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No. 813895
Get your soul lighter without the need to pray.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/791206 No. 813902
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I just discovered that kinning hot muscular characters gives me life and motivation to have a better healthier and muscular life
Fuck coomer scrotes I'm claiming all the muscular ladies for myself!!!!!!
No. 813908
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>>813904Girl let's just do it, let's be unapologetically healthy kinners
No. 813942
>>813907You go girl. That's impressive. Remember - it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. Keep it up.
I love seeing when people I went to high school and college with gain weight. It makes me feel so much better about myself.
No. 814061
>>814038Men will idolize and will want to fuck an ugly man in a dress if they can,
nonnie, you only have to look cute for yourself.
No. 814064
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>>814038Yeah same honestly. My self esteem is not that low, I think I look fine and don't feel obligated to look like a model or porn star or w/e. But men are just so pornsick and are constantly inundated with extremely hot (often unrealistically so) women and many studies prove that it massively warps their perception of women. They have low standards for who they will fuck and even date, but they are idealistic to a crazy extent and I'll never be able to believe a guy is truly content with an average girl like me.
That said, I do think there are guys who are perfectly happy with average gfs and girls who are similarly or less attractive than me. It's just hard to tell which guy is that type and which is the entitled pornsick type, and I'm not that keen on taking a risk.
No. 814279
>>814270she's only 17, she's got plenty of time to improve
I did not go into the album expecting to like anything and brutal surprised me
it's brazen teenage trashy pop rock crap, I am here for it. I didn't understand anons in celebricows making an avril comparison but I can see it for that one measly song
No. 814296
>>813907I'm in a similiar position, although I lost only half of that. People are crying about becoming couch potatoes and putting on weight while I'm going out running mainly because the pandemic left me with enough peace of mind and energy that I can finally focus on my body, so I can't relate to people that lost motivation
because of lockdown.
No. 814484
>>814415>>814453Well mine didn't. Just a year ago I sperged out at the dentist out of fear (including grabbing them), they probably think I'm unironically retarded now. This year I nearly had a meltdown cause I thought my parents were about to throw out something important. Sometimes the same thing happens when
I see posts I strongly dislike, because it feels like I'm being betrayed or my expectations for posts are too high And too many other moments to list but these are the recent ones.
No. 814540
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>>813895sometimes i like to pretend my period bloodclots are a misscarriage and mourn my child before flushing it away.
No. 814580
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>>814540The way I laughed
No. 814796
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Sometimes when I'm watching a movie or an interview or whatever that has a room with one or more males that I find attractive, I activate monke brain and I literally react like Jez in this episode of Peep Show, but genderbent. I keep looking at their crotches and thinking "heheh he has a junk under those layers of fabric… What is he hiding?"
No. 814851
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Just made the mistake of snooping and came across a recent video of my awful toxic ex and he grew out his hair and it looks exactly like pic related (he's Asian as well but doesn't resemble picrel much) and I'm soooo furious that he didn't look this good while we were dating. If I had to suffer for three years why couldn't it at least have been with this haircut fuck
No. 815002
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I make all my ocs in dressup/doll maker games including nsfw ones, yes even kisekae. I'm not bothered by the nsfw aspects as long as there's enough options, plus I can lewd my husbando in it, no other game has enough choices to create his design since his hair is pretty wild and distinct. And I can't think of that many other dollmakers that let you change the body, add weird facial features, and layer parts.
there's a sfw version anyway but I'm more deeply ashamed because of the autists associated with this and the communities being shit in general. There are some good designs out there though, the worse ones are usually the ones that leave everything on the default settings or give strange proportions. Unfortunately the worst and fetishy ones are all it's associated with.
No. 815019
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Friend hasn't spoken to me since our fight a couple days ago and I'm afraid to send anything in the groupchat when she's still in there chatting with other people. I would rather she spoke again to me first. I have no idea what to say. I want to believe our friendship isn't over but its paining me that nothing has been said.
If I wasn't kicked from the groupchat then it means there could be a resolve, but I'm going to be quiet until she mentions me or messages me personally
No. 815044
>>815009I guess it depends on what style you're into but most of my favorites were on dolldivine, azalea's dolls and rinmarugames (she shut down her site tho but her games are reposted on dolldivine, dressupgamesdotcom and some other sites). I can't be assed to list each of their dressups individually, I bookmarked so many throughout the years but their sites usually have categories and a search if you're looking for a specific look/artstyle. azalea's in particular is more fantasy focused.
As for nsfw..
kisekae like I mentioned is the only one I can think of right now that I truly liked for some of the reasons stated before, some others are more like waifu makers/h-games like 3D custom girl, although you can mod for that one too but it was too hard for me so I gave up. technically
kisekae was also a waifu maker originally but it has more leeway to create male bodies. You can create non-moe styles in this too, even realistic and cartoony, but you have to spend quite some time fucking around with the sliders and code editing/moving things out of bounds, which isn't difficult on it's own but if you want it to look
decent that takes some time and constantly adjusting things around unless you're creating a real simple design or use someone else's export codes. Even with my own donut steels I often go back and change things days later. Plus you can save files for characters you made so that way you can reload it another time in case you delete your cookies or something.
Also I think that miku dance maker thing, MMD? also lets you modify and import/export things. I haven't actually played it yet tbh so Idk all the technical parts about it. I think this is mostly sfw but I've seen a few people make nsfw stuff from it.
If I remember anything else I'll get back to this later.
No. 815045
>>815030The fight didn't end too well and I'm afraid of mincing my words. The problem is that it means I'll have to tell her things about her that I have had trouble communicating in the past about her communication style and her dealing with her emotions has hurt my trust in her
basically she went off on me multiple times claiming she was being "logical" when she spent those times being emotional. she's bad at dealing with her emotional capacity which isn't super high and then acts like she doesn't have any emotions and is higher and mightier than thou whenever there's an argument. I have a problem in dealing with my emotional capacity to where I have many many emotions. We both have trouble with it and she's talked to me, but she can't accept most of the time when she's wrong or when she's hurt people because of her poor coping mechanism of claiming everything she does is objective, and I don't know how to phrase myself eloquently enough to say that I think there's parts of her that need to change that have hurt others
which sucks because when she's a good friend she's a really good friend. when she's a raging bitch or goes into "I am objective emotionless robot" mode she becomes fucking insufferable.
No. 815064
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periodically I get obsessed with an artist and internet stalk them.
No. 815072
Same anon from
>>815044 also want to add if you're having issues with flash, there are multiple ways to continue using it (most involve changing something in the computer's system) the easiest ime is to just download a browser that still supports flash like waterfox classic or old versions of firefox, then install a flash add-on (it's basically like adding a chrome extension)
No. 815137
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>>815119anon…just wait until you discover the weird kink ones
No. 815147
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>>815139ok but that fact that the acc i stumbled on was taking a poll of its followers and asked their ages…..and most of them replied that they were underage…
these kpop kids need help
No. 815265
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>>815248so which one of these is your husbando
No. 815280
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I wanna indulge in retail therapy so bad right now but I keep feeling guilty about the waste/emissions generated from packaging and shipping. But ahhh god I want a new plant right fuckin NOWWW
No. 815327
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>>815316Stealing with momma, what a wholesome bonding activity lmao
No. 815376
>>815280Go to home Depot and take a clipping. I've done that a number of times.
Or do as this anon said:
>>815316Theres plants everywhere in public buildings too. Get creative.
No. 815735
>>815044Thank you for responding
nonny, that seems like a cool niche to explore, I wanna fuck around with dollmakers now
No. 816424
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I spend a lot of time thinking about that one anon who went camping as a 10 year old and karaoked Don't Worry Be Happy in a Jamaican accent while being judged silently by a bunch of teenage girls.
No. 816617
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My tongue is wide but short. I can't do anything noteworthy with it, I just wanted to tell this to the world
No. 816693
>>816679In my experience twitter SJWs will bow down to the opinions of any person who is at least half black. Even if I'm saying some slightly "
problematic" shit if I mention my race people act like it's illegal to argue with me, makes for some good laffs in sjw circles.
No. 816711
>>816703I'm in the eu and can't pinpoint what you're talking about tbh.
Adults who make up senseless lies about dumb shit..tend to have some sort of personality disorder. Try not to go there.
No. 816713
>>816703Where are you from?
Romania? It's Romania, isn't it?
No. 816752
>>816711I'm in the EU and racially ambiguous and it does not make sense to me either.
If you're mixed race, people are going to think you are some kind of African or some kind of Arab, and will give you shit accordingly. Nobody is going to care if you later tell them you are half Albanian or whatever.
No. 816827
>>816774>>816775It depends on where you live but I've been literally singled out in class by a British professor for being Serbian, people have openly told me they hate Serbs, when I told some of my classmates where I'm from you could see their face go from friendly to cold in a second.
Of course, whenever I complained about this people have had the same reaction as you - this doesn't happen, you're exaggerating, you're just being dramatic, that sounds weird and I doubt you're telling the truth etc. It always takes people being physically present and witnessing unprompted hostility from others to convince them. I don't deserve this because I personally don't hate anyone nor am I a bad person, and I would never treat anyone this way.
No. 816993
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I feel so fucking guilty for shipping these two together.
Like Fuuka is in love with Yousuke however he is a respectable kek man and refuses to acknowledge her romantically….. till she's 27. I wish she was 27.
No. 817037
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Sometimes I am very tempted to buy Trevor Browns artbooks because he does have some genuinely nice pieces. I usually can't go through with it though because I fucking hate him and all the fetish/pedoshit art that probably takes up most of the books.
No. 817074
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I love kids (and hope to be a mom someday) but kids don't like me
No. 817301
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whenever a young twink goes to prison i like to imagine how much he's getting raped
No. 817313
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>>817301Sminem's long lost American cousin
No. 817318
>>817304good god his interrogation was so cringey. i never watch mass shooters' trials or anything since they're completely uninteresting to me, but that detective who wasn't putting up with his shit was hilarious.
>>817306a twink is just a male who lacks muscle mass and body hair
No. 817352
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I look at independent gravure models sometimes. I always feel guilty for sexualizing those girls even though it’s the intended purpose. I wish all men would go blind and only women are allowed to look respectfully.
No. 817373
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>>817301he looks like gypsy rose now kek
No. 817391
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>>817381It’s honestly horrifying, I really feel bad for the famous people that has to live knowing that they’re part of someone’s fap folder even if it’s just by name.
>tfw I tried to find a retarded tweet like the one posted up thread but there was only faceless porn with the censored names of the artists. No. 817643
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>>817134I think about this everytime I visit or get into any current lolita space at this point. My way of coping is just visiting old tumblrs, livejournals, rbt/warosu and blogs under the pretense of doing "archival work" while blasting Kanon Wakeshima's and Ali Project's albums on loop.
No. 817655
>>817643You unlocked this great memory of when I first saw that picture,
nonnie, I love it so much, thank you!
No. 817665
>>817134Sweet nostalgia. If I had never become a lolita and discovered cgl then I would have never ended up here, where I have wasted so much time
I will always love jfasion but it has ruined my life kek
No. 817792
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>>817787I’m glad to know I’m not the only one, it’s all so shiny and pretty, but I don’t give a single fuck about the singers. I like these magic wand things, I want something like this but of my husbandos or something cute.
No. 817795
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>>817787>>817792Kek I've been into it since 2014 and just bought my first album earlier this year. That's it, that's literally all I have and it's been 7 years since I got into kpop.
I just like seeing the pretty boys of my nugu bias group.
No. 817797
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>>817793Me too, but then I learnt they’re light sticks to light them up during concerts and stuff, like the Japanese ones.
No. 817801
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>>817800Uhg, now I really want to at least go to a vocaloid concert just so I can dance like an autist with other autists.
No. 817852
>>817797Oh boy can you imagine if kpop lightsticks had different colors for some individual members too? Just picture the fan-wars…
>>817800Yeah but aren't they like more well-behaved at concerts there? I like going wild at concerts so that sounds lame to me
No. 818113
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>>818093which one was it anon
No. 818122
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sometimes when im too lazy to throw out the apple core (which is usually) i eat the whole apple including the stem. Apparently thats not good for you because apple seeds have like arsenic or some shit in it. But bitch id rather die from eating an apple core than having to trek from my comfy bed to my kitchen to throw it out. I figure if ryuk can do it so can i LMAO
No. 818135
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>>818113>>818123Damn I'm retarded. I thought alabaster was the same as shellac….
Uh but here's a reference pic. His skin was this shade but he wasn't Asian or at least not 100% and his hair was slicked back
No. 818413
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He's not my favorite character at all but sometimes I feel like posting him more just to piss off anons. I want to post characters from naruto and other fun weirdly divisive anime too.
It's weird cause I tried avoiding this series for so long because of the fans and people saying how bad it is and "muh shounenshit" but once I actually read/watched it I started to like it lmao. Especially for the reader insert stories tbh even though I prefer some characters over others I don't truly hate any of them and don't get the extreme reactions
No. 818444
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Hidekaz Himaruya’s art makes me feel less self-conscious about my art because the hands i draw always end up looking terrible, I feel like I don’t need to become an expert at drawing hands if I want to create art and tell a story.
No. 818632
>>818525My condolences anon. I had a death in the family very recently too, and I… I just can't deal with it, it's the hardest thing. But I know I will because it has happened before. What horrifies me is that it will happen again and again, no matter what I do the same horror awaits me - everyone I love will die and I will have to suffer through that until I die myself, after which everyone I love will still keep dying.
And we all live through this. I'm amazed how people aren't running around the streets screaming their heads off. It's all so hard and so frightening.
No. 818639
>>818578>>818628Have you considered the fact that your husband/boyfriend escapes your misandry because you actually know got to know them and they're good people, and not because they are somehow special exceptions among billions of men, and that there are many other good men besides them
who you too would turn out to like if you communicated with them? I'll never understand how misogynists and misandrists can function in society while hating half the population.
No. 818731
>>818639No,I think my boyfriend is probably a pig too. God knows what kind of sexist shit he says when women aren't around.
>>818710I don't even think he's the exception honestly. How sad is that? Our relationship is great but I guess that's a lie because I have this hatred beneath the surface
No. 818749
>>818661I may be a bit biased
because I have a fetish for watching dicks fucking inanimate objects kek but idk you have a dildo right? The only thing imo that keeps this from being a double standard is that men choosing not to have intercourse with woman is more likely due to Loserish causes, whereas woman choosing not to intercourse w/men is out of safety/common sense. The double standard comes in when we unpack why it's "loser behavior" to have a flashlight. Are we suggesting men must go out and fuck every time they get their urge? A lot to unpack here
nonnie No. 818820
>>818771Wew, that's disgusting. Must have been awful for you to see.
I borrowed my younger brothers phone for a day when he was around 13. It was full of big titty images but nothing worse than that, pretty wholesome all things considered. I was a bro about it and never told our parents, he appreciated that and it ended up being kind of a bonding experience. He's 19 now and we still laugh about it sometimes.
No. 818827
>>818764Thank you, I always kinda thought so, though it seems
>>818771 has got me beat.
No. 818926
I unknowingly had sex in college with a guy who later went to prison for rape and sexual assault on minors. He was a grad student with a promising teaching career, but instead he used his student teaching position to vet and groom for minors and particularly those he worked with in theatric programs. From what I remember, we only hooked up and went on dates a few times but it made sense that he picked me in hindsight. I was only 20 years old at the time myself, and probably came off as immature for my age. Not to mention I was on the cusp of being a peak libfem pickme. I remember he used to tell me that he was a "hugger" and I remember actually not being creeped out by that because I was so touch-starved that I thought it was a good thing. Pft.
One night, he broke down saying he was in trouble for having done something "bad." I can't remember if he confessed to it specifically, but I'm sure he manipulated upon my empathy. In retrospect I see that he was totally using me. I think he expected me to stick around in the background so he could later use me to point and say "See?! I have consensual sex with of-age women and they think I'm a saint!" It's like he knew he was being investigated, so he tried to drum up as many positive female opinions about himself as he could to disguise the fact that he's wicked. He took advantage of his position and lorded it over a girl. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened had I said no during one of our hookups? Would he have played his "hugger" mojo over me and tried to have coerced me, and maybe even done so forcefully failing that? Who knows. After that particular visit we stopped talking. I presumed he slipped off my radar naturally like other hookups I had in college. It wasn't until the news story broke about what he was accused of that I found out the truth.
He's out of jail now. This happened several years ago and I think he spent about ~2 years in the clink. I looked up his address and know where he lives, he must always register as a sex offender now. His court case, and subsequent failed appeals, are published online to read. They're disturbing.
Disturbing in that the guy (and his mother, family, and some friends) genuinely believe he's not a predator! During his trial all he could whine about was how it would ruin his career. He had no remorse whatsoever for basically using schools to pick out which girls to fuck, and leaned hard on how they were "willing" sexual relationships so he was being framed in his defense. It's such bullshit. Also saw his mother defending him in the comments under the news story on Facebook saying that the girls were "obsessed" with her son and were stalking him, and so he didn't do anything wrong. I hate women like her, they blame other women for fucking everything and the sweet innocent boys they raised to be rapist men can do no wrong. It's no wonder he feels entitled to little girl bodies, his own mom believes that teenage girls are whore temptresses. Shit keeps me awake at night.
No. 819057
>>818749nta but
>but idk you have a dildo right?She mentioned this nowhere in her post; is having some sex toys as a woman so normal nowadays that this is a reasonable assumption? lmao
No. 819165
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I'm extremely angry and jealous of anons who resemble celebrities. Now I have yet another reason why I don't fit in.
No. 819168
>>819165first off, I can guarantee I'm uglier and fatter than you, so let's get that out the door.
secondly, when someone says they resemble a celebrity it doesn't necessarily mean they're as attractive as that celebrity, it usually means they have a trait that people associate with that celebrity. I can't think of any examples though.
No. 819170
>>819165it's ok anon. I posted in that thread for fun because I got 1 (one) comparison in my entire life, but said so in my post. My hair and eye color are completely different from the celeb and I am much less attractive than her obviously, so it hardly counts. other than that one time I never get comparisons either, so I understand the wish for someone to say it.
if you're worried about attractiveness, I know a lot of attractive people who don't get comparisons to celebs. I also know less than attractive people who got compared to very attractive celebs kek, so it's not really about that.
No. 819185
>>819165resembling any kind of celebrity isn't really all it's chalked up to be, especially when the resemblance is marginal, or the celebrity is not considered attractive
when I took the online version I also got a ton of people I'd never been compared to before despite getting different comparisons irl. those perceptions and your own are entirely in the eye of the beholder. they're interesting but ultimately they don't make a difference. as other anons have said you don't have to resemble a celebrity to be pretty
No. 819192
>>818710>>818731Glad you felt superior for a sec there, but like the other anon I'm not so deluded to think he is some one-in-a-million, but I had to date through like 20 swine to find one mellow dude not overtly suffering from
toxic masculinity. and since then I have put in a lot of work to make him even better. like 8 years is enough time to change someones shitty tendencies, believe me lol. I don't hate men I just hate misogyny and unfortunately it's shitty men who impose that on me (sadface)
No. 819283
>>819248did you try drugs
No. 819490
>>819453I couldn't fuck with someones feelings without expecting them to plan some sort of revenge on me. Hell I've always been civil as can be even when breaking up with assholes… because if you scorn someone (who is already heartbroken) they'll generally find a way to come back and bite you for it. I can't imagine feeling so invincible while sexually using and emotionally toying with a so called crazy person. I'll never get how some people can just poke the crazy and feel untouchable.
I vent about exes on here because there's shit I just never said to them, I'd rather not live in fear of them out there holding ill feelings. There's revenge I could get on one of em…not risking it in case it's linked to me and he comes back twice as hard. If you just don't fuck with people they're less likely to come back at you.
No. 819684
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My bfs penis is too small for me and I don't have the energy to pretend im enjoying it anymore, if it wasn't for sex toys I would've left by now
No. 819730
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Had sex with a mutual friend the other night and his penis was small as hell (I swing w my bf) I felt so bad he ended up crying about not being able to put it in and I had to calm him down. Ended up fucking my bf in the room over while he slept, nerdy men are such weird prudes when it comes to sex lmao
No. 819754
>>819717Damn you brave to walk out. I had been flirting with this cute guy- totally my type. A little on the short side but I’m pretty short so whatever. No plans on anything serious. Tattoos, blue eyes, funny, he even sang and had an amazing voice. Finally we both break the ice, get naked and his dick was literally the size of my thumb. Luckily it was kind of dark cause I know I made a face. But we were already naked and making out and I was horny and past the point of no return anyways. And I didn’t want to be rude. He didn’t even use it that well either. I had to get myself off.
Worst part is he wasn’t even the smallest I ever had.
No. 819759
>>819165I've been told I resemble Christina Ricci.
If you could see me while I told you that you'd spit your tea out at the screen. Some people take empty flattery seriously and ride that wave for years after, repeating it to everyone they meet.
No. 819762
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I used to think I was bisexual but over time I'm coming to terms that I'm actually a lesbian and its scaring the shit out of me.
Literally Writing this makes me want to cry
No. 819835
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I think I'm so desensitized to NSFL content the worst I've seen on this site is that Trisha Paytas picture with the crumbs on her asshole. Good lord
No. 819909
I know trigger warnings are not really a thing, but I'd still give a heads up if you're really sensitive to animal abuse.
I was dating a guy when I was 18 and they had an outside cat. I was visiting them semi-regularly (we lived like 50 kms away), but I've pretty much only seen the cat in passing, it didn't really like humans or just didn't like me, but we didn't really bond. It apparently got into a fight or got stuck on something, can't remember it anymore, but it developed serious scarring and puss filled bumps. It was something I was only told, I haven't seem its condition ever. I told them to take it to a vet, but they were against it, they didn't want to spend money on somehing they thought would sort itself out anyway. I haven't seen the cat once even around the house anymore, apparently it was still going out. The bumps were bigger and bigger, and my ex managed to convince them to take to the vet when it stopped eating and drinking and going out. They didn't even have a carriage or anything, he kept her in his arms and her blisters popped all over him, I had to listen to this in horror. Apparently the cat was beyond saving, but they didn't want to spend money putting it down so they brought her home to pass away. Next time I visited I asked where the cat is, and he told me it passed. Now if you thought this story was fucked up, it gets worse. He was acting kind of aloof, but I didn't really think much since he was always kind of awkward and a depressed NEET at that moment. Then before we went to sleep, he said he'd confide in me. He told me he couldn't stand the thought of the cat suffering anymore, so he put it down by hand. He killed it in their living room with a kitchen knife, and while he retold me he seemed positively out of it. He told me how he grabbed her and she started purring so he was bawling his eyes out while he stabbed her. I think I told him he was fucked up, but it's all kind of a blur, I think he wanted me to feel sorry for him. We did end up breaking up shortly, but it wasn't even because of this incident, I don't know why I tried to move past this, and never brought it up again. But sometimes in random intervals I remember this even a decade later and I'm absolutely terrified, because he's a very fucking average guy, and I can't believe he's out there with the inner knowledge in some corner of his mind that he killed his cat with a kitchen knife instead of paying a medium sum to give it a painless death (they weren't struggling for food or bills), and me living with the conscience that I wasn't acting concerned enough or explain exactly how fucked up and disturbing this was.
No. 820447
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I drove on back roads with my tits out today just because. When another car passed I made sure to cover up but it felt liberating as dumb as that may sound. Nudism doesn't seem as weird to me.
No. 820564
>>820422I'm sorry,
nonny, I just felt like I needed to write it out, since I sure as fuck won't be telling that story anyone in a conversation. I wish it wasn't true, since it feels so unreal and stuck so hard with me.
No. 821437
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I ate so much Nandos this year
No. 821536
>>821531Do it. I haven't worked in years. There's so many ways to make side money. I just freelance graphic design, do random odd jobs, have a market garden etc. I'm poor obviously but I make enough to live, and I live freely. My life is chill as fuck.
just move to a welfare state (preferably with low cost of living) lmao foodstamps are dope, I use them to buy all the food I'd feel guilty buying with my real monies, and medicaid fixed my teeth.
No. 821825
>>821817>implying you hurt that woman Unless you held the guy down and forced his dick inside you, he's the one who broke his vows and destroyed his own marriage. And if he wasn't going to cheat with you, then it would have been with someone else until the opportunity presented itself. It was his responsibility to reject your feelings and say no.
I hate the narrative of blaming the other person when it comes to cheaters, it cheapens their 100% culpability for being scumbags.
Yeah what you did was shit but why feel regret because some asshole couldn't control himself, was too cowardly to end his relationship honestly, and didn't value you enough to be with you in the proper manner? If anything you should be pissed at him too.
No. 821829
>>821825This whole post is dumb but,
>If anything you should be pissed at him too.For what? She chose to have sex with him. She doesn't really have any right to be mad at him, when she chose to have sex with a married man.
No. 821983
>>821946Like the other anon is saying, starving yourself is not only unhealthy, it's also really bad for being able to study/do assignments efficiently. There's been studies saying women in particular function much better cognitively on a full (but not food coma tier) stomach.
For a quick meal you can make a whole bunch of smoothie in the morning by blending yogurt and any type of fruit together, like banana and strawberry. Then just store it in the fridge and fill a glass with it whenever you need it. It'll fill you up and it doesn't even take more time or effort than making coffee.
No. 822122
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Am a lez who just wanked to some hentai because I was horny and desperate for new material. Afterwards I looked at it again and I'm so disgusted with what I chose I kind of want to go to therapy over it. All this… for a nut
No. 822128
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the past 3 years have been a long journey of me realizing just how mentally ill i am, but i refuse to do anything about it. am a doomerpilled doomcel.
>>820404 god i'd love nothing more than to get an update every time you did this
No. 822415
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Sometimes when I feel bad about myself, I look at pictures from five years ago when I was really pretty and fit–albeit the state of my self-esteem at the time never allowed me to quite appreciate it.
I'm a hideous cow now but it makes me feel good that who that was, was me at one point. It makes me sound like a has-been, but it gives me a bit of hope that if I ever got my shit back together (and hopefully minus such self-hate so I could actually enjoy it) that I could have that potential once more. Not to be who I was, but fanciful again in my own right. If not, I guess I had my moment to shine and I should just be grateful.
My biggest regret is actually spending those years with an ugly scrote who didn't appreciate me and not listening to everyone who told me I could've done better cause I was being a retarded pickme. Should've got some hottie D while the gettin' was good, dammit.
No. 822462
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they're talking about lifting covid restrictions in my area and i'm ngl i'm not as excited as most, because it means having to go back to seeing a lot of friends/acquaintances irl again… and honestly having a year-long break from most of them has been pretty fucking nice.
i live in a college town so i'm surrounded by try-hard art school kids and cluster-Bs who got to spend quarantine working/studying from (their parents') home and developing stage 4 twitter brainrot. meanwhile, i've wasted the last year toiling in 'essential worker' wagie hell and developing stage 3 lolcow brainrot. (very different and vastly superior ofc)
aside from my coworkers there's like two people i've kept up with consistently through covid and tbh that's more than enough for me socially. i just can't see a future where i can muster up the energy to go to another friend-of-a-friend's shitty live show or another 'art exhibit' that's just Some Guy wrapping himself in christmas lights. is this what growing up feels like? kek
No. 822495
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>>822485Aw anon this is incredibly sweet pls don't be ashamed! I live by myself and I dance around with headphones on a lot too (I'm not formally trained tho lol). it's fun and a great way to burn off some energy! I sing in the car all the time too - not in my apartment bc I'm tone deaf and the walls are thin. Dancing and singing are like the most ancient forms of human expression!
Your post reminded me of this card (picrel) that my friend pulled for me from her deck of oracle cards a little bit ago – dancing is a celebration of your body and your being, Aphrodite said so!
Dance and groove to your hearts' content, anons. Literal goddess-tier behavior.
No. 822515
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>>822509I have this same retarded fantasy, and I imagine they all get into arguments about whether I’m cool and based or a cringe fucking loser, and then they all post me in “women you’re ashamed to say you’d fuck” thread.
No. 822579
>>822509>>822565Man I cannot relate at all, I wish I could wipe my entire presence off the internet and be completely unstalkable and unsearchable. I pretty much am aside from Facebook, but the thought of losing anonymity/privacy is the worst.
I remember my fandom related tumblr getting shittalked a bit on an anon website like a decade ago because I accidentally unanoned and it's still one of the most embarrassing things I've experienced. I got all hot and sweaty just thinking about it lmao.
No. 822600
>>822585I feel for you, anon. I hate how some people choose to hurt others by weaponizing their insecurities.
This exact thing was the reason I found it difficult to make/keep friends. Girls assumed I was competing with them for the attention of boys and boys assumed I just a failing-pick me, because those same girls disliked me (I'm sure both parties had their reasons, but still).
I can't imagine how it feels to lose meaningful, long-term relationships like this.
btw I'm gay too, not sure if it matters.
No. 822617
>>822608This unironically
Every time I see this happen irl it's always the female friend being clueless about his intentions and the man in question quietly simping for his "friend", which his gf notices.
>>822600 and
>>822585 seem to be in a similar kind of denial.
If a guy dropped me because of his gf being jealous I'd see it as a red flag of him potentially being into me, not the gf. Girls usually aren't jealous for no reason unless you genuinely believe sleazy scrotes lying about their exes being crazy. Either he's a fuckboy or wants to fuck a specific female friend.
This is why I'm only friends with women.
No. 822621
>>822617I've know these guys since we were kids, they knew I'm gay and not a single one of their previous gfs ever had a problem with me.
He literally messaged me that we can't hang out because it makes her uncomfortable. Neither of them has ever hit on me or tried anything.I know you all here hate scrotes, I do too but come the fuck on.
No. 822626
>>822625congrats on missing the point anon
No. 823161
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I am extremely tempted to donate to the Queen's GFM
No. 823258
>>823169fuck no you'll probably make me feel worse. i'm so fucking tired of everything I like, even non-husbandos, being shit on.
>>823249yes. and honestly I'm still upset about this even hours later. I know it's dumb but I can't control it, I'm deeply attached to this character and think he deserves so much better than how the author
and specific posters currently treats him. he's much more interesting and sympathetic than 90% of the characters in the series, especially the mcs, and I would unironically die for him. he has so much potential but it's all wasted on a bunch of bland retards.
No. 823281
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>>823258>>823139Tell us the husbando, anon
No. 823331
>>823323holy shit NTA but
>relating to and connecting to fictional writing is a mental illnessAnon, please take a few weeks off of lolcow because it has poisoned your brain into thinking feeling emotions from media and involuntarily reacting to those emotions means mental illness.
No. 823350
>>823280unfortunately I really am this retarded as an adult. it's been like this for a long time.
>>823288>>823294definitely not these
>>823298I see what you mean it's just sometimes I want to connect and share with others or make a regular post about him and other things I like but without getting jumped on for it. Idk it gets kind of lonesome after a while. I want to belong somewhere. But it's also about getting attached to things too easily, don't know why. before getting into weebshit I used to get weirdly obsessed with my ex-best friend and cried over stupid minor shit like the way I'm doing now. idk if I'm explaining this well, anyway how do I uncringe myself?
No. 823391
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I never grew out of my hipster phase. I desperately wanted this mushroom lamp when I first found out about it but as soon as I saw it all over pinterest and tiktok, and all these trendy resellers advertising it, it became lame and cheap-looking to me.
No. 823558
>>823499it's so wild to me when people say shit like this
like it's just the internet, it's not that serious
No. 823732
>>823656yeah i didn't say it just to be a bitch, i mean it
i literally cannot grasp being so sensitive that your mental health is in total jeopardy over some normal internet shit like watching people argue or muh scary pictures, if you're being 100% serious then toughen up
No. 823735
>>823732NTA but,
>muh scary picturesWhy are you mocking anon like gore and cp isn't awful to look at
No. 823738
>>823735she didn't say cp, she just said gore
cp is obviously different so fuck off with that
>>823736feelings that make no sense, yes
(infighting) No. 823785
>>823770There's always going to be people who think your interests are immature. Watch whatever amount of cartoon shit you want - you don't have to prove anything. I think a lot of things are cringe, but that doesn't and should never change the fact that people find joy and comfort in those things.
Do what you want. Life is too short to do otherwise.
No. 823814
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>>823770My dad is over 50 and he watched morning cartoons often even after I long grew out of them. I'd wake up and hear him laughing at the antics of the penguins of Magagascar, and he's a well put-together businessman.
No. 823958
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>>823558>>823574this but with lolcow
No. 824463
>>823814At least he’s normal, my brother has a job in which lots of people are constantly relying on him and he gets these autistic moments in which he acts like a child, he throws tantrums, runs around the house naked and wants to get pampered by mom and dad.
It’s honestly creepy how he can get a call from his boss and just change his personality completely.
No. 824487
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Thought I had a skin tag on my armpit that wouldnt go away so I briefly brought it up to my gp while I was in for something else. Turns out I have a 3rd nipple on my fucking pit kek
No. 824556
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Im a stay at home mom and I love being with my kid, but sometimes.. I just wanna cry or masturbate or shower or shit or do anything on my own for 15 minutes but like without my child knocking on the door by the time my son is asleep I’m too jaded to be sad and too tired to be horny or motivated. Goodnight ladies
No. 824714
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Woke up from a vivid nightmare where my boyfriend had totally turned into Elliot Roger level evil incel after I found a bunch of creepshots on his phone and confronted him about it. For some reason even though I woke up crying I was pretty turned on by being sort of cucked by this library of porn in the dream. I hate myself.
No. 825169
>>825131Every time I take Adderall I too end up spending like half my day on this site, no idea why. Luckily I soon won't be able to continue rotting my brain on image boards as frequently since I'll be insanely busy starting next month.
Neetdom and being chronically logged on can be a hard cycle to break but imo the first and easiest step is to throw yourself into a hobby (or multiple hobbies) that don't involve the internet.
No. 825210
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kek…I wish /ot/ neets could have a support group or something
No. 825214
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This is half a confession half a cry for help but goddamn I miss my long term internet fling. We were basically friends that happened to flirt a lot and I broke thing off at my then new-fiancee’s request. I understand why he wanted me to do that and I respected him even though I wasn’t happy with the decision, especially because he wanted me to cut contact immediately and not even explain why I was essentially ghosting said online friend. But anyway I did it for the sake of my relationship and now it’s been months and so much has changed in my life but I still sometimes think about what could have been. I feel so bad my fiancée would be devastated to know that I wish there was some timeline where I could have my cake and eat it too. The worst part is mentally I glaze over all the flirty parts and really just miss the friendship.
No. 825230
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I'm a former ana-chan and well into recovery but I still can't shake my like 4+ can a day coke zero habit kek
No. 825250
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>>818444 I cant believe I found another Hetafag in this day and age!
I really miss the fandom stuff from the late 2000s- early 2010s. It was so much more fun and the fandom always felt so welcoming especially since it was internationally inclusive. Now its filled with woke twitter rats who also attacked what was left of the fandom on tumblr and I cant stand to see one more tumblerina art version of America or Italy anymore. RIP George deValier.
No. 825260
>>825230It took years into recovery for me to quit it with the sugar-free energy drinks, and even then I've quietly slinked back into them lately. Recovery is a personal journey and unique to each person. You are ~
No. 825353
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I fucking hate the way my boyfriend dresses, he has the fashion sense of a boomer grandpa and I never post couples photos of us on social media with him mostly because of that, also because he hates social media and wouldn't feel comfortable with it but fucking god it makes me cringe.
I love this man don't get me wrong but holyshit i want to burn his closet, he doesn't bother me about my obnoxious egirl clothes (that he dislikes) so i won't bother him about his I just want to let it out.
No. 825383
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>>825373He wouldn't take it, he dresses like a boomer ON PURPOSE, says it makes him look "professional" and shit, he has carefully crafted his Southern Proper-bought boomercore aesthetic, the fucker wouldnt be caught dead on black jeans and hoodie. (On his defense, it does work, he is the most well liked young person at his workplace of mostly old white men)
Take note anons this is the price you pay for dating a normie.
No. 825398
I have lied because I didn't want to do it and this guy wholeheartedly believed me and supported me. It was nothing big and I am used to lying all the time to get my way but he is genuinely such a nice person… Now I feel like shit.
I don't feel like shit anymore
No. 825600
>>825585I think the similarities would be really obvious to anyone who has met both of them. I don't even know what kind of hardcore coping went on in my brain to be able to not see it for so long myself.
I never considered myself to have any sort of "daddy issues" but damn. It really is mortifying.
At this point I'm kind of afraid I'll see a picture of my grandpa when he was younger and find out they looked similar. I think I'd throw up.
No. 825754
>>825169I take Adderall XR too and I find that it makes me do whatever task I want to do for hours lol, that might be it.
>>825173>>825176Thanks nonnies I appreciate it, I'm going to try and cut back but idk if I'll be successful
No. 825778
>>825761There’s a proven link with osteoporosis (weakening of the bones) which can take years to develop and usually happens in later life but it’s nasty
> Sometimes a cough or sneeze can cause a broken rib or the partial collapse of one of the bones of the spineWhich can lead to long term pain and mobility issues.
I’ve heard it could cause cancer but I’m not sure if there’s a definite link yet. Personally, I only drink soda once or twice a month maximum and feel better for it. When I drink it now, my bladder gets irritated and I need to pee a lot but struggle to get it all out. Totally random side effect but makes me realise it’s probably not a good thing to be drinking so much.
No. 826270
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My friend shares a flat with 2 gender special narcs and I can tell every time I see her shes getting closer and closer to peaking and I can't wait
No. 826273
>>825761It's probably the assloads of caffeine in coke zero that's going to give you problems more than anything else, although this study suggests that high consumption of aspartame will result in systemic inflammation
Also behaviourally, you're consuming masses of stuff your brain still recognises as 'sweet' even though there's no calories. That means you're training yourself to still be craving sweet things and possibly binging on them. It has an effect on your insulin sensitivity too, because your body expects a lot more calories than it's getting.
All in, you're setting yourself up for a fucked up diet, obesity, inflammation (which absolutely can cause cancer, as well as myriad other health problems), problems maintaining energy, and a lot more besides. Its just not worth it really. If you're going to quit, make a tapering schedule to help you stick to it.
No. 826300
>>826286I used to be like this and then I spent like 3 days deep cleaning a huge house (against my will but that's beside the point) and the extended exposure
triggered a migraine
now ten years later I still have to use all natural completely scentless cleaners and detergents because the smell
triggers migraines for me now. just be careful to avoid overexposure anon and wear gloves too!!
No. 826327
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Accidentally forgot to order my new birth control so I decided to just give my body a break for a month; two weeks in I’m actually convinced I’m a sex addict. I’m usually really happy with sex ~4 times a week, but I’m hounding my bf like a nympho for sex every hour and jerk off like 5 times a day minimum, cramming it in between work and study and house upkeep and hobbies and gym. I’m a restless animal, I have no peace from it! I almost came from a fucking ab machine. I was so embarrassed that I just left and didn’t finish my sets. I don’t know what to do since I’m starting non hormonal birth control soon and I have to assume I’ll just continue to be like this, secretly always horny.
No. 826460
>>815137just found out via google that jimin is a korean pop star. i hope that jimin cant read english.
there is a lot of batshittery and degeneracy that he is spared by not learning the language.
No. 826508
>>819909I feel bad for finding the way you worded this kinda funny? Very sad to hear though, my beautiful cat Sooty passed recently. i miss her.
Why DID you break up?
No. 826539
>>826534She has made several face app babies and most of them are named. Broodiness is hitting her
hard right now lmao.
No. 826546
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It's official, this is the worst post on lc. no other spergy cringy post, old or new, will ever top this.
But if it's not a fetish, then why?
No. 826550
>>826539*she sorry I'm dumb
that is so cute!! there's something so wholesome in thinking about the idea of your future child
No. 826565
>>826538I always found sex to be a chore while dating. I'm coming up on 3 years without sex..but I don't see that as a negative. My fave part of being single is not having to feel like I'm torturing someone or depriving them if I just don't want sex for a while
I can masturbate 3 times a day or not at all for a week. I can go a month without penetration and just do clit stuff. It's up to me and theres no guilt trip about it
No. 826566
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>>826464Had to take a plan b yesterday actually due to being a fucking moron. This is torture, nonnies. My brain is coomer mush. Is this how the average Reddit user feels?
No. 826596
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>>826550No worries, nonna. And yeah, this is literally the best time period in my life. It's terrifying and exciting and my heart is going to explode from sappiness!!!
No. 826598
>>826579*Why would you shove
a dildo up your ass
without a condom? Fucking hell
No. 826605
>>826555It was either scrotes in a group setting where a few of us were drinking. I've had friends ask if I'm dating, been on apps, when was last time you had sex. They're not wanting like a date and time just a who and how recent. I've had some dudes ask it in a roundabout way on dates.
I know I won't die without sex but I miss it and I remember my last time cause it was with an ex boyfriend. It was good but I knew it was the last in a weird way so it's quite stark in my mind.
No. 826726
>>826710He’s married
nonny in case you weren’t already aware
No. 826731
>>826726I know he is. That’s none of my business though, I’m just here for the sex and I wish it wasn’t biweekly.
No. 826752
>>826737>>826738>>826744No need to get
triggered ladies. I’m sorry your shitty scrotes cheated on you with younger women. Good luck finding ones who won’t. They’re out there… somewhere.
(bait) No. 826761
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>>826738>mindbroken /g/ farmers jesus farmers on that board need to get a grip
No. 826762
I wish my sister was never born. She has no drive to do anything besides coom and consoom social media, no talents, unable to have normal social interactions (probably autistic imo), scared of everything and everyone, no self awareness, no discipline, no motivation, no friends, no passions, no goals in life. In quarantine I really hit rock bottom, I ghosted all my friends, ignored my schoolwork, basically watsed a year of my life, and I've realized that I've become what she has always been
No. 826767
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At night time I look forward to drinking coffee in the morning
No. 826795
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I'm starting to lose interest in anime…
No. 826831
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>>826828this sounds so ominous… what would you have done to stop me?
No. 826841
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>>826835I know and ily silly>>826836hope it has the same effect or I will train myself to like coffee
No. 826867
>>826731>wahhhhh my degenerate coombrain cant be satisfiedI'm sure destroying a lifelong partnership is what you need to heal
You know you're the reason some poor middle aged woman cries herself to sleep
No. 827037
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I miss her. There. I said it.
No. 827041
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>>827037He was cringe, but I miss him, too.
No. 827133
>>826286im fucking obsessed with wax melts. when they melt i put them in weird containers and fill to the brim for no reason. you should get into these instead, maybe not as obsessively. that's my confession.
also, certain detergent brands actually sell candles that smell like their product, so look into those
>>826256 lactate???? i was on risperidone and that didn't happen to me but maybe i wasnt trying hard enough for a mommy kink
No. 827402
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Lori would absolutely abuse me and call me fat but lord I would endure it for a day just if I could………… ugh
No. 827403
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>>827308AYRT, I’m excited for you! To be fair, I was a fairly horny person before birth control so I think that has something to do with it, but it’s definitely intensified it. Godspeed and upd8 if it happens!
No. 827533
>>827450I got the pfizer today, thus far only some arm pain
kinda makes me paranoid anyway
No. 827567
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>>827555>>827562>>827564In solidarity anons I say we all listen to the little voices in our heads and being our internet content creator careers. Godspeed
No. 827676
>>827655what toothpaste are you using bby? is it maybe a sensory issue? might sound fucky but maybe ask a dentist or try kids toothpaste, it's at least flavoured better. apparently there's specific toothpaste for people with sensory issues: totally get it though, I throw up a lot of mornings because my gag reflex is so sensitive and it's all too much, the taste/sensation/saliva reaction.
hope you can sort it out anon, report back if you find anything good? defs avoid "sensitive" toothpastes like sensodyne cause I find the like, baking soda component or whatever it uses is really gritty and salty and the absolute worst. good luck!
>>827666it's intrusive thoughts and they fucking SUCK I feel for you anon. do you also get l'appel du vide/"call of the void"? it's pretty fucky and weird and an awful sensation
No. 827679
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I think napoleon Bonaparte and Ben Shapiro look similar, aside from Ben's nose being less sharp and his eyebrows being thicker
No. 827692
I'm scared of teenagers
>>827679and his eyes being smaller and lips being thinner
No. 827868
>>827597I desperately wish I could water floss. My parents have one and I tried it but it tickles my front gums in the most uncomfortable way that I just can't do it lol
>>827571kek I'm excited to go to a dentist and
not lie for once that yes, I do floss, but I also equally fear him possibly saying "do you? because your teeth still suck" lmao would be the biggest bruise to my flossing ego
No. 828343
>>828332Yeah, me too, everything that i've seen from Katya makes it seem like just a pretty genuine guy who came from humble beginnings who can't blieve he got to where he is now. Don't know about Trixie though.
>>828334It's a YT series where two drag queens talk to each other. They're actually pretty entertaining which is why I stick around, but the libfems referring to them as 'she' and 'women' still make me roll my eyes.
No. 828396
>>828354He probably would but it seems pretty obvious to me how all the rudeness, workaholism, narcissism and dismissiveness comes from a place of deep insecurity, so I would find it hard to take it that personally. I'm kind of surprised they're friends, trixie seems like he would be a social climber too, and katya is too chill to care.
>>828328Me too but there's lots about gay male culture I enjoy, mostly historical. I don't know who I'd be without John Waters.
No. 828532
This is probably going to be the most bizarre thing I've posted on LCF, but here goes.
I have trichotillomania, which is basically an addiction to hair-pulling. When I was a kid, I used to pull my eyelashes and eyebrows. At one point it was so bad I only had one eyebrow. However, when I went through puberty, I began pulling the hair on my groin instead. In the beginning I just pulled the hair outside the bikini line, but as time went on I began pulling more and more. By the time I was 20, I pulled all of it off. Not by waxing, mind you– it was individually with tweezers.
Every day, I spend about half an hour in the bathroom just tweezing hair. I can't resist doing it– I'll pull it even if it's just stubble. I'm desensitized to the pain to the point that doing it almost feels good. I imagine the follicles are damaged to the point that the hair will never grow back normally. The particularly weird thing is that I don't do it to any other part of my body– it's just my pubic hair. I shave my legs and underarms once a week and I only tweeze my eyebrows to shape them. I've never pulled the hair on my head, either. I think I've subconsciously gravitated towards pulling from my bikini area because it's a place no one sees, so it's easy to hide the habit.
If anyone knows how to kick trichotillomania, I'd love to hear it.
No. 828542
>>828532Unfortunately ripping out my eyelashes is the one tic I've yet to truly beat. I used to pluck my leg hairs by hand, but I eased up on that over time. I fell into a vicious cycle with my eyelashes though: my eyelashes fall into my eyes constantly, and I immediately go to start pulling them as if the problem is that they're bending backwards into my eye. Despite this scenario almost never happening, it's so hard to shake the habit, and the more I do it, the more debris falls into my eyes.
The best advice I could offer if you're stationary and very consciously pulling out hairs like that is to find ways to stay mobile when you begin feeling the urge. Once I began pacing frequently many of my tics became a lot less controlling. just from getting wrapped up in my own locomotion and mind.
No. 828546
>>828532I am also a hair puller and the only thing I found to help me stop was keeping it in a bun. Can't pull the unpullaable, right?
Anyways, my arms have bald spots now.
No. 828553
>>828532I started pulling at 11. I've pulled from everywhere, went through different cycles of where I 'chose' to pull from. Tbh I'm nearing 20 years of this shit and the closest I can get to improving is where you're at.. I pick the least visible spot and try to only allow myself that one area.
I pulled from my head and had patches before. I pull lashes alot and my eyelids often swell and are irritated from it. Pubes is such an improvement from any of that. Its so insanely hard to stop completely but sticking to only plucking unwanted hair is a good rule to start with. Beyond that I don't know.
No. 828569
>>828387I'm so glad anon!! make yourself a cake and celebrate with the new brush and paste my love.
genuinely FUCK YEAH cause sensory shit is so hard to explain/find workarounds for so I'm happy if it helped! update us with the results if you can!
No. 828762
>>828749I mean, did he genuinely seem interested in you? Did he ask any questions? Or did he just talk about himself. If he just talked about himself, don’t bother. If he was interested in you, then I’d say keep an open mind. We’re numbers exchanged? Social media?
>>828759Kek I also enjoy the masks. I’m not ugly but I have social anxiety/ptsd and the masks help sooo much. People approach me less with the big sunglasses/mask combo. My state is about to drop the mask in most places in a couple days and I’m happy but also sad about it.
No. 828768
>>828762He asked all about me and was very open in telling me the good and bad about himself. We're both 32 so there was alot to go over. No number exchange but it's a tiny town and we now know which house each of us is in. He said he'd knock for me one of the days.
His fam are all in this town so I think that at least cuts the risk of him messing me around or using me. It'd be shitting on your own doorstep if he was like that. Worst case it's just platonic and I imagined more. He did talk about star signs tho.. which to me screams searching for compatibility
No. 828776
>>828772kek if you're being genuine it's a yearly music competition where countries from europe (and outside it like australia and israel, for some reason) compete with each other
my confession is that i finally realized the reason why i was obsessed with a woman working in my preschool (sorry ESL, she wasn't a teacher but rather someone who took care of the kids there) is because i had a crush on her…i think. obviously kids can have crushes already when they're six, and even on adults? right?
No. 828797
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ı found the new look of nick bate attractive and hot.
No. 828799
>>828776>kids can have crushes already when they're six, and even on adults? right?kek, yes anon, it's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. One of my first crushes was basically half the cast of Rocky Horror Picture Show when I was 6 (no, I don't know why my parents thought it was appropriate for me to watch that movie at my age, but strangely enough most people I've talked to have seen the movie at a super young age too). It's a normal thing that happens. It's only a problem when the adult starts to reciprocate those feelings, obviously.
>>828797This feels like a selfpost mate
No. 828808
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I'm absolutely devastated. I went to the doctor expecting to have lost weight, turns out I gained 16 pounds. I feel so awful. The worst part is, when I was at my "highest", I swore that I would absolutely not gain past that. Now I'm 16 past it. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I won't cry because this is my fault and I deserved it. I've been so stressed lately, baking cookies every night and eating ice cream. It's all good. I will lose it. I just have to… Keep pushing, I guess.
No. 828810
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>>828808I know that feel,
I went to the doctor thinking I was finally losing some weight, now I’m 104 kilos. At least I’m finally doing something about it, but it hurts reaching a higher weight.
No. 828904
>>828897she has, in my sight right now, 18 dying plants. i hate looking at them.
>>828899yes ma'am o7
No. 828931
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the danish soccer man almost dying on the field today scared me and i had a little cry while watching it
No. 828991
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I had a few drinks Friday night after staying away from alcohol for months. Ended up with some holes in my memory, and I have so much anxiety over it. I didn't even do anything too out of the ordinary, but I still feel like an absolute retard.
I hate the anxiety that comes with blacking out, but life is also so stressful that when I'm sober I constantly think about and wish I could get wasted.
No. 829287
>>829166I haven't saw that much extreme stuff but even just shitting about on reddit I've saw death and gore. Even my brothers friends share videos like that through WhatsApp and have forwarded it to me for shock value. I try not to watch any of it because if i do I always get super depressed the weeks following. Like this lethargic state. I can't compartmentalise it and it freaks me out that people I consider normal watch it. When I was on twitter and any videos like that would come up, I'd report. Even in fb feeds. I don't browse either now.
It scares me how desensitised people get to it. Like the people in the videos behind the violence, how'd they get there. Where's the line that crosses you into commiting that violence and how do we stop it? Why can't we all just get along!
No. 830338
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I was groomed online when I was 13 and my parents don't know. I want to quit the Internet but I'm addicted and need to use it for my work
No. 830908
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I can tell precisely when I'm having a depressive episode by how desperately I seek out porn (sorry lc radfems I love y'all)
No. 830928
>>830918>>830926Yes I told him that I don't like it but then he always trivializes it aka "Oh but everyone does it" & "But I am proud of my body!11!"
He also always posts videos working out. I really cannot fucking stand it. I am anxious about every woman that likes his pictures and always count the likes - I even have a secret account where I follow all of the other women that like his pictures so I can see if he liked one of their pictures (thank god he never liked on of their pictures).
I also find it kinda cringey - I mean who the fuck cares about his stupid workout routine you are not Chris Heria calm tf down
No. 830942
>>830928This sounds like you problem anon; if the roles were reversed and it was your bf reporting your pics and telling you what youre not allowed to post on your social media all the anons would tell you to dump him because it's a
toxic and
abusive behavior.
No. 830954
>>830942I don't think I would ever post half naked pictures of myself in the first place since it's tacky but that's just my opinion.
Also I overheard him and his friends talking badly about a friends older sister who posted revealing photos of herself on instagram. So it's okay when he does it and I am upset about it but not okay when she does it??
Well, what do you guys want me to do? I hate it and it makes me paranoid.
No. 830961
>>830954Your boyfriend is either an attention whore that constantly needs validation or I'd consider it evidence of pre-cheating behavior.
It's inconsiderate unless you're a model or a legit athlete.
No. 831165
>>831144>>831155>>831161Thank you for your kind answers, nonas. We've been together for three years now, he always had an instagram account where he posted normal stuff normies normally post.
He started to post half-naked pictures ca. 6 months ago. I did not like any of the pictures and also never tried to have this conversation again bc i didn't want to start an argument again that would end with him trivializing the situation, defending everything and not even trying to listen to my opinion or feelings towards the situation. I feel like this is not the only thing that has been bothering me. I cannot even remember that we ever had an argument without him doing this and I am tired of always having to hide and eat up my feelings when I am dissatisfied. But how do I even argue with him and make him listen to me?
No. 831179
>>831165He's can also be very patronizing sometimes since I am not good with arguments or words (I would make a SHIT tier lawyer) or voicing my opinion since I come from a household where I had to keep my emotions and opinions bottled up to not enrage a freakdown of my parents.
How do I break this, become more confident, not back down and argue like a real person?
No. 831197
>>831165Thanks for giving us more background, while I stand by my therapy advice in general, I understand your concern now and you have every right to be concerned after all, since it's kinda sudden change of behavior for him and such attention seeking in relationship is a normal source of concern. If he refuses to address your concerns and continues being vain, it's a
valid reason to break up with him. I'm sorry if I made you doubt yourself without knowing the full context
No. 831226
>>830942>implying the roles would ever be reversed because unlike most men, women are considerate of their partner's feelings and the seriousness of the relationshipNot to mention society judges the fuck out of women who post lewds while they're in relationships.
At least we could assume the scrote would be just acting jealous and throwing a hissy fit about his girlfriend showing cleavage, not a topless "fitness" pic kek.
No. 831278
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I wish I had a headless scrote as a friend to carry around with me like a purse.
No. 831417
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I'm addicted to refreshing this website and it has to stop. If anyone sees me on here for the next couple days, tell me to leave.
No. 831447
>>831445I hate baby way more, it's both childish and sickeningly sweet.
That said my confession is that I love being on the receiving end of casual, platonic pet names and am a sucker for them coming from men or women of any age. Stuff like darl, hon, sweetie, love, etc. I'm really shy so the confidence it takes to use terms of endearments with people you don't necessarily know well always impresses me, and it feels nice to hear even though I know a lot of people find it condescending.
No. 831503
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>>831417Same, and my confession is that I posted in the lolcow graduation thread about how I was going to quit coming here but I only lasted a week. Old habits die hard.
No. 831506
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>>831503Yeah, I posted to that thread too. I downloaded a chrome extension to block websites, I blocked this one for a 1000 hours for a start, and eventually deleted the whole extension (that was blocking multiple websites for me) because I wanted to come here so much. It's an illness.
No. 831540
>>831530The OPs didn't say they were burgers or that there are no cities in their country with public transport, so how is it ignorant to offer that suggestion?
t. someone who lives in the city so that they have never had to learn how to drive
No. 831611
>>831530>>831560I am american, and I can tell neither of you have used much less relied on public transit in your lives. I live in a midsize noncoastal city with no subway, and the city bus system is perfectly adequate for my daily needs. Plus there's uber now for one off trips.
Can car driving suburban american losers please stop acting like they speak for the rest of us? Our cities are lovely.
No. 831632
>>831612texas doesnt even have a modern power grid apparently so i dont think anywhere in texas counts as a real city regardless of size.
>>831617this is an astute observation. it is this way hecause those are red states that dont invest in public transit, and their republican voting inhabitants are car driving mongoloids.
thank you for the feedback - i will amend my previous statement to "Our cities in blue/purple states are lovely". Red state governments actively ruin their own cities so they probably are shitty. But i wouldnt live in a red state because, you know, a million reasons, so…idk, if you were born there and you're still stuck then thats sad i guess.
No. 831737
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>>831729>i really thought people were actually gonna be nice herewhere do you think you are?
No. 831925
>>827436 and I do know myself it's not the case, as I'd found out I'm bisexual quite a while before I even got to know the guy I'm with, but I can't say that's not part of the reason I feel kinda ashamed because… Well, it indeed is part of the reason. Not like I "proved them right" because it's not finding the "right guy" which led me to be bisexual, but men are dumb and would perceive it like that anyway and use it against whatever lesbian they meet.
When I came out as lesbian I was about 13-14 and now I think it was too early to even know what I was talking about really well, and never had a second thought about it for about a decade for reasons like 1. I am indeed more attracted to women than men (yes, even now); 2. Pride, pretty much and 3. I was sexually abused as a child and just didn't really know how much it affected me back then.
I just didn't feel well keeping on lying to myself and not accepting I'm actually bisexual, but accepting it myself and really saying it to everybody that know me for years is another thing entirely.
Part of me thinks this is just a dumb thing to be worried about but I can't help it
No. 831995
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A few days ago I had a dream that I was an amazing artist and that honestly gave me more motivation to study art than anything else as of late
No. 832253
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>>832204Girl same, it's insane how some people presume other people's willingness to be their emotional dumping ground. The few people like this in my circles are also overly sensitive, which comes with the anxiety-depression package deal, and they tend to react badly to any response. They just want to be coddled constantly, whereas my response is usually like picrel
No. 832301
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I wanted some comfort food so I got a double quarter pounder with cheese from McDonalds and now my heart feels weird. If I listen carefully enough I can hear my cardiologist banging his head against his desk. It should be illegal to be this stupid.
No. 832923
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I unironically miss when yowapedal was popular on tumblr.
No. 832954
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>>832923God same, those were the golden days and this man was my everything.
No. 832962
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>>832954im barely a fujo but love the fuck out of the doujins of this motherfucker. he's so cute..
No. 832976
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>>832954>>832962I can't articulate why and I can't remember any of their canon interactions but I really shipped these two
No. 832985
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>>832976How are you forgetting the most important ship tho….
No. 832988
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>>832985I preferred picrel but there wasn't much fic/art of it.
No. 833047
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I like cringy weebs, autistic weebs, retarded weebs, moefags, shounenfags, female coomers , yumejos, and fujos, waaaay more than pretentious weebs, solely based on attitude alone
No. 833060
>>833053how waifubaity are we talkin here? sometimes I just like cute things and don't care how they're written, or just want to watch relaxing shows without thinking. And if there's any that focuses on cute boys, I'll watch that too (can't think of that many besides the fishing anime though). Not into ecchi though but I've seen a few lesbians admit to liking it so idk if it's all for male approval.
But there are shows that are cute without fanservice, so if it's like that is it really that bad? I don't want to think about character analysis and realism all the time, sometimes I wanna be dumb and have fun. The funny thing is, a lot cutesy stuff was originally more popular with women decades ago and even aimed towards girls, but once more men got into it it became associated with sexual otaku shit. Men will try to claim almost everything as waifus even if it's not for them.
No. 833071
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>>832923god i love when the only fandom wank was about how physically repulsive midousuji was and not why a 2 months age difference in a fictional ship is pwobwematic and makes you a pedo irl. good times.
>>832954he wasn't my #1 fave but i even bought his and makishima's matching phone straps that they had in canon for my weeb online friend from another country. they were a pain to attach because our phones didn't have those pendant loops anymore that older phones had.
i guess my confession at this point is that i miss how fandom used to be on tumblr. and how you immediately knew a new episode had come out when everyone was reblogging pretty gifs of scenes you don't remember seeing in canon.
No. 833152
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Lmao I live in south america and i get so fucking angry when Vegans say cattle farming is the reason why the Amazon is deforested, if it wasn't cattle farming it would be soy and other produce for vegan food, and if it wasnt that it would be for mining iron and other minerals, the problem isn't cattle farming its American meddling in our economy and politics whenever south american countries start getting more industrialized and not selling cheap shit to first world economies.
No. 833156
>>831623The thought of it loudly clinking around the bottle while anon does her thing is absolutely hilarious to me.
>>831630Good call
nonnie. Thanks for sharing though I had a good laugh.
No. 833377
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I really wish I had a dildo like picrel. But I live with my family and I would die if anyone ever found it, more than having just a wand or whatever because this just screams obscene lol
I like penetrative sex more than clit stimulation so doing it properly with just my fingers is almost impossible.
One day….
No. 833405
>>833351my favorites are
willem dafoe and jim carrey being picked as potential choices on fancasting sites. also seen benico del toro as a potential choice
kill me
No. 833551
>>833447Same we're
valid anon. Abortion at any time for any reason is what I believe as well.
No. 833869
>>833866>lolcow>ally to womenPick one tbf
It makes no sense really, why ask for more then. If you probably get unlimited in real life. If she's cheating then the husband deserves to know. If he did, it wouldn't change anything messaging him
No. 833871
>>833869Tbh even though we fight, on non-gossip board like /ot/ or /g/ I feel like we're often allies. Or worst case scenario at the very least we hate scrotes more.
>It makes no sense really, why ask for more then. Sorry, I think I misunderstood that part, I thought the others are asking the person that posted it to post more. If it's the poster asking then I guess you will be right she's likely to be cheating.
No. 833875
>>833855I would message her, not the husband. Not sure why the assumption is that she's cheating and not that she's being betrayed.
Unless you're trying to date her husband or something lol
No. 833879
>>833872For real. Even if she sent it to the husband, it's possible that he sent it to one or more of his fellow scrote friends (many cases of this), and for whatever reason, that scrote may have fallen out with the husband and is hoping others have more.
It's even possible that the husband dumped/shared the nudes on that board previously as an anon, and it's one of the people who were there for it trying to get the rest.
No. 833944
>>832024anon, i have been thinking about this so much lately.
i had to leave a big city that i loved and move back to my suburban hometown during covid.
here, i reconnected with an old high school friend and we were intimate. but we are both about to leave on our own paths again. he wants to go off into the forests of apalachia, and i am about to move back to the city for work.
having lived and worked in the city for so long in the past, i know i will love being back, but getting together with this guy made me wonder if i would like being a forest hermit better. it's tough.
No. 833956
>>833950Nta but I fit that description (and was even a fakeboi at one time) Being let in on chats about how sexy underage girls are and how much men picture themselves fucking rando women/girls who happen to sit near them on a bus or pass by them in the street has given me a level of distrust in men that I can't come back from. Hearing about how many of their fantasies revolve around the act of manipulating someone into sex. Getting it through normal means isn't as exciting.
They honestly expect you to just join in and say "yeah 13 year olds are so grown up and sexy nowadays, why can't I fuck them?"
No. 833991
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95% of my farts come from the front
No. 834014
>>834007idk how it happens either tbh, it's usually when i just move my legs while laying down, and occasionally when i'm about to get up
>>834008actually meant the former lol i think i worded it wrong. but yeah not actual farts from my ass, those are rare for me for some reason
No. 834135
>>834130Even anons on here will talk about sending nudes to their bf of two weeks and get all defensive when you point out the possibilities. Saw it on g days ago.
I mean there's married men pulling this shit on their unsuspecting/trusting very long term partners.. we need to just not give the benefit of the doubt to any guy promising he'll fap and delete your pics. They don't delete that shit. Its a currency they trade amongst themselves even when you're long gone. After you've had your horrible
toxic break up.. he has em and has more incentive than ever to trade and spread them. Anyone who has gone from all loved up to having a messy break up should know how much people change or new sides of them are uncovered.
No. 834136
>>833928agreed. in no way a feminist for saying fuck scrotes who exploit their gfs for money. imagine all the girls who got drunk at a party, trusting their bfs and then get "raped" these guys let this shit happen and get paid for it.
some weirdo tried to photograph me while we were being intimate. a few times I didn't realize what he was doing. who knows of there is a pic of me out there now? and then these pieces of shit have the nerve to call us paranoid. i took a few. let's start our own kek
No. 834165
>>834135Yeah, the idea of sending nudes is ridiculous to me. You can never trust a man fully, even if he seems reliable. If someone wants to see me naked they can do so in person or not at all. I had been with my ex for nearly a year when I got on his computer to try and find a work file since I'd borrowed it a few times before. Happened across a photo folder which I thought might include some of the shots we'd taken together (innocent stuff). In actuality it had some benign stuff along with several sub-folders of nudes and images of his exes with his dick in their holes. When I confronted him he said he "forgot" he had them. I made him delete them in front of me but I'm concerned for those women he still has a backup somewhere. All class, that one. And yes, it's common among the
majority men. If you give them fuel for their degeneracy, you can be certain they will misuse it. Why take the risk? If you're that desperate to bang a man at least don't allow him to blackmail you at his convenience.
No. 834166
>>834135>Even anons on here will talk about sending nudes to their bf of two weeks and get all defensive when you point out the possibilities.They've tried to call me a
victim blamer before just for saying it's a terrible decision and women should stop doing it. It's so high risk and low reward, I don't know what they even get out of it that makes them so defensive and pissed off when someone points out the obvious.
No. 834174
I posted here about 3 months ago that I had tried to hang myself and fucked it up. I used a purse strap, and one of the clasps broke, so I just woke up on the floor after a little while, the whole thing was done in half an hour. I was too scared to try again when I woke up, and I voluntarily committed myself afterward, which only wound up making everything worse because they refused to give me enough insulin, and the kind they were giving me isn't even the one I'm supposed to take, so I went into DKA in less than two days of being there.
A lot of shit has happened since then. None of it is anything good, it's all more medical appointments, half psychiatric and half endocrine because the DKA fucked up my kidneys, which weren't doing so great to begin with, and I've got blind spots in my eyes that aren't going away now.
I was told of course to find a therapist, so I called every one that my insurance covers, and made appointments with all three of them. The first one set me up for on appointment june 2nd, and that was two months after me retarded attempt; I answered questions for two hours, and was then told, okay, now you're on a wait list for our next available therapist. Haven't been called back yet.
My next appointment with a different one is September.
My psychiatrist has run me through every antipsychotic he's comfortable putting a diabetic on, since apparently most of them effect your blood sugar, and they all made me feel waaaaay worse. Not even just didn't help, it ranged from violently physically ill to seeing shadowy figures.
All my teeth are loose, and I have a consultation appointment in August with an orthodontist, my dentist said it's probably diabetic gum disease. Who knows when then they'll actually be able to fix them, since the consultation isn't even until August.
I dunno, man. My dad is so disappointed in me. I told my mom not to tell him what happened. I guess she's got to be disappointed too.
I'm coming back around to trying again. I really don't think anything is going to get better from here. The diabetes will keep destroying parts of me, there's no stopping that. But this mental health shit is getting way worse too. I feel much worse now than I did before I tried to kill myself.
I don't know, it just kind of feels like the stars are lining up in a certain way. It just seems like it's not just that there's no hope, but that everyone would be better off without me. I'm nothing good to be around, I need help constantly because I can't even drive now because I'm going blind. If I was useless before, I'm worthless now.
I don't want to keep going. I can't see anything good in the future for me, and I know I'm dragging everyone I love down. It seems like it would be the right thing to do to not fuck it up this time.
I wish I had someone I could talk to. All I ever did was cause problems.
No. 834185
>>834174I'm sorry anon you went through all of this.
But that you need wait for therapist so long and get shitty pills from psychiatrist really pisses me off. You NEED help NOW and and these motherfuckers aren't doing their job properly. And people call suicide selfish? Then fucking look, look how people didn't help her.
This makes me angry.
I'm really sorry that you feel this way, sorry that you didn't get the help you deserve. I wish I could help, but I can only wish you all the best.
Also, I don't want you to try suicide again, but if you must do this PLEASE plan ahead so that you don't end up as a vegetable.
No. 834189
>>834185I really appreciate that. It's like I'm doing everything I'm supposed to, but I'm still being blamed for shit not working out. I really am trying, I never miss any appointments, I take all my meds on time. I don't eat anything processed and I brush and floss.
I'm not going to fuck it up this time, I found where my stepdad has kept the shotgun hidden, it was in the ceiling in the basement, honestly very clever, so if I try again, this time it'll work
I think I'll probably go the Cobain route and do it somewhere where investigators would find the body, not my family or people not expecting it
No. 834193
>>834189Anon I'm so sorry and I can't put myself in your shoes and I think it's atrocious that the health services are so lacking for you.
Maybe your dad should know that you're struggling, you need accomadated and helped. I'm sure neither of your parents want to contemplate you not existing. Is there anyway you can hold out for the next month or so. I wish I could wrap you up in cotton for the next while and keep you safe.
No. 834197
>>834189I hope it will be quick and painless.
But I really don't want you to end up like this, I really don't.
Do you have anyone close to talk about your feelings that would actually care for you?
I will pray for you and if you choose not to do so please write in this thread in a few months.
I am sending you warm hugs anon.
No. 834201
>>834193Well, she did wind up telling him, that's why he's disappointed lol
He never wanted much to do with me once I started getting sick, and now he doesn't want to see me at all
I don't know, I'm going to wait. I waited 26 years the first time, I think I like to be fair I have to wait a year. Things can change in a year. That's 9 more months. I applied for disability benefits a couple years ago when the blind spots started, I had been racking up complications, but that one pushed me over the edge. I have 7-17 months until my court hearing. If I got that, that would make me feel better, I would have enough money to get an Uber to the doctor, I could stop worrying about giving my mom rent when my savings run out. Not being a leech would make me feel better.
I guess reasonably I should try to hold out until the trial and see what comes of that, maybe if they give me it this time, I wait and see if it makes me feel better, and if they don't give me it, I take that as my sign to head out
>>834197Thank you. There's no one I can talk to, people do care about me, but that's part of why I can't talk to them. It just makes everyone sad. Just having to know what's happening is saddening, having to talk about it is depressing. My mom can barely stand to be around me sometimes even when I'm dead silent these days. It just hurts her too much to see me. I don't know, they really would be better off if I stopped lingering.
I'll wind up posting here again either way I decide to go. You guys are the only people I can talk to. This site really feels like my last bond. I haven't even looked at a cow thread in couple years now, I just use ot, g, and m.
I don't know, I appreciate you guys talking to me
No. 834208
>>834201You sound like a good and reasonable person anon. If you feel that things are really difficult and you need to vent to someone, why not leave an e-mail. Maybe I won't be a big help, but I can at least listen.
I really hope you get better.
No. 834219
>>834208That really means a lot to me, I'll try not to argue with it lol
I really appreciate the offer too, but that kind of scares me though, I know there's robo-scrotes lurking for any personal info they can get, they've been blowing up crystalcafe really bad lately, but I know they're here too
No. 834232
>>834219Of course anon! But if you decide that you need to talk, then write in these confession threads, I will be lurking and look for you.
I will think about you anon and at least pray for you. Once again, I wish I could help, but I can only wish you all the best anonette.
No. 834261
>>834186 >>834200 so true. either they can't stomach sexual abuse or lose their shit bc they thought they thought they could fake the family life and get everyone else except for themselves on disability for the money. funny how they are able to turn two blind eyes if any woman suffers but oh how they cry when it comes to themselves or their ideal perfect version, their sons. selfish until the very end. their stress and emotions mean more bc why?
>bc I'm a MANyuck.
No. 834305
>>834264I forgot where I saw it, maybe it was a reddit post, of some guy admitting that he sent his girlfriends' nudes to his dad to get validation for snagging hot chicks.
Myy first boyfriend when I was a teen used to relentlessly harass me for nudes and when I sent him ass pics he posted them on his Twitter. I will never do that shit again and I hate how common it is despite stuff like
>>833947 proving how risky it is over and over and over again. I don't care how "nice" you think he is, you can't trust anyone like that.
No. 834647
>>834510So many kids who're ahead of the rest…. quickly fall behind by the time they're adults. Being smart at like 10 often doesn't translate into much success later on. I don't know if parents are too quick to hype up their 'smart kid' or why it blows up in their faces so often but it's definitely a thing.
The only praise I ever got growing up was on my grades. Never heard another postive word spoken about me. At age 12 I went nuts and stopped attending school. Some weird rebellion I guess. That might be common.
No. 834950
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I saw a lot of anons hating on the Spongebob x Vans collab in Shayna's thread but I would actually wear some of the designs.
No. 835079
>>834950Maybe we should take this to the unpopular opinions thread. I think those are adorable. I love Vans with fun patterns and colors.
I guess my confession is even though I'm nearing 30, I still plan on wearing and styling myself with clothes from the juniors section. Crop tops, fun Vans like above, etc. I want to look cute and it's fun going out and having the confidence to wear a fun outfit.
No. 835237
>>834956My fiancée said the same thing about men only being concerned about their own pleasure when I told her about my worries, great minds think alike. Thank you,
No. 835266
Sometimes I kind of want to pick all of the e-mails that have been posted here, make a collage with them and post them anonymously on Twitter in a callout fashion kind of post
>well, sorry to bother ya’ll but a person sent me these And ,,, yikes,,, lots of e-mails from people posting on the hate forum,,, you should check these e-mails out in case you know them’ll. And I-I’m not trying to call them’ll out or expose them’ll,,,,,,,,,,,, I’m just telling y’all in case you didn’t know,,!?..
No. 835292
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i'm sorry nonnas but some of the characters made in the dress up game thread look so hideous to me. this isn't even all of it but i can't be assed to put the rest.
No. 835318
>>835292We wouldn’t be able to work together in project runway,
nonnie, but you’re nice.
No. 835549
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i'm a huge football fan and have been wanting to get into formel 1 for a while (a lot of ppl in the all-female online football community i'm in watch formel 1 and make it seem like so much fun) but i'm hesitant because it'll make me seem like a bigger ~cool girl~ in men's eyes.
No. 835573
>>835549Get into it, but refuse to talk to men about it. Can't be 'doing it to impress men' if they never know.
I do this with every male-dominated interest or hobby because moids always get super competetive or patronising, and the women who are into these things are really cool.
No. 835835
>>835549Join us, anon! My life has revolved around F1 for my entire life and I have met more women into it than men, even irl.
This year is a good time to get into it because we're having fights for the driver's championships for the 1st time in half a decade. Just ignore the scrotes online and have fun.
No. 835853
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>>835832Did your friends enjoy looting and burning people's business and police precincts?
(/pol/fag) No. 835859
>>835832This is the funniest post I've ever read on this site, I literally laughed out loud
Thats also my confession ig
No. 835884
>>835875He was a broken boy with father issues. Joined c-sec so he could be a proper turian, making his race proud. He got on to something. Real big. Saran. After he thought Shep died, he wanted to right the world of wrong doings. Then in me3 he was horny as hell. He was like a meet that never had a girlfriend before and all he wanted to do was calibrate their species.
I agree though, Vetra and Aria made me live for V. Fuck Aria. Shame the only lady turians are dlcI am also a Grevious fag.
No. 836381
>>836314>>836338I would rather be associated with
terf and neet than whatever this autistic shit is lol
No. 836382
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I'm 90% sure if my big sister wasn't an older millenial normie who largely stays away from the internet, she'd have trooned out. It terrifies me to consider that alternate universe.
No. 836492
>>836456I've heavy family members who've been pretty chill about carrying all that weight, especially the men because they can still bag a decent woman just through not abusing her. That's where the bar is set.
Fast forward a few years and there's diabetes, risk of death from that, first toes and eventually a leg are removed from uncontrolled diabetes. Their partner has to care for them. They can't work or earn. Meds are expensive. Partner gives up the dreams she was chasing to play nurse to him. All preventable… Maybe they are
abusive on some level if they kept getting warnings and didn't change or improve their health for their partners sake too.
No. 836503
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my barest, slightest amount of confidence in my looks completely shattered when i tried the faceapp app for fun, it really revealed to me what a ugly bitch i am. every person i morphed with turned out to be a frighteningly ugly abomination. i even took pictures with the back camera of my phone, not the selfie one and yet i still looked so incredibly fug and every morph was a horrorshow. i used to think that hey, i look ok at best but no, that isn't true. i look ugly at best. i wanna die. i just wanted to be cute.
No. 836589
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I just wanna wear a suit of armor at least once in my life, I've had this fascination with female knights ever since I read about Jeanne d'Arc at age 6, and everytime I see a pic of a woman in an armor it almost hurts me because I'm not the one wearing it. Worst thing is I could buy picrel but it's like 3k euros.
No. 836606
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>>836314Samefagging to add on this confession, since my husbando has his own set of powers I also like to imagine the two of us fighting crime together. As autistic as this is, this kind of shit helps me sleep at night lmao.
Also another related confession, I genuinely think the costumes from Cats (the original not the cgi abomination) look cool. There's just something visually interesting about tacky, weird costumes/outfits based on random things and it's fun designing my own.
No. 836742
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One of my oldest friends rented an Airbnb to come stay in my city for a month and idk how much I even really wanna see him or seen with him. Since moving back to his hometiwn five years ago he became obsessed with qanon and other shit and became extremely radicalized on shit that we used to be able to have reasonable conversations on, like all celebrity rape scandals are now automatically = feminazi whores want attention no matter what the circumstances when we used to have complex, nuanced conversations. It’s not even that I disagree so much as I can’t bring him around any of my friends; I worked really fucking hard to escape neetdom, autism and the basement life and intergrate with a social network of successful/attractive/connected people in creative culture that are doing shit in their life, and he never did. I don’t care if they have some goofy sjw leanings I need their social feedback to keep ascending in my career and opportunities and I don’t want to have to defend myself from association with his dumbass satanic pedo eyes wide shut ancient alien rants. If he was actually saying something, like the North Korea woman who went on Fox to talk about wokeism at ivy league reminding her of NK I might be willing to stand by him but he repeats literal Pizzagate Alex Jones type shit mixed with cringey social critiques about how everything was better in the 90s before the internet. I know he only has like 2 other friends left here and one of them is also a NEET so it’s gonna be impossible to avoid him for too long because he will cling to me to escape his own similarly retarded friends, something he has basically admitted. We’ve been friends for over 10 years and I’ve always tried to help him by being a supportive friend thru his life problems so I feel bad about this, but at the same don’t really and that makes me feel bad. I need to find some convenient excuses to not be able to invite him out anywhere for a whole month.
No. 836795
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>>836774He know this city leans left via inertia but he desperately wants to get back in with live music and art scene because he used to be a (failed) musician (the genx burnt out junkie hipster-to-altright pipeline is real) and me telling him that won’t be a deterrent to him trying to escape his own neetdom or desire to mingle. He thinks there are all these secret magatards “hiding” in arts because arts and culture is too important in human culture to not be secretly heavily filled with based and redpilled people because finding velvet underground in used vinyl bins in the 90s was the pinnacle of culture and Caravaggio’s paintings are the pinnacle of civilization and the left destroyed the sacred human experience of digging thru used records while high on drugs and some shit idk. Honestly typing this out has made me realize he is legitimately become a cow.
No. 836820
>>836795God that sounds exhausting. Had he asked specifically to be introduced to your friends? Because it sounds like you need these people's social capital and he could fuck it up for you. You might just have to be more blunt with him, and say you're busy the whole month except like one or two times, and he can take that however he wants.
>I’ve always tried to help him by being a supportive friend thru his life problems so I feel bad about this, but at the same don’t really and that makes me feel bad Honestly on the whole it sounds like you're done with him and only still talking to him out of pity/obligation, so maybe you can use this to really assess what he brings to your life. If he's just using you to climb social ladders and be a sounding board for his insane theories then what are you really getting out of this? You can appreciate things he's done for you in the past as well as recognising there's no future here
No. 836930
>>836886Was he after ye lucky charms
>>836827I used to like taking baths because I could just sit there and clear my mind, get a nice exfoliation and shave in, then shower off afterwards. But my cat decided that it's fun to run around the edge of the tub when I'm in there and the fear of getting mauled kind of ruins the whole relaxation thing.
>>836917Came here to confess that I don't really miss seeing my friends and seeing them after quarantine felt really weird. One is coming to visit me from out of town and it's kind of a pain in my ass tbh, I love her but I hate having to entertain people and our lifestyles are really different now. I wish my friends could just feel in their hearts that I love them and be satisfied with that so I wouldn't have to put in any of the work of actually being a good friend, because I really prefer to be alone doing my own thing most of the time, but I feel like I have to have friends for some reason.
No. 837147
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My future brother in law says stupid cringe shit like 'based and redpilled' and tries his hardest to imitate how that whole lame alt right act that smallbrains with no personality do.
I'm pretty sure she's gonna marry this faggot. She doesn't have many options, but I can't help but wonder if old maiddom is the better alternative than committing to be with a fat effeminate jew who's considered he's an Alpha Chad.
No. 837148
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When I was a teen I used to argue on Quizilla over whether or not lemons should be allowed (I was strongly for it lol). Tbh most of the arguments against it were just moralfagging similar to what you see on twitter and the inability to separate fiction from reality. This one girl unironically thought reading smut was going to increase teen pregnancy and kept going on and on about how anyone who reads it is an ebil whore and just whined about "sluts" in general. she also claimed to be a feminist and was 21 apparently.
That reminds me, quite a lot of users there seemed weirdly conservative. Not in a racist /pol/ kind of way but I remember seeing a ton of anti-abortion rants in the stories section (and just dumb rants in general).
No. 837234
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I'm so glad that cyberpunk "failed" and is hated by the dudebro gamers. I'd rather hear them say how much it sucks rather than them being their usual coomer selves and running jokes related to the game to the ground.
No. 837290
>>836827I don't like baths either, bubble or not. I don't find hot water relaxing or comfortable, I hate getting pruny, if I'm gonna spend time submerged in water it will be a nice cool pool in summer.
I also don't care candles in particular. Every woman I know seems to love them and have a friend/relative who makes and sells them, I always get them as gifts and I just don't really see the appeal. Sure it smells nice, but it's temporary and seems hardly worth the effort.
No. 837358
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>>837346You're gonna sell them right? Surely nobody could find those unfortunate looking things cuter than 120k?
No. 837362
>>837346Wow that’s a lot of consooming. What’s the appeal of them other than getting way more money than they’re worth selling them to dolts?
Don’t buy that ‘they’re cute’ thing tbh. They’re identical and so soulless looking nobody could find the dead eyes and bland designs appealing.
Did all those $15 spends end up less than the total value of the hoard? Do you have to pay to store the half ton of plastic?
Gotta cost more than youd make off them, even after a decade.
No. 837448
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i unironically find the idea of slashing my palm with another person and then holding hands with them to be very romantic and cute. only thing is i have to find someone i actually like enough to do this, and make sure they don't have diseases of course.
No. 837479
>>837290I don't understand the obsession other women have for scented candles either, why do they want dangerous uncovered flames in their homes burning up their oxygen and putting out unknown byproducts? At least wax melts are less likely to start a fire but it still feels like burning money to me. Most women I know who like this stuff already spend so much time cleaning so it's not like they even need to hide any odours
I don't wear perfume either so many I'm just not into scent. I like sniffing flowers and when people smell like clean laundry, but imo most artificial scents just smell fake and samey
No. 837525
>>837448I have fantasies of doing this, and holding each others hand until we
start growing together, literally. Less because of romance though, and more morbid fascination.
No. 837907
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I realized today that I am in love with my best friend at work. There are many reasons this is extremely wrong.
>I'm happily married and he has a long-term girlfriend
>he's a decade older than me
>he's too much of a trainwreck to be with even if we were single
I hate this.
No. 837992
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I unironically love Marge Simpson
She is the cutest
No. 838060
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>>837992I made this for you
No. 838172
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I had a dream last night that I hooked up with my friend’s boyfriend behind her back and I feel bad but also that shit was hot
No. 838380
>>838371>people who defend the expolitation of young adults I never did any of that.
>Your brain still develops at 18-25 years old, you are only an adult on paper. I've seen this repeated many times on internet forums, but I've also seen people claim that the brain never stops changing through out life, including in adulthood, can you give me a source for your claim?
>Also you won't have anything in common if your age gap is more than 15 years, I really doubt that is true for most people, I very much doubt that adults become entire different personality and interests-wise each time 15 years of their life has passed. I definitely do have more in common with regards to personality and interests with some people who are 15 years older than me, than with some people who are my age.
>if you don't date within your own age range there is very likely something wrong with that person because the people their own age clearly reject themI don't buy that, all you're doing by making that assertion is claiming that if people don't do what you want, then they're actually losers, which is a ridiculous claim to make, plus it's not true for most large age-gap couples since most of them probably do have a history of dating people in their age ranges before their current relationship.
>that is why they have to prey on younger people.Most of them don't prey on anyone, if you believe otherwise then please provide evidence.
No. 838421
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sometimes i would check in on pt and chris chan and it's fucking insane to see where they came from to where they are now. I'm more hopeful for pt but chris chan makes me feel fucking nasty every time i check his youtube channel. I know it's a very boring confession but I wanted to get it off my chest
No. 838508
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>>838060thank u based anon
No. 838750
>>838600Going to concerts alone is extremely satisfying
nonny you keep doing you. There’s dozens of us
No. 838751
Going to concerts alone actually scares me because I am afraid of getting drugged, raped, kidnapped, or mugged
OR get sprayed with bottles full of piss
No. 838756
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I fucking despise tiktok BUT some of the dances people do on there make me horny. and a few of these include cosplays too. the dances and video as a whole are still extremely cringe but my pusy don't care at the moment as long as there's a cute man/woman
No. 838758
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the word husbando is perfectly fine, but "waifu" makes me feel violently ill despite being a waifufag. i've also been a yumejo since i was like 6, so most of the autism surrounding it doesn't shock me, at least when it comes to women and how they express it. that said, i'll never understand people who legitimately think the character loves them back or get explosively mad at other people for shipping. my brain's broken in a funny and cringe way, but at least it's in a funny and cringe way and not a fucked up and bad way. benevolent mental illness. i come on this website daily though so that might be a lie