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No. 1571184[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1552379

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting sceenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1363903

Last thread
>Shayna was on vacation for 16 days in Ireland with her family, didn’t post much at all
>a farmer collected a few candid Shayna shots from a relatives Instagram >>>/snow/1552392, >>>/snow/1555160, >>>/snow/1557346
>Drank every day, posting her sugary drinks and cheap outfits on Snapchat daily >>>/snow/1556335, >>>/snow/1557244, >>>/snow/1557501, >>>/snow/1559340, >>>/snow/1561683
>Bitched about coomers liking and jerking off to her free porn >>>/snow/1557130, >>>/snow/1558996
>Put out a boring school girl video in the same outfit she’s had since she was 19 >>>/snow/1558424Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1195 posts and 256 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1585988

At this point we know she doesn't post Ellen because she doesnt consider her as a true romantic partner she's attracted to. And because even though Shaynus herself is an ugly rat, Ellen is also a gross heffer. If she had an attractive gf that she was into, she would post them. Anons already found out and dug up her shit as soon as she moved lol.

No. 1586009

Her big cottage cheese ass is floating around in previous threads. Word of advice though, don't go looking for it.

No. 1586235

This sounds like the beginning of a Dateline or 48 Hours special. She bitches about her "stalkers" from lolcow.farm, yet broadcasts to a bunch of degenerate sex pests when/where she'll be publicly. What a fucking moron.

No. 1586643

No. 1595574

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Those forehead lines lol. Reminds me of picrel

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No. 1316004[Reply]

A general thread to discuss the degenerate side of pornsick Twitter. Cows that are not milky or relevant enough for their own thread.
>Grown women who participate in pedo-pandering to scrotes, larping as minors, and the sexualization of children
>between the ages of 18-25
> have onlyfans accounts or pan handles for money in exchange for lewds
>pronouns in bio
>claims to not support MAPS but their content says otherwise
>Minors DNI
>posts rape fantasies, encouraging scrotes that it is something women would want
>suicide baits when they don’t have enough subscribers
>usernames all are eerily similar with pedophilic undertones “owned- “Dada-“
>as well as “puppy-” “preteen-” “preschool-”
“loli-“ or “toddler-“ “kiddo-“
>calls their genitals “kiddie” parts

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No. 1585516

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This is from tumblr not Twitter. I reported this account I don't know what else to do this shit has me freaked out. Is there anything else to do other than sending a cyber tip/reporting the account?

No. 1585540

Dox him, track him down, murder him and dump his corpse in the river

No. 1585567

If you use the report function where you actually sent tumblr the link to the post and give them your own url and email (instead of using quick report) they should usually be getting rid of this account fairly quickly. The quick report function does nothing though. You have to actually write a report

No. 2002306

This thread makes me hate fat women

No. 2002317

This aged poorly, considering elons twitter is even more pedophilic and zoophilic friendly

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No. 1565584[Reply]

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former) Trans-identified females who are serious in their transition (a la Kalvin Garrah) are relevant too, so are their surgeries.

Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.

Back off all trannies and your dysphoria because no1curr.

Old threads by order of recency:
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No. 1585067

Looks like a reverse, as it shows a real dog and a furry larper. Terves aren't the ones larping here obviously.

No. 1585070

lol there are so many tif furries too, projection

No. 1585146

No. 1585208

This is funny as hell because every tif has one or two GC talking points. This fact is recognized for both TIFS and TIMS.
It could be almost unrecognizable for anyone who isn't versed on troon language but things like "AFAB spaces" "transmisogyny is soo bad we should let transwoman talk about it in their own spaces" is just newspeak for "i don't want males or to talk about male problems" tims absolutely SEETHE at this and either their flat out rehuse to build relationships with tifs (see: /tttt/) or give a "shut up female, you're meant to validate me" in their own jargon ("transmen oppress transwoman", "TMA/TME" [transmisogyny affected/excluded]) the troon interwars are full of gc rhetoric and both sides are pretty aware of this, is just a bunch of autists (Tifs who overcompensate parroting misogynist points or trannies so desperate for validation that can't even reject tifs) who pretend that the issue isn't here but they're too retarded to actually influence the discussion. If you lurk enough (i've lurking since i'm 12, wouldn't recommend) between coom and coom male trannies often discuss this. And in private chatrooms tifs show their actual thoughts.

No. 1601327

my theory is that internalized misogyny makes them feel bad about embracing feminine-coded things, so by saying "i am not a girl" they go around the guilt by distancing themselves from the "feminine".

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No. 1543069[Reply]

Obese mass shooter fangirl with multiple shooter-themed tattoos (including knuckle tattoos reading LANZA) who cannot help but post lies online. Some recent milk/drama:

>Claims to have been accepted into Harvard University despite admitting to not finishing high school

>Alternately claims to have graduated with her undergraduate degree from Harvard and to still be attending
>Also claims that she studied at “six different universities at once”
>Turns out to have paid to take online courses offered by the schools, literally anyone can take these courses
>In a polyamorous relationship with white supremacist murderer Peter Avsenew
>Other members of her relationship include Ef, a man who she brags about having sex with his own family members
>Originally on tumblr as fakepontchartain, got banned from for trying to sell murder memorabilia, remade immediately as oddynuff
>Brags about her shitty administrative job and posts screenshots of her correcting other employees to her murder fanblog
>Recently added tumblr mutuals to work chat, spammed main chat with mass shooter sperging, claims boss is cool with it—whole situation likely a lie
>Also posts screenshots of conversations with her mother showing her mothers name onto her murder fanblog
>Her mother is a cop
>No self awareness, seems to believe her own delusions of grandeur, exaggerates her own education and knowledge
>Seriously can’t stop bringing up how she totally attends Harvard; however, her LinkedIn lists her as having been a student since 2016 with no signs of graduating, no posts about course material, or generally any reason to believe she actually attends
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No. 1584599

Yup. The reason I know this thread is filled with self-posts is because “anons” keep pretending her posts are real, when they are all quite obviously the delusions of an alcoholic shut-in neet who never leaves her bedroom.

No. 1584645

So chantelle is self posting while also wanting her thread to be locked? They just don't make lolcows like they used to….

No. 1584661

Isn't most university feedback given over email/Blackboard/Canvas/etc. It's a no-brainer that this hamplanet is a compulsive liar so whatever.

Saged for shit nobody cares about.

No. 1585174

you have to be logged in to view her blog, selfposting seems more likely than everyone suddenly using Tumblr again

I'm guessing this isn't from muh hArVaRd, unless she wants us to believe that a professor handwrote a note, took a picture and e-mailed it to her?

No. 1585488

No uni handwrites feedback anymore, I've studied at 3 of them. Most of them use Turnitin, and if that's not the case, isn't she supposedly doing distance learning from Texas? She received this in the mail?

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No. 1562748[Reply]

Thread about pick-me women and gays, primarily from Twitter and Youtube, who claim to be practicing Socialism or Marxism. Commonly known as The Dirtbag Left, many associated with the scene are not leftists at all. Some, like Dasha Nekrasova, have become TradCath LARPers.
Twitter e-girl uwu smol beans are on-topic in that they all follow and interact with the cows.
>Media associated with this scene:
Podcasts like Red Scare, Chapo Trap House, True Anon, The Antifada, The Perfume Nationalist, The Bruenigs, Cumtown, Bad Faith, and What’s Left

Old threads:
Thread #1: >>>/snow/949693
Thread #2: >>>/snow/1002060
Thread #3: >>>/snow/1020452
Thread #4: >>>/snow/1030945
Thread #5: >>>/snow/1031222
Thread #6: >>>/snow/1045687
Thread #7: >>>/snow/1061969
Thread #8: >>>/snow/1079281
Thread #9: >>>/snow/1097567
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No. 1584915

Her entire pathology is that she is every inch an unremarkable, American, 'basic' suburban white girl, who hates and thinks she's above the 'basic suburban white woman'.
Hence the absurd ethno-larping, and the grandiose origin tales that fall apart on contact with reality.

See also that halloween costume she did a few years ago.

No. 1584934

Yeah, there's sadly too many actually OK guys wasting their time on this shit

What is this supposed to mean?

No. 1584961

who tf is gio

No. 1584962

an irrelevant frogtwitter alt-right account that was one of the first to popularize the tradcath bit in that sphere. don't know what that nona is talking about.

No. 1585009

I'll make the next thread, does anyone have any idea for the thread pic?

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No. 1580437[Reply]

Gabriela Hertsik is a "sacred slut" and "bimbo witch" who used to write for a few women's magazines about astrology, claims to be a jewish mystic (she is the daughter of a rabbi and claims to practice Kabbalah which is reserved for devout married jewish men) and a bruja (yet speaks bad Spanish). She has written several new age witchcraft books, including "sacred sex" which has a condom blessing ritual in it, and does burlesque. As well, she started an only fans to share her "art", while not needing prostitution to be her source of income.
> Is the daughter of a rabbi
> Wrote a condom blessing ritual
> Whipped herself with a flogger while covered in fake period blood to "honor the goddess"
> Speaks bad Spanish while claiming to be a bruja
> Sees Lilith (a baby eating demon) as a feminist icon
> Claims sacred prostitution back in the pagan days was empowering and that sex workers are modern priestesses
> Wrote a prayer to a sex goddess for abortion
> Buys into bimbo feminism (while being rich enough to not be a sex worker
> Sexualizes religion to the point of it being blasphemous to most religious people
> Sells a sacred BDSM ritual guide
> Wrote a column for The High Times about being a weed priestess
> Runs a monthly circle called "kink coven"
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No. 1581165

Repeating numbers are called angel numbers now?

No. 1581341

7 and 8 are considered ‘divine’ numbers to some - 777 being the most common. “Spiritual numerology” or whatever it’s called by people in witch/ astrology circles.

No. 1582371

not the OP, Lilith is not from the Hebrew Bible or new Testament, rather she's from the Midrash, or Jewish legends that the rabbis of the last centuries BCE-first centuries CE told to explain aspects of the old testament with moral lessons.


all the later stories involving her come from the Talmud, which seem to refer to Liliths (plural) as some sort of Jinn. There's one reference to Liliths in connection with Adam, but not as his first wife before Eve. Instead, Adam begets various demons (including Liliths). There are somewhat vague references to there being multiple Eves in midrashic literature, but they don't make a connection to Lilith.
Christianity does not place any kind of theological importance on the idea of Adam having a "first wife" before Eve, and Lilith's existence is not taught in most Christian denominations (which makes sense since Christianity was already an established religious tradition with its own theological teachings by the time Lilith began to be tied to the Genesis story); however for someone reason very very stupid people tried to reclaim her as some sort of deep symbol of women's power against patriarchal power, when the first story involving her rejecting Adam being on top comes from 9th century from a mystical anonynous Jewish text, so she would have played no part in the early Abrahamic theology

No. 1582376

samefag also OP is technically right, The Lilith entity is associated with baby stealing and or eating, as stated Lilith is never once mentioned in either the Old nor New Testament; the only occurrence resembling Lilith is in the Book of Isaiah 34:14 describing the desolation of Edom, where she (or something like her) appears as some sort of wilderness sport. The Hebrew word lilit (or lilith) appears in a list of eight unclean animals; the word usually gets translated into English as "the Lilith", but has also been translated as "the lamia"/Lamia (a Indo-European child-eating monster in Greek/Roman mythology) or night-creature; essentially, her existence doesn't start being integrated into Jewish theology until the 9th century or so in The Alphabet of Ben Sira, and then there's just this outpouring of writing about her by Talmudic Scholars starting in the Medieval Period (which is where she is first tied to Jewish theology as the child-stealing first wife of Adam).

https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/lilith(intense derail)

No. 1583908

the most ridiculous word salad i’ve seen on this website in a long time. consider swallowing a bottle of wellbutrin.

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No. 1370299[Reply]

This thread concerns creators, artists and others who work in the modern western American Animation Industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

Some of the big name cows currently in the industry:

>Rebecca Sugar: Creator of Steven Universe, Drew Ed, Edd n Eddy R34, self inserted her brother into the show, claims to be a queer woman despite having a long term heterosexual relationship for her entire adult life


>Alex Hirsch: creator of Gravity falls, is dating Dana Terrace(who is the creator of Disney's The Owl House) where she also has her own self insert in the show, supported shipping of his self insert Dipper with his Lauren Faust self insert


>Noelle Stevenson: Creator of She-Ra reboot and the comics series Lumberjanes, is married to Molly Ostertag (who is also in the comics industry), came out as non-binary in 2019 and in 2020 chopped her tits off and came out as "Transmasculine" and "bigender"


>Julia Vickerman: Creator of 12 Forever, proving girls can do it too, and by It I mean your cousin, a NLOG who stalks teenage boys and tweets about how hot they are, was fired from her own show for mistreating and sexually harassing her co-workers, still active on Instagram though

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No. 1584909

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Extra findings
>Discovered a 15 year old following her NSFW Twitter, screencap in last post https://archive.ph/QNX9W
>Made a lot of dumb jokes about fucking her nonexistent older brother, but has a younger brother https://archive.ph/jIee7 and egged it on when people asked if she was being serious. https://archive.ph/76orp https://archive.ph/xivYM https://archive.ph/6jNun https://archive.ph/TM7LL She never corrected anyone who supports real incest either and then got mad when people, including other proshippers called her out for it. https://archive.ph/O9qC4 https://archive.ph/rQADr https://archive.ph/yasVt
>Recently changed her main Twitter from 16+ to 18+ which I’m guessPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 1585128

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Some Amphibia crew members got exposed for drawing porn of the characters. Most of them are just aged-up normie porn but there’s some vile futa loli shit.

No. 1585184

Kids nowadays are fucking insane. Drawing porn of cartoons is nothing new, and claiming that cartoon characters are anything other than a vehicle for a story (calling them "minors" as if they're real and can be harmed) is nuts.

Idk what's going on in schools these days but media literacy is in the fucking gutter. The fact that real life abuse is being compared to drawings on a page is beyond insulting to actual victims of csa

No. 1585194

>literally just lines of incredibly cartoony blobs fucking

both sides of this are genuinely stupid. first, the dumbasses who somehow had this evidence against private accounts. they went out intentionally to look and follow for this cartoon porn they hate and deem CP, right? second, the storyboarders for being incompetent and slipping, referring to their main on their private account and using "we" like anyone wouldn't realize they were staff members of a children's show in the age of moral outrage.

No. 1585249

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No. 1572512[Reply]

previous thread >>>/snow/1565603

Welcome back to season 80!

a quick rundown of the last thread:

Cece, the show’s star, was quite the centre of attention in this thread. from collar bone checks to her ‘day’ breaks from Instagram she is on track for the long-awaited July vacation in acute with her doctor “forcing” her into treatment.

alice is also a hot topic of the last thread as she flaunts her ‘recovery’ and the 100 grams she gained — is she purging or is she not eating the 3000 calories she claims to be?? find out in next weeks episode ;)

anons got into a heated debate about ro’s recent video about her having PTSD

new cow @/rainesrecovery is copying ro identically from her arm straining down to her birthday cake

ganer starts her prep, aka restricting to lose as much fat as she can but not limiting and obsessing over calories and he body but doing it in a ‘normal’ way
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No. 1583791

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No. 1583792

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No. 1583794

Never heard of getting “gifts” before treatment by coworkers…

No. 1583795

Poor thing wanted to be momsfavdisappointment level so badly but she’s only at the very edge of being spoopy

No. 1583798

Interesting that she posted this on her personal account but it looks exactly the same as a post to cece lives. Like she knows it’s gonna get posted here cause ‘I’m going to Denver acute in 72 hours”

No. 91973[Reply]

Not really a cow but definitely a snowflake.

She's pretty cringy and whines her way through every video.

I only hate watch her but it'd be great if anyone could spill any dirt on her prior to youtube.

instagram https://www.instagram.com/infrontofapple/?hl=en
youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPlPMWbk0fy_zKvUDEnm0vw
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No. 1479069

Tall whites with money don't need any help in that department.

No. 1479407

He is a manlet. Read the thread.

No. 1480333

This sounds like Kiki

No. 1579619

so tldr a manlet has money but unlike all the other 6'2 chads that fuck real celebs like meiling jing he has to do this entire sugar baby pyramid scheme to get the asian pussy? pathetic.

No. 1579757

That will ONLY happen if she gets kicked from living her boujee lifestyle paid for by david.(necro)

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No. 1578640[Reply]

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No. 1582544

This is some Female Dating Strategy levels of being ignorant and prudish.

No. 1582556

gtfo moid

No. 1582591

so based of ucl terfs. next term i will print some up around LSE

No. 1582607

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Peter Robinson popping off.

No. 1582630

Oh, sorry. I haven’t really been keeping up with the threads lately.

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