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No. 350005[Reply]

Previous thread: >>348341

>Sarah allegedly wanted to join the Trinity

>Begs for caps to not be released
>Greg and Lainey go full damage control mode
>Sarah announces her departure from the Onion house
>Livestream ensues
1206 posts and 124 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 354127

Billie was getting high at their home, remember. I come from a huge anti drug family, I do smoke weed. If you are a anti drug person (read the list he made about why he hates potheads) there is no way they didn't know. They were aware of her actions.

No. 354129

What are you even arguing about? I didn't say Billie wasn't smoking at their home and I didn't say they weren't aware. Of course they were aware, that's why they broke up with her, that's how the entire fiasco started. Nobody's debating that. What the fuck. I'm saying they don't understand drugs, that…fuck, it re-read what I wrote, you simple cunt, I'm not spelling shit out for you.

No. 354136

Anon, do you even know what you're arguing about? Both parties have said they were aware of Billie smoking, and Greg even gave permission to do it as long as she told them about it, and did it when in WA in his other house (not the one where they live in.)

I take that back, that was Greg's suggestion but Lainey was 100% against her smoking at all and said she wasn't allowed to do it all.

No. 354137

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he just had to didnt he?

No. 354141

He's so fucking salty about that text, it's great that he actually is mad and has stood mad for a while now

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No. 353511[Reply]

So shocked this idiot doesn't already have a thread. She's basically a dependopotamus turned actual whore. She's married to a man in the military yet throws her lard ass all over men any chance she gets. Until recently her thing was body positivity but it wasn't working anymore for her because she consistently lies about her size. She claims to be a size 14, but looks more like a 22. Now she's grabbing people's nosleep stories off of reddit and passing them as her own with parnormal stories. The girl is a flat out liar and annoying af.
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No. 353532

>omg shut up you're irritating AF

You're calling people irritating but you're the one shitposting. Unless you can prove to us that this girl is deserving of a thread (being overweight doesn't automatically make someone a cow), you're just wasting people's time.

You're so aggressive it makes me feel like this is a vendetta.

No. 353542

Agreed. Basic fat girl who shoops herself =/= lolcow. This reeks of either vendetta or selfpost. Is there milk? OP should post screencaps of proof or drama. Otherwise, this is just another literally who youtuber who doesn't need a thread.

No. 353578

Well I'm interested in a plus-size youtubers thread. People tear down a thread before it even gets going - i agree it is annoying as fuck. This should definitely be on snow though

No. 353581

Why is she a lolcow? This person could've been posted about in the general fatties thread in /snow rather than getting her own thread in /pt (and you've provided zero proof twice now when asked) if you're so mad about her.

No. 353597

Moved to >>>/snow/254884.

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No. 268693[Reply]

Old thread hit limit.

Last thread: >>228540
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No. 357983

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I wonder if its or any other reason besides how crazy Sarah is.
Has anyone heard from PTNR recently?

No. 358454

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The Queen reactivated her facebook.

No. 358477

She's been back, however she didn't post for months.

No. 360280

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Anything from her? I miss PT

No. 481011

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No. 342231[Reply]

Kiwi Farms is dead?
What happened?

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No. 352671


Null I get but why/what sway does she have over Dynastia? Before she was banned she interrupted a conversation Dynastia was having with someone else in chat to tell them to stop talking about the subject they were talking about, and the cuck actually did.

No. 352673


Vordrak you are a fat ugly potato headed pedophile freak and I nor any other sexy young farmer nor any girl who isn't a middle aged drug addicted desperate single mother would have sex with you.

No. 352685

whatever you say cupcake

maybe you should use your tugboat to buy some benzos and get rid of that paranoia.

No. 352748

How disappointing. He'd actually be cool if he wasn't so servile to the other kiwispergs.

No. 352753

>Josh stalked himself, spammed Vordrak under both identities

This was one of the porn cows on KF, tagged under terrorist, probably namesearches obsessively so I'm going to try not to summon him here by avoiding his powerword. Incidentally he's also the one who started the mass harassment of josh's family, rather than vordy, who's mostly just suspected of enabling him.

>Josh doxed Dynastia

I don't think those dox were real, but there was an explanation for how they were obtained which doesn't involve anyone leaking them.

>Josh incompetently impersonated /Baphomet/ to create a story for when he sells or leaks the KF database

Someone incompetently impersonated baph but it wasn't josh. The 'hack' was pathetic. They basically just got some useless-by-itself info from the email server, which as he describes earlier ITT he pays through the nose for to have seperate from the main site - he explained in some detail about this on KF while vordy overplayed it on his site. Since the 'hack' didn't do any damage of itself vordy has turned it into an alleged false flag to undermine josh.

You have to understand everyone involved has an agenda and interpret what they write accordingly. Vordy is quite good at archiving informative stuff but he's terrible at providing objective commentary.

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No. 304962[Reply]

So when you buy the cow you really do get all the milk. Especially out of this lard ass.

Vile, annoying ham dyke who complains about her weight when she's almost over 500 pounds. Exploits and promotes her "eating disorder" (oh boo hoo) doing Mukbang challenges on Youtube with a 10K sub, half her fans complain and warn her about her weight yet does nothing about it. Her aunt disowned her for being too fat, family is in jail for drugs. Her and her 12 year old looking boy girlfriend own shit tons of animals, they never walk them and allow them to shit on the floor.

Now is currently living at her girlfriend's mother's house in Kentucky. Doesn't work, doesn't clean, doesn't do anything but eat once her girlfriend's family is out the house. Had her girlfriend's mother buy her some weight loss program (expensive af) and she just keeps piling on the pounds for Youtube money so she doesn't have to work.

Also has a history of abusing her ex girlfriend.

Enjoy her gross videos guys:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjZG93rAPzI
1213 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 352321

Ayyy, stop calling them Whales! it's an insult to actual whales which are quite intelligent unlike Dana, Amberlynn, and Destiny.

No. 352322

So true, LOL.

No. 352323

Damn I was busy on Valentine's Day so I couldn't come on here and check the thread and when I do come back all this fresh drama is happening!! Damn this is gold!

No. 352328

Welcome back, anon. Enjoy the hot tea and milk.

No. 556124

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I've tried to do a "non fat" edit of her on my phone. It's janky and stretched, but she legit could be so pretty if she wasn't about to fucking bust open from obesity

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No. 342518[Reply]

Thread #1 >>93507
Thread #2 >>131172
Thread #3 >>151227
Thread #4 >>167361
Thread #5 >>176096
Thread #6 >>310703
Thread #7 >>320406
Thread #8 >>331309

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

The basics:
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1213 posts and 220 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 351253

HI luna
Only loonie spells "Sperg" as "sperge"

No. 351258

Yeah, I don't think she's willing at all to deal with the flack for it. She's completely ignorant.

I had completely forgotten this, but did she ever did do it or was it all just talk to get her creds up? I don't know how some of her fans would think of this lol.

No. 351470

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No. 351473

Her thighs look so ripply but at least this looks better and appealing than her sloppy breasts hanging out.

No. 351475

'For somebody who is paid to cosplay' (how many times hasnt that been said here) her nails aggravate the fuck outta me cause fucking christ middle class 'tryna look rich' 40 something claws are so unfitting. She can get the whole natural look / paint them in a nude but theyre still garish claws that are so alien looking on her sausage fingers specially with the cosplays.
She should just use glue ons befitting the cosplay (or none at all) and keep her natural nails and just grow them or something,,,, seriously its narly as fuck
(Considering the laziness of her nature its even worse cause you get high res images of outgrown and/or chipped acrylics lol)

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No. 350922[Reply]

She uses young girls for views. She obsess over Laineybot and Onision. Rumors say she is in love with Onision. She makes people feel sorry for her and she doesn't have a job, but she can't upload videos, how sad. Onision can upload 2 a day and take zero breaks. She thinks she can make it as a YouTuber and start monetizing her videos off of her little fan base. She blames her lack of uploading videos because of her "sickness" which is all in her delusional head of hers.

No. 350923

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No. 348341[Reply]

Previous thread: >>344293

Recent milk:
- Onion chimed in on Cyr's drama
- tweets defensively at Lane and Luxy again for no reason
- Lane went on YouNow and claimed that Greg encouraged Sarah and Lainey to date
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No. 350006

new thread: >>350005

No. 350007

Already trying to lure in new prey I guess

No. 350019

It helps a little but I think I need a bigger/ more powerful one.

No. 350061


Isn't the basically what he said about Ayalla when she said he was scared that he was going to call the cops? Lmao, what a hypocrite.

No. 350063

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No. 348265[Reply]

>mentally ill black girl
>verbally abuses her mother
>desperately wants a half white child and got pregnant by a white trash wigger
>comes online begging for money to support her unborn child
>has the most fucked up weave you have ever seen
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No. 348735

No. 348751

She needs her ass beat more than that how bow dat girl.

No. 348799

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This is what happens when you let your kids run wild and don't discipline them while you can.

>those Facebook messages on Dr. Phil

Hmm… seems familiar kek

No. 348946

No. 348974

Moved to >>>/snow/246804.

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No. 344293[Reply]


-was (possibly) catfished by Stevie Gore all along, lol
-plans to turn a new leaf yet still shits on pot smokers
-Billie hasn't returned and possibly never will (lol be mad)
-is now friends with some fat fuck named BillyTheFridge to get to his romantic interest: Leafyishere

Let's see what awaits us in this downward spiral, shall we?

Previous thread: >>>/pt/342506
1104 posts and 170 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 348337


Are you functionally retarded?

No one here is angry at Lane. Why do you keep insisting that people here are? The fucking tween army is doing the attacking, led by Greg and Taylor.

No. 348339

i think we should wait for lane to write something with exactly what she says happened, so that we don't speculate and jump to conclusions

No. 348342

new thread: >>348341

No. 348343


True, all we know is that they "nearly" dated (I think she said it was a few months ago, I'm guessing midst a Billie break up) and Greg was encouraging it.

Lane's friend said that they don't know that this necessarily means Greg wanted to be involved, but I think we all know how it would have ended should they have dated. He already stated many times that seeing girls make out infront of him turn him on, he already explained how unfair the trinity was when he couldn't fuck Billie on his own. It's obvious his game plan.

No. 348353

Can someone check WA law? Where I am the legal age is 16 but only if you're within 3 years of the minor. If you're over three years the legal age is 18. I'm pretty sure WA has similar laws.

It won't do anything but make Plain look like more of a perv for snatching Sarah up when she just turned 16.

Have fun with your trinity, onion boy. If the law doesn't catch up with you, the fading looks and the ego will.

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