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No. 862120
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>>862117These sort of people? Do you mean women? kek
No. 862130
Kill women
Rape women
Abuse women
Traumatize women
Damage women
Brainwash women
And you're telling me it's injustified to hate them? come on.
No. 862133
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Here is an example of a man I hate a lot. He had a beautiful wife way out of his league who loved him before he was rich when he was just an ugly nerd, whom he had five beautiful children with and he left her for a younger woman.
He's also cringe in general.
No. 862138
File: 1627149612143.jpeg (Spoiler Image,342.63 KB, 828x701, 55D35A44-A64A-469B-BBDD-69ECE3…)

>25 million views
No. 862143
>>862115 and I'm happy that the anti manhate whiners' plan backfired.
No. 862160
>>862136When I was 19 and having ongoing casual sex with a guy (twice my age) the condom broke. I went to the clinic the next day, spent a fortune for both the appointment and the pill itself, was asked a whole bunch of questions about my sex life and then went home, cried and barely ate for a week because of the cost of it was nuts at the time. He messaged me to make sure I had went. The difference in our incomes was massive, he never offered to help with the cost. I was too young and stupid to confront the issue. It was a wake up call.
At least I stopped having sex after that. I went off sex entirely. Well done scrotes, another woman off the market. Please bitch about how you can't get laid.
No. 862162
>>862158>retarded kitchen parkour Kek
nonnie, i never expected reading such a sentence in my life.
No. 862166
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Abort XY
No. 862169
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No. 862176
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Why do men always brag that they can eliminate all biological females and replace us with robots with artificial wombs? These absolute menances are so retarded they can’t even realize that human babies develop bonds or attachment with their mothers, and that will never ever be achievable or compatible with a cold-stone robotic fembots. All of the “children need their fathers” I personally assume is bullshit and is society’s desperate need to continue the patriarchy in society.
No. 862177
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>>862160I hate men so much it's unreal.
No. 862185
>>862171I know alot of friends who went through their highly sexxed phase at 18 to 21…maybe older and yeah this is what happens. We start out with a healthy sex drive and a good dose of naivety and then scrotes quickly suck all the excitement out of it. You get burnt enough and you just stop engaging in anything casual.
I think the whole concept of 'the wall' is just rooted in men knowing most women by their late 20s aren't giving it out as easily. They hate that you've learnt their ways so they pretend like "well I don't want you anyway!" Yeah go back to your milf porn then kek
No. 862189
>>862176Copium and projection. Women actually CAN replace the male sex and would do away with them given the chance.
Men only lie to themselves about how much they want go their own ways kek. Men fundamentally crave validation from women. That's why they can't be satisfied with just buying prostitutes, that's why they treat pick-me's like shit. Similarly, sex bots will only make them more desperate for women's attention lmao
No. 862198
>>862191Except monasteries are all about worshiping imaginary scrotes so no.
Those Buddhist kung fu nuns seem based though.
No. 862205
>>862198They're so cool. Sign me the fuck up.
>helping others is my religionThe difference between women and men right there.
No. 862211
>>862176The older I get the more I realize how the first few years of your life (ie bond with parents) really sets you up for life and never stops affecting you (either possitively or negatively) I've known men much older than me who can't grasp how much we're shaped by the affection or lack of affection we get in those first few years. I can't get over how they refuse to see or value it.
They downplay it when a man abandons his child and they downplay how much (good) mothers provide emotionally to children. The effects are lifelong and then intergenerational but sure, downplay it because you're jealous you'll never have a mother/child bond and because you lack the emotionally maturity to even really offer a father/child bond. I wasn't raised alone in the literal sense but in an emotional sense I was.
No. 862285
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No. 862289
>>862285Fuck you mods. Censoring womens' expression and controlling womens' spaces. Someone is
triggered women rightfully hate men. Must be a tranny lmao, Pathetic.
No. 862303
what exactly are you supposed to project onto a whore porn star? some of you retards need to get a grip. if a woman isn't trafficked or forced to participate in that shit then she is a degen, end of story.
No. 862315
>>862117The initial complain agaisnt PP/GC was that they derailed unrelated threads and needed to be moderated more. What admin took away from it was that the containment threads need to be nuked and the subjects banned completely, which made no sense. Containment along with strong moderation works while maintaining the identity of this website as an anonymous, female-only space to be as "
problematic" as we want without ruining discussions of the thread topics.
No. 862319
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Male genocide. Have a small group of scrote subjects whipped into shape and contained for procreation, possibly leisure. Population is 97% female. Male abortions free.
I'm still trying to work out how we can have muscular scrotes for high libido straight women to use while keeping the scrote in check.
No. 862321
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hope these scrotes die