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No. 185566
Hey farmers, I wanted to know your opinions on Manlytears/Britbongreturns/Dominic Vanner. I got linked to a thread about him on 8chan's /cow/ (which in turn had links to two previous threads about him).
Some points about him
>Lied about creating the forever alone and ralph pls go memes>got banned from both twitch and hitbox and now uses his current streaming platform ( to spitefully harass twitch and hitbox users>has a creepy obsession with cuckoldry to the point that he'll harass popular hitbox streamer grossiegore over his relationship problems>has relationship problems of his own (wanted to write an encyclopedia dramatica page on his ex-girlfriend and currently has a girl trapped in an abusive relationship with him)>claims to troll second life when in fact he buries himself in second life drama, often becoming a cow in his own rightHere's the /cow/ thread and the OP's copypasta (I fixed up the links to the previous threads so they link properly) thread 3: Mad Manlet Rising Edition
Be on the lookout for Manly and the Britbong Internet Defense Force (BIDF) samefagging and attempting to slide the thread. If you're a current or former friend of Britbong and cocks and/or stories to tell, come on down and give us the skinny.
Previous threads
1 - - (last one; now autosaging)
Britbongreturns/Tranny cybersex screenshots: ED pages: links - Current streaming hub which he uses as a platform to "troll" Twitch and Hitbox users out of spite - Britbong's vanity wiki - Brit's twitter where he complains about everything
No. 185573
File: 1476826343901.png (62.11 KB, 600x607, 2016-05-02_bitching about zomb…)

>>185568Well I do have this screenshot where minitears is complaining about zombieunicorn if that's at all helpful.
No. 185576
File: 1476826689854.png (21.2 KB, 830x239,…)

>>185572I know who you're talking about and he didn't.
>bitter that his then-gf showed her tits to Manlet. I was in a skype group with that guy's gf. She made a big mistake by giving britbong her nudes and now he holds them over her head (see related pic). Of course, these threads aren't about that love triangle. They're about laughing at the NEET whose entangled in it.
No. 185577
>>185571I think britbong hates zombie because he blames her for his twitch ban.
did she?
No. 185579
>>185578I heard the same thing, actually.
lol that's fucked up
No. 185581
File: 1476826987954.jpg (17.69 KB, 439x174, brit..JPG)

>>185578>>185579>>185580have the britbong stans arrived so quickly?
>>185574>>185575>>185577>>185578>>185580I feel like you're trying so hard to pretend that you're not samefagging but besides repeating the last comment you are replying to you sound exactly the same.
>>185575 No. 185582
File: 1476827446543.png (1.09 MB, 896x3080, ignore manlet tears.png)

>>185581There are usually telltale signs that britderp (or one of his friends) is posting in a thread.
>copious usage of words such as "cuck" and "sperg">talking about himself in the third person>outlandish claims/conspiracy theories stating that he is being "defamed" and "slandered" by so called detractors that he's "trolled">even more outlandish claims that all screenshots, chatlogs, etc.where he's figuratively caught with his pants down are somehow fabricated>blatant shilling of minivan's youtue channel and channel No. 185584
File: 1476827892987.gif (965 KB, 300x297, 80341d56.gif)

>>185582What a fucking moron.
No. 185586
File: 1476828332388.png (25.03 KB, 629x311, 2016-05-10_manlet threatens po…)

>>185584In the 3 /cow/ threads where he's been discussed, minivanner has had one meltdown after another. He's even gone so far as to threaten to call the cops on posters in those threads, on the grounds that they're "stalking" him.
No. 185589
File: 1476829083963.jpg (20.76 KB, 766x192, ManlyWillPay4EDAdminDox.jpg)

>>185588And was talking about wanting to pay to get dox on the ED admins. He puts on some kind of autistic internet tough guy persona, thinking he's intimidating. But he's really not. He's all bark and no bite.
No. 185594
File: 1476834387487.png (45.73 KB, 610x593, 2016-05-06_keemstar lite.png)

>>185592He tried to start shit with a lot of youtubers more popular than he is. Charlie being one and Danielfromsl being another. He just hates people who are better than he is and instead of trying to improve himself, he just shits on them.
>>185593That girl wouldn't happen to be upraksi would she?
No. 185597
>>185594this upraksi?>>307156
i feel bad for her
No. 185598
File: 1476841709680.jpeg (61.47 KB, 800x600, BrokenManMarkOrtiz.jpeg)

This thread is being maintained by a stalking fat MANLET: / KrappleGuy (AKA VanKrause✡, aka Kopyboat, Mark Joseph Ortiz IRL, b. June 6, 1990)
If this stalking creeper attempts to contact you, stay calm, hold your hand out in a dismissive manner and walk the other direction.
Cringe kopy material: admits to jerking off to cuckold porn - probably why his girlfriend left him for alpha male britbong, definitely the reason for these threads)
Amazing trolling videos: sub him! he also streams at No. 185603
>>185598Amazing trolling videos:
don't like dozens of people make second life "trolling" videos? it's not the troll that makes the videos good it's the freaks that play the game. That being said Britbong's videos aren't even very good by those standards
No. 185613
File: 1476862251512.png (216.02 KB, 597x1424, 2016-05-06_tell your mommy.png)

>>1856091. I didn't start this thread. (why is it that whenever there's a thread on this guy, I'm the #1 OP prime suspect?)
2. It makes sense that OP posted miniature tears here as he is in all respects, a lolcow.
3. lol you saged the thread. I wonder…
No. 185615
File: 1476874249546.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.44 KB, 725x559, KopyButt.JPG)

This thread is being maintained by a stalking fat pedo MANLET (never forget): / KrappleGuy (AKA VanKrause✡, aka Kopyboat, Mark Joseph Ortiz IRL, b. June 6, 1990)
If this stalking creeper attempts to contact you, stay calm, hold your hand out in a dismissive manner and walk the other direction.
Cringe kopy material: admits to jerking off to cuckold porn - probably why his girlfriend left him for alpha male britbong, definitely the reason for these threads) (kopy cries to britbong for almost half an hour) (kopy ends up running away because his mediocre trolling had zero effect other than making people donate to britbong)
Amazing trolling videos: sub him! he also streams at No. 185617
File: 1476874926798.png (56.57 KB, 528x429, no one believes I created fore…)

>>185615Friendly reminder, pic related.
No. 185620
File: 1476881633500.jpeg (134.58 KB, 800x600, 800px-Jailedbeaner.jpeg)

>whiny little bitch with a victim complexGlad you realize the full extent of your autism Mark Ortiz, i mean, we have these PUBLIC videos proving it too (not that it's necessary) :D No. 185621
>>185598>>185599>>185615Holy shit, it's bad enough this guy seems to be an untalented attention whore but the level of autism going on with these is fucking nuts.
It's like a null 2.0 in the making.
No. 185622
File: 1476883417342.jpg (51.11 KB, 800x600, BrokenManMarkOrtiz2.jpg)

>>185621Exactly, Kopy has stalked Britbong every day of his life since over a year now and desperately wants people on his side for help doing it, yet he claims that britbong is scared of him and stalks him back.
Ortiztic logic is the best logic
No. 185626
>>185617>>yet he claims that britbong is scared of him and stalks him back. Britbong was on Secondlife this morning, last night and the night before lookng for kopy on an account named for kopy's mom (who britbong calls at work nearly daily)
sort of like when Britbong called little ren's dad when little ren blocked him.
No. 185628
File: 1476902445460.jpg (746.74 KB, 1271x2750, Manlyscamming.jpg)

>>185622Let me just pull out the world's smallest violent here.
No. 185630
File: 1476902752359.png (152.49 KB, 900x427, britbong as lord farquaad.png)

>>185629Tl;dr he scammed some underage kid on steam.
No. 185660
>>185657Ok Manlet Tears, whatever you say.
P.S. its pretty pathetic you begged to have your thread moved. The site admins here are real pussies.
No. 185672
File: 1476910122359.jpg (526.42 KB, 2800x1738, manlet tears cant take critici…)

>>185660You know someone is rustled when then SAGEpost.
No. 185756
>>185710Exactly, established cows go to /pt/ and they're usually ones that are kind of old and provide little milk. This board is the one with the most traffic lately. Now, there are special exceptions, such as Bella Morte, that got
herself moved and pinned to /pt/ because of her creamy chimp out on her thread. If Britbong does the same he'll be moved to cow status.
No. 185768
>>185756Aka "Britbong sucked admin toes to get his thread fucked around with"
You are an established cow Dominic. Nice try. Saging your own thread wont do anything for you, BTW. You're done for, no matter how many whores you convince to white knight you.
No. 185774
File: 1476925896640.jpg (91.68 KB, 640x640, 11018528_1565932783692728_9956…)

lol kopy makes the thread like "hey guys this britbong guy is so cringe, i have no connection to him at all"
Nigga stole his girlfriend and his response is to squeal on ED/8chan/now here and Second Life (where Kopy gets bullied the most) for E-backup.
You're literally CWC my dude.
No. 185776
>>185774Wow, the nepotism here is TOO real. Obviously Dumbinic got his thread moved by sucking admin toe, now he is right here in front of us shilling for himself.
In the wise words of Daniel from SEL, Britbong is a joke!!!!
No. 185779
>>185777Hi minivan, you can stop talking about yourself in third person now. The only liar and stalker here is you. Why are you so
triggered you had to suck off the farm admins lol?
No. 185784
File: 1476926799998.png (5.9 KB, 327x60, 2016-10-8_knock knock its da p…)

>>185766>>185774Hi, I'm Kopy. The only posts here that are mine are the ones with my name and tripcode. I'm tripfagging in threads about a tripfag gone bad because said tripfag is known to constantly samefag.
>>185777>No, that's the thing Kopy lies constantly.Oh so those screenshots of minivan flagging videos, cybering with transgirls on skype are all fabricated? Please eleborate on how I'm the liar here. I have nothing to hide.
No. 185807
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>>185778Scared Yet Britbong?
No. 185808
File: 1476929845282.jpeg (167.09 KB, 1252x1252, mh7ZxajM.jpeg)

>>185778Fucking Terrifying!
No. 185834
File: 1476932538238.jpg (20.55 KB, 369x194, ss (2016-10-19 at 11.01.23).jp…)

No. 185913
File: 1476949610848.png (14.54 KB, 517x93, unwarrented self…)

>>185790You can usually tell when it's Britderp Minivanner posting. See my post here
>>185582That being said, I agree that some people seem to be jumping the gun as to who might be midget tears.
No. 185941
File: 1476960059102.png (149.03 KB, 732x408, 2016-10-20_britderpkopymom.png)

>>185939That's funny, I was at work when the post you're referring to was made. Also that person said my mother was "cute", not "hot".
>No one here would say that.Probably the only truthful thing you've actually said. Was probably Minivan or one of his pals (since the little guy and one of his friends roleplayed as me and my mother having cyber sex in second life and posted it on twitter and /cow/)
No. 185945
File: 1476960839558.jpg (37.87 KB, 375x500, 1336279531761.jpg)

>>185943You sound like you need a box on the table to keep your jimmies stable.
No. 185958
>>185930Tl;dr the cow in question doesn't like it when people say mean things about him so he and his personal army try to shitpost and samefag in threads like this in order to slide them.
>>185939>>185943Why are you britbong white knight shills so transparent and why do you always sound angry? Please try harder.
No. 185998
>>185995A lot, and on both sides. It's just Brit and Krapple screaming at each other with their small personal armies of whiteknights, leaving the rest of us to just sit back and get the popcorn ready as they pull a routine of "I know you are, but what am I?".
This is exactly how all the 8chan threads have gone too for the most part.
No. 186006
>>185998This. I honestly don't give a shit about either side, they both seem like autistic morons who're both sure that they're le ebin trolls (though I really don't see why Kopy is so obsessed, at least britbong can use the excuse of "well he won't fuck off and stop obsessing over me").
This is a pretty shit thread overall though, but I'm sure that those two will keep it going forever, so we'll all get to see 19 threads of "fuck off britbong/kopy" with various pictures of shit that one of them did and their parents.
No. 186027
>>185930Also, second life? For fucking real? Who plays that shit?
manlytearsuk does
No. 186032
>>185930Also, second life? For fucking real? Who plays that shit?
two grown men fighting about secondlife. what's not funny about that?
No. 186067
>>186027Five or six years ago some people made some pretty funny videos about secondlife. Esteban Winsmore was probably the most famous. MT decided to try and get in on it His videos were fucking terrible but that didn't stop him from shilling the fuck out of them everywhere he could find.
VideogameDunkey tried to make a video there but couldn't get enough footage cause it was so dead so he borrowed some of MT's footage, giving MT the idea he was about to make it big, only 9 months later he has yet to break 100K subs and his channel is even deader than before.
The place is a graveyard now. Even the company that made it has ceased giving a fuck and started working on a new game.
No. 186073
File: 1476995274120.png (26.37 KB, 522x202, target brandon newton.png)

>>186072Okay I know there have been some false accusations of "X is Britbong" in this thread but as I previously said, it's obvious when the little guy posts.
Hi Minivan. Still waiting for the cops to show up and arrest me for hurting your feelings. (PS stop talking about yourself in the third person, makes you look more autistic than usual)
No. 186078
>>186077stalking and harassment laws exist for a reason sperg
Ortiz has violated so many the cops will remind him when they knock
No. 186079
>>186078>> the cops will remind him when they knockbe sure and keep us upated.
any chance we can get a copy of the report britbong made to the police?
No. 186080
File: 1476996056079.png (144.43 KB, 927x544, pDL7fDp.png)

>>186078You're such a poor little victim, Minivan. Funniest part is that you don't see the irony that in your nannystate country, you've done more than enough that's actually illegal under english thought police law.
>>186079>any chance we can get a copy of the report britbong made to the police?I'd like to see this too actually.
No. 186081
>>186080throw shit at your windows? lol
that'd be so much funnier if he could actualy do it
No. 186084
File: 1476996984134.png (50.7 KB, 990x708, 2016-04-02_video flaggerydoo.p…)

>>186083>his peopleShould I start calling you Tony Shortprano now, Minivanner?
No. 186332
File: 1477015457505.png (18.57 KB, 499x499, Kopy Chinner.png)

I'm finally ready to admit it, the reason i stalk britbong is because i am sexually attracted to him.I, Mark Ortiz am gay and love cock
[17:03] Kopy: i'm a cuck
[17:03] BritBoss: who are you?
[17:04] Kopy: the guy who got cucked by you
[17:04] Kopy: and jerked off over it
[17:04] Kopy: for pornhub
[17:04] BritBoss: ok
[17:04] Kopy: lul
[17:04] Kopy: why won't you be my friend?
[17:05] BritBoss: because i don't befriend betas
[17:05] Kopy: it's not because i'm gay though right?
No. 186553
And they expect people will stop talking about him.
No. 186731
File: 1477130958861.jpg (152.08 KB, 1305x574, drawing trannies (2016-10-21 a…)

>>186723Sadly, that is the one instance in which minivan did not buy viewers. To be fair though it's still a pretty mediocre number for a self proclaimed e-celeb. He also spent a good chunk of his stream stalking trannies on reddit and then doodling on their pictures a la John Madden.
No. 186813
File: 1477163813844.png (62.61 KB, 1384x994, alchemybrit 3.png)

>>186763Yeah he does. But ever since those saucy chatlogs got out, he's gone into damage control mode and pretends to hate trannies so people won't think he's into that. And he's been trying to tell everyone that the logs are fake.
No. 187026
File: 1477209812057.png (1.28 MB, 989x871, niggasaywat.png)

>>187014Did I miss something? Either the post you're referencing was deleted or you typo'd it.
No. 187148
>>187130>Kopy is the real lolcow and Britbong is just an average troll who managed to piss him of?I just read through the recent posts from the /cow/ thread. You're either blind or a britbong shill as you saged the thread and tried to divert attention to kopy.
But please explain how the guy whose going full retard on /cow/ and obsessing over kopy the way RWS would obsess over introman isn't the real lolcow.
No. 187245
>>187148>>187171They're both cows in my opinion.
Kopy is way too obsessed with this guy, to the point where it is bordering on stalker levels, but britbong is fucking retarded as well.
I think this thread would be far better without either honestly, so you don't have vendetta shit from Kopy, and you don't have the constant posts going on about how he's not really that bad from Britbong, because at this point it's pretty fucking bad, and I get the feeling that most of the posts in the thread so far have been one of them attacking the other.
No. 187254
File: 1477271715650.png (91.18 KB, 640x633, fuckbritbong.png)

No. 187492
File: 1477322056503.png (58.59 KB, 1358x1645, victim PAC.png)

>>187245>I get the feeling that most of the posts in the thread so far have been one of them attacking the other.I've never posted in this thread without my trip and handle. Britderp on the other hand… Pic related.
No. 187526
File: 1477327268959.jpg (649.32 KB, 1196x1805, manlet brags about ban evading…)

>>187510True. His posts would all have the same IP. His MO is to samefag in a thread until he gets banned and when that happens, he'll reset his router.
No. 187898
>>187492I really find that hard to believe, especially seeing as you're half the posts in the /cow/ threads, and on Kiwifarm most people are saying that he doesn't really seem like a cow, just like a retarded autist.
>>187496Mods don't ever answer accusations of samefag unless it's a massive issue (as in someone broke a global rule), it defeats the point of anonymity when you can just ask them to please tell you which posts are from who.
No. 187900
File: 1477357641076.png (262.91 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-2015-12-28-23h40m37s00…)

>>187898>you're half the posts in the /cow/ threadsnote how even in those threads, I always namefag and tripfag when I post.
>on Kiwifarm most people are saying that he doesn't really seem like a cow, just like a retarded autist.Whens the last time you saw the KF thread?
No. 187903
>>187900>note how even in those threads, I always namefag and tripfag when I post.Come on, there's still plenty of posts that make it obvious it's you there.
>Whens the last time you saw the KF thread?Yesterday night.
No. 187906
>>187903>Come on, there's still plenty of posts that make it obvious it's you there.Only posts that are mine are the ones I tripfag in. I feel like I'd be lowering myself to minivan's level if I samefagged.
>Yesterday night.Check it again.
No. 187921
>>187906Oh shit you're right now we have you, the OP and one other person talking about him, with equally as many having said "I don't really see how he's a cow", not including him.
Seriously, the guys a fucking retard, but you're just as bad mate, if not worse because of how obsessed you are.
No. 187967
File: 1477369464157.jpg (300.44 KB, 700x525, medallionandletter.jpg)

>>187921I'd also advise checking out the /cow/ thread.
>but you're just as bad mate, if not worse because of how obsessed you are.Can the same really not be said of anyone posting on a *chan like this (especially one that was once dedicated to Pixyteri)? Or for that matter, can the same not be said for anyone who was directly involved in pulling CWC's strings?
No. 187968
>>187967>I'd also advise checking out the /cow/ thread.Which is like half posts by you. I literally referred to that thread.
>Can the same really not be said of anyone posting on a *chan like thisNo, not at all. You should really seek help if you can't even see why what you've been doing is over the top.
No. 187971
File: 1477369884041.jpg (137.28 KB, 1363x603, copyright deleted.jpg)

>>187968>You should really seek help if you can't even see why what you've been doing is over the top.You mean my tripfagging? No offense but you're almost starting to sound like you're beating around the bush to try and defend the little guy.
No. 187983
>>187971No, I mean your ridiculous obsession with the guy, over several years, and paranoia that everyone who doesn't agree with you must be either him, or with him.
Not your fucking tripfagging.
No. 187990
>>187987Anon, do you know who Kopy is? He's been obsessively stalking this guy for fucking ages now, non-stop. He's on all the major cow forums in threads relating to him, and has been for ages.
Britbong's a complete fucking autist, but Kopy is just as bad.
He honestly deserves his own thread, but I can't be fucked making one, and it would just end up full of the same samefagging that's going on in this one.
Most of us just go check out a cows social media, come back with a few screencaps and have a laugh about it.
No. 187995
>>187990>Anon, do you know who Kopy is? He's been obsessively stalking this guy for fucking ages now, non-stop.>He's been obsessively stalking this guy for fucking ages now, non-stop.I really couldn't be fucked to care who kopy is but boy he hit the nail on the head. You really do sound like you're trying to white knight for manly.
>Most of us just go check out a cows social media, come back with a few screencaps and have a laugh about it.That's not what is going on in this thread? People rushing to defend manly's honor aside.
No. 188010
>>187995>I really couldn't be fucked to care who kopy is but boy he hit the nail on the head. You really do sound like you're trying to white knight for manly.Kek, turn your trip back on mate, how could you possibly think I'm whiteknighting when I've outright said that both are retarded?
>That's not what is going on in this thread? It's essentially one guy doing all of it, making videos about him, huge compilation pictures, accusing everyone who disagrees with him or dislikes him of being "BIDF", and has plenty of other shit that would make him a cow in his own right.
And he's been doing this for ages, in every single thread about the guy, on every major forum.
No. 188026
>>188010So first you accuse me of being this guy.
>Kek, turn your trip back on mateThen you start rambling about how he's such a bad person because he's compiled a fair amount of dirt on manly and is essentially doing what a troll does. Unless you yourself are manly or you're one of his friends that he sent to defend him, why are you so keen on shifting the spotlight onto the tripfag whose done nothing short of post embarrassing screenshots and chatlogs of manly's outbursts?
No. 188056
>>188026>So first you accuse me of being this guy.Because you appear as soon as he vanishes and start defending him? Shocker.
>Then you start rambling about how he's such a bad person because he's compiled a fair amount of dirt on manly and is essentially doing what a troll doesBut that's not what I said at all.
>Unless you yourself are manly or you're one of his friends that he sent to defend him, why are you so keen on shifting the spotlight onto the tripfagOnce again, I'm not. I'm saying that they both deserve threads, and Kopy posting shit here doesn't mean he's any less of a cow himself.
>>188034Because that seems to be the go to defence for whenever anyone points out Kopy is a massive fucking autist as well.
No. 188065
File: 1477390129518.jpg (33.18 KB, 598x448, timetostopposting.jpg)

>>188056Why are you getting so worked up over Kopy posting Britbong's dirty laundry in a thread about Britbong? Did Kopy flush your pet goldfish down the toilet?
I'm sorry but you're just proving both kopy and
>>187995 right every single time you post.
No. 188068
>>188065I'm not worked up over anything though? I just think that Kopy's an autist on the same level as Britbong, just in completely different ways.
Seriously, how can I be whiteknighting for a guy that at no point have I ever defended?
No. 189041
>>188068Reiterating this anon.
The real cringe comes from the amount of effort people are putting into this thread on defending Kopy and attacking anyone who disagrees. I wouldn't be surprised if it's himself posting as different aliases.
By all means continue, but you're proving our point that you're just as much of an lolcow as britbong is.
No. 189140
>>187496it's pretty easy to tell which posts are britbongs. especially look for ones with smileys and
No. 189609
>>189604Has anything happened in any of these threads though? Like, at all?
All I've seen in them is Kopy and Britbong flinging shit at each other, and the occasional post of Britbong being a dick.
No. 189630
File: 1477642948507.png (157.09 KB, 500x389, Kopybot cropped.png)

>>189118Oh very well. I'll cease using a trip here.
No. 193615
File: 1478290965071.png (93.77 KB, 807x680, bannedtears.png)

Banned from his on /cow/ thread. How embarassing.
Even more so when his friend Bungie cries to a mod. No. 201863
>>200630I think he has a hate boner for "gamer girls" because he thinks Twitch gives them special treatment.
He's on thread 7 over at /cow/ now by the way No. 204208
File: 1480178640643.png (233.03 KB, 500x800, Britbong The Pedophile.png)

No. 207433
>>207336Well, if we have about a month to go, and this started 6 months ago. And he's gone through 8.
Yeah, you're probably right.
No. 207868
File: 1480746954108.png (343.03 KB, 303x638, sort.png)

This pic was posted in the /cow/ thread, didn't want you guys to miss out on it.
No. 213878
File: 1481698892842.png (60.9 KB, 1546x785, tranny tears.png)

I'm going to copypaste some of the content from the /cow/ thread here so you all can take a gander.
============================================================================ some googling on MT and found some interesting pastebins.
First one is MT talking to Boyd about how he's making an ED article on Upraksi (his ex-girlfriend before he hooked up with Kopy's sloppy seconds) (archive:
Second one is MT talking about Twitch drama with someone and complaining about having his cocks flagged (archive:
The third and final one could very well aid in getting MT kicked off of for good. It has a great deal of evidence of MT violating's TOS and using his stream to harass other streamers. (archive:
I figured I'd lend a hand in helping any internet sleuths lurking this thread uncover more to the MT Trannygate mystery.
Here's some stuff to search through on the Fireden archive's some more helpful links for you internet sleuths who want to find out more about MT's past tranny shenanigans. either of the following too
>InuitInua manlytears site:>InuitInua manlytears site:https://yuki.laFound an interesting story from manly's past involving a girl He apparently talked to her in youtube pm and then claimed to have had sex with her. - More on the drama with Inuitlnua (pic related) - Weak attempt at false flagging Danielfromsl
sauce: - Manly shilling himself on /v/ - More on the tranny drama (Inuitlnua should really just come on here and do an AMA)
Original posts were all organized here: No. 214262
>>214214Hello there Dominique. Since you are clearly a female and/or have a desire to be female (you can do better than your mom's clothing, bb), why not join our lovely community of farmers?
Saging this thread about you is only giving us the impression that you're upset! o-o
No. 215754
File: 1481947757015.png (120.36 KB, 1180x375, tripfaggot.png)

Today MT became so overwhelmingly butthurt that he gave into temptation and tripfagged on /cow/
No. 215802
>>215754He was acting like a crazypants on second life tonight too it looks like. Someone from /cow/ recorded him so I'll copypaste the highlights and a link to the recording here.
The following is copypasted from /cow/:
Was watching MT run his mouth in the second life korea1 sim and then kopy showed up. Tears started spiraling into some real autistic insanity so I started recording him as he blew up at kopy. Here's a sample stray observations
>MT makes several remarks about how he's going to perform some obscene sex acts on kopy's ex>kopy didn't get on voice at all and the most he did was show off that screenshot from /v/ where MT was in drag
>@ 1:32 - "I bullied him to smitherines"
>MT makes several remarks about how he's going to perform some obscene sex acts on kopy's ex>@ 4:48 - "I'm still gonna be fucking your girl, m8. spunkin' up her">@ 6:53 - "Well even if I am apparently a tranny I'm still gonna be fuckin' his ex girlfriend. blowing my beans up her while he's on second life. crying." No. 216743
>>216670Didn't you get banned (again) on /cow/ for rambling on about that same exact conspiratorial nonsense and everyone proved that you were full of shit?
You getting called out on your bunk getting banned again for the same autistic rambling No. 216747
>>216743Facts don't stop existing because you refuse to acknowledge them, Mark. You're a samefag and got caught
The jig is up
No. 216778
>>216777>debunkedYour friends entire defense consisted of the following:
>uh this person using the exact same Kopy images got them from a folder>uh we all use and share the same Kopy filenames/images>uh it's impossible that this person using all these very specific Kopy files is him it's all coincidencePut on your trip and quit hiding
No. 216798
File: 1482101917788.jpg (21.66 KB, 336x269, 1330624295685.jpg)

>>216778You seem to be really upset and obsessed with kopy. Might you be the legendary transsexual Britbong himself?
No. 216895
File: 1482112552388.jpg (33.6 KB, 332x500, do you know how mad.jpg)

>>216670Hello I am kopy pls stop
-t. Kopy
No. 217154
This vocaroo was linked on /cow/
It sums up just what kind of weirdo MT is No. 218354
>>218329Sup MT. Still think everyone whsoe talking about you is Kopy? Your silly irrational behavior must be why /cow/ teamed up with /baphomet/ against you
>All your claims have already been debunkedReally? Every claim against you has been backed up with facts. All you're doing is saying "What I say is true even though I have no counter evidence to prove my point"
No. 220640
>>218329How exactly was
>>217185 debunked?
No. 228880
File: 1483754190857.jpg (37.75 KB, 789x595, lard.jpg)

>>228857You keep saying /cow/ but it's really just you, trying to keep a sad vendetta thread bumped on a board where no one gives a single shit.
No. 228916
File: 1483757047697.jpg (113.5 KB, 853x640, 132754235579.jpg)

>>228880You sound just like Britbong when he accuses everyone on /cow/ of being the faggot in your image
No. 229596
>>229553>got caught samefagging on a previous boardSup Tears. Remember when /cow/ debunked your accusation of said faggot in said photo as little more than paranoid rambling? I do because that happened here too. See
>>216894 >>216895
No. 229598
>>229596the games over Kopy
everyone here has already caught on just pack it up
No. 230322
>>230241>>230265Kopy you made the mistake all criminals do
you got greedy
if you had only samefagged once or twice maybe it would have gone unnoticed, but your obsession wouldn't allow it
you're done Kopy just trip up we all know you're guilty
No. 230484
File: 1483993246142.jpg (846.62 KB, 1231x1854, mtsamefag.jpg)

>>230322>you're done Kopy just trip up we all know you're guiltyBrilliant deduction, Detective Tears
You made the same accusations against anons on /cow/ and only got laughed at did you not?
>well known samefag>accusing others of being a single individualpic related
No. 230510
>>230489>Sage your stupid paranoid postsThe following posters need this advice a lot more than
>>230484 does
>>229553>>229598>>230322 No. 230514
File: 1483998635474.jpg (19.37 KB, 600x450, easterislandrock.jpg)

The joke being is that Kopy, Jews and Homor on 8chan troll shield one another.
You aren't allowed to make threads on kopy, same as ED he had his article locked by befriending a sysop with that other fatty IHM.
No. 230515
File: 1483998965091.jpg (73.93 KB, 800x600, kek.jpg)

Let's list why Kopy is personal army begging on various chans, ED, 8chan etc.
>Kopy's ex is dating britbong>Kopy has been trolled by Britbong to actual tears see. stalking him on streams) being humilated on discord) thing with Kopy is he worms his way around everyone, making up sob stories and kissing asses of anyone with positions of power but really most people see through it.
Now that he can't win his ex back he want's to "destroy" Britbong.
No. 230535
>>230514>>230515Settle down, tears
>The thing with Kopy is he worms his way around everyone, making up sob stories and kissing asses of anyone with positions of powerLike you do all the time on twitter. Asskissing the likes of clown, keemstar, and others and making up sob stories about how you're being defamed (you do this on here and on /cow/ too)
>Now that he can't win his ex back he want's to "destroy" Britbong.How can you be so delusional as to make a statement like this? Nevermind that if kopy did want to win this girl back, he's got insanely low standards because he'd want a girl who dated a loser like you
No. 230547
>>230514>>230515>b-but what about kopy???>kopy is friends with the ED sysops>kopy is friends with 8chan admins>kopy this, kopy that, kopy kopy kopyBritbong do you ever listen to yourself? You're like a broken record with how you keep trying to use this one person as some means to distract people from your own lengthy trail of faggotry (which is by far, much more entertaining)
When kopy tries to copyright a meme that he clearly didn't create or gets trolled by someone from TGWTG or takes selfies in his mom's clothes, then I'll pay attention to your boring ranting about him
No. 230557
>>230515This is what your post sounds like to everyone else, MT
"These are reasons why you should be laughing at this guy I hate instead of me
-reason 1: derp da derp
-reason 2: derp da derpity derp a derp
-reason 3: da derpty derp ta tittly tum"
No. 230942
>>230514>>230515Autism speaks. But this time it's not worth listening to. Only laughing. Go back to advertising your unfunny videos on /v/
oh and tell emptyhero I said hi
No. 231948
File: 1484236504754.png (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 1507x747, manlytears_trannylove1.png)

Britbong and MsAlchemy met in Secondlife. She joined his fanclub and even ended up in one of his videos.
Britbong: lol you're in my new video
Britbong: Ingame
Britbong: ?
MsAlchemy: when??
MsAlchemy: I've been on here for 3 days
MsAlchemy: i can barely figure out the interface
MsAlchemy: you are the only person i gave half a poo about on here
MsAlchemy: ofc id respond
MsAlchemy: sometimes I don't see the chat in SL
MsAlchemy: why do you think i take my clothes off to make money
Britbong: why do you think i take my clothes off to make money
Britbong: huh?
MsAlchemy: trying to reinforce im not bright
MsAlchemy: and my nudes are already everywhere lol
MsAlchemy: do you really hate me
MsAlchemy: you could at least talk to me after calling me a retard and a dumbass and saying i don't talk to you
Britbong: in a call
MsAlchemy: mk
MsAlchemy: well I'ma go to sleep soon
MsAlchemy: I never avoided talking to you, and i still wont
Britbong: stop whining
MsAlchemy: :(
MsAlchemy: I'll leave you alone then
MsAlchemy: I'm sorry, hate me all you want
No. 231949
File: 1484236543804.png (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB, 1232x925, manlytears_trannylove2.png)

Britbong and MsAlchemy Met On Secondlife.
At first it was pretty innocent flirting which MsAlchemy sharing her photos with Britbong. He finds them "very fapable". Although attractive, it's clear from the photos that MsAlchemy has a few steps to go before fully transitioning from male to female.
Britbong: No I don't hate you though
Britbong: :P
MsAlchemy: cool : )
Britbong: they were hot lol so why would I careMsAlchemy: I'm still just doing my hair to go to the pub
MsAlchemy: o.o
MsAlchemy: y…you think so?
Britbong: of course
Britbong: mmm
MsAlchemy: wow
Britbong: very fapableMsAlchemy: I can't tell if you are joking
Britbong: why would I be jokingMsAlchemy: ;__;
MsAlchemy: well you put a smile on me
MsAlchemy: thank you
Britbong: am i not allowed to find them hotBritbong: lol
MsAlchemy: no nono
MsAlchemy: I like your reaction
MsAlchemy: I'll remember this fondly
Britbong: i am allowed to fap to them ?Britbong: :D
MsAlchemy: O.O of course
MsAlchemy: blue haired stuff is ancient tho
Britbong: Is your dark hair recent
Britbong: i like it
MsAlchemy: yes
MsAlchemy: its blue at the bottom now too
Britbong: ooo
Britbong: well you're a cutieMsAlchemy: wow, thank you
MsAlchemy: so are you
Britbong: haa really?
MsAlchemy: ingrpingwpingpian
MsAlchemy: of course
Britbong: do you have more recent ones?Britbong: :O
MsAlchemy: tbh it wouldn't have even mattered how you looked to me
MsAlchemy: its a bonus
MsAlchemy: tho
MsAlchemy: you know I am your biggest fan lol, I'll just have to try my hardest not to be an autist about it
Britbong: me last night btw
Britbong: i look tired as fuck though
Britbong: hahaa
MsAlchemy: DOODE
MsAlchemy: love ur shirt!
Britbong: dragon ball Z babbi
MsAlchemy: I was keeping up with super but I guess ill wait for the dubz
MsAlchemy: z is best
MsAlchemy: odc
MsAlchemy: ofc**
Britbong: I haven't seen super yet
Britbong: seen the movies though
Britbong: the freiza one
MsAlchemy: I saw it in theatres :D
Britbong: lucky
Britbong: i had nobody to go with ;(
MsAlchemy: d'aw
MsAlchemy: I would have went with you
MsAlchemy: btw I'm in England until next january
Britbong: noice
MsAlchemy: yeah visiting my heritage
MsAlchemy: m7
Britbong: AH
Britbong: haha you should visit the isle of wight ;)Britbong: tummy lickings await
MsAlchemy: its a possibility
MsAlchemy: HAHAHA
MsAlchemy: omfg
MsAlchemy: btw I don't talk much on SL
MsAlchemy: mainly because everyone is pretty hostile
Britbong: they are yeah
Britbong: fuck them
MsAlchemy: and I am not really confrontational
Britbong: a lot of them hate me so I dont care
MsAlchemy: well I am here now
MsAlchemy: and I don't
Britbong: :)
MsAlchemy: I can handle anyone making fun of me tho
MsAlchemy: but I couldn't take it from you
Britbong: I won't make fun of you
Britbong: so you went on 4chan right
MsAlchemy: a long time ago
Britbong: me too
MsAlchemy: that's how I went viral
MsAlchemy: I got spread around
MsAlchemy: and given a chan name
Britbong: i am known there too
Britbong: not just as britbong
MsAlchemy: oh yeah
Britbong: But yeah you look great don't worry dunno why someone thought that was a negative
MsAlchemy: I figured you could see why
Britbong: i'd fuck you to be fair so it seems like a positiveBritbong: lmao
MsAlchemy: ;3 <3 font="" oooo="">
Britbong: why else would I say i wanted to fap afterwards haha[…]
MsAlchemy: btw I won't talk about any of this
Britbong: about what
MsAlchemy: idk like anything about this in general
Britbong: oki good
Britbong: :P
MsAlchemy: : D
Britbong: neither will i
Britbong: well I used to like fap on snap of course
Britbong: ex girlfriends etc
MsAlchemy: oh
MsAlchemy: well nbd IMO
Britbong: nbd?
MsAlchemy: no big deal
MsAlchemy: I'm not worried about what people think, I was just worried about you because I gave a shit
MsAlchemy: when over 2 million people have seen your butthole
MsAlchemy: you stop caring
Britbong: they are nice picturesBritbong: tbh
Britbong: probably going to fap in a minute honestlyMsAlchemy: I am very flattered
Britbong: really
MsAlchemy: yes
MsAlchemy: if I wasn't engaged I'd leap at the opportunity to fuck youBritbong: ;_:
Britbong: hehe well i wouldn't tell anyone ;)MsAlchemy: haha
Britbong: (wasntme)
Britbong: offers still there :P
No. 231951
When I publish parts of their earlier conversation Britbong confronts xxxxxx about it, making it clear that he's not angry because she's trans (he knew already) but that it had gotten back to me.
Britbong: pretty stupid to try shit with me living in your countryBritbong: haha
MsAlchemy: try shit?
MsAlchemy: I thought you knew
Britbong: WHAT
Britbong: ?
MsAlchemy: I thought you knew I was
MsAlchemy: that's why I was surprised
Britbong: passing my logs out?
Britbong: piece of shit lolMsAlchemy: nooo
Britbong: good luck
MsAlchemy: its kuz monte sent me this
MsAlchemy: [posts logs from Episode 3]
MsAlchemy: and I was like
MsAlchemy: noooo I said if I wasent marrid
Britbong: ok?
MsAlchemy: married
MsAlchemy: that's only reason why
Britbong: so you directly posted my logs
Britbong: to boyd
Britbong: actually
MsAlchemy: well I didn't mean to do it offensively ?
MsAlchemy: just because you said I wanted to fuck
MsAlchemy: but I wanted to show it was out of context
MsAlchemy: sorry for the mis understanding
MsAlchemy: its a bit of a shit fest
MsAlchemy: I thought you knew I was trans lol
MsAlchemy: it comes up as the first thing if u google my name
Britbong: he asked me you retard
Britbong: i said you were
Britbong: fuck off
MsAlchemy: asked you what
Britbong: HE
Britbong: I said yes
MsAlchemy: I'm not very smart
Britbong: dumb fuckBritbong: and you posted my skype logsBritbong: to be used against meMsAlchemy: no I didnt
MsAlchemy: i did because you said I wanted to fuck
MsAlchemy: but I said if i wasent engaged
MsAlchemy: that's all hun
MsAlchemy: why would I hurt someone i like
Britbong: your on my shit listBritbong: nice
MsAlchemy: well I'm sorry if I hurt you
MsAlchemy: but calling me tranny and dumb is hurtful
Britbong: you are?
Britbong: he asked if you were
Britbong: i said yes you are
MsAlchemy: [20:50] Britbong: xxxxxx is a tranny
MsAlchemy: [20:57] Britbong: she was hitting on me lol
Britbong: and?
MsAlchemy: ?
Britbong: whats that a log of
MsAlchemy: If I wanted to be offensive I'd post it all
MsAlchemy: but I wont
MsAlchemy: because drama is dumb
Britbong: you caused it
MsAlchemy: if you didn't want it to happen, you could have just not talked about it
Britbong: when did I post your skype logs?
MsAlchemy: well you said some things way out of context
MsAlchemy: you know I liked you
MsAlchemy: its also upsetting you removed me right away, well I'll still be here if you wanna talk
MsAlchemy: unless you wanna just remove me again
MsAlchemy: i also just defended you and said someone must have baited you
MsAlchemy: and not sent you the lower half
MsAlchemy: of my body
Britbong: ?
MsAlchemy: when you introduced urself to me
MsAlchemy: or w.e
MsAlchemy: u said someone sent u my pics
MsAlchemy: so i automatically assumed you knew whats up
MsAlchemy: so people were talking at violet and i said someone must have set u up
MsAlchemy: and its an honest mistake i look female
MsAlchemy: even boyd defended you
MsAlchemy: and you hate him
MsAlchemy: drama is just really stupid
MsAlchemy: especially in this autism fest of a game
MsAlchemy: i only came here because your videos were funny
MsAlchemy: if its that much trouble ill leave
Britbong: well you caused it retard
Britbong: thanks
MsAlchemy: ugh
MsAlchemy: ._>
MsAlchemy: ._.
MsAlchemy: well what do you want me to do
Britbong: nice job dumbass
Britbong: lol you gave boyd ammo on me
Britbong: and yourself
MsAlchemy: how is this my fault
MsAlchemy: i was defending my marriage lol
MsAlchemy: that's literally it
MsAlchemy: drama is retarded
MsAlchemy: if I want to be malicious id post it all, but i liked you so i wont ever
MsAlchemy: call me retarded and dumb all you want.
MsAlchemy: I know I'm not very bright
Britbong: defend your marriage
Britbong: by posting my logs for no real reason
Britbong: to a guy nobody gives a shit about
Britbong: i dont even like montezuma
MsAlchemy: he came up to me and said i tried to fuck
MsAlchemy: which i wouldn't outwardly do ever
MsAlchemy: and you also removed me on skype
MsAlchemy: and in game
MsAlchemy: and get messaged a log from someone
Britbong: i was on a new account retard
MsAlchemy: Skype had a (?)
MsAlchemy: i know you removed me
Britbong: and I removed you for not speaking to meMsAlchemy: ????
MsAlchemy: WHAT
Britbong: i saw you 4 times ingame you dont even say helloBritbong: so yeah no shit
MsAlchemy: you never respind to anyting i say!@@
MsAlchemy: DUDE
No. 231952
Britbong: You are pretty vileMsAlchemy: whys that
Britbong: whys that?
Britbong: really
Britbong: best if you didn't come back to the gameBritbong: working with boyd and all
MsAlchemy: what?
MsAlchemy: I dont care about this drama stuff dude
MsAlchemy: i barely talk to boyd
Britbong: you posted shit about me and expect no responseBritbong: lmao
Britbong: if you think 4chan faggots are badBritbong: just wait and see what happensMsAlchemy: bad/.
MsAlchemy: mk
Britbong: why are you working with my stalker?
Britbong: whos been making fun of my mother in hospital for the past 4 days
MsAlchemy: ive been playing a dice game in my friends room
MsAlchemy: all day
Britbong: you're lucky I don't know where you areMsAlchemy: i literally just got here
Britbong: oh?
MsAlchemy: wow somethign with 1 note on it
MsAlchemy: boy howdy that sure is viral
MsAlchemy: monte sent him that
MsAlchemy: not me
MsAlchemy: we talked about this yesterday
Britbong: you talk to people who hate meMsAlchemy: i had no idea who he was ive been here for 4 days now
MsAlchemy: you could have at least pulled me to the side at one point
MsAlchemy: drama is dumb, i just want silly fun of weirdos taking a sim too seriously and getting thrown around
MsAlchemy: like those horses
Britbong: oh yeah?
Britbong: you caused it you piece of shitMsAlchemy: if your just gonna call me names why do you wanna talk to me
Britbong: i am going to destroy you for thisMsAlchemy: destroy what exactly
MsAlchemy: 2 million people have seen my butthole
MsAlchemy: maybe more
MsAlchemy: I have literally no family
Britbong: if only you knew who I knowMsAlchemy: thats fine
Britbong: this account will probably be terminated in the next week
MsAlchemy: im sure you know some rad people
MsAlchemy: oh nooo
MsAlchemy: not my second life account
Britbong: when you start wondering why all your accounts online start getting random logins you'll know whyMsAlchemy: god i didnt thiink you took any of this that seriously
MsAlchemy: from your vids
Britbong: you trying to ruin my lifeBritbong: i take seriouslyMsAlchemy: oh yeah dude
Britbong: you scummy piece of shitMsAlchemy: well if i wanted to be a jerk ill post it all
MsAlchemy: but im not a jerk
MsAlchemy: do you want me to just get off SL forever
MsAlchemy: say it and i will
MsAlchemy: i only came here from ur vids
Britbong: lol your helping the person who harrasses my familyBritbong: you fucking idiotMsAlchemy: wtf are u talking about
MsAlchemy: idk who any of these people are
MsAlchemy: i know LUI
MsAlchemy: thats it
Britbong: are you retardedBritbong: YOUBritbong: AREMsAlchemy: -_-
Britbong: HELPINGBritbong: MYBritbong: STALKERBritbong: RETARDMsAlchemy: how did i do it
MsAlchemy: monte did
Britbong: talking to a boyd dick sucker
MsAlchemy: i just met boyd yesterday
MsAlchemy: talking about me in violet
Britbong: you made yourself talked aboutBritbong: you complete idiotMsAlchemy: you take this too seriously
MsAlchemy: who cares about this sprug fest drama
Britbong: "you take people stalking your family seriously"
Britbong: shut the fuck up retard
Britbong: are you serious?
Britbong: no shit I take stalking seriously
MsAlchemy: then just stop coming on here
No. 231953
Britbong: I've already made 10 idiots never come backMsAlchemy: thats fine
Britbong: I have my ways lolMsAlchemy: i said you can literally ask me and i wont
Britbong: to get rid of scumMsAlchemy: i said that last night even
MsAlchemy: if you really wanted me to leave youd ask me to
Britbong: leave
MsAlchemy: fine I will
MsAlchemy: it has nothing to do with any of the threats tho, I have literally nothing in my life that someone can take
MsAlchemy: I'm doing it kuz i liked you, I dont like this version of you tho
Britbong: take your own lifeBritbong: and stop ruining mine thanks
MsAlchemy: classy
Britbong: this is why I dont bring along retards to my trolls
Britbong: thanks for reminding me not to invite idiots along next time
MsAlchemy: Okay well i just archived all this just in case someone says this went down another way.
Britbong: do I care
MsAlchemy: telling me to kill myself really
MsAlchemy: when have i ever said a single mean thing about you
Britbong: you passed my log
Britbong: thats worse
MsAlchemy: you told someone i hit on you
MsAlchemy: and im engaged
Britbong: you did
Britbong: retard
MsAlchemy: no i didnt lol
MsAlchemy: i said i was flattered and if i wasent engaged i might
MsAlchemy: thats about it
MsAlchemy: idk you
MsAlchemy: this is just a game
Britbong: nobody gives a shit
MsAlchemy: apparently you do
Britbong: I just think you're a scumbag
Britbong: :)
MsAlchemy: that's fine
MsAlchemy: that's out of my control at this point
MsAlchemy: Dont msg me about drama anymore, if you dont bring things up it blows over
Britbong: you brought it up
MsAlchemy: really
MsAlchemy: i jumped on your twitter
Britbong: nobody posted your fucking log you retard
MsAlchemy: and posted a bunch of that
MsAlchemy: before you even talked to me
MsAlchemy: hmm
MsAlchemy: sounds legit
Britbong: what?
MsAlchemy: ur twitter posts u took down
MsAlchemy: you realize your acting like the same people you make fun of in your videosMsAlchemy: people who take this autism simulator so seriouslyBritbong: your the autistic sperg who trusts anyone and everyone
Britbong: passes all my shit out
Britbong: fuck off
MsAlchemy: I'm friendly and I came here for silly fun
MsAlchemy: not drama
Britbong: "silly fun" passes my logs out
MsAlchemy: u asked for my skype
MsAlchemy: u hit on me
MsAlchemy: how is that my fault
Britbong: you hit on me lol
Britbong: actually your best buddy monezuma said it too in fact
MsAlchemy: [posts log of MT hitting on her]
MsAlchemy: do you think im stupid enough not to archive all this first
MsAlchemy: ^^^^
MsAlchemy: leave me alone
MsAlchemy: or ill give the log away
Britbong: lol you're a fucking weirdo
MsAlchemy: you think i havent been manipulated before
Britbong: referencing this
Britbong: lol
MsAlchemy: you messaged me first that someone sent you my nudes
Britbong: yeah and?
MsAlchemy: so you knew
Britbong: ?
MsAlchemy: just go away dude
Britbong: your the one starting shit with me
MsAlchemy: and none of my archive will see the light of day
Britbong: passing my logs
Britbong: epic fan bro
Britbong: managed to act like a chode in less than 3 days
Britbong: you should apologize for posting my shit
MsAlchemy: i already did to you yesterday
MsAlchemy: want me to link that too
Britbong: you were making excuses
MsAlchemy: i legitimately said sorry to you
No. 232139
>>232107I read through both the chatlogs and the screenshot gallery that's linked on /cow/ (here's a link to it for anyone whose interested:
there's no way any of this was faked and manlytears trying to claim it was all faked just shows what a deceitful person he is. He can't honestly expect people to believe that these logs were somehow fabricated can he?
>>232117If you mean alchemychan, I agree!
No. 232253
>>232107That's quite a mouthful of logs. Not to mention there are screenshots from Alchemy's skype including of Manly asking if he can fap to Alchemy's pictures (he's a sub lol)
Does he really expect anyone to believe that those logs aren't real?
No. 232897
>>232874He seems to just be posting on /cow/
his anxiety must be so high he can only focus on one of these threads at a time
No. 238536
File: 1485129693727.png (48.76 KB, 632x710, dataprotectionremoval.png)

Don't know or care who this is, but he got this thread removed from Google results through Europe's privacy laws.
No. 239069
>>238536Good thing it's easily found in the good old US of A still.
No. 239365
Looks like there's a new /cow/ thread>>239358It's probably mixed between europeans and americans
No. 239806
>>239633You mean the guy who was tripfagging earlier in the thread? I thought he fucked off back to /cow/.
>its amazing the level of samefagging.Is that something that's even actually happening in this thread?
No. 241439
>>241437upraski was kopys gf that flew out to fuck britbong.
pretty hilarious.
No. 241791
>>241750>accuse three different anons of being the same person>calling people psychos>you serously need help>obsess over a random guy>vendetta>cuck story>Im not britbongYeah I believe you when you say you're not MT. So why is this thread
triggering you if you're not him?
No. 241804
File: 1485741471969.gif (1.17 MB, 500x253, raito_Deathnote_54.gif)

>>241802>>241750What your tiny brain can't comprehend, you see, is that it doesn't matter if you're Britbong or not.
You're treading on thin ice, the folks at /baph/ have already taken notice of you.
You are foolishly ignoring the fact that this is a multifaceted operation. If you ally yourself with Britbong, you willingly subject yourself to any treatment that follows.
No. 245794
Hey mods, wake up and listen to what
>>245382 has to say.
No. 248674
File: 1486767587474.png (9.81 KB, 120x120, b76649f5eac257b5d193547680b1ea…)

>>248661>being this retardedu guys have rlly done urselves in with all this paranoia
No. 248954
>>248850Kopy it's blatantly obvious now that you're making those threads
The op image is a gif that you and only you have posted before
No. 250180
This was posted on /cow/ and /baph/!sNRkhJpT!XOJFZeU42jQnbXLhIsboRQnguDfwzSyynV40LIF2NGYIt's a giant word document of chatlogs leaked from MT's skype group
No. 251667
>>251220>>251637You're doing it again. We really don't care.
The main problem aside from your strange obsession is that it's not even interesting. Come back if he does something a little juicier than stealing your internet gf.
No. 251892
>>251667You're not fooling anyone, tears.
>>251828He was banned for posting the video I embedded in my post, MT. I saw his post before he got banned and the video was removed (they have a strict rule against pony related content on /cow/)
Now please kindly go kill yourself and stop pretending like it's not you accusing farmers and other assorted faggots of samefagging with no hint of irony
No. 252223
>>252186Kopy, please stop. It's really obvious you're the one samefagging to anyone who has ever spoken with you. Half the replies in this thread use the same grammar and address Britbong/MT at the end of a sentences. Plus there's the "calling out" that's slightly polite and it's always one after another. You and MT are the only one's bumping this thread. Take this shit to /cow/ and /baph/ because no one here cares.
Farmhands, please nuke this thread.
No. 252420
>>252223This is getting embarrassing, tears
You're doing exactly what you did on kiwifarms when you tricked that fuckwit valient into doing your bidding
No. 253060
Found this on /cow/ btw MT got the original album deleted
No. 253653
>>253519>>253638He posted bail while he waits for his trial date
Hope his mom can afford a good lawyer
No. 255915
>>255886He makes more than most lawyers and you too
Of course he could afford one because he's already got one
No. 256103
File: 1487798559003.png (402.46 KB, 1539x899, autism.png)

Weird how the people meme forcing britty as a /cow/ aren't allowed to have /cow/ threads on them when they provide the cringe.
No. 260900
>>260427Kopy hasn't posted since the hearing and he was looking very sad and defeated outside the court house today
Ortiz is in trouble
No. 262993
>>262695You can go buck yourself then, Boys
Was real enough for Kopy to beg Based Bong not to press any charges
No. 267408
File: 1489212525142.png (27.68 KB, 792x1235, banned.png)

Buttblasted MT actually made his own revenge board banned me
No. 274074
new thread on /cow/ we wouldn't be at thread 17 over there if MT didn't keep replying to bait
No. 274602
>>273149>Because it didn't happen.Just like you and that trans person didn't fool around.
Just like you're not a shameless meme thief
No. 282525
>>280405>>281039Too bad his channel will never be terminated and all this is temporary.
Meanwhile gremlins dedicate their entire lives to "getting back" at a real troll Britbong who BTFO them out of having any semblance of a life.
No. 284968
>>282525>Too bad his channel will never be terminated and all this is temporary.Really? Don't think I didn't see that "channel terminated" in 7 days" screenshot.
>Meanwhile gremlins dedicate their entire lives to "getting back" at a real troll Britbong who BTFO them out of having any semblance of a life.>gremlins>BTFOWow MT at this point you should just take more ugly selfies and timestamp them when you post here. Not like you can do much less to make it obvious that you're posting
No. 285563
>>282525>Too bad his channel will never be terminated and all this is temporary.That's what you thought about your hitbox channel and look what happened there.
What did you do to get empty and his friends to DMCA your channel anyway?
No. 293341
File: 1492461159266.jpg (23.4 KB, 1569x255, imageboard tutorial.jpg)

>>293328This is how imageboards work, since you don't know. Here are your last three posts in this thread.
No. 293947
File: 1492527860547.png (211.2 KB, 611x1687, gone.png)

Just when I think MT is out of milk, he just keeps squirting out more
No. 300522
File: 1493404025234.png (462.34 KB, 707x581, November 5 2004 smuggler force…)

>>299350>>299559You mean this tidbit?
No. 315740
New /cow/ thread in the UK want to report him for revenge porn?
No. 316960
>>316732it's real, Mark
She showed us the photos of you doing it
No. 317543
>>316960Do you actually think kopy/krapple is posting here MT?
>She showed us the photos of you doing itPost them if they're real
No. 319865
>>316431This video is surprisingly accurate
lol @ MT in the comments trying to defend himself but not actually responding to any of the points in the video
No. 320891
>>318847>>320739Kopys been arrested and visited by the police plenty of times for doing his dumb stalking shit
Just because you don't want it to be true doesn't mean it's not, Mark
No. 321513
>>320891You still have yet to provide any actual proof to back up this "kopy got arrested xD" meme, Bittybong.
You just keep repeating the same story as though you're somehow jerking yourself off to the idea. Does this at all tie into your dad getting arrested years ago? Do you see Kopy as an evil authoritarian figure in your life (like your dad) and you fantasize about Kopy getting arrested like your dad did?
No. 324406
britbong was globally banned from 8chan for posting Mrnoobs underaged nudes in his /cow/ thread: link: No. 324606
>>324406I remember several threads back, there was a guy from /v/ who mentioned that MT bragged about having a child porn collection and apparently went on webcam to show off said collection.
Looks like there was truth to that claim after all since MT tried to post the nudes of that teenage girl who rejected him
No. 328842
>>324642Britbong acurately discribed himself there.
I hope ED beats Jonathan Monsarrats false lawsuit btw.
No. 332018
File: 1497039219675.png (40.51 KB, 617x696, uber samefag.png)

>>328842They will. That lawsuit they're facing has no real ground to stand on. Meanwhile, midget tears is talking to himself (through the use of twitter sockpuppetry/samefagging) on twitter
No. 344765
I'm curious if anyone here lurks the manlet tears thread on Kiwi or if I'm the only one. hasn't been active in awhile so I'm wondering if maybe something happened
No. 354274
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>>354176You mean this? Real classy how he handles breakups. Lies and says he's the one who initiated the breakup and then he'll just start talking shit and spreading the girl's pictures around. Note to all farmers, don't date this manchild
No. 354496
File: 1500366498500.png (69.71 KB, 492x668, sad.png)

>>354274He's one tough little hobbit, isn't he?
No. 367079
New thread on /cow/ has been more aggressive than ever lately. Losing another girlfriend has been hard on him
No. 375364
He makes these /v/ threads about himself (while pretending it's not him) on quite literally a daily basis. I can't even browse halfchan /v/ without seeing one of microbus's shill threads pop up why does he do this when it's plainly obvious that the entire /v/ community (mods included) hates him?
No. 383466
Midget got banned form youtube again, farmers!
Oh and new thread on /cow/ No. 392092
>>383466This is the new thread actually.'m curious as to why it doesn't have a sticky like the last one