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No. 1654286
Last thread contained much more sperging than worthwhile content, but things are still moving fast.
The most significant events in the past week:
> dropped by a brand-new Portugese DDoS mitigation business> Josh says his new focus is on .st and a mesh proxy/DNS> Site is compromised through a shockingly stupid vulnerability in Josh's hand-rolled chat, see below for details> Josh claims this attack was "sophisticated" which is laughable, amount of damage still not clear> Various trannies and others embarrass themselves in turn by claiming to have KF user data, it's actually from the 2019 breach> .st dropped by providers> Josh's (IRL) mail forwarding and other services dropped > Josh "dealing with IRL problems", presumably related to the passing of his maternal grandmother on the 30th of August> Jesse Singal writes maybe the only even-handed coverage of KF in the mainstream media but somehow leaves off that Keffals is a troon> Keffals looking for more narcissistic fuel, says his next target is Tucker Carlson (lol)PLEASE BE AWARE:> If you see bait posting, schizobabble, or just simply outrageous takes especially if together with cringe anime avatarfagging and/or youtube music, you have spotted the schizo tranny. He gets off on making women feel uncomfortable which is why there is a rapey undertone to a lot of what he says and why he spams CP when he gets bored with his usual bullshit.> DO NOT REPLY TO HIM or engage him in any way. It only encourages him. He is presumably typing one-handed because this is a fetish for him.> Kiwifags, this site has a different culture, at least try to integrate: sage your shit (even if this thread will wind up autosaging, it shows yo re trying to acculturate) and close the window if you have a 'Y' chromosome> JOSH SIMPS, he won't pick you, JOSH HATERS, you very likely have nothing new to say.ABOUT THE BREACHThe breach was an XSS attack which was possible because Josh neglected to set a Content-Security-Policy but more importantly and most embarrassingly failed to sanitize HTML input in his custom written chat, a project he had been fluffing himself up about for months. Speaking non-technically about the issue, basically if you structured a message just the right way, you could execute computer code on the remote machine just by entering it as a chat message. This class of vulnerabilities is
extremely well known, as are methods for protecting against it. An extremely novice web developer, even, is aware of these issues. Josh made a statement to the effect that attack was "sophisticated." It was not. Josh has been known to be technically incompetent for years, this takes the cake.
The hackers changed user pfp's to the logo of, a fediverse instance that is full of lolicon and pedophile content. Poasters took exception to kiwis calling them pedophiles and there was a bit of a cross-site slapfight before KF went down. The most obvious explanation is this is poasters trying to kick KF when it is down, but it could also be trannies or other KF enemies trying to cause people to
think it was poast. There is no hard evidence either way.
So far, nothing has been released that indicates the hackers were able to exfiltrate any meaningful amount of data. Several idiots on twitter are embarrassing themselves claiming that they have it, but it is probably from a breach that occurred in 2019.
MISCELLANIOUShttp://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojhmqruw2nit3uejrpiagrxeuxiyxcyd.onion - Tor; currently dead as Josh evaluates the damage from the compromise, was getting DDoS'd on and off but reasonably useable - dead, Chinese registrar seized it - dead, Russian DDoS guard dropped it - dead, seized by Icelandic NIC, but now apparently he can get it back - dead, was his experimental mesh proxy - contains currently only Josh's cope statement about the hack
Kiwi telegram (a cesspit) threads:
>>>/snow/1649200>>>/snow/1642877>>>/snow/1639557>>>/snow/1636927>>>/snow/1631130>>>/snow/1627717 (Keffals shit starts here)
>>>/snow/998558>>>/snow/525536Archive KF thread on lolcowfarm (in case if you wanna see how Josh views the website)'d Josh thread:
>>>/manure/2733OnionFarms is a total shithole but hosts critical discussion of KF:, OnionFarms is also a site you should be wary of, it is run by some seriously shady characters including at least one who has boasted about using logged IP addresses to dox people. Definitely a site you should visit only from behind a VPN and be very careful what you use it for.
No. 1654296
>>1654286OP here, meant to include a QRD about this:
IF the hackers successfully exfiltrated data, what it probably contains is:
> your email address> last IP you logged in from (as in last time you used the login form to enter or have your auto-fill enter username and password, not the last time you visited the site)> other account data that is publicly facing> outside unlikely possibility it contains PMs and other data but probably not.If your email is leaked and it is your real name obviously that is a problem. The IP address is less of a problem, it only gives a general (within 50 or so miles typically) idea of your location.
Most importantly, unless you were a "high value target" like a user who was doxing people or constantly and notably saying things trannies don't like, you almost certainly have nothing to worry about, there are some 160,000 accounts and probably a couple thousand active ones.
IF you were such a target, then hopefully you took some precautions (VPN and burner email)
Otherwise you will be fine.
No. 1654303
>>1654298From what, the part in the OP where it says that OnionFarms is shady and you should be careful visiting it? LMAO. Are you retarded? For the record I'll say it again: OnionFarms and the people who run it is shady, you should be careful visiting it if you visit it all (and if you do there's not even much worthwhile except a circle-jerk of speds REEEEing about Null) … in fact I hesitated copying that part of the last OP for that very reason. I haven't even looked at that site since the debacle but I know that it is a place where Kiwifags discuss intra-Kiwi drama, filling the void of the old lolcow dot org for that purpose.
>>1654302Agreed, they have only escaped so far by being totally irrelevant but I'm sure they are going to get it eventually. There are basically no precautions taken, they aren't even using CloudFlare at this point so all it would take is a tranny making a call to their host and saying the words "Kiwi Farms successor" (which it isn't, but that's how they view themselves and how the trannies might.)
No. 1654319
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>>1654314please dont redtext me for this. ive put sage but it wasnt registered as it should be. i tried to delete it but it says "wrong password".
No. 1654370
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smells of rotting amhole + unwashed troids in here.
No. 1654385
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I'm not abreast to the farms lore, I'm a newfag so the Rachel remark is lost on me. But I'll reuse the photo again for fun :)
Why's there an unsaged troid shitposting bizarre facebook-tier memes from several years ago? Does this site have jannies?
No. 1654443
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I am excited for Keffals' crusade against Fox News. One one hand, it will probably make him rich and famous which sucks. On the other, it will make the media spotlight the DIY HRT scene and it's going to peak a whole lot of people.
No. 1654453
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No. 1654477
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Isn't it dilation time yet?
No. 1654529
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Keffals is supporting Kayla Lemieux because of course he is.
No. 1654534
>>1654529>If she were cis, it would still be inappropriate.Um… Why is keffals being such a bigot right now? Who is he to judge a fellow tranny on how to express himself?
But no, really, they might dogpile him for that "inappropriate" comment, and I can't wait to see it.
No. 1654538
>>1654529He will delete this soon because this has to be one of his most retarded takes. Huge difference between
choosing to wear fetish gear to work with children vs having no control over the size your breasts grow. Of course he's a perverted moid so he's probably thinking in terms of breast implants, in which case he is also wrong bc that would also cause a media shitstorm
No. 1654603
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>>1654545To be fair there are some mentally ill women who do aim to get their boobs as large as possible. Would they be accepted as a teacher? Did make me wonder earlier, pretty sure there'd be some outrage. I don't get why people enjoy that sort of thing though, I can't imagine the pain.
No. 1654611
>>1654452>DIYI remember digging into it, science sperging aside the Brazilian troon using an Estradiol derrivatitives shipped from China so it's insoluble in water.
So their choice was either acetone, chloroform, dioxane, diethyl ether and vegetable oils (specifically castor oil) or freely soluble in pyridine.
Yeah, most of those are carcinogens.
No. 1654635
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Use your fucking brain you mong. I'm not your mum and I won't spoonfeed you everything.
No. 1654640
>>1654611I believe grape seed oil or MCT oil is standard in home brewed hormones
T. dated a guy who used steroids. He got them off the internet and they were black market not unlike the estrogen were talking about here but the packaging was professional looking and really resembled an actual pharmaceutical product if you didn't know any better.
No. 1654761
>>1654692I had no issue with them before reading all the reddit posts about them fetishising and hating on teen girls because they assume teen girls "live life on easy mode", they literally sound the same as incels.
That and all the insisting lesbians sleep with them otherwise they are transphobic.
No. 1654768
>>1654761Tranny reddit is seriously some of the best peaking material I've ever found, just poking around in it for any length of time shows you that AGP is very, very real. The Kiwi Farms tranny sideshows thread and the MtF/FtM threads here are good for collating the insanity but you can almost just go to any troon reddit and come back with something worthy of posting inside of 15 minutes.
>>1654759stop replying to the tranoid before he gets worked up enough start posting the answer in image form again
No. 1654798
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troid/scrote humouring time I suppose.
You're either disingenuous or retarded, but probably both. Most people peaked by trannies start online, but guess what? TRAs and IRL encounters (like Oppai-sensei) and real-life troglodytes as well as every whinging incel needledick shitting the bed in JKRs twitter (a normie woman who most of us grew up with) show their ass constantly. There's people in this thread who've even been assaulted by troids who then get the "but I'm trans" defence so the issue gets rugswept by their peers and forgiven later online and barely covered by any media that's not some bizarre rightwing or radfem outlet.
The thing is, trannies are also terminally online, so it's not hard to find the online footprint of some of these IRL eldritch monsters and put two and two together. When you've got history being degenerate shitbirds, we don't need to vet every single post on troon boards because we know a large amount will be real based on the fact you're coombrained giganonces.
picrel; you scrotes
No. 1654802
>>1654786Ah, another one to add to the ThIs NeVeR HaPpEnS pile.
Poor woman though, could you imagine how terrifying that is? Knowing this demented wildebeast could just assault you or kill you dead because we decided troon feelings matter and tbh if it happened, she probably wouldn't get any honest coverage at all except the "out of the norm" outlets like Rebel Media & Reduxx. No one else would care. Terrifying.
No. 1654810
>>1654692srry 4 blogpost/OT/no1curr
I was Be Kind until I encountered gross troidism IRL. Then I went deeper and got peaked because their behaviour patterns betray the depth of their inceldom + mental illness. Now I catch myself going full bitch and don't even mean to.
I remember my nigel was watching some moid break down a Riley Dennis video and without thinking my eyes zeroed right to the golf-ball sized Adam's apple and the faggy voice and I felt myself do a mean girl giggle because my brain was trying to process the weird he-she on screen and I ended up saying "what is
that thing?" with so much natural contempt that I genuinely feel in my bones we're all hardcoded to recognise the predatory skinwalk even if we're not steeped in troon media.
We know what's meant to be in nature and what ain't and I knew If I had that uncontrollable reaction IRL to one of the real troids I saw I'd either be beaten, ree'd at or the cause of a thousand "shaking & crying" posts. I do so love when they breakdown over real women doing something as simple as a side-eye lol.
So stunning. So brave.
No. 1654820
>>1654810Here's a top tip to fuck with them in real life.
If you see a troon, go up to them and say "OMG GIRL, YOURE SO BRAVE AND
Which really means "You don't pass" but you're being nice so they can't say anything.
No. 1654826
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>>1654820Based Nona, I fucking will, the backhanded compliment is truly an art form and we've been at it long enough to weaponise it on troids, who, compared to actual women are rank amateurs and can't handle the slightest bit of criticism that we've been facing pretty much all of our lives.
"Oh, that is a -confident- outfit," said with JUST the right inflection would have them bawling on Reddit for days in search of handmaiden asspats kek
No. 1654840
>>1654837Nona did you see any of the clips from the radfems LetWomenSpeak event in Brighton? funniest parts were all the MANLY MEN voices screaming "TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN"
at one point the women who turned up started chanting "your mum is a
terf" at them - society is turning, because i was surprised by how many women I saw physically turn up
No. 1654853
>>1654640>PackagingAs far as I am aware okoto just labels it "cosmetics products" to skirt customs.
If the feds ever get done with entrapping people this would be an open and shut case for a prosecutor with all the evidence of these trannies admiring to this shit.
>SteroidsThat shit sucks. I was on medical steroids for quite a bit in life and it fucked my agressive meter up to 11. I don't know why someone would willing take that stuff. I hope they didn't be as t you.
No. 1654923
>>1654688>>1654810Same. I was also sympathetic and very "progressive" in my beliefs until seeing how horribly they treated actual women.
The main peaking for me was when the creepiest guys I knew IRL ended up trooning out (yep, more than one). There were a few guys I knew who were adjacent to my group I used to go dancing with at the goth clubs back in college, and one of them was especially creepy and lecherous towards all of the girls and weirded us all out. We all talked about how something felt "off" about this guy, and I found out later that he hit and choked a girl he was dating and claims he doesn't remember. And, of fucking course, he ended up trooning out a year ago. I already knew there was something mentally off about this dude and it just affirmed that yes, it's always the mentally ill, violent moids who are drawn to being trans.
No. 1654928
>>1654923Troons are just mentally ill men with anger issues and hatred for women trying to be ''better'' than the real females because they hate us and want to skinwalk us out of spite. They see a woman and all they can think is ''that bitch won't have sex with me (because i'm a disgusting weirdo but refuse to acknowledge it) so i'll become the bitch and abuse all of them while throwing around my
victim status''
For all the talk about ''penis envy'', these men sure have the biggest vagina and uterus envy I've ever seen, like they really want to emulate what they hate so they can claim they are better than what they hate. Pure mental illness.
No. 1654950
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>>1654942o and keffal's banlist mentioned in this video
No. 1654955
>>1654948People are legit scared of talking and questioning because trannies and the like will silence you at any costs. They will quick and scream and whine and bully you into silence by ruining your socially, financially and emotionally. So people don't speak up because they're afraid. Nobody respects or like troons, we are just terrified of messing with them and ending up beaten or unpersoned.
No. 1655247
>>1654826A reminder that troons don’t know what they are asking when they ask to be women.
They think it’s like an anime were it’s all hugs, cuteness, and tea parties.
They wouldn’t last a day one they realized how hard it can get…
No. 1655282
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Winter shared this in the fediverse. Partner was bobposting, wasn't it or am I trippin? Is he about to get absolutely demolished legally and they're splitting to try and get Lucas as far away as possible so it can't ruin his "media image"? Would explain the "Keffals never ever was involved with the HRT directory and didn't make any decisions about it or have any involvement!" official statement when they've both previously been proud about it.
No. 1655295
>>1655282kek is he still in Ireland or has he returned to tranada yet? if not, then
>>1655290 is definitely happening, if only because bob was left stranded with the mess. I bet he's the one who broke up with Lucas "Hunchback of Notre MA'AM" Sorrenti too
No. 1655304
>>1655287lel he's so smart
>flee the country>piss off a large group of people>many of whom live in new country/continent>continue to be insufferable and smug about literally everythingi don't think lucas is going to win the war to be honest
No. 1655310
>>1655304He definitely won't, he's positioning himself to get the wrong kind of attention from the right media outlets, he's feuding with fellow e-grifters who have plenty of clout of their own (I hate DesTiny but that is where this saga began after all) and he has all the Kiwis on his ass from now till kingdom come. He's ruined his life to be called a hero
ine for like a month for taking down the evil kiwis and the site will come back in some form soon enough. He's reaping the dividends of male ego not backed up by anything.
No. 1655320
>>1655282Brilliant. this is happening way faster than i anticipated.
>>1655295I could swear i've seen him mention he plans to go back to Canada, then next step of ~travelling~. no stop in Canada now?
No. 1655324
>>1655319It depends where he goes.
If he's anywhere near a council estate, all bets are off.
No. 1655326
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No. 1655329
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>>1655320he mentioned it on twitch recently, timestamped the relevant part>>1655310apparently destiny was compiling a huge "manifesto" to counter the google docs that keffals posted about him (, but he dropped it in the past couple of days to focus on all the other twitch drama that's been going on lately
No. 1655431
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keffals got dumped because of his obsession (sexual) with another man - JOSHUA MOON
No. 1655435
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oh well he’s sending his crusade against « Trans Against Groomers » KEK i wonder why
No. 1655485
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And to the surprise of absolutely nobody- as soon as he thinks KF is gone forever he goes back to grooming.
No. 1655522
>>1655362destiny doesn't want to find himself as fucked as null is. the troon mafia could get his YT killed and then what does he do?
He's lucky some big twitch drama came along as an excuse.
No. 1655568
>>1655486centrist politicians are the ones who love tranny/woke shit the most because their worldview is essentially incoherent and troon shit is perfectly compatible, 99% of lefties you meet irl are extremely amenable to
terf ideas as long as you dont just sound like a run of the mill “fuck the fags yall” type of person
No. 1655577
>>1655522Good thing he has a good chance of being fucked even if he rolls over like a pussy. Troons are
abusive and get off on hurting and having power over people, if he hasn't learned that from his interactions with Fartffals yet then he'll probably learn soon. I really don't think he's been sufficiently humiliated, punished, and fearful for the tranny brigade to just give up now, especially since they have KF down and him on the run, and if he thinks he can just stop taking about it and it'll go away he's in for a rude awakening.
No. 1655586
>>1655513In fact since KF is down all the little cliques are congregating on Discord (I know because I am kek) and not being distracted by KF have
more time to follow him and other cows and while bringing shit IRL is not my thing some of them for sure are plotting ways to reach out and touch Keffals. And being that it's gonna be gay Discord ops it's 100% less constrained by Kiwi norms of not touching the poo. Good luck, Keffals.
No. 1655610
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>"plural system" or whatever
>"I didn't hax da Kiwi Farms, my headmate wants to buy a drink for whoever did!"
No. 1655615
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>lol at the Kiwifarmer who thinks that threatening to report someone for ToS violations at their current backup provider is a "felony"
oh is that all Elliot is threatening
No. 1655616
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No. 1655620
> that cursed router still lmao> paging our Moldbug-chan> freeze peach martyr posturingHope he is spending some quality family time though
No. 1655621
>>1655610i can't understand what the fuck it's even saying
>>1655615it's the smugness for me
No. 1655629
>>1655616its shitty of him not to offer deletions again when this was,
again, his fault. obviously having your own opsec is key but why is he so deeply opposed to taking any slight opportunity to not be a cunt
No. 1655637
The least he could do is allow deletions after his fuck up.
If you keep trusting null on security you are an idiot.
No. 1655641
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>>1655621apparently this is the "fox arson tweet":>(fox emoji) (thinking emoji)with picrel attached, then quote-tweeted it with:
>This, but repeatedly and each successive dude denies his house will burn down or that shooting at the fox could in any way be connected. No. 1655643
File: 1663959611292.png (188.71 KB, 585x529, my schizophrenia says pls hax …)

and the "I'd like to buy whoever hacked and deleted Kiwi Farms a drink" tweet: No. 1655657
>>1655643The open endorsement of illegal activity (most prominently the DDoS) is crazy but not really novel, there was much of this going on in the Guy Fawkes mask Chanology era but people forget some of those folks wound up getting locked up but that only happened once they started going after banks and HBGary and such. I don't hold much hope out for anyone facing legal consequences for fucking with Kiwi Farms, even though people including Keffals are cosigning if not outright admitting to funding and soliciting felonious activity.
Also these people don't know anything, "entirely deleted from the server" as if this is anything more than a mild inconvenience. The hack honestly looks like an embarrassment, Josh's shit was wide open and if they didn't manage to exfil anything interesting they are as incompetent as he is.
Furthermore it is my belief that the hacking was done by the obvious perpetrator and that is the people who's site logo they festooned the site with, i.e. the literal Nazis (not in the sense that SJWish types like to throw the word around, actual ideological Nais) and lolicons (read: pedophiles) who got pissed off at Kiwis giving them a hard time about all the drawings of little girls getting raped they were sharing around. The thread on KF once it comes back up is pretty funny and these folks were getting memed on hard and I think the obvious conclusion is that they took the opportunity to kick Josh when he was down.
And for that matter Vordrak, who is an ex-Conservative Party (UK) functionary and GamerGater, harasser of women and probable groomer of little girls. What does it say about Keffals left-wing political credentials that this is the company he keeps?
No. 1655708
>>1655706je refuse
>>1655695kek nona that's exactly it
No. 1655761
>>1655755the only thing he has to recommend him is sheer cussedness i.e. he won't back down which I guess is laudable in the sense that he's gonna be an immovable object for the unstoppable force of tranny cancellations. it's been said before but honestly his only other option is to minecraft
himself so he's gotta bring back kf in some way if only for the validation he gets.
No. 1655801
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not entirely related, but watch hotwheels try and make it related based on jim watkins having drunkenly thought he had purchased KF.
No. 1655847
>>1655843I hope the Brazilian
nonnie who was in one of the earlier threads dropped a dime. But I guess anyone could. Anvisa even have an English version of their site. I don't even think it is cow-tipping, not when it's about kids, although bragging about it would be obnoxious. So just putting it out there.
No. 1655859
>>1655852>>1655847>brazilian nonaI am her, nonnies. I tried to report but I couldn't find the page in Anvisa and the old one got deactivated (?). I do not want clout or anything, it's stupid to do so in an anonymous imageboard.
Probably the better option is to do on Federal Police site buut I really don't want to give out my personal information to do it
No. 1655862
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Keffals will definitely go too far in his new crusade. He's already arguing that kids should be allowed in kinky spaces.
No. 1655866
>>1655859In the troon's state site requires your number or address or an email to be a
valid (kek) report.
No. 1655914
File: 1663977126841.jpg (129.53 KB, 1536x864, canada-1536x864.jpg)

No terf ever argued that trannies shouldn't be allowed in public. When we say many of them are living a kink we're talking about troons like Kayla Lemieux here.
No. 1655940
>>1655847l you could use throwaway protonmail or even those temporary disposable emails where it's created and in the browser & deleted when you close browser, sort of one use only, idr how it's called.
Idk just wondering, i wouldn't know what to do in your place, it's a case that's different from usual tip subjects. i wonder if they would take the info seriously and actually react
No. 1655944
>>1655852>cow tippingTo be fair, this is Brazil. You might get better luck paying the gangs like a grand to get him whacked.
>>1655640>Being shitcanned from 8chanWas that because of his promised but never delivered imageboard re-write?
>>1655916It's CANADA. They would fucking get raped by the booty warrior up the ass and then say "sorry" for not being lubed.
No. 1655946
>>1655914what subject is this blowup doll teaching at that school? Imagine having lessons with this, every week. having to answer his questions, listening to what he says all seriously. being
judged by a guy with Z cup plastic tits
No. 1655960
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>>1655946Woodworking. One day those boobs are going to get caught in the machinery.
>>1655950Well, he claims to be a woman. The school can't fire or reprimand him because they could get hit with a lawsuit. This is where being too accepting of trans rights gets us.
No. 1655962
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>>1655950What’s worse is there’s a whole slew of trannies saying this shit is just fake
No. 1655967
File: 1663980866749.jpg (5.88 KB, 225x225, Be one with yuri.jpg)

>>1655947>mountiesThere's a shitty porn pic parody of a mountie getting railed by a moose somewhere as a shitpost on another imageboard now dead. Day of the rake when?
>>1655960>Machine induced traumatic injuryHaving dealt with (and being given) traumatic injuries in my line of work, why the FUCK would any retard do this? This is like the idiot who severed his lliac artery because he wasa angle grinding on his fat gunt.
No. 1655976
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>>1655962I wonder if this troon thinks the WPATH eunuch archive is faked too. This feels like damage control.
No. 1655977
>>1655282Extremely late reply but I was half expecting their relationship to fall apart in the midst of all of this drama. I wonder who was the one to end it. I sort of feel bad because from the very little we saw it looked like one of those classic
toxic NPD + Autist pairings. Now that Lucas is gone, maybe the dude will come to his senses and drop the themby larp.
>>1655962TimeLordlroh is overdosing on copium, I see. Yeah, it's fake. So fake in fact that the school made at least one statement on the matter and the topic came up at the last board of trustees meeting.
No. 1655984
File: 1663982087096.webm (1.5 MB, 576x1246, 1663871305456.webm)
No. 1655988
File: 1663982483335.png (287.41 KB, 593x546, twitter4.png)

they REALLY hate buck angel huh
No. 1656043
File: 1663987022742.png (474.72 KB, 474x830, abdd.png)

>>1656022He calls himself Riley Kylo and talked about the ABDL lifestyle on My Strange Addiction.
No. 1656054
File: 1663988093645.png (452.88 KB, 856x425, man.png)

>>1656032Seriously, why do they all look like that?
No. 1656065
>>1655847Reporting a legitimate and serious crime to actual authorities is not cow-tipping.
>>1655859Totally understandable to not do that if you don't want your name tied to it. I wonder if there are any organizations that would submit a report on your behalf, especially since you've already collected the evidence and they wouldn't need to do any of the investigation themselves.
No. 1656085
>>1655616getting the site up by monday sounds awfully optimistic
I think it would be better to just lie low for a little while and let them move on and forget
No. 1656102
File: 1663994801131.gif (1.44 MB, 244x200, lucille-bluth-arrested-develop…)

Whatever you say, schizo…
No. 1656122
File: 1663996350388.jpeg (430.85 KB, 701x638, 06CB66A2-FF61-403F-8F45-2DC7A6…)

I don't understand why a Portugese anti-DDOS company would give up KF like that. Why are so many people scared of dickless men being mean to them on twitter
No. 1656128
File: 1663996656411.png (387.88 KB, 536x905, dffsdfsd.png)

>>1656111it's to do with the trans lifeline stuff that happened quite a few years ago. the tl;dr is that they were a suicide phone line for trans people that was never properly manned and then caught embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars. fong-jones was close with the owners and donated large sums of money to the organisation. after kiwifarms archived his involvement (although he never had a thread back then), he tried to get the kiwifarms delisted from google, where he was working at the time No. 1656163
>>1655995oh ffs you talking like a real troon rn.
i rather support the "pickmes" trannies than the one’s who are seething bc of "missgenwdewing". buck doesnt deserve all that hate, if you srsly call him a pickme you just playing in the troons area. i hate the fact that he’s pro porn but on the other hand its cool to see that he still views himself as a female
No. 1656351
>>1656337Yeah, it was literally like a one-or-two man business
As disgusted as I am at giant companies like Cloudflare folding, I kind of get it with those guys. Tiny company, probably only a handful of client, have weaksauce English skills - and they are getting fucking pounded on social media by ugly looking screaming troons. I'd probably be taken aback as well
No. 1656387
>>1656020This moid is Riley Kilo. And all the nonnas are correct. He’s 35, a diaper fetish moron, and wannabe child.
Video is a reference, good luck trying not to throw up if you watch it. No. 1656751
ayrt I don't believe so I looked at the 'xf_user_profile' and related schemata and it has only one field for emails i.e. the current one
>>1656745Not for people who's concern is leaked credentials being linked to embarrassing or even illegal posts but Josh kinda has a point people should've thought of that before.
No. 1656761
>>1656728I read someone up in this thread asking the same thing but nobody answered or knows about it. If this is the case, why would Null ask everyone to change their emails if the
problematic ones were already leaked?
No. 1656831
Samefag but how convenint is it that troons pressured services to drop protection on KF and shortly after that someone hacks the site? It is just a coincidence? No, it isn't. The fact troons pressured cloudfare to drop KF day and night and just when Null was hopping around obscure service providers trying to figure shit out a hack happens isn't some random coincidence.
>>1656826You look at a tranny and tell me it isn't an alien already
>>1656829Troons with an agenda and backed up by 99% of society can win easily against obese coomers any day
No. 1656844
File: 1664063234286.jpg (348.68 KB, 1080x1311, troon.jpg)

>>1656841Lol, is that your account?
No. 1656848
File: 1664063336614.jpg (97.28 KB, 720x1037, tweet letter.jpg)

>>1656844>>1656841Letter included in the tweet.
No. 1656850
>>1656844I hope this is legit and it's a
TERF getting dragged to court over saying trannies are men, just because it would redpill people.
No. 1656878
Samefag as
>>1656865 oh its fucking Vordie never mind
No. 1656896
File: 1664066404117.png (270.8 KB, 666x502, Screenshot 2022-09-24 20.37.16…)

>>1656891Recent join, lots of seething about KF and retweeting right-wing stuff. Posts links to (Nick Fuentes)/Beardson/Ethan Ralph so decent chance it could be one of Fuentes followers who also hate KF/Josh. Either way I smell gayops.
No. 1656949
is the account in
>>1656896 and
>>1656844 even the person who the UK police letter is referring to? the crackrock holmes account has a lot of content related to american politics and doesn't seem british. maybe the letter is from the KF telegram chat?
No. 1656955
samefag as
>>1656950 to say and I find it hard to imagine a scenario where someone who got a summons from LE would send it to Vordrak of all people, and Vordrak is known for actually putting
effort into his gayops, so who knows, could be 100% fake, could be unconnected to the data breach, who knows
No. 1657003
File: 1664073759334.png (67.78 KB, 638x637, adsadsadsads.png)

elliot is still being a smug fuck vague posting about being involved in the hack on twitter
No. 1657009
>>1657003God he's so ugly. I seriously doubt it was the troons though. Not to keep harping on poast but if it was the troons I feel like they would want to claim credit. So claiming credit is incompatible with trying to false-flag as poast. So LFJ probably had fuckall to do with anything because if it was a false flag he'd be quiet about it and LET THEM FIGHT and if it wasn't he wouldn't have changed the logos. Just doesn't add up.
Another thing, the Yorkshire police document, doesn't add up that it is linked with the leak. Not only would the leak, if handed to the police, take a lot of time for them to process, more than the week or so it's been, but there would be chain-of-custody issues. Probably the user (who's name is easy enough to guess because he's not covering it well enough with his thumb) fedposted hard enough to attract the attention of agencies in the UK. Possibly even Josh gave it up to them, which he has done before and said he will do again in egregious cases, and what's more the site doesn't need to be up for him to do that. But if the guy had bad OPSEC and not using a VPN the UK glowies could have got him without Josh. Many, many possibilities out there. I could be embarrassed by the leak dropping tomorrow but with every day that passes I'm more convinced it's not going to happen.
No. 1657025
File: 1664076106123.png (30.69 KB, 599x309, multi-millionaire.png)

>gets butthurt about internet forums
No. 1657032
>>1657025not smart to reveal that to twitter trannies
they're going to dog pile him because he's ~so rich~ and needs to "give back"
fucking idiot
No. 1657044
>>1657032He flexes his wealth routinely though. The trannies probably think it is based that one of their own made good tbh.
>>1657042It's that Google money
No. 1657065
>>1657061news forum a&h or whatever
he changed it to member only a few years ago
No. 1657068
dumb rant but it's really bugging me off recenlty
I keep seeing posts about stuff like the morality of KF content or its users, opinions about Josh or skills, how they deserve it or not, I don't get it, how is that really of any importance.
Maybe I'm lost, but I thought the actual concern is more about information control, manipulation, brigading… and how even what used to be the space of women and minorities is being hijacked and used by men (in skirts) for themselves. Instantly annihilating opposing voices with a reach far beyond what actual minorities achieve. Either suck up to men, or suck up to men in skirts and shut up?
Being misogynistic is already much more acceptable than being critical of trans.
Think about it: ALL THAT mobilization and influence, all this support, world wide ban and manhunt, CEOs kissing their feet, the deplateforming and mob lynch of any opposing voice and their relatives/associates, people rushing to donate… all this, all this for a travesty promoting the sale of HRT to minors and bragging about it in the open like transionning minor behind their parent's back is some big win against the bigots and patriarchy.
This is the hero, the martyr and catboy ranch owner, the face of progress no one can question. All because he didn't like what was said about his public activity.
No. 1657071
>>1657066>the prospering groundsThat’s the one they had for brainstorming threads, right?
I can’t even imagine was the super elite private one was like, I’m guessing mostly the same type of pick me Josh fangirls from the telegram, yikes.
No. 1657073
From what I heard the "hack" was something incredibly simple that any script kiddie could pull off, because Josh is not a programmer and fucked up.
That fits Josh's statement that the export crashed and it looks like nothing was leaked. Some script tranny got into the farms, did some dumb shit that alerted people to it being hacked, THEN tried to export it, crashed it, and then the site was taken offline.
The hacker was clearly a moron who didn't know what he was doing and didn't really have a plan. I expect no leaks to show up, because there is no reason whatsoever to not publish that shit immediately if you had it.
>>1657071>That’s the one they had for brainstorming threads, right? Yeah.
I had no access to the special forum, but according to the statement about it it requires users to have contributed something significant to some thread or something along those lines and people who are in it said it's mostly just shitposting.
No. 1657076
>>1657074no not that, unless there was a SUPER SECRET secret board?
nudes were hidden from non-members. so like, chantal's onlyfans leaks would be posted, and you would only see if your were a member.
really no different than leaks that get posted here.
No. 1657084
>>1657066> the super elite invite only forum that is allegedly nothing much.There is a Supporters form which is for people who give Josh money and a "Top Secret Inner Circle" for people who have been around for X length of time or have X many posts, not sure which. Supporters is basically just people making fun of non-members and TSIC is or shitposting.
>>1657075There absolutely is revenge porn on KF depending on your definition of revenge porn. IP2 Alice's nudes leaked by Joey Camp (major creep) definitely count, June's might, the video that Ethan Ralph actually got convicted of revenge porn is there, etc. Just because these people are cows doesn't mean it's not RP.
>>1657083But no it's nothing like isanyoneup that was for just posting RP of any random person.
>>1657077Correct. For SEO purposes you are supposed to hide dox and nudes under a [private]…[/private] tag which is only visible to members. It's not deeper than that.
No. 1657095
Fuck off back to Reddit
No. 1657124
File: 1664085135386.jpg (76.58 KB, 800x540, E4390084-Cro-Magnon_Skull.jpg)

>>1657104I'm a woman. You're a Nazi if you think otherwise
No. 1657125
>>1657074All the porn posted was posted by the cows themselves. Keffals was porn he made and posted himself that got discovered, which was then linked around and he called it revenge porn.
Retards have no idea what revenge porn really is in the case of KF.
No. 1657135
>>1657066> notice how none of them have pushed to ban doxbin or anything similarYeah, they aren't really worried about doxbin so much as they worry about people talking shit about them
>>1657084 Alice and Faith's RP are objectively RP as in released by scrotes they were dating after sent to them privately. There are I am sure other examples but these two come to mind immediately. I don't remember exactly the story with June's nudes but I think it was similar, they certainly weren't intended by her for public consumption or come from an OnlyFans or something.
No. 1657153
File: 1664088173546.jpg (230.48 KB, 1080x1198, 20220925_013758.jpg)

Deleted tweet.
No. 1657163
>>1657149Lol you have to pay for that title?!
>>1657156Yeah. One of my old coworkers (non troon) had it done and has bite problems and chronic pain now.
No. 1657165
>>1657153lol. lmao even
I hope black twitter saw this, on god fr fr
No. 1657168
File: 1664089011377.png (390.11 KB, 636x576, Screenshot 2022-09-25 02.56.26…)

looks fake and gay to me
No. 1657175
>>1657153"How can I make this tragedy about me?" The tweet.
>>1657165I'm hoping for the same, Nona. That tweet is just dripping with narcissism.
No. 1657211
File: 1664094709421.jpg (29.43 KB, 248x275, tragedy1.jpg)

No. 1657266
>>1657263Yes but then she said this
>>1657180, implying she was seeking confirmation it wasn’t real.
No. 1657306
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>>1657297Holy fuck, he's being dragged by other leftists - jesus fuck this is satisfying to watch
No. 1657319
File: 1664108042209.png (64.23 KB, 661x315, Screenshot 2022-09-25 08.13.21…)

The nerve of Lucas to accuse other people of grifting. Archive still archiving but No. 1657320
File: 1664108219062.png (81.15 KB, 661x315, Screenshot 2022-09-25 08.16.25…)

bonus trying to get the horse back into the barn by retweeting lol
No. 1657329
>>1657327Yeah he is such a textbook narcissist.
>>1657297 is an (insincere) attempt to show the usual "I have learned and grown since then" shucking and jiving but then with
>>1657319 it goes out the window and it's back to being about him. They are going to eat him alive eventually though, live by the cancellation, die by the cancellation.
No. 1657342
File: 1664111221361.png (166.49 KB, 585x436, Screenshot 2022-09-25 09.05.51…)

> so transparent, so honest, and so driven by integrity
holy shit kek, really still trying to get picked in the telegram. these people are delusional. maybe Keffals is on to something when he called KF a "cult", certainly not the whole userbase, but there's definitely a cult of personality going on with some of it
No. 1657344
>>1657342Shut the fuck up, troon.
1) You will never be a woman, and;
2) The point the poster makes is correct - that, unlike Keffals, Josh has not had his hands outstretched saying "money pleaaaaaaaaaaaase"
No. 1657346
>>1657344> everyone I don't like is a troon1) Josh will never pick you
2) See
>>1657343 No. 1657366
>>1657362Can’t wait!
(Josh still isn’t going to fuck you)
No. 1657367
>>1657365Sherri is the pickme in this telegram screenshot
>>1657342 lmfao
No. 1657386
File: 1664114791322.jpg (21.68 KB, 360x305, father.jpg)

Okay troon or Onionfarm malder
No. 1657389
File: 1664114830128.jpg (216.63 KB, 457x567, beppers.jpg)

>not everyone who shits on Josh is a tranny
>it's literally the fucking tranny again
No. 1657393
File: 1664114982599.jpg (368.92 KB, 925x1104, CHADNULL.jpg)

Can't wait for Null to bring the site back next week and the trannies are going to go into cope-seethe-dilate overdrive.
No. 1657401
>>1657386Way to prove you have not been following this thread by not knowing who you are replying to.
>>1657382Making fun of his pickmes is milk.
No. 1657432
File: 1664116591693.png (47.9 KB, 603x160, Screenshot 2022-09-25 10.36.01…)

with that out of the way, there is so much gold in the telegram
No. 1657435
>>1657418I know right, it's transparent as fuck
"Oh no, we're totally not troons! We just hate the guy who runs a site making fun of troons! The one that's being talked about endlessly by troons! Trust me, guys!"
No. 1657440
File: 1664117145124.png (27.15 KB, 402x121, Screenshot 2022-09-25 10.39.35…)

>>1657389T. can't tell extremely dissimilar writing styles apart, this you? (This Luna person is on the Telegram every single time I look at it, which is not a lot, but enough to tell she is sat in there 24/7. There's better milk from her too I'm scrolling to find some. Actually s/he gives me tranny vibes but also is shitting on trannies in there all the time so who knows.)
No. 1657447
File: 1664117981464.jpg (65.62 KB, 700x527, 2022-09-25 17.40.56.jpg)

>>1657393You could have at least used a picture of him where he hasn't shaved with a rusted bicycle chain.
Sorry, Kiwiscrote, still working out the imageboard thing, does anyone know if this is an existing thing? It was posted in the Telegram with no context by a user with an indecipherable name who made two off hand comments then left. I cannot find the original tweet unless it was much further back or it was deleted.
The Telegram is full of trannies pro/against Farms and Reddit walk-ins who post those Reddit memes that ionise brain cells. It serves as a drop bin for any brain fart that can be used against the Farms, so even if it's not from whoever this is it just looked like it's being used as a hit-and-run rape threat accusation. It's far fetched, not actually prosecutable and utterly psychotic so it's par for course.
No. 1657451
File: 1664118334258.png (392.94 KB, 1357x863, luna the deranged josh…)

more Luna
No. 1657501
>>1657492and just about everyone knew it would happen
could have just shut the fuck up and taken the W, but nooooooo
he's just awful in every way
>>1657496why? why is this a thing?
No. 1657517
File: 1664121994794.jpg (131.23 KB, 975x1300, schizo.jpg)

>this thread
No. 1657522
>>1657447Without context doesn't matter, it's a receipt. Remember the kinds of people we're dealing with. We all meme about it, then it becomes "KiwiFarms members mock and doxx
victim threatened with rape by Joshua Byuufucker Moon!""Judas Satan Moon creates cult of rape volunteers"!??
>>1657476But that tone matches all the things people say about him here. This sinister "must beism" that going on. He's this that or the other. He's obviously doing this or doing that. He's CLEARLY e-dating a tranny moderator. He wants to monopolise the lolcow "business', like there is one. He wants to be like Metakour, or just, maybe, inspired by.
I'm not just dismissing what you guys are saying flat out just because it's pretty obvious most Kiwi's haven't seen that side of him, but forum drama happens all the time, and it sounds like people who have been burned or just left out of events look for malicious or vain intent from a guy who just seems to be a bit fucking weird with people, either picking them apart carefully or ignoring them completely. Just from listening to how he talks, I get the sense of somebody with an obsessive, compartmentalized mind that expects everybody to think a certain way or do just so. This would explain how he thought he could tell the press to fuck off. They cannot be trusted, they serve no purpose, they will lie regardless, so he tells them to get out of his life. No, he will not play their stupid game. Or why he's a bit of a control freak and does everything himself. It's my thing, I built it (largely), I must be the one who deals with it. There are smart, observant people with tremendous insight on certain things like that, but with obsessive mental blocks on bizarre things and I can understand they can be infuriating to people who have different ideas. He doesn't strike me as a conceited social climber.
TL;DR Yes, maybe a wierdo. Maybe not intentionally a dick.
>>1657497Yeah for one thing, he doesn't do drugs, at least he says that. He barely drinks. He considers it slovenly and a sign of weakness. And then he can point to Ethan Ralph and nobody can argue.
If you're going to simp for this guy, simp for the actual guy.
No. 1657530
>>1657527No nonna, you see, these people know everything about Null-kun, he doesn't do drugs! He doesn't drink! See? He's the best! (and let me ignore the thousands others who also don't do drugs and drink because this isn't an special accomplishment)
People obsessing over Null are just lonely nerds who project their own personality on him and then go ''omh my HERO is JUST LIKE ME''
No. 1657543
>>1657537Agree, he doesn't really come off all that autistic on stream and sometimes his posts contain decent insights about people and human interactions, then the next minute he'll come out with something totally deranged. His problem is that he is terminally online and sources his opinions and attitudes from questionable places plus his rampant paranoia (but you know what they say about paranoia even if people
are oout to get you). A great deal of his problems could have been solved by touching grass, I use the past tense because I'm pretty sure he is too far gone unless he just totally drops off the grid and unironically finds Jesus or something. And he'd still have a lot of baggage to work through. I don't like the guy but I hope he does work through it.
No. 1657551
>>1657546when i was a kid saying Black as descriptor was racist, had to use 'African American' which leaves out Africans from Latin America, etc.
these days i thought 'Black' was okay? but idk anymore
No. 1657554
>>1657548no, i'm just plainly saying he's a terminally-online sperg who takes himself too seriously and pens embarrassing, overwrought anime monologues about his gossip website as if he's a modern-day martyred war hero and not a half-finished ball of dough who's unemployable for the rest of his life and can't code.
i like kiwifarms. it's a funny gossip website. josh made it the only thing he can do with his life, then destroyed it by taking it too seriously while saying that it's other people who are taking it too seriously
No. 1657555
>>1657551I though calling groups of people by what they are isn't racist? How it is racist if I describe a group of black people as black if their color is relevant for the argument? I was trying to point how black people are dragging Lucas ass because he's racist, so pointing the color of the group doing said dragging is relevant.
Why EVERYTHING has to be racism or /pol/ stuff? This is becoming insufferable.
No. 1657580
>>1657577I mean, put it this way - in this short time that Kiwis and lolfarmers have been intermingling (sorry again) together, nobody can agree on a single thing about him. He weighs himself on stream, admits he's fat, then people accuse him of denying he's fat by lying about his weight loss.
From all sides of all places, he's a traitor, a patriot, a Nazi, Russiaphile, Ukraineophile, pedophile, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, a murderer, a swatter, a terrorist, a fed, gay, trans, a furry, an autistic, a loner, gifted, a clout chaser, terminally online, grounded in reality, a sperg, an incel, trad, a racist, a libertarian, a fascist, based af, a predator, a marytr, loves anime and hates anime. He's also a cutie. But also a damp basement dweller.
Which before social media, I'm pretty sure was known as a slightly complicated person.
No. 1657616
>>1657590>>1657598As time goes by, the claims about the scope and nature of the hack has become more and more outlandish, but no one has anything to show for it. For me this indicates, that Josh wasn't lying for once and the hacker really did fail to obtain anything noteworthy. All the rumors about rootkits, RATs and government involvement are just there to scare kiwis, make them paranoid and hate on Josh for being a dumbass.
If Keffals and his minions were behind the hack, you can bet your ass they would have dropped the data already, as they are not famous for being patient. At the very least, a portion of it would have been made public, to discredit Josh's claim that the hack was a rush job and no info got leaked.
No. 1657645
File: 1664131302543.jpeg (104.57 KB, 520x700, keffails bird app BINGO.jpeg)

Keffals Twitter BINGO brought to you by the members of Poast. It looks like an easy win but I don't recommend turning this into a drinking game because that may be fatal. Have fun playing, nonas.
No. 1657682
>>1657621>poastThere's a third possibility. That would be someone going for maximum chaos and trying to get everyone to hate each other. I doubt it since there's not been an attack on poast or the troons.
>>1657375>josh being an idiotI see him as someone with a matyr/messanic egalomaniac (think Kane from Command and Conquer but less competent)
The Keffals autocannibalisim is continuing:>@keffals I spoke to the black community and we decided that you no longer need to advocate for us anymore, respectfully. Thank you and have a great day. No. 1657687
>>1657682i tried to look for some lucas shredding but i can't stand twitter for more than twenty seconds anymore
what a fucking pit my god
No. 1657693
>>1657692>iframeFrom what he wrote on his site, I think it was injected either with a HTML or a CODE tag.
Which is pretty fucking retarded that he didn't check that his supposed sanitizer got all the use cases…
No. 1657710
>>1657708>Josh taking over this siteOkay, so which thread edition did I miss? I haven't see any info on that nonna.
Still can't get rid of the content orbiters for LTG and DSP on youtube though, so I guess that's not really true.
No. 1657802
>>1657730You don't see as many trannies in serious Rust spaces as you do on Twitter, but it's definitely pretty trooned up. It's the first big language to get released in the woke era and when it went into 1.0, the troons used that to hijack the language's community by disingenuously yelling at the devs for having too many white men in positions of authority. The Rust community's big names are mostly a bunch of wokies who will immediately capitulate to people like Keffals or Kermit screaming at them, like Steve Klabnik.
Only other contender for them to infest a burgeoning community like that is maybe Go, but Go isn't even that popular in Google where it was invented, and their community is much more top-down, full of older Java/Python guys who aren't glued to Twitter and therefore won't be as easily bullied by extremely online troons.
No. 1657806
>>1657802>woke languageWe'll be back to x64_86 ASM soon.
>>1657771>serrial swattersHave we any information on who did this to MTG? I thought it was either someone who hates Gropyers, Trumptards and Kiwifarms.
I bet it was the troons, but I wouldn't count some sort of internal gayops in the Nick Fuentes sphere.
No. 1657900
File: 1664148082782.jpg (310.15 KB, 935x2217, lol.jpg)

He's doubling down and doing so on his chickenshit backup account. We love to see it.
No. 1658015
>>1658013actually it was closer to 5 hours. I wanted to rip my ears off after like 15 minutes and did not watch like I said but here it is for posterity's sake
yes that is a white nationalist symbol on a dinner plate and no i have no idea what the plate is supposed to represent
No. 1658017
File: 1664156038854.gif (41.89 KB, 220x220, ket.gif)

>>1658015In 2022, our options are either white nationalist weirdos or disgusting AGP troons in dresses
God help us all
No. 1658046
>>1657900lmao i'm so glad this ugly bastard finds it impossible to shut up
keep it up freak!
No. 1658075
File: 1664162219475.jpg (30.27 KB, 577x433, 6uowpl.jpg)

>>1654777If normal people weren't retards he'd have a pretty decent harrassment/ deframation case… But seeing how Alex Jones (as much as I detest his retardation) is getting railroaded by a hostile judge, I'm not sure any judge/jury would have the balls to be impartial.>A lot of people think Kiwifarms is over - but Joshua Moon still has hosting, he still has a backup, and he'll be up bright and early tomorrow trying to restore the site. As long as he's got hosting and his domains, he'll keep this up - let's hope for 'disaster'Lol.
No. 1658099
>>1658084You're talking out of your ass.
>anti social engineering implementation Kek
No. 1658178
File: 1664177788154.gif (166.1 KB, 300x300, 1501654451829.gif)

>>1657900it's not so nice when the mob turns on you, huh?
No. 1658193
File: 1664179655004.png (72.49 KB, 636x550, Fdidex_WYAIG-0X.png)

>>1657451i'm too lazy to follow the telegram but the dropkiwifarms twitter account screenshotted her lol, how do the joshsimps keep getting more deranged No. 1658239
File: 1664184971355.png (2.13 MB, 1080x3318, Keemstar ratio arc when.png)

No. 1658246
>>1658239Jesus, some of the comments on those threads are so good lmao.
You know you're a fucking joker when even Keemstar - misogynist extraordinaire - can dunk on you
No. 1658296
File: 1664193827652.png (40.01 KB, 483x371, luna 2.png)

>>1658229> funny and weird characters who have a parasocial love/fetish for josh apparentlyspeaking of, apparently Luna is expecting? Please let her have a girl so he isn't saddled with the first and two middles name "Joshua Connor Moon", although that is horrifying too.
And she changed her title to clarify that she is not a jannie as was mentioned here, so I think she is reading this, although she also was threatening to ban people so who knows.
No. 1658298
File: 1664193899733.png (25.04 KB, 483x126, luna 3.png)

>>1658296what is it that they say about pickmes never prospering?
No. 1658300
File: 1664194037851.png (24.94 KB, 493x113, eww.png)

and then there's this
No. 1658320
File: 1664195918697.png (71.1 KB, 493x307, josh in telegram 9-26.png)

>>1658315He's actually there right now giving super basic bitch opinions, this is a few min ago. I don't think he is on all that much though. I suck at telegram and every time I try to search for his name "Kiwi Farms" it just sends me to the channel "Kiwi Farms" so I can't find all his scattered sperging readily unfortunately, maybe someone else knows how?
No. 1658322
>>1658320* there's also another user named "Kiwi Farms" dunno if it's overtly trying to impersonate but it was posting lewds of chunky girls earlier too which I assume is trying to meme on the josh-likes-fatties thing
>>1658321wait and see is a good approach but I think the trannies talking about it is all posturing at this point
No. 1658326
>>1658296Not a Jannie, just a Sherri. What a sperg
>>1658321What is there to research, just release it or don’t.
No. 1658329
>>1658321The fact that the hacker got too greedy and attempted to download every account at once and the fact that no one has leaked anything so far doesn't make me believe they got away with anything. They would have posted info and bragged about it by now.
Also LE can just give you a warrant and seize shit when they want. They don't need to use hack info.
No. 1658337
File: 1664197170566.png (18.19 KB, 351x111, gossip is a girl thing.png)

pic not related
>>1658325what is any other thread when the milk is dry?
>>1658327yeah I dunno about other countries but if the data was obtained by a breach (reminder there's still not confirmation anything is even circulating) the cops can't be sure if it was altered so they would have to get it from the machine itself, IANAL so I don't know how useful it could be in trying to get a warrant etc. but i's a massive stretch to say that LE is going to be going through KF with a fine comb either, they don't have the time and there's genuinely not a lot of interesting stuff there to begin with. they have requested and recieved user information from Josh in the past but it was always due to blatant fedposting or threats of violence or the like. plus stuff like the swattings is very doubtful it is planned on-site, certainly not in public, and prbobably not even in DMs (which Josh is known to read in a pinch if he thinks sussy stuff is going on, so people would be wise to be careful if they are doing anything Josh would not like)
>>1658329exactly. it was fucking poast, they defaced the site, tried to exfil data as an afterthought and failed at it and now the troons are trying to claim the glory and gaslight people with it into being afraid of legal consequences, it's pure troon cope and fantasy that the cops will be going to the non-trivial amount of effort that it would take to piece together information from such a leak plus the questionable legality over it all to find some people doxing and misgendering trannies. it's just not going to happen.
No. 1658358
File: 1664198359810.jpg (159.65 KB, 1242x1481, media_FdlMFA5XkAQOFp0.jpg)

As we wait for fresh milk, this little gem caught my eye.
No. 1658384
File: 1664200412551.png (113.31 KB, 493x274, it begins.png)

What begins? currently down, actually probably a good thing coupled with this as it suggests Josh is bumbling through working on stuff.
No. 1658392
>>1658384Agreed, the website being down RN is a positive, not a negative
It means Josh isn't being a sped for once, and just rushing it - he's taking a bit of sweet time tightening the site up
No. 1658521
>>1658500>>1658509Also most of the pagan traditions are folk religion based and have nothing to do with the actual church traditions. People sperg about "Easter" = "Ishtar" which is equally retarded because in Latin and Greek Easter is "Pascha" = Pasch = Passover. It's a theory for illiterate edgelords and hyper-reformed Protestants. Josh is doing his usual thing of reading something and latching on to it, funnily because a few months ago I think he was flirting with tradcath ideas. Now he is sounding like he thinks that traditional religion is based (because of it's reactionary tendencies) but still has a skeptical/rational outlook on it. All the mark of someone who's research on the subject is at best superficial.
>>1658516Imageboard, please post caps. Which gayop server, troons or poast?
No. 1658537
File: 1664210856427.jpg (28.46 KB, 754x361, diy1.JPG)

A few changes to the DIY HRT site since bobposting said he was handing it over.
First page now has an adult only warning.
No. 1658540
File: 1664210906324.jpg (66.53 KB, 662x567, diy2.JPG)

After that warning page their is a new disclaimer on the main page.
No. 1658543
File: 1664210962095.jpg (35.83 KB, 650x175, diy3.JPG)

And even though they warn you have to be 18 or older to enter, they still mention minors purchasing HRT.
No. 1658564
File: 1664211464349.png (81.01 KB, 744x634, tranny-whining.png)

This dude is literally spending every waking minute hitting F5 on Kiwifarms.
No. 1658566
at first
>>1658537>if you are under the age of 18 please exit this site immediatelybut then
>>1658543>if you're a minorHahaha holy fuck they just can't help themselves.
>>1658540>physician or other qualified healthcare provider Nice try, but a physician won't be directing their patient to DIY HRT that has no real quality control but a real pharmacist. lol fail.
No. 1658574
File: 1664211605045.png (114.15 KB, 746x834, tranny-whining2.png)

No. 1658576
>>1658547I just wasted 18 minutes of my life looking for what
>>1658516 is talking about. I didn't find it but the Kiwi Telegram mostly strongly believes it was NOT poast, without any reason whatsoever other than "well, the troons hate kf, this bad thing happened to kf, therefore the troons did it" which is retarded, but they are not sending their best over there as they say. I've poasted before why I think it is poast, another thing is if it was a tranny false-flag you'd think they'd be pushing the narrative that it was poast, not that the info was all going to LE. If it was a tranny op and they wanted credit/to pass stuff to LE, they would
NOT use the poast logo. Occam's razor, the pedos did it because they are mad about being called pedos and there was a huge slafight featuring a poast admin quitting because people attacked him for his lolicon posting, poast users spamming horrific lolicon images at kiwis, etc. They were definitely mad enough to attack KF. But people really want it to be the troons.
No. 1658583
File: 1664211808850.png (131.99 KB, 738x1022, tranny-whining3.png)

It amuses me greatly that Liz Fong Jones is this desperate to keep his Kiwifarms thread down. Seethe, you lord farquaad looking ass troon.
No. 1658585
File: 1664211946353.jpg (62.45 KB, 642x405, diy4.JPG)

Interesting that the part of the site for TIMs has this warning and many others, but no such warnings on the page to TIFs.
No. 1658588
>>1658583so what's he got out there he doesn't want dug up i wonder
how much more disgusting can he be
No. 1658592
File: 1664212181576.jpeg (51.84 KB, 687x821, Sus.jpeg)

>>1658516Found it, it's not clear who he's talking about
No. 1658753
File: 1664223821081.png (102.55 KB, 583x671, what's da update - sept 26 202…)

blockhead's about to have a twitter tantrum.
No. 1658766
File: 1664224415742.png (33.98 KB, 586x213, 2500 dollars of DDoSes.png)

>>1658763blockhead = elliot "liz" fong, not josh.
he's on github with "margaret gel" and picrel sperging at josh: No. 1658771
>>1658763Just wait until people start losing their minds about the password reset issue. What he's talking about,
I think, it's less than crystal clear to me, is he's going to have to send everyone an e-mail telling them to set a new password, and if people don't have access to their old email, they are S.O.L. He is not wrong that he has warned people to use an email that they can access, but there are probably plenty of people who had a "couldn't be me" approach to losing their password, don't have access to the old e-mail, and are going to start bitching to Josh. Josh's response when people start testing his "I told you so" response will be interesting.
>>1658742> Why read these things yourself?Why indeed. Also batten down the hatches, girlies. I don't know what the Doja fan community is like but I don't think I want to share an imageboard community with them.
>>1658763>>1658766I won't lie I first read that as "Blockland" and a somewhat tired reference to Josh-related drama from 15 years ago. Because wait until a dozen or a few dozen people bother him about passwords.
No. 1658776
>>1658772Yeah I don't get this part at all.
"Everyone hates us and we're like a prey animal to them. Anywho here's a step-by-step guide on how I'm restoring my site. Pwease son't break it again :("
No. 1658781
File: 1664225056891.jpeg (46.7 KB, 741x649, 78850606-DDCD-4600-A353-7EF2C5…)

>>1658769>>1658771>I won't lie I first read that as "Blockland" and a somewhat tired reference to Josh-related drama from 15 years ago.realized that would happen almost as soon as I posted, but the nickname fits fong-jones too well.
>>1658772>>1658776the troon squad finally has a job: volunteer stress-testing everything for josh.
No. 1658784
> GamerGate 2Optics king right here.
>>1658772Most of the stuff here that is relevant to external people fucking with him (e.g. the nameserver stuff) is visible to people monitoring him (Elliot Dong-Jonesing knew about the his setting up the nameservers before he posted this, presumably by running `whois` or `dig` obsessively like a goblin hunched over his keyboard) so really most of it is not security-critical that he not disclose he is working on IMO. Is he trying to live up to Sherri's idea that he is "transparent"? kek.
No. 1658789
>>1658766And what is this soy creature talking about, he was donated money
from Kiwi Farms as revenge? As in he thinks that Josh sent him money in order to fuck with him? I don't see that happening, and I don't think he's interesting enough to burn $250 on pissing him off, so I wonder what really happened here, or if he's making shit up. What a loathsome create though. Imagine being an inverse-pickme looking to get picked by troons. And looking like that.
No. 1658795
File: 1664225446354.jpg (33.49 KB, 605x384, 4MUfmUW.jpg)

Has anyone been watching/keeping up with this? What's his "next campaign"?
No. 1658797
File: 1664225554288.png (15.11 KB, 910x215, IPv6.png)

>>1658789josh being josh, from the github thread:
>>1658766 No. 1658800
File: 1664225811729.png (119.36 KB, 521x355, Screenshot from 2022-09-26 16-…)

>>1658797So Josh really did burn $250 to bother a pronoun-mongering, dead-eyed male "feminist" nobody. Kind of funny, but worth it? You decide.
No. 1658812
>>1658805lol lmao
It was easy to take down KF because so many people hated them from every end of the political spectrum. Now he's going after middle-of-the-road conservatives? He's going to accomplish nothing. Other than making money hand-over-fist by grifting, of course.
No. 1658819
>>1658753oof I made my account years ago and I'm pretty sure I used a throwaway
back to only lurking until registrations open again I guess
No. 1658847
>>1658812Many said in the last thread that his "campaign" will probably be just him autistically 'ratio'ing tweets and then posting screenshots declaring he now
owns fox news.
No. 1658866
File: 1664229709209.webm (11.55 MB, 1280x720, zqtslx.webm)
No. 1658887
>>1658819I THINK I switched my email from I no longer remember to one I no longer remember but still have access to.
If I get locked out I'm screwed, all my read history gone…
No. 1658955
This is probably true. I made an account once under a domain I own however, which is actually what I usually do to register with various sites (I have one e-mail per site I am registering with forwarding to a single personal email address, so if a site starts spamming me, I can readily tell which one and cut off the source) but anyway, it was a domain he did not recognize, so it got banned for spam. I liked the name I registered so I emailed him to get it back, he told me to fuck off (in so many words) and not use "disposable emails" and then would not reply further. Also classic Josh. Like you I rolled my eyes, registered one with the goofy fake name, and it was smooth sailing. It probably is automated, but unlike many automated things, the real person you get if you keep pressing '0' is as autistic as the machine is.
No. 1658987
>>1658971>women exist on the internetI'm sorry, but I'd like to know your badge number FBI-kun.
>>1658985I guess I'm gonna send invites to this board now…. But I like TOR (Pls onionsite here when).
No. 1658988
>>1658985It is probably a VPN thing. I had a discussion about this with another KF user who had no problems and wasn't a VPN user. Which is fine until you realize Josh's signup screen …
also encourages you to use a VPN. If you follow his advice, you get your shit auto-locked and he is rude to you when you try to get it unlocked.
No. 1659009
File: 1664239904600.png (185.02 KB, 456x453, lyra.png)

Luna (who has changed her name, perhaps to avoid our prying eyes) vs typical habitué of the Kiwi Farms telegram
No. 1659017
File: 1664240167097.png (34.62 KB, 450x222, cope.png)

no it's just the telegram dark theme quoting what looks like a cap of the telegram white theme
bonus: a level of disconnect from reality not often seen
No. 1659066
>>1659050> You are seriously retarded. The reason is that it is very easy to ban specific e-mail servers by just writing a simple code so all e-mails ending in are banned.Has nothing to do with my point which is that non-name-appearing emails, etc. are banned
> Its much harder to filter out names.Not especially, no.
> Srsly you are looking at anything to whine about at this point. "boohoo Null isnt holding my hand even more, I know there is a huge big letter post explaining privacy to me when I try to make an account, but thats not enough for me, why doesnt he just make the account for me?!"What is that even supposed to mean? I said he should do less filtering, not more, and that what he does do is contradictory to his stated security policy. Having to create a real-sounding email address just to defeat his filters in order to register from behind a VPN is obnoxious and more importantly extremely typical of Josh's misadventures with both technology and human beings.
tl;dr OK Sherri
No. 1659083
>>1659078Were you using a VPN and was this (relatively) recently? I'd be curious to know if his filtering non-name-appearing addressees (which, Sherri, implies filtering out names as the inverse) happens only with VPNs (as others have suggested) or if it is just something that happens some of the time. Incidentally, it wasn't that the addresses were rejected outright but they were
banned shortly
after registration, which sucks even more because then you can't re-register under the same name, also implies that either he is filtering names he doesn't like by hand or has a jury-rigged script or xenForo plugin to filter by names (which probably exists readymade but if it doesn't, it's easily implemented from easily obtained lists of names from census data, etc.) I'm not sure which of these is the case but it is definitely easier to register with the type of email he suggests you
not register with than the type of email that he suggests you
do register with, which is the most obnoxious (and funniest) part.
No. 1659097
File: 1664245126341.png (81.28 KB, 626x693, twatter.png)

dong jones bemoaning the lack of deplatforming charity
No. 1659112
File: 1664246241288.jpg (242.55 KB, 850x1203, sample_26c276b5208c11d26d95f94…)

>>1658990>Fasion armor.Lol
>>1659107SMH there's tor based emails. Use one of those and when he rejects you kindly ask him why. He usually replies he thinks its an alt.
Josh is paranoid as all hell though.
No. 1659209
File: 1664260068215.jpg (46.99 KB, 600x899, 4ed1e34baf91ebe12f2a15181ea0e9…)

>>1658591Oh no, that is not correct at all. Steroids can absolutely cause amenorrhea, infertility, and even cancer. Miscarriages are common as are birth defects and ectopic pregnancies.
There are quite a number of studies on this, but you've got to search it through terms like "steroids" instead of testosterone and look for older articles, pre-2010 if not earlier.
Plenty of information about it here though No. 1659215
>>1658797How does wasting money tie in with the poverty claims?
Oh well. If I can't get my account back cuz throwaway email (I know my KF password, which is all that should matter) at least now I won't feel bad about stopping donations. Why should we lose our accounts because he screwed up security?
I like the guy on internet acquaintance level, but he really makes life hard for himself sometimes.
No. 1659401
File: 1664284755663.jpg (638.85 KB, 931x1719, Screenshot_20220927_091812.jpg)

Still on poast (lmao), still technically clueless, but bit by bit, making progress.
No. 1659564
>>1659549> For a long time "use a burner" was the advice I honestly can't remember if he has always said that you should use an email that you will continue to have access to, but I think he has, albeit in the fine print. He is going to have an absolutely massive problem with people not remembering theirs, though, to the extent that it will change the forum, especially if he keeps registrations closed, which he should, as opening them up creates it's own problems. Hard decisions for him ngl.
w/r/t the refusals of non-name-like emails: I am going to assume the extremely rude response earlier is from Josh, because it reads like it is and he is known to read these threads and selfpost. If it is not the case that such emails are filtered especially from behind VPNs, then what is the case? Several people have had these experiences and are owed an explanation, especially those who got rude and unhelpful responses to emails trying to clarify the situation. It is also a laugh and a half that emails that contradict his stated security policy by looking like real names pass with flying colours and at least in some situations ones that do, do the opposite.
It's classic Josh. Bad with tech, bad with people, stubborn as fuck, and people who are not his /pol/tard cheerleaders who want a place to say 'nigger' and not his Sherri pickmes from BP find it impossible to reason with him. He comes by this reputation rightly and it causes everyone, his staff included, to avoid dealing with him as much as possible. This is not how leadership should look. This is why people hate him, not always because they are trannies, not always because they are onionfags who have been banned at some point, but because he lives in an echo chamber of people who suck his e-dick and doesn't communicate well with anyone else. I'd love to hear his thoughts. Honestly.
But if it comes with mansplaining and rudeness, I don't give a shit. I'll continue to use KF, even though his attitude has always been his way or the highway, I might even give him money if he needs it, but I'll continue to think of him as I do. As a liability, but at the same time someone who's most infuriating qualities (autistic stubborness) are also the qualities that cause him to persevere in keeping his site up, so I guess we can't always have our cake and eat it too. So despite it all I can still close this by saying I'm thankful he's doing what he can to keep up the site.
No. 1659569
File: 1664295511890.png (63.73 KB, 335x335, 1663350227795.png)

>>1659564>>1659563>double-posting sped who writes a paragraph criticizing josh only to end it with>I'd still give him money thoughLmao
No. 1659575
>>1659567So who knows then? We never will, unless given some type of explanation. Maybe some people just happened to share IPs with banned spergs, but that's expected with VPNs. That's my best guess and all I've heard is being told to fuck off in so many words. So who knows. It will all necessarily be speculation unless we actually hear something from the horse's mouth as it were.
Happy to see this though:
>>1659571Front page is looking back to me, but I get nothing trying to log in (blank page.) I am about 90% sure I know which e-mail I signed in from, haven't gotten any reset messages, but let's give it some time ig. Anyone manage to log in so far?
No. 1659576
>>1659575and now I'm not able to see the CAPTCHA. But the site
just started to work, I'm not complaining, gonna give it some time to pull itself together. I'd be curious how others are doing.
No. 1659595
File: 1664297250241.png (18.17 KB, 477x108, luna is married lol.png)

No. 1659600
File: 1664297580400.jpeg (101.23 KB, 1068x849, sounds about right.jpeg)

>>1659598the response above to you is the tranny, not me, I hope everyone can realize this, but some people ITT really can't tell
pic unrelated: Josh's response, about what people would expect.
No. 1659609
File: 1664298117749.jpeg (18.43 KB, 557x98, strict security policy.jpeg)

No. 1659613
>>1659564I honestly don't even remember it being in the small print way back then. But thank you, you get my point. Maybe I am a tard, but I'm far from the only one and tbh an anonymous burner is my first line of defence. Fine, I'm a twat for not keeping it active but keeping it INactive, again, was a line of separation. We don't all have VPNs and password managers because these things cost money and I'm just there to see if Big Al has exploded yet.
And as burners were still quite obviously the choice of many after the last breach (again, tard for listening to Kiwi received wisdom but it shows how prolific burners were and still are; people discussed this onsite) I wondered if it was Josh here too, but "fuck off retard" isn't really going to work across the board, is it? People sign up according to the instructions when they join and if it works for them, they don't change it. Especially as every change is a vulnerability. I'm slightly annoyed I changed it from a no-name to a burner but eh. Long time ago, shit changes. But at least give us the option - it's up to us if we take the security risk of logging in.
Josh likes hanging out in the BP. He says he doesn't like the /pol spergs (nobody does) and just wants to laugh at idiots online with names he recognises. A lot of those are going to be the ones who'll get locked out and a lot of them won't bother re-registering even if it's ever open again. HE may need fortress-like security - which is why us tards contribute - but a huge sector of his user-base have made choices they feel work for them. They'll still read about kids with no brains or narcy fat birds but they won't contribute.
Yes, agreed, we're tards, gotcha. So what now? He can be right in a sea of newbie politispergs and thirsty girls in the BP chat, if being right is all that matters. Or he can accept that plenty of kiwis did not keep up with changing bases for whatever reason and offer an option. And is that a pig I see sailing across the sky…?
No. 1659620
>>1659585Pol takeover/mong leftists.
QEfuckingD. The irony.
No. 1659622
>>1659564> A lot of those are going to be the ones who'll get locked out and a lot of them won't bother re-registering even if it's ever open again. Maybe since we can at least start reading the forum the thing to do probably is steal kiwi content to create some thread OPs here and follow our cows with less bullshit.
Also, it appears he is back to using (Google) reCAPTCHA, I wonder how long this will last.
I'm still not able to login, but giving it time.
No. 1659630
>>1659613Having a VPN is literally the best investment you could ever make and worth every cent, honestly don't understand why you would post here or on KF without one.
Honestly I think that this will probably increase the quality of posters tremendously since all idiots who couldn't follow basic instructions are now locked out, kek.
No. 1659648
>>1659313The difference is that every Kiwifarms thread is an actual archive where every normie who stumbles in can look up all the creepy and disgusting shit that a tranny has said and done. If you want e.g. receipts on keffals being a groomer you would have to dig through old threads or ask here, whereas on KF that info stares you in the eye right at the top of the thread.
I'm not saying KF is a bigger target because of the doxxing specifically, but because it's format makes it far more potent for actually peaking people as well as for chronicling history that lolcow trannies don't want people to know about.
No. 1659650
>>1659630It's on the list. After all the adult shit like mortgage and fuel bills and food on the bloody table. Ah, the joys of Mommmy's basement.
Still. Us tards get locked out, the age and maturity of the forum drops still further in inverse ratio to the smugness and you can all suffocate under the weight of your own brilliance. Being right is also a luxury of Mommy's Basement.
Not arguing any more, iiwii. Is pretty obvious we're not welcome so we'll just stay away. I wish Josh all the best, I'll always support him just cos dissenting voices should be heard but I can't be fucked with it all any more.
Seconded to new threads here though.
No. 1659671
>>1659656Get back to me when you own a house.
They tend to suck every penny up. Or the car or life in general - which doesn't all run on US prices, btw. My one totally pointless expense a month is to KF. But no doubt you're also doing that to a far higher degree because totally superior kiwi.
Jeeeesus feck.
No. 1659674
Apparently Vordrak is about to go on Ethan Ralph's stream so they can mutually seethe about Josh both of them hate him and have no problem lying but Vordrak is legit one of the scummiest people ever to get involved in this whole saga over the whole life of KF, has
also resorted to CP-spamming and hardcore life ruination tactics
No. 1659711
>>1659676Nobody can afford their lifestyle, idiot. Everything has gone up vertically whilst currencies crash the other way and wages stagnate. I just don't care enough about a fucking gossip site I've barely been on in a year to make a VPN a priority. You do. Congratulations.
And how much was that average-American-credit-card-debt again? If we're reduced to mindless generalisations I can play too and be just as wrong. Your priorities are not mine.
No. 1659720
>>1659716Me too. Those generalisations again…truly, KiwiFarms itself is the cow that keeps on giving at the mo.
Bored of throwing insults now so you win with whatever your next ones are. You're right, you win, ask Null for a trophy.
No. 1659729
File: 1664303235615.jpeg (369.52 KB, 750x738, 2577d39b13210ab7b13eb25dbc5152…)

>how the site lasted this long is beyond me tbh.
because KF offers something you can't get anywhere else: well-archived easy-to-read gossip discussion and incredibly hands-off moderation
No. 1659884
Ironically it's working for me but not with Brave Browser. Not even kidding. And yeah he will lose a lot of users. Unfortunately I feel like the annnoying users will be more likely to register new accounts than to just wander off and not bother, the annoyingness of
>>1659880 not saging notwithstanding.
No. 1659917
>>1659909I also think
if it was (I think so) then Josh is afraid of the absolute trashfire that would ensue if he admitted it was, as he is still allowed there and views the (pedophile or pedophile-enabling) owner (graf) as sort of an ally who is skilled in tech stuff (which is true.) I don't think it is
him for the record, nor that "it was poast" in some official sense, that would be dumb, but that it was people from poast who wanted to react to kiwis disrespecting poast by defacing kf with the logo of poast.
No. 1659924
>>1659922No, it sounds like exactly what this kind of terminally online scrote would do to "claim responsibility" and score an own for "their" site against a site that was making fun of them. If it was a frame job, you'd see the trannies trying to push that narrative, and if it was a frame job, the last thing you'd see is the trannies smugposting about it like it was something
they did, because then it would detract from the purpose of the op.
No. 1659930
>>1659925Well clearly if it was a frame job it failed spectacularly because everyone wants to blame the trannies, lol. Which in this case yeah the one thing is you might expect whatever tard from poast to try to say NO NO NO IT WAS MEEE but you never know. Bragging about it on Discord might be enough.
>>1659926…and? One thing I'd be curious is whether the defacement or the exfil attempt came first, though.
No. 1659961
>>1659952You got your password reset email, then, I presume?
>>1659949How embarrassing!
No. 1659963
>>1659943I haven't tried visiting yet because things are understandably chaotic at the moment. Like
>>1659629 and
>>1659634 I'm going to lay low and lurk until the situation stabilizes.
No. 1659964
samefag but
>>1659949 another thing of note, the fact that his chat is always on the top of the forum screen means that him or whatever other users may have been compromised didn't need to be accessing chat at the time. file under "unnecessarily increasing attack surface"
No. 1660026
File: 1664317824081.png (7.64 KB, 333x238, brave_farms.png)

ah, login timeouts!
even this makes the blockhead troon seethe, though.
No. 1660036
>>1660035> wait for a few weeksbut I need to see what sticker's im getting!!!! (
jk and nta)
No. 1660084
File: 1664321937610.jpeg (300.41 KB, 750x1107, C0387896-299C-4845-BA4D-ABE672…)

I can get on the site now, Null has locked out every account and there’s a message saying to check your registered email. What kills me is he’s made it so you get a message on screen with your whole ass email (no * to censor any part of it or anything). Thanks Jersh, very cyber safe!!
No. 1660106
>>1660102Nah, I'm not fat.
>>1660103Oh no, I'm deemed wrong in some anon messageboard!
No. 1660233
Is anyone giving out invites?
>>1659656Just use TOR, lmao. It's free.
No. 1660235
File: 1664330691522.jpg (41.93 KB, 640x360, 6-52.jpg)

Can someone make a KF thread on Kayla Lemieux since the site is back up?
No. 1660239
>>1660235Wouldn’t think this would make it from the prospering grounds really.
As for the site it’s still hinky I’ll wait a few days. Sadly my email that I used years ago is dead because I never used it. No fun.
No. 1660278
>>1660245I also wondered for like a year if Yaniv wasn't some deep-cover
TERF psyop (like some people argued about Fred Phelps/God Hates Fags as being some kind of performance art) but trannies really exceed the realm of parody on a regular basis.
>>1660239>>1660270Idk about that, does he a public-facing social media presence that produces milk? If not, he doesn't really warrant a thread of his own on either farms, however memeable his presence may be, it won't be sustainable unless he spergs on his socials or gets in some protracted legal battle where he's making public statements or the like.
No. 1660290
File: 1664334484989.jpeg (33.65 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpeg)

>>1660278>produces milkunfortunately the tits are fake
No. 1660298
File: 1664334712965.png (42.73 KB, 609x230, He knew btw.png)

What does this fag in a dress mean "he knew weeks ago"? Josh literally said that he was building a mesh network on Telegram publicly.
God I hate trannies
No. 1660455
File: 1664348352704.png (13.38 KB, 444x79, Retardation.png)

Just so I have this straight: Josh with his giant intellect decided to write a chatroom in rust but use unsafe c++ for his DNS? Makes perfect sense.
No. 1660482
>>1660476It’s pretty funny that we’re in a thread primarily about KFs downtime and these troons are assblasted that people are talking about the technicalities…
>>1660477>don't brag about how much better they can code than someone else.Literally show me one post where this is occurring you retarded tranny.
No. 1660495
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No. 1660526
File: 1664358827035.png (44.55 KB, 602x211, Screen Shot 2022-09-28 at 19.5…)

Lucas making shit up
No. 1660528
>>1660526"Mate" is an address typically used for males in England.
Good job Keffals, own goal.
No. 1660538
>>1660526Not a single person - not-a one - calling him out on that Tweet
What is going on?
No. 1660545
>>1660541He's so retarded, he doesn't understand that English isn't Australia, where we DO call both genders 'mate'
Keffals is a cringy moron
No. 1660553
>>1660549His retarded followers are going "
YASS NEW UK QUEEN" over in the replies. It's fucking pathetic.
No. 1660556
File: 1664363339355.jpg (74.93 KB, 960x911, photo_2022-07-23_12-30-38.jpg)

I am browsing right now
No. 1660569
File: 1664364999648.gif (487.99 KB, 220x220, vibing-cat-cat-nodding.gif)

>>1660556Heck yeah. It's a little slow but, either way - it's back
No. 1660629
File: 1664370586303.jpg (15.34 KB, 714x116, Capture.JPG)

>>1660621The ultimate cuck symbol on Twitter, reserved for the most spineless of people
No. 1660632
they know the good will is running out
No. 1660641
>>1660638Agreed, I turn 30 next year (so probably a fucking skeleton compared to some/most of the posters here) but I remember the internet used to be like the Wild West, in a good way
Everything wasn't all bland and people weren't offended at the drop of the hat, and there was still a level of 'novelty' in the entire goddamn thing
No. 1660661
File: 1664372602079.png (1.15 MB, 1852x3442, shareddit.png)

>>1660376as dumb as this has been, it still doesn't come anywhere near the proportions or insanity of Vordrak's months-long crusade against KF from 2016 No. 1660673
>>1660641Kek Don't do me like that nonna. I'm 30 today.
>>1660526This is Shatna level fake. I'm surprised the lady didn't yell it from a car and then people everywhere clapped and shed tears of joy.
No. 1660760
>>1660741ayrt he's really fumbling in the dark and it is kind of sad, especially because his ego and his cultivation of sycophants makes it so nobody will even try to tell him the right thing to do, it's a pathetic downward spiral that's been going on for years. there was no reason for him to have his own email host service other than to fluff his ego and continue to try to monopolize stuff in this sphere and the fact that it would be a security issue if one site was compromised that the other might be was entirely forseeable. To be clear I don't think it's an
actual security problem, but it's a potential one, and since Josh is trying to act all highfalutin about OPSEC it's laughable that he doesn't see the problem there. Especially given that it is doubtful anything was exfiltrated he would probably be better off eating the potential vulnerability of a small handful of compromised accounts vs potentially hundreds of people locked out of the site because of him wanting to larp as someone who actually knows anything about security best practices. It will be particularly sad if this, not trannies, is what actually kills the site, or at least turns it over to the worst aspects of the userbase. On a lighter note the site is working decently well for me.
No. 1660762
File: 1664381722501.png (155.24 KB, 1630x460, Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 14-56…)

>>1660754Same. Followed actual opsec since 2013 and my punishment is a locked account with an email made specifically for the site back when it opened.
No. 1660791
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No. 1660808
File: 1664384442808.png (164.2 KB, 609x842, Screen Shot 2022-09-29 at 03.0…)

Interesting counter offensive, let's see who wins.
No. 1660809
>> is working for me since yesterday but a few hours before, it was redirecting to cloudflare's alert.
Try changing your DNS
No. 1660815
>>1660808Even though I like KF and respect Josh for being such an adamant autist in regards to keeping the site up I worry he may have a bit too much on his plate. This is a LOT for one person, or even a small group of trusted people, to take on at once. He got the site back up pretty quickly, but I worry there will be some other attack or exploit that causes this to blow up in his face again.
I hope I'm wrong though, because a comfy old-school forum where you can pretty much say whatever you want is a breath of fresh air compared to every other boring overly-sanitized platform.
No. 1660825
File: 1664385243771.png (27.15 KB, 634x125, Screen Shot 2022-09-29 at 03.1…)

Somebody from his team kek
No. 1660849
File: 1664387333296.png (289.22 KB, 1334x750, A7BE944E-9807-4C5C-BB8E-316CE7…)

>>1660825This is my favorite level of Legomans bullshit. The open definition of “our services are for hugboxes and doxes” and also “we will take your money and fuck off when we decide to”
They only know one song I swear.
No. 1660928
File: 1664392377721.jpg (28.99 KB, 316x76, 3697297-db57a3ccf042435efc7c79…)

But the Kiwi is still up and about rn? Not much of a slayer are you, you trashcan troon. Dong-Jones and co are probably seething, he did nothing and claim all the spotlight.
No. 1660964
>>1660928At this point it's expected for Keffals and everyone else to pretend Kiwifarms is gone forever, because nobody except people with threads check it or the few obessed people. If you are some troon like Kevin Gibes, then you know that Kiwifarms is always up or down, Josh is not giving up. Keffals is basically going, "Sites gone! I killed it! i won!" meanwhile people are still laughing at you on Kiwifarms.
I don't get WHY they don't get pissed at him. Kiwifarms is legit back on the clearnet, last I checked.
Keffals is living his life, using the money and his situation to see the world, while screaming "WE WON!" While Kevin Gibes, is still getting "Amhole'd" on kiwifarms, That dude still isn't dead and nobody calls it out.
Like i'd seriously feel bad for the people who actually see the site isn't gone, if they all weren't shitty people. Keffals is literally doing a victory tour over nothing. He gained everything, they still have a thread and the site is still around. This should be proof that Keffals doesn't give a shit about any of this. Why would he allow a dangerous site to exist by pretending it doesn't? Oh yeah, because it was about him and fame. It's not that Keffals doesn't know if the site is up or down, he doesn't care. He'd rather live a lie (like his gender) and be a winner then face the truth and be a failure. He'll make a tweet about how the site is back up, pretending like he just found out, it'd get ddos'd, he'll take credit, pretend it's gone forever and do this over and over.
Especially when he sees
His thread is open again No. 1661027
>>1660982My tinfoil is, Keffals will just disappear offline, when the attention stops coming, the likes are less and the tide turns completely. I give it until late october. I can see a tweet basically calling Keffals out for not doing anything but claiming to going viral. The thing about Keffals is, he doesn't respond well to criticism. He blocks, he basically sends his "people" agaisnt you in forums of "ratios" when you make him mad.
Those with threads can't even speak up about Kiwifarms not being gone fully, because they are afriad of Keffals Twitter clout.
Once that runs out they will.
No. 1661130
File: 1664403174507.webm (2.78 MB, 1280x720, 3697657-b213a7495a9908d4113141…)
Lucas thread is back in full swing and he hasn't acknowledged anything? Wait til the money starts to dry up, maybe?
vidrel from unbridled autism in said thread
No. 1661138
>>1661009There's a court ruling in the 5th circuit TX that classifies social media above a certain amount as common carriers. The judges reviewed en banc had a had a huge slapfight over if online services were editors or distributors and it's likely to head up to SCOTUS since the FL federal circuit (11th) split with the 5th on this issue.
If SCOTUS rules that google is a common carrier (unlikely IMHO) and thus must carry kiwifarms in SEO the milk will be absolutely hilarious.
No. 1661174
>>1661160> I'm 100% certain if the cultural zeitgeist was on the GOP side they nuke free speech the first chance they'd get.Of course they would, just as the other side which is in power is doing it now. Same thing with right-wingers being based
TERF allies, it's all convenience. Always has been to an extent but it's just more blatant now. So hopefully I will take my victories when and from whom I can find them.
No. 1661403
>>1661316Seriously, I know this isn't the website for sincerity but… I agree
I'd never fucking heard of it before Kiwifarms going down, and I think I might like it here more than there now
No. 1661414
>>1661316>>1661403Just don't be anno
No. 1661498
File: 1664425747094.jpg (261.4 KB, 1080x1527, tripping.jpg)

KF isn't delisted from google, y'all are tripping.
No. 1661507
File: 1664426406405.png (178.1 KB, 413x302, sinseer.PNG)

>>1660792Look up Sinseer. It's a troon whose only hobby is starting drama on the internet.
No. 1661655
File: 1664449416582.png (147.58 KB, 603x850, Screen Shot 2022-09-29 at 21.0…)

No. 1661732
>>1661730There seem to be limits on editing posts in some boards and not others or maybe just different limits on different boards (as usual Josh doesn't tell anyone what is going on, his jannies either, and just acts on his whim) but what exactly do you mean "retrieve the links?" Are they to a different domain name (the .onion or in which case you just have to change it to "" at the beginning from whatever else was there. Otherwise maybe I'm missing the really obvious meaning but I'm still not sure of the question.
No. 1661757
>>1661755 replies to
>>1661756 had to edit something to clarify
No. 1661773
File: 1664462502810.png (133.87 KB, 616x515, Screenshot 2022-09-29 10.39.32…)

> Onion Farms
No. 1661816
>>1661655That tweet's not there anymore. He deleted it. Probably because it's a failed ratio. In his
clicking a button = activism small brain, this is a devasted defeat. fucking KEK.
No. 1661837
>>1661788Pornhub had actual child porn on it as well as rape of sex trafficking
victims. But of course trannies don't care about that when they can get their coom on
No. 1661950
File: 1664473999279.png (457.4 KB, 802x959, scary_troon.png)

lmao the tranny who runs the @DropKiwifarms account looks like an actual serial killer.
No. 1661963
>>1661950I encountered him in Fallout 76 (before he trooned out). He believes that the world is out to get him, that he is the
victim, and that everyone else is wrong for not believing him. So basically a perfect mindset for a tranny, really. The sign was there.
No. 1662046
File: 1664479082423.jpeg (33.08 KB, 700x394, 1757148D-6558-4E80-B4BE-4D24FE…)

>>1661950nona no, crazy eyes doesn’t even begin to cover it. Potato nosed rodney alcala lookalike with worse hair
No. 1662070
File: 1664479749251.jpg (32.22 KB, 400x400, lCKDxc8r_400x400.jpg)

>>1661950Apparently, this is what he now looks like after a year of HRT.
No. 1662247
File: 1664490920188.png (189.1 KB, 615x553, Screenshot 2022-09-29 18.35.12…)

Site's getting DDoSed. Tor is actually running better for me.
No. 1662278
>>1661950>>1662046Christ, this beast makes rodney look like a delicate flower in comparison somehow. Absolutely fucked.
>>1662247Haven't been following closely enough to know an answer to this so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but how difficult would it be for them to figure out whose leading these attacks and just push for legal action? DDoS attacks are punishable by law, I can't imagine it'd be that difficult to find proof of the troons outright bragging about it somewhere online either.
No. 1662284
>>1662278> Haven't been following closely enough to know an answer to this so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but how difficult would it be for them to figure out whose leading these attacks and just push for legal action? DDoS attacks are punishable by law, I can't imagine it'd be that difficult to find proof of the troons outright bragging about it somewhere online either.Quite hard. What the troons are doing is objectively illegal but it is not hard at all to make it hard to trace who is doing an attack like this. It would be a
very substantial task for law enforcement to track down who is responsible. Even "Anonymous"/lulzSec/etc. only really had a problem when they started going after hard targets like banks and security firms and exfiltrating large amounts of date. DDoSes will mostly be done by paid "booter" services which are hosted overseas, paid for in Bitcoin and from behind Tor, etc. Plus this is Josh we're talking about: he's far too reputationally
toxic and abrasive in his interactions with others to get law enforcement to help him.
No. 1662410
File: 1664499250798.jpeg (212.14 KB, 832x1327, 4FCCF2CE-E7E4-4BCD-8DB6-958D89…)

Ladies, meet Liz Dong Gone-Jones’ brand new “Executive Assistant”!
No. 1662412
File: 1664499289895.jpeg (556.8 KB, 1362x1729, F2572569-953C-4930-BD67-BA2391…)

Just…drink this in.
No. 1662423
File: 1664499938199.jpeg (188.43 KB, 1439x1327, 8704EB2B-9CB0-44CA-9CC0-7ADCEF…)

I can’t. Just can NOT.
No. 1662444
>>1662410>>1662412The mentally ill hiring the mentally ill?
I await the inevitable hissy fit and the fallout.
No. 1662452
File: 1664502396750.jpeg (393.23 KB, 1411x1535, 9776E50D-D9A3-4A6A-A12F-4BBE08…)

>>1662444Yep. He has multiple “mental illnesses” and seems to be a professional
Victim. Oh and Autistic too. What a winner.
No. 1662460
>>1662452wow riveting
so many people want to read this freak's life story
No. 1662527
File: 1664509699135.gif (566.47 KB, 200x178, 87a750151e79ff97faa2f2479cb1fa…)

>>1662524And they say I can't be subtle.
No. 1662561
The dropkiwifarms tranny is at it again. God I hate having to see it's retardation. this point he almost deserves his own thread for his incessant sperging about how josh and the farms are pedos and he will bring balance to the world by taking the site down.
No. 1662596
>>1662592Based beyond belief.
Though I have little faith in any official mechanisms actually doing anything permanent/serious to these creeps in the short term, at least complaints being on the record mean there is SOME kind of audit trail on their illegal-ass DDoS-ing bullshit and eventually, if the tide keeps turning, will assist LEO if they actually decide to take this seriously for once
No. 1662652
>>1662603Not anymore, they broke up lol.
Also we need a new thread since this is closing.
No. 1662662
File: 1664535515296.jpg (191.08 KB, 1200x900, DxdomleW0AIjOWw.jpg)

>>1662652i'm pretty sure they're still together, altho they're in a polyamorous relationship i believe?
No. 1662730
File: 1664547397190.webm (3.76 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik_7105577190149885190_ho…)
>>1662720If you think this is a serious person with any influence. Remember this is the troon behind @Dropkiwifarms account.
More of this on his TikTok if you're brave enough. No. 1662737
>>1662720Reading the horribly formatted doc it seems like it only applies in a Amanda Todd situation mixed with HWNDU autism against different cunt's who actually know each other IRL.
How it applies in the trannie mind probably goes like this:
I post a picture and geotag of the restaurant I'm eating at, Kiwifarms shares it in the group laughing at me for being a fat fuck. I get scared since this large group knows where I'm at therefore give me all your money in damages.
I don't know about the information grabbed from Doxbin and other shit like that because how I'm reading it does not mix with the possible interpretation of the trannie
No. 1662881
>>1662870Did it have a checkmark?
I would be inclined to agree but Josh destroyed his own userbase more than Keffals ever could hope to, even with the locking people out of their accounts stunt he just did alone he crushed it more than any twitter cancel campaign could.
At least, in my opinion.
No. 1662910
>>1662881I was going to respond to you saying idk if we can really call it a 'stunt' but it kind of is. The alternative to locking people out who didn't use persistent emails would be to force everyone on logging in with their new passwords to pick new passwords and working emails. Hypothetically, if the lolicons or the troons or whoever did successfully exfiltrate data, then it would be possible for them to in some cases get into accounts
who used weak passwords (not just any account they desired) and potentially cause problems, but that seems to be a smaller-scale problem than a great many people locked out although that number remains to be seen. Either way is a bit of a mess and neither is a great option but what sealed it for me is Josh having a typical Josh bad attitude about it ("don't email me").