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No. 847893
No such thing.
>>>/ot/837490 No. 847917
>>847911I guess I'm a brainlet because I don't even understand the question
>does NOT starts with E, however, it CAN start with E and would be pronounced the same way,what does this mean
No. 847923
>>847917they're loking for a name that can also be spelled with an e (but thye're loking for the alternate spelling)
like amber/ember or something
No. 848226
>>848036"Lethal dose" can actually mean a couple different things - in some contexts it's LD50, which is the dose amount at which 50% of subjects will die without treatment, but it can also be to a higher margin of safety like 1% for medications. So the "lethal dose" might only kill 1% of people, so its more like "minimum dose that might kill you."
Of course when people say someone "took a lethal dose of x" it means a dose that did or could have killed them, but really its pretty vague because people have very different tolerances, which is how people survive "lethal doses" of things not infrequently. It depends a lot more on if they get treatment in time, bit its not really possible to say if a given person would have lived/would have died with or without treatment after the fact.
No. 848274
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>>848270Can you post an example? I love having straight eyebrows. Korea popularized them (I'm Asian) and sees these as boyish, yes, but youthful and feminine too and I agree. It depends on the thickness, I suppose. Thin brows are outdated everywhere
No. 848276
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>>848270I think for the most part it depends on your face. Off the top of my head I know Natalie Portman and Emma Watson both have pretty straight eyebrows and they're considered pretty by most people.
No. 848284
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Is there a way to access TikTok drafts on desktop so I can finish editing them on my PC? Honestly I just loathe using a phone for finicky stuff like that.
No. 848319
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>>848274something like this, more straight with an arch, or like Natalie Portman's, as exemplified by
>>848276unlike the Korean ones mine are thicker, but they've been trimmed down and shaped for years, thusly why I adapt an arch for them
it seems like even if they're perceived as more youthful they're typically considered plain janey, not striking or sexy. While Portman and Watson are both very pretty imo they're considered rather plain or babyfaced as opposed to sexy, same goes for a lot of other women with thick, straight eyebrows
No. 848336
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>>848270I don't think they are manly at all. I find they soften your overall features. Also they shorten your face if it's oblong
No. 848338
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>>848270>I've seen recent opinions perceiving straight brows as manly lookingkek where did you read that?
No. 848348
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>>848270I went on a celebrities-with-straight-eyebrows hunt kek. Conclusion: not manly
No. 848352
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>>848270They also add an additional level of symmetry to the face I think. Gonna stop browposting now kek
No. 848399
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anons help i keep consuming coffee on my adderall and im shaking how do i STOP IT. I SWEAR I WOLL NEVER CONSUME BOTH EVER AGAIN
No. 848403
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>>848373It because it is cheaper in the long run to manufacture a single type of needles that you can use in different ways like picrl. And the length of the needle helps with avoiding accidently stabbing your self when injecting another person as if it had been a short needle more likely accidently stabbing yourself with a used needle that could transmit diseases like HIV for example.
The needles are single use and the length helps with >stability and sanitary reasons.
>>848377 said
No. 848409
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>>848399look up caffeine overdose. good luck waiting it out anon, take care of yourself and stay calm okay? No. 848429
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Please tell me what it means nonnies. I've been waiting to ask out my coworker and today I finally had the courage. We had a conversation and when he was about to go home, I asked if we could have a beer or something, he asked when, and when I said I still don't know here anyone he was like "sure we can have a meeting with others or something". He didn't get the idea I think only about him. I was too shy to say it directly. But then he asked what town I live in and when I answered, he said it's pretty close and he could even come there on a bike. If he still had a group meeting in mind, would he said something like this? Did he finally get the memo and suggested he could pay me a visit, without anyone else? Why do I have to be so fucking autistic? Right after that my other coworker came in and my crush left
No. 848489
>>848429First of all, if a guy doesn't ask you out, he's usually not into you. Secondly, the fact that he asked to make it a group meeting means he doesn't want to date. Sorry
No. 848566
>>848560anon I thought i was average too for the longest but turns out i'm ugly
My nose is really holding me back
you say that and i'm tempted to post a picture
also i have no friends to talk to this about either which sucks
No. 848622
>>848576That's not really true, beauty is pretty universal disregarding minor differences in trends and standards. It's also not helpful. What if it turned out that literally nobody in the world found someone attractive? What should they feel then?
The reality is that looks don't determine our value, but it's really difficult to internalize that when there's so much pressure on women to be beautiful. The media, the beauty industry, coomers, the people in our lives, etc all strive to make us feel like we're failures if we aren't considered attractive or aren't appealing to the opposite sex. It helps me to remind myself that we don't owe the world beauty, there's nothing wrong with our natural form.
No. 848854
>>848806the nice thing about plants is that its ok if they die…you can just plant another. If you have to buy another i guess that costs money but packets of seeds are never more than like $6 for more seeds than youll ever need, so if ur plants always die, look up something easy to grow from seed in a small pot and try that, and just keep trying if it doesnt work out. As a matter of fact, a lot of tha plants you buy in stores are not really in a wholesome situation, which might be why they seem to die on you after you buy them. Like it might have just been repotted from where it was actually grown into a little tiny pot to sell it to you, and its going to die from the repotting trauma no matter what you do, it just takes a while cause its a plant.
It feels cruel to say so what if they die but i mean, people buy cut flowers that only last 2 days before withering. It would be wrong to be like "well my cats keep dying but ill get another and try to do better next time" but you can do that with a plant and its genuinely a
valid learning experience on your part. pls no plastic plants they are so gosh darn tacky. and growing plants from seed is so fun, early on you can literally watch them grow over the course of a day depending on the plant.
No. 849015
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Can someone link me the movie or album cover of this blue, red eyed sea monster/alien looking thing? Looked a bit like this, i am desperate
No. 849050
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When did you figure out you were a farmer?
Do you take pride in being a farmer?
Do you call yourself a farmer?
And do you like this dwarf cow?
No. 849055
>>849050He looks deformed and it makes me really sad. Like a pug or a munchkin cat.
>Do you call yourself a farmerOutside of this website, hell no
>When did you figure out you were a farmerI never really had a moment where I was like "Omg I'm one of them now". I just kind of got used to coming here.
>Do you take pride in being a farmer?No lol. I've tried to quit twice and failed both times.
No. 849077
>>849070Dr. William Sanger’s The History of Prostitution: Its Extent, Causes, and Effects Throughout the World, 1895.
Anne M. Butler’s Daughters of Joy, Sisters of Misery: Prostitutes in the American West, 1865-1890.
George M. Gould’s Borderland Studies: Miscellaneous Addresses and Essays Pertaining to Medicine and the Medical Profession, and Their Relations to General Science and Thought, specifically Chapter 5: On Vice and Sin.
Anonymous’s “The School of Venus; or, The Ladies’ Delight.”
No. 849205
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>>849169lol, does anyone remember that book Flat Stanley from primary school?
No. 849229
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Is it offensive/problematic to say that I have a lot of respect for the Asian race?
No. 849233
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>>849201it's south koreans doing what they know best
No. 849236
>>849229idk about
problematic but it's weird as hell
No. 849252
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>>849229it isn't but it is super fucking weird. I always connotate it with scrotes claiming asian superiority.
Unrelated stupid question, is there is a new admin/mods? I don't want to join the discord but I also want to know what's going on in the lolcow moderation team.
No. 849364
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Big question, please reply to me
Do you consider yourself an unhinged woman?
Do you take pride in it, do you like it?
I like being an unhinged woman. I'm an artist and my art is kinda based on that feel. Pic not mine
No. 849387
>>849386I'm paranoid that someone will take it and use it against me, which would be so much more traumatizing than just being assaulted in the first place. I try to think of that happening in real life and what I would do in hopes that if it ever happens, I'll be a bit more prpared.
I also think having a self defense class birthday party would be fun as hell. I may do that this year…
No. 849453
>>849427Powerpoint is shitty, hmmmm
Try adobe illustrator
No. 849455
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Does anyone else here feel like no matter if you're a good person or try to be nice you'll always be seen as a crazy or unhinged woman? I've accepted this now
No. 849522
>>849515Here's how I did it, had the exact same problem: I kept the bottle of my last nasal spray and filled it with some water when it was almost empty. Shaked it and used the diluted spray until it was almost gone, then refilled with some water again. Kept using that until my nose stopped getting stuffy.
This way you gradually wean yourself off the spray with it diluted ever more, until it's just placebo. Keep using while it's just water for the placebo effect until eventually your nose is recovered.
I know it sounds a bit silly, but it's much better than suffocating when quitting cold turkey.
No. 849594
>>849517I think in the majority of cases, no. A lot of parents neglect their kids in ways or hurt them in ways they aren't aware of. Even if they aren't outright
abusive, they may fail to teach their children empathy or how to process emotions. Sometimes the kid is just a lost cause, like if they have low-functioning autism or something.
>>849560Any good parent would keep kids from overindulging in social media.
No. 849648
>>849615That's why there should be a balance. If the kid feels loved enough and is getting their emotional needs met, they won't act up even if the parents exert some degree of control. It's a delicate balancing act of giving them enough freedom but not too much. For example, if you restrict social media access, they might feel like they're missing out on something. You can just replace that with something else more fun or enjoyable. The kid's not going to give a shit about missing out on social media or other dumb garbage if they are out making lots of memories experiencing new things.
Lots of parents want to neglect their kids and let the internet take care of them instead, it really fucks them up when they are at an impressionable age. You don't learn how to empathize if you are behind a screen reading all the terrible things people say and do all day every day.
No. 849657
>>849627I disagree with you, I know a lot of people that are genuinely productive without being miserable about it and also know when to quit and enjoy time off. Some of them are from very harmonious families that could give them the privilege of finding work they enjoyed and others are from third world shit holes that they had to work hard to escape out of
I'm a very useless and unproductive person so I try to spend a lot of time around successful people, in hope their willpower rubs off on me, there doesn't seem to be any real shared characteristic between them other than that they aren't shit
No. 849683
>>849677just wish moids would stop openly harassing us.
being unattractive in middle-high school almost made me a school shooter but it wouldn't have been worth fucking up the statistics.
No. 849699
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>>849692 thank you fro tryin' to help me anyway
No. 849746
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which one of you ladies bought these already?
No. 849762
>>849728Embrace the ghoul look
nonnie I have and ppl leave me tf alone it's so great.
No. 849992
>>849891"Hi, this is the [role]" or "Hi, [role]"
I work at a front desk with a lot of interdepartmental calls. So I'd say something like, "Hello, front desk."
No. 850011
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Do you ever feel the opposite of hoarding, aka, suddenly getting rid of things that no longer feel "you"? it's such a stupid impulse but like. I have this mauve bag that could still work but I'm ready to move on from it, am I stupid? The shade of mauve isn't even that cute. Or should I just keep it? looks a bit like pic rel
No. 850174
>>850141Oh fuck I'm not sure I can describe them well but pink pill is essentially feminism without men, showing statistics of male on female violence, a dislike for troons in general, recognizing the many ways women have been screwed over in history, letting go of societies expectations of women to look good or become housewives, I think some straight and bi women choose to not date men or have kids with them because of their dislike for men
Blackpill is like pinkpill but more doom-minded that women will always be seen as nothing but sex objects where men rule the world and continuing to have male babies is setting the world or women back. That women should definitely not be with men because they only see them as something to have kids and look pretty. Most of the users who post in blackpill go with a very statistical and animal-like approach when it comes to their point of view. They had a forum on saiddit that migrated if you want to see their posts. Pinkpill had posts on here in ot if you go through the catalogue.
No. 850444
>>850412I'm bored queuing for the vaccine so here is my
reddit-spaced for clarity understanding of the situation as a mostly impartial lurker:
Byuu, a very minor cow from the furry subforum, emailed null threatening to kill himself if he didn't take down his thread. He also offered 120k dollars. Null saw this as extortion and didn't want to upset his forum users, so he declined.
The thread was short, inactive and about very boring autistic drama that hardly anyone cared about. Byuu had even posted in it last year stating he had changed and didnt mind the thread, and was met with support. Byuu said in his emails that the reason he wants the thread gone isn't because of what it says about him but because multiple friends of his were doxed within it, which caused them stop associating with Byuu
(Null and the kiwis completely ignore this for some reason, they keep repeating that byuu didn't explain what bothered him about the thread when he clearly did).
Anyway, null declined the 120k offer and refused to delete the thread, but was willing to take up on Byuu's offer to work for the forum (weird as fuck I know, idfk). Eventually byuu stopped emailing him and someone claiming to be his friend posted a Google doc saying that he killed himself and blaming kiwi farms. Oh and byuu also posted a thread on Twitter citing kiwi farms before allegedly committing.
Byuu was a nonbinary furry programmer who was somewhat well known in the emulator community for his work, so this sparked a wave of outrage at kf on twitter and reddit. Some trannies payed to ddos the forum which kept it down for a couple of days.
It's questionable whether he killed himself or not because there's no proof, he lives in Japan so it's hard to contact the local authorities (also imo the Google doc came off as very calculated and cold for someone whose friend just died).
No. 850448
>>850444The googledoc also had pretty clear instructions on how to attack KF to get it removed to the internet (in particular mentioning Cloudflare and Dreamhost, Dreamhost has now removed KF because trannies have mass-reported it). Which makes it pretty obvious that the entire thing was a calculated plan to rile up a mob of angry trannies to try and get the site permanently taken down. None of the people who were super duper outraged even knew who Byuu was, most of them also have threads on the site and reasons to want it removed.
There is a list of all confirmed deaths of american citizen living abroad that comes out every 6 months so we won't know if he is dead until the new release of that, but I am certain he is still alive and reveling in all the chaos he caused.
No. 850716
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I have a huge wood-mounted artwork that I have to pack and my only option is to put together two mirror boxes like in pic rel. The problem is that the box is a foot and a half too wide for my picture and it's really difficult to pack more paper in the negative space because they're designed to slide together from opposite ends to make one big box. I've attached these foam blocks to protect the corners and wrapped the picture in a bunch of bubble wrap and blankets but it's not enough to fill the space at the side so it's still rattling a bit inside the box. What can I do? I'm going to be driving about 3 hours away. The piece is heavy and sturdy but I don't want to risk it breaking during the move.
No. 850923
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I'm absolutely charmed by those memes of over dramatic Indian soap operas, does anyone know any good ones with english subs?
No. 850947
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Are massage slippers actually good?
No. 851031
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I like being dumb and happy instead of thinking all the time. Right now I feel in this state of mind cause I rested well and had a nice voice call today! But how do I achieve this all the time?
No. 851330
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>>851282Weekly!! However, I wake up literally sodden about three or four times a night thanks to nerve damage, venlafaxine, and the humidity. I feel like I want to change them more often because of that, but it feels wasteful.
Here's my stupid question: how do you manage night sweats (if you get them)?
I wear pyjamas to soak the sweat but my top is always wet when I wake up. If I take my blanket or the pyjamas off to cool down, I start shivering.
It sounds stupid, but I'm waking up a lot and struggling to go back to sleep because of it, so it's really bothering me at the moment. This has been going on for months, now that I think about it. Not cool, Hajime.
No. 851347
>>850588I'm only friends with males and I'm kinda wlw-leaning I guess. But for me it's more that I've always felt not good enough or feminine/pretty enough to be friends with women. I always feel like I'm some gross barnacle latching on to them and like they just pity me. I think my blatant insecurity eventually causes any female friends to drift off.
Plus, I have always been extremely close with my twin brother so I tend to fall into like…a shitposty "bro" way of talking when I'm comfortable
No. 851443
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How odd would it be to wear a wetsuit like pic to a pool party with family? I just don't feel comfortable in a bikini or regular one-piece with uncles and random extended family around. I have considered just getting a long sleeve rash guard top and those boy-short type bottoms but even those would be technically booty shorts if they weren't bathing suit material, which is also something I wouldn't ever wear around family. I guess I could lie and say it's the only bathing suit I own and laugh it off if anyone finds it really weird, right?
No. 851464
>>851451I don't even want to swim but my family pressures me so much. Last time I went to the pool with them they would pester me non stop about not getting into the water. They act like me not getting in is me being clinically depressed and trying to personally offend them, kek. My mom even had a "talk" with me last time asking why I didn't get in as if it was some huge act of severe depression. She sounded genuinely concerned.
>>851452This is the solution I was looking for, thank you! I completely forgot male trunks existed. The full body wet suit looked over the top for just a swimming pool. Thank you anon!
No. 851471
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>>851443How about a swimdress? They're not more exposing than regular summer dresses. They're kind of hard to find but you can probably find a cute on a website like yesstyle
No. 851472
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>>851471or a swimsuit + swimskirt combination.
No. 851702
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>>851665normal guys won't mind areola size just stay away from weebs and pornsick scrotes
No. 851738
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Kind of joking but kind of not, I find that I'm a lot more comfortable around people once we've had a fun time drinking together. Otherwise I just accept my shyness as inevitable, I don't think I'm capable of coming out of my shell unless someone is really invested in becoming friends with me. Hopefully you get better answers than this kek.
No. 852056
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>>851571Called and goddamnit there is carpet. They said they only put hardwood/laminate in like 10 rooms for a trial run, which is what they have on some of their photos. Praying for no mold or soggy carpets
No. 852080
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can someone please explain why women do this?
i've noticed that it's common for average women lie on social media about a'modelling' career, posting 'shoots' which they hired a photographer to do. what is the purpose of this?
i went to school with picrel, and i noticed that she's always posting her 'modelling' work, but it's just her paying for professional shoots rather than any actual work for brands?
she doesn't really fit the model profile and probably doesnt have a real shot at modelling.
it's in the same vein as Victoria Bella-Morte
No. 852172
>>852169I've been having a whole series of things done to my home lately and I tend to think the same as this, I fight it though. I either go out and do something for the day or if I'm home I face the person doing work. I was an agoraphobic teen so I don't want to slip into those avoidant habits again.
If you have any history like that I'd keep on top of fighting the urge to hide.
No. 852238
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Does "dating" mean that you're just casually going out on dates with a guy or does it mean that you're something more (mutually exclusive, in a relationship)? How do you know you're in a relationship vs casual dating? Is it something that needs to be verbally asked/said? Or is it just assumed?
No. 852547
>>852533don't do it anon
but also what type of demon do you want to summon?
No. 852552
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>>852533One time I was close to summoning a goetic demon but the prep needed wasn’t in the scope of a 15 year old girl with strict parents so.. I honestly don’t remember what it’s called but you needed this large cloth (9 feet x 9 feet) with a the circle of Solomon painted on it, and a certain triangular thing where the demon would be or something, and a sigil on calf parchment. Plus a bunch of other obscure shit. Thing is, you need to ask the demon for something and repay them (nothing crazy like selling your soul), but I didn’t have anything to ask for, I just wanted to see it.
I remember one time I came across a reddit post of a guy who successfully summoned Gaap. I hate reddit and I think their occult subreddits are a waste of time but anyways. Picrel but I used to be able to see him perfectly, there in the corner. He’s criss cross applesauce and his back is facing you and you can see his spine a bit. Some said he is facing you and has a braid. The pic could be doctored, but I never bothered to check.
Scrying with a black mirror is also really effective. I never got a chance to use mine because it broke, I wasn’t careful and had it balancing on a weird spot. I never tried any of this again because I feel like I would be betraying God, and I also used to and still sometimes have intrusive thoughts of demonic faces. It’s usually when I’m alone or trying to sleep, and I would see them very vividly. I wouldn’t say they were physically there, but it is very intense. One time I was so scared that I tried picturing/ calling out to Jesus. It instantly stopped, and I felt the stigmata wounds on the hand and foot closest to the edge of the bed. It could just be me tho nona.
>>852548 I’d have to brush up on the key of solomon and the lesser key, but usually certain demons correspond to certain desires/prosperities. Paimon had something to do with money, like you can ask for something related to money, Gaap you could ask for something travel related I think. You usually ask for something rather grounded and you in return have to do something. Some people would make art of the demon they evoked or whatever. I would say seek what you want in other ways and don’t convene with these spirits.
No. 852643
>>852639I can id just like a way to say it that doesn’t sound so..blunt I guess? I’d rather start a conversation than dump it on him and leave it hanging. We’re perfe try capable of discussing things, I’d just like to bring up the topic in a non-confrontational way and am kinda shitty at expressing myself without seeming confrontational.
>>852640Guess you’re right. I just wish there was a way to say it without it being so short and blunt sounding.
No. 852652
>>852646This is the winner now
Thanks for advice on being mature anons but this is the way to go.
>>852650Yeah, that’s good. And I figure it’s not so much pressure cause my idea is try in like, six months time. Seems better to talk everything through again first tho
No. 852653
>>852651Unless she somehow jammed the pillow stuffing down her throat, she didn’t choke on pillow fibres.
She might have had apnea and it was blamed on sleeping face down? Or a seizure and suffocated? Both could happen with or without drugs.
If she was a junkie of any description then probably a garden variety od or suffocation caused by intoxication.
There’s no such thing as killer pillow fibers in the cases or the pillows.
No. 852813
>>852808I'm big into finding new music and I mainly use spotify for recommendations but there is this one tool you can use to connect to spotify and it's really helped me find some great new songs and artists, it's called other sites I've used are also created a bandcamp account and followed artists I like, also signed up for emails from labels I like using the bandcamp 'follow' feature. that's a good way to find new music in of itself. if there are several bands you enjoy all signed to the same label chances are there will be other artists on the same label that'll be up your alley. good luck!
No. 852818
>>852813Every noise at once is a great site.
>>852808Heres the link to music map No. 852819
>>852784It depends on the age of the boiler. On older boilers it's dangerous to leave the boiler on without a pilot light because gas will leak into the rest of the house so do not light a naked flame until you're sure what's going on. More modern boilers have a system that detects if the pilot light is lit and will automatically cut off.
What you need to do is get to the controls of the boiler by taking the front cover off. If you can see a make and model number you can look that up on the internet and probably find an instruction manual that will tell you where everything is. Some boilers also have instructions under the front cover. Turn off the boiler completely and switch the gas valve to off. The gas valve will look like a metal box with a dial on it that can be turned. Then open some doors and windows to get rid of the gas in the air. Wait for half an hour or more so that the gas disperses outside. Next switch the gas valve to pilot mode. Press the reset button. Some more recent boilers have an auto ignition mechanism if not, you will need to manually light the flame. Keep holding down the reset button for 30 seconds or more once the flame has lit, similar to how you light a gas cooker buy holding the ignition button down. Then switch the gas valve from pilot to on and replace the cover.
I'm not gas engineer but my husband is and I've watched him do it many times.
No. 852845
Wow, thank you all so much for the recs! Will look into them later today
>>852815I had a good experience with yt, I just wanted to know some websites that are explicitly geared towards finding new music. And yeah, I don’t like spotify’s recs, it is either songs I already listen to (for you playlists) or discovery playlists always miss the mark for me
No. 852953
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>>852934Don't torture yourself if you can't get it right. There are alternatives.
No. 853060
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>>852953Used to have trouble with it till I started doing it this way
No. 853069
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>>847893Can anyone list some of the harmful communities on tiktok and how to get to them (I don't use tiktok)? I'm talking about the kind of stuff that promotes harmful behaviors like pro-ana, radicalizes people, exist to make fun of the content creators, etc. pic unrelated
No. 853336
>>853060That's exactly the order I'm doing when I try writing it but it looks very wonky (way worse than your example), kinda like a hair tie. Guess I'll spend a boring afternoon at work practicing some ampersand lines.
>>853065Meh, kanjis are mostly straight lines always from top to bottom and left to right, no sharp turns like the ampersand.
how did you know I can write japanese, are you a mod? No. 853491
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>>848429>>848489>>848512Ok I have another dumb question because now I don't know what to do.
I asked for his phone number and he gave it to me and he said we can meet this saturday. He was still pretty shy around me. My other coworker told me he might just think I'm too young for him, no one here knows my real age and people assume I'm like 19. Anyway, today I got an invitation from my superior, they're making a group meeting for people from our department and it will be this fucking saturday. I said I'm not sure if I'm going, because I still didn't know if my crush actually wants to see me and I decided not to push harder and just leave him alone. Turned out he wasn't even invited to the meeting (I assume it's because he started to fuck around lately and it worries me, he used to have a very good relationship with our boss but now it's pretty bad). He asked me first if I still want to go out with him this saturday. I said yeah. I would like to go to the group meeting too, but what am I supposed to say to him? "Sorry, I know we made our plans first but now I choose to go to the party you weren't even invited to because you pissed off our boss"? Idk. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with ignoring a group meeting but this is my first job and I really like it and I take it seriously and I'm afraid that I will make a bad impression if I refuse to go. But I would feel like an asshole if I cancelled my plans with the guy. I don't know what to do. I honestly hope the problem will solve itself and they won't be allowed to organize this meeting because of corona kek
No. 853504
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I guess I’m fucking retarded because none of the checks from the banks that I’m with have a line at the top where I can put in my name and date of birth. Should I write it in the memo line towards the bottom? Should I just write my name and dob anyway in the empty space in the top/middle of my check?? what the fuck
No. 853528
>>853452A mixture of tags and folders.
Wouldn't recommend it though, at this point I'm pretty sure it almost counts as hoarding.
No. 853563
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I got a stupid question. what in the fuck did I find at work
No. 853574
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Toys excluded… what feels most like a tounge for clitoral masturbation?
No. 853601
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Is there such thing as terf ally or you're straight up terf
No. 853606
>>853601if you question anything about the trans cult you are a
terf, if you are friends with a
terf you are considered
terf by association and will be spammed with rape threats by rebecca and sammie
No. 853616
>>853601I thought "
terf allies" are males who support radical feminism since they cannot be radfems themselves by definition
No. 853618
>>853616I've never heard that before,
TERF is an inaccurate slur and not an actual movement so it doesn't need allies. Men are just GC, or TEHMs if they're gay.
No. 853664
>>853661Just tell them you have
~ r E s P o n S i B i L i T i E s ~
So like, tell them you have a cat with attachment anxiety or something like that.
No. 853688
>>853661dude, it's a pandemic. use that lmao just be like "why would I, that puts so many lives at risk?!" etc. make them feel bad for being bougie fucks
you will come across annoying enough for them to never ask again. high risk high reward
No. 853954
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how are NFTs 'bad for the planet'? It's just selling jpegs and stuff, right? wouldn't it actually be environmentally friendly since it takes so resources to create
No. 853967
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Actual stupid question. Why do celebs often live next to each other? Non-celebs who can afford these homes surely won't be the type to peep through windows and get too starstruck?
No. 854015
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If you had to orchestrate the sex education of students, what would you intend to teach them?
I'd honestly be more inclined to teach girls more about their health, like
>vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and menopause is a cause of concern
>vaginal acid can cause the underwear to bleach
>how to clean your vulva
>pelvic floor exercises
>unnatural and unusual symptoms that may be a cause of concern
>don't feel shame about how your vulva looks
No. 854223
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do these work
No. 854315
>>854223This is so weird, I was just looking at these the other day but I bought the gummies instead. I ate 3 today
>>854280 Are you serious
No. 854318
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How can you tell if a guy has crazy dick game?
No. 854441
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nonnies help, I put on falsies for work today with new glue and after nearly 3 hours of scrubbing my face with water and using acetone my hooded eyelids still keeps getting stuck against my face. I am this close to cutting the skin above my eyelid to use the blood as a way to get the glue off
No. 854448
>>854441acetone? (hoping you mean alcohol) have you tried oils like mineral or olive oil instead?that should break down the stuck-on adhesive enough to get it off and isn’t utterly
toxic if you accidentally get it in your eye.
No. 854455
>>854448I used some olive oil and it seems to have helped remove most of it, ill let the skin dry before doing another pass
>>854450really?? ive been using diluted acetone and a q tip to wipe off my last glue. ill try to find an alternative.
thank you!!
No. 854480
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I prefer christian/catholic boomers to neopronoun/trans "alt" tiktok zoomers anyday.
What do you prefer and why? The more answers the better
No. 854483
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>>854464Lol thank you mods for deleting the thread I accidentally made. The director said it was about a childhood friendship, idk why the fuck all this speculation is needed.
No. 854501
>>854480it makes sense. An older person who is activelly religious is usually involved and active in their community, and has more social skills, maturity and empathy than a kid raised by social media. Both will judge you for your beliefs, looks and behaviour, but church people are more likely to help (and tolerate) people they don't like, even if it's just to feel like they are the better people, "oh i'm such a saint, helping and forgiving a sinner". SM addicts get their highs by cancelling and excluding people, and not by forgiving and turning the other cheek.
Both groups are moved by their egos, and selfish in their motivations, but practising catholics at least try to make the world better in tangible ways. (ime, but i live in a particulary chill place, so i can't speak for other catholic communities)
No. 854543
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Who else here sleeps on the floor? I can't be the only one
No. 854567
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Am I the only one here who thinks kawaii-fying everything is cringe? I used to want to own everything kawaii-cute when I was younger but now I find it extremely childish and I wish there were more options for women that could still look nice and cute without looking tacky, childish or over the top with that kawaii style
No. 854586
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>>854567Agree, it's very 2012. I think something like pic rel looks better and less cheap. The kawaii stuff with teddy bears, eggs (for some reason), and cakes is very AliExpress tier.
No. 854622
>>854611Yea that's the difficult part. I work in a international firm so all emails and meetings are in english and my coumtry is a tourist country so, yae.
If you have any friends ask then if they want to help you practice. Or maybe record yourself to see if there are any errors.
No. 854636
>>854634Check out
>>>/g/153564 lots of useful information there. Also your deficit could be too small so you're losing slower. Try upping it to 500.
No. 854651
>>854634it'll go back and forth, don't restrict too much and don't weigh yourself too much waiting around for the number to drop. fuck around & develop anorexia.
i first noticed the biggest difference around two months into my similar diet, i'd recommend alternating your calorie limits. like fast one day (people shit on fasting but intermittent fasting is good imo), eat maybe 200 cals to break the fast next day, work your way up to 1000-1200 over the course of the next few days, then reset. sounds weird but it worked for me. cheat days also boost metabolism, so if you've been consistent and still stuck on a plateau, get a dessert. your body could just be on starvation mode.
No. 854728
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Yesterday afternoon as I was coming home from getting groceries my downstairs neighbor came out into the hall and said she had "something to ask me". This was weird because my husband and I have lived here since August of last year and we've never spoke to the downstairs neighbors, only bumped into each other when both leaving the flat at the same time. She said she was going somewhere for 2-3 weeks and asked if we could take care of her daughter's two goldfish for her. I told her I'd ask my husband and would be back. I was on the fence about it but figured it couldn't be that hard because she described the fish as low-maintenance (I had no idea the kind of equipment goldfish actually need) so I told my husband and he reluctantly said sure. After doing some research I realize we're very unprepared.
So, we currently have two common goldfish to take care of and keep alive for the next 2-3 weeks. Neither of us have ever owned a fish. We don't have proper equipment and we're keeping them in a basin like picrel (the neighbor gave it to us, I assume that's what she kept them in), feeding them flake fish food twice a day and doing a partial wash of the container every 2 days (as per request of the neighbor.) They're each about 6 cm/2.5 inches long, not that big but I know the basin is probably still too small. I only found out yesterday that you can't put goldfish in straight tap water, so I'm using bottled water that doesn't have any chlorine or ammonia, but it could have other harmful chemicals/minerals in it. I'm manually oxygenating the tank by stirring it with a spoon and squeezing an empty water to blow bubbles into it every so often. Despite this, the fish seem to be "gasping" at the surface a lot and the water gets cloudy quickly.
Do any anons have tips for keeping goldfish in such minimalist conditions? What are the chances the fish will make it until she gets back? According to what I've read online about proper goldfish keeping, I honestly have no clue how they made it until now. I really don't want to be responsible for the death of someone else's pet.
No. 854759
>>854728I'm so not a fan of having someone approach me for the very first time and immediately ask for a favor. I don't live in apartments anymore but back when I did this same shit would always happen. An unexpected knock on the door would always be some woman you've never spoken to before wanting something from you right off the bat.
I'd goldfish as a kid and tbh I remember us using tap water. I've read that fish most often will die right after a water change because of conditions being off or because of a sudden temperature change. I think I remember just being careful about temperature. Chances are tho you're putting more care into these things than the mom does. It's the same when parents buy guinea pigs for their small kids, they nearly always neglect to research what they require for health and they're quick to dump them on equally unprepared people while they go on holiday. You can guarantee that the owners don't put this much care into the fish.
No. 854910
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>>854906>hot and dying after workout>grab flimsy 10c water bottle>seal lips, tilt back head, squeeze >gulp entire thing in 2 secs flatEZPZ
No. 855022
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>>854844If you do the former youre a toddler and your water bottles look like pic rel
No. 855031
>>855029it's better to quit than be fired from both a previous employment reference standpoint and a resume standpoint. if a hiring manager has questions about how your last job ended, they'll ask in the interview and you can explain then.
since employment has been all fucked from covid though i'm sure places are a lot more lenient with that now.
No. 855032
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Has anyone ever put their face between some guy’s pecs? What does it feel like? A friend told me they’re solid, but how solid are we talking about?
No. 855269
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just realized this might not be tom hiddleston. who is he?
No. 855303
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Should I get a cat?
No. 855305
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>>855303Yes if you will care it
No. 855333
>>855310Check first if any of your plants are
toxic to cats. Sometimes rhose little shits chew on whatever they can find.
If possible keep the cat indoors or keep an eye on it when outside. Might even get a leash for it if you live in the middle of a town or something. I have outdoor cats and every night before going to sleep I have to heard them into the house like chicken so they don't wander around at night
No. 855395
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Is it worth to get your makeup done professionally?
I have no idea what suits me and having hooded, deepset eyes is already a pain to work with and for once I want to actually look nice. I've been doing my makeup since I was a teenager but honestly haven't improved much.
No. 855404
>>855398Lmao I ment as in a makeup artist doing it for you not permanent makeup, damn I feel sorry for ypur friend that must've hurt a lot
>>855401Yes, but I just suck at it and since I wear glasses it also often kills the look.
No. 855413
>>855407Yep, that's pretty much why I want to go
>>855409I got new ones this January hah, I'd say they fit me but then again I just can't tell what actually looks good on me and what doesn't so I just go for whatever I like
No. 855598
>>855596it's when you post like this
spacing out all your sentences for no reason
and usually leaving a huge space between the quoted post
it makes you stick out like a sore thumb, the point is to integrate
No. 855616
>>855598Go back to reddit you fag
(sorry I had to)
No. 856149
>>856106i see this happen so much, like almost begging males to see eye to eye with you. it's sadistic tbh. i do not doubt they're having the time of their life arguing with women and being reminded they're male, regular ass male and troons alike. the focus is always centered around women pleading in some way.
challenging males, i would like to see more of tbh. i have no idea how to go upon that precisely. but overall, yes. i'd like to see less scrote spotlight.
No. 856152
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>>856143Sometimes I forget that there are women who actively crave the most abundant resource on the planet, male attention. Crazy shit.
No. 856158
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How do you know you're not interested in things/someone vs just having a depressed episode? Please help
No. 856250
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>>856196There's several instagram accounts that post vsco/lightroom filter presets with exact instructions, try looking there
Or download vsco directly and fuck around until you figure it out, that's what I used to do
No. 856328
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What does pooner mean
No. 856339
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>>856334is it really that difficult? it's technically not a new turn of phrase, it's just being used in a different way now.
possibly an easier way to think about it:
>oh no, not this again! No. 856381
>>856363Pull used to have a "who is this thread" i have been missing it ngl, we could maybe use one because some people are so good at finding out shit like that. No idea though, sorry
nonny, she's beautiful.
No. 856399
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>>856373Now, I’m no expert, but I’ve been an admirer of the subculture for years. My observation is that sweet lolita is the “general” style. It’s what people not in the community (or with little knowledge of it) think about when they hear the term “Lolita.”
No. 856408
>>856394Yes, it's difficult but possible. The two friends I have who make a living off their art have pretty unique art styles that don't fall in the usual boxes for online art (anime, semirealism, etc.) which is probably the reason they're able to get a pretty big audience. They both do a mix of traditional and digital but their methods of marketing are different.
One is really active on social media (Twitter, Instagram, even keeps up on Deviantart and Tumblr), has an online store, had a successful crowdfunding campaign for an artbook, etc., but the other only recently made a portfolio website, otherwise it's all on one platform. I think she's mostly able to sustain herself on big commissions from commercial stuff, like t-shirt designs for online stores, so there's that. Tbf though, both of them live frugally and in a relatively inexpensive area, it might not be possible somewhere else.
No. 856420
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>>856373uh yeah? if you buy from lolita centric brands and wear the silhouette then yes. you dont stop being a goth if you only wear vampire goth clothes and not tradgoth. lolita is a catch all term for the type of style/silhouette, and there are substyles within the fashion.
No. 856459
>>856430Let me just preface with you shouldn't be saving your password on google chrome. It doesn't hash or salt your password so anyone can access it. Anyway, it could be just a default setting that got
triggered with an update. If that's not the case, change your password and don't save it on chrome
No. 856561
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Any anons have an perfume recs that smell like picrel? It’s one of my favorite scents ever but I’ve only ever found this combo with this deodorant. Fragrantica hasn’t been much help either.
No. 856738
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can someone tell me where this is from? i can’t stop laughing at this this is god-tier
No. 856793
>>856789dw sis most of us have sympathy for the underage boys trannies groom, it's disgusting and wrong.
That said I don't have much advice, I don't have a brother letalone a troon one. You're probably gonna have to just talk to him and try to understand why he thinks he's trans, then eventually convince him why it's bullshit. If you're not already up to date on gender critical rhetoric you should spend some time on ovarit, radblr, even the mtf thread etc so you have a good understanding yourself and can offer up some points for consideration. A reasonable person should be peaked easily with some questions to expose circular logic, like 'what is a woman' 'what does it mean to feel like a woman' etc. Worst case scenario just show him some neovag horror stories.
No. 856839
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what do y'all think of my new frames? I've been sticking w my free Medicaid frames for about two years now and finally got around to getting some (cheap) ones lol
No. 856881
>>856854Mostly about the weather.
Small talk has become a lot more interesting and engaging lately thanks to climate change, it used to be quite boring commenting on the weather, 'nice day isn't it?' 'bit windy but yeah'. These days we have fire tornadoes and huge floods and shit, lots to talk about.
No. 857119
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>>847893Can nonas give me things to draw?
No. 857278
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>>857243Nah, I don't think so. They are also not really good in bed, but this article is from 2009, maybe they got better kek
No. 857298
>>857280>>857294true there are a lot of forums where sexist men talk about prostitution. it is just sad.
>>857278they are still bad at it. dont expect a german man to eat your pussy and esp. the dirty talk is like fingernails on chalk board
No. 857353
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I've started having sex dreams about dbz characters again, I'm fucking 26, help me
No. 857359
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>>857353I didn't phrase this as a question; what the fuck is wrong with me? Am I retarded or mentally ill or what?
No. 857406
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What are some good picnicking foods? I think I can make brownies a couple of days before and get some grapes and apples, but idk what else
No. 857407
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>>857406Sandwiches, especially like picrel
No. 857521
>>857467probably not, exam questions will be uploaded as a pdf and we have to handwrite and scan our answers to turn them in.
>>857507yeah i was assuming that too. guess i'm just paranoid because they kept saying that cheating is forbidden when they have no way to prove that you cheated.
No. 857650
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Is it bad that even though my mom isn't "that bad" I want to move out of my mom's house as fast as I can?
Context: she's ill, she has scoliosis so she needs help constantly and she constantly grunts in pain and idk, moving out would make me feel very very guilty of not being here to help.
I'm 24 though
No. 857755
>>857716>emotionally drainingThank you for saying this, this is exactly what I feel with my mom but I could never put into words because I love her. She's so emotionally draining I feel all my energy and life/soul getting drained by the minute when it comes to living in the house I live in. But I'm scared of "abandoning" her and fucking things up and never ever seeing her healthy again because she loves me and relies on me a lot. But she really does rely on me a lot emotionally and that's fucking annoying. But I don't want to leave her alone. Idk what to do anymore.
I really need advice here, in a way I wish someone could just say "YES IT'S OKAY TO WANT TO MOVE ON AND CONTINUE WITH YOUR LIFE" but I feel so goddamn guilty. It doesn't help that in my culture, women are supposed to help their parents SPECIALLY their moms and living with your mom before or even after marriage is just super normal and even a good thing. But man I just want to move away and stop thinking about this shit.
No. 857842
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Is it unreasonable that I don't want to pray? My father is a Muslim and wants me to pray, but, sometimes, quite frankly, I don't want to. Whether it be because I've been walking outside in the hot sun all day, or I'm trying to study or it's just me being lazy. I know it only takes like 10 minutes (minus the initial cleansing you hate to do, which takes 5 minutes or so), but because I have little faith, I just find it to be pointless tbh
No. 857849
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>>857802I'd like the halo effect explained, why people do this. West used to have it, I never understood that either. Now it's East Asia and Russia. Don't get me wrong, I like East Asian/Russian culture (and many of the people) this is not an insult, but idolization is really weird. Eli from Russia (picrel) is a good example, boring videos and plain face, but comments are full of (I hate this word) simps. "Russian people are the most educated, the most beautiful, most polite, Eli you are a 10/10 stunning! We must learn from the goodhearted Russian people!"
No. 858032
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Why are people so obsessed about "meme stealing" lately? I keep seeing people complain that the meme they've made on reddit or whatever facebook group gets shared outside these places without crediting but isn't that the whole point of memes, to be shared?
No. 858106
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>>858100for food safety reasons theres recommendations on how to store food in the fridge but largely most people just do their own thing and keep different catagories of food apart
No. 858109
>>858102if people are really fat and claim they aren't eating, they're 100% lying or have deluded themselves into believing it.
i'm not sure if you've ever seen the show "my 600lb life" but it's all morbidly obese people talking about how starved and weak they are when they've eaten 10k calories that day already.
No. 858161
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Why does McDonalds give me brain fog? Is it because of the lack of nutrients or something? I rarely eat it but ,whenever I do,I end up feeling brain dead and unable to think. I don’t even like McDonalds in the slightest
No. 858213
>>858201Did you follow up the baking soda and vinegar with boiling water? Just did a quick search and most revolve around using baking soda and something else, then using boiling water to finish.
>Pour 1/2 cup baking soda, followed by 1/2 cup vinegar down drain. Plug drain, and let sit for one hour. Then, pour a pot of boiling water down drain. Repeat if necessary.>Pour 1/2 cup baking soda, followed by 1/2 cup lemon juice down drain. Plug drain, and let sit for one hour. Finish with a pot of boiling water. >Mix 1/2 cup table salt and 1/2 cup baking soda together, and pour down drain. Let sit for about 30 minutes (or overnight if it’s a tough clog), and follow with a pot of boiling water.>Pour 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup salt and 2 tablespoons cream of tartar in a jar that seals. Close jar, and shake to combine ingredients. Pour half the jar’s contents down drain, and save the other half for later. Follow the solution with a pot of boiling water. Let drain sit for one hour. Then, run tap water to rinse any remaining solution down.>Pour 1/4 cup salt, followed 1/4 cup Borax down drain. Then, pour 1/2 cup vinegar down. Finish with a pot of boiling water. Let sit for one hour or until it clears; then, run hot tap water to rinse any remaining solution down. No. 858292
>>858102>>858287Nayrt but I've met obese people who bsd like that both on internet and irl, they do that for attention points.
If it's some internet rando that would either be
-i want muh attention
-i want to try making someone order food for me
No. 858329
>>858292A girl in my ex friend group did that all of the time and it is extremely irritating
>I have not eaten anything aaaalllll day I am so sad and depwessed and everyone is mean to me>I am going to pass out>I only had some air from my bag of chips this morning>I need to eat I am sooo skinny my bones are showing>Ten people told me I look so young today tee heeI never knew ana chans were such attention whores
No. 858429
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>>858151Picrel is pretty good, no underwire but shaped cups and it's good for high impact, i have dd boobs and run long distance and it's effective and the best I've found in terms of no uniboob
link to the actual bra No. 858473
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Is it really THAT bad to be selfish? Thanks
No. 858480
>>858468It's not just you. I'm probably fitter than the average person and screaming during sex just seems odd. Gasping, moaning and heavy breathing if it's good, silence and staring at the ceiling if it isn't.
>>858477You can order as many drinks as you like in a restaurant. Nobody cares as long as you aren't getting drunk enough to cause problems.
No. 858481
>>858468ayrt and idk it's just something my body does? like I have to work to suppress it or else I will do it. it's not prolonged screaming like in a horror movie but it would definitely be considered screaming in the sexual sense. and I think of it as being similar to when athletes yell during extreme exertion, like power lifters or martial arts fighters. I'm not a medanon but I think there's science about loud vocalization paired with intense physical exertion
idk where i was going with this other than that screamers are the Michael Phelps of sex
No. 858565
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Is there any way to DIY a table with rounded edges like picrel for less than $500? I really want one of these to use as an entrance table, but they're all upwards of $900. I know it's chunky and weird looking but I love this shape and it would actually work with my design style.
No. 858585
>>858576Most of my current normie friends I met through my parents introducing me to
their friends' kids kek. Another thing you can do is join a hobby group - crafty, athletic, cerebral, whatever. As long as you try to look for friends in fandom or the internet you're just gonna find more online weirdos.
No. 858589
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>>858565Acrylic one at walmart for 240
No. 858848
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>>858832nta but actually, yes
No. 858899
>>858885bbecause it's dumb, i used to get accused of using reddit spacing all the time despite 1) never browsing reddit and hating it with a burning passion, and 2) it wasn't reddit spacing, i was spacing out paragraphs because nobody likes to read massive chunks of text
it's a dumb fucking gripe and people need to seek help for being bothered by it, that's my 2 cents
No. 858982
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>writhe with untapped milk
Completely ignoring what anon's talking about, "writhe" is obviously not the word she meant to use. I understand the gist of what she was trying to say, but I'm hung up on figuring out what word she was confusing with "writhe". Any ideas?
No. 858993
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>>858589Yeah that's the second option I was considering. I found one in a smoked out grey colour that I love, it costs the same as the acrylic one from walmart, but it's made of tempered glass which makes me a bit nervous. This leads me to my second stupid question. Is it feasible to DIY the smoked glass look and add a tint to an acrylic table?
No. 859009
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why are some of the characters from animal crossing considered "waifubait"? (or at least the ones in pic, and i think i saw the goth dog called that too?) or why do some people call them that? they don't seem to be portrayed or written that differently from the other characters, plus it's a children's game…
No. 859061
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Why is Asian pop culture so cringe? What's with the stat obsession? Western women's magazines are annoying re tit size etc but at least its confined. Go on Asian forums and even grown men will behave like snobby, bitchy schoolgirls over banal shit like which teen girl has the longest toes.
No. 859063
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I'm know that I can be a very emotional before my period, but I've also noticed a change in symptoms with me being in my late 20s.
So I wondered if it's normal before the period to be no only emotional over something for a brief moment but also for a longer period that lasts days (or even weeks)? I have mood swings for a while now that come and go but mostly I feel like being sad and always on the verge of crying. Is it also normal that it can be triggered by something (sad piece of media for example) in the time before the period?
It drives me crazy at this point, bc normally I see something sad, I'm sad for a bit but not for such a long ass time and my period is still a few days away. Help?
No. 859072
>>859054Korean BBQ lol. so we'll be inside, but it's been hot as fuck lately
>>859041that's true, I was considering a dress to look nice but I don't really wear them. what
>>859040suggested sounds good. what kind of shoes though?
No. 859090
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Why is the big one cheaper?
No. 859110
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I'm gonna move to the US from Europe next year, I have never been to the US before. Should I buy one of these shirts to better fit in? Do you have any advice for me on how to blend in and get along with the amerimutts?
I have already added these phases to my vocabulary:
"I think I'm gonna pay with my credit card"
"Mmmhhh I love cheeseburgers"
"Anyone else love freedom?"
No. 859125
>>859121Listen, you joke but I am so fucking excited to go to a Walmart. I am more excited for this than to see the statue of liberty or the grand canyon. I want to go to the "cheese" products isle and buy a loaf of "cheese" and I want to see fat people on scootypuffs and I want to see a tub of mayonaise so big you can drown a toddler in it. I can't fucking wait.
>>859123What guns should I get? I have never seen a gun in real life but I think you can buy them at Walmart as well so I will probably just ask the gun-clerk for his recommendation or maybe they have a sale.
No. 859142
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>>859140What is BJs? I have heard of Costco's before and it is on the list of things to check out.
Also what is your favorite little Debbies snack? It is one of the foods I really want to try and I think the Oatmeal Creme Pies look really fucking tasty. We have some american food over here like Reeses Peanut Butter Cups which are 10/10.
No. 859157
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>>859142I'm not that anon but heres some of my favorite Lil Deb snacks
No. 859159
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>>859157i think to get that true american processed chemical taste you have to go for the twinkies
No. 859165
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>>859164cosmic brownies are the only little debbie products that matter
No. 859175
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Why do feral/stray/sick cats often end up with flat ears?
No. 859184
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>>857374This is so hilarious to me. My dad plays the trumpet and my mom is constantly seething. I feel bad because I know hes so passionate about it but its a really fucking loud instrument. I know how u feel anon
No. 859190
>>858245YES ITS OK TO (not just want but actually) MOVE ON AND CONTINUE WITH YOUR LIFE
No. 859236
>>859110What state will you be living in? Local anons could give specific tips.
Some more phrases to learn:
>"What's the biggest size you have?">"Is it American-made?" (tone of concern is essential)Learn to start adding "ass" to adjectives to enhance your sentences and really sound like a local (e.g., "That's a big-ass burger", "That was a long-ass drive", "My cousin just bough a big-ass truck.") Make sure you also learn the regional plural "you" (examples: y'all, you all, you guys)
Enjoy your first Wal-Mart visit, anon!
No. 859284
>>859279I mean I would try them just for the experience, but they're genuinely awful. Iirc, the filling is
way too sweet, while the cake doesn't have that much flavor. They just suck.
No. 859303
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PLEASE HELP I'm on this goverment program and I need to chose a job to stop being a neet. I graduated as a graphic designer but truth is I potentially COULD grab one of the less shitty graphic designer jobs in the list because at the end of the day they potentially hire you and you know that's the shit I studied for lol
BUT: I saw some bakeries to work in and my heart is kinda going towards that. Please help I literally don't know if I should chose them instead of the graphic design shit, I'm lost.
No. 859402
>>859399Nah, I only ever got one from being on a ton of antibiotics. Vancomycin is disgusting.
It’s great luck tho, hear a lot of horror stories from women less blessed with their vaginal biome.
No. 859414
>>859405Eh, they won’t always cause them. Had to have loads orally and I’ve for various shit over the years and only a week of iv vanc. Managed to cause one.
Some are generally really unlucky and can like, wear cotton blend knickers one day and cop a bout of thrush. Some can go years and years without even remembering it exists.
Hygiene and health definitely contribute, my mama and sister get them all the time cause they use a lot of soap and grossly don’t usually use tp after a taking a wee.
Using no soap internally and always wiping left me with 0.
Feel bad for the girls who get them frequently just cause they’re unlucky. Must suck to be clean and still get it.
No. 859427
>>859423Haha no bidets here. Straya doesn’t do bidets. Most prefer the idea of being dirty to being laughed at as the faggot who likes a clean ringer.
Just two dirtbags being dirtbags with pee dribbles going about their days.
No. 859428
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Do you guys have sympathy for people like Gypsy Rose and Jennifer Pan? I feel so conflicted, I used to feel sorry for them but now I feel like they definitely had other chances of escaping than murder. Also there's no way they are not on the psychopathic spectrum
No. 859431
>>859425I got recurrent UTIs for a while in my early and mid twenties. Sex would set it off. I'd be clean, I'd pee before and after, the guy would be clean by scrote standards. I'd still end up paying for it.
Years ago when women waited til marriage they'd call utis a honeymoon illness. Thing is once you get one uti you can be prone or you might just never truly shift the first infection. So women would wait til marriage, the guy would jackhammer them after the wait or they'd overdo it…on honeymoon you'd be slow to find and see a doctor..or your virgin self doesn't know what if the irritation is just normal.. years of recurrent utis end up coming from it and you'd be scared to let the guy near you again. The lining of your bladder is damaged from the first infection and now sex sets it off even when you're careful. I read that a bunch of times back when I was online looking for answers on why mine kept returning after sex.
No. 859439
>>859428Feel so bad for them. It’s not just the physical abuse, it’s the learned helplessness where they are never given the tools to be independent.
They weren’t working with the toolbox normal adults have, and the abusers had so much control over them even when not physically present idk what else they could think of other than the abusers death being the only option.
No. 859450
>>859428Do you really think that Gypsy Rose had any chance to escape? I think you are being delusional here.
Other than that, the fact over how much Gypsy Rose loves being in prison compared to her home and actually feels free there says something. I feel horrible for her, her life's been a torture for many years.
No. 859453
>>859399Some people are just genetically predisposed, some are just unlucky, some take antibiotics as the other anon said and yes some get it from their unwashed scrote partner.
I used to get painful UTIs because I have a short urethra (I think that's what it is in English) and my ex didn't care much about hand hygiene. When I confronted him about it, he said it was my fault because he is clean and has never had these issues with girls before so I must be the dirty one. I dumped him and my UTIs magically went away.
No. 859456
>>859454Yeah it’s common even with the most immaculate hygiene. Apparently overcleansing can cause it which sucks. Kill off a few too many healthy bacteria and the yeast just takes over.
Heard drinking cranberry juice without added sugar can be helpful. Idk how but have seen enough women successfully go months without them after trying it so I guess it must work at least for some.
No. 859458
>>859430Single mum but she was a ho
What’s it like not having 11 former stepdads?
No. 859460
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>>859430not common but i dont see how it can be weird if a dad doesnt even exist, you're lucky
No. 859502
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Anons into racing/go-karting etc what suit do you use that offers protection is best for women? I shopped around for some suits and it seems they would have a hard time adjusting to the bust, should I even be worried about it? Nothing too pricey pls, I give off poorfag vibes. Just doing it as a hobby to bond with my elderly father who's into cars.
Any other karting tips appreciated.
>>859468My old painting teacher used Upwork to get some much necessary cash here in South America, I definitely think it's possible in eastern europe. I kind of want to get into it, but I am scared of spreading pictures of my face or name.
No. 859526
>>859518Depends, usually you have a room with people standing in a semi circle in front of eisels (you either bring your own paper or it’s part of the cost of the lessons), common courtesy is to not leave or enter room while model is nude.
The poses usually start off with quick ones (10-30s up to 1-5min), and then maybe a 30min pose and a longer 1-2h pose. The classes I’ve taken have usually been about 3-3,5 hours. You can ask for/suggest poses especially for the shorter ones. The teacher usually walks around during longer poses to give advice/ corrections.
No. 859531
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Hey anons, if I get nipple piercings, will my boobs look any less saggy and flat? Or will they just have that "old leathery perv with moobs and a nip ring" look?
No. 859575
>>859531They're nipple piercing, not boob piercings, your boobs won't change.
Also that picture makes me feel pain in my own nipple piercings ow
>>859540a)he's busy
b)he opened it on accident
Not like any of us can read his mind
No. 859607
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I've heard that a lot of 80s j-pop takes lots of influence from R&B from anons on this board. Is this true?
No. 859699
>>859607Yes lol, no surprise, practically everything is 'imitated' if not completely stolen. Majority of J music is from plagiarising the Brits, vidrel being one famous example. Nobuo Uematsu can go fuck himself.
>>859622In what world is R&B slept on? lol. However, I agree black musical innovations are not given enough respect. Culturally, black artists contributions are downplayed. It's pathetic.
No. 859713
>>859685According to the internet, facial fat actually holds up your skin and when you lose fat the skin starts to sag bc it's not as supported. So basically yes to answer your question.
But I think her pronounced bone structure and her gaunt face makes her look older as well aside from wrinkles. I'm underweight with a gaunt face too and I feel like my features look sharper in a way that ages me. I actually kinda prefer how my face looked when I was a bit heavier.
No. 859720
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>>859703And not just Japan. The mental gymnastics weebs go through is something to behold. It always amuses me hearing them complain about Western roasties lacking empathy. In reality, Asian women are less empathetic than MEN, including white men lmao. Let that sink in. I love reading expat blogs for the weeb mental breakdowns. Queens. No. 859800
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A while ago I saw some anons mention they blocked the banners at the top of the website. How do you do that?
No. 859810
>>859801Serves them right. What kind of idiot marries someone before even discussing love with them?
>I want her to learn what love is and how humans express it99% she probably does understand what love is and has emotions, they just aren't the kind that get his dick hard.
No. 859819
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>>859810It's so funny. I enjoy it because most of these guys despise women, run off to Asia thinking they're hitting the jackpot, discover they've been swindled and proceed to COPE reaaaal hard kek. Picrel an outsider shocked by Japanese married life.
No. 859835
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Can anyone share the milk on whatever this anon was talking about?
>actually organised a meet up recently only to rip on someone who was the biggest out of all of them who attended.
I would have asked in Lucinda's thread, but I didn't want to be off topic.
No. 859863
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>>859236Not sure yet what state, we are currently looking at houses online! But it will definitely be remote and probably in a farming/flyover state! I would like to go to a state that has a cool accent that I can adopt, I like to say whuite like the southerners do. I am also partial to West Virginia so I can sing the John Denver song!
I would like to buy an american made car as well, preferably a big ass truck to haul shit out to the middle of nowhere. In all the houses we look at the first thing I check is how far it is to the next Walmart so I can make sure that I have everything I need!
>>859245I will try all the little Debbies but Twinkies are suspect to me I don't think they are truly edible.
I have another question for american anons. I see a lot of youtubers buy vegetables already pre-sliced and everything is wrapped in plastic. Do you have normal vegetables in Walmart that are not pre-sliced and cling-filmed? I want to grow my own but of course during winter you have to still supplement with store bought. Also is it frowned upon to bring your own re-usable bags to the store?
No. 859870
>>859824Around 43 inches, our living room isn't super big. We've been looking at monitors too but they can be a bit expensive.
>>859827Thanks for the name drop, I'll look into that. We're actually not planning to build a gaming rig or play competitive, it was just to say how we'd use the TV, we don't need meme shit like curved screens or ultra high definition.
No. 859875
>>859863>Do you have normal vegetables in Walmart that are not pre-sliced and cling-filmed?Can't speak for Walmart but I think there are place that sell them as is. Also I'd recommend trying to find farmers markets! Lots of fresh, local produce and goods, usually for pretty cheap.
>Also is it frowned upon to bring your own re-usable bags to the store?Depends on the state I think. My state has banned all plastic bags so people have to bring their own reusable bags or buy them there. I think in states where it isn't banned won't really frown down on you but it might be like a "oh, that's a little unusual" thing.
No. 859889
>>859877Ok cool, we have the little optional plastic bags here too to make it easier to weigh things! And thank you!
>>859878Yeah my parents are not at all excited cause they think Europe is so much better than the US and they think I will get shot or something and they are worried about health care expenses because insurance doesn't cover everything apparently.
I think patriotism is very cute, I come from the least patriotic country ever and it is so lame. I think being proud of your country is cool and important and I find it very endearing how proud Americans are and how they have everything in flag colors! I also love Thanksgiving and Halloween which we don't have here!
No. 860901
>>860783I would advice to leave it alone so it won't get infected but I had really bad cystic acne that I had to take medication for but I still get a random cyst in the same place even 10 years since it went away. The only thing that works for me now is tea tree oil, diluted, never 100% that's
toxic or some shit. It's a strong scent and some people hate it but my skin is in a great shape these days and it's a nice spot treatment for that single goddamn cyst.