil drug. I can't believe it's being pushed as a depression treatment.

No. 2097593

the dose makes the poison; lots of drugs that are bad in unregulated recreational doses are useful in small doses

No. 2097595

ketamine is used in anesthesia and has been for over 50 years now. very useful for patients with respiratory issues or in combination with other agents as it minimizes respiratory depression. might've even been used on you

No. 2097598

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looks like it was caused by a cyberattack

No. 2097603

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No. 2097608

Yeah, therefore doing anesthetics every day for a chronic condition is a great idea.

No. 2097624

>we are legion
its been a while since i have heard this unironically, wow. Musk messed up with the wrong basement dwellers.

No. 2097626

Fucking KEK

No. 2097631

That's cool and all I guess but are they going to actually do something other than mildly inconvenience this narcissistic mongoloid and a handful of twitards?

No. 2097653

Based based based based

It's oddly comforting in a way, kek.

No. 2097656

I can't figure out if he's mewing, clenching his jaw from drugs, if it's from his surgery/filler/botox, or if he is making this face on purpose for some reason.

I for one am hoping for a giant Musk tantrum after Trump finally ousts him. Neither moid can let a damn thing go so it will be funny. I just hope that it doesn't cause wwiii.

No. 2097663

File: 1741648932983.mp4 (4.06 MB, 1280x720, 92507958-0416-4630-8840-5F6720…)

Elon musk discusses running his businesses while simultaneously running DOGE

No. 2097664

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No. 2097688

>fat toad claiming the cyber attacks are from "Ukrainian ip addresses"
Genuinely such a gross display of opportunism and self-victimization. Cannot believe people are still pretending this retarded cockeyed prick is "helping" the gubment

No. 2097727

those sighs and silences read as 'a man who is struggling to come to terms with the fact that he's dug his own grave and everyone in the world hates his fucking guts'.
I bet he was struggling so much today with his army of fawning simps offline lmao

No. 2097732

Yes Musk the guys hanging on by a thread thanks to your company are totally cyber attacking you, it's definitely not the people with a clear motive to pay Ukrainians to do it or spoof their own attacks

Owning a Tesla has become a dangerous thing and I like that. Trump is lucky because his retardation is admirable in certain circumstances. Elon is a sperglord, he called some Polish official "little man" and it's like dude, you are a hideous faggot it doesn't matter that you're 6 feet. You look like a fat mongoloid

No. 2097759

Ratfaced retard Asmongold has already started pushing out the "violent ElonDerangementSyndrome" and "the blue terror" video propaganda whining about how wrong and fucked up it is to hate him, but even he admitted he doesn't think it could be Ukraine doing that. Of course he's getting that payola to pretend he agrees with Elon and doesn't think he's retarded but even he couldn't go along with that bullshit.

No. 2097883

File: 1741710845341.webp (111.21 KB, 1080x1169, everything-is-fine-at-tesla-v0…)


No. 2097904

Is this meant to encourage their supporters to buy a Tesla? Do they think most Trump supporters can even afford a Tesla?

No. 2097910

There is no way he is not on Adderall or some other meth-adjacent drug so I'll bet a lot of money on him clenching his jaw due to the drugs he has got to be taking.

No. 2097911

"trying to illegally and collusively boycott Tesla"?

Does anyone speak retard? What's an illegal and collusive boycott?

No. 2097913

lmao he is saying that people not buying his cars is illegal…what a tard.

No. 2097914

Obviously going against Dear Leader's wishes is a crime. In this case, Dear Leader's wish is for people to make Musk even richer. If they refuse, that's basically treason.

A month and a half in and we've already reached the "The market exists to carry out the will of the State; the free market is subversive and must be destroyed" stage of fascism.

No. 2097917

Elon’s fee-fees were so hurt that business is so down he had to whine to the president to give him a public shoutout and beg MAGAtards to buy his cars KEK. Honestly though, I can’t imagine what kind of leverage Elon has over Trump to make Trump roll over like a bitch for Elon like this. Embarrassing.

No. 2097926

>>going to buy a tesla tomorrow in solidarity.

>>proceeds to not do that.

No. 2097931

I hate to say this, and my threshold for believing in "conspiracy theories" is pretty damn high, but Elon HAD to have helped in some way to secure the election for trump (beyond his obviously also illegal paying people to vote for him and massive campaign donations). The only proof we really need is that these people are known criminals, and that trump has never, once, allowed someone else to be the center of attention in this way, even when they are in his good graces. He owes him for getting him the election, there is no other possible explanation.

No. 2097939

That's not how ketamine (or esketamine) therapy for depression works at all, it's a supervised dose of a nasal spray or IV every few weeks or so, depending on the individual.

No. 2098012

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I don't even think it counts as a conspiracy. He stated this goal overtly prior to 2024. This is from Isaacson's biography, which was published in October 2023.

No. 2098028

What the fuck is pseudo autism kek

No. 2098031

>ai generated shitty guy fawkes mask with the nonsensical us flag on it

No. 2098054

File: 1741733235062.jpg (33.85 KB, 720x364, 1000000777.jpg)

I honestly am almost speechless by the amount of stupidity I see in the wild now. They've become so loud and confident in what they say even though it's the dumbest shit you've ever heard.

No. 2098079

File: 1741736866718.jpg (332.23 KB, 979x990, 1000000778.jpg)

He even used the kid as a meatshield for Trumps attempt at selling teslas to rednecks

No. 2098087

Who cares have some respect for them kek

No. 2098107

>"they said to me your son's retahded"

No. 2098169

>No my son isn’t retarded, he is akshually a genius for noticing the leaves were green!

No. 2098185

This level of boundlessly defending someone or something used to be reserved for athletes or your university. Which is endearing in a dumb way because you're either from there or you identify with the individual in some way. Nobody is identifying with Musk. So many of these kids are just debasing themselves and emulating influencers, who MIGHT have the chance to be in Musk's orbit for a split second via retweet.

No. 2098196

they think they are "temporarily embarrassed billionaires"

No. 2098217

Both evil AND retarded.

Doubt many rednecks would support polyamory and making all his baby mamas into single mothers.

No. 2098269


utterly pathetic beyond words, I don’t know how he’s not so embarrassed every day

No. 2098311

Ez. He's fat, old, sped, whore. Any questions?

No. 2098347

File: 1741799988161.png (508.63 KB, 1206x1394, elon pinned.png)

>current pinned tweet
Elon is currently sperging out and making 8 tweets an hour about how persecuted he is. He’s really going through it because a Tesla was vandalized kek. Clearly this is a conspiracy by the Democratic Party! Log off Elon, people are just tired of seeing your fugly ass Lego cars and hate you personally.
Schizo arc soon…?

No. 2098361

Hoping the stimulants he ingests like candy cause him irreparable brain damage and mental illness.

No. 2098364

Not like it kills you, just turns you into a half-person perma victim who is always trying to finish other people's sentences. It sucks that he's chosen all the substances that won't off an individual for a terribly long time.

No. 2098371

Elon is on a cocktail of drugs, no doubt. Ketamine can also lead to brain damage–it basically creates holes in your brain like Swiss Cheese known as "Olney's Lesions" if you take it too much. So we have an autistic swiss-cheese brained man running our country:


No. 2098400

AND it fucks up your bladder so he's also probably constantly pissing himself kek

No. 2098406

I'm reading the article and well its a little terrifying. motherfucker shouldve just stuck to weed.

No. 2098430

It's already done that. Now it's time to pray for massive coronary.

No. 2098456

File: 1741832565002.png (34.28 KB, 452x267, trump.png)

>Trump marked Christmas 2023 with a social media post lumping “All Electric Car Lunacy” in with a number of political enemies that he said “are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL.”

>A few weeks earlier, during a rally in Ankeny, Iowa, Trump said of EVs: “They don’t go far. They cost a fortune.” He also suggested that the U.S. military was looking at making “Army tanks all electric” and scoffing, “you’re in the middle of the desert and you say, ‘You know what, we’re running low on electric. Do they have a charger around anywhere?’”

>In November 2023, at a Claremont, New Hampshire, rally, Trump similarly picked up on distance being an electric vehicle issue: “You can’t get out of New Hampshire in an electric car.”

>“Where are you going? ‘I’m going to Massachusetts.’ Well, you better get yourself a gas turbine because this car is not going to get you there,” he said. “Well, you could, if you stop about four times.”

>That followed his joke during an event in Clive, Iowa, the previous month: “Electric cars are good if you have a towing company.”

>Trump, a Republican, also posted on his social media site that then-President Joe Biden, a Democrat, sold autoworkers “down the river with his ridiculous all Electric Car Hoax.” He suggested that promoting electric vehicles “was the idea of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, & Communists” and that “Within 3 years, all of these cars will be made in China.”


No. 2098462

Elon has such little baby boy energy because of this it's hilarious

No. 2098478

Even after Elon was trying to drag him for allegedly having handlers because he doesn't understand the purpose of video editors? These rightoids are unfathomably weak and fickle. Same with this shit right here >>2097883
They have zero sense of moral compass. The average trumptard drives a gas guzzling raised truck and wouldn't be caught dead in a dainty little tesla, it's your own damn people boycotting telsa retard! It reads like Trump telling everyone off for being mean to his retarded nephew.

No. 2098498

File: 1741848092023.png (291.65 KB, 720x426, Screenshot_20250312-223457~3.p…)

No. 2098557

No. 2098605

>about how persecuted he is
Is this the French Revolution Paris? Unfortunately not.

Just wait for Trump to get tired of his ketamine'd ass - then he'll get a proper mouthful of
>dirty tricks

Elon is the court jester, not a heavyweight like Wormtongue.

No. 2098672

court jesters are there for entertainment and don't have any real power, unlike elon who has been given way too much. court jesters are also funny

No. 2098673

Elon wishes he was funny and likable more than anything. We can all take solace in the fact the he will be neither.

No. 2098696

File: 1741902440949.jpeg (86.7 KB, 798x725, image0.jpeg)

Leak the tapes, Grimes. It’ll be the biggest comeback in your career

No. 2098697

I know this isn't an original thought, but it's so lame that all the billionaires want to be poasters and podcasters now. It would be like having Gates, Buffet, or Perot obsessed with becoming AM radio hosts and doing their best auditions in public every other day.

No. 2098701

No fucking way

No. 2098703

its so obviously not the twitter font come on now

No. 2098771

File: 1741930490881.webp (162.27 KB, 984x1919, intheovaloffice.jpg)

>inb4 that's not an official source
I don't care if this isn't credibly substantiated. I know it to be real because I manifested it(sage non-milk)

No. 2098785

musky is just trumps distraction. he's the fall guy. it's really obvious. trump has been undermining everything musk is doing.

No. 2098794

File: 1741945960969.jpg (124 KB, 1164x1252, 1000000787.jpg)

I honestly didn't think American politics couldn't get anymore embarrassing until this year. It's really disheartening. Elon is a failure in every sense of the word and the only reason people stick uo for him is because they're uneducated and delusional enough to view themselves as future billionaires and not the worker ants and casualties they are. This man is disgusting and embarrassing and makes Donald Trump look so much less dysgenic in comparison even though he's orange and has a vagina in his neck. Elon has the looks that activate your fight or flight because there's something deeply disturbed in his gross crosseyed stare. Someone needs to do the deed already.

No. 2098808

That would make sense. Elon is a narcissistic control freak, so it's probably not his thing, but a lot of businessmen just want to chill at home and not be in charge for once, so they let their wives decide everything. Of course, this can also affect their fetishes.

No. 2098827

File: 1741955357502.jpg (104.62 KB, 1056x744, 1000000789.jpg)

Inb4 more retards jumping through hoops to defend that he's "not a nazi"

No. 2098842

File: 1741957905857.jpg (340.84 KB, 1920x1080, R (25).jpg)

remember when man in the high castle was just alternative fiction? not anymore it seems

No. 2098858

Lol Americans wish their shithole was Nazi. You're still the United States of Muttistan, dont worry about that. Enjoy your incoming 2 billion Indians.(derailing/racebait)

No. 2098861

Empathy is the only reason sub 9/10 men ever get sex or a relationship. These little pricks should be grateful for the female empathy surplus, but I agree maybe we should go back to Spartan days where men mass-murdered each other with spears and retard babies like Elon were chucked off cliffs.(sage your shit)

No. 2098933

and who set that system up in which these people where ordered to kill others? what a stupid fucking shit take. god i hate this moid

No. 2099035

I believe it because there was a similar rumour that he cried when Dave Chappelle brought him out on stage and everyone booed at him for being cringey lmao.

No. 2099084

He literally suicide baited, claimed to delete his twitter and did blackscreen pfp when someone told him to give an artist credit. There's no way he didnt cry when a crowd of people booed him kek. He's the most fragile narc in the universe who chokes back tears when talking about being 'boolied by mean boys' in middle school.

No. 2099085

File: 1742032944898.jpeg (244.22 KB, 828x1057, IMG_5339.jpeg)

I need someone to set up a twitter bot that just retweets everything he posts with teslas YTD stock value. It’s the only thing that would get him to shut up. He doesn’t care that people know he’s got a boner for Hitler, but he does care that we all know he’s a shitty snake oil businessman.

No. 2099097

It's worse he has all you listed and autism. A lot of evil people had autism. It doesn't make you some kind altruistic Forrest Gump retard.

No. 2099113

Exactly. There's some mega-defensive autists on LC that put their autism on a pedestal and pretend that a lot of autistic people aren't evil, tactless, rude, proud of lacking emotional intelligence.

No. 2099121

It’s a stupid take but his supporters are stupid enough to blindly do the exact same shit he’s talking about and he knows and loves it

No. 2099187

Contrary to popular thought, Elon's biggest stake is in SpaceX instead of Tesla (the value of the stock he owns in SpaceX far exceeds Tesla–he owns most shares of SpaceX).

Tesla stock can go to zero and he'll still have like 200 Billion. As fun as it is watching Musk sweat as Tesla stock craters, it won't affect his bottom line that much. Somehow, people need to find a way to protest SpaceX instead. THAT will wreck him. Any ideas?

No. 2099228

SpaceX is a massive government contractor, even NASA relies on SpaceX technology now. So unless our next president has the balls to remove federal funding to SpaceX, I don’t think there’s realistically anything you can do.

No. 2099234

File: 1742073151456.png (808.49 KB, 1206x1444, eu.png)

>eurofags are ackshually filthy COMMUNISTS
Kek, is Elon a schizo user here?

No. 2099237

Ok but the EU isn't that different conceptually from the USA? Different states with their own local government and then the federal government. Only the EU has countries instead of states… Actually retard take. I hate that Elon Musk is trying to spread his cancer overseas.

No. 2099340

So based and true and kek-pilled and le epic win sir; if Europeans wanted real liberty, they would've chosen to be governed by Peter Thiel and his white supremacist henchmen. Everyone knows that best government is an inefficient one ran by sociopaths where you dismantle all institutions and continuously rile up the populace by blaming immigrants and leftists for everything that you are actively taking away from them. He really, really needs to disappear already. Please god, just give him fatal, Ozempic-induced complications already

No. 2099356

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Yes, Elon is hated because he is revolutionizing the automotive industry and is trying to make the world a better place; it is not a result of almost a decade of signalboosting conspiracy theories, slowly accumulating power in the US that he isn't fit to wield whilst scapegoating various marginalized groups to distract from what he is doing, changing the political landscape for the worse by contributing to the normalization of industry leaders and the ruling class acting anti-social and troll-like and being insulated from the consequences, being against democracy and promoting tweets that say that "rich alpha males" should be in control of the government instead bc that will somehow make things better, throwing toddler tantrums when shareholders, political leaders, journalists, employees, and cave divers who see through his PR stunts dare to disagree with him and referring to his sad childhood when confronted on his shitty behavior, making promises that he wasn't even close to keeping when it comes to "the Mission" (which was actually just an oligarchic takeover of the US) and other ventures that never went anywhere, and being an overall socially repulsive, deceptive, emotionally shallow, spiritually (in the sense of how much life-affirming joy and compassion he brings to those around him) dead person. There are tons of people who are hated on for being successful and rich and have their flaws exaggerated as a result of people being envious of their position, but imagine thinking Elon is one of those people. I'd get it in 2016 when the Tony Stark-narrative was alive and well because Elon hadn't opened his mouth yet, but now? He's everything people say he is and more

No. 2099366

They're truly delusional, I can't believe that people look at this slop as something to be thankful for.

No. 2099450

Anyone trying to shame and guilt people for being validly concerned the destruction Felon and Tramp are wreaking by calling it "TDS" or "EDS" is full of shit and their opinions should be dismissed. I'd understand if it was used to refer to people bringing up political shit out of context, say, someone posts a cookie recipe and some random users in the comments find some way to bring either of those two slugs up because they're bristling with lib retardation and itching to get their pointless jabs in, which is what I think it was originally meant to refer to, not people with valid concerns, but of course the MAGATs and groypers latched onto it as a way to silence criticism of their beloved kings.

No. 2099465

These people are retarded beyond belief. The idiom is “no good deed goes unpunished.” What exactly is the favor he’s doing me? I guess I have Elon derangement syndrome since I pray he kills himself every single day since he started throwing nazi salutes and made me lose my job

No. 2099466

i thought republicans hated electric cars and didn’t believe in climate change? kek. Imagine convincing rednecks who drive huge coal rolling pickup trucks to buy a gay little electric car kek.
Did elon musk completely abandon his “saving the environment” shit once liberals realized electric cars are actually not good for the environment or cities?

No. 2099469

File: 1742145759421.jpeg (177.48 KB, 1432x700, IMG_9277.jpeg)

Why is the media woobifying this shit kek.
This is cute in the same way that image of a polar bear “petting” a dog was.

No. 2099470

Kek i love how his dad randomly flipflops between praising elon to degrading him. No wonder why elon is so mentally ill.

No. 2099488

File: 1742148137535.jpg (74.5 KB, 640x480, 1pic.JPG)

Elon’s son is literally a professional body shield for Trump and Elon both at this point

No. 2099519

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No. 2099528

tf does he mean? Is only having 1 grandchild bad becuase muh birthrates? His first grandchild is a literal baby so why is melon jumping to conclusions that there will be no more?(assuming im correct about what his retard babble means)

No. 2099539

I'm surprised no one else really talks about how Elon's son is used as a meat shield. At lest not in mainstream discourse.

Does anyone actually think Elon is just dragging his son around everywhere because he loves him so much and wants to be dad of the year??

No. 2099601

File: 1742163169365.png (2.3 MB, 1134x1570, Elon Musk (@elonmusk) X.png)

He went back to this haircut lol

No. 2099639

Because he's clearly a retarded Zionist

No. 2099642

ofcourse him and his son have matching hitler youth haircuts. I feel sorry for the poor kid he doesnt stand a chance.

No. 2099646

To be honst, he is rabbinically Jewish, but Jews can by Nazis. There were plenty of Jews who fought for the Nazis, some even close to Hitler, most were Zionists. A few hundred even were called Judenrats, and helped imprison other Jews. There are white supremacists, Jew supremacists, and white Jew supremacists, white denoting skin color. Israeli regime thought it okay to sterilize Palestinian and Arab women as well as darker skin Ethiopian Jews under the guise of an inoculation program. That's clearly a systemic form of white supremacism.

If you didn't know this, Jews are not a monolith, just take a look at the transcripts of Zionist congresses.

It's what retarded Pol always gets wrong. If Frank Cohen can head a Nazi party and get the ACLU to back him to scare Jews into funding Israel and Zionist causes, clearly many Jews are victims of fear purposefully instigated.

No. 2099647

Solely because he saw all the memes associating him with Hitler. Useless fugly dickless toad. I genuinely think he has a humiliation fetish now like unironically.

No. 2099648

Because they pay the media. It's all payola. Everyone finds this irresponsible and dangerous. No normal person would risk the safety of their children like this.

No. 2099650

Know at least three people who've lost their jobs for the federal government because of Trump/Musk's policies. All of them were environmentalists. Boomer Trumpsters think pollution is good.

No. 2099654

So sad that patriotism and 'love of country' apparently doesn't include the physical country, only the idea of it

No. 2099655

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When he says shit like this, what do Jews think? I know the right wing Likudnik ones love it, but the secular, liberal Jews are probably scratching their heads. It's not just white supremacists who make Jews a monolith, but Zionists like Musk, and the right wing Likudniks, who have pro-exterminationist members, literally believe liberal secular Jews should be "gutted like a fish."

The Hannibal operation certainly comes to mind.

No. 2099657

I miss 'classic' conservationism. True, it was partially about being able to hunt/trap/fish but it did call for the preservation of natural land under government protection. Heck, it was a conservative talking point in the early 1900s.

No. 2099660

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No negativity, only peace, love and marijuana. My account was banned by Musk for saying the word Zionist in a negative light. It was likely their AI that flagged my account and that was that.

Musk is not a free speech absolutist, he's a sperg who wants you to say everything you think, but locked inside a closet for no one to hear. Only his voice is acceptable.

No. 2099663

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No. 2099671

I agree. But isms are just that, incorporations with fictional power.

What Trump is doing actually helps his opposition. More and more are starting to hate him, at least the women and men in the environmental fields, as well as most, if not all liberals and normal conservatives. All I had to do is show my father Trump's connections to organized crime, Mossad, GRU/GU, Roy Cohn and Epstein to do a 180.

On the other hand, petroleum slurping boomers, red neck Appalachian moonshiners who don't know better, spergs who want million dollar watches and the ability to fly killer drones in US airspace with a computer, they love him, and the Islamaphobe Zionists, Chabadniks and Likudniks who bankroll him, can't forget them.

Where I'm less sure is the military.

Also, if Trump actually does get assassinated, fake or real, would anything even happen?

No. 2099673

Wat up, Ma

No. 2099681

He is not “rabbinically Jewish,” you schizo tourist. For him to be considered Jewish according to Judaism, his matrilineal line would have to be completely Jewish. For him to be considered Jewish by Nazis, he would have to have at least a Jewish grandparent. He doesn’t even have any known Jewish ancestry. And if you know something we don’t, post proof.

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