>>352616>Josh stalked himself, spammed Vordrak under both identitiesThis was one of the porn cows on KF, tagged under terrorist, probably namesearches obsessively so I'm going to try not to summon him here by avoiding his powerword. Incidentally he's also the one who started the mass harassment of josh's family, rather than vordy, who's mostly just suspected of enabling him.
>Josh doxed DynastiaI don't think those dox were real, but there was an explanation for how they were obtained which doesn't involve anyone leaking them.
>Josh incompetently impersonated /Baphomet/ to create a story for when he sells or leaks the KF databaseSomeone incompetently impersonated baph but it wasn't josh. The 'hack' was pathetic. They basically just got some useless-by-itself info from the email server, which as he describes earlier ITT he pays through the nose for to have seperate from the main site - he explained in some detail about this on KF while vordy overplayed it on his site. Since the 'hack' didn't do any damage of itself vordy has turned it into an alleged false flag to undermine josh.
You have to understand everyone involved has an agenda and interpret what they write accordingly. Vordy is quite good at archiving informative stuff but he's terrible at providing objective commentary.