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No. 32793
>>32775sorry that my quick typing made you think im somehow mentally deficient ?
i didnt know how exactly to convey every point i had about her so it all came out as a jumbled up mess :-(
No. 32810
>>32796Well, she's in /snow/ so not really a lolcow anyway, we're just discussing her, no one needs to argue about it.
If she's so aware of her faults then I find it interesting how she used to post a lot of stuff calling out Ember for posting thinspo (she's a p.o.s. too) and interspersing that with runway pics of very very thin models… what's that all about?
No. 32820
>>32799i'm really not heather lmao
>>32810i did think that was kind of sus but i think it was a manifestation of her pre-tumblr ed days, and i think because the high fashion models aren't fake skinny for sympathy like ember it's a different kettle of fish
No. 32835
>>32810there was a sort of anti-Heather blog like a few weeks ago that posted screenies of her Instagram, where she'd upload shit like:
picture of a bottle of alcohol "when you're hungry, just drink."
so basically this stupid fucking wannabe cunt actually does almost all the same shit as ember does but fails to even check herself.
No. 33131
>>33105>>33104>>33102lmao try harder.
This thread is a mess
No. 33500
File: 1442591673870.jpg (65.46 KB, 750x619, image.jpg)

>>33364You're same-fagging is so obvious, fucking stench of it is stronger than your low tide smelling pussy.
No. 33781
>>33520>>33520please explain he reason why it was necessary to post this in a bunch of different threads.
no, I'll wait, I'm sure it's not retarded as fuck.
No. 45230
File: 1445074984812.jpg (136.86 KB, 640x897, image.jpg)

Heather is finally the biggest hypocrite of all time.
No. 45380
Heather is cringey as fuck, honestly. She's had abour 5 of her shitty tumblr accounts deleted. She's on a self-indulgent crusade to tear on underage girl and call them ugly/sluts (she's 31 years old) in a desperate attempt to salvage her self esteem.
She really only picks on younger, skinner girls and insists that they're too unrealistically pretty to be unedited. Totally lulzworthy.
No. 45382
>>35648But she's not successful. Someone doxxed her and found out how she lives - on minimum wage.
I bet her $400-dollar-a-month apartment that she shares with her sister and nephew smells like dogshit and mediocrity.
No. 45402
>>45387Lol heather. Stop begging the mods to take this down.
Hope your future boss looks you up and sees this.
No. 45404
>>45395Ok Eboni whatever you say
And this isn't heather, I'm not even on the west coast fatty.
No. 45412
>>45410Says the the autist sperging all over this nobodies thread.
No one knows this person. It's why this thread died and stayed dead until some tumblrina came with a grudge and kept posting over and over. Literally no one but you cares, and you care a lot since you just can't stop trying to make this thread happen.
No. 48291
File: 1445628191527.jpg (87.58 KB, 640x821, image.jpg)

I knew this ho wouldn't have the ovaries to "call people out" when off her Tumblr throne. The big bad bitch loooves confrontation…..on the internet with teenage girls who don't know enough to realize what a loser she is.
No. 48366
File: 1445645959614.jpg (45.14 KB, 255x223, 1429998283887.jpg)

>this thread
No. 48386
>>48380sorry i had to go find the thread number
No. 49167
>>48391Admin sama did but not on this thread????
I'd be fucking tickled pink if she never posted in this one.
No. 81218
File: 1452874441965.png (18.22 KB, 594x195, 47594u_4854.png)

Something going down between her and libby?
No. 81219
File: 1452874576298.png (15.74 KB, 603x178, fhr8554_475.png)

>>81218wait nevermind, there's something going down between her and everyone lmao
No. 81222
>>81218Why does she care if Libby is lying… she lies about everything, discovering a new fib will not be groundbreaking news.
Anyway, the admin confirmed Eboni made this thread. I don't know why she is second guessing his judgement. She is obsessed with petty drama.
No. 81231
>>81229You want heather to ignore drama???? Do you legitimately think she is capable of such an act?
I wish.
No. 81232
File: 1452876735779.png (193.83 KB, 580x509, ember vs blond chick.png)

>>81223She posts stuff like this in Ember's tag and Ember is always running to tumblr to cry and report every tiny little thing so I wonder how long it will be until tumblr is just sick of their fight and deletes them both
No. 81240
File: 1452877445107.jpg (60.7 KB, 430x492, at least she doesn't have the …)

No. 81247
>>81241Yeah, he's blonde as fuck and around 2 or 3 years old.
I only mention his hair color because Heather swears she is Native American but is "white passing" since she bleaches her hair.
If she was really an Indian, I feel her son would have dark hair, y'know?
No. 81262
File: 1452879246724.jpg (51.26 KB, 508x228, lmao chill heather.jpg)

I cut out the pic because Ember got it removed anyway but lol at Heather getting pissy because Ember thought 3000 was expensive. Out of all the things to drag Ember for, she went with this? The bitch is probably only getting minimum wage, not shelling out that money is probably the smartest thing she's ever done.
No. 81263
>>81262For a teenager, $3,000 is expensive if you consider the average weekly income for those in that age group is $446.
This woman is in her late 20s and has been given a lot more opportunities to put money in her savings account, so she may have 3k or more readily available (She
should at least). And If that is the case, I can see why she thinks buying clothing with a 4 digit price tag isn't expensive, I guess.
But to me, she is acting like an entitled, vengeful brat. Ember is a fucking cunt and I'm not sticking up for her, but Heather's arguments and
call out posts have became incredibly shallow and weak.
No. 81309
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>>81268Don't tell her that, she thinks she knows everything.
No. 81312
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>>81248Why do her lips look like they were drawn by whoever did as told by ginger
No. 81314
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No. 81345
File: 1452899242416.png (296.53 KB, 563x621, Untitled.png)

>>81238Heather, the saint.
It's so wild seeing a truth blogger,
who mocks other snowflakes for posting indirect replies to the shit truth blogs say, reply indirectly to us.
No. 81349
File: 1452900675548.jpg (72.15 KB, 505x344, deepbreathsheather.jpg)

>Is tweaker mommy gonna put down the pipe?How is she going after embers mom when her family is an obvious shitshow as shown by
>>81345 and she was an addict herself?
No. 81371
>>81345Feels a bit like you're reaching with this one. She did update SNAR/jb about her nephew quite a bit before, so it might not be an "indirect response". Though it'd be hilarious if it was.
Heather seems to be a bit
too involved with Ember's shenanigans though.
No. 81447
>>81437For real. Who else is really going to go all the way back to like page 48 of snow just to drag Heather out of the wood work?
This reads like Emily having a conversation with herself.
No. 81569
>>81447Its fucking sad tbh, especially when is be willing to bet $100 Heather doesn't give a rats ass about it.
I've spoken to her a few times, she's chill af.
No. 81601
>>81579It's mostly just OD.
Others probably do but I'm pretty sure heather doesn't bother with it.
No. 81742
>>81722No, she ran a few truth blogs were she openly scrutinize people like Felice Fawn, Wylona, johanna herrstedt, you know
actual ecelebs, but slowly turned her entire focus on Ember Whann over the past few months, along with a handful of other teens that no one has ever heard of.
She only has a thread here because one of the tumblr snowflakes got upset because she wouldn't blog about her (Eboni Eden) and thought posting about her here would be the perfect revenge.
No. 104562
>>104556>Heather was the firstThat isn't true but she does have a crazy sense of self worth. She believes her opinion trumps all and if you have an opposing point of view, you're moronic trash and she doesn't
even have the time to explain why you're wrong but will drag you through the mud regardless. (Especially when it comes down to anything related to Native Americans)
Heather thinks people should just KNOW they're wrong and because of that, she really believes people are doing dumb shit out of spite, not blatant ignorance, and she has ever right to shit down their throats instead of informing them exactly why they're in the wrong.
No one should have to hold anyone's hand while on he internet, but she has really turned out to be an insufferable, miserable cunt when she used to be quite resourceful when dealing with uneducated tumblrinas. Nowadays, she desperately tries to act all tough but I'm at the point where I just cringe everytime I see her reply to anonymous hate. She's not as big of a bad ass as she thinks and she is beginning to remind me of one of those moms who try to use popular slang to relate to her rebellious teen daughter.>>104556
No. 104568
File: 1457799125966.png (51.35 KB, 552x476, sss.png)

>>101249Um yeah, no shit anon. She didn't lose 25lbs, SHE LOST
27LBS No. 104570
File: 1457800075434.png (451.72 KB, 560x938, sss.png)

>>104568I adore that after this anon called her fat
>>104568 she posts this selfie (where she is very obviously leaning forward with her arm twisted around so her elbow sticks out, as a poor attempt to make her arms look skinny) and then some other (or the same idk) anon tried to point how that pose is the same pose many proana chicks (like Ember!) use and all she could do is laugh at
elbow bones instead of reflecting on what exactly she did.
Funny how she can dish out criticism like it's going out of fashion but is utterly incapable of receiving it.
No. 104875
File: 1457888555091.png (1.92 MB, 1425x1254, 1457029595645.png)

>>104817left image was taken December 2015 and right was posted February 26th 2016
she is clearly lying about her weight loss, for reasons i do not know, but this is getting pretty lulzy
No. 104877
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>>104875She looks like she could take a punch or two.
No. 104882
File: 1457890620519.png (35.61 KB, 544x382, 1457029595645.png)

>>104878I cannot get over dumbasses who say that kind of shit.
hurrrr I don't care but I am going to type out a full paragraph anyways! BUT DO NOT THINK I *CARE
* BECAUSE I DO NOT!!…. foreal.. idc.. not even a little bit.."
pic related made a laugh though. Her lack of self awareness is disturbing. Does she really believe that she hasn't become one of those "elitist" who judges everyone?.. because that exactly what she has turned into. It's funny seeing her rag on 18-22 year olds about how they have no life, because when she was their age, she was sitting in some heroin den, shooting up junk on a dirty, piss stained mattress, trying to forget about her past woes.
Heather genuinely thinks she is better than the people who shit talks, as if she didn't ruin her own life when she was their age. At least the girls she drags aren't heroin addicts who would later become methadone addicts that run a truth blog where they pick apart 17 year olds lmao.
No. 104899
File: 1457892624335.gif (1.48 MB, 400x270, truth.gif)

>>104875She said in
>>104568 that the only recent body pic was in a warped mirror. Maybe the funhouse mirror is hiding her true and skinny self
No. 104900
File: 1457892862024.png (12.63 KB, 576x121, fatorexia.png)

>>104893Jesus christ and she still runs a fucking truth blog on Tumblr,
exposing bad teenage behavior?
>>104896Maybe it's a case of reverse body dysmorphia, where sees herself as skinny.>>104899Public mirrors are normally slanted back towards the top which normally makes the person's reflection look skinnier than they really are. So, she is actually fatter than she appears in those selfies?
No. 104925
>>104919Didn't her boyfriend cheat on her but stuck with him because
she's so forgiving and
loves him so much?
If so, how is she able to get over that type of betrayal but has been permanently fixated on girls lying on the internet?.. Maybe she transforms all of that ill will she feels towards her partner and takes out all of that hatred on chicks on Tumblr.
No. 104933
>>104930>>104931Pretty sure the story was something like her boyfriend got into a bar fight and was stabbed in the eye with a broken piece of glass?
But every single story she tells has this weird overtone to them. Like she tries to make herself and those around seem super edgy punkers who don't take no shit but then she goes and get her panties in a bunch iver someone calling her fat? lmao.
No. 104945
>>104939Ember managed to get her old truth blogs deleted and idk if she ever reposted the story on her new account.
I personally dislike Ember a lot but I give her props for actually getting Heather blogs removed. You know that shit pissed her off so much hahah. I remember when Heather came back the second time and was like "
EMBER YOU WILL RUE THIS DAY! YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU'RE FUCKING WITH. I TASTED YOUR BLOOD AND I WANT MORE" and then a few days later, her new blog was terminated too. Heather is pyscotic.
No. 104947
File: 1457898125765.jpg (338.11 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_o3g4j659OF1ujsll8o1_128…)

Her eyeliner and eye shadow are cute but why does her lipstick always look like crayon? It's the same in
>>104570 No. 104956
File: 1457899032346.jpg (422.12 KB, 1280x1707, 3.jpg)

>>104947Her eyeliner looks great when her eyes are closed but look really uneven/wonky in the right picture..? That's odd.
I see what you mean about her lips. And to think she makes fun of Victoria for doing the same thing.
No. 104957
File: 1457899324067.png (99.63 KB, 447x283, 5.png)

>>45230It legitimately looks like she photoshopped a thigh gap in? The fucking shadow curves with her inner thigh. I cannot believe that this cunt has the audacity to
expose people for shooping yet posts photoshopped images of her thighs with cuts on them to her personal account.
Heather really is a lolcow.
No. 105008
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>>105002samefagging but good lord, heather is delusional. even if she dropped down to a normal BMI, all she would ever be is a butterface. No. 105010
File: 1457903461239.gif (2.62 MB, 446x252, killme.gif)

>>105008Why do the tryhards always act like they could have any man they wanted but can never back it up with a decent and functional relationship with a normal guy?
No. 105013
File: 1457903751942.jpg (36.27 KB, 549x237, HEY.jpg)

>>105008OKAY so I think I figured out why she stays with her boyfriend.'s because she is emotionally attached to his sister's kid and if she leaves her boyfriend, she won't be apart of that kid's life anymore and she won't be able to brag about what a saint she is for taking care of him. This whole time, I thought that the child was her legitimate newphew but nope. They're not even relatives.
(She said the kid's father is a
murderer but knowing Heather, that's an exaggeration)
No. 110893
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Anyone else think Heather is starting to become overly paranoid?
Ember hasn't updated any of her accounts, public, personal, and private, in almost a month and though she has faked documents in the past, the recent images she has shared(like the snap of the entrance of the IP center that is 5 hrs from her home), exhibiting what she did in order to get into an IP center, seem very legitimate unlike before.
All of the proof she has that Ember isn't where she claims is all debunkable.
>statcounter reveals hits from rochester, must be ember!1!!11
Ember isn't the only person in that region who is keen to her internet presence.
>she filed DMCA claims against me
You can't prove someone didn't just use her name while filing a DMCA claim with the intent of making you think it is her.
>she's blocking/unfollowing people she previously followed
Ember followed a ridiculous amount of proana scumbags, so it's pretty safe to assume that they're either a) being terminated by instagram staff b) deleting their account or c) blocking Ember for some unknown reason.
And the bit that reads:
>ember isn't smart enough (…) to trick a mental health professional into believing her perfectly healthy body weight and BMI (…) makes her slightly eligible for invasive inpatient treatment
yet she is smart enough and has the will power to fall off the radar completely?
This is generally very ironic and contradictory coming from Heather. Sure, Ember has always been a disgusting little bitch but she definitely has some sort of mental illness that evolves food. Not one of us attended any of her appointments which lead up to her "going to IP", so who knows exactly what she said to these doctors. I'm not really understanding what makes Heather believe it is difficult to get help if you suffer from a mental illness. I mean, yeah, you have to wait for a couple weeks/months to get an appointment/bed but as long as you're willing to actually get help, there is help for you. It's not exactly easy to prove someone isn't routinely troubled by disordered thoughts.
No. 112281
File: 1459267470943.png (579.5 KB, 562x846, oldbish.png)

>I’m still not thirty ?
.. says the 29 year old who looks like they're in their early 40s. The way she is touching her face with those fatass ham hocks she has for hands is disgusting.
No. 127099
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No. 127217
>>127181Eh, I mean. There are a lot of people here her age, myself included if we're talking 25 plus, but I see what you mean. Thing is, the tumblr call out comm kinda died out after they discovered lolcow. What I find funny is how all of them trashed this place in the beginning and now it seems they're all here with us. Not that sensetive & PC after all.
I bet a lot of the golden oldies, like Felice, starpowerrr & especially shmegeh are amongst us as well. Michelle used to love efagz and the like, Felice is a bitch and I can't be the only one remembering Tiffany on that livejournal rating comm.
No. 128372
>>127217I could definitely see Felice and Shmegeh being here. Felice would post in every thread from the migrants to the pro ana one.
>>128358Tbh I'm surprised she has the determination. If I kept getting DMCA shit, I'd probably just give up. She knows people like Ember will just keep making them anyway.
No. 156858
>>32772Ever since proof of her being in her 30s, working as a waitress and getting fired from various Sacramento waitressing jobs over her behaviour online I've always wondered how she lives a fulfilling life and how she's not changed her behaviour.
Why the fuck does she not prioritise work over drama? Does taunting teen girls on line really mean more to her than being able to pay rent. What a sad way to live.
No. 156976
>>156945Earlier in the thread somebody said her job was minimum wage at a diner but that could have been one of the ol' wannarexics popping in with some bullshit.
>>156858 said she's a waitress to so I'm guessing there's at least some evidence somewhere.
How does everybody know this stuff but not have screenshots?
No. 157128
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No. 157130
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No. 157133
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No. 157134
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No. 157136
Okay, so basically, Heather used to have "Works at: Rick's Dessert Diner" publicly visible on her Facebook profile. She also has her real name and location still up on her Facebook, and it so HAPPENS that when you look up directions from the Address listed on Heathers' whitepages, that Rick's Dessert Diner is 21 minutes away. Sacramento is BIG place, as is Cali. It's obvious because of the close proximity of the address to the workplace, that the information on the whitepages belongs to Heather, and that she is in fact, around 30 years old.
Not only this, but she is a waitress, as she stupidly advertised on her Facebook.
A few days later, after Ember had reported some of Heather's actions to her workplace, Ember found that this listing was removed from Heather's facebook entirely, which means that it is safe to assume that Ember got Heather fired from her job as a waitress.
These truthbloggers bring all this shit on themselves, to be quite honest. They make it all too easy to figure out who they are. It was so fucking stupid of Heather to have her EMPLOYMENT LISTED while she bullies and harasses SO many girls who she claims are "stupid, entitled bitches". Maybe Ember is an attention seeker and seems to enjoy drama, she clearly isn't stupid if she managed to get Heather fired.
No. 157188
>>157136Her and Ember are so alike and they don't even realise.
Maybe I'm thinking of a different blogger, but didn't Heather do makeup? Did she start doing that after she got fired?
No. 157197
>>157188Heather went to cosmology school, but never got her license officially cause she never finished properly. Some shit like that.
She never hid the fact that she worked at a restaurant, but maybe she lied about her role there? As in she may have inflated it. And I'm pretty sure ember never succeeded in getting her fired, heather mentioned that she tried though.
I honestly don't give a shit what she does for money, so long as she's not shutting on someone else for making money the same way.
>>156945Ugh, I got sick of that fat bitch ourdonut too. That bitch is such a try hard. They both make it seem like they don't give a shit, but they desperately want validation from people younger than them.
No. 157216
>>157197Nah I disagree. I think working at a restaurant at 30 but violently slut-shaming girls and contacting their parents to try and ruin their lives makes you a bit of a fucking loser. Like fair enough if she was a good person who didn't criticise others' lifestyles, but she does so it's too hypocritical.
And also I think that Heather definitely get fired at the hands of someone she was bullying/stalking.
No. 157220
>>81262This is so hypocritical!! I highly doubt she can afford Chanel clothes at $7 an hour working at a fucking diner. Come on now, Heather.
Also I don't think Heather will be getting another job soon now that this thread is in the results for her name.
No. 157239
File: 1468952549971.jpg (18.14 KB, 694x240, ohplease.jpg)

This is the kind of im-so-damaged type flaunting she calls tumblrinas out for, yet she's always doing it herself on her blog.
I'm cringing for her old ass.
No. 157242
>>157239-unanimous groans-
If she's 30 and not yet grown out of tearing into teenage girls as if it's Mean Girls or something she never will. She'll be a wrinkly, even fatter old lady who spent her life alone bullying girls online.
No. 157383
File: 1468984488366.png (39.11 KB, 769x277, Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 04.1…)

Is this what it's come to? Also BODY SHAMING
No. 157384
File: 1468984624169.png (76.33 KB, 725x397, Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 04.1…)

Also using BPD as an insult?
No. 157396
>>157384Stfu, this isn't a fucking hug box.
If you want to point it out as something she's being hypocritical about, show us a screen cap where she has expressed moral outrage over shit like that.
No. 157421
>>157396Awww are you
triggered, anon? And Heather is always spouting SJW shit which I'm sure includes making fun of mental illnesses.
No. 157449
File: 1469009713393.jpeg (21.95 KB, 280x223, image.jpeg)

"Online behaviour" - ah so her blog isn't 90% bawwing at others online behaviour and another 10% posting shit that she hopes will give her the same attention other snowflakes
No. 157477
File: 1469023607373.gif (716.28 KB, 245x187, image.gif)

>>157421Clever. You must be
triggered by the fact that nobody gives a shit.
I'm just asking for receipts, lest this place turn into an even greater shithole full of baseless sour milk and accusations.
No. 157493
>>157485Reverse it. I'm pretty sure they are tumblr fags that followed the ember/Libby/whimsical/deja drama, ended up here, and only contribute to said threads. No farmer was ever that rabid over their hate for this snowflake.
They post to get validation for their hate because for whatever reason, most people on tumblr that are in that circle are ok with heather, on the surface.
No. 157517
>>157493All the drama mentioned here has died out, except for Ember possibly.
And I imagine a lot of tumblr users hate Heather but are too scared to speak out on tumblr lest they suffer the wrath of Heather's followers basically bombarding them.
No. 157521
>>157517It has but there are a lot of bitter fags that refuse to let things go. Just like Heather won't let go of her beef with Ember.
>>157486The only sjw thing I'm aware of is her
>take off that culturally significant war bonnet Becky! stop shitting on my culture whitey. No. 157534
>>157533Anon, you come in here opening a can of worms. Please tell me you have the receipts for the Photoshopping, I will fucking die.
Contradictory indeed. Okay, bitch isn't one of those words (like nigger) that carries the same connotation everywhere for everyone. I fucking hate people like that. Gotta take up arms over every minor thing. Must be exhausting to be so angry and offended all day.
No. 157537
File: 1469037267660.jpg (145.89 KB, 640x897, 1445074984812.jpg)

>>157534This was already posed in this thread, but there is a sort of curvature in her wood flooring which is otherwise completely straight. Also one thigh is fatter than the other. Someone also ran it through fotoforensics and posted it here.
No. 157543
>>157537is that the only one? I'm not a fan of her anon, but that isn't exactly earth shattering evidence.
Honestly, that just looks like a shadow + low quality pic.
Also, fucking kek at her gathering her shirt with her right hand. For what purpose?
No. 157553
File: 1469040940056.png (38.32 KB, 719x251, Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 19.5…)

This ask was poorly written and harsh but true. I think she's jealous of Emily and Ember's youth and weight.
No. 157559
>>157553You sound like Emily.
Heather never really gave Emily too much shit—only now because she's a desperate attention whore that got outed here. Safe to say that nobody is jealous of that horsefaced try hard.
No. 157578
>>157559I'm not Emily, I just can't think of any other examples and even if I could I'll be accused of being them. But practically EVERY teen girl Heather has ever bashed is really pretty, which seems to be her main motive for bashing them in the first place. E.g. emily, victoria, ember (well prettier than Heather at least) that sophie girl was pretty cute, Luna, Allie, Hatelyn (could almost pass for average looking, but I think the main jealousy on Heather's part was the notes her selfies got, which she accused of being false. Although she is photoshopped).
But you get the general idea. All the girls she tears into are either pretty or significantly prettier than her.
No. 157580
>>157578Its a reflex. Emily always loves to tag her name to Ember's in the hopes of getting attention since nobody ever wanted to talk about her.
(btw, "Luna is butt fucking ugly and the rest are average looking at best, with the exception of Victoria)
No. 157590
>>157580>with the exception of VictoriaI'm still kinda surprised by how pretty she is. The makeup and photoshop really led me to believe she'd be hideous.
>>157553I think she wants to be little and skinny but I doubt she's jealous of Ember and Emily.
No. 157670
>>157629sage advice mom. do you really think your statement needed to be typed out and submitted? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that goes without saying.
there's no need to police other people's statements unless they're race baiting/derailing.
No. 157853
File: 1469123288813.png (30.97 KB, 733x198, Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 18.4…)

this also she has sid and nancy as her facebook. romanticising the most notoriosuly abusive relationship ever
No. 158148
>>157862To be fair, taking in a stray isn't a bad thing and even well looked after dogs can get parvo if they're unlucky.
It should definitely not have been at a dog park or a pet store until she was absolutely sure it was healthy (no risk to other dogs) and it had been immunised (not at risk from other dogs) though.
Btw I'm curious about you writing "rescued", did she not really rescue it? I didn't see the original posts about it tbh
No. 159081
>>158918Too true tbh. I feel like she uses tumble to escape her sad, fat miserable life. She seems like one of those sadcases with shockingly bad lived that are made into a
channel 4 documentary.
No. 159097
>>159083Weren't Luna & Emily selfposters? I remember they got their posts labelled. I thought admin only did that for selfposting, but idk.
If Heather posts here, I bet it's non-PC stuff because she can post the PC stuff on her blog easily enough. I wonder if social justice heather is actually worse than she pretends to be.
No. 159111
>>159110I don't know if she got her posts labelled but the old admin posted which posts were hers. She posted about herself iirc but I can't remember if she started her own thread
>>159099I wonder what would happen with her tumblr if that was the case. I feel like her blog buddies are too deep to call her out.
No. 161231
>>161130True, true. The actions that disgust me most is that she's stalked 2 different 15 year olds and apparently contacted their mothers in an effort to ruin their lives. And for what? What exactly is her agenda? Her jealousy and vendetta obsession seem to control her. She craves this positive attention and reinforcement, but I doubt it's even good for her. She seems to be angry, infuriated wen by girls who are significantly prettier and younger than her but can't even admit it.
I definitely would like to see her posts marked here. I reckon she made about every other post in the Luna thread.
No. 161249
>>161236I doubt she's a manager of any sort. She's most definitely a waitress. Ugly tats + low self esteem + superiority complex + heroin = shit job and minimum wage.
There's no way a 30 year old who insults prettier girls is successful in any way. Don't me wrong, I know a few select lolcow users are extremely jealous of some flakes posted here (and theyake themselves obvious) but her type of hatred, particularly for teen girls, is particularly staggering. She makes it personal and takes it upon herself as some sort of reverse vigilante to "call out" teen bloggers for "photoshop" and no proof, and make blogs dedicated to stalking her victims, sending them anon hate, calling them ugly and shitting on their make up, people who view her blog using statcounter,
and finally by encouraging others to tear apart her victims and taking to lolcow as her personal army/to samefag up in her shitty vendetta threads.
She fucking flipped out when this underage kid posted a picture of her in her underwear and called the police because it was "child porn". Honesty, who is that obsessed? She needs some kind of jealousy counselling.
No. 161296
>>161287Yo Heather.
I bet you'd like to think Ember is the only one who hates you. But the fact you think that is laughable. You have some serious denial problems.
No. 161300
>>161287Jesus, it's painfully obvious.
>insult>I agree with insult. Here's another.>I agree with that insult, here is also another.>I agreeNobody here gives a shit about heather or these dumb ass girls being mentioned here. You are flailing to keep this shit thread alive.
No. 161827
>>161324You simpletons have the same illness across all threads. If you can't say "hi xyz!" You resort to some other shitty passive aggressive statement.
You're clearly not assimilated so gtfo. Otherwise you'd know the actual reason for marking posts retard.
You don't even bring new content into the thread. Fucking die sour cunt.
No. 162651
>>162537"XD" ??
Probably all of them
No. 163617
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>>163475Hey, hope you're getting help because it looks like you have some real problems that should be addressed.
No. 163752
>>163621>>163617You okay heather? Sounds like you're a little rocked by this thread.
I'm sure a nice dose of Heroin will calm you down
No. 168696
>>168617Emily you're a desperate cunt who thinks they're more important than they are. Maybe if you didn't message all these blogs anonymously to talk about yourself they wouldn't talk about your ugly ass.
Sage so no one has to read about your dusty ass
No. 169641
>>169487gtfo newfag
>>169476Are you confused, illiterate, or just stupid?
No. 169880
>>169835Oh my god, she really is deluded to think its Megan.
Megan is fucking crazy dint get me wrong.
Megan was the one dedicating hours of her time to reblogging someone's posts hundreds of times to make it look like they used fake notes.
She's fucking crazy and needs help. Honestly who tries that hard to bring someone down. It's a little too much effort. She also backed down when said person called out and asked her to stop,
No. 169893
>>169883Lol ~hello police? Someone's mean to me online.
Get the fuck outta here, Emily is a non topic on lolcow so stop using this thread to talk about her.
Sage because this is garbage
No. 169898
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saw this thread was still existing kind of shocked me. was there ever just a drop of milk here instead of people accusing each other of being ember/emily/megan/kristen/idek? gosh, let it die guys. this is just the venting thread for all those people who ever had an argument with her, no milk here.
No. 169911
>>169898>aw come on guys lay off HeatherHey Heather. Incase you haven't noticed you're one of the plumpest, milkiest lol cows on the farm.
Can mods please ban or mark Heathers posts? Her self posting is frighteningly obvious at this point.
No. 175342
File: 1474371065829.png (Spoiler Image,726.04 KB, 584x615, disgusting.PNG)

i think its disgusting that this "woman" has called out multiple tumbl girls for glorifying drug use etc but then she will happily post pictures like this? hypocritical much? i think i might make a new thread based purely on the hypocrisy this "woman" has spouteed from her vile toxic mouth
No. 1648001
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