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No. 304962
So when you buy the cow you really do get all the milk. Especially out of this lard ass.
Vile, annoying ham dyke who complains about her weight when she's almost over 500 pounds. Exploits and promotes her "eating disorder" (oh boo hoo) doing Mukbang challenges on Youtube with a 10K sub, half her fans complain and warn her about her weight yet does nothing about it. Her aunt disowned her for being too fat, family is in jail for drugs. Her and her 12 year old looking boy girlfriend own shit tons of animals, they never walk them and allow them to shit on the floor.
Now is currently living at her girlfriend's mother's house in Kentucky. Doesn't work, doesn't clean, doesn't do anything but eat once her girlfriend's family is out the house. Had her girlfriend's mother buy her some weight loss program (expensive af) and she just keeps piling on the pounds for Youtube money so she doesn't have to work.
Also has a history of abusing her ex girlfriend.
Enjoy her gross videos guys:
Youtube: No. 304963
>>304962I've been waiting for a "plus-sized" cow to be active. Any caps or interesting links? It's almost required for a thread and I'd rather not have this die while weeb/"ugly" girl thread #5844 is still active.
I'll post what another anon said in the fat thread.
>"i have to force myself to eat, i really don't wanna eat but i haven't eaten today at all and that's not good!">"i'm the queen of moderation">"if i was not filming this mukbang i probably wouldn't be eating">"if i sat here and ate carrots and stuff i'd get so full but i'd probably only eat 100 calories and that ain't enough">all spoken in between giant greedy mouthfuls of pizza No. 304968 her house is a fucking tip, garbage all over the place and then she randomly brings home another cat to add into her zoo??? The conditions her dogs are kept in are deplorable, shit like this makes me mad because there are totally worse fates for animals than death. Overcrowding and neglect is defs one of them. One thing I will say is good on her for calling the vets and everything but like still. . . she doesnt work or do anything so i doubt she is prepared to take on the responsibility of yet another animal.
''i feel like someone abused this cat and just dumped it'' but her dogs live in their own filth . . . like come on dude. Take a step back and check how your animals are living before you go picking up anymore. common fucking sense. She also admits to taking on another kitten not too long ago and having to give it up very quickly due to apartment rules, what pisses me off is shes romanticizing the idea of rescuing all of these animals without even giving much of a thought about the care and time they require. Like seriously put down the fork and take the dogs for a walk theyre going stir crazy and you can tell.
Also lol at 7:00 in she stops recording and orders her gf around like a butler.
No. 304971
>>304968Exactly its bad enough she has never had a stable home due to moving around to foster homes. Then she and her girlfriend move into her girlfriend's mothers house, its cramped as fuck but their bedroom they share just had shit everywhere. The animals sleep with them and
>>304970 as that anon said BATHES?! This is just nasty.
No. 304972
>>304968They don't even walk the dogs. Her girlfriend apparently used to work and Amber would sit on her fat ass all day just doing nothing. Her girlfriend drives her everywhere, now that they live in the middle of nowhere (girlfriend's mothers house) its even harder and she just relies on the mother or her gf.
But back when they had that apartment the dogs would piss and shit on the floor.
No. 304976
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This gave me a chuckle. She's talking about Pokemon GO. Perhaps she should practice what she's preaching.
No. 304977
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No. 304979
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I can't even.
No. 304986
>>304985Her current girlfriend (one who looks like a boy) is Destiny.
Crystal is her ex who was in the earlier videos with long hair and just as fat.
Well that's the thing… people are speculating she's using Destiny for accommodation because she's a foster kid. Fam is in jail and her aunt doesn't talk to her cos she's fat.
No. 304992
>>304991Yeah in the video (ya gotta search her channel) "I WAS RAPED" it was some video about abuse with some old girlfriend who is now trans
She was talking about having to finger herself for her ex gf
its messed up
No. 304994
>>304990Man I would never sub to her, but I have watched a bunch of her blogs since this thread was made. I just can't look away.
She is both depressing and perplexing. I can't imagine living the way she does and not just being so fed up with my situation that I have to change SOMETHING. I want to pity her because it sounds like she's had a rough life, but thats even more of a reason to want to build up your own life and do something for yourself.
I mean damn.
No. 305001
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>>305000apperantly she blames her weight on destiny (gf)
what the actual fuck?
No. 305003
>>305002She's in it for the money
She knows its shit for her health but she's gaining subs in masses by the DAY
No. 305008
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she's been wearing the same bra in each video for 2 years guys
people are starting to take the piss
No. 305014
its been there for almost 8 months
No. 305016
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>>305011I've never watched one of her videos before this one. Holy shit. She thinks the Cheesecake Factory is fine dining, she thought their shitty tile flooring was fancy. Her reactions to everything in Target is painful. She's so tacky.
Watching her entire body jiggle when she walks, talks, or just sits in the car. Any slight movement seems to send her massive body into a jiggling spree. Ugh, what the fuck.
No. 305022
>>305015She claims "I don't have diabaeetees doe"
Pfft if not then not yet kek
No. 305023
>>305016Her girlfriend does all the leg work despite getting cramps in her feet too. Before she met this fat ass Destiny (gf) was already fat but she's put even more weight on now that she's living with her.
So Amber just sits in the car and waits while her gf does the shopping. Unless its for food, she doesnt get out of the car.
No. 305024
>>305019I get what you mean. But the fact of the matter is she's basically killing herself on camera, she knows this, she lies to her fans about losing weight when she's obviously eating shit on camera gaining it. She ignores her subs/comments and if she was that offended she would disable the comments. She wants a drama about her.
Plus her life is total dog shit. She leeches off every girl she meets on the internet, moves in with them and their family. Doesnt work.
Doesnt clean up the pets. Doesnt wash or walk the dogs. Does fuck all.
She's a mess.
No. 305028
>>305026Her parents are both in jail due to drugs and domestic abuse. She has a brother apparently and he's in some bum fuck redneck town after being locked up. She doesnt know and her aunt wants nothing to do with her because she's fat/sponger. So that side of the family has totally cut her off. But then again she could just be making this shit up - she lies so much.
She's had loads of girlfriends, so she says but the only other one we've seen if Crystal from two years ago in her old videos where she started her 'weight loss journey' and Amber was much shyer then.
Crystal looks a lot like Destiny (current gf) but had longer hair but was still obese and just as ugly. Again Crystal's family took her in just like Destiny's family and looked after her broke ass. Amber contributed to shit all.
Crystal eventually dumped her. She wasn't a fan of Youtube either. Hated being on camera whereas Destiny doesnt mind.
It doesnt help that Amber was in foster care half her life and she went from state to state. She's lived in tons of states, never had any balance or a proper home. She was working and had her own shit in Florida months back before she met Destiny but she's just lazy now.
She met a girl online (Destiny), got a fuck ton of pets hoarded up, moved in with Destiny's parents house. Infact the house is Destiny's step father's. Not even the mother's house. Its in the middle of nowhere in Kentucky and Amber makes up so many excuses about not losing weight.
The bitch could go for a jog, a walk since there is SO much land around that fucking shanty house. Its ridiculous.
No. 305031
>>305030Same here, I went on a binge one day and its like… you know those really shit reality tv shows or documentaries about how awful people lives are? Its that.
No wonder she's getting views because she's suck a train wreck thus car crash. A total mess. She's so bad she's brilliant and the comment section is lethal. But she knows this, she's a cunt and she's getting cash to fund her addiction.
No. 305032
>>305028I feel bad for this girl. I really do like her. I can see the bad side you guys are presenting, I do. I just empathize with her and I enjoy her energy. But people are always very different behind closed doors.
I have hope she can make something of herself. I hope.
No. 305033
>>305032>>305031>>305030I binged watched her too and she made me laugh so much (unintentionally ofc) that I kinda like her now. I'm from the south so hearing her familiar sounding slight twang is soothing, I like her voice. When she has full body shots, oh my god. Like I thought I'd get used to it after the first few times but every single time she shows her full body I'm blown away. It never gets old. For a southern fatty she's not particularly dumb or lazy, how do you let yourself get so big like that?
I ended up thinking her and her gf were super cute, they're so relaxed with each other. Ngl I can't help but wonder what their sex life is like because I can only picture a dead one. How could you be physically attracted to someone hidden in a cocoon of obese? I mean Amb has an appealing personality but I could not fuck someone so damn big. Doubt I could even find her vagina, her thighs and fupa would swallow me first. Destiny must've fallen in love with her personality and was willing to sacrifice a sex life for it. Like she decided, 'hey, eating instead of fucking isn't so bad!'
In one video Destiny was pointing to a dessert she wanted and Amber was like "Don't lie and act like you're gonna get that, you always get full SSOO FAAST." made me chuckle envisioning Destiny pigging out until she's painfully full but compared to Ambers' portion sizes Destiny 'hasn't eaten much at all!'
Her comment section is wild though. She reminds me of Trisha Paytas.
No. 305038
She has an eating disorder. Binging is an eating disorder. I have battled with bulimia, binging, and manic depression. I have been 300 pounds, i have been 150, and everything in between. She needs professional help, she's not crazy, disgusting or less than a human being. I have empathy for her, but I don't feel sorry for her. She's using this to her advantage, but I don't think she feels she's doing any harm to herself. When you're that far into lies, compulsion and mental illness, it's hard to see the truth.
No. 305039
>>305035I'm the anon from
>>305033 and while I did say a few nice things I still criticized her. I like her as much as I like CWC, Kooters or Kaka. I have to like a cow to some degree to bother keeping up with them. Aren't you kinda fond of your favorite cows/snowflakes in some way, even if it's just because they give you lulz?
No. 305040
>>304962"be vegan u can eat as much as u want"
"i ate 8 servings of white rice in a sitting, gained SEW MUCH W8"
"i was ~~~plant based~~~ for 2 weeks"
No. 305042
>>305040Amb may be a hypocrite, but she directly criticised those quotes. Did you even watch?
It's depressing to watch her cry about how she is nearly on her deathbed due to her weight, then her next upload being a mukbang or a vlog laying in her musty hoarder bedroom with 10 pets, blinds closed.
I scrolled through Destiny's twitter and it's obvious she's blown up since she's been with Amber. Her siblings are all a third of her weight.
No. 305043
>>305040Sage for rant
Unlike other fatties, she's not in blatant denial. She knows she's morbidly obese and unhealthy. She knows she eats too much. I do feel bad for her in the sense that Being at that weight is hard looking all the progress you have left to tackle, it can seem insurmountable and impossible at times. Changing diet and habits is a very slow process.
I find Amb charming because she's not spouting off some social justice fat acceptance nonsense. It's just, here I am. I'm morbidly obsese. I was successful with weight loss beforehand but hit a rough patch and gained more. She doesn't point the finger any anybody but herself for not coping with hard times properly or taking advice in the wrong way.
Also she constantly receives very harsh criticism on her YouTube videos but she continues to upload them and leave the comments open for people to sperg. She doesn't go into an autist rage about "da haters". She acknowledges the nasty comments but continues to push out videos on her life and leave her comments open.
She is lonely. A bit spastic and annoying. She's fat. She's a bit lost. I would like to be her friend. I would understand if the YouTube comments were from people who actually cared about her and wanted to call out
problematic things in her life, but it's just a bunch of Internet fucks that probably have a much sadder life, or are hefty themselves.
If you ever read this Amberlynn, there are people out here who support you. You're not hurting anybody but yourself, and I want you to see that, and get some positivity and motivation, and have a happy existence where you are independent and you can read as many trashy YA novels as you want.
No. 305046
>>305044KEK omg did you see that video where Amberlynn was like "Some of y'all have been sendin' Destiny nudes, textin' her sayin' she's sexy, I texted back 'This is Amberlynn I assume you watch my videos Destiny does not want to see your titties'"
I refuse to believe anyone fucking sent Destiny nudes sincerely. Has to be a troll. Which one of you beautiful bastards did that? If it was an attempt to get her to cheat, I live for tea please proceed
No. 305047
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>>305043She's been banging on about weight loss for more than a year at about 400 pounds then decided to quit and gain another 100 pounds.
It's all done for the attention, views, comments and of course $$$.
As a "snack" that she bought to just drive around Walmart for an hour at 4mph was chocolate bars, cashews and some baked pretzels.
No. 305048
>>305043Also she uploads videos at random.
Videos from July or February and are uploaded in September or are simply deleted and reposted.
It's impossible to know which video is from what month or year.
Her vegan "mook bong" for example was originally made back in July yet was reuploaded on the 11th of September.
That video you posted was probably back when she went vegan during July for a week despite her saying she felt so amazing.
No. 305052
>>305050Not sure of the entire story, so I don't know what Amberlynn had described in her video. But I will say that it is disturbingly common for people who have raped/ abused others to not even connect that what they did was rape/ abuse.
>amberlynn actually deleted the video since the rebuttal was posted lmao.THAT IS SUSPICIOUS AS FUCK.
No. 305054
>>305052Yeah you're totally right, and I shouldn't have said flat out that I believe the ex. It's very possible either one is lying, I just feel like Amberlynn has a history of stretching the truth. Also yeah - the fact she deleted the video is fucking weird. The ex claims that she has texts/photos to back her up, so maybe she will reveal those soon.
One thing I know for sure is that Amberlynn is a fucking moocher and jumps from girl to girl to live off them and their parents. She's now done it three times in a row that we know of and it seems like such bullshit.
No. 305056
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Reading through her ex's comments and I see this, it looks like people are really doing their research! If you look at Ambers recent video, one of the top comments has people talking about starting a Facebook group or discord to keep screenshots and other information safe in case she deletes things. Her fame is coming to an end, it's going to be hilarious to see what she does.
No. 305058
>>305056Honestly it would have been much better to see her trainwreck organically
But no. Those pearl-clutching, meddling grannies over at GuruGossiper have to make their power moves. Like that forum so fucking retarded. They don't just sit and watch. I bet you anything it was someone from GG who messaged Amber's ex, and started this. Amber's gonna go into hiding and won't share shit anymore
No. 305060
>>305059Yeah you're right I guess she would still churn out YouTube videos for the ad money. I hope I'm wrong but GG grannies are gonna be the end of this. No doubt the person who messaged Destiny on ig was from GG. They did the same thing to foreverkailyn. Like someone legit pretended to be a girl on okcupid for a month to get nudes from foreverkailyn. It was the most pathetic thing I ever seen on a message board. Hopefully they don't scare AL away.
Anyway, it really is crazy how many necklaces Amberlyn has. It's depressing because necklaces are the only way she can express herself fashion-wise. She can't really fit in plus-sized clothing. Does anyone get depressed when she opens her drawer to see dozens upon dozens of ziploc bags of necklaces.
No. 305065
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>>305050Destinys sister has shown up in the comments of this video.
No. 305066
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>>305065Her second comment is more interesting, it seems like the family has warned Destiny about Amber.
No. 305069
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>>305067I clicked on one of her profiles and just saw this photo.
I know the "fat girl angle" exists for a reason, but I find it somewhat laughable that it just exacerbates her weight instead and she thought it was okay regardless.
400 pounds and an extra 50 here.
No. 305070
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No. 305073
>>305072She mentions she tried making a trolling video but baleeted it because she's 'above all that' but she's aware her videos are basically bait. She sounds fickle af, like she can't decide whether she loves the hate or not. I think she'll go back on her word and allow the comment section again/bait more eventually, because attention.
She hasn't been to the doctor since she was 18, and she's almost 500lbs.. We all know that test is going to be 100% diabeetus positive.
No. 305077
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She's taking a youtube break.
No. 305079
>>305078I don't think she will stay away for long. I hope not, she was one of my favorite cows.
I also think when she reappears, Destiny won't be around.
No. 305080
>>305078Why do they do that? Cows typically think trolls want to run them off the internet but trolls totally want cows to stay around. We want to be entertained and laugh. What is the motive with GG? What do they gain from running cows off? Even if it was weenery attempts they had to have known Destiny and her family would tell Amber no matter what the ween said, same with the ex, just gonna scare Amber away..
I didn't know people were contacting her family too. Do you know details?
>>305079Does Amberlynn ever have periods of time where she's not dating someone?
No. 305082
>>305080I don't know exactly but the YouTube account who re-uploaded AL's video instigated the entire thing. Not sure if it's from GG/YTT/ or elsewhere but it's extremely similar to how GG/YTT handled foreverkailyn. I'm just salty AL isn't uploading anymore cuz of these clowns. Amberlynn's Facebook and family's Facebook links are all over GG. But could just be dedicated YouTube commenters. Idk
I'm not saying AL doesn't deserve it, sure she is an attention leech and worthless pig. But damn I wish she would have eaten herself to oblivion and documented it instead of going private
No. 305084
>>305083She needs people to feel bad for her, of course she'd be back right away.
And still no video about her ex exposing ha
No. 305085
>>305083lol back already? AND with open season available in the comments?
she has such a punchable face.
No. 305087
>>305086Destiny's mother apparently kicked them out according to that chat thing. It was all over the show on YT.
Give it time and Destiny will kick her. But she's so stupid shell probably keep feeding this fucking cow.
No. 305089
She forgot the word "salad".
No. 305090
>>305086Before all of this drama happened, she mentioned In a few videos that her and Destiny had been looking for apartments and that they even viewed some.
Amb would never say it, but regardless I don't think destiny's mother kicked them out.
No. 305100
>>305099No, it's not. Born in America, lived here my whole life. Never, ever, ever have heard of something like this.
We do have something called ice box cake, but that is a layered dessert featuring whipped cream and chocolate wafers. Maybe AL decided to bastardize it.
No. 305140
>>305099There are biscuits missing. Those fat fucks couldn't keep their hands off the food they were making
for other people as part of their job.
> is this a normal cake Americans make?Born and raised in the US, and I've never seen anything close to that abomination. Sometimes little kids have an icebox cake instead of a regular cake on their birthday, but that thing is… wow. It looks like something a group of 20-year-olds would make while stoned out of their minds.
No. 305345
>>305335i've been watching some of amberlynn's old videos. even ones from just a year ago, she was significantly smaller. Destiny was too. They have both ballooned up considerably. in the older videos when she is with Krystal, her face looks so slim compared to now. I do wonder what she really eats in a day. In her work vlogs, she shows her lunch that she packs, and that's something that wouldn't even fill me up…. and i'm not even close to being a hambeast or overweight. she is obviously not showing all she eats. when she does, she eats gigantic portions (like in her moookbongs). She claims to have binge eating disorder. I do feel some sympathy for her, having no close family, and being shuttled from foster home to foster home. I wonder if she was neglected in the sense that they didn't feed her when she was younger, and so she developed a "hoarding" for eating food? or, she felt like food and eating was the only control she had of her life.. which ironically, food now controls her.
what are you doing to yourself amberlynn :( her recent videos have her talking about her now constant back pains. she is starting to get ill effects from her obesity and she's only about 25 years old.
No. 305441
>>305345yeah, one of the most disturbing things about her videos (aside from seeing her and Destiny gradually puff up) is seeing her blame issues like back and foot pain as singular issues when they're indubitably caused by her obesity. does Amber truly believe they're unrelated to being severely overweight? if she lost weight these problems would dissipate, she needs to stop treating symptoms and start treating the cause.
tbh i bet her view/follower count would SKYROCKET if she was real with her audience and showed us what she really ate in a day. yeah it'd be mostly an influx of haturz but that's already what her fanbase is made of.
she totally hordes food, you're right. i think her main problem is that food is likely her #1 source of happiness and main method of coping. she oughtta talk to a therapist sometime, bet it'd help her lose weight.
No. 305458
>>305453No, I don't think there's a resemblance (besides "fat"). I'm also fairly new to Amber but I think it's much more about her toxic personality, relationships and lifestyle patterns. Where she's living right now, who she's living with is just a part of that.
Amy Slaton's literally just a dumb redneck whose parents made her obese and gave her the disease that will ultimately make her blind. She's not moving anywhere or having relationships with anyone. These so-called "boyfriends" hanging around are just local deadbeats or internet sleazebags who heard she sold the rights to a vid for $10K. Sheer redneckery.
No. 305486
>>305345> even ones from just a year ago, she was significantly smaller. Destiny was too.In this video uploaded in September at 5:38 she's showing a picture from the previous 4th of July and said she was about 100 pounds thinner then. It's like she got with Destiny and abandoned any serious attempts at weight loss. At nearly 500 pounds if she just ate a bit less consistently she should start dropping weight fairly easily. I think she only shows viewers her "good" meals and that she eats way more than she lets on. And speaking of Destiny it
really bothers me that Amber is dragging her down with her and she's gaining too.
No. 305493
>>305492*Destiny has always been a chunky girl
not 20, lol
sage for revision
No. 305907
>>305895>Psychological addictionLol. Just go on google scholar and have a look. Stimulants were used pretty regularly to treat overweight ladies back in the 90's. But now they're schedule 2 because people are more likely to abuse them if their underlying issues aren't treated properly. Hell even people who don't have a history of addiction are prone to abuse stimulants. They're just that slippery
Stop acting like this is some MLA Psychology 101 shit. It's common sense
No. 305924
>>305907>Just go on google scholar and have a look.You should be a good advocate for your own argument and provide links instead of relying on the other person to do the work for you.
I get the impression you're conflating stimulant addiction with the opiates problem currently happening in the US. And while it's valid to look at misuses in general, it's much harder to abuse stimulants with perfect prescribed use than painkillers. And moreover, just because certain people lie and cheat the system by buying pills through illegal means doesn't indicate they're being largely abused by people as a whole. If a doctor feels someone can benefit from stimulants to address their binge eating problem, then it's nonsensical to not consider them because of a few pill poppers have a psychological problem. This is quite "common sense," as you say.
But it's not just you, for some reason lots of people want to retard the acceptance of alternative weight loss tools such as bariatric surgery, even when it's been proven to help people address weight problems in the long run. Forgive me if I seem annoyed by it, because I am. Morbidly obese women need drastic interventions like these, there's no time to wait.
No. 305975
>>305962A pun? Well played my friend.
>>305964I do in fact have a master's degree. However, even someone without a college education can see how it's faulty logic to purport that because some people have addictive personalities it means nobody should be given medication. It makes no sense to assume that because someone has addiction to binging their brains will hardwire to be addicted to a pill instead. There's a multitude of factors that contribute to BED that are different than consuming a chemical. If that were the case then anybody with mental illnesses who might indicate addiction would never be prescribed stimulants or SSRIs since the risks are there.
And again, I think there's a major difference between a 500 pound, desperate woman with co-morbid conditions asking for medication as opposed to some asshole college kid abusing the system.
Speaking from personal experience, Vyvanse was just approved for weight loss in 2015. This drug has less likelihood for addiction compared to other stims. Now I can't speak for all amphetamines, but I find it completely fucked how I take mine at the prescribed therapeutic doses with no ill side effects yet it gets a bad rep alongside Adderall because of college burnout stereotypes.
No. 306007
>>305975We get it, you're on uppers. Aint nobody got time to read all that shit
Careful though anon you will burn out eventually
No. 306040
>>306035Yeah some anon just got their Vyvanse script filled. Kek.
Anyway, here's her video where she talks about being on weight loss pills
No. 306122
>>306040>isn't comfortable taking pills>railroaded through the information process because of bitchy consultant>has excuses for everything>skimmed through that 18 minute video just for her to say she'll talk about her experience on the pill in another videoShe set herself up for failure at the beginning., but the second video is just as pathetic. How is it not obvious she was looking for an excuse to relapse all along? When a pill isn't working you tell your doctor to try something else. It's not uncommon for these kinds of pills to cause fatigue for some and not others.
>"Phentermine can have consequences"Which is why she needs monthly visits with the doctor and needs to take the dosages correctly, what quacks tell their patients to split a pill not intended to be split? Then she talks about how she still eats pizza and shit even while on the pill wtf.
The pill could work for someone like her if they're willing to eat a little better, exercise, and not use the slightest shit as an excuse to give up. No. 306125
>>306119No thanks Anon I don't need uppers ps you're in for a rude awakening when you find out what goes up must come down.
>>306124Yeah from my understanding it doesn't have amphetamine but a molecule kind of close in structure? She should be energized as shit. Maybe shes that heavy she needed a higher dose?
No. 306128
>>306125Except I've been just fine. Idk about your experience anon, but I keep my shit in check and see my doctor once a month as I mentioned in
>>306122. If people are taking the pills correctly and reporting when they're being ineffective there's really no excuse for failure. I can see where Amber is coming from because for awhile I was on Wellbutrin (non-amph) for fatigue, but it actually made me more tired. Reported that to Doc and she said it just happens with some people. It's not an exact science and sometimes it takes experimenting with diff meds and doses. That's when she recommended an amphetamine.
So you can stop acting so aggressive now.
No. 307400
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>>307397I haven't watched them personally but there are screenshots floating around. Apparently she just sits there, reads comments (the ones who kiss her ass, she ignores the constructive ones that aren't even trolling), and complains about the haters and negativity.
No. 307401

>>307391In the newest video:
- Talks about how she has 26k subs and is thankful
- Is so happy to be back on Youtube and would have never imagined to be back! (Yeah right. She's fishing for sympathy.)
- Can't stand negativity
- Claims her boss loves her vlogs and asked her why she hasn't been vlogging … right
- Went to some restaurant with her ugly friend and Destiny, she ordered rice and french fries, plus pecan pie for dessert. Makes fun of Destiny's food as usual
- A gross shot of Destiny's asscrack, and shows off her new hauls (tacky decor and apparently a new cellphone for Destiny)
- AL tries to "dab" but fails, and we can see how huge she is because she can barely fit by herself in that one booth. Destiny is sitting at the side of the table with another chair
Plus more footage of them acting like idiots in public. Pretty boring, and her comment section has become a snoozefest as well. Ever since she posted that previous video of her "crying" a lot of her haters seemed to have turned a new leaf, and the number of enablers/sympathy comments have risen considerably.
No. 307624
>>307596>goulash>"healthy"Pasta is the fucking worst and I'd wish people would realize it. Also her 'goulash' is fucking horrible looking.
t. Italian
No. 307691
>>307656Did you actually calculate her TDEE? I mean either way someone like her cannot afford to be eating pasta nor straight sugar. There have been people weighing less or who were at a normal weight who have died from having such horrible diets.
I'd rather see her consume 1500cals in lean protein and the other 500cals just from the butter she'd use to top on some veggies.
I get the principle, that as long as she eats below a certain amount of calories she should lose weight. But I think it's dangerous to tell people like her it's okay to do so with shitty food groups when that in fact can make her health worsen and give her really fucked food relationships if and when she'd get down to a maintainable weight.
No. 307802
>>307691I spit balled but assuming she's 5'8" and gets zero exercise, her BMR is 3061 calories per day and her TDEE is 3674 calories a day. So if she ate 2500 calories every day in table sugar she'd lose a pound approximately every three and a half days.
Yeah, it would be awesome if Amberlynn ate like a sensible human being but the fact is that if you put this human being on a low carb, lean protein, 1500 calorie a day diet, she'll last 48 hours before the first binge.
Physiologically her body and her brain are no longer normal. Her stomach is stretched out so she feels hunger continually. She experiences highs and lows due to her sugar and fat intake. Eating 2500 calories a day of what she is already eating - sugar and grease - isn't going to hurt her in the long run because at this rate she'll be lucky if she makes it to 35 before her heart gives out. If she could dump 200 pounds by calorie reduction and taking a daily walk, taking that 300 pound woman who has learned to manage hunger sensations to a dietician to work up a decent meal plan that gradually weans her off crap and teaches her proper nutrition in the vein of what you are suggesting would be ideal. But there is zero sense in doing it with a woman who weighs a quarter of a ton and is subject to intense hunger due to her stretched-out stomach and sugar crashes and experiences near-addictive food cravings.
But all of this is just some people talking shit online because the both of us have a better chance of being sent to colonize Mars than Amberlynn does of serious weight loss without WLS surgery and even with a gastric sleeve she'd find a way to gain the weight back. Her future is bleak at best.
No. 308042
>>307899So many empty calories and junk. Also, what the hell is that breakfast…?
I agree though, she's definitely lying about something. Probably the portions.
No. 308053
>>307899>that fucking breakfastWho the fuck puts spaghetti sauce on a potato and then washes it down with strawberries in the morning? Fuck if she wants to use the sauce she'll just use pasta later for dinner, just use it then. She has no taste for a fatass.
The lunch would be
ok if she did without the pretzels and potato chips. But it's mostly carbs with not much protein.
Her dinner was depressing.
I don't really believe her when she says she only drinks water and one diet soda.
No. 310104
>>309112It's because of those vegans on youtube (and elsewhere) who claim you can eat absolutely massive amounts of food on a high carb low fat vegan lifestyle and lose/maintain your weight. Amberlynn has said in the past that that is what got her interested in a vegan lifestyle.
I literally think she believes that the vegan food she eats doesn't count toward her calorie intake or something like that.
No. 317690
>>317623I mean, she
does have a point in that just because someone voted it doesn't make their opinion more valid than hers because she didn't. Fact is if people weren't voting for either Hillary or Trump this election, their presidential vote was doomed. I voted third party and I knew this, but it wasn't out of "protest" that I did it, but because of the principle that I didn't like either of the bi-party candidates and that I should be free to vote for whomever. And unfortunately, in many states even if you write in for candidates like Bernie Sanders, or even 'Harambe,' they won't count by default because they're not recognized on most state ballots. You'd essentially be not voting even though you cast a vote. By definition, it's a waste of time. People need to stop being mad at other citizens for exercising (or not) their rights and actually work on campaign reform lest we continue to see poor voter turnouts and indifference. Our system is heavily fucked.
BUT, but…her reason why she didn't vote at all is stupid. She says she would have voted Hillary except
>"I heard her say she's for nine month abortions and that's a big deal."I mean, be mad at this giant retard for being dumb and uninformed, not at the action of not voting itself. There were WAY more valid reasons to not vote Hillary than the non-argument of nine month "abortions" which anyone intelligent knows doesn't happen.
Anyone who doesn't think this election was a pure wash is delusional. It's stupid to see regressive liberals whine and make it an issue of us vs. them. I can't even blame the people who didn't vote because the system was absolutely rigged this time around and no candidates without money or corruption got any kind of representation.
She's also right in that we better HOPE Trump turns out to be the con man that he is and isn't as conservative as he said. Because if these retarded leftists get him impeached we're left with fucking PENCE. Who is objectively worse than Trump.
Nobody is asking people to "go along with" Trump's policies, but we should at least wait until he gives us something to protest and rally against. Like that fucking Muslim registry and other such nonsense. Burning the American flag and damaging innocent peoples' properties does nothing but turn people away from the cause.
But of course she apologized for this video. Because all her viewers are butthurt, fat posi leftists so if she snubs them by telling them they're wrong, she'll lose subs. She's groveling now but she doesn't mean it, it's only to try to win them back.
No. 317695
>>317690I agree with you on the issue of her not voting actually, though I did vote myself. I think that issue was just exacerbated by the fucking incoherent mess that came out of her mouth in defense of herself. She can't even make sentences connect and make sense, let alone a whole argument. I truly did not realize she was THAT stupid until she tried to talk politics.
She also in general just let her whole fat racism ass show in saying, "Racism, burning the flag: that’s pretty equal in my opinion because this is our country."
Again. What the fuck does that mean? Does she feel the same way about homophobia? It's funny rewatching this trainwreck of a video to see that she actually holds her hand up higher for burning the flag. So many lols. I don't think her apology was authentic either, and it's funny as hell that the title of her next video was just: "FOOOOOOOD!!!!"
No. 317785
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>>317764My thoughts are summed up by this comment and this screenshot I took. Fucking hell.
No. 317851
>>317844You have a good point definitely. I'm really only (and I thought the commentator was too) just relating it to reading Harry Potter as a kid and being so disgusted by Dudley. Like damn, imagine growing up and turning into a Dursley (also shit come on, she really looks like Dudley there in a pile of gifts). I don't have anything against parents spoiling their kids even though I was definitely a poor kid growing up.
I don't know. I can't think of any good reason for a grown ass adult to get that many presents. Everything they do seems excessive to me.
No. 318256
>>318183what i hate more is how she pronounces kitten.
like. kih-tten.
No. 318267
>>318245She claims she is making $4,000 a month off Youtube, plus whatever she earns with her shitty unskilled labor job she constantly bitches about. She also claimed she had nothing when she met Destiny, which was less than two years ago. Apparently in such a short amount of time she has managed to earn enough money to constantly eat out, go shopping every other day, move to and furnish + decorate a new place, giant TV included, and buy an insane amount of presents. All y'all are just jealous because you're not as successful! Or maybe AL is lying to herself as usual and spending way above her means because there is no way she has this much disposable income #lezzbereal
Both of them have a screw loose. No normally functioning adult would be comfortable receiving 60+ gifts. It is moving getting a present that shows someone cares and knows you well, but the act of giving excessively is highly manipulative. Knowing that your partner has spent so much money on you does not make you happy, it makes you feel guilty, and like there is something you MUST do to return the favor. Unless they both function at the level of a 7 year-old where Christmas is all about more and bigger, it's quite disturbing that both of them think this is an ok thing to do.
No. 318518
>>318503Well you're implying that people who receive lots of gifts are automatically fat aspie NEETs, so yeah, it makes sense to bring up the fact that lots of rich people are brought up with lots of gifts around holidays but don't turn out that way.
You sound jealous and bitter famalam.
No. 319505
>>319487If you're that big you actually need more water than the average person… because you're like 3 people welded into one.
How is she actually so lazy that she can't fill a couple glasses of water? Or so unhealthy that drinking a fraction of her daily requirements is an accomplishment for her? Maybe if she would do the very minimal of supplying her body with the actual hydration and nutrition (not calories but nutrients) that she needs she wouldn't be so insanely lethargic and unwilling to take a few steps across the room.
No. 319507
>>319505I understand that she would need more water than the average person, but she explained in the video that she was aiming for 8 glasses of water a day and couldn't do it. I'm not just talking about her specifically, the idea that drinking enough water every day is a challenge is baffling, unless you live in Afghanistan or some other shithole. Like… 8 glasses of water is on the same level as eating an entire tablespoon of cinnamon or shoving a condom up your nose? Wow.
Lmao and then at the end she's all smug and proud of herself because she's drinking "less diet soda". You shouldn't be touching that crap with a ten foot pole. You would think that if you've gotten to a point where you weigh as much as three people, you should not be content with consuming less garbage, you should cut it the fuck out of your diet before it kills you.
No. 319515
>>319487"The average person"
Nothing average about this ham planet.
No. 321802
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There is something truly special about seeing her fat ass reflected in the computer screen while she's watching hot skinny girls at the VS fashion show.
No. 321831
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>>321802>>321829reminds me of this
No. 339363
>>338323she smacks the puppy
start watching at 11:30
No. 339419
>>339363holy shit, and the way she holds the cat afterwards too.
the puppy wasn't even being aggressive, it was just being a puppy.
No. 339455
>>339419The way she holds that cat is the thing that bothers me the most. I can just see her dislocating the legs of that poor thing.
She could have just tapped that puppys face, not full on smack :/
Amberlynn just loves attention, negative or positive, doesn't matter to her, that's why she posts such things. She could have easly cut it out, but no, she loves her views on youtube.
No. 339638
>>339363I am fucking
triggered, these white trash shitstains are handling the animals like actual childreb. Ragdolling the kitten and smacking the dog for nibbling.
I just hate ambers fat face and destiny just seemed like another hick but shes clearly just as trashy as amber ech
No. 339989
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>>339363Holy shit I want to reach through my screen and scratch her eyes out.
That's no way to handle your animals you damn idiot!
No. 342444
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>>337794Hamberlynn responding to people messaging Destiny on Destiny's IG. There are no boundaries for narcissists.
No. 344564
>>344550I think that could definitely be a part of it, I wonder what will happen to all their pets now?
Wish kiwi farms was here for this lol
No. 344626
>>344531She's probably got new fetishes other than squashing and feeding.
Too bad.
No. 344643
>>344531FUCKING KEK, I love how she lied the other day saying they were still together LOL.
And of course like a true coward, disables comments.
No. 344697
>>344564i was missing all the AL drama after kiwi shut down, their board for her was so active.
this is hilarious, it was so obvious.
I remember she did a live stream once people started to speculate and everytime people said "hows destiny??" She'd reply "shes good." and instantly move on. It killed me
No. 344700
>>344531destiny ruined her future how?
because now AL has to go back out and get a real job again and has no one to mooch off of ? fucking. kek.
No. 344715
>>344697I miss it too, I came from KF from her thread.
But what makes me laugh about AL right now is if you noticed one of her older videos this week, she talks about how she regrets quitting her job. Now we know why.
No. 344791
>>344770I was completely shocked what a classic narc she showed herself to be when she started blaming Destiny.
Sorry for samefaggin(did I do this right?)
No. 344808
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>>344531anyone else think she's "talking to" this chick?
No. 344809
>>344697lol check out their exchange around 5:50
No. 344836
>>344830It really grinds my gears how this bitch gets all high and mighty about her followers calling her a liar, etc, when she continues to lie freely, over and over. Then she wonders why no one trusts anything that comes out of her mouth.
I hope Destiny moves out of that condo and forces AL to take care of herself. I can't imagine the pickle she's in right now. She can't drive and has no way to leave the house on her own. She is completely dependent on Destiny. Didn't she live with Krystle for months after they broke up until she found another girlfriend (Destiny) to move in with? Hopefully Destiny doesn't put up with that shit and moves out (because kicking AL out sadly would not work… how could she force her to leave?)
No. 344839
>>344836She's so fucked. She can't afford this townhouse alone.
I am interested who the girl she was speaking to on her phone on You Now is.
And it's confirmed Destiny's family didn't like her.
No. 344880
>>344869>>344864>>344874Stop fucking making fifty posts pretending to be different people. Amberlynn makes barely any money from youtube and was just trying to buy Destiny's love with stupid presents so she could sit at home all day while Destiny makes the money.
Hope Destiny kicks her outta the house and gives back all the useless crap she bought her.
No. 344892
Peter Monn thinks the break up might be fake and he makes some really good points.
Hope this link works, I'm not good at internetting…. No. 344915
>>344914There is NO way they would have nasty sex with her vagina being buried in pounds of fat like some blob monster. Imagine trying to rub against and fuck that without using a toy.
Anyways, AL's victims must be coming from her Youtube channel because they would pity her to a high degree enough to want to support that massive ego.
No. 344922
>>344915IIRC, AL's relationship with Krystle was never sexual. AL was too insecure with herself or something to ever get intimate. There's that FB message screenshot around where she messages Kasey (her alleged rapist, mind you) about sex advice and stating she's never gotten intimate with Krystle but wants to with Destiny.
I think Destiny and AL have been intimate but probably very scarcely. Destiny's made references to making AL "cum", and AL has revealed on a YouNow stream that Destiny is a squirter. Terrible mental image, I know.
No. 344958
>>344839the look on their faces!! you can see they don't like Amberlynn. They have probably convinced Destiny to break up with her or they had some influence into this decision.
Worse thing that will happen Amberlynn will find a feeder guy to take care of her.
No. 344994
>>344988oh i must not have been paying attention
kinda OT but wasn't there some rumor that amberlynn "stole" destiny from her ex fiance? does anyone have info abt that?
No. 345025
>>345024I remember that. I also remember Destiny's sister commenting that their family "knows what Amberlynn is doing" or something like that.
You really don't think AL liked Destiny? I can see it… She was nicer and more lovey with Krystle for most of their relationship but got way too comfortable with Destiny really quickly.
No. 345201
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this ones from destinys tumblr she's even fatter now
No. 345238
>>345217Her health is declining already. She had a sore on her arm that took forever to heal and she danced around whether or not she is diabetic. I can't remember if she admitted to it or not but visually it appears that she has the beetus. Her slow healing time for basic scrapes, her darkened knuckles, her dark lower legs and feet all indicate that she's developed it.
She's also experiencing joint pain from just sitting and even more when she's standing up for any period of time so I'd bet she's got osteoarthritis going on as well.
What is less discussed about My 600 Pound Life and similar shows where a human landslide loses weight is that too often the person is ruined for life. They may no longer be in immediate danger of dropping dead but their backs are ruined, they have no cartilage left cushioning leg joints, their hips are wrecked, their feet are permanently splayed, their hearts and livers are scarred and on and on. They may get their blood pressure and diabetes under control but if AL ever loses the weight she will never be a fully healthy person again. You can't wear 350 extra pounds for years and return to normal.
No. 345242
>>345238You make really good points, even if she lost 100 pounds, she has caused irreversible damage to her joints and organs. I would still be happy for her if she lost 100 pounds tho. Anything is an improvement from where she is now.
She makes a lot of excuses for not being able to lose weight first she has to grow up.
No. 345247
>>344531As soon as I saw the title/thumbnail I wondered how long it would take her to throw Destiny under the bus. I just
knew she would when the inevitable breakup happened.
>>345164I think that's why she waited nearly 2 weeks to make the breakup announcement, she was hoping to wear Destiny down and get her to relent and just forget about all the issues. I'm hoping Destiny stays strong but Amber isn't going to make this easy for her and to make it worse she's not going anywhere soon enough. As far as Sharla is concerned I expect to see a lot more of her in future videos.
No. 345270
>>345267She knows she has mental health problems and a food addiction. She's mentioned it several times on her vlogs. Whether or not she actually chooses to do something about it and stick to it is another story.
She's refused therapy and blocks anyone who mentions it to her. She also likes to brag about how she's a nutrition expert because she's previously lost like 100lb or something. She's said stuff like she doesn't need to count calories because human beings aren't made to calorie count and that carbs don't make you gain weight, they're good for you. etc.
She's in denial and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she's doing this to slowly kill herself and self-harm but she's such a self-important, entitled narcissistic pig so who knows.
No. 345274
>>345272And when the inevitable happens, she'll still spin it to make herself look like the victim. She should think about how she's a piece of shit person when her aunt has kicked her out, she got dumped by Krystle and Destiny, and her ex-girlfriends family doesn't like her.
I hope Sharla doesn't do it but she seems weak-willed.
No. 345411
>>345360The noteable things she talked about were….
>she said Destiny hates her ex-fiance and thinks she's crazy>Her aunt still has her blocked>She was smiling at her phone again while texting someone which probably means nothing but some people think it means she's already moving on w someone else lol>she said she went to college to become a social worker once or something but moved in the middle of obtaining her associateseverything else was small talk from what i could remember. also she said she's pro choice! oh and that she wouldn't date a trans person because she's a lesbian which i hope she doesn't get hate for it tbh considering it's her right to set boundaries. I feel like she should never discuss politics lol
No. 345436
>>345343that or Destiny has asked her to stop speaking about things or Amberlynn doesn't want to slip up and say something that might ruin her chances of Destiny taking her back
>>345411I think she's probably already trying to score a backup. Before the breakup video was released she was tweeting sad shit every night but hasn't seemed to do it as much since then. I agree with others that she likely delayed posting the video because she wanted to know for sure that Destiny was done. Posting the video/crying/talking about pathetic sad herself and how much Destiny loved her was likely one last attempt at getting Destiny to change her mind but now she's realised that's not happening I think she's quickly trying to find others to dump herself on
No. 345453
>>345450She was on some stim for weight loss which takes a week to start working, this bitch stuffs her face after one day claims it doesnt work.
I have come to the conclusion she doesnt really want to lose weight and uses her fatness as a crutch.
No. 345740
>>345267She has said before that she has BED and you can't just diet that away. She desperately needs therapy but always ignores it when people suggest it. She has also mentioned anxiety and being depressed lately. You add that to the childhood she had and she is someone who could really benefit from mental health care but she doesn't seem interested.
>>345270It really bugged me when she said that dumb shit about counting calories. When she lost that weight in the past I think she was using weight watchers which
is calorie counting but instead of calories they use a point system and the points represent an amount of calories.
No. 345741
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No. 345749
>>345740In one of her Younows someone asked her if she would be interested in seeking help, and she said no because she's tried it so many times and she feels like it doesn't do anything for her. Probably because it requires you to work on yourself.
>>345746I wouldn't be surprised. She's 100% dependent on Destiny and her income to cart her around and keep up her lifestyle of compulsive shopping and eating out. Now that Dustin's fed up she probably has jack shit to vlog about.
No. 345759
>>345755No way is it normal to live with your ex. Not one person would do this to themselves and both live in misery. If you watch her vlogs with her last gf Krystle it just looks like an awkward situation like Amberlynn is overstaying her welcome. Then she has Destiny pick her up and happily every after! But not so fast, Destiny might have a bit of a higher IQ than Krystle because she broke up with her sooner. Just hoping Destiny doesn't let her stay there rent free and mooching until she moves on to next girl.
Pretty sure some idiot will come along and take her. I already feel sorry for that person because they won't be very bright.
No. 345763
>>345759Though she'll never admit this, she has to be terrified right now. Her situation is a lot more dire than the typical break-up, where either one person moves out or they agree on both selling an owned property or working out an agreement until a lease runs out.
With her YouTube income she could absolutely afford a small studio apartment on her own (if she'd cut out buying all of the pointless junk), especially if she supplements it with a part-time retail job or something. But she can't do that because she can't drive, doesn't live in an area with good public transit, and can't even walk through a damn store. It's completely pathetic and even more pathetic that she has no motivation to become a functional human being.
No. 345785
>>345780Oh, God… Why?
On a side note, does she look older than 25-26 years old? Her weight and possible diabetes makes her look around late-30s.
No. 345788
>>345787In case anyone is wondering, the nine servings in that bag would make up to 1440 calories. She ate perhaps seven and a half?
She says she has BED, binge eating disorder. At the end of the video she says she's going to throw the rest of the cheetos away, but I would bet real money on her shutting off the camera and pouring them down her piggy fucking gullet.
No. 345789
>>345780"160 calories
A 1 oz. serving of the crunchy variety of Flamin' Hot Cheetos has 160 calories, 11 grams of fat, and 10 percent of day's recommended intake of sodium. That doesn't sound so bad. However, the snack often comes in bags that offer two or more times that amount of Cheetos, which offer almost no dietary fiber or protein."
No. 345812
>>345794Yeah, 14lbs is likely the size of one of her dumps. People who have a ton of weight to lose will lose huge amounts of weight FAST right at the beginning, if they are truly restricting their intake and getting at least a little exercise.
At her weight, with a sedentary lifestyle, she has to be consuming around 4,800 calories a day to maintain her current weight based on basic BMR calculations. If she cut that intake to 2,400 a day, which is still a significant amount of food, she'd drop weight like whoa. She's not fooling anyone. Nearly 5k calories of food every single day is a massive amount of food.
No. 345813
>>345812I think her "weight loss" isn't from any meaningful dieting but possibly from being sad over the breakup. Likely water weight. She'll balloon back in no time.
There's no way she's losing weight when she's still shoving Cheetos down her gullet, chocolates, her disgusting carby sodium soups, and her diet sodas to wash it all down.
If you look at past videos she's a lot like Destiny in that they're adverse to vegetables and fruits. AL likes the processed stuff like pickled olives, and she considers potatoes to be nutritious vegetable rather than mostly starch. If she actually tried to eat fresh produce and cut out the junk food and soda she could drop so much weight in a month with her size.
No. 345818
In response to
>>345794At a diet of 1200 calories a day with zero exercise, she would be losing 4.75 pounds per week, assuming that all her weight lost was fat. She has a BMI of approximately 83, eats at least 3500 Calories a day, and has a MDPI of 45. To lose 14 pounds would take three weeks of eating slightly less than what a normal person eats.
>>345811She's fat enough that BMI calculators spit out different numbers, so I just had to average them. Fun fact: She's too large for most skin area calculators, and Wolfram doesn't even bother with most of its statistics.
No. 345820
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>>345818I should add, this is all a rough approximation, and she's so fat that it's hard to find accurate data on anything.
God bless America and God bless Burger :DDD ok
No. 345821
>>345818More fun facts:
Assuming she has 380 pounds of excess fat, she has enough excess calories to feed somebody eating 1700 calories a day for a bit north of two years.
No. 345822
>>345821Jesus. That is a fun fact. Well, more like a terrifying fact. the chick that challenged AL didn't even make a half-assed attempt to follow the "rules." She only had half a bag of Cheetos to start with and had a friend sit there with her and eat them. She was totally just messing with Amber or trying to embarrass her.
No. 345827
>>345811Obesity Type 3, otherwise known as "Super Morbidly Obese."
Thicc indeed.
No. 345843
>>345741lol what the hell is she doing..? just be consistent AL.
on another note some people want her to make "better quality videos" but tbh i like how campy hers feel. i would hate if she made super corny overly edited HD videos.
No. 345851
>>339363Dogs don't like other animals up in their faces but she insisted on shoving a cat into its face and then punishes it for having a completely natural response???? By the way, that wasn't even a bite, the puppy was trying to play with the cat the way dogs play with each other, so it wouldn't have even hurt.
God I used to kind of feel sorry for her but idgaf anymore, what a bitch.
No. 345969
>>345957People kept asking her if Dustin was trans or wanted to transition and if that is why they broke up. She got very offended and said Dustin is a girl and knows she's a girl, she doesn't want a dick.
She guested Sharla for a long time and whenever someone would bring up Dustin in the comments, Sharla would tell them to stop talking about Dustin. It happened several times.
At one point Amberlynn googled herself and said 'lolcowfarm' what's that?… I don't believe for a second she doesn't lurk here, she loves the attention.
She talked about the hot cheeto collab and said that Karlee Steel def didn't troll her and texted her and told her she didn't.
I didn't watch the whole thing so there may be something I missed.
No. 346065
>>346021She never surprises me on how narcissistic she is when it comes to the 'me-me-me' attitude.
How could she imply that sitting around making videos on random crap like moobawks is similar to a nurse's job?
No. 346185
>>346179At least she put on some eyeshadow, I guess.
But she is still in denial about how breakups work.
No. 346269
>>346264Yeah, if you're desperately trying to win back your ex, maybe not throw wet snow at her, making her visibly annoyed, when she's just trying to clear the windshield so she can drive your fat ass home.
I think that her physical limitations are more of a factor in her moving out/ever living alone than her financials. She cannot drive (and won't consider getting her license) and can't even walk through a store. She literally needs to have a caretaker to even be able to function. So. Fucking. Pathetic.
No. 346355
>>346353Yeah, her saying she couldn't finish that bag is just a way of saving face, like the fat YTer's or mukbangers who say they haven't eaten all day when consuming food on camera.
Hell I'm skinny and I could eat a bag of Cheetos in one sitting. She's a lying liar who lies.
No. 346359
>>346179They're still going out to dinner and going to movies together, sorry but thats not normal for a fucking break up. Even if you have to stay in the same home for some time after the break up, doing the same things you would when in a relationship isn't good.
I really do think Destiny will just go back to her.
No. 346362
>>346358Yeah, I'm the person who commented above saying I can eat a bag of Cheetos… I was talking only about being able to fit that much in my stomach. If I ate like that all the time then yes, I'd most certainly be the size of AL, and so would anyone else.
I really hope Destiny does NOT go back to her, but I don't think she will. She does seem genuinely annoyed by AL
No. 346404
>>346401Destiny does not want AL around you can tell just by her behavior when she's around. Destiny seems sad and annoyed. I am truly feeling sorry for her eventho I think she's horrible with animals both of them actually should not own pets.
AL definitely reads here because she said something about things that were mentioned here on her twitter. If you put your life out there you will be talked about. I don't feel sorry for her at all but I think Destiny does feel sorry for her because she is so immobile.
No. 346456
>>346440why can't those in the group post screenhots? just be careful to make sure ur profile photo, name or anything isn't shown so no one can tell who u are….
are they supporters of AL or trash talkers?
No. 346481
>>346475I second this.
Whoever has the pics from the group just save them and post them here. I can't be fucked to try and join a secret FB group. I used to get kicked out of the discord servers for not having a selfie as my DP.
No. 346494
Earlier in the broadcast she said she only blocks people who are rude. Never for constructive criticism or disagreeing. (I doubt this lol)
She talks about liking Trisha Paytas but says she's not trying to be like her. She also mentioned someone who made a mukbang video that she loved.
People were asking if Destiney was with someone else and she said no. Then she got a little pissy because people are talking about the breakup too much and she streams to not think about that stuff. She also said she makes more money than Destiny. She said Twinkie likes her more than Destiny and that after the breakup that's even more true. She said that animals are very perceptive which sounded shady to me.
She got asks about filling in her eyebrows which she said she would do and getting her hair cut which she also said she would do and did not respond.
She said their lease is up in September but said they might renew since they love living there. Lmao it's February! Let's see how that plays out…
>>346492I thought that was odd too lol.
No. 346504
>>346497Yeah someone said something about a picture on twitter indicating that Destiny is into someone else. I don't know how true that is. I think there are some people watching the stream that are young and just assume if someone breaks up abruptly there must be another person in the picture. I mean there were even people that were saying that Destiny must be immature and that she's showing her age in regards to breaking up with Amber but I disagree with all that. Who knows, time will tell but Amberlynn seemed to strongly think that Destiny isn't interested in anyone else.
>>346498Right when I started watching she was saying something about Sharla and Destiny but I clearly missed that part. I hope she's not shit talking and alienating people from Destiny, she still works with Sharla.
Also someone wanted to know if she was still buying Destiny a car and she laughed and said no. Someone asked why she always does her hair like that and she it's because she can in a snappy way. Someone asked AL if she ever had a threesome (why tho??) and she said she had and then went "Oh heavenly father…" and then said she wasn't going to talk about that. Someone asked how she would feel if Destiny brought home a girl for a one night stand and AL laughed and said "I would die" in a silly way but then said she would know Destiny no longer had feelings for her and accept it. She also said her favorite drink is Sprite zero and she doesn't go to Starbucks much. I think that's all I remember lol, I hope I'm not just clogging up the page.
No. 346508
File: 1486011199200.png (871.81 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5960.PNG)

i'm not in the gossip group but i'll post 3 screenshots of whatever is left from the AL instagram incident where she made a fake acct to comment on destiny's page. here's screenshot 1.
No. 346509
File: 1486011263867.png (188.36 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5958.PNG)

>>346508here is screenshot 2. unfortunately we can't see what she said because she deleted the account but lol i almost wanna DM the person on IG & ask what AL said
No. 346510
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>>346509screenshot 3. sorry i couldn't join them together on mobile i'm lazy.
No. 346521
>>346516It just now occurred to me why AL always wears scarves and enormous necklaces. She's trying to hide the Acanthosis nigricans on her neck. The shadows in this video make it hard to see it clearly but she's got a thin patch of it running in and just above her neck crease.
Acanthosis nigricans is a dark, velvety skin rash that occurs when people have far too much insulin in their blood stream. I didn't think to look at her neck until I saw the dark spots on her first and second knuckles on both hands. Those dark spots are also Acanthosis nigricans.
She's got untreated diabetes. Whether she admits it or not, it's undeniable once you look closely at her skin. She best give her head a shake and start taking things seriously and no more Hot Cheetos contests and enormous dinners at Cheesecake Factory. People half her size have suffered kidney damage or even failure from failing to address their diabetes.
No. 346576
>>346561Maybe for motivation because they do not want to end up that way.
I seriously want to know what happened on instagram what did she say on her fake account?
No. 346583
>>346521Unfortunately for AL she's never going to get help until she's put into a diabetic coma and forced against her will to be treated.
Girl had a video up of all her health problems, which were almost ALL related to her weight and she just shrugged and was like "well I'd like to be better and healthy buttt I'll try" and shit like that. It was a video of excuse after excuse as she's telling us the many ways fat is destroying her body.
After that video, I felt 0 pitty towards AL. She knows what she's doing, she knows how fat is killing her and she will continue to sit on her fucking ass cause it's easier than getting a personal trainer or even fucking dieting ……
No. 346609
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>>346608Here's the snap. She doesn't show who she is with but th very next snap is of her tv and the caption is Shameless, and that's a show AL has said they watch together. So i assume she's watching it with her, which is odd since that snap happened around the time AL was in her room snapping and crying.
No. 346611
>>346609Baby fucking Jesus, they are both such a piggies. They got out to eat all the time, on top of that buy groceries in almost every vlog. There's only two of them and their fridge is stuffed with food. I thought I was a greedy person but they make me look like an anorectic.
I'm not suprised AL can't loose any weight living with Destiny, they both need help. I think the only reason AL lost weight before is because she was living with Krystal, not because she can count calories and is a "queen of moderation"
No. 346623
>>346618I think it's just the weirdness of them still living together/eating together/shopping together/sleeping together that makes it seem that way. Twinkie lives there so it's not out of the ordinary that he'd end up in one of Destiny's photos.
But I don't think they are faking this because AL's tears are real when she cries on camera.
No. 346668
If you think they're faking this you're tripping. Big AL lies about a lot of shit but this doesn't benefit her in any way.
First of all, Destiny has never gotten involved with AL's social media circus, not even when she was in some really deep shit like when she made false rape accusations. She's in her videos and stuff, but she does not seem to care very much. Why would she suddenly be willing to act out her Trasha-inspired breakup fantasies on the internet, especially considering that all her friends and family are aware of AL's YT channel? It's embarassing af.
Secondly, the "haters" have been saying for months now that Destiny is losing interest in her and that their relationship is fucked, while Amberlynn was adamant that everything is sunshine and rainbows. AL is so delusional and/or obsessed with keeping up appearances that all she ever does is respond to criticism. No, of course her sodium soup with three different types of carbs in it is not unhealthy, soups are healthy by default. No, of course she doesn't have the beetus, that hole in her arm that didn't heal for 9 months and her black knuckles are perfectly normal. No, it's not wrong to eat candy bars and a whole bag of cheetos when you're pushing 500lbs, she hasn't eaten all day and she's the queen of moderation. Do you really think she would admit that maybe the haters are right sometimes?
I don't think it's weird that they are still living together because it's not like AL could return to her family, and they blew a fuckton of money on their place just two months ago. Sleeping in a bed with your ex is gross tho. Wtf why.
No. 346694
>>346687I think AL staying in the same place would make it extremely difficult to find someone else. It would be hard to anything without AL around because she can't go anywhere she's always there.
AL totally spies on destiny from what people have said above with fake names and such on social media. If Destiny took her back today she'd say yes because she needs to be with someone she moves from relationship to relationship. We know at least the past 3 relationships she's moved to that persons house. Cassie Krystle and Destiny. Heck if Krystle took her back she'd go I think.
No. 346716
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This was a tweet from yesterday afternoon, I wonder what made her so happy? Maybe she was talking to someone new…
>>346668>No, it's not wrong to eat candy bars and a whole bag of cheetos when you're pushing 500lbs, she hasn't eaten all day and she's the queen of moderation.Every time she does a mukbang she says I haven't eaten all day! She even said it before she dove into those cheetos. Lesbereal no one believes that.
>I don't think it's weird that they are still living together because it's not like AL could return to her family, and they blew a fuckton of money on their place just two months ago. Sleeping in a bed with your ex is gross tho. Wtf why. I don't think it's so odd that they still live together right now either. They put a lot of money into that place, they have a lease, they have animals together, Amber can't drive and has no family to go to. However Destiny should definitely stop sharing a bed with her. That's sending mixed signals to Amberlynn and we can all see she wants Destiny to give in and take her back.
>>346709I don't have snapchat but it sounds like she's active on there. Also she only wears like 2 or 3 makeup items and they're not that expensive.
No. 346735
>>346709elf eyeliner is 1 dollar
girl please
No. 346796
>>346756In her defense, I don't think you have much choice when it comes to fashion when you weigh as much as three people. Never been that big though so idk. Her face is so round and fat and her features are so small, she'd look like a puffer fish if she got lip injections done. It's less effort than losing weight, though.
>>346757Gurl should get a goldfish instead, she already has one dog that is hyperactive and anxious 24/7 because nobody ever walks her. It pisses me off how much she brags about loving animals and being so good to them too; if you actually gave a fuck about animals you would not hoard them if you know you cannot meet their needs, or you're too lazy to even bother. She loves them so much she'd rather have another prop than admitting she can't properly care for another living being because she can't even care for herself.
No. 346833
>>3467351 dollar is a lot of money when you don't work.
>>346751"I did have that true love. I don't have it anymore, obviously."
Gosh I hope Dustin isn't in the next room hearing all this. That poor kid. She should just kick Amber out. Like I get that Amber hasn't got anywhere else go to, but the leeching and the ballbusting guilt tripping on her videos and probability that Destiny is covering all the rent and bills anyway… No reason to let someone stay at that point.
No. 346904
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No. 346915
>>346796>goldfishso you want her to buy a 55-75 gallon minimum requirement for 1 fish, do weekly 25-30% water changes and thorough scrubbings thats a massive amount of lifting buckets if your siphone doesn't reach, vigurous elbow grease to scrape off algae and takes about an hour or so, afford a filter and continuous replacement filters for it which are 20 bucks a box for like, 1-2 months (for shitty filters, not even a sponge filter) on no salary income?
She shouldn't get any animals, period, if she can't take care of them properly.
No. 346932
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>>346903Lol this reminded me of AL constantly bragging about her MK bag
No. 346937
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>>346903I wonder why they aren't friends on facebook when AL follows her on IG.
No. 346942
>>346926After checking out the pics on her facebook she is indeed quite big lol. But she probably weighs less than 500 pounds, has a job and can drive. She might not even need the scooter at Walmart so that's an upgrade. I had a giggle fit looking through her facebook and now I feel bad, she's only 19 and I hope she doesn't get any mistreatment because of Amberlynn.
>>346937It would seem that Al doing some investigating.
No. 346966
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>>346951>>346958I made a big screenshot of the convo in case it gets deleted. I hope this is readable.
No. 347202
File: 1486242662490.png (149.01 KB, 750x917, IMG_6392.PNG)

Here's a pic she posted on IG with the caption "weight gain"
No. 347243
File: 1486248202455.png (Spoiler Image,484.12 KB, 452x549, Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at 23.4…)

Genetics are cruel man. That's Destinys sister.
No. 347247
File: 1486248270553.png (481.42 KB, 513x512, Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at 23.4…)

Maybe if she slimmed down she could be as cute as her.
No. 347272
File: 1486254497822.png (789.93 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-04-17-25-40…)

>>347247She's probably depressed at her weight now.
No. 347915
New video. It's boring but there is a brief, silent appearance from Destiny towards the end. It's like Amberlynn is trying to say see "See we still hang out, everything is cool".
>>346858I'm pretty sure she made this account herself after seeing the new video.
No. 348036
>>348021thanks for your input anon
>>347989>>347891>>347547I think AL is desperate to make it look like everything is okay. She's not smart enough to do things to "keep people guessing" she's the type to lie straight to your face and tell you something is one way when it really isnt. she's known for leeching off her gfs until she finds a new prey, and i think her including destiny is to give the illusion that everything's okay and that they're "working" on things, and then eventually when AL finally moves out with her newest gf she can flip things to look as tho they worked out in her favour
No. 348075
>>348067I think Destiny's been over it for months. That ridiculous mountain of gifts that Amberlynn gave Destiny for Christmas (in fucking early November) was an ill-conceived attempt to buy her love.
It bought her a pass until after the holidays.
No. 348091
>>348075The mountain of Christmas gifts was completely embarrassing. The vlog with Destiny sitting in the middle of the massive pile of cheap shit like an 8 year-old was cringe worthy.
The oddest part was that you know that AL had to buy all of that while Destiny was with her or at least hanging around somewhere in the same store… because AL has no transportation of her own.
No. 348124
>>348120if they were in some kind of feeder/mutual fatassery/any other variation of that kind of kink relationship, that'd explain it, but ~muh speculation~.
I know I'd be upset too if I gained that much since taking on a new girlfriend, but I guess it's easier to feel better about yourself when you have someone like AL to compare your size to.
No. 349157
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anyone have the name?
No. 349192
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No. 349266
File: 1486537420723.jpg (27.27 KB, 374x240, denial.jpg)

>>349265…because she is still in denial.
No. 349336
>>349333>>349332She's been lip syncing with songs all day, her latest:
"You're dancing with her, while I'm staring at my phone. I was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold. If happy is her I'm happy for you."
No. 349357
>>349289Why would it be awful if she found out through YouTube comments that Destiny is seeing someone else? She is not her girlfriend anymore so it is none of her business and she does not owe her any explanations. It's dumb to jump from one relationship to the next but nothing these people do seems to make sense anyways. All I'm saying is 63 Christmas gifts in early november lol
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, AL never said Destiny is autistic, and Destiny did not cheat to be with Amber. The autistic comment was made by a troll who impersonated AL on Youtube. Idk where the cheating accusation came from, I thought Destiny was single again when she started talking to AL?
No. 349368
>>349359I can't watch most of her younows because I live in a different time zone, so I don't know if she actually said that. I doubt it though, because dating someone who is mentally impaired would make her look like even more of a gross leach, and we all know she is obsessed with keeping up appearances. I know for a fact that someone made a troll Youtube channel (used the same profile picture and name as Amber) and claimed in one of her comment sections that Destiny does not show affection as much because she's autistic. This happened not too long before the breakup. I'm pretty sure somebody even screencapped it and posted it here, unless I'm confusing it with the KF thread.
"Emotional" cheating aside, I still think it's going too far to call Destiny a cheater. She most likely did "fall in love" with that chick before she broke up with Amber, but people do not stop being attracted to other people just because they are seeing someone. That is perfectly normal. The shitty thing is being a coward and cheating. Leaving one person for another is still shitty, but at least it's the honest kind of shitty, kek. Both of them seem to have really weird relationships/attachment issues though, so I don't know what's up with that. The only logical explanation I have would be Destiny jumping right into the next relationship to get away from Amber/stop her from trying to manipulate her into taking her back. Unless you're really desperate, it's not healthy to jump from one relationship to the next imo.
No. 349374
>>349372Why is she not terrified about her diabetes? The symptoms are so obvious and many people have pointed out her slow healing and dark knuckles.
As for the latest video… aside from the absolutely massive plate of greasy food, it was good to see her actually up walking and doing things.
But lol that food. Someone in the comments remarked about the size of the portion and she said "just because a restaurant gives you that much doesn't mean you have to eat it" Someone then pointed out that it looked like they were at a buffet, but I can't tell from the video.
No. 349381
>>349378A shitload of stuff. Vision problems (even blindness), neuropathy (nerve damage), losing limbs due to infection, cell and tissue death, heart disease, liver and kidney disease, etc.
Chronically high blood sugar is nothing to fuck around with.
No. 349382
>>349381Samefag, but I remembered something. Last night I was prowling through Sharla's FB and discovered that she is a Type I diabetic. That's a completely different animal than Amberlynn's Type II, but you'd think that being best friends with someone who knows how f-ing important it is to keep tight control over your blood sugar would light a fire under AL's ass. I guess not.
Also, Sharla has gained a shitload of weight in the last year or so. Her pictures from 2016 show at least a 50lb gain from then to now.
No. 349384
>>349374Because she is delusional. She doesn't count calories because she doesn't want to know how much she really eats in a day. She didn't admit to the breakup because she was hoping she could get Destiny back. She doesn't want to admit Destiny is already seeing someone else because she doesn't want to face the reality of having been replaced so easily. She blames having to sit all day long for her back issues and not the fact that she weighs as much as three people. She's so obsessed with keeping up appearances that she thinks if she sticks her fingers into her ears and goes lalalala long enough, all the bad things will go away eventually. At this point it's obvious she's not just lying for shits and giggles, she has legitimate issues and does not want to face reality. Being on YouTube and feeling the need to put on an act for everybody does not realld help matters.
>>349378Untreated diabetes causes an entire laundry list of issues. I recommend doing some research yourself if you are interested because typing it all out would be insane.
No. 349387
>>349359You're right most people don't jump from one relationship to the next but that has been Ambers pattern. I think this might be the first time she's seen her ex move on while she doesn't have her next gf picked out yet. I wonder if her ego is hurting more than her heart because she didn't seem
that in love with Destiny towards the end. I saw one video awhile back where Destiny leaned in to give Amber a kiss and she turned her face so Destiny would kiss her cheek instead of her lips.
>>349368It's crappy if Destiny fell in love with someone else while still with Amber but I can't help but feel sympathetic towards her. We can all see how unhealthy their relationship must have been. Amber quit her job, she's gained a bunch more weight which has brought on more health issues and she low key complains about not liking Kentucky. Maybe Destiny didn't realize quite how unhappy she's been with Amber until she met someone new. I agree with you it's better to just break up than cheat behind someones back and inflict more pain.
No. 349400
>>349387I think it's more a matter of being dependent on other people and not having your pride hurt. She can't do anything for herself. She can't keep her hair clean, she can't feed herself right, she can't work, she can't walk, she can't drive. Without Destiny she can't even vlog that much anymore because she needs someone to cart her to Walmart and film a haul.
Under normal circumstances it would be a really shitty thing to do, but I don't blame Destiny as much. I mean, how hard would it be to leave someone who depends on you for everything? Their relationship has always seemed creepy to me because they are literally together 24/7. Same house, same workplace, same freetime activities, same friends, they're never alone. Destiny seems emotionally immature so maybe this was the only way she felt she could get out before Amber drags her down with her. It's not like she could move out over night because they have pets together and her name is on the lease, so how else are you supposed to stop her from manipulating you? Get a new chick, once you're taken she might give up. It's shitty to be replaced by someone "better" but none of us know the full story.
No. 349597
>>349579I think this whole "Destiny and I are friends and don't want to lose each other!" facade will crumble as soon as Destiny's relationship with Dana grows or becomes more "public" No one, not even a leech like AL, is going to want to be stuck in that apartment with an ex that has moved on to a new relationship.
I'm pretty interested in how this is going to unfold. If Amber doesn't have a new caretaker to move in with, will she actually try to live on her own, forcing her to be more active and take care of herself? Hell, this whole situation could end up being the best thing to happen to her.
No. 349627
File: 1486595646878.jpg (55.26 KB, 526x526, 16508462_1328222080574915_6912…)

From Destiny's facebook.
No. 349659
File: 1486596587070.jpg (161.38 KB, 538x622, destinydana.jpg)

There's also this. Amber is such a moron for posting all of those snaps and tweets about an old love moving on while still stating that "Destiny is single" everywhere she can. Way to contradict yourself, big AL!
No. 350233
>>350164It doesn't make sense. I think Destiny and Dana could be just friends, but they could be more later on maybe taking it slow after going all in with AL. I don't think Destiny is that bright tho, she seems to jump from relationship to relationship and so does AL.
>>350215You're right common sense doesn't apply here because they don't have any common sense.
What kind of person just stays with their ex after they break up? She just has no where to go. AL doesn't like Kentucy I'd get up and leave even if it meant I have to pay that damn lease but I wouldn't stay with an ex for that. I'd arrange for another person a roomate or something because living with your ex is just stupid. No ones going to be able to move on with their lives if you're hanging on to the pass. I understand maybe they don't want to split the animals, thats understandable. A friend of mine broke up with her ex and she got the dog and he took the cats, and it was hard but you just can't stay together for the animals, they're not kids, they will be ok they adapt faster than us humans in my opinion.
No. 350422
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? wonder what she's up to
No. 350440
>>350422I hate-watch this Amberlynn
I admit it
but I have adblock I'm not supporting her narcissism and obesity.
No. 350536
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No. 350581
>>350538lmfao. i thought they were all hanging out as friends the other day?
>AL says destiny's ex was crazy>destiny got with amber while she was engaged>destiny gets with dana while with AL>destiny now tells dana that AL is crazylololol
No. 350610
i think ya'll are jumping on Destiny way too fast. Both are quick to move on, Destiny because of her autism, AL because of her borderline personality disorder and other numerous disorders. I honestly can't look at Destiny as a scummy girlfriend. I'll be honest and say i've probably watched every vlog since she left kystrals place to go live with her and Al has always been a horrible girlfriend to her. I mean the lease is in Destiny's name and she literally could never even decorate the place partially how she wants to too. It's always what AL wants, always what AL likes, always what AL wants to watch, AL's bathroom, house, bedroom. Never "Ours". She would never even bother going to see Star Wars with Destiny even though its her favorite thing. And like fuck, if i loved someone and they loved a certain thing, you bet your ass i'd go and see it with them. Because even though you don't have to like everything your partner likes, it's kinda fucked up to just not even try to have an interest or join them to do such things. Whenever Destiny talked about things she was into, AL was very condescending and talked and laughed about her and practically at her like she was a slow child playing with toys. And i mean yeah she's into "childish" things, but she was always just so rude. And she was the same way with Krystal too. Always going like "Krystal! youre embarassing me! omg!" She always put Destiny down in the weirdest ways and the way she acts towards other humans sometimes is just so off. Honestly i think Destiny put up with her for as long as she could and she got to a point where in the worst way ya can, she realized she wasnt in love anymore and that AL was disrespectful towards her and the things she loved. I think working alone was helpful in her learning what she really wanted, and i'm sure she did develop that crush with Dana and realized she wanted to be with her and is now starting things up with her. While that's not the most mature and adult way to go about relationships in life, I am glad for Destiny for most likely figuring out that she deserved better, which she did. Dana works at the same place, they both clearly love to help people and have pure compassion for helping those in need…. that's something AL doesn't even have. AL uses people to maintain her happiness. Making your ex sleep in the same bed as you just because you "have anxiety" about it is fucked up and i can only imagine how bad it is beyond that. AL never goes out and never has her own friends and can never ever do anything on her own and attributes it to "being scared" or "having anxiety. Can you imagine being Destiny? Being with someone who literally can't be without you otherwise they get anxiety and get emotional? Someone who lives off the opinions of people who pretty much don't even matter? (not like everyone isnt right, but normal adults dont change themselves to fit what others want) Someone who still talked to their ex who was in love with them and sends them cheesy care packages where AL will say how Krystal really gets her? Someone who has literally no interest in the things you love and doesn't bother to try and have an interest? Someone who can't even get around on their own and most likely needs you to wipe/scrub their ass..? Because you cant tell me she can reach her vagina/ass with that body and those arms, you just cant. And yes i know this is a fucking novel, but i've been with people like AL. it's borderline abusive, dude. It's not fun. You start off in love and then you get to see what type of human they really are and.. you fall out of love. You start to resent them. Did ya'll hear Destiny at the beginning of her new vlog? Sounded like she was mad at AL for leaving stuff on the floor and using what they were on for a vlog stand, but that's just what my ears could pick up.
And AL keeps vaguely talking about how Destiny's wants to renew the lease, but doesn't exactly say that she'll keep living there.
And she has been spending a loooot of time on Sharla's couch lately.
I'm guessing Destiny wants to renew the lease but wants her out, and i can't honestly wait to see how she tries to lie her way to cover that up.
But nah, good on Destiny for getting away from a toxic person like AL, she is still young, her mind works differently, she does honestly deserve someone who genuinely loves and cares for her.
AL doesn't know how to do that for anyone.
AL will just go on the hunt for the next low self esteem person with mental disabilites who won't love her enough to push her to lose weight.
But she will probably never change.
I'm literally wanting to make a video comparing all the same shit she's said like a year ago, two years ago, and now.
She's repeated herself so much, talking about perfume, buying a million different journals, journals to lose weight, talking about -finally- kicking losing weight into gear..
No. 350620
>>350610Actually, her family is known to have Bipolar Disorder, which is far different from Borderline Personality Disorder.
And there is no excuse for emotionally or physically cheating on someone. You should be an adult about such things and talk it out with your partner.
Also, please don't write walls of text. It hurts the eyes. I agr5ee with some of your points and I do think you should make a video on the comparisons.
No. 350633
>>350628And I have Bipolar Disorder and I dated someone who had Borderline Personality Disorder. Let me tell you, it was not a mild relationship with some up and downs, it was full blown abuse and chaos.
I blame myself for some of it, as I was not perfect and never will be, but Borderline is more severe with the black and white thinking issues.
No. 350635
>>350632Also, on Younow, which has been mentioned above, AL admitted Destiny has autism. Though I was not there to confirm it.
I think she has it, to be honest.
No. 350640
>>350636Maybe it was a troll, but right now based on emotional level and communication skills she is a bit slower than most people. She seems to lack empathy (she has emotions but does not understand them, thus lacks the ability to understand other's emotions) when she cheated on someone else during AL and then now possibly cheated on AL with Dana.
I have a best friend with Aspergers and though he is articulate and well-rounded, he still has a selfish attitude based on lack of empathy for others. He still is a bit slow when it comes to being at a certain (if we were in school it would be grade level) level as an adult, for his age.
I hope any of this makes sense as I am tired.
Oh, and liking childish things does not make someone autistic but it's how they interact and find importance in their favorite things. Those with autism tend to obsess and pick apart everything until it has been fully understood. Hence why many autistic individuals are above average in the sciences or mathematics. So if she has an interest in something, let's see how far she goes into it. It seems she has an extreme like for Star Wars. Maybe we should find out how big of a fan she is, perhaps.
No. 350642
>>350640…dude. that's how having an interest works, lol. You enjoy something so you delve into it. Find someone who both reads and watches Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire. Maybe they have a beer stein and a wall tapestry of it. They like reading up on Reddit about fan theories and such. They're autistic, right?
At the end of the day, what we see about Amberlynn and Destiny is only what they allow us to see. We don't know more than what they let us know.
I don't see at all how it's relevant if Destiny is autistic or not anyway. Based on your description of it, you're being a bit autistic about it.
No. 350644
>>350642No, no. I mean they become obsessive until they know every detail. How about this, a person normally enjoys a television show or movie franchise but they do not know the exact words spoken in each seen nor the exact details down to the blood type of a character. Again, we don't know if Destiny has this type of behavior so I am only speculating.
And no, I am not autistic. I was already born with BP and that's hard enough to handle. I just love my best friend so I studied Autism and it's symptoms. I hope that's understandable.
No. 350675
>>350666It's baffling to me how everyone on the internet always needs to have some kind of illness or syndrome. Sometimes an ugly dumb chick is just an ugly dumb chick, just saying. I checked Destiny's IG out of curiousity and she honestly does not seem as intellectually challenged as people make her out to be. She has good grammar for the most part and expresses herself in perfectly normal ways. She has a job and is capable of living alone/taking care of her codependent girlfriend without outside help. She's weird af, not the sharpest tool in the shed and seems emotionally delayed, but I don't really think she's a retard.
Also I'm about 95% sure people in the KF thread dug up some info on Destiny's past relationship and nothing pointed to Destiny seeing Amber while still being engaged. She seemed really serious about the relationship and wanted to marry the chick, then suddenly she was single. Honestly seems like all the people who reeee about Destiny being a cheater are either projecting hardcore and are salty af that Destiny has moved on already, or are Big AL's minions who are trying to cover up the fact that it is usually AL who already has the next gf lined up in case of a breakup. Worst case scenario is they're both as bad as each other and need to grow up before trying to play house again.
No. 350719
>>350688Krystle's parents paid for Amberlynn's phone service for months after she moved in with Destiny. She even kinda bragged about it in a vlog. It was a kind gesture that Amberlynn took unabashed advantage of.
Give her an inch and she'll take a motherfucking mile.
No. 350735
>>350734I think they're both shitty people. AL has treated Dusty pretty horrible in her videos (showing her in her underwear/half naked when she clearly was unprepared and not okay with it etc.) but D doesn't seem to be any better. Breaking up with your partner of a year, year and a half a few weeks after receiving 2 million Christmas presents and then, just 2-3 weeks later, being with someone else on social media. That's shady as fuck.
Destiny is as much responsible for the state of their animals as big AL is. She could have easily packed them up and driven them to the vet to get the cats fixed and Twinkies nails cut if she cared.
At this point I just think they're as bad as each other. Neither of them can be alone for a second, animals are just funny playthings to them, they both eat like small children let loose in Unhealthy Food Adventure Land…
No. 350748
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From one of Dana's friends' FB. It looks like Destiny has officially moved on.
No. 350752
>>350751The friend (Erica) posted this and tagged Dana (implying that she'd beat whoever Dana's new lover is if they break her heart). Dana commented exactly and destiny put a worried face (implying that she is the one who will be beaten if they break up)
So Destiny is dating the Dana chick and this is known to Dana's friends
No. 350768
File: 1486764030878.jpg (147.24 KB, 960x960, alrddestiny.jpg)

Dana posted this picture in a group about ALRD. I copy/pasted in the most relevant comment.
No. 350877
>>350850I wonder if Destiny spends the night with her new gf or at other places so she doesn't have to sleep with Amberlynn. She should really get a separate bed and put that in another room since AL doesn't plan on moving anytime soon.
>>350865In the video she released just yesterday she said if she didn't like her new lipsticks she would give them to Sharla, she's been using them during a cold sore outbreak. Wow what a pal!
No. 350932
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No. 350934
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I wonder what Destiny thinks about her being in that group? Do you think Destiny trash talks AL like she did with her ex fiance?
No. 350943
>>350939I know right? Amberlynn is a butterbody but this new chick is just butter.
>>350942I use some high fashion model and only have one friend and was still approved, so don't worry about looking sketchy. Also only the mod can do that but they'll get to you soon.
No. 350944
>>350943oh okay! thanks for letting me know.
but yeah clearly she gets a kick out of all of this. It's like a shitty person tango all around, geez.
No. 350953
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Can i just make a comparison real quick like…
No. 350954
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No. 350959
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>>350945I doubt this was about boosting her youtube but she got a few anyway lol. I'm sure she thought she would get some positive attention, let's see how that will work out for her in the long term.
>>350917>>350920I think Dana is only like 19 so maybe these dramatics are to be expected but this is super tacky. Joining that group and reveling a little shallow praise from strangers is not a good look.
No. 351008
>>350999I thought Destiny told AL that it was better if they
both work on themselves individually. That sounds like a gentle way of breaking up and basically saying "you got a lot of issues why don't you actually try working on them yourself instead of making them my problem". That's just how I interpreted it anyway.
No. 351027
>>350934>>350934What a petty bitch tbh
team no one in this goddamn mess
No. 351059
>>351035Based on how long it took Dustin to finally end it (an extra unnecessary six months) Dustiny might've had her parents or friends feed her a line to tell Big AL, since Des doesn't seem to be a master of communication.
>>351058I think she's bi but regardless if Dustin kicks her ass out or if living there becomes too butthurty for AL then I think AL will become desperate enough to leech onto any chump, man or woman.
No. 351080
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Lmfao at dustin being a rose.maybe obese,smelly and autistic rose lol
No. 351086
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Lol just thought I'd share this gem
No. 351178
>>351174Lol, I know you meant tree.True, she would.
I was reading a novel where inn 2413 a lot of words had changed meanings from 500 years earlier. I blame autocorrect. Sage for OT.(did i do that right?)
No. 351208
This just in on Big AL's snapchat, her and sharla (and sharla's lil friends) are at walmart riding around on the disability scooters yeeeet again..
Man, i don't care how late it is there and if the walmart employees dont get paid enough to give a damn, but fuck people who use those when theyre arent actually disabled or elderly.
>>351206 and ehh really? I'm getting more sympathy vibes than anything. If you're talking about Sharla, she's married to a man. And the other two chicks don't look like they'd wanna touch AL's smelly vagina with a ten foot pole.
I'm guessing she's literally just been paying for everything lately just to have them stick around and ~comfort her~ through her break-up. I feel like people are pitying AL more than anything. But bowling, the arcade, farting around at walmart, going to a yogurt place.. yeah i bet she offered to pay for all of it.
No. 351220 her old facebook where she talks so much shit online about Kasey and her family even though they were housing her ass. And how much she talks about having two girls be in love with her at once and all the nasty shit of her and Krystal flirting online while she was still in a relationship with Kasey….
Karma is a bitch ain't it, folks?
No. 351233
>>351225Oh you definitely should. You'll see how it's literally the same exact thing.
But Krystal actually loved her enough to care about her losing weight and i believe that was partially why they did even split. She was actually going to the gym with Krystal and then when she was with Destiny, it was a lot of "she accepts me for who i am and all my faults.."
That shit only lasted so long too.
It's sad she thinks that true love is someone accepting her as she quickly kills herself.
Then she just sleeps in her exes bed until she can find someone new to sleep with cause she clearly can't mentally handle being alone.
This is why i can't exactly fault destiny for moving on so quickly.
It seems like AL is so insecure and unwilling to take care of herself that she literally causes people to fall out of love with her and then tries to drag the relationship out for as long as she can.
I've been in that type of relationship, it's so exhausting and stressful to have to take care of someone and give them attention like theyre a child. it's so hard to talk to them and get them to understand how you feel without it being black and white thinking-either things are GOOOOOD or baaaaaad.. it's hard and scary to break up with them. AL reminds me of my ex who would make it seem like they'd want to kill themselves or couldn't "live without me" if we did break up..
so you try to keep them happy and you literally just gain resentment instead.
It's not fair on either parties, but some people literally make you feel like you can't break up with them and like their blood will be on your hands.
AL completely strikes me as that type of girlfriend.
No. 351239
>>351223>We do share a bed.>I don't see any reason why Krystal needs to buy a new bed.>Friends sleep together all the time.Omg it's official she will never leave Destinys place until she finds a new persons bed to crawl into! She was never even sexually intimate with Krystal either. No wonder they drifted apart.
>I do not plan on staying in Virginia.>The only reason why I moved here was to be with my girlfriend.>I don't like Virginia as a whole. I don't like the weather, I don't like the people, I don't like the environment.She will definitely feel free to talk shit about living in Kentucky when she finds a new girl in another state.
>>351233She always says Destiny isn't shallow in regards to her weight, well of course she's not AL was well over 300 pounds when they got together. She doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that even more weight gain on top of that has affected her health and mobility. She will coast as much as she possibly can unless someone practically forces her to do otherwise. Who wants to feel like a manager in a romantic relationship when it should be between equals. Your comment is really spot on about how Amberlynn behaves in a relationship.
No. 351264
>>351236Why doesn't she talk like this in her newer videos. She sounded so much more normal back then.
The way she talks in her videos now is so cringe-worthy.
No. 351286
Here's one from April 2014. At 5:50 she shows comparison shots of her weight loss. Just think if she spent the last 2 years going in the opposite direction how much smaller and more active she could be.
>>351264She sounds so much calmer in these older videos! Far less annoying too since she's not saying yas and obsessed constantly.
No. 351292
1:55, holy shit hoarder. you can see her full body moving at 7:00, 2015, so she'd already gained a lot back since
>>351286 was taken
No. 351323
This is the most honest she'll ever be..
She literally can't dedicate herself to losing weight even if it costs her her life without someone either paying for it or holding her hand the entire way.. and she still just wants to eat what she wants..
>>351281She's already talked about how she isn't gonna apply to be on there and it's pathetic because you can totally tell her mindset is "well im not as bad as THEM…" she's literally said that show is for people who are so big they can't do things for themselves…
but you can't convince me she can actually reach her own ass to wipe at this point… And she can't fit in chairs or wear seatbelts or walk up or downstairs..
But i mean fuck, she's the same with her mental illnesses and eating disorder.
I literally called her out on Younow with her Twitter status "drunk on life" and was like..
"no, honey, that's called a manic high from your mental illness" and she was pretty much like WELL.. maybe. LOL
No. 351334
>>351332Notice the "I feel like i'm completely sacrificing for her" in terms of SHARING things with Destiny, eek..
Her issues stemmed from being in foster care are so obvious and toxic.
No. 351340
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No. 351443
>>351439Off topic and a bit rude IMHO.
I can only see a few contributions from that person. Namefagging is when you try to make a name for yourself but this person didn't stand out to me until you complained, lol.
No. 351498
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lol dana agrees
Full post says:
"I really wish Destiny would stop being SO buddy buddy with AL if she's going to be in a new relationship. It's WAY too close, and disrespectful if she's trying to move on. I get it. They need to share a house until the lease is up, but there is in no way a requirement to chauffeur her everywhere and take photos with AL. Pick one or the other. .-. Really the only way to have a functional relationship when it comes to exes. Even exes that are friends should never be THAT close when there's someone new in the picture."
No. 351514
>>351512Of course! anything to put in the vlogs! remember when she let Destiny's cat get loose and acted like she didn't and when poor Destiny was making flyers and being sad, all she could talk about was the new couch they bought.
She's one of those creepy fake people who doesn't exactly have real sympathy. It's like everything is happening to HER, boo hoo.
No. 351523
>>351519She's literally so dumb it amazes me..
You can't confirm a god damn ulcer without an endoscopy
Why did her, Krystal, and Destiny never know about health insurance and seeing a doctor? Like how she literally said im a vlog "I like the ER better than doctors because theres less waiting and you get all the tests you want done right away"…
Everything that happens to people around her in her life just happen to —-her—-.
She just uses humans as entertainment and youtube views. Like when Destiny's grandfather was having strokes and she just had to put that all online.
No wonder people get tired of being with her. The way she loves and cares for people is just so… fake.
No. 351525
>>351522She literally strikes me as someone who's confused about their sexuality because of being a misguided lil kid with men issues. And because of how insecure she is..
I can't remember if i said this but i read a comment somewhere that said in High school she'd talk about having sex with guys all the time.
She's only a lesbian when it works for her. It's a ~quirky~ lil thing right? haha
She never even had sex with Krystal… probably because she wasn't even physically or sexually attracted to her.
No. 351535
>>351525IIRC she said she has never been intimate with men, but still bragged about having dated over 20 guys before going full lezzy, when someone asked her if she was dating girls because men don't want her. She was with Kasey when she was 18, so assuming that she started dating at age 13, that would have been 4+ guys per year. I mean we all know that story is probably bullshit, but it's still kind of ironic how people whine about Destiny "emotionally cheating" on Big AL when she apparently hasn't ever been single in 13 years kek.
I don't know if she's actually bi or if male attention is just something she needs for her self-esteem, though. I noticed that a lot of landwhales are seemingly delusional about their own attractivity and constantly brag about how men hit on them alllllll the time, and are generally obsessing a lot about men and male attention.
No. 351538
>>351513Also, men tend to have a higher sex drive and I think shes terrified of fucking so she picks sped girls to string along. Not saying only men do but I bet that's what big AL thinks.
I dunno if you remember the video of when they were to some hotel in Florida with Dustin in Destin, lol, but it was near AL birthday and Dustin hid a pink tie in the nightstand and had AL open the drawer. When AL pulled out the tie, Dustin said that is all she would have on for later (ugh) the look on AL's face when faced with a naked Dustin is telling.
No. 351544
>>351540christ how cringy.. Yeah it's definitely either that she's not as attracted to females as she actually likes to say or that her obesity ruins her sexuality more than she could ever admit.
I watched a vlog where she described sex as what people do when theyre not in love or dont care for each other and that making love is what people who are in relationships do… How warped is that?
She's so nervous about people being sexually intimate with her… and Kasey gave us an idea of why that is LOL
No. 351545
>>351544Oh yeah, she turned lez to shy away from the P in V, or to seem trendy. I dont find her to be really attracted to anything sexual.
I think for her it was easier finding lesbians to mooch off of and unattractive ones at that, Christ all of her ex gf's we have seen are heinous.
No. 351547
>>351546Cause she's a narrow minded bitch. I hated how she is JUST NOW referring to Kasey AS Kasey. But multiple times on Younow she said "I didn't date Kasey, I dated Kassidy" and then in some other vlog she talked about how she felt betrayed and like she was lied to regarding Kasey's transition.. Like wtf?
And she's talked about how she wants to talk with him offline and over the phone to "sort some stuff out"…. basically try to get him to take his videos down about her LOL.
No. 351554
>>351551She likely unintentionally alienated herself from her family. IIRC she made a video claiming her aunt abandoned her because she was fat, but then the aunt showed up and said it was because of her attitude/issues. She's mentally fucked and refuses to get help, which will usually drive people away and consequently fuel AL's abandonment issues and victim complex.
>>351552She probably has a lot of retained fluids in her legs at this point - an early sign of heart/organ failure. I bet it will go nicely with her untreated diabetes. I doubt she will make it to 30 at this point. It's so bizarre how these people will go to the ER for period cramps, but ignore the severe health issues they already have.
No. 351556
>>351555Of course nobody actually wants to see her die, which is why so many of us are so frustrated it seems (at least imo)
She could be someone with potential, who turns her past into good things now, who could inspire people that they can make it outside of foster care and can lose weight… but she chooses to kill herself slowly.
She just wants to eat her emotions and it seems like she's so delusional that she doesn't realize that she could have a heart attack any day now. She'll say "i know im obese, i know im fat, i know im gonna die" Then why not do something serious about it??
No. 351563
>>351513That was odd to me too. Maybe she was awkwardly trying to relate to her straight friends?
Or maybe this anon
>>351538 has a point and she has intimacy issues.
No. 351573
>>351572When i get approved for that group, i'm ready to post a "expectations vs. reality" meme with her airbrushed edited photo and a more realistic photo of her lmao
Or something like that, idk, someone needs to put her back in her place in that group haha
No. 351574
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>>351535>You're still the only person I've let touch me.That's what she said to Kasey at the beginning of her relationship with Destiny. I knew she had dated some guys in the past (didn't know it was 20) but I don't think she had sex with any or even let them touch her vag. Being that we know she's been with girls since she was 18 I'm guessing these were high school relationships or possibly younger like you're assuming. She's just not the type who can be single at all.
>>351540From this video at 5:45 she walks in the bathroom while Destiny is on the fucking toilet! What an asshole, she couldn't even bother to edit that out. I would have been livid if that were me.
No. 351577
>>351574Jesus christ that shit gets me everytime LOL
Kasey's reply is golden.
I'm definitely sure her showering habits have gotten even better now that she's 100+ lbs more..
Nobody really has to question why she is obsessed with perfume and uses a million squirts of it
No. 351584
>>351580She can spend over a hundred bucks for bull crap at sephora but people are pointing out that she is STILL WEARING THE SAME BRA…. how nasty.
You know someones mentally fucked when they can waste money on bullshit and not even buy necessities, let alone showering every day.
I'm waiting on her to get some ugly ass lip injections (that will most likely get botched or infected since i know i wouldn't trust getting plastic surgery in the south..) and her septum done (watch the comments turn into cow jokes….)
It's sad she still thinks she can cover up her problems by buying crap when she'd probably be truly happier if she just got rid of like 300 lbs
No. 351618
>>351588no washing your hair once or two times a week is normal but yea pretty sure she doesn't shower every day.
kinda off topic Destiny looks so stupid in every photo lol
No. 351631
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>>351618>washing your hair once or two times a week is normalWhat.
No. 351648
>>351647I watched the vid where she punched the puppy, and i agree it was wrong, and the way she pulled on that kittens paws. But this
>>351637vid doesn't show any animal abuse.
No. 351659
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aside from the width, she still looks like the same person. this is nothing in comparison to the difference between dana's selfies and tagged photos.
No. 351670
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She also likes a bunch of AL comments…probably makes her feel better, but this is post 1/2 there may be more comments Idk.
No. 351671
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No. 351673
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Lmao no offense but Dana isn't exactly a prize…
No. 351674
>>351671so.. confirmed she's watched a bunch of AL's videos….. that's kind of… obsessive…
a normal person wouldn't join a hate group for the ex of the person theyre dating… a normal person wouldn't feel the need to rub it in that ex's face and keep all this going and posting comments and watching her videos…
Like what a petty loser..?
God DAMN i hate AL as much as the rest of em, but i seriously wanna be approved already just so i can drag her ass.
shit's going to her head and she loves the attention and she needs to be put in her place LOL
No. 351680
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No. 351682
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If anyone wants to take a bullet on their fake FB profile (i would if i was approved to the group.. but it's been days) and post this, i'd love ya hahaha
No. 351685
>>351680"They all suck"
The ultimate truth LOL
No. 351711
AL's comments about men being cute were less than extemporaneous. Very pointed. I'm not even sure that she's bi, just her upbringing is textbook for being, and in many cases, staying in survival mode. It's disastrous for personal relationship and careers. They'll do whatever they have to do to survive. Like the person taken off the street and given access to food who might still hunch over it (to protect it), eat fast, and overeat, because they don't know when their next meal is coming and don't want anyone taking it. It takes a lot of therapy and healing to get yourself in another mode, because everyone will be a mark, someone to get things from..she's been in stable situations which would've allowed her to save money, grow, become independent, writer her own story, but all she can do is survive and live like a 15 year old who ran off with their parents cc. Instead of staying at that job, putting some money away, getting a license/moving somewhere with good public transportation, what did she do? Blow money like a child and now she'll just find another family/girlfriend, or if push comes to shove, boyfriend, to leech off of. It's very sad.
No. 351788
>>351670>>351671>>351673>>351680Thank you for the screenshots!
I wonder how Destiny feels about Dana's creepy obsession with AL or if she even knows about it.
No. 351792
>>351790Didn't you see on her Twitter? She's losing her sanity…
It's pathetic to make all this passive aggressive shit and then ~try and be friends~ with Dana and Destiny still.. Like how delusional is this poor woman?
No. 351799
>>351714It's not really creepy but fake af. Like no, you obviously do not like that your ex gf you want back has found another woman. AL is publically "liking" it to make a show of how good of a person she is and how supportive she is. Nobody in this situation would ever be cool with that, and being upset about it does not make you a worse person. It just makes you human.
>>351788I really wonder about Destiny's position in this mess, too. Is she 100% done with AL but is still her "bestie" just to humor her, or is Big AL lying about the good relationship they supposedly still have, does she not give a shit about what they think of each other, is she not aware of any of it, is she encouraging it, idk. I have no idea why you would ever join a gossip group dedicated to your partner's ex about five nanoseconds after you started dating, so that whole scenario really mystifies me.
No. 351859
>>351830I remember watching one of ALs old streams and she explained that she's a lesbian and isn't into men simply because she's not attracted to them; according to her, she likes girls and that's it.
Honestly, I do think she's bi, but would definitely pick a man if she could. Dunno why, but that's the vibe I get from her.
I guess that a girl is just easier to control and convince of things. I agree with the anon who said it was some sort of survival mode – I know it because I pretty much did the same in the past, unfortunately.
Also, I know this may make some people upset but the sad truth is that lesbians have a harder time finding other "REAL LESBIANS" who won't ditch them for men later in life when they feel like having kids, or settling down, or whatever. Then they will accept almost anything, even a landwhale who doesn't care about anything. They lower their standards, you know.
And AL is just too fat to attract "normal guys". Pretending to be a lesbian who's only attracted to girls (who'd date anyone because they are desperate and have low standards) is way easier. She also avoids hurting herself with the truth.
Still, I'd like to share two brief stories about two separate lesbian women who willingly had sex with men and got pregnant during one night stands. Yeah, you'd probably say they're not lesbian, but no, they are. I guess one of them just wanted sex and didn't bother if it was with a guy even though she wasn't really into him; you know, like when someone sleeps with the exact opposite of what they're attracted to simply because they have a chance to get laid. and the other one was still "finding herself".
No. 351934
>>351933I think early afternoon.
AL just said she knows Dana was in the FB group. She said it's fucked up and she wouldn't do it to her. She's not crying anymore though. Now she's back to being manic. I can't record unfortunately but will keep you guys updated.
No. 351950
>>351948She also "hasn't eaten all day" as usual lol.
AL called Destiny back. She wants Destiny and Dana to go on YouNow. Destiny said no because Dana doesn't like social media. AL said then she shouldn't join hate groups. Shots fired by AL.
No. 351953
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She was talking to Destiny on the phone and asked if she wanted to host her on younow. I guess Dana was her and not up for that because then she said she shouldn't join hate sites if she doesn't like social media!
No. 351960
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She said have you ever heard of someone breaking up with someone and moving on after a month when they were in love and wanted to be with that person forever? I haven't.
No. 351963
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Wow this is salty lol.
No. 351967
>>351960The fucking desperation is reaaaaaal.
I have definitely before.
It's called your feelings vanished awhile ago and its easy to move on.
I mean everyones like WOW WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE GIFTS
like shit items are just items.
People don't have to stay in relationships just because they they were given gifts or bought someone a promise ring.
No. 351974
>>351972Exactly! and just fucking shows the mind of the audience she has where they're all shitting on Destiny just for the fact that she went overboard and was trying to buy her love clearly.
But I mean they both bought each other around the same amount of shit!!!
No. 351975
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>>351963This person is sticking with the potato joke, I wonder if they're a farmer? I'm laughing so much at this.
No. 351978
>>351974Pretty much; it's immature to think that if you buy a person shit they are supposed to love you forever and ever. If you treat a person like shit or they're not happy with you anymore, they are going to leave you. And they have all the right in the world to leave you and be happy. Like holy fuck "she was supposed to marry me" sounds like she made her sign a contract with her own blood or something. Creepy shit.
I can understand that AL is pissed if Destiny really said she wants to be single and now she's already with the next chick. That means Destiny left AL because she was unhappy with AL, but did not have the balls to be honest with her, which she should have been. However, it's really immature of her to think that Destiny was obligated to stay with her, that really shows she doesn't see her partners as actual people.
No. 351979
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lol anyone else get kicked out?
No. 352009
>>352005Are you really on an lolcow farm thread about this dumb bitch and trying to defend her???
are you new here or just slow?
not a red flag at all LOL
No. 352023
>>352005Microanalyzing is what people do on this board. There have been discussions about AL's bras in this thread. People are trying to find out where Margaret lives based on the wallpaper in her room. Discussing lolcows will inevitably lead to nitpicking, it just comes with the territory. Personally I found the statement quite interesting because it shows how much AL depends on other people, but if you don't think it's a big deal then that's kewl.
And no, in my opinion a 21 year-old is not supposed to marry anybody regardless of how long they have been dating them and regardless of how many material goods have been exchanged, a 21 year-old is supposed to mature, figure themself out and get their own shit together before permanently stapling themself to another person. Engagements can be dissolved, marriages can be divorced, relationships end. I do not see how a promise ring means having to stay with someone 5ever but that's just my opinion.
No. 352033
>>352026Maybe but that was not the only comment she made about that. In one of her breakup Q&A videos she made, she expressed disappointment because she feels like Destiny has taken away her future by breaking up with her. That shit is definitely creepy and not normal by any means. She built her entire future around Destiny.
Even marriages can be divorced, a partner has absolutely no obligation to stay with you regardless of the circumstances. And no, having plans is not the same as "she is supposed to do X". The first one is just an idea, the second one is an obligation.
No. 352039
>>352034I don't know why that matters, but nope. Sorry for sperging, but I think discussing that kinda shit is a tad bit more interesting than "ew she looks old af look at them nasolabial folds". I think I made my point tho so moving on
>>352037If she does, I hope she didn't learn anything and keeps embarassing herself. I really don't think there are any innocents in this story but what Dana did so far has been vile.
No. 352107
>>35206340 minutes of this crap? It's mostly boring people are snapchatting her to talk about Valentines day. She said this is her first single Valentines day in ten years and that Destiny is hardly ever at home lately.
>>352093Dana is lighter than AL but she's still pretty big.
No. 352132
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>>352131samefagging. neither of them are models but this is what I was talking about. AL is MASSIVE but this just looks weird to me and I don't know how Destiny found either of them attractive. There's so much back fat.
No. 352155
>>352139Ah yes, smart one, it is i, the almighty Dana, calling EVERYONE IN THIS SITUATION a beached looking whale with down syndrome
No. 352206
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No. 352208
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No. 352223
>>352219she's beautiful mate. She looks like a curvier version of mandy moore in "a walk to remember"
>>352221i think her face is beautiful, moreso than amberlynn. she has an interesting thing to her. her gap is that of a supermodel, and her eyes are feline and sexy. major upgrade in my opinion
No. 352229
>>352228Aw you seem so butthurt. Unfortunately? Geez, i'd rather jump off a bridge then look like either of them.
it's definitely hard to when your standard of beauty is set as greasy obese women who don't take care of themselves.
How do i like it? Well im not all pissy like yourself thats for sure haha.
Bigger person? You're talking about the girl that has been in AL's hate group until today when her ass was getting put under a flame finally.
The girl who, for Valentine's Day, watched AL's livestream and watched her sad sorry ass with her girlfriend even though theyre apparently so happy together… even though thats not what a normal happy relationship does..
The girl who's been talking equal shit on AL as she has been on her.
They're both fake as shit yet are bitchy enough to talk shit online and behind each other's back yet play nice in person just cause they're trying to claim tabs over the same 12 year old looking cheater.
No. 352233
>>352232you should really learn to spell correctly.
also this seems like complete BS. No one spies in this shit to get on a new significant other's ex's good side. That's incredibly weird.
No. 352234
>>352232Oh god then gtfo you idiot.
Bullshit. She was in there posting selfies of her and Destiny's, showing her off like a prize, and just posting shit to be a petty bitch herself and rub it in AL's face even though they're already dating, so why is she acting so insecure? LOL
I watched the livestream, she definitely did not look like she was in any sort of danger, especially not in terms of self harm, she was just being an obnoxious drunk loser on younow.
>>352233Seriously, is Dana friends with 8 year olds?
No. 352237
>>352234<oh god GTfo you idiot
NO! and that was a ploy. jesus… cant you read between the lines?
No. 352243
If it is all fake, she's probably really not gonna get the response she's expecting. Her real subscribers will probably through a hissy fight over being lied to and for defending her and yadda yadda.
And then a bunch of folks will be like, oh so you are a liar like everyone says.
Then Peter's fake gay ass will swoop in to make a video where he's gonna also call her out for being fake.
>>352242Bowing down at your feet?
Your fedora must be on a little too tight, kiddo.
No. 352252
>>352248lol sure. Keep creeping everything you obsessive bitch.
Back to your perfect night with your Boo while her ex is in the next room probably talking shit about you to strangers.
You look like a cow, you're petty and childish just as much as AL, and Destiny will probably leave your ass in a year to, just like she did with her last girlfriends.
Enjoy being cheated on and working those editing apps, You can't hide that pig nose and triple chin.
No. 352254
>>352248I wonder what your work would think if it was called up about two of their employees dating and joining hate groups about another ex employee. Online harassment probably wouldn't go over too well when you work with elderly and disabled people and are supposed to be all sweet and caring.
It wasn't hard to find online at all :)
No. 556124
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I've tried to do a "non fat" edit of her on my phone. It's janky and stretched, but she legit could be so pretty if she wasn't about to fucking bust open from obesity