File: 1521237029105.jpg (540.65 KB, 777x1284, conyo.jpg)

No. 531204
The confetti club are fans of the legendary milky Jillian Vessey/Pixielocks. The fans are almost as milky as the cow herself; the facebook group is full of speshul snowflakes, transtrenders, landwhales and munchies.
-The Party Kei facebook group was cowtipped and had an epic meltdown, which resulted in all of the groups closing.
-The confetti club advises members to not post to the board in order to try and stop the drama, but a few people do anyway and get doxxed.
Some recent milk:
-Skin walker Eliza plans a trip to stalk Jill, get a shitty tattoo just like Jill by the same artist. Gets called out for it and has a melt down. Leaves and rejoins group multiple times.
-Jill's bff Courtney creates a group just for party kei. Jill is made admin
-The confetti club facebook group is once again shut down due to lolcow
-Thread is full of Jill's retarded followers trying to get in on the action to seem ~edgy
-Bonnie, an autistic land whale, exposes the group to porn, and gets banned.
-Eliza organises a fundraiser to get Jill a Betsey Johnson purse for her bday. Is yet to be opened by Jill
confetti club main page: Kei group: Kei UK: club clinic: No. 531284
File: 1521241379829.jpg (449.92 KB, 1080x1081, Screenshot_20180316-230203.jpg)

Found in #partykei. That's a face only a mother could love.
No. 531584
File: 1521370692552.png (1.4 MB, 1052x1292, Screenshot_20180318-105550~2.p…)

meanwhile in the confetti club discord, someone makes an ita bag for their fursona
No. 531588
>>531584i'm so fucking depressed that 'fursona''s are even a thing. i hate these people with passion. i wish they'd stop normalising fetishes like this. soon we'll all be forced to
accept it rather than tolerate it like we do the troons
No. 531611
File: 1521375048388.jpg (112.68 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1521307319189.jpg)

Why would you willingly post this of yourself
No. 531620
these threads are something else. none of the members ever look remotely well adjusted. its a huge gathering of weird ass people and nothing else. its kind of an achievement? Jill only seems to attract people weirder and uglier than her.
no wonder jill ignores all of the shit they do to "honor her".
>>531611ohhh let me guess, he/they pronouns? i swear its getting harder to tell all the confetti whales apart.
No. 531970
File: 1521407991548.jpg (473.05 KB, 1080x1384, Screenshot_20180318-211820.jpg)

Gotta remind everyone she owns ~lazy oaf And that she has money to spend
No. 532020
Furries/anthropomorphic creatures are not fetishes. Yes, many people do enjoy the sexual side of being furry trash, but there's so many furries that aren't sexual with it at all. Like 80%.
It's like saying "people should stop wearing stockings because it's normalizing legwear fetishes!!!"
Don't be this stupid. I really dislike furries just because they are all incredibly obnoxious but I call out bullshit when I see it.
On topic,
>>531611That fupa.. I'm going to guess this is a "boy" as well, judging by the lack of makeup and haircut.
No. 532033
>>532020whatever you say, furry.
>>531970i don't understand why people would spend upwards of $100+ for some of the shit of lazy oaf. most of it looks like someone just threw fabric together.
No. 532100
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No. 532842
File: 1521480283127.png (346.11 KB, 496x427, Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 5.22…)

No. 532931
File: 1521489093196.jpg (366.45 KB, 1080x1200, Screenshot_20180319-194953.jpg)

She's going to recreate Jill's bday dress….This is why you're the thread pic ffs
No. 532932
File: 1521489104151.jpg (55.39 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1521488980395.jpg)

No. 532934
File: 1521489209505.jpg (446.5 KB, 1080x1531, Screenshot_20180319-195245.jpg)

Eliza commented on this
No. 532935
File: 1521489251243.jpg (124.05 KB, 1080x698, Screenshot_20180319-195228.jpg)

>>532934She's determined to own everything Jill owns
No. 533090
File: 1521499844508.jpeg (60.64 KB, 172x275, dylan.jpeg)

a fan at the meetup
No. 533093
File: 1521500024083.jpg (297.37 KB, 1080x1214, Screenshot_20180319-225140.jpg)

I'm triggered
No. 533102
>>533093so kawaii~
so greasy~
No. 533240
File: 1521507191410.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5411.PNG)

I went on a quest to find a confetti club member who actually looked decent. I scrolled through every single photo in the group and found precisely one girl who looked cute and well put-together. Every other one was a train wreck.
No. 533258
File: 1521508221910.jpg (611.22 KB, 1080x1292, Screenshot_20180320-010916.jpg)

No. 533261
File: 1521508292009.jpg (351.79 KB, 1080x1408, Screenshot_20180320-011101.jpg)

No. 533289
>>533261All of Jill's followers look like special need children..
That thigh garter is hanging on for dear life.
No. 533422
File: 1521515128062.jpeg (147.66 KB, 900x1200, DYshRTSU8AAt7Bf.jpeg)

No. 533429
File: 1521515557697.jpg (160.14 KB, 1063x1540, 1521515521898.jpg)

No. 533512
File: 1521521957572.jpeg (275.89 KB, 750x628, AB557F5B-4571-4A78-B1EA-9B0C73…)

>>533240Nice self post kek
How insecure are you?
totes the cutest member in a group of autistic land whales ..
You look like party kei Shane dawson
No. 533526
File: 1521523489749.jpg (289.03 KB, 678x1086, 2018320_1242526.jpg)

>>533512>>533240Not to defend this person but that Emily girl posted that screenshot on the Confetti Club Facebook weeks ago
No. 533578
File: 1521528600276.jpg (38.75 KB, 500x392, tumblr_oocnj96Nhu1qiibuuo1_500…)

>party kei shane dawson>mfwdaaaaaaaamn, really explains why she's hiding that
face with her phone on
>>533240style of a 5 year old, face of a 35 year old chainsmoking MLM aunt. she looks busted, i kinda feel bad.
No. 533675
File: 1521547744967.jpg (146.07 KB, 1082x1514, 1521547724207.jpg)

No. 533895
File: 1521565473431.png (976.83 KB, 750x1334, 1521507191410.png)

>>533526>>533535Y'all know how instagram works, right?
No. 533916
>>533895You realize it's a screenshot of a screenshot, right? The girl in the pic screenshotted her instagram and posted it on FB, where the anon found it.
Reading comprehension.
No. 533918
File: 1521566959382.png (1.03 MB, 640x1136, IMG_8903.PNG)

Already selling stuff from the party.
No. 534133
File: 1521581815559.jpg (816.42 KB, 1080x1103, Screenshot_20180320-213608.jpg)

So many land whales
No. 535102
File: 1521664770209.png (55.15 KB, 275x225, FE734A29-4EA1-4FA5-A4E4-072A32…)

I wonder how many people stole vip bags
No. 535167
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No. 535299
>>535290>Defending this hot ass ita messYou're either the girl in question or a CC member with equally bad taste
Decora isn't about piling on whatever the you have lying around.
No. 535304
File: 1521676841386.jpeg (263.73 KB, 1242x461, 9C44062B-4E40-4F27-BD0A-9B9D81…)

Today on things that never happened
No. 535318
File: 1521677489188.jpg (259.75 KB, 1000x666, th_IMG_0863[1].jpg)

>>535290i don't agree here. decora needs to be a bit more OTT than that.
>>535299lol not really decora is a shit fashion which is why it died and was replaced with other nicer fashions. pic related looks retarded and you know it.
>>535304why the fuck would people associate that with PK or something?
No. 535338
>>535318Jokes on you because it isn't dead, people also wear it differently in recent years than the pic you chose to share. If you don't like decora or find it tacky that's honestly your business, but not all decora outfits are made equal.
Also the pic you shared still looks better than that other CC travesty.
No. 535419
>>535318at least with decora people usually stick with a color or a theme throughout the outfit which is way better than most of the cc, that being said i think its more of an anime convention/event type fashion that looks weird anywhere else
>>535304this was real i was the cash register
No. 535554
>>535536>trying to call someone a weeb because they can see better color coordination in a picnayrt but no one even said they're better looking or look amazing because they're japanese? anon even said it's your business if you think it all looks like shit.
>"I wasn't even saying she looks decora" And? What does this have to do with anything?if you're going to shit up the thread at least have some sense of consistency, or just admit you're trolling. Either that or you're a sperglord who can't stand that someone might actually be reasonable with you.
No. 535577
File: 1521701134474.png (84.09 KB, 634x602, IMG_1440.PNG)

>>535304Could this be the first time Eliza's shallow, nonsensical attempts have actually gained the attention of Jillian?
No. 535814
File: 1521738642980.jpeg (172.71 KB, 634x891, 795C9BF6-5EE0-499C-9812-DFA925…)

They’re selling this….
No. 535819
>>535814"incase you can't read my messy handwriting"
If that's even a statement you have to make….don't? fucking? sell? it?
No. 536025
>>535814I wonder if she really, honestly thinks someone is going to hand over any amount of money for this.
How deluded does one need to be to produce this as an 'artist', and deem it saleable.
Looks like a doodle from a little girl to her mum.
No. 536410
File: 1521776109956.jpg (237.87 KB, 1080x1683, Screenshot_20180323-033405.jpg)

Eliza is posting more and more and her need for validation is pathetic
No. 536736
File: 1521828217686.jpeg (871.66 KB, 1242x1301, CDA4000C-A71F-40D8-BCD3-BA08AF…)

They really captured her essence
No. 537345
File: 1521903983287.jpg (574.53 KB, 1080x1696, Screenshot_20180324-150523.jpg)

Bonnie is now going by this name on facebook
No. 537527
File: 1521924746148.jpg (355.75 KB, 1080x1109, Screenshot_20180324-205151.jpg)

No. 537611
File: 1521932440700.jpg (801.15 KB, 1079x1575, Screenshot_20180324-225955.jpg)

Another Land whale
No. 537619
File: 1521932819789.jpg (690.9 KB, 1080x1454, Screenshot_20180324-230639.jpg)

What the fuck
No. 537751
File: 1521942773273.jpeg (649.49 KB, 1242x939, E01C2F95-A54F-4132-BB9D-48066E…)

No. 537757
File: 1521943357233.jpeg (683.29 KB, 1242x1919, 236118A1-0DE8-4AC7-82B1-CC8AFB…)

>>537753Apparently she is jealous lmao, the post is now deleted
No. 537800
>>537757How am I a cow for being jealous of her money? I’d legit love to take my mom to places
Oh, ps, they bullied me out
No. 537840
>>537805>It's not milk when it's genuine, you sad fuckGood lord if that aint true.
>>537800Why the fuck would you do that? Like, you know how they act, they will OF COURSE defend and attack. You also can't expect a Canadian who said they don't have Chic-fil-a's near them to know that but still.
Your post made me fucking cringe, dude.
Some advice if you're trying to drive an argument: Never admit you have an emotional bias. Point out some hypocrisy? Cool. But starting your argument with saying "I'm jealous for being old and not having the funds a youtube 'celebrity' has to drag my mom everywhere" and then ending with an ad-hom makes you look autistic.
No. 537843
I’ll work on my autism
No. 537848
>>537843You're just as bad as these confetti fags.
Grow up.
Wear whatever you want but you act like child.
No. 537926
File: 1521978006657.jpg (732.77 KB, 1080x1464, Screenshot_20180325-123850.jpg)

Fucking skinwalker
No. 538091
File: 1521998829283.jpg (153.43 KB, 1080x1608, FB_IMG_1521998802298.jpg)

No. 538096
File: 1521999168790.jpg (201.6 KB, 2043x2042, FB_IMG_1521999106202.jpg)

>>538091 nothing about you is kawaii kek
No. 538210
>>538101Probably fucking shrinky dink shit.
Which would explain why it looks like paper.
No. 538247
>>538210It doesn't look like shrink dink though, it's transparent. That looks like straight up pencil colored paper.
>>538098I was confused because it looked more dense than tea. Barf nonetheless
No. 538272
File: 1522018943542.jpg (69.82 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1522018853787.jpg)

No. 538287
>>538247Shrinkey dinks come in transparent and opaque. They also curl sometimes and look like paper.
>>538269Honestly I don't think it matters where she chooses to eat or what she does. If Jillian will stop using JS products because he said the N-word a few times but not Kat Von D even though she's called someone a Kike and NO ONE has cared to point that out, her eating some gross chicken shouldn't matter.
No. 538757
File: 1522092962665.jpg (413.9 KB, 833x733, 5376ae825c3a7f6bb80fd4b12a1f5d…)

Confetti Club is truly unique. Made a quick collage of some of the girls wearing the same clothes. I Accidentally cut out Jillian wearing the same dress as the vendor
No. 538770
>>538765I was under the impression that it wasn't just his opinions, but that he actively supported homophobic, regressive… organizations? Voted for and donated to politicians etc. that were aimed at repealing women's and lesbian and gay rights etc.
So, if true, your money does in fact support oppressive and regressive bullshit. I could be misinformed though, who knows. I'm Canadian, anyways. Never been to a chick-filet.
That said, I don't expect Jill or any of her friends/fans to have an actual moral stance and stick to it. Takes too much effort; like informing yourself and not latching on to the most convenient thing.
No. 538828
File: 1522098250425.png (2.99 MB, 2246x1510, Confetti club.png)

No. 539159
File: 1522124473062.png (891.86 KB, 753x652, lipstic.png)

Speaking of skinwalkers, I was watching this girls videos and… This is why we use lipliner, guys.
No. 539179
File: 1522126493014.png (3.21 MB, 1797x1507, Lindsey Bluebird.png)

Also, just some comparisons.
No. 539263
File: 1522135924537.jpeg (293.39 KB, 750x1097, E7BD5F41-7FBC-466E-950E-8A4748…)

What the fuck is this thing
No. 539264
>>539263I want to vomit…
That looks more like she's into DDLG than Party Kei.
A 6 year old would wear something like that, not a grown adult with a beer belly.
No. 539291
File: 1522144117969.png (420.11 KB, 400x479, 25e28adcf9eeb0a35fbddfd1a9f04f…)

>>539179After this I had to check out her youtube and LOOK
No. 539298
File: 1522144600840.png (877.86 KB, 822x511, 88dd0aaedacd447f608ea616c936ec…)

>>539179>the dirty purse>her nailsThank you for showing me this girl, she is a budget jill knockoff
No. 539341
>>539298She really couldn't have took a q-tip and some acetone and fixed that up before doing a zoom in of her hands?
Also, wash that crusty ass semen off your purse girl, c'mon.
No. 539364
>>539361She was really cute at the beginning of her channel. You can tell there was a point between '16 and '17 that Jillian's influence latched on.
>>539291All in all, at least she's got the Confetti Club uniform on.
No. 539392
File: 1522160822888.png (4.02 MB, 4248x2216, CC uniform.png)

>>539364Here's a breakdown of the CC uniforms.
No. 539397
>>539392you forgot to mention to wear clothes that are at least 2 sizes too small and that the shoes need some dirty ass soles.
Otherwise this is accurate af.
No. 539552
File: 1522178808799.jpg (133.28 KB, 1080x602, Screenshot_20180327-202433.jpg)

Former admin and fake boi has now changed her name from Lizzy to Edward
No. 539577
>>539552Did that like, JUST happen cause I saw it last night. Her background still says "It's Lizzy" the last time I looked.
I absolutely fucking hate trans trenders and people who use they/them.
No. 539671
>>539179It's so creepy she makes the same punchable faced as Jill too.
>kawaii to normal teenBitch, you look awful and 'normal' in both.
No. 539677
File: 1522189242205.jpg (352.77 KB, 1080x1649, Screenshot_20180327-231819.jpg)

#partykei never disappoints
No. 539678
File: 1522189254572.jpg (441.36 KB, 1080x1645, Screenshot_20180327-231847.jpg)

No. 539679
File: 1522189271489.jpg (680.26 KB, 1080x1487, Screenshot_20180327-231925.jpg)

No. 539716
File: 1522193944702.jpg (1.29 MB, 1461x1534, Screenshot_2018-03-28-01-35-45…)

I am surprised no one has mentioned Cheeky Sparkles yet. She is like Jill, but skinny and with bad wigs. Her Youtube is a goldmine, if you're into knock off videos.
No. 539721
File: 1522194192004.jpg (539.69 KB, 1024x1128, 1cb27f312ba84f93b67d3ccdde20b5…)

>>539698it means more like crazy ott than actually ugly.
No. 539722
>>539716I don't think jill is so awful as much as she's boring, but her skinwalkers bring me life
>>539719kek the lindsay bluebird is also has the same backdrop we need a youtuber skinwalker starter collage
No. 539725
I love yugioh but this is excessive
No. 539740
>>539732Maybe if the child has $500 to burn.
>>539739It's astounding how many fans she has literally trying to wear her skin and she's not a big time celebrity. Even in the YouTube-sphere she is barely known.
No. 539754
File: 1522197034596.png (351.78 KB, 346x455, e3fd8ca7c8f829cbb0f9dffcca6a0d…)

>>539392These are going to have to be in the basic uniform as well
No. 539790
File: 1522199150986.png (437.04 KB, 600x313, b8828060cacaf53c6a1168df045cd7…)

>>539754And another one, tho this one is called Lou Baby and is a mtf and posted their "breakdown" on their channel
No. 539804
File: 1522200326291.jpg (709.17 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180328-022455.jpg)

No. 539822
>>539724Actually there's a lot of Ita Bags that exclusively use fan merch. Like, Overwatch bags and Dream Daddy bags.
Also, to be fair, a window bag isn't even what an ita bag was to begin with, it's just something people use to display shit.
No. 539873
>>539859Describing the fashion as a "salad" is one of the most humorous things I've heard considering no one who wears this shit would touch one.
Also that girl looks like she's wearing a night gown which may or may not be her "aesthetic".
It looks horrible.
Unrelated, in the suggested videos, there's Jill's Mom's youtube channel with a video of Jillian at 13.
I didn't know Jillian's mom would have a youtube channel.
No. 540046
File: 1522238984313.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180328-130915.jpg)

No. 540129
File: 1522253860033.png (97.6 KB, 640x821, IMG_1483.PNG)

Not from the Confetti Club, so sage, but Bella is causing drama in the lolita groups again. Seems like CC isn't giving her enough attention kek
No. 540235
File: 1522261421719.jpeg (219.81 KB, 1264x1264, C09ADE90-D7B2-4786-B5E5-41BA09…)

Cheeky Sparkles is a very specific type of Jill skin-walker. While the infamous Eliza stalks Jill and begs for attention, Cheeky will adapt to Jill’s lifestyle and buy whatever she buys, speak exactly how Jill speaks, and just scarily copy her, like she’s wearing a cosplay of Jill. She even bought the exact same keychain and put it in the exact same spot on this backpack they both have. It’s pathetic lol.
No. 540314
>>540225It's easy enough to find out what comm it was if you look up where she is in England (on her videos of FB profile) and put it in to Facebook
sage for off topic
No. 540323
>>538757Confetti Cult?
sage for no contribution
No. 540425
There needs to be a CC phrase chart too, that cheeky sparkles chick says in every haul or favies video "I love it so much and it's a favie and I love it" like…we get it. You love it. It's a favie hence being in a favie video.
Aside imitating Jill she's definitely like a knockoff typical young weeaboo with all the ugly pins etc
>>540397No it isn't when you consider half the people using it imitate Jill in other ways.
No. 540446
File: 1522276584688.jpeg (23.88 KB, 560x369, 930832AE-9455-42B4-876D-2FF1E4…)

>>539739If you close your eyes and just listen it legitimately sounds like Jill.
No. 540458
>>539739My God this is so fucking creepy
Who the fuck would want to be a budget Jill
No. 540463
File: 1522278130652.jpg (784.46 KB, 1080x1637, Screenshot_20180329-000132.jpg)

No. 540465
File: 1522278142728.jpg (551.06 KB, 1080x1467, Screenshot_20180329-000121.jpg)

No. 540466
File: 1522278253687.jpeg (235.56 KB, 1094x1240, 0C7BB5E7-F4C3-4927-B0D4-5E971B…)

Maybe it’s just the camera or the angle, but why do Cheeky’s arms look like they’re two completely different lengths?
No. 540588
>>540463Has furry in their name
God aweful make up
Probablly “drag”
wearing a binder
No. 540635
File: 1522290410458.png (1.9 MB, 1242x2208, CD7ED201-B61F-4AA2-AC75-7499AA…)

No. 540645
File: 1522291235322.jpg (40.74 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1522290854753.jpg)

>>538091>>538101>>538155The necklace was made out of paper. Pic from the Confetti Club Facebook
No. 540647
File: 1522291429443.jpg (730 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180329-034226.jpg)

Imagine going on a date looking like pastel vomit
No. 540656
File: 1522291932900.jpg (377 KB, 1080x1226, Screenshot_20180329-035142.jpg)

No. 540662
>>540645Wow. If you can't even put the effort in to buy a real piece for your outfit, why even try? Shrinky Dinks are like, 5 dollars.
>>540647Anon, c'mon, these are really cute.
Courtney knows how to dress and what good color balance is.
>>540656I remember Lizzy made some girl censor her post several times because the girl was talking about being happy that she'd lost a lot of weight. I didn't know bettering your health is a
triggering topic.
That was in the older group, though.
No. 540676
>>540656The cc makes me understand why people make fun of
triggering so much. If you're so
triggered by those things, good luck in social media or the real world. That's just shit none of you want to talk about it, don't act like you're traumatized.
No. 540677
>>539739So… what kind of mental illness compelled her to do this wack ass shit? How can someone be even less original than Jill?
>>539812She sounds really out of breath and like someone's holding a gun to her head to make the video. The way she pauses after each word to imitate the way Jill talks is annoying as hell
No. 540686
>>540656Why is weight loss always a
trigger word for these apes?
No. 540739
File: 1522300251965.png (575.8 KB, 499x833, Capture.PNG)

We all know that posts in the CC are nearly always garbage-tier, but this is an all time low. A blurry kitchen counter shot of the plain yellow peeps that this dude bought at Walmart. Jill has brought the price of kawaii down to $1.19.
No. 540753
File: 1522303155469.jpg (574.03 KB, 1080x1400, Screenshot_20180329-065805.jpg)

Imagine wanting to have Jill's atrocious hair
No. 540786
File: 1522308594523.jpg (573.26 KB, 1080x1436, 20180329_082808.jpg)

Did we really need 5 separate photos of this unremarkable mess?
This Peeps trend Jill had started is absolutely bizarre.
No. 540833
>>540786Peeps are not only disgusting, they aren't aesthetic and that "mug cake" looks like rotten icing no one would care about if it didn't have fucking peeps on it.
What an obnoxious trend, it's dumb as fuck.
No. 540920
File: 1522339605544.jpeg (46.88 KB, 320x320, 2501324E-5316-4327-A2F5-374921…)

No. 540923
>>540920I feel so terrible for Sebastian, he probably thought it was a legitimate j-fashion meet. Poor guy, now his perception of j-fashion in the west is probably fucked.
Thanks Jill.
No. 541049
>>540920He looks fucking terrified
Like she’s gonna crush him or something
No. 541095
File: 1522356279776.png (686.31 KB, 520x529, yhujikolp.PNG)

>>540920can you imagine him coming home from this mess being like
>so what were americans like??>they were all fat, couldn't color coordinate and looked very greasy! i was very scared the entire time but there was no escape i don't know who he is (unlike most anons itt) but i hope he knows that
jill fans all happened to be fat, greasy blind bastards and that most americans into j-fashion don't look like that. legit all jill fans are overweight or obese and have at least two mental illness, i would be terrified to be invited to that con.
No. 541159
>>541095the owner of a brand that Jill trashed because their lucky pack had ~BLAAAAACK~ in it. Seb is nothing short of an icon in jfashion and art and their design choices are both OTT and rainbow, you think she’d try to learn something from him.
Masuda has been to tons of US fashion events including anime expo and even cons in NY. I think it was less of an America culture shock and more of a jillian’s influencer status shock kek
No. 541330
>>540656Weight loss is
triggering? I'm
triggered by landwhales tbh
No. 541466
File: 1522414693477.png (42.25 KB, 765x593, tw list.png)

What the actual fuck is wrong with these people.
No. 541475
File: 1522415464460.png (144.79 KB, 554x948, ccshit.png)

More shit.
No. 541480
>>541467Anon's lying. There's jack shit in there. There's like, 80 people in the group and 20 of them are active. At most, some were talking about not shaving and getting
triggered at dumb shit.
No. 541481
>>541475"When someone in a picture looks exactly like they're looking at you"
Do yearbook photos
trigger her?? Do news channels
trigger her??
No. 541500
>>541493my favorite is "chill hip hop" being a
No. 541502
>>541481Scopophobia was like a 2013 Tumblr thing that I’m convinced no one actually had or was in any way affected by - least of through anime screenshots, but nonetheless everyone tagged every picture with eyes in it as a
trigger warning.
So it’s just Tumblr nonsense, as usual.
No. 541503
File: 1522417784377.png (984.2 KB, 1236x648, chillhiphop.png)

>>541500I already feel a panic attack coming on just looking at this.
No. 541564
>>541466I lol'd
How is a pickled onion comparable to rape in any realm of possibility ?
>a pickle: Jus' bein a pickled vegetable
>a twat: PTSD PTSD frantically blowing pickle whistleWe're screwed as a race and this is exactly why.
No. 541598
File: 1522423427517.png (197.79 KB, 849x625, 1.png)

>>541480 not lying. I just have access to more shit in there - the staff channel is littered with retards. Mainly loco. I have a whole folder if anyone wants to see the shit these people come up with?
No. 541606
File: 1522423661739.png (95.11 KB, 634x714, 2.png)

>>541601I'm probably gonna be outed but oh well they're all special snowflakes in there lol. There's only Aly and Hime that aren't.
Also they will all shit themselves if you mention the world lolcow or just join with a weird name/pic. they think everyone is going to be a happy little confetti monster with 500
triggers No. 541607
File: 1522423724216.png (52.91 KB, 586x637, 3.png)

>>541606there are like 50 staff members and none of them do fuck all. i got him to post to see what they would do and all they did was cry all night but i wont post it all
No. 541613
File: 1522423826910.png (71.14 KB, 605x653, 5.png)

loco is the worst of the bunch. doesnt know the different between their/there/theyre which is funny to look at but she posted in another staff channel saying shes going to MAKE MERCH FOR THE DISCORD and that she emailed jill about the discord - its like a show and fucking tell
No. 541616
File: 1522423905008.png (63.13 KB, 605x653, 6.png)

merch btw
No. 541617
File: 1522423975384.png (57.58 KB, 640x654, 8.png)

No. 541618
File: 1522423989764.png (67.95 KB, 607x703, 9.png)

one person wasnt talking
No. 541621
File: 1522424071448.png (166.66 KB, 621x643, 11.png)

oh yeh i got myself staff back but loco went on a fucking rampage and demodded me and someone else without warning even though i did a lot of shit for this stupid discord. she said i never talked but ok
No. 541623
File: 1522424131403.png (307.83 KB, 609x644, 10.png)

i got more but i dont wanna flood this thread sorry
No. 541681
File: 1522427869463.jpg (291.71 KB, 1080x1236, Screenshot_20180330-173613.jpg)

Doesn't this prove that she's only recently dressed in kawaii fashion? It just shows she's even more of a skin walker.
No. 541807
>>541466question, umm how is pregnancy
triggering? like do they mean seeing pregnant people or going through pregnancy? how do these people function in real life?
also pickled onions and sunflowers what the f*ck ??????
No. 541874
File: 1522441353855.jpeg (40.45 KB, 540x540, 9DCB6311-DF34-4DF7-A3EF-B5DF78…)

>>541856Why pick onions, out of all things? Pickled eggs and pickled pigs feet are both very disgusting and I would be more
triggered by those than by pickled onions.
But… Onions + vinegar flavor… ick.
No. 541882
>>541807because they're immature children. There's nothing wrong with being a woman who doesn't want to have children themselves or get pregnant, but to say that pregnancy itself is
triggering is a joke. It's how the world and humanity cease to exist. Without women and babies, we'd all die out. The CC are sad little children who cant function outside their bubble.
No. 542062
File: 1522453865070.jpg (243.53 KB, 1080x1116, Screenshot_20180331-004932.jpg)

Do you think she'll do a dramatic Jill style crying vlog kek
No. 542074
>>542038 they know fuck all. I could just use tor or something like my friend did to post that pic after he got ip banned (posted a screen of it before)
>>542045 loco always goes on rampages lmfao no idea why the other one was banned though she wasnt involved at all. Free her you scum KEK
No. 542110
File: 1522458474326.png (602.49 KB, 834x536, hyperbol.e.PNG)

so, this hyperbol.e girl. she seems like every other jill stan ever. only buys lazy oaf and brands jill likes. she even had rainbow hair. she's fat and pretty much the same things every jill fan does. its strange. some anons think that she's jill's new gf, but imo she seems like a confetti club skin walker
hell, she even dresses like eliza and had pink hair a few months back
>>531970 don't they think its weird that they all look and wear the same shit? all she's missing is her rainbow sweater.
also, anyone wants to bet that eliza is raaaging because she does the same shit but she's never going to meet jill?
No. 542369
>>541475>>541481I guess it's telling that they tried to question the pregnancy
trigger rather than the scopophobia one. I just picked that because of what
>>541502 said about its run on Tumblr as I'd seen that tag when I was on there back in the day, but I sure didn't mean to salt some open wounds on here for the pregnancy one.
No. 542700
File: 1522529073934.jpg (923.76 KB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_20180331-214339.jpg)

Such kawaii
No. 542702
File: 1522529254054.jpg (708.46 KB, 1080x1666, Screenshot_20180331-214523.jpg)

No. 542799
File: 1522537473234.jpg (66.9 KB, 680x960, FB_IMG_1522537413998.jpg)

Customs can easily double the price of your order..imagine paying that much for trash
No. 542821
File: 1522539495178.jpg (872.65 KB, 1080x1494, Screenshot_20180401-003729.jpg)

Indirect shoutout to us kek
No. 542826
>>542800What a moron everything over £15 gets a 20% tax duty and over £135 will likely get extra customs charge. Do these people not know how to google - UK gov sites are so easy to use. Ffs.
Banter because I'm pretty sure dollskill don't refund or cancel orders
No. 542871
>>542800Dollskill is a pretty shitty website, I'm surprised people still buy from them.
But of course the confetti clan doesn't know any better
No. 543803
File: 1522633066842.jpeg (91.79 KB, 800x800, 7BCD9CD9-124D-4932-99E2-DE8B80…)

No. 543833
File: 1522634934592.png (693.66 KB, 828x421, c59adbadd8c2741fa2a1efd9bfc7fc…)

The madman she bought it!
No. 543837
>>543803i used to follow this girl when i was trying to be all ~uwu body positive~, her outfits arent the best but they actually fit her unlike dear
>>531611and many others lmao
No. 543999
File: 1522652310714.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.63 KB, 510x960, IMG_9153.JPG)

Spoiler for disgusting feet.
Why would you wear rubber shoes without socks? and then SHARE a photo of it???
No. 544171
File: 1522677859651.jpg (69.47 KB, 640x960, 29920289_211202832971513_14950…)

Why does it feel like youtube is trying to show me how stupid Jillian looks?
No. 544293
>>543999You don’t wear socks with sandals lol. But those are clearly kids sandals because her feet are crammed in and I’ve never seen those shoes for grown ass people.
I had a pair when I was 5 lmao.
No. 544434
>>544293>>544314I actually bought a pair from AA and they make every style of Jellies for every size.
You also should wear socks because the shoes will start to stink or become slippery if you sweat, they don't have any padding on the inside.
They're also hella uncomfortable and tacky.
No. 544925
File: 1522730484666.png (1.45 MB, 1024x2048, PicsArt_04-03-12.38.00.png)

God I can feel the weeb in this person's posts on the Pixielocks Amino. And yes this is how all of their posts are.
No. 545003
>>544925jesus. i thought lazy ass text speech was bad, but this is just
barely comprehensible.
Like a mash-up of Engrish, straight up bad English and baby talk. but worse.
The fact that, while she has a lot of young(er) fans, a lot of them are also legitimate adults is gross and depressing.
No. 545398
File: 1522784484283.jpg (147.78 KB, 1080x630, Screenshot_20180403-204045.jpg)

So edgy
No. 545432
File: 1522786590252.jpg (926.77 KB, 1080x1708, Screenshot_20180403-211551.jpg)

Found in #partykei
No. 545436
File: 1522786648674.jpg (708.98 KB, 1080x1656, Screenshot_20180403-211712.jpg)

No. 545439
File: 1522786698510.jpg (1 MB, 1067x1659, Screenshot_20180403-211805.jpg)

No. 545447
File: 1522787037228.jpg (776.22 KB, 1080x1514, Screenshot_20180403-212252.jpg)

No. 545448
File: 1522787131652.jpg (771.21 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180403-212507.jpg)

A bonnie skin walker??
No. 545482
>>545448Wtf it looks just like her…
Maybe it's her using a different name cause she got kicked?
No. 545486
>>545482I mean, it
could be a different person, but how many people who look like Bonnie and are Jill obsessed could there be?
She's even got shite spelling and grammar, too. Just like Bonnie.
No. 545662
File: 1522798949186.jpg (217.71 KB, 1080x860, Screenshot_20180404-004146.jpg)

So thirsty for attention
No. 545926
>>545447Stupid question
is that a shadow or a awful lot of freckles at her hairline
No. 545978
File: 1522831738090.png (58.32 KB, 640x656, IMG_1516.PNG)

Eliza wants to skinwalk so much that now she's claiming to have the all-famous Vessey ~uwu allergies~
No. 546040
File: 1522845131498.png (1.12 MB, 710x842, braids.png)

>>545447You forgot the best part.
No. 546115
>>546098If her hair isn't afro texture it's only going to damage it MORE dumbass. It's going to pull at her roots and thin her hair out. Most non-stop afro people have their hair start to fall out after doing this , and their hair smells and has all sorts of dirt in it from moisture being locked in that shouldn't be for their hair.That and they don't know how to take care of their hair that way. Those braids look way too tight too did this moron hear a black person say "protective styling" and think it applied to all hair types?. I have afro texture hair and I don't even get my braids that tight.
I just came back from a con and I noticed that people who look like these cc people all had fake cornrows with their hair died rainbow. For people who are all "uwu the color red
triggers me , safe space is best space, uwu progressive" their actions show otherwise.
No. 546233
>>546115>If her hair isn't afro texturei looked at her facebook and her hair is most definitely not afro texture. her hair at the most is a 2B, maaaybe a 2C.
but let's talk about how she looks like a damn fool with those braids. not even in a "UwU all white's look bad, this is cultural appropriation" way but in a "this color and hairstlye does nothing for you at all and is the opposite of flattering on you." way
No. 546264
File: 1522867962157.png (305.14 KB, 1616x1134, Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 11.4…)

From the discord group, apparently someone was banned over this
No. 546354
File: 1522873048004.jpg (583.13 KB, 1080x1452, Screenshot_20180404-211623.jpg)

No. 546355
File: 1522873213597.jpg (42.72 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1522873187947.jpg)

She calls her style goth kek
No. 546363
File: 1522874086288.jpg (157.61 KB, 1500x800, women-drinking-water-1.jpg)

>>546264That's actually me. Not gonna totally out myself but the admin was convinced that a lot of the shit posted on here is from me because I posted here months ago.
No. 546485
>>546477Does the government pay for transitioning over there?
>>546354I hate these people and even I know more about their stupid fashion than they do. Primary is way off from the pastel it’s supposed to be.
No. 546566
File: 1522884045032.jpg (644.02 KB, 1080x1703, Screenshot_20180405-001929.jpg)

Cue drama
No. 546743
>>546098That one comment about how Japanese people think cultural appropriation is dumb, asian people also benefit from white priveledge.
Cultural appropriation is when you take certain items from one "culture" but the group overall is still marginalized. Asian culture is very popular in America, but Asian people arent as marginalized as black or brown people.
Thats why white people shouldnt wear box braids or dreads as a "fashion statement" when the black/brown people who wear the same style are deemed "dirty" or "unhireable".
(Back to tumblr you go) No. 546774
>>546743you do realize that, historically, many cultures wore dreads for one reason or another, independent of Afro-Caribbean people.
No one has a monopoly on what is literally nothing more than cultivated, matted hair.
**Indians/Southeast Asians wore them. North American Native peoples wore them. Celts wore them. Teutons wore them. Greeks wore them. And whomever else; I wasn't obsessively thorough when I was reading about it.
All that aside… it's a fucking hairstyle. It's not wearing a war bonnet for fashion. It's not wearing a bindi for fashion. All dreads are in the end, is the end result for a great many people (regardless of race) of not brushing ones hair, that nearly all races have worn at some point in their history.
Done. Shit bothers me when people can't be arsed to crack a fucking book. Especially now that almost anything you could want to know (unless it doesn't suit your opinion) is at your goddamn fingertips.
No. 546877
>>546774Actually, dreads are very different from just matted hair.
European or asian hair does not "lock," it mats. The only hair that can truly be dreadlocked is hair with an extremely tight curl pattern that is exclusive to people of African and Afro-caribbean descent. True dreadlocks can be brushed out without cutting the hair because it's just a result of encouraging the natural curls to "lock" together. Matted hair almost always needs to be cut and can't be brushed out.
mats are the result of not brushing your hair. Dreadlocks are not. Mats =/= dreads.
No. 546891
>>546233ha that's the part that "
triggers" me, bitch looks wack with the braids. who told her it was cute
No. 546933
>>546743>>546713Who invited the CC here?
You guys are actually sad. You're trying to find everyone who uses this website while also contributing to this website.
No. 546945
>>546597You know how the people who make a lot of noise about how much they haaaaaate drama usually turn out to be the biggest drama hoes?
Same thing at work here.
No. 546947
File: 1522933584662.png (9.59 KB, 684x214, KKKlogo.png)

Made a new logo for the group.
No. 546982
>>546877Cultivated mats. Black hair mats up in snarls the same as a white persons in totally neglected. You just completely ignored everything else, and focused on one word that you took out of context. Good job.
Anyways. I'm done derailing. Have fun!
No. 546990
>>546982>>546980-Matting and locking isn't the same thing.
-What that Anon is talking about has been researched before the internet even existed to have sjws.
Can we please not talk about racial matters on Lolcow? Isn't race baiting against the rules anyway? I'm tried of edgelords screaming "TUMBLR HURDUR ME REAL SMART YOU DA DUMB HUR".
Why do the people in cc like Jill so much? Jill doesn't even like Jill.
No. 546996
>>546990Weirdly enough I don't really hate Jill, I just hate how much of a pushover she is. If someone says something's offensive, no matter how stupid, she sticks with it. She lets people harass her on what to buy and what's "ethical".
I just hate her fans the most. They're all jealous skinwalkers who don't even think before they pull out their wallet and buy whatever Jill was wearing in her latest video.
No. 547005
File: 1522938163158.gif (1.09 MB, 275x263, 1517688680466.gif)

>>546997I still unironically watch Jillian's videos (Other than the "help with depression" one where she suggests skincare and candles as a means to help yourself) but it's really unfortunate that she's not only impressionable, but also an influencer.
She falls into the trap of being told something, believing it without question, then reestablishing said ideals to her own community who then echo chamber that same flawed set of ideals.
Now she's known for running the most "accepting" yet toxic fangroup on youtube next to maybe, Onision?
I'm just waiting for someone to introduce her to MAPs and for her to start accepting pedophiles and shit.
No. 547008
>>547005>introduce her to MAPsi can already imagine the cringy bonnie tier girls in confetti club doing that.
also i don't think the fanbase thing is her fault. most super '100% accepting uwu no bully' hugbox groups are toxic as hell, and of course a spechul """jfash""" designed by a white girl who was tired of
triggering meanies is going to appeal to that type.
jill is super bandwagony and annoying, but she also is not mature and hasn't figured out who she is yet, and won't with all the outside influence she eats up.
No. 547011
File: 1522939135147.jpg (616.48 KB, 1080x1609, Screenshot_20180405-153814.jpg)

No. 547014
>>547008There's so many people who run her kind of show better than she does without starting this kinda shit storm where the groups are being taken down or people are turning on each other.
Like, ALB in Wonderland pulls the queer card and doesn't make her partner look like a pet or accessory. They also look and feel genuine.
Princess Mei pulls the environmentalist card and you can see she follows it to a T without shoving it down your throat or sounding like she's reading someone elses words.
These people aren't much older than Jillian but have established personal goals or lifestyles that aren't forced.
No. 547025
File: 1522940170145.jpg (521.2 KB, 1080x1720, Screenshot_20180405-155420.jpg)

>>547019I think he's a creep who is able to get into these groups because he's a 'trans woman' he probably jacks off to all of the underage pussy.
No. 547079
File: 1522945067948.jpg (620.27 KB, 1080x1700, Screenshot_20180405-171724.jpg)

No. 547270
>>545398sage and sorry for late but these dumdums who probably gets """""
triggered""""" by sunflowers and pickled onions are okay with this one flake scaring her elderly grandfather with her lipstick. what if you're also
triggering him, kimberly?
No. 547552
File: 1522975538686.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, CC437480-710C-47C0-BB8F-F811D6…)

>>547011>>547012>>547025 And now “she” has pinku hair kek I feel like dying mine
No. 547557
File: 1522975906170.png (1.01 MB, 640x1136, 09E280E6-9381-424C-8140-90C5BD…)

>>547458>>547536I want to believe that too, most of the pictures aren’t convincing but are definitely lulzy. I do think the background in this photo (and in a few others) may give some credibility however. Like the doll and the… kirby? But I’m just enjoying his posts no matter what so it’s interesting to see what happens
No. 547571
File: 1522977139103.jpg (458.62 KB, 1080x1493, Screenshot_20180406-021146.jpg)

Found in #partykei
No. 547572
File: 1522977162800.jpg (572.04 KB, 1080x1475, Screenshot_20180406-020912.jpg)

Another one
No. 547573
File: 1522977191660.jpg (707.95 KB, 1080x1613, Screenshot_20180406-021012.jpg)

Note the fetish tags in this one kek
No. 547576
File: 1522977400838.jpg (396.97 KB, 1080x1402, Screenshot_20180406-021508.jpg)

>>547571 the fucking kankles on this land whale
No. 547587
Saged for semi irrelevance.
>>547536Also yeah I did.
They think I've been using Lolcow and posting shit from the group for months when I just joined the fb group the other day.
Feel free to cap the discord convo.
The CC is funny because half of the "good" members come on here and shit on their friends but I'm a bad guy for not agreeing on some made-up sjw shit.
No. 547599
>>547592It's convenient because a very small amount of people know who I am based on my ban, the mods of the CC fb and the mods of the CC Discord.
I won't pull what some others do and freak out when they get outed or throw a tantrum. What I do is public knowledge.
No. 547607
>>547606And? I was an active part of the conversation. And if you read the convo, no one was arguing so I don't get what you're going for.
I've been capped in convos on lolcow since before I even knew what this website was, dude.
No. 547614
>>547610What do you do when someone writes your name, tho? I'm not really bothered by it but do you just ignore it?
It doesn't matter. Fuck that group and the next mental break down it has.
No. 547624
File: 1522980650797.jpg (21.46 KB, 480x480, FB_IMG_1522980564510.jpg)

>>547619 and now you become milk
No. 547626
File: 1522980740886.jpg (39.47 KB, 480x640, FB_IMG_1522980585159.jpg)

>>547624 you're just like the rest of the confetti club: fat, retarded and think you're not like the rest kek
No. 547628
File: 1522980788756.jpg (27.98 KB, 480x547, FB_IMG_1522980592585.jpg)

>>547624 it's really sweet that your mum thinks you're cute tho lmao
No. 547645
File: 1522981342458.jpg (109.37 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180406-032132.jpg)

>>547631 you sure were quick to delete your Facebook fucking kek
No. 547750
File: 1522986302337.png (502.13 KB, 539x537, rtfgyhujk.PNG)

one of jill's fans on insta. she's "recreating" one of jill's valentines looks. the look already looked ugly as sin on jill and somehow she looks even worse than her. why skinwalk someone who can't even dress?
>>547624why are they all so fat and retarded? always shitty makeup skills, always terrible style choices, just uglies after uglies for christ's sake. the fact that she thought she was above the other cc bitches amazes me>>546363. she legit just like everyone else itt
>>547697she outed herself for no real reason, she had no milk to spill she just wanted attention and validation. so yeah, if you admit who you are in a public forum where the entire point is to laugh at uglies, strangers are bound to found you and flame your looks for fun. its not that deep.
No. 547756
File: 1522986536421.png (696.31 KB, 532x535, rfghj.PNG)

other confetti club girl recreating jill's easter look
No. 548399
>>547736that's super hardcore anon, you're a real internet vigilante
>>547750that sweater/turtleneck and camisole combo is just tacky in general. absolutely no one can pull it off. at least her skirt is cute.
why can't people pick up around them if they're gonna take a picture in a floor-length? just makes a tragic outfit look even worse
No. 548472
File: 1523061963456.jpg (660.56 KB, 1080x1472, Screenshot_20180407-014511.jpg)

She's fucking hideous jfc
No. 548481
>>548472lmaaoo she's wearing those baggy clothes and hiding most of her face in the first two pics. but then you see the next three pictures where she isn't hiding in her clothes/arms and she has the body of a pregnant woman lmao.
eliza we know you're obese, you posted about it on the group early this year lmao you're not fooling anyone. baggy clothes won't fix that gross ass abodmen on the third pic. thiccc as a rock.
No. 548484
>>548472anon can you post the full version of the third pic? or any of the 9 pics where she isn't hiding all her body with her clothes/poses. pretty please, i want to see how truly
deceiving that profile pic is.
No. 548486
File: 1523063793518.jpg (476.24 KB, 1080x1515, Screenshot_20180407-021459.jpg)

She literally purchased this a couple of months ago after asking for advice on Facebook and now she's trying to sell it for basically retail price wtf she probably realised it isn't Jill enough because it's not pink or pastel
No. 548488
File: 1523063942871.jpg (77.65 KB, 744x960, FB_IMG_1523063929362.jpg)

Incoming Eliza spam
No. 548501
File: 1523064737174.png (524.03 KB, 556x515, erftgyhuol.PNG)

>hiding your face with shit beause no filter in the world can make a whale like you attractivesad
No. 548820
File: 1523115203095.jpg (571.64 KB, 1080x1661, Screenshot_20180407-163151.jpg)

Remember this cow? She's removed the party kei hashtag from all of her posts, so she probably got tipped. But the milk doesn't stop…
No. 548821
File: 1523115236313.jpg (Spoiler Image,480.27 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180407-163035.jpg)

>>548820Her nsfw modelling page..
No. 548824
File: 1523115342891.jpg (Spoiler Image,396.86 KB, 1080x1344, Screenshot_20180407-163453.jpg)

>>548821 these are actual tattoos
No. 548854
File: 1523118573306.png (32.34 KB, 609x339, untitled.png)

>>548794she posted this in another discord, and said that loco hasn't even responded to her since
No. 548857
File: 1523119037400.jpeg (514.04 KB, 1242x1691, 461ABCE6-5032-4D14-8CE0-9FE03A…)

Why the fuck do all these people have canes and wheelchairs?
No. 548903
File: 1523123287029.png (4.15 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2390.PNG)

No. 548907
File: 1523123369786.png (3.86 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2392.PNG)

>>548904Why is he even in the CC?
No. 548939
File: 1523125738564.png (61.27 KB, 750x899, 1476753009972.png)

>>548824christ those areolas
No. 548975
>>548907Because he's a fat slob who is single. Do the math
(not that there are any lookers on CC. haha they're all gross.)
No. 548984
File: 1523128600576.jpg (452.38 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180407-201456.jpg)

>>548903 I feel like the confetti club need to have stricter privacy settings on their profiles..that's a lot òf personal info there
No. 549011
>>548992Find some pants that actually fit you and comb/trim your greasy bangs and stop trying to attention whore on the group. Take my advice, gift wrap it, there you go, merry Christmas.
It really is hilarious to see how many Jill “fans” crawl all over lolcow.
No. 549159
>>548915god the sadmin of the confetti club discord confirmed she was lurking in these threads then immediately disappeared when called out. the best thing she could do for that server is unban the girl who didn't even break any rules and not be a pussy when her whining is leaked to this thread. From what I've seen in leaks loco obsesses over this thread to an insane degree while all the other admins were telling her to shut up about it. it's sad.
sage for spergposting
No. 549564
File: 1523186175731.jpg (645.95 KB, 1078x1423, Screenshot_20180408-121528.jpg)

No. 549621
File: 1523193723371.jpg (556.67 KB, 1080x1862, 20180408_091932.jpg)

The girl who coordinated Jills meet up in NYC posted this on FB. Guess who appeared in the comments section.
No. 549625
File: 1523194073500.jpg (447.93 KB, 1080x1802, 20180408_092605.jpg)

Their conversation
No. 549626
File: 1523194307696.jpg (192.03 KB, 1080x603, 20180408_093027.jpg)

And last picture is of their hot mess of a queen in the comment section also.
No. 549648
File: 1523196696360.jpeg (388.41 KB, 1242x642, 357F2010-E422-4063-B5A8-DC1300…)

>non-toxic community
No. 549673
File: 1523199370280.jpeg (169.28 KB, 1242x485, E6555856-5165-4558-819F-BA567C…)

>>533429I just saw this thing commented on a mutual’s post and I’ve never rolled my eyes so hard. She works in a strip club.
No. 549688
>>549648>non-toxic communityHalf of the community posts on here and the other half has the radical version of SJW ideology.
I guess we need to cut the categories into thirds now because too many people are oblivious to how cancerous this entire scheme is. The community is failing and all they do is quote unquote ignore the hate.
No, they come here, see the hate and join in. Everyone knows it.
She needs to get a clue.
No. 549834
File: 1523215026616.jpg (678.83 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180408-201631.jpg)

Guess what I found
No. 549836
File: 1523215156255.jpg (372.64 KB, 1080x1676, Screenshot_20180408-201849.jpg)

No. 549839
File: 1523215394430.jpg (286.7 KB, 1080x885, Screenshot_20180408-202140.jpg)

Just admit you're fucking fat already
No. 550002
File: 1523225264784.jpg (614.3 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180408-230714.jpg)

No. 550052
anyone else found it super unsurprising that a jill fan outed themselves in a jill thread? i swear everytime theres some anon saying shit like "jill isn't even fat" "this look isn't so bad" "jill could be a real lesbian/bi girl" "jill has had a tough life,
armchairs shit, "she's not that ugly!" "what's so wrong with her ___? i do ____!" bs bs. they even come to this thread to attention whore too. if you love her so much, why contribute to such a "hateful" place? i mean, even jill herself lurks but still.
>>549839i get it that she hangs out in a group of legit morbidly obese uglies. so she doesn't think its gotten that bad. but the delusion is real. girl you said you wear a xxl, you're fat that's that.
No. 550061
File: 1523229578752.jpg (487.08 KB, 1080x1848, IMG_4275.JPG)

to anyone who missed it, this girl posted in the pixielocks thread about how good her larme coord was compared to everyone else at pixie's meetup and when someone said 'nice selfpost' she outed herself for no reason
No. 550077
File: 1523230981485.jpeg (752.08 KB, 1242x1788, 5D9EDA38-2C50-4FA0-A1BD-5FA225…)

Imagine being 27 and dressing like a child
No. 550258
File: 1523246903614.jpg (138.74 KB, 720x525, 201849_0711937.jpg)

Found on Twitter
No. 550429
>>550094 You forgot the third posssible option: a full blow turbo autist who is seven layers into his autism.
Which is, admittedly, a free card seen as any CC member is an utter sperg.
No. 550706
File: 1523292796448.jpg (48.54 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1523292748836.jpg)

complains about being misgendered
uploads photos like this
No. 550778
>>549625This is extra sad because they think it's us harassing them. Confetti club members, it's not. You are all "cyberbullying" each other. Farmers have a policy on not cowtipping, i.e. do not interact, only watch. Only kids who've never encountered imageboards before go full
>lel guise i so trolled this person look what I sent them praise me We hate that shit. Stop doing it. No one thinks you made teh epic lulz happen or whatever it is you think you're doing.
This is exactly the same as anon hate on tumblr, 9/10 it's self sent so they can attempt a witty comeback and look all tough.
No. 551029
File: 1523311324217.jpg (799.87 KB, 1080x1559, Screenshot_20180409-230048.jpg)

What a face
No. 551030
File: 1523311560249.jpg (738.36 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180409-230359.jpg)

Why would you copy Jill's piss hair jfc
No. 551031
File: 1523311581486.jpg (648.02 KB, 1080x1633, Screenshot_20180409-230517.jpg)

The caption tho
No. 551800
File: 1523385758719.jpg (829.32 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180410-194204.jpg)

No. 551806
File: 1523386039893.png (213.31 KB, 1080x1484, 20180410_194641.png)

Everyone is so retarded in the chat like can they even think for themselves?
No. 551807
File: 1523386061667.jpg (189.75 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1523385974730.jpg)

>>551806 and then she looks like this..
No. 551825
File: 1523386932814.jpg (486.98 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180410-200121.jpg)

>>551802 she's a furry too
No. 551829
File: 1523387373759.jpeg (42.61 KB, 545x728, 95AFAF8E-2562-4998-84BC-D3BD38…)

>>551806>begginer Oh dear.
No. 552096
>>551806It seems like a lot of people now only show interest in stuff to get followers. Is it now just a novel concept to share shit you enjoy without caring who looks at it or how many likes you get?
I would love to comment this shit to this girl but of course real commentary isn't allowed however, she should be making a name for HERSELF. That's what makes people like you, being unapologetically genuine and doing what you like well, not being another pixielocks clone that looks more like pixyteri.
No. 552334
>>551802Let's analyze this outfit real quick:
>Plastic crown coming out of a messy side ponytail>Nose ring>Coral colored ice cream infinity scarf on top of a dusty pink grandma shirt with characters on the front>Bubblegum pink birthday ribbon affixed with a dirty as fuck safety pin>Whatever the fuck that atrocious toy hanging on a string around her neck is>RAINBOW SKIRT?This is excluding the below the chin angle and that fucking tag sticking out.
Ew I hate this.
No. 552563
File: 1523459867776.jpg (592.56 KB, 1080x1580, Screenshot_20180411-161644.jpg)

Predator tranny posting again. Confetti Club members, we know you lurk just report him already.
No. 552565
File: 1523459990216.jpg (485.9 KB, 1080x1187, Screenshot_20180411-161844.jpg)

No. 552578
File: 1523461796735.jpg (798.54 KB, 1080x1573, Screenshot_20180411-164935.jpg)

No. 552620
File: 1523465396139.jpg (321.39 KB, 1080x1203, Screenshot_20180411-174824.jpg)

Why is it that every confetti club members is so out of touch with reality? Just get a shitty retail job like the rest of us and shut up. The comments are deffo worth a read.
No. 552621
File: 1523465589409.jpg (92.01 KB, 1069x392, Screenshot_20180411-175237.jpg)

>>552620She really thinks she's going to be successful with a shitty online business
No. 552647
>>552620>something creative Any job in a creative field that you -actually- get to do the creativity part generally requires some level of schooling/years of experience so good luck sweetheart. That’d just be god awful if she had to do a normie job like the rest of the world :(
A good introvert job would be an assembly line/warehouse job kek
No. 552672
File: 1523469757062.jpg (606.38 KB, 1080x1640, Screenshot_20180411-190110.jpg)

Once again, how can you cry about being misgendered when you put glitter on your oversized female gut?
No. 552698
File: 1523471174266.png (138.67 KB, 366x344, Screenshot 2017-12-25 at 4.36.…)

Jill posted a "story time" on Youtube. Guess what it's about before watching…
No. 552703
File: 1523471474193.jpg (266.81 KB, 1080x1265, Screenshot_20180411-193015.jpg)

The stuff of nightmares
No. 552736
File: 1523474427197.jpeg (856.47 KB, 1242x1253, 5DEB4B32-3900-42AA-9316-4B3FD6…)

>not realizing people don’t dress the same everyday
No. 552752
File: 1523475584150.jpeg (512.91 KB, 1242x1140, 676FE77D-45C1-4B14-957F-1002C0…)

>>552736A comment from this post.
She gets weird looks because she looks ridiculous
No. 552790
>>552736Surprised to actually see a cute girl, but I'm so tired of anyone with a slight interest in alt fashion being like OMG I AM EDGY ONE DAY AND PASTEL THE NEXT HEHEHE IDENTITY CRISIS. Like almost everyone likes to change it up sometimes. As a lolita this thing has always bothered me there too. People think they can
only wear sweet or
only wear gothic. It's completely fine to just do whatever the fuck you want - it doesn't make you any more interesting to only wear one thing or wear something diff every day.
No. 552793
File: 1523477428313.jpg (673.43 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180411-210820.jpg)

Look who's Insta I found
No. 552811
File: 1523477656445.jpg (462.12 KB, 1080x1694, Screenshot_20180411-211353.jpg)

>>552805 saggy tits are so kawaii
No. 552829
>>552794these poor suckers are mentally forcing themselves to wear outfits that would even be unflattering on someone half their size, all in the name of tumblr style body positivity. if someone's fat and genuinely feels comfortable and confident in their body i'm for it, but most of these people aren't at all, always talking about being
triggered by their weight and wanting just smaller boobs etc. They could have lost some weight in the months and years they've spent trying really really hard to like their bodies. If it takes that long to accept a flaw maybe it's time to start changing it.
>>552620Customer interfacing retail jobs can actually be great for introverts to learn practical people skills because you have to talk to people but it's just stock small talk and work related things so it's not as scary as talking to potential friends with no guidelines. But confetti cultists seem to be allergic to self improvement.
No. 552849
>>552736from basic bitch to basic bitch.
almost didn't recognize her.
No. 552850
>>552563not defending him at all i think he's as creepy as the rest of you but i doubt that he will get banned as he techincally has done nothing wrong and mods may cry transphobia if he is reported.
Unless anyone can give any evidence of him being openly creepy
No. 552855
File: 1523479258307.jpg (241.48 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180411-213911.jpg)

I looked on his profile and he's a furry kek
No. 552856
>>552848Plus all politics aside, the things he says just seem incredibly insincere.
>hey guys this group is cute so i bought this cute bracelet because it is cute! yup! just another cuteness fan here. anyone else like cute things?like he doesn't even seem genuinely interested in this stuff on top of being a buffalo bill
No. 552859
>>552857they do a test, but it's literally just google info stuff.
who's jill
what's pk
why do you like pk
super basic.
No. 553544
File: 1523554281782.png (490.7 KB, 1008x732, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 10.3…)

girl why are you pretending this dress would ever fit you???
No. 553559
File: 1523555716002.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1663, 8FEEBB83-39D6-460F-96E2-AA539D…)

No. 553815
File: 1523573002630.jpeg (318.62 KB, 1242x963, 2F75BD1B-9AD0-4C07-A40E-9404B6…)

No. 553826
>>553815I quite like this one. is it a fakeboi or a bio boy?
They have a good sense of style+photography skill+makeup skills compared to most confetti club members.
No. 553838
File: 1523573726071.jpg (108.64 KB, 1080x429, Screenshot_20180412-235053.jpg)

It looks like the mods have been banning people without them even posting, but the tranny predator is still allowed in the group??
No. 553840
File: 1523573890536.jpg (194.44 KB, 1080x780, Screenshot_20180412-235737.jpg)

Not only is she a fake boi, she's a special snowflake too. How predictable.
No. 553845
File: 1523574053774.jpg (172.04 KB, 1080x744, Screenshot_20180413-000023.jpg)

Why does everyone use the page to ask the most retarded questions?
No. 553866
>>553850Just don’t post anything cringe and ppl won’t shit on them kek, and if they do, don’t out yourself..
I know some anons are in the group to lurk, but why does it feel like 90% of the people who post legitimately in the group also post here and shit on Jill and each other?
No. 553904
File: 1523577217388.gif (453.4 KB, 500x215, mmhm.gif)

I want to make a sock account where I'm "super kawaii" and everyone is my friend so I can sloooooowly implement rational thought into the group and see how that goes.
I've actually thought about this and just consider the idea:
Buying faux bangs and rainbow dying them and then blending in so well that you have some influence.
I'm curious if something like that would backfire or if people here are already doing it.
No. 554109
>>554053You probably visit here often, I could ask you the same.
>>554100Like hell I'm having my real face attached to that shit.
No. 554500
File: 1523634026862.jpg (368.04 KB, 1080x1034, 20180413_163745.jpg)

No. 554560
File: 1523640187544.png (330.6 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1593.PNG)

She's complaining because she can't zip burando up over her large bust. How did she not see it coming?
No. 554582
>>554560>biggest size of an oplol
>not fitting into brand is a huge struggle that totally affects life and happinessWhy are itas like this
No. 554597
File: 1523643530083.jpg (970.74 KB, 1080x1472, Screenshot_20180413-191722.jpg)

Incoming #partykei spam. Brace yourselves.
No. 554605
File: 1523643717345.jpg (711.28 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180413-192111.jpg)

>>553815 I found her Insta
No. 554651
File: 1523647888270.jpg (47.72 KB, 601x590, peeps.JPG)

No. 554652
File: 1523647977945.jpg (70.68 KB, 594x592, peeps2.JPG)

>>554651moar from the #partykei tag
No. 554653
File: 1523648132865.jpg (78.57 KB, 911x438, jillsmum.JPG)

>>554652I can't recall this being posted here or in the Jill thread
No. 554659
File: 1523648442105.jpg (649.79 KB, 1080x1464, Screenshot_20180413-203957.jpg)

I'm starting to suspect that this person is a troll like how can someone lack so much self awareness?
No. 554665
>>554661well… i like the hat.
why do 99% of these people have no fucking idea how to dress themselves?
No. 554707
File: 1523651230104.png (13 KB, 644x800, 234234.png)

>>554651could it be? a challenger?
No. 554805
File: 1523656773447.jpg (594.1 KB, 1080x1535, Screenshot_20180413-225859.jpg)

No. 554806
File: 1523656800352.jpg (42.09 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1523656723449.jpg)

>>554805 those terf bangs
No. 554809
>>554807Flasher coat, jelly shoes, bizarrely posing with random bottles. I have to admit the wall of snacks behind her is far more interesting than the woman herself so I guess that's a fail on attention-seeking bad fashion
>>554806The "I cut my own bangs as a child" look but on an adult. Combined with the undercut it's a disaster
>>554805Jill skinwalker
>>554659Please put on something…pants…a skirt. One oversized tee is not an outfit. Even just put a belt on it. Where did they learn how to dress?
No. 554961
File: 1523668323025.jpg (187.81 KB, 1043x944, Screenshot_2018-04-14-10-08-03…)

>>554805>>5546512 questions. What are those eyelashes and what is this eyeliner?? Is it supposed to look like that?
No. 554994
>>554961Those eyelashes are real bad but the eyeliner is kinda supposed to look like that depending on how your eyelids are. When she has her eyes open, it likely looks like a solid line.
Most people normally do cool shit with it but she just left it all disconnected like that.
No. 555388
File: 1523711535940.jpg (479.44 KB, 1080x1382, Screenshot_20180414-141122.jpg)

Why the fuck would you want Jill's piss hair?!
No. 555415
>>554659Who told this person they look cute?
>>554806I'm bothered by how the glasses look photoshopped and I'm offended by that 10 cents necklace that is better off being melted into something else.
No. 555490
File: 1523722029546.jpg (138.07 KB, 852x852, 27332526_2016560288602167_9077…)

>>549564>>555409She's also definitely in her latter years of high school.
No. 555578
File: 1523731564619.jpg (52.22 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1523731495267.jpg)

I see tranny predator has not been removed yet. He posted this on a no makeup selfie thread PUKES
No. 555598
>>555409How about don’t be cruel period.
Sage for irrelevance.
(do you know what site you're on?) No. 555620
File: 1523735084835.jpg (369.41 KB, 1080x1352, Screenshot_20180414-204345.jpg)

No. 555622
File: 1523735130499.jpg (164.48 KB, 1080x1608, FB_IMG_1523735009337.jpg)

>>555621Imagine taking advice on how to pass from this train wreck
No. 555626
File: 1523735177331.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1757, DE1F0300-1B84-4902-A4F1-8D5255…)

No. 555628
File: 1523735319984.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x2002, E1304ADA-1307-4EEE-9C96-0F2C29…)

Autism: The Bag™
No. 555750
>>555659I have diagnosed depression and I've never heard of the spoon theory. Honestly, I think people are more inclined to ignore you for say you counts your energy with spoons than to say, "I have depression and it takes a lot out of me"
It's not really that unexpected from this group that they'd take a lot of shit from tumblr.
No. 555774
>>555659>go out>tumblrI don't know what point you're trying to make here.
Most people who use the spoon theory don't count in exacts. It's just an easy way to convey the amount of energy they have to do things, or how much energy a task will take out of them (e.g. "I woke up with a million spoons" or "that will use up most of my spoons" or "I've only got like 1 spoon left today").
No. 555814
>>555774no matter how you paint it, it sounds ridiculous and unnecessary. Just saying 'low energy' would more than suffice.
that girl who claimed she 'didn't have the spoons for make up' could have just said she wasn't feeling up to doing make up; that way everyone would get it, and she wouldn't sounds like a super special snowflake. Which, I guess, is the point for people like that, so it's a moot point anyways. I may as well have said nothing at all.
i hope this isn't derailing…
No. 556187
File: 1523806069430.jpg (415.92 KB, 1080x1276, Screenshot_20180415-162350.jpg)

No. 556188
File: 1523806103181.jpg (682.65 KB, 1069x1532, Screenshot_20180415-162646.jpg)

He's so fucking ugly dear lord
No. 556192
File: 1523806212234.jpg (691.02 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180415-163002.jpg)

Fucking tragic
No. 556221
File: 1523808585909.jpg (697.05 KB, 1076x1540, Screenshot_20180415-170911.jpg)

No. 556222
File: 1523808624713.jpg (83.77 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1523808543096.jpg)

>>556221Imagine wearing your pronouns on a badge lmao
No. 556234
>>555622I don't know, the face is somewhat passable, at least in those photos? That body tho, no way in hell, but if I only saw the face I could believe it's an awkward and chubby teen boy
>>556189This girl looks quite good, actually! That top is a little weird, but her look is not offensive to my eyes. I just hope her badge doesn't say anything embarrassing
No. 556360
>>556192wtf is she even going on about.
Dressing how you want to is not a political thing. I could understand seeing some queer person dressed like shit and be like "Oh they're probably a feminist" but that's not a good thing.
No. 556363
File: 1523818889288.jpeg (261.15 KB, 1242x842, DFC57EBE-C3AD-49CE-AC06-A57AF8…)

No. 556366
>>556238That's the one thing I've always disliked about the CC group, they glamorize shit that most people would be getting help for or trying to fix. You know a person is not actually trans when they either says they're "gender queer and transgender" or they constantly call themselves transgender instead of their desired gender.
They do that in the Clinic group, too. Everyone likes to wear depression like it's a shitty cake pin. It's disgusting because they then give younger people the OK to also pretend to be depressed or self diagnose.
No. 556368
File: 1523819026326.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1242x1847, 509439B0-B1E4-4D79-AFD4-472FB2…)

>>556363Her insta @pixieootd, she’s barely ~kawaii~
No. 556370
File: 1523819163650.jpeg (534.93 KB, 1242x2012, 59FB2F78-BF4E-4A57-AF2E-F36BAC…)

>>556368All these outfits are terrible
No. 556468
File: 1523825326450.jpg (313.78 KB, 1080x1205, Screenshot_20180415-214727.jpg)

She looks like she has learning disabilities. At least that means she looks like her idol?
No. 556470
File: 1523825419973.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x1739, Screenshot_20180415-215005.jpg)

The fuck is this
No. 556471
File: 1523825547674.jpg (982.52 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180415-215118.jpg)

This bitch geotags her place of work?! Why are you proud of looking like a fucking mess?
No. 556589
>>556192>fashion is politicalAka: Everyone who dresses like I choose to dress needs to have my exact same views. Also, I'm hoping my outfit can virtue signal to the world my politics. But, I'm gonna be pissed if someone makes generalizations about me based off appearances.
>>556363I'd like to say "things that never happened land", but, it's pretty plausible. But, when you specifically dress a certain way to get attention you can't get pissed when that attention is negative. Who cares if people are talking about how you dress in a group chat to each other? People aren't allowed to share their opinions on others with each other without
triggering you?
No. 557036
File: 1523886215113.jpg (769.01 KB, 1080x1550, Screenshot_20180416-144301.jpg)

No. 557447
File: 1523910394495.jpg (321.41 KB, 1080x1023, Screenshot_20180416-212547.jpg)

No. 557750
File: 1523962084195.jpg (80.47 KB, 1080x648, Screenshot_20180417-114704.jpg)

>>557227 she's fucking loving the attention from this
No. 557765
File: 1523966969309.jpg (182.89 KB, 1103x2015, FB_IMG_1523966866013.jpg)

Taken from an intro post
No. 557781
>>531204>>556360At least if they want to portray themselves and their faulty political view with their clothes,, it's easier to avoid them from afar,
and that book… that woman approved pedophilia I believe?? gross
No. 557906
File: 1523980250046.jpeg (384.9 KB, 1242x2196, 6D5604C7-B5DF-4AE7-9A16-E02D2D…)

>pink hat
>black shirt
>pAsTeL gOtH!!1!!1!!
No. 557915
File: 1523980702615.jpeg (371.01 KB, 1242x1035, 51187EE0-4375-428B-87A5-BC18C9…)

>>557765This post is a mess
No. 557921
File: 1523980932940.jpeg (988.05 KB, 1242x1939, 12201F36-0186-40A9-8288-0BC3B3…)

>38 years old
>Jill of all Arts & crafts
wtf is this woman
No. 558020
File: 1523989549349.jpg (646.09 KB, 1080x1504, Screenshot_20180417-192505.jpg)

No. 558052
>>557919As a fellow artist who's never been to university, I've seen 12 year olds who can draw and color better than this.
This looks like a jewish woman cosplaying as Jillian.
I'm betting if I looked hard enough, there would be a stock image in the exact same pose.
Not blog posting but when digital art was implemented in my school, I saw a lot of "artists" do this where they'd filter or recolor over an existing picture to get the shading and highlights for the skin down, but would then crudely draw details over it. I would doubt she'd pull a "muhstylethooo" as an excuse for this.
No. 558059
File: 1523995558349.png (1.47 MB, 1485x781, pixie drawing.png)

>>558052>>557919Actually, as I was on one of the CC Tumblrs, I found this.
This is apparently a drawing however it looks identical to Pixie's picture almost as if a filter or smooth tool was all they used.
No. 558069
File: 1523996477947.jpg (744.04 KB, 1080x1703, Screenshot_20180417-202354.jpg)

No. 558071
File: 1523996528394.jpg (556.33 KB, 1077x1551, Screenshot_20180417-193700.jpg)

No. 558076
File: 1523996810050.jpg (407.93 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_20180417-212614.jpg)

No. 558088
File: 1523997792060.png (9.5 KB, 579x265, pixieporn.png)

Whichever one of you monsters did this….!
This is hilarious.
No. 558106
>>558088>>558090It was probably a bot. Had a friend who changed her username and within like 3 minutes her old username was taken
Also staff doesn't let you re-use names from deleted blogs
No. 558153
>>558076God help her for she knows not what she does
She killed her hair there is no saving this. Looks like a child who got hold of a razor and attacked her hair
No. 558265
File: 1524005125606.jpeg (199.42 KB, 750x1079, F47416D2-D77A-4C66-961A-9AE78D…)

How do these people function? She lives in goddamn England, she doesn’t live anywhere near any “war zones.”
No. 558380
>>557921>>557921I think she meant like a jack of all trades but made it feminine by saying jill. (Like Jack and jill)
I don't think she meant Jillian our dearly beloved cow… at least I hope not
What the hell does she mean by part time kids though ?
No. 558411
>>558076what kinda crackhead does this lmao. its not even jill copying, its straight up
i'm off my medication. this one is something else completely. i almost gotta hand it to her. she's has the worst haircut in the entire confetti club, and no one in the confetti club has a good haircut to begin with. its so fucking funny.
like she clearly did this herself on a meth binge or something, its completely beyond what a healthy individual would do. love her. Shade please post more on the group, you are so much more entertaining than eliza.
>>556470runner up for worst haircut
>>558069why do so many pixieeelocks fan look so… mentally challenged. like if you see this in the street, you'd kinda be like "bless her heart…"
No. 558510
>>558076i'm more impressed with how she managed to make the front look overgrown less than a day after dyeing it tbh
>>558265london's a war zone tho
No. 558851
File: 1524067804177.jpg (469.78 KB, 1080x1399, Screenshot_20180418-170426.jpg)

How is she not ashamed of going outside with her gut over hanging like that? Why does everyone lack self awareness
No. 558853
File: 1524067838085.jpg (433.97 KB, 1080x1351, Screenshot_20180418-170651.jpg)

No. 558870
File: 1524069045663.jpg (716.15 KB, 1071x1502, Screenshot_20180418-172903.jpg)

Found in #partykei I think even Jill is better at colour coordination
No. 558891
>>556913I didn't even have to play the video to know what it was. Kek
>>558070God. Her head is a square. It's literally a fucking square what kinda shit genetics
No. 559029
File: 1524079323534.png (778.9 KB, 536x537, sfgssfg.PNG)

>>558870everything she's wearing is kinda cute, just not together all at once… i mean its a lot better than a lot of the people posted itt though.
i'll give it to her, a lot of her outfits are tacky and ugly as sin, but she's ten times more creative than jill. jill's outfits are ugly and unflattering in the most basic bitch way
trying to be alt possible. this girl looks a mess a lot but she actually puts effort into it unlike jill. altough i'm sure a lot of anons might not agree.
hell, she looks better than jill's new inbred gf too…
No. 559055
File: 1524082295605.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1634, 8FD94947-3E32-4336-B91D-28A157…)

wtf is this
No. 559094
>>558870I think this is a lot better than any of Jill's outfits. This reminds me of Spank. It just looks especially shitty on this girl.
>>559029Now that one is just ugly.
No. 559103
>>559055Sooooooooooooooooo Special Snowflake rapist.
How chic.
No. 559276
File: 1524091778177.png (633.66 KB, 617x617, jillianbangs.png)

When your bangs have a stroke.
No. 559683
File: 1524109543671.png (118.65 KB, 750x937, IMG_1689.PNG)

No. 559687
File: 1524109646923.png (165.01 KB, 750x967, IMG_1690.PNG)

2/2 ….was it worth it? Was it really worth it to fit in with the tumblrinas and give yourself a bunch of meaningless gender identities/sexual orientations to seem cool to the tumblrinas? Some of these girls need to apply for autismbux, im sure they'd get it.
No. 559915
File: 1524139688038.jpg (414.15 KB, 1080x1167, Screenshot_20180419-130658.jpg)

>>559683 only she isn't being kicked out she wants to leave ffs
No. 559951
File: 1524145520890.jpeg (164.21 KB, 1365x1365, 94954988-7D8E-4F49-9706-40A212…)

>>559915She’s wearing an $85 Lazy Oaf sweater on that gofundme picture and can also afford this crappy $90 Lazy oaf dress…I can’t beleive she’s trying to tell people she’s financially crippled and that her parents are “kicking her out”. Her parents probably have had enough of her shopping habits and have asked her to get a job or support herself.
No. 559952
>>559951 she wants to leave, she isn't being kicked out. It really
triggers me when people cry abuse when it isn't.
No. 559957
>>559951E-begging is genuinely more deplorable than anything we could do on this website.
How could you post yourself in this "middle class expansive" shit and expect people to donate to your shit?
Absolutely disgusting.
No. 559966
>>559963I just don't understand people's need to come out to their parents if their parents financially support them. I have quite a few friends that haven't come out to their parents, and while they'd like to eventually, a lot of them have parents who pay for their college, rent, basic expenses, etc. and the fear of being cut off far outweighs the need to be openly LGBT+ around them. Obviously it's a sad situation, but priorities. "I just want to be myself in front of my parents uwu and if my parents don't call me they/them I am
No. 559969
File: 1524148274395.png (129.6 KB, 750x989, IMG_1702.PNG)

>>559952Confirmed that she just wants to leave… "to start over uwu"
No. 559970
File: 1524148441635.png (25.94 KB, 750x277, IMG_1703.PNG)

>>5599692/2 that she wants to move out because…this "I'm being kicked out!!" Gofundme has been going on for 5 months and yet she's stilllll living at home?
No. 560116
File: 1524161766456.jpg (615.46 KB, 1080x1534, Screenshot_20180419-191452.jpg)

When filters can't even save your face
No. 560120
File: 1524162004675.jpg (661.32 KB, 1080x1560, Screenshot_20180419-191915.jpg)

No. 560728
File: 1524233100929.jpg (558.31 KB, 1080x1538, Screenshot_20180420-150318.jpg)

No. 560731
File: 1524233236146.jpg (116.62 KB, 1080x534, Screenshot_20180420-150412.jpg)

>>559969 Eliza left this comment on the Facebook group in relation to the go fuck me….its so apparent none of them have gone through genuine hardship
No. 560755
File: 1524235662922.png (194.86 KB, 1080x1406, 20180420_154709.png)

No. 560757
File: 1524236037467.jpg (632.31 KB, 1080x1537, Screenshot_20180420-155227.jpg)

No. 560761
>>560755Loosing weight will help.
Is “binch” something used outside of the CC? Because I saw it used the other day somewhere else and it made me think of them.
No. 560765
File: 1524236454978.gif (702.42 KB, 400x160, frodo-ultimatedigust.gif)

>>560728>>560729of fucking course he's a brony. Men are seriously disgusting and i'll never get over the fact they ruined a super innocent kids cartoon like MLP. It's so creepy. I have never met a brony who wasn't a pedo or something seriously wrong with them.
No. 560773
>>560761For the record, I know how to spell losing, apparently I just can’t type lmao.
>>560765Him being a brony makes this really gross to me because when FiM first came out I was 13 and participating in brony communities put me in predatory situations with older men. I hope this guy is just an elaborate troll because as annoying as those bitches are, I don’t want them to be targets of predators. If any of the CC members are here, you should report him. If enough of you report him, the mods can’t accuse everyone of being transphobic.
No. 560792
>>560601Don't insult Marie like this
>>560728He claims he's trans right?? But just like that one who always has her tits out, he isn't doing anything to actually /look/ like a woman, he just looks like an autist. I would want to report him too, but he'll never be removed until he actually does something. Ccflakes are too afraid of offending anyone.
No. 560811
>>560765>innocent children's showblame that on the fucking writer. it was already kind of adult friendly in the beginning but fucking laura fraust made it explicitly
for men after she found out cause she's a fat cunt.
No. 560814
File: 1524241187169.png (257.47 KB, 496x587, Capture.PNG)

Lol trying to """educate""" people on menhera while linking a shitty amino and calling it "menhera kei"
No. 560856
File: 1524245797511.jpg (51.81 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1524245735416.jpg)

Taken from an intro post kek
No. 560868
File: 1524246721710.jpg (846.62 KB, 1080x1628, Screenshot_20180420-185125.jpg)

No. 561111
File: 1524273478543.jpg (45.39 KB, 800x450, Eating-less.jpg)

>>560755Luckily, there's a very easy solution
No. 561298
>>561006>>561168Menhera was originally an insult like Otaku until it was taken and turned around. Either way it's origins…Menhera isn't really the same as the dumb style these weirdos have. If you can even call this "style" in most cases with how horrible they dress…
Menhera was meant to be an overall term for dressing up sickly and cute and look like someone who is in need of medical attention etc.
The only thing these guys have is that they probably need medial attention because muh
No. 561335
File: 1524304360296.jpg (710.18 KB, 1080x1672, Screenshot_20180421-105139.jpg)

No. 561365
File: 1524310165094.jpg (858.17 KB, 1080x1666, Screenshot_20180421-122846.jpg)

No. 561415
>>560755>CHUBBA RUBI AM WHEEZING. I'm also stealing this term.
Unfortunately, losing weight might help, but it all depends on how your hips are positioned. Majority of people's tights touch.
>>560757I'm loving the Jacket and everything seems somewhat colour-coordinated despite that clearly those textures do not belong together….BUT THEN. Just why?! Does she work at anime cons or something?
No. 561453
File: 1524325742168.jpg (474.4 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180421-164821.jpg)

Update on the go fuck me kek
No. 561460
File: 1524326627668.jpg (657.28 KB, 1080x1604, Screenshot_20180421-170300.jpg)

Will she ever wear a shirt that fits her but?
No. 561488
File: 1524329209861.jpg (538.8 KB, 1080x1499, Screenshot_20180421-174435.jpg)

Apparently the Facebook group is just going to be filled with parasites feeding off of entitled retards
No. 561489
File: 1524329273411.jpg (417.48 KB, 1080x1270, Screenshot_20180421-174527.jpg)

>>561488 it looks like she joined with the sole reason if posting her go fuck me
No. 561520
>>561335you actually do have to have thick skin to do shit like that. if you live in a small town/conservative area and decide you want a crazy haircolor, prepare to get people giving their unsolicited opinion about it. like at least it was her
roommate. not some drunk asshole on the street, someone harassing her at uni/hs, or strangers shouting at you from their car, kids being annoying etc shit that you kinda get used to if you're into alt fashion or do anything slightly edgy in a conservative area.
your roommate saying shit like
"ehhh it doesn't suit you" is nothing. if she actually lives somewhere where that isn't common, she's gonna regret what she did a loooot. also she's straight up ugly so she will absolutely be made fun of for the way she looks and the haircut just highlights it, maybe start thinking what shitty dark color you're gonna use to cover it up.
like the reason jill gets by is because she neeeeever leaves her house ever lol. and even jill has whined about people giving her shit for how she looks. its no surprise jill spends all her time online shopping and only hangs out at night to go to gay bars. if you're not cute, just don't bother tbh. jill could sort of live with it in high school when she didn't look like shit.
No. 561530
File: 1524332414056.jpg (116.5 KB, 1080x540, Screenshot_20180421-183438.jpg)

>>561519It's funny how a few weeks ago she was talking about staying at home for uni wow such abuse so desperate to leave so unbearable such an emergency than requires a go fuck me
No. 561533
File: 1524332734547.jpg (502.3 KB, 1080x1197, Screenshot_20180421-184230.jpg)

>>561530Also lol she is clearly comfortable money wise why is she e begging
No. 561535
File: 1524332899534.jpg (94.4 KB, 1080x408, Screenshot_20180421-184716.jpg)

>>561533 her parents are such monsters for getting her a dog she's been wanting forever no wonder she has to leave immediately!!! The horror!!!
No. 561536
File: 1524333032044.jpg (118.38 KB, 1080x569, Screenshot_20180421-184923.jpg)

>>561535Also she let Eliza submit her story to the ellen show. Special snowflakes who scream abuse have no grasp on reality and it's really embrassing
No. 561735
File: 1524349509734.jpg (664.4 KB, 1080x1308, Screenshot_20180421-232418.jpg)

Kill it with fire
No. 561870
File: 1524361979243.jpeg (340.19 KB, 720x1280, 03DAD8C0-814A-47A3-883A-C8B835…)

Hoo boy. I made the #1 Pixielocks stalker collage of our favorite skinwalker Eliza last thread so I thought it would be appropriate to make another one.
Sage if this is dumb lol.
No. 561963
>>561460jesus fucking christ can this lesbian in denial stop posting every fucking outfit she has on the group. no one cares! you always dress the same, you always do the same poses. only your mom or your SO would give a shit about this. we've seen your he/they fat ass a thousand times already, shut up!
bitches really think leggins + thirt = unique fashion. newt shut up.
>>561870thanks for putting this together anon, its gonna be real helpful with lurkers and with new threads. sofia seems like a cow in the making. hell, not even e-famous yet and already e-begging, delusional.
No. 562046
File: 1524387405841.jpeg (157.81 KB, 750x978, 22948D74-D6AF-424A-8DB9-84F322…)

Newt actually looked kinda cute before
No. 562145
File: 1524410098507.jpg (93.36 KB, 1280x960, FB_IMG_1524396274035.jpg)

No. 562155
File: 1524411642515.jpg (295.96 KB, 1080x1201, Screenshot_20180422-163842.jpg)

I find it suspicious that someone who has only just joined the group is creating a UK group?
No. 562161
File: 1524412008309.jpg (472.06 KB, 1080x1612, Screenshot_20180422-164539.jpg)

Updated rules kek about go fuck me
No. 562185
>>562046imho, if she wants to date girls, likes dressing a little tomboy-ish and prefers looking a little bit alternative that's fine too. she doesn't need to go this full normie to be cute. her face is fine and the haircut isn't criminal like others itt
>>556222the problem is that she tries to be tomboyish and rainbow party kei whatever the fuck at the same time. and she just ends up looking mentally challenged. being a transtrender doesn't help. being morbidly obese doesn't help. i think those are the things that make her look so ugly. but if she lost weight and stopped adding pastel shit to her outfits, she'd probably do just fine at lesbian bars and wouldn't look insane to the outside world (just butchy). that's just my lesbian perspective though, if she's straight she'd absolutely be happier if she dressed like in 2012. but i don't think dykes are ugly and wasted potential, just different taste. party kei
is the true ugly.
No. 562225
File: 1524417545475.jpg (1.19 MB, 1080x1686, Screenshot_20180422-181736.jpg)

That fake boi pube tash. Found in #partykei
No. 562323
File: 1524424696639.jpg (86.61 KB, 1064x208, Screenshot_20180422-201720.jpg)

The new group is milky af
No. 562327
File: 1524424775599.jpg (62.96 KB, 960x720, FB_IMG_1524424621865.jpg)

It's run by a retarded land whale who has failed her maths and English gcses (highscool classes to the non brit fags) she posts terrible selfies
No. 562332
>>562225if this thing got near i'd call the cops asap
legit this is only acceptable if you're autistic
No. 562349
File: 1524425599036.jpg (50 KB, 1078x244, 20180422_203238.jpg)

>>562327She also defended Melanie Martinez because she totes isn't a rapist because she doesn't have a penis
No. 562587
File: 1524435309542.jpg (445.27 KB, 640x865, fuckoff2.jpg)

>>562349>>562350I'm sorry, who is this? That statement is genuinely disgusting and ill informed.
They're gonna be taking a whole lot of L's for that.
No. 562620
File: 1524437236420.jpg (50.48 KB, 883x250, Screenshot_20180422-234235.jpg)

>>562327A confirmed land whale
No. 562781
File: 1524443374806.jpg (42.85 KB, 500x376, 1519592802762.jpg)

>>562349>>562350didn't jill said she wasn't gonna support melanie anymore because of the claims? and basically alluded that she was abused in a similar way? like the woman who is the reason that the group exists? why join a group that is run by someone who supports melanie, when it goes agains jill's beliefs…
anyways literally everyone (who isn't retarded) already knows this but sexual abuse is a lot more complex than "penis+vagina=rape". but lbr girls, these people don't care cause jill fans and melanie fans are mostly ddlg fatties and faketrans weirdos and don't give a shit about consent/sexual abuse victims.
No. 562994
>>562750Saged for OT but the claims towards Jew Wario being a rapist kinda confirm this, too. He fingered a girl without her consent and that is widely considered rape by EVERYONE in the community.
It's hard not to cow tip people this disgusting, fuck.
No. 563169
File: 1524501487919.jpg (Spoiler Image,507.46 KB, 1077x1552, Screenshot_20180423-173732.jpg)

No. 563231
File: 1524505320039.png (715.18 KB, 600x600, oh god.png)

>>563224Woops dropped image, my bad
No. 563239
>>563238samefag, but jesus christ this just gets my tits up.
if yr gonna run about claiming you're a manboy who wants to be called they, why the fuck would wear make-up, the girliest clothes you got, and always have your tits out for the world to see?
If she's a man, I'm a fucking crayon.
No. 563248
File: 1524506125713.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1731, 28B7918C-E69D-4F7B-82A8-64E77B…)

No. 563249
File: 1524506162233.jpeg (353.71 KB, 900x1834, 74CFD32D-29DF-4948-9BA9-380444…)

>>563248This gut rivals Newts
No. 563270
File: 1524507761235.png (315.51 KB, 1080x1782, 20180423_192044.png)

This girl actually wins the biggest cow award. She's got to have a learning disability or development delay because jfc she's retarded.
No. 563271
File: 1524507819392.jpg (65.76 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1524507601169.jpg)

>>563270 no wonder she got made fun of
No. 563276
File: 1524508275885.jpg (141.44 KB, 1447x1447, FB_IMG_1524508224880.jpg)

>>563248Incoming selection of her profile pictures
No. 563586
File: 1524523846654.jpg (463.35 KB, 1080x1044, Screenshot_20180423-234930.jpg)

>>562046Another oldie. It's a shame she decided to become a fake boi.
No. 563587
File: 1524523878325.jpg (437.01 KB, 1080x704, Screenshot_20180423-234802.jpg)

>>563586I also found this on her profile kek
No. 563619
File: 1524526429058.jpg (807.18 KB, 1080x1571, Screenshot_20180424-003229.jpg)

No. 564321
File: 1524582578823.jpg (263.13 KB, 1080x891, Screenshot_20180424-160823.jpg)

Did anyone get any caps?
No. 564333
>>563249>>563278What is with these fatties thinking a graphic t-shirt is jfashion. It's like me in my preteen weeaboo phase but they're all adult women.
>>563586This is genuinely really sad. She was cute and could have been so pretty, but such a big downfall in a short time. That's why Tumblr and these hugbox groups are dangerous to me tbh. It encourages people not to take care of themselves or their health because "support plus-sized ppl ur all preshush chubby wub beans fatphobia is real u can be healthy at any size!!"
They're encouraging really unhealthy behaviors that could lead to lifelong risks and It's supposed to be okay??
No. 564434
File: 1524590822209.jpg (646.44 KB, 1080x1670, Screenshot_20180424-182541.jpg)

No. 564435
File: 1524590855066.jpg (48.47 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1524590722526.jpg)

>>564434An update on the girl who cut her hair off and dyed it pastel
No. 564438
File: 1524590983523.jpg (650.02 KB, 1074x1462, Screenshot_20180424-182901.jpg)

Fucking hell
No. 564757
>>564720Legitimately looks like the day trip photos you take when doing disability support work.
I can’t even pick on her right now..any snarky comment or joke has already been made ten times over by her own friggin neck fat.
It’s just sad that she’s like this.
No. 564832
>>564812The confetti club is the perfect storm of a fashion/aesthetic that isn't necessarily normal yet juuuust normie enough, forced inclusivity, and mandated and regulated hugboxing. Jill's videos are (generally) aesthetically pleasing, so she ropes in a wide audience there. Then once they've stuck around long enough to call themselves part of the confetti club, they enter a group that will accept anyone, minimal screening required. In that group, one is not allowed to talk about anything """
triggering""" or to have too different of an opinion. You are
certainly not allowed to be rude, by anyone's definition. So these autists and landwhales now have a space where they know that they won't be picked on (lolcow aside). And instead of insults, they actually get praised! They've probably never had somewhere like that before, so it all comes out in full force. I'm really not sure why anyone is surprised that these types gravitate to the CC in such large numbers.
No. 564888
>>563619Oh my god that tit sling
it's not a shirt, it's a saggy boob hammock
No. 564909
>>564434I'm guessing she isn't aware that the term "soft boy" is generally associated with creepy dudes who try to sneak into girls' DMs pretending to be innocuous but having ulterior motives? It became a hugely negative term after the Nick Robinson shit happened.
>>564812It's because none of these people have any experience in alt fashion (especially j-fashion). They almost all come into it through party kei, so they don't have the basics on how to balance an outfit or what to expect from wearing alt fashion (which is why so many of them are constantly upset when people stare or make comments). It's also a fashion where everyone is just copying one person, so there's no creativity. It's just a race to see who can be the first to buy the same Lazy Oaf pieces and Too Faced palettes as Jill.
No. 565126
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No. 565263
File: 1524672648424.jpg (530.58 KB, 1080x1530, Screenshot_20180425-171010.jpg)

No. 565264
File: 1524672682162.jpg (83.07 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1524672622912.jpg)

>>565263This haircut is fucking tragic
No. 565279
File: 1524673536358.jpg (78.29 KB, 720x960, 31189874_1856278898003681_8509…)

Eliza used to actually look pretty cute, too bad she decided to become a Jill skinwalker
No. 565327
>>565264 TERF bangs with a monk cut.
It looks like she's about to snatch her own hair like a Spongebob themed wig.
No. 565375
File: 1524679945325.jpg (690.43 KB, 1080x1560, Screenshot_20180425-191122.jpg)

And she wonders why she gets misgendered
No. 565382
File: 1524680566233.jpg (820.09 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180425-192033.jpg)

Old milk but Eliza even boosted the go fuck me on her Insta
No. 565389
File: 1524680930854.jpg (28.29 KB, 740x315, ChomikImage.jpg)

>>565264So I checked this girl's youtube channel and… this is her 3 years ago vs her now. That's just really sad.
No. 565394
File: 1524681523727.jpg (635.58 KB, 1080x1462, Screenshot_20180425-193739.jpg)

Those eyebrows
No. 565487
>>565394Please use less mascara, don’t cake it on. Use a less clumpy mascara instead and comb it through with a lash comb. If you don’t feel you have enough volume with less, that’s ok! Falsies are your friend!
I can just imagine the pain you have to go through to take that off at night, if you do at all…
No. 565524
>>565382this is such an evil and manipulative way to twist the situation. its literally just
>my mommy won't call me he/they so now i want to move out idk i'm 18+ why not? i want my own place i guess"she's not a lgbt person in danger whatsoever, they're fucked for this.
>>565389damn, mental illness is one hell of a drug holy shi- i mean, "gender expression" and "being unique". CC truly brings out the absolute worst in people. not even in an amusing way, somehow all of these weirdos kinda blend in together the more you check these threads.
No. 565675
File: 1524695918704.jpg (359.21 KB, 1080x1261, Screenshot_20180425-233720.jpg)

Ah yes, send Jill a sing about how being a landhwale is okay. What a thoughtful gift.
No. 565720
File: 1524700109431.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.48 KB, 450x613, B6949C0A-8845-4552-B166-926FEF…)

When I think of precious jillybean I think of this fucking picture which has haunted me since 7th grade
No. 565757
File: 1524703700862.png (1.8 MB, 1532x1184, Screenshot (204).png)

I almost fucking jumped when i scrolled and saw this.
No. 565763
>>565757if it weren't for the lipstick, she'd be rather pretty, imo.
why do none of these people know what suits them? like, universally.
some of them started out fine, then just kinda… flipped a switch.
No. 565878
>>565757>I have a friend that cuts hairWhat an unfortunate way to say that…oh, if there was just a proper word to describe this profession, like…maybe…a hairdresser? This all sounds garbage the way she says it. I bet that friend isn't a proper hairdresser, especially with her pointing out "licensed, tho!". That's like all those fakebois having "he/him" in their profiles and pointing out how manly they are.
Also what's with all these people doing "Pixie inspired" looks? That's generic garbage at best. Pixie ain't owning that shit anyway.
No. 566050
File: 1524729928438.png (947.68 KB, 944x1169, Screenshot (207).png)

No. 566051
File: 1524729974720.png (757.2 KB, 943x1237, Screenshot (206).png)

No. 566129
new thread:
>>>/snow/566126thankyou to the anon that made the thread picture it's a masterpiece
No. 651895
>>532020why you so
triggered? furries are objectively fucking cancer