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No. 204770
>>204765i fucking wish i was
have fun
No. 205025
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>>205024sorry you're in such a world of pain anon. fuck that guy, enjoy your drinks and make a toast to yourself. look ahead, whatever happens
No. 205038
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>>205029Sorry no.
Do you like my cock?
No. 210720
>>204927>The shame is also a lot worse for female addictsSo are the consequences. Putting aside the unfair social aspect, from a purely biological standpoint, alcohol addiction does far more damage to females than males.
Our bodies produce significantly less of the enzyme that breaks down alcohol. An average woman's body will deteriorate from alcohol addiction about 3 times faster than an average man's.
No. 210872
>>210602>>210720idgaf i love lolcow infighting, drama, all of it. ive waited a few weeks to get some money in after having to pay out for some serious house repair even after insurance covered it.
ive got my vodka and grapes, i feel like a queen
No. 229923
>>229699I wanted to go with something alliterative but "anonymous alcoholics" seemed a little too close to other organizations using those same based words, went with "flushed farmers" since flushing is a somewhat common symptom of intoxication. "milk bar" hearkened a bit too much to A Clockwork Orange to fit well imo.
Anyway if anyone has better ideas for names/channels etc. that's fine, here's a permanent link: No. 335068
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hey anons it me I love you all and I love mods and I love this site.
No. 343102
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>>343058Thnx bitch im high but just in case nobody replies to you I hope you have a great night too
No. 343197
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not drunk but i rly want to be right now so that i can distract myself/ not be present for this AWFUL depressive episode…. but i can't mix my antidepressants with alcohol so i'm fucked
No. 343779
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eggnog and fireball oof
No. 343822
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>>343779yes, girl. vodka and ginger beer over here!
No. 343830
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First Christmas living away from home and all I'm drinking is pineapple malibu and this vimto. Tastes like a cocktail but it's super lazy.
No. 343841
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No. 347113
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so strange how one (or a few) tiny liquid doses cxan change a person so McLachlan
No. 366188
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Happy Saturday anons! What are we drinking this evening? Vodka and cranberry for me, going to fire up some Overwatch and have some sips.
No. 366236
>>366230Yeeeeet anon drinking Costco knockoff Kirkland Vodka. It's very good.
Also to anyone reading don't be afraid to make internet friends. I went out on a limb and used voice chat in a video game and now I'm friends with a few of the sweetest people I have ever met. Only thing is I'm too shy to talk to them unless I'm drinking kek
love u all you are worth it
No. 378226
>>378216Sounds like they want you to experience the same things they did, along with all of the pain and sacrifice that accompanies relationships.
They sound no different to me than parents that balk at the idea of people not having children. They continue to insist that it's the only way to live life, they're getting a truly exceptional and exclusive experience, all the while complaining to you about how hard it is, how difficult every day life is and criticizing that you aren't going through the same thing.
Honestly just tell them to fuck off. If they keep going on about it, you could just as easily counter that your current experience actually is much more different and wonderful than their own, as the majority of people typically do enter relationships or have sexual encounters.
No. 378235
>>378216anon, I've been in a very long, happy relationship since i was very young and lemme tell you something: it's not that big a deal as everyone would like you to believe. relationships are only worthy when you manage to find a person who loves you as much as you love them and when you're both willing to work through the many rough patches and bumps along the way, which there will be many of as time goes by. relationships can be wonderful and enriching but they're also very hard work and require a lot of commitment and negotiating, no matter how much you might love each other. people who glorify and sugarcoat relationships acting like it's the end of the world
that you've never had a boyfriend have likely never experienced a real adult relationship or are retards with no life.
i love my boyfriend a lot and am very thankful for MY relationship, but that's because I WANTED ONE in the first place! a relationship is nice to have when the other person is a true partner to you, someone you enjoy spending time with and doing stuff with and embarking on projects together, but it's not everything to life, far from it really. in adult, mature relationships you both have your own lives outside of a partner, you can have separate friends or groups to hang out with, you have your own hobbies and things you like to do without your partner. said partner is an add-on to your life, it's not everything to it nor it should be, and I suspect your friends' ideas of an "ideal" relationship involve much of the stupid, unrealistic and immature values modern dating culture has, which i personally find appallingly moronic. if you're going to embark on dating to deal with a bunch of assholes who won't respect you, demand incredibly stupid or inconvenient things from you or mistreat you just for "the experience of it" then you're better off sparing yourself. not having a partner, not having had sex and not even having kissed anyone past a certain age isn't the end of the world, and you're not "missing out" on anything if you don't even want to experience it in the first place. life is full of opportunities well beyond the realm of dating, if you want to be alone then be alone, cherish it, embrace it, and you do you! if your friends cannot see that i feel very sorry for them
No. 378239
>>78235Thanks man.
I personally feel like I’m not missing out much. But no matter how much I explain that I have never envisioned my future with a man, and that I’m cool with dying alone, they just don’t believe it.
I felt so alone.
It is so reassuring to hear from others that it is okay that I’m crying now.
I guess it is time to sleep.
Good night sweet anons. I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
No. 378299
>>378239Some friends insist you are exactly like them otherwise your experience is invalid. Being 23 and single is no problem. Don't let someone bully you into thinking your own choices and instincts are wrong for you.
Also it is a terrible time to date right now with Tinder, fuckboys and all that jazz so I'm not completely certain your friends aren't trolling you. Or just plain ignorant. Do things when you feel like it
No. 384930
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send me more alcohol girls im going into earthbound again
sincerely a tipsy wino
No. 384948
Going out soon and getting my buzz ready so I can be adequately sociable! Should probably shower before I go but it's only been five days and I still smell okay
>>384932>>384930Yooo, I'm getting back to my games as well, hope I don't deunkenly mess shit up
>>384944I'm so sorry anon
No. 384969
>>384930>that imageI LOVE
Have fun anon! Earthbound is great
No. 385016
>>384988Congrats anon
&happy Saturday night anons! I am drunk
No. 385420
>>385300How did you manage to stop smoking weed anon? Have been a daily stoner along with drinking a bit too much for years now but I really want to quit.
My days are just so boring without something to alter my mind. Snorting speed helped with my weed smoking habit for a little while but that shit is garbage and I don't want to do it too much.
Luckily my alcohol consumption is a lot more under control.
Any of you into making your own cocktails? It's fun and there's a lot of variety!
No. 385441
>>385420A combination of "this is a problem and I need to stop" and "I'm a broke bitch and do not have enough money to buy weed at this time, so I will abstain. then when I do have money, I'll just refuse to break the chain"
it took a really long time of knowing I needed to stop before I actually could. And yeah I feel you it sucks being sober lol, I'm getting help to address the deeper issues that make me feel that way.
No. 400674
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I'm drunk as fuck right now and I just wanted to say that I love this site and all the farmers in it
You've helped me vent through some hard times and allowed me to express my opinions anonymously and without fear.
I love all the women on here.
No. 400742
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I wish i was straight just so i could be like "men are shit", call it a day and be content about being alone
whats the point of liking girls if theyr not liking you back…..
unrelated but mother 3 is a fucking masterpiece please play it
No. 400830
>>400827good luck!! I lost my wallet while trashed at a concert last year and it was a headache replacing everything but hey, at least those things are replaceable. I lost about $80 worth of different gift cards tho. :( Just make sure to freeze the debit card.
Even if it's not there, maybe a nice stranger will mail it back to you :)
No. 406328
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I barely browse Kiwi farms but I get weird feelings when I see @entropyseekswork because their angry typing style and whole aesthetic makes me horny. threaten me please. thank god I don't have an account.
>>406321I've never had la croix I wish we could bond over you making me a mixed drink with it
No. 406350
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got gin and juice tonight. a friend recommended this gin to me and it didnt change my mind that gin is fucking disgusting but im not going to let it go to waste.
>>406328i like kiwi farms, maybe anons here only pay attention to the more spergy sides of it but overall not so bad. they follow a bunch of people that arent over here.
No. 406355
>>406353I don't really understand the question but in my area of the US the socially acceptable way of drinking is to start drinking late in the night and usually only on weekends, and only for a little while. also acting too outgoing will have people thinking youre already kinda loaded.
that doesnt include regulars at bars who manage to come out during week days for special bar nights like karaoke or band sessions
ive never experienced a bar here where going "crazy" was normal or drinking heavily was super encouraged. average closing time is before 2am too.
im in southern california
No. 406356
>>406353colonial america used to drink like 7 gallons of pure alcohol a year but that can be attributed to not having clean water. christianity and prohibition helped lessen the amount consumed.
but ill drink with you in spirit anon, im about to fix another shot of my nasty gin. ill agree with
>>406351 its not horrible to start but i feel like im consuming some kind of nasty victorian tonic to rid myself of a disease.
No. 406363
>>406355Just asking about the US drinking views in society tbh. Here in the UK everyone uses every excuse to get drunk, uni students get drunk all the time (generally speaking), to the point I feel in American society it would be seen as alcoholism (according to some people but I guess it varies by state or the people they hang around too??).
Usually in the UK people pre-drink, go out and stay out until 5-6 am (mostly on weekends where I live but Thursdays are student nights also, and a lot of people still drink through the week), go to McDonald's and go home and do it all over again the next day or the next couple of days. Binge drinking is regularly encouraged because it isn't seen as binge drinking, just being "normal". Bars close 2-3am here, clubs close around 6am, but most people still drink very heavily/binge drink.
It just interests me how people's views on alcohol differ by country and such. Drunk me isn't too drunk to type but still waffle on so excuse me being a retard lol
No. 406367
>>406363>uni>clubOhhhh okay I was talking from the experience of being in community college and in an area that just doesn't have clubs unless you head closer to Los Angeles. so everyone I've known has been a small-town poorfag who cant really drink up through 6am even if we wanted to. people also tend to discourage others from ordering drinks like crazy through the night, so there's some kinda learned psychology there?
But we do smoke weed while drinking (bc legal) and getting crossfaded causes us to not need to drink as much. some people are on cocaine too here.
No. 406373
>>406367Where I live the city centre has bars and clubs in walking distance, so no worries for the confusion! Though here we have a chain called Wetherspoons which has cheap alcohol so I'm not really surprised at the drink culture here. Even in clubs there tends to be cheaper options, mostly cider.
The weed in the UK apparently sucks according to a Canadian I got to know here, which is true. Most people smoke weed here too, but if drinking will mostly use Ketamine, ecstasy anf cocaine if on a night out.
No. 406379
>>406373That's actually pretty neat that they're altogether, I wish we had a proper club where I could get buzzed and dance like a loser in a place where everyone else is equally drunk lol. Dancing in the bars here is kinda an inconvenience for you/everyone.
damn I cant imagine forgoing weed for any other drug. Just too many risks and too expensive. I'm actually kinda sad that your weed is lame, I wonder if its the downer or upper kind.
No. 406383
>>406379The only good thing about the city I live in is the nightlife tbh. It's gotten a bit dangerous since my mum went (knife crime here is horrendous), but it's relatively safe if you don't go to shitty places lmao.
Yeah our weed really does suck. A lot of people take spice (manufactured weed), and the weed we have anyway really sucks. But a lot of students take other drugs instead, which are probably just as shittily made.
No. 406387
>>406386It is absolutely awful. Took it because I was a drunk idiot and didn't realise what I was smoking was spice, I literally thought I was having a heart attack and that the Earth was moving too fast.
Thank god for mom drunks (that are usually me) lmfao
No. 406400
>>406397I'm only almost 21 but I'm not too fussed about drugs. I just drink quite a lot; mostly alone nowadays if friends are busy. It sucks, but as I get older hopefully it'll go away instead of turning into a drink 24/7 thing since a lot of my family are addicts.
Off topic but also not, I don't even think I can keep up with drinking because I started swimming finally. Today is an off day but I've started to love healthy eating and exercise minus occasional partying.
No. 406403
>>406400mkay I am drunk but I would be mindful of how often you're drinking a lot, if your family is full of addicts it might be a little idealistic to think you'll "outgrow" drinking to excess
anyway I thought I would be able to drink half a bottle of wine in 2.5 hours but I'm like wew and still have 2 glasses to go I'm probably just gonna tap out and eat some brownies. I'm gonna take a bong rip before bed so I don't wanna over-do it and get the spins.
No. 408802
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i got too drunk tonight. water and bread and blanket omg
No. 411561
>>408830mmm i love milk in my alcoholic drinks. i know that's weird, but idk. white russians are my fave.
i'm about to have a fun night with my bf, dropping acid and drinking beers.
No. 411580
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Cheers you lovable bitches
No. 411596
>>411585Just a random pic I found as I was going through my random image folders and thought it was funny
His shirt says "Now is the time" in Finnish
No. 411660
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cross fadedd and feeling good af
No. 414567
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im drinkin dumb stupid old-timey gin in a log cabin without any central cooling in 85 degree weather. i may not make it in the morning but fuuuuckit. so much milk been flowin and i wanted to celebrate lol
No. 414571
>>414569margo being stuck in korean prison or whatever has been so vindicating. projarad has gotten stale but its mildly interesting to see what has been happening. pretty recently after chronically jaquie passed from the munchie thread, someone else did and people are hyping it up despite her being a nobody just using her for more pity.
but i do hang out on kiwifarms and there are a few choice threads there that are going p well right now.
i just really love internet drama lol
No. 419505
>>419498You guys are going to get there at least so that's nice.
OT I can only post drunk. Too shy otherwise. Being drunk is amazing it's like everyone is two people! (The sober you and the drunk you)
No. 419888
>>419515Honestly same. I used to be a lightweight since I started drinking very late in my life, but I used alcohol to cope a LOT and now I can spend the entire day drinking and just feel a slight buzz. The last time I drank I also smoked a ton of weed and I was completely fine and sober.
I wish I could get absolutely smashed again. It's the only thing that helped anymore since meds stop working for me really quickly and therapy is nothing. I just want to feel numb. I'll even take drunk vomiting over this shit.
I am a mess.
No. 422602
hey i'm a little drunk, not to be a loser but i'm so in love with my bf, like damn… i really thought i'd be a failure, i had a really rough time all throughout middle and high school… thought i'd never go to college, never find love, never amount to anything… but now i have a wonderful loving bf that wants to help pay for my education, his family loves me and wants to help me with my education/job search as well, it's just been really great. he's my best friend and soulmate, i feel so blessed. we uplift each other and it's just been incredidble. i lvoe him so much, i never thought i'd experience this kind of pure love. we help each othr so much and i'm so blessed. i'm probably getting repetitive but i took another couple gulps while writing this so pls excuse me. peace ,stay beautiful, you all deserve happiness and good things in your lives, and you WILL find it. much love from a drunk anon
No. 428691
>>426371meetups, volunteering, work, church, sports, clubs, classes, exercise groups, hobby groups, support groups, running into the same person all the time at places, trivia/game nights at bars, etc.
these are some of the places I know where adult people have met other adult people and formed friendships.
No. 430343
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hello any inebriated anons who happen to see this.
No. 430993
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A few days ago I was thinking about how sad it is that I'm already 23 and never experienced any form of intimacy besides a fucking hug. But the more I read about people's experiences and how their confidence issues also affected them, the more content I am with my life and how unactive I am in finding a partner. I love you girls so much I'm so glad I'm not alone.
No. 430994
>>430993I've said it to a 29 year old kissless virgin on here, and I'll say it to you too
You're not really missing out on anything.
No. 431012
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>>430993>>430994Same here…cheers, ladies!
No. 431477
>>430993Just turned 24
we're going to make it sis
No. 431505
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ive been drunk shitposting on the internet for the most part of the night. got drunk initially cus im super fucking nervous about a job interview i have tomorrow (inb4 bad way to cope yea i know i have a problem )but goddamn peoples responses are so predictable its no fun anymore.
i just hope i dont cock up this job like i did my last one because of my anxiety. i need the money to pay for my therapy for the drinking and anxiety
No. 432814
>>431505Love u anon hope all went well
>>204765I really appreciate the recent invasion of the trannies and summerfags. Not only are they entertaining but I feel as though it has brought farmers together. Less internal bickering when we all realize we have one common interest, hatred and goal. I know it’ll pass eventually but I appreciate mods making this a pleasant experience for us all with the visible bans and deletions.
No. 433430
>>433410Just chiming in with my support since we have some summerfags
triggered by your post. Something about getting cheated on and hoeing around must have hit home, I guess!
Having a mature relationship when you're ready > messy childish drama shit
No. 434037
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>>433675Not drunk, but after reading this I now wish I was
No. 434574
>>434559If I'm not drunk, will you still do my tarot reading(s)? Ty anon! These are always fun.
Will I pass my courses and finally graduate?
Will I start my career in the city I want to go to?
Am I doomed to die alone with many plants in my room and way too much money than I could ever dream of spending?
No. 434587
>>434574of course
1) the hanged man
no, at least not finish school how you anticipated/right now. the cards say to pause, reexamine, and find a new perspective. you're bored and apathetic, you need to readjust.
i asked why this is and what tangible steps you should take and got the three of swords reversed. you are distracted, alienated, or incompatible currently with how things are going. there needs to be something to reignite the fire under you so you can find enthusiasm. this may be a new area of study, or there's something out there that will further push you into your current area of study. it's out there and coming to you, you just need to be open to it
2) two of swords reversed
no sorry, there is a misinterpretation or falsehood at the base of this desire. there might be someone lying or deceiving you, this could also be yourself.
why? the world reversed. this will lead to disappointment or failure to complete the task that starts. maybe you won't find work there.
3. the hierophant
yes, you are living a life of security and lack of conviction. this could be good, if you want to live that way. if you remain captive to your own ideas this could be the outcome. if you branched out: ten of swords. ruin, pain, desolation. maybe you're meant to be average
this is all really negative, take it w a grain of salt. i dont know your name or age or who you are, so maybe i can't read anything quite well on here. the future can always change
No. 434597
>>434559I am also quite drunk. May I ask a question?
Will I ever get promoted at work or am I wasting my time?
If you're still doing this lol
No. 434610
>>434597five of pentacles
won't get promote. in fact i did this twice bc there's too many negative things already from above! and got no twice. if you continue, it will bring material trouble and destitution. maybe not that extreme, but it just won't be satisfactory.
what you should do about it:
seven of cups reversed
the intelligent choice is to pursue that thing that drives you as it will bring resolution. follow your willpower and desires. it's not only good because you enjoy it, but because it will bring more material gain
good luck!
No. 434613
>>434559omg I love these anon!
Will I get my gpa up by the end of fall?
Will that guy I'm seeing ask us to be official?
Will I lose 20lbs by the end of the year?
No. 434616
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>>434559Do me, do me! I always feel like other people's decks draw more truthfulness than my own readings.
1) Am I gonna make it into work today?
2) Should I dye my hair back to its natural colour before I'm 30?
3) Is that bitch who stole my cat and took money out of my purse before stiffing me for rent and running away from her problems to another state as truly miserable as I hope she is?
nonnie x
No. 434624
>>4346131) judgment reversed
not substantially because incapacity to understand the material. do not delay in studying or homework. if you're wondering whether you shhould study or not, you should. (my own personal advice is researching the material the day before the lecture if it's available)
2. ten of cups
yes! it will be a union of pleasure, security, and happiness. a card that jumped out was also a ten, the ten of wands. to me this says don't force it, let it fall into place. the tens represent a full circle being completed
3. for this i decided to pull three to represent stages in your weight loss
the fool, the wheel of fortune, and nine of swords
with the fool, there is insecurity or lack of knowledge at the root, but you have passion and enthusiasm. research well the best methods for healthy weight loss.
with the wheel of fortune, you will experience a significant loss. it will go better than you expected at this stage
with the nine of swords, you might have a slip up or misstep, the weight may come back a bit. it also might mean you become obsessive over it and it could cause more problems than you started with
the outcome is two of cups reversed. you will lose weight, but it might bring more insecurities, projections, or it becomes about something else entirely. make sure you check in with yourself at all stages and monitor your thinking, body, and spirit.
No. 436282
>>436262>The taste goes a long way to recreating the environment in which I'd be drunk and relaxed.This is so weirdly true. Light beer doesnt do anything to me any more but I still have it at the end of the day and one sip puts me in that ultra comfy relaxed feel just from the taste and extra coldness. I wish there was a non-alchoholic whiskey or rum because the sharp taste of that also helps "reset" my brain when I'm stressing out, but I hate how tired it makes me.
I just realized I could taste it and spit it out instead, kek go me
No. 436305
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>>436282>I just realized I could taste it and spit it out instead, kek go meNot to sound like your mom or anything but that's a classic ED behaviour. Chewing up chocolate and making yourself spit it out. It's also a waste of spenny booze. Be careful.
More usefully, non-alcoholic "spirits" are starting to become a thing: I think this stuff is meant to taste like gin, and the "spice" one seems like it's trying to go for a spiced rum flavour. Whiskey might be harder to imitate as its flavour profile is so complex, but I've started seeing a lot of respectable cocktail bars stock this stuff to widen the appeal of their mocktails selection.
No. 436486
>>436480idk why i bothered to lie, i'm not even concerned. i'm just so fucking miserable at my current job that i wish i could exist in a constant state of drunkenness but i still have some slim measure of prestige
i can't wait until that dies and i can be sad and drunk without my pride getting in the way
No. 453280
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Time to bid farewell to my last "store bought" booze. Next week I'm gonna start brewing my own alcohol, since it's been legal for about a year now in my country. From now on it's gonna be way cheaper to get drunk, and if I can perfect my recipes enough, maybe I can sell some of it to my friends too. I'm gonna try a mint & lime mix first since I LOVE mojitos. Wish me luck
No. 453281
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going to try and stay sober after years of binge drinking almost every night. today is day one, enjoy yourselves for me friends.
No. 453460
>>453356got those feels anon, things are getting rough
i simultaneously love and hate this stupid site. sadly lolcow has been the only thing i could consider socialization for the last few years, i have no friends, i dont even have a smartphone. but goddamn the influx of sjw twitter/ig users suck. i read a post sometimes and think that i have half a lifetime on them and they sound dense as fuck but it doesnt matter in the slightest, so it feels better to type out a post then alt-a and delete it and move on,
i say that too but i dont always do it oops.
No. 454135
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>>453281Although I'm not a drinker; I've struggled with binging from an eating disorder. Although it's difficult, it's been rewarding on my health, and now it's starting to show in my relationships. Sending love your way anon. Congratulations on your decision; don't be too hard on yourself and keep moving forward when you face setbacks.
No. 454182
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>>454135You’re a treasure anon, thanks for the support.
No. 456133
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could you imagine that getting drunk wont solve past childhood shit? but whatever, i love image boards because i hate irl and i love talking with strangers about shit that possibly never happened. and laughing at lolcows. thats always super fun. just remember anons pls, once you legit get mad on the internet, you automatically lose. keep you shit tight.
No. 456142
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I just wanna say I love all you admirable ladies and I love this place so much. just makes me so happy!
No. 465977
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fuck i love this board, and i love the anons that post innit. and i love the mods and admin. glad i found this place three years ago from reverse image searching pic related from a random twitter thread.
No. 466461
heya guys getting pretty fcking drunk here bcause of broken heart lol kill me please
my best advice is never start extreme self harming. smoking? ok. hitting yourself? ok. but here i am, four years clean, yet today i decided to get drunk on my own and, hey, ive got some new sharp knives, nice, right??
im too much of a pussy to kill myself completely, always hoping for a better future
anyways, my dear anons, please love yourselves
there's no one else who is able to make you happy other than you
love, peace, and see you later
No. 466941
I'm drunk by myself after being unable to get tipsy for months. Wish I still lived near friends.
No. 467029
>>466941been on image boards for years but its still so strange to think that other farmers are close to me. thinking that yumi is like 5 mi from me and a few other cows from kf around the same is so weird. all these anons and artcows bleeting about awa and im like damn.
im just sittin here thinkin about getting in touch with people i knew since high school but i have past cows so close to me. i have nothing else to report other than i have seen then in person but in weird clothes.
No. 467188
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y'all ever just want to stop drinking but you… can't?
No. 474521
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just got back from a party at a friends house after vomiting in her sink in front of this really cute american guy after singing material girl on singstar really badly. never drinking again tbh
No. 474535
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This guy i like just went facebook official with his girlfriend and now I'm drinking. He isn't even that cute I just had a dream about sucking his dick and started thinking he was cute. Cheers to unrequited feelings.
No. 479557
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>>479270…you 21 yet anon?
ive been having horrible chest pains and i have a family history of deadly heart disease, and early. like my mom had 4-5 heart attacks that i can account for before she died at 46. so ive been worried as a mf, went to the er twice because its been getting worse each time but turns out my stressed out depressed ass has been just having anxiety attack after anxiety attack.
i never know that shit could make it feel like your heart could fail! wtf. so now im drinking to celebrate the fact im not dying after spending the last week not sleeping because i felt like for days my heart was about to give out. fuck. it feels so good not dying.
No. 486477
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It so happens to be that I'm drunk. Wishing you all a splendid evening, ladies. Stay smexy and lit as you are
No. 487685
>>487668bless you fellow drunk <3
I do have to ask, do any of you get an upper feeling when drinking? Like, it used to put me to sleep after 3-4 but now it re-energizes me and keeps up hours later than it should–regardless of what type of alcohol I drink.
is this normal or am I becomming more of an alcoholic than I care to admit?
No. 487749
>>487685Same here, but it depends on what you mix it with and the proof of the alcohol. After periods of prolonged drinking, of course, you'll need more and you'll be used to the feeling so it doesn't make one as tired. However, if you've been at this personally for a few months/years for most parts of the week… then yeah, sorry to break it to ya, sis. You might be on the yellow brick road to alcoholism. As long as it doesn't take up a good part of your week or preoccupy your thoughts upon awakening, you should be good.
If you ever tip that scale and it gets in the way of every day shit, whether it be family, friends, personal time, work, as well as how you interact with said people or events… may be time to give up the sauce preemptively tbh.
Take care of yourself for the most part on top of moderating & everything should be good!
Happy drinking, my friends!
No. 488432
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>>488389i laughed a little too hard at this i think
had a bit of gin but sippin on mommy wine while hoping to cheer my doomer friend up enough to not sudoku. cant lie, i get it but he is my only friend. and if i can make awful imageboards jokes while still being true to my emotions on the inside then like damn i dont want to lose that.
No. 497785
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Cheers bitches! Remember to drink h2o tho but I’ll raise a glass, just have fun!
No. 498830
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Happy Friday! I hope everyone is good bc I’m a drunk mess and want to mother hen everyone
No. 499107
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>>498830so cute i love you anon i wish i had people to drink with
No. 499355
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>>499107I love you too, anon! I’d drink with you I’d share my drunk snacks with you
No. 499381
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idk why but i just picture all farmers as being really cute even the grumpy ones i bet you're grumpy in a cute way. lolcow meetup when anyway cheers
No. 499888
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Happy New Years~ ( if its already 2020 where you are)
I ain't got shit to do but get drunk and play games and pass out in the bathtub before the ball drops
No. 499979
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happy new years,
No. 514980
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cheers ladies! my life is on the up but im busy af but its worth it. relaxing with some moscow mule. have a good night!
No. 516884
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>>509125Fun times causing chaos and distress throughout the internet and in real life. I do wish I had some drinking buddies… Listening to some SOAD to match chaotic energy. I always tell myself this is the last time I will drink in a long time but then come back to it about a month later. At least I always have a positive experience with it.
No. 516945
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im wine drunk and every fucking time without fail I get extremely horny and lonely so now I'm going to pine over my stupid crush and listen to sexy music
No. 522309
>>522289you'll think they are weak af and try and take more then 30mins they will hit all at once.
For me when I first tried edibles I kept sort of zoning in and out like day dreaming and spacing out.
I also kept thinking I had a fight with my friend over and over regardless of how many times I was told that didn't happen.
also felt like anything I looked at my eyes zoomed in on over and over then zoomed out, felt like a kaleidoscope
have some water on hand and settle down for the next few hours.
No. 525225
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i'm so glad i found keftover vodka while organizng my pantry, i gte that drinking is like "bad" for you or mkes you dumb or whtever but i do it so lightly so this is rare for me. and i forget how much it likje….. releases yur inhibitions and while it MAY make me stpupid……… it also makes things simpler. i feel like i'm having so many revelations and like i just needed to get past all the fogginess of depression and get to this base level to realize how much potential i stilll have as a human being. i have so much to live for. and while the world is in a panic this month and my job is paying me to stay home (thnk god i work for a good company like disneythat can afford it)…… i feel like all this free time will allow me to experience what used to make me happy. friends, hobbies, making art and learning hobbies and working from home with my boyfriend and actually APPRECIATING MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. THEY ALL LOVE ME EVEN THO I'M DEEPLY DEPRESSED AND UGLY AND LAZY AND AHHHHHHH WE CAN ALL GET THROUGH THIS. I HOPE YOU ALL USE THIS TIME TO MAKE THE BEST OF IT. GOOD VIBES. I LOVE U ALL. anf i am so sorry ahead of time if nonne of this makes sense and its all word vomit i am the lightweight.
(shhhhhh ps. i ha ve not drink in MONTHS. i legit fel like how a cat ust feel when accidenta,yl gets into the bozzei)))
No. 525227
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>>525226i'm also kindf of horjny. does alcohol make anyone else unnecessarily hprny or is that just me
No. 525236
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>>525227ok not necssarily horny like LEWD but like,,….. idk… like a romantic sweet nostalgic longing kind of way. like in a way where i'm dangerously close to watching ship videos or shitty romance webtoons/ anime/ fanfics/ etc and cryingat all ofthem at 7am levels of snentimental. tim e t o go the fuck to SLEEP instead.
(is thisstupid???/////??? i gues . i will find out. fyck it imma read some frerard til i fall asleep. mock me who caRES BUT these mid-latte 2000's mcr bitches knew what was UP
No. 525571
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>>525565Imglad somebody does!! im gonna send her a nice message to wake up to and I hope you have a good night anon stay safe
No. 542558
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what's good anons….just cooked up some stir fry chicken and mushrooms and mixed veggies with a lil rice, sippin mimosas and chillin on my day off yall want some???? You don't like mushrooms just pick em out i'll eat em.
No. 542993
I've been drinking a lot since the lockdown but this is like the 3rd time I'm really drunk on the quarantine.
>>542558Anon you are so cool, can we be friends?
No. 543016
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livin with my abusive ex, missed too many days at work cus i had to take care of his shit. got fired today. drinkin vodka, smoked weed for the first time in like 10 years. im chillin you sexy bitches. clink clink!
No. 543041
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>>543016Cheers anon, better times ahead!
No. 544415
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Aw fuck I had quite a few vodka mixed drinks. It's been a month and a half since I've seen my fwb and i don't do sexting or any of that and it's getting kinda hard. I really wanna cuddle!!! I also thought it was the wrong day of the weektoday this quarantine suckssss.
No. 548606
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>>542995>>525236oh my god, same, well-written smutty bandom fanfic is like my ultimate guilty pleasure and they were discussing it briefly on some other /ot/ thread recently which inadvetrently got me back down in into it. three cheers for my fellow anons time for a strong mixed drink and a comfy nostalgia trip
No. 549091
>>549083fuck yeah
white wine and 7up is top shit
No. 549607
>>549083>>549344lmao i was just gonna say, isn't that just poor man's sangria?
then again i would never hate on crazy drink combos, I was always the weird kid mixing soda fountain drinks for the fuck of it at parties. also i'm
>>549024 so, self-explanatory
No. 558223
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ive posted here before about her but my gf. She’s so cute and i love her. i miss her and we’re gonna have a date in separate cars next week because of quarantine and im so excited i can’t stop thinking about her….aa
No. 558309
>>558287Personally prefer not being able to taste alcohol so the cheap 'cocktail' I've been making is:
2 shots vodka (any shelf)
2 shots cordial (I use Cottees raspberry and apple flavor)
300mL soda water for the bubbles, or just flat water if you don't have any
No. 558314
>>558309shit apple flavour sounds delicious.
Vodka cranberry has been a major fave for me recently, and i always love me some fruity drinks
No. 560631
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I got so fucking drunk last night and now I am so hungover and hate my life
The post drinking anxiety is real
I had some really yummy sour shots though
No. 560654
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Drinking tequila and feeling sad over the same guy in this post
>>474535. Can't believe it's been 7 months. Maybe I'm just jealous of how cute him and his gf are. I don't know. Can't wait to visit this thread again to see its been a whole year obsessing over one guy.
No. 572667
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>>572494so that half a bottle of white wine sure was something cuz apparently I sent a friend of mine nudes last night and have no memory of it
No. 572720
>>572667ah sweet child, I hope that got resolved.
protip from old(alco)fag: airplane mode while drinking.
speaking of which, I made it two and a half days. I'm drinking rn and have been for hours but still buzzed. i fucking hate being an alcoholic, you go from tipsy to blackout in a hot sec cause ~tolerance all that shit.
wish i could fucken tolerate life. I feel like such a fucking coward.
No. 574007
>>572725>>572738Kek, I’ve lived in Sweden, where you can only buy alcohol over like 3% at the state owned liquor store at normal business hours, idk maybe until 20:00 or something. Also, you can drink at bars at 18 but can’t buy your own booze until you’re 20.
I’ve also lived in Germany, where you can pretty much always get some booze somewhere around the clock. When you turn 16, you are allowed to buy wine and beer and it’s sold everywhere, in supermarkets and at gas stations and kiosks. You can even go to night clubs if you have a signed form from your parents and have someone over 18 there with you (I think that’s how it works, I never partied in this country when I was underage).
Pretty big differences.
No. 583344
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>>583335AYRT and sorry to hear that anon. I actually don't have many friends either. But I'd be happy to be your fren
No. 585955
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I accidentally got drunk tonight, I’m sick with a head cold feeling like trash and wanting to be held
No. 586052
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>>585955I feel you anon, had the same accident three days ago and felt like shit for two days waiting for the serotonin to return. I‘d hold you and let you complain about feeling bad. It will be over soon!
No. 586343
>>586340Shit samefag but I mean'd don't leave it in the washer overnight.
Good luck everybody!
No. 592269
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>drinking to gain PRODUCTIVENESS
>works for like ten minutes
>am tired now
Goddamn I'm old
No. 595392
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i am sauced up on tequila rn.
god i wanna make sweet sweet love to l ron hubbard. i don't know what it is. is it the ascot? is it the nasally 1950's accent? is it the nerd revenge cult? the way he fills out those suits? the way he tells a bitch off when they confuse listing and nulling?
idk but goddamn if i had a time machine i would go back in time and fuck l ron hubbard. whatever it is he seems like a very fun and novel person to have sex with. there's no way this man is not a complete sexual pervert. he's definitely been around enough to know how to touch a woman. he just looks and sounds so damn dirty.
No. 595442
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>>595429speaking of auditing this pic legit turns me on tbh.
No. 598263
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I’ve already drank most of this, and only have 2 beers in the fridge so it’s going to be a rough morning tomorrow..
No. 598282
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>>598263The anglos are getting annoyed but i am having some mango liquer today, 14% bitches
No. 607356
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I lost most of the weight I put on from quarantine, so to celebrate I drank and now I’m feeling loving. I love you girls!!!
No. 610618
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>>610552Samesies. I think it came with age tbh.
Drinking a highball atm.
No. 612183
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I drank myself through my friend's non-alcoholic beers while watching her cats. Now I drank a real one and am drunk. Yes, I get drunk from one beer (1)
Hello bitches
No. 612547
>>610618AYRT, love you anon. definitely an age thing with me too. i feel like i automatically unlocked hangovers as soon as i graduated college kek.
in other news, am living with the family for quarantine and we found a still decent bottle of sparkling with bits of gold leaf so we're pretending to be fancy tonight. feeling ok after a long time of not. love y'all.
No. 614692
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>be me
>work as housekeeper in hotel
>find empty alcohol bottles in rooms everyday
>throw them out ofc
>today I'm on my last room and can go home soon afterwards
>find FULL bottles of chanoagne, cider etc
>IM poor as fuck and this is an opportunity
>drink the shit while I'm cleaning the room, don't even care that it isnt cold
>work FAST
>superviser checks room, says it's ok and I can go home
>walk home absolutely smashed
>typing this now
Anyway what did your days look like farmers? (Yes I know I' a fucking mongoloid but a mongoloid having fun)
No. 614751
>>614692aaaahhh yes, a fellow raccoon chan.
I’m a ridiculous sicko & when I was waitressing at a Japanese restaurant, The other waitresses and I used to eat the left over sushi rolls that customers would leave on the table.
It’s not like they touched the pieces that were left on the table, and letting sushi go to waste seems like a sin.
No. 620562
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>>620559>mailto:Safelove this thread so much
No. 622040
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>>622039This shit. I want to try it. Is ot worth the price?
No. 622734
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I’m very upset about how my little has been going lately, but I want to tell everyone else how good they’ve been doing
No. 623291
>>204765chile HI, im drunk hahahahah. anyways ive been posting dumb shit on old kpop videos for the last half an hour. how did i get here?
im just gay and i hate myself. also i got log nails this time so ill have baaaad mistakes in words. anyways i thought this was ok, but thn i though i would eats some ice cream and watch utena. BAD DECISION!!!! if u gay and hate urself for thta N3VER atch any gay shit durinh your self hate phase!!!!!! anyways i'm here. idk what to say. wish i was a straight man. would be easier. please write something so i don't get embarasssed once i get sobet. any3wqays being a lesbian suck. i cry everytim.
i live with my dad!!!!! and i drunk from his alcohol stash…a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so…i poured sum water into alco bottle..hope he does not nitces…what do you think??/
ummmmmmmmmm…haha so random rawrXD comedy genius i am!! what is your d=fave kpooop song from 2008-2001??? not much of us i say!!!! bts was never "underdgos" and ill stand by that!!! wtf i got bts memes back from are they undrogs?????lmao i laugh…not a scrote! just drunk lesbian that hates herself!!!!!!!!! AMA
i checked a thread so its ok to be embarassing! anyways listening to i got a boy by snsd!!!!!! remember the memes!!!
No. 623306
>>623302Also ily
nonnie you’re So cute like I know it
No. 623313
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>>623302>>623304I am also drunk and a little stoned. Here is a picture of a cool dragon i found when looking up cool dragons i hope you enjoy it as much as you are enjoying your night my queens
No. 623318
>>623306i once asked my EX friend to smoke some weed and she nnever delivered! she never car bitch
careded about me! i HATE her!!!!
i had weed once.. it had no effect because my roommate put too much tobacco in it. so i got sleepy but not high. i am scared that i will not try weed anymore because i hae no friends anymor >(((
No. 623320
>>623317i LOVED dinosaurs…they are cool once one girl from neighbour garder asked me to show my dinosaur book, but she did not get it… i was sad buttt
anyways i was excluded from being a russian but i am not russian i am half!!!! they all hated me for that. but i cant change my parents :(
No. 623327
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here's a pic:) for aall of you. please do not judge i am drunk could not choose better
No. 623331
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>>623326th it is crazyyy..but i would not want black panther 2 because sequels usually are bad. the only good sequel is "aliens 2" but the genre is different, they really took the action route. you may say it is pandering but this time it worked
No. 623335
>>204936enoy it sweetie!!! at least you get your emotions out in some way!
don't become alcoholic though! bad for your skin and health@!
No. 623338
>>623331Empire strikes back girl
Terminator 2
Mad max
Silence of the lambs is technically a sequel
Godfather 2
Idk. I'd watch aliens. They mostly come out at night. (mostly)
No. 623341
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This little girl survived longer than that with no training andno weapons andbasically you're fucking stupid.
No. 623342
>>623338i don't remember stand alone star wars movies, so this is your win
terminator is different. just like aliens, they change genres. from horror(?) to action. but i like terminator 2
>>623337its your prerogaive! britney spears is queen and i love kpop but now you can love 1D! if i was sober you would get blasted from me! or maybe not….boy bands are the same all across the world tbh…
No. 623343
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>>623341i don;t know her (funny pic att)
No. 625013
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For all y'all who like cocktails I've managed to make my own creation while drunk af at a friend's yesterday,cringe but I call it The Flamingo. Its:
1 shot of peach shnaps
1 shot of vodka
2 tbsp of strawberry syrup
Lemon fanta/lemonade
1/2 lime + 1/3 lemon
Legit just random shit mixed together but tastes great if you like sweet cocktails.
No. 625329
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>>614692housekeeper anon. I' back because it happened again (I swear it doesn't happen often but when it does…. I'm not gonna waste anything lol). Anyway I'm quitting my job because it's the worst and I need to study because I'm trying to get into university and I'm on my last chance. So when I (hopefully) get accepted I'm planning to defer my place and spend the year working for a childhood friend of my mothers renovating houses in murica so that's something to look forward to. Idk like I'm getting my shit together and my life was looking really bad for a while and now its staring to look up so I hope all you anons are having a good day and a good life and if not then I hope things improve for you very soon!prancing around my room to pic related.
No. 629911
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I hate quarantine!!!! I miss my family!!!! I miss my partner, I miss being kissed!!!!
No. 631567
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I habe a note pad to keep track ofnwhat i did when i am “working” from home since i have a chillllll af job and enter my own hours on their app. Still get my shit done tho!
No. 633361
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>>633211I try to pace myself and allow rest periods instead of just nursing a full bottle all day. This morning I had like 2 drams, which got me buzzed, then I allowed that buzz to fully wear off before the next glass (took like 1-1/2 hrs). Then I repeated 2 more times lol. I probably won't have any more today because I know that's my personal limit before I end up feeling shitty later on, but it's at least gotten me through the roughest parts. Sorry I know that technically doesn't cover strategy for the whole day, but I think it's a trade-off between only partial blissful delirium or complete delirium with unfortunate side effects
No. 633826
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>>633361No, this is helpful for today! Thank you!!
No. 634665
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this shits disgustang, I like sugary beverages hence why I drink normal cider but this is cloyingly sweet and smells worse. why 2 fruits?????? apple is enough!
No. 634670
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Best hard seltzer coming through.
No. 642963
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No. 644344
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>>644336Ty for the water reminder, you're a queen
No. 651858
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My favorite liquor store has a huge selection and even has carts. When I go to the counter the guy always asks if that's "it" and it makes me feel like I'm not buying so much or something and I'm not insecure. My least favorite place to buy alcohol is the Circle K because the employees ALWAYS ask for my ID and comment on what I buy. I don't care what you think about the jalapeno cheeseburger, I'm buying beer at 11am and gas station food, you are just an obstacle to get through before I can enjoy them
No. 661333
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im so happy ot is back, also i’m drunk and now it’s my birthday and i’m happy to spend it with yall even just a little!
read jujutsu Kaisen
No. 661637
god I'm late to the celebration but I'M SO GODDAMN GLAD /OT/ IS BACK TOO
>>660115>>661333Congratulations you magnificent dykes/bis/whatevers!!!
No. 661831
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>>661333>>661637>>661712Hear hear. Happy bday anon, long live ot and lesbianism
No. 662178
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My bro bought these so I decided to try one expecting it to be a gross novelty thing……these are fucking dangerous. They taste exactly like hipster canned ice coffee. 0 alcohol taste. It's a good thing I left my job because had I known these existed I would have been living dangerously.
No. 662182
>>662178Oh no these sound kind of good wtf? Please enjoy anon
I don't expect much from PBR but generally coffee ciders/beers are right up my alley
No. 662183
>>662156I love you too
>>662178I’ll be buying those tomorrow now. Thank you drunk anons!
No. 662190
>>662188I love to talk to people (obvs, here I am) but I also get a kick out of watching new movies, excellent taste anon.
>>662189I always plan to listen to new music but I end up listening to the same albums over and over again while drunk kek, it's like my favorites give me a new dimension of happiness
No. 662590
>>662189yoo same
that used to be my ritual when my bf is working away, it's like i'm free to be my fucked up self, I'd always get wasted and order dominos, he's away rn & i've just been drinking and listening to the cringey emotional bops i wouldn't put on if anyone else could hear
No. 663556
>>663525I was going to goblin it up because my bf was going to his mom's for the night but he ended up working late and decided not to go. Crossing my fingers he goes to bed early kek.
>>663555I would lol. What are you thinking of getting?
No. 664889
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I got a hot sake set (with a warming pot for hot water to keep the sake warm)
I highly recommend it to weebs
also hakutsuru sake is great
No. 665636
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This stuff is so tasty. I wish I could get my hands on some of the other flavours (peach and watermelon specifically) but this all I can find in my area. I've been putting in strawberry and oat milk smoothies.
No. 666013
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Had a few glasses of wine after i got home from work. I'm so tired of people treating me like their therapist. I have enough friends that do that as is, I don't want coworkers to start doing that shit too.
Also I hope one of my fwb comes over this week to eat my pussy HMMM
No. 666058
>>666013enjoy yourself anon! also, i love those addam's family comics from the 30's.
do you all have a favourite wine for the winter? i fucking love a peppery, southern italian chianti
No. 666319
>>666136As an Amer-anon, you have no idea how much this means to us, for real
The love from other countries right now means so much and I'm super gone anyways, it's been 4 damn years since I dealt with this
No. 667361
>>666319sorry for shitting on yanks for election-posting but if it's in a cow thread it's annoying. come bitch here on /ot/ and we understand. and we are rooting for you.
genuinely worried there's so so much that can go wrong and it seems fucky with the ballot counting and trump is a mega cunt legitimately ruining lives. whatever happens god speed amer-anons, nobody deserves this shit. I'm worried the protests are going to get the us police in full swing and start murdering you guys in cold blood and getting away with it.
florida and texas anons especially, got some mates there and the shit they tell me, we've never had shit like that here before and I can't imagine. please stay safe and healthy. we are all rooting for you to get out of this.
No. 678049
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is there anything worse than being horny while on your period. maybe it's not an issue for others but i just refuse to deal with the hassle of it
No. 679146
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>>679135This makes me want to cry. I feel this way, too. I love you, drunk anon.
No. 679636
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>>679135Unironically this site helped me realize my self worth and leave a shithead ex. I feel exhausted and dissociative right now, but I'm alive and it's progress. We're here for you anon, hang in there.
No. 684693
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Thought codeine and alcohol would be fun turns out I just feel like vomiting
No. 685238
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I’m drunk but I feel super guilty because I self harmed after being clean for nearly my whole adult life
No. 686068
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Me threatening my cat with ten minutes time out in the living room if she doesn’t stop knocking shit over at 4 am
no offense anon I hope u r doin okay just made me think of my cat baby
No. 691246
>>204765I finally got a job offer after 6 months of searching and I'm drunk as fuck to celebrate
I've alreadt finished a bottle of wine and I'm moving on to the liquor. I can't wait to purposefully leave my house and actually get back into the world instead of sinking further into depression
No. 692166
>>691453My friend has gone to the bar but we need cocktail suggestions for something sweet that doesn't contain vodka (she can't drink it), please help cocktail anon
The staff don't know what they're doing, they only suggested pineapple and Malibu.
No. 692173
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>>692166Nta but my absolute favourite is Campari-juice, with 100% orange juice. The Campari is a bit bitter so the drink doesn't end up too sickly sweet, and the aroma is divine.
No. 692193
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I love Christmas time. Mulled wine, cheese boards, lots of blankets and sweaters. Shooting the shit with the extended family.
Merry Crimbo, ladies! and a milky new year
No. 692211
>>692171>>692173We will add these suggestions to our cocktail safari, thank your for your service
>>692193Merry Chrysler
No. 692858
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has anyone else tried these? they're fucking delicious
No. 692866
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dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk dwunk
No. 693057
gibson anon here, i made 3 tonight and i am loopy as FUCK but damn they are fucking DELICIOUS
>>692858o fucking LOVE Smirnoff products, that's delicious. A true anon of culture
No. 697700
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i'm drunk alone at home and a year ago this would've been moment i would have felt like shit and suicidal but now i'm good and enjoying it, cheeers for things getting better
No. 698778
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Finally finished with the medication I couldn’t take alcohol with so tonight I’m getting WASTED
No. 701562
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my work gifted us a bottle of wine for the holiday season and holy shit I feel so warm and fuzzy
No. 704557
File: 1609213652047.gif (Spoiler Image,3.4 MB, 454x365, tumblr_6b5b58f6651c5a6e544ab27…)

Currently drunk watching HBO girls Just for the Adam driver sex scenes even though his character is kind of gross so far
To be honest it is funnier than what I was expecting, especially considering it's made by Lena Dunham
Spoiler for naked ugly Star Wars man
No. 704975
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i'm shitfaced, time to harass men on tinder
No. 705002
>>704728Of course there's not gonna be any hard dick, it's not a porno
They did show an old man's limp dick though
No. 706230
File: 1609454949804.gif (1.39 MB, 480x270, klk.gif)

new years eve! clink clink bitches
No. 706290
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Drinking my brers, some bubbly, you know hiw it goes. Remenvered brittany murphy and her death and feel sad but thats how it is. Clink clink anons i love u all
No. 706905
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>>706528Anon, he ignored my text.
No. 706923
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keep it going keep it going irish
No. 706985
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god bless bitches i would have drunk more this new year if i wasn't on medication that interacts badly with alcohol
No. 707091
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i found my sisters' secret liquor, should i drink some?
No. 707146
File: 1609605997655.png (710.81 KB, 707x765, 1604726208356.png)

I wish I could still get properly drunk.
Drinking every day has taken its toll and I feel like I can never catch a buzz the same way as I used to.
No. 707414
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Imdrank a bottle of wine, gonna watch mean girls
Somehow my mother couldn't tell im drunk as shit because i am spergy sober too. Somoene tell me something good please. I also drunk bleacjed my hair it turned outbso well!!
No. 709123
>>709118Why thanks anon, that was legit very cute
Here's to hoping, cause my country is super conservative
No. 711930
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>>711282 BTS BTS BTS BTS BTS BTS they are 10 chinese men and the leader is Jungkook and the others are Kim Jong Un and Jackie-chan. They have big cocks and likes to have sex with each other. I'm so high hahahahahaha i actually took one Monster and wowww i see the Universe and the planets hahaha stan BTS please
No. 711934
>>711918>>711919>>711923>>711926>>711930>>711932absolute babes
bts anon like 1 can't relate but also 2 let's talk but also 3 let's all talk tbh
No. 712574
>>712570It fucking burned
>>712572Im not swedish;
No. 712609
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eating complete cookies with my morning irish coffee, life is good
No. 712653
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>>712612they're like these protein and fibre-rich cookies you can get online or buy in america. i like to import them. nice breakfast!
No. 715208
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My bf and I split a bottle of this hanging out tonight and it was sooooo tasty. I didn't get drunk but I want to recommend it! Perfectly tart and sweet, minimal boozy taste.
No. 715754
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I’m so annoyed i feel so dumb and sad I was supposed to go to the store and get the pabts blue ribbon hard coffee but when I got to the store I forgot if it was supposed to be hard coffee or hot chocolate (the hot chocolate flavour does not exist) and then panicked and embarrassed myself in front of an employee because another customer said hi but I thought she was talking to me and my sweatpants were falling down kinda because they don’f have a jawstring so I was holding them up with spandex shorts underneath because i wasnt thinking when i got dressed and left and was scared they would fall down if I just reached up and grabbed the hard coffee and also the self checkout like was so long I wouldn’t be able to switch to the card I use for purchases like alcohol and not feel like im needlessly holding up the line so I left without it and then went home and mixed sake with naked mango smoothie I just wanted something milky so it would nicely compliment spicey shakshuka not mango juice… I wish I had kirin hyoketsu chuhais right now I will just cry a little
No. 715883
File: 1610868773644.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 4032x3024, FD2E3793-CF24-4DCA-B405-9E4F02…)

I threw up blood nah kek it’s hot Cheetos
No. 715899
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I wish I had your drunk body confidence
No. 715916
File: 1610870579072.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.17 MB, 3088x2316, 700A980C-FE1B-4282-A7ED-20FDD9…)

reposting anon's pic
No. 715922
File: 1610871117386.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.54 MB, 4032x3024, D1449395-5041-4D4E-8C36-CDF257…)

reposting the other pic
No. 719206
>>715883Hot cheetos and.. vodka?
I mean that's relatable but r u ok anon
No. 719220
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Roomate came back from her parents and gave me some mango vodka as a late christmas gift, finally get to have my first drunky session in almost a year wahoo
No. 719240
File: 1611250015542.jpg (39.65 KB, 504x800, absolut-mango-1l-434789.jpg)

>>719230Yes, its not weak or overpowering and goes nice in lemon soda
No. 722138
>>722120I think that one first announcement of "what up ladies I'm drunk" per day is acceptable to be unsaged. after that it's just chat. but this is just one anon's opinion. am dronk
>>722128>>727131is there a difference between butt chuggin and boofing
No. 722829
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>>719374I've been savoring cheap vodka with cranberry juice recently as an homage to my late Russian grandpapa. He's drunkenly fighting with American soldier in heaven now.
>>722190Damn, I'm so anxious about my semester, the distance learning sucks ass and my country is in total lockdown so I can't even sit in a cafe and be around people. I'm a pretty asocial person, but being totally alone in my flat is really wearing my mind thin. Pray for me not to fail, dear anons.
No. 723445
>>722829could you explain this image to me please? I am interested and feeling stupid
>>723191I'm celebrating the first day of the semester with cheap champagne and Fantastic Mr Fox. cheers anon!!
buttchug anon we haven't forgotten No. 725752
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I haven’t drank more than 1 drink at a time in like a month I just had 3 in an hour fuckyeahj
Where’s my anonhoes
No. 726615
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I’m really fucked up rn, I got followed on my walk today. I hate men, just leave me alone!
No. 731350
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wi love you bitches
who wants their clit
No. 731612
File: 1612603479146.jpg (2.15 MB, 4016x3008, IMG_20210206_061554.jpg)

I will rewatch all of the Star Wars movies (not everything today obviously, but maybe two - at least phantom menace) and i already have my rum and coke and my bottle of anti-hungover water ready
I am pumped nonnies
No. 731634
Kylo Ren is it still my biggest Star Wars crush but obi wan is cute as fuck
Also c3po and r2d2 are the best bromance
No. 731903
>>731612Is antihangover water anything special or just water?
Obiwan was cute af
No. 731943
>>731939yeah i feel that way a bit, for me it's more of an overall personality enhancer. like i have the ability to be social but i'm an infp so it brings it out of me way more, and the lack of inhibitions makes me funnier too lol
it also heightens my ability to constantly trip and eat shit
No. 732035
>>731903No, it's just regular water. One of the main causes for hangovers is actually dehydration, so for each cup of alcohol I drink, I drink the double in water. Always work, no matter how much I drink!
>>731792And I ended up just watching episode I, wasn't
that bad (the last time I watched I was a kid so I didn't remember most of it anyway), 5/10
Now I know I hated episode II even as an older kid, so I am not looking forward to it very much. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow and I'll report back, since I still have whisky and coke left
No. 736813
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>>736793just came inside from smoking. now on lolcow waiting for the high to hit me. start to feel it in my face. see this post. immediate max comfy. love you anon.
No. 737443
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i've drank one beer and few liquor shots and i'm feeling fine forgetting this pandemic at home, this is the way i treat myself after surviving almost a month at work and it's fuckign frostbite weather outside
No. 737878
File: 1613172970269.jpg (1.83 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3291.JPG)

I've just recently moved away from my family and it's been really hard but I've taken solace in trying the interesting array of sake the new state I live in has to offer….this one is too cute not to share. Cheers, ladies and Happy Friday!
No. 738739
File: 1613257550500.gif (1.87 MB, 268x240, f95a5a09d6c575601bb898c0d81c3f…)

>>738723Samefaggorino but look at it
No. 738948
File: 1613286615465.png (530.07 KB, 828x414, 806DA1A9-8A1C-48A4-82C3-35C5E6…)

I miss kissing and holding hands
No. 739432
>>738739Drinking rum and f
Was gonna reply to this but its my own fucking post kek anayways, why can't we ever get like hollywood dick x dick movie with hot dudes like this? Lemme see chris hemswortj and evans make sweet fuck to each other! On the big screen
No. 739446
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>>739444Look at tjat grip, girl
No. 739487
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>>739481S Q U A R E U P N O N N Y
No. 748209
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Is there anything more pathetic than drinking in your room alone? that's what I've been doing these past couple weeks.
now I'm bout to get drunk again. I've got to see a shrink tomorrow morning so I hope I'll get to talk a bit about my drinking, it's becoming an issue
No. 749519
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whhhhhyyyy is it so hard to quit smoking weeeeed uuugggghhh this bourbon is making me want to vom for fucking real, I wish I could just put my brain in a jar until it's useful to me again, god damn I said god DAMB I said
No. 750972
File: 1614488790703.jpg (136.29 KB, 1280x1280, original (2).jpg)

ive been shitposting all night and i havent felt so good in a long time. played league shit faced and also had fun it's incredible. I haven';t been able to quit ytou bitches since i was 16. I'm 22 now and although my life has improved so much this is the only site i feel like i can truly be myhself on and read how people are doing. if you're reading this i care u,.
No. 756802
>>558223same anon as above
>>756800just want to update y’all this was also me last year and i hate her now. life happens but im thriving now and own a house hehe
No. 756817
File: 1615191273553.jpg (64.9 KB, 564x662, ddd190093605eed59ccd3a8e69f54d…)

Does drunkness magnify negative feelings to seem worse than they really are? Or does it just take off the bandaid and make you realize how actually bad you feel??? Sometimes when I'm drunk I'm reduced to tears over something my mom said to me recently that had kind of hurt, then the next morning I wake up and try to recreate that sadness by thinking of that memory but my pain isn't as intense. Pic not really related I just like it
No. 756818
samefag but
>>754882 congrats!!! I'm genuinely glad for you, can't wait to get vaxxed myself
No. 762427
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>>760968Is your brain any better anon
No. 764635
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im drinking on a weeknight when i have to wake up early tomorrow and im fucking hungry
No. 765238
File: 1616198819460.jpeg (44.89 KB, 474x474, 65CDD46E-473B-4433-95FE-FCCFDD…)

i love my girlfriend so much ♥ i love her abd i can't wait to spend more time wittg her, just thinking about it makes me smile super duper wide. we're going to have so much fun together in the summertime! so much that my heart bursts! sorry for breathing into the phone i didn't mean to startle you </3 but im so happy wecan be together right now…! she's the sweetest cutest most wonderful person in the world and i want to kisskiss kiss her all night long. sleep soundly my princess my sweetheart, i'll join you in dreamland very soon. ifeeling so tender. she's so cute making little noises in her sleep. love you need you. kiss…
No. 768247
>>768237samefag anyways i got my food
i like drunk i can experience everything new like i'm learning a new vidya. i wish i had beer here but vodka is new enough to explore these feelings i spose. glad i have food. id like company too unfortunately im too drunk to interact with family , but.. id fuck
No. 770785
File: 1616857782424.png (73.38 KB, 245x245, tumblr_inline_p60719rSOo1sy9u1…)

Nearly midnight, drinking white wine, my sister texts me from downstairs that she's making french fries and asks if I want some. This is da life my friends
No. 771082
File: 1616889060049.jpg (41 KB, 720x581, c9a79a31ccdc30b3ddc0e93f7646f4…)

Who wants a big tiddied goth gf im so hot honestly
No. 771085
>>771082Oh yeah?? Post a trace of your body then
nonny Yeah
Didn't think so
u prep
No. 771374
>>771116where they at?
1/2 vodk and2 stillnox, im going to bed now superfeids
No. 771441
File: 1616948569119.gif (1.95 MB, 268x300, margochanning.gif)

It's officially "horny and wanting a gf" hours, cheers
No. 771565
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>>771441I want Bette Davis to be my gf…I'm not drunk I just love her.
No. 775257
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drunk and read chainsawman in one sitting after reading it weekly for years and maan does that shit hurt. how are we doin tonight ladiesss
No. 775477
File: 1617467055930.gif (983.12 KB, 488x343, farrah.gif)

Winedrunk, made a new tumblr out of nostalgia, rage-deleted after trying on like 8 unsatisfying urls
No. 776987
File: 1617675574034.png (55.61 KB, 275x251, 1611178704502.png)

hell yeahhhhhh
No. 781154
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Anyone else Sunday day drinking?
No. 781189
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>>781154yep. stay hydrated bb
No. 781193
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you know it. don't need that monday headache
No. 781211
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>>781193id hang with you b have fun ilu
No. 783134
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Pic unrelated bumping this so the binch in the dumbass shit thread sees it
No. 784123
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oh noe I just spent £150 on an eye serum because I'm drinking rose & watching mads mikkelsen movies instead of doing my coursework! At least I can actually afford it I've made shitloads off cryptos recently
No. 784149
>>784123> I've made shitloads off cryptos recentlyHigh five girl me too! I mean, it's the bullrun so it's difficult to not make money. I've seen my money +1000% just like that. I'm treating myself with sushi though and the rest goes into my piggy bank after I cashout.
Let's ride those green waves together and may the bogs bless us.
No. 784846
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who's ready to drunkpost all over /ot/ tonight then be embarrassed tomorrow morning about how earnest you were
No. 784859
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>>784846I stopped regretting it, I mean what I say
No. 785222
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I love how brave I am when I'm drunk. All my fears and anxiety about stupid shit go away. If only there was a medication that worked like alcohol did without being poison to my blood and a strictly night-time/weekend habit. anyway, cheers
No. 785225
>>785148I know this is a good vibes thread but it's always good to keep on top of that stuff
nonny. It can catch up with you and become an issue faster than you think.
Gin and tonics rule tho
No. 786931
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I substituted ginger ale with ginger beer in this gin-gin cocktail and now my lips are burning aaaaaaaaa
No. 787603
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>>784123I find myself here once again.. still with the same piece of coursework unfinished
No. 790738
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I just met a moid via a friend and we connected so well. Ik this is the drunk thread but our life experiences we recounted were basically the same. I've never felt this understood before. Wanna cry
No. 790774
>>790772Cheers anon!
I will keep yall updated on how it's working lol
No. 790778
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>>790738Backwards search of this image produced only one result, picrel. What is it??
No. 790793
just some randoms pic from a 00s social media site archived there.
My friends left me incapacitated alone in public guizeeuh whatdoido???
No. 790801
>>790793Anyways 2 girls walked past me and pointed me in the direction of my friends and said "love your clothes by the way" sincerely….. they were girls I would have categorised as "basic" had I been sober.
…. why are drunk girls the most angelic beings ever?
No. 790958
>>790801I think it's cause girls love each other normally we're just taught to hate each other. Divide and conquer and all that
Also cheers to me getting drunk and high cause my province went into lockdown with only a day's notice (found out at 4:30pm that a lockdown was officially starting at 8am) right as the weather got nice and my cabin fever got worse. Right now there are university students flaunting their 22k fines at another damn party to celebrate their fines. This is why bad things happen but they're not gonna stop, you'd have to give them prison time or a school suspension to get these rich fuckers to learn
No. 791231
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Nothing better than drinking something really tasty while emotionally lipsyncing to music alone in your room. I feel alive and sexy tonight. Cheers, ladies
No. 794823
>>794373as a cheap boozer I am taking notes….
>>792430same but I'm also motivated by just being drunk. There's been a pile of clothes sitting on my chair for days that I haven't had the motivation to put away, a few drinks into this evening and I am putting them all away frantically while listening to new order.
I've posted in this thread so many times maybe it's a sign I'm overdoing it but I feel so good girlss all I want now is a gf to get drunk and dance with
;_; No. 795166
>>794975>>795165Thirded gin fucking sucks, it tastes like perfume
What is it even made of??
No. 795172
>>794975I like gin a lot but its unique in that only mid-shelf and above gin is drinkable. A shitty rum or vodka can be made totally palatable but a shitty gin will always taste like gasoline and grandma. You also need good tonic for a decent gin & tonic (something like Fever Tree).
Bee's Knees is my favorite cocktail and even someone that despises gin would like it. The lemon and honey cover up the gin taste much like Cointreau covers the cognac in a Sidecar.
No. 795178
>>795174Just drink two cups of water for every cup of alcohol and you'll be fine the next day
I am almost 30 and I am always fine she i do that
No. 795374
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I honestly love who I am one beer in. Chatty and cheerful. Really makes me miss going out with my friends and meeting new people. I hope bars open again soon. In the mean time I'll just reply to anons on here with compliments and encouragements kek
>>794975Gin is godawful. Most liquors are, which is why cocktails exist, but pretty much every mixed drink I've tried with gin just does not help it at all kek. Vodka supremacy
No. 795516
>>794975>>795165>>795166Whaaat y'all trippin. Gin is delicate and beautiful, like a dainty herbal breeze. It's soft enough to drink alone and ideal for cocktails because it only adds a light booziness and brightens drinks with its herbal flavor. Although I do agree with
>>795172 and believe that only refers to good gin (most spirits are shit unless they're good quality, duh), the crappy brands do taste like pine juice basically. It's made from juniper berries and a bunch of other aromatic botanicals. Nothing more refreshing than a gin & tonic, and negronis are pretty tasty too.
No. 795564
>>795516I don't drink often but around my bday and xmas I tend to receive gin kits with those miniature gin bottles to sample..I mix them with minimal cola or mixer and they taste pretty good when strong.
I find rum pretty palatable too. Esp spiced rum.
No. 795795
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Alcohol gives me the power to do the simple things normids do every day and I’m thankful for it. I took a picture of the sky (not related)
No. 795849
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>>795805Chatting with family and something as simple as playing an online game. I’m already sobering up the fun is ending. God that was a nice couple hours.
See you next week noniees
No. 797266
This thread feels like 1 big sleepover except we're all 20+ (surely a few minors are slipping through the cracks but we don't talk about that here x) love yous nonnsies
>>795795That's a lovely picture anon!
No. 802653
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Whatup fellow females
I am glad for this place to be honest & read you guys' hot takes, especially some of the stuff in the mtf thread since the tranny janny has calmed down.
ribbit ribbit
No. 806302
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had a dumbass argument with my scrote, still getting fucking turnt tonight though. Any other nonnies? Meme shamelessly stolen from the dumb bitch memes thread
No. 812294
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I just want to hug someone, not just any someone, but someone with whom I am romantically involved and regularly have sex with
No. 814715
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I've gone most of my life without feeling normal human emotions, why all of the sudden am I feeling EXCESSIVE empathy? A simple gesture of gratitude from my boss just made me feel like I could cry No I am not PMSing but my period doesn't have any effect on my mood anyway. Wasn't planning on drinking tonight but here we are I guess
No. 818429
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at that level of drunk where i just wanna be a hater on main. no filter babey.
No. 818518
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my cat just knocked over my last white claw and i had to wipe it up but idc i love him so much…
No. 821770
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I always thought this thread was dumb and now I’m drunk and having a great time reading threads and I love all you beautiful women I hope you all are happy and know ur beautiful I kiss u all mwah ♡
No. 824020
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tipsy off two glasses of red wine and about to order a shit ton of plants for my bedroom, have a lovely evening ladies
No. 825786
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Another shit day at work and now I'm here.. …………. love u nonnies. Don't mind me just regretting every disicion I've ever made
No. 833440
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I’m sorry
No. 833534
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Anonatellas, I feel full of love for others and so much hatred for myself at the same time, I should stop drinking but it's the only thing that makes me feel alive atm, pray for me that I find something better. I pray for you, I hope you find something in your life that eliminates the need for you to drink. If not I hope you have many fun shitafaced times. Love you all and everything you've done for me
No. 833984
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>>833534Bless u anon, sending good vibes
No. 834003
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>>833990>>833982I see your TPB attractions and raise you my shameful crushes
No. 834069
>>833990You’re so wrong. His muscles are blinding you.
No. 837699
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Almost got everything I need for my mini bar! Still need a few more different alcohol, and a friend is building a mini light up shelf for the drinks… But I got fancy glasses and everything. Super excited to make fancy cocktails now.
What's everyone's favorite?
No. 841464
>>841441I always thought it was mostly a saying.
I usually go by rule of thumb as in if I already took the antibiotic for some days and only have a few left it's ok. Or if I took it at least 6 hours ago and don't have to take it again for another like 12 or less?
I never really had any problems but I also habe to take prescriptions qhere they clearly say don't mix with alcohol and I do anyway so I'm not a good source. (Nothing too bad just like aderall and antidepressants while drinking every once in a while)
Either way if you don't get black out drunk and already took them some time ago and don't have to take them for a while/ until tomorrow.
Go get yourself a nice drink! You deserve it! Just take care of yourself
No. 841468
>>841441I drank once while on them for a dental thing that didn't seem too serious. I got drunk on one large glass of wine
If you really have something serious going on I wouldn't risk it, I've been told it reduces the effectiveness of them. When I had a wicked UTI I obvs didn't risk it.
No. 841502
>>841468God UTI shit is the worst.
I'll drink to not currently having a UTI! Cheers!
(I jinxed myself didn't I? Brb gotta pee just in case)
No. 841510
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>>841468I probably have lyme so I'll stick to alcohol free beer for a while
No. 841534
>>841526I got that UTI from all the sex I was having
Cause that's what sex brings, pain and urinary urgency
No. 841541
>>841539Sex is very hit or miss
But you know what never misses?
A good cocktail, a fat blunt, some erotic literature (read good fanfic) and a vibrator
No. 841542
>>204765Can you be drunker on one kind of alcohol or is that a myth?
I'm lagging on 3 beers but had way more units of rum a few nights ago and was sound as a pound
No. 841718
>>841661>>841665I do have a pretty high tolerance tbh. It takes me a MIN 3 to get me even buzzed, and that's only
if I haven't eaten at least 5-6 hours before drinking. If I ate within that window I don't get drunk until 6-8 drinks. I don't really know why that's the case (I'm 140~ 5''7, so not like overweight per say) maybe it's in my genetics?
Anyway, I work a really stressful job on weekdays so on fridays or saturdays I like to chill and drink and game/art. I don't think that's that bad, but it bothers my bf a lot. He's not a drinker (his gallbladder has been removed so he basically can't). So I can see why that'd bother him but I don't annoy him when I do it, I put on music and just play games or draw. It's funny to me considering he's baked out of his mind 24/7 and I don't care about that but… lol
But are you saying because my tolerance is high that I should try to cut back regardless? Maybe twice a month sort of deal?
No. 841822
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I went on a drunk adventure
Aka I drank a bottle of low percentage mix drink - ran out of cigarettes and promised my boyfriend to bring him a pack of his favourite because Hey I'm out already to buy some (He doesn't really smoke but I smoked his last cigarette some time ago and promised to buy him a new pack at one point so today was that day).
It was raining a little, but that was alright it was warm and my headphones are waterproof.
Put said headphones on,listened to some good old Arctic Monkeys.
The cornerstore was already closed but a bar close by wasn't. I got myself a cocktail to go and went to the main station. Got cigarettes and his favourite beer because idk I wanted to surprise him I guess.
Took the bus back home up the hill.
Back home, nice warm shower, cuddled up in my bed with my cats and some videos.
Life is good. Pircel was the cocktail to go (told the bartender to surprise me and make it to go)
No. 841833
>>841829It definitely was! Sometimes it's good to spent some time on your own and I really enjoyed it! Also thank you!!!
>>841828That sucks, I feel like I always take drinking in public for granted. I'm always sad whenever I'm in the states that you can't just sit around in one of the bazillion beautiful places with a nice cold drink. Don't worry anon I was enjoying the drink for both of us~!
No. 842003
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LOOK! at! THIS! STINKY!!!! ASS!!!!!! HOE!!!!!
No. 842057
>>842007thsks, appreciate (she appreciates you are looking respectfully)
>>842049calico intensifies
>>842051yeah I'm a bit retarded and ocd so everything matches, i'm lucky she's pretty and happened to match with all of it
No. 842080
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>>842075we're all cows mooooo
No. 842086
>>842080I just really wish I had girlfriends. I miss being told I'm lovely by them, everything they said felt so real and in love, I don't get that from men. I wish I could hug everyone on lolcow, you're all mean, but I'm mean, too, and it's not because of stupid people telling us that girls hate each other, it's for real tangible reasons, like yeah, that cow, she doesn't know how to match her shit, it's okay to notice that, I'd tell my girlfriends that also. I heart you lolcow, love this mess
No. 844673
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am drunk off of vodka, playing ffxiv real bad. im pretty sure everyone's preferred alcohol is what they first stole off of their parents/siblings/grandparents
No. 845239
>>845179(posting itt because I don't want to be annoying in the og one. See how fckn considerate i am anons should make me a statue tbh
(/s for you fucking autists). This
>>>/ot/845179 is the most incomprehensible image on this website. I see the English text but i have no idea what the fuck any of it says or means. Might as well be hieroglyphics. I refuse to believe the anon below understood what it says because it's literally an alien language
No. 851227
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i am once again back on my "grieving the death of the old internet" bullshit. was just thinking of this fic from one of my now-dead fandoms. author had posted it to in 2002 before deleting in 2006; a fan rescued it and hosted it on her geocities where I found it and cherished it deeply. Didn't save it myself because I was young and a fool. Now that geocities site is obviously gone too and it was too obscure of a fandom to have been backed up (trust me I searched). i'm half-tempted to "rewrite" the fic just because I still remember the plot and even some passages very well. i wouldn't post it anywhere, just treasure it kek
No. 851259
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>>851227There was a Tumblr-like website that got created in 2002 or 2004 (as far as I remember) and it never technically died, it's always been popular as hell. People would write fanfiction in their "test" section and some of them were amazing. Then the website silently deleted itself right before COVID hit, which is a huge loss imo. Everyone were confused because people were still active there… There it's a "fanmade" version of a website bit it's infested with weirdos.
I feel horrible that I used to love this one author who would write good romance fanfictions along with beautiful smut. I still remember how much I loved her fic with Kyoya from Ouran, shame that I never saved it…