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No. 723869[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/ot/714830

>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.

If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.
>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.
>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.
>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.
>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.
>discuss your views on racism - BAN.
>have gender crit discussions - BAN.
>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1200 posts and 116 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 735625

No. 735628

Nta, but it's literally both. Not everyone has the money to "just move away". Imagine someone working a minimum wage job and struggling to pay their bills trying to move to a new country, no fuck that, a new state. Especially people who live in rural areas that move to a city like New York. The cost of living from state to state can vary a lot.

People who relocate to different countries may not even be able to get a job in a different country. And ase far as I know, getting a citizenship in a different country can take months and there's a whole bunch of shit you have to do to get approved. Also, there are tons of people being tied down here because of shit like school. I don't think America even allows people to have a dual citizenship and I imagine that would make things harder. It's not as simple as "just leave"

No. 735642

I'm from South America, aside from all the paperwork that people from any nationality need to do like the anon above me say, I just don't have the money. Even if I have a good salary here, the exchange is extremely bad for me because of the devaluation of our currency. US americans have the dollar, one of the most powerful currencies worldwide and that's one of the many advantages they have over 3rd world countries

No. 735692

This is objectively true. But also I would be considered educated and well off in a 2nd or 3rd world country. I would be able to live a privilege life in certain countries and not be a lowly wagie like in Murika.

No. 1158041

Hеllo. My friеnd and I havе mоney prоblеms. Suppоrt us by sеnding bitcоin.

Bitcoin - bc1qdvsm0g2u7wwja56ekwsq907ckpsxcvrlj3uel5

If yоu write your bitсoin wallet to mollykris.xxx@gmail.com within 30 minutеs after the transfer оf bitсoin сoins, then we will send our sеx video tо yоu pеrsоnally by email.

Thе mоre mоney you send, the bеtter thе vidеo will bе and, pеrhaps, wе will fulfill your wishеs frоm thе letter;)

Dоn't know hоw top up Bitсоin? Gооgle will help.

Let's gо!

<img src="https://i.ibb.co/jHQfY5Z/1.jpg">

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No. 720261[Reply]

make it quick

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No. 735295

That thread makes me cringe too but if you’re on an imageboard then I think anime is going to come along with it. I get your frustrations but there are still communities online that don’t have people who joke or even know about things like that especially normie ones based around hobbies, you just have to find them. Or spend less time online if you really can’t stand it.

No. 735387

No. 736844

somebody make a thread QUICK

No. 736855


No. 738158

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No. 638051[Reply]

okay ladies, you know the drill: post caps you find funny from your fellow farmers. keep sperging to a minimum. arigatou

previous shenanigans: >>589875
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No. 731613

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I had tears in my eyes from laughing at this post and the reactions so hard, from the "Weird turn offs" thread

No. 731629

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No. 731632

Why?? Dif she get banned though it’s not funny

No. 731685

nta but that's why it's so funny to me

No. 731687

Mooved here


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No. 656138[Reply]

What has been the lowest point in your life?
Are you living through it?
What's the worst that you've had it?
What's your saddest, angriest, scariest, or most embarassing story or memory?
Was it your fault or did circumstances lead to it?
Did someone do you wrong on purpose?
How did you overcome it, or how do you plan to overcome it?

Share the lowest point in your life. It could anything ranging from the most traumatic shit ever ("I smoke too much weed and burnt my house down") to just a silly embarassing story ("I shat myself in front of class while wearing cat ears"). Please don't try to one up each other or try to seek pity points.
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No. 732569

Thank you, kind anon. I am doing much better since then and have mostly moved on, other than the fact I am still somewhat paranoid and occasionally do things like secretly go through my husband's phone and computer for the peace of mind that he's not a complete degenerate like my ex. I know that's probably a tad bit shitty of me, but this experience has taught me that you never can truly 100% know a person, and I'd rather be that snoopy bitch who spies on her spouse than be a pedo's cuckerina ever again.

No. 733594

> Mid of 2017, I was in college…
> Extremely burnt out, started failing everything
> Could not keep anymore, dropped (it was my last year)
> Plan to sudoku after 2018 celebrations
> Feeling so much pain, so much I can't even put into words
> Body starts crumbling down: hard episodes of diarrhea and vomits
> Exams points nothing, I redid 3x then gave up
> Get to the point of barely having strenght to walk
> get to 39 kgs
> Fell ill physically and mentally 24/7.
> I basically spent the whole year of 2018 vomiting, shitting, crying, and laying in bed trying to not feel so much pain, waiting for death
I truly thought I was gonna die, I don't even know how, but I did a full 180° on life.

No. 733616

Holy fuck you knocked the wind out of me. Sorry this all happened to you anon. That’s some pretty grade A fucked up bullshit

No. 734372

Well current situation shouldn't theoretically be the lowest point of my life, as few years back I have experienced depressive episodes where I would just cry and couldn't get out of bed for months but right now:
- I have job, but my office is a very toxic enviroment
- Feel sad and anxious almost every day
- Pandemic sitation along with economic crisis just makes me feel like I will be stuck in this toxic enviroment for a long time and that I'm hopeless.

Even though I am doing best I can (further studies and specialization so I can find a new job, healthy diet, having supportive friends and famioy and so on..) I still get hopeless easily and get extremely sad and past year got me feeling very low.

No. 734392

Is your anus okay? legit question cause I can't believe you shat your life away

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No. 733765[Reply]


(repost with full farmhand additions)

No. 733767

there are more than 100 replies left in the previous thread you dumdum

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No. 545522[Reply]

Previous threads

Share updates, personal experiences, vent, etc

WHO: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/index.html
Some twitter account with a lot of Corona related updates: https://twitter.com/bnodesk
Torrent for Survival PDFs in case you want to go full doomer mode: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9889a43717fd93c95993552f817ced652a74e63e&dn=Survival%20Guide%20PDFs%20%5B8.1.2019%20Update%5D
1203 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 733803

Explain how exactly they're dangerous? Because I'm not seeing it.

No. 735060

You can still got covid/give it to others even if you're vaccinated be careful anon

No. 736281

Take off your mask maybe then you’ll finally see it
Nah screw you. Tired of that bullcrap and foggy glasses.

No. 737897

Didn't mean to sage this

No. 738316

The Bristol variant is beginning to spread through my province but our retarded premier is going ahead with rolling back lockdown measures. It doesn't make sense, from what's happened in other areas we can expect a tidal wave of infections to hit us and another slew of shutdowns within a matter of weeks. These rolling lockdowns aren't a viable strategy for handling the pandemic, they are so short sighted it makes it impossible for people (businesses, schools) to plan ahead.

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No. 732952[Reply]

No. 732955

Look at the flab

No. 732962

Now now, anon

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No. 731811[Reply]

Post 'em!
This is a thread for petty wins/revenge/satisfying comeback stories over someone that did you wrong.
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No. 732281

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When I was seven, I was invited to a slumber party from a girl in my grade. This girl would always pick on me at school, but my mom made me go cause she thought it would be good for me.

When I got there, the birthday girl ignored me until her mom made her come and say hello. At least her mom was nice to me lol. As I expected, her and the other girls choose me to be their target for the night. They locked me outside for over an hour. I saw one girl spit in my water bottle when they thought I was in the bathroom. They made fun of the stuffed animal I brought, and wrote all over my drawing book. I was a really shy and passive as a kid and would just kind of “take it”. I knew when my mom got off work at 7, she could come get me.

After a while, birthday girl’s mom gave her a $50 bill to buy snacks at the convenient store a couple blocks away. She sent us all together, so I just followed behind the others. Never wanted to go home more. The girls suddenly took off running and laughing without me, but I was just feeling too embarrassed to try to catch up. I remember the sensation of my face getting all hot and red.
I could see that they had already made it to the convenient store but I was taking my time getting there. As I’m nearing the store, I see the birthday girl had dropped the wadded up $50 in the parking lot. I looked around. No one. I stuff the bill deep into my sock, and sauntered into the store unnoticed.

The birthday girl and her sidekicks are heading to the counter as I enter. She proceeds to freak out amongst discovering she had lost her mother’s money. I can’t help but feel a little giddy over it. We left empty handed, and she pouts the entire walk back.
and her mother proceeds to harshly scold her for being careless once we get back to her house.

Birthday girl storms off into her room, and I sneak away and have my mom come get me. The shitty night was over, and I was kid-rich! Nothing too exciting.

>fun thread OP, has potential

No. 732345

No. 732444


I managed to get all of my work enemies fired. This is like 3 people granted so no small feat. Granted they were all doing illegal shit but feels good man.

No. 732453

You don't have to quote OP's post to reply to the thread.

No. 732461

who cares?

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No. 555919[Reply]

Are there any anonymous RADFEM forums where you can really talk and discuss with other fellow radfems without being banned for anything and the rules we have in this one? I tried to use pic related one but it is all in korean
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No. 730656

Wait, what? is this true? nonny

No. 732028

Try ovarit? Or saidit maybe since ppf is on there.

No. 732038

ovarit requires a code in order to make an account

i think if you have a Twitter and you dm them on there they will give you referral codes so other people can make an account

not sure how true that is though

No. 732039

ovarit is gaining in popularity i know everyone says asheras garden or w/e but it's not the same feel a some of the posting I crave.

tfw no more peaktrans/ pp/ gc/ radfem/reddits to lurk

No. 732040

samefag and it is true. I've gotten in that way.

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No. 731481[Reply]

Several English-language Wikipedia articles have had major, inexcusable flaws for many years. Among other issues:
• The article about the human anus has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Human females beyond developmental stages in the womb should lack an externally-visible perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina; the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them and does not form a persistent, visible midline raphe as it may in males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source.
• The article about simple columnar epithelium explains nothing about its fragility nor lack of somatic innervation (for pain sensitivity).

The article about anal sex …
• lacks a neutral point of view — an essential component of Wikipedia's presentational philosophy. It fails to present even one _scientific_ opposing perspective, giving readers without exposure to more balanced sources the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions. One such scientific perspective: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many all-too-common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short-term and long-term health risks for the receptive person. [Rationale: Anorectal Risks 1-3]
• fails to mention the normalization of injurious anoreceptive violence in pornography featuring real people.
• does not point out that "hemorrhoid" is an ambiguous term, sometimes referring to pathology and other times to normal anatomy.
• contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable, nor is "unnatural" necessarily the inverse.

Those flaws contribute to rampant anorectal abuse and misinformation facilitating it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 731562

I kind of want this to become a meme around here

No. 731564

same kek

No. 731567

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Posted as recently as 1/26/20. Unless there's a whole brigade of anorectal violence crusaders. That's a man, Maury. https://alogs.theguntretort.com/cow/res/90371.html

No. 731569

first adam driver with his chair throwing antics
now anorectal nonnie… I mean, anal violence scrote…

when will this stop. im so disappointed.

No. 731572

Informative read nonnie. I'm on your team, keep up the good work.

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