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No. 152707
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No. 152708
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No. 152710
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No. 152732
File: 1468011954780.jpeg (172.1 KB, 750x981, image.jpeg)

Maybe she was naturally skinny last year but not anymore.
No. 152743
>>152737there have been anzu threads before though get over yourself. She's more popular than half of the people in snow and I'm pretty sure the the person who has stuck with the whole 'kawaii outfit blogger' thing for the longest?
Anyway yeah she's super skinny rn but until she starts going full skelly I'm not really worried since she still seems really energetic. If someone came onto my pictures whining about my body size I'd delete it too I really dont see the bug deal about that. I dont see the big deal deleting comments that you think are rude or whatever. If anything it's nicer for her to do it cause if she didnt her fans would probably run and scream at the people for ~*body shaming*~ and then the same people would complain about anzu not controlling her fans.
No. 152833
>>152712Hasegawa licks her ass and she licks his in return. If you post anything regarding Hasegawa tracing or stealing photos, she'll delete your comment and block you.
As long as she's getting free shit, she doesn't care about anything else.
No. 152902
Never heard of this chick at all, seeing no milk besides being one of many retarded weebs.
I'd be super generous and say maybe vendetta, but… seriously, this is WAY too obscure. This is 100% a self post.
>>152718Yeah this random nobody invented getting sponsorships for posting shopped selfies on social media, really shifted some paradigms and shook things up there. Society will be forever changed.
No. 152920
File: 1468047869842.jpg (187.85 KB, 1300x700, anzuismadelinemccann.jpg)

No. 152921
File: 1468047888466.jpg (57.37 KB, 657x391, anzuexposed.jpg)

No. 152937
File: 1468050083701.jpg (199.08 KB, 900x1200, Cm6BdMDUEAAK0fN.jpg)

>>152930Gonna assume trolling but either way Anzu has posted tons of pics of her without contacts in and her she doesnt have the eye spots/discoloring geez
>>152933tbh she doesnt really seem stuck up to me? I've had quite a few friendly twitter convos with her and even though I'm an artist she hasnt asked me to draw her or anything like that? idk this thread reeks of vendetta to me cause from what I can tell Anzu is harmless. Other than deleting comments which I'm still 'whatever' about. I dont agree with tracing but I get that it's annoying having people argue in your comments.
No. 167103
File: 1471700337679.jpg (50.38 KB, 492x960, 14055158_628563053978929_37246…)

>>152954kawaii as fuck.
she should stop messing with her hair and give it some time to repair because it looks like a fried mess atm.
No. 167159
>>152907>>167103Oh we've definitely got a snowflake in that case. Except there's nothing of note whatsoever thus far.
No. 167555
>>167551She's been the same height since she was first on Tumblr though. That meme was made by robots and I doubt that Anzu cares about/has any interest in 4chan as a whole. She does seem to get
triggered easily though since she deletes any and all comments on her photos that aren't 100% positive.
No. 167593
>>167573>she's not a lolcow at allthat's why she's under /snow/, not /pt/…
>gives all infos and pretty good reviews about itemsi mean, she has to. she gets paid with free stuff to say "this item is good. buy it." she doesn't really give a lot of info in her reviews either other than "yeah it's nice/cute and I like it."
>IMO there are much much worse cosplayersno one's saying she's a bad cosplayer.
>>167588this. you can always tell it's summer when random people spam /cgl/ with shit like (pic of random girl in cosplay) "HOW WILL ANYONE EVER BE MORE PERFECT THAN HER????"
and then the newfags take the bait and shit goes down.
No. 169546
File: 1472495262226.png (707.99 KB, 829x446, Untitled.png)

Her hair needs some tlc
No. 169557
File: 1472496180206.png (832.85 KB, 771x531, anzu.png)

No. 169565
File: 1472497247279.jpg (79.14 KB, 641x960, 1111.jpg)

tbh those makeupless pics make me feel so good about myself. sure it may be kind of pathetic but she looks so fucking cute in cosplay. it always gives me hope that i can look pretty good with makeup.
she looks.. a little too thin tho?
No. 169566
File: 1472497395096.jpg (109.02 KB, 638x958, anzu.jpg)

>>169565considering this used to be her….yeah.
No. 169567
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No. 169609
>>169600I never understood why people have to dog out pictures which are Super old and/or not relevant anymore
I mean it doesn't do anything to talk bad about OLD pictures
Of course it's interesting to see how much she changed but that's it basically
No. 169611
File: 1472505159637.jpg (412.73 KB, 1534x2048, 1472339754157.jpg)

>>169609to help people form their opinions on if she has an ed or not, obv
I personally think she does from the way she used to look, the hair, and bloated face
No. 169612
File: 1472505202974.jpg (81.19 KB, 815x538, a.jpg)

No. 170370
File: 1472681502879.jpeg (88.18 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

When she's cute, she's blindingly cute, but when a picture is unflattering… Well…
No. 171011
File: 1472923376468.gif (2.13 MB, 200x113, image.gif)

Holy shit the part when she lifts up her arms and you can see the outline of her entire ribcage No. 171327
File: 1473052345872.png (589.04 KB, 614x587, image.png)

gave me a spook
No. 171372
File: 1473064499740.jpg (1.17 MB, 2400x1200, image.jpg)

Looks pretty doot doot status to me in these
No. 171373
>>171339Definitely bulimia cheeks.
>>171372Holy shit her ass is so flat in the second pic that it's in a straight line with her thigh. I guess having an ass isn't kawaii though.
No. 171375
File: 1473065586254.jpeg (107.49 KB, 530x530, image.jpeg)

>>169566When was this picture taken? Pic related is from Nov 2012 and the video was taken Jan 2012, so I'm guessing the pic is from around the same time?
I don't know how fast people lose weight when they're bullimic, but I'm guessing that it's possible for her to lose that much weight in 10 months by not eating.
No. 171699
File: 1473147183320.png (685.55 KB, 589x596, image.png)

>>171697really not that cute imo
No. 171716
File: 1473155585592.jpg (15.54 KB, 375x281, -1.jpg)

>>171699She looks like eugene mirman.
No. 171744
File: 1473171260218.jpeg (59.56 KB, 360x640, image.jpeg)

>>171699Where are y'all finding these pictures wtf
>>171723Yeah I agree. She doesn't look that good in unfiltered pictures at all. Pic related is a pic some girl on tumblr took with her at a con a year or so ago.
No. 171805
File: 1473194112230.jpeg (69.47 KB, 313x745, image.jpeg)

>>171799No that's not an example of her not looking cute.
No. 171826
File: 1473200909400.jpg (262.08 KB, 900x1200, image.jpg)

>>171810agreed but the extent to which some of hers are filtered is really annoying and hard to look at
pic not really related
No. 171912
>>171769Because it's fun..? Cosplay isn't just about wearing a costume of a random character. It's about enjoying the process of making a costume.
I'd still make my costumes even if I were sponsored.
No. 180319
File: 1475799971250.png (1.03 MB, 1072x592, image.png)

Whatever she uses, I need to get on that.
No. 180412
>>180382Agreed, I'm not sure how she is a snowflake or cow?
All I want to know is how her face shape keeps changing. Can bulimia really change someone's face so much?
>>171375 vs
>>171699I think her face is cute either way, but yeah. The change is pretty dramatic.
No. 180640
>>180319Meitu. Lots and lots of it. Crank up the skin whitening all the way and manually erase shadows from your face with the "dark circles" tool. Also filter your pictures at least twice since Meitu filters whiten your skin as well.
>>180335>>180443The haggard look is a sign of an eating disorder and she has typical swollen bulimia cheeks as well so she def has that.
>>180412I don't think she's a cow or a flake. Imo this thread should be moved to /b/ since it's just an "interesting person" discussion thread at this point.
The only flake-y behaviour that I can think of is that she continues to support and ask her followers to support Kaoru Hasegawa and encourages people to buy knockoffs, but honestly neither of those are /snow/-worthy behaviour.
No. 184095
File: 1476688490400.jpg (124.99 KB, 500x354, large.jpg)

>>167551>5'2 girls are short and petite and cute and 5'4 girls are massive and manly and plain>tfw I'm 5'10"oh…ok anon
No. 184403
File: 1476727187482.jpeg (109.71 KB, 960x720, image.jpeg)

Why is her eyeliner like her entire eyelid
No. 184556
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>>184403you know it's bad when I feel like she's not even wearing a lot of makeup in that pic because she usually does all the lower lashes
No. 186920
File: 1477185327908.jpg (101.99 KB, 500x623, pformconverse.jpg)

>>186446That's a weird insecurity to have especially nowadays where platform shoes are almost obligatory for short assess, they're reallly popular with Koreans that obsess over perfect height, perfect form and shit.
No. 187000
>>186925I don't post ITT much but I enjoy lurking, since she's an average girl who manages to look amazing with make up and filters and got a sizeable following from that alone. It's kind of inspiring.
The people who act as though there's any milk here seem a little cray cray, though.
No. 206354
File: 1480464186625.png (403.7 KB, 573x295, capture-20161130-005940.png)

her face changed a lot (what's going on with her nose?)
No. 206549
>>152937>>167103>>169546Holy shit that strawhair and bulimia induced hair loss! No wonder she constantly shoops and wears wigs. She looks like a plainjane tumblrina without her disguises
>>206354I think she got a nosejob or is just beating the shit out of it with a photoshop tool.
No. 206553
>>206549She's definitely just using Meitu's nose slimming tool too much in addition to badly contouring her nose. She takes selfies pretty much daily so we would've seen a selfie-less period if she had gotten a nose job.
>>187092Ngl I have a hunch she self-posts in 4ch or at least frequents there since she's made specific references to 4ch.
No. 207316
File: 1480637256961.webm (1.46 MB, 480x480, Instagram-168384053.webm)
No. 224776
File: 1483164738047.jpg (62.05 KB, 960x640, anzu_feb_2013.jpg)

She looked so much healthier in 2013
No. 324989
File: 1496114541410.jpg (55.94 KB, 720x710, IMG_20170529_232039.jpg)

I've always eondered how Anzu could walk around and do daily tasks with her ED. When I had an ED I got weak and tired, I hope Anzu does get better soon but it seems like she associates her weight with her dolly look.
No. 325011
File: 1496118580400.jpg (135.22 KB, 1080x1350, 18252073_1373806626037530_2447…)

what in photoshop fresh hell lmao
No. 325066
File: 1496128328977.jpg (156.1 KB, 1200x899, C-Wx47jXUAo8Skz.jpg)

>>325059it's probably my yellow fever speaking but I think he looks better than her
No. 325068
>>325066it's kind of unnerving how frail she looks here
she looks like a sick little boy
No. 325083
File: 1496130815672.png (312.11 KB, 700x392, gayle.png)

>>325066Something about how she looks in this picture reminds me of Gayle from Bob's Burgers.
I personally don't find her boyfriend attractive at all.
No. 325091
>>171011You know humans have ribcages you fat piece of shit? They don't have to be buried in an ocean of fat.
Up next, fatties lament that you can see her knees and wrists
No. 325883
>>325759There's a very cringeworthy cosplay scene in Turkey that became quite prevalent in the past ~5 years. A few girls, like Anzu, look whiter and somewhat cute so they really stand out among the ugly hamplanets that make up the cosplay/geek scene.
4chan'da bayiliyorlar bu hatuna. Weeb kezbanin teki, milk falan da yok.All that being said I do wonder if you are Anzu. She was here earlier this week and I can't really imagine too many Turks posting here.
No. 325946
File: 1496211314539.jpg (58.84 KB, 700x1050, 18449434_774069229428310_10168…)

All I can say is yikes. She does not look good at all.
No. 325953
>>325464He's pretty average if not slightly homely looking really. Looks Korean to me, but who knows?
>>325066>>325747>>325946I feel like she could be cute if she didn't look like a weird lolicon chipmunk. Like, she has some nice features and isn't straight up ugly, but she's clearly underweight and yet her face always looks like she's just got back from a wisdom tooth removal. Super weird.
No. 325982
File: 1496214518983.png (277.66 KB, 644x646, anzu.png)

super kawaii
No. 325988
>>325982shes even wearing circle lenses in that pic
getting a lot of margeret palermo vibes
No. 326026
>>325883That makes sense, I don't follow cosplayers all that much. I can't do anything really to prove I'm not her, but I'm really just a Turkish farmer who likes Jvlogger/Luna/Onision milk.
Her parents must be hella rich, she wouldn't be able to afford that Japan trip (or her general lifestyle) otherwise.
No. 326634
>>324989I had a lot of energy even at my lowest weight which was close to Anzu's. She's probably eating just enough to maintain her weight
>>325982 she has an anime character face. Her eyes are huge, round face, small nose and mouth. Not necessarily attractive to normal human standards but it's obvious why all the weebs find her perfect
No. 326743
File: 1496296132898.jpg (161.1 KB, 699x717, image.jpg)

>>326634maybe an anime mom lmao
No. 327090
>>325759>>325883Surprised to see fellow turks posting here but yeah I've noticed a lot of turkish weebs on instagram lately. They all kinda look like Anzu too.
Sage for slightly ot
No. 327214
>>326026One of her Japan trips was because she had paid air fare and hotel costs. She won some contest for Tokyo Game Show. The second one was probably just for leisure though.
Also most of her shit is still sponsored so she's getting tons of free clothes, wigs, and circle lenses monthly. She probably doesn't even have to buy many clothes.
No. 327447
>>327438her last one was legit bad imo, that awful green wig, those horribly done ears, and just plain boring makeup..wew
this one is okay but her doing her regular eye makeup makes it 10x more boring
No. 327483
>>327214as an aside, the contest she "won" to go to Tokyo Game Show was rigged. she competed with a ready-made, possibly sponsored costume which looked nothing special compared to everyone else's handmade stuff. but of course, those girls weren't anorexic moeblobs and they didn't have a few mil Instagram followers to which they could promote the event she competed in and Tokyo Game Show, so she won. i don't know if she was in on that or it was the shadiness of the organizer alone, he's a POS honestly.
her second trip to japan was funded by her family and i think it she went to some kind of a language school there too, as is the way of the weeb. in TR it's common for families to pay for their children's stuff well into their adult years if they can afford it.
No. 329021
>>327483>>328983It was completely advertised as a cosplay contest.
It was also pretty funny that they made it seem like she'd won some kind of Turkish competition to go to TGS when in reality she was the only entrant. She literally had no competition.
No. 342067
File: 1498558765782.jpg (140.68 KB, 750x881, DDTl798XcAAJnlH.jpg)

Lmao she dropped out of the Turkey NYX Face Awards
>Physical health not well
Stop starving yourself Anzu
She's always bawwwwing on twitter too like girl you're rich af and e-famous for doing nothing. She travels to different countries, gets sponsorships and free shit sent to her constantly, and VERY rarely makes anything for her cosplays even, boohoo
No. 342770
>>342680I've never heard that term but she's clearly bulimic. She has swollen cheeks in lots of photos and her stature is not natural. I'm guessing she fasted and then purged whatever she did eat.
Her health is bad, because she's got an ED. She needs to get that in order before she enters contests and goes on trips.
No. 342983
>>342980And sorry for samefagging I just saw her recent photos and she probably got something done to her nose.
Around 0:40 in the video for her natural nose.
No. 343005
File: 1498696639650.jpg (127.81 KB, 960x678, tumblr_nceikpGfR01rlkwkeo5_128…)

>>342067I really don't understand how ger first entry was even that popular for her to go on.
It was basically just a rip off from Minori
There are tons of ways to do Shironuri but Minori has her very own way of doing it and I've never seen anyone else doing it that way until Minori did.
No. 343062
>>342067>>343005Exactly, and the way anzu cuts and "styles" her wigs (short with long strands in the front with short choppy bangs) is so obviously something that's taken from Minori.
Along with her physical health, Anzu probably dropped out because she'd either get called out for doing the same look over and over or she'd get called out for copying Minori.
It's also possible that she just couldn't come up with her own look and gave up.
Like yeah, god forbid you come up with any original makeup looks, anzu.
sage for sperg
No. 343096
>>342983Looks the same as in her pictures to me.
>>343005Her fragile goddess and jellyfish makeup are almost exact ripoffs of Minori. I didn't see any comments calling her out, so I'm guessing it's just because she realized that she wasn't good enough to compete with things like video related. The video and presentation might not be as nice, but it's a lot more creative and technically challenging than Anzu's entries.
No. 343235
File: 1498719605625.png (188.85 KB, 396x436, image.png)

>>342983I think it's mostly angles and she contours her nose now pretty heavily
No. 343539
Wonder if she'll rubber-band back to chubby now since she's deep in a relationship. She's looking a little more bloated, and not in the "healthy weight gain" way. Kind of like that recovery-girl thread.
>>325464There was a beard/glasses guy in some of her pics for a while who I thought she was dating on the dl, but with the amount of bf spam she's been doing, I'm starting to doubt that.
No. 343695
File: 1498780337514.png (415.1 KB, 619x696, Screen Shot 2017-06-29 at 4.50…)

>>343539This guy? She replied to a lot of comments both on Twitter and FB saying that he's her brother/stepbrother.
No. 343755
>>343750Without in-depth medical information, it's just the most obvious, logical conclusion. Look at her old photos and think for a second. Her body didn't just magically become this way, and an eating disorder is far more viable than her incurring some mysterious illness that only ever seems to manifest in her body weight.
Additionally, unusually bloated cheeks despite a non-bloated body are a common symptom of bulimia.
You brought up Occam's Razor yourself, anon.
No. 343765
>>343755With no information besides her posed, cherrypicked, filtered selfies, you cannot formulate two medical diagnoses. Round cheeks are a symptom of water retention, thyroid imbalance (which causes weight abnormalities), cushing's, and a number of other things. Your biases in conjunction with your lack of training leave you with no proper formulation of a fact based theory to be tested into a hypothesis.
Occam's Razor as used in the medical field says "when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." Bulimia and anorexia are zebras. With the information given, we have a small framed ectomorph with rounded craniofacial configuration; physical attributes which most simply and likely point to having normal genetics, not two psychological disorders.
No. 343768
>>343765>selfiesAnd photos of her taken by others. And videos of her. And old photos of her taken by others.
Being an ectomorph does not mean you look malnourished, and even if that were the case, she would have looked like this all her life (which isn't the case).
No. 343918
File: 1498824912856.jpg (Spoiler Image,232.47 KB, 1552x728, comparison.jpg)

No. 344220
File: 1498861454944.gif (1.05 MB, 245x190, giphy.gif)

>>343765>water retention, thyroid imbalance (which causes weight abnormalities), cushing's>Bulimia and anorexia are zebras.Everything you said would cause weight gain/bloating throughout the body, not just in the cheeks. Hypothyroidism causes chipmunk cheeks and weight gain, whereas hyperthyroidism causes weight loss. However, she lacks other common symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as bulging eyeballs or swollen neck. Other potential explanations for her dramatic weight loss over the past few years might be cancer, drug abuse, or a malabsorptive issue like Crohn's but there are no clues that she has those problems. Whereas the sudden weight loss, swollen cheeks, anxiety/emotional issues are heavily associated with EDs. Not to mention being involved in the cosplay community which emphasizes weight. Farmers don't have a lot to work with, but ED is a horse, not a zebra.
>normal geneticsShe literally just posted about how her vague physical and mental health issues are affecting her ability to work.
No. 347061
File: 1499324413458.png (160.87 KB, 936x1089, tw.PNG)

So is she a professional MUA now?
No. 347095
>>347061>>347073in turkey, every other "kawaii" weeb girl who studies art or graphic design (like anzu) becomes a "makeup artist" at some point. it's probably for a shitty youtube channel or a makeup store, i'll ask around if you're curious.
>>343720don't give me any of this shit anon. she was a chubby kid one year, a malnourished skeleton next year. she lost hair at some point. that's textbook eating disorder. take your zebras and go away.
No. 351134
File: 1499869696007.jpg (207.37 KB, 800x1200, ifBLK-mj.jpg large.jpg)

No. 351322
File: 1499892161361.png (464.84 KB, 476x597, Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 8.43…)

>>351134I kinda like this new, edgier direction she's going in aesthetically. Straightforward ~*kawaii uguu*~ is getting played out as fuck.
She's going too far with Photoshop, though. Looks bad.
No. 351342
File: 1499894411414.jpg (119.28 KB, 960x1280, DDWOVrFXYAISRWa.jpg)

>>351322She still does kawaii uguu though.
I dislike her current makeup style though. It's too overdone (is that the word?). Her old style was more simple and clean and flattering.
No. 352103
>>351970you could say that about half the threads on /snow/
like seriously, the ahripop thread is WAY worse
No. 352129
>>351342It's honestly hard to believe this is the same person. Is there a reason she decided to go for this look suddenly?
>>351322 looks outright terrible.
No. 352251
>>352103That's because the ahripop thread was taken over by a bunch of PULLerinas who want to prove that they're somehow better than her.
>>352166>>352140She's done it before in like 2014 or something. Back when there was a bloodied and bruised trend on Tumblr where it was like "imagine your fave all battered uwu".
No. 355914
File: 1500522252275.png (Spoiler Image,183.98 KB, 750x969, IMG_9884.PNG)

Looks p spelled out to me in her art work. One of many in her art Insta anzucrafts
No. 363317
File: 1501393832675.png (149.46 KB, 888x891, necro.PNG)

I guess all those sweets and junk food she claims to eat caught up with her. Does she just not brush her teeth?
No. 363323
File: 1501394325254.png (179.55 KB, 1296x1105, necro2.png)

is this referring to her tooth? shit.
No. 363350
>>363323for fucks sake what is she crying about
puking up food fucks up your teeth, who would've guessed
No. 381510
File: 1503921244569.jpg (349.03 KB, 1858x2048, 1503920052367.jpg)

No. 381511
File: 1503921266622.jpg (191.56 KB, 1200x1200, 1503920454478.jpg)

No. 382198
File: 1503981685638.jpg (90.01 KB, 750x937, DIWrQcdXcAA2rgu.jpg)

Is it just me or do her cheeks look extra swollen in her new video?
No. 382379
>>382198bulimia does that
must be vomitting more often
No. 389733
someone said on pull that they found her facebook and her real name is sara shepard? idk if that's true though because isn't the author of pretty little liars sara shepard too? kek
her boyfriend dust/dastan is on her profile as well so it most likely is her?
No. 389738
File: 1505895510695.png (326.58 KB, 677x1051, 1470853394845.png)

>>389733that's def not her name
No. 389839
File: 1505922091224.png (44.89 KB, 602x595, crazy.png)

looks like shes whoring for more attention
No. 390013
>>389999all she does on twitter is beg for attention and complain about how hard her life is being a upper class girl going to the best school in the capital of her country
then cucks and orbiters giver her attention, giver her gifts and cheer her up until the next time she wants to use them for her own egotistical confidence booster
No. 390035
>>390024>self posting on 4chanreally how do you know?
big if true kek
No. 390039
>>390013yea ok but how is this interesting/milky?
>>390024>>390035I for one never saw her promoting pro ana shit-and never saw any self post from her on 4chan. I'm not starting anything here, just sayin your desperate search for milk gives me second hand embarrassment. ps: bohoo photoshopping. yawn.
No. 390183
>>390166i'm sure the profile wasn't hers.
also, it's just a saved pic from 4ch i didn't dig it up, but it's legit
No. 390976
>>390192 is from her university's anonymous shoutouts-missed connections page, written 4 months ago:)
"Sahra Altunbas (her powerword) from GRA (graphic design, that's what she studies), also known as Anzujaamu, has committed defamation. She urged her freind Iris Cetin to incite rage and enmity in people and overlooked that Cetin's so called fianceé, who's not even a Bilkent student, has threatened someone! The victim she slandered, Onur Taner from LAUD is still being harassed, humiliated and wrongfully accused due to her slander even though he quit this school voluntarily.
Thinking she was being stalked to her house, Altunbas commited slander and must apologize to Taner because of this wrongdoing! If she doesn't, she should answer to the law and suffer the consequences along with her friend Cetin.
Elif Genc from MSSF, no matter how old you are, you're also another bully since you chose to file a complaint instead of warning. Otherwise you wouldn't prepare breakup and overlook the lynching!
Yes, this is abuse! Taking away someone's education right and their hobby is abuse!"
From what I understand in some stuff i read in the second link (i'm not translating all of that because it's something like urbandictionary with a lot of entries just praising her) she accused someone with rape and/or harassment and stalking. Then later, someone wrote in the anonymous shoutout place that she's lying and defaming the guy, causing him to quit school and his "hobby", which is most probably cosplay. An entry from more than a year ago ( tells that her father was also sort of famous back in his day and this is common knowledge, not learned a result of "his/her stalking her" as "some ill-intentioned people claim" and that "people shouldn't worry because he/she quit the school due to some personal troubles and is not a threat to her anymore". This entry seems to belong to the guy she accused.
There might be some truth in this, because the girl called Iris Cetin was her roommate in the dorm like 2 years ago. When the blurb I translated was written, they musn't have spoken for like a year though, because apparently Anzu is kind of selfish psycho who ruined her roommate's life (unfortunately i can't go into deets because no receipts because everything happened IRL) so she broke contact. If Elif Genc is who I think she is, she also has no contact left with her probably for same reasons.
Police gives absolutely no fuck about sexual harassment/stalking complaints in Turkey, so this might be true. I hope it isn't. But from what i listened about her from people that know her, she's also exactly sociopathic enough to start a rumor like this. I think the guy she accused was someone she dated/flirted (from the blurb: "Otherwise you wouldn't prepare this breakup") and wanted to get rid of later, so she cried rape. If these two girls were friends with her at the time, they probably believed in her and supported her to protect her. I hope she did nothing of the sort, because sexual crimes are at an all-time high in Turkey and doing things like these is why people say "Why should we beleive women when they cry rape, they're doing it to ruin the men".
No. 390992
>>390976>>390192what a fucking scumbag if true
cosplayers are the most deranged fucking humans around
No. 391097
>>391052I wouldn't even say she is famous for her cosplays
The only reason she is relevant is because shes a cosplayer in Turkey and has no competition
All her clothes are bought for her to promote companies
No. 391170
>>391097that's not completely true. turkey has a number of pretty okay cosplayers and within the turkish scene she is not counted among them. for one thing she cosplays relatively rarely. and she always wears is a ready-made, sponsored, flavor-of-the month costume. this year she was a judge for a cosplay competition and there was a giant shitstorm partially because of that since she never makes anything herself.
she's more of a social media phenomenon who also cosplays, that's where she has no competition. there's no other young Turkish girl that's as well known as her internationally for following Japanese/instagram/tumblr/internet fashion trends. that's why she gained so much traction.
No. 392503
File: 1506370499143.jpg (1.77 MB, 2223x3952, 1506368079157.jpg)

>>152706what dgars does he use?
No. 392811
>>392503Spironolactone might be for oedema, a lot of skellies get it, legs so bloated they're like tree trunks for example. Speaking from experience unfortunately… though I've heard mtf trans also use it so it could be some estrogen related shit especially in combo with Estradiol.
Never had Estradiol myself but did some googling and probably it's to start her period again? I doubt she would naturally have it at that weight, people are different sure but it's not that common…
No. 393589
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>>392977nice try but this isn't even her. she capitalizes on her "ethereal nymph bbydoll uwu" image, she'd never post her undies online and her thigs are half this size. also in turkey you buy your medicine prepackaged, not in those dumb orange bottles.
unless you're her and posted both images on /r9k/ and here.
No. 402590
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No. 403316
>>392811I take spiro for high androgen. My skin was breaking out horribly for over a year out of nowhere and nothing worked until I went on this.
but idk that's just me
No. 426305
File: 1510920456345.jpg (213.71 KB, 900x1200, DOx7ijSXcAAtXXo.jpg)

Why would someone with no chest get this sweater?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 431699
>>431599I was hoping there would be something more to it.
Her videos arent particularly exciting on youtube and she has no unique personality
No. 438387
File: 1512502456586.png (933.15 KB, 1129x3221, anzu.png)

AnzuJaamu has created a patreon
What took her so long?
No. 438421
>>438411>What I thought she was supposed to be a pure innocent loli waifuIf she made a patreon she needs money, she even went as far to hide the amount she is making
>>438416She also said
>sike No. 441471
>>441235Why wouldn't she? He sends her free shit and that's all that matters to her.
>those pictures of herself on her wallBut why
No. 443397
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>>443350this is an imageboard
No. 443432
>>443397>>443413Has she said what is going on besides moving?
Why isnt she selling more stuff and why is she selling those things for so much
No. 443761
File: 1513250702578.jpeg (531.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-12-01-47-14…)

Some days ago she did a livestream and looked so busted…
No. 443762
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No. 443763
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No. 443903
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>>443890She was fat once. Those knees
No. 443938
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>>443903Mako pic on the bottom is over a year old, she appears a bit less skeletal now
No. 443971
>>443903Ana-chan pls go, she was a bit chubby at worst.
>>443397Did her parents kick her out or something?
No. 443976
>>443971I dont think so
She lived on school campus
Perhaps she has quit school?
No. 443997
>>443903Holy shit some of you need mad perspective.
She wasn't fat. She was wearing a frumpy, unflattering cosplay. A lot of average people can look chunky if they wear the wrong clothes.
The bottom is an obvious eating disorder and it's sad. Her knees look arthritic since they're so knobby from her body being so emaciated.
No. 444531
Anzu is apparently a kawaii.i finalist. I'd be surprised if she didn't win tbh.>>444331It's pretty obvious that she has an eating disorder.
No. 444621
I used to wish I looked like her, and now with pictures like
>>443763 and
>>443761 I'm remembering how easy it is to use makeup and meitu to completely change your face. She looks like crap without makeup.
No. 444688
>>444666>I never understood why shes a topic here anywaycopies makeup looks for competitions, supports kaoru hasegawa, wins cosplay competitions with bought cosplays, etc.
that's about it, it's true she's nowhere near other flakes but she has her moments
No. 444700
>>444688She also heavily abuses her "fans" for support because of her own mental and eating issues.
She takes advantage of a lot of her hardcore friends that buy and order her stuff all the time. Especially when she makes a tweet about how sad or depressed she is, knowing they will shower her with compliments or food/games/makeup
No. 444729
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Not even original
No. 445257
>>444621I've seen her irl at a con last year and she did look exactly like her cosplay pictures. But when she doesn't wear cosplay makeup, bam, she looks like this
>>443763She's some kind of cosplay shapeshifter, whatever makeup she does changes her face completely
No. 445259
>>445257She uses makeup well then if that is true
Her face is less than mediocre without being caked in it
No. 450040
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>>450031She goes to a prestigous school in her countries capital
Her father use to be a famous model, even met politicians
He works in clothing industry now, has his own brand No. 450044
Introduced 30 years ago, is Turkey's first male model in the 70s and is now selling gold", which reached a peak with the surname Naci Altunbas, now Bursa IGS general manager of the store. The section of the Academy of Fine Arts in ceramics began modeling when I was a student, S., exactly 14 years, Turkey's most famous models, advertising and photo-novel star," the title in their hands, respectively. However, Altunbas, all adorned with the dreams of young girls is at a peak in the period when the model left, was thrown into the world of business. First church, then began managing in the Aegean.
Married and a father of 5 daughters, 53-year-old Altunbas current models is very lucky. The possibility of our period was limited, only TRT had," said a businessman who was the biggest target to secure the future altunbas naji set up his own ceramic Studio.
No. 452081
>>452073She thinks her used clothes are worth full market value girl does not have any understanding of money
No. 452083
File: 1514210398262.png (1.38 MB, 1600x900, hgj.png)

>>452081She is charging 13$ for something used that is usually 15$ new and it is currently on sale for 3$
No. 452104
File: 1514219153948.png (628.74 KB, 2284x728, Screen Shot 2017-12-25 at 16.2…)

Is Anzu lewding now? Someone posted these to R9k today, sort of looks shooped to me. I thought the background seemed odd seen as she had a bunkbed but she moved recently so her usual set up might of changed…
No. 452187
>>452056that "anzu slanders o.t" post is actually written by that guy himself
this stuff actually true, she didn't pull a stunt. IDK about the actual harrasment, maybe he was indeed a molester or not, but I know that her "victim" is a stalker of hers
He was stalking anzu and other cosplayers in his old college (then he got kicked out but still talks shit about her&other cosplayers) but he was seriously obsessed with her. That dude went to another city just to stalk her family, wtf?? I saw Anzu only…2-3 times and I acutally don't belong in (nor care) gra student/cosplayer gang so I usually wouldn't give a fuck but he stalked my friend too and he caused some drama in social media.
tl;dr no that dude is not a victim
No. 452264
File: 1514242161291.png (461.69 KB, 634x556, Untitled.png)

There is hope for anyone to get a eating disorder.
No. 452520
>>452104>>452105>>452106>>452107very clearly not anzu. doesn't even look like her.
last one is a hilarious shoop. the hair doesn't even look remotely the same
they didn't even try
you should spoiler that though
No. 452593
File: 1514267296344.jpg (357.1 KB, 2912x2184, dfghjk.jpg)

I thought that I'd never get a receipt of him stalking her family but that guy took a pic and shared it??
Others receipts can be found in school's shout-out page because he used to talk about her non-stop but getting every single of them would took too long so I am not going (no but seriously there are many posts about how he was taking same bus with her and he gave her a bracelet and she wore it, they were fast friends but others are cockblocking their "friendship", dude chill out)
except for this one, this one sounds a little bit…bad?"Meanwhile I don't care about your relationship with emo short film maker or the kirghiz one[dust?], the semen of the child that you might give birth to doesn't have to come from me" [this sounds worse, trust me and someone who is better at translating can help me]
"If you won't change that behavior, no one[bunch of names that I won't care to translate] can save you from some problems you might experience (it doesn't have to come from me) before your graduation
and at the end he swears a lot, says come at me bro I'll cut you!11!!!! and just threatens again
tl;dr, shit talk, undertoned and actual threats
that is all I can offer about anzu because I heard rest of them from my friends&my own ears and some group chats that I left some time ago so I can't get the receipt
there are another receipts about this guy (taking a pic with another cosplayer and uploading it without the cosplayers knowledge and acting like the cosplayer and himself are buddies, punching someone because that person didn't allow him to get in the school, he wants to beat the shit hell out of anzu's old roommate, just being creepy to others but they aren't about anzu so I left these out)
>>452264and there is hope for photoshopping a bloated, puffy face
No. 454366
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>>443971Nope she was fat.
No. 454584
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No. 454635
>>454584any pictures of her mom?
she doesnt look much like her father in the ones there are
No. 454641
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>>454635she posted this on twitter last month.
No. 458066
File: 1514748033713.png (99.12 KB, 622x448, Screen Shot 2017-12-31 at 11.1…)

>>457072Here's a screenshot. She also talked about being off her antidepressants for 5 days on her instagram story because she didn't know that she didn't need a new prescription to get a refill.
No. 458112
>>457072Because people are either mobile or they're linking it to show that its really there.
You know.
Considering how easy it is to fabricate a tweet screenie.
No. 458124
>>458112They could've posted a picture of the tweet alongside the link. It's not hard to do both.
>>458076The more she talks about her personal life, the more she comes off as a naive, childish brat. She seems like a total daddy's girl as well.
No. 460545
>>460400Well there's a difference between free and 100$ lmao
Delusional girl
No. 460769
>>460741no one is surprised about that
there are better cosplayers that dont even have patreons
No. 470737
File: 1516019325019.jpg (106.4 KB, 720x1280, 1.jpg)

So….Anzu is in a dire financial situation so she opens a second hand (overpriced) shop and now shows off a haul of expensive makeup she obviously bought herself, hmm.
I will be posting screenshots.
No. 470738
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No. 470739
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No. 470740
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No. 470741
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No. 470742
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No. 470743
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No. 470744
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No. 470746
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No. 470748
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I apologise for the spam.
No. 470755
>>470737If you think that is bad you should look at her patreon
She has only made 6 posts in over a month
The last one was on Dec 24, 2017
And people are still giving her money there
It is sad how much she uses people by pretending to be depressed or needing money
It is all a lie
No. 470768
>>470755That's horrible.
I just noticed that the momment that I took the screenshots she wasn't even done posting the stuff she got, I just checked instagram and she posted at least 5 more stories flooded with her haul, I mean of course I never shame a good shopping spree but she claims that she needs money because she is moving..
No. 470940
>>470741>>470740>>470739>>470738>>470737This is clearly a PR package. It's only one brand, and in a branded bag, and her caption doesn't sound like she bought it.
Don't know about the other stuff though. The fact that she tags sephora and Nyx turkey specifically makes me think some of it's PR too.
No. 494999
File: 1517924547664.png (59.21 KB, 1095x669, fddffgbf.png)

looks like the few patreons she had realized she is a scammer
she only made 11 posts in 2 months and had a max of 16 people donating
she only has 8 now tho
No. 501528
File: 1518457265226.png (147.79 KB, 1744x552, -0.png)

Her dad seems like a real dick, and I'm honestly not surprised
No. 501854
>>501532>>501528anzu is a selfish brat that uses people
is it really a shock she learned it from her parents
No. 501877
File: 1518479852308.jpg (149.48 KB, 588x803, 1518433111447.jpg)

>>501528lol, some of this stuff is straight up bullshit
>he complains about my style>I have been the daughter he wants me to be>good gradesyet she is always complaining about how hard school is when all she does is art classes
>whenever he faced me i just got bad insultsconsidering how much of a baby she is, i am sure any criticism made her mad
just say something that isnt 100% positive on twitter and she will block you, you can say her room is messy and she would probably hate you
this girl has had everything in life handed to her and is whining because its not good enough
No. 501880
File: 1518480099840.jpg (51.62 KB, 575x550, 1518433111447.jpg)

And now she is closing her patreon, after having it up for 3 months and only making 12 posts on it.
I wonder how much money she scammed.
No. 504014
>>503962Have you thrown many hissyfits on twitter about it like poor Anzu?
Does she realise that that is how most parents act towards their children, or does she just think she is unique?
No. 510046
File: 1519174091820.jpg (675.75 KB, 1100x1100, Shizuku.jpg)

>>503584Are classes are a fucking joke compared to most other majors in Turkey.
>>504014When you grow up with a silver spoon in your pooper (and neglect all the goods your parents have done for you such as sending you to a private college that costs a fuck ton) you tend to have some issues. She was fat back in midle/high school then she became anorexic in order to fit in to a style to her liking, as some other anon pointed out, cosplayers are prone to having a few extra chromosomes.
No. 515558
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She's always complaining about not getting enough sleep. Gotta commend her makeup skills for covering the bags under her eyes.
No. 525647
File: 1520705825122.jpeg (523.55 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-03-10-14-40-13…)

Is she acting like dying her hair is a huge deal?
No. 526303
>>525647I remember the first time she dyed her hair a few years ago she said she had to dye it back immediately because her dad flipped out at her, having it back to a normal color is probably a huge deal to her.
Don't have caps though since I don't even remember where she posted that.
No. 538768
>>538345you can go to her patreon to see its not active, hasnt been in over a month, last posts says she is closing it and she has only made 12 posts in 5 months
the stolen commission money i dont know how you would find it other than looking through old tweets and incomplete drawings
i remember seeing several people posting sketches she never finished
No. 538834
>>538768Not a wk but one of the commissioners from before. She told me it was okay to pay when she was finished with the art but I insisted and sent in advance. I actually forgot about it in time but a month later she said she was unable to do it because of health problems and refunded me.
I don’t know about Patreon though, I’m not a patron.
No. 560124
>>560031Who did she steal this from?
I remember the last competition she entered she just stole a old style
No. 622836
File: 1530116555111.jpeg (580.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-06-27-02-48-51…)

Her nyx face awards look is so inferior compared to the others, how did she make it that far into the comp?
No. 622858
>>622836bc she is hella cute
also charge your phone anon
No. 623266
>>622836Nyx FACE Awards is a based on votes/popularity. Since her fanbase is so big, she has no problem getting into the finals despite her entries looking like shit compared to everyone else's.
The skill level shown by top right and the bottom two seem much more consistent with what normally makes the finals. Anzu and the butterfly girl next to her are subpar by comparison, especially Anzu's entry.
>video is my favorite of America's finalists No. 667635
>>389733>>389738Okay Turkey Cosplay Informant Here
Yes Her name is asli sahra altunbas her she studies at some college in the capital of turkey. But Sara (lol sahra) Shepard is indeed her facebook account due to everyone wanting to add her on facebook and try to leech her so she made an account that only adds her really close circle of friends.
She actually has anorexia from the beginning like preschool, middle school she has been bullied by lot. By medicine and shit she got fat when she got to the anime circle. This time is around 2008 2009 when the first convention in turkey has happened. After 2010 and forwards she got thin and popular again. She was really friendly and talkative during she was fat.
And she was your average 'gay anime watcher' shipper rotten girl who wants to fuck shota characters from HxH anime. After she got thin again she was cold to everyone. And since many dramas and snowflakery happening in the turkish anime community, she cut her ties with everyone solely to make her job.
But then again she has her own shit too. She cant say ' sorry i cant do it' and relies on lies. She was on a cosplay team around 2014 and everyone liked it. She did trap character from danganronpa at that time. Next year same team wanted to do danganronpa 2 and called her to do main heroine. She didnt wanted it i guess but she accepted it. After everything went well when time has come to do stage rehearsals, she suddenly said ' im gonna extract my teeth so i cant gonna go to the con ' so that group find an another girl. Then she suddenly sold the costume for that character and in the convention day she fucking appeared with madoka costume. And she decided to sit near to that group and look to them whole day. When asked about her teeth, she said nah i changed my mind. Supposedly this was an operation that you cant quickly change your mind but thats all.
Other things aside she has no snowflakery on the community. She tried to be rebel girl until 2016 and she finally succeed it. Broke up with her lesbian lover and her photographer Deniz ( edniz photography) and find some other photographer who is kirghiz male and currently dating him. So she is Bi.
No. 681856
File: 1536186223467.png (2.3 MB, 1202x1192, Screen Shot 2018-09-05 at 3.15…)

>>681611sage if you don't have anything to contribute
No. 682711
File: 1536283410779.png (1.18 MB, 650x812, anzujaamuedniz.PNG)

>>667635thank you for bestowing this milk upon us, informant-chan.
No. 974973
File: 1589648262792.jpg (878.64 KB, 1349x512, tznfecdfg.jpg)

What is up with her making her lips so big nowadays? Is it because of the trend of being more thicc/bimbo-like?
I know that in the past, her lips were more on the small side.
No. 975232
File: 1589693981881.jpg (778.65 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200517_073615_com…)

>>975156It's Dr. Mehmet Akgün, located in Ankara. She's been posting (what I'm assuming) about a livestream on the 17th with her surgeon a lot lately.