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No. 839728
did you really expect a clever quote? put your blogposts here
previous thread:
>>>/ot/833823 No. 839747
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>tfw when coke comes up my mom goes on and on about how great it was
Stop making me want to try it I don't need another vice
No. 839769
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I really think my friends either hate me or getting of me.They don’t interact with me much and don't ask me to be invited to things anymore.What sucks more is that these ppl are pretty much the only friends I’ve ever had and that I’m terrible at meeting/making acquaintances with people.I don’t know how to fix or deal with this problem and it’s been making me depressed for weeks.
No. 839798
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I'm so fucking retarded. The other night I was cleaning the apartment. My hands were full but I still wanted to carry my phone with me. My kind has never known pockets. With the swiftness of a tard without a wrangler, I put the phone in my mouth. I started walking and the phone started to slide out. I bit down on the phone to "grab" it. A tooth tip pierced the screen protector and actually made a chip on the phone screen. I think I may have a faint dead pixel.
I can't handle this life and my stupidity in it. It hurts to live.
No. 839800
>>839771Thanks for the warning
nonnie, some men do deliberately keep solutions secret to keep women dependent but I just mean that he is quietly doing straightforward stuff like googling for solutions or trying to physically mend broken things. Fortunately the only issue here is our communication.
No. 839813
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One time a girl I had never talked to before came up to me in class and told me I looked like a witch from the side. Then she walked away
No. 839877
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my arm is continuously bleeding and it's ruining my clothes and my bedsheets. i've put three dressings on it, vet tape, and a thick jumper but here we are, seven hours later, still slowly bleeding through onto the furniture.
i don't know how to stop it, or how to sleep without ruining my sheets. it gets me so frustrated, how do you keep your bed clean when you've got a bleeding wound? sleep on a towel? what do people usually do after surgery?
the cuts aren't even that bad. that said, though i'm used to subcutaneous fat kind of spilling out of the cut, but today i grabbed a towel to clean up and wiped my arm down and a bunch of chunks of fat basically came out onto the towel. i've never had that happen before and truthfully it made me a bit nauseous.
i don't know why i do this to myself. i didn't even feel bad at the time, i just had the opportunity and i just generally hate myself. it's hard to picture a life without it. last time i did this i went into hypovolemic shock and honestly now i feel like if i'm not in shock, it's not that bad. i hear that shock can be lethal, but i'm kind of at the stage where i think "eh, if it kills me, it kills me"
tangentially, this is mean but every time a celebrity speaks out about mental illness (meghan markle) and says that they were very unwell because they considered suicide, i think "doesn't everybody feels like that time to time?" i don't think it's a serious mental health problem until you actually act on it. is that fucked up? i have no sympathy for people who just say they considered suicide once, just amazement that they only experienced it once in their lives.
i think it's because if you went to a+e as a regular mentally ill plebian and said "i want to kill myself" you'd basically get laughed out of the building. i remember being taken in for trauma surgery after an incident and the nurse just said sarcastically, "oh dear. has somebody had a fight with their boyfriend?"
imagine somebody saying that to megs haha it'd go nuclear
No. 839888
me personally, i don't mind bleeding out and dying, but i don't like bleeding and making a mess of everything and surviving if you know what i mean. and i will survive this, it's actually quite hard to die.
i think a lot of people do non-suicidal self-harm because many don't believe that they deserve anything better. it's an outlet for distress. some people do it for attention or to manipulate others, and that's really horrible and
abusive, but that's a sign of mental illness/distress too. interestingly it's not just humans who do it, lots of animals do it too. i know it's quite common for caged birds to pluck out all of their own feathers for instance.
i hope i interpreted and answered your questions satisfactorily
No. 839902
So, the less I care, the more you do? The less I push, the more you pull. Sorry about your ego, this might get a bit brutal.
I just don't need you to stay. I thought I did, but now it's just…eh. You seemed so interesting before. I really wanted to get to know you, but now you're so bland and lame. I can't bear to read our past messages, it's just too cringe. Can't believe I had a crush on you and said/did all that stuff, I must have been on crack or possessed by an actual demon. Clownery lmao.
The most interesting person in my life right now has been around for years, and they never disappoint. They're talented and amazing, and I only gravitated to you because I didn't want to burden them with my weird problems. I don't know if you can match up, and now I suspect you'll feel tedious by the time you're back, not exciting. Like…are you even worth it? Why was I tripping so hard? I'd like to think I didn't waste ALL my time, so I guess I'll leave the door open for now, but I won't hold my breath lmao. I guess a tiny part of me wants you to prove me wrong, but can you actually? I'm too forgiving, way too much of an idealist. I'll be fine either way, though. I have so many good opportunities, and my life only really improves consistently. Idk if this will hurt your feelings if you read it or somehow "feel"(?) it, but I just really needed to vent.
No. 839909
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>tfw I'm the poorest member of the friend group and have to carry a constant facade of content in the face of my friends purchasing half million dollar homes, Teslas, and vacations or material goods
I feel like they'll outgrow me soon once they realize there's a ceiling to my wealth and I'll never be good association.
Most everything I even got now is due to debt. Makes me wonder if my perceived social climb was all a delusion and if I ever truly got away from being trash at all.
No. 839939
>>839196anon from the last thread, thankyou, your words made me feel good. ngl he is very attracted to me idk how tf. he reassures me whenever i feel down. i have started taking some medication, which makes me doubt myself more (more emotional) so maybe that can fuel it more. He is everything I could ever ask for. Surprisingly, he is not a scrote, considering literally almost every man our age is a raging degenerate. He is not overweight at all haha. And we work out together as well. And I don't mind at all. We actually met online, on instagram, I had a few mutuals with him. We playfully teased each other a few at first, and then started facetiming. All our views are alligning and have the same interests. We are also extremely loyal. I would say definitely do not be a downgrader. Don't give your time to just anyone. If you are picky and actually spend time with the right person, and only them, you will see you can land someone amazing. Someone who likes you for whats inside and not these guys our age who cant get enough of instagram models. There are very few guys who care abour the personality anymore. Anyone who holds looks to a higher standard than personality and views isnt worth your time, anonita. Keep in mind, when you downgrade, you are getting just literally any plain scrotey man. But if you hold your standards high, you can find someone way better.
No. 840011
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I just made a really shitty connection about my stepdad's behavior that I honestly hadn't thought of until just now:
>will be moving into my first new house soon
>told me he has no intentions of helping me out in any way so I'd better get my own help
>he'd been my "dad" for over 20 years until he decided to cheat on my mom a few years back
>new woman, who's closer in age to me than him, who he hasn't even known for 2 years constantly receives help for her house
>hauling things to dump, helping deliver and replace appliances, re-shingling roof while he's not trying to impress her with vacations and gifts
It's pretty painful.
Scrotes really love their shiny new toys and couldn't give a shit about leaving their old families behind.
Seeing the difference in how he treats someone who he respects versus how he ever treated me and mom also makes me so sick.
No. 840019
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>ruins sleep schedule
>wakes up at 8pm n im hungry as fuck so i go to the kitchen
>walk in and see my dad passed out at the kitchen table with a bunch of beer bottles around him
>walk back out to find my mom
>mom's car is gone so i text her
>shes at the fucking casino
>silently hide back in my room hungry as fuck but too scared to wake my dad up
being a neet with a disgusting alcoholic and a sociopathic gambler wasnt the smartest idea.
No. 840021
>>839986But don't you understand, he needs his emotional support pixie dream girl, you're the one anon! How dare you have free will!
Anyways this is exactly why "romance" stuff disgusts me. It's like a script for men to follow, giving excuses to keep harassing after you said no. "You're the one and you can't change my mind" is rapey af.
No. 840032
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my old friend from hs that i havent talked to in months just texted me. Out of politeness i asked how her new job (first out of college) is going and shes like "it's more amazing than i could have imagined, every day is fun!!" bc she's working in the movie industry and i just got back from job training involving back breaking labor that i decided im not even gonna follow through on cuz i'm too clumsy and weak and the other career path i think i could tolerate maxes out at 40k a year and my mom just keeps reminding me about how i "can't live a decent life or retire" with a salary like that and seems completely disappointed in my choices but if i wind up stuck as a generic office worker i know im gonna an hero myself but if i dont cave for some soul sucking job i'll never be able to retire and another old hs friend of mine just invited me to her bday party and i don't want to go at all cuz idk any of her close friends and she also has a great job and a good bf and i don't know her well enough anymore to get her a good gift and on top of all this the hobby that has sustained me for the last 5 years is no longer interesting to me so i'm gonna have to back out of my blogs and all my online friendships that are based around the hobby bc i don't even wanna do it anymore so basically i don't have anything i want to do and im just refreshing the same 2 apps all day wishing adult life wasn't so intolerably disappointing
No. 840037
>>840032If it's any consolation, your friend working in the movie industry is going to burn out waaaaay faster than you.
t. family worked in same industry
No. 840039
>>840011that fucking sucks. i'm sorry your stepdad is a POS.
my dad would do similar shit without even cheating. he would treat my uncle's kids better than us. years ago, he bought a Playstation Portable and hid it somewhere in the house, I had no idea it existed until one day he left it out on top of the speakers. i saw it and asked him where this came from and he snatched it saying "it's nothing, i forgot to put this away." i was the video gamer in the house so i obviously knew what it was. weeks later, i was visiting my grandma's house, where my uncle also lived and i saw my cousins playing with the same exact PSP, they even confirmed it "uncle ___ gave it to us." i never got to play that thing, i still get upset thinking about it.
i think after that i started noticing my dad would just hide stuff in his car. like, he had tons of PS2 games and one day the car got broken into and he had a huge fit about the stuff stolen. he eventually replaced whatever games he had and
then is when he started to stop hiding shit. even after that, i had to politely ask and be supervised by him any time i wanted to play the PS2. it wasn't until i was in middle school i got the ability to take it over… i've been gaming since i was literally 3, i had a SNES, N64, and Gameboy and used them in front of him frequently. his attitude around non-Nintendo products was fucking weird. he did this with a Sega Genesis, too. i was able to play it once, at the same grandma's house where my uncle lived. just the fact he chose to share these with my uncle's family instead of us…
No. 840043
>>840011Ah fuck. This reminds me of my own dad who cheated on my mom throughout their 20 years of marriage. He and his wife are now getting a divorce after only being married for a year kek. I didn’t even find out he was married from himself or my mom either. He makes up so many excuses for her meanwhile my mom did everything for him (like going to strip clubs, leaving her job and college) and he treats her like shit and has the audacity to make my mom his therapist and vent to her about this woman since she’s emotionally
abusive apparently. My mom only allows it because he does pay for things still like healthcare and some part of her still loves him. It breaks my heart to see this and hear her talk about how she’s given up hope on herself for other things. My dad also bought his wife this expensive house that he built stuff for but couldn’t ever be bothered to do half of that for us. He always said he hates building shit. He’s also the type to give his ‘friends’ thousands of dollars that he would hide from my mom. He really did just throw us away like garbage and expects forgiveness and usually says that ‘he’s not perfect’ but never actually says sorry.
I also can’t forget how he also sent me an email about wanting to give me another sibling even though he’s close to his fifties and that I should be happy that he’s finally happy. Fuck him. I’m really sorry anon.
No. 840049
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>>840019Sorry you were born to that situation,
No. 840115
>>840105I'm assuming you meant to reply to
>>840100 but there's a surge in certain undesirables due to the creepshow drama. Yet ironically the site's still slower despite that compared to a few years ago.
No. 840118
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If I don’t go to the rheumatologist it can’t be arthritis.
No. 840174
Just had the absolute shittiest weekend of my life with my old university "friend". I've tried to stick through thick and thin with this woman and I'm coming to terms with the fact that just because someone is a victim, does not mean they are necessarily a good person.
We first met in our first year when were room mates in our dorm. We were on the same course, were cordial but never really hung out with the same group for the first few months. I remember I was going out to bars because I was being asked out on dates and she would lament about how nobody ever asks her out/hits on her even though she's "literally 10/10, like I'm gorgeous" (her words, not mine- and she's a pretty girl! but it's just strange to talk about yourself like that) and I was like maybe guys are scared of you or something. We are about the same cuteness to me, I genuinely do think that- but I am heavier than her so I think she automatically reads me as uglier. One night I was about to go out for drinks with this guy and she saw me before I left and stated, unprovoked, "you look cute, your ass looks kinda flat in that skirt though." I just brushed it off as a nasty insecure comment but it did bother me and make me feel bad. Anyways, we started hanging out more and smoking weed together, we became something akin to friends. We'd study together, watch things (she has awful taste- like "unironically thinking Cruella is a great movie" level stuff), cook and just hangout.
Second year we lived in separate places but remained friends. She lived with her first year close group of friends (who always made snide remarks towards her but always made out it was totally from a place of love) and ended up slowly disliking them. She invited a guy over one night and he ended up attempting to violently have sex with her, and she didn't scream or cry for help because she didn't want to disturb her room mates and just waited for the dude to leave in the morning. She told her friend group about it but they didn't take it seriously really and just said they'd protect her next time. Well, one night they go to a club and she sees the guy who assaulted her and gets freaked out, so she asks her friends to leave and they refuse. So she takes a taxi home alone and then comes to mine to seek comfort. I feel really bad for her, she starts spending almost all her time at my house and even though it pisses me off because in all honesty, she is an awful guest. She will literally eat everything in your fridge and pantry, not pay for anything, always demands to do/watch things she wants to, etc… As well as being the most banal person ever, like I have never met someone with genuinely such little ability for critical thought in their life and quite literally everyone around me who knows this girl thinks the same thing. She goes on and on about how she thinks she's mysterious, sarcastic and witchy and it makes me cringe. My other friends literally make fun of me for being friends with her, but I feel bad and do feel a little kinship with her after hearing about her life so I continue the friendship.
Third year, she gets a boyfriend but he's just kinda weird and not interested in her. He's rich but makes her pay for everything and is a total redditor. I don't think much of it other than telling her he is a bit of a weeb asshole, but one night she invites me over late and wants to talk. I come over and we're speaking and she tells me that her boyfriend is "into loli" and she's known this whole time. My stomach drops (idek why, but I felt instantly sick) and I was like "what the fuck" and she bursts into tears and asks if I think she's a bad person. I say if you continue this, maybe and she tells me about how she knows he watches anime-loli shit, and they have sex while he watches loli stuff on his phone and they're not even NOT pretending to not be kids in these ones. It's straight up pedo shit. She breaks up with him immediately but obviously I can never see her in the same way, we both come from big families and she has a little kid sibling just like me- I cannot imagine letting a known pedo like that around your sister. She is such a spineless coward, you're not surprised- but when someone is so cloyingly nice and sort of a devoid of any original thought- it's actually kind of hard to think of their actions as malicious instead of an extension of their pure retardation.
Anyways, we graduate and she comes to visit me periodically. I can now no longer stand her company at all. I literally feel enraged after seeing her for more than two hours, so this weekend has been hell and the worst yet. She turned up to my house with literally £10 in her bank account but we made plans to go out, get lunch, and do things- so she turns up with the full intention of me paying for everything. Keep in mind I know this girl has thousands in savings, lives with her rich parents so doesn't pay any expenses, earns slightly more than me AND is getting a fat chunk of cash from the government soon because she's been overpaying her taxes. She doesn't pack the correct clothes for the weather, so she needs to borrow mine. I give her a jumper and whilst I'm taking clothes out to rearrange my closet, she grabs my most expensive work cardigan and goes "Can I wear that?". I give her the dirtiest look and say "Well, I need it for work so…" but she takes it out of my hands and is like "I'm really sorry, I'll send it back." She gets in the shower and at this point, I'm so angry. When she gets out, I throw her an old cheap cardigan and say she can't use my work one- and I can tell she's shocked but can't say shit. She bugs me to play on the switch because she won a few rounds against me on a fighting game when I was drunk. Sober, I wipe the floor with her and she demanding we continue watching the same video we were watching before which is just such sore loser behaviour. She also kept making horrible comments about people's bodies and talking about how great small boobs are and how she thinks they look much better and making sly digs about big ones (I am a big tit haver). It went nuclear when she fell asleep on my bed midday and I had to go into the kitchen to cry and compose myself. I know she's just a freak woman who perpetuates the male gaze though because we were watching a movie with Tilda Swinton in it and she goes "she has a great figure, she needs a bigger bum though" like WHAT??!??! Does she not literally realise she sounds like a disgusting youtube comment? How can you talk about female empowerment, girls supporting girls blah blah and then make such a stupid, telling comment.
Also, this is minor but she literally copies my clothes while negging me. She will go out of her way to buy the exact same shoes and dress after seeing me wear something and always comments on how she loves the way I dress- but it does piss me off when we'd have to check what the other person was wearing so we would not have to fucking match in a lecture. Not to be nasty, but I do not take style inspo from her, and it's so fucking weird the way she jacks my style (and my taste in music too- I sound so petty.) I'm not the only person who noticed it, in fact other people pointed it out to me (although I had already cottoned on to it)- in a way I'd find it flattering if she didn't make it so clear she thinks I'm kinda ugly deep down lol.
She's finally gone and I'm thinking I just need to cut this chick off. Yes, she's been through some fucked things in her life but she is just a freeloader who is fake nice to get what she wants from me. People who know me are normally shocked that we are friends because I genuinely normally make fun of someone like her, but I have had a soft spot for her because of all the shit she's been through. Clearly, she does not give a fuck about me though and is just taking me for a mug. I've never dealt with a friendship like this before.
No. 840201
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I made a post about being depressed because of my job and trying to figure out a hobby to get out of the cycle and this autist male commented saying 'you need money to live. so keep working. forget your depression.' I said jobs and money arent worth your health and time on earth, but he disagreed and said money is the most important. wtf is wrong with people
No. 840226
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It’s kind of fucked how I used to get bullied so much as a kid for being brown, that I wanted to be blonde.
I didn’t do anything in particular back then to look less brown because my parents would tell me that I didn’t need to be blonde to be pretty, so I kind of shoved the idea to the back of my mind, but the fact that I thought about it as a kid, when I was like 8 years old, is quite shitty.
Latam in particular feels so shitty to me, I will always despise how anyone will have the balls to say
>there’s no racism uwu bwecause we’re all mixed lol ecksdee
I honestly hope all the people who bullied me back them, are having a shitty time getting treated in a condescending way by the people from the countries they might have fled to, and I also hope that they really never feel like they belong in those countries because they will always be the foreigners who came from a third world country.
No. 840228
>>840226I can relate, My ethnic group(The Hazaras) are racially Mongolian and we've been treated like Shit by Pakistani's for centuries now, I used to get called dog-eater, chinky, cheenie by these bastards
If anyone of these bastards faced any sort of racism in the west I would literally not care
No. 840264
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Why is life such a bitch I'm only starting it.
No. 840265
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My friend got to the airport about 30 minutes before her flight, like usual, and is now about to miss her flight due to lines. I've warned her before that that's not enough time, so I'm already low on sympathy. Now she blowing my phone "I'm so fucking stressed. I hate flying. Why do I even try." Bitch, relax. I am not your therapist and this is not that serious. You'll get the next flight. You're not a failure and I'm getting sick of having to tell you that.
Also stop sharing memes about drinking with me. Your dependance on alcohol has long since stopped being cute and is truly distressing.
pic only slightly related
No. 840270
>>840265samefag, I told her to try asking a TSA agent if she could cut so she doesn't miss her flight. She did and then replied "I went up and asked and they told me to get back in line. Now, I've lost my spot, thanks."
What the fuck do you want from me.
No. 840302
>>840275In my country you get financial assistance only if it's really, really bad and I don't think mine qualify. They're bad but I've seen way worse, the tubular shape isn't super obvious unless I bend forward, that's when it becomes 100% obvious. It's still worth a shot though, I'll see if I can get a diagnosis.
>I'd donateThank you, I love you anon. I'd feel bad e-begging for something so superficial though.
No. 840304
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>>840282Some parents will act like it's literally not their responsibility to cloth and house their own kids, like they're doing us a favor. Bitch, you had me! Clothes, a roof and food are literally the bare minimum, it's not some grand gesture and meaningful gift. Having a child is inherently selfish in a world like this, and if you're choosing to have a kid I would imagine that means you want to give them the best possible life experience. But instead you get parents like mine literally dragging my down the hall by my hair and telling me I'm spoiled with my hand me downs from my sister who's 10 years older than me and my Walmart shoes. Jesus christ.
No. 840358
nonnie, you have no idea. They are pro loli and pro Trump. Want to be surprised? It's a girl. I don't even know where she went wrong. We have been bffs for 13 years, and when that shit isn't brought up she's totally fucking normal. I'll never understand how someone who is into lolis and dragon dildos hates furries. She's so fucking strange. But I love her, it's one of those things you don't choose.
No. 840374
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>>840304This is my mother to a T including the peeking in dressing rooms part. She also insisted on bathing me until I was in my late teens because I "didn't know how to do it right" according to her.
>Decides to birth me in the middle of a literal war>Have to go through another war as a very young child, parents decide to divorce at the same time just because>Wore hand-me-downs my whole life, never got any toys growing up, never travelled as a child if it wasn't with my dad and his new family where I was mostly ignored, lived in a one-room flat with my mum and grandma, literally did not have knickers without a hole in the crotch>But mum paid for school trips that weren't free and after school sports so that means I actually had everything and am really spoiled!Why the fuck was I born then? I could've gone all this time not existing! Stop acting like a martyr when it was your dumb ass who chose to have me for selfish reasons in the first place! I don't give a shit if you "really wanted me", that's not my problem!
No. 840422
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I dislike kpop and anything pop culture ish that comes out from Korea, because it is so fucking plastic and fake. Kinda same with Japanese stuff, only that there's still some variety there even though yeah most of it is fucked and panders to the lowest common denominator. I know there's a beautiful and super interesting culture to both Japan and Korean but most koreaboos and weeaboos only ever care about shit. And my biggest pet peeve is when they actually want to move into those countries but can't fucking take a clue. I wish that my enjoyment of japanese stuff was less "oh she likes anime and manga" and more "oh she enjoys the culture" to the eyes of these people. And tbh it's so fucking hard to find people talking about korean culture without it having to do with some idol group or aegyo shit that I don't care about. I wanna know about the cool shit, not the lame shit!!!!!!!!!
No. 840449
>>840422>because it is so fucking plastic and fakeYou mean like most of the world? Hating on shit because of annoying fans is less retarded than this take.
>Kinda same with Japanese stuff, only that there's still some variety They’re both the same when it comes to this anon. They are countries made up of millions of people. For every weeb or koreaboo mainstream fave there’s probably some Korean or japanese creative that makes good shit and just isn’t as popular among foreignfags. This is a reoccurring opinion I see and it’s weird as fuck. You sound like you don’t actually pay attention to what [insert country] normies and culturefags are doing. Or maybe the people you do know of are just not interesting enough for you?
No. 840482
>>840451She had a shit upbringing that she wanted to "fix" by giving me what she never had, she lived vicariously through me until I got old enough to rebel. She's also the type of person who never had goals, interests or a personality past
have family, marry man so she wanted a purpose in life/a pet project. I would often ask her what her hobbies are as a child (usually to suss out potential birthday presents), it always went like this:
>Mummy what are your hobbies?>Taking care of you!>No I mean, what do you do in your free time?>What free time, kid? You think I get any free time?!>No, I mean, what do you do for fun?>Stop asking me stupid questions and go outside, I want to nap. No. 840503
>>840467It’s not even infighting, relax. Venting about x country’s apparent pop culture when you’ve never been there and can’t speak the language makes you no different than the average insight impoverished weeb. For being “fake and plastic” no less, anon was venting about the same overzealous countryfangirl that she is.
>>840477It’s merely weird to see weebs pretend to critique you when at the same time they want to be you. There’s nothing disillusioned about it.
No. 840507
>>840482That's sad anon. How many moms wouldn't have kids if they just went to fucking therapy. Did she use you as her emotional support too?
I get having to be grateful to moms for bothering to raise us, but I don't have any respect for most of them. Hope she's still not trying to attach herself to you.
No. 840535
>>840486I get you, my dad is dead too. I wouldn't switch them though.
>>840482my mom is exactly this
No. 840547
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>>840507Don't worry
nonny, I live in a different country now. We actually have a great relationship now that we live so far apart! I'd never want to move back in with her though, she made my mental issues as a teenager a lot worse with the helicopter parenting, and would absolutely latch onto me if I were to come back.
She's never used me as her emotional support, on the contrary - she's a chronic hider and I grew up extremely sheltered because of this, I just didn't know what was going on most of the time. I had a major illness in my early teens and she just refused to tell me what was really wrong, kept insisting it was just a "stomach flu" until I had to go in for surgery. I had fainted and vomited for days straight because it was my infected, near-ruptured appendix. I hated being treated like a retard.
I don't know, I love my mum but at the same time she's a very frustrating person to handle. I'll probably be bitter about her forever.
No. 840553
>>840347My spouse's brothers ex girlfriend was like this. Severely tied to her
abusive parents. They were planning to have children and have an independent life and everything, but suddenly her parents started begging her to take care of them, and she did, because "family comes first." I was rooting for them to come through, but they broke up before she eventually realized she didn't need to cater to their every call. Now she's with another guy and they have a family.
No. 840775
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I won't finish my studies until I'm 31. It makes me feel like my life won't officially start until my 30s and I'm starting to get fine lines and shit. I think women in their 30s are hot as hell but I keep thinking I'll be the only one who'll look like a raisin or totally worn out.
Sorry for ''the wall'' sperg I just feel pressured to be successful and super young at the same time. I'm guaranteed to make a lot of money and live a very comfortable life yet this dumb shit occupies my mind. I realize how retarded it is now while writing this post.
No. 840799
>>840775Comparison is the thief of joy. No one takes the same path, so try not to focus on where other people are at during what age. I know it's easier said than done, but that shit doesn't serve you and will drive you mad.
I also graduated later and am just starting a career in my 30's so I can relate, but it is what it is. Get that degree and go make your money,
No. 840816
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People in my country cant shut up about Maneskin and especially them kissing on stage again while performing here, like it was some Brave Performance and important event but honestly, given they're not gay, and from what we know they do this all the time, how is that different than TATU queerbaiting? Only thing slightly better is that it's their own free will not some pedo producer's idea; still it's pandering and generating publicity only, and nothing else. The music is cool but people go too crazy about them and add too much meaning to their performance.
No. 840821
>>840816sounds like it's no different than tatu and most people just don't remember tatu
most people r dum, you have my permission to think they r dum
No. 840931
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>sister had a panic attack at work, scared everyone.
>contacted her psychiatrist and psychiatrist set her an emergency appointment
>next day my sister tells me shes got her period and feels like an idiot
i had sort of forgotten until
>im talking to my friend about my depression and how my bipolar meds arent helping so psychiatrist is just fucking around cause no changes
>i have been depressed and had suicidal thoughts for longer than i want to admit
>today im on my limit and send my best friend a bunch of texts crying telling her i should be dead
>check my Clue app
>period tomorrow
why did god curse us like this. what the fuck. why would he do such thing
No. 840944
>>840920Get a sex toy. For intimacy get massages and be more touchy with female friends/family. Society is so strange about touching, every intimate thing is seen as sexual and it's probably on purpose, to redirect our natural desire for human connection into serving dick.
You can try to deprogram the "prince charming will come" female socialization, but that takes time. No watching or reading romantic/porn media. Read trust your perceptions.
If you really are obsessed with sex then get on a libido killing supplement.
I was like this a few years ago but the desire faded away as I got more self esteem de female socialized and had to deal with mens bullshit irl and online. Not saying you can change your sexuality, but you can definitely stomp out your heterosexuality into nothing/just being focused on self pleasure. Just remember you've been groomed since you were popped out to center dick and don't be too hard on yourself, it takes a while.
No. 840945
>>840931Seriously. I wish those feelings would be normalized or just accepted as real. I feel like even women don't believe other women when sharing our experiences. Can you imagine men if they went through this shit? They'd get PMS mood swings and literally kill people or commit suicide.
Yesterday I was sobbing because I'd made up imaginary scenarios where my family died. I thought ''why am I doing this?'' and realized my period is in 2 days. Been feeling hopeless with suicidal thoughts these past few days just because my period is coming up. It's so hard though, because even if you keep track and know it's coming, it still feels so fucking real and impossible to control.
No. 840960
>>840945I just checked my period app and samefag, no wonder. Estrogen and progesterone plunge right before period and that effects seratonin levels a lot. Pretty sure there's more to it that scrote drs don't want to figure out because oh too complicated durr. Medieval midwives probably had the answers, before their stuff was burned.
After sewercidal thoughts every month, it's hard to keep going. I hate this. Honestly considering taking lots of weed (it's legal here) to just konk out the days before my period.
No. 841030
>>840969How old are your friends? Do they pay rent, bills, buy groceries?
I'm sorry your job sucks anon, I do hope you can eventually find something better after you build up some experience. I also hope your friends can hold some sympathy. If they really want to have a day or so with you, they should plan things out at least a month in advance so you can hold a set day off.
No. 841032
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I want to start dating but god do I not want to have to go through all the shit people and there's pretty much no other way to meet others.
Bet I'll uninstall the app within 2 weeks and not meet up with anyone because women don't answer or just want friends or because the dudes don't want to text for more than a few days so they can hide their red flags. Glad I'm happy being single so tjere's no pressure or anything.
No. 841175
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ah yes, another day to post, be ignored, lurk in saved threads where people are fighting, incels are allowed to post, and everyone is talking but not actually really saying anything. this is truly a great fucking experience, yes! how can you people accept this existence
No. 841191
Last week i was sexually assaulted in the elevator in my apartment complex by an old alcoholic fatass. My bf called the police and took me immediately to the station to file a report cause we werent even sure he lives there, the police found him almost immediately but ofc theres nothing they can do. Turns out he lives 3 floors above us and Im starting to believe it was a huge mistake going to the police, the morning after they took him to the station (they cant really do anything cause it was an "ad hoc" action with no ill intent while he was under the influence, wtf) the guy told my bf in graphic detail how he's gonna kill him and ive been a nervous wreck all week, i cant sleep, im afraid to leave the apartment, i cry at work after the day ends cause i dont wanna go home, i started having nightmares where the fucker grabs my ankles while im going up the stairs and i swear i feel the extreme pain from the dream in my actual body after i wake up, and i think im spiraling back into a depressive episode, fml, i know in a way i brought this entire situation upon myself but why cant the world just… not be filled with aggressive horny disgusting scrotes left and right
No. 841193
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Do you guys sometimes think what kiwi farms doing is cruel?
Reading this maked me extremly depressed tbh…imagine losing your friend to some stupid maggot incel basement dwellewers
No. 841196
>>841191It's one of those situations where it's hard to weigh up whether going to the police will do anything, don't blame yourself for doing the very thing men always scream at us to do
> Well why didn't you go straight to the police about it then, huh!?You're damned if you do and damned if you don't (called a liar if you don't involve police quickly) It's just a shit position to be in and you would be anxious either way after an assault. I'm sorry anon.
I had a neighbor threaten to break in and rape me and the police had a 20 second talk with him and left again.
No. 841212
Degenerates will kill themselves with or without a bit of shit stirring from unknown tards. They aren’t killing themselves over the comments they’re killing themselves over the shame of their lifestyle.
How is a tranny who can’t cum unless there’s cartoon animals involved killing themselves anything other than expected?
No. 841213
>>841201The only thing I feel bad about is that he ultimately wasted his talent, any tech company would've hired his savant ass in under a microsecond but instead he chose to spend his time sperging over underage cartoon animals and how
valid being a degenerate autogynephile is. Male autists shouldn't be allowed to enter the internet unsupervised, they'll always end up ruining their own lives.
No. 841214
>>841212I don't know. I don't know.
I just feel bad when someone loses their friend or commit suicide, even if its transgender or furry
No. 841226
>>841193No, i get that this site, kf and 4chan and honestly any other imageboard is designed to bully and make fun of people but this really sad.
This could've been anyone, this could've been you even if you're not a tranny. People continuously doxxing and harassing others is very shitty and cruel. are we really going to celebrate this just because it was a tranny?
No. 841234
>>841226Pretty sure normal well adjusted people don’t make suicide threats and weird extortion attempts just because someone on the internet said some mean words.
These people are already mentally fucked and would shuffle off the mortal coil over anything. Snark websites existing isn’t the problem here lol.
The problem is unchecked mental illness being applauded as heroic individuality being a terrible excuse for a coping mechanism once you’re offline. Being a tranny and a furry is just incidental to being fucked up psychologically and terminally online.
For example, I’m not gonna go off myself because some dude did. We aren’t celebrating a troon committing die, we just aren’t weeping over the alleged death of some creepy dude.
No. 841238
>>841229Back when I used to browse /cow/ during gamergate, I was reading the Nick Nyberg thread when the father of Nyberg's niece posted in the thread to ask questions about what had been happening. Anons in the thread posted the leaked chatlogs that showed Nyberg talking about wanting to fuck his niece and how he got hard seeing her in her swim suit. The incel losers of /cow/ helped in stopping the abuse of a child. If it weren't for /cow/ that might not have ever have happened.
Lolcow sites do serve a purpose in that they are often the only places prepared to discuss what someone is really up to and spread awareness of sick fucks online.
No. 841264
>>841157Fingers crossed your coochie makes it.
>>841256Shit when amberlynn is braver and has more endurance than you it’s descended well past tragedy. Dude was doomed by his own lack of emotional fortitude.
No. 841271
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>>841175i don't have much to say but want to respond anyway so your post doesn't get ignored since i too suffer from ignored posts
No. 841292
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>>841216>>841193How's being an endless fountain of compassion coming along? Come back when you've gotten basic boundaries and de-female socialized some, this is fucking pathetic. Bet you're the type of ppl to forgive their abuser bc 'he went through hard times forgive and forget'.
No. 841293
>>841291Samefagging but
>>841226 i lost any sympathy for that guy when i saw that he was suicide baiting and he also is a creep. Obviously null should have ignored that troons emails and not posted them he really is an idiot for that. That guy could have just ignored his thread on kiwifarms and delete all of his social media, eventually people will lose interest at him.
No. 841307
>>841193Is there even confirmation that he actually killed himself? Why should any of us trust what his so-called friends have to say?
I feel a bit of pity but social presence on the internet isn't a necessity to life. These types know they can have a small, closed circle of friends in the same hobby as they wish but they don't want just that. At the core, they want admiration and acceptance from strangers which they're not entitled to. Since he was a perv, he definitely wanted his fetishes to be seen and go on with impunity. At best he was (is?) a narcissist who can't handle criticisms and when bribery didn't work to get his way, spited people with suicide.
Null is still a faggot though.
No. 841309
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>>841307There is no confirmation. Only "trust me bro" from his "friend".
No. 841347
>>841337I hear and see you
nonnyI live in a city where people are constantly riding bikes on the pavement which is so unnecessarily stressful for pedestrians but I can't even be fully mad at them because the bike lanes are death traps. Car drivers will plough their big cars straight into the bike lane and then rant about how it was a cyclists fault
I dream of a utopia where the public transport is so good that cars fuck off out of central areas. Even right now I can hear some asshole deliberately revving his obnoxiously custom loud engine
No. 841350
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>>841266Agree tbh. A lot of men who sexually assault women will do an uno reverse and claim to be a
victim, narcissists are scary.
Relate to not budging on my opinions even if it makes people go
pic or start to ostracise me. I'm either autistic a bitch or both
>:3c No. 841357
>>841266>disdain for men who came forward about being "sexually assaulted" by women.Why would you disdain them?
>moids who try to draw a 1-to-1 comparison between FGM and male circumcisionMale circumcision is male genital mutilation, both MGM and FGM are evil and should be illegal, why would you disdain someone comparing MGM and FGM when both of these mutilations mutilate genitals?
No. 841361
>>841350> A lot of men who sexually assault women will do an uno reverse and claim to be a victim, narcissists are scary.That anon's post referred to male
victims of sexual assault, not male sexual assaulters.
No. 841366
>>841266I had a high functioning autist male friend when I was younger (and not sick of male tists yet) He had his foreskin cut when he was 11 because he needed it done or had irritation or some shit. For some reason he thought it was ok to talk to me about his penis all the time because he resented his foreskin situation. I was even randomly shown it one day and expected to sympathise. I had been abused as a kid and I was not in any head space to look at dicks at the time but poor him and his penis and his incessant need to talk about it. I was a virgin with a csa background having a dick thrust in front of me. For what? To acknowledge his pAiN and suffering.
Years later I dated a guy who told me about his
abusive ex who screamed at him and hit him. He seemed pretty fucking capable of sticking up for himself so I believed she might've hit him but I didn't view it with the same sympathy I'd give a woman. Turned out he was the screaming/raging/beating partner and I never gave him any good reason to escalate when he did those things. He went nuts on his own. Did his previous gf hit him back once or twice…maybe? I think that he was twisting half truths like that to paint a picture. I curled up in a ball when he hit me. Will he somehow tell his next gf I abused him by curling up and not engaging? I can see him telling a different version.
I've been pretty fucking naive with men. Some things I really had to experience for myself in order to learn to be picky with my empathy.
No. 841370
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>>841357They should cut even more skin off, until it's just a nub n no balls.
No. 841371
>>841357The only way MGM can be a real thing is if scrotes get their entire shaft cut off and are forced to reproduce by extracting sperm from the sack because scrotes are sin machine who should never feel sexual pleasure or they immediately become corrupt.
Which is based.
No. 841374
>>841367>ideologicallyBoth FGM and MGM are the violations of the bodily autonomy of people, who are often children. FGM and MGM are also fatal to thousands of their
No. 841383
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>>841380>misandristYes, the fuck.
No. 841389
>>841380Is this what happens when people insist that all pain is
valid and you shouldn't rank suffering?
No. 841392
>>841371Next time I get with a cut guy I'm calling him mutilated to his face, seeing as that's what they want it to be called lol
Oh wow I didn't realise you were mutilated! It's been a while since I got with a mutilated one, hehe!
No. 841398
>>841379I doubt you have any basic knowledge about the male reproductive system, otherwise you would be aware of just how harmful MGM is, and that the foreskin isn't just a "bit of skin".
>FGM is ALWAYS sex-based violenceAnd so is MGM, both FGM and MGM are mutilations, they are always violent, and children are targeted with them based on their sex.
>Piercing baby's ears should also be illegal I agree, parents who pierce their babies ears are terrible people, who value their own vain cosmetics above the bodily autonomy of their children.
> I will never feel sorry for scrotes who blame their erectile dysfunction on a missing piece of skin There are studies about this, MGM can cause erectile dysfunction and a host of many other issues.
No. 841402
>>841393Yep lets act repulsed and like half their dick is missing and it's just not the same. Give them the acknowledement they crave.
Hacked dicks, never forget.
No. 841409
>>841398>There are studies about this, MGM can cause erectile dysfunction and a host of many other issues.Good.
>otherwise you would be aware of just how harmful MGM is, and that the foreskin isn't just a "bit of skin". I mean, some men are getting their dick tips cut because of them being unable to wash themselves properly, it’s a bit of skin and they still have sex and coom, so I don’t see what’s the big deal.
Is your ex mangled or something?
No. 841411
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>>841406>>841398Noone gives a fuck about your limp broken 2-incher. Don't make me retraumatize you with another circumcision.
No. 841419
>>841398Ok so obviously male circumcision is a weird tradition that doesnt serve much purpose and does have a very very small chance of complications. But you keep equating it with fgm which is brutal and truly horrifying, and has a huge chance of terrible complications. Theyre both bad but fgm is so much worse its not even close. Not to mention that fgm is done in societiez where women are oppressed, while male circumcision is and has been done in societies where men are in control. The harm and oppression of fgm is orders of magnitude worse, and if thats not obvious to you then you are being willfully ignorant.
I had a friend in HS whose mom left Egypt for the united states with nothing to her name, marrying a random 50yr old american scrote at 30, literaly just so she could protect her daughter from the fgm her family practiced. Would you tell her to her face that men have it just as bad?
No. 841423
>>841411My clit isn't that big, and it works just fine.
>>841419>Theyre both bad but fgm is so much worse its not even closeI agree that FGM is worse than MGM, they should both be banned.
No. 841436
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>>841419Stop giving him attention trying to argue, his goo is going to drown the thread with how much you're stroking his dyk.
No. 841438
>>841423it would kill you to sage? retard
>>841436Lmao anon
No. 841440
>>841435I have the theme song from two and a half men stuck in my head since this all started
Men men men men menly menly, menly men. men, however the hell it goes kek
No. 841449
>>841439I'm not her. You're arguing with two posters.
>you disagree with me, therefore you are a manCope. As a woman I have higher emotional intelligence and an increased capacity for empathy. You obviously don't, so maybe it's me that's infighting with a scrote.
No. 841453
>>841446Establish your dominance by leaving the shit
nonnie, they'll cower from the sheer capacity of your bowls.
Though if you get period shits, I rec activated charcoal pills to compact your poo into something more manageable.
No. 841455
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This heat is killing me… God… Please bless me with a shota to cheer me on. I love having fruit trees but picking them in this heat is torture.
No. 841461
>>841457I'm having a whole series of work done, I'm an anxious single woman surrounded by workmen and I hate it. I like owning a house but fuuuck me the adulting that's attached to maintaining it
And thanks
No. 841471
>>841458>You even said that they both kill the same number of babiesNo I didn't. Please quote where I said that.
>your sperg about how cut dicks are just as bad as fgmI said they are both bad and should be illegal, which is true. In my original post I never said that one kind of mutilation is worse than another, and then later on I agreed with that other anon that FGM is worse than MGM. Nothing I've done here is contradictory. Here's an analogy: Murder is worse than torture, both are still bad and should be illegal.
>misogyny and misandry somehow exist at the same time in those placesI never specifically referred to misogyny or misandry in third world shitholes, you seem to think I referred to misandry when I mentioned that MGM exists in those shitholes. Violence against boys can be perpetrated by men, misandry specifically wouldn't apply in that case.
>>841463Unmutilated men can clean their penises just as well as mutilated men, men in Europe are just hygienic as those in America
No. 841483
>>841461Wish there was a female only fixer/trades company, like how much money you could make.
You can wear a ring, put some male clothes/items around the house, and get some framed pics with a fake husband. These things can scare away opportunitistic scrotes. Living alone is so peaceful but yeah gotta take precautions.
No. 841490
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yesterday at work a genuine qt whom I was interested in myself asked for my number and said he would message me today as he wanted to take me out for a date but in the meantime my phone sperged and I lost all of my text messages and calls within the timespan of when I gave him my number and a few hours ago. WHY
No. 841496
>>841471>why would you disdain someone comparing MGM and FGM>>FGM is ALWAYS sex-based violence (misogyny)>And so is MGM (…) children are targeted with them based on their sex.Are boys getting whole organs removed because they need to be sexless and chaste or not?
>MGM are /also/ fatal to thousands>MGM and FGM are both evil, and /often/ fatal>Only 100 in the USTalking about the US specifically here but jumps around to some village in Africa.
You also say they’re both both both both this and that over and over when one is clearly more evasive, dangerous and crippling than the other. That’s like saying assault and murder should be treated the same because they both cause bodily harm since you love bad equivalency. Now you’re pretending to say that your original argument is that both should be banned (which no one disagrees) and not that women should feel bad for them in the same way even though you admitted that one is worse. There.
No. 841517
>>841496>Are boys getting whole organs removed because they need to be sexless and chaste or not?Yes, in the case of boys who are mutilated. The foreskin isn't just a bit of skin, it's an organ with many varied tissues and glands.
>Talking about the US specifically here but jumps around to some village in Africa.I mentioned the US specifically because the fatality statistic of MGM was available. MGM still occurs in third world countries, many of which are the same countries where FGM occurs, and both these kinds of mutilations cause thousands of deaths.
>one is clearly more evasive, dangerous and crippling than the otherI agreed that FGM is worse.
>That’s like saying assault and murder should be treated the same because they both cause bodily harm since you love bad equivalency.>Now you’re pretending to say that your original argument is that both should be banned (which no one disagrees) and not that women should feel bad for them in the same way even though you admitted that one is worseWould you disdain someone for comparing murder to assault, especially if the motivations for both can be the same, and they both share some of the reasons why both are evil? I'm guessing you wouldn't, but the OP would in the case of FGM and MGM, THAT is the point which I questioned them on. I never said that FGM and MGM are exactly the same, I said they're both bad, and comparing them to each other, especially when they share some of the reasons why they both should be banned(them causing death, suffering, disability being one of them, violation of bodily autonomy being another) should NOT be something that is met with disdain
No. 841525
>>841497I have a friend with trauma issues and for years she's had this thing where (pre uber) she tried to only ever get female driven taxis. If she talked about this in front of men she was always told off for fearing male drivers. Female drivers were hard to find but she stuck to her comfort limits regardless.
On the flipside of that my mom once befriended a female taxi driver who would regularly bring her to hospital appts. Any time she told people about her men would instantly be like "a female taxi driver??? That's too dangerous for a woman to do!" So driving around strange men is super dangerous but being driven around by strange men isn't. Ok. Then a male taxi driver in our city picked up an already tipsy woman and drugged and raped her. Dropped her off thinking she's blame her own alcohol consumption for blacking out… she was actually awake but just unable to move the entire time he raped her. He drugged her with something that does that. She remembered the whole ordeal
No. 841606
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>>841582Alt fashions like this goblincore one. There's also extreme goth ones but I don't really watch that stuff.
No. 841613
>>841605>use the family room Bold suggestion coming from the same category of persons who ought to be utilizing just that. Trannies and genderspecials are the minority.
What an asshole.
No. 841624
>>841366I was the type to fight back and you bet he'd tell me how I'm
abusive monster. I fought back when he immobilised me by basically choke holding me, I'd try to hit him to get away and run because I was panicking so hard. I just wanted to leave but he'd cling to my feet with his whole weight, again leaving me with no choice but to fight my way out. When I curled in a ball and covered my ears while he screamed at me, he'd suddenly start touching me sexually or try to hug me. When I pushed him and tell him to stay away, he'd scream that I'm abusing him again.
Of course before that he told me how his previous gf was
I'll probably never be able to believe a man saying he was abused after this.
No. 841674
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>>841653Nonnie, you’re a genius.
No. 841687
>>841653Imagine having to feed and clean them, though. An entire society of scrotes getting to lay around all day
and have free sex? Isn't that their dream?
No. 841708
>>841687Don't try to apply logic into my wet dream.
>>841675 has a better idea, kek.
Sadly we can't all be blessed lesbians, some of us can only get off to the meat dildos that come attached to disgusting scrotes.
No. 841713
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Nonnies please I'm crying, I know that this is really small stuff but I went to the hairdresser finally feeling brave enough to ask for a more tomboyish haircut because I want women to notice me. I asked for something like picrel and she gave me an ugly A-line bob. I asked her if she was sure she could recreate it, and that I'd just have a blunt bob if it was easier - she was dead sure she could make it look good so I trusted her and now I have a serious wedge/sharp graduation and I'm so upset. I'd already had a shit day and was feeling ugly and now I look worse. They did me so dirty.
To be fair, it isn't just my hair that repels women, it's my awful personality and fujo tendencies, but I need every advantage I can get. Does anybody know how to make a graduated bob look less middle-aged and more lesbian? It's bleached white-blonde if that makes a difference.
No. 841720
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>>841714It's literally like this, generic horrible wedge cut. I'd post an actual picture of it if I wasn't sure I'd get roasted lmao
(dropped pic sorry)
No. 841739
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>>841720Maybe try a messy look? Picrel is Magdalen Berns (RIP queen) who pulled off the messy look really well, if she combed her hair out neat if would've probably looked similar to that kinda bob you posted. You could also try trimming it yourself to add layers if you're brave enough. Maybe next time try a barber shop? Ring or email first to see if they're ok with female clients but I know a lot of tomboys and butches who go to barbers or male stylists as female hairdressers seldom get what they're going for.
No. 841749
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>tfw I was listening to Closer by NIN in the locker room at work and my crush came in at the I want to fuck you like an animal part
I hope he didn't hear that. I'm too autistic to even talk to him. My sexual frustration is getting worse with each day. I'm scared I'm gonna sperg out and just ask him out randomly, just to get this off my chest
No. 841758
>>841723I feel like it's their default when a client wants something short and a bit different. All their older clients probably love it so they never bother to refresh their styles. That's fine but it's just annoying that I literally asked if she could do it and gave her an out, and she still merked me.
>>841730Thank you for your advice anon. I've had a pixie before and I can't keep on top of the mullet, but I might try exaggerating my curl or pinning bits back or something? Or a half up thing? I don't know
>>841739Dearest Mags ♥ RIP. I never considered that hers might be slightly graduated, maybe with some styling mine could be redeemable? Hopefully??
I think you're right about barbers. I actually chose my hairdresser because she's qualified in barbering as well as hairdressing, but it seems she just wasn't used to women wanting more butch looks (it's not even butch!)
She kept saying "this is a great cut because it's still feminine but it's tomboyish in that it's basically no maintenance" and she was trying hard but she just couldn't comprehend that tomboyish was the aesthetic I wanted, not just low-maintenance. Sorry for ranting, I know it's just hair at the end of the day, it's just not part of my dream Hot Futch Summer. More like Hot Flush Summer.
>>841750Yeah, I don't mind mousse and I've got textured hair which makes this kind of style a bit easier. I'll check out the barbers next time, thank you. I think I was nervous to approach the local barbers because everyone including my brothers comes out with the same haircut regardless of what they asked for lmao oh well
Thanks for commiserating w/me nonnies ♥
No. 841765
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Posted this story in a hair thread already but I realized this thread is a better place for it:
I'll always be bitter about my fucking dad never letting me have long hair as a kid. He would take me to MEN'S hairdresser and tell them to give me this awful bob/bowlcut hybrid that made people mistake me for a boy (he made my mom dress me in plain unisex clothes as well). I can only describe it as picrel, but not as straight. I had such pretty wavy hair back then, but never got to enjoy it before finally being able to assert some independence at 12, because by then puberty has already turned my hair into frizzy 3A mess.
This is only a drop in a sea of shitty things my dad has done, but I just happened to find some of my childhood photos recently and got triggered as all fuck on my kid self's behalf.
No. 841767
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>>841677Every starbucks in my city just has only the womens bathroom open with this sign pasted over it lmao…lock the door indeed
No. 841776
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yet another female friend became a they/them, i can't do this anymore, i'm so sick of this shit.
No. 841787
>>841782Sorry but that's pathetic, you're not his mummy. Tell him to his face and relocate all his messes to his bedroom. Shits like that only learn the hard way.
I remember a youtuber who's son didn't clean up after she made his friends a bday feast, so she gathered everything and dumped it on him while he was asleep. He never missed cleaning up after that.
No. 841855
>>841851>Plus, circumcision is medically proven to dramatically reduce HIV infection risk,That isn't true, the study you're referring was done with a a flawed methodology in africa, further studies in the United States have found that MGM has no affect on the transmission rates of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, including HIV.
>That being said, guys who are cut have no problem enjoying sex The enjoyment mutilated men get from sex is reduced by a lot, the frenulum of the foreskin and the glans are the most sensitive part of the penis, MGM completely cuts off the former and the glans becomes insensitive due to keratinization of the skin there.
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>>841855who gives a shit about men's enjoyment lmao
No. 841874
>>841871Now we have
>a n o r e c t a l v i o l e n c e-kun And
>Save the Foreskins org No. 841877
>>841525Only men can do something so vile. It makes me sick to my stomach.
>>841585People like this are the worst. i used to follow a vegan IG person and they made their friend cup a cockroach and bring it outside., bitch wtf.. kill that thing!!
No. 841919
>>841912It’s their only kid so I know she goes out of her way to spoil her, we’re almost the same age and she doesn’t drive or work because she goes to a good uni
It makes me kind of envious because my family never helped me with my education and I’ve had shitty “essential worker” jobs since I was a teenager
No. 841939
>>841937Then why does it matter?
Enjoy your games, let her enjoy her shit.
Deep down everyone like cute dress up games even your old nemesis
No. 841954
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This is going to sound very bad but whenever I see people with teeth like these I feel like punching them in the face so every bad teeth falls down and then I'll pull the ones left
No. 841962
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one of the biggest realizations is that, yes, sometimes women really need to be fucking shitted on.
>”women supporting women”
>a woman wouldn’t say that you must be a moid
>you’re a pickme
look at the gender of most of the subjects in here who get clowned on (rightfully so) and then tell me I’m wrong. but not for misogynistic reasons obviously, it’s really not constructive like 4chan where they call women roasties, post unsolicited photos of women they don’t know, and objectify while saying nothing of value. it’s just such a hard to explain reason why, there is just something that makes me rage and a need to hate them when I see certain women and idk if it saddens me because I’m a woman myself and I really don’t like hanging around men either(scrote)
No. 841984
This is oddly specific, and I know I'm gonna be called a retard, but here goes. There's a group of zoomers-to-millenials or so in my tiny fandom, and they're so fucking annoying. They literally sperg over the smallest of things and go absolutely fucking psycho. In March, they called out a user for lighting up in Shinigami Eyes, then they tried getting the fandom to collectively block said person… which absolutely nobody did. Then, said group called out somebody for whitewashing, which okay, whatever. The girl apologized THREE times, and they were STILL dragging it on and dogging on the poor chick. Then the Shinigami Eyes girl returns and they go absolutely fucking nuts. They vague-posted calling the person a manipulator and saying, 'Don't talk to them in DMs, they'll manipulate you.' and shit up the fandom tag with politics. If you don't think this character is black and accidentally fuck up their skintone, YOU'RE the worst and deserve punishment…. despite the fact the character isn't black, shows no signs of being black, and looks like an ashy Indian. This is a small fandom. Iykyk. Y'ALL ARE 22-26+. You ACT LIKE children. Agender, 26, they/them? Are you retarded? People literally plea for their forgiveness, and they act like cunts. Like the woman fucking groveled, took their word salad abuse, and STILL tried to apologize. Fuck if I apologize to them. I have actual pride. But what's the point of calling somebody out, lurking their page to check transgressions, unblocking them to yell some more, and not even trying to forgive them? I hate seeing old fandom people get bitched at like this because I KNOW it'll drive them away. God, I wish the fandom existed elsewhere but this platform, but it fucking doesn't.
No. 842029
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just remembered finding pics of the girls my bf is into on his phone. even though they were from when he was single I still feel like shit because they were all like 50 lbs lighter than I am
No. 842070
>>842029They’re all just pictures he found good looking, you though..he’s with you, so found you good looking and also interesting and nice enough to be around.
Those girls were a nice idea for ten minutes, you’re a nice enough idea to make a relationship with. Give yourself some credit anon, you aren’t bad because of some pounds, especially compared to posed photos. You’re a whole entire valuable woman with virtues far beyond being pleasant to look at. Even if you were a big ugly fatty you’d still be worth receiving and giving love.
No. 842087
>>842085Sorry, ‘
that’s a lot of words to say I’m insecure about my enormous labia to make an only fans and it’s ur fault’
How’s that anon?
No. 842137
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i am empty. was stuck in the hospital all week and today i am home again but don't understand anything. i'd like to engage with someone in a gay and vulnerable way (not necessarily …. cry cry sorrow but. sincerity and mindfulness sound so appealing. i would listen to someone describe perfect cheese or socks. a pencil! as long as they truly Brought it. i tried engaging the discord and was b….anned because i would not SHUT up and sent a picture of bread clips (see attached). not crazy
No. 842163
>>842147Glad you got away from her, anon, that sounds exhausting!
Mine was on a sweetener-hunt as well until they discovered that sweeteners might cause cancer. They were on a firm vendetta against Pepsi Max before palm oil became a problem. I have no idea where they were in 2012 when just about everyone else realized palm oil was bad, though.
No. 842184
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>>842137Shit picture, this one is the RIGHT way to classify them
No. 842217
>>841780ayrt, i just checked and i have like 25 online friends. at least 10 of them are they/thems, one of them is a TIF who had all the surgeries, two of them go by he/him but look like normal women irl (one always wears lolita in public). there are like four normal women who also don't put their pronouns into their bio, two of them are definitely crypto terfs. the rest are women who put their pronouns in their bio and support trans stuff. there's two guys, one is a female friend's bf, the other is a gay man.
it's so depressing.
No. 842268
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>>842260Anon it was there in the original post lol they are bread clips
No. 842373
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I keep going to therapy and talking to this woman for 50 minutes and absolutely nothing gets done. I sit there and I cry, she gives me a couple of lukewarm, generic compliments ("you have so much to live for, you're a pretty young woman, you're clever and witty") which I'm sure she breaks out to every creature she encounters, like a pickup artist. And then I leave, feeling worse.
Then I go to group and listen to men shout and share their violent urges. One video calls from prison. I am the only woman there, and the only one under forty. I have learnt nothing. Everything taught is basic shit - problem identification and finding solutions, finding vocabulary to name your emotions. Stupid. And it doesn't matter anyway, because twenty minutes in it always gets derailed by one of these deranged men chimping out over something. I barely speak, but if I do I just get spoken over.
I've been in therapy for eight months; my programme lasts two years. I feel no better. The medication isn't helping either. I know on Monday that the psychiatrist will suggest going on mirtazapine (again) and I'll say no thank you, I'm on two sedative medications already and I'm finding it very hard to maintain a healthy weight as it is. And they will act as though there are no other medication options and like I am being ridiculously obtuse, despite the fact I'm living in anorexia remission.
I haven't even been officially diagnosed with anything. I keep asking my psychologist if I'm ill or if my views and morals are just unconventional. She can't answer. I hate NHS mental healthcare. I really hate it. Everything moves at a snail's pace. Nobody listens to you. You live in stasis. Everyone in the real world loses patience with you. It feels like sewer slide is the only thing I have waiting for me in my future.
How do you live happily in the world? Is it possible? What makes life precious and worth living? I don't understand it but I want to.
No. 842375
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Recently had a talk with my mom about me getting pregnant sometime in the future. She also opened up about how it would be fine if i got pregnant during my teenage years because she said "it would be like i have a new baby"
Fucked me up for some reason
Chimp photo not related i just like looking at it
No. 842382
>>842377She's close in age to me, plus it's NHS. Can't switch out people very easily here, there are only three or four members of staff in the programme and I already switched workers once.
The reason for switching was that when I was disclosing sexual abuse in my childhood and teens, she came out with "if you're so afraid of men, how are you going to have a family?"
(I never said I wanted a family, and I'm a lesbian)
Felt really inappropriate and unsafe after that. Sorry for going off on a tangent.
No. 842387
>>842311I'm so sorry
nonny, good on you for breaking up with him.
My ex decided to monologue about his own dogs death when he was in the room when I received the news, and got moody when I wasn't fine by the next day.
Two years later I'm on my own again and I have a framed picture of my old dog taking prize position on the shelf. I only remember the good times when I look at it. I'm sure your dog loved you a lot and I know you did the best you could.
No. 842389
>>842373it'll fix itself slowly, trauma from years ago won't fix itself in a year or 2, so have patience with yourself, fuck everyone else.
i been in the same slump as you for 4 years, nothing will help until you take grasp with it yourself, pick your brain and just let your thoughts sit, think for yourself and it'll fizzle out and you'll understand your trauma and a way to fix it
the medication they put ppl on for depression fucks people up, therapy is a scam as well
i dont think you understand me now it just sounds like gibberish but when you get there it will make sense
you will get there
No. 842391
nonnie, that's rough. Maybe you could find another therapist, but if you are in NHS you probably can't afford it.
>I haven't even been officially diagnosed with anything.Then what got you sent to therapy? (suicide attempt i guess?) Do you know any institutions near you that offer therapy or some kind of psychological support? Maybe for LGBT youth?
No. 842540
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God fucking damn. I've been counting my calories and meal prepping for weeks now (in addition to training for a 5k) and have been seeing great results, but I haven't gone out to eat or gotten takeout the entire time for both money and health reasons. Since I accidentally slept in today I had 1k+ calories left for dinner, and decided to order some tacos from chipotle cause why not. I ordered online, went and picked them up, then when I got home they were SO FUCKING UNDERFILLED. Every time I've gone in the past they made them giant to the point of the filling spilling out, but these are so small and shitty and awful and I spent $7 on them. Ugh. Now I have to make a salad to accompany these damn things when all I wanted to do was sit my fatass on the couch and watch jdramas for once
No. 842545
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Damn, a guy I know from university who posts stupid shit on twitter is talking about how he suffers from dysmorphism because he always sees himself as a skinny manlet and how he wants to talk about dysmorphism in his next novel or visual novel because it's so personal to him. Even though he works out constantly and was sending pictures of him that were borderline nudes to random classmates back when we were still in uni without their permission, was judging everyone over the pettiest shit ever, made fun of some of my friends for looking too fat or too skinny or too old or too young. And he was seriously treating me and another friend like we were immature as fuck just because we look younger than we are because of different very rare health issues we were born with, until he actually bothered listening to us. And he'd audibly make fun of anyone stuttering during presentations and interrupt them, the more anxious they were the better for him. Someone once told him to shut the fuck up or get the fuck out of the room because of this but it didn't stop him with other people.
Imagine whining on twitter about your "dysmorphism" not long after shit talking women for their looks, which were altered by congenital physical health issues they cannot help despite medical treatments. Worst part is that him being a manlet never stopped women his age from finding him attractive and clearly he took advantage of it so he needs to stop being a little bitch.
No. 842605
>>842539I did something really similar last week where I offered a security worker at my job some snacks and left them for him to pick up on his next sweep. I just wanted to be nice because he has a tiring job but I now realize he probably saw it a different way
At least when I'm an old lady I can be a sweet granny to people without out being weird
No. 842624
>>842590the terminally online transgendered community is in a tizz lately cause some faggot "killed himself" (hes almost certainly fine) and blamed kiwifarms, so some other faggots have employed botnets to ddos the site.
iirc they implied theyd be coming after other le transphobic gossip sites too, which we fall under. though as
>>842600 said, that image is always the one posted when cp is spammed here, so it may have nothing to do with the afforementioned spergfest. almost certainly still a tranny posting it though. what can i say, its my female intuition
No. 842632
>>842589Girl I have so much dirt on him and one of his best friend we also met in uni I'm not sure I could archive everything. I'll definitely take screenshots of this specific thread where he monologues about how bad he feels for not being tall enough, but he removed almost anything that proves his rl identity not long ago from his account. It used to be his business account but he made it a personal account like last month or so.
As for his friend I won't go into details because that'd be way too long, but let's just say that for someone who's living online he doesn't have much common sense and uses his real name and selfies everywhere. I could take some screenshots of his posts, send them to his managers on linkedin, and ruin his current job for him if he doesn't get fired. I won't because it's too much effort and it could backfire, and some specific posts are old so I won't be able to find them easily again. None of them know I found their accounts, and on my previous twitter account the second guy followed me and tried to befriend me after shit talking my friends for no reason, not realizing who I was at all.
No. 842673
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There really is nothing to do in this world. Everything is a waste of time. Being a human being means that you constantly have to be entertained and invited with external stimuli, to continuing living even though your mind tells you that you shouldn’t. It scares me so much it feels like a fucking horror movie, I’m so exhaustedI don’t want to live anymore but my body does whatever it wants, it gets up, it manages to eat, but my mind tells me no. You have fun, and then the fun is gone. You feel joy, but in a few seconds or moments it dissappears. No one has ever felt happiness for a long time so how would they know that experiencing it for eternity is harmful for someone? I’m tired of living it’s so exhausting
No. 842701
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this makes me genuinely suicidal.
No. 842710
>>842701I hate the word
valid so much. Things either are true or aren't. If you have to ask others whether something about yourself is
valid or not it's definitely fake and gay and retarded
No. 842735
>>842689I feel the same nona.
I did everything to fix my self image, and to make the bad thoughts go away.
It's like nothing really changed. Even therapy sucks. i'm a cynical bitch, and I can't beat my brain into submission enough to convince myself into thinking that I'm not an ugly bullet shaped insane fatty, despite losing 80 lbs and actually having a somewhat stable relationship despite the mental illness.
I want to say it gets better but I don't know if it does, so here's solidarity in that it fucking sucks.
No. 842758
I'm a mess.
Got sectioned in December after a coma, ended up crippled after getting tackled by a guard, got sexually assaulted by another inpatient, then was discharged in January. Since then I've just been a NEET, living with my mum and doing physio, engaging with therapy, etc. It's been really hard to adjust to; I used to be a lecturer before I went nuts, and now I'm not allowed to even handle my own medication.
It feels pathetic, anons. I'm pathetic. My mum hugged me tonight and called me "little nonnie" and I about lost it. This is a shameful life, and I'm a burden and an embarrassment to my family. My mum is 51, I'm 28. She should be enjoying life without having to care for her psycho adult children. My sister is a serious alcoholic and she's started having seizures from it, so she needs looking after at home too.
I don't know why all three of us turned out to be such embarrassing adults. Maybe we're a genetic cul-de-sac, the end of a long line of insane layabouts on my dad's side of the family (he actually managed to kill himself).
Do you think these things ever turn around? My confidence is fucked. I wish I was like all my other accomplished and hardworking peers, but I feel like I'm getting left behind with every day I stay sick. My few years of beauty and youth are being unlived. I had to get rid of all my social media because it stings so fucking bad. All I do all day is try to distract myself with video games and cut myself. I don't eat, sleep, or wash properly either. It's disgusting. I am repulsive and embarrassing when I used to be respectable and useful. My mum used to be proud of me and now she pities me. Fuck this gay earth.
No. 842807
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>mfw reading posts from a friend talking about how much they love piss and scat
I don't know if it's a joke and I don't want to find out.
No. 842808
>>842769You remember me? Anon… ♥ I still low-key kin him, I've been writing fanfiction about his recovery after the neo-world program. So excited for the new game!Thank you so much for your reply. I'm getting therapy, it's not helping very much yet. I'm on a lot of medicine that's supposed to help, too. Nothing much is changing, but I'm doing my best to stick with it.
I'm sorry that you also know what it's like to feel this way, and how complicated recovery becomes around alcoholism. You deserve better than this. I really appreciate what you said about my mum, thank you. Being loved is painful sometimes, especially when it feels undeserved. I think it would be better if she hated me, because at least then she wouldn't be suffering too. I feel like you understand what I'm saying.
Anyway, goodnight anon. Thanks again.
No. 842820
I'm not crying because of the beauty of two anons recognising each other in this chaos and supporting each other, you (you) are
>>842813That's pretty shallow imo, do you think people in healthy relationships are only with each other for their looks? Maybe you need to get to know yourself better so that you can see yourself as more than an object of desire
No. 842834
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I've been doing so well with my PTSD therapy, I'm below clinical threshold now and most of my thoughts are managed minus this one thing that annoys the fuck out of me. I'm in a committed relationship and my boyfriend has supported me through the whole therapy process. He understands my trauma and has done lots of work on himself as well. When I'm with him I always have a great time and I feel fuzzy and happy after, but think about our future together alone I get these little nagging thoughts. "He hates you" "He wants to kill you" "You'll never meet him irl". They totally ruin my mood and make me feel anxious. The not meeting irl thing is possible of course, but the other two are just plain stupid. There is literally no reason why he would hate me or kill me. No matter how much I try to disprove the thoughts and throw facts at it, they just come into my head involuntarily. It makes me feel insane because when I was being abused I never felt like the abuser hated me because he showered me in love all the time, but now that I'm in an actual healthy relationship my brain is punishing me. I'm frustrated
No. 842848
>>842758Anon, when someone becomes a mom, this kind of stuff is what they sign up for. Like the other anon said, she loves you. I'm not a mom but I'm a dramatically older sister and I can't stress enough that the stuff I worried about putting on my mom that my sister worries about putting on me….it never even crosses my mind as the person in the carer position.
Also, here's a fact from my life I want to pass on: My grandma was a fucking babe in those "years of beauty and youth." Calorie counted so she was super thin, great clothes, etc. But she was crystal clear w/ me and my sisters that her happiest years, by far, were the last 20, when she was a fat grandma with 2 teeth. Our priorities change in ways we can't imagine as we age, especially as women. I mean, I'm your age, I can't say this with experience, but she lived the shit out of those years as a hot, accomplished, impressive wife and mother and died 100% certain that being old, somewhat publicly disgraced (grandpa got swindled out of their life savings and every retirement plan got fucked), and no longer hot was the superior way to be. Your life is so much bigger than what you can see now,
nonny. Nothing is fucked. Life is too weird for anything to be fucked forever. All those things you feel you aren't doing….they all pale in comparison to what you ARE doing, which is living each day at a time, which is enough, given the pile of shit that's been put on you recently. Someday, you will do one more thing, even if it's tiny. And then another. And you'll get where you're going, even if you can't see it now. Case in point–said grandma was heinously depressed for much of that time she was hot. She wasn't by the time I knew her. Someday, you won't be either.
No. 842926
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I am in agony right now, my hands are especially on fire and I can't stretch them because they're physically deformed and kinda resemble halfway-fists. Can't attempt surgery because I don't heal well. I used to be able to type forever because I can't hold a pencil for very long and now I can't type as much anymore before having to pretend my hands just aren't there. Holy fuck I seriously wish they could amputate my pinkies at LEAST, it feels like the rest of my fingers would be able to let up a bit once they were gone. It's almost 3am and I'm wide awake. It feels like I slammed them in a car door a few days ago and I have no idea wtf to do. Holding cups is becoming harder and the fucking WORST THING that I'd never even tell my boyfriend or doctor is that wiping after I use the washroom is not only painful to my hands, but so frustrating I could cry. I'm just very annoyed and I'm probably gonna have to give up art one day. inb4 "just do art/wipe with your feet" my feet are also deformed and I can't independently move my toes anymore. They're stiff as a board. For fucks sake I'm gonna sneak out of bed and have a good cry.
No. 843015
>>843002nayrt BUT this manga is beautiful, but it's one of the horribly worst mangas i've ever read. don't bother reading it, it's some soap opera shit with a harem,
abusive cuck mc and stupid plot.
No. 843037
>>842536Well I'm glad my vanity made you laugh at what must be a horrible time. Thank you,
nonny. I hope your dad has a good recovery and you feel better too. ♥
No. 843042
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can someone please tell me what queer actually means in this context? loki is canonically bisexual and “genderfluid” (which is fine, i guess? he is a shapeshifter after all, although i don’t really understand the need for the genderfluid label) but people keep referring to him and the series as a whole as queer. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? these people can take anything and ruin it, kek.
No. 843047
>>843042so not related to this but I hate this Idea that seems to be presented lately that the pre-Christian Norse were so cool Homosexuality and were totes progressive,
if folks actually read the Icelandic sagas, they'd note that Norsemen would frequently use insults to denigrate someone as being a homosexual, The closest I've read about homosexual acceptance is where one fighter will threaten to sexually dominate the other. So, really, it's more like modern prison rape, but they were so Anti-gay that even the one of the top was considered a shameful pervert, and then the actual Norse Mythology, just cause Loki was a shapeshifter who gave birth to certain monsters didn't mean the Norse had a concept of gender fluidity or anything, It was just an explanation of where the monsters in the world came from
also as someone who studies comparative religion people don't seem to understand that religions aren't Invented out of know where, it constantly evolves, reinterpreted, certain Gods get forgotten, other gods get mixed together, sometimes a foreign God gets added in the Pantheon(Aphrodite and Adonis) for e.g
No. 843083
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You need a covid passport/proof that you're vaccined to join Pride this year. I'm fully vaccined but what the fuck? Why? Bars are packed, festivals are opening up again but for a short march you need the passport?
I'm mad because this is supposed to be my first pride and now it might be cancelled or there will be like, 10 people there lol. The only somewhat good part is that there won't be any minors/kids but it still sucks.
>>843081Same, just keep using the old one
No. 843166
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>Have to start going back to the office.
>Office is male dominated, I'm the only woman.
>Literally all of them keep glancing at my tits if I am talking to them.
>Not even wearing anything low cut.
>Constantly trying to hide my chest by crossing arms. Or even backing away a bit when talking.
I fucking hate scrotes. A year of work with not having to deal with this bullshit just to be back in this dumpster fire. I forgot how uncomfortable I always was.
No. 843174
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i'm susceptible to cold sores and have been since childhood (most of my immediate family is) and it makes me want to fucking die i woke up this morning with 3 cold sores starting up and now it feels like a 4th is coming on even though i took my medicine. its really painful but i probably wouldn't even care if my lips didn't swell SO fucking much when i get them… like i swear my top lip is so swollen right now i look like momokun with an allergic reaction. also why the fuck do people have to point out and make fun of how gross cold sores are or that they're herpes and shit like a) i have zero control over this its not like i got it sucking infected dick or something some people are just born having to deal with it and b) IT'S ALREADY FUCKING EMBARRASSING!!!!!! and incredibly painful and makes me feel disgusting why the fuck do people feel the need to pile on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't get them just be fucking thankful because you are not special or less gross you literally just got LUCKY!!!
No. 843177
>>843174I'm really sorry anon, hope they go away fast
I only had them once all over my lips and it's fucking hell, I can't believe we don't have some kind of medication or something that stops it
No. 843525
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My countries sub is having a "debate" about the lgbt again and of course it's all "right wing" men crying about "propaganda". I know what they mean but none of them seem smart enough to put it into words and are just screeching around.
I'm so fucking tired. Shit like this is one of the reasons why I stopped dating men. Wouldn't want to be in a relationship with one and then find out he's homophobic or misogynist.
No. 843643
>>843605You aren't alone,
nonnie. I graduated last May right into the pandemic at 25 with a useless degree and now I'm 26 and unemployed. I previously was a barista and a snack bar attendant. Living the NEET life right now and dreading when student loans go out of forbearance.
No. 843657
>>843619It was cheap and I'm broke lol
Plus they make so much off tourism, maybe eventually it might help the situation here just a bit? But that's probably naive thinking.
No. 843673
>>843651I grew up in a part of my city where a lot of people lived on state hand outs and in free housing. I think we have decent benefit rates here too compared to other countries. Still a lot of people topped up their income by robbing, scamming, selling on stolen goods.
It was treated with the same respect as working your way up in a job and if you had a family…respected even more?? They're taking free money off the government to raise their (planned) kids then they're robbing from the houses in nearby towns to pay for extra luxuries for themselves. They're robbing people twice over. Couldn't just take their free money and free house and be grateful be that.
No. 843687
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I've been indulging in retail therapy (within my means), slowly buying myself a whole new wardrobe, building up my book collection, redecorating my room, etc. I've been improving my grooming, refining my skincare routine, losing weight, taking better care of my hair and looking better for it. Learning new skills, making sure to still have enough money left to put into savings at the end of the month. Connecting with new & old friends, making plans for the immediate & distant future. But I can't help like these are all a bandaid for the anxieties gnawing at the back of my brain, the feeling that time is running out. Running out for what? I don't know. I just feel like something is coming to an end, as though my own death is on the horizon. I continually feel like I need to be doing more, but I don't know what, I don't know what will soothe this anxiety. Is it a fear that I'm living my life 'incorrectly'? Missing out on some grand thing I 'should' be doing in my 20s? Who am I trying to impress by about worrying this? I'm not sure, but it sure does fucking suck.
No. 843706
>>843687Retail therapy and spending money don't solve the innate displeasure people have with their life. Consoomers keep consooming because consooming doesn't work in the long run, but it's easier than actually figuring out what you want.
I keep telling people this but they all insist on spending on Japanese funko pops because 'the world is doomed anyway, might as well enjoy myself'. And then they're poor and the enjoyment stops an hour after they've received their plastic trinket/garment/cosmetic in the mail. Congrats, you wasted your money and you're still miserable. Great job.
>the feeling that time is running out. Running out for what? I don't know. I just feel like something is coming to an end, as though my own death is on the horizonYou know subconsciously that you are wasting your time because you're doing what you are supposed to be doing, you're doing things that sound good in your mind and on paper without actually caring about them much. You're learning new skills because that's what you're supposed to do during a pandemic so as to not waste time. Right?
So what do you
really want?
What will make you happy?
What are you worried about, and how can you fix it?
If it's a big problem you alone cannot fix, how can you help others to fix it?
Have you tried volunteering? Like, really tried?
Are you studying something/have a career that will make you good money, and do you feel like you matter in the grand scheme of things?
If you're just a pencil pusher working to make ends meet and your job is not fulfilling, or what you do doesn't seem to matter to anyone, I'm not saying to quit right now but try to pursue a career that will make a difference because it can make you feel empty. There's no point making a lot of money if it leaves you feeling like shit.
Reflect on it
nonny, you feel bad because there's something wrong with what you're doing. I can't help you but I hope I've made you think about it at least.
No. 843713
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Few years ago I've drawn a thing that became popular-ish, and along came a few extremely mean comments about my art skills or lack of thereof that I can't remove from my head even today. I'm never publishing my work (this thing was posted by somebody else with my consent but we didnt expect anyone to take any bigger interest), so I'm not really ready for - and never experienced before - any public scrutiny like this. Every time I struggle with art I remember what these people said and I fear that this is the truth because they were anonymous and didn't know me so they didnt have to lie to protect my feelings like my friends maybe would. I feel like it completely ruined any hopes I may be someday capable to go freelance. Fucking sucks my brain refuses to forget.
No. 843733
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A doctor told me that my recurring anemia might be caused by celiac disease. I have to wait more than ten days before the blood test is done and it's stressing me the fuck out. I'm terrified of having it, I love bread and there are barely any gluten free products in the shithole I live in
No. 843767
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I only got 2 guy friends and they're giving me more headaches than all my girl friends combined. The first one just says rude and thoughtless things all the time and then stops answering when I call it out, just to later pretend it never happened. I look past that usually because he has a lot of good qualities and we're friends since we've been kids but it's so grating right now.
The other guy I've also known for 10+ years but we only meet up and talk occasionally - and I thought we're both cool with that.
I broke my foot really bad a few weeks ago and while I appreciate that he wants to help me out and come over and go grocery shopping for me, my flat looks a whole mess because it's hard for me to stand for a long time and I need a long time to do basic tasks.
I can't just clean the whole apartment in a day and because of my upbringing I am super uncomfortable to have people over when my place isn't spotless.
Also, while I was in the hospital for 4 days and had a really bad time mentally (it was very possible that I had to get surgery for the fractures) and because of the pain, he sent me some dumb meme and was 'disappointed' because I didn't comment on it.
When i told him that I was really just not well and hadn't been on my phone, just trying to sleep the day away as much as possible, he still didn't see my point.
Now he just ignores me and didn't answer my last texts.
I'd rather order groceries for as long as my recovery will take than put up with this dumb ass drama. I hate men as is but this makes me realize that even the exceptions may not be worth the hassle kek
No. 843812
Haven't been looking after myself well, felt like crap, tried to gussy myself up by bleaching my roots. Despite doing my hair nicely every other fucking time, this time I achieved that special, shitty look of white blonde roots and lavender lengths and ends.
Also I dyed my eyebrows while my hair was developing, but a glob of dye dropped in my eye while I was applying it. Even an hour after all the eyebaths, I feel like I got punched in the face.
There's something about dyeing my hair that makes me hypersensitive to failure, anyway. I think it's because my stepfather used to scream and shout at me whenever I did it, and I remember sitting there quietly after I'd been told I was disgusting, lazy, selfish, spoilt, etc. and just feeling very small and stupid and ugly. That's why I do it at midnight out of habit as an adult, because it still just feels safer. But I'm right back to feeling very small and stupid and ugly right now with my kitchen table dyejob, even though I'm all alone and nobody's shouting.
This is stupid. I know it's just hair. I know! Maybe I'll feel better after a sleep.
No. 843847
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>>843843Well, what can you do.
No. 843851
>>843846i will forever be suspicions of influencers posting Dubai pics kek
>>843841you are jealous of our autism
No. 843869
>>843855He doesn’t want kids so you’re extra out of luck anon.
Us degenerate jerma fangirls need to start a discord or something so we can sperg in private
No. 843913
>>843905He’s 35. Older but not ancient; also a man child
but that’s why I like him.A Jerma illegitimate kids scandal would break my heart
No. 843952
>>843921It gets better
nonnie. I started off with literally shaky hands and fucked up several times. I liked to remind myself of all the cringey stuff customers did. When you're a cashier and interact with so many people in a day you realize people fuck up and do cringe shit all day long.
No. 843965
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Now that I’m growing older I have such a resentment with staying at home especially with two completely useless and unreliable brothers. I have a dying need to just drop everything and run away without a trace, I don’t care if I become homeless I just know I won’t be happy at the new place here because my mother always never gives them the hard foot. I wish I had my own space, I wish men weren’t so filthy, stupid, and unbearable to be around. I wish I could be hired somewhere decent even though I don’t have experience. I feel trapped
No. 843966
>>843948I wouldn't even let my fav's poop touch my face
you gotta have some self respect…
No. 844028
>>844024It didn’t really hit me until just a month ago how much progress I’ve made. I’m addicted to self-harming but I managed to handle a couple of hard situations without freaking out or immediately feeling the intense need to cut.
It takes a lot of practice with a lot of homework and patience for yourself, it’s scary in the beginning but 100% worth it! I hope you’ll find the therapy you need and deserve anon, look into various kinds of behaviour therapies and see if any hospitals or anything offers those
No. 844074
so a few years ago, probably about 4 or 5, I randomly started having this bad taste in my mouth (literally) when I would wake up. I even told a doctor at one point, and she didn't know what was causing it or what to do about it. it has been literal years, and just very recently it got much worse. it used to just be there in the morning, but now it's literally all the time. I JUST brushed my teeth not 20 minutes ago and I have this nasty taste in my mouth. I don't know how to describe it. it's not a vomit taste. I want to say a metallic taste maybe? but that doesn't feel accurate either. I thought it got worse recently because I switched toothpaste, but then I went back to my old toothpaste and even replaced my tooth brush that wasn't even due to be replaced yet, and I still have it. I brushed my teeth and tongue REALLY thoroughly last night, and I woke up in the middle of the night and the taste was more potent and nasty than ever, almost as if the brushing made it worse. I don't even know what would cause this. at first I thought it was my water maybe, but I live with 3 other people who don't have this problem. I seriously don't know what to do at this point. I'm a really bad hypochondriac and it's making me really paranoid
No. 844091
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> normies will always pay 30$ for shitty Adventure Time styled art or caricatured chibi parodies rather than my great anatomical art skills all because every face that doesnt look like CalArts is anime to them
I guess i need to fuck everything and draw Disney samefaced women just so i could get money.
No. 844108
>>844079I don't usually feel a tightening feeling in my throat, and I don't usually have acid reflux either so I don't think it's that, but maybe
>>844078this might be it, a few years ago when I googled the symptoms I found out that h pylori could cause a bad taste in the mouth, but when my doctor didn't seem that concerned about it I guess I just dropped it
No. 844137
>>844119I'm close to that too (have been unemployed for several months now), and actually brushing up on my drawing skills at the moment lmao. I mean when we live in a society where camwhores earn more than hardworking people with several university degrees, you gotta do what you can
>i am sure the market is big enough by nowYou never know until you try. Surely there are still unexplored, monetizable niches out there
No. 844187
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I stayed awake all night reading 15 year old milk and now I'm too tired to do anything
No. 844212
>>844202I started out reading about the latest Sim Secret/The Mare's Nest/Sim Nostalgia drama then ended up down a rabbit hole of Sims 2 community drama from the mid-2000s on PMBD and LJ.
I'm sure the online Sims community is still a piñata full of cows just waiting to be smashed. The TS2 days were wild and it's only gotten worse since with simtubers, pedo EA game changers and twitter.
No. 844312
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I don't care if it makes me a bitch/supercunt/controlfreak I do NOT want my husband trying to move in his hideous, ratty, and boring stupid furniture into our new home. Idgaf even if we had to go without until we saved for something nice, I'd rather not deal with the hassle and logistics of moving something in when I know we ain't keeping the shit and then having to deal with more hassle and logistics when time comes to move it out.
Fuck me dead fam! Men are stubborn. Why do they think some musty cheap cubby from their bachelor days is like treasure worth preserving? Give that shit to some college kid who dgaf about the aesthetics of their flop den jeeeeesus.
No. 844376
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I feel like fucking shit. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm supposed to go to an event, alone. But I haven't slept in 2 days, now being the third because the dog is freaking out because the neighbours kid is screaming bloody murder.
I haven't eaten in these two days either because idk I'm lazy, don't want to buy food and because everyone ate my stuff anyway.
Honestly I don't think I'll go anywhere tomorrow since I feel so shitty. Wish I wasn't such a fucking loser and people that like me would exist but no, my retarded self just has to push everyone away. Whine whine, cry cry, more self pity. I hate my fucking birthday just kill me already.
No. 844379
>>844376How the fuck are you so coherent afer not eating and sleeping for two days?
Happy birthday you brilliant freak
No. 844382
>>844379I'm running on anger at this point kek
Thank you anon
No. 844386
>>844376It's your birthday, you don't have to go the event if you don't want to, but I hope you have fun if you do!
Please eat when you get home, eating goes hand in hand with keeping a regular sleep pattern and will make it easier. Maybe you can get efood and earplugs whilst you're out, too
No. 844403
>>843713Late reply but how familiar are you with constructive criticism? Ime if you get used to constructive criticism you should be able to separate it out from straight vitriol and then be able to either use those comments to grow as an artist or shake them off
I know it sounds contradictory, but I think you should start sharing your art with friends or a small group online that will give you feedback. Don't let this stop you from following your passion
No. 844560
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Sometimes looking at world affairs makes me so depressed and hopeless I start to think it’s better humankind gets put out its misery all at once. When I was a teen I believed in change and the will of the people. But I’m shown a thousand times over that it’s futile for most of the world. I can only cover my eyes and ears and choose to be ignorant to others suffering to preserve my own sanity.
No. 844647
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I hate people who think it's racist to not find men of color attractive. I don't even like white men with dark eyes and hair, and it just so happens that men of color (usually) have those features. That's just my preference. I wouldn't want a ginger either. Some people seem te be so offended that I don't want to give my phone number to my spanish coworker. First of all, I hate intrusive men like him; he didn't even start a normal conversation, he immediately asked where I live, like an actual address (wtf), and then he said to give him my phone number, and after I said "no" he continued with nagging me every time he saw me. He even asked three different people for my number, including my sueprior. Second of all, he was pretty short and I just didn't find him attractive. I had like four different people trying to guiltrip me for not giving him at least a chance. Fuck those politically correct retards. I know I would've been criticized for the mere fact of ignoring a male as a woman, but the fact that he didn't look white makes it even worse I think, I work at a very multicultural company and everyone is super sensitive about that stuff. I guess the only thing that's not frowned upon is nagging a woman. I came from a country where men usually don't behave like this guy, and the women wouldn't tolerate such behavior either. This dude didn't come to work today and people say it's because of me lmao fuck them l. I hope he never comes back, you never know what a man is capable of when you reject him
No. 844761
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This is so depressing and makes me feel so helpless, I just hope I won't have to experience the worst of it in my lifetime but seeing climate changing so rapidly latest years, IDK if I'll be so lucky. for anyone interested
No. 844796
>>844761Global warming isn't real. The earth is going to get much colder in the next few years. The temperature has already fallen low enough to impact crop harvests. The worst case scenario we are facing is another ice age. The polar ice caps are melting but that is because we left a solar maximum in the mid-2000s. The polar ice caps melting has not warmed the earth, it's dispersed cold water into the oceans which lowers the temperature closer to the equator. We are also experiencing a period of increased volcanic activity. If there was a major eruption, the amount of volcanic matter spewed into the atmosphere would block the already weakening rays from the sun. All this as we are heading into a solar minimum. You might want to start buying extra food because the shortages are going to start becoming noticeable around Christmas this year.
The lie of global warming is to distract people from the real environmental issue which is contamination. Petrochemicals, plastics, pesticides and radiation are the biggest threats to the earth. There are already vast amounts of the planet that are permanently left damaged due to human activity. We ourselves are suffering from the health impacts of living in such polluted environments. No one talks about it because it would require costly remediation and massive corporations would need to stop profiting from the destruction of the natural world. The lie of global warming allows them to keep operating while claiming they're woke for buying carbon credits.
If you want to go down a rabbit hole that will really make you want to kill yourself I would recommend the Iconoclast Leuren Moret interview, Silent Spring and DDT, Love Canal and the US Superfund and the Mayak disaster.
No. 844804
>sing the word hate for all these features makes you look pretty awfulNo it doesn't. There's nothing wrong with hating ugly features, this isn't the same as hating the Unfortunate person who has those ugly features
No. 844816
>>844807>it's completely different from saying that you aren't attracted to it.Not necessarily, you can also hate something you aren't attracted to.
>Most people would be offended to hear someone say they hate their face or featuresThat may be so, but it would be irrational for an ugly person to blame other people for simply holding it as a personal feeling with regards to their ugly features, even when they haven't expressed that feeling to them. I'm an ugly person myself, I completely understand if people hate my ugly features, I hate my ugly features as well, perhaps even more than them since I'm forced to live with those ugly features.
We're on an anonymous imageboard, the people reading the earlier poster's feelings with regard to ugly features are probably not going to read their post, or at least know the real life identity of that poster, them saying they hate the features they find ugly is not an awful thing to do.
>>844813>I had a scrote argue with me that not finding people attractive because of skin colour is not racistThe word 'racist' is an often misused word, at the very least, there is nothing wrong with finding people of a certain race unattractive because of their racial features, and it being unattracted to a certain race isn't being prejudiced against them.
No. 844820
>>844807Would you prefer it if she said "repulsive" instead? Repulsion and attraction is how human sexuality works. What is repulsive and what is attractive is connate because it's an expression of our DNA. Sexual attraction = compatible DNA. Sexual repulsion = incompatible DNA.
I find some people sexually attractive, I can appreciate someone's appearance without being sexually attracted to them, I can be indifferent to someone's appearance because I do not find them sexually attractive, I can hate certain features because I find them to be repulsive. None of this means that I hate or love someone as a person purely for the appearance and I would not refuse to be friends with them if we shared the same interests.
No. 844825
>If anything having sex with different ethnicities would have more genetically diverse childrenGenetic diversity by itself is not always a good thing, especially when superior genes(more intelligent, healthier, more attractive) are mixed with inferior genes, that is a case of dysgenics.
>it's idiotic to think all the different ethnicities have identifying features that would a make them without fail be sexually unappealing to youThat's not idiotic at all, different races clearly look different, and those differences in physical appearance can impact sexual preference.
No. 844828
>>844821But that's not what I said because that isn't how it works. People are not automatically attracted to people of their own race and people are not automatically repulsed by people of another race. A person's DNA is part of what influences their choice of sexual partner because humans reproduce sexually and compatible DNA creates stronger offspring. It's not something anyone has any control over.
Policing who someone can and can't fuck because it's racist is honestly some of the most retarded woke bullshit I have ever seen. What's next? Forcing women to fuck trannies because not doing so would be transphobic?
No. 844833
>>844825>>844828Lbr it has already been mentioned, the focus is on perceived 'racial' features. A prejudice based on race is racist. Sorry if that offends you. The word repulsion has been used to describe "racial" features itt which is extreme and weird for someone denying they do not have a prejudice.
Huh guess all those royals and cultures that practice inbreeding have weird DNA, it seems to be stuck on fucking cousins.
Even in Iceland there's an app for people to see how closely related they are because they're a small population. Surely their DNA would be able to sniff out partners?
How you're socialised greatly impacts what you find attractive. It's not rocket science.
No. 844842
>>844833>The word repulsion has been used to describe "racial" features itt which is extreme and weird for someone denying they do not have a prejudice.No one is prejudiced for not wanting to fuck someone. Not wanting to have sex with someone is not discrimination. It's a personal choice that should not be infringed. Women having sex with men they do not want to have sex with is rape.
>How you're socialised greatly impacts what you find attractiveI don't disagree but again people do not choose how they are socialised.
No. 844863
>>844858If there are two groups of identical demographics apart from race and you write off the entirety of group 2 for specifically being a different race that is a prejudice. That out of the entire group all individuals are repulsive to you.
I don't know what homosexuality has to do with you discriminating based on race and not sex.
Im not saying you are a bigot I don't know you, but you have a sexual preference that discriminates against people with 'racial' features deemed 'repulsive'.
No. 844876
>>844863>I don't know what homosexuality has to do with you discriminating based on race and not sex.Because the principle is the same. Gay men not wanting to having sex with women is not misogyny. Lesbians not wanting to have sex with men is not misandry. Someone not wanting to have sex with someone of another race is not racist.
Denying someone the ability to their human rights such as a home, a job, to live and not be hated for their race is racism. Sex is not a human right, refusing to have sex with someone based on race is not racism.
The very concept of sexual preferences being wrong is beyond horrific because it strips people of their sexual autonomy and has the potential to lead to corrective rape.
No. 844879
>>844858NTA, but I don't think your idea of what makes a pretty face/body is the same as a full-blown sexual orientation (eg being gay or attracted to both sexes). Otherwise, we'd have classifications like tansexual, palesexual, bignosesexual, thickeyebrowsexual, blondsexual, gingersexual, monolidsexual, etc.
Personal taste isn't really that ingrained or hardline. I thought I wasn't into Native American guys until I met a really attractive one IRL. The opposite is true for tattoos. I thought they looked cool and attractive in pictures online, but most people with tattoos look gross to me in real life. Also, I think an anon brought up African children being terrified of white people and thinking they were ghosts at first sight. It's important to note that they didn't stay scared once they actually got used to them. Things like exposure can change how you view other people, and the world around you.
This whole argument is just really weird, though. Date whoever you want, just don't be an asshole. That simple.
No. 844890
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No. 844907
>>844728No that feels shit every time anon.
>>8447918 days and then 10 days about two months after cuz I didn’t want to get comfortable and fuck up.
No. 844936
>>844758The kid has been here for a few hours and my mother is either hysterical over anything he does or she talks to him as if she had a lobotomy: 'OMG LOOK HE'S EATING THE APRICOT!!' 'AM I NOT THE BEST FOR GIVING YOU A MUFFIN??'. I often wondered if there's something wrong with me because kids don't
trigger this reaction from me. I don't hate them but they don't make me go 'OMGGG SOO CUTE' and I honestly find it annoying when people react that way. Probably because I don't understand it
No. 845002
basically the reason I fear and am extremely skeptical of fujos is because I had a terrible time dealing with two fujos who had become overt pedophiles and one was a groomer, and after that, I don't think I can ever view the genre with anything but contempt again. by then I already disliked yaoi but my perception was forever twisted by having to deal with those disgusting retards. it made me realize that there's a lot of gross coomers in anime communities who are female as well, it's not just male degens. people also kept trying to excuse the fujo predators until they actually went out on a limb to hurt people and got called out, disappeared, still felt like there was no real consequence for them.
really just part of why I eventually abandoned the majority of anime as a whole was the revolting behavior of everyone in anime circles. I was harassed by so many people. I don't think there's anything wrong with not being interested anymore, but I feel like I wasted years of my life and people have put me down for not being into anime or not wanting to watch it anymore. I will still read manga, that's about it, I have no desire to watch shows that weren't ones I saw before I stopped.
not to sound like a retard but a lot of what I once enjoyed feels tainted and brings back terrible memories of the things people did, isn't that a valid reason? I just feel like an idiot for sometimes feeling sick to my stomach when I see certain anime pics, and I feel sick to my stomach especially when I see fujoshit, because it reminds me of what I dealt with
No. 845010
>>845002Fujo here. I don't really roll in any circles; I just share my interest and fandoms with my irl bestfriend, and we have fun like that. But unfortunately, being online opens room for a lot more degeneracy. (Look at the fujo thread. They have 'gangrape-chan'.) It's a
valid reason to avoid the fandoms all together, but you didn't waste your life, and you're not an idiot. Go take a breathe and a walk.
No. 845013
>>845010It's more a problem in online communities, but it'll happen IRL in clubs and such. Too much degeneracy. Back then I really wanted to fit in i guess, so for awhile was perfectly complicit or arguably unaware the kind of shit that went on in anime communities until I started being affected by it personally. When I left and realized in hindsight how much grooming, abuse, harassment and doxing, went on under everyone's nose, it was cutting.
Obviously you're not all like that, but it did sour me to it and now I really cannot dissociate what happened from the media whenever I see it.
No. 845016
>>845002>>845010Similar experience, the continuous shipping of a character with a man who literally tortured and raped him was my final straw and the fact that I continuously saw them defending it and never backing down for ever a second, kinda made me realize they were just the same as male coomers
I know some maybe good but I think most Fujos are degenerates and I'm glad the woke mob calls them out on their shit
No. 845023
abusive ships and stereotypes were so common. It always felt like there were almost no fluffy or wholesome stories that didn't ride on stereotypes in the genre and didn't revolve around sex. I feel like part of my adolescent brain was affected by my fujo phase. It contributed to my unhealthy view on power dynamics in relationships.
I can't stand the black and white top or bottom discourse that people keep pushing and that to me is so reminiscent of my experience with fujo communities. It's gross to me that it's leaking out into the mainstream. Not everything about sex has to be in black and white and not everything about power dynamics has to do with kinkshit, either.
Western media does gay love stories better, at least with focusing more on romanticism and less on eroticizing, but it's still not perfect. It seems paradoxical to fetishize gay men in the first place, I don't get why women do it. If they're truly gay they'll never love a woman, why objectify them so much? What is attractive about gayness to fujos?
No. 845033
>>845023>>845029cause it's a feitsh
At some point they start shipping literally disgusting monsters together or ugly old men cause their male and that's all that matters
I just wish they would admit it, you have a fetish and continuously reading BL stories everyday can lead to porn sickness and further degeneracy as a result of escalation of fetishes
No. 845035
>>845033>Female and male sexuality are exactly the same! I tire of this delusion concocted by woman-dislikers, handmaidens desperate for their approval and trannies. It's as big a lie as claiming male and female crime rates are the same.
If the two were the same, we'd have an entire porn industry catered specifically to women where men were abused en masse.
We can discuss the problems of fem coomers without likening them to male coomers.
No. 845040
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I’m by no means a shy person, but recently I’ve been experiencing anxiety and feeling uncomfortable in social situations like parties/gatherings. Like I just don’t want to be there. It might be an effect of covid but like, I just don’t have the urge to socialize like I normally did with people, small talk is fucking nauseating, I’m literally not interested in what people have to say. Maybe this isn’t a big deal, but I’m worried I’m turning into some reclusive mongoloid that can’t be around people.
No. 845054
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>>845038And yet women aren't out in hordes raping men, coercing men into butt sex, pressuring men into looking like anime, molesting children, grooming teenagers….
interesting No. 845060
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>both cholesterol and blood sugar are high af on most recent blood labs
>still my dumbass wants to make some fucking tempura with the fresh seafood and veggies I bought instead of the healthy shit I planned
Oh my god. I can't save me from myself.
No. 845062
>>845054>>845057This is what I mean, any sort of criticism of fujo behavior you always bring up scrotes and their vile behavior and act like you don't need to explain any furhter
and as anon
consuming massive amounts fucks you up, it might not fuck you up as much as scrotes but it does lead to brain rot, how is that hard to understand
No. 845064
and of course your using a draq queen reaction image, cause of you would
No. 845065
>>845063do you have single defense that doesn't involve scrotes, cause that's literally all you faghags do
you always bring up scrotes as an excuse of your degeneracy
No. 845071
>>845068Oh my fucking God, I never said that they were equal in actions, I was just comparing that fujos can get the same porn brain just like scrotes, that's all I was saying
and yeah it was funny you using drag queen reaction image, it's something so many faghags do
No. 845090
>>845085Yes. I am OP and that was my point. I didn't see as many female groomers but they did exist, and the ones I dealt with personally were terrible people. I grew up with a narcissistic abuser mom and seeing people defend the
abusive women in that community (who would also go after and threaten other women for telling them to stop being degenerates) based on their gender and the presumption that they were less harmful rubs me the wrong way.
Just because you see them less often doesn't mean they don't exist, especially in spaces where NEETs and socially maladapted people are common.
No. 845094
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I'm so sick of trying to push my husband to see a doctor. He's been complaining about scrote pain but won't sit down with me and make an appointment. I tried telling him today "Hey, you shouldn't be doing physical labor even like gardening with the pain you have. You should be resting or helping me find you care. Can you do that instead?" I know it might sound pushy, for context I've been politely asking and reminding him in subtle ways that aren't confrontational for about a month now. In response to what I said today he just left me on read while continuing to dig and do shit that I could tell was hurting him. Eventually I said "Fine. Do what you will. You make it nearly impossible for me to want to help you when you just ignore me and get defensive. Even worse you just push this off day by day then worry about cancer." Left on read again.
What the fuck. He has insurance, a good copay and a big deductible. We have transportation. There's many docs and specialists around here. I don't understand. I really don't. It's maddening. When I merely mentioned my back and side pain he rushed me to care and demanded I be on top of my health. He cares so much for me but will neglect himself. Fuckin dingus scrote. I love him but he's retarded.
No. 845152
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I wish I could have gotten dating advice from my mom that was framed like picrel, basically talking about the male condition and what the 'game' to them is and how to play along. I would have been so much better off and quite frankly–if she'd been less judgmental towards women and less catering to men–so would she.
No. 845175
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>>845155I mean, there's all sorts of things that could happen that could kill us all off instantly. Not just climate change. I'm not giving up on our planet just yet though. Going full doomer is just too exhausting and lame.
No. 845178

>>845155>>845164>>845166>but big corpos causing all this aren't some, idk, small corrupted governments that can be taken down with a public uprisingNeither was the French Crown for its time, until they were. Successful attempts have been made in South America to dethrone Coca Cola that was selling citizens in corrupt countries their own drinking water. It's not impossible.
However, I can keep talking about this until I'm blue in the face and some people will refuse to take responsibility for their own actions. The issue is that most globally rich normies don't care because it's not affecting them directly yet, and they're unwilling to give up their creature comforts, thus filling the pockets of bigcorps.
They will deflect and point fingers at others and absolutely refuse to budge, argue "why should I when that guy won't", say life is short and they're gonna keep consuming instead of changing their habits and kill themselves later anyway, or they'll retweet a few things and feel like they've done their part. It's simply easier for people today, both civilians and politicians, to be complacent because rocking the boat risks them losing money and public support.
I've heard it all before.
>It's India and China who pollute the most and cause the most waste, not the WestThis is so insidious and false that I have no words. Not only does a quick Google search reveal that the countries with the biggest amount of generated waste per capita
excluding recycled materials and bio waste are all filthy rich (Monaco, Gulf states, US and Canada, Australia, UK, Caribbean tax havens), it just makes fucking sense that countries where capitalism runs rampant and where waste management infrastructure is poor to non-existent will generate the most waste. Hell, it's not even a secret that Western countries ship their trash out to China and other Asian countries to process.
>Why should I stop doing X, it's not going to make a differenceBecause in order to make a difference you don't only recycle, or only eat local, or only refuse to buy Nestlé products, or only ride a bike to work. You also need to push as much as possible for your government to make legislative changes and participate in citizen initiatives. One person can make a world of difference but retweeting something, buying a shampoo bar and carrying on with your day is not enough, which is where most people fail.
Most people are simply too complacent and unwilling to give up their dream of living abroad and travelling, owning the latest and greatest or god forbid being slightly inconvenienced by washing reusable diapers to do anything that matters. Big corps just take advantage of that and push it even further with psychologically manipulative marketing that makes you want things you don't need. But there is positive change if people are willing to give it a push, it just isn't going to come from big corps and big corp-funded governments.
No. 845193
>>845186I'm glad I could help, anon. Sadly until we get angry and start causing a scene things often just won't get done, this goes for everything. It's why Karens exist, because it works.
Also, whenever you're stuck, just think about this: "What would the world be like if everyone thought like me?"
If you're stuck in the doomer mindset and think everything is pointless, what would happen if everyone thought the same? Nothing, probably. Sudoku fuel helps nobody and changes nothing, if you die you die anyway, might as well stick around to see how it ends and try to fight for a better tomorrow.
No. 845208
>>845194Stop obsessing over your intelligence. It doesn't matter how intelligent you are, nobody cares but yourself. You're mentally unwell and need to seek help.
Just walk away from the keyboard, start journaling and stop making yourself such an easy target. People pick on you because you make yourself easy to pick on, because you're not getting the help you need.
No. 845210
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Went to see what Shayna's monster vag looked like and… It was fine, damn if people think that's ugly when what's in my pants, chuthulu? I know I shouldn't care and this is a gossip site after all. Still feels shitty at the end of the day when I gotta wash my elephant pussy lips.
No. 845212
>>845204I want to move abroad soon. I have just applied for my driver's license. I want to get one here, as I think it is easier. I think having a driver's license will be very good and in other countries it is much more expensive than it is here. I think that in around 6 months at best I'm good to leave.
I don't want to do YouTube for money or as my career. I would like to do it as a way to connect with the world and express myself, but I am reluctant as I am afraid of bad things and I have had bad things happen to me on the internet. People stalking me skinwalking me. But that being said, I still want to make a series about me learning Japanese. I don't think that sort of content would attract a negative audience. But if I do attract dislikes or hatred I will delete my videos and close my channel.
Thanks anons! Wish me luck for moving abroad successfully and being able to keep a job.
>>845208I have been going to therapy for 5 years, from which 2 were consecutive years of therapy. I did also change therapists a lot, so I did try quite a handful of them. I think certain traumas are not to be healed and our environment also affects us a lot. I am starting to go to therapy again because I have a little bit of money, but it always feels like someone is just telling me fake positive bullshit that does not apply to my life. I also read CBT and DBT.
Changing your environment is also incredibly hard if you do not have support and are struggling.
No. 845256
>>845217>>845231For non sexualized interesting anime stories I recommend:
Haibane Renmei
Kino no tabi
Land of the Lustrous
And some kids shows enjoyable for anyone, like digimon, doremi, card captor sakura
No. 845280
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I was an autistic neet for the majority of my life and now, after working with people for the first time, I'm starting to think that maybe there's certain truth to the "not all men". Sure, I don't know how they behave in private, but at least at work, men can be divided into two groups. Those who respect the fact that you don't want to talk, and those who don't. The first group initially tried to interact with me more, but when they noticed I'm not very responsive, they left me alone, while still being respectful and nice whenever I ask about something or I need some help etc. The second group contains of men who cannot understand that a woman is not interested in a conversation with them and they keep pushing you, or at least stare at you creepily. Again, I have no idea how the men who respect my boundaries at work are in private, and I'm not going to call them "good men", but in terms of work alone, I can definitely see how someone can believe that not all men are the same. I'm genuinely surprised that not all men are assholes at work
No. 845317
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I don't know anons, I'm very sad and disappointed and I think I will be boyfriend-less for the rest of my life.
>insert sad emoji I cannot insert because of board culture
I cannot stand how politicised everything has become and how everyone lacks nuance in their beliefs. I have talked with so many left winger men and they all believe trans women need to be included in feminism, that they are real women and they refuse to see my argument of how women have never had anything for themselves in history. They also think porn can be feminist, although I explain to them how women were depicted as sexual objects since ancient times and that in the end even if women mimic pleasure in pornography they are depicted as sexual objects which is completely against feminism.
If I talk to right wingers, they are openly misogynistic, whiny, think men have it bad in modern society, think capitalism is good and that jews are ruling the world from behind.
I'm tired honestly. Right wingers think I'm a leftist and left wingers think I am a right winger only because my political opinions are so very nuanced.
I was talking to a guy on Okcupid that was a 10/10 to me. Tall, young, with a good job, with education, cute, smart. Then he asked me about politics and I told him I consider myself left wing and then he began spewing bullshit about trans women and quote on quote "feminist porn" and I argued with him 3 hours and he would not stop about feminist porn or trans women being women.
Jesus Christ, they are all the same, the same. Politics are ruining the world and turning people into brainless ideologized NPCs.
I'd rather live in my womancave alone for the rest of my life than having to play in the political opinions of some scrote and quitting my own. Ultimately, they all want you to give up on your opinions in favor of theirs.
No. 845343
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I wasn’t going to sperg about this but my ex has basically stopped using all social media except for the one platform we still talk on. He got a new girlfriend and was radio silent on her for months but recently has been posting all this lovey dovey shit, and always making sure to tag her in the story too. He never refers to her as his ‘girlfriend’ to me though, just his ‘roommate’. Fucking weird but fine. I’m going on a road trip soon and one of the stops is in his city, he recommended me a restaurant that he thought I’d like and I said I’d put it on the list. A few hours later he’s posting about dinner with his girlfriend and they went to the place he mentioned. I get kinda annoyed but brush it off because it was probably on his mind, but now I see he’s messaged me after I’ve seen the story telling me about this food!
I feel like he’s rubbing this new relationship in my face about how happy he is now but I feel like he’s not. It feels like he’s trying to convince himself every time he posts. I know I need to block him and move on but I’m still attached.
No. 845374
>>845351Anon, keep in mind a majority of these people trying to make the rules are social rejects. Read the comments of the videos and see what
type of person agrees with the creator. Literal dumbasses.
I've noticed something similar, as a lot of minors are trying to be the authority of a conversation and dictate what is and what isn't socially acceptable. Like, they are purposely putting themselves in spaces with adults. I remember being a 16 year old, even a 19 year old, I didn't want to be around adults older than 24 and telling them what to do and think. Not even in a sense of trying to say to "respect your elders" but why even take this effort? And a lot of them, when they get criticized, they pull the "I'm a minor, you can't say such and such!" No one asked you to say anything to us, we're just responding probably not being aware of your young age in the first place. I wish social media wasn't so big. Like, Twitter and Tiktok are too all ages and topics friendly. I miss when MySpace was a thing, because interacting between other users wasn't extremely open and public, you had to take many steps. Even Youtube today has restrictions in comments sections, because what kind of video you're watching is going to have a certain demographic. Forums are sectioned off by topic… etc. Like, I feel this "outdated" format of social media is better for both the adults and minors, and probably will halt a lot of random topics that seem mundane from even starting and trending.
No. 845387
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I'm so angry
This bitch who has 0 problems infantilizes the fuck out of BPD
""""icky bpd opinions"""""
bpd is ruinning people's lives, retard
No. 845465
>>845256Kids anime is honestly my favorite. I'll keep enjoying Digimon and Yokai Watch because they're wholesome chungus and the writing is genuinely good.
It honestly does suck how much ecchi shit sneaks into shojo shows as well. I don't remember if Super GALS was like that, but that was another show I loved that exceeded my expectations.
No. 845560
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I wanted to try to mend things between me and a friend after he fucked up real bad and instead he ghosted me. I'm livid but at the same time it's like, okay, whatever.
I wish I could send him a message of all the fhings he fucked up including my mental health but I'm an adult so no. I wish life was fair and he suffers for it, I really really do. He doesn't deserve to get away just like that but there is no justice, karma and similar shit in the world. Fucking dick, I hope the bad lick keeps following you because you fucking deserve it.
No. 845566
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These tinnitus spikes are gonna make me cry tbh.
And my current situation of not being able to sleep and being in a loud ass workplace with machinery is just kind of chipping away at me mentally, because I know it's making things worse, but I've got to earn money, you know? And for some reason wearing earplugs just makes me more aware of the tinnitus.
Also something that pisses me off is that when I go online looking for exercises to alleviate the sound, I get these clickbait thumbnails of how there's a cure for tinnitus around the corner. Like the whole concept of dealing with tinnitus is to accept that it's now a part of who you are, and to learn to live with it. And it takes just that small flicker of hope that I could cure it to fully set me back to hating it, being super aware of it etc etc. I wish there was some kind of trigger warning for that kind of stuff.
No. 845591
>>845560Fuck him anon! I hope you will heal.
Also good damon gif
No. 845610
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i feel really dumb, friends.
somehow thought that my incoming financial aid was enough to pay for this semester in full (so i didn't bother to peek at scholarships) but i check back…a month later, after enjoying my covid free summer, and discover i need 7k? and i'm slated to attend uni next month…
the good news though, i guess, is that i can STILL attend if i just don't move in on campus (but that gives birth to a new issue: how am i meant to get there, and can i continue to crash at my dad's place). i feel like this is what i'll end up doing, because due to the ongoing covid thing like three of my five courses are online anyway. i'm not too social of a person. i don't care about the ~campus experience~.
i hope everything works okay for me. i won't be so retarded come spring. my gpa isn't low (it's a 3.3), i'm taking a hard major, i should've qualified for SOMETHING i just didn't fucking search.
addition: if i knew how to drive, the issue of getting to the college and getting back would be null. but i'm terrified of cars and the only person around to teach me is my mother (who is a horrid teacher) so fuck.
No. 845619
>>845610okay quick edit: dad said he literally doesn't mind me crashing and is happy to have me around
so while i am still ashamed of being 21(going on 22) and leeching off my parent it's whatever
No. 845659
>>845617How's your journey been with it? I'm 30 and know nobody irl with it since I'm younger than the usual demographic with it so it feels quite alienating sometimes.
Did you ever find anything that made it better?
I've had it since this January so it's still pretty upsetting when all of a sudden it's super loud and I cant hear shit anymore.
Also I know this is hypocritical to my post but I'm assuming you're less sensitive to it because you've had it longer. The potential drug is called oto 313 I think, and phase 2? Clinical trials will be done August 2022,it's looking promising if I dare say so.
No. 845698
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>>845684>men are trash but I'm the failure for not being in love with onesearching for the logic
No. 845773
>>845754Where I live it seems most dog owners are absolute garbage. I constantly see middle schoolers walking giant, unruly dogs they're unable to control. And for the past two weeks I've seen people letting their dogs run off leash in a beach where there are lots of small kids around and further along there are nesting birds like ducks and seagulls and the dogs chase them whenever they cross paths. All this even though there's a designated dog beach/park nearby.
I wish owning a dog would require a license.
No. 845800
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Parents have guests over I hate this. I'm hiding between my bed and the window because I know my shitty sibling will try to bring the guests to see me and talk about what a neet I am.
No. 845803
>>845659i'm 22 soon, so yeah. and, i never did. i do drink tea, and try to relax when it's really bad, and i guess that does have some effect – but otherwise i try to focus on literally anything else and forget about it.
try to think of it as air conditioner noise. would also recommend browsing tinnitustalk, for other guides and crowd support.
No. 845829
>>845817I'm a mechanical engineering major and I actually thought about switching to CS but maybe I'd be better off just doing coding bootcamps.
Thankfully money isn't a problem bc public universities are free in my country but still I wish he'd understand a diploma isn't worth all the stress!!! I kinda get where he's coming from bc in his experience getting a degree really made a difference between doing odd jobs to having a stable income/career but things have changed
No. 845885
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I'm too deep into depression, NEEtdom, and helplessness I started to see the appeal of people who age regress to cope, I want someone to take care of me and protect me life is unbearable and I'm way behind in life compared to women my age, I never even kissed a man or a woman, I'm tired of trying to be serious and sane when I'm a sad lonely broken virgin.
No. 845907
>>845848It’s a national holiday and they’re woketards who think anyone who celebrates must want minorities dead so they’re basically harassing people downtown
>>845875The people who say that this happens are often the ones hiding the matches behind their backs. It’s an attempt to escape consequences/pin the blame on a scapegoat; don’t buy it.
No. 845926
>>845913>>845915I just can't get it into my head how they can act like that. I really can't. Like, intellectually I understand because I see it all the time, but emotionally?
How do I accept that men are like this, and stop letting them treat me this way?
No. 845947
>>845915I feel like my ex did this. When he broke up with me he said that I was the girl he would always love the most,
Why are you breaking up with me then but still needed to know if there was something “better” out there. Flash forward a few years and he started pandemic dating his female roommate out of convenience. Never talked about her for months and then has suddenly started posting multiple different stories about how much fun they’re having in the middle of their dates. When he posts pictures of them together he’s not even able to look into the camera. We had a not great breakup and now he reaches out to me a bunch and sends me stuff that’s like ‘this reminds me of you’.
I was his first real relationship but I had dated a decent amount before him, and I don’t think he realized just how hard it is to find people you actually ‘click’ with. Most people really are just settling for each other out of fear of being alone.
No. 845950
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I keep thinking back to childhood neglect lately.
My mum was so apathetic towards me when I was little that once I got an abscess in my mouth. I had a lot of pain and headaches. My tooth had broken in half and wouldn't come out. I never got taken to the doctor or the dentist, even though it's free here, and even though I had the infection for weeks.
I remember that whenever I pressed it with my tongue, pus would pour into my mouth. It would refill every couple of hours. I wasn't fed very regularly and I didn't know what it was, so I'd save draining it into my mouth for when I was hungry. It didn't taste bad, but I was used to eating paper and all sorts to try and feel full.
I also have a party trick as an adult (which I never break out) where I do huge, disgusting belches by swallowing lots of air. I distinctly remember the moment I learnt it; I was very very hungry at school and desperate to feel full, so I imagined taking bites of my favourite foods and swallowing them, forcing the air into my belly.
Once I was sent to the school nurse because my classmates had started saying I was dirty and had nits. I didn't have nits, but was sent home with a note that said my hair was so full of dust and dirt and tangles that they were concerned about my wellbeing. That night, my schizo dad just cut all my hair off instead of helping me.
These are all very small things, much more traumatic things have happened, but there are moments that stick in your head. At the time I didn't know anything was wrong about how I was raised, but for some reason my brain clung onto these small moments. Sometimes I wonder why I have low self-respect and will get obsessive over anybody who is even remotely kind to me, until I have a hard think about my upbringing.
I saw a picture of my siblings and I together as kids. My brother and sister were robust healthy kids and I was this yellow bony thing with a swollen belly. I don't know why she didn't want me specifically.
I don't believe in a god or fate, and realised that the closest thing I have to a creator is my mother. I wondered if she had me with purpose, and asked her recently why she had me; she said I wasn't planned but she just wanted to be a mum. It unsettles me to think about. I genuinely wish she'd decided she didn't want me and aborted me, rather than make me grow up unwanted on a whim. She made it sound like a coin toss.
When there's no purpose or reason for living, and it's more trouble than it's worth, what keeps you going in life anons?
No. 845961
>>845950Making a positive impact and leaving something good behind. I don't care for people but I care about animals and plants, so I try to fight climate change and pollution in my own little ways and do as much as I can.
I've been suicidal for years but this is the first time I've felt alive. I just keep telling myself 'well, I'll die anyway and suicide is always an option at any point in time. Might as well make my existence count and do something good, I can always kill myself later'. For about a year I just kept telling myself I'll do it after the next thing, and the next, and the next. Now I don't want to die anymore and my life has purpose.
No. 845969
>>845961I think it's brave of you to keep going anon, thank you for replying. I'm sorry to be a doomer, because I sincerely think your
raison d'être is noble and I respect you for it. But every time I consider trying to create positive changes in the world, I get overwhelmed and I know in my heart that I can't change anything in a meaningful way. How did you overcome that?
No. 845970
>>845950anon, you have no idea how much i relate to this, i want to give you the biggest hug. hope your dental situation has improved now, as well as everything else.
i'm also a child of neglect. my mum had be when she was 39 and thought i was her last chance at having children (even though she was in a place in life where she probably shouldn't - my bio dad and her met doing heroin). she realized she didn't want that burden only once it was too late, and did the bare minimum. she only really interacted with me between boyfriends, where she became bizarrely codependent and cloyingly clingy or angry with me. i found out she had an abortion before i was born and i've been silently jealous of it every since, even now i'm an adult
the things that keeps me going are mostly really stupid little things. right now, it's going around parks in the morning and picking up the litter teenagers leave behind & scatter birdseed. it sounds really small but it means i get out of bed and see creatures. if the magpies don't need complicated reasons for living, why would i? they've also stopped flying off when i approach, which makes me very happy
ily anon, i hope you are able to make meaning and find joy soon. i believe in you
No. 845984
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I am sick of feeling like I do not belong in my husband's family, especially with his SIL building conspiracies and competition against me. I feel likes fish out of water here, and this never-ending forced lockdown makes it worse.
She is an untgrateful cunt who doesn't give a fuck about her supportive family unless she needs something. She lives with her mother and grandmother, worked only three months of her life (which was offered from a friend who haven't seen her in seven years, she threw a pity card at her), sneakingly leaving the job while never telling her family about it, only weeks after the fact. Even during said job she would take days off just to play videogames.
She is insanely jealous of me and my husband because we are married (she tried forcing her ex onto marrying her the second after our engagement, he dodged the bullet quick). She became so obsessed with me since the start, yelling nothing but "I wish I had your X", etc. I always remained calm even during the times she would throw hysteria on a table for attention, and start buying knock offs of my closet, later trying to copycat my internet presence through this day, even my typing style.
During the same time she started doing nothing but being a cunt, talking only in their native language on purpose (which would contain making snarky comments about me), trying to turn their father's family side against me, but in the end the only family member who ended up getting hypnotised was a 16yo stepsibling. Which is honestly sad, because he reminds me of my sweet, little siblings that I haven't seen in four years.
Everytime we have to go to meetings as a whole family, she makes sure I am completely excluded. Interrupts me and sits in front of me, pushing me back so I would end up just sitting in the corner, staring at a fish tank for the next three hours.
I always had to take care of her mother and grandmothers garden and house, cleaning when they are away and taking care of a garden, but now she started doing the same only because she forced her mother to pay 3k$ for a weight loss surgery. Before that she would never talk to them, staying awake only during night on purpose.
Her mother reposts "money giveaway" on Facebook, where she comments the reason why she does that: she is afraid of not being able to work because she has to take care of two people and a cat. Her mother is genuinely lonely and she wishes that her daughter actually spent time with her, she nearly cried when I offered to watch a singing competition together.
I fucking hate people who don't appreciate their good parents.
No. 845987
>>845885PLEASE don't age regress!!! It's very fucking painful and dangerous. I have tried it. To this day I still have troubles with it. Please get yourself together, age regression is one of the worst things you can do in your vulnerable state
It's never too late. I know you won't listen but it's never too late!!!
No. 845990
>>845969I believe in the butterfly/ripple effect. I try to lead by example and know for a fact that I've changed a few people's minds on this by just going about my day. Seeing those changes is really rewarding and pushes me to do even more. Also, even if things get really bad in the long run, I'll know I've tried my best and didn't go down without a good fight. I'm not afraid to die, I've just stopped wanting to because there's so much work to do here and fighting for something big like this makes me feel good. I've also made lots of friends by going to Fridays for Future protests and volunteering.
And as cheesy as it sounds, I always think of some lyrics I heard in a song as a teen a few years ago, 'what's the point of having wings if you refuse to fly?'. That's basically what I'm doing with my life, making it count instead of letting it go to waste. Animals and plants can't stop humans from destroying the planet, but humans themselves can. I hope that makes sense.
No. 846042
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Oh my fucking god I am such a dumbass for giving this autistic incel chance after chance after chance after he fucks up whatever goodwill is left every single time.
I've known him for most of a decade so I keep trying to be patient and getting over my hurt feelings but he's just the most awful fucking human being. He was ranting to me about how women only want chad and it's unfair that they don't want his greasy poltard dick and I stupidly tried to be patient with him. But I finally fucking snapped when he insisted that women who find themselves in a fucked up situation with a violent man only have themselves to blame for being stupid and choosing the wrong guy. Besides that being the most obviously screwed up statement in the universe this scrote is very much aware that I used to be in a situation like that and how much that fucked me up and how genuinely traumatising it was. He was there and he saw it. So when I tell him he crossed a line and hurt me this absolute scum of the earth proceeds to talk about why he's making perfect sense but of course, he understands that I, as the irrational woman I am, would react emotionally to his logical arguments.
From the bottom of my heart I hope no poor misguided girl ever has to deal with dating this guy because nobody in the world deserves that shit. Every single longterm friend has already given up on him because his meltdowns and narcissism make him impossible to deal with. I was the only one left of his friend group who still tried, but clearly his poisonous personality will never change. That's when you get when you believe you're the smartest most enlightened guy around and anyone who dares to disagree is just ignorant to your advanced reasoning. All the while living in a cumstained room while your mommy brings you your dinner every night because your intellect is too sophisticated to want to eat with your bluepilled family.
Everyone around him, even the most tolerant people, eventually give up on him because they can't handle his tantrums and social ineptitude anymore. Anyone with a normally functioning brain would understand that he is the common denominator, but no, it's always everyone else's fault.
I know this kind of thing reads just like anything you'd see in online incel communities but when it's someone you used to consider a friend it hits ten times harder.
No. 846045
>>846042It's okay anon, people like this are their own direct karma. Anyone who interacts with him can clearly tell something is off, so don't worry about others falling for it. If they do they have their own issues that they'd have to face eventually anyway.
I'm really sorry someone you had been friends with turned out like this. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy because they make themselves as repulsive as they blame the world for seeing them as. I kinda relate to you as I had friends like that when I knew nothing about it, and trust me without him you will soar. Remember to step back and view the bigger picture, which is that someone like that is their own enemy and will have to deal with that for the rest of their life unless they can change. Sounds like the internet fried his brain and it's tragic you had to watch in real time, so you're normal for feeling affected. Sorry, it's so tough.
No. 846058
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>my little sister and i are chilling in the living room and discussing her friend
>her friend is a bit of a narc and massively insecure and likes to take it out on her sister sometimes
>my sister doesn't want to abandon her (only friend she has + they've known each other since they were children) so i'm trying to help her navigate the situation without her falling into her friend's mindgames
>i start talking about how it's wrong for her friend to expect my sister to read her mind, that she shouldn't have to feel to uneasy around someone she's supposed to trust, etc.
>my mom randomly starts piping in "WELL women shouldn't treat men like this either!! i see women always doing this, girls don't be one of THOSE women who manipulate their boyfriends blah blah blah"
fucking gag me, we weren't even talking about men. you guys think pickmes online are annoying well try growing up with one as a mother and always being told "don't be one of /those/ women who xyz" from an early age. how funny that i've never heard her say anything similar to my brother
No. 846066
>>846045Thank you anon, it's really helpful to hear that. I feel stupid for putting up with it for so long, but at least I've cut him off now.
You're absolutely right in that he's his own worst enemy and will in all likelyhood never be able to hold onto friends and never understand that he's doing it to himself.
No. 846084
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>still somehow incredibly lonely on holidays
>sad and tired all of the time
>watching fireworks with stuffed animals
>cry at how pathetic I am
When does it get better
No. 846099
>>846078Ugh tell me about it. Thankfully she's never criticized my eating habits but hearing her complain about her figure/her aging/men not finding her attractive anymore was pretty damaging to hear as a young girl with low self esteem. Shit like that lead to me obsessing over my appearance, shopping all of my selfies to Kota levels of fake, and getting plastic surgery that I now regret. Thankfully I've come to love myself and see that people like my mother are just insecure themselves and projecting it onto others and zone out when she starts in, but it's still upsetting to hear her say stuff like that to my sisters or (God forbid) my future daughter one day.
I really, genuinely hope that this next generation of women stop tearing themselves and each other apart for the approval of someone who may or may not even give a shit about them in the first place. From your comment it sounds like you've had a similar experience and I'm really sorry that you had to go through it.
No. 846151
>>845827Seriously. The most outspoken ones are the biggest consumers. They all live their comfortable lives in upper class areas and name drop brands and use hashtags in their social media posts. They are the people the hate. Then they'll target lower class individuals, when we literally are least likely to consoom and the most economical due to the lack of expendable income. It pisses me off when I think about it.
>>845848100% this. They're too chicken to go after government buildings. As I said in the paragraph above, they're living their comfortable upper class lives. Majority of the people who attend protests are least likely to be lower class, so they don't have that deep rooted hatred of the state that would make them actually pursue government buildings.
>>845875Yes, a lot of protestors are from out of town. A good handful of them treat protests like music concerts. iirc a lot of protestors that get arrested live out of state.
No. 846160
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I just deleted my ex fiances number and removed him from everywhere else. I feel like shit, not because I miss him but because he's such a piece of absolute shit to the point I can't believe it.
We broke up 4 years ago, everything was fine and we managed to stay friends without issues and the he fucked up big time (unrelated). Wanted to give him a second chance but he ghosted me. He fucking GHOSTED. I've known this guy for 15 years and he pulled this shit, just. What the fuck? I know he doesn't own me shit but holy fuck that's so immature. I know there is no justice in the world but I really hope karma gets his ass and he pays big time for all the shit he did.
No. 846254
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>>846245Thank you, anon. That’s my biggest thing too: no more annoying razor bumps and ingrowns! I understand coming from a place of internalized misogyny because why else would a 9 year old shave non-existent hair but it’s like… come on. How is body hair inherently dirty? It’s not and never will be. I know this but hearing it from her is just so hurtful. I want to send her this pic of Sofia Loren and be like “is she dirty?” but I won’t because I know better.
No. 846279
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>seen/talked to “professionals”
>been on multiple pills for depression
>tell parental about all the awful side effects I’ve experienced
>have to ask them if theyve seen commercials talking about the side effects since they don’t believe me
>they switch it to “there’s other things out there”
Parental doesn’t understand depression which I get because they don’t have it but it’s like talking to a wall.
No. 846287
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I devolved into stupid body dysmorphia looksmaxx vindica subculture in 2020 (I have things I disliked about my appearance before that but they were vague, in the back of my head, with no plans and I didn’t talk about it) and now I’m utterly burnt out. I committed to getting Invisalign but I just want it be over, I still have 6 weeks left, I spent 2k of fillers for saggy under eye area another 1k on jaw Botox and prp treatments. I technically look better but I can’t even really be pleased with myself, I just want to not care anymore, a lot of the initial fixation is gone. I’m completely burnt out on this ocd incel science shit, analyzing strangers faces, thinking about zygomatic arches. I don’t want to spend anymore money, but I technically didn’t finish yet so I’m always thinking how it’ll look when I get that last round of rejuvenationing filler, finish Invisalign and finally get rid of my orange peel texture. Also having began doing things to my appearance and talking about I have realized every single female friend has some kind truly ingrained BDD/disorder eating and now the Pandora’s box has opened they feel comfortable to talk to me about it all the time and I don’t give a shit anymore and can’t even relate most of the time, why did I play myself like this
No. 846300
>>846292Consider your small tits a filter; if they repel someone or somebody bullies you for it, you know that they're not people you want in your life. Your boobs are doing you a favour.
I also hate the culture that surrounds women's bodies: if you aren't fuckable then you aren't a person with thoughts and feelings. Actually, even if you are fuckable, they only pretend that they believe you do. I hate men who don't even seem to register you because you're not to their taste. I see this a lot with men on the internet, they talk about how easy it is to be attractive as a woman, how women get loads of compliments, how women can so easily find love and sex, how women get opportunities and money thrown at their feet. That's because men seem only to see the women that they want to fuck. They don't see the fat lonely girl struggling at her minimum wage cleaning job. They don't see single mothers, they don't see acid burn
victims. They don't see older women. It goes beyond not perceiving them as human, I think they genuinely don't perceive some of us at all.
I'm not going to try to cheer you up by shitting on big boobies, it just perpetuates this shit, but know that women who bully you like that are speaking from deep insecurity and jealousy.
No. 846304
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>>846294>huge boobs look ugly and uncomfortableYou can compliment a smaller chest without being like this, y'know. Anyways, smalls boobs look great, all anons should appreciate theirs. I think they look very chic and fit a lot of different fashion. Mine are on the bigger side and the things I like to wear look weird on me, haha.
No. 846331
>>839728>>840174Used to have a friend like that anon, but the body tipes were swapped. She kept complaining that men didn't like her cause she was "fat", and they prefer "small girls", and would take it out on me, and argue that I "stole" the guys she tried to hit on, despite the fact I'm lesbian. She would get herself on awful situations because she was spoiled rich, and didn't know anything about real life, and was always coming to me for help, since no other "friend" would stand her for more than a year.
She was an asshole, and I grew tired of her, and told her to never speak to me again a couple of years ago. She's still out there, pretending to be living her best life, while constantly borrowing money for rent. Serves her right.
No. 846336
I'm gonna cry (again) trying to look for a fucking doctor here. The way they go about things is so chaotic. I need to phone my health insurance, who gives me several options. One of them, I couldn't reach over phone so walked over to their place and it was literally an apartment with the guys name. No Dr. whatever, didn't say it was a medical practise, no opening hours, just some dudes flat. I didn't ring the bell.
Other ones only have availability in several months, the times I can phone them are bizarre, like a 15 minute period twice a day. To rub it in, there's a city close by but because it's technically in a different district my health insurance wouldn't cover it despite me seeing plenty more suitable options. I near cried when I phoned up a small town nearby and they were like sure, an appointment is available tomorrow! To then look it up and it's actually right on the border of the next district when I thought it was in mine, so had to cancel. Then there are the phone numbers that just don't seem to exist anymore, so many practices that look a little promising but have 0 in the way of opening hours. I've been at it 4 hours, and now waiting 2 hours to try continue for another 4 hours after their lunch break.
Also I have huge anxiety about making phone calls, of which I've made about 30 this morning. I just want to curl up and give in, but I want to take care of my health and I know this (besides maybe the bill) will be the hardest part.
No. 846341
>>846307I used to feel the same. Had small tits and small stature, hated it cause I only attracted pedo weebs.
Then my boobs grew 2 around sizes when I was on hormones due to premature menopause, and I don't think I can hate them any more, I look like a granny, I cannot wear anything without feeling sick looking at myself, they're saggy and full of stretch marks, and I cannot get a reduction, cause is expensive as fuck.
You're not missing on anything anon, enjoy being flatchested, fuck em men.
No. 846342
>>846300>I'm not going to try to cheer you up by shitting on big boobies, it just perpetuates this shitYeah that's not what I want and wouldn't make me feel better because it would just feel like cope anyway kek it just sucks that other women see me as less than and act like they can say whatever they want to me because 11 years ago thigh gaps were popular and therefore nothing could ever hurt me.
>>846315I deal with this too and it's fucked up - I survived CSA and I hate that even as an adult woman I can't fucking escape pedos. Sometimes it makes me laugh how abruptly moids change their whole demeanour when they find out I'm not a teenager, but it's also fucking creepy and makes me want to an hero.
No. 846346
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>>846343dude, i know right, the heat is already awful and my bust is getting in the way, i can't live without a bra and just have to tolerate a sweaty bra kek. you take care in this heat.
No. 846347
Me and this girl have been friends since almost 10 years. She's been in oretty bad places, drugs, EDs, prostitution, violent exes, you name it. I was glad she managed to leave all that behind, and is on uni, until she got a boyfriend.
I absolutely loathe her boyfriend. He's a 30-something loser that lives with his mom. They break up and get back together all the time, which is frustrating.
During the time they have been together I've to hear her ranting about the awful things her boyfriend does. Rape jokes, gaslight, homophobic comments, leaving her alone in the middle of the night, stop communication out of nowhere, namecalling, manipulating her into sex, etc.
She always argues that hes working in changing, that's he's sorry, and gets back with him.
A couple of months ago she started getting depressed again, and she confessed that she's with him cause she thinks he's too lazy and too bad at dating that he won't cheat on her. She also mentioned that she uses him as to not "fall" onto her auto destructive behaviors (mentioned above).
I didn't know what to say. Firstly, because I think that's and awful reason to be with someone, and second, because that doesn't even work.
The guy is a deadbeat. No job, no studies, made her use drugs again, cause he uses them regularly. This wouldn't be a problem, if it was, idk, something like smoking weed once in a while. But were talking "selling my prescribed prozac to buy acid" use.
I'm worried about her, and told her that I want her to make healthy decisions by herself, and not because she has a boyfriend.
That's where the worst part came out. She told me that she really didn't care, cause her boyfriend isn't planning on living that much, and she isn't either.
I ended the conversation there, and she went on to pretend none of that didn't happen.
Next month, she starts bragging again about how her boyfriend is getting reformed, and I told her I didn't want to talk about her boyfriend, and that as a matter of fact, I would rather never talk about her boyfriend again; and she went onto arguing that she can't tell me anything. This only escalated with her arguing that I was the only one she trusts, and that out of me, she doesn't have anyone else to talk.
I blocked her messages at that moment. That last part is true, as she has virtually no friends (you can guess why) but I found it so asshole-ish of her to put it like that, and try to make me feel guilty about it. And worse of all, I noticed it wasn't the first time she had done it, at least not with me.
I could not stop crying upon the realization I was basically getting gaslighted by my best friend. It made me feel used, and I could not stop feeling that our friendship isn't healthy, and that I keep doing stuff for her sake, no matter how bad it hurts me. But she won't do the same for me
I don't know what to do. I have talked to her after that, I don't know what to say. It's been days.
I don't want to stop talking to her, but its draining me so bad. I really enjoy her company, and I love her, but I wish she wouldn't destroy herself like that, and hurt me in the process.
I would go on a say that it's her boyfriends fault, but at this point I don't even know if that's true, or that's just a excuse I keep telling myself to justify her.
Everything sucks and I wish this wasn't happening.
No. 846365
>>846169I love peepy sm, probably one of the only things giving me serotonin right now
>>846271>>846277He's just at work, but we have some fundamental differences that have been weighing on me- I've always wanted a partner who's a best friend, and I'm realizing more and more that he's my best friend but I'm not his. I made plans to hang out with a new local friend this weekend (just moved to this town) so hopefully I can just become better adjusted and less reliant on him for friendship.
No. 846470
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People are so needlessly cruel. This coworker at my job was venting to me because apparently her team has been really clique-y so there'd been a lot of tension. They don't like her. One person on her team is a gossipy ass kisser and so got a promotion for a role despite not being qualified. She's really mad about it and not getting picked for the role instead.
Anyway, I was just being a soundboard for her vent. I assured her that's office culture and that it would all blow over with time. She told me she thinks I'm really sweet and whatnot. Then, although I forget how we got on the subject, she confessed that she had gotten me in trouble with my boss a few months back. She complained that I had worn a skirt where she could see my butt–which is a lie because I always wear skorts–so her complaint wormed its way back to my manager. That did get me into trouble.
I didn't call her out for lying/exaggerating, and I let it roll off me as if I appreciated her honesty. Actually, it really bothers me. Being reamed out by my office manager for dress code as someone in my late 20s was really humiliating. I wonder who'd done that, and who could have been passive aggressive enough to spread that around the office instead of just telling me offsides about it. What did I ever do to her? That stunt did hurt the relationship with my manager who already is a typical southern karen who's hard to please.
I'd be madder about this but I know almost everyone in that office talks a degree of shit about me, so maybe I just am that annoying.
Guess I'm just the "nice" coworker who's actually the punching bag everyone laughs about on microsoft teams chat whenever I walk by. Maybe I'm just the easy target because everyone knows I won't be mean and will just do my job. I wish I had just done something to have actually deserved it though. It's not like I tried to be a misfit or was actively mean to anyone. At this point, I'm just doing my best and going to work for the paycheck but holy shit do I feel like I don't belong there.
No. 846484
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>>845987Could you please elaborate? It's difficult finding information on the long term impacts of age regression online, and as someone who tried it for a bit it seemed like a slippery slope into something much worse. I can't really explain what exactly, but the feeling of being "younger" and carefree genuinely did nothing to help with my childhood trauma and just fucked me up mentally and socially instead.
I really want to hear about the experiences of others who went through this as well, and hopefully have a good supply of anecdotal evidence to steer away anyone looking to get into it.
No. 846503
>>846292benefits of big boobs: looks good in only a few things that look super super good over the clothes that are targeted towards the it’s bitty titty committee, looks good, looks good, looks only aesthetically good, seriously why did god even make big boobs I really don’t get it what was the point?
smaller boob benefits: high-fashion loves your small things, looks incredibly great in crop tops, tank tops, camisoles, etc. no back pain, more likely to be more intelligent,
No. 846506
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>>846013>>846492I really appreciate that anons, you're so sweet!
Hope you have a lovely week and find time to do something nice. The world can be a really magical place if you know where to look and in the right company, hope you find your spot under the sun soon.
No. 846514
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>>846503>more likely to be more intelligentTry harder. Women of every great size are smarter than this.
No. 846533
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I just got my period and it's my first day of my 4 day vacation. Gonna try my best to enjoy myself, but ooof. i'm already in pain
No. 846539
>>846484It is a slippery slope that can get really bad really quick. And have lasting effects.
The feeling of being younger and carefree can be obtained from an adult perspective. Make yourself happy. If you shift into a child-like mind it will put you in a very vulnerable state and it won't be nice.
No. 846541
>>846287sorry, but
play stupid games, get stupid prizes anon
No. 846560
>>846342That's awful, I'm sorry this happened to you. Ever since I noticed that men saw me this way because of how I look I completely gave up on dating. I'm going to die a virgin but I don't even care anymore. It's either that or people completely ignore me and pretend I don't exist, that and the fact that I'm not white makes me think I'm never going to have a decent career or be treated like a normal person.
I'm like that anon
>>846300 said, basically if people won't treat me with basic respect until they learn my age then I'm not going to care about them either. I've gotten in too many awkward situations because I thought being underestimated and disrespected was normal for most of my life.
No. 846612
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Ffs I'm a clean person, I vacuum, mop and dust regularly but I keep finding bugs that look like they crawled out from from a horror movie. Today I found a dead centipede in the corner of my room that stinked like a corpse. I also regularly find spiders and woodlice. I live on the second floor and there are mosquito nets on every fricking window so I have no idea how they get inside
No. 846626
>>846620I'm sorry you had to experience that,
nonny. I don't think it's a new development though, for a while now I've seen hornyposters getting accused of being scrotes. Farmers will talk about women not being allowed to express themselves sexually without backlash and then call someone a scrote for liking tits a bit too much or something. I get it, there have been a lot of scrotes being gross lately but some posters really need to take their fucking meds.
Ngl some of it feels like thinly veiled homophobia. No. 846633
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Husband and I are talking a bit more about his elderly parents. His mother has advanced Alzheimer's and will soon need more personalized care which is code for the nursing home. I feel really bad for her, she calls us during her throes of confused and frustrated dementia yet my husband nor my FIL are very good at comforting her. She doesn't remember where she is, her own husband, her sons, and definitely not me. Although I think she likes me because I'm polite and nice female company to her, but I digress. FIL himself is geriatric, and is old school in that he doesn't do much domestically besides cook. They have an expensive house but it's full of that clutter old people tend to accumulate when they can no longer manage.
He pissed me off because he was talking about when they pass, that he would get a huge inheritance and so would stop working for six months while he sorted the house.
I told him how that was a stupid waste of money, why would he stop working for months just because he inherited some money? I could see why if he needed like a couple weeks of paid leave from work, but months and living off inherited money instead of investing or saving it? That's fucking retarded and I'm not going to pretend it's not. I told him if it was just me and him, we could have that house sorted and cleaned within a month. Additionally, since the market is so hot and their house is in a desirable area, it would sell very easy. There is nothing that would require taking six months off work. He got salty at me and said I didn't feel he "deserved" 6 months off. Full disclosure: No, I don't. Women who just pushed babies out of their vaginas aren't even promised that amount of time off to bond with their new baby. Most people who grieve their parents and have to settle their estates can't stop working even if they wanted to. In addition, I don't think he'd be over at that house for eight hours a day, for five days a week, for six months settling house-related matters. He'd just pull a typical male move and use that time and money to retreat into escapism like video games, tv, sports, etc. which isn't healthy coping anyway.
Maybe this makes me a meanie head but I see right through that and I'll fight it all the way. His parents aren't dead yet, and already he's planning a fucking half year vacation for himself while I'm sure I'll be expected to keep working. I admit I don't know what it's like to have a loving, responsible family who'd give me (a woman) thousands of dollars when they pass but I'd like to think I'd be responsible about it. This reminds me of an ex from years ago who inherited $80,000 from a relative and blew through it within two years from not working, weed, and takeout. What's it like to be so privileged with money that pissing it away like this means nothing to men?
No. 846637
>>846633 dont listen to this doomer ->
>>846635 your plan sounds pretty good, convince him to save the money and avoid not working. MAKE SURE YOU SELL THAT HOUSE or at least rent it. This is a big a opportunity for you to make it big so make sure he doesn't become greedy about it anon. Men will ruin amazing opportunities for temporary satisfaction
No. 846640
>>846633Lost my mom when I was 20 and my bro was 25. We'd no time off work beyond the first week iirc. In a way you want to stay busy. As in truly busy with other people around and other things to worry about. Grief and boredom don't mix well.
I get why you're bothered by his plan. You're married to someone who potentially will give up earning and sit back on easy money if it presents itself. You take those 6 months off to do nothing and you might just get too used to the lazy lifestyle. I got a tough diagnosis years ago and my (ex) hub started asking about me maybe getting on benefits and him becoming my full time carer… He wanted to be a bum. I didn't need care but he was ready to jump on any chance to not work.
No. 846663
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Welp, if no one believes in me, I guess I just gotta do it myself.
No. 846667
>>846663believe what?
No. 846688
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wish I could get off all medication but when I tried all was good for a while then my anxiety went up. so now we're back. sigh
No. 846703
>>846633How much would he be inheriting? idk what a 'huge' inheritance is but my mum retired when her parents died, I plan to retire when my parents die, sometimes the money is sufficient.
I do agree that he's most likely going to end up sitting around playing video games for 6 months, and I bet he wouldn't want to go back to work once he's used to it. And if I was in your position I admit I would be seething with jealousy because he gets time off and I don't. But honestly if he can afford to take time off without putting a significant dent in his inheritence/savings, it's not really wrong of him. It's his money and life isn't all about working endlessly.
No. 846754
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I love my boyfriend and we've been dating for two years but I'm starting to get a crush on a coworker of mine. It's not going to go anywhere of course but I had a sexy dream with him last night. And the other day he did the thing to "sneak past me" and put his hand on my hip like twice. It's kinda fun to have a crush again but I also feel a bit guilty like I'm imagination cheating or something. Can someone just tell me they've also experienced this and that I'm not evil.
No. 846764
>>846754It’s totally normal, you’re not going to be exclusively attracted to one person your entire life even if you love them and know you want to be with them. It only becomes a problem if you allow it to develop into full fledge feelings or worse act on it.
>>846761calm down nonna
No. 846813
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One week sober yall
No. 846859
>>846811I’ve never heard a woman use the term “roastie” kek.
In fact, I’ve never heard anyone say it IRL. Just my personal opinion
No. 846981
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Why is it that so many normies act as if you owe it to them to explain why you’re going to therapy, especially when it looks like “there is nothing wrong with you”? The amount of times I’ve gotten pressured to tell someone that (self-admittedly) doesn’t suffer from anxiety or depression themselves about my issues/trauma is uncomfortably high. Recently a manager got extremely pushy and annoyed when I tried to wrangle myself out of the conversation
No. 846997
>>846986Why are you afraid of losing someone who isn't treating you like their best option? Why are you afraid of losing someone who uses your insecurities against you? Why are you investing your time on someone who is not putting the same energy as you in an exclusive relationship? Why can't he listen to you and talk things over after you're done being drunk? Why can't you really tell him how you feel because he says he's "investing his time on the wrong person"? Why is being untrustful a bad thing after he shows you that he is in fact someone you can't fully trust?
Dump him already.
No. 847008
>>847006Are you kicking them out or are you moving away?
>they've shown signs of mental instabilityLike what? Sorry, they sound like a handful. Asking someone to take more drugs just to compliment them is the craziest thing I've read all week.
No. 847017
>>847008I'm going to kick them out.
>like what?They had a massive anxiety attack and mental breakdown when they found out my boyfriend was a male and then went on to beg me not to abandon them because of him being a guy and how my bf was probably going to abuse me. I met my bf in a game so it's not that weird that his gender was unknown. They demand to know who I'm talking to if they hear me speak or demand to know where I'm going if I leave the house, they want to know my entire schedule. They beg me to call off work to spend time with them. They have major depressive episodes and anxiety attacks because I won't hang out with them for more than an hour at a time. It's like they're obsessed with me. They get suicidal often and the cause always seems to be me not spending enough time with them or talking to them. It's just very exhausting and creepy
No. 847029
>>846990I’m sorry that happened to you anon, it’s so stress to be put in that kind of situation! Good thing she’s not your manager anymore!
Lol I’m an autist on top of being a traumatised mess so I’ve always aimed to be as close to my picture of “a normal human being” that my issues tends to be fairly well hidden until I have a spergy or socially awkward moment
No. 847130
>>847111>>847124You've started on your
pink pill journey but you still need to remove some internalised misogyny. You made mistakes, and ignored all the red flags in someone you liked but at the end of the day you slept with someone you had long term feelings for and they took advantage without caring about you, don't call yourself by misogynistic terms for that
Time to stop putting time and effort into garbage and focus on yourself for yourself!
No. 847210
>>846986He's certainly not even trying to see this from your side of things. Reverse this situation and I highly doubt he'd be all cool with you having certain people on your socials the whole time.
He's dumping all the blame on you and seeing if he can get away with it. Been there and it fucked with my head to the point where I had no idea what reasonable expectations even were by the end it. Guys like that only gets worse over time ime.
No. 847335
>>847332Maybe the takeaway here is that you never really know where or when people will find love, so even though it hurts that it wasn't the real deal, you'll find it too somewhere
But also maybe he's just cheating on her in a very stealth way lol, you're better off without him
No. 847378
>>847335He already cheated on her with me tbh. We had a few weeks left on our lease together before he moved in with her. They made their relationship official so at first we were sleeping with a generous distance between us in the bed. He was all smitten with her. I was just trying to stay sane til I could move away from the whole mess.
Then he just initiated sex with me a few more times right before the move happened. He went from wanting a pillow between us as a barrier to him randomly initiating sex afew nights in a row. Call me petty but I wanted to prove to myself that he's just a cheat who'll always carry on like that. I'm not the type to contact her and start drama but I thought they'd crash and burn already. He has a temper too.
No. 847380
>>847378My blood boiled reading your posts. I know the agony of a loved one keeping secrets and pushing you away and this guy sounds like such an asshole. I understand the pain of seeing that he's happy (or at least projects that he is on social media), but try be grateful that at least he's
No. 847411
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>>847407then why can't lolcowers shut up about men in dresses being
valid like harry styleS? I hate men in dresses they should die.
No. 847413
>>847411Because not every woman on here is a fucking radfem! And women who are radfem leaning can still have different opinions, you retard. I know this place has a reputation for being a
terf haven cyberboolying site but it's not a fucking echo chamber. Maybe just stop hanging out in whatever weird threads you've found where they talk about men in dresses?
No. 847507
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I'm so touch starved and horny it's pathetic, everytime i guy bumps into me or slightly touches me i start getting nervous, i feel like a creep.
No. 847525
>>847506I'm more of an EDNOS type which, combined with being normal weight, is probably why not even my therapist takes me seriously… I've even been told by friends that "you definitely don't have an ED, I've seen you gorge yourself many times" (actual words) even though that's… one of the symptoms… of my ED…
It's so tiresome.
No. 847593
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Love one that died was a hoarder. Despite coming from a wealthy family and being left with enough to live comfortably without working until they died, they squandered their money and had to take out tons of credit cards out in order to live. They had no life insurance policy. My family is decidedly low middle class living paycheck to paycheck and everything was left to us. There’s a very good possibility even selling everything the deceased has will not cover all the numerous debts, and we will be left in even worse straights. Because of what the estate is technically worth we have to get a probate lawyer which is insanely expensive. Yes the lawyers will be paid from the estate but the debts will come first, so we might have to figure out how to come up with 10k out of our ass. What’s the point of leaving your loved ones anything if it’s only going to put them out? The cost of cleaning the property, paying off loans and debts, paying lawyers, paying for the funeral arrangements is super stressful. I know hoarding is a sickness and “don’t speak ill of the dead!” but I can’t help but be so angry at them for saying fuck it and only thinking about themselves even up until the end despite us trying to help them so many times and reaching into our own pocketbooks to help someone who should have been set for life.
No. 847602
A short while ago (or maybe it was a long while ago, I dunno, time is skewed) an anon said something like
>girls that want people to be afraid of them are cringe and compensating for being ugly
I don't necessarily disagree with this statement but I can't help but feel like it's better if you don't have what the zoomers are now calling "pretty privilege". I don't consider myself having pretty privileges, at all. I'm not exactly ugly but I was when I was a kid, bullies in middle school used to call me ugly for no reason. I was even more shocked the it was guys calling me ugly for literally just sitting there. In other words, if you are not considered a beautiful or attractive woman, people will not always respect you unless you command that respect. It's hard to do that when you're weak-willed and have no spine, so you kind of have to adopt this brutish, powerful behavior to get what you want. Thus, at work, I have to dial up my behavior to match my male counterparts. I can't just bat my eyelashes and say pretty please. They won't always be compelled to, because I don't fit the typical beauty standards.
Actually it's usually mostly older men (like 50+) that are attracted to me and openly flirt. Guys younger than that, it pretty much feels like they don't respect me. So I deepen my voice, try to use less socialized female behavior (removing words like "kind of" and "maybe") and create a personality that, while may put me in the position to be unliked or seen as unapproachable socially, will put me in the position to get assignments when I need it.
Outside of work, it's hard for me to maintain that because I want to be really nice to guys but don't have pretty privileges so instead I just end up being "one of the guys". I'm not saying this to say I become NLOG but I pretty much use their language and behavior. I never put down other women though in the process and I don't feel that's cool. If there's another woman in the group, I always join forces with her.
A direct example of what I mean is one time, I was joining a group of guys doing an on-site assignment. There was just one other girl with us. She was what I'd consider pretty. This tall guy walked up to us and immediately turned to her and said "I'm ____" instead of addressing the both of us. Then he awkwardly turned to me without saying anything and I just went ahead and introduced myself. Afterward, I made sure to mark myself as head of operations for the task. He obviously was not attracted to me, but I had to shut him down on multiple occasions in order for him to start referring to me for help.
No. 847603
>>847555I had an ex who used to get angry if he saw a little girl in a disney princess dress or saw one of those 'princess on board' signs in a car. Male equivalents of both those things exist for lil boys and didn't bother him. The word princess sure hit a nerve. Boys being a Prince or a hero…fine.
The man was putting his hatred of women onto lil kids innocently playing fucking dress up. He imagined them growing up to be high maintenance stuck up bitches. I'm embarrassed to say I even dated him
No. 847615
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>>847602As a below average looking woman you basically have to be one of the guys or a sexless saint, or else people treat you like a social pariah. I thought I was asexual for most of my life because ugly women expressing any sexuality is treated as a joke at best and a social suicide hatecrime at worst.
I'm jealous of you being able to command respect tbh, on top of not having 'ok looking woman privilege' I was browbeat into a doormat. Trying to change but it'll probably take years. Do you have any tips on how to act to get respect (other than stand straight and have strong voice)?
No. 847617
>>847602I feel like I'm capable of looking way prettier but I reached a point a few years ago where I opted out of it just to avoid sexual harassment and men always assuming I'm incompetent. I went andro/butch and I already have an unusually deep voice to match. I much prefer the dynamic that tends to come from how I look now. Before I felt like a weird mixture of a sexthing and a child all in one..Uncomfortable combination but that's how men in particular made me feel.
I get that looking good matters to plenty of women and that you can obviously gain from it if you're smart about it but for me I'm happier playing down any of the visual charm I might've once had. Any amount of sexual harassment drives me nuts. It mostly came down to that outweighing any possible gain I could think of.
No. 847634
>>847615>Do you have any tips on how to act to get respect (other than stand straight and have strong voice)?One thing that really helped me is that guys will ALWAYS want to talk over you. What I usually do is be petty and continue talking so that we're both talking at the same time (this one is hard to master, but usually they say "oh sorry!"), or when they finish, I ignore what they've said and say "Before I was interrupted, I was saying…" If you want to slap them on the wrist, you can say "Please do not interrupt me. As I was saying…."
Also try removing phrases like "I think". That will show people that you know what you're talking about, and they'll believe that you know what you're talking about, which is respectable. If you feel people are making jokes about you at your own expense, ask them to explain what they mean. They'll definitely get tripped up, most of the time.
Otherwise it's just something that will come naturally, and depends on who you interact with.
>>847617I agree with this but at the same time, unfortunately men don't care how shitty or unappealing you look, harassment will never end. But as you mentioned, it definitely helps to downplay an attempt at attractiveness.
>>847624I think it was also a response to a tiktoker that claimed to be a "monster" unless separate anons have commented on this one thing
No. 847641
>>847617>I felt like a weird mixture of a sexthing and a child all in oneI understand this, I'm rectangle shaped so it used to be that men either treated me like an annoying sexless child or if I dressed nice then a target of sexual harassment, but at some point I suddenly became a unsexy woman that's too old to be fun, or a target of sexual harassment if I'm dressed nice.
I don't care about being attractive so I'm working on becoming more assertive but I feel like the stereotype of grown women being invisible is already settling in, even though there wasn't a moment between child and old hag where I was treated like a respectable adult.
No. 847649
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I have a male coworker I find attractive but I'm too shy to ask him out. To make things worse, the more I hear about him the more sketchy he seems
>brags about dark net
>brags about being a hackerman and hacking people for money
>brags about growing and selling cannabis
>mentioned how an ex GF stole 10k from his bank account 3 years ago and how he's been alone since then
>looks like a typical heavy metal fan but listens to rap
nonnies this is a mess. tbh the dark net part scares me the most. I know it helps him with his hackerman stuff but what if he watches cp or something? I don't trust men who spend a lot of time on the internet because usually they're creeps. I'd always have this thought in the back on my mind that he's watching some fucked up stuff there and I'm not skilled enough to find out
I also wanted to mention that today I fell down the stairs at work and my superior and a few different people saw it and it was embarrassing, but also very nice because they were very scared for me. and now I have a big, red-blue swelling on my hip. It hurts as fuck, I can't even touch it. I hope I didn't break anything. my driver was 1 hour late, I got home at midnight. I was cold and in pain. then I cried because I thought I lost my keys and I had to call my friend to open the door for me. what a shitty day
No. 847663
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i hate libfems so much
No. 847694
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>>847681 unironically they're like "yes im a feminist, yes i hate all men, yes i let my scrote choke me and spit in my mouth, yes i tell him he owns me"
i'm losing hope in women tbh
No. 847774
>>847602I'm a lesbian and want people to be 'afraid of me', because I'm not interested in scrotes, but they manage to even fetishize that. Though it does help against random harassment. Grass is always greener on the other side. You gotta do what you gotta do to survive in patriarchy.
>>847617>>847641Androgyny has been fashionable since the 90's. If you still dress well while being andro/butch/tomboy/masc/whatever you want to call it, women will still think you look good. Smiling, being friendly to other women, looking clean/put together, wearing a nice scent, paying attention to color etc. There are a lot of little details women pick up on, but men dgaf about, so you don't become entirely invisible to society as a whole. People do sadly enough treat others based on how they look in day-to-day life, including women to other women.