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No. 848606
>>>/ot/840259 No. 848614
File: 1625728709884.jpg (32.6 KB, 636x348, 1617105740977.jpg)

I encourage all nonas who want to hornypost about that retard spitting on a gameboy to click on over to /g/
thanks, luvs
No. 848640
>>848637Yes and no, you realise that sex is disappointing and often a lot less satisfying than an evening on AO3 with your hand down your knickers.
But it doesn't stop you from being horny haha sorry
No. 848653
>>848637The only things that have ever stopped me from being horny are extreme levels of stress and the wrong brand of birth control pill. If you're one of us horny women you have to find good ways to cope with it because that can make you have a lot of shitty sex with shitty men.
I waited to lose my virginity with a guy that I knew would be discreet and respectful even if I went batshit and wanted to fuck all the time like a rabbit,and that was a very good call.
No. 848685
>>848637>tfw virgin but only get horny twice a yearnot on birth control either. images of """hot""" people don't do shit. the only thing that's guaranteed to work is if I'm extremely hungry or have chest pain for some reason, but that's involuntary and random.
>>848670hard agree. maybe shit like that is killing my sex drive lol
No. 848701
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Just saw how much younger Dr. Chakwas looks in Mass Effect Legendary Edition and my day is fucking ruined. BioWare has pissed all over my space GILF fantasies.
No. 848729
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God I really want a Style Boutique/Savvy anime, just something cozy with nice music and a cute colored world.
No. 848740
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>>848729I fucking love Style Boutique. The music is 10/10. Retard moment but I haven't played it in over a year because the characters are so skinny it upsets me. I get too excited when the customers want to buy entire outfits I made, or ask me to give them a whole new look. Second the anime idea, just a cute girly world where the guys are pretty background characters.
No. 848775
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>>848701Sorry to hear about Dr Choclates, gilfhunter-chan. Bioware has been weird about showing characters age, like you look 25 or you look like a raisin. picrel, in Inquistion, Cassandra is supposed to be in her late 40s.
No. 848856
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>>848853I'm guessing a joke reference to none pizza with left beef
No. 848986
File: 1625767014473.jpg (273.81 KB, 2048x1427, Tumblr_l_233425564764448.jpg)

>moving out of my parents house across the country
>leave my sex toys in a closed bag inside of a box in their garage bc i dont have space
>come back to get all my shit a year later including the toys
>two really nice dildos and a vibrator are missing from my collection
>my mom is notorious for going through her kids'stuff and used to go through my trash can and pull stuff out
I… dont know what to say to her. should i just never bring it up and pretend like nothing happened?
No. 849019
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>>849006TIL this product is not spelled the same way
No. 849021
>>849019Samefag but if only
>>849003 could put some of this on her mind to bleach out the horror
No. 849045
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Mark my words, one day there will be an edgy CW adaption of Friday the 13th, it will be called "Crystal Lake", everyone will be inexplicably good looking and well built, Jason will have a black female love interest, also he will be attractive and his ugliness will be something only he can see
No. 849134
File: 1625777277529.jpg (Spoiler Image,8.68 KB, 460x260, 5449a276e4b03049f26e5930.jpg)

I always think I look like a nice normal lady but I caught a glimpse of myself in a shop window today and I looked like a ghoul. Deep dark eyesockets and a weird skinny androgynous body like picrel. Terrible fashion sense and frazzled white hair. What the fuck is wrong with me. Shit. I literally thought "oh no, if I had kids I'd actively shield them from that person" then I recognised it as myself
Weird reverse dysmorphia ig. How do I make myself look like a nice cute person and not a cryptid?
No. 849145
>>849134Same anon, I look different in every fucking mirror.
I look good in the mirror at my home but when I go shopping I look retarded. Like a completely different person. It's even worse with pictures, I look fucking different every time.
At this point idk how I actually look like.
No. 849163
>>849151wtf he shouldnt had done that
back up your saves next time
No. 849165
>>849159I know it wasn't allowed, but he didn't have to be an asshole about it. He should have sent her a warning but written in a professional way. Not something worthy of an angry incel.
I know all companies have those kind of safety rules, but how much they are followed is a different matter.
No. 849196
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I rarely fall ill but today I'm out sick for the first time since maybe high school (8/9 years ago). My mom dropped me off some oregano oil and vitamin c powder but the exchange was distant because she didn't want to risk catching anything or brining something home to my grandma
It makes me feel a strange sadness, the last time I was truly out sick was when I lived with my mom and family, and although it was shitty to be sick that was the only time my mom was ever caring or affectionate towards me and I always milked it for all it was worth.
Now I'm on this nostalgia kick and I've been surfing the web like all day like I did as a teen, on Neopets/tumblr while watching old emo kandi raver videos and NOW I'm gonna put on Big Brother 8
No. 849225
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Patrick Stewart isn't gay? Wtf??
No. 849248
>>849081no but we actually do have a water leak lol
>>849099nah, his work schedule is super janky because we work in news so time means nothing to him. I’m just his assistant so I’m allowed to just do my 9-5 and dip
>>849114we are but the pay is shit kek. My boss and I have our own little room separate from the rest of the office though (the rest of the office is an open floor plan) so we can doze off in peace. We even have a couch that the last person in his position slept on all the time (she didn’t fired, was an expat and her turn was up lol heard she would pull allnighters in here)
No. 849256
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>>849225you might be confusing him with ian mckellen who is gay
No. 849262
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saw this in an interview from the 60s and I wish it were socially acceptable for non Muslim women to wear scarves like this in my eurofag country, it's cute and since I stopped heat styling my hair some days it just looks ugly af and I want to cover it lol. I mean obv nothing is stopping me from going out like this but it would attract so much attention because no one does it
No. 849268
>>849257They don't need to make a profit, they're scalpers anon. "Vintage stores" are gentrified, overpriced schlock most of the time.
Anyway, I know Instagram and Depop are second nature for zoomers but if you want good finds you do NOT buy from there. Lots of people who are trying to get into thrifting only see those and go "too expensive, I give up, might as well shop at H&M!" which is why I hate those shops even more.
Ebay, Goodwill, whatever shitty thrift store chain you have near you will be cheap and it's where most of the good stuff is because rich zoomers are lazy af. You will have to dig through piles of garbage, but that's why it's cheap. You either pay in time, money or child abuse in Bangladesh on your conscience. There is no free lunch.
No. 849277
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>>849262non muslim black women wear their hair like this everyday in every country they are in you will see one black girl with it and looking amazing. Shit my black ass wears my hair in a head scarf literally everday to work and who is gonna say anything? We just call them head wraps. I wear them a lot because afros are super high maintenance hair styles and i dont have the time to do my hair in the morning and then prepare it at night for the next day EVERYDAY. I personally think more women in general should cover their hair its actually beneficial as fuck especially since smog exists outside and people are dirty as fuck. It also helps your hair grow overtime because its isnt constantly being touched and rubbed up against things You can also turn your old patterened leggings into head wraps too if you are feeling DIY. I just recommend using a silk or satin scarf if the wrap is of a cotton like material because cotton dries out the hair and is overall bad for it. I know no one cares but i find head wraps/scarves to be so beautiful and really elevates a look if done right.
No. 849287
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>>849278People are dumb, this look has existed since forever for all kinds of women of all ages. Women wearing pieces of cloth in their hair is literally normal and part of our history as women. Wear whatever you want!
No. 849293
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Just putting my side of things here, in Mexico headscarves usually look like this, and no one has ever complained
No. 849299
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>>849287literally its cultural more than religious because wearing it means something different depending on the women's country of origin. Even then sometimes its just a stylistic choice because doing your hair be time consuming sometimes and hats cause baldness overtime. I used to be scared of being called a "slave" by some racist asshole or hell my own family when i first started wearing them. until i found out the history of why slaves were forced to cover their hair and how these women STILL made it fashionable and were still turning heads by adding cute little broaches to it and stuff. Not only that but they used these racist rules to send each other coded messages under everyone's noses. iconic if you ask me.
No. 849302
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no way the word victims is redtexted? i can’t with this place
No. 849309
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>>849278Why would it make you look ethnic? The female monarchy in the UK wear head scarfs all the time.
No. 849310
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>>849299I don't think wearing headscarves are the problem, it's racism from stupid people
>>849294say it to her, come on. Do you have the heart to say it to a russian babushka? she looks adorable.
No. 849311
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>>849304there’s so much I want to say but I can’t, resisting to call that anon a keebler
No. 849320
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>>849313Don't worry, people of all races and backgrounds can wear headscarves. Yes this includes white women and cats.
No. 849324
>>849313my only fear with white women wearing head wraps and scarves again en masse is that the price for satin and silk scarves that black women use to protect our hair at night will skyrocket astronomically which is fucking annoying as fuck. so im gonna stock up at my local beauty supplies before they do.
dont ban me im only half joking mods you know its true that once white people latch on to something the price goes up to ridiculous heights for no reason other than exclusivity which is just thinly veiled racism LMAO. but anyway ill accept the ban hammer.
No. 849328
nonnie. Horny never stops, and if you're holding your virginity for any specific reason that is important to you then keep it that way until you're ready. There's also the chance your first time is gonna hurt and not be as fun as you'd like it to be. Not worth caving for, just keep masterbating
No. 849344
>>849338lsa cannibalizes their own on secret forums because they're too coward to do it in public
all over a bunch of celebrity gossip and muh safe space shit, those bitches unhinged
No. 849353
>>849352I mean it's all fun and games until they discover you're not black
if I end up fucking joining there I'm staying the hell out of every thread that ain't celeb gossip
No. 849358
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>>849352I'm all about bringing positivity to lolcow tbh
No. 849360
>>849353as long as you arent racist the most someone will do is just point out that you arent black (which they only do if you post obvious racebaity bullshit or stupidly announce that you are nonblack) other than that no one REALLY cares so long as you stay in your lane lol. But i get being scared but after a while being called "white" on there is like being called a "scrote" on here its baseless, everyone has been accused at one point or another and no one has proof so its just shouting shit into the void. That site is fun as fuck if you know how to navigate it. Especially jane doe and relationship alley they are so ruthless on there LMAO.
Also to be rude but not really but your fear of being outed and then mocked for not being black on LSA is literally what black people fear and go through being on every corner of the internet. As soon as you mention you are black anywhere online someone will inevetiably call you a nigger monkey bitch among other things. Get some thicker skin beloved lol they literally banned the word mayo on that site and cracker. you have nothing to be afraid of LMAO
No. 849370
>>849365I especially hate that I've seen them so many times I'm no longer extremely bothered by them. It's summer, so I'm bound so see them. Just sucks I have to keep spray wherever I'm hanging out just in case.
Cockroaches and parking are probably the worst parts about city life.
No. 849438
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>>849278Hi sorry I'm late but have you tried pairing it with a retro rockabilly look? It's a very white look, no one could call it ethnic, whatever the fuck ethnic means.
No. 849443
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>>849278Tell them to fuck off and that ur channeling ur inner babuska
No. 849449
THE WEATHER IS FINALLY COOLING OFF YESSSSS.I have no AC and every single night I felt like I was falling asleep in an oven or something
>>849443There's nothing about this image that I don't love
No. 849511
>>849262If you're worried about it, go for a vintage look with gingham print or something then the context is crystal clear.
>>849277Agree. Makes every woman look regal.
No. 849542
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unironically fucking hate shroomjack
No. 849710
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an average day on the farms
No. 849718
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>>849695ahhhh don't call me out like that
nonnie. I try to reply to people but I'm a sperg who genuinely doesn't know wtf to say sometimes. Like idk how to reply without sounding awkward or stupid so I just don't. Why do you think I use imageboards instead of normal sites for normal people. forgive me nonnies
No. 849727
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>>849710samefag the speed got messed up for some reason so i'll just post the original
No. 849865
File: 1625861946305.gif (1.51 MB, 305x480, giphy.gif)

I think I actually have a husbando now, I mean I used to like some characters before but I didn't feel too strongly about them and now all I do is draw him or look at fanart, I think this is it anonatellinanos I think this is love (I will not be disclosing the character because of cringe) (also maybe it is autistic obsession and not love but it sure feels like love)
No. 849983
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No. 849997
>>849983Why does your image make me so angry and repulsed?
unrelated but the girl in thread pic is gorgeous. I love the hair and makeup from back then.
No. 850001
>>849997it's a man four ways,
nonnie. who wouldn't want to vom
No. 850017
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The scrotes are not ok
No. 850026
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I will never forgive whoever tried to market this ugly ass talentless scrote as a supermodel
No. 850027
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>>850017All I have to say is… AHAHAHAHA and….. AHAHAHAHAHA what a wild ride
No. 850035
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>>850026is him balding? Or is this fake?
No. 850046
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>>850035He looks like that one ugly girl meme from years ago wtf
No. 850053
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Not posting this in the fantasies thread because it’s dumbass shit.
Even though I’m a virgin I want to dominate outwardly cocky men. I’m in Vegas right now for the fight and holy fucking shit do I want to beat the hell out of McGregor in bed kek beating men doesnt do it for me but god damn do I get wet thinking of beating this cocky manlet.
No. 850101
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I think he's very fucking hot
No. 850143
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I have been sperging so much about Jerma on here that I think I’ve begun a movement. This is my cultural impact. If you see like 6 Jerma posts and think they’re different anons they are most likely all me.
No. 850147
>>850143jermafags trying where many have failed
who would've thought
No. 850155
>>849542Explain why
nonnie, I’m curious to know
No. 850171
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>>850152I am doing this to you anon
No. 850177
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>>850152I love him so much
No. 850181
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>>850175what’re you talk about
No. 850194
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>>850183>>850181you should embrace his grossness anons, like he does, own your taste.
No. 850201
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>>850196kek oh they're real
>With these spiky cleats, anything is possible. No. 850211
>>850198no because then everyone who celebfags is gonna want their own containment thread
and that will be a problem
No. 850222
>>850211Is it?
Most just die anyway
I am for a Jerma thread if that means not seeing his face here anymore lol
No. 850225
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>>850221Do this jermanons
No. 850226
>>850221>>850225oh, /g/ thread for 3d husbandoposting's here:
>>>/g/193846there's also the other one. ngl I don't mind seeing jerma here in /ot/ sometimes though. I find all husbando thirst amusing in mild doses
No. 850239
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>>849542Were you the one who wrote this anon?
No. 850240
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>>850225I already posted him there but anon never responded as to why they think he’s a sub so the thread just died.
No. 850247
>>850239post this in the 4chan caps thread or I will
>>850240that's rough buddy
No. 850255
I go through periods on and off where I consume a bunch of manosphere/"redpill"/mgtow content, not really sure why, I guess out of morbid curiosity. it pisses me off because of how many blatantly false claims they make, like there is this one really fucking shitty "redpill" podcast where the hosts like to claim that only 20% of men are sexually active with 80% of the women (this is allegedly because women only want to fuck top tier men in terms of income, height, social status etc). not sure where he's getting this from exactly because I literally spent over an hour looking for a study that would indicate that and I couldn't find one. I thought he was maybe taking results from dating apps where 80% of the women match with 20% of the men and twisting it, but I couldn't even find a study indicating that. the only reliable study I could find said that it was closer 70% of men being sexually active, and the number of women was like 1-2% higher than that. he said his source was linked in a video and there were 2 links to the washington post, both of which are articles that have been taken down. even so, I somewhat doubt that those articles actually stated that. and maybe they got taken down because they contained false information?
another thing that annoys the actual living shit out of me, aside from making baseless claims, is that they contradict themselves every other sentence. like they claim that women are extremely promiscuous, but also that they're extremely hypergamous - in other words extremely picky - and that men can only get laid if they're 6+ feet tall, 6 figure income, ripped, chiseled jaw etc. if women are that picky, how are they so promiscuous and slutty/easy?? another contradiction is that they say women leave marriages because of hypergamy, because they found/want a better partner to be with, but also that women reach their peak at 22. how can a 38 year old leave her husband for a "gigachad" then??? they have also said that women need to be submissive in relationships in order to be happy, because we're supposed to believe that these men are the authority on female happiness apparently.
and the host of said podcast has said verbatim "men are ruled by facts and logic, and women are ruled by their emotions". for someone who loves "facts and logic" as much as he purportedly does, he sure as hell loves making baseless claims. he also claimed that the only women in STEM are forced to be there, which is unfiltered, unadulterated bullshit. I don't know why I keep going back to this content, I wish I could only engage in things I like and enjoy but for some reason I'm drawn to things that piss me off. sometimes I wish we had a "manosphere cows" thread because there's lots of milk there, but also I don't think that would be a good idea because it would attract more angry scrote trolls.
No. 850261
>>850255I'm telling you
nonny their reasoning for spouting all of that is being ruled by emotion (not that it isn't obvious)
No. 850308
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I got a nasty case of food poisoning today but it hasn't even been two hours since I started feeling the symptoms and I already feel a lot better. I don't get sick often and it made me think that I've taken the feeling of being in good health for granted. I should be more grateful for having a strong immune system and be kinder to my body because it works so hard for me.
No. 850310
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>>850267How long have you been doing it? It's more likely to be exercise induced water weight than new muscle. You're not gonna be bulking up much from squats unless you're lifting heavy and eating at a caloric surplus.
No. 850333
>>850310About a month
>>850316Ah fuck me, then I'm even dumber than I thought kek. thank you for the tip though, I'm gonna calculate how much weight I'd lose if I started walking regularly
No. 850366
>>850316>working out doesn't help you lose fat. Yes it does wtf? Exercise is exercise. Yes you consume less calories during strength training than cardio but you still consume them
>>850267Make sure you're eating less calories than you burn daily, that's what will make you lose fat. It could be that you're eating too much or that you burnt fat and built muscle
No. 850434
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I keep about 20 lc tabs open every day for the past 2 years and post in half of these threads daily. despite that I usually don't get that many replies (especially this year compared to last year). it feels like it reinforces how unrelatable I am tbh cause posts right above and below mine's often get more replies, those are usually posts related to relationships and things like that, which I never had before.
No. 850475
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hannibal lecter and will graham do not use dumbass he/they pronouns or care about lgbt labels and micro identities. i hate that the show has attracted such a fan base of mentally ill females who call themselves gay mlm achillien trans guys or non binary. it’s so cringe and out of character. they are smart, well educated men with careers who also serial kill. for gods sake i don’t think hannibal lecter who pulled a teenage girl’s lungs out of her body whilst she was still alive would identify as a they/them whateverthefuck. either accept them as two violent males who are gay for each other. or shut the fuck up. they are normal people, serial killing aside, and would not stand for the cringe enduring behavior of tumblr neets. i seriously can’t take this anymore.
No. 850491
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>>849983Based artemy pathologic anon
>>850240Also anon who's posting jerma images ITT why is jerma985 suddenly popular now? I watched him years ago when he played TF2 and am confused how there's a lot of jerma memes and impressionable children and (adult children) all blindly follow him. His humor is unfunny and repetitive
Here, have a fucking weird android game ad
No. 850499
File: 1625930121778.jpeg (396.59 KB, 828x989, 38B87BDC-E39A-452C-B66D-83C8AD…)

i hate this so much. why do they have to do jesse like this. he said in the very first episode that he doesn’t want to look like a faggot
No. 850554
If you want to have a laugh, do this how-bad-is-your-spotify analyzer:
>You are 30% basic. Most of your music comes straight from iHeartRadio. lol Måneskin..kek
No. 850563
>>850554kek what a roast
>Of course Hayley Kiyoko.>Your spotify was manic-pixie-dream-girl-sweaty-rave-still-listening-to-maroon-5-lol bad>You are 42% basic. You listen to a few unique things, but most of it is what everybody else listens to, like Taylor Swift and The Weeknd..thanks nona, that was fun
No. 850565
File: 1625938276627.gif (3.85 MB, 540x400, Tumblr_l_255101106337736.gif)

Admin can u say hi pls I'm your biggest fan
No. 850591
File: 1625940161122.png (63.46 KB, 624x600, 32748137429ß874.png)

Does this mean that I am retarded?
No. 850592
>>850554 Your spotify was can-be-convinced-the-earth-is-flat-keeping-kylie-rich-by-buying-travis-scott-meals-love-your-npr-tote bad.
> Thank your obsessions with Kanye West, Travis Scott, and Grimes for that.I don't think I listen to Grimes that much. My brother is the one that listens to Travis Scott and Kanye
>Based on your listening habits, I can also tell you your spotify was…>masters-in-creative-writing bad>mercury-mustache bad>moms-spaghetti bad>mid-nineties-flannel-shirt bad>only-wears-converse-allstars badYou are 15% basic. Mason Lindroth and R.I.P.? Where do you even find this?.
You're too trendy for your own good. You know there's good music from before 2019, right?
No. 850604
>>850554>Based on your listening habits, I can also tell you your spotify was…>eyeliner-and-screaming bad upscale-myspace-music bad
>your-gen-z-is-showing bad>manic-pixie-dream-girl bad>instagram-your-tent-at-sunset badlmao
No. 850651
File: 1625946144246.jpg (29.99 KB, 670x273, Screenshot_7.jpg)

>>850554I don't use spotify for anything except for pop-punk and kate bush. I can only listen to pop-punk playlists without skipping continuously kek
I still have my middle school taste in music and I learned not to care anymore
No. 850681
>>850554most of these analyses were inaccurate due to my
kpop phase, i barely listen to that now but i used to so my results weren't up to date kek but
>Your spotify was cling-clang-pots-and-pans-music-escape-room-artpop-apologist bad.>succulent-growing-indie-pop bad>can-be-convinced-the-earth-is-flat bad>manic-pixie-dream-girl bad>ponytail-pop bad>twerk-skills-on-legendary bad No. 850690
File: 1625949535406.png (592.44 KB, 500x506, 62C162BF-7CB7-45AB-893E-27C9EF…)

I think it’s funny how anons will fill up entire threads over cows stupidly responding to bait and then come over to /ot/ and chimp out over obvious internal shitposts. Bonus points if whatever was said was completely benign kek.
No. 850699
I put my photo into the portrait ai site and it spit out such a pretty painting I'm mad I don't look like a painting (here is the site if you want to try )
No. 850703
File: 1625950629186.png (232.42 KB, 600x600, food.png)

>>850434Sorry to hear that,
nonnie. At least accept this reply as a salve.
No. 850718
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is it just me or does this look like cillian murphy?
No. 850730
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>>850554>twerk-skills-on-legendary bad>anime bad>new-wave bad>k-pop-aficionado bad You are 6% basic. Mystery Kiss and WINO? Where do you even find this?
>>850727I got that too. Honestly no goddamn idea
No. 850733
File: 1625952666952.jpg (64.96 KB, 521x780, 0df2765d0ebffa5ee80accf43b104f…)

Degenerate women artists will always be better than any male coomer artist
No. 850748
File: 1625954056177.jpg (56.13 KB, 444x504, tumblr_c0f71f5c2d57927688627fd…)

>>850728I got one that really looks like me after trying for a while, it's a bit scary. I checked tumblr because I was hoping there would be academia nerds raving about it but sadly it was just everyone making portraits of their sims. Also I found this image of Stephen Fry
No. 850761
File: 1625955307995.png (884.25 KB, 1243x2048, Screenshot_20210710-170222.png)

what is this
No. 850773
>>850761What does this even mean
>>850767I can touch my areolas with my lips. They're too small to put the nipple in my mouth though
also, Holy shit, bending your titty upward fucking hurts No. 850793
File: 1625959271082.jpg (200.51 KB, 1024x1024, I1S9KIIDxEWL-_port.jpg)

>>850765please post the good one if you find it, cause this one is horrid
No. 850815
File: 1625960331917.jpg (27.08 KB, 350x255, 13322187_276035026075909_46029…)

>>850445>omg guys, everyday I sit at home with no job. Why am I shit, dae feel this way?>how do you stop caring what people think?>my boyfriend did something mean to me, so I'm a terrible human being, right?I ignore all these questions because anons obviously don't care about answers, they just want a pity party so they can continue barely existing.
No. 850856
File: 1625963042470.jpg (77.78 KB, 1080x764, 1618231621780.jpg)

Sending my autistic little brother Minecraft memes at 1:20AM even though I've never played it. Autism by proxy.
No. 850880
File: 1625965113896.jpg (Spoiler Image,319.35 KB, 1920x1920, disgusting.jpg)

Whenever some anon mentions how men catfish with their beards, I can't help but think of picrel from OITNB. He looks gross both ways, but something about the no beard is so much worse. This shit should be illegal.
No. 850898
File: 1625966750168.png (54.23 KB, 256x256,…)

why are certain true crime channels retarded enough to feature sponsorships on their videos
No. 851014
File: 1625983698685.jpeg (Spoiler Image,71.2 KB, 615x630, ACC0CE53-A3C0-4FA4-9639-6D5DA4…)

>>850053…. so I almost flooded the arena tonight kek
No. 851026
File: 1625985762581.jpg (91.88 KB, 401x640, Asari-chan.jpg)

Being nostalgic for forgotten media sucks.
No. 851090
File: 1625993698900.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1643, 3A62210E-5DEA-4D26-9528-59A9C0…)

They look completely normal, their outfits are cute, and I have no idea why men are seething about this or why it’s supposed to signal like the end of Western civilisation…
No. 851099
File: 1625994917407.jpeg (131.39 KB, 700x891, 2EA23AE8-B2A2-4679-ACB0-590D57…)

>>851090Same men that would make fun of this “silly women’s show” are now kvetching about it. Having a male brain should automatically have you marked as mentally retarded.
Anyways, yes their outfits are really cute and chic! Here are the full outfits without the photo editing the scrote posted.
No. 851101
File: 1625995043064.jpeg (634.93 KB, 1000x3227, 9FA80565-E293-4A65-8395-5BA821…)

>>851092 only saw it because I was looking at Anna from leftcows page and she retweeted it and I was genuinely so confused, trying to work it out from the comments it seems like grown men are angry at the characters for being whores and not settling down (even though most of them did) and seem to not get they weren’t real lmao? Idk, it’s very mentally ill. Do they think ageing is caused by being a slut?
No. 851104
>>851090They’re literally just standing there
What are these moids on? Cock carousel or not you’re gonna age no matter what.
No. 851128
File: 1625996401166.png (4.02 KB, 600x405, Monkey_Nurse_Saru_chan_by_teds…)

I just got the vaccine and I literally didn't feel anything? I was looking away while the lady was fiddling around with my arm and I thought she'd jab it in there after her little story but it was already done after she finished her instructions about what to do after the shot. Why couldn't someone tell me this?? I absolutely dreaded the shot for no reason.
No. 851137
File: 1625997321435.jpeg (56.5 KB, 800x448, 2DD188CC-E0C7-4D77-BD9F-F55147…)

>>851090Welcome to Hell
At least you know who these women are and what show they are filming without anyone telling you unlike the aged scrotes in Hollywood that are unrecognizable.
No. 851140
>>851101Men are the biggest sluts of all, they're probably angry because they think they get laid less than these women.
>>851099 They look stylish. Brunette one looks hot tbh
No. 851161
File: 1626002087861.png (2.79 MB, 1362x1336, conspiracy.png)

>>850974I'm not a tinfoiler, so I don't know most of these. This is all I know of. Which ones do you guys know?
No. 851164
>>851090Why the fuck would men actually be mad at this? As if there aren't porn categories for gilfs. And I'm only immediately bringing it to sexuality because men are retarded coomers and literally anything a woman does not for male gaze becomes ridiculed.
Fs I love watching Howls Moving Castle because of the themes of age. Men need to back off and fuck off.
No. 851169
File: 1626002992924.jpg (59.77 KB, 275x275, IMG_20210711_122912.jpg)

>>851161Honestly found some of them hard to read but these are the ones I'd know a bit about to bullshit about
No. 851190
>>851101What is wrong with these "people"?
They're just older women, calm down sweetie, the nice aunties won't hurt you.
No. 851224
>>851206It's too shill the YouTube music subscription service
I've been noticing that it buffers mid-video on music when it never does during other videos too, creepy
No. 851277
File: 1626016670022.jpeg (533.25 KB, 1353x1353, C85D7721-3A72-4283-9036-94CA31…)

>>851169oh my god. i’m retarded
No. 851318
File: 1626020722998.jpeg (97.17 KB, 664x1024, FC5BCAA8-A683-4F34-9EE8-C02246…)

>>851099I think some of the makeup choices aren’t so good (heavy eye makeup/no lip and cheek color on Miranda) but I’m shocked at the reaction to these pics, the outfits are nice looking (even if not totally to
My taste) and also age appropriate. Not that I subscribe to the idea that you have to dress in boring black sacks by age 30, but they aren’t dressed in animecore or fashion nova kek. they look like stylish, in shape women in their 40s/50s. Men really just stay mad at the idea that women don’t dematerialize in a pile of dust after we stop being uwu 20 year olds
>>851263TBH SATC is super libfemmy and can be annoying but it’s also an easygoing show to watch with fun outfits. it’s really just not that deep. I don’t think 90% of the men making fun of them have even seen it, they just know it’s about non-teenage women having unmarried sex and immediately hate the idea that a woman could possibly have that lifestyle without being damaged beyond repair so they are gloating that the main actresses now look old (because they are?) and projecting that the characters “got what they deserved” for not settling down with a greasy programmer in the first episode of the show and having it end there.
Pickmes have probably seen it and unironically probably encapsulate more of the annoying things about the show than normie girls who watch it and are like jealous of Carries shoes or whatever
No. 851325
File: 1626021595655.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1353x1353, 665D1A40-7D4D-4C24-A3F4-A3F514…)

>>851277Don’t worry I’m retarded too. But mostly because I just overhear bullshit and go wow you mfs believe this shit?
No. 851338
File: 1626022162319.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1161x1534, D6B0147B-1213-4D5B-A97F-433CFC…)

>>851325Samefag but this is where I learned all the bs conspiracy theories
Behold the handy-dandy chart of every well known conspiracy theory! No. 851345
File: 1626022842463.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.39 KB, 736x960, 2.jpg)

Most average body seen so far
No. 851361
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>>851348guys I am seriously wigging. this looks like her. samefag obviously
No. 851374
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Anons need to stop freaking out over hitting “the wall” at like 25. IMO a majority of the people who are aging badly in the mid 20’s are probably just eating too much garbage and drinking too much alcohol. Have a berry smoothie and don’t drink every night and you’ll be fine.
No. 851380
>>851378The song or my post?
I have asthma and it makes me feel like I need my inhaler
No. 851389
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>>851161Tagged all the ones I'm familiar with. I used to read a lot about Nazi occult since high school (I ended up majoring in history, WW2 politics in general), which probably explains why most of my tags land in blue square.
No. 851392
File: 1626027647754.jpg (129.68 KB, 840x463, 711.jpg)

>>851374>>851381>tfw never had alcohol>never did drugs>never smoked>never had kids>use sunscreen>barely even go out or show skin in the first place>drink water for several years>still look like 40 y.o. crackhead>accidentally spooked someone in a store on 2 different occasionsalthough my eyebags have always been around since childhood (but got noticeably worse during middle school)
No. 851408
File: 1626028438066.png (1.15 MB, 1200x675, imagen_2021-07-11_133335.png)

Does anyone else here like paper mario or am I the only based farmer in this thread?
No. 851440
File: 1626030652690.png (297.93 KB, 668x720, 304pdl.png)

>>851374The more time passes, the more I realize that the "wall" delusion is not just that. No, it has never been that innocuous. We have grossly underestimated the moid mind.
All this time, it's been a conspiracy to get hot MILFs more easily.
No. 851461
File: 1626031707564.jpeg (20.44 KB, 440x373, BB062E9E-74D0-41AD-96A6-135353…)

If zoomers and nostalgiafags didn’t brought late 90’s/early 2000’s fashion back from the grave, I wouldn’t be back to obsessing over oxford platforms as when I was a kid. I still want these.
Edit - I don’t know how to write
No. 851473
File: 1626032383124.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1242x1879, CA6881FC-36A4-434D-8AFF-C71E09…)

The fuck did I do to deserve seeing this shit on my FB timeline? If it wasn’t for the groups I’m in, I’d have nuked FB years ago.
>Spoilered for weird perverted furry shit- no nudity.
No. 851491
…Until they're too dumb for their own sake
No. 851496
File: 1626034134549.gif (672.16 KB, 500x281, fenrizlesson.gif)

I drew an upside down cross on my skirt and my religious roommates are freaking out. Well I can't draw a normal cross it wouldn't go with my black metal shirts
No. 851564
>>851550yes, in fact i am, indeed, affirmative
>>851553argentina won the copa america yesterday!
No. 851567
File: 1626042628408.jpg (36.75 KB, 720x680, FB_IMG_1625822821061.jpg)

I couldn't give a fuck about fitbaw but my dad's had such a shite year it was nice to see him so happy that England lost kek
No. 851572
File: 1626043000310.jpg (39.85 KB, 540x540, tumblr_1021f3bc2409e41b676e836…)

>never posted on cc before
>goes to youtuber crush thread to sperg about cute nerds
>immediate ban
No. 851573
File: 1626043053587.png (691.63 KB, 644x1172, png.png)

I miss 2016
No. 851604
>>851381tbh I think motherhood is why moids pinpoint 30 as the wall. That's when most women have kids, and obviously that leads to weight gain, less time/care for their appearance (also not judging, they've got different priorities now), etc etc so there's just this ongoing assumption that 30 = decrease in attractiveness. There's no other logical reason a woman who looked good in her 20s would suddenly look bad in her early 30s, your skin doesn't turn to shit that quickly if you look after it.
Skin care knowledge and product availability is improving, we're more aware of the health risks of smoking/drinking/sun exposure, women are having kids later, 'the wall' as men like to imagine it is going to be delayed until much later in life for our generations.
No. 851617
>>851593Him and Jim Sterling are so annoying. It's sadder because I used to enjoy Jim years ago, didn't even know that the "Woman" on his game podcast was a gross troon, but now he looks and acts disgusting.
Ollie is just full of himself, both thinks he's famous and important, but at the same time this huge
victim in so much danger.
I hate his smug face.
No. 851670
>>851593A moid skinwalking other moid skinwalking women.
I recently heard Hontra talking for the first time and I almost cried with laughter. I still cannot believe it's his real voice. Well, the voice he's really using.
No. 851685
>>851463I hate to break it to you but you're just caught in the meme same trap the rest of us are
Quirky hipster nerds used to be the hot thing, and now according to everything I see on social media it's well-meaning himbos
No. 851757
>>851726I had an old friend who was a pathological liar. And she would lie about the weirdest shit. Stuff you could easily disprove. But I loved her and I hated conflict. Sometimes she would even include me in her weird lies to other people. Maybe it’s something like that? Have you caught her in weird random lies before?
The final straw for me was when she tried to convince me she made the Chinese food that was clearly take out. It was even in the take out containers but she told me she put it in there to make it more authentic kek
No. 851765
>>851757She's always been one to exaggerate a little but always dumb little things that don't matter in the end and she's a good storyteller so there always felt no point in calling her out. Like you, I love her and hate conflict, but it feels kinda shitty that she might do it so brazenly to my face.
Kek did you confront her over the food? I'd love to know her response. Honestly I'd be worried my friend would react very negatively being caught in a lie. She's pretty sensitive to criticism and being wrong.
No. 851779
File: 1626067942852.png (582.47 KB, 877x508, whatamidoingwithmylife.png)

I hate how Steam tells you how much time you have spent in a game, i didn't need to know i wasted an entire day playin NV.
No. 851787
>>851765> always dumb little things that don't matter Yes that is exactly what my friend would do. It was always stupid shit that wasn’t even worth calling her out over. I found out it wasn’t just me she did this to. We had a lot of mutual friends and she burned a lot of bridges. All the weird shit no one wanted to confront her about came out and we were all dumbfounded.
Kek I laughed in her face and I told her she didn’t make this food. She told me she did and she spent a couple hours making it. I asked why she felt she needed to lie to me and that I didn’t care it was take-out. And that it was literally a pointless lie. It’s just food. She swore up and down she made it. I went into my room and she left. We never spoke again. I was really young and just wanted a friend.
I hope your friend is just confused and isn’t a weird pathological liar.
No. 851810
File: 1626074884014.jpg (62.65 KB, 602x602, tumblr_6f4252b922743e732a4ab6e…)

Just finished watching The Right Opinion's Nikocado Avocado video in parts over the course of 2 days and I'm so mad at myself for filling my brain with such useless shit information. And now I have to live forever with his repulsive face and the way it moves burned into my mind. Why do I do this to myself. I don't even like TRO.
No. 851871
File: 1626084201145.jpg (1.16 MB, 2287x2398, 20210712_105857.jpg)

Just passed by this sticker on a public bin. Maybe I don't get out much but it's my first time spotting one of these irl
No. 851886
>>851871As a
terf if I saw one of those in the wild I'd laugh to myself. If the term spreads and people Google it they'd probably agree with it where I'm from.
No. 851889
>>851882Troons used to say radfems did that. Their "proof" was a picture of a peeled sticker (no razorblade in the pic at all) and a tiny, tiny,
tiny pic of a fucking paper cut that wasn't even bleeding. I wouldn't be surprised if troons did do that though, so I'd definitely avoid touching them. Like
>>851886 said, most people who have to google "what is a
terf" will agree with it. It could end up having a reverse effect, really. But hey, let 'em waste their time and money.
No. 851951
File: 1626093109853.jpg (57.76 KB, 1060x1060, itemlabel-sucklet-site-1_530x@…)

impulse bought a sucklet
No. 851955
>>851881>but at the same time you can just peel it off and toss it.No stamp a
terf meme right beside it
No. 851966
File: 1626094845629.jpg (86.27 KB, 1080x1080, h5k4qMT.jpg)

Do any nonnies here like giving advice?
There's so many unanswerable posts in the /g/ advice thread and I feel bad for them but I don't think I can help them either
No. 852013
File: 1626099640062.png (5.51 KB, 270x87, 5.png)

His english is horrendous… I thought he was just shitposting because of the repetition but he's serious apparently, I'm on his discord server (admin) and he manages it like shit. The written rules, the mods management, everything is bad and he wants a job out of that.
No. 852119
File: 1626111002828.png (202.52 KB, 758x425, scrotefree.png)

When you come back to the farm after visiting a site full of moids.
No. 852138
File: 1626112745045.jpg (165.15 KB, 879x1200, 35c0a71b7246719d2b7f4a766137ca…)

I keep spending money I don't have on clothes nobody sees because I'm a shut in and I'm so angry at myself!! I bought some second hand jeans off eBay and bought some things in the Uniqlo sale, and I guess a few black everyday tops and some second hand jeans is not an insane and impractical purchase on its own, BUT I do this a lot because I lost 100lbs recently and I don't have a lot of clothes that fit anymore. So yesterday I bought underwear and bralettes from TK Maxx. Before that, I bought a set of gym clothes, a sports bra, and a swimming cap off Amazon. That's all in a week!! I feel really stupid and spoilt and guilty.
Including this week's purchases, now I have 5 pairs of jeans, maybe 15 tops/jumpers, 2 skirts, 3 pairs of leggings/joggers, 3 jackets, 3 pairs of shoes, 1 gym outfit, and a dress.
Please tell me honestly anons, is that a lot for somebody's wardrobe?
I think I got too excited because I can wear clothes I like now. What do you all wear on a regular basis? What is your wardrobe like?
No. 852166
>>852160Same anon,same.
Mine turned later into a dick but knowing what it's like to be treated like a person REALLY helps out to instantly weed out the bad
No. 852175
File: 1626115844002.png (57.54 KB, 275x202, 1559358125573.png)

i want to rant about something petty/stupid is the rant thread enough for that shit or just redirect it here
No. 852176
>>852138Nah, you're fine anon. Off the top of my head I own
- 3 jeans (all Uniqlo cigarette jeans because they don't make my legs look like stumpy sausages). One in light blue, one in dark blue, and one in black.
- 5+ skirts
- ~6ish work blouses
- 10+ T shirts/graphic tees (got rid of a bunch and not buying anymore)
- 10+ other tops that are casual/pretty but not suitable for office wear/not t shirts
- 6 pairs of leggings
- 3 sports bras
- 10+ dresses
- 5 dress pants
- 4 blazers
- 2 shorts
- 1 duffel coat, 1 bomber jacket, 1 very thin jacket
Probably more that I can't remember. I'm reeling myself in this year because I have a habit of rewearing the same clothes too because I feel like I can't wear any of my "nice" (i.e. not purchased from F21 or Uniqlo lol) clothes out because then they'll get dirty and will wear out sooner by going through the wash more often. I feel like I have a lot of clothes but simultaneously not enough (though typing this all out makes me think that I really do have quite a lot). I rewear clothes throughout the week and have developed a weird feeling of self consciousness about how people perceive my outfits (even though I know I only pay attention to other people's clothes because of this self consciousness and no one really cares as long as I don't stink and don't look unkempt)
No. 852185
File: 1626116652018.jpg (9.92 KB, 300x210, 300px-Monkey_Puppet.jpg)

>>852138>is that a lot for somebody's wardrobe?Picrel me who owns 8 jeans, about 12 dresses, and hasn't repeated an full outfit to go to college last semester.
But tbh it's all very personal, i have a lot of clothes but i wear them all very consistently and the weather where i live gets kinda bonkers so you need variety of fabrics and thickness, what anon here said
It just seems like a nice and practical amount of clothes and you shouldn't feel bad to spend your own money on something you want.
No. 852211
File: 1626119167714.png (891.44 KB, 540x960, omg her eyes uploaded by ♡ on …)

>>852185>>852176>>852171>>852154>>852184Thank you all, anons. It's really good to know it's not an excessive amount. I feel a bit less terrible about it now.
I think I was feeling so bad because it's like… Who am I dressing nicely for? What do I even have going on apart from appointments? I always feel empty and stupid when I actually get the clothes because (excuse the expression) it's like trying to polish a turd. Same with makeup etc.
The other thing is I'm on sick leave and don't have any money coming in, so I feel horrid and irresponsible for not saving it instead.
Anyway blogpost over, I really appreciate all of your replies. Thank you
No. 852235
>>852211Sounds like you got self confidence issues, perhaps combined with feeling low because you're on a sick leave.
Hope you feel better soon
nonnie. Enjoy your clothes.
No. 852253
>>852211The end goal of pretty clothes, makeup and accessories is not to make you look like a bombshell and anything less than that is wasted, the purpose of those things can be to just express yourself.
You don't owe it to anyone to look hot so you can deserve to wear your nice clothes, even if you end up looking awful to others what does it matter if you enjoy putting on the outfit and taking care of yourself?
And it's not even a lot, you're fine anon. Buying clothes that fit you now is not some wasteful luxury and it's understandable why you're excited too.
No. 852329
File: 1626126722389.png (141.84 KB, 969x343, male beautytubers.PNG)

Anon here is 100% right and she should say it. I'd take a million Michelle Phan Sailor Moon makeup videos over whatever drag queen tier shit is popular now.
No. 852336
>>852329>tinfoil incomingI honestly believe this was a operation by a the trannie mindhive to make women more insecure and ruin their skin with heavy products so while women struggle trannies can "pass" easier to get laid by making putting on a new face normalized.
No. 852345
File: 1626127706463.jpg (83.02 KB, 1080x1080, grusdick.jpg)

I want to suck the peeled sunburnt skin off his egg shaped body
No. 852351
>>852345 is how
>>850053 ‘s dick looks not even joking. RIP anon that likes him kek
No. 852434
>>852424I rarely shave now but I was whinging on here lately because I thought I shaved really well but I then had stubble again hours later. What's the point if you can't even get a full day out in shorts?
I also spotted a lil 'on the go' travel razer for your handbag around that time but that just seems crazy. I'd rather be hairy than carrying a hangbag razor and shaving midway through the day.
Waxing can fuck off, I'm too heavily tatted for laser removal. Hairy it is then
No. 852450
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Man it's literally a food blog. Why do they have to insert themselves into everything
No. 852458
>>852450This is so annoying i hate when these people turn apolitical people into their mascots by trapping them and either making them suck their neovaginas or being called bigots. I remember seeing a Scott the Woz(known for being apolitical and drama-free) meme where he's saying "silence
TERF". So fucking cringe.
No. 852473
>>852462It's convenient to label all radfems (actual feminism) as evil, since then your other current option is liberal feminism, aka: everything men like, all the time
>body positivity (aka public nudity, don't let those nipples and body parts be controlled by the patriarchy! Let 'em all out, ladies)>sex positivity (aka pick me, I'm kinky! Any and all male fetishes catered for, it's empowering) >sex work is work (so don't criticize men's porn habit+trafficking and abuse is not their concern, and if you raise the topic you must be a terf, also teenage sex work is nothing to worry about and empowering!) Before I realized the distinction I just thought feminism was shit, once you realize feminism got rebranded to be more scrote-friendly via liberal feminism it all makes sense.
No. 852516
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i just cracked the flirting code its so easy
1-look at the guy very obviously until he catches your eye then immediately look away as if you were caught
2-look directly at their eyes while they're talking so you look super interested and confident, look at their lips very obviously and look away as if you were caught again
key is being hella obvious so that they notice it but still making it seem like you were trying to hide it
i think it worked ill know for sure if i can pull this boy, any other tips?
No. 852554
File: 1626151547582.jpg (32.71 KB, 396x400, Brandon-Calvillo-Contact-Infor…)

We do not shame men's facial hair nearly enough.
No. 852579
File: 1626154489148.jpg (78.64 KB, 661x900, ALX.jpg)

is twitter ever going to shut down
No. 852587
>>852585twitter shuts down for 2 days, all the gender kids go back to tumblr and roblox.
Politic people either fuck off on their youtube channels or disappear for good. TArtists go back to deviantart or whatever art site calls out to them first. It'd honestly help clear out the huge amounts of trash that inflate the site
No. 852701
>>852554My PCOS beard grows in thicker than this kek. It should be illegal to have facial hair if you can only grow this wispy pubic hair looking stuff.
>>852611Absolutely. I always tell my bi and straight friends to see a pic of a man without his facial hair before dating. Men get shitty about filters and make up so I think it's time women started policing their facial hair.
No. 852852
>>852611Both my long term bfs had beards, It was a while into dating before I saw either of them bare faced. Same thing happened with both… 90 percent of my attraction was killed with just a shave. I would usually just wait for it to grow back and then try to forget what I had seen.
Right now I'm crushing on a guy and he's bearded… at least I'm now aware that without it I might've never even given him a second glance. God knows what's under there.
No. 852991
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What aspects of a post give a way that a poster is a scrote to you? One of the most obvious signs is their images. They're always grotesque, overly edgy, degenerate or coomer-ish (mainly in a weeby way). That, and the narrative of how they think women act
No. 853012
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>>849262isn't this high fashion tho. imo just do what you want, who gives a single shit. if anyone asks, ask them to respect your decision.
No. 853022
File: 1626196760821.jpg (201.81 KB, 1925x1643, 97bea3895cda559ee48d14ffd9da80…)

>>851810your one button away anon, just don't come back online.
No. 853023
>>852997I wish it was only the scrotes who think that way. Some of the most vehement
victim blamers I've met are women.
No. 853045
File: 1626198242306.jpg (401.32 KB, 916x1374, hair-scarf-dolce-gabbana.jpg)

>>849262Why, is it banned where you live? I find nothing socially unacceptable about this
No. 853053
>>852997I didn't know the context of this greentext and was so
triggered. Omg.
No. 853097
File: 1626201804863.gif (2.04 MB, 472x265, ds.gif)

No. 853160
>>853134Hello anon,
Don't have children. Just because you've lived well enough that you think that inflicting life on another is a good idea, doesn't mean you should do it.
I mean this sincerely, truly, deeply: having a child is less ethical than murdering a man. Having a child who is born powerless into a world that will only exploit them? Bringing a baby into a dying civilisation? Being responsible for every heartbreak, trial, illness, trauma, and suffering experienced over an entire lifetime? And for what? Because you're arrogant enough to think that your genes need propagating (they don't)? Because you think it might be something to check off your life checklist (selfish)? Because you think there's a chance your child could "do great things" and would be a gift to the world (the world doesn't give a shit about your kid unless it makes somebody else rich)? Because you think you'd be different and not like all those
other parents (naïve)? Because you "like kids" (shortsighted AND selfish)?
Just don't do it.
No. 853195
>>853168I don't care if you use me as an example, as long as you all stop having kids with unreliable, mediocre, disgusting men because you're worried about being alone or you just think babies are cute, etc.
>>853175I spoke to a woman today who wouldn't prioritise her kids over her heroin addict ex because "he made her feel good about herself"… As long as she kept enabling him with food and money. Her daughter was begging her to stop to keep her and her child safe. I just don't trust most people not to be selfish. Don't think for one second that this couldn't be you, either.
Also is humankind really worth continuing? I feel the urge to have a lovely family life too but I just know it's in nobody's best interests. I can't stop thinking about it honestly, anon, I don't take breaks. I survived a suicide attempt earlier this year and I just want to know why life is considered so sacred and great? Why are we even here? The only thing I can come up with is that our existence means profit for someone else, like cattle. I'd genuinely welcome other perspectives
>>853171Mothers are the closest thing we have to a creator. Consider that.
No. 853231
File: 1626208806180.webm (689.79 KB, 320x474, boob.webm)

>>853195Anon, we are a tiny speck in the universe. The world could end at any given moment, we could all die, and everything we've ever known and loved would be gone in an instant. I'm not going to spend what time I have left on this earth sperging about how awful it is and being a doomer about it. I'm taking both the good and the bad in. I'm chillin.
>>853184Men can just tighten their tits on command. But yes they're squishy and they bounce.
No. 853241
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>>853213yasss slayhunnyscorchtheteaeuphoriaboop God is a woman
No. 853260
File: 1626210376462.png (2.42 MB, 2000x3547, Hoodlum_Luke.png)

give us this skin you fucking cowards.
No. 853266
File: 1626210679052.jpg (29.79 KB, 600x379, 8ff.jpg)

Ordered a custom sex toy and now I'm being super impatient and refreshing my email a million times a day for the shipping notification, despite knowing damn well I ordered something custom so it's going to take a while AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH JUST KILL ME NOW
No. 853268
>>853266Anon did you know that it's wrong to bring kids into this world… Congrats on the toy because toys can't knock you up and bring kids into this cruel world!!
I'll stop now lol. Is it fancy?
No. 853288
File: 1626211414677.jpg (46.19 KB, 500x500, macarons_carrefour_traiteur_2_…)

I'm eating macarons rn and they're really good (I'm surprised at the coconut's flavor)
No. 853289
>>853268kek fuck dem kids. It is fancy! It's an inflatable (seems like very few make inflatables) and I asked them to make it for me in a custom color/pattern.
>>853271Nah. Bad Dragon isn't really doing customs right now (they did open it up shortly last week) plus I find that indies are cheaper, have prettier colorways, and have models that I like.
>>853287Can't believe I'm being called out like this
I bought a big bad wolf from that company lol No. 853307
File: 1626212105291.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.13 KB, 455x342, 8VGn7kRDV8HzTQMGOyQd-oVZZXt8M7…)

>>853289Oh my god please describe it. Is it like a neon pink 90s inflatable chair with a dog dildo built in or something? Or is it like a balloon you put in you and pump up? And if it's the second one, how does that kind of thing feel?
You are a degenerate woman and not a troon… Right? No. 853333
File: 1626214108650.jpg (183.91 KB, 620x371, pencil-topper-trolls.jpg)

No. 853350
>>853307100% degenerate woman, 0% troon
Imagine a regular dildo with a section towards the base thats slightly wider than the rest of the dick. Easy to insert all the way, then inflate once it’s in. I have a different inflatable one, but the girth of the dick isn’t as big as my new one. The one I currently have just feels like putting in a small dick, then when I start inflating the knot I get the kind of slightly painful stretch feeling that I like. My vagina is cursed and will eventually adjust to the size of the knot, so I just inflate it a little more, rinse and repeat til I’ve gotten off (but I am careful to not overinflate and possibly destroy my very expensive dildo). I assume my new one is gonna have that same big dick feeling right off the bat because it IS quite a big dick and will be my biggest toy to date, then after I adjust to its size I can continue enjoying feeling stretched out over a long period of time. The knot on the new one I’m getting is full of air and will compact down for easier insertion, the current one I have doesn’t have air in it until you inflate it. These toys are expensive but fun. I promise I’m not a furry either, I just think regular dildos are as boring (and sometimes unsafe) as the men they’re modeled after.
No. 853358
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No. 853364
File: 1626215459047.png (51.77 KB, 300x183, 070.png)

>>853350a normal human looking dildo is unsafe but a giant inflatable dog one isn't? am i reading that right?
No. 853371
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I'm at this to become an otomefag
No. 853375
>>8533641) If you buy one too big for your vagina to handle, that’s your own problem. This toy isn’t
that much bigger to my current toys and I know my vagina. 2) When I say unsafe, I mean dildos made of dubious materials (eg those “jelly” sex toys, or dildos made from pvc which is a porous material). All the fantasy dildo makers I’ve come across use 100% body safe silicone that is non porous and can be very thoroughly cleaned through boiling, throwing it in the dishwasher, or soaking in a 10% bleach solution. There’s very well made human dick dildos made from the same stuff, but I think you’re more likely to find shoddily made human dick than furry dick, and desperate people not willing to shell out the money for the good stuff will probably purchase it.
No. 853386
>>853345Thank you, anon. I really appreciate it, I'm genuinely trying to help people think critically about the "gift" of life.
I've never believed in anything so passionately.
>>853356Trust me, I'm trying. I got close, too. I was found before I died and was in a coma for a bit. I'm still bitter that I was revived.
I've been trying to find a short drop hanging technique, but I just keep passing out and waking up with a headache.
Now I have a hoarde of CNS depressants I got from "online pharmacies" and am waiting for a time when I'll be alone for a few days, so that nobody calls an ambulance this time.
Anyway, the only way to win the game is not to play it. Don't have kids. Gtfo if you can. It's the only free choice one can make.
No. 853400
>>853350WOW that's nuts. I can't imagine how that feels! Glad you got yourself something fun anon, thank you for telling me about it. I hope it comes soon.
I think I get what you mean about the knotting/dog dick thing, and how wanting more interesting sensations ≠ literally wanting to fuck a dog.
I find regular dildos boring too, so I never explored other options and stuck to clit stuff instead. You've given me a lot to think about!
No. 853410
>>853396>>853393Yeah but the thing is, I'm not mentally ill. Also, anon was implying I was a hypocrite to try and dismiss my beliefs, but I'm very sincere. You can't then turn around and discount anything I say because I'm "suicidal".
I've been getting help for nearly a year, but drugs and talking therapy haven't changed anything. They haven't been able to diagnose me with anything. I'm not ill. I just have different values.
No. 853421
File: 1626218136699.png (90.55 KB, 259x426, Screenshot_20210626-210414~2.p…)

This is going to be my first tattoo, you can't talk me out of it, it's my religion. But the real question is do I get it as it appears here or do I use my arty, farty skills to make it look really nice like an actual memorial tattoo?
No. 853424
File: 1626218347232.png (430.99 KB, 675x424, LoungySniff.png)

This is going to be my second tattoo, the first time I saw this screen cap I cried laughing. I don't know what it is specifically but this pose and his face I just, I'm literally laughing right now
No. 853428
>>853421i mean i am a complete stranger on the internet so it's up to you to take my opinion.
i say get it as it appears and don't use your art skills to make it look better. i think it's a be a pretty funny tattoo tho.
i think if you get it in well done art people aren't going to catch it as a joke, and retard sonic fans are going to try to talk to you.
No. 853432
File: 1626219296880.jpeg (Spoiler Image,372.22 KB, 2048x973, 46AB2EFE-BE83-4253-BC45-217311…)

>>853400I hope you might find something new and fun to try! Nothing wrong with just clit stuff either, but it’s always fun to add a little spice to your life! And yes, absolutely, it’s definitely more about the sensations rather than “mmm wow I looove me some DOG dick.” I’m completely content with just the sensation of something inside and don’t need it to move around. My current inflatable is originally made to look realistic, but I asked for a completely different color because the realism is gross and not what I get off to. If they sold human dick with a knot, I would’ve bought that instead, but they don’t lol.
I have friends who don’t like knots at all, it just doesn’t do much for them, so lots of different strokes for different folks. There are also toys that look like the mouth of a monster
so it’s like your fucking yourself on its tongue and can use it’s teeth for clitoral stimulation. They can also just be super pretty, picrel is a set from one of my favorite indies. Their pours are gorgeous! I hope you may try one out one day!
No. 853469
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how to stop flicking the bean for dead, ugly and fictional men
No. 853484
>>853458NTA but I fucking suck at games and I had a hard time getting into BOTW because I hated how hard it was to battle enemies and weapons being destroyed. I started enjoying the game more when I starting choosing to avoid enemies altogether and finding creative way around things (unlocked all towers with zero battling!). At some point I started getting more comfortable with fighting and when you build up a good arsenal of weapons (and get lots of hearts), it becomes significantly easier to battle. Sometimes I still will stand outside of an enemy hideout and throw bombs in for 20 minutes just to kill them instead of battling properly just because. Purposely avoiding all enemies became an added challenge for me, but made the game more fun. I play BOTW more as an exploration game.
>>853423Have fun anon!
No. 853487
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you just know this room is still going to be ugly as sin and smell like shit
No. 853521
>>853508I agree
>>853513True but there's also a dating advice thread
>>853501>even worse those are women who have to tell everyone and their moms they have big boobs like every 10 minutesAt first i thought you meant women going around talking about their mom's boobs, lol. But that sucks anon, I've always been glad to have D cups, anything larger sounds kind of miserable from what I've heard from women who have large breasts
No. 853548
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Posting yaoi in response to scrote posts sound be standard practice, it's the only way to keep them away.
No. 853624
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>>853395>dull and self-centeredAgree that most men over 30 are hideous (yet I see women 40+ still looking amazing) but that aside,
this is my biggest grip. I have one male friend who actively checks in with me, doesn't put any weird moves on me, and asks about my life. Whenever I speak with men in general though they are always endlessly self absorbed. You can literally have hour-long talks with them in which you only ask questions and they'll blather on endlessly without ever realizing or caring they know nothing about you, then they'll say it was a "great conversation" afterwards. I ignore and grey rock them as much as possible these days so I don't have to bolster their egos and give them the false impression that they're remotely interesting.
No. 853628
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I found the cheat for good hair day I have to wet and brush them again in the morning and wait 3 hours to air dry why do curly hair has to be shit overnight
No. 853644
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I feel like a culture appropriating weeb when i buy sushi boxes at the superstore. But it tastes so fucking good.
No. 853645
File: 1626251234036.gif (518.02 KB, 450x257, 0ff9426d086d3fc95122eced8be78a…)

>Revisiting nozmo thread because nostalgia
>See Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name get mentioned
>"Oh shit, I haven't thought of that comic in ages, wonder what Tessa Stone is up to"
>Look her up
>"Oh cool, looks like she's still posting on Twitter-"
>See that shes trooned out
Feels bad man
No. 853670
File: 1626254707357.jpg (209.09 KB, 616x800, gel.jpg)

>>853633I do too and I'm never going back cotton kek, I think I need a hair gel to lock my curls or something like that. But whenever I sleep dry or wet, attached and all they're all messy and it's hard to salvage them with some water spray. 2nd day and it as if I haven't washed/burshed them for a week.
No. 853679
>>853659Not her but can you imagine how ridiculous it would sound if people did this with the US, given how American culture is exported everywhere and it's seen as more normal then when Asian countries do it?
>I'm such a cultural appropriating ameriboo, I just went to mcdonalds to order a cheeseburger. I feel guilty but it tastes so good!I've seen some people find my knowledge and interest in Japanese pop culture super weird but they don't even notice that I know WAY more about American pop culture than the one in my own country.
No. 853701
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I wish I could replicate this texture diy it isn't like jello jigglers it's more chewy
No. 853724
>>853718Driving instructors don’t fuck fat cows like u
No. 853771
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I was watching a video with a microscopic camera showcasing knee surgery and
it looks way too much like some sort of tropical fruit encased in a sweet juice for it to be a coincidence. Like halo halo. Watching this video had convinced me that the juice inside of our knees probably tastes like yellow Fanta or lychee. The tibia and meniscus also look like lychee and rambutan and durian and coconut gel. There wasn’t any visible blood or gorier lacerations but the content seemed too crude and visceral to share. It really was a bunch of white stuff in a deep sea of clear. It looked fucking weird and I don’t think I can eat meat for a while knowing similar shit is happening in cows and chickens.
>>853757I think I’m the AYRT, I thought the video had the ambiance of being an Osmosis Jones character. I hope you’re alright.
No. 853779
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>>853770You dumb bitch. I would never.
No. 853790
>>853567>i am on my way to becoming a Vtuber.for what purpose
>>853653most of them are missing the second part tbh
No. 853794
File: 1626268698873.jpg (1.09 MB, 2289x2468, PicsArt_07-14-03.17.14.jpg)

Now that I'm disabled I can never drive tired again, anon has accomplished an honorable goal, but I'm still gonna kill myself over it
No. 853796
>>853791An anon was just complaining about the use of the word tiddy on here yesterday and I hadn't noticed it. Now that I'm looking for it..there it is
How many tiddies can I spot today
No. 853979
File: 1626287132367.png (13.25 KB, 785x750, spotify.PNG)

my spotify palette is kinda pretty
( if other anons want to try it)
No. 853984
File: 1626287585445.png (7.26 KB, 521x498, 2021-07-14 14_33_13-Window.png)

>>853979we must have similar taste
No. 853991
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>>853979>>853984does this thing not know any other colors or is it bullshit
No. 853993
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>>853979>>853984is there anyone who got something else?
No. 854003
File: 1626288613248.jpeg (45.55 KB, 764x681, A64E41ED-A209-47CA-8FE9-2BD24C…)

I’m built different
No. 854016
>>850627>20 crunches only burns 3 caloriesayrt, super late but I hate this kind of anachan mininformation,
how many cals a certain exercise burns will vary a lot based on the person's weight and their level of fitness. If you really want to know how many calories you're burning get a fitbit, don't base your workouts on info from the Pro Ana Tips Masterpost #3 that some fourteen year old posted on tumblr ten years ago
No. 854061
File: 1626293777024.gif (1.09 MB, 200x270, giphy 3.gif)

Whenever I clean my toilet my stomach starts acting up two hours later as if it's some sort of pavlovian response and end up undoing all my cleaning and it drives me nuts
No. 854116
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>>854112This is some bullshit if you ask me
No. 854189
File: 1626303335187.png (21.53 KB, 567x795, 94083204783204.png)

>>854003Not so fast anon, your clone has appeared
No. 854214
File: 1626305338087.jpeg (49.27 KB, 750x715, 31148892-6F0C-4D05-824E-17AB2B…)

this is probably going to get ignored but i can answer to the nonnies who are confused as to why people like watching jerma. compared to other male streamers who make their humor “women bad/women sexy/im the best gamer alive”, jerma is able to be funny without making “ironic” jokes about how women suck. it’s almost unreal how jerma exists
No. 854234
File: 1626307730442.jpg (92.02 KB, 800x800, it's that time of the month ag…)

>>854214but he's
still not funny despite that. no streamer is.
No. 854238
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this unnerving image the official studio ghibli twitter just posted
No. 854239
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>>854214>jerma is able to be funny without making “ironic” jokes about how women suckThe bar is so low it’s met Hades.
No. 854281
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I can't understand how sewing elastic bands work, I feel so pants on head stupid holy shit
I just wanna make cute skirts for my dolls that are Velcro free
No. 854305
File: 1626315415983.jpeg (607.18 KB, 1016x682, bodacious-sweet-corn.jpeg)

So, when you buy corn in its husk from the grocery store, do you husk it before buying it or not? I never saw anyone doing it but noticed the trash cans around the corn so now I'm confused. This feels kind of like when you discover some people break off excess bananas when buying a bunch.
No. 854310
>>854305Don’t husk it until you get home.
>>854292That’s kind of cool. I want to try it, but I’m afraid the amount of data will meet my expectations. I did a lot of funny retarded shit as a kid, but it’s been spread out through multiple devices and accounts.
No. 854368
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im not like other bitches with depression, i shower.
No. 854386
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>>854329aw, that's ok anon. they recover pretty quickly. isn't the puffy tail kind of cute?
No. 854398
File: 1626322532826.jpeg (59.81 KB, 450x600, 0D5A68E3-1040-45EC-91DF-9D4B57…)

>>854395Actually I take that back; how the hell did he ever get branded as the ‘hot’ one?
No. 854411
File: 1626325131622.png (445.58 KB, 506x652, imagen_2021-07-14_235908.png)

>>854408oh my god you're right
No. 854412
>>854409i am surprised no one has leaked his dick pics then
>>854411he's adorable, look at his smile
No. 854413
File: 1626325269072.jpg (88.27 KB, 794x690, Tumblr_l_12323569657502.jpg)

Are there any benefits to stopping being a bitter and hateful person or is there no point
No. 854588
File: 1626340368935.png (386.57 KB, 1008x532, whatthefuck.png)

What the fuck. While searching for switch accesories, on the bottom of the page there were other search suggestions and all of these are about teen porn. What the fuck?
No. 854590
Kikomi anon where are you, I miss Kikomi so much
>>854577My old flip phone kinda worked until a few years ago. I also miss flip phones, it kinda feels like they were a lot more creative back then… Every phone was pretty different from each other and it was fun only looking at them, now not only they're more fragile but also so boring
No. 854643
File: 1626346006846.jpg (66.15 KB, 1064x906, tree:tree.jpg)

pinterest has added an option for pronouns but there are only a preselected number of pronouns to choose from. wouldn't they've been better just allowing you to type whatever pronouns you go by? like, that actor kid who goes by tree. tree isn't included here!
No. 854647
File: 1626346921163.jpeg (31.04 KB, 480x360, 97CCA779-C08B-45F1-89EC-0271AC…)

>>854643misread ey/em as "edarem" and had a blast from the past
No. 854702
File: 1626353944180.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.52 KB, 800x800, super-realistic-soft-silicone-…)

>>854694Imagine being with a guy and stopping to ask him to put on this
No. 854771
>>854694When I was younger (and stupid) I had a ONS with a guy and then we went on to just be friends. I wasn't a fan of the sex so I made excuses and we never fucked again. He would often talk about his dick being big and given he has aspergers I'd bite my tongue. I put it down to being one of his tardy quirks. He wasn't big though. He was entirely average so when he bragged I'd be screaming 'no you're not!' in my head the whole time.
Then I went on to date two different guys who were below average but whenever dick size would somehow come up they would overestimate their size too. They wouldn't quite claim to be big but they didn't know or admit they were below average. Now that I'm older and over mens shit… I wish I hadn't bit my tongue every time I was faced with delusions of grand dick.
No. 854855
File: 1626372308677.png (20.2 KB, 724x486, why.png)

>>854849Yeah, I was banned for saying "lool" here on /ot/
No. 854880
>>854855Unsaged one-word non-contributions are usually frowned upon (even on /ot/) even if there's no rule explicitly against them.
>>854872Privatized healthcare systems create sick and obese populations because that's more profitable, whereas nationalized healthcare systems try to mediate obesity and create healthy populations because that costs them less. Notice how a country's obesity rate is nearly always proportional to how privately-funded or publicly-funded their healthcare system is (and notice as well how countries with privatized healthcare systems tend to have lower corporation taxes and lower regulation on food quality, as to allow corporations to make people sicker and fatter.)
No. 854893
File: 1626375845106.jpeg (47.55 KB, 1280x720, 23482091ß30.jpeg)

I just found a debt collection letter in my mailbox that is adressed to my shitty neighbour who always throws his dogs turds in my yard. Should I go to bring it to him personally?
No. 854924
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>>854918I honestly don't care about people who 'humanise' mental disorders or whatever, especially if it's just med students trying to remember stuff. It lowkey reminds me of the mental disorder monsters, even though it had much better designs
No. 854967
>>854918I feel about it on a similar way I feel about countryhumans. Is harmless, the people making these are mostly kids doing their first character desings or artists just having fun, is pointless to moralfag them over something that, while kind of stupid, is just for fun.
Besides, like the one anon posted
>>854924 some people just want to vent or create something that relates to them.
No. 855038
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That makeup is haunting me.
No. 855108
File: 1626394797731.png (811 KB, 730x700, ff37afa4-4a2c-4535-a340-3d0b1a…)

fuck I miss polyvore.
were any other anons on there back in its heyday? I used to roleplay kek.
No. 855111
>>855108Never roleplayed on Polyvore, but I liked to read people doing it. I barely ever made any sets either, but I had tons of cool shit saved. Pinterest is not the same.
The fact that Polyvore was closed literally overnight is a literal crime and I'm still seething over it.
No. 855115
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I'm eating picrel, and it's making me realize how similar pineapple and mango taste
No. 855127
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knowing music theory/how to read music should be considered the same as knowing another language
No. 855286
>>855211I mean, he thought she was trying to kill him, shit went south super fast and they were like, what? 8? The game lets you make your own decision on what happened tho.
But yea, the game kind of does suck, it's super slow and really boring at times
No. 855323
File: 1626424157167.jpeg (24.28 KB, 800x533, 45w2.jpeg)

Just bought a nice pair of kate spade slingback shoes (used, in good condition, at a great price!), bidding on some cute ass loungewear, also bought some dermaneedles for my D E R M I N A T O R 2. I'm riding a shopping high and no one can stop me now!
No. 855327
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>>855322When the filler migrates out of the lip line. Sometimes it takes awhile, other time it happens almost immediately when lips are overfilled or poorly done. Either way it’s inevitable.
No. 855494
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I miss my dramatic toxic exes sometimes purely out of boredom…I'm tired of being loved and respected by a decent man, I want drama!!!
No. 855495
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Has anyone used one of these?
No. 855654
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>tfw you matched with the powerlifting champion of your country
Why do I have to turn into a nervous wreck whener I match with a girl that I think is pretty. Even over messages I sound like a tard
No. 855731
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I ended up walking for 4 hours due to my poor time-management skills
No. 855741
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Niggas from the past been sliding into my DMs lately. I must have glowed up or somethin since I only post pic maybe once a year kek
Some of these assholes still have gf. There is literally no ethical concern with snooping your scrote's social media usage, nonnies.
No. 855750
>>855745It's just 2015 speak zoomer. You will never take out of context anime girls talking shite from me.
>>855748Must think we're rare spawns or some shit.
No. 855761
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What things do you anons do before you sleep? Like a just before you close your eyes routine? About an hour or so before I sleep I have to take a sleeping tablet. But always always when I ago to bed, I listen to true crime videos and play word games on my phone to help my eyes get really tired. Have done for as long as I can remember. What do you anons do?
No. 855792
>>855761I made the decision to ban any social media or lolcow from bed, which has helped, but I still turn my phone screen down low and use a red light filter and read manga on it
Something about how manga and books aren't interactive or time sensitive make them better activities than doomscrolling
No. 855897
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Shit they do cordless retro phones.
No. 855907
File: 1626488234374.png (33.95 KB, 300x194, n5i4hrS-300x194.png)

I love "about me" sections that I can freely type into. If I hate someone for reasons I can't call out for, I can just make a vague reference to some character from 3000-year-old legends, and they'll Google it but have 0 proof I'm talking about them. Petty? Yes. Shit-stirring? Absolutely. There is zero benefit to this, aside from being an asshole.
No. 855919
>>855761Before I sleep I like to turn on the ceiling fan and a floor fan (I get toasty), turn on the tv to something like South Park (volume real low) and then also simultaneously play an asmr video on my phone and place that near my head. That’s kind of an excessive night, usually I try to choose between quiet cartoons, a podcast, or asmr.
Also smoke a big ole fat doink
No. 855924
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Just heard someone say Chris Gethard's name out loud for the first time. Apparently it's pronounce "geh-therd" (kind of like "shepherd"). All this time I would read it in my mind like "GET HARD"
No. 855934
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>>855907Again? I've observed Malia so easily resembles Spongebob characters. Out there looking like Squidward.
No. 855963
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I genuinely miss the white tall tee with denim three-quarter length shorts look. I'd wear it if it didn't look retarded in 2021 lmao
No. 856049
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I'm finally going to the doctor so I can get my hair loss checked out. Hoping that it's just an imbalance, but if it isn't, I'll be the queen bee of bald nonnies or something.
No. 856168
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lil nigga showed that IUD who’s boss
No. 856193
I'm seriously thinking about getting an actual camera for when I'll finally be able to travel. I don't want to keep using my phone's camera because it's not a very good one, but I want to keep my phone. Getting a good but not too expensive camera that I could use my entire life sounds like a good investment but I'm not sure where to look.
>>856168That looks like a complete nightmare.
No. 856213
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Mutual Masturbation is the most Enlightened form of sexual intimacy
No. 856216
File: 1626524821878.png (188.21 KB, 214x412, 6.PNG)

I've actually always wanted to wear this sort of classic lolita-ish chocolate clothing style and I don't know why when I had the money I didn't think about splurging
yes, it's from this video kek
No. 856225
File: 1626525493817.jpg (43.47 KB, 491x494, 1598569961558.jpg)

I hate the way newfags are now trying to force the meme that only Twitterfags/other newfags use "lol" or "lmao" on this site.
There's no easier way to show you've only been here like 3 months and are LARPing that you've been around longer, for fuck's sake.
No. 856234
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My coworker told me she dreamt that I cornered her while she was up on a ladder and started sniffing her ass. What the fuck am I supposed to do with this knowledge? Why tell me this??
No. 856340
>>856329Thanks anon
:( I think my hair came out pretty cute and I’m so happy to have parts of my hair shaved now in this weather, and thankfully my friends are understanding so I’m determined to still have a good time today!! I feel bad now, my hairdresser is understandably swamped and one of her employees walked out on her and she was venting to me and another lady about how she does this shit all the time lol. She’s the first hairdresser I’ve had in my life where I’m not nervous about what the end result will be like because she always makes me look cute, and her prices are truly unbeatable ($10!!)
Well, no use mulling over it anymore.
No. 856455
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I still can't tell if they were stupid or based to bring a ftm into a parallel world that was previously confirmed to only connect girls inside.
No. 856460
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got banned from CC for saying I hate autistic women. I stand by it. Fuck femcels
No. 856469
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>>856460Yeah I got banned and I don’t even know why? I just reported a groomer map shitposter with a link to RAINN and those idiotic mods permabanned me. Stupid bitches
No. 856547
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I just saw a video of a girl saying that catholics are hypocritical because they believe life begins at conception yet eat eggs. yes catholics are indeed hypocritical for many reasons but bitch do you not understand how eggs work?
No. 856555
File: 1626557387637.png (827.48 KB, 1400x1000, do it for im - gojo 1st editio…)

>ethernet works everywhere but in my room
>a guy from my dad's company comes over to fix it while im gone on a trip
>forgot that my current pc wallpaper is pic included
im just gonna hope that by the time we again need help the guy that saw my wallpaper changes workplace…
No. 856894
>>856557thats because im saving the lewd version for when i move out>>856567if this is what gets me included with the legends, im happy i kept most of my husbando autism to bare minimum even here kek
>>856584how horny was that gojo pic?
share? i would drop that class too but if it's any consolation i once had to experience a presentation during which a girl has shown her self drawn kpop boy bl. on purpose at that kek she took it all in stride and i still aspire to have her confidence
>>856586thanks nona. one day you will find your fictional spouse that will change your life
No. 856949
File: 1626604875209.jpg (Spoiler Image,163.96 KB, 800x1066, mAkFXQB.jpg)

>>856894i'm not sure if it was picrel exactly, but it was definitely something in the style of gojou having a clothing malfunction or getting undressed and being embarrassed about it. i get you re: the kpop thing though, they are always so confident about it. i sat through at least three presentations that talked about the impact of kpop on youth culture or the importance of shipping for female fans.
No. 857010
File: 1626614586232.jpg (58.47 KB, 564x701, f62913a116164622b2600706bfc642…)

maybe it's just me but i feel like there has been in increase in pearl-clutching over husbandofags lately, (not just a certain particular kind that starts with a certain letter after e, but like in general) and over what they are/aren't allowed to like and idgi. and as for coom threads, those can be hidden so what's the issue. well i'll still post more 2d guys out of spite regardless
No. 857131
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TIL Texas is like less than 10% desert my illusion is shattered.
I'm lookig at it on google maps it's messing with me so much why is it so green? How did I not notice?
No. 857145
File: 1626625053447.jpeg (95.9 KB, 1451x885, 32F968D9-E3A3-4F5D-A186-79665B…)

>>857131Most of it’s flyover-grade grassland but there’s a fair bit of desert too.
No. 857267
victim of Big Desert, how sad!
No. 857276
I can't believe this isn't copypasta satire.
>Because we can afford them. They are more comfortable. We are also happier (since we don't make posts about something as ridiculous and banal as suit size like the OP did). We also can afford them because our tax rate isn't f*g 52% and housing is not ridiculously expensive and doesn't have waiting lists for tiny, lilliputian apartments; apartments where you look out the window and see the drab, grey and depressing overcast sky and want to kill yourself….oh, but oversized suits, ya'll. We also enjoy our food, as opposed to the terrible Dutch cuisine. Bland tasteless and nasty food, anyone? Heck yea! Let's go to the Netherlands! Americans are fat: Because we enjoy food and can afford to pay for it. Europeans are thin and slim and wormy because they can't afford to eat better than they do. It's easy to stay tiny when you have a cigarette for breakfast, have to walk to work across town because you can't afford a (tiny, ugly, moonbuggy looking) car, and the only somewhat decent meal you have in your day is a glass of wine, a beer and some cheese and bread for dinner (and another cigarette).
>Tend to your own back yard, Eurotrash. When your country is anywhere near as diverse as the USA is, then you can come here and try and start a pedantic forum post trying to trash everyone in another country. Do you even personally know a single person of color in your life?
>What is that old saying? "If you don't like us and yet you follow everything we do and make forum posts about us, bitch, you are a fan." Something like that.
No. 857461
File: 1626644452726.png (51.25 KB, 198x299, fat fuck.png)

Another reason to not let "witch"/crazy into astrology girls into your life: my friend found a "hex" in his apartment with his and his girlfriend's hair. Straight cut so it was probably nabbed in their sleep. I want the pics so badly the way he described it sounds so insane
No. 857478
File: 1626645944259.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 876x1920, Screenshot_20210718-230339~2.p…)

If you combine the energy of
>>857461 with the scenario of
>>857474 then you get this laughably pathetic comment I just found on Instagram
I found it checking the comments to see if anyone acknowledged the prostate and nobody did
No. 857532
File: 1626650848058.png (60.31 KB, 215x263, 1606518261337.png)

Scrotes are so easy to bait and push into a corner that it never gets old, especially the ones that base their entire identity on imageboard tastes
No. 857586
File: 1626658662446.gif (7.87 MB, 540x325, d168c5b4cdce87945d26ebea12b94a…)

wonder how being a flea at my cat's fur would feel like
No. 857622
>>857608He offered to get one when I asked about how active he was sexually etc.
From what he's told me there's no reason to suspect he'd have anything, but can't be too careful (in theory, that went out the window kek).
From my readings only receiving oral gives me a chance of getting herpes, and from a one time thing, there's…8.9 times out of 10,000? Sexual encounters you can get it, so eh
No. 857641
File: 1626666307420.gif (1.2 MB, 480x270, 9367EC0B-C8C9-45B6-9DF8-B58401…)

>must eat banana
>must call everyone newfag
>me dumb as shit
No. 857651
File: 1626668920521.png (325.25 KB, 1313x677, Screenshot (157).png)

God desi MRA's are the saddest group of human beings I have seen online
The Feminist's in our countries(India, Bengal and Pakistan) are libfem western educated and members of the upper class, they offer no solutions just vague mantas and slogans, but feminism is desperately needed, I have multiple cousins who have had decorates and wanted to careers were forced to becomes housewives' and married off to men that were pre-selected by their parents
but these MRA's are ever worse, they are a new breed of upper middle class reactionary in Pakistan
The Majority of reactionaries in my country were and still are bearded Islamic weirdos who have spent their entire lives in Madrases but these people are something else
>usually from the Mihajir and Urdu speaking Punjabi groups
>upper middle class
>would probably identify as "conservatives"
>LARP as heirs to the Mughal Empire
>make a lot of racist meme's against Hindus and non-Muslims
>oppose the rural Islamist's
>firm supporter of the military and Imran Khan Government
I can understand the rural Islamist's, there literally illiterate peasants that live under feudalism but these asshole's have no excuse
No. 857654
40 and feeling so humbled and blessed. There is not a single day that I take for granted, especially during these times when we are all reminded of the things that truly matter. For my birthday this year, I couldn’t think of a better way to spend it than with some of the people who have helped shaped me into the woman I am today. Before COVID, I don’t think any of us truly appreciated what a simple luxury it was to be able to travel and be together with family and friends in a safe environment. After 2 weeks of multiple health screens and asking everyone to quarantine, I surprised my closest inner circle with a trip to a private island where we could pretend things were normal just for a brief moment in time. We danced, rode bikes, swam near whales, kayaked, watched a movie on the beach and so much more. I realize that for most people, this is something that is so far out of reach right now, so in moments like these, I am humbly reminded of how privileged my life is. #thisis40
No. 857658
File: 1626669851154.png (639.04 KB, 2722x624, samepost.png)

>>857656Yeah same post right here
No. 857680
File: 1626675762648.jpg (16.03 KB, 494x386, 1591943965194.jpg)

>"I will never date a filthy man, no siree!"
>Bf keeps his apartment clean and organized, disinfects his phone and watch every day after walking in the front door without fail, always hit by pleasant smell every time I enter his home and car
>Get mad that he's cleaner than me bc it makes me feel inferior
There's truly no winning with my stupid ass
No. 857801
File: 1626696054344.jpg (77.42 KB, 900x506, 1304861.jpg)

TIL that often, what looks like an instagram post of a celeb/influencer taking a mirror selfie is just them posing with their phone in front of another phone or a camera. I feel like I should've known this but I'm also in disbelief at all the effort
No. 857873
>>857869wait anon don't neuter your cat when it's a kitten
>The most recent research has shown that spaying and neutering pets as puppies and kittens can affect their growth>orthopedic surgeons recommend waiting until skeletal maturity to spay and neuter pets, especially those predisposed to orthopedic diseaseI know you love you kitty but it can cause some physical development problem and weakness for your kitty
No. 857902
File: 1626707059088.jpeg (26.08 KB, 1000x1000, 210001236-01.jpeg)

>>857881Of course not
nonnie. If you have a primark near you you should check them out too, the ones in picrel are really comfortable
No. 857903
I left my last job fairly recently, but I'm pretty close with one of my coworkers and we still text regularly. She told me another girl just left, but didn't even bother giving a two (or even one) week notice. She didn't even tell our boss in person/over the phone, she just sent an email and called out for two days and didn't say anything until our boss texted her asking if she was okay. Like holy shit girl, I know that place has problems but what the fuck lol. I had major gripes with the way a lot of things were run and it was one of the reasons I left, but I'm more mad because she was undeniably spoiled by our boss and had it significantly easier than me and my other coworkers. She had absolutely terrible work ethic, always came in late and left early, and was never reprimanded for that or for fucking up. Me and my other coworkers were always left to pick up the pieces of her dumbassery and now she feels so entitled to just fuck off without so much as a goodbye to our boss who treated her so well. Ugh, whatever. At least I feel like it's karma coming to bite my boss back in the ass for always defending how useless this girl was and letting her get away with so much shit.
Maybe I'm the real sucker here for always wanting to be on good terms with people, but despite the downsides of that job or the worst sides it brought out of some people, I think the people I met there are really great and I was a bit sad to leave. Of course, it's also good to have people to turn to for references, but outside of work, I do think my coworkers and even my crazy bosses were good, hardworking people.
No. 857907
>>857651These libfem feminists that are pro islamist aren't only in Pakistan
Here in India as well this happens
They can go on and on about upper castes patriarchy and how bad and oppressive they are but become rape/harassment apologists whenever muslim male behaviour is in question
Its everywhere, in the west as well these libfem feminists are pro islamist or atleast discount muslim scrote behaviour and by a lot
They do this while simultaneously shitting on less misogynistic native male population
I don't get it
No. 857922
>>857907>>857910here's the thing though, for feminist's in Muslim countries, its unbelievably lot tougher for us
we have to wear Hijabs and try to claim about how Muhammad was a feminist and the early Muslims believed in Gender equality as a matter of survival, cause the vast vast vast majority of people see feminism as a western concept and that Islam already gives the exact amount of right's women deserve and if you thought western anti-feminist's were bad you can't imagine Pakistani zealots
last year at a feminist rally, Jamaat-e-Islami(an Islamist party) showed up and threw rocks at the women. the women had to run away for their safety
we have to work in the framework of the Arab Pedophile's religion and that's almost impossible
No. 857928
>>857927do you know how hard and scary it is to always have to pretend to be a Muslim, cause I can't declare myself an atheist
cause I will be killed by the state, It's illegal to change your religion from Islam in Pakistan as it falls under blasphemy law
No. 857931
File: 1626710030293.jpg (617.56 KB, 2500x1892, 171129-slobodan-praljak-mc-115…)

For the longest time i thought this guy was a wrestling/sports announcer drinking water out of excitement or something, turns out he's actually a Bosnian war criminal anheroing by drinking poison at a court hearing.
No. 857961
File: 1626712022118.jpg (48.94 KB, 720x1000, crop.php.jpg)

I can't be the only one that gets a little turned on by him…r-right?
No. 857967
File: 1626712228590.jpeg (184.43 KB, 900x675, 51FB8C4F-DA73-46BB-9C34-5D281F…)

born to live
fuck to fuck
cuck to muck
No. 857969
File: 1626712353971.png (81.96 KB, 281x324, anime rick.png)

>>857961this is animu rick
No. 857974
>>857938if you are planning to apply as a refugee in canada or the united states, you could definitely find a very progressive church who understands your situation if you need to maintain the pretense of being a persecuted christian to continue to benefit from resources or aid
i think immigration to canada is far more forgiving for situations like yours, if you need the persecuted christians aid group to get your foot in the door i guarantee you will find some precedent to flee here maybe under threat of gendered hate crimes or imprisonment for blasphemy etc. the border situation is weird right now but it's a good place to live in terms of quality of life, i know we have been accepting a lot of refugees in similar situations to yours before covid.
sorry for unsolicited advice but that sounds terrifying and precarious. good luck, please stay safe
No. 857987
File: 1626713647819.jpg (94.13 KB, 960x960, 157995850_251276803169842_8503…)

>>857977note according to Islam, Muhammad was the greatest human being who will ever live, no matter how
problematic statement a Church father may have said you can argue that they were just men, but in Islam the perfect state(according to Islam did exist) it was the state Muhammad had created
No. 858090
>>857910They are definitely libfems, there can't be so many of those sjws, right?
>>857922You are right but it still doesnt answer as to why this muslim male behaviour is overlooked or tolerated, here they openly harass women going to temple, church, synagogues etc
They make gangs outside of these places
They are welcomed in liberal discourse with open arms and pretend to be secular liberal muslim male feminists pointing fingers at non muslims but as soon as fingers are pointed at them they start talking like radical not so liberal feminists
Also many muslims women feminists are eager to point sexism a lot when its on non muslim side but sit silent when its regarding islam