File: 1624886697829.jpg (60.89 KB, 600x750, 2113-sillybooktitles.jpg)

No. 840259
Anything goes.
>>>/ot/831987 No. 840312
>>840295That's a big old red flag
nonnie, time to look for another psych. Dino Crisis is indeed a good game or at least from what I heard, never actually played it
No. 840327
File: 1624891843382.gif (115.18 KB, 499x272, 1412771351948.gif)

Fuck I was too honest when signing up for the Pill Club so now they won't prescribe me bc unless I get a new phone number. Pills have effected my mood but my doctor simply gave me new ones, and I've been good for years now
Guess I'll sign up for Google voice
No. 840339
File: 1624892218811.png (45.98 KB, 210x210, 661498D7-B8CC-457E-B3A1-6B794A…)

Full dox list will be uploaded. Website of dox list will be disclosed in 5 hours. All users’ on this site’s data, education / work place and personal numbers / addresses will be uploaded to doxbin , paste bin and multiple gossip forums. Get a taste of ur own medicine. @Admin fight me bitch. You won’t win. I have you like a puppet on strings Regina.(unbridled autism)
No. 840355
File: 1624892984598.jpg (84.12 KB, 590x437, IMG_0495.JPG)

>period is supposed to come yesterday (it's literally 28 days since my last period)
>it hasn't come yet
Great, now I'm paranoid at every discharge I make
No. 840357
>>840346I'm so fucking embarrassed to even reply but I like reading them because I like relationships with fucked up power imbalances and also that lame kdrama trope of 'super hot rich playboy for some reason falls heads over heels for this stupid meek idiot' (e.g. being captivated by their scent or being fated mates). I also have a thing where I like to smell my irl partners, and things like smelling their clothes they lend me that smells like them makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I started reading abo because I have huge knotting/breeding/pregnancy kink tho.
I'm picking about the abo I read though, not that I have any right to be. The whole genre is basically made to be super fucked up and full of rape, but for it's kind of rare to find a good fic that's full of that. I'd be sorry for my autism but I'm not lol.
No. 840373
File: 1624893756670.gif (144.86 KB, 362x74, IMG_0443.GIF)

>>840339Do we actually have to be concerned about this? I doubt this scooter has info on us all, but I know scrotes are legitimately that autistic to do that, and I don't trust the mods to do anything about it for at least a couple of hours
No. 840399
File: 1624895922029.png (1.09 MB, 2048x1363, Screenshot_20210623-114350.png)

The Planned Parenthood by me tried to get my friend's wife to get a pap smear while she was 8 most pregnant with her baby, they rushed me into an appointment even though I felt hesitant because of issues I've had with my IUD. It really feels weird in there, really baron compared to most PP I've been to. It kinda freaks me out how pushy they were with my friends though. Can you even get a pap when you're pregnant like that? At any stage? She was so shook when it happened and that was like a year ago but I'm still very much confused and bothered by it.
No. 840423
File: 1624898018997.jpeg (Spoiler Image,4.86 KB, 225x225, wtf.jpeg)

Wtf is this??? Literally wtf. I hate this. I hate this so much. Burn it
No. 840431
>>840428Oh shit, I was just reading the byuu thread this morning, didn’t know about the ddos. Afaik byuu really is dead but there’s no way that alone will cause kf’s downfall. I mean, they posted the Christchurch shooter’s livestream and survived
that for crying out loud
No. 840497
File: 1624902534029.png (1.15 MB, 838x1219, 20210628_134325.png)

>>840489Say it, sister. I'm sick of pants that want to consume the lower half of my ribcage.
No. 840506
File: 1624902880585.gif (116.1 KB, 277x400, 1405640991500.gif)

>>840497Kek that image made me laugh, hope my child is this brilliantly retarded
Just give up on jeans ladies, and embrace superior flowy dresses. I have considerably less swamp ass in the summer due to this
No. 840513
>>840489Why can't all sorts of jeans co-exoist in peace in the same fashion timeline?
High waist fits me the best, mid rise is still ok but low is just a no-no for me.
No. 840526
File: 1624904243001.jpg (15.16 KB, 474x474, download.jpg)

>>840519Robes are superior
No. 840543
File: 1624905001804.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 846x891, ouchie.PNG)

I can't tell if it's because I stopped watching porn years ago or it's my adderall but I can't even get turned on by josei manga or 'steamy' media in general. I only get turned on seeing actual sex, ofc not including porn bc it's so fake.
Despite the "clarity" of mind I feel oddly alienated from the number of anons who say that they get turned on from certain pictures/gifs/videos. I look at photos like picrel and I find them aesthetically attractive but I'm not horny at all.
No. 840552
File: 1624905442331.jpg (22.51 KB, 400x495, official-portrait-1.jpg)

I WANNA FUCK ONE OF THEM, ALWAYS DID AND ALWAYS WILL DO YOU HEAR ME?? I want a fucking bishop or priest right now, RIGHT NOW. How can I even cope while knowing very well that it will never happen, why even live? There's no point if I can't take that holy spirit in my mouth
No. 840562
>>840520ntayrt but probably the following?
- activity on some youtube or cow-related subreddit
- activity on weeb-y subreddits including r/otome or anything lolita related
- activity that's essentially GC opinions on a random feminist sub or on r/tumblrinaction
- r/aspergirls, enough said
- farmer lingo
No. 840586
>>840520they re-posted a video that was posted by a farmer (to post it on a thread), so although it's on youtube it's basically impossible to find without using this site
and also, like
>>840562 said,
>activity that's essentially GC opinions on a random feminist sub No. 840590
>>840543I've always had this thing going on where I'll seek out porn thinking it'll get me off and then I just sit there and watch it and don't even touch myself because it's not getting a physical reaction out of me. I repeat the same old search and watch routine but I don't flick to it. If I do I'm numb anyway. Sometimes I search and search thinking if I find the right scene it'll work. It doesn't.
Remembering sex that I've had works better
No. 840675
>>840668You're a bitch anon, everyone knows it!
Do you know anyone who'd spread lies about you? Or did you ever post about touchy political stuff online?
No. 840720
>>840675I never posted about politics or anything controversial, if I did it was always vague or agreeable. Even my partner doesn't know how I feel about a lot of important issues lol. The workplace was a cesspool of despair and gossip (it made national news for sexual coercion controversies surrounding managers and later for anti-union stuff) so maybe they somehow assumed things about me now that I'm gone? I'm pretty down about this even though my coworker and I weren't too close, we always cheered the other on and we were very nice to each other
I have a few friendly connections there so I might ask what's up with that next time we hang
No. 840728
File: 1624915937851.jpg (242.91 KB, 1080x847, PicsArt_06-28-02.31.34.jpg)

No. 840762
>>840759nta but bingo
And of course it is of a dead woman.
No. 840810
File: 1624923051662.jpeg (275.43 KB, 804x535, 48E04835-0F84-450A-99F7-AA102A…)

I can't delete this idiot search I must've accidentally saved to Files, SOMEHOW
No. 840877
File: 1624927001616.jpeg (126.32 KB, 867x1390, D7C1A9E5-8913-447B-A96F-88B096…)

What’s even the difference between a hank hill ass and a big ass? I keep looking at myself in the mirror and I don’t know if I have a medium ass or a hank hill ass. I was just looking for pictures to post as a funnee meme and everyone has normal buttocks, how does that even work?
No. 840993
File: 1624939065928.png (136.71 KB, 560x315, reeeeeeeeeeesad.png)

hnnnghuuhughh pumice stone feel good
No. 841129
File: 1624958606543.jpg (45.05 KB, 418x567, Screenshot_11.jpg)

This comment made me kek so hard and it's not even that funny
No. 841159
File: 1624962436331.gif (966.7 KB, 270x252, tumblr_inline_oiafnrs6kz1s9yz5…)

Going to the bathroom to have my 3rd period poop in under an hour
No. 841188
File: 1624965371174.jpg (398.24 KB, 3504x2336, Fho6X6y.jpg)

>>841184Nah, this was a customer so there wasn't much I could do. Just weird.
No. 841274
>>841268A fan went to slyly take a picture of Chloe Grace Moretz and didn't realize his flash would go off.
Obviously worse than what I experienced but related
No. 841288
File: 1624972239231.jpg (31.95 KB, 800x533, young-woman-raising-glass-whit…)

My thanks to the random who archived my tumblr page in 2015 the nostalgia is back I even found my forgotten dA kek
No. 841300
File: 1624973370286.jpg (5.44 KB, 320x300, f.jpg)

i can't fucking take it anymore. every time i have a sex dream (which is already rare to begin with) it's the most unpleasurable shit imaginable with the most bottom of the barrel degenerates that i'm not even attracted to in the first place, male landwhale youtubers, the fucking GRINCH, and all sorts of bizarre weirdos yet the men i actually am attracted to (2D guys) never show up. hell even an average joe 3d guy would be better than whatever the fuck my brain is doing. i dont want to sleep anymore.
No. 841312
File: 1624975189203.jpg (90.38 KB, 1045x1920, fem.jpg)

Femboys stop existing challenge
No. 841414
File: 1624982141183.png (316.53 KB, 749x424, 88434878_658886394862367_51316…)

Okay I THINK I moved on from an ended frienship (by myself kek), we are too different in our views now to make it work and I don't want to walk on eggshells about TRA and shit, but I wished I could just apologize to her for my past behavior for ranting so much and being too negative in general.
No. 841416
>>841394I only ever wear thin/sports style bras (I hate adding volume with any amount of padding) and I have sticky out nipples that make me feel weird sometimes. The thought of having ones that don't do that is almost appealing. We always want what we don't have I guess.
OT but if you have outie nipples and one starts to randomly invert in a way that's new that's always something to see a doc about. I had a relative with breast cancer who ignored that sign for ages.
No. 841418
File: 1624982191614.png (26.78 KB, 585x189, 208105074_535327034171185_6688…)

>>841414Also samefag but this made me think
No. 841548
File: 1624989278638.jpeg (21.54 KB, 549x299, 1606295949797.jpeg)

well the good days are over, with the creepshowart drama and every single fucking "artist" or drama youtuber making a video about lolcow, were not just gonna get a couple newfags this is place is going to go through a huge demographic shift, I mean there weren't that many users in the first place(maybe a couple thousand at a time)
It was fun while it lasted but were gonna be infested with twittertards and gender queer zoomers and they will outnumber as all, may Christ have mercy
No. 841560
>>841558link me
nonnie i'm dying of thirst
No. 841569
>>841548It won’t be long until we have even more people going like
>Pwease respect the pruntous uwuAnd
>what about the meeeeeeen No. 841591
File: 1624991501627.gif (915.86 KB, 560x315, gunslingergirl.gif)

>>841548Can't wait to get more emails for my list. They'll see we're twansphobic and leave, hopefully.
No. 841597
File: 1624991734239.jpg (43.21 KB, 563x425, EcwmAEYXkAMn9by.jpg)

>>841548Noooo don't say this. We just have to be MEANER!
No. 841876
File: 1625006958766.jpg (78.65 KB, 320x320, img_3729-e1505469216372.jpg)

Crying because I tried to make pudding like picrel but I didn't realize you need to strain it before you pour it in the cup so I'm gonna have some fucked up unstrained pudding.
No. 841890
File: 1625008832289.jpg (45.93 KB, 736x692, 5114e8a94a9cf3211887b17128b499…)

how to become completely unresponsive to pain in a totally legal way
No. 841891
>>841881ⒾⓃⓈⒶⓃⒺ vs 𝙄𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙉𝙀
>>841890a lot of alcohol
No. 841894
File: 1625009051393.jpg (25.43 KB, 470x328, 1273972784110_f.jpg)

>>841554I miss the pinkpill and gc threads so much. Back when they were active I was working so I didn't have much time to browse lolcow and then when I quit, they were fucking nuked. I didn't even get to fully experience them.
No. 841896
File: 1625009312546.png (1.61 MB, 1180x720, gvh72kzz4ok51.png)

I need Sims 2 online so bad I get emotional thinking about it. We could have our own neighborhood and visit each others homes and grind skills together. You know when you host a party in TS2 and guests sometimes bring their own dishes? We could do that. My sims would only travel by bike and I'd ride through the neighborhood and look at all your cute homes. Also we'd build cool community lots. I crave a virtual life, this is not enough. I'd feel like a kid again and be all giddy when my shift ends because I'd get to go home and play The Sims online. Please God make it happen. I will wait forever. There would be no sex mods only cute fun things like gardening and such. Maybe sex mods after all but lesbian only. Please God
No. 841909
>>841906Ctrl, shift + c
Sul sul, isum balata?
Life is good
No. 841927
File: 1625013632933.jpeg (90.88 KB, 600x900, 4CB74645-28D8-4399-AFAD-07D8A0…)

I hope I’m not imagining what I’m seeing in /ot/ right now because it’s funny as fuck.
No. 841930
>>841927The irl anime weeb thing?
Because same
No. 841936
File: 1625014737259.jpg (392.75 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20210626-054251_You…)

>>841932I feel like I would vibe more with Ted
>>841931If you got some time watch the Temple OS - down the rabbit hole video!
Terry was a schizophrenic programmer who was by all means a highly intelligent individual but definitely living proof of what mental illness does to someone.
Also CIA conspiracy, racism and talking to god through his own OS system
No. 842014
File: 1625025031791.jpg (78.63 KB, 1000x1000, Farouk_I.jpg)

Imagine a Comedy film about King Farouk of Egypt
>Farouk's official mistress" described him as something of an immature "man-child" having no interest in politics and given to childish behavior liking making bread balls at restaurants "…to flip at the fancy people coming in and watch how they'd act when he hit the mark. How he roared with that laugh".[133]
>"Farouk never wrote a letter, never read a paper, never listened to music. His was fond of movies. He had three telephones by his bed, which he would use to ring up his friends at three in the morning and invite them to come over to his palace to play cards. No one could refuse".[134]
>King Farouk amassed one of the most famous coin collections in history which included an extremely rare American gold minted 1933 double eagle coin[282] and (non-concurrently), two 1913 Liberty Head nickels.[283]
>Farouk suffered from nightmares in which he was chased by a lion. He sought the advice of pro-Axis el Maraghi who told him, "You will not rest until you have shot a lion." Whereupon Farouk shot two, at the Cairo zoo
>Farouk told her that he liked her because her blond hair and large breasts together with her age reminded him of his second wife, the teenage Queen Narriman who likewise had blond hair and large breasts.[8] After following Farouk into exile in July 1952, Narriman had returned to Egypt in March 1953. Whenever she went out with the king, his burly Albanian bodyguards were always on hand to seize the cameras from any paparazzi, a task that they performed with much efficiency as they roughed up several paparazzi who tried to take photographs of the king with his latest mistress.[9] Farouk told her that this was cheaper than having to bribe newspaper editors from publishing any of the photographs the paparazzi might take of him.[10]
>Stenberg wrote about sex with Farouk: "I'm doing this with the king of twenty million people. This nice fat man was one of the world's symbols of power".[11] She described the king as very sexually aggressive, but in common with his other mistresses complained he had an abnormally small penis.[12]. Stenberg lived in a Rome apartment with a gay American couple, which enraged the homophobic Farouk as he called her roommates "perverts" once he learned that the two men were more than just friends.[13] In the face of his rage, Stenberg did not dare tell Farouk that she was bi-sexual, fearing that would upset him even more. At Farouk's insistence, she moved into the Villa Dusmet that he rented outside of Rome to get her away from her "pervert" gay American friends.[14] She found the Villa Dusmet dark, gloomy and claustrophobic with the king's Albanian bodyguards imposing tight restrictions on where she could go while outside she always heard the barking of the guard dogs that were set loose on the grounds of the Villa.[15] She also found the king's jokes painfully unfunny such as: "Have you heard what one palm tree said to the other? Let's make a date".[16]
No. 842027
>>842025Is it the second lion or the cage that led you to this conclusion?
the micopenised sexually aggressive homophobe with teenage mistresses was the hero of the story until the lions?
No. 842126
File: 1625043680083.jpg (32.22 KB, 600x420, focused-afro-american-guy-thin…)

Everytime I think about something to nice add on discord they implement it a few days later, I must have some power or something.
Now I'd like to have a best friend option to only see them online in priority.
No. 842183
File: 1625052048785.jpg (46.3 KB, 500x697, 1624990040059.jpg)

>>842077Yet this fat bastard had a sister who was considered the most beautiful woman in the world
Princess Fawzia Fuad of Egypt
No. 842328
File: 1625068400579.png (783.24 KB, 1030x1110, Screenshot 2021-06-30 at 16.51…)

>>842307>>842313She didn't in reality, it's make-up and lighting. Picrel as a teen girl. She blossomed as an adult, but into a poor man's Veronica Lake. Imo, no one has come close to Lamar's beauty, except Vivien Leigh maybe.
No. 842329
File: 1625068458170.jpg (27.38 KB, 452x614, Princess_Fawzia_Fuad_of_Egypt_…)

>>842328samefag. Fawzia as an adult.
No. 842331
File: 1625068651291.png (868.76 KB, 1354x784, Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.0…)

Just heard of China's 3 child policy kek
>China: 'women are useless, female babies must be aborted'
>also China: 'there are somehow too few women of childbearing age in the country, wtf???'
No. 842334
File: 1625068764048.png (116.29 KB, 330x267, Screenshot (107).png)

>>842329and this is her in her 40's, looks cool as hell
No. 842345
I understand people who say 'nuke Britain', 'All brits must die', and the people who live there also have the distaste for their own 'boring, milquetoast' country. I get the distaste for it, I really do. The food is gross, the weather's shit, some brits can take themselves too seriously and be culturally doormatty. Yeah. But I can't help having this mystical vision from my dumbass burger eyes of the UK and Ireland. There's just something about you guys I can't pin down. It's not the accents either, it's more the choice of words that I like, I think. I dont know, I think it's just the completely romanticized version I got from old british shows and music I consume. It feels cozier than NA to me, somehow. Thanks for coming to my inane rambles of why I don't understand why I feel so close to the UK.
No. 842378
File: 1625072617012.jpg (190.63 KB, 500x500, 099.jpg)

>>842347>big ass houses and megastores, sprawling suburbs and big swaths of nothing for kilometres on end>tfw burger and never got to experience thisi hate my tiny cramped house and tiny cramped trashy neighborhood
No. 842385
File: 1625073028933.jpg (163.87 KB, 800x295, 8669928241_3ede236bdd_c.jpg)

>>842347>>842378idk, but it doesn't look all that nice
No. 842430
>>842401 and I have a small frame, big butt. I need to stop this behavior because it really is giving me tears.
No. 842569
File: 1625089894808.jpg (60.95 KB, 540x405, tumblr_oui7hdnHGa1wrxeueo1_540…)

everyone post random images so people won't be bombarded with the cp on the front page.
i think it's multiple people this time, as the filenames are different for the same image, so it might be a group raid rather than one person this time
No. 842573
File: 1625090019308.jpg (34.32 KB, 686x672, EWccFsuWAAAjCHy.jpg)

>>842487if only you knew the pain of perineum micro tears,
nonny No. 842578
File: 1625090209344.jpg (7.52 KB, 194x259, download.jpg)

>>842572>virgilio 171ily anon but how many virgin marys do you have saved?
No. 842580
File: 1625090382440.jpeg (233.14 KB, 1949x1209, EpuqjFXW4AESVfW.jpeg)

>>842569I looked through my download folder on my phone and don't remember downloading this picture at all
No. 842585
File: 1625090612722.png (22.46 KB, 100x100, Sakon_9.png)

>>842569Trying to help 'cuz they did it again.
No. 842592
File: 1625090914746.jpg (142.79 KB, 958x728, IMG_20210701_000605.jpg)

No. 842594
File: 1625090962120.jpg (42.17 KB, 750x750, Tumblr_l_20272431962530.jpg)

No. 842595
File: 1625091000811.jpg (26.34 KB, 330x339, tumblr_mj4855QJdW1rg1depo1_400…)

No. 842597
File: 1625091084961.jpg (91.39 KB, 796x1200, E0psYt6VEAAM69z.jpg)

No. 842601
File: 1625091206482.jpg (202.43 KB, 417x393, Tumblr_l_152500482684021.jpg)

No. 842602
File: 1625091293138.jpg (24.1 KB, 663x346, kirbypigs.jpg)

No. 842603
File: 1625091316507.jpg (75.3 KB, 500x750, ccda70d8f9039a1241f799f46004d3…)

>>842578Only two but that was just the file name!!
No. 842616
File: 1625091720637.jpg (1.38 MB, 4032x3024, 1561925142616.jpg)

No. 842618
File: 1625091769382.gif (492.51 KB, 500x280, 855749ae127eda66d4619512adebaf…)

No. 842644
File: 1625092612016.gif (721.78 KB, 320x270, 12f.gif)

out of all the posts they responded to..why
No. 842645
File: 1625092710214.png (532.46 KB, 484x488, zippy rainbow.PNG)

i can't look at the title of this thread without getting the cole porter song stuck in my head
No. 842646
File: 1625092779321.gif (1.59 MB, 360x260, 1561305208665.gif)

>>842643I'm refreshing the front page and reporting anything as soon as I see it. Farmhands will be able to see it on the recent posts tab but mod.php on tinyboard is really slow.
No. 842649
File: 1625092935549.png (43.84 KB, 187x235, 1623602735199.png)

>>842646Same, but I just refresh the front page out of habit because I don't have a fucking life.
No. 842653
File: 1625093127724.jpg (197.79 KB, 939x939, tumblr_nqk6t7vJCr1qa9yvvo2_128…)

pride month over
No. 842657
File: 1625093711241.gif (1.57 MB, 145x110, 1486773354233.gif)

No. 842658
File: 1625093824203.gif (1.99 MB, 332x263, 1576962885947.gif)

No. 842660
File: 1625094063618.png (166.43 KB, 2688x2688, 158bed9819e4fccf7e18a5eeeaf79c…)

>kiwifarms is down
>sudden increase in bored scrotes spamming cp
really makes you thunk
No. 842672
File: 1625095634655.png (367.38 KB, 659x427, oh noo.png)

Kek I love that my troon coworker is providing me with endless milk.
>gets hired at our museum in January
>disappears for a month to get chest surgery
>shows me her new chest without me asking
>admits she sometimes considers de-transitioning
>she hates and talks shit about our super-friendly company president
>apparently his COVID update emails trigger her
>has a "boyfriend" who is also actually a girl
>"boyfriend" cheated on her a few months ago with a cis man
>tells us they're moving into an apartment together
>tells us she has a crush on male coworker
>turns out my other coworkers, including crush, hate her
>doesn't do 2 out of 4 work stations because they trigger her
>can't do front desk work, what she was hired for, because of "sensory issues"
>local maternity group does art exhibit on birth
>she writes an essay to our curators
>they try to accommodate and language in the exhibit is tweaked
>it's not enough for troon coworker; she flips out
>SURPRISE, the exhibit will be up for another six months to a year
>she sends email asking to not be stationed in our exhibits
>always gets unpleasant at the end of the day
>scheduled until 5:30, "but I NEED to catch the 5:05 bus"
>is rude to guests to get them to leave
>bitch this isn't a denny's
>week ago she shoos away dozens of guests/wallets from the store bc she wants to leave early
>managers find out
>yesterday I find out managers are beginning to discuss what to do with her
>I also find out she didn't get the recent pay raise kek
>and surprise, "boyfriend" just cheated on her again
No. 842697
File: 1625097270204.jpg (9.83 KB, 200x212, 117820204_3099764353454809_704…)

>>842677She's already having dreams of grandeur, of submitting ideas to the exhibition manager and making a trans exhibit. It's not going to happen since she doesn't have museum-related degrees or any job experience. Working at cafes and a selfie tourist trap doesn't count kek
>>842683I really don't want to get involved, and I think the gears are already turning from what I hear. We've been betting who lasts longer: the birth exhibit or the troon
No. 842732
File: 1625100498729.jpg (28.42 KB, 500x332, 1fa0a4d70451b0b13e33d3f5306c77…)

A really hot guy liked me on a dating app. It has to be a joke, right?
No. 842749
File: 1625102456237.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.61 KB, 700x473, 26d2074e64a024b6de63e703c983a3…)

When's the last time you've seen an ant hill? I genuinely cannot remember the last time I've seen one. Gonna look for one tomorrow. Also, these photos of ants genuinely scare me.
No. 842772
File: 1625104236483.jpg (55.83 KB, 377x402, 1624933948693.jpg)

So I this know meme guy is literally supposed to be some AI generated generic white guy face, but is it wrong that he's oddly attractive
No. 842773
File: 1625104264139.png (1.12 MB, 1200x800, cotton-candy-grapes.png)

Damn these things really do taste like cotton candy. I don't think I'll buy them again though, the cotton candy flavour coming from fruit doesn't feel right to me.
No. 842785
File: 1625104612205.jpeg (76.1 KB, 500x500, D250695A-95FE-4218-8361-E79570…)

All I want is a conventionally attractive guy who’s actually super weird and has the same terminally online interests as me and is also super funny and can banter with me but isn’t a freak or an incel and is sweet and also doesn’t want kids or to get married but is okay with being in a long term committed relationship because i want to meet my soulmate i just don’t want the legal ties that come with actually getting married is that too much to ask
No. 842801
>>842712Will do!
>>842745It's a visitor-facing museum job so the only real qualification is customer service. I highly highly suspect she was hired for diversity points. We also don't really hire straight men, kek
No. 842845
File: 1625110146855.jpg (86.91 KB, 618x376, SmartSelect_20210630-232845_Ch…)

I found thinsp/oeating disorder twitter and holy fuck are those girls seriously mentally ill and sick. is it just fatties larping?
No. 842847
File: 1625110507348.jpeg (97.23 KB, 540x670, tumblr_2926797d814bb29f33180b8…)

Jerma haters on here are getting their vengeance kek
No. 842849
File: 1625110748376.png (455.82 KB, 388x517, ovi-weight.PNG)

>>842845>is it just fatties larping?that's the community that birthed ovi, so yes
No. 842854
>>842845Actual anorexic of a decade here, most of these pro-ed accounts are larping or want to give themselves something thinking it's a diet or lifestyle. Actual anorexia is rare, and these idiots never glamorize BED or bulimia, and if they do it's because they think bulimia is anorexia binge purge type. I would also say faux recovery bloggers tend to be privledged girls who have the luxury of letting their families waste thousands on IP programs for attention. The other thing is that diet you posted is extremely stupid and unrealistic. Maybe this is taboo to talk about but
restricting isn't always eating an almond a day I would even say thats extremely rare and not sustainable for a chronic case. I know a lot of girls like me who actually
"high end restrict" by our own standards, even though it's still not enough for a healthy adult, I won't lie. But trust and believe that nobody is going to live off 200 cal a day without binging or getting extremely ill by the end of the month.
No. 842867
File: 1625113178884.jpeg (45.67 KB, 612x792, 74A0FE3C-12C5-4766-B5AB-358A63…)

I said this in an old thread but I really wish I could see my post history like how we can when someone gets exposed - I wanna see all the random autistic comments I’ve left on random threads that I’ve forgotten about. I want like a Lolcow wrapped at the end of the year that tells me how many times I’ve commented on certain cows. In my dreams. Pic unrelated I guess.
No. 842893
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No. 842908
>>842907Lmao you obviously just googled how long it takes to walk 10000 steps and took the 1 hr 40 from the top result
ITT: fatties that can't conceptualise more than walking to the fridge and NEETs that won't go outside anyway
No. 842909
File: 1625119063796.png (86.29 KB, 219x289, dp.png)

>>842908i used to walk around 10,000 every other day and coundn't imaged doing that every day lel
No. 842914
File: 1625119798421.jpg (48.58 KB, 640x480, cjaqri9l1nl01.jpg)

I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid.
Up until 3 seconds ago I never thought about why I got headaches after leaving my tampon in too long… I only realize now it was the early signs of Toxic Shock Syndrome. I just thought I had a neat internal timer, but I was unknowingly courting death every time I put a tampon in.
I know it's probably the early stages of TSS because whenever I'd take it out, I'd get immediate relief from my headaches. Once I even had a low grade fever, and kept passing tf out in school, until I took it out.
I'm so stupid. Please learn from me and remove your tampons.
No. 842987
File: 1625130458141.jpg (31.19 KB, 302x400,…)

I can't stop kekking at fake book titles
No. 843001
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>>842987>>842995Found these when I was looking for a thread pic
No. 843004
File: 1625131203863.jpg (67.14 KB, 416x700, f81.jpg)

>>842987This is my favorite lmao
No. 843009
File: 1625131979996.jpg (98.54 KB, 680x1020, 20210503_123717.jpg)

No. 843142
File: 1625151384446.png (492.77 KB, 2048x1009, Screenshot_20210701-094607~2.p…)

Searched "lolcow" on Twitter cause I wanted some cringe and came across this wild take.
No. 843185
>>843143I feel like an autist when I admit to friends that I come on here (usually after they ask how I know xyz thing about a cow). I don't tell all my friends, I've only told barely a handful, but the ones who don't also come on here gave me grief about even daring to browse a site that's founded on shit talking other people. I don't know how it's any different than when we shit talk people we know in our lives and I hate it when people act like they've never had fun watching drama unfold on the internet.
Also /ot/ is just a great place to hang out and browse. There's not a lot of spaces like it on the internet.
No. 843195
>>843142it just reads like those people who want to make it seem they go on 4chan but they dont and they know nothing about it, i don't understand it. how are we cowards and they arent. what.
>>843185this exactly most people i know irl will talk about other people's lives 24/7 the cows just live their life online and we talk about it online
No. 843271
>>843207>Using art to get close to musiciansJust wanted to let you know this worked for me even without giving out for free art. Creative people like being around productively creative people.
That said you can still learn an instrument, maybe in the future when you can afford it. People pick up all sorts of skills later in life
No. 843274
File: 1625161612269.jpg (145.36 KB, 640x426, pin4.jpg)

>buy a nice dress
>wear it a couple of times
>the lable says to hand-wash it
>hand-wash it
>the powder sticks to it so it looks stained
Should I just machine wash at this point?
No. 843322
>>843274Never trust those
>handwash only Tags, unless the dress looks extremely delicate, just throw it in the washing machine on a gentle cycle.
Maybe try the dry cleaners?
No. 843344
File: 1625162436076.png (1.82 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2021-03-07-03h52m25s51…)

Hello link! smile.
No. 843346
File: 1625162461245.png (1.97 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2021-03-07-03h54m47s98…)

What is it about?
No. 843349
File: 1625162491469.png (2 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2021-03-07-04h00m34s19…)

Same here.
No. 843352
File: 1625162527524.png (2.07 MB, 1920x1080, KNUCKLES-HAIR-L.png)

Yes anything does go.
No. 843356
File: 1625162553689.png (1.97 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2021-03-07-03h52m23s23…)

Yes, you did.
No. 843358
File: 1625162574111.png (821.19 KB, 1126x1060, SUDDEN-NOTICE-L.png)

No I didn't say anything did I ask you the answer to 'anything'?
No. 843363
File: 1625162624895.png (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, WL-CONTEMPLATIVE-THINKING.png)

Oh, I thought you wanted something, when you said that.
No. 843365
File: 1625162645178.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2021-03-08-01h01m37s63…)

I don't want to aruge with you.
No. 843368
File: 1625162687058.png (1.98 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2021-03-07-03h53m05s32…)

How forthcoming will you be with your answers?
No. 843370
File: 1625162704514.png (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2021-03-07-03h55m41s90…)

Why did you not?
No. 843383
File: 1625162784456.jpg (30.77 KB, 728x380, 326786540087654322.jpg)

L is cool and all but uh
No. 843398
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RIP thread. It's been an honor, ladies.
No. 843454
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Wtf is going on. Is this what schizophrenia looks like
No. 843483
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Spammers go call your mom or something she ain't here
No. 843572
File: 1625171435907.gif (398.91 KB, 200x200, Sphere_rotating_transparency.g…)

I can't log into my pinterest account anymore because it has two step verification and I lost access to the phone number it's connected to aaaah. Should I just delete my account while I'm still logged in on my phone?
No. 843602
File: 1625172645000.jpeg (188.04 KB, 1280x1252, 266694C8-E477-40CE-8FB8-E6F665…)

I’m suddenly so horny and want to rail a girl respectfully with ari’s most recent album playing in the background. I don’t even like Ariana Grande like that, but it feels right
No. 843626
File: 1625173241405.png (106.08 KB, 1226x562, manifesto anon.PNG)

>>843614Me too. The most based poster on this whole goddamn site.
No. 843746
File: 1625180383771.png (2.25 MB, 1032x1200, EFF37B86-DF86-4F91-8FD4-652E46…)

grappling with the realization that I look best in a quasi-bimbo state. tried things both ways and it's sad but true. going to navigate the world with this newfound knowledge of how to use what the Lord gave me
No. 843884
File: 1625192191934.jpg (2.65 MB, 2500x1667, 201014-barron-trump-ew-436p-34…)

Imagine being 15 years old and 6'5, his body looks so awkward and weird
No. 843911
File: 1625193976651.jpeg (96.29 KB, 1125x362, 192B21DB-4641-4719-9FDD-2AF17E…)

Haha, funny
No. 843946
>>843941Trump in his youth was 6'3 but now he's 6'1, height tends to decline by a couple Inches as you get older
for e.g my grandfather was around 5'8 ish when he was in 60's but now he's like 5'6 after after reaching his late 70's
No. 843976
>>843975without hat
>>843972Yes he was
No. 843978
>>843964interesting, so by that standard
james madison was 5'1
No. 843984
>>843978well kinda depending on the class, physical differences between those of the upper class and lower classes were always apparent, due to radically different lifestyles and diets people of the upper classes were often taller and lighter skinned then their peasant counterparts, the lower classes would have been shorter then compared to today but people of the upper class were all around modern European height
Henry the 8th for e.g was 6'4, Francis the first was 6'2
No. 844035
>>843265I know, but I still feel regret for not doing that too, which is stupid
>>843271Thanks anon, I knew that would work
>>843849Wow, that's a great deal, the cost really is holding me back. But even at such a bargain I can't afford that right now but when I get a job one day I think I will look for a guitar.
Thanks anons for your replies I really appreciate it
No. 844075
File: 1625221916607.jpg (154.51 KB, 1080x1046, 20210702_122727.jpg)

I hate public transport in my country so fucking much. I'm going to an event that starts at 2pm and I have to walk like half an hour from the bust station, if not longer. So my only options are to come 3 hours early or be an hour or two late. Stupid fucking bus
No. 844099
>>843884remember when zoomers wanted to "free" him? kek
>>843891can somebody spoonfeed me why some people think like this? is it because of the taylor thing or his mentally ill antics?
No. 844232
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>>844223same hat comic but car
No. 844233
File: 1625242633579.jpg (78.82 KB, 512x288, AAAABfIhava69SFukbdLG1i5aXbFDv…)

I'm checking out picrel on Netflix to fill the teen drama void Elite becoming bad has left in me and it's the first time I'm seeing actors in leading roles with imperfect skin, like regular people would have, and still being considered attractive people in the story. I wonder if it's because it's Swedish and maybe they're not as obsessive about little human details as some other countries? Either way, it's cool.
No. 844243
>>844219I guess you are right, all people can be horny retards. I was being closeminded
>>844236Yeah, except spanish telenovelas, they have women dressed do the nines in makeup in heels walking around their home and oiled muscular hunks for every role
No. 844249
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i know it's silly but her walk always makes me laugh
No. 844263
File: 1625246127444.jpg (378.22 KB, 1357x628, 12.jpg)

Caucasians are really fucking Harry and by Caucasians I don't mean white people, I mean Arabs, Turks and Pakistani's along with whites are all way too fucking harry
I grew up in Gambia and I knew you guys had some hair but Jesus Christ how do you live with that much body hair
No. 844288
File: 1625248974431.jpeg (89.81 KB, 750x1125, 31E6732A-2841-4D2C-80B6-B0FF70…)

I want one of these but I’m a poorfag with no artistic skills.
No. 844289
File: 1625248992848.jpg (130.26 KB, 1200x900, PAY-main.jpg)

>>844285There's literally a trend in china right now of women showing off their body hair. I'm full blooded Italian and even if I don't shave for months I still won't get hair like pic related.
No. 844309
>>844263>Jesus Christ how do you live with that much body hairI'm blonde so even though I do have body hair I never need to shave it because it's very fine and light.
>>844298Someone asking an innocent question about other people on an international website isn't racebait. There was obviously no malice intended.
No. 844321
>>844318 you said this
>>844273in response to a slavic woman agreeing that she was hairy.
No. 844326
>>844319It wasn't about white people, All North Africans, Europeans, Middle Eastern People and Pakistani's are really hairy
the rest of the world isn't that hairy
No. 844327
>>844326>names most of the worldanon I-
also now there's back pedaling
first you have to make it clear you mean WHITE WOMEN unlike perfect asian and african women, and then go on to act as if body hair was a deformity, and now you akshually just mean arabs and euros are hairy
No. 844328
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>>844325I wouldn’t mind fucking Harry if he shaved properly though.
No. 844340
>>844334Yeah, you'll have to hide any recasts if you don't want to get witchhunted.
I love how those people sperg about recast dolls being so low quality and inferior, only to pay $500+ and wait up to a year for a warped Minifee that can't even stand. Meanwhile the recast Minifees are under $100 and arrive in a month or so, even with a custom resin color and custom face up. Some people just love to burn their money, I guess.
No. 844354
File: 1625255102111.jpg (75.4 KB, 1040x576, wtf2.JPG)

>>844340>buy a Minifee or fairyland (?) fucking dies!!!!sidenote, but that is a super unfortunate site address. wtf
No. 844356
>>844355You must not be a Caucasian then.
It's Caucasians that are Harry fuckers.
No. 844402
>>844391found the
triggered BJDsperg. Weird how many people are buying recasts and are not complaining about the bubble issue. You only hear it from ~protect the doll designs from theft!!!~ people.
>t. owner of a BJD from a small company that is not a recast, but who is tired of dolls being treated as some sacred product No. 844404
>>844402I'm not
triggered, those are genuine issues that come with buying a recast that are worth considering before you drop like $200 on a doll. And bubbles in resin are a very real possibility.
No. 844416
>>843571She never returned
F in the chat for anon who was eaten by doorbell ghosts
No. 844463
File: 1625263300440.png (139.35 KB, 332x254, 1621785217701.png)

I'm watching an artist's old drawings I LOVED how colorful and over saturated her art was, it was weeby af but good times. now "he" is fully into horny kweer art and edgy sad kek
No. 844492
>>844422>>844402Not any of the prior anons, but just wading in to say recasts are also poorer sellers on the secondhand market. Get a recast if you want to keep it, but a legit will retain much of its value and be more easily resold, some even gain in value (culur being the most recent example, sold for $1-3,000 when the original was $600)
People buying recasts are just burning their money imo. And as someone who has both recast and legit, the legit resin is far nicer quality and has not yellowed after years. People keep wheeling out fairyland bendy legs as examples of bad legit quality, there are so many other companies and dolls out there.
No. 844526
File: 1625270733586.jpg (205 KB, 1030x682, RUST-5-1030x682.jpg)

i love photos of rusty things
No. 844543
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>>844528Moss is so satisfying
No. 844544
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>>844526I love/hate the chains by the seaside that are so rusted that they’re cracking apart.
No. 844572
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why amI turned on
No. 844573
>>844422In most other cases I’d agree with you, but with BJDs I’ve seen multiple legit companies (plenty of them, not just Fairyland) have extremely questionable customer service that often leave buyers high and dry. At least with Aliexpress, you’re on a third party platform where you have a greater degree of protection and can file a claim if something goes wrong.
Some of the lovely things from legit companies I’ve witnessed in various doll groups:
>taking so long to send someone a small replacement part that by the time it arrived, the doll had mellowed out to the point that the resins didn't match>CS telling someone their warped doll was "fine" even though it couldn't stand>making a customer wait a year for their doll only for them to receive it in the wrong color instead of the one they paid extra for>not sending replacement parts, not even letting people pay to get replacement parts - you want the part? go buy an entire second body!>ignoring a customer who got a damaged doll until she finally decided to file a claim on PayPal, say that they refuse to help her until she withdraws the claim, leaving her completely fucked out of hundreds of dollars if they decide not to refund her (you can only file a claim once)>telling a customer "yeah, that just happens sometimes" when contacted about a doll having resin so thin parts of it were translucent>blatantly lying about wait times, leaving customers in the dark on when they'll get their doll, zero communication or updates>accused a customer of buying a recast because their doll (bought from an official dealer) arrived with a flaw>taking months or even literal years to refund customersI understand a lot of people wouldn’t know since they’ve never purchased recasts before, but the major, reputable recasters have good customer service and always send confirmation pictures so you can correct any mistakes like an incorrect color. I’ve also gotten immediate responses from their CS even when it was the middle of the night in China, versus having to wait days or even weeks for a response from legit companies.
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what people want to buy since it’s their money and their collection, but I just expect a lot better from a company if I'm going to spend $400 or more on one product.
No. 844586
File: 1625275756787.jpeg (47.94 KB, 400x400, CA02146B-14F1-4921-BFFE-A14A3C…)

>>844573Do you recommend any particular recast stores? I’ve been flirting with the idea of getting Mephisto for so long, he’s adorable.
No. 844589
>>844586Oueneifs/ChinaBJD is the go-to store on Aliexpress. I have multiple dolls from them and I've been happy with all of them. They also can do very pretty custom faceups.
BJDshop is another trustworthy recaster. Their prices are a bit higher than the Aliexpress stores, but people say it's worth it. I don't have any dolls from them yet although I did just place my first order with them since they have a sale going on - might be worth checking them out if you want to buy him now.
No. 844592
File: 1625276402274.jpg (579.15 KB, 1536x2048, d88574b93e1a231e452202acda98c3…)

>>844543its beautiful in real life and on camera and fun to touch
>>844544i love it when its cracked, especially on walls like picrel
No. 844598
>>844587Each legit doesn't cost thousands, if you owned any legits you'd know that. $200-600 on average.
And the resin, joints and quality is absolutely worse on a recast.
I understand not being able to afford a legit but pretending recasts are not inferior is silly.
Also what a surprise people working a slave wage in a Chinese factory reply quickly
>>844573Quienefs/ChinaBJD/Luo (all the same company afaik) is legitimately an asshole who filed trademarks in China for hundreds of other people's companies, and sends out products with fake COAs and packaging.
Without legits there would
be no pretty dolls to buy. Recasting is just that, stolen products, and should not be treated as a
valid alternative. It's a knockoff and if you don't buy legits there will be no dolls
to knockoff. Some smaller artists have had to quit because greedy people will still pay $200 for a knockoff instead of $400 for a legit, and they can't continue making dolls.
And people seem to have no issue buying fakes from smaller artists too. It's not elitism, it's logic: pay the artists (especially smaller artists) or get no art.
No. 844678
File: 1625287823914.gif (4.61 MB, 600x329, 76e43d2p7800a75052187.gif)

i woke up very cranky today and something about seeing all the bearded men posted on this site amplified it. i have such an irrational homicidal disgust of beards, it's such a high level of ugliness and lack of aesthetic that cannot be put into words, yet it's everywhere. like taking an exta nasty shit on top of a current shit. i unironically want to slice their jaws off. how can something so simple make so many males ungodly ugly
No. 844684
Maybe this is just a pathetic cope, but my ex girlfriend breaking up with me was the best thing that's ever happened in my life. The year that followed it was basically the year my life turned around from absolute gutter garbage to the being the best it's ever been. It was because I wanted to spend weekends with her that I finally started seriously looking to leave my shitty retail job that was making me depressed and cutting myself every other day to just cope with existing in there. I didn't leave the job until a few months after our break up, but as fate would have it, I'm now at a very low stress job where I enjoy what I do. I also went through episodes of what I can only describe as depersonalization, and I came out the other end a version of me that I never thought would exist. I'm so much more optimistic about life, maybe to the point where it's probably annoying to the people around me, and I enjoy existing. I've been putting out a lot of good energy into the world, and I feel like I've gotten nothing but good things back. I never thought that I'd be able to live like this, perfectly content with my mediocre life just because the sun shines down and warms me up. I just exist mostly in a state of being content, and if people around me want some of it, I'm happy to share the joy I feel with them.
I miss my ex, of course. Emotionally and physically she was basically my dream girl. Our relationship was a first for both of us, a relationship where we got back as much love as we poured into each other, something we both never had before. She realized relationships just aren't for her, and it sucks, but I've come to terms with it. It was nice to not be told "I like you, but I'm not looking/ready for a relationship right now" for once. She told me when I appeared things just felt… good. And maybe that was just something I needed to experience, being told that my presence and existence in people's lives is welcomed and cherished. I hope I'll find another cute girlfriend in the future who will love me as much as I love her, but I'm not really in a rush for once. I'm happy just being by myself and enjoying myself with the company of good loving friends.
No. 844692
File: 1625289461986.jpg (202.95 KB, 950x1300, rubbing-hands-together.jpg)

The man hate on r/FemaleDatingStrategy and r/TwoXChromosomes has increased such a massive amount during lockdown and I am absolutely living for it. Yes, yes.. Take all my free stupid little awards. I assume this comes from staying home with their ugly ass boyfies during lockdown, spending a lot more time online reading what men actually think of them and being harrassed on dating apps by scrotes who are bored in their home offices. The hatred and bitterness has increased so much I worry there soon will be new strict rules against it.
No. 844715
>>844698Hard Time if you like shitty 2010s humor. JustOneGamr and Alpha Beta Gamer play interesting games with no commentary, so for a random LP I will just see what they’ve uploaded recently.
Vidrel I wish this guy would stop playing gta with his unfunny scrote buddies every fucking day. I don’t watch his livestreams but it’s annoying when a new upload is GTA RP #72849933 so he can play pretend with other manchildren for 7 hours. It’s not even enjoyable because it’s retardedly unfunny.
No. 844762
File: 1625305014531.png (243.19 KB, 448x373, 1607777060933.png)

I swear a dude that used to be my classmate ruined Studio Trigger for me, I watched Witch Academia just fine but I struggle with Promare despite the good visuals. All of this because he couldn't shut up about how great animes are and drawing this Japan that and of course the sperging about this studio. Sheesh better pretend to be just a normie and hide my weeb interests.
No. 844765
>>844698If you like horror games then SOMA and Outlast are great to watch;
for comedy I LOVE Game Grumps let's play of Trauma Center and would recommend it to anyone anywhere
No. 844771
File: 1625306115246.png (10.75 KB, 117x79, rat.png)

Had a nice kiss dream including my friend after he was very kind to me and I'm trying my hardest to forget it. There is so much wrong with this for a number of reasons. Why does he have to be cute with a good voice. All the ladies who also get unreasonably soft when someone is kind to them, please pray.
No. 844836
File: 1625316435094.png (80.84 KB, 717x662, Screenshot (114).png)

How do these people exist
No. 844843
nonnie love you
No. 844868
File: 1625318526601.jpg (108.37 KB, 1088x1134, 159922372_10160731363110278_37…)

I cried laughing at this stupid shitty meme help
No. 844874
>>844865Kek yesterday I deleted a post because I worried it was in the wrong thread but when the page refreshed a
nonnie had already reacted to it, and then she deleted her reply
I felt like I had abandoned her but also a sense of kinship
No. 844884
>>844692Same. Just wish they allowed other people to comment more. I miss laughing at moids crying after being told that they don't shower
I also noticed the reddits posting muh cringe from FDS have never posted MGTOW which is like 10x worse and cringey. It's also funny to see comments about "if this was a man posting this about a woman!!" As if they didn't ignore incels, MGTOW of the sheer amount of misogynistic stuff in r/unpopularopinion
No. 844902
>>844896Back in my more wild days, I was strongly considering having a guy on Tinder over for a one night stand. He looked amazing in his first three pictures, but his last two he did not.
Thankfully, I had a friend over that day and I showed the guy to her, saying his guy is a prime example of a guy who looks a million times better with a beard than without a beard. I joked that if I invited him over I would say "Only come if you had a beard lol."
Well, while I was showing my friend the pictures, I saw the the scrote who the profile actually belonged to peeking out from behind the shoulder of the attractive guy with a beard. This attractive guy with the beard was literally front and center of the first three pics and this guy was in the background or wayyy off to the side in all of the pictures. Idk if he did it on purpose or not, but if he did it almost worked.
How pathetic. I could NOT imagine the shock and awkwardness of being catfished for a one night stand. I think I literally would have said "You're at the wrong house" and shut the door in his face. To this day I'm so glad I showed my friend those pictures and found Waldo hiding in the back.
No. 844944
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Why can't people just fucking role play?
Watched these people the other day playing LIS2 and a girl stopped every decision to ask her subscribers what she should do like 'whats the best outcome here' like whatever dude just fucking play the way YOU want, it felt like her viewers were playing and not her, then what's the fucking point, I could simply search for the outcomes I want and watch them separately. I wanted to see people making different choices and going on different paths but they all went metagaming
There was only this one dude that went full psycho daniel when he realized he could and seemed to enjoy his "bad ending"
It's so tiring, just do dumb decisions because you want to or because you thought they were good, just own it
There was one dude literally asking his twitch subscribers what happens if he takes certain paths, how's that fucking blind gameplay you retarded dumbfuck
I'm so frustrated with these shit heads, just fucking play the goddamn game for gods sake
No. 845018
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I'm really starting to respect Doug Walker lately, As much I make fun of him, I have more respect for Doug then the fucking hacks in breadtube
Doug is a man of pure will, he does whatever and doesn't give up no matter what life throws at him, while fags like Lindsay ellis get a panic attacks if they get called out on twitter. but not Doug Walker, he takes life's shit and always manages to get back up
No. 845019
>>845018He seems like a massive asshole if you look at peoples takes on him, but he is still better than Lindsay who ended up becoming what she is. All of the breadtubers and woketards always end up paying the same price.
I thought Lindsay quit Twitter? Not surprised if shes back
No. 845034
>>845018I don't know much about lindsay so I had a skim through her KF thread a lil while ago (she was saying sorry for some slip up at the time so her thread was pretty active) All these guys were sperging about was her having an abortion years ago and how that makes her a bitch. How dare any woman abort a mans precious seedling basically. She should've had it and raised it and dedicated her life to her mistake. That's what good women do!
Maybe she is an actual fag but I couldn't stand seeing the abortion sperging repeated on every page.
No. 845061
>>845034that's why I don't go to kf anymore, too much male autism
>>845052I don't understand how someone could even interpret that as being terfy. calling out men makes you a
terf now? okay then
No. 845069
>>845019>people's takes on himEhhh… A lot of the people Doug surrounded himself with during the CA days, I'd argue ended up being bigger lolcows than him. I just think doug's an autistic furry with an overinflated ego but, ultimately harmless. Despite all of his recent fuck ups like, his attempt at a terrible sketch show, CA imploding, some ex-CA members treating him like the second coming of hitler, admitting to being a furry, reviewers clowning on him, and The Wall review fiasco. It's kinda cool to see him keep on trucking, plus the one's who stuck around (BLACK GUY! BLACK WOMAN! GET IN HERE!! GET IN COSTUME!!! I'VE SEEN AN IRREGULARITY!!) seem to really like their jobs.
I think Lindsay Ellis deserves to get flack for her alcoholism, and general two facedness but, the moids shitting on her for getting an abortion despite never having kids themselves deserve to be forever alone.
Her btfo'ing Jim Sterling will always be funny tho No. 845091
File: 1625341213679.jpg (23.42 KB, 450x319, businessman-holding-gun-to-his…)

>First date
>We somehow end up on the subject of twitch thots and how they objectify themselves
>Leads up to us talking about Belle Delphine
>Me: "Well, at least she become famous with a stage name and used a wig, she could just claim lookalike if she somehow manages to land some job, too bad she didn't finish school though"
>Date: "Wow, you really know a lot more about her than I do!"
>Me: "I..uh…I…heard it from… a friend that kept tabs on her"
No. 845181
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I miss her
No. 845295
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Oh man I remember when KF was laughing at lolcow redirect banner for PULL. HOW THE TURNTABLES.
No. 845353
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I watch anime with my mom sometimes, and after we finished most of AOT, I kinda realized her history of favorite characters is bizarre. Dimple, Sex Pistols + Mista, Eren, and Levi is such a weird list.
No. 845359
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feel like pure shit, just want him here
No. 845481
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Happy 4th of July, feelin cute might delete later
No. 845484
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gunshots or fireworks
gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks gunshots or fireworks
No. 845487
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What the FUCK is going on????
No. 845489
>>845486I didn't get
>>845484 until I read this kek
No. 845501
>>845496Wow great advice, such a genuis idea! Yes why don't we all cut pimples off our tongue using a fucking box cutter, while we're at it, let's just cut the whole tongue off. Great idea!
It's 2021 and you still haven't figured out how to use your brain? Jfc, what a retard. You sound like waterbrain Greg.
No. 845510
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>>845018I've grown to love Doug simply because he persists despite all his former "friends" wanting him to fail.
No. 845557
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TIL That gendered pronouns didn't exist up until the Spanish Inquisition bitch has some other hot takes, like how before WW2 everyone in Asia could speak and Understand Chinese, how Indo-European languages are a white supremist concept and that Modern Standard Arabic was created by the French to destroy Islam
No. 845563
>>845144I moved from a city to a more rural area and I had to adjust to all the random smiles and hellos from strangers. I still find it a lil hard to read when I should or shouldn't initiate it though so I mostly let others initiate and I have a cheery reply ready for when they do.
Someone blanked me back the other day and it hit me how rare that is here. Pretty sure that guy has a mail order bride in his house that he controls and doesn't allow anyone to speak to though. He would be the one guy looking back at you blankly.
No. 845588
File: 1625410163148.png (526.43 KB, 640x641, 44.png)

>order a sausage egg n cheese burrito from wendblows
>everything is sloppily tossed together
>not even warm
>cheese is literally just a single slice of Kraft single thrown in when it's supposed to be saucey/melted and mixed together
>also a dash of hair to top it off
I've never been more disappointed in my whole life.
No. 845627
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mads mikkelsen dog is named messi? kek why is this so cute
No. 845636
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>>845588the state of fast food is appalling i'm sorry nonnert
No. 845648
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Jason Vukovich, the ‘Alaskan Avenger’, smiles at his brother after being sentenced to 28 years in prison. Vukovich hunted down Pedophiles and rapists, assaulting and robbing them. He gave the money and items he took from to single mothers he knew.
Both Vukovich and his brother were sexually abused as children.
No. 845705

>>845648>>845650There was actually a lot of misinformation spread about him, that he was just robbing people, that he was a Nazi and that he was just using the sex offender registry and not doing any actual research and nearly all of those claims were bullshit
Vukovich didn't need to go to the registry to find these bastards, people told him about local abusers and he acted on these claims. He had targets first and then after googling, often found their details from the registry because they usually already had convictions. he also helped out single mothers by giving them the money he stolen from the pedo's
If you know wanna the full story you should listen to The Alaskan Avenger episode of Unresolved Podcast
similar thing happened with the case Robert Maudsley, "The Real Life Hannibal Lecter" who was abused as a child, had to work as a callboy, killed a client when he learned he had a large collection of child snuff films and then would later kill 3 other men in Prison, one was a man who beat his wife to death, a 2 child rapists
kinda Interesting how both these were portrayed by the media as being inhuman monsters
No. 845753
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It's been a day and I'm still giggling at this joke I made at work: What do you call it when you snap a bundle of spaghetti in half? Regretti.
I'm here all week
No. 845763
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>>845510Ewwghh no he has the face of a fucking looser nerd with narcissistic tendencies who got lucky at the money game. Same as Dobrik. They have punchable faces.
No. 845821
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>>845501i wasnt joking, ive always just cut off small things on my obody except for pimples.
mosquito bites? drain it by cutting a hole
dead skin or splinter? cut it out
cutting it out and letting it heal is less painful overall
>>845522i wasnt joking
No. 845825
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>>845821You mean making a cut to drain the shit right? Not slicing off the whole mound of flesh.
I use those black head remover tools to poke a hole on pimple and then put a hydrocolloid patch on it. Sucks all the puss out and heals way quicker.
No. 845843
>>845821Oh yeah, same. I got whitlows on my middle and ring fingers which swelled up massively. I couldn't be arsed to go to the doctor and the infection was just getting worse, so I got a razor and cut the sides of my fingers off, basically. It hurt but it's healing OK now, no infection.
Also my wisdom teeth are coming through and the gums will periodically get inflamed and sore while they're erupting, so sometimes I cut chunks of my gum off that are covering the wisdom teeth. It's something dentists do, I read, and I use a clean scalpel. Same with skin tags. Is that not normal?
No. 845857
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No. 845877
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I've booked an appointment at my hair stylist cause I want to cut my hair pic related short but my mom doesn't really like it which is making me second guess myself.
I've had long hair for over 10 years idk what to do with it anymore.
No. 845890
She's the only nay sayer, my friends and cousins are all for it
No. 845905
>>845877I really don't get moms who fret about their adult daughters getting a haircut. Especially when it's nothing extreme.
I remember the first time I shaved my head my mom just politely acted like she didn't hate it. I was grateful. She later went on to have cancer and we matched in the end.
No. 845944
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I always wonder whether there are a lot of pakistani anons here or I just happen to browse all the same threads as one.
Either way, it's cool to think that thanks to the power of the internet I can read some girl blogpost in a gossip thread about some camwhore from half a world away.
No. 845985
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Wish i could have bought those vw horns that dakota had
No. 845992
File: 1625440593478.png (1.1 MB, 1200x900, imagen_2021-07-04_181543.png)

I am one of the anons here who has memed about ed sheran being ugly as sin but today my edate sent me a picture of himself and he's kind of a ginger guy with hooded eyes and he has a lazy eye and in this pic you could really tell so I think I'm a clown
No. 846002
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It makes me cry when I see snippets of the lives you've all had.
I read something a long time ago that said that those in pain want their suffering to be recognised, and I just want to say before I pass out:
Anons I see you on here and though I don't know you, I know your traumas. I don't care what else happened in your life, who you are, or what you did - unconditionally, you deserved a safer, happier life and you deserved to have been loved. It's not too much to have expected or wanted, it was the bare minimum. You're no less worthy than anyone else.
No. 846006
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>>846002Thank you nonna I hope your life is nice to you too!!
No. 846025
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If you think about it reincarnation kinda makes sense. I always thought it sounds too fake but look at the way the universe behaves. Is matter ever really destroyed? It is only reshaped and changed constantly, but we ourselves are made from stardust, so maybe we will also be reused like everything in the universe has been for eternity. They say nothing comes from nothing but can something turn to nothing? closest is in a black hole I guess? Maybe I am being stupid thinking we have souls though, and it really is all brain chemicals that will halt and cease. This only works if souls are something different, and who knows. I'm high sorry
No. 846033
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>>845905My mum isn't a very superficial person but for some reason has strong opinions on my hair. If she had it her way, I'd have the same hair I did as a child - a ginger bob like Madeline. Admittedly I did look cute back then so maybe it's just nostalgia.
No. 846034
>>846031Thank you
nonny I love your mind too
letms get them married but anyway. I agree I think there is something more and it may be naive but I think it because we all just know it inside and express its meanings naturally. Anyway I'm making less sense to myself but, cool. Let's keep being epic. And if death really does tear our souls from the universe, maybe they go somewhere else. Maybe it is where things were before they came into being in the universe. Somewhere with different logic where what doesn't make sense here, makes sense there. Meet you there my friend.
No. 846055
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Why is adding a drawstring so expensive?? My ever changing waist needs it or any pants I purchase will always fall!!!
No. 846108
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for my pinay anons
who the hell is nadine and how come she has so many followers but little engagement ? She recently came out with a concert that seems to have been popular, but her makeup artist has a lot more engagement on her posts with a lot less followers.
No. 846144
>>846106>but I hate being currently consciousYou can spend
all your lives in a drunken stupor.
No. 846196
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>>845821>>845830>>845843>>845860how the fuck are you guys cutting shit off your tongue without cutting the tongue itself and bleeding out on the floor? i will probably end up in the hospital if i tried this
No. 846215
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Sugestions and complaints thread getting locked is funny af to me
No. 846320
File: 1625484911806.png (13.98 KB, 882x758, 400.png)

>stop off for drinks and snacks in a lil independent shop
>have a look around and the old lady who owns it notices me
>"don't forget to check out our homemade goods!"
>"sure thing! wow, this chocolate looks delicious! how much?"
>"…that's soap. I'm happy to sell you it, but please don't eat it!"
>everyone in the store laughs at me, the soap eating village idiot
Why is life so cruel, anons? Be honest, should I commit an hero?
No. 846332
>>846325I did! The banana bread is incredible, I've already had three slices and will definitely be buying loads more in the future.
>>846326Ok I don't feel like such an idiot now. Kinda wanna know if anyone's ever ate any of the samples before though kek, that would make good CCTV viewing.
No. 846335
>>846332Well, there’s a
nonnie who actually tried out some soaps, so it’s probably something some people are willing to do.
No. 846344
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Maybe this is our punishment from God, no burning bush, no smiting. just that we have to live here and bare witness to our own filth
No. 846357
>>846354after I moved out my mother tore down the tree house my father built before he died.
some moms aren't worth shit
No. 846386
>>846367I really tried to like Reddit but it’s shit, the layout has been ugly as fuck since the very beginning of the site, the app is shit and the posts are always made to get as many updoots as possible.
It’s only mildly useful when you’re playing video games and you need a really specific answer about something that only someone in Reddit asked for.
I deleted Reddit after the pedo tranny was revealed to be part of the staff, it just was too much.
No. 846393
File: 1625494507406.jpg (61.79 KB, 1080x706, 20210409_114943.jpg)

I was drawing this edgy trucrime comic for fun but now that I have a small audience I'm freaking out that this can be traced back to my main art account because I'm a fucking idiot lmao
I hate being an edgy femcoomer
No. 846452
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Because of the thumbnail, I always think this is Atsushi Sakurai, Misshitsu or something.
No. 846844
>>846842Don't scare me bitch
Which thread?
No. 846853
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I thought onision was pronounced onion-sen until earlier today
No. 846857
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>sgdq 2021
>oh cool, a majora's mask speed run on wednesday
>i hope it's not the same tranny from the last MM speed run
No. 846899
File: 1625551620876.png (192.99 KB, 500x268, imagen_2021-07-06_010622.png)

I dislike Skyward Sword with a passion and I have no idea why. I guess it's the artstyle or the very anime story and characters. Does anyone else feel this?
No. 846917
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>>846899Dont know if you're the one who also hates hyrule warriors but original ocarina of time adult link is the hottest, him and his sexy foxface.
No. 846921
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>>846917OoT Link is def top tier but my fave will always be Botw Link cause I love the sounds he makes when he does things
(avatarfagging) No. 846939
File: 1625554176945.png (319.45 KB, 560x460, links.png)

>>846938>hours>oldest one is 45 minutes>immediately banned just because she likes to talk about zeldalet her have fun, jeez
Isn't it funny how someone posting pictures of link is banned on spot but gore and child porn is left alone for hours and hours on end?
(samefagging link anon) No. 846945
>>846939It's almost like certain mods only have permission to ban on certain boards like /ot/ and gore/cp are posted on other boards with clearly less mods like /pt/ and /g/ and /meta/….huh…
Also there were a lot more pics of link, that's autistic sperging at best, which is still bannable
No. 846963
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I miss her anons…
No. 846979
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>>846965I think his angular features and long nose are great
No. 847087
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god i wish that were me. i don't know how she hasn't been snatched up by some rich trad alt right whatever dude yet, she is literally perfect. LOVE YOU BRITTANY
No. 847110
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I usually don't pay attention to models, but London Myers is so pretty to me. She looks like a little doll or a fairy.
No. 847126
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I used to think that 90s had the worst fashion, but I changed my mind, it was not that bad. Early 2000s was much worse
No. 847137
File: 1625570554742.png (612.58 KB, 560x476, imagen_2021-07-06_062250.png)

>>84712690's fashion is cool, early 2000's is ugly.
My take: Late 2000's and early 2010's fashion was the best (pic related)
No. 847139
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>>847131kek right? I feel so weird when I see young girls wearing crop tops so short that they could easily be bras
No. 847156
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>>847140Hard agree, it was a nice era
>>847145Eh, I understand cause I'm not super skinny either but if we had the sizing we do nowadays with the styles of back then maybe things would be better. I do remember high waisted shorts coming out in XXL though
No. 847166
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No. 847170
File: 1625572593751.jpg (63.57 KB, 1080x421, IMG_20210706_125537.jpg)

I'm sorry… CW for what???
No. 847173
>>847170It connotes yelling so some extremely online people claim they're
triggered by it because it's aggressive or
abusive. I'm not kidding
No. 847174
>>847166These owls are so cute haha
>>846050Eat a yoghurt then drink coffee. Poop guaranteed. If it still doesn't, drink orange juice as well
No. 847175
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>>847165>>847162>>847159>>847157My personal lolcow is a 27 year old munchie hoarder woman with BPD and obsessed with sonic who roleplays having DID and has special tumblr blogs for each personality, she's also a troon No. 847192
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No. 847230
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No. 847243
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>>847230guilty as charged
No. 847288
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This banner is so fucking cute, i get a rush of serotonin everytime i see it
No. 847334
>>847301Isn't that what that thread is actually for, though? Either telling anons their opinion is nothing special because it's not unpopular at all, or telling an anon there's genuine reasons that nobody shares her rare opinion
If you don't want anyone to know that you have bad opinions, just don't post them
No. 847354
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Holy shit I just got sudden flashbacks to that super popular Larry fanfic Room 317. It was all the rage back in the One Direction fandom especially on tumblr, and how it made everyone cry and sob because Louis kept getting sick and then he died or something lmao. It was like a rite of passage for me entering the fandom which was the first one I really got into, especially online. 2012 was wild
No. 847472
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If you see someone with very significant self-inflicted scars or injuries in public, what are your honest thoughts?
No. 847483
>>847472First thought - Those are gorgeous. It's pretty fucked up I guess but I think bruises and scars are beautiful.
Second thought - Wonder what the circumstances in their lives were to make them do that
Third thought - I hope they are doing better, and hope they don't feel ashamed of their scars showing.
No. 847503
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looking for life vests and saw this moob maker. wtf. why would they make it look like an obese moid bod? kinda thinking of getting it though so I can laugh at myself for ever feeling insecure with the thing off
No. 847548
>>847487Garlic is also hella
toxic for cats and dogs. Please don’t let animals eat random foods.
No. 847572
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doggy among cows
No. 847577
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>>847572i love cows with all my heart
No. 847601
>>847200There’s no pressure really, I wanted it before he did, I just worry a lot. I wanna be a mum I’m just so scared of being a bad one.
>>847206We aren’t and im working that out hence the post lol.
No. 847610
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Seeing lolcow being discussed on a random literallywho's shittuber video in a 3rd wolrd country spanish accent (my native language) is so weird. It does not feel right
No. 847612
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>>847610It's like looking at a mirror kind of
whoever posted on that timeframe is famous now I guess
No. 847616
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why am I turned on by him
No. 847629
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I never get tired of gunpointing memes
No. 847655
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>>847651based nonita, children are a huge money sink
No. 847672
This isn't remotely fucked up to belong in the fucked up news stories thread, but I just finished reading this and god am I struggling to fight back the tears. good read for any anons who want to pass some time. TL;DR a mom faithfully takes care of her son who was paralyzed despite basically everyone else around her dying off and she passes away a few weeks after he does.
No. 847674
>>847666Nah they’re batshit over there, acting like every kid ever is the spawn of Satan born only to torment them. Kids are great, I’m planning a pregnancy, nosy relatives who insist you should be having babies just because are really fun to mess with.
Way easier to keep them at bay by saying you just can’t catch a toddler despite trying than explain to nanny why you don’t wanna be getting creampied that night.
No. 847696
>>847687original anon who brought up the kid thing.
I might start doing that
The guy I'm casually seeing wants children. He wants three. Hasn't even been a month and he brought it up. Sucks that it doesn't get easier. It's like the whole world is saying "Your ultimate life goal is to make babies. Buckle down cowgirl, lets go on a ride."
No. 847699
>>847674I didn’t even read your reply because my
point was that’s some unfunny try-hard cringed type shit they’d say over there and I’m sure you’ve got nothing but.
No. 847795
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do you ever feel jealous of a game boy?
No. 847816
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>>847799no, you are going to like my husbando by force. I AM NOT GOING TO BE CONTAINED.
No. 847825
>>847816that pic cracks me up for no reason
there is something so funny about a man standing in front of a tv that says PORN
No. 847839
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That Julie girl is completely schizo
No. 847912
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>>847886>>kins >being so retarded a 14 year old can roast you and be correct Jfc anon get your shit together
No. 847916
>>847895I literally just said the character isn't trans! A new teaser came out where he's shirtless and she keeps clogging up the tags and my discover page with ugly fanart of him with top surgery scars.
>>847912>>847899Forgive me lolcow, for I have kinned. 3D life has nothing to offer me.
>>847907I thought so too
but then remembered I'm almost twice her age No. 847927
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>>847916you're in your 20s and a kinnie? jesus christ woman get a grip
No. 847995
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Do any of you anons like ASMR lmao? who do you watch? I'm very fussy. I do like peace & saraity. I love unintentional ASMR. Also my favourite videos are probably Gal Gadots and Paris Hiltons W Magazine ASMR Interviews.
No. 848069
File: 1625669874247.png (2.32 MB, 685x1780, 1564183692138.png)

why don't people into the y2k trend ever wear stuff like this, they only focus on the wannabe-bimbo style (and half the time they can't even get that right)
No. 848075
>>847995Yeah I really enjoy ASMR, I'm really into soft speaking, whispering, voice crack-style stuff, it gives me the same tingles I got as a kid when my mom would run her fingers along my back and neck. My favorites from the W Magazine series are Kate Hudson and Cardi B but my overall favorite is probably Brittany ASMR, though she retired a few years ago.
>>848002I can't watch ASMR if I'm angry or frustrated about anything, it just makes me even angrier like you're describing.
No. 848103
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4,000 hours of Dragon Age and yes it's me, back at it again.
No. 848107
>>848103Damn I missed by a thousand, this is an unacceptable error margin. Welcome back I appreciate you
Also I wanted to say anons if you ever drop your thermometer but it doesn't break and the mercury separates don't worry because when you warm it up the mercury will expand and connect again
No. 848145
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I got recommended this on Youtube and I found it funny
>How to find your art style
>Thumbnail is drawn in the style of every Pixar/Disney movie ever
No. 848254
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Goth Queen
No. 848279
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I painted some of my nails a bright mint green with black cow prints it looks so cuteee like a mint chocolate cow
No. 848310
>>848281Not this conspiracy bullshit
>>848279What's that pic from? Looks nice
No. 848383
>>848318Probably also the same one who claimed sexual attraction to men is unnatural to women, any anons who post about being attracted to men are scrotes trying to normalize attraction to males, and that any non-Asian woman who dates Asian men is a lesbian or a pedophile.
That thread is so weird today.
No. 848438
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In Super Mario Sunshine, it is possible to position Mario inside the mirror in Hotel Delfino in such a way that only part of his body is sticking out (such as his face in the screenshot). However, the reflection in the mirror will still show Mario’s entire body, even though he is not actually in the room that is being reflected.
No. 848439
>>848435Kek, bring it up for her tomorrow.
Seriously what a based move to search her up lol I'm impressed anon
No. 848445
>>848439lol I thought about it. I could finally use the ol' "I like your shoelaces" and see how she responds. Never had a chance to use that during tumblr's hayday because I was an embarrassing Marvel/SuperWhoLock blog and no one else needed to know that.
Not to single her out, but she was the only one of the applicants I was able to find stuff on outside of private twitters/instagrams for the others. With fanart on her profile that looked like she had drawn it, I knew there was probably a DA out there and I was not wrong, as that led me to everything else. Good news though: her art has improved over the years!
No. 848472
File: 1625708943099.gif (1.13 MB, 640x364, only retards disagree.gif)

Hunter x Hunter is 100% the best shōnen anime ever made, full stop. The character design, incredible world-building, smart narration, and soundtrack are unmatched by literally any other shōnen anime— even the ones I absolutely love. Other shows are amazing, too, but as a whole, they all fall short of HxH.
No idea if this is unpopular enough for the Unpopular Opinion thread. sorry anons.
No. 848473
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>>848472Agreed, I love hunterxhunter! The only thing that ruins it for me is Hisoka, he's very disgusting to me
No. 848478
>>848473>>848474anons with good taste
Hisoka is deeply unsettling but I think that visceral reaction makes him a well-designed character, because he's supposed to make you feel uncomfortable. His nen ability is pretty creative though. However, I definitely understand your feelings toward him.
No. 848511
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how to tell an anon is over 30
No. 848516
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>>848473>>848478i never watched this anime in my whole life but the clown looks too fuckable to be scary tbh
No. 848520
>>848516He's not scary, it's weird how many anons are offended by him. I've never seen such a strong overreaction to him anywhere else, just lolcow.
He's violent and murderous but that's standard for HxH, and he's a pedo but it's played off as a joke/plausible deniability that he's more turned on by fighting the main characters than actually fucking them.
No. 848532
doublepost forgot to reply to
>>848524tbf at least one anon wants to fuck jimmy saville so i think it's just a general farmer thing
No. 848534
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>>848521Everything about him is sexy
No. 848543
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I don't even play Overwatch, but I wish the game wasn't so irrelevant and the fandom wasn't so dead so I could have more Gabriel Reyes fics to read
No. 848549
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>>848543why they gotta draw him so fine though
No. 848587
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I work at a shoe store and for some reason customers will insist on trying on the displays instead of letting me just get their size for them. Like they'll insist on trying on the display first. I'm not even allowed to tell them how dusty and grimey it is from sitting there for so long I just have to stand there and hope they'll let me get them their own size of shoe kek
No. 848595
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>>847672Thanks nonatella, I haven't cried this hard in a long time
No. 848601
>>848591I agree. I like when he lets some interesting noises escape during his vids.
When he spit on that gameboy, weewwwwwwwwwwww
No. 848684
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>>847616it's ok anon, i once had a thing for picrel